#I keep adding more
What's Eight Plus Seven?
Part One🦇Part Two🦇Part Three🦇Part Four🦇Part Five🦇Part Six
Being friends with Eddie is interesting, now that Eddie knows they're friends. Or trying to be. Or whatever it is that's happening.
If Steve thought Eddie was in his personal space before, it's nothing compared to now. It's not like this is a revelation to Steve, he's been around and seen how little Eddie cares for everyone else's personal space. It's just interesting to be part of that group, now.
He leans in close to stage whisper about anything and everything, especially if what he has to say will get a stir out of one of the kids. He gets to be on the receiving end of Eddie's touching now. Always touching. Eddie's hand on his arm as they talk, an arm flung around his shoulders as Eddie laughs about something and uses Steve to stay upright, so many high fives and fist bumps. Like, so many.
It's not like Steve is a stranger to touch. Robin leans against him all the time. The kids have no problem doling out hugs and attempted tackles in equal measure. And even the other Hellfire club members have warmed up to him, offering high-fives or handshakes when they show up for games. Except for Gareth, whose sole greeting seems to be clasping hands and pulling him into a half hug before patting him on the back like he's trying to burp a baby.
Not that Steve is complaining about the lack of personal space. He's just making an observation. He can now see just how much Eddie has been holding back when it came to touching him, back when he was still trying to befriend Steve. No, none of this is a problem. It's just, well, Steve didn't expect to crave the physical touch as much as he does now, is all.
It also turns out that beyond losing all access to his own personal space, Eddie is funny, can be kind, and is taking accountability. Steve was witness to Eddie pulling Lucas aside to talk, and even though he couldn't hear what was said, he did get to see the hug it ended it. And while Steve still declines all invitations to actually play Dungeons and Dragons, Eddie's been taking the time to explain it to him. To talk him through the words that swim on the pages of the Player's Handbook. He answers any questions Steve has after ever session of the campaign they play, and recaps the ones Steve isn't around to hear, whether because of work or a migraine (Dustin has a key to his house to let them all in when Steve is gone).
He and Eddie have been hanging out after ever Hellfire session, along with two or three more times in the week. Robin is still the person who Steve spends most of this time with, but Eddie is a close second these days.
So, overall, befriending Eddie has been interesting this last month, and that brings him to the now.
Now, Eddie has just finished cleaning up after the most recent game and Steve is lounging on the couch. It's perpendicular to the table, so Steve's laid out on it, head at the end furthest from the table so that he can watch as well as listen. Steve watches as Eddie fiddles with some papers, brows furrowed in thought, for a good five minutes before Steve speaks up to break the silence, "what are you thinking about?"
"I just- I made you something."
He props himself up on his elbows to get a better view of Eddie, "You made me something?"
"Don't, uh, don't get too excited. It's nothing fancy," he says, before grabbing the pieces of paper he was fiddling with and marching over with determination. "I know that you might never play a game with us, but here."
Steve sits up fully now that Eddie's approached the couch and reaches out to take the pages.
They're homemade character sheets. His character's character sheets. Three pages per character, where he can very clearly see that Eddie has taken the time to keep his handwriting neat, even, and as Steve examines the words, he can see Eddie has done his best to mimic Robin's handwriting, which Steve had mentioned very briefly, and only once, being easy for him to read. Robin's letters all look so different from each other with the 'f' having a slight curve at its top, but every 't' is perfectly straight. For reasons Steve doesn't fully understand, it makes it easier for him to read. Robin's writing rarely swims on the page like printed words do. Even the numbers are painstakingly written to look different. The 6's curve while the 9's are almost as straight at the t's. The 5 perfectly mirror a printed 5, with straight lines and a curved bottom but the 2 looks more like a capital cursive Q, all rounded edges.
The third page of each character sheet, however, has a character portrait drawn in a corner of the page. The top character is his dwarf paladin, drawn to look like Steve with a thick, full, braided beard. He laughs out loud at it, too touched and happy to keep it in. "Did you draw this?"
"Yeah. Will's not the only artist here," Eddie grins at him.
Steve flips to the last page, to see how well Eddie did with the elf magic-user. Steve didn't base this character on himself. When Eddie asked how he imagined the elf to look like, Steve had tried his best to describe him with words and gestures, demonstrating how long he thought his ears would be, and the length of his hair.
