#I need sibling interactions between them okay
chthonic-kelpie · 4 months
Rating: G
Wordcount: 942
Summary: Zagreus gets a little sister
All is quiet in the House of Hades. You would never guess that it has been pure chaos for the past day or night. Persephone was in labor for hours, and her screams carried through the house and so distressed Cerberus that he moved from his usual spot to claw at the door to her chambers. Zagreus stopped him from breaking through the wall, but he remained outside the door and howled in sympathy with his mistress. In the main hall, Orpheus picked at his lyre as he composed a song to celebrate the birth of the new god, although he complained at that it was difficult when he didn’t yet know the name of his song’s subject. Nyx and Dusa were busy helping with the delivery, and Hades put all operations on pause and shut the front doors so that he could be with his wife through the birth. The line of shades outside stretched on even further than usual, and Achilles had been temporarily reassigned to assist Hypnos in managing them. All Zagreus could do was run around distracting everyone from their duties, accomplishing nothing and feeling completely useless.
After what felt like a lifetime, the screaming stopped, and Zagreus caught the tiny cry of a newborn baby. He hurried into Hades and Persephone’s chambers, expecting to see his mother peacefully nursing the baby—only to find her weeping, clutching Hades’ hand and staring at the ceiling, too terrified to look at her newborn daughter in case what happened last time should happen again. Nyx and Dusa washed the child and looked her over, counted her fingers and her tiny, fiery toes, and told Persephone that the baby was healthy and her feet still burned bright. Finally, after several such assurances, Persephone turned to look at the child crying in Nyx’s arms, and her tears turned to tears of joy. She reached for baby Melinoë, and beamed as she nursed her, too exhausted to speak.
Then Orpheus decided to debut his new song, and Melinoë must not have liked it, because she started crying and would not stop, not even when Orpheus switched to a calming lullaby, nor when he stopped playing altogether. Everyone was so frazzled from the excitement that it took far longer than it should have for anyone to think of enlisting Hypnos’s help to calm the baby. She fell asleep instantly in his arms. And then Persephone could finally rest. Dusa cleaned the room around her until Hades ordered her to leave, and forbade anyone but Nyx from entering their chambers to disturb her slumber.
And now all is quiet. Cerberus, reassured that his mistress is out of danger, naps in the western hall, his enormous paws twitching as two of his three heads gently snore. The front gate is still locked, and no shades mill around in the main hall. Achilles is outside keeping them in line, Dusa is cleaning somewhere unseen, and Orpheus rewrites his lyrics in silence. Nyx stands outside the lounge, leaving Hypnos inside with Melinoë as a show of trust, but unwilling to stray too far. She offers Zagreus a tired, but warm, smile as he passes.
Hypnos is dozing in the corner, still holding little Melinoë. Zagreus frowns and carefully takes her from him, lest he should drop her in his sleep. Hypnos doesn’t wake, but Melinoë stirs.
This is the first time Zagreus has held his sister.
He now has a sister.
For one of only a handful of times in his life, Zagreus needs to sit down. It hasn’t sunk in until now. He stares as Melinoë blinks awake, scrunching up her tiny face at him. She has her mother’s flaxen hair, and her eyes are like Zagreus’s, one green, one red. Under the fire-resistant wrappings, he knows her feet burn like his, too. He holds his breath and waits to see if she will start crying again, but she only looks at him and wriggles a bit to get comfortable. “Hello,” he says quietly. “Welcome to the underworld, Mel. Can I call you Mel?” She doesn’t answer, of course, but Zagreus decides she won’t mind. “I’m your big brother, Zag.”
His voice catches. He can’t say he grew up without siblings, exactly, but most of Nyx’s children were always so busy with their work that Zagreus rarely saw them. And they all answered to Hades, who was determined to make Zagreus’s life as difficult as possible for reasons he had not understood for a long time. He grew up without anyone to talk to who was like him, caught between two worlds. Without anyone who understood that constant feeling that he didn’t belong.
Melinoë will never have to feel that way. It will make a world of difference just having Persephone here. She missed her son’s childhood, and will cherish Melinoë as she would have cherished Zagreus. Nyx already promised to act as a second mother to the child, and though Hades is not forthcoming with his emotions, Zagreus knows he wants to be a better father this time around. Melinoë will have the love and support of three parental figures. And, of course, she'll have Zagreus, who will do everything in his power to make sure she never has to go through what he did. She'll never have to be alone, if Zagreus has anything to say about it.
Melinoë turns slightly and closes her eyes again. In another instant, she is soundly asleep. Zagreus brushes a careful kiss to her forehead. “You’re going to be so happy here, little sister,” he promises in a whisper. “You’ll have a charmed life. I’ll make sure of it.”
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jgracie · 6 months
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masterlist | rules
❝ do u think u could write a percy x daughter of psyche reader headcannons, maybe one where shes super emotional bc psyches the goddess of the soul and stuff 🤍🤍 ❞ — anon
in which percy dates a daughter of psyche
pairing percy jackson x psyche!reader
warnings none
on the radio . . . delicate (taylor swift)
“Y/N, can you help with something?” Piper said as she barged in your cabin
Being Psyche’s only child, you got pretty lonely watching everyone else interact with their siblings. Luckily, the Aphrodite cabin decided to ‘adopt’ you, seeing as you had your emotional intuition in common
That’s how you became good friends with Piper, and how you ended up in this position: being dragged out of the comfort of your cabin and all the way to the beach
Proudly presenting you to the boy you recognised to be Percy, son of Poseidon, Piper said, “Y/N's a daughter of Psyche, she can help!”
You looked at Piper, eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “I can help with what?” 
Percy answered for her, “this hippocampus is in pain and won’t tell me anything. I inspected it for cuts or anything like that, but she looks fine!” You didn’t need to hear him to tell he was exhausted. His aura had spots of dark red signifying his tiredness
You gave Percy a smile, channelling all of calmness in yourself as you said, “it’ll be okay, I’ll take a look.” You were glad to see it work - the red spots lessening. Using your voice to influence people’s emotions was something you were still working with Piper on 
As soon as you got near the hippocampus, you knew what was up. Once you got it to relax, you told them, “she’s not hurt, she’s pregnant.”
After that day, you started hanging out with Percy more. Well, if you called ‘doing occasional checkups on Sweetie the hippocampus’ hanging out. 
The two of you, along with Will Solace from Apollo, guided the hippocampus through her pregnancy. You read her emotions and Will administered the necessary medical support
Percy was just there because he’s a child of Poseidon and the hippocampi really wanted their lord to be there, as they believed it’d bless the child
When Sweetie finally gave birth, you couldn’t help but be a little disappointed. You really enjoyed spending time with Percy, and now you didn’t have an excuse to
Could you just ask him to hang out? Sure, he’d probably agree. But you wouldn’t do that. Stuff like this is really delicate to you, and needs to be treated with utmost care
Luckily, he did the asking for you
“Y/N!” Percy yelled. It had been a day since Sweetie gave birth, what could Percy possibly need from you?
You turned, “is Sweetie okay?” Ever since that day at the beach, you’d grown really attached to the hippocampus, and would hate to hear that something had gone wong
Much to your relief, Percy said, “Sweetie’s fine, I just wanted to thank you. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have even known she was pregnant. Do you wanna get ice cream with me later today? My treat.”
Your smile widened and warmth flooded your heart, “sure, Percy, I’d love that.”
The ice cream broke the ice between you and Percy, and soon enough you were laughing as if you’d been friends your whole lives. For someone who isn’t a child of Psyche or Aphrodite, Percy was pretty good with people
Your issue is that he’s too good. When he’d shoot you one of his handsome grins, or gently pull you into his chest as you’re about to bump into someone, or check you for scrapes after a game of capture the flag, you couldn’t help but fall in love 
However, he was so oblivious. Every time you read his aura, you were disappointed at the lack of pink in it. How could he still see you as a friend? 
Confused, you decided to consult the Aphrodite cabin
Another night, another sleepover at the Aphrodite cabin. From the perfume samples to the face masks, you loved it all
Clapping her hands, Piper sat on the floor next to you, completing the circle. Instantly, all of her siblings stopped talking, “we have something to discuss. Y/N, if you will.”
“So, I like Percy–” you heard squeals from all directions. Piper shushed them, “continue.”
“I like Percy, but I don’t think he likes me back. He does things for me - things that I associate with romance - but every time I read his aura, there’s nothing,” you sighed
The circle was silent as the Aphrodite kids thought of solutions to your issue. After a minute, a girl piped up, “have you done anything to show that you like him?” 
“Oh yeah, I gave him one of my chocolates yesterday.” Instantly, you felt judged, “I don’t do that for anyone,” you added
The girl next to you turned and placed her hands on your shoulders, “that’s the issue, Y/N. Sure, to you that's the epitome of romance, but it's a little too subtle for most people, babe. You’ve got to really show him you like him! If you do, then he’ll start thinking of you romantically, y’know?”
By the morning, you made your decision. You’d show Percy that you liked him
Meanwhile, Percy scarfed down yet another potion, grimacing at the taste
You see, Percy liked you too. But he was smart. He knew you’d be able to tell immediately if he liked you, since his aura would give his feelings away. So, what’d he do? He begged asked the Hecate cabin for a potion that’ll hide his aura
Considering you hadn’t said anything about it so far, he thought it worked
He felt bad lying to you, but he couldn’t have you knowing, not yet. Percy wanted to plan the perfect confession, and he couldn’t do that with your powers at play
With his aura concealed, Percy left his cabin. He was going to head to breakfast when he found you sitting at the steps of Cabin 3
"What’re you doing here?” Percy said, startling you. You were too nervous to knock on his door, so you opted to wait for him to leave his cabin instead
Taking a deep breath, you said, “Percy, there’s this movie I really wanted to see, and I was wondering if you wanted to see it… together?” You took his hand and looked down at your feet, too scared to check his aura
“Sure! Do you wanna come to mine or should I go to yours?” Percy replied, blushing. If this didn’t scream the fact that you liked him, he didn’t know what did
You looked up. His aura was the same - yellow, meaning friendship. You felt yourself tear up and ran, hoping he didn’t get suspicious
He did, of course. Percy chased after you until you got tired and he could finally catch up, “what’s wrong, Y/N?”
You snapped. You were getting sick of all of this, “I’ll tell you what’s wrong, Percy! I’ve been trying to figure you out for weeks! You always do romantic things for me but your aura’s still yellow, and it hurts, Percy, so I’d really appreciate it if you stopped leading me on!”
Percy felt like such an idiot. He explained that he did like you and the yellow aura was just because of the potion he got from the Hecate kids
Since you still had some doubts, he dragged you to the Hecate cabin and asked them to give him a potion that’d reverse the effects of the first one
As soon as he downed that one, his aura turned bright pink
True love
You started dating soon after. That night, you watched the romance movie you’d picked out and Percy held you as you cried about how cute the couple is
You can’t hide your emotions from Percy. Just because he can’t read auras, doesn’t mean he can’t tell when his favourite girl’s feeling down!
Whenever someone even thinks to tease you for being sensitive and emotional, Percy immediately gives them a lecture, telling them he’s sorry they don't have half your emotional complexity
He’s always asking you to read his aura, since he's very curious. It barely changes when he’s around you, almost always mostly pink 
You still tell him though and he gets this super proud look on his face and it’s really cute 
You’re really glad you have Percy because now you have someone to rant to about all the media you consume and how it makes you feel. Sometimes he spaces out because your voice is so soothing, but he makes up for it
You two are PDA central. Percy also has lots of feelings, so you always have to be touching in some way
You told him your mom's sacred animal is the butterfly once and now whenever he sees one he instantly thinks of you
“Oh my Gods Y/N is watching over me!” “Percy that’s a moth” 
Every day Percy thanks Piper and her mother for letting you guys cross paths, because your path and his are forever intertwined now
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withoutyouimsaskia · 7 months
Sometimes It's Fated (Sandman Short Story Part 1)
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
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​GIF: Originally posted by @tavners
Pairing: Morpheus/Dream of the Endless x AFAB reader
Summary: Reader Self-Insert. After restoring the Dreaming and locating the missing dreams and nightmares, Morpheus turns his attention to finding you, the human he believes fate has chosen for him. (Title inspired by Placebo's "This Picture".)
Warnings: Minors DNI. Dark!Morpheus. Soulmates. Angst. Obsessive and possessive behaviour. Tension. Home invasion. Voyeurism. Implied masturbation. Dream manipulation.
Word Count: 2.6k
A/N: Wow, this took way longer to finish than I had originally planned. My head's been all over the place with trying (and thus far failing) to find a new job. The themes are very different to what I've written before; I hope it reads okay. Please let me know what you think. All my love, Saskia xx
Sandman Masterlist
A phenomenon that governed every particle of matter within the known universe and even those beyond.
Some considered it a comforting concept that excused them from the burden of decision making, citing: "I'll leave it up to fate." For others the phrase was a cursory, throw-away comment or a romantic line they heard in the lyrics of a song.
The real truth of the matter was that Fate was a trio of immortal beings, goddesses, with sight so potent that they knew the past, present and future of every individual to have lived. The mythology of the Greeks, Romans and Norse hadn't been too far off with their stories of the Moirai, Parcae and Norns but of course, no humans really believed there to be any realism in myths. They were just stories. It didn't matter either way; they existed and had influence regardless of what the majority believed.
For beings such as The Endless siblings, the presence of Fate in the cosmos was not only real, but also something that affected even themselves.
For the King of Dreams, an eventuality had been prophesised long ago by The Kindly Ones that spoke of a bond that was to be forged between himself and a mortal.
Lord Morpheus, in his pride, had tried to be above such a foretelling, even questioning its validity because the notion of a mortal accepting his version of the universe seemed wholly implausible.
But he could not truly stop himself from wondering about you, reaching out to see if he could feel your presence in the minds of the dreamers he hosted.
It wasn't something he indulged in with frequency. More of a once-in a-decade interval. Enough to appease his curiosity.
Of course, this was put on hold during his imprisonment at Fawney Rig.
Morpheus had had much to contemplate during this period. The damage his absence caused to the collective subconscious, the decay of his realm, the loss of freedom and dignity. There was also a chance that you had been born and died in the 106 years he spent in captivity.
What if he was too late and had lost the chance of discovering who you were?
It was a nauseating prospect that scraped and scratched a space deep within his being; bleeding him of his remaining stores of hope that were so significantly depleted after the death of beloved Jessamy.
Despite the nasty emotional wound, finding you was a charge that he assigned at the end of his priorities after his escape.
Recovering his scattered tools, restoring the Dreaming, locating his absent creations, unravelling the mystery of Rose Walker and confronting Desire all had needed to come first.
The latter interaction had left Morpheus with a seething rage that was currently propelling him down the boards of the dock that sit above the Ocean of Dreams.
The dense mist in the air is buffeted by his movements and the only sounds are the tread of boots, the creak of wooden slats and the lap of water.
With each step, the liquid becomes choppier as it reacts to its master's mood and by the time he has reached the end of the dock, the surface of the water roils fervorously, completely in line with Morpheus' dangerous temperament.
The words of Desire's final silken-toned taunt echo in his mind with grating persistence.
"Oh, poor Dream. I really got under your skin this time, didn't I?"
He is loathe to admit there is truth in the question.
There are moments where Morpheus ponders the turn that the relationship between them has taken. How Desire went from being his favourite sibling to someone one shade shy of an adversary. Their faultless adeptness at provoking his temper and manipulating the events that encircle him would be impressive if not for the danger posed to humanity.
The agitated water eventually draws focus to how out of control he and his emotions have become. Morpheus knows he must get them in check, and quickly, for he knows the consequences all too well should he ignore it.
He clenches his fist and swallows it all down, pushing it deep inside his belly until the crackling entropy of the anger is fully dispelled.
