#I might have a more definitive answer in future upon thinking about it
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oculusxcaro · 2 years ago
💢 ANGER - what are some habits they have that will take some getting used to?
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Not falling back into old habits. Blending into society and pretending to be American is much harder than one might imagine, especially after being experimented on. Khare didn't lose her memories; in fact her past memories are quite vivid and now that her biology has changed, it's grown harder to learn new things. Handling a different currency, spelling differences between American English and British English, Khare constantly has to stop and think about what she's doing as so not to stand out. She's gotten better at masking her differences and the fact she's really not supposed to still be in the country but every so often she has to wait a minute for her brain not lapse back into muscle memory.
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moonastro · 1 year ago
how your future spouse will act around you
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left to right(top)-> 1,2
left to right(bottom)-> 3,4
°DO NOT take this as literal, take everything with a grain of salt as this is purely and intendedly for entertainment purposes.
°Don't be afraid to give feedback and opinions about this post (as i would entirely appreciate it).
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i definitely see them being more them around you, like they are going to be so comfortable around you that how they act around you differs from when they are around other people. I see them literally having no restrictions around you, they will not be afraid to show their true personality and humour. i feel like this will be so important to them because they might have been judged with the way that they acted or were judged by just being themselves by previous relationships or friendships, for you, they are thankful and can actually live freely.
They will definitely also learn so many things from you, for example i see you telling them something and them not understanding so they will bring that up because they want to know what you know. or they cannot stand not knowing what you mean because they fully want to understand you. yeah, they will love to get to know you on a deeper soulmate kinda way. they will love experiencing new surprises from you by simply learning new things about you, that will excite them.
i see them being the type of person who ask 'have you eaten yet?' or 'have you taken your vitamins today?'. your health will matter so much to them, seeing you unwell will physically hurt them. if you answer no to any of the questions they will automatically act upon them. they do care about your well-being however they might not be so cutesy about it because for them it is a serious matter. so they might act very serious about situations like that. but that's only because they care so much about you.
i feel like their character will develop while being with you. i feel like they might pick up on some habits or characteristics that you have. for example, if your habit consists of biting your bottom lip when nervous, they will acknowledge that and start to do that too.
your fs will NOT be afraid to express their raw feelings towards you. they will constantly praise and compliment you so much that you might get tired from hearing it loll😭.
that is it for you PILE 1, hope you enjoyed that!!
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oh, they will be chaotic around you. they might tend to play fights, picking you up from the ground, teasing you etcc. however, i do think that playing around like that heals their inner child as such. they might also do questionable things that may shock you. like i see you two chilling and watching a movie and them randomly standing up and doing their skincare without mentioning anything.
they will constantly want to do everything with you, like their mindset is something like, if i have to see it you have to too, or if you go i want to go too. its mostly because they cant seem to imagine themselves being 5 minutes away from you 😂. no but for real, i honestly just feel like they find your time together precious and don't want to miss opportunities with you. they will be the type to take you on daily trips everywhere, like i mentioned before, they will love to spend time with you, especially while discovering new cute places.
i feel like same with pile 1, they will worry a lot about your health and constantly have to check up on you. like if sometimes you forget to eat breakfast or if they see a bruise that you didn't even know was there, they will freak out about it and will act like something major happened.
i see them being very honest around you, they will answer to your questions honestly and truthfully and i feel like if there are lies withing a relationship it is not sincere. i do see them being clingy though, like if they had a bad day and came back home they instantly hug and cuddle you to make them feel better. or if you are cleaning up they just come up to you and start hugging you.
that's everything for you PILE 2, hope you liked your reading!
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will have a stable view and way of doing things around you. will be humble and professional. i feel like they will be a very down to earth person who is quite traditional in terms of relationships. they are very loyal to your needs however, they may have a little routine that they do every morning or any other time of the day, for example may take out the trash in the early morning so you wont have to and let you sleep in or something like that. i feel like silent acts of service are their thing. they might not like to be in the spotlight and keep a rather low profile wherever they are.
might be quite nosey lol, may want to know what you are doing at what time. or may want to know what you are looking at on your phone and so on.
may express their love to you often, like you make them levitate when they look at you. but may be shy about it. like they'll only do it when they cant keep it in anymore then blush after they say it🥹. they are someone who would proudly admire you and talk sweetly about you to other people rather than directly to you.
may like to spoil you though, may take you out to dinner every week or book to go to a fancy restaurant once in a while. or whenever you show them something that you like, they remember and buy you the exact same thing without asking you about it. i feel like they would definitely tend to show their love for you by doing things for you rather than talking about it and so forth.
they might be afraid to disappoint you and are afraid to fail. but they are very good at easing tension, so whenever you feel stressed they know how to make you feel better.
yeah, i don't think they are good at communicating or may limit themselves due to the fear of letting you down. however, they might not take it lightly when you expose them on what they did wrong, they might not be into being tutored.
that is all for you PILE 3!!
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they tend to avoid direct confrontation. they definitely do not like conflict and will leave the situation if it gets heated. also, are very open to fix mistakes, they may ask about your opinion quite a lot and act upon your choices.
are very open to sharing their emotions and thoughts, they are not patient and may just say things that are on their mind. they may be an anxious human being and may seek help. they may like to talk about their mental health and ask your opinion of what to do about it to help. overall i think your opinion matters a lot to your fs!
they love sharing their ethic and moral beliefs to you. or they may be interested in getting to know about your beliefs. they also may be interested of your cultural background and may be eager to learn new languages and try different cultural foods. they may even like to listen to songs from other countries. they may also love to practise their traditions around you.
they may have difficulty concentrating and focusing so when they are told something they may be spaced out thinking about something else, you know?
they may also be the type of person who rejects offers easily, they may have social anxiety or anxiety in general so it may be difficult for them to leave the house. so that may start arguments between you two because you see the potential in them but they are just too afraid to persuade it and don't do anything about it.
that's it for you PILE 4!
I hope you all enjoyed this post❣️ please don't be shy to interact and share some of your thoughts on this post!!! thank you for reading💓
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heroesriseandfall · 1 year ago
Jason Todd & Chronic Pain
I scrounged for the panels I know from Rebirth about Jason still having lingering pain and injuries from when the Joker killed him. We know Jason had substantial injuries and brain damage when he was resurrected, and Talia healed that with the Lazarus pit. But here’s some I know of being mentioned even after Talia healed him with the Lazarus pit.
The first I know of is when evil future Batman Tim targeted Jason’s hip because of a Joker-related injury that he claimed would eventually become debilitating for Jason. This move does take Jason out of the fight so it definitely seems like evil Tim successfully aggravated the injury.
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Detective Comics #968 (Jan 2018) — earlier in #966 Batman Tim also mentioned future Jason would eventually lose an eye and a leg while fighting assassins.
More recently, regular, not-evil Tim referenced it while evaluating how to fight a Clayface Jason mimic:
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Tim Drake: Robin #3 (Jan 2023) — Tim says the pit brought Jason back, which has sometimes been a thing. Originally Jason was only healed by the pit after he’d already been resurrected by something else.
This next one was black label, so it may or may not be canon (the creative team claims “it’s up to reader interpretation” and disagree on whether they personally think it is canon). I’m not a fan of the comic but it did pretty clearly indicate Jason had chronic pain from the Joker:
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Batman: Three Jokers #2 (Nov 2020)
(There might be more than these—my reading of post flashpoint comics is kinda random and incomplete compared to my reading of post-Crisis. In post-Crisis though I think they mainly put emphasis on Jason’s destabilized mental health and didn’t really bring up physical aspects IIRC. His brain damage seemed healed and yet he seemed more affected after the pit than other one-time-in-the-pit characters like Dinah Lance or Cass Cain were.)
They haven’t bothered explaining how the pit didn’t heal them so far as I know (the pits kinda work to authorial convenience anyway). My route is usually to blame any weird Jason stuff on the strange, multiversal circumstances of his resurrection, but versions of his origin where he’s only brought back by the pit might not jive with that (which includes some Rebirth IIRC).
In any case, I do hope more writers pick up on this more and I love to see when it’s expanded upon a bit in fandom. I would already consider Jason’s mental health to be a disabling issue for him but it’s neat sometimes to have writers recognize chronic pain-related issues among DC characters. (I’d love to also see more expansion of Bruce mentioning he experienced chronic pain…it pops up every so often but rarely if ever in depth.)
Alt text is copied and expanded upon under read more below.
ID 1: Two panels from Detective Comics #968 showing Jason Todd as Red Hood leaping to fight evil future Batman Tim Drake. Jason says, “Sorry, Timmy, I don’t believe in Santa Claus.” Batman Tim slams his staff directly into Jason’s right hip joint, sending him flying back, and says, “Jason. In a few years you were going to learn that one of your bones never set right after the Joker killed you. There’s a growing debilitating bone spur in your hip joint. There, I found it for you you’re welcome.” They’re both in the batcave.
ID 2: A cropped panel from Tim Drake: Robin #3 showing a red narration box for Tim Drake which says: “The Lazarus Pit may have brought Jason back from the dead, but he’s still sensitive where The Joker killed him.”
ID 3: A comic page from Batman: Three Jokers #2. A Joker leans in Jason Todd’s face, looking intense and serious. The Joker says, “Who is the Joker, really? We’re going to find out.” The word “out” is written in an extended sing-songy way. The Jokers put Jason’s Red Hood helmet over his head but they’ve decorated it with a wide Joker-style grin. The two Jokers laugh, then one says, “We’ve spent considerable time trying to best answer that question: who is the Joker? We found that judge. A serial killer. A surgeon. All rather predictable and uninspiring. And then there’s you. Tell me something. Why would you put on that helmet and call yourself Red Hood after what we did?” Jason, who is sitting naked tied to the wooden chair, says, “Come on. Is every one of you copycats gonna ask me the same thing? It’s a joke.” One of the Jokers holds up a crowbar as the other says, “A joke? We left you with brain damage and permanent nerve pain. Physical and emotional trauma so severe that the only relief you ever find is when you inflict pain on others.” The Joker holds the crowbar by Jason’s head. “You and me, boy…..We’re more alike than you’d care to admit.”
ID 4: A comic page from Batman: Three Jokers #2 showing Jason Todd with no shirt on and small bandages on various parts of his arms and face. He looks at a calendar on a wall and reads the crossed out days that have physical therapy sessions written on them. He sees a stack of various healing and exercise books. The top book is titled Chronic Pain Management by Dr. D. Kresan. He picks it up. Barbara Gordon as Batgirl enters a different, dark room through a window.
