#I never do studies or draw smth over and over again to get better or anything
myname-isnia · 7 months
*randomly watch some youtube video about drawing*
*get inspiration to draw*
*open drawing app*
*remembers I can’t draw*
0 notes
kaseyskat · 1 year
the other day i wrote a little smth as a warm up that is based mostly on musings i associate with @officialgleamstar (thank u travvy ily) and i have decided against my better judgement to post it! for funsies
Taylor’s mom bought the house.
It was a gift to them, after Normal had studied and studied to learn a spell that could regrow her disintegrated hand and after the near end of the world left them far too behind in their schooling to catch up. A safe place: they didn’t have to live there, but Link stayed there as he slowly mended the relationship with his dad, and sometimes Taylor would come for solitude, and sometimes Normal would visit just to get away from his family.
And Scary? Well.
After her stepdad’s death, she hadn’t gone back home. How could she? Her relationship with her mother was irreparably destroyed, torn to shreds and left a bleeding corpse. It was hard enough to call her when all was said and done, hands trembling as she tried to explain the craziness of the world.
She loves her mother. Her mother doesn’t deserve this: a heart broken twice over, the death of her husband and subsequent death of the daughter she knew. No, it was easier for Scary to go to Normal’s dad and beg him to use magic to wipe her mother’s memory, to give her a chance to start again.
She hopes that she’s happy, somewhere, somehow. It would make everything worth it.
Hermie stays with her at the new house most often. He, too, couldn’t go back home to his adopted parents after everything, not with how long he’s been gone, the truth of his heritage revealed. Despite it, Scary almost doesn’t mind: she likes the company, surprisingly enough.
Hermie’s mellowed out over the years. Now, at eighteen, she’s been working on her GED just like Scary has, wanting to fly over the world and audition at different colleges. I still think it’d be neat to get on Broadway, they had confessed to Scary once, when the dark of the night had been heavy and oppressive and all they could do was sit on the porch and share a blunt. Feels like a silly goal after the end of the world, though.
When they’re not trying so hard, he’s actually kind of a neat person. Scary finds his company endearing.
They never had gotten their marriage annulled. It was pointless: Taylor’s dad, for all his charms, was legally dead after disappearing when Taylor was a kid, and it would just be too much effort. Scary doesn’t think she minds, even if she hadn’t technically consented to the marriage in the first place.
Tonight, though, Normal is the one visiting. She finds him sitting in the living area, curled up in the pillows, staring wistfully at the TV screen when she comes down the stairs to make herself dinner.
“Hey, Norm,” she greets, softly, watching the way his gaze flickers to her and back again. “What’s wrong?”
“Hi, Terri,” Normal mumbles, and he shifts around a little bit, leaving just enough space for Scary to squeeze in next to him, drawing him into her arms. He goes willingly, pliant against her chest, shivering.
His hair has grown out into a wild mess of curls that he’s braided loosely. It’s cute. He’s cute, although Scary would never admit so out loud.
“Mom’s made some progress with Margaret,” he explains, his tone muffled as Scary starts to work on unbraiding his hair– as it is, it’s half fallen out, and will only make it harder to sleep later, she knows the pain pretty well. “But with Dad spending so much time with my grandparents… I don’t know. It just gives me the creeps. Is that bad?”
“If you want me to tell you you’re not a bad person, you’ve come to the wrong gal,” Scary snorts. “I’m glad to see you though. Feels like it’s been forever since you came to visit last.”
“I might stay for a few days this time. At least until Dad gets back. She told me that she’d be finding an apartment when she came back to San Dimas, so I won’t have to deal with Margaret smiling at me all the time.” Normal shudders, and he makes a quiet whimpering sound as Scary’s fingers brush a little too close to his neck.
“Stay as long as you want, seriously,” Scary tells him. “Hermie’s been practicing monologues at me again, and let me tell you, I did not miss the method acting one bit.”
Normal laughs at that, and then they fall quiet.
For some reason, he’s the easiest one to deal with, in the aftermath of it all. Link is just… angry at the world, and all the sweet charm that had attracted Scary to him in the first place is gone, replaced with a quiet frustration. Oh, he’s still the loyal teddy bear to them and the others, but even as he repairs things with Grant…
…he hasn’t been the same, after it all.
Then again, had any of them? Scary thinks if she told her younger self that one day she’d be here, living in an extravagant house paid by a famous voice actress, holding Normal Oak in the closest facsimile to a relationship she’s ever had… well, she’d think it was a crazy fever dream, for sure.
It’s nice. Scary’s had the concept of family broken and plastered with glue and duck-tape and then broken again, but somehow she’s found it, and she’s found it here: playing with Normal’s hair, twisting the curls in her fingers now that it’s freed from its constraints, his head tucked into her chest, body pliant against hers.
It’s the closest thing to love that she has, and by the Gods Above, she’s going to take it.
“Norm, I can feel you falling asleep against me,” she finally says, snickering with amusement at the way Normal only hums in response. “Do you wanna change first? Or at least go upstairs?”
“I’m already comfy right here,” he replies, the pout evident in his tone, and to punctuate it, he nuzzles further into her chest, nudging Scary backwards until she’s comfy herself against the arm of the couch, Normal crumpled in her arms. Here, their legs are intertwined, and she can still play with his hair, and the blankets they keep on the couch for this specific reason are all tangled around them.
“You’re gonna have to deal with my backache tomorrow,” she warns, but she can’t keep the smile out of her tone, and she hesitates, and then commits, leaning in to press a kiss to Normal’s forehead. “Get some rest, dork. I’ll get Hermie to make us pancakes in the morning.”
“Hermie’s pancakes suck,” Normal huffs, but as his breath evens out, Scary just smiles again.
It’s not what she pictured for herself, sure, but in this moment? There’s nowhere else she’d rather be.
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Beach Day Sunrise
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Peter Parker x f!Reader
Warnings: None, this is just fluff, except for a slightly steamy scene at the end, but super minimal ;)
Summary: Peter & (Y/N) go on a sunrise date.
A/N: I hope you guys like this :D I saw the idea on Insta or smth and was like this is intriguing :') As always please let me know if you like it or if you think there are ways I could improve my writing :) I hope you guys have or had a lovely day 💖💖💖
Squinting her eyes at the boy, the glowing screen of his phone illuminating his features, his fluffy curls still messy from sleep, sticking out in haphazard directions, yet his chocolate-brown eyes were bright and alert, watching her affectionately. "Baby, do we really have to leave this early in the morning ?", she protested, snuggling closer into his side, tucking her head into the crook of his neck, tightening her hold on his torso slightly, "It's literally 5:00 AM, when you said you wanted to have a sleepover, I thought you were referring to something else", the words sounding muffled as she spoke into his skin.
Rolling his eyes lovingly, he sent her a playful frown, whining in retaliation, "Babe, but you promised", shifting her closer to him, to trail soft kisses along the side of her face, grinning as she hummed in content, hoping that he could sway her mind, "Plus there'll be such a big crowd if we go later in the day".
"But Pete I'm so tired", she yawned, placing her lips against his sensitive neck, letting a hand run through his locks, gently combing out the knots and tangles, "Just give me five more minutes", her lids already fluttering shut, as she deeply inhaled his comforting scent of cinnamon and apple pie.
He pushed himself to sit up on the narrow bed, causing her to whine at the loss of his warmth, the cold creeping up along her exposed arms, "Baby if you sleep for five more minutes, I'll sleep for five more minutes", groaning as he threw his head into his palms, promptly peeking out through his fingers to observe her reaction, "and that'll become 5 hours and then we'll never go".
Flopping over, she stuffed her face deeper into the fleecy pillow, drawing the blankets up higher to cover her neck, mumbling "Babe I can play you a video of a sunrise ?", pressing her lips tightly together, to stifle the growing laughter in her chest, already predicting his reaction, "Would that be any better ?"
"(Y/N)!! That's not the same", he sulked, crossing his arms across his chest, spinning his body so that he faced the other side of the room.
Giggling, she wrapped her arms around his torso, tugging slightly at the edge of his shirt, urging him to focus on her again, "Alright alright", to which he gave in almost immediately, turning around so that they lay face to face again, sighing in defeat as she gazed into his puppy eyes, unable to resist, "I'll get up"
Feeling her nestle further into the covers, tangling her legs with his, he raised an eyebrow, in confusion, "Babe, that's not getting up", pouting when he noticed her sudden silence, "You're going back to sleep"
"5 minutes", she mumbled, not bothering to open her eyes.
Smacking his palm against his forehead, the boy studied her closely, wild, thick locks fanned out around her head dramatically, his mind racing to think of a way, eyes glittering when an idea popped up, like a lit lightbulb. Giving her a vicious grin, "Baby, that's it", securely wrapping his arms around her waist, easily tugging her up into his arms, to sit her on his shoulder as he moved to stand, trying hard not to burst into laughter, already picturing the scowl on her face.
"Peter!!", she whispered frantically, eyes wide in shock, careful not to yell and wake Aunt May, smacking his shoulder in frustration, that proved to have to effect on the boy, who ignored her diligently, carrying on with his task at hand, causing her to sigh exasperatedly, "Why does this keep happening ?"
The cars of the subway clacked against the metal tracks, as it turned corners, the occasional light of another train passing opposite their shining through the large, dusty windows. Sensing another sharp turn, (Y/N) pressed herself closer to her boyfriends frame, his had reflexively moving around her torso, steadying her from slipping off the smooth, cold, graffitied seats.
Eying the empty space suspiciously, she pressed her lips together tightly frowning, "Baby this looks like something out of a horror movie", she burst out, waving a hand around as she gestured to the dimly lit car, empty except for the pair. The sight making her feel somewhat uneasy, having grown used to the crowds of peak hours, backs of strangers standing only centimeters away from hers.
Chuckling softly, he pulled her to sit across his lap, clutching onto her tightly, so that she curl closer into him, sighing contently at the warmth and safety he radiated. "Babe don't worry, I'll save you from whatever ghost you're thinking about", he reassured confidently, placing a hand behind her head to stroke her hair tenderly.
"Alright, Spiderman", she giggled, pulling back slightly to peck his cheek sweetly, whispering the last part, still vary of people finding out, even if they were alone.
"Don't act like you don't love it though", he smirked, resting his forehead against hers, letting their noses brush up gingerly against each other.
"I do, but I think I love Peter more", she smiled, cupping his cheeks, his lips curving upwards to form a wide grin, unable to contain his delight, a hand raised to tuck a strand of loose hair behind her ear, leaning to tilt his head closer to hers, connecting their lips. She reacted almost instantly, hers moving delicately against his, just long enough for him to inhale her sweet scent of coffee and caramel. Breaking the kiss for air, she sighed dreamily, curling her leg around his, the minty taste of his mouth still lingering on her tongue.
A chilly breeze from the sea blue in the sky still a deep navy blue, like an endless ocean reflected in the sky, as the strong, murky waves crashed rhythmically against the fine, glittering grains of sand that clumped together, causing her to wrap her wooly coat closer around her body, muttering, "I'm cold", almost wondering out loud as she smoothened out he creased edges of the worn, boldly-patterned blanket across the sand, "Isn't the beach supposed to be warm, what is this defiance of nature ?"
"Baby, just shut up and come here", he lamented, holding his hands out to the girl, allowing her to crawl in between his legs, his arms enveloping her frame, tilting his head down to question, "Are you happy now ?"
"Very", she retorted, finding it hard to wipe the smug grin of her face, pulling his arms further around her body, leaning into his steady chest, the sound of his heartbeat bringing a sense of relaxation to her.
Fixating her gaze to the sky, she sighed in content, admiring the streaks that painted the darkness, tinting the clouds different shades of rose, coral and gold, like the darkness was struck through with bands of light, the colors reflecting onto their skin. She couldn't help but reach out for his pal, intertwining it with hers, enjoying the way they fit together perfectly, tenderly rubbing circles into his smooth skin.
Nestling his face into her neck, he tilted it slightly, unable to tear his eyes away from hers, twinkling as they watched the masterpiece of the sky unfold before them, nudging a little with his nose as he asked, "See wasn't this worth it ?", pleased with himself.
