#I just needed to rampage a bit
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pyromaniacldrt · 5 days ago
Welp, I tried.
I may have bever mentioned it, but I'm a Httyd fan to the core, and the hiperfixation is back and it hit me like a bullet train.
So, after going berserker and watching a RoB marathon, I remembered Nine Realms exists, and yes, it gave me the ick, but I decided to try it out.
You see, I dont like hating things, I need a VALID REASON to actually hate something or at least feel that my hate is acceptable.
Add that with my desire to expand the httyd lore and marvel myself with ANY content, ohhh boyy-
So yeah, so far I've seen season 1 and I'm on chapter 3 of season 2, and to be honest? I expected worse, although that show has already done a LOT of damage to my heart.
Like, wtf is THIS????
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It's just there. Staring at me. Evil thing.
I literally searched "httyd ugly unicorn thing" and this EMBODIMENT OF THE WORST THINGS ALIVE showed up. There's no way you can tell me that thing is "cute", it's EVERYTHING but CUTE! I also really hated Jun on that episode, but even more the writers. How can you compare something like KILLING in SELF DEFENCE with bringing ducking SATAN to the human world because "I love unicorns??" Girl not even my eleven year old sister would do something like that and she LOVES unicorns. Also, did I forget to say she never apologised? Like, just joked about the incident and acted like Tom was the one in the wrong? What kind of message is that writers!?
On another note, I really like Tom's mom, is the only caracter that seems to be her own person in the entire series besides Alex, hope she doesn't turn out bad or anything.
Which brings me to my biggest problem with this series: It's not its own thing. The literal second episode is just a compilation of parallels between Tom &Thunder and Hiccup & Toothless, and I hate it. "Oh look! It's just like your favorite dragon riders, they are so similar! They are descendant of Hiccup and Toothless, so it's just like seeing them reflected in them! It's the same! Come and let us take your money!!!"
This show is doing everything at its power to be "just like httyd", when it's not: It's a whole new scenario with a interesting concept with the whole ICARUS thing (even though I'm sure they just copied that from Camp Cretaceus, given with how much tnr relies on its own creativity) as well as the one-season mysteries, the semi-likeable teenagers which is asking a lot in media, and a huge chance of LORE EXPANDING (my fav thing everrr) and this show could be SO MUCH BETTER but they just stick with creating parallels and showing how this spin-off is just identical to the other shows and it's exactly the same and ARGGHHGGGHHH-
Let them have their OWN UNIQUE BOND so that we can like them BECAUSE they are TOM AND THUNDER and NOT BECAUSE THEY RESEMBLE HICCUP AND TOOTHLESS. Let me like the rest of the cast BECAUSE WE GOT NEW RIDERS, not because they are all the NEW RIDERS WE'VE GOT.
I want to like this show, I really do, but it's getting harder every time I click the next episode, because there are so many lost ideas, plotholes and terrible designs (which I dont usually complain about, I never minded the character design of any media until this show), that I just pray to myself that the next chapter will be better, because I'm not sure what to expect will ruin my day or make it harder for me to watch.
But I want to be an informed hater, or even perhaps a unlucky enjoyer, so I'll keep watching, and I'll try to undertand why so many people hate it, and justify the few who love it.
Pyro Out.
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cursed-angelic-art · 10 months ago
Shen Yuan is a streamer known as Peerless Cucumber. His main focus is an rpg called Proud Immortal Demon Way that is often critiqued as "just another waifu collector" and Peerless Cucumber gets a ton of flak for being so invested in the lore and for heavily defending the main player character, Luo Binghe. But as is the way with content creators who are overly invested in one piece of media, he has a healthy niche following. One of his longtime followers is Heavenly Pillar, a Luo Binghe role player who leaves him lots of donations, despite his pleas for people not to send him money.
Shen Yuan has a love/hate relationship with this follower. On the one hand, he's pretty terrible at roleplaying Luo Binghe. He seems to have the characterization and speech patterns down, but he'll constantly go super OOC and start flirting with Shen Yuan while still pretending to be in character. And he barely says anything about the wives Shen Yuan encounters while playing. Luo Binghe isn't gay! And he certainly wouldn't be into Shen Yuan!
On the other hand, it's nice that someone out there seems to not only like Shen Yuan's content so much, but also values him as a person, showing concern if he's playing at odd hours of the day or hasn't eaten anything in a while or just seems particularly lonely. Maybe it's borderline parasocial, maybe Shen Yuan should be focusing on making friends irl, but it's nice, you know, to have someone's attention wholly on you.
Luo Binghe is a centuries old demon lord who's traveled to nigh on hundreds of universes and donned countless personas in his neverending quest to find something to alleviate the monotony of his life. This one caught his eye a few years back when he saw some advertisements for Proud Immortal Demon Way. It's far from the first time he's come across a story about his life, but a video game is a novelty.
So he downloads it. And in his expert opinion after hours of play, the game sucks ass. Not only are the fighting mechanics unwieldy and the rewards limited, but the wife quests have incredibly contrived plot lines that repeat the same 5 tropes over and over. Sure, Luo Binghe's actual harem was oft unwieldy and annoying (it has dwindled significantly in recent years), but he doesn't recognize any of the people he remembers marrying in these 2d pixels. Even the ones that are staples of the Luo Binghe genre, like Sha Hualing, Liu Mingyan, and Ning Yingying are pale caricatures of their real life selves in his memory.
Luo Binghe decides to shelve the game, but first takes to the internet to see what others have to say about it and that's where he finds him. Shen Yuan shows his face on screen. His voice. His mannerisms. Luo Binghe has only met the "not-Shizun" Shen Qingqiu a scant number of times, briefly, in a handful of universes. And each time, he was closely guarded by another Luo Binghe. But not this one. This Shen Yuan appears to be alone, neglected, a wilting flower carrying on through energy drinks, cup noodle, and sheer determination.
Luo Binghe is going to find out where he lives. It's not a matter of if, but when. And in the meantime, he's gaining his trust and affection one stream at a time.
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ace-malarky · 4 months ago
okies one present down aha
I have not done much writing this last month!! I did not find the balance with dragon age oops
I also have a job app to do this next couple of weeks :((
but the present I still have is the fun bitey Maverick one hehehe so I can take breaks to reward myself
also I'm like two pages off finishing this notebook and ok technically yes there are other pages I'm going to fill before considering it fully finished but like. It's been less than a year! I finished a whole notebook in a year! absolutely ridiculous what is up with that
very funny to me that the first thing in here is dnd and the last thing will also be dnd. cyclical y'know I dig it
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victorluvsalice · 1 year ago
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-->Fortunately, chatting with the other customers went a lot better. Hell, Smiler not only managed to ring up Geoffrey Landgraab for a box of tomato sauce, they even got some money advice in the bargain (judging by the Focused moodlet they had after the interaction)! And the hits just kept on coming --
Alice finished up her workout in time to ring up Emilia Ernest, Victor’s dueling partner from the last episode, for a box of cheese (because even if she can't greet customers, she can apparently finalize sales – logic!), then – after a bathroom break – went out to have some zoomies as the Fury was starting to get a little high from her being cooped up in the break room all this time. She then returned and plopped down by one of the planters for a nap, only to be chased back inside the break room by the rain. Can't have wet werewolves stinking up the joint!
Victor sold some Playful scent to Lily Feng and a box of vegetarian MREs to Ukupanpio (one of the Sulani mermaids) before his growling stomach forced him to take a quick break, grabbing Cameron’s abandoned microwave pastry (which wasn’t great but at least filled him up), before returning to sell a Purple Parallel flower arrangement to Annette. Which I was frankly glad to see, as the flower arrangements did NOT seem to be garnering a lot of customer interest before. Come on, guys, we have so many flowers...
