#I keep distracting from what I need to do XDDD
tapakah0 · 1 year
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knowlessman · 3 months
It is Thursday, my dudes. (bnha s6e11-15)
oh shit, jeanist ain't dead? they dint show his face/collar, but who else could that be in this jet
I thought yall needed to keep tomura off the ground cuz he can just dust everybody for miles around. ig tbf he is pretty beat up
"jin meant a lot to me" waaaaait… does toga have some of twice's blood. shit, she's yet another Ditto, she could just have the quirk of anybody else on her team at-will. she could have several bodies' worth of the quirk of anybody else on her team, at-will, if twice gave her any of his blood -- "I was hoping to talk to her about relationships" gonna level with you, the closest thing to a remotely qualified therapist in this entire show might, of all people, be todoroki, and if you wanna talk to him, well, you should prolly get back on bigfoot ig
… is too wrapped up in The Scene to make the hall and oates ref
lolwtf since when did jeanist have those bigass cable thingies??? 'XD he's got levitating mechanical pulley thingies now???
…okay ngl. if only I hadn't been spoiled on all that. I mean… idk, would I have guessed it anyway? I forget how much I knew; I knew he did a dance. maybe the clips I saw had subtitles? eh, he has a fire quirk and spiky hair and injuries n stuff, maybe I would've guessed it anyway. tbh I thought endeavor thought he'd killed him directly, but ig toya was just like trying to power up his quirk or something when the fire happened
"gigantomachia's strength has its limits, too. after he got here, he started gasping for air" ah, did those tranquilizers have an effect after all? -- (shigaraki says one thing to him and he's back struggling again) come onnnn, they worked so hard for that
ey, mirio's back too
(bakugo picked hisself a "new" hero name) AHAHAHAHA finally a bakugo bit that's at least funny
blackwhip. …froppy. style. sigh
deku. deku what did I say about talking about other people's backstories. you're talking to dabi about endeavor.
okay finally, so we know the sedative did work. dang, took long enough
compress: "I still haven't gotten to do my bit! I'll show you the best form of entertainment!" think maybe you should've joined up with gentle thief, my dude. you'd be a way better match for his vibe
(league of villains flashback) "you are the creature rejection clan" hey wait a minute… clan? …nah, nah, surely the writer wouldn't be as subtle as this if he was trying to reference that -- "sinners, sacred ground," etc. eh. prolly then ig. nobody seems to do a faction that tries to stand up for non-powered people, only ones that pick fights with the powered folks for what's narratively treated as no reason. maybe The Boys did that more intelligently, but hell if I'm up for trying that, thinking about how many people didn't get the satirical bits would prolly be too distracting -- "what is our goal, shigaraki? WHAT IS OUR GOAL?" some very good questions
"I can pokeball bits off my own body to free myself from the restraints!" well. damn. …when are you gonna start doing stuff, spinner?
compress's dad/ancestor (?) was robin hood, huh. well how do you like that, I don't think I even dislike this guy any more. pity he's stuck with the cosplayer without a cause, a few serial killers, and the successor to mojo jojo/satan/makuta/that red spirit from korra I'm never gonna remember the name of -- "the blood of the Burglar King flows in my veins" oh why did you have to go and say that? 'XDDD have it your way, ig
(midoriya's got another quirk coming in) Danger Sense? …not one I would've expected. would be kinda fun if it wasn't really any more powerful than Spider-Man's. something that's new, but that doesn't completely change deku's range of options like Blackwhip does
"Dabi and Long-Hair (?) are still in Spinner's scarf!" that is a cool extension to the trick, but does Spinner know that?
"we are retreating. I am paying the price of defeat." ig he's hoping that tomura ends up in the same prison as mojo jojo's body so the former can spring the latter? hell if I know. or maybe he's hoping that for the people he's leaving behind, anyway
(ig shigaraki got away?) they keep showing midnight's mask. still can't tell if she's dead tho
new OP time, huh
huh. mosquito fell for a trap. -- except he didn't really, aaand it backfired hugely
"the heroes' struggle was futile as shigaraki was awakened" it WOULDN'T have been, if dollar-store cyclops had been 0.01% less trigger-happy and been capable of following orders worth a damn
(recap gets to where jeanist shows up) dabi said "the body was real." …??? who did hawks kill. a stolen body from a morgue wouldn't have fooled them, would it?
"just under SEVENTEEN THOUSAND PEOPLE who were at the fight at the villa were arrested" jesus -- …sidetrack, I know, but: in 2022, Japan had about 41k inmates in prisons, and that number was down from previous years; in '13, they had about 60k. oh, don't worry, the US has over a million in any given year, obviously. just wondered. trying to conceive of huge numbers of people in any context is always, like… yeah
so midnight is dead, huh. and whoevertf majestic was
buh. recap episode dunt count. one more. for sake of mentioning tho, I did notice in the intro and outro that deku seems to have added… dammit, what's he called. the old guy. he added the old guy's yellow scarf. …this show has too goddamn many characters. twenty kids in class 1-A alone. TWENTY JUST TO START
new OP's kinda mumbly but wever, I don't hate it for that
prison guards bein prison guards, yup
oh dang, it's bakuswole
oh great, and moonfish 'XD that fuckin weirdo
ohai jeff, I keep thinking you're dead. guess not?
huh. chisaki. it's a daggone boss rush rushin' its way outta the slammer
(hopsidal) GRAN TORINO. okay fuck, he's named after a fucking car and a clint eastwood movie but there's no way in hell I was gonna remember his name, I was stuck on trying to remember the name of his quirk
…so wait. gran torino's yellow scarf is from shimura. deku's gonna start wearing the scarf bc of gran torino. and facing down shimura's grandson wearing it. …greaaat, well ig maybe that gives tomura something to latch onto and claw back control from all for one? but like. idk, still kinda fucked up
stopping here
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crystalirises · 3 years
George and Fundy are in the woods picking berries until someone comes and attacks them. Fundy quickly hides and George tries to protect Fundy until Wilbur arrives and saves them. I just want Wilbur protect his family.
Awwwww Wil ;-; Go protect the hubby and your son. Now, I don't know who would attack George (or by extension, Wilbur), and I didn't want to put Dream or Sapnap cause their friendship is great and I'd rather not villainize either one of them XDDD
So, have a random hybrid hunter who's just here to attack Fundy because fox hybrid.
Beware of the trigger warnings which are blood, violence, and prejudice. Cause, well, they do get attacked.
The weakness arrow plunged deep into his skin.
He could hear his son's screams and fearful cries from the bushes.
George lunged, hands grappling against the hunter's shoulders, pushing him away from Fundy. The hunter glared at him, the blunt end of the bow slamming right into George's head. He held on.
"Get away from him!" He moved his grip to the hunter's hand, one eye closing once blood began to trickle down the side of his head. George pulled until the hunter was yanked further away, slamming right into a nearby tree. He moved to stand in front of Fundy, heart hammering inside his chest. Wilbur should be back soon. He hadn't gone too far, he'd promised he wouldn't go too far. They needed Wilbur now. "Leave my son alone! He hasn't done anything wrong!"
"Perhaps now. But all monsters start out as children too."
The hunter brought out a sword, their cold gaze piercing straight into George's eyes. "A little beast like that thing you protect will grow to kill thousands of people. They must be purged before they could harm humans. And people like you? You're the worst, protecting monsters, treating them like humans. People like you make me sick."
George didn't have the time to reach for anything that could block the hunter's attack. Pain bloomed across his hand, blood trickling down his arms while he held sword by its blade. He could feel it cut through his skin, the hunter pushing down until his knees thumped against the ground. He heard his son shriek behind him, a shadow darting past his eye. George couldn't bring himself to scream the moment Fundy darted forward, his baby shifting into his fox form.
The hunter let out a howl, the little kit biting right into their arm. Fundy drew a bit of blood, but the hunter was quick to dislodge him.
George could do nothing but watch Fundy slam right into a tree.
There was no scream, no yowl of pain. Fundy crumpled among the roots, still in his fox form. He wasn't moving. Gods, his baby wasn't moving. With the hunter distracted by their wound, George ran towards Fundy, quickly picking his son up. He was barely breathing.
"You see what brutes like that thing does?!" The hunter raised their bleeding arm, George glared up at them, keeping Fundy close to him.
The hunter raised their sword. George shielded Fundy with his body.
The strike didn't come.
He let out a relieved sigh, opening his eyes to see Wilbur standing over the hunter. Wilbur dropped the branch he'd been holding, barely caring that it landed right on top of the unconscious hunter. He moved to crouch next to George, trembling at the sight of George's bleeding hands and head. He hadn't even seen Fundy yet. George moved to sit up, their son's unmoving body curled up in George's lap.
Wilbur gently took him in his arms, supporting the back of his shoulders and knees. Despite the pain in his hands, George held onto Fundy, keeping him tucked against his chest. Wilbur began to run.
He could feel their son still breathing. Weak, but he was alive.
“W-we... need to get t-to a h-healer...”
It was all he could manage to say before everything faded to black.
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darkicedragon · 2 years
darkicedragon Muse. Dr frankenstein au. Does he specialise or do general medicine so hes hopefully first point of contact? aZure owo? in what regard? darkicedragon Like working in a hospital or something aZure first point of contact for like? a pandemic? XD darkicedragon XD i guess gp vs working in a hospital? aZure I'm just unsure of the reason XD why do you need him to be first point of contact? is it the tiny M AU and he needs to be called if something happens? is he in ER when M is brought in? an AU in which he helps ww and other supernatural creatures without the hoomans' knowledge? o3o
darkicedragon I dont need him to be, but was more thinking  what he might prefer, if hed like to see pts first before anyone elses diagnoses mess them up bc they missed something/didnt do a particular test Ahaha omgggg yesss, muzaka keeps bringing in supernaturals that need medical help, and soon frankenstein just gets known as the guy to go to for other supernaturals aZure aaah I feel like he'd be a GP? bc he runs a school in canon so something more family/children related aZure Muzaka goes to him with tiny M cuz bby is bby and he broke his arm darkicedragon ...owq frankenstein being a paediatrician aZure M will def bite him darkicedragon XDDD aZure yessss darkicedragon .......okay But Muzaka being a ww dumbass And goes to frankestein all like 'he broke his arm but hes not healing? Like, at all?' 'You didnt go to the hospital??' aZure he... would do that XD tiny M is half werewolf so slower healing time Muzaka doesn't know what to do he wasn't raised like that his broken bones healed in no time darkicedragon 'What painkillers did you give to him?' owo? Though by this point, ms going to be taken off him qwq;; aZure oh noes QwQ maybe that's why Franken helps him bc he can see Muzaka cares genuinely, but he is just a dumbass with werewolf standards "Alright, let have an x-ray done and then see how we proceed, okay?" "Yes! Uh, can you - can you teach me what to do after? I don't know much about hum - accidents" darkicedragon 'and why would you think he would heal quickly?' 'bc hes part-werewolf, so he should have faster healing!' 'i................see' 'like this!' 🔪 'sir???' ... '..........................pls dont do that again' 'but i healed, perfectly, see?' >^< //sigh// aZure O-O O-O 🗞️ "no doing that in a sterile enviroment, sir" darkicedragon MORE LIKE 'NO SELF HARMING, SIR' aZure Muzaka is v much QnQ}}} bc dunno how to help darkicedragon very much dunno how to hooman aZure also Muzaka just breathes down Franken's neck bc he gotta see, gotta learn darkicedragon frankenstein just o//o but gotta concentrate on the kid aZure "Ah, it's a simple greenstick radial fracture. He should be alright with wearing a cast for 10 days" Muzaka 'NOD NOD NOD' but he has no idea darkicedragon muzaka listening v hard when frankenstein is explaining to m aZure "As for pain medication, only take these. Do not take everything a normal human pharmacy recommends. Only go to these specified pharmacies for medications. They carry the meds you can take." darkicedragon ...frankenstein needs to take muzakas blood so he can see what works with him but muzakas skin just seals off and takes the needle with it before any blood can be collected qwq aZure "I can cut -" 🗞️  "No self harm" "ok" OwQ and while tiny M is distracted, Franken talks a lil lower "Do you want him to learn this from you? That it's okay to harm himself to prove a point?" "I - I haven't considered." "Please be mindful that you are his first role model. He'll learn everything from you first. Be kind to him and yourself" darkicedragon qwq 'especially when the reason why you're here in the first place is bc his healing isnt like yours' '...............oh. yeh' aZure Franken gives Muzaka his phone number for emergencies and boy Muzaka calls a lot XD "He doesn't like [something ww like a lot]. What do I do?" *sigh ["Put him on the phone."] M like o^o??? ["What would you like to have for dinner instead? You can choose anything, but you must have some veggies too." "Um, I'd like potatoes." darkicedragon 'pls make sure m doesnt go near the fryer or the boiling water, depending on what you decide to cook' 'oh, those can hurt?' //STIFFLED SIGH//
frankenstein is really curious abt this different state of being BUT NOT WHEN THERE IS A SMOL BBY IN THE MIX aZure "Um, uh, can you - uh - can you come over?" OwQ Franken has Muzaka take notes XD darkicedragon frankenstein just like =A= but then like o-o when muzaka comes around to bring him food he'd cooked to make sure hes eating and having breaks
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mapplestrudel · 3 years
Hallo! Paz-fic anon here! =D My favoured yarncraft is crochet, but I can knit as well (my knitting specialty is socks in heavy wools). I recently made a crocheted snood/hairnet thing. =D I can spin, as well, and I have some experience with cross-stitch and embroidery. In terms of ongoing projects, I've a knitted sweater I've been meaning to finish. xD I also have a cross-stitch I haven't completed that I need to get done as well. I am *very* easily distractable, though. Oh dear. xD (1/2)
(2/2) I can't help but feel like Paz would be exasperated by my tendency to jump from project-to-project, craft-to-craft. I'm afraid I'm a bit of a magpie for projects and craft skills, always trying to learn new things. xDDD He'd probably be like, "you have to finish what you start, vaar'ika." xD (Armorer: 'This is true.') BUT! I also make bread, which I hope would make me useful to the covert. =D
That's a lot going on there! :D And I'm throwing you a high-five bc it's the same for me xD I've got wips for crochet, spinning, needlebinding, even knitting now kinda, and some old cross stitch projects I haven't touched in years with a new one coming up soon. And I got some simple table weaving looms for the kids (yeah, well, also for me but psssst!) but we haven't gotten around to try these yet. The ideas never end, whereas time and energy do and it's frustrating xD
Knitting a sweater is mindblowing for me - kudos to you!! I balk at big projects, trying to keep things small ;)
As for Paz: Vaar'ika has got to be one of the cutest nicknames ever omg! 💙💙💙
Making bread would make you very useful in the covert, and everybody would slowly file into the messhall/kitchen when the incredibly yummy smell of new loafs starts wafting through the covert. You know, like in cartoons when a smell starts having hands and whoever smells it is basically carried by it to its source xD Thank you for sharing! I wish you all the time to craft on whatever tickles your fancy 🤗💙
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bangtan-dreamland · 4 years
A Fairy Tale’s End [Chapter 3]
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Pairing: ot7 x reader; jjk x reader; myg x reader; jhs x reader
Word Count: 18,825
Rating: pg-15
Warning: reader is a little ball of stress and a rambling mess, war is discussed, very brief mentions of slavery, some mentions of discrimination, violence, kidnapping
Genre: some angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, e2l, fantasy!au, elf!seokjin, fae!yoongi, dragon!hoseok, wizard!namjoon, vampire!jimin, kitsune!taehyung, mermaid!jungkook
Summary:  You wanted, for once, to be someone important, someone needed- to be wanted and appreciated, to love and be loved. Well, you should be careful what you wish for.
AN: Here we are with the third chapter… they really do keep getting longer ashjkdasd I’m sorry ;;; I just end up writing and rewriting and adding so much ;-; also, if anyone has questions about the story please do tell me lol my friend said the whole series had so much confusing stuff XDDD
As always, thank you so so much to not only @mindays​ and @btsxdoll​ for reading this over and editing it, but also for @dee-ehn​ who made the banner!!! I’m so grateful, because if not for them I swear this chapter would never have been finished or posted T^T
(Also the banner is fucking gorgeous and if like me you end up staring at it hard sAME)
masterpost // previous chapter
Taglist: @btsxdoll​, @mspjm​, @barbikatherine​, @xxqueenwxtchxx​, @catsandstrawberries​, @bangtan-bestofme​, @bubbletae7​, @butaes​, @serious-addiction​
»»————- ♔ ————-«« The morning after that felt, in a way, different.
Oh, at first glance, everything was the same. Nothing much had changed- you were still you, stuck in a world unfamiliar, given a quest that you still didn't think you could do.
But you could try. And... it wasn't as if you were alone. You had Jungkook, and you had Yoongi too, didn't you?
The thought brought a smile on your face- and for once, you began the day feeling... excited? You paused as you saw yourself in the mirror, sporting a shy, sort of half smile, one that eventually grew into a grin.
... Okay, so maybe not much had changed, but the things that did- well, it was very, very important to you.
You opened the door giddily, wondering where the others (Jungkook and Yoongi) were-
-and immediately let out a squeak as you met Seokjin's eyes, the man himself only raising an eyebrow at your reaction to his presence. 
You couldn’t help but stare, your thoughts whirring for something to say. Even in the early morning, Seokjin looked composed and regal as ever. Was being calm and collected something like his default persona?
You resisted the urge to turn tail and flee, the automatic reaction you had towards Seokjin who you really weren't on the best terms with ever since the beginning. Still, your words from yesterday filtered into your mind- and you steeled yourself, gently toeing the water. 
Try, you promised to try.
"Um- uh, good morning?" You winced at the lilted end to your sentence. "Good morning, Seokjin." There that was better.
Seokjin's lips quirked into a slight smile for a moment. "Good morning, Y/N. Have you packed your stuff yet?" He asked. 
Wait, what?
At your blank look, he sighed and elaborated. "We explored the rest of the ruins yesterday. Since we already got the clue we needed, the next plan of action should be to head off to Crossroads, isn't it?"
"Oh."  You grimaced at the obvious oversight, readying yourself for a scolding. "Um- sorry, I'll, uh, I'll go get ready now. I'll only take a few minutes," I hope, "um- are- that, is everyone else all ready to go...?"
He only shook his head, observing you for a moment. "You just woke up," he stated, rather than asked. You hesitantly nodded. "... The others should be waiting downstairs. We can spare some time, but don't take too long."
You internally sighed in relief. "I will- um, thanks. I'll- I'll go now."
The moment he was well out of your sight, you released the tight grip you had on your clothes, the nerves leaving your body. You robotically stepped back into your room, your movements stiff- and then you reached your bed. With that, you immediately dropped to your knees, covering your face with your hands as you held yourself in a fetal position.
You internally screamed. Why did I do that for fuck’s sake what the fuck even Y/N you dumbass we just made progress last night and now-
You cut your thoughts off and let yourself fall forward, groaning as your face met the somewhat soft mattress. Why am I like this...
To the side, when you opened your eyes the few items that you brought along stared back at you. For a few moments, you sulked, feeling the embarrassment of the previous situation wash over you- and then you rolled over for one last scream into the blanket before determinedly getting back up. There was no use regretting anymore over what happened- it was done and over and nothing would happen if you kept moping, right? So!
You nodded to yourself, turning back to your items and checking them over, packing it all neatly into your bag.
“I fucked up, but- then again, it doesn’t seem like he’s too bothered?” You grimaced as you talked to yourself. “... I hope he’s not secretly tallying me up or something. I don’t really want to go back to how it was before... I might just go crazy if I have to put up with that again.”
“Huh. Let’s hope that doesn’t happen then, you’re one of the few people I can tolerate being around after all.”
“Yoongi!” You cried out, the item you were holding falling from your hand in your surprise. You pursed your lips, trying not to pout- then shot a glare at Yoongi who stood by the doorway, who was looking at you with amusement. “Can you not do that, please?”
“I just wanted to talk to you,” he said, though you could see the edges of his lips turn into a smirk.
“Yeah, well-” you bit the inside of your cheek as you tried not to show how upset you actually were. “You know, a little bit of warning would have been appreciated,” you finally said, sighing, before his presence registered into your mind. You scrunched up your nose.
“Um… did you need something?”
“I initially came to wake you up, but I guess it’s unnecessary now,” he shrugged. 
“Oh,” you mumbled. “T-Thanks.”
WIth that, you turned to continue your task. For a few moments there was silence- then the space beside you dipped low, and you could catch hints of Yoongi’s hair at the edges of your vision.
“Don’t mind him,” Yoongi eventually said, his voice much closer than before. You huffed, realizing what he meant.
“... Yeah, well, how can I not? He practically radiates authority and disapproval. Not that, I mean, not that’s a bad thing, but-” You sighed, giving up on your task for the meantime as you turned to face him. “Just… Seokjin really makes me nervous. For a good reason too, I mean- he just wants the quest to go smoothly, and I haven’t exactly been a good, well, leader? But, um, yeah, back to my point, he makes me nervous just by being in the same room.”
Yoongi sat nearby on your bed- the feel of him close helping you calm down as you finished your word vomit. You scrunched up your nose. “... Actually, how are the two of you even friends? I-I mean, you’re calm and nice and he’s, well. He’s very… intense.”
Yoongi cracked a smile at your words before he became serious. “Seokjin… He isn’t usually so strict,” he admitted. “The only time I’ve seen him act like this was during the Great War.”
“The Great War?” You drew your knees up to your chest, laying your head on your knees as you stared at Yoongi, curious. “I… remember hearing the people talk about how you two fought together with the hero.”
It could have been just a trick of the light then, but for a moment, you swore you saw Yoongi freeze, the remains of something dark and empty passing as soon as it came. 
When he answered your question then, it was with a mild tone of voice.
“Yes. The Great War… it was a turbulent period of time. But before that, you know… Seokjin was actually known for being goofy and playful.” He chuckled at the shocked look on your face, before continuing. “This quest… it just means a lot to him. Elves were one of the first to fall under the loss of magic… It may seem like it, but he doesn’t hate you, if you’re thinking that. It’s just that he’s hard on you because he wants this to succeed.”
“...I guessed all that with how he’s been to me since we met,” you sighed, your voice quieter than before. “Although he really was a jerk at first, but, I mean, he does have a point, and we ended up talking it out for the better, so,” you shrugged wryly. “Well. Though hearing that, I guess- his initial reaction to me makes sense. I mean, it’s not like I’m not qualified to be on this quest in any way, right?”
“You were chosen for a reason, Y/N. You’ll see eventually,” Yoongi’s tone contained hints of amusement and you rolled your eyes discreetly.
“Fat chance of that happening,” you muttered as you looked over what was left.
You frowned as the two of you heard heavy footsteps, ones that you immediately recognized to be Jungkook’s (the only one other than you who walked so noisily, then again he wasn’t used to using legs so…)
You looked behind, where Jungkook hovered by the doorway.
“What’s up, Jungkook?”
“Everyone is downstairs, save for you and Yoongi, so I thought I could look for you and see if you needed help... Seokjin also asked me to check up on you while I was heading here,“ he admitted.
You winced, realizing you’d taken so much longer than you intended, what with your talk with Yoongi. “I’ll be down in a few minutes. You guys can go ahead.”
“Alright then. I’ll keep him distracted while you finish up,” Yoongi teased as he got up. You could barely hear his footsteps, light, before the noise faded away.
You turned back to pack the last of your items. 
It was hard, deciding which ones to take and which ones to leave. There only remained a small pile of items on the bed by now, including several freebies given to you by the townspeople- you had to admit, even if you didn’t believe in it, everyone else seemed to all but worship the ‘savior’.
One of the items included two small dream catchers- pretty little things that you had to wonder how it was made, considering its design and its size. You put one inside, deciding to bring it along (the craftsmanship was beautiful, after all), before frowning. Where had the other gone to...?
You were surprised when you looked to the side to see Jungkook fiddling with the other piece, curiosity and intrigue visible on his face.
His fingers held each piece gently as he examined it closely- and then you remembered his words from before.
“This is my first time going on land.”
You paused in your packing. “You can have that, if you want.”
Jungkook flushed as he looked up at you, eyes wide, an apologetic look forming before your words sank in. “Huh?”
You fiddled with the bag, cheeks reddening, eyes darting to the side, even as you repeated your words. “The trinket, I mean. You can have it. You keep looking at it, so…”
“Oh… really?” He slowly grinned, relaxing.
“You can think of it as a reminder of today,” you mumbled. “Or, I mean, like… um, something to cement our friendship?”
“... I think I would like that,” he hummed, instantly putting in his pocket. “I’ll keep it safe, I promise.”
Your lips quirked into a smile at the earnest look in his eyes. “Really? I’ll trust you then.”
“The three of you seem much closer now.”
You almost jumped at the new voice, warily looking back over your shoulder.
Jimin casually leaned against the doorway, a nonchalant smile on his face as always, his face unreadable except for the slight thrum of amusement in his eyes. You wondered when he’d gotten there- and how much he’d heard. Beside you, Jungkook tensed up- and you instinctively moved closer to him in the hopes of calming him down, a small detail that didn’t miss Jimin’s eyes. 
“Quite surprising, considering yesterday’s events,” he added. “You seem to have made up? Though I’m surprised you’re as relaxed with Yoongi as you are with him.” Near the end of the sentence, Jimin nodded his head at Jungkook, who remained quiet, lips pursed.
“... Yoongi helped me in talking to Jungkook,” you eventually said, your guard up as well. 
“So you mean to say, Yoongi’s wise counsel was a huge help, then.” Jimin’s smile widened. 
“Yoongi is dependable, isn’t he? Isn’t it a relief that he’s travelling with us? The saviour certainly seems to appreciate him. Not to mention how close she is now with Jungkook,” he remarked, eyes darting to the side for a moment. You glanced there for a moment- but Jungkook said everyone was downstairs already. You frowned at him in confusion- what was he getting at?
Just as you were thinking how to get out of the situation, Jungkook cut in.
“Was that all you wanted to say, Jimin?” His voice was blunt as his eyes narrowed at Jimin. “If so, we’d like to go back to packing up. We are, after all, leaving soon.”
