#like i have very little love for the cage as an episode but dear lord fk;jlafj;ajdld go on give us nothing
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raisinchallah · 3 years ago
i was curious about the next discovery episode see how things got resolved with the whole spocks mental illness and finally understand his and michaels relationship but im left with more questions than answers like the absolute terrible cant come back from thing michael did was... be nasty to him when she was 10....... after they had presumably known each other for like a year and this was something amanda couldnt forgive her for... being a scared child... and irreparably damaged her relationship with spock and also i guess she was in active danger by living on vulcan which sort of makes no sense when u would think if there were extremist vulcans hating all humans amanda would also be a target? and again its like why the fuck was michael put in this awful situation but its like im left wondering were her and spock ever close cuz this moment supposedly reveals the rift between them happened when they were so young its not like they had a relationship to rekindle or anything also tbh i realize for the longest time i had misremembered the spoiler and thought that michael was the red angel and that what was making spock go crazy was a premonition about michael being gone and i thought that would be very cool but um the time thing felt so silly but like god... i really felt like until more details were coming out it felt like their rift would have been something that happened when they were older and maybe something where they were both wrong and like had to heal their relationship rather than something perfectly constructed so u dont actually feel like anyone did anything wrong but also just feels like again another illustration of what an awful situation michael was put into and nobody supporting her and idk i just wish that instead of some like oh wow spocks falling apart cuz he has a messed up understanding of time which feels so silly it could be that he had a premonition about michael leaving into the future or how her moms the red angel and it was like him having to confront the buried pain of his distance from his family or fear of losing michael and that bringing up the pain of them not speaking for years or just you know djkla;kljs he could be mentally ill for normal reasons like theres just like it feels like a few small changes could make the emotional reality of it a lot stronger..... idk its just a lot of quick fixes that sort of leap over character development i did really like hughs section of the episode the focus on his alienation and trying to rediscover who he is... which did pair well with like i think what they were going for with the spock and michael parts of the episode nice to have like thematic consistency..
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whispsofwind · 2 years ago
After rebloggling countless gifs I am basically almost done with His Dark Materials s1, and I wanted to write down some quick thoughts (years late I know I know)
Under the readmore in case someone still hasn't seen it
It's overall a really well crafted series: it keeps the pace well, the characters are endearing, the writing is solid, and dear Lord the scene when they try to put Lyra into the machine gave me shivers.
I am also really interested in what they are doing with Marisa, with all this hidden ferocity and self hate and almost monkey like mannerisms, which are not a T to the book but work really well imo. And Lin Manuel Miranda is surprisingly not too distracting (usually. Oh Lee my darling).
Already including Will in S1 was a genius stroke of the adaptation process. While it does diminish a little the moment of "oh fuck there are other worlds" in the book, I feel like it's much better in terms of pacing to introduce him in s1, so that the TV only audiences won't be immediately turned off by a sudden setting change in s2. Also Will is. So. Good so far! Loves his mum and is angry and he's patient and gosh, this kid.
CGI is also usually very good, but here I begin with the nitpicking: really not enough attention is devoted to the daemons, so you really don't get how essential they are to the concept of personhood and how unsettling it is to see someone without them (that said that scene with the caged daemon repeatedly hitting their head against the cage was so heartbreaking). Also not enough attention is given to the taboo, like, that doctor sexually assaulted Lyra and Pan, but you wouldn't get it without knowing the books (and in fact I had to explain it to my boyfriend who hasn't read the books and was confused on why Pan clearly wasn't expecting to be grabbed).
My second problem with the series so far is Lyra herself - the actress is magnificent, don't get me wrong, she does amazing with what she has, but I feel like the show is really trying to make her as likeable as possible, and in particular tones down the lying quite a lot. Which, I feel like such a big part of Lyra's character is that she is this wild, selfish, lying little girl, that she is brave and impulsive and courageous and mischievous and well - everything really. The show really gets her positive sides to shine, but not the negative sides so much, and I feel like this diminishes her.
So far I am overall satisfied with it as an adaptation and loving it as a show.
Next episode is the Lyra - Iofur showdown and I can't wait to have time to watch it.
These books were so important to me as a teen, it's such a joyous experience to relive them like this <3
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red-winters · 5 years ago
*Batfam fic-recs
*Some are Tim Drake Centric
**Some links are not working in mobile (and ONLY mobile) for some reason? And some titles that were bolded in the original post are ALSO not displaying on mobile correctly. Idk what to do about that, but you can still look up the fic, I guess.
The Bat’s Crest - livierambles
Note: I will always keep recommending this fic. It’s epic, thrilling, and hilarious and sometimes angsty. Also, everyone is confused, including the ones doing the confusing. Maybe especially the ones doing the confusing. Also, some Tim and Damian bonding, which is always nice.
Summary: Tragedy strikes the hero community when Bruce Wayne commits a crime so heinous even the best start asking for blood. However, as the heroes try to recover from the hit and carry out justice for their friends, a random assortment of people start acting oddly, including the current Speedy Tim Drake, a child hostage in Gotham, and a young man from an unremarkable circus amongst others. All of them seem intent on saving Bruce Wayne from the grasp of the Justice League for no apparent reason, going as far as betraying their previous allegiances.
Unknown to the Justice League, these people are equally confused. Clearly they're stuck in another dimension, but how do they get back? How did they even get here? Who else is stuck in this world? And how long will Tim's patience last? Back home, the Bat was a planetary symbol that struck fear in the hearts of criminals. In this new world, it has no meaning, save for the handful of stranded souls.
In the Shadows - Kieron_ODuibhir
(shortened) Summary:
“I’m not like you.”
The cowl still looked like something he was wearing, but Clark knew it was not. It flexed like skin when Batman narrowed his blank white eyes and said, “I can see you know that.” 
Chirp - AmariT
Summary: Every piece of the signal Tim unlocked revealed more locks, and by the time he broke through the last one, he was already mentally rehearsing his many upcoming talk show appearances. 'Yes,' he told the interviewer, 'it was difficult for me, a ten-year-old genius, to break open the worldwide alien conspiracy. That's why it took a whole hour.'
When the crackling audio started, he expected some weird alien language. Maybe squawks and high-pitched squeals mixed with musical woofs. Maybe they wouldn't talk at all, and images would beam directly into his mind. Maybe they'd talk in practiced English with a Midwestern drawl like their other resident alien.
Instead he heard a low, guttural voice growling out of his computer speakers. "Robin," it said. "Are you in position?"
A Better Cage - Mangaluva
Note: I was absolutely DELIGHTED to see a Young Justice Crossover with the Justice Lords (Earth-50) from the animated Justice League series, which is near and dear to my heart. I admit I haven’t really had much time to hunker down and read this, but even skimming, it’s an intriguing piece of work. Also, Justice Lords.
Summary: Wally's grateful to have woken up at all, really. He just doesn't know what to make of the world he's woken up in. At least they want to find a way to his world as much as he does, if not exactly for the same reasons...
Common People - AmariT
Note: The Bat boys are all Bruce’s blood sons, but it still feels very much like a found family. I haven’t really read everything in this series, but I feel the author has an amazing grip on all the characters. Lovely and heartwarming.
Summary: His whole life, Jason’s mom had told him his dad was Bruce Wayne, but he’d never been dumb enough to actually believe it. They lived in a rundown, one-room apartment in the worst part of town, and in every single picture he’d ever seen of that rich bastard he was wearing a suit or sipping champagne worth more than everything they’d ever owned.
But if he wasn’t Bruce Wayne’s kid, then what the hell was he doing sitting outside the man’s office in Wayne Towers?
Red Robin and the Hood - momoejaku
Note: Haven’t read this in a while, but it made an impression. Though it’s a fic set during the Red Robin arc, it very much is about both Tim and Jason. Plus, it fleshes out the Pru and Z a bit more, too.
Summary: Bruce Wayne is dead. Superman brought back his body, and the family mourned him, holding a quiet funeral in secret so that the legacy of Batman could live on. But not everyone has been able to put him to rest.
Reeling from the loss of Bruce, his identity as Robin and his trust in his family, Tim Drake sets out on a personal quest that will take him across the world to prove what he knows in his heart: that Bruce Wayne is alive.
Though intending to make his way alone, Tim reluctantly accepts help from his predecessor, Jason Todd, who knows from personal experience that death is not always as final as it seems.
Together, they are Red Robin and the Hood.
Liminal Spaces - Calamityjim
Note: Skimmed this only since I’ve been busy, BUT it does look well-written, and I’m always a sucker for alternate dimension/dimension travel intervention-type of fix-its. It’s a very specific trope.
Bruce's habit of collecting strays is not limited by dimension.
When Young Justice Batman comes across an angsty, seemingly abandoned by his Batman Tim Drake, he decides to step up to the plate and parent the crap out of him.
Little Bird’s Vengeance - KatHarkness-Katara
Note: Crossover with Avengers. Awesome fic with Tim and Jason and some Outsider POV (via the Avengers) of these dimensional stragglers. I think Tim’s team shows up in the later chapters, too. If you’re reading on mobile, it’s still very much worth reading despite FF.net’s horrible format and abundance of advertisements in the mobile version.
Summary: Why is life never simple? Red Robin's ended up worlds away from home once again, and now what's he to do? What do the Avengers want from him; do SHIELD have another agenda; and is there any way back? Pre-New 52. No slash. Rated for inevitable language/violent themes.
A Displaced Red Robin - dragonprincess1988
Note: Worth reading despite FF.net’s horrible format and abundance of advertisements in the mobile version. Well-written fic! EMOTIONS! I love them. Younger Dick Grayson is adorable, Tim is a competent fixer-upper for other people but not so much himself. He’s kind of angsty and making YJ Dick want to keep him (and YJ Bruce, too, if you read between the lines). On the plus side, seems like he’s making good friends with Young Justice Roy. This fic was written before certain episodes of YJ came out, though, and the fic reflects/will continue to reflect that. Still, I give it five stars.
Author’s Summary: Tim gets transported to the cartoon Young Justice world, and he's not sure he knows how to deal with it. Attention: If you want to know about Artemis or people from Tim's world the final note on my profile is for you. Also, a special thank you to angel-gidget over at Tumblr, who made the wonderful cover art for this story.
The Till-then From the Ever Since - Keiron O_Duibhir
Note: Fandom classic. Definitely a must-read for Batfam fans, in my humble opinion.
