#I mean I admire the strength but I don’t know how I would react to this show
acesammy · 1 year
I cannot even imagine what it would be like to start watching supernatural after it ended.. how do you have the strength??
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honeymark · 3 months
𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒏𝒄𝒕 𝟏𝟐𝟕 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖 ㅡ
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click 〔 here 〕 for the hyung line.
˗ˏˋ 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 :: hi miss soojin ! could u write smth ab 127 comforting their insecure gf ? thank u so much ! ´ˎ˗
⇢ 𝐉𝐀𝐄𝐇𝐘𝐔𝐍 feels the most secure when you’re by his side, so he’s quick to notice when you start pulling away from him. at first, it was the texts — on the days you didn't see each other, you'd always text him throughout the day, even though you knew you wouldn't get a written response. it's not that he didn't read them; he was too busy with work to respond, so he'd always react with a thumbs up or a simple "haha." but then, your daily text threads stopped. he knew you had your own life, so he assumed you were too busy to send updates, but the nightly phone calls stopped, too. did he do something wrong? did you find someone else? what the fuck was going on?
he waits until the weekend to talk about it, and he listens attentively as you open up about wanting to be “less clingy and annoying.” he takes your hand in his with soft, cool fingers in a reassuring grip. “i didn’t know you felt this way, y/n,” he says softly. he presses a light kiss to your knuckles before delicately pulling you into a warm embrace. “you aren’t clingy or annoying, baby. you’re the cutest person in the world, and in a perfect world, i’d spend the rest of my life right by your side. nothing is as special as the time we spend together, and that includes reading your daily updates and watching all the tiktoks you send me and falling asleep to your soft snores on our nightly facetime calls. i love it all, and i love you, so don’t pull away from me, please?”
⇢ 𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐖𝐎𝐎 isn’t one to ruminate on the past, mainly because he tends to overthink and overanalyze every little detail in a sticky situation. that being said, it would be a blatant lie to say that he hasn’t looked into your former relationships and partners. he’s matured enough over the years to keep his jealousy in check, but no matter how much time he spends with you, he just can’t seem to shake off a lingering insecurity that’s convinced him he isn’t fulfilling your needs…
which is why he’s all the more surprised when you bring up the same insecurities to him. he listens without judgement or interruption as you express how you’ve been feeling, his heart aching as you tearfully open up about not being enough for him. he waits for you to finish before enveloping you in a tight hug, and he thanks you for being vulnerable with him, reminding you that your feelings and concerns are valid. he gets carried away with listing all of the qualities he loves about you, and he doesn’t stop until you seal his lips yourself with a kiss. “there’s nothing to compare, my love. no one holds a candle to you. you’re the one for me, i mean it!”
⇢ 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐊 knew from the moment you met that there was no hope for him; he was going to fall head over heels in love with you. it’s been five years since then, and his affection for you has only increased tenfold. he truly admires everything about you, from your ability to understand and empathize with others, to your independence and strength, to your resilience and readiness to bounce back from any setback, to your creativity and ridiculous sense of humor. of course, he appreciates your beauty (something that he reminds you of very frequently, especially at night 🤠), but more than anything, he loves you for who you are and genuinely cherishes the depth of your connection.
so, unsurprisingly, he’s concerned by how suddenly adamant you are about not wanting to get dressed in front of him, something you’ve been doing for years now. at first, he doesn’t think much of it; you reserve the right to privacy, and he respects that, but it goes on for over a week. he’s sure something is bothering you, and his suspicions are confirmed by how you immediately burst into tears when he asks you about it. he holds you in a firm embrace as you describe how insecure you feel because of your stretch marks and acne scars. nothing hurts his heart more than to hear you disparage yourself, and he waits until you calm down to share his thoughts.
"it's okay to feel that way, babe. but i'm going to be honest...i think you're beautiful no matter what. who cares about stretch marks or acne scars? those are just nouns. they don't mean anything, and they definitely don't take away from how amazing of a human being you are. you’re beautiful, and i can’t get enough of you.”
⇢ 𝐇𝐀𝐄𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍 is the first man you’ve ever met who’s been able to intellectually and humorously keep up with you, and you haven’t given him a chance to escape from your grip ever since (not that he’s ever wanted to, of course). the two of you met in college, and after months of constantly riffing off each other, you made the first move and confessed your feelings in an uncharacteristically sincere way. it’s been a few years since then, and while it’s undeniable that you two have the most fun when you’re together, you start to wonder if he really loves you. it’s not that your relationship was necessarily lacking anything; you two were plenty intimate, both emotionally and physically, but…it still couldn’t hurt to ask, right?
it’s one of those “let’s order pizza and rot on the couch for hours” kinds of nights when you finally find the courage to ask him, “do you love me?” he hears you, but it’s clear he doesn’t take you seriously; he doesn’t even bother looking up from his phone as he answers with a sarcastic “of course not.” he waits for you to respond with some sort of witty comeback, but you don’t. he glances up and nearly drops his phone on his face when he sees you tearing up. he immediately asks if you’re okay, and he solemnly listens as you make light of your insecurities. he pulls you into a rough hug and kisses you, his lips soft and sweet against yours. “shit, baby, i’m sorry. i didn’t know you were feeling this way. of course i love you. y/n, you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and i’m sorry that i don’t say it enough. i love you, baby. i love you so much.”
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Your Choice - Jason Todd x (f)Reader
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Words: 4116 Pairing: Jason Todd x (f)Reader Warnings: SMUT. Minors DNI! 18+ only!!!! Mean dom Jason, swearing, rope bondage, edging, orgasm denial, multiple orgasms/forced orgasms, vibrator, teasing, blindfold, nipple play (just a little), fingering (f receiving), oral (f receiving). Jason is a kinky mf. Summary: After plans for the night change, Jason has an idea to keep you awake. It ends much more evil than you first expected. Author's Note: Truly love that this is my first ever time writing smut and it’s kinky as fuck. I have all the shame in the world and none at the same time. Also they have a safe word it’s just not explicitly discussed in the fic. Anyway, if you know me irl, it’s illegal to read this fic, actually. Don’t look at me. Hope you enjoy.
Jason / Full Masterlist
Every few minutes, you wondered how you managed to end up in this situation. And just as that thought came into your mind, it was ripped away by being pulled onto the edge. Then, you'd finally calm down enough to get back to contemplating how you even agreed to this...and you were right back on the edge again.
You knew Jason had to go out for patrol. If he missed it again, one of his family members was going to show up at the apartment in worry. And you definitely didn't need anyone to show up while being with Jason. You two had plans for tonight, but he ended up getting called on patrol. You tried to convince him to tell the team no, but he said he couldn’t and that you guys would just have your fun when he returned. But you were worried you wouldn’t be able to stay up the entire time before he got back, and you wouldn’t want to wake up when he returned. So, as he got ready to leave, he told you he had an idea of how you could keep yourself awake while he was gone without any worry.
Whatever his idea was, you expected it to be fun and a little evil. He reminded you that at any point as he was setting up, you could tell him to stop, and he would drop everything, but he would be leaving for patrol eventually, and you’d be in the bedroom alone for a while. He was very clear. 
Jason told you to undress as he pulled out some rope, instructing you to lay on the bed before he got to work. Working fast to not be late to patrol, he tied your wrists to either side of the headboard and your ankles to the bottom corners of the bed. You laughed a little when he finished and looked down at you. “Uh, Jason?” You said, tugging at the ropes to test their strength. “I’m pretty sure me being stuck like this is only going to encourage me to fall asleep,” You reminded him, cocky about your position.
He smirked in response, and you knew you were in for it. “Who said I was done?” He turned and walked to the dresser against the wall where he grabbed the rope from earlier. Before you knew it, he turned back around, and you couldn’t see what he grabbed. However, you didn’t have to let your mind guess for long as he quickly put the small vibrator right below your clit. He secured it with thinner rope wrapped around your leg to make sure that none of your struggles could dislodge it, then stood back to admire you before he turned it on. 
“Pretty sure this will also make me pass out,” You tried again to be cocky.
“Why do you act like I don’t know what I’m doing?” He scoffed and turned on the vibrator to its lowest setting, causing you to gasp ever so slightly in response. “I know for a fact this won’t do anything except keep you alert and awake. But if you really think you won’t be able to focus on only it…,” Jason trailed off and grabbed one more thing from the dresser. When he came back to the side of the bed, he slipped the black blindfold over your eyes and, even though you couldn’t see it, cracked the most satisfied grin as he watched you.
He could tell you were already starting to hold back from letting your body react to the subtle vibrations. Jason didn’t say anything as he finished putting on his gear, slowly, enjoying the background noise full of your suppressed whimpers. He slipped on his jacket, pulled on his gloves, and placed the domino mask on his face. Jason set his helmet on the top of the dresser near the window he usually left out of but stood next to you once more before he left.
“I’m about to leave. This is your last chance to opt out,” He said to you, entirely serious.
It took you a second, but after a breath, you managed a quick nod. “I’m, yeah. I’m good.”
“If you say so,” He shrugged and headed back to the dresser, grabbing his helmet and slipping it on. “Oh, and darling?” Jason called as he was halfway out. You hummed in response, and he continued, “I’m leaving the window open, so I’d keep it down. See you later.” 
You couldn’t even fully blame Jason at this point. He told you what to expect. He warned you. He warned you that you’d be alone with no escape until he got home, which, while he was hoping it was a quick patrol, could’ve ended up taking much longer. But you thought you could take it. Now, a few hours later, you’re starting to wonder if you underestimated the situation.
Frankly, you had lost track of time with the amount of thoughts circling through your head. It could’ve only been an hour so far, but you’re sure that it’s been more. You didn’t know and kind of didn’t care, either, as there was nothing you could do about it. Earlier in the night, you thought that maybe Jason put in a failsafe that if you really needed out, you could pull hard enough, but nothing worked. Not that you really wanted to get out, though; you were just testing. All you could do was wait.
So, you continued to wait, hyper-aware of all the noises happening around you. You had to listen very carefully since the blindfold over your eyes blocked that sense. It was hard to differentiate what was happening inside your apartment and outside since the window was still open, and the cool breeze was hitting your bare skin just right.
The cool breeze also reminded you that you had to keep quiet. Even though you were on the third floor, if you were loud enough, someone could hear you and welcome themselves in through the open window. It would have been difficult since it isn't a direct shot to the fire escape from your window, but you also didn't need random people (or vigilantes) imagining what was going on inside your and Jason's bedroom.
Finally, you heard a creek come from the window. "Jay...Jason?" You breathily called out, hoping he was finally back. When there wasn't a response, you groaned about the wind tricking you again, which resulted in a low laugh from someone in the room. He really was trying to fuck with your mind, too, by sneaking in, it seemed.
"Don't...don't do that," You said, not entirely clear on what you didn't want him to do.
You couldn't see Jason leaning against the corner of the room, his helmet already off and arms crossed as he watched you writhe and pull at the rope around your wrists and ankles. He didn't respond to your pleas but waited for you to reach the edge again before he said anything, fully making himself known.
"Wow," He marveled at the sight in front of him. "Someone just left you tied up here, did they?" He teased. You didn't respond, you couldn't, as you rode the edge but never making it over. He waited again before continuing, this time shutting the window and making sure you heard it so you knew you could be louder. "I can't believe they would do that to you. Leaving you all by your lonesome, tired and needy," Jason said as he walked closer. He stood at the foot of the bed and watched your back arch every few seconds, trying to get anything. 
Jason was proud of himself. You hated to admit it, but he was right about this whole situation being enough to keep you awake while he was gone. 
"Come on, don't you have anything to say about the mean person who just left you here? What a crazy criminal, right?" He taunted.
Again, you didn't respond. You could barely keep track of what he was saying. Jason knew it and leaned forward to touch your thigh with his gloved hand, lightly rubbing the top of it to encourage a response.
"R-right," You breathed out, almost a gasp. "It was...it was very mean of them."
"Then you got lucky that I showed up, sweetheart," Jason said, still slowly rubbing your thigh.
You took a deep breath as you prepared to respond again. "My," You started, pausing for a second before continuing. "My hero."
Jason pulled his hand back instantly and laughed again. "Hero? Oh, no. I'm no hero," He said, walking around the side of the bed and leaning in close to your ear. "I'm much, much worse."
Heat fluttered to your chest as Jason’s words hit you, and the buzzing below intensified. You hadn’t even realized he hit the button to turn up the vibrator’s level, pulling you back to the edge of an orgasm as you arched your back off the bed again, but this time, you were stuck there. The sudden change in power pulled you right where he wanted you. It kept you where he wanted you.
You heard Jason laugh from the corner of the bed now. You knew you looked pathetic, not able to calm down and not able to find release, but you couldn’t control it anymore. Jason peeled off his gloves as he watched you struggle, pulling at your wrists as hard as possible. “You’ve made such a mess already,” He stated. “How long has your captor left you like this?”
He was pleased when you didn’t respond, knowing the power he held over you right now. With his bare hand, he touched your thigh again but moved to the inside instead of staying on top. “I asked you a question, sweetheart. How long has your captor left you like this?”
It took a moment for you to get the words out, but Jason was patient. “I don’t know,” You spit out, almost as one word.
“No idea? Well, that’s a shame,” He sighed. “If it had been a long time, I would make sure to get you that release you so desperately need. But if you don’t know, it very well can’t be that long,” He continued to let his fingers circle your inner thigh, but staying far enough away from what you wanted to continue to tease you. “I think we can have some more fun before all that.”
“No,” You managed to get out, but Jason ignored it, knowing that no didn’t mean for him to stop. He had both his hands trailing your inner thighs now, only adding to his fun and your sensitivity. You could feel the bed dip when he kneeled between your spread legs, but still not close enough to you. He finally stopped teasing your thighs, but since he was closer now, his hands went up your body to your waist, your ribs, and your breasts. He circled all over your bare skin, some areas warm with need, some still cool from the late-night breeze. Of course, Jason knew how long you were like this, and even though it was longer than he was originally planning, he was going to make you wait just a little longer for having such doubt in him earlier when he was setting you up. He leaned forward, and you could feel both his hands dig into the bed beside your chest, and he was nearly straddling you, making sure to stay far enough away that you couldn’t feel him unless he wanted you to.
