#I hope this answers your question anon! I truly am not the best person to be asking about this probably
guardian-angle22 · 2 years
Hello! I really hope this doesn't come across rude or anything because it's absolutely not my intention, out just of pure curiosity and not related to ls: you mentioned not being comfortable with the cop side of the show and I've seen that a lot among american viewers. i'm not american and in my country we don't have a big issue with the police (there're of course some imbeciles here and there but we don't have civilians randomly being killed). i absolutely agree with the need of having only the right people doing the job since they hold a lot of power what I don't really understand is, who should then protect the people from burglars or abusers or scammers if there's not police? sorry if this is inappropriate, I always wonder if I missing something because I don't trust (some) people to behave appropriately in society without surveillance.
I don’t mind the question, you seem very nice about it and also seem to be coming from a place of genuinely wanting to learn.
It’s a very complicated answer but it truly boils down to: the American police force as it is now is corrupt. Point blank. There’s not good apples and bad apples, the system itself is not just and is not fair and is racist. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The police have slowly throughout the course of American history been given more and more power (and more and more money) and have become even more corrupt as a result, while their power has gone unchecked and their violations of their duties to “protect and serve” have gone unpunished. This post here is short and to the point and I fully agree. Highlighting this part here as a summed up reason as to why ACAB and I hate things glorifying the job of police: “All cops have signed up to enforce a system which is oppressing marginalized people in this country on a daily basis.”
I’m going to share some Info-graphs I have saved (I wish I could credit the source but I just had them in my screenshots), because I feel like they answer part of your question about protecting people a little more eloquently than I could (specifically the last two): 
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staranghae · 7 months
[3:17 AM]
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summary. yoon jeonghan is like art in a museum. look don't touch kinda deal. so, what happens when your idiot best friend dares you to kiss him during a drunken game of truth and dare? let's find out...
pairing. jock! y.jh x reader wc. 1k warnings. mentions of murder (lighthearted), profanity, bestie! mingyu genre. fluffy fluff, jeonghan is very aditya kashyap coded in this. a/n. requested by a lovely anon! this feels so cliche but I love cliches so here you go! hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.
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you were going to murder kim mingyu one of these days.
your head hadn't even hit the pillow after your designated midnight 'talk' with him that he had gone and woken up the rest of the dorm to play a game of truth or dare.
you had agreed, strictly telling him that you would be staying for only one round of the game. a girl needs her beauty sleep after all.
what started as one single round with barely 5 people from dorm was now going strong on round 5 with all 17 people in the dorm sitting on the floor in varying stages of drunkenness, save for a few who were still sober, including you and yoon jeonghan.
yoon jeonghan, the captain of the soccer team and also the guy you've been crushing on since high school. by pure coincidence, the two of you ended up in the same university and in the same major AND in the same friend group! it truly felt like the universe was on your side with this one.
your fantasies were interrupted by the shrill sound of someone mingyu squealing. you looked to find the cause of his sudden excitement only to find the bottle had landed on you. you looked back up at him only to find him staring at you, a sinister glint in his eyes. with an overly saccharine tone, he asks you,
"y/nie, truth or dare? you have to pick dare by the way, you picked truth twice in a row already so."
"then why'd you ask the question, dipshit?"
you heard a low chuckle come from your side. you look to find the source of the sound, only to see jeonghan looking at you. your staring contest is abruptly ended by the sound of mingyu aggressively clearing his throat..
"so, y/nie, your dare is..." he looks around the room, trying to find a dare for you to do. his wandering eyes finally land on him.
"your dare is... kiss the person sitting on your right! and a proper kiss, not just a peck." he says while the circle starts cheering at his dare.
to others, the cheering might seem unnecessary but there's some context behind this. context being, the guy sitting on you right is yoon jeonghan. despite his whole jock persona, jeonghan is a strict one-woman man. and kissing people for dares is not a thing he does. not even if he's single.
so, knowing him, you don't even bother to ask him before reaching for your drink. the group starts boo-ing at you as you lift the cup.
all at once, someone is snatching the cup from your hands while simultaneously pulling you back into their lap. you look behind you, only to find yoon jeonghan staring at you with a smirk gracing his lips.
you scramble to get off his lap, but he effortlessly manhandles you into facing him and for a moment, it's just you and him. he moves a lock of hair behind your ear and asks you quietly,
"do you hate me that much?"
you feel like a fucking teenager all over again, sputtering and stuttering out an answer,
"n-no, it's just that... you don't do st-stuff like this."
"stuff like what?"
"kissing people for dares kinda stuff."
he looks confused at your statement. and his hands, still on your waist, aren't exactly helping you give him an answer. you muster up every last ounce of confidence in your body and tell him,
"jeonghan, the entire university knows about your 'one-woman man' agenda. you've never kissed a girl for a dare, ever."
he blanks for a second before laughing. not a giggle or a chuckle, but a full out laugh. everyone else in the room is extremely confused at his sudden burst of laughter, the two of you had been conversing in hushed voices and whispers, and now he was laughing?
you look at him incredulously, a little offended at his sudden burst of laughter. he looks at you through teary eyes and immediately stops laughing. amidst the chaos, he asks you a question,
"y/n, did you, maybe, ever consider the possibility of you being my one-woman?"
you visibly malfunction at his question. you get off his lap and go outside the dorm to the patio to clear your head. you don't see jeonghan get up and run after you.
the two of you stand in silence until you decide to break the ice,
"since when?"
he looks at you before sighing heavily, "since freshman year, i think?"
"of university? so 4 years!"
he shakes his head.
"of high school. so... 8 years, actually," he says with a small smile.
you stare at him, wide eyed and completely thrown off your axis. he's liked you longer than you've liked him? actually, you only knew of his existence in sophomore year, so he's liked you since before you knew he existed?!
lost in your thoughts you don't see him come closer to you.
you look up at his call of your name only to find him standing right in front of him. like close enough that your lips could touch if you stood upright. he looks down at you with a soft gaze and informs you,
"we still didn't finish the dare."
you look up at him and then look to the door, when your classmates were peeking as though you wouldn't have seen then from a mile away
in an attempt to be petty and still do the dare, despite your current predicament, you grab jeonghan by the collar of his shirt and pull him down to meet him halfway.
jeonghan, despite his initial shock at your sudden move, immediately kisses you back, his hands finding solace on your waist.
the entire dorm erupts in hoots and cheers, successfully resulting in the faculty dorm waking up.
jeonghan just laughs and tugs you back into the dorm, straight onto his bed. the two of you end up in each other's arms, laughing and happy. as the two of you drift off to dreamland, you only have one thing on your mind.
maybe you owe mingyu a blind date with one of your friends for his efforts.
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mommyghostface28 · 2 months
Should we even send you anons anymore? Ever since you got your sub, you've thrown us into the back corner like toys. As if we were only there to satisfy your desires to "f*ck" someone before you found someone else because you simply don't answer any questions anymore. That's sad.
it’s pretty saddening to assume that I’ve thrown anyone in anywhere like a “toy” and I would never use anyone just to “fuck” that’s truly the complete opposite of who I am as a person, let alone as a Domme. I do in fact answer many questions, spicy asks have been held back, not because of my sub but because in general, my life has gotten busier lately and I truly haven’t had the time to really sit down and dig into them. Not to put my whole business out there, but before I came to tumblr I was in a toxic relationship for quite some time. It isn’t until this past year that I’ve actually started living life again. I’m happy, and I’m going out with friends more again, I’m seeing family, I’m reading again, I’m picking up my hobbies again, I’m going on trips and finally taking breaks from life. work has also been quite busy these last few months and sometimes I’m just mentally and physically tired because of it. Normally I would apologize..but that’s truly such an unfair thing to say to a person you don’t even know. I shouldn’t have to explain why there’s slow downs on my end sometimes..but damn I’m human and I try my best. I LOVE my spicy asks, I’ve just been busy with life lately and I’ve been enjoying that. So thank you, I hope you have a wonderful day regardless.