Summary: It began, or seemed to begin, with Jason.
Usually that would have meant something in the order of fire and explosion and probably at least one gunshot wound, but for once (as Tim said, sourly), it wasn't actually Jason's fault.
The Wayne Family Ghost - pupeez4eva
Note: Please read this. Especially if you’re sad or anxious or just have time. I couldn’t stop laughing. It’s my go-to cheer-up fic. Absolutely hysterical.
Summary: In which Bruce realizes that having a legally dead son, who regularly hangs around the family, might be slightly problematic. 
Bloodline - chibi_nightowl
Note: Complicated family dynamics, this time centering around Tim, Selina, Bruce and, surprisingly, Damian. Jason and Dick make an appearance as supportive big bros, too. It works. Take a read, it isn’t that long.
“Mr. Drake, I can’t think of a better way to say this, so I’ll just be blunt. This file is for your first adoption. By the Drakes.”
Tim blinked. “My what?”
“You were adopted as a newborn by Jack and Janet Drake.”
“Excuse me, but what the fuck are you talking about?”
Talon!Tim AU Series by keeptogethernow
Note: Found family, from a different angle. Cool fic and well-written.
Summary of Tso’ape Mumbichi, first in the series: Ten years ago, two people made a deal with the devil--unlimited funds in exchange for their child. And now it's time to pay up. But there's no way to ensure that the child will cooperate.
Shutterbug Series by goldkirk
Note: Exactly what it says on the tin! Found family.
Tim Drake is thirteen, runs the famous BatWatch blog that has spiraled hilariously out of control, has absentee parents that suit his purposes just fine, is training himself to run the streets at night, and is doing absolutely peachy, thank you.
Alfred and Jason disagree, and get Dick and Bruce involved in figuring out their weird next door neighbor kid’s life. Everything goes uphill from there.
Thursday’s Child - anthalogia
Note: Well-written and has found family and Tiny!Tim? Automatic win.
He’s not the first child with nowhere else to go that Bruce Wayne has taken in. Dick Grayson was the first and the most high-profile – because no one would have thought Bruce Wayne was interested in ever raising a child, let alone the orphaned son of circus performers – but Jason was maybe just as much of a shock to society for being a street kid who came out of seemingly nowhere. Tim Drake is ordinary by comparison – his parents died in a plane accident. He can’t think of anything very special about him except that he met Bruce a few times when his parents hosted parties to keep in touch with Gotham society.
Or, tiny Tim Drake is adopted by the Waynes a little earlier than scheduled.
We’re Not Driving (How did we get here?) - TimTheToaster
Note: Short and sweet, a little angsty, and then very sweet.
Tim stared at his phone, as if that would change what was on the screen.
Dick Grayson @FlyingDGrayson
It took some doing, and in some cases a little blackmail, but we've finally got the whole family together for a movie night! #WayneManor #movienight #familytime #schedulingisanightmare
15 minutes ago
Take It Back Now Y’all - TimTheToaster
Note: And Tiny!Jason has made his appearance. Also, Tim, I am begging you to please take care of yourself—ah, Bruce has made his appearance. Interesting. Also, I gotta say this author is good.
There was absolutely no way this sunshine was from Gotham in April.
Not possible.
Which meant, Tim was no longer in Gotham, in April.
(In which Tim finds himself in the past, and tries to do the right thing. It's more complicated than he'd like.)
Takes a Little Time, Takes a Lotta Twine (To Get Us Back Together) - TimTheToaster
Note: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, beginning of reconciliation, and brotherhood. A satisfying, cathartic moment during the Red Robin arc to soothe your heart.
Tim was in Gotham.
Tim had pretty specifically been avoiding thinking about Dick as much as possible for the last few weeks.
For the last year, really. No need to open that can of carnivorous worms.
Dick had other plans.
Everybody’s Heard (Bird is the Word) - TimTheToaster
Red Robin Era ANGST, but like, deliciously well-written. Also, protective Dad Bruce is always epic. Light bashing of Green Arrow and BC, though. But considering the situation (in this fic), kind of warranted.
5 times Batman heard other heroes talking about his wayward brother,
And 1 time they were talking about his son.
A Choice to Make - scorbusfics
Note: fresh and interesting premise! Cool world building, too.
Summary: They have to choose. Dick and Bruce have to choose one person each to save, and one to disappear through the door.
“Send one of us,” Dick says fiercely, not for the first time. His face is dark and angry and desperate, eyes flicking from brother to brother. “Send one of us instead. I won’t choose.”
“Neither will I,” Bruce says.
But Tim knows.
Secret Places - RenaRoo
It’s ANGST, but the author knows how to use it well. Also, Jason’s line at the end killed me. Damn.
Summary: Tim Drake goes missing. The search to find him begins.
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sieben9 · 6 years ago
“who is alice” impressions
{Quick request to anyone reading: I’m watching OUaTiW for the first time, and I want to avoid spoilers. So, if you want to discuss something spoilery, I’d be grateful if you could start a new post for that. Thank you!}
Holy… this episode did not go where I expected it to!
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and that takes care of my nightmares for at least a week. thanks, Wonderland!
This show gets dark in places. I mean, it’s a well-earned and appropriate kind of darkness, because grief, depression, and mental illness in general are heavy and dark topics, but still. Damn.
Some more wailing under the cut. (If it helps those who don’t know the show—everyone comes out of this episode mostly-alright.)
So, uh… I did wonder how Alice ended up in that hospital, and I guess this episode answers the question.
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I mean, it’s awful, even before this “hospital stay” went terribly, horribly wrong, but it’s an answer, at least.
As for the bits where I expected this episode to go differently… well, for one, I expected more Jafar. But he turned out to be more of a framing device for this one, and I guess that’s appropriate. This was Alice’s story, and before this latest return to Wonderland, he didn’t really play a role in that.
That said, I am maybe disconcertingly glad that he happened to that complete waste of space that has the audacity to call himself a medical professional. And no, I do not care that this was the prevalent opinion on the mentally ill at the time, this murdering bastard deserves everything that happens to him. (I would also like to apologise to all bastards everywhere for the comparison.)
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yeah, you better be scared.
That said, I am mildly concerned about his visit to Alice’s father. Not so much because of what Jafar might do to him, see above re: “he verily had it coming to his ass”, and more because this can’t be good for Alice, and I am at the “I will personally strangle anyone who tries to hurt her” stage of character adoption.
This episode did a really good job of showing why staying in her original world just wasn’t an option for Alice, even without the whole “escaped mental patient” deal. 1) Nobody would ever believe her and 2) her stepmother is a complete asshole.
No, seriously, I mean it. Her impulses might be reasonable (“who is this stranger and what is she doing in my house”, as well as “I don’t want this weird woman harming my daughter”), but dear Lord, she doesn’t have to be such a complete dipshit about it. And the “dipshit” comment goes doubly for Alice’s father, who seems awfully quick to dismiss his daughter’s clear distress, just because his wife—who, please remember, barely knows Alice—tells him to. Just… guh. You are terrible people and I cannot believe you raised such a nice little girl as Millie.
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oh, the cute sisterliness that could have been…
The flashback, of course, gave a good impression of the person Alice still secretly thinks she's "supposed" to be. Doesn't matter that she knows Wonderland is real, doesn’t matter that she knows she needs to save Cyrus, there’s a part of her that still wants to be “happy” by forgetting all the worries her real self has. But, as the Grove shows, that means forgetting everyone she cares about and leaving behind who she is entirely, which is, y’know, not the healthiest of coping mechanisms.
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did I mention the nightmares?
And for a bonus: that is exactly what her “new mother” (Coraline reference intentional, because if I’m going to have nightmares, I’m taking all of you down with me) wanted her to do. Just forget about her troubles and move on with a “normal”, “happy” life. Yes, the sarcastic quotation marks are getting quite a workout today.
I also loved Will’s whole rescue scene. Not only the “I’ll get you back, even if it kills me”-bit (and holy crap, you don’t realise how rarely you hear that in a non-romantic context until you do and then it’s glaringly obvious), but especially the “hypocrisy” of him telling her that just forgetting about it all won’t solve her problems. He never faced his own heartache; you could argue that he has no place telling her how to deal with hers, but he’s still a really good friend—even if he’s bad at following his own advice, he knows what the right thing to do is here.
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And yes, I am looking forward to the scene where he inevitably puts his heart back in. Very much so, in fact.
Cyrus’s plot was… yeah, it happened, I guess. It’s pretty much more of the same as back when he was still in the cage, only with more running around. He’s not really getting anywhere; the show just wants to remind everyone that he’s still around and not just sitting on his hands or something.
Though you do have to admire the intestinal fortitude of the man for jumping down that cliff.
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at least go in feet-first, you absolute maniac
And, as a little personal highlight, have a look at the Collection of “TURN BACK!” signs before the dark forest.
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You’d almost think this was a bad place to be in or something. (I also loved Alice straight up wiping the floor with the two bandits on the way. They messed with the wrong person, is all I’m saying.)
Next episode: I truly have no idea, but I’m already excited to find out.
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calliecat93 · 4 years ago
Star Trek Episodes 34-37
Metamorphosis: It was fine. I like having it be a mainly Kirk,Spock,and McCoy adventure with them stranded with a diplomat and bejng found by a giy who should be long dead. The concept of The Companion is fine and the themes of love is a perfectly fine plot to play out. But... the execution is kinda... ehh. Mainly at the end with Cochren being upset at The Companion being female (I’d also be annoyed at how Kirk assumed it was female cause of the voice but 60’s), The Companion posessing Nancy and the trio just... leaving it that way. I guess that Nancy was more or less dead by then, but it still feels wrong. And if she wasn’t dead, this BETTER have given her consent cause dear Lord NO. Then Cochren choosing to stay in his guilded cage with a being forcing him to remain cause... love I guess despite neither he nor Nancy knowing each other at all. Yeah, this is kind of a mess. It’s not bad, it had aspects Ilimed like McCoy trying to care for Nancy due to her comdition, Kirk feeling guilty because as captain whatever happens to his crew is his fault, Nancy’s sadness at having focused somuxh on her job she never found love as she’s dying is legit sad, and the trio overall working effectivly together with even Spock and McCoy not bantering too much. Heck McCoy gets concerned for Spock twice (albiet the seocnd time was also concern for Kirk). So nice bits of character and ideas that made me like the watch, but still has questionable elements that make me tilt my head. 3/5.
