#I honestly did not know how to respond to this outside of screaming into the night like a bat
augment-techs · 1 year
“You know how it’s fall? At least I’m hoping the postman delivers it while it’s still fall, There are these really beautiful maple leaves that are falling all around, and somehow, somehow, just like the golden glow of the sunset, they remind me of you. They remind me of all the days you walk me home, of all the times you and I spend just walking through the woods, hand in hand.
I could live forever in your smile, make a home in your dimples. I see you playing your piano, and suddenly my heart wants to sing in tune with the notes you play.
You and I, aren’t we like piano keys? Major and minor, sharp and soft, blue and orange? You’re the sunset before my nightfall, you’re also the dawn that follows.
Even the laws of thermodynamics would place you and me together, because we’re meant to be.
I know I say this every time I write, but I’m sorry. I’m sorry I hurt you so, I’m sorry I broke you, I’m sorry for everything I ever did to you. The truth is, I can never make up for what I did; if only I could go back in time, turn it back, bring you with me, never let you go, I would.
When I was transported to another dimension, and found out I was no more, in that world, my first thought was of you. I’ve never told this to anyone, not even my friends, but the only one that came to my mind, was you. How you were in that universe. Were you with me? Or were you apart?
I never thought you and I would ever end up this way. Things went so wrong, somewhere, but I’m glad you reached out. I’m glad Bulk didn’t break me in half when he found out I still loved you.
Truth is, I never stopped loving you. You were my first, you’re going to be my last.
I cant imagine being anywhere else, where you are not— no home would be would be warm enough, no house could compare, if you’re not here to share the warmth with me.
We’re getting older, life is changing, and so is everything else, but you and I, let’s never change?”
One of the many many letters to Skull, sent by Billy~ //enclosed, a maple leaf, and a couple of candid Polaroids Kim took from her camera of the two of them//
"...Not okay." Billy blinked up from his warm spot in their shared bed, squinting blurry at Skull's back and the dried leaf the pianist was spinning around quietly as he stared down at the letter in his lap. A little spike of shame raked through Billy's ribs when the blond recognized the note as he lifted up to settle his chin over Skull's shoulder, wrap arms around his middle, and tuck his knees on either side of his hips. He tried not to pay attention to the slight chill coming off of Skull's bare arms that spoke volumes about how long the man had been sitting in the moonlight--so bright in the winter months, reflecting off the snow and amplifying everything it touched--without Billy noticing. "What's not okay, sweetheart?" "That other me you talked about here. I think..." He reached up to needle and loops fingers into Billy's own, chewing his lip as he breathed out and back in. The white of his breath almost made Billy pull him back under the blankets, but then Skull continued and Billy went so still and silent from the shock. "I think if I were them, at the end of the day, I would have done everything to make things easier for everyone else until things got better, but I don't think I would have wanted to go on. I can't even imagine a life without you in it, somehow. I think he's probably dead, even if he's still walking around." Billy did not have an answer to that. All of his breath was wadded up in his throat, not quite choking him, but so still that it was almost impossible to think he would be able to exhale. But Eugene turned around and brought them both under the covers, pressing the note onto the side table with the leaf and wrapped Billy up like something precious and immortal and only for him. All ragged smile and crows feet at the side of his eyes and he blew a warm breath over Billy's face in that way that he always had since they were very small. It tickled and got Billy breathing again and he understood the next bit, right down deep in his bones. "Makes me glad we're here."
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crazy-only · 3 months
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meeting max's special cat ! (fluff)
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pairing: max x reader
premise: you meet a cat that seems to have a name ? or perhaps it doesn’t ? in the end you ruffle max’s feathers asking about her ! (super pg and cute)
preface: omg wrote this in the middle of the night because my brain wouldn’t let me sleep without getting this scenario out ! honestly happy i did because i think it’s super cute <3 posting this in celebration of max winning the sprint race today in austria !!
what color cat energy do you think max gives off ?
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“yep. these are my cats,” max says with a proud smile on his face.
“ah!! they’re so cute, max!” you practically scream, scaring the majority of the furry creatures away. a bit sad, you pout.
“damn it! how do i always manage to scare animals away? i love interacting with them.” you sit down, hiding your head in your arms.
max laughs, patting your back lightly, careful not to scare you.
“oh, look!” max says, pointing at an orange cat. “look, y/n, she’s not scared of you!”
you look up to find a cute feline licking its paws, obviously disinterested in the current situation, nor the stranger in front of her.
“yay!” you clap, excited. “what’s her name? she’s so cute!”
max’s mouth purses. “um, her name—“ he scratches the back of his head, racking his head. “um, her name is, uh.”
you can’t help but laugh as max’s mouth opens and closes like a fish outside of water. “don’t tell me you forgot your cat’s name?!”
“oh, kayla!” max states rather abruptly, avoiding eye contact with you. “her name is kayla.”
you smile at max, saying, “good job” (to which he blushes), then shift your attention to the cat. “hi kayla!”
except, the cat doesn’t react.
“uh, kayla?” you try again, head cocking at the animal who merely inspects her claws rather pompously.
max laughs nervously. “yeah, cats are just like that.” he rakes a hand through his hair. “don’t worry, y/n, it’s not you.”
suddenly, the cat looks up at max, stepping towards him, stretching its long back along the way.
you frown, gears churning in your head as you try to understand why the cat responded to him instead of you.
an idea pops into your head, an unlikely one, but nevertheless you try it.
“y/n,” you say aloud.
and, with your mouth gaped open, similar to max’s earlier state, you watch as the orange cat escapes max’s frantic pets and goes to rub its head against your ankle.
“max,” you murmur in disbelief while petting the cat, “you have some explaining to do.”
while the cat purrs, max audibly gulps. “um, yeah, it just kind of, um, happened by chance you know.”
he wrung his hands together, and you held in your laughs. you’ve never actually seen your friend this nervous before, but he was so adorable you just couldn’t help yourself but let him ramble.
“—you know, if it makes you feel better i adopted her after—shit—i mean i adopted her before i met you, so uh, technically you’re the one who stole her name—“
you nod your head, slowly inching towards max as his face just gets redder.
“what else, max?” you murmur into his ear, letting your head rest on top of his muscular shoulder. “anything else i should know?”
“yes!” he lets out, scaring the poor orange cat away. “i like you and i named a fucking cat after you because sometimes i miss you and i know it’s pathetic but i can’t help it so please forgi—“
but before max could continue, you slid to face him on the floor and placed a finger on his quivering lips. “baby, i like you too.”
you smile at his shocked reaction, dropping your finger and kissing his cheek gently. “that’s all you had to say.”
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extra: max looking like a snack cat =^_^=
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natewriteslol · 3 months
Hiii! I read your works alot because it's one of the active twst writers I see (I'm a dead writer myself LMAO)
Savanaclaw, riddle and Azul with a reader who's cheery and often bouncing with optimism that always has the mind boggling stories to tell. What do you mean that they literally man handed a lion because it won't stop messing around? What do you mean they were in a pit full of scorpions because they accidentally rolled down a hill? What do you mean they literally escaped a real decapitation (hinting towards Riddle LMAO) because he put one spoon full of herbs instead of a teaspoon? Like— they could go on forever! And the thing is, they have evidence of it.
Thank youuu 🫶🫶🫶🫶
A/N: Thank u so much I've been trying to stay on top of writing but it can get so hard!! But I really do try to keep this fandom alive w some goodies, anyways I'll stop yapping heres
Savanaclaw, Azul, and Riddle with a cheery, adventurous Reader!
He didn't exactly always question your storytelling before he got to get to know you as he would rather spend time sleeping. But it seemed like literally everyone was captivated by your latest entertaining experience.
As you guys' relationship grew, it got to the point where he couldn't ignore you dropping an insane piece of lore about yourself.
"Yeah, I was accidentally poisoned before-"
"What did you just say-"
"It's okay though, the gnome did apologize and I got my stomach pumped but everything is all good!"
He makes sure to keep an eye out on you, and honestly your stories are the main thing that keep him awake during the day especially because they're real. And although it may seem he's nonchalant when you message him about where you're at, Leona always makes sure to respond as he does care.
As your first friend at NRC and protector kinda, he would get paranoid when you would sometimes disappear. However at first Jack believed you were an independent person, and wasn't up to any nefarious activity.
Until you came back with a gorgon head in a brown sack where he was studying in the autobiography section in the library talking about that you accidentally defeated it.
He screamed in terror upon seeing the thing, causing for him to be shushed completely by offended students. But he could not care less due to the sliced head within the sack, however he quickly took you both outside and you being you didn't exactly see the problem in this situation.
Once you where in an open area near NRC's well he began to question you.
"Why-? A-And how? Why are you like this, do you know how much danger you were in?!"
"To answer all your questions in order, 1. I got lost and she had a huge problem with me, 2. I got scared and ran with my eyes closed with the sword and BOOM, just clean off, and yes I know I was in a lot of danger and I'm very sorry for not responding to your calls."
He was way too scared for both you and himself to respond and learned his lesson to keep an eye on you more.
Ruggie always told you that he was a "see it to believe it" type person and he was never really believing your wild tales you would tell even if you came back with a little souvenir. He always just assumed you were pulling his leg for a bit.
Until he texted you one day over Magicam, since it was a slow day at the Savannaclaw dorm. Only for you to reply with a video, making him click on it not knowing what he should expect.
Queue you to being in an extremely angry dragon's mouth,
"Hey Ruuggieee! I'll get back to you later since I'm in a pickle right now, but I promise I'll call you when I'm done!"
He nearly passed out upon the sight because what in all of the sevens' names doing inside of that deadly beast. The beast man ended up walking to Ignihyde to possibly get Idia to track your location based on your I.P address, only for his phone to ring just as he was about to blab about what happened.
It was you!
He quickly picked up his phone to hear your excited voice blaring on the phone, "I told you I would call you back! Anyways, come over to my house I have something to show you."
You ended up bringing home a dragon's tooth and treasure and while Ruggie was overjoyed, he reprimanded you for being irresponsible.
But he wouldn't mind it too much if you brought back goodies like this just make sure to let him know so he could tag along.
You were running late to a meeting about mending a contract between students he scammed. Since you know him quite well and is a good friend of his, the students thought your kind hearted nature could persuade him out of binding them to the Monstro Lounge for an entire semester.
He written in a small font on the contract that if you were over 15 minutes late, you would be unable to host this meeting and the deal would be off completely. The white haired boy glanced at the clock as the time ticked and he would have his own free work force.
Until you had to come 30 seconds from it being called off completely out of breath.
"Sorry Azul! But I got you a little present from the desert," you said dropping down in your seat and digging through this brown sack.
The ancient golden scarab of the Hot Sands.
"Is that-"
"The golden scarab included with the jewel eyes? Yup and I did it all by myself!" You said, extremely proud of yourself.
"Do you understand the value of what you have in your hand? And what were you doing all the way out there by yourself I just talked to you a day ago and that is damn near a 5 day journey?"
"I did this since I did the calculations and about an 1/4 of the wages that the students owe you is in the value of this jewel bug here. So if I split the riches with you, will you let them go?"
You did all of this for some measly students you knew in passing? How could you jeopardize yourself like that?
But he at the same time, respected you greatly and for your trouble and kind heart.
However, he told you to not go anywhere without telling him.
And no of course it's not because he cares about you and was scared once you told him where you went...of course not...
Is the first person who noticed you were gone because he likes to keep tabs on his friends. He didn't know what to expect but the red head just believed you were busy.
So, Riddle decided to shoot you a text as everyone was hanging out in the Heartslabyul dorm and he really wanted to see you.
'Good afternoon, Y/N please feel free to stop by the Heartslabyul dorm. Your company is very appreciated :)'
You quickly texted back, 'Hey Riddle! I'm gonna swing by with a surprise ;D'
He smiled at his phone, unknowing as to what you were going to bring by. Thinking you might bring by muffins or a sweet treat as such.
Not the sword of Excalibur.
You opened the door, bursting in loudly with the enormous sword slung on your back as Grim carried two sacks of gold. Everyone was completely flabbergasted, as the sword had been known to be a mythological thing not yet proven like the fountain of youth.
But there it was on your back as you grinned.
Turned out you picked up your first job at an exploration company and they sent you on a death wish mission to get this damn sword. And in contrary to what everyone believed would be the outcome, you succeeded and retrieved the artifact.
Unfortunately for you, you ended up being scolded for about two hours straight for being completely irresponsible by Riddle with some chime ins from your friends.
He admired your intense tenacity and bravery, but Riddle was super worried about you whenever you take on a quest. He forced you to have a partner whenever you go on missions and call him every time you reached an important point to make sure you were alive and safe.
"So... you really do care about me-"
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writerslittlelibrary · 8 months
So, I'm not a prisoner? part 2
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masterlist part 1 part 2 part 3 extra
summary: you did not expect that your mission to take down the traitor, could end in such a difficult situation for you…
pairing: Natasha x Red Room teen reader
warnings: like, one swear word 
genre: fluff, angst
words: 2554
a/n: I apologise if this chapter isn’t the best. I’m in a bit of a depression slum so I’m not really motivated to do anything right now. I might come back later and fix this chapter a bit
You do not have my permission to repost, copy or translate my work
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After leaving the apartment, you immediately noticed the SHIELD agents piled up outside. They must have been listening to your conversation. 
Natasha led you towards a SHIELD car, opening the door for you, allowing you to get in. She got in the drivers seat, and followed by about a dozen other SHIELD trucks, she drove towards an airport nearby. 
The Quinjet was waiting at the airport, Clint Barton apparently inside of it. 
“I know this must be very overwhelming for you,” Natasha spoke, glancing towards you before focusing on the road again. 
You stayed quiet, instead staring out the window as you watched all objects blur. 
“I promise you we are going to help you,” Natasha affirmed. You turned your head, looking at her. 
“You can’t honestly sit there and tell me you are certain they won’t lock me away the moment I set foot in there,” you stated, and Natasha looked at you, giving you a sad smile. 
“I promise you, I will do everything in my power to make sure you won’t be locked away,” Natasha started, focusing back on the road and taking a deep breath. 
“How can you be so sure?” you asked. 
“I’ll think of something. I can put you under my supervision. I can lock you in a room and make sure you can leave it with me. Anything. I will come up with anything,” Natasha assured you. You didn’t want to believe her. You didn’t believe her, yet for some reason, whether it was her tone or the way that she spoke, you couldn’t help but deep down, believe her, even just a little. 
You sighed and looked back out the window, wanting nothing but to wake up from this nightmare. 
Yet then again, if this were a nightmare, wouldn’t you just wake up in your old one?
Your mind was a mess, and you could hear all the voices in your head scream at you. You saw Madame B every time you closed your eyes, just yelling at you. Telling you what a screw-up you were. Telling you all the ways that you failed them.
You always hated Natasha Romanoff for being a traitor, but now you met her, and you couldn’t help but think that maybe you were wrong. 
And even if you weren’t, you were now officially a traitor as well. 
