#I like hot d btw but don’t love it and it had made some questionable decisions
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draconicdeityarts · 2 months
Hey there! I love you’re semi realistic, semi cartoonish art style bro! I hope you don’t mind me asking but what software/mediums do you use? I am trying to work on my lighting and shadows and textures but I have no clue how artists like you achieve such detail
First off- thank you so much! I truly appreciate it. And second- oh my goodness I am so sorry for how long this ask has sat in my inbox! I hope some of this can still help you :’D
As far as software goes, I’m almost exclusively working in procreate as of late. There’s plenty of great programs- if you need something free and desktop based, I highly recommend Krita. I have a few brushes from different packs that I often default to. You can see them all and links to said packs through this answer I gave to someone asking about my brushes earlier:
As far as detail in my work goes, that’s just through a loooot of practice and doodles and drawings. I’ve been drawing since I could pick up a pencil, so I’ve had a lot of time to figure out the way I like to do things- but even then I have so much to learn!
I do, however, work in many traditional forms of media as well! I haven’t done so as much lately since digital doesn’t require cleanup, but I honestly believe that working in traditional for my entire life up until 5 or so years ago has a hand in how I approach things digitally as well. I’ve done pen and marker illustration, pencil and colored pencil, acrylic painting, as well as 3D work. I’ve worked in a lot of media and I want to get around to trying as much as I can when I have the energy to! If you have questions specifically about what traditional media I use or work with let me know!
When it comes to improving on rendering, doing small studies of images you really like the lighting in helps a lot for me. Learning how to break light in a photo down to simple, blocky shapes helps to figure out getting an initial layer down to refine later when doing full pieces! When rendering a character, especially if drawing something that isn’t in a scene, I always recommend marking out the direction the light is coming from as well as color of the light before even starting, so that you can determine where highlights and shadows would be placed in an initial blockout. Keep in mind there’s different kinds of light in a piece- I would recommend looking into tutorials about direct light, indirect light, reflected light, etc to get a better feel for how it works- while I do my best, I don’t think I am quite skilled enough to explain those nuances.
When approaching most textures, especially unfamiliar ones, references are my best friend always. It might be a good idea to just do test sheets/practice making the textures that would be useful to you on occasion! And in the end, textures also tie into lighting as well, since a lot of what makes textures super distinct is how light hits them, especially when it comes to things like metal. It may be a bit of a hot take, but in a lot of cases I tend to avoid a lot of digital texture/object brushes, especially those meant to simulate natural textures like leaves, and I do those textures manually instead. I just personally like having more control over those shapes and feel it looks better when each texture is made intentionally by hand! Sometimes I do use texture brushes especially for backgrounds, abstract work or subtle layers, especially if I’m working on something very fast, but it’s not my first choice. However I do know there’s plenty of artists who use texture brushes in ways that look great, so that’s just personal preference. :)
I do apologize it took me so long to respond! But if you have any specific questions, my dms are open and I want to start replying to y’all more!
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zhongliologist · 4 years
Tea Ceremonies | Dom! Zhongli
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Pairing: Zhongli x Fem!Reader
Words: 3.1k
A/N: No one asked for this but here you go. This was supposed to be another half dragon Zhongli fic, but oh well, the plot went somewhere else. This is btw based on another fic I’m working on which is a Teashop AU,, so Zhongli is the boss, Keqing, Xiao, and the reader are the employees;;;
After hours in the teashop was almost identical to its opening hours.
It was peaceful and quiet, with all the chairs stowed away and the window covers rolled down—the only difference was the void of loneliness left by the absence of the customers’ chatter. Yet this was the perfect time for you, as a waitress to practice your skills in preparing tea.
While one can say that preparing tea is simply a matter of steeping tea leaves in a pot of hot water, such practice does not bring forth the full flavor and aroma of the tea leaves, and does not completely align with the purpose of the tea shop.
Well, that’s how your boss, Zhongli would say.
Thus, with all the materials before you at the counter and an incense stick lighted up somewhere, you were already in the middle of the tea ceremony. To his credit, it was indeed a meditative task—you can allow yourself to just relax and slowly prepare the tea in meticulous steps Zhongli has instructed you to.
You were already in the middle of heating up the Yixing teapot when the tea sommelier stepped out from the kitchen, his handsome face still calm as ever even after a day’s work.
“Oh? Are you practicing?”
Zhongli asked, walking towards you and observing your actions closely. You suddenly felt self-conscious at his presence; your hand holding the iron kettle trembling.
“I-I…yeah,” you managed to reply, even if you were beginning to flush under his scrutinizing gaze.
You had long realized your massive crush on this man; it wasn’t even a secret to your co-workers Keqing and Xiao, yet as an employee, there was no way for you to act upon your feelings on your boss.
“Careful now,” he muttered behind you, covering your hand with his. “We wouldn’t want to get you scalded.”
Slowly, he guided your hand and poured the hot water on to the Yixing tea pot; the steam making your face even hotter than before. While he was busy teaching you, your mind was definitely elsewhere—concentrating only on how warm your back was against his broad chest, or how close his breath was to your ear.
He brought down the iron kettle back to the heating stand much to your relief. However, unlike what you were expecting, he hasn’t left your side, rather, he felt even closer than before.
What…What is this…?!
Inwardly, you were panicking. There was no way for you to continue the tea ceremony like this. Zhongli was so close, too close that he could be snuggling to you at this point. Your heart beat was racing at a hundred mile per hour yet you couldn’t leave your thoughts aside anymore. Your boss isn’t flirting with you now, is he?!
“What’s the next step, YN?” he asked, forcing you out of your mental dilemma. His voice was sultry, and seductively close to your ear, he could nibble on it any second.
“A-ahh….uh…er…leaves! I’m putting in the leaves!” You exclaimed, hand clammy as you searched for the Da Hong Pao among the containers before you.
When you did finally find it, your hand was slightly trembling as you scooped out a spoonful of it until the pot was four-fifths full. You swear you could die from both nervousness and embarrassment as you wondered if Zhongli saw you clumsily filling in the tea pot.
Yet he only chuckled behind you, making you jump as he propped his head on your shoulders. “Excellent. And then?”
Don’t mind him, YN! Just…Just do what you need to do!
“T-The water….to…to m-moisten the leaves!”
Taking the iron kettle once again, you lifted it up at a certain height and began pouring, aiming towards the rim of the teapot. You kept on willing yourself to focus on your technique, but it seemed like your boss has other ideas.
With his free hand, you felt Zhongli glide up his fingers on your back; slowly and deliberately, as if he was intentionally teasing you.
“Stand up straight now, love.”
The effect was immediate. You jolted up from your position, almost missing the tea pot you were pouring water into.
“S-Sir…!” you exclaimed, wide eyed and flustered. “What are you doing…!”
Zhongli only hummed amusingly, much to your chagrin. “I’m simply correcting your posture. Is something wrong?”
You’re definitely not ‘simply correcting’ my posture!
If only you could say that, but you continued on.
The custom was to pour until the water spills out slightly from the teapot, but you were still a few inches away, no thanks to your boss’ antics.
“Now, listen to how the water sounds as you pour it into the teapot,” he was now back beside your ear, as if he was whispering sweet nothings to you. “Does it not resemble the trickling of a mountain stream? Does it not sound good?”
You weren’t really sure what he was referring to as ‘good’ in his last question, but you knew he wasn’t talking about the water anymore.
“As you add more heat, the tea leaves will gradually unfurl and open up.” He continued, “it’s flavor and aroma unlocking as you begin to moisten it up.”
Are…are those innuendos? You pursed your lips despite how his deep voice sends in waves of arousal down between your legs. You were not giving in. Definitely not.
Looking down, you were glad the water had begun to spill out from the teapot—the iron kettle was beginning to weigh on your arm, and your boss was being such a delightful distraction. Placing the kettle back, you then picked up the lid of the teapot and began scraping away the bubbles that had floated on top.
“You must be gentle with it, YN,” he whispered, voice almost raspy, as his hands settled on your hips. It instantly sent shudders down your spine. “Just like how they say, ‘as gentle as a spring breeze, stroking one’s skin…”
As he said those words, his fingers danced on your waist as it eventually slid down your thighs, and stayed there; meandering lines on your trouser-covered skin with his digits.
You bit your lip, stopping a moan from escaping. It was beginning to feel difficult to breathe since he was already embracing you; feeling you up. Even if this was a surprise, you were relishing at his attention; not wanting him to stop.
“S-Sir…I—!” You closed your eyes tightly as he groped your thigh; making you halt all your actions.
“Don’t stop now. Continue.”
Despite, his deep and gentle voice, you knew what an order was. And so you did what he told you, despite how distracting the weight of his hands were on your sensitive skin.
Carefully, with eyes sharp, Zhongli watched as you continued with the tea ceremony—washing the teacups with the first steep and draining the rest into the tea tray. Once again, you picked up the iron kettle and poured boiling water into the teapot for the final infusion.
“You’re doing an excellent job, love,” he murmured to your ear; lips playfully nibbling. “What will you do now?”
“I…I…mmnh…” you tried to reply, yet his hands only made your heart jump to your throat. “…I have to…p-pour hot water outside…too…”
“For what?” He nuzzled on your neck.
Your hands gripped on the handle of the iron kettle tightly. “To…to i-isolate the heat…inside the pot…”
Zhongli made a low chuckle as it reverberated to your ear and down to the part between your legs. “Correct. Perhaps I shall reward you when you’re done. What do you think, love?”
You can feel him smirk against your neck. “Well then, you still have a few steps to do. Please continue.”
Yet despite your best efforts, you couldn’t shake the arousal that had long been swirling inside your stomach. Squeezing your thighs together, you tried to seek some sort of friction to at least alleviate the haze of lust that was clouding your thoughts. Much to your dismay, your boss held on to you firmly, unable to do anything but dazedly glance at the unfinished ceremony before you.
“Oh? Do you want to stop now?” he asked, his erection now rubbing against your backside. “Will you forfeit your reward then?”
“N-no…! Wait!” you hurriedly replied, panicking.
Reaching for the teapot, you then poured its contents into the fairness pitcher. It only takes a few seconds for the Da Hong Pao to finish steeping because of the high leaf-to-water ratio, and you were glad you didn’t have to wait for too long.
“Now, now, love,” Zhongli admonished you softly, but it came out more like a purr. “Remember that the tea ceremony should not be hurried. Savor and take pleasure in this activity as much as you can.”
Without warning, he rubbed his leg against your most sensitive spot; earning a surprised yelp from you as you gripped the counter until your knuckles turned white. It was good you weren’t holding anything at that time.
“Nghh….Sir! Please…I can’t—!”
Zhongli only tutted at you, his hands inching dangerously between your legs. “It’s a mere few steps left, YN. Perhaps you don’t deserve a reward after all.”
The threat concealed in his voice was obvious to you—it’s either you continue or he’s gonna leave you like that, wanting and unsatisfied.
You pursed your lips and picked up the fairness pitcher. Even if your hands were trembling, you have to finish the ceremony just as he instructed because you know how much he will stick to his word. Pouring into the fragrance-smelling cups quickly and evenly, you came to the point where there was only a small amount of tea left inside the pitcher.
“And what will you do about that?” he suddenly asked, lips pressing against one sensitive pulse on your neck; his knee rubbing against your core.
You bit down a moan, and gathered what remaining strength you still have left. “I…I…have to pour it…”
Your boss pushed his knee harder, making you mewl against the counter. “Pour how?”
“Ahhh…! Haa….d-drop…by drop…”
You were surprised how you still managed to reply with how he was relentless with his stimulation, but it was far from over.
“Could you show it to me then?”
Damn it, Zhongli! You inwardly cursed him, but there was nothing you could do. This was the most laborious of the ceremony but this was to ensure that the flavor and aroma is even in all cups. God knows what he’s going to pull while you concentrate on doing it.
With what little is left inside the pitcher, you then poured a drop in each teacup, slowly but surely. You could feel him grinning as he perched on your shoulders, his hands lazily and deliberately missing your now drenched core.
Just how long will he continue to tease you?
Your patience had long been worn down into tiny slivers, but Zhongli held control over you as much as how he securely pins you to the counter. You could only chew on your lip as you felt his hard on pressing against you as if he was testing how much you could endure.
 And finally, as if an eternity has passed, the pitcher was empty and you covered all the fragrance-smelling teacups with empty teacups—arranging them into a presentable display.
“S-sir…! I’m d-done—”
Suddenly, Zhongli turned your head towards him and captured your lips into a searing kiss. He was rough and harsh; all nips and bites and tongue as he prodded your lips open. At the same time, he kept on rubbing your core with his leg which you eagerly responded to with a loud moan.
“Here’s your reward, love,” he told you in between kisses, with a lilt of scorn in his voice. “Rub yourself against my leg and come.”
His vicious lips then turned to your neck and shoulders, littering them with bites and marks wherever he went. He would move his lips sensually on a pulse point before sucking and leaving a bruise for everyone to see tomorrow.
“You seem to like this so much, don’t you?” he asked, grinning as his teeth sunk gently on your shoulder. “Do you like being touched by your boss?”
Zhongli raised an elegant brow. “Oh, you don’t? Perhaps I should stop here then.”
Your half-lidded eyes shot wide open. “N-No! Please don’t….! S-sir…! Please…!”
“Please what?” he asked, gazing at you with such sharp amber eyes.
“I-I…I need you, Sir…! I need to come….p-please! I…I can’t!”
Your boss smirked at you and pulled away.
You panicked in an instant, wondering what you had done wrong. Turning around to see where he went, you were instead bent to the counter, the tea ceremony set already at the side. Quick hands made quick work of your pants until you were only left with your underwear.
Feeling his hands on your hole, you could only moan at his incessant teasing. Fingers prodding and poking but never really committing to making you feel good, your yearning for him inside you only increased further.
“You’ve been so good for me, YN,” you could hear him beside your ear, his chest warm against your back. “I shall fulfill my end of the contract.”
Pushing aside your underwear, he slipped in two fingers inside you, scissoring them on your hot folds. Delirium filled your entire head as you finally felt him give you something more after those long periods of teasing.  You have never expected him to be this merciless but you loved it anyway.
“How amusing. You’re shaking your hips on your own,” he remarked, still pumping his fingers in and out of you. “Perhaps I should’ve filled you with my cock instead?”
“Nghhh…Sir…! Y-yes…ahhh…!”
“Would you like that, hmm?” Zhongli asked, scoffing at you. “You would, wouldn’t you?”
 You could feel his digits now rubbing against your most sensitive spots, driving you closer and closer to climax. But of course, this was Zhongli. As soon as he felt you tighten up around him, he immediately withdrew his fingers and pushed them inside your mouth.
“Mmnhh…..! Ohh…! Haaa….haa—"
“You whine like a poor beast in heat,” he openly mocked you, his now hard shaft rubbing against your hole and covering it with your slick juices. “How adorable.”
With his fingers in your mouth, you can only groan as he gradually entered you, stretching you out with his large dick. Your thoughts were only swirling with ecstasy as he filled you, pushing in and out of your hole.
And in one sharp thrust, Zhongli buried himself fully into you—triggering your climax. Shaking underneath him as your orgasm flooded you, your boss continued to pound into you, unrelenting despite how sensitive you are at that point.
Pulling his fingers out of your mouth, he took a fistful of your hair as he set his brutal pace—smirking as he watched your teary-eyed yet debauched expression.
“You take me in so well, love,” he praised you, though there was a mix of derision in his tone. “You like being fucked by your boss, don’t you?”
“S-Sir…! N-No…Ahhhh….! Nghhh…! Sir! Please…”
At your denial, Zhongli only shoved deeper inside of you, drawing out a long groan from your throat.
“Admit it now, YN. At least your little hole here is being honest,” he continued, shifting so that his cock was rubbing right where it feels so good.  
“No…ahhh….not there! N-not…!”
Zhongli smothered more kisses on your neck, his shaft buried deep inside of you; hitting all the delicious places which were once again pushing you towards your second climax.
“Would you want me to stop then?”
“F-fuck…! No—! I—”
“Then what should I do, love?”
In the face of all the pleasure and stimulation he was giving you, you had to throw all your shame out of the window.
“M-more…! Nghh….sir please…f-fuck me!” you cried out, loving the way Zhongli was chuckling right behind you.
“As you wish.”
Pulling almost out of you, Zhongli then shoved his dick back inside in roughly, earning a throaty mewl from you. He himself could only growl at how tight you kept on gripping him.
