#I like thinking of the leaps spock would have to make to go ‘this is definitely a decision rooted in logic and not emotion’ wjdbwksb
archersartcorner · 3 months
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Still thinkin about yesteryear. so here’s a silly little alt plot for it. just kidnap your baby self you know you’d take care of him better!!!!!!!!!
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sleepymccoy · 5 months
A ship manifesto is like an argument defending a ship or providing proof of why it's as good as canon. I think you'd write a good one if you wanted to!
Go on then, I take very little convincing (also thank you that's kind!)
Why you should consider shipping spones
So, genuinely, spirk is the more convincing ship if you like canon. I'm completely with the spirkies on that. They're endlessly supporting, interested in each other's opinion, and just so lovely
But that's kinda dull for me. Where's the grit? Where's the tension?
I do not believe spones should be canon, no show is ever gonna give them the time and complexity they need. That's why it's so much fun in fandom! The second these guys open their mouths they insult each other, both of them.
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But like, they don't really insult each other personally much. McCoy insults Vulcan philosophy and Spock insults human ethics. McCoy insults Spock's alien features and Spock insults McCoy's vocation. Tit for tat, but within that is this constant simmering respect and admiration that they never talk about. And as soon as one is attacked by an outsider they leap to the others defence. Like, that's a wild dynamic! There's so much opportunity to make that fun to read by just adding a little bit of sexual desire
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Like, why are you so obsessed with Spock's ears huh? You want to lick them? Grow up about it. And Spock's always needling McCoy, always talking about logic being the be all end all even when it's almost irrelevant, just to get a rise out of him! Schoolyard bully with a crush, both of them
It's a great dynamic. So much depth to plumb. And it's pretty hard to get them to get together!
Other fandoms I've been in tend to lean towards couples who are perfectly suited for each other and the world is conspiring to keep them apart. For spones, they're what's keeping them apart. It's like mixing oil and water, without some real attention from the author they'll fall apart. It's hard! It's a challenge! It's fun!
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It's so fun, there's so many opportunities for tension with them and you can take tension to make sex or humour and both are so fun!
And the way they challenge each other. You think Spock is going to settle for anyone who doesn't offer him some personal or professional growth? He learns constantly with McCoy, often showing great exasperation, but he's learning and adding to his knowledge. And McCoy, he's had his little picket fence life and needs something completely different. And he needs a good fuck, I think these two would have absolutely spectacular sex
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Anyway. Give it a go because it's fun!
Also I've realised all the gifs I pulled off the tumblr search function are from @aenslem so thank you for your service
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obstinatecondolement · 5 months
Discussion of incest cw
Apparently some anime has made a popular yaoi ship canonically cousins and I'm just like... okay. So? Are you familiar with infamous incest shipper Jane Austen? Maybe this is the "from a small island nation" jumping out again, but this doesn't need to be an obstacle on par with them being siblings a la Luke and Leia.
But like, incest shipping discourse is never going to stop being fucking bizarre to me. The peak was when I saw some very well meaning people saying extremely earnestly that it was incestuous to ship David Marcus/Saavik on the basis that Saavik is fanonically Spock's adopted daughter and David is Kirk's estranged son who only met him as an adult. The leaps you have to go through to arrive at this conclusion...
Like.... do you think adults who did not grow up together or even know each other as children whose parents get married shouldn't be allowed to date? Do you think that would be functionally equivalent to sexual abuse at the hands of a family member? Do you think that is not an incredibly trivialising thing to say to survivors of incest? Are you aware that the problem with incest is that it is almost always a form of sexual abuse when it happens in real life and not that it's just Forbidden for nebulously defined reasons of ickiness?
Also, the "Saavik is Spock's adopted daughter" thing comes from the novels, and Spock also married Saavik in the novels, so I feel if you're going to play the "which makes David/Saavik incest" card, this is something you may have to reckon with.
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bcbdrums · 1 month
Fave character from an oldy show / fave line from Soul Eater / how would u handle it if u were the Tweebs' music teacher?
i see you.... heheh thank you for the ask.
How does one choose...between their children... No seriously this is hard. Top choices I'm stuck between are Adam Cartwright from Bonanza, Al Calavicci from Quantum Leap, H.M. Murdock from The A-Team, or Spock from Star Trek. I love them ALL for very different reasons, but they all have things in common. Dark and angsty characters with difficult lives (in different ways) who struggle to overcome things and never quite achieve their peace... And...while the character I've spent the most time on is probably Spock, I think ultimately I have to go with Adam. I suppose I relate the most closely to him, because his struggle is so human and relatable to many. A good upbringing not without challenge, a steady adulthood offered to him...but he simply is never satisfied. And we never get an ending for him in canon! So he appeals to me and my creative side, both as an exploration of himself and as a way to process through some things of my own. Al, Murdock, and Spock all a semblance of peace in the end or at least we're told they get it (some more than others/in unique ways) but Adam just...vanishes, and we never truly know. So I guess he'd be the fave pick. (But how can one choose a favorite child, heheh.)
I chose from the anime because I need to re-read the manga (even tho I do have a favorite manga moment). And I must give must preamble to this... So you know how from Death the Kid's very first introduction he's falling on the ground and having fits about possibly having done something wrong, leaving something asymmetrical (which...symmetry for him is symbolic of the balance between good and evil, which he as a Reaper must uphold), and in these fits he has he calls himself worthless garbage and he's basically given up in all of these situations and his weapons have to talk him out of it and it takes a lot of effort? And these moments are always played comedically right up until one moment... His final moment of development in the anime, right before facing down against Asura... After first he thinks he can't help, then Lord Death is defeated, and so he resolves to protect the world. He has one more of these self-deprecating rants, but...this time it's spoken to this dad, who he thinks could be dead. This time it's not calling himself worthless for a lack of symmetry, but not worthy to be his father's son... You really feel the weight of everything he's been going through up to this moment. BUT...this time... Instead of declaring himself worthless and that's the end of it, Kid says, "Maybe I don't have what it takes to do this... But... I can try!" That's my favorite line from Soul Eater.
I'm thinking of them at their age in the beginning, as ten year olds. So first of all they'd be percussionists in the 5th grade band cuz they'd get to do a variety of things. Since that wouldn't be enough, I'd give them extra (optional of course) challenges to learn some solo pieces for percussion. And knowing they'd wanna take everything apart and make new things, I'd also hang around with them after school to show them instrument maintenance on all types, explain how all the things work. And if I had some instruments broken beyond repair (we often do and keep them for spare parts) I'd let them play with those in whatever way pleased them. Lol they'd likely make their own frankenstein'd instrument... Or do chemical experiments on the brass since there's some toxicity risks.... Yeah. And that's just band (but I'm tired now so that's what you get lol). Meanwhile, I'm operating on the assumption that they are good, well-behaved kids at school unless they're either bored out of their minds or the teacher is lousy.
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quordleona03 · 9 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
I was tagged by @marley-manson and @ofmdmash - so I will tag:
@topshelf2112-blog @remyfire @allcanonisrelative @jaelijn @amrv-5 @mycenaae @muirmarie @thebreakfastgenie @uncomfyfriendly @rescue-ram @blistersonmefingehs @fieryphrazes
(but don't feel obliged unless you want to play, and if you'd like to play, consider yourself tagged!)
How many works do you have on Ao3?
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Primarily (and in more or less chronological order): Blake's 7, Star Trek: TOS, The Professionals, Highlander, Star Trek: tng. MASH, House, and The Fugitive (the film with Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones). I have also written fanfic for MacGyver (the 1985 TV series), the West Wing, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Quantum Leap, , and various literary fandoms as an exercise in pastiche.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
The top three are MASHfics: Tuttle, All We Know, Go, tell them in Sparta - and four and five are both Star Trek fics (both Spock/McCoy): A Man of Integrity, and Through A Glass, Darkly.
