#I need to talk about my JJK dr
prettyviaa · 23 days
I wish I had more shifting friends or friends in general :(
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sweet-evie · 1 year
Baby Megumi & Best Sister Tsumiki Headcanons feat. Teen Dad!Gojo because I love this family unit, and my JJK brainrot is worsening the closer we get to 6th of July. 🫠
These are probably done before, but idgaf because we're about to see baby Megumi and high school Gojo again~ 🥹 Also, I'd rather do these instead of write fics because my Death Note X Code Geass crossover still needs my attention.
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Megumi has a stuffed animal collection. 🐺 It started with one stuffed wolf that Satoru got him for his 1st birthday with Gojo, and Megumi pretended he didn't like them, but ummm... 8 years later, Megumi has 75 animal plushies. I like to think they're all small and cute.
If Shibuya and the other BS didn't happen, Megumi would have received another stuffed animal or two for his 16th birthday. Because tradition. 🥹
Just like Megumi has a collection of stuffed animals, Tsumiki has a collection of dolls. *cough cough* Barbies... It started with Licca-chan and eventually Satoru caught her eyeing Barbies in toy stores, so he bought her one. And then two. And then whole sets for Christmas or her birthday or whenever she showed Gojo her report card.
In addition to dolls, Tsumiki definitely had one of those big Barbie houses when she was 8.
Tsumiki ropes Megumi into playing dolls with her. He does it to make his sister happy. And they always include Megumi's stuffed animals.
Tsumiki had Barbie Posh Pets. (Totally not projecting... Maybe I am). I had those as a kid and the set includes a pregnant mama cat + 3 kittens. You can open the mama cat's tummy and take out a pink kitten. (That's kind of fucked up when I think about it now 🤦‍♀️). I imagine it's that sort of nightmare-inducing shit that Satoru notices and gets because he thinks it's funny. 🙃
The Barbie Posh Pet in question that Tsumiki definitely owns:
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Anyway... Speaking of Barbie... Tsumiki saw her first Barbie movie because Satoru brought home a Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper DVD on one of their movie nights. He was just assuming she would like it...
She liked it, and they always had Barbie movies in the movie night roster ever since. Tsumiki loves them. Megumi thinks they're whatever but is amused, because Barbie movies have talking animals, and Satoru just loves to poke fun at the plot.
Megumi watches wildlife documentaries for fun. He's a National Geographic and Discovery Channel kid. He has a DVD collection that came with the encyclopedia set Satoru bought.
Megumi liked movies with animals. Are we surprised? He's seen all of the Dr. Dolittle movies.
Tsumiki cried watching Bambi. 🦌 Someone else definitely got teary-eyed while watching Bambi too. That 'someone' will also never admit it, even if Satoru totally caught that particular someone rubbing his eyes with his small fists during that scene.
Speaking of getting teary-eyed at watching cartoons. Satoru's damn lucky he can hide behind his blackout sunglasses, because he was totally sad and emotional when they finished watching The Fox and the Hound. 🦊🐶 You look at that Tod and Cooper friendship and tell me it doesn't remind you of SatoSugu a little bit.
The refrigerator in Megumi and Tsumiki's apartment is stocked with 80% sweets. It's Satoru's fault.
Satoru attends Megumi's and Tsumiki's parent-teacher meetings in elementary school, and he's popular with the PTA parents (especially the moms). Megumi hates it, Gojo revels in the attention. Some teachers invited him to be in the PTA, but ultimately, this special-grade sorcerer always has to decline. He's way too busy.
Elementary career days = Satoru telling the kids that he's a very powerful magician. 🎩🪄🐇 The kids believe him and the adults think he's joking. Well technically, he isn't.
Satoru is prone to bribing child tantrums with McDonalds. It doesn't always work.
Satoru, Megumi, and Tsumiki definitely went camping a couple of times. Sometimes Shoko tags along, but she never stays overnight.
Satoru lost Megumi at the mall. Tsumiki always found her little brother. He's honestly not that hard to find. He's either in a bookstore or a pet shop or a toy store that sells things Megumi likes.
Tsumiki is very forgiving of Satoru's tendency to lose Megumi in the mall.
Ice cream or parfaits for dinner are normal when you're living with Gojo. 🍨🍦
They've been to Disneyland. 🏰
Megumi likes zoos and aquariums.
Tsumiki is fond of handcrafting appreciation gifts for Satoru. 🎁Friendship bracelets, knitted socks and mittens she made in homeroom once that are way too small for him, multi-colored dreamcatchers (she made one for Megumi too of course), birdseed ornaments, lots of origami, very small bead bowls, flowers made of cupcake liners, etc.
Satoru has all of Tsumiki's DIY handicrafts tucked away in an Air Jordan shoebox. He also has a jar full of origami paper cranes that Tsumiki made when she was in her origami phase.
Satoru always took the kids to fun festivals whenever he could.
Satoru gave Megumi and Tsumiki the childhood they deserved -- gave them the childhood they were almost robbed of when Toji and Tsumiki's mom abandoned them, gave them the childhood Gojo never got to have.
All of that before Megumi lost Tsumiki and his life started spiraling for the worst. 😭
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blast-offbluetanica · 3 months
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Let’s talk abt my quirk cus like I need to know if I’m powerful enough to not get my ASS BEAT 😨✋🏾 off topic Kirishima looks so good in this art.
Okay so my quirk is called ‘Haemopsychokinesis’ which basically means blood bending/manipulation BUT it’s mixed with a hint of psychic energy/powers.
- I can make weapons and objects out of blood (I normally use a blood scythe yk cus it looks cool), and can even make weapons from random body parts; a visual representation of this is how migi from parasyte makes weapons from any random part of its host body, but instead of it being like a limb, it’s just my blood.
- I can make my enemies blood clot, causing them to die
- I can make puppets out of blood, I can also use my opponents blood to make them a puppet.
- I can also increase or decrease stamina, regeneration, strength and speed of anything or themselves because of blood flow and nutrients.
- I can clone myself, create portals, and drown people all with blood.
- A drawback I have is I may start having a small nose bleed, but it’s only minor. Nothing to bad. It’s the only drawback and it comes with nothing severe.
- I can break skin to make more blood to control if there’s none around me.
- my blood is made to be indestructible, making my own body indestructible and untouchable against quirks like example; shigaraki’s
- Healing; Can heal using my quirk, but can only heal myself, not others.
- Ability booster/enhancer; I can use my own blood to increase my strength n stamina, my speed, and my limits and abilities.
- I can make blood tendrils or tentacles, they work like how Spider-Man would use his powers or Choso from jjk and also Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul
- I can regenerate (venom who?)
I’m probably forgetting some stuff tbh my script is on my laptop and I’m using my phone, so like time for the psychic part of my quirk.
- When my quirk is at its most powerful it’s called overdrive, then that’s when the psychic part of my quirk shows more; (I unlock this part of my quirk permanently after the whole USJ incident with the lov.> what I scripted) Like; Shigeo from mob psycho 101
Telekinesis; possesses immeasurably potent telekinesis. I can move objects up to extremely heavy weights (buildings, trucks, etc), i could pin crowds of hundreds to ceilings, create impenetrable force fields using blood, use the objects I wield out of blood to propel me in the air, disassemble and reconstruct blood on a molecular level. So I can disassemble a human being since they have blood in them, if I add my own blood to an object without blood, I can now use my abilities on them.
Psychic Energy Absorption; I have the capabilities of absorbing/draining energy from other living things, I can absorb energy based attacks aimed at me and even absorb energy from my surroundings to power my blood manipulation.
Spiritual Awareness; Can sense the energy of others, up to 20 kilometres, I can sense the presence of other people and pinpoint their whereabouts.
This is all about my quirk^^ any thoughts? I know blood manipulation and being a psychic has little to know correlation but I thought it was a cool idea so 🤷🏾‍♀️ FUN FACT!! I saw someone do a quirk that’s inspired by Danny Phantom’s powers and omds it was so cool 🗣️🗣️
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fearfulachilles · 5 months
8. gossip & uncertainty.
chapter eight to buop (nanami kento x reader jjk medical au.) .
full contents here.
summary: you finish the week learning you'll be scribing for the mysterious dr. geto and hearing new gossip regarding kento. meanwhile, kento finished the week with being handed an offer he never thought he'd hear.
The clinic portion of the hospital is only open on weekdays, but Satoru had mentioned he’d like to open it for seven days a week in the future. You hope you’re off in med school when the time comes.
You work with Dr. Gojo again before the week ends. You’re fascinated by neurosurgery and he notices it. He tells you about his favorite surgical case during his fellowship here at Jujutsu Hospital and how he developed his own technique that helps reduce risk during brain surgery by 85%.
“That’s amazing.” You say, starstruck.
Satoru doesn't feel like a boss at times, he's easy to talk to. You ask when was the last time he had to use his technique and he says a year ago, around the time he last performed surgery.
There’s gossip of Satoru’s lack of surgery hours that you’ve heard…well, Nobara heard and told you. Some rumors say it’s because of malpractice and others say it’s because he’s been banned from the operating room by the chief of surgery. Satoru doesn’t hide the fact that he hasn’t been in the operating room in sometime, but he usually brushes it off it with a joke and never explains further.
