#I hope this helps!! šŸ˜…
quill-n Ā· 2 years
Do u mind sparing anatomy tips for drawing guys? I swear i struggle so much with drawing them so it would be much appreciated šŸ˜­šŸ™
Hi!! Omg, you have no idea how happy I was to receive this askā€”
Ok, disclaimer: I'm very self-taught, so my methods might not be very professional or helpful, but I'll try my best to explain how I do it!! :)
also please excuse the rushed sketches (ā Ā“ā -ā ļ¹ā -ā `ā ļ¼›ā )
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I usually go for "boxier" shapes when sketching like this because it makes it easier for me to visualize the layout of the anatomy. AMAB people also often have more defined muscles and broader shoulders (vs. AFAB people often have wider hips), so I try to keep that in mind. (That's obviously not always the case depending on a person's body type, but it's a fair default guideline.) Referencing muscle diagrams also helps!
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Softer/rounder/slimmer shapes are usually more associated with feminine traits, so when I'm drawing feminine characters, I tend to start with ovals instead of rectangles.
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For me though, the most important thing when it comes to defining a character's masculinity or femininity is using context through clothing, poses, and/or facial features. Ofc this isn't a one-size-fits-all kind of thing, because people have different body types and all that stuff isn't necessarily gendered, but I think it's a good place to start :)
Thank you for asking! I hope this helps a little!! (ā āœæā ^ā ā€æā ^ā )
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dangerpronebuddie Ā· 4 months
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We've still got each other, which means we're gonna be okay.
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gay-impressionist Ā· 1 year
Hi! Iā€™m starting to learn French and one thing thatā€™s both cool and weird to me is how everything is gendered in a way (referring to someone/whose saying the statement/etc.) and I was wondering how that relates to people who identity as non-binary or gender fluid in France? Are there equivalents to they/them pronouns or neo pronouns in French?
I do plan on doing my own research about this but I figured since I love your blog and youā€™re really open about different cultural lgbtq+ communities Iā€™d try here first!
That's an awesome question... with a complicated answer lmao. So buckle up and bear with me !
Basically, you can't be non-binary in French. The community found ways to do it but it's not mainstream. Most of the time, they're going to get misgendered or will have to misgender themselves to get understood.
Some things I'm going to list here are not proper French. Actually, they can even be forbidden in some circumstances, according to the law (the use of inclusive language, and more specifically le point mƩdian, was made illegal in schools in 2021 for ex) or simply because your company etc forbids it. So use this wisely, there is a time and place for inclusive language in France.
That said, things have greatly developed over the last two decades. Which was partly because of the queer community and mainly because of feminists, who are tired of the way French erases women. More and more people are using inclusive language, at least in some circumstances and circles (for ex, i wrote my master's thesis in inclusive language and it was accepted bc i was in a leftist faculty). And inclusive language is debated as a serious issue now, which is saying something.
So, how do you use inclusive language in practice?
There are different ways, as it's informal and mostly new. People are still testing new things and trying out various methods. You can stick to one or alternate or mix them up.
Officially, there isn't a gender neutral pronoun. We don't have an equivalent to they. You're either talking about a man or a woman. If it's both, you use masculine pronouns ("masculine trumps feminine" rule). Same thing if you don't know the gender of the person ("masculin gƩnƩrique").
The most common neopronoun is "iel" (plural : iels), which is obviously a contraction of the masculine pronoun "il" and its feminine equivalent "elle". It works for nb folks or to avoid talking about someone's gender or to refer to a group of men and women. So it's equally used by the queer community and feminists.
I'm pretty sure other neopronouns exist but I can't think of any at the top of my head.
Choosing the right words
Sometimes, inclusive language is just about learning to use alternatives.
Instead of using gendered words, you can choose to use gender-neutral words or words "Ć©picĆØnes", aka words which are identical in their feminine and masculine form. For ex, instead of "homme politique" or "femme politique", you can use "personnalitĆ© politique". PersonnalitĆ© is a feminine word but it's actually gender-neutral as you can use it for women and men alike. "ƉlĆØve" (student) is Ć©picĆØne, as a female student and a male student are both referred to as "Ć©lĆØve". Although Ć©picĆØne words as a gender-neutral option only work in their plural form, as you have to choose either a feminine or masculine article for the singular ("les Ć©lĆØves" is inclusive but it can only be "un" or "une" Ć©lĆØve).