5. Do you respond to comments?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh, that's a difficult question. Possibly it's ""I would not be you for a kingdom" " - my Villette slash story: though in that case I was just using the angst Charlotte Bronte handed me in the novel. Likewise with the Blake's 7 story Cruelty Has A Human Heart, and the Good Omens story Let this cup pass from me, and the Highlander story Day and Night But, even what with stories where the angst is built into the source material, I think the angstiest ending is that of the long series The Games. (I considered MASH in Drabbles and concluded that as I wrote the 80 or so drabbles in the sequence individually and out of order, it doesn't really count.)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
That is an extremely difficult question to answer. I like writing in universes full of angst. Many of my stories have hopeful endings, which make me happy, but I think the unequivocably happy ending is the MASH story Responsible Indefinitely For Each Other’s Welfare. Because there they are, together, at the end of a long life: and Hawkeye is still the same delightfully annoying trickster as ever.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Sometimes. Usually for ridiculous reasons. "I hate that pairing!" Well, don't read it then. "So-and-so isn't gay, he's too masculine!" - Oh, honey, let me introduce you to some big strong bears, you'll love them.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I would say mostly no, but occasionally yes. I believe sex scenes should be essential to the plot and full of character development, so I rarely write just pure smut. But I did write a Stargate Atlantis story, What I Tell You Three Times Is True, which was purely written as a sex scene, after a giggled conversation with a friend who was into Stargate Atlantis.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I love crossovers, both the reading and the writing of them, and have written dozens. I would say the weirdest one I ever wrote was a West Wing / Star Trek:tng / Drop The Dead Donkey crossover, No More Overtime.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not as far as I know.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, sometimes. It's a fun thing to do with friends. I co-wrote the More Deadly MacGyver/Highlander crossover with Jakrar, sparked out of a paragraph she sent me in an email.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
"All time" - I don't think I have one. I've loved and still love Avon/Vila, Spock/McCoy, Bodie/Cowley, House/Wilson, Holmes/Watson - but right now my favourite ship is definitely Hawkeye/Mulcahy.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
The Buffy/MASH crossover. I just don't see where I'd find the time.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, perseverance, imagination, angst.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Heterosexuality. Certain words which I always misspell unless I look them up, each time. Not understanding what is going on in people's minds, see 'heterosexuality' - also racism, sexism, and classism.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Mais c'est impossible. I prefer to write in English but signal that this is a different language being spoken. Bene, plerumque. I had to think about this a lot when writing ASL dialogue for All We Know.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Blake's 7.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Usually the one I am writing at the moment, which is to say All We Know - and the one I want to finish: A Hawk Through the Mirror. But I think technically one of my best is Friend and Stranger - a story set three years after the events of the 1993 movie The Fugitive, written in form as much like the movie as I could make it, full of sudden POV changes between Gerard and Kimble and attempting to get the emotional intensity and chemistry between the two of them that we saw on screen, down to a satisfying conclusion.
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icepixie · 1 year
SNW 2x07
I rarely rewatch episodes but I might watch this SEVERAL times.
I have no coherent thoughts, so have some reactions:
The animated bit at the beginning was rather transparently set-up for the episode, but I was not expecting the Orion scientist thing to play such a large part in the narrative, so good on them.
The Lower Decks uniform looks fantastic in person. The next live action series needs to use it. (Live action Lower Decks miniseries, y/y??) Although it looked like Mariner kept pulling her shirt down, so maybe it wasn't as practical as it was good-looking.
Oh man, Boimler is the perfect character to come back in time like this. Not only does he enjoy it the most but he's so terrible at keeping his mouth shut it can only cause more complications.
OH MY GOD, Boimler is how Spock/Chapel gets nuked before TOS time? DUDE.
(I feel for you, Spock/Chapel shippers. And I feel bad for Christine, even though I want her out of that relationship.)
(But that said, Spock's attempts at smiling and laughing are super creepy and I hope that ends soon. Since they're meant to be creepy, hopefully they will.)
On a related note, why the hell is Boimler being allowed to walk around the ship? Why wasn't he put in a locked room until they figured out how to get him back to the future? And why was he allowed to just wander ON THE BRIDGE, where he was able to screw up the Orion interaction??? (I mean, well, I guess he had to be allowed there to make it so Tendi was alive...so I guess Tendi wasn't supposed to be there before this time travel trip? Nice.)
Hehehehe, all the bridge officers standing in a line not looking while Boims rejiggers the sensors.
Heheh, tiny Marinler moment when she basically leaps into his arms from the portal. And of course she would be trying to save him only to use up the last of the blorbonium. I liked that, although I also wish she'd been able to be in the episode as long as Boimler was.
Awww, Pelia's advice to Boimler is so good for him to hear.
"Do they sound weird to you?"/"Yeah, all slow and soft." Bwahahaha.
Hahaha, Mariner fangirling Uhura. And Uhura being like, "fuck, I'm famous? Goddamit, I can't take the pressure!" Hee!
Oh thank god, Pike, you finally confined them to quarters. (For two seconds. And they didn't even go.) I was waiting for the blorbonium as a part of the NX-01's hull to become relevant! Heh, and Mariner was the one who paid attention because Boimler was distracted by grapplers.
Heh, everyone notices Mariner is...not exactly model Starfleet officer material.
Awwwwwww, Una gets to be the poster girl for recruitment! That's gotta be so gratifying after the trial. Such a nice moment for her (and for us). I wonder if Boims and Mariner even knew she was court-martialed, or did Starfleet cover it up and paper it over with making Una the face of recruitment?
But on that note, I was expecting events to be wiped clean from the SNW characters' memories, 'cause there's a looooooot of timeline pollution here. La'an must be horrified. (Especially since this is the second episode in a row to remind her of her own time travel experience.)
Jack Quaid and Tawny Newsome are preternaturally good at capturing their animated selves' movements and translating them to live action. Maybe Quaid a little more than Newsome, but I think that's because animated Boimler's movements are slightly more realistic than Mariner's. She tends to do more arm motions or whatever that aren't quite possible in real life.
YES YES YES THE SNW CHARACTERS GOT ANIMATED YESSSSSS! And it's because of the Orion alcohol! They dropped acid and turned into cartoons! (Fringe did this and it was also a blast.)
You guys, I am SO. THRILLED. with this episode. A thousand sins from earlier episodes are forgiven.
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isagrimorie · 1 year
[initial reactions] Star Trek: SNW 2x09 - Subspace Rhapsody
This was a fun musical episode! I still say Trek shows should be more than 10 episodes because there are some character beats here that feel it needs more than a few episodes to just be and breathe.
(Once again laughing that Paul Wesley managed to escape a musical in TVD only to leap headfirst into a show that would do a musical and he can't walk away. This is laughing in fun btw 'cause I do like Paul Wasilewski and his real-life snarky dry sense of humor, but also, HAHAHA. They got you, Wasilewski!)
I liked it! It wasn't Buffy the Musical, but that's okay, it was fun and it moved character arcs along!
I haven't mentioned before but I really love the medical uniform Chapel's wearing, which I think originated from Discovery s1 and 2.
I love how it took a while for Uhura to sing but when she did, she hit a breakthrough. I love that this was her episode but it wasn't just about Uhura.
The musical numbers I really enjoyed: Uhura's solo, La'an's solo, and Chapel's whole musical number. The three strongest singers of the show.
I'm glad that La'an was able to tell her secret because it was weighing on her so much and I'm glad that
Speaking of episodes where character beats needed more than 10 episodes. It's such a whiplash to go from Spock and T'Pol breaking up to Christine and Spock being together for what 2 episodes? I am glad we got Christine's song how this was something that can change her life forever. (If I'm not mistaken that guy running the program will be her ill-fated fiance). But we've gone from Christine pinint for Spock, to being ambivalent with him, to Boimler throwing cold water into the fledgling relationship with Spock. I wish we got to see Spock and Christine have just an episode or more to be in a relationship and happy.
There's not enough Pelia! (Speaking of, where are the other engineers? I know the answer is most likely covid restrictions but I wish there were some engineers working in Engineering in the background).
You know what? I've tried but I just had a thrill of happiness at all the moments Spock and Uhura were together. I know it's not as popular a ship as Spock/Kirk and Spock/Chapel but the TOS version I'm most familiar with (aside from the original TOS movies) is AOS. And since then Spock/Uhura is my ship. So, I'm just gonna embrace it. I ship them!
The Klingon boy band!
Uhura really is my favorite! I love how she started as someone uncertain of Starfleet to finding connection and family in the Enterprise even though she still felt alone at times. I love that Communications Officer is a vital part of ship's functions. Also, with the way Uhura is, it makes so much sense she makes Captain in the future. She has an air of someone who would be so good in Command.