You bite your lip and take a chance. “Can I ask why it's been so long?”
“You’re kidding, right? I have my hands full with this clinic. Surgery will be there when I’m done.” He answers, then changes the topic quickly after.
That's when Satoru shares information regarding your schedule next week. You’ll be scribing for Dr. Geto. 
“He's filling in for me, just for a day. I’ve got some bullshit meeting to go to.” The young doctor explains, rolling his eyes. 
When Satoru stopped performing surgery, Dr. Geto took over all his surgical cases, causing his surgery schedule to double. Because of that, Dr. Geto doesn’t have time to be in clinic, other than when Satoru absolutely needs him to be there.
It’ll be an exciting start to your week.
You decided to Google Dr. Geto once you got home. You don’t know much of the physician, not even what he looks like. When pictures of him show up, you were taken back by how pretty Suguru Geto was. Was every doctor in that hospital good looking?
Then something catches your eye.
“Have you guys ever read this article? 'Dr. Satoru Gojo renounces titleship to famous Gojo technique.'” You read aloud to your roommates. “He gave credit to... Suguru Geto? It’s called the Geto technique now.”
“Weird. I wonder why he'd do that.” Yuji commented. 
“Maybe he stole it from Dr. Geto and finally got caught.” Nobara speculated. She always loved a scandal or drama that didn't involve her personally. You couldn't blame her, you did too. 
“I heard they're close friends, I doubt that happened.” Megumi chimed in. 
From your reading you learn that Suguru is also a gift to medicine, similar to Satoru. He was a couple years older and accomplished many things in med school, alongside Satoru, and during his fellowship in a Kyoto hospital.
Nobara decides to bring up some more gossip she's heard, her voice filled with juicy intention of trapping you into the topic. “I heard that Dr. Nanami was left on his wedding day.”
You take the bait.
“He what?” You whip your head around from your phone screen to look at her. 
Nobara nods. “Yup. He was getting married to some pharmaceutical rep, but she never showed.”
“That's probably why he looks so grumpy all the time.” Yuji says.
“Where did you hear that from?” You ask intrigued. 
“Maki told me. She's the cute nurse I told you about. She used to work there, then she quit, but Dr. Gojo hired her again.” Nobara explains. She met Maki Zenin when she got lost on her way to the cafeteria in the hospital on the very first day. Since then, the two had been texting. 
You've never bothered to learn the dating history of your past flings, but this was different. Being engagement and left at the alter are serious. You think, is he using me as a rebound?
You shake off the thought because you're not supposed to care, but you still feel something tugging deep within you. You ignore it.
It had been the slowest week of Kento’s career, mentally. He had back to back surgeries scheduled and he stayed at the hospital until the early morning hours, busy with operative notes, but it had felt long and nearly tedious because you were on his mind.
The week is over and he arrives home tired. He drags himself to his kitchen and looks through his fridge. Kento feels the motivation to cook real food for the first time in a long, long time. He used to cook all the time, having a passion for it and always experimenting with new recipes.
He lost that side of him long ago, the side of him that looked forward to the things in his life and enjoyed them, as if he outgrew happiness. He thought he would never find it again. It had strained his relationship deep enough to be left stranded at an alter he never wanted to be at.
Then he met you, he talked to you, kissed you, and touched you. He saw the vibrant color of your hair, eyes, and body. He tasted your lips and felt your skin on his. It felt like he had been holding his breath for years, waiting for something to come along. Then, you came along. He made you laugh in that bar and thought this is how it feels to breathe again.
His microwavable dinners from the frozen aisle and instant coffee weren't enough to get him by anymore. He missed the spices of his home cooked meals and the richness of his favorite coffee beans. His days weren't dull anymore. He appreciated the rising sun in the sky on his way to work and the sound of chirping birds outside his bedroom window a little more. Your touch brought his senses back.
In the midst of his thoughts of you, he thinks back to when you mention your mother had Cordis Aneurisma, a slow killing disease of the heart and a medical mystery. The only fact known was that it is genetic, primarily in women, with a 50/50 chance of a mother passing it to her daughter.
Kento never really enjoyed taking chances like that. Though, he took one with you.
He had told you he didn't want anything serious, something he'd never done before. He was raised to be a traditional man, primarily by his grandfather. So, he worked towards a good and stable career with a great salary, and he was going to get married and settle down. After being with you, he knows he doesn't want to go return to that, even if it meant breaking his traditional values he was raised with, all for a chance you'll let him stay around for a little longer. He hopes you do.
He cooks something quick and easy for him before he digs up his old med school textbooks and begins searching for anything on Cordis Aneurisma. Two textbooks turn into five, and when his sixth one doesn't have anymore information than the others, he moves his research on to his laptop.
He doesn't hear the knocking on his front door until it's loud enough to bring him out of his thoughts. When he opens it, it's Asami, his ex-fiancée.
She greets him with a smile, but Kento stares blankly at her, blinking his eyes. He didn't expect her to come by today, but she has made it a habit of showing up unannounced, which usually led to them fucking on his couch.
Asami walks past him and makes herself at home, and he doesn't stop her. She places her handbag on his counter and walks further inside.
“Did you just get home from work?” Asami asks.
Kento looks down at his attire to see that he's still wearing his scrubs. He looks over at a clock in his home and realizes it has already been a few hours since he got home. He lost track of time reading up on the genetic illness.
She moves on, not taking notice of Kento’s cooked dinner. Asami was never good at noticing the small things in him. She peeks at all the opened textbooks and then over to what is on his laptop. “Do you have a patient with Cordis Aneurisma? How sad.”
Kento hadn't spoken a word yet. His face had turned back to the one Asami had known very well now, neutral to everything.
“What are you doing here?” Kento finally asks, speaking his first words to her. He dreaded thinking she was going to finally explain herself to him on why she left that day, something they both had been avoiding to acknowledge.
Asami steps her way over to Kento and places her hands on his broad chest. She's smaller than you, he doesn't like it. “I wanted to talk. I miss you.”
I miss you. She said that last time she was here, in the middle of sex. Kento had thought it was just in the moment of bliss, he had hoped it was.
“And I've been thinking about us…getting back together. I-I think we should try again.” Asami continues, sounding eager and unsure all at once. She's fidgeting with her fingers on his chest.
Her words make Kento run cold. He looks down at her face, uncertain of what to say or think. He spots her engagement ring on her finger, she had recently began putting it on again.
“We don't have to talk right now, I just wanted to tell you in person, but I'd like you to think about it.” Asami smiles with her lips closed and with a sense of uncertainty. She can’t read his face, he hardly gives her any sign of what he was thinking.
Asami removes herself from him and grabs her bag from the counter, knocking off the parking ticket Kento had taken from you. She picks it up to place it back, and reminds him, “oh—don't forget to pay that, Kento.”
She comes back to him, slipping her hand into his larger one and pulling him over to his front door once again as she makes her exit. She meant for this to be a quick visit. “You will think about it, right?”
Kento doesn't say anything in return, he just slowly nods at her words. She nods back, taking a chance and tugging him closer, raising herself on her tiptoes to kiss him. He kisses back for a moment, but all he could think about were your lips.
He didn't like comparing women to each other, but the feeling of you still lingers on him. He could only think about how much he would rather kiss you again instead of her. He abruptly breaks the kiss, pulling away, and it leaves Asami taken back.
Words don't need to be exchanged for what she felt as Kento pulled away from her, so she leaves him to think about her offer alone.
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kairos-polaris · 6 months
What do you think are Gojo and Itadori’s greatest personality strengths and weaknesses? Why? What do you love about their dynamic? Sorry if you've answered these questions before.....
Hi! I've been thinking about this for a while so this is going to be a long ass rant. And btw my dms are always open and I am always happy to talk about jjk in any way :D
In the overarching narrative and the way the jujutsu society is structured selflessness and humanity are the biggest weaknesses, as evident by Nanami dying, while Mei Mei gets to live the life of luxury.
Gojo and Yuuji share those weaknesses. Humanity and care are the reasons Satoru failed whether it's concerning Riko, Geto or protecting the civilians in Shibuya (also, technically, he could have killed Jogo back then had he just left Yuuji but it wasn't an option for him). Humanity is ultimately what led Yuuji to this life, his care for others is why he continues suffering which is something Sukuna points out and is deeply annoyed by.
They are both stronger when they discard that humanity: rematch with Toji, the fight against Hanami and Jogo in Shibuya for Gojo and degradation of self for Yuuji in the fights against Mahito, Hakari and Higuruma*.
*note: it's interesting how the gear mentality is never present in any fight against Sukuna. In every fight against Sukuna Yuuji clings to that humanity and his personhood (his "I am a sorcerer" at the of chapter 247 is a great example of it) and I bet it annoys Sukuna so much.
Worth noting that Gojo and Yuuji are opposites in the ways they set aside their humanity. One leans into his strength and his identity as the strongest sorcerer, another into his weakness and inability to protect others. Loss is the cause for both of them, Geto's question and subsequent identity crisis for Satoru, the entirety of Shibuya for Yuuji.
Ultimately, neither are able to set aside that humanity fully, whether it's Satoru freezing when he sees Kenjaku or Yuuji turning desperate when he, too, sees Kenjaku begging for his sensei back.