“It feels…ahh! S-so…good….! So good—” You repeated as if in a trance.
“I’m close, love….ughh…fuck…!” He groaned, pulling your hair as your back arched. “Take all of my seed…!”
He plunged in deep inside of you, his warm seed filling you up in long bursts while you orgasmed at the same time. You were quivering at how full you were of him, savoring the moment where he clung tightly on you.
“YN…” you heard him whisper your name in his deep voice as if lulling you. “YN…”
“Zhongli…sir…” you muttered back, closing your eyes. “I…I love you…”
“Hush now, love…” you heard him reply softly.
A rude push jerked you awake.
“What are you doing, sleeping in the breakroom?”
Your eyes widened.
It was Xiao, who was looking at you irately, that you first noticed. Then you saw the wooden lockers and the musk green wallpaper of the breakroom.
Wait. You continued processing what had happened.
“…what?” you asked him, disoriented.
“What do you mean what?” he replied. “Go home if you’re tired! It’s already closing time!”
Xiao leaned his head to the side. “Why are you so dazed? Still on dreamland?”
That…! That was all a dream?!
Everything that had happened—you covered your face with your hands—everything that Zhongli did….it was all a dream?! Inwardly, you grimaced. You thought something had finally progressed between the two of you, but at the same time, you realized you can’t look at him in the eyes after all of that.
The door creaked open.
“What’s the matter here?”
As soon as you heard those words, you jumped—face flushing instantaneously. Just as luck would have it, the real Zhongli had to appear as soon as you realized your dilemma. Not knowing what to do, you could only stare at the real Zhongli, who was gazing at you oh-so-innocently. That is, until your brain finally imploded.
You stood up.  
“I-I…! I-I think I’m going home now! Bye!” You declared loudly, gathering most of your things from your locker and raced pass through the two men in a matter of seconds. It would also be best to call tomorrow a day off.
Xiao watched as you dashed through the back door as if you were being chased by hilichurls and raised a brow.
“Don’t you think YN looks a bit red just now?” he asked Zhongli, who only shrugged.
“She seems fine to me,” the tea sommelier replied with a flippant tone in his voice which seemed to have alerted the perceptive Xiao.
“And what about you?” he asked before the older male could escape. “You seem to be in high spirits.”
“Am I? Perhaps you’re imagining it.”
“What did you do?”
Zhongli only blinked and smiled. “Have you ever heard of ‘gifting dreams and visions’?”
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padawanlost · 4 years
So I have something of a hot take: Anakin's relationship with Padme was healthier and less "toxic" than his relationship with Obi-Wan. For one thing, Anidala is built off of a brief but wholesome friendship between two kids, whereas Brobikin starts out with a distant, emotionally detached Obi-Wan and a frightened child Anakin. There also seems to be more trust (of the personal kind) between Anakin and Padme than between Anakin and Obi-Wan. I'm not bashing Obi-Wan btw, just sharing my thoughts.
I think how these relationships ended is a reflection of how they came to be. Both Padmé and Obi-wan loved Anakin as much as Anakin loved them, no one is arguing that, however, these relationship evolved in completely different ways. 
Where Anakin grew more secretive around Obi-wan, he opened up around Padmé.
Obi-Wan had tried to talk to him about it, but the boy would just shut down. His eyes would turn opaque and the corners of his mouth would straighten into a thin line. He would seem very far away. Obi-Wan did not know how to reach him at such times, but they were infrequent and passed as quickly as a rain shower. [ Jedi Apprentice Special Edition: Deceptions by Jude Watson.]
“[Anakin]’d made it sound more as if he had some wild, dark past, and nothing was better guaranteed to keep Ahsoka asking questions than that. If he explained he’d been a Hutt’s slave, she’d dig away at it until all the bad stuff came out. It was hard enough telling Padmé, and she was his wife.” - Star Wars: The Clone Wars by Karen Traviss
This pattern of depending more on Padmé (and Palpatine) and distancing himself from Obi-wan is noticeable throughout Anakin’s life, especially after AOTC. And as we all know, that’s where all the problems truly started.
“It has nothing to do with believing,” [Anakin] murmured, softly bitter. “It’s the truth.” “There must be some reason, then. Anakin, [Obi-wan]’s your best friend. He loves you.” “Maybe he does. But I don’t think he trusts me.” His eyes went as bleak as the empty night. “And I’m not sure we can trust him.”[Matthew Stover. Revenge of the Sith]
The culmination of this is seen in ROTS where Anakin becomes progressively more attached of Padmé and distrusting of Obi-wan. Such behavior wasn’t born overnight.
As we all know, both relationships ended violently but I’d argue Padmé and Anakin’s bond remained where Obi-wan and Anakin’s was severed because she had a much easier time understanding Anakin’s behavior than Obi-wan.
Personally, I don’t think it’s a simple matter of padmé being ‘ride or die’ or anything like that. Obi-wan was also loyal to Anakin but, unlike Padmé, he didn’t have all the facts. Unfortunately, the communication gap between Anakin and Obi-wan that made Anakin unwilling to open his heart to him also prevented Obi-wan of understanding Anakin’s motivations. And in failing to understand Anakin, he was able to behave as he did in Mustafar.
Had Obi-Wan’s spirit not witnessed Vader’s action, he never would have believed it. Vader, the same monster that Obi-Wan had left to die on Mustafar, had sacrificed himself to save his son. And suddenly Obi-Wan realized where he had failed. For unlike Luke, Obi-Wan had not only believed that Anakin was completely consumed by the dark side, but had actually refused to believe that any goodness could have remained within Vader. And by refusing to allow that possibility, Obi-Wan had condemned not only his former friend but his own capacity for hope. Fortunately, Luke’s unwavering faith in his father’s innate goodness had proved to be a stronger force than the power of the dark side. Obi-Wan recalled what Qui-Gon Jinn’s spirit had told him so long ago, when he said that Obi-Wan was not ready, and that he failed to understand. For so many years, Obi-Wan had thought Qui-Gon meant that he wasn’t ready to comprehend details about Anakin’s conversion to the dark side. But now, he finally understood his Master’s words.I wasn’t ready to forgive Anakin. And he won’t be entirely free unless I do. [Ryder Windham. The Life and Legend of Obi-Wan Kenobi]
I think part of the fandom has a very romanticized version of Anakin & Obi-wan’s relationship in their head. I’ve seen descriptions that make them sound like best buddies in a G-rated buddy cop movie and, sadly, that’s not what we have in the movies (and the EU). I mean, people with healthy, happy relationships don’t try to dismember and set each other on fire. And I’m not saying Anakin & Padmé had a perfect relationship, either. I’m just saying out of the two, Anakin & Padmé were better at communicating and that influenced the relationship dynamics.
Sometimes [Obi-wan] talked to [Anakin] in his head. Arguments more furious than the ones they'd had. Talks in which he explained, Master to Padawan, why he'd done what he'd done. Simple words that managed to say everything he'd meant to say, only more clearly than he'd ever been able to say it. In these talks, Anakin listened and understood. [jude watson - the last one standing]
Every day and every night he violated every principle the Jedi had taught him about staying in the present moment, about acceptance. Going over every argument, every talk, to find the key that he should have turned in order to unlock the secrets of Anakin's heart. Why had he turned to the dark side? When did it happen? The Anakin he knew and loved couldn't have done it. Something had twisted in him, and Palpatine had exploited it somehow. Obi-Wan knew it wouldn't change anything to know, but he couldn't help going over the same events, again and again. The chances he'd missed, the things he'd seen, the things he hadn't. […]Anakin had always hated sand. It was one of the many things about his Padawan that Obi-Wan understood better now that Anakin was dead. That was the horror of losing someone: Understanding came too late. [jude watson - the last one standing]
It’s not about hating Obi-wan (or Padmé) it’s simply a matter of understanding that every relationship is unique, for better or worse. And in this particular case, Obi-wan and Anakin had more complicated relationship than people want to admit. Again, complicated doesn’t mean abusive or hateful, it just means it wasn’t all sunshine and flowers even if they did love each other very much. It’s one of those cases where complicated is good because complicated means complex and complex means human. The fact they didn’t have a perfect relationship proves that these character were properly developed, that they are relatable and engaging even when they are at their worst. And that, imo, is *always* a good thing.  
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ultimate-cinephile · 4 years
Can I PLEASE request some Viktor Licht fluff!! I'm completely obsessed with this little weirdo and cannot get enough 💕 I loved your kissing headcanon's btw
You 100% can! I've been wanting someone to request for a month now. Tysm Nonnie!!
And I'm glad you enjoyed them! Also, I had no idea what to do for a plot, so I decided to do this again seeing as how I had a lot of fun with Joker's.
A- Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
He definitely admires that you don't judge him for anything. You completely understand that he's devoted to his mission (and you of course, but you didn't hear that from me) and you understand why he does what he does, and he absolutely adores it.
B- Baby (Do they want a family? Why or why not?)
In truth, I don't think he thinks about having a family much. He most definitely wouldn't mind having one in the long run (especially with you), but you'd have to be the one to bring it up.
C- Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
Viktor loves spooning. By the time he goes to bed, you're usually asleep, so he crashes into bed next to you and pulls your back to his chest and he just sort of curling you because he's that tall. It's quite comfortable for the both of you.
D- Dates (What are dates with them like?)
It takes Viktor awhile to get used to the idea of dates. His idea of a date was just two people spending time together. So for awhile, you two just sat in his office while he worked. Then he did some research (watched some romance movies with maki and iris; he r e a l l y liked The Proposal) and decided to take you out on a proper date.
This being said, dates with Viktor are usually a spur of the moment thing and happen when you both have time, but they almost always open you up to a new experience and they're always fun. Sometimes you do something crazy like going to a casino for no reason and sometimes you do something peaceful like just walking around the city and sight-seeing and window shopping and all that cool jazz.
E- Everything (You are my ___; e.g. my life, my world)
"You are my reason for everything. You remind me everyday why I do what I do. Thank you."
F- Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
It was just after Company 8 finished an Infernal. You had slipped away from the rest of the group and Viktor, being the curious boi he is, went after you. He found you comforting a crying child.
It turns out that the kid's parent had been the one to turn Infernal, and you refused to leave their side until they we laughing and smiling again.
Something about that made his heart melt.
He had no idea what was going on and later googled his symptoms (after consulting any sort of reliable medical book/website he could find) and nearly had a heart attack when he found out what it was.
G- Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how so?)
Viktor isn't really a rough man. It's just his nature (I want to make fun of him for being a pacifist, but I can't because I'm one D:<).
Anyways, he isn't overly gentle with you either. He knows that you're more than capable of handling certain things by yourself and he's happy to let you do those things, but if he sees you struggling, he won't hesitate to help you out.
H- Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
He's very fond of linking pinkies. He's not a fan of PDA, but that doesn't make him uncomfortable and he likes holding you in some way. Though if he gets jealous, he wraps an arm around your waist (more on that later though).
I- Impression (What was their first impression?)
Well, since you are a part of the Fire Force (sorry to just assign you a role like this) he naturally thought you were a bit reckless, running into fires like that, but he can't really judge since he kinda did the same thing.
J- Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Oh, he does. He's much better at hiding it than Joker. Licht is very rarely intimidating, and the man cannot glare to save his life. A telltale sign that he's jealous is that he gets more affectionate in front of others. He'll wrap his arm around your waist and pull your back into his chest while resting his chin on the top of your head.
K- Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
Even though they're an expression of friendship, he adores eskimo kisses (when he can bend down to your height) or he likes gently kissing the top of your forehead.
Even though kisses with Licht are usually short-lived, they always communicate how much you mean to him and the words that he so often can't find to say himself.
You 100% had to initiate the first kiss. He was staying up late to work on something and you had to go to sleep or else you'd pass out on the floor so in your tired stupor you gave him a quick good-night peck to the lips.
He did not get any work done the rest of the night.
L- Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
Surprisingly??? Viktor.
Just before he goes to the Haijima lab with Shinra (i'm waiting on the dub, but i sWEAR IF THEY KILL HIM-), you run up to him and kiss him.
"I swear to Sol, Licht, if you die there, I'm gonna kill you. I love you too much to loose you."
Shinra probably had to slap him cause Viktor.exe had crashed.
M- Memory (What’s their favorite memory together?)
You and him were watching the Sound of Music, and you, being a dork, pulled him to his feet and started dancing around the room with him. Both of you fell back on your bed, laughing like a couple of idiots.
N- Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Sometimes. He buys you stuff a lot, and sometimes if he's out in town and he sees something he knows that you'd like, he'll 100% get it for you. He loves seeing you happy and he's more than willing to spare a dollar or two to see you smile.
O- Orange (What color reminds them of their other half?)
Red. The first time you two had a proper conversation, you had accidentally cut your finger while cutting up something for dinner. He offered to help you after he saw you cursing yourself and wrapping your injured finger in a bandage.
P- Pet Names (What pet names do they use?)
I feel like Viktor isn't big on pet names but he sometimes calls you 'love'.
Q- Quaint (What is their favorite non-modern thing?)
Okay so, this is gonna sound weird, but he has a genuine fountain pen that belonged to some famous writer. He's quite proud of it.
R- Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
He loves to work on rainy days. He loves it if you sit there and watch him or if you sit in his lap. If you manage to drag him away, he'll do anything with you. Sometimes, just for the heck of it, he takes you outside and you two just walk around with an umbrella shielding you from becoming drenched.
S- Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
Viktor just stirs his problems into coffee. He has no idea how to solve his own problems, so he has no idea what he's doing if he comforts you. He usually just lets you cry and rant and scream until you feel better. He'll hold you in his lap if you want. He has no idea what to do, please help him.
T- Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
Viktor will gladly talk about his research or if you manage to get him to watch something with you, he'll geek out about that with you. It's so cute watching him freak out about the ending to Rogue One, it isn't even funny.
U- Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
A nice, hot cup of coffee or tea and you
V- Vaunt (What do they like to show off?)
His fountain pen, you, sometimes his research
W- Wedding (Where, when, and how do they propose?)
It takes him awhile to even consider marriage. Honestly? It takes him long enough that you propose!
It was on a leap day, since that's traditionally the day a woman can propose, you had a nice ring in your back pocket. You tried seven times in one day to propose, but every time you got ready to pop the question, something would come along and you had to wait a minute.
Eventually you just got fed up with going through reports so you asked Licht then. He thought you were kidding when he said yes, but then you chucked a box and his head and he'd never been more happy for a mix-up in his life.
X- Xylophone (What’s their song?)
I know it doesn't ask for a relationship song, but the only song coming to mind right now is The Reason by Hoobastank.
Y- Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
As I said before, he doesn't really think about it until after you get engaged. After that though, he admires the ring with a smile as he counts down the days until you're married.
Z- Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
Well, animals are uncommon, but once Vulcan showed him a picture of a gerbil. He has no idea what it is, but he wants one.
okay! that's it! i hope you enjoy it Nonnie!
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leoneslover · 4 years
𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟 𝐚𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭 ♡
Sugawara Kōshi x reader(fem!)
Warnings: none
A/n: I missed posting self indulgent stuff 😔😔 anywayz, here’s the answers to the fluff alphabet for Suga that no one asked for lol. This is lowkey self-insert btw.
Original template Nsfw version
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★彡 A = Admiration : What do they absolutely adore about you?
• Probably the fact that you have so much in common.
I feel like he’d be the type of person to bond over shared interests. Wheter that be a show that you like, a band, a hobby, or even the fact that your personalities are alike; is enough to make him grow a soft spot for you and those shared things in his heart.
★彡 B = Body : What is their favorite part of your body?
• Your waist and your lower back.
He wouldn’t really mind pda, but at first he wouldn’t be so sure on wheter you’re into it or not. So he found a nice middle ground to start with, and that was just holding you close to him at all times. Wheter you’re walking through the hallways, on a crowded street, or just standing there and talking to someone; his hand would naturally get a hold on your waist.
Even after a long time dating each other, he still has this little habit. But it’s ok, none of you really mind it, and it kinda grew on him by this point anyways.
★彡 C = Cuddles : How do they like to cuddle?
• Facing each other, one arm around your waist and the other stroking your head.
He likes to be able to watch you fall asleep next to him, and he loves that you’re the first thing he sees when he wakes up. He also loves this position cause he’s able to kiss you as much as he wants in many different ways. (And also makes him able to press your foreheads together and fall asleep like that 🥺).
★彡 D = Dates : What does their ideal date looks like?