Jason leaned down to plant kisses on your neck and trailed down the center of your body, stopping just under your belly button. When he pulled back from your stomach, he realized you were still arching your back off the bed, and he couldn’t have that. You felt the hand to the right of you leave the bed, then land gently on your chest as he pushed slightly, making your back flush with the bed again. He kept his hand there, locking you down and making the vibrations much stronger as you couldn’t move anything with him holding you. 
“Jay,” You breathed out, catching his attention.
“Hmm?” He half-heartedly replied. It took you a moment to figure out what you wanted to say, so he prompted you. “Come on, use your words.”
“Please,” You begged, but you couldn’t say more than just the one word. 
So Jason decided to play dumb. “Please, what?” He posed. “That could mean a million different things, sweetheart; I need you to clarify.” 
He still had his hand holding you down as he waited for your response. As he waited, he tapped his fingers to remind you that his hand was there, and it was not moving until you said something. “Please, I need…I’m so close,” You finally managed to breathe out, begging him for any extra attention to get you over the edge.
“Need?” Jason asked. “What do you need me to do?”
He waited again, not moving, not even tapping his fingers. But he pressed the button on the vibrator again, turning it up another level to encourage you to tell him exactly what you wanted. He knew you were having a hard time with words, and he was enjoying the sight as your mouth opened and closed as you tried to find them.
“Need,” You barely managed to say. “Touch, oh my god, Jason.” 
“Touch? Baby, I’m already touching you, remember?” He tapped his fingers again, his hand still on your chest, right below your breasts. As the vibrations got more intense, you reacted harder, trying to pull your legs together for some friction and arching your back off the bed for some movement. But your legs were still secure to the corners of the bed, and Jason pushed down just a little rougher when he realized you were fighting against his hand. 
“Oh,” He dragged out as you continued reacting, pretending like he just came to a realization. “You want me to touch you somewhere else? You should have said so.”
You grunted in response, confirming what he said. “If I let go, you have to keep your back on the bed, okay?” He asked you, and you nodded to tell him you understood. “If you don’t, I’ll have to stop.”
The threat of stopping worried you because you weren’t sure how much restraint you had now, and it would only get worse when he started touching you in other places. You were hoping he’d go straight down to your pussy to give you what you wanted right away, but he wasn’t being that nice. Instead, his hand moved up from its place below your chest and onto your right breast, fiddling with it slowly. He gently massaged you, pulling strangled moans, and you worked as hard as you could to stay still. He rolled your nipple between his calloused fingers, and you thought the onslaught was over when he released your sensitive nipple and landed his hand on the bed next to your right side.
But just as you took a second to breathe, his other hand came off the bed, and he repeated his movements on your left breast. He knew he was torturing you with his slow movements, making you wait even longer for release. Jason could see you struggling to keep still and hold yourself to the bed. 
When he finished with your breasts, he decided you finally had had enough, and he’d move lower. He kept moving slowly, using one finger to track down your body as he leaned back. He brushed right over your clit, touched the vibrator for a little extra pressure, then stopped right before your entrance. He circled a few times, very slowly, enjoying the sight before him. 
You gasped as he circled. “Jason, please,” You begged, and this time, he happily obliged. He loved hearing you beg, but you’ve already given him so much that he was ready to help you. Jason watched your face as he slowly inserted two fingers, taking his time but making you feel good. You could barely focus on his fingers because you were so focused on keeping your back on the bed, and he could tell you were struggling. 
Jason reached his other hand up and laid it on your stomach, pushing down to keep you where you were so you weren’t worrying as much. You still had to focus to not move the top half of your back, but he was trying to help. Unfortunately, by him holding your stomach, it meant that he only had one hand to touch you with, and it was already preoccupied inside you. 
Jason’s fingers slowly pumped in and out of you, and he knew exactly what he was doing. He knew just one right move would send you in to your wave of orgasm, and he was having fun seeing how long he could make you hold on. You tried your hardest to keep your moans quiet, but he heard every single one of them. “Faster,” You begged through a moan, and Jason’s fingers paused.
“Are you telling me what to do?” He asked. Jason knew he was fucking with you in more ways than one, going from asking you to tell him what you wanted, to telling you to stop asking; he loved to change the rules. You hummed in response to his question, sounding like a suppressed no so that he would keep moving. “That’s what I thought.”
He started again, even slower than before, and it was killing you. “Just so you know,” Jason said as he kept moving his fingers. “Once you start, I’m not planning on letting you stop any time soon. How does that sound?” He asked, but your mind was such a blur at this point you couldn’t respond with anything besides a moan or a whimper. “So, do you want to start now or keep waiting?”
You whined again, but that didn’t satisfy Jason. “I need you to tell me. Do you want me to make you orgasm now, or do you want to wait?” He asked again, still slowly pumping his fingers. You weren’t sure how he was sitting on the bed, but you could tell he was still on his knees and probably leaned forward because you were sure you could feel his breath on your pussy. “Answer me.”
The hardest part was that you weren’t sure what you wanted. An orgasm right now sounded great, but you knew that he would keep his promise and you’d be oversensitive in seconds with as fast as he could pull them from you. But it would also be hell to wait because he knows all your tells. “If you don’t answer right now, then I’m going to pick,” He warned, which was the secret third option you knew you didn’t want, because his picking always ended with utter torture.
“N-now,” You decided in a snap, immediately not sure if that was the wisest choice.
As soon as you said it, Jason’s fingers inside you began to pick up their pace and hit nearly all the right spots. And you were right; you knew he was right in front of you, because he leaned in and over the small vibrator to immediately start sucking on your clit. The sudden change in pace and addition of his mouth made you scream, pulling at each of your secured limbs, barely able to get any movement. His other hand still held your stomach, but the top of your back and head arched off the bed in reaction. Luckily, Jason didn’t let up as he finally guided you off the edge and into a full-blown orgasm. 
It continued to rush over you, heat spreading throughout your entire body as Jason continued to suck, lick, touch, kiss, and even laugh and talk into you. You couldn’t make out any of what he was saying through your loud noises; you just knew that the vibrations of his laughter and speech were mixing with the still-on vibrator, and you knew there would be no coming down for a while. You tried to buck your hips, but everything mixed together kept your hips in place just as tight as your limbs were. The vibrator, just like it had been for the last few hours, stayed exactly where Jason tied it, and he had no intention of taking it off.
“Jason…Jason,” You called out over and over, barely having any time to breathe before you orgasmed again. “Hang on,” You said.
“I told you what was going to happen,” He said after he lifted his head from between your legs, making sure you could hear him. “This was your choice. You chose this.”
He waited to hear your response for a moment. Though he may have stopped attacking your clit, his fingers were still inside you, moving around in all directions. “Just…” You said. “I need…a second.”
“If I gave you a second, then I’d be breaking my promise of not letting you stop,” Jason said and didn’t wait anymore, his mouth right back on you, making you scream his name out again through another orgasm. As you came down a few moments later, he pulled his face back. “I’ll give you another choice. How does that sound?” He asked.
“I can either return to what I was doing, or I can move the vibrator,” He said. You waited to see if there was any clarification, but there wasn’t, and he was waiting for your answer. You knew there was a chance that he didn’t clarify because he wanted you to choose and screw yourself over, but you knew there would be no refuge if his mouth returned to your clit. Your choice was harder to decide in your mind because Jason never stopped moving his fingers in and out, in and out…
“Do you want me to choose?” He asked, pulling you back to reality.
You shook your head and yelled out your answer. “The vibrator!” You decided. “Move the…move the vibrator.”
You couldn’t see his pleased smile, and you sighed loudly in relief when Jason’s fingers exited you. You hoped that by move, he meant to get rid of it entirely, but you feared for the worst. Especially with how mean he was being tonight. As you thought about it, either answer was going to end the same way: he was going to keep you orgasming over and over.
You finally had a chance to catch up with yourself as he loosened the rope that held the vibrator on you, and it detached from your pussy. For a few seconds, you were just laying there, legs shaking in their binds. Jason loved watching your chest heave, and your legs shake as you still tried to pull at your wrists, but he couldn’t admire you for too long. Your worst fear came true as he tightened the rope again, this time leaving the vibrator sitting directly on your clit. You gasped out immediately, only groaning more when Jason pressed the button a few times to turn it on to its highest setting.
“Remember, you chose this,” He reminded you as you made your way into another orgasm. You continued to try to move your legs and hands, but still with no escape, as he made sure the ropes would never give way. You noticed when the dip in the bed between your legs let up, meaning Jason got off the bed. You weren’t sure what he was doing, but a moment later, you felt his rough hand on your chin. 
He leaned in, slowly kissing you through your moans and groans. As he pulled back, you could feel the soft smile on his face. “You’re doing so good, baby,” He said under his breath, almost breaking his character.
His hand left your chin, and you were worried he was going to leave you alone again. “Jay?” You called out.
“I’m still here. Just watching the show for a few minutes, then we’ll continue,” He said, and your eyes widened behind the blindfold.
“Con…continue?” You asked. You were certain that this was the beginning of the end of all of this. There was more he had planned?
Jason smiled again, though you couldn’t see it. “Of course. You didn’t think we were done, did you?”
“I-” You stopped when you were pushed into another orgasm caused by a mix of the vibrator and Jason’s words.
“Baby, we’re just getting started,” He said, making sure you heard it over your loud moan, excited for the rest of the night.
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judesmoonbeauty · 9 days
Black Wedding: The True Vow For A Jet-Black Bride - Harrison Gray
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Fan translation only. Not 100% accurate. Please expect grammatical errors. Cybird owns everything. Feel free to re-blog, but please do not post my translations elsewhere. What I obtain is what will be translated. If other blogs have translated the stories before I do, I will notate their blogs. Thank you, for you support! ☾.
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On a day before the wedding -
(I think I prefer this dress.)
We were at a boutique having a custom-fitting done.
While white dresses are popular, I chose a jet-black wedding dress.
(The black wedding dress means that no one else can stain it, but you.)
I remember wearing a dress of the same color for a mission once upon a time.
(At the time, I never thought I’d have a wedding.)
The delicately embroidered dress captivated my eyes as I spun around in front of the mirror.
(Beautiful….I wonder how Harry will react.)
From the time we started dating until today, there has not been a day that I have not thought about him.
(I’m sure Harry will tell me it looks good on me, but I think he’ll lie again.)
(But now, I know his true feelings.)
We went through a lot before I was able to see through his lies.
(He thought he shouldn’t be happy, but he’s changed and swore to be with me forever…..)
(What should I do……I’m going to cry even though the ceremony hasn’t even started yet.)
I felt a burning behind my eyes and looked up trying hide them-
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Harrison: Kate, you finished changing?
I heard his voice through the curtains.
Kate: Yes, I’m done.
When I looked through the gap in the curtains, I saw him looking different than usual…..
Harrison: Why are you just sticking your neck out?
Kate: It’s a little embarrassing……Harry, you look great.
As I admired his unfamiliar appearance, the realization of our marriage was growing rapidly.
(To have such a wonderful man to be my husband……)
Harrison: …..I’m just as embarrassed. Let me see you in your dress.
Kate: Oh, right! Here…..
I try to open the curtain, but it’s blocked by his hand.
Kate: Harry?
Harrison: Uh….wait. I’ll turn around.
Kate: What?
Harrison: I just need to be prepared.
He turns his back on me and takes a deep breath.
Harrison: …….Okay.
As soon as he turned around, I opened the curtains and stood in front of him.
Kate: …..Harry?
Harry was unusually frozen.
He didn’t respond or even blink when I waved in his face.
Kate: ……Perhaps it doesn’t suit me?
(It didn’t suit me so much that it left him speechless…….?)
Becoming anxious, I pulled at his sleeve, and the moment I did, he suddenly hid his face.
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Harrison: Sorry, I made you uneasy. That’s not it.
Kate: Then why are you hiding your face?
I tried to peek, but he turned his face away…..
Harrison: Don’t look at me.
Kate: Huh?
Harrison: …..Because I feel like I’m going to cry.
The slightest glimpse of his eyes were shining,
Harrison: It just hit me that we’re really getting married…….I can’t wait to be with you.
Harrison: I’m so happy……
As his voice trailed off, he crouched down on the spot.
The sound of sniffling echoed through the room, and seeing him for the first time, made me want to cry as well,
I crouched down and faced him.
Kate: We’re getting married, Harry.
Harrison: …..Yeah.
Kate: We’ll be together from now on.
Harrison: Yes……..
He took my hand while trembling.
Harrison: ……I never thought this day would come until I met you.
Harrison: It makes me anxious when I’m this happy.
A single drop slides down his cheek and falls onto the back of my hand as he mutters.
That makes me feel so happy and loved.
Kate: …..I also, never thought this day would come until I met you.
Kate: For the first time, I felt like wanted to be happy with someone.
A drop falls from my eye as I can no longer bear it.
Kate: I love you, Harry. Love you.
Laughing through his tears, he hugged me with all his strength.
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Harrison: I love you too.
Kate: I love you more.
Harrison: Nah, I’m on my side for this one.
When I shake my shoulder in uncontrollable laughter, I can hear the same laughter in my ears.
Harrison: ……The dress. It looks great on you. I don’t want anyone else to see it.
Kate: Heh……thank you.
Harrison: I’ll be sure to escort you on the day of the ceremony.
Harrison: Just for now…….let me savor this happiness.
Sunlight pours down to bless us as we are filled with joy and love.
We will surely share a lot of happiness in the future.
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[Black Wedding Master List] Tag list: @theimaginativelyreticent
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aibloomie · 6 months
”if you hold me without hurting me. . .”
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01. pairing — nagito komaeda x gn!reader
02. synopsis — fluff headcanons on how nagito would react when you comfort him, and headcanons on how he’d comfort you !!
