#I honestly thought before i watched this show this show was about two cannibals falling in love
A short summary of Hannibal Season 2 the end of episode 9 and beginning of episode 10
Will: *Slams Body down on Hannibal's table*
Will: Best Friends?
Hannibal: Best friends.
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becauseplot · 11 months
Hi hello yes more thoughts about this hgduo pre-canon, hunger games/wars au(??) because my brain is rotating them at incredible speeds. (Obligatory cannibalism tw because yeah the lore do be like that.)
Bad originally finds Cellbit while the kid is trying to use a dagger to carve up a body to eat---key word trying. Bad stands back and watches him struggle for about thirty seconds before speaking up: "You're holding that wrong." (The kid jumps about two feet in the air. "WhhUH---") "Also you're not supposed to carve with a dagger, silly. You should really be using a knife. Here." And Bad passes him one of his hunting knives.
Bad mentally dubs Cellbit "Dagger-Kid" because he doesn't know Cellbit's name. When Cellbit later admits he doesn't know his name either, Bad officially dubs him "Dagger-Kid" or "Dagger" for short. ((For the rest of this I'll be calling Cellbit "Dagger")) ((Also I'm not 100% on this name yet but we'll see.))
I should note that I also think it would be funny that every time Dagger does something notable or reveals a new quality about himself, Bad tries to give him a new name. Like, they scavenge a piece of chocolate off one of their victims and Dagger loves it, so Bad tries to suggest, "Oh oh! What if we called you 'Sweets'! Or 'Chocolate'? 'Coco,' maybe?" all of which Dagger (playfully) rolls his eyes at. Bad rotates through nicknames regularly, but Dagger personally sticks with the first name Bad gave him.
Dagger was on his own for two months before he met Bad. He is injured and half-starved and utterly exhausted. The first time they make camp together, Dagger promises he'll take the first watch, but he nods off before even Bad can fall asleep. It's the first time Dagger has felt safe enough to truly relax, so his body just crashes. He sleeps for twelve hours.
This one's honestly more of a general qsmp headcanon I have but it goes here too: Bad teaches Dagger how to throw knives (for combat) and how to do knife tricks (for fun). Current-day Cellbit still remembers how to do the tricks, and he'll often use them as a way of fidgeting when he's thinking---with a pen or pencil instead, though.
One of Dagger's natural talents is stealth. He's not as quiet as Bad, but he's definitely good at it; his cat-hybrid traits definitely lend him a hand here, too. It's the main way Dagger survived before meeting Bad, stealing supplies out of camps while people were sleeping.
Bad, being a demon, doesn't need to eat, drink, or sleep as much as mortals do, and certainly not as much as a teenage boy. To him, it only seems practical that he gives himself smaller portions of their rations, or takes longer nightwatch shifts. But Dagger (who can scarcely imagine ever being not hungry or not tired, much less at the same time) is still grateful and feels somewhat indebted to Bad, even after Bad explains.
Dagger (a cat hybrid and a little more than a bit messed up) bites to show affection. Usually Bad's arm. Any normal guy would be injured by the force of Dagger's bite---Dagger doesn't really seem to understand that not-biting-hard is an option---but Bad doesn't really mind it.
(The truth is that deep down Dagger really wants to hug Bad, but he knows Bad isn't a very cuddly person, and yeah Bad might give him a hug if he asked but he's too afraid to ask so all that affection stays bottled up until it rises rises rises and he just doesn't know what to do with it anymore and it needs OUT---)
Bad thwacks Dagger upside the head with his tail whenever Dagger is being a "little rapscallion" and eventually Dagger starts retaliating. His tail isn't as long or flexible as Bad's but he definitely does try.
Bad has a lot of stories to tell. Some true, some made up on the fly. He's always liked telling stories, and Dagger is a captive audience. He learns Dagger loves mysteries, and suddenly, all of his campfire stories are about spies, and detectives, and red-string cork boards and espionage.
The thing Dagger fears the most is that one morning he'll wake up and Bad won't be there because Bad decided Dagger slowed him down and thus abandoned him. He thinks about this near-constantly. (The thing Bad fears the most is that one morning he'll wake up and look at Dagger and start caring like he used to a long, long time ago. He does not think about this at all.)
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ofinkandpaper · 1 year
A Changed World
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Yandere!Villian!MHA x Reader
Hello! Finally, after nearly an entire year, I have finally finished chapter two with the gracious help and beta reading of @cupidcreates ❤️ So many things have been going on in my personal life and I really appreciate y'all's patience with this. Also, to clarify why I tag certain characters though they don't appear in a this chapter: they are referenced and are an important character to the story as a whole, so it makes it easier for me to keep track of what tags I should put on each chapter when they're all the same.
Note: The characters are aged up. As the story progresses, I will tag each chapter with respective trigger and content warnings, which may include mentions of murder, assault, cannibalism, stalking, torture, arson, terrorism, and other felonies, Yandere themes, Sexual assault, Mental illness, abuse. I do not own MHA nor do these personalities represent the writers, characters or VAs of the show. This is strictly fiction and for entertainment purposes only.
**Trigger Warnings: Implied Stalking/Being Watched
Word Count: 3,566
Taglist: @lolawassad @letskidaddle @youngbeansprout @bakuhoes-dumbass @cupidcreates
"Okay, so here's what I'm thinking." You glanced up from your computer for a moment, pausing in writing the few reports Tamaki had asked you for to give Kendo the small amount of attention you knew would be needed for her to continue talking.
Her casual drone, when comfortable, made for nice background noise and gave you a sense of peace.
"You could always move in with me! Sure, you may have to deal with Monoma every once in a while, but he's mellowed out a bit since we graduated so he isn't as much of a nuisance as he used to be." The thought made you scoff, but gave you a tiny bit of hope for the blonde man. Even with as much hate as he spewed at your fellow classmates, you had a small soft spot for him. As far as you could recall, you were one of the few that he had actually confided in when it came to his quirk insecurity - whether a copying quirk was a good fit for hero work or not, and not having much support about it in his childhood. Sometimes it made you wonder, a little dejectedly, if he had been making a jab at your own quirk. Sure it wasn't anything fancy like Hawks' was, but you liked it well enough.
"You of all people know I don't actually mind being around him, Itsuka." You huffed a laugh and went back to typing, "Besides, I can tell you right now I'm not a good roommate. Partially due to my quirk and partially due to how much I enjoy being alone sometimes."
"Oh please, if I could handle you in the UA dorms, I can handle you in a regular living situation." You could almost feel the force of her eye roll as you hear her flop back onto your bed. You glance at the clock to check the time before continuing to type, making a silent promise to finish this one report and send what you have done while promising Tamaki you would finish the rest tomorrow.
You wanted at least a few hours with your friend while she was here, you know?
"Honestly, I think you only managed that because of Monoma and Tetsutetsu." You smirk and glance her way again. Again, she scoffed and waved a hand dismissively as she turned her attention to her phone. Once more, back to the paperwork grind, you pushed through the last few sentences before sending them off to their respective destinations.
"Oh. There was one other thing I wanted to ask about." You swivel to face Kendo, frowning as she sat up and gave you the most serious look you've seen on her the entire day.
"What's up?"
"Are you really okay living here? With all the gang activity?"
The sudden weight of her questions caused a slight tension to rise over your body and your expression to fall a touch. You turned away from her as you thought of an answer, staring blankly at your keyboard. You could hear her shifting - uncomfortably, you assumed - as she tried to wait patiently for your response.
It was hard to think of an answer that didn't sound like there was some lie to it. Sure, you were used to the gangs, and appreciated that they didn't make your life as much of hell as they probably could… but that didn't mean you were entirely comfortable with them getting away with strong arming innocent civilians just because they knew the local heroes weren't supported enough to be able to stand up confidently and fully against them.
In all honesty, you had half a mind sometimes to leave Tamaki's agency and join the local one to add some backbone to the force.
"It's alright… it's not exactly what I would really want, but it's what I can afford at the moment.” You pause and give a shrug, “And the gangs haven’t been too bad recently. Just wish the hero agency in this area had a bit more support so they could actually do something about it all.”
Kendo was quiet as she took in your words, and with your attention away from her, her expression neutralized. It would have been easy for you to see the thoughts that swirled behind her eyes; thinking of how she could help and who she could talk to about either easing the situation in your neighborhood or getting you to move elsewhere. Having known you since your schooling days, she knew you were a stubborn one - she could almost put you on par with Midorya and Bakugo, if she were being completely honest.
Maybe a talk with Nejire was in order.
She forced a smile on her lips as she stood and went over, humming as she placed a hand on your shoulder. You looked up at her, finding a soft smile coming easy to you in response to her own.
“Well, while you figure out what you want to really do - don’t lie to me, I can tell you’re thinking about it - remember you have a plethora of people who have your back if you ever wanna move out.”
You sigh and nod, softly mentioning Tamaki’s offer to help you move closer to his agency. There was a sudden, but subtle, stiffness in her hand, though before you could really question it, she relaxed and moved away towards the bedroom door.
“Why haven’t you taken him up on it yet? Oh, and did you want any tea?” She pauses at the door, waiting for your answer. You hum and nod, standing to follow her to the kitchen. This small moment made you glad she still felt comfortable enough with you to know she could make use of your home-space as if it were her own.
“I don’t know… if I’m being honest, I just really don’t want to feel like I’m taking advantage of his kindness. Like, getting me an entire house? That’s a lot - way too much! I could never just casually go ‘oh sure, thanks boss!’ to something like that.” You hoisted yourself up onto the counter, swinging your legs a little as you watch Kendo shuffling around getting the kettle and mugs set up. She raised a brow and glanced your way for a moment as she turned the oven on to start boiling the water.
“A house? I thought his offer was for an apartment.” You make an elongated noise, accompanied by the shrug of your shoulders and one of your hands swaying side to side in a ‘maybe’ gesture.
“House, apartment… he’s offered a few different options, including moving in with him,” Again you shrug, “But, again, it's nothing that I can easily accept from him. Not only do I not wanna  seem like a burden that needs to be protected, but I also don’t want to step on his toes and feel like I’m taking advantage of his kindness.”
She seemed to fall quiet in her thoughts as she watched the kettle, waiting for the whistle to signal that the water was ready. You let yourself relax a little further and rest your head against the edge of the cabinets while surveying the rest of the kitchen casually. Would it really be so bad if you decided to take one of them up on their offer to move in? Well, Tamaki did offer first - but Kendo was, as you felt, a closer friend. Glancing up at the ceiling, you contemplated if there had been anyone else that you could recall offering you a place to stay that wasn’t infested with more gang activity than a single hero could handle; you pull a blank as the kettle begins to whistle. Kendo picks it up and softly asks you to hold the tea bag strings in place as she pours. You were glad to do it; it gave your mind something else to focus on, and your hands something to do.
“I don’t think he would ever consider it as being taken advantage of. He is the one that offered in the first place.” She smiled and set the kettle on a cool stove burner before picking up and handing you one of the mugs. You gave her a soft thanks, accompanied by a roll of your eyes.
“That is true, but he is still my boss. If it isn’t the thought of taking advantage of his kindness, then I could only imagine what the more immature members of the agency would think if they caught wind.” That got a responsive giggle as the red haired girl shook her head almost wildly; you were pretty sure that if she hadn’t had that cup of tea in her hands, pressed against her chest, she would be waving her hands all over the place.
“I don’t even want to think about that! I’ve seen some of the members of your agency - I’m honestly surprised Suneater hasn’t said anything to them about their behaviour yet.” For some reason, her calling Tamaki by his hero name gave you pause to ponder slightly - had you been the only one to call him by his name this entire time? And why did it feel weird to hear him being referred to as anything beyond his name? You shake the thoughts before you could dive too far down that specific rabbit hole.
“I’m not sure, but I do recall him talking to a few at one point. Must’ve been really bad considering how they ended up acting like absolutely perfect angels after their private conversation with him.” You sipped your tea and let your mind wander again for a moment. What had those few done that caused Tamaki to actually reprimand them like he had, and not any of the other kinds of offenders? Kendo shrugged and took a sip of her own tea. However, before she could speak, her phone began to ring from the bedroom. Excusing herself, she set down her mug and darted off to answer it - you hoped you hadn’t kept her for too long. She hadn’t even mentioned if she was on call for hero work today or not before coming over to hang out.
You continued to nurse your tea, carefully leaping down from the counter so as not to knock her mug over in the process or spill any of yours.  You meander  into the living room and ponder if you wanted to either watch TV or grab a book to read. Or, as the thought came, you could go grab your own phone and either mindlessly scroll through social media or read fanfiction of your favorite shows and movies. You had a bit of a guilty pleasure when it came to reader inserts - though you weren’t sure why you called it guilty when it was a perfectly acceptable form of written media for your consumption!
You turned towards the bedroom as Kendo came back out, a pout on her lips as she went to her mug to take a few more quick sips before dumping the rest. Your brows furrowed in silent question when she finally turned towards you.
“Got called in to help with a few rougher captures.” She sighed and shook her head, “Guess the newbies weren’t as well trained in the area as we thought they were.”
“That’s understandable, was anyone hurt?”
“No casualties yet, but if you want I can keep you up to date on the progress?” You nod and she smiled, returning it before striding over to grab her bag. Instead of her usual hug and verbal goodbyes, she gave you a quiet wave as she slipped out the door. You sigh and glance around the room again before sitting down and flicking the TV on to see if there was anything good on at the moment, or if you were going to have to switch over to one of your streaming services.
✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩
The moment the door shut behind her, Kendo sighed and pulled her phone out to redial Nejire-Chan.
“Just left their apartment, everything seems to be fine.” She spoke softly as she moved away from the door, keeping her head down as an unexpectedly deep frown found a home on her lips. She heard Nejire hum from the other end for a moment or two before she spoke again.
I’m glad to hear it! Gotta make sure Suneater’s little star stays safe… though, you seem to be troubled by something? The question almost caused Kendo to laugh, even over the phone no one could keep even a single thought from the woman’s notice.
“Did you know he had offered them to move in with him?” There was a pause on the other end before a playful groan.
Seriously? Talk about a bold move - never would’ve expected something like that from him! There was a giggle But, at the same time, too forward of a question when he doesn’t even know if they like him back or not.
“Well, from the sounds of it, they were really giving it some thought after I offered to let them move in with me.” There was another giggle and the clicking of the lavender headed hero’s tongue.
Now, don’t go around making promises you can’t keep. You have orders to keep an eye on them, not make moves! This got a full laugh instead of the usual giggles as Kendo’s cheeks burned from a flustered embarrassment. She hadn’t thought about it like that when she first offered, but there was a flutter in her chest at the thought of the domestic kind of life she could have with one of her best friends. Did she have a crush on them? She wasn’t sure, and didn’t even know where to begin trying to figure that out. Instead, she cleared her throat and decided to pull the topic in a different direction.
“Have you heard word from Monoma yet about..?”
Not yet, but I’m sure it won’t take long for LeMillion and Deku to show back up on the radar. I’m still curious as to what they were needed for over in America. Kendo could practically hear the pout through the phone call, which brought the smile back to her lips and pulled her mind from her previous thoughts.
She looked around her before walking up to the bus stop and sitting down, wrapping her arms around her bag to keep it close to her chest while she swung her legs. She got an odd fulfilled sensation whenever her feet would scrape against the concrete beneath her.
“I’m sure they’ll tell us all about it when they come home - if it wasn’t too confidential at least.” Nejire-Chan hummed in agreement. As she heard the other hero take a breath to begin speaking again, there was a soft voice on the other end catching her attention. Nejire pardoned herself for a moment and lowered the phone just enough to muffle the conversation, though Kendo could still hear it relatively well. Just as she’d been told before, it was about those villains she had to help get put into the system.
At least she hadn’t needed to tell them a lie when she had to leave, now that she thought about it.
Hey, I need to talk to you later. Let me know when you make it in! As she was hanging up, Nejire’s voice could be heard instructing the sidekick on what they should do in regards to whatever the question was they had asked.
Pulling the phone fully from her ear, she glanced around the bus stop and down both ways of the street for any sign of the bus before looking back down at her phone to scroll through her camera roll on a whim, also because she figured it was better than pulling a book up and getting sucked into the story while she was supposed to be at least somewhat focused on watching for when the bus came.
It felt like so long since any of them were in UA, and she was glad she was able to get so many memories saved into her phone during their time… it also felt a little weird that, now that she was thinking about it, that she managed to still have the same phone that she had all through school. Just that responsible with it, she supposed.
Scrolling through, there were plenty of pictures of Class B - a decent chunk  of which were just evidence  of times when Tetsutetsu and Monoma would steal her phone for impromptu photo sessions with the rest of the class. The memories made her eyes roll with a fond smile on her lips; she hadn’t heard much from Tetsu in a while, but that was to be expected when he was constantly on the job with Kirishima. Meanwhile, it was nearly impossible for her to get away from…
She blinked in surprise, opening one photo she had no recollection of finding before now. It was a selfie of Monoma and Tetsu on either side of… them. All three of them were smiling wide, as though laughing about something, and Monoma actually, genuinely, looked happier than she had ever really seen him before. Her smile came back, fonder than before, and her cheeks flushed a soft pink. For all the trouble he caused them, she really couldn’t imagine not having him as a friend. Any of them, really. She cleared her throat and put her phone down to keep herself from going emotionally overboard from the nostalgia, and just in time for the bus to arrive as well.
✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩
The rush of the air outside the airplane cabin was calming, though his leg continued to jitter as he watched the clouds pass by. He was eager to get home and sleep in his own bed, patrol his own streets… see his friends. Needless to say, he was homesick, but he was on the track back home so it wasn’t too bad anymore. It had been months since they were last in Japan, and as much as he loved being over in America to learn and do some network connecting, he was more than ready to be back. Not to mention he was ready to have authentic Japanese  food again from his favorite restaurants . Maybe he could drop by his mom’s place and get something homemade…
“You’re looking a lot better there, Deku!” The green haired man blinked and looked up at his traveling companion, his smile brighter than the sun - as per usual. Deku returned the smile, though a softer version, and nodded.
“I’m excited to be back home. I wonder how everyone’s doing.” He turned back to the window as Mirio sat across from him and looked out his own window. One of the perks of being a top five pro hero: getting to take a private plane instead of flying commercial - not that there was anything wrong with it! He just… wasn’t comfortable with tight spaces with very little options for maneuverability.