As good as this method is, it can be quite limitating. Your vocabulary will be drastically reduced and it can be quite hard to master that kind of speech so you can reach the point where you don't have to think everything over for ages before you open your mouth.
With oral French, you can take it a step further by choosing words that sound the same even if they have a different spelling. Ex, friend is "ami" or "amie" but it's pronounced the same way so if you say it out loud, people can't know how you're gendering it (as long as there isn't a gendered article/word with it ofc).
It avoids misgendering people but the downside is that, as masculine is considered neutral in French, people will often think : no gender specified = masculine. Not even because they're sexist or whatever, it's just so ingrained in our brains that it's a knee-jerk reaction.
That's also why most feminists often prefer to use explicitly feminine words when talking about women. For ex, they prefer the word "autrice" to "auteure" (female writer) because the second one sounds the same as its masculine version "auteur". And as previously mentionned, out loud, people will assume by default you're talking about a man. It's a big debate though, lots of women prefer words that sound masculine - going as far as refusing to use feminine words at all! Which sounds cool and gender-bending as fuck but in reality comes from feminine words traditionally seen as less legitimate and serious. Even today, if you look up the word empress "impƩratrice" in a French dictionary, the first definition that comes up is "wife of an emperor". "Woman ruling a country" comes second. Using a masculine title to refer to women can also be a way to mock them and show they're not welcome (a french deputy got fined in 2014 because he called the female president of the national assembly "Madame le prƩsident" and refused to use the feminine title "Madame la prƩsidente").
Recently the tendency and official guidelines have been to feminize words, so I'd say go with that by default, but respect other people's choice if they specify how they want to be called.
Anyway I'm getting off-track but what I meant was that in French, if you avoid talking about gender, you're automatically erasing women (and nb people). So if you want to include everyone, you need to make it obvious.
Inclusivity as a statement
The most common way to make women and men equally visible is the "point mƩdian" rule, which you can also use to refer to non-binary people as it avoids picking a specific gender.
Basically, it means pasting together the masculine and feminine forms of a word and using dots/middle dots/hyphens/parentheses/capital letters to create an inclusive word. For ex, instead of saying acteur (ā™‚ļø) or actrice (ā™€ļø) for actor, you'll write "acteur.ice". For the plural form, there are two schools of thought : either you separate the feminine and masculine form AND the suffix used to signify the plural, or you don't. Aka, "acteur.ice.s" or "acteur.ices". Personally I prefer the second option because less dots makes it easier to read and faster to write, but it's an individual choice, both work.
There are two major downsides to this method : it only works in writing + it isn't doable for every word, as feminine and masculine words can be quite different and pasting them together that way would be unintelligible. Ex, "copain" and "copine" (friend or boyfriend/girlfriend depending on the context) would give something like "cop.ain.ine"...
You can work around that by choosing alternative words (as previously stated!). And it's still a pretty good method, especially as it works for any type of word (adjectives etc). Some people argue that it's hard to read and ugly but personally I think it's just a matter of habit (although it does pose a problem for people using screen readers). Be aware that it is the most controversial version of inclusive writing, as it's the furthest structure from how languages typically work.
If you don't like dots or want an alternative for oral speech, you can also straight up create new words that sound both feminine and masculine, making them gender-neutral. To use the previous example, "copain" and "copine" become "copaine".
Obviously, this only works if it's obvious which words they're based on. I think it's a great way to make French more inclusive but I'd advise against using it with uninitiated people as it would probably confuse them more than anything. This method is still quite niche.
An inclusive, yet binary language
As you've probably figured out, inclusive language remains quite binary in the way we approach it. It's more about making things both masculine and feminine than transcending gender and creating gender-neutral alternatives. Probably because inclusive language was more often a will to stop women from being erased rather than a non-binary friendly gesture.
Which means, there are also some rules that were created to avoid the "masculine trumps feminine rule" but don't allow room for non-binarity at all. I'll still explain them because they're interesting and you might encounter them at some point.
The proximity rule ("rĆØgle de proximitĆ©") is one of these. It existed in Ancient Greek and Latin but was dropped in Modern French in favor of the masculine trumps feminine rule. Basically, you gender things according to what's closest in the sentence instead of systematically using masculine words to gender a mixed group. For ex, instead of saying "Les hommes et les femmes sont beaux" you say "Les hommes et les femmes sont belles", as the subject "femmes" is closer to the adjective "beau/belle" than "hommes".