03. note — this is a repost from an old blog i used to have prior to deactivating it (@/au-clover) !! the remake of the nagito edit reminded me so <33 i might repost the fluff alphabet next, not too sure though. uhh excuse any typos WOO
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comforting you
— nagito would most likely struggle a bit at first since he has never really gotten any comfort whenever he was going through something, but you’re precious to him and so he’ll try his best to learn and figure out how to help you in your times of need. he already knows when you’re in a bad mood due to him being an observant person, but he won’t bring it up unless you do since he doesn’t think he’s worthy of comforting you. he worries maybe you’d view him as annoying for prying into your business. once you decide to tell him what the problem is though then he’d immediately try to help you
— in a way, comforting you makes him very happy, he hates seeing you upset, but you’re relying on him and he’s never really been needed by anyone. he’s able to help you out, ht person he cherishes the most, you’ve made him so happy, and he’s grateful for the opportunities where he can give back and uplift your mood
— he’s an amazing listener, so if you’re not seeking advice and just want to rant, then he’s perfect for that. he’s also really attentive and will take in every word you say, nodding his head or doing some sort of gesture so you know he’s not distracted
— words of encouragement are something he always provides for you, but if you’re going through a hard time then they’d only increase tenfold. he knows words don’t always fix everything but he’s very good at speaking and getting his point across. compliments and motivational words would spill endlessly from his mouth
— he’s aware that being told things such as “it’ll get better” isn’t that effective, so instead of talking about the situation he just takes the time to admire your strength for dealing with whatever you’re struggling with, he’s rooting you on and he knows you can overcome anything, you’re his precious hope after all
— if you want to distract yourself for a while, then he’s up for that too. he’ll do anything you want, whether it be cuddling or going out and having fun
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comforting him
— nagito will appreciate any effort you put in towards comforting him. sometimes you can’t really tell when he’s upset since he’s practically smiling the majority of the time. however, he usually goes silent for a while or he distances himself from you since he’s caught up in his own thoughts, and that’s pretty much your cue to go and help him. he’d probably say something along the lines of: “you’re worrying for someone like me? you really are an angel!”
— after a day full of misfortune, he looks forward to the future since he knows his luck will balance out and therefore good things will happen. that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t upset him at times though, especially when his luck ends up affecting you negatively. during times like these, his self depreciation will only increase and it would help him a lot if you gave him some reassurance: pull him into your arms and tell him you’ll never leave him, and that you accept every single part of him. brush his hair aside and kiss his face too, he’ll be flustered but god he’ll feel so loved
— sometimes he’ll just want to rant about everything that happened throughout his day in detail as he rests his head on your lap and you play with his hair. of course, he’d never ask for that so it would be up to you to initiate the conversation. he also gets in low spirits when others don’t understand his views on hope, a lot of people call him annoying and crazy for that. so if you listen to him talk about it, it would really help him
— when he talks about his past, he usually does it with a smile. he sounds really happy despite all the devastating things that happened. so if you start comforting him, he’ll be really confused, and he’ll apologize for making you worry. deep inside though, he’s grateful you're so kind to him. if you hug him when he’s talking about it, everything will hit him at once and he’ll end up crying, which is very much needed since he just brushes everything aside to cope
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celestialtarot11 · 5 months
Song Lyric Messages 🤍🌹💌
Hi friends! 💘🌹 I thought I’d switch it up a little and channel you some song lyrics! This can be any message you need to hear 💗🌟 enjoy, feel free to like, comment and reblog! I’m loving this red theme.
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Pile 1:
• 🥀💌 “Feelings, so deep in my feelings. No, this ain’t really like me. Can’t control my anxiety. When I’m with you I can’t breathe. Boy, you do something to me. Ooh, I’ll never get over you until I find something new.” -Boo’d up by Ella Mai.
If you’ve been going through a breakup, separation or no contact situation, it’s been bothering you deeply. You may try to repress how you feel, but it keeps coming up, and your resistance could bring more harm than good. Your message is it’s okay to feel what you need to feel through the experience, anxiety will pass too. It’s okay to miss someone whether that was a friend too, it doesn’t necessarily need to be romantic here. Prioritize yourself, your experience, and journal about how it affected you. Give yourself a voice and watch yourself bloom 🌹🤍
💌 Some journal prompts 💌
• How did this experience affect me?
• How did I react to the experience?
• What is changing in my life and how do I feel about it?
Pile 2:
• 🥀💌 “You make me dance, bring me up, bring me down, play it sweet. Make me move like a freak, Mr. Saxobeat.” -Mr. Saxobeat By Alexandra Stan.
It’s a wonderful time for manifesting! Now, if you don’t know this song…😤 we’re gonna have some problems. But back to the main point, now is a wonderful time to manifest and celebrate! Either something new is coming into your life, or you’ve reached a point of self actualization that is setting you free. You feel so free, happy and excited. Maybe someone new is coming in, or has. Or you are manifesting someone. Here’s a wonderful sign whatever it is, is coming! Allow yourself to receive. If you’ve been pondering on what to manifest, here are some journal prompts:
💌 Some journal prompts 💌
• “Where does my heart want me to go next?”
• “If I could truly have everything I desired what would it be?”
• “What would happen if I manifested it? What would my life look like then?”
Pile 3:
• 🥀💌 “Just let my love, just let my love adorn you. Please baby, yeah. You gotta know, you gotta know. Know that I adore you. Yeah baby.” -Adorn by Miguel
This could be a message from a person directly! They want to tell you how much they adore you, and love you for who you are. They want to tell you how much they’ve been desiring to talk to you, and tell you how they feel deep down. I saw the knight of cups in my vision, so this person feels for you and wants to make a sweet advancement 🌟🥂 that is a card or courtship! If not a person, your inner child wants to let you know they adore you for all you do, and they admire your resilience, strength and ability to love. That’s all they ever wanted, and you giving them that is something they truly appreciate.
💌 Some extra messages 💌
• December may be important.
• They are ready to listen.
• Progress is being made.
Pile 2:
• 🥀💌 “Baby while we’re young. I think we should do something crazy. Like say fuck everyone, and just run away from the daily routine. Yeah, you know what I mean.” -While We’re Young by Jhené Aiko.
It’s important to spend your time focusing on the present moment. Your inner child wants to feel free, happy, and passionate about where they are going next. Take a leap of faith, let life play out as it’s meant to. You are meant to be here now. What would happen if you let it happen to you? Instead of forcing, pushing and moving, sit back and breathe. You may be missing out the more you take control. And maybe it’s time to observe, and let it be 🌟💖
💌 Some journal prompts 💌
• Where can I let go a little more today?
• What do I think will happen if I went with the flow?
• What message does my favorite self have for me?
Pile 5:
• 🥀💌 “That’s the way everyday goes. Every time we’ve no control. If the sky is pink and white, if the ground is black and yellow, it’s the same way you showed me. Nod my head, don’t close my eyes.” -Pink + White by Frank Ocean.
Foster more security and stability in yourself. All is well, all is okay. The moment that exists now is for you. If you’ve been bored of your routine do something sporadic, different and spontaneous. You are seeing clearly, maybe there was a lot of truths you couldn’t face in the past, and now it’s helping you understand more. There are many layers to what we don’t see at first, when we peel it back, then we understand. It’s like you’ve reached a major point of understanding a situation, person or yourself. Or life in general. Its happening to realign you with where you’re meant to be 💗🧘‍♀️
💌 Some journal prompts 💌
• What am I seeing clearly that I didn’t before?
• Where can this perspective take me?
• Which perspective empowers me?
Pile 6:
• 🥀💌 “Baby you’re the baddest, baby you’re the baddest girl. Nobody else matters, nobody else matters girl.“ -Les by Childish Gambino.
Confidence and empowerment is your theme for December. It’s time to step up and realize your worth. If you’ve been working on yourself it’s to help you build your self esteem, and confidence in taking the next step. Create your own intentions, plant your own seed, let you have your own experience. There is enough space for you to begin now, move forward self assured and confident 💗🥂
💌 Some journal prompts 💌
• What area of my life do I want to focus on next?
• What is this area of life requiring of me?
• Where do I need to mature and develop better skills?
Paid Readings 🌹💖
Distance Energy Healing Services 🌙🌃
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istoleyoursk1n · 6 months
Hello! I know I just requested something else, but I also have another request if you're up for it 🥰 How about all of the companies with a s/o who's really short and wears a lot of layers but it's later revealed that they're absolutely ripped and ridiculously muscular but nobody would have expected it? I think it'd be hilarious to see everyone go "Holy cow you could crush my head if you wanted to 😯"
Thank you so much again!!
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How would they react to a Tav who wears a lot of layers but is secretly ripped
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“So you’re telling me the little garden gnome could have manhandled half of us if they wanted to? Gods. Am I to be thanking you for sparing me and my pretty skin unscathed all this time?”
Probably the one making fun of your height and holding things up above you so you couldn't reach them.
He didn't really see you as anything he should be threatened by so he figured he could get away with a lot.
Besides you never really tried to fight back most of the time so he found his own little source of entertainment with his playful little jabs at you.
Was very much startled when you shook those layers off to reveal your muscular frame, he didn't expect it at all. You didn't even look strong in his eyes, until now at least.
Suddenly he’s wondering why you haven't once tried to punch him in the face after the amount of times he's poked fun at you.
Do not punch his face though (0/10) would not recommend, he bites.
Questions why you even bother to hiding yourself in layers upon layers of clothing? Is it some sort of deceptive tactic he wasn't aware of? (It probably wasn't but he’s appalled that you’d even hide something like this).
Other than that, he's impressed. Who knew you were hiding your own raw strength behind layers of clothing? Quite the sight for sore eyes if he does say so himself.
Encourages you to show it off more often, who needs all those rags when you have such an impressive build?
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: ̗̀➛ WYLL
“Hells, to think that behind all those rags was the body of a true warrior! Safe to say that I’ll never be doubting your abilities again.”
Truthfully found you rather adorable since you were considered the shortest among the rest of your travelling companions.
You seemed harmless enough, but, he never once believed that you were completely fragile because of it.
However, there were times when he’d often do tasks that you knew you were perfectly capable of handling yourself over the fact that he was unaware of your true strength.
There have been a lot of times when he jumped in front of you during battles, worried that you couldn't handle it yourself.
However, the shock that appeared on his face once all those layers were shaken off was priceless.
He might have been a little bit embarrassed as well seeing as how he might have underestimated you a tad bit which knew could be quite undermining on your end.
Immediately voices his initial surprise and how amazed he is that you seem to look as fit if not even more so than him.
You look amazing! And he wishes you could leave all the layers more often if it's something you are comfortable with of course.
You knew he was already quite fond of you but now wistful glances from him would come as often as possible in pure admiration of your raw strength. Safe to say he’d never be underestimating your capabilities again.
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: ̗̀➛ GALE
“It seems that until now, I find myself learning new information about you… though, I must say, you possessing a rather athletically built figure wasn't one of them. Not to say I don’t appreciate the way you look.”
Wasn't quite sure why you were wearing that many layers of clothing. The weather was already relatively hot and still, you insisted on wearing such things.
I mean, as long as you are comfortable and happy with them he didn't seem all too bothered by it.
Found you endearing in his own way, seeing as he would often find himself craning his neck or having to bend his body to meet your eye level but it made it all the more amusing for him.
Similar to Wyll, he found himself underestimating your true abilities as you truly appeared harmless in his eyes. Sure, if you had to kill a goblin for your own survival you would but you didn't exactly give off brutish vibes.
Even so, that never made him find your company any less enjoyable.
Though, he was quite startled when your true form was revealed, and all those extra layers of clothing were taken off from you. He wasn't even sure if he was looking at the right person.
One moment you appeared as innocent and delicate as could be only for you to actually have the body of someone who's probably more physically capable than him.
You've probably given him another reason as to why he admires you all too much. The new look on you is a tad bit distracting for him and Gale can't manage to hide how smitten he is for the life of him.
If anything, now you’re all the more distracting to him, and it takes him a while to break out of that haze he's put himself in.
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“Fucking hell, all the things I could have known about you but I never thought it would be this! You’re absolutely ripped! A badass body for one of the coolest people I know.”
Was practically squealing from how adorable you looked, especially in comparison to her towering height. You were like a little puppy in her eyes.
She couldn't understand why you’d wear so many layers of clothing, it's not like it was cold, and she knew that if she were to try that herself she’d feel uncomfortable as all hell.
But she won't press on it, as long as you are okay with it then wear as much as you wish.
The moment she was able to touch you, she was off carrying you around. She had wanted to pick you up for the longest time but she didn't understand why you felt slightly heavier than she thought you would be.
Perhaps it's all the extra layers of clothing? Either way, she didn't care. As long as she got to mess around with her favorite travel companion then what the hell.
Freaked out the moment you actually revealed how ripped you are beneath all the rags. You were practically as muscular as her.
It only seemed to excite her more because now she's fawning over how amazing you look and what you did to make your body look like this.
You've only grown to be ten times more awesome in her eyes and to see you use your true strength makes her swoon. She couldn't have chosen a better companion to have alongside her.
Suddenly the extra weight she felt carrying you made a lot more sense. Not that she’ll ever complain. Even with the newfound information, she’ll never stop lifting you up in her arms for the fun of it.
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“I suppose there's more to be known about you, isn't there? I was not expecting you to be as fit as you are but I can't say it isn't something I’d find myself grow tired of seeing.”
She didn't think much about the extra layers of clothing you wore other than it being for comfort or aesthetics. She's not one to care much for it.
You've been a helpful and valuable member of the group thus far, she saw no reason to underestimate you even in terms of strength.
It was rather amusing to have you around as a much shorter companion than her.
It wasn't something she ever mentioned or poked fun of but the coy little smile on her face revealed just how much she found the height difference amusing.
She was pleasantly surprised the moment you revealed just how muscular you truly are, even with her insight she never would have expected it.
Regardless, she's impressed with your stature, knowing that obtaining such a form would have taken a long time to have.
With or without all the layers, she still thinks you’re pleasing in her eyes, and whether you choose to use that undeniable strength is all up to you.
Though, she will take a moment to admire you while she can. She’d never force you to quit using layers of clothing but looking at you when you’re like this has its own appeal.
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: ̗̀➛ LAE’ZEL
“Just when I thought we’d have to eliminate you for your lack of use. Chk, perhaps I was wrong about you, istik. Consider my blade unsheathed for now.”
Practically disregarded you at first. You seemed so weak in her eyes that she wasn't even sure what assistance you’d provide for her.
She finds the layers upon layers of clothing unnecessary and it isn't practical when charging into battle. She's told you to leave it multiple times to your dismay.
Unless you have done something to prove that you are fairly capable of handling your own battles, she's very blunt about how incapable you seem to her.