You wanted to make Dreykov proud. That’s what you were supposed to do, right? If you made him proud, you’d get rewarded. You were the pride jewel. He loved you, didn’t he? He cared about you. You weren’t some disposable Widow. You knew that. But, then again, he was the one that told you that. And could he really be trusted? 
You groaned slightly, rubbing your temple with your right hand and you closed your eyes. 
“Everything okay?” Natasha asked, giving you a concerned glance. 
“I’m fine,” you bit back quickly, hating to look weak. Natasha didn’t take you response as hurtful. She knew you weren’t actively trying to hurt her. She understood the way you were raised, and she’d be damned if she, or anyone else, would ever misunderstand you. 
The drive to the airport didn’t take long, and soon enough you could spot the Quinjet from the car. 
“You brought the Avengers superjet…?” you asked, and Natasha gave you a small smile as she nodded. “That’s not exactly subtle…” you told her, yet Natasha just shrugged. 
“It’s fast,” she responded, driving the car as close as she could get it to the Quinjet. Once she stopped the car, she got out, walking over to your side and opening the door for you. You didn’t acknowledge it as you got out, immediately noticing the other SHIELD trucks that were parked closely. 
Some agents stood outside their cars, their hand on their weapon as they watched you. 
You noticed a woman walking towards you, and you took a step back when you decided she was way to close. 
The woman didn’t acknowledge your defensive attitude, instead holding up a pair of handcuffs and reaching for your hands. 
You pulled your hands back, and before the woman could say anything, Natasha had noticed what was going on, stepping in front of you and stopping the woman. 
“What are you doing?” Natasha asked, despite the fact it was obvious. 
“It’s protocol,” the woman claimed, yet when she tried to step towards you again, Natasha stopped her. 
“She came willingly,” Natasha stated, but the woman just shook her head. 
You noticed neither of them were going to give up, and quite honestly you just wanted to get rid of the woman. And so, you took a step forward, holding up your hands to the woman, giving her an expecting look. 
Natasha looked a bit shocked, yet didn’t take long to place her hand on your arm. 
“You really don’t have to,” she stated, but you interrupted her. 
“It’s fine. Let’s just go,” you stated, and the woman nodded as she made quick work of handcuffing you. 
After she was finished, Natasha gently took your upper arm, leading you towards the Quinjet. Clint Barton was already waiting on board, having a small smile on his face when he spotted you two. 
“Hey kid, nice to see you turn over a new leaf,” he said, yet you just scoffed. 
He didn’t seem offended, but rather just smiled and turned the chair around, facing the control panel. 
He pressed a few buttons, and the Quinjet closed.
“Take a seat. We’ll be flying for a few hours,” Natasha announced, and you nodded as you held up the pair of handcuffs. 
A look of shock and confusion took place on Natasha’s face, before she quickly regained herself and gave you her famous smirk. 
“Damn… You’re good good,” she told you, and you gave her a small smile before you sat down on a seat. 
Natasha discarded of the handcuffs, placing them in some cupboard before taking a seat next to you. “I know you’re scared, and I know you’re not showing it, and you’ll never admit it, but I promise you, I will make sure everything is gonna be alright,” Natasha said, looking forward, not wanting to pressure you.
You would of course never let her know, but you appreciated what she said. You would indeed never admit it, but you were scared. 
You weren’t just scared of the Avengers, though. You were afraid of what Dreykov would do to you. You were afraid what he would think, and what he would say. He would be so disappointed. Natasha Romanoff was right there. The traitor is sitting right next to you. You could so very easily just kill her. Slit her throat. Her guard was down. She would never see it coming. Dreykov would be so proud. 
You weren’t sure whether you wanted to kill her, and for the first time in your life, you found yourself debating whether you should kill her or not. 
Never once in your life did you think about killing someone or not. Never once did you think about the consequences. I was always just another assignment. Another person you had to wipe from existence, and you never, ever, dared to give it a second thought.
This experience was weird for you. 
You didn’t really want to kill Natasha, but yet again, you were supposed to, so why wouldn’t you? It’s not like you really cared whether Natasha lived or died. Did you?
You simply sighed and let your head fall back against the wall behind you, closing your eyes and letting your thought run through your head. What would Dreykov say? You knew what he would say. Deep down, you knew he didn’t care. 
After the Quinjet landed, Natasha and Clint guided you through the Avengers tower, claiming they need to take you to an office so you could speak with the director, Nick Fury.
You, of course, knew exactly where that office was, yet you decided to keep your mouth shut and just follow them. You didn’t want to make this situation worse for yourself. You knew the entire lay-out of the Avengers towers, and you were pretty certain Natasha was aware of that. 
Once you took the elevator and made it to the office, Nick Fury was sitting behind his desk, Maria Hill standing of to the side with a clip board in her hand. 
There were Shield agents standing outside the door, and you were pretty sure they were there to make sure you couldn’t try anything. 
“Take a seat,” Nick Fury simply said, and you looked at Natasha unimpressed, before you took a step forward, setting yourself down in the seat at the other side of the desk, across from Nick Fury. 
“You understand we cannot trust you, correct?” Fury stated, and you looked him in the eyes, enough for him to accept it as a yes, apparently. 
“Director Hill,” Fury then mentioned, getting up from his seat. 
Maria Hill walked towards the desk, placing her clip board on it as she sat down herself. She gave you a small smile. You didn’t return it. 
You were focused on your surroundings. Clint had left the room. Natasha was leaning against the wall next to the door. She probably didn’t want to disturb the conversation, yet she didn’t want to leave you alone. Maybe she just wanted to keep her eye on you. 
Before Fury walked away, he turned to look at you.
“Don’t fuck this up,” he stated, before walking towards the door, leaving the room. 
You turned your gaze back to Maria, who had picked up a pen, now waiting for your attention to turn back to her. Once it did, she began speaking. 
“I’m just going to ask you a few questions, and you just try and answer them to the best of you abilities,” she explained, and you nodded slightly. 
“Could you please state your full name and date of birth?” 
“Y/n, the rest I don’t know…” you replied, and Maria nodded. “Do you have any idea of how old you may be?” she asked and you nodded, giving her your assumed age. 
She wrote the information down, scratching some things out on the clipboard before turning to the next question. 
“Do you know where you were born?” she asked, and you nodded. 
“I was born in Russia, but I’m not sure whether my parents were Russian,” you explained, and Maria nodded as she wrote it all down. 
“Have you always been in Russia?” 
You shook your head, briefly telling her about certain mission you had been on that took longer than a month. 
There was that time in Seattle, when you lived with another Red Room Widow pretending to be your mother. You had gone to an actual school, and you had had actual friends. 
There was another time in the Netherlands, when you were with a Hydra agent. Something about a debt Dreykov owed to Alexander Pierce. You had been chosen for a mission with a Hydra agent. You were posing as a normal teenager, whose mother passed, which is why your father moved you all the way to the Netherlands. You enjoyed the learning the language, yet you found it one of the harder ones to master due to the many odd rules. 
Maria wrote every single detail you told her down, not missing a single thing as she made sure everything was on paper. 
After a few more questions, and many ‘I don’t know’s’ from you, Maria finally put her pen down, smiling at you gently. 
“That’s all for now,” she explained and you nodded. 
“Come on,” you heard Natasha say, and you got up, walking towards her. 
“See you later,” she told Maria before guiding you out. Were they a thing? Did Natasha see how Maria blushed? Did Natasha notice how she herself blushed? 
Natasha led you towards the elevator, pressing a button, then entering a code. You learned about this. To get to the living quarters of the Avengers tower, you had to enter a code. This was to prevent any unwanted visitors in the living space of the Avengers. 
Once the elevator opened, Natasha led you out, guiding you towards a hallway. You followed her the entire way, making sure to walk at least a metre behind her. 
You weren’t allowed to walk next to your superiors, and even though you weren’t sure what you place in this tower would be, you didn’t want to take any chances. You didn’t want to stray to far from the manners you were taught. 
Natasha probably noticed, but whether she did or not, she decided not to mention it. 
Eventually, she stopped in front of a door, pushing a key in the keyhole and unlocking it. 
“This will be you room,” she smiled and pushed the door open. “My room is across from this one, and the only other people in this hallway are Wanda and Carol, but she is not often on earth,” Natasha explained, and you nodded as if you didn’t already know it.
You stepped into the bedroom, and it took you a moment to process the fact, that all that space, would be yours now. 
“Do you like it?” Natasha asked, waiting by the door. 
“It’s so… big…” you stated, slowly walking further into the room. Natasha smiled as she made her way towards another door. 
“This is the bathroom. I stocked it with some basic supplies beforehand, so you’ll probably be good for a little while, or just until we get the chance to go shopping,” Natasha stated as she closed the door again. 
“This is the closet,” she explained, walking over to the piece of furniture and opening it.
“Right now, there are just some things from me and Wanda that will probably be wearable for you, but we’ll get you some new clothes soon,” Natasha smiled, and you nodded. 
Natasha walked over to the desk, sitting down on the desk chair and looking at the ground. It seemed she had something to say, and it would be something you wouldn’t like. You took a seat on the bed, across from her, and simply waited until she spoke. 
“Now, because we do not know you, we cannot just let you roam freely around the tower. I managed to convince Fury you shouldn’t be put in a cell, but unfortunately, this door will have to be locked until further notice,” Natasha explained and you nodded. 
“He’d be stupid not to,” you replied, and Natasha nodded, giving you a small smile.
“I promise I will come check on you often, okay? And you can leave the room if you are accompanied, so I will make sure to take you on some daily walks or something, alright?” Natasha explained, and you nodded, giving her a smile in return. 
“I promise you, everything will only get better now,” Natasha told you, and you nodded as she got up, walking towards the door. 
“I’ll get you something to eat, and some entertainment,” she explained, and she left the room. 
Suddenly, you were left alone. This was your room. You made the choice. You were officially a traitor. There was no going back. You did this to yourself. You royally screwed up. Or perhaps, just maybe, you made a really good choice?...
Tags: @wandanatlov3r @tobiaslut @natashasgirlll @xanthreee
Permanent tags: @marvelnatasha12346 @lesbionion @nova-kyle @darkstar225 @saraaahsstuff @marvelwomenarehot0 @screechcat @iheartjohansson @simp-erformarvelwomen @swaqcenix @karmasgxrl @marvel-lous3000 @mxximoffswifey
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thehistoriccemetery · 9 months
Companions Found Crying
Back on my hurt/comfort shit again. Here’s Shadowheart, Lae’zel, Karlach, Minthara, and Jaheira when they are caught crying by the reader.
There are spoilers for at least Act 2, but I don’t think there’s any for Act 3.
You find her late one night, just outside of camp on her knees, clutching the idol of Shar you gifted her from Grymforge. She is crying softly, but her sniffles are audible as you approach.
You ease yourself down behind her, laying a gentle hand on her back in an effort not to scare her.
You are caught by surprise as she all but sends you tumbling backwards with how hard she throws her head into your chest. The simple initiation of contact created an immediate need for more.
You stroke her hair gently. She’s taken it down for the evening, allowing you to gently run your fingers through it. She only cries harder, body nearly heaving with the force.
“What have I done?” She sobs. “What have I done?” She repeats over and over again, muffled only by your body.
“You did the right thing,” you say in response, looking down at her as she drops the idol in favor of grabbing your shirt with both hands.
“So… what, I’ve been doing the wrong thing for-for as long as I can remember?” She stammered. “I’ve dedicated my whole life to-to the wrong thing?”
You open your mouth to respond, but you can’t find the words. There was no way to answer her both honestly and helpfully.
“Was I the bad guy? Am I the bad guy?” She asks weakly. “I wanted to fight the evil… but I think the evil might be… me.”
“No,” you say, gently grabbing her wrists and looking into her teary green eyes. “You are not the villain. You never were.”
She picks up the statue on the ground and throws it in to the surrounding forest with a scream of relief. She did not believe your words. Perhaps she never would. But with you by her side, she was sure she would be would be on the right path from now on.
Lae’zel had dragged you away from supper earlier that evening to spar. You had both done this several times before, but something was off about tonight.
The way she swung her sword was entirely different. Her moves were frantic and lacked her typical calculation. It was the types of swings you’d expect to see from a strong but unskilled child.
On one swing in particular, she swung hard, but in the wrong direction, allowing you to parry the blow and throw her off balance. She stumbled in a nearby stone slab, using her hands to restabilize herself.
You approached her, stepping softly and reaching a hand out to lay on her shoulder. You could tell something was wrong, but you didn’t exactly know what.
Before you could reach her, she turned to make another swing. Even though she had the element of surprise, the strike was blind and unplanned. You easily side stepped her maneuver and she fell, dropping her sword and tumbling to her hands and knees.
“Lae’zel!” You shouted. “What’s going on?” You approached her again, more cautiously this time. She reached for her sword, but you kicked it away before she could reach it.
She looked up at you, defeated. Her war paint was smeared sloppily down her face. You tossed your own weapon aside and fell to ground in front of her.
“I feel frenzied,” she admits finally. “My feelings towards you. I feel- out of control. Like if I were to lose you… I don’t know what I would do. I do not think I could bear it.”
You take one of her hands into yours and reach out with the other to stroke her cheek. “Well then it’s a good thing you’re not gonna lose me.”
“But I cannot control it,” she explains frustratedly. “I cannot even control myself in the face of it.”
You smile a little bit, allowing her to press her face into your hand. “That’s love, my dear,” you explain softly. “It is unbridled happiness in the face of uncertainty. It is brilliant and it is terrifying. And we will do it together.”
She squeezes your hand, and covers your other hand with her own. Somehow, despite all the battles she charged into head first, loving you may be the bravest thing she’s ever done.
You find her curled up in a ball behind Dammon’s forge at the Last Light Inn. Her arms and tail are wrapped around her legs, and her teary eyes are barely visible above her knees.
“Karlach?” You call out, holding your lantern out to better illuminate her. She tucks her head into her chest to avoid your gaze.
You set down the lantern and sit down next to her. As big as she is, she feels so small and delicate as you reach out to touch her.
“Love, what’s wrong?” You ask. “You don’t have to hide your tears from me.”
“It’s not fair,” she cries, still not looking up at you. “It’s not fucking fair.”
You sigh. After Dammon’s news you had been waiting for Karlach to finally break. She had put on a strong face for the others. She was able to enjoy the most brilliant night with you, but her unrelenting optimism could only get her so far.
“I know love,” you say, resting your head on her shoulder. “I know.”
You both sit in silence for a moment before she finally lifts her head to look at you. “Can you at least promise me you’ll be there? I can’t bear the thought of… and doing it alone.”
The terrified look in her eyes and the way her bottom lip trembled made your heart break into a million pieces.
You kissed her on the forehead as tears threatened to fall from your own eyes. “Of course darling,” you promise. “I will be with you until the bitter end. There is nothing that could keep me from you.”
She adjusts her position and wraps her arms around you. Sobs violently tear through her body, and you felt tears pour down your cheeks.
“I don’t wanna leave. I want to be here with you forever,” she sobs. “I love you more than I ever thought it possible to love anything.”
“I love you too, darling,” you say, tucking her head under your chin. Her broken horn allowed for a perfect fit.
