192 posts
previously a satire centric blog put in stasis, currently dedicated to being a hater | micahverse loremaster and professional of shit(posting)
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validity-system · 13 days ago
so let’s get this straight
I’m a nazi terf creature now, as are all my friends, deserving also to be dehumanized because of a likeness to rapists and murderers
Because people don’t like me or how I act or think, despite those gripes having nothing to do with actual connections to nazism, terfism, rape or murder.
Got it.
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validity-system · 14 days ago
At this point I've decided the word sorry is not in Micah's vocabulary. I hope he grows up and matures one day and understands that some things require apologies, even if it means sucking up your pride. I just want him to know I never want him to interact with me again. Not on any anonymous blog either. Since he can't provide an apology though the posts stay up. I will not say anything publicly about this anymore unless something new comes up.
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validity-system · 14 days ago
Ooc ask, big fan of the anish kapoor fictive and I must know where you got the idea from
I wish I could remember 😭
I think it was just some level of “what’s an introject I’ve never seen anyone claim that would be over the top enough that ppl are unlikely to fall for it” combo’d with thinking about The Bean again
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validity-system · 15 days ago
Addressing the "Micahverse"
You've been told over and over again that we will all drop this, forget you existed, and delete everything if you provide a simple apology that you have yet to give so right now for you I will break down everything. I don't care about the "Micah hate train." I don't care about anything else you did because I wasn't there for it. I only care about this one thing that you claim to have apologized for but haven't actually.
So I'm going to break it down for you, and I’m going to break everything down.
We’re going to start with Snowchester. I think that’s a good place to start, don’t you?
I didn’t know you were snowchester. I found out after the server nuke. I have this lovely tumblr draft that I wrote for you that I will provide snippets of now. I didn’t post it because the wound was still fresh for everyone and I didn’t want to hurt you further or send you into a worse spiral, and I regret not posting it because maybe we wouldn’t be in this situation now if I did.
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This was all written the day after you nuked Snowchester. I didn’t post it for your sanity. I bit my tongue because I thought you’d come around and apologize, not just for nuking the server, but also for what you did on Snowchester. 
In fact we actually offered for you to rejoin the group after you nuked the server. We didn’t give up on you even with all of it.
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I’m sure you remember this right?
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Speaking of Snowchester, here's where you announced it was a bait blog. It was already kinda fucked up that you made a bait blog in general. It was already fucked up that you pretended to be a minor while being an adult. Let’s also not forget that you used Snowchester for clicks on syscringe. 
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Oh look. Here is you talking about Snowchester in the syscringe discord server.
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And is this your old reddit account name? It looks pretty similar to your current account name, don’t you think?
I’m not going to address your individual apologies, nor am I going to address your general apology to the server. Those things are not relevant here. Those things don’t matter in the point I’m trying to make or what I’m telling you here. 
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Let’s unpack your apology from December now. 
“I want to apologize to the community of organized abuse survivors as a whole, particularly those with DID/OSDD.”
I see you made a general apology here. You did hurt oa survivors but something is missing. There is something strongly missing here. I wonder what it is.
Oh right, it’s a refusal to acknowledge what exact things you faked. It’s a general apology to survivors but it doesn’t address what survivors you hurt and the trauma you faked. You faked sex trafficking trauma knowing that multiple of your acquaintances and people who wanted to consider you a friend were trafficked as children. 
“Obviously I was playing into the systemscringe stereotypes of what makes someone look fake, and I was trying to make myself look as fake as possible.”
I never believed Snowchester was anything but bait but there were people who did. I thought Snowchester was run by a child. I thought Snowchester involved someone making fun of their own trauma by exaggerating it. Here you admit though that you made it all up for points on systemscringe. At least you have some self recognition. Though I do find it pretty strange that you considered sex trafficking trauma to be something that makes someone look fake.
Also I find it strange that the account you posted this on is now deleted. Which means nobody can see the post anymore anyway. Nobody can see your apology anymore unless they have a screenshot.
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Let’s unpack your most recent “apology.”
“And my apology would have been the same anyway, whether it was for generally faking oea or if it was for the specific faked lore sex trafficking”
Honestly your apology should not have been the same. If you were apologizing to a specific group of trauma survivors (trafficking survivors) you should address them directly and not lump them into a general community. I’m glad at least you admitted you faked the trafficking lore 
“It was offensive, it was fucked up, and it further stigmatized a subsect of the trauma community thats already gone through some severe shit.
I’m glad you’re at least able to acknowledge that what you did was wrong but I don’t actually see an apology here. I see acknowledgement. Saying “I fucked up” and “I’m sorry I fucked up” are not the same thing.
