#I know kratos has more things going
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barleyalive101 · 2 months ago
Rost and Aloy
Kratos and Atreus
Have some similarities
Both fathers had previous families ( a wife and a daughter) lost them both , went on a revenge massacre , almost died or “died” at the end of the journey
Then get a red headed child that utilises archery as the weapon of choice and their names Start with the letter A.
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mahoganyrust · 7 months ago
@frosti-moon “Both of them wearing (mostly) historically accurate Norse clothes? I love seeing how different artists design those.”
I may have gone overboard…messy in some places but that’s bc I was impatient to draw the frost idfk-
Here we have Chief Hiccup and Winter Spirit Jack
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Nice throwback to my God of War days for inspo. Hiccup’s a bit of a mix of Kratos/Odin/Tyr while Jack is a mix of Baldur/Freya + Pandora from the old games.
I swear to all that is good, if someone calls him Jokul Frosti one more time I’m gonna rant- Actually fuck it ima rant in advance.
People really like the idea of Jack being “Jokul Frosti”, especially if they are exploring concepts with an old setting where Jack is further back in time. I loved it when I first came across it because duh pretty awesome. And ofc many believe that is where the name “Jack Frost” derived from. It’s cool. However, I have since done enough research to decide this isn’t very accurate.
In Norse mythology the God of wind and voice, Kari, has two sons. Some sources say otherwise and that it’s just one son - Jokul Frosti, but fuck that, my sources are older.
Kari has *two* sons - Jokul AND Frosti. They were two bros. Their names mean Icicle and Frost. Jokul went on to have a bunch of kids who were all very winter themed. It also makes more sense bc (especially in Norse stuff) it’s very odd to come across a mythological figure with two names. Think of all the gods you know, MOST are going by one. Plus it’s weird…like why is his name two things? Icicle Frost? What? Pick one. Brev it don’t make sense. It don’t add up. Most minor Norse gods are having just the one main brand right? (The big dogs like Odin, Freya, Freyr etc etc usually have side hustles tho, but we ain’t talking about them).
So what I think has happened is that somewhere down the line, probably through oral conversation, the two brothers and their names got merged into one person. Then after the merge, Jack Frost came about, hence our predicament.
Like- ya’ll do wut ya want but I personally think the Winter Twins are a better idea for our fan stuff. In my headcanon (and in my fic) they are more like Jack’s wacky adopted-uncle-types that left him their power after they kicked the bucket cos they thought he was a pretty cool mortal. Like Manny brought him back but like- so did they at the same time. Double whammy. Anyways. ✌️thanks for coming to my TEDtalk.
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whackk-kermitt · 1 year ago
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Confessing Your Love
Genre: Headconons
Warnings: Cursing(Brok..)
≫ ────── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ────── ≪
“Hmm,” followed by a slow nod.
He wouldn't say anything immediately.
He will just kind of look at you, studying your eyes.
He doesn't want to take chances.
Man has trust issues!
Telling him you love him will make him so happy yet so scared.
You wouldn't be able to tell.
Eventually you'd hear, “I love you, as well.”
He'd immediately ask you to move your things to his home if you haven't already.
He loves you, so you need to stay close so he can protect and provide for you!
He'd start to find more excuses to touch you and you'd laugh telling him he doesn't need them.
Eventually, he will be comfortable enough to walk up to you just for an embrace or smooch.
Before his head got..you know.. His first instinct you be to turn to you completely.
“Really, Las? An old man like me?” He'd laugh but he'd offer to do something romantic.
Smartest man alive, but he never saw that coming.
Either way he’d swear his loyalty and heart to you.
Anything you want, he's on it.
After his head…
He'd probably hesitate to return the sentiment, no matter how genuine it is.
“I- I can't offer you much, Las.” He’d frown.
He'd feel inadequate, and undeserving- he's just a head after all!
What could he give you in terms of love and affection?
After telling him his company is all you desire then he'd probably think you've gone mad.
But after a while of talking about it he'd smile and say it back.
You'd carry his head on your belt during travels throughout the realms after.
Giving him kisses on his cheeks and forehead.
It's simple and innocent devotion and its loves that he's enough for you.
Telling Arteus you've got a crush on him would probably make him completely freeze and go red.
I'm talking his fathers tattoo red!
Lots of stuttering and blushing while you guys talked about it.
He wouldn't really know what to do or say afterwards.
But no doubt he'd eventually be able to get it out that he likes you too.
He's never done any of this before, so he'd probably go to Mimir or Freya for advice.
If and when you ever hold his hand or hug him his palms get sweaty and he gets nervous.
But he's happy to oblige!
He thinks your so cute.
Talks to his dad about it.
He's shy, but after a while of spending more time hanging out with you he’d get cocky and try to show off and impress you more.
Half of the time he’ll be trying so hard he just ends up looking silly or just straight up stupid.
But you laugh it off and tell him how cute and sweet he is.
He's whipped.
No matter how comfortable she is around you, no matter how safe you make her feel, she'll hesitate.
As soon as you tell her you're in love with her, she'll need room away from you.
In every relationship so far, she's been to much or not enough.
The woman is hurt and healing.
She's scared its not the truth, like with Odin.
Or if it is, and you truly love her, then what if she messes it up?
What is her love is to much for you and you leave her?
Or what if, out of fear of being too much, she’s not enough- and you leave her? 
Freya can't take another heartbreak.
But after seeing how understanding you are of her past, and reassuring her worries that you're not going anywhere she's willing to listen.
You'd tell her that it doesn't matter if she loves you the same way, or another, as long as your with her its enough for you.
And hearing that would be enough for her.
You'd have to take things slowand steady with her.
But she is so very much in love with you.
She will make sure you both set boundaries to keep her from going to far and pushing you away.
She doesn't wanna lose you too.
“Well it's about fucking time!”
He's so cool and sure of himself on the outside, so he'll play it off like he know you loved him.
But really he's surprised.
He's not the most romantic man, but he'll give it an honest try for your sake.
He’ll get flowers and sweets for his lady.
Most definitely start bringing about you to everyone he meets every chance he gets.
He's very standoffish when it comes to affection.
So any time you give it to him he'll stutter just slightly and awkwardly reciprocate it while he gets used to someone being infatuated with him.
Very defensive and protective is anyone makes comments about you two.
“Mind your business, you unfuckable drauger-looking bastard!” 
Very confident on the outside, very unsure on the inside.
He's worried he's not doing it right but all he needs is you smiling at him the way you do and he'll be just fine. 
Congratulations, you broke him.
His initial reaction is giving O.O
Wide eyes, red cheeks, mouth open.
He'd stutter for a response and get frustrated with himself for losing his voice for a moment.
Give him some time and words will just start spilling out.
He loves you, that was no secret to anyone!
He’ll tell you all about it when the air come back into his lungs.
He’ll go on and on about how pretty you are, and amazing, and how much he likes your smile.
Lots of nervous chuckles and shy grins from this man.
He hates when people touch him, sorry to say you're no exception.
But you figured you wouldnt be; at least for now.
However he is willing to hook his pink finger to yours every now and then as a very small step in the direction of hugging you.
Having you love him really makes him frustrated with his thing with germs and dirt.
He’s never had a problem with it before.
But now he wants to hold you and be held by you and the thought of it makes him shiver in disgust.
It's a fear he's willing to conquer if it means one day he'll get to see the smile on your face when he holds you with out gagging for the first time.
You know better then to take offense; it's nothing personal.
He gags at everyone. 
He didn't see it coming.
But he had hoped..
It was a happy surprise when you blurted it out while spending time with him while reading.
He gave you a soft smile after the shock settled and returned the sentiment .
Not much had to be said between you two after that.
The only thing that really changed in the relationship were beginning to sit closer together and a lot more gentle touches.
He'd rest against you while you braid his hair, and he'll braid yours.
His eyes have always laid on you softly, but there's something more in them when he looks at you now.
He’s happy to share any moment a with you that he can. 
He knew.
He knew you loved him for a while.
He knew you wanted to say it.
The cooky little shit just waited and waited until you did.
He wanted to hear it.
But when you approached him and said you loved him it felt different then he imagined it would.
He knew you, and he saw in your head that you truly meant it.
He knew you loved the good, the bad, and the ugly in him.
He knew that unlike the other people who have claimed to love him, you didn't think ‘i can change him.’
He saw the unsure insecurities in your head and body language that he wouldn't feel the same way.
After all, he reads minds, and he knew what you felt all this time and never addressed it so clearly he wasn't interested, right?
To be honest, up until that point he hadn't really considered your feelings despite knowing them.
You had told him you loved him, but you had only said it so he would tell you what you believed he would- that he doesn't care.
You had only said it so he could break your heart, and you could get closure, and hopefully move on.
It twisted his gut that you were walking into this fully believing you would be turned away.
He saw in your head that you had already been crying over it.
But that's not what he wanted, so instead being sarcastic or rude like he would be with literally anyone else he smiled at you.
“I know.” He said softly.
“Good for you.”
He's not really interested.
Plus he's still married.
So piss off.
Not proof read.
•Kermitts Masterlist•
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blackknight-kai · 4 months ago
I don’t talk about her much, because she changes based on the au I use. The art below for my OC is from the wonderful WKZ who is not on the platform anymore for reasons of their choosing - *Friend if you see this know I appreciate you and you are missed*
If you want more of her let me know 😊 I’m gonna write some fics with her.