ID 5: A comic page from Batman: Three Jokers #2 showing Barbara Gordon as Batgirl entering her own bedroom. She says, “Jason?” She sees a book on her bed titled “Chronic Pain Management” by Dr. D. Kresan. Jason says, “Barbara?” and walks out of the attached bathroom with only a towel around his waist. Babs says, “I figured you’d left.” Jason says, “I hope it’s okay I used the shower and I…I didn’t mean to go through your things. The closet door was open and that book looked…useful.” Babs says, “It was. Are you okay?” Jason has small bandages and bruises on his face as he says, “I don’t think I’ve ever been okay.” Babs looks concerned. Jason continues saying, “What the Joker said…about how I’ve been on the path to being like them for years…they’re not wrong. I don’t want to be like them though. I really don’t. You believe that, right?” Babs says, “I’m willing to.” Then Jason says, “Can I ask you something?”
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shirefantasies · 10 months ago
Idk if/what you’re open to writing right now, but can you possibly write something focused on pippin? Maybe fluff or headcannons or oneshots, whatever you want. I’ll put my trust in a fellow pippin girlie 😉❤️
Ahhh I definitely was not when this very first rolled in but barring any more grievous wounds I am always down to write about my beloved 😌
Pie in the Sky- Pippin x F!Hobbit!Reader
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(Gif by @lotrcolors! Didn’t see rules about not using them but will take down if they prefer!)
Perfect dough never fails to put a smile on your face. Sticky as it is, even the feeling of it beneath your hands as you knead it is pleasing. Flames to your left tell you the oven is more than ready to receive its eventual bounty. A few rolls beneath your pin and there you have it, a beautiful drape on the tin before the real treasure is stowed away. Twirling in your flighty joy, you turn for the stove, taking up your pot of wonderful sparkling scarlet raspberry filling. Pouring it in, you see you’ve made a bit extra- muffins might just be in your future, too! Last step is cutting the lattice and then your oven is finally presented its trophy.
You already pulled out the right size hourglass when you got your start, so all there is to it is giving it a flip and you’ve got a little time for inventory.
The fishers had a wonderful haul: bright, shiny salmon you had filleted earlier in the afternoon, leaving only the need to coat them in lemon juice and seasoning. Potatoes as well, potatoes fresh as the salmon, though they are to be fried into chips, not grilled. A plate of roasted zucchini and carrot to say you’re getting your vegetables in. Not to mention the pie.
Every voice in your head had told you to just make enough for yourself, but having a visitor is likely enough, is it not? May as well make a bit extra, you think as you reach for a tin of dill weed.
Foolhardy, they say. Foolish indeed to leave a pie cooling upon the sill of your hole’s window lest some rapscallion make short work of it. But what is life without a little chance, you ponder as you check up on your treat, glancing out to the passing road…
“Well, that is about as fine a pie as I’ve ever seen! What’s the occasion?”
Peregrin Took. Pippin, just about the whole Shire calls him. Sprightly, smiling, and green-eyed, the young hobbit comes from quite the family. He is the only one you know of so well, though. Oft is he seen alongside his cousin Merry, particularly for goers of the Green Dragon. You are not quite in that guild, though it has been tempting enough of late.
“No occasion, really,” you reply with a smile, glancing up at Pippin through your lashes, “to be honest, I just felt like it.”
“I can see why," he muses, tone dreamy.
"I made extra. Care to join me for supper?" Leaning further upon your sill, you rest your chin upon your hand.
"If you insist," he answers quickly, "then who am I to say no?"
He slips around the remaining perimeter of your yard, disappearing from your view until you hear a knock at your door. At once you abandon your pie, crossing through your kitchen and hall to open it.
"Well, hello there," Pippin jokes with a wide smile, arms outstretched and heels rocking, "fancy meeting you here!"
"Master Took," you play along, waving him in, "what a pleasant surprise! Please, come in."
Hands running over his shoulders faintly, you help him out of his coat, taking notice of how eager he is to strip himself of the extra layers, unwinding the scarf in record speed and glancing around the entry of your home.
"The kitchen is this way," you wave a hand, "Shall we?"
You take the way he practically trips over his feet on the freshly polished floorboards going forward as a yes, holding out a quick hand to steady him, thinking better of it, withdrawing shyly. Leading him to the dining table, you sit him down at the head of it and make for the kitchen to procure all your supper fixings. One by one you set down steaming platters, Pippin's eyes tracking your every movement before landing on the offerings themselves. You hear his stomach rumble as the smell of the first platter of chips fills the room, say nothing but smile and simply compound the feast until his eyes are wide as saucers.
Master Peregrin Took had caught your eye some time ago, from what day you cannot even say, but at that moment and beyond his wide, wonderful smile and lovely singing voice permeate the back of your mind far too often. Often enough, in fact, that you've taken up the peculiar little habit that finally serves you so well, making far more of anything than you need lest you ever are gifted the luck of the Shire's jolliest soul at your door. And as he sits before you, so close your arms brush as they reach for cups and utensils, engrossed in sharing a story his cousin's gardener told him about the Proudfeet's pumpkins, all you can feel is a glow of warmth and satisfaction.
"Mmm," Pippin hums in pleasure between forkfuls, "how did I never know what a good cook you are?"
You shrug, suddenly feeling a little shy. "I suppose I never labelled my creations all too well at any festivals."
"Well, if you keep this up," he teases, "I may just have to keep coming to call."
"Be my guest," you wave a hand and smile widely, eyes remaining upon his, "it isn't often I get company."
You barely trust your ears at his next words. "I can hardly believe that! But I'm more than happy to take up the task."
Wit utterly fails you at that, words lost in the fluttering of butterflies filling your entire being and a smile you cannot have hidden for all the gold in the Shire.
Pippin greets you by name this time, leaning into your window with eager familiarity. “You wouldn’t happen to be baking, would you?”
“Why, yes,” you smile back even wider, bending down for a moment to collect proof in the form of a steaming yellow cake before you tease, "if you don't mind waiting for it to cool and get frosted I'd be happy to share. Unless you were just hoping I was busy."
Pippin practically runs around to your gate, bringing yet another smile to your lips as you turn from your cake to the strawberries you'd been slicing.
“Excellent party, no?”
Glancing up from your tankard, you see Pippin has slid up to your side, leaning an arm casually upon the edge of the table and giving you that easy smile that makes everything within you flutter. His sandy hair is sprinkled with tossed flower petals and falls about his face, which flickers beneath the lanterns set all about. He’d undone his ever-present scarf, this time letting it hang loosely about either side of his neck and down onto a green velvet waistcoat that brings out those eyes of his.
Nothing else but a smile could have broken across your face at such a sight, joy alongside warmth you can luckily blame upon lanterns and the fires on which spits had been roasting and sheer proximity to all the dancing couples whirling by and other hobbits stopping at the table and idly chatting.
“Just grand,” you reply, only aware in post the surefire dreaminess of your expression, “the music's wonderful, everyone is in such cheer, and the spread is great, too! And now I've got fine company as well!"
"As have I," Pippin replies, glancing away from your gaze, then back to it, "and you are so right about it all. I can't wait to dance the night away! And I've just had about the best cookies of my life!"
You giggle at that, fingers tightening around the wooden mug you held. "Oh yes? And what kind were they?"
"Lavender sugar."
"Ah," your eyes light up, "those would be mine! See what I mean about the labeling? Oh, I'm so glad you liked them!"
Seeing as how it's the sole reason you made anything at all for the birthday of someone's aunt you didn't even know too well.
"Liked them?" He leans closer. "I loved them! But enough of that: how would you care for a dance or five?"
Nothing would have gotten your hands off your tankard with greater haste, its base hitting the red tablecloth at your back faster than he could say "South Farthing".
"I would love that," you tell him, and without a moment's hesitation you are swept up into his arms.
Pippin's hold about your waist is tighter than you'd have expected, but you don't complain a mite at the feeling of his hands on your hips, even the twitch of a finger you'd almost suspect to be the beginnings of roaming if you were any more full of yourself. He goes fast with you, something you hadn't doubted for a moment, and you get a thrill from the way he pulls you in so quickly from a twirl, sending you flying into his chest and caught with his other arm each time. Perhaps you aren't so graceful as some of the other, older or more leisurely pairs out on the open grass, but you know as your bare feet struck the soft ground again and again that you would have it no other way.
“Oh, now it’s shortbread?”
You put the hand that isn't holding the basket on your hip, fixing the younger hobbit with a look. “Do you want some or not, Marigold dear?”
"Oh, yes," she replies, golden head bobbing and petite hand reaching to loosen the cloth you've wrapped over the bars, "and I will take one for the old Gaffer, too.”
“Oh, he should enjoy them. It’s my grandmother’s recipe, after all.”
“And who else shall?” Marigold muses, fixing you with a positively catlike smile. “How is my advice about a man’s heart going, then, with Mister Peregrin Took?”
Your easy smile melts into something dreamier, grip on your basket relaxing slightly. “Well, all my baking certainly is bringing us together more.”
“And showing him what a good wife you’ll make him, too. He looked very happy there dancing with you at old Violet’s birthday!”
Before you can stop yourself looking a fool, your smile is widening tenfold. “You think so?”
“Oh,” Marigold waves a hand, “you’re incorrigible! Next time you two dance, just lean in for the kiss!”
“Easy for you to say,” you shoot back, crossing your arms and nearly, but not quite, upsetting your shortbread basket, “I could tell you the same about Tolman Cotton.”
Paling then reddening, Marigold gapes at you and sputters. "Now that is quite different! Tolman is a family friend, after all! If I were to- Why, that friendship might-”
“Uh-huh,” you nod in mock sympathy, a sardonic smile upon your lips, “well, then, perhaps you ought to bake him something. After all, a good friend told me the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.”
Marigold grins. “Yours, maybe! Tolman cares much more about a good spot of fishing than all that.”
“Then you come over to sit in my kitchen and make him a new lure while I muse over what Pippin’s favorites might be. I’ve some dyed feathers I could spare.”
“From what?” Marigold asks, tilted head and smile incredulous as you make your way down the lane.
