#I love both sides of the coin
There are two wolves that live inside of me.
One is a big aro Arthur headcannoner, and doesn’t think John and Arthur need to be in a romantic relationship, because it’s more interesting to see their relationship develop platonically while exploring emotional intimacy, and dealing with the hardships of such a close relationship, but still loving and caring for eachother in the end, without them needing to kiss.
The other was trying to find where the episode they kissed in was.
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th3-r4t-k1ng · 2 years
Y'all are focusing to much on the flower husbands divorce in limited life, but i want to talk about the tension between them on empires season 2. cause there is some sort of flirty tension. Scotts made sure of that-
(this is not hating on the focus of limited life, the 'divorce' is really funny to me too, but im in desperate need of fluff ngl-)
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justaz · 3 months
merlin: this is a bad idea. like one of your worst ones yet. i'm telling you, we should just do what i say. this is gonna be a disaster.
arthur: oh come on merlin, don't be so dramatic.
*the bad thing that merlin said would happen happens. they fix it. it's fine*
merlin, smug: so-
arthur, tired: don't start.
merlin, even more smug: don't start what? all i'm saying is that i'm glad everything worked out alright. though if you had listened to me earlier the entire thing could've been avoided.
arthur, staring a hole into merlin's head:
merlin, staring right back: ...i told you so.
arthur: i got that. thank you.
*merlin hums and wanders off. arthur watches him. slowly a smile spreads across his face*
arthur, murmuring to himself: he is the most insufferable man i've ever met.
*arthur giving order after order to merlin. cuts himself off and informs merlin that visitors are arriving tomorrow so he should get started on preparations. merlin is annoyed and tries to argue back*
arthur: just do as i say. i'm your king after all.
merlin: a prat is what you are.
arthur, already walking away: that's treason!
*merlin stares as arthur walks off and runs into some of his knights down the hall. they chat for a moment and arthur says something that makes them laugh. he turns to look over his shoulder at merlin with a grin and a wave before turning back to the conversation*
merlin, fighting his own grin: he's the most infuriating man i've ever met.
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starry-bi-sky · 3 months
jason and danny childhood friends au memes (mild spoilers)
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quasarzt · 11 days
ugggghh I love ur roleswap AU so much 😊!
thank you so much anon!! it’s been on my mind constantly. i’ve just been so busy with work that i haven’t had much time to actually draw lol.
anyway sketches and rambles :) using this ask as an excuse to drop this:
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Roleswap meeting Canon. Imagine a friend you had for years, for a good chunk of your entire childhood, one you had a nasty falling out with that still hurts to think about to this day. And then suddenly, you meet a version of this person who’s essentially a version of someone if things were different, if they didn’t have the falling out and you had both still worked together. Imagine a version of a friend where they’re happier, they’re not using animals in their tech in a way that hurts animals. It’s basically seeing a what could’ve been type of thing. And it hurts.
I want to write a fanfic so bad about this, you have no idea. Just about roleswap in general, but also having the time trampoline malfunction and bring these two universes together. It would be PERFECT for character studies. AGHH.
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emstargazer · 7 days
I would sell one of my kidneys just to see BT and GLaDOS interact with each other, like you can't tell me it wouldn't be a hell of an interesting interaction.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Horse Yaoi trotted so Horsegirl Yuri could fly.
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Jason grace, I love you in every universe <3
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fizzytoo · 1 year
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ama and karlee's updated teen bedrooms!
amaya’s the first 3, and karlee’s the last 3!
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ivypond11 · 1 year
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something something normscary. rotating in my brain like a rostisserie chicken <3
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infamous-if · 1 year
we focus so much on the angst (which i love too!!) but can we get some fluffy facts about being in a relationship with the cast pretty please? 💕💕
Yes, I’m sort of ready for some fluff haha
Being in a relationship with
Seven: means a lot of mushiness. Seven is very free with their love. They will stare at you a lot and when you confront them they’ll just shrug and say “sorry you’re just so [insert compliment here].” Seven likes to take a lot of photos and expect songs written about you and many mixtapes. That’s how they communicate everything they feel: through mixtapes and songs. As I mentioned before, seven is also touchy, though it depends on MC’s comfort level, but their default is touching all the time. Always connected, as if permanently linked. Seven will always have at least one finger on you at all times 😭 they’re a clinger, like I said, they sort of act like a needy puppy who wants attention all the time. Pouty. Whining, but in an endearing way.