Morpheus then sweeps his coat out behind him as he sinks lithely into a crouch. Trepidation nips at his heart and tugs his attention to a sobering thought.
This foray into the water may be fruitless.
You may be long gone and there would be no way of ever knowing you.
His nostrils flare as he takes a deep breath; he has run out of excuses to not look, even if he is afraid of the outcome.
Long, delicate fingers dapple the surface of the inky ocean. The waves still at the touch, obedient to him with instancy.
He repositions to full height and reaches into his coat to find the pouch of sand stashed in the pocket. A handful of twinkling grains slip off his palm into the ocean, lighting the water it touches to a luminous green.
"Find my soulmate," Morpheus commands silently.
The intention is set. He steps off the dock into the water.
At first, like every other prior attempt, there is no sign of you. Morpheus floats submerged in the tepid liquid, filtering through the hubbub of countless other dreams and nightmares.
Then there is a pull.
It is faint yet indisputable. Warmth explodes in his chest and he groans inwardly from the delicious sensation of relief.
You are alive, and you are dreaming.
A path of radiance appears in the water, a line that shows your connection, and provides a location for him to hone in on.
Morpheus dives deeper without hesitation.
As he reaches the edge of your subconscious, he rejoices that he got a handle on his emotions. He wouldn't want your first perception of him to be one tinged with rage, however unaware you were of him, with your soulmate being the source.
He hesitates for a moment before entering the dream you are in and is somewhat taken aback by what he finds.
A room comprising of four blank walls, a floor, a ceiling and a door. There is but one other feature; a window, and its view is as non-descript and inoffensive as the internal space.
You stand by said window, head turned from him.
Despite being unable to see your face, he sees your anxiety with immediacy. It is an aura hovering about your body, being sucked into your lungs with every fast-paced breath.
You begin to throw glances towards the door. Morpheus filters through the layers of the dream. No one is scheduled to come across the threshold.
The more he observes, the more questions arise in Morpheus' mind.
What was making you so affected? What were you expecting to happen?
There's nothing in the scene that is intended to be unpleasant yet you are reacting in a way that most observers would characterise as unsettled.
Morpheus, despite not yet knowing you, doesn't like to see you this way. His dominant instinct is to end the dream but he quashes the desire to review the bigger picture.
The empty room dream was symbolic of a beginning.
It clicks into place.
What you were feeling, even if on a purely instinctual level, was the anticipation of meeting your soulmate and starting your new life.
Morpheus steps into the frame, just a couple of paces behind you.
You feel his presence instantly, eyes full to the brim with tears as you whirl around with a soft gasp.
You see him.
The tears spill and patter onto the white floor.
Morpheus reaches out, overcome by his need to provide comfort.
You disappear.
Morpheus is sat on his throne. He pores over the book he had located in the Dreaming's library a little over a week ago that contains the details of your life. It is something he has taken to doing when the impatience of waiting for you to fall asleep becomes too keen.
Your subconscious has him enraptured, watching it every night as if it is a stage show. Each dream he delves into is like the tug of fingers on a loose thread, your psyche has begun to unravel before him.
Everything from whims to cravings, hopes to fears. Your temperament, the things that delight and irk you. What drives you and demotivates you. He consumes it all with an insatiable hunger.
Based on the projection of yourself that he sees, there is no doubt that he is attracted to you.
All that prior haughty disregard for the Fates' prophecy has been cast aside like a negative thought in a meditation session. Morpheus is a romantic. A believer. He is ashamed to have even doubted your coming.
He wonders if it would vex Desire to learn of him finding his soulmate and by extension, the prospect of companionship, perhaps even physical intimacy or love.
It is all too easy to imagine the sickly sweet grin they would smile at him, shown to be fake by the almost imperceptible contempt glinting in their golden eyes.
Would his triumph drive them to distraction?
It is this smug sentiment that spurs his next decision. He wants more. The next logical step is to find you in the waking world.
He rises from his throne, a sure hand ready to bring forth his pouch of sand when he falters.
Tears pool in his eyes.
His mind is suddenly marred with the memories of what happened in 1916. The agony, mortification and rage that followed. He couldn't go through that kind of treatment ever again and the waking world expanded the risk of it transpiring.
"No," he says resolutely. His sadness turns to resolve, the hard line of his grimace matching those set in his brows.
He will not let the actions of a group of mortals dissuade him from going to you. And besides, he has researched everything he can about you from within the safety of the Dreaming.
He takes a measure of sand and uses it to materialise within your bedroom.
It is obvious from a quick scan of it that deliberate attempts have been made to ensure the space is cosy and calming.
Two marshmallowy pillows support your head. The cotton sheets have been meticulously tucked to avoid drafts. A lavender reed diffuser fragrances the air with a subtle scent. There are no devices or screens visible.
Everything has its place. A coaster supported glass of water within reaching distance. Touch activated lamp in case of emergency. The diary lined up with the back left corner of the bedside table, pen placed parallel in the spine dent. All clothes are in the wardrobe or stashed in the laundry basket.
Morpheus moves to the curtain-shrouded window and delicately moves the dark, heavy fabric to catch a glimpse of the outside world.
The scene is sepia stained from an old streetlight positioned right outside your home. It explained the choice of curtains.
You stir slightly from the change in environment and Morpheus allows the curtain to fall back in place. He remains stationary until your breathing returns to its previous pace. It is imperative that his presence remains undisclosed. He knows that mortals do not take well to home invasion.
Then, your right hand slips out from the duvet cocoon revealing a cushion cut ruby ring on your middle finger.
He smiles exultantly. The similarity between the jewel and his own now-destroyed dreamstone was undeniable.
The Fates were making it transparent.
You were the one.
Morpheus approaches the side of your bed now. In your momentary discomfort, you had moved your head, making your whole face visible to your uninvited guest.
He bends gracefully so his face is closer to yours and observes you with an intent fascination.
Even in the gloom, Morpheus asserts that your features are even more captivating now that he is able to look upon them in person and is certain that if he could guarantee an absence of fear then he would fall to knees and worship you right there.
Fingers stroke a lock of hair splayed across the pillow and his thoughts turn darker still, imagining what he would do with you if he could get you alone in the Dreaming. How he would seduce you with words, and then pleasure your body with his own until you were senseless.
Getting you there would be so easy, all he needed to do was move his hand up and touch your skin and -
Morpheus stops himself, deciding that now is not the time for an introduction. He will wait until tomorrow. You need to rest. It will be quite the revelation for your sweet mortal heart.
Morpheus whispers a promise, "We will be together soon, my precious soulmate."
He leaves after taking one last look at your peaceful form.
When he returns to the Dreaming, Morpheus discovers that the visit has riled him way beyond what he thought possible.
It was supposed to sate his curiosity and answer some questions.
It has done the opposite.
His craving for you is sublimely intense, opiate-like in its ensnarement.
He needs to possess you. To have you all to himself. Everything would fall into place. Loneliness, disillusionment, jealousy; they would never darken his outlook again. You would heal him, he is certain of it.
He paces restlessly in the low light of his private chambers as heat ripples beneath the surface of his being, charging him with pure sexual lust.
He hungers for the moment when you feel the same about him.
For now, all he can do is stand and touch himself while thinking of your face, an act that has been carried out repeatedly in the days since he found you in the Ocean of Dreams.
An erotic idea enters his mind.
Your subconscious is still in the Dreaming; he knows the feeling of it intimately.
Perhaps he could bring you a dream mirroring his own current fantasy.
To give you a taste of what was to come.
A gift that only he could bestow.
The mere thought of it turns him on even more. His back arches and his eyes roll back as he choses the words through which he would deliver the offering.
"Dream of me," Morpheus murmurs breathlessly. "Dream of me."
He repeats the phrase until he is unable to continue, moans taking over the darkened space around him.
It is dusk the next day when Morpheus returns to the waking world.
The instant he touches down on the Earth's surface, he knows exactly where to go. The metaphysical connection between you is as strong as the energy pulsing through a ley line.
The city he is directed to is thrumming with life but the side street he stands in has been spared from the furore.
It is fortuitous that he is permitted to be unobserved for Morpheus is struggling now with the urge to get closer.
Providence is pulling him in and also locking him out.
He walks up to the door and then an invisible force makes him back away.
He doesn't even try to fight it.
The Fates hold all the cards. Morpheus is beholden to their each and every whim.
It is surprisingly liberating.
He is dancing in the cross hairs. Blinkered by the tie the universe has fashioned for you.
All he has to do is wait.
The door to the building is pushed open.
Taglist: @herfantasyworldd
"Fate. Up against your will. Through the thick and thin. He will wait until you give yourself to him."
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bitterrobin · 3 months
look man, I like the interpretations of "eldest sibling Dick Grayson taking care of his younger brothers" and I like the theme of "eldest sibling forced to parent his youngest sibling in the absence of their actual parent" when applied to the 2009 era in some places/circumstances. BUT here's the thing. DICK WAS NOT PARENTING DAMIAN.
Dick didn't even see Damian as his brother for a good stretch of their early interactions. To me that was highlighted perfectly well in Resurrection of Ras al Ghul - Tim is Dick's brother and he believes in him, Damian is not Dick's brother and he's simply a kid who happens to be related to Bruce. And characterization aside, if I'm to believe Tim stans and the comics I've read then yeah, Tim was Dick's little brother that he cared for above a lot of things. They did brotherly things unprompted, they hung out together, Dick offered advice and defended Tim from threats and in arguments.
To that end, when Damian was introduced and made a part of the expanding Batman canon, he was not considered a brother. He was a son, in name only, to Bruce. He cared for the boy, enough to fight Ras, but not nearly enough to take him from the League or just...talk to him? About their roles, about Talia. He just left Damian behind with Talia, assuming that they both knew and understood his intentions to leave them independent. And then once he died, Damian’s fate is left up in the air. We have no idea what he and Talia were doing in the stretch of time between Resurrection and Damian showing up randomly in Battle for the Cowl. Once Damian appeared, it wasn’t a “okay Dick time to parent this child because he’s your sibling” it was “ok Dick time to watch over this crazy kid who you have no connection to besides Bruce because you’re the only adult who can control him/communicate w him.” Dick treated him like an obligation because he’s a kid, but didn’t feel the need to “parent” him because they weren’t family. Damian wasn’t family to any of the people present in the early 2009 era, they didn’t care for him because they liked him or wanted to do right by Bruce (when even Bruce didn’t feel the need to parent him) they watched over him because he was a factor of chaos and displacement. Dick made Damian Robin to have a method of control over him that eventually morphed into a method of mutual trust. Their relationship did grow closer, but as mentor/mentee. Dick held responsibility over Damian as Batman to Robin. Outside of that structure, we aren’t shown Dick taking Damian anywhere just to hang out, giving him advice as a normal person, defending him from villains and fearing for his life. I think Dick’s expressed more concern for the villains Damian fought than Damian himself.
Dick didn’t see him as a brother for most of their Batman and Robin run. His fatherly aspects weren’t even mentioned, until they were retroactively implied in Nightwing 2011 and onward. So, he wasn’t parenting Damian. He wasn’t a teenager being saddled with the responsibility. He was 25-30 year old man looking after a volatile 10 year old kid because no one else wanted to do it. And then once Bruce reappeared, then Damian got a much more explicit father-son relationship and Dick was made into a more brotherly figure. I’m not saying they didn’t eventually get close, but fandom overstates just how much Dick did to care for him, and cut straight to Dick as Damian’s family when their relationship was never that close until the 2011 reboot.
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themisplaceddemigod · 8 months
hi! i saw your post on a hashtag and cheked out your one piece account and its really good! i was wondering if you can write sub!leo valdez smut? have a great day!
thank you :D and sure! i can try my best, i've never written smut before so i hope i did okay this first time!
Leo Valdez x F!Reader
summary - Leo is the whiniest, most vocal sub you've ever encountered, but you find it cute
warnings - SMUT! sexual themes, sexual acts, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, p in v intercourse
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"Fuck! (Name), please!"
You grinned as you teased your boyfriend, slowly rolling your hips against his and watching him squirm as your clothed cunt pressed against his hard, throbbing dick. His pants and boxers had long since been discarded, and now he was whining for you to undress and give him what he wanted the most - your pussy.
"Ah, ah," you tutted, "This is your punishment for smacking my ass in front of all my siblings earlier."
He groaned, whimpering as he bucked his hips upwards, trying to hump you roughly to get himself off faster. You gripped his hips and slammed them back down, leaning towards his neck to press hot, wet kisses as you continued to grind yourself against him, moaning as he whined and begged some more.
"You gonna be a good boy then?" You sat up again, biting your lip. "Are you gonna behave if I strip and fuck your needy dick?"
He nodded frantically, a strangled mix between a moan and a gasp coming out of his mouth, "Yes yes baby please! Please fuck me!" He whined, clawing at your clothes.
You smirked and started stripping down, taking your clothes off slowly to tease him. His dark, lust-filled eyes followed every bit of newly exposed skin, stopping on your hard nipples as your bra came off.
"Baby you're so damn pretty," he moaned, "Wanna feel you on me, squeezing my dick, please...please..." He whimpered, hands roaming your bare body before squeezing your breasts tightly.
You let out a moan, gasping softly at the feeling of his warm hands groping your tits. Your cunt was slick with your juices by now, his whines and his words arousing you to the point where it was hard to keep teasing him. You were about ready to give into his pleading, always happy to sink down on his dick and ride him to heaven and back.
"I guess you deserve it, baby."
You rocked yourself against him once, twice, coating his long, throbbing dick with your juices. He moaned even more, throwing his head back as his hands gripped your waist.
"Baby please stop teasing, you're driving me insane!"
You smirked at that, but finally hovered over him and grabbed his dick, rubbing it a few times to elicit more delicious whines from your vocal lover. When you were satisfied, you lined his dick up with your entrance, moaning softly as his tip prodded it. Then you slowly sank down onto him, easing his dick into your tight, soaked cunt. Your head fell back as he filled you up, your mouth opening and forming an 'o' as you sucked him in. He was breathing so heavily, panting slightly too, as your hips finally met.
"Ready for me to move baby?" You asked teasingly, knowing full well that he was desperate for it.
"YES!" He cried out, "Yes princess please, please move! Want you so bad, need to feel you cum all over my dick!"
His words had you moaning, and you lifted yourself off him before slamming back down, earning a scream of pleasure from the son of Hephaestus, and his hands squeezed your waist. You repeated the action, moaning yourself at the feeling of his cock slipping in and out.
"Faster baby please," he begged. "Need you to move faster!"
You loved how desperate he was for you, how he begged and pleaded you to fuck him. Leo was almost always the sub, mostly because he was always the one who wanted you to fuck him like an animal.
You gave into his request, starting to move faster and bouncing up and down on his dick quicker. Your hands rested on his chest, your ass slapping against his thighs with loud squelches that had you moaning and whimpering as you rode him. Leo was the loudest, his grunts and moans and whines filling the room almost as much. as the wet, sloppy sounds of skin-against-skin. You threw your head back and shut your eyes as you moved faster, riding his dick so roughly that the bed started to creak and the mattress dipped further.
"(Name)!" He moaned your name like a chant, his hands moving up to grab and fondle your perky tits. You moaned at the feeling, combined with the ecstasy of his dick starting to slam against your g-spot as he started bucking up into you while you rode him.
"Leo, fuck!" You gasped, feeling your orgasm quickly building up. You whined and moved faster, ass hitting his thighs harder as you chased your release.
He was babbling and moaning incoherently, toying with your breasts as he watched you bouncing yourself on his cock through half-lidded eyes. The sight was incredibly arousing, and it was taking Leo every ounce of will he had to keep from filling you with his seed right then and there.
"So good, fuck," he moaned, "You feel so good on me, princess. Your pussy's so fucking good!"
