#I have very extreme luck
capricorndevil15 · 2 years
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Extreeemely old art from 2019. Lyrics from Baby You’re A Haunted House by Gerard Way, which had just come out a year prior and I was in love with it. Still a certified Hacy song.
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deoidesign · 1 month
I’m a trans man that recently got diagnosed with hyper mobile eds, so now seeing Steve makes me extra happy, because cool disabled ftm rep. Thanks for making the radical dude bro, he’s funky.
same disability (waving hand emoji)
Always extremely fulfilling to know my work makes people happy in some small way, it means a lot. Thank you for sharing with me
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freebooter4ever · 2 months
good morning on a scale from 1 to getting propo*sitioned for a thr*eesome again how bi do you feel today?
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aoxizu · 4 months
i have, completely accidentally, finished all of the currently available wuthering waves main questline
meanwhile i still have not touched the 2.2 plot in star rail but shh i'll get that scene finished eventually and then i can start questing
but anyway. obviously jiyan and jing yuan have many similarities (general, initials jy, ponytail, voiced by sun ye, chinese, once knew a guy with white hair who later became a criminal), but jiyan just doesn't quite get to the same level as jing yuan does (also jing yuan showed up for me twice. jiyan has shown up 0 times.)
this will go into jiyan backstory spoilers kind of if you haven't yet seen that part of the main quest, and also tone warning: i'm going to complain a lot, and i am very biased.
but like. geshu lin did nothing wrong change my mind
it's like if the luofu was fighting phantylia and there was no astral express, jing yuan tells the army to guard the frontline with their life if necessary and then goes off to fight phantylia alone, and then the soldiers all have terrible morale so fu xuan decides to have everyone retreat and then jing yuan becomes a criminal for giving that order and fu xuan becomes the general
except fu xuan at least has some higher position in the leadership structure of the luofu, but jiyan does not. jiyan was literally just some random doctor in the army who said "hey what if we didn't lose our lives like we signed up to do and all ran away instead" and for that he was appointed general through magic dragon
it's like the game is trying to take a "war bad" stance at the same time as glorifying the military so they can sell the general and convince people to pull for him
and then (main story spoilers) when you go fight the not-bloodborne boss in the north wilds (i play in cn so i have no idea what anything is called in english) at the very end of the quest, jiyan pretty much does the same thing as geshu lin
he has his soldiers stay back while he goes to fight the big bad and the only difference is that jiyan takes 3 more people along with him and he also has the power of a prophecy on his side
i get that the game is trying to paint geshu lin as this kind of like war crazed general but like jiyan and geshu lin are in nearly the exact same situation here, making almost the exact same decision
i am being told that jiyan is different from geshu lin in some way but it's really hard to believe that when it looks like they're doing the same things
chinese culture doesn't like to glorify leaders who only focus on war and nothing else (see: han wudi, qin shihuang) (note that mao zedong and the cultural changes he brought do not agree with this attitude) and i suppose that's the reasoning for why geshu lin is a criminal while jiyan is fine since jiyan knows when to retreat or whatever, but i do not think the game does a particularly good job of showing that
this inconsistency may have also had something to do with the amount of changes that jiyan's character went through during development, since his (cn) va was originally sang liuze (ratio/neuvillette) (which i think would have fit jiyan better. personal opinion), and was later changed to sun ye, and his character was also originally just supposed to be a doctor in the army without the sudden becoming general part, so to a lot of cn players it just feels like kuro's trying to coast off of jing yuan's popularity
i don't think that's necessarily true but it is definitely affecting how jiyan is being seen in the chinese community
though i will say that despite the whole ???ness of jiyan's decision making process, the not bloodborne boss fight was really cool, and i really liked exploring that area
hsr on the other hand avoids the problem with trying to say war bad but also trying to sell a military general by simply having jing yuan focus on strategy, and clearly placing more importance on outsmarting the enemy rather than throwing people and resources at the enemy until it dies
but anyway. i'm still going to try and get jiyan, since i kind of like his playstyle despite it being burst based, though havoc rover does look cool enough for me to seriously consider using them for as long as possible
right now the game is in the weird place of being so new that i can't take a lot of it seriously, since it's still finding its place in the massive 2d-adjacent mobile game environment, but i'm sure it will either a) grow on me or b) become genshin, where i am a "day one player" but barely touch the game
or a secret third option, where it displaces my star rail addiction to plant a wuthering waves addiction, but i find that unlikely since i don't tend to like open world games as much
i'm excited to see where wuthering waves goes and if it can finally provide a challenge to the behemoth that is genshin
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you know what the actual problem i have with wuthering waves is? when i take a picture with the in game camera and hit save it doesn't actually save. so i'm restricted to screenshots for the time being