What he sees makes his heart skip, or stop, he's not sure. Because even though Eddie's never seen him, what stares back at Steve is Christopher. It's not perfect, the jawline is more angled than Christopher's was, and the hair is too long but that's because Steve described it that way. It's as close to being Christopher as one could get without seeing a picture.
It makes Steve's eyes water.
"Is it that bad?" Eddie asks.
He just shakes his head in response, setting the pages on the coffee table and stands. He disappears into the study and returns with a single photo frame. He reaches for Eddie's wrist, pulling his hand up and shoving the frame into his palm. Eddie grips the frame and frowns down at it for a moment, a confused expression on his face.
Steve feels a lump in his throat, emotion blocking words that usually come easily to him. All he can do is grab the page with the character portrait on it, offering it up to Eddie to see again. Eddie looks from the photo to the drawing and back a few times before quickly looking up to Steve. "I- is this... Christopher?"
He nods. There are three people in the picture frame. Christopher in the center with Amber and Robert on either side of him. A Santa hat hangs off his head while the twins are each wearing headbands with antlers on them, all three of them in ugly Christmas sweaters. It was sent along with a Christmas card and his mother, perhaps in a pique of nostalgia, framed it. It had sat on the mantle above the fireplace for a few years before migrating to the bookshelf in the study.
"Oh," Eddie whispers, looking between the two pictures again. Then he looks up again, a soft smile on his face and mischief in his eyes as he says, "you think Hopper'll hire me to do the police sketches? Turns out I'm pretty good at drawing from verbal descriptions."
That helps clear the block in his throat, helps him find his words again. Eddie's good at doing that. Saying just the right thing at just the right time to make Steve laugh instead of cry. "You? Working for the police?"
"The police!? No! Slander! I'd work for Hopper, though."
He does laugh, then. "I think your character is developing, or whatever."
Eddie snorts out his own laugh before passing the photo frame and paper back to Steve. "Yeah, well, I'm trying."
And Steve see it, is that thing. That Eddie is trying, has been trying. He makes less comments about conformity and says less snarky things about the customers that come into Family Video when he's loitering around. He does it even when Steve's not around to see this. Robin vouches for him, so do the kids, and even Wayne mentioned that Eddie sat and watched a full baseball game with him without his usual scoffing and ranting.
(And by mention, Steve means that Wayne pulled him aside when he went over to the trailer recently to tell him, "Eddie watched a whole game with me last night and didn't bitch once. And of course I questioned if he was gettin' sick and he said someone had given him a needed talkin' to about bein' a right ass 'bout some things and he was workin' on his way of thinkin' 'bout those things. I think I got you ta thank for that."
"What? Why?" Steve had asked.
"Eddie 'n I don't have much we bond over, believe it or not. Even though Eddie's decided baseball still ain't for him, he said he wouldn't be opposed to watchin' with me again. Don't think he'd of done that without ya.")
So, Steve sees it. He sees that Eddie is trying to be a better person than he was, and that he's drawn an almost perfect picture of Christopher because he listens when Steve talks. He wrote out character sheets that might just make it easier for Steve to read them, instead of just trying to argue that words don't move and if he'd just try harder he'd be able to read like everyone else.
He sees Eddie and it makes Steve want in a way he's been repressing since he was a freshman and first thought Eddie was cute. Eddie's fingers brush against his as he hands the pictures back, and even though Eddie's touched him probably a million times since that first talk, this is the time it makes electricity run through him and his stomach swoops and he feels his face heat.
Not wanting Eddie to see him blush, he turns on heel and speed walks to the study. He places the photo back on the bookshelf where it was before and then pauses to lean his forehead against the wall. They just got to the point of friendship! Steve cannot ruin this by catching feelings.
He did tell Robin he had a crush on her and got a soulmate out of it.
No. What are the odds he'd get two soulmates? No. He needs to talk to Robin.
He gathers himself and heads back to the living room, where he plans to sit and chat with Eddie like they do after every game and pretend everything is normal.
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He crawls through Robin's window that night. She wasn't expecting him, but the window is always cracked.
"Rob, you awake?"
"Mmm," Robin hums back, rolling over in the bed to pop one eye open. She watches him untie his shoes and toe out of them before scooting herself to the edge of the twin, lifting the blanket she's under up for him to slide in. Usually when he does this, it's with his back to her, but this time he needs to see her face, to see the reaction to his confession. He climbs in and settles facing her, watching as she blinks herself more awake.
