#I love watching shows and being like that’s so txt
bbhyeoliskooks · 3 days
𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲 | TXT
TXT's reaction to you being jealous *:ꔫ:*
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❈ genre: bf!txt x reader (gn), fluff, slight angst
❈ warnings: insecurity, unedited, probably got worse bc i'm tired :(
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yeonjun *:ꔫ:*
yeonjun knew something was off when your shoulders immediately deflated with a barely noticeable pout on your face. for a while, he was catching up with a childhood friend that he hadn't seen in a while, laughing about inside jokes and memories they made in the past. you were polite when meeting them occasionally joining in, but now you were dead silent. sometimes you would look at the ground or toy with your fingers while you waited for them to finish talking, but now you felt your insecurities getting in the way. they had so much history together, growing up and becoming so close that anyone would think it was concerning. when his old friend gently rubbed his shoulder, talking about some meet up, you couldn't help but sigh, feeling inferior thanks to the lack of attention. after a while, that friend went away (thank gosh!), and you huffed, crossing your arms together as the two of you walked home. yeonjun noticed the silent treatment immediately, grabbing your hand so you would stop walking. he had finally put two and two together, the clenched jaw and awkward tension in your body finally making sense- you were jealous. and luckily, since you had a great boyfriend, he knew the exact way to cheer you up.
"silly baby," he pressed a kiss against your forehead tenderly, "i only love you."
you softened against his warm touch immediately, your insecurities melting away as he kissed every part of your face. kisses were magic; they made you feel better after all, especially when they came from yeonjun.
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soobin *:ꔫ:*
soobin and his makeup artist got along pretty well. too well, actually, in opposition to your comfort. as you sat across the room, brooding and blatantly staring at the scene in front of you where they were laughing and cracking jokes, you felt your heart drop for every second that passed. truthfully, you knew soobin loved you since he made it apparent in all of his actions, but that didn't help when jealousy inevitably came up in the relationship. she dabbed some more eye shadow onto his delicate lid, and you only felt like throwing up. there was no reason to be jealous, no reason at all, so why were you feeling this way? when soobin came up to you, demanding a comforting hug for good luck- you were his good luck charm to ensure a satisfactory performance, he was genuinely surprised to see you sulky. nonetheless you tried to act like everything was okay, plastering on a smile as you leaned into his hug that almost made you feel completely better. now worried, soobin demanded what was wrong, hoping it wasn't a case of you catching a cold or even worse- breaking up with him!
his concerns eased a little when you came out with the truth, ashamedly saying you were jealous of his friendship with the makeup artist. soobin couldn't help but laugh, petting your head as if you were a child. you had nothing to be worried about; to soobin, you were the most dazzling light in his night sky, and no one could ever take your luminescence away. he loved you the most and after the special stage, he was going to show you the amount that crossed the size of planets and galaxies.
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beomgyu *:ꔫ:*
when a random person came up to beomgyu on the beach, asking for his number, you immediately felt possessive. it was silly to say the least, sending them glares to get away from your man(!) or else you would have to throw fists (just playing...). you decided to stay silent, watching the whole ordeal yourself- so ridiculous that it could make you laugh- before interrupting and putting a foot between the person and your boyfriend. you were surprised that they didn't get the hint that gyu wasn't interested because of his cold answers and declines, and it didn't help that his significant other was right there! that person was as dense as a rock and you shooed them away, letting them skidaddle through the sands and to hell where they came from. beomgyu couldn't stop laughing at how you intervened, sizing the person up and down as if it was an old comical movie. he didn't seem to notice that you were actually pretty pissed off as the two of you meandered through the gentle waves, cold water splashing against your sand covered feet.
it was only after 5 minutes of his teasing that he finally got that you were jealous when you didn't respond to any of his harmless jokes. that only made him poke more fun at you, acting flattered and batting his eyelashes as if he was in a romcom. inside, beomgyu was actually shocked that you were jealous, ultimately reinforcing his feelings for you to be even stronger. you sighed asking him to knock it off, clearly annoyed, when he actually got serious, grabbing your hand with the utmost love in his eyes.