“I’m sure they’re doing just fine, though I’m also sure you knew that.” Mirio chuckled and turned his attention to Deku, “Especially with how you’ve been constantly exchanging emails with almost everyone during our time abroad.” Deku laughed and rubbed the back of his head. It was hard not to constantly be checking for new messages during their away time. Was that clingy of him? He didn’t really think so, and he was pretty sure someone would’ve told him to chill out with the instant replies. Even Bakugo hadn’t told him off about how quick he was to respond, which was a little bit of a surprise.
“Fair. How has Suneater and Nejire-Chan been, by the way? I know you’ve been keeping up with them.” Deku turned from the window and looked at Mirio, who he was surprised to see had a conspiratorial  smile and was raising his eyebrows up and down.
“Nejire told me Tamaki has a crush on one of his sidekicks!” The blonde was moving to pull out his phone to flip through his messages while Deku tried to pick up his jaw from the floor.
“That’s great! Who is it?” Mirio held his phone out to him. On the screen was a picture of Tamaki and a hero dressed in a black and white suit with white owl wings.
“She hasn’t given me their name yet, wanting me to introduce myself to them in person first so I don’t spook them or let on that they were talked about behind their back. Not that talking about a friend’s crush is all that unusual.” Mirio chuckled and shrugged as Deku handed back the phone. He smiled and nodded.
“It would probably be odd if you called them out by name without them having met you before.”
The two continued to talk, from the mystery hero to how the agencies were doing and the crime rates that they’ve been hearing about. Not to mention going over profits from their side hustle and how things were going on that front… though, it was a little hard to focus on the rest of it when the hero Tamiki was pictured with kept slipping into his thoughts.
He would probably have to go with Mirio to greet them when they landed…
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svnnyd4ys · 1 year
(some of the) eah royals as incorrect quotes!
Blondie: Apple noticed only today that they can label their email inboxes, but they took apart their entire bloody laptop two weeks ago. Lizzie: This reminds me of the Apple who couldn’t turn on the coffee maker, but remembers about 500 digits of pi. Blondie: I’ll be delighted to inform you that this is the very same Apple.
Duchess: The best way to gain someone's undying loyalty is by saving them from a perilous situation. Ashlynn: So you're just gonna wait until Briar is in danger and save them? Duchess: Of course not, I'm going to create a situation that puts them in danger and then save them. Ashlynn: ... Ashlynn: You're insane.
Blondie: *fills up bottle and drinks from that* Ashlynn: *brought 4 bottles of water so this wouldn’t happen* Apple: *drinks straight from the tap* Duchess: *dehydrates* Lizzie: *drinks from the puddle of water on the floor* Briar: *licks the tap, doesn’t even need a drink*
Duchess: Fine! Judge all you want but... Duchess, points at Ashlynn: Married a lesbian. Duchess, points at Lizzie: Left a man at the altar. Duchess, points at Blondie: Fell in love with a gay ice dancer. Duchess, points at Apple: Threw a girl’s wooden leg in a fire. Duchess, points at Briar: Lives in a box!
Apple: From now on we will be using code names. Apple: You can address me as Eagle One. Apple: Blondie is “been there done that”. Apple: Briar is “currently doing that”. Apple: Ashlynn is “it happened once in a dream”. Apple: Lizzie is “if I had to pick a wonderlandian". Apple: And Duchess is.. Apple: Eagle Two Duchess: Oh thank god.
*Briar comes home absolutely drunk, undresses, and stands in Blondie’s bedroom.* Blondie: Babe, are you.. coming to bed? Briar: No thank you, I’m sure you’re lovely but I have a girlfriend. Briar: *Lies on the ground and falls asleep* Blondie: ...
Briar: Well, aren’t you all a rag-tag group of adventurers with unclear goals and good hearts! Oh, let me guess: you’re out to save the world! Duchess: Well, actually, that sounds like a pretty fair assessment. Ashlynn: More or less, I guess... Apple: That sounds awesome! Let’s do that! Lizzie: I’m new here, but I am open to the concept. Blondie: I thought that’s what we were doing, guys, come on!
Duchess, reading the newspaper: Huh. Did you know Nickelodeon opened a hotel? Briar: Yeah, I went there once. There was a dead squirrel in the pool and I made some of Ashlynn cry by telling them it was the real Sandy.
Apple: Guys, there’s a monster under my bed and it’s really ugly. Duchess, on the bottom bunk: Honestly, fuck you.
Blondie: What makes you think it's okay to watch Hannibal given its subject matter? Ashlynn: Sometimes, I watch television shows for entertainment purposes. Briar: Because I condone murder and cannibalism.
*The squad's reaction to being told they're the chosen one* Apple: I will not let you down. Duchess: Sounds fun. Ashlynn: K. Blondie: No, I'm fucking not. Lizzie: Do I have to be? Briar: Please god, I am so tired.
Ashlynn: I think I just figured something out. I got to go. Briar: Aren't you forgetting something? Ashlynn: Uuh...*hesitantly kisses Briar's forehead before running out.* Briar: No, pay your bill! Damn, who raised you?
Briar: *sighs* Blondie: You bored? Briar: Yeah. Blondie: Wanna start drama for no reason? Briar: I thought you’d never ask.
Lizzie: Punch me in the face. Duchess: ...Punch you? Lizzie: Yes, punch me, didn’t you hear me? Duchess: I always hear ‘punch me in the face’ while you’re speaking but it’s usually just subtext.
Apple: Be right back, gonna hit the toilet for a quick power sob.
Briar: I'm hot, I’m tall, I'm gay, and I'm on my theatre kid arc.
Ashlynn, writing in their diary with a glitter gel pen: I'm losing my sense of humanity. Nothing matters. God is dead. There's blood on my hands.
Duchess: If we were in prison you guys would be like my bitches.
Lizzie: Don’t weep for the stupid. You’ll be crying all day.
Blondie: I was born for politics! I have great hair and I love lying! !!!
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casualhedonists · 8 months
i'm the one that asked u about ur favourite movies and i am so delighted to know you're a movie buff! you can tell with how lovingly you describe them and you have EPIC taste truly!!! are you on that movie app/site letterboxd? if so, drop the user RN bestie (if not, GET ON IT RN BESTIE)
ima slip in a couple recommendations rq (hopefully you've seen, but if you haven't, i reckon you might like) such as
'tick, tick... BOOM!' directed by Lin-Manuel Miranda (musical-biopic, Jonathan Larson, lots of catchy songs in it)
'Babylon' directed by Damien Chazelle (controversial, love letter to cinema, massive shit on Hollywood, beautifully made and incredible score)
'bones and all' directed by Luca Guadagnino (cannibal romance, outcasts, stoic and freaky movie)
the 'Before' trilogy directed by Richard Linklater (young ethan hawke, romance, beautiful beautiful score, essentially observing two people fall in love and talk for an hour and a half or something, incredible trilogy - my personal favourite is 'before sunset')
'When Harry Met Sally...' directed by Rob Reiner (classic rom-com, friends to lovers, unbelievably charming. i mean i would be surprised if you havent seen this one especially but just incase lmao)
'Sanctuary' directed by Zachary Wigon (dominatrix, freaky and sexy, cute score, interesting and really well made. not anything INCREDIBLE but definitely worth the look)
ANYWAYS sorry for taking up a lot of space in your inbox, would love to read some of ur thoughts on these, or just generally would love to see you post more about cinema if you're down!
i hope you're well and taking care of yourself! sending so so much love from (likely) across the world <3333
you’re the cutest nonnie hope you know that <3333
(i’m not on letterboxd a travesty i KNOW) i rlly do need to get around to that at some point bc wow
also!! you have incredible taste, these recs are 11/10
oh my god i fucking LOVE tick tick boom. like. i waited for months for it to come out and watched it w my family the day it came out and they all watched me ugly cry the whole time. it was such a moment in time. honestly i was so nervous i wouldn’t like it bc of how much i adore rent but lin manuel miranda was the only person id trust to do jonathan larson’s story justice and BOY did he exceed expectations. if we’re talking musical biopics, god i LOVED rocketman and bohemian rhapsody when they came out. that was such a good year for movies.
i also adore when harry met sally. god i just. romcoms. yknow?? strangely though despite my film buff status i didn’t watch it until like a year ago, it had been on my list for ages and def did not disappoint. i love the classic romcoms too, pretty woman, notting hill, love actually (did i mention the holiday in my original post?? pls tell me i did i could write essays abt that movie) like i shit you not i have a full spotify playlist with movie scores and i constantly say im like miles (jack black’s character) from the holiday bc he’s a composer and score buff (im only the latter lmao but still)
i’ve been wanting to watch babylon for the LONGEST time now you e def given me an excuse to get around to it!! and my friend has told me about bones and all saying it’s incredible (she and i have like this cannibalism inside joke it’s hard to explain without sounding weird lmaoo) and it’s also on the list!! and the before trilogy sounds right up my alley and i’m v curious to check out sanctuary also!!
i’m trying to think of other movies to suggest hmmm it depends on your tastes like my top five are def inspiring/heart wrenching but also comfort romance/ romcoms but i love all diff types of movies. like space movies as a category, the martian and interstellar as my top two for example. (also basically anything w jessica chastain in it i will watch bc im in love w her) and okay i also love the classics like the truman show, dead poets society, also horror movies too like the original scream is def my favorite horror film bc its hilarious, and i also (not in a toxic film bro way) rlly do like tarantino. like. inglorious basterds my beloved and also reservoir dogs, so good.
okay i think i’ve talked way too much abt movies for one post im wrapping it up now!! hope you’re well nonnie and sending tons of love back <333
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The Obey Me Brothers and Undatables vs An Insect/Arachnid Loving MC
I find it amazing how many people find it disturbing that I just love some insects and arachnids (not more than birds but still, insects can be both cute and cool even when they manage to terrify me so I can't help but love them lmao).
It's so cool how insects are actually the most dominant species in the world even before humanity existed and will most likely still be even after humanity ceases to exist, of course some of them actualy spread disease and such but it's not all of them and the mosquitoes that do spread it are females and they are just sucking your blood to feed their babies and the males like flowers over your blood, I actually don't like all spiders but I love tarantulas with all my heart although I can't say the same for wasps, they are evil but they can be so cool I have so many mixed feelings and cockroaches can be so adorable specially the forest/wild ones, have you ever seen them eat fruits??? They are so cute! And don't even get me started on how a d o r a b l e beetles are-
Lucifer vs Ladybug
Taking strolls in the Castle's garden when you are accompaning Lucifer in his work are very common.
Just taking a fresh breath of the Devildom's air in between breaks with you by his side powers him up like crazy.
Now that being said, he doesn't really appreciate losing your attention to a little, colorful, bug crawling on one of the flowers in said garden.
"Lucifer, look! It's a ladybug! It's so different from the human world!"
That is true, ladybugs in hell were brighter in color and had a toxin in their bodies that- Oh wait
"Don't touch it!" Lucifer grabbed your hand in realization "haven't you learned anything about bright colors in nature? The toxin in their bodies can melt your skin off!"
He really didn't expect your eyes to get even more shiny.
"Ladybugs in Devildom are both bright and dangerous??!! I'm so jealous!"
With that, he became both exasperated and more in love with you.
Does this have a relation to the fact that you love him and his brothers even thought they are demons?
He is definetelly giving you a brooch in the shape of a ladybug later
Mammon vs Cockroach
If you think this man didn't scream like a plate being scratched with a fork when he saw a cockroach in your bedroom, you are wrong.
I mean, okay, he was on the floor and the thing just decided to crawl up to his head out of nowhere.
He jumped over the table so fast it probably has beaten a world record.
"Aw! It's a baby cockroach!"
It's true, it was very small compared to adult ones, but Mammon didn't care.
And of course instead of killing it you just raise your eyebrown at him while scooping the thing up with a paper.
And of course you needed to bring it really close to him just to watch him squirm before you decide throw it out of your bedroom's window.
He definetelly will ask you to wash your hands before comforting him even if you didn't even touch the cockroach directly.
Leviathan vs Dragonfly
You cannot tell me dragonflies in Devildom are actually very few and actually have the size of a small dragon.
It all happened on the day you and Levi got lost in the forest searching for a raven that stole his just purchased phone charm of a game that he was currently addicted to.
Both of you were looking for a way out when you heard an extremelly loud buzzing noise from somewhere in the woods.
Of course both of you followed the sound because first, you just know that must be one big ass insect since it sounded almost like a helicopter and you had to see it, and second, Levi suddenly forgot all about the charm (and being lost) and started rambling about how 'it couldn't be! Is it really-!'
And that is how you guys found his new Henry.
A giant, navy blue, shiny dragonfly, that was currently eating the Raven you and Levi were searching for.
Let's just say Levi got his charm back and both of you got a free ride to the House of Lamentation.
Satan vs Spiders
Where there are old books, there are spider webs, and where there are spider webs, there's at least a 50% chance there are spiders in there.
So you can say Satan was quite familiar with the eight legged creatures, although he never really paid them much attention.
That is until he found they were of your interest.
You will never see someone start to give spider names, treat them with courtesy and have small talks with them faster than with this man.
Getting a book from the House of Lamentation's library and there's a web in the way along with a resident spider? "Excuse me, I will have to disturb you a little, I hope you don't mind a bit of damage to your home"
He is reading and suddenly sees a spider dangling down from a web string right besides him? He is definetelly letting it land on his hand just so that he can show it to you.
One day he even choses to read a book in his berdoom that a tiny spider was standing on. The sight of the tiny thing crawling around the pages as he reads it and explains some things out loud is so precious to see.
Asmodeus vs Scorpions
Of course, what would suit the Lust Demon better than his own patron?
That is until you teach him that there are more than just one type of scorpion, and there is one type that has really big claws and a thinner tail that are usually pretty big in size.
Why would learning that be a bad thing, you ask? Instead of stinging its food, it actually grabs it like a crab.
So yes, the day Asmo held one and didn't use his charms, it pinched him.
Needless to say, it was chaotic.
Leaving the fact he is never approaching those kinds of scorpions ever again, he coos a lot at you while you coo at the small scorpions.
If you tell him the fact that they are his patron just makes you love him more, he will be so happy he will be squealing for the next 5 minutes.
He has definetelly taken a few dozens, of pictures for you while holding one or more scorpions.
His followers in the devilgram were surprised at how even while holding that thing, Asmo still looked amazing.
Scorpions definetelly became sensation in Devildom after that.
Beelzebub vs Flies
Again, nothing better than his own patron.
If he didn't have to swat them off his food that is.
He has definetelly eaten some accidently.
"Look! I managed to make it crawl up to my finger without scaring it!" you say.
"That is cool. But you should probably wash your hand." He replies.
He's right, wash your hands if you ever grab onto flies.
He finds it really cute that you like insects, and it makes him tingly on the inside when he remembers that his symbolic creature is an insect itself.
Don't hold back on asking him to change into his demon form more often, he is very happy to do it.
He starts paying more attention to insects and flies in general after he finds out how much you love them.
How big their are, their color, where he saw them, what were they doing, if they tasted good.
And then he proceeds to tell you all about it.
He is very cute.
Belphegor vs Butterflies
It's not that he attracts butterflies, no. But he actually likes them, finds them cool even.
Did you know some butterflies disguise as another type butterfly because that type is actually not very tasty to eat so the animals stay away from them?
And how many of them have patterns on their wings that look a lot like Owls and again, it makes animals stay away from them?
And the whole symbolism of life, death and rebirth around them? And the fact that the larvae eating everything around them reminds him a lot of Beel?
Belphie definetelly likes butterflies and you cannot tell me otherwise.
So when he finds out you love insects? Oh he is definetelly taking you to the best butterfly watching spot either in the Devildom or the Human World.
It's specially cute when he falls asleep and one lands on his face.
He definetelly had a minor heart attack when he woke up to the sight its wings but he will never admit it.
Also definetelly grabs it and puts it on you instead.
It's counterproductive as you end up looking too cute for him to handle.
Solomon vs Beetles
I mean beetle fights.
You thought you liked insects, just wait until you see this man cheering on a beetle like an excited kid.
Also finds it hilarious when one just yeets the other away.
And because now you are there to feed more into his love for beetles, one day he casts a spell on two of them to make them big enough to ride and just showed up outside your window like:
"No time to explain, get in the beetle"
Because of safety measures, no, you guys didn't have a giant beetle fight.
But you did ride them around the Devildom forest at 2am.
You thought it would be an insane ride with lots of adventures
But you guys just ended up star gazing while laying on them.
He forgot to turn them back to their original size and they scared a few of the residents of Devildom.
Simeon vs Mantis
Warning: it's a big goreish
When you introduced the praying mantis specifically to Simeon, he was immediatelly in awe.
And then you proceeded to show him how they can have many shapes and forms, be it as leafs, tree branches, and others.
And he was so intrigued!
But then you gave him the more, specific details.
Like how they can feast on their prey while they are still alive.
And how it actually can attack small birds such as humming birds, eating their brain tissue through their eyes.
And how the females practice a cannibalism ritual, feasting on their partners after mating.
That's when his writer self came to light.
What I mean is, he was now both horrified and extremelly inspired.
Simeon can be scary sometimes.
Diavolo vs Ants
If you can find ants in every nook and crany around the world, you cannot tell me you can't find them in hell.
If they are able to travel the sea just by being taken along with baggage on accident, they have definetelly come to hell the same way, specially black crazy ants.
So honestly, I wouldn't find it surprising that Diavolo would have at least one big colony of ants he takes care of.
But he didn't have it until you pointed out why ants were awesome to him.
"They don't eat the leafs, they are farmers and what they eat is the other tiny creatures that decompose the leafs" "they can go to extreme lenghts to find their food and they have a real good teamwork, often they don't eat right away but instead bring the food back to the colony to feed the young" "Some ants that live in tropical weather that rains a lot, such as the amazon, can swim! And they do it together in big, ant, nests!"
Needless to say, he was intrigued.
Such tiny creatures are able to eat other insects much bigger than them? And they love sweets?
They actually like their homes clean and throw their trash into the very corner of their enclosure? Their bite can actually hurt a lot even to creatures gigantic copared to their size such as humans??
He had his own personal colony the very next day.
Barbatos vs Bees
This man definetelly has his own share of appreciation for bees even before you told him you like insects.