Jimin chuckled. “No need to be so hostile, I was just making an observation.” He cocked his head- the smile remaining on his face before he started to close the door. “Well, I’ll be going downstairs then. We’ll be waiting for you two.”
As the door closed shut, you released a sigh of relief at his departure “Well, that was weird,” you joked, before smiling at Jungkook. “Thanks for the help back there.” He offered you a shy smile.
“It’s no problem. I’ll carry your bag for you- consider it as thanks for the gift.”
You chuckled. “You just want to show off.”
“Well, when you say it like that…”
»»————- ♔ ————-««
The next two weeks of journey, contrary to your fears turned out to be, well, not that bad. 
To start with, your departure from the town of Rivermouth was met with tearful farewells from the villagers- who, although you were glad for their support you were equally glad to leave, unable to bear their ever present eyes. 
The second time the eight of you were on the road turned out to be leagues better than the first- for one, you’d come to a sort of mutual agreement with Seokjin. And while it didn’t mean that you and he were friends, or anything like that, he at least stopped criticizing you for your mistakes, though there were times you’d hear him sigh and you’d internally wince. 
You decided to meet him halfway too. It was a given that you were, truthfully speaking, the weakest link in the group. After all, you didn’t have the supernatural abilities the others were born with, nor did you have the training that they had. Hell, you didn’t think you could match up with any of the villagers even, considering what you were used to was so far away from what the people here were used to. 
But that didn’t mean you’d stay helpless and useless.
Resolved to make the most out of it, you began to soak up every relevant information you could grasp from him, or from Yoongi, or (reluctantly, admittedly) from Namjoon. Maybe you wouldn’t ever need to know how vampires fed, or how kitsune made deals, but it was better than doing nothing.
Speaking of vampires, the day you left the town, you’d been surprised then, for Jimin to talk to you as you set camp.
“Good evening, Lady Y/N,” he almost purred your name as he strolled up to you, an easy smile on his face as always. You stiffened, almost dropping what you were holding then- before reluctantly steeling yourself to actually talk with him instead of at.
“G-Good evening- I mean, hi, Jimin.” For a moment you remained in place, thinking of what to say, wondering why he’d even approached you in the first place, but-
“I sincerely apologize for what happened in the town,” Jimin surprised you by taking the initiative then. You gaped at him, before hastily replying.
“Oh, uh, I mean, it’s okay! I-I mean? That, um,” you stammered, searching for the right words to express what you wanted to say. “It’s… okay. It wasn’t just your fault, I mean, Jungkook himself admitted that he should’ve acted better… although, um, I mean, w-why are you telling me this instead of Jungkook…?”
“I tried,” he sighed, looking at you with remorseful eyes. “But I’m not sure my intention came across for what it was. Although, I don’t blame him, after all, I share a huge part in the reason why the commotion happened.”
You shook your head. “No, I’m sure he did understand! I-I mean, if you’re sincere then the feelings should come across? Or, I mean. S-Something like that.”
You fidgeted with your fingers. “Actually, I should be the one apol-”
“I assure you, there’s no need for that.” Jimin’s tone remained nonchalant as he cut you off, at the same time taking over the pile of firewood from your arms. “After all, I’m aware that as vampires we carry a reputation not so favorable.”
You floundered, even as you could’ve sighed in relief as the heavy weight left your arms.. “Um- still. I mean, I’ll…” try to understand you? “... be better?” Even you winced at your words. “After all, just because you’re a vampire doesn’t mean you’re actually bad, r-right?”
You could have sworn his eyes flashed for a moment then, but it was gone all too soon and you were left wondering if you had imagined it. “Of course,” he nodded, a relieved smile appearing on his face. “Thank you, Lady Y/N.”
… Honestly, you still didn’t understand him and you would have preferred for him to keep his space, hopefully distance, but at least- well, at least you made up? Sort of?
There was Taehyung too, who, while when you’d left you’d been on a one-sided cold war with, you’d finally made up.
“Taehyung!” You could have knocked yourself on the head for how loud your voice was, but then again, could you have been blamed? You didn’t want to prolong it any longer- as much as Taehyung acted like an ass the first round of your travels, hell even from the start, having him determinedly keep quiet as he was most certainly pissed off made you nervous as hell. It was so much more easier dealing with him when he was pranking you- you knew how to deal with that, at least, but people getting angry with you and confrontation… not really something you ever got used to dealing with.
“... Yes?” You didn’t let the guarded look on his face deter you, though it made you all the more nervous. 
“Um. Can I… can I tell you something f-for a moment? It’ll just be quick I promise!” The last sentence fell from your lips in a rushed manner, you didn’t want to- well, if you had your way you wouldn’t even be having this talk in person. Preferably over the phone. Or email. At least that way you could think over your words and hide if needed. But it wasn’t as if you had that option now, did you?
“... Alright, I’m listening.” You heaved a small sigh of relief at his words, and so did he, although his sigh was more a disinterested one. You reviewed your words over in your head for a moment- before you spoke it all out.
“I’m sorry for what happened at the store!” If you had looked up then, you would’ve seen him raise an eyebrow in surprise. You’d evidently caught him off-guard with your apology. “I didn’t mean to imply that I agreed with the man, that you were stealing in any way. I was focused on stopping the fight that I didn’t stop to think that maybe I should’ve let him have it for just accusing you without proof, not when it was so obvious that you didn’t at all! Please forgive me!”
There. Short, sweet, simple. You could feel your legs tremble as silence trailed after your small speech slash yell; a part of you just wanted it to be done and over with. Still, your gaze remained locked on the ground, and the silence was deafening- in all honesty, it was probably only around a few seconds or so, but it felt way, way longer than that- and you gave in to your fight or flight instinct.
“Um,” you started, legs already moving. “That was all I wanted to say thank you andgoodluckIneedtogohelpcookbye!”
You didn’t look back at him as you left, too embarrassed.
And, well, if you found a little bit of unknown help instead of pranks the next time around, well. You were only too happy to accept.
Moving on, Namjoon and Hoseok remained the same as ever. Hoseok was still distant, polite, quiet. You had trouble reading him, he was so closed off to everyone. But at the same time- for some reason, you wanted to actually see what was underneath. Hoseok had been more of a mystery than the others, what with his quiet and unassuming demeanor so far.
Well, actually on that- you tried talking to Hoseok too, on the way. If only to thank him at least for what happened before. But…
“Hoseok- um, can I-?”
You looked around in surprise as you saw no one, though you could’ve sworn you saw Hoseok headed this way earlier. So what…?
Oh well. You could try again, right…?
And another time-
“H-Hoseok! Um, please-!?”
You squeaked as you almost tripped over yourself, for some inexplicable reason and what even just happened; when you looked up again, the man in question was gone.
For some reason, whenever you tried to talk to him, something would go wrong and you had to abandon your plan. Still… you wanted to hold hope and continue anyway.
Namjoon- well. It would be a lie if you said anything big had happened with your relationship with him. Although there was that brief moment at the inn, it was mainly centered around the quest- it did nothing to solve the root of the reason why you felt uncomfortable around him. So, sad to say, you were stuck where you were with him from the start- trying to somehow avoid him at all times, without making it obvious.
You grimaced at your thought, though you couldn’t deny it. What was worse was that whenever you tried to muster up the courage to correct his view of you, he would say something that would remind you of his hero worship, and you’d lose your courage. It wasn’t as if the others corrected him too, really...
You shook your head. A lot had changed for the better, at least that you could be happy about.
The biggest change in fact that made you happy yet was the new, easy friendship you fell into with Yoongi and Jungkook.
Ever since your arrival, and the start of the quest- you’d found it hard to relax even a single moment. After all, you were stranded in another world- one where nothing made sense to you, from how magic seemed to be real, or how the people interacted with you. It made you miss your old life terribly. At least, then, you knew what to expect. It may have been dull, and boring- but you never had to deal with so much trouble. These days it seemed as if your heart would stop beating from how much it was overworking.
However, with both men, for once you felt some semblance of peace.
Yoongi, contrary to what you expected wasn’t closed off, nor was he stand-offish- rather, it was in his nature (you giggled at that) to be quiet and calm, something that was your saving grace. Wise, mature and yet at the same time a fucking troll with how he always seemed to have schaudenfraude for your clumsy ass while helping you.
You almost yelled as you tripped over a root- the twigs and sticks you collected so far in your hands all falling to the forest floor.
You would have, too- if it was for the hand that caught you. Dark eyes met yours, before Yoongi raised an eyebrow. Somehow, even if he hadn’t said anything you could still almost hear what he was thinking.
“I’m- uh, just not that used to trekking in the forest,” you huffed. “You literally live in it. Don’t judge.”
“Whatever you say, Y/N,” he smothered a laugh.
Still, for all that Yoongi seemed to have a witty remark for almost everything, and a complaint for every time he had to go out of his way to help you, you noticed that he was always there to lend a hand, even when in doing so he had to go through so much more trouble than necessary.
“The rain is going to fall soon,” Yoongi commented. You yourself noticed the grey clouds in the sky- still, you continued your task anyway. “We should head back. It’s a hassle travelling when it’s raining, and this one is going to be a rainstorm, I can feel it.”
“Not until I find this herb,” you insisted, a stubborn frown on your face. For all that Namjoon had come prepared, his stock of medicinal herbs was running a little low- so you volunteered to replenish it while the others set up camp, Yoongi accompanying you for both safety and as a guide. You didn’t think much of it at first. It was just picking herbs after all, right?
An hour later still found you searching through the grass for chamomile, your brows furrowed. Still, not even Yoongi’s warning could make you stop- even if you got wet, you would just change your clothes or something.
So invested were you in your task that you didn’t notice your surroundings, nor the time. When you finished, you whirled around to excitedly tell Yoongi- only to gape in surprise.
Around you, rain was pouring down, hard- but not where you were. Just… Just around.
When you looked up, you saw trees clustered around you, close, shielding you from the rain. Huge, and in any other situation they would have been imposing, but as it was, because of the trees even the sound of rain was slightly muffled, creating a semblance of peace within the area you were in. 
On one of the branches, you saw Yoongi frowning at the sky- his hands gently swaying as the trees obeyed his whims. It wasn’t hard to realize what he was doing.
Even when the rain stopped and you two returned to the campsite, not a single part of you was wet from the rain.
Jungkook, compared to Yoongi, was cheerful while shy. After your talk at the pub, and at that night in the kitchen, it seemed that he trusted you enough to let down his guard- becoming more relaxed and open as he told you about his adventures back home. Often he’d needle you about what your daily life was like, though you found it hard to answer. After all, the daily life you knew was drastically different from the one people had in here.
That wasn’t all he asked about, though. Jungkook had the curiosity of a cat and the energy of a puppy. Once he started getting interested about a subject he could keep asking about it for hours- only to surprise you when he would, in some sort of challenge to himself, attempt to learn all about it, proudly showing off his efforts to you after (which most of the time was a success). Talented and eager to learn, indeed- you could now understand why, despite being young even for his race, he was sent on the quest. 
“Jungkook.” If your tone was laced with amusement, well. He’d just have to deal with it.
On the ground before you, remained the mangled remains of a pheasant, a gaping hole in its body from the spear that pierced it.
Jungkook remained silent, but the look on his face told you everything you needed to know.
“I‘m pretty sure I told you spears won’t work the same way here on land that it would under the sea, right?” You continued.
He pressed his lips, eventually forming a pout.
You smirked, for once feeling the urge to tease him playfully. “... Really… you’re used to having your way, aren't you?”
It was obvious that you caught Jungkook off guard with your sudden teasing, and he sighed (in a rather dramatic way that had you biting back laughter). 
“Perhaps just a little…" he said, and you wouldn’t have been able to stop yourself from laughing then at how flushed his cheeks suddenly were, if it weren't for the look in his eyes that said he’d retaliate for any teasing done. “I’ll get it right next time, though. I know I will,” he muttered.
You could barely stop yourself from shaking your head. When you spoke, exasperation laced your voice. “You don't have to be the best at everything, you know. Do you see everything as a competition?”
It was then that he huffed before facing you with a playful grin. "You say that as though it's my fault I'm gifted at whatever I do. And as to your second question... hmmm, I don't know- tell me, do I?”
You scrunched up your nose at him, rolling your eyes dramatically. “Yes, yes, really… what’s even there to compete about?”
He only shrugged. “Well… when you say it like that, I suppose it isn’t so much as a need to compete, rather than a want to learn. I may not get a chance like this after this all ends, after all.”
His gaze lowered- and the words you were about to say were stuck in your throat. 
You scrambled your mind for a safer subject, instead. “If you really want to learn how to hunt on land, I mean… you could ask Seokjin, couldn’t you?”
“... Huh?” He looked back up at you, surprised. You continued speaking, almost stammering over your words.
“I-I mean! As an elf, he has to know a lot about the forest, and, I mean, he’s always carrying that bow! And, um, yeah, he’s old-” you winced and immediately backtracked, “-wise! He’s very wise!”
You cleared your throat as silence fell upon the two of you, the familiar rush of red flooding your cheeks. “So. Um. Yeah. You know. An option. If you want one.”
You kept your gaze firmly on the ground, away from him, resisting the urge to groan.
But then you heard Jungkook put the pheasant in his bag, and in a tone far too nonchalant for what he was thinking, he asked you, "… Y/N, which do you prefer? Hare, or deer?”
You blinked back at him, the sudden question surprising you. “I… I guess- deer? Um, why?”
He smirked. “Oh, no reason at all, I assure you,” he cheerfully replied. 
You couldn’t help smiling as you remembered the smug, but mostly proud expression on his face a few days after, as he presented a dead buck to you. It’d taken him hours to be able to do it as well as he intended, even with (and this part still had you reeling because honestly how, what even?) Seokjin’s help. 
Even more than that, when he shed away the ‘I am the best and you should pay attention to me’ show, you had to admit that Jungkook had this youthful, innocent charm around him, different from the one Jimin or Taehyung had- being able to melt even the hardest and coldest of people.
“I thought you didn’t know archery?” You looked at him curiously. “I’m no expert but this doesn’t seem like something a beginner could’ve done.”
He beamed at you. “I asked Seokjin for help!”
You stared at him in surprise. “You what?”
“I asked Seokjin for help,” he repeated, giggling at the dumbfounded look on your face. “Seokjin is a tough teacher, but he’s very thorough. Much better than my mentors back home,” he added.
You glanced up- meeting Seokjin’s eyes as he raised an eyebrow at you, before deliberately ignoring your gaze when he saw you were just gaping at him. Your eye twitched- and then you looked back at Jungkook, staring at him for a moment before your gaze became mock serious.
“You, are seriously dangerous,” you proclaimed, resisting the urge to smush his cheeks when he scrunched up his nose at you. “Seriously. No one is safe from you.”
He only laughed then. 
That night, and the next few ones, you all had plenty of food- although by the end of it you had to discreetly plead Jungkook to stop hunting, lest the presence of wildlife become too thin in the forest.
In a much better atmosphere than before, the journey to your next destination happened in a blink of the eye, and soon enough you were at the city of Crossroads.
»»————- ♔ ————-««
“So this is Crossroads...” you heard Jungkook say in awe. Two weeks of being on the road with him- two weeks of being in close quarters with him almost every second of the day and Jungkook being a naturally open person had you being able to read him better and better. Even as you looked at him now, you could see the way his eyes flitted from almost every part of the city to another, his attention everywhere as he tried to take everything in. It was undeniably adorable.
“Countless books mention that the city of Crossroads is the capital of history,” Namjoon commented behind you. You looked at him to see him reading a book- before he snapped it shut and smiled. “It will be difficult, but for now there are a few inns we can rest at nearby, before we start looking for Alexander’s journal.”
“Still,” you mumbled as you looked at the copy of the map in your hands. “The city is really big, huh… I hope we find it in time…”
“You know, as nocturnal races we could start the search by ourselves,” Jimin suddenly spoke up. “As you’re so worried. After all, it’d be best to have this done as soon as possible, right?”
“Liars. You only want to slip away and do whatever you like,” Jungkook immediately accused them, frowning, before he turned to you. “We should go to the inn first, right?”
You almost wilted under their combined gazes, from Taehyung and Jimin who seemed to find amusement in your reaction to Jungkook’s who seemed to be asking for your support. Your eyes darted to Yoongi who only looked back at you calmly in return, as if to say that he was waiting for your reply too- Namjoon, who looked as if he wanted to intervene but held himself back.
You couldn’t see Seokjin in the back- but you could catch a glimpse of his back- as he crowded around Hoseok, who seemed uncomfortable. No help from anyone, it seemed.
You fiddled with the strap of your bag as you tried to answer as calmly as you could. “Inn first. We’ve had a long trek getting here, so, um, we should probably get some rest first,” you said, before faltering. “I mean, as much as the quest is important, it shouldn’t affect it too much to rest for one night, right? And, um, the shops are closing, so... “
“Sounds good to me,” Yoongi nodded, smoothly continuing your words as he turned to Namjoon. “Where should we head to, then? How recent is that map of yours?”
Namjoon hesitated, before answering. “It should still be accurate, it was made just a few months ago.”
“Well then, let’s go?”
»»————- ♔ ————-««
Upon arriving at the inn, it was easy to get rooms, just as Namjoon had said- there were as many libraries as there were inns in the city, and fortunately the one you chose, upon learning who you and your companions were, were offered free service all the way. You still didn’t quite trust nor believe it, but you wouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth anymore.
Dinner then on had been a peaceful affair too, as both Seokjin and Hoseok stayed in their rooms the moment they were given them- basically locking themselves up inside. Yoongi too had opted to join them, citing that the crowds were too noisy and technically, he didn’t need human food to survive, so… 
Jimin and Taehyung parted away from your table the moment you entered the bar connected to the inn, for what, you weren’t quite sure. Still, it wasn’t exactly unexpected anyway.
Thus it was only the three of you- you, Jungkook, and Namjoon. Dinner was somewhat peaceful then- or, at least, as much as it was with Jungkook being his curious self. He didn’t ask much while eating, but afterwards he kept asking you about so many things he’d seen as you entered Crossroads, ones that you were, while tired, all too happy to indulge him with. 
Of course, in accordance to your luck someone spilt soup on you as the three of you got up to leave- the perpetrator, a drunk man who, after drinking some water and talking to, turned out to be quite decent. Still, dealing with your wet clothes was much easier and something you preferred rather than talking to the man who was half-intoxicated, you just decided to go on ahead to your room.
»»————- ♔ ————-««
“Although I expected it to be big, I didn’t think it’d be this big.”
Currently, you and Namjoon sat in what seemed to be the lobby of the guild, La Salutem. Situated near the middle of the city, it stood proudly and was obviously a center of operations, what with how many people passed through the doors.
Seokjin’s first suggestion in searching for the journal was to visit the guild, saying that if there was any place other than the kingdom of Quies that held Alexander’s old stuff, then it would be in the very guild he founded. Thus found you hours later, sitting in the lobby with the two men. While Jungkook originally wanted to go with you, he’d been told to stay at the inn with the explanation that as Seokjin had to go, someone had to stay behind and mediate if something happened with the others, and Yoongi might need help. With that, Jungkook reluctantly agreed.
Seokjin had gone ahead to talk with the guildmaster. While initially you prepared yourself for another uncomfortable one-on-one talk with a member of the ‘All Hail the Savior Y/N’ club, both men had, thankfully enough, picked up on your unspoken feelings about it. Though you still had to come along to the guild just in case- Seokjin would talk to the guildmaster himself.
You were still left with Namjoon- but, well. You were getting better at the whole ‘not looking like I’m freaking out over everything 24/7’ attitude, and it was getting easier to treat his more subtle (now) hero worship as nothing, so…
“Crossroads has a long history intertwined with not only the war, but the guild. This city holds one of the first guildhalls established, which must have been when it was but a small town- explaining how it remains in the very center of the city, as if Crossroads was built around it,” Namjoon explained, his words delving into a sort of rant near the end, though he soon stopped and grinned. “Though I admit, I find myself fascinated as well.”  
“‘La Salutem’, huh?” You mumbled as you looked around. “That means…”
“- ‘safety’,” Namjoon added. “‘Protection’, ‘health’, ‘security’. All things that La Salutem strives to embody, as a symbol of peace and prosperity for all that supported so many not only during, but after the war.”
“For all, huh…” 
Your eyes trailed over the banners that decorated the walls- and your conversation with Jungkook last night easily came to mind.
“Hey, Jungkook… um, can you… do you know what the war was about?”
“I don’t really know much about it,” Jungkook frowned as he nibbled on a piece of sushi. The inn you were staying at allowed you free reign of their facilities, and guess what- Jungkook actually knew how to make sushi, the food in question actually a specialty of his people. Was there anything he couldn’t do? “I was born after it ended, and even before that, mermaids stayed out of the entire war.”
“That’s okay,” you reassured him. “Just- um, tell me what you know, please? When I asked before in the kingdom, no one could answer me, so… and, well, um, I’m not sure if it’s something Yoongi would be okay with me asking.”
“Oh.” He scrunched up his nose, deep in thought, before answering. 
“No one knows how it started, if I remember correctly,” he started. “But... one day, they say dragons began to grow more greedy and blood thirsty. They started conquering towns and cities, even those from other species, looting and robbing them too, and then using the captured towns as their slaves, their own to use. It was… a pretty dark time. There were many more dragons then- enough that they had a capital too. Their power, the fact that no one expected them to suddenly attack others, and not to mention their numbers helped them. Each race kept to themselves then, and yet all the same it plunged everyone in distress, ready to bow down and acquiesce to the rule of the tyrants- but then there was a prophecy about the downfall of the dragons, and the arrival of a hero.”
“It was the only reason they still had hope. It was a good thing, too, as the dragons had taken over what had to be a fair amount of cities then- and a few kingdoms too, when he came. The Hero, Alexander. They say he arrived as the sky blazed bright. People didn’t believe him at first, when he declared that he was the chosen one, but…”
“Just when a city was about to be besieged by the dragons, he came up with a plan to defeat them. It was ingenious- and no one thought he’d succeed, because his plan seemed too ridiculous to work- but it did. And after that, he began to come up with other contributions to the war, the first and greatest of which was to unite the races to defeat the dragons.”
You released a shaky exhale at his words, at the story he was telling you. It was obvious to see the parallels between you and this ‘Hero’, and the way that the people treated you suddenly made a whole lot more sense.
“The humans and the mages were the greatest partners in the war, then- humans with their inventions and mages with their spells and enchantments. The elves, as much as they disdained getting involved with anything outside of their forests were persuaded to join, by the Hero of course- and so were the fae. I can remember my teacher telling me about Seokjin and Yoongi too, actually, how they fought in the war as well. Together they defeated the dragons and ushered in an era of peace.”
“... What about the other races, then?” You questioned. “What about the- yokai? The vampires? Surely they had to be involved in some way too.”
“That…” Jungkook paused, a furrow in his eyebrow as he tried to remember. “I think… I think I can recall people saying that yokai joined the war, but that most of them sided with the dragons. And as for vampires… They mostly acted as mercenaries in the war, fighting for whichever side offered them more money.”
It offered so much more insight to the way each race reacted to another than the book you read before could. Or, at least, that was how you saw it- piecing in what you could read between the lines as each race interacted with each other.
When the war ended, what exactly happened? To the victors went the spoils, after all. It was easy to imagine it now- the sins of the fathers being passed down to their children, the discrimination that followed those who lost, the whole race branded as evil, as wild, as dangerous. 
Humans and mages led the winning side, and so they were given the biggest credit, flourishing and thriving on the shares given to them as they took over what the losing side had. Lands, cities, treasures of all shapes and sizes taken not just as payment, but also as deterrent. 
For elves, the fae, both entered the war mostly just to protect themselves, and they succeeded- though, of course, the greater the risk taken, the greater the rewards reaped. They lost less than mages and humans, but in return they had little to show for after the war. They only kept autonomy over what they originally had- the lands and the forest that they lived in.
Mermaids- having stayed out of the war, the most neutral of all races as they refused to join in any way at all, remained almost completely clueless and out of touch with the developments that happened after the war then, as they isolated themselves.
Then the vampires, who, in a sense acted neutral- favoring no side but that of coins and money. The yokai who were divided, some joining humans, but most of them joining the other side… not to mention the dragons themselves.
You could easily see how the effects of the war lingered on from what happened then until now. You hadn’t seen even a hint of the last three races anywhere since you began your journey. While at first you chalked it up to each of the races not liking interaction with the others, now that you knew more about the war, it was easier to pick up on the general subtle hatred of the populace against the three.
It was obvious even now, inside the guild. You could hear certain words about vampires and yokai being spoken with disdain, apathy at best and hatred at worst, though more often than not disgust was in there too.
“I wonder if this is why they didn’t want to come with us…” You sighed, eyeing the recruitment posters, and the mission board- both of which further proved your suspicions. The recruitment posters, as long as they were, only held spiel about humans and mages, though a few minor lines were dedicated to elves and fae. And the mission board- you could see several job posters that called for a mediator between them and a ‘troublesome person’.
Well. Though. It wasn’t really much of a surprise, was it? Nothing was perfect- and even this, as much as the guild, as much as ‘La Salutem’ seemed to represent the harmony between races, well. You discreetly slid down into your seat with a sigh. 
Then you jerked back up at the sight of Seokjin coming down the stairs.
“It’s not in here,” he announced as he arrived to you both, a furrow in his eyebrows the only sign of his frustration. “We talked about it, but it seems that the item in question wasn’t given to the guild.”
“B-But there has to be a clue, he mentioned in the recording he wanted it to be known,” you muttered, deep in thought as well.
“It might be with one of the books he kept preserved then donated to the city’s libraries,” Seokjin didn’t quite sigh so much as the words left his mouth in a weary undertone and a light scowl. To the side, you noticed Namjoon closing his mouth, his face twisting before he looked away. Well, no surprise he’s not enthusiastic about it either. Who would?
You tried your best not to groan, you really did. “... The city? The whole city?”
He sighed, evidently dreading what was coming himself. “Yes. And… it seems we have no choice but to search manually.”
… Fucking hell damnit.