She spun her body around, so that she straddled his waist, to meet his gaze, shaking her head acceptingly, "Not gonna lie you were right", giggling as he peppered his face with kisses, contagious enough to make him laugh as well, slowly making her way to his lips. Somewhere during that time the laughing stopped, their smiles dwindling, becoming something deeper, his eyes intense and focused, when they broke the kiss for air, quick to connect their lips again, his arms pressing her frame closer to his, sighing airily when her fingers found themselves in his hair, tugging softly on the chestnut locks. She felt like everything was gone, letting herself get lost in him, a timeless and passionate moment, the emotion that spread through them creating an delicious, electric air. The kiss began to slow, and he pulled back to look into her eyes, the salty sea breeze swirling dreamily around them, causing a few strands of their hair to float carelessly, her hands falling to hang loosely around his shoulders, gently stroking at the hairs that stood at the nape of his neck.
She bit her lip nervously, his melted chocolate brown eyes able to see right through her, with little to no difficulty, finally finding her voice, "I don't know what I'd do without you Pete", understanding that he had become her safe space, her home.
Tilting his face towards hers, he rested his forehead against hers, giving her a wordless answer, that she knew all too well, before responding playfully, "I'm not sure what you'd do without me too", chuckling as she slapped his arm lightly, failing to stifle the laughter that escaped her chest.
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girls-scenarios · 4 years
A Little Curiousity
Idol: Heejin (Loona)
Prompt: Guys! Can u do smth like a AU with Heejin where the reader and Heejin are POKEMON TRAINERS!!(im rly hyped about the new pokemon games!!!) Where her pokemon got lost in the woods and the reader helps her find her pokemon and decide to continue their path to the Pokemon League together!
Writer: Admin Kiwi
A/N: I just finished playing Pokémon Shield on my Switch and I’m still super excited about it since it was so fun, so I thought I’d try my hand at this prompt! Please forgive me if my writing isn’t the greatest, it’s been a while since I’ve written anything. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy!
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Heejin wouldn’t normally consider herself a slow or inattentive person. After all, being a trainer had heightened her senses and made her pay more attention to her surroundings. But she had been in the middle of setting up her tent when it happened, too distracted with her full hands to react fast enough. She hadn’t even noticed Star, her Raboot, curiously approaching the tree as she focused on getting her tent up before the approaching clouds could open their floodgates.
She hadn’t noticed until the sky lit up with lightening, the ground shook with the force of the thunder, and he let out a loud squeak just as something hit the grass. At the squeak, she had turned just in time to see him dash off into the woods after a very large, very startled Skwovet, leaving her and the rest of her team to stare after him.
“Star! Stop!” She’d called after him, but it was too late. By the time she had jumped to her feet, he was gone and the skies opened, pouring a heavy rain down onto the campsite. She had only taken a moment to corral her team into the tent and tell them to stay before she ran after him, but he was already long gone.
Now she was soaked through and gasping for air, her new boots covered in thick mud as she stopped to catch her breath under a huge oak.
“Stupid Skwovet, how did it just jump out of nowhere like that?” Heejin huffed and stomped her foot as she looked around, squinting through the rain. “Star! Come here!” A distant roar answered her call and she shivered, clutching the Pokeball at her side that contained her Mubray Champion, the only companion she’d thought to bring with her in her haste. God, this was so stupid. She was going to catch a cold wandering around out here. Thankfully she’d left her backpack with her clothes at the tent so she could change when she got back.
She went to take a step forward, then froze. Her tent. Where was it again? A bit frantic, she looked around, but all the trees just looked the same, especially under the heavy rain. Gulping, she glanced back at her footprints. Would she be able to follow them back?
Half of her wanted to run back the way she’d come, but she knew that she couldn’t leave Star out there alone. Groaning, she wiped at her face with the back of her hand, swearing to herself that she was going to get a leash the next time they were in town. There was no way she was going to let this happen again. She was miserable as she started forward again, cursing everything. Stupid rain, stupid Skwovet, stupid curious Raboots, stupid woods-.
“Hey, are you okay?” The voice that came from deeper inside the woods made her jump and stop in her tracks again, her head swiveling around to try and find where it came from. “I heard you out here in the rain so I came to see if everything was alright. You’re totally soaked!”
She found herself looking to her right and watching as you stepped out of the darkness, an umbrella over your head and your eyes wide and concerned. For a moment, she was apprehensive, until she noticed that the belt around your waist was full of Pokeballs and you had a Pumpkeboo trailing after you, peeking at her from over your shoulder. Somehow, you seemed a bit familiar as well, but she couldn’t tell why. Not through the rain and the darkness that lingered in the woods at all hours of the day.
A quick glance down at herself had her feeling embarrassed and she let out a soft laugh, pushing her wet hair away from her face. “Well, I don’t know. My Raboot ran off into the woods while I was setting up camp and now I can’t find him in the downpour.”
Your frown was sympathetic as you stepped forward, close enough to cover her with your umbrella. Now that she wasn’t moving, she realized how cold she was, making her shiver again. Your frown only deepened. “You aren’t going to be able to find anything in this downpour. Why don’t you come over to my camp? It’s right back through these trees here. I’ll give you some of our curry and you can warm up by the fire while we try to figure out how to find that Raboot of yours.”
For a moment, she hesitated, before realizing that you were right. She could barely see anything and Star wasn’t going to come out from wherever he was hiding until the rain ended. “You’re right. Thank you,” she said, a grateful smile stretching over her lips as she wrapped her arms around herself, trying to conserve as much body heat as possible. “I owe you one. My name is Heejin, by the way.”
You smiled in return as you started to guide her back the way you came. “I’m (Y/N), and don’t mention it. It’s the least I can do for a fellow trainer. You’re trying to get your gym badges, aren’t you?”
With a raise of her eyebrows, she asked you how you knew, drawing a laugh from your lips.
“I’m a trainer too and I’ve seen you at the past few gyms. You always challenge right before me, so I’ve seen you fight a few times. You’re really good!”
“Oh, thank you.” Her face burnt a bit at the praise, but she was thankful for the warmth so she didn’t turn away. Instead, she studied your face, before her eyebrows raised in recognition. “That’s why you looked a bit familiar to me! I’ve definitely seen you at the gyms before. Although I guess I’ve never seen you fight,” she said sheepishly, making you laugh again.
“That’s okay, like I said, I’ve been after you, so I wasn’t expecting you to stick around and watch every round. Not while there’s still so many of us challengers. It’s nice to officially meet you though.”
“Same to you, although I wish we’d met under slightly less.... Wet conditions.”
“True. Oh, we’re here!” The trees disappeared suddenly, giving way to a small clearing just big enough for a campsite, where your other Pokémon ran over to great you. You had your tent set up and your curry cooking, and she felt her stomach grumble. It had been a long day, and even though she’d given her team berries to tide them over until dinner earlier, she hadn’t eaten in a while.
“Come over here and warm up,” you told her, guiding her under your makeshift shelter by the fire before closing your umbrella and going about filling up a plate. With a happy sigh, she leaned closer to the fire and smiled at your Vulpix as it wandered closer, sharing its warmth. As she let Champion the Mudbray out to run around with your team, you approached her with the plate. “Here, have some of this.”
The curry was spicy, and she let out a hum as she swallowed her first bite. “That’s delicious!”
“Thank you,” you said, a smile stretching over your face as you sat down and let the Vulpix climb into your lap and snuggle close. “I’m glad you like it. Most of my experience is in cooking for Pokémon, so I’m always a little worried that it might not be edible for humans.”
It was her turn to laugh before she took another bite, already feeling warmer. Before she knew it, she had already finished the plate and she felt warm inside and out, most likely thanks to the extra heat Vulpix had added to the fire. The rain had let up as well, and there was a bit of sun peeking through the clouds as the downpour turned into a tiny drizzle.
“I can’t thank you enough,” she said earnestly, “I feel a bit guilty for taking up your time,” but you waved a hand, dismissing her guilt.
“Don’t worry about it, Heejin. I’m glad I was able to help.” You looked out at the woods. “Now that you aren’t going to freeze to death and it’s no longer raining, we should start looking for your Raboot.”
Her stomach dropped and she sighed, placing her plate down and standing up. “I feel terrible for leaving him out there in the rain.”
“It’s not your fault, you couldn’t find him,” you soothed, putting Vulpix down and standing up as well. “I’m sure he was able to find shelter in plenty of time. Pokémon are animals, after all. They’re good at surviving the elements.”
“That’s true. But I still want to find him as quickly as possible.”
“Then let me help.” You whistled, getting the attention of the Pokémon. “Come on guys, let’s go find Heejin’s Raboot!” Turning back to her, you raised your eyebrows. “Does he have a name?”
“Yes, his name is Star. You don’t have to do this, you know. I don’t want to be a bother.”
“But I want to.”
Something in her heart fluttered at your words and she felt her cheeks flushing. “Oh. Well then, thank you again (Y/N). His name is Star. Hopefully he’ll come out now that’s it’s not raining as much anymore.”
The ground was still muddy, but the trickle of sunlight made it easier to say and, without the drumming of the rain, it was easier to hear all the different sounds of the forest. With Champion trotting behind her and you by her side, Heejin made her way back into the woods, calling for Star. She had to admit that having you by her side made her feel a lot better: the various sounds from other wild Pokémon didn’t scare her as much anymore. No matter what was out there, surely the two of you would be able to take it. It gave her more bravery to search, and search she did, looking anywhere she thought Star might hide.
“Star, come here! It’s not raining anymore, you can come out now!” Crouching down, she peered into another den, only to quickly back away at the sight of a sleeping Bunnelby and sigh. “Where is he? Maybe he went back to camp?” She stood and dusted off her still-damp pants, about to suggest that the two of you try to find your way back to her camp before you let out a gasp.
“Heejin, I think I found him!” At your call, she spun around to see you peering up into a short berry tree, your eyes wide. “Hey little guy, how did you get up there?”
Heejin broke into a run, clearing the short distance in no time with her heartbeat spiking in her chest. Sure enough, when she looked up she saw Star shivering and clutching at the branch he sat on, his little ears wet from the rain and his eyes quivering. “Star! Oh my god, you scared me!”
The little Raboot sniffed and glanced away, trying to look cool, but she could see him shaking. With a relieved smile, she reached up to pull him down and clutched him close to her chest. “Don’t ever do that again! I know you’re getting bigger, but what if you had run into a big wild Pokémon? Poor baby, you’re soaked through.” She quickly unzipped her coat to wrap it around him before zipping it back up, and he snuggled closer to her chest, obviously exhausted. With an affectionate, yet long-suffering sigh, she pet his little head. “I’ll cook your favorite curry when we get back, okay? It’ll warm you right back up.”
When she looked up, you were looking at her with a similar affection twinkling in your eyes, your hands in your pockets.
“Thank you so much again for finding him,” she said, shaking her head. “I should have known he’d be up in a tree looking for food.”
“How did he even get up there?” You looked back up at the branch he’d been sitting on, looking a bit incredulous. “I’ve never heard of Raboots climbing trees, that’s for sure. I just happened to look up and see a flash of red and white.”
She laughed, still softly petting his head. “He’s too adventurous for his own good. Add that to his endless energy, his speed and constant growing, and his huge appetite, and you get a Raboot with no problem getting into trees. He doesn’t climb as much as he runs and jumps.”
“Oh, that makes more sense.” Your smile returned and she felt her heart flip as your eyes met hers, the spark of affection still lingering. “I’m glad you found him. I can’t imagine how scary it is to loose a Pokémon.”
“I acted annoyed, but I was really scared,” she admitted. “I don’t know what I’d do without this little guy. He was my first Pokémon ever.”
“I can tell how close you guys are. It’s cute.” You grinned and her cheeks warmed again as she watched the sun slip in through the leaves to light up your face. It was like the universe was asking her to fall for you or something.
“I-I... Thank you?” She let out a nervous giggle, then perked up at the familiar sound of her Liepard’s call. It was somewhere close by, which meant that her camp wasn’t far away! “Champion, can you lead the way back?” He gave her a little nod of his head before she turned to smile brightly at you. “My camp is close by, why don’t I give you some potions as a thank you?”
“Oh, you don’t have to!” Your eyes widened as you waved your hands. “I just wanted to help, I didn’t want anything in return!”
“Still, I want to do something to return your kindness. I’m really glad I ran into you out here.”
