#I have so many thoughts and not enough words so it may be chaotic as fuck but :P
thegreenishhues · 4 months
Well, that clip section had me fucking sobbing but unlike most of the times I have cried over this server it wasn't from angst and it wasn't even mostly because it is the end. After everything, I cried because this server has happened, I was happy to see all of the clips and I am so incredibly grateful beyond words for this server.
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idyllic-affections · 7 months
little colt.
summary. xianyun cannot help but take in another child. perhaps, in the future, they may become a disciple of hers.
trigger & content warnings. none applicable.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. fluff, found family-ish. xianyun & child!reader. 2k words. they/them pronouns for reader. prev | next.
author's thoughts. bird mom propaganda RAHHHHHH btw if you find a typo no you didn't i'm sleepy but i wanted to post this........
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       Cloud Retainer has taken on many disciples in her time, and she has loved each and every one as if they were her own.
       It was, therefore, quite unlikely that she woukd cease to take on disciples anytime within the forseeable future. Her love was extensive, far beyond what most mortals would be able to comprehend, and her capacity for intimate and tight bonds was even moreso. She has taken on many disciples over the years, and she has loved them all like her own children.
       Perhaps it could be attributed to her adeptal instincts; she can recall many a time during which her fellow adepti, upon bonding closely with another being, became exceedingly protective of them. It was only natural—adepti lived for so long and were often affected by their more nonhuman instincts. It wouldn't be improbable to imagine that the need to bond with other beings would grow strong over so many years.
       ...Then again, it could always simply be attributed to her. In her mind, there was little need for any such justification like 'instincts.' She could scoff at the idea—she was no mere animal. 'Instincts' could not begin to fully explain the depth of her love and care; it was surely infinitely more complicated than the mere maternal urges that a simple crane, a wild animal, might have. She was infinitely more intricate and convoluted than an uncomplicated bird.
       (That, however, did not change the fact that she did tend to have bird-like habits. Preening, nesting in her own way... She preferred not to bring attention to that fact, however.)
       Regardless of the reason, the truth was that she was lonely, even if she vehemently denied it whenever someone brought up the idea. Mt. Aocang was... quiet, dreadfully so without the constant presence of Ganyu or Shenhe or any of her other disciples. She enjoyed the silence to an extent, but she could only entertain herself for so long without another being to share her knowledge with. Liyue Harbor was far more lively. Loud and chaotic at times, perhaps, but far less lonely than the empty nest that her adeptal abode had become.
       Maybe that was why she was so immediately invested in the little one who had accidentially bumped into her and was now apologizing profusely.
       "I'm— I'm so sorry, miss! I wasn't watching where I was going! I really didn't mean it, I..."
       'What a swift little thing,' she couldn't help but muse. She'd hardly even spotted them rushing her way before they tumbled into her legs. Their body weight wasn't even enough to make her stumble—if anything, they were the one that ended up getting thrown off balance. It was cute how small they were compared to her, really; it reminded her of Shenhe when she was a child, or even her current disciple, Shuyu.
       Ah... but she shouldn't be so quick to think fondly of them. No, surely this little one had parents of their own—a life of their own—to return to. She did not even know their name. No. Bonds should not be so quick to form.
       With elegant, poised grace akin to a gentle breeze rustling a tree's leaves, she knelt down, the motion putting an end to their sheepish yet hurried apologies. Glossy, innocent eyes stared up at her—even kneeling, Xianyun was still a bit taller than they were—with an amount of awe that would've made her feathers puff out in pride had she been in her illuminated beast form. She was not one to grow embarrassed at admiration, after all.
       "Where are your caregivers, child?"
       "Oh. Um." Their brows furrowed slightly. "...I don't know, actually."
       "Ah, are you lost? Come, then. One— Ahem. I shall reuinte you with them. I am certain they must be quite frantic in your absence."
       Before she could rise and offer her clawed hand to them, they urgently shook their head.
       "Oh, no! It's not like that, miss. Even if it was, I wouldn't want to trouble you at all! I would find my way back!" they insisted politely, waving their hands in front of their body as if to dismiss her concerns (though, Xianyun hardly thought it would be "troubling"; she was a bit surprised that they felt it so, or perhaps they were really just trying to be polite). It was then that she noticed the little wooden chick held carefully in one of their hands, but she did not yet have the opportunity to inquire about it. "I've been on my own for as long as I can remember, that's all."
       "Hm. Is that so?"
       "In that case, child, I—"
       A man rounding the corner and immediately prevented her from finishing her sentence. He was very clearly furious, approaching the child with such fervent determination that Xianyun could not help but wonder what nature of a troublemaker she must have encountered. Though... she really did not see them that way, which only made her infintely more curious about rhe situation at hand.
       Their expression seemed to fall.
       "You, kid!" he shouted, stopping just a foot or two away from them. "You can't just go around stealing whatever you please! Who raised you?!"
       "No, I..." They could not meet his gaze. "I was gonna bring back more mora to make up for it when I could, I just—!"
       "Don't give me excuses. I want the toy you've stolen returned, you understand? Hand it over!"
       Xianyun sighed, adjusting her glasses.
       "Enough," she said, rising to her feet. "How much mora will suffice? For reparations, of course."
       "Rep— reparations?" the man stuttered, then sighed. "No, no... look. You're the mom? Just teach your kid not to go around stealing. The toy's not worth much, but a kid who starts stealing this young will take far more important things in the future. So, teach 'em not to do it."
       Hiding behind Xianyun's legs, they couldn't help but stare upwards in wonderment. His attitude flipped completely when faced with a woman so much taller than he was, and with an air surrounding her that demanded such an impossible amount of respect. They honestly could not blame him for such an attitude change; they would too, they thought, if they were faced with someone like her.
       "Very well. You have my apologies on their behalf." She turned on her heel, holding out her hand to them. "Let us go, little colt."
       Bewildered but nonetheless beyond awestruck with this strange yet kind woman, they nodded, wordlessly placing their freehand in hers. Her sharp, hooked nails dug slightly into their skin; somehow, though, they couldn't be bothered to care. It didn't hurt much. On the contrary, it was oddly comforting.
       The walk was silent for a few moments, but then, Xianyun's voice demanded their attention:
       "You should pay quite the mind to your behavior in the future. Theivery is a significant offense in a land such as this—a land that regards contracts with the highest of respect. Had I withheld my intervention, it may very well have ended far worse."
       "I really didn't mean to," they whispered, little tears building up in the corners of their eyes. Even though she was someone they had only just met a few moments ago, disappointing her seemed... unbearable. Angering her would have been more tolerable. "Um... steal, that is. I didn't mean it. I just thought it looked really cool. I left whatever mora I had on me to pay for it, and I was going to try and get more so I could pay him the right amount... I swear I wasn't going to just run away with it..."
       She hummed. "Regardless of your intent, I will see to it that you do not do such a thing again."
       "Hu— huh? You will?"
       She scoffed. "Of course. Surely you did not expect me to abandon you on the side of the street again? As an elder, it is only right that I watch over little ones such as yourself, and little ones should not be cruelly left to fend for themselves."
       The tears on their lashes had dried by now. They even offered her a smile, giggling as they said, "Elder? I don't think you're old."
       "Oh? And what, pray tell, has led you to such a bold conclusion, hm?"
       "Well... you! You look very young, miss! I think elder women are very pretty too, but you look... young pretty? Um... what's the word again..?"
       "Youthful, perhaps?"
       "Yeah! Youthful!"
       As they rambled on animatedly, clutching the wooden bird to their chest, Xianyun's lips quirked upwards into an amused smile.
       It, of course, went unnoticed by them.
                       — flower of the universe !! 🌸
       In the few days that had passed since Xianyun welcomed little [Name]—they had bashfully introduced themselves to her in the middle of their rambling once they recalled that she didn't even know their name, and she returned the sentiment with greater confidence—into her home, she had put together a few simple toys for them to amuse themselves with.
       She was an inventor at heart. Even though these designs were not entirely her own, she made them hers with unique additions and more efficient features... of course, all while doing her best to keep the toys simple. They were for a child, after all. Mechanics, Xianyun's mechanics, were complicated enough for adults to understand as it was—a child would surely have even less of a capacity to grasp something too complicated, and her efforts would therefore have been wasted.
       ...But oh, how terribly wrong she now understood herself to be.
       Quietly and motionlessly, as to avoid drawing their attention, she watched with the growing warmth of fondness and excitement in her chest as the young one she took in meticulously pried open the toys she handcrafted.
       They were humming to themselves, gingerly laying out the parts in an organized manner so that nothing got lost or mixed. She was beyond impressed with the careful thought they had blatantly put into keeping track of everything; Xianyun was certain that most children would lose a small part or two, but as she surveyed their layout, she noted that every single piece—big or small, hard to overlook or easy to lose—was accounted for.
       Childish forgetfulness wasn't an inherently bad thing. In fact, it was quite amusing and endearing to those such as herself who had lived for so many millennia.
       However, she was infinitely more endeared by their sheer mindfulness.
       Their sharp gasp snapped her from her internal musings.