You didn’t know how you’d ever cope with her loss, but you knew that you’d be at her side until the end of her days.
Minthara kneels in front of an alter, hands clasped on top of the holy surface. Tears fall silently from her eyes. Until you saw their reflection under the moonlight, you couldn’t tell she was crying at all.
It has been a very long time since you’ve known to look for Minthara here. She has not much prayed since disavowing the Absolute. In fact, she seems rather repulsed by both her previous gods.
Her eyes were closed, and if she heard you approaching she made no indication of it. She knelt silently in the moonlight.
You sat on the ground behind her for a moment, waiting for her to finish and acknowledge your presence. You were certain she was aware of it despite the lack of acknowledgment.
In time, she fell back to sit on her feet, briefly swiping away the tears that escaped her eyes. Then she adjusted her position and laid back into you.
“I have not known you to pray in a very long time,” you point out, curiously but not judgmentally. It would not be disappointing if she had turned back to the gods, just surprising.
“There are certain things,” she explains, “I feel I must pray for. Even after I have stopped praying for anything else. Even after the gods stopped listening.”
You do not ask what she prayed about, she does not offer a follow up. She only twists the two of you around, allowing you to rest your back against the alter as she lays on your chest.
You attempt to wrap your arms around her, but she gently pushes them back to your side. Her gaze seems far away, but you do not dare ask what she is thinking about. She would tell you if she wanted you to know.
Tears start to roll down her cheeks again, but she does not sniffle or cough. Her body does not shake. She is silent. And you are silent.
You feel helpless, like nothing you could do would soothe her pain. Little do you know, your silent company is everything to her.
Jaheira has been alive for far too long to get embarrassed about something as trivial as crying. At least, that’s what she tells you. She has never cried in front of you or anyone else for a very long time.
So when you find her going through an old box of handwritten notes from her children that never reached her, you’re surprised by the tears that threaten to smear the ink on the pages.
When she hears you approaching she hastily wipes her face with her sleeve and pretends she was not crying. “Not embarrassed” your ass.
“What are you reading?” You ask, looking down at the sloppily written notes in her hands.
“It’s nothing… it’s just,” her hands shake as she hold the papers. “Notes from the children from when I was away. They… um… never reached me.” The note she was currently reading seemed to be from a much younger Rion.
“In all my dedication it’s easy to forget just how much got left behind,” she says, staring once again at the letter. “I don’t regret anything- it’s just- I gave up so much….” Tears pricked her eyes, threatening to fall again.
You rest your forehead against hers, holding her face in your hands. “You’re home now,” you whisper. “And as far as your children are concerned, they turned out to be wonderful little creatures even in your absence.”
There was a lot that could not be undone. There was a lot for Jaheira to grieve and be sorry for. But with Kethric Thorm now dead for good, the healing could commence.
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luvyunjinxo · 3 months
college roommate ; giselle
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A/N: long awaited fic after about seven months :( hope u remember me haha
CW: red flag giselle, bondage, usage of the word slut 😭, slight choking, face riding, edging, friends with benefits, somewhat proofread, lmk if I forgot anything!
you were starting college in august & they let you start moving into your dorm a month early. with all the moving boxes going around through the dorm halls everyones face was kind of blurred out.
though your roommate in particular,, she looked straight up hot and straight from Japan. you only had to share a room with one other person (thankfully) and it was her. was it a friend crush? or crush?
you had to wait a month to actually talk to her but honestly did you forget about her?? no.
you waited a month for you to actually talk to her and when you finally did she was a total bitch.
"hey do you need help with unpacking?"
"no fuck off?.." as she would shove your shoulder and walk straight out of your shared room.
she would rarely talk to you but I mean it still happens. like if you were in the bathroom for too long, or if you were gone for too long.
she was very possessive over you and you never got why? whenever she saw you with someone else she would start asking a whole bunch of questions.
what was worse is that your dorm wasn't even that big. your beds were right next to each other almost converting into one bed thats how close they were.
so annoying. she would have hookups with girls almost every weekend leaving you no choice but to go out every single friday, saturday, and sunday. what did you spend your time doing?
spending your nights with ning yizhuo or better as ningning.
she was your situationship, or just talking and you wished it would be more but its really not.
it was your time to walk home but ning decided to walk with you.
"so how do you like your new roommate?" ning asked.
"I mean shes okay but it feels like there's tension you know?" you said while grabbing nings hand to hold.
she smiled at you as you guys skipped all the way to your dorm.
meanwhile, aeri uchinaga was taking out the bedsheets from her last hookup session which was not even twenty minutes ago..
messy hair, all sweaty, no shorts on, only an oversized t-shirt and underwear.
you unlocked the door with your key walking up to your bedroom with ning thinking you could go lay in bed with her i dont know,, or maybe just sleep.
you held her hand running to the room just to see a half naked giselle on her bed taking pictures with her phone, probably sending that to her hookups. ugh, you hate her so much.
"ning wait outside the room for a minute please?"
"oh no problem! just tell me when to come back in." she sat on the ground outside of the room trying to listen what the hell is about to happen in there.
"bro did you even change the sheets?!"
"what the fuck you knew I was coming home around this time why didnt you have shorts on?"
"shit aeri, i hate you youre such a slut." you kept throwing words and screaming at her like there was no tomorrow until ning knocked on the door again.
"hey I think I should go?" you pulled her inside to introduce her to giselle who was in shorts, quiet, and annoyed.
"aeri, this is ningning, ning this is giselle my roommate"
"whatever, are you guys a thing?" aeri questioned while motioning for you both to sit down.
here we go again, shes gonna interrogate her.
"uhm yeah? you could say so" ning responded.
"well did little y/n tell you that were dating and that were talking? so I don't know how you are"
what. the. fuck. is all can go through your head right now.
ning looked at you in shocked with no words and just left. I just know she was broken.
the worse part is all of this weren't even true? you and aeri barely talk and now you just wanna be a bitch to her forever.
"what the fuck is wrong with you? you're such a fucking slut you even wanted me to be dragged into your girl fantasy."
aeri was tired and exhausted but there was so much rage in her eyes. how many times was y/n gonna call her a slut?
suddenly you were being pushed onto the bed, leaving you on your back. both hands were being tied and lifted up to reach the headboard.
"whos the slut now? youre practically weak at this point."
she was trying so hard to get your shorts off but you would kick your legs trying to stop her yet her grip was too strong for you to even move your legs anymore. "why are you doing this to me?" you said with such attitude.
"trying to put you in your place because your such a brat?" she said while sliding your underwear off. she spread both of your legs one to the left, and then to the right.
she walked around the room scolding you, and saying how much of a bad girl you were when you did nothing. or you thought you didnt?
you never really realized how much her words were turning you on. all you could feel were the cold air reaching your core. the ac was on making you especially chilly.
wet slick was running down your thighs and of course you noticed. you felt so bothered you just wanted to be touched already. you weren't the type to always touch yourself, you were more inexperienced. but this time, you felt extra needy you just needed some relief.
"aeri this isn't funny anymoree" you whined.
she crawled up to your core and started kissing your inner thighs making you start to start to arch your back and move uncontrollably. she barely even started.
she moved her finger up and down your body, teasing you in every way. you felt so helpless and you couldn't resist her touch anymore. you needed her,, right now. she started squeezing your chest swirling each bud with her tongue and flicking the other with her slender fingers.
she continued to do the same motion but moved her head up to your neck leaving marks and wet kisses along the crook of your neck.
"youre enjoying this way too much, are you sure im still the slut hm?"
she pressed her knee up to your soaked core, adding pressure to your sensitive spot.
you suppressed your moans so in order for you to hide it, you could not answer nor say a word.
one hard slap to your core was made leaving an echo in your shared room.
"im sorry!" you whined & your brain was foggy so of course you didn't know what to say except sorry.
your slick was covered on the bed,, you were so messy at this point.
two slaps.
"answer,, whos the slut now?"
"me oh my gosh aeri .. fuck! just do something, anything! please I just need to come so bad."
she started eating you out, cleaning the mess all over your thighs. she switched between small licks and full on devouring you.
later, she found your clit teasing that spot over and over again leaving you twitching. seeing how the way you move she knew that you were the most sensitive down right there. she was def gonna tease you with that later.
"mmh! fuck" you would let out endless curses.
you gripped onto the pillow above you knowing that you cant take this much pleasure. it was all to much yet you were eager to let go.
"if youre close, hold it. im not letting you come yet."
she entered two fingers in, not caring if you weren't fully adjusted yet. all the pain later then converted into pleasure. she gripped your neck lightly but not choking you, more like just holding it.
"s-shit im gonna come,, aeri dont stop please!" you screamed yet she pulled her two fingers away and licked it,, not letting you reach your high.
"on top of my face."
"excuse me? is this what people really do?"
"put your cunt on my face is that a problem? i'll break ningnings heart telling her how her talking stage is fucking with her roommate now and that your never coming back to her."
you completely forgot about ning. your brain was messed up at the moment. like a spell under giselle. she later then united your hands
you carefully put your cunt onto her as she pulled you down more, allowing her to get more access to you. she swirled her tongue around your clit like how she did with your chest and tried to enter a finger into you.
"f-fuck keep hitting that area!"
"right there? hm?" as she started to play with the exact spot and you swear you were about to let go.
"im g-gonna come! aeri please!" you let go and you collapsed back onto the bed exhausted and still trying to catch your breath. she just giggled and you guys agreed to be friends with benefits.
"call me if you need someone to fuck, dont call your hookups anymore im done with that."
she laughed and shook it off,, but on the other hand you still went out with ning.
aeri wasnt too fond of it but whenever giselle was around ning and you she would pay close attention to you both making sure things wouldn't go to far.
college roommate ; giselle.
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queenshelby · 10 months
Forbidden Desire (Part 20)
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x Reader (Female/Incestuous)
Warnings: Incest, Smut
Please comment and engage xx 😘
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A few hours later, when most of the guests had left and Edward had fallen asleep, you took the time to have a conversation with Robert who appeared rather anxious about recent developments.
Sitting beside you on the chaise longue inside one of the guestrooms, he expressed his concern regarding your involvement in this dangerous lifestyle shared by your family. According to him, there were mentions of drug trafficking and killings amongst some of the men and this worried him greatly.
"You knew about all this, didn't you?" Robert probed gently, searching your eyes for answers. You hesitated briefly, weighing whether to divulge your knowledge or maintain the facade. Ultimately, honesty won out, driven by a genuine sense of trust that developed between you two. Nodding solemnly, you confirmed his suspicion.
"Yes," you paused momentarily, pondering the best approach to discuss this sensitive topic. "I know that my family is involved in illegal activities, and I also know how dangerous these activities can be. This is why I did not want you to come here with me. This place is nothing but trouble." You confessed to Robert honestly, shaking your head slightly.
"So the fire at the hotel wasn't an accident then?" Robert asked curiously, recalling how much danger it put you in.
"No, it wasn't an accident. The fire was targeted at us. Shelby Company Limited owns the hotel and I...," you began to say without completing your sentence. "You know, don't worry about it. We are safe here with my uncle," you tried reassuring Robert, though deep down you weren't completely convinced either. You knew that Tommy would do anything to keep you safe but he cared much less for Robert's wellbeing.
"I do not like it here Y/N. Your uncle appears to be a dangerous man and whilst your father seems to have found God, I feel as though his past is rather dark as well. There are men with outside, with guns. There are at least ten of them and your uncle has been carrying a loaded weapon for the entirety of the evening. When he returned with you from the fire, his clothes were stained with blood. It worries me greatly, my dear," Robert continued expressing his concerns with a heavy heart.
Your expression fell, sensing the weight of his words, yet understanding where he was coming from. 
"I know Robert, but we will go back to Boston soon and all will be fine, yes? In Boston, we will be safe and far away from my family", you promised, attempting to alleviate his apprehension.
"Yes my love, but you need to promise me that you aren't involved in anything dangerous, alright?" Robert insisted, placing a gentle palm on your shoulder, seeking reassurance. Feeling both guilty and relieved that he believed in you, you nodded your head firmly.
"Alright! Now get some sleep while I tend to the little hungry monster," you then said as you heard Edward screaming from the nursery next door. With a soft smile on your face, you glanced at Robert who nodded understandingly.
Standing up, you walked toward the doorway leading to the nursery, calling out softly, trying to coax the baby to silence before disappearing into the next room to pick up your son.
Gently rocking him against your bosom, your heart ached thinking about the uncertain future ahead for your tiny boy and, just as you looked for somewhere to sit down, Tommy's maid Frances entered the room.
"He looks a lot like his father, doesn't he?" Frances observed. She too heard the cries and offered to take you the reading room for sake of peace and quiet, allowing you to breastfeed your son comfortably. 
"I suppose he does Frances," you responded absentmindedly, as you thought about your situation while following Frances down the stairs and into the dimly lit library. 
"Would you like some help?" she offered kindly, recognising the strain on your face. "It must be hard having a young child in your care alone," she observed as you struggled with your dress. 
Feeling grateful for her support, you smiled warmly and accepted her offer, but just as Frances was about to take Edward so that you could get comfortable on the sofa to feed him, Tommy came walking into the darkened  room. 
"I've got him. Thank you, Frances," Tommy spoke before gently taking his son from your hands. 
"You may leave," he then told his maid while looking down at Edward affectionately and, immediately, his demeanor changed drastically upon seeing him as his heart filled with pride and possessiveness. 
"Yes sir," Frances nodded respectfully, exiting quietly leaving only the three of you in the darkness of the library. As she closed the door behind her, the moonlight filtered through the windows casting eerie patterns across the walls and floor.
You sat down silently watching as Tommy cradled Edward close to his chest. By this point, he had stopped crying now, despite being hungry, which surprised you considering how demanding he often was.
The tender way Tommy held him seemed almost instinctual, hinting at what might lie beneath his harsh exterior as, now, there were moments when he showed compassion and vulnerability - qualities usually hidden underneath layers of bravado and brutality. 
"He is quite similar to you in many ways, isn't he?" you commented, feeling an odd mixture of admiration and trepidation as you looked at Edward, your son, nestled snugly in Tommy's strong arms.
Without speaking, Tommy acknowledged your observation with a simple nod, studying the features of his son intently. His eyes traced every curve of the baby's round cheeks, captivated by the resemblance.
Edward had Tommy's blue eyes and full lips. His skin was covered in tiny little freckles that dotted his nose and forehead and you knew that these same freckles would eventually grow more prominent as he aged, becoming part of his distinctive charm. 
As you watched Tommy hold his son, you felt a sudden surge of emotion flooding your heart, making it race. Despite the circumstances surrounding the conception of Edward and your complex familial connections, witnessing Tommy's paternal side made you realize again that even he possessed humanity.
Although deeply rooted in crime and violence, the bond between him and his son revealed something else entirely �� something fragile, unspoken, and profoundly personal. 
"I do have to feed him soon Tom," you remarked after observing the silent exchange between father and son for several minutes. 
"Yes, of course," Tommy nodded graciously, handing the squirming infant back to you, his touch lingering around Edward ever so slightly longer than necessary while you lowered the top of your dress.