OC name: Kavara
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(I do have a monkey version of her written out 😊 just not added to this post cuz she’s special and I’m still working on her)
Mix of Modern/Ancient Era traits
- [ ] Shes 5’6”/167 cm tall , shorter than the monkeys, her forehead is at mouth height (I hc them kinda tall? Like 5’10” /177cm or so). She has nice curves/ not too skinny not too hearty and a c/d-cup.
- [ ] She has deep burgundy red hair due to fire based abilities (wip)
- [ ] Amber eyes / almost orange in the right light
- [ ] 6 little dark freckles/moles that are in a straight line all the way down her cheek starting from the far side of her left eye, almost like a tear left stain, like me, (lore thing I’m still thinking about)
- [ ] Depending on what I use her for she has short curly/wavy hair or long curls.
- [ ] Likes peach scented body oil. (😏)
- [ ] Used to look mean - but she is gentle inside.
- [ ] Has to touch everything that’s soft if she walks by it, soft blanket? Gotta touch. Soft monkey? Gotta touch. Also likes being wrapped in cozy soft things. (Likes lots of pillows and blankets on her bed - she runs warm though so likes the air to be cool)
- [ ] Seriously she loves petting his fur…would do it all day long.
- [ ] Doesn’t eat sweets often, too rich for her.
- [ ] Likes sweet fruits though like peaches, plums (likes the tart skin on these the best), and crunchy apples.
- [ ] Dances/wiggles in her seat a little if she likes her food a lot
- [ ] No matter what AU she always finds DO/WK (or his variants) handsome instantly- crush may take longer but she always finds him charming and interesting in his own way.
- [ ] Enjoys messing with DO-Wukong/catching him off guard. Shes a little menace too (especially to those she likes). Enjoys annoying people (but not too much- like if making a pop sound with her mouth repeatedly gets under your skin she’s gonna do it - not to the point of pissing you off but she’s gonna get on your nerves).
- [ ] Chews on stuff sometimes to alleviate aggression/help keep focus/lower anxiety.
- [ ] Not a big drinker but will have a drink or two. Doesn’t mind a drunk monkey.
- [ ] Likes to collect pretty rocks and smooth stones that feel good in her hand.
- [ ] Not big on fancy luxury. Or stuffy clothes.
- [ ] Her weapons are similar to Kratos, (dual blades that can be smoldering etc and have chains she can use to throw them and pull them back. She likes to make big explosions 💀
- [ ] She hides them as earrings so they are always with her.
- [ ] Under her outfit she wears chest wraps to keep girlies together and tight to her chest. She wears the equivalent of panties but a loincloth sash covers her ass and front- legs exposed - this way if she loses her outer wear due to her fire she isn’t nakey.
- [ ] Puts her friends first.
- [ ] Curses internally a lot- sometimes out loud.
- [ ] Again, seems tough/uncaring but she is the most accepting person (as long as you aren’t genuinely bad/do bad shit) and will be the mom friend.
- [ ] Enjoys taking care of DO/WK. wants always help him, he’s her best friend. (Eventual lover)
- [ ] Wants him to feel cared for - and that she’d be there for him.
- [ ] in alt universe’s she would fight the fuckers at the begin of the game for him. Or by his side. She would genuinely die to keep him from having to resign himself to dying just to be free.
None of this is fine tuned but it’s the basic of whatever I got. I changed some stuff to suit my needs so…so I’m sorry if it’s a bit confusing but here we go!
This is a version of her specifically meant to know Wukong before BMW events. (Other versions of her like modern au or whatever I need her for don’t follow this but have similar things)
She is an immortal, one birthed of fire, chaos, destruction, (rebirth if you think about how fire culls the land for new life to grow), the embodiment of the roaring fires on the sun basically.
So in her younger days she is not exactly well liked, shes strong and was someone who didn’t like to held down. She didn’t outright disobey or was rebellious but if something wasn’t right or if she felt slighted/felt someone was slighted she would make that shit known. Quick to anger.
Because of this she had pissed off the wrong person, they placed a curse on her - (again not fine tuned) and it basically is like a black tar root that starts from her heart and starts spreading and coiling around her body the more emotion she feels, specifically negative ones like (seen negative) anger, hatred, fear, all those kinds of emotions.
She can heal, but the pain and the curse will spread to such agonizing levels that if she pushes it too far it will take over her body and encapsulate her/put out the fire in her which keeps her immortal. She of course tries to break the curse but there isnt anything that works. It’s like a spore that is attached to her heart that has molded to her and wont go.
Unfortunately this makes her shut down emotionally, she doesnt have a support system so as much as she tries to fight the agony gets worse and worse. Her fire dims, not dead, just dims. Kavara at this point just does her duties, keeps to herself, and represses all emotions whatsoever. She’s free of pain and honestly doesnt have to worry about shit, so it becomes her new norm.
In comes Sun Fucking Wukong.
The charming egotistical chaotic monkey yaoguai that wants to play immortal. She hears of him mostly, but remains indifferent. Until one day they finally meet.
Probably the worst thing that happens to a lot of people actually…..because Sun Wukong is the first to make her laugh. Ever. Not one of those “haha i am victorious” laughs she might have had when fighting back in the day. No, a full on belly aching laugh. Tears down her face and a wide pretty smile, something she honestly wasn’t capable of/thought she had. (She’s beautiful but never thought about it I guess)
This is the first time she realizes that HAPPY or positive emotions dont make the curse spread.
Wukong of course takes this as his sign to KEEP making her laugh (when he isnt being a little shit in heaven and to others).
Over time they do become friends, he learns of her curse, she learns of his goals. Unfortunately for everyone else Wukong influences her to stop being an emotionless doll and she becomes his partner in crime. Best chaotic duo ever.
I didn’t wanna give the WHOLE lore, if you want more let me know. It’s quite a bit and a mix of angst & happiness.
Same with a version of her that meets Destined One. It’s a different AU and one that is a bit on the angsty side but I will ALWAYS give a happy ending.
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superscrub323 · 14 days ago
So a thought occurs to me...what does make a 'Good Ares'?
Well the tl;dr is basically Norse Era Kratos but he's renamed Ares but since I technically said that in a previous blog post I'll elaborate. Alright, we all know how most media just gets Ares...wrong. He's either evil, ineffective because Athena exists, or just plain an asshole. Which if I was a God of War and Bloodshed who Loves bringing Fear, Dread, Strife, and Destruction where ever I go on a battlefield I can see why people would call me an asshole but if you followed me or most of my mutuals you probably know that's not entirely the case which makes it sad when that's the part where post people home in on. So, going under the assumption that we have enough on Ares from original tellings to paint a full picture*, here's what I would use to paint a picture of a 'good Ares'
Well he has to be violent, I know shocking right? A God of War being violent! Alright serious time, While certain War Gods and Philosophers love to paint a picture of a War that can be won without fighting, that's called diplomacy, and while it is valid, wars are inherently violent and confrontational and any Ares needs to reflect that. And since being a hothead that always looks for a fight doesn't automatically designate one towards being an asshole as proud warrior race guys, and hotheads can attest, he can be violent and still not be an asshole. Second off he has to be handsome. Yeah apparently original tellings of Ares describe him as one of the handsome among Greek Gods which is really impressive when Apollo and Adonis, two names synonymous with male beauty, exist. Granted you think most would figure that out from his legendary love affair with Aphrodite but apparently some people just can't resist making him ugly, which sucks but long story short, he has to be handsome. Third off, no misogyny. The whole dubiousness of Ares being a 'Protector of Women' thing notwithstanding and the fact that Greece already had Goddess who were 'Protectors of Women' (whether or not they were good at it from the stories we have vs how they were worshipped I leave you), Ares is a God in a pantheon that follows 'no means yes and yes means anal' rules to a T and the fact that he's one of the primary Olympians who has a cleanish track record with the opposite gender and is patron to an Island Nation of Badass Female Warriors who would go on to inspire Wonder Woman herself shows that by Ancient Greek Standards he's...not a misogynistic asshole (which in Ancient Greek Terms makes him a radfem but again, that speaks more poorly on his male cohorts if anything else). Fourthly, he has to be effective contrast to Athena who's no less necessary in the Art of War. Okay the running joke among Greek Mythology nerds is that Ares is the 'crybaby War God who gets his ass kicked by Athena and her pet heroes and goes crying to mommy and daddy who tell him to stop being a little bitch' and if I were to take his 3 most embarrassing moments in a vacuum I might come to that agreement. But I didn't and what I instead see is that Ares is a physically and martially superior to Athena who has to resort to tactical yet dirty tricks to get the win. Which isn't bad in and off itself, I do like Athena being a boss bitch, but when we say 'Athena kicked Ares ass twice in the Iliad' without the 'by using an invisible helmet and a mortal as a misdirection the first time and by having Zeus's 'Everything Proof Shield' and taking advantage of him being distracted the second time' we get painted an...incomplete picture. Which would be all fine and dandy but while Athena's domain of Strategy and Wisdom are important as shown in those examples (and said examples are no less impressive even if the impressiveness lies in her preparedness and strategy rather than her pure martial ability) Ares and by proxy War...kind of need the whole...violence, fear, dread, chaos, and destruction as I said before. So a good Ares needs to be a reminder that wisdom, strategy, and even diplomacy are no less essential to warfare than violence and bloodshed. Heck Ares sired a Goddess of Harmony so he himself knows this. So yeah, that's my list on what makes a good Ares...now who did Ares best... Well...Hades by Supergiant Games has the best Ares by default. He's violent to a borderline creepy degree but not impolite and/or rude to any of the Chthonic Deities, we don't know if if he has any children, but if he does we can also confer that if how he treats Zag is any indication he doesn't treat them like shit, he's handsome in a boyish way and looks cute in a game where 'looking cute' is a requirement for all the character designs, and he's a good contrast to Athena who's conversations between the two are nothing but pure gold.**
* New things get discovered everyday.