And Smiler, of course, was the selling MVP, ringing up Cameron Fletcher for a box of mayonnaise; Venessa for an Energizing scent; Penny for box of meat substitute; and Nalani for a box of veggie MREs! All while managing to ignore the fact that Judith Ward was visiting and the paparazzi were taking pictures of her in the bathroom. XD At least now I’m sure customers can use it! We also had Yuki yank a quill fruit out of one of the produce fridges, though the game really wasn’t fond of her doing that, spitting out an LE. I’m not sure my game likes some of Brazen Lotus’s mods, unfortunately...might need to consider a mod folder clean-up in the future...
-->Anyway – by this point, it was getting a bit late in the day, and everyone’s enthusiasm for the store was flagging. Victor took some time to magically clean the produce stands and the bathroom sink before going for a nap on the break room sofa, while Alice similarly did a little more working out, licked herself clean, then curled up on the break room floor for a snooze of her own (as her werewolf instincts were demanding another one). Smiler was still keen to talk to people, but as it was getting to be about 6:30 PM in-game, I figured it was about time they closed up and had them do just that. Final totals of the day – eleven items sold, for a total profit of $4,932! Not too shabby. AND it wasn’t quite as laggy – the game still had a nasty habit of pausing when customers grabbed items or when someone was trying to clean up out-of-stock signs, but it wasn’t NEARLY as bad as it was the last time I played the store. Seems like having less for sale did actually help in that regard, yay! :) Anyway, I was all ready to pack it up and send the trio home –
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illogicalvulcans · 11 months ago
oh i feel SO hot in this dress
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lalalovezfrenchfriez · 1 year ago
gripping my toes into my chanclas rn cus APICO the game is on sale and I REALLY wanna play it and own it and hrghhhhh beeeeeeezzzz
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allllium · 2 months ago
~ Some Sappy Jason Todd x Reader
~ Playing with Jason's Hair
~ Fluff, a little overthinking, WC: 981
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- You play with Jason's Hair -
You are usually very good at understanding things about your boyfriend, Jason. It took you no time at all to find about his nightly activities and everything about his family. But on the other hand, you can't seem to understand him at all.
You've tried not to ask him about certain things because based on hints from his family, he's had some bad shit happen in his life.
However, the more questions you don't ask, the more that seem to pop up.
You haven't asked him why sometimes he flinches away when you touch him but other times he leans in.
You haven't asked him why his hands make fists when you're trying to sleep at night.
You haven't asked him about the scar along his chest or his aversion to certain foods.
All because you're too scared to make him uncomfortable, or maybe because you don't know if you could stomach it.
You're laying bed and waiting for him to come out of the bathroom. Somehow, you take less time getting ready for bed than he does. You suspect it's because he needs a couple minutes to process everything that happened during the day.
As usual you have a million thoughts running through you're head all at the same time. 99% of them are about him.
When he finally comes into your shared bedroom and gets comfortable in bed, you're debating whether or not to talk to him about some of the things you can't get out of your mind.
You decide against it. The last thing you want to do is make him uncomfortable or bring up any bad memories that might affect his ability to sleep through the night.
He can obviously sense your unease, you don't hide it very well.
"What's wrong?" His raspy voice cuts through your thoughts.
"Nothing, sweetheart." You try to play it off.
"Uh huh." He says blankly.
"I'm just thinking about things, is that a crime?"
"Depends on what they are." He pulls you closer to him and wraps his arms around you.
"Nothing bad."
"If someone's bothering you, you should tell me."
"Why is that?"
"Well I have an ability of getting rid of people."
"Oh my God Jason you can't joke about that." You look at him in amused shock.
"Who says it's a joke?" He asks, face completely serious.
"Okay no killing people on my behalf." You chuckle and he copies. "I'm just trying to figure you out more."
"Cuz I want to know more about you?"
"Like what"
"Right now I want to know what you want." You pull away from him in order to sit up a little bit.
"I don't want anything at the moment."
"Yes you do. If you didn't want anything your fists wouldn't be clenched and your eyes wouldn't have that look. Like you want to say something but can't."
"You really want to know?" He asks.
"Yeah I really do." You immediately reply.
"A couple months ago while we were watching a movie on the couch, you played with my hair and it was very comforting. And the best sleep I've ever had."
"That's it? I've been driving myself crazy trying to think of explanations and you're telling me you just want me to play with your hair." You question him in disbelief. It's been months of overthinking thoughts and random mind rampages for something you haven't even noticed you were doing.
"I didn't know how to say it." He shrugs, not looking into your eyes. "It sounds childish."
"No it doesn't. Everyone has different ideas of perfect comfort and I happen to agree with yours. Jason, if you want something from me all you have to do is ask."
You lean over to give him a quick, sweet kiss.
"I'm not used to that."
"Well you better get started."
"Fine, would you play with hair so I can go to sleep, Angel?"
"Only because you asked so nicely."
It takes a second for you both to get rearranged so it's comfortable. You're now laying on your back with Jason half on his side, half on top of you with his head on your chest.
It's almost amusing how quickly he falls asleep but above all else you feel a sense of pride at the fact that you're the one giving him this feeling.
He said this was comforting. He said this was the best sleep he's ever had.
And you're the reason he's having these things.
You stay up longer than you probably should have. This time the thoughts running through your head aren't worrying or overwhelming.
They make you happy. Happy enough to fall into a very sound sleep.
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You wake up to coffee on your nightstand and a missing Jason.
"Jason." You call out and he quickly comes running.
When he walks in the room, you immediately begin questioning him.
"What is this?" You ask with an ounce of suspicion. You're worried it's a repayment of some sort.
"It's coffee. A hot caffeinated drink."
"Because you like it and it makes you irritable for far less time in the morning."
"Jason you don't have to do things for me just because I did something for you."
"Yes I do. Because words won't let me explain how grateful I am for you."
"Since when are you so sappy?"
He sits on the bed next to you.
"Don't be mean to me right now, I'll take it away."
"Fine. Continue your speech."
"I know it's a small thing for you but I haven't felt comfort like you give me in a very long time. Maybe even ever. And I need you to know that."
"I can't tell you how happy I am to give that to you."
The next thing you know, you both have giant grins on your faces and you're both happier than ever before.
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259kmvn · 1 month ago
fight after
don't call me a slut, scara. | scaramouche x reader smut at first, fight, angst to comfort
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"hah- fuck, y/n, i'm close- fuck!"
scaramouche bounces you on his lap at an erratic speed, his swollen member rubbing against your very sore sweet spot repeatedly. his hands grip the flesh of your hips tightly- restrained thrusts arrythmic and needy.
"you're my little slut, aren't you? hah, my good- fuckkking- slut!"
with that, he comes- a final satisfying slap of skin reverberating between your thighs and his. both you and him pant heavily, worn from the three rounds of continuous love-making in various positions. he has a hazy look in his eyes. clearly, he's satisfied.
you, however, aren't. did he just call me a slut? you try not to let your thoughts show on your face. he did it twice, too! the fuck?! there's a rampage in your mind and there's no doubt. it's souring. your. mood.
scaramouche, in the meanwhile, is planting kisses all over your skin, oblivious to the turmoil his partner is having. "i," a kiss on your clavicle. "love," one on your neck. "you." one on your cheek. his eyes glaze over features until he finally reaches your eyes. his heart staggers for a while- but not because he's so in love (which he is), but because something is wrong. you're not looking back at him.
"um, i need to go to the bathroom for a bit." you lift yourself off of him, trying hard to ignore the squelches of your very wet, very swollen slit. you grab your robe that's been abandoned on the floor and make a beeline for the bathroom.
"you want me to follow you?" you hear, and you contemplate not responding. it's not unusual for you to go to the bathroom after making love with your lover. it's also not unusual for him to ask this, teasingly or not. but this time feels different. there's a tension in the air.
you wish there isn't.