Another method is to systematically use both masculine and feminine words (which I personally find excruciating to write and read). Meaning, instead of writing "Les Ć©tudiants mangent Ć  la cantine" (students eat at the cafeteria), you'll write "Les Ć©tudiantes et les Ć©tudiants mangent Ć  la cantine".
This is mainly for the subject of the sentence : adjectives and such are gendered according to the masculine trumps feminine rule. The point is to explicitly include women, not to make the sentence unintelligible or gender-neutral.
When following this method, you also have to pay attention to whether you put the feminine subject first or the masculine. The rule is to follow alphabetical order. For ex, in "l'ƩgalitƩ entre les femmes et les hommes", "femmes" comes first because F comes before H. But in "Les auteurs et les autrices de roman", "auteurs" comes first because E comes before R. Etc.
This method is common as it's the only inclusive language you can get away with, given that it's a valid way of speaking French. It's even mandatory in some situations now, like in job descriptions for the french administration, in the spirit of gender equality.
So, how do I gender a non-binary person?
In short, you can use the pronoun iel + avoid gendered words and/or use the point mƩdian and/or make up new words.
But keep in mind that if you're not talking to someone familiar with these rules, you'll have some explaining to do. And looots of people are still very anti inclusive language, because they're sexist and/or transphobic, ignorant, language purists, etc. A few years ago it was the thing to be angry about for conservatives and anti-feminists so it's still very controversial. But if you're in a trans inclusive queer space or talking with intersectionnal leftists, go for it !
I hope I covered everything (fellow french, don't hesitate to comment!) and didn't put you to sleep lmao. If you want to see some examples, you can look it up on Wikipedia or check #bagaitte on tumblr (it's the french queer tag) šŸ˜‰
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spacebubblehomebase Ā· 5 months
YeP! The #HHStargazersAU or Hazbin Hotel Stargazers Alternate Universe (if we wanna get super technical about it) is an idea I've been cooking up for a bit and it's still boiling. We still have a few world building stuff to do before I can REALLY get to the thick of it's coflict, but I'm quite excited to get this idea out of my head (and hopefully into all of yours). Until then, please look forward to it! ^v^
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Fun fact: If you're wondering why I call it the HH "Stargazers" AU (since it's not really a spoiler), it came from my idea of what to call a Vaggie & Alastor "protective partners" duo. As they're both "watching" over their respective MorningSTARS, I thought it'd be really fun to call them "STARGAZERS" in general and it works for this AU too as it's about an Angel & a Demon guarding and guiding their chosen person in some way. -BubblyšŸ’™
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rockystar11 Ā· 3 months
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i got a new puppy recently and i havenā€™t been able to draw much so hereā€™s a fun lil thing i started drawing on my birthday of @kaelidascope (and i think @ghoulsamgrusamā€™s) infected blake au cuz apparently i gotta draw werewolves for my birthday or something
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capitano-marina Ā· 1 year
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Marina + Tropes (in.sp)
For @wicked210
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peaches2217 Ā· 3 months
102. "Promise me you'll come back", with Mario and Luigi if could please!
102. Promise me youā€™ll come back.
"You've got plenty of Mushrooms?"
"More than I know what to do with."
"And your med kit?"
"Now, I mean it, Mario. The second you see blood, stop and patch yourself up. You've gotta keep yourself in one piece. Two pieces max."
"Alright, Mama."
Luigi startled at the sudden tonal shift, and Mario held his eyes for a long moment, his lips set into a firm line. Then, just as quickly, his features brightened; he clasped one of Luigiā€™s shoulders and patted it a few times, his eyes crinkling, his lips turning upward.
This was the first time he'd smiled ā€” really and truly smiled ā€” in three monthsā€™ time. That was almost enough to make Luigi smile too.
If only it werenā€™t for the quiet voice nestled deep within his brain, whispering that heā€™d never see that smile again.
His opposite arm clasped Marioā€™s shoulder in return, and he met his brotherā€™s smile with sincerity, somber and powerful. At least he hoped that came across in his face.
ā€œRemember what you promised,ā€ he implored.
