#cuz pikes really giving me either insufferable man moments or like captain sheridan from babylon 5 level boring
raisinchallah · 2 years
i was curious about the next discovery episode see how things got resolved with the whole spocks mental illness and finally understand his and michaels relationship but im left with more questions than answers like the absolute terrible cant come back from thing michael did was... be nasty to him when she was 10....... after they had presumably known each other for like a year and this was something amanda couldnt forgive her for... being a scared child... and irreparably damaged her relationship with spock and also i guess she was in active danger by living on vulcan which sort of makes no sense when u would think if there were extremist vulcans hating all humans amanda would also be a target? and again its like why the fuck was michael put in this awful situation but its like im left wondering were her and spock ever close cuz this moment supposedly reveals the rift between them happened when they were so young its not like they had a relationship to rekindle or anything also tbh i realize for the longest time i had misremembered the spoiler and thought that michael was the red angel and that what was making spock go crazy was a premonition about michael being gone and i thought that would be very cool but um the time thing felt so silly but like god... i really felt like until more details were coming out it felt like their rift would have been something that happened when they were older and maybe something where they were both wrong and like had to heal their relationship rather than something perfectly constructed so u dont actually feel like anyone did anything wrong but also just feels like again another illustration of what an awful situation michael was put into and nobody supporting her and idk i just wish that instead of some like oh wow spocks falling apart cuz he has a messed up understanding of time which feels so silly it could be that he had a premonition about michael leaving into the future or how her moms the red angel and it was like him having to confront the buried pain of his distance from his family or fear of losing michael and that bringing up the pain of them not speaking for years or just you know djkla;kljs he could be mentally ill for normal reasons like theres just like it feels like a few small changes could make the emotional reality of it a lot stronger..... idk its just a lot of quick fixes that sort of leap over character development i did really like hughs section of the episode the focus on his alienation and trying to rediscover who he is... which did pair well with like i think what they were going for with the spock and michael parts of the episode nice to have like thematic consistency..
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