"I should give you some privacy," Tommy murmured, stepping away from you slowly, but you shook your head and smiled.
"You can stay if you like. It's not that you haven't seen my breasts before," you joked lightheartedly, trying to break the growing tension between you and Tommy. But instead of replying to your remark, Tommy remained silent and still, his gaze fixating solely on you and his son. 
He looked at you in awe and disbelief, marveling over the fact that you gave birth to his son. The revelation struck him harder than he expected it to. For once, he couldn’t find any words to speak, lost amidst the whirlwind of thoughts swirling in his brain.
Uncomfortable with the intense silence hanging in the air, you took the initiative to diffuse the awkwardness. 
"I miss the days where we were close, Tommy," you whispered gratefully as you started to undo two more buttons of your dress.
Bending forward to make access easier for your son, you glanced upwards to see Tommy watching your movements, a mix of emotions flashing across his face. Unsettled by his piercing gaze, you cleared your throat nervously and continued, focusing on your task.
"I miss these days too, Love," he replied somberly, his voice hoarse with emotion. He shifted uneasily in his seat, unable to meet your eye directly.
Silence enveloped the small space once more, thickening with the tension radiating off both of you. Sensing the moment growing increasingly fraught, you broke the tension with another comment.
"If you missed the time we spent with each other, then why did you never write to me?” you ventured, hoping to gain insight into his changing behavior.
However, your question hung heavily in the air, stirring up waves of guilt, confusion, and regret within Tommy. Unable to face the truth himself, he chose evasion instead.
"Things changed. I knew we couldn't be together, so I needed to distance myself from you," he muttered dismissively, his eyes finally finding yours, conveying sadness and loss. 
"Do you love Lizzie?" you asked suddenly, wondering whether Tommy was merely settling because of the expectations placed upon him due to his position. 
His brow furrowed as you posed such a direct question. Taking a deep breath, he let forth a heavy sigh, choosing his words carefully.
"Love takes time," he began cautiously, "I love our daughter, Ruby and, maybe one day, I can love her mother too," he explained, causing you to chuckle, which was a gesture he willfully ignored.
"Do you love Robert?" Tommy suddenly countered, his tone turning confrontational.
"Well, no...it's complicated," you answered hesitantly, struggling to articulate your own feelings for your lover. "We met during difficult times, and I found solace in someone I didn't think I would ever meet," you explained reluctantly and with a shaky voice.
"Alright, then tell me Love, do you still love me?" Tommy probed further, his curiosity piqued as much as his jealousy. He leaned closer, searching for signs of weakness in your eyes.
Your heart raced as your pulse quickened. Swallowing hard, you tried to hide your emotional turmoil behind a facade of indifference. However, Tommy noticed your struggle instantly.
"It doesn't matter because, whether I love you or not, won't make a difference at all," you confessed candidly, your voice breaking as you uttered those painful words. The weight of them settled between you, causing your hearts to skip a beat simultaneously.
"What happened to us Tommy? Why am I sitting here, holding your son, yet I am so far apart from you?" you lamented sorrowfully, tears beginning to pool in your eyes. This confession hurt both of you deeply, reminding you of a connection that was irreversibly severed and, just as Tommy was about to respond to your statement, his fiancée Lizzie barged in. 
"Come to bed, Thomas!" she exclaimed impatiently, oblivious to the delicate balance of raw emotions simmering in the room. Her presence brought relief to Tommy, offering a welcome distraction from his tumultuous inner battle. 
Avoiding any mention of your conversation, Tommy calmly rose from his chair and bid goodnight, kissing Lizzie softly on the cheek.
Then, without giving you a chance to respond, he exited the room swiftly, eager to escape the palpable tension. 
Watching him go, you bit your lip anxiously, struggling to comprehend the multitude of emotions coursing through your veins. You turned toward Lizzie, trying to gauge her reaction to your encounter with Tommy. Surprised by your display of familiarity, she raised an eyebrow curiously, seemingly confused by your interaction. However, deciding against prying further, she dismissed the situation altogether.
Closing the door gently behind her, Lizzie left you alone with your thoughts and emotions. With a sense of desolation, you gathered yourself and proceeded to prepare Edward for sleep. Nursing him until he fell asleep, rocking him gently in your arms as you hummed a melody passed down generations in your family. The comforting rhythm of the song calming not only Edward but also serving as balm to your wounded soul.
Meanwhile, outside the nursery, Tommy stood motionlessly, the events transpiring inside having left him reeling.
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amomentsescape · 7 months
hi doll, i would like to request an eric draven x reader AU where none of the bad stuff has happened to eric, they go out to a bar and get drunk, play some pool or darts, thank you so much!
Drunk with Love
AU! Eric Draven x Reader
Summary: A night out is the ideal way for both lovers to unwind.
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol & getting drunk, some cussing
Word Count: 951
A/N: This is such a cute request! Thank you :) Also, a Happy Valentine's Day to everyone! I know this holiday can be difficult for some, so I hope you still treat yourselves and do what makes you all happy today <3
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You loved nights like these.
Getting all dressed up and spending a night on the town was something you enjoyed doing to have fun after a boring week.
You sat at a table by yourself and just watched the world around you for a bit.
People chatting and laughing, the sensation of warm air touching your skin each time the door opened, and hearing the clinking of glasses all seemed to clear your mind somehow. It felt nice not having to worry about work in the morning or anything else for that matter.
"Is this seat taken?" a husky voice asked beside you.
You couldn't help the smile that broke out on your face at this.
"It is. I'm waiting for my sexy boyfriend to meet me."
You could hear him chuckle.
"I don't know, he sounds like a loser," he responded.
"He is," you jabbed back only to receive a tickle to your side.
"Hey!" you giggled.
"You deserved it," Eric responded, turning the tickles into a hug.
"You did great tonight," you said, changing the subject.
Eric was fortunate enough to have played a show with his band tonight, and of course, you were there front row cheering him on the whole time.
But it was nice to finally have him all to yourself too. The night was still young, and you had been looking forward to some quality time together all week.
"It only went well because of my good luck charm," he joked.
You rolled your eyes but smiled, still managing to feel bashful whenever he complimented you.
"I feel like I was more of a distraction tonight," you laughed. "I was screaming at you the whole show."
Eric's smile widened. "That's what brings me luck."
You giggled some more and grabbed his hand.
"Come on. Where are we headed first?"
Eric shrugged. "Wherever the night takes us!"
You two walked down the main strip of the city for a while, walking past multiple bars in hopes of finding one that struck your fancy.
Along the way, you both chatted and caught up about the week. Although you two lived together, work and normal life stuff seemed to preoccupy both of you more than you would have liked.
You were mid sentence when you suddenly stopped, Eric quickly following your gaze.
A new bar you two had never been to was right across the street. Bright purple and blue lights lit up the sidewalk and nearby cars, and there was even a small line outside the door.
Eric didn't even have to ask before pulling your hand with him as he jogged across the street.
And once inside, you knew you two had made a good choice.
The air was cool and the bar literally glimmered from the number of lights and crystals decorating the walls.
The dance floor was one of the biggest you'd seen, and the back even had some pool tables and darts set up.
Eric looked down to see your reaction and was met with you bouncing excitedly beside him.
"Let's go," he motioned to the bar.
You both didn't have to wait long to order your drinks thankfully. And once they were in hand, you already knew where Eric was headed.
He was quick to claim one of the pool tables as his. He dug around for some change and gave you a devilish smile when he found enough.
You already knew how this was going to go. Eric was crazy good at pool, and despite his numerous tries to help you, you never could manage to beat him at the game. But you honestly didn't mind much. You enjoyed doing just about anything with him, and seeing him have fun meant just as much to you as it did for him.
"Don't be shy," he said loudly, talking over the loud music and chatter.
"You're going down!"
You both laughed knowing that statement was far from the truth. But you were excited nonetheless.
He, of course, beat you each round. But you were happy with it since that meant Eric found excuses to come up behind you and help provide some "strategies" on how to aim the cue better.
You could already feel the effects of the alcohol on your system, and you were certain Eric was feeling the same based on his rosy cheeks and the longing stare he was giving you.
You eventually pulled Eric along towards the dart games, something you knew you had a chance at beating him at.
You couldn't help but giggle when Eric attempted to throw a couple of darts, only to miss them completely.
He gave you a cute pout as you tried to cover your smile, your eyes tearing up from how hard you were laughing.
Eric came over then and immediately tackled you in a hug, squeezing you so tight that you were unable to wiggle out of his grasp.
He began to laugh with you at this, and the mix of alcohol and slippery floors only seemed to work against you both.
With one wrong step, you two slipped and tumbled onto the floor, still holding each other and laughing hysterically.
No one else in the bar took any notice of you two from their own drunken haze. So you both continued to giggle on the dirty floor, not having a single care in the world.
Were you probably going to wake up tomorrow morning with bruised arms and a raging headache?
Oh, most definitely.
But something told you that cuddling up next to the man you loved with a sickening hangover was going to somehow be worth it.
This night will be one for the books, that's for sure.
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Being Team Japan’s Manager
Manager into crafts
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Team Japan x Gender Neutral Manager (they/them)
Warnings: Like all fluff, maybe swearing???
AN: I’m back on my bs again and here to feed everyone 😅 sorry it’s so sporadic but I hope this holds everyone over for a bit!
When I say you should be nominated for sainthood Yn, I mean it!
These guys are a lot to deal with
Honestly, you have no clue how they even functioned before you came along
I mean, the coach practically begged you to be their manager
Man’s is tired 😴
Anyways, it’s safe to say that practices are eventful
Despite’s Bokuto saying he’s “matured”, he hasn’t
“How come Hinata got more sets than I did?” Bokuto asks Atsumu
You 👉🏻😃 crap he noticed-
“It’s simple, Hinata was just on today and you weren’t,” Atsumu responses, walking away
Bokuto 👇🏻
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Meanwhile, Yaku and Hakuba are arguing about something 🙄
“That’s block sucked man, stop moving your hands all over!” Yaku shouts
“I wasn’t moving my hands all over, I was setting up for a receive when I knew I couldn’t block!” Hakuba yells back
On top of that Iwaizumi is yelling at Kageyama for practicing too much
Sakusa is complaining about how everyone needs to schedule their flu shot
And Aran has just all but abandoned the gym because he’s just over it
Thankfully, when practice was over, you were able to go home and spend some time enjoying one of your favorite hobbies
Crafting ✂️ 🎨 🧶
You had tried a lot of different crafts and found that you were pretty good at them
Everything from painting to knitting, from sculpting to resin
You enjoyed the creativity that crafts provided
It could be stressful but definitely not as stressful as your day job
Nothing can ever beat that stress 🙄
Anyways, you’d managed to keep your hobby on the down low
It wasn’t that you weren’t proud, it was more like you just hadn’t found the opportunity to bring it up
I mean, it’s not like you’re busy or something 😐
It wasn’t until one fateful night when your happy little secret was finally discovered
You see, you were home, watching/listening to some show while trying to knit
It was a newer hobby you’d picked up, on top of jewelry making, crocheting, etc
A jack of all trades our sweet YN 💅
You are knee deep in ‘knit one purl two’ rhythm when the door bell rings
Now since you had very little life outside the team, you were wondering who it could possibly be
You didn’t want to lose your stitch so you stood up and made your way to the door
On the other side was none other then Hinata and Kageyama
Panicked you quickly opened the door and stared at them
🎶 when he looks at me, and I look at him and he looks at me and I LOOK AT HIMMM 🎶
Obviously, you are draped in yarn while dawning other comfy attire 💅
Arguably two of the most “chaotic” members of the team just stare at you
Literally 👉🏻👁️👄👁️
You look at them like “What? Can’t I have a life outside of being your caretaker?”
Of course Hinata probably thinks you just escaped some maniac who attempted to tie you up with yarn of all things…
“OMG YN WHERE YOU KIDNAPPED??” Hinata yells, grabbing onto your shoulders and shaking you rather violently
“I’m in my own house Shoyo…” you respond, brain trying to reconnect to reality
Leave it to Kageyama to help the situation
“HINATA BOKE YN ISNT KIDNAPPED, THEY ARE PRACTICING THEIR KNOT TYING SKILLS!” Kageyama screams, smacking Hinata in the back of the head
See… helping 😌
Sighing as the two dunces fight in front of you, you try to calmly correct their mistake
“I’m not kidnapped, nor am I practicing any nautical knot tying, I’m learning to knit,” you explain as the two cock an eyebrow in your direction.
Both of them look at each other and then back to you, confused 🫤
You 👉🏻😐🙄
“You know what, it’s really not important! What do you two need?” You question, wondering why you were interrupted in the first place
“Well now I can’t remember why we came here!” Hinata exclaims, “can you Kageyama?”
“Yeah not really,” Kageyama answers
You definitely deserve a pay raise Yn
“Ok well if you two could kindly go home and rest that would be much appreciated. You know how angry Hajime gets when you guys don’t get enough sleep,” you scold as the two men’s eyes widen
They quickly take off, racing each other to who knows where
As you close and lock your door, you think about how the next days practice with go
Will Hinata and Kageyama tell the other guys about your hobby?
Will Hinata and Kageyama even remember?
Honestly you figure brain cells are on your side since the two that just exited your apartment have a combined one on a good day
There’s no way they’d ever tell the guys about your knitting…
Sure… yeah… absolutely… it’s DEFINITELY fine : D
*12 hours later*
“YN I didn’t know you tied nautical knots on your days off? What a unique hobby!” Yaku says, first the next morning at practice
“I didn’t even know you fished Yn,” Hakuba adds
“Maybe YN just likes the art of knot making?” Aran suggests
You 👉🏻 🧍🙄
“I don’t tie knots guys, I knit… KNIT!” You shout as their eyes all pop open
“Knit? As in like what grandmas do?” Atsumu inputs
Please someone 👊🏻
“Atsumu shut up! Knitting is something alot of people do to relieve stress. And with a team filled with dummies like you, I’m sure YN needs all the stress relieve they can get!” Iwaizumi shouts
“Oh my god,” you whisper as the gym fills with chatter
“Why didn’t you tell us about your hobby Yn?” Ushijima asks as you just stare at him and gesture to the chaos that is currently unfolding
Ushijima just nods and quietly walks away to resume his practice
“So YN do you knit? Like scarves or port holders or something?” Suna questions as he walks with you to your office
“Well I’m just learning the art right now but I do a few other crafts in my spare time,” you say, still ignoring whatever is happening on the floor
“That’s cool, you should post some of your crafts online. I’m sure you could sell them or something? Maybe make a little extra money?”
You shrug, not really interested in extra funds and more excited to just do something you enjoy
Or should I say, the TEAM enjoys 😅
Because if you think you’re going to get away with not teaching one craft Yn, you are very mistaken
Hinata is sending you 5 minute craft videos every day
Bokuto wants to know if you can knit special pads for him for practice
Atsumu is asking for a custom “Atsumu” phone case 🙄
It literally doesn’t stop
So what do we do about this? Well there’s only one thing we CAN do 👀
That’s right, you gather all your craft supplies and haul them into the gym one Friday during practice
The guys all stare at you like you’ve walked into the wrong gym
“Uhh Yn you do know this is a volleyball gym right?” Yaku jokes as you set up your table on the side lines and nod
“Yep! But after practice it’s going to be a craft party!”