Journey to Babel: It’s time to meet Spock’s parents, yay! So I knew about this one cause avoiding spoilers for a 50+ year old show isn’t really on my list of priorities as my reblogs have shown. Needless to say I had expectations going in... and they were very much met! I really enjoyed this one! I like Sarek and Amanda as charcters as well as Spock’s feelings about them being ont he ship no matter how much he hides i. He understandably isn’t happy to be aorund his father who clearly didn’t approve ofhis life choices, though there doens’t seem to be any genuine hate between them. But sitll cutitng off from your own son for 18 years... dude I know yu’re a Vulcan and I know about the third movie, but that’s pretty crappy. We also see Spock, depsite using the usual ‘I’m a logical Vulcan’ card, clealry holding in storng feelings, concern, and regret hroughoutt he whole episode. Seriously, Leonard Nimoy did such an amazing job in this episode and did so many little things with the protrayal here. Though honestly McCoy may be the MVP here for successfully saving Sarek and keeping Spock alive, finally getitng the last word against Kirk and Spock, and his huge ass grin when he finds out about the tddy bear is the greatest thing int he world and Spock triyng to make it sound less embarassing made it even better. The ending was suspenseful as well. We don’t see Spock necesarially resolve his issues with is father, but it does feel like at least some progress was made... also them teasing Amanda int heir own Vulcan way made me laugh. That poor woman XD Overall, great episode. 5/5.
Friday’s Child: I think that the alternate title should be ‘McCoy’s REALLY Awkward Day’. It was good. We get the Klingons again, we’re on a planet with customs very different from Earth, and we have our trio on the run due to what is essentiallu a coup. They also get stuck with a pregnant woman who hates being touched... well until McCoy smacks her after she does it to him twice, then she’s ALL into him. Poor guy, and it only gets more awkward when he accidentally gets her to say that the child is his because he wans’t careful with his wording. But hey, he still fulfilled his duty as a doctor whether the woman liked it or not and he tried to get her to take credit for her own child since she’s the one delivering it, so good job doc! It was also hilarious with FAR too many moments to note, though most of them involve Spock being uncomfortable/annoyed as Hell XD There’s also the B-Crew dealing with their own issues, and it was nice to see them heading things without Kirk or Spock around. They’re all awesome, Scotty esecially continues ot be a badass when in commad. It was a good watch. 4/5.
The Deadly Years: It was...okay. It had some okay elements like Kirk’s aging affecting his mind, but it’s otherwise a meh episode. Metamorphosis at least had ideas I thought could be interesitng, this one is ‘let’s rapidly age the cast and roll with it’. IDK, it just ddn’t feel that storng. Admittedly some stuff was fun, like DeForest Kelley getitng to go into full-on cranky old man mode and Chekov complaining about all the examinations that he’s forced to endure, but there’s nothing notable. It doesn’t even really go into how aging and the effects on their mentality makes Kirk or the others feel like I know that The Wrath of Khan does. So yeh.. not much to say here except decent idea, but bleh execution. 2/5
Weak episode to end on, but the other three were enjoyable even with my issues with the first one.
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shimmershae · 7 years ago
My takeaways from tonight's episode--other than the fact that the Emmys are a fucking joke because Melissa McBride would already have several--are these:
Rick is still somewhat an arrogant dumbass, I see.  Just waltzing right up the Trash people's den of dirty dinge like that. 
 Nabila, I love you. 
 This all feels so very roadside memorial.
 The letters were a nice touch, I guess, a way to keep our scattered Team Family connected. You know what would have been even better?  Actual physical connections between them.  I don't know.  If this season is going to only cover like 3 fucking days, Carol and Daryl could have had longer than 30 seconds to say a potential final goodbye to each other.  Tara and Carol could have actually swapped lines on that overpass instead of just sitting pretty for the oh-so-awesome cool shot.  Characters could have actually interacted thus far.  Gimps and Co. only would have had to cut about 98 of their 100 instances thus far of dick-related dialogue.
My poor baby Aaron.  You're making my heart hurt. 
 Baby Gracie is precious. 
 So.  Carol's leading what's left of the Kingdom while their self-proclaimed King wallows in his manpain. 
 Maggie, it's so good to see you.  But goodness.  Are we sure you're not carrying a baby elephant?   Maybe this apocalypse has skewed with normal human gestation, lol.  As it is, baby Rhee should come out with a full head of black hair and pearly white teeth to show off when he smiles. 
 Naked Arts and Crafts in an landfill during a Zombie Apocalypse.  Yuck. 
 Somebody kill that skeezy sucker that shot Ben. Anybody. 
 Gregory, you spineless weasel. 
 Jesus, you're trying my patience.  And somebody remind me what happened to Morgan.  I know it's only been a day or so, but in real time, it's been 6 episodes and not much has been particularly memorable enough for me to actually remember. 
 Poor loyal, sweet Jerry.  I love you, too. 
 Damn.  Macsen looks so much like Madison I just cannot. 
 I hate the way the Garbage Pail quacks talk.  Hate it.  Rick isn't much better, though, lol.  The dialogue on this show...who talks like this? 
 I usually don't find much fault with Michonne, but what the hell?  Girl. 
 I'm not particularly pleased with the direction of Tara and Daryl's storylines as vigilantes this season no matter how understandable.  It really goes against the character of the characters as I've come to know them. 
 On the plus side, though.  Norman's actually enunciating lately, so I have tiny ray of hope that I won't have to turn on my closed captioning to actually decipher what the man is saying during any potential future Caryl scene. 
 That talkative Savior trying to be all reasonable and get in Jesus's good graces?  Not sure I trust him. 
 Like Thelma and Louise, this car ride of Michonne's and Rosita's is pretty ill-advised.  Getting out of the car, even more ill-advised injured as they are. 
 Carl approaching Siddiq and offering up his trust just like that.  I mean, it brought a tear to my eye, the callback to Lori--guh, do I miss her--but in trying to make your own way, Kid?  You're taking a page out of dear old Dad's book.  Lord help.  As much as I want to trust a man that kills walkers to honor his mother and free their souls, I feel like this can only end badly for our disobedient (not so little anymore) shit. 
 Henry, baby doll.  You've really stepped in in now. 
 This callback kills me because she's totally thinking about Sophia and it's written all over her face. 
 Maggie having Gregory put in the cage with the Saviors has me LOL.  Thank you, Margaret, for actually playing it smart.  Although, I do think it would have made more sense to keep those assholes outside Hilltop's walls. 
 Somebody kill that smarmy bastard that shot Ben.  Like seriously. 
 See you still know how to get yourself in a real pickle, Carlton.  Obviously, you're more like dear old dad than I'd originally thought. 
 But why didn't Rosita just use that RPG on the speaker truck?  If girl's so willing to sacrifice herself for vengeance, you know.  Just saying. 
 Second scene in a row that I could actually understand Daryl.  Now, if he could just make friends with a pair of scissors...
 The door was unlocked the whole time?  Carol's reaction was priceless, lol.  Melissa, have I mentioned yet that I love you?  Because you make me laugh in one frame and the very next one you're killing me with your mad skills. 
 Carol talking about acting until everything was actually okay breaks me, okay?  Those tears and that chin wobble?  My God, Woman.  She's still not okay, y'all.  But she's trying.  For the people she loves. 
 She absolutely could lead, whether she wants the mantle or not. 
 Oh, and Ezekiel sitting there with Shiva's chain?  Ouch.  Shiva and Zeke were the real ship, y'all.  Not in that way because eww.  But that was the most real connection the man had and you're not going to convince me otherwise   
 Maggie holding Gracie while Aaron talks about Eric?  My heart.  But seriously.  It's been a day and a half and my boy is talking like it's been longer than that.  I realize it feels fresh and far away at the same time, but it was still a little weird. 
 Bargaining chips.  Thank you again, Maggie.  For being smart.  This is war, after all. 
 Enid, baby girl.  Your mama/big sis Maggie isn't going to be happy with you. Not happy at all. 
 I get what they're trying to do with Daryl's traumatized ass, but I still don't like it. 
 I had to laugh at Jadis wearing Rick's boots.  So it's Andy's time to be nekkid.  Who's next, huh?  Maybe my babies get to be nekkie together, lol. 
 Sorry.  This got really long, lol.  I hope it was at least a little enjoyable, hahaha. 
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lokgifsandmusings · 8 years ago
Definitive Ranking of Book 4 Episodes, #1/13
1. 4x02 Korra Alone
Non-linear all around perfect episode that explores Korra’s struggles with PTSD and I can’t even be funny about this. Oh and Toph.
This is a post that’s taken me some time to write, because addressing the perfection of this particular episode is a daunting task. I mean it. It’s not just the best episode of Book 4, it’s the best episode of the franchise. The most daring as well.
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For a little bit of context, there’s an incredibly popular episode from Avatar: the Last Airbender called “Zuko Alone.” It picks up after he leaves Iroh in “Avatar Day,” because his uncle kind of pointed out that the hunt for the Avatar might be a tad on the futile side. His brain can’t reconcile this, so the episode instead shows him trying to blindly stick to this task, while feeling as though he has no place in the world, and being rejected by anyone who finds out who he really is. He struggles with inner darkness, inner pain, and the whole time his story is punctuated by flashbacks of his relationship to his sister, his mother’s disappearance, and his father’s ascension to Fire Lord.
I’m not sure I’d call it the high point of ATLA (“Crossroads of Destiny” gets that honor), but it is kind of everything with regards to Zuko, easily one of the strongest characters Bryke have ever written. Also it did a great job of not endorsing his self-destructive tendencies or making excuses for him.
“Korra Alone” was announced (and screened) at the 2014 New York Comic Con, and when Bryke first said the episode title, the audience screamed. Smugly, from the comfort of my couch, I shook my head at the livestream and declared that there was no way this could measure up.
Well, color me dead wrong. I forgot that it was starring Korra, and she not only measures up, she creates a new goddamned reality the world didn’t know it needed.