** But if he turns out to be evil in Hades 2 I'm going to recant that while resisting every urge to send hate mail to Supergiant Games.
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slipperzipper · 1 year ago
Rescue (Heimdall x Reader)
| Pairing: Heimdall x Reader
| angst turned to comfort/fluff? Reader saving Heimdall from his canon ending, established relationship, Could be seen as romantic or platonic, Let me know if I need to add other things to this as well!
| wrds: 4.1k!
| Disclaimer!: Descriptions of Injuries and Blood (burns, missing limbs, etc), minor Grammar and Spelling mistakes so apologies, Kind of weird start
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You wouldn’t have expected to be here, but yet here you were. 
Kratos and Freya venturing to Vanaheim to retrieve her brother was the goal, as long as stopping Heimdall from potentially killing Atreus. Gjallarhorn was the only thing needed from the Aesir. You thought you could come and help in case anything else had gone wrong.
But when Kratos turned back from his promise and started strangling the weakened god, you followed them just in time to hear Mimir shout out pleas for the god killer to stop and think. Fortunately you barrelled straight into Kratos, sending him tumbling before turning around and traversing to the side where his arm was missing.
You fell on your knees. Wrapping an arm behind his shoulders, forcing him to sit up, while you grabbed his free hand and grasped it as a sense of comfort in his near death state. His blood started to stain your clothing but that did not bother you right now, right now the only concern you had was Heimdall. 
You didn’t fail to notice how Heimdall’s left hand came to his throat, as if to feel how bruised and put a barrier between him and anyone else that might try to strangle him. His harsh breathing could be heard through short wheezes and gasps. 
You could see Kratos grabbing Mimir’s head before standing tall. You heard Mimir quip about how if you weren’t here it would’ve been a lot worse, you couldn’t help but agree.
You rip a spare sheet of cloth off of your own outfit, using it to clear the blood of the golden god’s face, now his eyes didn’t seem as pink as they were. His face wasn’t perfectly cleaned but it would have to do. 
“Do you plan to come with us to retrieve Freyr and his camp?” Kratos’ voice rumbled out from his chest. 
“Do you mind if we do?” You reply with a much quieter tone, only for him to ‘Hm’ out before he stepped away. Only to wait for you when he finished busting a wall of various spears and long logs of wood. 
You redirected your attention to Heimdall, he was staring up at you. “Are.. are you really going to make.. me go with you?” His voice was slowly gaining back its usual tone and sound, but not as quickly as you liked. 
“We’re going to make things better. Better for the both of us, and if we don’t start now..” You trailed off, trying to think of the right thing to say but everything you thought would result in him being less than pleased with you, but you had to do the right thing.
“Heimdall, your father has made everything miserable for everyone. He makes you miserable. The sooner you realize that, the quicker we can make our lives better. We can make Asgard better” Brushing a strand of hair from his face, you looked at all his features.
His eyes were definitely the first thing people would notice about him, if not his intricately done hair, and how messy it was from normal. His hand was gripped towards yours like it was his lifeline and you couldn’t help but feel how textured his hands were. Not as rough as a warrior’s usually was around the nine realms but detailed enough to know the difference.
You soon tore a strip of fabric off yourself and wrapped his stub, to prevent any more blood loss. It wouldn’t do much but for now it’s all you could do. All he did was stare, stare at you with beautiful magenta eyes. After ‘fixing’ up his arm, you could only stare back. 
Heimdall was slow to respond but he eventually replied in a way you didn’t expect. 
“You should’ve let me die.”
It took you moments until Kratos grunted again to let you know it was time to go. You sighed before getting and pulling Heimdall up with you. 
He stumbled when he stood up but with little stability in his legs, he decided to tough it out. You wanted to argue that it wouldn’t do him any good, but he only insisted. 
You held his shoulders with an arm as the two of you ventured forward, only being a few short feet behind. The natural flora and forestry did not help distract from both Heimdall’s injuries and the burning building that only burned brighter the more time passed. 
Once you found Kratos standing near a ledge, you parted from Heimdall for a short moment to see what the god of war saw. You saw Atreus, the sweet young boy you’ve grown to know through various interactions, letting Hildisvini lead the way as Freya helped Freyr escape.
It reminded you of Heimdall’s condition, but you couldn’t help when Atreus waved at you, you waved back. 
“Hey, a little help?” The young god proclaimed before following after the three more experienced warriors alongside him. “At least the rescues going well” Mimir’s accent was heard, following that up was Kratos’s grunt.
You looked back to Heimdall and fortunately he was still standing and he was right behind you. Grabbing his shoulders again as you followed Kratos more under flora and alternate paths that ultimately lead to the same place. You heard the voices of the rescue team explain how Freyr was hurt in the wreckage, you heard Heimdall wheeze a little bit at it. The two of you continued to venture
You noticed how much strength he was losing by the second. His steps were getting slower and slower and you knew if he were to continue like this then he wouldn’t get anywhere. 
“Heimdall, you and I know you can’t continue like this.” You speak out, stopping Heimdall in his tracks by walking in front of him and planting your hands on his shoulders. Making him look at you. 
“I can continue- now let me.” The golden god spoke before trying to step to the side of you. You didn’t let that happen, instead you forced him to piggyback on you. Getting comfortable while grumbling quietly, Heimdall sat his chin on your head and locked his arm around your neck for security. 
You started walking with the newfound weight on your back. Venturing further, You heard Heimdall small moans of hurt every few times you stepped. Eventually you heard the god of war shout ‘TO ME! FOLLOW!’ and the constant quips of the Vanir God or “Sizzles” as Heimdall liked to call him.
You immediately picked up your pace and started running towards them. You demanded that Heimdall hang tight as you started to move your legs faster and quicker to try and reach them. You can hear the sounds of the wild Gulons chasing after them, You were only a few feet above them, you could easily hop off the terrain but the wild dogs were in the way. 
You noticed that Kratos was swinging his axe with one hand and holding Freyr with the other. Once Kratos slashed the last Gulon you’ll hop down. 
“Oh, hey up there!” Atreus called out your name, effectively letting everyone know that you were ,in fact, here and carrying the injured Aesir god on your back. 
“What are you doing with Heimdall?” Freya shouted as she shot an Einherjar in between its eyes, effectively putting down the reanimated corpse. You explained that Kratos spared him and that he was coming back with them. Only to hear a groan from Freyr.
The wild dogs were eventually cleared out of the way and you jumped off the ledge, almost breaking your ankles in the process but that would be a problem for later. You joined the group and were right behind Kratos.
“Well looky here! The famous Heimdall on the back of a ‘commoner’, who would’ve thought?” Freyr jokes after he glanced up at both you and the mentioned god.
“I would not be talking if I were you, sizzles”
“You just won't shut up about that, huh? Bring it up one more time, I swear I'll-"
“You'll what? Last time I checked you're just as injured as me, so what are you realistically going to do?” Heimdall had let out a little bark of laughter.
“Can you two quit talking?” Freya asked, but it was more of a demand than anything else. You couldn’t help but agree. Atreus then pointed out the Archer Towers in which the boy’s father quickly disposed of them. Heimdall did a small eye roll at how quickly the action was taken.
Atreus eventually ran ahead of his father to take out the further Einherjar. 
“Hi! I’m Atreus, are you okay?” As the two weaved in between each other, Frey responded with a ‘Hi! No!’ 
“Hi Heimdall!” Atreus greeted as he struck a couple of Odin’s army with arrows. Heimdall couldn’t help but mutter under his breath and reply with a dry ‘Hello’ after you weakly elbowed him.  
“How much farther do we have?” You shouted before readjusting your hold on Heimdall’s legs, soon stomping on the head of an Einherjar and heard a sickening crunch. You heard Heimdall give a curt pat as a small ‘good’ 
“That’s what I’m asking!” Freyr quipped with a small laugh. You saw Kratos slam his body and crushed a wild Gulon into a tree and effectively murdered it. The blood stained the tree but there was no time to look further at it as you saw Hildisvini ahead.
Freya as her hawk form came flying by as vines wrapped around the surrounding trees. The dark elf known as Beyla came zipping past you and Kratos, her husband was nowhere to be found. 
“Watch your right!” Heimdall yelled in your ear as he directed his body mass to the left. He was trying to help you redirect yourself out of harm's way. You merely dodged the incoming tree thanks to the partner on your back. 