Speaking of, I wish Discovery had these kind of fun episodes instead of one long story and I think this episode really highlighted the problem with the crew of Disco. Aside from 4 characters we really don't know the Disco crew as well as the SNW crew, I don't know what the Disco bridge crew's 'I want song'.
"I wan't" songs are, according to Playbill:
"The term is thought to have been coined by Lehman Engel, founder of the BMI Workshop for musical theatre composers, librettists, and lyricists. These songs are more than just inspiring musical numbers—in many cases, they launch the journey of a play, allowing the audience to get an inside look at force driving a character's action. They express a dissatisfaction or a dream of the character that propels them through the musical."
It's really sad that it seems season 5 is the season when the show regains their sense of fun. I hope the crew is written more of an ensemble in the final season. Disco is a good show, it just really needs to fix its ensemble writing.
Back to SNW, that was such a fun episode I'm also glad Una's taking her second chance to build more relationships and be more open with her crew. It makes sense.
BTW with all the Red in security and the Gold in Command... it occurred to me that SNW Enterprise crew probably thought Mariner and Boimler were Ops!
Anyway, that's a good episode! Good penultimate episode!
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Against All Odds
Part 475
They had been settled in watching a movie when security had knocked and interrupted them. McCoy had felt Scotty tense at the sound, and had squeezed him tighter. A meeting in Mother’s sitting room and they were requested with everyone else.
Eleanor was sitting with Francine where McCoy had sat earlier in the day. Amanda had joined them.
“What’s going on?” McCoy asked.
“Not sure yet dear,” Eleanor said, as McCoy and Scotty settled together on another couch.
Spock was next to arrive and shortly after he was next to Amanda, Leah and Robbie walked in. Their damp hair told where they had been.
“For how long?”
The question hung in the air after Dr. Boyce said he’d take over their instruction.
“As long as need be,” David answered firmly. “Christopher is arranging for your lessons from your classes to be sent to you each morning. Dr. Boyce will help make sure you understand them. You’ll start Monday morning as we had planned, except you’ll be here.”
“We can’t hide away forever!” McCoy protested. “How long will we have to do this?”
“Many factors must be considered Leonard,” David said patiently. “You’re right; you can’t hide forever, but we also don’t want to leap too soon. Captain Paris recommends at least two more weeks. We can reassess then.”
McCoy wanted to get up and pace the room. Two weeks! He was grateful to get the time at home, but he sighed. Two weeks at minimum before anyone would let them return to school. His thoughts churned and he reached for Scotty’s hand.
He took a deep breath and felt himself calm from the contact with his fiancé. An accomplice had been found. Were there others? Would this Lt.
Quantil have more information on that? Could they find that out in two weeks?
“When we do go back to school…
McCoy looked up at Spock’s voice.”
“…will extra security be sent as well?”
David gave the Vulcan a kind smile. “We said before Spock that you have done an admirable job. I don’t want you to think you haven’t or aren’t trusted. But yes. There will be. For a while at least until we know more certainly that it is safe.”
Spock nodded in acknowledgement.
“What kind of teacher is Dr. Boyce?” Scotty asked.
They were back in their room. The meeting hadn’t taken much longer after they had been told at least two more weeks in the palace.
“He’s good,” McCoy answered. They had been quiet on their walk back. McCoy had been thinking. As tired as he was getting of a tight security tail, he knew it was for the best. Scotty’s safety was everything to him and he knew it was the same for their parents about all of them.
“He knows how to ask the questions that make you really, deeply think about what it is you’re working on. He always encouraged asking as many questions as you need. You’ll like it.”
McCoy flipped the covers back on the bed.
“Oh. Were ye ready for sleep?”
“No. We can finish the movie. I just wanted to be more comfortable. Stay warmer,” he added sheepishly.
“Ye really are cold?”
“Just a bit,” McCoy admitted as he got in bed.
“Well come back over here,” Scotty grinned. “I think I can help.”
McCoy grinned back. “Should I even start the movie back up?” He raised a questioning eyebrow.
Scotty shrugged, then pushed in for a kiss.
Part 476
The next week came faster than any of them had expected. And though Scotty really wished that he was back at school with their other friends, he still liked Dr. Boyce's way of teaching.
Leonard had been right. The doctor really knew how to get one thinking. Never before had Scotty felt like his genius was really appreciated by his teachers, but Dr. Boyce managed to challenge him just to the extent he needed.
"Is everything alright, Scotty?"
The Scotsman looked up when he heard the older man's voice next to him. He gave him a smile.
"Aye, sir. Everything's fine."
Dr. Boyce nodded, his eyes fixed on the screen of Scotty's PADD.
"It seems to me like these tasks are... a little bit subchallenging for you."
A smile crossed Scotty's face, especially when he heard his little brother's groan close by.
"There he goes again. My genius brother," Robbie muttered under his breath and Dr. Boyce looked at him.
"Oi, ye got the same scholarship as me!" Scotty protested.
"Aye, but ye're still the smarter one."
Dr. Boyce chuckled softly at the boys arguing.
"You are all very talented students. However, considering Scotty's wishes for his future job, I would suggest more complex tasks in some fields."
Scotty couldn't help but blush a bit at the doctor's words and straighten his back.
"Maybe ye have some suggestions once I finish my school tasks?" he asked hopefully and Dr. Boyce patted his shoulder.
"Of course. I'll search for them right away."
And with that incentive perspective, Scotty worked extra fast. He could get used to this way of classes.
They had lunch with everyone else. David briefed them about the current state of investigation. Apparently there were no other accomplices, but Captain Paris was still doing research.
Scotty was just glad that nothing else had happened. And that they talked to Granddad every evening. Knowing that he was safe, meant everything to him.
"And there were no suspicious activities at the border," David completed his update.
Everyone nodded, however, Scotty was surprised when his mother talked next.
"I think I should return to Scotland too, if things continue to stay quiet. I really have to get back to work."
A pang shot through the older Scott brother's heart at that thought. His mother thought about leaving.
"But Mum..."
Robbie didn't seem to like the idea either as worry washed over his face. The brothers exchanged a look.
"Francine, are you certain? If it's about the financial situation-" David said, but Francine quickly shook her head.
"No, it's not that. I just... miss me hometown. And I want to help Alasdair. He thinks he can do everything on his own, but he tends to forget that he is not the youngest lad anymore."
Scotty swallowed. That was true. His grandfather often thought, he could do anything.
"But I will wait another week. I want to make sure ye're okay, after all." Francine placed a hand on Robbie's cheek and gently stroke it with her thumb. Then she looked at Scotty, waiting for his response.
"We... understand, Mum."
A smile crossed Francine's face and she gave her oldest a nod.
"Thank ye, Monty. I trust ye to take care of yer little brother."
Of course he would. Just like Robbie would take care of him.
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raisinchallah · 2 years
i was curious about the next discovery episode see how things got resolved with the whole spocks mental illness and finally understand his and michaels relationship but im left with more questions than answers like the absolute terrible cant come back from thing michael did was... be nasty to him when she was 10....... after they had presumably known each other for like a year and this was something amanda couldnt forgive her for... being a scared child... and irreparably damaged her relationship with spock and also i guess she was in active danger by living on vulcan which sort of makes no sense when u would think if there were extremist vulcans hating all humans amanda would also be a target? and again its like why the fuck was michael put in this awful situation but its like im left wondering were her and spock ever close cuz this moment supposedly reveals the rift between them happened when they were so young its not like they had a relationship to rekindle or anything also tbh i realize for the longest time i had misremembered the spoiler and thought that michael was the red angel and that what was making spock go crazy was a premonition about michael being gone and i thought that would be very cool but um the time thing felt so silly but like god... i really felt like until more details were coming out it felt like their rift would have been something that happened when they were older and maybe something where they were both wrong and like had to heal their relationship rather than something perfectly constructed so u dont actually feel like anyone did anything wrong but also just feels like again another illustration of what an awful situation michael was put into and nobody supporting her and idk i just wish that instead of some like oh wow spocks falling apart cuz he has a messed up understanding of time which feels so silly it could be that he had a premonition about michael leaving into the future or how her moms the red angel and it was like him having to confront the buried pain of his distance from his family or fear of losing michael and that bringing up the pain of them not speaking for years or just you know djkla;kljs he could be mentally ill for normal reasons like theres just like it feels like a few small changes could make the emotional reality of it a lot stronger..... idk its just a lot of quick fixes that sort of leap over character development i did really like hughs section of the episode the focus on his alienation and trying to rediscover who he is... which did pair well with like i think what they were going for with the spock and michael parts of the episode nice to have like thematic consistency..