Your face immediately softened at her words and you fell into step beside her, a small smile on your lips. “You know, I always wanted to approach you at the gyms, but I was too nervous.”
“Really?” Her mouth dropped open. “Why?”
“You seemed to be so good, so confident, so, um, pretty,” you blushed as you spoke, looking down at your shoes. “I was intimidated by you, honestly. But now I see that I should have approached you sooner.”
“I can’t see myself be intimidating,” she said, still shocked, before her lips turned up into a hopeful smile. “Want to make our way to the next gym together? It would be nice to have some company on the journey, and I want to get to know you better.”
You visibly perked up at her suggestion, just as Champion broke through the woods into her camp, returning to the happy calls of her team. The sun was bright as the two of you stepped into the clearing, and your eyes sparkled in the light as you beamed at her, making her heart skip more than just one beat.
“I’d love that!” You exclaimed, and her smile stretched to match yours, all of the fear, and cold from earlier being replaced by an excitement that lit a fire in her chest, different from the competitive determination she’d felt at the beginning of her journey.
“Great! This is going to be so much fun, I just know it.”
As she placed a sleeping Star into her tent and covered him with a blanket, listening to you coo at her other Pokémon, she couldn’t feel the annoyance she’d felt earlier, forgetting her promises to scold him when she found him. Instead, she pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead before sitting back to admire you, full of anticipation for the future.
“I never thought I’d say this, Star,” she said in a whisper as she stood up to head back out to you, head already spinning with plans of what she wanted to do with you. “But I’m so glad that you’re the curious type. I’ll cook you something nice to thank you for this when you wake up. I have a feeling that this is going to be big!”
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tarantulas4davey · 4 years
annnnd i’m supposed to be doing hw so that means it’s head canon time!
they do a q+a and someone asks about al’s nickname red (did it come from his hair or the fact that he blushes rly red) and race is like ;)) you should see how red he gets when- and al is like !!race!! and race is like WHEN i embarrass him mind out of the gutter al jeez and al’s face burns
al does a stream with tiny little braids in his hair bc race plays with his hair and race does a video where he has a bunch of butterfly clips n stuff in his hair bc al put them there and race isnt ever taking them off
race is slowly getting better at games and he’s like babe!!! there’s someone right behind you!!! and al turns and promptly gets shot point blank by race
jack was chilling on the couch once as they did a stream together and when he left they found a few drawings of them looking at the screens and also looking at each other and they’re like damn,,,,, we really do be in love
on april fools day race pours water over al and al starts freaking out and he’s like race oh my god the game setup the waters gonna ruin in oh my god oh no can i even afford an entire new setup oh god oh shit and race is like slowly panicking like babe oh crap i’m so sorry i’ll help i swear i didn’t think about that and al puts his head in his hands and race is like baby please don’t cry i’m so sorry
but al’s not crying he’s laughing, because the water didnt get into the console (race is smarter than that) and race totally fell for it and race just stops and he’s like you little-
for one of race’s videos he wants to try his art skills so he paints on al, and afterwards he’s just staring at shirtless al and al’s like uhh. you’re just staring at my abs babe and race is like oh my bad and then proceeds to stare at his arms
when they eventually do get engaged race posts smth and captions it smth about his fiancé but he’s so excited that he accidentally writes finance and everyone’s like ??? did he mean??? fiancé??? if so i’m happy for them if he’s genuinely this excited about a finance then cool i guess??
race makes an offhand comment abt stealing all of al’s shirts so he’ll just be shirtless and al is like sure race and race takes that as a challenge and the next stream al is wearing race’s hoodie (one that race had worn in multiple of his own vids) and he’s like so anyways he actually took my tops and race is like “hey at least you still have your bottom ;)” and al is like “ONE PEACEFUL STREAM RACE”
i love the hcs but for legal reasons i have to tell you to go work on your homework before you write any more because i have a ✨guilt complex✨
- race is a heathen and is constantly making jokes like this when he KNOWS albert is hyper-aware theyre on stream cause it embarrasses him b u t albert is the type that just,,,, constantly makes jokes like that regularly so if they’ve been on stream and he’s chatting with race or distracted by the discord’s banter or something he’ll casually make a joke about race using cover up on his neck in videos or something and chat will loose it and race just stares at him for a full 10 seconds like ‘😲’
- albert also did a whole stream with winged eyeliner cause race wanted to do his makeup and he refused to wash it off. race came in with bright red lipstick and left a massive kiss print on albert’s cheek before winking at the camera and walking out again to wash his face. albert 100% noticed but just left it there. race is in love with all the pictures of him from the stream with the butterfly clips and saves every piece of fanart from it to his phone for safe keeping.
- the thing i’m imagining is pubg and the animation on that makes me fucking cry laugh. just the head snapping back and then al’s character just crumbling while race is on the game floor cackling and albert is just blankly staring at his screen before he just turns to race and goes “you’re going to regret that.” very seriously. race stops laughing.
- race frames and hangs the art in their gaming room cause he thinks it’s cute. jack sees it one day like “guys- i have better ones you could’ve just a s k e d” and just gives race this massive box full of sketches of them cause they’re gross and couple-y and he teases them but they ARE a perfect character study for ‘fools in love’ and it makes for good art.
- i picture race as highly empathetic so he would immediately feel SO GUILTY if he thought albert was actually upset b u t albert cant even bring himself to feel bad cause race got trying to get him
- race is a massive al simp he frequently gets caught,,,, admiring his boyfriend (aka positively drooling over him) and it always makes albert slightly smug, which as we know, isn’t his usual state of being.
- sjhdbdhd race WOULD make a typo in engagement announcement post. albert’s comment is just “hahahhahaha FiNaNcE. good one babe” and race never ever lives it down.
- they have exactly zero peaceful streams he should be used to this by now. also he does dares for donations over $50 (cause he makes questionable choices) and someone drops $100 and just puts “i dare you to give race his hoodie back” and race just smiles like the cheshire cat. albert asks if this makes him a stripper. also when race says that “at least you still have your bottom ;)” line and winks DIRECTLY into the camera, al just gets up and pretends to leave the game room for dramatic effect.
yeah,,,,,, i’m still obsessed with this au thank you for the fantastic hcs
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agentcherricola · 3 years
as for prompts iiiiiii think u should do a little kobracola smth (maybe in ur android au? if u want to?) not necessarily first kiss but yknow. them <3
[passion pit voice] i get carried away
u were absolutely right i did need to do a little kobracola. no real warnings on this one, just some detailed android makeouts! this one is for all my robot fuckers out there 👉👉
“Ah, jeez…” Cherri groaned, leaning back in his seat. He stretched his arms above his head, flexing his fingers and rolling out his wrists. He dropped them back on the workbench with a sigh. The intricate mechanism on his desk sat in front of him still, mocking him with its millions of incredibly tiny and fragile parts. Cherri’s wrists and shoulders throbbed at the thought of picking it back up.
“You ok?” Kobra piped up from his usual spot, cross-legged on Ghoul’s bench.
“Oh, yeah…” Cherri scrubbed his face with both hands. “Jus’ tired, I guess. This thing is so delicate, I’m just bein’ too careful.”
Kobra tilted his head. “Know what it does yet?”
“Not a clue.” The stuffy air in the workshop hung around them. It made Cherri sweat. With a sigh, he leaned back over his desk. He heard Kobra slink down off the bench and cross behind him. As he gripped his pliers too tight, a hand came to rest on the back of his neck.
“You should probably take a break…you’ve been starin’ at that thing for three hours, twenty-six minutes, and...well, now twenty-seven.” Kobra ran his hand firmly up and down Cherri’s neck. He rubbed at the divot at the base of his skull with his thumb, being extra careful to apply just the right amount of pressure. Kobra figured he must be doing it right, because Cherri let his head drop.
“Has it been...that long?”
Kobra just brought his other hand to the other side of his neck and rubbed the sides, trailing up to press his temples and behind his ears. Involuntarily, Cherri’s grip released on the pliers and they clattered on the tabletop. But Cherri barely registered, as his eyes fluttered shut and he sighed, shoulders sagging slightly.
Kobra smiled to himself. He catalogued every reaction Cherri elicited with any kind of touch, the most fascinating subject he’d learned in his time out in the desert. Like, if he ran a hand through Cherri’s hair at the nape of his neck and gripped, like so-
“Fuck!” Cherri gasped.
Kobra did it again, a little harder.
“Oh, shit, Kobra…”
“Hm?” he replied, innocently.
Cherri glanced up at him over his shoulder, grinning a little with parted lips. “You wanna take a break?”
Kobra nodded eagerly.
That was all the convincing Cherri needed, apparently, as he stood and all but crashed into Kobra, backing the other boy up against Ghoul’s workbench. He kissed him hard against the side of the table.
Kobra, delighted, fisted his hands in Cherri’s shirt to pull him closer. Cherri must have done his own studying as well, because when he pressed a hand flat against Kobra’s lower back, Kobra’s lips parted with a gasp and Cherri slipped his tongue in.
It was maybe their second or third make out session when Kobra confessed how much he liked the feeling of Cherri’s tongue against his. Or anywhere, really. It left a taste in his mouth Kobra wasn’t used to, but never got tired of. Cherri admitted how much he liked it, as well. Droid’s mouths were a new experience, surprisingly soft and enticingly warm. It wasn’t wet, as droids don’t spit, but Kobra’s mouth was always supple and slick when Cherri explored it with his tongue. He’d admitted to thinking about Kobra’s mouth in other places, but he assured him that they could go as slow as Kobra wanted. Kobra had just responded with a hungry look that Cherri still hadn’t stopped thinking about.
Although Kobra could have just let Cherri kiss him like this for hours, Cherri pulled away just a hair. He was already breathless, and he tapped the bench behind them twice with his hand.
“Hop up,” he instructed.
Kobra quickly climbed up and sat, and Cherri stepped in between his legs. He kissed Kobra’s neck, gentler than before. Kobra didn’t bruise, they learned, so hickies were out. But Cherri still pressed one hot, open-mouthed kiss after another against the smooth skin of Kobra’s throat.
“Fuck...Cherri,” Kobra whined. The calloused hands covering his thighs kept him anchored to the table, and he tilted his head back for better access.
Cherri let one hand trail down Kobra’s leg. He hooked it behind the other boy’s knee and gave it a little tug.
“Here, you can wrap your legs around me, like this.”
Kobra let Cherri guide one of his legs, and he followed with the other, hooking his ankles together right at the base of Cherri’s spine. They both adjusted to the new position, and Kobra’s fans turned on when he felt how close they were now.
“Mmm, I like this,” Kobra said, grinning down at Cherri.
“Me too.” Cherri closed the distance to kiss him. Now his hands wandered to Kobra’s ass where they just rested for the moment.
Kobra’s hands threaded through Cherri’s hair, not tugging just yet. He nibbled Cherri’s lower lip, pulling it between his teeth. The resulting groan made him grin. Anything he could do to draw out those sounds, he did.
“Hey, no one’s doin’ any broadcasts right now, right?” Kobra mumbled against Cherri’s lips.
“Don’ think so. Why?”
“No reason.” With a sharp tug, Kobra pulled Cherri’s head back by his hair and dove in to kiss where his neck met shoulder.
“Oh, fuck!”
“Jus’ don’t want the whole desert to hear us,” Kobra said with a laugh against his skin.
Cherri laughed too, cut off with a sharp breath when he felt Kobra’s teeth brush his collarbone.
“Rascal. Next time I spend the night at the diner, I’m gonna make you scream, see how you like it.”
“D’you promise? I got some ideas…”
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ot3 · 4 years
Hey can I ask smth. Why didn’t you complete your art degree and head to graduate school from there. Did you need to switch majors entirely. Asking bc im thinking about dropping out of art school and doing law too (but w a undergraduate degree in linguistics or history) but I came to this completely independently from you so I’m surprised we have this incredibly hyperspecifuc thing in common
believe it or not you’re not even the first person to come to me to be like ‘hey im also an art school drop out who is studying law’ ! less uncommon than you’d think, apparently. I’m only taking a law minor, my major is polisci. 
