#I have very strong blorbo feelings alright
Do normal sane people start writing a crossover fic with the sole purpose of a character from one fandom torturing a character from another fandom?
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rainbowgod666 · 7 months
Wizardposting blogs and my view of them, OR:
My ass out here cataloguing wizards like they're pokemon 💀 i ran out of things to do fr 💀💀💀
@official-megumin: dutch (EDIT. SHE ISNT. I WRONGLY REMEMBERER A POST OF HERS. I KNOW HER ASS IS LIVING [OR FROM] NORTH EUROPE THO) megumin that still has the "only knows one spell and its the stupidest and hardest to unlock and use. Balancing the Meta my ass" problem. In a relationship with @a-sentient-cup
@autism--wizard: just a lil neurodivergent guy that likes spooders. Not much of it really. Possibly strong enough to defeat spiders georg
@the-adhd-sorcerer: moot :) also more powerful than they let on, but its like DBXV2: starter gear and GODLY stats
@mossy--wizard: moss-fueled neurodivergent boi with lots of moss. Yes their blog feels like a wet forest in the sunlight, drying up after a long rain. Not really interacted with them tho...
@wizard-council-bureaucrat: basically the MC of tumblr wizardposting. If they say something its either wizard law or just a suggestion. Probably the only wizard here that ISNT "surprisingly powerful even though their learning was less than advanced"
@wizard-intern: the blorbo.
@the-gnomish-bastard: ok i get that theyre basically pilaf from dragonball, but A: the stew arcanum is REAL bur the 24 gods thing either sounds like bullshit or he made a stew out of 24 REALLY HUBRIS-FILLED PEOPLE (which would explain his "holy fucking shit how are you even capable of HAVING A STRUCTURE WITH THE FUNCTION OF A BRAIN"), B: he was the dude that came up with the whole "floating wizard island thing" (which has so many holes like wtf put it back down) and C: im pretty sure they have been corrupted by some kind of mushroom deity, which would explain the fact that when calling him "stupid" its like SCP-682 saying that humans are disgusting. Because there literally isnt a stronger word in the human language. How in the fuck does someone have so little intellect we have to do like the jewish population of europe after 1945 when they came up with the word "shoah" to describe what happened to them. To the user running that blog. GET SOME PSYCHIATRIC HELP ASAP. Holy shit.
@not-a-suspicious-wizard: "I aM vErY tRuStWoRtHy" dude everyone knows you wanna do some weird "subjugate reality" bullshit. How about you start making drafts and NOT murdering opponents? Seriously dude if you wanna be in charge as long as you dont try weird "consolidating power like its the 1940s" shit its alright. Maybe take some craftmanship things as a hobby! Make your own throne! Come up with something to do when you are too tired to do Dominant King Bullshit! Play modded minecraft/terraria! Make origami! If youre gonna blanket the world in darkness, at least make it look cool and welcoming instead of "inevitable rebel uprising lol have fun with Prophetic Children lmao" :3
@incompetent-wizard: are you SURE youre incompetent? Chances are, you're just unlucky 😊
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Headcanons: Hugging the Crew of the Revenge
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All of them are my blorbos. I want to hug them. So, here’s that. First time posting on this account! Sorry if this sucks! Platonic or Romantic, up to you!
Probably not very experienced in giving hugs
Always liked the idea and wanted to hug people but it’s not very ‘proper’ and the poor guy didn’t really have any friends so hasn’t gotten to give many hugs
Has many stored up hugs waiting to be unleashed
Would be very eager but would probably overthink it
Give him a heads up. He wants to set up the ideal hug! Tea, pillows, blankets, the whole nine!
He would go and change into his softest clothes for the occasion
Fumbles his way through the first few seconds but once he gets a good handle on it, he gives very good hugs
Hugs you very gently 
Would be happy to read to you while hugging you if it would make you feel better
(It would also make him feel better)
Very soft (fine fabrics) and smells amazing
Just one hug from Stede and you’ll be smelling like flowers for the rest of your day 
Probably does the awkward dad pat on the back
Probably also not super experienced in hugs
But also very very excited
A very forceful hugger
He gets very excited okay?
Also he strong 
He will 100% squeeze the air out of your lungs
Would also appreciate being squeezed
(Ed would love weighted blankets and I will die on this hill)
Also probably the most likely to pick you up and swing you around
He won’t drop you don’t worry 
Despite all the shenanigans, his hugs feel very warm and sturdy
He was probably overthinking just as much as Stede but he’s just better at bluffing confidence
How does he win a hug?
If you tell him you he did a good job with it, congratulations, he will now hug you whenever he sees you 
Will probably ask for another hug right after putting you down
Hugs for the rat-man
Local meow-meow has never been hugged
Will insist up and down that he doesn’t want/need a hug
He absolutely does but will never ask
Also no way is he self aware enough to even consider the possibility that he might need one
If you somehow manage to give him a hug, he will have absolutely no idea what to do 
Will probably stand there, hands awkwardly in the air like someone has him at gunpoint until you tell him it’s okay to touch you
Once he properly is hugging you he will melt immediately
This man is incredibly touch starved and this is the most incredible thing that has ever happened to him 
He gets one (1) kind gesture and he immediately has an existential crisis
Might cry and if you let him hide his face in your shoulder he’ll cry harder
Let him cry. Poor guy needs a good cry
Hugs incredibly gently by default (He doesn’t want to hurt you)
Will probably never ask for another hug but will be thinking about it for a long time
Please hug him again
Gives very good hugs, nice, comforting 
Definitely knows what to say to make you feel better 
Also pretty open with affection in general 
Loops his arm over your shoulder when talking etc.
Would probably whisper something flirty in your ear just to watch you get flustered (If you’re alright with it of course)
Would also go for the ass grab (he asks first of course)
If you’re strong enough to carry him, he would 100% ask you to
Though if you say yes even once he will keep asking. He’s kind of lazy and very flirty so he would be living the dream getting carried around
Also wouldn’t hesitate to rally the entire crew to give you a group hug if he thought it would help you 
Black Pete
Would initially insist he’s too cool for hugs
This doesn’t last more that ten seconds because he actually really likes hugs and will fold very quickly even if you don’t push
Seamlessly switches over to claiming he gives the best and coolest hugs
They are pretty cool hugs admittedly 
Comfy but a bit on the tight side 
Would give you a very strong pat on the back
Like a little too hard but he means well
He’s trying
Doesn’t strike me as someone who likes hugs all that much
Not very physically affectionate in general 
If they did give one they’d probably be very gentle and they’d do their best to move slowly not to spook you since that’s what they’d prefer
Their hugs feel very safe and comforting
Jim would feel protective of you while they’re hugging you
They’re glaring at everyone over your shoulder 
If Oluwande dragged them into a group hug they’d be a bit more comfortable with that 
They’d probably prefer slinging their arm over your shoulder and sitting next to you to a proper hug
Comfortable but not too much touching involved
Very very good hugs
I can not emphasize enough how comfy and good his hugs would be 
A true master of hugs 
Knows exactly how much force to use and how long to make it 
Would gently rub your back 
Tells you that everything is going to be okay and you can’t not believe him
His hugs feel so safe you could easily fall asleep in his arms
He would let you if you did
Also probably send Jim to make sure everyone else keeps it down so you can sleep
10000/10 hug
Loves hugs and physical affection 
The kind of person who would greet you with a hug
Careful at first but that’s mostly because he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable 
Once you give him permission, he will hug you whenever he can
If you hug him from behind he can also play something for you
Cuddles. So many cuddles 
Will happily share a blanket or a pillow with you
Wee John
Loves hugs
Very comfy and soft and warm
Probably very careful about how tightly to hold you
Would pick you up and carry you around
He might drop you
Depending on where you both are and how close you two are he might just book it running 
For the chaos
Would totally let you sleep on top of him (He is a very cozy bed)
This might be overly specific but I think he’d be the type to run up behind you and jump scare you with a hug from behind 
If you do it back to him he would be pretty happy and proud
Personally I don’t think that startling someone on a ship where most people are armed is a great idea but in his mind if he gets stabbed he can fix it
What’s a little stabbing but a garnish on a hug?