"i'm good, scara, thank you." it's for the better that you respond. this is fine. you're fine. you just.. need time to recollect yourself.
your thoughts are at war as you clean yourself in the bathroom. you wipe off the stickiness on your legs as hard as you attempt to wipe away your thoughts. it's really not that serious, you scold yourself. he was just really into it. you should take it as a compliment. you justify.
but still, you didn't like it. you don't. not one bit.
you don't realise that you've been in the bathroom for far too long until scaramouche knocks on the door. "y/n? you alright in there?" a hesitant worry laces his voice and you feel a pang of guilt hit you in the chest. "i'm coming in." and he comes in.
curse your habit of not locking the door.
"y/n." he calls out. you think he's angry, because you've sat in the bathroom for too long and you didn't respond to him and you also didn't say "i love you back" before you went to the bathroom, and also because his eyebrows are furrowed. he leans against the doorframe. crosses his arms. "what's wrong." that was a demand.
you didn't want to make it a big deal. but if he can give you attitude, you can do it too.
"nothing," you mutter, and get up to leave. "i'm gonna get a drink." and a drink you got, after leaving the bathroom and grabbing a cup from the kitchen. unsurprisingly, he follows you- what did you expect, anyway? he's got questions only you have the answers to. and it's scaramouche, of all people. nevertheless, you avoid his gaze, turning away while you take an unnecessarily long sip from your cup.
you've never been one to face conflict head on. it's always just avoid or compromise. or avoid long enough until you reach a compromise. but scaramouche's persistence is somehow not letting you do that.
after you set the drink down, you look straight past him, preparing to go to the bedroom. "i'm going to sleep."
"tsk," your partner clicks his tongue, and before you could walk any further, he grabs your arm. firm in his tug towards him. "you're mad at me." and when you don't reply, his grip softens- "i must have hurt you just now."
your lips are tightly sealed, and you don't meet his eyes. so scaramouche keeps trying. "where did i hurt you? what did i do? you need to talk to me, y/n." somehow, his tone is a mix of worry and frustration. you still don't reply, and his hand flies to your face-
gently directing your cheek so you have no choice but to look at him. "y/n."
you chew on the inside of your bottom lip. there's really no running away from this. from him. fine. you'll play his game. "youcalledmeaslut," you mutter, still keeping your lips close together. when he gestures you to say it again, probably because he didn't hear you, you say it louder: "you called me a slut."
the puzzle pieces in his brain appear to be coming into place, and his eyebrows relax. "ah.." a wave of realisation releases itself in his voice. "that... i'm sorry. you know i don't mean what i said. i just... got too excited," he reasons out with you.
"yeah.. i get it. i'm sorry for taking it personally." is what you want to say. but honestly? there's still hurt that will not be resolved by this one exchange of words. and since he opened up the dams, you might as well let it out.
"i.. i don't get it, scara. you know my first time was with you, right? so why would you ever call me that? and- and, what am i to you? just that? a slut? your slut? like i'm an object or something?" disappointment and hurt drip from your voice as scaramouche pours guilt from his eyes. "where did you even get the idea to call your lover a slut, anyway?"
this time, it is he who doesn't look at you, and you find his close presence too much to bear. you pull away from his grip, sitting on a nearby chair instead. letting the tense silence simmer in the air as both of you collect your thoughts.
after a few seconds, scaramouche approaches you. he crouches down at your knees, reaching out for your hands that lay clenched on your lap.
"y/n..." contemplative is his tone, and looks up at you. seemingly revering your presence. making up for the way he made you feel. "i'm really sorry. i..." and he takes a deep breath, "i used to call my previous... partner... a slut. on her request. it's- it's a habit, i guess." his thumbs caress your knuckles and they're so gentle, you almost forget you're arguing. "but i should've left the past be in the past. i'm... a changed person with you, y/n."
you look down at your hands, entangled with his. letting your mind process his words. and as if to match the tender of his touch, you soften your voice. "but didn't you have any respect for her, scara?"
there's a pause in his movements. a sigh. "just as much respect as she had for herself," is what he settles with. you frown. it's like he senses your worry, the way he stands up and cradles your head in his arms, pulling you into his chest. "like i said, i'm a different person with you now. you've... taught me a lot of things. about respect and love." you lean the slightest bit into his hold. he smells like sweat and fresh air.
"y/n... i love you. i could never lose you, and i have never and will never see you as a slut." he lets go slightly and lowers his gaze to meet yours, "i'll never call you one ever again. you have my word."
now it's your turn to wield guilt, though you've carried it from the start of this ordeal. so you apologise, "actually... i- i'm also sorry, scara. for... for making a big deal out of this. for not being able to fulfill your fantasies. i really j-"
"wait. fantasies? is that why you didn't want to tell me at first? because you think it's my fantasy to call you a slut?" you're shocked by his interjection, and even more by the fact that he's probably right.
the slight part in your lips close into a small smile as you nod your head. "maybe..." you say, sheepishly pressing your lips together.
he also smiles, albeit in disbelief- "y/n, you are my fantasy- fucking hell, we could go touchless all the way and i'd still have the cum of my drea-" your shocked wide eyes halt him, and he chuckles. "too far?"
this time, his question was not full of worry; it's cheeky, and he knows he can be cheeky because you've got that telltale blush on your cheeks that shows that you're enjoying something.
"you're finally smiling," he says, and the observation seems jam-packed of relief. so is his heavy sigh afterwards. "i was worried that i hurt you, y'know. i mean- i did, but i thought i really fucked up bad." he cups your cheeks and leans in closer to you. "i'm glad we could reconcile," he whispers, before pressing his lips against yours.
"i love you," he mumbles against you.
and finally, you reply.
"i love you too."
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queenie-the-court-jester · 1 year ago
yandere!emo boy x reader 🖤
a/n: first scenario! reader is mentioned to be cutesy and wears pink, while this dude is going through a hormonal rampage. All characters are depicted as seniors! 18+!
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He hated this fucking school. Hated it so fucking much. He hated the other students, the snobby teachers, the shitty teaching. All of it. Everything except for you.
Sweet funny little you. Just sitting next to him playing on your phone. He was sitting in his chair, feet propped against the desk with the teacher not even bothering. She was done with his bullshit too.
Taking a quick glance at you, he still remembered how you stared up at him while you were collecting your purse's things. you bumped into him by accident and the purse fell due to you not really holding it.
He was planning on screaming at you, maybe give a punch in the nose but he froze when he looked at your face. Stared into your eyes. So pretty and innocent.. it was decided. He didn't need to know anything, you were his right then and there. Ignoring how you tried running away as he grabbed your wrist and dragged you to sit with him at he lunch table.
that's how you got stuck with your new best friend, Riley sandserson. The schools goth and biggest asshole. Always bitching about something or being an overall insult to nature. Sassily flicking his hair away from his face, sometimes even managing to smack somebody with it.
Most avoided you because if they wanted to talk to you, they had to talk to Riley first. And Riley thrived on it. Getting to have you all to himself was an amazing feeling. Clinging to you like a barnacle onto a ship, kissing your neck sometimes or giving it a little nip. Letting out a loud laugh when you'd swat him away. He wanted to stuff that pretty cunt full of his seed..
But back to present matters, he watched you play your game, smiling a bit with how focused you were. Admiring the new ruffle skirt and pink cardigan you were wearing. Oh god, he loved you alright. "Hey, doll face" you looked up from your phone. Staring into his green eyes.
Fuck he could feel another boner coming on. "Gotcha somethin" he quietly passed a hello kitty doll towards you "saw it 'n thought you might like it" "thanks Riley.. I love it" you smiled and hugged your new friend, he was definitely stealing it back later when he'd break into your house again. He tapped his cheek, you seemed hesitant before placing a kiss on it like he demanded.
