#also you missed just number 7
katyspersonal · 2 years
1 and 2 for Logarius
3 And 4 for Maria
5 and 6 for Caryll
8, 9, and 10 for Bloody Crow (he gets three because he’s my blorbo)
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Oh well, this will be a bit of a ride, huh? But thank you!
(Asks from this ( x ) meme)
1) What would their social media page/activity be like
Hypocrite on main, nuff said. Would post plenty of short posts "spreading some positivity", encouraging others to be kind and good, some wise thoughts etc. Often some fake-deep quotes plastered on aesthetic pictures of nature. Sometimes they're ACTUALLY deep thoughts. But his comments section is the utter Hell as most of the comments are people sharing something bad he did/said earlier and calling him out on being hypocrite. The funniest part is that he doesn't moderate his comments section at ALL - never bothers to block any users or retort or just close the darn section! Granted, there are plenty of white knights that defend him in the comments. Every darn post has like 5k comments worth of online battlefield djfsdds
2) What animal they remind me of
For some reason, this is ram!
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I tried to disconnect from cold aesthetic because that's Cainhurst stuff, but I keep saying that he is 'just evil Ludwig', haha. So he feels like a hooved animal for me, but whereas Ludwig is indeed like a stallion himself, Logarius would need to be an animal who is associated with both stubbornness (to a fault, because Gold Ardeo symbolises being a total blockhead determined to crash everyone who you deem impure) and majesty. I think their horns ARE pretty graceful!
3) My thoughts on their design/aesthetic alone
Alright, if I completely empty my head from all lore and just look at her... For some reason, overall impression on her design is no very... 'impressive' for me? She indeed wears a costume of a fighter prioritising agility over defence, and seems like just a blonde, and is indeed a woman with sword(s)... Like this is indeed a female action figure, sure? However, it is all in the DETAILS. It is when I look at filigree on her clothes, and how she is not just blonde but actually ashy blonde, and how pretty her pale eyelashes against dark eyeshadow, and how beautiful that green brooch looks against white collar, and take closer look at her eyes. THEN I actually appreciate her and think she is very beautiful! From what I know, many people were absolutely swayed by her merely appearing instantly, so I am not sure why it was different for me? I think her design is good enough, but the REAL beauty of it all lurks in intricate and elegant details for me!
4) Physical headcanons (sleeping habits, favourite food, all that)
She's is the type to have trouble falling asleep without some sort of audible stimulation. It has to be something - humming, burning wood in the fireplace, someone reading and shuffling pages, all that. Funny enough, this is the exact problem my Brador has! (Cute date idea - falling asleep peacefully while listening to Simon cry <3 sdjhdhs) That naturally subdued when she was torn between dream/nightmare, we talking about her "physical" life!
Kind of on a brink between physical and psychological, but her favorite way to stim is to push her whole face against plants full of morning dew, especially bushy flowers such as hydrangea!
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Sitting near a puddle or another shallow body of water and sticking her hands down in it is also a favourite.
The dark area under her eyes is not a makeup nor it is dark circles of Constant Exhaustion, it is just a feature that tends to appear in most people with Pthumerian blood in them! I generally headcanon that Pthumerians and humans can have children, so some characters in Bloodborne are mixed species; Maria is certainly mixed between human and Pthumerian like other vilebloods, a branch that has long history of being super selective with the spouses to basically combine strong features of both species. I also decided to take her eyebrows being white not as creators being lazy with coloring the model, but as a legit feature - again, a hint of some Pthumerian blood.
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She is cursed with only ever feeling appetite to the foods that are not healthy - be it less refined kind of alcohol, exceptionally fat meat, food that got burnt beyond saving, overly sugary pastries and cakes etc. That is her unique developed reaction to being able to eat very good and high-quality foods as someone living in the rich castle, so when she left Cainhurst, she had to put extra willpower into eating normally now that no one will bring her meals on the plate. It is just that the highest restaraunt quality meal she has to force herself to finish without even feeling pleasure, when a burnt potato that was also overly salted will make her drool.
She is physically strong without training and was born this way - again, Pthumerian genes showing. So instead of training to lift weights and hit stronger, Maria had to learn somewhat of an opposite, to stop hurting people's hands with merely handshake or accidentally sending objects to fly while trying to move them. So, most of her training as a hunter had to do with agility and applying this force the right way; prior that, she was having to learn to apply her strength towards other people in reasonable amount. Basically her arc was not to become ripped, but to learn how to be ripped in a way that HELPS her rather than works as a destructive liability.
Continuing theme of a power she had to learn to control + that can be dangerous! As a child and teenager, if she was bleeding in some way (like cut or damage from falling), she would start to accidentally ignite things around her from anxiety... And people who'd try to help, too. The worst that happened so far was burning half of Ludwig's face in panic and anger. The power of pyromancy and quickening draws itself from the blood. So, when she started having periods, she had to actually seek guidance from elders in Cainhurst to not like... burn everything around her or keep teleporting away from people in fear. However, she didn't have many people to talk about it with, because such powerful genetic combination is rare. She suppressed the pyromancy quite well though, to the point she has to focus very much (and to hurt herself very much) to awaken it again (something Gehrman resented, as she was "burying her hunter potential"). Maria was, however, able to teach Gehrman and his other hunters how to use the quickening (teleportation) because everyone who imbibed holy blood could master it! But pyromancy, alas, IS inherited genetically!
She ended up giving into a habit of having a glass of red wine in like, every other several hours, later in her life as a hunter and then as overseer of Research Hall.
Natually, she has some scars on her belly area from previous attempts to see how to tap on her powers of blood and fire if she has to. I am yet to decide whether Gehrman had the balls to reflect them on the Doll or left any traces of her pain out; he did know about them though, as he had to care for Maria after one of the unlucky attempts.
5) Social headcanons (what do they think of their friends/allies if they have any, what are they looking for in relationship, what people tend to think about them...)
Caryll does believe in respecting the elders - which is convenient, because he was one of the older Byrgenwerth scholars, together with Damian! It is a bit not conceivable for him that sometimes someone much older than you can be dumb as shit, as in his life older people were offering nothing but a wise advice, years of valid experience and predictions that turned out to be right in the end! But, yes, he will take it nearly personally if one of the scholars disrespects Willem, Gehrman, Dores, Damian, Carolee (memory altar witch) or Custodio (gatekeeper)... and if they disrespect him, too.
He does share Willem's 'the only thing that will teach the fools is their failure' philosophy, so he will often refuse to intervene and only open his yap when he is to explain the person WHAT went wrong and WHY they failed. He is also the type to learn at the expense of the mistakes of others, so at times it gets as dark as letting the other people endure their failures to see what happens and apply to himself. However, he likes quite a number of the people he knows. It is less direct indifference and more of a 'sadistic' type of caring: Caryll finds enjoyment in watching his acquaintances become smarter and stronger with harsh life experiences.
On the other hand, he believes that the 'ultimate' language (runes) will significantly speed-up evolution of humanity, as a single experience will be able to be communicated to everyone else through only one symbol. He made several attempts to capture very personal and intimate yet very important personal experiences, there exist some runes that 'player' never finds that could serve as valid life lessons. People who know of such practice are all Byrgenwerth scholars, so they do not find anything callous in distributing personal experiences and feelings 'for common knowledge'. Yurie/Julie is an exception, and thinks truth of Great Ones is quite enough - there is no need to utilise intimate feelings 'for common good'!
Caryll is a true artist that admires the shapes, views and people's bodies and faces as they are, believing in his ability to communicate the unique beauty and features of every individual via portraits. He doesn't have a 'type' and is able to praise the physical quirks of every person; not because he has no standards, but because he can see beauty in how every person is built! He feels a little antsy when someone is insecure about their "imperfection" and wants to obscure something with hair, make-up or clothes. The type of an artist that will tell you to move your hair behind so he could capture your big Dumbo ears, you know! If you get this lil shit to actually speak with words, he might praise you right into accepting your body.
Caryll is not very interested in relationship; besides, again, his trait of wanting to capture and pass on what he can plays out. He is more interested in watching healthy (or not so much) relationship of other people and capture them in a book. However, he still needs love of course, just different type of it, such as friendship or platonic admiration or master's patronage.
6) Psychological headcanons (tastes, fears, talents, regrets, how they deal with anger, just anything that comes to mind on the topic)
Caryll dives into nonverbal behavior very often, sometimes able to only offer strange noises, gestures or doodles as means of communication. If it wasn't for Byrgenwerth introducing him the runes, he'd study music to communicate his feelings, as he believes that visual art, albeit good, can't be understood at the same extent as the sound. He might reach stressful state where he just gives a single frustrated sound every time someone asks what's wrong - and then gets upset when nobody gets what DOES he need ;-; A rare person is able to cooperate with this 'barrier' - Rom, for example.
Caryll's anger is cold and passive-aggressive. He will never yell or snap, but rather taint with no end. One knows Caryll is angry with them when Caryll starts to verbally communicate more eagerly - and it is all some subtle hints or 'clever' remarks! Caryll gets more nonverbal when he feels vulnerable; but also, when he feels safe.
Past his arc of creating alphabet of inhuman sounds, Caryll feels dark joy upon learning that some human language is going extinct. However, if it wasn't for the runes, he'd have had opposite reaction. Normally he believes that no language can be universal as each has unique nuances worthy of celebrating! Runes language, however, showed the way to transcend this limitation.
He is extremely happy when he can cuddle someone, be it a person or an animal. Tactile contact is very important for him! He has a history of overstepping his boundaries with cuddling animals that would end biting/scratching him. As a human, you can easily earn a place amongst his best friends by letting him hug you without 'making it weird or have it be sexualised'. He subscribed to the fact that most people would never understand his feelings or intentions correctly, but he does have a secret rune that gives no benefits except for understanding how he sees the world and people, that he would gladly give to those who care about him enough.
He is confident in his own beauty in an interesting way, loving to wear boots to highlight his legs and often posing like some sort of model when he does speak xD His voice might appear monotonous most of the time, however.
He is 35+ whereas other scholars barely reached their 20s, yet is able to cry from too much fear or confusion easily. Realising that he was drastically misunderstood might absolutely ruin him mentally, and he resorts to just sitting in the corner and whimpering, only answering questions with some noises.
Him inventing language of inhuman sounds was not a blessing of chosen one, not something done with his body, but simply him being a nerd and a genius enough to crack the (accurate enough) code towards ultimate way of communication. He analysed the ancient Hunter-like symbol of Pthumerians and other symbols a lot; just like that, he is very good with picking the exact sound tone every time.
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Crow of Cainhurst (Eidinghardt)
8) Made-up connections with other characters that weren't in the canon (friends, enemies, whatever)
Maria - They are not blood-related (from what I imagine yet, but hell knows those darn victorian royals), yet they see each other as brother and sister for the most part. It borders between 'friends who are like siblings' and 'friends who are like a tsundereish couple', but the former, honestly, wins. In either case, they are pretty close with each other! They are able to be rude with each other and have conflicts without drastic consequences, their arguments are mostly healthy and natural. Just that they were always capable of both being rivals OR getting up for the shared goal. Eidinghardt was also really jealous when Maria decided to leave Cainhurst and join the hunters, after Maria left he proceeded to take it out on some friends without fully realising how vulnerable he was left.
Elias - his blood sibling. Similarly to how things were with Maria, Eidin was striking conflict with Elias quite often - except Elias was fighting him back verbally rather than arm-wrestling him like he deserved. There is just something about the Crow that makes him have very tense and charged relationship with people truly dear for him, being close with him is both a blessing and a curse! Aware of Elias having a crush on Annalise, he liked to tease him that he was the only one 'actually having a chance to marry her' that'd bring Elias to tears (and have Crow be punched hard by Maria fhdhsf). But he did not know what kind of ancient Hell Cainhurst was to strike thanks to Byrgenwerth being nosy about ancient secrets, and in a way he misses the vulnerable and soft but also brave and heroic sibling, after Elias was 'reborn' into a manic and cursed Cain XIII. He still has pangs of pain for how he was treating Elias, never having realised envy that he felt towards him and how much he was bearing with dignity.
Cainhurst executioner - By executioner, I mean of course not a faction of the Healing Church, but the guy that was delivering the death sentence to those that royal court deemed worthy of it. He is the father of Eidinghardt and Elias, passing both of his gloves down to each sibling.
Annalise - He was fearing her for the biggest part of his life, feeling as though he just 'had' to be her friend because for Maria and Elias she was important; but Annalise showed great grace, honor and self-esteem since even young age. He just never seen anything great about her and just rolled his eyes at her as at 'yeah yeah great noble princess everyone loves'. It was much later when he was able to see her determination, insanity even, her dignity and her ambitions, when he realised she was a worthy companion he was blessed to have had all along. Consuming her blood only made it worse, indeed; the awakened admiration turned into a full-on love. He knew, however, that he lost her to his sibling years ago, so for him it was the best fate to just stay by her side. Separated from Cainhurst, memory about her is just what he holds onto.
Every woman with long red hair - Sorry, but there are LARGE chances that if he sees one similar enough to Annalise, he will treat her as his princess/queen and be overly protective and overly subservient of fdsjhhfds I headcanon that he had spent a LONG ass time away from Cainhurst.
Alfred - Eidin crosses the paths with Alfred at times, not able to be detected by him to his surprise. He found strange enjoyment in trolling Alfred sometimes, though. Like, Alfred would speak of wanting to exterminate all "unholy clan" and Crow would go "ooooh, those vilebloods are very nasty people, aren't they~?" on him and just internally DIE at his reaction fhdsdsf I am yet to figure how would he feel in the scenario where Alfred finishes his quest, and Eidin learns it, though... By default, he certainly takes Alfred for an edgy looser.
Arianna - I like the idea (so far) that Arianna's mother fleed from Cainhurst with Arianna still being a little baby, so Arianna grew up in Yharnam with only very brief idea of her heritage! As result, Crow could've been the one to share more about her history as a noble with her - whereas her mother wanted to keep her safe from such a heart-breaking fate. But I just like the mental image of little Arianna clinging to the Crow as her father/mentor figure, with him really not being up to such a honor but not knowing how to turn her down, hahah; Bonus points if her mother died early and Crow failed Arianna as a caretaker, leaving her to figure out adult life and means for survival on her own, because he was too caught up in his insanity </3 Like, imagine him deciding to commit to checking on her all too late, when she, a descendant of a noble line, already became a sex worker. </3
Henriett - I feel like he'd pester Henriett a lot, challenging her all the time with the threat of harming Amelia/Emilia whom Henriett never wanted to harm unless she fell for beasthood for good. They were throwing hands quite often. As well, Eidin would enjoy watching Henriett and Alfred throw hands.