Humanity is Yuuji's strength too, the reason he suffers, but also the reasons he keeps going. Screaming at Kenjaku for Gojo, continuing to fight Sukuna even as he is viciously mocked and relentlessly attacked. Even in the aforementioned fights against Higuruma and Hakari, Yuuji's humanity shines through, his determination and sense of self are what truly changes his opponents' minds and endears them to him/his cause.
Now, I struggled with this, because Gojo's identity as the strongest and his reliance on it. In parallel to Sukuna, he too has an overwhelming sense of self. Yet, this is also his downfall and cause of his loneliness. Unlike Sukuna and as we established previously, Satoru can't fully let go of his humanity, he craves connection with others too. Yet pushed on the pedestal of strength by both himself and others, he denies himself it, creating a false facade and a distance between him and others. With heavy heart, I, the biggest hater of the whole "I wish I could reach him [Sukuna]" things, must admit, it makes sense for him to seek connection with the only being stronger than him. TL;DR while leaning onto the identity of the strongest makes Satoru more powerful, it just causes him misery and pain.
Now, what I love about their dynamic is how they humanise each other. While in the jujutsu world humanity is a weakness, I think it's beautiful the way they see the other's personhood first, they don't see "the strongest sorcerer" and "the vessel of Ryuomen Sukuna". Yuuji genuinely cares for Satoru and his wellbeing despite not needing too , and I think Gojo really appreciates it. The care they have for each other is obvious, they just get along so well and I am so normal about it. (Also very normal about Sukuna theory of Gojo hiding away his finger just to indefinitely postpone Yuuji's execution.)
Thank you so much!! I had so much thinking about this and putting my thoughts to words, really good distraction from the irl shit 👍
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sukugo · 4 months
Kinda want to ask about A because i love how you talk about sukugo but im very curious about C and D
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
SUKUGO. ofc haha. (im so happy to know u like my thoughts thank u!!!! 💖💓) i really don't know what to say about them, i feel i talk about them enough (well, in all honesty, no, i feel i need to talk about them more jhjfdhfd). yeahh i just love them a lot. sukugo has actually been my fave jjk ship since the beginning, but it's kinda funny how it's only now that i got back into jjk that i have really called it my otp. they're such a good ship and i think the fight has deepened their bond in a way that has left me no choice but go even crazier for them. love, LOVE they're in LOVE aside from sukugo, my main jjk ships u could say are tojigo, yuugo, sukuita, nanaita, tho lately ive mostly been gravitating to yuugo and itagofushi. oh! and sukugoyuu literally just allgojo tbh anon. i dont care who it is. im just interested in gojo getting fucked, and i think about everyone doing it. these last few days i was thinking about nobago. rikogojo strikes me every once in a while. allgo. yeah that's the ship i like
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
this.....is hard to say... i dont think there's any 🤔 im a lover of all ships hahah, i really dont tend to have notps. i think the only proper proper notp i had was gru//via (gray/juvia from fairy tail) but that was ages ago and i dont really keep my dislike towards them anymore (my hate was mostly bc i was team gratsu and annoyed by juvia lol) the only ships i can say i have neg feelings towards are probs sen//gen (senku/gen from dr stone) and sato//sugu, which i wouldnt even say i hate or call notps, im just kinda annoyed by them dfjdfdgfd. and well, i wouldnt say i'll never like them. i mean who knows? maybe i might warm up to them (i actually have liked both ships in the past so) (and now that im seeing the question is a ship i've never liked, so they dont even apply). so yeah. the answer is: none fdhfds im cool with anything and everything :D
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
hmmmm in line with the prev question, it's hard to say when i dont tend to dislike ships. i mean there's st//sg but it's not like i particularly wish i liked it, i really dont care jdffhjdss. if i did, it'd mostly be bc it's so popular and it'd be nice if i actually enjoyed seeing it Everywhere (like WHY is my personal instagram full of them. i dont want to See. i wamt SUKUGO)
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aurora-313 · 5 months
You know that I love WH40K, I also grew-up with 80' action movies, love them and their testosterone macho-over -the top feel. I do not mind even zero female characters in my reading, movies etc, it depends.
But every time I criticize shonen someone jumps me and tells me it's for boys. AND? To stuff for boys should not have good their girl characters well written?
I know, it's not about that it's about the narrative contract, when you put in fighting women, and no one is making you, and you give them promising starts, then they are lucky if they can beat some fodder latter on, feels like a broken promise. Then the author says he's not good at writing females, even if people just ask why aren't they winning any battles, not why they don't talk about their feelings.
So if the mangaka don't use the ''it's for boys'' but ''I can't write women'' excuse now, why is the fandom using it? Boys literally asked for decades for Sakura to stop being trash in battle, and they were ignored. The target audience wanted her a useful fighter and not a primarely a healer, and still teenagers today are treated as if they want exactly want their grandparents wanted? It's insulting to boys. As a teacher I can confirm that even in non-occidental countries there are changes.
Make all the women healers, non-combatants, support fighters from the beginnig write them well, make it explicit that in universe they are important, just don't sell horse manure. It is ok if you have zero women on the front lines. Just don't make them go there and suck. Or maybe they are cautionary tells for girls to not even try, let the men do the protecting.
Not even in a war series everybody has to be a fighter to be important, but it has to be well-written. I actually appreciate that Orihime doesn't have a warrior's heart, like you said she and her feelings for Ichigo not being explored it's one of the biggest mistakes of Bleach.
Even newer manga that are lauded are victims of this trope.
Sure there are exception, but the big names, the ones that remain for decades like Dragon Ball, drop the ball on women.
tl;dr If you can't handle it, don't write women fighters.
If you can't write woman at all, something is seriously wrong with you as a writer. Improve. Fan-fic writers improve over time by practice and accepting constructive criticism. Is to much to ask from a professional?Are there no writing classes in Japan?
Sorry season 2 of JJK made me bitter. It's not that the girl of the main trio was killed is how she was killed, while a bitch that uses her little brother as a meat shield and maybe more escapes to fight another day.
I wish a shonen author had the balls to say in the prologue, that women in the setting are just not as good as men at using the magic or the tech of the setting, and explore the concept as he wants.
I am so tired when any complaint I bring is treated like I have a feminist agenda, that wants to ruin fun for other people. When all I want is consistent writing.
So authors of all kind, please don't false advertise your girls as being capable to climb the power cliff, if you don't plan to do it. I feel like when Rukia was on all promotional Bleach stuff as the deuteragonist, when she barely appears in the second part of the story.
I honestly don't have a lot to say in response to this semi-rant. Beyond that I agree with the whole 'I can't write women' or 'its for boys'.
I'm sorry, there are plenty of series I grew up with where I was specifically not the target demographic but they wrote magnificent woman characters anyway.
While I dislike a lot of his stories, I think George RR Martin put it best when it comes to writing women: "You know, I've always considered women to be people."
But to play devil's advocate: there's an element of culture clash here. Eastern countries are steeped in traditional roles. This isn't a bad thing. Those roles have inherent value when one takes a balanced approach to them (and frankly I think the West needs to dial its obsessive progressive attitudes back a LOT and return to those more traditional roots).
However that attitude does influence how many writers direct their characters. More often than not, female characters are plot devices.
In most manga, women tend to be plot devices. Even in Bleach, Rukia was a plot device. Thrice over:
To give Ichigo his powers at the start.
To be imprisoned and facing execution so Ichigo would rescue her.
To give Ichigo power AGAIN in the FB arc.
Orihime, another plot device. Kidnapped by Aizen for the sole purpose of playing on Ichigo's various neuroses to get him out of the way while Aizen invaded Karakura.
At the same time, this isn't exactly a universal problem. There's plenty of manga out there where its a predominantly female cast or have strong representation. Like with everything, it comes down to the writer and their style. Two mangas off the top of my head that treat their female cast extremely well are Claymore and Full Metal Alchemist. I'd give them a read if you have the time, I rather enjoyed them.
In regards to JJK season 2. I have to contest you on that one. Nobara's death makes sense, both contextually and thematically. Contextually, Nobara dies because she is both Mahito's natural enemy (like Yuji) and thus a priority target to eliminate, and because it reinforces the theme that acting selflessly in this world is violently, vehemently FIERCELY punished. Nobara selflessly went to aid Yuuji without knowing the full extent of her opponent's capabilities, got outfoxed and paid the price.
That debate of selfishness vs selflessness is a fundamental aspect of that world. Which is why Yuuji keeps getting crushed and ground to dust until he adopted the mentality of being a cog in the machine. The world itself has taken this boy who acted selflessly to save someone else (Megumi, by eating Sukuna's finger) and relentlessly tore him down over and again. His selflessness is punished. Like with Nanami and even Gojo to an extent, no matter the intent behind it, they suffered for their selflessness.
Mei Mei, a borderline narcissist, outright states 'the only value a person has to me is my paycheck'. Her using Ui Ui to escape and for other vile ends makes all of the sense in the world. In this selfish disgusting world, the most selfish and disgusting thrive. Sukuna, the most selfish of all, stands as king of that mountain.
So I have to say I'm not bothered by it. I'm merely annoyed that Gege doesn't outright state if she's dead or not. Is she dead? Is she braindead? Will she come back? Just COMMIT to one, please.