Generally likes hugging from behind
If you’re trying some food he made for you he’d probably be draped over your shoulders like a blanket while waiting for your opinion 
The Swede
The Tackle Hug™
He got excited and just went for it
Sent both of you flying
He felt really bad about it and apologized a lot
Will do it again the next time he wants to hug someone 
No matter how many times it happens, he will never learn
Stede might suggest that the Swede uses it again during a raid as an attack and you have mixed feelings about that 
Hug neutral
If you need one or if a hug would make you feel better he’d be fine with that 
Probably won’t seek out hugs on his own though
You can cry or fall asleep in his arms and he’ll be fine with that
Will happily take care of you
I think he would be a little nervous 
He hasn’t given many hugs and he really doesn’t want to mess up
Would probably tell you that he’s nervous 
Once you assure him everything’s going to be okay he gives you a very good hug
Gets very excited and will be grinning for a while 
Very safe and warm
Would give surprisingly good hugs
Gives you a comforting pat on the back
Grandpa hug vibes
Karl or Olivia would probably join in and perch on your head or shoulder (They also want you to know they support you)
Buttons would insist that the sea gives the best hugs. (You have no idea what to make of that. He probably isn’t threatening to throw you overboard. Probably )
Also make sure you do not ask him while he is moonbathing
He would absolutely pause the moonbathing to hug you 
But he will not pause to put on pants
Be warned
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somesecretpie · 6 months
I've been receiving a lot of asks in my inbox that I don't want to answer because they are essentially the same and I don't wanna flood my tumble with repeat messages. So this is kind of going to be a "general answering my asks."
1.) To all the folks that told me that they liked my OCD comic and that it helped them in some way, thank you so much. I read your message and it made me very happy. I love all of you, stay strong and good luck!
2.) To all the folks asking me whether or not they have OCD and giving me a detailed list of their symptoms, I am not a mental health professional. I cannot diagnose you with any mental health condition over the internet from a little blurb of information. I would be essentially responding the same thing to each one: visit the IOCDF website for information about OCD. Try checking out this page in particular for a list of mental health conditions commonly mistaken for OCD/that share symptoms with OCD. And if you are struggling, seek professional help or talk to a counselor if you are able to. And generally, be careful with self-diagnosis. I am not against well researched self-diagnosis on principal and I think it can be very useful (especially to people that don't have a lot of money) but fear can definitely cause you to jump to conclusions (usually the worst conclusions.) I've self-diagnosed myself with brain tumors, stomach cancer, and a whole lot of other things with little evidence but my own fear. When you read these informational pages, try to do it with a clear mind. And refrain from reading them over and over. Just once or twice. Alright? Alright.
I did answer one of these asks because it seemed a bit severe and I actually did think I could say something useful that wasn't on the IOCDF website but I am not going to answer the other ones. I hope you understand.
3.) To all the folks asking me if their fictional character they have made with OCD is accurate and/or problematic and giving me detailed descriptions of them or asking permission to write a character with OCD: Lol. Lmao.
Okay but really: I appreciate your questions and want to give you a nice pat on the head for trying to write accurately about a condition that is so widely misunderstood. Sincerely, thank you. But once again, I'm gonna just refer you to the IOCDF website for more information on OCD. Because I don't want to fill up my tumblr with a bunch of these. Hope you understand.
Generally though…all of your characters seem …just fine? Yeah they all seem fine. If you feel like need permission to write a character with OCD, you have my permission. Here you go. I am handing you a pass.
The bar for writing OCD characters is so low. It’s underground. If you know what OCD even is, you’re already doing better than most writers. I guess if I can give you one peice of advice: don’t write the OCD as some kind of superpower. It doesn’t give people super detective skills or make people good at math. There is literally nothing positive about it. Characters with OCD can be badass and awesome of course, but not because of their OCD.
If you really want my specific opinion about your blorbo, you can always message me rather than sending me an anon ask. I promise I will not think you are cringe and I might even answer if I am bored.
Have a nice day!
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chevvy-yates · 9 months
got tagged by @therealnightcity. 🤍
Decided to give Thyjs a go as well! And let him answer. I'll try to keep it short as in general Thyjs talks least of all (there are excuses though).
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"De Wit. Thyjs. It's pronounced like 'nice'."
"'Storm', sir!"
"'Cis male' ik denk – dat is how you call it, right?"
"I fell in love with Ryder, who is a man."
"Granaatappels¹ and grapes. Especially the first. Ate them often during my service in Afghanistan." — ¹pommegranates
"Spring. There is nothing more beautiful than tulpenvelden² as far as the eye can see. And I love papavervelden³ as much!" — ²tulip fields ³poppy fields
"All flowers are pretty. The ones I named before, yellow flag iris, all kinds of lilies, beautiful anemoon⁴, crocus, and the little sneeuwklokje – u call it snowdrop. I also love hortensia, bolderik⁵, entire composietenfamilie like madeliefje and margerite⁶, but also centaurie and klokje⁷. There is more but I stop now — oh, nog een! Ry told me to tell his favoirte flower as he always forgets the name: korenbloem⁸. Very pretty purple flower!"
— ⁴anemone ⁵agrostemma githago ⁶asteraceae, like daisies and margerites ⁷centaurea and campanula ⁸Centaurea cyanus
"From the natuur: the smell of a storm coming. And Ry— hij ruikt zoo heerlijk⁹! He uses a strong fragrance. That mixed with his scent, I have to admit, I'm addicted!"
— ⁹he smells so good.
"Coffee over tea. But both is alright!"
"Six to seven hours. Average sleep time."
"Dogs. I can't cope with cats. Need loyal animals."
"I have seen many parts of this world. Everywhere can be a 'dream' when you are with the ones you love. But ik mis Nederland. Want to go back one day when enough time has passed."
"I have none. But I will say my dad. He was my hero and will always be. God zegene hem¹⁰."
— ¹⁰God bless him.
"Ry and I sleep with one blanket. Sometimes it gets lost."
"I'm kind of a human defibrillator. I can manage to bring someone back who just died by using my electricity. It's a low chance, though."
tagging those I know have more than one blorbo (bc so many did this already):
@morganlefaye79, @wraithsoutlaws, @gloryride, @sammysilverdyne, @a-pirate, @mhbcaps and @dustymagpie
as always not a must and idk if u been tagged already or not, but feel free to do anytime, especially if you got more blorbos than one!
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kirai0daisy · 1 year
Henlo! So I'd like to ask something of my favourite blorbo, Zhask!
Maybe... something fluff in relation to how many god awful food puns he makes.
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Zhask X (gender is your choice)!Reader Headcanons
Not really warnings: Fluff, Soft-side, comforting
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• ZHASK knows you from the very start of the Kastiyan's terrors.
• He is not a man for to fall in love that much fast, he needs time. A lot time- but since Kastiyan's are immortal (:cant die) he haved his a lot time and finally felled(?) in love with you.
• It would be a lie if you said you didnt haved feelings for Zhask,
but you are smart enaugh to not show/tell it to him/someone else.
• 'Cuz real bad things would happen if someone know that.
• How did you guys became a couple? Well after a long time, Zhask falled in love with your fighting style, your smartness(/battle intelligence), your personality and etc.
• So he becams more soft to you. At least when nobodys around. And one day when he called out for you. And you couldnt help but think, did you did something wrong? Did you maked him angry??
• What you didnt know was it was wayyy quite opposite. He just asked you what you feel for him and you said things like 'his strongness, his leadership and etc.' but you both know this is was not everything.
• So Zhask maybe a little bit rather roughfully maked you said everything you feel for him "I.. Like everything about you. I know ım just a warrior that fighting above your leadership but feelings cant controlled..." after some seconds of silence, you continue "Im really sorry for feeling this way, I'll accept everything as punishme-" the words Zhask said shocked you "Alright I accept your date offer but anyone will.not know about this. Alright?" You looked at him shocked but then come to your senses "Alright le-" "Zhask. Or any-thing-else in closed doors"
•After yall became a couple that no one knows both you guys life turned into more.. Colorfull.
• Like every-other-else you are one of the Kastiyan's after all
and uour duty is simple; just fight with other planets, kill people and take their home. Simple as that, right?
• It's not like you have another choice anyways, but still this is your duty. But you cant help the little bit of guilt and sadness whenever you take someone's innocent life.
• But whenever you do that, Zhask will be wait to comfort you. His arms are always open to hug you when he sees the sadness in your eyes.
• Homever he literally hates PDA (:Means affection (hugging, kissing, holding hands and etc.) something like that) So he wont hug you in open-public. This does not means he wont comfort you by the words till you guys are out there.