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Just thinking about the episode for first-time viewers, it does exactly what it needs to do. It’s impactful coming off the [mostly] Korra-less “After All These Years” to not just see her, but feel what she’s going through and feel that isolation, even when she’s surrounded by her parents and other loved ones. Though it somewhat takes on the travel+flashbacks format of “Zuko Alone,” even Korra’s present-day plot isn’t strictly sequential—most notably with us learning the real reason she entered the earthbending cage-match, with the flashes moving faster to get her to the swamp. It gives the entire episode a very ungrounded feel, which for the viewer does two things:
You desperately begin to want Korra to connect and be stabilized, because there is an inherent discomfort from the loose form for your brain (not a bad thing...an effective discomfort)
It REALLY gives the impression that time is passing in this episode
The second point is especially striking when you consider the scope. We’ve got in one “plotline” (for lack of a better term): Korra underground fighting, following a ‘dog’, and getting sucked into the swamp where she meets Toph. This alone covers significant ground. Then we have her flashbacks of leaving Republic City, not improving in her home and Senna begging her to go to Katara, Katara’s first healing session, the letters from friends that paint time as passing, Katara’s ‘wiggle your toe’ session, Tenzin visiting, Korra’s narrated letter to Asami while she meditates and trains, her leaving the SWT, her failing to apprehend the thieves, turning from Yue Bay, cutting her hair and donning new clothes, the tree of time scene, then traversing every possible landscape.
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Yeah. This is three years, no question about it. It’s visually stunning, but there’s also this extreme sense of loss that the viewer is clued into, and the aimlessness that is heavily felt. Korra’s physical appearance changing was the external manifestation of this, and the symbolism surrounding it was as clear as when Iroh and Zuko did the same nearly 8 years prior. Toph popping out at the end is the one bit of relief, and it *really* shines, especially given her voice actor being perfect and sounding instantly familiar to us (did Philece Sampler just watch hours and hours of Jessie Flower footage or something??).
I can’t see this not landing for someone the first time through, to be perfectly honest. It sets up Korra’s journey for the season, and with her still out of touch from Raava and still away from friends and family, there’s a lot that needs resolving, and that the audience should definitely want to see resolved.
Placing “Korra Alone” in the context of the entire season, and the series at that (or even the franchise) is a different ballgame. Not a worse one, but it certainly means that you can consider this in Korra’s healing arc as a whole.
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I’ll fully admit I was not 100% on-board with Dark!Korra being the representation for PTSD at first, even though this is, at the end of the day, a Y7 show that needs to break down these concepts to children. However, it worked within this episode, and given how the whole thing was resolved through mindful meditation (plus how the little bit of metal Korra extracted didn’t end up being a cure-all), I think it justified itself in a general sense.
In the case of “Korra Alone” alone (lol), it worked in a sort of 3rd person omniscient way, to quickly convey Korra reliving this moment and having a ton of anxiety each time it occurred. What had the potential for being a bit of a cheap visual metaphor instead mostly landed, giving us a kind of visceral understanding of that anxiety (and as someone who’s had to explain what that feels like to people who’ve never experienced it, that’s really no easy task).
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When it comes to Korra’s healing arc as a whole, I’m going to have to be an asshole and tell you that Gretchen ( @theonewithpurplehair ) and I are planning on writing something about it when she gets back from South Africa. It will be lengthy and emotional and talk about THEMES and how important this is. We do that.
But even in advance of it, I think there’s a point to be made about Bryke choosing to have a healing arc in the first place. They didn’t have to, you know. And for some, especially in light of the indelicately worded “I needed to suffer” quote from the final episode, having two white men use a bisexual indigenous woman to explore a story about recovering from extensive trauma is uncomfortable, which is absolutely a valid tension.
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However, something I think @glamourweaver highlighted best back when fandom dialogue was more...heightened, was that like it or not, Korra’s gone through major traumas throughout the show. In Book 1, she lost most of her bending and was so affected there was not-subtle-at-all suicide imagery included. Then Aang’s magic touch fixed her depression! Yay!
In Book 2, she had Raava ripped out of her and lost her (admittedly newfound) connection to her past lives, calling into question her very identity as the Avatar. The whole astral-projection thing she did? That was just Korra’s strength of soul, separate from anything to do with reincarnated powers. So yeah, reconnecting with Raava and becoming the first Avatar of a new spiritual age would totally be healing, but the idea that there’s no trauma she’d need to explore? Book 3 is near and dear to me, but in many ways it almost feels like a new show, complete with not bothering to tap into implications of the first 2 seasons. Whoops!
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It’s yeah, not great how much she was put through the wringer when you get down to it. But Bryke are conscientious and tend to fix their mistakes. In a lot of ways, Korra being given PTSD—like...realistic PTSD—and an ensuing healing arc in Book 4 was the direct answer to everything previously glossed over.
The result? To that, I’ll just go ahead and quote @beccatoria’s essay (seriously, read it), because it lays out the meaning so well:
“This brings us to the final part of my argument: forming new meanings. The therapies I have mentioned so far focus on the physiological issues. The brain blows a fuse and can't process what it has experienced, so if you fix the fuse, you fix the processing problem. This still leaves a person who has been through an extremely traumatic event. PTSD almost always presents alongside issues such as depression and can lead to feelings of isolation and guilt. Individuals may either feel emotionally disconnected or emotionally out of control and have often internalised damaging messages as a result of their trauma. There is often a focus on creating new meanings as these memories are re-examined. We see this in Korra's evolving attitude to her own experiences.
Zaheer asserts that her power is limitless. She should never have been able to survive the poison. He offers her an opportunity to recontextualise her survival as evidence of her enormous resilience and strength rather than as a failure because she did not survive unscathed. While she is recovering, Katara tells her about Aang and how he chose to find meaning in his suffering. “What will I find?” Korra wonders. “Won't it be interesting to find out?” Katara asks. The answer comes in her final conversation with Tenzin. Korra chooses to form new meanings for her experiences, and chooses to find a message of compassion and empathy.”
Yes, the landing was not 100% perfect, but the recontextualization of her suffering and subsequent empowerment through that was clear. Korra ended the series hopeful about the future, and more at peace than we had seen her—certainly more at peace than that flailing teenager who was more willing to demand a duel with Amon than admit fear. She had grown and found ways to reconcile what happened into how she wanted to lead her life.
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Do you mind if I get personal for three seconds? I have general anxiety, as well as a very specific (and admittedly mild) trauma associated with driving, and though I’ll never equate my experience to Korra’s brutalization (seriously, mine just involves a hangover, a large cup of coffee, pizza, and a bridge), there is something about that terror of being out-of-control I identify with, and it features so strongly in Korra’s arc. I also know what it’s like to want to will something away and fight against everything that’s happening. Why can’t my stupid brain just STOP?
But the thing is, like beccatoria said, it’s about contextualizing it. Anxiety never goes away, and it certainly can’t be willed out of the forefront. But you can choose to look at things with a new point of view. To be able to sit with a feeling and recognize what it is, even if it’s massively uncomfortable or puts your body in flight-or-fright mode. Personally, I’ve come to look at my anxiety/intrusive thoughts as a very badly behaved cat. The cat is weirdly trying to protect me, and truly thinks this is what will help keep me safe, but well...it’s an idiot:
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Still, it’s *my* idiot, damnit, and now when I drive, I can just picture her in the passenger seat chewing on the emergency brake. She’s also the survival mechanism my brain came up with to shield me from more chaotic forces in my life, and that’s kind of neato, when you get down to it.
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*Kind of*, okay? (I still need to replace this chair, though Trystane Nymeros has done more damage to it with his many toes).
The point is, Korra’s story is powerful and salubrious because she just...goes through hell and back, she really does. But she not only finds meaning in it, she finds positivity and hope. She is at her MOST secure when she flings herself in front of that spirit gun, and then talks down the season antagonist with a few words. It’s uplifting, without pulling *any* punches on how ugly and terrifying and isolating PTSD can be.
There were punches thrown outside of “Korra Alone” too, but that was the episode that waded in most deeply, and somehow did it in an appropriate fashion for a Y7 show. I can’t sing its praises enough, truly.
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Having laid this all out, it seems almost trite to mention the Korrasami aspects of the episode. It didn’t escape the fandom that Korra telling Tonraq and Senna she wanted to go back home read like a coming out conversation, and the “Dear Asami” sequence is without question the most stunning of the episode. Though @queertoonqueertoons lays out why there’s other reasons for that as well. But like, what can be said? Korra lets herself be vulnerable around Asami in a way she won’t with others, and Asami asks for very little in return. It was a nice, continuing thread, but it never became a focal point of the episode, or the series, so shame on me if I buck the trend.
I can give overall thoughts on Book 4 when I pull together the final post for this ranking, but like Korra, I think I’m ending on a pensive and positive note. “Korra Alone” will do that for you, even though it may be the darkest episode of the franchise. What a masterpiece.
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#13: 4x08 “Remembrances”
#12: 4x11 “Kuvira’s Gambit”
#11: 4x09 “Beyond the Wilds”
#10: 4x07 “Reunion”
#9: 4x06 The “Battle of Zaofu”
#8. 4x12 “Day of Colossus”
#7 4x01 “After All These Years”
#6 4x03 “The Coronation”
#5 4x04 “The Calling”
#4 4x05 “Enemy at the Gates”
#3 4x10 “Operation Beifong”
#2 4x13 “The Last Stand”
Book 2 ranking/essays found here
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truecantaloupelove-blog · 7 years ago
Steven Universe Finale (FanFic): “The Shattering- Part 1″
Hey, everyone! Welcome to my Steven Universe fanfic finale: this is how I’D imagination the perfect end to one of the best kids’ cartoons in the last 50 years. I little background; part of this fan episode was born from my frustration throughout Season 4, I felt the side episodes were taking up too much time, and there wasn’t as much attention devoted to fusion, gem lore, good action scenes and music like their was in previous seasons. Well, if you want something done right, do it yourself, so this fan work has the full package: fusion, battle, the cluster, ALL the Diamonds, some of of our favorite sidelined heroes returning to the action, and so much more.
A word of warning: this story does contain one OC of mine; a homeworld gem agent named Holy War Quartz. I really enjoy her as a character, I think she’s plucky and strong-willed in a very fun way, but I know how people feel about OCs so I tried not to give her too invasive of a roll in the story.
This episode is meant to take place during the final Homeworld invasion of the Earth, where things REALLY go down and get tense. I’ve filled in some of the gaps in lore that we haven’t learned yet, but I’ve still tried to keep it as close to canon as possible.
