really fascinated by how betazoid-vulcan diplomacy would work as two supremely different telepathic species. the touch telepaths with an intense culture of repression and secrecy vs the most free wheeling shameless least secretive species in the galaxy that has a tradition of nude weddings. if a vulcan accidentally made skin-to-skin contact with a betazoid it would be the psychic equivalent of a flash bang going off.
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@soup-future an oder for you... got off track and shaded this one bc i like this creature
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Lwaxana tenderly cradling liquid odo was more intimate and tender than any of "the link" connections.
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Deep Space Nine is thirty two years old today! Happy birthday to the show that fixed me AND made me worse
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The thing about new trek is that execs are desperately trying to appeal to people who don't like star trek because theoretically this could make Number Go Up. But they're not gonna Get new viewers like that because trekkies are a well established self sustaining ecosystem. Sure new people get into it enough to sustain itself but we are not here for Mass Appeal we're here for the same nerd shit we've been having since the 60s. And they try to make the number go up but people who like star trek largely go "no thanks" and keep watching the old shit we like instead. Somewhere in california there's a boardroom full of men in suits pulling their hair out
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