You moaned louder at his words, bouncing yourself on him faster and harder and rougher. You leaned down to kiss him hard, slipping your tongue into his mouth as your tits pressed against his own. You kept rolling your hips against his, rocking against him wildly as you made out sloppily, your mouths a mess of tongue and teeth against each other. Both of you were gasping, moaning, panting, and the room was filled with the scent of sex and those lewd sounds.
"Gonna cum!" You whined, your pussy clenching around him so hard that he knew you were ready to coat his dick in your cum. Your thrusts became sloppy and unco-ordinated, choked whines and moans leaving your lips as you pressed wet kisses down his neck and along his shoulder. "Cum with me baby, wanna feel you fill me up with your cum..."
Those words elicited a moan so loud that you feared anyone passing by might hear, and you clamped a hand over his mouth, "Come on baby, quieter now. Can't have the whole camp knowing I'm fucking you senseless in here. It IS against the rules, after all."
And that was it for Leo. He came hard, dick spurting his warm semen into your cunt and filling you up completely. You moaned loudly and joined him, cumming just as hard as you creamed around his dick, panting heavily as you continued to fuck him through your orgasms, but only briefly.
When you both came down from your highs, Leo whined and pulled you down to lay on him, wrapping his arms around you. He stayed inside, pressing gentle kisses to your shoulders.
"I love it when you dominate, baby," he grinned weakly into your neck. "You're so fucking hot."
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kiwiikato · 2 months
mommy’s here // ken sato x reader
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Chapter Ten
note: hi everyone! there's not much action going on here in this chapter but i just really wanted to give you guys another chapter. i may do longer wait times between uploading chapters like i did with this one since i deal with motivation issues but im gonna do my best to continue uploading the story till it's finished <3
professor sato stared at the wall of the elevator, his body slowly descending down from the first floor of his sons house. the doors opened, showing ultraman's face blocking any movement forward. he could only stare at him silently as kenji spoke.
"dad, im not asking for complaints, guilt, or criticism. not right now, i just... we need you help." he stepped aside out of the way from professor sato to walk in. a soft gasp escaped him as he looked at the scene before him.
he recognized your ultra form in front of him, holding down what looked like to be a kaiju. a baby one at that. he couldn't help but stare at awe at the sight in front of him. he eyes and mind couldn't believe that an actual baby kaiju laid in front of him.
"y/n, is that you?" he asked, confused about you and his son being together in the same room. he held no knowledge of your connections together. he would only worry about where you would go in the time that you weren't fighting kaijus that attacked. he shook his thoughts off to acknowledge the sight in front of him.
his hands touched the scales that littered their skin. "incredible." before he could say anything, kenji who sat on your side started to talk. "she's hurt dad. we were attacked. i don't know what to do." his voice was shaky, almost as thought he could break down in tears looking at the injured baby.
your heart clenched at the quiver in his voice, wishing you could comfort him but the priority of your babies comfort stood first in line. "she got loose, i should have been there." he gasped out. "no kenji, i should have been there, i was literally there. she got out right under my nose." you said holding the baby in your arms.
professor sato hands neared where the syringe of green liquid was stuck on the babies body. "shh shh" professor sato tried to comfort the pink creature as they whined in pain and fear. "dad please! careful with her." kenji cried out, anxious to see the kaiju he had grown to love was injured.
this was all new to him. growing up as a single child, he had no one to worry about besides his mom when they moved to the states. he had no close family, no younger siblings. he was truthfully forced to grow up too early.
but since the day he had first held the baby kaiju in his arms, he had found himself feeling a way. attached. love if you would call it that. he had grown to love them the way a father would. it was a sweet bittersweet feeling.
"it's okay, its okay, he's not gonna hurt you." said while you rubbed the babies head to soothe them as your other hand found kenji's back to rub. professor sato gently but quickly pulled off the syringe as he watched the way you two interacted. he didn't want to assume but there was a closeness between the two of you.
"it's good to see you again, professor." he smiled while turned to mina. "hello mina." he said holding the green syringe. "it's been a while." mina's voice was gentle, a slight tone of joy seeing the professor after a long while. "it has. can you do me a favor? can you run an analysis on this?" he held out the syringe to the robotic arm that reached for it. mina's 'eye' scanned the syringe.
professor sato turned towards the two of you. "dad, please, do something, help her." kenji whispered out. "please professor." you added on in desperation for help. for anything. he nodded and kneeled slowly with the help of his cane. "mina, it looks like like she might have a broken arm. can you confirm?" he turned to mina who began to scan the arm. "yes, that's correct. she has a mid-humeral fracture with associated hematoma." she finished explaining just when the the baby kaiju cried a little bit. "it's okay it's okay." professor sato comforted her.
mina began to speak up once again. "i have completed the chem analysis, professor sato. it's a powerful sedative, but it's harmless." you let out a breath of relief hearing that the liquid wasn't poisonous in any way. you felt kenji grasp the hand you one had on his back in his own. he squeezed it a comforting manner, making you smile internally.
"can you synthesize a 100 ccs?" professor sato asked mina, which she agreed too. "good, we'll need more." kenji heard his dad, turning to him in shock. "more? why more?!" he yelled in fear. "kenji, you may not agree with me on anything else, but right now, i'm the best chance she has. so please, please, let me help." he softly begged to his son. kenji let out a soft 'okay', giving his dad a nod.
professor sato's torso turned as he reached for the bag at his side. he pulled out a small bunny, one adorned with colors of yellow, green, purple, and red. he held it out to the baby kaiju, allowing you and kenji to see it. "dad, bunny?" he inquired softly.
"it always worked on you." he said softly as he clicked a button. a familiar melody began to play as your baby began to coo in joy. he played bunny on the babies arm, letting her watch it with curiosity.
he then began to sing with the song. "🎶 b-i-n-g-o, b-i-n-g-o," he grabbed his metal cane, placing it in the crevice of her arm. "okay now hold her steady, please y/n." he said as you listened and placed a gentle but sturdy grip on her.
mina's robotic arms came out from the ground as they grabbed at the baby kaijus arms to hold her arm steady. professor sato aligned his hip with the fracture at her hand. with one swift movement, he pushed against it, letting out a crack. in an instant, a cry erupted from the baby kaijus arm from the pain.
you and kenji sat on the couch of the small room in his base. your eyes watched at you baby kaiju who laid in their containment unit, sleeping peacefully.
professor sato walked into the room with his cane holding a mug. you instinctively shot up from your seat, rushing by over to help him sit down carefully. it's not that he was at an age where he would need help but after his injury from being the past ultraman, you found yourself building a habit of helping him walk.
you led him to sit down on the sofa, taking away the mug he held and placed it on the table in front of kenji. "bad habit." he said looking at kenji who tapped his foot anxiously. you moved back to your spot on the other side of kenji, sitting closer to him for comfort.
"i'd say we did pretty well considering the circumstance." he spoke trying to continue a conversation. kenji turned to him. "dad i- i really appreciate you showing up, i do. but this doesn't make you ultradad. you know, we're not suddenly gonna be best pals."
kenj sat hunched over his right hand holding his face. the atmosphere had done tense. you felt your own body turn rigid from the feeling. as cliche as it sounds, you could almost cut the atmosphere with scissors from how thick it was. you turned to kenji, trying to hint to ask if you could leave, not wanting to be rude or intruding.
you felt his free hand next to you grab you hand nearest to him, silently reassuring you that it was okay for you to listen. professor sato watched the site in front of him once again, taking in these small acts of closeness between the two of you. staying silent once again.
"kenji, y/n, i need to show you something. mina, news please." what was once a window, turned into a tv as cheif officer of KDF, dr. onda, was shown talking on national television. you felt yourself tense up, recognizing the man that you had learned was behind all the kaiju attacks.
"fortunately, the KDF was able to contain the damage and no one was harmed. but the kaiju escaped, and it would appear that ultraman and the new ultra hero are actually defending the beast. the KDF are conducting a massive search for both the creature and the two ultra heroes. we will protect the families of this city. we will get to the bottom of this and we will eliminate the threat."
the news showed clips of the baby kaiju running around, then switching into the KDF jets searching for the missing kaiju. your baby kaiju. professor sato turned to the both of you, who sat intensely watching the new till it was turned off.
"kenji, i have been tracking onda. even y/n has when we would work together more frequently. and until now he's been content on just killing whatever kaiju attacks the city. but somethings changed. he wasn't trying to kill the baby. he wanted her alive. i've known onda for a long time. he is brilliant and cunning. and he will never stop, not until she's captured and you're dead. until you're both dead.
you head snapped towards professor sato, shocked to actually have to acknowledge the truth. kenji's eyes widened, his body had turned stiff as the three of you stared at the baby kaiju who shivered slightly as mina sang to her. you felt your heart clench in fear of her being alone, without you, the two of you.
professor sato sighed at the sight, turning back to kenji. "you and i don't have to be best pals, kenji. but can we at least agree that she is the priority?" he said staring at his son.
"yes, she is." kenji responded looking at his father while you gave him a quick nod. professor sato turned to the two of you. "do you have a plan?" just in that moment, mina came out to the two of you, laying out the plan.
"we thought returning the baby to her natural habitat would be best, professor sato. but the location of kaiju island remains elusive." she spoke. professor began to walk around, almost anxiously. "even if we could find it, without a mother to defend her, the baby might starve, drown, die from hypothermia, or another kaiju could eat her as a snack-"
his panicking rambling was cut off my kenji who spoke sternly. "i got it, i got it." his dad then turned to the two of you, his voice silently desperate. "we have to raise her, the way her mother would have." he said. his eyes were pleading for the two of you to agree as he walked away.
kenji stood up from his spot, pulling you with him as your hands were still intertwined. he then let go as he neared his dad, raising them in shock. "so you're suggesting that you and i- uh ultrapeople, people who are supposed to fight these things, should train this baby to essentially kick our butts?" he spoke as his body jumped with shock with each step he took.
"kenji, she needs us." professor sato spoke softly. kenji turned to you, looking into your eyes for what you would have to say. it might have been your attachment speaking or your mutual agreements with professor sato but you knew that not teaching her was not good.
"we have to kenji. i rather her kick our asses than know that she's struggling to even survive. i need to know she's safe and sound." kenji could only nod slightly, giving you a soft smile as he turned to his dad to agree.
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lowkeyrobin · 6 months
Platonic Phoebe and Trevor x Gary Grooberson’s teen kid reader and adjusting to being stepsiblings?
OH MY GOD YES BRO RJSKDMSNSN ; I did my best pls bare w this 💀💀💀
SPENGLER SIBLINGS ; stepsiblings
summary ; youre Gary's kid and you have to adjust with two new stepsiblings
warnings ; language
disclaimers ; your mom is nonexistent/Gary adopted you. it's not a topic brought up at all I don't think but you can choose, ik some people don't like kid of ___ reader or ____ sibling reader so beware lol, takes place between afterlife and frozen empire so no spoilers for anyone who hasn't watched gbfe yet, reader can drive/is around Trevor's age
word count ; 675
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it's so awkward at first
especially since you've never had siblings before so it's like they're teenage roommates
like okay your parents are dating or whatever but like, ew?
except you're living with them, not the other way around
both gary and callie are trying to urge you to interact but it's just not happening
you're not really a ghostbuster either, you aren't smart in the sciences and aren't into the whole ghost thing anyways
you're more into traditional ghosts anyways, not the ones that show up in broad daylight and need to be trapped by proton barriers
it's very rough at first
you connect with phoebe first, as a once in a blue moon experience happened, she wanted to act like a normal 14yo and go get ice cream
Callie couldn't take her because she was busy helping trevor with work stuff and told her to ask you
she was like 🤨 and like... "okay?-"
she asks and you look at her like 🤨😊
you guys go get ice cream and she tells you all about the shit you pass on the way there and back home
you surprisingly end up bonding over the struggle of talking to others like normal people and being well reserved with little to no friends
then comes the bonding over a certain book you both liked
the whole car ride home is oasis on the radio and chatter about this book, and going the longest possible way home because you didn't want this bonding moment to end
you sat in the car after phoebe got out, just sitting in silence
you were kind of in awe yet saddened the moment had ended because you were bonding so well
after that she clearly sees you in a new light and looks to you for your wisdom and clear view of the world when she's wrapped in her own madness and needs untangled
you were the trusting older sibling she needed since trevor never really understood the proper being there for your sister thing
they're proper siblings and whatnot but it's not like they go to each other if it's not to shit talk people
you're like their mediator and therapist sibling
getting through to trevor was much harder
you ended up finding him a job and he was like 🤨😒 when you showed him
"oh- uhm, sorry. I was just trying to be nice" and you quickly scramble away
he's just confused cause like ??? you never talked, he didn't even know how you knew he was looking for a job
he comes into your room a couple hours later like "Hey sorry I acted all weird, thanks"
and that's it
bonding with him is so hard, and Gary and Callie are like "okay go fucking do something"
you're all (spengler-groobersons + podcast bc phoebe needed a friend her age) out at an amusement park, and these mfs ditched yall at the carousel next to the bathrooms
and they weren't picking up their phones
you were basically forced to interact now, which was much less awkward in an amusement park
you guys ride some rides and get some food as you frequently call your parents
you finally find them, phew
but you two obviously made a little friendship and had fun together
took a little longer to get used to each other but you're fine now
awkward teenager shit yk?
in general, the three of you now are super close
trevor is your hype man when it comes to talking to people or doing something out of your comfort zone
phoebe is your hype man when you talk to her about maybe wanting to be a ghostbuster / study ghosts
you're the driver for the three of you, callie doesn't trust Trevor with driving, considering how he was driving the ecto1 when he first got it usable again, and obviously, phoebe can't drive
after a few years you're basically just like normal siblings
you three have a sibling group chat and it's 90% you sending memes, Trevor sending random tik tok links and phoebe begging you two to stop blowing up her phone
spenglerson siblings 🔛🔝
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lurkingshan · 6 months
Unknown Episode 8
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My god, Yuan is so smart and Qian doesn't stand a chance.
Big change this week, as Yuan started calling his brother by his name (insert grumbling about the subtitles obscuring this by always translating "ge" as "Qian"). Both in the scene when Yuan checked on Qian and wished him good night, and again at the river, he called him "Wei Qian." In both of these moments, Yuan is trying to encourage Qian to accept that relationships can change and that it's okay for him to see Yuan as someone other than his little brother. He's also still calling him "ge" when he's interacting with him more in a familial way, and flirting and caring for him while also establishing some new distance by not catering to him in every single interaction. Yuan still loves him, but he's not a kid worshipping an idol anymore. You could practically see Qian's head spinning as he tries to keep up and get a read on how Yuan feels.
I like the way the show used the Lili and San Pang reveal to shake Qian up. First of all, let me just say that the scene where he found out was absolute comedy gold from start to finish, and I lost it entirely when they showed Yuan in the background embodying popcorn.gif. Qian struggles a lot with change, and he's uncomfortable both with the idea of his siblings growing older and with them engaging in romantic relationships, something he himself has never done. And the show didn't mention it explicitly, but I can't imagine it's lost on him that San Pang was so against Yuan's feelings for Qian, but has no apparent qualms about dating Lili (and covering her with hickeys, what are you, 14, San Pang?), despite all of them being part of the same found family unit. There's a hypocrisy there that is so far unnamed, and it must contribute to his discontent with this situation, though I don't think he'd ever say that out loud. Some part of him must think it's unfair that they get to date happily while he's been tormented for years over what to do about Yuan's feelings for him.