'i give you something? Thank me for it by giving me a big kiss.' you took it seriously and you're glad you did, because who knows what would happen if you didn't. Spotting his bloody knuckles as you pulled away, you fretted over him. Going into your bag to whip out some pink bandaids.
"Goddamnit what did I say about getting into fights? You'll get your shit rocked one of these days Riley I swear to god. you should be more.." he let your voice drone on, not even Paying attention as he grinned stupidly. He let you place them on with a blush on his pale acne covered face.
God you really wanted to punch him sometimes, to teach him a lesson. But hey, Atleast he stopped bragging about his latest fight and how he dislocated his opponents shoulder and broke their fingers..
What were you going to do with him?
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natalievoncatte · 4 months ago
“Okay,” Alex said, “listen, prepare yourself. She’s acting… strange.”
Lena strode next to her, clenching her fists as if she could grip her own cold fury with them. The audacity of Danvers
to call her in like she was some employee after what Kara had done to her, was shocking. She would have told her to fuck right off if not for the desperation in her voice. She almost hung up on her when Alex said it was about Kryptonite, and they needed an expert.
Outside the exam room, Alex directed Lena’s attention to a screen. Some two-bit “villain” (how she hated that word) was on the screen. She wasn’t sure what he was going for with his outfit but he looked like a cross between a cable repairman and a wannabe Ghostbusters with a helmet that reminded her of the cap on a salt shaker. He was thrusting a wand device at Kara, spraying her with a fine pink mist.
Some of the substance had been gathered into a small vial, currently residing in a lead canister. Lena turned the vial in her hands, watching the tiny, powdery crystals flow over each other like sand.
Lena swallowed, hard.
“She’s not on a rampage, so it’s not red kryptonite.”
“It appears to be pink kryptonite,” said Lena.
“Your scientific skills of observation astound me,” said Alex. “Marie Curie would be so proud.”
Lena gave her a flat look.
“Fuck you, Danvers. I haven’t had a chance to say this to your face yet, but fuck you. Fuck all of you, playing your little games mocking me to my face when we were supposed to be friends.”
“We were friends,” said Alex.
“Not friends enough for Kara to tell me the truth.”
“I told her not to,” Alex said, coldly, “and I was right. Maybe I kept at her too long about it, but she ended up keeping the secret because she was afraid you’d flip out and blow up your whole friendship over it, you fucking drama queen.”
Lena screwed the lead canister shut. It looks like it was meant to hold radioactive flour.
“Do you want my help or not?”
“Please save her. I’m prepared to deal with your sanctimonious bullshit if you save my sister.”
“I’ll need to work on the sample, but I should examine her first. Is it safe?”
“She would never hurt you.”
Lena rolled her eyes. Alex stared at her flatly.
“You two, Jesus Christ. If you were anyone else I’d just call it out, but fuck it, let’s keep this professional.”
Lena crossed her arms. “Call what out?”
Alex arched a brow. “Should I start with the office full of flowers or the literal billion dollars you spent on her?”
Lena’s nostrils flared and she felt red creeping up her cheeks. “That wasn’t about her, that was about keeping Edge from owning his own media empire. Murdoch is bad enough.”
“It’s a fashion industry magazine,” said Alex, “and Edge could just start his own. The difference is Kara worked at CatCo, where you started working instead of…”
“Do you want my help or not?”
Lena huffed. “Fine. Let’s go.”
Alex opened the door. Kara was seated sideways on the exam table, swinging her feet like a bored child. There was a faint pinkish tinge to sparking points on her pale skin and she looked up with a slight pink gloss to the whites of her eyes, visible at a distance.
“Heyyyyyyyyy~”, said Kara.
Lena blinked.
“Kara? How are you feeling?”
Kara stared at her hands. “Why are you here? I thought you hated me now.”
Lena felt a sharp sting of regret deep in her chest, but brushed it off, like crumbs from her sleeve. It was as meaningless as crumbs. Kara’s honeyed words were always to sweeten her lies.
Kara resumed staring at her hands. “Humans call them fingers, but I’ve never seen them fing. Oh,” she giggled, wriggling her fingers, “there they go.”
“Kara?” said Lena.
“Oh, hi, I didn’t see you come in,” said Kara. “Some dude sprayed me with glitter and now I’m all funny.”
Alex leaned over. “We only got her in her by convincing her the Backstreet Boys were waiting inside and she spent three hours singing those stupid songs with Nia before I called you.”
Lena licked her lips. “Ah, I see. Kara?”
“Yeah, babe?”
Lena flinched. Babe? What?
“How are you feeling?”
“I feel great,” said Kara. “Kinda… kinda relaxed but excited. I’m excitalaxed! I made up a new word!”
“Would you excuse us a minute?” said Lena.
“Sure,” said Kara.
Lena stepped out and closed the door after Alex joined her.
“Alex,” said Lena.
“Lena,” said Alex.
“She’s high,” said Lena.
“I know,” Alex sighed.
“That’s incredibly dangerous. If she was just a dumb blonde we could let her sleep it off, but she can bench press an aircraft carrier. What if she gets some inane idea in her head and levels half the city?”
“She isn’t going to hurt anyone.”
“Didn’t she throw Cat Grant off a building the last time she was under the influence of something? It was on TV, Alex.”
Alex scowled. “That was different. Also she had it coming.”
Lena’s brows shot up.
“What? She was a bitch to my sister. She made her cry like three times a week. I don’t buy into that hardass girlboss mentor routine, I never liked Kara working for her. It was a relief when you bought the company, I had hopes someone would finally be looking out for her. She’s fragile, Lena.”
Lena blinked. “What?”
“Yeah, turns out that having your planet explode and losing your entire culture, family, and way of life, then losing your foster father, and then having to kill your aunt who is your mother’s twin sister can do a number on you. Might make you a little bit clingy and weird and paranoid about losing everyone you love. Shit, Lena, out of that whole list I just lost my dad and it was not make me a drunk for six years and captain of the varsity slut team. And I’m gay.”
Lena stared at her.
“Why does everyone I know need therapy?”
Kara chose that moment to throw the door open, making them both jump. She was grinning ear to ear.
“I don’t need therapy, I need rum,” said Kara. She turned to Lena and stage whispered, “alien rum that I can get drunk on.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Kiddo. Why won’t we go sit down and try to rest.”
Kara snapped her fingers. “I know what we can do! We can go clubbing! Come on, Lena, let’s go clubbing. If I go clubbing with you it’ll make Lena jealous.”
“We are so fucked,” Alex muttered.
Kara started forward, but Lena stepped in her path and pressed a hand to her chest.
She froze, staring open-mouthed at Lena. Lena could feel the muscles flexing under her palm and fingers, the nearly infinite strength pressed against her simple touch and yet yielding to it.
“Kara,” she said, softly, but firmly. “Let’s just go back in the room, okay? You’re intoxicated by the altered Kryptonite you’ve been exposed to and you’re not thinking straight.”
Kara looked her up and down, slowly. Lena felt a hot tingle pass through her and her legs quivered in her slacks. Kara’s eyes had gone dark and her chin dipped slightly and holy shit she was staring directly at Lena’s mouth.
Alex looked at her nervously.
“Lena,” Alex said, in warning.
“She won’t hurt me,” said Lena.
Brainy walked into the lab. “I have good news,” he said. “The half-life of this particular type of Kryptonite is very short, by my calculations it should only last a few… hours…” he trailed off, then added quickly. “I have business elsewhere, excuse me,” and fled the room.
Lena gave Kara a tentative push and the invincible Kryptonian stumbled back. Lena ended up guiding her into the room again and sat her down.
Alex began to follow.
“It’s fine,” said Lena.
“Are you sure?”
“She won’t hurt me. Close the door.”
Kara sat down and stared between her feet, fiddling with her hands.