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funkymbtifiction · 4 years
What do you think causes people to overestimate how many characters are INTJs? I’m not just talking about sensors being mistyped as intuitives (Katniss Everdeen, Black Panther and Spock come to mind), but (also) other intuitives who are mistyped as INTJ (Gregory House, Rodney McKay, Samamtha Carter). Why do you think that occurs? It’s really easy to do. Even I struggle with it a lot -- going, is this character INTP or INTJ? -- especially when the movie doesn’t really make the character strongly defined in their typing. House, for example, seems like an INTJ (mostly because of his intuitive leaps and tendency to shoot down everyone else’s ideas, which he needs them to generate for him so he can say no) -- except TeFi does not screw with people for its own amusement, which is his primary method of operation. He will needlessly buck authority and do things just to tick people off and even if he were an 8 core NTJ, they still don’t do anything that has no external factual impact. It’s low Fe that likes to mess with people when it gets bored, because it feeds off getting some sort of an emotional reaction from “less rational people.” While Katniss is often typed iNTJ, she is also widely typed ISTP, but she’s really rubbish at Se -- she has her one thing (hunting/archery) that she is good at and mostly does that. And she has zero Ni. Girl has no big picture focus, it’s just about her experiences and those she loves, and a lot of inferior Ne anxiety about things going wrong. Black Panther is extremely traditional - an INTJ Black Panther would have a vision for his country and let nothing stand in his way, but he passively allows himself to be replaced out of respect for ‘how things are done here’ (IMO, 9w1 ISJ?). People assume “smart = INTJ.” People assume “interesting = INTJ.” People assume “cool = INTJ.” And it doesn’t just happen with INTJs, either. Villains are often typed NTJ, even if they show zero Ni. A lot of villains seen as ENTJs are actually ESTPs (reckless, opportunistic, and use tert-Fe to screw with/play mind games with the hero). There’s also way, way too much over-typing of strong, interesting female ESTJ characters as NFJs. People think somehow because a female protagonist or side character isn’t an asshole, and cares about people, that she must be a feeler, and they mistake grounded realism (don’t do that, it’s stupid and will backfire) is ‘intuition.’ No, Ni is specific, not general “that’s a stupid thing to do, Harry Potter.” ;) INJ in fiction is usually best seen in a character who only has ONE life’s goal or purpose, and who cannot back away from it, even when it goes wrong, because they have nothing else, they have this thing pictured in their mind, and their inferior Se is too poor to read the situation and realize they were wrong. Like the guy in Prometheus who refuses to realize the aliens are dangerous and will kill him, instead of what he wanted them to be -- or Doc Oc in Spider-man 2, who when everyone is screaming at him to turn his invention off, refuses, and continues insisting it is going to ‘stabilize’ -- in the process, ignoring all the direct evidence he is wrong (literally, it is peeling the steel paneling off the walls and becoming a black hole). It kills his wife, and he still wants to build another one, because he just ‘knows’ it is going to work this time. He’s pictured it!!! THIS IS MY LIFE’S WORK!!! Basically, I’d look for evidence of singularity and an inability to turn aside when things go wrong (another example -- Amelia Brand in Interstellar, who heads off the ship to pick up parts and doesn’t turn back even when confronted with a dangerous, destabilizing environment, because her Ni-dom is locked into ‘this is what I am GOING to do’ despite the ISTP screaming at her not to be stupid). That is, fundamentally, what INJ is -- a preference for a single course of action, viewpoint, or belief, that devalues any and all information in the sensory environment that proves them wrong. (Or in the case of Alien’s heroine, instinctively knowing she ought not to let her teammates back on the ship, even if everything sensory around her indicates ‘it’s fine.’ Intuition >>>> proof.) If the character is generally intuitive + thinker + introvert but doesn’t show this kind of arrow-focus / absolutism, assume they are INTP instead. And you should always start off by assuming the characters will all be sensors -- the intuitives then really stand out because you soon realize they’re making connections no one else in the story is generating. (EG: Stiles in Teen Wolf.)
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umblebumble · 3 years
Star Trek Daemons
These choices are based on the newer movie series (AOS) featuring Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto and Carl Urban, etc. I have only seen bits and pieces of the many previous Star Trek series, but I will use what little tidbits I have picked up to help with this selection. My choices are a mix of analysis matching (I like to use the Daemon Forum as a starting point) as well as thematic/plot things. Hope you like them! Please let me know what you think, and your own headcanons!
James Kirk - Indian blue Peafowl. Thematically, I think a peacock/peahen would tell us a lot about Jim and reflect his story arc very well. Peacocks are thought of to be vain, cocky, proud birds who strut around showing off. This seems like exactly what everyone thinks about Jim at first glance, the sort of air he gives off. But peacocks are much more than that, people just don’t realize it. I think that parallel works well since everyone starts by underestimating Jim to seeing past his showy-ness and growing to respect and appreciate him as their captain. Furthermore, peacocks are intelligent, bold, fearsome and very socially oriented. They can fly despite what people think, and they’ve been known to always perch just out of reach of predators. They’re loud and communicative, and will fight and defend what is theirs. They actually have spurs on the back of their feet. Mostly, peacocks are very social - they spend time in flocks or at least pairs, and Jim is a very social person who would do anything for his people, his crew. So mostly thematic reasons, but I think a peahen perched on the back of the captain chair would just really fit him.
Spock - Eurasian Lynx. To me Spock has always been a cat person in my mind: he just exudes the same aloof energy with hints of softness, playfulness and even sassy-ness in the right circumstances. However because he’s half Vulcan and they have that raw animosity and energy they work so hard to tame, I figured it would be a wildcat versus a domesticated one. Lynx’s are ambush predators and have been known to sit in trees and wait to drop on unsuspecting prey. This matches Spocks patience in planning and executing strategy. Lynx’s are solitary creatures, but are very good mothers to young - and while Spock is more of a loner, he cares deeply and passionately for those in his circle. Lynx are also found in all sorts of environments, making them adaptable and quick on their feet. Plus they have been known to hunt deer, showing their bravery and fierce power. Spock is also very technical and sassy and sarcastic when the mood strikes him, which just fits very well with a cat attitude in general. Personally, I like the image of an aloof Lynx at Spock’s side that betrays no emotion until they crack and go for the throat. (Additionally, Lynx’s are known for their tufted ears and I think that would be hilarious alongside Mr. Pointy-Ears himself.)
Dr. Leonard “Bones” McCoy - Canadian Goose. This one seems a bit odd, but just stick with me a moment. Geese are loud, bold, brash, hardy birds who are hard working, determined, and known for their short-fuse but deep care for others. It’s perfect for Bones. A goose migrates thousands of kilometres each year, and live largely in Canada through very cold temperatures. This makes them very hardy, and hard-working birds. Furthermore, geese - Canadian Geese especially - are known for their temper. They’re given a wide berth because they have clear boundaries and will loudly let you know when you even approach said lines in the sand. But under the abrasive defensiveness and loud protestation of the world, geese make incredible parents. They’re protective, defensive, and very loving to their children, or their flock, or their mate. Those they care about, they are a stalwart defender and provider, and will often immediately adopt any stray goslings that are a similar age to their own babies. Bones is crotchety and loud and stubborn and has a tendency to yell about anything and everything, but he’s determined and smart and a doctor - he cares for people and will fiercely protect those he claims as his. It’s an unusual choice, but once I thought of it I just can’t get rid of the idea.
Nyota Uhura - Steller’s Jay. Since these birds are a species of corvid, they sit among some of the cleverest bird species. Nyota is especially smart and aware of her surroundings, demonstrated by her ability to readily understand Spock’s techno-babble. Furthermore, the smarter an animal, the more mental stimulation and challenge they need, or they’ll get bored easily. Nyota seems like the hardworking type to constantly have something on the go. Steller’s Jays are very adaptable, and a little bit manipulative when they need to get something, which pairs well with Nyota’s drive and tenacity. Furthermore, Steller’s Jay is noted as being an accomplished mimic of both bird calls and other noises. This is a fun thematic parallel to Nyota’s unparalleled auditory and linguistic ability.