       "Oh— Miss... Miss Xianyun! I'm sorry, I—" They stumbled over their words, and they froze up somewhat. It was as if they wanted to hide what they had done but ultimately decided against it; she had clearly already spotted them, and they did not want to risk mixing up all the parts. "Miss Xianyun, I'm so sorry, I— I wasn't trying to destroy them, I just—"
       "—wanted to understand their internal workings, yes?"
       Their eyes went wide with that same wonderment they had displayed towards her a few days prior. "How... how did you know?"
       She almost laughed at their cluelessness. "You have taken them apart with the care and delicacy quite unusual for one of your age. This, one surmises, is only because you sought to sate your curiosity regarding these simple mechanisms and their internal functions."
       The grace with which she carried herself never failed to leave them in astonished silence. Xianyun hummed, sweeping them up into her arms as if they weighed no more than a feather (her utter, raw strength was another astounding feat in their young mind; she was so unimaginably admirable in a multiplicity of ways to them). Then, with steady caution, she kneeled to the floor and situated them comfortably in her lap.
       "Allow one to introduce you, little colt, to the basics of mechanics."
       Xianyun, they concluded, was an odd but genuinely kind woman.
       Though her manner of speech was sometimes strange and formal, and her grace seemed otherworldly in its nature, and her strength was assuredly not a feat that just anyone could achieve...
       She was tender. She was kind. She cared.
       Perhaps the world was not always so kind, but despite that knowledge, they had never felt safer than where they were now.
please consder reblogging with a kind tag or comment, it helps me out quite a lot! mama xianyun series taglist: @zeldadou, @starryshinyskies, @soleillunne, @lillonvia, @nervocat, @dragon-type-nuggetz, @starlit-dianthus. contact me non-anonymously to be added.
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stayevildarling · 3 months
Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff x Reader-Fragments of Us
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A/N: I had a dream about this specific plot the other day. I sincerly hope no one has done this before.
prompt: Natasha leaves Reader before going on an undercover mission. Reader is absolutely devasted but Wanda being her long term friend is right there to lean on her shoulder and dry her tears. What happens when they both begin to catch feelings just before Natasha returns?
tw/tags: female reader, established relationship, Natasha being a meanie, mention of breakup, mention of depression, mention of troubled eating, slightly smutty (making out only)
word count: 5.7k
translation: detka= baby
@lunaticwhittaker, @billiebeanhoward, @lanawinters-ily, @kenzbro, @minaslittleone, @httpfiftyshadesofgay, @whitelotus00, @ninaahs, @vintagepaulson, @isle-of-earle, @paulsonsratched, @stepintomyworld, @grilledcheeseandguavajelly, @lucyintheskywithxanax, @fanfics4world, @mymiraclewitch, @hazard-to-myself, @awritersometime, @ohrwurm26, @wastdstime, @p1pecleanerwitheyes
It had been quite obvious really and as you stand there, watching her walk away you should have known. She had been distant lately, withdrawing from you more. Natasha was your everything. She always had been, ever since joining the avengers and meeting the redhead. Despite it taking a while to get used to each other, there had always been something between you two. And despite neither of you being able to see it at first, the other members of the team had quickly figured it out, often teasing you both about the obvious attraction towards each other.
Ever since that one mission that had changed everything, the two of you had been inevitably closer. Quiet nights would be spent together, chaotic nights in the midst of the chaos of missions. Mornings would be spent waking up beside each other. Her hand seemed to have fit into yours perfectly, her being the missing piece in your life and heart, somehow making you complete. And you knew Natasha would retreat to the silence of her own thoughts at times, when memories and dreams of the red room haunted her, when a mission wasn't going well or when one of the guys had been annoying her. But you learnt to give her time, blow off some steam in the gym or giving her a while to calm down on her own, before being ready to open her in your arms again.
However, lately it had been different, she had been absent at night, not sharing your usual room and bed together. She had actively avoided going on missions with you, sharing meals and basically time with you. Often you had tried to talk to her, eventually growing both frustrated and self concious, wondering what you had done wrong, what you may have done to upset her and if maybe she had grown bored, maybe she found someone or something better or you simply weren't good enough for her. You had always been an overthinker and so you tried your hardest to shush those thoughts, to reassure yourself that Natasha loved you, just like the many times she had told and shown you.
,,Y/N'' she began and you could already tell by her voice, soft yet firm that something was going on. ,,I need to talk to you about something'' she explained further, causing for your hands and knees to begin shaking.
,,I'm sorry Y/N but I can't do this anymore'' she told you, her voice betraying her a little bit as her eyes averted yours. ,,What- What do you mean?'' you asked a little dumbfounded as your world began crumbling underneath you. ,,I'm leaving on a mission, I can't have any distractions'' she said, almost cold and harshly, feeling much more like the Black Widow rather than your girlfriend.
,,But Nat, I love you, how could I be a distraction?'' you ask confused, the tears already swelling in your eyes. ,,I have to leave, I can't risk anything happening to you'' she said, swallowing hard, her expression pained.
,,Nat please, we can do this together'' you pleaded ,,We always have'' you try in one last desperate attempt to not have her leave you like this.
,,Not this time detka, I'm sorry, I have to do this alone'' she explained. You stood there stunned, watching her leave, leaving you feeling more alone than ever.
After she walks out, you simply sink to your knees, shaking and crying, gripping at your hair, picking at your skin in a hopeless attempt to make you wake up, thinking if you try hard enough it may have only been one of your nightmares. The realisation that it wasn't hits you quickly, the hours passing, the room and world around you growing dark, Natasha already long gone on her mission, she was supposed to leave tomorrow but she couldn't stand the sight of you or being in your presence, knowing if she so much as stayed at the avengers compound, she would have changed her mind in an instant, the whole encounter causing for her heart to break, seeing yours crumble right in front of her and knowing neither you or herself would ever be able to forgive her.
It's past midnight when you eventually make it back on your feet, feeling the walls of your shared bedroom quite literally closing in on you. Her scent lingered everywhere, the photos of you both reminding you painfully of what happened. You missed her terribly already, unaware she was already long gone. And you couldn't possibly stay there for another second. Unsure where to go or who to turn to, you simply walk almost aimlessly towards the elevator, pressing the button to the rooftop before finding your safe space. It had always been your place of hiding away, especially when first joining the avengers and needing some quiet time to rewind that this was truly your life and that you would truly be fighting alongside the people you had seen on TV and read about in the newspapers.
As the cold air hits your soaked skin from crying, you feel a little at ease, the ability to breathe suddenly back and a lot easier. You sit by the edge, the way you always would, your feet dangling in the air before staring into the darkness, the fields and compound grounds. You didn't notice, the door opening or footsteps approaching you, neither the calling of your name, having been so lost in your thoughts about Natasha.
,,Y/N?'' Wanda's voice rings through the air again and this time your head snaps into her direction. She instantly frowns, having heard what happened from some of the others as gossip spread fairly quickly and Natasha's early leaving and her comment before doing so, quickly making the rounds. Once Wanda found out, her first instict was to come and find you, considering the two had been close friends for several months and years now.
,,Hi Wands'' you try your best to force a smile but her frown only intensivies by the shaking in your voice and the tears beginning to spill down your cheeks once more. ,,I'm so sorry darling'' she speaks, before climbing next to you, quickly taking your sobbing, shaking form into her steady arms.
,,I don't understand what happened or what I did'' you mumble, more to yourself than her really. And Wanda being Wanda, she knew this would take more than just some time to heal, also knowing there was no point in talking about it tonight as she knew you needed comfort more than anything right now. And so she simply lets you rest your head on her shoulder, her arm still protectively around you, as you both stare into the distance, the tears continuing to pour. And it felt good being in her embrace despite it all, Wanda often drying your tears in the past if a mission went south, the one time Natasha got hurt and landed in med bay and the rare arguments in your relationship. In return you had always been there for Wanda, the days when she missed her brother a little more than usual, the times when one of the guys would piss her off, you and Natasha instantly by her side and protecting her.
The next morning you wake up in your bed, at first forgetting about the events from before, instinctively reaching out for your girlfriend before the empty side reminds you of what had happened. And all you can do is simply turn back around, trying to fight back the tears and find some sleep again. You assumed that Wanda had put you to bed, as you didn't remember much from the night prior other than crying into her shoulders. And you for sure couldn't stand the thought of possibly facing Natasha for her leaving today, unaware that she had already long been gone on her undercover mission.
The hours slowly turn into days as you practically rot in your bed, refusing to leave other than getting water intake in order to not faint from exhaustion and fatigue and going to the toilet. The others had noticed of course, your lack of showing up for breakfast, dinner, your absence in the gym, the common room and missing some of the group activities like pizza night. And they had worried about you, especially after you failed to show up for both your favorite pizza and game night. Wanda had regularly checked on you throughout the days, mostly finding you asleep in bed, surrounded by a mountain of tissues. She tried to get you to join the others, to eat and to slowly get back out there but she also knew the depths of pain of losing someone close to you and she wasn't going to force you out of it just yet.