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And at this point, it's clear these feelings are mutual. Qian's physical awareness of Yuan was cropping up all over this episode; there was tension in every scene they shared. Their years apart seem to have only ratcheted up the yearning between them, and Qian is not as practiced at managing it. The anticipation was all over his face whenever he was with Yuan, and each time Yuan did not prioritize him in the way he expected, he was confused and disappointed. His words at the river felt more like he was trying to convince himself, not Yuan, that they should move on from any thoughts of a romantic relationship. I loved the way Yuan got up and sat down right across from him so he could look him in the eye and say he is more mature now, and he will always be his family no matter what, but wouldn't it be nice to have more together? His quiet confidence in that scene was excellent. I truly believe he is willing to accept whatever Qian wants, but he also knows Qian needs to be pushed to understand his own feelings. And next week he will be getting a big dramatic push.
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i-care-4u · 4 months
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you were invited to pablo’s party alongside his barcelona teammates and a few others. as you entered, you were immediately greeted by pablo and his sister, aurora.
at this point, you and the gaviras were like family. ever since meeting them because of your guardian’s interactions with their mother, you and the siblings got closer as the ages pass by. although things have changed because of career choices, one thing you can agree on was that barcelona is the move. you love barcelona as much as they do.
“hey guys!” you waved at the gavira siblings and they exchanged a smile towards before coming up to you.
starting with the left cheek, aurora exchanged kisses with you, “you finally made it!”
“i did!” you posed.
pablo joined, “thanks for coming in tonight. feel free to serve yourself some food, and drinks will be right in the fridge.”
you nod to pablo, messing up his hair, “thank you pablito!”
after greeting everyone inside the party, you decided to sit down and listen to the recent gossip. you were accompanied by pablo’s friend group.
as people slowly got off the couch, you saw that as your cue to leave somewhere else. however, fermín desperately asked you to stay.
“where are you going?” fermín asked you, “you’re going to miss the best part of the story!”
“i’m going to grab a drink and go outside.” you said as you start making your way into the kitchen. you opened the refrigerator and grabbed one of the drinks. afterwards, you closed the door and made your way into the backyard.
the backyard view looked very beautiful at night. however, there was no one there, or at least you thought so. walking towards the pool, appeared a guy sitting on one of the chairs.
“is someone sitting there?” you knew the answer is no, no one is sitting there, but you used that question as a way to start a conversation with the guy.
“no, you can sit there if you want.”
as you sat down, you started to examine the guy’s face. you were already familiar with his face, although you were unsure if that was his name.
“you must be…”
“pedri, no need to pretend.”
you raised your hands, giving him a sarcastic dirty look, “wow, okay. i was just making sure i was looking at the right person.”
“and you must be y/n. gavi tells me about you.”
“oh, he’s so sweet. you should be lucky to have someone like him.”
“and i am.”
for a brief moment, silence fell between you, with the peaceful sounds of the night wrapping about you like a comfortable blanket. the cold breeze rustled through the leaves, instilling a sense of serenity in your bones. pedri interrupted the pause, his voice soft but full of inquiry. "so, how long have you been friends with pablo and aurora?"
you chuckled quietly, remembering your closeness with the gavira siblings. "we have a long history together. our families have been close for years, and we almost grew up together. it's like they're my second family." pedri nodded in agreement, his face thoughtful. "that is nice. family is vital." you couldn't help but agree, a warm emotion flooding your chest as you remembered your relationship with the gaviras. "oh, definitely. they've always been there for me, through thick and thin."
as the night proceeded, you found yourself deep in discussion with pedri, the words flowing effortlessly as if you had known each other for years. his presence gave you a sense of calm and ease, allowing you to forget about everything else. you were lost in the moment, telling stories, laughing, and even pausing to contemplate quietly. it felt as if time had stopped and the world had shrunk to just the two of you in the black of night.
“so you’re telling me that you never wanted to approach me?” you asked pedri, being in disbelief.
pedri shrugged, “seeing you and the group of girls, i’d say out of everyone, you were the most intimidating.”
“gavi tells me all about you,” you repeated the words pedri said earlier. “don’t tell me he influenced you.”
“he didn’t…clearly you were just out of my league.”
“out of my league as in?”
“one that is getting the people in telling me that i pulled the impossible. one that i can show off to everyone. one that got me looking like the average person when standing next to you, a supermodel-like appearance.”
as the hours went, you developed a peculiar fascination to pedri. there was a magnetic draw between you, a connection that appeared to transcend words and actions. and when you looked into pedri's eyes, you noticed something flicker beneath the surface: a spark of something unsaid, something that mirrored the feelings running through your heart.
"may i?" pedri asked you. you drew in closer, absorbed in the moment's intensity, the distance between you narrowing with each passing second. and when your lips came together in a deep, delicate kiss, the world around you seemed to drift away, leaving only the warmth of pedri's touch and the hammering of your pulse.
lost in the heat of desire, you felt pedri's fingertips trace patterns across your flesh, sending chills down your spine. his touch was electric, setting off a fire of desire that grew stronger with each passing instant.
the need for air eventually separated you, leaving you both breathless and overwhelmed with want. but, even as you gathered your breath, the desire in pedri's eyes indicated that this was far from over. without saying anything, you both rose from your chairs, hands interlaced as you headed towards the house, the anticipation of what lay ahead hanging heavily in the air between you. however, as you approached the door upstairs, a voice shrieked from behind you, stopping you both in your tracks.
"since when were you two a thing?" fermín's voice burst forth, full of wonder. you turned to face him, hot cheeks and beating heart, wondering how to react to his unexpected interruption. but as you met pedri's eyes, you shared a wordless understanding, a mutual acceptance of the emotion that had developed between you.
"we'll talk later," pedri muttered softly, kissing your lips before turning to face fermín, whose expression was unreadable. and as you entered that room together, the anticipation of what was to come hung heavily in the air, a tempting reminder of your love for one another.
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official-darkforest · 5 months
What’s Jayfeather and Alderheart’s relationship like in your au? I always imagined Jayfeather choosing to tutor one of his siblings after Hollyleaf, Cinderheart, and Lionblaze kind of did and he realizes five days later he was mislead into thinking this would be fun but now he just has a little 13 year old on his hands. But I don’t know how well that translates to another time period
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kinda! i think with how the timelines overlap a lot closer (to make sure that characters are within reasonable age differences between each other) alder and his sister were born earlier and are only just barely younger than ivy/dove, so jay/lion/holly’s childhood overlaps with alder/spark’s a little bit. i’d say with squirrel’s fertility issues (probably PCOS or some other unspecified reproductive disorder) they probably have a pretty significant age difference but not to the same degree as the books where jay was a grown ass adult (theres a 5 year difference between them in canon! that means he wouldve been like fucking 35 or so human yrs LMFAOO) by the time alder was born. maybe 10 yrs at the most. dandelion and juniper were born between that but unfortunately didnt survive long
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as for their relationship, they were pretty okay. jay was probably fresh into college by the time alder got diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. squirrel/bramble probably pressed jay about it but he dismissed them because he was still a student at the time and nowhere near a professional yet. alder idolized jay a lot growing up because he “didn’t let his disability hold him back”. there qas a lot of inspiration porn type of thinking on alder’s end and honestly the rest of the family kinda perpetuated it as well so its not just him. its not intentional either but yknow. at a certain point (and a lot of long conversations and arguments between the two about it) alder stops idolizing him to such an unhealthy degree and doesn’t fall into the ‘if my disabled brother can do xyz then i have 0 excuses’ line of thinking as much as he used to. while alder isnt the biggest fan of jay trying to psychoanalyze him mid-argument, he takes his word into consideration anyways
jay likes to say he thinks alder is irritating (in the younger sibling kind of way) but honestly spark was worse than alder when she was a teenager. jay just interacted with alder more since he was quieter and less overstimulating, especially when in the Deepest Pits Of College Homework Hell. also hes bluffing he really does enjoy alder’s company. he’s hard on him because he wants the younger to succeed, evem if hes a bit mean about it sometimes.
alder eventually becomes a pharmacist instead of a psychologist, finding the work of the former much more attuned to his needs and his likes. he’s still helping people. by the 2010s-2020s, he’s even filled and compounded a few medications jay prescribed to his patients!
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babysukiii · 7 months
fallingforyou (2)
// lottie matthew’s does not like you. you’re annoying, preppy, and way too nice. lottie doesn’t fail to show you time after time just how much she hates you. you finally get the message and steer clear of her, until senior year, when you both get paired up for a science project. //
warnings: asshole!lottie, sweet!reader, enemies to lovers, allusions to lottie’s shitty home life, lottie doesn’t know how to deal with her emotions. i picked random names for y/n’s siblings lol.
(this is part 2 of the series, read part 1 here.)
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i read between the lines (i’ll take it one day at a time)
when you tell lottie ‘whenever’, you didn’t actually think she’d show up unannounced on wednesday evening. she’s wearing her soccer practice clothes, and her hair is tied in the usual pigtails it always is in whenever she practices. “y-you’re here.” you stutter a bit stupidly; you’re wearing an oversized sweatshirt and biker shorts that are so short lottie assumes you aren’t wearing any pants. your glasses are off, and your hair is let down in unruly curls. she’s never seen you so… unguarded. she isn’t used to it. usually you’re wearing some girly outfit and those glasses that are almost as dorky as misty quigley’s.
“you told me to come whenever. it’s whenever.” lottie blurts out, as she attempts to walk past you but she stops herself. “sorry.” she mutters as she leans down to untie her cleats. you shake your head quickly, stopping her, “oh it’s okay! you don’t have to do that, my mom doesn’t care about shoes.” you assure her and lottie slowly stands up straight, stopping herself from taking her cleats off. her parents would reprimand her time and time again for wearing shoes in the house. she always thought the rule was stupid, considering her parents didn’t even clean their house. the maids did it for them.
right away lottie notices your house is very loud. there are two younger boys watching tv in the living room, screaming as they talked to each other. “those are my brothers. ignore them. i do.” you dismissively explain as you begin to lead lottie towards the hallway. you stop halfway, turning to gaze at her, “did you want anything to drink? i have soda, water, apple juice…” you trail off, and lottie’s cheeks tint. she’s thirsty; she just finished practicing after all. she nods, “apple juice.” she answers. you nod as you rush to the kitchen, leaving her standing alone.
“y/n!!” a loud, angry, feminine voice from the end of the hall causes lottie to look over in the direction it’s coming from. she sees an older girl standing by an open bedroom, waiting for you to respond. “y/n!!” she shouts again, “she’s in the kitchen.” lottie answers bluntly, in order to avoid from hearing the college student shriek again. “i was getting juice! do you have to yell so loudly?” you ask cattily, in a tone lottie has never heard from you. lottie immediately remembers what you said the other day, about your older sister being a bitch.
your older sister marches up to you, fury in her eyes and for a second lottie is afraid the older girl might punch you in the face. “i need you to tell me if this outfit makes me look fat.” she says sternly and lottie watches the interaction in shock, as you shake your head. “no, i think it’s cute— hey is that my top!?” you shriek, and the older girl lets out a tinkling laugh as she rushes away and retreats back into one of the bedrooms. “elise!! i haven’t even worn that yet!“ you whine, but the only response you get is more obnoxious laughter.
you sigh, handing lottie a glass of cold apple juice. “i told you she’s a bitch.” you point out as you begin to lead lottie down the hallway. the room all the way at the end is yours, and as soon as lottie walks in she sees all the books on your shelves above your bed. she then notices how pink your bedsheets are, and how much color there is around the room. it’s not too much color, but it’s clear you’re unintentionally a very colorful person. there are polaroid pictures of you and your siblings around the room; some on your desk, some pinned on the wall. you even have a few of you and nat.
lottie sees the baby pictures and the ones of you and your older sister as babies in a bath tub together. another little girl who looks just like you seems to appear in the pictures after elise is already three, and you’re one. then after that, the little girl is by your side in every picture; practically glued to your side. you always look so happy in each snapped moment, even in the ones you aren’t smiling in, your eyes show you’re happy and safe. another thing lottie realizes she envies about you. your house is twice as small as hers, with twice as many people… it’s loud and the living room is messy…
… yet lottie likes your house more than hers, and she’s only been here for ten minutes. maybe that’s why natalie’s always over here; always talking about hanging out at your place after parties. you never went to any parties… lottie’s only seen you at one and after that you didn’t come to any more. you’ve never shown up at any of hers that’s for sure. “that’s my little sister.” you interrupt her thoughts, as you notice her eyeing the pictures. “you two look… close.” she observes, and you giggle as you take a seat on your bed, reaching for your backpack on the floor. “yeah, don’t tell elise but sabrina was technically my first friend ever. i tell her everything.” you admit and lottie nods.
“i’ve seen her around school. i didn’t even know she was your sister.” she confesses, causing you to shrug. “she’s working on being the most ‘popular’ girl in school. she’s been a little busy.” you half joke and lottie nods, “she’s on the jv cheer team, right?” she asks curiously as you flip open your chemistry notebook. “yup. she’s been following becky martin around like a puppy since the year started.” you answer curtly and lottie snorts at the obvious change in your tone. “what? jealous your little sister is becoming more popular than you?” she questions with a taunting sneer, and you frown.
“no, i don’t care about that. sabrina is pretty, of course she’s gonna be more popular. i just don’t think she needs to be like becky martin to do it.” you explain, and lottie is a bit surprised by the truthfulness of your response, and before she can reply, you’re beating her to it. “so i was thinking you could do all the physical presenting, and i can just recite everything and write it all. of course you’re gonna help by giving me your ideas and what you think…” you trail off, before looking at her. “is that okay with you?” you inquire, and she nods. “yeah, that’s fine. whatever.” she sounds like she doesn’t care and this makes you shake your head, holding yourself back from saying something snarky.
lottie isn’t the only one who gets snappy when she’s annoyed, you’re just better at biting your tongue than she is.
over the next few days, lottie shows up at your house after practice ends, and she stays until after the sun sets. she doesn’t mean to stay for that long. the first day she came over, she genuinely just lost track of time. for some reason being around you isn’t as torturous as she thought it would be. in fact, being around you, especially in a cozy home that seems full of lightheartedness and noise… is shockingly nice. particularly because she knows what’s waiting for her at home. absolutely nothing.
right away the other yellowjackets notice a change in lottie’s behavior. she isn’t snappy or angry anymore; sure she still talks shit whenever someone tries her, but that’s how lottie’s always been. natalie is the first who notices lottie isn’t scowling or grumpy anymore. mari is especially thankful for it during soccer practice. “so, y/n told me you’ve actually been a decent human being to her.” natalie starts, as she walks out of the locker room with lottie. it’s monday, and practice had just ended a little later than expected.