They are very good helpers in the garden, their honey can be used on a extremelly big variety of both food and health products along with their wax, and honestly, they're just so fuzzy and cute.
If you want to get a rare laugh or chuckle out of him, make bee movie references.
He will just stop in his tracks and cover his mouth as he tries not to laugh.
You could almost make him spit his drink if you do it while he is drinking something.
And you can't tell me this man can't make bee related puns with a straight face. It's unbeeliveable
Aight, imma head out
(This was basically an insect/arachnid appreciation post and I have no regrets)
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azucanela · 4 years
Can i please have a headcanons for Keigo and Shinsou with a female s/o that really likes manga and anime but keeps it a secret from others because they talk shit and make fun of her? and like one day they accidently find out and she's kinda embarressed about it but they convince her that everything is fine and they think ist cute how happy they are when they talk about something she loves? Uwu :9 (sorry for my bad english)
secret anime and manga fan s/o headcannons  [ft. keigo takami, shinsou hitoshi]
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SUMMARY: Y/N has been hiding the fact that she likes anime and manga from her lovely boyfriend for a while now, fearing he’d find it weird. now, she has no choice but to address the fact that he knows. 
WARNINGS: threats
A/N: your english is great bb! uwu owo this was relatable askdakjhds if anyone tells you there is something wrong with watching anime or reading manga, let me tell you that they are WRONG. i will fight them for you<3
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you used to talk about animes you liked because at the end of the day they are tv shows thats it, same with mangas, they are like books but cooler lol
but people found that “weird” for some reason, because anime is a “cartoon” and thats so gross omg haha these “cartoons” make me sob um watch a silent voice and cry with me kids
you’re watching anime in the comfort of your home, just vibing. no one is coming over today, you have time to yourself to enjoy your lil show that nobody should be judging you for
well, you thought no one was coming over
keigo has a tendency to just like, show up at your house sometimes when hes bored or in the midst of an uneventful patrol. though he rarely is seen in public, especially on the streets, he does fly-bys constantly
anyways, he was bored, or just relieved of duty for whatever reason, like lunch. he is having chicken nuggets, he is a cannibal, be ashamed H A W K S, smh
anyways, he just shows up at your house, like he lowkey breaks in through the balcony of your apartment, but its fine because you leave it open for him, but normally he texts you to let you know he’s coming but today was the exception because he’s adorable and wanted to surprise!!! you!!! with!!! food!!!
so he comes in, and he sees you are on your couch, just watching your lil anime, and you are SO INTO IT MAN like you are lowkey yelling at the TV whenever a character does something, and when that one character you hate comes on you’re like throwing hands with nothing
keigo is internally screaming because why are you so CUTE
he kinda forgets for a second that you don’t know he’s there, he has no idea what’s going on in this show, and he’s still holding chicken nuggets and fries
this is why he just kinda screams at a character who does something stupid, that totally could’ve been avoided, effectively startling you
now you are both screaming for separate reasons as you turn around to look at him, and now you are panicking because oh no, he KNOWS 
his wings are fluttering and he feels bad for scaring you as he comes up to wrap his arms around your shoulders, “sorry baby! but that guy is so dumb.”
you are MORTIFIED and now you’re like, “oh my god, you must think im so weird-”
keigo is confused, why would he think that? he genuinely doesn’t realize that people make fun of you for watching anime and he’s so confused by it when you inform him that a lot of people tend to find it weird 
“people think its weird so i just-” hahahhasdha keigo lowkey wants to take time out of his day in his professional agency to find out who told you it was weird and made you think you had to hide this from him because he wants to know everything about you! you are the love of his life! you shouldn’t feel the need to hide things!
now he feels like maybe he did something to make you think you had to hide your love for anime even though it is literally adorable to watch you
“baby, it’s not weird. i actually think its cute how angry you get at the characters. and i AGREE like how could he just do that-”
“wait you don’t care...?” you are BLUSHING because he thinks you are CUTE not that you didn’t know this already since he was dating you but like
“of course not, also would you mind restarting this anime, im kind of invested- oh and i brought chicken nuggets”
you lowkey wanna cry he’s so cute
he can tell you don’t believe him so he sets the food down on a coffee table and takes your face in his hands and is all like, “baby. i promise you its fine. and adorable. now let’s restart this show so i can watch with you.”
he winks at you and now you’re like, “whatever no i am NOT restarting.”
then he gets all pouty but its fine he doesn’t need to understand the plot to watch with you and enjoy every moment, he also likes when you explain it really excitedly with all these hand movements, and he especially enjoys when you get mad at characters
he finds it hot 
hates when you have a crush on a character he gets so jealous and is not afraid to show it kjahsdahsdsh mans will start hating the character just because you keep talking about how hot they are
“they’re just so BEAUTIFUL.”
keigo, self consciously touching his winds, “im beautiful too...”
he’s so cute
throws popcorn at the screen whenever that character comes on
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THIS BOY is so pretty
anyways you probably fell asleep reading manga, or watching anime or something like that, so it’s like 1AM and you were BINGING because that stuff is great and nobody is there to bother you while you read and watch and stuff its you time
and for some reason people have been opposed to this in the past? so now whenever people come to your room your manga are all like lowkey hidden and you make sure there is no evidence of anima
you did NOT want shinsou finding out and thinking you were weird or anything like that, even though liking anime and manga is NOT weird!!!
if anyone tells you other lmk and i will have strong words with them
so you fell asleep and shinsou comes over because he realizes he forgot something in your room, and like the GENTLEMAN he is, he knocks, but you are asleep and do not hear him!
he’s like eh worst case scenario she’s cheating on me and i end up heartbroken, and this is something he genuinely considers sometimes and he would definitely blame himself if he got cheated on
so he sees you sleeping and you are like a mess because you did not intend to fall asleep, so you’re like in your desk chair, the manga is wide open on your desk or your computer is on and there’s the still going anime aksjdhkjdhas
your neck is in a weird funky way that’ll probably hurt in the morning and shinsou is like oh no i gotta move her i dont want her in pain, he is also wondering why you look so cute because what the hell this is unfair stop it
tbh he probably barely notices the manga, like he’ll just nonchalantly close it and place it on your bedside table because reading manga isn’t weird before coming back to you, in the chair, and like picking you up to put you in bed
now you AWAKEN AND YOU ARE A L E R T because it hits you pretty fast that shinsou is here, this is NOT a dream, he probably saw your manga/anime, and now hates you and is carrying you to your death
this is all false
in the midst of your panic, you knock the both of you down onto the ground, and he’s feels so bad for allowing the two of you to fall nkjasdjakn poor bb
“Y/N im so sorry-”
“hitoshi why are you apologizing?”
he just ignores that and he comes over to you on the floor but your gaze is on the closed computer on your desk or the manga that was placed on your bedside table that you DEFINITELY DID NOT PUT THERE
he saw, he definitely saw, and now you are babbling about how weird he must think you are because of those JERKS who made you think anime and manga are weird
“what are you talking about?”
“well, people always told me how weird it was and sometimes they would... say things”
shinsou quickly realizes you were bullied because you liked manga and anime and stuff like that and now he is contemplating murder <3 what a lovely boyfriend
as someone who has experience with bullying himself, he finds this especially stupid, its literally just a show and book, and kinda wants to ask you the names of the people who told you these things so he can hunt them d o w n
instead shinsou prioritizes you and your insecurities first, “babe... no. its just anime? there’s no problem with watching it. whoever told you that was just a jerk.” jk he uses more colorful vocabulary
shinsou is completely ready to spend the next hour convincing you that there is nothing to worry about because there really isn’t 
“so you don’t think its weird?” his heart almost breaks when he hears your voice and he just nods and gives you a lil smile
“not at all... actually i was wondering what was so interesting that you stayed up until” he’s looking at the time, “2AM.”
now you’re blushing but you still launch into an explanation of the entire anime and honestly anime/manga plots are so extensive and cool and well done and that just makes them so fun and complicated to explain
shinsou is trying his hardest to understand but you are very cute as you explain using lots of vivid hand gestures and adorable faces and wow he’s been distracted
will try his hardest to understand so that you can talk with him about it more often, genuinely finds it great watching you tell him about something you enjoy so much and hates that you felt the need to keep it a secret
he wonders how many times you hid away the manga or anime when he came over and feels like an inconvenience 
anyways he really really really likes you so now he just listens as you rant about how cute certain characters are and lowkey gets jealous
“he’s not... that hot.” grumbling and stuff as he plays with the edge of his sleeve and borderline glares at the screen.
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A/N: i hope this wasn’t bad akshfjakshdkjh 
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heloflor · 4 years
Rogue arc : A few random thoughts regarding the characters and their actions (+ other stuff)
Part 1 (an analysis of “Abducting Murphy’s Law”; you don’t need to read it to understand this post)
So, as I said in the first half, I’m going here to talk about some more stuff regarding and around the rogue arc like the apology and Dakota having issues. This post is way less organized than the previous one and is much more of a personal opinion/rant rather than an analysis. So be aware that this post is a subjective point of view that has some negative criticism at some parts. Basically, this is just me infodumping for the sake of infodumping. Though, I tried to organize it a bit with titles because I still want to do something that people want to and can read.
Like last time, here’s the tl;dr :
- While Cavendish is at fault for the argument in “Abducting Murphy’s Law”, the whole situation showed that Dakota has dependance issues due to trauma and needs to learn to back off, for his own sanity as much as for his relationship with Cav.
- The kids didn’t question why Cav was alone in a ship and waited days before nonchalantly telling Dakota about it and it pisses me off to no end.
- Compared to Doof and Perry, the reconciliation had no build up and wasn’t satisfying in the slightest.
- Neither Dakota nor Cavendish seem to have learned a thing during the arc. Also, there was a missed opportunity to see Dakota consider Doof differently because of his future status as Professor Time. Also, imagine Doof calling out Dakota on being too clingy.
(long post ahead)
1. Dakota needs to work on himself
So to start up, regarding the whole “who has to apologize to who” debate : personally, I believe that, when it comes to the events of the episode “Abducting Murphy’s Law”, Cavendish is the one to blame. He’s the one who got obsessed with finding the ship and who refused to listen to Dakota, even when Dakota wanted them to just sit down and talk things out. He’s also the one who decided to go rogue and ghost Dakota, letting the guy probably terrified for Cavendish’s safety. So in that regard, Cavendish is the one who needs to apologize.
BUT !!! On a much larger scale, the entire arc showed us that Dakota clearly has some issues. To be honest, when I started to get more into the show and started re-watching some episodes, I literally went to google “co-dependance” to see if Dakota fitted the characteristics. And while he doesn’t, there still clearly is some dependance here. And, if we end up having a new season, I genuinely wish that they could point out Dakota’s issues, though I guess the executives might consider it to be too “mature” to happen on the show. But yeah, Dakota has issues, and that’s the first point I’d like to talk about.
Given what we know in “The Island of Lost Dakotas” and that mention about a “Mississippi purchase”, whatever that is, it’s safe to assume that Dakota had been traumatized. Purchase aside, he had to witness his partner die over and over again, probably around a thousand times. And between the fall into lava with the skeleton visible, the “milk to death” (I have no idea what it means and I don’t think I want to) and whatever led to Cannibal Dakota’s existence, some of those deaths definitely seem very gruesome.
Dakota saw some shit, and there’s no way he can simply shrug it off. We clearly see how he’s still impacted by it in season 2 with how protective he is of Cavendish now that he can’t go back. This actually reminds me of how I recently decided to re-watch the small scene with Dakota and Doof in “Cast Party”, the scene when they’re at the ice-cream place. And one thing I can’t help but over-analyze is Dakota asking “Do things happen for a reason or is it just chaos ?”. When he says that, I can’t help thinking that he’s referring to Cavendish’s deaths. It’s like he was asking “Is Cavendish meant to die or is the world just fucking with me ?”.
So yeah, when Cavendish suddenly disappear, with Dakota having no idea of where he went or why, it’s no wonder that he would be so set on trying to find him. For all he knows, Cavendish is already dead. And if he’s still alive, there’s tons of things that could go wrong, and if they do, Dakota is powerless to stop it. This is probably a terrifying situation to be in.
But at the same time, Cavendish is an adult and is now aware of his deaths, so he might try to be careful. I mean, in “Lady Krillers”, when he sees the alien, he’s very quick to let Dakota protect him.
And that’s where most of the problem comes from. Dakota doesn’t seem to fully trust Cavendish to keep himself alive, which is probably not helped by the fact that, given how Dakota is constantly saving him, Cavendish probably doesn’t know his own limits and might overestimate himself.
But I think the biggest problem with this whole situation, aside from the fact that Dakota needs to lay off and understand that Cavendish is a responsible adult who needs to learn what are his limits so he can take care of himself, is the fact that the show is constantly validating Dakota. Just look at what happens in the rogue arc. When we see Cavendish alone, he constantly gets hurt by everything. And near the end of the arc, he even gets trapped inside an ice cube, left to die if nobody finds him. Thing is, by showing Cavendish suffer so much and basically die from being alone, the show is basically telling us that Dakota is right to be so worried about Cavendish, because Cavendish can’t survive alone.
Though, honestly, the show has a tendency to “demonize” Cavendish when he and Dakota are arguing. I mean, in “A Christmas Peril”, both are at fault. Cavendish for being insensitive and putting Dakota down from not understanding why Dakota feels underappreciated, and Dakota for not explaining why he feels that way (refereeing to the island) which leads him to get more and more frustrated with Cav. But, while both apologize in the end, in a kids’ point of view, Cavendish is the asshole who pushed Dakota away by showing no respect. It also doesn’t help that, up until “Time Out” in which we start to see more of his personality, Cav was kind of a giant ass during the beginning of the show; while on the other hand, Dakota is one of the most liked characters of the show.
And in the rogue arc, it’s the same problem. Cavendish is never once shown to have any regrets about his actions, he’s never seen struggling with living alone or being in the forest. And meanwhile, Dakota spends all his time sulking and looking like a kicked puppy. It’s because of stuff like that that the fandom is so split on the “who’s at fault” question and why we tend to sympathize so much with Dakota.
So to put it short, what I’m saying here is that Dakota has dependance issues due to trauma that needs to be addressed and worked on so that he can stop being worried for Cavendish 24/7, because not only is it unhealthy for their relationship, it’s also very damaging for Dakota. Seriously, just look at how much of a desperate emotional mess he is in “Escape”.
2. The kids anger me
Now, since I already mentioned it briefly, I’d like to talk with how the characters were handled in the arc, in particular in “Cavendish Unleashed”. Thing is, I already wrote a post ranting about the stuff I dislike in season 2; and in this post, I made a part about this episode. So instead of copy-pasting it, here’s a brief summary of what I say in this post :
- Basically, the ending of “Cavendish Unleashed” angers me everytime I see it because the kids just go away without asking any questions, nevermind the fact that that Cavendish has been missing for days and that Dakota is desperate to find him. And the worst is that, not only do they not ask Cavendish about Dakota looking for him, but they also don’t tell Dakota that they saw Cavendish. They just wait for like a week or two before being like “Oh by the way, we found an UFO the other day and Cav was there” (seriously, there are SO nonchalant when they tell him Cav was in the ship with them). And it’s not like they didn’t know Cavendish was missing ! In escape, the way Dakota tells them that he has to find an UFO makes it seem like they knew for a while.
- Another thing is that, as I said earlier, we never see Cavendish feel bad about his actions, and that dialogue with the kids would have been the perfect opportunity for such a moment.
- Finally, there’s the fact that, in the last episode of season 2, Cavendish starts talking about being the hero of Octalia, making it seem like he didn’t learn a thing from the experience, despite having all the time of the world for it when he was stuck into the ice.
So yeah, that’s pretty much the stuff I ranted about. One last thing that I could add regarding the arc not being handled well is how stupid Dakota was on the whole “finding Cavendish” situation. I mean, hasn’t he tried looking into the forest ? Seriously, the ship is like a mile away from the town. If the kids going near it on bike and Cavendish leading people to it is any indication, this isn’t that much of a walk. So why didn’t Dakota try to look for him here ? Honestly the only explanation I found (and put in a fic) is the idea of Dakota thinking that Cav could never survive alone in the forest, so he’s terrified of what he would find if he were to look for him there. But other than that, unless the ship is really well hidden (it’s not), I don’t really see why Dakota didn’t find it earlier. Or is it because he was too busy stress-eating and hanging out with Doof to go there ?
And speaking of Doof, why didn’t he try using an inator to find Cavendish ? I mean, it worked for Milo in “Abducting Murphy’s Law”, and in “Escape”, we learn that Cavendish’ DNA can be found in his and Dakota’s apartment. So why not making an inator to find him ? Why waiting around for like a month before finally resolving to science ?
3. The reconciliation
Thirdly, I’d like to talk in this post about the reconciliation between Cavendish and Dakota and how fast-pasted it was, especially in comparison to Doof and Perry (this part is actually the main reason why this post exists to begin with). For this part, I’m going to talk about each part of the argument and reconciliation and compare both stories.
First off, the argument to begin with. In Doof’s case, he’s the one who got hurt by Perry and decided to “break up”. Perry messed up, understood that he messed up, and Doof needed time to accept Perry again. So both parties knew who did what and understood that Doof was angry and needed time. Also, we follow Doof, the one who was hurt but who also called the relationship off.
But in Cavendish and Dakota’s case, Cavendish is the one who messed up but also the one who called the relationship off. And unlike Doof and Perry, Dakota has no idea of what happened since Cav erased his memory to prevent Dakota from following him. From one second to the next, Dakota found himself alone, having no idea where Cavendish was, no idea why Cavendish left, no idea what he did to push Cavendish away and with his last memory of Cavendish being the argument in the armory (from what we see in “Managing Murphy’s Law”, the memory eraser only makes you forget the last 10-15 minutes or so at what I guess is the first use in one day). And honestly, thinking back at the reconciliation, it seems to be what angered Dakota the most. It’s not that Cavendish left, it’s that Cavendish ghosted him after making him forget the reason why. So from the get-go, Dakota is in a worse situation than Doof, meaning that his situation could require some more work. And do we get that work ? Nope !