It's even worse if you’re short cause she just has more aspects of you to undermine you with.
She’ll come off as really mean but that's mostly due to how she was raised. She can easily spot disadvantages and she won't hesitate to point out each one, especially if you two aren't close.
Was genuinely shocked to see you without the layers and what your true strength truly holds. She would have taken all those demeaning words the moment you've proved yourself.
Besides, seeing you in your true glory probably woke something up in her.
She's infatuated by strong, powerful warriors and seems that you fit the bill.
You were everything she thought you weren't and she’d come to realize just how wrong about you she was. You could have probably even sparred against her if only she had given you the proper chance.
She’d come around to actually apologizing for her earlier jabs at you sooner or later but she truly has gained a newfound respect for you. You’ll never find her insulting you again.
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: ̗̀➛ HALSIN
“You’re full of surprises, aren't you? Perhaps you never truly needed my protection, you've been blessed with a body that I’m certain nature itself worked tirelessly to perfect. However, I stand at your side in case you wish for any assistance.”
Thought nothing much of your extra layers of clothing. If anything it made you look all the more adorable in his eyes.
You could tell he was already enamored by you every time you had to look up to him to speak, the smile on his face never seemed to have disappeared.
He was probably extra protective of you under the assumption that you weren't as strong as the rest. Not that it was something he considered to be bad, but he wanted to make sure you wouldn't get hurt.
He’d end up doing most of the fighting for you, insisting that he's got it handled even though you knew you were capable of fighting the rest off yourself.
Regardless, it wasn't unpleasant to have Halsin come in to protect you despite your capabilities, it showed how much he cared.
He was startled when you showed your body beneath all the layers of clothing, even having to take a few seconds to stare as if he couldn't believe it.
This only seemed to make him all the more interested in you now that his eyes managed to catch a glimpse of the skin underneath all those rags, it was a sight that he would have imprinted into his mind.
Nevertheless, he will never underestimate you again but he’ll always be there in case you still wish for his protection. He could never say no to you.
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velvateen · 8 months
it’s always you - zoro x reader fluff!
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warnings: mention of blood a little teensie weensie bit, all fluff!
you and zoro are in denial. structured around a chet baker song! listen to it for best experience!!
word count: 1,200 ish, not proofread i’m lazy
words in italics are lyrics!
song: “it’s always you” sung by chet baker (link to the song on spotify)
Whenever it’s early twilight, I watch til the star breaks through
Funny its not a star I see,
its always you
The light from the deck casted a gentle purple glow onto Zoro’s face as he yawned, his night watch finally almost over. He leaned over the deck, arms crossed as he admired the view unfolding in front of him. The chilly night breeze was giving way to the pleasant humidity of the sea spray warmed by the rising sun. This was the best part of night shifts for Zoro. Not only was it the prettiest part of the shift, it meant he could go to sleep soon.
He shifted where he stood, resting his cheek against his hand, squinting to try and catch the first peaks of sunlight over the horizon.
A glimmer of light snapped his eyes towards the waves. The first light of the day. He let out an amused laugh as he thought out loud.
“Man, they’d love this.”
Since when did he start thinking things like that?
He shook his head and resumed his watch with more intensity than required, he didn’t even think about how he wished the sunlight on his arms was your touch instead.
He didn’t think about that at all.
Whenever I roam through roses, and lately I often do
Funny its not a rose I touch,
it’s always you
Tending to the garden was something you had gradually found comfort in. I mean, there really wasn’t much else to do on the long stretches of days out at sea, so why not try and soak in all the nature you could?
The flowerbed on the ship was always your favorite, there was always something to tend to. Weeds would peak through the dirt no matter your efforts, and you found serenity in the tedious task of picking them one by one, shaded by the tangerine trees.
In your dull daze of tedious weed pulling, your hand strayed a bit too close to the rose bush, the back of your hands taking the damage. You hissed and pulled it away, frowning at the trickle of blood running down from your knuckle.
Little cuts like this always hurt like hell, and you wondered how Zoro takes blows and cuts way bigger than this all the time without even being phased.
Not that you thought of him all that much, you just wondered if he’d even react to a cut like this, so trivial.
You stared at your hand, thinking of how Zoro’s was so big in comparison. This cut would probably look like nothing on him.
After a moment, you felt that your face was burning, cheeks hot. You shook the smile from your lips and returned to work, making sure you had your gardening gloves on from here on out.
If a breeze caresses me, it’s really you strolling by
If I hear a melody,
it’s merely the way you sigh
It was your turn for night watch. Wrapped in a blanket as defense for the chilly ocean weather, you fought sleep valiantly with all the strength you had in you. But you’ve been fighting for so long, you thought.
Your head bobs as you’re lulled by the warmth of your blanket and the rock of the ship. A breeze passes, movement alerting you awake. The bench your sitting on shifts as he sits across from you, and passes you a mug.
“What’s this?” You ask, taking the cup into both of your hands, reveling in the cozy sensation.
“Figured you were cold. And bored, probably,” Zoro responds, avoiding eye contact and taking a sip from his own mug. You smile.
“Didn’t know you even knew how to make tea, I’m kinda impressed,” you laughed, blowing on it and feeling the steam lift your eyelashes.
“I learn some stuff to keep that idiot cook humble.”
You grin, taking a sip from the cup. You hum in contentment. The grip on Zoro’s mug tightens, he prays you don’t notice.
Wherever you are,
you’re near me
You dare me to be untrue
The crew always ended up at some kind of bar while docked for any significant amount of time. The privacy that crowds offered was always so appealing, and you liked getting to meet people from different islands.
Your appreciation for bars was always matched, although for a different reason, by Zoro. He would go for the drinks, you’d go for the people. It was a good dynamic, you always had someone to escape with if any marines showed up. Plus, Zoro hated talking to people, so you served as his defense.
The bar at this island wasn’t remarkably different from the countless others you had visited. Dark sticky wood countertops, peeling leather seats, shady regulars, the works. It was fun, especially when you had the pleasant dulling buzz of alcohol in your system. As you chatted to different people in the bar, Zoro followed you. He swears up and down that it’s just to keep an eye on things, to make sure no one pulls a weird move on you or anything. He swears that’s the case.
It can’t be the way that you’re a bit more touchy when you’re drunk, or that he gets to stablilize you when you stumble or sway. That cannot be the reason.
Walks home from the bar are always pleasant, the moonlight guiding your way back to the ship. You have to drag Zoro towards the right direction, even as he holds your elbow and hand in an effort to keep you upright. As the walk progresses, you get sleepier, more dependant on his strength to keep you moving. You lean against his shoulder more, eyes drooping steadily closed.
His heart used to beat normally. Ever since you came around, he’d get a strange dropping sensation and his heart would race. He’s starting to get used to it, to miss it.
It means you’re near.
Funny, each time I fall in love,
It’s always you.
His hand was outstretched.
The motion caught you off guard as you snapped your head away from where you gazed leaning over the deck.
In his hand was a bouquet. A measly one, at that, only a handful of flowers. You smiled, taking them from him in bewilderment. He was avoiding your gaze, opting to stare stoically towards the setting sun. You noted the slight scowl on his brow, the breeze threading through his green hair.
“Are these roses from our garden?” You observed.
“Yeah. I thought you might wanna keep some near you to put in a vase or something, you know, since you’ve worked so hard to make them grow.”
You looked down at them and tucked them into the crook of your elbow.
He leaned next to you against the rail, not bothering to move away when your arm brushed his. Looking down, you grabbed one of his hands that was folded towards you.
“What are all these cuts!?” you asked, picking up and twisting his hand that was covered in small, thorn sized scratches.
“I could ask you the same thing,” he remarked, tracing a finger over the line where your cut was healing.
Your hands lingered, neither of you daring to pull away. The sun casted warm light on your faces, bringing a blush to the surface. It was definitely just the sun.
It might be something else.
a/n: HELLO IM BACK (for a limited time, like outback’s steakmas). school and life were kicking my ass but i’m here now for at least a bit. maybe i’ll post more, maybe i’ll continue being an enigma, who knows! i don’t. should i write a sanji or ace fic next? and should it be fluff or smut lmk bc i have no ideas everrrrr. or or should i write levi from aot since that’s popular rn and he’s sexy?
i have kofi help me buy a zoro figure pwease. link in masterlist.
okay bye everypony *.•
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alissasrandomstuff · 4 months
Two Broken Souls
Alright, I've thought about this quite a while and I believe this is a situation which could actually happen. Billy is an asshole, yes, but he's also a broken boy. Maybe, if you somehow manage to peek beneath his bad boy-facade, you can see the real Billy Hargrove. Because I do somehow believe that there's something good inside him. English is not my first language, so please be kind and ignore any spelling or grammar mistakes! Word Count: 3.4k Content Warning: mentions of abuse and suicide, angst, mentions of alcoholism, language
Plot: After you and Billy accidentally discover how painfully similar your back stories are, you begin to warm up with each other. Both dealing with an abusive father, you start to seek comfort in each other, getting closer together than originally anticipated.
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Billy was a broken boy. You always thought he was because of the way he acted towards everyone. He was an asshole, never treated anyone fairly, especially not women. So, you originally wanted to stay away from him, refusing to be one of his little toys. And it worked, he was never able to make a move on you. Until you got to know Max a lot better. You started hanging out with her, she was a great friend even if she was three years younger than you.
The first time you went to her house was when she wanted to attend the Snow Ball and asked you to make your hair. You were a little hesitant since it also meant you could meet Billy, but still, you decided to go and do this favor for Max. When you arrived at the house and got invited by Max’s mother, there was no sight of Billy. You talked with Max and had a great time while braiding her hair. She enjoyed spending time with you, was happy to finally have someone similar to the big sister she never had, and she admired how easy the way you braided her red hair looks. Still, she was a little insecure about this ball, and whether she should really go or not. You gently smiled at her and made sure that she realized how pretty she is. And really, Max looked adorable in her fit for the Snow Ball.
Just when you secured the last braid of Max’s hair, someone stepped into the hallway behind you, you can see it through the mirror. And when your eyes met Billy’s, it took you a lot of strength not to react. But instead of saying anything, his gaze just wandered to Max and back to you before he walked off silently, confusing you even more.
“The hell is wrong with Hargrove?” you muttered to yourself, but Max heard you.
“Taught him a lesson when he wanted to force me to come back here. I hope he finally respects me more,” she answered quietly and now you looked her in the eyes through the mirror, a little surprised.
“Taught him a lesson?” you asked and Max nodded, a hint of pride visible in her eyes.
“Yep, I nearly smashed his balls with a baseball bat, threatened to do it if he won’t leave me alone,” she explained as if it’s nothing and you couldn’t help but laugh at her braveness.
“You’re one of a kind, Max,” you laughed and gently rubbed her back, then gestured her that she’s finished.
“You can go and get your mom, you’ll have to leave soon to not be too late.”
Max got up, but looked at you a little sad.
“Why don’t you come with me? It would be more fun with you around,” she said, but you shook your head, declining gently.
“No no, I don’t like stuff like this. You go and have fun, it will be awesome, I know it,” you assured her and finally, she left to get her mother. You originally wanted to leave together with Max and her mother and then drive back home, but halfway out of the door, you realized you forgot your jacket. So, you said goodbye to the two women and walked inside the house again to look after your piece of clothes. Just when you found it, you could hear loud voices. You froze in your spot, easily recognizing one of the voices as Billy’s and the other one you believed was from his father. You hesitated, not meaning to invade their privacy, but from what you could hear the two say and the volume they argued at, you were a bit worried. So, you silently walked up the stairs of the house towards where you believed the argument was located. Right when you step into the doorframe of Billy’s room, you froze on the spot. You were greeted by a scene of violence, Billy’s father Neil grabbing Billy’s arm tightly and slapping him across the face, scolding the boy for how he apparently misbehaved a few minutes ago downstairs. When you saw Neil hitting his son, instant flashbacks flooded you and you couldn’t help but just stare. Billy was the first to spot you, and his eyes widened. Neil also looked over his shoulder and realized that you saw his punishment on Billy, instantly letting go of him.
“What on earth are you doing here?” Neil asked infuriated, and you slowly came back to reality, looking at Neil shocked.
“I think the better question is, what on earth are you doing with Billy?!” you asked instead of answering, making Neil even more angry with this.
“It’s none of your business how I educate my son,” he wanted to divert attention from the scenery you all are in, and you shook your head disbelievingly.
“Wha- educate? What you’re doing to him has fucking nothing to do with education!” you blurted out, anger now visible in your own eyes. Neil raised a finger at you, as if he wanted to threaten you as well.
“Watch the way you’re talking to me, child. Show me some goddamn respect!”
You laughed out, shaking your head at his audacity.
“To people like you that are abusing their children? Oh, I talk to you the way I fucking want to, you don’t deserve any kind of respect from me!” you spat right back at him and could see from the look in his eyes that he really wanted to teach you a lesson there, too. But he couldn’t do that. If he would have, he’d be in real trouble, and he knew. That’s why he stayed silent and just looked at you furious.
“I’ll handle it, sir. Let me handle this,” Billy intervened and walked towards you, eventually guiding you outside and to your car.
“Tell anyone about this and I’ll kill you myself,” was what he said back then, and you never thought that incident would actually bring you two closer together. But from that day on, yours and Billy’s looks had crossed several times throughout the day, and you knew he was making sure that you kept your mouth shut. You did, you never told anyone, not even Max. And after a while, Billy slowly began to ease at your knowledge, somehow trusting you with the information you had. He nodded at you when you met in the hallways at school or when you saw each other at the parking lot, and you always just nodded back, it almost became a habit of the two of you. But that was it, nothing else happened.
Until he found out about your family, as well. It was by accident, he was on his way to a date and drove past your house, not even realizing it at first. But then, he saw your car outside, and you together with your father. You were screaming at your old man, furious about how drunk he was again already, when that man grabbed you by the hair and pulled you inside your house. Billy instantly took a turn and stopped at your house, going inside and saving you from a beating of your father. He refused to leave you alone, took you with him in his Camaro to a spot a little outside of Hawkins, and there, you told him everything. How your mother died by suicide, how your father abused not only you but used to do it with your mother as well, how drunk your father always was. And how you always tried to act like it didn’t bother you at all. You always tried to keep a steady composure, act like you’re perfectly fine. And until that day, nobody knew that you had to deal with shit like this. Billy admired you and the way you handled everything, but on the other side, he was irritated at how differently you reacted to him. You both had the same problems, yet he became the biggest jerk at school, a big asshole, while you always kept being the pure girl you are. The pure, sweet and kind girl he got to know. And now he found out about your cruel backstory, and he felt bad. Safe to say, after what he just found out, Billy never made it to that date.