That is all Pippin catches of the conversation, but it is more than enough, he reflects with a brief proud smirk that quickly melts into a wide, dreamy grin as he glances down at the pair of chocolate-covered shortbread bars in his hands. Your grandma had some good ideas, but she’d never get his heart beating like you did.
It is not the most common occurrence in the world to hear your bell ring, so to say you shot up from your sewing is an understatement. All but tossing the shirt whose sleeve you’re repairing down, you pad across your planks to the door, mouth widening into an ‘o’ at the sight of Pippin at your door, a bunch of daisies in one hand and a basket slung upon the opposite arm. Today he is wearing a lavender vest; you don't think you've ever seen him wear lavender before, but of course it suits him.
“Hi there,” he said your name, voice lowering, “I thought I could maybe…take you on a picnic.”
“Oh!” You exclaim, habitually glancing down at your dress and feeling a hand shoot up to your hair. “Well, I don’t know if I’m picnic ready, but-”
“You’re as beautiful as ever,” he remarks with a shrug and the most casual smile, as if he’d commented upon the balmy state of the weather.
“Well,” you glance down toward your feet and fiddle with the end of your sleeve, one arm shyly across your chest, “how can I say no to that? Of course I will go, then. Do you need anything for your basket, though? I admit I haven’t made much fresh today, but I can always-”
At that, Pippin shakes his head, curls flying about his smiling face. “This one is my mother’s treat. It’s about time I pay you back, after all.”
“Oh, alright. Because I do have a leftover pie in the-”
“Yes, bring that.”
You giggle as Pippin continues. “Don’t you worry, though- my mother’s cooking is almost as good as yours! Just don’t tell her I said that.” Punctuating his joke with a wink, he extends his arm and beaming, you take it.
Pippin leads you down to the bank of a stream and spreads out a blanket you hadn’t noticed him carrying before, probably due to being too occupied looking into those sweet green eyes and fluttering your lashes at any affection that potentially swims within them. The ground is soft already beneath the blanket, making it quite easy to settle upon your little spot across from Pippin and his basket. Water babbles tranquilly at your side by your feet, glistening in the spring sunshine.
Your companion offers quite the spread, for on top of your pie there is cold chicken and hard boiled eggs, sandwiches with salted meat and cress, cheese alongside the end of the sandwich loaf, fresh red raspberries, and turnovers.
“I hope this is enough.”
“Are you joking?” Your eyes light up, glancing from Pippin to the array of food to the sunlight filtering through the greenery at the stream’s edge. “This is perfect. All of it.”
"It had to be," he says, "I wanted our courtship to start off right."
Falling suddenly deaf to the chirping of birds and babbling of stream, you looked up from your sandwich with wide eyes, again seeing Pippin smiling at you like he'd made the most natural conclusion in the world, this time before tilting a fistful of raspberries into his mouth. Blinking, you search for words, failing momentarily in favor of just grinning over the way Peregrin Took never fails in his unwitting quest to always surprise you. Heat creeps to your face, heat beyond even the beating of the sun down to your head.
Pippin, it seems, takes your silence as a form of denial. All but dropping the plated slice of pie in his hand, he wipes one set of fingers off on the edge of a napkin before waving both hands hastily back and forth.
"Unless I heard your conversation with Marigold wrong. I just got so excited thinking that we could be everything I'd dreamed of and that what you were doing was working. Not that you needed to do it because I already thought you were the prettiest thing I've ever seen and why am I saying all this?"
"Because you're cute," you gush, heart still flip-flopping at his words, at the way the sunlight dances off the curves of his sheepishly smiling cheeks, "and you're always managing to find new ways to steal my heart."
"Me?" His voice is so quiet it's all but a whisper of joy. "You think I'm... Well, I think you're just sweet as this pie here. No, sweeter. Besides finding new ways to steal your heart, might I find new ways to kiss you?"
"Smooth," you tease, shaking your head playfully, gleefully, "you might indeed."
If Pippin is thinking anything you made was sweet, not a single delight you could have whipped up in your kitchen stands a chance against the feeling of his lips on yours, dancing lightly against them in the springtime breeze.
Taglist: @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart @kilibaggins @mossthebogwitch @ibabblealot @stormchaser819 @pirate-lord-of-narnia @datglutengoblin @letmelickyoureyeballs @mossyskinn @wordbunch @tiny-and-witchy @th3-st4r-gur1 @fleurdemiel-145 @mistresskayla-blog1 | Reply/Message/Ask to join 💕
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jewishvitya · 1 year ago
Hi, I stumbled upon your political posts (and then Yuri, you might get me to watch it now) and I find your perspective fascinating. Maybe it's because I grew up with rather a lot of exposure to Palestinians and various peace movements, but your experience is alien to me, and I am really thankful to be able to read it.
I would like to ask, what do you define as Zionism? As the last month taught me that no two people define this term the same. For me it is the ability for the Jewish people to control our own life in a land that we are bound to, and that has no contradiction with the Palestinian doing the same on this land, that they are bound to it as well. No pressure to answer, just pure curiosity.
And if I may offer some hope for our future? On the fourth day of the war, someone who helps in one of the donation centres for the displaced Israelis ask in the group chat if there is a way to pass the extra clothing and equipment to the people of Gaza. In the past two month I got invites for over a dozes or meeting between Israelis and Palestinians, meetings were both sides shared their sorrows and hopes. When an acquaintance was raising money to help a Bedouin family whose house was hit by a rocket, he has to tell people to stop donating. People in my surrounding have been talking about the day after, building plans so they could help build a better place for both people. A long-fought battle in the courts was won, and a group of settlers were ordered to evacuate Palestinian land. Activists have been going to assist in the olive harvests in the West Bank, despite it all.
There is hope for us here.
Hi! Thank you! If you do watch YOI I hope you enjoy it lol.
I know my experience is not very common. Even other Israelis get shocked by the depth of the hatred and the indoctrination sometimes. I try to emphasize that it comes from the most extremist community we have, because I have no idea what the schooling looks like in other areas.
And sure, I'll try to explain, and maybe also why I choose to label myself as anti-zionist.
I don't know that I can give you a dictionary definition, because I define zionism mainly by what it did in practice - the colonizing of Palestine. And when I say colonizing, I'm not making claims about indigeniety or lack of it. I'm defining it through our tactics and our actions. Especially because early in the movement they openly used colonialist frameworks.
Some of the softer definitions of zionism, things like our right to self determination, our right to seek safety - these aren't things I'm against. And I understand that within zionism there were other proposed ideas that weren't necessarily meant to end up with an ethnostate, resulting in ethnic cleansing. So I know zionism is more complicated than what we see in Israel. But what we see now is the reality people are living as the outcome.
If we came here and said "we've been longing to go back here for such a long time, we suffered so much abuse, we want to live alongside you in our shared homeland, can we find a way to ensure our safety and yours" - this would have been a different conversation. Still complicated, because mass immigration is complicated, but different.
In reality, we destroyed communities to manufacture an ethnic majority. Tore a whole society apart and shattered it, spread it all over the world. We killed and expelled and traumatized. I called it the cycle of abuse on the scale of nations - taking horrors we suffered and inflicting them on others. So given the practical results of the zionist movement, I can't treat those softer definitions as the "true" definitions that people should go by.
I keep thinking about Jewish refugees being given the homes of Palestinians with meals still on the table. Because of course we have a right to food and shelter, but not at their expense. And I know you agree with me on this.
When I say I oppose zionism, that's generally because I'm talking about the reality, the impact the movement had on human lives, not an idealized version we might imagine or a philosophy someone wrote about that never came to be.
For me, if I want to talk about our safety in our ancestral homeland and detach it from the horrors committed by Israel, zionism isn't the right framework. And after all the destruction we caused the land to conquer and colonize it, if I want to talk about our connection to it, I think zionism shouldn't be the word I'm using.
There's also an aspect of, by insisting on defining zionism through a nicer idea rather than harm done to real people, I see it as taking away a language that oppressed people are using to talk about their oppression.
I hope that makes sense.
I really want us to find a different way to work towards safety, without it being at the expense of another group of people.
And thank you for that last paragraph. I definitely have hope. It's hard, seeing videos of our soldiers being so gleeful about the destruction. I lost a friend of over ten years because of the callous and cruel things he said over the past couple of months, and I can't bring myself to repeat them. But I know that better things are possible, and I'm glad we're building towards them. I'm terrified that our government won't let us move in that direction, but we're going to push there anyway.
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pokegyns · 5 months ago
“but would you still want to transition if gender was abolished once and for all? would you still be dysphoric?”
how could i possibly know that, when we do not currently live in such society? we cannot talk about the “what ifs”, we cannot talk about a utopian future right now, while genocides are occuring, while female people around the globe are still being denied basic human rights, while homosexuals are still being victimized by conversion therapy. in a post-gender society, it is likely that our terminology would undergo a complete reform, that it would be switched up & changed all around and over again– “transness” probably would have a new term, as would “dysphoria”, as would “gender affirming care”. dysphoria is an extremely unresearched phenomenon, and there are many different theories surrounding it. some forms of dysphoria could potentially still occur, while others would most likely fade. personally, i believe the neurological type sex dysphoria/incongruency would still persist. however, in our current society, we can observe & realize the numerous ways in which dysphoria & transness itself are linked to societal norms, and the way that some people’s brains simply react differently to societal norms imposed upon them than other people’s brains do– birthing the sociological type of dysphoria. certain people might even experience & develop what some refer to as rapid onset gender dysphoria (ROGD)– but that is a heavily unresearched, controversial, and relatively non-evidenced theory.
i feel like a lot of radical feminists forget that the abolition of gender hasn’t happened yet. they live in their ideal utopia fantasy world, and they are scared of confrontation. it actually reminds me of the way that extremist trans activists go on about their beliefs– they also live their own cloud of fantasy idealism. gender has a large impact on us & influences the way we think. dysphoria is most definitely worsened under a hierarchical society, where children are constantly told that their chromosomes & genitals determine their iq, abilities, hobbies, personality traits, and capabilities– but denying that dysphoria can be neurological is just no way to approach this subject. as long as trans people all around the world are being fetishized, discriminated against, murdered, raped & having their rights taken away for trying their best to survive under the heteropatriarchy– i will not be willing to answer the heavily invasive questions on whether i would still have dysphoria if gender was abolished. gender is a prison, a cell, and we are all locked in it, left to rot. including dysphoric & trans-identified people. dysphoric people do not have the key that will allow us to freely exit the prison-cell: dysphoric people are not the overlords that decided upon locking us all in the prison-cell; rather, we are your allies in the project of gender abolition. we are your allies in revolutionary feminism & we want gender to cease existing just as much as you do. gender isn’t helping us. it hurts us just as much as it hurts you, if not more.