Secondly, the regrets from the “guilty party”. For Perry, you have the card that he sends a few episodes later. This shows that he feels truly bad for what he did and is willing to make things right if Doof wants to. But when the card is sent, Doof still needs time to himself. As for Cavendish, like I said earlier, he doesn’t once show any regret for ghosting Dakota. Worse, when he finally reunites with him, he doesn’t bring up the issue, though it is a delicate situation with Milo being kidnapped and, like I said in my first post, it does seem like Cavendish intended to come back at some point. Still, that last part is something that Dakota didn’t know. And speaking of Dakota, he spends the entire time being miserable, which only makes Cavendish look worse with how he doesn’t question himself once. And speaking of which…
Thirdly, there’s how the “got hurt” party handles their emotion, aka how they feel throughout the whole arc. For Doof, he starts off very bitter and salty at Perry. But as the episodes progress and as he starts to hang out with Dakota, he kinds of forget about Perry. It’s like he’s busying himself by trying to help Dakota, making him get over it pretty easily by not thinking much about it. And by the end of the arc, he seems to have gotten over it. He wasn’t really bitter about it anymore and all that was left was the talk with Perry to set things right.
But with Dakota, he only gets worse as time goes by. Though, looking at “Cast Party” and “First Impressions”, he seems pretty fine. But then you look at “Look at This Ship” and “Escaped” and you’ll notice that he went from having no patience and being pretty sad in the first episode to being an absolute mess in the second. Again, Dakota depends on Cavendish and needs to be assured that the guy is doing fine, so the whole situation makes him unable to function properly. So while Doof progressively gets better by getting his mind on something else, Dakota can’t stop thinking about Cav and only gets progressively worse.
And finally, there’s the reconciliation, the culmination of all this time spent sulking and hanging out. Again, for Doof and Perry, the resolution is done well. We’ve seen Perry feel bad for what he did, we’ve seen Doof get a hold of his emotions over time. And when Doof confronts Perry, we see that both of them are genuinely regretful of what happened. And then there’s the paycheck. Doof’s argument against Perry was that Perry only cares for him because it’s his job to do so. So by showing the paycheck, Perry answer to what Doof was bothered by. He showed Doof that no, it’s not about the money, and that he genuinely cares about the guy for who he is and wants to help him doing good, another thing that Doof was bothered with regarding Perry not being there to support him for it.
This works. You have a good setting to begin with, you have time given to the dialogue and the reconciliation, and the reconciliation is given with Perry reassuring Doof on the exact points the guy was worried about. It’s good stuff ! It’s great ! It’s well-written and developed !
And then there’s Cavendish and Dakota. Not only do they have very little time to make up, they also don’t really talk about what happened. Dakota is angry about being ghosted, Cavendish tries to justify himself by saying that he was trying to protect Dakota (he wasn’t but it’s easier for his conscience to tell himself he did) and then Dakota looks sad and Cavendish apologizes. Seriously, that’s all there is to it. Dakota makes a sad face and it makes Cavendish feel bad so he apologizes. And Dakota just accepts the small apology, as if he didn’t spend the last few hours having a breakdown over Cavendish being gone. Though, I tend to see him accept the apology fast because of the relief of the moment.
But still, when Cavendish says “Can we talk about this later ?”, I sure hope they do ! Because that half-assed moment is nowhere near enough to break down all the things these two need to talk about. And besides, such a short apology could have worked, but only if the apology was brought up in a good way like it did with Doof and Perry. But again, it didn’t. It was brought up with Cavendish never thinking about Dakota and Dakota only getting more and more sad as time went by. So it doesn’t work.
And even the hug at the end doesn’t work. Yeah it’s cute but these two have hugged several times in the past and these other hugs are much cuter and more significant. I mean, toddler Dakota hugging Cavendish, showing that part of him still remember the guy ? Adorable. Two Dakotas on the island hugging Cavendish for the first time in possibly years while all the other Dakotas are trying to talk at the same time in the hopes of getting to be heard by Cavendish, with also one singing and one having a tattoo of Cav’s hat ? The cutest and most heartbreaking thing in the show. Dakota stuffing the memory eraser thing and Cavendish hugging him in joy to congratulate him ? An extremely underrated moment. So yeah, in my opinion, these hugs give more emotions than the one in “Milo in Space”, because the heart is much more there.
So to conclude on this, Dakota and Cavendish’s reconciliation is pretty bad because it sets up for a big resolution but only takes a few seconds to happen. And, related to the wish to have the show talk about Dakota’s issues, if we get a season 3, I wish they’d at least mention that these two need to talk about the whole thing.
4. Things I wished they had added in this arc
Finally, I’d like to mention a few things that, in my opinion, could have been great to see in the arc. This part is entirely personal opinions (though most of this post is tbh).
First off, obviously, you have the stuff I mentioned before, aka addressing Dakota being dependent, a longer reconciliation or, as Cavendish says, the promise of a talk later, and the kids not being idiots who didn’t ask a single question at the end of “Cavendish Unleashed” and never told Dakota. And regarding the kids, I actually don’t mind them not telling Dakota, but at least give an explanation as to why they didn’t instead of being like “oh yeah we forgot to tell you this” ! Like, maybe Cav asked them to remain silent or something.
Secondly, I wish Cavendish had learned a few things from the experience. As I said, in the last episode, the way he talks make it seem like he didn’t learn shit. And it’s annoying. Why didn’t he learn that running for fame like that was a terrible idea ? Or that it was better to work with others than alone ? Or that, instead of running after a fortune that he may never have, he could remember that there are people already in his life who like him for who he is instead of what his heroic actions are, who care for him and would give anything to be with him ? Also, we definitely needed moments in which he struggled to live outside and alone, and moments in which he was doubting and missing what he left.
And, about characters learning stuff, it would also be interesting to have Dakota realize and accept that Cavendish managed to survive alone in the forest for like a month. In other words, Dakota could use what happened as a “base” to try convincing himself to back off, like if he gets too worried, he could try remembering that Cavendish survived this to calm himself down.
Thirdly, I wished the interactions with Dakota and Doof were more than just eating and talking about Cavendish there and there. I mean, Doof is Professor Time, someone Dakota idolizes, even if not as much as Cavendish does. So why didn’t they talk about this at some point ? And tbh, I also would’ve liked maybe a dialogue or two between Doof and Cavendish regarding Professor Time (though this doesn’t have to do with the rogue arc). Also, I said it earlier, but why didn’t Doof helped with an inator before the clone one ? Couldn’t they give an explanation for that ? And even something such as “when I make any inators OWCA sends Perry and I don’t want to see him” could have been enough of an explanation.
One last thing that I would have wished to see with Doof is him trying to call Dakota out for being such a mess because one guy he cares for wants some space. I actually wanted to write a oneshot about Doof seeing Dakota feeling moody while at his “apartment” and Doof using his own experience as a husband to tell Dakota to get his shit together and give the man his space or else his relationship would fall very quickly.
And yes I know Cavendish and Dakota aren’t married in the show and Doof doesn’t have much friends. But Doof is a guy that values good communication, as we see with how he rambles all the time, how he listens to Vanessa’s advices and is there when she needs an ear (in “Minor Monogram” she very quickly opens up to him at the beginning of the episode; and in general, she isn’t afraid to speak her mind to him and he listens) and, as far as we know, he and Charlene never had their divorce because of communication issues. Also he’s learning to speak platypus, most likely so that Perry can communicate with him better.
So yeah, if anybody could give Dakota a pep talk about why Cavendish might need space and how the two need to talk things out, it’s Doof. Hell, Doof is the one who’s mad at Perry and needs time and space away from him, so he understands what needing space is.
And about this oneshot, for those interested : I changed the idea and it’s going to be a talk between Dakota and Cavendish instead.
  So here’s the end of these two parts about the rogue arc ! These posts were way much longer than I anticipated but hey, a rambling is a rambling. And yeah, these posts are just me needing to infodump on random stuff nobody cares about. But given how nobody I know irl cares about children cartoons or have a good enough level in English to understand my stuff, I need to infodump somehow. So you’re the ones who have to bear with me ! 😉
Thanks for reading !
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Candy | Tamaki Amajiki x Villain!Reader
Disclaimer: Tamaki is over the age of 18 since the reader is 22. Pronouns used: She/her. Length: 2k words.  Warnings: Mentions of cannibalism... yeah this took a turn for the worst lol there’s nothing graphic though.
Summary: You’ve had your eye on the most amazing hero ever, Suneater. It’s time you finally claim your prize.
Full Name: (y/f/n) Quirk: Candy; the user's body smells and tastes like candy. Smelling hypnotizes the victim and tasting drives them mad until the user is there to control them. Age: 22 Villain Name: (v/n) (something candy-related or you can just be called Candy). Villain Rank: A
She had watched him for a long while, she'd been in love with him for a long time and she was going to make him her own. (f/n) hung off the edge of the large building, her (long/short) (h/c) locks flowed in the wind; her beautiful (e/c) eyes watched his frame as he followed Fat Gum and Red Riot. Her red, glossy lips tilted up into a smile as she pulled herself back up onto the roof.
"You will be mine, Tamaki Amajiki. The world will see your downfall." She whispered to herself, a look of pure evil in her eyes.
During a villain attack, Tamaki had been separated from both Kirishima and Fat Gum and was currently looking for them. He ran into an alleyway, in search of a shortcut, when he felt something hit the back of his head. Stopping, he turned his head and looked up, only able to catch sight of glowing (e/c) eyes and (long/short) hair flowing in the wind. The figure jumped down a distance away and started to run.
This could've been another villain, so Tamaki decided to ditch the search for Fat Gum and Kirishima, instead choosing to chase after the figure. The figure ran deeper into the alley, being followed by the pro-hero-in-training. Tamaki noted that he could smell something sweet... and it definitely wasn't the dirty alley. It must've been the girl. The two zigzagged through the darkened street until the figure stopped in front of a dead end.
Tamaki came to a halt behind them and he realized the figure was a woman. His eyes widened as his cheeks turned red when he noticed their outfit (Preferably something skin-tight or short). The outfit hugged her figure, her curves, especially her butt. She turned around, her (e/c) eyes meeting his. He felt a shiver slither down his spine which made him clench his fists.
"Suneater, what a pleasure this is." Her voice was so... sultry. "You chose to give up the search for your friends... to come after me? Oh! How sweet!" She slowly approached him, her (heels/shoes) clicking on the ground, echoing in the silent alley. Her slender hand touched his arm, slowly moving to his shoulder, then his back, all the way around to his chest, as she walked around him. He inhaled, her sweet scent filling his nose. So it was her. "My, my, I can feel your muscles." The shy hero's face turned a deeper shade of red as he felt the need to hide against the wall.
"Wh-who... a-ar-" Her finger came up to her own lips, silencing him. Her glossy lips twitched up into a smile.
"You'd be such a wonderful villain," his eyes widened as he realized she was the enemy. "The villain: Suneater! Sounds terrifying, no?" She laughed. "Imagine, going up against Fat and Red Riot, showing them your true powers! Being on our side... how I long to see you as a villain. Come on, Suneater. Won't you join me." His shocked expression turned into a glare as he backed up. The audacity.
"I'll never be a villain!" This made her laugh even more.
"Oh, Suneater... so you can yell. Your demeanor is so interesting... you're so shy yet you want to be a hero. Do you realize the confidence that requires? You're easily put off when someone so much as insults you, you can't handle criticism, and when you're in front of a crowd, you freak and need to run away. What kind of hero is that? At least... Lemillion isn't like that." Tamaki felt the anxiety start to creep in as the woman spoke. "You're not made to be a hero Suneater. You can't handle what it takes to be a hero." Her smile was gone, replaced by a dark look. "Join me."
"NEVER!" He yelled, readying himself for a fight. "I'll be a hero! I'll be just like Lemillion and all the others!" Before he could react, the girl was already in front of him, her lips on his. His eyes widened, his body turning into a statue. Her lips were so... sweet... literally. The taste was like candy... sweet (flavor of candy). The girl pulled away, looking up to meet his terrified eyes.
"You've finally met your match." She moved away and started to scale the building and Tamaki was able to see her agility and acrobatic skills. Within ten seconds, she had reached the top and disappeared into the night.
Shaking his head, he turned around and ran out of the alley, continuing his search for Fat Gum and Red Riot. When he did find them, he was sure to tell them about the woman he'd met. Fat Gum asked him plenty of questions and Tamaki answered them all honestly, even telling him about the kiss. Fat Gum had never heard of the woman before and reassured Tamaki that everything would be fine and to keep his distance from the woman.
As the days went on, Tamaki found himself more restless than usual. That night, when he'd returned home, all he could think about was the woman. Her (your figure) figure invaded his mind, how her outfit showed off those curves, how beautiful her eyes were... how delectably sweet those lips were.
Tamaki was able to push those thoughts away for the first three days, after that, all he could think about was her. He found it harder to focus on hero work, he was unable to hold conversations, his mind kept returning to her when she walked around him, and especially that kiss. He would often dream about the kiss and their short interaction. Sometimes he'd fantasize about meetings, whether they were just talking, kissing, or doing more intimate things.
About a week later, he was a complete mess. He'd pushed himself to go tell Fat Gum, who'd invited more heroes to come help. Nejire, Mirio, Red Riot, and members from the Nighteye Agency were also there as they decided to finally track down the woman.
"I-I can't get her out of my head," Tamaki explained. "All I think about is her! I don't think I've had a minute where I've thought about something else." The male gripped his head as more images of her returned to him. "I... I need her."
"Tamaki!" Mirio called, running to his friend, who'd fallen to his knees. Nejire also ran to him, along with Fat Gum and Kirishima.
"Whatever's affecting you must be part of her quirk. We'll need to find her as soon as we can." Fat Gum stated making Tamaki look up at him.
"Yes! I need to see her!" The desperation in his eyes terrified the others. Whatever she did to him was ruining him.
"No, you can't. You have to stay away from her." Fat Gum responded with, causing the indigo-haired male to argue back. However, the decision had been made. No matter what he said, everyone was against him. Soon, he surrendered, agreeing to stay back while the others went looking for the woman. Due to the way Tamaki was acting, they couldn’t trust him and believed it was best if he was locked in a room so he couldn't leave.
Tamaki restlessly moved around the room, returning every now and then to bang on the door, screaming for help. He could feel himself unraveling and falling apart, he needed that girl. He needed her right now!
His eyes landed on the window, where he could see the night sky outside. The stars winking at him- taunting him. He got up, running the window and looking down. He was so high up and jumping would kill him, no doubt. He hadn’t had any chicken that day, so he wouldn’t be able to manifest a pair of wings to save him.
Tamaki backed away, falling onto the ground and crawling to the wall behind him, letting out a scream as he punched the walls repeatedly. He could hear her voice, he could hear her laughter and it was so annoying! Why couldn’t she just leave him alone?! Why couldn’t she just go away?!
Tamaki stopped suddenly when there was a crash behind him. He froze, unable to move, until a familiar scent filled his nose. He frantically turned around, seeing the same woman behind him.
She stood tall with a smirk as he crawled over to her, kneeling before her. (f/n) could see how her quirk had affected him and she couldn't have been happier. Tamaki could feel a sense of relief as soon as he saw her, breathing out as he felt his mind started to feel clearer. The woman crouched down in front of him, holding a bag in her head.
"I've brought you food, Suneater." He, without hesitation, took the bag from her hand and opened it up. He could smell his favorite inside. Before he could take the food out, the girl suggested they move to the table, to which he accepted.
He began eating, feeling as normal as he did before meeting the girl. He didn't know what her quirk was and to be frank, he didn't care. He had her and he was happy. The girl watched silently with an amused look on her face as he ate.
"Tell me Suneater," She started, making him look up at her as he swallowed a piece of meat. Unsure of whether it was pork or not, tasted awful lot like it. "How are you feeling?"
"Better." He responded, causing the woman to smile. "I-I don't even know y-your name." He stuttered, looking away with a blush on his face.
"I'm (y/f/n), a pleasure to meet you."
"N-nice to meet you too." He stated as he continued to eat. The two made small talk until he was completely finished with this food.
"Suneater?" He looked up at her again. "Will you join me now?"
"Yes," Tamaki responded without hesitation. He pulled the girl onto his lap, hugging her close, breathing in her scent. Her skin smelled so sickeningly sweet... just like the air around her. He tried to hold back, he tried to control himself, but it was so hard when his object of desire was finally in his arms. 
Unable to help himself, his tongue grazed across her exposed shoulder. It was her skin... that's what emitted that beautiful scent. He noted that her skin wasn’t as sugary as her lips. Her sweet aroma matched her taste. "You... your skin tastes... good. So good."
“Thank you.” (f/n) responded quietly, letting him do as he pleased. He’d fallen into her trap and there was no one that could save him now.
“Just like... (candy).”
"What do humans taste like, Tamaki?" She asked suddenly after a few minutes of being quiet. He kissed her neck, needing more of whatever she was. He was caught off guard by her question, but in his mind, he hoped it was like her.
"I don't know."
"You should,” she proclaimed “you just had some." She felt him freeze, the arm around her waist tightening.
"Wh-what?" His eyes widened, his heart started beating wildly in his chest, and he felt dizzy. No... he... she was lying!
"Relax. It's just a human. Nothing crazy." He could feel the food starting to push its way up again. No, he was a hero! He was a hero and- and- he... was a hero. “There, there, Suneater. Who cares, you just needed me right?” Any bit of hesitation and resolution he had left shattered right then and there. She had succeeded in breaking him.
Instead of letting go and pushing her away, Tamaki hugged her closer, closing his eyes and resting his nose against the back of her neck. Who cared? He had her and that's all he wanted. "Let's get you out of here, Suneater."
"What do you mean he's gone?!" Fat Gum yelled, as he'd arrived at his own agency where they’d left Tamaki. However, the entire place was a mess and apparently, he'd broken out, killing anyone who got in his way. The team had been searching all day and had finally returned for the night; needing some much-earned rest. However, they weren't nearly prepared for what they heard next.
"It's worse. He... ate some people." Mirio and Nejire's eyes widened as their hearts stopped. "He killed that woman," The officer pointed towards the ambulance. Their gazes followed suit and they saw an arm that had chunks taken off. "He ate part of her arm. There was a woman with him, I believe the woman you were looking for. She broke through the window in his room... we're unsure about what happened but he left like this. Claiming he'd eat everything... including the sun."