Basically, the summer between my freshman and sophomore year of animation school i caught meningitis. I was bedbound for a month, almost entirely unable to walk, spent some time in the hospital on fluids and whatnot. I did not recover fast enough. My physical health has never been great but it was rock bottom then - I got overly winded trying to do stuff as basic as take out the trash and was in constant pain. My legs were so weak I didn’t always trust them to support me. The dorms were only for freshman and so in my 2nd year I lived off campus about 20 minutes away from the school via the highway. And then my car broke down. It was really the straw that broke the camel’s back. The logistics and financial strain of having to look for a new car and either uber or hitch rides to school (no feasible public transit) paired with the chronic pain and exhaustion making the work twice as hard than usual was just too much for me to handle.
It was also, artistically speaking, probably the worst period of my life. Everything I was making was really bad because I had lost a ton of the muscle memory and pretty much had to re-learn the feel of my whole body. I really thought I would never be able to draw properly again. So I called it quits on sophomore year and moved back home. I spent the rest of that year just sort of trying to get my shit in order, fixing my meds, letting my body recover properly. After that, start of the next academic year, I went back to the local community college that I had done some prereqs and studio classes at over the years with the intention of just finishing up my arts associate, for the sake of having SOMETHING to show for all the years of work.
At this point I still really couldn’t draw. It just was not coming to me. Between that, the cost of art school, and my health issues being bad enough that I doubted my body’s physical ability to keep up with the demanding schedule and physical strain of drawing for a living, I just considered art school a wash. 
As for deciding what to do next, It was really a tossup between polisci and sociology for awhile because both are incredibly fascinating. The new wave of mainstream fascism that came with the trump administration really made me believe I needed to dedicate my time to try and understand why stuff like this is just. Allowed and able to happen. Like maybe I can’t do anything about it, but i can at least understand. I talked with my mom a lot, who has a masters degree in political sociology from the london school of economics, and I settled on a program that focuses on international relations because I miss traveling a ton and would really like to do grad school abroad like she did. An international relations background will definitely help with that. As for the legal studies minor, it just feels like right now is a better time than ever to understand how the law actually works.
This was a really longwinded and probably incredibly unrelatable and unhelpful answer. Sorry. But yeah. There’s the lore. 
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miyomiikonran · 4 years
Burn the Witch Personal Review
I know how this sounds, especially I never did smth like that, so just pls treat it more like bunch of thoughts and opinions on this new title from long-term fan of Bleach rather than some professionally done review. I watched all three episodes and for now I didn't have much time to read the manga (I have a lot of stuff to read for my studies so ;;") so I just went through stuff written on fan wiki. So beware! Spoilers ahead!
So anyway, new title from Tite Kubo. I could not know who's the author and I still would've guessed who it is. It has such a familiar vibe for me, it's a lot like Bleach for me in terms of humor, dialogues, character interactions and so on. Backgrounds also have this kind of similar vibe but I can't tell what's exactly causing it cus I'm no artist. Kubo in his glory days always had great backgrounds so that's all I'm able to say. I think he catched some breath after Bleach's ending and came back with new energy, so his skills are back too.
About characters. I'm glad he did two main female characters this time, even though both Noel and Ninny annoyed me through most of these ~60 minutes. I'm gonna say that's how it usually is before you get to know these characters better. Balgo annoyed me the most because he's typical perverted guy (which I'm really tired of) but with sweet dumny appearance (I'm here for it) so we'll see where will this character go further. Ninny's idol type, so I wasn't really excited at first, but I really liked her interactions with Macy, so I see chances for future development. Kinda the same with Noel and Balgo, they have some chances to get better through their influence on each other. Noel is kinda boring on her own most of the time, but her drive for money is sooo relatable for me right now.
My absolute favourite for now is Osushi, which kinda amused me, cus it's complete opposite compared with how I reacted to Kon at first, who also was sort of mascot in Bleach. I think Kubo has a thing for "seems cute but can kill you" type of mascot...
Let's adress the elefant in the room now. It's the same damn universe as Bleach. It blew my mind completely since I read about this series. It's the same universe (12 years after the war) and it has witches and dragons! Don't get me wrong, tbh I think it could work, it makes sense in it's own twisted kind of way. I just wish we were given any clues about existence of other "reverse worlds"/Soul Societies before this title came out. Cus it makes sense when you think about it. For me it looks like each country/culture (cus idk if each country wouldn't be too much) could have it's own kind of reverse world coexisting with human world, with it's magic, creatures and rules rooted in it's history, culture and beliefs. That's why suddenly we have these european-looking dragons and completely different approach to them- rather than kill them, humans are using them for their own gain, which for me makes sense for country that started industrial age and was first capitalistic-kind of system in the world. Obviously they would be like "ey, it's kinda a waste to kill them, maybe we could use them to make our life easier?". In Bleach it was all more about restoring and keeping balance between worlds, moral duty, honor and strict rules which makes sense (at least for me) in japanese society. Same with Shinigami and their powers. Other stuff like Quincy and Arrancars kinda throw off this kind of logic but well, I'm just trying to find some sense in this madness.
How's the plot then going, in such weird curricumstances? For me it could easily defend itself as independent idea and separate universe. If someone didn't knew Bleach and watched this I'm pretty sure it would be viewed almost the same for now. Will it have more connections to stuff we know from Bleach? Idk, I hope so, cus if not then it's just kinda using the nostalgia left by previous series. This world is surely builded the same, we have two coexisting worlds, one with common humans and the other with people being able to see and fight supernatural beings that endanger both of these worlds. We have the same kind of structure of power as well, at least for me. Wind Bind is new Gotei 13, this time with symbolism based on zodiak signs. Cool, it would probably suggest 12 divisions, but for now we know about only 8 but once again, we'll see.
Each division has it's own field of work, responsibilities and leader. They all look just as weird and eccentric as Gotei 13 when we first met them, so hello darkness my old friend, especially one lady looks like nazi-wannabe again (Quincy I'm looking at you!). For now we only saw Bruno in action who's division is a fighting type, tasked with extermination of dangerous dragons. He's got very cool design and I adore style of magic he uses because I never saw anyone use spray paint for drawing magical symbols before. Very modern-looking guy and I'm here for it, especially he looks like Grimmjow's younger bro. In general this universe is on our typical technology level with smartphones and stuff everywhere, which is suprising to see having in mind whole traditionally japanese looking enviroment from original Soul Society. About the rest we barely know anything so well. We'll see, once again.
Do I see any clear villain in sight? Nah, not for now. For now we only know about 8 dangerous legendary dragons based on common fairy tales. Interesting concept, but I would like to see some classic villian too. However, we already got the same kind of lesson that Bleach served us- authorities cannot be easily trusted either, as their judgement also can be too strict, cruel and subcjetive without many possibilities to oppose them by avarage person. I smell more future drama in this topic. Especially we once again got elderly boss who looks similar to Yamamoto from Bleach.
One thing that kinda dissapointed me was music. Bleach made me used to very climatic, often dramatic soundtracks, kinda dark-sounding most of the time. Openings were mostly very good too, while here I barely noticed any music at all. Animation didn't really leave me in awe either, only fights seemed interesting and magic was nicely animated. But it's kinda boring compared to very dynamic animation in Bleach. First two episodes made me think of first two arcs of Bleach but it's been over 15 years! ;-;"
In the end, will I watch more? Yeah, for sure. I got very excited to see something new from Kubo, I'm rooting for him and his new series to be less damaging for his health and mental state so this time he'll have means to develop and finish it properly, ideally without more conflicts with Shounen Jump. If he'll play it right with connections to Bleach it might get every good and bring back old fanbase, maybe even make people forgive him completely for Bleach's rushed ending. I see he already got some lessons from that experience, as now he decided to publish chapters in small batches rather than weekly. For me it's good solution that may help him keep his sanity intact. I'm willing to wait if it means he'll get back to his fomer skills and glory because I loved Bleach with my whole heart. If only anime production will be okay with such work dynamic then sure, great. I hope music and animation will get better overtime, maybe with more people getting interested they'll be able to spend more time and effort on it. I'm waiting for more characters to appear for more screentime as well, despite what I said about weird looking leaders of Wind Bind. Kubo proved he can make interesting and unique looking characters before, as well as create engaging villians and fights that fans are waiting for for months or years even. Maybe he even learnt a thing or two from plot holes that happend before. We'll see, I'm hopefull and willing to see where this series will be going c:
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ryuijsakamoto · 5 years
I just would like to take a moment to talk about my fave headcanons i have for all the characters
he is the most OVER DRAMATIC bitch on this earth
he definitely did theatre at some point in his life
after his arrest he sometimes gets really nervous and has trouble conveying his words. he stumbles over them and cant convey his point well
ann and haru like to braid his hair sometimes
when he was younger he faked not being able to see so he could get glasses, it didnt work tho
so hence now he wears fashion glasses
he had braces in middle school
there is One(1) picture of middle school akira. One
he 1000000000% believes in ghosts and has since he was a child
aliens though? not real.
takes lots of selfies when he moves back and sends them to his friends often
biggest flirt but if u flirt back with him he. Dies cannot talk his face is fully red and hes hiding behind his hands
takes every opportunity to visit his friends 
claims hes not a sap but futuba swears she saw him crying over a handwritten thank you card from ‘’that one arcade kid names the kind or smth’’
when he was a kid he has a fluffy mess of hair similar to akiras and it was the cutest thing ever
he needs reading glasses but no one knows because hes embarrassed by them
he likes to doodle on papers, hes not an artist but he likes to make dorky quick drawings in the corner of his paper
he has trouble focuing sometimes and likes to tap his foot silently or draw lines on paper to help him focus
calls yusuke and akira pretty boy by habit, it started as teasing but then it just became a Habit
he keeps every gift his friends give him and therye very dear to him
he has akira help him dye his hair
when one of his friends is gone / in danger he doesnt dye his hair again until he knows theyre safe
his mom sewed his purple jacket for him herself
he likes to cook and bake
he hold his bros..bro come cuddle me...he very affectionate with his friends and casually touches like hugs, hands over shoulders, etc.
sings to himself when hes alone
she has a pretty popular instagram account
she has really bad handwriting
like ryuji, very affectionate 
she loves beanies and wears them especially in the snow
likes to make pointless arguments with ryuji sometimes, stuff like is water wet?
likes to curl her hair over breaks, thinks it looks cute
she loves to watch sappy romance and drama shows / movies
she stress eats
hates when people attack her friends on her instagram 
she has pet fish 
she picked up gardening from haru, its only a small plants and she forgets to water it sometimes but shes trying her best
he is secretly a sucker for cutely decorated sweets
he had a small anime phase, not that he told madarame, but he has a box full of his old anime drawings and he will Never show them to anyone
he, like ryuji, sometimes drawes in the corners of his papers
unlike ryuji his are more detailed n not as dorky, its usually a detailed flower pattern or something of the sorts
he straightens and dyes his hair
his room? full of art pieces and posters u cannot see his original walls
he always has his phone on dnd and forgets to check it for days sometimes
he has 5 pairs of the same shirt, each one for a different occasions (they all look the same though...we dont ask why)
when he gets too worried over his art and stuff usually his friends will drag him out of his room and make him go eat with them
his friends pictures in his phones are hand-drawn little sketches he did
when hes concentrating really hard he puts his bangs into a ponytail so they dont fall in his face
so clumsy. he trips over everything
got through school before highschool without having to study
is not good with change
loves cute plushies and clothes
is Tired please give her a break
when Sae notices shes overexerting herself she makes sure to leave some of makotos favorite food and a small note for makoto on her bed
she just loves her sister very much
actually really likes spicy foods
u mention around her youre having trouble in school? not getting enough rest? forgot your lunch? Mom Mode Makoto activated
when shes alone she can curse up a storm
likes to play poker
is really good at talking to people and keeping up frienships
after highschool she is always busy u wanna hangout? she has 2 available days for the next 5 months
she has braces. she despises them
a very picky eater
sometimes she falls back into her old habits of hiding and isolating herself, when that happens shes learned to text someone and they sit outside her door and talk to her untill shes feeling better
cries easily, especially over characters and shows
has a phantom thieves fan account
when morgana and akira move away she gets a cat plushy because she misses her friends
shows everyone so many fun online things, discord? they have s discord gc because of her
akira has to remind her to drink water and fix her posture too much
wants to cosplay
shes really nervous for her first day of school but joker texts her all throughout the day even if he got in trouble for it
surprisingly a morning person
she Runs on caffeine
likes to spoil her friends, yusuke spent all his money again? heres enough to get home and also buy a 3 course meal 
works at a plant shop even though she doesnt really need to because she loves being around plants
plays piano and cello
touch starved pls hug her PLEASE
likes to fish
cutest laugh please protect her
also dabbled in acting, though hers was more classical stuff like shakespear
she loves golf and swimming
knows how to fight and will do so if needed
she bullet journals
Akechi (in general + if he got to stay with the pt):
actually doesnt have a strong opinion on pancakes, just was really feeling like eating pancakes that day when he overheard morgana
he loves the praise he gets but the spotlight is exhausting
shido told him long hair didnt look good on him once so now he refuses to cut it out of spite
loves to watch gordan ramsey, thinks its hilarious
Bottles up his emotions like crazy
actually really caring towards his friends, always checking up on them and making sure theyre taking care of themselves
loves shit talking his dad, esp with ryuji haru and yusuke who join him and shit talk their own father figures
he wears colored contacts
writes poetry, no one knows this though
cannot back down from a bet, tell him that he wont eat that spoonful of wasabi? hes choking it down with tears but at least he proved you wrong
kinda very incredibly petty
a big fan of mythology, he looked into it after getting his loki persona
loves movie dates with the phantom theives
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trensu · 4 years
Episode 48: The One where JGY and SS Host a Pity Party and Everyone Wishes They Hadn't
The show just dunks us right into yunmeng bro feelings again
jc's all should i get on my knees and thank you?