– mod zoroark
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dipperdesperado · 2 years ago
Radicalism 100: Get Started from 0 or, How the Hell Do I Get into Organizing as a Newbie?
I spend a lot of time talking about social change stuff. I feel like a lot of it might not be accessible unless you’re already one who sees yourself as a changemaker. Let’s change that. Let’s talk about how to prefigure the world you want to see, even if you don’t have any experience.
Before I do that though, I want to do some quick framing. I am coming from the place of someone who has some relatively specific foundational values that I prioritize and act from. I believe in horizontalism, mutual aid, solidarity, autonomy, joy, love, and transformative justice. I don’t brandish human nature as a weapon against better futures. If you have a view of people and or society that is purely of negation, then we probably won’t see eye-to-eye. If you think that domination and bootlicking is also necessary, then we definitely won’t see eye-to-eye. Hopefully, you’re curious or open to working towards egalitarian goals through egalitarian means. If you are, this might be useful to you.
How Social Change Happens
There is a lot of talk about social change and a lot of different opinions on how that change occurs. A useful framework to work from is one that imma remix from Joanna Macy.
Harm Reduction and Stalling → This is where giving, charity, and advocacy work live. Think of the survival programs that the Black Panthers did. These are good things, and they provide immediate benefits to folks. However, it’s not radical, as far as the meaning of the word goes. So, it’s great (and necessary!) to organize a mutual aid group that does food distro. What that doesn’t do is address why your group has to do that in the first place. This is something that ideally allows you to survive as you prepare to make bigger changes.
Systems change and Social Revolution → This is where the good shit happens. It is understanding the terrain you fight upon, what you’re fighting against, and finding the weak points to create and widen spaces of autonomy and liberation. This is where we decide how we act within the systems, how we change those systems through collective action, and how we build counter-systems to delegitimize the oppressive ones.
Rebuilding Mental Models → To create a new world, we have to become different people. I don’t mean that in an inactive way—through the practice of harm reduction and fighting the system, we realize our own power and become more capable of creating the world that we want. As we reconnect with reality, and illegitimate the current hegemony, we become more able to see the path ahead. The great and terrible thing is that we have to walk that path.
These are the three buckets that encompass our work ahead. Maybe a better way to think of them would not be as distinct buckets, but as spaces or zones of activity with permeable edges, where specific actions are occupying multiple buckets at a time, and where we travel from zone to zone, bringing information from previous legs of the journey. Stated differently, doing harm reduction might lead you to changing your mental models which might lead you to working towards systems change which might change your mental models which might improve your harm reduction efforts and so on and so on.
With that (admittedly open-ended) theory of change established, let’s get into some practical things you can do to get started. Again, this is built for if you’re not sure of where to begin. This will, hopefully, allow you to get started from 0 (which in my mind is you saying something to the effect of “damn, I know the world is cooked. What the hell do I do?”). Maybe you’ve heard people answer that inquiry with “Organize!”, which isn’t very useful. So let’s talk about that: how to start organizing and be successful when you don’t have the background or confidence yet.
Step 0: Read!
I am a big proponent of praxis (practice informed by theory) over theory or practice alone. Just reading doesn’t change the world, and just doing stuff may lead to some happy accidents. If you have to pick one, do stuff, I guess? But, we don’t have to do that. We can read, do stuff, review the successes and failures, and repeat. In order to not trap you in one mode or another, I’ve recommended a couple of things that should give you a good foundation for more readings and more actions.
Why We Should Democratize Everything
Radical Municipalism | The Anarchist Library
Modules - Economics for Emancipation (economics4emancipation.net)
Once you read these, you’ll be able to know that the world can look different than it does right now, and that there are tangible things that you can do to make that happen.
Step 1: Figure out Your Interest(s)
The next move is to understand what you’re interested in. It can be easy to feel like you have to participate in a certain kind of fight… but the reality is that if you pick an area that you already have an affinity for, you’ll be able to engage with it more sustainably. And hopefully, if you get some wins, you’ll be able to engage and support other important sites of struggle. For me, broadly speaking, my goal is to create solarpunk autonomous zones IRL, in the heart of the empire (the so-called United States). For my interests, the main areas of affinity + need within the solarpunk umbrella are:
Building Intentional Communities (like communes and ecovillages and shit)
Radical Urbanism (Tactical Urbanist projects, Tenants organizing, occupations)
Creative Care and Joy (Mutual aid, herbalism, medicine, etc)
Community Resiliency Training (CERT, Self-defense, Wildtending, Urban Foraging)
If that seems broad, blame it on the ADHD. I put time into each of these areas to try and build towards my solarpunk goals at the local level. You don’t have to be as eclectic as I am, but think about the things that get you excited, and go after those things.
Step 2: Get a Lay of the Land (find folks and people who are doing the cool stuff)
Once you’ve searched your soul and excavated some insight, you can begin your fun. Try and find people in your area who are into the stuff you’re into. If you like the idea of mutual aid, find a local food not bombs chapter (and encourage them to work towards system change!). If you like environmental stuff, look for groups that you feel like embodying the values you're developing. Some good ways to do this are:
Finding social medias. I like to find the most popular version for the thing I’m trying to do and excavate other groups from that. For example, I do some organizing work with an Indigenous education group here, and since it’s a tight-knit organizing community, I can use their IG to find other orgs. This also works well for in-person stuff.
Pull up to events. Try to show up to marches, protests (if you’re ready), and popular education events and look for folks representing the ideas you’re interested in. Folks tend to have flags, pins, and outfits at those sorts of things that let you know where they stand. I’d specifically look for Libertarian Socialist groups, Anarchist groups, and communalist groups. I’d also look into solidarity networks.
Step 3: Start working with folks!
Once you find some folks, start working with them if you like the vibe! You’d be surprised at how much you can learn. I moved about a year ago, and I learned so much by diving into the organizing community. Imma be moving again, and now I can carry those learnings forward into my new communities. Ideally, you’re getting involved in actions, doing study groups, and growing your confidence.
Step 4: Do an analysis of your place!
As you get more comfortable and you start to understand where you’re at, you can start working more intentionally toward system change. This is something that folks don’t do nearly enough, but if you can pull it off well, it’ll be well worth the time. The goal is to understand the challenges and opportunities present in your place. This is very much a whole area to explore, but you can start by looking into Asset-based community development and Community-based participatory research to create a guide of sorts for your community to follow. This is an area that I’m currently working on, and it helps contextualize your actions.
Step 5: Dive deep!
At this point, you might be ready for bigger actions or more capacity building. You might even be ready to steward a campaign. Just know, this is work that doesn’t really have an end; we can always strive for more. If you take nothing else away, know these two things:
Everyone has the capability to steward in a new future.
Surround yourself with genuine community to keep you going.
If you can approach this work with confidence and community, you’ll be able to weather any storm.
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paper-is-paper · 1 year ago
(Big Spoilers for DOTF)
Sooo I sat down and read the entirety of Daughter of a Thousand Faces over the course of a few days. Since the series is on indefinite hiatus, I wanted to note down some plot threads that have yet to be resolved or addressed in season 1.
This series has taken over my brain and I don't know what to do with all these thoughts swimming in my brain. (elaborated thoughts below the cut and are numbered)
What is Swallowtail? is he a demon? a cultivator? or maybe secret third option (butterfly maybe)?
Why is Swallowtail so protective of Yuhua to the point where he's been ensuring that any potential suitors have been having "accidents"?
Why did Chu Tian choose to save Yuhua? He could have let her die and then boom no more blood pact, he's free to do whatever he wants with no restrictions. (1)
What's the butterfly lady (Hong Yang) going to do with Yuhua's severed finger?
What happens to the Ox Lady (Qing Yu)? Will she join Chu Tian? or will this be a moment of growth for Chu Tian? (2)
What is up with Shen Yitian? (3) and what happened to the rest of the true cultivators?
What does Leng Feng being a dragon prince mean for the careful balance between our main cast? How will he react to the fact that Yuhua killed one of his older brothers and now wears his face upon impromptu fox demon?
What did Leng Feng want to asks Yuhua?
Will Yuhua and Chu Tian resolve their conflict after the death of the fox demon? (I feel like the answer to this is obvious)
What is the ichor that some of the demons have been drinking? Who is the "master" behind its distribution? Where are they getting it from? (4)
Who has been sending the creepy letters to the A-Qing, A-Ying, and Co.?
What will become of Kai's Grandma? and will she ever find out that the real Kai is dead?
What role does Shen Chun have in the future?
Have Yuling and Yuhua come to a mutual understanding or is their relationship still antagonistic?
What are the details of Yuhua's mother's crimes? How might they tie with other elements of the plot?
What does war with the Bull Clan mean for our motley crew?
How will everyone react to Chu Tian and Yuhua's relationship?
(1) In the behind the scenes in chapter 42, Velinxi mentions that whether Chu Tian cares about Yuhua is debatable. I personally lean heavily towards the explanation that he does care about Yuhua, but I also think it's not impossible that it's an act or that he keeps her alive and trains her for more long-term goals. Either way, I fully agree the guy is definitely a bad influence.
(2) Chu Tian is convinced that Qiao Yu will eventually call for him and maybe join him. My prediction is that something will happen to her village that will then make her turn to Chu Tian for help or out of desperation. The other (less likely) alternative is that Chu Tian is wrong and Qiao Yu's continued rejection of him till her death shakes him so much that it sparks a growth in character growth for him. I also think that it could be a mix of both.
(3) This guy is hella sus. As @canary0 points out:
"...[Yuhua's] dad has to know, right? He knew what the only thing down there was. He had to have known what the only thing down there was. He had to have known what the only way to get back up and out would be."
I think that Shen Yitian is embodying the phrase "keep your friends close but your enemies closer" by asking Yuhua to stay closer to the family when she emerges from the well at the beginning of the series.
(4) I have a few ideas about this ichor, and I think it's related to Chu Tian in one way or another. It's the wrong color to be just Chu Tian's blood because his is red, but the glowing yellow eyes with slit pupils is a little too much of a coincidence to not be a deliberate creative choice.