The aftermath was terrifying. The heroes looked upon multiple dead bodies with large chunks taken off their bodies. Tamaki had eaten parts of the people he killed and because of how powerful he was, no one could stop him. Anyone who survived was alive because they managed to escape, meaning Tamaki wasn’t chasing them down. Now, he was gone with that woman. Mirio vowed to find his best friend and bring him back, even if he barely knew where to start.
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saltandburnsis · 4 years
wendigo, pt. 3
Characters: Reader, Dean, Sam, Hailey, Ben, Roy, Tommy
Age: 20
Warnings: character death, dead body, (flare) gun use/mention.
Word Count: 2,446
Summary: The wendigo closes in and makes an attack. After going on a search for the creature, the Winchesters are separated. Sam, Ben, and Y/N have to work quickly to save Dean and Hailey and take down the creature once and for all.
A/N: check that out; got this one finished in 3 parts instead of 4! (i was originally aiming to have them all be 3, but the pilot had me thinking they’d all be super long lmao) now i’m going to go cry for about 6 years bc of jennamarbles’s latest video! as always, dialogue taken directly from the show is in italics.
~ ~ ~ ~
“Help me! Help!”
You, Sam, and Dean shot up and cautiously but quickly walked back to the campsite. Roy cocked his gun uselessly as the three of you approached. You aimed your flashlight into the woods, trying to catch a glimpse of the screaming creature.
“It’s trying to draw us out. Just stay cool. Stay put,” Dean directed.
“Inside the magic circle?” Roy mocked. You glared at him but were quickly vindicated when the wendigo’s growl seemed to send a shiver down his spine. “Okay. That’s no grizzly.”
Hailey took Ben’s hand and the two sat back on the log they’d been occupying earlier, comforting him as they did: “It’s okay. We’ll be alright. I promise.” The wendigo ran past the circle and she screamed. You jumped back, and Roy stepped closer, gun drawn.
“It’s here.” He took a shot at the brush, then turned and shot at another spot. The wendigo howled. “I hit it!” Roy jumped over the symbols and ran into the woods.
“Roy, no! Roy!” Dean called after him, trying to stop him. He looked back at Hailey and Ben. “Don’t move!” With that, he led you and Sam after Roy.
“It’s over here! It’s in the tree!” A voice called out. Suddenly, everything was silent. The two of you stopped and looked around, but Roy was gone.
~ ~ ~ ~
The woods were silent for the rest of the night. Sam found a spot against a tree stump to keep watch hours ago, and he’d yet to move. You and Dean were up at the campsite with Hailey and Ben, ensuring their safety.
“I don’t…I mean, these types of things aren’t supposed to be real,” Hailey said. Dean moved from his place beside one of the tents and sat beside her.
“I wish I could tell you different,” he sighed.
“How do we know it’s not out there watching us?” She asked, looking to Dean.
“We don’t,” you replied, keeping your eyes out on the woods. You glanced over in time to see Dean shoot you a look before he turned back to Hailey.
“But, we’re safe for now,” Dean reassured her. You rolled your eyes and went back to being the lookout. Hailey nodded then spoke again, her voice a bit softer.
“How do you know about this stuff?” Dean looked away for a moment before answering.
“It kind of runs in the family.” Before Hailey could ask another question, Dean stood up and Sam walked over, breathing heavily..
“Hey. So, we’ve got half a chance in the daylight. And I, for one, want to kill this evil son of a bitch,” Sam said. You turned around to look at him.
“You know I’m in,” you replied, stepping away from your post and closer to the group.
~ ~ ~ ~
As Dean readied the supplies you needed, you and Sam stood with Haley and Ben, getting them prepared for what they were about to face. You held out the journal, open to the page on wendigos, and gave them the basic summary.
“Wendigo is a Cree Native American word. It means ‘evil that devours,’” you shut the journal. “They’re hundreds of years old. Each one was once a man, sometimes a Native American, or other times a frontiersman or a miner or hunter.”
“How’s a man turn into one of these things?” Hailey asked.
“It’s always the same. During some harsh winter, a guy finds himself starving, cut off from supplies or help. He becomes a cannibal to survive, eating other members of his tribe or camp,” you answered.
“Like the Donner party,” Ben spoke up. Sam nodded.
“That’s right. Cultures all over the world believe that eating human flesh gives a person certain abilities—speed, strength, immortality,” he explained. Dean, finished with the weapons, stood and walked over.
“If you eat enough of it, over the years, you become this less-than-human thing. You’re always hungry,” Dean continued Sam’s thought.
“So, if that’s true, how can Tommy still be alive?” Hailey asked. You shook your head.
“You’re not gonna like it,” you warned her. She pressed on, demanding an answer. You sighed but spoke again. “More than anything, a wendigo knows how to last long winters without food. It hibernates for years at a time. When it’s awake, it, uh…” you trailed off and looked to your brothers, silently asking them to give her the news. Dean continued for you.
“It keeps its victims alive. It stores them so it can feed whenever it wants. If your brother’s alive, it’s keeping him somewhere dark, quiet, and safe. And we gotta track it back there.” You went to the bag of supplies as Hailey asked her next question.
“And then how do we stop it?”
“Well, guns are useless. So are knives,” Dean replied.
“Basically,” you cut in, holding up a rag, lighter, and some lighter fuel. “We gotta torch the sucker.
~ ~ ~ ~
The five of you made your way through the woods. Claw marks were spotted on the trees awhile back, and you used them as your guide to the wendigo’s lair. Suddenly, Sam stopped and called you and Dean over, looking up at all the claw marks in the trees. He pointed upwards, and you looked around to see the claw marks on every single tree, circling where the five of you stood.
“You know, I was thinking. Those claw marks, so clear and distinct,” Sam chuckled humorlessly.
“They were almost too easy to follow,” you finished his thought, voice barely audible. As if on cue, the wendigo ran past, back and forth around the area. You looked around, trying to get an idea of where it could be when Hailey screamed. You turned around in time to see Roy’s body fall on the ground. Hailey fell to the ground when she jumped out the way. Sam ran to her aid, and you went to Roy, putting your hand to his neck to feel for a pulse. You looked up at Dean immediately after, shaking your head. “His neck’s broken.”
“Okay, run, run!” Dean grabbed your arm and pulled you up while Sam helped Hailey. “Go, go, go, go, go!” The five of you rushed out of the area. Dean and Hailey ran ahead, but Ben tripped and fell to the ground. You and Sam stayed back to help him up. The three of you chased after Dean and Hailey, trying to cover the lost ground. Hailey screamed. You ran faster. Sam stopped at the bottom of a small hill when Ben called out for Hailey. You watched Sam bend down and pick something up off the ground; The top of Dean’s Molotov Cocktail. Your eyes widened and you looked around the area.
~ ~ ~ ~
“If it keeps its victims alive, why would it kill Roy?” Ben asked, walking through the woods at Sam’s side. You led them a few feet ahead, searching for a clue.
“Honestly? I think because Roy shot at it, he pissed it off,” Sam replied. You stopped and nervously fixed your hair before closing your eyes and throwing your head back. Sam pursed his lips then walked over to you, putting a hand on your shoulder.
“Hey, Y/N, we’re going to find him,” he assured. You quickly turned away from him and wiped your eyes, shaking your head.
“I know, I know. I just…” you sighed. “We can’t lose him, Sam. He’s all I got.”
“I’m right here, Y/N. I’m not going anywhere.” You scoffed at Sam’s words.
“Yeah, I’ve heard that before. Sam, what’s keeping you here if Dean’s gone. He’s the one who convinced you to come. He’s the one that’s been able to talk you down. Besides, as soon as we find Dad and we get whatever killed Jess, you’re leaving, right? Right?” You shook your head again. “We have to find Dean.” Sam opened his mouth to reply, but Ben spoke up first.
“Hey, they went this way!” He called out, holding up an M&M. You went over to him, Sam right behind you. He took the M&M from Ben and chuckled.
“It’s better than breadcrumbs.” He chuckled again. You quickly began following the trail of candies, Ben and Sam on your trail again.
~ ~ ~ ~
Sam silently moved through the brush. Ben followed behind him, and you made up the rear, watching out for anything on your trail. Sam stopped at the entrance to the mine and looked through the opening in the old wooden fence. He looked back at you and shrugged before ducking under the top of the fence and slipping inside. You let Ben go in before you, made one last visual sweep of the woods, and went inside. Sam led both of you through the tunnels. He signaled for you to get against the wall then reached out and pushed Ben against the wall, covering his mouth when the wendigo walked out of the mine. One the coast was clear, Sam moved away from the wall and down to where the wendigo had emerged from.
You continued down the path for a few minutes, suddenly stopping when the wood began to creak. You looked back at Sam just as the wood cracked and the ground gave out beneath you. It was a short fall, but it still took you a minute to recover. Ben jumped away from a skull an inch in front of him, and Sam was soon at his side to calm him. While he did, you sat up and looked around. You turned your head to the right and gasped at the sight of Dean and Hailey hanging from the ceiling by their arms. You ran over to Dean.
“Dean, come on,” you softly pleaded, shaking your brother. Ben ran to Hailey and tried to wake her up. Dean’s eyes shot open and you let out a sigh of relief. “Hey, you okay.” He grunted in response. Sam went to Ben and helped him get Hailey down while you helped Dean. Once the pair were seated on the ground, Dean began groaning in pain. You looked at him, eyes slightly widened with fear.
“You sure you’re alright?” He brushed you off with a wave of his hand.
“Yeah, yeah. Where is it?” His voice was strained, but he was doing everything in his power to fake his well-being.
“It’s gone for now,” Sam answered him. With Ben’s help, Hailey stood up and walked over to Tommy.
“Tommy.” She grabbed his face, but gasped and jumped back when Tommy’s eyes opened and he took a breath in. She turned back to Sam. “Get him down.” While Sam helped her, you and Dean began digging through the backpacks beside you. Dean looked to you and smiled after a minute of digging, pulling out a gun. You smiled and pulled out one of your own.
“Hey, check it out,” Dean called over to Sam, standing up and holding his gun up.
“Flare guns,” Sam smiled. “Those’ll work.”
~ ~ ~ ~
Armed with a flare gun each, Sam and Dean led your group towards the entrance of the mine. Like before, you took up the rear, ensuring there were no attacks from behind. You kept your flare gun ready, finger centimeters from the trigger. Dean and Sam stopped when the wendigo began growling. Sam held his gun out in front of him.
“Looks like someone’s home for supper,” Dean commented.
“We’ll never outrun it,” Hailey said, looking at Dean as she struggled to keep Tommy up, even with Ben’s help. Dean glanced back at her then looked between you and Sam.
“You thinking what I’m thinking?”
“Yeah.” You nodded. Sam looked back at him.
“Yeah, I think so.”
“Alright, listen to me,” Dean instructed the three siblings. “Stay with Sam. He’s gonna get you out of here.”
“What are you going to do?” Hailey asked. Dean only winked in response before walking down the tunnel.
“It’s chow time, you freakin’ bastard!” He called out. You looked at Sam, nodded, then followed after Dean.
“Yeah, that’s right! Bring it on, baby!” You yelled once you were a few feet away from everyone else. Dean waited until you were behind him before he began running.
“We taste good!” Dean yelled. You were hot on his trail, stopping once to look around when you didn’t hear any sign of the wendigo.
“You want some white meat, bitch? We’re right here!” You looked around once more then ran after Dean. The two of you continued through the tunnels, yelling out for the creature. You kept an eye on Dean as you ran, watching as he held his arm against his stomach, almost refusing to move it.
Sam screamed and shot his gun towards the entrance of the tunnel. You turned and ran towards the area, willing your legs to move faster than they ever had. You and Dean reached the area as the wendigo closed in on Sam and the three siblings. It threw its head back and roared, giving you and Dean enough time to aim your guns.
“Hey!” Dean called out. The wendigo turned and the two of you shot your guns, hitting it in two separate spots. It lit up from the inside out and fell to the ground. Once it was dead, Dean looked over at Sam and smiled. “Not bad, huh?”
~ ~ ~ ~
You and Sam led Ben over to where Hailey and Dean stood once Ben finished giving his statement to the officer. Hailey turned to look at Ben.
“Let’s go,” she said. She turned back to Dean then leaned in and kissed his cheek. “I hope you find your father. Thanks, Sam. You, too, Y/N.” Hailey smiled at you and Sam before putting her arm around Ben and leading him over to the ambulance Tommy was in. You leaned against the car on one side of Dean, Sam mimicking your actions on the other side.
“Man, I hate camping,” you said, shaking your head.
“Me, too,” Dean and Sam agreed simultaneously. Dean pursed his lips and looked down at the ground for a moment before looking over at Sam.
“You know we’re gonna find Dad, right?” He asked. Sam sighed.
“Yeah, I know. But in the meantime…I’m driving.” Sam held his hands out for the keys, but Dean stayed silent. Finally, he tossed him the set and walked around the car to the passenger’s side.
“Oh, that is so not fair!” you complained as Sam got in the car.
“You crashed her into a house,” Dean replied, sliding into the passenger seat. You groaned and got in the backseat.
“It was one time!” you shot back. Sam smiled and revved the engine before speeding off out of the parking lot.
SPN rewrite taglist: @mrsfortune1306 @marvelous-glims
forever taglist: @griff1ndor @gothsatanicrapunzel @choosemyname @mersuperwholocked-lowlife @not-astounding @sassy-specter @vicmc624 @idksupernatural
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manlyquail · 4 years
Nerdy Lucid Dreaming
So I figured for no reason whatsoever that I’d share the small story about how I started to learn how to lucid dream as a kid without even realizing what I was doing.
For some brief context, I’m (and always have been) a big gamer. My dad had me playing video games ever since I was young (looking at you Blizzard games), and needless to say I became a bit of an addict. So anyway, with video games ingrained in my brain, there was a day where I suddenly just learned a new skill in my dreams, and it was sort’ve the first step of learning to lucid dream.
See, what would happen is I was a kid that got nightmares quite a bit. Waking up from the cold sweat all scared of whatever happened to be going on (I also grew up on movies like Alien, Friday the 13th, etc. I even saw the opening scene to Fullmetal Alchemist when I was a kid, the scene where they try to ressurect their mom? Yeah, lots of nightmare fuel for my tiny little brain to process). Anyways, it really gave my brain a lot to process, and I don’t really remember any of the dreams because I was so young, except one.
I remember this particular dream because it was the first time I’d ever been aware of my dreaming state, and I was so scared I basically took control almost in a state of panic. In the dream, I was in a really thick hedge maze, above me was all black so no stars or anything, kind’ve like there was just a thick black ceiling above me that was so dark it didn’t even seem like there was anything there. In this maze I was being chased by monsters, in particular I remember Predator being there, a xenomorph from Alien too, and a few other baddies all teamed up chasing me through this maze. As hedge mazes do of course, I eventually found a dead end in the chase and got cornered. So, for dream me it was basically the end, but then the weirdest thing happened. I was so desperate to get out of the dream, to get away from this moment, that a “PAUSE” menu appeared.
Think any game with a pause menu. The screen sorta darkens around the edges, a bright menu in the middle with a list of options and “PAUSE” at the top. It showed up just before things were at their worst, and I was so desperate to wake up from the nightmare that a cursor started to move its way across the image of my dream. It made its way to the pause menu, scrolled down to an EXIT button, and when it clicked it BAM, I woke up. It was so weird to me, and internally I realized how absolutely dorky it was that a video-game style pause menu is what I somehow used to get out of my dream.
After that happened I guess I internalized that ability because I was so thankful to be able to wake up from dreams that it ended up becoming a sort’ve default setting to nightmares at that point. I gained some foresight into when a dream was going to be a nightmare and could simply just ‘exit’ the dream, wake myself up, and then just try another dream. 
Since then I’ve learned more to be able to lucid dream, but in my own way I suppose. I haven’t looked too much into what its like for others with the ability, but for me I’m almost just actively ‘watching’ a show at this point. I’m well aware I could change things around, intervene at any time to wake myself up or change the course of the dream, but I’ve become essentially my own checkpoint system. My curiosity to see how a dream plays out before me makes me eager to simply let dreams play out, but if something bad happens to me in the dream, or something happens that would prevent the dream from continuing or finishing in a way I’m satisfied with, I briefly rewind in a sense and let it play out once more but with the knowledge of what went wrong to avoid it.
I have a few other unique quirks about the way I dream, but some of them are honestly a little horrifying to describe, so I’ll put like a TW and a cut right now for descriptions of extreme gore, and like, loss of limb stuff below really quick just in case before I continue on, mostly because I’m enjoying sharing this and figure why not put all my dream stuff in one place?
So something else kind’ve messed up about the way I dream is how vivid everything is. Because of the self awareness I have that everything is a dream, I no longer panic or freak out when something horrible goes wrong. I’ve been eaten by cannibals, had my limbs ripped off, been cut in half, and so on in my dreams before, but because I realize that they’re dreams I don’t get super freaked out by the events. Usually I just roll with the punches, and in most cases, quite literally try to put myself back together.
I remember one dream in particular, I was in a Halo Warthog in the dream and I don’t quite recall where we were going (group of just sorta faceless people I suppose, and it was a four seater without the turret), but there was a crash and an accident and I ended up getting cut in half right at the waist. Horrifying yes, I remember the feeling of that dismemberment followed by desperately crawling across the ground to a set of legs I thought were mind. Through dream logic I just sort’ve planted my torso on the set of legs and after a couple second was able to use them. Joke was on me because I found out they weren’t actually my legs but someone else’s from the accident, but they were already attached so what was I to do?
The freakiest part of it all though wasn’t the dream, but when I woke up I still felt ‘separated’. I’ve described it to some people in the past as almost like a reverse-phantom limb situation, where I have the body parts but it doesn’t feel like they’re actually attached to me. I was so scared that if I lifted myself up in bed my torso would just pop off from my legs.
It’s not the first time a situation like this has happened, though most of the time it involves my hand. Somehow I frequently get my hand lopped off in various ways, usually not at the wrist but somewhere along the palm or even a few fingers. I always ‘reattach’ it in my dream (usually with something silly, like glue, tape, etc.), and the logic in the dream is as long as I don’t move it around too much it’ll naturally just ‘heal’ itself back connected. I think I get that logic from the idea of sewing limbs back on in emergency situations to save the limb, my brain just equates that to “Well if I just find a way to keep the two pieces lined up long enough it’ll all work out!” Then, when I wake up, than translates to me being utterly terrified to so much as flex my hand or move my fingers around too much lest it just fall apart.