Hikaru Sulu - Monarch Butterfly. A lot of people would think that butterfly’s are delicate and emotionally sensitive people, but that is not true of monarchs. They have incredible migrating habits that indicate they are hardy and hard-working. And while they may be sensitive to and aware of their surroundings, they are not as emotionally delicate as they appear. These migrating habits are also rather specific, showing a value of control over things that thematically I like for a main pilot/Command division person. Monarchs are group oriented, and Sulu has a deep care for his crew and his family, thriving among others. While they’re not an aggressive creature, Monarchs are willing to take risks if the reward is worth it and are known for their “wander-lust” tendency to explore and adventure and try new things.
Pavel Chekov - Atlantic Puffin. Aside from being adorable, a puffin matches well with what I know of Chekov. Puffin are a more social bird and will have a good time in a group of any size, or even working on their own. They are also active and energetic, matching with Chekov’s youthful energy and constant work drive. While somewhat cautious in unusual scenarios, they are very proactive planners and are the kind to look before they leap - but they will take the leap. Puffins are dutiful and sensitive, and while Chekov is not shown to be some thin-skinned wreck, he is still very young and has some youthful optimism and outlook that leaves him a little more surprised by the jaded side of the universe. Mostly, I think a puffin is just very well suited to the young but hardy and capable man.
Montgomery “Scotty” Scott - Cairn Terrier. Terriers are smart, clever, stubborn, loud little dogs. They’re more independent than some other dogs, but are still very social. Terriers are very vocal about their thoughts and opinions, and are not afraid of putting others in their place and taking charge. Scotty is as sturdy as they come and is very good at what he does, equally willing and able to take over and run the ship engines as well as dive in after Jim in weird antics and crazy adventures. I picked a Cairn over another terrier type because Cairns are very curious and adventurous and are the perfect middle of the road terrier: not too stubborn, not too sensitive, not too independent, and not too daring. Scotty is the perfect mix of stubborn, sensitive, caring, independent, bold, brash, and cautious all rolled into one loyal, loud, eager terrier package.
*P.S I realize I have selected largely birds for this group, and it wasn’t intentional, I just found myself gravitating towards them. However, I have always equated birds with their wings and flying and freedom. I find birds are always a little more out going and adventurous and travel-hungry by nature, so I think finding a majority of birds on a space ship destined to travel the distant universe isn’t all too unrealistic.
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fireinmywoods · 4 years
the heart of the matter (is Leonard McCoy)
Followers...friends. I come to you today, hat in hand, to ask for your support in a certain fandom matter, a trifling concern of little real consequence which nevertheless has been driving me absolutely cross-eyed bonkers for some years now.
Simply put: can we please all agree that Bones is the heart of the Enterprise???
In AOS, I mean. I’m not aware of any debate over this when it comes to TOS, where the roles of the triumvirate have always been explicit, though there are a few different ways to identify them:
Spock = logos = superego = head
Bones = pathos = id = heart
Kirk = ethos = ego = soul
So clear! So clean! So universally accepted by Trek fandom at large!
Oh, but things get murkier in AOS, and there are plenty of posts floating around which suggest that it’s Kirk, not McCoy, who serves as the heart in the Kelvin timeline. Even the writers of the first two AOS films have outright stated that their interpretation of the triumvirate had the original roles switched, with Kirk as the highly emotional one and McCoy as the arbiter between Kirk’s passion and Spock’s logic. It’s true that this technically counts as a Word of God pronouncement by the actual creators of 2/3 of the series thus far, which some would argue renders it canon. However, it’s equally true that those same creators also felt that Kirk was a fuckboi and that Benedict Cumberbatch wonderfully embodied their vision for Khan Noonien Singh, so honestly, who gives a hot hollerin’ fuck what those dingdongs think. This seems as justified a time as any to invoke Death of the Author, and in fact, it’s my firm belief that despite the writers’ intentions, Star Trek and Into Darkness both support the original triumvirate breakdown.
Under the cut you’ll find a long-winded and self-indulgent ~*~character analysis~*~ of the Kelvin-timeline incarnations of Jim Kirk and Leonard “Bones” McCoy, reviewing why Leonard is still unmistakably the heart, unpacking what the hell Jim’s deal is, and finally taking a look at some key examples from canon, because ya girl believes in showing her work.
Let’s get down to business.
[A quick warning, as this is starting to spread beyond my own followers: if you don’t like McKirk as a romantic pairing, you ain’t gonna like part IV, so I’d bow out before then or just take your leave now.]
i. Leonard
Independent of Jim’s characterization, it should be blindingly obvious that Leonard is the heart. He’s by far the most nakedly emotional of our seven core crew members, a trait we see writ large and small throughout the films. He’s reactive; he’s passionate; he’s humane. He cares, first and foremost.
Not about Starfleet, of course. Leonard doesn’t give a damn about playing the game or advancing his career, or even really about the Enterprise’s mission - he has no desire to explore strange new worlds, he’ll pass on seeking out new life and new civilizations, and he spends half his time trying to convince everyone else that boldly going where no man has gone before is a great way to die horribly. Fuck exploration, fuck space, and fuck the Federation while we’re at it. Leonard is perhaps the most improbable of the Enterprise’s senior officers for the simple reason that he seems to resent everything about the job.
Well. Almost everything.
See, what Leonard cares about is people. He cares about their lives, about their stories, about their hopes and dreams, about their suffering. That’s why he entered and has stayed in an extremely taxing caring profession, and it’s why he’s still on the Enterprise despite his incessant bitching about everything they do. He wouldn’t trust anyone else to take care of the crew he’s become so attached to, and he finds fulfillment in helping the people they encounter out there in the nightmare of space.
In every timeline, Leonard McCoy defines himself by what he can do for others: the pain he can ameliorate, the wounds he can heal, the diseases he can cure, the small amounts of good he can bring to a galaxy filled with so much absolute horseshit. Unlike most of his colleagues, he’s not motivated by curiosity or an adventurer’s spirit or a burning desire to make sense of the universe. (Fuck the universe, too, as a matter of fact.) Instead, he’s driven by the incredible depths of his compassion and empathy and concern for the people he serves alongside and those they meet along the way.
Sure sounds like the heart to me.
ii. Jim
I actually totally get why some people characterize Kelvin-timeline Jim as the heart. He’s quite literally a different man than the original timeline’s Kirk, and he definitely has more of the pathos qualities to him. Early on, he’s a total spitfire, fierce and hot-blooded, quick to anger and other sharp-edged emotions we’re not used to associating with James T. Kirk. Even as he grows into himself and leaves some of those traits behind, he remains spontaneous, passionate, protective, and self-sacrificing - easy enough to mistake for the heart if you squint.
But let’s not confuse having a heart for being the heart. Sure, Jim is more openly emotional and reactive than his TOS counterpart, but there’s still a marked difference between the way he and Leonard express and act on their emotions.
AOS Jim definitely has a lot of feelings - big ones - but at the end of the day, he’s not driven by his heart. He’s driven by his gut.
Whenever there’s trouble, Jim makes a beeline right for the center of it. He’s impulsive as hell, rarely pausing to think past his first instinct, because he just wants to be doing something, no matter the odds, no matter what it costs him. He explicitly calls himself out on this in ST:ID when arguing with Spock: “I have no idea what I’m supposed to do. I only know what I can do.” He doesn’t have the patience or the constitution to sit and debate all the options, either internally or with his crew. If there’s a path forward from where he is, even a bad one, Jim’s gonna take it.
[Sidebar: One could make the case that the roots of Jim’s instinct to act reach back to his childhood traumas - canonically ignored abuse and neglect on the one hand, and the Tarsus IV famine and massacre on the other - but that’s a whole post on its own and we ain’t got all day here.]
Jim can’t not act, and while that gets him into a lot of trouble, it also saves lives. Sulu probably appreciated that Jim’s gut drove him to leap off Nero’s drilling platform without a moment’s hesitation after a man he’d only just met. He may have been a real shithead about it, but Jim’s impassioned insistence on going after the Narada and not wasting time on the possibility of a better option was key to saving Pike and Earth itself. And I don’t know why Spock was so surprised that Jim intervened to save him on Nibiru, considering that the reason they were there in the first place was because Jim couldn’t sit back and watch the Nibirans die when there was something his crew could do to help them, even if it meant risking a violation of the Prime Directive.