“If you actually had these issues with my original apology you couldve brought it up in december”
I’ve already explained why I didn’t bring it up in December but I’ll explain it again. At the time I thought you were in therapy and bettering yourself. I was pissed off. I was especially pissed off that you ignored the trafficking thing but I didn’t say anything because I wanted you to be okay. You were in therapy and I was hoping you’d come around and realize the gravity of what you did, but you didn’t. You deleted that account and made a new one. 
I wonder what that account was?
Oh right, zain-syscourse.
At that point I wanted nothing to do with you. I would have liked to forget you existed and go on with my life. I was still mad but I was keeping it in because you were offline and there was no use hashing it out.
I was asleep when it was revealed you were zain-syscourse, so I wasn’t there for the beginning of what happened. It took a bit for me to catch up.
On zain-syscourse you repeatedly interacted with Rat, August, and I. There were screenshots on your account taken directly from my blog, not the syscourse tag, but my blog. Posts that only would have been found if you scrolled through my blog.
We bit our tongues and kept our distance but you couldn’t seem to do the same, could you? And now we have to worry about you doing it again and trying to interact with us all over again. At this point I’m sure you know that after this is all over we want nothing to do with you. You’ve already gone out of your way to interact with us once and now we won’t know if you do it again.
I don’t know anything about the Dia situation, I was asleep during all of that and missed the whole thing so I won’t comment on Dia. I’ll leave that to other people who know more about it.
When I asked you for an apology again after you refused to give it what was it you said?
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I was polite here. I could have been mean but I politely asked you for an apology. It was a simple thing to provide, but for some reason you didn’t. You dodged it, yet again. 
You’ve said a lot of stuff here but there’s one thing missing. I’ve seen a lot of acknowledgement. I’ve seen a lot of you saying you fucked up. I’ve seen a lot of dodging the topic and dancing around specifics. I don’t care that you deleted the server in an argument over semantics. The things you have apologized for are things I don’t care about. I only ask one thing of you and you can say it in roughly a dozen words.
We are not the only people impacted by this. There are sex trafficking survivors outside of our group who have messaged me saying that they’ve learned this and are also upset about somebody making a mockery of their trauma.
We have tried being polite, we have tried being civil, and we’ve also tried being confrontational and aggressive. It doesn’t matter what we try because we get the same thing from you every time. Silence and a lack of apology.
Right now I don’t actually believe you think you fucked up or that you understand the gravity of what you did and the implications it had. You could have stopped and apologized at any time. We’ve all made it perfectly clear that we will drop it, forget you existed, and delete everything, if you apologize for faking sex trafficking trauma.
You need to close this chapter of your life, but to do that you need to acknowledge and apologize for everything you did and own up to all of it, even the specifics. Not general apologies or acknowledgements that you fucked up. You say you know what you did was fucked up but you’ve done nothing to rectify the situation.
I also find it odd that you’ve told us to block you but the block button works both ways, and then you said you blocked us. Which is strange because I can still see your blog.
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validity-system · 15 days ago
TERF ALERT TERF ALERT!!!! please post this ask so all your followers are aware that youre a filthy nasty terf :)
In what universe am I a TERF exactly. I’m not anti trans, trans exclusionary, or even a radfem.
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validity-system · 16 days ago
i dont want to keep posting about this, but rat made some very serious allegations against me and i feel the need to address them because this isnt just me being bullied, these are serious fucking accusations to be posting about me without any proof.
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1. i addressed the racism allegations with my bait blog when i apologized for both it and my diss-misinfo blog. the racism allegations were about me roleplaying as a hispanic alter, a quackity introject. key note: I AM HISPANIC, and all of the race-related jokes id roleplay the alter making were the same jokes the real life quackity makes about himself, a hispanic person.
2. i do believe organized abuse is real. i had some really shitty and fakeclaim-y views on organized abuse and the ramcoa community when i was running diss-misinfo, but again, i addressed that briefly in my diss-misinfo apology post. its in my pinned.
3. again with bringing up the bait blog. ive addressed this already.
4. this one is what made me make this post. i want to make it crystal fucking clear, i do not abuse animals. im not fond of animals due to allergies and sensory issues, as well as trauma, but i do not fucking abuse them. i believe rat is falsely extrapolating this accusation from me discussing how, AS A CHILD, i was forced to care for multiple large breed untrained dogs that i could not handle. this was an abusive tactic from my mother. i was not abusing the dogs, i was BEING abused by having their care placed in my hands as a child whose extremely averse to dogs. i simply wasnt able to keep up with their care, and i lived in pet waste for many years growing up.
5. i was in a severe derealization episode when i told someone that they werent real. i was in active crisis and didnt believe anyone was real. i had to ask my roommate to tell me where i was and what year it was before i could even begin to ground. i also apologized privately to the person who i said wasnt real for the incident.