It’s the same sensation as the cut in half one as well. Despite the fact I can see my hand, I can move it and wiggle it around, there’s a lengthy period of time where it feels like a cold fog is there instead. Like, I can feel the warmth of my body up to the part where the limb was lost, but then its like this cold sensation where its as if it isn’t really there even though I know it is. It’s a spooky sensation, almost like a part of my soul was just cut off or something. Eventually the sensation goes away with time, but my imagination and memory are vivid enough that if I think really hard about the scenarios I can recall that feeling pretty distinctly. Spooky stuff.
Anyways, that’s about the end of my weird dream rant. I love sharing nonsense like this but it mostly feels like me rambling some of the time, so thank you for indulging me if you’ve read this far at all and I hope it was the least bit interesting!
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vixxenfox · 5 years
Things I’ve noticed after watching the pilot over and over again
And things I just find amusing
- is it just a coincidence that when Charlie says “I wonder if it could be me” the center angel’s face lights up?
- not important but the “F*ck you heaven!!!” Sign is hilarious
- I hate Valentino with a burning passion, look at him texting Angel
- people drop from the sky to get to hell, more importantly without clothes which means each flippin person has to get specially made clothes for their weird demon bodies like sir pentious needs clothes to fit his snake body and stuff... idk just interesting
- the place beside the “we couldn’t come up with a catchy slogan but we sell hardcore drugs” building is called “begg slut”
- imagine dying, going to hell, and realize that you’re an egg
- egg #23 is the best
-one of the eggs like does a weird walk thing with their hand on sir pentious’ tail
-Cherri Bomb’s clothing is so asymmetrical and I love it like she is literally wearing a high-heel boot on one leg and like a tiny shoe on the other
- really just poor Tom he’s great
- Vaggie says “it’s all highlighted” but none of what we are shown is highlighted
- Also read the parts of the list we can see, it’s adorable
- “I don’t touch the gays” I find Katie great
- Jeffrey Dahmer obviously (Also the sticky note saying “who approved this show?)
- When Charlie scans the crowd another tv head just says ‘words’
-The person Vaggie punches isn’t in the crowd
- I love Razzle and Dazzle TvT
- Those two owl demons in Inside Every Demon is a Rainbow are most definitely references to Timber
- I love that there is a boo section
- Tom watches Angel Dust’s stuff confirmed
- I love the sonic spring noise when Angel launches an egg into the air
- Sir Pentious probably has a son that might be in hell so look out for another snake
- Do you see how happy Cherri Bomb is near Angel Dust, best friends! :D
- Aawww Angel pushes Cherri out of the way
- Angel didn’t just sprout a third set of arms, he also pulled an entire gun out of his body sooo... what’s with that
- I think you would just stop existing if you died in hell Angel
- That creepy fan has a body pillow of Angel
- Charlie takes off her pink... jacket(?) in one scene and the next she has it on again (you see her wearing pink in the closeup)
- Lilith is an absent mother
- There goes everyone’s fanon about how Lucifer acts (why couldn’t we get a nice stupid one T~T)
- I think they changed Alastor’s knock but I’m too lazy to check
- They fixed Alastor’s disappearing monocle
- I like that the mic has an eye sometimes it’s cool (how many “sentient-ish” things does Alastor’s have, first the shadow and now this)
- Alastor can teleport at least short distances and he appears as the shadow for a second
- They really make Alastor a very animated character and I love it
- (we knew this already but) Alastor clearly puts himself on a different level than the other sinners, he thinks of himself as justified and better (he doesn’t say “us sinners” he says “loathsome sinners” w/o him in the picture)
- Valentino, Rosie, Lilith (obviously), the girl from the porn studio, and the tv head dude (Vox, thanks @lavipsi) are all some of hell’s “strongest demons”
- TV head (Vox) is in the middle and top so he must be very powerful and behind him there’s also a green and red demon that reminds me of the wolf/fox demon from the bar scene
- Husk is very blocked out by Vaggie’s face but he’s clearly in the picture with Alastor (it looks like a fight but I don’t want to assume) like we know they know each other and stuff but it’s just weird that Husk is in the art when Vaggie says he’s “a dangerous Blahblah” and has entire speech of how dangerous he is
- I love the symbols that float up when Charlie isn’t looking and then the squeak as he turns to a more “innocent-like” Alastor when Charlie looks back
- Alastor rolls his eyes at Charlie when she says “No trickster, voodoo strings attached.”
- Talked about this before but the way his smile gets wider when Charlie says “for as long as you like”
- Why does Charlie have at least 2 posters about alcohol up if she didn’t want it in her hotel?
- I love how Niffty comes in and her bug-like noise when she appears
- You can see their reflection in Niffty’s eye during the closeup and Charlie is too adorable in it, Angel and Vaggie look ready to kick her out XD
- Everybody’s reactions to Niffty rambling on is beautiful, just watch them go from defensive to confused
- Alastor just following Niffty’s every movement as she zooms around
- Please tell me I’m not the only one who didn’t immediately see Husk as a cat? I honestly thought he was a dog for a while because he looks sort of like a Husky and his name is Husk, which got me thinking about the contradictions with Alastor not liking dogs... then I realized Husk was a cat.
- “are you sh!tt!ng me” “no I don’t think so” and “you think I’m just some clown” “..maybe” are some of my favorite lines
- Was I just supposed to know that on the bottom of Alastor’s boots (shoes? Hooves?) there were deer prints?
- So did Alastor really just teleport two sinners and basically copy part of the bar Husk was at and it’s just going to be there forever? Like you can see where the bar’s like territory ends because it’s walls are green while the hotel’s is red
- No like seriously Alastor you can copy a part of a bar but you can’t make the walls match the rest of the hotel’s walls?
- Husk seems slightly taller than Alastor
- Also Husk also has yellow teeth and if we go by Alastor’s teeth are yellow because he’s a cannibal, Husk might have been a cannibal when he was alive
- Husk clearly knows Alastor, he’s not afraid of him (to an extent, he was still a little shaken by the... Sir Pentious thing). Husk obviously voices his complaints without restraint and isn’t afraid of Alastor hurting him (I guess), and even when he was shaken up he was still the second person to follow Alastor back to the hotel.
- The entire relationship between Husk and Alastor is very intriguing to me! Husk doesn’t fear Alastor, Alastor called him a friend (obviously another jab at Husk but still), and they were in the same picture when Vaggie talked about Alastor being dangerous. I’m guessing they were probably friends once, maybe the picture is them both fighting another demon or fighting each other in like a fall-out.
- Vaggie is very exaggerated when she’s complaining about the bar and it’s beautiful
- Husk in the background as a still image just chugging booze is beautiful
-Angel’s angry face as Vaggie complains about the bar just before he leaves to lunge at her is beautiful and my favorite face
- 27:46 Alastor flipping FLUTTERS HIS EYES AT VAGGIE and you can hear a small sound effect of it and I just thought that was beautiful
- At the same moment Charlie is just rubbing her cheeks and it’s cute
- Right before Alastor starts singing, he throws some red... fire in the air and Charlie follows it with her eyes and she just so awed by it
- The fireplace in the background has an eye and a top hat above it and it just reminds me of Sir Pentious
- Alastor’s song has so many Friends on the Other Side vibes and I love it
- There are so many Christian symbols (and Satanic symbols) in the background of this song and I just don’t want to spend that time looking at each one :l
- Alastor’s shadow is also here further nailing the Friend on the Other Side vibe (not to mention the other shadows and voodoo doll things)
- Poor Niffty, she should never get hurt
- When Sir Pentious is talking and it shows the chibi characters, Charlie, Angel, and Niffty are looking at Alastor and when it zooms in for a split second Angel’s face is the most innocent bab ever
- There’s a building in the background with (again) one eye and a top hat, there’s also a cat building right next to it
- You can see heaven as a planet with a halo...
- There’s also a sun(?) or moon(?) or planet(?) with a pentagram on it
- I know that Egg Boi #OUCH is just a joke, but what if after 666, Sir Pentious just started giving them stupid names like that?
- Again, religious symbols float around Alastor that I’m not going to look into because I’ve taken so much time T_T
- Niffty is actually unfazed by Alastor summoning tentacles and destroying Sir Pentious’ ship. Really she has a normal smile and face and she immediately follows Alastor when he walks back to the hotel
- Angel is still flirting with Husk
- Charlie reassuring Vaggie is adorable
- Are we not going to talk about the carousel and gigantic steam boat that’s just protruding from the hotel
- I also love how the windows at the top of skull designs <3
- There’s an eye on the top of the building and the sign of Happy/Hazbin Hotel could also look like a top hate (why are there so many one-eyed top hats like Sir Pentious’...?)
- Stay tuned TM
- Not from me but, Alastor changes the name to Hazbin Hotel and Hazbin means something that was great before but is terrible now or something that is meaningless
- So Alastor liking terrible jokes is now canon? The dad joke thing wasn’t just a stream thing, it’s actually canon?
- Alastor actually has a red ‘X’ on his forehead, you can see it right after he destroys Sir Pentious’ ship
- The art in the credits shows Cherri Bomb having a tattoo
- I would like to talk a little about the design that’s in the background during the credits. So in the middle is an apple that’s being held by two sharp hands, there are three snakes coming out of it with only one snake fully out but still seems to have originated from the apple. The snake that’s completely out is on the top and has some designs around it that emphasize it, making it look more like a king (the devil, duh). The other two snakes are going down (probably referencing Adam and Eve maybe? Even though they also seem evil I just think of Adam and Eve.) Under them is another snake head. There are two sets of eyes around the top snake, one set has a line going down the middle of each eye like a scar while the bottom set has eyelashes. Even though the bottom set looks more “girly”, it reminds me of Lucifer because of the dots under them. If you want to grasp at straws the complete bottom snake’s tongue sort of looks like the bottom part of the symbol of Lucifer. The three snakes that clearly originate from the apple in the middle can also look like “Three snakes and one charm” if you squint. The symbol above the top snake looks like the infinity symbol combined with the cross, but it’s not the leviathan cross, so maybe just eternal... crucifixion?
- The smoke coming from the pit that Alastor made has souls in it
- I think #23 is depressed because he really wants to be shot... and he was just sitting there next to a bunch of dead hims
- Vivziepop said on a stream something about Lucifer being “generally goofy, but it depends on his voice” or something like that, please correct me if I’m completely wrong. This makes me things that Lucifer is going to have multiple voice actors.
-The Loading Crew “Everything We Know About Hazbin Hotel” brings up a point that it seems like the only things that can kill demons and sinners are the Exterminators’ weapons which are sometimes left behind that demons scavenge, Vaggie also appears to have one. I recommend watching his video, it’s very quick but also brings up points I haven’t addressed. 
And yeah, that’s all for now! ^_^ comment if you have something else to add or think I should change something
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Time Heals....Chapter Fifty- One Pt. 2
Robyn leaned against the counter, sipping on a beer, quietly watching as Chris was cooking. She sighed and Chris smiled over at her, “what’s the matter, Baby?”
“Oddly. Nothing.”
“So me pushing you was a good thing?”
“I’m not quite ready to say that yet but it wasn’t the worst thing you could do.”
Chris chuckled as he sprinkled a seasoning mix over the broccoli he was sauteing, “you never could give an inch.”
“I’m stubborn. Sue me.”
“I’d rather- never mind. You ready to eat?”
“Don’t never mind me like I wouldn’t figure out the quip you was about to say.”
Chris shook his head with a smile, “I’d never try to get something over on you.”
“Yea right.”
Robyn pushed away from the counter as she set her beer down, “want me to set the table?”
“I was thinking we’d eat out on the back porch. The sunset looks pretty.”
“Ok, Mr. Romantic. You don’t have to do this, you know? I’m not fragile and gonna burst into hysterical tears.”
“I would never expect that.”
“What you trying to say?”
“That I’d expect you wanting to argue with me more so than start crying about this. Your go to emotion is irritation not sadness.”
“I’m not that bad.”
“I didn’t say you were, I’m just saying what I’ve experienced with you.”
Robyn rolled her eyes and she moved to the cabinet to grab the serving dishes. Just as she set the plates on the counter and reached up for the cups, Chris moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, “you know I love you right.”
“Never doubted it.”
“Good. Long as you know it.”
Robyn giggled and playfully pushed back against him. Chris pinched her exposed thigh, “don’t start nothing, won’t be nothing.”
“Well what if I want it to be something?”
Chris sighed into her neck before nipping it gently, “later.”
“Now if I bite you back, don’t be in here crying.”
“Don’t leave your teeth imprint and I won’t. Took a whole week for your imprint to disappear from my chest.”
Robyn chuckled, “chicken.”
“Says the man who loves to eat me.”
Chris choked on his words as he started to laugh. Robyn shook her head as she grabbed two glasses from the cabinet and stood them up on the plates to carry it to the back porch, “hurry up and put the food in the serving dishes. I’m hungry.”
“So...what you think?” Chris said as he cut into his chicken.
“It’s really good, Babe. Thank you.”
“Not a problem. Honestly, how are you feeling?”
“I feel ok. I don’t think it’ll really hit me until later.”
“True. You don’t have to tell me everything if you don't want to. I know that was really private moment for you.”
“I think what’s most important is Michael didn’t hate me for any of this. I just felt so guilty being in love with you knowing you as long as I have and knowing that I married him when I did. I just felt like maybe I wasn’t being fair or all there with either of you.”
“What do you mean?”
“How could I love you the way  I did yet marry Michael and love him the way I did.”
“Because me and Michael are not the same person. Clearly we each spoke to a different part of you and it lasted for however long it was meant to. Michael was what you needed then and I’m what you need now. For all we know, I could’ve ruined your life worse than I already did had we been together back then. It’s the same way with Tiana. I loved her in my own way and she’s nothing like you.”
“I guess.”
“That doesn’t make either relationship more right or wrong than the other. And if Michael had lived and I had kept my big mouth shut, we’d probably both still be married and living life as is. Only difference between that happening and what’s happening now is we wanted something different. Something different that we could only find with each other. I have no guilt about that.”
“I can understand that.”
“I think you’re being so much harder on yourself than anybody else is. If Michael didn’t think you would be ok, I’m sure he would’ve held out much longer but he probably didn't want to hold you back. That’s love, Bajan Girl.”
“I see why he sent you back to me.”
“I told him that I think he sent you back to me on purpose. I could never understand why he wanted me to contact you in those final weeks but it all makes sense now.”
“You think your husband played divine matchmaker?”
“I don’t know about a matchmaker but I think he knew I needed you and you needed your daughters. The rest was left up to us.”
“I needed you too, Robyn. It wasn’t just about the girls.”
“True. I don’t know where you would be without me.”
“Oooh shots fired.”
Robyn laughed as she rubbed the back of his hand. Chris turned his hand, palm side up, and held her hand in his, “I needed this peace. You can find sex and lust and fun anywhere but this peace is unique. I don’t want to live a life without this.”
Robyn squeezed his hand then let go to brush her hair out of her face, “getting real sentimental out here, ain’t it?”
Chris laughed, “and there’s the shield.”
“I don’t have a shield. I just need a break from being emotional for a while, that’s all.”
“Uh huh.”
“Don’t do that, Chris.”
“I’m not doing anything. So what do you want to do now?”
“What you promised me earlier”
“No. No. I want my bite now.”
Chris chuckled as he leaned his head back, purposely showing the elongation of his neck, “come here.”
Robyn walked over to him and straddled his lap, “I don’t even want to get undressed.”
“Right here.”
Robyn nodded her head as she moved her fingertips under his shirt.
“You want to bite me that bad?”
“I want to fuck you that bad. Biting is optional, at least it used to be.”
“You weren’t like this years ago.”
“I wasn’t fucking you years ago either so how would you know?”
“You have a point.”
“And you have a dick. And I would like to ride it now.”
Chris spread his legs, which in turn spread Robyn’s legs. Her hands went to his zipper, pulled it down. She reached into his boxers, pushed them down. His dick plopped down. Not quite hard but not quite soft either. It was heavy and distended far enough from his body that she wouldn’t have to do much to get it where she wanted it.
She lifted the t-shirt dress, that she had changed into, over her hips. Chris tugged her panties to the side and she grabbed his dick to sit on it. Chris groaned as she swallowed him whole. Something was different. He didn’t know how he knew but he just knew.
“No condom, Chris.”
“I know but-”
“How’d you know?”
“I don’t know but your body language feels different.”
“None of that either.”
“Why not?”
“Even though-”
“We’ll get there.”
Chris watched her sleep. Her chest moved up and down at an even pace. He placed his hand on her heart and let it move with it as it beat. He wasn’t prepared for this. He wasn’t even sure this was the right thing to do but at the same time there was nothing left to do. He slid his hand into his pocket, grabbed the box for a moment then let it go. He thought about her dream. The dream that sent her sweating and thought maybe all of it wasn’t from her past.
“Chris Baby, what are you doing?” Robyn murmured softly.
“Just looking. You’re so much nicer when you’re asleep.”
“Oh shut up.”
Chris laughed as he ran his finger down her arm.
“Babe, come here.”
Chris moved to lay on top of her and Robyn reached down into his pocket to grab the box, “how’d you-”
“I know you Chris. There’s no way you didn’t already have one somewhere on your person. Don’t do this because of this moment. I just want to enjoy this transition without worry. Can we do that? Please?”
“I love you but I don’t want to feel pressure. I just want to enjoy this. I want to have this peace before we bring something else into our lives. Can I please have this peace for me?”
Chris kissed her lips, “I-”
“Chris, when I am ready I will put this ring on my finger. You don’t even have to ask me, ok? But you have to trust that I will be ready. Can you do that?”
“I can do that.”
“You promise?”
“I promise, Baby. I promise.”
Robyn tossed the box onto the nearest nightstand and kissed his lips. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders as she pulled him closer for them to make out. The ring long forgotten, Chris kept kissing her and rubbing against her. The sheets falling away from her body. He settled his pajama clad bottom in between her legs. She was hot. She was wet. She was ready and it gave Chris an idea.
“Can I put a ring somewhere else on you?”
“What?” Robyn whispered as she pulled back from him.
“Can I put a ring somewhere else?”
“Like where?”
His knee grazed her pussy and her eyes widened, “you want to pierce my clit?”
“Will you let me?”