“Just a bit farther!” Freyr gleefully announced with a raised fist. He seemed the only one to be happy right now.
“Finally, we’re almost there.” Heimdall spoke only to you since you were the only one to hear him. You couldn’t help but agree with him. 
“Hang on just a little longer-” You say but unfortunately luck was not on your side. The extra trees Freya managed to knock down blocked your way, the first tree that slammed down in front of you was twice your size with just the width alone.
“Father!” Atreus then called out your name, catching the attention of the aforementioned god. Panic started to bubble up, your eyes frantically searching for another possible exit. The only way out seemed to run through the wild woods. 
“Go on without me! I’ll find another way!” You informed them with a raspy voice. The air pumping through your lungs made your throat dry, but that didn’t matter. The only thing that mattered was getting out of this damn place alive. 
You turned your body so quickly you almost gave yourself whiplash. Sprinting through the trees as angry Einherjar follow so closely, their loud yells of speech and the arrows whipping past you and hitting into trees
The trees were blending together, the wildlife seemed the same. The once (somewhat) familiar area was now unknown as you ran in an unpredictable pattern. Your feet crushed anything that dared to be under it. Whether it be snapped twigs, tiny animals that you failed to avoid, or failed arrows that tried to impale you. 
One of the arrows managed to scathe your leg. Causing a gash to start bleeding as soon as it made contact with your skin. Another arrow made a nice slice into your other leg as well, nearly giving them matching marks. Now your legs were burning even worse from all the running and now the incoming scars. 
“Keep going! There’s a river up ahead!” Heimdall ordered in your ear. His legs wrapped tighter around your waist while you readjusted your grip on his legs. Getting him up higher so that your legs had more room to move. 
As you tried to hurry yourself forward like what Heimdall instructed, you felt a blast of Bifrost explode near your feet. You panicked and quickly swerved, fumbling your feet before you corrected yourself. Only to be shot at again and again. This time it was at your back and arm. 
You cursed to yourself while you tried to move unpredictably. The Bifrost blasts that had missed and hit the surrounding environment were actually proved in your favor when they slowed down the Einherjar with fallen trees and plants uprooting and causing a tripping hazard. 
At the end of the tree line you saw it, the river. You would have to jump the rushing, turgid currents and then you have to continue running until you found a safe haven or somewhere the undead army couldn’t get you and Heimdall.
“Watch out-!”
The previous plan was thrown out when at the river’s bank, your leg was suddenly in the blast of Bifrost, causing it to shake in an untrained way and make you fall forward. Falling into the water and not too long after you and Heimdall were trying to swim, Your arms climbed upward in the water before breaking through it and gasping for sweet, sweet air.
You soon found Heimdall gasping like you. Although with less buoyancy due to a missing body part. You managed to grab hold of him as the rushing river took you down faster than you realized.
What made the situation worse, was that there was a dip in the  water. It was a damn waterfall. As soon as you felt your body slip down you started to scream, your grip tightening on Heimdall as you fell to your inevitable death. 
The first thing you felt was sand. 
You flexed your fingers along the sand, soon pushing your head up to see that you had washed up on a shore. The river was just at the edge of your feet, and your clothes were soaked beyond drying soon. You also happened to notice that the leg closest to the bifrost blast that caused this predicament was almost entirely exposed and very much damaged, you internally groaned at having to deal with this.
You picked yourself up with a slight wobble in your legs, your legs felt like bloody, poorly, bundled twigs as you took your first steps. You felt alarmed as Heimdall was nowhere to be seen. You started calling out his name before deciding to look around.
Based on the setting, you were still in Vanaheim and luckily weren’t kidnapped and/or murdered by the Einherjar. You were just fortunate that you didn’t drown in the initial waters. As you ventured, you soon heard a groan. 
You soon hustled to see who it was, avoiding some of the random items that float onto shore. Weapons, shields, parts of barrels, and body parts. Carefully avoiding the dismembered parts and debris, you managed to get to your person.
Heimdall face down into the sand just like you were and a small blood pool under his ‘arm’. Hustling over to him you help him up. 
“Do you happen to know where we are?” Heimdall asked with a cough, previously covering his mouth. 
“I have no clue, I was hoping you had an idea.” You admit. You slipped your hand around his and gripped. You felt a grip back, and it gave you a little smile on your face.
“But first, I think we need to stop your bleeding.” You mentioned, you can see a small scowl on Heimdall’s face before continuing to follow you. 
“I can heal it with Bifrost. Don’t insist on collecting miniscule plants to help me.” 
“Then how come it hasn’t stopped bleeding yet?” You ask curiously, you didn’t want to sound sarcastic but some of that unwanted tone slipped out. 
“Because it requires my full attention and concentration.” You released an audible ‘oh’ at the very simple explanation, Heimdall only rolled his eyes in what you hoped was a playful way. 
“How come your bleeding hasn’t?” Heimdall sarcastically countered. You had almost forgotten about it, if it weren’t for the pain every time you stepped. 
“I don’t have any bifrost powers like you do, nor do I have anything on hand to heal myself.” Heimdall was uncharacteristically quiet after that.
You sighed before trying to think of something. How were you possibly going to reach Freyr’s camp? 
It was at least multiple days of walking, and that was without break. Maybe there was a sign of Freyr’s camp somewhere? Some old structures to help you have an idea of where you were. 
Freyr’s camp was in the direction the sun set. The sun was already setting and traveling at night was not the best idea. So the best idea was to set up your own, albeit small, camp. First thing you did was gather stones, placing them in a circular pattern. 
You had set the stones on a dry, grassy patch just shy of the beach. It would be better instead of sitting on the grainy sand. 
Then you ventured towards the nearby woods, Heimdall didn’t seem to mind as he observed more of his surroundings, copying what you did previously. 
The woods were packed. Thick trees every couple feet apart from each other, the wild flora captivating your eyes while you collected specific plants and organisms for your injuries and small pieces of wood for a fire. Although one flower caught your eye. 
A bright purple one with glowing spores. It was much like the bright red ones you have seen exploring Vanaheim but this was so clearly different. It called out to you. You figured it could be a decent gift for Heimdall to maybe brighten his mood. 
Pulling your knife out, you quickly snipped the flower’s stem. You had dropped the bundle of wood in your arms just for it, and having no other place to put it, you slid it comfortably behind your ear before returning to the camp. 
“There you are, I was starting to worry you got eaten by something.” You couldn’t help but laugh at the assumption, it was possibly one of the more funnier things Heimdall has said to you. 
“I wouldn’t die that easily, or at least I hope so.” Your hands worked in order to prepare the fire. You searched yourself for anything to make starting a fire easier, but with no luck, you decided to start hand drilling.
It took a while and your hands were sore but there was fire going and you and Heimdall were warm. 
“What is that behind your ear?” Heimdall’s voice curiously asked. The question reminded you of the original intent. Sitting somewhat next to each other, you sat while you nervously prepared yourself.
“Oh!” You removed the flower before gesturing for him to take it. “It’s for you, it reminded me of you anyway so I thought-” You stammered your way through the conversation, flirting with the infamous golden god was extremely harder than you thought. 
Instead of flat out rejecting you like you kind of expected, he gently took it from you. He quietly observed the pretty petals you gazed upon earlier. The pistil still glowed brightly as it did before. You were still glad the flower looked as pretty as it did earlier. 
Heimdall slowly rolled the stem in between his fingers, looking at the pretty plant plainly with what seemed to be little care. 
“So you thought to give me a mutated flower?” He inquired, and your heart had immediately dropped. Of course he wouldn’t like the flower, of course he’d think it was a weak attempt to flirt with him. Of course-
“It’s a beautiful gift, thank you.” His tone was tender and it made your tender heart stutter. Soon silence comfortably blanketed over the two of you. The environment provides a comfortable background echo throughout the spot from the crackling fire to the sound of calm waters. 
You couldn’t help but stare at Heimdall’s once-arm, (the god had his eyes closed so he could probably still read your thoughts but you hadn’t remembered that) the mostly reddened stump with only the top of his tricep and upwards remaining. 
You wanted to so desperately help the healing process. You also noticed the long cut on his cheek, he was just a mess in general. 
His hair was also not in his preferred style, some strands coming loose while some braids remained surprisingly. His hair was still beautiful, and the flower behind his ear accentuated that fact. You can’t just linger around while Heimdall had to slowly recover. It didn’t feel right. 
“Heimdall, please, let me help you.”
Heimdall had broken his concentration to look at you, he was silent until he shook his head. “I told you that you do not need to help, I can heal it on my own-”
“But wouldn’t it heal faster if I added a remedy or two in it?” Quickly interrupting the god, Heimdall sighed
“It would but it wouldn’t be necessary, and no, just because you have the means doesn’t mean you can” 
“Heimdall, let me help please, it's only fair after you saved me from getting crushed and blown up by Bifrost!” 
Heimdall could only rub his eyes with his hand before replying a meager ‘Fine’, You got up as quickly as you could without hurting yourself to find something that could resemble a bowl. It didn’t take long before you found something.
An Einherjar helmet, the eye holes were fortunately before the helmet formed instead of just being holes in the strong metal. You washed it in the shore’s bank thoroughly before returning to Heimdall. 