After that day, you really started to feel a connection with Billy. You didn’t want to admit it, but the abusive nature of both your fathers was what brought you together. You both sought some weird way of comfort in the fact that the two of you now had someone who understood you, even if you never really talked about it. Billy hesitantly opened up to you too, about his father and a little bit about his mother as well. It wasn’t a lot, Billy is not good with talking about feelings, but still, you felt a little proud that he trusted you enough by now to talk about his family issues. It was a late summer day then, you both were the last ones to leave the school after he had his basketball practice and you after staying longer to finish a school project. It happened that you both parked your cars directly next to each other, and after just some small talk, he opened up a little. He didn’t talk about it much, but that was okay for you, you were just happy that he chose you as the person to talk to. Nobody else knows anything about this part in his life, it always made you kind of special. You had something nobody else ever had before, and it made you a little proud. It made you stand out, for both Billy and the rest.
The first real change in his behavior you noticed was how Billy started avoiding being violent when you were around. You first realized it when, in school, Billy was in a heated argument with Jason about something you didn’t even know, and a crowd was watching the two men. When you stepped into the circle, however, and Billy realized, he decided to let Jason go and not beat him up. You didn’t think too much of it, but it happened more than once. And eventually, he stopped provoking fights completely. He still was the heated Billy Hargrove the whole school knew by then, he still was this cocky jerk who thought was ‘the king’. But he wasn’t physically violent anymore, not that you knew. You heard of a few fights, but those were always because someone else started it and Billy only defended himself. Billy tried to keep this kind of violence away from you, keep these ’news’ about a fight away from you. He somehow didn’t want you to think about him as a violent teenager with anger issues, he slowly started caring about your opinion. He wanted you to not think bad of him anymore. And when he realized this, he was irritated at first, but kind of accepted it at last. He kept these thoughts to himself, however.
Then he stopped complaining about you hanging out with Max at their house, he instead started greeting you there, too. He slowly warmed up with the fact to see you around this often. He started feeling at ease whenever he saw you in their house, whenever he heard your voice, your laugh from either the living room or Max’s room. He stopped commenting on how ‘weird’ it was to hang out with a girl that much younger than you. He admitted to himself, by then he was kind of happy that you and Max got along that well. He was able to see you sometimes daily, after school as well. It was an unfamiliar feeling for him, because normally, girls his age didn’t ever spend that much time around him. Especially without him making a move on them. Especially when he was attracted to them. And he was attracted to you, he knew that for a while already.
He eventually stopped flirting with every girl he saw at school, his flirty actions became more and more rare. It looked like the only girl he really payed attention to was you, still always nodding at you when he saw you, looking at you whenever he could. Everyone at school noticed, the girls weren’t too thrilled about Billy seemingly settling on one girl and that it wasn’t them. The boy were irritated, surprised about how Billy wasn’t interested in flirting with every female around him anymore. He tried to, at first, he tried to get his mind off of you by spending even more time with other girls, but he never entirely stopped thinking about you. And because he finally realized it was useless, he stopped hanging out with all these girls, stopped going on dates, stopped fooling around. It was foreign for him, only thinking about one girl and being this occupied with her, yet, he slowly warmed up to that fact as well. Still keeping his thoughts to himself. You noticed all this, you noticed the changes in Billy’s behavior. But you didn’t allow yourself to think that is was possibly because of you. Nobody could make Billy Hargrove change, no girl was able to twist his mind that much, and especially, if nothing ever happened physically between the two of you. You weren’t unpopular or ugly, but there were other girls at school far more attractive and popular, so why would it be you, out of all of them? You simply refused to think that Billy got interested in you, that he wanted to change because of you. When, in fact, you were his entire reason.
Then, he slowly started to actually talk to you when you were at their house, in the kitchen for example. He would occasionally ask about your day, try his best to cautiously ask about your father and if he did something. And when he found out that you’re actually interested in the same type of music as him, you two started talking a lot about this. It almost became natural to talk to him when you were visiting them, you finally started to feel comfortable around Billy. You enjoyed your little talks when bumping into him at their house, smiled at him every now and then, and finally, Billy got comfortable enough to smile at you genuinely as well, not with his typical flirty smirk. Max noticed very quickly that you and Billy got along with each other, and at first, she was hesitant, even warned you about him. But the more time went by, the more she realized that her step-brother actually started changing. She saw the way Billy looked at you, the way he treated you. She saw how he stopped bringing girls home, how his cocky behavior slowly faded around you and was replaced by a more natural, softer version of Billy. And she saw how he acted when you were around, it was obvious that he wanted you to think good of him. Max didn’t want to believe it, but at some point, it was painfully obvious for her: Billy Hargrove, the guy whose cold heart no girl was able to win over, fell for her best friend. He caught feelings for you.
And then finally, he asked you to hang out privately, just the two of you. It wasn’t initially labeled as a ‘date’, but in secret, you both kind of hoped that it was one. He picked you up after school and you drove to Lover’s Lake, spending the day there together. And you actually had a great time. Nothing happened, you just hung out together and talked a lot, you even shared a few laughs together. It was nice seeing Billy laugh in an authentic way, not his typical ‘bad boy laugh’ to impress ladies, his real laugh made him look genuine and pure, you enjoyed seeing him like this. At that point, you couldn’t help yourself anymore, you liked the new Billy. You liked the Billy he was around you, the Billy he showed to you. You liked how he changed, and you really hoped he did it for you. At school, he still somewhat was the old Billy Hargrove, but when you were around, he got softer, even at school. When his friends started noticing, Billy was quick to teach them not to make fun of it, but still, he always kept it calm around you. It was obvious for the whole school, for everyone but the two of you.
You hung out quite often after you first ‘date’, Billy even started talking to you openly at school. He behaved differently towards you, like an actual decent guy, not like the old, bad Billy Hargrove he always pretended to be. You didn’t even care about all rumors or mean words about you, you were just happy that Billy finally seemed to heal a little. You enjoyed that he finally openly talked to you and felt comfortable enough to show it to the people at school. Every day, when he met you at your locker and talked to you, you felt happy. You didn’t mean to, but at some point, you had to admit to yourself that you liked him. Liked him a lot more than you intended to in the first place.
Your first kiss was when you really decided to stick together. It was when you found him after another argument with Neil, leaning on the hood of his Camaro in front of their house, smoking a cigarette while trying to regain his composure. You instantly knew what happened, it wasn’t the first time you saw Billy like this. You originally wanted to come over to get something you forgot there the day before, but when you saw Billy outside, you didn’t care about that stupid hat anymore. You went up to Billy, and when he heard your footsteps, he looked over his shoulder, expecting you to be either Susan or Max. But when he saw you, he relaxed. Since you already saw him at his worst, he didn’t really care anymore, he just looked at you, tears in his eyes. You knew what to do, especially since that day sought to be a worse one than others. So, you gently took the cigarette from him and instead, just hugged him. Hugs never happened often between you two, but you knew he just needed it in that moment. And yes, he instantly hugged you back, leaning into you and breathing heavily to not give in to his emotions. You whispered soft words, calming him by gently running your fingers through his hair and you waited for him to calm down again. Moments like these rarely happened, normally, Billy still was the confident boy you got to know, Billy knew how to stay upright even after a fight with his father. But that day, he just needed comfort, that day he wasn’t strong enough. And even if moments like these were extremely rare, you gladly helped him. When Billy finally leaned back again and looked you in the eyes, you could see how hard he was trying to hold back the tears. You didn’t even think about it anymore, you just put your hands on his cheeks and gently brushed your thumbs over his soft skin. He stared right back at you, and after a short moment of just exchanging looks, you finally leaned in and placed your lips on his. Yes, you were the one that kissed him first. A few months before only, you swore to yourself to not let Billy get close to you, and now you were there, breaking your own pledge by kissing him and allowing him to get closer than you ever anticipated. But it felt good, Billy felt good for you. He immediately kissed you back, softly and with much more emotion than you expected, keeping you close to him. Billy broke the kiss first, looking at you with surprisingly much affection and gratitude, he even smiled gently at you. It was a genuine smile, he was completely honest with his emotions in that situation.
“Thank you,” he whispered only, and you just nodded with a small smile on your lips. Months ago, you would’ve scolded yourself now for your weakness, but Billy changed. He changed and now you think it’s worth a shot, you wanted to help him.
Billy may be a broken boy. But you’re broken, too, you both share the same story. You and him are two broken souls.
And two broken souls can heal each other, can become one complete soul.
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little-miss-dilf-lover · 11 months
I'm sorry I send the requests back to back, I was happy to see they're open again. Hcs for assassin reader who's married to tan and they all work together. (Like how we met, how he proposed, also how we are now as a trio, aka brainy but chaotic badass reader makes a comeback) Sorry if this too much, I'm aware you said hcs tend to take longer, please please take your time, don't rush! Love ya! 💗 💺 anon
hii! don’t worry about it honey! I love it, and also it’s no problem, hc’s are usually really quick for me, I can bang them out in half hour. thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌 love uu
hc’s/ imagines
tangerine x assassin!fem reader
— wc 503
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okay so...
— I think that the three of you work incredibly well together !! 
— you all have strengths and weaknesses that amplify one another. where one lacks the other gains, so for that reason all VERY work well
— I think you're maybe more of the brains of the group (literally) you're able to hack and get into cameras etc ??? (idk any of the terms) lem is kinda the muscle and tan is more of the attack type 
— maybe you were assigned to help the twins for a mission, and since you worked so well, you stayed/ joined them and have been on countless assignments together. perhaps, the first mission was set at a ball, and you had to pretend to date (I read something similar a few days ago and forgot how much I loved it, so had to implement it)
— and (bc I love this trope) he finally saw you blahblahblah, and then confessed feelings after months of 'confusion' (he'd dance around expressing them for ages, and it would kinda be this angry love confession between the two of you) - but it would be sweet though, nothing mean or hateful. like "what are we doing?" or "I don't get you" or "you shouldn't be with him" or "why are you so difficult?" sorta thing
— but he's a total softie for you, and would propose somewhere that was meaningful to the pair of you. he doesn't like cliches, so he'd find a way to combat it
— and the ring ??? my GOD?? would be EXACTLY the one you want, like all the ones in your pinterest board, nothing tacky, nothing cheap, nothing shit, just beautiful and to your exact taste
back to before...
— maybe you keep them in line at times, like you're the only one that thinks. they react, but you respond kinda thing
— you taught them to think with their hearts too. ironically (bc you're an assassin) like the feminine/nurturing energy
— he goes love blind, so working with you is sometimes dangerous. all caution and thought goes out the window if and when you ever get injured. all he wants is to kill the one that hurt you, but you and lem remind/ stop him
— he knows you can protect yourself, so he allows you do to that until it gets to a point where he can't take it anymore. like he'd let you have your fun/ moment but wouldn't let it get too far (risk you getting killed) he would never forgive himself for it and would do something permanent 
— someone say romeo and juliet ??
— you definitely have lots of tan within you, but he admires and hates it. he loves that you're similar to him, but they're often the parts he dislikes most about himself
— PROTECTOR X PROTECTED!!!!!!!! (even though you're in the same career, just go with it)
— they'd both look after you and keep you safe. lem is like a bodyguard older brother, and tan is, well, tan
— NEVER let anything bad happen to you
— — — — — — — — — — ☆ — — — — — — — — — —
tan taglist: @tangerinesgf @kpopgirlbtssvt @like-a-fine-skylark @earth-elemental18 @ashlynhasmanyhyperfixations @idontknowwhattohaveasmyuser @thewinterv @navs-bhat @ilovetangerinewithallmyheart @theredvelvetbitch @randomawesomeperson102 @lov3lypeaches7 @princess-pebbles-things @astermath @dynamitehacke @boldlyimportantface @charmedkim @fruitlovertangerine @psiiconic @bubblezuku @sporadiccherryblossom @landryslove @daenerys-supremacy @dontknownameauthor
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vibratingskull · 5 months
Hey! I saw you were doing asks and I was wondering if you could do some Ar'alani X F!reader where the reader accidentally comes out as gay to Ar'alani? It can be as fluffy or as smutty as you like. ^^
Lani, Lani, Lani... The most beautiful woman in the galaxy ❤️
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Ar'alani x f!reader
Tags : Fluff, reader is drunk
“Come on! Another one!” You shout.
“No, I think you drank enough, Junior Captain.” Admiral Ar’alani sternly announces.
You look at her with round eyes, fighting to keep them open. You then look at your empty glass dumbfounded.
“Are… Are you sure?”
“You can barely sit without falling from your seat.” She stands up, “We should go back to our cabins, Thank you for receiving us, Senior Captain Thrawn.” 
“You are welcome, it was my pleasure.” Thrawn responds, finishing his own glass.
You try to rise up and almost end up on the floor. Stabilizing yourself you skip towards Thrawn and pulls him in a teddy bear hug and squeeze him hard.
“Thaaaaaaaaaaank you, Thrawn!” You chant.
And you kiss him on the cheek with a resonating muah!
He patiently pats your arm, a little stiff under your touch.
“You are welcome, (Y/n). You are always welcome here if you want.” 
You brush your cheek against his, completely drunk and feel a hard gaze on your face. You open your eyes to see Ar’alani fixing you sternly, waiting at the door frame.
“Come on, Junior Captain. You know the rule about fraternization, let’s leave the Senior Captain for the night.”
“Me? Fraternizing  with a cutie? Neveeeeeeeer…” And you squeeze him harder before releasing him.
You almost trip over the chairs as you head towards the door, prompting Ar’alani to pass your arm over her shoulder to give you support. She greets Thrawn one last time and you’re on your way in the corridors of the ship. 
You are completely wasted! Smashed and hammered!
Fortunately, Ar’alani strength holds you on your feet. Impressive!
“Thank you, Admiral!” You burst out laughing.