“Craft… PARTY???” The guys all shout in tones varying from excitement to pure confusion
“Yes since you all want me to make you crafts, I’m just going to show you how to do it instead!” You exclaim
“You made sure to get non-toxic glue right Yn? I don’t trust some of the idiots not to eat it,” Sakusa remarks, staring at a few members in particular
You roll you eyes and smile, “yes Sakusa, it’s all safe! And I have crafts for everyone.”
Surprisingly, the guys are rather good at crafts
Sakusa’s flexibility makes crocheting and knitting a piece of cake
Atsumu’s flamboyant nature makes him great at painting
Hinata and Kageyama have somehow turned bracelet making into a competition
Komori and Yaku are great with stencils!
And you? You are just happy to be able to share your hobby with your favorite people 🥰
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sageluvsjoel · 7 days
A Different Kind of Miracle
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jackson!joel miller x reader x autistic!daughter
Requested HERE
summary: Joel faces challenges understanding his daughter’s differences, but learns how to connect with her in meaningful ways.
genre: fluff, slight hurt to comfort, post outbreak
wc: 1.5k
likes, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated!
i do not authorize plagiarism or copying of my work!
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Jackson was the kind of place that made Joel uneasy. The sense of safety, the quiet that settled over the town at night, it was almost unnatural. He had grown too accustomed to danger lurking in every corner, too used to living with his guard up, waiting for the next threat. But here, in this community, there was peace—a foreign concept after two decades of nothing but violence, death, and loss.
At first, he didn’t know what to do with it. He wasn’t sure if he deserved it, honestly. But then, you came along. And with you, came the greatest miracle of his life—a little girl, his daughter.
Joel had never imagined being a father again. Hell, he hadn’t even wanted to be. Losing Sarah had gutted him, left him a shell of a man who had given up on the idea of family, of love. But then you’d walked into his life, unexpected and undeniable, and before he knew it, the two of you had a daughter. It was like the world had found a way to give him a second chance, something he never thought he’d get.
At first, Joel was terrified. He was older now, more worn down by the world, but you’d reassured him. Together, you’d raise her. Together, you’d be the family he thought he’d lost forever.
She was his little miracle. But lately, Joel found himself… confused. Worried, even. She wasn’t like other kids. At first, he didn’t think much of it—every kid was different, after all. But as she got older, there were little things he couldn’t ignore anymore. She rarely looked him in the eye, didn’t babble like Ellie or the other kids her age. Sometimes, she’d play alone for hours, completely immersed in whatever world she’d created for herself, but if he tried to change her routine, she’d fall apart. Meltdowns that he didn’t understand would follow—her little body shaking as she screamed, inconsolable.
He hated it. Not her, never her, but the helplessness he felt every time it happened. He was used to fixing things, solving problems with his hands, with action. But this? He didn’t even know what it was, let alone how to fix it.
It was a cold morning when you first brought it up, sitting on the porch outside your little house in Jackson, your daughter playing quietly in the yard. She was lining up her toy blocks in neat, perfect rows, just as she always did. Joel watched her, sipping from his coffee mug, his face set in that familiar frown.
“Joel,” you said softly, your voice careful. “Have you… noticed anything with her? I mean, I know you have, but I mean… more than just being quiet?”
He grunted, not taking his eyes off your daughter. “She’s just a kid. They’re all different. She’ll grow out of it.”
You sighed, placing your hand on his. “I don’t think she will. I’ve been reading about… autism. I think that might be what’s going on.”
Joel’s brow furrowed, and he turned to look at you, his expression hard to read. “Autism? What the hell’s that got to do with her? She’s fine. She’s just—she’s just young. All kids act weird.”
You shook your head, your eyes gentle but firm. “It’s more than that, Joel. The meltdowns, the way she lines things up, how she doesn’t respond to her name half the time. I think she’s struggling, and we need to help her. But first, we need to understand what’s going on.”
He pulled his hand away, rubbing his face in frustration. “I don’t know, alright? I’ve been through a lot of shit, but I don’t know anything about this. This is… I don’t know what to do with this, alright? I can’t fix it.”
You reached for his hand again, and this time, he didn’t pull away. “Joel, she doesn’t need fixing. She’s perfect just the way she is. But she does need us to see her, to understand her. And you know what? We’ll figure it out together. We don’t have to do it alone.”
Joel let out a long breath, his shoulders slumping. He wasn’t used to feeling like this, like there was something he couldn’t control. He hated it. But he couldn’t argue with you either. He trusted you, more than anyone in this world, and if you thought something was going on, then maybe… maybe you were right.
That night, Joel lay awake in bed, staring up at the ceiling, your soft breathing beside him the only sound in the room. His mind raced, thoughts swirling around his daughter, around the word you’d said—autism. It wasn’t something he understood. Hell, he hadn’t even heard of it before the outbreak, and back then, his world had been so small, revolving around work and raising Sarah. He hadn’t thought much about things like that.
But now, it was different. He had to understand, because this was his little girl, his miracle, and he’d be damned if he let her struggle without doing everything in his power to help her.
The days turned into weeks, and Joel found himself paying more attention to the things he hadn’t noticed before. He saw the way she flinched at loud noises, the way she covered her ears when there were too many people around. He saw the way she fixated on certain toys or routines, how any deviation sent her spiraling into a meltdown that left her exhausted and him feeling helpless.
But he also saw the little things. The way she smiled, just for a moment, when she was lost in her own world. The way her tiny hands carefully placed each block in a perfect line, her focus so intense it almost made him laugh. She was so different from anyone he’d ever known, but she was also so her—beautiful, smart, and his.
One evening, after a particularly rough day of trying to get her to wear a new pair of shoes, Joel sat on the porch, his head in his hands. The frustration had gotten the better of him, and for a moment, he’d snapped, raising his voice in a way that made her cry. He hated himself for it, hated the look of fear in her eyes, the way she’d flinched when he yelled.
“I don’t know what to do,” he muttered as you sat down beside him, rubbing his back gently. “I don’t know how to help her.”
You rested your head on his shoulder, your voice soft and understanding. “It’s okay, Joel. It’s hard. But you’re doing your best, and that’s what matters. She knows you love her. We’ll figure it out, one step at a time.”
Joel closed his eyes, the weight of everything pressing down on him. But then, from inside the house, he heard a small voice.
It was soft, almost hesitant, but it was there. His heart leapt into his throat, and he stood up, walking into the living room where his daughter stood, her blocks in her hands. She looked up at him, her big brown eyes full of uncertainty, but there was something else there, too—something he hadn’t seen before.
“What is it, baby girl?” he asked, his voice as gentle as he could manage.
She didn’t answer right away, but she held out a block, offering it to him. It was such a small gesture, but to Joel, it felt like the world shifted. She was reaching out to him, in her own way, trying to connect.
He knelt down, taking the block from her hand. “Thank you,” he said, his voice thick with emotion. “That’s a good one.”
For a moment, she smiled, just a little, before turning back to her toys. Joel stayed there, on the floor, watching her, his heart swelling with a mix of love and pain. She was different, yes. But she was also perfect.
That night, as he lay in bed beside you, he whispered into the quiet, “I’ll learn. I’ll figure out how to be the dad she needs.”
You smiled in the darkness, your hand finding his. “You already are.”
The weeks and months that followed weren’t easy. There were still moments of frustration, of helplessness, but Joel found himself changing. He learned to meet his daughter where she was, to understand her needs instead of trying to fit her into a mold she didn’t belong in. He learned to listen, not just with his ears, but with his heart. And slowly, bit by bit, he saw her blossom.
One day, as the two of them sat together on the porch, Joel handed her one of her favorite toys, a small wooden horse. She took it, studying it carefully before turning to him with a small, soft smile.
“Thank you, Daddy.”
And just like that, everything was worth it. Every struggle, every moment of doubt—it all faded away in the face of that simple, precious moment.
Joel Miller had spent his whole life fighting, surviving. But now, with his little girl in his arms, he realized that this—this was what he had been fighting for all along.
A different kind of miracle.
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storm-angel989 · 7 months
Outside the Office Part Eight
Hi All! Mature content warning (it is Valentino, after all). Enjoy!
I awoke the next morning to the shrieking sound of an alarm clock. I groaned and snuggled tighter to Valentino. He rolled over and hit his phone until it finally fell silent. 
“Mmm. Good morning, Princessa.” He leaned over and pressed his lips to mine, a soft smile playing across his features. “I could wake up to this pretty face every morning.” He ran the back of his hand down my cheek. “How do you feel? Did the epsom salt bath help last night?” 
I shivered but nodded, tucking my head to the base of his neck as I recalled the events of the night before. A few hours after I had fallen asleep against Valentino, I woke up, every muscle in my body screaming in pain. He had kissed me, and upon learning of my discomfort, he closed his computer and ran the warmest, toastiest bath I had ever had the pleasure of soaking in. 
He had gone out of his way to set up the bathtub well before he carried me over and sinking into the bathtub felt the same way heaven should. Honestly, the more I thought about it,  to call it a bathtub would be an understatement. His bathtub could easily fit both Valentino and I, and at least two others, with room leftover. He sat across from me while I soaked, punching away on his laptop. “Just be quiet, Princessa.” He had told me. “I need to concentrate on this.”  To see him go from working, the serious expression on his face as he concentrated on his laptop to the soft expression when he looked up at me sent butterflies all through my body. 
“It did,” I replied sleepily. I loved waking up next to him, feeling him underneath me. Protecting me. I wrapped my arms around him the best I could. “I feel much better now.” 
He took my chin in his hand and tilted my face as he studied it. “You look better. The bruises are already starting to turn. You meant it when you said angels healed fast.” He gently let go of my chin. 
I snuggled back against him. With the sleepiness still in my brain, I let out a half laugh. “I mean, it makes sense though that when I was back home I still healed slower than the other angels I trained with.” I snuggled closer to him. “But I was held to the same timeline, even when it still hurt. It made me tough.” 
I heard him take a sharp inhale and looked up to see him as he clenched his jaw. He pulled me up to his chest and pressed his lips to my forehead. 
“That isn’t okay, and it will never happen to you again. Not while I’m around,” he said through gritted teeth. 
Warmness spread through me at his words. My head against his chest, tucked under a mound of blankets, I would have laid there all day if I could have. After a few minutes of cuddling, he sighed and slowly sat up, moving himself carefully so as to not aggravate my pain. 
“As much as I would love to stay here all day with you, I have to work today.” He said, echoing my thoughts. He kissed me again. “And you’re going with me.”
It wasn’t fear that rushed through me, but the idea of going back to that place made me uneasy. Sending my discomfort, he wrapped both his arms around me. 
“No harm will come to you, not this time nor ever again. I promise.” He kissed the top of my head. “After today the world will know that you belong to me, that you are the princess of hell, and no one will fuck with you ever again, lest they face the wrath of Lucifer himself.” He nuzzled into me. “Believe me when I tell you what you saw in the bathroom that day, isn’t a fraction of what the king of hell is capable of.” 
I didn’t answer. I wondered, not for the first time since my arrival, if being half demon came with any perks- like the strength and quick healing benefit from my angelic side. I made a mental note to text Lucifer and ask him. What’s the worst he could do, not respond? Tell me no? I buried my face into him as those feelings washed over me. 
Under me, Valentino let out a steady exhale and lifted both of us up. “Shall we get ready for the day?” He leaned in and gave me a smile, his lips hovering against mine. “I think we both need a wake up shower.” He swung himself off the bed and offered his hand. “Come, mi amor.” 
His hand in mine, I gingerly stood up. He waited for me to find my balance, testing a few steps slowly. Once I was sure of my footing, I followed him into the bathroom, his fingers intertwined with mine. 
“Sit on the counter. You haven’t moved very much over the past few days.  You’re going to be sore.” He lifted me up and set me on the counter.  “I’ll give you something to keep you comfortable throughout the day. It will last longer, and work better than ibuprofen.” He dug through and came up with a vial, and a wrapped syringe and needle. He reached for my arm. 
I jerked away from his touch. “Absolutely not. No. I’m fine with just the pills. That’s all I need. It’s all I’ve ever needed, and more than I’ve received on more than one occasion. I will survive.” 
He looked torn. “But Princessa. It won’t get you high, I promise. I wouldn’t do that to you. It will only make you more comfortable.”
“I said no.” 
He sighed in frustration but put everything back in the drawer, rummaging around again and pulling out a thermometer. “Fine. Here, put this under your tongue before Vox bitches at me again.” 
I opened my mouth and he placed it under my tongue. I closed my lips around it and waited. He walked away from me and opened the shower door. I heard the steady stream as the water began to fall and watched as steam floated towards the top of the room.  
He turned his attention back to me and crossed his arms. “Sit. Stay. I’ll go get more ibuprofen from your room. I gave you the last of it before bed last night. And remind me to write it on the board so housekeeping brings up more.” He stepped out, closing the door behind him. 
I continued to wait as patiently as I could for him to come back. I looked around the bathroom, trying to find something to keep my interest. Much like Valentino’s room, it was decorated sparsely. But instead of the reds and purples that made up his bedroom, his bathroom was primarily white and gray, with gold accents sprinkled throughout. The shower itself was huge, and between that and the bathtub, the majority of the space should have been taken up. Instead, Val had a double vanity directly across from the shower. The rest of the amenities, including a second sink, sat further in the back of the room, not too far from the tub. 
My first time in the shower I hadn’t been with it enough my first time in it to realize just how vast it was. Unlike my combined shower and bathtub at my fathers house back home, his shower was more like a solidly tiled room with several different shower heads scattered about. Shelves lined the walls both when you first walked in, and scattered throughout. Although we didn’t use it, there was a solid bench made of tile off to the side with several shower heads directly above it. I wondered what the purpose of that was. So someone could sit and shower maybe? 
My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door opening and he walked back in, muttering angrily to himself. The door slammed and I jumped. 
He frowned and touched my cheek. “I’m sorry for startling you. Open up.” He took the thermometer out of my mouth and held it up to the light. “Normal. Good.” 
“Are you good?” I asked with concern.  
“I’m just running late, babe.” He kissed the top of my head and helped me down from the countertop. He pressed two pills into my hand and filled a cup of water for me. “Ibuprofen. As promised. Take it. Now.” 
“Thanks, Val.” I took the medication and tossed the cup in the garbage. From the corner of my eye I watched him take his pajamas off.
“Princessa. I don’t have time this morning,” he warned. He came over to me and tugged his shirt off over my head.  
“What? I’m just admiring what’s mine.” I laid my hands against his abdomen, feeling his hard muscles. God, could this man look anymore like something out of a magazine? I wondered what would happen if I slipped my hand just a little lower….
He rolled his eyes and took my hand in his. He tugged me forward and opened the shower door. “After you, Princessa.”