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peachesofteal · 2 months
Hello! I hope you’re doing well. I saw the post with the anon rudely demanding cool girl. It got me thinking because I’ve sent ask before about a series you’re writing, and although I try my best not to sound pressuring or rude, I still want to apologise
I am sorry if any of my ask before ever made you feel uncomfortable, unmotivated or any of that, it’s never my intention to make you feel disrespected but even so, if it did then that’s my fault and I apologise profusely.
And I want to apologise instead of every rude anon/person you’ve had to deal with, not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve an apology
Your writing truly is incredible and I absolutely adore your style. I really really hope you don’t lose the motivation and passion for it, especially because of other people
You’re sharing your art with us for free and I cannot express how thankful I am for that. Again I am so sorry for the way you’ve been treated
Hi! I really appreciate this but you don’t need to worry. As long as the question is approached respectfully or with kindness, I’m not bothered by it. I understand reading something and itching for updates, I get it! I don’t mind answering questions about updates but I’m much more inclined to do so if it’s accompanied by anything other than “gimme” 🫠
Anyway, you’re very sweet. I appreciate you!
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harus-simp · 1 year
-Ricky x reader-
Requested: Helloo! can you maybe write smthn about rickyy, like ricky buying almost anything for his s/o like expensive thingss ykyk (@wtfhyuck)
Author's note: Hi anon, I made a little drabble because I didn't know if you wanted headcanons so i hope you are fine with that
Anyways thanks for your request, enjoy it <3
Young and rich, tall and handsome, charisma boss baby ricky goes into action again because he can't help but buy you the whole world <3
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"Ricky, baby, you can't just buy me everything I lay my eyes on!"
"I can and I will"he said leaning in and giving you a short peck while he chuckled
Yeah ricky had done it again, he had bought something for you for the 5th time that week. It was not that you didn't appreciate it, because you truly did, but you didn't like when he spend that much money on you.
So here you were on the door of your apartment as the bell had rung suddenly. To say you were confused was an understatement, you weren't waiting for anyone right?
As you got closer and opened the door revealing ricky with your favourite flowers your heart skipped a beat, smiling shyly at your boyfriend that was staring at you with the sweetest smile ever.
"Just a little something for my baby"he said as he entered inside.
However what you noticed is that he had something else that he was hiding on his back.
"Uhm, babe what is that?"you asked pointing at the little box he held in his hands.
"Oh, you'll see"
Yeah that sounded a little bit suspicious in your opinion.
As he gave it to you and you opened the little box it revealed a delicate and precious gold necklace with two letters hanging ever so gently. And I am not judge but just by looking at it you could tell that it was not the cheapest thing...
"Ricky, you didn't have to"you whined
"Of course I had to, you are really special to me y/n"
Blushing by his comment and hitting lightly his chest you answered back: "i know that, but there are plenty other ways of showing it idiot"
But actually this was kinda more special to him indeed because he hadn't just bought it for you, he had the time and the dedication to order a custom made gift for you. But you didn't know that yet, so curiosity getting the best out of you led you to ask him another question.
"But why are the initials S and Q? Those aren't my initials" (if they are let's just pretend they aren't for the plot to continue ahahshs)
"But they're mine, so you can always have me by your side" (yeah from shen quanrui if you are wondering)
And that's when you felt a literal festival of emotions exploding on your stomach, you had never seen this side of ricky. I mean the one where he spoiled you yes, but not this kind of more personal and close to his heart one, he almost felt kind of vulnerable and unprotected here but everything he did came from deep inside his heart so he hoped you treasured his efforts.
The blush on your cheeks gave away the state you were at right now, and your eyes full of love did too.
"You can't just go there doing that to me y'know?"
"Doing what?"he smiled giggling at your behaviour
"Spoiling me that much, I feel bad. But this one was really cute of you to do, thank you"
"You don't have to feel bad love, that's just my way of expressing my love, I do this because all these little details remind me of you"
"That's kinda cheesy..., but I'll take it"
He then grabbed the necklace and helped you to put it around your neck positioning himself behind you while you held your hair high to make it easier for him. After he finished, he pressed a small kiss on the back of your neck lovingly and made you twirl to see how it fitted you perfectly.
That literally made him fall in love all over again,making him the happiest person on earth.
Now looking back at the first time he gifted you something,you probably wouldn't have guessed how much he would spoil you in the future, but if he truly wanted to be like that you would accept it BUT drawing the line of course, because we all know this man would most definitely buy you the moon and all the stars if he was capable of so. He is really whipped for you.
"Now that that issue is covered, you remembered the bag you liked the other day and that it wasn't on stock?"
"Ricky don't tell me-"
"Yeah, it should be here by tomorrow"
"Ricky, you can't just buy me everything I lay my eyes on!"
Yeah, you should definitely work on the drawing a line part from now on...
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helenakwayne · 4 months
Recently finished your fic and wondering if you have written anything else for Kanthony (even if it is without the lovely Ted Lasso references). Also, are there3 other Kanthony fics you recommend?
Hi anon. Thanks for reading. Updated to add: Your recs are below.
To answer your first question, that was my first Kanthony fic. I'm ploughing my way through a new one that will (sadly) not have any Ted Lasso references. However, I don't want to post it until it is complete, and I'm currently struggling with chapter 2 of 6 (according to the current plotted outline). So... stay tuned?
As for Kanthony fic recs, wow... daunting. There are 340 Kanthony fics sitting in my Kindle right now that I've either read and liked, or am planning to read. So, whatever recs I make are definitely not comprehensive. It always seems unfair to recommend fics because I always feel like I'm leaving a bunch of really great authors out. I'll give it a try, but please know I could mention a lot more authors and stories.
Let's see (there'll be M's and E's below, so pay attention to ratings and warnings) :
anidlequeen wrote Footie, which shares certain themes with THTKY. A personal favorite from this author is And Now I Got Too Much At Stake.
caciopepebowl is prolific. I have a soft spot for the recent Close Encounters of the Acutest Kind.
lookingforthestars wrote I didn’t know that loving you was the happiest I’ve ever been. It was one of the first fics I read and really liked.
I had recently mentioned Moomin_94 for (I feel) the lavender haze creeping up on me, which had a premise that caught me off guard and had me laughing all the way through. They also wrote Offside, which is just a fun ride with football and Anthony being his best Roy Kent.
You can't go wrong with PenguinofProse. I remember liking An Adult Playmate.
ramarro's Three Cities and We Never Lived Here. Hot...
royalwisteria's three part series that begins with there be fury on the waves. Amazing.
Speaking of author's with only one Kanthony fic out there, ryanatwood's say my name and everything just stops is truly terrific and I wish they'd write more.
starkswinterfelling's it only takes a taste (which is, of course, part of the Operation: Barista series).