Eileen - I don't know whether it counts as 'made up' because implication is strong, but come ooooon, it IS Bloodborne! I used to think that he simply imitated Eileen's crow-themed hunter look to not attract much suspicion as hunter that hunts other hunters, but... hmmm, being her apprentice that betrayed her works waaaay better! So I think he got under her wing - when she was intending to kill him in the state of his despair, and he gave a tirade about honorable death and meaning of life that made Eileen not only realise he was not quite blood-drunk (just a bit unstable!), but also that he had a right spirit to continue her quest. She picked him up and was teaching him.... well, more like trying to teach him. He would unmistakeably detect any blood-drunk hunter anyways, with his vileblood senses. They had a problem of Eileen having nothing left that she had to teach him, until they stroke the communication issue! It was Eileen who had to teach him to be civil with the so-called 'League' and to comfort desperate hunters rather than provoking them to go 'crazier'.
Viola - I am stealing your headcanon that Crow killed Viola to provoke Gascoigne into despair - and Henryk, as a result, sorry </3 This just works so well. I headcanon that it was a strange mix of both hatred and longing; if Viola was to cheat on Gascoigne with him, he would probably risk his life protecting her. I feel like he is the type to have a very thin line between hatred and love towards someone. In the least likeable way.
Fauxsefka (Zhosfika) - he tried to strangle her at least once in order to obtain the one remaining Cainhurst summon from her, to see Cainhurst once more. Thankfully, he had enough reason to understand that another name was already written in the one she possessed, as was promised. Was a shameful decay of the relationship though, as they were friends back in Cainhurst. Crow was even willing to put aside her joining the church/Choir, thus betraying the vilebloods - he just hoped she'd at least help HIM, but alas.
9) Headcanons about their past
Crow was preparing to become the next guy to deliver the death sentence in Cainhurst's walls after his father, but discovery of hunters of blood dregs shifted his plans. He was even thankful for the change as he was not looking forward for the executioner fate- heck, he loved playing with his victims way much more than to just having to kill them and make a sad face about it!
He was one of the first guardians of the Queen of Blood that Annalise eventually became, yet also commanded to flee Cainhurst even before he had a chance to fight the Healing Church's crusaders. He did not dare to object, being told that he had more important things to do than to die for Annalise, and fleed. He mediated to her words for quite a while, and continued to seek blood dregs for her that he was not able to even gift her with the bridge being destroyed. He's been consuming them himself though (consuming blood dreg gives you +1 Insight), attempting to recreate telepathic bond with Annalise. If not to be loved by her, then at least to simply be by her side.
Some of the most important books from the Cainhurst library are missing because of him! Before Cainhurst and the rest of Yharnam picked such a large antagonism, Eidinghardt passed many books to commoners to spread the knowledge from. Loosely, it is the way how every single basic yharnamite can use blood bullets magic. Caryll would probably approve of his wish to not hoard the knowledge.
He was training his fighting skills obsessively, not being given any special powers by birth but having just his determination and spite for more gifted people to keep him going. Often, he'd hone his blood-bullets skills on animals, bringing prey back in the castle rather often. On the bright side, he has been a great help in destroying the giant maggots that would settle in blood-drunk vilebloods.
He was not a promising heir to the (Cainhurst's) executioners' line, and had to prove his worth, born initially weak and frail. In a weird way, picking unnecessary fights and conflicts has been a great help in shaping his character and physical proves from the start. The fights were the best teacher in his eyes!
10) Content about them I'd like to see more of
Please, develop something about his interactions with Annalise and/or Maria, I beg you ;-; (I say, as I am doing it myself fdhds). Him interacting with Eileen is very good, him interacting with Alfred..... well, it depends on a person, really, it is not everyone's cup of tea admittedly. But there are so many other vileblood characters! Or even hunter friends that Eileen could have introduced him to xD
Whew, it was fun! Thank you for the very varied asks!
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rithmeres · 10 months
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copia · 3 months
if you get this, answer with three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs! anon or not, doesn't matter, let's get to know the person behind the blog <33
oh i always find these a challenge kjdjhjh thank you for sending!!
1. i chose the wrong degree (engineering) and long for the day i can start vet medicine because as much as i love a good circuit that's my true calling
2. when i'm not at uni i've got 2 cats and 1 dog :3 (all photos by my mother who recently discovered portrait mode)
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3. the cat on the left (tommy) bit my hand at age 12 and left me with a perfect and prominent dracula scar right in the middle of it that shows no sign of fading
there's a bit of a theme to these random facts lmao
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txttletale · 3 months
Saw a tweet that said something around:
"cannot emphasize enough how horrid chatgpt is, y'all. it's depleting our global power & water supply, stopping us from thinking or writing critically, plagiarizing human artists. today's students are worried they won't have jobs because of AI tools. this isn't a world we deserve"
I've seen some of your AI posts and they seem nuanced, but how would you respond do this? Cause it seems fairly-on point and like the crux of most worries. Sorry if this is a troublesome ask, just trying to learn so any input would be appreciated.
i would simply respond that almost none of that is true.
'depleting the global power and water supply'
something i've seen making the roudns on tumblr is that chatgpt queries use 3 watt-hours per query. wow, that sounds like a lot, especially with all the articles emphasizing that this is ten times as much as google search. let's check some other very common power uses:
running a microwave for ten minutes is 133 watt-hours
gaming on your ps5 for an hour is 200 watt-hours
watching an hour of netflix is 800 watt-hours
and those are just domestic consumer electricty uses!
a single streetlight's typical operation 1.2 kilowatt-hours a day (or 1200 watt-hours)
a digital billboard being on for an hour is 4.7 kilowatt-hours (or 4700 watt-hours)
i think i've proved my point, so let's move on to the bigger picture: there are estimates that AI is going to cause datacenters to double or even triple in power consumption in the next year or two! damn that sounds scary. hey, how significant as a percentage of global power consumption are datecenters?
ah. well. nevertheless!
what about that water? yeah, datacenters use a lot of water for cooling. 1.7 billion gallons (microsoft's usage figure for 2021) is a lot of water! of course, when you look at those huge and scary numbers, there's some important context missing. it's not like that water is shipped to venus: some of it is evaporated and the rest is generally recycled in cooling towers. also, not all of the water used is potable--some datacenters cool themselves with filtered wastewater.
most importantly, this number is for all data centers. there's no good way to separate the 'AI' out for that, except to make educated guesses based on power consumption and percentage changes. that water figure isn't all attributable to AI, plenty of it is necessary to simply run regular web servers.
but sure, just taking that number in isolation, i think we can all broadly agree that it's bad that, for example, people are being asked to reduce their household water usage while google waltzes in and takes billions of gallons from those same public reservoirs.
but again, let's put this in perspective: in 2017, coca cola used 289 billion liters of water--that's 7 billion gallons! bayer (formerly monsanto) in 2018 used 124 million cubic meters--that's 32 billion gallons!
so, like. yeah, AI uses electricity, and water, to do a bunch of stuff that is basically silly and frivolous, and that is broadly speaking, as someone who likes living on a planet that is less than 30% on fire, bad. but if you look at the overall numbers involved it is a miniscule drop in the ocean! it is a functional irrelevance! it is not in any way 'depleting' anything!
'stopping us from thinking or writing critically'
this is the same old reactionary canard we hear over and over again in different forms. when was this mythic golden age when everyone was thinking and writing critically? surely we have all heard these same complaints about tiktok, about phones, about the internet itself? if we had been around a few hundred years earlier, we could have heard that "The free access which many young people have to romances, novels, and plays has poisoned the mind and corrupted the morals of many a promising youth."
it is a reactionary narrative of societal degeneration with no basis in anything. yes, it is very funny that laywers have lost the bar for trusting chatgpt to cite cases for them. but if you think that chatgpt somehow prevented them from thinking critically about its output, you're accusing the tail of wagging the dog.
nobody who says shit like "oh wow chatgpt can write every novel and movie now. yiou can just ask chatgpt to give you opinions and ideas and then use them its so great" was, like, sitting in the symposium debating the nature of the sublime before chatgpt released. there is no 'decay', there is no 'decline'. you should be suspicious of those narratives wherever you see them, especially if you are inclined to agree!
plagiarizing human artists
nah. i've been over this ad infinitum--nothing 'AI art' does could be considered plagiarism without a definition so preposterously expansive that it would curtail huge swathes of human creative expression.
AI art models do not contain or reproduce any images. the result of them being trained on images is a very very complex statistical model that contains a lot of large-scale statistical data about all those images put together (and no data about any of those individual images).
to draw a very tortured comparison, imagine you had a great idea for how to make the next Great American Painting. you loaded up a big file of every norman rockwell painting, and you made a gigantic excel spreadsheet. in this spreadsheet you noticed how regularly elements recurred: in each cell you would have something like "naturalistic lighting" or "sexually unawakened farmers" and the % of times it appears in his paintings. from this, you then drew links between these cells--what % of paintings containing sexually unawakened farmers also contained naturalistic lighting? what % also contained a white guy?
then, if you told someone else with moderately competent skill at painting to use your excel spreadsheet to generate a Great American Painting, you would likely end up with something that is recognizably similar to a Norman Rockwell painting: but any charge of 'plagiarism' would be absolutely fucking absurd!
this is a gross oversimplification, of course, but it is much closer to how AI art works than the 'collage machine' description most people who are all het up about plagiarism talk about--and if it were a collage machine, it would still not be plagiarising because collages aren't plagiarism.
(for a better and smarter explanation of the process from soneone who actually understands it check out this great twitter thread by @reachartwork)
today's students are worried they won't have jobs because of AI tools
i mean, this is true! AI tools are definitely going to destroy livelihoods. they will increase productivty for skilled writers and artists who learn to use them, which will immiserate those jobs--they will outright replace a lot of artists and writers for whom quality is not actually important to the work they do (this has already essentially happened to the SEO slop website industry and is in the process of happening to stock images).
jobs in, for example, product support are being cut for chatgpt. and that sucks for everyone involved. but this isn't some unique evil of chatgpt or machine learning, this is just the effect that technological innovation has on industries under capitalism!
there are plenty of innovations that wiped out other job sectors overnight. the camera was disastrous for portrait artists. the spinning jenny was famously disastrous for the hand-textile workers from which the luddites drew their ranks. retail work was hit hard by self-checkout machines. this is the shape of every single innovation that can increase productivity, as marx explains in wage labour and capital:
“The greater division of labour enables one labourer to accomplish the work of five, 10, or 20 labourers; it therefore increases competition among the labourers fivefold, tenfold, or twentyfold. The labourers compete not only by selling themselves one cheaper than the other, but also by one doing the work of five, 10, or 20; and they are forced to compete in this manner by the division of labour, which is introduced and steadily improved by capital. Furthermore, to the same degree in which the division of labour increases, is the labour simplified. The special skill of the labourer becomes worthless. He becomes transformed into a simple monotonous force of production, with neither physical nor mental elasticity. His work becomes accessible to all; therefore competitors press upon him from all sides. Moreover, it must be remembered that the more simple, the more easily learned the work is, so much the less is its cost to production, the expense of its acquisition, and so much the lower must the wages sink – for, like the price of any other commodity, they are determined by the cost of production. Therefore, in the same manner in which labour becomes more unsatisfactory, more repulsive, do competition increase and wages decrease”
this is the process by which every technological advancement is used to increase the domination of the owning class over the working class. not due to some inherent flaw or malice of the technology itself, but due to the material realtions of production.
so again the overarching point is that none of this is uniquely symptomatic of AI art or whatever ever most recent technological innovation. it is symptomatic of capitalism. we remember the luddites primarily for failing and not accomplishing anything of meaning.
if you think it's bad that this new technology is being used with no consideration for the planet, for social good, for the flourishing of human beings, then i agree with you! but then your problem shouldn't be with the technology--it should be with the economic system under which its use is controlled and dictated by the bourgeoisie.
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keeps-ache · 1 year
i have learned Linkage :3
#just me hi#i have also learned. some more basic html :3#i'm unstoppable man#you can now go in circles between my blogs seamlessly :3#(''''seamlessly''''‚ i do dislike how links have to open new tabs lol)#//OH let me tell you about last night#[rolls up to your side] SO. my youngest siblings like to poke and pester me until i tell them a story (i usually don't‚ i'm tired lol)#and i decided to have them do a run-through of one of my stories i already have mostly worked out (“mostly”‚ it claimed)#a run-through being what we call RPing lol‚ but anyway !#it's about this old manor that's completely pitch-black inside and out that's been turned into a children's Home#and a detective looking for some children that disappeared from a different foster home#WELL. my ~siblings~ get the reins and here's how they start out:#they first have to restart the first 2 scenes like 7 times in total because they couldn't get into the Home (fhvshf)#but when they finally get it rolling my brother (Ago) rolls a surprisingly sturdy outhouse down a hill and my brother (Leo) walks up to the#first character he can see and asks the man the 'breathe on (him) because i want to smell what you're smoking'. Ago knocked him for this bt#Leo proceeded to go strong the whole story so far and has asked out the Other adult character that shows up later Multiple Times#(she has said no. Many Times)#he also sent the first guy his watch in a box as a 'present' and was going to send him his number but didn't do that#(also send other things but oh boy you don't wanna know lol)#Ago has been Trying to find the missing kids and establishing alliances with the 'kid bakers (people who bake kids)' even though he's not#even the detective lol (Leo's doing fantastic [cut to Leo being feral and getting locked outside of the house])#they got spooked when Mrs. Wilver tried to get into their room and one of them got a little too spooked and there was an accident 👍#they haven't finished the story yet tho so i'm here like “.w.; i don't have this worked out...”#//aw crackers i'm gonna cut short here cuz i think my tags are gonna get cut here fvhshf
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rosyblooom · 4 months
could you please do lando and a stem girl who goes to uni but has a private life please
they don't know about us | ln4 smau
pairing: lando norris x private fem computer science major!reader a/n: this took me forever but hope u still like :) also, if you've got requests could u add if you want it to be smau or fic pls <3
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landonorris posted to his story!