• I said it once and I’ll say it again, this man is a picnic enthusiast. Period.
He’ll take you to lots of different locations only to have a little picnic date for the day. And if you like to cook or bake, then he’ll definitely help you to make something the day prior only so you can share it on the date.
★彡 E = Emotions : How do they express emotion around you?
• I feel like it’ll take him a little bit to open up to you, but after he does, he wouldn’t be afraid of telling you how he feels if needed.
He doesn’t see emotions as weak, and doesn’t really mind to show them around you if he feels comfortable enough. Though he prefers to be the one comforting you instead.
★彡 F = Family : Do they want one? If they do, when?
• He definitely does, but it’s not the first thing he has in mind.
He’d like to settle down at some point in his life. Buy a big house so he can have two or three children if you’re up for it. But he wouldn’t rush it, he’ll just let things happen and enjoy his youth first, he has time to think about family later.
★彡 G = Gifts : How do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?
• He likes giving meaningful gifts.
Not a big fan of really big and impressive stuff, but rather small things that would remind you of him, or a certain date that you guys had, or maybe even an in joke that you guys made up. Also a big fan of letters and little love notes that he’d slide here and there.
★彡 H = Holding hands : When/How do they like to hold hands?
• He loves holding hands. It’s one of his favorite things.
He does it mainly when you’re walking around during summer, since it’s too hot for him to press you against him by your waist like he normally would. But wouldn’t mind doing it some other time if you like it.
★彡 I = Injury : How would they act if you got hurt?
• Mom mode activated.
He would try to act calm around it and treat the wound properly, but on the inside he’s so worried he thinks he might scream. Would constantly check on you after he’s done, and give you instructions on how to treat it on your own (if he isn’t around to do it for you).
★彡 J = Jokes : Do they like to joke around with or prank you? How?
• YES of course he does.
Not a big fan of pranks, but would do a lot of questionable stuff just for fun (and of course you’re gonna tag along, I mean, he has a point on the majority of those). He’s probably joking around you all the time, and you probably have a handful of random in jokes by now to the point that that’s the only way you guys communicate.
He’s chaotic let him be.
★彡 K = Kisses : How do they like to kiss?
• Slow and passionate.
Your kissing sessions with him could go on for hours honestly. He loves kissing, but what he loves the most is when he can pour all his feelings into one and give it to you like if his last breath depended on it.
Would stroke your hair or back while you’re at it.
★彡 L = Love : How do they show they love you?
• Affection. Lots and lots of affection.
He’s clingy asf, so expect a lot of hugs and kisses that might catch you off guard a couple of times.
Also words of affirmation. He’ll tell you how much he loves you and how much you mean to him almost daily.
★彡 M = Memory : Favorite memory together?
• When he first told you he loves you.
He remembers almost vividly everything about that time. How your eyes opened slightly, how your eyebrows rised up almost instantly, how you stared at him for a solid couple of minutes as if you were still processing the words. And how you finally whispered ‘I love you too’ while looking away.
He likes to think about that before he goes to bed.
★彡 N = Nightmare : What is their worst fear?
• Being replaced, especially for not being good enough.
He’s afraid of other people taking his loved ones away from him just because they’re better than him. He knows he’s not the best in anything, which is the main reason why he tries so hard to keep improving, and why he puts others before himself.
He’s scared that if he doesn’t try his best at everything, someone else is gonna take his place.
★彡 O = Oddity : What is one quirk they have?
• No matter the situation, he always knows what to say, and when to say it.
★彡 P = Pet names : What do they like to call you?
• Bunny and Darling are his favorites, but he literally calls you whatever he feels like.
★彡 Q = Quality time : How do they like to spend time with you?
• He likes to hang out with you as much as he can.
Having lunch together, going on dates, tagging along whenever you have to go out and buy some stuff, studying at your place, having sleepovers, you name it.
He just enjoys your company too much 🥺🥺
★彡 R = Rhythm : What songs reminds you of them?
• Selfless -The Strokes (shameless plug for my smau ahem go check it out if u haven’t already ahem).
• As the world caves in -Matt Maltese
• Midnight City -M83
★彡 S = Secrets : How open are they with you?
• 100% clear
The only times he keeps stuff from you is when he’s planning a surprise for you or something.
★彡 T = Time : How long did it take you to get together?
• Probably a couple of months.
He likes to let things flow naturally, so it probably started of as casual friends who flirted a little bit too much. And before you knew it he was already kissing you in your front door after what it felt like a date.
★彡 U = Upset : How do they act when you’re upset?
Would ask you about it right away.
If it has to do with him, then he’d profusely apologize and try to make it up to you for it.
If it doesn’t, then he’ll gently rest your head on his lap, playing with your hair as he listens to you rant about whatever it is that is making you feel bad, and then give you advice if needed.
But if you don’t wanna talk about it, then he’ll give you your space. Though he’d check on you frequently, making sure you’re not neglecting yourself.
★彡 V = Vaunt : What are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?
• He’s proud of how far he has become as person, and how he’s still improving on himself.
He’s also proud of you of course, and he absolutely adores showing you off. Why wouldn’t he?
★彡 X = X-Ray : How well are they able to read you?
• He’s used to having to read people all the time, so he’s probably pretty good at it.
However he still likes to ask directly rather than to beat around the bush, he wants to able to help you if needed.
★彡 Y = Yes : How would they propose to you?
• He would probably plan a whole day together before hand.
Would bring you breakfast to bed, take you out for lunch, maybe a little walk around the park or going shopping or whatever you feel like doing. And then take you out to a fancy restaurant that would probably be too fancy and a little sus tbh.
But he’d only propose once you get back to your house. He’d stop you before you can get the keys to your front door. Ask you if you had fun today. He would smile softly at you, saying how he’s glad that he’s able to spend so much time with you and how you make him the happiest man alive. Before actually getting on one knee.
If you say yes he’s absolutely kissing you in your front porch and carrying you inside bridal style.
★彡 Z = Zen : What makes them feel calm?
• Write his feelings down.
Whenever he feels like he could do some relaxing, he’ll just make himself a cup of tea and get a notebook out. He could write for hours, from really heavy stuff to random thoughts. He just pours it all out in the paper.
After he’s done, he feels like a brand new person.
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raunchyandpaunchy · 2 years
Writer asks! 4, 12, 16!
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
If we're talking feral as in "I love it": predictably, it's to do solely with smut, so heads up - but "cunted". The first time I read it, I was blown away, because it's so good - I'm a huge fan of the word "cunt", and it takes that and makes it into a verb to describe something else that's been like, fucked and made into an object to be fucked. V hot.
Feral as in "I hate it": amusingly, a good counterpoint to the one I love, because it's to do with the same body part - but whenever a vagina gets described in overly euphemistic terms (eg "her delicate garden", "her precious flower") I want to spontaneously combust. Her Secret Ending. Her Green Hill Zone. Please for the love of fuck just call it a vagina.
12. If a genie offered you three writing wishes, what would they be? Btw if you wish for more wishes the genie turns all your current WIPs into Lorem Ipsum, I don’t make the rules
I'm always notoriously bad at answering these questions bc my indecision kicks in, as well as my tendency to overanalyse. Because my first thought was "okay I'd probably wish for the critical voice in my head to shut up" but then I had the thought that wait, no, I wouldn't completely want that, because having some sort of ability to critique my work is good, I just need it to chill a bit sometimes. Anyway. I had a good long think, and these are, I think, the three things I'd actually wish for:
Someone/something to make me teas and coffees as required when writing
More writing spoons (as in spoon theory, not as in cutlery)
For the more critical parts of me to not go away completely but maybe chill a little and not tear me a new one when I go too long without writing
16. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark?
I wish I could answer with something wacky and cursed like "a slice of ham", but honestly the idea of cold lunch meat touching the pages of a book makes me come out in hives lol. I think my bookmark choices have always been decidedly mundane. It's mostly train tickets or receipts, because that's usually what I have to hand. Thanks so much for these asks, Toast! You picked some really good ones. :D
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twisted-imagines · 4 years
leona, jack and floyd realizing they have a crush on a male student and how they manage to get their S/O attention please 🥺
That's a weird mix of scenario and headcanon format, but that's all I can post for now 😅 I'm really glad you're so patient with me, fishies~ I'm not doing the best right now and it bothers me quite a lot... I worry more about my writing than I actually write.
The reader is gender-neutral in this one btw, there are no pronouns at all, crush is such a universal thing~
Please, while waiting for more content from me, enjoy this ❤
Getting his crush's attention
Leona Kingscholar 🦁
• Scurrying and running about. Those herbivores were really irking his nerves, and Leona just wanted to sleep peacefully. But there was a particular person among that crown. It was somebody who managed to catch his attention and never let it go. What was so special about you, that made him so weak and vulnerable, longing for any bit of affection you would sometimes offer him? Walking past you in the corridors, he couldn't resist to graze you with his tail, a ghost of a touch on your skin. He fell asleep purposefully in the areas he knew you visited often. Just how soft did he become?
Weak and feeble, possessing this annoyingly beautiful smile, you were currently Leona's only daydream. He closed his eyes and your image immediately surfaced up in his mind. He opened them, and once again the only things he saw were you.
Speaking of that, why were your face above his?
• "Oh, you're awake, prefect Leona. Ruggie was searching for you. You choose a really secure spot today."
"And you herbivore still found me. So, proud of yourself? Now go or you'll face consequences."
It wasn't too threatening, coming from somebody who could barely lift his eyes and so you persisted, trying to make Leona go to his own dorm, like Ruggie wished you to do, in case you found his dorm leader.
•"Shut up. Ugh, so annoying, I warned you!"
His rebuttal came pretty fast and before you could react you already were in his arm, pressed to his side. You could feel his warm breath on your face and the rhythmical beating of his heart under your hands.
"Um, prefect Leona? Leona?..."
But the lion was fast asleep.
• After the surprise of waking up hugging your warm form, Leona hadn't gotten a break from intrusive thoughts of your peaceful face, when you went ahead and fell asleep on him that day or the lovely scent of your hair. They were imprinted in his memory and at your every sight his instincts were screaming at him to go up to you and relive it once again, show everybody that you were his. But, you, in fact, were not and Leona knew he had to do something about it ASAP.
• Alas spending time with you became increasingly hard for Leona. You had no lack of attention, didn't you? Always in company of some other punks, he couldn't get you alone at all. If he thought about it, he didn't see you much recently. It was driving him mad, just like a possibility that some other man, and not him, could be spending more time with you then he did. And if it was on purpose, that he couldn't get ahold of you, did you really think you would be able to hide from him, Leona Kingscholar, the only apex predator in the whole college? Naive herbivore.
• Dorm leader of Savanaclaw was always difficult, but after that incident, you no longer understood how to act around him. You got to know him better, much better than even some members of his dorm knew him, but were you two really close to such an extent? It made you question the nature of your relationship, and the way Leona felt for you. Think of the devil. You were careless, not scouting your surrounding properly and the prefect was steadily approaching you now. He wouldn't allow you to run from him, would he?
"Hey, herbivore, long time no see. I almost thought that you got expelled by chance. But were you actually avoiding me?"
"Prefect Leona! N-no! Why would I?"
A scowl twisted his face. What a troublesome prey, but Leona couldn't allow himself to give up. Wanted he that or not, you were occupying a place in his heart now and getting you out there would not be that easy. It was worth a shot, his ego would get a word in later.
"Tsch, don't try to lie to me. I can see past that pathetic act of yours."
The lion moved closer and closer still, until you had nowhere to go, a wall against your back and his hands on both of your sides, a prey for him to feas upon. But there was no malicious intent in his eyes. Green orbs, two will-o'-wisps, playful and mischievous, were also holding some tenderness to them. Itching even closer, Leona came impossibility near. The man's deep voice reverberated near your ear.
"Quit fooling around. You made me work quite a lot for this, so now listen. I like you, [Y/n]. If you have any objection against becoming my mate, better tell them now."
Trapped between the wall and Leona's hot body, you were milimeters away from his face. It would be so easy just to lean forward and press a kiss to those lips. Was it what you really wanted?
Jack Howl🐺
• That morning you were shocked to see Jack Howl dragging his feet, barely paying attention to his surroundings and sporting horrible eyebags. The sight was alarming, you had never seen him be so tired in the morning, not even once. Like the best friend that you were, you rushed up to him, just in time to drag Jack away from a pole on his way. Apparently, he didn't even notice it.
"Wow, Jack, careful. Morning. Didn't get much a shut-eye at night?"
His reaction wasn't immediate, but when he finally registered you holding his hand and closely inspecting his face he jumped up a foot, instantly turning a dark shade of crimson. Incoherent "I"s and "you"s were everything you heard from him before he ran away, too fast for you to follow.
• You met him neither at your classes, nor at the cafeteria, nor after school. It couldn't be a simple coincidence. Did he not want to meet you? This thought resonated with a painful pang in your chest. Did something happen? You thought you two were good friends.
• Jack however could no longer see you as "just" a friend.
"Jeez, aren't you an obvious little puppy, Jack? You're head over heels for [Y/N]. Everybody except for you two can see it."
"Shishishi, Leona-san, look what you did. You broke this poor freshman. "
Every time Jack looked at you now, he could hear Leona's words in his head once again. He didn't even protest, didn't tell them they were not right. He did like you, and he could no longer ignore it or tell himself that what you had between you was purely platonic. And if he wanted to get rid of this agonizing grip, that constricted his breathing and crushed his heart every time he just thought of you, he had to act.
• Easier said than done. He couldn't help but keep a certain distance from you, afraid of spilling the beans instantly and that's the last thing he wanted to do at that moment. He didn't want to endanger your friendship, no, anything but that. Jack became even more observant, and to his great distress now every little joke Ace told you or how familiar others were with you now seemed too "friendly" for his liking. Were they always like this? What if he's not the only one who harbored such feelings for you? The more Jack thought about it, the more anxious he got. What if somebody "snatched" you before he could at least confess his feelings to you?
• With that worrying thought in mind Jack gathered enough courage to come some evening to your dorm after his club activities. What a surprise it was for you, to meet him at your doorstep, after the days of going without as much as hello form him, not even a glimpse of his tall frame in college hallways, even though you knew he was fine. His dorm leader said as much when you cornered him a Botanic garden. The sudden rift between you was saddening, even more now that Jack was standing before you, barely looking at you. Was he angry? Was he going to put your friendship to an end?
• Yes and no. But how could you know that, without him saying it out loud? Jack was trying though, but his pure heart wasn't allowing him to do that, hammering loudly in his throat. Whatever speech he prepared, it seemed so lacking, so stupid now, when you were everything he could see. He's been observing you from afar, while he longed to be near you, to touch you, to do those things that lovers usually did.
Yes, he'd decided. Losing you completely was not an option, Jack understood, you were too precious to him. But remaining close, and doing nothing about those feelings was an idea much more appalling to him. He had to try, hopefully, your answer would calm the turmoil in his heart.
"I've been thinking a lot. Mostly about you, [Y/n]. And the way I see you, it's not just friendly anymore. I want us to become something more."
"What will you say? I'll respect any your decision, but I still want to be a part of your life. As a friend or as a lover, any is good, but I like you, [Y/n]."
Floyd Leech🦈
• "Sh ri m py - chan~" There it was again. You no longer tried to escape, you learned it the hard way you were no match for his speed. Once again Floyd Leech was crushing you in his hug the first thing in the morning. It was a normal occurrence, really, you didn't mind it as much now as you did at least a month ago. He was friendly with you, it definitely wasn't the short end of the stick if you were to compare it to how Floyd treated other NRC students.
The times you were luckier you met him at the lunch break. Did he now specifically go out of his way to search for you in the morning?
You were no wiser, that yes, he did. Floyd didn't meet such interesting people often, even on land, and usually, he quickly lost his interest in them. But you? You were a special case. You were so amusing, so warm in his arm, so squishy and cute. He considered to just gobble you up a couple of times, and each time you gave him that pointed look that sent shivers down his spine. Indeed, Floyd liked that little shrimp~
• But it seemed you didn't share his feelings though? No matter how much he lavished you with his attention, scared away other competitors, or made advances at you, he didn't get any reaction back... It boiled down to one interaction that nearly broke poor eel's heart.
"Floyd? Can I ask you for what reason do you yawn at me?"
"What? Shrimpy, I'm not yawning. C'mon, look~"
"I-I honestly don't what you're doing and it's drawing even more attention than usual, could you maybe stop?"