This is a fan-friendly, inclusive episode for everyone, just like the creators would want. Anyone is welcome to enjoy it, and there shouldn’t be anything offensive or upsetting in this to longtime hardcore fans of the series like me. Part 2 is one the way soon, so with that, enjoy!
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Steven Universe—Series Finale:
S06 E25: “The Shattering”
A Fan-Made Episode
 (Opening credits)
NARRATOR: On the last “Steven Universe” things had gotten pretty heated for our heroes—literally. (Shot of all the Crystal Gems and Connie trapped in a cage above a chasm filled with lava and brimstone) The nefarious Yellow Diamond had captured all but one of the Crystal Gems and decided to hold them as hostage for leverage against the remnants of Earth. But any sort of human counterattack was unlikely as Homeworld’s invasion of Earth was in full force; and all resistances to the relentless assault were being pummeled.
(Scenes of battalions of Quartz, Topaz, and Ruby soldiers decimating sieging and decimating major cities around the globe) As if that wasn’t enough; the cluster had finally begun to emerge, and the effects on the Earth’s tectonic plates were cataclysmic. Steven Universe led a brave defense for his hometown of Beach City, but when a great tremor split the boardwalk in two and swallowed the bulk of its citizens into the earth, this battle too proved futile—and tragic.
(A Quartz soldier spears Greg through the chest. Steven is seen holding his bleeding father, crying) Mortally wounded, Greg Universe was left for dead in the infirmary, but the rage of his father’s loss empowered Steven to do something he’d never been able to do before. (Steven screams a howl of agony and begins to transform, growing older, meaner, stronger) The pain caused him to finally break through the barrier of his pre-pubescent body, transforming this meek, effeminate child into a stout, brawny man bent on revenge. Enraged, he cut a lethal swath deep into the ranks of Homeworld’s forces, but even this effort would have come to naught had it not been for the sudden arrival of a new, shocking, and unexpected ally.
(White Diamond emerges, wielding massive twin swords. He intervenes as Steven is about to be overwhelmed in his berserker rage; the two of them pull together and manage to beat back the enemy) Together, these two brave warriors managed to drive off the invasion party—for now. But the Earth is in a dire state, and all of the forces of Homeworld are massed between Steven and his imperiled friends. Can Steven and the renowned White Diamond possibly hope to turn the tides of this war? Can they save their friends and neutralize the cluster before it fully emerges, wreaking devastation upon the planet? Is this humanity’s last bow? Find out on today’s “Steven Universe”!
 (Aerial shot of Beach City; buildings are in splinters and fires are smoldering everywhere. The Big Donut, its roof ripped off and two of the walls collapsed in, is being used as a makeshift hospital; the remnants of Beach City’s citizens who aren’t too wounded to walk scramble around trying to bring the triage under control. Steven stands over his unconscious father, fists clenched)
STEVEN: Dear old Dad, I remember you once told that no matter what happened, there would always be a guardian angel out there to protect me. Well, now I need that angel more than ever, and only too late I learned you were lying. Yet somehow even now, I can’t bring myself to hate you for it.
(He surveys the wreckage of the city) I was once a boy with a home. With hopes and dreams. With a family, or at least what counted as a family in this decadent world. Now, when the true weakness, the feebleness of my world is exposed for what it is, and when all the rot and decay is stripped away, what am I left with? Nothing. Nothing but the fury, and my own restless thoughts to keep me company.
(As he ponders, a mutant gem monster the size of a rhino bursts through the perimeter and tears havoc through the town. Steven goes for his sword but is too slow. The gem monster is about to trample him when a white crystal blade slashes through its deformed body from behind, poofing it instantly. White Diamond stands there, his chest bare-shirted and his lips opened on a snarl)
WHITE DIAMOND: Keep your guard up, Half-Breed! I can’t afford to be watching your back every second!
STEVEN: (Dispassionately) Oh, yeah. Thanks. (He takes the mutant gemstone and bubbles it) Guess I owe you one.
WHITE DIAMOND: I mean it, Universe. You’re no use to me as an ally if you’re dead.
STEVEN: I’m still trying to wrap my head around the idea that you want to be my ally in the first place: I’ve turned Gems before, but never this fast.
WHITE DIAMOND: Don’t flatter yourself; this has nothing to do with you personally, it’s a simple strategic analysis. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
STEVEN: That’s funny, I thought the Diamonds were on the same team.
WHITE DIAMOND: You really don’t understand your own culture even now, do you? You’re comrades-at-arms must have left you woefully ignorant.
STEVEN: (Bitterly) Well, they weren’t exactly the type for answering questions when asked.
WHITE DIAMOND: I’ll give you the shortened version, if only because it expedites my purposes. The truth is, Universe, that there is only one Diamond Patriarch, the White Diamond. This is the way it has been from ages immemorial: one Diamond, to rule them all. All planets, all gems, all the knowledge and technology of Homeworld ultimately belong to him. All the other Diamonds serve him as members of his court, or, as you more primitive humans might call it, his harem.
I too was the ruler of Homeworld, once, like my predecessor and the predecessor before him. But I made the first mistake any Gem can make: I fell in love. Pink Diamond, she was truly the most beautiful of all creatures, and I loved her more than any of my other concubines. So I spoiled her, and pampered her, and did something no White Diamond had ever done, or ever should do. I gave her a planet of her own, to rule. But Yellow Diamond took exception to our love, she became bitter and envious of her sister and plotted how she might take revenge. It took centuries for her plan to be carried out, but finally she found the perfect opportunity, and in one fell swoop, she tricked me, draining my power and forcing me to take residence in this diminished, weakened form. She deposed me, usurping my throne and my birthright. She set herself up as the new tyrant of Homeworld, with that simpering blue peon at her side. She rewrote history, she massacred millions of gems who resisted her blasphemous treason, and she divided the Gem empire, knowing it to be beyond her capacity to rule.
It is fitting, in a way, that the ancient grudge between us should be settled on this planet, where it began so long ago. I have had to live as an exile and a wanderer for thousands of years, but at long last my aching thirst for revenge is about to be slaked. But I’ve learned how to plot, I’ve learned how to wait out the centuries and play her long game. When I re-ascend to take my rightful place as Lord and Master of all Gemkind, I won’t make the same mistake she did. Let me be clear: Yellow Diamond won’t escape this day with her life.
STEVEN: (Wryly) I thought you said you were giving me the short version.
(WHITE DIAMOND yanks him off his feet by the scruff of his pink shirt. Even in his diminished size, he’s still nearly ten feet tall)
WHITE DIAMOND: I will not have my plans for vengeance foiled by your lack of conviction! This day is about more than either of us, Half-Breed! This is restoring the rightful order to the Universe. I have no love of Yellow Diamond; the Kingdom of Gemkind has gone to ruin in her hands! She knows this, she knows full well that only a White Male Diamond is fit to rule our kind, and yet she persists in her debauched, unholy reign, pretending to be a leader when she was created to be nothing more than a consort. I’m going to end her charade, and you’re going to help me do it, Half-Breed. You play a vital role to my plans, and therefore, I order you to stay focused and alert!
STEVEN: If means getting revenge, you don’t have to tell me twice. Now put me down. (White Diamond does so) So, what is our plan?
WHITE DIAMOND: Yellow Diamond currently holds my stolen energy, which puts us at the disadvantage. However, I still know her weaknesses. If we can make it to the throne room, I only need a few minutes of diversion to reabsorb my power, and once that happens, this entire war will be over.
STEVEN: Seems simple.
WHITE DIAMOND: Not quite. Yellow Diamond and her pusillanimous blue lackey are cowards by nature; her flagship is going to be surrounded by literal legions of soldiers, each tier stronger than the last. I know how her battle formations work; at the frontline, she’ll put the crippled, the forced fusion shard gems. Those, at least will be easy enough to hack through, but they’re only meant to wear us down before the real task begins.  Next rank is the corrupted abominations, a shade more difficult to break through if only because they retain more of their sentience. Then after that, come the hybrids.
STEVEN: (Shocked) You mean there are more human-gems hybrids?
WHITE DIAMOND: Indeed. When Earth was colonized we learned to breed and weaponize the humans, some of whom we collected and carried back to Homeworld as prizes. Under my rule, at least, we only resorted to such a disgraceful tactics due to mounting desperation to provide relief contingents for our soldiers during the Great Gem War. Trained under the right conditions, these hybrids can become even stronger with their powers than natural Gems. However, their flesh bodies make them doubly vulnerable to both physical wounds and attacks to their gems. The half-breeds are a sort of trade-off in battle tactics, they have the best of both worlds as well as the worst. And by all means they are an insult to the purity of the Gem race, but do not underestimate their deadliness.
STEVEN: (Hushed) I can’t believe I’m not the only one…
WHITE DIAMOND: You have already met one such hybrid in the past, believe it or not. The agent known as Holy War Quartz 8-X1J was sent to this very town only a mere couple of months ago, will undoubtedly be among their ranks. Like you, Universe, she is in fact half-human.
(He has a flashback to 11 episodes earlier, fighting against a tall, limber blond-haired girl in the temple. She appears to have been making short work of all the Crystal Gems in the flashback)
WHITE DIAMOND: “Amy”? That must have been the alias she took on for her mission. In any case, we must stay focused. Beyond the half-breeds lies the real challenge: Quartz soldiers, hundreds of them. And more likely than not a couple of fusions towards the back. Luckily, if we make it through that, all we have left to deal with are her personal guards.
STEVEN: Sounds like a tall order.
WHITE DIAMOND: I don’t understand your human inanities. But listen, Universe, before we march into this glorious battle, you really should consider finding some attire more appropriate to combat. Unlike me, your body can sustain permanent damage from flesh wounds.
(Steven looks down at his tattered pink star shirt. Since his transformation, it’s become far too small for him, exposing his midriff, clinging tightly to his pronounced pectoral muscles and outright shredded where his shoulders bulge through)
STEVEN: What? You mean this old thing? (He rips the shirt clean off, exposing his sleek, muscled physique) I was going to get rid of it anyway. I’ve outgrown it. (He throws the now pink rag aside and searches through the bodies for something more suitable. He comes across Suitcase Sam’s black rugged black trenchcoat) Ah. Here we go.
WHITE DIAMOND: Hmm. Much better.