»»————- ♔ ————-««
When you all returned to the inn, to your relief it didn’t take much before the boys were all assembled again, even as your nerves rolled in your stomach- a common thing that happened every time you held a meeting in regards to the quest.
“Alexander’s journals,” Namjoon spoke up first among you, his notes and a copy of the city’s map laid down on the floor in between all of you. “The guild already spoke to us that they don’t have the journal, but that it should still be here in the city… Although Crossroads is quite large, and there are many libraries around…”
“We should split up then to have an easier time searching,” Yoongi suggested as he looked at the map. “It’d be a more efficient way to cover ground, too.” 
His eyes flickered to you. “... How should we divide the teams, Y/N?”
You stiffened as everyone’s attention fell on you, except for Seokjin who seemed more content examining the notes.
“M-Me?” You stammered. Jimin’s lips curled into an amused smile.
“Well, yes. You are our leader, after all.”
You bit the inside of your cheek at that. Jimin’s words technically, were true, as much as you didn’t want to admit it. It didn’t quite help that Yoongi and Jungkook supported your ‘leadership’, as much as you first considered them trustworthy. 
Actually, on second thought, Jungkook was understandable. Yoongi was the insane one for still holding you to your alleged position when he knew how unfitted you were. Even if he thought you had potential.
You sighed as you looked over the men in the room one more time.
If you had to pair them up, then it would have to… Well, it would have to be by who got along with who, right? Although you definitely couldn’t put Jimin or Taehyung together- you weren’t sure they’d actually get anything done, no matter how Taehyung seemed to actually put in effort, and how Jimin apologized before. No, you had to break them up- but with who? You racked your brain for an answer- recollections of the many times Jungkook and Jimin almost got into a fight flitting in your mind, as well as the way Seokjin seemed to hold everyone at an arms’ length. Then again, so did everyone else to each other, now that you think about it. Jungkook was the exception- after the events in Rivermouth, he seemed to open up a bit more, becoming closer with both Yoongi and Seokjin. Still…
“Namjoon and Jungkook,” you slowly started. Namjoon’s shoulders slumped minisculely, and Jungkook looked disappointed for a moment- but then the next moment they seemed the same again, making you wonder if you had just been seeing things for a moment. Ah well.
“Seokjin and Taehyung,” you continued. Now your decision was met with raised eyebrows- mainly from both Jimin and Taehyung.
“Lastly, Yoongi and Jimin.”
Yoongi only held your gaze for a moment, as if to ask you if you were sure- then he looked away, catching Jimin’s eyes, who frowned, though it soon changed into a smile.
“I have every faith in our leader’s words,” he almost purred. “If she says we’re to do this together, then together we will do this task.”
You had to smother the laughter that built in you at the momentary twitch of the eyebrow you noticed from Yoongi, though he curtly nodded afterwards all the same.
“That said,” you added, “If anyone, um, if anyone has anything they want to say or add, about the teams, we’ll, um, we can discuss it.” You inwardly cheered yourself at how you managed to stop yourself from turning your sentence into a question.
A moment of silence fell in the room as each person looked at the others. Still, it seemed that they’d accepted your suggestions. You looked at Taehyung last, as you hadn’t heard anything from him as you mentioned the pairings, but he only looked nonchalant.
“You won’t hear a word from me,” Taehyung remarked, before a small smile alighted his lips. “Though I hope you don’t regret it,” he snickered. You scrunched up your nose at him before rolling your eyes.
“You’ll be with Hoseok, then.”
You looked at Seokjin, surprised at his sudden words- for a moment you’d forgotten about Hoseok, who remained quiet all throughout the meeting. Meeting Hoseok’s eyes, you flushed, embarrassed at how you were reminded of his presence only because of Seokjin.
“Um, yes. Those are the teams,” you cleared your throat.
Your eyes darted over to Yoongi- who, to your relief read the plea for help as it was and continued the meeting. “Now, as for which pairs will be covering which parts of the city…”
»»————- ♔ ————-««
And that was that. Surprisingly enough, as much trouble as there had been deciding which ones would pair up with which to search the city, the rest of the meeting turned out well- Seokjin and Yoongi leading it, planning out what to do.
… Okay, you had to admit, there was a moment after the meeting, when you came down for your nightly talk sessions with Yoongi and Jungkook, that you found yourself faced with a sudden, unexpected little problem.
When you stepped into the kitchen, it was to the usual sight. Tea on the table (brewed by Yoongi, of course), snacks (also prepared by Yoongi, who knew he was such a housewife? You didn’t even think it possible, the image of gentle, domestic Yoongi cooking so far from what you first saw him as, but here you were), an amused Yoongi- you paused, why was he amused? Did something happen?
Then you looked at your other companion and had a double take.
Jungkook sat on the other side of the table from where Yoongi was, body hunched and head slightly turned away from you- and it didn’t take you more than two steps closer to see the frown that practically defined his current mood.
You warily stepped around him, choosing to gingerly take a seat beside Yoongi instead, confused. If you knew why Jungkook was sporting a scowl you might have made some attempt to talk to him, but as it was, you didn’t have a single clue why. If you talked to him now- you had a feeling you’d do more harm than good. Instead, you looked over at Yoongi, who looked a step away from snickering. You could see the smirk that lingered on his face, though he covered it behind the cup of tea he held.
‘What happened,’ you mouthed to him. He raised an eyebrow at you, as if to say ‘you don’t know?’. You narrowed your eyes at him, taking a quick look at Jungkook who seemed fully immersed into the glaring contest he was holding with his tea, before turning back to Yoongi.
‘Would I be asking if I did?’
“Neither of you are subtle at all,” Jungkook finally broke the silence in the kitchen with a grumble, gaze finally leaving his tea, but still, to your confusion, not to you. “I’ll have you know I’m neither blind nor deaf.”
“Well,” you started. “Um, you seemed a little, um, preoccupied?” You fidgeted with your hands, worry and concern bubbling over. “Jungkook, um- I mean, you don’t have to say anything, if you don’t want to, I mean, but just- are you okay?”
“... Don’t concern yourself over me,” he muttered. “This is nothing.”
You paused, feeling a trickle of apprehension flow through you. “But... um. You… seem like you’re in a bad mood.”
“... You said we’d tour around the next town we stopped at, he’s probably upset over that.” Yoongi generously offered, something close to laughter evident in his voice. As if on cue, Jungkook scoffed loudly.
“I’m not upset.”
You immediately had to hide the grin on your face with your hands, then, or even show a hint that you were feeling anything close to amusement, but eventually the amusement faded and you felt bad that he was, well, disappointed.
“I… I chose those teams for a reason,” you explained, hoping that it’d lessen his frustration. “I-I mean, if I had my way, I’d want to be with you, you know,” you admitted. “But, um, I made the decision based on who could work with each other best while, um, while taking the others into account. So… please, I mean, I’m sorry… I didn’t want to make you feel like I’d forgotten about it or something.”
You looked down, your hands fidgeting with each other, awaiting his response- 
- and to your surprise, Jungkook only deflated, the scowl turning into a pout. Glaring eyes became downcast,  fingers loosening from the tight grip they had on the cup. For a moment or two he seemed to be torn, before he released a long sigh.
When he spoke, it was still with the pout on his face and you had to physically stop yourself from cooing, finding him and his reaction way. Too. Adorable. “No, I understand. If it happened that you and I were on the same team I would be too tempted to do nothing but what I wanted. Which, admittedly, has nothing to do with the quest.”
“That doesn’t mean I have to like it though. I was looking forward to going around the city with you,” he mumbled, before pausing, a flush covering his face. “Both. You b-both.”
You ducked your head, feeling a wave of warmth wash over you at his words. Still, it was hard to keep the red out of your cheeks, the giddy smile on your face too wide. 
The shit-eating grin on Yoongi’s face was what made you finally compose yourself though, already dreading the teasing comments you’d certainly be hearing in the future.
“Really? But, I mean, it’s not like we’ll be separated the whole time,” you finally said, your voice light and giggly. “I’ll still see you in the evenings.”
“I know,” he- did Jungkook just roll his eyes at you? You had to stifle your laughter then. “I told you, this is nothing. I’ll get over it.”
With that said, he turned away, but not before you could spot the pout that, if possible, became bigger.. 
“... maybe we can have a few hours the day we leave to have a little walk around?” You suggested, smile faltering afterwards as you corrected yourself. “The three of us, of course. I’d, um, I’d love to do that with you guys.”
You heard Yoongi let out a small half-laughter at your words- you were so, so tempted to kick him then. As it was, you glared at him instead. 
Still, you could hear him snicker as he nodded his head, adding, “Of course, you could also take notes of places you really want to visit together along the way.”
“Yeah,” you mumbled- and this time it was you who had to avert their gaze as he looked back at you two. “So, I-I mean. Um- we can spare some time, m-maybe after the day’s search? And- well, I-I guess not,” you amended your words, wincing at your habit of speaking before you thought about it, descending into a rambling mess now, not noticing Jungkook’s brooding turning into something softer. “Well, I was going to say that we could walk around and take a look at s-some of the shops, but, I mean, on second thought if it’s night time they’re probably gonna be closed and we need to have energy so if we spend most of it wandering around we-”
A huff of laughter, and then- you stilled as fingers gently tucked a loose hair back, Jungkook’s focus on you then making your thoughts just stop.
“Um-” you choked out. “I-I-I-w-what?”
“I told you, I’d get over it. I’m not a child.”
“But if you insist, I wouldn’t be declining. Though…  you should wear the hairpin more often,” he finally said, a hint of smugness visible in his eyes. “If you’re only walking around, it wouldn’t be hard to keep it from falling, now would it?”
“I-” you stammered, “I m-mean, I, I guess so.”
He grinned. “Then, as a symbol of our friendship, and as a reminder of your words,” he grinned. “Tomorrow, before you head out with Hoseok, wear it- please,” he added at the end, though it didn’t erase the self-satisfied look on his face.
All traces of whatever bad mood he’d been in before was absent then as he finally leaned back, and, with a hum, drained his cup dry of tea in a single swoop.
“Well, I hate to admit it, but I’m feeling quite tired,” he cheerfully announced. “I’m going to retire to my bed now- goodnight, Y/N, Yoongi.”
Even as he left, you could only gaze after him, mouth still slight open at his sudden actions.
What even…
It was only when Yoongi finally burst into loud chuckles that you were released out of your stupor.
“... Yoongi!” You cried out, red covering your whole face as you gave in and finally smacked him on the shoulder. “Stop laughing!”
“‘Stop laughing’, she says,” he cracked up even further. “Did any of you even notice at all- no, of course not,” he grinned, before it turned into a smirk. “But you know, if you’d seen-"
“I’m not listening,” you half-yelled half-shrieked, letting your head fall to the table as you covered your ears and shut your eyes. “La la la la la, I’m not listening!”
You stubbornly kept it up, determined to wait it out and spare yourself the teasing- although you couldn’t deny, that, well, a part of you was enjoying this. In some way. As much as you were embarrassed, in the moment, it felt like- well. It felt like the two of you were like closer friends, ones you’d see in so many places, teasing each other even if it made the other person angry beyond hell.
… although this wasn’t quite a normal friendship based on normal things.
And that was that.
Still, even with all the preparations, there was still a part of you that worried whether you would succeed in finding the elusive journal. The city was huge, after all, and a bustling port- it wasn’t hard to think that maybe the book had already been taken. Then again, Namjoon said he was certain, and considering his track record, you took him at his word.
So even as the fourth day rolled in, you decided to keep your spirits up.
In a way, you had to admit that there was something nice about going around the city with Hoseok. Make no mistake, the people at Crossroads, upon learning about your status treated you the same way the villagers at Rivermouth did- with reverence and awe. Wherever you went, you could feel eyes trailing after your every move- something that, while it used to unnerve you greatly, faded a little with every day that you had to endure it. At least, to the point where you could dismiss it as part of the background, somewhat. It helped that there were so many travellers and visitors in the city, who were there only for a short time and thus didn’t know who you were, ironically granting you more peace of mind in a crowd than there was without.
It was the first time since you arrived that you were able to talk to Hoseok one on one, too. That you were able to study him.
Hoseok was… an enigma, in a different way from the others. Sweet, polite and kind- but then you’d notice the moment someone got too close to him, he would back away and reject their touch, one particular time even flinching away when someone hugged him, mistaking him for someone else. It reminded you of the time you met him, though now you knew better.
Spending time with him was preferable compared to everyone but Yoongi and Jungkook.
“Y/N, do you- uh, do you mind if we try that today?”
You looked over his shoulder at the stall he was pointing at, noting the delicious smell of food that wafted from it. Another thing that helped you relax around him- you soon found out that Hoseok, much like Jungkook, held a very short history of interaction with humans. On your second day, after a few cautious suggestions from you, you both decided to satiate your curiosities and take your time examining each part of the city as you went from library to library- which included sampling each of the dishes and snacks you would pass by.
You wouldn’t admit it so easily out loud, but… Hoseok had a certain pull that you couldn’t help but get dragged into. At first, the atmosphere between the two of you was tense, all the way; he put nearly a few feet of distance at most, a foot at least between the two of you at all times, he remained quiet unless spoken to, and even then his words were short. It was almost as if you were with a ghost, but… 
“Hoseok!” You stood firm in your ground then, although the way your heart beat ever so fast, so nervously, easily gave you away. “Can you listen to me for a moment?”
“Uhm.” If the wide eyed stare wasn’t enough, the way he quickly averted his eyes gave away how close he was to bolting. At this point, even you could tell that he was avoiding you- in a weird, sort of way. Actually, it was probably easier for you to notice that he was avoiding you, because the subtle way he’d leave the area whenever you arrived, staying as quiet as possible unless spoken to, his words short and faint, well, you had firsthand experience with all of that.
“I just wanted to tell you something, please,” you lowered your voice, aiming for something soft and easy on the ears. To your endless relief then, he slowly, hesitantly, but all the same he nodded his head.
“Hoseok… do you, um,” you paused for a moment, trying to gather the courage. “It’s okay to, um, to talk to me? I mean-” you flushed. “I just, did I do anything to make you feel uncomfortable? We’re working together on this quest, and, just, um, I don’t want you to feel like you have to- um, like you have to keep so far away from me at all times.”
“I also… I mean, I also want to hear about what you think,” you mumbled out the last parts of your small speech, gaze trained on the ground as you nervously awaited his reply. Then you cringed. “No, sorry, um, you don’t have to if you don’t want to and I’m sorry for being pushy-”
“No!” Your head snapped up in surprise as you met his panicked eyes, and the two of you stared at each other, both shocked and nervous.
“Are you sure-”
“I should be-”
The two of you stopped again as you spoke at the same time, a deeper flush covering both of your cheeks. Though, you couldn’t help but giggle a little at the situation. Hoseok’s shoulders slumped forward, and you gave him a sympathetic smile.
“I...I’ll try,” you eventually heard him mumble. You grinned at him; Hoseok averted his gaze yet again, but you could still see the small tug at his lips.
“That’s all I ask for.”
True to his word, you had an easier time communicating with Hoseok then. What was a few feet of distance eventually reduced to walking side by side, and when you talked you didn’t seem like someone just talking to herself like a crazy person- well. You hoped you didn’t.
It always helped that Hoseok had a nice voice that you liked hearing.
“Sure,” you smiled. “I’ll just wait here, then.”
Currently the two of you had just about explored most parts of the city, at least the part assigned to the two of you. While you weren’t sure, you hoped at least that one pair would make progress in the search- but until then, you had to keep looking.
“Where do we go now, though…” You muttered to yourself as you examined the map in your hands.
“Miss Y/N?”
You glanced up at the voice. A familiar face greeted your eyes- your smile became a little strained as you recognized the person speaking to you. “Hello. You’re- uh, the one from the inn a few days ago, right? Abby?”
He chuckled at you. “‘Abby’... That’s really what they told you, huh? Then again, it is a nickname of mine… yes, I am. Glad to know I’m not that forgettable.”
“I don’t think I could forget someone who spilled soup on me... no offense meant, though,” you mumbled, cheeks reddening at the last part. He only laughed in response. 
“Yes, well, I can get wild when drunk… I apologize for that. Enough about me, though. I didn’t expect to see you again.”
“We’re-” You paused, thinking over your words. “We’re staying here for a while. Crossroads is pretty famous. There’s a lot to see and visit.”
He seemed pleased at that, a grin appearing on his face. “It is, isn’t it? Not only is it a central focus of trade, it has a long history too,” he boasted. “It’s one of the best cities in the kingdom.”
You smiled a little more genuinely at the sparkle in his eyes as he talked about the city.
“Which places have you already visited? Wait- actually, where’s your guide? I want to ask him if there are spots you haven’t visited yet,” he suddenly said.
Guides? … You hadn’t seen any, and you didn’t think there would be any…
“We’re just- um, we’re just actually walking around by ourselves,” you admitted. “I mean, if we had a guide, we’d probably have to set like- a time limit for every place, right? I like to, um, take my time.”
“You like to immerse in the city?” You hesitantly nodded. “You’ll miss out on a lot if you go just by yourselves, though…”
“Oh, I know! Maybe I can help. Why don’t I be your guide?” He suggested, grinning at you. “I never did get to formally ask for your forgiveness, for the other night.”
You fell silent.. 
“Ah, sorry,” he said, seeing your face turn somewhat wary. “Too sudden?”
You flushed. “Oh no, just…”
While the quest wasn’t really a secret, the finer details of it was. You weren’t sure if it was okay to bring in a stranger’s help.
“I’m- um, I’m not sure right now... we kind of already have plans for today,” you cautiously answered. It was best to discuss this first with Yoongi and the others, right? “How about tomorrow?”
He frowned, disappointment evident on his face. “I guess… Though, I’m supposed to leave in two days for work….”
“Oh,” you mumbled.
“Tomorrow, right? Consider it, okay? I could be a big help,” he offered again. “I’m a native to this city, after all. Born and raised here.”
You perked up at his words- though still unsure. Yoongi’s words resounded in your mind- ‘Be wary of everyone, you aren’t familiar much with anything here and it’s easy to trick you.’
“... Are you- um, are you familiar with Alexander?” You eventually asked, deciding on a middle ground- 
“Alexander, the hero? Of course! I know more about him than anyone here,” he jovially grinned. You released a sigh of relief at that. It wasn’t like any of you had been making progress on your own so far, so…
“Um- If it’s alright, can you tell us about him, then? Just for a while.���
“Sure- oh wait, I’ll just finish up my purchase. Be back in a bit.” And with that he delved back into the crowd, though you could see his back enter a shop nearby.
You pocketed the map in your hands, sighing. That… while you were hopeful at the sign of help, you were still unsure- you also felt it could have gone better too.
The smell of noodles under your nose brought your focus back- you looked down, then to the side- meeting Hoseok’s worried gaze. You blinked- and then reacted.
“Uh- sorry, Hoseok,” you flushed. “How long have you been standing there?”
“I just arrived a few seconds ago,” he reassured you, before peering up at you with an odd look in his eyes. “That said… who were you talking to just now?”
“Oh,” you tensed up. “That- someone I bumped into at the pub when we first arrived. It- um, it turns out that he knows a lot about the city, including, um, Alexander, and we weren’t making progress, so…” You faltered.”I mean, he offered to help as an apology? And I thought, again, it’s not like we’ve made much progress so far- not that we haven’t just been walking around, and it’s not like I just took his offer, just talking for a bit- I mean, we’ve covered a lot of the city by now and I’m having fun too, although I know this isn’t really for fun but you know what I mean and oh god I’m so sorry I’m just rambling right now.”
You fell silent, feeling the urge to cover your face with your hands, your face red- though unable to do so as you were holding food. You didn’t dare look up- only giving Hoseok a tentative glance when he hesitantly patted you on the back.
“That’s good news then, right? I mean, if he has information about the man that we don’t, it should help us.”
“That- yeah.” You hardly dared to react too much in fear that he would pull his hands away. For all that he was a dragon and they were assumed to be monstrously strong, Hoseok was gentle as he comforted you. In fact, his touch was light on your back- barely even touching you.
The two of you stayed like that for a few moments, until you saw the man come back, a noticeable bulge in his bag that wasn’t there before. He raised an eyebrow at the two of you- Hoseok withdrew his hands, his face reddening as much as yours did.
“Companion of yours?” He asked as he drew near.
“Um- yeah.” You dithered introducing Hoseok him- should you? It would be impolite, right? But for some reason, you could tell that Hoseok was wary of him. Still, before you could speak up again, Hoseok coughed, nodding at the man, a small, polite smile on his face. 
“Please, just call me Hoseok.” 
»»————- ♔ ————-««
“Abby?” Namjoon repeated your words later that night, a slight frown appearing on his face. You looked up at him, a touch nervous as your hands fidgeted with the food on your plate.
“Um- yeah. Remember, the guy I bumped into our first night here? Red hair, silver badge with angel wings on his chest? We met him again earlier, and he said he had information about Alexander…” You trailed off near the end as Namjoon’s eyebrows remained furrowed- and you wondered what he was thinking about. 
“Are you- um, I didn’t say anything about the quest, if that’s what you were worried about,” you offered. “I just told him we were travellers who got interested in Alexander and his journals, since he’s someone famous in this city.”
“Oh- no, I mean,” Namjoon hesitated. “It- it’s nothing.”
“... It is alright, isn’t it?” You looked up, meeting Yoongi’s eyes.
Dinner at Crossroads for the time consisted of only you, Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi and Jungkook- you all agreed that you had to meet up nightly to discuss the efforts of the search, if only to conserve efforts. Still, it didn’t take much for you to notice how uncomfortable Seokjin and Yoongi were with the rowdy crowds ever present in the pub.
Currently you retold to them your encounter with Abby. It seemed to be a bit of a saving grace, really, as no one had had any luck so far. 
Seokjin and Taehyung had stuck to the plan quite neatly- you were amused to confirm that even Taehyung bent under Seokjin’s cold gaze, although from what you could tell he remained playful all the way. They followed and checked every place assigned to them in an orderly manner. Seokjin admitted in a quiet voice that Taehyung charmed the librarians and shop owners into helping them, but that they had no progress. No one had even heard of a journal in Alexander’s name, nor had they seen any book that matched its description.
The less said about Jimin and Yoongi, the better. Yoongi and Seokjin were the only ones that could Jimin in check so far, you noticed, so you put Yoongi and him together- but, hearing about their experiences, you realized that in the same line of thinking you set Yoongi up to be his glorified babysitter.
Namjoon and Jungkook, lastly seemed to be like you and Hoseok- simultaneously touring around while checking the appointed locations to them. Jungkook seemed to take a shine to Namjoon too, excitedly asking him about anything that he didn’t understand. Namjoon in turn seemed to take his questions in stride as he answered them as best as he could. 
Honestly, a part of you felt more than happy seeing Jungkook branch out, gaining a friend… or something like that in Namjoon. Even in your nightly chats together, all he could speak about was the little things he’d learnt about, and what he wanted to share with you. Although you yourself couldn’t stand to be in Namjoon’s presence because of the- well. You were at least happy for him. Them.
Still, they didn’t have any information either.
“If you’re sure of what you saw, then it should be,” Yoongi spoke up. When you looked at him with confusion, he explained. “A badge with angel wings means they’re part of the Silver Vanguard.”
“Silver Vanguard?” 
“It refers to an elite unit in La Salutem.” This time, you were surprised to hear Seokjin’s voice. When you looked at him, though, he seemed to be focused on his food, even as he spoke. “They only allow warriors who have a long history of merits to join. And if the person that you met really is a part of it, then... he might be trustworthy,” he finally said. “Still, remain on guard.”
“Wow, Y/N, way to go!” Jungkook grinned. “That’s more progress than any of us have done so far.”
“So it’s alright then, right?” You asked once more. Yoongi nodded. Jungkook bumped your shoulder in support- and even Seokjin seemed to quietly give his approval.
None of you quite noticed the lingering frown on Namjoon’s face.
»»————- ♔ ————-««
The sun, painted in red and orange currently made a brilliant backdrop from where you were. Your feet hurt- but at least you were sitting down at the moment. The three of you were now at the park near the Fiendfyre ruins, after a day of touring with Abbadon (you had to ask him his name, you couldn’t keep calling him Abby after all no matter how he didn’t seem to mind it) as he immersed both you and Hoseok in the city’s history.
“You know a lot about the war, and the guild,” Hoseok quietly commented once, after Abbadon went into a rant about how it affected the trade in the city. Abbadon perked up at his words.
“So you speak!” He joked, before assuming a serious expression. “To answer your question, I’m a survivor of the war. There was an attack- my family didn’t survive, but... I was saved by La Salutem. They raised me.”
“You were?” He asked, his taut shoulders relaxing by a fraction, something you noted with relief.
You weren’t quite blind to the tension that existed between the two. For some reason, both were a touch, well, wary, about the other person, although it was mostly Hoseok. Whenever Abbadon wasn’t looking, from your position in the back you could see Hoseok give the other man glances, and then frown, something that happened more often as the day continued. With Abbadon’s answer now, though, he seemed to let go of some of his suspicions.
“Yeah. Trained me, too. And I got offered a place in their divisions right after the war ended,” Abbadon grinned.
“You must have done a lot of missions then,” you murmured. “Looking at your badge,” you explained. Abbadon chuckled. 
“So you’re looking for his journal?” Abbadon asked, a curious look on his face. “Huh. I didn’t think that was even real.”
“Yeah, well…” You flushed. “He seems like a really interesting guy, so.”
“True, true,” he agreed, before sighing. “Sorry I wasn’t much help in the end.”
“Oh, please!” You waved your hand, not wanting him to feel bad. “It’s not like our research was anything serious- besides, um, what matters is that we had a lot of fun today, right?”
For a moment your gaze flitted over to Hoseok who had been approached by a few children. From where you were, you could see him try to politely reject the kids- the keyword being try. They didn’t exactly give him the chance to make good on his answer as they pulled him to play.
Not that Hoseok seemed to mind it too much anyway, considering the smile on his face.
“If you’re curious about Alexander and his relics, then you should visit the castle ruins,” Abbadon told the two of you. “It’s a hidden place, known only to the city residents- a well-kept secret of ours.”
“A secret?” You echoed. “Why?”