There. Lots of authors/stories missing, but I hope that's a good starting point. Happy reading.
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misscammiedawn · 4 months
Hi, I hope this is okay to ask. There seems to be so much misinformation and I am kind of… profoundly confused. Can someone have headmates and/or be a system without having DID? Are they the same or do these all mean different things?
Hello, anon.
DID is just a diagnosis based on clinical observation. It's not observable in any scans and will not show a stripe on a saliva test. It just means that a doctor who is qualified to do so has given you a diagnostic screening and believes that it is your diagnosis.
It's also a remarkably weird one as it's simultaneously a lifelong affliction born in childhood which never goes away, but the diagnostic criteria for it is no longer satisfied when treatment has reached a point of which the symptoms are managed.
I truly wish there were better advice for you than to explore what you need to explore in your own life and assess your access to mental health care and whether or not you feel it would benefit you. When we received our diagnosis it was in association with our ongoing care for emotional breakdowns that were crippling us and erratic life destroying issues with maintaining relationships and a stable sense of personal identity.
The question should be less "do I need DID to have a system" and more "do I benefit from being diagnosed and treated?" and I can't answer that for you. The best I am able to speak on this question is to say not to think about it. It's an unimportant question in the grand scheme of things.
My personal experience with dissociative disorders is that my condition was hidden from me for much of my life and diagnosed and treated as CPTSD for most of my life, BPD after my transition and finally recognized and treated as DID in recent years. I think coming out as transgender and realizing that persistent feeling of "I feel like I am playing the role of [legal name]" did not go away was a good signal. We had a reason to feel like that prior to transition. We did not afterwards.
My personal belief on the formation of my condition is that in early childhood our environment was not safe and stable and we were unable to create a stable personality based on applied patterns that a child between the ages of 0-6 use to achieve their needs (attention, nourishment, protection etc) and so with no stable "core" personality state we developed a number of personality states that we shifted through to meet our general survival needs based on environment and those in turn became the foundation for a system of "parts" who make up the whole of me.
What I described there is an understanding that was reached in therapy based on The Theory of Structural Dissociation, itself a controversial piece of text (one of the authors disbarred for mistreatment of patients).
That all in to say I can only speak to my personal experience and my personal understanding of DID, which is based on our evolving understanding of the topic both as a system ourselves, as students of the medical dogma being released and as a patient of our current therapist.
These views, opinions and perspectives may and can change on a dime. There are a disturbing number of clinicians who do not believe chronic dissociative disorders lead to plurality in any regard. There are those in support communities who believe the number of people who are undiagnosed but experience plurality is as high as 15% of the global population.
Frankly. I'm not qualified to speak to anyone's experience beyond my own. All I can do is put out what we see and hear and feel and hope that it provides comfort for anyone out there who is as lost to themselves as we were to ourselves.
So can a person experience plurality without it being DID? Does every person who experiences plurality without trauma actually have a repressed and unacknowledged backstory?
It's none of my damned business.
Every person has their own story and their own baggage, much of which lays beneath the surface. We cannot fully know the depths of The Other and that is a scary thing because it means that someone could look at a person's lived truth and reject it...
And so the answer is simply "I do not know."
I can't possibly know.
I just care about people and believe them when they say things.
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olivianyx · 12 hours
Can I be your🎂 anon
I have a doubt regarding void that we can get into void by daydreaming and also daydream in it so why don't the things we dream about without being aware that we are in the void manifest
Heyy! Okay 🎂 nonnie (it's funny cus I just ate a cake for dessert and am answering you now jsjdhdjjhdxxch 😭)
Actually daydreaming is all good, I do too like I'm down bad daydreaming putting on some music and act like I'm in an edit 😭😭
But my question is, Are you daydreaming for fun or you're daydreaming to force it to come true? If you're the doing the former, you shouldn't be considering that as 'daydreaming' cus literally that's your life 😭 so tell yourself that that's how your life is!
If you catch yourself doing the latter, just relax. Cus that's your life that you're imagining and it's already here. You're the one that should change, not the external reality. Focus on how you're feeling while you 'daydream'
Coming to your point, I've never heard of getting into the void by daydreaming. Personally, I've visualised how my void looks like. (ig that's what you mean by daydreaming, if I'm wrong sorry)
Void isn't necessary. You are the void. The things which you 'Daydream' do come true without the awareness of the void too. You just have to saturate it enough. Don't give up after 2 or 3 days. Do it consistently, enjoy it. Like it's your life, and you don't wanna repeat it again and again lol. What you truly accept and decided that it's done, manifests. I mean it was already there, you're the one to change to see the change.
I hope you understood it lol 😭 I gave my best explaining it. Love you!
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fanfic-lover-girl · 1 month
I hope you don’t mind me asking all these questions but I really wanted to know:
What ships do you love? What ships do you neither love nor hate, simply tolerate? And what ships do you absolutely hate?
Also, if you like Drarry, can you explain why? Was there something in canon that turned you to it or was it just some fanfics that you’ve read and enjoyed the ship in those specific stories? (If you don’t ship drarry, you can ignore this)
Hi anon!
I am assuming you just mean HP ships?
If so, there are no HP ships I love. I have ships I find intriguing, fun, funny or cute like Snirius, Drarry, Lucissa, Druna, Dreville and Dron. In most cases, I started liking the ship due to fanfiction and not purely because of canon. Because that's mainly because I am not a shippy person. I don't watch much media but I can't think of a single romance that truly wowed me, really shook me.
I absolutely hate Jily. Can't stand it. I hate Wolfstar. I strongly dislike Hinny and Romione. I can dig the premise but I don't like the execution of Hinny and Romione. Any ship with Remus and Lily in general. I tried Snupin a few times and I just could not do it. It also doesn't help that I dislike most of the characters involved in these ships.
Ships I tolerate? Bill and Fleur is meh. They seem cute and I liked Fleur's line about being pretty enough for both her and Bill when he got mauled by Greyback. But I don't care about either character much for me to actively ship them. I am fine with Drastoria overall but I am not a fan. I care little for Astoria and I hate the idea that she is responsible for Draco's redemption. Pass me on that. Percy seems to have cute relationships with his girlfriends. He was such a sweetheart with Penelope! For the other ships like Cho/Cedric, Neville/Hannah etc, I don't know much about them to care.
I want to like Dramione...but I dislike Hermione too much. Plus, I hate how Draco and Hermione are portrayed. Even if I find a Dramione fanfic writer who develops the relationship well...there's Hermione still and I don't want Draco with her. Same with Jeverus too. I do like the concept of James being obsessed with Snape and it leading to a toxic or redemptive romance, but I am not interested in James enough to read one. Plus, my tolerance for slash fanfiction is waning.
Drarry for me is very complicated. I have a love-hate relationship with Drarry. I like Drarry for many reasons.
First of all, I am a Draco fan - he's my favourite character. And the best Draco fics tend to lean towards Drarry. I got into HP fanfiction because I wanted a Draco story and it turned out to be a Drarry fic. I feel like Drarry fics tend to explore Draco's character very well and in very interesting ways. Unlike Dramione where Draco is usually horribly OOC. Drarry fics are top-tier.