ā€œCome on, Weeg, you know Iā€™ll be okay! They donā€™t call me ā€˜Superā€™ for nothing.ā€
ā€œNo, promiseā€”ā€ Luigiā€™s voice stuck in his throat, forcing him to whisper the rest of his plea. ā€œPromise me youā€™ll come back, Mario.ā€
Marioā€™s face fell all too quickly again. He would make another wisecrack, Luigi guessed, try to lighten the mood and distract from the topic so he wouldnā€™t have to make promises that couldnā€™t be kept. And how would Luigi respond? He wasnā€™t sure how much more he could take before he dissolved into a blubbering mess. Already his legs trembled beneath him, forcing him to dig his fingers into his brotherā€™s shoulder to stay upright.
Heā€™d always kept Luigi steady on his feet, from the time their feet first touched the ground. Luigi didnā€™t want to know a world without his fratelloā€” without his gemello.
Once more, Marioā€™s face shiftedā€¦ and then he pulled Luigi against him, tightly enough that it knocked the wind from his lungs and drew a startled noise from his throat.
ā€œCi proverĆ²,ā€ Mario muttered near his brotherā€™s ear, and suddenly he didnā€™t sound all too confident either. ā€œPrometto.ā€
Iā€™ll try. Luigi knew that was as good an affirmation as he would get. So he embraced Mario in return, wrapping his arms around him as tightly as his muscles would allow and digging his fingers into thick denim overalls, because once you let go, heā€™s as good as dead.
The intrusive thought was so sudden and so loud that he pulled away, just to make sure he could still see his twin, just to make sure his premonition hadnā€™t become reality, not yet. Yes, Mario was still here, looking up at him with uncertain eyes ā€” Luigi clamped his eyes shut and cupped the back of Marioā€™s head and brought their foreheads together as swiftly and gently as possible, because heā€™d had plenty enough uncertainty, thank you.
Mario cupped the back of Luigiā€™s head in turn and pressed deeper into their embrace. Maybe he was thinking the same thoughts. Maybe heā€™d already made peace with the notion of his demise. The silence that hung between them said far more than words could hope to express.
If he couldnā€™t stop Mario from getting himself killed, Luigi would at least make sure he died knowing he was loved.
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icantalk710 Ā· 5 months
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Quick compilation to show that I'm, for all intents and purposes, still alive in one way or another, hi šŸ˜³
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zsbrainrot Ā· 1 year
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May I offer you some Domestic Kazurei in this trying time?
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yeehawpim Ā· 5 months
Do you recommend any books, tutorials, or other resources about comic creation? Are there any in particular that had a very large impact on your comics?
My favorite aspect of we go together is the dynamic background tones and other simple mechanics which end up having a huge impact on the tone of the strip. I would really love to know if you have any advice on how to come up with similar visual tricks like that.
Lastly, do you have any tips for holding on to and keeping track of ideas?
Aw thanks, that's such a nice compliment I'm glad you enjoy my webcomic šŸ«¶ I don't have a lot of confidence with background rendering lol so it makes me happy that the tones still convey stuff
I kind of answered smth similar here about the resources that helped me.
I think I'll add on that I realized that a lot of my experience was with storyboarding class, and Every Frame A Painting sounds a lot like what was taught. This vid about visual comedy especially
Not everything translates obviously, I've been working at condensing more things onto one pageā€” thinking like a movie made composing multiple things happening on one "screen" difficult (scroll comics were defs "easier" for me to parse early on)
As for holding onto ideas I've defs waken up at 3am and typed smth half asleep into my notes app. I have one note for ideas that I just add and delete from when I've completed things. For longer stuff like planning for "we go together" I have a dedicated google doc for planning chapters and stray ideas.
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You can see chapter planning is mostly just written dialogue though lol, I plan a little visual stuff in my head sometimes but mostly wing it as I draw.
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elliebelliegirl Ā· 25 days
why are you a zionist?
im assuming you're coming from a good place with this ask. im jewish and i believe that my people have a right to self determination in our ancestral homeland. that's all :)!
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midnighthybrid1 Ā· 1 year
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An AI Mix Up - Part 2/2
The second and last part to this very goofy comic I did- perspective is hard man but this was rly fun to draw nonetheless- and I hope yā€™all enjoy it too!
Lemme know if yā€™all want me to see me do more stuff with this scenario/AU- Iā€™d be happy to do some more, I do have a few ideas, I just need that spark of motivation to do so šŸ¤” (if you need more info regarding this goofy scenario, pls check out the first part of the comic, linked above!)
Anywho, hope ya liked this mini comic I did, and that ya have a wonderful day!