It took another two weeks for you to finally leave bed again, as your presence was needed for a mission. In reality they didn't urgently need you and could have easily given you some more time to grieve this but they had decided that maybe getting you back out there would be helpful. And so, Wanda had managed to get you out of bed, making your hair for you and practically forcing you in the shower and to get changed into your gear. You assured her you ate but she knew you had been lying to her about that and so as the quinjet hums through the sky, she forces you to have some water and an energy bar to get at least something into your thin body. You had lost weight and they could tell, your tired features and the exhaustion written across your features.
In reality you had been unable to sleep in the night, dreams of Natasha and her leaving you over and over again haunting you, keeping you from any sleep. In the days you managed to get hours at a time before they would occur again and cause you to simply stare at the ceiling, sometimes scrolling through your phone before your lockscreen of the two of you sent you into another spiral. None of them knew the depths of your pain and struggling and what a mistake it ended up being bringing you on this mission. It should have been easy enough really, entering the enemy base while Tony and Bucky tried infiltrating the enemy base and hack into their computers, Wanda, Steve and you had the task of getting more information from the labs.
Despite feeling like the life had been sucked out of you, you ended up enjoying being back doing what you love. You are the one to take out most of the enemies with ease, practically running into battle, ready for confrontration. And Wanda of course noticed, taking a mental note to bring this up with you later. But she never got the chance, as you took them out with ease, punching them a little harder than you usually would, turning your knuckles bloody, taking more beating than you usually would without retailiating as it gave you the feeling you deserved each punch. If it wasn't for Steve's shield, the bullet that was meant for Wanda would have hit you with ease as you practically jumped in front of her, ready to shield her with your life.
After the succesfull mission, Wanda watched as you almost without a care in the world walked back to the quinjet, despite your face bleeding, your hands and knuckles dripping with blood and your face having grown considerably pale. She knew you to be stubborn and she knew about the pain of losing Natasha and what that must feel like, however she didn't approve of your actions, the recklessness towards yourself. And she for sure wasn't going to just sit back and let it happen any longer or let this go any further. Determined she took your hands into her own after you fell into one of the seats, cleaning them before wrapping them up in bandages. Despite your pleas for her to stop and repeating that you are fine, she is having none of it, making sure that your wounds are fine at least until she can get you to med bay.
,,Drink up'' she instructs, passing you a bottle of water. Despite your disapproval, you end up taking the bottle in your hands, as the others watch you with concern. Steve is the first to take a seat beside you, looking at you in a way that spoke lengths. ,,That was pretty risky kiddo'' he speaks and you can't help but scoff, not in the mood for his antics and hope speeches right now. ,,What.. want a thank you?'' you hiss, startling him a little in the process. ,,I- we want you to look after yourself'' he confirms, before letting you be, assuming you wanted some quiet and this wasn't a good time.
As soon as Wanda returns, her shoulder seems to magically attract your head like a magnet as you lean on her, the exhaustion now rippling through you, the lack of sleep, the fighting and beating you took today mixed with the lack of food. Your eyelids quickly feel heavy and close and Wanda can't help but sigh a little relieved, having overheard the exchange with Steve and knowing you would never usually talk to either of them like that. And truth to be told, Wanda was a little lost as well, having considered to reach out to Natasha before realizing with the current undercover mission of the russian it would be impossible. However, she hated seeing you like this, not wanting to get involved too much as she would never judge Natasha's reasoning, especially not having the full picture but she cared about you deeply, the last thing she wants to see being you struggling this much.
The first thing as soon as you landed, was Wanda forcing you into med bay where your injuries are checked and treated. After getting some pain meds and the reassurance that you aren‘t severly injured, they let you go again, urging Wanda however to make sure you eat and stay hydrated as they had noticed the malnourishment and low blood pressure. Wanda frowned before taking your arm and taking you into her room. At this point she was fed up and you were tired and so you complied when she forced some pain killers into your hand and passing you water. She disappeared for a while before returning with some food, forcing you to eat something like the doctors had instructed. When she got you to eventually shower and change she feels relief, having at least done the minumum for today.
„Do you want to talk?“ she asks gently as she takes another look at your tired features, sitting beside you on the edge of her bed.
„I‘m just tired“ you mumble, genuinely feeling exhausted and tired from the mission.
„Why don‘t we get you some sleep?“ she offers and you yawn before nodding and despite the small delay due to your hesitation, you balance on your tired legs.
„What are you doing?“ Wanda asks confused, her green eyes searching yours. „Going to bed?“ you ask confused, your eyebrows furrowing as another yawn ripples through you.
„None of that, here lie down“ she instructs before moving the blanket and patting the space next to hers. You stare at her in confusion, too tired to argue but confused either way.
„I know you haven‘t been able to sleep at night honey, maybe sleeping here will help“ she offers and despite your first thought being Natasha you quickly brush it off before laying down as the exhaustion seems to drag you under with each passing moment.
When you wake up the next morning, you blink repeatedly in confusion as you realise you had actually slept through the night. And you aren't sure whether it was the mission from the day before, the pain medication or Wanda's presence that managed to shield you from your usual nightmares and partial insomnia. As you turn your head a little, you realise that Wanda's arm is wrapped around you, her head turned towards you, her hair falling softly over her pillow and the smallest noises escaping her lips. And for a moment your heart skips a beat, seeing her so adorable but at the same time you knew that it may just be your heart breaking all over again as Natasha had always held you that way and you would often stare at her that way, observing each one of her beautiful features as you woke and she was still asleep beside you.
,,Good morning honey'' she smiles, watching you stare and blink repeatedly right through her. ,,Hi Wands'' you mumble, quickly focusing and catching her eyes for a split second before instinctively moving back a little. ,,Oh sorry'' she apologises before retreating her arm from holding you and for a second you almost whimper at the loss. ,,Sleep well?'' she asks carefully, having been awake most of the night to make sure she could be there for you if you woke and only falling asleep about two hours ago herself.
,,I did thank you'' you mumble, now feeling a little shy. ,,What?'' she chuckles, her lips curling into a smile seeing you so sleepy, adorable and lost in thoughts. ,,You're beautiful'' is what you wanted to say but you hold back, knowing you shouldn't, knowing you couldn't. ,,Nothing'' you quickly compose yourself before she begins moving the blanket and stretching a little, her bones cracking ever so slightly with each movement.
,,How about some breakfast?'' she offers and you could tell by her tone that it wasn't truly a question and that she would force it upon you either way. And so you comply, getting dressed and actually joining the others in the kitchen. And they couldn't hide their excitement, having missed you, each of them greeting you in their own way but backing off a little as they also know you still needed some space.
That night seems to have changed things, as you started living again day by day. Of course you missed her with your whole being, your thoughts often wandering to her and whether she was alright but at the same time you had been distracted. You actively joined missions again, blowing off some steam but Wanda making sure you are not overdoing it and taking care of yourself. Bucky taking you to the gym again, Tony getting you to help out on projects to distract yourself. And after a couple of weeks you even moved back to your old room. It hurt like hell, packing your belongings into a bag and going back to the old corridor you used to sleep in. But it was unknown when Natasha would return and you for sure didn't want to be in her way and so you made sure to change the bedding, do some washing and cleaning up, before closing the door.
That seems to have put you right back into the hole however, your old room feels empty, despite Wanda trying her best to decorate it with you and make it comfortable. But you couldn't feel comfortable, often feeling cold and empty at nights, as Natasha would usually hold you in her arms and make you warm again. And so you spent most nights on the rooftop again, at least being able to watch the sunrise that way and not plagued by nightmares. In the days you would nap beside Wanda in her room when she was doing some work or in the common room, liking to have company and hearing background noises instead of the silence of your lonely, quiet room.
More weeks passed, and the emptiness left by Natasha's absence seems unbearable. You threw yourself into work further, trying to keep busy but the loneliness was a constant companion. It would have killed you for sure if it wasn't for Wanda. At first, it continued with the small gestures, bringing you coffee or smoothies during your workouts, sitting with you during meals and encouraging you to eat, checking in to see how you were doing. But as the weeks carried on in their monotonous path, her presence became more comforting. She often found you on the rooftop at nights, sitting silently beside you, watching movies with you and either the two of you crying over ice cream together or laughing your heads off at one of the shows she chose.
Tonight, the two of you sit in the common room, the silence between you both is comfortable. Wanda looks at you, her eyes filled with understanding and reassurance.
,,Y/N, I know it's been hard'' she says softly. ,,But you don't have to do it alone, you don't ever have to do it alone''
You sigh, running a hand through your hair. ,,I just.. I miss her so much Wanda. And I don't understand why she left me''.
Wanda reaches out, taking your hand into hers. ,,Natasha loves you. I'm sure of it. I don't know her reasons but right now, we just continue to look after and take of you.''
You look into her green eyes, seeing the honesty in them, the familiar feeling settling in the pit of your stomach. ,,Thanks Wands, you've been amazing'' you thank her, earning you a genuine smile.
,,That's what friends are for darling'' she reassures, squeezing your hand again to make her statement more believable.