"y/n, you're the only one i want and will want. don't be upset with me, please?"
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taehyun *:ꔫ:*
taehyun, ordering his usual caramel frappuccino alongside your favorite coffee, didn't seem to notice the cashier's flirty advances towards him. he just chucked it up as something the worker had to do, asking incessant questions about his favorite coffee and whether he prefers them bitter or sweet. it was pretty refreshing, actually, talking to a normal person instead of ordering on an ipad. on the other hand, you watched on the sidelines, close enough that you could hear what they were talking about. it wouldn't take a genius to understand that the cashier had a crush on taehyun, smiling whenever he said something or laughing a little too hard. you rolled your eyes every time they would wave their hand, trying not to giggle because they believed they had a chance with him. you obviously knew taehyun loved you very much; although he wasn't too affectionate in public, he still loved you through his ways, memorizing everything about you because you were fascinating. even so, that didn't help the green monster in the back of your throat, fizzling as the cashier's face got closer to his.
finally, taehyun realized what was going on and it was as if a switch had turned. he immediately became cold, asking if the drinks were done. the cashier, stunned at his bluntness and switch, apologized and handed the drinks to him after their coworker finished blending. it's as if the cashier didn't get the hint, meekly asking for his number while he raised an eyebrow. you waited for his reaction, squinting to try to read his reaction. he simply grabbed two straws, signaling towards you. you felt your heart warm at the certainty in his voice as well as pride, something you could never mistake when he talked about you.
"that's my significant other, thanks."
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hyuka *:ꔫ:*
frankly, you were quite annoyed with how friendly kai got around others. you knew it wasn't his fault and perhaps it wasn't how friendly he was, it was how friendly others got with him, sometimes touching him if he said something funny. it also wasn't your fault that your boyfriend was remarkably handsome, earning some looks from strangers and definitely one of his friends that you got weird vibes from. you could tell the moment they entered, spotting hyuka, and immediately striking up a conversation with him. you saw the admiration in their eyes as they examined his face and tried not to stutter. you sighed, looking at him from afar. he was a perfect angel as always, and it didn't help that he believed everyone had good intentions. your stare darting away, you tried to focus on getting something to drink until you saw him calling you over from the corner of your eye. confused, you walked over and he held your hand, softly squeezing it when you stood beside him.
"oh, by the way, this is the love of my life, y/n."
the way he held you close, his scent comforting you as you leaned into his chest eased your insecurities. though he wasn't aware of your jealousy, his physical reassurance melted it away, alleviating your heart in the most hyuka loving way possible.
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❈ Released: June 27, 2024 (2:03am CDT)
❈ Thoughts: hope it was good y'all <3 I am getting pretty tired since it's late here on vacation, but hopefully you enjoyed! as always, I loved doing this and I will create more in the future :)
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fairyofshampgyu · 6 months
Random but rewatching nana after like 3 years and I really do love that anime sm :( 😭 literally everything I want LESBIANS, BAND AU, AMAZING FASHION AND DEPRESSION !! their relationship w each other makes my heart so soft and relationships with just every character in that show :( also literally every character there needs therapy man I forgot 😟 it’s actually such a deep anime the way they portray characters and humans and women and how they think is so good and like so real wth
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izzymalec · 1 month
LOVE how interview with the vampire is just men competing about who's the biggest bitch
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robotpanties · 1 month
uuuuuhhh no reason just wanna see the robot get preggers because nobody is really taking advantage of the narrative consequences of the robots of ULTRAKILL having fleshy bits inside them (in my humble opinion hahahaha...hahaha....hah....). Anywhosen also a sucker for general Bad End especially when it involves a psycho-sexual (breeding) binding to a greater entity but also I wanna see the murder-robot get knocked up. And the galaxy brain bit of this is instead of calming down they just get Worse.