"What's happened?" she says around a yawn.
"I want to date Eddie."
Robin's eyes go wide. "Oh! Ah, so, that's definitely wake me in the middle of the night kind of news."
"It's barely midnight, but yeah."
"So... how, umm, did you find out?"
Steve sighs, wiggling to lay on his back and stare up at the ceiling now that he's dropped the bomb and it didn't explode instantly. "That I like boys, or that I like Eddie?"
Robin wiggles forward and slings an arm over his torso, curling into his side. "Were they different epiphanies?"
He feels Robin nod her head against his shoulder. "So, how long have you known?"
He swallows thickly before whispering, "since the summer of '78."
A long silence follows that, and Steve doesn't try to fill it. Steve knows that there is no universe in which this confession to Robin ruins their friendship, but that doesn't mean she can't be mad or upset at him for not telling her. He tells her everything.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" is the question she asks after an eternity, and Steve feels tears in his eyes because she doesn't sound angry or hurt, just curious and maybe confused.
"It didn't matter before," Steve says and waits a moment to see if Robin will say something, but she doesn't, so he continues, "I thought it never would matter, living here in Hawkins. And- and a little part of me was afraid you wouldn't even believe me. If I said it out loud, if I'd let anyone know, and they scoffed, or, or rolled their eyes, or- I know I would have shoved it down. 'Cause I knew I could just like girls for the rest of my life and it would be fine."
She squeezes him with the arm draped over his torso. "Hmm, shoulda known that you'd like girls and boys, ya slut."
The laugh he lets out is way too loud to this late at night, but he doesn't care. That Robin is teasing him means they're okay. That she's not too hurt or mad at him for keeping this from her. For letting her think she was alone. His voice holds no hint of that laughter when he says, "I'm sorry."
"Unless the thing you are apologizing for is speed-running the gay crisis, which is unfair, you better shut your stupid mouth, Steven Michael Harrington."
"Don't government name me while we cuddle in your bed."
"I seem to be the only one doing the cuddling, so I'll say what I want."
He huffs out an exasperated breath but wiggles his arm under and around her. "Better?"
"Yes. Now, Eddie, hmm? I don't see the appeal, but neither can I claim he's a dud like Tammy Thompson. Give me a crush you had I can mock."
"... Tommy H in freshman year."
"No!" Robin is so flabbergasted by that she has to prop herself up on an elbow to look down at him.
He knows he's blushing because of the heat in his face but the room is only lit by the light of the moon, so she might not notice. "It was like for a month. A confusing time where I couldn't tell if it was a crush crush or a friend crush."
"Yeah. I know."
They giggle after that and Steve shifts so he can place a kiss on Robin's forehead, bending his arm to pet Robin's hair.
"Alright. You want to date Eddie. Do you... think he likes guys, too?"
"I don't know. We don't sit around discussing who we like, you know? Eddie's never mentioned liking anyone. Ever. Lots of talking about Dungeons and Dragons and his guitar, though. Hmm. He calls it sweetheart. Did you know that?"
Robin snorts. "What a dork. I lied. Eddie's a total dud and loser. Who gives their instrument a name, much less that name being sweetheart."
"What, you don't have a name for your trumpet?"
"God no. I'm a band geek but I'm not a total weirdo."
"Well, does Vickie have a name for her instrument?"
Robin gasps suddenly, a realization of some sort, and says, "Oh! This is why you were so sure Vickie liked me back at Warzone! Why you were so sure she could like both! Because you did!"
Steve shushes her. "Is this how you want to come out to your parents?"
"Right. Quiet time," Robin whispers, "I can do that. Anyway, back to you and Eddie. Are you going to... pursue that?"
"I don't know. I know I'm usually a Pursue Immediately kinda guy but this time... I'm scared, Robbie. I've never been friends with someone before dating them. I've never had something to lose if they said no."
"I don't know what to say," Robin says like a confession, quiet. "I don't know how to help. You're the only person who knows about me because I'm also scared. I don't want to lose our friends 'cause I don't know what they would say. You can never know how people will react about it until they, like, have to actually react. But whatever you decide, however you proceed, just know I'll always be here."
"I love you."
"I love you, too, you giant sap."