Bewildered, you could only look how fast Floyd strode away, displeased expression on his face. It's not like you didn't know about his moody nature, but wasn't he just too strange today? No matter how much time you spent with him, his heart was still a mystery to you.
• "Jade! Jade-!"
"My, my, Floyd, what got you so agitated? Oh, are you... Crying?"
Jade couldn't remember when was the last time he saw Floyd with tears in his ears, and not fake crying, there was unfeigned sadness within those mismatched eyes, while he harshly bit his lip to the point of bleeding. Jade tried to approach his twin when Floyd suddenly took the offensive stance.
"You were lying! Shrimpy doesn't love me, I've tried times and times again-! No reaction...Even told me to stop."
What a predicament and Jade genuinely thought his brother had all the chances, he definitely saw you reciprocating his hugs and the way you smiled at Floyd, not out of politeness, but of adoration. Were all of those signs actually misinterpreted? A curious thought visited Jade's head. He had to ask something important first...
"Ahaha! I can't believe it! Floyd- No, haha, it's too much even for you. Did you really think that a human, from an entirely different world altogether, would understand that your gaping was actually you flirting?"
"It was Jade who told me to "just be myself"! Quit laughing, or I'll make you stop. Don't try me~"
Who could have thought a misunderstanding like that would happen? At least Jade was able to clear this one out. The next action, approaching you in a way that you would understand, was entirely on Floyd, who now got much more useful advice from his brother and was already on his way to you, eager to finally hear your answer.
• "Shrimpy, there's something I want to talk about."
It scared you, Leech twin's voice emerging out of nowhere, right behind you. You warily turned to him. Floyd left very angry the last time you spoke, and he was standing before you, face more unreadable than ever. It instilled fear in your heart nonetheless. You two were good acquaintances...friends? Some kind of understanding was developing on your side, but maybe you were wrong? What was he going to do?
"I'm listening, Floyd. What do you want to talk about?"
The man was fidgeting, his hands behind his back for some reason, probably hiding something. That was getting into the direction you didn't quite follow. Tracing with your gaze up to his face you found it had turned completely red, the shade being the most prominent on his cheeks. He looked cute, an involuntary thought emerged in your mind.
"Shrimpy and I have been spending a lot of time together and... Damn, that's not it! And, well, little Shrimp is very interesting to me and I..."
"Ugh! Just take it! Why is confessing like a human so hard?!"
Standing there, with a bouquet of your favorite flowers thrust in your hand, you had to become the one continuing this conversation.
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realcube · 4 years
i would just like to thank you for crunching out sm stuff for us and blessing us with such good writing!! 💕💗💕💗😩😪 truly *chefs kiss*
also could i request hcs on how tendou, fukunaga, matsukawa, bokuto, and iwaizumi react to their s/o doing this tiktok trend?
(a/n): 🙏 i should be the one thanking y’all for reading my content tbh! 💕 oh and this request is absolutely adorable!
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summary of the video: a person peppers their cat with kisses to the audio of a man saying, ‘i love you. mwah mwah mwah. you set my soul on fire’
content warning: sexual references, choking & dick sizes
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satori tendō
♡ he would cackle if you tried to do the accent 
♡ i’d say he knows the trend but he doesn’t look like he uses tiktok and even if he did, he’d be on deep tiktok
♡ anyway, if you don’t do the accent and you just start kissing him while filming, he’ll just smile 
♡ like he just got all warm inside 
♡ he thinks his smile is subtle but when he rewatches the video and notices his foolishly large grin, he insists that you delete it 
♡ but plz don’t- he really appreciates the fact you aren’t ashamed to be dating it and you actually want to show everyone on social media that you love him
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
you propped your phone up against the salt shaker on the dinner table so the camera was angled at you and tendō, then you turned to him with a mischievous grin plastered on your face which made him falter in eating his chicken nugget. 
“are you okay, babe?” he inquired through a mouthful of mcnugget as your eyes seemed fixated on him, though you weren’t doing anything besides stare. 
he was forced to swallow once the sound began and you started peppering his face with kisses to the beat, leaving him sitting like a statue in shock. the only part of his that moved was the corner of his lips twitching up to form a large grin. 
 once the sound finished, you snaked your arms under his and chest your head against his chest for a moment before grabbing your phone to watch the video, allowing tendō to peer over your shoulder and watch it too. then, he realised how insanely wide his smile was, “are you gonna post that?” 
“not if you don’t want me to.” you hummed against his chest, feeling his slender fingers slip through your hair to cradle the back of your head and hold it tight against his chest. 
“eh.” he shrugged. if you were to delete it, at least the world wouldn’t have to see him smiling like an idiot upon getting some sugar but if you were to post it, he’d be beyond flattered that you’d want to share you relationship publicly - it reassured him that you’re not embarrassed to be with him.
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hajime iwaizumi
♡ while you do it, he just sits and stares at you like ◉_◉
♡ he has no idea what’s going on UIEFLAERN why are you filming while kissing him and lipsyncing to some guy with a hot accent??????
♡ bc he wants to do it back to you but he’s just frozen in shock for a moment 
♡ but if you lipsync to the words, at the ‘you set my soul on fire’ part, he’d probably make a sarcastic comment like ‘you have one of those?’
♡ anyway, for the most part, he’s paralysed 
♡ like he doesn’t want to do anything embarrassing on camera yet he’s also extremely confused so as soon as you pick up your phone and end the recording, he literally tackles you to the ground 
♡ and he doesn’t just have hajime iwaizumi body btw- he’s got hajime iwaizumi (27) athletic trainer body 
♡ so don’t expect to escape his grip unless he lets you 
♡ but if you manage to get away with the video, plz don’t send it to any of his friends- they will tease him and use it as blackmail-
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
you set your phone down on the coffee table then hit record, leaning back and shuffling even closer to iwaizumi on the couch. this caught his attention so his eyes momentarily shifted off the tv to look at you with a perplexed expression which became more prominent once he noticed that he was also being filmed.
“wha--” he cut himself off upon feeling your lips press against his forehead, then his cheek, then his chin; basically his whole face had felt your affection by the time the sound finished. 
he was taken aback, to say the least. the whole thing went by in a blur - a pleasant blur, but a blur none the less. he was too busy enjoying the feeling of your soft lips against his skin to realise that his resting expression looked similar to the one he wore when walked in on matsukawa and makki comparing dick sizes in the changing room.
once you pulled away and grabbed your phone to watch the video, he got the opportunity to observe the stupid look he wore and he instinctively tried to snatch the phone from your hand. This resulting in him lying on top of you on the couch, suffocating you with his cologne, trying to grab your phone but the frantic flailing of your arms posed challenge. 
“Gimme that damn phone! Don’t you dare send that to anyone! Did you see my fac--”
“Iwa, get the fuck off me!” you wheezed, your voice muffled from his beefy chest being pushed against your face.
RIP (Y/N). Cause of death: Iwaizumi Hajime’s muscles
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kōtarō bokuto 
♡ whenever you start filming him, he immediately goes like :) 
♡ but then when you sit down next to him and film y’all together then he goes like :D
♡ but fr, he melts 
♡ you’re just so damn cute
♡ he doesn’t really question what you are doing, he just enjoys it
♡ he probably wraps his arms around your waist too and tries give you kisses back
♡ oh! and if you repeat what they guy in the audio says (’i love you’ & ‘you set my soul on fire.’), bokuto will say the same back 🥺
♡ pulls you onto his lap if you weren’t already sitting on him
♡ he insists that you post it, no matter how silly either of you look - he wants the world to see how in love you two are 
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
you plop yourself down next to him as soon as you hit record on your phone then immediately began placing kisses all over bokuto’s face and if you wasn’t grinning like an idiot before, he sure was now.
“I love you!” you tried to do the accent while desperately stifling a giggle, continuing to peck his cheek, “you set my soul of fire-”
 you were forced to pause as bokuto caught your lips in his own, pressing down on the small of your back to deepen the kiss, “i love you more, baby! you set my soul on fire too - whatever that means.” he exclaimed, all while wearing a wide, toothy grin.
once you finally pull away to grab your phone, you held it in between you and bokuto so he could watch it along with you. he bounced giddily in place, squeezing your other hand tightly, “you’re precious, (y/n).” he muttered before pumping his fists and cheering, “post it! post it! post it! post it!”
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issei matsukawa 
♡ you tried this on him while he was studying chemistry and although neither of you thought much of it in the moment, he’ll never forgive you bc he ended up failing his chem test 😭
♡ anyway 
♡ he questions what you are doing at first but when he hears the sound, he realises what trend you’re doing immediately (bc i hc that he lowkey has a social media addiction)
♡ so he just sits there with this cocky ass smirk on his face while you shower him with your love
♡ not bc he’s unappreciative - like he think you’re cute as hell - but if you’re gonna post it, he wants to look cool, yk?
♡ also he wants to just keep up his nonchalant attitude towards all physical touch 
♡ yes, even sex 
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
you propped your phone up on the water bottle sat on his desk and stood a seat on his lap, to which he gladly welcomed as he slipped his arm around your waist to hold you in place as you straddled him.
your hands cupped his face so he looked you in the eye, hence he dropped his pencil and slammed the brakes on whatever studying he was doing as nothing was more important to him them tending to your prettyself. 
once you began pecking him along with lipsyncing along to words the guy said, he just stared at you with a smug smirk gracing his features, humming lowly in agreement whenever you’d say anything. of course, he ensured that his head was angled in a way that the camera got the holy sight of his sharp jawline. 
his gazed at you though hooded lips, staying frozen in place until your eventually picked up your phone, swiftly deleting the video with a pouty expression. “hey- whatcha going? why ya deleting it? did you see my jaw?” he asked, clearly offended.
“you’re so boring, issei.” you whined, trying to conceal the fact your pout was slowly becoming a smile. “You were supposed to rail me, that’s the whole point of the trend.” you joked, not expecting for matsukawa’s hand to immediately latch onto your throat, “hah, well, you could’ve just asked nicely, doll.”
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shōhei fukunaga 
♡ he kinda just chuckles at first 
♡ but as you continue, he’ll jerk his head around with his lips pursed to try capture your lips with his
♡ he’s honestly not sure what he’s supposed to do so please guide him 
♡ i’d say he seems like the sorta guy to hate being filmed but post-timeskip, he’s a comedian so he’d probably try put on a show for the camera 
♡ maybe subtly massage the back of your head, perhaps he’ll bite his bottom and give you ✨the look✨, or he’ll hold your jaw and longingly gaze at you- who knows?
♡ anything to keep you entertained (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~
♡ like you’ll try show him the video but he just turns away and covers his eyes like 😑 ‘no i don’t want to see’
♡ if you try post it though he will go feral
♡ probably tickles you, snatches your phone then deletes it 
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
you clutched you phone as you looked at fukunaga dreamily while recording yourself. the noticed your odd behaviour but once he realised you were also recording, he just thought, ‘ah, that explains it.’
but what he didn’t expect was for you pounce on him then start covering his face in kisses. at first, he crinkles his nose and chuckled but just as you were about to say the second bit of dialog, an idea hit him. so without thinking, he gripped your throat then flipped y’all over so he was now on top, then he pressed his lips against your forehead while making the ‘mwah’ sound effect.
this took you by surprise so the last frame of the video was of you looking truly shocked and him looking down on your with a suggestive smirk - which was followed up by a sweet kiss but the video cut off before that. 
you both stared at the video as it replayed, neither of you liking what you were seeing. 
fukunaga was the first one to mention it though as he scrambled off you to grab your phone, “gimme that! you’re camera makes me look so weird.” you allowed him to yank your phone from your hands as you folded your hands behind your head, “my camera. sure.”
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fandomtookoverlife · 4 years
Home for Christmas
Pairings: Hotch x gn!reader, Jack x maternal!reader
Summary: you take steps towards your future with your boyfriend and his son, and it just so happens you be your favourite time of year🎄🎄
Warning: swearing(?)
Words: 4.7 k 
Category: fluff 
A/N: wow this one turned out longer than I expected😳😂,  it’s my longest fic yet so I hope you like it. (It’s not proof read to my standards so take it with a grain of salt) 
And yes btw I did Photoshop the picture at the end, why, you ask, did I do so much extra work even though I was on a time crunch, you know what that’s a good question, the answer is because I couldn’t find one I liked so screw it I’ll make it myself, I hate my self 😂😂
I have the outline for spiral part two so that should be what I post next.(the unfinished outline is like 600 words or smth😳 maybe I’ll post a little of it) Anyways hope you enjoy 😘😘
Other blog: @mac99martin
It’s December 1st, in your opinion it’s the best time of year and one of the best days. December 1st, ever since you were a child, has always been the day you decorate for Christmas: tree, lights, ornaments, Christmas themed knick-knacks, the whole shabang, Now, you prefer a real tree, traditions die hard and all, but when you got your own place and since you lived on your own, you’ve settled on a fake in your adult life. So while this morning you put up your fake tree and decorate your apartment, this afternoon you got to live vicariously through your boyfriend and his son when you went with them to get a tree and decorate their house. 
Now you are doing the finishing touches on the house’s decorations, Jack has begged you to come and decorate with him. And Aaron, well apparently decorating is not his forté so he didn’t mind the help. Speaking of Jack you have no idea where he ran off to, he had been acting weird all morning. While days prior he had begged you to come over, he had been acting cold towards you all day and now was nowhere to be seen. Aaron hadn’t said anything to you so you chalked it up to kids being kids. Besides children's attention spans are not great, so he probably just woke up on the wrong side of the bed and then got bored.
A little while later you had finish perfecting the house and you venture into the kitchen to find two boys making hot chocolate you had to smile to yourself, they were just the cutest, jack was on a step stool so that he could reach the stove and Aaron was next to him watching him like a hawk making sure he didn’t burn himself. They were smiling and laughing, Jack launched off the stool and ran around the kitchen climbing the counter coming down with a bag of mini marshmallows. You really do love watching them together, sometimes you catch yourself thinking, “my boys” but they're not yours. Sometimes you get caught up in your thoughts that you fool yourself into thinking you’re a part of their family, it’s dumb really, but you forget and you can see yourself in that place, having that family. But like all good things, they come to an end and you have to remind yourself, that's not your place, and you wonder if it ever will be. 
Aaron catches your eye, he has a giant smile on his face, as he does anytime he is with his son. Jack went to grab mugs for the hot chocolate, he grabbed two, you tried to chalk it up to that he's a kid and he only has two small hands, he probably didn’t even know his implication. None the less you smiled as Aaron grabbed the third mug and poured some in each handing them out. He tried to distract Jack from the giant bag of marshmallows, that kid really didn’t need more sugar, he failed but it’s always worth a try. You all mitigated to the living room, wrapping up the festive day with a classic Christmas movie. And again something was off, Jack barely said a word to you and sat on the other side of his dad. He always does that cute thing of snuggling in the small crevice between you and Aaron, but not today. 
Eventually, the day came to an end. Jack was in bed, after barely saying goodnight to you, and you and Aaron were snuggling on the couch, “Is everything alright?”
“Of course it is, why wouldn’t it be”
“I don't know, Jack, he was just acting weird today,'' Aaron had this strange look on his face. You knew that he noticed it, but there was something else there, but god, you have no idea what it could be, something was wrong wasn’t it? “D-did I do something?”
The last thing that Aaron wanted was for you to think you did something wrong, that you were anything less than perfect. He was the one that was, he doesn’t want to say wrong, because you could never feel wrong to him, you feel so right in every way, and he can’t screw that up. But he doesn't know how to not screw anything up, with you or his son, or between you and his son, which he did, but also has the one thing he wants to right now. 
“No, no, of course not honey, me and Jack were just talking last night, and, and it didn't go how I had planned.”
“But he was fine with you today, he was basically stuck to your side all day, it was me he was avoiding”
Shit, this was all his fault, what you don’t know is that the reason Jack was avoiding you today, the conversation they had last night, was about you. Aaron wants so desperately for you to be a part of his family, and that's what he and Jack were talking about last night, but Jack didn’t respond well to the sentiment, he didn’t explain why, he just climbed up and said he was going to bed, not that the why was a very hard guess for any father, never mind one that was a profiler. And then you were here, and Jack was acting weird towards you, and how could you not notice, but now you were thinking it was your fault when that couldn’t be further from the truth. 
“No, that's not what was happening, I promise,” he hopes anyway, “I’m sorry it's my fault, I don't know why he was acting like that, I’m sorry it ruined the day, I know how much you love it.”