Jim is a good man with a big heart, and he cares about people, absolutely. But he cares most of all about Doing The Right Thing - which in the heat of the moment often translates to Doing Something, Anything, Hold My Beer.
iii. heart vs. gut (i.e., time for some receipts)
I think one of the main reasons Leonard and Jim’s characterizations get confused is because they both tend to act on instinct, only lightly informed by higher reasoning. However, I’d argue that their motivations and the nature of those actions are super distinct, and those distinctions remain relatively consistent throughout all three films. (And y’all know I really mean this shit if I’m out here calling ST:ID consistent.)
Jim is a big picture guy, figuratively and often literally heaving himself full-body into the mix of whatever problem the crew has encountered for lack of any better alternative. That energy propels the plots of all three films: the chaotic path he carves through the events of Star Trek and ST:ID, and the slightly calmer but still undeniably bananas course he charts for himself and his crew in the second half of Beyond.
As the heart, Leonard operates on a more micro level. His concern invariably lies with the individual people caught up in those grand events Captain Chaos is busy dragging them all through. While Jim’s zooming around flipping plot switches, Leonard can always be counted on to bring it back to the personal.
We frequently see this juxtaposed right there on film. Think of that slow pan through medbay in the first movie after the Narada’s ambush and the destruction of Vulcan: while Jim is stewing over what to do about the Big Bad, Leonard has stepped into the CMO role without fuss or fanfare to care for the wounded crew and traumatized survivors.
Or jump ahead to Beyond: during Krall’s attack on the Enterprise, there’s a gorgeous cinematic shot of Jim sprinting down the corridor with two crew members to take on the invaders - and then we cut to Leonard moving slowly through those same ghastly red-lit corridors, searching for casualties in need of help, visibly affected by what his scanner is telling him about the downed crewman he tries to save.
Actually, Beyond as a whole does terrific justice to each of their roles. (Perhaps because it was not written by dingdongs.) The first act finds Jim flailing around for a sense of purpose and forward momentum - an understandable consequence of a gut-driven character having stalled out for too long - and he ultimately gets his mojo back by spending the rest of the film careening through one insane seat-of-his-pants ploy after another. Meanwhile, in the quieter moments between all the mayhem, Leonard serves as the empathetic sounding board for both Jim and Spock as they struggle with deep emotionally charged secrets and Big Life Questions, helping them untangle their feelings and reminding them of the emotional attachments which are ultimately key to their respective decisions to stay on the Enterprise.
More examples, you say? Don’t mind if I do!
Star Trek
GUT: Jim hurtles around the Narada, improvising almost every step of the way and paying the price for his and Spock’s scheme in bodily harm, and ultimately succeeds in rescuing Pike. HEART: Leonard calls out for Jim as he runs into the transporter room, overwhelmed with relief that he’s made it back, and takes Chris Pike’s weight literally and figuratively onto his own shoulders to begin healing him while Jim runs back off to the center of the action.
Star Trek: Into Darkness
GUT: Jim argues with Leonard, Spock, and Scotty in quick succession as he’s preparing to drag them all off to Qo’noS, immune to their attempts to reason with him because, unraveled as he is by grief and pain, he can only focus on his visceral drive to Do Something. HEART: Unlike the others, Leonard is upset not about the larger moral questions of whether it’s right to go after John Harrison or bring torpedoes aboard the ship, but about the fact that Jim himself is hurt and hurting and won’t accept help.
GUT: Jim makes a snap decision to sacrifice himself by hurling his body against the warp core to realign it and save his crew. HEART: Shellshocked by the emotional grenade of his best friend’s death, Leonard suddenly realizes, through the haze of his own numbness and upswelling grief, that he might still be able to do something for this lonely radiation-ravaged body he’s been brought and the life it represents.
Star Trek Beyond
GUT: At the tail end of an improvised plan to out-maneuver Kalara, Jim quite literally shoots first and asks questions later, igniting a fuel tank and setting off an explosive series of events which he and Chekov just barely escape. HEART: The next time we see Leonard, Spock is opening up to him about Ambassador Spock’s death and his own plan to leave Starfleet for New Vulcan - and while he’s empathetic toward Spock (I can’t imagine what that must feel like), Leonard’s thoughts go immediately to the emotional impact of Spock’s plan on the other people he’s closest with. (I can see how that would upset [Nyota]. / I can tell you, [Jim]’s not gonna like that.)
GUT: Jim frantically strains to reach the final switch in the life support hub, believing that he’s going to die either way since the vent has already opened, but spurred on by the knowledge that his ability to move that switch is the only thing standing between Yorktown and annihilation. HEART: Knowing exactly what’s at stake, with the fate of the station and millions of lives hanging in the balance, Leonard’s greatest concern is that Jim won’t make it out in time.
iv. never bet against the heart
Let’s wrap this up with a deep dive on one of the absolute best examples of Leonard as the heart: his decision to sneak Jim onto the Enterprise in the first movie.
As relentlessly as I drag him for the, you know, poisoning and kidnapping aspects of that whole deal, there’s no denying that it is a god-tier heart move. Is it logical? Absolutely not. Is it really the right thing to do for either himself or Jim, as far as he knows at the time? Nope. It’s 100% the wrong choice for his own job security, reputation, and relationships with his fellow crew, and it’s almost guaranteed to get Jim into even worse trouble. Leonard is a smart dude who must understand that this course of action will likely end up coming back on them both in a real bad way. For someone who argues loudly and often in defense of self-preservation, this is a shockingly bad idea.
But none of that matters, because Jim shakes his hand and tells him to be safe with that horrible empty-eyed smile, and it gets him right in the heart, one-two-three.
One: sympathy, worry, and affection for Jim - his best friend, his wild and troublesome stray, his only family.
Two: guilt over adding onto Jim’s pain, and the instinctive urge to fix whatever‘s hurting him.
Three: fear of heading out into the unknown by himself, the agonizing uncertainty of not knowing what’s coming, craving for the security and reassurance Jim’s presence would give him.
“Dammit,” Leonard says, as his heart wins out over his brain. He knows this is a garbage plan, and he doesn’t care. His heart chooses Jim. That’s all that matters.
So he goes back for Jim, and to his own surprise it turns out that this Very Bad Idea was actually a Very Good Idea because Jim’s impulsive instincts end up saving Earth, and Leonard’s not in the habit of fixing what ain’t broke so he figures he may as well keep on chasing Jim’s crazy ass around the galaxy for a while, through jungles and off cliffs and into the goddamn afterlife when need be, until finally one day Jim’s gut drives him right into Leonard’s arms and he suddenly realizes that this is what his heart was choosing all those years ago: Jim’s wide terrified eyes, Jim’s voice breaking over his name, Jim’s hand pressing hard against his chest, reaching out for what’s his.
But that’s another story.
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apolesen · 4 years
Tumblr media
The recasting of Ziyal is a thorny subject. I don’t know why Cyia Batten, who was the first actor to play  Ziyal, did not continue to do so. I’ve heard that the second actor, Tracy Middendorf, had issues with the prosthetics (which, speaking as someone who’s cosplayed as Ziyal with latex prosthetics, I completely get), and that was why Melanie Smith was brought in to replace her. There are rumours that the first recasting was done because they wanted to push the Garak/Ziyal storyline, which is possible, but I can’t find anything to corroborate that. 
But in-verse, why does Ziyal go from looking like she’s in her early to mid-teens to looking like she’s an adult, all in the course of about a year? 
One thing leaps to mind: hormones. 
Bajorans and Cardassians are two very different species, enough that it’s a wonder they can produce young. (I tend to just suspend my disbelief and say that through some very odd evolutionary coincidence, it’s possible.) A Cardassian-Bajoran hybrid will in all likelihood have some unique medical needs. Generally, hybrids tend to not be able to reproduce. At least in the case of Star Trek hybrids (I don’t know if it’s the case in real-life hybrids), it seems like they might struggle to reach sexual maturity – in Amok Time it’s stated that they expected that Spock would not go through pon farr. With that in mind, it would make sense if Ziyal basically hasn’t hit puberty yet. Once she’s rescued and taken back to Cardassia Prime, Dukat probably finds her the best hybrid-specialists. I would not put it past him to even bring said specialist with him when he leaves Cardassia – imagine a pissed-off doctor aboard the bird-of-prey who’s been made to leave all her research and patients and forced to follow Dukat of all people into exile. 