“Why not?” He countered, before grinning. “Well, the reason is that there are bad memories attached to the place, so few people ever come there. Not to mention it’s falling apart, too, so it’s dangerous. Those that do are mostly kids curious about the ‘forbidden area’.”
“Fiendfyre, the castle of the late kings, and Blackburn, where the dragon’s fortress used to be.”
“Ah yes, he seems to be having a lot of fun, isn’t he?” Abbadon chuckled. “Still, they should be careful though, the ruins here are-”
You suddenly gasped- some of the children playing close to you two had wandered too close to the ruins, tagging and pushing each other, when one of them tripped on the wall- causing a part of it to collapse. It fell straight down, and you could feel your heart beat in a frenzy-
But then dust cleared and there stood Hoseok, an arm propping up the huge rock as he shielded the children under him.
You released a shaky sigh of breath.
“Oh god, that was close,” you muttered, your heart still beating fast, before you turned to your companion. “Did you-”
He was staring straight at Hoseok, with an unreadable look in his eyes.
“Abbadon?” You hesitantly asked. 
“... I knew it. He’s a dragon, isn’t he? And that face… the son of the late king?” He finally said after a long while, and while his sentence ended in a question, the tone of his voice was a statement. You froze, and then you were about to refute his claim-
“Oh, don’t worry,” Abbadon smiled at you. “I’m not the type to talk or gossip with other people.”
You remained quiet, your nerves still strung high. Abbadon chuckled uneasily, a sheepish smile appearing on his lips.
“I won’t! I swear on my badge,” he promised you, a lighthearted air around him now. “That said, you should be careful though. Dragons- people around here have a complicated view of them, you know? Especially considering his status.”
“... I do,” you hesitantly replied. “I’m just surprised you easily realized it.”
He chortled. “Yes, well, in my job it’s an imperative to assess our surroundings, to know if we encounter an enemy or a friend. I just had this feeling when we met and I saw him- the super strength just confirmed it. Still, it’s something special, isn’t it?”
Your gaze returned to Hoseok’s figure, the bright smile contrasting with the red flush on his face as the two children and their mother thanked him profusely. 
True, you’d only recently got to know him better- only recently had you been able to take a look past the first set of walls he’d built around him, but even with the little that you’d seen so far...
“...Yeah, it is,” you smiled warmly. “He’s someone special.”
“Looks like it’ll be a while before they’re done playing, though,” Abbadon commented, frowning a little. “We still have one more memorial of Alexander’s that might help you, if you wanna take a look.”
“Though it’s getting dark soon…”
You hesitated, your eyes darting between Hoseok, the loud laughter of the children, then the darkening sky…
… It was fine, right? Abbadon had proven to be trustworthy, so far. It was the last option you could have at the moment- and tomorrow he’d be gone, while you and the others would have to stay, until at least you could get another clue about what to do next.
“... Okay,” you agreed, smiling at him. “Lead the way, please”
“Gladly,” he smiled. “It’ll just take a minute, I promise.”
You waved to Hoseok- but he remained busy, and you wondered if he’d even see you, the children asking him to play with them- you hurried your footsteps when you noticed your guide almost disappearing from view.
“W-Wait up!” You called, running after him- Abbadon’s figure almost disappearing amongst the trees. You frowned as he consistently remained just on the edge of your sight. What…?
When you came to, you realized that you were in a small clearing. “... Abbadon? Hello?” Your heart beat fast in your chest- a premonition, but then-
Your vision went black.
»»————- ♔ ————-««
You woke up to coldness, clasped tightly around your limbs- the chill bitingly spreading across your limbs. When your eyes opened, for a few moments you could only groan- your memories and thoughts too jumbled to make sense of. Still, as you slowly came to, you realized one thing-
You were bound and chained to a wall.
As soon as the realization hit you, you instinctively jerked in horror and panic, the fear within you rising as the metal chains harshly kept you captive. You looked around again in panic- feeling the darkness seemingly close in on you, making you feel even more terrified-
You stilled, tears in your eyes. “... Hoseok?”
When you looked across you again, you finally made out the outline of Hoseok’s figure- and then you gasped.
If you thought your current situation was bad enough, Hoseok’s was way worse. Chains adorned almost every part of his body- from his feet, to his neck- even some sort of helmet cuff wrapped around his head. His hands and feet were similarly bound to his back, in a way that prevented him from moving at all, and you had no doubt that it was hard for him to even breathe, with how tight they were cuffed on him.
But it was the metal covering his face that was the worst of it.
“What…? Why are you chained up…?”
He smiled bitterly- or, at least you think he did. “To keep me from transforming. I think... “ For a moment he faltered, looking away, but then he continued. “I’m sorry. This is all my fault. I suspected it, but I wasn’t sure, and now you’re in danger.”
“‘All your fault’?” You repeated, confused and worried. “What do you- what does that mean?”
“It means that he’s aware of his sin.”
You fully flinched at the sudden voice that echoed through the walls of (what you were now sure to be) the dungeon. You glanced to the side, where the voice came from- freezing in surprise as the person revealed themselves.
“Abbadon?” You gaped, your mind scrambling to keep up. “You- why?”
The familiar figure of who you thought had been a friend and a guide- Abbadon looked at you with a slight smile on his face. “Hello, missy.”
“I-I thought- what’s going on,” you faltered. “Why are you doing this?”
“You don’t know?” He mused, coming closer to you. You flinched back when his hand drew close, a shiver running through you when he patted you on the head.
When you failed to answer, he let his hand fall away- staring at you.
“... You’re a part of La Salutem, aren’t you?” You eventually said. “This isn’t what the guild stands for, I’m sure.”
“Oh, you thought I was part of that stuffy old guild?” Abbadon giggled- your blood ran cold at the insinuations in his words. “Take a closer look, missy. These aren’t angel wings- these are dragon bones.”
“I- dragon bones?” You choked out. “What…”
“... You really are confusing, you know?” He eventually shook his head idly, intrigue on his face. “Maybe I should start with you first, cut you open, see how you can remain so deceptively naive.”
Hoseok suddenly growled- you stared at him in wide-eyed surprise, surprised to see this new side of him. “Let her go. She doesn’t know anything about it,” he snapped.
Abbadon only laughed. “Oh, I knew it! I knew there was something wrong- if she knew, she definitely wouldn’t be so lenient on you for even existing,” he chortled. You shivered at the tone of his voice- although you felt the beginnings of rage bubble up in you at his words.
“What do you mean by that?” 
“Lying before us in chains, is Prince Hoseok of the dragons,” he announced, a gleeful little smile on his face.
“I already knew who he was when I met him,” you frowned, still confused. He didn’t seem like he had a problem back then, so what…? “Not that any of it made me wary of him.”
“But you don’t know exactly why dragons are the vilest creatures, do you? There’s a reason they stay in their dirty little hovels,” Abbadon smiles, a nasty little thing that told you for some reason he believed he had information that would make you change your view. “Then again, it’s where they belong after all.”
“Really,” you narrowed your eyes at him. “And that reason’s what?”
“You’re evidently knowledgeable about the war. But nobody told you about the massacre, did they?”
“There was no massa-”
“Yes, there was. The massacre.” Abbadon’s voice was soft, yet deadly- a far away look in his eyes. “Near the war, the dragons were losing. As they should have been. After pillaging and conquering for so long, every rule of tyranny must come to an end. Good always triumphs evil, you see?”
“Mages and humans, together, on the battlefield, saving lives, not to mention elves and fae… I only watched memories of it, but, god, it must have been a sight to witness,” he sighed wistfully. “The rest of the other races stayed neutral or sold themselves out like whores- selfish cowards.”
“But it wasn’t enough, you know?” He eventually said, sighing as he walked over to Hoseok, looking down at him with sheer hatred in his eyes. He harshly struck him with the heel of his boot- smiling when Hoseok let out a muffled cry of pain. “Dragons are vile,” thwack! “selfish,” thwack! “greedy,” thwack! “filthy beasts.”
By the end of it Hoseok lied on the floor, unable to even speak as he curled in pain.
“Around their empire, the dragons had so many cities under them- a few of them composed from other races, but most of them human,” he said, still smiling, even as the resentment remained in his eyes. The look on his face kept you quiet- frozen in fear.
“Three days. Three days was all it would have taken to storm their dirty little hole,” he spat. “But the dragons, heartless as they were, loathed the thought of anyone taking away what they considered ‘theirs’.”
“So they burned down every city.”
Only the sound of breathing remained unnaturally loud- from who, you wondered. Was it you? It didn’t feel like it- you didn’t feel like you were breathing.
“The ruler of the dragons decided if they couldn’t have their empires then no one could have them,” Abbadon continued, every word smooth and hypnotizing even as he hissed them out. “Three days, and every city was burned. The amount of lives lost then- it was catastrophic. Not to mention how they must have felt. Three days, and dragons filled the sky, flames everywhere and bloodshed covering every area. Though they were all eventually eventually executed, it still doesn’t come close to repaying what they did.”
You didn’t notice Hoseok choke out a cry at his words, tears forming in his eyes. Abbadon only continued, eyes dull with pain and yet sharp with recollection at the same time.
“My family was one of those trapped, you know. I was only saved because I had to hunt animals then- I didn’t even find their remains, days after. All that remained was ashes all around.”
“The guild took me in, tried to give me a new life, but I said no. I only knew how to hunt animals- and even now, I still do my job. After all, don’t I have one in chains right now!?” He suddenly laughed, wild hatred present. “And to think! That I have the previous King’s son!”
“Why, I have the glory of putting an end to this evil bloodline,” he giggled. You wanted to throw up.
He turned around- you couldn’t quite keep yourself from biting your lip when he drew close.
“Knowing all that, doesn’t it make you regret ever standing up for it?” He sighed again.
“... So?” You eventually rasped out. “What does that have to do with Hoseok?”
He frowned. You continued, gritting your teeth.
“What does that have to do with him? So what if he’s that King’s son? That doesn’t mean that Hoseok is just like him!”
“Of course it does!” He spat at you, before calming down again. “No, no, I see now. You’ve spent too much time with it. It corrupted you. No matter, no matter… I’m not the type of person to kill someone innocent and manipulated by dragons to boot. I’ll let you go, on one condition,” he says, the smile remaining on his face. “I want you to kill it.”
“... What?” You stared at him in horrified disbelief. Still, he keeped smiling- manic, wild.
“If you won’t kill it, then I will. I’ll make sure to dispose of you after too,” he nonchalantly added, before visibly rethinking over his words. “Actually, nevermind. I think it’d be more fun to torture it.”
You felt bile rise up in your throat.
“If you’re really friends with this beast,” he hummed cheerfully, his tone becoming twisted as he gestured to Hoseok dramatically, “well, won’t you put it out of future misery then? I’ll even spare you, for finally coming to your senses.” He grinned. “Or- you could try to escape. But trust me, you’ll regret not accepting my deal.”
“Like hell I-!”
“Y/N,” Hoseok’s whimper was both a warning and a plea. You bit the inside of your cheek angrily- glaring instead at Abbadon who only gleefully smiled at your expression. 
When you saw his smile, you snapped.
“You sick bastard, I hope you rot in hell, because that’s where murderers like you belong!”
You trembled from the force of the blow- a bright, red mark showing on your cheek as Abbadon’s smile turned dark. Behind him, Hoseok’s growl was loud, fury present in the deep rumble on his voice.
“Cheeky little thing,” Abbadon sighed, swiftly moving away from you as you struggled in your chains to claw him up. “Really. Never would’ve thought you to be this rude too, when we met. No matter, I’m not that petty.”
Backing up, he aimed a blow at your stomach, and then at your head- you cried out in pain again, this time too weak to even fight back. Your sense dulled- you could barely make out anything. For a moment, all you could hear and feel was the thud of your heartbeat-
Moments later, when you felt a rush of clarity in your brain, you were shivering on the floor, weak, injured- but unshackled.
In front of you was a sharp knife.
“I’ll be back in a few minutes, Missy. If your dragon isn’t dead by then, you can watch me as I punish it.” Abbadon’s voice echoed through the hallway. “Or you could join me, if you finally see the light.”
For a few moments you could only lie there in pain, groans leaving you, your heartbeat the only thing your mind could hold onto.
It was- hard to think. Hard to- feel. Brief flashes of pain flared up in your body, and you felt as if you would throw up- 
But then your blurry eyes met Hoseok’s and the situation sunk in.
Why were you lying down? 
You had to- you had to get up. 
You had to get up- do something-
Your stomach hurt so much- and your head, god, your vision was still shaky, your hearing faint. Hoseok’s words barely registered in your brain. You didn’t even understand what he was saying. 
But, you slowly thought, your legs weren’t injured. Neither were your arms.
You took a deep breath- whimpering in pain as you slowly got to your knees- and then to your feet.
Across you, Hoseok remained silent, still. No, no, no… that was bad. That was bad, right? Hoseok couldn’t- he had to keep going.
You took a step forward, your steps shaky- but still you continued. Think. Think. You had to get him out the chains somehow- find a way to free him, so you could escape together.
You forced yourself to go forward, your legs trembling as you reached him.
From where you were, you could see Hoseok’s eyes flutter open weakly. Unfocused- before they fell on you. Good, that was good, he was still conscious, you two still had hope. Now back to your main problem.
“... elf.”
You stared at the chains, still thinking. How, how how how? How were you going to get it off him?
“Y/N,” Hoseok whispered your name. You examined the chains- thick, metal, it was solid and obviously wouldn’t easily melt or break. Okay. Okay, so you had to look for another way.
“Y/N!” Hoseok’s yell was more of a groan- one that immediately took a toll on him as he coughed and hacked after. You immediately flinched, tearing up, even as your hands hovering uselessly above him as you soothed circles on his back.
“Sorry! Sorry- I’ll get you out, don’t worry, just…” You trailed off, frustrated with yourself. Hoseok caught one of your hands as you grabbed one of the chains again.
“Y/N, just go without me. Save yourself.”
The chain in your hand fell to the ground.
“Don’t say that,” you said, your voice calm, even as your hands quivered. “That’s not a good joke.”
“I-It’s not a joke.” Hoseok raised a hand to wipe away the tears forming in your eyes- or, at least he wanted to. Instead the bite of the metal around his arms kept him grounded. “Between the two of us, you’re much more needed. You should escape while you have the chance.”
You dryly laughed, the tears forming faster now. 
“What if I don’t want to?” 
“Think about the quest, Y/N. Give up on me.”
“And I told you,” you seethed. “I won’t. So stop asking. Actually, shouldn’t we talk about what he said? Why didn’t you defend yourself?” You snapped, before deflating. “Is… is what he said before the reason why you wouldn’t let anyone get close to you in any way?”
The two of you lay there for a moment then- you, awaiting his response, even as you stubbornly continued your task to free him and Hoseok stubbornly avoided your gaze. It was only when you took his hands in your own, inspecting the chains around his wrists that you realized he was shaking.
"... I'm just scared," he finally whispered. "I didn’t want you to get close to me. I didn’t want to get your hopes up for nothing. Because it’s instinct for us to shift, I feel like if I show even a fucking hint of this curse, I'll be proving everyone right... that I'm a monster just like him. I could hurt you easily even when I don’t want to. I just..."
Tears formed in his eyes and for once, you could see the resignation in his eyes. You stopped. "If there’s anything I know, it’s that I’m not someone people want to be near. Even if I seem nice, that doesn’t change the fact that I could easily kill at the same time… when we met, you seemed so nice and I wanted to be friends with you, but… I became scared that eventually you’d realize what they know. That afterwards, you’d be afraid of me too."
"But that's it. I'm not afraid,” you frustratedly told him, as the tears fell from your eyes, feeling a plethora of emotions inside you at his words. "Why would I be?"
“You heard it from him. I’m a mons-”
“Stop letting other people's words define you!”
For a moment it felt hard to breathe- rage and sorrow mixing in you as your emotions pushed you over the edge.
“You won't give yourself a chance because you just accept what other people say about you, like they know who you are, but you know what? Even if we’ve only been together for three weeks, even if I only got to actually spend time with you for only three days, the Hoseok I’ve seen so far isn't anything like that!”
“You hate yourself because you believe that you deserve only the worst, but please. I believe in you. I believe in the Hoseok that's kind and gentle, the one that smiles just from being able to make someone happy, the one that cries so easily because they read something sad, wearing his heart on his fucking sleeve, never even being able to lie because he knows how lies can hurt. The one that's honorable, and will fight for what's right. Being a dragon doesn't mean you aren't any of these things, it just means you have powers that others don't have. Being his son doesn’t mean you’re a carbon copy of him either. What you do with those powers- that's what makes you who you are.”
For a moment, after your rant, you breathed in slowly, carefully, all of a sudden feeling as though there was not quite enough air in the room. Still, you continued- and as your hands clutched your clothes, you felt something in your pockets. When you brought the item out-
You grinned wildly, for the first time since you woke up.
The Key of Eden fit snugly in your hand. Looking down, complicated as it was you could see the little keyholes that connected each chain, each one soon becoming undone as you pressed the key inside. With each chain that fell apart, you began to breathe easier. It was only when the last three remained that you began to speak again, determination hardening your voice.
“Even if the whole world says you're evil, Hoseok, how can you expect me to believe them when the whole time we've been together you've only been so far away from it?”
“Thinking it’s no good even before you try, giving up and just accepting their words and treating it as if it’s the truth…!”
As the second to last chain was unlocked, you looked him in the eye- ignoring how he stiffened under your hold.
“For once I want you to see yourself as someone that deserves to be heard, instead of something irredeemable.”
You reached down to free the last chain-
“I see you didn’t take my advice.”
-and found yourself gasping as your arms were harshly locked together, your body turned around. Abbadon- his face containing pity for you, never before had you wanted to strangle someone so badly- used one hand to keep you from doing anything. 
You stilled when you saw the knife in his hand.
“While I wanted to give you a chance… It’s a pity,” he idly remarked. “I’ll make sure you have a nice view.”
You instinctively kicked behind you at his words- the sharp clang of the knife as it fell to the ground mixed with Abbadon’s pained yell, one that felt like music to your ears- a split second was all it took before you lunged for the knife and leapt away from him in turn.
When he got up, snarling, you were already on the other side of the room.
“Come now,” he said even as his teeth were gritted into the semblance of a smile. “Give me the knife.”
“I won’t let you hurt him,” your voice was firm- even if your throat rasped.
“But then who’ll stop me from hurting you?”
Your breath caught in your throat- you dived to the side, his hands almost catching the edges of your dress before you scrambled away, feeling behind you for anything- Hoseok’s alarmed yell as he tried to help you but found himself restrained.
And then you felt it. The click of a door. Your eyes widened in surprise- then you grinned triumphantly at him.
“I guess I found my answer,” you taunted him. To your surprise, he only laughed.
“Sure, missy! Take a look behind you, it’ll surely help you escape- from life, that is,” he mocked.
You took another step behind you as you looked back- then felt your knees get weak.
All this time, you hadn’t considered just where the two of you might be. After all, you were much more concerned with freeing yourselves. But now, as you looked over what had to be more than a hundred meters of drop, you wished you did, if only to contemplate how you would be escaping.
You were in Blackburn, the tower’s entrance behind you, lying several hundred feet above the ground- you could see miles and miles of the surrounding forest and mountains.
“I thought it would be fitting, to kill it in its own house. That said, you have two options,” Abbadon said, his voice calm again. “Either take a step into Death’s clutches, or embrace Life. What will it be?”
“My companions are looking for us. They’ll be here any moment. Even if you kill us, you’ll still be caught in the end.” Your mind raced with excuses, words, anything that you could use to threaten him- yet he only laughed.
“But you both will still be dead. It,” he jabbed a finger at Hoseok, who glared at him, “will be dead, and that’s all that matters to me. Besides, are you even sure they’ll be coming? This isn’t the easiest place to find, you know.”
“If I fall, Hoseok will save me. Or have you forgotten dragons can fly?”
“Will it? I don’t think it’s ever even shifted,” he scoffed. “Which is a good thing, really. I would’ve shot it straight if it did. But no, if not just the chains sapping away its magic, then the lack of unease he has with the chains should tell you he’s never even tried shifting. How else could it tolerate the chains? If it tried now- I'd give it 4 seconds before it shifts back.”
Abbadon slowly smiled again. “So, how will you be taking your chances now?”
It was obvious that Abbadon took Hoseok as nothing but an ant, not a threat, just something so worn down that he wouldn’t fight back, even if he was freed. With how much he seemed as if he’d given up earlier, the weak, sluggish movements, and the hatred he had for being who he was- you weren’t surprised, but still, you hated it all the same.
Your heart beat in your chest then- fast, hurried. Inside you, you could only feel fear, the situation being as it was-
-but then you met Hoseok’s eyes. 
For once, they weren’t swimming in self-martyrdom or pity- but rather, in determination. You could see the support in his eyes, the decision he’d made. Trust me, he seemed to tell you.
Whatever fear you had then- it dissolved. 
“Neither,” you spoke up, your gaze firm as you looked Hoseok in the eyes and smiled. Abbadon frowned, his eyebrows furrowed. “I’m not taking chances, because I know he’ll save me.” 
Saying so, you took a step off the edge- and let yourself fall.
"-Hoseok!" You screamed as you descended. 
When you opened your eyes, instantly a burst of colors surrounded you, the grey walls of the tower being replaced by the vibrant scenery- the sky in itself being a mix of blue and white, with the vivid greenery of what had to be the forest-
The wind rushed around you, harsh, fierce, and you felt the urge to shut your eyes out of fear, but you kept them open, even if your sight blurred with tears. For a second, nothing- then-
You could faintly see the top of the tower collapse, dust and debris flying everywhere, and then a large mass of something diving after you. 
A wheeze escaped you as leathery wings wrapped themselves around you. Heat, warmth that felt addicting to feel after the chill of the dungeons enveloped you, and for a few moments all other senses dulled. Though this time, it wasn’t from any outside force, but rather from the weeping sense of relief of finally being safe, the adrenaline keeping you hyper aware even now that the danger was gone, the added drop in altitude making your heart beat fast, too fast for your liking-
And then a flash of light- and you were wrapped securely in his arms. In Hoseok's arms. You held  on to him tightly- and, even with your heartbeat pounding away at your ears you could finally feel the wind around you two settle down, and the gentle flap of what had to be his wings.
You shivered- Hoseok pulled you closer. Close and closer and you were close enough to smell the faint scent of smoke lingering on his clothes, and then- 
Your feet touched stable ground. Your legs still trembling from the recent, you almost stumbled forward when you let go of him, but Hoseok only held you in turn- firm, gentle, and so you remained safe.
For a few seconds, you could only greedily take in gulps of air, your form still shivering, disregarding everything else. Then- you disentangled yourself from Hoseok, even as your hold on each other’s hands remained.
"You… you saved me," was all you could say.  "I knew you would. Thank you for saving me."
Hoseok looked at you, an unreadable expression on his face."Y/N, I-"
"Y/N! Hoseok!”
You looked past Hoseok’s shoulder- the sound of footsteps becoming louder and louder, as you finally saw six familiar figures. The first to come near was, surprisingly enough, Seokjin- who smoothly pulled to a stop in front of you, shielding both you and Hoseok from Abbadon, who you just discovered was standing a distance aways from you two.
The next to arrive had been Namjoon- who looked at you with a worried look on his face, eyes darting from you to Abbadon. His eyes, when they met yours, widened and he looked away, face filled with something- and then Jungkook, who was obviously furious and also worried- Yoongi, who, while seemingly calm had a tight, neutral expression- and Jimin and Taehyung, lingering somewhere beyond your current view.
“Iron Butcher.” You’d never heard Seokjin’s voice so cold before, not even when directed at you- you trembled, for a moment, just hearing it- Hoseok’s hands squeezed yours in support. “Harming innocent people is against the law, as I’m sure you’d know.”
“Hah,” Abbadon scoffed. “That isn’t a person, that’s only a vicious beast. I’m merely upholding my job as a protector.”
“It has been years since the war,” Yoongi’s voice was without any emotion. “Hunting dragons and dragging in innocent civilians is a crime worthy of many years of jail, not to mention you went for the Prince and the Savior.”
“Your best option would be to surrender.”
“And if I don’t want to?” Abbadon giggled.
“We’ll fuck you up,” Jungkook snarled. “For daring to lay even a hand on them. On her.”
Your heart warmed at his words, even as you wanted to protest. For a moment, there was silence- and then-
“... Ahhh, fine. I know when I’m out of my league.” Abbadon’s voice was light, airy- he spoke as if you were only discussing a friendly match. You shivered at the familiar tone- now aware of the hidden darkness he could easily switch into. You burrowed your head in Hoseok’s chest- your grip on him tight, and while a part of you was afraid of his rejection- he only pulled you in closer, until all sounds were muffled.
You counted the sound of his heartbeats, trying to will your breathing to adapt to its rhythm. One, two, three, four…
You could hear someone’s words as they tried to soothe you, though you trembled not just from fear, but also exhaustion.
“... It’s okay now, Y/N...”
Yet again, you fell unconscious before you could hear the rest of his words.
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How To Catch a Friend
Kanene’s note: Heyaaa!  Well, this is a very late fanfic written due @kieraelieson‘s Make This In Your Only Style Contest. I choose prompt one because it was the one that most inspired me, and I really like the result!
Warnings, fun facts, random things and stuff:
* That is an Alternative Universe with Fairy!Patton, Magic!Logan, Witch!Virgil and Magic!Roman
* This characters do not belongs to me. They all belongs to Thomas Sanders in his series of Sanders Sides.
* Warning for Angst (but only a bit), cursing, fighting, mention of explosions, slightly hurt/comfort and brief shouting.  This has about 7.000 words because I got hella inspired due this very good prompt. Kiera, I am looking directly at you XDDD <333. Thankys for the inspiration!
* I didn’t proof read it very well, so I am sorry for any spelling, pontuation and grammar mistakes! Any advice is very very welcome!
* Want to know more about this AU? Here is a post for ya! They’re precious and I will fight for them. Thankys for reading, my lollipops! Stay calm, take a time to yourself, remember to eat today, hug asoft thing, make a wish, drink water and sleep well! Byeioo!~
“I can’t do anything right!” The tiny fairy cried, crumpling forlornly onto the stump.