YEAH NO ONE REALLY TAKES ADVANTAGE OF THAT. and well i mostly assumed a very small percentage of people actually want to breed the robots like that which is why.
also i don't think this as a bad end, but a bad path that can lead to some other.. inch resting things (my stupid ass is trying to craft a plot with horror and drama from this path and how it'd change the story slightly despite knowing I will never get around to writing it in fic form except tiny excerpt ideas and art)
also i have so much to say abt the 'it doesn't calm down it just gets worse' bc its So true
#kicking my legs. it sooo genuinely gets worse i think it believes its actually in “love” with hell. and maybe it is.#gets worse and loses itself more and more. abandon any last trace of identity that had never been regarded anyway by anyone#its easy to let something guide you and instruct you in nearly everything if it feels too painfully good? and why spend more power thinking#altho for the. plot i was conducting in my head it was msotly involving gabriel and the primes bc of an idea my friend gave me which was#that if this occurred before v1 reached the prime sanctums it could have been guided or instructed to go to the sanctums but at the time#it does its currently carrying a child and because of that both the primes and v1 itself are spared because. i dont know if i think#the kings would fight a pregnant person . i at least think sisyphus Wouldnt because wheres the fun in an opponent who appears to already#be disadvantaged. (even if it can fare just fine.)#if any friendships were able to be made (cough . i like sisyphus qnd v1 platonic and romantic) itd be kind of. sad from an outside perspect#ve to watch it deteriorate into being less of its own entity and becoming slowly just another extension of hell. even in fighting it shows.#i wish i could explain it all better#and sorry if this ask is late to be answered i was writing my rwsponse at a con LMAOOO#.txt#ask#i want to write i have no timeee no energyyy but hear me out there is potential for crazy wackjob shit#ive decided also not to kill gabriel i think i should do somethign fucked up with him and his inexperience in relationshios#i forgot who suggested he should get so desperate that he begs for hell to take him as well. (which i cant decide if it would or wouldnt bc#its kind of really funny and mean if it#says no)
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autumnoficarus · 7 months
i can't stop listening to the 'purpose is glorious' track from this season's ost and thinking about how lovely the title and its meaning are. it's just such an amazing underlying theme in this show, and - while i do have criticisms about some of the choices made for the series finale - i really do feel the writers wholeheartedly delivered in sending that message home. for me personally, loki's ending is so gratifying and a large part of that is solely from viewing their arc's conclusion with the perspective of this theme in mind. to have spent years watching this character i hold very dear to my heart struggle to find belonging, to feel as though they matter and there is reason in their existence, finally get a chance to show - and recognize - their worth was so, so rewarding. and honestly, i think the message behind the phrasing of 'purpose is glorious' is all the more meaningful because of how loki's arc finished. yes, the outcome was bittersweet; yes, we're left knowing loki didn't get the happiness they undeniably earned after everything they'd gone through. it smarts something fierce to know their journey up until they deviated from their timeline and became a variant, as well as seen their eventual intended fate. the ache is only worsened after witnessing everything that happens within the TVA and the entirety of loki's character growth leading up to a redefining moment where they willingly choose to undergo a nightmarish amount of time in the endeavor to do the right thing. of course we want them to emerge victorious when they've struggled for so long, but that's not the point. loki's final moments are them forfeiting their right to a happy ending to preserve the stories of others because all stories matter and should inherently reserve the free will to be written; as sylvie says, loki makes their choice so their loved ones and life across the multiverse still have a chance to belong somewhere and embrace their place in the world. the take away is that even burden can be glorious. even with all the hardships of life - all the inevitable heartache, disappointment, and grief we encounter just by being alive - we have meaning in our existence. there is meaning in the trials we face, and the suffering we endure in order to overcome them. our pain gives us purpose; it gives us the ability to love, to grow from and for each other, and choose to sacrifice our happiness for the benefit of another. loki's purpose was forged in the bonds of those they met in their time at the TVA and the sense of value they gained from their companionship. their sacrifice perfectly conveys how the human capacity to love is one of cosmic greatness, which can ultimately surpass our instinctual desire to preserve one's self. we can move immovable mountains and challenge insurmountable adversity in behalf of the ones we love and their welfare. if that isn't an act deserving of glory, I don't know what is.