Lena waited for the door to close and sat down next to her.
“Are you mad at me?” Kara whispered.
“Yes,” Lena murmured. “I’m so angry at you that it makes me want to scream.”
“Oh,” Kara said, her voice small.
Lena sighed. “I’ll never be mad enough to let anything happen to you, Kara.”
“But you’re mad.”
“I’m mad. I let you in, you didn’t do the same for me. I let you see who I am, good and bad, and you held back from me.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I know.”
“But you’re still mad.”
“Yeah,” Lena sighed.
Kara rubbed at her arms, sniffling.
Great, Lena thought, she’s coming down.
“Everybody changes,” said Kara. “Everybody goes away and leaves me. I’m so scared, Lena. I’m so scared of being alone. I was alone forever and ever in my pod and it hurt so much,” she choked out a little sob. “Everyone goes away and I can’t take it. I can’t stand it. I didn’t want you to go away so I lied to make you stay. I’m sorry.”
Lena, haltingly, put an arm around her. Kara leaned her head on Lena’s shoulder.
“Can I make it so you’re not mad at me anymore?”
Curious, Lena thought.
She wasn’t mad at all right now.
Kara began to sob softly, and suddenly, all at once, being mad didn’t make so much sense after all. She still felt it burning in her chest but it had gone from hot coals to dying embers, from raging magma to something bitter and sticky coating her lungs, making it hard to breathe.
“I think you can do anything if you try hard enough.”
Lean smoothed back her hair and curled the sleeve of her designer jacket around her hand and used it to dry the tears, and Kara hugged her, tightly but gently in her insistent way.
“I’m sorry.”
“I know, darling. Just relax and breathe, I promise it’ll be better soon.”
It was a funny thing, when Kara kissed her. It happened so naturally, so easily, that once it began, Lena was hardly aware how it started. It was not a lustful kiss, though she could feel that was there in the hungry way that Kara’s lips tugged at her own, almost pleading. Nor was it sad. It was hopeful, and it made something flare in her chest.
No, more than that. A crushing blast of warm air snuffed the dying embers of fury in her chest and in their place a new bonfire blazed into being, a sudden explosive joyful warmth that would blaze in her forever until the sun went out and the sky went cold. It was as if Kara had given her some red sun fire.
On instinct she lunged into the embrace and suddenly they were on the table, Kara swinging one leg lazily off the side as Lena straddled and locked lips with her.
"Oh God," Lena blurted, yanking back.
"What's wrong, baby?"
Lena almost fell off onto the floor when Kara called her that. She was sitting on Kara, panting.
"We can't," said Lena. "Kara, please, you're high as a kite."
Kara let out a soft, sad sound. Lena brushed her cheek softly. "It's okay. Just let me lay with you."
Kara shifted so Lena could join her, and they lay facing each other.
"I love you," Kara whispered. "You are my red sun, my scarlet sky, my beacon calling me back from the void."
Lena's breath caught. She tucked in close and kissed Kara on her nose.
"I'm tired," said Kara.
"Go to sleep," Lena whispered. “It'll be okay. I'll still love you tomorrow."
With a contented smile, Kara closed her eyes, looking so peaceful that Lena wanted nothing more than to watch over her.
When Alex came in and laid a blanket over them, she had the most frustrating grin on her face.
Lena decided she'd allow it.
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st0ryf1lms · 9 months ago
is it really you? ➳ ken sato
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pairing: ken sato x reader
word count: 866
genre/warnings: fluff, sort of a crack fic, 3+1 things, wrote this with a sarcastic tone LMAO, a bit of profanity, grammatical errors most likely (wrote this at 1AM), reader uses fem pronouns
synopsis: the 3 times kenji sato swore he saw you, and the 1 time he actually saw you.
a/n: yes, i'm finally giving in to the kenji sato brainrot HUHUHUH if i had known he was the reason my writer's block would disappear, would've watched the movie sooner i'm ngl edit: AAAAAA WHAT 600+ NOTES??? U GUYS ARE INSANEEE I LOVE YOU ALL this is now up on my ao3!!
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At the New Tokyo Dome at his first game as a Giants player
Maybe he was just dreaming, maybe it was the fatigue actually catching up to him ever since he hopped off that plane, or maybe he did actually see you in that stadium amongst the crowd cheering his name. You, as in his childhood best friend, arguably one of the best parts of his childhood in Japan before leaving for LA. You, as in the childhood best friend he never got to say a proper goodbye to. You, as in the childhood best friend whom he always missed and cried to his mom about whenever he'd get homesick. (You, as in the childhood best friend he'd harbored a secret crush on as a kid. As an adult? Psh, what sane person gets hung up on a person who must've forgotten him all those years ago. Not Ken Sato, for sure, yeah, uh-huh.) He'd never know for certain, of course, because as he was about to stop and look, a Kaiju crashed a KDF plane into the ceiling of the stadium.
KAIJU ALERT, his watch blared in an angry red face. He sighed, making his way to the nearest stadium exit and heading towards the dimly-lit part of the street by the stadium. Not without stopping for a split second because he thought he saw your silhouette. Silhouette, really? My God, Kenji, pull yourself together, he told himself. Of course, that wouldn’t be your silhouette because he definitely doesn’t know what you look like anymore, what food you like, what your job is, how you held up after he left for LA. Of course, he doesn’t know that.
Shaking off any more thoughts of you, Kenji turned into his giant alter-ego to fight off the Kaiju wreaking havoc on the streets of Tokyo. (a distraction, really, as Mina would say.)
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2. On a grocery run looking exhausted as hell.
It had been two weeks since he took in the baby kaiju in his basement and Kenji Sato has never been more exhausted. If you ask him, exhausted would be an understatement. Nevertheless, his mind was actually alive (much to Mina's surprise) because he swears this time, that he actually saw you. With his own two eyes. As if locked in a daze, he secretly followed you like a lost puppy with a push cart in the grocery store before realizing you were heading for the exit. He stopped in his tracks as the doors opened for you, realizing the items he got weren't paid for yet.
Begrudgingly, he went back inside the grocery and got the rest of the items he needed before going back to his house.
Next time, I swear, I'll talk to her, Kenji said to himself as he drove back to his place.
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3. During Emi's acid reflux rampage.
Shit, shit, shit, he cursed to himself like a mantra as he zoomed across the streets of Tokyo on his bike, trying to chase after the pink baby kaiju that somehow escaped his basement that he explicitly placed under the care of Mina (in case you couldn’t tell, he's definitely glaring at his AI assistant). Looking at the construction site beside him as he sat in traffic, an idea popped in his head. He could use that to give him a boost to quickly get to the baby. He rode up the makeshift ramp and turned into his giant alter-ego, catching his bike in time.
"Holy shit." He froze. Goddammit, had he really been that careless? Changing in front of a civilian? Nervously chuckling, he turned around to face the owner of the voice, mentally preparing his response [read: excuse] only to be wide-eyed and speechless. The owner of the voice was you. You, as in his childhood best friend, whom he's been trying to catch up with ever since he landed in Japan.
"What the fuck! Ultraman is Ke-" You exclaimed before you got rudely interrupted by the giant superhero. "Hey, shhh! Can we, like, stay quiet on this matter? I know I don't have an NDA right now but my bike will suffice, I guess. I'll get it back from you, I swear, I just really have to take care of this right now. Treat you to our usual spot? Thanks!" He said frantically before running away to take care of his huge baby problem.
Not really the best way to reconnect with your childhood best friend.
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+1. After the battle at sea with the KDF.
"Hey, sorry for being late, had to take care of something." He apologized as he jogged up to you on your usual hang-out spot when you were children. You reassured him, saying that you had just arrived, too. "I didn't know what kinda stuff you eat now as an athlete superstar so I just went for the safest convenience store options." You said sheepishly, holding up the plastic bags with a weary smile. "I don't mind, I actually like convenience store snacks." He beamed on how you still remember what he used to like as a kid.