Second of all, I like the Drarry meta here on Tumblr. While I do not believe romantic Drarry ought to be canon, I do feel like the story suffered by not exploring the Drarry relationship more. Draco and Harry foil each other and have such interesting and entertaining dynamics that I am very disappointed how JKR ended Draco's story in the books.
So basically I got into Drarry through fanfiction and then I learnt about canon more, and I had even more appreciation for the ship.
However, I have moments where I hate Drarry. I don't like Harry much and it would be nice to have a good Draco-centric fic where Harry is not involved. I used to like Harry well enough when I mainly knew his character through analysis and Drarry fanfiction. But as I actually interacted more with the source material...I just don't like him. I hate Harry as a protag and the thought of him with Draco makes me sick sometimes. The daily posts from my mutual iamnmbr3 about Drarry moments in HBP and DH revived my interest in this ship and I have told her that lol. She sucked me back in :')
Sorry, this took so long anon! I had it in my drafts for weeks and forgot about it. Hope my answer satisfies your curiosity :)
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devouredbyflame · 5 months
First off, I’m so glad I found your blog, as I too am devoted to Loki. My question is, and I don’t mean to pry…what exactly do you mean by priestess? Hope this doesn’t sound too weird, as I often second guess how I come off in such situations. Thank you.
Hi anon!
Thanks for your question and no need to worry about prying. I can give you whatever information I am allowed to share but please bear in mind that the title “priestess” isn’t a rank, but rather a job title. Just because I claim to be a priestess doesn’t make me the sole authority on all things Loki. No one can ever truly know the Gods in a full way - I just strive to know and understand as much as I can during the time I have on this realm.
That being said, my role as priestess, according to Loki, used to be the function of keeping and maintaining a shrine, maintaining the space for the Deity to live in, and being present and organizing ritual for the community of followers in His cultus.
The shrine I now maintain is my home and my fully embodied life so that I might be easy to access and so that Loki essentially has a place to “live” with me given I am also His wife. I have to maintain my health, my body, my area, my surroundings so that it is as easy as possible for Loki to manifest around me.
I am essentially Loki’s “yes man” and that isn’t to say I am unquestionably following Him around like a lost puppy, but rather I often don’t know the full scale of the actions He tends to ask me to take until the reaction has already happened and I sometimes say “yes” anyway out of pure curiosity or because He gave me some other benefit on the other side as to why I need to do the thing He asked of me.
Often I am facilitating access to Loki so that people might have a more direct experience with Him than they might otherwise have the chance to experience on their own time by whatever means needed at the time. Sometimes I just merely need to be present and other times I have to do certain things to make that happen.
Because Loki does not have a physical presence on this plane, even though He is fully capable of doing what He needs to do without the assistance of priests/priestesses, the most efficient way to make an impact is often to have a physical person being His “representative” of sorts.
I’m like the customer support line or maybe even the phone operator. I help people connect to Him so they can be more fully embodied within themselves so they may have an easier time with discernment, teach people my understanding of the metaphysical components and how to reach Loki, and guide people toward Loki so that He may have an easier time reaching them on His own.
That’s essentially my role as His priestess. I have other responsibilities on top of that, other things in my life I must maintain in order to guarantee the best customer service possible, but that’s my burden to bear. I am fairly compensated for my work and He has never once let me go wanting as He has His own side of the agreement to keep and He always does because He’s great like that (but I’m pretty biased).
I hope that answers your question!
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kimbapisnotsushi · 1 year
you seem to have a good read on HQ and your takes are great, so i have a question...and if you'd rather not go there, please ignore this! but i see oikawa get called "arrogant" quite often and i'm curious, would you say he is? what is it that makes people think that? imo he has a plenty of flaws, but i truly don't think arrogance is one of them. self-centered, sure, but not arrogant i think. i'm open to being wrong, i'm just legit so confused by that particular criticism, it makes me doubting my reading comprehension. i feel like that one post that's like "free my man, he didn't do that. he did a lot of other stuff tho" LOL. if you do answer this, then thanks for your time!
oh, dear anon. this is a very very big question and i'm honored you think i am capable of providing an answer that does it justice!! i don't consider myself an oikawa expert by far, but i'll do my best because he's still very beloved to me, and i hope whatever i say helps!
(but also - maybe take what i say with a grain of salt LMAO)
anyways, to get the main point out of the way: i completely agree that oikawa isn't arrogant! i actually haven't seen any commentary about that myself (bless!!!), so i can't say for sure why some people might think that, but my guess is that they think his pridefulness = arrogance — they think that the confidence he has in himself and seijoh contributes nothing to their actual power and is utterly meaningless if they don't win, especially in the face of ushijima. which, like, come on. what kind of captain would he be if he wasn't confident in himself and his teammates? is he supposed to tell them that they're going to lose??? is he supposed to discourage their hard work and effort???
or maybe it's because oikawa acts like he's all that, but doesn't have anything to show for it. who does he think he is? what does he think his pride is worth? what right does he have to go around making grand declarations when he has nothing to his name?
(which isn't entirely true, either, but we'll get into that, promise.)
now, do i think that he can, occasionally, be flippant, shallow, and/or petty? yeah, sure. he's got one hell of a personality about it. even iwaizumi says as much. oikawa is great at being a little shit. it's one of my favorite things about him!
but is oikawa genuinely arrogant, or self-centered? well . . . i don't think so.
see, here's the thing about oikawa: he knows he's good, but he doesn't think he's good enough. i think it'd be easiest to really explain what that meant if we broke this down into two separate parts, so let's give it a go, shall we?
(buckle up, friends, because it's about to get LONG. also: TIMESKIP SPOILERS!! and there's a tldr at the start of the tags because. WOW.)
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so, first things first: if people are calling oikawa arrogant, then i'm like 99% sure that they don't actually know what the word "arrogant" means.
"arrogant" is used to describe someone full of themselves. it's used to describe someone conceited and pompous. it's used to describe someone so assured of and invested in their self-importance that they don't care for other people, and if it seems like they do, then it's usually wildly off the mark and still serves to inflate their own egos.
oikawa has never once been like that. he's been pretty much the exact opposite, in fact.
and yeah, sure, by his third year of high school, he knows he's good at volleyball, and that's fine! it's perfectly all right to claim you're good at something if you have the skills/experience to back it up. confidence is healthy as long as it isn't in overabundance, and we actually see a lot of this throughout the series!
(not to mention that this was where ushijima fell short. he was overflowing with confidence. he did not believe, for even a single second, that hinata shouyou and his meager, scrappy little flock of crows could beat him.
but oikawa? he knew. he knew what it looked like to make something bloom.)
the key to oikawa's confidence that made him better was that he could pinpoint others' strengths and weaknesses just as well as he could with his own. and (bear with me, please, i might get kind of boring here bc it's nothing that hasn't been said in the manga before) i don't mean it in the way we see the coaches or more analytical players do, as observations to be taken advantage of by everyone else; i mean that in the sense of how vital it is to his position as a setter. that was always the biggest difference between oikawa and kageyama: no matter how much more raw talent kageyama had, no matter how much better oikawa believed him to be, kageyama, especially in the beginning, struggled to do what oikawa could with a team. kageyama struggled to bring out the best in each player. and it wasn't because he didn't know how -- oikawa freely admitted that kageyama had the skill for it, that kageyama, once he got his shit together, could win against him -- it was because kageyama didn't have that same confidence in himself.