When Ziyal is put on hormones, she would start going through puberty. Fairly rapidly, she will look much more adult than before. The fact that it doesn’t happen at once might be an indication that they hold off for a little while - she’s been without medical attention in some very harsh conditions for six years, after all. Nonetheless, I can see Cardassian doctors thinking that kickstarting puberty is important. They might in fact feel it is particularly important that her puberty is Cardassian rather than Bajoran. Attempts to make Cardassian-Bajoran hybrids look more Cardassian is a thing (as attested in Enigma Tales). Although the Project Enigma treatments seem to have been done on prepubescent children, puberty might also play a role. In A Stitch in Time, it is established that the facial ridges become more pronounced after puberty. That doesn’t really seem to have been something that happened with Ziyal, but it might still have been something they hoped for.
(Photo credit: Trekcore)
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lesbianziyal · 4 years
on the subject of characters who should go down as famous captains: t’pol.
i am absolutely convinced that she would’ve gone on to have her own command, which would make her the first ever alien captain in starfleet. she gets her own ship, a proper uniform, and goes on to have tons of adventures as well as making leaps and bounds for bridging the gap between humans and vulcans. all that would definitely be in the starfleet history books and remembered for centuries.
the best part is that t’pol is vulcan and could possibly have lived long enough to be a living legend, long enough to maybe even meet spock, michael, even jim and the enterprise crew, though i think she’d get along best with the s’chn t’gai clan for all their similarities. i bet spock would admire her a lot like i don’t think vulcans do posters but if they did spock would have a poster of t’pol in his room because she is just that cool
spock aside i think t’pol would have a really powerful legacy throughout starfleet, and she’d get just as much credit as archer for her role on the enterprise too, being a pretty significant “first” herself!
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greymaulkin-smith · 4 years
McSpirk and Wearing each other’s shirts.
Or: how they accidentally outed themselves to the entire ship.
They’re in Jim’s bed because its biggest and Jim’s feeling Very Happy and sleepy with his Vulcan still spooned up against his back and Bones dozing on his chest---
Red Alert lights come on as they scramble to get out of bed and into some clothes.
Bones is dressed and out the door first somehow having grabbed the nearest complete set of clothing before the other two are even fully out of bed. He’s used to springing out of bed and dressing before even fully waking up.
Jim grabs his boxers and looks around for his shirt and can’t see it, but there is what looks like a black longsleeved undershirt in reach he shoves on and decides “that’ll have to do” before putting trousers and shoes on.
Spock is a trousers first guy and has his boots on and fastened before even thinking about a shirt. He’s pulling his own undershirt on before glancing at Jim cursing at his boots fastenings.
Jim sees Spock do an odd double-take out of the corner of his eye before his boot’s finally on and they’re sprinting to the bridge.
In the lift his shirt feels a little strange, as though he should be longer limbed and slightly broader shouldered but skinnier around the chest, but he’s not paying attention to that. He’s listening to the rapid situation update from Chekov, and its damned cute but the Russian accent gets heavier when he’s nervous and makes it harder to understand him over comm.
When they get to the bridge he practically leaps into his chair to start issuing orders. The hostile ship is barking (literally! who’d have thought there was a race of canis sapiens somewhere in the galaxy) at Uhura while she is translating as fast as she can. They’ve armed their weapons and are aiming at the Enterprise.
Spock’s working as quick as ever at his station, though its strange to see him there in just black. Uhura does a double take as he sits down.
Eventually they sort the situation out peacefully. The dog-people are technologically advanced but display many primative behaviours similar to earth wolves and took the Enterprise’s appearance in their space as a violation of their pack dynamic. Once assured that Starfleet has no intention of usurping them they disarm their weapons and offer to fly along side the enterprise in a display of solidarity for the portion of their course through their space.
Red alert drops and Jim relaxes back in his chair.
“I never thought I’d ever be threatened by a talking Pomeranian before.” He sighs.
The bridge crew is unusually quiet, considering the ridiculousness of the situation. He gets up tiredly and comes to stand between pilot and navigator.
“Whats up guys, is everything okay?”
Chekov and Sulu glance at each other. They both look nervous, but distinctly amused. Uhura finally speaks from behind him.
“What happened to your shirt, Commander? Not like you to show up out of uniform,” she says innocently, a god-damn cat-like grin on her face.
Spock is going greener, “It is... occupied.”
“Occupied?” Jim chimes in.
Uhura is full on giggling now.
There’s a tugging on his sleeve. He looks down at Chekov, then at his sleeve.
His Blue Sleeve.
Oh god how many people saw he and Spock tear out of the same quarters, with him wearing Spock’s shirt.
If the ship would like to randomly transport him into open space, that would be great now.
“Well... Guess the cat’s out the bag now guys,” he hears himself laugh nervously. God his face must be redder then Uhura’s dress now.
Chekov and Sulu are laughing too now and Jim can’t help but join in.
Of all the ways to come clean to his friends!
Spock sighs and comes to stand beside him. He’s still green, but there’s a bright spark in his eyes.
“I believe so, Captain.”
Jim smirks and kisses his cheek. Uhura is cooing and clapping now.
Spock fingers the edge of his shirt and his face turns pensive.
“What is it?”
“I find the appearance of you in my clothing... uniquely appealing.”
His voice has taken a deep, possessive undertone. One hand spreads over where Jim knows there’s a pretty pink mark it fits on his hip.
Jim chokes on his laughter and feels his blood rush elsewhere. Chekov is spluttering now too.
“For God’s zake, please no flirting on ze bridge!”
Later, they’re back in Jim’s room and Jim still can’t find his own shirt. As much as Spock apparently likes seeing Jim in blue he probably can’t turn up for everything in the wrong uniform, and he’s running low on non-ripped shirts. He actually had to sew one slightly less damaged one!
“I don’t get where it could have disappeared to, Spock, I know we kind of just threw everything off last night but it can’t have just dematerialised!”
Spock pauses.
“I believe I may know where it is.”
Jim looks up. He’s holding a light blue medical shirt that had been kicked under the bed.
“GOD-DAMMIT JIM! I can’t show my face in medical for a week!”
Right on cue, an angry doctor bursts into the room.
“Oh, that’s where it went!”
This is how blue, red and yellow appear under red light.
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
April 10: 2x14 Wolf in the Fold
Watched Wolf in the Fold last night. The only thing I really remembered about this ep going in was that it was a Scotty ep. Which is true but also… slightly misleading. Also that it had to do with Jack the Ripper—which is more true than I remembered!
A decadent intro… I get why Spock isn’t here but I actually DO think he would be into it.
Matchmaker Kirk lol.
Scotty is so awkward. This is the other detail I remembered from this ep, actually: how Scotty wants to applaud using his hands no matter what. (Even with those cool lights RIGHT THERE lol). Old Aberdeen pub crawler…
This is honestly such a bizarre back story: Scotty got a concussion because someone who happened to be a woman made a mistake and now not only is his head all funny but he has a “total resentment toward women.” Like okay, nothing creepily sexist in that concept. Also –they ultimately barely even use it! I know it’s the implied rationale for why he would suddenly start murdering women and also not remembering it but it’s like such a flimsy excuse that they never say it out loud in so many words for fear it should sound too stupid. Which it would. Honestly, you really only need the concussion imo. Why go into the weird misogyny thing at all?
And now Kirk and Bons head off to a brothel, giving me a total resentment toward men.
Nice eerie fog out here. Very Aberdeenian.
Okay, so this woman was stabbed a dozen times but she only screamed once? And then a second later, Scotty had somehow teleported several feet away, still holding the knife? He’s good at his job but he’s not that good. This is already deeply suspicious.
“Therapeutic shore leave.” Trying to cure his hatred of ladies lmao.
So this weird little bald man, Hengist, from Rigel IV. Is he an alien? I suppose he must be. Rigellians are a race, as we know from Journey to Babel. It’s not always clear to me which groups of people are Earth colonists who have migrated to or been born on other planets and which are humanoid aliens.
The Aurelians are a gentle, harmless people. Cute. I like these aliens.