Sitting cross-legged, you start mixing flora such as Lamb’s Cress and Red root. Mixing it with two of your fingers so that you could carefully apply it, you wouldn’t want to miss a spot. So the helmet glowed on the inside, a bright yellow one to be exact.
“I’m going to lift your sleeve, you ready?” With a quick nod, you lifted his posh sleeve and quickly got to work. Slathering the medicine on the trauma, you could hear Heimdall hissing and groaning and trying not to move in place, you definitely knew how awful it was. 
It was over before both of you knew it. You slipped his sleeve back down and set the Einherjar helmet down, “Now you can concentrate on using Bifrost.” You smile before moving yourself further so you could have room.
Heimdall only rolled his eyes and reciprocated the smile. 
You soon pulled your pant legs high up to tend to your wounds. Heimdall was quietly watching as you analyzed your injuries. 
The first thing you noticed was the Bifrost burn on your mid calf and downwards. The flesh there was stingy and hurt to touch or even look at. It spanned out in sharp points and then round points, it still bled every time you flexed your leg as well. The cuts you had gotten from the arrows were deep, they tore the skin there with ease.
Maybe you could borrow some of the Aesir arrows sometime, they were mighty harmful. The gashes were still relatively okay, you wouldn’t be getting an infection anytime soon. 
You released an annoyed sigh as you prepared the ingredients to help mend the burn. Adding more of Lamb’s Cress and Red root to the concoction. “I could hold the helmet for you if it would make this,” He nonchalantly gestured to your burn ”easier.”
You thanked him by handing him said helmet. The golden god merely held it as you worked your ‘magic’. Gracefully dumping some of the product on your wounds, wanting to jump away from it while you applied it with either a hiss or curse. 
As soon as you were done with the helmet, you threw it far. Or at least as far as you could from your position. Finally, you could rest without worrying about anything right now. Worrying was for tomorrow. Laying down on your back you started to relax.
The sun had set and night could be fully seen. The stars above twinkled like they never have before, maybe you should come to Vanaheim more often. The fire crackled every few seconds just to add onto the effect and you loved it, despite the situation you could still see the beauty in it.  
The sound of shuffling and you found that a new weight was on your right. The watchman of the Aesir had lain beside you. You could feel his fingers ghosting yours as if he wanted to hold your hand. You decided to take the initiative and interlock fingers with him.
“Any particular reason why you decided to lay with me?” You ask, tilting your head to look at Heimdall. The Aesir man only turned to you, stared you in the eyes, then turned his back to staring upwards.
“I like your company, that is all.” 
The response made your heart grow warmer, so you weren’t all too bad in his eyes. (Ignoring the fact you saved his life of course) You whispered a goodnight to him before shutting your eyes, you hadn’t realized how heavy they felt until you’ve closed.
The last thing you remember was Heimdall gently squeezing your hand before you drifted asleep. 
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nonbinarylocalcryptid · 9 months ago
Odysseus meeting Kratos, how does it go?
This question brought up more questions. Which Kratos from which GoW? Odysseus yes, but at which point in his travels? Are they sonless or is this a play date?
And then it hit me, the perfect situation.
Context: the Ithacan fleet has left Polyphemus behind and there's no storm yet, Astyanax is 3 years old and has the kind of ADHD that makes you hyperactive and he really likes running and climbing everywhere. For some freaking reason, Kratos and Atreus from that period between GoW 4 and 5 are there, maybe it's a timey wimey reason, maybe it's the power of the fanfic, who knows. Odysseus and Kratos are sitting on deck, Kratos isn't really talkative (as always), Atreus is fangirling about Eurylochus' Cloud's claymore.
Odysseus, uncomfortable AF: hmm, sooo...you are far from home it seems
Kratos: hm
Odysseus: do you come from far away?
Kratos, affirmative: hm
Odysseus: you must be tired, excuse my manners, can anyone bring something to eat for the good man and his son?
*a member of the crew brings a few things, perks of mugging a cyclops*
Kratos: are those olives?
Odysseus, trying not to show how surprised he is at the other talking: yes! You can have them, of course
Kratos, accepting the offer: it's been a long time since I have olives
Odysseus: I'll take it as there aren't many where you come from
Kratos: hm
Odysseus "shit, he went back to humming": but your greek is flawless, so I assume you are from Greece, my friend
Kratos: I am Kratos of Sparta
Odysseus "FUCK HE IS THE GHOST OF SPARTA": Oh, huh, I'm Odysseus, king of Ithaca
Kratos "I know more than you but can't tell you shit" of Sparta: hm, what was the last island you've visited?
Odysseus: well, there was a cyclops...
Kratos: fear not, Odysseus, King of Ithaca, you will live to see your homeland again
Odysseus: I'm afraid of asking how you know that, so I will not
Kratos: We will travel with you until your next destination
Odysseus: that's fine by me, anything else?
Kratos: can I keep the olives?
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itsallpoliticsstupid · 4 months ago
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The person who wrote this original post is definitely not a 'high T alpha male,' and I'm about 99% certain they would probably cry in the presence of a physically strong woman.
The hilarious thing about this post is the fact the original author has so little knowledge of Politics he doesn't know that this isn't a democracy. It's called an Aristocracy and comes from the Greek words 'aristos' meaning best and 'kratos' meaning power.
Anyway, I digress.
I still find it wild that there are still those out there who believe a persons status is what makes them fit to Govern. It doesn't. Especially when this entire 4chan post about T Alpha males parse new information with the objective 'is this true' is seen to be absolutely untrue in the current world of Politics today.
I've often found those on both the far left and right are difficult to discuss Politics with because they have such a rigid belief system and won't be swayed from it. So often they will look at new information, whether this is from a technical source, or somebody with years of experience in an industry, and they will go 'no, I believe this...and that's it.'
You just have to look at the reaction to climate change studies. Even when we are seeing horrific flash flooding in Spain, and wildfires in California decimating land, people will still say that climate change isn't real. Or it isn't man made.
Or those who believe that vaccines are inherently evil, even when they are presented with evidence that they can do more good than harm.
Similarly, those on the left who refused to accept very real cases of people dying of the Covid vaccine because they didn't want to believe that a vaccine could ever be fatal in the right circumstances.
If you have these strong beliefs, you will never have the ability to parse new information. Because you don't want to. It's only those who study politics, who really want to understand the state of the world, who is able to parse this information and make a judgement. Traditionally, those who will be in the center and have spent years working across Government.
And nobody who supports Trump is a good candidate of a high status male who is best for decision making. Certainly not Elon Musk anyway.
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burningcheese-merchant · 3 months ago
What does Spice and Jack like to do together?
It's unbearably hot here and I hate working. One more ask, for realsies this time, because fuck everything else
"What do Kratos Burning Spice and Atreus Pepper Jack like to do together?" Sorry, I wanted to do that lol
Spice travels back and forth between the Golden Cheese Kingdom and the Spice Ridge by himself a lot (for work, basically), and he brings Jack with him whenever he can (after Paneer was born, he started either taking them both or alternating between them each time so they get an equal amounts of trips with him). He actually likes when his son joins him to do stuff, even if it's "boring" king/leader duties (which Jack does not find boring, he actually is legitimately interested in things like that and likes that his dad takes him to his "work")
They go on hunting trips often, too. Spice got him in on that early - as soon as he could walk in a straight line without tripping lol. Paneer doesn't like hunting (she actually really loves animals and doesn't want to hurt any ever), so it remained purely a father/son activity. They'll go out for a while - a few hours usually, or even a few days if Spice wants to go somewhere far for a challenge - and hunt game together. They lock onto/track something and work out a plan of attack, so to speak. They both have very different ways of doing/approaching things, both on a hunt and in general (it's those clashing personalities again), so they try to meet halfway and think of something that works for them both. They actually work quite well together and make a good team. (As Jack ages, Spice grants him a little more control/authority of their hunts, to see how he handles taking charge of something like that. Jack does well, for the most part. It makes Spice really proud.)
Jack likes to tell Spice about things he learns (he likes telling both his parents, really). Jack is very smart and even more curious, so he tends to pick a thing or two up every day, even if just a bit of obscure trivia - and he likes to share it with his dad, because he actually likes hearing what Spice has to say about stuff. He'll show him books, he'll bring Spice with him to the library when he can so they can read books together (I honestly think Spice is a smart guy, or at least I headcanon him as such. He was the Herald of History; it's canon that he used to enjoy having deep, open-minded discussions with others, particularly about history, so I think that lends itself to Spice being reasonably intelligent, even wise to some degree). When he was little, he'd just walk up to Spice with a book in hand and climb into his lap, then either ask him to read it to him or ask to read it together. (While Spice no longer fully possesses the patience he once had to entertain people's thoughts and attempts at conversation (he regained a decent amount, but a few millennia being violently antisocial kinda damages your people skills lol)... he has all the patience in the world for his son, so he's happy to indulge him.) Somewhere underneath this behavior is Jack's inherent need/want to get closer to his father, because (as I've mentioned in another post) they're so different from each other otherwise and he doesn't want that little gap between them to exist. They don't always understand each other very well and Jack doesn't like that. And there's still that little nagging insecurity in his heart that Spice is disappointed in who he is and he's not "worthy" of being his son, so it sometimes leads to him trying too hard to "prove" himself to Spice in one way or another. He knows his dad is smart, and he knows his dad will at least indulge him when he wants to tell him stuff, so that's the avenue Jack most often takes. "Look, Father, I know lots of things like you do. I know/want to know history like you do. I'm like you, see? Am I doing a good job?" Some sort of thought process like that. It's sad and unnecessary, but Jack doesn't really understand that for a long time (that "not knowing how to communicate with each other" thing doesn't help)
They also like to spar. Spice always made the biggest effort and took on the biggest role in training the kids in combat, and that reflects in him having one-on-one fights/sparring sessions with them both often. It's one of the ways he likes/tries to bond with them the most; he never loses his taste for battle even as a better man, and he wants to share that excitement with his children. He fights them for practical reasons and also just for fun. Jack views sparring more as a way to let off steam than to have fun (not that he doesn't have fun, though), so he doesn't necessarily always dig this every single time (because he's not upset about something all the time, you know?), but he rarely turns Spice down when he challenges him, so.