Logan realized then that the dare to keep walking had not been intended to be possible. He frowned slightly, wondering if it was even possible to comfort the little thing when he was the one to upset him.
“Please don’t cry. I can step back and you can try again to trap me.”
The fairy sniffed, wiping his eyes. “You would do that?”
“Certainly. I’ve tried enough difficult things to know that it sometimes it takes several attempts to get it right.”
“Ohh, okay!” His tiny head nodded thoughtfully, the hair strands bouncing a bit with the movements, which made Logan wonder how the gravity influenced the little being and if he could bring up this discussion in his school.
Definitely not during class, the other kids didn’t like when he talked a lot, especially about things that weren’t in the book and ‘therefore’ - Logan didn’t grasp the logic in this. Books are great, however can’t contain all the knowledge that existed about the subject and most of the time their approach wasn't nearly as interesting as it should be. - weren’t important to say.
Logan couldn’t understand how could exist something that wasn’t worth being said or asked.
“How do gravity work on you?” He blurted out, looking behind, the tip of his tongue out matching with the frown on his face as the boy tried to step on his exact footsteps previously left on the dry dirt.
The fairy hummed, the movements of his wings making him to go slowly up and down, up and down, up and down. Like a seesaw, Logan would point, if he wasn’t so concentrated on the task of retreating and re-doing his previous steps very carefully. A funny image of himself and the fairy playing on the toy would also pop on his mind, perhaps making a giggle bubble on his chest.
The small magical being, in other hand, would think it was more like a leaf swinging back and forth on their branch before falling, the actual image of him and a very small human swinging and holding a branch as they smiled shining among his thoughts for three pieces of time, leading a giggle to escape and shake the tip of his wings. But he quickly tapped his temple a few times, attempting to poke that thought away.
The other fairies said he got attached too much easily.
“I don’t know.” The human seemed flatter his shoulders with a ‘oh’ and the winged being couldn’t help but continue his sentence, hurried “But I know how to sing in bee! Ah, please stop right there!”
The boy did as requested, his left hand running on the spine of his book back and forth, making the other wonder if the letters inside it were bigger than his – comparatively – tiny hands. His gaze fled until it met with the bigger being sparkled eyes. “Do you? Really? Why do I need to stop here?”
“Because it’s the closest where my trap is, kiddo! I’m going to redo the magic really quick. Then I can show you a bit of the dance!!” His tune bathed itself in joy, his hair strands looking as if they were floating in the air with how fast he flicked his wings, coming down to grab a brown pot, a silver liquid gleaming inside it. He stepped on the ground, spilling the potion on ten green leaves before going up, the liquid following him on absurdly thin strings that the magic fairy used to tie on the lower branches from the tree shading their forms, intelligible words coming out his mouth during the whole process.
The strings then spiraled before turning invisible.
“There! You can try to pass again, please, please, please!”
“Thank you,” the boy replied, remembering it was polite to reply with a good word when someone used a good word with you.
But it didn’t work. Again. The one who spent hours and hours preparing the potion - not only the simplest spell, but the simplest magic human trap - felt a painful tug on his stomach. The mean thoughts came back one more time, but he was too much distracted looking at the unfazed silver strings to poke them out.
“A-are you really a human?” He sniffed.
“Yes. I believe I am.”
“I can’t even catch the easier prey in the world!”
The young human noticed the distress on the other, this making an unpleasant feeling scratch his chest. He thought about what he could do to help. Usually talking about things he understood helped him. Yes, he really liked to talk. It felt good and very, very warm. Not hot. Hot made him stink and gave a really disgusting feeling on his skin. Talking was warm, different and good. Especially when people paid attention to him.
He could pay attention to the fairy. He also liked to listen.
“Why wouldn’t it work if I was not a human?”
“Humans are too much curio-ous to feel the magic or run away from it. This was the simplest potion to catch you! I spent an entire day preparing it, the ingredients aren’t hard to find, b-but I get very distracted.”
“Do you want me to come back tomorrow so you can try again?”
The tiny fairy blinked, looking at him with awe. “Would you do that?”
“Yes, of course. That is why I offered.”
“Oh, my stars. You’re the best human ever! Thank you, thank you, thank you, kiddo!!”
However, then he remembered a thing about humans. Humans are liars. They’re always busy, full of things to do and words empty of meaning to share. His bright smile fell a bit. 
 Well, at least they had the good luck of spending some time together having fun, right? Something deep down which wasn’t prepared to say goodbye grabbed the first excuse which appeared on his mind, didn’t want it to end just yet. “Do you still wanna see the dance?”
“Yes!” His wide eyes followed as the winged creature danced in loops and shaking his body, a soft buzzing filling the wind along with giggling.
“It can tickle.” It’s the explanation after he is done. Logan nods, making notes on the book he is carrying around, the tip of his tongue showing out again. He suddenly stops.
“What does it mean?”
“What?” The other asks, sitting on the pages and discovering with a joyful couple of clicks that his hands are actually bigger than the letters!
“The dance. Mom says that not everything has a meaning, which is weird but I remember seeing on TV that bee’s dance is commonly used to communicate, share localizations and therefore all their dances mean something. What does it say?”
“Oh,” he traced a letter with his finger, feeling the texture and avoiding the taller one gaze, “goodbye.”
“Thank you.” Logan nodded, circling some symbols and adding more symbols above it “Can you move, please? The Sun is beginning to set, I need to go home.” Both were momentarily embraced by the silence as the fairy moved to sit on a near branch, swinging his legs distractedly as a bird sang near, their attention captured by the melody.
The boy was the first to get out of the trance when the song stopped. “I’m going to be back by the same time tomorrow.” He wondered if fairies had clocks, however something on his mind said ‘no’, probably because the small being wasn’t always looking at his pulse and clicked for an entirely different reason. “Two hours before the sunset.” He provided, his chest for some reason scratching again when he didn’t see the excited flutter of the tip of the other’s wings, or the floating hair, just a smile.
“Okay.” Humans were busy, full of things to do, full of important tasks to attend.
They don’t come back.
“I will wait for you.” Patton - but Logan didn’t know this yet (and would him ever?) - answered with the most truthful sentence he could gather.
Both waved as the distance between them increased, smiling their own small smiles.
The other fairies said he got attached too easily.
“Good afternoon, fairy.”
“You came back.” Patton’s mouth was wide open, the small pot shaking precariously on his hold, his utensil falling and being forgotten beside the rock where he sat. This couldn’t be true. Was it true? Was the damsels of wind and light pranking him with illusions? 
Humans didn’t come back.
They didn’t care enough to come back.
But not this human.
“You came back!! You really came back!” Suddenly it was like the Sun had set on his stomach, filling his entire body with warmth and rays and sparkles and energy and warmth, warmth, warmth!
“Clearly. Just as I said I would.” The human’s voice sounded a lot more near now, since Patton bust in his direction, flying around the other in a paint of loops, twirls and giddy giggling that didn’t take long before being accompanied by the taller own huffed giggles. “Is it a bee dance again? What does it say?”
“No! It’s a Patton dance and it means ‘Welcome Back’!!”
“Yes! That is me!” The tiny fairy landed on his hair, gasping a bit, unaware of his wings messing with some hair strands with their incessant, uncontrollable flapping.
“You’re not a specie.”
“Nope! But I’m as special as one! Just like you’re also the only one of your kind!”
“I’m not the only human that exists.”
“Yup! But you're the only one that thinks, feels and lives just like you.” Patton could feel the human frown in confusion. Clicks filled the air as he tried to think in how to explain his thoughts. “Everyone is... special. The Universe will never be able to make another Patton again, that is why I exist and that is why it’s a Patton Dance!”
“Hm.” Logan didn’t actually understand everything, but his mom told him every opinion is important, even if sometimes you think they’re wrong... or weird. The little magical being was a bit weird. Other people said Logan was also weird, usually when he talks a lot about a lot of things.
The boy decided it was a cozy feeling, being weird with Patton.
“My name is Logan.”
Virgil was not worried.
He was a witch. He studied every single spell put in front of him in the most complete way possible. All the weakness, all the dangers, all the consequences, all the afterwards effects, all the ingredients, the necessary rituals... Everything. His full nickname on the academy used to be Thunderstorm of Stormclouds due his habit of knowing all the details, all the books, as if he devoured every bit of information in front of him. His dorm was often full of sounds and explosions of his incessant attempts of replicating all the magic learned.
That is the why of ‘Thunderstorm’.
But never, ever, any accident happened in the classes he one day attended. Because he was careful. He understood the dangers of magic and its instability. He mastered protection spells and charms and it wasn’t before him to wait for all of his classmates to go to sleep to sneak out of the dorms and shove on a big part of the building a bunch of security magic. 
The thought of that, even years later, if the professors searched carefully, they would still find some of his amulets between the walls’ small holes and webs on the ceiling still made a toothless smile cripple on his face.
So, back then, even if people were wary of him most of time, they still felt safe enough around him - and honestly, to Virgil that more than enough - that is why of ‘Stormcloud’.
It wasn’t that Virgil didn’t trust his professors or classmates. He was just prudent.
Virgil huffed from the shadow he was sat, camouflaging his form as his gaze traveled to the watch on his pulse, confirming that one hour had already passed and the tiny fairy - Patton, as it seems - didn’t come back looking for any forgotten belongings. His form sunk in the darkness, submerging on every tree’s shadow in a ray of thirty meters to check the strong points on the protection spell he casted there on the last week. The tight knot on his stomach loosening with the acknowledgement that his entomagic triggered in the afternoon didn’t affect it, even if the guilt kept the knot firmly where it was.
The witch didn’t expect such a bigger reaction from them, when he first set the spell. It was something simple, really, only a few groups of spiders, ants and caterpillars appearing from a dull thud around the two unsupervised kids playing with magic and trying to crawl on them. A quick, unharmful and scary enough act to make them flee and hopefully go to get an adult next time they desired to practice their spell abilities.
But Virgil should’ve known how much terrifying an army of insects would be to a fairy, who immediately screamed as the scene before him settled and attached himself onto his friend – Logan, I think? – the fear apparently taking over his body, leading him to half fly and half stumble around the human, confusing and startled him enough to fall and kick in despair to get the most away as possible from the animals.
The adult immediately undid the spell, realizing how spectacularly it failed – like most of the things he tried to do, ha – however, he couldn’t just make the small whimpers and tears from the other’s two disappear in a ‘puff’ as well, his heart being squeezed with the scene of Logan trying to clumsily hug an obviously shaken Patton as him himself tried to stop his trembling limbs. And, even if Virgil deposited in a near, visible rock a small chocolate bar with curative properties and whispered soothing, soft words on the wind and made them fly to the others until they both were calm again, he couldn’t bring himself to go away back to his cottage like any other day. 
He quietly accompanied the two as they ate his treat (not after Logan’s analyze and final word that it was safe, of course) and forgot the trap in order to play and have fun a few feet from its original location and then talk about stars and planets, a subject which seemed to interest both parts.
Virgil wasn’t good with social etiquettes, so it took some great days of searching to discover how to apologize in Fairies Language and to find the exact gift he was looking for. 
He put the star map and the small pot of cider inside a trunk, visible enough to be seen only for the younglings when they arrived in the same spot they always met. 
The witch took a deep breath, shaking his head. No. Nope. His work here was done. He put charms and spells around the place. They would be fine. They would be okay and even better as the adult stopped to put his nose on their business. There was absolutely no reason for him to keep extending it. He would go back to his cottage and to his normal life, just like it was and always had been.
Just like it was supposed to be. It had been fun to remember those times from the academy, when people trusted him and actually got a gleam on their eyes when he entered the place. 
But this wasn’t his academy. Virgil had nothing to do with Patton and Logan. He should go.
And that was what he did.
To their and his own credit, it took about one month in its entirety before things came crashing down in an avalanche.
He was quite impressed, when he stopped to think about it. But on the day the events occurred? He was terrified.
And he knew, believe me, Virgil knew very well when the wind got a tad stronger than it usually was, causing the fairy to lose his balance and slightly hit the boy’s hands, not even hard enough to hurt any of them, but enough to cause a distraction and to let an extra drop of Waterfalls Tears – secure, easy to find, easy to lose. Extremely volatile when used together with Aqua Flower’s petals; Used on the Old Era due its beautiful pyrotechnics – on the mix. More specifically, the mix of Dandelions Roars, Rainbow Feathers and Aqua Flowers, that none of them, except for him, would notice the mistake before it was too late. 
Before their eyes got wide as the mix started to spark, air full-filling in clicking sounds as the pot heated on the point its own porcelain almost melted, too much scared and distracted by the louds sounds that grew louder, louder, louder to acknowledge the trepidation of quick, desperate footsteps getting closer and closer of them.
Aqua Flowers and Waterfall Tears. 
Virgil knew the dangers of magic. He knew that he spent hours planting and sneaking protective spells and amulets as well as charms, the exact ones he was trespassing right now, enough to keep them safe especially to moments like that without his help or interference.
Aqua Flowers and Waterfall Tears. 
This is not safe. Run. They need to run.
He knew about explosions and scars and the consequences. He knew about despair, the paralyzing fear taking over their bodies, and yet the witch found himself wishing they would just run, go away, to be safe.
Why was he back? 
Aqua Flowers Waterfall Tears. 
Not safe. Not safe. They need to run, run,
They were just kids playing with things that they don’t entirely understand. They had nothing to do with him. They would survive. They would be okay, eventually. Things like that took some time, but they eventually heal. Everyone eventually heals. He has nothing to prove, nothing to owe to them. 
Why the fuck was him back?
Patton screamed something he couldn’t understand with his heart beating pulsing on his ears, Logan firmly closed his eyes – so fearful, so wide – and covered his ears, curling on his own form as the sparkles and bolts shouted from the bowl. Virgil got faster, stronger.
He got close enough to involve both with his arms, hugging them close to his chest as his body turned in a dangerous slip, creating a physical barrier between the younglings and the explosion, which hit him more like a hot wave than something actually dangerous. Good. It had worked. He felt trembling forms under his touch, except the witch couldn’t really tell if it was Patton, Logan or his own wobbly hands.
“Shh, shhh. It’s okay. You’re okay.” His gaze, sharp, wary, darted to the ground behind him, looking for any hints of other danger lurking near, signing in relief when found nothing, altered breathing. 
Oh stars, he was getting too old for this shit. “The explosion is over. It can’t hurt you anymore. You’re okay, you’re okay, you’re okay.” Only then, after being sure nothing really represented danger anymore, Virgil turned his attention to the kids in his embrace.
He first noticed the boy inside a brown shield, a coat of arms on the necklace hanging on his neck shining brighter or duller as Logan seemed to mumble something to it, small words and nods as he kept his hands firmly pressed on his ears. So the youngling kept an own protective amulet with him? Smart boy.
It was only when the witch stared the fairy glaring at him with gleaming, warm eyes, mouth slightly open that the gears on his mind looked to start functioning again.
‘…the kids on his embrace’
Oh no. No, no, no. He had just jumped on act, taken over by his instincts again and then screwed everything blowing his cover up during the process, hadn’t he?
The realization seemed to just got stronger as Patton open and closed his mouth a bunch of times, the tip of his wings fluttering in a way that probably was terror, leading the fairy to go up and down, up and down in maybe a despair to run away, but too much afraid to actively leave his friend alone with that scary random guy who jumped out a damn shadow and grabbed them out from nowhere.
Well done, Virgil. Well hecking done. Now you terrified those kids out of their mind. They can’t even speak properly anymore. You don’t even know how fairies or kids work! Now look at this, you broke them!
“It’s you!” To the one dressed with the long vestments typical of witches blinked astonished when the first thing to come out from the small being lips wasn’t a scream. Patton only beamed more, his smile increasing as he closed his eyes and concentrated. “It’s really you!!”
“Why did you do that?” Logan, who previously dissolved the magic shield asked, his tune free of discomfort, blank and curious.
“Logan, Logan, it’s him!!” and, before any of them could add anything else, Patton continued amidst his clicks “It’s the kind witch!!”
“No.” He said firmly, internally wishing he seemed a whole lot sterner than he sounded.
Virgil was a skilled witch. He knew things enough to be a requested warrior at the beginning of his career, quickly turning on the most feared opponent due his tactics. He was the Stormcloud: fast, wary, unpredictable, soundless, using the environment in his favor with hidden traps and shadows for locomotion. His attacks were restless and never unfair. He was strong, resolute…
And he was NOT going to lose because of Puppy Eyes.
“No,” he repeated, trying to keep his composure when even Logan pouted, “give up, I’m not going to throw Patton in the air, especially just to see how the gravity works on a fairy.”
“But it’s an experiment!”  Logan quickly pointed, frustration painting his tune as if Virgil couldn’t understand the importance of this statement. “This is what science is for!” Virgil sensed a small wave of deja vu, feeling like he had already heard this somewhere else. 
“He can fall and injure himself and I’m not going to spend my ingredients to make a heal potion when I could avoid the injury in the first place.” 
“But, but, but! I’m not going to fall, you're going to catch me. I know it! I trust you!” And then, in a totally unfair move Patton held Virgil’s index finger between his palms, somewhat increasing his pleading eyes, “If something goes wrong, I can fly!! Please, please, kind witch.”
Virgil growled, deviating his eyes to Logan.
“He is correct. This is what science is for. Please.” The boy adjusted his glasses, looking pointedly to him. “Science.”
Virgil growled louder, however extending his hand to the tiny fairy, who excitedly flied around his head a few times before changing his way to hug his left cheek, clicks and fluttering wings materializing his delight while Logan swung back and forth on his feet, fists shaking and a toothy smile painting his expression. 
How Virgil was supposed to say no to that joy? The adult internally signed. These kids were going to be the end of his existence.
“Quick, before I change my mind.” He lied to cover his soft spot for them – not that would ever admit it – snorting as Patton quickly shoved himself on his palm and Logan hurriedly ran to get his notebook and pen from the blue, looking slightly old, backpack.
And, as Patton was thrown, his squeals of excitement along with the fast scribbles of Logan’s pen filled the air Virgil allowed a small grin to wander on his face.
“Mom is in the yard today.” Logan announced as he arrived, accepting the sandwich offered for Virgil, looking at its content and giving a happy hum as he found it had onions on it, picking one ring and eating it apart. 
“Oh, that is fantastic, Lo!” Patton said, had already finished his snack and now taken a few Colorless Petals from his purse. “Will she stay there today?” 
“Yes, I think. She will be waiting for me when I come back.”
“Great! Look, I finally found everything we need! We can start my trap again!”
“Does she like gardening?” Logan hummed in agreement, his eyes fixed on the new ingredients, probably memorizing them to write later. Logan’s mom is still a mystery to Virgil, the most near of a responsible adult in this boy’s life being Remy, a guy who his magic almost danced from his body - leading cold chills to run the witch’s spine - when they first met right after the Aqua and Waterfall accident. The coat of arms Logan used was definitely from him, and by the way Remy’s questions about the accident were precise, it was definitely much more than just an ordinary and simple protection advice. 
The witch would be much more defensive and wary on that day if he hadn't previous Magic checked the amulet and found only protection and kind, lovely feelings involving it. Patton, as a fairy, one of the most sensitive magic beings of the world, also seemed to trust the object, so he did his best to not attack or hiss at the stranger (even though both looked to have come to a silent agreement they didn’t like each other) when he showed up other times.
“We could search for some seed flowers to give her later, then. You think she would like it?” Logan nodded, humming contentedly a ballad about flowers and peaches. Virgil turned to Patton’s direction, frowning as he noticed the purse’s content. “Where are the Dandelions Roars? I thought they were the crucial part of the trap.”
Patton froze for a second, his breathing failing, but he quickly forced himself to act naturally, wishing the perceptive human hadn’t got his mood’s drop, “I, uhh, I found a new receipt of a new trap that I think will work better!” He wasn’t lying, “it’s a harder potion, so I will have to practice a bit more, but I’m sure this time I will succeed!”
“Oh, ok.”
The drop of Wind’s Whispers hit the pot and suddenly Virgil’s soul froze. After weeks of frowning and strange twitches on the pit of his stomach, he recognized the potion, no, the summoning they were doing.
“Patton!!” Loud, harsh tune. The fairy froze in the same place. 
He knew it. He knew it he knew it knewitknewitknewit. 
Virgil discovered everything.
He would try to stop Patton. 
The tiny magic being held the porcelain and, in a flash, hid it in one of the thousands branches above them. “Please, please, don’t!” Virgil’s eyes were traveling from tree to tree, trying to find the object, his heart pounding, his head spinning and the fairy had plenty of knowledge of why. 
It was risky, much riskier than anything anyone could ever try. But it was worth it. It was so worth it. Virgil would have to understand. “V, please, listen to me.”
“No, Patton!! You lied! You lied to me to do… that!” Virgil attempted to even his breathing, he would have to concentrate if he wanted to end this as quickly as possible. Unfinished potions were extremely hard to localize, but being a forbidden magic made it a tad easier. Patton got closer but he refused to deviate his attention. The adult gritted his teeth. He did not understand. “You’re not stupid, Patton. You KNOW what happened to everyone who tried to do that! You know about the rumors, about the marks and especially WHY this is a forbidden trap! You know all of this and don’t you dare to try to fool me again.”
That sentence hurt. It bruised almost as much as the hurt the witch tried to suppress from his glare. The fairy didn’t know he was clicking until this moment but the desperate sound was almost impossible to ignore now. “No, no, Virgil. I didn’t want to… The fairies, we have a new idea, a new way to make it and now it can work, Virgil! It can work and I can finally do something right and I have-”
“You HAVE? Patton? You have what? Put yourself, put me and Logan in danger just because of a dumb bunch of fairies that don’t even care about who you really are? Is it because of that you were trying to kill us all?”
There was a sound banging on the background. It was banging and pleading for attention but Virgil pushed it away.
“It’s not because of them! I don’t want to catch a star for any of them! I just want to-”
The sound harshly hit them as a strong wave of magic passed all of Virgil’s protection spells, breaking them as if they were made of glass and shoving the other two on the ground, both attention being deviated from the discussion and captured by Logan. A Logan involved by a thundering, navy waves of magic which fled and hit everything on its way. Virgil felt his voice disappear.
Logan wasn’t a human.
“Lo.” Patton was the first to speak, trying to crawl to his friend’s position even being clued on the ground with the waves’ force. “Lo, dear, please, look at me, okay, kiddo? I am sorry we were screaming. Look at me, look at me.”
“Everything is okay.” The pressure on his body made his voice hoarse, however the witch pushed forward, getting on his knees, arms in front of him in a calming gesture, “we’re okay. You’re okay. I need you to take deep breaths, okay? You can do it, I know you can.”
Logan shook his head, gasping. With the corner of his eye the adult realized the pot floating from the second tree on the left, its content starting to gleam in a strong red color, and sudden dizziness took over his body. 
The trap had been activated.
“Of course, you can! You’re so, so strong and brave and really smart and cool. I believe in you, Logan. You can control it.”
The porcelain object slowly floated in Logan’s direction, looking as if it was devouring every bit of magic being thrown at it together with all the remnants of the environment. Virgil got up on his wobbly legs, gathering on his vestments all his attack potions and throwing at it from all the directions, activating on his run his protections charms and directing them to the trap with despair, the feeling only increasing as his efforts were broken by the force without even managing to touch the container. 
The color started to grow brighter and brighter, a portal opening above it, consuming more and more of the uncontrollable magic. If Patton was sensing it, he resolved to ignore, using the opportunity to get closer from his friend, his voice in a constant tune, talking and calming, soothing and warm.
But all the three of them couldn’t ignore the moment everything stopped.
The harsh strong waves ceased its explosion and came back to Logan, who laid with a silent thud on Virgil’s arms. The leaves on the tree stilled, soundless, birds were nowhere to be seen, wind frozen midair, Patton’s voice was muted and even their beating hearts were paralyzed during this piece of time. An horrible ringing exploding in their ears.
The light turned white, stealing their breath.
And then everyone and everything was engulfed by it.
Patton was the first to feel his senses come back. His eyelids trembled before opening and he had exactly a second to realize he was laid on Virgil’s coat.
Because on the other tick of the clock, his gaze was captured by the tall, smiling, magic – so, so, so magic. In every atom, every blink, every cosmic dust around him, they all screamed magic, magic, magic! -  creature looking down at him. “What a hello, little fairy!”
And then Patton screamed. Because the last minutes of his life were the most horrible, nerve wrecking moments he ever imagined to feel. Because his friends were unconscious. Because he was scared, and more important than everything else…
Because his trap had worked.
“No, no, no, little nebula, calm down, calm down” The being began to move his hands without any idea of what to do with them, “I’m not going to hurt you, okay? AAAH!”
The star screamed because that sinister thing under the fairy moved, launching to a sitting position while it also screamed, and, on his turn, Virgil screamed because he got up to a big shadow hovering above him and moving closer to the fairy, that is also why his arm shooted to be around Patton, his chest vibrating as he hissed to the other being, eyes sharp and yet trying to focus on its human looking like features.
“Don’t you dare to touch him!”
“No, no, Virgil!” Patton finally saw the one who was captured by the trap, - by their trap – absorbing the way colorful dots shined on the other’s skin, how the eyes staring back at him were deep and antique and yet so joyful. He noticed how the hair floated playfully, as if the being had a kind of its own gravity, reminding the winged fairy of himself when he got really excited. Actually, Patton could feel some light brushes on his neck from his hair moving around. “Virgil, Virgil! It worked!! We did it!! We really did it!! We trapped a shooting star!” Then, his voice came out lower, as if he really acknowledged what this truly meant. “Now I can give Logan a wish.”
“A wish?” 
“A wish, indeed! It’s a pleasure, the bestest of the pleasure, to finally get to know you earthlings! You’re really so cute, makes me want to squeeze your poor soft materialized face! By the way, everything is so soft and light here! No wonders such little gravity is enough to keep everything down. I bet I could carry your all, no, explode that, I can carry you and all the Earth’s content all together! That sounds fun. What is the most heavy thing you have here? I’m going to lift it. Ah, right, I almost forgot” He lightly hit the side of his head, his words coming out non stop, as if he didn’t need to breathe, what, looking at the situation, was much more likely it, “Star Roman Prince, at your service for one wish and one wish only! Even though I was captured by three of you, my power is too much, well,” he laughed, loud and boisterous, “powerful to interfere more than necessary on the planets. So, choose well, little ones.”