“if that’s what she wants to call it, then yeah, sure.” lottie mutters, as she makes her way to the parking lot. “hey, before you go, y/n told me to tell you not to show up to her house today. something came up.” natalie causes lottie to stop in her tracks, not even caring that her driver was waiting for her in the car. “what do you mean? she didn’t tell me anything.” lottie says and natalie chuckles, “said she couldn’t find you after lunch.” the blonde’s response is simple yet it doesn’t seem to satisfy lottie. “what came up? she literally said she was free every day after school.” lottie sounds annoyed now.
natalie looks a bit puzzled for a second, before a wave of realization hits her. “wait… are you actually upset you can’t go to y/n’s today? i figured you’d be thrilled.” natalie says in this unrecognizable way that makes lottie glare. “i’m not upset about anything! excuse me if i just want to get this project over with.” lottie hisses defensively, and natalie only smirks in response. “uh, okay matthews; whatever you say. just don’t show up at her house today, okay?” she asks warningly, making lottie roll her eyes. “i heard you the first time.” the raven haired girl snaps.
and just like that, lottie’s bad mood returns. who would’ve guessed that charlotte isobel matthews would actually enjoy being in your cramped house, and inside of your girly bedroom.
lottie knows you didn’t cancel yesterday on purpose. she knows you’ve been smiling more at her in the hallways, and she knows she’s definitely been nicer to you over the last few days than she ever has in her high school career. maybe it’s because instead of being stuck in her big empty house after school, she’s spending her days cramped up in your room, or noisy living room… the smell of whatever your mother had made for lunch still lingering in the air. lottie enjoyed it. perhaps that’s why the next day at school she takes her bad mood out on you. she bumps shoulders with you when you try to talk to her in the hall, walking past you as if she didn’t even hear you.
she didn’t even look back to see the frown on your face. you couldn’t help but feel confused and a bit sad; you figured you both were over this silly, pointless feud. this stupid, meaningless battle. but it was like lottie had other ideas. right when you thought you two were on the same page, she proved to you that you weren’t even reading the same book. you try not to think about lottie the entire day, but it’s hard. you notice her at lunch; she doesn’t even look at you. that isn’t abnormal, but she has this everlasting scowl on her face. when fifth period finally rolls around, you can’t help but feel a bundle of nerves budding inside the pit of your stomach. seeing lottie matthews always has this affect on you.
lottie’s already in class when you walk in, and this time, her head tilts to the side, and her dark eyes lock with yours. your breath gets lodged in your windpipe, and your step falters on your way to your seat. you try your absolute hardest not to look at lottie, or her insufferably pretty face. you take your note book and chemistry book out, along with a pencil, before averting your gaze forward. (even though the class hasn’t even started yet.)
the bell rings, and the rest of the students shuffle in, taking a seat before your teacher starts blabbering on and on. it’s usually easy to keep yourself busy during class; easy to focus… but for some reason, sharing a class with lottie matthews seems to be a curse. you can never seem to concentrate fully. when someone taps on your back, you turn around and jenny myers hands you a folded note. you furrow your eyebrows, as she gestures to lottie who’s not even bothering to look at you. you take the note and face forward again.
“you skipping out on me again today?”
you turn your head to glare at the raven haired jock after reading the note. she only smirks at your clearly agitated expression, feeling a wave of satisfaction at being the one to frustrate you. you quickly look down at the note, and scribble something back.
“i was at my grandmas house yesterday. sorry, jerk.”
you pass the note back to lottie, and you avert your attention onto ms. weinstein again who is now talking about another subject. you mentally curse lottie matthews for being so fucking distracting.
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verysium · 10 months
i need to know what blue lock boys think about “male-female friendships” a.k.a do they think they can exist without one of two thinking “what if” situations (it can, i repeat, it can🗣️)
👏 give it up to anon for making me visualize the most stress-inducing scenario of the year. the first thing that comes to mind is that this would not sit well with a majority of the bllk boys.
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however, the situation is particularly a no-go for the following:
the itoshi brothers would not approve. if you just look at their interactions, you can already tell. sae literally kicks rin for even thinking about replacing him when he goes to spain. they already have trust issues due to their dysfunctional sibling relationship, and to my knowledge, they don't have any female friends of their own. hence, i don't think they would understand that a male-female friendship is just a friendship and nothing more. regardless, this could go one of three ways. (1) they would probably give you the silent treatment and be secretly upset. would not spill anything unless you pry it out from them. (2) they would give your friend an absolute death glare. hyper-vigilant when it comes to any form of physical contact between you two. seething jealousy and possessiveness. and (3) for sae specifically, he would be petty about it. probably decides to leave you on read for the rest of the day. may or may not ghost you. and when you ask him to hang out, he's like....😒 don't you already have a friend?
reo also would not take this well. i mean....he had a whole mirror monologue and mental breakdown when nagi left him. i think he is highly insecure about people abandoning him since he doesn't really have anyone he is close to. would probably welcome your friend and hide his discomfort, but after a while, it becomes difficult for him to act like he's okay with your friendship. you would have to heavily reassure him that there was nothing beyond platonic going on between you two.
barou acts like he's alright with this situation, but your friend better have zero flaws because he's not going to tolerate anyone substandard. still, i feel like he would get jealous even if he doesn't show it directly. would probably make a fool out of your friend on purpose.
kaiser wouldn't think anything of it at first. after all, you're dating the great michael kaiser, why the hell would you need anyone else? but then, it starts getting to him. why is your attention on your friend and not him? is he not good enough for you? given his self-esteem issues, i don't think he would take this well. he would probably blame your friend first and then you. would be a dramatic baby about it, but it's secretly eating away at him from the inside out.
ness probably plots the entire murder of your friend and hides a body bag and shovel in his trunk. acts all sweet and sugary when you're present, but the moment you're not there, he's grabbing your friend by the collar and shaking the living daylights out of them. probably whispers "get the hell away from y/n" in the most menacing tone. your friend better leave because delusional ness does not come to play. his obsession is no joke.
shidou terrorizes your friend to the point they don't want to be friends with you anymore. this man just exudes a traumatizing aura. your scary dog privileges are revoked because he is now going rabid. i don't think he's going to have a problem with a male-female friendship, but you just might (as in you're not going to have much of a friendship anymore by the time he's done dismantling your friend's corpse.)
the only characters i can imagine this playing out healthily with is isagi, kurona, yukimiya, and maybe nagi.
isagi is usually highly understanding, and he has many friendships of his own. i think he would also encourage it if your friend happened to be one of his teammates or someone interested in football. but this does come with a caveat. if he senses something wrong with your friend, it's immediately game over. he's usually pretty open-minded except with the people he holds extreme dislike for. for example, isagi is willing to at least try to understand rin, but he clearly doesn't have that same willingness when it comes to kaiser. so...just don't befriend a jerk, and you're good.
kurona wouldn't mind because he's kurona. he trusts you, and he usually rationalizes his insecurities enough to keep them at bay. the only time he would have a problem is if you start neglecting him in favor of your friend. since he's pretty introverted, he probably wouldn't confront you about it, but he might feel a little bit slighted. just check up on him from time to time.
yukimiya is usually easy-going. i don't think a male-female relationship is going to be a huge problem for him, but they better treat you right. you mean the most to him, so he's going to support you through thick and thin. to be fair though, you probably won't even want to spend time with your friend because of how magnetically charming yukimiya is.
nagi doesn't mind because he just doesn't care. he's too lazy to deal with any resulting drama, and the only sense of personal attachment he has is with his bed.
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isoliawrites · 1 year
I'm here
Sully Family x Son!Reader
Word count: a lot
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01 02
⚠️ : Blood, Swearing
Y/n was the second youngest member of the sully family. Born on 2157, he is one year younger than Lo'ak and Kiri. Y/n was born with a streak of white hair and the color of his skin was lighter than an avatar. He was also a bit small compare to his siblings. Physically Y/n was told that he would be weak and not as strong as a normal avatar, this was said by the other scientists seeing that Y/n had a hard time breathing right after he qas born, but Jake believed that Y/n is just as strong as his siblings.
One thing that concerns them is Y/n's hair. It was never seen before and Jake had to explain to Neytiri back at Earth there are some people with heterochromia that could result different colors in their body. Neytiri might still be confused about it but when she saw Y/n for the first time she immediately loved him. The only left is how others view him.
Growing up Y/n never really interacted with others because he could feel the weird stares from them even if he was a child. Some of them have already gotten used to Y/n's appearance but the other kids might see his hair a bit weird, resulting in Y/n finding it hard to make friends. But he got his family so why should he be worried?
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"Wait for me!!" Little Y/n said as he tried to keep up with his siblings, the kids were running through the forest trying to hide from their parents as they were playing a series of police game their father taught them. "Don't be too loud Y/n! They'll hear us" Kiri said to him while running. Neteyam leads the pack as they went under the leaves and roots of the trees. He stopped and looked at his younger siblings, "Let's split up so we don't lose immediately like last time"
They immediately scattered and Y/n follows Neteyam to his hiding spot. "Y/n? Go you need to hide" Neteyam pushed Y/n away "b-but we always hiwde together" Y/n said as he grabs Neteyam's hand with both of his own. "Y/n..." Neteyam can't stand his baby's brother cuteness "Alright alright you can hide with me but don't be noisy" "Yay!"
"Y/n!" Neteyam shushed him as he giggles
Not even a couple of minutes both of you can hear Lo'ak screaming and running away as your father's voice was not far heard. Neteyam peaked through the small crack between the rocks and saw Lo'ak being drag by his father to the jail area. "Alright, Y/n I need you to stay here until either I get back or dad"
"Okay...but return fast" Y/n held up his little pinky to Neteyam. He smiled and seals the pinky promise, then he sneakily went outside to try and save his stubborn other brother.
Y/n was left alone in a dark hiding spot, minutes went by and he hide there patiently waiting for his parents or Neteyam to find him. He was getting tired and bored of waiting.
He can't help but get excited when he heard a rustle, and thought it was someone coming to find him so he just gets out of his hiding spot. But when he got out he instead saw an adult thanator looking at him. Y/n screamed and runs away as it started to chase after him.
Jake and Neytiri were busy chasing around the other kids and keeping them in place when suddenly they heard Y/n's scream. They both looked at eachother with panic in their eyes "Oh my Eywa, Y/n!" Neytiri shouted, Jake took off running towards the direction. Praying and hoping he'll be alright.
Y/n ran as fast as his little legs can take him but the thanator was getting close and closer every minute. Luckily Y/n saw a small opening under a tree that was located near a ledge that leads to a pond. He immediately tries to get there but before he could the creature clawed one of his leg, causing Y/n to fall over the ledge. He rolls down and landed near the pond. At this point Y/n was shouting and crying for his dad, the pain on his legs didn't make it better either.
The creature landed infront of him, ready to attack again when Jake finally caught up and throws the spear at the creatures abdomen causing it to immediately fall and scram. Luckily he had a spear because he had just finished hunting today.
"Y/N! Oh my god, no no no.." Jake held Y/n in his arms carefully, his hand was stained with Y/n's own blood. "D-daddy..I-I'm scared" "I know baby, I know come on we'll get you home. Stay awake for me alright?" Jakes tries his best to stop the bleeding but then Y/n screamed "It hurts daddy!" Jake was shaking at this point because Y/n was loosing blood. He carefully lifts him up in his arms and began to ran back while carefully trying not to make the pain worse.
"I-It..hurts..." Y/n managed to say as his eyes were getting drowsy little by little. "Y/n! Wake up! Come on don't sleep, everything's going to be fine- baby come on be strong. We're almost home" Jake keeps on repeating it but as much as Y/n tried to stay awake, the pain and exhaustion gets to him eventually.
Y/n can hear his father shouting for him but he can't make up the words. Before Y/n passed out, the last thing he hear was Neytiri's scream
Y/n slowly opens his eyes and saw that he was in a room full off machine and some are attached to him. Y/n began to panic and tries to get up but the doors immediately opened "Y/n!" He saw his mother came into the room and his first instinct was that he wanted to be held by his parents.
He reaches for Neytiri and she went to Y/n's side, holding his hand and hugging him. Y/n sobbed a little as Neytiri kisses his forehead to comfort him while thanking Eywa for saving his life.
Not long after Y/n heard another footsteps and it was Jake, with a baby in his arms. Y/n knew immediately that it was his baby sister. Jake gives the baby to Neytiri and went to lay next to Y/n carefully and he leans into his father's warmth.
Jake wipes away his tears and also kisses his forhead. After Y/n stopped crying his attention shift to the small sleeping figure. "What is her name?" Neytiri smiled at him before answering, "Tuk. Tuktirey te Suli Neytiri'ite" "Tuwk. She's so small" Y/n repeats, and Jake chuckles at his son.
Y/n tries to remove the wires attached to him but Jake quickly stops him "Don't, Y/n."
"But.." Y/n quietly say as Neytiri held his hand. "I know... we'll get if off as soon as you're better alright?" He said as he stroked your hair.
"Is your leg still hurting?" Jake asked and Y/n shakes his head "Can I still play with Lo'ak, Nete, Kiri and Spidew?" Y/n asked
"Of course you can, but first you need to rest so you can get better" "But I want to sleep in my bed with daddy and mommy... I don't want to sleep here.." Neytiri squeeze Y/n's hand reassuringly. She can't stand seeing her child in this state. When Jake came back with Y/n, she was scared to death seeing him bleeding and unconscious. She was also close with her due and she doesn't want to lose a child on an important day.
Y/n was out for a couple of days and Jake had to make sure that Neytiri isn't stressing out because it might harm the baby. Neytiri was heartbroken because Y/n was so excited to meet his little sister. Thankfully Neytiri was able to deliver safely and the baby was healthy.
Y/n had to stay there for a while and he hated every single second of it. He felt scared and alone. He cannot see his siblings yet other than Tuk who was aslsep in his mother's arms mostly. Neytiri and Jake make sure to take turn to visit Y/n every single day.
He thought that everything would be back to the way it used to be but since that event Y/n was forbid to be out of Jake's sight or even go out to the forest alone or with his siblings. He was only allowed to go if either Neytiri or Jake was with him. In result Y/n spends his time almost everyday at home.
At first he was alright with it, thinking that Jake just wanted to protect him. But as time passes he started to notice that he also was constantly overlooked by his father and when he asked him to go and train together with Nete and Lo'ak he would always refused. Sometimes Y/n was upset with his father and often felt ignored by him until to the point where he felt like his father forgot he existed. All of this started when the sky people came back, of course it was the more reason he wasn't allowed to go out to the forest.
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<Present day>
Y/n was with his grandmother, Mo'at. It was really something he would do around the camp. He only ever went out with either his parents and it was only on special occasions. Y/n was dying of boredom and he would always felt sad and jealous when the others can go out and play while he would have to stay behind. Tuk would sometime sneak out with the rest but Jake was too soft on her and she would get away with it.
Well let's say that Y/n didn't have the same privilege as Tuk. And sure the event he had was traumatic but sometimes he longed to be in the forest. He had asked Jake about it and his answer was always like "your not careful enough"
He would spend his time learning about making things from scratch, listening to music/radio that Jake gave him, and helping around the camp. Sometimes helping Kiri tend to the wounded.
Suddenly Tuk came in jumping with joy "Y/n! Come on! They are here!" Before Y/n could react Tuk takes his hand and drags him out of the tent.
Outside he saw Kiri and Spider "Y/n do you feel better?" Kiri asked, and Y/n responded with a nod. "Why did you sneak inside there bro? You know that place isn't for playing around.." Spider commented. "I was just curious" Y/n folded his arms in annoyance. "Plus dad already scolded me, so sadly I don't need anymore scolding monkey brain." Y/n chuckles a bit before running to catch up on Tuk "Hey! It's monkey boy. Not monkey brain!"
Tuk ran to their mother while Y/n noticed that their father looked pissed. He looks at his brother, Neteyam and noticed that he is injured. He knew where this is going so he just greeted his mother first, "Are you feeling alright Y/n?"
"I'm okay" he responded quietly and hugged his mother. Neytiri hugs him back and stroke his head, yesterday Y/n accidentally inhaled a black powder from opening a bullet in the armory. He coughed uncontrollably and had a hard time to breathe, luckily Norm and Jake was there.
Neytiri never hated those weapons more in her life and for sometime she was upset that they are raiding the sky people's weapon. As he was treated Neteyam and Lo'ak stayed beside him, Y/n was always their 'baby brother' since they were kids. Not only that, because of his white hair he was always picked on by other kids and his brothers are the one who always defended him.
After greeting his mother, Y/n stared at Neytiri and asked "Mother, when can I join you and dad? Also can I please try and seek my own ikran? I'll be careful.." Neytiri couldn't resist his son's pleading but she can't do much if her husband hasn't agree with it. "When the time comes you may, you know your father is very cautious of the sky people" "But what if my ikran comes by itself and friendly? Like Kiri" Neytiri chuckles "Your not Kiri, you are Y/n." She caress Y/n's cheek gently as he huffs in disappointment, then Tuk joined the conversation "What about me mommy?" "You know the answer Tuk" Neytiri said as she picked her up
Y/n looked at his brothers who were being scold by their dad, Y/n couldn't stand it anymore, it is always the same thing again and again. Lo'ak gets into trouble and Neteyam always tries to protect Lo'ak from their father's wrath. But this time their father keep on scolding them while Neteyam is injured. Finally Y/n speaks up "Neteyam is hurt." Jake looks at him "Yes. I am aware-" "then we should treat the wound" Y/n cuts him off. It was silence for a moment until Jake speaks again "Kiri, help with the wounded."