(not until much later, anyways. but that's another story, for another time.)
so, oikawa's confident. he knows he's good. he can bring out the best in each player. he's got a killer serve (and a killer smile!), a mind for tactics that borders on machievallianism, and cherishes the trust he is given like it's something precious. his coaches let him lead without leaning on them. his team has the utmost respect and admiration for him. he has a reputation. from karasuno to shiratorizawa to the whole of miyagi -- there is not a single character who knows oikawa tooru and would believe that he is, in any way, bad at volleyball.
but it's not enough. despite all of that, oikawa still doesn't think he's good enough. and that, friends, brings us to the second point.
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oikawa tooru is nothing if not passionate.
so were the others, of course. kageyama kept going after his grandfather's death. hinata kept going while being a nobody from nowhere with no one to back him up. atsumu kept going while osamu didn't. it's not even about just those who went pro -- kenma, kuroo, noya, and everyone else found things that they were passionate about and kept going with it. the entire story revolves around loving what you do and trying to keep that love alive, and, sometimes, that can be really, really difficult when it seems like it doesn't love you back.
oikawa was so insecure over kageyama to the point where he nearly decked the poor kid. oikawa got crushed by ushijima-- who kept telling him that his team was not good enough, that his choices were not good enough, that there was nothing good enough to be proud of -- for years in a row. oikawa was taught that there would always be someone better than him no matter how skilled he was, but if he let that stop him then he didn't fucking belong on the court in the first place.
oikawa tooru is intimately acquainted with not being good enough, but he keeps trying to be. he keeps going. he tries to keep the love alive even if he's not loved back. he pushes and practices and takes a plane far from home to become even better. even if he doesn't have the skill, even if he doesn't have the talent, even if he doesn't have the love -- he still has his pride. and what does that mean, in the end? how far does that take him?
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in the end, oikawa tooru walks across a world stage and sees people who believed in him on the other side and calls it a family reunion. in the end, he gets to play the volleyball that reminds him of why he loves it and how it gives him so much love back. in the end, his pride is unyielding and unbreakable, a product of the forge. he molded it with his own two hands. he will not let it falter so easily.
arrogance would not have taken oikawa tooru this far. i hope this has proven that he is anything but.
remember: instinct is something you polish. talent is something you make bloom. and never, ever let anyone else tell you what your pride is worth.
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stagkingswife · 3 months
Hey, I saw your post on disability and I have a doubt. I have ADHD, OCD, chronic depression, along with hypothyroidism, spondylitis, and gastritis. I am mostly high functioning and was considered a high achiever until I lost my job. I have had bad days when I find it impossible to leave the bed for weeks and I don't remember the last time I woke up feeling refreshed without any body pain. I mostly manage to get everything done before deadline, but that takes a heavy toll on both my physical and mental health. And most of the time I can't work without overdosing on my ADHD meds and painkillers.
My question is, umm, am I disabled?
When I said "send me asks" this is honestly not what I was expecting. I don't know if you're a follower of mine or not, but I'm a silly little witchcraft blog. I'll do my best here, Anon.
This is not a question I, or anyone else can answer for you. Identifying as disabled is a personal choice. If you do not feel disabled you do not have to identify as such. BUT, if you feel like your conditions have enough of an impact on your life.... then it's up to you. You can also be flexible in your phrasing if you wan to say you're mentally, but not physically. For some context I'm also a high achiever. I went to a Seven Sister college, graduated with a very respectable GPA. Now I'm earning a six figure salary in a highly competitive industry, and just landed a 5 figure bonus. My career is only looking up from here. I have an active social life, bot in person and online. But my average pain level is a 7/10. I walk with forearm crutches on my best days and use a wheelchair on anything less than the best. I'm just coming off a medication that truly wrecked me.
There's a lot of really impressive shit that I can do, and that I do well. But there's also a lot of normal every day stuff that I can't do, or struggle to do, or can't do without help. For example: I can build complex automation sequences for work, or discuss really in depth spiritual stuff here, but I can't go grocery shopping on my own, or drive on the highway, or stand in the shower. Sometimes I can't even get out of bed without help. If you aren't familiar with the social model of disability I really think you would benefit from looking into it. The gross oversimplification of it, in case you're unfamiliar, is that it's not about what your body or mind can and can't do in perfect isolation. It's about how those limitations relate to the structure of society. If we were all perfectly supported and perfectly accommodated no one would feel disabled, but that's not the world we live in.
I hope this gave you something to think about, and that you feel you have the space to choose to identify however feels right for you, because you're the only one who can make that call.
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redux-iterum · 1 year
i am aware you can't answer this right now, but! as a patron, your Tigerclaw. ough. it's been a good couple months(?) since i read his death scene and i am still reeling from the impact (in a positive way). just. everything. i am lacking in words tonight but just how emotionally charged it is, from every angle, in every way......... man. thats the kind of shit i hope to write one day. "emotional impact that feels like being beaten with a really heavy pillow (in a good way)" my beloved <3
OH same patron anon from like 2 minutes ago with the Spoiler Comment Question, here with a Hopefully-Not-Spoiler Comment Question. Once again; I love how you write Tigerclaw!!! the fact that I was, in the moment, disappointed and a little upset that Lionface was chosen as deputy over him, the fact that, on more than one occasion, I found myself wondering-slash-hoping that he was somehow, in some way, a red herring and not. y'know. responsible for the deaths that have ALWAYS been his fault in every rewrite and retelling. as if I didn't already know. as if it wasn't a fact I've known since I was a small child reading WC for the first time. damn. as i said before: many thoughts no words to express them But I Love, patron anon back for round 3. sorry that im spamming you with messages i just keep having More Thoughts and apparently no filter. I love how you write Tigerclaw as, like..... not a grand cunning mastermind, possibly not even in his own eyes. Prideful, yes, but there's this element of.... i don't quite know how to put it. He's just a guy. He's just a guy who loves his mate and his son, and is excited for the kits his mate is expecting, if a little apprehensive. Just a guy who is dangerous and terrible because he is so, so very certain that he knows what The Right Thing To Do is, and is willing to do whatever it takes to reach that ideal, but his idea of The Right Thing To Do is so horrible and skewed and dangerous. He does what he has to do, or what he thinks he has to. Does he see it as self-sacrifice, in a way? stooping so low for the sake of those he cares about? sorry again for the multiple asks but i'm obsessed with villains like this and have only just now managed to put the words together. cause like.... a lot of truly awful people aren't masterminds. They're people who are so very certain that they're in the right, and are so very wrong about that. i do love flamboyant, Evil-with-a-capital-E cartoon villains a lot (when done right), but there's something about having a villain be so normal, so clearly An Average(ish) Person, someone who may not even see how horrific their actions are. NOT THAT ANY OF THIS IS AN EXCUSE, it's not that they're misdirected or confused. it's like... the dead certainty that they are Correct and other people are Wrong. There's something very..... tactile? about it. "Real" might be the right word but it doesn't feel exactly right. It's like, this is a person you could meet. A person you could know. And they're just quietly (or not-so-quietly) abhorrent in so many ways. sorry for rambling my head is full of thoughts tonight and i apparently cannot shut up </3
Much gratitude and flustering for these asks, man, golly. I've hoped that I've improved in writing over time, and asks like these make me more confident. Thank you for reading along! (And for pledging on Patreon, an absolute of course.) Apologies for not getting to these sooner, I was saving them for today.