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[ caption: Mind you, I just woke up... ]
[ tagged: yourusername ]
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landonorris posted to his story!
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[ caption 1: 🕒✈️ ] [ caption 2: miami 👋 ]
[ tagged: yourusername ]
yourusername posted to her story!
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[ caption 1: shoutout to the inventor of coffee i owe u big time🙏 ] [ caption 2: uhm i was just going to rest my eyes for 2 minutes?? good morning i guess💀 ]
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liked by username, username, username and 12,057 others
f1gossip Y/N L/N, current girlfriend of Lando Norris, has been photographed arriving at the paddock for today's Miami GP.
Y/N's presence comes as a bit of a surprise, considering she was absent during practice and qualifying sessions, and rarely attends races. Speculation about a potential breakup has been rampant, but her appearance suggests that there might not be trouble in paradise after all... 👀
view all 793 comments
username she always looks so classy and put-together, i'm obsessed <33
username no bc am i the only who has no problem with her only attending a few races a year? some ppl don't have time to jet off across the globe 24/7 like
username it's the fact that they literally travelled to miami together and she still didn't go to quali or practice😐 the other wags do it, why can't she?
username i just know lando had to beg her to come smh
username why are y'all so rude omg?? some ppl are introverts...
username when you're in the public eye, you don't get to be "introverted"🙃 username that's an insane take wtf?
username GUYS i think she's a uni student cause peep lando's story a few days ago🧐 that explains why she's never at gps
username so? i'm a senior and i went to the aus gp this year username okay... do you want a cookie ?
username if a wag is at all races she's fame-hungry, and if she doesn't she's unsupportive like make up y'all's minds pls 🙄
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yourusername posted to her story!
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[ caption: YOU DID IT!!! HE DID IT!!! MY BABY IS AN F1 WINNER OMFGGG🥹🥳👏 you deserved this so so much, i'm sooo proud of you ❤️❤️❤️ ]
[ tagged: landonorris ]
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liked by yourusername, _aarava, martingarrix and 2,005,872 others
landonorris Memories for life ❤️
view all 5,947 comments
username aw the 5th pic🥹
username do you think number six is y/n??👀 username 100%
username 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
username ofc y/n couldn't even be bothered to comment... and the most unsupportive wag award goes to y/n l/n!! congrats hun x
username y'all are weird YOU DON'T KNOW THESE PPL!! username it's the 'be kind' in ur bio for me miss gurl 🤡
username best day ever 🤧
lewishamilton 👏👏👏
(liked by author)
riabish sooo happy!!!
(liked by author)
username not ria being more of a gf then y/n oop username thanks for being such a good friend to lando, we love you💖
username next goal: beome world champion 👀👀
username yessirrrr
yourusername posted to her story!
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[ caption 1: back to reality 💔 ] [ caption 2: jkjk it's not that bad, i don't cry nearly as much as i did in first year 🙂‍↕️☝️ ]
[ tagged: yourbestfriend, yourfriend + more ]
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liked by yourusername, username, username and 29,063 others
harvard Final projects, theses, dissertations, and more! Check out what these soon-to-be graduates explored in some of their last assignements on campus.
Y/N's thesis navigated the intricate relationship between privacy and secure multi-party computation, enhancing data analysis while safeguarding sensitive information.
2. Steve's environmental science project examined urban development's impact on local biodiversity, providing insights for sustainable urban planning.
3. Nya's dentistry research poster explored new methods to improve dental implant success, promising better patient outcomes and oral healthcare.
We are celebrating the extraordinary members of the Class of #Harvard24 🎓
view all 127 comments
username 👏👏👏
username Awesome!
username Very good! Congrats to all these students!!💪
username wait am i tripping or is this y/n as in lando's gf y/n???😳 btw my biggest dream is to go to harvard in '26 !!!! 💕
username 😍😍
username streets are saying y/n goes to harvard so i had to come check and omg??😩
username no bc wag AND harvard girly?? just looked at myself and sighed fr... username now i feel bad for talking shit🫤
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yourusername posted to her story!
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[ caption 1: pulling an all-nighterrrr 😁 ] [ caption 2: nevermind, lando just made me promise to get some sleep :( ]
A few months later...
yourusername posted to her story!
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[ caption 1: couldn't ask for better shoulders to cry on srsly 🙂‍↕️ WE DID IT MY LOVESSS 🎓❤️❤️ ] [ caption 2: this us? 😏 (corny, i know...) ]
[ tagged: yourbestfriend, yourfriend + more ]
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liked by daniel3.jpg, yourusername, carlossainz55 and 847,903 others
tagged: yourusername
lando.jpg 🍾🎓❤️
view all 4,037 comments
username a win for women iktr 😌
username wow i'm so happy for her omg 🫶🫶 (jealous too but mostly happy loolol)
username LMAO are we the same person?
carlossainz55 👏👏👏
username now she has no excuse anymore
username if lando's completely happy with it all, why the hell are u upset? 🤡
username 2024 really gave us lando's first ever win and now this?? we love to see it 😍
yourusername ❤️❤️
(liked by author)
username we love you y/n <333 username i hope you'll be able to attend more races from now on!! i love seeing you in the paddock 💕
username the way i still haven't fully processed the fact that harvard gave her a shoutout goddamn🤯
usernmae not you calling that a shoutout bye💀💀
0:33 ───ㅇ───────── 2:40
2K notes · View notes
pathologicalreid · 2 months
Hello, love your writing, can i request a oneshot for spencer Reid x wife!reader with the plot of the movie taken where she goes on a business trip or something and she gets taken and the team have to work against the clock to get her back. Had this idea for so long and thought you would be perfect to write it. Perfectly fine if you dont but im craving this story.
leave a message after the beep | S.R.
When you go missing under suspicious circumstances on a business trip, the BAU goes to Texas - and ends up in the middle of something bigger than anticipated.
who? spencer reid x fem!reader category: angst content warnings: kidnapping, blood, guns, reader almost kills someone, hospitals, the securities and exchange commission, typical cm violence, texas, takes place maybe circa season 7 word count: 4.03k a/n: okay anon so like yes i can write this but also i've never seen the movie taken so really i took your request and made it my own! i hope you like it either way!
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Tuesday, 2:17 p.m.
“Hey, Spence, it’s me. Shame I got your voicemail, but I just landed at Dallas Fort Worth and I’m waiting for my ride to take me to meet the regional officers. Not sure if you’re traveling, but uh, call me when you get this, I guess. Or when you can. Hopefully, this trip goes better than I think it’s going to… oh, I think my ride is here.”
Tuesday, 6:42 p.m.
“Hey babe, so, the first meeting went fine, they don’t seem very receptive, but people generally aren’t when I’m sent in to change their methods. Wish you’d pick up your phone. Anyway, I’m on my way to the hotel now, I’ll probably try you again before I go to bed. I know my updates are probably riveting.”
Tuesday, 8:09 p.m.
“Well, I’ve definitely stayed in nicer hotels than this one, but I guess I can’t complain about being put up for free. I’m probably just biased because the a/c unit is busted – oh, my room number is 316, I know you like to have it. I opened the windows to let air in but it’s so dry here that I’m not sure it’s helping any. I’ll shut them before I go to sleep, so don’t worry about that. Call me back, I miss you, don’t worry about waking me up. I think that’s all I’ve got, goodnight, I love you!”
There was a collective sigh in the roundtable room, five agents around the room all looked nervously at each other. No one wanted to be the first person to speak. No one wanted to be the first to propose a theory. “Where’s Spencer?” Emily asked, looking through the voicemail transcripts that were splayed out in front of her.
“In Hotch’s office, they’re talking,” Rossi said, eyeing the photo of you that was being projected up on the screen. Most of the time, Penelope just used driver’s license or passport photos in files, but for you, she had chosen a photo from the last BAU O’Keefe’s outing. Your skin was flushed and there was an odd shadow being cast on your face, but your smile was unmistakable.
The official files would have your driver’s license photo, but that picture was for the BAU. Seemingly unable to peel her eyes off of the screen, JJ asked the question that everyone was sitting on, “We’re on this case, right?”
It felt ridiculous, one of their own had gone missing in the middle of the night and they weren’t even sure if they had the jurisdiction to look into it. When no one answered, Morgan looked around the room, “The brass isn’t seriously going to try to tell us not to investigate.”
“No, they’re not,” Hotch said, suit jacket unbuttoned and fluttering behind him as he walked into the roundtable room with purpose. “We’ll debrief more on the plane, JJ and Garcia will stay here, the rest of us are headed to Dallas,” he instructed, nodding at everyone before turning around and walking out the door, the rest of the team following like ducks in a row.
On the jet, the traveling members of the team watched as Rossi held a cup of coffee out for Spencer to take, but the team's youngest member took a moment to even recognize that it was there, “Oh,” he mumbled, “thank you.” Blinking a haze from his eyes, he took the cup in his shaky hands.
A familiar concern flowed among Spencer’s teammates, they all watched as he twisted his wedding ring around his finger – a nervous habit that usually presented itself when he missed you. “Y/N’s boss is en route to Quantico to talk with JJ, the flight’s about three hours, we should get started,” Hotch was the one to speak up, herding the sheep in the correct direction while everything felt aimless.
With his legs tucked beneath himself, Spencer watched the team as they bounced back and forth in a discussion on what you were doing in Dallas and Penelope scoured through your recent communication.
“According to the voicemails and the hotel records, her room was on the third floor,” Emily spoke up, flipping through the file in front of her. “Do we have crime scene photos from the hotel room yet?”
On the video screen, Penelope shook her head, “CSI is still processing the scene, I have an inquiry in with them to send the photos as soon as they can.”
Checking his watch, Hotch looked over at Spencer, still sequestered on one side of the jet, “Make sure they keep the scene undisturbed for when we arrive. Dave and Morgan will meet with the sheriff at the hotel, and the rest of us will head to the precinct to set up.”
If Spencer wanted to be the one to investigate the crime scene, he didn’t protest his assignment, he just continued to spin that gold band on his finger. He didn’t notice the glances exchanged between the rest of his team; he could only think of you.
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With the involvement of the BAU, the team had been redirected to the Dallas Field Office. “There was a hole torn in the window screen, the crime scene techs think that’s how they got inside,” Morgan announced to the team, they were all gathering in the conference room.
“On the third floor?” JJ questioned over video chat, she and Penelope sat right next to each other on the screen.
Rossi nodded, “We must be looking at a team. At least two, likely three UnSub’s in order to pull something like this off. They cut the camera feed and broke into the hotel room where she was staying – this was premeditated.”
It wasn’t difficult to deduce that being taken from the third floor of a hotel meant that you had been a target, but the evidence of a break-in settled like a boulder on Spencer’s chest. Someone had intended to take you. Someone had intended on grabbing you from your hotel room in the middle of the night – and they had succeeded.
“Is there any chance she forgot to close the windows when she went to sleep last night?” Emily looked over at Spencer, dark brows raised quizzically as she leaned over the table, skimming through the voicemail transcripts again.
Clenching his jaw, Spencer shook his head, recalling your promise to close the windows before the end of the night. “No, she’d never forget. She knows I worry,” although, after this, you’d never be able to chide him for worrying too much ever again. Sharing a knowing look with the brunette before him, “So, she’s been missing since last night, not this morning.”
The initial assumption had been that you’d disappeared at some point early in the morning, maybe on your way to your first meeting of the day, no one was entirely sure, but this confirmed that you had been missing for at least eight hours more than the first estimate.
A knock on the door garnered the attention of the team, each of them turning to see a field agent, “Uh, Ezra Buchmann is here to speak with you, he said he got a call from your tech girl.”
Hotch nodded succinctly, “That’s the co-worker who reported the case. Morgan, go see if he needs anything. Dave, let’s go check out the office building that Y/N had been working at.”
“Do you think she might’ve been caught up in something at work?” Spencer asked, following his team members with his eyes as they left the conference room.
The unit chief didn’t provide a forward answer, “I’d like to start checking off some possibilities. It’s been fourteen hours with no firm leads.” It wasn’t as optimistic as anyone had hoped, but Hotch shared a look with Emily before leaving the room.
Rubbing the back of his neck, Spencer turned to the evidence board, looking at the pictures of your hotel room, the water splashed around the rim of the bathroom sink, your phone charging on the bedside table, your wedding ring resting on the counter, and if he separated himself from the missing posters, he could almost convince himself that they were just random pictures. Almost.
Frowning at the blown-up images of partial fingerprints and a random CCTV shot from across the street, he recalled your voicemails. “I wasn’t busy,” he confessed to Emily. “When she called me, I wasn’t busy. I was doing other things, but I wasn’t too busy to answer the phone. I assumed that I’d have the chance to talk to her today,” he said, slightly leaning over the oak table, resting his fingerprints on the varnished surface in an attempt to keep himself standing.
Pursing her lips, Emily took a member for responding, “That’s not an outrageous assumption to make,” she tried to reason with a miserable man. “You’d never think something like this would happen.”
“Until it does,” Spencer continued. “We see it happen to people all the time, we’ve made a life of it, but I never thought it would happen to me. To her,” he maundered. If he had a dollar for every time he had heard the same sentiment from victim’s families, he’d never have to work another day in his life. “I did call her back when I got home last night,” he added, though, he wasn’t entirely sure who he was trying to reassure.
In an effort to comfort him, Emily reached out and patted his arm, “We will find her, Spencer.”
Dead or alive? He wanted to retort, but he bit his tongue, holding it in.
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As a favor to him, in the hopes of providing him with some emotional respite, Emily had haggled with the field agent whose name was last on the chain of custody of your belongings. It wasn’t entirely proper for evidence to be released to family, but she offered to put her name on it in the interim.
She stayed with Spencer in the conference room, letting him keep your things nearby as she spoke with JJ and went through the information that had been acquired back at Quantico. The team now had your performance reviews at work and, according to JJ, your boss couldn’t say enough good things about you. While it was nice to hear, it didn’t bring them any closer to finding where you were.