"My brother is also injured" Kiri said implying to what Y/n said earlier. "Father, I take full responsibility" Neteyam tried to ease his father's wrath but Jake responds back "Yes, because you are the oldest and you must behave accordingly." Y/n grabs his mother's hand and looked at her. Neytiri understood what he meant and finally speaks "Ma Jake, your son is bleeding"
"It doesn't matter, mother."
"Yes it does. It could get infected" said Y/n. Jake looks at him before looking at his wife. "Go in and get patched up" Neteyam was dismissed and the others went along with Kiri except Y/n.
Jake looks at Lo'ak "You must be aware that you almost had your brother killed. You are banned from flying for a month." Lo'ak stayed silent, accepting the punishment
Since the sky people invaded back Jake has been quite hard on his sons and Y/n being the youngest was also included. Despite that Y/n still can't venture out to the forest anymore since they have to go on hiding and he was forbid to go to the forest alone even though he was already old enough. Lo'ak and the others were allowed only until eclipse but Y/n was still not allowed. The worse part is that he never gets an explanation from Jake.
Y/n remembers the time back when he was younger his father was not this strict and he nevers get mad at them, "Look at me" Y/n was snapped back to reality. He looked around and Lo'ak was already gone.
Jake crouched down to look at his youngest son, Y/n slowly looks at him. He never spends anymore more time with his father as he grew older because Jake was so focused on Lo'ak and Neteyam. "So how are you feeling?" Jake asked, Y/n was surprised by the question "I'm fine.." was all he could say. He wanted to hear those words since yesterday but Jake left because there was a problem.
"Y/n...I know how much you want to be out there but we both that you're not ready yet" he said while looking at Y/n. Jake always knew deep down he can't keep him forever in the camp because Y/n was just as stubborn like him. This wasn't the first time Jake disscuss this with Y/n because he would always ask him if he has the chance. Y/n wanted to protest but he can't because he still respects his father.
Jake then stands up and began to walk away, Y/n looked back at his father and mustered up the courage to stop him. "Dad! Then can we please spend time together? I want to go out and explore....and I missed you" the last part was very quiet but Jake hears it. Jake thinks for a moment before looking back at Y/n, his eyes was not as grumpy as before. "Underneath the big old tree?" Y/n's ear perked up, he was happy that his father still remembers that place. Y/n nodded and Jake left to do his other work.
Y/n went inside the tent and as usual it was lively and noisy because mostly it was Neteyam hissing from the pain while their grandmother treat his wounds. "You alright Nete?" Y/n asked, "Never been better- ow!" he winced again. Kiri voiced her opinion about using Yalnabark to Mo'at but she reminded her who was the tashik here, Y/n knew that Kiri was going to be a great tashik one day, after witnessing her relationship with Eywa he couldn't help but be amazed by her. He sat beside Lo'ak and stroke his hand, although he was younger than Lo'ak, Y/n has always been there to comfort him. Lo'ak looks at him and leans his head on Y/n's shoulder.
Outside, Neytiri approached her lover "What is it" Jake asked. "Neteyam and Lo'ak try to live up to you. It's hard for them."
"I know" Jake answered
"And Y/n. You are hard on them." Neytiri added, "I'm their father. That's my job" he told her. Neytiri puts her hand on his shoulder and looked at him "This is not a squad. This is family" Her tone serious. Jake stops whatever he was doing and exhale for a moment "I thought we had lost him. It's the same feeling when Y/n had that accident and that memory replays on my mind"
Neytiri looks at him for a moment. It was a traumatic event for the family especially when Y/n was the youngest at that time. Neytiri cups his lovers face and makes him look her in the eyes, "Ma Jake. He is here, with us. Alive and safe, can't you see that?" "He was only four when that happend. If only I had been quicker on-" Neytiri interrupts him with a kiss which is something rare "Stop blaming yourself for something that you cannot prevent" Jake still blames himself with what happends to Y/n and just hours ago he almost lost his other sons.
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Y/n's POV
The next day went just like I predicted. I was so stupid to think that it could come true. Dad has problems to take care of so he can't spend time with me. Again. I can only think positively that there would always be a next time or a next day. I was extremely sad and upset with him so I went inside my tent to make an accessory for Tuk, at first I felt fine when dad said that to me.
But then now I felt like someone that's.. not even there, useless compare to my older siblings. I wasn't strong like my brothers, or smart and special like Kiri or even as bright and joyful like Tuk... A tear suddenly dropped down from my eye without me even realizing, dad doesn't care how I feel. Am I really that weak?
Suddenly someone came into the tent, I quickly wipe my tears "Y/n are you crying?" It was Lo'ak...Shit, I forget he was grounded.
Y/n was silent for a while to calm down his feelings, "I was just upset the accessory didn't came out as I wanted" Lo'ak rolls his eyes "You'd never cry over something like that, are you having a bad day?" "I'm not having a bad day."
Lo'ak replied a bit mockingly "You suuuree? Is it because of you getting rejected by a girl again?" "Stop it Lo'ak. I don't like anyone" "So why are you crying?" Y/n looked back at him "I'm not!" "Woww getting defensive are we, yea....you were probably crying"
Y/n clenched his fist and throws the unfinished accessory to Lo'ak "Ow! That hurts you meanie..." "Leave me alone you skxawng!! I HATE YOU!" As much as Y/n loved his brother, sometimes he gets on his nerve "So what if I'm crying?! It's not your business!!" Y/n was shouting at this point and his eyes began to water again. Lo'ak realized that something was really hurting his baby brother. Out of instinct he hugged Y/n.
Y/n hits Lo'ak shoulder "Let me go! You idiot!" He tries to get away from Lo'ak hug but that plan quickly failed.
After calming down, Y/n felt his brother stroking his head trying to comfort him. It was something Y/n would always do to Neteyam and Lo'ak whenever they had a bad day. "It's because of dad isn't it?" Y/n stayed quiet. "Y/n listen to me your not weak" Lo'ak says but Y/n scoffs in response "I can't even defend myself from the bullies and I don't have any kind of freedom. If I'm not weak I could've joined you guys out there"
Lo'ak pulls away from Y/n and holds his shoulder. "Then how about we go an a little adventure?" Lo'ak was smiling at this point and Y/n knew he was up to something. ".....you mean like going out?" "Yeah, while your big brother is here let's go out and explore. I'll take you to our hideout!"
Y/n hesitates for a while, he was afraid Jake would get mad at him. "We'll be home before they'll be here, no one has to know" Y/n thinks for a while before saying "Alright. I haven't seen the forest for some quite time either"
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Y/n can't believe this, he was really going out again into the wilderness. Lo'ak was leading them at front and Y/n was at the very back of the line as he was watching over Tuk. Honestly, Y/n didn't agree with her coming with them but everyone always loses with Tuk.
"Lo'ak, are you sure it's safe for Tuk to come with us?" Y/n said as he jumped from one root to another. "It's fine, there's me, Kiri and you"
"But why would you bring her in the first place?" Lo'ak turn to Y/n and Tuk "The honking princess. I'm gossiping. You must not go out to the battlefield. I'll tell mom if you don't take me." Lo'ak said mockingly and Tuk sticks her tongue out in response. "Come on guys! You're so slow" Spider said and they continue their little adventure.
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After entering the forest, the others went along while Y/n stayed back for a while. It's been along time since he went into the forest and it was as beautiful as he imagined. He sees various types of plants and animal, and he can hear small chirps here and there, he even met his favorite animal the fan lizard. He slowly walked through the forest admiring everything. He then came across Kiri, sleeping on the forest ground.
He planned waking her up but he saw that she looked so peaceful. It was as if Eywa was with her, the ground around her beating as if it was alive. He decided to give her some time and went somewhere else.
As he went deeper he was stopped when a woodsprite approaching him.
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Y/n smiles and overs his hand to it and as it landed on Y/n, his stripes glowed and he felt like a tingle resulting in him giggling. Another woodsprite came and land on his head and another.
His stripes glows even brighter and brighter, Y/n suddenly heard his name being called so he pulled away from the woodsprites and as he walks he saw the ground around him changed, it was full of flowers
"What the.."
"Y/n! Where are you?!" He heard Lo'ak shouted. He thought that maybe he just didn't noticed it before so he ran back to his siblings.
Time passes and they were walking back home when Lo'ak suddenly noticed something on the ground. Y/n looked over it and saw that it was like a na'vi footprint but different.
"We're always supposed to be home by eclipse" Tuk said commented
Lo'ak and Spider looks at the footprints again "Way too big for a human" "Avatars?" Spider asked. "Maybe, but they're sure not ours" they began to follow the footsteps "What are you doing?" Kiri asked. "Shh, I'm tracking" Y/n knew Lo'ak was going to follow it
"I don't think we should follow it" He said to them but none of his siblings listen to him. Lo'ak keeps on moving while the others follow.
Y/n sighs and grabs Tuk hand, hoping one of them would at least listen to him "Let's go home" "No! I also want to know" She refuses. Y/n turned to Kiri and saw her following the rest. Y/n had no choice but to follow his siblings since he wasn't familiar with the way home.
'Dad is going to kill me..' Y/n repeats those words in his mind
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The atmosphere was quiet and no one dares to make a sound. Y/n immediately knew where this is was. He remebers their father warning them not to come here. Y/n was about to say something but Lo'ak covers his mouth and pointed in front of them. Y/n froze when saw avatars surrounding the old shack.
"Dad is going to ground you for life" Kiri whispered but Lo'ak just shushed her in response. "Bro, we've got to check this out, let's go" "Lo'ak no!" Y/n shout-whispered at him while grabbing his arms. Lo'ak looks back at Y/n, "We might need to report this to dad, me and Spider will go out so stay here" He answered whispering back. Y/n gave him a 'you serious' look and whispered back "I'm coming with you, if anything both of you are very stubborn" "sounds fair then, let's go" Spider said before going first silently
The three of them sneak from behind the bushes and trees to take a better look. "Bro, that's where your dad and my dad fought" Spider said and Lo'ak commented "That's your dad actual suit" "Holy shit..." both of them looked amazed
"Both of you are unbelievable.." Y/n mumbled grumpily. He saw the avatars going outside and talks to eachother about something. "Better call this in" Lo'ak said. "No bro, we're gonna get in trouble" Spider protest but Lo'ak just takes Y/n's hand and drags him along "Let's go"
Lo'ak immediately called Jake and the others we're listening while Y/n just wanted to get out of here as soon as possible.
Y/n then heard Lo'ak mentioning their names hesitantly "There's me, Spider, Kiri... Tuk-" Y/n looked at him dead in the eye hoping he wouldn't say his name but Lo'ak didn't seemed to get it
"-and Y/n" Lo'ak looks a bit scared talking to his father and admitting he brought Y/n who was not allowed to go. Y/n can't listen to his father's voice because he doesn't wear any device but then Kiri takes his hand and Tuk's as Lo'ak said "Yes sir, moving out."
"What did dad say Kiri?" Y/n asked. "Of course he told us to get out of here, it's dangerous" Kiri replied and added "Lo'ak is going to be in a lot of trouble and none of us can save him now"
Y/n looked at her "Believe me, I wish his ass get spanked by dad"
Y/n's POV
We immediately stand up and began to retreat. Kiri kept on saying to Lo'ak that he's going to be in so much trouble and hoenstly I agree. Tuk was running infront of us so I immediately catch up to her and grab her hand. "It's almost eclipse, come on" Tuk said and in a second I heard something near us and immediately pushes Tuk behind me as we keep walking.
I turn my head to the group "Lo'ak there's something-" Suddenly someone grabs me and pulled my tsaheylu causing me to scream. The avatar from before held me still so I can't move.
"Y/N!!" My siblings shouted for my name and just like that we were surrounded by the avatars before. Lo'ak and Spider immediately prepares to fight them but they were holding guns.
"Put it down! Or I'll shoot!" I hear one of them say. I tried to fight back the avatar that was holding me but she yanked me up the ground by my hair and held a knife to my throat "Drop it or he gets it!" All of my siblings looked at me and I saw Tuk crying.
"L-Lo" I managed to say while I was in pain. Lo'ak looked at the avatar holding me furiously and finally said "Drop it" Spider lowers down his weapon and they immediately take a hold of everyone and forced them to kneel down harshly. "Get down on the ground. Stop fighting" one of them said as they harshly grab on Kiri's hair. "Check them for weapons" "Kiri!" Everyone was screaming and my head is hurting.
I can't focus on anything, I look at Lo'ak who was treated roughly and Spider. Tuk was scared and crying as they did the same to her. I was also finally set on the ground but her grip was still the same, not letting go and tears rolled down from my eyes seeing my siblings in pain. Tuk was so frightened..
"Tuk.. Tuk calm down, it's alright Tuk" I say to Tuk hoping she would calm down but she saw me crying shouted my name's and Kiri's.
"Be calm" Kiri said to her suprisingly calm although I knew she was also hurting. The soldiers checked us for weapons. After that they gathered us in a circle, the avatar women still has her knife up to my throat so I can't struggle much.
Tuk was looking at me, "Look away Tuk" I said to her shakingly and she did. I prayed to Eywa that our parents can find us soon and I heard the leader speaks, I turn to look at Lo'ak and he was also looking at me. I could see guilt and worry in his eyes, all of us are held captive by some unknown avatars.
~~~ (There's a lot of hair pulling in this scene I don't even know why 💀)
The colonel takes a look at the kids "What have we here?" He said and looked at Spider, probably confused to why there was a human but quickly shifted back it's focus on the others. One of them held Kiri's hand "Look, Colonel. Check it out. 5 fingers, We've got a half-breed" Kiri struggles and the avatar pulled on her head again.
He then turned to Lo'ak "Show me your fingers" Lo'ak looked back at him and raised his middle finger at him. Colonel only chuckles as he turned to Y/n. He sends a signal to his comrade and she lowers her knife from Y/n. "Would you look at this, a new hybird I suppose" Colonel said as he strokes Y/n's white hair. "You reminded me of someone.." he mumbled and Y/n stayed quiet. Eyes glaring at the Colonel as he reaches out and inspects Y/n's face left to right.
"You're his, aren't you?" He asked
Y/n tries to move his face away but the woman yanked his head upwards causing him to winced in pain. Lo'ak hissed at them "Don't touch him!"
He turns to Lo'ak amused. He walked towards him and grabs him by the hair, "Where is he?"
Lo'ak looks at him innocently "Unfortunately I don't speak english...with assholes"
Colonel answered him with a broken na'vi "Where is your father?" Clearly pissed. He pulled on Lo'ak's hair making him groan. Y/n's tail flicked left and right, scared that the soldier will do something to Lo'ak.
"Really? You wanna play it this way" He pulled out a knife and held it infront of Lo'ak.
Y/n's POV
"Don't harm him you fucker!" I shouted to him in english and he immediately stops. Lo'ak and Kiri stared at me before panicking.
He drops Lo'ak and approched me instead. "Y/n!" "No! Stop!" Kiri and Lo'ak shouted continously. "You seems to care for this little crybaby" He grab me from behind so I was facing Lo'ak and he inched the knife closer to my throat.
I can feel the sharp edge piercing my skin. My siblings looked at me in horror and Lo'ak was fighting and pleading for him to stop.
"Hey! Hey! Don't hurt him please, stop it!" Spider shouted to the colonel and he got his attention. The colonel looked at him and drops me to the ground as I breathed out relieved.