I stepped inside and settled myself under a stream of warm water. I allowed it to wash over me, feeling the instant relief it offered. I tried to lift my arms above my head, letting out an involuntary hiss as my muscles contracted. Ever watching, Valentino stepped behind me and squirted shampoo in his hand,  lathering my blonde hair. 
“Vel is going to do your makeup in her room this morning,” he said as his fingers pressed against my scalp.  “Unfortunately, I have to deal with a fire downstairs so she’ll text me when she’s done and I’ll come back up and get you.” 
“You’re leaving before me?” 
He sighed, “I don’t want to. I have to. I’m sorry Princessa.” He moved my body back under the water. “ Don’t talk. Close your eyes.”
I did as he told me, holding onto him for balance as he worked his fingers through my hair, ensuring all the shampoo was out. After a few minutes, he pulled me out from under the water, guiding me to a hotter stream of water. “Let that hit your muscles for as long as you can take it.” 
I watched him run soap over his entire body. He closed his eyes, letting the water run over him. I bit my lower lip, trying to keep myself under control.  “I understand Val. Work comes first back home too.” 
Annoyance flashed over his features. He stepped out from under the water and pulled me to him. “Princessa. I mean this in the kindest way, but heaven sounds awful.” 
“It  wasn’t so bad.” I said as I nabbed the bar of soap from him. “I just learned tough lessons, that's all.” 
He took the soap back from me and turned me, running it down my back. “That sounds like a fucking trauma response if I’ve ever heard one. And believe me, I’ve heard plenty.” He grabbed my waist and pulled me back under the stream of water, kissing my neck. “You will never go through that again.” 
I believed him. I leaned into him and I felt the same warmth I had felt the night before ignite in my belly. “Mmm…Val.” 
He nipped my neck ever so gently and I relaxed into him. 
“Don’t mmm Val me, Princessa. You’ll make me more late than I already am. I’m just trying to speed things along.” His tone changed to light and playful. “Though touching your body is an added bonus.” He ran his hands down my hips and titled my chin up so our eyes met, kissing me as the water cascaded around us. He broke away after a moment and turned the water off. 
“Val…” I leaned my head into him. 
“Oh no no no. I mean it, I’m late.” He opened the door and tugged my hand, pulling me out with him. 
He grabbed a towel and paused as he caught sight of my body. I felt the tinglement of embarrassment as his eyes seemed to study me,  his expression unreadable. He stepped forward after a moment and ran a hand down my sides, pausing at my waist. 
“Looks like all the bruises are starting to yellow up, not just the ones on your face. Lucifer was concerned about the ones on your belly…but they look okay.” He bent over and kissed down my body, starting at my neck and pausing, for the briefest of moments, as his fingers brushed my nipples. 
I let out an involuntary gasp as he continued to move lower, his lips hovering above my belly. He carefully kissed around the green and yellow splotches before pausing and standing up, back to full height. Even from under the towel, I could tell he was rock hard. 
“I thought you didn’t have time,” I panted, reaching my arms around his neck. 
“I don’t. But work be damned.” He lifted me up and set me on the counter, spreading my legs. He lowered his head and his lips pressed against my lower belly.
“Relax, Princessa. You’re going to enjoy this.” 
I felt his lips move lower, his tongue flicking my clit.  I moaned at the feeling, gripping him. “Valentino!” I hissed as I bucked my hips. Unconcerned, his tongue slid lower, slipping inside of me. I felt my body explode in a thousand nerve endings and I dug my nails into him as I came. 
“Mm…princessa, you taste so sweet.” He brought his head up and kept his hands around my waist, pulling me to him. 
I rested my head against his sternum, trying to catch my breath as I came down from the release. “Fuck, Valentino!” I whispered. Every single nerve in my body tingled. 
He chuckled, but rubbed my back. “Easy baby girl. I’ve got you.” He pressed his lips to mine and pulled back gently, reaching over to his phone on the counter. He hit the home button and cursed under his breath. He pressed his lips to mine again and lifted me back to the floor, taking a moment to steady me in his arms. I gripped him gently, head against his chest as I stared at the wall. I closed my eyes. 
“Babygirl.” He said softly. “We can’t sleep. Come on now, we need to get ready, or we’ll throw Vox’s schedule off too.” He gently pushed me up, holding me by my shoulders as he looked at me with concern. “Sweetheart. Are you alright?”
“More than alright.” I leaned in for another kiss. “I want more.” 
He sighed heavily and pressed his lips to mine before pulling back.  “Princessa. I would love nothing more. But we’ve got to get going.” He nodded towards the counter. “Use the sink on the right. I asked housekeeping to bring over a few of your things after you went to bed last night. They’re in the top drawer, organize it to your liking later. They’ll replace what they took in your room, so if you end up spending the night with me you don’t have to go running back and forth.”
I smiled at his thoughtfulness, and leaned over to kiss his cheek, “Thanks Val.” 
He shooed me away, but gave me a soft smile. “Go on. Get ready. And don’t dry your hair. we don't have time. Vel will take care of it.” 
I dug through the drawer,  pleased to find he really did bring over everything I needed. I set to work, going through my own morning routine. By his side, I watched him do the same. There was something oddly comforting watching him get ready, something that made him seem more…human-like wasn’t quite the word I was looking for. Softer maybe? I wasn’t sure. Looking in the mirror at my splotchy face, I picked up my pink comb and began to work on my hair. 
He stepped over to me. “Vel can handle the knots. Come on, I have to go. “ He took the comb from my hand and set it down.”And before I forget to remind you, you need to eat before I get back up here.” 
I nodded and watched as he dropped his towel. I bit my lip, and he shot me a knowing look before he covered himself in a black bathrobe. He tossed a matching robe over my shoulders and I let my own towel hit the ground. He leaned into my back and reached around the front of me as he tied the belt around my waist, making sure I was covered. 
“Come on, Princessa,” he said softly in my ear, “you can sit on the bed while I get dressed.” 
I followed him out of the bathroom and sat on the edge of the bed, watching as he disappeared into his closet, remerging moments later dressed in black pants, a matching belt with a gold heart shaped buckle, and a black button up shirt, tucked in neatly at the waist. He threw his signature red coat over his shoulders and adjusted his glasses. “Come on, let’s go.”
“Why do you wear glasses, Val?” I asked as he took my hand, leading me down the hall. 
“They cut the harshness of the light in the studio,” he answered. “Otherwise I end up with a headache. But I wore them so often they kind of became a thing, so now I wear them whenever I’m out. Honestly, it helps a ton, and  I don’t get nearly as many headaches as I used to.” 
He knocked quickly on Velvette’s door. “Vel? It’s me. Open up.” 
I heard the door unlock and Velvette stood, looking as perfect as ever. 
“Ah! Reader. You…your bruises turned yellow. And green. That’s going to change everything I had planned. Come in, come in, I have breakfast for you. Nothing fancy but you can eat while I do something with that hair.” 
Valentino kissed the top of my head. “I’ll see you later, my love.” He gave Velvette a look. “Take care of her.”
“Shoo. You’re disgustingly late. Goodbye!” She closed the door in his face and looked at me. “Follow, follow.” 
I trailed behind her as we crossed the room, taking in the designs as best I could at her quick pace. Unlike Valentino’s room, Velvette was rich with deep red with black and silver accents sprinkled throughout. I didn’t have nearly enough time to look around before she led me through a door and pointed at the salon chair in front of a mirror.
“Sit! Sit. Here. Eat.” She handed me a granola bar and a bottle of Sweet Sixteen. “Get these down and then I’ll grab you a cup of coffee if you want it.” 
I unwrapped the bar and took a bite as she busied herself with my hair, effortlessly unknotting it. She blew it dry and styled it to her vision as I quickly finished breakfast. True to her word, she paused and got both of us a cup of coffee once my hair was finished. 
“Thank you, Vel.” I said, sipping from the red, heart shaped mug. 
“Of course. Coffee is important. Coffee is vibes.” She took a drink from her own mug and studied my face. “How are you? Is Val treating you okay? Love him, but he can be a real dick sometimes, but don’t tell him I said that.”  She paused. “Actually, you can tell him I said that. He’ll laugh.” 
I smiled at her concern. “ Vel, honest and truly he makes me feel safe in a way no one else ever has. I love him, Vel.”
She seemed satisfied with my answer. “I get it,” she responded as she set down her empty mug. “I feel that way about Vox. But sweetheart, don’t be afraid to put him in his place when needed. Sometimes it’s necessary.” 
I drained the rest of my cup and she spun me around to face her. 
“Enough of that. Let’s get your makeup done. It will need to be touched up before you go with Vox. You don’t need to do anything, I’ll meet you down in his studio right before you go on set. But for what you’re doing with Val this will be fine. Close your eyes.” 
I did as she told me and sat patiently waiting as she gently covered my face in a plethora of creams and powders.  Eventually I felt her turn the chair back towards the mirror. 
“Open. What do you think?” 
My reflection in the mirror was the opposite of the one I had seen this morning. Every bruise, even my black eyes, had vanished under the cover of her makeup. Almost as if nothing had happened. 
“And the outfit you’re wearing will hide everything else. At the rate you’re healing though, I think you’ll be back to normal within a week. Come now, let’s get dressed.” 
She helped me put my arms into the shirt and closed the ribbons down the back, yanking them tight so the back wouldn’t open. The front seamlessly hugged my body and hid everything I had behind a high neckline. The jeans she tugged on fit every curve and sat low on my hips. I stepped into a pair of low, comfortable black ankle boots, red bottoms showing off with every step. She fluffed my hair and around my neck, she hung a small necklace with a single charm V shaped charm dangling from it. Looking in the mirror, I couldn’t tell if I was modestly hiding behind my outfit, or if I was showing off everything by showing off nothing. I felt amazing. 
“Well? Give me your thoughts?” She asked, fluffing my hair again. “Looking good, don’t you think?” 
“It’s perfect.” I turned and hugged her. “Thank you.”
She laughed but hugged me back. “Nothing to it princess. Now go knock 'em dead. Make them wish they had never laid eyes on Reader Morningstar.” 
I heard a knock on the door. Velvette perked up. 
“And right on schedule. I guess a broken clock is right at least twice a day. Come on in, Val, doors unlocked.” 
The door swung open and Valentino walked in, fingers flying as he texted on his phone. He looked up and I gave him my best smile. His eyes went wide and his phone disappeared into his pocket. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and pulled me to him, pressing a kiss onto me.  He leaned back after a second and licked his lips. “Mm. Strawberry. Good choice Vel.” 
Velvette rolled her eyes and swung her hips to the side, but her expression gave away how pleased she was. “Whatever. It wasn’t for you.” 
“I think you’re lying, but it doesn't matter. Come on, mi amor. We don’t want to be late. Well, later than we are.” He wrapped his arm around me and we walked towards the door. Right before we walked out, he paused and glanced back at Velvette. “Thanks Vel. You outdid yourself.”
“Don’t I always?” She asked, but her tone was that of a satisfied cat. “Go on. Get out of here. See you tonight. And reader!” 
I turned back as Valentino hustled me down the hallway. “What’s up Vel?”
She grinned. “You look killer, darling. Make them respect you.” 
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backtothefanfiction · 5 months
ONE NIGHT CHANGES EVERYTHING | Frankie Morales x Reader Imagine
Summary: when your best friend suddenly begins to act different, it sparks a chain reaction that’s gonna change your life in a single night.
Warnings: angst, fluff, friends to lovers
A/N- I had the start of an idea and this is where it ended up. If I had had more time I would have added some smut but, I’ll let your own imaginations explore that one, Enjoy.
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“Get out of the car.”
“I said, GET OUT OF THE FUCKING CAR!” You were stunned. Frankie had never spoken to you like that before. You stared at him dumbstruck. “I SAID GET OUT!” He said, reaching across you to tug at the handle and open your door.
“Frankie.” You said to him pleadingly. But he didn’t respond. Didn’t even look at you.
You frowned. You honestly had no clue what had happened. You were having a good night. You always had a good time when you were together. But clearly something had happened. You’d said or done something to change his mood.
“Uh, fine.” You said with a grunt, as you grabbed your bag off the floor and got out of the car. At least he had the decency to park up outside your apartment building before he decided to have a personality change.
You hesitated in the open door, one hand still on its frame as you thought on anything you could say. You were desperate to find a one liner that would hurt him just as much as his current actions were hurting you, but you couldn’t bring yourself to say anything. So you gave in- surrendered to the flow. You reluctantly closed the car door, slamming it a little harder than necessary. He wasted no time in speeding away, his tires screeching slightly, engine revving, as he left you standing alone at the curb.
‘What the fuck?’ Was the only thing you could think as you stood there frozen at the side of the road in utter shock. There was a looming grumble of thunder and the heavens seemingly opened up, your hair, dress and denim jacket instantly becoming soaked. ‘Great- this is just great.’ You think to yourself with a huff as you begin to make your way up to the doors of your apartment building, letting yourself inside.
Your wet fingers fumble with the keys, but soon enough you’re inside. Your clothes drip onto the floor and you do your best not to slide on the puddles as you make your way further inside, dumping your bag and keys on the dining room table with another huff.
“WHAT THE FUCK!!” You blindly scream into the room confused and frustrated. You honestly had no idea what you had done.
Desperate for answers and someone to vent to, you reached into your bag, pulled out your phone and immediately called Will. He picked up on the third ring.
“Hellloo.” His relaxed and chipper voice responded- clearly he’d had a couple beers in front of the TV this evening.
“He kicked me out the car and just dumped me on the side of the road.” Your annoyed voice blurted down the phone.
“What?” Will’s more serious and slightly gruff voice replied down the phone. “Wait-“ he suddenly back tracked, “who did?”
“Oh god.” Will muttered down the other end of the line. There was a shuffling that paired with his sigh and you were sure Will was rubbing at his face.
“One minute we were talking, laughing and joking in the car, the next thing I know-“
“What did you say?” Will says down the phone, cutting you off and trying to get to the root of the matter.
“I don’t know. Seriously Will- I don’t know.”
“Well you must have said something.” He replies.
“I don’t know. We were talking and joking about how we are both shit at relationships. He spoke about Allie and I said about Sam and then I started to tell him that me and Sam had been talking again and he kind of freaked.”
“Oh shit.” Will huffed.
“What? What is it?”
“He still never told you.”
“Told me what?”
“Sam cheated on you with Allie.”
“What?” You said confused.
“Frankie found them in bed together. It was a whole fucking shit show-“
“Wait-what?” You said, both stunned and confused as Will continued to try and relay facts down the phone.
“It was a mess. He fucking hit Sam, the police were called. He threatened him and told him he was a piece of shit. Told him if he ever went near you again he’d shoot both of his fucking knee caps. I mean- she had some choice fucking words for Frankie too, but-“
“Wait, hold up- when was this?”
“Last year. That’s why Sam called things off with you.”
Your eyes went wide as a thought suddenly sprung into your head, “Will you don’t think-“ BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG, a heavy fist wrapped on your door as you spoke, “he would do something stupid like go and track Sam down and actually shoot his knee caps just because he sent me a couple of texts just checking on me, would he?” -BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG! “OKAY, I’M COMING!” You shouted out to whoever was at your front door, your wet clothes squelching uncomfortably as you moved to the door.