"So, Ken Sato, gonna explain?"
"Oh, you're gonna want to sit down for this."
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arietem · 30 days ago
sunset skies, bonfire nights
summary: you and jj have a will-they-won't-they thing going on for the last year. you are ready to take things to the next level on the first bonfire party of the summer. it's about to be steamy
jj maybank x fem!reader
ꕤ friends to lovers, smut, piv, unprotected sex on the beach (oops), sex in public ꕤ
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You were slowly losing your mind, rampaging through your closet, looking for something to wear for the bonfire tonight. It was the first party of the summer and the night when you would finally make your move. You physically couldn't hold back anymore, and even if nothing came from it, you would at least know you tried. Either way, you just needed to wear something that you would feel a million dollars in (plus, something that would make your blondie feral).
Your plan for tonight was to look sexy as hell, have the best time ever, and possibly have some action in the Twinkie on the way back to the Chateau. (No, the rest of the gang being there will not deter you, you can be quiet when needed). Sounds like a good plan, right?
After what felt like fucking forever, your eye caught a sparkly silver bikini top stuffed in the back of your closet, still with the tags on. You bought it some time ago, but left it untouched since it was a little tight on you, pushing up your boobs, threatening to spill them out of the garment. You usually wouldn't go for something so impractical while on the beach, but, well, isn't tonight the perfect occasion for accentuating your girls a little bit? Finally, you decided on a high-waisted denim skirt and the bikini top, with cute flip-flops on your feet. You left your hair to dry naturally, with beachy waves ready for someone's fingers to go through them.
Since the beach was not far from your house, you decided to walk there, giving you ample time to prepare yourself for the quest ahead. Ever since you moved to this place a year ago, you have been playing this seemingly never-ending game of push and pull with JJ, which has honestly left you frustrated and ready to get to the next level. Sure, you hooked up with other guys in the meantime, but they hadn't been able to hit that spot (literally and figuratively). And yes, you've seen JJ with other girls, but come on, he had to feel this sizzling tension between you two.
When you got closer to the beach, you could see that the party had already started, and a pretty big crowd was gathering. Excitement bubbled in your stomach, giving you a good feeling for tonight. "Babe!" You turned around when you heard your name, spotting Sarah walking towards you. "OMG, you look incredible!"
"Hi, Sare! So do you!" You pulled her in for a big hug. If Sarah was here, John B was not too far from her, and if John B was here, that meant JJ must have been somewhere close too. "But do you really think so? I haven't worn this top yet. Isn't it kinda too much?"
"God, no, it's perfect", she wiggled her eyebrows. "I'm so glad you're here! Kie is somewhere having fun with some Touron, and I need some girl power with me here." She nodded her head over your shoulder, rolling her eyes good-naturedly. You turned to see what she was referring to and saw exactly who you expected to, John B and JJ, of course. JJ was doing a handstand over the keg, with JB holding his legs. Typical boy shit.
"Why are they such boys?" You rolled your eyes too, but in reality, you didn't mind that they were having fun, you knew how hard their lives could be. You took Sarah by the hand and walked in the boys' direction, not wasting any time. You reached them just as JJ was wiping his mouth on his hand, a proud look on his face. Guess he was the keg king for the night.
"You done yet?" You made sure he could hear the playful tone in your voice and waited for him to look your way.
"Just getting start-" Yeah, he saw you, alright. "Whoa!" Seeing his reaction to your outfit boosted your confidence in the direction this night could go in. His breath hitched, and his blue eyes sparkled while he looked you up and down. Yeah, you couldn't lie, you were drinking in his attention, loving the butterflies his gaze unleashed in your stomach. You purposefully fingered your necklace, dragging his eyes to your cleavage again, not that he needed that push anyways.
"So, we're gonna get something to drink that is not a beer. Have fun, you guys!" Sarah wiggled her fingers in a goodbye and winked at you, dragging John B towards the coolers. You gave yourself a split second to sigh in her direction before turning towards JJ once again. This is what you wanted, and you were not going to chicken out this time.
When you turned around, JJ quickly looked up at your face. You narrowed your eyes, knowing what he was checking out. "You like what you see?" You could also be cocky when you needed to be. Why should he have all the fun? Remember, the goal for tonight was to have fun together.
"Oh, I like it very much." JJ smiled, and his delicious dimple came into focus. You wanted to lick it and trace his jaw with your teeth. It was getting harder and harder for you to contain yourself. It had to be now or never, baby.
"Come on, JJ, I gotta show you something." You grabbed his wrist and started heading towards a quieter part of the beach, further away from the fire. There, you could tell him what was on your mind and hopefully do something about it. "Someone's impatient today, huh?"
You ignored his muttering behind you and led you two to a tree you could mostly hide behind. "Soo, what did you want to show me?"
"Who's impatient now?" You couldn't help but tease him just a little bit. Still, he was right, you were impatient, which is why you crashed your lips to his, not letting him say anything else. At first, he was frozen, taken aback by your advance, but then…then he woke up and grabbed the back of your neck, deepening the kiss. His other hand wrapped around your lower back, playing with the strap of your top.
After what felt like a long time of heated making out, you gasped and broke apart. He put his hands on your shoulders, towering over you. "That was…intense", he chuckled and nudged your chin up with his fingers.
You felt drunk, unable to find your words for a few moments. Intense was the right word, and you needed more of it. "Please, JJ, less talking and more whatever this is." You hooked your pointer finger in his shark tooth necklace and brought him closer again, leaning back on the tree.
This time, his hands wandered under your skirt, where the real surprise awaited him. You could tell the moment he discovered you weren't wearing any underwear. He let out the hottest whimper and pressed himself harder into you. It was impossible to ignore the bulge in the front of his cargo shorts, but when you reached for his belt buckle, he stopped you.
"Are you sure?", JJ whispered in your ear, nibbling slightly. "I was sure for literally this whole year, I just didn't know if you wanted it." You gasped slightly when he blew cold air on the wet spot on your neck.
"Fuck, I wanted to do this forever." He turned you over so you were now facing the tree, hitching your skirt up, giving you a little slap on your ass. God, he was turning you on so hard. You bent a bit so you could graze the tent in his pants. The belt unbuckling and zipper sliding down sounded so loud in the night, but you knew nobody could actually hear you over the music and laughter. Still, you loved to hear it, and it was making you even wetter, if that was possible.
JJ lined himself up with your slit, gathering your hair in a makeshift ponytail, pulling slightly and making your back arch. You can hear him moan when he enters you and starts pounding, slowly at first and then faster and faster. Both of you are on a high right now, messy and sweaty, skin on skin slapping in the dark night, only the glow of the fire in the distance.
You can feel your core tightening, a sure sign that you are close to the finish line. "JJ, I'm so clo-o-se", you panted out, reaching behind you to grab his thigh. At that, JJ pulled the string on your bikini, making it unravel from your back. With his free hand, he pinched your nipple. The zap you felt when he did that was the last straw. You clenched around him and cried out when your release hit you.
JJ let go of your hair and grabbed your hips, bottoming out inside you. A few more thrusts and you could hear his grunts, "fuuuck yes, baby". He stilled behind you and trailed faint kisses along your spine, catching your top and tying it at your back.
You finally found your voice, "this, this was fucking intense." You laughed hard and straightened your skirt when he pulled out. You could feel some dripping going down your leg, but honestly, you couldn't be bothered, it was too dark for anybody to notice anything.
You turned to face him, still breathing hard. "Why the fuck we haven't been doing this for the last year?"
"We better get caught up then."
"Yes, sir." You gave him a mock salute and turned to get back to the party, to mingle with your girls a little bit. Right when you started walking, knowing he would follow, he smacked your ass again, a little stronger this time.