More weeks passed and you and Wanda quickly became inseparable, your bond deepening with each passing day. What had always been a friendship, slowly blossomed into something more. It started with the stolen glances during dinner or game night, lingering touches on the rooftop or watching a movie together, moments of quiet intimacy when you couldn't sleep for days on end and you'd sleep with her, finding yourself wrapped in her arms the next morning, the intimacy making your heart race. You know you are falling for her, but it terrifies you, knowing that one day Natasha will be back and also still feeling utterly in love with her and missing her more with each day passing. Wanda didn't want to admit it to herself either, always having enjoyed both yours and Natasha's presence but respecting your relationship. But over these weeks she couldn't deny that she enjoyed your presence, enjoyed looking after you and taking care of you, enjoyed finding you in her arms. But she also knew it was far more complicated than that, knowing she couldn't be your rebound and Natasha's return despite it being unknown when, would make this impossible.
And so the two of you tried to cope with the feelings in your own way, you retreating to yourself a little, still spending time with Wanda but deciding to sleep in your own room again, despite that meaning little to no sleep. Wanda tried to give you space, knowing this was wrong but still checking up on you to make sure you wouldn‘t get lost in the chaos and waves of pain again. It‘s not until Tony‘s birthday party when things seem to change between you two further. Wanda looked stunning in her red dress tonight and you had a hard time keeping your eyes away from her. She equally struggled, watching you in your black suit, your chest slightly exposed. The two of you ended up laughing carelessly, dancing on the dancefloor together before finding a more quiet area on one of the balcony‘s.
The two of you had enough to drink to be giggling messes but not enough to completely lose track of things. The music plays softly in the background, most people having left by now and only couples slow dancing to songs now. Wanda reaches for your glass, passing it to you before you both take another sip, staring into the night sky filled with stars. Her green eyes seem to magically draw yours towards her as your eyes lock. When the familiar feeling settles in your stomach, you have a hard time averting her gaze, your cheeks glowing red ever so slightly. „Wanda I-„ you begin, unsure what you actually want to say as the words seem to spill from your mouth carelessly.
„Shh I know“ she whispers, her eyes never leaving yours. And there is a silent understanding between the two of you then. You both knew what was on each other‘s mind, your hearts beating loudly in synch against your chests. Your eyes sparkling with love and adoration for each other, moving back between your eyes and lips. Time seems to freeze, the background noises fading completely as you both simply stare and get lost in each other. Surprisingly it‘s Wanda who moves forward a little, brushing a strand hair behind your ear, her touch cold but making you feel warm nevertheless.
„You‘re beautiful you know“ she smiles as she examines you further. And maybe it was the drinks, maybe it was the fact that she didn‘t care right now or that her rational side gave in but she wanted you and as of tonight, she couldn‘t keep it in any longer. „You‘re the beautiful one Wands“ you chuckle, getting lost in her green eyes all over again. As her head moves closer, you feel the butterflies errupting in your stomach but she halts, realising what she is doing and having too much respect for you to hurt you further. "Kiss me" you whisper, closing your eyes and waiting for what you had been thinking about for weeks.
"Y/N I-" she tries but you open your eyes to reassure her. "But darling what about-" she begins but is cut off when your lips land on her own. Her eyebrows raise in surprise, her eyes quickly closing as she leans into you, tasting your lips for the first time. Wanda isn't the only one surprised, as when the two of you pull away in search for oxygen, the realisation seems to ripple through you, leaving you both confused and your heart beating out of your chest. "I liked that" Wanda admits, chuckling to herself a little before her eyes inspect you, knowing and being able to read you so well by now.
When she sees the initial confusion being replaced by lust in your eyes, the way your eyes travel from her lips to her clevage, she can't keep it in herself for a secong longer. With a swift motion, she pulls you forward by the collar of your suit jacket, leaving you a whimpering mess as her hungry lips explore yours again. Her tongue begs for entrance and you grant it quickly, exploring her and feeling the heat between your legs rising. The two of you end up making out heavily, you eventually sitting on Wanda's lap, grinding down on her thigh in search for some relief. The redhead explores ever inch of your body, trailing kisses down your neck and exposed chest while guiding your hand towards her chest, letting you get some relief by squeezing her boobs and hard buds.
„I want you“ you whisper into her ear breathlessly as she chuckles lowly, still working her way down your neck and back. „Wanda please“ you whine and she can‘t help but chuckle again at your neediness. „Let me take you home detka“ she whispers, her lips finding yours in a heated kiss again before you suddenly freeze. The name was enough to send you into a spiral as Natasha had always called it you and it suddenly seems to make you realize what you are actually doing. You couldn‘t shake the feeling you are somehow cheating on her, hurting her despite her having broken up with you months ago. Wanda notices of course, confused at first before she realizes. „Y/N I‘m so sorry“ she apologises, quickly cupping your cheeks in her hands.
„No - I- I‘m sorry“ you apologize, feeling bad for ruining things. „It‘s okay darling“ she reassures as she wipes the few tears that stream down your cheeks. „Let me take you home okay?“ she offers gently and when you nod in agreement, she is quick to offer her assistance and get you dressed again. On the way back to the compound you ended up falling asleep on her shoulder, the way you usually would and she is quick to carry you into her room and sit you on her bed. While she gets some water and pain medication just incase of a hangover in the morning, you wake and sleepily constent to her helping you get changed. Her touch is gently as she removes your clothing, putting you in some of her pyjamas before tugging you in beside her. And if you hadn’t dozed off straight after, you would have noticed the way she was so gentle, never prying, simply looking at you full of love and adoration.
The following day, the news of Natasha‘s return later today buzzed through the compound, leaving the others excited and you mortified. You had no strength left to face her feeling both guilt, hurt and utter love for the redhead. Anxiety filled you and despite Wanda being able to tell and offer to be by your side, you hid away in the comfort of the gym, punching almost aimlessly and breathlessly at one of the punching bags, not bothering about gloves as you wanted to feel each punch.
When Natasha finally walks through the doors, she is quickly greeted by everyone, Tony asking about the mission and congrulating her for the success, Clint wrapping her in a big hug. She looks both tired and relieved to be back and her eyes seem to instantly wander around the room, trying to find you. „Where‘s Y/N?“ she asks the others and their eyes simply drop to the floor, of course having noticed the growing tension between you and Wanda before one of them tells her having seen you in the gym.
She is quick to abandon her things and make her way over, as she steps inside she finds you punching into one of the punching bags, out of breath and loud music drawing out from your headphones. „Y/N“ she tries but you can‘t hear her. When you finally notice a presence you pray to god it’s Wanda or one of the others but you find the redhead standing there, her features filled with guilt and relief. Your heart breaks all over again and you quickly abandon your headphones and step away from the punching bag. You stand there unable to move for a moment as you try and catch your breath.
„How was the mission then?“ you ask, almost coldly and her features tense, never having heard you like that before.
„Long but succesful“ she sighs, running her hands through her hair.
There is a long stretch of silence as her eyes plead for forgiveness, the longing very visible in her orbs and the impatience of wanting to hold you again.
„Detka I‘m so sorry“ she bursts out, taking a step towards you and you insticticely take a step backwards.
„I never wanted to leave you but it was far too dangerous and I needed to make sure-„ she begins but you cut her off. „That you don‘t have any distractions, I know“ you repeat bitterly, remembering her every word when she left.
„Every moment away from you was agony, I couldn‘t think about anything else than you. I shouldn‘t have pushed you away like that, I‘m so sorry love, please I love you“ she begs, tears lingering in her eyes.
Each of her words cuts you like a sharp knife, the guilt of the last few months making you stumble backwards. Of course she did it to keep you safe, of course she had those reasons and of course you betrayed her with Wanda. Tears linger in your eyes as your breathing is basically knocked from your lungs, your face growing pale as everything overwhelms you.
Natasha knew you too long and well to know that there was something going on and she assumes it has to do with the glances from the others before, the pity, the judgement. She only managed to connect the dots when Wanda aimlessly walks into the gym, not having noticed the redhead. „Hi darling, I brought you a smoothie, you should really take a break-„ she begins but stops herself as soon as she steps inside finding Natasha and a very pale you.
„You‘re back, sorry I didn‘t know you are in here“ Wanda quickly apologises, Natasha simply nodding before connecting the dots. Her eyes widen in realisation a little bit as both jealousy and hurt crosses her face. She should have known really that it wouldn‘t take long for someone to fall for you considering how beautiful you are, considering how kind you are. She should have known leaving you like that was an awful idea but then again she never expected you to find someone this quick, especially Wanda of all people. Both you and Wanda seem to be able to read the redhead well as her features turn serious and you assume her to simply storm off and leave but it surprises you when she stays composed and calm.
„So when did that happen then?“ she asks, not in a judgemental way but a serious one.
„While you were gone and left, Wanda was there for me. She helped me through it all and lately we.. we became closer“ you admit, knowing you owe her honesty at least.
She takes a step back, almost as to give you both space, her expression both hurt and confused. But to your surprise Wanda steps forward. „I‘m sorry Natasha, I never meant for this to happen like this“ she apologises and having known Wanda and her history, Natasha knows she is telling the truth.
Natasha looks between you two, her emotions bubbling inside her. „I never meant to lose you Y/N.. I love you but I can‘t deny what you feel“ she whispers before glancing at the two of you one more time and leaving. And despite it all it feels like her leaving over and over again, your knees feeling weak as the exhaustion from this encounter, the workout before and the lack of food and water drags you down.
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amywritesthings · 2 months
seven days. | part one.