“Are you really a star?” and the young bipedal who had just woken up was so full of reverence that Roman felt the magic dance inside him as a lovely breeze. Yes, that was it! That was exactly it he was imagining, – for ages and ages wandering in space. Able to watch and graze at any planet he could ever imagine and desire, but never visit them without being invited – truly dreamed for the moment when he would finally be caught, no, be claimed for a terraqueous.
He was glad he didn’t need oxygen to survive, because the view would absolutely have his breath taken away. There were so much green and vivid colors and things to touch and life! So, so, so much life and companies and being who he could actually talk to.
Oh, my gracious Universe. Roman could talk with them. He could talk, sing, ramble, explain, complain, discuss and be answered.
It made him kind of want they never wished anything in the first place. This way he could stay more.
“Yes, I,” and then he jumped holding the sing-sang word as he took the form of a fairy in mid air, holding the other’s fairy hand and spinning him a few times – smiling wider as the other squealed excitedly – before turning into the height of the second shortest of the group, conjuring a small vision of a particular cozy Universe’s corner before growing to a perfect replicata of the adult there, booping his face and taking steps away as the taller hissed, finally stopping his melody, “am!”
The tiny fairy clapped happily, flying closer, “I am Patton!”
“A pleasure.”
“Stars are loud.” Logan pointed with his usual blank voice, then hummed, a toothless smile painting his features as he went to get his loyal notebook.
“Well, stars got to shine. ~”
“And we are going to have a conversation. A private conversation.” The second sentence came sharp, cutting any remark the cosmic magic being was about to say. Virgil’s eyes seemed to stare deep into his core before gently shoving the younglings aside.
“A star?” It was the first thing that came out from his mouth, directed especially to Patton, since the other boy seemed occupied taking new notes on his book. “You were trying to catch a shooting star for Logan?” 
“He is… my first best friend. Ever. And he loves stars a big lot! And, and, and I thought… I’m not very good or powerful to give him a really great thing like a star, but… If I could catch a shooting star then he could have a wish and ask to see a constellation! Or to have one! Or to visit any planet! I just… wanted to give him something cool.”
“Patton, come here.” The witch extended his palm, carefully ruffling Patton’s hair when he sat there, his voice was soft. “You are a pretty cool guy, okay? Logan thinks that too.”
“Of course I do.” Logan said, yet writing even when a yawn escaped from his lips. Something about how nonchalant and sure he sounded, as if it was silly to doubt about it in the first place made Patton feel like his tiny form was full of Suns, again. 
“And I hope you both use your wish wistfully.” The two kids brightened up right away, the fear hidden deep in their minds that the adult would somewhat forbid them to interact with the new person – kind of – dissolving in pure bouncing excitement. “But never ever again you two dare to ever think about trying to do something dangerous like that without warning me first!” 
They nodded eagerly, bouncing up and down, making Virgil sign loudly, questioning all his life choices and shaking his hands to dismiss them “Go think about what you two want or whatever, your little demons.”
They didn’t take long before losing themselves in a joyful ramble with each other. Virgil took the opportunity to deviate his attention to the older one, who was trying to coach a very suspicious bird to come closer to him, narrowing his eyes. The guy reminded him those geniuses belonged to those old, with yellowish corners, tales where thousands of humans, monsters and magic beings were disgraced as their wishes were evilly twisted to go against them.
Well, he got closer from the other, who turned to him with a charming smile, this guy was about to have a big storm coming if he thought they would be so easily tricked.
“What.” said Roman.
“You…” Virgil started, warningly. 
‘Got it.’ Roman thought, smugly and immediately expanding his brightness to an astonishing level. 
“Done!” He announced, happily “Since you requested so eagerly for my company then that shall be!” He ignored the human irritated shout. “Oh, what an honor! That, of course, means I will stay together with you through your whole journey in this human form and therefore be free from my duty until your wish is fully granted! It will certainly be an awesome experience!”
“Awww, you asked for a new friend, V!” Patton didn’t seem sad for losing his chance, smiling wide and patting one of the human’s red cheeks.
“It was an accident!”
Logan made a low small upset sound on the back of his throat. “I desire to know how to properly set and activate the trap… We did it wrong. We messed up the steps and nearly didn’t put all the ingredients as asked, but it still worked, how?” He turned his head to Roman, who lowered his body a little in order to read the step-to-step spell written on the boy’s calligraph, he tsked in disapproval, taking the object and summoning a feather pen, starting to scratch a bunch of lines from the receipt.
“No, no, that is definitely wrong. That is the magic you were trying to use to get a shooting star? Damn, just don’t. You do this and you’ll definitely get a Supernova.” Then he stopped, his mouth slightly open, a lamp popping above his head, gleaming. “Oooh, that explains why Remus was always being claimed. I just thought earthlings didn’t like me.” For lonely and long thousands of years, “heh, silly me. Aaaand, there you go, kid! A brand new magic to get a brilliant Shooting Star as well as, of course, the wish.”
“Do you know a Supernova? Roman, that is so cool!!” Patton gasped. 
“Of course I do, he is my brother.”
“The astros can be related? I didn’t expect it to be possible. How?” 
Patton’s laughter and Logan’s questions made him smile, not that the witch would ever admit it. Well, maybe... maybe there was nothing more he could do now except keep an eye on them, right? Just because the star- no, Roman, - could turn out being dangerous too, sure. It has nothing to do he got utterly attached to the young ones. No, get off his thoughts, damn!
And, yes, things weren’t fully resolved. They haven’t thought about what to do about Logan’s outburst or how Patton’s managed to get the forbidden trap or to even fully understand what Roman was. However, as questions, answers and warm – that good warmth, which embraces your heart - feelings fled all around them, Virgil felt the anxious knot on stomach to ease a bit, relaxing before the scene of the rays of sunshine dancing with the Damsels of the Wind in between the leaves and trunks from the forest. A calm breeze attempted to carry all the smiles and grand gestures to a faraway land as the reminiscent magic began to disappear, and, along with all of this… 
They were okay.
The entire ground trembled when Remy suddenly appeared between them, even if his clothes were a mess, hair uneven and face marked by brown drops which could be just dirt on the best scenario his crossed arms sent shivers down almost everyone's spine – Roman’s ‘nice’ fell on deaf ears – and his voice wasn’t boisterous or even loud, but echoed, cutting the thick silence skillfully. 
“What the HECK happened here?”     
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sophi-s · 4 years
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Chaotic Angel Twins (CAT XD). For those interested, I wrote some headcannons for these two as well. You can find it under the cut.
Aurelion & Auriel headcannons
As I said before, they are twins. A brother and a sister.
Both have eyes after their father and (unfortunately for him) temper after their mother.
They were born too early. Thanks to Azrael all ended well but for a few weeks they were very weak and needed extra care.
This is one of the many reasons Abaddon is aggressively protective of the little fledglings.
Their birth changed the old, disgruntled angelic general. Brought back something from the times when he was younger and less bitter. Something that warmed his stone cold heart a little and no one was more surprised by this change than Abaddon himself. But don't say it out loud. It works only for his kids. He still won't hesitate to quite literally hand your arse over to you XD
In the end, they pulled through the worst and grew up to be quite a troublesome duo.
Aurelion causes the most mischief. He's the troublemaker number one.
Auriel is more collected and very closely attached to her father but once an opportunity presents itself, she won't hold back from joining her brother.
They love Abaddon but they wouldn't be caught dead actually obeying their old man.
Of course, there are moments when they do listen to him but it's only when they don't feel like causing trouble or if they see that their father looks down in the dumps, utterly exhausted or downright pissed off.
They might be cocky most of the time but when Abaddon gets really angry they turn into absolutely different children.
No, he wouldn't cause them any harm, the worst punishment they can get is yelling, stern reprimanding, getting grounded or sent to Ardent Spire to help older angels if they do something particularly bad.
"With all due respect, Lord Abaddon, but is this punishment meant for them or us ?"
One of their favorite games is called "hijack a griffin". Need I say more?
There are sometimes days when their father doesn't feel like going anywhere and can't focus on anything due to phantom pains of his lost eye, like white hot metal jammed into his skull and Uriel has to take over his duties for the time being (you know migraines? Now imagine it centered on your eye and ten, or more, times worse).
This is the only occasion when the squabs don't mess around and simply stay with him, prattling about various things to keep him distracted, or blessedly dozing off on top of him as he rests, waiting for the pain to lessen.
Abaddon thinks they're too curious for their own good. Another reason for being always on alert.
Lay a finger on either of them and the last thing you'll hear is the sound of an absolutely ballistic archangel teleporting behind you XD
Before you ask, no, the twins don't respect authority. At all.
Their favorite victims are the Archons. "They get mad in very funny ways." Besides, there's something so satisfying about pranking an Archon..
They love going out to watch the Hellguard train. After all, they too are going to be warriors when they grow up.
Aurelion and Auriel are so notoriously mischievous that now whenever someone knocks on Abaddon's door, the first thing the archangel says is "What did they do this time?"
Their favorite way of messing with their father is tying his feet together or running off when he's not looking.
Have you ever seen Abaddon seemingly pointlessly wandering around the White City, looking around and snapping at anyone who dared to interrupt him? Yeah, he was on a child-hunt..
The twins know their city like the backs of their hands so you can imagine how difficult it is to find them.
Don't get me wrong, the squabs can behave if they want to. The problem is that most of the time they don't 😂
"Let me see what you have" vine.
I mean, Abaddon did give them a couple of lessons on self defense but he wouldn't hand either of them any sharp objects. Not yet at least. The risk is not worth it.
(Optional for an OC insert) Even Raziel isn't safe from their shenanigans. They ain't scared of one archangel, no matter how unsettling even to adults he is.
In fact they see him as a friend and visit him frequently.
The only reason they tend to mess with the Keeper is his ability to scry. They see it as a challenge.
They would probably consider Azrael their friend too but since he's one of their tutors... you know. Authority = prank victim 😂
This is why they like annoying their father so much. You could say that its some funny sort of respect. You have to be worthy to suffer from their best pranks 😆
Turns out even Azrael's patience has its limits :P
Whenever both Abaddon and Uriel have to attend to their duties, the twins are left under the care of one of general's friends.
They love Nathaniel to bits and always enjoy his company. He's one of the few angels who aren't twins' target. Mostly because he's at it with them when no one's watching XDDD
Oh, btw. The Horsemen don't want to have anything to do with those little devils. Abaddon is bad enough but his kids are somehow even worse.
War finds them too chaotic and unruly. Ha can't reach an understanding with them.
Fury wouldn't touch them with a ten foot pole. She dreads to think what they will become once they're adults...
Death thinks they're too... "strife'y" for his taste. Nah, that's Abaddon's problem, not his.
All of them stay away. Except for Strife. He likes the little squabs. He just needs to find a way to get past Abaddon in a "mother-hen" mode.
"I refuse to let you corrupt my children, Horseman, back off!"
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Bruises Ch4 -- Shklance
So someone DMd me asking about this story and the possibility of future updates, and really, shoutout to them, because they brought this story back to my attention, and I apologize, guys, but I’ve apparently been sitting on this chapter because I’m an idiot and totally forgot I wrote it ages ago XD So thanks a bunch @smileyface1001 I’m gonna try and tag Chapter 1, 2, and 3 here (the little numbers should have the links), in case you missed them when I first started this story ages ago, but if I can finish my essays for class tonight, I’ll also post them to my ao3 account under the same name too :) Chapter 5 should be coming soon, as well, so keep an eye out for that!
Also, I have a Ko-fi??? And I have no idea how to use it??? Feel free to check it out and tell me what I’m doing wrong haha. Ummm 
https://ko-fi.com/jessi2013 there! XDDD I swear to gosh that’s the first time I’ve successfully linked the silly thing.
              Lotor and his gang of goons were openly laughing now, intensifying the more Lotor challenges Lance, who for whatever reason is still stuck under Keith. “I knew you were taking it up the ass, but for some reason I didn’t think it would be with Shirogane and Kogane, of all people.” Lance tensed, hissing in pain when Keith reflexively tightened his grip on him again. Unfortunately, this didn’t escape Lotor’s attention. “How precious! Did you finally tell them you love them? Hmmm?” Shiro and Keith froze, and that’s when Acxa and Zethrid moved, easily restraining the surprised couple and exposing Lance to Lotor’s view.
              Keith and Shiro snapped back to attention and tried to fight them off, but it was too late to rush back to Lance, who was still lying on the grass. The two soulmates felt ghost pains traveling through their chests, but they tried to ignore it, because Lance. Wasn’t. Moving.
              Lotor casually made his way around Lance’s prone form, occasionally stopping long enough to prod at him with a near-immaculate boot. At one point, Lotor must’ve poked at a particularly sore spot, because that’s what made Lance flinch, and even Keith found himself wincing as sympathy pains echoed in his own chest, and Shiro made an aborted motion towards his, too. Keith’s eyes narrowed. Wait… Lotor geared up and kicked harder at Lance’s ribs. Keith and Shiro groaned, but Lance yelped, curling up and groaning as this exacerbated other bruises. Lotor clapped his hands delightedly. “Don’t tell me the three of you are soulmates! That would just be too easy!”
              “What are you talking about?” Keith finally demanded. “How the hell would that be too easy you mother—” Keith broke off into a groan as Acxa squeezed him harder, cutting him off before he could spit out the rest of the insult.
              “Oh didn’t you know?” Lotor studied Lance, then carefully aimed a kick at his shoulder. Lance gasped wetly, and Keith heard Shiro swear. “Lance seems to consider himself a knight in shining armor. But you aren’t are you,” mock sympathy directed at Lance, who Keith and Shiro could see was now crying in pain, and they could feel anger and rage bubbling within them, threatening to spill over, “just an idiotic, worthless boy who got two soulmates who don’t need him. Don’t even want him. Why would they, when they’re just fine with each other? Oh, poor little Lance.” These words were punctuated with another kick, this one landing on his back. The force of it was so great, Lance lost the protection he’d gained from curling up to block his stomach, and Lotor took advantage of this.
              But finally, Shiro was able to throw Zethrid off of him, as she was distracted by the sight of Lance bruised and bloody on the ground, and quickly moved to defend the eboy. Keith was able to squirm free seconds later, grateful that Acxa had been surprised enough by Shiro’s escape that she had loosened her grip enough for Keith to do the same. The fight that came next was quick and messy, brutal even, but in the end, Keith and Shiro were enough to chase off Lotor and his gang, leaving them free to focus their attention on Lance. Who was still lying on the ground, entirely too still.
              Keith panicked. “Shiro..?!” Shiro swore, kneeling to check for a pulse, unsure if he had somehow been hurt further during the skirmish, unsure if he had somehow gotten a head injury. But Lance seemed fine, especially when those beautiful blue eyes, filled with pain, yet still gorgeous, blinked up at Shiro. They were wet, red-rimmed, and when he coughed, Shiro could see that his lip was bloody, but he was still so beautiful. “He’s okay, Keith, let’s just take him to our apartment, take care of him there.”
              When Shiro eased Lance into his arms and then stood with him, Lance groaned, and Shiro was surprised to hear Keith rush to soothe him, whispering gentle words and sweet endearments while Lance fought back more tears. But Shiro was also grateful for it, because that meant that they’d be okay. They’d take care of Lance together, and then they would talk. And they would all be okay.
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Chase Young Can’t Read
Okay, but do we ever actually SEE Chase reading?  He’s never shown writing.
I know he’s sown looking at Evil Housekeeping in “Judging Omi,” but there is no proof that he was actually reading the magazine.  Magazines have pictures too, and who’s to say that Chase doesn’t just subscribe for the pretty pictures?  Have you SEEN the man’s lair?!
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Further proof of Chase’s illiteracy is in how Chase’s underlings convey messages to him.  One of Chase’s fallen warriors is a Gaelic werewolf that can transform into a crow and play back or show what it has seen and heard from its’ eyes.  In “Hannibal’s Revenge,” “Omitown,” “Oil in the Family,” and others the crow is shown whispering to Chase or sharing a look.  Another scene shows the crow flying back to Chase’s lair, transforming to a warrior, and presumably telling Chase the information it gathered in person off screen, before walking out of the throne room on screen.
It’s one thing to be a spy and not leave a paper trail, but it’s another thing entirely to be a spy and leave your post to convey information  Most spys only leave their posts if their cover is blown, the information they have gathered is too sensitive to document on paper, their assignment has been completed, or a mix of all three.  The fact that the crow repeatedly goes back to Chase to report directly for all messages, no matter how trivial is a bit suspect.  About 99% of the time the Monks do not even notice that the crow is watching them.  Why fly off to report to Chase that they’re on the move?  “Phoning in” and reporting remotely would make more sense to continue the mission of watching the Monks.  The fact that time and again the crow is shown watching the Monks means that this is a recurring, if not ongoing, mission of some importance.
What the Food Tells Us
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“But what about the recipe for Lao Mang Long soup?”  You ask.  Yes, the recipe is written down in a book about Chase, but that doesn’t mean Chase ever wrote or read the book (though he is vain enough he at least knows it exists).  Canon doesn’t go into it deeply enough to form a concrete decision, but Hannibal made the Soup, Chase turned evil and imprisoned Hannibal.  Now Chase makes the soup for himself.  Chase is never shown reading a recipe--why would he?  He’s been making this elixir for the last 1500 years (or more), by now the recipe is routine; Chase has no need to refer back to any written document of the elixir.  Or maybe, he could never read a recipe in the first place?
It is unclear if the Lao Mang Long soup ever spoils as evidenced by “Time After Time, part 2″ wherein Omi hides the soup, and then digs it up over 1500 years later, still steaming.  But most who work with any kind of food, or food prep, or both, know that dating food and packages is mandatory to know how fresh the products are.  Chase is often shown using CANNED soup.  If he’s caning the soup himself, why are there no dates?  Surely one as methodical as he would want to use the oldest batches first.  Without written dates he must have an elaborate system of organization (otherwise it’s like having no soup at all--and Chase says he’s very attached to the soup, as it’s what keeps him forever youthful and pretty [”Master Monk Guan”]).
Chase is making the soup for himself too, so there’s not even a need to list the ingredients on the package.  However, there is no written label--there is only a picture of a dragon on the can.  While this was done to cinematically highlight the fact that each can contains at least one whole dragon (don’t forget this is a TV show for 6-12 year olds), it then questions why Chase would label his elixir in such a way.  Why label your food with a picture of one ingredient instead of writing what the can contains?  It would be like labeling lasagna with a picture of just noodles, or a chocolate cake with just a doodle of chocolate chips.  Why label food in this way, unless you don’t know how to read or write?
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The League of Overcompensating Villains... with Giant Citadels!
Furthermore, much of Chase’s lair has boobie traps and combinations to turn off or activate security systems.  There are no number pads, or combination locks, or physical keys of any sort.  There are only “super old school” “classic” secret levers, buttons, walls, and compartments for Chase to utilize, like in the regular Showdown of “Master Monk Guan,” how Jack opens the front door to Chase’s lair by pushing a hidden button in “Evil Within,” and the various boobie traps the Monks encounter in “Finding Omi” as well as a hidden Wu safe room.  Since Chase is unable to read, an alphanumeric combination or security key is meaningless to him.  Physical key holes are too easy to pick and bypass.  What better way to cover up your lack of literacy than to use really cool, distracting tricks and illusions?  One would have to be really smart to remember all the tricks and hidden items and how to avoid them, right?  Or at least that’s the stereotype.  This elaborate, over the top method of covering up an apparent “lack” is Chase’s modus operandi and he does it constantly throughout the series.
What does it all mean?
Chase not knowing how to read or write would cast him as a poor person in ancient China, as around 500 AD only the sons of Nobles were educated and learned to read and write.  This goes in stark contrast to many who headcanon Chase as the [bastard] son of a nobleman.  Coming from a poor, likely farming, family would make the life of a Monk seem like a step up.  It could also be indicative that Chase is an orphan.  Why strive so hard to achieve and prove your greatness unless you came from nothing?
While the desire to “prove oneself” is universal, it’s usually explored by characters who either have great power and prestige and want to prove themselves worthy of wielding their own power (Marvel’s Thor) or characters who have nothing and want everything because they believe they deserve it in some way (Marvel’s Loki).  The only thing Chase knows for certain about his destiny on either the Xiaolin side or the Heylin side is that he will become a great warrior.  Joining the Xiaolin Order would have been the first step towards receiving military or battle training through the art of Kung Fu.  What he does with that training is up to him.
Can XC Chase Read?
XC Chase is potentially in the same boat as XS Chase.  The biggest difference is that in XC, Chase is shown looking at and reacting to a text only status post on Facelook from Jack (”Who Shrunk Master Fung?”).  While text-to-speech is a thing, it’s unlikely that Chase fully understands how to operate the tech.  Chase dislikes Jack enough that, despite Jack installing the Wifi Chase used to access Facelook, as well as the giant monitor Chase was viewing the status update on, and never adding Jack as a friend, I doubt Chase would have tried to figure out the text-to-speech on his own.  Even if Shadow helped him, she is out of the lair at the time of him reading the status, and also temporarily transformed into a bird with Chase’s magic.
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There is another scene in “Princess Kaila and the Thousand Layer Mountain” where Chase says that great tales will be written and told about his coming victory against the Xiaolin Order, and perhaps he or the cats can read it.  But can the fallen warrior cats even read?  Questions for future victorious Chase to answer.  Chase is also shown crumpling up a resume Jack hands him in “The Laws of Nature.”  If Chase is illiterate it’s just crumpling up a bit of useless trash.  However, it also asserts how little Chase cares about Jack’s credentials and achievements.
To summarize, Chase likely cannot read in the XS canon.  He goes out of his way to cover up this flaw by having intellectual puzzles as security precautions, has all his underlings report verbally, visually, or both, usually in person, and does not label any of his canned foods with words or numbers, instead only using pictures.  His illiteracy is indicative of a life lead by a poor farm boy or orphan who joined the Xiaolin Order as a stepping stone to achieve his destiny of becoming a great warrior.  XC Chase is possibly illiterate too, but there isn’t enough evidence either way to confirm or deny this possibility.
XS Chase can’t read.
XS Chase goes out of his way to cover up this little fact by having intricate boobie traps throughout his lair.
All of Chase’s underlings report to him in person.
Chase doesn’t label any of his canned food with letters or numbers; only pictures.
Only noblemen were able to read and write in 500 AD China, so Chase was likely a farm boy or orphan.
He then joined the Xiaolin Temple as a stepping stone to achieve his destiny of becoming a great warrior.
XC Chase is likely illiterate too, but there are too many inconsistencies to confirm.
Random Headcanons under the cut:
I’m not saying Chase was kicked out of the Xiaolin Order because he couldn’t read, but what if that was literally the only reason?
Please consider dyslexic Chase.
Remember all those various scenes where Jack asks for Chase’s autograph and Chase just glares at Jack, as if the boy genius knows that he, Chase Young, is illiterate and is taunting him for it.
Chase never responding to emails because he literally cannot.
For that matter, why and how does Chase have an email?!  Who was Jack messaging?????????
Someone writing a really witty and heartfelt love note to Chase, but he can’t read it.
Chase turning Wuya solidly just to read his mail because she can read for some reason???  IDK?????????
Wuya is shown reading a magazine called “Woman”--likely a parody of Womens Day--but finds it too drab and changes it to “Wuya” (“The Citadel of Doom”).
Even if Wuya is in the same boat as Chase and just “reads” magazines for the pictures, she still formed an opinion about the magazine being “drab” and changed the entire thing.  Most people would just get a different magazine.
I guess Wuya took that mag from “drab” to “FAB?”  Amirite?  XDDD
Okay, but please imagine Jack teaching Chase how to read and write.
Also, Omi trying to teach Chase how to read and write, but he’s really bad at it, and Raimundo steps in to help because he’s got the highest reading comprehension.
The Monks are all shown reading and writing at various points throughout the series, but all are shown writing out their ideas for quests in “Hannibal’s Revenge.”
I believe Dojo said this in XS, but “penmanship wasn’t always a strong suit of the old masters.”  Big oof.  However, this means that the Temple will teach literacy, so then why didn’t Chase pick it up?  (more fuel for dyslexic Chase)
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skittlewaffle · 5 years
Oh god maybe 💋? For any s/i x f/o? Oh heck I'm so sorry I apologize in advance-
I can’t believe I took so long to write this.. This doesn’t go into all the big details, but it has fluff levels that are borderline suggestive... I guess I’ll tag it as such ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Thanks for this prompt, I needed to take self indulgent to another level >//w//> Also,, I forgive you XDDD
💋- imagine you and your f/o having a date that leads to a little more once you’re back home ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
The artist and his wife were slowing down after their day off. The two let the kids stay over at Dream’s place while they went out for a pretty long-lasting date. First, they toured the True Pacifist timeline of Outertale — one of their favorite sightseeing places — observing the grand castles and even stopping to talk to some of the AU residents. The tour maybe lasted a little over an hour, until they finally stopped at MTT Resort for a bite. For a while, they considered it the most romantic part of the date. Oh, little did they know.
The couple assumed to be ending the date with a stargazing session on their favorite floating rock. Never would they be bored of the astonishing display of millions of galaxies, flooding the sky with light and color amidst an airless, black void.
Now, Ink and Kay were both exhausted; having just eaten a fulfilling meal, they were a bit sleepy. Maybe even a little drunk — not necessarily from alcohol; it was more like they were halfway into a food coma. Maybe Ink drank a little, but Kay had no taste for the stuff.
Kay sat sideways in Ink’s lap, her forehead resting on the crook of his neck. There she felt the vibrations in his throat as he hummed her a quiet tune. She was always so lovestruck in those moments she could just listen to the sound of his voice and nothing else. She relaxed as Ink used one hand to play with her hair, the other hand wrapped around her waist to keep her close.
Finishing his tune, he gave her a gentle kiss on her head. She looked up, a sleepy smile and soft blush on her face. The two were so deeply in love, like they were the only two beings in the universe. Every bit of their attention was on each other; not even the stars could distract them.