Tracing the woodgrain of the table with his fingertips, Spencer eventually tuned the phone call out, instead wondering at what point he was obligated to call your parents. He was so lost in thought that he didn’t notice your phone was ringing in the evidence bag before him until Prentiss tapped him on the shoulder.
It was an unknown number, but that was a barrier easily blocked by Garcia with a quick search. The rest of the team watched as she blanched on the screen, “Uh, you might want to answer that.”
“Garcia, who is it?” Hotch asked, a hardened look on his face as he looked from the screen to the buzzing cellphone.
JJ frowned at Penelope’s monitor as if she couldn’t believe what she was reading, “It’s the SEC,” she responded.
Swiftly, Hotch answered the phone call, turning on speakerphone so the rest of the team could hear, “Hello.”
“Hello, may I speak with Mrs. Reid?” A male voice came through the receiver, everyone sharing the same wary look.
Focused on the phone call, Hotch shook his head, “This is Supervisory Special Agent Aaron Hotchner with the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit, you can speak with me.” He said, elaborating on the situation and rendering the SEC investigator speechless.
Unable to listen to the conversation any longer, Spencer got up, minding his movements as he walked out of the conference room. He checked the map of the building that was posted on the wall before walking up the stairs, making his way up to the roof of the building.
The dry heat of Dallas was about as miserable as everyone made it out to be, but it was hard to ignore the way it reminded him of home. Maybe he could call his mom – speaking with her usually brought him some semblance of peace. Though, she might have a negative reaction to the situation he found himself in. On the hot rubber roofing, he kicked around piles of dirt before leaning against the ledge of the building, craning his head back and closing his eyes when he heard the rooftop door open.
“Look, I’m really not in the mood for any sort of discussion right now,” he complained, neglecting to spare a glance at whoever was disturbing his quiet – not exactly an Eden, but quiet.
He recognized Emily by the sound her boots made, even on the rubber that had been softened by the relentless sun, “I’d be more surprised if you were in the mood to talk.”
Impulsively, he rolled his eyes, “Did Hotch put you in charge of me?” He was glad his eyes were still shut, that way he couldn’t see the look on Emily’s face when he sniped at her.
“No,” she responded, gathering his attention as he brought his head down, squinting in the sunlight. “I thought you might want to know what just happened,” she nearly challenged, dark hair gleaming in the daylight.
Mentally kicking himself, he nodded for a moment, “You’re right, I just… I’m sorry.”
Taking a moment, Prentiss walked over, standing next to him, “I know.” She sighed, turning around and taking inventory of the surrounding buildings, “She was sent out here to look at some shady dealings of the company – insider trading, that kind of stuff. The main branch has an investigation open with the SEC, and they have been for the last few months. She was supposed to meet with that Ezra guy this morning to try and work something out. Hotch is talking to the CEO right now, he’s claiming he couldn’t tell JJ because it’s need-to-know,” Emily explained, focusing her eyes on the highway in the distance. “The SEC has an office in Fort Worth, they’re sending some people, and they faxed over all of the files.”
Setting his jaw, Spencer was the first to move to the stairs, the air conditioning providing an instant relief as he strode down the steps with Emily trailing close behind.
A field agent was standing in the middle of the office, stirring a cup of coffee, “Would someone really kidnap a woman over an SEC investigation?”
“We’ve seen much worse for much less,” Spencer mentioned in passing, swerving through the office of people until he made it back to the conference room. “Why would Y/N’s boss send her to investigate something that had already been brought to the SEC?” He posed the question to the rest of the team, taking one of the files that Morgan handed him and reading through the pages.
Rossi shrugged, nodding his head in the direction of the evidence board, “He wanted it handled quietly,” he posited. “Maybe he thought she could negotiate a solution and they could call off the securities investigation.”
Understanding where Spencer was going with his question, Hotch watched the board as if it was all coming together, “But, Y/N had no idea there was an open investigation. This was just another assignment to her.”
You had basically said as much in your voicemails, you went in, and you cleaned up fires across the country, and now you were caught in a blaze. “It was a setup,” Spencer concluded.
“And I know just who you need to talk to,” Garcia said over the phone, typing on her keyboard, “Check your phones.”
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Ezra’s assistant folded immediately under the threat of being charged with interfering with a federal investigation. She had no knowledge of what her boss was up to, but she did know where the BAU could find him.
On the edge of the city, your company held an old office building that was slated for demolition. With the information from the assistant and some actions of questionable legality from Garcia, the team was able to nail down Ezra’s location and, hopefully, yours.
Letting SWAT lead the way, Spencer, Emily, and Morgan all made their way up yet another flight of stairs, hoping to be able to find you on the third floor. The SWAT commander signaled with his fingers to direct everyone in their respective directions.
There was a clang from across the floor and everyone froze in place, “Fuck you!” Your voice rang out, reverberating through the mostly empty office space. The yelp that followed would have sent Spencer clambering in your direction if it weren’t for Morgan grabbing his arm in warning. “I didn’t know,” you spoke again, your tone less obstinate as the misery you felt crept in.
Drawing their weapons, the team clung to the wall as SWAT gave orders over comms until the team came into view, lifting their firearms.
In retaliation, Ezra pulled you up, keeping a deadly tight grip on your upper arm as he kept you compliant by pressing the barrel of his gun to your temple. “She told me you’d come,” he said, nearly seething with rage like a rabid animal.
It seemed like a ridiculous moment to feel relief, but the fact that you knew the BAU would come for you ever so slightly lightened the weight on Spencer’s shoulders. However, whatever relief he felt was quickly banished from existence when his eyes met yours, you were covered in blood. It leaked in a steady stream from your nose and down your sleep shirt, he hoped that was the extent of the damage that had been done but based on the evidence of a struggle in the hotel room, he doubted it.
“Y/N, don’t look at him, look at us, look at Spencer,” Emily reasoned, noting the way you looked over at your captor, eyeing the gun in his hand.
You didn’t look scared, not to Spencer, though Emily had reasonably assumed that you would be in this situation. “Y/N, don’t,” Spencer said in a warning.
But his warning came too late, you had already swung your bound hands up, grabbing the weapon from Ezra as you kicked his legs out from under him. If Spencer hadn’t been so worried, he would’ve been impressed, but now he found himself in an entirely different situation.
“The safety’s still on,” you chastised as your now shaking hands undid the small latch, settling your pointer finger on the trigger as you stared him down.
SWAT seemed entirely dumbfounded, not sure how to go about the admittedly unique situation, so, it fell upon your husband to talk you down. Slowly, he holstered his weapon and stepped toward you, “Baby, put the gun down.”
You sucked in a harsh breath, “He set me up, Spence”
“I know, darling, I know,” Spencer said breathlessly, holding his hands out to stop any and all movement in the warehouse. “This isn’t the answer though, okay? You know this isn’t the answer.”
Your hands didn’t stop shaking, still bound together by the flex cuffs on your wrists as you narrowed your eyes at Ezra. “He set me up,” your voice broke at the sheer memory of the betrayal.
Distantly, you heard Derek tell people to lower their weapons, convincing the field agents that you weren’t a threat. “This isn’t you,” Spencer insisted.
Blinking as tears fell from your eyes, you gripped the handle of the gun, leaving your pointer finger hovering precariously on the trigger. This isn’t you. This isn’t the answer. This isn’t you. This isn’t the answer.
Swallowing thickly, you looked down at Ezra, who was taunting you, trying to get you to pull the trigger. You fought against yourself, trying not to stare at Spencer because you knew as soon as you met his brown eyes, the choice would be made for you.
“Pull the damn trigger,” Ezra jeered, baring his teeth at you. This was it; this was the end. The FBI had the whole building surrounded. Even if he tried to run, the BAU would follow him, they’d chase him down, and they’d kill him themselves if it came down to it.
Slowly, you moved your thumb, re-engaging the safety before you lowered your arms, handing the gun off to Spencer. As he grabbed the barrel of the gun with one hand, he pulled you in with the other, passing the gun off to Emily so he could hug you tightly.
He pulled away for a moment, retrieving a pocketknife and using it to cut the flex cuffs from your wrists, letting the stiff plastic fall to the ground, and catching you when you practically threw your arms around him.
Your legs gave out from under you, and Spencer wondered how long you had been in this sweltering building without water, likely having used the last of your strength to stop Ezra. “Shh,” he hushed gently, “Let’s sit down,” he spoke to only you as he guided you to the ground.
Closer to you now, he saw more of the damage that had been done, the glazed look over your eyes, your chapped lips, and a bruise on the side of your head. “I knew you’d come,” you murmured dazedly, swaying ever so slightly, “I told him you’d come.”
“I know, I know,” Spencer reassured you, listening to the buzzing of people, hopefully EMTs, around you.
A hiccupping sob almost broke his heart, but he just kept his hold on you, keeping you upright and wishing your nosebleed would clot. “I almost killed him,” you mumbled.
But you didn’t, he wanted to respond. Part of him felt like it would’ve been fine if you had. You’d have gotten away with it, even, but he knew firsthand what it felt like to take another life. He wanted to believe that he had played a part in you turning the safety back on, but even he wasn’t sure.
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“How are you feeling? Better?” Spencer asked, sitting on the edge of your hospital bed and taking your hand in his.
He squeezed your hand gently, allowing you to admire the way your wedding ring looked now that it had been returned to its rightful home. “Much,” you assured him, keeping your head resting on the mountain of pillows behind you. You had been cleaned up, stitches on your forehead, and a bandaged cut on your thigh, but the main concern was your dehydration. An IV delivered fluids to you while you sipped on a cup of water, waiting for your stomach to settle enough for you to eat something.
Spencer raised his eyebrows, reaching out and sweeping a strand of hair behind your ear, “Good enough to try something for dinner?”
You nodded apprehensively, “Something light?”
The smile that sprouted on his face was enough to convince you to eat. He offered to go talk to your nurse, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead before he left the room, leaving the door open so you could see him in the hallway.
A small chime got your attention, looking around for the source of the noise, you found yourself digging through Spencer’s bag, retrieving your cell phone from the leather satchel.
There was a scratch over the screen, but it still worked just fine following your skirmish in the hotel, you opened the phone to find that you had a voicemail. You tapped the message before bringing the phone to your ear.
Tuesday, 10:23 p.m.
“Hey love, I’m just leaving the office now. I’m sure they’ll be more receptive to you as you talk more, you can be very convincing. The weather is very dry in Texas, make sure you keep hydrated, okay? I’m sorry I didn’t answer any of your calls, we’ve been trying to prepare all of this paperwork for Strauss and time just got away from us. I miss you, maybe when you get home, we could talk about taking a trip. We could go see my mom. It’s been a while. Hm… I have to admit, I’m a little bummed you didn’t answer the phone, but I’m glad you’re getting sleep. I love you so much, sleep well.”
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simpee9000 · 1 month
Not Just Friends - 8 -
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M.List : Prologue : Part 1 : Part 2 : Part 3 : Part 4 : Part 5 : Part 6 : Part 7 : Words 2.6k
Childhood best friends turned into something more, at least with the label. Katsuki Bakugo, a fast-rising hero and fast-learning guy who is ever so slow in getting attached to and loving someone. Even three long years into a relationship, and your friends even forget you're even dating. Nothing happening, spare a few kisses.. like 3 kisses, during high school. Graduated and living together, and you guys have done absolutely nothing to further the relationship. Are you sure you're not just friends? Also not edited!! CW: Smut, brief domestic violence discussion, virginity loss, aggressive flirting from creeps, gore with pro hero stuff (lmk if i missed any) Applies to all chapters regardless of it is in said chapter.
"It's been two weeks," you pointed out, telling yourself and him.
"That doesn't mean you have to be okay already," Katsuki huffed at you, crossing his arms as he leaned against the makeup table in front of you.
You were going on for the interview that you promised that night. Truth quirk and all. They were prepping you right now for it, covering the dark circles under your eyes as they made sure to add highlights.
"I go back to work tomorrow, I want everything to be dealt with before hand," you dismissed. You wanted your plate clean so you could throw yourself fully back into work, you were itching to use the equipment. "Besides, Aizawa is here. He'll make sure to turn off the truth quirk if needed."
He grumbled, watching you intently as you got up, makeup finished and TV ready. "I don't like this." He didn't want you to go back to step one, even if you claimed to be fine.
"I know," you patted his arm, he's been trying to convince you not to. But his PR manager advise you to do it, knowing if you switched up that the public would think the worst.
An assistant knocked on the door, peeking through when you told them it was okay. "You're on in five," and with that, they left.
You swallowed nervously. "It's not to late," Katsuki offered.
"I said I'd do it, so I will," you looked yourself over in the mirror one last time, brushing your clothes smooth before you walked to the door. Katsuki following behind as you waited behind the curtain, ready for your cue. You made eye contact with Aizawa who was on the other side, next to the interviewer with a truth quirk. You gave a small wave and gained a nod back.
"Remember that you can dodge the question, it's not considered lying," Katsuki informed you for the millionth time, going down his prep list, "I studied them, they make you say the truth but not blurt it, so you have time to form your words."
"And now we have Dynamight's girlfriend," the talk show host called your name, greeting you on stage. "She'll be giving us all the details of her juicy relationship with our number two hero! All under a truth quirk." You walked onto the stage, giving Katsuki a nervous smile before turning to wave at the crowd.
It wasn't your first interview but it was the first major one. A huge live audience that filled the room. You shook hands with Gossip, the hostess nickname for the public. Shaking hands with the truth quirk interviewer as well before sitting down. Aizawa stayed off stage, ready to cancel things if needed.
"Nell, here," Gossip called attention to the truth quirk, "Known as 'Spills' will activate her quirk and ask questions about her secret relationship with Dynamight." Nell waved at her introduction, smiling brightly. "We've opened questions to the audience as well, so let's get started," Gossip grabbed a stack of cards from her desk, nodding to Nell to start.
You crossed your legs, hands clasped in your lap as you waited for the effect.
Gossip handed Nell the cards to read out. "You were the one on the phone with Dynamight two weeks ago, correct?"
"Yes, called me while I was making dinner," you laughed trying to add anything you could to the questions because you wanted good press.
"How long have you been dating?"