Okay I have a lot more to talk about, but I want to cut this one off here otherwise we will be here forever. Please add some more questions if I missed anything, I absolutely adore this series and I can't wait to see a continuation of this story. In the meantime, I can chew on the mysteries of season 1.
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psychics4unet · 7 months ago
20 Simpsons Psychic Predictions That Came True 🚀
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Hey there, fellow Simpsons fans! 🎉 If you’ve been following The Simpsons, you know that this iconic show isn’t just about laughs and donuts (though we love those too). It’s also about some eerily accurate predictions that have left us all scratching our heads. 🤔 How did this cartoon get so many things right about the future? Grab a seat, grab a donut 🍩, and let’s dive into some of the wildest psychic predictions from The Simpsons that actually came true! 🚀
🌟🔮✨ Curious about what the future holds for you? Just like The Simpsons predicted some mind-blowing events, you too can uncover what’s in store for your life. Click the link below for your own personal psychic reading and get insights that might just amaze you:
1. Donald Trump’s Presidency 🇺🇸
Season 11, Episode 17 (“Bart to the Future”)
In this episode from the year 2000, Lisa becomes the president and mentions that they inherited quite a budget crunch from President Trump. Fast forward to 2016, and Donald Trump becomes the 45th president of the United States. What the what?! 😲
2. Smartwatches ⌚
Season 6, Episode 19 (“Lisa’s Wedding”)
During a future vision of Lisa’s wedding, her fiancé uses a watch to make a phone call. This was in 1995, way before smartwatches became a thing in the 2010s. Talk about being ahead of the curve! 📱
3. Disney Buys 20th Century Fox 🏰🦊
Season 10, Episode 5 (“When You Dish Upon a Star”)
In 1998, there’s a scene showing the 20th Century Fox sign with a subtitle “A Division of Walt Disney Co.” In 2019, Disney actually bought 21st Century Fox. Coincidence? I think not! 🎬
4. Video Chatting 💻
Season 6, Episode 19 (“Lisa’s Wedding”)
Again in Lisa’s Wedding, we see video calls being made. This was years before Skype, FaceTime, or Zoom became part of our daily lives. The Simpsons were definitely on to something here! 🖥️
5. The Shard in London 🏙️
Season 6, Episode 19 (“Lisa’s Wedding”)
In the same episode (wow, it’s like a crystal ball!), we see a skyline that includes a skyscraper eerily similar to The Shard, which wasn’t built until 2012. 👀
6. Lady Gaga’s Super Bowl Performance 🎤
Season 23, Episode 22 (“Lisa Goes Gaga”)
In 2012, The Simpsons showed Lady Gaga performing at a concert, suspended in the air. Fast forward to 2017, and Gaga did exactly that at the Super Bowl halftime show. Fly, Gaga, fly! 🎇
7. Nobel Prize Winner 🏅
Season 22, Episode 1 (“Elementary School Musical”)
Milhouse predicted that Bengt Holmström would win the Nobel Prize in Economics. And guess what? Holmström did win it in 2016. Way to go, Milhouse! 📊
8. Ebola Outbreak 🌍
Season 9, Episode 3 (“Lisa’s Sax”)
In this 1997 episode, Marge suggests that Bart read a book titled “Curious George and the Ebola Virus.” Years later, in 2014, there was a significant Ebola outbreak. Chills! 😬
9. Siegfried and Roy Tiger Attack 🐅
Season 5, Episode 10 (“$pringfield (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling)”)
The show depicted a white tiger attacking entertainers similar to Siegfried and Roy. Tragically, in 2003, Roy was indeed attacked by one of their white tigers during a performance. 😥
10. U.S. Wins Olympic Gold in Curling 🥌
Season 21, Episode 12 (“Boy Meets Curl”)
Homer and Marge compete in curling and win a gold medal. In real life, the U.S. men’s team won the gold medal in curling at the 2018 Winter Olympics. Sweep that, skeptics! 🥇
But wait, there’s more! Let’s keep this prediction train rolling with some honorable mentions that didn’t make the top 10 but are still pretty mind-blowing. 🚂💨
11. Horse Meat Scandal 🐴
Season 5, Episode 19 (“Sweet Seymour Skinner’s Baadasssss Song”)
Lunchlady Doris used “assorted horse parts” in the cafeteria food. In 2013, a scandal erupted in Europe when horse meat was found in various beef products.
12. FIFA Corruption Scandal ⚽
Season 25, Episode 16 (“You Don’t Have to Live Like a Referee”)
The episode features a storyline involving corruption in the World Football Federation. In 2015, several FIFA officials were arrested amid a corruption investigation.
13. Farmville 🚜
Season 9, Episode 12 (“Bart Carny”)
In this 1998 episode, kids are seen excitedly playing a yard work simulator game. Fast forward to the 2000s, and Farmville became a massive hit on Facebook.
14. Faulty Voting Machines 🗳️
Season 20, Episode 4 (“Treehouse of Horror XIX”)
Homer tries to vote for Obama in the 2008 election, but the machine keeps changing his vote to McCain. In 2012, there were real reports of voting machines changing votes.
15. Beats by Dre 🎧
Season 8, Episode 14 (“The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show”)
In a scene from 1997, we see a character wearing what looks like modern-day Beats by Dre headphones, years before they existed.
16. Mutant Tomatoes 🍅
Season 11, Episode 5 (“E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt)”)
Homer grows mutant tomatoes after using nuclear power on his crops. In real life, scientists created genetically modified tomatoes that glow in the dark.
17. NSA Surveillance 🕵️
The Simpsons Movie (2007)
The movie depicted the NSA spying on citizens. In 2013, Edward Snowden revealed that the NSA was indeed conducting mass surveillance on American citizens.
18. Shard Building in London 🏙️
Season 6, Episode 19 (“Lisa’s Wedding”)
We see a tall building in the London skyline that resembles The Shard, which was completed in 2012.
19. Michelangelo’s David Censorship 🗿
Season 2, Episode 9 (“Itchy & Scratchy & Marge”)
The episode shows Springfieldians protesting against Michelangelo’s David being exhibited. In 2016, Russian campaigners did try to cover the statue.
20. Autocorrect Fail 📱
Season 6, Episode 8 (“Lisa on Ice”)
Dolph writes a memo that says “Beat up Martin” which gets autocorrected to “Eat up Martha.” Apple’s iPhone autocorrect has had many such hilarious fails.
It’s wild, right? How does a cartoon get so many things right? Well, it’s probably a mix of clever writing, sharp observation, and maybe a bit of that Springfield magic. ✨
And it's not just us hardcore fans who are intrigued. Thanks to the internet, more and more people are discovering the spooky accuracy of The Simpsons' predictions. Social media platforms are buzzing with theories and speculations. Reddit threads are filled with fans dissecting episodes, and YouTube is packed with videos analyzing every prediction. It's like a virtual treasure hunt where every frame might hold a secret clue to our future! 🔮
Some folks even believe that the writers have a time machine or some sort of psychic ability. While that’s probably a stretch, it’s fun to think about! One thing’s for sure – The Simpsons will keep surprising us with their uncanny knack for predicting the future.
Whether you’re a longtime fan or just curious about the show’s “psychic” tendencies, it’s clear that The Simpsons is more than just a TV show. It’s a pop culture phenomenon that continues to influence and amuse us, while also making us think twice about what might come next. So, next time you’re watching, pay close attention – you might just be getting a sneak peek into the future! 🕵️‍♂️✨
Stay curious, my friends! And remember, the truth is out there… or maybe just in the next episode of The Simpsons. 🌟🚀
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ladylyra · 21 days ago
Long post about future art plans under the cut!!
so, as you all know, my current project that I post the most about is my platinum nuzlocke. well, I actually beat the game like two years ago and it's been a slow process of drawing the comic to completion. however, as a serial novelty seeker off the high of one nuzlocke, I immediately moved to playing the next. given the positive reception to platinum, I thought I'd do another full comic; the tentative "two year" mark I set on my  grimoire drawing was because I thought platinum would be done by then, but breaks (had some busy semesters at uni) have made that ummmm clearly not happen
thinking I'd learn from what I thought were "mistakes", I wanted to enter alpha sapphire more prepared from the outset (have a complete story before even drawing the first comic pages, etc.) than I was previous projects; platinum expanded beyond my original intention but upon reflection, I actually loved this process. it was sometimes messy, but the project felt active and alive. it shifted as I wrote, drew, and shared it with everyone. I found the more "proactive" approach I was taking with alpha sapphire to be killing my motivation for it entirely; nuzlockes at their core are pretty dynamic, and I was planning for my interest at the outset to be maintained until the point I was finally able to start it, which hasn't been the case. starting it while still focused on platinum was a mistake on my part and I got ahead of myself. then I began to wonder, given the span of platinum, if I even actually wanted to commit to another full nuzlocke comic (which would take years, just as platinum has) given nuzlockes are not the only thing I draw. 
we arrive to the main dilemma. I have lots of ocs outside of gijinkas. if I'm going to be proactive, it'd probably be with them. I have stories and concepts that I keep the extensive details of, more or less, between myself and friends. I only have so much time to draw, and I have to seriously ask myself if another nuzlocke comic is something I want to put my energy into because, thus far, doing my nuzlocke has taken time from me working on other oc stuff. do I want to keep focusing on new nuzlockes right now, as that is the niche I've built, or do I want to shift attention to the other projects I occasionally post about on here? even within my existing gijinkas, I have a lot I can expand upon, rather than start something completely new. 
I'm not completely motivated by attention (if I was id probably draw more fan art) but I still love feedback and interaction, and really want to make stuff people can enjoy; I've wondered about if anyone would be interested in my other projects if I were to work on them more publicly. they clearly get less engagement (and to be fair, so do my gijinkas compared to fan art), but I also know I don't make an effort to promote myself & should definitely make a new habit of reblogging my own work. I'd appreciate feedback on this message if you're interested in seeing what I do moving forward!!
so...will alpha sapphire happen? simple answer is: I don't know, as of now. I might shrink its scope and do something with it, or maybe my desire for something full will return. I paused my actual playthrough of it until I figured it out because if I do decide to do something, I wanna go back to the more spontaneous process that worked for me with platinum. we'll see what happens.
tl;dr grimoire is a character from my currently in limbo alpha sapphire nuzlocke--he is a former miner that got mutated into a shadow cave "monster" after consuming a bunch of mega stones. he feasts on a diet of precious gems and can hop into the shadows of things. his main hobby is being a nuisance. follow me on bluesky at theladylyra.bsky.social
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savethegrishaverse · 9 months ago
Pankhuri Bhutani, the journalist who coined the term 'Third Army,' has graciously given us the chance to interview her. Read on for an insightful conversation, where we learn what she thinks about our campaign, what it was like interviewing the cast, what she thinks comes next for us, and more!