and wwx is like i never wanted your thanks
and now jc is just spilling his insecurities all over the place
Blah wwx was always better than him blah blah everyone liked wwx more blah blah DADDY ISSUES blah blah blah
and wwx just looks more and more hurt as all this bitterness is pouring out of his little brother 😞
i mean even jl was like hey uncle, maybe don't do that???
lwj is glaring at jc the whole time ofc
and jc gets so mad he tries to start a physical fight EVEN THO HE HAS A GAPING STAB WOUND IN THE CHEST
which is actually quite hilarious if you ignore how utterly heartbreaking the yunmeng bros relationship is
thankfully jl and lxc hold him back (not that he could've gone very far bc again GAPING STAB WOUND)
and ofc lwj has to throw in his two cents
lwj: clan leader jiang. Discretion
oh lwj, a man of few words
Oh no, ohno, oh nooooo, jc’s starting on their oath oh god
that last bit, tho. i can't even hold that against him bc wwx DID lie to him. he DID neglect to trust him and his judgement. 
he took jc's choice away and made it for him, and that's not cool. 
and, like, i get it, I do bc i would probably want to do the same thing wwx did if i were in a similar situation with my own siblings
jc: shouldn't i hate you? can't i hate you?
this whole time jc is inching towards wwx, getting closer and closer until he's close enough to punch him if he wanted
Jc does make a sudden sharp movement towards wwx 
Which obvs has lwj jolting forward to protect wwx
But wwx IMMEDIATELY puts a hand on lwj's knee
jin ling darts forward to hold his uncle and is like, hanguang jun, my uncle's hurt!!
jc's angry and hurting and is like i'm not afraid of lwj, come at me bro
lwj GLARES at him, brow furrowed and mouth pinched
jc: why? why wwx? why didn't you tell me?
oh god, he's not even yelling anymore, he's just fucking crying and i'm crying and there's just wet icky tears everywhere
wwx takes a shuddery breath and tells him it's bc he didn't want to see him like this
JC: you said i would be clan leader and you would be my subordinate. you would assist me for life. you'd never betray the jiang clan. you said it yourself
his voice is weak, and shaky, and weepy and he's just so, so hurt
and wwx swallows passed the lump in his throat but his voice still sounds a bit raw when he speaks
wwx: i'm sorry. i broke my promise.
jc: we've reached this point. i don't need your apology now. i'm not that delicate
JC: i'm sorry
*sobsobsobsob* MY YUNMENG BROS
wwx: don't apologize to me. that's what i owed the jiang clan.
here wwx closes the distance between them to place a hand on his brother's arm
wwx: as for this matter, please don't keep it in your heart.
and he goes on to say smth like i know you probably won't let go, but it's water under the bridge, that was all stuff that happened in my past life
yunmeng bro moment ends (thank god) and we cut to the next scene where nhs is oh so conveniently regaining consciousness
now all the diggers are screaming to remind us that oh yeah, there's like Plot Stuff here, it's not just about the yunmeng bros
ss gives jgy some meds bc he's hurt or smth, who gives a damn
our boys follow jgy back to the dig site for Plot Reasons
and SURPRISE!! we have nmj's no-longer-headless dead body!!
lwj and wwx look at each other like WTF??
oooooh boy, nhs gave jgy the dirtiest look
wwx is being Clever again and pointing out Plot Relevant Things 
ss gets all offended and holds wwx at sword point 
but there's lwj with bichen in its scabbard, one step in front of him and ready to block anything ss sends their way bc lwj is not gonna let wwx get hurt if he can help it
ss is all like wwx you set him up! And wwx’s face is like, i aint even bovvered
wwx: i'm saying this with all modesty, but if i were the one who set him up, i'm afraid he wouldn't have just gotten one arm hurt
and here my sunshine boy is being all Clever again and laying out all the facts and explaining how there's a 3rd party involved in all this
he's like, there might be a predator behind you, the guy who's been spying on you this whole time...HE MIGHT NOT EVEN BE HUMAN
oh wwx, so Dramatic™
but hey it's working bc jgy looks spooked as hell
oh, now wwx and jc are bound by the wrists but not lwj, for some reason? 
Which, rude, why deny lwj the chance to be tied up? Let him try new experiences! What if he likes to be tied up? 
jgy and ss have a moment that i don't care about but i have to mention it
bc RIGHT AFTER we see our precious beautiful sunshine boy lean WAY into lwj's space to talk shit about them
like, seriously, just a couple inches more, and wwx would be resting his cheek on lwj's shoulder 
shockingly, lwj is NOT as distracted as i would be having wwx that close 
he tells ss to turn around to get a better look and wwx sees it too!! he's like, IT WAS YOU!!!
and for the audience's benefit, nhs goes to lxc and is all what's going on???
lxc and jc gives some exposition about blah blah blah stuff we know about already
amidst all this we keep getting shots of wwx looking stunned and hurt (but still oh-so-beautiful)
wwx: jgy, i didn't do anything against you back then. we were not even that familiar. you wanted to kill jzx. why did you push that on me?
and lwj is watching wwx while he shouts this and god how can he stand watching his soulmate be hurt over and over and over again?? HOW DOES HE COPE?
jgy does a mini Rant of Evil Explanation and ss does a rant about classism
which, if said by literally anybody else, i'd say hm, yes, you have a point 
but bc it's said by ss, a spineless coward who never takes responsibility for his own actions, i'm like STFU SS
omg lolololol
ss: would i have been swept out of lan clan like a pile of leaves [if I were highborn]??
lwj: Yes.
lwj: betrayers won't be tolerated by the lan clan
and like, i need to point out that lwj is sitting cross legged on the ground right now (along with wwx, ofc) and ss is standing over him while ranting
and YET, the way lwj holds himself and the way he speaks, does in no way indicate that he's at a disadvantage here
dude's unflappable. JADE OF LAN, INDEED
ss is like i am so sick of your condescending attitude
then he's like just bc i made that one little mistake you could never forgive me!!
ss continues to rant and starts to go off his rocker
and then wwx starts to laugh but it's not a happy laugh
it is, in fact, a laugh very similar to the laugh we heard in The One where the Moonlit Rooftop Betrays Us
ss is like, what's so funny???
wwx: nothing. i just didn't expect...
WWX: i didn't expect you to get so many people killed just for...just for this
bc he knows it's true. ppl really ARE always going to suspect the yiling patriarch.
oooh, jc just defended his brother! sort of.
But it has the unfortunate side effect of drawing jgy’s attention
so now jgy is cutting into jc
god jgy talks a lot. stfu jgy.
wwx has been teary eyed on and off this entire episode so far but hasn't actually cried
but jgy is now belittling all of jc's work, all the effort he put in to rebuilding lotus pier, implying that he wouldn't have been able to do if not for wwx
and that's the breaking point, that's what makes wwx finally shed a tear.
lwj is watching wwx, as always, and sees wwx cry
he must feel utterly helpless
wwx: just a "son of a whore" made you talk so much
oooh jgy tries to leave but wwx stops him in his tracks by asking him how he killed nmj
and then he's like "aren't you afraid?"
jgy: afraid of what? (lol he whirls around angrily like the Drama queen he is)
wwx leans forward and looks him dead in the eye
wwx: afraid of him coming back to you
He smirks and leans back against the pillar, all easy and relaxed while jgy looks freaked the fuck out
and then
and also, holy shit do i enjoy those close up shots of wwx's eyes and his beautiful beautiful lips
the sound team did a great job making those whistles sound super eerie, btw
i can't get over how cool and confident wwx looks here
he's not worried or bothered AT ALL, this is him doing what he does best
Wait, do i have a competency kink…?
wwx has stopped whistling now, which is unfortunate bc that means no more extreme close-ups on wwx's gorgeous features
jgy: yiling patriarch, you're worthy of your title, aren't you?
Okay yeah, i guess i have a competency kink now, THANKS A LOT WWX
Lwj calmly goes over to wwx and slices off the ropes that were keeping his wrists tied and does the same to jc
wwx goes up to jgy (who's held at sword point by lxc) and calmly takes his weapons
wwx: jgy, hand it over. it's not of much use in your hands.
with a deceivingly dainty clink, Plot Device 3 rolls out of jgy's sleeve and into his hand
then he lets it fall to the ground bc he's a petty bitch that way
we get to see wwx being all Smart Detective and revealing just how long jgy has been planning all this 
jgy’s all like even between me and xy we could only create Plot Device 3 half as powerful as Plot Device 2
man there's a lot of Plot Exposition happening and lxc is having Feelings about it.
look lxc, i don't mean to sound cruel or heartless or whatever, but omg i do NOT CARE about your complicated Emotions right now
jgy is now being like "oh, i was wrong" and acting all pitiful and TOTALLY PLAYING LXC FOR A FOOL (AGAIN)
wwx: hey, jgy, can't we stop talking? let's just fight? can we just start killing each other?
jgy ignores this and keeps talking to lxc AND OMG WWX'S FAAAAACE IS CRACKING ME UP 
meanwhile jgy continues to throw a pity party that no one likes and the episode ends
There really wasn’t much wangxian time in this episode, fucking jgy and ss decided to HOG ALL THE SCREEN TIME, THOSE PATHETIC WHINY ASSHOLES
but we got a lot of Yungmeng Bros which was painful but waaaay better than anything jgy or ss has to offer
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chilly-me-softly · 4 years
Can you do a 2nd part for the James & your teenage son one? Smth that maybe the boy applies and goes for a try out, wanting to tell James first that he got in & asking if he wants to join him for the information day etc
Part 1
Months go by and a few things have changed in your life. First of all, you all live together now. Nothing and no one was forcing you to do anything, you felt it was the right move and then you followed your wishes.
Your boy had finally chosen the academy to apply to, helped by James and some of his friends, and soon he would have an important interview to show his skills. So he explained it to you, then talked to James about the technical stuff. A lot of times the two of them would get into conversations with technical terms and stuff and although you were happy that they were bonding, you couldn’t help but feel left out. It had always been just the two of you until then after all. But then the boy would snuggle up next to you like before and then everything would fall into place.
The night before that audition you’re the one who can’t sleep, too excited about the next day because you know how much your boy wants to study at this school and make a name for himself in football. James has been helping him so much the last few days and you really don’t know how to thank him for that. Or maybe you do, you have something to tell him but with your son’s situation you’re both so upset that everything else is taking second place.
“Do you remember to pick me up later or will you forget that too?” jokes the boy before he kisses you on the cheek and gets out of the car. It’s a closed-door rehearsal and you’re a little sorry about that, but you’re sure he’ll get in - and if not here somewhere else - and there’ll be opportunities to see him.