I wish we could hire aliens to be our administrators. Alien Overlord and Taylor.
“I’ll be taking over, since I am the highest official.” He out-officialed him.
I like this guy and his slightly creepy empath priestess wife. I feel like Spock would like them, too.
Speaking of: Spock in the captain’s chair. Hot.
I don’t get how this planet is the only space port around. Like… could not any planet be a space port? What does that even mean?
Oh no, a woman with the lie detector machine! She must be incompetent and/or to be despised.
I love Sybo’s outfit. Her hair and jewelry too. Honestly just a great head-to-toe look.
Another murder! Sorry but this one is on the Aurelian for just leaving the murder weapon out there unattended.
Generally speaking, the costume and set people are doing allllll the work in this episode.
Hengist went to look for suspects and he came up with the victim’s father and fiancé?? He’s not even trying lol. Anyway, he obviously did it.
How can you NOT tell if a lock was picked or not? I mean I know McCoy is a doctor, not a locksmith, but come on. It can’t be that ambiguous.
Spooky mumbo-jumbo.
Interesting that Spock doesn’t trust the mumbo-jumbo either. I guess he only approves of it when it’s Vulcan.
When Sybo says “monstrous evil” the camera is looking right at Hengist. Not suspicious at all. He’s only clearly railroading Scotty, looked right at the second victim before she was killed, was in the perfect position to take the murder weapon after it was carelessly left about, and is the most obvious non-Scotty suspect here.
I love how loyal Bones is. He literally saw Scotty holding Sybo and the knife with blood on his hands and is like “It’s impossible he could have done it.”
So many of the “truth discovery” devices on TOS are truly creepy. Like they’re all clear plot devices, and for that reason depicted as completely reliable, and the more completely reliable they are, the more deeply disturbing they become upon any reflection at all.
That’s a pretty computer though. All those pretty flashing lights! And it runs on floppy disks.
I literally just remembered what happened.
“Scotty, lie to me, how old are you?” / “Twenty-two, Sir.” Yeah, I’d say that’s a lie.
So like this allegedly all-powerful computer is literally just a lie detector. That’s it! A lie detector that picks up on psychological signs of lying, just like our lie detectors today. I mean… you could have just said that straight out. All they do is show what a person believes to be true, so in the case where someone truly doesn’t remember something, the usefulness is… limited.
My mom suggested a Vulcan mind meld which, actually, would pretty much solve the problem! But for once Spock actually treats it like something serious and not to be thrown out as a solution to all problems at the merest suggestion.
Someone needs to do a fashion line based entirely on the Argellian outfits.
Spock is internally eye-rolling at all this drama. I feel like he’s a real advocate for the computers today. That’s like… really his only role.
The computer’s linguistics banks don’t know what this word means? Maybe we should get Uhura on the case.
Plot twist: the killer was Jack the Ripper the WHOLE TIME! The last one you’d ever expect.
I don’t get how the computer made the leap from Redjac to Jack the Ripper since that is not a real word and no one outside of this episode of TOS has ever used it for Jack the Ripper.
“Everyone feeds on death, even vegetarians.” So dark, Spock. So emo.
Aw, alien creatures that derive sustenance from love. Adorable. There should have been an episode devoted to them. (Wait a minute…. Idea coming on…)
Speaking of gaseous cloud aliens…the Companion?
This episode really relies a lot on the computer to provide information and otherwise move the plot along.
Kirk keeps ignoring everyone to just talk to Spock.
“Cloud the issue” lol that’s a good pun. (Already can’t remember who said it but… point stands.)
The cloud entity feeds on women because they are more easily and deeply terrified. That sounds fake but okay. It’s also not in keeping with what Sybo said, is it? She mentioned a hatred of women. That’s not the same as finding women useful.
Hmm, when do we get our Martian Colonies, @ perseverance?
Oh, Rigel IV, you say? There seems to be a Rigellian right here!
This whole history of the entity is bizarre. The first killing sprees (that we know of) are on Earth, and Kirk specifically says that when man left Earth to explore, he took this with him. Does that mean… the cloud creature/entity originated on Earth? Truly a bizarre hypothesis, when you think about it.
Are you the entity, Sir?
There is actually very little Scotty in this Scotty-centric episode.
Lol the knife originates with the hill people of Rigel IV. What is this, Deliverance?
Omg Kirk punched the entity right out of that man!
So to summarize: “Jack the Ripper is actually a gaseous cloud that is capable of infecting the computer system of the Enterprise, thus hijacking the whole ship” is the basic, wacky concept of this episode.
This tranquilizer could quiet a volcano. Where was it during the volcano scene in STID hmm?
Kirk’s plan to keep people from being scared by the maniacal voice of the entity: Tranquilize the entire ship. That’s why he’s paid the big bucks.
Yet another twist on the old Kirk v. Computer plot. Time to use Math to defeat it.
Kirk is so unimpressed with the entity. “Eh, shut that off.” He would not be moved by a haunted house.
“This is the first time I’ve heard a malfunction threaten us.” Sulu can man his post AND be funny; he’s multi-talented.
Kirk and Spock don’t need tranquilizers because they’re smart enough to know this high-pitched voice yelling random threats just isn’t actually scary.
Kirk is really insistent that Sulu man his frickin’ post!
Oh no, not PI!! My nemesis, PI!
I’m really living for Sulu here.
If the entity entered a tranquilized person, it might take up knitting. I gotta say, that doesn’t make any sense as a plot point but I like it anyway.
That was a very efficient tranquilizing job! Everyone in a 400+ person ship in like 10 minutes? Get the medical team on the Enterprise in charge of the vaccine distribution stat.
Kirk just outright assumes that Spock won’t be a hospitable entity choice. And he’s not even wrong! The entity chooses the dead body over Spock or Kirk. It knows when it’s not wanted.
Hengist has been revived!
The entity is honestly, truly hilarious. Die, die, everybody die! Kill! Kill you all! Maniacal laughter! All while being carried by a still utterly unimpressed Kirk down the halls of the ship.
Spock’s like “get out of the way, you tranquilized idiot. Got some entity-scattering to do.”
“I gave them a pretty big shot, Jim!” Think you might have slightly overdone it, Bones? You didn’t need to make everyone useless for 6 hours for a problem that was solved in 5 minutes!
This is one of those moments, Kirk trying to get Spock to see the pretty ladies with him, when Spock seems super gay. Like, I don’t even think he is, that’s not my reading of him, and I also assume that wasn’t the intention here, but that’s just so clearly how it reads.
Aw, Kirk doesn’t want to go the strip club alone. Poor bb.
Weird how Lt. Leslie was in this when he died in the last episode.
Overall, I’d actually have to say that was a very crack-y episode. I liked the ending the best because it was so ridiculous.
What I don’t understand, in addition to whether or not the entity was really supposed to be from Earth, was how it came to be Hengist. Like, it can enter and leave bodies (or computers) at will, so perhaps it just entered Hengist, a normal Rigellian, at some point. But if that’s so, putting him on the transporter and scattering him into space was a pretty cruel thing to do. Also, why did he die (or appear to die) when the entity wasn’t in him? That implies he is the entity’s physical form. But then, first of all, how is also a Rigellian? Like did the entity mate with a Rigellian? Did the entity take over a baby Rigellian? Did the entity just claim to be Rigellian but is really just humanoid in its physical form—we did establish that some aliens, like this one, or creatures or whatever, are gaseous sometimes and solid others, so maybe its solid form is humanoid. Which would fit well with it originating in Earth, although that also brings a new and perhaps unintentional layer of creepiness to the story. I have to assume that’s the situation, but still, wild. And it doesn’t explain this: why does Hengist “die” when the entity “leaves” him, as opposed to just disappear entirely when the entity changes form??
Anyway, I know I’m overthinking this very wacky premise. Overall, I think the episode was fine. It didn’t have enough Scotty (for being a “Scotty episode”) and it changed genres an awful lot for 50 minutes. There was a tad too much misogyny going on. And overall I didn’t feel like the characters—even Kirk, and in actuality this was a Kirk episode much more than a Scotty episode, and purposefully so—were at their most interesting. Tbh Sulu ultimately stole the show in the final minutes.
Next up is the Trouble with Tribbles! Also a funny episode but at least undeniably purposefully so!
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