“Birdie, there’s something else you need to know.” Will said down the phone to you as you began to struggle with the latch to your door with one hand, as you kept your phone to the ear with the other.
It was like being in your very own soap opera. The timing uncanny. As you opened the door to find a rain soaked Frankie on your doorstep, Will dropped the biggest bombshell into your ear, “He’s in love with you.”
“What?” You said out loud as you took in the very man before you on your doorstep.
“Put down the phone.” Frankie said in a low commanding voice.
“Birdie?” Will said concerned, down the phone to you.
“Frankie-“ you said warily, both trying to feel him out, whilst informing Will of who it was who had been banging on your door. Will said nothing.
“Birdie, put down the phone.” Frankie said again.
You didn’t even say goodbye to Will, you just obediently hung up. “Frankie, I-“
But before you had a chance to say anything else, he was stepping over the threshold, his hands reaching out to cup your cheeks and pull your lips to his in a bruising kiss.
When he pulled back to gage your reaction, you stood eyes closed, mouth still puckered in shock. When you slowly opened your eyes to meet his, that shock faded to an expression more similar to a deer caught in headlights, frozen, yet at peace and ready to meet their maker.
“Will told me-“ you suddenly begin to blurt out and his brow furrows slightly in confusion, but he doesn’t remove his cold clammy hands from your face. “I didn’t know.” You said. You were grasping for words, but so much new information flooded your brain, you didn’t know what to say- or even how to function right now.
“I’m sorry.” Frankie says, quickly picking up the baton. “I should have told you sooner. Years ago even-“
You frown at his words. But Sam only broke up with you 9 months ago. What did he mean should have told you years ago… Then it hits you again, the other thing Will had said, Frankie was in love with you- hence the kiss. It seems to move like a tidal wave, wiping out everything else from your mind as you suddenly close the gap between the two of you and lock your lips desperately with his, once more.
They are cold from the rain- and slightly chapped- but he kisses you with such passion and ferocity, you barely notice. His fingers move to tangle into your damp tresses as he tilts your head back, angling you in a way that he can deepen that kiss, his tongue reaching out to take everything he’s wanted to have and consume ever since he first met you.
Later that night when the two of you are spent and lying in bed, your limbs tangled together as one, you tentatively return to the other unspoken conversation. “I’m sorry about Allie.” You say, wanting to clear the air.
“Don’t be.” He mutters, as he lifts your fingers to his lips to place a chaste kiss there. “Do you wanna know why she said she did it?”
“Why?” You asked softly as your dreamy eyes took him in.
“She said it’s because she knew I was in love with you, and she wanted to get back at us both.”
“Wait- what?” You say, your attention becoming more focused.
“Yeah, I know right?”
There’s a pause between the two of you as you just soak in each other’s presence and relish in the warmth and comfort of your bed sheets and one another’s presence.
“Umm- just so you know-“ you suddenly blurt out into the room, grabbing his attention once more as you turn your head to look up at him. “I love you too.”
He just smiles and lets out a little breathy chuckle as he wraps his arm around you and pulls you in to him a little tighter. He places a sweet kiss to the top of your head and you can’t help but nuzzle into his chest, the comforting sent of him- your best friend… and the love of your life.
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lovelypham · 5 months
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ʬʬ prompt:where you were invited to your best friend's birthday party only to realize how jealous you'd get when seeing him with others girls,little did you know he felt the same way about you ✎wc:458 ✩⡱pairing:non-idol!bestfriend!jake X fem!reader ˳೫˚∗warnings: jealousy,fluff,kissing,confessing, mildly suggestive
╰┈➤song recommendation:Eyes don't lie-Isabel LaRosa ✩⡱
As you watched Jake,your best friend for more than 5 years who was also coincidentally your crush for the past 6 months,effortlessly indulge in yet another conversation with a girl at the bar, a sigh escaped your lips Despite knowing it was his own party and you didn't have any excuse to limit him from talking to girls,a feeling of jealousy tugged at your heart strings.
hesitantly agreeing to come after Jake quite literally begged you, you found yourself tucked away in a corner, sipping your probably ninth drink of the night,while shooting daggers in his direction. Laughter and music filled the air, and while everyone was having a good time you weren't.
When another girl got a bit too comfy with Jake, you decided to escape to the peace the unoccupied pool outside provided. The summer breeze messed up your hair, and the alcohol in your system blurred your thoughts as you stared into the night sky.
Suddenly, Jake showed up beside you, his presence bringing you both comfort and nervousness. "hey__" he murmured, his voice low while saying your name. "you seem a little distant. everything okay?"
You hesitated, caught off guard by the way he knew you so well "yeah, I'm fine," you replied, trying to sound nonchalant"I just needed to get some air I felt suffocated inside"you replied in an awkward tone
Jake leaned in closer, his eyes searching yours in way that made your heart beats race. "Are you sure?" he whispered, his breath warm against your freezing skin.
You swallowed a lump, feeling exposed under his gaze. "honestly, I'm just... feeling a little sick," your voice carrying uncertainty
A smirk tugged at the corners of Jake's lips as he leaned even closer, his lips touching your earlobe. "so you're not jealous,huh?" he murmured, his voice sending shivers down your spine you gasped and then quickly denied his allegations saying "what are you talking about jake?" . he said one thing "Eyes don't lie,baby"
Your breath hitched as Jake's words sent a jolt of electricity through you. Before you could respond, he closed the distance between you, his lips capturing yours in a heartwarming kiss. It felt like the world around you faded away, leaving only the burn of his touch and the pounding of your heart
After you pulled away, both of you breathless he sighed and said"i was only talking to so many girls because I wanted to forget about you, we always promised ourselves to never date or catch feelings for eachother, because we believed it'll ruin our friendship"
you looked to your right to catch a glimpse of his face only to find out he was already staring at you
you took his hands in yours and layed them on your lap and with a comforting smile you told him "that's what i told my self too jaeyun, but love can't be hidden like any other emotion ,I've had a crush on you for as long ask i can remember and I always shrugged it off but I can't handle seeing you like this anymore" he then tightened his grip around your hands and replied with" do you wanna maybe be my girlfriend? " you quickly said"yes! omg of course jae" you then kissed him again but unlike the first kiss this one was hurried but still as meaningful as the first one
you suddenly heard loud cheering and screams, only to realize your friends have been watching the whole thing from the start
(note: this is my first time writing an actual fic so please go easy on me😭😭, I'll gladly take any constructive criticism of any kind just no hate💗)
this is all fiction and not meant to represent any mentioned idols as they are in real life
©lovelypham works 2024
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An Unfortunate Predicament [Michael x Reader]
[ GN reader, slowburn, fluff, mildly tsundere, SFW, hurt+comfort, 2.6k ]
"y/n. Can you hear me?"
You can just barely make out his voice past the ringing in your ears. You open your eyes, and... nothing. There's nothing around you, just blank space. It's like you're suspended in a pitch-black void.
You quickly sit up- making note of the clearly solid surface beneath you- and look down. More pitch blackness.
It isn't like it's dark. In fact, it's quite bright- you can see yourself just fine. There's just nothing else there. Nothing but a surprisingly bright light shining down from above. You look up, only to immediately glance away. It's like staring directly into the sun...
"What happened...?" You ask.
"Ugh, really, what did you get yourself into this time..." The voice speaks again. You quickly discern it's coming from directly above you, from the light. "I'd think you'd have learned by now not to eat anything Solomon cooks, but it seems you're just as stubborn as he is."
The memory comes flooding back, of Solomon bringing yet another one of his culinary abominations over to you. It's blurry, but you're pretty sure he even spoon-fed you...
Maybe it's time to start working on my boundaries.
"Ah. So that's how I got here," you say. "But still, what happened? What did it do? Where am I?"
"Whatever Solomon put in that 'chicken soup' of his has transported you into some kind of pocket dimension."
"Great..." You groan, patting the ground beside you. Yep, it’s solid alright.
"Honestly, it's always something new with that sorcerer. He's generally a reasonable person with a good head on his shoulders, but then he'll go and cook something up that poisons even demons, or transports someone through time, or... oh, I probably shouldn't have said that."
"Should I just forget you said that?"
"Please do. Though, I'm not sure you'll even remember any of this once you're out of here anyway."
You let out a sigh. "Who are you, anyway?"
"Don't worry. I'm here to get you out," the voice responds. "Now, this should only take a second..."
You're about to point out how he completely dodged the question, but figure now isn't the time. You're relying on whoever this is to return you to the real world, after all.
The sound of someone snapping their fingers reverberates through whatever kind of space you're in, before you flinch at the piercing sound of glass shattering.
"I- what the...” The voice exclaims in disbelief.
Up to this point, the voice had this undertone of superiority- the kind that screams 'I know things you don't', that considers itself above you and any situation that could present itself. It reminded you of Lucifer, in a way, just more on the patronizing end. However, all of that is gone now- this just seems genuinely taken aback, even startled.
That same shattered-glass sound rings through the space again, then a frustrated growl before trying again.
A pit forms in your stomach. This isn't good...
"That damn sorcerer," the voice mutters, mostly to himself. "Oh. Excuse my language."
"You can't get out, can you?"
He sighs. "It seems I can't."
"Fortunately, unlike you, I should still be able to contact the outside world from here," the voice assured. "With outside support, we should be able to be extracted from here with little issue. I just need to give Raphael the instructions."
Raphael, huh?
"Who are you, anyway? You never answered my question earlier."
"You sure ask a lot of questions, don't you?" the voice responds, tone dripping with annoyance.
"Well, for as long as we're stuck here together, we might as well get to know each other."
Your remark is followed by a long moment of deafening silence.
Another thirty seconds of silence pass by, and a nervous feeling starts building up in your stomach. Is he still here? Had you crossed him in some way, and if you had, is he still going to help you out of here, or just himself?
"Ugh. Three hours... it's going to be around three hours."
You groan, taking another look at your surroundings. There's absolutely nothing to keep yourself entertained for the next three hours. There's nothing to even look at. And you're stuck here with some strange being that won't even tell you his name. Though, you're fairly certain you know who it is anyway.
"I can't believe Solomon pulled this off, and without even trying. His capacity to mess things up is almost impressive, isn't it? Though, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised anymore. Inventing an immortality potion, fighting a one-man war against the entire Devildom, shrinking Lucifer and suppressing his power, and now somehow trapping me... sometimes I worry what would happen if he decided to use his power to nefarious ends. And the whole cooking thing... why did he even have to get into cooking, of all things? I never thought I'd have to say the sentence, 'you were sent to a pocket dimension by chicken soup', but here we are. It's times like this that I understand why the Sorcerer's Society sent a dragon after him; this is ridiculous. He really causes me no end of..."
The voice trails off.
"Sorry. I'm rambling."
"No, no, ramble away," you respond quickly. "It's not like there's anything else for us to do here, anyway. Maybe your voice will keep me from going insane."
He scoffs softly. "I'm not here to entertain you."
"Would you honestly rather just sit here in silence? You're stuck here with me just as much as I'm stuck here with you."
That familiar radio silence fills the air again. God, this guy is petty.
Maybe I should see how big this place really is. There's not much to see, but maybe walking around will at least keep me from dying of boredom.
You get up from the floor (or, what you think counts as a floor?), pick a random direction and start walking.
"You know, not many humans would just walk into complete darkness with no directions. But then again, you've never been one to take the safe path, have you?"
You pause and frown. "You say that as though you know me."
"I've been watching," he admits. "The way you've forged such bonds with those brothers, influenced them so tremendously... I'd say you're flying too close to the sun, but everything seems to be going well. I'm happy you're making them happy."
"Well, thanks..?" You respond awkwardly. "I'm glad I'm making them happy, too."
"May I ask why?"
"Excuse me?"
"Well, they are demons."
"And? They're still dear to me."
"Dear to you, huh?" The voice asks pensively.
"Why are you so invested, anyway?"
There's a second of hesitation before the voice speaks again. Not a long spell of intentional silence like earlier, but a simple pause. As though he's contemplating what to say, or whether to speak at all.
"Because long ago, they were my brothers." The voice answers. "It's been a long time since then. But I do still have a smidgen of care for them. And seeing you get so close with them, it... it fascinates me."
There's an undeniable tone of loneliness to his tone, one that he's clearly trying to restrain but is leaking through nonetheless.
"Fascinates you?" You ask. You pause. "...well, you fascinate me, too, Michael. That's who you are, isn't it?"
"Excuse me?" He blurts in shock.
"You aren't exactly hiding it well."
Several seconds of silence ensue, and then a weak chuckle.
"You really are full of surprises, aren't you?"
"My life is full of surprises. I try to match the energy."
"I think I see why Lucifer likes you so much," he remarks. "And, yes, I am Michael. In case you needed the confirmation."
"Confirmation is always appreciated," you respond. "It's nice to finally meet you, Michael."
"I'm sorry? Nice to meet me?"
You quirk an eyebrow. "Why are you so surprised?"
"I apologize. It's just... I would have imagined Lucifer and those brothers of his would only have negative things to say of me. I had figured you wouldn't have the best impression of me, much less want to meet me."
"Meh, it's been a mixed bag," you shrug.
"Come on. You can't just say that; now I'm curious."
You chuckle. "Well, Mammon told me how you taught him about the constellations."
"He still remembers that...?"
"Apparently," you shrug again. "He tried to teach me too, but according to Luke he misremembered a lot. Still haven't had anyone teach me properly."
"Well, hold on."
Another snap echoes through the void, and suddenly you're in an endless sea of stars.
"Woah..." you let out a gleeful giggle, eyes sparkling with wonder. "This is amazing!"
"I'm glad you like it."
You're startled to hear the voice coming from behind you rather than above you. Now that you think about it, the bright light beaming down from above is gone too...
You slowly turn around, and there he is, in the flesh. Your heart skips a beat as you see him, and you remember what you were told not too long ago.
He's everything humans expect an angel to be and more.
He’s just… magnificent. He’s beautiful in the most ethereal way, with a certain grandeur to him on par with Lucifer. You can't help but stare, taking in his features, basking in them like warm sunlight.
The playful smile fades from his face for a moment. "Come on, don't look at me like that. There's really not much to look at.”
“I respectfully disagree,” you utter under your breath.
“Whatever. Let's go look at the stars instead."
He gets that starry-eyed look of childlike excitement again as he brushes past you and points at a cluster of stars.
"That over there is Orion, humans also call it 'The Hunter'. What a lot of people don't know is that each of the stars have their own names, too. Look at those three stars across the middle, the belt. Left to right are Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka. Now look up from there at the shoulders, now look just east of that... there's Canis Minor. Canis Minor is... oh, I never actually told you the names of the other stars in Orion, did I? I apologize. Anyway..."
You listen to him ramble on, pointing excitedly at various stars, constellations, and asterisms. Oh, and he explains to you what an asterism was. It's so easy to get lost in his words, even if it straddles the line between coherent thought and word vomit at times.