“Chris, I don’t know.”
“Just thinking about rolling my tongue around it is giving the biggest hard on of my life. I swear it’ll be for both of us.”
“Are you serious?”
“You really gonna be ok with letting some stranger get between my legs and pierce my clit?”
“I’ll be there to watch. And to test it out.”
“I can’t believe you just asked me that. And I can’t believe I’m saying yes.”
“Yes? You’re gonna do it?”
“Yes, I’ll do it but you gotta get pierced too.”
“Robs, I don’t-”
“No nipples, no clit.”
“Whew...ok, I’ll do it.”
“You know when I agreed, I didn’t think you meant right now,” Chris murmured as they pulled into the parking lot of a tattoo parlor.
“I’m down for whatever but you’d quickly change your mind on me.”
“I wouldn’t renege like that.”
“Tell that to somebody that doesn’t know you. Come on, Mr. Brown.”
“Are they even open?”
“For me they are.”
“My primary tattoo place. It’s by appointment only and the owner opens whenever I call. She’s awesome. You’ll love her.”
Chris frowned as he saw the door of the building open and a short dark skinned women stand in the doorway, “that’s her?”
“Best artist and piercer in the state. Don’t be nervous. She’s gentle.”
Robyn turned off the car and took off her seat belt. They climbed out the car at the same time. Robyn rushed over to the woman and gave her a huge hug, “Hi Destiny.”
“My pretty Bajan girl. You finally gonna let me see the magic.”
“Don’t start flirting with me. This is Chris,” Robyn reached her hand out for him, “my boyfriend.”
“He’s cute, Mama. Should’ve brought him around sooner. Nice ink, Chris.”
“Thanks. Nice to meet you, Destiny.”
“Very nice to meet you, “ Destiny flicked her tongue and Chris noticed it was pierced and split. His brow raised and Destiny laughed, “I split and pierced it myself. Hurt like hell but nipple piercings are easy and quick. Come on in, my very adventurous friends.”
They followed her inside and Chris stared around the shop. It was spacious. Very clean. Smelled sterile, almost like a hospital. Destiny kept them walking further down a hallway until they entered a room that resembled a doctor’s office.
Chris nodded in approval as Destiny started moving around her work table, “nice place.”
“Thanks. Top place in the state. Never had an issue so don’t worry. Hygiene is what I’m best at. So who’s first? Nipples or clit?”
“Nipples. Chris will probably be quicker.”
“I did always like them fast. Come on, Christopher. I’m assuming that's your full name.”
“It is.”
“Have a seat on the bench. Need to examine what I’m working with. Shirt off.”
Chris took off his shirt and handed it to Robyn. He looked at her then at Destiny and Robyn rolled her eyes, “No.”
“No what?” Destiny asked as she adjusted the height of her chair.
“He wants to know if we’ve been together.”
“What? Oh no, my husband would kill us.”
“Husband?” Chris sputtered out.
“You thought I was a lesbian? Oh Sweetie, ain’t a woman in this world sweet enough to make me switch sides. I just like to flirt with her because she’s pretty. Your woman has been untouched by these skillful hands.”
“Sorry, I just-”
“It’s ok, I’m used to it and I kind of like to play on it to be honest. Been married 17 years. Two babies, twin boys. Makai and Malcolm,” Destiny replied as she gestured towards the two photos on the wall, “that’s how I met your beautiful girl here. At a Mommy and three class.”
“Mommy and three?”
“Special class for moms of multiples.”
“Oh cool.”
“You must be Erin and Erica’s dad.”
“How’d you-”
“The face shape and the facial expressions. Very distinctive, plus I’m an artist, I notice everything.”
“Though I’m disappointed I could never get Ms. Robyn to let me re-pierce her nipples, I’m glad for the new territory.”
“If I consider having kids again, I don’t want to keep taking them out,” Robyn replied
“It’s only for a few months to a year. If you had just came back in after you finished breastfeeding, I could’ve easily slipped your rings back in and it would’ve been no problem. You waited until they closed up,” Destiny said as she went to the sink and washed her hands before slipping on black gloves and prepping his nipple area.
“Ok Chris, your nipples are fairly average sized so the normal ring should be just fine.”
“Have you had to use different sizes before?”
“I’ve had it where I had to use a tongue ring because the area was so big. Yours should be quick and easy. The first one tends to go the fastest, the second one you might actually feel it. You ready?”
Chris took a deep breath, “rea- Oww!”
Destiny laughed as she slid the ending ball on the end of the bar, “that trick always works.”
Robyn giggled as Chris frowned. He went to touch it and Destiny slapped his hand, “your hands are dirty. Don't infect my work.”
She sat down and prepped the second area, “how are the girls doing?”
“They’re doing pr-OWW!”
Destiny chuckled as Robyn doubled over in hysterical laughter, “I’m glad you didn’t actually shoot up off the bench.”
She twisted on the second ball then carefully cleaned both areas and loosely put medical tape over them, “I figured you don’t want to walk outside shirtless so this should protect them from catching on your shirt. You can get dressed. Ms. Robyn, your turn.”
Robyn hissed as she sat down in the car. Chris glanced over at her as he settled in the driver seat, “you ok, Baby?”
“I think I just came on myself.”
“I am sensitive as hell. I think I just came on myself.”
“Oh my God.”
“I can’t believe I let you convince me to do this. I cannot be at work like this.”
“It’s not that sensitive.”
“Dude, everytime I move my leg, it fucking throbs like I just had a major orgasm. I know what I’m feeling.”
“Well Destiny said it’ll take some getting used to. My nipples actually feel pretty decent.”
“Well good for you. I’ma be in my office having unwanted orgasms for the next 8 weeks.”
Chris chuckled, “just call out, I’ll stay home and help with the girls while you heal. You might feel better in a week or two instead of 8 weeks.”
“We can’t have sex.”
“I heard that unfortunate news.”
Robyn laughed, “this was your idea, should’ve thought about it.”
“I did. I didn’t expect it to happen tonight. Thought I had a little bit more time to fuck before we did this.”
“I didn’t want you to chicken out on me.”
“Whatever. I have a question.”
“You really never got with Destiny?”
“Chris, get your mind out of the gutter. We make inappropriate jokes, I just let the woman pierce me for God’s sake but we have never gotten together. I don’t do girls and you know that.”
“I mean-”
“Listen, I’d do some things for you but threesomes are always and forever out of the question.”
“And no you couldn’t watch either. And neither could another girl. Bring it up again and you won’t see this piercing for more than 8 weeks.”
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abusedapricots · 4 years
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I JUST finished The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes. WOW
I really enjoyed it, though not sure if I’ll feel the same way in a week when the book high has worn off, we’ll have to see.
*UPDATE: its meh, I dont regret reading it but I wouldn't recommend it to a friend. Honestly this book didnt need to be a thing but its not the worst.
I’ll admit, at first I was skeptical. I thought this would be a cash grab returning to an old world with guaranteed readers. I was worried that Panam would feel phony, after 10 years away from the original trilogy I didn't think it would feel real. I was quickly proven wrong. Coriolanus Snow definitely had his own story. The post-war capitol felt real even district 12 felt real. This book surprised me. Though my expectations were low I’m really happy about TBOSAS.
I just quickly typed this up for some unbiased thoughts before I watch/read some reviews. As I'm sure there are lots of typos grammatical errors, and sloppy writing, I'll be back in a week to revise this review once I've let the books simmer.
Spoilers Ahead
I loved Coriolanus’ story. LOVED IT. He was smart, reserved, calculating, only ever giving away what was needed of a situation. Maybe it was the narcissist in me but I loved being in his brain. I liked how this book dealt with the other side of classism. How the once-revered Snows had fallen and Coriolanus need to keep up appearances, refusing to let the snow dynasty die. I like how thought-provoking the three C’s, chaos, control, and contract were. I liked how Coriolanus didn't have hard-set opinions, they changed as he grew. I find that a lot of the times with YA novels characters had a very strict world view of what is good and what is bad. Coriolanus’ view of humanity is never really clear until the end. He teetered on good and bad. Suzanne wrote a great villain, Snow was always able to justify his actions. He says it himself, he’s a capitol boy and he decides to play the game of fame and fortune instead of rising against injustice.
Coriolanus’ Superiority Complex
I think my favorite aspect of the book is how unattached Coriolanus was. Every time Coriolanus had to do anything he always weighed his options. He never rushed to help because it was the right thing to do, he did it to preserve an image. He’s all about his image. In the beginning, when he and Lucy Gray begin their relationship, Coriolanus never felt fully in it. Suzanne Collins writes in a way that obscures his motivations. He would often do and say things that made me believe that Coriolanus was really falling for Lucy Gray but then shortly after Coryo always mentions how he could benefit. He’s ‘love’ for Lucy Gray came from the want of the prize, the full ride to university, to bolster him and his family name, I don't think Coryo ever did anything out of pure intentions. He was never blind with love, he could still clearly see the options in front of him and every move was calculated, always self-serving. This is why him switching up on Lucy Gray wasn't very surprising, he saw a better opportunity and he took it. He never really loved her, he loved what she brought him, fame, attention, a chance at the prize, freedom once he used her up he had no use for her. Sure he was drawn in by her charm but in the end, he never really knew her, he had been too self-involved to ever really get to know people.
I think his lack of attachments was best represented in his unwavering distaste towards Sejanus. While he and Sejanus grew close (even just by proximity) Coryo never failed to look down on him, he never seemed to acknowledge that Senjanus’ worries were valid rather, he brushed them off as Sejanus being a district kid, never worthy of respect. When it came to it he was ruthless in his betrayal. Returning to the capitol and having the Plinths care for him as their own only solidified Snow’s heartlessness. I don’t think Snow was a psychopath, lacking all emotion, I think he definitely could have teetered over to the good side, but his superiority complex kept him from doing so. His classist need to divide and look down upon only grew as he goes on to become president. He has a very us against them mentality, a rich vs poor outlook where if you were born district that's all you'll ever be despite proving otherwise. Call it old fashion or heartless? He even had to convince himself and the capitol that Lucy Gray wasn't ‘truly’ a district kid, much less from district 12. He couldn't bear it, to be into someone from the lowest rung of society. It wasn't he style, not for the exceptional Coriolanus Snow. Funny how during the game when choosing which of the remaining mentors to eat with he thought “cannibal over cutthroat” while he was the most merciless himself.
Thoughts On Lucy Gray
I didn’t think she was anything special. Sure she was that cool, quirky™ girl but I’m not head over heels for her. I wasn't ever super invested in her. This might be because I’m reading in Coriolanus’ head, not seeing her as more than something to be used. I liked that she was nothing like Katniss though.
I liked it when Coryo saw her as a killer. When he had found the guns when his heart decided to kill her then. Lucy Gray knew the future too when she saw the guns, she knew it before Coriolanus knew it. She was smart, maybe reading from Coriolanus’ point of view shrouded her intellect as he refused to see anyone being better than him. He justified killing her by thinking of her as a killer. He altered his thoughts of her arena killings as a must for survival to cold-blooded. He no longer saw her as a ‘Poor Lamb’ but instead the “clever, devious, deadly girl”.
It was a shift for both Coryo and Lucy Gray. This showed that Lucy Gray wasn't without fault, she too could be cunning and ruthless, when need be of course. These few pages of the book were monumental in proving why Coriolanus was a bad person. It allowed the audience to see that everyone had this malice in them yet the majority chose not to listen and do the right thing while Coriolanus lead his life with that voice. He actively chose to do the wrong thing to move up in the world. His behavior was not special to him, his up growing, experience, and hardships didn’t make him an evil person, Coriolanus’ choice to choose evil at every turn to do good made him an evil person. Everyone has this malice in them but the majority chose not to act on it while Coriolanus welcomed it.
For Coriolanus, it showed that in his head, he could justify any action despite how cruel. I think this is where Coryo lost any last bit of humanity. He refused to see the world and its people to be good, to be capable of free thought. He saw the world to be controlled. These few pages were my favorite out of the book, I feel it to be the catalyst of his tyrannical rule. He couldn't trust the girl he “loved”, much less the district people.
Concluding Thoughts
This book made me think about responsibilities to preserve humanity vs our individual need to survive and be successful. If this what it takes to be president then so be it? how can you stop someone's pursuit of success? At what cost is someone's dream. At least we know that Coriolanus knows that the hunger games are wrong, he knows but to him its worth the cost of keeping the district complacent.
I think the cruelty of Dr. Gaul was needed to make Snow seem like a halfway decent person. With the addition of Dr.Gaul, it softened Coryo’s shitty behavior because what Coriolanus thinks and does pale in comparison to what Dr. Gaul thinks and does. Without Dr. Gaul, Coryo would have been the only one with these sick cynical thoughts, amplifying him to be the bad guy. I think it would be interesting to re-read this book while writing off Dr. Gaul’s action just to see just how evil Coriolanus is without the comparison of Dr. Gaul’s cruelties. I wonder if I would still be as understanding towards Coryo and if Dr. Gaul’s character had that large an impact to make Coryo seem not too bad.
Though I am left wondering how Tigris was left in the dust by the end of Mockingjay. It seems unlikely that Coryo would have just left Tigris to fend for herself given how fondly he spoke of the sacrifices she made for him and the family name. I wonder how she ended up with a failing fur undergarments business by Mockingjay. Had Coryo betrayed family? Coriolanus is callous but he still had loyalties, his family, Pluribus. It just doesn't seem like his style to leave the few he actually cared about to fend for themselves while he had the means to help. I mean even as peacekeeper Coryo sent most of his money back home. Maybe Tigris was the one that left Coryo as she was made out to be kind and caring, lacking the grandiose nature Coryo possessed. Also given that Tigris is older than Coryo, and him being a pretty old dying man in Mockingjay I can't seem to see Tigris being alive much less as active as she was in helping Katniss (and crew) in killing Coryo. Maybe it was her capitol surgeries that allowed her aging to slow?
I think its interesting that in the end Coriolanus still saw what he had with Lucy Gray as love. Maybe to him what he had was his version of love, being able to use someone and for them to be used so willingly. I wonder if he knows the difference between the two and what real love looks like. I wonder what he thought of Katniss and Peeta, stupidity? what's the point in being with someone if they dont benefit you?
Some stand out quotes:
“Oh, no. You don’t like it?” he exclaimed. “I can try and bring something else. I can-” Pg. 85. When Coryo brings Lucy Gray the bread pudding Tigris made. Coryo’s care of Lucy Gray’s taste preference was sweet. She hadn't had food in a while, having this bread pudding should the highlight of her day. The fact that Coryo cared that she didn’t like it and was quick to offer something else was very sweet of him. Ugh, image the type of gentleman he could have been if he had been genuine and not so rotten.
I like how Suzanne Collins didn’t try to get the audience to love and sympathize with Coriolanus. Instead, she makes it clear that Coryo activity chose to do the self-serving thing at every turn.
I genuinely really enjoyed this book. Maybe my second favorite out of the entire Hunger Games books (bold ranking!!! but it might change once the magic of being nose deep in a book for 3 days has worn off). I think this book works great as a stand-alone, I wouldn't be afraid to recommend it to those who haven't read the trilogy.
UPDATE* woah my post book high is bad. DEFINITELY NOT second favorite??? HUHH?? what was I saying? what was I thinking?? (my deep seeded resentment towards mockingjay is showing) this book in no way supersedes any of the trilogies, yes including mockingjay 😒.
I’m not gonna lie, I did start developing a crush on Coryo in the beginning. Him being so smart and driven, so gentlemanly, caring about the little things like handkerchiefs SWOON. Buuuuut he quickly became an ass.
I said that the title “The Ballad of Songbird and Snakes” was a ripoff of “A Song of Ice and Fire” before reading the book. I thought Miss Collins just wanted a super sick book name but as I have finished the book, I would like to formally apologize and retract my statement. The title does fit this book.
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raulsparza · 5 years
Moby Dick: A Musical Reckoning: 1.2.2020 ~Thoughts~
Alright so I loved it. There were parts I felt unsure about throughout, and there are parts I would alter or cut, but it felt like a malloysical and I was captivated the entire time. I was a little worried it would drag because 3 ½ hours is a good hour longer than any other show I’ve seen but it definitely didn’t. I would have happily sat in that theater for another two hours. Unfortunately, my biggest gripe was with the microphones. I feel like I missed a fair amount of what the cast was saying and I’m glad I had my knowledge from reading the book to fall back on.
Bullet point thoughts for each part under the cut, because this became too long 
-        Opening with the Jonah and the whale story rocks. We are all in the belly of the whale. Made the audience part of the show immediately. Let’s get on the Pequod together why don’t we.
-        Manik Choksi stepped onstage, wearing a baggy water-splashed jacket, and I was hooked. He was the perfect Ishmael and I had that thought no less than 30 times throughout the show. Perfect casting. Perfect man.
-        First we got a little introduction into the history of the theater and the book itself. The show broke the fourth wall often, critiquing both Herman Melville’s writing and the state of the world as it stands today. Sometimes this felt a little on-the-nose (my friend reflected she would have liked more show-don’t-tell tactics) but it’s also an interesting way to be a critical consumer of media while still enjoying the original story. The Melville bust and the physical book Moby Dick were both on stage the entire show.
Part 1:
-        And then, “Call me Ishmael” – chills. It’s a damp drizzly November in his soul and we are heading off to sea.
-        Starbuck, Stubb, and Flask had this wonderful repeating joke where each of them had to say the other two names any time they all interacted and it was good fun. Each shipmate got introduced, perhaps a little quickly but they all did develop further later. Queequeg even said he would get his own song in a bit.
-        Queequeg’s own song really did not work for me. It was a bit too campy. It followed Ishmael’s strong desire to not share a bed with a cannibal in the book, but it was still goofy. I keep going back and forth on how goofy I am comfortable with the first half of the show being, to really contrast it with the darker later half, but this song was a bit much for me. It ended with some great cuddling, and I would have liked some quiet dialogue between Ishmael and Queequeg while they were holding each other in bed.
-        Tom Nelis as Ahab KILLED IT. (well the show, not the whale). He looked like an absolute corpse of a man in respectable captain garb. The physical acting he did to walk and sit with his ivory leg was astounding.
-        I honestly just really loved the casting for this show. I could make a separate point for everyone. But Starr Busby as Starbuck really needs her own point. She was commanding and human and torn and excellent.