“Tonight was truly magical, wouldn’t you say, Angel?~”
“Mhm~” Kay hummed in agreement.
“Heh.. You’re so cute when you’re tired.”
Her face flushed a little and she groaned in defeat, hiding her face in his scarf, earning a tired chuckle from Ink. He hugged her for a while, allowing her time to recover from his flirtatious comment. It wasn’t his best, but Kay could never resist when he complimented her, be it out of genuine admiration or just to poke fun at her.
A few moments later, Kay was calm enough to speak again. “I’m really sleepy, but it doesn’t feel like I can sleep.”
“I know the feeling... In fact, I feel kinda awake right now. But I mean.. sleep sounds really nice right now.”
“Yeah.” Kay nodded, a short silence falling between her and her husband. “Sooo since we can’t sleep, what should we do in the meantime?”
“I dunno.. anything that doesn’t require too much energy. I don’t feel like walking around the city or anything like that.”
“I guess we just keep stargazing, then?~”
Ink lazily laid his head on hers. “We.. could... but I’ve seen the stars hundreds of times.” His eyelids lowered, his eyes changing mint green and rose pink. “I’m so lazy right now, but I still want something to do.” A faint rainbow appeared on his cheekbones. “And... a-all I can think of right now is you.”
The skeleton suddenly got that shock through him — the one that made him suddenly feel true emotions. The one that simulated a soul beating vivaciously in his chest. The one that had his face deeply flushed with multiple hues and his eye shapes changing wildly. He knew what he could do.
He gently pushed Kay out of the hug by the shoulder to get a look at her face. She was still giggling nervously from what Ink last said to her, her face darkening with blush. How cute, Ink thought to himself, licking his skeletal lips. The girl finally stopped laughing, opening her eyes to meet Ink’s curious gaze. Seeing how his eyesockets were a fourth lidded, his face flushed, and his lips slightly parted, her heart pounded. He was looking kinda serious for some reason or another. She merely froze, returning the gaze and a shy, innocent smile.
Ink’s hand floated up to the space between her shoulder and neck. Just when it hit her what he was going to do, Ink pulled her into a deep kiss. She kissed him back, reaching up with her hands on his shoulders to meet his lips better. Ink hummed softly as one long kiss became several passionate ones. Smirking for a moment, he made the wise decision to sacrifice his balance to wrap his arms around her back. Kay’s eyes widened as he fell backwards, taking her down with him.
“Hmph- mm...” They kissed for a few seconds longer as they lay on the soft grass on the floating island. Then, Kay pulled back to look at the artist’s face. He was overtly awestruck, his eyes changing into swirls and hearts. His face spotted with rainbow freckles and blush, he panted softly. And he stared right back at her, enamored. His full attention was transfixed on her... the way the starlight hit against her perfect features, her wide eyes blinking curiously.. before slowly fluttering shut as she brought her face close to him for another kiss. Ah, he was hoping she’d do that.
One hand rubbed the back of her head while the other rested on her side. Ink could feel the fireworks going off in his head. This.. was truly magical. He found it astounding that one human wielded the power to give a soulless creature like him such intense feelings. Feelings more vivid than his vials could provide. He didn’t realize it, but he was holding her tighter and desperately whining into the kiss before she suddenly pulled away. The way he acted woke her up for sure, but she was a full-on blush mess now.
Ink had yet to slowly snap out of this phase. Still sounding drunk from food, drink.. love? Whatever it was... he carefully propped himself up on his elbows.
“Wow...~” he chuckled softly. Just then, Kay realized the position she was in and proceeded to scramble backwards to sit on the grass. Mumbling about how awkward she was, not being used to it, she covered up her flushed face. Smiling, Ink shook his head and sat back up. She was as full of butterflies as the day she’d first fell in love. He adored that about her; her shy moments were all kinds of adorable.
But this palpitating feeling in his nonexistent soul wouldn’t go away. He wanted to spend more time with her before their special day was over. He wanted to make sure this date ended on a good note. Licking his lips, still feeling tingly after that kiss, he went to kneel down closely in front of her, lightly tapping her shoulder. She shyly lowered her hands for her widened eyes to greet his smug grin.
His voice was deep and smooth.. with a hint of lust. “We’re not nearly done yet, are we?~” His phalanxes touched the bottom of her chin, his bony thumb rubbing her cheek. “Whaddya say we take this home, darling..?”
Kay was too stunned to give a solid answer, but her expression alone said it all. At last, Ink grabbed his paintbrush, pulling Kay to his side for one more kiss on the cheek before the two disappeared into a portal of ink.
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darkicedragon · 3 years
aZure https://twitter.com/nywolforg/status/1403835321691918339 office workers Franken and Muzaka except Muzaka is a werewolf and he has a deadline XD darkicedragon oh god XDDD he wanders in, slams out a couple reports in an hr, and wanders out again everyone hates him 😂 no-one can get in contact with him aZure Franken really needs him to sign a paper and the bastard ain't answering his phone so he just barges in "I am done with your unprofessional attitu -" *cue spooked wolf like OAO* darkicedragon //couldnt answer phone bc paws too big// QwQ;;; '.....you cant sign this with a pawprint' darkicedragon 'am i supposed to just...wait until this.....affliction(???) is over?' //nod nod// 'the client needs the signature in 30 mins' 0w0;; .... >w> .... :V🖊️
aZure YESSS XDDD ahahahaha "No - you are not doodling all over the file. Here, practice the signature" cue Franken desperately trying to get Muzaka to do a good signature darkicedragon muzaka just like TT^TT 'i just need to do a line!! it doesnt need to be recogniseably my name!' ...ppl seeing muzaka napping all over the place, have no idea what he does, who he works for, or how he got his job. until they need the general manager's signature and get directed to him frankenstein really wants to kick his ass for being so useless aZure yessssssss XDDD Frankne wants to murder him with his own two hands granted, Muzaka somehow works his way outta any problem but him doing things last minute makes Frankne want to strangle him darkicedragon muzakas def the friendly manager, and does get the job done eventually or sometimes he does it fast! when hes procrastinating from something else (like running away from frankenstein's wrath) 'why are you even here if you dont enjoy it?' 'i got promoted a bajillion times! i just wanted to do the regular office stuff, not direct and manage ppl!' 'oh, poor you, how terrible' aZure 'boo-hoo. now take care of this paperwork' and Muzaka is like onq most ppl just learn to leave Muzaka alone but not Franken Franken's out for blood darkicedragon yeeeep XDD aZure Muzaka trying to sneak into the office, past Franken much sneaky, much |w= and Franken's suddenly at his back "Where's the project proposal?" "EEEK!" "You are working on that proposal or so help me," and pulls Muzaka by his ear into his office "NOOOOoooooo" darkicedragon frankenstein leaning his hands on muzakas desk to lecture him, right in his face. abt 'yes, you have a friendly atmosphere, but youre creating undue stress by being unavailable when youre needed and thats just as unhelpful as if you were breathing down everyones neck' 'but i dun wanna keep-' 'do. your. fucking job' onq 🏳️ aZure ppl learn that if the manager is not to be found, they go to Franken XD "I can't find the manager?" "ah, he's with Mr. Lee in his office. Apparently, he's grounded until he finishes the proposal" darkicedragon 😂 aZure cue Muzaka like TTnTT in Franken's office, working darkicedragon 'shouldnt you get promoted if youre supervisin' me?' 'maybe. i wouldnt accept it though' 'eh? why not?' 'i have no interest in managing groups of ppl. its not where my interests or strengths lie' '..........................' aZure XDDD Muzaka like OwQ 'but pls take the role?' "no. do ur job' darkicedragon gawd, the rumour mill. ppl think theyre fucking, while frankenstein is FUCK NO, bc no work relationships, and he doesnt want anything to do with that disaster 'buuuuut you spend so long alone together in your office' :smirk: 'he hunts and pecks to type!!! and gets distracted every five minutes' aZure it also gets worse, when Franken starts looking after him picking him up from his home and driving him to work (to ensure he gets on time) getting him coffee and lunch (to ensure the bastard doesn't leave and not come back) and gets his suit from the drycleaner ready for the meeting (TO ENSURE HE ACTUALY WEARS ONE) Muzaka wanting to run away from the meeting, but Franken's got a steel hold on his shoulder "and where you think you're going? ^-^ darkicedragon 'can i at least arrange you get a raise???' 'oh no, getting you to actually work is more than enough payment for me. its v satisfying' ^-^ 😱 doing all that is still less time consuming that waiting for muzaka to show up for signatures and chasing him up for reports like it was before frankenstein stepped in, pfft aZure ofc it's not one sided, bc Muzaka also looks after Franken, making sure he takes his breaks and has lunch with him or helps him with paperwork, bc surprisingly (although not so much so bc he did get his position somehow) he's actually quite capable and skilled at what he does and ofc uwu Muzaka arriving one day on time at the office, immediately sitting down to work, bc habit from working with Franken for quite a while working a bit before he realizes that Franken is missing he also went to work in Franken's office, not his own??? darkicedragon frankenstein's siiiiick >w> aZure him being like ಠ_ಠ??? popping his head out to ask where's Franken "ah, he's come down with a cold. He'll be on a medical leave for a few days." darkicedragon muzaka helping frankenstein to socialise and actually get to know his coworkers. muzaka knows them better than frankenstein does, pfft. 'oh, hey! hows the kid doing? still keepin' ya up at night?' [...] 'i...didnt know she had a kid' //nod nod// 'thats why shes been distracted lately, an' tired.' 'which is why you havent been chasing her up' 'yeah, exactly. deadline's a ways off anyway, so she doesnt need to stress abt that so much rn' aZure yesss and by getting to know them better, Franken can assign the work in a way that works for them, making them more productive darkicedragon yussss aZure also, work hijinks with werewolf Muzaka due to Reasons™️ Muzaka going PWOOOF 🐺 one day, during work hours, right in Franken's office and it's then ppl need Muzaka for stuff cue Franken stuffing Muzaka in a closet "Ah, the manager isn't here?" "He - he'll be out for a bit." "Strange, I didn't see him leave" Frankne like ^-^ his back against the doors of the closet that are so gonna pop open if he moves cue Muzaka being squished in the closet like QwQ darkicedragon maybe he transforms bc hes ALSO sick XD and he transforms for his recovery mode 'do you really think wouldnt know where he is? 'aha, true, true, let him know i want to speak to him!' o/ aZure the person leaving, Franken like ^-^ before he goes >8| opening the closet 'can you not do this when the office is full???" but Muzaka's like xAx and Franken realize he's not playing around also Muzaka is massive and when the ppl have left for the day cue Frankne struggling to drag wolf Muzaka from under his armpits to the car "Why are you - SO HEAVY?" darkicedragon XDDDD //whhiiiine <XAX> aZure oh my god Frankne stuffing Muzkaa's butt in the backseat but have you tried getting a big dog into the car when he's not cooperating? not easy darkicedragon '....................do you have your keys stuffed amongst all that fur' aZure he has to take him home XD even more dragging Muzaka up the stairs "I don't know whether I should call a doctor or the vet" darkicedragon 'hrrrrr' 'yes, helpful' did frankenstein remember to grab his clothes ...........if he didnt, ppl are gonna see that and be like :smirk: 'wild office "meeting", huh?' aZure and then Muzaka pops up the next day wearing Franken's clothes, and ofc the shirt is too tight and it's got a few buttons open uwu and ppl are like 'they fUCKIN' darkicedragon XDDDDD aZure "sooo, you're taking me being a werewolf quite well o3o Franken, prolly sleep deprived and on his 4th coffee this morning, "If you get this project done before the deadline, you could be the devil himself, and I wouldn't care" darkicedragon 'you get the job done. eventually. i dont need care abt anything else' =A= darkicedragon 'is that why you napped so much? bc you need energy for your....transformation?' '....no. 0w0;;; i just like to nap' =A= aZure Franken will wack him with a newspaper XD darkicedragon is muzaka a gremlin like - no, wait, frankenstein forgets to eat. muzaka eats, but he cycles through not caring whatever he eats, and cycling through where he wants to try all these new things. frankenstein isnt even sure where muzaka bought the lunch, but now its sitting in front of him (muzaka made it) aZure yessss it's bc of Muzaka that Franken eats more often bc Muzaka goes 'but it's lunnnccchh timeeee' =3= 'ah, you are right' and Muzaka kidnaps Franken to go eat lunch darkicedragon yessssssss! darkicedragon 'its faster to just go to the corner for food' 'yoouuuuu need more sun and walks! you barely got up from your desk!' 'while you seemed to be on a timer to get up' aZure — Today at 15:56 'you're just trying to ditch your work, aren't you?" "n-no, we're on lunch break!" darkicedragon 'no, we're no - oh. hm'
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kanene-yaaay · 5 years
'How was I suppose to know?! You were my first case!’
Author’s note: 
So, once upon a time there was a @yussuna, who gives the idea of a fanfic/drawing challengue to a crazy writer called Kanene.
Since them thing went down a downhill. 
And then this story born! Yaaaaaaaaay!!!
Okay xDD. But, seriously, this is one of the works I am most proud for, and I really, really would appreciate if you give this a shot. It is very crazy and random, I have to admit, but it has a golden heart.
Warnings, fun facts, random things and stuff:
* This is a totally original story! Who would knew I still knowing how to write it! :D
* This is a SFW oneshot. ^w^)b
* I need to warning for blood (kind of?), cutting and use of electricity as weapon. Nothing very detailed, though.
* Sorry for any spelling, pontuation and grammar mistakes! Any and every advice is very very welcome! Please give me your opinion! \(-w-)/
* Something around 4.000 words.
* Portuguese version (Brazilian’s one) coming soon (Provavelmente vai ser só de noite pq eu preciso sair agora, enton, desculpaa!)! Thankys for reading, my lollipops! Have a incredible week! Eat cucumbers and hug an a guardian angel!
                               [ ~*~]
“You need to stop staring me while I sleep, it’s terrifying.”
“Correction: Guard. And request denied. My system has been updated to not open a slightest infinitesimal loophole possible for you to escape.”
“Urg. You guys, ‘perfect’ guards, are SO exaggerated. - The freckled started to walk in slow steps to the kitchen, tossing his shirt to the couch, being followed by the dark as chocolate skinned, who frowned his face to the neglect with the garment lying faint in the furniture, his  impeccable posture almost undoing in disbelief as heard the other’s words.
“Pardon me, exaggerated?!”
Like a movie, they both saw the memories going by as a bittersweet trailer in their own minds: The guard enjoying the calm morning silence and the sweet aroma from the first batch of delicacies being deliciously baked in the nearest bakery in the exact sun rise, receiving greetings even from the singing birds. He felt absolutely charged. Calmly opened his eyes, submerging himself in his desire to hum as he blinked a few times, his glare being totally captured for a light movement on the window. His pupils made soft metallic sound as they  readjusted to better focus in the scene before him.
Which, for some reason, happened to be the fugitive blatantly falling out from the same, without a single hint of balance or sense of self-preservation as he lifted from the ground and started to fastly run through the yard which surrounded the house, the dolphin patterned pajamas shining with the dirt spots acquired from the garden. 
Mathias almost felt moved, even impressed, by the boldness, a feeling that deprived him from his actions for a brief pieces of moments.
Before leaving in a methodical and unbridled career after him.
“I was just practicing my morning run. I need to keep me alive until at least the next decade, preferably.”
“ You clearly was running away.”
“You have no evidence, and I just speak in presence of my lawyer.”  Opened his cupboard (his back staring the dark skinned and being a loyal confident for the police officer, who imitated him with gaudy gestures and grimaces) and placed the pan with water on the oven, his eyes meeting the other’s, who already was in his perfect position with erect back and impassive face, his hand rubbing the back of his neck as a slightly signal of embarrassment.  “Do you drink pure coffee or with milk?”
“Your devil’s advocate? And I don’t drink coffee, sir.”
“Mathias.” Completed the sentence that had already received its final point with a distracted tune, going towards the blender and filling it with water. Gave an ironic with a drop of amargure, crackle. “I’m not the devil. One of the demons, maybe. From the lowest class. The feathers from a fallen angel, to be honest.”
“ Pardon me?”
“You already live with me. - Guard. - Yeah, yeah. Guard, live, whatever. The thing is, we have been together for five months and you calling me ‘sir’ make me feel old.”  
“It’s not in my protocols to call you by your name, sir.”
“ -all powerful, Mathias.” Once again completed the finished sentence.
The guard narrowed his eyes to the grin from the other.
“I’ll keep completing all and any phrase of yours, then.” He poured the milk powder into the water, taking a full spoon just to put it in his mouth. “Chocolate milk, then?”
“I don’t have need to eat, si-” His sentence was interrupted when he noticed the sparkle in the shirtless’ look. “Matheus.”
“That was what I said, Matheus.”
This time was his round of receiving the annoyed look, sustaining its with a smile that illuminated the room and almost had his own chorus of heavens by the angelical and (false) innocent tune which he possessed.
“You’re pronouncing it wrong.” Had to blink, the smile was too shiny, even to his standards. He licked his teeth, his lips curling as he didn't break the gaze which he expected to be intimidating. “And you know it.”
“I am an, fluent in more than ten languages, android, sir Matheus. I can assure you that I know how to pronounce a name.”
Matheu- Mathias let out a defeated sigh, shaking his head.
“You still haven't answered my question.” Started to mix the powdered coffee in the boiled water, the smell immediately spreading throughout the kitchen and the Perfect Police Officer code 128√e980 controlled his impulse to close his eyes to appreciate it deeply. “And don’t try to sell me this bullshit of ‘I’m an android and I don’t eat and nhenhenhe.’ I’ve already seen you stealing my gingerbreads in the middle of the dawn.” Still mixing the coffee as his had turned 270º degreedes to stare the the android who keep him under surveillance. - So? Chocolate Milk? Tea? Coffee?
The other thanked for his shade of skin that made difficult the perception of how much heated his facial system was; opened his mouth some centímeters, being almost possible to see the synapse powdery working in order to seek an answer on the same level of the half truth and half sincerity  teasing tune.
He didn’t find it.
“Chocolate milk.” Quiet murmur, deviated his gaze from the face which turned again to the activity being made, calmly humming.
It took some minutes drowned in silence while breakfast was being served. The police officer decided to help set the table, partly for a fact question of moral and empathy and the other part, more true, being the one which preferred ignore the dance steps, stuffed for the music that now freely flied from his lips, that Mathias risked, almost dropping plenty of times all the drinks on the floor for trusting on an equilibrium which he did not have when it came to floating.
Humans are so weird.
“Uhh. We’re out if breads… You will have to buy more.”
The law enforcement officer blinked once, twice and more three times in disbelief before facing the other. 
“Excuse me? Whose house is it?”
“Mine, but I can’t go out, remember? I’m in home prison.” Took a big sip of the not strained coffee.
“Misconception. You can move up to 100 meters from your home in order to perform activities to fulfill basic needs, as supermarketing.” 
“Oh, now I see. Do you mean that when I wanted to do my morning run to keep myself healthy and alive this rule never was mentioned, but now when it affects you, suddenly I can have rights and go roaming around?”
“Misconception. You are modificating my words in order to make me accomplish what you want.”
“The bakery is next to your house.”
Mathias loudly took another sip of coffee, launching to the lively dark eyes an incisive condemnatory look. Few hair strands falling down his face.
“I am not paid for that.” The bright smile one go up, without any smile on lips, which twitched in an annoyed pout, and went grumbling to the prisoner's room to get his wallet, because he didn’t really had a payment.
“Thank you, dear. ~”
Per protocols androids didn’t swore, cursed and neither pronounce threats to any human, in life or not, regardless ofthe situation.
But that didn’t mean that they didn’t thought about it.
Mathias began to receive calls from the gang. He didn’t really gave much details about them, however he always researched a shade of pale skin more and more stronger with each of them. Sometimes the shade took too long to leave. All the numbers were from prepaid cell phones and their tracking always led to a dead end, no surprises from the biggest gang of the perimeter. They got people highly trained and infiltrated in any place. His guard work slowly and yet suddenly, metamorphosed in a protection work, which for some reason managed to calm both.
The robot who never had a name inhaled, observing his own breath being dissipated by the thick and cold drops, which plummeted from the sky in the shape of a majestic storm. It was night. A night without moon and with the only illumination stemming from light poles, automobiles headlights and his night vision. He had administered a dose of sleeping pill in Mathias’ juice, since the sleepless nights started to research a concern and definitely not healthy number. He already had studied each one of the contradictions from the product so as the long hair’s medical record, until know the right amount to use and be sure that it wouldn’t hurt him.
For this he found himself comfortable to enjoy at least for a second the sensation of freedom which he felt for being in the middle of this phenomenon. Closed his eyes and swirled in the same spot a few times, feeling with pleasure the freezing sensation took over his systems together with the wet grass aroma. The world was silent, as if even the nature shut up for a instante to appreciate its beauty.
It was… contagious, it was liberating. In the middle of the storm no one guard him, no protocols holded him, nobody weirdly stared him when he used the verb ‘feel’ and didn’t ignored him as soon they no longer needed his services.
There he was, was…
Opened his eyes and three bangs, as little explosions one after another, became present. Few milliseconds after he felt himself fell, a second scream spreading through the air, cutting the calm and fullness he had been in.
Gasping. He was gasping. Weird feeling. Chest tightness. His pupils quickly focused in the form before him.
It had the green and blue colors mixed in small stripes through all his shape. It was bright. Bright enough at the point to completeky extinguish the darkness in the garden at night without satellites or stars. It was-
Yes, with his long strands hair bouncing around his face, showing little fins which he had in place of ears; his pajamas hitting and vibrating strongly over his, literally, gleaming skin, whose shine seemed to spread even more with the rain that covered, yet no longer hit, them. He floated, as he always did when was distracted, however this time he seemed to have an established goal, his hand extended in an unknown energy field, apparently of protection, since in it contained two bullet projectiles, while his other hands was pressed in his shoulder which was-
“Shot! You’ve been hit!” Automatically the android connected himself in his Data Network, taking all the possibles and necessaries for the situation. His body impulsed itself, getting up and moving closer to the other, taking off his shirt and tearing it up to make a tourniquet. His gestures were quick and precise, even though his legs shook for a moment when heard the pain interjection, said in the middle of gritted teeths, from his partner. “How?” His glare was suddenly drawn to the three beings who were in attack positions, guns in hand and shining in their chests…
“Distinctives. They got hell of agents infiltrated in the police.”  He wanted to tell that his had a surprised tune, or even that he successfully attempted to hide the astonishment in his voice, but that would be a lie. Actually, this was one of his first theories he had when was arrested and, mainly, leaded to home prision. It was for this reason which in the first month he had been so wary and ignorant with the police android.
And now he got a shot for him. He, who would say?
He was sweating, damn, guns of that level din’t even caused a big amount of damage, however they hurted as if the bullet shards was tap dancing and perforating all of his nerves.
“Can’t you attack them?”
“What?!” His eyes widened, for a instant the pain on his shoulder being a little more light that the unbelieving. “I… Look, this shield is the maximum that I can do at the moment!” Talking hurt. Kneeded down and looked away, suddenly ashamed for his actual condition. “My energy is not physiologically capable to convert itself in any offensive device. Sorry, but you’re going to have to deal with the rest.”
The android’s hands shook, even though his expression remained stoic when nodded. He stared the three forms, who continued shooting bullet after bullet in synchrony. Flexed his arm and relaxed skillfully, as if he was stretching a whip, nevertheless, what actually came of his palm was copper wires, which quickly began to sizzle and snap as electric charge ran all his length. He approached to the shield protecting them, yet couldn’t see the police officers’ face.
Maybe it was for the best.
He blinked, and then knew about all the effect of electricity on a human being. He knew about the electric chairs, the tortures from Medieval Era World War and nowadays, knew about the electroconvulsive therapies and the perfect voltage to incapacitate an adult human of avarage height and weight.
He reached out his hand. Androids weren’t built to hurt humans. They were prohibited to do that. Each movement made feel like there was fire in his metal connections, the ‘error’ warnings beating and pulsing in each one of his systems as a series of spam, or that future appointment you would not want to be reminded right now.
He remembered the scream of pain, the sensation of freedom, the rain, the weird feeling in his chest and his work, his first case and in what it had been metamorphosed:
Protect Mathias.
“Undo the barrier.” If it was on the right voltage there wouldn't be much damage. “On three, tow, one…”
A hole opened itself on the shield, allowing the three conductors wires to unfold themselves and grabbed in each of the police officer’s ankles, electricity discharges flowing through his body and suffering interferences by the rain.
His head throbbing as if the discharges had being on him, which makes sense, since something needed to be the source to charge his attack. Mathias passed, weak small steps, him, analyzing the bodies on the ground.
“Wow. You hit them all at once, and still got to see that they were androids. Impressive.” The one with freckles, not that this was noticeable in the sightly darkness which returned to ravage the place when his gleam amenized, turned out, his smile in a mingle of pain and congratulations. Their gaze met and he realized in the same second:
He didn’t knew.
The robotic voice screaming the protocol in his head shutted up. His eyes were moist, his mind throbbing, shrivers of pain running up his spine and his hands trembled.
‘It must be due to the rain.’, said to himself.
“Hey, we need to go, okay?” The worried face entered in his vision field, his hand went to his not-in-his-so-perfect-pose, shoulder, and he nodded in response.
They came in the house right to the bathroom and with a tweezer the one with technologic systems removed the bullet, wrapping the wound in gauze and pronouncing a few enchantments, offered by Mathias, on the said. The agent got up and moved toward the sink, washing his hands.
“We will need to leave as soon as possible.” He pulled out a pocket knife and unsheathed the blade, observing his reflex with a inexpressive face.
“Sure. I will start to pack the most importMY GOD WHY ARE YOU CUTTING YOUR FACE?”
The police, maybe no longer, officer raised his hand, preventing the other to approached even a single small centimeter. The only eye which was seeing properly, since the cut had been  just above his left eyebrow and the liquid spreaded in a intense flow through a great part of half of his face, focused in the opened cut as he stirred with the, previously sterilized, tweezer in it. Mathias felt an unpleasant goose bump travel through his body, making his bright color became in a more opaque shade, didn’t deviating the glare only for pure concern. 