Your assessment of Tigerclaw is spot-on. I would say he THINKS he thinks of himself as a normal, good husband and warrior who's doing his best and having a humble life. There's only so real that can be when he also has the constant thought of "I am the only one who sees the truth and I need to Fix Things because no one else can". He thinks he's so much more honest and realistic than he is. You know people like that. I know people like that. The most dangerous person is one that can fool themselves.
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prototypelq · 1 year
DMC Questions Anon here!
The ending of DMC 5 leaves the door very open for new character dynamics to be formed. Which is exactly what this question is about.
(Keep in mind that if you don't want to or don't think you can you do not need to cover all of these dynamics)
(Also, I do not mean any of these dynamics as a group just for clarification)
How do you believe Dante and Vergil will move forward with their relationship after DMC 5? What about Vergil and Nero? How about Dante and Nero?
Vergil is going to end up needing to form a dynamic with all of the characters after he and Dante return from hell. The characters he will inevitably end up interacting with on a normal basis will be: Lady, Trish, Kyrie, Nico, Patty, and Morrison. How do you believe his relationship with all of these characters will turn out? How will they start off, and how will they develop?
Dante has a dynamic with most of this cast, but what do you think his dynamics with Kyrie and Nico will end up being like?
What dynamics do you believe Nero will have with Lady, Trish, Patty, and Morrison?
How do you think the dynamics Trish will have with Kyrie and Nico will play out?
The dynamic Lady will have with Kyrie?
The dynamics Kyrie will have with Patty and Morrison?
How do you think the dynamics Nico will have with Patty and Morrison will play out?
What dynamics (other than anything involving a member of the Sparda family with another member) are you most interested in seeing playing out?
(I have another question planned to do at some point asking you to talk about dynamics not included here)
Quite a loaded question, my favourite DMC anon! Your asks are lovely as always, and I`ll try to answer these to the best of my ability
(all of the relationships mentioned here are written as platonic, and incest shippers are Real-Impacted on sight)
the longest and easiest to answer: the sparda loser twins
I strongly believe that what the twins truly needed all these years to start healing was each other, and the yearning for their brotherly reconnection is the reason their relationship is mendable (unlike trigun twins, but that`s just my opinion). Both of them became extremely closed off after the attack, and their personalities were forged in literal hellfire, hence, their absolutely horrible, no good, very bad coping mechanisms - their childhood knowledge of each other is the solution to this trauma. Dante can see right through the Vergil`s pretentious and arrogant behavior to know his brother is hurting, and Vergil can relearn to see that the attention-attracting behavior and general clowning of Dante`s is a veil to hide behind, and they can call each other out on this bullshit to talk like actual adults. Which might happen after some brotherly stabbing (because their only response to pain has been violence for the majority of their lives and that’s not a healthy habit but I don`t think they will grow out of it any time soon), but they both want their bond to be real again, and that will require honesty. I have no idea how long mending of their brotherhood will take, but am sure they will make it work in time, and will finally start healing
(I do hope they also take the stabbing out of their fighting, because even if demonic pain tolerance is high it is still physical pain and that is not a thing you want to invoke on a relative you have a good strong relationship with), which will also positively affect all of their relationships with other characters (*cough cough* like dante helping vergil through his newfound fatherly feelings towards nero, and vergil getting dante right back with his secretive but very fond father figure-ly bond with patty *cough cough*)
Vergil must apologise for breaking the Rebellion. While the twins have equal score in killing each other (Dante>Nelo, Urizen>Dante (yes, I believe Urizen actually killed Dante as it would be thematically appropriate since 5 parallels 3 so much)), but Nero restored Yamato, while Rebellion was sort-of reforged by Dante himself. Still, Vergil did break Dante`s beloved sword which must have hurt Dante (for some reason the fandom glosses over it, like, yeah he made a DSD for himself which is very cool and all, still, it is not the familiar Rebellion and it is a loss, even if it is bittersweet)
Vergil is #1 person on the (short) list of characters Dante is physically affectionate with (both to tease and for funsies; I live for the 'Dante coaxes a piggyback ride out of Vergil' fanart, fics, everthing and everything that has this trope; also the twins sleep better when theyre close or together; Vergil relearns positive touch through Dante's affections)
If Vergil and Dante are two halves of a one stupid loser whole, then Vergil and Nero are two identical idiots. They struggle with their feelings and need time to understand them, while at the same time being hotheads with little patience, which is quite an explosive combination to form a relationship around. Luckily, they have help! Nero has learned to lean on Kyrie in time of emotional need, and Vergil… will need time to learn to express himself, if not more openly, then at least without as much pretense as he has now (and he has Dante to yell at him when Vergil starts making stupid decisions yet again), and both will certainly need their ‘straight men’ to help out at times. I believe the Heaven in Hell`s Despair series of fics, by the amazing EirianErisdar on ao3, covers their struggles and triumphs of creating a father-son bond wonderfully.
Dante and Nero`s relationship is a more treacherous case. Dante and Vergil damaged each other a lot through the years, but they had the same goal – to reunite and stand together as brothers again. Nero and Vergil have had a very rocky start, but both clearly want to bond and they have a new relationship to figure out.
However, in this instance, Dante has actually had a sort of secret relationship with Nero as his uncle, which was built on a lot of things unsaid, and it ultimately betrayed Nero`s trust, even if Dante was trying to act in his best intentions (actually no, Dante just could not face any more Vergil ghosts than he already had, so he hid away from the problem and Nero as he usually does). Paired with Nero`s temper, this makes mending the relationship with his uncle probably an even harder task than forging a new one with Vergil. The way I see out of this is two scenarios: - Dante figures himself out enough to come clean to Nero about why he hid everything from his nephew (…as much as I`d love that, unlikely, Dante is a very old dog with his trickster trick at this point, even if he will improve after fixing his bond with Vergil, old wounds are very painful to pick on) - OR… Vergil tells Nero of his troubled history with his twin, and with some help from Vergil or Kyrie Nero comes to understand Dante`s actions and forgives his sorry uncle. I do believe Nero needs someone (Vergil or Kyrie) to actually slap him in the face with a detailed explanation of how to see through Dante`s clowning, because Nero`s temper wouldn`t let him otherwise. After that, I think they are very cool, and Dante would make an excellent uncle (noogies all around, Nero can protest all he wants, he`s not getting out of them) They certainly share some of their taste in music, and are secretely jealous of the others revvy sword/demonic motorcycle. Nero is, obviously, another person on the list of people Dante is physically affectionate towards.
Vergil & Lady or Trish
This is harder for me to figure out, mostly because the main character trait of the women in DMC is giggle physics. My guess is that Vergil and Lady will be neutral-hostile to each other, Lady seems to me like a character that will hold her grudges for an entire lifetime, or they will be completely neutral to each other, and I don`t think either of them would be interested in improving their relationship.
If not for her encounter with V, Vergil would be hostile towards Trish, but she treated a part of him well in the past, and that juuuust might be enough for him to be neutral towards her. Their actual history is shrouded in mystery and as it's unknown how much she was involved in Nelo Angelo's mind-washing so that`s very much up to interpretation. I really like all the headcanons about Trish trying to be an older sister to twins, but personally can`t see that happening, still, those headcanons are very nice.