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kashilascorner · 2 months
What were the prose Tristan authors eating for lunch when they wrote Mark and Tristan's dynamics seriously it's so toxic but also like they keep hanging around each other? Toxic exes except family instead of lovers
#has my head spinning#mark hates tristan since he was a child but has a very weird prophecy about him and considers having him killed but decides against it#because he could use tristan when he's older i guess. and then he welcomws tristan with open arms and then they are besties but then he is#envious of him and then he hates his guts because tristan got a girl he liked (not iseult) and then he sends tristan to get iseult#for him as a bride specifically because he thinks tristan will die in ireland but oops he doesn't#he brings iseult mark falls in love but t/i are obviously already getting it going#then mark finds out chases after tristan but tristan is stronger#BUT IN THE MIDDLE OF ALL OF THIS JUST AFTER TRYING TO GET HIM KILLED HE CROWNS TRISTAN THE PRINCE HEIR OF THE KINGDOM??#also tristan starts like loving or being loyal to his uncle until the hot lady incident and then they reconcile and#tristan keeps there and he doesn't protest his uncle's requests including the one rhat could potentially kill him (getting iseult)#because of honor or whatever. and then he could have ran away with iseult but he still choses (and her lol) to go to mark and hand her over#and yet he keeps going with the affair and it is said that Tristan FEARS mark and this is the part that#drives me crazy because... fear what??? he's stronger#the better knight has better friends better luck with the ladies wouldn't be the first time he has to run off to another#country. so rhe question is: is tristan afraid OF MARK or is Tristan afraid of losing the good fame he's been building up#like he's singlehandedly THE cornish knight because they are all useless now if he was in say camelot or ireland would he be so famous#and appreciated? no! he wouldn't stand out as much!! like lancelot is right there!!!!!#so is it that? it suits the character. however there is something extremely intriguing if he is in fact afraid /of mark/#because then the story is more that one of family abuse where the uncle clings onto the nephew because the nephew can't refuse helping#but if you remove that aspect the entire relationship on both sides is absolutely parasytic.#idk what is going on here#prose tristan#arthuriana#laura reads
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mymarifae · 5 months
aventurine/ratio shipping:
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glassphinix · 1 year
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i've been a busy boy (spoken w the same vibe as that one garfield 9/11 comic)
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i joke and bitch about it all the time but it honestly is very telling that Some People think that izaya having even a crumb of humanity or nuance to him means he provably, factually, does not have ASPD. like it's really telling how they think about people like me
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astrobei · 8 months
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when me n thea’s football teams are sworn rivals so i would never ever root for her team but also $20 is $20
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byanyan · 9 months
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ㅤborn on june 30th at 3:40 am to eunji byun, a woman who never had any intention of raising a child, byan was taken home by their adoptive parents, hye-jin yoon and dae-seong lee, a couple who had never been able to have a child of their own and had eagerly awaited their arrival. given the name yeong-hwan lee, they were treated exactly as if they were the couple's biological son and learned to refer to the two as eomma and appa (mom and dad).
this was the only period in their life where byan had a very "normal" childhood. and it was good! they were a happy, outgoing kid from the start, always curious and full of energy. they felt loved. they were loved. they don't remember it, but they were even taken to korea to meet their parents' extended family when they were two.
things were good, and it seemed like they were only going to get better when hye-jin unexpectedly discovered that she was pregnant.
byan's sister, hwa-young, was born on september 9th, when they were four years old. given her name because hye-jin was fond of the idea of her children having similar names, even byan was excited by this, and by the concept of having a baby sister. things remained exciting for the first few weeks, but as time passed and the newness of having a baby in the house began to wear off, things started to get... complicated. neither parent had particularly high paying jobs, and hye-jin couldn't afford to take much of a maternity leave. she worked from home, but between work, household chores, and hwa-young, neither she nor dae-seong had much time left over for byan, let alone for themselves. needless to say, it was a stressful time, and with money and energy running thin, byan beginning to act out a couple months in due to a lack in the attention they were used to having didn't exactly help matters.
only a few months before their fifth birthday, byan was placed into the care of a foster family. it wasn't an easy decision for either of their parents to make, but they had never planned for two children and no longer believed that they could properly support or give them both the life they deserved. the decision was made thinking that it would give byan the opportunity for something better, and that if things ever turned around for the family, they could eventually be brought back.