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( Read on AO3 )
Pairing: armin arlert x gn!reader (attack on titan / shingeki no kyojin) Word Count: 3.9k Summary: Armin gets bamboozled into joining the annual Yeager family beach vacation — and accidentally meets you.
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI - alternate universe (modern), beach house, summer vacation, eventual romance, alcohol, partying, Armin deserves a romcom, Eren & Zeke have zero braincells Credits: dividers by @saradika-graphics
part two. | masterlist
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“Zeke, you Point Break bitch, did you steal my boogie board?!”
Ah, yes. 
If he was looking for a week of tranquility and peace, then Armin Arlert should have declined the invitation to join the Yeager family for their annual summer vacation.
Time and time again, Eren has begged his best friend to tag along.
As far as he's aware, this has been a family tradition ever since his best friend was a toddler.
One week, the same week, every single year.
Not to mention it's the same beach house merely two blocks away from the boardwalk and sandy shores.
Home away from home.
It’ll be amazing!
(Eren likes to claim.) 
There is so much sick shit we can do!
(His words, not Armin’s.)
You’re gonna sit on your ass and read anyway, so why not do it by a beach?
(...okay, maybe that sold him.)
Then again, nothing is more humbling than standing with your duffle bag in one hand, filled to the brim with ‘maybe’ shirts and ‘just in case’ medicines, and your pillow in another while the Yeager family chaotically dissolves into a panicked army of four battling to even get to said beach in one piece.
It’s their collective middle name.
“Armin, sweetie, do you want any snacks for the road?”
Carla Yeager — doting mother figure and matriarch of the family.
She’s the reason they’re taking two cars this year, too afraid she may forget something important at home.
From fresh tangerines to a plethora of board games, she’s thought of it all.
Shuffling his bag to give his hands some equal soreness — ouch, that's freaking heavy — Armin offers an apologetic smile.
“No, Mrs. Yeager, I’m fine. Thank you.”
“How many times do I need to tell you to call me Carla?” 
Every time, actually.
Although Zeke very easily calls his stepmother by her first name, Armin can't bring himself to do it.
Blah, blah, raised a certain way by his ever-traditional grandfather, blah.
The awkward blonde merely nods once and watches as Carla shuffles by to throw another box of napkins into the trunk.
“Here,” she gestures, waving her arms while she’s in front of the hatchback, “that looks bulky.” 
It is, but he’s a kindred spirit in the name of overpacking.
“I can find a spot for it,” he promises, but relents when the woman gives him that mom look that straightens out her son and stepson. “I— Thank you, Mrs. — Carla.”
Close enough.
He hands her his duffle bag, careful to spot the bottom of it in a sneaky attempt to help her ease his luggage into the first car.
The front door bursts open to reveal Zeke and Eren, shoulder to shoulder, frantically fighting to see who can walk out first.
Grunting, Zeke tries to push ahead with his neon-green boogie board against his torso, but Eren manages to dip at the hip and rush down the steps. 
The momentum nearly knocks Zeke’s oval glasses off the bridge of his nose.
“Could you be normal for two seconds?” the blonde groans.
Eren merely answers by sticking his tongue out and holds up a hand, wiggling his thumb and pinkie back and forth. “Fucking loser.”
Carla immediately glares. “Eren, language.”
“Forking, sorry, forking,” Eren corrects with little remorse.
“Seriously?” Zeke laments as he walks by, squinting at his brother. “What are you, ten?”
“Zeke,” a voice chastises softly from the garage. "Be nice to your brother."
Grisha Yeager, father of the year, rolls out a large cooler to bring it towards the second yet-to-be-filled car.
He’s wearing a Margaritavilla button-down, his long hair tied similar to Eren’s. On his forehead is a tie-dye headband.
“We'll be within close quarters of one another for seven whole days," Grisha reminds in that airy tone of his. "We should hold off on the in-fighting until day four at the very least.”
"I'll give it until day three," Zeke mumbles under his breath as he passes by, shoving his boogie board into the first car and smushing Armin's duffle bag down to half its size.
This is what it’s like to vacation with the Yeagers.
Except when your grandfather gets a new girlfriend, and they go to Key West for the summer, you’re stuck without being able to say no to your best friend’s family.
Seven days.
He can handle the Yeagers for seven days.
— —
  It took less than three hours for Armin's pale skin to burn like an overcooked egg.
“It’s really not that bad,” chimes in Eren, mouth occupied by the hair tie between his teeth.
Invading his pessimistic mirror space, the taller brunette dips to look at himself while fixing his staple half-up bun hairdo.
The shorter blonde frowns even further as he checks out his tomato-red shoulders, standing shirtless and shoeless in front of him.
“It looks pretty bad, Eren.”
“Nah. Just slap some aloe on it, alright?”
Ruffling sounds behind him.
Glancing over his shoulder in the reflection of the mirror, a bag of potato chips flies into view as Eren carelessly rips it from the cardboard variety pack — courtesy of the emergency snack stash in the corner of the room.
(The emergency snacks are, quote: So that bitch-ass Zeke doesn't steal the goods.)
The sun-kissed boy walks barefoot to the edge of the twin bed and flops down.
He forgot to mention he’s sharing a room with Eren, which only makes matters forty times worse.
Two twin beds with doily-esque blankets and flat pillows.
Thank god Armin had the sense to pack his own.
“Besides, the alcohol will make it feel better," Eren adds, chewing on a potato chip.
With a noise of defiance, Armin turns from the mirror to stare at his best friend.
“You do realize alcohol dehydrates a person, right?”
“So—” Armin protests tightly, “—it’ll make it worse.”
Eren pops another chip in his mouth, shaking his head. 
Eloquent as always.
Groaning, he slowly — agonizingly — pulls his pastel blue polo over his aching shoulders and breathes out through his nose.
That SPF 50 was supposed to work, but he must have lost track of time binge-reading his first book of the trip.
A spy thriller, actually, that fell flat right around chapter three and nosedived bad just at the cusp of act three.
The wildly out-of-left-field twist made him so mad that he missed his alarm to reapply another coat of sunscreen, and—
As a result, human lobster is now on the menu tonight.
Regardless, he promised to go out.
It isn't ideal, but a promise is a promise.
About ten or so blocks away from the beach house is the coveted spot known as The Point.
From what he could gather from Google, The Point is a tiki bar boasting high-top bar tables nestled in sand, recreational volleyball courts, and live music all week long.
It’s about the only lively place in this rather family-friendly beach town.
While not technically a dry town, bars are few and far between and there are approximately a whopping zero nighttime entertainment venues, so The Point was about as wild as any college kid stuck on vacation was going to get.
Earlier, Eren spent most of the car ride to the house hyping it up.
Zeke, in surprising fashion, seemed to hold the same sentiment.
(It’s probably the only thing the brothers could agree upon.)
Plus, Zeke apparently had some surfer friends he’d met online that were going on the first night of vacation, so that solidified the night’s plans.
After showering, dressing, and having family dinner with the parents, it's go time.
A little past nine at night, the three boys walk on the sidewalk in a triangle unit, with Armin trailing behind.
Ever a wallflower he keeps quiet, observing carefully as the two brothers figure out their game plan.
Zeke is anti-shots.
Eren wants shots or nothing at all.
“We’re on vacation, why the fuck wouldn’t you do shots?”
“Because,” Zeke explains, “if you start with shots, then you’re setting yourself up for failure.”
“Yeah, if you can’t hold your liquor.”
“Eren, you just turned twenty-one.”
Eren’s nostrils flare. “So?! I had plenty of practice at university!”
“Is he a lightweight, Arlert?”
Oh, shit, they’re including him.
“Be honest,” Zeke adds over his shoulder.
Like a deer in headlights, Armin blinks between the brothers. “Uh… sometimes?”
The yell out of his best friend is piercing.
“You goddamn turncoat!”
“You’re not exactly somebody with an iron stomach, Eren,” the blonde reminds softly as if calming a petulant child, only to wince when he's met with a look of pure anger. “But that isn't to say you can't hold a shot down.”
“Or five,” Eren challenges.
“Three at best,” Armin relents.
“Three and a half.”
Armin squints as they turn the corner leading towards the entrance of the bar.
“In what world does half a shot cou—”
Eren yelps, holding out an arm to stop Zeke in his tracks.
Armin subsequently also stops — as does his wearing patience.
“I have a solution.”
Zeke pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “And what’s that?”
“Look at me, dude.”
The boy with the man bun demands attention, using his pointer and middle finger to gesture between him and his half-brother. 
“You know what I’m thinking. Give it nine seconds.”
Not ten, because Eren’s favorite number is arbitrarily nine.
Zeke squints with about as much confusion as Armin’s feeling, but Armin knows by now how this is going to go.
Although they’re born with two different mothers, they’re eerily in sync with one another when they want to be extra annoying. 
Some kind of Yeager sixth sense tying them together; they fall silent, staring—
Then the thought strikes.
Like two brain cells clicking together, they simultaneously grin at one another.
So even worse than a shot or a beer.
That’s all it takes for the two to become best buds as they stroll into the tiki bar like they own the place.
The blonde and brunette zero in on an open spot at one of the several pop-up bar locations at this venue—
—leaving Armin in the dust to fumble out his I.D. to the bouncer.