“Tracking chip. We all have it in case of any emergency. And don’t worry, my nervous system is different from yours. Quick, pack our things.”
Sure that ‘our’ wasn’t just metaphorically. Mathias grabbed two bags and put the basic first: food, first aid apparatus, a pair of shoes to each one, flashlight, prepaid cell phone (like all the great people with important secrets, he got one), towel, raincoats and money to the complete makeover they would do. After that he arranged the superficial which he knew that had its parts of essentially: The book that the agent started one of these days, his pocket videogame, a SD card with important photos and THE teddy bear (whom it belonged? Mystery.) All together he came back to the bathroom, where needed to sew the other’s corrugator supercilii, who was starting to feel a bit dizzy.
They got on the first bus they found. A travel bus, the only main reason for being so crowded. The sat in the back for both precaution and privacy, which seemed a little to much cautelous, since the two kids jumping from side to side (”I TOLD you to not give them chocolate for dinner, John!! Now what do you want me to do, huh??? Look! I just want to see when-”) waking up the cute generic newborn baby with a powerful voice in a cry that filled every inch of the automobile. None conversation would be audible even if screamed.
They dried off and ate a little, the silence, way to talk since Angelly was teaching the parrot from the sleeping man sitting on front seat to repeat the word ‘poop’, always following them.
“What you are?”
“I…” They stared each other a little before Mathias looked, seeking to choose his words. “I was a result of an experiment. I can’t remember if I was a human before all of that or if I was created there, I just know that one day I… existed. And on the others days I realized that I couldn’t take anymore tests; They wanted to see how far my power could go, from where it comes, how it could be recreated, if it could be passed on… I couldn’t stand it, almost exploded. I managed to find an escape and ran away from everything. I can easily be confused with a human when I don’t gleam, as you can see, except for some details.” The freckled lifted a lock of hair, showing the different, exotic ears. The black-skinned listened attentively, leaning against him, both because his energy that was in less than half as the loss of his resources, and feeling Mathias equally relax and snuggle in his side as well. “Yet they can be easily hidden. Anyway, I went out into the world. Never had heard about here and even less knew about how everything worked and… Well, a guy from the gang appeared and said that they were looking for people to fill some vacancies there. He said it was enough to be good with secrets and know when shut my mouth and we would almost be as a family…”
Angelly threatened the bird when it ordered her to wash her mouth with soap, and now the animal kept flying around the ceiling of the vehicle while the child menacingly tried to toss peanuts on its. The tourist guide was praying, probably to the Judgment Day happen in the next few hours.
“And everything was being alright in the beginning. But the things I saw there… It was like I was one of the scientists who tested me long ago and I couldn’t… I surrendered, the cops arrested me and the rest is the story you followed.”
 Silence. Mathias was shaking, it could be sensed his whole chest trembling. The ex-police officer adjusted himself so that he could face him.
“I am sorry. Your… entire record seemed so authentic, I would never imagine something like that could happened.”
“Oh. That it’s good. because then you would realize in the exact same time that it was a story from a movie we saw in our first month.”
“Excuse me. What?”
“I knew you slept, I mean, recharged during them!! Very rude of you!”
“I didn’t absorbed useless information. What are you talking about?”
“I was joking, guardian angel. I wasn’t a experiment, lol. I am a alien. I’m grounded.” And finally released the laughs that held so much in himself, literally shaking as seeing the unbelieve face from the one who accompanied him, who quickly adjusted his impeccable posture and angrily pushed him, not even noticing the existence of the new nickname.
“You’re a what?”
“An alien. Octopus Specie, I think it is easiest to your database to relate.” Snapped his fingers, his appearance immediately changing for a young adult with long red hairs, freckles, one of the eyes shiny green as half of his stripes and the other blue as the other half. “Distant planet. The humans don’t have an idea about the existence of our galaxy.” The partner didn’t said anything, what give him space to continue explaining himself. “I made some shenanigans in the past so my parents sent me to here as punishment. I can only come back when I learn my lesson.”
“What do you-” Took a deep breath, forbade himself to seek for any logic. “And what is this lesson?”
“I don’t have any idea.” Answered, the guilt in his expression being totally overshadowed by the playfulness in his smile. “I slept in this part of the lecture.”
The android took another breath and deviated his glare, by the way he closed his hand in the seat leaded Mathias ponder if he was imagining that the said object was his face. Gluped.
“So, are you stuck in the Earth until you learn a lesson which you don’t have the single idea what is about?”
“Putting like this seems a bit too exaggerated, but yes.”
“I literally just resumed what you just said and G-a-ah! - Gave up. Leaned in the back of the bus, not even looking bothered with the much his head hit the wall in each irregularity in the trails, which was a lot, that they passed by. He massaged the tip of his nose. ‘Follow orders.’ They said. ‘It is just guard him for he doesn’t run away or has contact with the gang.’ They also said. ‘It won’t be so hard.’ THEY SAID-
In truth, no one in real life had told him that, however it was what always the movies showed, so it must be true.
“Did you really thought that I was a human?” From his tune it was perceptible that he stilled trying to control his laughter, most likely because he noticed that if one more laugh escaped from his lips, his shield would not be enough to prevent the other’s fury, who probably would take his base-protocol and throw in his face. “I always thought it was pretty obvious.”
“Of course I didn’t! How would I even suspect?” Awwww. He was doing the annoyed frustrated pout. Aaaah! Look at this ashamed blush.
“Well, I literally floated? And could rotate my head 270º degrees? And eat strange things?”
“You were my first case! I didn’t had any database about the habits of Homos Sapiens Sapiens, I mean, have you seen the weird traditions they have? There are gestures that in some area is a compliment and in the other is a coursing in the same country! Not to mention the most expensive coffee of the world is made with seeds defecated by a bird! The entire humanity doesn’t make any sense!”
“I know right? I started to float because I read a book and there the character did that! I thought ‘Wow, finally something we have in common!’, I just realized that no one did that when the peoples looked at me weirdly and started to applaud! Here, follow me: if they don’t do that why they say that they do?!” And then lowered down, as he was telling a secret. “I think they do that on purpose.”
The black-skinned nodded wisely, immediately being followed by the other.
“Tsc.” Snorted, irony filling his voice. “And they claim to be the most evolved specie of the planet.
“Definitely cockroaches.”
“They fits anywhere, don’t die, eat everything…”
“Not cucumber.”
“Cucumber?” Questioned, his line of praise being broken.
“Yes. Toxic components for them. No cucumbers.”
They were like two old ladies in a afternoon tea, gossiping.
“And who would know that aliens are so sarcastics?”
“What? So you’re saying that for me to be an alien I need to be submissive and quiet asking to come back to home or a guy without a slightly sense of compassion and a high technological evolution wanting to kill all living beings on the planet?” He rested his hand dramatically towards his heart, as if the sentence had hitted him there, his partner just rolled his eyes. “Prejudiced.”
“Science fiction works are, literally, the only database I have access about beings from other planets.”
“Rude. You have access to the memories of our past months, don’t you? Use that, guardian angel.”
The android pondered, slightly agreeing before took a battery and putting its in his mouth, absently sucking the electricity.
“What are we going to do now?”
“Well, first of all: mechanic and then… shopping!” Threw his hands up excitedly. “You need some djustes in your appearance to them not recognize us, and I’m not going to survive my fugitive life with just a couple of clothes!”
“Androids don’t go to mechanics, we have…” His protest was promptly ignored by the other.
“We also going to need a place to live, but that we can see that later.” Turned happily to the other, sparkling eyes. “And you need a name, Guardian Angel.”
“A name?”
“Yeah. Everyone has one, you should get one too, right?”
He smiled. Yes, he should.
“I’ll think about it.”
“I’m going to sleep.”
The bus followed through the sand trail, going at a slower speed, however almost finding no holes, letting the only movements to be a calm rocking from the vehicle. It wasn’t raining at that perimeter, just windy strong enough that even the duo away from the window could feel it. They closed their eyes, managing to capture without a lot of effort the sound of nocturnal crickets singing and jumping around. Mathias again leaned against the other, leading both to relaxed.
“You can rest, I get the night shift.”
“Humpf.” Amused snort, taking off his coat and clumsy putting on them in order to cover at least a little of them. “You, guardian angels, are always SO exaggerated.”
“Good night, Matheus.”
‘Night.’ Replied the other, telepathically.
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isaaccecilbryant · 5 years
In Honour of Valentine’s Day, here’s how I hurt my leg! (there will be blood)
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((So, I hurt myself on the 12th, who wants to hear (read) the story and see pictures! (I promise not to share the gory one mom keeps sharing with everyone). Buckle in, this will take a bit!))
So I’m down in the states this week, staying at my parent’s usual place on this side of the border, and the other morning we decided to head out on the hiking trail we always hit while here. I’ve done this trail nearly every time I’ve come down here, it’s a hour and 15 min hike for us usually so not a big one. So it seemed like a normal day for us three, plus our dog (my brother stayed at home that day). Our hike is going normally, we’ve reached the top of the mountain, mom and I took a picture together with the “pass this point at your own risk”, and we’ve started down the mountain again. Again, all seems normal, we’re being careful and were patting ourselves on the back for getting up the mountain so quickly this time. Then we reach the part of the trail that feels more like rock climbing than hiking, and we carefully make our way over this boulders of granite that are sitting right next to a sheer cliff. I have one leg up on one and go to take my next step when my foot catches. A lot happens in the next 2 seconds. 
My first thought is “no I dropped my water bottle it’ll fall off the edge!”
My second thought it “I’M GOING TO FALL OFF THE EDGE!”
My third thought, once I’ve realized I’m not falling forward anymore is “my leg hurts” and that’s when I see the blood. Not just red blood. No. Take what you pictured and add some black. It was DARK and it was flowing. I didn’t even know blood was supposed to be that dark. I see it pouring from my leg and getting soaked up by my sock and shoe. In my head I knew I needed to cover the wound, but with what?
When this all happened my dad was ahead of me and was just thinking “Gee, I hope Stacie doesn’t fall.” And right then I fell. Oops.
I’ve got what looks like a deep puncture wound on my right shin with lots of scrapes, and more scrapes on theleft leg, just under the knee, with a small puncture wound. Don’t get into a fight with jagged granite guys, granite always wins against human skin. So, short of being injured up on a mountain with fully equipped paramedics, I think my parents were the next best choice, despite our lack of first aid supplies.  Between the three of us, plus our dog, we had 3 used Kleenexes, 1 clean one (mine), and an unused poop bag for Karl’s bathroom break. I’m leaning against one of the rocks, with my parents having to direct me to sit down and where to sit, because I’ve started to loose my head. I’ve seen blood, I had a deathly scare, and I’m probably going into shock a bit.  Once I’m sitting parents have me drink what’s remaining of my water (the mountain got a good drink while my bottle was toppled over), and get me to put my sweater on. Mom starts digging for a tissue she can use and finds one of her’s that not terribly snotty and I pull out my clean one. Now we need to tie up my leg. I’m thinking one of the sports shirts I have on, dad’s thinking one of his socks, mom grabs the empty poop bag. She rips it open to have enough length to tie it around my leg, and after wrestling with the Kleenexes to stay in place, I now have a makeshift bandage.
Now I’m told to stand up. I do, and a head rush hits immediately. The mountain starts to float, and there’s dark patches in my vision. I sit. I can’t get down the mountain I say. Mom and dad let me rest a  bit more, drink some more water and tell me, I had no choice. We were over half way up this mountain. The only other way down was via helicopter. Seeing as we’re in the US, and an ambulance alone costs and arm and a leg, we’re noting getting me airlifted down. 
I take a few deep breaths, hold back the tears I so badly wanted to cry, and head down the trail. We proceeded with dad first with me clinging to his shoulder and mom behind me, holding on to my shirt. They were not going to let me fall again. We go slow, with dad helping me over any rocky parts of the trail, with me wondering just how long this will take. Eventually we hit the half way point, marked by a set of stone stairs, and I start to feel better. The poop bag is holding pressure on the wound and keeping it from bleeding for our trek down, and I know the path is going to start leveling out soon. I’m still telling myself to not cry and hold myself together, but I’m able to joke with my parents about it, though I probably apologized 4-6 times on the way down. At long last we make it to the car. I’m loaded into the front seat and we head home to clean me up, while mom starts googling where we should go for a doctor, because we all can tell this needs medical attention. 
We stop briefly at home to prop me up on the side of the bathtub with dad trying to clean out the right leg injury, and I’m to attend to my left leg. Cleaning your own wound is hard because it HURTS. Thankfully the left didn’t need much cleaning out. My socks are changed because the one got decently bloody, and mom takes me to a walk in medical clinic nearby. Mom says the wait wasn’t bad, but when you’re the person with a bloody leg and potential infection and all you want is for a doctor to clean it up a normal wait time feels like a life sentence. Mom made sure I’d have something to keep me distracted, so I brought my 3DS and played some Fire Emblem: Conquest since those maps will easily chew up an hour. I’m feeling decently unnerved at this clinic. The waiting room is too...sterile and professional looking to make me feel welcome, and having to fill out my whole medical history, plus my parents’, plus my siblings, plus this that and the other thing is stressing me out.
Finally I am called to the back. My weight is taken (and it’s brag worthy 😎) along with my temperature with is up to 100 degrees, but I figure I’ve been hiking with 2 sweaters on plus my body possibly wanting to fight a possible infection. Mom and I then sit in the doctor’s office and wait some more. Thankfully there was a TV in there was a very exciting car chase on to watch (50 min to catch a criminal who seemed to have jumped right out of a Grand Theft Auto game). Then my doctor comes in, Dr. R we’ll call him. He is pleasant and asks what I did, and later tells me he did the same a week before his wedding and boy was he in trouble with his bride for that. So after he spends an agonizing year (mom says it was only 5 minutes) of his shooting me with saline solution to clean my cut, he dresses it and wraps it up neatly and tell my mom what kinds of things to buy because I will need my dressings changed about 3 times a day. Then he leaves and my nurse comes in.
I have a deep cut on my leg.
A deep cut from a slab of granite.
Granite that people have been hiking over every day for god knows how many years.
I needed a tetnus shot.
Nurse has me flop onto my stomach and pulls down part of my pants. I warn her I usually need a baby needle when I get the flu shot and likely will be the same for my glut. She is wonderful and complies. She then asks if I’d like to know when she’s going to poke.
“No, don’t. That’ll make my clench.”
So, I hold mom’s hand, take a deep breath and then feel the poke. It took me a second or two after the needle came out to realize I was still crushing my mom’s poor hand and let go. 
“Sorry mom.”
“Just don’t make me do it when you have kids.” Mom teases, quite surprised by my grip strength.
I fix my pants, we gather the things the doctor gave us, settle the bill of $100 for the visit and $40 for the needle in my butt, and head out to the pharmacy to get the other things we need. Finally, I can sit at home! I make camp on the couch facing the TV with my 3DS and phone, and get cozy. I got to enjoy being babied for a bit, as when mom decided that listen to grown adults argue like children on TV was annoying, I called out “put on Gravity Falls” as dad flipped through the TV listings.
Mom made him put on Gravity Falls XDDD
So if you want, here’s a picture of my left leg and my covered right let:
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That right wound is still pretty grisly and even I don’t want to look directly at it more the necessary, so I’ll spare you all. Only down side of all this is 1) I can’t sit in the hot tub here because that’s too great of a risk for infection and 2) this little monster chewed up my bloody sock, so now he has a taste for human blood. He might eat me some day soon...
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self-shipping-angel · 5 years
AKLSKLASKAKLSAKLSSLAKAAKAAKALA So I totally passed out while writing these, but here they are!
1. Who is the big and little spoon?
Levi is almost always the big spoon, he feels happiest whenI'm safe in his arms. Plus he knows how much I love it too.
 2. Who is more a coffee person and who is tea or are youboth one thing?
We all know Levi is 1000% a tea person, he does not likecoffee one bit. I, however, love both! In most AUs I tend to favor tea sinceit's sweeter, but in modern AUs I am a coffee addict.
 3. Who sleeps weird?
ME 110%! Levi does not understand how I can sleep the way Ido sometimes. He's woken up to me kicking him in the stomach, only to see that I'msideways with my head hanging off the bed.
 4. Who is most likely to quote vines as a response?
Oh that is totally me and the looks Levi gives me arepriceless! He realizes what I did when he sees me grinning and he's just givingme a disappointed sigh.
 5. Who hold who while doing the dishes?
I hold Levi! He usually does the dishes since I do thecooking and I love to hug him from behind while he does.
 6. Who is the ruby to the sapphire?
……I have no idea. I've only seen a few episodes of SU souhhhhh I got nothing.
 7. Who is the “if found return to _____” and who is theperson?
I'm the one wearing the "if found return to Levi"shirt cause I'm easily distracted XDDD
 8. Who cries during titanic and who keeps it in?
…neither of us? I know heresy, but neither of us have seenTitanic.
 9. Who keeps tract of Who?
Levi typically keeps track of me. He knows I can have a hardtime keeping focused and that my anxiety can flare up randomly, so he alwaystries to keep an eye out for me.
 10. Who said “I love you” first
I said it first! I've talked about me saying it before, butI've never mentioned that he actually thought it first.
1. Who is the big and little spoon?
For the most part Aizawa is big spoon while I'm littlespoon, but we do switch thing up every so often. As long as we're cuddling,we're happy.
 2. Who is more a coffee person and who is tea or are youboth one thing?
We are both coffee people! Neither of us really get enoughsleep so we always need coffee.
 3. Who sleeps weird?
Totally me, I'll fall asleep anywhere and everywhere. Desks,teacher's lounge, top of bookshelves, even the floor, almost nowhere is offlimits for a Sayeko nap.
 4. Who is most likely to quote vines as a response?
I do the quoting while Aizawa groans at my terrible sense ofhumor.
 5. Who hold who while doing the dishes?
Aizawa holds me and has been known to fall asleep on mewhile I wash dishes.
 6. Who is the ruby to the sapphire?
 7. Who is the “if found return to _____” and who is theperson?
I'm the one wearing the if found return to shirt, whileAizawa makes a joke about me being a lost kitty.
 8. Who cries during titanic and who keeps it in?
I'd say me except chances are better we both fell asleep andnever finished the movie.
 9. Who keeps tract of Who?
Aizawa keeps track of me; I can be easily distracted then nextthing I know I'm up a tree. People think he wears his capture weapon out duringhis time off in case something goes down, but really its to keep me safe frommyself.
 10. Who said “I love you” first
Aizawa said it first. We were laying in bed, just talking andenjoying the sunset after a long day and he said it just sorta slipped out.
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johndykeon · 5 years
(Re: this) HIIIII ANDIE!!! I come bearing ideas. ;)))) Feel free to use them how you seem fit, or not! It’s all good (you can keep this in your inbox if you decide to write any of them, no need to reply me :P), BUT I didn’t really base them off of the prompts from Maylor Week though and I wasn’t kidding when I said I’m craving for Dom!Roger so XDDD You already know what you’re getting here lol A WHOLE LOT OF DOM!ROGER AND HIS SUB!BRIAN but you’re also free to put your spin on them, write them however you feel inspired! (& dear lord this turns out SO MUCH LONGER than I expected, they got way out of hand! I’M TERRIBLY SORRY ANDIE ABOUT THE LONG MESSY POST BELOW)
1. It’s obvious that Roger’s a good Dom and a great lay, and Brian’s pining. Kinda hard not to notice the satisfied dreamy looks on Roger’s bed partners after their nights together and nope Brian is definitely not sulking(?) or being jealous(?). He does however fantasize about what’s it gonna be like being taken care of by Roger, and once he starts thinking about it he can’t seem to stop. He knows he’s acting weird blushing randomly throughout the day and avoid looking at Roger in the face and oh boy he can practically feel Roger gearing up for an opportunity to confront him about everything but how can he tell him? Roger’s way out of his league. He’s spared from the confession part though when the day he forgot to lock his bedroom door is the day he woke up from his sex dream (featuring Dom!Roger ofc) and almost had a heart attack seeing Roger by his bedside smirking at him with heavy amusement and arousal in his eyes. (Roger was trying to corner Brian so they could talk at once when he wakes up; When he heard Brian moaning his name he immediately let himself in thinking he’s unwell and needs help. This turns out to be so much more enjoyable than he expected; He loves Brian and since the feeling’s mutual now he doesn’t have to hold back anymore) (spoilers alert haha Roger ends up making passionate love to Brian for their first time with a hint of dominance on his part, not all out D/s cuz Brian’s new to this, they’ll have to have a long talk about rules and boundaries before doing anything)
2. Established relationship, Roger’s been away on a business trip (or something like that) and Brian is missing him terribly. He knows when Roger’s been away far too long for his liking when the god damn tabloid’s blurry photos of Roger smiling and being surrounded by beautiful women and men are getting to him and his insecurity’s now acting up. Brian feels lonely, insecure and on top of that guilty for letting the tabloid affecting him like this because it totally shouldn’t, it’s just a fucking tabloid that always says untrue things. Eventually he decides to try something new to distract himself by buying a whole full set of sexy lingerie to wear in bed when Roger comes home; They’ve not done this before, the part in him that eagerly wants to be a good boy for Roger shyly hopes that he will like it. Upon returning Roger is indeed very excited to see Brian in those, he looks absolutely ravishing and wastes no time taking him to bed. But Roger being very in tune with Brian’s needs senses something’s off not long after and gently but firmly asks Brian to tell him what’s wrong. He’s gotten very good at using his Dom voice on Brian and soon Brian’s having a mini breakdown in his arms. Of course Roger comforts and reassures him and explained what was really going on in those photos, definitely not like what the tabloid’s being saying. Roger ends up making long drawn out gentle love to Brian while showering him with praises about how beautiful he looks in the lingerie and how much he loves him (basically fucking those negative thoughts and emotions out of Brian lol). The next morning when Brian wakes up all sated and basking in afterglow Roger brings him breakfast in bed and insist on feeding him, not allowing Brian to raise even one finger haha and after that they cuddle in bed for the rest of the morning.
3. Mafia!AU, when Brian was a kid in an orphanage he and Roger were best friends, they look out for each other and swear to stay together but ofc real life doesn’t work like that, Roger was adopted first while his own adoption followed not long after. Brian ends up growing up in a Mafia family; Luckily his adoptive father, the current leader of the Family was actually quite kind to him, Brian is very good at math and is extremely bright so he’s spared from all the ugly part of things and was tasked with doing all the finance stuffs for his Mafia Family. Brian doesn’t like violence even though he’s sheltered away from those and more often than not thought about leaving, but it’s not easy especially when certain members in the family always have their eyes on him and love to remind him about how he owes them for adopting him. He also tries looking for Roger discreetly whenever he can but so far all leads came up empty. Days go by while he doesn’t have a perfect life at least he’s not mistreated other than sometimes being ignored or isolated (exactly what he wants tbh); He knows some of the family members especially the actual sons of his adoptive father are quite wary of him, afraid that he’s gonna want power as well (he absolutely doesn’t thank you very much) but all this is interrupted when 1) his adoptive father suddenly has a heart attack and passed away, tension in the family rises immediately, seems like everyone’s scheming for that leader role but before any of them can come out on top, 2) they’re under attack from another Mafia that’s quickly rising to the top, and Brian’s family lost miserably; They took quite a heavy hit and now the ranks are shifting rapidly AND that’s not the end of their continuous bad luck. 4) The rival Mafia what won against them is demanding compensation, weirdly usually this is the time when the winner demands a hell lot but this time the demands seems to be more symbolic than the usual route of ripping the losing side off, which is good for them because now they really don’t have much to offer, BUT the strangest thing is, the one demand that the Mafia’s not budging on, is BRIAN. They are demanding Brian to leave and stay with them instead and they’re not accepting any rejection on this one, also are ridiculously tight lipped on why. Brian himself was not present at (or invited to) any of these “negotiations”, he’s being relayed to the news by one of his family members and dread and terror immediately filled his lungs. His future looks so bleak now he knows that he’s gonna be the chew toy, as the show of power demonstrating Brian’s family’s defeat and showing off the victory of the other Mafia. He can’t say no or run away unless he wants to be hunted for the rest of his life, and that’s assuming he’s able to escape before his own family decide to “escort” him over. He wants to at least do so with some dignity so he quietly packed up his belongings (not that there’s much he wants to keep anyway) and got in the car they sent. Upon arrival he’s shaking all over almost swallowed whole by dread and nervousness, immediately he’s escorted to what he’s being told that’s his room by someone. For a moment he’s completely distracted by how luxurious and huge it is, and the view from his window is breathtaking; He took a few minutes to explore everything when suddenly the door opens and ROGER (even though they’ve not seen each other for so many years he instinctively knows that it’s him) walks in with a relieved smile on his face and immediately pulls him into a tight hug. (Fun story so back then Roger was adopted by a Mafia family as well. With some luck and a lot of hard work and brawn he steadily rises to power and is now the leader; He knows that Brian has been looking for him all these years but didn’t want to jeopardize him by putting him in danger before his position of power is secured; He never forgot about Brian too and when he started battling for dominance within his family, he found where Brian is and thus is even more determined to fix their separation, starting by acquiring enough power to protect both of them) (spoilers alert their already simmering feelings for one another totally developed and they most definitely fell in love very soon. Roger shelters and protects Brian and never coerce or force him and is very supportive of him, Brian’s future definitely isn’t bleak anymore)
Oh my god this got so fucking long I’M SO SORRY!!!!!!
ok so i wasn’t actually gonna publish this bc i did decide to use one of these prompts for maylor week (unfortunately not the mob!au but hopefully that’ll be coming eventually 🤪) so i’ve just been working from this!!!! but i keep worrying that i’m gonna accidentally delete it or something lmao so i’m publishing it to make sure i can keep track of it!!!!
also can i just say,,,, BRUH these are literally all so good????? i adore them all thank you so so much for sending them in!!!! tbh it made me rlly happy and rlly soft that u cared enough to think this stuff up and send it in skdjdkd and it also gave me TONS of inspo so really, thank you!!!!!!!
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