• Anyone cant hear his words of affection tho, he only says it aloud for you to hear. And when you guys go to closed doors, he will make his awful jokes. Like plz. I know this man is trying to make you laugh but what are theses jokes 💀
• Not only I realizs that after request, he would really make awful jokes. İts literally canon. This man doesnt know anything about funny-ness(???) so his attempt to make you laugh is not how good his joke is, how awfully bad his joke is.
• "What does a nosey pepper do? It gets jalapeño business" He doesnt either knows if its funny or not. He just.. Says it. You dont know where Zhask found those jokes from tho- he says its a secret. And he says jokes in a veryy monotone tone. So the reason why you are laughing is not how funny his joke is, how awful the joke is and how he sounds like.
• But It doesnt matter to him if his jokes are awful. The thing matter to him is your laugh. Your sweet little laugh that makes him butterflies in his stomach and also makes him smile too.
• Even if you tell him to stop he will just say more because you are laughing "Pff- Cant you at least tell me a better joke?" "Theres only one thing thats better than a good joke: a joke so bad that it’s good" and you will just laugh at how awful his jokes are.
This man can race with Cyno bc of how bad their jokes are- Idk who would win tho..
• He doesnt think about his bloody-messed past when he is with you. You are like a relaxed music to him after a tired day, listening while laying. Yes you really make him feel that much nice. You are his everything.
• So why wont he say jokes even if they are really bad that can make a fish drown in the sea because of how much they laughed and water got their lungs-...... You didnt read that but what Im trying to say is he doesnt care what he is doing or saying if he got to see/listen your smile/laugh.
• The thing matter to him is.. You<3
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And my dear Hoshino Ai gif again<3
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Please take care of yourselfs! And I hope yall have a nice day :3 Im taking any kind of requests so please dont shy to say any of it<3
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kausatstolar · 19 days
former | latter
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Alright. It's been a very long time since I've done this, largely because life got in my damn way. It's about 18 days until the first anniversary of sovstuck. Isn't that cool? Let's go back to visit our favorite jadeblood. I think I like the panel/text/analysis format, so I'm going to keep up with that.
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RETRIS: Investigate poster.
You're not sure if you can consider your JOB a HOBBY, but you entertain the NARRATOR anyway. You are an ACTOR, of the TRADITIONAL LIVE-ACTION BATTLEGROUNDS ROLEPLAY variety. It is a controversial, culturally Carapacian pastime. Lights. Cameras. Action. Bloodshed. Real people died in the making of these productions. Some by your hands.
There's something delightfully unsettling about this. Retris's hand being the only troll hand, grasping the crown. The monsters strewn across the counter. The offhanded comment on the fact he's killed some of these people.. How well acquainted was he, with the hands in the poster. How old is this poster, on that note?
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RETRIS: Stare at your hands.
You take a moment to contemplate the amount of times you've washed gore off your carapace. Some were people you've loved. You think it's fine. They'd all agreed in advance that that's how they wanted to go.   You try not to think about it too hard, but it gnaws at you sometimes when the moon is hung high. Some of them were so young. Just like you.
Guh. I really like the composition of this panel. It's so fucking dreadful. He looks so unhappy here. You think it's fine. They agreed in advance. You try not to think about it.
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RETRIS: Get immediately distracted by the SHRINE behind you.
Oh fuck yes. Disregard all previous thoughts. It's EVANGELION time. You’ve been a hardcore fan of the series NEON GENESIS EVANGELION since you were a child. It was a formative piece of media to you. It has informed many aspects of your being. You have a particular fixation on the relationship between Evangelion's IKARI SHINJI and NAGISA KAWORU. This is your shrine dedicated to the pairing. KawoShin, it's called in fan spaces. Not that you've ever participated in those. Every Evangelion fan except for you and your BEST FRIEND is annoying. You'd like it if they got blown up with lasers. In fact, you feel quite the same way about-
Nothing better to wipe away the pain of all the people you've lost along the way than blorbos! He's so charming here. His artstyle is really charming. Look at that smiiiile. I'm sure that his love of NGE and KawoShin will not be exceedingly relevant, and has absolutely nothing to do with the way I format these. I feel the urge to blow everybody but you and your bestie up with lazers, though.
It's a sound page...!
Fun first sound page! Wonder who's blowing up his DMs?
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RETRIS: Investigate desk.
I understand him. That's all I can say here. ...Is that a KawoShin mousepad?
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...What a wonderfully drawn hand. What on earth is making him hesitate like this?
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Oh. That's all he was doing.
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Wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up-
NERV, not KawoShin. Cool. What's all the hurry? Surely nobody's dying? ...Surely.
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There we go! Ah, yes, good ol' VRISCORD. Everyone's using this handy little messaging app these days. Probably on account of it coming pre-downloaded on literally fucking everything. Your username on the platform is azimuthAnomaly -- don't tell the internet -- and English m4y not 6e your first l4ngu4ge, 6ut, you 4re trying your 6est. It seems a couple of your FRIENDS have been messaging you while you were out.
Oh. Yeah. I understand. Nice to get a view of who he talks to.
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RETRIS: Commit favoritism.
You check on your best friend first, as it should be. She comes before everything else in the world. Including yourself.
Have a strong feeling that "Including yourself." is going to come back and bite everybody. God, he and GG are SO fucking cute together. I love the camraderie they've got here. Ret-HIIssss.... The friendship they have reminds me a little of me and my bestie. Heehee.
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cashweasel · 11 months
Got tagged by besties @night-triumphantt and @sysba who I’ll be sending my therapy bill to for making me take this quiz for blorbos but maybe it’s also partly my fault bc I can’t resist taking quizzes esp if they’re about ocs
Tagging @lawrencebarkley @sosolenoo @heaventides
What kind of love are you?
valen - love that heals
your love is healing. it burns you with every bit of your soul, but you choose to heal, nevertheless. you are so, so so strong and i hope you know that. i send you peace. i send you calm. i hope things will become better for you in time, just as you have made others better in time as well.
gideon, yazan, hyacinth - love that lasts
love unconditional, love unfailing. you love no matter what happens because you believe in the best – of you, and them. it will hurt and it will fail you, but this love tastes so sweet – you can never believe that it bitters sometimes. the way you choose to love unconditionally is incredible.
karima - love that protects
you love so fiercely, with every fibre of your being. maybe you were wounded by love in the past ; such that you choose to love and love and love so wonderfully that the next person who comes into your life never doubts that they are loved by you.
shaheen - love that strengthens
you make sure that people know that they are loved, and you give them strength when they need it the most. this is an ability that is rare; the love that you hold speaks wonders of yourself. i hope you're doing alright. isn't it exhausting always being the bigger person?
angie - love that calms
this is sweet. i hope you know that you make others feel at ease around you. you're a gem, a blessing, a treasure – and you should know it. it's comfortable loving you. it's a privilege to be around you and to be let into your world.
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Also I just wanna point these out because- I was so attacked, triggered even, hurt also
how dare you put these very specific quotes in a quiz a I was meant to take for yazan and gideon
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Thank you! For blorbo bingo I will return the same- any Cu of your choice!
I can't help but pick Lancer Cu too, haha. Hope that's alright!
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Going over the points left to right, top to bottom
= Pale crush <> (the medium/concept of moirallegiance just jives with me and I'm too gay for women to thirst over him carnally but boy howdy can I do it emotionally)
= 'Most' is too strong of a phrase, but I do think that sometimes people soft-ball Cu. Like you said in yours on him, he's silly, serious, ferocious, clever, and plenty more. But it can feel like people at times cherry pick or ignore certain aspects in favor of others. He can be all of the above - he's a very multi-faceted person, which is a mark of a good character!
= Cu as a character from Fate is one I wouldn't mind hanging out with. From legend I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole (much less be close enough TO touch him with one in the first place). That said I do admire how even in intolerable circumstances, he can grit his teeth and keep going, even if it's putting him in a depression. His loyalty is a double-edged sword as well. It means if you're at the top of his priority list, it's 'til death makes him quit. If someone who has command over him sics him on you...well we saw how that went for Ferdiad. It'll be a closed-casket funeral or cremation if you're a good enough fighter.