But back to Bleach - yeah, Rukia was the deuteragonist. And it pains me to see how she was shoved away in TYBW.
Bleach was built on Death and the Strawberry... then Kubo removed Death and "tried" to replace it with Beeeewbs, the Oedipus edition.
Although I wish someone would explain to me that out of all the beautiful men in her life, past and present, how the hell did Rukia end up marrying the dog? I've never once see Rukia look at Renji with a single ounce of the admiration, affection or love she's given to Ichigo, or Byakuya, or Kaien. No philia, storge or eros - nothing of that.
But that's a rant for another time.
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suhmingo · 2 months
Fuckers in school telling me, always in the barber shop Part 2 ain’t bout this, Part 2 ain’t bout that My boy a fraud on fuckin Gege and them He, he they say that he don’t be putting in no work SHUT THE FUCK UP! Y'all ain’t know shit All ya motherfuckers talk about Part 2 ain’t no hitta Part 2 ain’t this Part f a fake SHUT THE FUCK UP Y'all don’t live with Part 2. Y'all know that Part 2 had AQUARIUM ARC, Fighting at the Karaoke and shit. Fujimoto been on no assistant since fuckin… I don’t know when! Motherfuckers stop fuckin' playin' him like that Them devils savages out there If I catch another motherfucker talking sweet about CSM Part 2 I’m fucking beating they ass! I’m not fucking playing no more
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In my opinion, Chainsaw Man is going through an evolution. Not an awesome Pokemon evolution (Or digivolution, those are cooler.) But a slower evolution, with all the growing pains that come with it. Many have noticed how “slow” recent arcs have been, or how bad the fights have become. And to be fair, the Quanxi ones are kind of ass if you’re looking for a fight fix. But I will go to bat against basically every other complaint and critique of the pacing, the characterization, and the theming. I think the best way I would describe the pacing is as methodical, or more apropos to my argument, literary.
Now I’m not gonna sit here and say that Jane Austen’s planning the story of Chainsaw Man. To my knowledge, there are no pinups of Elizabeth Bennett anywhere in the book, but I do think that there has been a shift in terms of how the story is told and how much detail it does it in, pushing closer to that of a more detailed plot structure and planning than the fast, weekly pace of a traditional battle manga.
Compared to CSM Part One, CSM Part Two is trying to tell a slower, intricate story with a more human element, rather than the fast, succinct, hard-hitting style that Part One embodied. Where the growing pains fit in is that very change in style is hard to get used to, both for the author and audience. The biggest challenge is that it’s difficult to portray methodical storytelling when on 18-20 manga pages a week, and that the Manga medium as a whole is restrictive in terms of how slow you can and likely should take things. Actually, it just seems pretty restrictive in general.
Part One is a very utilitarian story for most of the first half. There’s exist a devil(s) trying to kill Denji, forcing everyone to work together to beat them, secondary characters die, the villain gets Chainsawed, and by the end of it we get Denji feeling more complex emotions. There are core subplots such as Makima’s mask faltering, and/or Aki or Power breaking down or maturing respectively, but those generally feed back into Denji’s growth. Characters, however developed, live and die based on the completion of their arc or the perspective they bring to the story, and no longer than that. Even Reze, a beloved cutie-pie, has her core arc within 14 chapters. Point is, it’s simple story, and that simplicity allows the bulk of it to be told through action.
Finally, Denji and co have their entire stories resolved within 97 chapters. To put that in perspective, that’s where something like the Arlong Arc Ends, and that’s not even halfway through JJK’s Shibuya Incident. Part one is very much a sprint, with the talent showcase being how well-crafted the story is at that very same pace. It really is a testament to the writing quality of how dense that story feels in that short of a time.
That isn’t to say I’d want that again though. One of the most important aspects of any continuation is to not only progress the story, but also how the story is told. Now that there are established elements to a story, it is a good idea from the creator’s perspective to push the boundaries of what is already established. You could do more of the same, but in my opinion that isn’t as stimulating or fruitful long term. That’s where I think Part Two thrives.
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Whereas Part One was more focused on characters realizing the goal they want to achieve and reaching a baseline level of human decency, Part Two is more focused on the struggle of maintaining that humanity in an oppressive and equally depressing world. It’s inherently a meatier concept to explore and requires fewer fights and more introspection. For my two cents, I think Part Two is pretty fantastic at this in the long run, but at the same time the week-to-week chapter focus of Part Two means we as an audience will spend far more time digesting and analyzing the setup compared to an explosive fight scene. I think that’s where the bulk of the frustration comes from with part 2, it’s progressing themes and complexity, but it’s hard to fit that within week-to-week chapters without sacrificing something there before, in this case being the fights.
For starters, there are considerably more subplots and mysteries than in Part One. To name a few, there are:
- Yoshida’s allegiance to Public Safety and has own personal end goals
- Denji’s role as a roommate/big bro/parent to Nayuta, and how that affects his personal goals and future
- Denji’s internal conflict with being Chainsaw Man, it’s future, and what it represents (Which I think is meta-commentary, but that’s for another day.)
- Asa’s internal conflict with herself and Yoru, but mostly herself as well as her desire to be loved/admired.
- Nayuta’ purpose in life as the control Devil and how that comes into conflict with her bond with Denji
- Makima’s lasting influence on Denji mirrored in the form of characters like Fami, Barem, and Nayuta.
- The shipping wars I never thought would show up
- Fami. Just Fami.
That’s probably a non-exhaustive list of general questions that are still up in the air and concurrently being explored. The story has gone from being a subversive battle manga with dramatic themes of existentialism, desire, and love to a drama about existentialism, desire, and love with battle manga elements. There’s a lot more focus on thematic cohesion, whole chapters are now given to exploring a character’s state of mind over plot progression. Part One had its downtime, yes. But I don’t think it had nearly as much internal cringing as Asa has had (To be fair, I don’t think any character ever internally cringe fests as much as Asa does). You need that downtime in an introspective story, hell I’d say that’s the uptime, but it’s very against the grain in what came up as a more mature battle manga, so much so that it feels like tonal whiplash to do so.
It’s easy to see that there’s a lot more setup to an arc before it gets to the payoff. For most of the plot threads listed above, we haven’t even gotten a proper payoff in the chapters we’ve had, something that would have been unheard of in part one. At this point in Part One, we would have been nearing the end game, with the development of the story and cast clearly indicating that.
Furthermore, these conflicts aren’t nearly as “cleanly” resolved as the Part One conflicts, at least as clean as anything involving chainsaw combat can be. The punchline of much of Chainsaw Man’s early arcs comes from the dismal world being undercut by a horny, ADHD-laced, solipsistic teenager's ability to 1v1 most problems. Most of the problems grow increasingly difficult to just Denji them, growing in complexity until the conflicts become more abstract. Something like Denji vs. Reze can be realistically resolved within a fight since they’re goals and objectives make sense to come into conflict. Less so for Denji vs “Gun Fiend” since we all know how well that went down. As things progress, Denji can’t slice his way through consoling Power, nor can Pochita’s powers help him cut through his trauma and self-reflection.
That’s the jumping point Part 2 develops from. None of Denji nor Asa nor Nayuta are able to literally fight their way into achieving their goals. This is a stark contrast for Denji particularly since most of Part 1 has the ostensible goal of “Kill this and I’ll let you get to X Base with me,” which is never actually a resolution to his problems. The end of part one and almost all of part two so far has been focused on conflicts which can’t be meaningfully resolved through a fight. The end of the world is not the final boss of these characters, that only serves to contextualize and add weight to their need to solve their own problems. The characters as we see them are mature enough to identify the problems that hold them back, but not mature enough to actually see them through or see clearly in the moment.
That stuff just needs time to sit and simmer, it’s as simple as that. That’s where the action is going. Fujimoto has to show how much Nayuta means to Denji and Vice Versa, he has to show Asa’s growing feelings for Denji against the wishes of both Yoru and her own ego, and so on and so forth. Notice how most of the villains plans aren’t just simply “Kill chainsaw man” (I think the only exception is like Yoru) They tend to be more complex than that. They either want to evangelize Chainsaw Man or silence his influence. That all needs time to unravel too.
With that much going on, it’s considerably harder to get satisfying moments chapter to chapter. So many things have to be established, developed, put into conflict, that the story cannot go nearly as fast as it did in part one. The writing goes far slower to accommodate these things, but the weekly chapters don’t. They still remain in the 18-20 pages that you come to expect. For that reason, we’re left more time salivating until we reach a conclusion that could be chapters away, and even then that conclusion could just be a setup for a later arc. It’s a much bigger story with more ambition to me, something that you’d see like in a regular sized novel.
But course CSM Isn’t a novel, it’s a serialized shonen with all the prerequisites and industry pressure that comes with it.
It’s no secret that the Manga Industry is cutthroat. It’s basically luck whether your story picks up steam or not (JJK was almost canceled at like Chapter 4, for a recent example.) And once you make it, you have to perform at that same level, with the expectation that you’ll continually improve both your quality and numbers, but mostly the numbers. So it’s only natural that the level of quality of the story is going to dwindle at times. So when chapters are bad, it’s not simply because of sloth or laziness. When deadlines are that tight and success is measured in numbers, it’s a testament to the creativity of many an author that these things even get made at all. Hell, the fact that CSM manages to have such intriguing characters and thematic depth is indicative of the writing chops that ol’ Fuji has.