“Let’s not speak about it.” She dryly responds, “You are quite close to the Senior Captain Thrawn, I see. I was surprised to see you in his cabin when I arrived.”
“Yeeeeeeeeeah… You can say that.” You sigh, blissful, “We are reaaaaaaally close, as close as you can be.” 
“Careful, you know the rule.”
“About fraternization? I was only joking! I mean, it’s true he’s a cutie, but not my type at all!” You proclaim, holding a hiccup.
She gives you an interrogative side glance and you smile broadly at her, a dumb smile, but genuine.
“You are not believing me.” You grin.
“I noticed your… affectionate tendencies. You are not shy of physical displays of affection.”
“So what? I like to hug and kiss my friends on the cheek, it’s not a crime.”
It’s true you are physically at ease and affectionate with your friend, never hesitating to show your affection. It took Thrawn by surprise the first time you hugged him, you even suspect you traumatized him a bit, but he never rejected you, simply allowing you to express yourself even if his love language is quite different. You feel him tensing up when you touch him, so you tend to control yourself more around him, but when you’re drunk, you can’t help it, everyone simply must have a hug and a kiss! Except when you don’t know how they would react.
Like Admiral Ar’alani.
She impresses you way too much for you to even try. I mean, look at the woman! Admiral at such a young age, leading her troops with an iron fist and wiseness! This woman rules!
And you can’t help yourself but fall for her. She’s the complete package, what more could you even want? She plagues your night and you daydream about her all day long, losing track of what you’re doing at the moment with how she invades your mind.
“No, no, no,no. My type is way different!” You assert.
“Oh really?” She responds detached but with a hint of interest. “And what might it be?”
“I like women.” You just drop.
“You… Oh, well that explains a lot.” She lets out.
You giggle, pressing yourself against her tall body. She’s quite warm. It is soothing. This is highly inappropriate but you’re also highly intoxicated and not in a state to care at all.
“I know you do too, Admiral! I could feel it between us.”
She just purses her lips in response.
“You will understand that those matters should not get uncovered. An admiral should not display their-”
“You don’t want your private life exposed for anyone to see!” You cut her impertinently, “I get it! I will be as mute as a tomb!” And you mimic shutting your mouth with a key and throwing that key.
“Thank you.” She responds. “You should do well to not be too close to your colleagues either.”
“Nia nia nia, no fraternization, nia nia nia, don’t hug each other… Come on, the ship will not explode if we sleep around a bit.” You groan.
“A mind subject to the matter of the flesh is an unfocused mind.” She preaches.
“Oh please, you sound like Ba’kif…” You drawl.
“We reached your cabin.” She informs you.
Oh yes, indeed you did. You’re so wasted you didn’t realize it. She carries you to your bed where you fall without any grace. You grasp her arm when she rises back to leave.
“Say, what do you think about… unfocusing with me tonight?” You ask.
“(Y/n), you’re drunk.” She responds sternly, lifting your legs to push them on the bed.
“Come on, Lani… For one night you can forget the rules.” You look at your friend with a little devious smile
“That has nothing to do with that, you cannot consent in your state, so lay down and sleep.” She retorts.
You purse your lips before jumping at her throat, circling her neck and forcing her to fall on you.
“Junior Captain!” She shouts indignant.
“Admiral.” You grin, burying your nose in her neck.
When was the last time you spent the night with a beautiful woman? Too much time and your timer ran out, you want sweet company for the night.
“Stay a bit.” You propose, “Just a hug.” You squeeze her.
She sighs, annoyed, before giving it.
“Alright, one hug and then you’ll release me.” She groans.
You don’t buy her act. You know how muscular she truly is, you had the occasion to admire her train at the Gym. If she truly wanted you off of her she could send you flying against the wall like you were nothing. 
And honestly that is so hot of her!
But she didn’t try to take your hands off her.
In fact you feel her hands sneaking under your back to embrace you tighter. You smile, nose in her hair, she smells absolutely ravishing! You inhale her scent deep into your lungs with so much joy.
What a woman!
You feel her lips kissing your neck softly, like butterflies. You start purring, entangling your legs.
“Do not crease my uniform.” She orders sternly.
“You never drop the act of the Admiral, do you Lani?” You laugh out loud.
“I have to keep my troops on the right path and correct the ungimbaled lasers.”
“I am a ungimbaled laser to you?” You grin.
“Yes. You try your best to distract me all day long.”
“Oh come on, it’s not that horrible.”
“I should send you to a court martial, maybe you will finally learn manners.”
In fact she should have done that ages ago, but she is strangely permissive with you. You actually suspect her to have a soft spot for you.
“Sorry, I have been bad.” You enthusiastically kiss her cheek.
“Real bad.” She growls, “I will not tolerate it anymore, Junior Captain.”
You bite your lips, thinking back at all the little pranks you’ve done on the Nightdragon ship, at the great dam of Ar’alani and the joy of Wutroow. You wouldn’t mind getting punished by her, she has the charismatic authority to make it enticing and… exciting!
“What will you do to me?” You can’t help but tease.
“Engage a disciplinary proceeding and finally talk some sense into you!” She pinches your cheek.
“And if I change my ways, will I get a reward?”
“Uprightness is its own reward.” She retorts, haughty.
You wince.
“Oh come on! Not even a little kiss?”
She considers you silently with a serious gaze, gauging you up and down before flashing you a satisfied smile.
“If you find the right path back, you will have more than a kiss.”
And finally, she lowers herself to kiss you languorously, robbing each other of air. You moan against her mouth and hear her purr starting. You squeeze each other tight, pressed on this single bed, you brush your cheeks together and you feel yourself dozing off with how relaxed you are.
She sighs, satisfied, her finger drawing sweet circles on your cheek.
She stayed the whole night. 
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inspired-by-the-music · 9 months
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Sudden Rain, Chapter 4
Kyungsoo's POV
Chanyeol stood beside me in the corner of Eunbi’s birthday party and whispered, “They’re over. Maybe they never really started.” At least I think he tried to whisper. Chanyeol’s whisper was about as loud as everyone else’s indoor voice. 
Everybody was too engrossed in their conversations to hear Chanyeol. If anyone had turned at his voice, they would have caught us staring at Eunbi and the man at her side. Because of Ms. Oh’s frequent kisses on his cheeks, I assumed the man was Sehun. 
It seemed out of place for me to discuss Eunbi’s relationship with her brother, but I couldn’t keep myself from asking, “What happened between them?”
“Who knows?” Chanyeol took a sip of his drink. It looked like a glass of Scotch, but I suspected it was actually a glass of apple juice. “From what I’ve gathered, she ended the romantic part of their relationship, but he really shattered things.” 
From where I stood, nothing looked shattered. Since he arrived, Sehun hadn’t looked away from Eunbi. He sat beside her at the table with his arm resting on the back of her chair. While the rest of the party shouted, the two of them spoke in whispers and giggles. 
I asked, “What do you mean?”
“They never seemed all that broken up to me,” Chanyeol said, “but they must have been. Sehun started seeing somebody else. For some reason, he was in a rush to get married to her. I guess that didn’t work out, though.”
“Sehun is divorced?” I couldn’t quite believe it. Maybe his divorce was a distant memory, and that’s why he could laugh like that. 
Chanyeol nodded. “Pretty much. He’s waiting for it to be officially finalized.” 
“What about Eunbi?” I said without thinking. “Is she waiting too?” 
Chanyeol studied me. All signs of mischief vanished from his face. “I don’t think she’s holding her breath or anything,” he said hesitantly. “Look, I don’t think she ever thought that there were other options. Until you showed up, I don’t think she knew that there was any man other than Sehun.” 
Across the room, Eunbi smiled at Sehun. Her smile made me smile enough to say, “They seem happy together.” 
“You didn’t try to sleep in the room above hers when she found out he decided to marry somebody else,” Chanyeol told me. “You didn’t hear her cry herself to sleep. You didn’t watch her force a smile for his wedding pictures. You didn’t pace the floor while she stayed up crying with him when his wife left.” 
I could have warned Chanyeol that he was practically yelling. I could have reminded him that I was an innocent bystander. It was obvious that he had been repressing his feelings, likely for his sister’s sake. It seemed better for him to unpack his emotions with me instead of unloading them onto Eunbi or Sehun. 
“My sister is a good person,” Chanyeol sighed, “and she doesn’t deserve to be with somebody who can make her cry like that.” 
It occurred to me that Eunbi cried for Sehun because she loved him. Heartache and tears are inevitable in life. Suffering is inevitable in love. It’s rare to muster the strength to laugh out loud with whoever broke your heart. I admired Eunbi’s strength. 
“Your sister is a good person,” I said, “and she deserves to be with somebody who can make her laugh like that.” 
Chanyeol didn’t respond. He took a long sip from his drink. 
. . . 
“Happy birthday,” I told Eunbi when I found her alone in the kitchen. I gave her the letter I cut out of my notebook. 
“Kyungsoo!” She dropped her half-eaten strawberry cake onto the counter and threw her arms around me. I didn’t know how to react. I must have stiffened in her arms. She let go of me and apologized. “I’m sorry. I just—I didn’t see you. I thought you left to catch your flight.” 
“I’ve been told that I’m a bit of a wallflower,” I said. “Let’s make a deal. I won’t leave for my flight without saying goodbye to you first.” 
“Alright.” Eunbi extended her pinky and held it out toward me. “Let’s promise.”
I extended my pinky and wrapped it around hers. I promised. 
Eunbi held the envelope up to the light and asked, “What’s in this?”
I shrugged. “Open it and find out.” 
“It better not be a ticket to Rome,” she said, eyeing me suspiciously. 
I started to repeat “Open it and find out,” but her glare cut me short. Instead, I said, “It’s not. Just go ahead and open it.”
After tearing through the envelope, she said, “Actually, I have a better idea. Follow me.” She reached for my hand, but she didn’t grab it. 
She led me through the back door and into a greenhouse filled with flowers, primarily types of roses. She sat on a bench positioned between the patches of red and white roses and gestured for me to sit beside her. Holding the letter out to me, she asked, “Can you read this to me?”
“Oh.” I took the letter into my hands. “Are you sure?” My face was already burning. 
“Please,” she said, “if you don’t mind.”
Through the glass ceiling, I watched the storm clouds nearing us. If I wanted to finish before the darkness caught up to us, I had to start reading. 
So, I started. I initially intended to pause after each paragraph to ask for his opinion. Once I started, though, I was too bashful to look up from my handwriting. The portrait of her that I had painted in my mind made me blush enough. I couldn’t imagine how I would react to the real her beside me. 
After I finished reading, we sat together in silence. I gripped the paper lightly to avoid leaving any marks. My grip tightened when Eunbi wrapped her hand around my left wrist. Her fingers were cold and slender. 
“You’re being serious, aren’t you?” She asked softly. 
Avoiding her eyes, I nodded. I found my voice to say, “I was being serious earlier too. I don’t know if or when it would be possible, but I’m truly looking forward to our Roman holiday.” 
When I gathered the nerve to look up, Eunbi was offering me a gentle smile. She held out her extended pinky. “Alright,” she said. “Let’s promise.”
I extended my pinky and wrapped it around hers. I promised. 
After I returned her letter, she asked, “Have you been to the Trevi fountain?”
I nodded. “It’s very beautiful. I make it a point to see it whenever I’m in Rome.” 
Smiling, she asked, “How many coins do you typically throw?”
Blushing, I admitted, “I think I threw two the last time I was there.” 
“Not three?” Her laugh told me that she was joking. 
I tried to laugh along. “Marriage didn’t work out for me. I don’t plan to try it again.” 
“Oh,” Eunbi whispered. I thought I had killed the conversation until she said, “I’m sorry, Kyungsoo. I had no idea.” 
“That’s okay,” I told her. I actually believed it. “It’s not something I usually talk about.” 
She asked, “Do you want to?”
After thinking about it, I shook my head. “I don’t think I need to either.” I smiled. 
Eunbi smiled back as she said, “Okay.” 
“Are you having a happy birthday?” I asked. Nudging her ribs, I added, “You looked like you were while talking to Sehun!”
“Yuck!” Playfully, she swatted me away. “You sound exactly like Chanyeol! You’ll have to start hanging out with me instead of him if he’s going to have this much of an influence on you.” We laughed, and she told me, “I’m having a very happy birthday. I’m happy you found me.”
Normally I would have let such a moment pass with a half-smile and a nod, but it seemed important that she should know, “I am too.” 
I seemed to have caught her off guard. Through a trembling smile, she said, “I’m really going to miss you when you leave.” She laughed at herself. “Isn’t that a weird thing to say? We’ve only just met.”
“Maybe it’s weird,” I shrugged, “but I’m going to miss you too.”
I didn’t know how to explain how I felt. Eunbi was an unexpected gift in my life. She was the fastest friend I had ever made. Before I knew her, maybe I hadn’t known anybody who could accept me exactly as I was. Before I knew her, maybe I hadn’t put enough effort into healing the wounds Soo-Ah left on every part of me. Just being near her and getting to exist as myself—present tense, with all of my uncertainties—was enough to melt that block of ice in my chest. 
I didn’t know how to explain how I felt, so I hoped she understood from my willingness to sit with her as the storm clouds surrounded us. 
We stayed in the greenhouse as the darkness rolled in. After a clap of thunder, she wrapped her hand around mine and said, “I can’t see.” 
I told her, “I can’t either.” 
Chanyeol came to our rescue. He swung the back door open and yelled, “Get in here! Have you two lost your minds?”
We laughed our way back inside. We let go of each other. Now I can’t remember who let go first. Maybe I’ve tried hard to forget. 
. . .
The next few days passed by peacefully. During lulls in the storm, I helped Chanyeol clear debris from the driveway. I checked in with Eunbi to develop our plans to visit every place on her dream list. One day, I even convinced Ms. Park to let me cook lunch. 
“I don’t know the first thing about cooking,” Eunbi said when I knocked on her door to ask for her help. 
“You don’t have to know anything,” I assured her. “I’ll tell you exactly what to do.” 
I didn’t know how to tell her that I only asked because I wanted more time with her. She didn’t make me explain. With that little bit of convincing, she followed me to the kitchen. 