"JJ!" You threw a glare in his direction but couldn't stop your lips from growing into a smile.
Mission officially accomplished. ;)
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victorluvsalice · 1 year ago
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Hi all! It's the next update of the Chill Valicer Save, bringing us to Spring Sunday in the game and my birthday in real life! So everybody be nice and like this update. :p Today was another day spent largely at the store, so let's get straight into it --
-->Started with a few werewolf shenanigans from Alice -- thanks to her and Victor's amazing bed, she was full energy around 4:30 AM, and as she was already pretty Furious, I decided her task for the morning would be to knock herself over the edge so she could RAMPAGE and then immediately regain control with her Fury reset. She thus got sent outside to transform into her beast form and do werewolf stuff – marking her territory, howling, smelling and scavenging for treasures (nothing good though -- scavenging doesn't actually turn up stuff most of the time, I've noticed), things like that. *shrug* Sometimes, you just gotta indulge the beast!
-->While that was going on, Smiler finished off another computer chip and a mechanism on the robotics bench, then wandered into the living room to prune the regrown bonsai into a playful shape. I allowed this because I was curious as to what a "playful shape" was -- turns out it's a freezer bunny. XD I quite like that!
-->Victor woke up a little bit later with a talent point in hand – I had him spend it on “Charge Control” to reduce the amount of charge he builds up from casting spells (and as he does a LOT of that, it’s an important upgrade!), then head downstairs to do some laundry, which came with some free flirting from Smiler. :p Once everything was in the wash, he got dressed and headed into his greenhouse to check on all of his plants, and Smiler headed to the cow paddock to go refill Moory’s feed and check on the cow. Because we can't have this fussy cow deciding we don't love her, after all! After making sure she was good, I decided to have Smiler tip her (in Sims terms, this means “making it rain” simoleons in front of your cow) to get some enriched milk from the day's milking, then left them to it while I checked in on Alice! How was her proto-"rampage" going?
-->Well, uh, turns out she was rather more into cleaning up puddles and chatting with inanimate objects (like Victor's lettuce). Which, I couldn't object to the former, at least, even if it wasn't in my plan for her for the day. I was determined to knock her over the edge into a proper RAMPAGE, though, so after sending her to feed Toothy, I had her start going places FEROCIOUSLY and marking her territory to kick up the old Fury...
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opiopal · 7 months ago
more random headcanons!!!! cuz they've been building up in my brain!!!
whenever there is a ball, Dia makes SURE he steals a dance from Lucifer,
one time, mammon and mc snuck out bc mammon had a thing he wanted to do, when they both got back mc was super drowsy and was falling asleep on mammons arm, which lead to them both somehow sleeping on the couch lowkey cuddling. everyone else was very jealous for a while.
once satan got angry enough to rampage modern day, and by mistake he had thrown something and it hit Mc, which ended up bruising pretty bad. he felt guilt until it fully healed no matter how many times Mc told him it was fine.
once beel went to an all you can eat place and came back to the HOL and went into a very short food coma,
Belphie has crescent shaped scars on the back of his hands and on his wrists, he has them from when he had killed Mc, their nails were digging into his hands while trying to escape. he looks at them often and feels guilt.
lucifer has pictures of all his brothers in his wallet and Mc knows this.. Mc also wept into his chest after noticing they got added to his wallet as well
mc teaches dia a lot of human things, wether its phrases or things like skating. Though sometimes, very rarely, they'll confirm some untrue bs that solomon tells him just to fuck with him. "Yes, human women do shed their skin during their periods."
one time in a panic mammon bit lucifer hard on the hand when he was about to be punished, it sent lucifer into a small crisis afterwards.
everyone has gotten their makeup done by asmo before, even if they don't realize they have.
luke needs a step stool for a lot of things, since everything in purgatory hall was made for adults and had no consideration for anyone that is child sized.
though I dont know much abt her, I believe that thirteen would be a hugger, but only with Mc, not like overly clingy, but def a hugger.
one time Mc got sick crazy bad and woke up to barbatos folding their laundry for them in the middle of the night, since he knew they wouldn't be able to manage to do such a thing and was fearful that none of the brothers would help them with it, so it probably kept him awake lol. Mc was very confused yet thankful and barb was very embarrassed.
going back to lucifer being a dad, he also probably has a group photo of the 8 of them framed in his office.
satan and mc randomly talk to each other as if they are in a shakespeare play just for the hell of it, it most likely started when one of them was making fun of something and the other copied it.
I'd like to thinkk that asmo and levi are secretly close, asmo helps him with cosplay stuff!!!
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iwantazzifudd · 12 days ago
Hi friends, this is my first ever attempt at writing anything here and it’s a Pazzi oneshot, I’m honestly nervous that it’s bad but I’ve been inspired 🤗 it’s also my first attempt at any fiction writing in general and why was this actually a bit difficult?!
PaigexAzzi fluff
Paige was trying her best to not freak out about the lack of messages from Azzi today but it was just so odd.. they always spoke and made time for each other even when the had to be away.
Paige tried to tell herself that Az was probably just busy, but she couldn’t help but pace around her room wondering if she did something wrong. Or worse, wondering if Azzi met a cooler California girl during her brief trip to the state.
She knew that she was irrational to think that way but just as she started to get out of her head and message her girlfriend, she realized that Azzi had stopped sharing her location, and that’s what officially sent Paige over the edge. She couldn’t tell if she should be sad or angry, so she chooses the latter and makes it the rest of her teammates problems.
Kk, Ice and Sarah had all agreed to stay over for the week Azzi would be gone to give Paige some company, and to spend some quality time with the older girl. Today though they maybe regretting staying the entire week. When The blonde stepped out of her room the girls immediately realized something was wrong, and they shared a worried look.
“Hey boogers everything alright” KK asked hesitantly, scared of making Paige even more upset. “Peachy.” Paige responded shortly. “All of you do me a favor and check Azzi’s location” this request just made the other girls even more worried. “Mm looks like she turned it off” and when ice saw the look in Paige’s eye she immediately regretted being the one to answer.
Paige nodded, nervously nibbling at lip in response. “Where the hell is she at?” the crack in her voice betrayed the cold front she tried to put on. Inside her mind was on a rampage tossing over ideas of where the curly haired girl may be and why she needed to be so secretive.
Saying nothing else to her teammates, she grabbed a jacket and headed out of the apartment. Needing some space, some air, anything to get her mind off of Azzi.
It’s not that she didn’t trust her girlfriend, in fact if there was any person in the world she could trust with her life it would be Azzi. She just couldn’t help but think the worse, and Azzi having not messaged her back in hours didn’t help her case.
Azzi, not knowing what her best friend was going through, was thrilled on the other hand. She was so excited to surprise Paige a few days early. With them being on the same team and seeing each other at almost every moment surprises were impossible so Azzi had to make sure Paige didn’t see this one coming. ‘I don’t see why she’d check my location anyway’ the girl thought to herself (though she knew that Paige frequently did) , so she turned it off and got on her long flight back without a second thought.
It had barely been 4 days since Azzi had seen her girlfriend but she just couldn’t wait any longer.
She had to fly out to LA for a new very impressive shoe deal with Steph Curry, doing all types of shoots and interviews for her favorite NIL deal yet. It meant more than just a simple deal to her though with Steph being a great mentor, she had little to no trouble agreeing to designing her own shoe.
But throughout the whole thing as special as it may of been Azzi just wanted to fly back to her girlfriend. 4 mornings not spent waking up in Paige’s arms was way too much for her.
She called the blonde everyday she was gone, and honestly she would talk to her every second if she could, but she was always worried about being too clingy and scaring Paige away, although there was no way that’d ever happen.So on the fifth day Azzi didn’t call Paige, she kept their texts short and tried to stay patient, knowing that she’d be back home with her early that morning.She got on her flight and dreamed about Paige the whole way through. Although two days early wasn’t much she was longing to see her beautiful girlfriend.