"Three years," you answered easily, feeling the small buzz of the truth quirk in your mind, "Since second year of high school, even though I liked him way before that." Well, you haven't meant to say that, the truth quirk making the small bit of information slip out.
Gossip grinned at what you were saying. "And you've never liked Deku? No romantic feelings there?"
"He's like my younger brother, absolutely no feelings there," you confirmed.
"You don't even find him attractive?"
"I do, just not like that. I only have eyes for Katsuki really," you didn't even know why you were anxious at this point. Part of you was worried it'd make you slip up, say something in the wrong way and make it seem like you wanted him.
"How cute!" Gossip gushed to the crowd. "Well now that we have that settled, lets get to the nitty gritty." You paled at that.
Opening your mouth the protest before Nell interrupted you, "What about Dynamight annoys you the most?"
You rolled your eyes, "He leaves his socks everywhere. Literally only his socks, everything else he is a neat freak about."
"Anything else?" they pushed for something more.
"He literally argues with himself while getting ready, calling his teeth stupid for getting dirty," you ranted, glad you had no real issue with him.
Nell and Gossip shared a look, unsure of where to go. "What do you love most about him?" the decided to switch from negatives to positives, trying to feed his fan base.
"Oh," you paused, mind swirling with too many truths, "He remembers all the small things," you settled on, talking fondly, "He bought an extra chair for his office because he knew I hated the ones he had. He might not talk a lot but he does so much."
The crowd swooned at how fondly you talked of him.
"Why are you with him?"
"Cause I love him?" you questioned back confused, paleing when you realized you haven't directly said it yet. You've been together for three years and knew you loved each other, it was just hardly, if ever, spoken.
"How about we open questions to the fans?" Gossip turned from you and pointed at someone who raised their hand.
"What's Dynamight's biggest weakness?" the crowd called out, Nell immediately asking you the question.
You froze, Aizawa was being distracted and couldn't save you. You faintly heard Katsuki's loud foot steps coming up, trying to save you.
"He loves his back being popped," you answered, truthfully, the interviews losing the spark in their eye as you didn't give good enough gossip. "Seriously, he loves it. Practically melts afterwards."
Katsuki stood next to you, grabbing your hand and pulling you to stand. "This shit is done."
"Dynamight," Nell called out as Katsuki dragged you away. The truth quirk likely making him stop. "Do you seriously love her?" She spit those words out in a manner that reminded you of the break in.
"Yeah, so fuck off," he barked over his shoulder, pulling you off stage.
In just the drive home, your phone was blowing up entirely. You were trending on Twitter, Tiktok, and any social media already. All they needed was an hour. You scrolled through TikTok as you curled in on the couch, swiping from one video of you to another video of you. People were gushing over your relationship, loving how he protected you and how you talked about him.
It turned the fan girls more on your side, having gotten a glimpse of your life with him. They concluded that you were one of them. You even saw videos of how you cheered him on during the first-year sports festival. They took any social media post with the two of you and over-analyzed it. Talking about how you looked at each other.
"Still looking at that shit?" Katsuki called from the kitchen. Currently packing up the leftovers of dinner.
"It's cute," you defended, "They found a photo of us during graduation," you lifted your phone over the couch for him to look, hearing him shuffle over to look.
It was a photo of you two hugging after the ceremony, probably seconds after he asked you to move in with you. "This is horrible for my image," he complained as he saw the caption, "Makes me look fuckin' soft."
You rolled your eyes, looking up at him from where he leaned over the couch, "You are soft."
He scoffed, "Sure."
Humming, you got up from the couch, moving to head to your room, wanting to grab a book from a box. You hardly unpacked, your room still empty as you've been spending the past few nights in Katsuki's room.
"Hey Kats," you called from your doorway, seeing more boxes in your room than before. Probably and entire third of boxes that you didn't put there, you were at work all day, busy with meetings while Katsuki got home early.
"What?" he asked when he met you in your doorway, looking over your room.
You stepped in, glancing into an open box and seeing Katsuki's stuff filling it. "What's all this?"
"Figured with you sleepin' in my room all the time we might as well share," he crossed his arms as he shrugged, leaning into the doorframe.
"Really?" you looked up at him, taking your eyes of the open box, lighting up inside as you looked at him.
"Why not?"
You've been waiting for this since he first asked you to move, but you knew that if you freaked out he would back out. You bit back a huge smile, joy seeping through your expression regardless. "Want to set things up then?" you offered, answering his unasked question of it was okay.
He didn't give an answer before he moved in the room fully, grabbing a box of his clothes and going into the walk in closet. You stepped out of your room, seeing how his old room was empty minus a bed. Smiling, you moved back into your room, grabbing another box of his clothes and placing it beside him before grabbing your own clothes and finally unpacking. You took two of the walls of the closet, him taking the last wall, having less clothes.
Cycling through each box until they were all unpacked, your room looking like a mixture of the two of you. His comforter but your sheets on the bed, pillows stacked the way you loved and his limited edition All Might alarm clock sitting on the nightstand. The dresser being spilt for the two of you with small touches of each of you adding to the room. Giving it personality.
It made you giddy, to see everything done up as a combined. You let a bright smile grace your features as you changed for bed, Katsuki showering in the connected bathroom while you slid under the covers. You grabbed a book from your nightstand and flipped to the bookmark.
Reading through the rest of the chapter before Katsuki came out of the bathroom, ruffling his hair under a towel as he walked in. Hanging the towel up and shaking his head like a wet dog to fluff it back up. He stayed shirtless, how he's been sleeping the past few nights, and only wore his boxers.
You eyed him over your book, watching his arms flex with any simple motion he made. Eyeing him as he walked to his side of the bed, slipping under the covers fully before wrapping his arms around your waist.
The motion was surprising, filling your stomach with butterflies as you accepted his hug. You were propped up on pillows, making it easier to read with the posture, his arm slipped easily under you, his other going under your book. He squeezed light, wearily of the wound that was still present on your left side.
"Your shower is so much better than the one in the hall," he grumbled, digging his face into your shoulder. His shampoo scenting the air as you leaned your head onto his.
"Our shower," you couldn't help but correct him.
"Do we want the old room to be your office? The other mine?" he questioned.
You closed your book, setting it on the nightstand as you held onto his arm. "Maybe one can be a guest room? Your mom called and said she wants to visit," you suggested.
"That hag been callin' you often?"
You slapped his arm for how he addressed his mom, "She's worried."
"Hm," he dismissed, "I don't care."
"The interview wasn't that bad," you changed topics, "Just made me say softer versions of the truth."
He took his head off you, moving to sit up so he could look at you, "They asked you about my weakness? Do you know how bad that coulda been?"
"But it wasn't, I did what I said and nothing bad happened," you matched his glare.
He rolled his eyes, falling back onto you.
"I surprised how cuddly you are," you said, not to tease but point out.
"Fuck off," he scoffed, moving to flip away from you. You hooked your arms over his shoulders, trying to pull him back but just got flipped back over with him, letting out a squeal of surprised. Situated right on his lap, close to his face. His hands held your thighs as you straddled him unintentionally. "'m not cuddly," he pinched your thigh.
"Sure," you teased now, "That's why you've been all over me."
"I can finally touch you, think I'm not going to take advantage of it?"
You pulled back, sitting up right on his lap as you looked down at him. Brows furrowed, "Is your watch always on?"
He shrugged, "Not always, but most of the time, 'round you."
Your stomach dropped, you moved to grab his hand and saw that it was on. Turning his quirk off. "You can't use it that often," you told him, worried.
"I turn it off before I sleep," he brushed off, moving his hand away from yours.
"When was the last time it was off around me?"
"When I was asleep last night," he answered easily.
"Katsuki," you frowned, "That's not good for you, you need to turn it off." You reached for his hand again.
He snatched it out of your hand, "The fuck's your problem?"
"I don't want every time you touch me you need that stupid watch on," you complained. It made you feel disconnected from him, like he had to hide his true self.
"It's not on all the fuckin' time," he argued.
"Then you should have no problem turning it off right now," you challenged. His face was all scrunched in distaste as he looked at you.
"I don't have shit to prove."
"You're using it as a crutch," you dug, "I shoulda never built it for you."
"So you would of prefered staying how it was? Don't want me to touch you?" he argued, getting frustrated that you were upset. Defaulting into anger.
"I'd prefer you," you clarified, "The actual you that doesn't need to suppress his fucking quirk."
"I don't need anything," he hissed, "I was doing it to make you fuckin' happy but now you're all bitchy about nothing."
You widdened your eyes, pushing yourself off his lap finally and moving to your side of the bed. "You'll kill yourself," you commented, "Not having access to your quirk is deadly."
"No I won't," he huffed, not moving from where he laided.
"You're right, cause you can turn it off," you decided, "I'm not going to touch you until I know it's off."
He sat up right, "Really?" he looked down at you.
"Yep," you popped the 'p', "I only made the watch for work training, not sex training like how you're using it."
"That's ridiculous," he tried to reason.
"Well, I'm going to be 'bitchy' about something that'll kill you," you crossed your arms, standing your ground.
He shifted, "So we're going back to square one? That what you fuckin' want?"
"Sure," your chest felt tight, hating how frustrated he was. But your side made sense. "I want you alive."
"I'm not going to die."
"Yep, cause I'm not encouraging you to turn it off anymore."
"Can't kiss you or anything then," he tried to threaten, failing to change your mind.
"Okay," you shrugged. Internally mourning the loss of it already.
"Seriously?" he was in disbelief.
"Goodnight Katsuki," you turned onto your side, making him unable to look at you anymore.
When he huffed and turned away you were worried he'd leave. Go back on sharing a room. Truly test how far you were willing to go.
But all he did was adjust onto his side of the bed, angrily turning his lamp off, darkness coating the room.
At least you had that, but who knows how long you would. You clutched at your chest as you sunk in on yourself. It would suck to go back to how it was two months ago. Not being able to kiss him, or hug him freely.
You've gotten so far and had to throw it away. But it was necessary. The nitroglycerin made his heart run slowly, he needed to have his quirk flowing or you didn't know what would happen. You weren't trying to risk it so you could feel him up.
-Next Part-
In them m.list of this fic comment if you want to be added into a tag list <3
I'll no longer add people to the taglist if they haven't commented there. It's too much to keep up with all the new part. Hope you understand <3
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casscainmainly · 2 months
My Top 10 Batgirl (2000) Moments
This is my list of top 10 Batgirl (2000) moments!! There were so many to choose from, but these are my personal favs :)). Counting down from 10 to my absolute favourite.
10. Volving
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An absolute classic. Perfectly encapsulates what Cass does throughout the entire run, and more writers should play with Cass' use of language like this!
9. Beat Up Every Mob In Gotham
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Perfect encapsulation of the early Barbara-Cass dynamic, and one of the funniest moments in the series. Just love the expressions and the way this shows so much of Cass' character.
8. Choosing to Write
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The entirety of issue #2 builds up to this heart-wrenching moment. After delivering a dead man's final message to his wife, Cass sees the wife's reaction to the written message and decides to learn to write. A foundational moment for her character, and a nice motherly Babs scene too.
7. Alpha Redemption
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Capping off issues 35 + 36, Batgirl unmasks herself to convince Alpha (an amnesiac villain) that he doesn't have to be defined by his past. Brilliantly displays her core belief that people can change, and the fact that her belief pays off makes this moment extremely moving.
6. For God's Sake
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Possibly a controversial pick, but I really like this moment because it underscores some of the fundamental conflict between Babs and Cass. They love each other, but they don't always understand each other, particularly in regards to each other's disabilities. A painful moment that should have been explored more.
5. Fight For Your Life
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My favourite Stephanie and Cass moment in this run. You can feel Cass' grief throughout this hallucination, but there's also so much hope and love (for Stephanie and for herself). It's an amazing conclusion to Cass' initial suicidal tendencies: instead of desiring death, she now actively fights to live.
4. Darknight Detectives
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This interaction sums up a lot of Bruce and Cass' best moments. Cass' unwavering moral beliefs, Bruce's pride, their instinctive understanding of each other; they just get each other in a way few others do. I picked this one instead of the 'instinct/good answer' moment because it also marks Cass' development in her detective ability. From Moment 8 above to here, the confidence in her mental capacities has grown so much. She really volved!
3. Perfect For A Year
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I mean of course this had to be here. These lines literally take up 90% of my brain space, it's an incredibly tense moment that illustrates Cass' desire to be perfect, her need to be useful and good. This issue is also just awesome.
2. You're... Not
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Another absolute classic. Illustrates Cass' compassion and her belief that people aren't defined by their lineage, which is particularly personal to her, given her own dad. This struggle between good/bad, parent/child defines many of Cass' best stories.
1. Who Do You Think You Are? + Father's Day
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What else would number 1 be?? Issue 33 is my favourite in the entire run, and the entire thing is stacked with moments that could fill up this list. I just love 'who do you think you are' because it's all of Cass' rage spilling out, and yet she still loves David Cain in her own complicated way (and he reciprocates, too). Then we have the ending, which is the BEST Bruce and Cass moment ever. The sparse, meaningful dialogue, the expressions, the reveal of the TITLE: comic book writing at its finest.
Honorary mention to the Shiva/Cass fight, which just narrowly missed out.
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chenlesfavorite · 3 months
GOT MY ION YOU, mark lee
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you’ve failed yet another chemistry exam, high chances are you’re gonna have to retake the entire class next year and miss out on almost all school breaks due to studying and fixing your bad grades, and that is until your trusty friend suggests a tutor to you.
— pairing: tutor!mark x fem!reader
— faceclaim: y/n’s faceclaim is minnie from gidle (for picture purposes) but no actual visual descriptions/details of y/n will be given so you can imagine her however you’d like!
— genres: social media au (smau), half written, friends to lovers, fluff
— extra: y/n likes taeyong, mark likes y/n, mark is down bad for y/n
— warnings: lots of death jokes.. that’s about it
— playlist: If I Could Tell Her - Dear Evan Hansen musical | we can’t be friends (wait for your love) - Ariana Grande | So let’s go see the stars - BOYNEXTDOOR | I Don’t Want to Be Friends - Jake Scott | Lie With You - TEN | Night Changes - One Direction | Still Into You - Paramore | My Number One - Helena Paparizou | 200 - MARK
— authors note: my first fic on tumblr.. and also idk how to use tumblr, excuse me for any mistakes i may make on here 😭 ignore the times/dates on the tweets.. can’t be bothered to fix them sorry ☹️
— status: completed
— taglist: closed
divider credit to enchanthings !!