STEVEN: Couldn’t have said it better myself. (He throws the black trenchcoat on, leaving it unbuttoned to expose his abs. Then he takes his father’s old bloody bandages and wraps them around his head as a headband of defiance) Don’t worry, Dad. Your old schstu-ball is gonna spill some blood for you.
WHITE DIAMOND: Listen, Half-Breed. You have to realize that even with me on your side, we’re going up against nearly impossible odds. If I weren’t a Diamond, it would be thoroughly impossible for the two of us to overcome the legions of Homeworld.
STEVEN: So what’s new for the Crystal Gems?
BISMUTH: Well in that case, maybe you have room for two more in this party?
(Bismuth and Jasper emerge through the perimeter. Steven sees them and runs up to give them a bear hug)
STEVEN: Bismuth! Jasper! How did you guys make it out of the Burning Room?
JASPER: The earthquakes just about leveled the entire Temple, Rose. The Burning Room was shaken off its foundations and all of the bubbles broke loose. We had to spend a couple of hours fighting through the corrupted defectives, luckily, this Bismuth here was sentient and competent enough to help me. Which reminds me, watch your step, the beasts are still swarming the area.
BISMUTH: (Looking around) Are we making bases out of ruins now? Whose terrible idea was this? (Noticing that Steven is now eye to eye with her) And look at you, boy! You’re more shredded than a six-citrine fusion! Whatever happened to that tubby, weepy pacificist who ran a sword through me?
STEVEN: He’s dead, Bismuth. That boy you knew is gone forever.
BISMUTH: Glad to hear it!
JASPER: What happened here, Rose? I know I was out for a long time, but this! This miserable chunk of rock looks even worse off than I remembered it.
BISMUTH: I was about to ask the same thing! This whole place has gone to matchwood! What’s up?
STEVEN: You were right, Bismuth. About the Diamonds, about Homeworld…everything. And I was too stupid to listen until it was too late. Now Yellow Diamond has her invasion in full force, and I’m worried the cluster is about to break free.
BISMUTH: Well, you know what I say. It’s never too late to turn over to a new leaf. Now come on, chin up, boy. We’ve got work to do.
STEVEN: But Bismuth, I…I destroyed your breaking point. I’m so sorry…
(Bismuth starts laughing)
BISMUTH: You really are something else, Rose. Did you honestly think I only made one?
(She drops the bag slung over her shoulders onto the ground; it’s filled with breaking points)
STEVEN: No way!
BISMUTH: Come on, now, everyone arm up! Something tells me we’re going to be needing these in the fight against those Homeworld upper-crusts!
WHITE DIAMOND: I most certainly agree. These two will prove a valuable asset in out assault on the flagship.
(Bismuth notices White Diamond. Her eyes narrow and she takes one of the breaking points, about to charge him)
STEVEN: Bismuth, wait! He’s on our side!
BISMUTH: (Disbelieving) What?
STEVEN: He’s an ally! He saved me! And he’s going to help us stop Yellow Diamond!
BISMUTH: So…we’re teaming up with a Diamond to help stop a Diamond…well, I never thought I’d live to see the day…
WHITE DIAMOND: It’s most unusual, I’ll grant you. Believe me, I never expected to be fighting alongside plebian bismuth and a lowly quartz soldier, but desperate times and all.
BISMUTH: Don’t push your luck. Fortunately for your gem, I’ll take all the help I can get right now. Like they say, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
WHITE DIAMOND: Ha! Seems it’s true even a common brigand knows how to speak wisely every now and again.
BISMUTH: I said don’t push it. But enough chit chat! Everyone suit up! Unless I’m mistaken, we’ve got a war to fight!
JASPER: (Picking up a breaking point) Finally. I’ve been waiting to get back to what I was made for a long time now!
BISMUTH: (Holding a breaking point in one hand and a massive battle ax in the other) That’s the spirit! Now let’s go show those Homeworld elites who’s BOSS!
(Cut to a shot of Yellow Diamond’s monumental flagship. Its shape is a golden arm, appearing as though rising straight out the ground the way it’s positioned, the hand at the top clenched into a fist. Cut to the inside. Pearl, Amethyst, Sapphire, Peridot and Connie are still trapped in a cage suspended over a lava pit. On the opposite side of the room, Yellow Diamond paces the room anxiously while Blue Diamond quivers uncertainly, hunched over in her throne. Their Pearls stand by in attendance, apprehensive. Ruby has been quarantined in a yellow bubble, suspended above them. This doesn’t her from kicking, flailing, and screaming mutely)
CONNIE: (Nervous) So…anyone up for a barbecue?
SAPPHIRE: (Deadpan monotone) Your attempts at humor are doing nothing to set anyone at ease.
CONNIE: Well, I have to try something to keep from losing it right now. Do you want us all to just give up hope right now?
SAPPHIRE: Hope does seem to be rather useless at this point. My future vision refuses to grant me even the slightest possibility of success.
CONNIE: Wait…you mean you’ve already seen the future where we all… (She can’t finish the sentence; her voice trails off)
PERIDOT: She’s right, you know, we’re all completely doomed! I’ve calculated our odds of survival, and they’re currently less than 0.000000017% and dropping! Even if we could somehow escape the Diamonds, there are too many dangers threatening the whole planet right now—(A violent tremor shakes the ground)—like that! I’m not ready to die yet, not now, not on this planet! (She curls up into a fetal position beside Amethyst shaking uncontrollably)
SAPPHIRE: (Grimly) Hmm…true, without Ruby I can’t see the future branching off into alternate possibilities, but, I have a feeling that even if I could, I’d just see the same thing in every direction. There’s only one way this ends.
CONNIE: So…listen, I know if we were to be dropped right now, I’d pretty much be a crispy critter and a puff of smoke, but aren’t you Gems basically indestructible?
AMETHYST: (Blowing hair out of her face) Phht. I wish.
PERIDOT: Hold me, Amethyst!
(Amethyst picks her up like a basketball)
SAPPHIRE: She’s right. A gem’s gemstone can be cracked, broken, or corrupted, but in all cases, the consciousness still remains in some form, even if it becomes scattered and diffuse. If you want to truly destroy a gem, you have to apply a more…permanent punishment.
CONNIE: Like melting you down.
(Peridot lets out a howling sob and Pearl covers her mouth with her hands. Sapphire stays stone faced and stoic)
SAPPHIRE: Once the gem is liquefied, it breaks down into its core components. At that point, the gem is truly gone and the being it once held is extinguished.
CONNIE: So why isn’t Ruby in here with us?
SAPPHIRE: She’s the only who can survive at higher temperatures. Theoretically, she could fuse with all of us and extend her protection to everyone. No, I believe they have a far more creative sentence in mind for her. (Ice crystals begin to form at her base)
CONNIE: Aren’t you afraid.
SAPPHIRE: Of course. I’m absolutely petrified. Livid, too, I’m so furious right now I can barely think. (The ice crystals harden and grow)
PEARL: (Mournfully) Our only hope now is for Steven to come and rescue us. But I don’t see how that could happen.
PERIDOT: (Exploding) It can’t! He’s too far away, he’ll never make it in time, even if he could, he’d never be able to make it past the might of the D—
(Amethyst puts her hand over Peridot’s mouth, muffling her outburst)
CONNIE: I sure wish Steven would come and save us all. We need him.
SAPPHIRE: For his own sake, it’s better that he forgets about all of us. Him coming here will do nothing more than throw his life away with ours, and I’d rest easier knowing that he at least saved himself, and is living on peacefully somewhere far, far away from here.
(Cut to a shot of STEVEN decapitating a forced gem fusion with a berserker howl, his sword cleaving downward in a deadly arc. Beside him, Lion is clawing and making short work of a mass of writhing arms. White Diamond has unleashed his swords from their hilts by chains and whirls them around in viscous swaths, every slash breaking the form of a dozen monsters. He laughs maniacally at the thrill of utter butchery. Behind, Bismuth and Jasper are shattering gems left and right, Jasper supplementing her attacks with spin dashes and her crash helmet. There is very little talking for the first 10 seconds of this scene; the focus is entirely on the fighting. A far shot shows the countless hordes of gem armies, Yellow Diamond’s fist flagship looms in the background.
Gradually Gem shards have begun to litter the ground. Steven stoops down during a lull in the fighting and begins bubbling the fallen shards)
WHITE DIAMOND: There’s no time; leave them be! It will take them a few days to reform anyway.
STEVEN: They just keep coming! Is there no end to this? (Cleaves a twelve foot colossus in half through the midsection)
BISMUTH: We’re thinning out the hoards, boy! Don’t worry, this ain’t nothin’ compared to the stuff I fought back in the great war!
JASPER: EEEIIIYAAAGHH!! (She bludgeons a misshapen octoped to dust)
(The fighting continues. Steven mounts Lion and prepares to fight cavalry style. The gang tightens their formation, hacking devastation on every side as they slowly advance)
WHITE DIAMOND: Almost…there! We’re nearing the next tier!
JASPER: (Bloodthirsty grin) I could get used to this!
BISMUTH: I can feel it! We’ll be fine as long as we stick together!
(A tumultuous earthquake shakes the ground, rending a fissure in the Earth’s crust right ahead of the group. Entire ranks of gem monsters fall into the chasm. White Diamond uses his chain swords to grapple to the other side of the rift, simultaneously Steven leaps the fissure with Lion. Jasper and Bismuth are left stranded)
JASPER: Don’t worry about us, we’ll hold the front back here! You two press on! Everything is for nothing if you don’t make it to the ship!
WHITE DIAMOND: Duly noted! (They charge forward)
BISMUTH: …”We’ll hold the front?”
JASPER: Come on, I have an idea!
(Steven, Lion, and White Diamond have moved into the corrupted monsters. Swarms of deformed, animalistic mutants press them in on all sides, only the murderous frenzy of their blades holds them at bay)
WHITE DIAMOND: (Through the onslaught) I can’t believe Yellow Diamond would stoop to such a depth to keep ahold of her own power! (He chops through a feathered Agate corruption with seven eyes) This is sacrilege! Taking loyal, pure-blooded gems and twisting them into these unholy amalgamates! These are the tactics of our enemies! Depravity! (He grabs a bipedal monster by the tongue and slices it off with a lightning fast thrust of the blade. The severed tongue hangs in his hand, still dripping wet and palpitating. It squirms, it struggles, pulsing under his iron grip for a full three seconds before giving out and disintegrating into nothingness. White Diamond takes the rest of the beast by the head and plunges his sword straight through the gem) It’s too late for you, wretched child. The best I can do is make this quick.