= I hinted at this in point two, but Cu has the Standard Messed Up Traits most heroes in old legends had, if you're going by the Tain. Misogyny, non-con, and a temper typical of the half-divine to name a few. Even in the more palatable Fate version, he's still got a lot of blood on his hands
= Exposing myself a bit with the projection haha. But this blends sort of with the free space wherein I definitely see Cu as having ADHD. Sure there's the energetic aspect, but that's the easy pickings. I think there's a good chance he has RSD (though you have to look more at original legend than Fate text for this), that fun flash temper some can have amidst a few other emotional disregulation, etc. And calling back to that 'can keep on trudging with his head down even if he's getting depressed' point, I am fortunate enough to not be in that place presently, but do identify with it.
= Making him worse is easy. You need two cups stress, one cup loss, a dash of antagonism, and-
= Won't go over this one too much. I've listed some of Cu's faults above, but he's pretty and that's a good blinder lol. This is pretty standard for most Fate characters.
= I do think about him pretty regularly haha. Mostly in the context of YariYumi or roleplay or fic.
= Feel like this point is pretty much explained by the points touching on his good and bad qualities above
= Two points up lol
= This is again mostly in YariYumi context, but because Cu and Emiya exemplify one another's life choices and the consequences thereof so well. Cu is a person who gave up a lot for a big dream, and maybe it wasn't worth it in the end. Maybe what he had to live for outweighed the fame he died for, in his mind. Maybe it was what it was and he's at peace with it. But Cu has lost a lot of people in his quest for fame - both by killing them (Ferdiad, Connla), losing them due to politics (Fergus, Lugaid), dragging them along into danger (Laeg, his horse) or by dying (Emer, his little-known daughter Finscoth). He may keep his head up and accept his choices, but that is a lot of loss for one person to bear, and all within a purportedly short lifetime.
= Those points aside....it is an absolute crying SHAME that Fate has not given us a proper Cu Berserker yet, or at least shown us a riastrad. It's a shame they don't explore the losses he's experienced as much. It's a shame that they don't let us see beyond the mask of cheer or ferociousness, because there's a lot to explore.
= All that being said, let this man rest!! Goddamn!! He's been through so much alive and dead and he needs a break! Outside of particular circumstances, I will not be giving him a break
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crehador · 9 months
brother crab’s 2023 seasonals in review: summer
surprisingly easy to rank season for me, so i'll get right to it
anime of the season + runner-up for summer goes to...
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undead girl murder farce and zom 100: zombie ni naru made ni shitai 100 no koto! nothing else even came close
i'm giving ugmf anime of the season because i personally vibed with it a lot (murder mysteries with a rakugo flair + arsene lupin trying to fuck the phantom of the opera in the background you really cannot go wrong) and also because zom100 has yet to release its last few episodes
zom100 is such a consistently solid show, though, that even without seeing the full cour i'm prepared to give it runner-up of the season. and it's honestly a strong contender for anime of the year. the first episode especially... i would rank it even higher than the first ep of oshi no ko tbh
lots of sequels this season as well!
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horimiya, bleach, jjk, and bsd. some new snv came out this season as well but since i binged all that at once it doesn't really feel like a sequel to me
anyway easily sequel of the season goes to bleach, largely because of nostalgia won't deny that but also because it's just that fucking good
horimiya however was also an immense delight! gonna miss these wacky kids :')
quickfire thoughts on everything else:
watashi no shiawase na kekkon is the shoujo of the year, there's been a lot of cute stuff lately but nothing comes close to watakon
vending machine isekai was fine and occasionally funny, but kinda shocked it got a sequel announced already. worldbuilding was definitely the most interesting part and i hope we see more of it in s2
dekiru n eko way kyou mo yuuutsu was absolutely perfect, very fun and cute and soothing
okashi na tensei had a promising premise which it failed to lean into, there was little to no BAKING in this BAKING anime jfc
lv1 maou to one room yuusha seemed like your run of the mill shitty ecchi but actually it's NONBINARY OLD MAN YAOI?! and was kinda good. dumb, but fun
ai no idenshi was... well it was episodic which i like, generally, but it really. was not consistent. some good pieces, some not so good. some interesting, some not so interesting. main failing is it really did not imo balance its 'main' plot with its mini-stories well at all
ayaka was fun! it doesn't really hold a candle to k project like at all but at least it was not as bad as praeter lmao
synduality noir (first cour) was alright. nothing to write home about but a decent enough mecha. as far as anime that are game ads go... i'd say it's okay. a little more interesting than takt op to me, though not as visually stunning. and not as compelling as god eater
hyakushou kizoku was a tv short adapting arakawa hiromu's autobiographical farming manga and it was such a delight lol, especially fun if you're a fan of fma or silver spoon. explains so much about ed tbh
hi no tori: eden no sora was a 4-ep ona that i quite liked overall... ending was just so-so to me i guess
dark gathering isn't quite over still but it's fine as a horror that's heavy on the gore (gorror? is that a thing) actually. probably better than fine, it's just not my genre. some of the stories are definitely more gripping than others, but yeah solid horror overall and really good cast (yandere hanakana what could be better)
helck is also still going but has been really solid, way more enjoyable than i'd imagined. it has an 80s feel to it that i love
and last but certainly not least shuumatsu no valkyrie ii part 2 gives us GYARU FUCKBOI BUDDHA once again. what could be better lmao
op of the season goes to zom100's song of the dead by kana-boon! the song itself is a banger and the way the op changes from episode to episode makes it even better
HOWEVER this was not an easy choice lol bleach and even jjk both came in with strong contenders as well
ed of the season goes to heclk's statice by saji! it just. ough. right in the feels
this was not a very blorbo or ship heavy season for me but i have to just repeat ARSENE LUPIN. AND THE PHANTOM. OF THE OPERA. one day i will circle back to this lol
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katyspersonal · 2 years
1 and 2 for Logarius
3 And 4 for Maria
5 and 6 for Caryll
8, 9, and 10 for Bloody Crow (he gets three because he’s my blorbo)
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Oh well, this will be a bit of a ride, huh? But thank you!
(Asks from this ( x ) meme)
1) What would their social media page/activity be like
Hypocrite on main, nuff said. Would post plenty of short posts "spreading some positivity", encouraging others to be kind and good, some wise thoughts etc. Often some fake-deep quotes plastered on aesthetic pictures of nature. Sometimes they're ACTUALLY deep thoughts. But his comments section is the utter Hell as most of the comments are people sharing something bad he did/said earlier and calling him out on being hypocrite. The funniest part is that he doesn't moderate his comments section at ALL - never bothers to block any users or retort or just close the darn section! Granted, there are plenty of white knights that defend him in the comments. Every darn post has like 5k comments worth of online battlefield djfsdds
2) What animal they remind me of
For some reason, this is ram!
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I tried to disconnect from cold aesthetic because that's Cainhurst stuff, but I keep saying that he is 'just evil Ludwig', haha. So he feels like a hooved animal for me, but whereas Ludwig is indeed like a stallion himself, Logarius would need to be an animal who is associated with both stubbornness (to a fault, because Gold Ardeo symbolises being a total blockhead determined to crash everyone who you deem impure) and majesty. I think their horns ARE pretty graceful!
3) My thoughts on their design/aesthetic alone
Alright, if I completely empty my head from all lore and just look at her... For some reason, overall impression on her design is no very... 'impressive' for me? She indeed wears a costume of a fighter prioritising agility over defence, and seems like just a blonde, and is indeed a woman with sword(s)... Like this is indeed a female action figure, sure? However, it is all in the DETAILS. It is when I look at filigree on her clothes, and how she is not just blonde but actually ashy blonde, and how pretty her pale eyelashes against dark eyeshadow, and how beautiful that green brooch looks against white collar, and take closer look at her eyes. THEN I actually appreciate her and think she is very beautiful! From what I know, many people were absolutely swayed by her merely appearing instantly, so I am not sure why it was different for me? I think her design is good enough, but the REAL beauty of it all lurks in intricate and elegant details for me!
4) Physical headcanons (sleeping habits, favourite food, all that)
She's is the type to have trouble falling asleep without some sort of audible stimulation. It has to be something - humming, burning wood in the fireplace, someone reading and shuffling pages, all that. Funny enough, this is the exact problem my Brador has! (Cute date idea - falling asleep peacefully while listening to Simon cry <3 sdjhdhs) That naturally subdued when she was torn between dream/nightmare, we talking about her "physical" life!
Kind of on a brink between physical and psychological, but her favorite way to stim is to push her whole face against plants full of morning dew, especially bushy flowers such as hydrangea!