It’s true, the lack of sleep and the excitement have made you more nervous than ever and since that morning you’ve been doing stupid things like putting salt in water convinced it’s coffee or getting in the car without the keys. And your son obviously has to make fun of you because that’s what kids do.
But when he gets in the car, your smile goes out almost immediately. You pretend nothing while he fastens his seatbelt and doesn’t say a word, and you don’t push him. You start thinking that maybe both you and James loaded him with too many expectations, you didn’t remind him enough that even if he wasn’t taken his talent wouldn’t be lost, that even if he wasn’t taken he was still young to try at another academy, that he was number one and that you would always be proud of him.
The journey passes in silence, you don’t even turn on the radio, and finally you are at home where James is anxiously waiting for you.
He turns immediately to the door when it opens and his face saddens as soon as he sees you shake your head. The boy enters after you and James is right next to him, placing his hand on his shoulder.
“Kid, I’m proud of you anyway” and only that phrase has the power to bring tears to your eyes.
“Why shouldn’t you, I’m in!” he screams and a huge smile is painted on his face. It takes you a while to understand what he said as James hugs him and celebrates with him.
“Mom” he mutters then and his arms are right around your body as you sobbed on his shoulder and you tell him he’s a bad person for not letting you know right away. And he laughs and it’s the most beautiful sound in the world.
“Guys, there’s something else I have to tell you” he draws your attention, “there’s the first class next week and it’s open to parents, you know to ask questions and stuff. I’d like you to come, both of you”
Your gaze immediately rests on James who stares incredulously at him before nodding, “Sure, sure we’ll be there”
It fills your heart with joy that moment, and you realize it’s the right time to make his day even better.
You’re in bed that night, you snuggle up to James caressing your hair distractedly.
You sigh, “He’s growing so fast, it seems like yesterday I was holding him in my arms because he didn’t want to sleep and now look at him. Next… who can I compare him to?” you ask, making James laugh.
“Me. He has a great future ahead of him, you must be proud”
“I am”
“Would you like one?” you ask after a bit of silence raising your head to him.
“A child to be proud of”
“But I already have one, okay he’s already a man but these months I never thought he wasn’t mine”
“James” you whisper emotional giving him a kiss on the lips.
“You don’t know how glad I am to hear those words, especially when he also implicitly said that he considers you as his father”
The smile on James’ face widens even more, “My heart stopped for an instant, I swear”
You smile for a second, “But I was serious before, would you like to have a baby of your own?”
“Do you really want to start all over again after all these years?”
“Why not? I mean, I’m still relatively young after all, and it may already have happened,” you drop the bomb studying his expression, his eyes open wide after a while, and he jumps up making you move away from his body.
“Are you pregnant? With my child?” he asks incredulously, and you nod with a huge smile on your face.
“Oh my god (Y/N), I love you so much!” he stretches out kissing you dragging your back on the mattress, and he keeps kissing and kissing you while you giggle at his excitement. Happy that your life has changed so quickly and wonderfully.
 Part 3
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patchofsunlight · 4 years
(Omg I’m sorry I’m sending this so late I had so many assignments to do td. Why me 😩)
I’m going to be very honest and say I’m feeling stressed and overwhelmed lmao. (Yes this has to do with school once again cause my life seems to only revolve around school 😒) I had like two assignments due at the end that took an unnecessarily long time to finish lol and write something for my other class I didn’t know I had to do. I’ve just got so many things due soon and I’m feeling very overwhelmed. But I’ll be fine. I think. I’m sorry I literally talk about school so much lmao. But anyways how are you feeling?? ❤️
I KNOWW I just wanna draw, and practice my new songs for my lessons and watch bnha. Speaking of which I only had time to watch one ep td (tragic 😔) but I like it so far!! Izuku is adorable I feel so bad for him he just wants to be a hero 🥺
I feel like final exams do more harm then good when it comes to grades. Like for us if you get like over 90% your mark only goes up like 1% but if you do like anything less you lose like 10 marks. Don’t even get me started on my science exam in grade 9 I will never forgive my science teacher for what happened 😂 it’s funny to me now and I’m glad I can laugh about it (i may be a wee bit salty still..) but little grade 9 me was crushed lmfao. Anyways where do you wanna go?? And do you know what you wanna do when you’re older?
YESS THATS SO GOOD!! Keep that up!! Aw really?? The first time I did it at like an actually place I was in more pain than before I got there lmao. So now I just do like quick 5 min exercises. Ouu I listen to music! And count until 20 and focus on breathing cause sometimes I forget to breathe 😂 like I’ll hold my breath and idk why so I have to be like “no what are you doing breathe”
AW no worries!! When you’re sad it makes me sad so I wanna try to help you feel less sad! Cause I know what it feels like to be sad and I don’t want others especially you to feel that way ❤️❤️
IDK!! I’m literally gonna die from spending everyday working on assignments 😭 THANK YOU. -🌙
moon omg 🥺🥺 you always have so much to do i’m very proud of you you do so much!!! you work so hard!!! you’re doing great babe just please remember to take breaks, okay?? i always say this but i’ll say it again because it’s IMPORTANT
don’t worry, i don’t mind you talking about school!!!! i’m this 🤏 close to throwing hands with your teachers tho can’t they give you a fucking BREAK??? again please rest drink water and eat properly!!! please!!! don’t hurt yourself!!!
oh i’m fine? i was feeling a bit down yesterday and ig i’m still feeling like that now but it’s okay. i think i’m just tired, yk? i had 3 different exams this week and i have another one in an hour so i’m. just spent ig
WOOOOO YOU WATCHED AN EPISODE??? THATS SO FUN IM GLAD YOU LIKED IT!!!! izuku is baby but he annoys me sometimes fmejdowkskwoa i love him tho🥰🥰🥰
YEAH EXACTLY!!!! and bro it’s our senior year why would you want to fuck up our grades now. just stop!!!! no!!!!! it’s absolutely ridiculous and i’m MAD. the grading system means nothing because it doesn’t actually measure intelligence — instead it only puts students down and praises exam-taking abilities. chile, anywaysss
i wanna go to canada!!! they hate immigrants way less than they do on the us and on europe!!! also to go to college there i don’t need to take the sat just the toefl so 😎😎😎 i took the sat last year and ngl i got a good ass grade but it’s just SUCH a boring exam yk LMAOOO like i would have to take it again and for what?? i don’t even wanna move to the us they have no gun control and their government hates latinos what would i even do there???? no thank you!!!! amckwozlwo sorry i rambled but yeah. also i’m,,,, not sure yet if i actually move out the country i’ll probably study communications or smth like that but if i stay i really really REALLY want to study law!!! so let’s see how that goes
also uhhh don’t be shy tell us what happened in grade 9 hehe
NDKWOSKWK I FORGET TO BREATHE TOO I GET THAT honestly i’m glad you have something that helps you calm down and feel better!!! we have no choice but to stan
🥺🥺🥺 i love you moon thank you so much you always make me feel a little better okay you’re amazing!!!!! i love you!!!
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ainsleymorgan · 4 years
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『MARILYN LIMA ❙ DEMIGIRL』 ⟿ looks like AINSLEY MORGAN is here for HER SOPHOMORE year as a COMPUTER SCIENCE student. SHE is 20 years old & known to be ORGANIZED, BENEVOLENT, INDECISIVE & OBSTINATE. They’re living in NOLAND, so if you’re there, watch out for them. ⬳ lexi. 23. pst. she/hers. 
we’re back at it again folks! this gal has been bopping around my head for a good long while now - i apologize if this is an incoherent mess. give this a little like and i’ll slide into ur dm’s to plot smth ok ily
— background. (death tw, grief tw, cancer tw)
The Morgans have a long, complicated history. Margaret and Callum meet near the end of college (she’s studying English, he lives in town) and fall rapidly in love. The only problem? Margaret’s engaged to her high school sweetheart. When Margaret ends up pregnant, she pretends like it’s her fiancee’s and has a shotgun wedding. Callum goes off to join the army and pretend like his heart wasn’t just shattered in two.
Years pass - Margaret gets her PhD in English and has another kid (this time with her actual husband). Callum leaves the army, gets married too (and widowed a few years later), has some kids of his own. But then they run into each other at a bar in a city far away from the last one they were in together, and it’s like nothing ever changed.
The two get married almost immediately after the divorce papers are signed, and have two more kids almost immediately after that. Margaret becomes an English professor, and Callum’s content with taking care of the gaggle of children their blended family has produced. 
Five years after the last set of kids, Ainsley and her brother Tristan are born. They’re just as unplanned as their eldest sister was, but no less loved. 
They quickly become the apple of the entire family’s eye, doted upon by their army of older siblings. The twins are late to walking, so they get taken to the pediatrician, who says that they’re so used to being carried everywhere by their family that they haven’t felt the need to walk yet. They’re set down more often, and quickly catch up to be able to run after their brothers and sisters.
Ainsley and Tristan are attached at the hip. Despite the attention from the rest of their family, the two maintain that specific bond only twins can. They make up a language that only they can understand, and throw tantrums whenever they’re out of eyesight of each other. 
They’re happy kids, bright and bubbly. And loud. The house is always filled with screams and laughter. It’s an idealistic life, a perfect family.
DEATH TW // There’s an accident when the twins are nearly five. Nobody knows what happened - they swear they were watching the kids splashing in the lake - but suddenly, Tristan’s gone. His body is found in the water later that day. // END TW
GRIEF TW // Ainsley’s too young to understand what’s going on when they bury him. She gets quiet and shy, a once bubbly little girl drawing in on herself. All she knows is that her best friend is gone, and now there’s nobody to actually talk to.
They move soon after, to a town called Lovell, when Margaret gets a job at the local university. It’s something the family needs, after Tristan, and they hope that the change will help Ainsley open back up again.
She doesn’t, not for a while. She’s thrust into kindergarten, in a new town without her twin there to keep her grounded. Her teachers worry about her social skills - she seems to prefer painting or doodling to playing on the playground with her classmates. But slowly, surely, she starts opening up again as Lovell becomes home. // END TW
The Morgans decide that they like Lovell, and that they’re going to stay. They buy a nice house in a quiet neighborhood, with big trees for the kids to climb on. Ainsley breaks her leg falling out of one when she’s seven (she still has the scar on her knee from where a branch snagged). 
As the kids get older and start moving out of the house, Callum decides he needs a project. He’s always loved cooking and restaurants. So he decides to buy one. Calls it the Main Street Diner (not very creative, but it tells you right where it is!), and starts really integrating himself into the Lovell community.
Ainsley spends nearly every afternoon there, sitting at the corner of the counter after school. Her siblings are old enough to babysit, but they’ve hit their moody teenage phase, and Ainsley wants nothing to do with it. Her mom’s either teaching or grading papers or reading, and that’s boring to a nine-year-old. So diner it is.
She spends most of her time at the counter drawing or painting. Each one is proudly displayed on the wall, marking her progress over time. 
Sometimes she helps with little tasks, like sorting silverware or wiping down tables. Eventually, when she hits high school, she graduates to waiting tables to make some money of her own.
When it comes time to think about college, Ainsley decides she wants to go as far away from Lovell as possible. She knows everything and everyone in town - even some of the Radcliffe students who frequent the diner. Ainsley wants something new and interesting. 
She looks at schools in California, eventually gets accepted to UCLA. Ainsley packs her bags and flies across the country. She learns to miss the comforts of home, but enjoys the independence being on the other side of the continent gives her.
CANCER TW // Halfway through her first year at UCLA, Ainsley gets a call from her mom. Dad’s sick, she says. Cancer. 
Ainsley drops everything and moves back home. She takes a semester off of school to help take care of her dad while her mom continues teaching. He gets better, goes into remission, but there’s still the lingering fear that it’ll come back, that it’ll be worse, that she’ll lose him too. // CANCER TW
So she decides to transfer to Radcliffe. It’s local, in case anything happens, but she can still live in the dorms to keep some semblance of independence. And she gets to go for essentially free. She starts working at the diner again, to keep an eye on her dad, though she claims it’s just to make money. It’s a good set-up, for now.
— personality.
Ainsley is super artistic. Literally constantly drawing or writing or doing something creative. There’s usually paint somewhere on her clothes, regardless of how new the clothing is.