Vergil would be very much unnerved by Kyrie – she has a sort of motherly care for people around her, which would trigger all of Vergil`s mommy issues combined, so he would be very tense with her at first. There is an amazing fic This Emptiness is so Real by Night_Companion on ao3, which has my favorite portrayal of Kyrie out of all the fics I`ve read – the author wrote her like a woman grown up in a religious- and military-heavy culture, with a steel spine just like her brother, who has seen how much trauma the veterans go through, and has learned to be a calming presence in their lives. It is her active choice and decision to try to help traumatized individuals, she has self-taught herself these skills and uses them to her advantage. This gives her an edge to be uniquely equipped to see through the twins horrible coping mechanisms, which actually scares the hell out of them both, because both haven`t known honesty since the fire. Kyrie might have a hard time forgiving Vergil for what he did to Nero, but that doesn`t mean she won't try to comfort him (as she always does for those who need it), and in time, she will forgive him (probably shell do it later than Nero himself does). After that, they will get along wonderfully, maybe they'll share a quiet evening with tea together.
Kyrie will have this quiet menacing aura around Dante, until he explains why he never told Nero they were family, she would totally be pissed about that, but with her skills she will see Dante has been through a lot and that decision was heavy for him to bear too, and she`ll forgive him (faster than Nero though, as she is more understanding towards his situation). Later they will get along great. Dante considers her to be his niece, and she is one (of a very short list) of people he is physically affectionate around (hugs as greetings for sure, maybe he`ll whisk her to dance around if there`s a good song on a radio (while Nero is aggressively shy, jealous and getting over himself in the corner nearby)). Help me remember fic by Okutama on ao3 has had a great scene in the final chapter (not a major spoiler, don`t worry) where Nero asked Dante to lead Kyrie down the aisle on their wedding and I say y e s to this headcanon aggressively. She might also get some firearms training from Dante (imagine Kyrie with a rifle). Also, let Kyrie swear, she needs it with these idiots.
Nico would tease Vergil a lot, and just as with Nero. It might be weird for Vergil at first, but seeing as he is living with Dante now, he would accept the teasing surprisingly quickly and well. I don`t think Nico holds any grudges against Vergil after he verbally apologizes to Nero for the arm, then they`re good to go. (also I loved the idea presented in one of the fics I`ve read (please remind me the source if you know I completely forgot it) where in an alternate-timeline-dream sequence Vergil found smol Nero and adopted Nico, so they grew up as literal siblings. While I don`t think canon versions of them can grow that close, they can be fond of each other and easy-going in their friendship, so that would be nice too)
Patty, my beloved (headcanon-very-heavy territory ahead)
Patty will yell A Lot and Loud at Vergil for all he put Dante through on their initial meeting, but after Dante and Vergil fix themselves, she will be tentatively curious about Dante`s mystery twin. After that they would find connection in berating Dante over his housekeeping together. Patty would be fond of Vergil`s sense of style and his taste for some classical culture like literature and violin, while also benefitting from Patty`s ‘straight man’ nature for him and Dante both, as she points out any bullshit she notices (except sometimes when it matters, she lets it lie, which is how she was able to keep in contact with Dante all these years).
I am fascinated by the loser twin parallels regarding their (adopted) children – Vergil the unknowing and absent father, and Dante the secret protective but unacknowledging father figure for years. After dmc5, Vergil was forced to deal with being a father to a young adult, and Dante had been keeping in contact and protecting Patty since she was a small child, all the while avoiding the implications of his caring nature towards her, honesty and actual responsibility for her.
When Vergil is in good graces enough with Patty and learns of her history with Dante, he will piece together how big of an idiot his brother is (as he had to work hard to forge a bond with Nero, while here is Dante having the gall to completely ignore the obvious connection he has had with Patty for almost a decade (while also being very impressed)), and he will force a conversation with Dante about it (because Vergil despite all the years apart knows his brother perfectly well as can now see that the unsaid has been hurting his brother, same as keeping Nero in the dark was, and at the same time hurting Patty as well). Dante needs a powerful wake up call (as he knows Patty fro almost a decade) and Vergil knows his brother well, plus has the will and no-tolerance for his brother's bullshit to cut straight to the issue at hand, plus to encourage Dante to do better.
But yeah, in short Vergil and Patty get along great (which scares the hell out of Dante and Nero). If Patty ever learns fencing - Vergil would be the one to teach her.
Patty is another person on the list Dante will get physically affectionate with (actually she was the first person to start physically affectionate interactions with him since the fire - she literally throws herself at him in the anime and its adorable))). They listen to some pop rock together, and Dante taught her some cheap and easy tactics against demons to use and firearms. PrecariousSauce is to be awarded for the 'Call and Return' fic as it is the lifeblood of a patty stan, and the scene she learns driving from Dante is one of my favourites in all the dmc fics I've ever read. Another favourite scenario (trope?) of mine is when Patty and Vergil meet for the first time, Patty throws herself at Dante and hugs him, bt after Vergil is introduced she straight up punches him with all her might (she learned from Dante, of course))
Nero and Patty are house-on-fire kind of cousins, they can meet up (or phone) to vent about the sparda loser twins they have/chose as their dads, and are generally a good mix together. Both can be hotheaded, but the other will cut the first down to size with reason if needed. They help each other with holiday gifts for the twins. She and Nero tease each other mercilessly, same as with Nico.
some other characters
Vergil will have a good working relationship with Morrison, same as Dante.
Twins and Lucia…no much go off on. I wonder if meeting Vergil will reignite her previous crush on Dante, except on Vergil this time -than would be a cute little scenario, but not much to say besides that. I`d love for Lucia to make a comeback, at least to give her more character, and at most for her gameplay to be updated and her to be playable again. (Lucia is the only character I can ship Dante with, however their lives are too different and far apart in canon for that to happen, additionally Dante was specifically avoiding any kind of honesty with people around him for decades so there is no healthy basis for relationship there, but I can dream a little)
No specific idea for Dante and Nico. She needs to get over her hero worship of him first.If she dares, I think her attempts to provoce him with jokes will go right over Dante, as he is impenetrable to any kind of teasing, and he will probably just sleep on their way to the job if they ride together. Maybe they have similar music taste and listen to the same radio station or smth.
Dante/Vergil/Nero and Lady, Trish and Morrison are colleagues, I don`t really have anything more than that. Same goes for the other relationships you`ve listed later in the ask.
Cerberus!!! (and other Demon Arms)
I find DMC Cerberus' designs adorable and would love to get more of these doggos, they're are great. Also, Dante needs a dog - Let him have Cerberus as a pet please. And it would be cool if Vergil could summon Shadow back the same way. The twins need their emotional suppor pets.
Or just, any devil arms in general. I think it was very cool when each one had character and was able to talk, it would be great to see that again in some shape (love the Balrog voicelines). Fanfaves like Nevan also would be very welcome to make a comeback.