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Sitting near a puddle or another shallow body of water and sticking her hands down in it is also a favourite.
The dark area under her eyes is not a makeup nor it is dark circles of Constant Exhaustion, it is just a feature that tends to appear in most people with Pthumerian blood in them! I generally headcanon that Pthumerians and humans can have children, so some characters in Bloodborne are mixed species; Maria is certainly mixed between human and Pthumerian like other vilebloods, a branch that has long history of being super selective with the spouses to basically combine strong features of both species. I also decided to take her eyebrows being white not as creators being lazy with coloring the model, but as a legit feature - again, a hint of some Pthumerian blood.
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She is cursed with only ever feeling appetite to the foods that are not healthy - be it less refined kind of alcohol, exceptionally fat meat, food that got burnt beyond saving, overly sugary pastries and cakes etc. That is her unique developed reaction to being able to eat very good and high-quality foods as someone living in the rich castle, so when she left Cainhurst, she had to put extra willpower into eating normally now that no one will bring her meals on the plate. It is just that the highest restaraunt quality meal she has to force herself to finish without even feeling pleasure, when a burnt potato that was also overly salted will make her drool.
She is physically strong without training and was born this way - again, Pthumerian genes showing. So instead of training to lift weights and hit stronger, Maria had to learn somewhat of an opposite, to stop hurting people's hands with merely handshake or accidentally sending objects to fly while trying to move them. So, most of her training as a hunter had to do with agility and applying this force the right way; prior that, she was having to learn to apply her strength towards other people in reasonable amount. Basically her arc was not to become ripped, but to learn how to be ripped in a way that HELPS her rather than works as a destructive liability.
Continuing theme of a power she had to learn to control + that can be dangerous! As a child and teenager, if she was bleeding in some way (like cut or damage from falling), she would start to accidentally ignite things around her from anxiety... And people who'd try to help, too. The worst that happened so far was burning half of Ludwig's face in panic and anger. The power of pyromancy and quickening draws itself from the blood. So, when she started having periods, she had to actually seek guidance from elders in Cainhurst to not like... burn everything around her or keep teleporting away from people in fear. However, she didn't have many people to talk about it with, because such powerful genetic combination is rare. She suppressed the pyromancy quite well though, to the point she has to focus very much (and to hurt herself very much) to awaken it again (something Gehrman resented, as she was "burying her hunter potential"). Maria was, however, able to teach Gehrman and his other hunters how to use the quickening (teleportation) because everyone who imbibed holy blood could master it! But pyromancy, alas, IS inherited genetically!
She ended up giving into a habit of having a glass of red wine in like, every other several hours, later in her life as a hunter and then as overseer of Research Hall.
Natually, she has some scars on her belly area from previous attempts to see how to tap on her powers of blood and fire if she has to. I am yet to decide whether Gehrman had the balls to reflect them on the Doll or left any traces of her pain out; he did know about them though, as he had to care for Maria after one of the unlucky attempts.
5) Social headcanons (what do they think of their friends/allies if they have any, what are they looking for in relationship, what people tend to think about them...)
Caryll does believe in respecting the elders - which is convenient, because he was one of the older Byrgenwerth scholars, together with Damian! It is a bit not conceivable for him that sometimes someone much older than you can be dumb as shit, as in his life older people were offering nothing but a wise advice, years of valid experience and predictions that turned out to be right in the end! But, yes, he will take it nearly personally if one of the scholars disrespects Willem, Gehrman, Dores, Damian, Carolee (memory altar witch) or Custodio (gatekeeper)... and if they disrespect him, too.
He does share Willem's 'the only thing that will teach the fools is their failure' philosophy, so he will often refuse to intervene and only open his yap when he is to explain the person WHAT went wrong and WHY they failed. He is also the type to learn at the expense of the mistakes of others, so at times it gets as dark as letting the other people endure their failures to see what happens and apply to himself. However, he likes quite a number of the people he knows. It is less direct indifference and more of a 'sadistic' type of caring: Caryll finds enjoyment in watching his acquaintances become smarter and stronger with harsh life experiences.
On the other hand, he believes that the 'ultimate' language (runes) will significantly speed-up evolution of humanity, as a single experience will be able to be communicated to everyone else through only one symbol. He made several attempts to capture very personal and intimate yet very important personal experiences, there exist some runes that 'player' never finds that could serve as valid life lessons. People who know of such practice are all Byrgenwerth scholars, so they do not find anything callous in distributing personal experiences and feelings 'for common knowledge'. Yurie/Julie is an exception, and thinks truth of Great Ones is quite enough - there is no need to utilise intimate feelings 'for common good'!
Caryll is a true artist that admires the shapes, views and people's bodies and faces as they are, believing in his ability to communicate the unique beauty and features of every individual via portraits. He doesn't have a 'type' and is able to praise the physical quirks of every person; not because he has no standards, but because he can see beauty in how every person is built! He feels a little antsy when someone is insecure about their "imperfection" and wants to obscure something with hair, make-up or clothes. The type of an artist that will tell you to move your hair behind so he could capture your big Dumbo ears, you know! If you get this lil shit to actually speak with words, he might praise you right into accepting your body.
Caryll is not very interested in relationship; besides, again, his trait of wanting to capture and pass on what he can plays out. He is more interested in watching healthy (or not so much) relationship of other people and capture them in a book. However, he still needs love of course, just different type of it, such as friendship or platonic admiration or master's patronage.
6) Psychological headcanons (tastes, fears, talents, regrets, how they deal with anger, just anything that comes to mind on the topic)
Caryll dives into nonverbal behavior very often, sometimes able to only offer strange noises, gestures or doodles as means of communication. If it wasn't for Byrgenwerth introducing him the runes, he'd study music to communicate his feelings, as he believes that visual art, albeit good, can't be understood at the same extent as the sound. He might reach stressful state where he just gives a single frustrated sound every time someone asks what's wrong - and then gets upset when nobody gets what DOES he need ;-; A rare person is able to cooperate with this 'barrier' - Rom, for example.
Caryll's anger is cold and passive-aggressive. He will never yell or snap, but rather taint with no end. One knows Caryll is angry with them when Caryll starts to verbally communicate more eagerly - and it is all some subtle hints or 'clever' remarks! Caryll gets more nonverbal when he feels vulnerable; but also, when he feels safe.
Past his arc of creating alphabet of inhuman sounds, Caryll feels dark joy upon learning that some human language is going extinct. However, if it wasn't for the runes, he'd have had opposite reaction. Normally he believes that no language can be universal as each has unique nuances worthy of celebrating! Runes language, however, showed the way to transcend this limitation.
He is extremely happy when he can cuddle someone, be it a person or an animal. Tactile contact is very important for him! He has a history of overstepping his boundaries with cuddling animals that would end biting/scratching him. As a human, you can easily earn a place amongst his best friends by letting him hug you without 'making it weird or have it be sexualised'. He subscribed to the fact that most people would never understand his feelings or intentions correctly, but he does have a secret rune that gives no benefits except for understanding how he sees the world and people, that he would gladly give to those who care about him enough.
He is confident in his own beauty in an interesting way, loving to wear boots to highlight his legs and often posing like some sort of model when he does speak xD His voice might appear monotonous most of the time, however.
He is 35+ whereas other scholars barely reached their 20s, yet is able to cry from too much fear or confusion easily. Realising that he was drastically misunderstood might absolutely ruin him mentally, and he resorts to just sitting in the corner and whimpering, only answering questions with some noises.
Him inventing language of inhuman sounds was not a blessing of chosen one, not something done with his body, but simply him being a nerd and a genius enough to crack the (accurate enough) code towards ultimate way of communication. He analysed the ancient Hunter-like symbol of Pthumerians and other symbols a lot; just like that, he is very good with picking the exact sound tone every time.
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Crow of Cainhurst (Eidinghardt)
8) Made-up connections with other characters that weren't in the canon (friends, enemies, whatever)
Maria - They are not blood-related (from what I imagine yet, but hell knows those darn victorian royals), yet they see each other as brother and sister for the most part. It borders between 'friends who are like siblings' and 'friends who are like a tsundereish couple', but the former, honestly, wins. In either case, they are pretty close with each other! They are able to be rude with each other and have conflicts without drastic consequences, their arguments are mostly healthy and natural. Just that they were always capable of both being rivals OR getting up for the shared goal. Eidinghardt was also really jealous when Maria decided to leave Cainhurst and join the hunters, after Maria left he proceeded to take it out on some friends without fully realising how vulnerable he was left.