tldr; loki's purpose is the friends they made along the way = as the saying goes, 'tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all'. or: our own lives have purpose because of the connections we share with others, even when we are met with great loss.
#also this just shows the depth of love loki derived from knowing mobius and how they were changed for the better because of it#how mobius' initial - and repeated - acknowledgement of their potential is what gave them the necessary tools to rewrite their destiny#when loki first watches their fate on the sacred timeline their devastation is palpable; they now know they are meant to die -#at the hands of thanos after failing to save their brother -#after losing one last time#they see their final fate and know they were never meant to win; never to reach the respect and admiration theyve been chasing all this tim#but they're given a second chance at an ending - one they can be proud of and has meaning#and they SUCCEED; they ascend and take the throne not for power or control or even glory but because of the people they care for!!!!!!#loki accepts their burden with grace for the benefit of others; they escape the harrowing demise once preordained for them -#and while they mourn what they must leave behind they are fulfilled by the triumph of saving EVERYONE this time#the parallels between their sacred timeline ending and the finale's makes me way too emotional i am not okay#i have so many thoughts about the ost guahahauffh ignore me#i am obsessed with this track specifically like i want to write even more meta abt the significance of being used during mobius' last scene#okay these tags are way too long i'm shutting up now i'll see myself out#txt: icarus foaming @ the mouth analysis#char tags:#god of stories and faking death#peepaw from outerspace#loki meta#lokius#loki s2#loki season 2#loki spoilers#loki series#marvel#mcu#loki#Spotify
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espighty · 9 months
I am far more forgiving about 2012 Donnie's more obsessive moments simply because he respects April's physical boundaries. As someone who has watched the first 3 seasons about 6 separate times, I've had plenty of time to pay attention to Donnie and April's interactions. And you know, outside of life-or-death situations where he has to pull her away from attacks, he generally just... lets her be the one to initiate contact.
I'm sure there are a few times where it's the opposite that I just can't remember too well, but overall he's actually respectful. The only real exception I can think of is the entirety of Chinatown Ghost Story, but that episode is regarded as super shitty anyway. God knows I've already made a post about how much I hate it. I looked up the writer for that episode, Randolph Heard, and it was the first episode he had ever written. So obviously he didn't have much grasp on the characters.
Ah anyway the point of this post is that I love Donatello. I love that he lets April be the one to initiate physical contact. It's not only a good writing decision, but it's a good character decision too! I don't know how to explain it well but like. It shows off his insecurity, his lack of confidence, but it also shows that he's like... he's nice, yknow? He tries his very best to Not make April uncomfortable. He cares about her and he likes having her around and UGH
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minimoefoe · 11 months
someone on twitter mentioned how the daughter troy allegedly has in 8b could be an adoptive daughter and not a bio daughter and I lowkey can't stop thinking about it bc I feel like that would solve all the problems/hesitations I have about troy having a kid
the idea of troy having a kid with someone just absolutely does not compute in my mind. like... troy getting with someone and potentially being in a relationship and then having a child??? genuinely baffling to me. and idk maybe that's just bc I have the s3 version of him in my mind and when we see 8b troy he'll be different enough that him having a kid would compute more? but rn something about that doesn't feel very troy
but the idea of him having an adoptive child, like maybe he had friends who had a kid and something happened to them and he made a promise to look after the kid or maybe it was even kinda he got lumped with looking after this kid and over time they got closer and now he thinks kf her as a daughter? idk I think something like that sounds wayyyy more interesting than him just having a daughter via some relationship he was in