I trusted her with simple tasks like “rinse that” or “cut this.” I knew that she was capable of more, but her movements were stiff. Instead of scaring her away with unfamiliarity, I tried to build her confidence through repetition. 
“Has anyone taught you how to cook?” I asked. 
Eunbi shook her head. “Grandma has tried to teach me a few times over the years, but Chanyeol always intervenes. He says cooking with Grandma is his special thing and I ‘shouldn’t encroach on his territory.’”
I laughed at her air quotes. “That’s silly.”
“Yeah, well,” she laughed, “that’s Chanyeol.” 
Loudly, Chanyeol cleared his throat. Standing in the doorway, he said, “You know I hate to interrupt, but someone’s calling for you, Kyungsoo. It’s somebody named Junmyeon.” 
I wrinkled my forehead and huffed, “Can he wait?”
“Don’t start thinking I’m your secretary,” Chanyeol warned. “He said it’s urgent, and he sounded like he meant it.”
I washed my hands and dried them on my apron before taking the phone from Chanyeol. 
“Is everything okay?” I asked on my way to my room. 
“I’m in a very important meeting,” Junmyeon said quickly, “and I’ve been asked about your manuscript. Give me a brief synopsis.” 
“A—what?” I stuttered as I sat at my desk. 
“A synopsis,” Junmyeon repeated. “What’s your manuscript about?”
“Oh.” Miraculously, I had written several pages every night after everybody in the inn went to sleep. I flipped through my notebook for details. Most of the pages were filled with descriptions of my conversations with Eunbi. There were too many things I couldn’t risk forgetting after we parted ways.
“Kyungsoo?” Junmyeon asked, “Can you hear me?”
“It’s not a romantic love story,” I blurted. I closed my notebook and my eyes. “The main characters meet through a series of mishaps. The male lead is divorced and uninterested in love. The female lead is a younger idealistic artist confined to her small hometown despite her wanderlust.”
“Wait, back up.” I faintly heard Junmyeon’s pen scratching against his paper. “DId you say it’s not a romantic love story?”
I squirmed and answered, “That’s correct.” 
“What does that mean?” Junmyeon had a talent for making his frowns audible. “Are they not in love?”
“Maybe.” I continued to squirm. “I think he’s probably in love with her, but I don’t think she’s in love with him. She may still be in love with somebody else.” 
“You think? You don’t think? She may?” Junmyeon laughed hollowly. “You’re using unusual phrases. You’re writing the story. How can you not tell who’s in love?”
I explained, “It’s just not that kind of story!” I took a deep breath and continued, “He might be in love with her, but that’s not the point. She represents a retreat from his everyday life. Throughout their interactions, he knows that they will soon part ways. She knows that too. The point—the point, I suppose, is that they are better for having met.”
Junmyeon fell silent. Then, gently, he asked, “So they don’t end up together?”
I couldn’t bring myself to say ‘No.’ I swallowed the lump in my throat and said, “I don’t see how they can.”
“Be honest,” Junmyeons started, “are you okay?”
I said, “What?” He hadn’t asked me that in months. 
“You’ve been writing novels for ten years. In every one of those books, your couple has a happy ending,” he observed. “You’re writing this tragic story so soon after your divorce. I’m worried about you.” 
“Oh.” I suppose I smiled because it was a relieve to hear the voice of my friend instead of the voice of my agent. “I don’t think of this story as a tragedy. I’m okay.” 
Junmyeon asked, “Are you sure?”
“I am,” I swore. “Thank you for asking.”
“Thank—” Junmyeon choked. My gratitude caught him by surprise. I didn’t usually say things like that. “You’re welcome, Kyungsoo.” 
“Do you need any more information about the mansucript?” I said, “It’s still a work in progress, so the details haven’t fully come together yet.” 
“You’ve given me enough for now,” he said. “How’s the weather?”
“It’s improving,” I reluctantly admitted. “I’ll be able to fly out soon.” 
“Good.” Junmyeon released a sigh of relief. “Just hang in there, Kyungsoo.”
Just hang in there, Kyungsoo. I repeated that to myself throughout dinner as I watched Eunbi trace the cracks in her mother’s vase. 
. . . 
After dinner, I found a piece of paper sticking out of the floor. On one side of the page was a penned sketch of the painting hanging in my room. The sketch wasn’t as colorful as the finished painting, but I liked it that way. I could fill in the colors with my own imagination, with my own memories. On the other side of the page was a note: 
I’ll never be brave enough to tell you, so I’ll have to write you. I drew this when I read your first book. I was only fourteen, so this isn’t my best work. Even though I’ll never be brave enough to tell you, I want you to know that you were an inspiration to me long before I met you. It seems more urgent than ever for me to let you know since we must almost be out of time. 
I’ve been thinking about the way you looked at me when I asked, “Are you happy?” I hope your answer now is something a little closer to “yes.” It’s probably selfish for me to wish I have something to do with that almost-yes. I wish for it anyway. 
I’m so happy we met!
P.S., Thank you for inviting me to cook with you. 
I tore a page from my notebook and wrote: 
Don’t be startled if you come across a book that seems eerily similar to our circumstances. It’s no exaggeration for me to say that you’ve become an inspiration for me. Maybe someday I’ll learn the words to describe the gift of having gotten to know you. We’re at the beginning and the end all at once. Maybe I feel like I’ve known you all my life. Maybe it’s more accurate to say that I wish I had known you all my life. I remember the days before I met you; they are different from the days of knowing you. Maybe I never want this storm to pass because I’m afraid to face the days after knowing you. Isn’t that a weird thing to write? We’ve only just met!
I passed the note through the floor. She wrote back a few minutes later: “Is this your good-bye?”
It wasn’t quite good-bye, but it almost was.
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won4ver · 3 months
I kinda like or there this magnet/pull with exploring stuffs that can provoke pain. [It has a trigger warning so I kinda had an idea what I was diving into] This is a little bit oversharing[sorry to even bring this in your inbox]. But I lost a loved one 14 years ago, I'm fine now but from time to time I miss the person and cry cause I feel guilty that i'm growing and living life. Somehow starting to forget the person. Its painful but also comforting to read something from the perspective of the grieving with an honest confession of grief. Death is one grim concept or idea but it hits different when we feel the loss ourselves. We usually outgrow the pain, thou it does not go away permanently. I never got to properly mourn this pain so maybe thats why it always feel fresh, but I know that our love ones would love for us to go on and live our lives whenever were ready. You've written it beautifully. There are a lot of good writters, but I simply think not all can convey emotion or make people feel. Your writting has brought me in a dimension as if I was the character in your work and I think thats incredible of you. I hope that you are showered with all the positive things in the world, to always have the heart for writting as your talent is beautiful. Thank you for writting this and for writting. [I'm talking about words left unsaid btw. Jake one was my favorite out of all.]
You dont have to respond to this. [I feel embarassed, but really want to compliment you. Thats all 💕💕💕
hi!! thank you so much for feeling comfortable enough to share this with me💗
it’s hard to live without someone who you weren’t prepared to lose yet, the guilt following you as you were able to get older knowing that they’d remain the same age forever. and i agree, being able to let go, to countinue living, is something that anyone would’ve wished for. just because their life ended, doesn’t mean yours did.
the strength of yourself and everyone who goes through this pain is super admirable, truly.
it’s inevitable to not miss someone whenever you randomly see something that reminds you of them, or when you think about the opportunities you were graced with. but even just thinking about them keeps their memory alive, they’re going through this with you.
but even if you start forgetting their voice, their touch, anything, it doesn’t mean that you’re losing them all over again. they’ll always be kept alive in everyone’s memories, even if the they become stored behind the countless others you’d make in your life.
mourning comes in so many ways, there’s no textbook way that depreciates how we should react/ get over the loss of someone close to us. everyone’s body is unique, reacting and dealing with the pain for different durations of time and in different ways.
growing up my dad always told me about what he thinks happens to use when we die, where we would go. he stares longingly towards any forest in our path, any weed that blooms in our garden. he tells us about how we’re made up of energy, energy that can never be destroyed. he believes that while our soul goes to the afterlife, our energy vibrates with the one of nature. he told me that when he dies, don’t look for him because he’d be everywhere. he’d be in the air that we breathe, in the water that we drink, in the grass that returns every spring.
even if i’d never be ready to let him go, i find comfort in knowing that when the time came, he’d finally reunite with the flowers that wait for him. even if i forgot his voice, id hear him during the windy nights, id see him in the fallen leaves as the seasons change once again.
i’m not sure if what i’m saying is even comforting anyone, i’m not the best at expressing my genuine thoughts. but i hope when you read this, it can bring you some sort of relief.
thank you so much for your kind words, it makes me feel so special knowing you’d come here and shared them with me. i hope to get better at writing in the future, but right now your words make me feel as if i’m going through the right track.
you’re so inspiring, i hope you also have everything good come to you. you deserve all the happiness and love in the world :)
thank you again for trusting me enough to tell me this, my page will always be a safe space to say whatever you’d like.
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therewasatale · 1 year
On Ao3.
Summary: A marine and a pirate get stuck together inside a cave. 
The last falling pieces of rock hit the narrow lake with a thump or just a small splash, reaching towards the rocks. The sounds echoed in the depths of the cave. Everything around them was consumed by the sudden darkness.
"Shit." Roger spoke in a strangely normal volume and tone, and yet his voice still felt like a shout as his words bounced around the ageless walls of rock. "Hey, you all right, Garp?"
The explosion was still ringing deep inside the marine's skull, and even as his ears cleared, his body required his full attention. His fresh injuries throbbed; his legs, head and side also protesting that he need to visit the doctor's room again as soon as possible. Yet of these, his legs were in the worst shape. Both of his feet and legs felt numb and yet somehow filled with heat.
"Garp?" The Pirate King's voice sounded unnaturally worried.
The marine didn't answer, instead he gathered all his strength, strained, and tried to move one of his legs. The weight eased a little, but suddenly something pushed more onto his knees.
"Ow-ow-ow, stop! Don't move!"
He finally felt the weight on his body and realised what it was. "Roger?"
"So, you're all right? I know some tiny rock wouldn't just knock you out." There was again, his always wide grin in his voice.
"Get off me."
The pirate coughed a little. "That won't work now."
Garp, after a bit of wriggling, felt the leg between his, then the two arms at his side.
"What do you mean it won't work?"
Their conversation was interrupted by muffled shouts.
"Vice-admiral! Can you hear us?!"
After a moment of silence, Roger answered. "We're fine! Stuck, but fine!"
There was a pondering silence. "Should we beat them up and then get you out?!" Asked Rayleigh, waiting for orders.
"Don't you dare hurt my men!" Garp reacted instantly, though the sharp pain forced him to squint his eyes despite the darkness. It was too early to shout.
"You heard Garp!" Roger spoke again with a grin in his voice. "Get us out of here and we can continue our fight!"
"Get us out of here!" Garp could almost feel the pirate watching him with a grin in the darkness. "Bogard, don't let them run or do anything until I got out!"
The captain didn't answer, not that he would. Over the years, he followed the vice-admiral without a word and carried out his every order to the letter.
"There," Roger chuckled, "and now we wait."
"Stop grinning, it was your fault we ended up here." The marine rolled his eyes.
"What?" Roger sounded almost hurt. "Was it my fault the cave entrance collapsed?" He only needed to think for a second. "Maybe. But just because I'm strong, and also I saved your life! Be nice with your hero."
Garp scoffed, and it echoed on the rocks around them again. "You didn't do anything! You just tackled me into the ground, and now we're stuck here!"
"That rock could have fallen on you!"
"So instead, YOU did!"
Roger let out an honest laugh, it rang between the walls and made its way up Garp's spine to his heart.
The marine was actually grateful for the darkness, so the pirate couldn't see the slight blush under his eyes. The Pirate King's laughter always had this effect on him, no matter how much he tried to supress it. His heart always skipped a beat when he heard it.
"Well, either way we're stuck for now."
"With that observation ability you should have become a marine." The world where Gol D. Roger became an admiral flashed before Garp's eyes for a moment. The thought horrified and fascinated him at the same time.
"And you're becoming more and more like us pirates." Roger chuckled.
"Shut up. It would have been better if you’d let the damn rock fall on me."
"And let my rival die? Never!"
"Now because of your brilliant idea we both got stuck here right now."
Roger cleared his throat, and with great observation said, "you shouldn't have used haki in a closed place."
"You used it too just as much!"
The marine was able to feel Roger grinning at him.
"Stop grinning, and I've already told you to shut up!" Garp lowered his head back to the cold rocks.
"As you wish," the pirate chuckled.
But of course, the silence didn't stay long, it never did when Roger was around.
Garp's body took advantage of the momentary lull and again reminded the marine to conserve his strength. His leg must have been broken in some way or other, and so were at least two of his ribs, and a lot of his other bones were either crushed or cracked too. Just like every single time he faced Roger.
It wasn't the first time that his lip was split open, that the bones in his fist were crushed, and that he exhausted himself fully by using haki. And of course, in most cases, something or someone ended their fight before the conclusion. A sudden storm, uninvited reinforcements, or a collapsing cave.
In the back of Garp's mind, these thoughts began to be swept aside by a completely different feeling. A realization that he tried very hard to suppress, and which regardless of this, he waited patiently.
He blinked slowly into the darkness of the cave. Now that his vision did not distract him, all his other senses were sharpened. He didn't even need Haki.
Roger was leaning over him, mere inches away.
He could clearly feel his arms resting at his sides, as well as the material of his dark coat weighing down there. Their waists almost touched as their legs pressed against each other.
By the end of the thought, Garp could hear his own heartbeat in his ears.
"If Sengoku would see us, he'd be having a stroke right now." Roger laughed into the darkness.
"If Sengoku would see us and would be here, he would have gotten me out of here a long time ago."
"No, he wouldn't." The answer was annoyingly honest. And true.
"Shut up."
Roger's laughter echoed around them and Garp felt the warmth spread across his face again.
"You don't have to say it, I know I'm right."
"I feel like I told you to be quiet. But of course, it's impossible for you."
"I'm trying my best here. My legs are actually hurt, y'know?"
"Oh, how sad. Maybe if didn't collapse the god’s damn mountain on us-"
Roger interrupted with a yawn, "I'm getting tired."