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profiles 1 | profiles 2
1. uh oh
2. number
3. private
4. first tutoring session! (half smau/half written)
5. hang out plan
6. seriously? (half smau/half written)
7. inside the haunted house (fully written)
8. just a friend!
9. awkward…
10. personal hangout
11. fun times
12. truth revealed
13. team who?
14. facetime
15. a shared trip
16. cute… sometimes!
17. who is it about?
18. ice cream (half smau/half written)
19. heart hand emoji
20. new crush alert
21. results and gifts
22. plane ride
23. matching!
24. he’s admiring your beauty
25. lipgloss or lipstick? (fully written)
26. mark’s what? girl?!
27. shenanigans before meeting up
28. happy new year’s! (fully written)
29. official launch
30. the end (fully written)
— END —
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hoe4hotchner · 6 days
Extra Credit | [A.H]
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Pairing: Professor!Hotch x fem!Reader CW: 18+, MDNI, coerced sexual activity, power imbalance, emotional manipulation, dubious consent, degradation and humiliation, age gap, student/professor, dom/sub dynamic, praise, (L/N) used once, no use of (Y/N). The smut in this is "just" a blowjob. WC: 2,9k
My dumb ass had to look up the american grading system cause we use a 7 point grading scale of numbers where I'm from. ---- Also alsoalso, i feel kind of evil with this one 😅
@ssamorganhotchner my love I will dedicate this fic to you cause your scream into the void made me finish it. 🤭🤭
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           The lecture had been another brutal session, his lectures were always hard to get through, and you could still hear Mr. Hotchner’s voice echoing in your mind, sharp and cutting. His presence dominated the room - a force impossible to ignore - and it rattled you in a way no other professor ever had. Every question he posed felt like a challenge, every glance in your direction seemed to monitor your every move. The pressure in his class had been mounting for weeks now, suffocating and relentless as you tried your hardest to keep up with your studies.
           The other students had already packed up and left, the sounds of hurried footsteps and rustling papers fading as they filtered out of the lecture hall. You were just about to follow when his voice called out, stopping you in your tracks.
           "Miss (L/N), a moment, please."
           His tone was steady. There was no warmth, only command - one you couldn’t ignore, no matter how much you wanted to. Swallowing thickly, your pulse quickened as you turned to face him. Mr. Hotchner stood at the front of the room, his eyes locked onto you, persistent and unreadable. You’d seen that look before - the one that pierced through you, as if he were dissecting every inch of your character, sizing up your worth.
           "Come to my office," he continued, already gathering his notes. "There’s something we need to discuss."
           You nodded, a knot forming in your stomach. You knew exactly what this was about: the last test. The one you felt like you'd bombed so spectacularly, despite staying up all night cramming. Panic twisted in your chest as you hastily grabbed your things, every step toward his office feeling heavier like you were marching to your doom.
           When you arrived at his office, he was already seated behind his desk, his posture straight, his face calm yet calculating. His office was an extension of him - neat, organized, cold - the only warmth coming from the mahogany furniture decorating the room. You hesitated at the door, but when his eyes met yours, pinning you in place, you stepped inside without a word.
           "Sit," he said, gesturing to the chair across from him.
           Your legs felt weak as you obeyed, sinking into the chair. The room seemed smaller now, the silence oppressive. The only sound was the rush of your own panicked heartbeat in your ears.
           Mr. Hotchner reached for the paper on his desk - your test - and slid it across the table toward you. Your eyes dropped to it, the red ink scrawled across the page like a string of wounds, culminating in the bold, unforgiving "F" circled at the top. The sight of it made your stomach drop.
           "Care to explain this?" His voice was low and direct, but there was an edge to it: disappointment, authority, judgment maybe.
           You opened your mouth, but no words came out. What could you say? You had failed. There was no excuse, no way to justify how badly you’d done, no matter how hard you’d tried.
           "I... I’m sorry," you stammered, your voice barely above a whisper. "I really did try, I-"
           His sharp gaze cut you off before you could finish. His expression hardened. "Trying isn’t enough, Miss. In this class, you’re expected to succeed. Effort without results means nothing to me." He leaned forward slightly, his eyes boring into you. "You know that, don’t you?"
           You nodded quickly, your throat tight with panic. "Yes, Professor. I just... I don’t know what happened."
           Mr. Hotchner sighed, sitting back in his chair, his fingers tapping rhythmically against the desk as his eyes flicked over you, assessing your every reaction. "This isn’t the first time your performance has been subpar," he mused, almost to himself. "But I’m not inclined to hand out second chances freely. You understand that, don’t you?"
           Your pulse quickened, and you grabbed the edges of the chair, trying to steady yourself. You needed this class to pass. Your entire academic path hinged on it. "Please, Sir," you blurted out, the words tumbling from your lips before you could stop them. "I’ll do anything to make up for this. I just..."
           Hotch raised a brow, a faint smile tugging at his lips, though it held no warmth. "Anything, Miss?" His tone shifted, becoming darker, more sinister. He leaned forward again, his elbows resting on the desk, fingers steepled in front of him, his eyes locking onto yours.
           You froze, the weight of that single word hanging heavy in the air between you. Something in his gaze made your skin prickle, a cold realization settling over you, though you still didn’t fully understand what he meant.
           "There are ways," he said, almost absently, his eyes never leaving you. "To improve your grade. But... no, you wouldn’t want to do that."
           The soft, almost indifferent tone only made the tension worse, as if he were toying with the idea, considering something dark and unspoken. His eyes - steady and determined - never left yours, trapping you beneath the weight of his scrutiny. A shiver crawled up your spine, the walls of the small office seeming to close in as his stare held you in place, daring you to speak, to challenge the unspoken hint buried in his words. The air thickened, stifling, and at that moment, you realized you were no longer sitting across from your professor but a man who held all the power - and he knew it.
           "Please, Sir... anything." Your voice lingered on the verge of tears. Your stomach churned as you began to realize the gravity of the situation, the dark current running beneath his words. But it was too late. You’d already sealed your fate.
           The tension in the room thickened as Mr. Hotchner leaned back in his chair, his eyes eyeing you, estimating just what he could get you to do. His silence stretched, but you felt the shift - something in him had clicked, and it set your pulse racing with a mix of fear and something unnameable.
           He moved slowly, deliberately, pushing his chair back just enough to make space. He gestured to the small gap between him and the desk. "Come here," he said, his voice low, the command unquestionable.
           You hesitated, your legs trembling slightly as you stood, heart pounding so hard you swore he could hear it. He didn’t rush you, just watched as you took one small, uncertain step forward, then another, until you were standing directly between his legs. His proximity sent a jolt of awareness through you, your body hyperaware of the heat radiating from him - too close.
           Mr. Hotchner's hand reached out, his fingers brushing the fabric of your skirt before settling on your hip, guiding you into place with a firm grip. "Good girl," he murmured, his voice a quiet rumble that sent a shiver down your spine. You felt trapped, pinned between him and the desk, with nowhere to escape as his other hand came to rest on the small of your back, pulling you even closer. The space between you vanished, and you swallowed hard, your breath catching in your throat.
           You could feel his gaze, assessing, waiting for you to protest, to pull away - but you didn’t. Something about the smoothness of his words kept you intrigued. His control was absolute, the imbalance between you undeniable, and yet… you found yourself rooted to the spot, unable to move, unable to think of anything but him and the way his hands felt against your skin.
           "There are certain things you’re willing to do," he said softly, his voice carrying a darker edge now. "Aren’t there?"
           You nodded, barely able to find your voice, the room spinning as his hand slid lower on your back, keeping you exactly where he wanted you. The intensity in his gaze was overwhelming, suffocating, and you realized with a sinking feeling that you were already too far gone to turn back now.
           Mr. Hotchner's gaze remained fixed on you as he maneuvered you with practiced ease. His grip on your hip tightened slightly, guiding you down until you were kneeling on the floor before him. The cold tile pressed against your knees, sending a shiver through you, but Mr. Hotchner's presence was a warm, commanding contrast.
           “That’s it,” he said, his voice rich with approval as you settled into the position he directed. “You’re doing well.”
           The praise made the tension more bearable yet, it came with an edge of something darker, something that made you shiver despite the heat pooling between you. You glanced up at him, meeting his eyes, and saw the way they softened just a touch, but only enough to keep you vulnerable.
           His hand moved with deliberate care, stroking the length of your hair. The soft, almost caressing touch was a strange contrast to the authority he exerted. “You’re very obedient,” Mr. Hotchner said, his tone almost gentle now, but there was an unmistakable command in his words. “And you know, I do appreciate that.” The warmth of his hand was soothing but carried with it an undercurrent of power, leaving you both comforted and apprehensive. “I can see you’re trying to do what it takes to improve.”
           He shifted slightly, his chair creaking as he leaned forward a bit, the fabric of his suit brushing against you. “You’re very dedicated,” he said softly, his eyes roaming over you with a mixture of satisfaction and something else you couldn’t quite place. “And I have to admit, it’s not something I see in my students very often.”
           Your breath quickened as his praise continued, his words a strange mix of encouragement and control that made you feel simultaneously uplifted and trapped. It confused you. The power he held over you was noticeable, his authority unchallenged as you knelt before him, feeling the weight of his gaze.
           “You’re willing to do whatever it takes,” Mr. Hotchner continued his hand now gently stroking the top of your head. “That’s very impressive. Most students wouldn’t go this far.”
           The air between you was thick with his dominance, the atmosphere heavy with the unspoken promises and threats that lingered in his words. His praise was both a comfort and a chain, binding you to him in a way that left you breathless and anxious for what was to come.
           Mr. Hotchner guided you to unbuckle his belt, watching as you hooked your fingers through the loop, carefully removing it and unzipping his pants. You kept looking up at him for reassurance, waiting for a nod of approval to continue. You gently grabbed the elastic waistband and slowly pulled his underwear down, revealing his thick, erect cock. It sprang free, long, and veined, with a bulky head already glistening with pre-cum. You couldn't help but let out a soft gasp at the sight of it.
           “Go on,” he urged. “Show me how much you want that grade.”
           With a slight nod, you leaned forward and extended your tongue, delicately licking the tip of his cock, tasting the salty sweetness. Mr. Hotchner let out a soft groan, his hips jerking forward involuntarily. Encouraged by his reaction, you opened your mouth and took just the head into your warm, wet mouth, swirling your tongue around it.
           “Fuck, that’s it,” he whispered, his hand gripping your neck, guiding your movements. “Suck it, take it deep.” He growled.
           You obeyed, slowly taking more of his length into your mouth, your lips sliding down his shaft. You moaned softly around his cock, the vibrations driving him wild. Mr. Hotchner's hand moved to the back of your head, gently holding you in place as he began to thrust his hips, fucking your mouth with slow, deliberate strokes.
           “You’re doing so well,” he praised, his voice hoarse with desire. “But I want more. I want to feel that tight throat of yours.”
           Eager to please, you relaxed your throat and took him deeper, your nose pressing into his pubic hair. You felt his cock hit the back of your throat, you gagged and coughed around him. Mr. Hotchner stilled for a brief moment as he let you adjust to the new position of his cock in your throat.
           As Mr. Hotchner's hand started gently caressing your hair once again, his other hand slowly shifted, a deliberate movement that drew your attention away from the soothing strokes. He let you take over, expecting you to continue pleasuring. His fingers, initially tender and reassuring, began to trace down the side of your neck, brushing lightly against the fabric of your blouse.
           “You’re doing very well,” he murmured, his voice low and steady. The praise seemed to be more about control than genuine encouragement, keeping you bound in a trance by his spell. The warmth of his hand became more insistent.
           You felt a shiver run down your spine as his hand moved with purpose, sliding along the curve of your shoulder and then lower. His fingers grazed the edge of your skirt, teasing the hem as they explored the fabric. The contact was both alarming and electric, the smoothness of his touch in stark contrast to the pressure of his gaze.
           “Such dedication,” Hotch continued, his tone almost contemplative. His fingers lingered at the edge of your skirt, the touch becoming more deliberate as he traced along the hem. “It’s rare to find someone so willing to go above and beyond.”
           The way his hand inched closer to the soft material of the front of your skirt, it made you acutely aware of the shift in the atmosphere. His touch, though light and seemingly casual, was charged with an intensity that left you on edge. The skirt felt suddenly like a barrier between you and him, a fragile line that he was now exploring with calculated movements.
           He pushed his fingers past the waistband; they were cold as they brushed against your stomach, slowly moving down toward your clothed heat. Mr. Hotchner tutted as he brushed his fingers against your folds, the soaking wet fabric leaving a slick trail on his fingers.
           “You naughty girl,” he mocked. “Do you feel that? The way your body reacts to my touch? How long have you been aching for this kind of attention?” He grinned, his fingers expertly drawing out mewls from you as you tried to keep your focus on the task at hand.
           You felt the way his cock twitched against your tongue, convulsing with every movement, every lick and suck. Mr. Hotchner could feel it too, his climax nearing. He moved his hands to the back of your head, holding you still as he flexed his muscles. You whined around him at the sudden loss of touch on your pussy.
           “Don’t be greedy,” he hissed through gritted teeth, fucking your mouth with such force that all you could do was stay still and relax your throat, trying your best to keep breathing through your nose.
           “Yes, that’s it, take it all,” he grunted, his hips moving faster now, driving his cock down your throat with each thrust. “Oh fuck, I’m close,” Mr. Hotchner groaned, his hips jerking as he came, emptying himself down your throat. You swallowed around him, taking every drop, your eyes never leaving his, a satisfied smile on his face.
           “Look at this mess you made,” he tutted, pulling his cock out of your mouth. The few drops of cum mixed with your saliva glistened under the light. “Now, clean it up.” He scooted his chair closer to the desk, effectively caging you in. “I have papers to grade.”