When I think of it like that, it’s easy to see why Fujimoto would prefer to write than to draw. As a writer, I can definitely say writing isn’t a fast art form (At all.) but I at the very least don’t have to worry about drawing the writing in my head week to week, while also trying to appease longtime reader’s desire for action. You can more quickly explore the ideas that you want to explore by putting words on a page. You want to kill a character it’s as as easy as writing “And then the dagger plunged into their heart.” Ok Ideally it’s a lot better than my asstastic writing, but the point is the same. It’s just one of the more reflexive art forms out there.
That’s kind of all I had to say. Hopefully we can all move on to more productive things, preferably within the hour. Thanks for reading.
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kimium · 6 months
I know I already answered some asks about my fics for 2023, but I wrote a review for my fics last year, so I'm doing it again this year. Let's get started! All the data comes from my AO3 statistics. All the rest is under a cut because it's long!
My Fic Review for 2023
Statistic Stuff
My "Top Five" fics by hits:
Just a Normal Citizen (Not a Dimension Traveler) - Twisted Wonderland
Daydreams - Twisted Wonderland
Stay where you are - Twisted Wonderland
Setting the Scene - Twisted Wonderland
Broken Kitchen - Twisted Wonderland
My most bookmarked fic: Just a Normal Citizen (Not a Dimension Traveler)
How many words I wrote in 2023: 235,377
Question Stuff
What was the most surprising thing about writing in 2023?
I think the most surprising thing about this year was the amount of Twisted Wonderland fics I wrote. While I got into the game in 2022, it wasn't until this year you can see it dominate my fanfics. Writing for a new fandom is always a gamble. Just because I get into a new fandom doesn't always mean I write fanfics for it, but Twisted Wonderland won the gamble ahaha.
2. What was the most enjoyable to write?
The most enjoyable thing to write this year was my Platonic Yandere AU. The idea of all the NRC cast deciding to silently keep Yuu from going home haunted my mind for months. Bringing it to life was fun and I'm so happy that others like this idea too.
3. Which fic is the most underrated?
I know I've already talked about my poor Fire Emblem fic Divine Intervention being underrated and I still stand by this answer. However, I'm adding another story to this answer. I also think that Energy Drinks (SDR2) is underrated and I'd love to see more love to that story.
4. Which fic(s) had something "cut" or had an idea that never happened?
-I had more violent scenes in mind for Just a Normal Citizen (Not a Dimension Traveler), particularly with Jade/Floyd as well as Leona, but those never happened. Mostly because all the cast decided to keep their illegal activities "secret" from Yuu. Those scenes may still happen later in the story.
-Yuu's reveal of coming from another dimension had other versions that just couldn't happen. All of them a little too dramatic so they were scrapped. I'm happy where it landed though.
-In Dorm Exchange I was also going to write some of the exchange part, but I never got around to it and focused on the deciding process.
-In Late Night Snack I originally wanted Yuu and Vil's conversation to be a little more confrontational. That didn't pan out and I'm happier for it.
5. Which fic did you want to write but didn't get around to?
-I wanted to write a fic where established Vil/Rook high key flirt with other characters that they're attracted to. The main candidate for this is Trey but other characters include: Jack, Cater, Deuce, Ace, and of course Yuu. Though I think I get enough Vil/Rook flirting with Yuu in other fics ahaha.
-For my Platonic Yandere AU I have ideas for where Grim falls on the scale of "Keep Yuu in Twisted Wonderland". I don't know if I'd write a full separate fic, but the idea could appear in another fic in Yuu's perspective. Also, I have more ideas for this AU so stay tuned.
-Said this in an ask before but I want to write another instalment in my Kitsune!Komaeda and Human Hajime fic series.
-Briefly thought about writing another Dr. Stone fic because of Season Three and rereading the manga.
-I still have a silly JJK/SK8 the Infinity fic sitting in my WIPs that I'd like to write for the laughs.
6. Any WIPs that never got published?
I have two main ones. First, I have a story about Malleus who normally eats lunch alone (if not accompanied by Lilia, Silver, or Sebek) and Kalim deciding that can't happen and Malleus needs to eat with him and his friends. I didn't finish this because at the time I was writing a LOT of food in my fics and felt it was very repetitive.
Next, I have a story of Lilia finding Silver and the process of raising Silver as his son. I didn't finish this mostly because that's when Book 7 dropped in Japan and my story would 100% contradict canon and I hate when I do that.
7. Share a snippet from a WIP fic?
Here is a snippet from Malleus eating lunch alone and Kalim deciding this cannot happen. Fic title in my WIPs is "Homemade Lunches".
"Deciding on his sandwich first, Malleus reached to pick it up when a blur of warm crème and red flashed towards him. A beat later and Kalim plopped down beside Malleus, angling himself so the trunk of the tree slightly hid him. Kalim warmly smiled before pressing a single finger to his lips, the universal sign of “be quiet”, and watched as a few Scarabia members ran past him, their footsteps frantic. When they passed and didn’t return Kalim exhaled audibly.
If Malleus were asked to describe Kalim, he’d say Kalim was like a desert breeze that morphed into human form so it could dance and sing with abandon. Wherever Kalim went warmth followed him, like the taste of chili powder, cinnamon, cloves, and other spices Malleus vaguely remembered from souvenirs Lilia had brought back. Kalim’s warmth always lingered on the tongue before dancing its way down into the heart."
8. Which fic was the one you were most "excited" to write?
I was most excited to write The smell of bleach for @m34gs as part of our Sort of Saw AU. At that point the story idea had only been scattered in ask answers, our DMs, and over phone calls. Bringing our conversations together into a single fic was so exciting! Honestly, this entire AU excites me so much!
Anyways, here is my little review. I hope you enjoyed reading it! And if you have anything you want me to expand on, feel free to send an ask!
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daisys-reality · 8 months
You can call me K.C. About the shifting tarot mini-game. I've been trying to shift to my JJK dr for a while now. Everything keeps telling me that I'm getting closer but nothing has happened yet. I would love a reading for my dr s/o please. And if anything else jumps out at you, such as confirmation that I am getting closer or possible steps I need to take I would love to hear that as well. Thank you so much, sorry this is so long. ♥
❊ TAROT: Ok first of all, your dr s/o has some advice for you: Give your time and energy to something that moves your soul and take action from a place of genuine love and authentic generosity, it will lead your far. Your desire to help will not only be deeply appreciated but it will also put you into the flow of give and receive/the flow of abundance. & Fighting is exhausting and only increases anxiousness and dejection. Leave this fight for power, it's not worth it. // Your selflessness is something that they find very attractive about you (others might perhaps not notice it but your s/o does and it truly fascinates them). With this "fight for power", it could refer to your mental attitude towards shifting or about your script and in what position you put your dr self!
❊ SELF MADE MESSAGE CARDS & CHANNELING: "I honestly had to lose you to realise the value of this connection" + You're so generous and kind to me...why?" + "I don't understand what you see in me 🫠" + "Your whole existence is so attractive. Why are you so perfect?" + "Do I miss you? yeah I sure do...but i don't like showing it." + "I don't want to talk right now because I don't really know what to say..."
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𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐭 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬
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krewekreep · 10 months
Introduction of Sorts + Interests
This page will really be for me to get back into writing, develop my writing and indulge myself. I’m open to requests though but ask people to definitely contextualize your Bias (person you’re requesting for—yes I’m gonna use K-pop lingo oh well) and/or the scenario cause otherwise I’d simply write for myself. Which is why I also am making this page because I’ve been on tumblr for 10 years (my main account turned ten this year) and I’m worn out of the smut fest no prose or story fics. Definitely has its place in the community but the older I get the more I need actual full blown delusion. I need scene, setting, set up, climax, denouement…and so I’ll fulfill the order myself. 🫡
My interests:
(Im a 2010s coded Tumblr user so uh, I mean I suppose Dr Who and Supernatural aren’t 😂😂😂😂lmao ew anyway (I was into supernatural I’m ewwing at you and myself) .
Too I usually am not following everything that’s mainstream (I know im so cool) so also if something isn’t listed I most likely know of it—but went no further. I also like older anime and media so if you have something super specific that feels out of place no worries. Im gonna end up writing Greek smut about Dionysus so…🤷🏾‍♀️
Anime: (I’ve seen actually too much anime to name so here’s the ones I have a bias or have an affinity for the characters)
Chainsaw Man
Demon Slayer
Attack on Titan
Fate Series
Chainsaw Man
Attack on Titan
Spy x Family
Fave genres are horror/seinen, shoujo, and slice of life.
KPOP: (1st-mid 3rd Gen main but still aware of 4th gen pretty deeply)
I dont really want to do requests for idols but I don’t mind overall, explained further below
My fave boy groups (somewhat in order): Big Bang, Shinee, BAP, BTS (ex-army, long story**, don’t come to my page with that bullshit 💕) B1A4, IKON, EXO, 2PM, GOT7…I could go on. (I’m not gonna list them in an order but my heart can’t not include MBLAQ, Teen Top, U-Kiss, etc ugh those were the days😭)
Girl Groups (in definitive order): 2NE1, Brown Eyed Girls, F(x), Girls Generation, TWICE, 4Minute/Hyuna, Wonder Girls, Secret, After School, Global Icon (short lived), Tiny G ( VERY short lived), EXID, Ladies Code, etc.