Elias - his blood sibling. Similarly to how things were with Maria, Eidin was striking conflict with Elias quite often - except Elias was fighting him back verbally rather than arm-wrestling him like he deserved. There is just something about the Crow that makes him have very tense and charged relationship with people truly dear for him, being close with him is both a blessing and a curse! Aware of Elias having a crush on Annalise, he liked to tease him that he was the only one 'actually having a chance to marry her' that'd bring Elias to tears (and have Crow be punched hard by Maria fhdhsf). But he did not know what kind of ancient Hell Cainhurst was to strike thanks to Byrgenwerth being nosy about ancient secrets, and in a way he misses the vulnerable and soft but also brave and heroic sibling, after Elias was 'reborn' into a manic and cursed Cain XIII. He still has pangs of pain for how he was treating Elias, never having realised envy that he felt towards him and how much he was bearing with dignity.
Cainhurst executioner - By executioner, I mean of course not a faction of the Healing Church, but the guy that was delivering the death sentence to those that royal court deemed worthy of it. He is the father of Eidinghardt and Elias, passing both of his gloves down to each sibling.
Annalise - He was fearing her for the biggest part of his life, feeling as though he just 'had' to be her friend because for Maria and Elias she was important; but Annalise showed great grace, honor and self-esteem since even young age. He just never seen anything great about her and just rolled his eyes at her as at 'yeah yeah great noble princess everyone loves'. It was much later when he was able to see her determination, insanity even, her dignity and her ambitions, when he realised she was a worthy companion he was blessed to have had all along. Consuming her blood only made it worse, indeed; the awakened admiration turned into a full-on love. He knew, however, that he lost her to his sibling years ago, so for him it was the best fate to just stay by her side. Separated from Cainhurst, memory about her is just what he holds onto.
Every woman with long red hair - Sorry, but there are LARGE chances that if he sees one similar enough to Annalise, he will treat her as his princess/queen and be overly protective and overly subservient of fdsjhhfds I headcanon that he had spent a LONG ass time away from Cainhurst.
Alfred - Eidin crosses the paths with Alfred at times, not able to be detected by him to his surprise. He found strange enjoyment in trolling Alfred sometimes, though. Like, Alfred would speak of wanting to exterminate all "unholy clan" and Crow would go "ooooh, those vilebloods are very nasty people, aren't they~?" on him and just internally DIE at his reaction fhdsdsf I am yet to figure how would he feel in the scenario where Alfred finishes his quest, and Eidin learns it, though... By default, he certainly takes Alfred for an edgy looser.
Arianna - I like the idea (so far) that Arianna's mother fleed from Cainhurst with Arianna still being a little baby, so Arianna grew up in Yharnam with only very brief idea of her heritage! As result, Crow could've been the one to share more about her history as a noble with her - whereas her mother wanted to keep her safe from such a heart-breaking fate. But I just like the mental image of little Arianna clinging to the Crow as her father/mentor figure, with him really not being up to such a honor but not knowing how to turn her down, hahah; Bonus points if her mother died early and Crow failed Arianna as a caretaker, leaving her to figure out adult life and means for survival on her own, because he was too caught up in his insanity </3 Like, imagine him deciding to commit to checking on her all too late, when she, a descendant of a noble line, already became a sex worker. </3
Henriett - I feel like he'd pester Henriett a lot, challenging her all the time with the threat of harming Amelia/Emilia whom Henriett never wanted to harm unless she fell for beasthood for good. They were throwing hands quite often. As well, Eidin would enjoy watching Henriett and Alfred throw hands.
Eileen - I don't know whether it counts as 'made up' because implication is strong, but come ooooon, it IS Bloodborne! I used to think that he simply imitated Eileen's crow-themed hunter look to not attract much suspicion as hunter that hunts other hunters, but... hmmm, being her apprentice that betrayed her works waaaay better! So I think he got under her wing - when she was intending to kill him in the state of his despair, and he gave a tirade about honorable death and meaning of life that made Eileen not only realise he was not quite blood-drunk (just a bit unstable!), but also that he had a right spirit to continue her quest. She picked him up and was teaching him.... well, more like trying to teach him. He would unmistakeably detect any blood-drunk hunter anyways, with his vileblood senses. They had a problem of Eileen having nothing left that she had to teach him, until they stroke the communication issue! It was Eileen who had to teach him to be civil with the so-called 'League' and to comfort desperate hunters rather than provoking them to go 'crazier'.
Viola - I am stealing your headcanon that Crow killed Viola to provoke Gascoigne into despair - and Henryk, as a result, sorry </3 This just works so well. I headcanon that it was a strange mix of both hatred and longing; if Viola was to cheat on Gascoigne with him, he would probably risk his life protecting her. I feel like he is the type to have a very thin line between hatred and love towards someone. In the least likeable way.
Fauxsefka (Zhosfika) - he tried to strangle her at least once in order to obtain the one remaining Cainhurst summon from her, to see Cainhurst once more. Thankfully, he had enough reason to understand that another name was already written in the one she possessed, as was promised. Was a shameful decay of the relationship though, as they were friends back in Cainhurst. Crow was even willing to put aside her joining the church/Choir, thus betraying the vilebloods - he just hoped she'd at least help HIM, but alas.
9) Headcanons about their past
Crow was preparing to become the next guy to deliver the death sentence in Cainhurst's walls after his father, but discovery of hunters of blood dregs shifted his plans. He was even thankful for the change as he was not looking forward for the executioner fate- heck, he loved playing with his victims way much more than to just having to kill them and make a sad face about it!
He was one of the first guardians of the Queen of Blood that Annalise eventually became, yet also commanded to flee Cainhurst even before he had a chance to fight the Healing Church's crusaders. He did not dare to object, being told that he had more important things to do than to die for Annalise, and fleed. He mediated to her words for quite a while, and continued to seek blood dregs for her that he was not able to even gift her with the bridge being destroyed. He's been consuming them himself though (consuming blood dreg gives you +1 Insight), attempting to recreate telepathic bond with Annalise. If not to be loved by her, then at least to simply be by her side.
Some of the most important books from the Cainhurst library are missing because of him! Before Cainhurst and the rest of Yharnam picked such a large antagonism, Eidinghardt passed many books to commoners to spread the knowledge from. Loosely, it is the way how every single basic yharnamite can use blood bullets magic. Caryll would probably approve of his wish to not hoard the knowledge.
He was training his fighting skills obsessively, not being given any special powers by birth but having just his determination and spite for more gifted people to keep him going. Often, he'd hone his blood-bullets skills on animals, bringing prey back in the castle rather often. On the bright side, he has been a great help in destroying the giant maggots that would settle in blood-drunk vilebloods.
He was not a promising heir to the (Cainhurst's) executioners' line, and had to prove his worth, born initially weak and frail. In a weird way, picking unnecessary fights and conflicts has been a great help in shaping his character and physical proves from the start. The fights were the best teacher in his eyes!
10) Content about them I'd like to see more of
Please, develop something about his interactions with Annalise and/or Maria, I beg you ;-; (I say, as I am doing it myself fdhds). Him interacting with Eileen is very good, him interacting with Alfred..... well, it depends on a person, really, it is not everyone's cup of tea admittedly. But there are so many other vileblood characters! Or even hunter friends that Eileen could have introduced him to xD
Whew, it was fun! Thank you for the very varied asks!
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xinambercladx · 1 year
I'd look that way at him too, Officer...
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What a man.
What .............
................... If you made it this far, I assume you actually follow my blog. At this point, I warn you, I'm going on a rant about something I'm very not happy about. You have been warned. If she sees this, then whatever. She and I disagree on a lot of things, but this really pissed me off. ............................
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who wants him to be just HIM. No overthinking or overanalyzing or projecting. The worst I project on him is being a foodie. Maybe that's why I've been slowly disappearing from the rest of the fandom. I can't simp over their versions of him. I have to put their versions of him in a separate box, far, far removed from my version and the canon version. I just can't see him as sad and pathetic. I need him to have that controlled danger. I need him to be strong for me. He's one of the few things that brings me comfort, like he could protect me from all the uncertainty in my life. "Everything'll be alright, lil' lady. Just sit tight now." ......