And this is more when Jack is little than any other time, but - Spice likes to pick him up and carry him around places. Jack will sit or perch on his shoulders and they'll walk around together. Just a father/son stroll, just because. Jack likes it because it makes him feel tall (Spice is like 6'5" minimum in my headcanon lol). Spice knows it makes him feel tall, so he helps his son pretend he's tall for a little while lol. They do this a lot less after Jack gets past toddler age; Jack thinks it's a little embarrassing to get piggyback rides when he's older... He just sticks to walking by Spice's side like a "mature" person then. But... Sometimes he misses clinging to his dad and feeling tall, so he'll just go ahead and fly up and perch on his shoulders like he used to. And Spice just lets him do it, whenever he wants, without any issue, because he likes being seen and admired as this larger-than-life figure (figuratively and literally) by his kids
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watchingtheearthrise · 1 year ago
One of the many things I find fascinating and heartbreaking about Atreus and Sindri is that their friendship is built on two entirely different foundations, and two entirely different love experiences.
For Atreus, Sindri is a friend, but he’s also a means to an end. He can’t go sneaking around by himself, so he drags Sindri along for help. When he was traveling with Kratos, Sindri was there for gear and weapons. With his own father treating him as a tool to be sharpened and used, Atreus does similar to Sindri. He’s useful, and so Atreus makes use of him. With Faye dying when he was so young, Kratos’ ‘love’ is all that Atreus really knows now. We see how impressionable he is as a youth, it’s not hard to imagine that he adopted a lot more of his father’s mannerisms over the years between Faye’s death and Ragnarök. It’s all he knows, and it’s how he loves.
For Sindri, Atreus is a friend, but he’s also a client, a boss. With the exception of Faye, it’s safe to assume that Sindri (and Brok) experienced quite a lot of demanding Aesir clients. Odin and Thor? Yeah, things most definitely got rough when deadlines were approaching. He’s used to people demanding things. A Greek god with a rap sheet as long as the World Serpent comes in demanding stuff? Was married to one of the few Norse who treated you well? Yeah, you’ll treat him kindly. You’ll hand the stuff over! We see it in how Sindri acts with Atreus: he never truly once acts like the leader, the one in charge. He’s always submissive, even when voicing his displeasure and hesitation.
On top of that, Sindri is used to Brok and his loud, no-nonsense demeanor. Atreus has similar traits, being brash and blunt at times. For Sindri, it’s entirely possible that some of the wisdom he passes to Atreus were things also said to Brok.
Throughout Ragnarök, Sindri gives up everything. His home, the source of his wealth, privacy and the cleanliness of the one place that was left sacred to him. Submissive, helpful, a tool to be used. And yet, despite handing over everything, letting more and more people in, they can’t protect the one thing he had left, the one thing he had refused to let go of before: his brother.
With Brok gone, Sindri is left with the rug yanked out from under him. He believes his worth is nothing to the heroes, he’s just a means to an end. And Atreus had helped with that, by treating him as such. Because it’s all he knew.
Atreus and Sindri were definitely friends, I firmly believe that. They just were products of their lives, their pasts, and they couldn’t express their care for each other in healthy ways.
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upn-the-sky · 2 months ago
General Kratos (no-ashes OOAK, part 2)
What's going on here?
Part 1 - Head
Poor me, it's been a while. Lasted autumn was a hard time for me, but I tried to find time and strength to continue making this OOAK anyway.
Here could be a scream like" NEVER AGAIN!!", but it won't be here, because it is a lie, yeah? Yeah.
Of course I knew that making Kratos's Dominus armor is going to be difficult even with the experience I had with Ares (❤). And it was! Kratos's outfit turned out more layered, had more elements, more different textures. I am just afraid that photos can have a so-so quality, i am sorry..
Well, come on under the cut.
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When I made Ares, I've already said that I wanted to be as close to the gow1 design as it possible. Not a simple task, there is only one cutscene in gow1, where you can see this armor's details closely, and also I found a couple of early concepts.
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Dominus armor was also made as a custom skin for the gow3 and I used a couple of screenshots from there for the shin panels, but somehow gow3 variation of this outfit has a little different... mood.. I don't know. More bitchy vibe maybe?
Well, anyway everything starts with the cuirass.
I decided to make a cuirass differently this time, taking into account that Kratos's torso should not be scratched anyhow while taking the armor on and off, because of his body art.
In some way his outfit is more realistic, I mean, at this screenshot you can see that he wears chiton under the armor. Bad news for the future-me, I thought then, but it solved a problem with scratches.
As we can see, his cuirass is a classic Lorica musculata, and I was going to made it the same way I made Ares's armor, using linen fabric and CVA glue. I wanted his cuirass be a single piece, wearing over the head, with fasteners on the sides, so I changed a pattern since the last time and started to glue.
After separating a base from the body, I started to sculpt a relief of the pectoral, abdominal and back muscles. I've had a couple of tries actually, because i needed to be sure that the relief won't crack during bending armor in shoulderstraps. After curing I sended a sculpt, put layer of a patch, and the base is ready.
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Well it was an easy part. Here was a huge timeskip in real life, because I sat there and brainstormed how to make these "birds" over the chest. At screenshot you can see that their claws also forms a line of a diaphragm. An obvious option was just to sculpt these birds, but I was afraid of material cracking near the collar and armholes. So there was no other option, but to make these bas-reliefs also of the thick fabric.
Nothing scary, right? Just draw a bird, move the pattern, cut it and glue it over the cuirass.
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After that I've just needed to seal all the edges with silky cord and paint everything with acrillic paints.
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Oh, and sew hooks-fasteners.
Skirt and belts
After the cuirass I went south. Because I was afraid of a rectangular piece of fabric, which could end my whole career. (I mean chiton... I wasn't ready for it. And then I still didn't have a right fabric for it.)
Okay, as a General Kratos doesn't wear pteruges, he wears skirt with two long plate belts with relief and some chain-mail piece. Same as Ares has, or I'd say, same as Freya has, yeah. Looks more like her chain-mail, also made from tiny round plates.
Skirt was an easy thing to do. I used a simple dark-brown leather with the silky golden cord over the edge.
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Chain-mail is more interesting. Of course I could make my life difficult and make it by myself, but for such miniature when you can find an already perfect piece of material, it is much better. Small, weaved, metallic round plates.. with smooth surface.. I used earrings for this. Just torn them with plyers in a right way and painted with acryllics, and sewed to the skirt.
Long belts also needed to be made of metallic plates, but I sculpted them, glued to the knitted base for the realistic movability and painted also with the acryllics.
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Chiton and wraps (and bracers)
Okay, maybe one more little rant won't hurt anyone. Do you know what's the most wrecking thing you deal with while working with a rectangular pieces of fabric? You should find not only the right color, but a right feeling.
Maybe it is just me, but I think, when you make an ancient warrior doll, you can't use fabric which feels too.. modern, when you look at it or touch it. Even if Kratos was hm quite wealthy as a general, Spartans themselves were very ascetic people, they used simple fabrics with rough textures. But at the same time it should not be too rough to the body and it shouldn't be too thick, because it is underwear.
Long story short, muslin is my friend now. But sewing process is not my friend. How I am glad that all greek clothes is a differently sized rectangulars. I know I am not making chiton right, it should be wearing around the body and pierced over the shoulders. But you can't be absolutely realistic everytime. Besides, it is still an underwear, it's main goal is preventing scratches of the body.
Bracers were easy. Just a glued fabric again with the cotton cords at the edges and a schematic golden depictions of goddess Nika standing on the globe. (I discovered this today lol..).
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Sandals and shin panels
Muslin is still my friend here and sewing is not, because I needed to start with preparing wraps again, which covers legs from the toes to the knees. Hm, smart..
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Design of the sandals and shin panels I took from the gow3 variant of this armor. I pretend that they are a single pieces too...
I've already had a good pair of the leather soles so I glued wraps to them and started to make a base for the shin panels. Same way I did them for Ares. Fasteners of the panels and sandals stripes are also from the cotton cords.
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And... Prepare your spirits, General is here.
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Fuf. And this is it. Dominus armor is complete. But is this the end???????
Because Kratos is not a whole person without the most important thing in his life. Yeah yeah, the reason this entire project took almost a year is because I was made Lysandra and Calliope at the same time with Kratos. And they are finished too at this moment. I'll try to write posts for both of them soon, but now, at the Christmas Eve I wish you have a good time with your families.