It's nothing new.
Cover charge? Paid.
Hand stamp? Accomplished.
Careful not to get any sand in his sneakers, Armin treads carefully across the uneven landscape towards the same lively bar as his best friend.
Music thumps right into his ribcage. 
Flashing lights threaten to blind him if he so much as looks over his shoulder to the west.
It’s more than he’s used to.
More than he wants, really.
(What happened to the leisure part of vacation again?)
“We got you one!”
Blinking back into his body, Armin glances at the shot glass filled to the brim of Jagermeister waggled in his face. Immediately responding with a grimace, he steps back.
“No, I’ll just grab myself a drink, alright? You two enjoy — that.”
“What?” Eren’s frown is immediate. “Seriously? How else are you gonna get wasted with us?”
I’m not, is what he’d like to argue, but he knows Eren by now.
“What do you mean us?” Arnin shouts over the music. “I don’t see Zeke!”
“He got a text from one of his dumbass surfer bros and ditched,” Eren answers, “but to be perfectly honest, I’m thinking of playing the field tonight.”
“The what?”
“The field!”
“Eren, it’s really hard to hear you when they won’t stop mixing Pitbull with ABBA!”
Oh, this is impossible.
He raises his hands to gently push the shot glass towards his best friend’s chest. 
“You take it and show Zeke you can handle it!” Armin calls back at the top of his lungs, his shaggy blonde hair waving in the wind as he nods with encouragement.
That: giving Eren a challenge.
(Works like a charm.)
Determination spreads across his face. Eren nods, hyping himself up for a double-fisted success story. 
Armin simply nods, too, using the chameleon effect to build up Eren’s trust.
(Maybe he shouldn’t be using his psychology notes against his best friend, but desperate times call for desperate measures.)
Eren shouts while dropping the shot into the energy drink left perspiring on the bar top.
“I’m gonna!”
“And then I’m gonna talk to a girl! Or a guy! Or someone!”
Armin’s eyes shoot wide with surprise, but he chooses not to rain on his best friend’s parade because Eren is already chugging the drink, spilling a little of the Jagerbomb down his oversized black tee.
(Good call, wearing dark colors, unlike Armin’s poorly planned pastel.)
Slamming it down on the bar top with a howl of victory, he pats Armin on the arm and trudges forward to the dance floor to do…
Well, that’s between the power of Charli xcx and God.
“Oh, Eren,” Armin mumbles, watching the little man bun bounce in time with the beat of the music until it’s consumed by dancing bodies.
Turning back to the bartenders, the blonde debates.
Agonizes, really.
He doesn’t drink very often.
It’s not really his thing.
But… when on vacation, right?
(Alone, apparently, since Zeke isn’t coming back anytime soon and he’s going to need to deal with dragging Eren’s drunk ass home in the next two hours.)
“Vodka soda, please,” he sighs, rubbing the back of his neck.
The bartender behind the counter nods his way before pulling out a plastic cup. 
Within a few seconds the simple alcoholic beverage is concocted, and he leaves a reluctant ten-dollar bill on the sliver of the bar that isn’t covered in condensation or sloshed liquor.
He reaches—
That’s not a cup.
Freezing in his place, his blue eyes zero in on a pair of fingers entwined with his, nestled on the very same cup.
He can feel them tense under his own slender digits.
Dread. Pure, existential dread.
Apologize, apologize—
“I’m so—”
A stranger’s voice yelps with his in unison.
Before he can move, their hand rips away from his, leaving his fingers to meet with the cold plastic.
His neck cranes to his left and—
Oh, no.
Blinking several times to get his wits about him, he can feel his mouth growing dry.
The way the blinking lights illuminate off of your face completely force his train of thought off the damn tracks.
Flickers of blues, greens, pinks — they compliment your face so nicely as each shade seems to highlight another feature that he hadn’t noticed a second before.
He shouldn’t stare, but he can’t help it: you’re drop dead gorgeous.
“It’s okay,” Armin breathes out after holding his breath for some time. “That was my bad. I didn’t see you.”
Your eyes are just as wide as his. “No! No, it was my fault. I thought that was my drink.”
“What did you order?”
“Uh, a hard seltzer? I think?” you answer, scrunching your nose as you respond.
That’s a type of adorable he is not equipped to handle in his sunburnt state.
“You think?” he repeats with a small chuckle.
You move your head side to side, tilting with an uncommitted air about it.
“It’s bubbling, right? Means I’m on the right carbonated track.”
“Yeah, but don’t hard seltzers usually come in cans?”
“Not always at this place,” you correct, before pushing the cup towards him. “I also kind of panicked when I ordered, so sorry for almost being a drink stealer.”
“Trust me, I know a thing or two about panic ordering,” Armin admits with a huff, taking the cup into his hands.
You give a carefree laugh that causes his stomach to give an Olympian-grade somersault.
“Is that why you got a vodka soda?”
“Guilty as charged.”
“We’ve all been there,” you empathize, briefly pouting your lower lip. “I won’t judge.”
He’s not nearly drunk enough to deal with this (see: at all) but that doesn’t mean Armin is going to waste his opportunity.
He may be a wallflower, but he’s equal parts an opportunist.
“So you’ve been here before?” he tries instead, hoping you don’t suddenly snatch your seltzer can and walk away.
You do get your seltzer from the same bartender — a slender aluminum can, nothing fancy — but you don’t walk away.
The opposite: you angle towards him.
Shit, okay.
He can do this.
“My friends love this place,” you tell him over the music. He finds himself leaning closer, angling his chin down, so he can hear you better. “So I just tagged along to make sure no one got black-out drunk or made out with anyone weird.”
“A noble effort,” Armin teases, and your eyes sparkle with amusement. “My friends dragged me here, too.”
“Dragged?” you catch with a growing smirk as you take a sip. “I said I tagged, not dragged.”
“I mean, it wasn't — yeah, no, I was definitely dragged here,” Armin confesses, sipping his vodka soda for some liquid courage.
No use in lying to seem cool.
That facade would crumble like a house of cards.
“Partying at The Point not your scene?” you ask without judgment laced in your tone.
Armin nods. “I could be sitting on the balcony reading right now.”
Your brows slide high with intrigue. "Reading?"
Yeah, he should have expected a reaction like that.
The blonde shuffles, shrugging his shoulders.
"I know, lame."
"I don't think it's lame at all," you answer instantly.
His eyes widen. "I— no?"
"Uh, no," you snort. "If I had a choice, I'd probably be doing the same thing."
Oh, shit.
Oh... shit.
So he's not lame, and he found a possible fellow bookworm.
Armin sips his drink so fast that a little dribbles out the corner of his mouth.
Liquid courage; he needs it, badly.
"If you could be home right now instead of here, what would you be reading?" he decides to ask, knowing it's the most unsexy question he could offer.
You scrunch your nose again, seriously contemplating the question while bobbing your head to the music.
"I brought maybe two books? I should have brought more."
He nods eagerly, his blue eyes round with interest.
"I have a romance that takes place in the summer — I know. Very on the nose," you relent with a small huff. "And, uh, this thriller? But I'm not crazy about it, so I'm mostly reading the romance book on the beach."
"I brought a thriller, too," he admits. "Bounty Run."
"Shut up, you too?"
You laugh, and it's a melody that makes the music at this venue pale in comparison.
"I literally bought Bounty Run last month and never got around to it until now! It's so bad!"
To whatever deity is smiling upon him today, Armin has to thank them.
Not only has he met someone who likes reading, but they think Bounty Run sucks.
Maybe he's hallucinating from the burn screaming through his polo right now.
"It's really bad," he agrees breathlessly with a chuckle.
"Like dogshit terrible!"
"I know. What the hell was Tracy thinking in chapter six?"
"Oh my god, when she decided to call the hostage guy?"
"Like, I'm pretty sure that's not how those situations work."
"Not even close."
You both laugh, and all Armin Arlert wants is to know every miniscule thought of yours.
What other books you may have read.
If you have any recommendations.
If you're single.
He's not Eren Yeager.
He is not his best friend— 
"Are you from here?" you ask over the music, breaking his panicked train of thought.
Armin swallows more alcohol, shaking his head. "No, we're not locals. We're just vacationing."
"So are we!"
"With your friends?"
"My friend's family," you correct, leaning closer to stop shouting so loudly.
He can feel his blood pressure spike exponentially.
"I'm with my friend's family, too," Armin tells you. "Our shore house for the week is something like ten blocks from here."
“For the week? Which way’s your house?” you ask, before holding up your free hand. “Not in, like, a mega-stalker way.”
“Oh, I didn’t take it that way,” he promises, earnest intent pouring from his mouth. “It’s, uh… wait where are we — oh! That way.”
He swivels and points, like somehow that’ll triangulate where the beach starts.
Your chin turns, noting the direction. “So near the… beach? No fucking way, our house is that way, too, but more like a seven-block walk from here.”
No fucking way, indeed.
"Seriously?" Armin asks, voice cracking just a tad.
"Yeah! Do you guys camp out on the beach by third street, too?"
He nods almost too eagerly. "We were just there this afternoon."