Orion: means romance in private. Orion is good with all the normal relationship stuff he just tends to cringe more over it LMSJSJS but in private, he is surprisingly romantic and sheepish? He’ll set up a whole five-course date and then play it off like “it was nothing” Orion is also someone who does a lot of things without thinking about it. He’ll buy something for MC and very casually say “this made me think of you so here” and while it may seem like it’s a big deal, it just comes naturally to him. He’s a bit possessive, but not an unhealthy amount? More in a protective way. What you saw in the demo during the interview is what Orion is like with a partner. In public he is a bit less affectionate, but in private there will be a lot of lingering touches, a lot more affection. Orion wouldn’t want to leave MC’s side, even if he doesn’t always vocalize it. He also gets a bit more reckless and loses that sort of “workaholic” habit of his (aka willing to ditch work to stay with MC.)
Victoria: mush, mush, mush. She’s super affectionate and loves PDA and everything that comes with romance. Victoria will shower her partner with constant love and support. She isn’t shy to express how much she misses someone, and will write long letters about how she feels. She wants to shout her love on the rooftops and is a bit clingy like Seven. She wants to be smothered and smothers in return. Hugging constantly; always has herself wrapped around her partner. Random kisses, random gifts. She will take her partner to every event. She does get a bit jealous but nothing too bad, especially considering her experience. She’s a very sweet lover who is proud of her partner.
Seb: Seb can be quite shy. His affection comes with a lot of hesitance and is not as loud, but sweet all the same. He likes to ask permission a lot (‘can I kiss you?’ ‘can I hold your hand?’) and is the type to pick out a flower from the grass and gift it to MC lol I can’t say much about Seb aside from the fact that he does sort of act like a young kid who is in his first stages of love. He questions himself often but there are moments of confidence that are surprising. He’s also protective like Orion, and likes to be entangled all the time (see: hugging from behind.) he’s more of a go-with-whatever-MC-is-doing type. If MC wants to get wild, he’ll get wild. If not, he’s okay with that too.
G: a lot of touching, a lot of kissing. G won’t care about anyone else in the room if you’re around. They won’t even pay any mind to anyone else. G’s love can be sort of intense in the sense that they aren’t shy about sharing how they don’t gaf about anyone else but you. They want to be on top of their partner all the time. Hip to hip, shoulder to shoulder. They want to spend all their time together. All their free time goes to them. G will include them in every convo. They won’t want to do anything fun or new without their partner. They’ll talk about them all the time. Ask where they are, look for them constantly. Moan about how they just want to talk to them or see them. G will become insufferable once they are apart. Like some bratty child. G turns into a completely different person when they’re in love.
August: means August is always thinking of their partner’s well-being. Always by their side. August will send them links to songs and videos that remind them of them and casually boast their partner’s accomplishments to anyone who will listen. They kind of lose a bit of their coolness and get a bit dorky around people they like; fumbling over their words, turning clumsy, getting shy. They’ll get real embarrassed to talk about their feelings or get mushy but they’ll do it if it makes their partner happy. They’ll think of them often and just want to chat about everything. August will be an open book with the person they love. Nothing is off limits. They laugh more, become more open and make more jokes. August becomes very free in the presence of the one they like. They’re a very different person (like G.)
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darlingod · 6 months
Taryn Duarte should’ve ended up with a woman idc goodbye
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spacedlexi · 9 months
people who think clem surviving makes no sense are so funny. "they were literally foreshadowing her death the entire season" let me introduce you to the concept of a red herring. she tells lilly she isnt lee and shes right. the narrative was forcing her down that path, a path she saw as an inevitable fate waiting to take her too, but its a narrative broken by aj, who is also his own person and not S1 clem
"it happened to lee, and itll happen to you" lilly tells clem she'll die protecting aj from some mistake he makes, when in reality his defiance of her will is what saves her life after she had already accepted her fate. he breaks clem free from the lee cycle and they get their relatively happy ending. good for them
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allthethoughtsandstuff · 10 months
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im screaming, if you even care
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tianhai03 · 2 years
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this is definitely what happened at the beginning of dmc2
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glambots · 6 months
Kind of a personal HC, but I really like the idea that Moon speaks in "we/us" pronouns and Sun speaks with "I/He" pronouns. Moon is constantly of the mind-set that he's a part of the DCA and no matter how badly Sun wants to pretend that he can, he can't just erase him from existence. And Sun, of course, wants to do what he can to try and separate himself from Moon as much as possible. Sure, he's technically him, but He's the other him, which makes him not as bad, right?!
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