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May gives way to June and graduation parties. Steve conspires with Wayne to hold Eddie's graduation party at his house. The trailer wouldn't have room for all of Hellfire and the kids. The graduation ceremony goes by quickly and the party is a hit. Nancy and Robin are at their own graduation parties hosted by their parents, so this one is only for Eddie.
Which is what Steve wanted. He didn't want Eddie to have to share this day, a long time coming, with anyone.
(He does make an appearance at Robin's party, because that's his soulmate, but she tells him to go away after fifteen minutes with a my parents already want to betroth me to you, if you stick around, they'll actually try).
"Thanks for hostin'," Wayne says once the party starts to wind down, plopping down into the camping chair he'd brought with him. He'd actually brought four of them, to ensure enough seating for everyone when factoring in the chairs Steve already had at the house. Wayne then gestures across the pool, where Dustin, Lucas, and Max are welcoming a recently dropped off Mike, who had to spend most of the day at Nancy's graduation. "Speakin' of hostin', you gonna let 'em play their game here over the summer? I can start chippin' in snack money."
Steve laughs. "It never even occurred to me that they'd stop once school ended. So, yeah, if they want to keep playing then my place is open. We can take turns buying pizza."
"Best tell Eddie that. He's been tryin' ta work up the courage to ask ya. I can hear him pacin' 'round his room, mutterin' to himself."
"Is he... scared to ask?"
"Nah. Just don't wanna overstep himself, I think," Wayne says, then leans forwards, elbows on his knees. His expression is serious and his voice is low when he adds, "Eddie might not look it but he's always had a fear of bein' too much, y'know? It's not anything you've done, son. It's just Eddie, gettin' up in his own head again."
That Steve understands completely. "Don't worry, Wayne. I'll make sure Eddie knows I want him here."
Wayne nods, reaching out to pat Steve's leg and then use it pull himself out of the chair. "No doubts, here. Now, I think there's some potato salad left callin' ta me."
Steve stands, too. Wayne heads inside to where the food has been safely stored away from the bugs, and Steve heads off to join Eddie, Frankie, and Jeff in whatever they're talking about. They're discussing band stuff, so Steve listens happily, chipping in when they ask his opinion.
Eventually, Frankie and Jeff claim they want to go throw Gareth in the pool as payback for some earlier misdeed, and Eddie opts to stay and chat with Steve.
"So, I originally came to ask if there were any DnD snacks you'd like to change up. We've been getting the same things for a couple months now. Any summer specific snacks?"
Eddie's face glows with delight, smile big and eyes bright. "You're not sick of us yet?"
"No way," Steve smiles back. "I like having you and the guys around."
Eddie's face softens into a fond expression and Steve feels butterflies erupt inside him. Eddie opens his mouth to say something but a shriek interrupts and they both whip around to the sound of splashing.
"Oh. They were serious," Eddie says, which is a weird thing to say. If Eddie didn't think they were serious about throwing Gareth in the pool, then he must have thought they were just making an excuse to get out of conversation. Why?
"Looks like it," is what Steve says, instead of questioning Eddie.
"Oh! Steve! I had an idea," Eddie blurts.
"Oh! Eddie! What?" Steve parrots his phrasing back at him.
"And, like, you can tell me this is none of my business and to drop it, but, uh, Christopher's younger siblings, they're the same age at like Dustin and the rest, yeah? I was thinking, maybe, you should invite them to come stay with you for a couple weeks. Like you used to do with your grandparents? I mean, what's the difference between one older relative and another, right?"
Eddie keeps going, talking about the pros and cons, how it might be cool to get their kids to be friends with Steve's cousins, and Steve hears him, but also isn't listening at the same time. It's a great idea. Steve wonders why he hasn't thought about it. There's nothing stopping him from calling up his aunt and uncle and offering. He doesn't know if Amber and Robert still spend a month of their summer in Michigan, but he wants to know.
And that Eddie has been thinking about it. Has been listing ideas for group activities so Amber and Robert have fun while here. He's got great ideas, and it sounds like he plans to be around for the whole thing, like he wants to be around for the whole thing.
The want swells inside him and Steve just acts. He grabs Eddie's wrist and drags him into the house, passing Wayne as he's heading back outside with a new plate of food. Which is good, because Steve had forgotten Wayne was inside but with him back outside, they are alone in the house as he drags Eddie into the kitchen.