-        DEATH TO MOBY DICK! Intense green lights and music as Ahab touched the lances and then poured shots into the harpoons. It was exciting! It was only border-line concerning. We are descending, but we have not yet descended.
Five minute pause:
-        Manik made eye contact with me
-        He picked volunteers for part 2. I was not picked to be a volunteer but he sure did pick the guy right next to me and told him he could “tell your friend all about it!” so Manik also talked about me
Part 2:
-        Audience volunteers were ushered onto the stage and adorned in red ponchos as they were warned of a splash zone.
-        Cetology was perfect. I unironically enjoyed this notoriously terrible book chapter so you bet your ass I shared Ishmael’s child-like excitement as he named all the whales that cast members brought out in puppet-form. This song could have been longer. It could have been much longer. It became a running joke to cut Ishmael off when he was about to go on a tangent and I just want to live in a world where Manik is given the time and space to infodump eight hours of whale anatomy to me and me alone.
-        Then four little boats on wheels came up out of the stage and the audience volunteers were each rounded up by a cast member and put in a boat. This took a bit of time (honestly, as fun as the volunteers are, I could see this being where the show would be shortened first) but I had a stupid grin on my face the whole time and the boats went around the stage, commanded by the crew with harpoons at the ready.
-        Stubb killed a whale and the use of puppetry here was my favorite in the show. A whale made of crumpled plastic water bottles was brought to center stage and took it’s last shuddering breaths. Someone crouched inside the puppet to make it breathe shallow and raspy, and to spray some ‘blood’ in the direction of the audience volunteers.
-        Fedallah broke the fourth wall and gave a wonderful critique of the Melville’s inability to give this character any depth. Again, this teetered between good exploration and on-the-nose preaching for me. It’s clear we are not just watching a Moby Dick adaptation, but we are also part of an important literary critique. Would all of the critique have been better off in the prologue, or is it useful to interrupt the flow of the story for this sort of discussion? I’m still not sure. The more I think about it, the more I liked it woven in the story because it’s reflective of how we end up consuming media, but it caught me off guard at first because it’s unusual in a setting where characters are delivering a story. Again, maybe that’s a good thing.
-        The whale as a dish was stupidly fun. Lots of props for whale parts and buckets of blood and a very enthusiastic Stubb. Kalyn West was bouncy and limber and was very adept at dealing with her pipe the whole time. Another example of a goofy song to contrast the darkness later. I enjoyed it a lot.
-        Cast and volunteers then all sat in a circle around the stage and squeezed some sperm. Queequeg waved Ishmael over to sit next to him and they shot each other cute glances during the song.
-        The Pequod met the Bachelor and the sailors danced on the platform right next to me. Dawn Troupe shook my hand at the end of it bless
-        Tashtego and Daggoo sat up in the crow’s nest and interpreted whale song. Some of their dialogue felt stilted but Tash had a beautiful song.
-        Starbuck confronting Ahab and then Ahab pulling a gun on Starbuck…INTENSE. Man, Starbuck really shined for me here.
-        Shout out to the crew members that have to mop up whale blood for this 15 minute chunk of time
Part 3:
-        We’re in Pip hours babey. Maybe I would have liked Pip’s character to have been developed more before this part. It was developed retrospectively throughout part 3 but some sprinkling of Pip in 1 and 2 could have worked for me.
-        I’ve seen better analyses of tambourine than I could write rn so I’m not gonna get too deep into it. But, I agree that the race elements could have been handled different? Better? Get Dave a co-writer maybe? The thing about gender was odd to me. I’m also curious about the cast’s thoughts on this one. I ALSO agree that this song slaps. It’s been the one most consistently stuck in my head. And Morgan Siobhan Green’s acting/dancing/writhing really stood out to me.
-        Loved Pip in the whaleboat while the rest of the cast billowed a big blue sheet in the middle of the stage. The song about Pip being left behind in the water was haunting.
Part 4:
-        Part 4 was by far my favorite. Holy shit. This part felt the most uniform and really solidified the show for me as Good Theater. If there was a way to preserve some of the goofiness from part 2 but also develop the characters throughout in the way they were treated in part 4, that would be ideal. Like I REALLY loved part 4.
-        Got some good Queequeg and Ishamel moments here. I am disappointed their relationship wasn’t highlighted even more. Other than their songs, they held hands center stage together at one point (during Fedallah’s prophecy I think?). Which like, fine, but also Melville married them so that could have happened too.
-        “No one grew into anything new, we just became the worst of what we were.” Well dAMN. Excellent summation of the story right there. Ishmael kept repeating this haunting line, and then it kept repeating in my head till the end. Perfect.
-        Sextet rocked so hard everyone had a different conflict they were working out and different musical themes and Starbuck shined because Starbuck shined the whole time but wow I loved it. Ahab is all focused on a new leg and harpoon, meanwhile Queequeg is sick and only Ishmael is helping him. And Stubb and Flash hanging off the crow’s nest saying in dissonant unison “shall we lower Mr. Starbuck” really highlighted Starbuck’s great desire to not lower. *Chef’s kiss*
-        And y’all. When they chased Moby Dick. Three ropes came out of the front of the stage that they all pulled on and big BRIGHT lights (think Anatole in great comet) shown into the audience. There was slow motion rope pulling as the cast swayed and struggled. It was so visually beautiful and it worked so well.
-        And then I wanted to hug Ishmael but I want to do that a lot.
Bottom line, this was not a favorite of mine and I think it still needs some restructuring and rewriting to really be coherent and final, but I enjoyed it a lot. The pit and crew and cast and design team all worked incredibly hard. This must have been a marathon for the performers! I have a lot more thoughts that are still developing, which I also like. I want to leave a theater and continuing thinking about the show. I’m excited to see how this musical reckoning might change over time.
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thegoldofyourheart · 5 years
The Gold of Your Heart Chapter 26
Word count: 2575
Pairings: Romantic Roceit
Warnings: Talk of cannibalism, slight body horror 
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Roman had gone insane. Then again, Tony corrected himself, Roman would have to have been sane in the first place to go insane. Thinking about it in that sense meant Tony only had himself to blame for this predicament. Which was in a sense, fair, not that he would ever admit it out loud to anyone. Maybe Thomas if he needed to but on the other hand Tony would prefer if everything about this situation died in a deep dark hole.
He picked up his pace to try and keep up with Roman’s quick strides through the halls.
“You do realize,” he said dryly, “That your plan to find Apathy requires that you first find Apathy.”
“Bah!” Roman waved him off, and Tony fought down an amused grin. “Trust! That is what you lack! Trust in my brilliance and how it will pay off! I can make a way to track down Apathy wherever the villain goes! All it will take is a little blood!”
“Yeah,” Tony agreed, fingers twitching with the urge to prod at Roman’s side. They weren't like that. They weren’t friends. “Except, again, to get blood from Apathy you have to first find Apathy.”
“Simple!” Roman throw his hands in the air and paused at the crossroads they came too. “We need bait! My fabulous face should be enough. He will be like a moth attracted to my flame and light!”
“Meaning if we do manage to defeat Apathy when we find him, your brilliant idea won’t be needed?”
Roman’s footsteps faltered.
“Ah, yes, well-”
“We could consider the bait as your brilliant idea,” Tony mused, throwing him a bone. Roman perked up, almost like a puppy given a treat, and Tony wondered what Roman would look like with ears and a tail. It would be nice not to be the only one slightly inhumane. 
“Of course!” Roman sniffed and reached out to shove him in the arm. Tony kept his surprise carefully internal at the easy, casual way that Roman touched him. Of course, Roman had been like that with Tony as a snake too. It had been easy to write off as him being considered a Construct, but now Tony wondered if Roman was like that with everyone.
He thought about the way that Roman treated Virgil and changed his mind. Maybe this was how the older, accepting Roman treated people. He was so desperate to do things right after all Swinging back and forth based off what other people told him was best. Thomas’ dreams, Patton’s directions, Logan’s advice. He had hated Virgil with a fiery passion because he had felt he was supposed to.
Tony had spent years telling Roman that he wasn’t a bad guy. Only now was it taking root against the other’s words, because they hadn’t been right about Virgil either. Tony scowled into the distance. No, they had been right about Anxiety, but then Anxiety became Virgil.
Like how he had become Tony.
He was never letting Virgil know what had happened. Ever. He’d never hear the end of it, and that would be the best possible outcome to that situation.
“All of my ideas are brilliant!” Roman turned down a different corner, and Tony began to doubt that he had an actual destination in mind. Of course, playing bait would mean that they had to be visible and loud. Wandering around Thomas’ mind would accomplish one of those things. Which meant they needed to be loud.
“All of them? No exceptions?” Tony mused aloud, “I’m sure we could find one or two lumps of coal in the shining diamonds of your mind.”
Roman’s face twitched. Tony fought down another urge to reach out and touch. Distance. They had a distance between them that he needed to remember. He couldn’t fall into the habits he had formed as a snake. No one minded a full snake touching them, or at least no one in Thomas’ mind. Everyone minded a monster like him touching without permission.
“I’m not sure if I should take that as a compliment or an insult,” Roman shoved a finger in Tony’s direction. Tony stared at it, and very carefully did not snap at it. “Cease with your games fiend!” Roman’s hand reach towards the ceiling. “I will come out on top in the end!”
“Like how you came out on top in the discussion with Virgil about Disney.”
“Silence!” Roman’s voice boomed out across the hallway and Tony couldn’t stop the chuckle that came from the back of his throat. Then again, he couldn’t seem to stop a lot around Roman lately. He almost felt lighter than he ever had. He’d have called it comfort if it weren’t for the threat of Apathy hanging over their heads.
“But if I’m silent how shall I ever talk about the gems that your mind holds?” Tony’s grin grew as Roman wavered. “Like the idea that  Dory is faking her memory loss in order to have an advantage in survival.”
Tony hummed under his breath as he waited for Roman to make the connection. He doubted that the idea was true, but well, there was a sort of fun in lies winding someone else up. False information could be used to entertain as Roman no doubt knew. The screech that drowned out all other noise filled Tony with triumph.
“How dare-!” Roman’s arms flew through the air as he pulled to an abrupt stop. Tony leaned back against the wall to watch the show. “She- you- Finding Nemo-!” Roman breathed out harshly and narrowed his eyes at Deceit. “How dare you insult such a wondrous movie!”
“Have you ever looked up what short term memory loss entails?” Tony asked. He rather wanted to know. Logan might have but Tony doubted that Roman had looked into.
“No! But she had no reason to trick them!”
Tony stretched his fingers out, studying he ends of his gloves. They didn’t need to be replaced quite yet, but maybe soon. He had a few extra pairs in his closet. The silence wound Roman up even further and Tony smirked.
“They would have helped her anyways!”
“She had no way of knowing that!”
Roman’s hands sliced through the air in wild patterns. Tony wondered if he ever tried painting like that. Then again, abstract seemed more Remus’ thing. Roman would want it to be perfect and nothing abstract would fit into his definition of perfection. He’d rather copy all the great artists to find inspiration rather than let his feelings out. Tony hummed to himself and wondered if the other Sides had caught on to that yet.
“I- you-” Roman growled. He paced the hallway in front of Tony and ran a hand through his hair. “She agreed to help them out! She spent so long looking for her parents!”
“Survival,” Tony repeated, his voice liting into almost song.
“You can’t use that as your answer for everything!” Roman sounded like a meteor storm. Bright and loud and eye catching. Beautiful and deadly. Tony shook his head.
“Sure I can,” he pushed off of the wall and wandered down the hall. Baiting Apathy meant making sure that they spread their noise everywhere. They just had to be careful near the Mind Palace but Tony doubted Apathy would go there. Trying to face all four Sides would be suicide after all.
“I can use it to explain Wall-E too,” Tony called over his shoulder. Roman’s footsteps hurried behind him and Tony grinned into the distance. Honestly, if he were willing to think positively about Virgil he’d agree about the fact that winding Roman up like a top was the most entertainment he had in years.
Only Virgil wouldn't be about the winding up, or even agree that it was fun. Virgil would be too panicked about upsetting Roman to have fun with it. He argued because he disagreed. He insulted because he hated. Tony shook his head and took a sharp turn.
“Fiend!” Tony focused on Roman’s voice instead of his bitter thoughts. Anxiety was in the past. Creativity the present. “Don’t you dare ruin the foundations of Thomas’ childhood!”
“I wouldn’t be ruining it,” Tony said mildly, “Just explaining where they got all the food they ate in the movie.”
“Greenhouses!” Roman screeched, coming up to his side and looking fit to tear his hair out. “They had greenhouses that grew the plants!”
“But they didn’t know what plants looked like.”
“Don’t you dare! Fiend! Villain! Childhood ruiner!”
“Creative,” Tony hummed and adjusted his hat, bracing himself for what would come next. He spoke over Roman’s offended noise. “But if they don’t know what plants look like they had to have been using something else. There was only one other viable option on that ship-”
“I swear to all things we find holy-” Tony cackled as he dashed out of the way of Roman’s lunge. His cape fluttered just out of Roman’s reach, brushing against his fingertips. “-if you finish that sentence-”
“-is the passengers!” Tony shouted as he broke out into a run. “They had to have eaten-”
“Deceit! Stop!” Tony stuck his tongue out at Roman, “No really-!” 
The world tilted violently and Tony blinked the stars out of his eyes. Ah yes, there was a wall there. His hand brushed against the ground as he reached around to find his hat. He laid back and meet Roman’s concerned eyes. He took a deep breath and smirked at Roman before he could voice his question. Tony knew what he’d ask and he really didn’t want to know what would come out of his mouth if Roman asked if he was alright.
“I haven’t even started on Toy Story,” he said breathlessly, and the concern fled from Roman’s eyes as offence returned. Tony rolled out of the way of Roman’s tackle with a laugh. Roman’s hand clamped around his ankle and dragged him back.
“Oh no you don’t,” Roman growled. Tony kicked out of his grip and scrambled to his feet. Roman lunged at him again, colliding with his side. They rolled across the ground together until Roman straddled him triumphantly, grinning above him. “You’re dark conspiracy days are over Phantom of the Soap-opera!”
“Oh really?” Tony smirked, hooking his leg around Roman’s warm calf. His hands snapped out to grab Roman’s shoulders and with a heave, he rolled them over until he was the one on top. “And pray tell, how are you going to manage that?” he asked as he pinned Roman’s wrists to the floor. 
Their chests pressed together, his cape fanning out around them. Tony could feel Roman trying to hold back desperate giggles as he fought down a smile of his own. Roman’s legs kicked out, struggling against his hold but Tony held his ground. He smirked down at Roman’s flushed face.
“Simple,” Roman said breathlessly. “Apathy’s right there.”
Tony threw himself off of Roman and whirled around. His heart jumped to his throat and his fingers curled into claws instinctively. Apathy would get to Roman over his dead body. Thomas could get by without Deception; Creativity and Passion were needed so much more than him. His eyes scanned the empty hallway and he blinked slowly.
Roman’s giggled broke out into full on laughter.
“Oh my god,” Roman gasped out, “You should have seen your face!”
Tony pressed his lips together.
“Glad to see you taking this so seriously,” he growled out. He smoothed out his clothes. Frustration beat at the edges of his senses. Not at Roman, but at himself. He had let himself get distracted. Running around the halls like they had with Apathy on the loose was the height of stupidity. They wouldn’t have noticed Apathy until he was right on top of them.
He gritted his teeth and stalked down the hall. He could hear Roman scrambling to his feet behind him. Hurried footsteps didn’t slow Tony down at all.
“Wait, wait, wait!” Roman’s hand wrapped around his wrist. Tony yanked his hand away from the soft touch and tugged his sleeve down. It did nothing to help the pleasant tingles against his skin. He didn’t turn to look at Roman, but stopped where he was. 
“I’m sorry,” Roman said softly, “It was just a joke.”
“Oh, yeah, great joke.”
Tony glanced at the frown pulling at Roman’s face and looked away again. His hands curled into fists and he bit down on his tongue. Would it be better for Roman to know how dangerous this was? Would he even get it or would he assume that it wasn’t that bad no matter what Tony claimed?
“There’s no way he can be that dangerous,” Roman protested, and Tony scowled at the far wall. Roman’s voice grew insistent, “No way. Come on. we’ve got my fabulous and amazing self to start off with, and then we have your brilliance and illusions. There’s no way he’ll be able to top the two of us teaming up.”
“We did technically win the trial against the others,” Tony said slowly.
“We did!” Roman hesitated. “Is that a good example? I feel like that’s not a good example.”
Tony waved a hand through the air. Real Roman sounded a lot like his Head Roman. Concerned with right and wrong based off what Patton told him. Tony could push him to something more loose when it came to morals, but having someone to remind him when to back off a bit could be useful. 
“It’s a fine example,” Tony said. He leaned in a bit closer to Roman, not quite touching. He took a deep breath. Roman had a point though. They would do better together than alone. Tony had been the one to suggest a team up. He reached out hesitantly to press his hand against Roman’s arm.
“It’s fine, Roman, don’t worry about-”
His fingers tingled as they passed through Roman’s arm. It lasted a fraction of a second, enough that Tony almost thought he imagined it. The stricken look on Roman’s face said otherwise. Tony felt his eyes widen. The feeling like he had stuck his hand in a socket faded, the horror in Roman’s eyes didn’t.
“Roman,” he breathed, an understanding curling around his heart. Of course Apathy held such power. Passion was dying.
Roman took a step back, shaking his head. Tony reached out again, question on his lips, about when it had gotten this bad, about what Roman needed, about how long Roman had left. Roman spun on his heels and dashed down the hallways. Tony let his hand drop and tugged his hat over his eyes. 
It all added up. Roman lacked confidence. Without confidence, he couldn’t create as much as he used too. Passion would shrivel up without the inspiration, and with the way Thomas kept putting off his dreams. Tony gritted his teeth. Now with Apathy on the loose, Roman was being attacked on all sides. His physical form literally couldn’t keep up. He was starting to unravel. Literally.
No wonder Remy wanted Roman to talk to the others. A boost in confidence was needed. Desperately. Tony just didn’t know if the others could provide it at the moment. He let out a slow breath, eyes on the corner that Roman had disappeared around.
He needed to change his plans. Now. If Roman Unraveled completely it wouldn’t matter if Apathy was caught. 
Passion would be gone anyways.
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