Here's a compilation of her interview in our newsletter issues, in order, with Questions in bold and Pankhuri's answers in text;
"It all came to me when I was reading the Shadow and Bone trilogy. There were mentions of First Army and Second Army. I was a bit confused at first trying to understand just which army included the Grishas and the Otkazat'syas. Then I perused through the Six of Crows duology as well and had a better idea.
Q&A with Pankhuri Bhutani: Third Army origin story - What inspired you to come up with a name for the fans campaigning to #SaveShadowAndBone and greenlight the #SixOfCrowsSpinoff?
One of the most memorable things about a fandom for me is the name bestowed upon them. While Shadow and Bone fans have been embodying different personas—some of them calling themselves “The Crows,” some “The Summoners,” reading the books, I genuinely believed the fandom needed an official name that amalgamated the diverse abilities of the fandom and unified their interests.
And that's when the idea of "Third Army" struck me. An army combined of both the lovers and fans of the original trilogy, as well as the iconic Six of Crows duology, alongside the King of Scars duology and all the chronicles affiliated with the Grishaverse, "Third Army" represents a union of all the fellow Grishaverse fans.
Somewhere along the lines, I did imagine the fandom fighting together as an army. And I was struck with the name "Third Army." I added it to the article I crafted for the billboard launch, and I guess the rest is history. "
Since you have followed the campaign from the beginning, what's your opinion on the different projects undertaken so far? And comparing it to other fan campaigns, is there anything you would have done differently?
To be blatantly honest, I'm not aware of a lot of other fandom campaigns. But I fairly think this is by far one of the strongest contenders out there in terms of a campaign initiated by fans with such monumental strength.
I don't think there would have been anything I would've done differently or quite distinct to what has been happening had I been involved in a wonderful fan campaign like this. But I will definitely request and wish to see more cosplays and other creative work! All of you are so immensely talented!
There have been a lot of talks about the show, and even though the future seems uncertain for now, the hard work and dedication of the fandom will probably never be forgotten.
What made you decide to go with Third Army as a name?
When going through the fandom and the petitions, a lot of people claimed themselves to be a Crow or a Darkling fan. But the fact that all these souls came together to fight for one goal made me believe there should be a united name that could be showcased and witnessed at the forefront of the campaign.
I knew "First Army" and "Second Army" being a part of the Grishaverse world, so I contemplated as to what or who might be the "Third Army" if that was ever a possibility and the first element that emerged into my mind was the fandom. The fandom is the Third Army.
What has been your favorite initiative by the campaign so far? Is there anything you'd like to see in the future?
That's a good question. The fundraiser for the billboard just showed how many people believed in the project to such an extent that they were actively ready to pitch in their own money for the launch.
I do not have a favorite initiative because I believe that even if one of the campaigns is initiated by someone with the best of their interests, it already goes into my favorite book. So, all of them?
I'm not aware of all the initiatives currently being partaken within this specific campaign but I absolutely love seeing people cosplay and talk about their favorite book characters.
The petition as well. I just checked and it has over 200,000 signatures. That's a lot!
What impact do you think having a name to unite fans has had on the campaign?
All of the popular fandoms have a highly recognizable name. Swifties, Arinators, Barbz, Army (BTS). We say the name, and the project/artist's face subconsciously appears in our mind.
You instantly know the artist and the project by the fandom's name. For instance, what comes to your mind when I say the words Potterheads, Half-Bloods/Demigods, Ringers, Thronies?
Potterheads for the fascinating world of Harry Potter, Half-Bloods/Demigods for the Percy Jackson fans, Ringers for lovers of The Lord of The Rings franchise, and so on. The name instantly affiliates a fandom with the project.
I know it's a very strange thing to say, but to me personally, a fandom also sometimes feels like a citizenship. As if you're an official member of the particular fictional world.
You have interviewed several Shadow and Bone cast members. Can you tell us a bit about what that was like? How did you prepare for those interviews, and are there any anecdotes you can share that didn't make it into the final published versions for brevity's sake?
I do believe fandom names are very impactful as it is showcased at the forefront of the project and affiliates the love and passion of all the souls who admire the work of the cast and the crew. And that's exactly what the Third Army has been doing so far!
It was a surreal experience.
There wasn't any question that I believe was left out from my interviews. Everything is out there just the way the initial interviews were conducted. It was an honor to have had a conversation with such phenomenal people. All of them were very kind and very insightful regarding their experience on the project.
I was given access to the screeners of the second season, and I based my questions on things I really wanted to ask the creatives about their performance.
At that time, there weren't any interviews out since the second season had not been launched yet, so I crafted the questions I believed I really wanted to know more about at that specific moment and hopefully ask some novel questions that weren't already thrown their way previously.
As a journalist, what's your opinion on the media’s reaction and coverage of our campaign and the cancellation?
It's actually quite a lot. Especially for a fandom initiative, I do believe a lot of phenomenal journalists and media platforms have conveyed a plethora of coverage pertaining to the unfortunate cancellation.
Everyone affiliated with this project, be it the cast, crew or even the fandom have showcased massive strength and opened up a potential turmoil for several decision-makers, further forcing them to take a second look. Just shows how impactful a united fandom can be.
As we speak, there are still many more such significant pieces coming to light.
Which part of the campaign do you think has had the biggest impact on visibility and public perception so far?
For me as an outsider, I definitely noticed the petition and the billboards that were launched in Los Angeles and London. Those were the two that come to my mind, but I've seen some posts about origami and fan-books too, which seems so kind!
I also notice so many beautiful fan cosplays, artwork, book posts and other impeccable creative endeavors that people and fans like to immerse themselves into using the world of Grishaverse. That's so cool!
Showrunner Eric Heisserer recently attended his studio meetings for Shadow and Bone wearing a Third Army badge. Coincidentally, our Discord server also has a permanent "Third Army" role for all the members. Also, Jessie Mei Li mentioned to fans at a recent convention that they absolutely loved the Third Army name! How do you feel knowing that the name you coined and bestowed upon the fandom has gotten such acknowledgements?
Oh, wow. That's so interesting. That's something I definitely didn't know! I was made aware of the Third Army badges being used during one of the conventions but not about the other lovely acknowledgements. That's a massive milestone for the term.
Very grateful for that, but I really do believe it should be the entire fandom getting the credit—not me. I'm just a journalist who came up with a name that I believed aligned more with the fandom of this amazing fantasy project.
I have personally witnessed the dedication and immense passion each and every fan has committed to the show and its hopeful renewal, so I think we should be celebrating such an established fanbase and the success of a massive campaign like this. Thank you to everyone who used the name! And all the best for your future! Hopefully, we get to hear some good news really soon! And thank you for having me!
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knickynoo · 8 months ago
Back to the Future Part II, The Novel by Craig Shaw Gardner: Thoughts, commentary, and general ramblings
Part 6: A weird-looking old man and a little guy in a leather jacket.
Previous posts here
• Instead of describing Doc as a “crazy, wild-eyed old man,” Old Biff says, “a weird-looking old man,” which is just so personal, lol
• There’s an interesting scene where Marty is almost caught in Biff’s garage. The shouting between Biff and his grandmother isn’t there to alert Marty, and instead, Biff just walks straight out to the garage. Marty thinks it’s Doc who has come to rescue him and calls out, which Biff hears. Marty then hides in the car, and waits as Biff looks around a bit before getting distracted.
• I really want the full scene of Doc scrambling to get that new hat and bike so he can head over to Biff’s house. The book mentions that he’d bought the bike a few hours prior (then had to wait for it to get dark enough) but I’d love to see how that played out. I also want Marty doing his shopping for his Inconspicuous outfit.
• Marty has a very funny response to Doc reminding him to be careful at the dance since his other self is there with Lorraine. “Yeah, that’s right! Hey, that’s cool, Doc. Maybe I’ll say hello to myself.”
This is followed immediately by, “’No!’ Doc felt like he might have a heart attack.”
And what I want to know is: is Marty just being a wisenheimer, or is he genuinely considering stopping to chit-chat with his other self? I could honestly see it going either way with Marty.
• This chapter is giving me a few good chuckles so far. Marty enters the dance and it says, “He stepped through, and found himself in the same alcove where he’d had that heart-to-heart with his future parents—the one about being nice when your son sets fire to the rug.”
Why don’t we have any definitive information on The Rug Incident? That story should’ve been included in the comics. I need to know what unfolded that day. Why did Marty set the rug on fire? Was it purely accidental? Did little Marty go through an arsonist phase?
I demand answers.
• When we return to Doc, who is still riding his bike all over the place, he ends up at the Peabody farm. There’s a cop there talking to Mr. Peabody, who’s recounting the alien encounter he had. Which…doesn’t make much sense to me since this is a week now since the “flying saucer” originally crashed into his barn. But I guess this has been an ongoing ordeal, and Otis has been trying to get someone to take him seriously.
Anyway, Doc is worried that they might actually stumble upon where he’s hidden the DeLorean behind the billboard, so he goes over and announces that he saw the spacecraft take off wayyy in the other direction. The police officer and Otis immediately take off in search of it.
• I wish I got a dollar for every time in this novel that Marty has said, “Yo, Doc!” because I would have many dollars.
• Lester (Wallet Guy) describes Marty to Biff as, “A little guy in a leather jacket.” So true, Lester. He IS just a little guy in a leather jacket.
• Ok, OK!! So! Two things to mention about the scene after the dance where Marty runs into Biff outside the door. After Biff calls him chicken, Marty once again recalls that, per his mother’s repeated suggestions, he’s supposed to count to 10 when he’s upset. And as he wrestles with his feelings, he thinks, “Maybe he always felt he needed to do this because he was so short.” !!!!! May I direct you to this ask and poll? There you have it, folks. Marty (book Marty, at least) is quite aware of his height and ALSO aware that it might be the reason he wants to fight at the slightest provocation.