Also has this Thing against making her hobby her career, which is why she’s a computer sciences major rather than an arts major. She grew up watching her mom and dad turn their passions into their jobs, which seemed stressful and like it took some of the fun out of it. So she said no thanks.
She still really enjoys computers and coding - mainly web design. Hopes to become a full-time web designer after college, while throwing in some of the graphic design portions of web designing to sprinkle some of the artsy aspects of her personality.
Despite being a computer sciences major and pretty good with technology, she definitely prefers going analog in most of her life. Writes everything down rather than typing it into her phone or laptop, and goes through a million journals (also owns a million more blank ones).
This bitch definitely bullet journals.
Is a fairly organized person, but her room? An absolute mess. Ainsley says it’s an aesthetic mess (it’s not).
The only part she takes care of is the collection of plants on her windowsill. One of her notebooks is dedicated to their care schedule, and notes on how they’re doing.
Her bag is basically Mary Poppins’ tote, but make it a beat-up Fjallraven she bought during a 50% off sale three years ago. Has literally anything you could ever need in it. Paper, pens, snacks, water, first aid kit, you name it. Need some superglue or a needle and thread? Ask Ainsley.
Is simultaneously super indecisive and super stubborn. Will take a thousand years to decide on something, but once she’s picked it, she’s stuck on it. 
Will die on any hill she feels remotely attached to.
That being said, she’s not a super aggressive person. Is actually pretty calm, still quieter than she was before Tristan. The human equivalent of a warm blanket.
Also super gay. So so gay. 
(But she’s never been with a girl bc she’s got issues w feeling worthy of romantic attention!! Or any attention!!)
This bitch needs to go to therapy.
— wanted connections.
aka the part im so bad at
Where my Lovell locals at?
Friends - pls give this cinnamon roll ppl to fawn over she loves her friends !!
Enemies - idk if she’d think of them as an enemy but let ppl be mean to her so she can be kind of mean back
Crushes - either on her or ppl for her to crush on !! she will pine until the day she dies !!
idk what else im bad at this just love me and love Ainsley
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What about Tamaki with a s/o who's reallly interested in his quirk, so she'll make him a bunch of random foods, and take him to a quiet place to eat them (bc she likes to feed him and he's flustered by it bc it's pda). Whenever he does eat smth interesting, she'll laugh and give him a hug with a light peck on the lips. What if this next time they do this, they haven't seen each other in a while and when she goes to kiss him, he'll hold her in place to deepen it? Srry if its long. - Eterna
Yo yo yo, Eterna! Get ready for some fluffy trash that’s, yet again, barely on prompt XD I think Tamaki is the type to open up only after monthsss of spending time with someone, so I worked that detail into these headcanons. Enjoy!
Tamaki Amajiki
The first time they meet is in third grade on a sunny afternoon. After emerging from the cafeteria, a bright glint of light catches their attention from across the courtyard. Turning, they watch curiously as a young Tamaki settles down under a tree, silver lunch tray in hand. He places it down carefully in front of him, buries his hands deep in his pockets,..... and bends over to bite into a takoyaki.
Needless to say, they do a double take, surprised that 1) that kid is eating without a single utensil and 2) that said kid is scanning the area as he eats as if he’s trying to ensure he’s not seen. They’re not sure what convinces them to walk up to Tamaki, but their curiosity gets the better of them and they can’t help but ask him why he’s eating like that.
They listen patiently as Tamaki shyly gives a bumbled explanation for his behavior, interest peaking as he mentions his quirk is manifestation. It’s not until Tamaki pulls his hands out of his pockets to reveal that all ten fingers have morphed into tentacles that they finally understand why he’s so shy about eating in front of people.
Tamaki is genuinely baffled when they plop down in front of him and even more shocked when they snatch up his unused chopsticks and skewer the other half of his takoyaki. He was expecting to be made fun of, it’s how almost everyone else reacts, not to be carefully hand-fed the rest of his lunch.
In the midst of his surprise, he asks why they’d do this for them. He can’t hide the blush that washes over his face when they state simply that he looked like he could use some help. From then on they spend every lunch together, often joined by Mirio, and grow closer as friends. For once Tamaki doesn’t mind that he can’t fully control his quirk because his impromptu manifestations make them laugh
For the longest time Tamaki doesn’t realize that the way his heart skips a beat when he makes them laugh means he’s in love. He’s long past the stage when his fingers shift on accident, but they still insist on feeding him. He’ll shift his fingers just for show, smiling alongside them and in general enjoying their company.
Once as he’s smiling to himself after returning his fingers to normal, Tamaki suddenly feels a kiss pressed on his cheek. He freezes at the contact, but turns his head to catch their lips in a proper kiss because Ahhhh, this. This is what I’ve been missing. Despite how shy and reserved Tamaki tends to be, he finds that he can open up the most around them.  
Tamaki never realized how starved he is for physical affection until his s/o has to start studying for exams and the lunches they can spend together get few and far between. The first time they get a break is nearly a week after the last lunch they spent together, so Tamaki is glad that his s/o immediately leans in for a kiss, a testament to the fact that they missed him as well.
Before they can pull away after the usual quick peck, Tamaki catches their chin with the side of his finger, drawing them back in for another. And another. And another. Lunch long forgotten, the two are so focused on each other, they almost miss how Mirio, who had been approaching from afar, stops, spins on his heel, and tiptoes off in the other direction to give them some privacy
[my blog] [ask meeeee]
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strelitzicae-arts · 7 years
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I made a voltron sky high boku no hero academia AU! I’ll put all their powers and outfit designs notes under cut in case you can’t read my handwriting. Feel free to use these designs and idea, just credit me and either @ me or msg me that way I can see whatever you make. However, please ask before reposting the above artwork.
Okey lets start with all my long convoluted explanations.
Power: She can sense, drain, and replenish energy. I chose this cause she restores the Balmara’s energy, and her arc has a lot to do with “healing” (recovering from the death of her people). I didn’t want to give her a straight up healing quirk though, so I decided to have her be able to both heal and steal energy.
Outfit: Her outfit is pretty basic, I tried to mash her dress and wonder woman’s outfit and added a cape. She has a little tube thing with a button on it that, when pressed, turns it into a staff. She uses this to fight when she has to, but avoids actual physical conflict as much as possible. It attaches to her belt.
Other stuff: I designed so that she just graduated (around 17-18) and is a sidekick to a hero, but is planning to go solo soon due to overwhelming public support. She also interns at Altea Academy, the school she went to and that her father runs. 
Power: He was born without a power, but after capture by the evil organization GALRA he was given an artificial quirk. He is now able to manipulate metal, and usually metal bends his arm into a weapon to fight.
Outfit: He has a mask that he usually wears, and of course the metal arm. His markings on his outfit don’t mean much, they’re more of a reference to voltron’s colors and look cool. The purple sleeve covering his non-robot arm is also more for style.
Other stuff: I’ve been playing around with a bunch of ideas for him. I think he should start off as a police investigator, he wants to help people and set a good example for his adopted brother Keith. He learns something he shouldn’t when investigating GALRA, and the GALRA capture him and use him as a test subject. After a person from the Blade of Marmora (a vigilante organization) saves him, I think he either joins the vigilantes, or becomes a librarian or smth at Altea Academy to hide from GALRA.
Power: He has xray vision (or something that gives him good vision to see what others can’t). I also thought about giving him water/ice powers but I decided against that because it was too obvious and didn’t give me something to fill my sniper Lance cravings. Basically when he uses his power he gets a light blue sheen over his eyes and his pupil turns neon blue. When using them he can see vitals of other people, things far away, or just see a person’s body parts and internal organs.  
Outfit: He has a pair of pilot goggle that belonged to his late grandfather, he wears them for style, to protect his eyes, and to help keep others from realizing where hes looking.He has two handguns and a sniper rifle, he attaches them to his belt. He also has a bunch of pouches holding ammo. He has a breastplate under his jacket to help protect him, he did it to appease his worried mom. I like to think his mom and little sister helped design the outfit, while his dad and older siblings helped him make the guns.
Other stuff: He has a huge family, but was the first to develop a power. His family was ecstatic when he said he wanted to be a hero, and are very supportive. He just barely missed the cutoff for Altea Academy’s hero course, but is still in the general studies course and in the same class as Shay. Keith and him were in the same class at Garrison middle school, but didn’t get along. After Keith got into the hero course when he didn’t, the animosity grew even if he didn’t intend to take his frustrations out on him.
Power: He can reinforce other objects. He is a strong boi and helps others, so I thought more of a support skill would suit him. Of course, he can fuck up some bitches when he needs to, but usually he creates shields etc. using his power.
Outfit: He also has some pouches to hold stuff. To fight, usually he reinforces his gloves and throws some heavy punches.
Other Stuff: he also tried out and didn’t make it into the hero course. He took it much better than Lance though, and is an engineer in the support course. He and Lance are neighbors and childhood friends.
Edge Lord Keith:
Powers: He can manipulate flames. He can also make them, but it drains a bunch of his energy so he usually carries a lighter, and increases the flames intensity. After a few incidents, he started focusing his flames on either his blade or sword rather than let them needlessly burn everything.
Outfit: All his clothes are frayed, and he has a bunch of flame designs to match his birthmark.He has two sheaths: 1 carrying his katana, and the other carrying his blade. Very edgy.
Other Stuff: He is the adopted bro of Shiro. he has a flame birthmark. His mom was a vigilante in the blade of marmora, and gave him her proof of membership (the blade) before she was murdered by a double agent GALRA. He and Lance went to Garrison middle school together, they got into a bunch of stupid arguments, and Keith had a bit of an attitude, so they didn’t get along. Keith sorta regrets it and wants to apologize but he also thinks that would be p awkward so he’s conflicted. Shiro getting captured made him want to be a hero.
Power: She can combine items to make new stuff. Thats p much all there is too it. I chose it based off her episodes on the forest planet where she made stuff with that headband thing. 
Outfit. That screen goggle thing can show her possible item combinations and their results. Her breast plate has a battery powering that, the knobs don’t do anything yet, but shes planning on adding a speaker system to her outfit to rickroll her enemies. I didn’t draw her a weapon, but she can pretty much make a weapon whenever she needs one. Eventually she probably will get one similar to her weapon in the show.  
Other Stuff: She was always plannig on joing Altea Academy’s support class but decided to do the hero course test too cause why not. She did better than she thought, but didn’t get in. IDK whats going on with Matt, I think he was either captured along with Shiro, never left, or smth else.
Random Stuff:
Altea Academy is basically UA academy from BNHA
Lance, Pidge, and Hunk are all moved to hero course after shenanigans
Alfor is principal of Altea Academy
IDK how lions play in to this, I think it could be something like Lance, Keith, Pidge, and Hunk being designated “call when people attack” squad (aka Voltron).
Keith, Hunk, and Lance are 15-17, Pidge is a year or two younger than them (she was moved up a few grades). Shiro is around 5 years old than Keith, at least 18 to be police investigator.
All BOM members are vigilantes, most used to be GALRA
A vigilante killed Allura’s mom, she doesn’t trust them. 
GALRA are after something at Altea academy, a secret, Alfor’s head, a student’s quirk, idk theres a bunch of stuff there to want.
I tried to make Shiro’s mask look like a lions face but without details and stuff. Just imagine its a lion mask.
If you can’t tell, Keith is biracial (half asian, half white) and Shiro is Japanese. I suck at skin tones.
I think I might make this a fanfiction, but please feel free to use any of this stuff. Again, credit me. And please please please message me if you write or draw anything for this AU, I would seriously cry of joy if anyone drew something for this small little AU.
I’ll update this post if/when I write a fanfiction for this AU.
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peachingboy · 7 years
Boku No Hero Light Novel II Translations.
Chapter 1, Commence the Study Groups! Final Part
[Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4]
t/n: I’d never expect I’d finish this chapter so soon, but nonetheless I hope everyone’s been enjoying it so far! In regards to next translations, I’ll be picking out chapters I feel are the most fun and would be most interesting for people to read, so I’ll be skipping a couple :( but with that being said, I’d probably go back to translate them at a later time in life (this goes for the first light novel too), So right now it’s a toss up between two chaps; a+b girls having a girly night and talking about which guys they’d date AND a+b boys arm wrestling and well… being boys ^_^ pls let me know if there’s one you’d like to read first, if not I’ll just randomly choose or smth.
but yeahhhh, once again thank you so much for reading!!!!  ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
Kirishima has concluded that studying can only be done well if it’s done on your own, however around the same time Kyouka and Ashido are still very lost within the mansion.