"What’s your name kid?" He asked Spider
"Spider, Socorro" The colonel looked at him and asked him to be let go. He kneels infront of Spider and spoke out a name that I haven't even heard before "Miles?"
Spider looked at him with hatred "Nobody calls me that."
"I'll be damned. I figure they sent you back to Earth"
"Can't put babies in cryo dipshit." Spider replied and Colonel just looked at him as he stands up.
He uses his device and started to send coordinates about where we are. They pulled us up and force us to go back to the old shack.
They tied our hands and I was pushed to the ground beside Lo'ak. "What a freak" I hear one of them say. I completely stayed still, even though I've been hearing it for years it still bothers me in some way.
Lo'ak helps me sit up and hissed at them while they laughed. "You alright? Don't listen to them" He pulled me close and looked at my wound. "It's not that deep, I'm fine." I reassure him. His face was upset and sad so I just leaned on him. Sure the wound stings but it's bearable.
He held my hand, trying to comfort me. I was exhausted and my whole body ached at this point.
I heard an audio being played and they are pointing out it was dad and mom. I peeked over behind me and saw that they were watching a video of them battling. The colonel looked at me "Now I know why you're so familiar. A spitting image of your mother"
I hissed at him and turn away from them.
Hours passed by and the sun had already set. It was getting pretty dark. I was being held by the avatars when I suddenly hear a familiar calling. My ears perked up, trying to locate where the sound was. I look at Tuk and she seems to notice it too.
It was mom, I let out a small smile knowing that our parents are here. The others began to notice and stand on their ground on guard.
I saw that Kiri was praying to Eywa, the avatar told her to shut up but she didn't listen. But then in a flash the avatar that was holding her got shot in the head.
The soldiers pushed away the kids and began to fire at Neytiri. Lo'ak triggers the smoke bom on the soldier and began to bite his way out of their grip. The others followed and as they began to run one of them grabbed Kiri's hair but got shot. Y/n was behind her and the colonel grip his hair, pulling him back as he fall.
"Lo'ak!" Y/n shouted in full panic. Lo'ak turned around and tries to go back for Y/n but Spider holds him back. "Lo'ak! Keep going!!" "LET GO! THEY HAVE Y/N!" "DON'T BE RECKLESS! JAKE AND NEYTIRI IS STILL THERE!" Spider shouted back at him. Lo'ak was conflicted but he knew that if he goes back the situation might get worse.
Quartich pulled Y/n beside him as he take cover. Y/n tried to run but Quartich wrapped his arm around him and reloaded his weapon. Y/n shouted in pain and his wound was pressed down. After he was done he covers Y/n's mouth to prevent him from making any noise and points his gun at him.
"Is that you, Mrs. Sully? I recognize your calling card!" Quartich shouted. Neytiri's breath hitched as she knew her son was being held by him. Quartich instructs one of the soldier to sneak around and kill Neytiri. Y/n tries to shout to warn his mom but his mouth was shut.
"Sh sh... don't want to ruin the surprise now do we?" Quartich said.
"Why don't you come on out Mrs. Sully? You seemed to drop one of your kids here. Why don't we have a little trade hm? Your son for our unfinished business."
Neytiri thinks for a while very carefully as she also ensures her other children are already at safety. She took a deep breath. Now she only have to save Y/n and kill the man holding her son.
"Demon! I will stop you as many times as I have to." She censored some of her words because she doesn't want Y/n to hear it.
"You and the corporal have been pretty busy haven't you? Got yourself a whole litter of half-breeds, I found one here looking exactly like his mother."
Quartich drags Y/n out of hiding. "Would be ashamed for this one to pass on early". Neytiri could hear Y/n muffled scream.
Y/n saw one of the soldiers pointing to where his mom were at and he started to trash around hoping his mother would noticed. As the soldier attempt to fire, an arrow suddenly shot him. Neteyam came in view.
Neytiri quickly shot quartich in the shoulder resulting his grip on Y/n to fall. Y/n quickly ran to where his mother were, he tried to go to Nete but the soldiers were in the way and he saw Jake pushing Neteyam out of the way.
"Mom!" Y/n shouted. Neytiri was not far up the branch above him. She quickly pulled Y/n up and began to run. As they were running, a rocket gun was fired at them, Neytiri and Y/n falls down to the ground but Neytiri quickly gets back up "Y/n! Get up!"
Y/n's ear was ringing but his mother pulled him up and they began to run again. They met Kiri who was shouting for Spider's name. Y/n looked down as saw he was hit, the soldiers were coming closer and Neytiri drag Kiri out from there.
Y/n was upset that Spider was taken from them. But that feeling soon was replaced with huge relief as he saw the rest. "Nete!" Y/n shouted as he ran to hug him. "Y/n! Are you okay?" Neteyam was looking for injury and saw that Y/n's neck had a cut. Neteyam looked at Lo'ak who were looking down. "I'm fine Nete" Y/n said as he looked at Kiri who were crying that Spider was taken
Y/n's POV
"Y/n." Dad called me, I looked up at him. His emotions were unreadable, I didn't know if he is upset or what. "Dad-"
Before I could finish talking he immediately noticed my neck "Don't talk, your wound might get worse" he said to me. I instinctively shut up and look down.. dad is probably mad at me after what I did. "I'm sorry" I whispered. He walked closer to me and pulled me into a hug. "There's no need to apologize I'm glad your safe"
I hugged him back and Tuk joined. Definitely was not expecting a hug but I could use some of that. After a while all of us went back to the camp. Mo'at was taking care of my wound when Tuk suddenly came inside
"Y/n, I think we are leaving"
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gravehags · 11 months
the burn between our hearts
Pairing: Ghouls/Ghoulettes x f!Reader
Rating: Mature
Tags: ghouls doing ghoul shit, depression, tender emotions, surprise papa
Words: 2,524
Summary: You have never felt so lost, so empty before, and you are unsure if what's wrong with you can ever be fixed.
a/n: THIS IS IT the final installment of the ghoul bicycle series. I have had so much fun writing this and who knows, might be tempted to write a little more if inspiration strikes me. See end of post for another note.
33 days.
It’s been 33 days since you’ve seen or heard from any of the ghouls.
You spent the first two and a half weeks of that in your room, sobbing wildly in bed while Sister Marguerite sat next to you rubbing your back and murmuring words of comfort to you. Truth be told, the steady presence of the middle-aged sister provided a warmth that you desperately needed. She never spoke ill of the ghouls and what they had done to you, instead telling you to be patient. That the Unholy Father always provides. That there’s always more to a bad situation than it seems. All difficult words for you to believe when your heart had been shattered the day after you had left Aurora’s room. Your mind was torn - on one hand you had come to expect this: being cast aside once they were done using you. On the other hand…you really thought you had something special with them. From your first time with Swiss to your last time with Aurora and every interaction with every ghoul in between, you felt like you were finally home. That you had finally found your place in the Ministry, by their sides.
Or not.
After most of your tears dry and your depression lets up to the point where you can leave your bed, you become angry. Fucking infuriated. Even before they were your lovers, they were your friends. And they just ditch you and act like you don’t even fucking exist anymore? Fuck that. One evening, you get so mad you stride down to the ghoul den and begin banging on their bedroom doors, cussing and cursing their names. How dare they treat you like you’re disposable? But that’s been the story of your whole life, you suppose. Everyone gets tired of you eventually. With one last slam of your fist against the wall, hard enough to bruise and shake Cumulus’ door, your tears begin to slip out once more.
“FUCK YOU!” you shout, unsuccessfully holding back a sob. The silence in the corridor is deafening so you turn on your heel and leave without a glance backwards. You don’t see the door at the end of the hall cracking open and eyes watching you go.
You return to your chores in the abbey, ignoring the sneers and dirty glances your fellow siblings give you. You’re well aware you’ve been a nuisance to everyone, being holed up in your room and shirking your duties, and you're wracked with guilt. Sister Marguerite assures you sweetly that it’s okay, everyone goes through rough spells and your absence hasn’t caused any undue burden on the rest of the siblings but you have a hard time believing her. You attend your duties but without any real life in your eyes or spring in your step. When you cry, silently, every once in a while, your sniffles draw rolled eyes and scoffs. The siblings don’t say a word to you, until one day, the dam breaks. You’re in the library and let out a small, embarrassing sob as you shelve a book on love magic when a loud slam echoes throughout the library.
“You are so fucking ridiculous, do you know that?”
You don’t realize she’s talking to you until you turn slightly and see her searing gaze. It’s Sister Tamsin. You don’t know her - not really - but she’s well-liked by a lot of people in the abbey. She’s never spoken to you before this and you frantically wipe your tears as she walks closer to you. A small crowd has been attracted to the two of you now, multiple pairs of eyes shifting between you both.
“Acting this way because of the fucking ghouls. Like you’re supposed to be special or some bullshit. Honey, the ghouls fuck everyone. They can’t help themselves. All of us have had a ghoul proposition us at some point, you’re just the only one stupid enough to fall for it. They’re nothing but fucking animals–”
“They are not animals,” you say loudly in a shaky voice but Tamsin isn’t done berating you.
“--oh look at that! She finally uses her mouth to speak instead of just opening it for ghoul cock and cunt. Go on, sweetheart. Tell us all how those beasts love you so much. Their little whore. Their–”
The slap echoes throughout the large room, but both your hands remain clenched into fists by your sides. Looming over Tamsin’s doubled-over form is Sister Marguerite, looking like fury personified in her neat habit.
“You little cunt,” Marguerite spits, causing your eyebrows to raise. You’ve never heard her swear before. “You know just as well as everyone else in this room - in this whole abbey - how sacred the ghouls are. Summoned by our own Papa from the realm of the Unholy Father to help him spread the word of our ministry. And you dare defile their name - and the name of those they have chosen - for petty cruelty? You are nothing, Tamsin. A jealous little gnat. And rest assured, Papa will be hearing about this.”
No one in the room is stunned quite as much as you as Marguerite abandons the red-faced, humiliated Tamsin in order to come to your side and escort you out of the room with her arm firmly planted across your lower back. When you finally step out of the library, she shuts the door firmly behind her and grabs your biceps, pulling you into a hug.
“Enough is enough,” she murmurs, rubbing your back. “I’m relieving you of your duties for the day. Take care, hon. Go back to your room. I’ll be having a word with our Papa.”
With one last squeeze she hustles down the hall, skirts flying and you’re left shell-shocked in the empty corridor. You rub at your eyes with the heels of your hands before doing as she requested.
Three days pass.
Three days and not a single soul dares look at you sideways let alone speak to you. You notice, with a twisted sense of satisfaction, that Tamsin is nowhere to be found. Not in the library, not in the gardens - you haven’t seen her at mass or in the dining hall. When you quietly ask Marguerite about her she just gives you a beatific smile and says, “she’s no longer a problem for you.” Something within you warns you not to inquire further so instead you go back to your normal life. After you finish a shift in the kitchens for the evening, you step out into the cloisters and head for a small courtyard you enjoy. You plop down onto a stone bench with a heaving sigh, trying to ignore the constant ache in your heart as you breathe in the evening air.
“Is this seat taken?”
Your head whips to the side and when you see a figure dressed in a red tracksuit and the earnest face of Papa Emeritus IV you jump up.
“Papa!” you gasp, curtsying before him. “I–no! Please, sit.”
He lowers himself next to you, putting his gloved hands on his thighs and taking a deep breath.
“Nice out, eh?” he asks quietly. You’ve never seen Papa like this - out of the majority of his papal paints and elaborate robes - and you certainly have never spoken to him in conversation like this.
“Beautiful,” you say, folding your hands in your lap. His eyes lower to watch you rub your fingers anxiously and worry at your cuticles. Gently, he reaches over and places a hand over yours.
“I know you’ve been hurting, sorella,” he murmurs, thumb grazing over your knuckles.
“You…you do?” All of a sudden you’re filled with dread at the thought of your poor mental state and shirked duties being reported all the way to Papa. You open your mouth to explain yourself, to apologize profusely but he speaks first.
“My ghouls,” he begins, “are very peculiar creatures. They don’t take well to most humans.”
“Sì, sì…they are very protective of each other and of me. And…they don’t take human lovers.”
“Not at all, sorella. Which makes you a very peculiar creature yourself. Something that my ghouls noticed straightaway. Something that they have spoken to me a great length about.”
Your stomach does a backflip and he looks at you with his mismatched eyes.
“Sorella, they wanted me to tell you…it is time. Go to them. Go to the last door at the end of the hallway this evening. I apologize for not telling you more - telling you sooner - but they had much to accomplish and wanted this to be a surprise.”
Your heart feels as if it’s going to burst through your ribcage and tears form in your eyes as you regard him.
“Papa…” you say quietly, your voice cracking, “thank you. Ave Sathanas. Thank you, Papa.”
He smiles at you warmly, and reaches up to briefly cup your cheek before jerking his head towards the corridor behind the two of you.
“Go on, cara. They are waiting.”
Before you can doubt yourself, you plant a brief kiss on Papa’s cheek and scurry off. As you make your way on the familiar path to the ghoul den, your hands shake by your sides. What did Papa know? What did Marguerite know, always reminding you to have faith and patience and guiding you with a gentle hand? When you enter the corridor you force yourself to take a series of deep breaths. Swallowing hard, and guided as if by an invisible hand, your feet take you down the wide corridor, all the way to the door at the end. Your pulse thunders in your ears and after a beat, you raise your fist and knock twice before placing your hand on the knob and turning slowly.
What meets your gaze after the door creaks open instantly brings tears to your eyes.
They’re there - all ten of them - standing in various spots in the large room staring at you. When you choke out a pathetic sob, Swiss is by your side in an instant.
“Hey, babygirl,” he says quietly, hand rubbing between your shoulder blades. “Do you like it?”
When you look up at him quizzically, he gestures to the room. You hadn’t even noticed the setting for all the ghouls you adored so dearly. A bed - a ridiculously enormous bed - is pushed against the far wall. Surrounding the large piece of furniture is a collection of thick cushions and pillows of varying sizes, blankets draped here and there. A dresser stands by the opposite wall and a doorway leads to a darkened room you assumed to be the bathroom. Eyebrows drawn in confusion, you look around at them.
“I…I don’t get it.”
“It’s yours,” Cirrus says, stepping forward and taking Swiss’ place at your side. “It’s what we’ve been doing all this time. We can’t bring a mate into the den and not make them a nest.”
She says it as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world but your jaw falls slack and you hear Aether let out a soft laugh.
“Mate?” your voice is comically high pitched as your eyes dart from Mountain to Sunshine to Aurora, perched on the end of the bed.
“If you’ll have us,” Cumulus supplies quickly, “we’re not going to assume but…”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
You can’t suppress the hurt in your voice and all at once they jump up and crowd around you.
“Love, like Cirrus said, we couldn’t tell you until we made a proper place for you,” Rain says softly, soothingly, “that’s how it’s supposed to be. The pack has to provide for you.”
“We’re sorry we didn’t say anything, though,” Phantom supplies, wringing his hands, “it…it wasn’t right to make you hurt like that. I told the others, but–”
“--But it was better than making you feel like you’ve been strung along. We had to make our intentions perfectly clear by doing this,” Mountain says calmly, gesturing around the room.
“I thought…I thought you didn’t want me anymore. That you didn’t care about me. That you never cared about me. I–” your words break off in a loud sob that has you doubling over on yourself and the ghouls looking anxiously around the room at one another.
“Honey, I’m sorry. We’re so sorry,” Cumulus says as she steps forward to embrace you, “human emotions can be…difficult for us to understand. We’ve never done this before, you know that? We’ve been telling you for so long that you’re special, that you’re perfect. If we didn’t want you we never, ever would have made this for you. You’re the one. You’re the only one for us.”