           You slowly started licking the shaft with small kitten licks as you made your way from the base to the head. You were scared he wouldn't pass you if you didn't follow his orders. Mr. Hotcher paid no attention to you whatsoever. You felt humiliated as you sat under his desk, his thoughts elsewhere as you mindlessly followed his demands. The sound of your tongue mixed with the slight scratching of his pen scribbling on the papers in front of him were the only sounds in the room.
           When you finished, the room seemed even smaller than when you'd entered, the walls closer than before. You sat back on your haunches, your breath coming in shallow, uneven gasps as you tried to process what had just happened, your mind swirling in confusion and shame.
           Mr. Hotchner leaned back, his expression calm, his eyes glittering with a smug satisfaction that made your skin crawl. You were about to ask what he would change your grade to, feeling you had at least deserved a D for the effort. But Mr. Hotcher sensed your question before you even opened your mouth.
           “Don’t think so fast, dear,” he said smoothly, his voice like ice on your skin. “Good grades cost more than that.”
           Your stomach twisted painfully, and you glanced up at him, unsure how to respond, your voice catching in your throat. You wanted to believe this nightmare was over, that you’d somehow paid your dues and could walk out of his office with your dignity intact.
           But Mr. Hotchner wasn’t finished with you. He regarded you coolly, one brow arching as he tilted his head slightly, watching your every reaction with dark amusement.
           “Same time next week?” he asked, though it wasn’t really a question - it was an expectation, a demand disguised as a polite inquiry.
           You nodded, the movement slow and uncertain, the weight of his gaze making you feel trapped, cornered. “Okay… sir,” you whispered, your voice small and fragile.
           His smile deepened, satisfied, and gently patted your cheek. “Good girl.”
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rockstarhaechan · 3 months
jeno boyfriend headcanons
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bf!jeno, who sneaks out in the morning to get you two breakfast.
bf!jeno, who whispers sweet words into your ear while hugging you from behind.
bf!jeno, who always dedicates a song on stage for you.
bf!jeno, who has his own playlist for the two of you.
bf!jeno, who secretly uses your shampoo.
bf!jeno, who likes degrading you but also praises you right after.
bf!jeno, who has your number on speed dial just to call you whenever he misses you.
bf!jeno, who likes arguing with you over small things just to laugh about it afterwards.
bf!jeno, who fake cries whenever you eat his last piece of food.
bf!jeno, who loves physical touch with you.
bf!jeno, who always sleeps with you in his arms.
bf!jeno, who keeps repeating 'i love you baby', whenever you two are back together after being separated for a long time.
bf!jeno, who loves having you on his lap fucking his thigh.
bf!jeno, who adores you when you're drunk cause you're clumsy and clingy.
bf!jeno, who needs your affection and touch 24/7.
bf!jeno, who calls you 'doll', whenever youre down on your knees for him.
bf!jeno, who keeps your nudes in a secret folder on his phone.
bf!jeno, who has a picture of him and you as his wallpaper.
bf!jeno, who got you two matching rings & phone cases.
bf!jeno, who gifts you a lot of material things for you to cherish.
bf!jeno, who picks out your new nail designs.
bf!jeno, who couldn't imagine a world without you.
bf!jeno, who knows that you're the love of his life.
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samuelsdean · 1 year
Who Needs Time Management When I Have You?
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pairing: spencer reid x reader
summary: one of the many perks of having a boyfriend with flawless memory is that you do not have to remember stuff—he remembers them for you.
genre: tooth-rotting domestic fluff
word count: 1.5k
author's notes: i wrote this because domestic!spencer reid is a guilty pleasure of mine. i can definitely picture him as an attentive boyfriend because aside from the fact that he has flawless memory, he's an overall caring guy. with that said, i hope you'll enjoy reading this as much as i enjoyed writing this!
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ONE OF THE MANY PERKS OF HAVING A BOYFRIEND WITH FLAWLESS MEMORY IS THAT YOU DO NOT HAVE TO REMEMBER STUFF—HE REMEMBERS THEM FOR YOU. Do you have a dentist's appointment at 9? Covered. He will be waking you up at 7 with breakfast in bed. Your sister’s birthday is coming up. No worries! He has already ordered a bouquet ready to be sent on the day. It is amazing, and you thank your lucky stars for him every morning when you wake up and see him cozily sleeping beside you.
However, you were out of luck on the boyfriend angle today. You had your monthly—or if the BAU is free—girls' night scheduled tonight. As much as you enjoy having girls' nights with the BAU girls, Spencer also likes to spend some time out with the guys for a nightcap or something, whatever the men at the BAU enjoy when there is no case. And that means, your boyfriend is busy getting ready to go out as well. Although Spencer has never forgotten a thing in his life—even when he is on the brink of life and death—you do not want to stress him out even more by asking him what you think you have forgotten to prepare.
So, today when you were running around the house like a madman trying to collect the stuff you need to bring to Garcia’s for girls' night, you have no one else to blame but yourself. You have depended on your boyfriend to remember stuff for you that you always leave the preparation at the very last minute. At the moment, you believe you’ve never hated yourself as much as you did now, which is quite the feat considering that you’ve hated yourself a lot before for chickening out on confessing your feelings to boy wonder—your boyfriend, Spencer Reid—only to find out he shares the same feelings.
Scratch that, you hate your boyfriend right now more than you hate yourself.
Currently, that same boyfriend has been snickering nonstop at you dashing left and right and gathering the things you need to bring. Face masks? Check. Wine? Check. What else were you forgetting?
“You know, there’s this study that says only 82% of people have a time management system.” 
Your ever-loving boyfriend, Spencer, decided to share. You were about to chuck the throw pillow at him because you could hear the I told you so in his voice, but you knew his fact-sharing and nagging was his unique way of saying, “I love you, but you could’ve remedied this problem by preparing the stuff you’ll need the night before.”
“No, I don’t, Spence. But, do tell.” 
At this point, you’re pretty sure Spencer was sporting a shit-eating grin and was probably holding in a laugh at the strain in your voice from recalling whether you’ve got everything so you can head over to Garcia’s. You’re pretty sure Garcia is about to talk your ear off if you’re running late. You missed out on the last girls' night after you bailed on them, wanting to spend the night with Spencer, watching Star Wars, and eating takeout.
“There's a survey done recently which revealed that 90% of people say better time management can lead to increased productivity.” Spencer started explaining, hands waving around as if to demonstrate the numbers in front of him. “However, only 18% of people have a proper time management system.”
“Well, it just reminded me of you.” Spencer pursed his lips now, as he tried to explain his thoughts without annoying you. “If you just had a proper time management system like a to-do list or a planner. You could save at least..” He stared at his watch and did the math, “You could save at least one hour and forty-three minutes of your time instead of panicking over whether you got all the things you need for girls' night.”
“I don’t need that when I have you. Don’t you think so?”
This made your boyfriend blush, and you giggled, heading towards his direction, so you could wrap your hands around his waist and bury your face into his chest. You were the luckiest person alive for getting to date someone as wonderful as Spencer.
What you just said would not have made anyone flush and nervous, but Spencer was different. You knew he’s never been in a formal relationship with anyone before you. Thus, from time to time, he still gets embarrassed by your antics which you’ll always be endeared by. You live to see your boyfriend getting flustered because it gives you a reason to shower him with affection like now.
“I love you too, Spence.”
You looked up at your boyfriend, who looked like he was about to burst from your directness. You and he may deal with a lot of blood and gore during work, but he can be the most fainthearted person alive when it came to your affections.
“B-but I didn’t say I love you..” He trailed off, confused as to why you were suddenly proclaiming your love for him. You grinned even more as you pinched the tip of his nose.
“You didn’t have to, Spence. I know your nagging is one way of you saying you love me, and I love you for that.” 
Spencer scrunched his nose and rubbed the back of his neck out of shyness. If you could keep him in your pocket for safekeeping, you would. He’s just too precious for this world.
“But, as much as I love you, I know just as much that Penelope will have my ass kicked by Emily if I get to her house late,” you broke free from your boyfriend’s comfy arms, checking the bags you packed while doing so. “I have to go, baby. I think I got everything I need.”
Picking up your bag and care package, you ruffled your boyfriend’s brown locks, which made him frown a bit and sigh. You snickered at his reaction and proceeded to walk towards the front door. You were about to reach the staircase just outside your shared apartment when you realized something. 
You forgot your car keys.
Berating yourself in your head, you were certain once you entered that door, Spencer would be on your case like a mother duck. He can be too fretful when it comes to you. Oh well, that is one thing you love about him. Huffing, you slowly turned the doorknob and found Spencer leaning on the wall just inside the door with his arms crossed, looking at you smugly. You rolled your eyes.
One thing about Spencer Reid is he can be a cocky little shit when proven right. And that happens most—if not all—the time, with his IQ of 187 and eidetic memory. Unfortunately for him, he also happened to date a cocky little shit—you—who likes to fluster the living lights out of him. And right now, you just thought of the perfect way to get back at him.
But first, your car keys. Spencer next.
Once you have retrieved the pesky item—like it’s the car keys’ fault, you forgot to get them—you turned towards the door, not paying any attention to your boyfriend, who was already cracking up at you. Only when you’ve reached the door, your back towards Spencer, did you smirk. Oh, he’ll never know what’s coming to him. You did a U-turn and 
“Forgot something, sweetheart?”
“Why, yes I did, Dr. Reid,” you stated plainly, beelining towards him, making him take a few steps back until he ended up with his back against the wall. He's so easy to fluster. "I forgot to do this."
You slanted your head and pressed your lips against his. Your bodies were snug against each other as you kissed heatedly against the wall. You could feel the flutter of his long lashes against your cheeks as he parted his lips slightly to kiss you deeper. You could taste your shared breath, smell his faint perfume, and feel the slight scruff of a stubble about to show up. Warmth blossomed in your chest when you felt Spencer caress your face as if you were fine porcelain.
Kissing Spencer Reid never gets old in your books. Despite his lack of romantic experience and being the eager researcher that he was, Spencer was an eager lover—he would kiss you every chance he'd get to know how to please you, which paid off, by the way. This may be a biased opinion but you think the best kisses you have shared were with Spencer.
However, like all good things, kissing Spencer has to end, or Garcia will have you banned from her house for running late.
You pulled away from Spencer and grinned at him, to which he returned with a stunned smile. You chuckled when you noticed your lipstick smudged on the corner of his lips and brushed a finger to erase it. You wouldn't want your boyfriend to be the subject of Morgan's teasing once they're together after this. Noticing the daze your boyfriend is under is about to wear off, and he was about to say something, you beat him to it by pressing a smooch on his nose and pulling away completely. 
"I gotta go, Dr. Reid. Don't miss me too much!"
You scampered towards the door and shot a wink at your bewildered boyfriend—who was now sputtering in indignation for interrupting what he was about to say. He is so cute.
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icyg4l · 5 months
PAC: Your Future Partner's Love Language
Hello beautiful people, tonight marks the third post of the week regarding love! (meaning I kept my promise, yay!) I have a sale going on tomorrow, so be sure to tune into that. If you would look to book a reading, please read my guidelines and then dm me! If you have any inquiries, also dm me! Without further ado, please select your pile!
Top Left-to-Bottom Right: (1-4)
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Pile 1: I feel like you’re the independent woman trope, Pile One. This person will be attracted to you because you have your own. But that doesn't mean that they won’t be giving. This isn’t a stingy lover at all. I get Cancer/Capricorn/Aquarius energy from this person. I see this person will be big on gift giving. They will also shower you with compliments. They don’t expect this in return, to be honest. They’re also really big on paying the tab every time at restaurants. I feel like this person is calm and collected. This person wants to follow in their family’s footsteps. They’re big on marriage and doing things the proper way. They would like to show you off, this is part of their love language as well. And lastly, this person really likes to see people stand on business. Part of their love language is helping you plan and put things into action. They’re going to be your number one fan. Expect roses and romance with this person, Pile One.
Cards Used: The Hierophant, The Hermit, 4 of Discs, Queen of Swords
extras: tacos. party pooper. mellow. skilla baby. carrie underwood. bartleby.
Pile 2: So when I was shuffling for this pile, I heard the term ‘yapper’. This person really likes to talk, even if it’s about nothing. I thought of this guy who I sit next to in my English class, and he says whatever comes to mind. I feel like this person just really wants a listening ear since they didn’t get that when they were younger. They could have been the type of kid to have “talks too much” on their report card. They have big Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo energy. This person just wants to be heard and valued for once, they feel taken for granted. This person has the tendency to go down memory lane as well. They also have a thing for tickling. They honestly seem like a big kid. They are really big on humor. Their sense of humor can be deadpan or they could say a lot of one-liner punchlines. Be prepared to laugh a lot. I think this person values one-on-one time a lot as well, Pile Two.
Cards Used: Judgment, Ace of Swords, Death (RX), Eight of Discs (RX), 7 of Discs (RX)
extras: bright teeth. nice style. black beanies. toby from this is us. “kiss the ring.” wrestlers.
Pile 3: Oh man, the chemistry is hot here. This person really likes PDA. They enjoy physical touch. They want you to find any reason to touch them & they want to do the same for you. This person wants everyone to know that y’all are together. They could be a little clingy, let them know if that’s too much for you. I get the feeling that this could be their first real relationship so please be gentle with them. I feel like this person is like a big teddy bear. They really enjoy hugs, sharing drinks with you, cuddling, hand-holding and sloppy kisses. It all makes their world go round. You guys will be engaging in a lot of sexual activity together so please protect yourselves! Overall, this person is not shy. This person is quite the flirt, very physical. They give big Leo, LIbra, Aries energy. You guys are going to be like that one couple in high school that got detention for kissing by the lockers. People might be uncomfortable by your dynamic because you’re so physical with one another, but fuck it!
Cards Used: Knight of Wands, The Chariot, Princess of Cups, The Lovers, Ace of Cups.
extras: sweet face. wink. “hold me.” soft hands. racy. lord farquaad. monochromatic. skin-to-skin.
Pile 4: Can we say dramaaaa? I feel like your person is really dramatic. They’re the epitome of go big, go home. They give off Pisces, Leo, Sagittarius energy. They’re the epitome of male R&B singers in the early 2000s. This person has the best intentions but it can be overwhelming for you at times. Know that this person is doing their best. This is a part of who they are, there’s no faking this personality. I think this person would literally do anything for you. If you were to ask for a cookie from the store, they would bring you the cookie, a sandwich, a drink, chips and flowers just to make your day. This person is really good at planning parties and spending money. If you were to have a birthday coming up, they would have a surprise party planned with all of your favorite people there and thoughtful gifts. This person wants to give you the world, honestly. Don’t feel embarrassed by the things that this person does because you deserve it. They do it out of purity, but you can tell them to tone it down if it’s really getting to you.