Now 4th Gen…is cute…they got CUTE people that’s for sure. This list will be co-ed simply because I’m not feral for boy groups like I was younger. Really the boy groups don’t do it for me (4th gen overall criticism tbh) cause it’s really looks and kinda arrogant personalities I find obnoxious given y’all can’t even publicly date or be seen smoking…tone down the elitist vibe lol. But shade aside I do jam some things and have a playlist for my fave 4th gen songs so for sure no hate just a BOMBASTIC side eye sometimes. Anyway…
Stray Kids
Lessaraffim (I’m gonna leave it like my mind spells it, enjoy)
NCT 127 (specifically them ((in reference to the units)) cause I enjoy R&B coded K-pop, they do too much Niggaboo shit (looking at Mark and Taeyong DIRECTLY in the eyes 👁️👄👁️)((BUT it’s a Soo Man thing cause him, YG, and JYP competing over who wish they were a born a Black man the most…Soo Man and JYP ✨fist fighting✨over the top spot IYKYK)
New jeans (they’re minors and if they all aren’t their def much younger than me so no requests for minors please this is for taste assessment only)
BIBI and other female soloists (Hyuna, Sunmi, Ga-in, Lee Hyori, etc)
IVE (they really got some bops tbh, this is another TWICE case of let these young women talk and sing how they naturally would…music and live performances will thank them for it)
Nobody really else I guess honorable mentions are Ateez, Fifty-fifty,
*im gonna add that for Anime/Manga the double dipping means some combination of me knowing the material in both forms of media. Like Jujutsu Kaizen is an amazing example currently as of course the anime is ongoing but the manga is far ahead by a large portion of plot. So if your anime only, manga only, or something be sure to let me know so I’m not spoiling by accident. Don’t want the smut to spoil a character death or something….right? 😅
**the long story short and overall caveat of why I’ve fallen out of love for groups and K-pop are the fact that yeah as a Black person I genuinely started getting pissed off with colorism, n-word usage, appropriation, and mockery. The shit gets old and as a poor old super fan I’m happy I didn’t spend the money people do for folks who would literally refuse my hand…🫤 be fr. Likewise, the deaths of idols who were literally my biases really (of course) bothered me and took a toll on my enjoyment of the genre too. The more you love it the more you learn and that’s usually where the fun ends and now it’s numbers charts and placements. Lame 😭. I let the time I was fan be that but otherwise ? Eh I’m good I’ll bop from time to time and catch the tea but my bread in my pocket (besides my B1A4 What’s Happening and Twice Scientist albums😂)((and the other old albums I’ll get before they disappear forever or get destroyed🫠))
But yeah that’s that on that. I’ll be posting whatever ends up decent enough to be read by others. Otherwise wherever this ends up hope you drop a message🥸!
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enevera · 2 years
E F H U :-)
E: If you wrote a sequel to [insert fic], what would it be about?
u ask this like ive completed a fic ever in my life hsabjdl
but yeah none of the fics ive completed are all that worthy of a sequel in my eyes ig, but i did have an idea for a sequel for aootd where quentin and eliot get back to their own timeline and have to just like figure out if the whole thing they just experienced happened at all. also is quentin alive? who knows, great question to ask someone not me hbjdfs
(dont watch the magicians dont do it if anyone looks at that fic summary and goes oh that looks interesting but i'll have to watch the show first stop right there dont do it its not worth it the suffering is not worth it literally DO NOT)
the rest is under the cut bc this got soooo long asbhjkd
F: Share a snippet from one of your favourite dialogue scenes you've written and explain why you're proud of it.
jsdbnlkf okee taking this as a sign to talk abt my satoshouko convo thank u for enabling meee hehe >:D
“Stop that,” she says, frowning. “Don’t lie like that to me, it’s creepy.” “And you know all about creepy, huh?” he teases and feels the ground under his feet come a little closer. Unimportant conversation is an old comfort and he clings to the offer presented to him. “More than you,” she returns cooly. “Now get up. You’re coming back to my place.” She begins walking around the morgue collecting her own things. “I— What?” He stutters, all of him at once, fingers twitching and eyesight shaking. He’s still too many feet above the ground for this, it seems. “Why?” “You’re a mess,” Shouko explains, throwing a packet of cigarettes in her work purse; she has a nicer one that she brings out shopping and to cafés, he knows, that Utahime bought for her when they first started dating. The one she has for work is heavily worn and a dull brown; she’s had it since high school and they both pretend to forget where she’d gotten it from. “I don’t trust you by yourself and I don’t think you want to worry your kids, so you’re coming home with me.” “I’m fine, Shouko,” he tries to protest, but she shoots him a sternly unimpressed glare and walks back over to get in his face. “No you’re fucking not, don’t even try that right now. It won’t work. Besides…” she straightens up and turns away from him, tugging her bag’s strap up her shoulder. “You’re not the only one who needs some company tonight.”
okay on top of the brainrot writing this sparked in me my favorite favorite thing to write is characters with differing goals and they have very differing goals. i like when a character has already made a decision and i like writing characters disagreeing a bit. i just loveee when i get to write different motivations and i love them i love this convo and i like writing shouko mhm
H: How would you describe your style?
uhhh thats difficult lol but like i know i lean pretty hard into being very descriptive and i like a lottt of metaphors and imagery, but my main goal is always to get my mental picture across as much as i can, so i guess thats why. i like to keep dialogue on the sparser side, though. most of the time people dont monologue, so i try not to let the characters do it and i spent a lot of time rlly figuring out how ppl naturally speak so that i could do that ljsfdhb <33
U: Share three FOUR !! of your favourite fic writers and why you like them so much.
djhbsvjhdfbjv uhhhhhh shit lolol i dont usually read all that much by the same fic authors bc i jump fandoms p often (before jjk anyway, usually hyperfixations only last like 3-4 months for me, this has been like. eight or so; not counting dr who i come back to that a lot sbhjkd), but i will try my bestttt
yukiiiiii <33 obvi obvi echo's writing is so good that i read their bsd fic and i know like nothing abt bsd sfjbhd
biscaaniii!!! admittedly ive only read their jjk works but theyre so so so good highly recommend!!
krissssssss!!!! hi hi hi kris writes naruto stuff but u should read it everyone should read it her writing is soooo gooddddd!!!!!!!
also u habibi bc though i admittedly havent read all ur fics the ones i have read have been sooo good i love them v much i need to finish the miminana fic and read the rest dbjhf <333
ask game!!
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ryukyuin · 2 months
2.) Anti-Proship
Loving reminder that proship means that you don’t harass people over fiction. It’s only a stance on harassment and censorship, and it doesn’t mean you have to like what I do or that I personally approve and enjoy what everyone else does! Quote from fanlore:
"The pro in pro-shipper means for, to contrast with the anti in anti-shipper (anti meaning against). However, possibly due to Fannish Osmosis, in some parts of fandom, the pro in pro-shipper has come to be understood as short for problematic instead.[5][6][7][8] Due to this new definition, many fans (mainly on Twitter) started to insert proshippers in their DNI lists because they do not want any type of contact with problematic ships These fans may also use the term "proship" as a noun to refer to the problematic ship that the proshipper allegedly supports. Others have incorrectly osmosed the word proshipper to be synonymous with pedophile."
So like. Yeah! Dances around. I don't fw most "problematic ships" but I just need pookies to know the actual definition of the term they are using before they start rallying hate mobs.
Fiction DOES affect reality, and you should be aware enough of that to cultivate your own online experience and use the function of blocking/filtering tags, blocking people, and your own common sense to make sure that you stay safe and everyone has fun!!
(Also if ppl block me bc they misunderstood I will scream and wail and sob /lh, DM/toss an ask if you have any questions!!)
3.) If you can't follow the Three Laws of Fandom/think Dark Media/Dead Dove: Do not Eat/Whump/Yandere enjoyers are normalizing what they are writing about, also shoo. Not the place for you.
I feel like this explains itself, esp since I kinda talked about it above. Please cultivate and foster the online experience you want, follow proper online social etiquette, and realize that just because I find Shaiapouf attractive doesn't mean I want him to gut and eat me in real life. (Most likely. Probably. Maybe. If he asks REALLY nicely and bats his little boytwink lashes and gayass wings /sillyj)
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4.) Do NOT compare me with other writers.
They are them and I am me and we both deserve our own little gold sticker stuck to our forehead! I think it's important everyone gets the recognition they deserve and I've been inspired by SOSO many writers on here, so make sure to go send support where deserved!
JJK, KNY, MHA, GI/HSR, HxH!! Mostly Phantom Troupe + Harbingers + Sampo + Satoru and Suguru + Shouta and Hizashi but like. Throw some crumbs through the tray slot, if I'm interested I will respond.
Yandere/Dark Fiction, reader-inserts, minor character death, non-con/dub-con slash hesitant? (doubtful of my writing skills to bring that justice), body horror/gore, dr**ging, etc...... idk I wanna flap my gay little wings and see whatever horrific shit I come up with /lh
Detailed pregnancy. I just can't man I don't want kids get those little HEATHENS OUTTA THERE!! I'll consider asks about it/drabbles but don't expect like an entire oneshot about it unless a hybrid AU takes me into a fucking chokehold. Then I might be doomed!