“No no it didn’t, I just, don’t want to screw anything up.” you snuggled into his chest, sensing that he wasn’t going to say anything more of his explanation, just continuing with his reassurances 
He only hopes you believe him. 
Aaron really did feel horrible that he caused a rift in your relationship with Jack, he wanted to fix it, he did, but he was nervous. You and Jack are the most important people in his life, he just wanted everything to be perfect but what if he couldn’t do that? What if he tried and he made things worse again? With a million thoughts running through his brain he really didn’t know what to do. 
Thankfully Jack’s mood only lasted 3 more days, correction 3 more very long days, which was all spent with you. Spending so many days in a row with you was not unusual in the slightest, the only unusual thing was Jack’s enthusiasm, more accurately lack thereof. He never said anything about it, mostly because he wasn’t saying much, but he just kept away from you. Over the course of the three days, he got better, until the fourth he went completely back to normal as if nothing happened. Aaron, if he was being honest, was very relieved when Jack went back to his normal self, the only problem was that something had happened and he needed to talk to his son about it. 
It was December 7th, Aaron took Jack out for the day, doing this and that's, it was a nice father and son day, but it was just a cover for the conversation that he wanted to have. The day was done, they were finishing up dinner when Aaron finally built up the courage, “jack?” jack simply looked up at his father, a smile still on his face, god I hope that smile stays, “can I talk to you about the other day?” 
Jack thought about it, but ultimately decided, “what do you mean?”
Deep breath, choose these words carefully, “you know the other day before you went to bed, we had that talk?” Jack’s face faltered a little but he nodded, “well after you weren’t acting like yourself, can you tell me why?”
Jack went quiet and kept his eyes down, of course, Jack knew why, but he couldn’t say why, so he just didn’t say anything. 
As parents knew their children, Aaron knew Jack needed some prompting, “is this about Y/N?” 
Jack shrugged his shoulders while fidgeting with his shirt, he was quiet for another minute before, in the tiniest voice, “I-.... I don't want to replace mommy” Aaron sighed, somewhere he knew that that is what this was about, but it hurt, it hurt so much to think about, to talk about, it was just so painful not only for him, but his son, and the thought, the reminder that his son had to live through something so unimaginable, well it wasn’t something Aaron liked to think about often, or by choice. 
He took a deep breath, standing up, picking up his son and moving them both to the couch, only attempting to speak once his son was snuggled up on his lap, “Jack, I promise that we are not, and would never replace mommy.” he was squeezing his son so tight at this point so probably couldn’t breathe, but Aaron, not Jack cared right now, “do you think that I’m trying to replace mommy with Y/N?” Jack slowly shook his head, he didn’t think that, but he thought about it, “do you think that Y/N is trying to replace mommy? do you think you’re replacing mommy with Y/N?” Jack snuggles further into his father’s chest and nods his head. Aaron feels like his heart is being pulled down with weights, he’s so close to breaking.
Jack’s voice is barely above a whisper, “what of Y/N replaces her and we forget her.” 
Aaron kissed the top of his son's head, “We will never forget mommy because we love her and she loves us. And that will never change.'' Jack felt better, but he wasn’t fully convinced, “why don’t you ask Y/N what she thinks, I think that will help ya?” Finally, Jack had a smile on his face, it was small but it was there, that all Aaron could ask for. Aaron and Jack cuddled on the couch watching a movie until they fell asleep. 
That's how you found them the next day. 
Aaron, the night before, had texted you saying that things went well, you asked if you should come over today and he said yes, so this morning woke up with the sun, got ready and went to all of your favourite breakfast spots and got coffee and food. You had to have grown extra hands or something because you were somehow able to hold everything while simultaneously taking your key out and opening the door. 
You expected to find the boys somewhere running around the house, jack probably having away too much energy and Aaron trying to keep up. What you didn't expect was to find them curled up on the couch dress in what had to be yesterday's clothes? You giggled stepping further into the house, removing your shoes and putting the food and drinks down, thankfully before you dropped them everywhere. You finally went to shut the door, that's what did it, Jack and Aaron did not immediately wake up. Well, you shouldn’t say immediately, when technically they both woke up, jack bolted up screaming your name and running into your arms. While Aaron, he slowly groggily opened his eyes. Watching Aaron was the funniest yet cutest thing to see and you loved it. “Hey, buddy! What's going on here?” you both looked back at Aaron who was now slowly realizing where he was and what was going on. 
“Me and daddy watched a movie last night!”
“Ah, I see.” there were bright smiles on your faces, Aaron not so much but you'll give him a pass. Looking back at Jack you cup your hand around his ear, “guess what I brought” his eyes shoot to yours filled with excitement, you point behind him to where you put breakfast down, Jack immediately sees it almost jumping out of your arms “why don't you go bring everything to the table ya?” at that he scurried out of your arms. You laughed at the but before turning to you now awake and approaching him, looking at his state only made you laugh more, to which he glared at you for to which you laughed harder, only stopping when he scops your face into his hands, placing his lips on yours, you smile into the kiss as you hand wrap around him. 
While it was a simple, innocent kiss, that didn't stop the loud “ewwwwww!” coming from the table, you both broke the kiss with giant smiles watching the sour look form on Jack’s face 
“Hey! Is that table set up yet?”
You went to walk away to help Jack but Aaron caught your wrist, when you looked back at him he had a more serious look on his face, in big constants to the happy one only moments before. He took both your hands in his, kissed them and brought them to his chest. Aaron noticed your furrowed brows and worried face and gave you a slight smile.
“What is it? Something wrong?” you really have no idea considering the complete and utter happiness on all your face this whole time.
“No no nothing wrong.” he picked up one of your hands and pressed a kiss on your palm before returning it to the warmth of his chest, “just, Jack’s going to ask you a question later okay?” 
“Um, okay, just thought you’d give me a heads up?” you smiled but you were still worried. 
“ya, just forewarning you.”
You studied his face, while you are -very- worried, he doesn’t seem to be at all, you signed, taking his calmness as comfort, “Alright.”
Your hand came to the back of his neck, you placed a chaste kiss on his lips, “Alright.” you place one last kiss on his lips before pulling away and making your way toward and very patient Jack and a perfectly splayed out table. 
You had eaten and enjoyed breakfast, Jack particularly the donuts you brought, on the other hand, you and Aaron were quite partial to the coffee.“Hey, jack why don’t you go get changed and then maybe we could go for a walk?”
“Ok!” the little boy spirited towards his bedroom 
You stood up intending to clean up but Aaron stopped you “Hey, I’ll clean up, how about you go for a walk with Jack.” you looked in his eyes, they were sweet and caring but his face was tense and his lip was pressed into a line, you exhaled and grabbed his hand, you knew that he wanted you to talk to Jack, you had had a serious talk with him before, but you have no idea what this is about, the whole concept is terrifying. 
Aaron can see how nervous you are, he can't say he doesn't understand, truth be told he’s a little nervous himself, but he knows you, and he loves you, but that's probably why he's nervous, “hey” you look into his eye, he just smiles at your love and adoration apparent, “everything’s going to be fine, okay?”
“Come on, let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go” Jack takes both your hands pulling you off the couch 
“Hey buddy, I’m going to clean up and you and Y/N can go for a walk, okay?” 
“Okay” oh god, even Jack looks nervous. 
“Okay, buddy let's go” you and Jack get your coats on, take each other’s hands and head towards the door, you look back at Aaron one last time, his eyes giving you all the comfort and encouragement needed, god I hope this goes well. 
So here you are, halfway done you walk and you have said anything, you look at the boy ahead of you running and picking up snow, throwing it in the air, smiling as it slowly falls on him, “so Jack” oh god how do you even start this conversation, “why don’t we go sit on that bench over there?” he nodded, running over to it and sitting on it before you even take more than a couple of steps towards it. Thankfully, despite it being December it's not overly cold today, the temperature is nice with a chilly breeze, but the sun is out so it evens out nicely. You sit and put your arm around him, “is there anything that you want to talk about?” he looks down but shits his body to face you. You turn towards him as well and your arm falls from his shoulder and you place it on your knee, opening your palm to the sky, Jack takes the invitation and puts his hand in yours, you close your hand around him, squeezing it, smiling at the contact. 
“I miss mommy.” ugh god no, that's it, there goes your heart, it's complete;y broken, irreparable, just cracked right in half. “I don't want to replace her” you squeeze his hand tighter, closing your eyes trying to hide how much his words are actually affecting you. 
“Hey,” you lean down to look in his eyes, “I will never replace you, mommy, I love you so much baby, and I love your daddy, and I love you, mommy, just like you do. She was such a good mommy to you,” you lift and hand and boop his nose making you both laugh, “... no matter how hard I try I will never be as good as her, but I can love you both for her and I can be here for you both for as long as you want, I think she would like that, don’t you?” he looks up at you, a little smile growing on his face and jumping into your arms. Your arms wrapped impossibly tight around him and you took a shaking breath, thanking whoever the fuck is out there that that went well. And you thought about Haley, hoping that what you said was true, that she really would like you, that she's happy and that she thinks you’re good enough for her boys, that you are good for them. 
“Why don't we make our way back to the house and see if we can rope your dad, into building a snowman with us?” he leaps off the bench, sprinting back to the house at the thought of playing in the snow with his dad, with you trailing behind him. 
When you get back to the house you share a look letting him know everything is alright. You manage, with minimal protest, to get Aaron outside, you do in fact build a snowman, but you also have a snowball fight, you defend yourself saying, “it’s unavoidable'' and “a part of Christmas.” eventually you all, wet and cold, went inside, curled yourself up in blankets and snuggled, trying to warm up. Jack says on your lap, Aaron beside you. The three of you had a night of joy and laughter. You watched your, very, sexy boyfriend cook dinner, you ate, eventually got Jack into bed, and found yourself once again snuggling up with Aaron on the couch. “Do-, do you think Haley would like me?”  
Aaron gave you a curious look, he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and smiled at you, “ya I do.” although you don't seem fully convinced. He tilted your chin up, your eyes meeting his, “I think she would love how much you do for Jack, she would adore how much you yell at me,” making you both chuckle because you know how true that is, “she would love how kind you are, and how caring, gentle and patient you are. I know how much she appreciates how you keep her memory alive, and despite never knowing her, you still love her, so yes I think she would love you.” he leans in and places a gentle kiss on your lips, you smile and wrap your arms around his neck. 
It's December 10th you're at a store doing some shopping you just remembered you had forgotten about. You pride yourself on being very prepared so not being done yet freaks you out. You are under strict orders not to get any more gifts for Jack, that you spoil him too much, but you can't help, so you choose to ignore that little detail as you're walking through the store.
“Ya buddy.”
“I think it’s a good idea.”
Aaron smiled, “ya?”
“So when do you think we should do it?”
Jack taps his lips and scrunches his brow as if in thought, “Christmas Eve!”
“Alright, that seems like a good time.” Aaron has wanted to move forward with you for a long time, it could not make him happier than his son wants that too. 
It's Christmas eve morning, one of the worst days because it's not Christmas eve yet and it's not Christmas morning, it's a day of anticipation, it feels like something should be happening but there's nothing left to do but wait. Excitement courses through your body and it have no outlet to escape, just a boring day that feels exciting but can't be. And you have a very energetic little boy on your hands. He's almost literally bouncing off the walls, needing something to do, “why don't we make cookies for Santa?”
“YA YA YA YA YA!” Jack screams jumping up and down
You just put the cookies in the oven and were closing the door when you felt a tug on your hand, Jack was pulling at your waist and Aaron was leaning against the door, Jack had a smile on his face “Will you sleepover tonight?!” You were a little taken back, you had slept over before but it had never been while Jack was home. The lonely time close would be when Jack got dropped off early and you and Aaron hadn’t gotten out of bed yet. 
Aaron loudly cleared his throat and Jack looked guiltily, lowering his head and bringing his shoulders up to his ears. You gave Aaron a confused wary look, you didn’t know why Aaron reacted like that nor do you know why Jack looks so guilty  “well would you.” 
“Are you sure that’s alright?” 
“Of course it is” 
You studied his face for a split second more, he had a sweet smile on his face, but there was something more, something you didn��t know, nevertheless you accepted 
The little boy celebrated jumping into your arms, sending you into a fit of laughter 
Aaron sat back and watched, could this be forever? He really hopes so. 
Aaron cooked what had to have been what is one of the best dinners you've ever had. The dinner was slightly fancy and he had opened a good bottle of wine, you didn’t think too much of it, it was Christmas Eve. but he and Jack were acting weird, had refilled your glass and told you to “go, relax, I got it.” and was pushed off into the living room. They started off in the kitchen but then they started whispering and now you don't know where they are. So you sit here enjoying your glass of wine, looking out the window as the lights on all the houses shine and snow drifts down. You have a smile on your face, honestly, you're not even conscious of it, you just have had such a good day and it's just so nice sitting here right now, enjoying life. 
Your attention was drawn away from the scenery outside by the previously mentioned boys that just so conveniently disappeared, now walking into the living room. Their faces aren't quite mischievous but they are definitely hiding something. When Jack looks at his father your suspicions are confirmed when you see Jack hiding something behind his back, “what going on?” Jack looked at his father for permission, Aaron simply nodded in your direction, sending Jack racing towards you. 
You eye Aaron, narrowing your eyes at him before moving them to the boy in front of you. He stood in front of the couch bouncing on the balls of his feet, might go as far as to say that he looks extremely giddy. He takes his hands from behind his back revealing a medium-sized velvet box with a ribbon tied around it, you smile and take it from him, “and what this?”
“But it's not Christmas yet.” you muse 
“Does it have to be?” you look up at Aaron with a tight smile and raised eyebrows, but ultimately answer his question by just shaking your head. 
You look back at Jack who is now sitting anxiously on the floor, “open it!!”
“Alright alright,” you slide off the couch, joining him on the floor, while Aaron sits on the cushion next to where you were previously sitting. With one last look with Aaron, you turn your eye to the box. You pull the end of the ribbon releasing it from the box, not even watching as it falls to the floor. You carefully open the box revealing a dainty chain with a beautiful key hanging from it, the letters H O M E pressed into it. Your breath was stolen from you, not only by the jewelry but by the implication it holds.
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“Y/N” you would look up at your boyfriend but your eyes are glued to the necklace 
Aaron watches your face, you are in complete shock, you stare at the necklace committing it to memory, all the muscles in your face pull up slightly, a ghost of a smile spreads across your face, he reaches down for your hand, taking it in his own and you meet his eyes. You both break out into smiles, “I love you, we love you, will you move in and make this your home?” 
You blush at the compliment, and smile at the question, “yes” you beam, somehow brighter smiles appear on your faces as he leans down to kiss you.
While Jack would usually be utterly disgusted with this act he simply, “do you like it?”
“I love it, baby.”
“Put it on putting it on!” 
“Alright.” you carefully take it out of the case and hand it to Aaron lifting up your hair as he reaches around and clasps it around your neck. Jack crawls into your arms, hugging you and playing with the new piece of jewellery around your neck. You sit and smile and snuggle enjoying the moment and engraving it into your head for the rest of your life.
With the first yawn from Jack you know it's time for bed, “alright Jack bed” you tap his side, motioning for him to get up as he is still on your lap. He gives you big puppy dog eyes and so just reminds him about a certain visitor coming tonight and that has him racing up and to his room, ordering you both to follow. 
Aaron helps you off the floor smiling as his hands make their way from yours, trailing up your arms and down your sides placing them on the back of your hips, he smirks and leans down to kiss you, saying you better hurry up to put jack to bed,
How much does he think he’s going to get away with tonight?
You said good night to Jack and now are leaning against his door frame, listening and watching as Aaron puts his son to the bed. You take your necklace into your hands, they talk about the presents and getting up early tomorrow, having to go to bed now so Santa can come, they talk about cookies.., and they talk about how happy they are. You stand here listening thinking how, right now, this, them, it's the rest of your life, that tomorrow will be your first Christmas with your boys, but not your last. And you find yourself just as anxious as the little boy, unable to wait until the morning. 
Aaron smiles at you as he leads you into his room- your room, his hand stays on your back as he closes the bedroom door, okay maybe you can wait a little longer for tomorrow.  