Merry Christmas, my dears, and Happy upcoming New Year!
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See ya very very soon and thank you for watching.
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whackk-kermitt · 1 year ago
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Relationship with Kratos
Genre: Headcanons
Warnings: None
≫ ────── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ────── ≪
Kratos will never be the first to make a move.
He’s too afraid.
You’d have to say something, but once you do he won’t hesitate to be honest with you.
Once Kratos is close enough to you to admit his romantic attraction to you, you’re his.
It will still take a while for him to say “I love you”.
You will likely be the first to say that as well.
Kratos is not a very physically affectionate person.
At first…
The more you touch him, the more he will be willing to touch you.
He’ll still take a while to warm up to Intimate affection.
Hugs and cuddles are always welcome.
Kratos is a gentle giant when it comes to you.
His favorite thing is when you cuddle up to him and draw patterns on his chest while he plays with your hair.
He loves it when you approach him for a smooch or even just a hug.
Not really the kind of guy for PDA..
He’ll let light stuff slide in front of Atreus and Mimir, but no more then gentle touches here and there in front of others.
Kratos will demand you hunt and train with him.
He will always want you near to insure your safety.
He absolutely will spare with you until he is certain you can protect yourself without him around.
Yet he will still get upset if you’re ever in a situation where you actually have to defend yourself while he isn’t around.
Cue arguments about you not being careful.
He will always get quiet after any kind of argument with you though.
He will feel guilty about yelling or getting angry.
He will almost always (unless you really screwed up) be the first to apologize.
He's scared he’ll chase you away if he's ever too much.
Kratos is a man of few words(obviously), so he will likely apologize with acts of service first, then he will do his best to communicate.
He's trying, give him a break.
He will not leave your side until you are happy again.
Forgive him or he'll cry.
No really.
Kratos will sit alone and shed a tear or two.
He will tell absolutely nobody, but he has so much self-hatred that if you go to long without forgiving him, he will literally cry in shame.
But he almost never upsets you that bad; you know he's just scared of you getting hurt.
Plus his puppy dog eyes-that he swears he doesn't have- are so hard not to forgive.
And there will be a day he uses them to get something from you.
Puppy Dog eyes for extra attention please!
If you are ever hurt, he will go absolutely feral.
Spartan rage on anyone and everything that is between you and safety.
He loves to watch you with Atreus.
Absolutely adores you with him, secretly hopes to have another child with you one day.
He will whisper his marriage vows to you as you sleep.
It helps him fall asleep.
He has trouble sleeping without you after a point.
That's all I got for now..
•Kermitt Masterlist•
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princess-of-the-corner · 26 days ago
About the fate thing:
My favourite way that I have seen fate characterised in a story would be in the God of War franchise. Specifically 4 and Ragnarok, but the greek trilogy also had some fun stuff.
Spoilers for the GoW in case you haven't played it and care about that stuff.
In-Universe, fate works differently in the Greek and Norse Pantheons.
For the greeks, it's a classic "Oedipus" sort of thing. Knowing the prophecy will make you take certain actions in an attempt to make it not happen. In the process you cause the right situations to make the prophecy not only possible, but probable.
For the Norse, Fate is a prewritten story that happens exactly as written in great detail. Everyone knows what is going to happen, so there's not reason to not just say fuck it and do whatever you want in the meantime, because it's all going to lead to the prophecy anyway.
Except it's not.
The way I described Norse Fate is how the gods perceived fate before the events of GoW 4.
Then Kratos showed up and:
Killed Magni (He was supposed to survive until after Ragnarok)
Saw his son kill Modi (He was also supposed to survive until after Ragnarok)
Snapped Baldur's neck (He was supposed to be killed by Loki in a game of "Throwing shit at Baldur")
Started Fimbulwinter several years ahead of schedule and then fucked off to a cabin for a couple of years with his kid, effectively stalling Ragnarok (Fimbulwinter is supposed to begin immediately before Ragnarok, not a couple of years after)
And then the entirety of GoWR is the Norse gods coping with this and trying to figure out what happened and how fate is supposed to work.
The answer is that Fate takes everything that has happened and is currently happening and uses that information to make the best prediction possible, assuming no one has enough character development. It is not perfect, it is not unstoppable, it's just really fucking good at predicting stuff.
Less of a "this is how things will happen", more of a "this is how things will happen if everybody involved in them keeps being a little bitch".
Notably, the only character who doesn't get this in the end is Odin, the father of the gods, the one most determined to figure out how fate works, and the one most responsible for keeping the other norse gods in their "little bitch" state for as long as he can.
In other words, fate is generational trauma. And I honestly kinda love that.
See I love that
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holy-shit-look · 2 months ago
Okay so like the worst thing ever has happened viewer discretion is advised I need to leave a content warning for gore and violence against animals 😢
My Dog, Kratos, has just been promoted to service dog. I've been so excited bringing him everywhere he's been amazing in training.
Yesterday, we come back and my fiance caregiver and I are all standing in the kitchen when the dog walks down the hall toward the room of someone I can't discuss because of an active court case
He walks back we go into our bedroom and the person walks past our door and Kratos growls at him
Next thing we know he's bleeding profusely
We jump in the car and start running around looking for anywhere to take him for help.
In the car we can see this is a MASSIVE gash
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I'm so confused how he got cut so badly by this point I think it must be his harness but then I realize there's no way because the harness is completely clean there's not a drop of blood on it and this isn't a friction burn...and the cut goes BACKWARD toward his ribs..not into his armpit...
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We had to spend a few hours crowd funding but finally we were able to get to the vet my caregiver took me outside her work hours
We were there until 2am
The vet says there's no possible way it was the harness it had to have been something he got caught on (except the cut doesn't go the correct direction for that to be the case and he didn't get caught on anything) OR someone cut him with a knife.
They all agreed it looks like a very clean cut like someone cut him with a kitchen knife.
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The overall treatment was supposed to cost $2000 but we only raised $400 so they did as much as they could for that price. We do not apply for care credit because our living situation has financially drained us so severely our credit scores are in the 500s.
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We still need to take Kratos to a vet on Monday and get some quotes for finishing his treatment.
We have home care instructions, antibiotics, and pain medication but we need to finish getting him stitched up because when he stands up his skin dangles off his muscle
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This looks like it was clearly done with a knife.
Kratos is resting now he's on his pain meds all zonked out and doesn't want me to leave his side for a single second 😭
I'm going to contact the charity based veterinarian on Monday and hope they can help if not I'll ask around and post the quote for stitches. For now everything is closed so I can only make him as comfortable as possible for the weekend.
At this point we need to just get out of here. This is a major escalation within our living situation and I'm just horrified that this happened.
A police report has been filed and we have a GoFundMe that will go toward more vet bills and application fees to escape this living situation.
Please please please donate anything you can and if you can't please share 😭
All proceeds are going toward further veterinary care and application fees so we can get out of here. We are enrolled in Rapid Rehousing through the VA but we have to be able to apply for places.
If someone is willing to hurt my baby I don't want to know what else they're willing to do... I'm distraught.
Thank you thank you thank you for your help 😭😭
And thank you for sharing
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restinslices · 1 year ago
tried to make these as differently as possible
His baby is planned so he's not as nervous as other people 
Bi-Han is ridiculously confident. He's helped with his younger brothers and he knows the basics of what a baby needs so honestly, he's pretty sure he's got this in the bag
He did not have it in the bag
Here's the thing; his younger brothers didn't depend on Bi-Han to survive. They had their parents. Plus, Bi-Han spends too much time thinking about his child as an adult warrior and completely skips over them being a child
This baby is depending on him and his partner at all times and they're a baby 
I'm gonna make them all girl dads because listen-
I think patience would be something he'd both struggle and be good at
He's patient when it comes to small mistakes, like knocking something over but he can be a bit impatient when it comes to developing certain skills and when they make bigger mistakes 
Y'all know how Kratos is hard on Atreus but it's because he cares and want him to be prepared for when he's gone? That's Bi-Han
He'd also struggle with saying things in a child friendly manner. I don't mean swearing, I mean he has to pause and think “how do I say this without hurting their feelings?”
He naturally has a harsh sounding tone so he has to try his best to not sound mean. He can't double down 
Since I mentioned speaking, he is not using a baby voice 
People get excited with their first kid and are like “oh my gosh look at my little baby!” and speak all high pitch but he's not doing that at all. He's using his normal voice and adult words with a newborn
Some people have nicknames for things. For example, when my nephew was younger we'd ask if he wanted “nom noms”. Bi-Han doesn't see the point in doing that. He's asking his toddler “do you want food?”