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• I already always feel bad for the Western Union guy when I watch the movie, and this makes me feel even more sorry for him. He gets no closure!!! He will NEVER know what the 70-year-old mystery letter was all about. The most disappointed voice Marty has ever heard!!
• We close with the scene of Marty running back to the clock tower. However, his revealing his presence to Doc is pretty different in the book than it is in the movie. We’re told, “Marty stepped out of the shadow of the courthouse. He tapped Doc on the shoulder.”
I mean. It definitely doesn’t have The Flair of Marty running full speed and dramatically spinning Doc to face him, but it is funny. He just. Steps out from the shadows and gives him a little tap. A gentle, “Um, hi, hello, I’m back.” Amuses me to think about.
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This is how I imagine it, btw.
• The book ends with Doc passing out and Marty legitimately fearing that Doc may have just DIED before his very eyes, and how will he ever get home now?
I guess we’ll find out in the part III novel! Stay tuned.
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within-your-eyes-if · 1 year ago
I really hope you answer these ✨ 😭
My dear author, Your incredible talent never ceases to amaze me, and I can't help but gush over how fantastic the latest update was. I want to express my deepest gratitude for the outstanding work you do and for being such a wonderful person. I find myself consumed by a few pressing questions, and I kindly need your answers!
Is it be possible for a revenant (leese ✨😩) to have a child? I'm hoping with all my heart that the answer is yes, as it would be truly fascinating!
Furthermore, while there have been countless tantalizing scenes in this captivating tale, as for the main characters that have yet to partake in such intimate encounters. Might there be a future opportunity for our protagonist to remain a virgin until a specific romantic interest comes along 💖. I adore the idea of witnessing the romantic interest's reaction upon discovering they are the first and only. The sweetness of such a revelation is unparalleled...
Please know that I genuinely mean no offense or discomfort with my inquiry. I trust in your storytelling prowess to consider this possibility and let us know. Ultimately, it is your story, and you have the power to shape it as you see fit.
Thank you immensely for your phenomenal work and for taking the time to consider my questions.
With boundless admiration,
Thank you so much for your kind words! They are definitely encouraging, and I appreciate your enthusiasm. Let's get into your questions:
In the upcoming codex update, there will be an entry about Vampirism that sheds some light on how the curse can spread. There have been, though very few, documented cases of Daywalkers conceiving. However, other types remain unconfirmed, including Revenants.
The Warden being a virgin is something I intend to add, but I wanted to complete Part One first and think more about 'how'. I'm glad I did because not long ago, someone suggested making vices into checkboxes to allow more 'pick and choose'. I like this idea! There are some gameplay things I want to consider fully before doing this, however. Regardless, I will be starting this process after the Codex update.
Thank you for your questions and your patience! I'm sorry that I can't provide a definitive answer to the first one at this moment. There are some things, even if they seem insignificant, I need to keep under wraps!
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themotherofhorses · 1 year ago
I've spent several days weighing upon this absolutely difficult and painful decision. I spoke to my two closest mutuals, to make sure I was making the correct choice. I think I am.
I'm done with writing. As Marie Kondo might say, "this one does not spark joy."
I know what you might be thinking. "Vic, you said you were updating this weekend!" I did. But then, every time I opened up my doc to edit that LOHHNM chapter, I kept thinking about that one anon. I know I shouldn't, but hearing someone say, " [other fanfic author] would definitely write Last of Her House No More/ His Handmaid's Tales better. They would do what you can't," fucking hurts. I know, I know, I know. But my confidence is gone, as embarrassing as that might sound. I've rewritten this damn chapter *three* times because I feel so shitty writing/editing it.
At this point, I just don't want to write anymore.
So i'm not going to pressure myself into doing so. Not right now, anyways. Maybe I'll return in the future, once I regain my spark/motivation/desire. Any writing I do, it will be centered around my OCs; perhaps I'll find more growth during this time.
(I have this totally adorable story in the works, actually. It's an original work and I'm CRAZY for it).
In the meantime, my fanfics will remain posted. My blog will always be open if there is anyone that rereads my writing. I'll still be active too! I'll reblog, comment, answer any dms, etc. I might be done with writing, but definitely not with my sweet moots.
From the bottom of my heart, I thank you all for joining me on this short journey of mine. I'm happy so many liked all my silly stories. I'm truly sorry it has to end like this, and I'm truly sorry that I'm letting so many people down, but I need to put my mental health first. I love y'all. I so truly fucking do.
To all the other HOTD fanfic writers out there, I wish you all the luck in the world <3 so many talented individuals out there. I know this fandom will NEVER lack creativity and good-fucking-food hehe.
Until I get all my little braincells together to write something, I bid you adieu.
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matthyeu · 2 years ago
because i love you ― smt.
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pairing ⇢ seok matthew x gn!reader 
genre ⇢ angst, slight fluff, right person wrong time, idol!au
warnings ⇢ none, not proofread bc i would cry reliving this
word count ⇢ 2.6k
synopsis ⇢ to support the boy you loved, you had to let him go. (part 2) 
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your relationship with matthew had always been healthy. 
there was nothing about him that could make it any less. he was the perfect one for you in a multitude of ways. he knew everything there was about you–your needs and your ambitions–so he was always accommodating to them. in a similar way, you wanted to accommodate his own ambitions, which was where you had to make the most difficult decision. 
you had always known about matthew’s ambition of dance. after all, it was the reason you two met, through the dance studio matthew frequented. you two had hit it off perfectly, giving each other compliments and spending time with each other until it became something more. 
though your love for dance had faded as you began to focus more on your studies, you knew matthew’s love for it was stronger than ever. he would tell you stories about the latest choreography he learned, attempting to teach it back to you (to which you were luckily able to mimic without too many casualties). 
you never knew if this passion was something he wanted to actually pursue in the future or just a hobby he liked to keep up with, but you always swore to support him no matter his decision. however, you didn’t anticipate this support being bittersweet. 
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“you think i could be a kpop idol?” he asked one day when the two of you were in his bed, both doing your own things. 
your eyebrows raised, averting your attention from the cooking video you were watching to see what caused such a question from matthew. seeing a video of idols performing energetically on stage, you weren’t surprised. 
recently, you noticed how he became more invested in the genre, watching more videos of performances than he ever had. you couldn’t blame him. you too enjoyed seeing how the groups mingled and had fun from time to time. 
“you definitely have skills and talent for it,” you answered as you went back to scrolling on your own device, “you also have the looks for it. i bet you’d have people folding left and right for you.” 
“well that’s too bad for them because i already have the most wonderful person right here for me.” 
that was only the start of a whole cascade of events. as weeks passed, the topic of idol trainees came up more often, often accompanied with how your boyfriend imagined that kind of life to be, one performing on stage for fans who looked forward to supporting their favorite groups. every time you saw how his eyes glistened as he talked about the topic, you knew his ambition had grown to more than just a hobby. it was something he wanted to seriously pursue. 
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as you promised to yourself, you wanted to support him in this. after countless talks about it without any plan for the future, you finally brought it upon yourself to push him towards his dream. 
“i think you should do it.” 
matthew paused yet another one of his kpop tangents, this time about the latest comeback of his favorite group and how he would have loved to perform like them. he looked at you wide-eyed, as if you had said something so absurd. 
“your idol dream. i think you should look into training to be an idol,” you clarified, realizing your previous statement might have been a little vague. 
“what are you talking about? i could never do that kind of thing,” he tried to brush the topic off nonchalantly. 
you wouldn’t let him avoid it this time. “matthew, you and i both know you could. you are so talented, and i want you to look towards that as an option if it’s something you want.” 
still, he laughed it off, treating the conversation just like one of the other random ones you two had in the background. “maybe. i’ll think about it. let’s talk about something else now.” 
even though he talked so seriously about that dream he had, you noticed he never took the initiative to actually do that. there was no sign of him trying to get into auditions. if he did, you would be the first one he told. he was avoiding it entirely, which was unlike him. he was someone who always wanted to take the chances he could get. you wanted to know why he was so hesitant, so you could continue to support him. 
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“why haven’t you started looking into companies yet?” you asked over his shoulder, earning a bump to the chin due to startle. 
“oh, never do that again,” he cautioned as he turned around, seeing how you were rubbing your chin, “are you okay?” 
you gave a nod before continuing to pester for answers. “well, why haven’t you looked into it yet?” 
“how do you know if i hadn’t yet?” 
you rolled your eyes. “matthew, you and i both know i would be the first one you told if you auditioned, let alone got accepted into a company. now spill.” 
“i’m having second doubts about all of it. i don’t know if that kind of life really is for me. i think staying here in canada and going to school is much more suitable for me.” 
you could see right through his lie. 
“mon chéri, you know i don’t like it when you lie to me. i want to know the truth, so i can support you throughout your dream.” 
his shoulders relaxed at the endearing term. “that’s just it. you can’t support me through this. i know you can’t.” 
“i don’t think i could ever do that, train for so long without knowing if i could really debut. what if i waste so many years in a trainee dungeon just to be scrapped and forgotten. what’s the point of it then? why should i even do that?” 
“that won’t happen to you,” you reassured, “if companies can see how talented you are, they will never want let you get away. you are so talented. i know you can make it.” 
“you don’t understand. it’s not just that. if it was just waiting for my dream, i could do that. that’s nothing compared to the other thing.” 
“other thing?” 
he looked as white as a ghost, as if he had said something he wasn’t supposed to say. running his hand through his hair, it was clear there was some sort of distress plaguing his mind. 
“just ugh–” 
you took his hands into your own, trying to alleviate him of whatever stress was bringing him down, so he could tell you what was bothering him. 
“i don’t want to be away from everyone,” he admitted. 
that was the thing bothering him so much? being away from his loved ones? 
“that’s it?” you asked as if it was a simple matter, “matthew, you can always talk with your mom, sister, friends. i’m sure they would want you to do these things too!” 
matthew shook his head. it seemed you weren’t understanding the situation correctly. “i don’t want to leave you!” 
you stood there after his exclamation, not knowing what more to say. of course that was what it was. how could you forget yourself, the one who promised to support your boyfriend no matter the decision he made. there was no one he would miss more than you if he went away. 