ㅤ—of course, that never happened.
contact was kept for a while, but when it seemed to only make things harder on byan, and subsequently harder on all of them, the decision to cut contact completely and all at once was made. the thought process was that if byan stopped waiting and hoping for the day that they'd get to come home, maybe they would eventually allow themself to settle with another family. at least they were probably young enough that they wouldn't remember all that much from their first four years, right? surely they would move on, and eventually be happier for it.
the last thing byan remembers hearing from eomma and appa didn't even come directly from them. it came through their foster mother, who tried to make it sound exciting that their last name had been changed from lee to byun.
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nebylitsa · 11 months
oh yeah and im also gonna TRY to avoid tumblr (and maybe also youtube because that also sucks up a lot of my time and attention) on shabbos. so, good shabbos, see you later!
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supercantaloupe · 1 year
only thing worsebetter than sightreading schubert 3 finale a tempo? sightreading the fucking trio when the conductor is deliberately rubato-ing the shit out of it
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aeide-thea · 1 year
lying in the dark listening to an amapiano mix and the rain, with the cool humid air coming in, and like. a lot of things are bad right now, but not this
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hella1975 · 1 year
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the way these were such insane chapters and now it's probably gonna go right back to sports drama. fun
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you know i mostly really like my grad program and everything but i have very quickly learned not to ask too much about vision and hearing loss bc it turns out most of the faculty here know very little about those things. they know a little bit about hearing loss but really only in the sense of "get them fitted with hearing aids/CI as early as possible so they can develop like a hearing child". i really wanna learn more about language development in deaf, blind, and deafblind children because that's the population i specifically wanna work with (and have worked with in the past). and it's just been frustrating having my questions about those populations be met with "uh. i'm really not sure."
most of the faculty have been nice about it, but i have had the misfortune of being assigned an advisor who is borderline hostile about it. the first time i brought up this subject, (back through email when i was still deciding where to go), i was asking about an ASL elective that was offered within the program and whether there were any other electives with related topics. she responded by telling me that this was a masters program in speech language pathology, not ASL. great! you could've just said "no." the second time it came up was a few weeks ago when i talked to her about maybe doing a masters thesis (i won't be doing one, by the way). i said that if i were to do one, it would be about deafness, blindness, and/or deafblindness, and she said something like, "that's not a subject that's typically studied or taught in a CSD curriculum". as if it's just crazy that i as a CSD student would want to learn about something as esoteric as fucking vision and hearing loss! what a marvel!! not like those two senses have fucking anything to do with communication huh??? not like children who are deafblind face significant barriers in their development of language, the effects of which i have personally seen in numerous individuals??? clearly i'm really the crazy one here
#sorry this ended up turning into a rant about this specific professor lol#i did mean for it to be more general but she really pissed me off#she has in fact pissed me off two out of the two times i have spoken to her so that's cool#she apparently also sucks as a prof but my cohort has lucked out bc#she was supposed to teach neuro this semester and artic/phono next semester but isn't for unknown reasons#so we get other (better) teachers#apparently i will have to have her this summer tho :/#anyway as to why i'm getting steamed about this weeks after the fact#i'm currently reading a paper on deafblindness (that i personally chose for a class project) and it's just on my mind again#everyone in the class had to pick papers on a population of interest for them (like autism; down syndrome; selective mutism; etc)#and there's a public list of what everyone chose and i'm the only one who chose anything about vision/hearing which i guess isn't surprisin#but yeah the more i think about this stuff the more i kinda wish i had taken all my prereqs so i could have applied to go to gallaudet#if there's any program that's gonna have people who know more about these populations it's there#out of the places i was accepted i feel very confident i chose the best option#this place has a brand new asl program and so they are actively making efforts to raise deaf awareness in the dept#but even with that it's still astonishing how people in this field brush off knowing anything about these populations#like yeah it's very low incidence i can get that#but we still learned a bunch about fucking williams syndrome and that's exceedingly rare#and rare or not it has a demonstrable effect on language development which makes it extremely relevant#jesus i'm sorry for the tag essay i'm gonna stop#i am procrastinating as usual bc i can't focus on this paper even though i am very interested#here is that grad school tag
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quaranmine · 1 year
battling the horrors <- might have to pay full price bc my doctor is out of network
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