"Uh, what-" Eddie starts to ask once Steve has stopped walking, but Steve cuts him off. He's turned to face Eddie, dropping his wrist to reach up with both hands and cup Eddie's face between them.
"Can I kiss you? Please? Please can I kiss you?"
Eddie's eyes widen but he's nodding his head almost frantically and Steve pulls him into a kiss.
It's electric, like that first time Eddie's fingers brushed his own the day he realized he had a crush on Eddie. Eddie presses in, his own hands wrapping around Steve's waist, pulling him in as much as he's pressing forward. He runs his tongue along Eddie's bottom lip and Eddie opens to him immediately.
Eddie backs him into the wall that divides the dining room from the kitchen, kisses turning heated, biting. It's a heady feeling for Steve, to not be the one pressing someone against the wall; to instead be pressed. There's a high-pitched whine that echos through the kitchen and it takes Eddie breaking away to kiss his way down Steve's neck for him to realize he's making that noise, encouraging Eddie with it.
"Fuck, Eddie," Steve says as Eddie shifts, his leg sliding between Steve's own. "Wait, stop. Wait."
Eddie pulls back, although reluctantly. "Hmm?"
"Anyone could walk in here. And your party is still going. We gotta slow it down."
"Right, shit, sorry," Eddie pulls away, far too quickly, and Steve doesn't like the uncertainty that settles on him.
"Hey, no, don't apologize. I just- Jesus Eddie, I want to continue so bad, but not if we have to rush. Not some quicky in the middle of your party."
Tentatively, Eddie reaches back out, takes one of Steve's hands in his. "So, this isn't just a- this is something you've thought about?"
Steve nods. "Yeah. I told Robin almost a month ago I wanted to date you."
"Yeah?" Eddie looks shocked and shy at the same time.
"Yeah. So, uh, let's finish this party and we can talk about us after?"
Eddie nods, bringing Steve's hand up to his lips and planting a soft kiss to his knuckles. "Definitely."
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slicesofapple · 1 year
My Twelve Favorite (Children’s) (Chapter) Books (in no particular order and without regard for genre or intended age) and then some
Dogsbody by Diana Wynne Jones. If you are looking for perfection (and if you love fantasy), you will find it here. This also serves as a placeholder for the rest of Diana Wynne Jones’s body of work. You can’t go wrong with anything she wrote, although I do have my favorites. The audiobooks read by Gerard Doyle are fabulous.
Tashi and the Big Stinker by Anna Fienberg and Barbara Fienberg . It was like this… (The whole series is phenomenal; picked this particular one because it’s my kids’ favorite of the lot). Probably written for children on the younger side (quite a bit younger, lol) but that’s never stopped me…
The Hundred Dresses by Eleanor Estes.     If you want your heart torn out in less than a hundred pages.
The Ear, the Eye, and the Arm, by Nancy Farmer. Each time I read this I find it just as thrilling as the last time.
The Grey King, by Susan Cooper.   While each book in this series is spectacularly written, this one is particularly haunting.  Again, be prepared to have your heart torn out by the roots.
Is Underground by Joan Aiken. An absolute gem by one of the most wildly inventive and fantastic authors to ever write for children (which obviously is saying a lot).
Lionboy by Zizou Corder.   A favorite in this household. The audiobook is – chef’s kiss.
Danny, the Champion of the World by Roald Dahl.    This book also serves as a placeholder for Roald Dahl, whose mastery goes without saying. The audiobook read by Peter Serafinowicz is terrific.
The Perilous Gard by Elizabeth Marie Pope.   Perfectly crafted. (lol cw: quite sweet heterosexual romance)
The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin. Every time I read it, I love it all over again.
The Superlative Horse, by Jean Merrill. What is the price, and what is the value?
Captain Underpants, by Dav Pilkey. One of my kids' favorites, and mine too. The later books get a bit convoluted, but this one is so much fun.