Just read a post about my blorbo getting torn to shreds by grasping of straws. You just... how can you be so desperate to emasculate the manliest of men? His guns are rusty? Where? I don't see any rust. It's just the type of metal the light. Zoom in, I dare you. His guns aren't rusty at all on that junkyard night scene that took place mere hours before. Get real.Crying over his mentor? They were rivals, not lovers. There is literally no evidence for your fan-girl forced ship. There's only mentions that they used to work together. That's it. And by now? He's killed so many copies, he's desensitized by now. He owed his mentor a few favors, but he works with his son out of obligation. It's well established that he's obsessed with getting even, getting paid, and getting on with the next job. Speaking of sentimental... Yeah no. That's not his journal or coins or medallions. Check the context of where the little girl found her confiscated phone. That's right. She found it with the other confiscated items. The journal and medallion and the phone were items that once belonged to his bounties in a compartment in the same room as the holding cells. Why, answer me, would he keep anything remotely as personal as his own journal within reach of a prisoner? He wouldn't. Because those items once belonged to prisoners, not himself. He'd probably pawn off everything in there without a second thought for money.I don't think Cleef gave two shits about his mentor's son. He might have thought it entertaining for a while, but after being betrayed, he most definitely gave a shit, but for revenge, not for old time's sake. Even when Cleef killed his childhood best friend, or rather, had his friend kill himself for betraying him, he "wasn't in the celebrating mood". Was he crying then? About someone he was best friends with once? No. Not one tear. Cleef, who is obviously not who I'm really talking about, is who the character is based on. Every single character that Cleef portrayed in old westerns was badass, stoic, and old school masculine. Stoics aren't crybabies going "boo hoo, I'm just a sad, lonely cowboy with no friends." Shut uuup. Show that essay to any self respecting man and they'll roll their eyes all the way to the ocean. He's maybe salty about it, but not with fucking tears. "That's all I've got fer today. GO AWAY NOW."
Stop degrading him.
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melodygatesauthor · 2 years
for the fruit emoji asks (hope it's cool to do send more than one at a time 😜):
thank youuuuuuuu ❤️
Yay! Alright here we go:
🍓 What’s a fic you’ve written you feel is underrated?
That's a good question and I'm not really sure. My favorites that I've written are Just You (Kylo Ren X Reader)(non-con story read at own risk), and The Recruit and the Hunter (Kapkan X Reader). I love them both for very different reasons, and they seem to be doing well enough in their respective fandoms so I don't know that they're underrated, but they hold a special place in my heart and I love to see them thrive.
🍊 Who’s a character you don’t write for that often, but keep meaning to write for more? (They’re so interesting! But maybe you have trouble pinning them down, or keep getting distracted by another blorbo…)
Jake Lockley is a big one. When I made my February Fluff and Fuck challenge I didn't add him in there because I didn't know anything about him, now I wished I had added him. Thatcher from Rainbow Six Siege is another one I'll be writing about before long, and our baby Benny Miller I hope to give some attention to in the near future.
🍏 Is there something you overuse, whether it’s a certain phrase, trope, or piece of punctuation?
I use ... sometimes too much for dramatic effect.
"Cunt clamping down in waves" when describing an orgasm. Best way for me to describe it but I use it a lot.
Those brows be furrowed constantly, you know what I mean?
That man...yeah that one right there...he's shooting hot white ropes when he comes.
My bigger blorbos are BIG and I mention it frequently...broad shouldered, tall, looming, big hands, strong arms e.t.c.
Oh, and I almost ALWAYS have something happening while people are talking. Like it can't just be:
"Hello." He said.
"Hi." She said.
It has to be:
"Hello." He said, walking over toward her.
"Hi." She said back, clasping her hands together nervously.
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rin-enjoyer · 3 months
Ok okie okay OK..... MANY questions for you if that's alright, because I've recently seen your blog and your view of Rin as a character is very intriguing to me. It reminds me of the depth tora-the-cat here on Tumblr gives to Sakura, and I mean that as a high compliment! So without further ado: 1. Do you have any idea what caused this gaping void in Rin and whether she was born that way or made? 2. How much of everything about her is artificial? Does she kinda view herself in the sense that she's like a character in a book-- that she always has an ever-present audience viewing her, even when alone ala Margaret Atwood, except instead of the voyeuristic gaze of a man in a woman viewing herself, it's the voyeuristic gaze of humankind in one she watches instead? 3. Why does she try so hard to play a person when so much of it seems like drudgery to her? Is it out of a fear of consequences, because it's a game everyone plays but she wants 1st place, or is it just that she has nothing better to do/no strong whims to propel her in a solid direction? 4. Do you think she and Kabuto, (my personal blorbo), would study each other like bacteria in a petri dish or repel each other like magnets, had they known the other existed? (They seem to have A LOT of similarities but their cores feel very different to me...) 5. Why does she get so angry when people remember her? Is it that she's remembered incorrectly or the idea she's remembered at all that upsets her? If it's the former, does she hope someone can see through her facade and find the "real" Rin? 6. What's her philosophy on life? 7. Does she have opinions on both White Zetsu(s)/Black Zetsu and vice versa? If yes, what are they? Depending on the AU Kaguya would likely keep both groups around the same time she keeps Rin, so what in god's name is going on there???? 8. Do Kaguya and Rin keep Toneri as a pet?
And I've got more but this thing's long enough so I'll save those for later; thank you for your time! :>
kicking my feet twirling my hair ect ect. oh anon i am SO glad you asked
1- rin's apathy is made of a lot of different things mixing together. some of it is innate; she genuinely doesn't care about a lot of things that most people would. she doesn't get the same fulfillment out of doing things that most people do. however, in a world where she wasn't forced to be child soldier, she probably wouldn't have fallen into quite as extreme a mindset. a lot of the apathy is a (bad) coping mechanism that builds on traits she is already predisposed to. so... both, i guess? rin is already kind of apathetic and empty, and then work as a ninja causes her to use the apathy as a shield.
2- rin doesn't really see herself as a character, per say- it's more that she views the *facade* she puts up as a character. "rin" as everyone else sees her is an artificial construction that rin is able to control, which is really important to her. she doesnt view herself as a character, but she does view the persona she puts up as a character, if that makes sense. she puts a distance between herself and the people she's acting for.
in regards to the sincerity of her actions; well, rin kind of thinks that if she chooses to do something, that negates the intent behind it. which... is arguable, to an extent, but also ultimately untrue. when he's teaching his own team 7, kakashi hides behind a mask of a lazy troll- but he also *is* a lazy troll. the fact that he's using those traits to divert attention away from other traits doesn't negate the honesty of them. to rin, though, even if she *would* do some of the things she does if she wasn't playing the role of "rin", the fact that she is choosing to do them to project a specific image invalidates them. there's a lot of things that she does that she doesn't mean at all, too, but to rin those aren't any different to the things she only sort of means. lmao. there is something so wrong with her <3
3- the facade started as a way to avoid judgement, yeah. rin's mannerisms when she's not masking are unnerving to a lot of people. as time went by, though, she got Weirder about it and started keeping up the persona because she doesn't know who she is without it, and is terrified that she doesn't know. this creates a really weird mindset where rin ends up stuck playing her facade because she's scared of putting it down, but also she hates it and wants an excuse to drop it, but also she hates everyone around her and doesn't want them to figure out that she's been deceiving them, but also she's mad that they're falling for her persona. truly she contains multitudes
4- never considered it before but. oh god. bro. you are on to something. im hardly a kabuto expert, but from what i understand, he is also a big 'putting on masks' person so. 👀 . i think that kabuto has a lot more internal drive than rin, and even if he hasn't exactly ironed out every kink in his plan, he knows that he wants SOMETHING!!! honestly now that you've brought it up i can't stop thinking about the parallels... kabuto disregarding the fact that he isn't sure exactly what he wants and focusing on acting because there is SOMETHING that he wants, and he can't have it unless he acts vs rin hyper-focusing on the fact that she isn't perfectly sure what exactly it is that she wants and letting her masks drag her down. autism to autism communication.
5- 👉👈 if i said "a little bit of both its kind of complicated" again would you be mad lol
so, yeah, the idea of people remembering her facade instead of her is absolutely sickening to her. rin really, really, really wants to be known, but she can't *let* people know her until she knows herself, and also she would rather die than take of her mask. people remembering her persona instead of her is basically proof that she failed, that she never understood who she was, and was therefore never able to share that understanding with others. yes that's what happened in canon lmao.