“i’m…the one holding you back from your dream?” 
he nodded but was quick to add clarification. “and that’s fine. i don’t care about that dream if it means i can stay with you. it’s stupid anyway. i never want to leave you, and i would choose you over it any day. don’t think too much about it.” 
even though he told you not to, it was hard to not ponder more about the situation. you, the one who wanted nothing more than to see matthew succeed in the one thing he wanted in life, were the one holding him back. you didn’t know how you should have felt about it. 
that was when the decision hit you, the one you didn’t want to make but would if it were for matthew’s sake. 
“so you don’t want to go because you’d be leaving me?” you asked. to which, he nodded. “then what if i left you before you could leave me?”
“if i left you, would you consider your dream again? would you try to be an idol trainee? try to debut?” 
“my love, stop that. i would not. i would be too busy missing you now to even try to audition for a stupid company,” he pleaded, his hands now turning to grip your own. 
“matthew, this is your chance! i don’t want to hold you back! i don’t want to be the reason you let this chance slip away. you’re young. you’re talented. you’re a wonderful person with a big dream, too big of a dream to be wasting it because of someone–” 
“but you’re not just someone!”
his voice raised, something he never did in your relationship. he was being serious. “don’t water yourself down as just someone! you are more than that to me. you mean more to me than that silly dream. i don’t even know if i’ll make it, but i know i will always love you. i don’t want to abandon what i know for sure for something i’m uncertain of. it’s just not rational!” 
though his words were convincing, you had already committed to this. you wanted to be supportive of him like he had been of all your crazy antics. this was his future. you didn’t want to interfere with this. 
“but…wouldn’t you do the same for me?” 
“if i had gotten an opportunity to travel far away for a program of the thing i was most passionate about, what would you tell me?” you further explained. 
“i would tell you to take that opportunity,” he responded with no further hesitation. though, he quickly got your point and seemed to regret answering it so quickly. 
“exactly. don’t you see where i’m going? i want this for you because i love you. i want to see you happy doing the things that you love. i don’t want to be the one holding you back when you could be doing great things out there in the industry. i love you matthew. i really do. that’s why i am willing to let you go.”
it was hard for you to even face him after a bold statement. you were already going to cry thinking about him being gone, but now, there was more fuel to the flame. you didn’t need to make it worse by seeing his reaction. 
though, it was hard when you had a boyfriend who always had strong eye contact. 
“please look at me. i want you to say it to my face to know you mean it. i don’t want you hurting because of this.” 
you would hurt regardless, but it was something you needed to deal with. this was the opportunity matthew needed, and you weren’t going to keep him from it. you needed to be strong, both for yourself and for him. 
sucking in your breath, you moved your eyes up from your feet, looking at him straight in the eyes, into the eyes you loved so much. 
“because i love you, i want you to take this chance to become an idol. because i love you, i’m willing to let you go for this.” 
you held back the tears that threatened to spill. you didn’t necessarily want to, but you had to. this was his dream, his future, his happiness. you could never keep him from the things that made him happy, even if he claimed you were the one that made him the happiest. he deserved to be happy in more ways than one, and this was his time to explore that happiness. 
matthew let out a defeated sigh, squeezing your hands tighter. “well, then i’ll try.” 
his agreement made you momentarily forget about the sorrow you’d face if he made it through. your eyes lit up, and a smile fell on your face. 
“if i get in, i’ll go to south korea and become a trainee. if not, i’ll stay here and grow old with you,” he added, “i’ll try my best though. don’t worry.” 
it was both relieving and stressful for you to hear those words. on one end, matthew was listening to you, following his dreams. on the other hand, this may be one of the last moments you ever had with your boyfriend. 
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as the weeks went by, matthew trained hard for his audition, not having much time to spend between the two of you. it was good for both of you. he needed to focus on working towards the greatest audition of his life, and you needed as much time without him to prepare for the years to come. 
it was in these moments you felt the least supportive. while you did want the best for him, there was still a part of you that hoped he wouldn’t pass the audition, so he could continue being your seok matthew, and only yours. 
you didn’t know how you would feel if you knew so many other people were fawning over your boyfriend. well, if he did go on that journey, you guessed he wouldn’t really be your boyfriend anymore. that was the other reason you really hoped he wouldn’t pass. 
still, most of you wanted him to chase his dreams. you wished the best for him each passing day, waiting for the results of his audition. you didn’t know how long the process took, so you were anticipating some kind of notification from him. 
and eventually, you got it. 
mon chéri ♡ : i got in mon chéri ♡ : i passed the audition
you stared at the text, not knowing how to respond to it. you were overjoyed that he was one step closer to his dream, but also heartbroken to know this was how your first love would end. 
mon chéri ♡ : please don’t respond to this. it will make me not want to go anymore. just please read what i have to say
and so you did. you sat up from your bed in the middle of the night, feet dangling off your bed, as your eyes anxiously waited for what matthew had to say. even before he said anything, your eyes had formed teardrops. and they only poured out faster after reading everything matthew had to say.
mon chéri ♡ : thank you so much for these past years. i have enjoyed every single moment of our relationship, and you made me happier than i could ever be. you always supported me in more ways than you thought, so please give yourself more credit than this hard decision you had to make. mon chéri ♡ : i’m sure you don’t want me to leave either, but you’ve continued to show strength throughout this because you care about me. i care about you too, and i want you to know that i’ll always be with you, even if not physically. maybe we won’t be together anymore, but to me, we will always be something special because of everything you did for me. mon chéri ♡ : i truly think we’re destined for each other, so i hope we can cross paths again in the future. hopefully, by then, you’ll be doing what you love and i’ll be an idol. until then, just know i love you and will always be cheering you on like i know you’ll be cheering me on. thank you so much my love.
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rvllybllply2014 · 7 months ago
Aww thank you so much!! 
You're so sweet too! <3
Oh I see! Sorry for the mix up ;w;
Oh I did notice how quick Willem is to anger as a child! Sure he was otherwise handling the rejection well but it really only took one insult and he snaps to brutality killing Jerrell?
He didn't even look worried that he'd be punished for it either, which could easily play into him not expecting anger from the other Riverlords after his attack on the Bracken's..
And I agree he likely learned his anger issues & pride from his own father, with how aggressive Davos was as well, it seems to be a thing for their house!
Oof that Willem had hope for their future children marrying is just heartbreaking in a way, do you think it made him resent Raylon?
Amos's boy reminding him that hope would never come true? And being proof Amos had moved on from him?
Oh and the heartbreak Amos would feel, not just that Willem believes he could kill him, but knowing he killed his brother! How could anyone ever forgive that? Or even if he could eventually forgive, to still be in a relationship with the person..yeah I completely understand why Amos would brake it off.
(And why he'd hope aeron & Davos would brake up, cause what's stopping Davos from killing someone Aeron loves & putting him through the same pain?).
Poor Raylon! He'd fear so much for his father I bet, and who knows how the Blackwood guards Willem would assign him would treat him! :(
Ooh Amos being kept in Willem's tent is such a good idea! Especially considering he'd likely rather be in a dungeon than anywhere close to Willem.
And Willem trying to convince Amos to get back together..while wishing to inflict as much psychological trauma as possible, I can't help but to imagine some unwanted touching & kissing at least, if not full on sex in that tent..
And I love how just how obsessed & possessive Willem comes off here, like such a darker version of Davron! Which is fun for me cause there are somethings I don't like to imagine much for Davos & Aeron, like a darker side of being taken captive, abuse, rape, all that rough stuff.
Somehow it's easier to imagine with Willem & Amos, maybe because Willem just feels more brutal than Davos and Amos feels stronger than Aeron, like he could handle the dark roughness better, if that makes sense?
Thank you so much for answering my questions btw!! I really appreciate it! :'3
And sorry for sending this through another ask!
Not much room to reply in the comments ;w;
It’s totally fine I love getting asks or dms what ever makes you comfortable.
Yeah I feel like the Riverlords are just used to all the Bracken/Blackwood fights, and the fact that Rhaenyra just leaves without telling anyone to seize Willem so they’ll just not ignore it but not take it upon themselves to arrest Willem.
I honestly think house Blackwood has a trait of anger, being too prideful and just general instability. Just look at Blood Raven he called Aenys Blackfyre to a great council only to have him arrested and beheaded. That just doesn’t scream the most mentally stable person.
He definitely resented Raylon, it’s the missed opportunity for their houses and an also maybe a reminder of their youth. He’s the living breathing proof that Amos has moved on, and loved someone enough to produce an heir. He might even see something of a young Amos in him.
Amos always knew that Willem blindly follows whatever his father tells him to do. So if the order came down that he needs to kill Amos, Willem would not question it or hesitate. The point is really driven into Amos when Willem brags to him about killing Jerrell, he hadn’t known that he was Amos’s brother, all he knew was that Jerrell was a Bracken who hurt his pride.
Amos always warned Aeron about how his relationship with Davos will end in heartbreak. If Davos is even a fraction of Willem then he also won’t hesitate to kill Aeron if he’s ordered to. Once Willem finds out about Davos and Aeron, he tells Davos that he needs to kill Aeron. It’s why Davos was yelling about the boundary stones and also looked so heartbroken while doing it. He knows that Aeron will be forced to answer with a battle, and Davos knows that he’ll kill Aeron during the battle.
Raylon would got beat exactly once, it was the first night that they were captured. The guards tell him it’s because Amos defied Willem. And to drive the point home that Willem won’t hesitate to hurt Raylon for Amos’s actions, he has Amos stand out side Raylons cell to listen to his screams.
Amos would beg to be in the dungeons while at Raven Tree hall, instead of being in Willems room. Willem would also keep Amos chained to his bed. He won’t touch Amos until Amos is begging him to, but Amos never does, so Willem does what used he knows used to turn Amos on, it still works and soon he’s back inside Amos where he belongs. On the road Amos thinks he’ll get a reprieve from Willem. But Willem gleefully tells Amos that they be sharing a tent, no Amos will not be sleeping outside like his son nor will be sleeping with the horses. Amos belongs to him.
Willem is darker than Davos for sure, he embraces the darkness especially after he looses Amos, Amos was the light of his life. 20 years of embracing darkness will result in someone like Willem. Amos was raised harsher than he raised Aeron, especially after Jerrell was killed. Amos now has more responsibilities to his house. So he vowed to let Aeron embrace the softer sides of himself. Aeron still has nerves of steel but not as strong as Amos.
This is a lot of word vomit sorry. But I always have thoughts about Brackens and Blackwoods. They’re in the washing machine part of my brain on the most violent shaking part.
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