OCs, detailed requests, character/character requests (I can't say character/character as a whole I can feel Satosugu + the other homosexuals beaming lasers into the back of my head), oooomegaverse? Hybrids are neat-o to me but. I think I have Omegaverse PTSD I'll be real, come back when there's a more stable system/lore and less breeding.
SELF-HARM/SUICIDE IS A NO-GO!! Idk not only is it not fun for the reader/mc to just fucking. Croak. Self-harm is just not the way for me I don't think!! I MIIIGHHHT consider it but really don't get any hopes up.
PLEASE LET ME KNOW TO TAG SOMETHING IF IT IS TRIGGERING!! I WILL NOT BE MAD I AM JUST VERY FORGETFUL!! Idm if you ask tbh it honestly helps me find my own stuff once I go back, so win for everyone.
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vartouhix · 1 year
jangmi’s great-grandparents immigrated to japan before 1945, and her family has stayed in japan as japanese citizens ever since, making her what is called zainichi korean. she was born and raised in japan, and is considered a japanese citizen. she has visited korea before in a study abroad program, but besides that, her name, and an interest in kpop, she has no ties to korea.
tl;dr of under the cut, without spoilers: jangmi’s family have been sorcerers for generations.
in the later chapters of jjk there’s a lot of talk about how cursed energy is something almost exclusive to japan. verbatim, characters in the manga have said “there are exceptions”, but it has also been implied that non-Japanese do not seep out the kind of cursed energy that creates curses unless they experience death at the hand of cursed energy. (tho whether they must experience death at the hand of cursed energy or just need to experience death while in japan is not super clear). however, given that “there are exceptions” to cursed energy outside of japan, but foreigners rarely if ever create curses, i’m assuming this means there are sorcerers in foreign countries, but they just don’t have much, if anything, to protect people from.
there are two canon examples i can think of that are foreigners with cursed energy. one is implied to have been raised in kenya (miguel) and the other is implied to be born and raised in japan but ethnically french (...charles?? i forget his name even tho i just read the chapter like two hours ago lmao the mangaka guy). so we can confirm it is possible for foreigners to inherit cursed energy, even if they live and are raised outside of japan.
all of that to say, in my headcanon, jangmi’s family have been sorcerers for generations. she not only inherited cursed energy from birth, but also was exposed to more cursed energy while growing up in japan. and no one can come at me for this. xD I WANTED TO MAKE SURE NO ONE COULD COME AT ME FOR THIS
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derpy-dogs-n-cats · 2 years
Donor 1.
Main Masterlist
JJK Masterlist
Part 1.5
Yandere! Satoru Gojo x Fem! Reader.
Warnings: Yandere themes, somewhat non-con, implied panty-stealing, implied male masturbation.
Summary: Gojo decides to make a few last minute changes in your artificial insemination.
W/C: 1.4k+
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“Okay, thank you, you too, bye bye.” You bid farewell over the phone while the apartment door opens in the background before you hang up, letting out a noise of excitement. “What was that? I didn’t know humans could make that noise.” Your roommate jokes as he enters the kitchen area. “Gojo! I just got off the phone with the facility, someone just cancelled and they gave me their spot! I’m going in tomorrow!” You enthusiastically explain, unaware of the way his smile falters, replaced by a frown.
Tomorrow? That’s too early for him. He’s been too busy to make his move, and despite still being busy; he has to make the time now. “I’m finally gonna be a mom!” You add with the biggest smile he’s ever seen. “That’s amazing!” He quickly composes himself, burning with rage inside. “Though, to tell you the truth… you don’t need artificial insemination to have a kid of your own.” He comments.
“I know, but I don’t exactly have a volunteer, and knowing the dad of my kid sounds like a hassle.” You roll your eyes at the end. Of course it’d be a hassle, you hate relationships, it’s the whole reason why Gojo’s had to tone down his insistence on taking you out, at least he doesn’t have to worry about someone else stealing you away. “Well, if you need a volunteer, I’m right here.” He gives you a thumb up, pulling his blindfold up from the side to let you see him winking at you with a goofy smile.
“Come on now, that joke’s gotten old. You know I’d never do that.” Your voice turns serious, annoyed at him for repeating himself. He feels a sharp pain in his stomach with his rage boiling hotter, forced to maintain his front. “Relax, of course I know that. Anyway, I just dropped by for a quick shower before heading out again.” He moves towards the exit of the kitchen. “What’s it about this time?” You ask.
“Just the higher ups with the same problems, nothing to worry about.” He waves a hand dismissively as he heads to his room, locking the door behind him before unzipping his pants with a hand reaching into his drawer for a used pair of your underwear.
“Good evening, I’d like to speak to Dr. Tanaka.” Gojo stands at reception. “Do you have an appointment with him?” The receptionist asks. “No, but he’ll want to hear this.” Gojo assures. “I’m sorry but Dr. Tanaka is very strict in regards t- Hey! You can’t do that!” She shouts when Gojo snatches a paper that informs him of his whereabouts. “Don’t worry, it’ll be quick.” He tosses the paper behind him nonchalantly, walking through the halls of the facility you’re scheduled to go to the next day.
“Dr. Tanaka!” Gojo bursts through the door, seeing him sat at a desk with a patient, startling them. “It’s so good to see you again, I’m sorry to burst through but I have something very important to tell you.” He continues speaking. “What the hell are you talking about?! I don’t know you! Get out!” The doctor shouts at him, having stood up from his seat. “Don’t worry miss, this’ll only take a few minutes.” Gojo directs out the older patient.
“What are you doing?! Who the hell are you?!” The doctor continues to shout as he shuts the door. “Now that we’re alone,” He locks the door, dropping his smile. “Let’s get to the point.” He turns around. “I don’t know who the hell you think you are but-!” The doctor marches up to him before being interrupted. “Listen,” Gojo sternly states, completely dropping his facade, the rage and anger he’s been feeling since you gave him the news finally surfacing.
“This is what’s going to happen, tomorrow, a woman is going to come in for an artificial insemination, I don’t care what donor you had in line, you’re going to give her this one instead.” He explains, holding up a closed container filled to the brim with his cum. The doctor stares in fear at the anger Gojo emanates but manages to compose himself enough. “A- And why would I do that?” He cautiously asks.
“Because you’ll regret it if you don’t.” Gojo picks him up by his collar, staring him down for long enough until he feels him give in. Gojo releases him from his hold and hands him the container, plastering another smile on his face. “Now then, I’m glad we were able to get to an agreement, I’ll see you tomorrow doctor.” He slaps a wad of cash onto his hand, turning around to open the door. “Oh, and while you’re at it doctor, get a woman to do it.” He stands at the doorway.
“Wait, how will I know who to give this to?” The doctor asks. “You will.” Gojo looks behind him before leaving.
“It’s alright, you’re going to be fine.” Gojo assures you while holding your hands in his, seeing you take deep breaths in the waiting room of the facility. “I know, I just feel nervous all of the sudden.” You smile nervously, quickly followed by the call of your name. “Here!” You shoot up. “This way please.” The soft voice directs you with Gojo following behind with a comforting hand resting on your shoulder.
“Here.” You reach your stop, having the door opened for you as you give a small ‘thank you’. You walk in with Gojo behind you, shutting the door while giving the doctor a certain smile, causing him to swallow thickly at the memory of his threat. “Please excuse me.” The doctor stands as you and Gojo take a seat, quickly exiting the room. “Well that’s rude, why did he call us in if he wasn’t ready?” You complain, anxious to get the procedure started.
“Don’t worry, it’ll be fine.” He smiles to himself. You wait for a couple of minutes in silence before somebody finally returns to the room with a knock. “Good morning, I’ll be attending you today.” The woman’s voice says, introducing herself with her name. “I thought Dr. Tanaka was-” “There’s no need to worry about that.” She assures, closing the door. “Now, let’s get started.” She states and in just a matter of minutes, you’re laying flat wearing scrubs for hospital patients.
“Will it hurt?” You ask the doctor. “Not at all, it’s completely painless.” She answers while Gojo squeezes your hand in a reassuring manner. In just a few more seconds, you’ll be filled with him, just the thought alone makes his pants tighten. “Now, I’ll insert the tube.” She warns. “Okay.” You agree, expecting at least a little pain considering that the tube is meant to go through your cervix, but it never comes, after all, it is a small tube.
You only feel something reach your cervix but not much afterwards, not until you feel the liquid go in. The way your eyes widen in surprise informs Gojo of what’s happening and he’s forced to contain a moan at the look on your face. You make a small cringe expression with your face at the odd feeling but soon enough, it’s over. “All done, please remain in your horizontal position for at least 15 minutes to let the sperm work. I’ll be back in half an hour.” She explains, standing from her position and leaving.
“That’s it?” You ask after the door closes. “Well, I guess it really was a simple procedure.” Gojo comments. “How do you feel?” He looks over at you, trying to contain a smile that would only scare you. “Weird, it’s hard to explain…” You focus on the still unfamiliar sensation. “Are you sure it didn’t hurt?” He asks. “Yeah, I’m fine. I just wish I’d asked her if I can lower my legs.” You look at your raised legs. “You should leave them up just in case.” He suggests.