#twd txt#troy otto#fear the walking dead#ngl when i first saw ppl talking about the daughter rumour i was like 😬😬 i dont think i have any interesting in seeing troy as a dad#and like..#to a degree i still am not fully on board with it#even tho man getting stuck with a kid to look after is a trope that i love a lot#i just didnt have that in mind when it came to troy#idk#i think its hard for me to decide how i feel fully rn bc we havent seen anything#its very possible that we'll see him in the eps and ill be like Yes i love thisgiving him a kid was a 10/10 decision#ALSO#bc we only have 6 eps of 8b and the odds of him being in every one is slim im like i wonder how good we're really gonna have it#like this is surely nlt ablut to become the troy show#theres other characters thatll be getting focus#i think my excitement at the fact we're 100% getting troy back outweighs any concerns i have like... hes gonna be on my screen again so#im HAPPY#i do have worries but i also have hope that itll be good#i havent even seen s6-8a yet lmao ive got a few eps of s5 to watch#i also see a random person on twitter speculate about there being another spin-off coming with some ftwd characters#featuring madison and strand or madisokn and troy maybe#and like i have zero idea how legit that speculation is like they could be absolutely waffling#but i would kill for a troy and madison spinoff like#that feels so insane and perfect that im like theres no way thats happening lmaoo#ALSO idek how legit that daughter rumlur is 😭 but from what i know of s8 there is a saving kids mission involved so it does make sense
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i gotta study so i’m not gonna look into this now but note to myself:
i’ve definitely been operating under the assumption that ed used to 100% fully and completely LOVE being blackbeard and has gotten tired in recent years but off the top of my head can’t think of many scenes that would confirm that. i know he likes fuckeries but that’s all that’s coming to mind rn
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euphor1a · 1 year
Best 4 hours of my life, with the loml ♡
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#googie 🐰#i know i always say this but i can never really explain the way i feel about him </3 it’s so hard to put into words#i feel so complete now god i love him so much 🥺!! even that is an understatement 😔#i think it was like? 10:30 pm when i saw the weverse notif... and now it’s past 3 am jdghbcbn#i felt so many emotions throughout everything (the wv live; the ig live; and then wv live again) but god.#i’m just way too happy that i got to see him again 🥺; i missed him a lot!#crazy how just yesterday afternoon i teared up watching a reel on ig about missing him </3 and then 6 hours later!!! he shows up 💖#lol and i had so many mini breakdowns bc of him 😭 he’s a flirt FLIRT huh 😔✋🏼! WHAT ABOUT MY WEAK LITTLE HEART SIR???#i really have no defence when it comes to jk </33... sigh. but he sang sooooo many songs 🥰🥰#including txt! svt! nwjns! i’m one happy bitch 🤩☝🏼#what a great day to be alive honestly! just hope that he gets some rest bc goddamn it’s nearly 7 am at sk now 💀#oh and!!!! WE GOT TO SEE BAM MY BABY AFTER SO LONG IM SQUEALING THEY ARE SO CUTE OMG#HOW DID I ALMOST FORGET TO MENTION THAT LIKE WHAT#it was such a bonus to see tae too 🤭#!!! i’m just really happy#i’ll add more tags later... i just want to fall asleep now bc my eyes literally can’t anymore lol#anyway... ik i’m being very delulu here but like. sorry if it bothers you; i’m like this. 🤡#will always be jeon jungkook’s bitch <3#bye bye ~ my eyes hurt 🙁#see you guys tomorrow and i love jungkook 😆... and y’all too <3
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4arconinoma · 1 year
Confession I still havent finished stone ocean to this day and I need to so bad but I'm literally scared to because it's so fucking depressing
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crowtechs · 6 months
hi!!!!!! i went to barnes & noble ! :]
and GUESS WHATTTTT!!!!!!! i got tmm vol 1 & 2 combined manga :]
it makes me so happy yippee ! ! ALSOOOOOOOO my hitori figurine came in too !!!! todays been a great day :D
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francy-sketches · 2 years
damn hotd kinda slapped ngl
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nygleskas · 1 year
just remembered how parks is a mockumentary and how there's talking heads and a camera recording everywhere. how in certain scenes you could see lingering glances while the other isn't looking or little movements that could mean something (like laughing at a joke and slightly touching someones arm) or smiles that get hidden btwn me and jean .