I can understand if people would think he'd be this super grump dad that hates all types of noise but in my head Bi-Han understands that kids make noise and cry. Does it annoy him? Yes. Is he screaming for them to quiet down? No. His world was never gonna stay quiet once he decided to start a family 
Speaking of yelling, I don't think he does it often. Bi-Han is the type to pull his kid to the side and quietly threaten them. Like when your mom would pull you to the side and say if you kept acting up in the store she was gonna whoop you in the bathroom 
He also has “the stare”
Shit gets shut down quickly 
The definition of “wait until I tell your dad”
He'd train his daughter like he'd train anyone else. He's not going easy on her. If anything, he'd be harder on her because she has more to prove 
There's so much he doesn't know how to deal with since this is his first child and honestly, that emo phase probably kicked his ass more than he'd like to admit
The bang, the extensions, the checkered wristbands, the studded belts-
It's embarrassing for him to mention how genuinely concerned he was. He had no idea what was going on and telling her to train harder didn't take the hair dye out her head 
Speaking of which, I think Bi-Han’s biggest mistake as a parent would be trying to mold his child into becoming a mini him. It's not because he thinks he's 10/10. It’s because he's a solid Grandmaster. 
“Back in my day we learned obedience” type shit 
The type to say “I hate when my dad did this” then proceeds to do it to his child 
He'd need help when it comes to emotional awareness and seeing his child as their own individual 
He may accidentally snub them of childhood moments they deserve. It's not with malicious intent, it's more of a “our enemies don't sleep so we won't either”
Imagine if him and his kid ended up having the same distant relationship him and his dad had-
Tragic but definitely possible 
Kuai Liang 
Probably also had a planned baby 
He may only want one child because he's worried he'll end up having another him and Bi-Han
Which is why I think it'd be funny if he had twins-
Follow me camera 
He's expecting one baby. That's it. That's all. 
So when it's revealed he's having twins, he's shocked and afraid 
Bi-Han’s betrayal did a number on him. He doesn't really know why Bi-Han was so angry. He knew about his frustration but he didn't know it'd go this deep and he'd let their father die. He's worried he'll upset one of them and history will repeat itself 
Him dying isn't the problem. The family breaking up is what he's worried about 
Because of this I think he'd accidentally become a helicopter parent
He's overly affectionate to his children. Affection is fine but he smothers them and watches everything they do 
He tries so hard to keep the family together, but it does the opposite. Now his kids are desperate for space. Both from him and each other 
Before we get to that sadness though, Kuai Liang is a great dad 
He trains them and if one has his powers and the other doesn't, he makes sure to not show favoritism 
Idk if he'd be corny enough to buy his twins matching shit. If he doesn't, Tomas will and he won't stop him 
Anything they give him, he's 100% keeping 
He uses a hair tie they painted pink instead of his usual one 
He frames all of the pictures they draw for him 
He attends all their little tea parties and let's them harass him about how much sugar is in his tea 
He doesn't spoil them but he doesn't not spoil them 
He doesn't give them everything they want but he'll get them stuff if it makes him think of them 
Like a doctor's toy he randomly saw 
He tries to be very active in their life when he's not busy 
He has safety plans in case his clan is attacked. They're at war and he doubts the Lin Kuei will spare his children 
I think all the brothers would let their kids know about their job and their responsibilities. No point on keeping it secret. They'll have to do it one day too 
Some parents get really sad when their kids grow up but I don't think he'd get sad. Idk, I just think he'd see it more as an accomplishment. Not everyone makes it far and he's always worried about their safety 
Remember when I said his kids would want space? 
This would probably happen in their teen years and he'd be so confused because wdym he still managed to fuck up?
I think how he'd feel would be a mix of “well they're kids” and “damn, I blew it” 
Overall I think he'd put way too much pressure on himself when it came to becoming a parent and this stresses him out more. At some point though he'd have to learn to let them be them and learn that honestly there's not much he can do
He does his part by being a loving father. He can't make them stay together or make them stay loyal. That's just the goal 
Besides that I think Kuai Liang would honestly be a pretty solid dad. He genuinely loves and cares for the people around him and it'd show with his children. He'd do all the dumb shit some dads are too embarrassed to do with their children. 
He's just a bit smothering 
A lot a bit-
Tomas Vrbada
He actually wants multiple kids 
He doesn't want a whole football team but wants his own little family 
His kid is probably planned too and I think he's possibly the most excited 
I can really see Tomas being a good dad and I think starting his own family that's just his would mean a lot to him 
Yeah he has Kuai Liang and their new clan and for a while he had the Lin Kuei but it's not the same. He wants his family that's only his and is related to him by blood 
So with that being said he's already reading books and watching videos before the baby is even here 
He still feels unprepared when she actually gets here 
First of all girl dad Tomas has no shame. Put the makeup on him. Dress him up in the dumbest shit imaginable. Have him do a duet with you. He's doing it all 
Overall he wants to give this child a way better life than he had 
His family was killed so the bar is in hell but moving on-
I think Tomas could accidentally spoil his child. Can y'all see it? I can see it 
My sources or reasoning? I just think he's the most likely out of the 3. He goes from “I'll give them a better life” to “and I'll buy this and this and this-”
Don't get it misconstrued though, he's still training them to be a warrior. War is everywhere and he got some shitty ass luck 
Imma be real… Tomas might be a leash parent-
I can see him getting tired of this kid running off and he gives up and buys it 
I can see him teaching his kid to do all that smoke shit and they accidentally fly up in the air 
This is another reason for the leash 
I can see Tomas feeling like an outsider with the Lin Kuei so he tries his best to make his child feel confident 
And that confidence can easily turn to arrogance 
He's complimenting their abilities at every turn and I think balance can be something that slips his mind. He's thinking “man I wish I got more compliments and felt more seen growing up” and takes it to an extreme 
So his child is now kinda a cocky asshole, which is something you may expect from Bi-Han’s kid but his would grow up being a bit insecure in a “I can never please him” way. Tomas’ kid is arrogant because “my dad is always pleaded with me”
It's hard to get right 
He's present in everything. Not in a smothering way though, he's just there 
If he has to miss any important milestones or events, he definitely tries to make up for it 
Like if he missed a dance performance, when he comes back he'll ask them to redo it in front of him 
He wants to be present for everything, even if it's small. Idk. I think he'd just really value these moments he'll never get back. He'll have more kids but he'll never see this particular kid dance ballet again 
He adjusts nicely to parenthood I think. It's a challenge but he's confident enough to take any failure he does on the chin and move on 
And if I said he takes the emo or scene phase really well, what are y'all gonna do?
Some kids do coke. Listening to BVB seems like the better choice 
Definition of a spine made of jelly 
Puppy dog eyes work with him. I don't make the rules 
I do, but moving on-
The spoiling part would kick his ass so bad. He'd have to get that shit under control at some point because it's like, no shit your child becomes defiant and spoiled. You give them everything 
They'd have a positive relationship overall. I think spoiling would be the main problem 
My thoughts are unorganized as fuck and I'd like to apologize because now I'm going back in time to say he'd take his child hunting as soon as he could 
His family hunted together and it was usually a nice fun bonding activity so he does it with his child 
I mention this for the first child because his judgment of what's appropriate at a certain age is so off
She's 4 and he's “saddle up. Let's go hunt this large unnamed animal!”
Nothing bad ever happens to the Kennedy's-!
His child is kicked by whatever they were hunting 
Has to be reminded several times that his baby is not a buff grown man like he is that can take some damage. They cannot just thug it out Tomas 
Besides the multiple injuries and spoiling though, he'd be an alright dad with his own little family 
Probably plans on having another one once his kid is like,,, 2 because he's insane 
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gojixyz69 · 1 month ago
Kratos vs Asura DEATH BATTLE Prediction + Death Battle 2024 review
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Death Battle 2024 review:
Originally I was going to review Death Battle 2024 on it's own post but after some thought it wouldn't matter since it would be me just talking about what everyone else was saying so that's why I'm going to talk about it briefly here. As for my thoughts on 2024 of Death Battle... it's pretty great, for real every episode was good with Omni Man vs Bardock being controversal because of the outcome which I disagree but that doesn't change the fact that the episode was good since it had a lot of stuff which out numbered the bad stuff. And that's the only one that has a problem, the rest were pretty good with Bowser vs Eggman being perfect which isn't suprising. Overall Death Battle 2024 was amazing and I'm looking forward to 2025 specially with...
Kratos vs Asura thoughts:
I'm really excited for this, it's the matchup that I wanted to win which while I was happy for Tom vs Wile winning I still really wanted Kratos vs Asura since it was fun and can be pretty amazing so you can imagine how hyped I was when it was revealed to be one of the strech goals and a teaser which was straight up peak. So yeah I'm excited for it and it's animated by DevilArtemis who's an amazing animator who did Omni Man vs Bardock which in terms of animation wise it was pretty good and I vet Kratos vs Asura will be great as well.
This is a interesting case since it depends on if you focuse on lore for Kratos and if wondering what I mean by that? Well you see if you focuse on feats then Kratos would be country to continental levels of powers which is no where near as Asura who's at minimum planetary with his high end being low multiversal, but if you focuse on lore then Kratos would be multiversal or more specifically complex multiversal. So basically it depends on wheter or not you wanna focuse on lore or just in game feats...
Which the answore is obviouse now with the resent preview. If you don't know what I mean by that basically Death Battle released Kratos' preview and in that preview they focused on lore and said that Kratos lifted the universe with one arm. Which isn't suprising that Death Battle is focusing on lore since they did the same thing with Chosen Undead vs Skyrim and even Among Us vs Fall Guys where looked at other material for both.
Personally I think Kratos is going to win given he's stronger and his weapons are pretty useful like the balde of olympus.
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