Distracting herself from thoughts of Azzi had proven to be impossible. She saw the peoples princess in everything, even the soft breeze of wind made her think of the long walks they’d take filled with lingering touches. She thought of the way the brown eyed girls hair danced in the wind, and the pink tint her cheeks took in the cold. Azzi was in everything. And how could she not be? When you know someone so purely, so closely for 8 years they become everywhere.
She just wish she knew where Azzi was at, anything to clear her thoughts. When she sent a few more texts, and even a call or a few to be clear, that went to voicemail she finally let the emotions take over. She knew she was over reacting just a bit but this just wasn’t them. Paige knows her girlfriend better than any one. They never kept secrets from each other and always always, always gave reassurance to one another. So Paige just didn’t get it.
She walked her way back to the apartment building and instead of going to her room she decided to go into Azzi’s instead. Paige had a spare key to the place and made herself at home. Honestly most people thought it was strange that they still had different apartments considering the fact that they spent every night together anyway.
The blonde girl made her way to Azzi’s bed wanting nothing but to be enveloped in her scent. She was exhausted from thinking and most of all just really missed her girlfriend.
She sent the absent girl one last text before drifting to sleep.
P 💗💍: just tell me that we’re okay Az please.
When Azzi got of her flight at around 3 am she didn’t expect her phone to flood with notifications. She had received a total of 7 missed calls and god knows how many messages from her concerned girlfriend all during her flight.
P💗💍: Hey baby Ik you’re probably busy but call me soon k? I miss u
P💗💍: just saw your interview you looked so beautiful
P💗💍: what else u gotta do today bby??
P💗💍: wya??
P💗💍: dude and your locations off what am I supposed to think rn
P💗💍: you mad at me?
P💗💍: Az please baby it’s been hours and nothing, not even one text back
P 💗💍: just tell me that we’re okay Az please.
The last message is what really broke Azzi’s heart a bit. Paige was so upset. She didn’t know attempting a surprise would cause all of this. She even received numerous messages from her teammates about how Paige was doing.
“Shit” Azzi said to herself hoping that when Paige saw her she’d still be excited. The younger girl was mad at herself for not thinking this part through more and coming up with an excuse so her girlfriend could relax. She was even hurt for a moment that Paige implied she could be cheating, but even more than that she hated that Paige thought she did something wrong.
She had to get home quick.
When Azzi finally reached Paige’s apartment she wasn’t expecting to see her 3 teammates on the couch binge watching yellow jackets, but no Paige.
“Oh my gosh Azzi!!” Kk jumped up from her position on the couch oddly excited to see Azzi giving her a bear hug. “Hey KK” she giggled at the girls antics but she was disappointed that there was no Paige in sight. “Ugh finally we’re so glad you’re here Paige was panicking. Why are you back so early?” Ice asked. “Well I planned on surprising my girl but.. obviously there were some flaws in my execution” “where is she by the way” Azzi asked expectantly becoming worried at her girlfriend’s absence.
“Oh, um - so she sorta left on a walk earlier and hasn’t come back to the apartment” their third teammate Sarah chimed in.
“She what?? You guys?!” Azzi became frantic.
“And no one thought to check in on her, or see where she was at?” Azzi’s questions were only met with guilty stares from the eyes in front of her.
“Jesus” she rubbed her palm down her face.
“I’ll find her, love you guys” and she left to her apartment without a glance back to them.
She was shocked to find the door to her apartment unlocked, and her bedroom door slightly cracked open. She crept towards the door suddenly paranoid and slowly opened it. Her heart melted when she saw her stunning girlfriend cuddling a pillow on her side of the bed. She slipped in beside the girl setting the gifts she got her down, and whether she meant to or not, she fell asleep spooning her.
Azzi woke up before Paige and spent the time admiring her girlfriends face peacefully sleeping. The anticipation made it hard to be patient though and soon the curly haired girl found her self gently shaking Paige awake.
“Hi baby” Azzi whispered shyly as if they hadn’t woken up like this a million times now. “Is that really you Az?” Paige responded groggily. Azzi chose to respond to this by pressing feather light kisses all around the sleepy girls face.
Paige finally fully opening her eyes is shocked to see the person she loves most face to face with her “what’re you doing here so early” she whispered as if talking any louder would make Azzi disappear. “Just couldn’t resist you I guess” Azzi responded teasingly, a small smile spreading across her face. It was that smile that she could recognize anywhere, the one meant only for Paige and the soft moments they shared that fully woke Paige up and she reached for the girl desperately pulling her on top of her in a tight hug. She caught Azzi off guard but it only took a moment for the girls to melt into each other.
They stayed just like that holding each other for a long time, neither of them wanting the moment to end. Azzi finally broke the two apart and sat up straddling the blondes hips. Beaming down at her. Paige stared back in awe, at the same time realizing that the brown eyed girl was only acting weird the day before because she wanted to surprise her. “You’re such a dork” Paige said to her girlfriend but she couldn’t hide the smile stuck on her face.
“Shush you missed me” her Azzi responded teasingly leaning down so her face was closer to Paige’s.
“Says who” the blonde replied back with a glimmer in her blue eyes. “ says every part of you” Azzi said against her lips, connecting them in a deep kiss. It was the type that made Paige’s brain fuzzy as she drowned in everything Azzi. Azzi parted her lips letting Paige in and grinding down against her. Paige moaned into the girls mouth due to the friction. Her whole body heating up. She arched into Azzi desperate for more. The younger girl broke the kiss with knowing smirk, happy to be home.
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eobe · 2 months ago
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Commander Fox is done. Completely 🦊☕️
Finally I finished one of my elder WIPs 😂✨ And my dear folks, this post is also for a bit time in my drafts, too 🙈 The mood actually very fitting ☕️ *sigh* 😅 I figured that the Marshal Commander is really a special clone! I call him now the "WIP distraction Fox" 👀
He's always kind of lurking behind a corner in my mind, ready to jump in, spilling caf and doing this bone-freezing fox scream – only because he can and just give a sh*t! 🦊✨
And – the point is – he naturally only does this, when I really, REALLY want to finish a WIP and actually don't have time for him! But the vision of him and his caf and stress shenanigans tend to rampage my brain that chaotically in those situations, that I often kind of "Okay, great I'll do it" – like with this one 🤣 Completely crazy, but yeah, have a distraction Fox 🦊☕️♥️ Enjoy.
Some of you have already seen the timelapse of this piece, showing off my sketching process, the struggles and frustrations during drawing and concepting and else 😂🤷🏽‍♀️ Commander Fox is also the "WIP distraction with internal struggle dealing with caf and fun chaos"-Fox, so I cannot even properly complain! Sly Fox 🦊 Annoying Fox 🦊 Cute and stressed Fox 🦊 *Double sigh* okay, he's adorable and deserves a hug 🥰
I don’t even know anymore why Fox is THAT done with everything, but maybe he only needs a reason to shower in full armor, what actually let me think, if he finds the „rain“ noises on his armor relaxing 🥹🦊 Or maybe Thorn brought him cold caf after the information, that Coruscant is burning again and people's sighting of another Zillo beast or something like that 😱🤯
Taglist: @eclec-tech @lonewolflupe @bixlasagna @returnofthepineapple @sunshinesdaydream @covert1ntrovert @general-ida-raven @vrycurious @dystopicjumpsuit @chaicilatte @groguandthebadbatch @ladylucksrogue @spaceyjessa @morerandombullshit @freesia-writes
My Fox Fun Folks – get reFOXed 🦊: @ghostymarni @thora-sniper @feral-ferrule @nika6q @foxwithadarkside
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