“Shoot, we should have waited for the maid to bring us back.”
“Oh wells! If we just walk a bit, we’ll eventually get back!”
Kyouka draws a worried look, she narrows her eyebrows while Ashido was going on like her usual happy go lucky self.
“Don’t you think this is a good opportunity? While we’re on the hunt for the lecture hall, we’ll be on an adventure at the same time!”
“Adventure! Adventure!”, and like that Ashido started skipping happily while Kyouka had no choice but to follow her lead as usual.
“Listen, afterwards Yaomomo is going to give us a tour of her room.”
The identical doors and walls carried on forever, this is by no doubt a giant maze.
They wondered what it felt like having grown up living in a place like this, but Yaoyorozu being here since birth, as far as she’s concerned, this is nothing out of the ordinary for her.
Kyouka suddenly remembers Yaoyorozu’s mother and her judgemental look.
Kyouka kept checking her clothes over and over.
“…..hey, my clothes… are they weird?”
“Clothes? They’re really cool and cute!….huh? librar-…ah! Here’s the library!”
They looked at the conspicuous plate on the large door, “ehhh-” Ashido was obviously very impressed while Kyouka just let out a small sigh.
This had Ashido’s interest, the finely divided sections in the library were distinct but the genre’s were all pretty much the same.
However, Yaoyorozu’s kinda genre were already very distinct.
Kyouka was all about punk fashion, Yaoyorozu was very refined and neat.
Kyouka’s favourite music is rock, Yaoyorozu’s was classicals.
Their hobbies, their appearance, the environments they were raised in, everything was extremely different.
And if they were to have anything in common, it’ll probably only be the fact that they’re both girls.
But despite their differences, before they even realised, they became really close.
Yaomomo is a good girl, you can see it in her perfectness, although she had amazing self confidence and was always doing the best, that was nothing but the ordinary for her.
She wasn’t stuck up though, she was actually really easy to talk to, this was what a normal friendship was.
And for this reason, Kyouka was a little more determined to think better of her friend’s family.
“Kyouka sama, Ashido sama, please, this way.”
“Ah, Butler-san!”
Kyouka swung her head around to face the voice that was coming from behind them, the butler has finally come for them! though, you can hear the minor disappointment in Ashido’s voice.
“My deepest apologies, I will escort you back immediately.”
“Ahh, it’s okay, let us go back on our own please!”
“Please forgive me, however, it is my duty to stop you from losing your way.”
“Don’t worry about that at all! Going on an adventure is fun!”
“My goodness…. shall we return to the lecture hall.” said the butler who suddenly paused to think before he opened his mouth again.
“Before returning to the lecture hall, shall we visit young lady Momo?”
They followed behind the butler when a strange smell struck them, it seeped towards them and the more they walked the thicker the scent became.
“uhh, what kinda smell is this?!” Ashido asked trying to endure it with her hand over he nose.
The butler stopped in his track and turned around.
“….. the smell from the cookies before.”
“Eh?! that cookie?”
“Please this way.” The butler ushered both Kyouka and Ashido forward, to add to their confusion, they could hear two additional footsteps pattering about.
“…….Mother! Please that’s enough, let’s just leave it.”
“Maaaa, what can go wrong?”
The voices heard were that of Yaoyorozu and her mother. Kyouka and Ashido decided to take a small peek at them.
“Hm, as expected, blue flsh and chocolate don’t mix well together.”
“But listen here Momo, blue fish has oils that is good for the brain, isn’t that great? And also this cocoa, it’s going to be alright! If we add the oyster into the mixer too, the fish’s texture won’t be obvious. I added it into the other cookies before, you couldn’t tell right?”
They were in the kitchen which was oddly normal and looked like it wasn’t going to turn into a restaurant or anything anytime soon.
Both Yaoyorozu and her mother were talking in front of a chopping board with a fresh fish laid out along with some cabbage, fancy herbs, natto and a variety of random spices.
Judging from the subject matter, it seemed like the cookies from earlier were handmade by Yaoyorozu’s mother.
“….Yaomomo, it seems like you’re not that great at cooking ey?” Ashido whispers with Kyouka nodding in agreement.
It was an unexpected surprise, but even though she couldn’t cook, she still looked like she knew what she was doing.
The two of them watched them with worried faces while Yaoyorozu continued speaking.
“But, this fishy smell, this… mother you can not tell can you? this smell…”
“Ah, now that you say that, I didn’t smell anything from earlier either, did I catch a cold?”
Doesn’t that mean your nose is paralysed or something?!
“How about we take a short break from cooking?”
“No, I’d rather not, I shall carry on with the cookies.”
“What  no, just end it right there.” Kyouka thought.
Yaoyorozu’s mother was obviously touched by her daughter’s word and formed both her hand into fists giving her daughter some fighting spirit.
“I guess much, after all this is for your friends and their end of term test! If they fail they won’t be able to attend the lodge camp right? If Momo is supporting them with their studies, I am going to support them by boosting their brain activity with these cookies! Just for this special study group.”
Kyouka was slightly taken back, she looked back at the ingredients, as expected they were all there to benefit their brains.
“… Mother, thank you I really appreciate those feelings of yours.”
“That’s okay, earlier I did mix up the salt an sugar, but this time I won’t! Anyways, do you think curry powder would be good? ah, if we put some on both sides wouldn’t that be great?!”
What is this, isn’t she just like any other mother, Kyouka thought as she watched Yaoyorozu’s mother.
“Yaomomo is really caring isn’t she?”
As Kyouka nodded in agreement, Yaoyorozu noticed their presence.
“Oh you two! what are you doing here?”
“I was just escorting them back to the lecture hall.” The butler appeared and interrupted with a gentle bow.
Wait what if the butler knew about the cookies before, why did he try to conceal it, Kyouka thought.
“Hey, those cookies from before, as expected they weren’t really good right?” Yaoyorozu whispered.
As expected Yaoyorozu is Yaoyorozu, she did not want to hurt her mother’s feelings.
What is this, aren’t they just a normal family? Kyouka smiles as her feelings began to ease up.
“…. it’s okay! the taste is a little unique, but eating it has made our head buzz with energy!”
“Yup, I guess this is the secret to studying!”
“Kaminary will definitely need to eat it all!”
Yaoyorozu’s eyes rounded at Kyouka’s and Ashido’s words, Yaoyorozu’s mother could hear their conversation which made her face light up with happiness.
“Anyways, we should hurry up and fry these! And let’s prepare a surprisingly big one for Kaminari.”
“That sounds great!” As Kyouka answered, Yaoyorozu’s mother stopped her and leaned against the oven.
Kyouka become self-conscious of her clothes again, and begin twisting her body around in discomfort.
I definitely shouldn’t have worn these clothes, Kyouka thought.
“As expected, this are some really amazing clothes.”
Kyouka couldn’t think of anything to say and just stared at Yaoyorozu’s mother in disbelief.
“Sorry for staring at you like that, a long time ago, a senpai of mine had a band and I joined also, and they used to wear the exact same thing, that’s why I couldn’t stop staring earlier.”
“But mother, did you not attend an all girls school?”
“Yes that’s right, but the senpai were really tomboyish, and I couldn’t help but join in too, they looked really good on me too! ahh this brings back memories.”
Just for a moment it looked like Yaoyorozu’s mother went back to the little school girl she was once before.
“…oh.” Kyouka felt a sense of disappointment in herself. 
“Sorry Kyouka-san, did I make you feel bad?”
Kyouka smiles at the worried expression of Yaoyorozu.
“No, not at all, the opposite actually.”
“Opposite? really?”
“Yes, sorry for making you worry!”
It seemed like a miracle, Kyouka turns her head to the side to look at Yaoyorozu’s mother was still reminiscing about her past.
“Ah, that’s right! before I forget, we also have a cake prepared.” they pulled a massive cake out from the fridge as Kyouka and the rest stood and watched.
It was a beautifully decorated chocolate cake.
“wahhh it’s so pretty!”
“Did Yaomomo make this?!”
“Oh no, we asked our chef to do this, so I’m sure it’ll be guaranteed to taste good.” Yaoyorozu reasurred them with a hand on their shoulders.
“So let’s eat this cake and give studying one more try!”
“Yes! Let do this!”
Ashido couldn’t stop hopping up and down trying to get a glimpse at the decoration on the cake, Kyouka and Yaoyorozu turned to each other and smiled.
Yaoyorozu’s mother and their butler watched over their little flowers as they bloomed with a loving smile.
“Those guys, are they even studying?”
“It seems like they’re in a lot of trouble, especially Kaminari-san.”
“Definitely, he’s being a lazy slob.”
With the cake that was prepared, Kyouka and the girls made their way back to the lecture hall.
“Listen, lets scare them!” Ashido proposed as they opened the door slowly and quietly peeked inside, and to their surprise the guys seemed like they were having a rather serious conversation.
“The battle plan is called K…. and in just a moment, just a single moment, everything will be decided.”
“I don’t think sound would be a question… as expected this is something only you can think of.”
The unusually serious tone of Kaminari can be heard as Ojiro answers him.
“If it’s like this, shouldn’t we contact the supports department? The sound didn’t even come out of when the item arrived.”
“Even with the sound not coming out, you can’t deny how useful this is.”
Ojiro thought Kaminari’s proposal wasn’t such a bad idea.
This could be a really good countermeasure against the villains.
“…what the hell are they talking about? plan k?”
“A new costume?” 
“What is this, it’s kinda of hard to enter with this kind of mood.” The girls were whispering amongst themselves, while Kaminari and the guys carried on with the conversation.
“Firstly, the issue of Sero and his tape, we have to make it soundless… and then mine and Sero’s timing, and then for destroying the evidence we’re going to need Ashido’s acid quirk.”
“Me?” She was surprised to hear her name and carried on watching in confusion.
Up until now, they’ve found out that Kaminari and Sero have been talking about using his quirk for something and then destroying the evidence.
ah, what if…
Kyouka notices that Kaminari is now brimming with confidence as he nods enthusiastically.
“Yosh! This is my ticket to the lodge camp, lets hope Plan K: Cheating goes well!”
“Haaaaaaaaaaa?! What are you talking about Kaminari-san!”
“Gehhhhhhhhh! Yaomomo?”
Without realising, Yaoyorozu has burst in and interrupted their conversation, the guys were shocked and their faces went pale.
They were planning on writing down the answers for the rest on Sero’s tape, they were planning on cheating!
Kyouka was actually amazed while Ashido was visibly angry with her cheeks puffed up.
“What is this about destroying evidence? I won’t be an accomplice in your cheating! That’s the worst!”
“You’re not just an idiot, you’re a huge idiot, Ojiro, Sero are you in on this too?”
“You have no shame.”
“Kaminari was pretty serious about this..he..”
As they were going about the conversation, Kaminari was trying to urge his appeal with teary eyes. 
“You don’t understand, this is as much as I can do! Cheating is the only option I have left!”
Kaminari hangs his head and kneels in front of Yaoyorozu.
“Kaminari san, did you enter Yuuei by cheating?”
“n-no! Of course not! I just scraped a pass, that was too much of a grand exam!”
Kaminari was frantic, trying to make an appeal, searching for sympathy in Yaoyorozu’s eyes.
“If that’s the case, you should be able to do it this time around too, you’re a capable person… I believe in you.”
“Ya-Yayorozu senseiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!”
The warming kindness and affection of Yaoyorozu had melted Kaminari’s heart which had been iced over.
What is this..
Kyouka could not believe the farce that was developing before her etes, Kaminari had a complete change in heart as he wiped the tears from his eyes and hurried back to this desk.
“I’m going to do my best sensei!”
“Yes! That’s the spirit Kaminari san.”
“We’ll all do our best together guys!”
“Let’s do the test of courage at the lodge together!”
Once again everyone was united with the thought of attending the lodge together, they hurriedly went back to their studies.
Kyouka had already completed her own act of courage by accidentally biting into the cookie Yaoyorozu’s mother made, which she then threw into Kaminari’s mouth.
If only they waited a little longer, the delicious cake would have arrived.
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