@spencers-renaissance @averyhotchner @hotch-meeeeeuppppp
Lmk if you want to be added 😘
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kimberly-spirits13 · 4 years
Batboys with Ambitious S/O HC:
Dick Grayson:
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·      He met you one day while you were on the phone rushing to a meeting
·      Neither of you were paying attention
·      You bumped into each other and after apologizing and exchanging names cause both of you were both immediately like “hot damn” lol
·      Once you were finally out of your meeting, you saw that he had given you his number
·      It was dropped in his bag
·      Like Jesus you needed that trick with business cards or something
·      You texted him a few days later and he asked you out for a coffee
·      That was when he realized who he was dating
·      Your schedule was FULL and he understood that but like wow girl
·      Once you guys started dating he realized how dedicated you were with work
·      Was lo-key worried that you’d replace him with more work
·      You promised him, and yourself that you couldn’t do that
·      He’s really supportive
·      He is also always telling you to go tf to sleep
·      Doesn’t want you to end up like Bruce or Tim in that sense
·      Always there for moral support
·      Basically, like your personal cheerleader
·      The best person to go to when you get good news or even bad news but like
·      He goes nuts when you finally get where you’re going
·      Over all, a very supportive mother hen type, 10/10
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·      You guys had known each other before he died and were taken in together by Bruce
·      Needless to say, when Bruce found you and Jason, he had one wheel and you had the other
·      You guys had a great bond and he always knew you as the dreamer kind that always wanted more
·      You were so exciting to start school actually
·      You saw it as a step forward
·      Bruce knew about what you wanted to do because Jason would always talk about it
·      “Yeah Y/N wants to do *rambles for an hour*.”
·      Bruce wants the best for you and so he lets you do some more schooling first and then BOOM business is booming baby
·      Well sort of
·      I mean it obviously took a bit and then Jason died and that slowed things a TON
·      When Jay came back though, you were at the top
·      You hadn’t totally moved on from him at all and when he came back you were a mess for a few reasons
·      Took a vacation with him when schedule permitted
·      He doesn’t technically make you go to sleep
·      He just greatly encourages it
·      He is aggressively supportive
·      “Hell yeah Y/N, that’s my Gf/bf kicking the competition’s ass!”
·      “Jason, this is a formal event, don’t say that!”
·      “Sorry babe.”
·      You two are moved in together pretty much the moment he’s back
·      You two were best friends and always will be so yeah that was simple
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·      You wanted to make it big in the music industry
·      You’d come from a terrible position too
·      Grew up in Chicago with a very powerful family who was killed and went into an orphanage due to the mob
·      The moment you got out, you were making music
·      Good music too
·      You sky rocketed to the top of the charts
·      That’s when you started dating someone, got your heart broken and made a sad album and then after that a very independent kind of marching to the beat of your own drum album
·      He met you on the tour of that
·      You were his favorite singer and he related to you a lot
·      Met him as Red Robin when your hotel room got robbed in Gotham
·      He went to the next show to make sure you didn’t die or whatever and caught the bad guy sneaking on stage before taking him out
·      He got your number for that
·      After that you guys started dating and quickly you knew who Tim was
·      That’s when socials went W I L D when you posted a picture kissing his cheek
·      You dropped an album called “Lovely Little Mess” about catching feelings and whether or not it was a good thing or not
·      He goes to the studio with you and you have an apartment together
·      You’re both up late working whether it be you writing or planning out things
·      He helps pick album covers sometimes if you’re really stuck
·      Listening to new songs
·      He isn’t good with tour outfits or putting songs onto albums because he loves them all
·      Doing interviews together or always waiting for the other to get out of interviews
·      omg the pap LOSES it when you two go to events together
·      Actually, everyone loses it so yeah 🤷‍♀️
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·      You were class president of the grade you two were in at the time
·      You were the first student he met at Gotham Academy that he didn’t hate up front even if you didn’t catch that
·      You had to show him around the school
·      Came with curly, half up, half down hair, uniform pressed, and basically stood like a president or queen
·      He really expected you to be a pretentious snob but you were everything but
·      He noticed that even if you hated someone, you were still nice if they could give you a step up or anything really
·      “So, what else do you do L/N?” He asked as you two walked down one of the hallways when you were showing him around
·      “I’m not really a sports person, I have my own business about to start right now though.”
·      *shook*
·      “And are you class president because you want to be or is this also a step up?”
·      “You ask a lot of questions Wayne.” You laughed, “Actually I do like this position but it also helps me get more opportunities at GA. Even when other colleges come around, they like to look at the class officers.”
·      He started making sure he was outside when you would go on morning bike rides since you live in the same neighborhood that he does
·      Or close enough to bike at least
·      I mean, you saw that every successful business person has a good schedule so now you hold yourself to that especially during summer
·      Bike ride before 9 am, cold shower, breakfast, some reading for school, any summer school work if you get any, and basically just having a good day (This applies except for weekends)
·      He got to know you more and more and fell hard
·      You were the dreamer type and it was beautiful
·      You had this look in your eyes every time you’d talk about something you wanted
·      Genuine rare person and he loved that
·      You guys stay up late together but he does eventually make you go to sleep
·      Gets worried when you don’t
·      He thinks it’s incredible, the things you do on top of a busy as hell high school life
·      He likes to show that off about you a lot
·      “My beloved is class president, president of 4 different clubs, runs her own businesses, and she is an over -all genius and will probably take over the world.”
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·      Is very proud of you and tells you often
·      Basically, that very supportive best friend
·      He’s someone that you can just go to whenever you’re stressed or just need a quick break
·      Will always make sure that you’re okay even if it’s just ranting about work
·      Goes to everything with you
·      He also lets you network at galas and stuff and is there for moral support cause that crap gets annoying
·      Talks about you 24/7
·      If you two are working late, I stand by this that he’s either playing Lofi, Khalid, or just chill vibey music
·      He is overall the perfect breath of fresh air from everything that goes on in work life and just life in general
·      Whenever something works out you guys go to a cool coffee shop and celebrate
·      Or a date somewhere
·      He’s also always putting notes or music recommendations in your bag so you find them when you go to work
·      “I noticed you seemed nervous so listen to *song* today when you can.”
·      It’s always the perfect song btw
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·      Both of you are very smart and ambitious
·      You two are probably running something together
·      Both working late
·      Very competent people
·      Put together lives
·      Best planners
·      Everything
·      It’s couple goals whenever you’re around each other
·      Even when you’re not tbh
·      He loves that you’re a hard worker and are always aiming for the top like he is
·      Very supportive
·      You have a very mature but youthful relationship
·      I don’t think he could be with someone that was really lazy and didn’t do anything at all
·      You’re perfect
·      Probably planning to propose already
·      He just knows you’re the one
·      He introduces you to the Batfam after a while and his father approves of the relationship which is amazing
·      Tag team couple
·      If one of you is down the other automatically goes into pick up mode
·      It’s really nice just to have someone to help you bounce out if you burn out
·      He totally won’t judge you when it happens or you just want a break from running full speed
·      He totally gets it
I hope you guys are having a great day and have had a great week! I stayed up wayyyy to late last night but I was watching a Yale lecture, doing my wall stuff, and then I got an entrepreneur toolbox from Dave Ramsay and I was really excited to get into it so that happened. I’m also so ready to be off my woman issue time so that I can go on a bike riddeee. I miss being outside but I’ll probably go tomorrow, we’ll see. Anyways, I hope you’re all doing great
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sourstars · 3 years
hihi pandora! can i ask 2. 3 things I love, 16. Meaning behind my URL, and 54. My top 5 blogs on tumblr for your ask game :D hope your cramps get better soon 😣 ~ann:>
HI ANNNN it’s always nice to hear from u mwah mwah <33 i’m currently ab to start reading the akaashi angst so my spiral on that will appear on the fic rec blog LOL
this got p long but >:) i only included mostly sfw blogs i could think of bc i didn’t know if you were comfy w anything other than sfw!!
ask me questions!
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2. 3 things i love
UM UM UMMMM color meanings and associations!!! in my brain everything is assigned to colors and i get meanings or things i think would be that color!! like to me, spontaneity is a lime green and joy is red!!! and music!!!! literally any time you wanna tell me a song you’re listening to or want song recs, i’m your girl i’ve got 7,652 songs on my spotify liked rn LOL 💀and ummmm oh!!! COFFEE! hot coffee cold coffee bitter coffee sweet coffee i love it, i like trying out new ones or new creamers too bc it just means i can figure out what i really like instead of just liking what i’m used to!!
16. meaning behind my url
every time i get asked this question it’s a riot. tell me, ann, what do you think stars taste like? genuinely asking!! this is the question i asked that started it all LOL. i was in a discord gc w the very first round of mutuals i made, and even now i still chat with most of them often but few only rarely due to life!! and when i asked that question the entire chat had been spamming and firing off chatter and they all just stopped and everyone said . what. why would you ask that LOL and some said spicy (you’re still wrong months later@jupitersmiles) and some said bitter and some sweet, and i said i think if given the opportunity to taste a star (excusing it would burn me alive duh) it would be sour. like a warhead, specifically. and lukas (prev @) went head to head on it for a while LMAO! but from then on i had already been wanting to change it and so i came up with tons of names and when i thought of sourstars i was like oh that’s it. that’s the one. and when i saw it wasn’t taken i nabbed it >:)
54. top 5 blogs on tumblr
LISTEN. i have a million right so i’m doing more than five just for the love but from who i can remember, some are
@/yutari + @/tetsuphobia — who have just gorgeous writing btw, sometimes i reread their works on a warm night
@/sunkeiji — sayu has the cutest ideas change my mind
@/neoheros — just. just rue. it’s rue of course xe’s on this list
@/sungie — i reread everything from time to time <33
@/applepiekyuu — gwen’s just got a gift too LOL
@/shinomiis — who i still chat with but is not longer on tumblr! her blog is still up!
@/k-atsukidayo — who was my first ever mutual, but isnt active on her blog and hasn’t been for a long time! has multiple extremely long and beautiful fics that are still most of my all time faves
@/kentoangel — haven’t fully caught up w the masterlist and recents but trust me, i’ll get there >:)
@/sumine — who’s on an indefinite hiatus but also has good and adorable works!!!
@/chimielie — i don’t even have to say anything bc lia just knows what i think of her writing. she knows. and if she doesn’t... ahem taps mic.... LIA HAS A FUCKING GIFT AND THE ONE SHE WROTE FOR MY EVENT REQ WILL HAUNT ME UNTIL I DIE BC ITS SO GOOD
and YEAH. i have waaaay more but either i don’t really remember their names rn or they’re no longer active or their blog has now been deactivated :’)
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baebeyza · 4 years
Heya! ~
First of all, thank you for everyone who voted! Didn’t expect 44 people and it sure helped me in places to decide on things and being able to think of more plot :D
Lemme just go through all the questions under the cut:
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1. Big or small cast?  Big cast but only caring about few does suit me! If it were a small cast, I’d probably have gone with a plot structure similar to Beast Wars. Like this, I can make the premise more like TFA (the premise is like TFA in a lot of ways btw).
And it does suit me as well to not have to figure out an arc for too many characters, I don’t want this whole thing to be too long. 
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2. From which continuity would you like characters? This is a little hard to decipher, but suffice to say, most people want more G1 characters. Beast Wars and Japanese G1 have more votes as well! To Beast Wars: I love Beast Wars and its characters, however, I do not like to draw them. Their designs are cool and it’s not like I can’t draw them, I just prefer not to. So if I were to bring Beast Wars characters into this, I would change their designs for me to feel more comfortable drawing them. On another note, I also don’t like drawing animals (at all) so I’d probably give them a mechanic alt-mode with animal features in their robot mode (like the Breast Force in Victory)
As for Japanese G1, I do have quite a few planned! ~ As for G1 characters which never appear in another show...gotta say, most of those I don’t care for either. Some I do, but most not. Might bring them in somehow, but don’t expect them to have bigger roles. (exceptions exist, like Springer, love me the dude!)
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3. Choose a dead Prime who ruled before Optimus! Sentinel won! Did like some of the extra choices as well though, like Prowl. Also noteworthy to me, no one voted for Arcee xD Guess no one wanted her dead.
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4. Choose an Optimus Prime squad! So, for this I wanted to pick the two most voted guys and girls! And coincidentally, those happen to be the most of voted of them all! For guys, we have Jazz (not surprised by this) and Hot Rod, and for the girls, Elita and Arcee.
Guess that’ll be the squad.
Also, note here: A few people voted Ratchet as a custom answer and do not fret! He will be in this! This Optimus squad is simply a little group of Optimus and his close friends, and since I want to have a young Oppy, I want his friends to be in the same age range. On the same note, just because some characters aren’t in the friend group, doesn’t mean they won’t appear at all. Windblade and Jetfire for example are gonna be in this!
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5. Choose a Megatron squad! This is about Megatron’s generals btw - characters who aren’t in this group can still appear! (examples are Cyclonus, Megaempress and Sixshot)
And again I want to choose equal part guys and girls, so for the guys, it’s Soundwave (boy getting loved I see), Starscream and Shockwave, and for the ladies, we have Nightbird, Blackarachnia and Strika.
A little note here: Because a friend commented on this I wanna make it clear: Drift/Deadlock will be based on the Aligned version, NOT on the IDW version. I had made it clear in the poll that I don’t like IDW1. (which I guess some people didn’t read, given that Tarn was given as a custom answer)
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6. One love is story is planned, want any more?
I feel like I should have specified who the love story is about - It is about Megatron and Ultra Magnus. Big time. As for the answers, yes I can live them all! They don’t contradict each other anyway :D
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7. Any ships you wanna see in this? Okay, the tricky stuff - as I said, the main love story is Megatron x Ultra Magnus, so any ship-wish that includes Megatron or Magnus here, sorry, not happening. I mean most don’t care, but for those who do:
- Dratchet: I know it’s an IDW thing, I can still think of something with the versions I have in mind if you still want that. - Windstream: Friends of mine wanted this, and I will try my best to make something nice out of it!
- JazzWave: Gotta see, so far I wouldn’t know how to include it
- Giving Arcee love: Got something nice and sapphic planned for her!
- Optimus/Elita: Again a friend wanted this, and I too would like to see them in a truly romantic light, so I’m going to include it!
- Happy ones, for the bad guys as well: Hell yeah! - Simpatico: I do not have Percy or Brainstorm planned in this
- Hot Rod/Arcee: I had another idea for Arcee, sorry! - Anything with Jazz: Good to know, if I can’t make it work with Soundwave, I’ll try with someone else (Hot Rod perhaps)
- Strika/Lugnut: Why not? Something in the background, as I have no plans for Lugnut - Windscream: Thing is, there are people who had this ship in the “Do not want” question that follows. Personally, I am indifferent to this ship, but since more people don’t want it (and because I have plans for Windstream), I’m going to pass on this. WaveWave: Gonna see how it goes with Jazz!
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8. Anything you don’t want? Most people don’t care, which is nice, as for the things people listed: - Sparklings: Never planned them anyway, I want to go for something else to get parent/child dynamics. - Windscream, MegaStar, MegOP: See upwards, not going to happen here, same with DooP, since I wanna go with OpLita - “If functionalism exists, please don’t make the oppressed characters the villains for fighting back”: NO WORRIES, IS NOT PLANNED! Megatron’s backstory has no freedom fighter motive whatsoever. - Manipulative/abusive ships: Not planned - Bumblebee: Good luck, buddy, I didn’t have him planned either! xD - Slash: Tough luck, buddy, this will be one hell of a MagsMegs ride!
- Negativity directed at me: Thanks, pal! I do not wish for that either! :>
ALRIGHT, that would be it!
Again thanks for everyone who voted! I do hope to start with this in the near future and I hope it will be something enjoyable! <3 If there are questions about this, go ahead! <3 I’d be delighted :>
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madllamamomma · 4 years
I Think I Have a Problem.... (A personal true story).
So as the title suggests, I have a strange problem…. Just as a warning, this is about my view of my younger self. It is about religion, and gender identity. This is not how I see the world anymore. It was how I told how the world should look. If you are offended in any way, please know this is a vent post and nothing to hurt anyone else. This is just what happened to me as a child. Shit….. This is about to get very long winded, so buckle up and here we go… *takes deep breath*
So a little backstory on your Mother Llama: I was raised in a weird backward ass “Independent” Baptist church most of my young life. If you guys don’t know what those are, be thankful…. But I guess I should explain it the best way I can…. they are a borderline cult. Yes. I said it. I’m not sorry. It may sound like an extreme accusation, but hold on. Just listen to me.