"So were we," you confess with a light laugh. "Small world! We were both being subjected to that god-awful book and could've warned each other to pick a less shitty book."
"Well, I brought about a dozen books if you want one to borrow."
Way to go, mouth.
Armin tenses instantly as the words pour from his mouth.
"I... you know, just in case the romance book doesn't work out! Or if you're a fast reader! Or if you—"
Your question cuts through like a knife.
He is in awe.
He'll give you all of his goddamn books if it means you'll talk to him after tonight.
Suddenly your chin drops, and your free hand fishes for your phone in the back pocket of your jean shorts.
A frown tugs at the corners of your lips, causing the blonde to simply wait.
Don't go.
Don't go, don't go, don't— 
"Shit, mayday with my friend."
You sigh as if you were expecting a disaster.
Hell, he's expecting one, too, but he's selfishly forgotten about saving Eren or finding Zeke.
"Are they alright?"
"Yeah, just..." You trail off, typing back a response. "They pre-gamed before we came here to save money. I told them not to, but... best laid plans, right?"
"I could give you my number?" he blurts, and your attention leaves your phone.
Your eyes round with surprise, and he feels immense shame in even offering.
"For the books," he adds hastily. Shakily. "To borrow. O-Or if you ever want to just... talk about them."
"For the books," you agree, biting your lip between your teeth. "Yeah, sure, give me your phone."
His cup is empty, but he almost drops it trying to yank his phone out of his pocket.
Armin holds it out to you, unlocking the screen. He watches as you pocket your own phone and take his, typing your number into a new text chat window.
This is happening.
This is seriously, actually happening.
"Here," you offer, handing his phone back. "I put my name in."
He glances down, memorizing your name with newfound vigor.
"Okay, perfect. Oh — my name. My name is Armin."
"Armin?" You repeat. He nods. "I like that name."
Suddenly, he likes it, too.
"See you around?" he asks hopefully.
With a parting smile, you take a slow step backwards.
"...yeah, Armin. See you around."
You look just as sheepish as he feels when you turn on a heel, disappearing into the crowd.
For a moment he stands there, dumbfounded — phone in hand, slack jawed —
Maybe Armin Arlert won't hate spending seven days at the Yeager shore house after all.
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author's note:
Thank you SO much for reading part one of my little summer story! I've been dying to write a proper Armin fic for a while now, and a casual, warm vacation setting felt perfect for him. This is meant to be a cozy read, so I hope you enjoy my love letter to my favorite boy. xo
How are we feeling after part one? Let me know in the replies! (And thank you for any reblogs, likes, engagement, etc. Every comment gives this writer wings.)
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throneofsapphics · 2 months
the moth and the flame part one: the hold
Nessian x f!Reader
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warnings: delusional reader & nesta, drinking
summary: after meeting Nesta in a bookshop, you find the darkest parts of yourselves bonding with each other.
a/n: the first few chapters will center around Nesta before Cassian comes in! this has been my brainchild for a little while and I hope you all enjoy <3 if anyone wants to be added to a tag list please let me know!
series masterlist
Sharp breath fogging the air in front of her, Nesta set off for one of the only tasks, outside of imbibing, that didn’t quite feel like torture. Precise footsteps, steady and calm, took her down the sidewalk, hanging to the shadows, to her sanctuary. At the current hour she’d rarely seen another soul and each time she did it tended to sour her day. Not that it took much to do that recently.
Even with new Fae senses, she could tell when something was different in a space she frequented. Well, a tavern might be another story but this tiny bookstore tucked away in a far corner of Velaris wasn’t. Any other day she may have spun on her heel and stalked out, but the new Sellyn Drake novel released this morning and she’d kill to get her hands on it. Whoever this was, they did have an interesting scent. So warm and inviting it sickened her, perhaps even made her murderous.
A light headache set in. She glanced at the clock. 11:45. Today she’d make it to noon without a drink, that was good enough for her.
First, the book. Second, wine.
One foot in front of the other, crossing the floor with a dancer's grace, something years of separation from lessons couldn’t get rid of.
Eyes zoned in on the table, one copy left. A lucky day for her. Mouth curved up at the corners.
She was so focused on her target she didn’t notice you, but you didn’t notice her either, both of you set on a collision path.
Like right out of a Sellyn Drake novel, static zapped as your fingers touched, two hands retreating back, two bodies tensing, two heads snapping up and eyes locking.
Nesta was quickly enchanted by your touch - as chaotic as it was. Next, the small apologetic smile on your lips. You were speaking - words, fuck. She’d completely missed that.
“It’s all yours,” you repeated a tad slower, concern edging into your voice. Anyone else she would’ve chewed out for that. A better person would’ve let you have the book. At this moment, Nesta wasn’t a better person.
“Thanks,” she muttered and snatched it, spinning on your heel. A sharp intake of breath behind her.
Nesta paused, loosening her body and relaxing her stance, and looked over her shoulder, “what’s your name?”
You answered, and she repeated back, dragging out the last letter, watching you flush pink. A small smile on Nesta’s lips - the kind that screamed trouble, “I’m certain we’ll see each other around.”
“I certainly hope so,” you countered, that surprise she’d heard earlier replaced with an attitude that thrilled her. A little spice. Nesta figured out your scent - cloves, nutmeg, and honey. Her new favorite. She liked you, you’d have fun together.
Over the following days, thoughts of you consumed Nesta. Rolling over on her bed, the scents of various males lingering, she thought of how she’d get rid of that before she had you over. Because Nesta would have you. She needed you like oxygen, like books, like wine.
You didn’t know it yet, but you needed her too. If you didn’t, Nesta would make it so you did. She could be called many horrid things, but when she wanted something, she didn’t hesitate or hold back. Whatever you wanted, she would make it happen for you. You had her in a chokehold.
Looking back, she could pinpoint the moment when her obsession truly began - as soon as she identified and committed your scent to memory. Nesta hasn’t been able to put honey in her tea for far too long.
You thought of the blue-gray eyed beauty. Eyes so cold and harsh, but maybe you were imagining it but hadn’t they softened a tad for you? She was familiar, but you couldn’t quite place her. You supposed the place didn’t matter, not as long as you could get her next to you, above you, under you, down the aisle - you cut your mind off, thinking you’d gone way too far ahead for someone you had a thirty second encounter with at a bookshop. Even Sellyn Drake would think it was a tad ridiculous, that or he’d eat it up. Maybe you should pitch the idea and inspire his newest best seller.
Still, all you could think of was how she softened for you. She must have, you were certain of it now. The female followed up her harsh and probably standard remark with something sweet like asking your name. She wanted to know who you were, just as you wanted to know her now.
It took you a few minutes to compose yourself after meeting her. By the time you had, she was gone, and you realize you still didn’t know her name. Cursing, you sprinted towards the doors, whisper-shouting a sorry to the shop owner, even though nobody else was inside.
A flash of golden brown hair around the corner, perhaps a quarter of a mile down the street. It might not even be her, you frowned. With your luck, you’d chase all the way down just to terrorize a random citizen of Velaris.
Glancing around to check the street was empty first, you whispered a quiet ‘come back,’ a soft plea to the mystery female, the mother, and the universe to bring her back to you.
‘Too much,’ the annoyingly logical part of your brain said, but they were easily ignored and even easier to drown out.
If it came to it you could go back to that same bookstore, at the same time, and perhaps run across her again. On the other hand, you could let her find you. She seemed like the type of female who enjoyed a chase, and like a resourceful one. Oryou were reading too many books and your mind came up with outlandish fantasies. Not that outlandish, some of your friends had told you particularly tantalizing stories and you felt an inherent desire to live out one of your own, no matter how it might hurt you in the future. It would.
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viviennevermillion · 2 years
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Domestic Headcanons
notes: I survived my colonoscopy and I'm back in full power. @lxvebun, here's your ace content!
contains: character x gn!reader, set during 4th year internships
characters included: ace trappola, trey clover, leona kingscholar, malleus draconia
word count: 2.6k
warnings: spoiler for what leona's hometown is called ig
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You and your friends were more than curious about what the internships in your 4th year held in store for you; given that there were so many options all over the world. But there was more to worry about than just finding a place to intern at. Finding a place to live at while you were abroad was also a concern. Since Ace, Deuce and you were all interning in the Queendom of Hearts, you had decided to open a flatshare together.
Needless to say things were chaotic from the start but surprisingly manageable. Guess Riddle raised them well, you thought and chuckled. 
You were sitting on the couch with Ace, watching a new series he wanted to check out on the streaming service the three of you decided to share. He had an arm wrapped around you loosely and you were snuggled up against his chest; both of you silently enjoying the show and each other’s presence.
That got disrupted when Ace heard Deuce making a bit of noise in his room, suggesting that he had woken up from the nap he decided to take after work and was likely going to make himself some dinner. Ace reached for the lighter under the living room table and grabbed a couple of candles from the cupboard, placing them on the table and lighting them. He removed the flowers from the vase on the table and put the vase down on the floor. When Deuce opened the door of his room, his first sight was Ace holding the flower bouquet in front of you, kissing your hand gently and both of you being surrounded by candles. Quite the romantic atmosphere.