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genuinely feel that the drama happening in the amc iwtv fandom is what happens when fans promote a show bc it’s gay first and do not mention the plot/genre at all
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toytulini · 11 months
im willing to believe yellowjackets is a good show but im not sure im willing to forgive it for that title which makes me have to specify "yellowjacket BUG" if i want to see the actual bees
#toy txt post#why they do this to me. come here. come here listen to me#have you considered a title that is not 1 word that is not particularly unique that also happens to make your shit hard to tag and find on#websites. i dont particularly like when shows are trying to cater to develop a fandom but in this aspect i would love that kind of#forethought. please. amyway sorry thos crime is apparently unforgivable and i can never watch it now. sorry#i believe you that its good. however. they have committed an unforgiveable crime to my brain#smh. do u expect me to memorize their latin name or smth?#'toy how often are you looking up bees' not that often but i found it VERY ANNOYING#perhaps this could also be fixed by search engines actually being functional again but. unlikely ig lol#LET A BITCH GOOGLE THE BEES WONT YOU?#it was ddg but still#let a bitch duck duck go the bees in peace wont you????#i can't think of any off the top of my head rn but i know there have been a number of movies that did this shit too and it pissed me off#then too. stop making me tag random innocuous word movie just come up with an actual title wont u?#bluh#ill probably get over this eventually and then maybe consider watching it#i got mad at arctic monkeys about this too. someone was talking about how cute arctic monkeys were and i thought#it was like a new species of like. monkey that lives in the snow and man. i was so excited. and sooooo disappointed to see a bunch of Guys#i like some of their songs now but man at the time? unforgivable
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paeonie-s · 2 years
genuinely so emo abt the fact that i have friends who want to do stuff w me now omg
#i was v scared for college bc i have had. such awful luck w finding ppl who want to do things w me#the closest friendship ive ever had was online lol and even that ended w me being ignored and pushed away so its a v foreign experience for#other ppl to v openly. enjoy my company and continously invite me to things just bc they want me to be there#like ik a good part of that is everyone trying to not be lonely as shit these first couple weeks but all of the friends im referring to#were part of a summer program where they got to show up like 6 weeks early and so they already have friends and ppl to hang out w#so its still rly cool that i showed up made friends w like 2 of them and now 3 weeks later im having to actively plan time to do hw and#watch my shows and stuff bc im being invited to eat and walk around and watch movies and do things all the time#shit is surreal !! im so grateful esp when my suggestions for things to do are well recieved like today alone i invited some of them#to go to the barnes and noble opening in a town near us next month + to a open house at our states observatory. and other ppl were actually#excited to learn abt those. its insane im so used to being ignored and treated like the things i care abt dont matter i love life rn omg#ppl are so cool and interesting sometimes i still feel like i am the most boring person in the room bc i never had the time money location#or motivation to explore a ton of my interests but when i tell ppl abt that feeling theyre like bitch me too !!! lets go snowboard and hike#and have observing nights and paint and dress up for halloween together and its makes me so happy. that is all#actually one more thing i was initially thinking abt dressing up as asa csm (which is. already an improvement from younger me feeling so#isolated she avoided dressing up for halloween for a decade bc she never felt close enough to go w anyone) BUT NOW im a part of a 2 month#old plan for like a dozen ppl to dress up as monster high girls AND im gonna be draculaura. literally such a slay i cant#🌸.txt
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