Cards Used: The Emperor, The Fool, Justice, 7 of Cups, Ace of Discs, Princess of Cups
extras: my way by usher. “It’s camp.” new edition. clown colors. teezo touchdown. rich uncle vibes.
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webslingingslasher · 8 months
also whilst we’re here. you know how girls get scary horny right before their periods? like i need to be tied to a tree like a wolf when im ab to get mine JDJDJDJ
peters never had a gf before trouble and the first time it happens he fr thinks he’s in HEAVEN. he doesn’t understand but she’s just on him 24/7 and he’s living for it. but also confused bc he can’t think of what he’s done differently to have u pouncing on him 24/7 but he’s not complaining djdjdnd
-i've literally had this done for like two months but i got scared and let it collect dust. not anymore bby!!!-
for the fourth time today, peter tilted his shoulder towards his face to sniff his shirt. it smells just fine, it's clean cotton. he didn't get a new fabric softener so it couldn't be that, and it's not like he got a new cologne or soap.
peter couldn't place it, but something about him lately has you absolutely feral. especially today, he almost had to peel you away from his skin so he could go to class.
'i missed you so much,' you moved quicker than peter's ever seen, his feet haven't even come to a stop on the pavement before you're kissing him.
it becomes more sensual than he's willing to provide in public.
'it was an hour, trouble. what'd you do, wait for me?' peter meant it in a teasing way, he didn't expect you to nod quickly. 'yes. you're about to open your instagram to thirty messages, i'm so sorry.'
your palms race over his arms, something about him seems ultra soft today. in the least joking way possible, he really does feel like boyfriend material. and he was all yours.
'did you know i love you? like, so much.' he did, but he still loves to have a reminder. 'i love you so much it's uncool.' you've got a glazed look in your eye.
peter knows that look and if he's being honest, he's done nothing to deserve it. the last two days you haven't been able to keep your hands off him.
is this what people mean by the honeymoon phase?
'i love you too, trouble. what's got you so mushy recently?'
puffed cheeks, no regard and absolutely no reason to hold back. 'i just really wanna fuck you.' peter takes a sharp breath, something about you being bold makes his knees weak. it must be his desire to please.
'i would, i really, really would...' with gentle scratches up and down the back of your arm, you know he's setting you up for a no. you whine and pout up at him.
'no! you're not allowed! just say yes, please say yes!'
it's literally tearing him up inside. 'baby, i'm already going to be late for my library session. i also have a chapter meeting tonight.'
'do you really-'
'yes.' there was no way he'd be budging on that one. peter made you know you were number one priority, frat responsibilities sat right under you.
if he was suggesting you'd have to wait until late, or worse, the next day, you'd die.
'what about after the library? before the meeting?'
peter's never seen you so persistent. he really doesn't know what he's done, but he won't complain one bit. he'll be a little crunched for time, but that's no reason to let you down.
'if we use your dorm, yes, i think we can make it work.'
peter’s forced to balance himself, you attacked him with a bear hug and nuzzled into his chest. ‘thank you, thank you, thank you! i’ll tell my roommate right now!’
seconds tick. he’s already late and you’re not moving, keeping him in your grasp while your thumbs fly across your phone to send out a message.
‘trouble, you’re making me late.’ because you’d be offended if he pushed you away.
a finger is held up, ramped texting takes priority. ‘trouble,’ the second you feel yourself pushed to the side you huff up at him. 'don't toss me off to the side like i'm some toy, i'm your girlfriend.'
'you're not a toy, you're just not listening, therefore making me late.'
your arms cross over your chest, 'fine. whatever, go.' peter is nowhere in the wrong, but you're making him feel like he is. if this was before, he could just walk away. but now, he has to pause and address your concerns.
he's still adjusting to boyfriend duties.
'don't get mad with me, i'm being very nice.' he is, he even let you gently bully him into getting him into your room in an hour and a half. you hold your stance, it takes a few seconds, but he catches on.
'you're not mad, you're pouty. don't be pouty, you're gonna see me in an hour.'
a toddler grumble, 'i'm gonna miss you too much.'
peter really doesn't know where the sudden desperation came from, he really needs to check in with you, but if he's any later, he's gonna piss off a whole room of people.
'i'll miss you too, trouble.' it appeases you enough, you finally allow him to pass. peter isn't able to go a full three steps until you tell him to wait, he realizes his mistake.
'sorry, c'mere.' three quick kisses, you make it hard to pull away. 'love you,' he allows you to sneak another kiss. 'love you too, petey.'
one thing you loved about peter was that he was always on time, at least for you he was. just like he promised, he was at your door an hour and a half later with a hand on his stomach.
‘i’m missing dinner for this, i could be having a nice catered meal with the boys, but no, it wasn’t allowed.’
‘that’s very kind of you, handsome.’
‘i just needed to let you know, you know, in case i go lethargic or my stomach starts growling.’
‘as long as you don’t pass out on top of me, gerald’s game scared me.’ peter holds his fingers up in a scouts honor, ‘i promise.’ it’s all it takes, you reach for his shirt, clenching the fabric, you tug him in. shutting the door and slamming him against it, your lips on his in a minute.
peter’s mind is spinning, he’s never been pushed up against a wall. it feels nice, it’s a good feeling to know someone wants him so badly a tinge of aggression comes with it.
your kisses trail over his jawline, you’ve never been so desperately horny in your entire life, something about him has you dialed to ten recently. it could be the impending period, but that just feels like a fraction of the reason.
feeling slightly guilty you’ve ruined his meal plan, you pull back, just for a second to rip his shirt off. when his skin is shown, your hands race over it, he’s toned, and tanned, and down right delicious.
you scatter kisses over his chest, peering up at him. ‘are they saving you a plate?’ peter looks down, he’s lost at your words. you’re asking about plates while worshiping his body?
‘huh?’ a trail of wet marks across his collarbone.
‘dinner. are they saving you a plate?’
how do you expect him to answer while you nibble a bruise on the bottom of his neck? ‘i don’t…’ peter takes a sharp inhale, he never knew he had a sweet spot until you found it. it’s behind his ear, and he has to lean down, just slightly, but it’s so, so worth it.
‘i don’t know, probably not. guys don’t think about stuff like that.’
you pull away with a pop, raising your thumb to brush over the red mark. ‘hold on,’ you turn for your phone abandoned on your bed, on the walk over you take your own shirt off.
it’s a quick text and a quicker response, your guilty conscience cleared. ‘done. ethan said he’ll save you one.’
‘my hero.’
you jump to your bed, shimmying your pants off before sitting up on your knees, you get into position, shaking your hips at your boyfriend before arching slightly.
‘are we thinking doggy?’
peter’s still stuck to the door, ‘you wanna start with doggy? what happened to foreplay?’
you move to your back to tug your underwear off, you were only following his words. ‘you said we would be strapped for time, i’m making it easier.’
‘by blowing past the most important thing and having me jam it into you?’
you narrow your eyes at him, ‘once upon a time you didn’t care about foreplay.’
‘that’s old peter, he’s dead.’
‘let’s revive him.’
peter finally steps away from the door, he feels ten times warmer. his arms move around like he’s trying to clear the air, ‘alright, hold on, we need to talk.’
four words that are forced to put the night on pause, he could wait for a heart to heart after. ‘let’s not.’ you reach for his jeans, he steps out of reach. ‘peter! you were the one that said it would be a time crunch, i’m doing my best here, let’s go.’
‘not until you tell me why you’re so possessive lately. this whole week, you can’t get enough of me. what’s going on?’
peter’s starting to think you have some doubts running through your head and if you have enough of yourself to him he’d stick around. it’s a bogus idea but you’ve done it before to him, maybe it’s worse because there’s more to lose now with the title.
‘i’m horny.’ there wasn’t much else to add. he’s just made you wildly needy this entire week, but peter wasn't buying it. with crossed arms he waited until you really told him what was going on.
you groan, the quicker you explain, the quicker you get what you wanted. 'fine, what do you know about the menstrual cycle?'
'as little as possible.' while he's slightly more knowledgeable than most men his age, everything he's learned has been against his will.
'great. i just got off mine two weeks ago, i'm ovulating, aka, my body wants a baby real bad. not just any baby, your baby, that's why i'm so horny for you.' you hope it's enough to appease him, you shuffle around on the bed.
'fucking in this bed sucks.' there's little room for peter but you did what you could with the space you had. 'also, expect this monthly. cause, it's gonna be your problem now that you're my boyfriend.'
peter breathes deep, 'that has got to be... the best problem i've ever had in my entire life.' peter moves so quickly your head spins, he's on his knees in front of the bed while you're pulled to the edge.
kisses up the inside of your thigh has you pulling at his hair, 'peter, you're gonna be late.' you suck in hair as he nibbles on your skin. 'we don't have time for this.'
it pauses him, peter looks up into your eyes, a cocky smirk forms. 'my girl has a primal urge, and it's my job to take care of it.' 
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circeyoru · 6 months
Collection of Overlords _ Part 1.5
[Alastor & Other Overlords x Soul Owner of All Overlords!Reader]
Part 1 — Part 1.5 (here) — Part 2 — Part 3 — Part 4 — Part 5 — Part 6 — Part 7 — Part 8 — Part 9  — Part 10 — Part 11 — Part 12 — Part 13
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Okay, I think this needs to be set clear before there are future parts since no one asked about Reader’s/your presence in the show was. While you never made a formal appearance until in Part 1, which is after the battle with Heaven, you were hinted here and there.
The beginning scene where Carmilla opens the curtains, showing Zestial, Zeezi, and Lucifer in the same. Then the scene of the Vees, and Rosie. There are eyes staring at them. Like just eyes
When the clock tower resets the extermination day, eyes opened to eye the new countdown before closing just as fast
During when Vaggie talks about “ancient and destructive evils”, your outline as a puppeteer is shown above all the Overlords
Episode 1: Overture
Episode 2: Radio Killed the Video Star
Alastor laughs at Sir Pentious that seeking to join the Vees was a terrible decision since their standing as Overlords was rocky and unstable. He taunts that Sir Pentious wouldn’t be able to hold the title as Overlord or fit in, referencing the Collection of Elites
Episode 3: Scrambled Eggs
After Zestial and Alastor were done with their chat like on the show, Zestial remarks that Alastor was very brave to go missing for 7 years but also remarkable that he was still in the Collection as per the mark on his soul
When Overlords are seated, they inspect the others to make sure the group was still intact and without change. Also reporting that there was no sighting or word from you, to their disappointment
After Velvette left, Zeezi laughed that the Vees’ days might be numbered with that attitude, Rosie chuckles and shrugs, saying that it wasn’t their decision or say in the matter
When Whatever It Takes is done, Zestial suggests for Carmilla to contact you on the matter since this was out of her hands. Carmilla sit back down on her chair, holding out a pendant with an eye design on it
The Egg Boiz reported to Alastor that Carmilla was the one to kill the angel and that she may contact someone, telling Alastor that Carmilla might have someone to back her up without knowing that Alastor know who it was implying
The same Egg Boiz didn’t mention you to Sir Pentious and only Carmilla killing an angel
(behind the scenes: you instructed for Carmilla to continue as always and maybe provide help to the hotel if she deemed it worthy)
Episode 4: Masquerade
When Valentino is offering a place for Charlie to star, he mentions how it could make him rich and show his dues to you without specifically mentioning you. Valentino’s a bit condescending when he addresses Charlie because he only sees you to be the one in higher power and rank
Valentino threatens Angel, hinting how he wouldn’t have some weak Princess or contracted soul ruin things for him. Meaning he is aware that he’s on thin ice with your interest and favour. Also implying that Charlie was nothing for him to fear, because he fears your wrath more
Valentino laughs how Charlie has no real power compared to what he faced with, confusing Angel since he has no idea of your involvement in the Overlords’ circle
While Husk was mentioning about his Overlord status, for the first time you’re mentioned, he talks about The Collector. “But when you’re dealing with souls while also being a gambler, the stakes are pretty high. I was warned about that, but when you’re winning, you don’t hear that kinda stuff. In my place, I lose a few hands and it got dangerous that I didn’t even know. When you’re down on your luck, you turn to anything to keep you afloat. Even making deals yourself.”
“What happened?”
“Turns out, I was long abandoned. And I wasn’t in the group anymore when I have that last deal. Like the fallen Overlords before me, I was hunted for being disrespectful and arrogant. Now I’m here.”
Episode 5: Dad Beat Dad
“Big talk for someone who’s also on a leash.”
“I should have torn your soul apart and broadcasted your screams for every other disrespectful wretch who dares to abuse My Liege’s mercy and generousity! You were lucky your former Liege was merciful enough not to let your death happen.”
When Lucifer’s lecturing on Charlie about the hotel, he mentions how it lacks the power and authority needed to make it work. It’s referencing to you teaching Lucifer how to rule as the King of Hell when he first arrived
Episode 6: Welcome to Heaven
Episode 7: Hello Rosie!
(behind the scenes after Vaggie left, Carmilla grips on the pendant and hopes she did the right thing that wouldn’t disappoint you)
Episode 8: The Show Must Go On
The the Vees celebrate, they explicitly cheer for joy and anticipation that Alastor would be removed from the Collection of Elite while eyes were staring at them without their knowledge, also mentioning how they’d rise in ranks (favour)
Alastor’s breakdown is more centered around the possibility that he knew you were always watching and saw his defeat and shameful retreat, for his actions, he might fall from your interest and favour. He fears he’ll end up like Husk
When the news of the canceled extermination is being broadcasted to all of Hell, your silhouette was shown by a window with eyes closed and a small smile on your face. “Time to check in.”
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Note: You can ignore this or not, but I had to at least put this out cause some Overlords' actions are a bit different, namely Alastor's breakdown reason.
Circe Y.
@aconfusedwonderland @crowleysthings @donustellaron @mistpurpl3 @plutobots @ray-rook
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