Now, I have no problem with Christians, or religion. You should believe whatever you want to believe in…. I do however, have a problem when religion is used as an excuse to not educate minds about the real world, force them to not let them think for themselves, and when someone questions any of it, they are punished or shamed for it instead of thinking about an answer. If you can’t tell, I am still a little angry about that shit. Imma try to keep on topic here….
I wasn’t taught science (real science anyways, it was all about ‘creation’ bs—OH! And being anything but a cis straight person was compleltly unexceptable. Woman were the weaker sex and were made to raise babies and take care of the husband. Men were superior and should be taken care of.) nor about World history or about other cultures, other than biblical of course. And when they were mentioned, they made them look evil and behave like heathens because they didn’t believe the same as they did. Everything changed when I went to public school half of fourth grade when my family moved to a different state and there wasn’t any church school like I went to. I learned a lot those years, that ‘The World’ wasn’t as bad of a place as they said it was. It was vast and had many things to offer. (No, not the World, Dio’s stan power from Jojo’s bizarre adventures—that is what our pastors called anything outside of the Baptist approved realm. Something ‘Worldly’ was basically something sinful and ungodly and therefor was bad and wrong).
So this may seem like a strange Segway in to what I am actually getting at, but I had a huge crush on this boy back when I was young and it started when I was about 12 or 13 years old and ended when I was 16. He was the same age as me, and he was the son of a pastor of a small church of about 20 people, mostly military families— we will call him.... D.... for dick...
I thought for a long time that I ‘loved’ D. I thought that ‘God made him for me’ (yes I really said that and it hurt to even write it). I really thought I knew what love was back then, but I was very wrong.
D was homeschooled, he didn’t have many friends and was also a navy brat like I was. So, naturally, we got along very well, and I would hang out with him at his house sometimes. We mainly played video games I was terrible at and he would always bet me. But I liked hanging out with him, so I didn’t care if I won or not. My heart for some reason was totally head over heels over D. And he liked me too for a while… or at least I thought he did… He however never made a move. I always thought D was just too shy, and didn’t know how to ask me. Any time I tried holding his hand, I’d chicken out. It was a stalemate. But this particular church did a thing where people had to court. Yes... COURT someone, not DATE (Courting is where you had adult chaperones keeping an eye on you two, you were never really alone. Ever, because apparently you can’t be trusted?). When we both turned 15 yo, D started a private Christian school. Being the awkward girl I was, I never told him how I felt, I just waiting for him to say something. Time passed, and I still waited and waited for him to ask me out.
But here’s the thing! He didn’t know the real me.
I was in public school, in middle school, and I started to become a weeb. Like a super cringy weeb that didn’t like anything else but anime—I was also kinda emo/punk kid thought I was edgy. (Yeah rock music was bad too, it was ‘Worldly’).Not a very good mix for Baptist I know. At school, I was one person, and at church I was another.
Well, being an anime fan meant I was exposed to a lot of things like the LGTB+ community for the first time. A lot of my friends at the time started to come out other than straight and that was very new to me.
During that time, I soon was starting to secretly question my faith, my understanding of my own sexuality and gender. Like, maybe people liking the same sex or both is actually not a bad thing after all (if you haven’t seen any of my works, hopefully you guys know that I know better that what I was taught—I am a proud fuckin’ ally! I still consider myself cis-straight, but some days I feel like I’m bi-curious, and that’s ok! It took me a long time to realize that, but I’m here now. Gender roles are dead and stupid.)
So here is the kicker~ One faithful day we had a guest pastor join us for a few weeks from another church. This mother fuckin’ nasty ass old white man from Alabama came with his ‘perfect quiet godly’ wife. Who badly ever spoke a damn word. She always just sat in the corner all ‘ladylike’.
—Oh!!! Another fun fact, I didn’t wear pants for a year when I was 10 yo becasue that was considered “cross dressing”— I’m dead fucking serious. My parents then decided after attending sporting events and stuff like that to drop that ludicrous lifestyle, becasue it was stupid. So, Outside of church, my family and I still wore pants and shorts and whatever, but in church we pretended that we didn’t wear anything but modest skirts, dresses, and long culottes. (That’s a little damaging…. don’t you think? Telling people your one thing, when in reality you're not like that at all??)
Anyways— I hated skirts, especially wearing them in the state we lived in, it was way too hot and I’d get chafed (these had to be knee length or longer btw). And of course that guest preacher would preach about the sins of women wearing pants, but I didn’t care. I wore them for so long, it just made me angry anytime someone would bring that up. I liked my jeans and I was starting to become a rebel teen who gave less than a fuck and started to speak my mind. Which was dangerous to that community…. Also I had a bad tendency of not keeping my legs together when I bent down, and one time I accidently showed my underwear (that’s really embarrassing btw, it’s not cute, it’s not funny, it’s awful when you're 14 yo-- really any age actually).
So, one day I wore a long jean skirt for a youth outing with the church. I was required to wear it, but I always wore leggings underneath so I wouldn’t accidentally show my undies if I fell down or the wind blew it. This fucker had to say something about it. The old man turned to me with a wrinkled smirk as I was passing by him and dared to utter, “Now, don’t you feel most femine and ladylike in that skirt? I’m sure Jesus would like seeing you like that.”
My shoulders clench up tight, my brow furrows. All I can remember seeing is fucking red and actually trembling with fury. (This was happening in my pastor, D’s father’s, own living room mind you.) D was there watching as I blanched about ten shades of red in anger and embarrassed because that prick of an old man called me out in front of everyone. I turned to him and half shouted, “NO! I don’t!” I could see my pastor’s mouth drop to the floor as I began to completely obliterate this old man. But I couldn't stop myself as I started to further cut into him. “—I hate wearing skirts! I don’t feel ladylike! In fact, they make me feel vulnerable! What if some guy tries to rape me! They won’t have any problem getting to me!—Why is something with a whole on the bottom more ladylike than something that actually covers me?! I like pants! They are comfortable and they make me feel safe! Why is that a sin to wear something that is more covering?!?! I’m not cross dressing, my mom bought them in the girl’s session!! [Keep in mind that was a long time ago, I don’t feel like people should care about what section they get their clothes from, wear what you want] And what do you know about wearing a skirt?! You’re a man! You try wearing them! They suck! You need to stop telling me what I can and can’t wear! I’m not dressing like a whore for wearing something with a crotch!! SO LEAVE ME ALONE!!” Everyone in the living room was just stunned at my audacity to dare speak to this pastor like I did. But he was so fucking quiet after that. And I stormed out of the house and the guest pastor never spoke to me again about it. Luckily my mom came and picked me shortly after that. She was angry too after I told her what happened. That old fuck singled me out and I was pissed off. I was a teenager and that shit was embarrassing!
But I made the mistake of showing my true self. I think after that moment, D stopped liking me after that.
Some shit went down south with my parents behind closed doors of my household, and eventually they got divorced. They left the small church because the pastor didn’t approve of it. Pastor said that my parents just needed more counseling but he didn't understand that they just needed to not be together. Sometimes you can’t make things work. Especially when your dad is a toxic piece of shit that only cares about himself.
Anyways, everyone in my family left the church, but I stuck around that shit-hole just to see if D would ask me out. I was so desperate, I felt like I waited forever, but really it was like 2-3 years, and I felt like I couldn’t give up. Eventually D and I turned 16. He started to become distant and a little mean towards me and I became confused and started to realize the worst. Finally, I was tired of waiting so I asked his older sister if he liked me on the way back taking me home. I could see it in her face, that she didn’t want to have my heart broken, but reluctantly she told me no. He actually liked another girl at his new private school and was going to ask her parents to court her instead.
I was so devastated.... It hurt so much, I cried myself to sleep that night, and most of that week I was very sad.
Obviously, after that, I stopped going to church entirely, I couldn't show my face anymore. Finally let myself question my faith, sexuality, gender roles, and humanity all together. And realized that religion was stupid (in my opinion at the time) and I came u with the conclusion that people can be sheep. I was a sheep for a long time. And I refuse to be one ever again.
High school was very enjoyable after that, and I let myself grow and started to love other religions and world history, and tried to stop being so judgmental of others and what they felt like. I even got into a relationship with a sweet boy around my age.
Eventually in college, after a break-up with my high school sweetheart, I reconnected with D via FB. Apparently, the church went under and his parents moved away to Greece to be missionaries or something. D still lives in the same town I’m in, but graduated from a “Christian academy”—not Catholic, Christian. Catholic colleges are accredited at least. But he basically told me he was a secret “bad boy” now. He lost his virginity in highschool, (like I did) and he was totally trying to booty call me. Not even hiding it either! He was like, “Hey, Llama, you wanna fuck?”.
And I was like, “D! You broke my fucking heart when we were young! Don’t you remember that???”
And he was like, “Oh no! I had no idea! (the fuckin’ liar). Well, we can fuck now!~ *wink, wink*”
This is where I was a jerk.... Because he broke my heart. I led him on, told him I would meet up with him at his house to sleep with him, and just didn’t show up—ghosted him ever since. The worst part about that, is I still don’t regret doing that to him. I hope I hurt his feelings and felt like an ass like I did.
So years have passed, I consider myself as a rather successful woman now. I’m 27, I consider myself Buddhist (I am a terrible Buddhist I know), I am an Occupational Therapy Assistant and I have a great husband (I married the guy I was with in high school). And he loves the real me—the crazy closet weeb, cartoon watching, creative, expressive, me! The person who also writes fanfiction about a romance novel and he is fine with it. Because he is a huge nerd too and we are both nerds together.
My husband is my best friend and I don’t know what I’d do without him. When I write about Rhemi and Muriel, I draw a lot of inspiration with our conversation we have and how relationship dynamics are and I think it makes the writing more authentic and makes them feel a bit more real.
I love my husband more than anything… So why do I keep dreaming about that stupid asshole that just liked the fake me? D was and always will be a total tool. He is like the basic bitch of a man. And yet I still find him creeping in my dreams and I try to cheat on my husband with him in them. I wake up feeling totally terrible and weird after them too. D is a terrible fucking person—the worst person you can be in my opinion—The kind of person why lies and tells people one thing, but hides the fact that he’s really just a nasty fuck boy. If you are one, just be honest! Don’t tell another woman you're a good christan man, when really you’ve slept with not just one, but multiple girls! That how you get fucking STDs! I hate being lied to, and I’m sure other girls do too! So I guess that’s why I do, because I felt like I was lied to my entire life. Then again, why should I even care?! Why do I feel like I still obsess over him? I hate him so much now! So why do I even care? Why do I still find myself stalking him on social media? Why does it even matter? Why do I want him to see I’m happy without him? Why do I want him to see what he could have had with me? We were just stupid teenagers! Why did I care so much? Why did it hurt so much when I found out he didn’t like me?! It’s been over a decade, and we didn’t even really date! Why did this affect me so hard? …. FUCK!
So yeah. That’s my long ass rant for you all… thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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chonisbestmistake · 5 years
Idk why but a TeacherxStudent type of oneshot with any member of BLACKPINK if not that’s Gucci. I love your content btw💙
I...have no idea what this is, but i`m all soft. Also, i`m too busy to even breathe so it`s small, but like...enjoy. I chose Rosie bc i still have Chu and Nini requests to write. 
“Y/N, did you see the new professor i was talking about last week?” Your friend elbowed you and you huffed in annoyance.
“No. And that actually hurt, you know.” You rubbed your arm and looked around the room full of students. They were chatting loudly and it was giving you a headache.
“Oh, you`re going to love her! She`s so hot, i swear my jaw dropped the minute i saw her.” She stucked her tongue out and wiggled her eyebrows. You couldn`t help but sigh, trying to organise your things on the table.
It was getting late because the class should have started ten minutes ago, but the so called new teacher was nowhere in sight. Everyone was getting impatient.
“I don`t know, really. She`s already late on her first day. You know how i feel about those teachers.” You rolled your eyes and opened one of the notepads, starting to draw some flowers in the corner.
“But she’s a blondie! And she was really sweet when i ran into her yesterday. You like blondes, don’t you? Wait, i think she has some pink color mixed there. It`s strange for a professor to have pink hair, if you ask me, but whatever floats her boat, you know? And she’s a girl, so you’ll love her.”
You sighed once again, covering your notes with ink without much thought.
Oh, she’s here!” The door to the class room opened and everyone went quiet finally. Ah, such a blessing.
“You know, with girls it doesn’t actually work like that-”
Your eyes went up to see the human standing in front of the white board.
Your jaw nearly hit the table.
Damn, she was hot yet so sweet you swear you were lost for a moment, appreciating the view in front of you.
“Ha! I told you, you’d love her. But stop drooling before she catches you.”
She giggled and her voice sounded too far away to pay attention to.
The beautiful flower, i mean professor, looked around the room and smiled sweetly.
You melted under her gaze, too scared to look away and lose the sight of her.
“Hello everyone! My name is Miss Roseanne Park and i`m gonna teach you this whole semester. I hope we`ll get alone well and you`ll put all of your effort into this class so we don`t have any problems to solve in the end of the course, yeah?”
You nodded silently without even thinking and your friend let out a giggle.
“Oh, she`s been here for a whole minute and you`re already whipped.”
“Shhhh!” You shushed her, not taking your eyes off the beautiful creature.
Miss Park started the introduction for the course and you couldn`t help but catch her every word, while eyeing her up and down every two minutes.
She was really beautiful - long blonde hair with pink strands, delicate figure, long legs, bright blue orbs. Was she wearing lens?
You`ve been admiring her for half an hour when the quiet murmurs behind you started getting on your nerves. She was lecturing for fucks sake, what can you even talk about right now?
“She`s. So. Hot. I swear, Nick, i`m gonna be an A`s student from now on.” The guys snickered loudly and you huffed angrily, trying to focus on her soft voice.
“Yaaah, look at her legs. I bet they`d look even prettier around my neck.”
You closed your eyes, trying to tune out their mumblings. The urge to defend her honour was rising within you and you gulped, biting your tongue sharply.
Miss Park made a comment about the noise and they finally made an attempt to shut up.
But as soon as she turned away and continued the lecture they started to snicker again.
“Hey, buddy, what are you thinking about?” One of the guys punched his friend and you tried to hold yourself back.
You had a great desire to punch someone`s face.
“I`d bang her.” The sentence was short and told quietly but it made your blood boil.
"You`re such a dick, Tomas!” The fuck he was talking about her?
“Excuse me, young lady, but i`m still here.” Miss Park was looking at you directly now and you had to realise it was you who yelled a curse word out loud in a class full of people.
Well, shit.
“What`s your name?”
“I, aah... Y/N.” You blinked, feeling small and stupid. Your friend was holding back a laugh.
“Well, miss Y/N, can i please have a word with you after the class?”
You felt like drowning in her eyes.
You nodded, a blushing mess, and she continued her speech like nothing happed.
You were a nervous wreck, avoiding her eyes like a plague when she asked questions, not daring to raise your head until the end of the class. Means - for a whole damn hour.
Now everyone was leaving the room and you started to collect your things in a hurry.
“Good luck, babe.” Your friend kissed your cheek and winked on her way out, closing the door behind herself and leaving you alone with the beautiful professor. You looked at the door, trying to think about your excuses to run away.
“Y/N? Hello there.”
Her voice rang in an empty auditorium and you turned around to face her finally. She caught your tired eyes with her own and you wondered about how pretty they are for a moment.
“What`s your major? Are you a freshman?”
She didn`t look pissed at all but somehow you still felt the tension in the air. Her smirk was making you dizzy. Or maybe it was just your imagination?
She nodded, but still looked at you expectantly and you realised you didn`t answer her second question.
“And, uh, actually, i`m a senior... I know, I look young.” You blushed and lowered your head, breaking the eye contact.
“Hmm.” She hummed and you looked up again, amazed by the sound.
She was young too, to be a teacher at least, and you wondered how old she was.
But, of course, you didn`t ask, wishing for the opportunity to come someday in the future.
“You seem like a good student, Y/N.” She smiled sweetly.
“But I still won`t tolerate such language in my class.” Her voice went lower and your stomach made a flip.
“I`m sorry. I swear, i`m sorry! But...” She raised her eyebrow and you clenched your fists, trying to hold your thoughts together.
"I was defending your honor!” You let out stubbornly.
“These guys were awful and i couldn`t just sit there and listen. Besides, they were talking loudly. And they were interrupting you constantly.”
You saw a strange glint in her eyes that you didn`t understand, so you just smiled at her shyly, hoping she wouldn`t be sad because of some stupid boys` gossips.