(The creature squeals a primal, bloody scream as its gem shatters)
WHITE DIAMOND: How are you holding up, Universe? Is that meat-sack of a body fatiguing you yet?
(Steven hangs on Lion’s back, still violently swinging, but drenched through with sweat and stained with his own blood)
STEVEN: (Gasping) A little!
WHITE DIAMOND: Take this! (He tosses a small bean like crystal through the ensuing chaos; Steven catches it and gulps it down)
STEVEN: What is it?
WHITE DIAMOND: It’s an uznes shard. Extremely rare. It will revitalize your gem and give you energy to sustain yourself. But use them sparingly, I only have three and I might need one for myself!
(Steven’s gem glows bright and his expression immediately perks up)
STEVEN: Oh, yeah, that is some GOOOOOOOD stuff! (He laughs thunderously and decapitates a row of gem mutants with one hand)
(Meanwhile, Bismuth and Jasper are being driven back by the throngs of gem mutants. The untenable defense has forced them into a strategic retreat, taking out whoever they can as they fall back. But the opposition is overwhelming)
JASPER: (Spotting a cave) Quick! In here!
(They rush into the cavern. Bismuth rips an enormous crag off the wall and shoves it into the mouth of the cave as a barrier. The pounding of the gem mutants from outside shudders through the entire hollow of the cave)
BISMUTH: That boulder ain’t gonna hold forever!
JASPER: Bismuth. Fuse with me!
BISMUTH: What? Are you crazy?
JASPER: It’s the only way we’ll be strong enough to defeat them! We can’t last much longer on our own! (The boulder begins to convulse from the battering on the other side)
BISMUTH:  I don’t even know you!
JASPER: Doesn’t matter; I’ve fused with strangers before! Right now, this is survival; it’s fuse or die!
(Bismuth seems to be weighing her options. The boulder begins to crack and splinter, the howling from the outside reaches a crescendo)
JASPER: I don’t have time for this. We have to do it now!
(She grabs Bismuth by the arm)
BISMUTH: What are you doing? Let go!
JASPER: We can beat them together! Just say yes already! (She tries to force Bismuth into a fusion dance)
BISMUTH: No! No! Stop!
JASPER: Quit…struggling! I’m doing this for your own good! (The dance turns into a wrestling brawl. Jasper grapples Bismuth and refuses to let go as they thrash about the cave. Bismuth changes her arms to hammers and attempts to club her assailant into submission, but Jasper is stronger. She pins the Smithing Gem down and holds her firm under the weight of her body. The gemstone on her nose begins to glows)
BISMUTH: Don’t do it! Please!
JASPER: Just relax. You’ll thank me for this later.
(The boulder at the cave’s entrance explodes into a shower of rock splinters. Gem mutants pour in like gumballs. Bismuth screams out a primal wail as her body begins to turn into light, her gemstone blazing. The melting figure of radiant energy wavers for a second, struggling, but then the form resolves. Cut to a shot of outside the cave. The entire side on the cliff is literally demolished by the shock wave of power released from the fusion. Boulders fly everywhere, crushing gem mutants by the dozen. A being of pure light rises, growing twenty, forty, sixty feet tall before resolving into a distinct form. The scream turns into a bellow. Then into a laugh)
Sunstone: AAHH-HAHAHAHAHAHAAH!!! Ooh, I take it back! This feels amazing!
(Sunstone emerges from the dust of the cave. To call her burly is an understatement. Her body vaguely resembles a top-heavy centaur in form, but that’s where the similarities end. A scorpion-like tail whip protrudes from the end of the abdomen, and along the back, a row of spikes climb upward. Four limbs serve as legs, their ends tapering down to a fang-like point planted in the ground. The other four limbs serve as arms, two with fully formed hands and two with sickle-like blades. The skin of the fusion is a sparkling burnt orange, the face having Jasper’s shape but Bismuth’s rainbow dreadlocks billowing down to the waist. Two sets of eyes, one ochre and one steel, stare down at the throbbing masses of gem monsters in sadistic glee. When she speaks, she talks with two voices at once, not unlike Malachite. She also appears to still be aware of her component parts)
SUNSTONE: I haven’t felt this good in ages! (Switching persona) I know, right? I told you this was the way to go!
(Sunstone notices the masses of Gem monsters trying to claw at her feet)
SUNSTONE: HA HA HA HAHAHAHAH!!! Puny creatures! I’ll show you what true strength is! (She smashes a dozen monsters beneath one of her legs) We are strong now! Nothing can stand against us! No one can stop me! (With a swipe of her tail, thirty gem monsters are sent flying. She pounds the remnant of the cliff face with her fists, making it rain rocks the size of houses) I am mighty! I am powerful! WE ARE SUNSTONE!
(The scene switches to Blue and Yellow Diamond, watching the commotion of battle from on high)
BLUE DIAMOND: There really seems to be struggle going on down there, Yellow. I don’t understand how anyone could have mounted a counterstrike and survived for this long.
YELLOW DIAMOND: There is only one explanation. He must be down there with them.
BLUE DIAMOND: (Suddenly terrified) You don’t mean…?! No, that can’t be! Perhaps we should withdraw. We may not be safe here anymore.
YELLOW DIAMOND: Calm yourself, Blue. It’s all going to be over soon. This planet, this war…everything. Soon she will emerge, and when that happens, we need not fear even White’s wrath against us. (Another seismic wave rocks the ship) Every tremor of this planet’s crust sets her closer to breaking free. I can feel it now. She is very close. No doubt he can feel it, too. That must be why he’s acting so desperate.
BLUE DIAMOND: (Tearing) I just want this to end.
YELLOW DIAMOND: We’ve come too far to turn around now. You swore to me that you were in this to the very end. I’m not about to let you back out!
(Blue starts crying and her Pearl comes to comfort her. From the other side of the room, the Crystal Gems look on)
CONNIE: Can you tell what she’s talking about?
SAPPHIRE: I can’t see anything beyond a few hours from now. Everything just goes black. Which I can only assume must mean… (She trails off)
(Ruby still thrashes wildly in the bubble, her endurance ceaseless and her temper riled. Sapphire watches her with a hard gaze)
CONNIE: You two were really close, weren’t you?
SAPPHIRE: I would say so. Ruby and I were about as close as any two friends could be.
SAPPHIRE: And I don’t want her to be hurt. She was my best friend. She was almost like a sister to me.
CONNIE: A sister, huh?
SAPPHIRE: Just a sister, if you’re asking. I’m sorry, but I really would rather not talk about this. It’s already weighing heavy on my mind, discussing only makes the burden greater.
PEARL: Kind of like me and Rose, right, Sapphire?
SAPPHIRE: Yes, exactly like that. You two were very good friends as well, weren’t you?
PEARL: I’d say we were just about as close as sisters too. But the more I learn about Rose, the more I realize I never did understand her.
AMETHYST: Hey, could we worry more about escaping right now?
PEARL: There’s no point. There’s nothing we can do to save ourselves right now.
(Another convulsion rocks the ship. Peridot squeals and shivers in trepidation)
PERIDOT: Will they never stop?
SAPPHIRE: That one felt different. That was no earthquake.
(Blue and Yellow Diamond rush to the portcullis of the ship bridge. They gaze out the panel and behold the image of Sunstone rising, wreaking terror upon the Gem hordes)
BLUE DIAMOND: Great stars! What is that thing?
YELLOW DIAMOND: A wrinkle in our plans. This…this development may complicate things.
BLUE DIAMOND: Oh no, oh no no no no, I knew it was going to come to this! We’re doomed, Yellow! What are we going to do, what are we going to do, what are we going to do?
YELLOW DIAMOND: Calm down, Blue, we’re not in trouble yet! We still have contingency plans.
BLUE DIAMOND: I’m scared, Yellow.
YELLOW DIAMOND: Silence! I’ve had enough of your simpering; just hush and let me deal with the situation! (She presses a button on a comlink and speaks into it) Put the troop into high alert and have them send me up green squad commander. Inform all units to standby for possible deployment.
(The Crystal Gems see the edge of Sunstone’s rampage from their prison)
AMETHYST: Whoa-ho-ho! That thing is huge! It’s even bigger than Sugilite!
SAPPHIRE: I admit, I didn’t see this before. I have a fairly good idea what that creature is, though I hardly believe it myself…
(The doors to the bridge slide open and “Amy”, otherwise known as Holy War Quartz 8-X1J, strides in. In contrast to everyone else in the room, her appearance is absolutely stunning. Her luscious, silken golden locks drip down to her waist, her flawless white skin smooth and gleaming as ivory apples. Her eyes are shadowed with intrigue and mystery yet crystal blue and sparkling like the crisp ocean waves, they flutter like the delicate wings of butterflies beneath deep, seductive lashes. Her body is sculpted to a figure of perfection; tall, slender, lithe and sleek, yet still voluptuous in all the right places. Her liquid legs could enchant even the stoniest mercenary, her wine red pouting lips could send the coldest woman-hater to his knees begging for mercy. There’s not a trace of flab or fat or weakness in her tight, trained and expertly honed vessel of enchantment. She is everything every woman dreams of being, everything every man desires. She is the ideal female figure in every way. Her clothing consists of nothing but a sheer, clinging white tunic, draped off her form like a billowing curtain concealing a masterpiece of art. A curving diamond window is cut into the bust to expose a blood sanguine gemstone, polished to perfection and radiant like the rest of her. She enters before the Diamonds and kneels submissively)
AMY: How may I serve you, my Diamond?
YELLOW DIAMOND: Holy War Quartz 8-X1J, a situation has arisen on the eastern perimeter of our encampment. You will go and attend to this matter; put down the assailants by any means necessary. I am also authorizing you to command our Special Forces Squad V-284 LL “Hydra” to assist you in this endeavor. Be advised that we believe the filthy unregistered Halfling, known locally as “Steven Universe”, is among the counterattack forces. I believe the two of you have encountered each other once before, on a mission where your results were less than satisfactory. Kill the Halfling, take his gem and bring it us as proof of his demise, and you will be well on your way to redeeming yourself for this failure. Go now.
AMY: It will be an honor, my Diamond. I will not disappoint you again.