HOWEVER. even if someone did come around and understand rin beyond the mask she puts on, rin wouldn't want to be remembered after she dies. to rin, grief is... unnecessary? like, when faced with a problem, rin likes to Fix It. if there's no solution, or if the solution is more effort than it's really worth, she will simply choose to stop caring (oh yeah there's that emotional disassociation). anyways, that's a *very* unhealthy mindset to have, and also is the cause of a lot of resentment between rin and people who she might have otherwise come to befriend, even if it is kind of out of a place of care (she doesn't want people to keep hitting a wall they have no way of climbing).
tldr: she doesn't want people to remember her facade because she hates that thang. she doesn't want people to remember *her* because she doesn't want them to be sad when repressing their emotions is an option and its sooo easy too
6- big question,,, honestly, a lot of the way i characterize her revolves around the way she *can't* answer that question. i think that in canon, she never really develops any philosophy towards anything. in aus where she lives longer, i can definitely see her leaning towards a utilitarian viewpoint- being able to recognize that not feeling the "right" emotions behind an action doesn't negate the action would go a long way for her mental health lol.
7- rin doesn't really have strong feelings on either of the zestu. black zestu is... kaguya's will, right? which is not something that makes sense to me at all and it probably never will but you know. you know. i guess she'd probably view him as something similar to one of kaugya's shadow clones? the white zestu are mostly just old, chewed up corpses and if there is one thing about rin to remember it is that she does NOT want to be remembered after she dies. so of course she will be extending this same courtesy to others. they're just tools to her, because thinking of them any other way would be *disrespectful* (she has problems)
8- you know i've never really given much thought to toneri (i had to google him to remember who he was lol). he seems lonely. a bit of a silly little hypocrite which is admittedly a great kind of guy. apparently he shows up in boruto too but i haven't read it so idk if anything changes there. depending on his attitude towards them, i certainly think they could be convinced to let him hang around. if he's nice i think kaguya would treat him like an annoying little cousin more than a grandkid of anything, and if he's rude i think she beats him to death with hammers. i don't think rin would have very strong feelings on him? maybe she'd be a little pissed at the way he idolizes hinata on account of her knee-jerk reaction to anyone (besides her) failing to treat anyone as human and nothing more or less, but in any au where kagurin are just chilling hinata's probably dead lmao so im not sure how that'd affect things.
this got long but its fine aljfghsdajkgkjdkg. thank you so much for the questions, they were actually really compelling!!
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icharchivist · 1 year
Do you have a favorite unit in Gbf? Just one you like in general or someone you like putting in your party because they're your blorbo or do you just go by the best meta for specific raids?
RANDALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RANDAAAAAAAAAAALL!!!!!!
actually i have like strong feelings on this one but it's 100% SSR Randall i'm obsessed with this unit?? like genuinely obsessed in a way that is more than just "he's a blorbo"?
Tumblr media
best boy best boy best-
(i got a little long gushing about it but god i love he)
so like, Randall is a blorbo alright, i adore him, his R was one of my early unit so he carried me and i grew to like him from here, i found his FE super endearing, it's been a day one type of thing. (i really wanted to have Feather bc of seiyuu reasons, so when i saw Randall was his bestie and just really wanted to find Feather, i got into a kinship with him right away)
Then i realized Randall was voiced by Wataru Hatano who is not only a seiyuu i adore but legit also a seiyuu i listen to the music of the most (he voices one of my ultimate blorbo in a3 so obviously i was unwell). and Randall went from "R/SR i really have strong feelings for" to "character i'm ride or die for".
When Marionette Stars came out and they teased Wacchan in the gbf radio show, i was vibrating at the idea of Randall getting a SSR. And then the event happened and his SSR was teased and i absolutely lost my marbles. I don't think i ever just CRIED out of realizing a character was going to become an unit. I was shaking and crying so much even my crew was like. ".... for Randall??" while i was like YEAH OF COURSE FOR RANDALL WHO DO YOU TAKE ME FOR.
I didn't have funds at the time to spark so i skipped on his banner, but best boy decided to come in the free pulls a few weeks later, i'll never forget it.
But honestly originally, i didn't really know how to use him, so he was benched for a time. And it made me so insanely sad that i couldn't use him.
I didn't like playing wind at all (the team i had at the time, which was mostly Blorbos, made it difficult to play in general), and i found his kit a little too particular (with his 3rd skill taking a lot of time to charge up)
But a friend saw I was super sad about it and went "that won't do" and found me a couple of teams that would work to solo FA Bennu with Randall. I found a set up that worked wonders, and I kept watching the raid play out, and it's when i realized how actually SUPER GOOD Randall's unit is?
It works better on long fights, but on short fights he still has very good elements. If he's supported by base!Ewiyar in the back, he's unstoppable, unkillable, and ends up carrying the whole team all on his own.
He has high hostility and a high dodge rate and he activates his first skill upon dodging, which not only hits hard, but also gives him 20% CA charge. So if he's targetted regularly and dodges regularly, he charges his CA super fast.
Upon activating his first skill or his CA, he raises his Heel level, and after he reaches 7 heels level, his 3rd skill activates: it resets his other skills, but especially, ends up activating his CA twice EVERY TURN AFTER THAT. like, constantly. This buff is never removed so he constantly has double CA attack.
So basically once he's in a team that 1) gives him the hostility's spotlight, 2) supports his dodging, 3) charges CA real quick (Kengo, Viking, Relic Buster, or Seofon), he's basically a monster who is constantly hitting the enemy, either out of dodging or out of CAs, and since he gets all the hostility and dodging, the whole team is kept safe.
I've noticed before i got Ewiyar (so his dodgerate wasn't perfect) that i could have flawless run of everyone at full health, but if in a RNG, Randall would die, then the whole team would follow literally two rounds later. Ever since i have Ewiyar, everyone remains in the green all the time and the "Randall dying" RNG is so low that any team with Randall survives for a long long period of time.
I'm actually obsessed with the mechanisms of his unit and just how satisfying it is to watch play out. Like, it's genuinely the unit i have the most fun using because i genuinely feel unstoppable. The fact he's one of my ultimate blorbo in the game add a whole other layer to it.
So i kinda have both blorbo and meta in mind with this one but i genuinely just love how this unit works and how happy it makes me. It singlehandedly made me enjoy playing wind.
I bring Randall out with me sometimes in random outings.
Tho tbh most of my random teams are either level up teams (so as long as i have charas to level up i don't have anything else in it - if i have room for chara i don't need to level up, Tien takes priority, but then Percival or Randall come along for the ride), or farming teams (in which case since i take Tien/R!Richard/Earth!De La Fille with me everywhere it leaves me very little room for characters who wouldn't be able to hit the enemy hard). And when i really need to hit hard at once i usually bring out my Light Team since it's pretty good all around the board.
But whenever i can bring Randall out, i do.
He's definitely the unit that makes me the happiest, both in term of blorbo and in term of how it works. My best boy.
one and only best boy
thank you for asking and for reading my ramble. I care him a lot!!!
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juergenklopp · 2 years
8, 19 and 96!
8. C’mon Baby, Cry by Orville Peck
Been so long since he called your name On the run from a losing game Just bat your eyes, baby, let me feel the pain
It’s a Bronco year, alright. I’m still undecided on my AOTY because there were so many great releases this year, but Bronco is absolutely a strong candidate. It’s a 53-minute long album, yet it feels like it breezes by, and you long for more still. C’mon Baby, Cry is one of the standouts in an album full of hashtag certified bangers.
19. In the Next Life by Kim Petras, also answered here :]
First time in my life I, I'm not afraid First time I remember feeling anything, anything There's no turning back now, I can't be saved And in the next life, they'll remember me, remember me
More songs need to be about being resurrected as a demonic entity and committing a murder spree, actually.
(I also have a tendency to put this song in sports blorbo playlists, because if I don’t put girlboss songs there, especially ones about turning into a demon, who will?)
96. Out of the Black by Royal Blood
I've got a gun for a mouth and a bullet with your name on it But a trigger for a heart beating blood from an empty pocket
Royal Blood truly took the rock music scene by a storm with the release of this song, huh. What a way to introduce yourselves to the world. Mike Kerr’s massive bass riffs and solos and Ben Thatcher’s electrifying percussion work harmonize to create an absolute wall of sound that’s very unique to them.
The music video is reminiscent of Happy Tree Friends and is so, so fun, check it out!
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