"I appreciate it, Y/N, but it`s still not okay to curse. Are we clear here?”
She was scolding you, but her smile made you all soft inside.
"Im sorry.” You said again and nodded.
“Next time I`ll just beat him up silently, Miss Park.” You smirked at her, owning a playful glare in return.
"Don`t...do that.” :)
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mistymark · 5 years
the one with the annotations.
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dong sicheng x reader // 3.7k words // masterlist // send requests here
summary; in which sicheng keeps writing in the books at the library and it should be obvious but that’s,,, not,,, allowed???
warnings: none its just fluff, theres some humour if u like,, squint
requested; yes :D - “Enemies to lovers 👀 with sicheng? Love your writing btw 💕” from anon
notes; based on this prompt: ”You’ve got to stop returning books full of corrections and spiteful comments in red pen bc I can’t stop reading them and my boss gives me disapproving glares when I laugh at the funny ones
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ohhhhh boi
so while you were at uni you had a part time job at the library
because surprise surprise as a lit major you like books
shocker there
you always tried to work the late shifts, closing up and doing the returns
just because it was easy and relaxing organising and restacking the books
but soon you wished you took the earlier shifts
because of dong sicheng
not to be dramatic but
your long rival
he started coming to the library to borrow books
because that’s kind of the point of a library
but he ended up liking the environment for studying
and would stay there for hours just to study
and you’d admire his hardworking nature
if he left on time, that is
you would do the rounds ten minutes before closing
just to tell everyone like
‘hey, we’ll be closing in around ten minutes if you want to begin packing up’
but this bitch
you’d end up standing at his table with your bag and the keys in your hand
tapping on the wood to try and get his attention
and him slowly packing up afterwards
even tho he kNOWS you want to go home
‘you’re just as slow as you were in kindergarten hey?’
and he’d be so furious
‘you know you cheated’
‘I don’t remember any such thing’
and maybe you did maybe you didn’t
you were like four years old
as if you’d remember a race you won when you were that age
he just rolls his eyes and leaves as you lock the doors
you leave in the other direction
happily leaving him behind
but he stops by every Monday Tuesday and Thursday night to study
which are the days you work as well
he acts like it’s just part of his schedule 
but he worked out if he came in on Wednesday’s he didn’t have the opportunity to annoy you
and honestly?
annoying you at the end of your shift and after a long session of studying was the highlight of his night
but he keeps borrowing books
and you’re like
until he borrows this new book you’ve been wanting to read for ages
and you were low-key so bitter
this lil bitch has no way of knowing you wanted that book but somehow he does and that’s the only reason he’s borrowed it
even though,, he literally had no idea lmao
tbh u probably would have wanted to talk to him about the books he reads bc u have very similar taste
okay the same taste
but he’s such an asshole ur like nah fam
anyways he returns it after a week
boy reads fast ok
and when he goes to drop it in the returns box
you just take it from his hand and scan it under your name straight away
and put it under the desk so no one else can borrow it
and when there’s a lull in the work at the library
you reach under the table for the book and rifle through it
and you notice a few pencil marks
and upon further inspection you realise they’re comments referencing certain parts of the book
and you do nOT stand for vandalism
but some of them are fuckin hilarious not gonna lie
on the page you just happened to open
you can see there’s a comment beside a passage of text depicting a fight scene
‘this would kill someone wtf’
and u laugh and wonder who had done this
like the book had only been out for a little while
and u finish it in just less than a week
bc u read a lot during your shifts
probably a lot more than you should tbh
and seriously the comments made the book better
you hadn’t laughed so hard at random commentary so much
like the words were exactly what you were thinking
you couldnt help it
while ur putting some of the books back in the middle of your shift
!!!! you see another book that u might like !!! 
not to judge a book by its cover butttttttt
it looks like ur type oop-
and after flipping through it
to get an idea of font size and chapter length cause ur a whole nerd like that
u see it ALSO has pencil markings
in the borders and underlining sentences
and without even thinking u borrow it
just to read the funny comments again
and ur boss comes up to you during your shift and is like
‘have you seen someone’s been writing in the books? look at this’
and thrusts a book in ur face
and ur like ??????? okay chill I’ll look
and u read the writing she’s pointing at
the familiar loopy handwriting adorning the page
and it says ‘I hope she throws her drink in his face’
when u read the paragraph for context
u realise it’s a confession scene
a few lines down the mystery person has written ‘called it.’
and u can’t help but laugh
like come on that was funny
but ur boss doesn’t agree
she just asks you to find out who’s doing it so they can be suspended from the library
or charged with vandalism
or something
she wants vengeance
u roll ur eyes and go to one of the staff computers
scrolling through the lists of borrowers for that specific book
and it’s a fuckin library that book has been borrowed a loT
2031 times ???????????????
you almost fall of your chair tbh
then someone clears their throat in front of u
and u immediately apologise as u try and get the right tab up to process the borrower’s book
but once u look at the person in front of u
you wish you hadn’t been so nice
sicheng stands in front of you
a grin on his face as he hands you another book
smug bitch is so happy he startled u
‘looking at porn on the library computer, yn?’
u laugh
‘I’m not u in 8th grade’
he glares at you as he takes his book and goes back to his desk to continue studying
u were soooo hoping he’d leave
even tho u kinda enjoyed looking at him
like dude was hot okay
what were u supposed to do????
ur actual job????
so he stays
and when it’s ten minutes til closing
u go and let everyone know
and u stop at sichengs table
and he’s writing out notes or something
idk it’s not like u care anyway lol
but he’s lowkey frustrated bc he keeps messing up this one goddamn formula
so he erases it
and that’s when u catch a glimpse of his handwriting
and bruh am I high or is that the exact same handwriting as in the books
I mean he has borrowed a few of the books
and he’s into that genre
not that you've checked out his borrowed list or anything
basically ur having this whole conversation with yourself in your head
bc ur cool like that
and he’s like ????? why this bitch standing over my shoulder and watching me write out this equation
until he’s like ‘what are u doing’
and ur like !!!!! oh hi !!! sorry I was busy listening to the voices in my head lmao xD
jk jk
‘have u been writing in the books’
and suddenly he’s super shy
and he has this massive grin
and he’s like ‘no’
bitch we know it was u stfu
u roll ur eyes and ur like ‘its not funny my boss wants you to be suspended’
he squints at you
‘how do you even know it was me’
and then:
and u cross your arms
like a badass bitch
and ur like ‘I have plenty of evidence actually’
‘for one, youve borrowed all the books that have been found with writing’
‘and your handwriting matches’
subconsciously he covers his notebook with his arm to hide his handwriting
and he's like ‘why are u telling me this’
you're taken aback by the question tbh
like ?????? to be a good person ??????
idk u fuckwit just wanted to warn you
‘thought you'd want to know’
and he just turns back to his book
and you shrug and walk away like ok get suspended then see if I care
but u do :((
but as you walk away hes like
‘Im gonna be suspended??’
and u nod like ye that's what I just said but ok
‘like I cant borrow or I cant come in at all?’
u don't know tbh
‘both I think?’
and suddenly there's panic in his eyes
another person walks past u and thanks u
and u mindlessly tell them to have a good night as they leave
everyone has left
except sicheng of course
that beautiful son of a-
wait why did u say beautiful
‘what can I do to nOT get suspended??’
and u shrug bc idk dude not my problem
but then u think about it
‘I mean if u get rid of the evidence theres no way u can be suspended, right?’
and he seems so happy at the thought
‘would you help me? please?’
and ur sooooooo skeptical
‘depends. what do u want to me to do?’
‘I mean I need access to the books so’
‘yeah ill let u in and out’
‘I can't exactly just erase the markings when people could be watching’
and that's exactly how you end up sitting in the library with dong sicheng at 11pm at night rifling through books to find odd pencil markings to erase
it wasnt that hard
u just got his record up
*snorts* ‘you borrowed ‘how to talk to girls’ when we were thirteen’
and he just rolled his eyes and marched to the computer like ‘you can see my record I deserve to see yours’
and ur like NOOOOOO nononononono
but later
‘you've read all the light-fighter novels??’
he looks at you from where hes searching for one of the books on the list, an eyebrow raised
‘yeah why’
‘dude,, I loved those books’
and he smiles a little
‘thats where I started marking the books tbh, every time I read it id add a little cross in the corner of the cover bc I read it so often’
part of u is a little impressed
the other is annoyed at how similar your taste in books is
but the first part keeps asking why u hate him so much
other than the staying late and the snarky comments
which you actually find kinda funny-
once you've gathered up a few of the books
like at least ten each
you sit on the floor of the childrens section
beanbags sprawled out beneath you as u read through some of the books
most of them you've read before
and every time you giggle at something hes written his smile gets a little bigger
but of course youre looking at the book so you dont notice
and he keeps his head down
‘is it bad that im hungry’
you lift your head from the book to look at sicheng
hes not even reading anymore hes just lounging back on the beanbags
and maybe he'd been watching u read
watching as the smile on your face grew wider at his commentary
‘I didnt see you leave tonight. have u eaten?’
you furrow your brows in thought, trying to recall having seen him leave
‘you been watching me, y/n?’
‘have you been eating, sicheng?’
and there's something about the way you say his name that makes his heart jump
his voice is soft as he looks at you in the dark
you focus back on the book in front of you
‘finish whatever book youre on and we’ll call it a night’
‘what, you wanna go eat?’ 
you cant tell if hes just surprised or if hes hopeful
or something else
‘no but I do want to sleep’
you laugh and he forces a laugh too
you dont notice the difference
when you've returned all the books
he meets you at the front door as you grab the book you'd been reading that shift
hes just standing by the door on his phone
and maybe its bc ur tired or maybe its just him
but u cant help thinking
Jesus Christ this boy is attractive
and okay maybe u had a crush on him a few years ago
but hey! you were eleven what could u do
the crush still lasted like two years tho lmao
but u shoulder your bag and open the door for him
making sure to lock it carefully
and he walks with you in the direction of your apartment
and ur like oh u live this way too?
and hes like nah
but what kind of boy would he be if he didnt accompany home
like christ y/n u could be h u r t out here at this time of night
but you just smile at him bc wow thats ??? actually ??? kinda sweet
‘who are u and what have u done with dong sicheng’
and there goes his heart again
he just nudges u with his elbow 
and u laugh at him and continue on ur way
when u get to ur building he thanks u for ur help in the most polite way possible
and u can kind of see that hes actually rlly nice ??? how ???
but hes back at the library the next day
and of course he comes up to the counter as soon as he spots you
sneaking around a few desks so u dont hear him come up behind you to whisper ‘BOO!’ in your ear
you jump like three feet in the air and spin around to tell him to get out from behind the desk
‘I dont see a nametag on u that means u have to be on THAT side of the desk thank u very much’
‘didnt realise your name tag said bitch on it geeeez y/n ://’
and u just fix him with a glare once hes finally on the right side
‘are u borrowing a book or not’
he leans on the desk
his eyes staring straight into yours
‘just wanted to ask if u were able to stay back tonight’
you roll ur eyes
you'd barely gotten any sleep last night
but the look of concern on his face when he realises youre hesitating makes you nod
‘of course,, wouldnt want my least favourite person to get kicked out’
‘I always knew you had a soft spot for me’
you roll ur eyes aGAiN
‘go bother someone else’
‘oh is the hot librarian in?’
you push him away from the desk
but he doesnt miss the faint smile on ur lips
‘sicheng dont make me give you $100 in overdue book fees’
he sticks his hands up at the threat, his eyes wide
‘no. please. ill do anything’
when u raise an eyebrow at him, he just grabs the book you'd been reading (and not yet borrowed) and walks away
and he winks too
u have to stop your heart from beating out of its chest
and later
its 8pm and the library is officially closing
and for the past three hours you'd been walking to sicheng’s desk and subtly been trying to steal your book back
but every single time hes seen you coming
and pulled the book under the desk or into his lap
away from your grabbing hands
every. single. time.
you tap your foot impatiently at him when its time to continue ur undercover project
and he smiles down at his notebook when he hears u huff in annoyance at him
he dramatically looks up at you
‘do you need something?!’
‘do you want to get suspended?!’
he narrows his eyes at you but stands up anyway
he carefully puts his things in his bag and takes the list of books from your hands
a few of them are already crossed out as having been checked and erased
but theres still a lot to go
it takes you almost three weeks to finally get to the last day
and it had been the same thing every time;
sicheng took forever to pack up
you'd eventually find about ten books each
sit in the children’s section
laugh and chat about your lives while you went through the books
tease each other
and when you'd finished,
he'd walk you home
every single time
without fail
it became a habit that on the Tuesdays he'd stop by on his way to his morning class to drop coffee off for you
because he'd kept you up the night before
and it became easy to lose track of time with sicheng
he was just so engaging
there was no part of you that felt bored or uncomfortable with him
yeah he was annoying and infuriating
but his good book taste made up for it
and his annotations in the margins of the books too
‘is this the last of them?’
he squints down at the page again, counting the books on the table again
its the third time hes counted
‘surely ive read more than this’
‘not from this library ://’
you blow your hair out from your face and look down at the pile
‘you know, I think my manager is starting to get really suspicious of me’
‘why’ he looks up briefly from his book to read your face
but you try and remain calm
‘well she only told me about the markings right. and now theyre disappearing’
he looks at you like ?????
‘well she knows ive been closing up late... I think she thinks I did it’
he laughs ‘you? has she met you?’
you pout and throw a pillow at him
‘HEY! what's that supposed to mean :((’
‘it means ive never met someone who's so protective over books as you’
you think about it, chewing ur bottom lip
‘lets just finish this’
‘do u want to get food after’
he surprises you with the sudden question
and the slight nervousness thats evident on his face really makes you want to say yes
but you have a class tomorrow
and you always try and finish up here earlier on a Thursday night
‘cant :((’
he nods and goes back to readng
theres silence for a while
but you find it comfortable
sicheng on the other hand, feels as though hes just been shot down
you just turned down his date
you've kinda noticed hes more reserved now
but rlly hes just kind of embarrassed
until u say something that gives him hope
‘I,, uh, I dont have plans tomorrow night’
and ngl boy is stunned
‘just if u wanted to go see a movie or something idk’
now its ur turn to be embarrassed
u hope ur hair is hiding ur face as u look back down at the book in ur lap bc no doubt ur blushing
but sicheng is just staring at you
before even saying anything
he leans over the gap between you
with all the books
and hovers in front of your face
ur so shocked and ur heart is beating way too hard and fast and ur breathing is too quick to be normal are you having an attack I dont know-
and then he leans forward a little bit more
and his lips meet yours
and suddenly its like a fireworks display went off inside you
and then its almost midnight on a Thursday night and ur sitting in the children's section of your workplace in the beanbags with sicheng cupping ur face and kissing you
he just really needed to kiss you
like more than he needed air
and when u finally pull back
he loves how breathless you are
how you have to fight to keep the smile off your face
how you stare at him with wide eyes
‘so its a date then?’
you blush even redder
and nod
‘ye its a date :))’
but for the next fifteen minutes you sit in stunned silence together
small smiles playing on your faces
until u look at your watch and ur like
‘shit sicheng I have to go’
and his eyes widen bc holy crap u were supposed to leave like half an hour ago
so u both sprint around the library trying to put all the books back
and he meets you at the door again after you've grabbed the keys and made sure everything that needed to be locked was,,, u know,, locked
and when ur walkign to the door again
hes on his phone
u cant see but hes texting his friends about what happened lmao what a softie
and when u walk out together
without thinking he grabs your hand
and u walk home
hand in hand
after midnight
he clears his throat
‘so uh,, when actually is our date’
‘my last class ends at 5-’
‘so 5 it is’
‘are u sure??’
he nods happily
and he presses a gentle kiss to ur forehead when u get to ur doorstep
‘ill see u tomorrow’
but the next day
when u come out of your last class
a little giddy
a little too excited
and see him leaning against one of the stone pillars
effortlessly handsome
you feel your heart flip
and maybe ur just tired or maybe its him
but hes really attractive
like really really attractive
its actually just that youre in love with him
he doesnt see you coming
too focused on something on his phone
but he definitely sees you when you push his hand out to the side and step onto ur toes to kiss him
and u can feel him smile a little as he kisses you back
‘ready for that date?’
‘yeah, where are we going’
‘so I was thinking we could go to the libra- HEY! dont hit me I was j o k i n g y/n jesus christ’
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