YELLOW DIAMOND: Indeed you will not, else you be disassembled and returned to your core components and recycled. Go, time is of the essence.
(Amy exits, determined. As she leaves the bridge, she whips out a chain-flail Morningstar, her gem weapon, from the quartz embedded in her bust. Yellow Diamond looks on in admiration)
YELLOW DIAMOND: You will soon learn what it means to cross a Diamond…Steven Universe.
(Back on the battlefield, Steven and White Diamond fly pell-mell into the ranks of gem soldiers. Chaos reigns in side. Confusion, clamor, and the dust of broken gems scatter the battleground of nightmares)
WHITE DIAMOND: Ingrates! Mutineers! Misshapen clods! How dare you attack me, the father of all Gemkind? Has it been so long that you don’t even recognize your own master and creator?
(A Topaz centurion raises a ten foot axe to cleave White Diamond in half, but Steven springs in on his feline mount, intercepting and eviscerating the ugly blob of a gem)
WHITE DIAMOND: Well done, Half-Breed. To arms!
(They collect in a defensive formation. It’s becoming clear that even with their combined strength and determination, they’re beginning to tire. A row of quartz soldiers launches spin dash attacks against them, but Steven blocks all of them with his shield and then slashes their forms with his mighty blade.
Suddenly a roar like a thunderclap echoes across the plain. Steven and White Diamond briefly turn to behold the monstrosity of Sunstone battering her way through the mutlitudes)
WHITE DIAMOND: Inconceivable! Is this another part of Yellow Diamond’s clandestine freak show?
STEVEN: (Dawning) It’s Jasper and Bismuth! They fused!
WHITE DIAMOND: Our allies found a way to increase their power levels that much? I don’t know whether to call it blasphemy or strategy!
STEVEN: Shut up and fight! You can worry about it later!
(Steven repels a platoon of Rubies that just charged them. By amazing coincidence, it’s the same Ruby squad that visited them on Earth several seasons ago. Steven makes short work of them, poofing Eyeball and Army, shattering Doc, letting Lion chew Leggy to shreds in his jaws, and then pouncing on Navy, the last one standing)
NAVY: No! Wait! Please!
(Steven grapples her and begins to choke the Gem to death)
STEVEN: I’m going to repay you for all those times you tricked me and disgraced my companions!
NAVY: (Struggling to speak) ...have…mercy…
STEVEN: You mean like this? (He rams his sword straight through her chest. Her eyes widen and she lets out a strained gasp of agony of before disintegrating into thin air.)
STEVEN: (Bubbling her) The day I let you free will be the day pigs fly, you charlatan. It’s more than you deserve.
WHITE DIAMOND: Universe! Look up!
(Steven sees what appear to be birds descending from the sky. However, as they draw nearer, their true nature becomes apparent)
STEVEN: Lapises! Lapis Lazulis, dozens of them, headed dead toward us, ten’ o clock!
WHITE DIAMOND: Matri con Skrias! Run! Take cover! Find something to grab onto!
WHITE DIAMOND: A Lapis’ power multiplies tenfold on Earth! With that many of them, they could—
(He is cut off as a tsunami levels the battlefield. The Lapis Lazulis have conjured a tidal wave of epic proportions and slammed it against the coast. Trees are uprooted. Boulders are supplanted. Only Yellow Diamond’s flagship remains intact. Thousands of gems, fusions, mutants and monsters are swept away with the tide. White Diamond, through superhuman effort, manages to plant his chain sword into the ground even as the surge blasts them full force. He clings to the hilt as an anchor with all his might, even while holding his other sword with the opposite hand. Steven grips the blade end desperately, blood pouring from his serrated hands. As the tidal wave subsides, Steven and White Diamond are left waterlogged and frantically panting for breath)
STEVEN: (Gasping) That…just about…did me in…
WHITE DIAMOND: Here comes another one!
(A second wave of equal force pummels them with unrelenting fury. And then a third and a fourth. Blast after blast of pure typhonic force nearly yanks them out of their bearings. Steven’s grip slips and White Diamond has to latch onto his arm to keep him from flying away. By the time the blows finally stop, both warriors have been pushed to their body’s limit. They lie prostrate on the flooded coast, wheezing and struggling to stand)
WHITE DIAMOND: No giving up, Half-Breed! It cannot end this way. We must think of something…
STEVEN: I can’t go on…I’m sorry, Dad…Rose…
(The Lapises descend like a flock of harpies, darting and wheeling about their prey. One of them levitates several water globules with her hands and morphs them into blades. Steven looks up, weary and defeated. He grits his teeth, too exhausted to defend himself. The Lapis readies her volley. She fires. The missiles race toward their target but they never arrive. A whirring blade chops them straight out of the sky. White Diamond is on his feet again, panting but flailing his chain swords with renewed vigor. He stands over Steven, shielding him)
WHITE DIAMOND: I…am…stronger!
(He slashes more water spears out of the sky as the Lapises unleash a hailstorm on him)
WHITE DIAMOND: I am stronger than you low-caste slaves!
(The Lapises barrage him with hardened aquatic spheres, but the razor precision of his weapons dissipates every one of them to mist)
WHITE DIAMOND: I will not bow down to you! I will not be humiliated!
(They draw water up from the earth, forming a sheet to slice the ground from beneath his feet, but he leaps to the side and severs the curtain in two)
WHITE DIAMOND: I am stronger than this planet!
(Full throttle attack; they slam him into the eye of a literal monsoon, but he stays upright against the catastrophic winds, swords in hands, howling in the face of the storm)
WHITE DIAMOND: I am stronger than fate! I am stronger than DEATH! I am stronger than all of you!
(His weapon finds a home embedding itself in one of the Lazulis. She screams before poofing; White Diamond cries out in triumph)
WHITE DIAMOND: You can’t stop me! Nothing can stop me! I’m coming for you, Yellow! I will be avenged at last!
(A fresh tremor catches him off-guard and rocks him off his feet. At that moment of instability, a water bolt catches him dead on the forehead. His gem cracks. The entire world goes dead silent and slips into slow motion as he falls)
WHITE DIAMOND: (In silent thoughts) No…I don’t understand. Was that really it? Did I really come all this way only to be halted now, with victory in sight?
(White Diamond clatters to the ground)
WHITE DIAMOND: All my life…every day, every waking moment has been predetermined and set in stone for me. A Diamond is born knowing everything for every situation; how to act, how to look, even how to think. Every deed was carefully measured and performed in perfection. Every decision was made before us, and the end was known before the beginning.
But now, coming to the end, everything falls apart. Even in exile, there was never a second I didn’t know exactly what I should be doing: I fought to regain my throne. To realign the sacred balance of Gemkind. Because it was what I was born to do; there was nothing else. Everything I needed to know was taught to me before I was born.
But death…death is the one thing we were never taught. How does one prepare for such an illogical impossibility as death? Now I stand face to face with the greatest, blackest abyss in the cosmos, a darkness I was programmed to never pay an instant’s heed to. And for the first time in my life, I ask myself: was it all for nothing?
No. This wasn’t meant to be my fate. Nothing in this adds up. All those years of tyrannical glory, the kingdom, the colonies, the untraveled worlds and the endless mystery of cosmic beauty, what are they now, now that I face the end of existence, the end of me? This isn’t supposed to happen. How can I be dying? I have so much left to see, to explore, to discover, to conquer and rule. My road can’t just end here, slain ingloriously by the blow of a common footsoldier. I…I’m better than this! I can’t die! I won’t die! Not here, not now! My journey must continue; I’ll stand on my feet and show them what a Diamond is truly made of! I am resolved to live! I won’t die! I won’t die! I…won’t…
(Everything fades to black)
WHITE DIAMOND: (Quivering) Keep…holding…
(The screen goes pitch black and there are a few moments of total silence. Absolute void. Nothing. X. 0.)
(A distant noise is heard, a far off stirring like the intonation of music across a winding corridor. The shot cuts to a close up of White Diamond’s gem. The fissures that cracked its surface are receding into nothingness. The shot cuts out just a little, and we see Steven cradling White Diamond’s head. His pink bubble is wrapped around them, the sound of Lapis Lazulis hissing and snarling can be heard outside it)
STEVEN: Don’t leave me.
(White Diamond opens his eyes)
WHITE DIAMOND: Steven! How…?
STEVEN: I healed you. I healed your gem.
WHITE DIAMOND: You can do that?
STEVEN: (Gazing up at the seething Lapises meaningfully) Yes. I can. It’s the gift of my mother, Rose Quartz. It took another uznes shard, but with my stamina restored, I have all of her abilities as mine, including this shield that surrounds us.
WHITE DIAMOND: Inconceivable! All this hidden potential in a mere Rose Quartz, and it was never explored. How greatly the Gem Kingdom could have benefited from this latent power!
STEVEN: Yes…my powers are very useful for healing. But do you know what else they’re good for? (He drops the bubble) KILLING!
(Steven conjures up a swath of thorny vines to shoot straight up from the earth and wrap around the Lazulis in mid-flight, breaking their wings and crushing their bodies until the very life is squeezed out of them. Every Lapis is poofed in a matter of seconds. Their useless gemstones clatter to the earth in a rain of crystal tears)
WHITE DIAMOND: (Laughing) Well done, Half-Breed! I was wise to choose you as my ally.
STEVEN: Now let’s move! The way is clear— (the sound of rushing winds like a roaring waterfall drums the distance) —no. NO!
(More Lapis Lazulis are pouring out of the windows of the flagship. There are hundreds of them, possibly even thousands, darkening the sky)
WHITE DIAMOND: Stand your ground, Universe! It seems our fight isn’t over yet!
(But the winged terrors speed right on past them, not paying a moment’s attention to our heroes. It soon becomes clear who their real target it: Sunstone, still kicking and howling in the distance)
WHITE DIAMOND: Fate has granted us a diversion! Fly! Fly fast as your feet can carry you! This is our chance!
(The two race toward the flagship, but White Diamond soon becomes tired of Steven’s comparative lack of speed and throws him onto his shoulder. Then he really takes off, surging over the yawning plain with superhuman power. They reach the entrance to the ship in less than a minute)
WHITE DIAMOND: Almost there!
(They both stop short, eyes dilating. The entrance to the flagship is wide open. But there, standing at the foot of the entrance, slapping her Morningstar against her palm, is Amy)
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