Likes and Reblogs are appreciated! PLEASE DO NOT REPOST MY WORK!
(Full Page under the cut!)
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whateverisbeautiful Ā· 4 months
So I am trying to get my friends to watch TOWL so I can have people to talk about it with. They stopped watching TWD a while ago and are interested in the spin off but aren't in a rush. I tried to explain that is so different from the main show but I don't know how to explain it without spoilers.
How would you describe the show to get someone excited to watch?
This is a good one. Your question made me think - especially because I wanted to figure out a way to describe the show that wasn't just from my richonne-stan perspective (because my initial description is 'it's a beautifully mesmerizing exploration of the best soulmates on TV finding each other again in every way after years apart.') But here's how I'd describe The Ones Who Live, without being too spoilery and from a slightly broader audience perspective:
In 9 seasons of Rick Grimes on TWD, heā€™s overcome a lot of arcs, a lot of trials, and a lot of face-offs, but thereā€™s one thing weā€™ve never really seen in the main show - and thatā€™s seeing Rick have to do any of that without his family. Thatā€™s an element of The Ones Who Live thatā€™s new (and devastating) because it shows us a Rick weā€™ve never seen before since weā€™ve never seen Rick go this long without any family around. And considering family is everything that fuels him to keep fighting and keep living, this TOWL era is essentially his hardest chapter yet, especially mentally. With Rick in his absolute darkest state, it becomes extra compelling and extra complicated when Michonne - the brightest light in his world, his wife, his everything, and the greatest woman ever (had to stan a little bitšŸ™ŒšŸ½) - abruptly comes back into his life after resiliently searching for her long lost love. But even when Michonne finds Rick, after going on her own journey and going through hell being away from her family too, she still has a long way to go before she finds her Rick. And as the show progresses, these soulmates both try to rescue each other from danger but they wrestle with having significantly different ideas of what that rescue should look like. TOWL explores how internal imprisonment is almost harder to escape than literal imprisonment and it powerfully answers the question of if love really is the key. šŸ—ļøšŸ‘ŒšŸ½
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bombdotcomshop Ā· 2 months
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Newsletter peeps got it first yesterday, but hello tumblr friends, have you heard the news? šŸ‘€
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uhbasicallyjustmilex Ā· 11 months
four walls playlist
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sleepanonymous Ā· 1 year
Hi!! I'm kind of new here and I was wondering if you could help me with a question I've been trying to find the answer to! When did IV 1 leave? Was it after This Place Will Become Your Tomb? Thank you and I hope you have a good week!
Hello Anon šŸ–¤ Welcome to the fandom. Iā€™m glad youā€™re here. As for your question, I took it too seriously šŸ˜… I also feel guilty for lazily lumping the previous two IVs together in the OG IV tag I use, which may be adding to the confusion Iā€™ve seen cropping up here on Tumblr about Sleep Tokenā€™s Touring members.
TLDR Answer: The first IV stopped touring with Sleep Token in late 2018, several months before Sundowning was released.
Much longer and convoluted answer: The source I originally had gave an obligatory 2020 date for the first IV and the Keyboardist leaving Sleep Token as touring musicians. I always took that year at face value, but Iā€™m glad I did a deep dive into this for you because Iā€™ve found something interesting (or maybe Iā€™m just weird, idk). The last show I know for certain that the first IV played with Sleep Token was at St Pancras Old Church in October 2018 (YouTube link). I could have sworn Sleep Token played more shows in 2018 after October, but Iā€™m not finding much online to support that. The first show I can find that Sleep Token played following the one in 2018 was when they opened for Baby Metal in July 2019 (YouTube link). This show has the guitarist who replaced the first IV (whom Iā€™ve confusingly dubbed OG IV) Interestingly, he also plays the keys instead of Vessel, which Iā€™ve never seen before. This is also the first performance with the Vesselettes as far as I can tell. I did some more digging, even though this technically wasnā€™t your question, but the first show I found that has our current IV was, surprisingly, the Download 2021 show I just posted about (Tumblr link) where the poor guy was so shy and standing off to the side and didnā€™t move.
Since I'm on a rant, I also want to mention that I had someone tell me recently that III was also replaced as a touring member at some point? As far back as I could go with live videos (there's nothing readily accessible before 2018) he looks like the same guy? It's the same Warwick bass guitar at least. If anyone has some more concrete information on that, I'd very much appreciate it šŸ–¤
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