“Yeah… I can’t believe I’m gonna be a mom.”
You stare at the newborn in your weak arms with as much confusion as you can muster after the brutal hours of birth, still trying to catch your breath. As a pair of stronger arms find their way under your own shaky ones to offer aid, the newborn continues to stare at you with its bright blue eyes, pristine white lashes kissing its cheeks with every blink as it takes a gentle hold at the finger offered by its father, seeing him offering a bright smile.
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tatorthots · 3 years
— someone aggressively flirts with their partner
featured: Itadori Yuji, Fushiguro Megumi, Gojō Satoru, Nanami Kento, Fushiguro Toji x gn!reader
cw: suggestive content, fluff, protectiveness, possessive behavior, comfort, cursing, uncomfy situations
a/n: i love daydreaming about jjk men and their possessive nature. literal heart eyes, kicking my feet and giggling thinking about it
status: re-editing !!
This sweetheart would look like such a kicked puppy if he saw someone trying to flirt with his partner. But that’s only if he figures out his partner is getting hit on in the first place. You gotta remember that Itadori has a naturally friendly and charismatic personality so often it’s hard for him to recognize something as flirting
For the most part, he doesn’t necessarily get upset if someone’s flirting with you, and he has no problem walking up to the both of you and kindly letting them know that you’re actually taken — by him, of course. But that’s not to say he’s always unbothered by it! There’s times when he does feel a little more vulnerable than usual and during these times he tends to cling onto you, and beg for your attention more. You definitely never have a problem with it either because he just looks too cute wrapping himself around you and pouting if you’re not giving him enough affection
However, Itadori doesn’t need to recognize something as flirting for him to understand when you’re feeling uncomfortable. The man might be a little dense at times but he has a hyper sensitivity to your emotions and distressed cues. He always tries to keep things friendly if he can and quickly remove you from the situation but sometimes things don’t exactly go according to plan
“Hey, babe I’m gonna go buy some sweet potatoes fries from the vendor down the street,” beaming at you, he pulled you in and planted a kiss on your forehead, “I’ll get you some too!” Letting you go he turned around and headed in the opposite direction, “I’ll be back!” He yelled out amidst the crowd of people walking through the busy food-stalls. “Add green onions on mine!” You yelled back as he disappeared. Smiling to yourself, you turned around and started wandering through the small shops around the area in an attempt to find a small gift for your boyfriend, hm? You curiously thought as your eyes set on a cute pair of matching keychains. “Ahh~! They’re so cute—!!” quietly squealing to yourself you lifted the two keychains to admire them better, until you felt someone tap your shoulder from behind. Quickly hiding the keychains in the palm of your hands, you nervously turned around, “Oh! You’re back sooner than I thou—“ stopping mid-sentence you stared in confusion at the sleazy looking man swaying in front of you — clearly drunk in the middle of the day. “Oh.” “If you’re getting all excited over s-some keychains, then ya suuure gonna lose it when I show ya what I got t’ offer.” Grimacing at the man’s slimy words, you gave a wry smile in response, “I’m not interested.” You muttered as you walked past him, but you felt a hand grab your arm and pull you back. “C’mon don’t be like-like that—! I’m just tryna get t’ kno-know s’ all.” Scrunching your nose in disgust at the man’s alcoholic stench, you snatched your arm away from his grip, “I told you I’m not interested. Go throw up in an alley if you have nothing better to do.” Huffing, you tried moving to find your boyfriend but your attempt didn’t last long when the man suddenly blocked your way with an angry look on his face. “Wha-t? You think.. you think you’re be-better than mee?” He slurred as he started to approach you. Clenching your fists, you took a step back and quickly considered your options. There was always the option to bash this creeps head into the ground, but doing so would probably cause too much commotion. Then again, even if you tried settling the tension by talking, you doubt this guy would listen to rationality. Bumping into a merchandise rack, you hadn’t realized how close the drunkard got until he was practically standing and screaming inches away from your face. Looking around apprehensively for an exit as anxiety started to bubble up, you braced yourself for a physical confrontation until a familiar tall silhouette and mess of pink hair stood in front of you.
“What do you think you’re doing?” His tone was uncharacteristically flat, “Don’t you see you’re making her uncomfortable?” He questioned, yet by the way his eyes stayed staring at the man, it was clear his question was more of a statement. Quickly glancing back at you, his boyish features softened, “You okay? You’re not hurt, right?”
Gojo Satoru, the strongest man alive — also known as the diabolical asshole who thinks it’s funny when fratbro looking guys try to hit on you. This man hardly has a jealous bone in his body.
Managing to get the strongest man alive to feel jealous is honestly a challenge within itself
This man’s self-esteem are absolutely pristine, and his security and confidence in his relationship isn’t something he’s ever felt doubtful of. I mean, he is Gojo Satoru, who would dare oppose him — much less his partner?
Gojo loves to watch in light amusement as snobby, over-confident guys try to win his partner over. He honestly gets a kick out of seeing their pathetic attempts; so much so that he even allows them just enough time to actually think they have a chance with you. Of course all fun has to come to an end, and that’s when he’ll smugly stride towards you. A cocky smirk plastered on his voice as his chirpy voice asks who your new friend is. This man would be a real subtle menace while strikes up casual conversation with the very same man who so blatantly failed at stealing you away. Of course, bit without being slightly condescending and placing a firm hand on your ass to squeeze. He won’t be ashamed of being so indecent either, and his mocking gaze won’t break from the dumb, poor stranger in front of you.
Megumi gets jealous even though he vehemently denies it. But he doesn’t get jealous of you talking to other people but rather other people crossing boundaries talking to you
He’s protective by nature, and makes quick work in letting any strangers know that you’re taken by him. It’s no an insecurity thing, but megumi doesn’t tolerate anyone disrespecting his relationship, “it’s indecent and annoying” he says
Megumi acoffs under his breathe as he watches, yet again, another nuisance try to flirt with his partner. With hasty a puff and an annoyed glare, Megumi doesn’t let this new pest get too far in their lame pickup line before his dark eyes are narrowing down on them in distaste. He wastes no time in calmly walking towards the both of you. Once he reaches his place by your side he lazily loops his arm around your hips and bends slightly as his other hand tenderly raises your chin and directs it towards him to place a loving kiss on your lips — making sure to linger a while longer. “Sorry I’m late, love” he whispers while you wrap your arms around his neck and placing a kiss on the tip of his nose before kissing him again. After separating, he sideyes the dumbfounded stranger, “tch. what? don’t you have somebody else to pester with half-assed pickup lines?” The sharp edge in his voice letting the offender know his question wasn’t a request.
This man doesn’t even need to say anything when he’s with you to keep other suitors from pursuing you. After all, someone who looks as serious as him and built like he bites more than he barks, has no trouble in being deemed your guard dog
Nanami is a calm and collected man. He’s not the type to display his emotions, or act out in public because of some surface level jealousy. That’s not to say he’s keen on watching others hit on his partner
Nanami clenches his jaw as he stares down the smug stranger shamelessly flirting with you — even adding insult to injury by doing so right after Nanami had to quickly step outside of the cafe to answer a phone call. A disapproving frown tugs at his lips as he pinched the bridge of his nose to settle his irritation. Honestly, what th hell did that idiot even think he could do by the time Nanami returned back inside? It was just outright exasperating at this point. No matter how hard you try to fight off these unwanted suitors they just keep coming. Sighing in annoyance, Nanami slightly scowls at the man currently infiltrating your personal space before stepping between you and the offender. He curtly ‘advises’ them to leave, emphasizing that their presence isn’t wanted by you. But if they choose to hold their ground, Nanami has no issues in letting them know that they made his lover uncomfortable and he’s more than willing to keep that from happening again
This man most definitely harbors an almost feral like protectiveness — borderline possessiveness — for his partner, and he isn’t shy to show it
Keep in mind, Toji is a very confident man, arguably arrogant at times. Meaning his jealousy stems from his possessiveness and “what’s mines, is mine” attitude than any level of insecurity or doubt
Toji sizes up the lovestruck idiot daring enough to approach you. His dark irises carefully track each and every movement the stranger makes once he starts rambling about whatever the fuck mediocre conversation they could think of. Of course, being the territorial man he is, Toji wastes absolutely no time in sauntering over to the both of you. You don’t miss the menacing smirk etched across his rough feeatures, or the ominous glint in his eyes. I mean, even just the aura radiating from this haughty dilf screamed out ‘danger’ and you loved it. Walking up from behind you his deep, raspy voice sliced through the building tension, “Get lost.” His arm wrapped snuggly below your breasts to pull you into his embrace as another hand lightly tugged the collar of your sweater to showcase the litter of hickies and bite marks hidden underneath the fabric. You could feel his cocky smile widen from behind as he revealed the complexion of your soft, supple skin practically complimenting the bruising colors. It most definitely didn’t help that the feverish blush searing your skin made his chest swell with pride. Truthfully, the raven-haired man couldn’t resist you even if he wanted to. Without faltering eye contact, his eyes narrowed, “Unless you got a problem with that?”
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