When you pull back from Cumulus’ arms, uselessly wiping your tears from her shoulder, she cups your face in her palms.
“We adore you. All of us.” The others nod emphatically, all reaching out to touch you in some way. It doesn’t feel real to you, but you drink it in all the same. Gently, you let go of your anger, of your doubt, and allow yourself to be filled with the perfect, aching love that surrounds you in this room.
“Thank you,” you whisper, squeezing Swiss’ hand in your left and Aurora’s in your right. “This is…wow. All for me, huh?”
“All for you,” Sunshine confirms, brushing your hair away from your face. “Does that mean you accept our offer?”
You let them squirm, just a little bit by remaining silent for a few seconds. When the “yes” leaves your lips, the room erupts triumphantly and suddenly your face is being smothered in kisses. When Swiss picks you up bridal style and carries you to the bed, you can’t help but laugh, thinking of your first time. The ensuing days of celebration are filled with as much love as lust, your naked form barely allowed to ever leave the bed and always surrounded by the sounds of pleasure. You’re thoroughly exhausted by the end of the third day, abbey duties completely forgotten and body limp in the soft sheets. Gently, so as not to wake your pack, you raise yourself onto your elbows and look around the room. On your right on the bed is Dewdrop, snoring softly, while Cumulus curls up behind you. Phantom has found a spot at the bottom of the bed and Swiss and Aurora are intertwined on a cushion across the room. Cirrus, Sunshine, and Rain sleep soundly in a pile next to them while Aether lies curled into Mountain. You smile as you regard the forms of your lovers - all ten of them, you want to laugh - and lower yourself back down into the pillow. Cumulus stirs and murmurs something into your hair, and you reach a soothing hand back behind you to scratch gently at her scalp. Dew’s eyes open briefly, glowing in the dim light of the room and he gives you a sleepy smile. Leaning over, you place a soft kiss on his forehead and run your thumb along his cheekbone.
And for once in your life, here at the abbey or otherwise, you are at peace, you are held, and you are loved.
a/n: if you're wondering what happened to sister tamsin well. ghouls get hungry, don't they?
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jae-bummer · 1 year
Erasing Boundaries
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Request: Hi I hope you're well~~I'd really like to see no.12 with Bang Chan from the prompt list. 👀 I'd also like to say that I've been a long time follower and I really love reading your works! Thank you for putting the time and effort!! <3
12) When your bias tries to delicately friendzone you, they realize you just wanted to be friends in the first place. Shortly after, they realize they’re the ones falling for you.
Pairing: Stray Kids Bang Chan x Reader
Genre: Fluff
"We're just friends."
"You're a trustworthy person, Chan," Lee Know muttered from his spot on the studio couch. "So I don't understand why you're lying to me right now."
"I'm not lying!" Chan said, spinning around in his office chair. "I really don't have feelings for Y/N."
"Right," Lee Know muttered. "Because instead of multiple feelings, you have one feeling, and it is love."
"Seriously?" Chan groaned, flopping his head back. "Why are you even saying this?"
"You follow them around like a lovesick puppy," Lee Know sighed, pulling out his phone. "Don't think I haven't noticed."
"I feel insulted," Chan pouted. "I am not lovesick, nor am I a puppy."
"A lovesick wolf then."
Chan groaned again as he spun away from his younger member.
After a moment of silence, he turned back around. "Do you think Y/N has feelings for me?"
"Probably," Lee Know hummed, not bothering to look up. "But I thought you didn't have feelings for them."
"I don't!" Chan gasped. "Maybe...maybe I should talk to them."
"And confess? Good idea."
"No!" Chan chuckled. "To just confirm that we're friends and nothing more than that."
"Are you sure you really want to create that boundary?" Lee Know asked with lifted brows. "You're friend zoning yourself."
"I'm friend zoning, Y/N," Chan nodded. "This idea that we like each other romantically must have come from how they interact with me. I know I haven't been flirting."
"I'm sorry," Lee Know sighed. "Are you finally having a mental break? Or are we living two incredibly different lives?"
"I think you're seeing what you want to see," Chan nodded finitely.
"Hello, pot?" Lee Know laughed. "This is kettle. You're black."
"I can't be in a relationship right now," Chan sighed, switching tactics. "We've got too much going on."
"There are far too many arguments I can make," Lee Know muttered. "And frankly I'm exhausted."
"Good," Chan grinned. "I'll let you know how the talk goes."
"Please, don't."
"Why was your text so ominous?" you asked, plopping across Chan's bed. Taking a long sip from your frozen coffee, you looked up to see him pacing back and forth in front of you.
"Ominous?" he muttered. "It wasn't ominous. I just asked you to come over."
"You said we-" you cleared your throat, trying to pitch your voice deeper to match Chan's tone. ""needed to talk.""
"Well, it wasn't so much of a need as it is a want," he sighed, finally stopping and sitting down beside you.
You narrowed your eyes at your friend, trying to figure out what was going on in his head. Normally he had at least a hundred things swirling around up there, but today seemed to have a hundred and one.
"You're kind of starting to freak me out," you grumbled, sitting up from your lounging position to better look at him.
"No need," he said quickly. "I just...I wanted to make sure something was clear between us."
"Okay..." you trailed off.
"We're friends, yeah?"
"If we weren't, I'd consider the past year to be a cruel joke," you teased, but instantly stopped as Chan's face remained solemn.
"Chris?" you squeaked. "We are friends...right?"
"Of course, we are!" he gasped, moving to squeeze your knee, but stopping short. Taking a moment to compose himself, he finally swiveled toward you. ""Y/N, you're one of my people."
Your heart gave a small flip. Chan was one of your people too. As someone you could always go to for advice or comfort, he reminded you of the type of guy who was your older sibling's friend that you always had a childhood crush on. You reconciled long ago that someone like him was out of your league, or at least that was your perception of it.
"And as one of my people, I want you to know how important you are to me."
"Chris," you hummed, holding your hand up in the air. "This is awfully sentimental for a Thursday afternoon."
"Right," he winced. "I'll save you my speech that I definitely didn't take an hour figuring out last night."
Your eyes grew wide.
"Joking," he chuckled unconvincingly.
You would find out later that he, in fact, was not joking.
"Long story short," he continued, unable to meet your eyes. "We're friends."
"Just. Friends." he said, emphasizing each word.
"Hearing you loud and clear," you nodded, still unsure what the climax of the conversation would be.
"Good, good," he nodded, reaching toward the drink you had brought him. "So, how was your day?"
"Wait, I'm sorry," you coughed. "Was that it?"
"Well, yeah," he said, furrowing his brow. "Why?"
"I legitimately had anxiety on my way over here," you gasped. "And it was simply for you to tell me something I already knew?"
"You had anxiety?" Chan pouted, his expression soft. "That wasn't my intention at all! It's just that the members kept hinting to me that they thought we were involved, and I wanted to make sure the record was set straight with everyone and-"
"Take a breath, Chris," you sighed. You patted him lightly on the shoulder. "I may have had anxiety, but I also am relieved to know it was over something so silly. I know we're friends."
"We are," he nodded. "You're the Patrick to my SpongeBob, the-"
"Wait, why do I have to be Patrick?" you muttered.
"Because you live under a rock and can't open a jar on your own," he grinned.
"Ah, right," you teased. "And you're SpongeBob because you never stay hydrated and have an unhealthy fixation with your job."
"Low blow, Y/N."
"The truth hurts, doesn't it?"
"I messed up."
"You're right," Lee Know hummed. "We should have given Hyunjin up for adoption years ago. Should I start looking for the closest fire station?"
"That is not what I meant," Chan muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I messed up with Y/N. Bad."
"Please," Lee Know said quietly. "Please tell me you did not do what I think you did."
"I made it clear how we are thoroughly, only friends," Chan winced.
Lee Know inhaled deeply through his nose before holding it and letting it out through his mouth.
"Aren't you going to say anything?" Chan whispered.
"Give me a minute," Lee Know grumbled. "My therapist taught me to focus on my breathing when I wanted to get violent."
"Minho," Chan deadpanned.
"Yes, I know, you're my hyung, and I shouldn't speak to you this way, but damnit, man!"
"I know!" Chan cried. "I messed up."
"As you keep saying!" Lee Know sighed. "Now how are you going to fix it?"
"Fix it?" Chan chirped. "I shouldn't just wallow in my misery?"
"Let's try this," Lee Know said slowly. "If the roles here were reversed, what would you tell me?"
Chan scrunched up his face. "Well, I guess I'd tell you that it's okay to make mistakes and this wasn't a serious one. No one is going to die, except you, maybe of embarrassment. You can try to clear your conscience and confess, or just really make a go at trying to be only friends."
"And that's when I would say...?"
"Full steam ahead, let's make an ass out of ourselves," Chan chuckled.
"Correct," Lee Know grinned. "So let Y/N know how you feel. How you really feel."
"One problem," Chan sighed. "In the process of me friend zoning them, I'm pretty sure they friend zoned me twice as hard."
"What do you mean?"
"They said they knew all along we were only friends."
"Do you think just maybe," Lee Know said, tilting his head. "They were following your lead?"
"I mean...maybe?"
"Well," Lee Know grinned. "Time to find out."
"Christopher Bang!" you gasped, flying through the front door of the dorm. "I swear on every star in the sky, and EVEN the one's on Felix's cheeks, that if you summon me again with a "we need to talk" text, I'm going to end you!"
"I don't have much tact when I'm nervous," Chan admitted from the living room sofa. He cringed as he looked up at you. "You look nice today."
"I don't want compliments!" you huffed. "I want an explanation!"
"Okay, and you deserve one," he said calmly. "But first, may I interest you in a beverage?"
"Stop stalling."
"Alright, alright," he grumbled. Pushing himself up from the cushions, he came to stand in front of you. It looked like he hadn't slept in days (which wasn't entirely uncommon) but it seemed to really be wearing on him more than usual. "Our conversation yesterday-"
"Wasn't much of a conversation," you finished. "More like just stating the obvious but continue."
"Whatever it was," Chan sighed. "I was wrong."
"You were...wrong?"
You bit your lower lip, not failing to notice the way it drew Chan's eyes. "So are you saying we're not friends?"
"We are," he said quickly. "But from my perspective, that isn't the full truth."
You waited, unsure of what that could possibly mean.
"I told you yesterday that you were one of my people," he said softly. "But that wasn't entirely accurate. If I was being truthful, with you and myself, I would have said you're my person."
Lifting your brows, you tried not to stagger back. Was he actually about to tell you that he had feelings for you? After you had resolved yourself to live with the shadow of unrequited love?
"I care about you in ways that a normal friend wouldn't," he continued. His voice remained quiet, but he had moved closer. "And I understand if you only see me in that brotherly way, that's okay. I get it, but I drove myself nuts last night playing over our conversation. It was a mistake to try to draw a boundary in our relationship, especially when I honestly wanted to erase any we did have."
"I'm a mess," he whispered. "I'm stubborn and obsessive and make so many mistakes. I'm tired and worn out...but if you can accept all of that...I'll try to be the best version of myself for you."
You stayed quiet, only able to blink up at him as you processed this new information. It felt as if someone was blowing a balloon in your chest, and it was destined to pop at any moment.
"But also, no pressure," he said quickly. "I'd rather be your friend than nothing at all."
"Silly boy," you said softly, only mildly concerned that you would spook him if you came at the situation too enthusiastically. Crossing the small amount of space between the two of you, you stuck out your bottom lip. "I see the best version of you every day. It's just that some days, your best is going to look different depending on what you have to give. Every trait you listed as a weakness has a strength to it. You're stubborn, but that makes you determined. You're obsessive, but you're committed. And with every mistake you make, you learn. It's okay to recognize the flaws in yourself, but you have to recognize the other side of all that. I care about every side of you, Chris. Every day, some days, whatever you're willing to give...I'm going to take."
You could see Chan's eyes go glassy. "You have no idea how much I needed to hear that."
"Good," you smiled. "So yes, I care about you in a more than friend way."
You gave yourself a mental high five. Suddenly, the unattainable childhood crush knew you existed, and wanted you back. How often does that happen?
"I don't deserve you," he hummed, cautiously pulling you into his chest. Wrapping his strong arms around you, he gave a loving squeeze. "But I'm glad you think I do."
Kissing him playfully on the underside of his jaw, you laughed. "Shut up, SpongeBob."
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
As someone who is partly deaf, I love that deaf Tim stuff. But hear me out for something that could work for either of them. What if on complete accident when both the Bats and Rouges hear about Tim's disability, the Rouges are the ones who do a better job with not looking down on Tim. Yes they add things to help him, like for Deaf Tim Joker would also use ASL as he monologs to make sure that Tim can understand him or with Blind Tim Riddler makes puzzle rooms themed around telling the difference in textures or he reads all the riddles out loud.
Meanwhile the Bats are. They *tried* ok? But they keep over compensating because they worry about Tim. Unlike the Rouges who don't pull their punches, during training the Bats do start pulling punches and going a little easier on Tim. Dick keeps trying to do things for Tim that Tim knows he can do. Bruce keeps taking him off cases that involve in person investigation. Damian keeps saying things about how all tasks should be left to him because clearly he's the superior one (if it's early Damian, later on when they're on better terms he wouldn't be as assholish about it but also keeps trying to take over tasks for Tim)
I'm really really glad that you vibed with the AU.
As far as your additions, I 100% agree. Having "good intentions" for people can still be harmful and frustrating. That's why, in these AUs, Tim tries to hide his disability until he's able to prove his efficiency. It's dealer's choice whether the Bats choose to acknowledge the evidence or are still doubting his capabilities.
I think the fic from the OG post has a scene where Babs, Cass, and Tim meet up to discuss the microaggressions they face from the Bats due to their respective disabilities. The sequel definitely has cute interactions between Damian and Tim. Damian refuses for anyone to treat his "rival" as weak or incapable. Peak siblings energy.
The funny part I find about this would be the Rogues accommodating Tim's disabilities just so they can defeat him. If Joker learned ASL for Tim, he'd probably research the hell out of how to look intimidating and scary while doing it (since, depending on Tim's hearing loss, Joker can't effectively utilize the vocal tone skills he's trained to be terrifying). Riddler would treat it as another puzzle and mental exercise (his Riddles would likely increase in accessibility for multiple disabilities as time progresses. He wants to challenge folks by their thinking abilities, not by their ability to test within the constraints placed on them. Perhaps, after his research and new implementations, he even starts targeting schools that unfairly places confines on their students [from both a socioeconomic standpoint and from improper accommodations]).
Anyways, I would love a fic that highlights some of the Bats' treatment of Tim and how not to interact with folks of different disabilities. Stuff like infantilizing, doing tasks for the person without permission, assuming what someone can handle, and disregarding them. It'd be cool to watch Tim try open communication (asking boundaries and what level of assistance the person desires) with all of them. For some, that's all that's needed. They have a clear guideline of "that shit was not okay" and the lines of communication are open for them to ask clarification in the future. For others, they listen to Tim, agree to change, and still pull that shit. I personally vote for Tim getting petty.
I feel like Babs and Cass would be the ones to understand the most that Tim can do anything he sets his mind to (he's so incredibly stubborn that he'd probably even be able to steal LexCorp from Luthor if he was motivated enough. He most likely even has plans already drawn for it ready to implement at any point). Duke would probably understand how others' perceptions of Tim affect him.
I also kill for Tim utilizing WE resources to bring aid and accommodations based on more specific audiences (such as how kids in the foster system, LGBT youth, and those with disabilities [both mental and physical] disportionately make up the homeless population).
I'm rambling a bit because sociology is a passion of mine. I'd get a higher education on the subject if I had the money.
Anyways, I love considering such perspectives in fanfiction. Let me know if there's other stuff I should add to this AU!
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