Runners up (again, in no particular order): Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein, Keeper of the Isis Light by Monica Hughes, The Moon in the Cloud by Rosemary Harris, The Brilliant World of Tom Gates by L. Pichon, Dorrie's Magic by Patricia Coombs, The Worst Witch by Jill Murphy, The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley, Holes by Louis Sachar, Jack Holborn by Leon Garfield, Midnight for Charlie Bone by Jenny Nimmo, The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman, Merlin’s Mistake by Robert Newman, The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien, Beezus and Ramona by Beverly Cleary, Grandpa’s Great Escape by David Walliams, The Changeover by Margaret Mahy, Sabriel by Garth Nix, An Episode of Sparrows by Rumer Godden, The Kidnapping of Suzie Q by Martin Waddell, The Adventures of Odysseus by Hugh Lupton and Daniel Morden, You're a Bad Man Mr. Gum by Andy Stanton (the audiobook read by the author is wildly hilarious), Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling, Knight's Castle by Edward Eager, The Book of Dragons by E. Nesbit.
I consider all the stories listed above to be treasures.
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marisatomay · 5 months
You wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me
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centipedefriends · 4 months
its just me and my library wishlist of 273 books against the world
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applettoast · 23 days
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Lalalala i like to play and draw
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donutbroski · 1 year
I’m making the rottmnt bros designs more accurate to the turtles they are and I’ve never realized that box turtles are more orange than green(?), like he’s going to have. So many spots. Awesome sauce.
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wasabi-gumdrop · 6 months
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neon glory squad 💖
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Why is he kinda...
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These two asks were right next to each other, and I think that’s beautiful
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sinnabum45 · 4 months
Masterpost of links for Palestine, Sudan, and more!
Google Doc of fundraisers for Palestinian families
Masterpost of vetted and trusted fundraisers
Operation Olive Branch Google Doc + Tiktok link
Mona and her family's GFM + fundraiser to distribute necessities to Palestinian people
Gaza Funds promotes new campaigns every time you reload the page
Care for Gaza helps bring aid to families in Gaza
Help Gaza Children fundraiser to help families afford necessities + Learning about Palestine + Ahmed Abdeen and his family's GFM
Masterpost for donations + petitions + campaigns for Palestine
Fundraisers for Sudan masterpost
Info on the "No Thanks" phone app that tells you what company to boycott
Palestinian GFMs in with very little donations masterpost
Scam donations + tips on how to spot a possible scammer
Mutual Aim is a fundraiser that splits donations to DR Congo, Sudan, and Tigray
Google Doc of resources for Palestine, DR Congo (DRC), Sudan, Tigray, Hawai'i, Haiti, and Yemen
eSims for Gaza masterpost
Spreadsheet of multiple fundraisers for Palestine, Tigray, Sudan, DR Congo, Syria, etc.
More vetted campaigns for Palestinian families
Master post for more fundraisers for Gaza- with more information (for example, fundraising for families, medical aid, direct aid with everyday living expenses, providing tents, etc.)
More vetted fundraisers for families in Gaza
More vetted fundraisers for families in Gaza
More verified families who need more funds in Gaza
Focus Congo is an organization for aiding and educating others about Congolese people
Keep Eyes on Sudan is a website with verified fundraisers and other resources on how you can help. I.e emailing your reps, upcoming protests, etc.
Sudanese gfm list
List of organizations for Palestine
If you have donated to any fundraiser, you can get an art commission from me!
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onionrimgs · 7 months
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aesthetic-uni · 1 year
Misha Collins is the funniest straight man ever. He’s the only person to arguably queerbait in real life. He had to come out as a straight. He was told by WB to just stay bisexual. He’s living every homophobe’s nightmare scenario but the only difference is that everyone actually loves it for him
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liquidatorbruntfca · 7 months
i love you nyota uhura i love you christine chapel i love you deanna troi i love you beverly crusher i love you tasha yar i love you lwaxana troi i love you kate pulaski i love you ro laren i love you keiko o’brien i love you jadzia dax i love you kira nerys i love you leeta i love you moogie i love you ezri dax i love you kathryn janeway i love you b’elanna torres i love you seven of nine i love you t’pol i love you hoshi sato
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kiwifie · 1 month
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making him increasingly more mikorin variety tsundere every time i draw him
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Robins can be found with a variety of patterns, colors, and shapes. However trying to use their appearance as an indicator for their nature would not be advised. All Robins, in their own way, are capable of quite dangerous feats, and are not to be taken lightly.
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clarkgriffon · 4 months
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SPIKE + text posts
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offkilterkeys · 10 months
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Planned on making Jake punch someone and then put it off indefinitely by continuously making the canvas larger and giving them more friends.
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