"What was that earlier about you not being here to entertain me?" You tease with a smirk.
He gives you a deadpan look. "This isn't for you. It's for me."
"Right," you chuckle and roll your eyes. "My apologies."
"Don't roll your eyes at me."
“You’re not sorry at all,” he sighs softly and shakes his head.
You give him a shrug.
“I don't get it," he utters, shaking his head once more with a soft smile upon his face. "You're just a human, but you talk to me like a friend. It's like you don't care who I am, what I am. It's absurd."
"Well, I've spent quite a while sassing Lucifer and his brothers. You aren't special."
"There you go again..." he sighs. "This is how you treat them, too?"
"Pretty much."
"You really don't care who anyone is, do you?"
"I don't understand how Lucifer hasn't killed you yet."
"Trust me, he's tried."
The two of you share a chuckle.
"You know, one time..." You delve into a story about you and Lucifer, one of the many times you drove him crazy.
Throughout the story, Michael leans in further and further towards you, completely captivated. He looks so utterly enthralled that you just can't bring yourself to bring it to a close. One chaotic story segues into another, and another. You feel like one of one of those camp counselors sitting around a campfire, telling stories to a circle of starry-eyed children.
"With the way you talk about him, I'd almost think he hasn't changed," Michael remarks with a distant look in his eyes, a sad smile tilting the corners of his lips.
"Really, he hasn't," you tell him. "From what I've heard, anyway. He's still Lucifer."
He lets out a sad sigh, eyes cast downward. "All this time, I've thought the Lucifer I knew died when I... when he became a demon."
He meets your gaze with a melancholic look.
"Well, he's changed a little," you agree, "but he's still the same Lucifer inside. I've seen enough to know that. I'm sure if you give him a chance..."
Michael sighs. "How am I supposed to face him as a demon? How am I supposed to look at him, not recoil at what he's become, what I turned him into?"
You put a hand on his shoulder. "Michael."
His eyes widen in surprise, as he’s momentarily snapped out of his episode of self-pity.
"Touching me too, are you? You really do know no bounds."
You swear you can see the faintest blush upon his face. Or maybe it’s just a trick of the light. Either way, that could be explored later.
"It's how I've gotten this far," you tell him with a smile. "I've gotten where I am because I, consistently, decided to take the plunge. And I think it's time for you to take the plunge, too."
For a long moment, he just looks down at the ground, his expression unreadable.
After what feels like forever, he meets your gaze again. "Let's get back to the constellations," he suggests with a weary smile.
And so, Michael returns to his rambles about the constellations, wildly pointing and gesturing into his projection of the night sky. A surprised blush heats up your face as you feel a feathered wing drape around you like a soft blanket. You look to Michael in disbelief, as he continues gesturing to the stars.
You shuffle closer to him, and without looking away from the distant stars, he pulls his wing over you tighter, almost squeezing like a feathery hug. His feathers brush against you, softer than anything you’ve ever felt.
You gently grasp some of his gleaming white feathers between your fingers and stroke them. His eyes widen in surprise.
“Hey, I didn’t say you could touch,” he weakly chides.
“You’re the one who touched first!”
“Ugh…” he rolls his eyes. “Anyway, that over there is Lacerta…”
You settle back down underneath his wing, taking everything in. He’s warm, unbelievably warm. It’s as though you’re snuggled up in a heated blanket as the two of you gaze up at the stars. You feel like you could stay there forever.
I can't believe this is happening.
However, all good things must come to an end. Eventually, you start to notice the starry sky... breaking apart. Into little tiny pieces, floating away into the abyss.
"That must mean Raphael succeeded," Michael says, stepping away and retracting his wing. "When this little pocket of reality is fully dissolved, we'll be sent right back to where we were before this whole ordeal."
A pang of disappointment hits you as you realize your little moment is coming to a close.
"Oh, don't give me that face." Michael says. "We'll see each other again; I promise it. So try to remember me this time, okay?"
You give him a weird look. Try to remember him this time...? What on Earth does he mean by that...?
Before you can ask, he takes your hands in his and squeezes them gently. Just as he does, a blinding light pours in and... now, you're in your bed.
You blink and sit up.
"Oh, thank goodness! What was that about; ya really had us scared there! Don't ya ever do that again!" Mammon's practically yelling into your ear.
"Mammon, there's no need to be right in their face. Not after they just woke up." Lucifer shakes his head. "Are you alright, [y/n]?"
"I'm feeling quite alright," you smile.
"Oh?" Lucifer gives you a weird look.
"You can go ahead and tell everyone I'm fine," you say, standing up and walking towards the door. "I'm headed to the library."
Meanwhile, in the Celestial Realm, Raphael breathes a sigh of relief as Michael reappears.
"Ugh, honestly, Michael," he shakes his head. "How did you even find yourself in such a predicament, anyway? I mean, you?"
"As I said. I had to help [y/n]."
"Were you even actually stuck in there, or were you just using it as an excuse to mess around when you have work to do?"
"...I'll leave that up to your interpretation."
"Michael...! Hey, don't just run off...!"
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Day 9: showering/bathing
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Masterlist flufftober 🎀
Reblog if you liked it!
The aroma of the candle burning in the room had you completely relaxed and the salts in the bathtub were helping to reduce inflammation from your muscles, quite tired from the day's effort. The toiletries they were using had been a gift from your husband and, honestly, you were appreciating his choice of the lavender line right now.
After a few minutes, only God knows how many, a sound outside caught your attention and then you became alert for a possible thief. All your fears were washed away when a familiar voice called out your name and you had to summon your willpower not to run out of the bathtub to greet him.
"I'm here!" you half screamed. It didn't take him long to discover where you were and when you saw him walk through the door a smile spread across your face.
“Hello, princess,” he greeted you and if it hadn't been for the fact that you were submerged in the water, you would have practically melted. He looked tired, but he still walked up to you and gave you a gentle kiss on the lips. “I didn't expect to find you like this. But I'm honestly not complaining.”
“You can join,” you said, batting your eyelashes flirtatiously as he sat on the closed toilet lid “I'm glad you're back, by the way. Did everything go well?”
“We solved the case faster than I expected”
Spencer's absences could last from a few hours to an entire week and that was something you had already gotten used to, but what you couldn't quite adjust to was the physical toll that work took on your husband. You would never dare ask him to leave, however, that didn't exempt you from worrying about him.
“That's good to hear,” you responded cordially, having already turned a little on the tub and with your head resting on your arms leaning on the edge of the porcelain.
There was a moment of silence, not at all uncomfortable, in which he kept looking at you.
“You look so pretty like this.”
“Relaxed,” he corrected you, chuckling at your usual sass.
“I was serious when I said you could join.”
“But I probably stink and have sticky skin, love.”
"So what? Anyway, you’re going to take a shower,” you argued, reaching out to caress his leg “Go on, get naked for me.”
Spencer was never the flirtatious type and perhaps it was because of those indecent comments you said all the time that he was still in love with you. Without offering much resistance to your request, he took off his clothes, to the delight of your eyes, and when he was completely naked he got into the tub with you, maneuvering to stay behind your body in the small space.
"How long have you been here?"
“Not much since you arrived,” you confessed.
You could barely move, but you managed to reach out to the sponge at your side and took the man's arms to start washing them, carefully and carefully. While you did this, he left a few soft kisses along the length of your shoulders and every so often he sighed with satisfaction at your attention.
You turned until you were leaning on his lap and took some shampoo between your fingers to wash his hair, which had already grown a little since the last time.
“Are you using the lavender set?”
“Mhm” you hummed happily “It was given to me by my cute husband who hasn’t stopped seeing my boobs since I turned around.”
“Sorry, I'm just a little distracted right now,” he laughed, but without sounding sorry at all.
You let the shampoo rest on his scalp and then took the sponge again to scrub his slightly tanned chest with the same affection. Spencer followed your every movement attentively, feeling intoxicated by your care and the faint scent of the candle in the room.
You might think that married life gave you many moments like these, but the truth was that among so many obligations sometimes you didn't have much time and you two were grateful to be able to be in that intimate and homely position, even if it was just for a short time.
“Do you feel better now?”
“Much better,” he sighed, reaching over to hold your face and place a kiss on your cheek, the wedding ring glistening in his left hand “I read a good book on the trip back here, do you want me to tell you about it?”
“Sure,” you responded happily, adjusting yourself so that you were once again pressed against his chest.
He began to tell you about an astrophysical phenomenon that he had been interested in for the past few months. You listened very carefully to each of his words and enjoyed his kind palm caressing your side while he spoke in your ear, taking the time to explain everything that was unknown to you.
If someone asked you where else you would have liked to be, you would have chosen nowhere else than that warm bathtub.
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taglist: @navs-bhat @reidwritings @tricia-shifting14 @spencerslove @vivian-555 @r-3dlips @rhiannonhippiegirl @taygrls @simp4f1
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babybatss-blog · 3 months
ik youve nvr done a fic for sam from sdv but I saw you are happy to!
Could I get fluff where he teaches you how to use his skateboard?
Of course love, that’s such a cute idea! I don’t know much about skating but I did date a girl who skated, so I hope it’s accurate ~
Sam (stardew) x f!reader, 1300 words
Cw: swearing, suggestive language and blood.
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Life in the valley is relaxing as you’ve always dreamed it would be. After leaving Zuzu city, you craved a boring normality, without a standard nine to five job and screaming criminals outside of your window at three am when you’re trying to sleep. You do also kind of miss the fun you had in your teenage years though, causing trouble and giving grey hairs to your poor parents. Perhaps that’s why you love Abby, Sam and Sebastian. Being two years younger than you they tended to remind you of trouble-free times, often getting you into antics you wouldn’t dream of now you’re attempting a proper adult life in the scenic countryside.
After doing your simple tasks on the farm you check your phone to see a message from Abby. “Yo we are chilling outside of Sam’s if you want to join :)” You smile at the text, as you’ve only been here for a month and a bit and the three have already welcomed you in so graciously. So you grab you back pack and set off, to spend the day in the sunshine with your new friends.
When you arrive, Abby and Sebastian are sitting on the grass playing Arctic Monkeys on a small speaker, while Sam is skating on the path in front of them. “Hey!!” You call, causing an enthusiastic wave from Abby and a less enthusiastic one from Seb. You thought he hated you, but the others assured you he was ‘just like that’. Sam on the other hand, whips his head up and looses balance on his board almost immediately, causing him to fall flat on his ass on the harsh concrete.
“Shit Sam are you alright?” You say, scrambling to his side to help him up. Despite what you deemed to be a serious tumble, Abigail and Seb merely laugh at the poor boy, pointing and insulting his clumsiness. “mm I’m alright…” he grumbles, dusting himself off with a pink blush coating his cheeks. You can’t help but notice how cute he looks in his flustered state, but choose to not dwell so much on the thought as it somehow feels wrong inside your stomach. “So… What are you doing?” You ask, quickly changing the subject away from your awkward silence. “Just skating. I’ve been trying to kickflip but it’s honestly harder than I thought it would be.” You respond with a confused face, clearly not understanding his complex lingo as if it’s another language entirely.
“Show her what you mean dipshit!” Abby calls out, her and Seb somehow still chuckling to each other. Why are they doing that you wonder, Sam fell over ages ago! This also spikes Sam out of the same confusion, which causes him to explain exactly what a kickflip is. “Right. So, a kickflip is basically just flipping the board as you jump, and landing on it afterwards. Pretty simple but I just can’t get it!”
Simple? You think to yourself silently on how intricate the whole ordeal sounds, but decide not to argue with him on it. Afterall, what do you know about skateboarding? “Here, let me show you what I’ve got so far.” He says, wasting no moment to let you advise against it as he promptly rides off. His nimble legs kick the board into a twist, and he jumps as if a bird in flight. But on the landing, his feet completely miss the centre of the board which causes him to catapult forward!
You start to leap forward (as if it will help in anyway) but he artfully rolls out of it and bounces up to his feet, showing a dorky smile and thumbs up almost immediately to soothe any doubts you may have. “See what I mean?” He walks towards you with an unearned swagger, picking up his board on the way and smiling. How this man hasn’t died yet you have no idea. “God Sam, I don’t know how you even attempt something like that… I can’t even ride forward on a skateboard!” He begins to chuckle at you, before stopping in his tracks with a wide eyed expression. “Hey, I can teach you! I’ve tried to Teach Abby and Seb like a million times now but they never want to. You can be my skating buddy.
Immediately you know how much of a bad idea that is. Flinging yourself onto a wheeled board, on concrete and without any protection? No thanks. But seeing Sam’s wide smile, setting up the board and pondering the best approach to teaching just makes the whole thing so damn appealing. Who can blame a girl, wanting to spend time with a cute guy?
So you roll your eyes, but still walk over to the board on the other side of Sam. “Okay so when your ready grab my hands and step onto the board. We are just going to practice balance for now, I’ll lead you up and down the path until you don’t need to hold on to stand up straight.” Sam sets his hand out on top of the board, calloused and strong from years of falling over and playing guitar. Taking a deep breath, you grab them. They’re warm and safe. You step onto the board, shaking on the spot but somehow still standing up. “Good girl…” He says, making your stomach knot up. You know his simple affirmation shouldn’t make you feel that way, but you cannot help but feel the butterflies building up within your walls.
Abigal and Sebastian seem to have the same idea, as the pair who you had forgotten were still watching arc up, Seb with a wolf whistle and Abby with some loud clapping. “Ignore them.” He says, clearing not getting the inuendo the rest of you recognised in his words. With slow yet dangerous steps Sam leads you forward, both of your eyes trained on the board below you. A smile grows on your face at the success, feeling an odd sort of accomplishment despite the small task. His hands pull away from yours, which you know was the goal of this but still makes you somehow upset.
You hold you breath as if you are on a tightrope, trying desperately not to fall off. You almost had it too, until Sam gives the board a light push and it catapults out from underneath you! Your three friends all leap up, taking your fall much more seriously than Sam’s previous ones as both your right leg and two palms draw blood on the harsh contact below. A string of mumbled curse words leaves Sam’s mouth as he rushes to your side, while all you can do is just sit their in defeat. “Fuck I’m so sorry, I thought you were ready to have the board moving. Are you bleeding?” You only nod back, raising your hands to show the raw skin you have developed. Sam scatters off like a nervous school boy into his house to grab his mothers first aid kit, as Abby and Seb sit next to you. “Good job there.” Seb says sarcastically, causing you to blush even more. “Shut up.” You reply. “I wanted to seem cool.”
To this Abigail envelopes you in a hug. “Girl you are cool! You don’t need to prove yourself to us or anyone! Plus, Sam already thinks your cool.” She says with a smile. “Really?” You ask, hopefully in your question as if it will solve all your issues. Both her and Seb reaffirm this, as Sam now rushes back outside (almost falling over himself again in the process) to pick you up. “Come on, I’ve got some bandages and ointment in the kitchen for you.”
He slings your arm over his shoulder and hoists you up effortlessly, helping you stumble into the kitchen. Truthfully, your small scratches don’t need all this attention, but you’ll take the excuse to be close to Sam once again.
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