"They're about to dig us out." Garp kept his voice under control as best he could. He really shouldn't be in a position like this, not with a gods damn pirate, and definitely not with gods damn Gol D. Roger.
"You don't know that. They're working on it, but-"
"You've smashed fleets everywhere you went on the world. You can keep yourself upright for a while, Roger."
Garp felt his chest grow heavy as the pirate laid on top of him. His thick black hair reached up to his chin.
"Wake me up when they finally got us out." Roger snuggled slightly closer to him.
"If you fall asleep on me, I swear to whatever god out there I'll tear down your ridiculous moustache from your face!"
With a gasp, Roger raised his head. "You're truly are a despicable marine, no shame or honour at all."
Garp rolled his eyes, and swallowed back the chuckle with a scoff. "Just shut it, and do what you want. At least we can capture you without too much trouble, if you're sleeping."
The Pirate King lowered his head with a chuckle.
"No, you won't. You want to capture me in a fair fight, so right now I'm safe." He let out a yawn again. "I know, I can trust you." With each breath he became more relaxed, his shoulders dropped, his hands stretched out at Garp's sides.
The darkness was heavy, but the noise of the digging work could be heard beyond the rocks. Marines and pirates were stacking rocks as they tried to figure out how to move the big one without causing another collapse. Work progressed, but slowly.
The temperature in the cave began to cool slowly. Somewhere another small rock fell and disturbed the surface of the water.
Garp could feel the chill running through him, but thanks to Roger he wasn't completely cold. The pirate's coat hung down just enough to keep him somewhat warm.
"Idiot." The marine's voice was barely audible, the fatigue and the draining of the adrenaline slowly took its toll on him too. Blinking slowly trying to keep him awake, he saw only darkness, and trying to pay attention to the noises outside was also in vain, Roger's slow breathing was equivalent to a sleeping pill.
After a while, he didn't even try to keep his eyes open.
After a while, his thoughts stopped getting in the way and he only paid attention to the warmth.
After a while, he fell asleep, his breathing still in rhythm with that of his sleeping rival.
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linkspooky · 2 years
Hello again! It’s me! The one who asked a bunched of questions about your Werewolf fic!
Thank you for answering them! It really did clears things up for me!
I actually got a few of more question actually, since I sort of forgot to ask them last time. (Although, that ask was getting long enough so maybe it was a blessing?)
Anyway, my first question is that, Mai mentioned how Maki killed the Hei man in order to protect, but it seems like it was the Hei man that took Maki alone and then Maki killed him out of self defense. Am I missing some subtle context? Or was there a sinister motive behind the Hei man?
Second question is that since Mai went solo by going to Ito Rie’s house, does that mean that Shoko, Maki, and Nobara were back at the hotel? What were they doing during that time? I was surprised that Mai was able to go solo since Nobara would probably be up in Mai’s head since she would think Mai is slacking off again or something.
Third question, since the “Faceless Maki” is actually a shadow cursed spirit that Mai manifested what grade would it be? It seem to be pretty intelligent (seems to be a bit full of it self, which I love. cute quirky little curse). So would you say it to be above Grade 1? And how long ago did this curse started to manifest?
Last one. I doubt you would be able to write anytime soon since writing takes a while, and life stuff happens. But I do wonder if you have a vague idea when you going to write the epilogue and the sequel?
Oh! But do take your time tho! Self care is waaaaay more important! I just want have a general idea out of curiosity. You don’t have to answer it if you don’t wanna.
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Hello, don’t worry about sending me asks about my fics I love to talk about them so I can answer these all day long! Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts with me.
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Okay, so I answered.this question a little bit [here already], but let’s say there are darker implications on the kind of abuse women face in the Zenin clan. 
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My intention when writing that scene was basically to show the two ways that Maki and Mai display their victimhood, Mai tends to be entirely passive she endures what she has been through and then bottles it all up deep down inside of her. Maki has always fought back and retaliated with violence. 
It was also to show the way they reacted to what essentially is similar abuse in the Zenin clan is so different, and also the way they show concern for one another is different. More or less what happened in that scene which I left to an implication because I didn’t want to be gratuitious about it is that a man who was a member of the Hei squad, later went on to try to abuse Maki in the same way. However, in this case Maki snapped and murdered him because Maki fights back and Mai endures. 
Afterwards, Mai discovers Maki with the body and helps her twin sister who has just committed a murder hide the body so Maki won’t get into even more trouble with their family than she already is. Mai perceives Maki’s violence as the way Maki both protects herself, and her. Which makes sense because Maki has assumed the role of the stronger one and the protector ever since they were children and Mai was scared to look at the cursed spirits that Mai couldn’t see so Maki held her hand and promised to never abandon her.
 Mai has much more complicated feelings about her sister that she shows on the surface, and also admires Maki in a way and sees Maki as the stronger one and so she saw Maki’s action as killing the same person who abused Mai as protecting her. We don’t really see Maki’s perspective in this flashback so we don’t know exactly what happened, did Maki kill this man because she knew what happened to Mai, or did she just snap and kill him out of self defense b/c Maki cannot take the abuse that the Zenin continually heaps on her without reaching a breaking point and lashing out with violent retribution. 
For Mai there’s admiration for her sister’s strength and also a sense of inferiority and envy because she believes herself to be “lesser” because she doesn’t fight back, she endures instead, however in that scene after Maki snapped and killed a man the one who helped her hide the body was Mai, and Mai has always tried to be there for her sister in her own way. 
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Okay, so it’s still fair you’re confused by this because I didn’t transition between the scenes too well. IT’s a bit difficult in a limited perspective to keep track of where everyone is, but you know I could have done a better job as well because what is clear in my head isn’t always clear what I write. 
Basically, from the start Mai has announced her intention to slack off and not attempt to do anything helpful for the Jujutsu Mission, and like she did sneak out to go drinking so like she’s already shown Noara once that she fully intends to goof off on the mission. 
Shoko, Maki and Nobara are all taking the mission seriously and attempting to search the area for the cursed spirit to fight, and they are investigating in a more standard way, they are probably properly following whatever Shoko’s instructions are on what to do next.
 Umm, one idea for a scene that I had that ended up getting cut was that Shoko after finding out that Maki killed an innocent girl by accident was going to have to give the body back to the parents of that girl and also come up with a lie as to why that girl died. And Maki was with her for that and tried to explain to the mother what happened to her daughter. 
Nobara has been following Mai around constantly through the fic. However, I think after the whole ordeal of both burying the body of the girl Maki killed on accident and then kissing Mai while they had a corpse in the truck was something Nobara needed to take some time to herself to sort through her thoughts. We didn’t really get to see that but basically, in the epilogue chapter there’s a scene planned that shows Nobara and Mai still aren’t really communicating. Basically, they both agree not to talk about the kiss, and that they don’t like each other, b/c Nobara just doesn’t really want to think about it, the everything that happened, her new perspective on Maki as someone violent, her seeing a more positive side of Mai both of them are like shaking Nobara’s foundations and Nobara is pretty fixed in their beliefs. Basically, they agree they don’t like each other, and then say the kiss is a mistake and will never happen again. And then they kiss again. Like idiots. Therefore ending it on a cliffhanger. 
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Faceless Maki / MAi is a shadow cursed spirit that Mai manifested. I can actually give you a bunch more lore I thought of for her, since she’s going to be important in the planned sequel to the fic. 
Her name is Mai Mai. Or Maiko. Or Not-Mai. 
Not-Mai is the most common one she uses. The rest are just silly names she came up with for herself. She is the cursed spirit who is Not-Mai. She’s based off of the legend of doppelgangers, another version of yourself who will hunt you down and then replace you, however rather than disliking Mai she likes her and therefore rather than malevolent her intentions are more positive. 
She is essentially Mai’s jungian shadow who is made up of the repressed parts of Mai’s personality, she messes with Mai’s head a little bit, she makes Mai question herself because she is the unconscoius part of Mai’s mind that is made up of everything Mai won’t acknowledge and because Mai is an incredibly repressed individual as she endures rather than fight back, all of those repressed thoughts and feelings have to go somewhere. However, Mai’s shadow doesn’t hate her, for two reasons, the shadow isn’t the evil side of yourself, it’s just made of the thoughts and feelings you don’t acknowledge. You can never get rid of your shadow, you can only accept it and work with it. The second is that as negative as Mai is about herself, Mai is also a very loving person, in canon itself her love for Mai is extremely selfless cultivating in her going back to the Zenin House for the sake of Maki when she is a much weaker person who had no hope of fighting back, and also giving her life for her. Mai is a person capable of loving, and who wants to be loved in return, so therefore the cursed spirit that Mai created doesn’t hate her because even at her deepest most repressed self Mai isn’t a hateful person. 
It’s kind of like the duality of self-loathing, and a desire for self-love that is the conflict that makes up Mai’s character arc. You have to actively work through feelings of self-loathing before you can reach self acceptance. 
Her shadow is a grade one cursed spirit around the same level of power as Choso. However, her power doesn’t lie really in physical battles her real talent is hiding in people’s shadows and watching through their eyes. She’s a spirit of deception and camouflage rather than physical prowess, matching the doppelganger myth. But she is abovet Grade One due to her sentience. She doesn’t technically have to be in Mai’s shadow, she could jump to Maki’s shadow, to Nobara’s shadow if she really really wanted to, she just likes Mai the most. 
She could be a lot stronger, she could use a version of Mai’s cursed technique because she is a copy of Mai (basically two abilities: scan where she hides in someone’s shadow and observes, and second: create where she copies someone. She is an exact copy of Mai. She could theoretically be a copy of someone else, but she would lose her current dientity as a copy of Mai. She wants to stay Mai so she doesn’t change.) She COULD theoretically use Mai’s cursed technique, but she would have to consume a lot of Mai’s cursed energy to do so, or even potentially eat Mai. She has reserves of cursed energy that are higher than Mai’s and can use RCT right now due to her nature as a pure cursed technique, but her refusal to take any real cursed energy from Mai means she spends most of her time hiding with weak reserves of cursed energy. 
She was created a year ago when Mai first signed up for the Jujutsu Academy in Kyoto, because of Mai’s desire to be more like Maki, plus the pressure she forced from her clan to become a jujutsu sorcerer now that Mai was one. 
I have specific worldbuilding lore about how she was created but that’s in another fic. All of my JJK fics exist in generally the same continuity and sometimes they reference each other by having ocs from other fics show up. If you’re curious about that it’s called “Exponential Growth”. 
For your last question, basically I can only work on one fanfic project at a time otherwise my brain breaks. ANd when I start one I work on it until completion. The fic I’m writing on right now is a teen titans fanfic called “Things Fall Apart”, basically I’m 5/6ths of the way done with the first draft, and once I was finished with the entire first draft of the story I was going back to write the epilogue. 
I have two fics planned for the sequel, the first is a YutaMaki fic where they go to Hakari’s fighting arena on a mission, the second is a rewrite of the Zenin Family Massacre arc where Mai doesn’t die. 
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ifhehadbeenwithmeblog · 6 months
Pages 202-269
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The phone light illuminating in the dark caught Autumn’s attention in the middle of the night, a call from Finny. I wondered what this call could possibly be. If he was lying awake at night thinking about Autumn, how things might’ve turned out if they hadn’t become so distant, or if he needed advice about Sylvie. But I was immediately downplayed when it was a prank call from his friends at a party. How Autumn reacted when the phone call was over captivated me: “The phone drops to the floor, and I roll over and bury my face into my pillow. The ache in my chest pounds and hums with my heart. When was the last time his voice was in this room with me, in the dark? A deluge of memories hits me. Us, such small children, sleeping curled together like baby rabbits. Older, we whisper secrets to each other at night. We place fingers over each other’s lips to stifle our giggles. Our despair when the Mothers said we were too old to sleep in the same bed. Finny signaling me with a flashlight from his window, and me taking the cup and string to my ear, “Can you hear me?” To me, I felt as if her feelings for Finny were overbearing. A playful prank call turned into late night melancholy reminiscing, a memory reel of their childhood, real, raw feelings expressed. I perceived Autumn as a yearner for the past, but just for Finny. At this rate, she’d never actually stop thinking about him despite her two years spent with Jamie. She’s in love with Finny but wouldn’t tell a soul, longing for Finny is a secret meant to be kept in the dark.
The next day, Autumn faces a moral dilemma regarding taking the next step in her relationship with Jamie. He wants to lose his virginity to her and reassures her that it’ll be okay because they’re in love, but Autumn refuses. In fact, she says “He could have just asked me if I wanted to go on the roof to fly. He could have suggested that we drive to the airport, right now, and buy two tickets to Paris. It’s not that I don’t like the idea; it’s just not possible.” The idea that Autumn would rather take extreme, impulsive measures instead of allowing Jamie’s intimacy into her life revealed to me that she isn’t ready for that level with Jamie. I agree with her in this case, because it wouldn’t feel fair to Jamie if they became soultied to each other while she ruminates over her never-ending infatuation with Finny. It’s not ethical to move further into a relationship when you think of another person in the dark, in the most vulnerable state.
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On top of the relationship drama and dilemmas, Autumn’s family situation is another challenge added to her plate. Despite the fact her parents were never together, they are filing for a divorce, and her mother’s mental health is taking a steep decline as she stays in the hospital again. As her mother softly sobs, Aunt Angelina comforts her by stroking her hair and telling her she loves her. Autumn finds comfort in Aunt Angelina being in their lives this way, she’s always there in vulnerable times. “They’ve loved each other nearly their whole lives, yet are not in love. They are passionate and devoted. They are bound to and balanced by each other–the outer chaos of Angelina’s life and my mother’s inner darkness, Angelina’s strength and my mother’s will.” The difference between being in love and loving someone comes from the differentiation of emotional intimacy. Aunt Angelina feels an indefinite care and affection toward Autumn’s mother as a best friend, a companion, a sister. They are partners for life, because this is the kind of love we need to function. Having others to confide and believe in adds meaning and emotional significance in our lives, I admire the everlasting friendship Aunt Angelina and Autumn’s mother have. I know Finny and Autumn are no different, just two kids who lack communication skills but are meant to be in each other’s lives indefinitely.
Threshold: a level, point, or value above which something is true or will take place and below which it is not or will not.
Discernible:  able to be perceived by a sense (such as sight or smell) or by the mind
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