6. i have no fucking idea who this is about. thats fucking horrific. i, and i hope this is obvious, DO NOT SUPPORT SEXUAL ASSAULT??? im not friends with anyone from my old anti endo group, so whoever the fuck youre on about, i most likely dont talk to them anymore.
7. the slur was tranny. im transgender. i use it for myself.
8. the rest of the post is just the same shit i dont feel the need to address too deeply. me interacting with blogs that commonly syscourse while i was running my zain-syscourse blog is not a crazy thing for me to do.
stop trying to paint me as some supervillain. i was a hurt kid who was lashing out via syscourse, but im not evil. im not on some mastermind plan now to dupe all the endos, ive just changed and i want to exist in peace. if you wanna bully me then fine, your group can tag me in "hawk tuah" posts all day long. but do NOT accuse me of serious fucking crimes like animal abuse, especially because we BOTH know theres no evidence.
- nick
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validity-system · 16 days ago
I don't trust anyone who hasn't acknowledged their capacity for evil.
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validity-system · 16 days ago
leave that 18-year old minor alone
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validity-system · 16 days ago
Dissociative misnfo after coming back for the 4th? 5th? Time-ish? And trying to say they're being harassed when in reality they are being called out for crappy behavior and then claiming to be the victim in all of it because they "apologized" I'm sorry but this is you ↓
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validity-system · 16 days ago
I just want a simple answer to this question
Is your blog anti, neutral, or pro endo?
I’m pro “don’t put your entire life online and then get pissed when other people know and talk about you” above anything
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validity-system · 16 days ago
His new defense being “its misrepresenting the truth and outright lies over a game of telephone” is kind of funny when most of the vocal ppl calling him out were LITERALLY THERE when he had the tantrum that made him nuke the server. Were THERE for the nasty shit he said to other people and defended other people saying. Were THERE when he talked about his bait blogs.
Oh speaking of the bait blogs, did anyone else know he was ALSO posting his own bait blog posts on r/systemscringe while pretending he stumbled across it? Multiple times actually. While also pretending on dissociative-misinfo that he had no idea about it.
Note the username of the person who posted it, the username he continues to use everywhere thus getting himself back into the drama he “so badly” wants to avoid.
He is playing all of you, like he did before, because this is what he’s always done. And when he gets bored or mad enough he’ll nuke everything again and start the game of kiss ass again, because he values attention above anything else.
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validity-system · 17 days ago
i gotta get this off my chest.
the posts in syscourse are making me roll my fucking eyes. this is just some fucking guy and you're acting like they're an avengers level threat.
it's not that fucking deep, you guys are all just a bunch of bullies and villanizing your opponent just makes you look stupid. shut up, go do something else - don't you have a job to get to or something?
micah if you see this i hope it's not affecting you too bad. they're stupid idiots who have no idea who they're talking about but ive always liked your content.
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validity-system · 17 days ago
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Again, a piece of the context for people who are friends with @convoy-system . More than anything, protect yourselves and be aware, because he's played "back and forth" with syscourse communities over and over, and it wont surprise me if he starts shit talking and triggering you guys next the second you aren't giving him enough of your attention.
Please be safe guys.
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validity-system · 17 days ago
If you weren't directly effected by the shit convoy-system did to his friends you do not have the right to accept his apology or say he's improved. I have seen the harm he's caused first hand, he has not improved, he is doing the same shit he's been doing since day one.
I watched him intentionally trigger my friends, I watched him threaten animals anytime someone dared to speak about them, I watched how he silenced anyone who disagreed with him, I watched every blog he would create then purge just to return and seek validation from a new community. He was someone myself and many considered a friend and he hurt us. He is not the victim, he was not the one who chose to leave us behind. No matter how badly he wants to act like the poor innocent victim of evil anti endos, this goes outside of syscourse. None of us give a shit that he's pro endo.
Yes, he posted people to systemscringe, but that's not even close to the worst of things he's done. That's barely anything. You do not get to decide to forgive him and praise him for "changing" when you have no idea who he is and the extent of the things he's done.
His apologies are bullshit, his pro endo act is bullshit, his friendly accepting persona is bullshit. He lies on the internet, that's what he likes to do. The only good thing to come of him is our group coming together and sticking together after everything he did.
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validity-system · 17 days ago
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your silence on this speaks volumes bro lmao
and to @plurapony and @ellipse-society both of you, if you wanna be his new friend circle fine, but don't put this shit aside and let him blindside you next, no one deserves that shit lmao
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validity-system · 17 days ago
Taking more stock in being validated by the person you posted to syscringe and argued with a few times matters more than accepting fault for purposely triggering someone into unreality for having the nerve to care about you, noted
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validity-system · 17 days ago
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This is woomy washington, our persecutor/protector alter and master of micahverse lore
I dont sign off much because that's gay
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