Thank you for the ask as always! Hopefully this was somewhat entertaining to read)
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celestie0 · 6 months
please share your thoughts on vinland saga. what is your favorite character, scene...? what is something you learnt through it?
omgogmogmgmggogm ty for this ask anon also so sorry it took me a while to get around to but i appreciate it i loooove vinland saga sm n i’d love to talk more ab it 😭🫶🏼💕 n if you’ve seen the show too i’d love to know ur answers to those questions as well aaa :””)
my favorite character for suuurrree is thorfinn :”) he is my sweet summer child, the apple of my eye, the kindest of all, my son, my heart, my treasure, my love, i adore him sm there are times where i think of him n i just start tearing up out of nowhere. imma sound so fkn insane when i say this but i really truly believe he exists in my hearrrtttt 😭💕 like he has to, there’s no way these feeligns of adoration i have for him have not manifested on some physical realm i just love him sosososooso much sobs he is my favorite fictional character of all time n i wish i could smooch makoto yukimura very gingerly on the cheek for bringing such a beautifully well written character to life. his determination to become a better person, live true to his ideals, and create safe haven for others is srs so inspirational to me i love him sm
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[panels colored by @/hawta_mahmood on insta]
i would literally commit war crimes for him LMFAO (even tho that’s the opposite of what he would want anyone to do for him haha)
as for what i’ve learned n my fave scene(s) i will add a keep reading bc spoilers and also it’s gonna be really fuckin long 💀
what have i learned from vinland saga? dear god, so much. i could talk about this show for hours, HOURS, and i have before!! it is just that dense in philosophy n had my head spinning from all the reflections
of course, there is the infamous line in the show ‘i have no enemies’, which i think can mean a lot of different things to different people, in thorfinn’s case it is the line that allows him to adopt a life of tranquility n pacifism. i think for me, this line taught me to assume the best in people, and once i started doing that i think i learned how peaceful n meaningful life can be. for example, if i interact with a rude person or am fighting with someone i care about, and i am affected emotionally by it, i might think of that lesson from the show and i feel free in knowing that i have no one who i desire to hurt or retaliate against or even harbor negative feelings towards in my head(the saying comes to mind to think or speak negatively about others is to poison yourself) as someone w a lot of fuckin anxiety it’s very liberating to think that way, and i think that’s the biggest lesson i’ve learned from the show (among many, many, many others. i think another big lesson is obviously the subject of forgiveness, both in others and in oneself, but this post will end up being too long if i go into depth of all the things i’ve thought ab while watching vinland saga)
as for my fave scenes, i’ll try to just pick three 😭😭😭
1. end of the prologue. the scene when askleadd dies was so beautifully done. the moment where in his final moments, he urges thorfinn to rethink his life and what he wants from it, and to follow in his father’s footsteps. askeladd was such a cruel, violent, and objectively horrible person n was the cause of thorfinn’s journey of hatred in the first place, and yet in his final moments somehow his words to thorfinn did not feel out of character. that was the moment where i realized wow, this author knows what tf he’s doing and is truly so talented. to have a character’s traits sneak up on you like that, built so subtly throughout the show, so that the payoff feels so real and fitting and not forced, driving the direction of the story in the way we had been hoping for the whole time. fuuuckckf. also, quick mention of the scene where thorifnn finally lets go of his dagger n all the scenes from season one flash by on the metal. fuck. i cry EVERY. TIME.
2. i mean it’s a given, but the scene when thorfinn finally understands his father’s words and admits to a circle of bloodlust vikings that they are not his enemies, and that he has no enemies. what a wonderful full circle moment for his character arc, i get chills just thinking about it
3. this one may be a bit more random lol, but the episode that will forever stick in my memory is gardar’s backstory episode. fuck i could writr a ten page essay about this one twenty minute episode ALONE, but i’ll just pick out the one scene that just kills me. the scene where gardar helplessly watches himself in the past, as he leaves arnheid & hjalti, and there’s nothing he can do to stop himself. fucking hell. if there’s any scene that i think could perfectly show what a feeling of regret is like, that would be the scene, and what fucks me up so much about that scene is how he cannot even manage WORDS. he is a grown man, reduced to intelligible sounds because his pain is so profound and his guilt runs so deep that it is like he becomes all but a helpless child. just kill me, seriously. i had never cried so hard in my LIFE watching anything than in that episode. i sobbed so hard i had hiccups n my sleeves were covered in snot. but the ending, when he got to see his son again in the afterlife n he was the age that he wouldve been if he was still alive :”) my god. yukimura nails anything that has to do with father son dynamics, im sure its because he has a few boys of his own, and his love for his children is so evident in his writing. but also, the fact that he was able to make me feel SO MUCH for a character we hardly knew anything of, and also to use a character that the audience is not very familiar with to tell a story that i think almost everyone on this planet could relate to in some capacity (things we want to change n wish we could go back to do so…) just what a genius genius creative decision like he is just such a wonderful writer i appreciate him so much 😭😭😭
god, all of s2 is honestly my favorite scene LMFAO. the whole entirety of it is a masterclass in story telling. imma just do a quick few more of my fave scene shoutouts tho 😭
thorfinn getting his ear sliced by fox, thorfinn calling einer his brother, thorfinn climbing his way out of valhalla, thorfinn telling arnheid about vinland before she passed away, snake revealing the truth behind ketil’s name, thorfinn reuniting with his mother again. god just all of it. i swear, just all of it.
GAT DAYUM THIS IS LONG but idgaf i’d talk about this show until i draw my last breath lmfaooo thank u anon for this ask im clearly insane 🤣🤣🤣 ur probs like im never sending this bitch an ask ever again LMFAO just joking but srs i appreciate it i had a lot of fun answering :””) i just love this show so much
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zebulontheplanet · 7 months
Hi, Zeb!
I've been thinking lately about autism support levels and support needs. When I was diagnosed, I wasn't given a support level.
For a while, I was pretty okay with that, I was paying attention to my needs and understanding what role they play in my life.
Until people started questioning my support level or trying to guess it. People online were talking about it in segregating ways and suddenly I was feeling like I was doing something wrong.
That's why I wanted to ask. Is it necessary to have an "assigned" support level? Why? What changes does it bring? Why does it matter?
I ask those questions in the most humble way possible, I'm trying to learn and inform myself, as well as understand my own anxieties.
Have the best day 💜
Hi there anon!
So, it isn’t a bad thing that you weren’t diagnosed with a level or support need. Sometimes people just don’t get diagnosed with them. Personally, I wouldn’t self diagnose a level. They’re incredibly difficult to understand and only a professional trained in it can truly assess and figure out what level you are.
However, that being said, support needs are a community term and you’re allowed to identify with one if you’d like.
Support needs are to identify the level of support you need in everyday life. Does this change anything? Absolutely. However, not always for the best. When people find out your support needs, they’re either going to be cool with it, or struggle to talk with you because they can’t relate to you in certain aspects. The autism community is really separated at the moment, when it shouldn’t be. It constantly feels like there is a huge divide between lower support needs folks, and higher support needs folks. When in of itself isn’t a necessarily bad thing, because yes there does need to be some separation because our support needs are different therefore our experiences are different, it doesn’t quite take into consideration the fact that we’re all just autistic. We all have autism. That should make us want to be together more, but for a lot it divides them. Which sucks.
It does matter sometimes to disclose your support needs. A lot of late diagnosed, low support needs people do have a tendency of overstepping, so a lot of higher support needs people do disclose their support needs to keep them in their lane sorta and basically be like “I am here” if that makes sense.
It is completely your choice if you want to disclose your support needs and talk about it. You don’t have to if you don’t want to. That is your choice 100%. You don’t have to disclose anything to anyone if you don’t want too.
I hope this helps answer your question. If not then feel free to send another ask with your questions more in-depth! I hope you have a lovely day!
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