“Uhm…uh…sorry if I was interrupting something”, Deuce scratched the back of his neck awkwardly and walked into the kitchen, leaving you two alone in the living room. “May I ask what exactly that was supposed to be?”, you raised an eyebrow and Ace gave you a smirk. “I plundered his stuff in the fridge. Didn’t want him to nag me about it”, he chuckled and pressed a kiss to your lips. “Just how many times exactly have you used me as an alibi to bother and / or annoy Deuce?”, you sighed. “A few times”, Ace shrugged and pulled you into a hug again.
If you can cook, go ahead and teach Ace. He may complain about chores sometimes but as time passes on and he gets used to not living in his parents’ house, he’s happy to learn from you and make dinner with you. He doesn’t feel confident enough in his cooking skills yet to make something for you on his own without accidentally setting the kitchen on fire, but he prefers cooking as a shared activity with his partner anyway.
He and Deuce will fuck up with household appliances. Like, it’s not like Ace never did chores before, there were plenty at home and at Heartslabyul, but he never used a washing machine and a dishwasher before and you facepalm the first time you see him and Deuce standing around helplessly in the kitchen with the floor flooded in water and foam because one of them thought it was a good idea to put dish soap into the dishwasher and the other one didn’t object. 
“Okay, which one of you?”, you put your hand at your hips and sigh. “Me but I had doubts and Ace said ‘this is for cleaning dishes, how bad can it get, really?’”, Deuce sighed.
Sharing your first living space with Ace is just 9 months of figuring out the magnificent ways of adulting. 
And managing money. Ace is one of those guys who never looks at the prices at the grocery store and just picks the thing that looks the most appealing. 
You always fall asleep in his arms at night, now that Riddle can’t stop you from sneaking into Ace’s room.
He’ll be there when you had a stressful day at work and the two of you figure things out together, giving each other subtle affections throughout the day before finally relaxing in each other’s arms as the sun sets.
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Listen, starting out while living with Trey during your internships is literally the best option out of all of these boys. Man has his life figured out at least when it comes to having stability and adulting skills.
Take-out food is something you get rarely while living with Trey. He always stops by the grocery store or a market after work and brings fresh ingredients back home. He’d be happy if you like cooking and baking with him, because he loves to make his food himself and sees it as a bonding experience if you join him. It doesn’t matter if you’re good at cooking or not, Trey is a good teacher and he’s happy to show you.
He has a Magicam account but pretty much the only thing he posts there is pictures of food he cooked. So he’s super proud to show off what you made together.
Loves when you wrap your arms around his waist from behind while he cooks, leaning your cheek against his back. He gets to do something he loves and has your affection along with it.
Trey is a simple man. Sometimes he brings home a bouquet of flowers for you but otherwise his affection shows in much more idle moments; when he jokes around with you if you mess up in the kitchen or when he lends you one of his hoodies if you’re cold. Trey’s love for you shows in the goodbye and welcome home kisses before and after every day at your internships. It shows in how he’s actively looking for ways to make your temporary home more comfortable; picking up plants or little decorative items when the two of you are going out and asking you if you think it’d be a nice addition to your flat. 
He already has a bunch of succulents and other small plants put everywhere on window sills and shelves to make your place more comfortable.
He doesn’t say it yet because he doesn’t want to get too ahead of himself but he’s loving this lifestyle with you and he’d love for you to continue living together after graduation. 
Trey always listens to your wishes for what you would like to eat for dinner and he somehow finds a way to make it happen, even if the recipe is super difficult. “You really don’t have to, Trey”, you insist and reach for his hand. He squeezes your hand in his and presses a kiss to your forehead. “It’s not a problem…I admit this is a little harder than I thought it’d be, but if it’s going to make you smile, it’s worth every effort”, he insists and gives you a loving smile. “Just seeing you every day makes me smile more than enough”, you reply and kiss his lips softly.
Trey runs a hand through his hair awkwardly. “Aw, come on, you know you fluster me when you say stuff like this”, he chuckles and blushes. “I know”, you smirk and pull him into a deeper kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck, “that’s the plan.” You whisper against his lips, pressing soft, appreciative pecks to them repeatedly while you can see Trey blushing even more. “I have a dinner to cook, y/n”, he sighs and gives you a loving hug before returning his attention to the ingredients. 
Trey is super easy to move in with. He can adapt easily and communicating with him about who does what chores around the flat works super well. Trey is husband material and it definitely doesn’t take you long to realize it. Living with him is super comfortable and reassuring; knowing that whatever the day throws at you, there’s security and love in the happenings of mundane daily life.
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Living with Leona has its upsides and downsides. 
You get to be picky with where the two of you move because Leona is a prince and therefore has quite a lot of cash to spare, so not being able to pay your rent isn’t something you would have to worry about. 
Leona drives you to work every morning before he goes to his own internship place at the edge of Sunrise City. The way he leans over to the passenger seat to press a kiss to your lips every morning without fail, sometimes not being able to get enough of your lips and repeatedly pulling you into another kiss could make you melt into his arms right then and there and you just wish you had 10 more minutes to spend with him. Or 20. Or just a whole day while you’re at it. Leona knows this and does this on purpose. It boosts his ego, knowing you miss him while at work and are looking forward to seeing him again. 
He wouldn’t admit it but he loves just getting short text messages from you during your breaks and knowing you’re thinking about him. Instantly brings a smile to his face. 
He also picks you up from the internship on the way back if you don’t have your own car. 
Leona isn’t one for cooking so you two usually get takeout food, which in Leona’s case means like, a bucket full of nothing but meat if you don’t stop him. Lovingly calls you herbivore everytime you order something with vegetables.
He knows where to get good food in Sunrise City and he never misses with his restaurant choices.
Given that you’re his lover and he actually without a doubt enjoys having you around, he has no problem showing you around the city; taking walks with you through the parks during sunset. 
Leona will likely hire someone to do the household chores as he doesn’t want to do them himself, on some days his depression would be actively preventing him from getting things done and he also would never want to burden you with doing everything for him. 
Nevertheless, being around Leona can sometimes demotivate you from taking care of your own responsibilities. He pulls you into his arms to cuddle and this can be the start of a spiral of procrastination if you’re not careful.
Leona doesn’t really care how you decorate your flat as long as nothing bothers his strong sense of smell or is in such bright colors that it hurts his eyes. He’s one of those guys who drive to the furniture store with you and just have no opinion on anything except for the bed because the quality of his naps must not be impacted. With everything else, if you left him alone, he’d just look at the shopping list, reads that you need a lamp, a small bathroom shelf and a carpet and he just grabs the first things that work, even if they don’t fit together. So you better go with him. 
“Do you think the shelf with the dark wood would fit better in the living room or should we take the white one?”, you ask and Leona just shrugs. “As long as our stuff fits on it and it doesn’t fall apart”, he leans on the shopping cart and his tail swishes back and forth idly, “we can throw a coin if ya can’t decide.”
Leona loves having you sleep in his arms at night but chances are you already did that at Night Raven College regularly, if not all the time. 
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Chaos is also a form of adventure!
Seriously though, Malleus is so sweet and always eager to help and he’s so excited that he gets to live with you during his internship and explore the city you intern in with you but this man is not in any way equipped nor prepared for normal modern adult life.
First off, you get takeout food everyday because Malleus repeatedly fries the kitchen appliances with his magic on accident and you already dodged a bullet by getting a small house from his wealth as a royal because if you got a flat with him, the neighbors would be complaining so hard about the frequent power outages caused by the confused fae prince with adjustment issues.
Before you move in together, Malleus excitedly tells you that he has found a building that would be perfect for the two of you to share. He shows it to you and you raise an eyebrow. “Malleus, this is a 40 minute drive away from my internship place, why does it have to be this one specifically?”, you raise an eyebrow and he frowns because you didn’t notice. He points at the gargoyles on the roof and you bury your head in his chest. “Oh my god, Malleus, was this your only criteria?”, you sigh.
Malleus wanted to contribute to finding a place for the two of you but you can bet he’s not going to check the internet. No, he hires a real estate agent and “are there any buildings with gargoyles we can rent or buy?” was indeed one of his first questions.
Anyway the two of you have a technology room that Malleus doesn’t go into and it’s insulated with magic-blocking material. This is where you charge your phone and spend time at your laptop or keep any other electrical devices. 
Malleus takes the train to work everyday and he fucking loves public transport. You’re so fed-up with screaming kids on the bus and people listening to the Twisted Wonderland equivalent of TikToks on speaker on the train but for Malleus this is like, the most fascinating thing ever.
He also loves the mall and large grocery stores. They have so many everyday items he has never seen in Briar Valley. 
To celebrate moving in together, you told him to just pick whatever interests him at the grocery store, the first time the two of you went there. You spent 3 hours in that store and you had to explain to Malleus that some of the frozen food he picked is not supposed to stay frozen. He also buys 5 different kinds of ice cream.
He makes you a pretty ice cream cup with the one Riddle gifted him for his birthday and presents it to you proudly.
Whenever he’s in deep thought, you’ll find him sitting on the roof with the gargoyles, looking over the area. “You know…”, you sit down next to him and he instantly pulls you close to him, partly because he missed your affection but also because he wants to keep you safe and secure, “you were right. This place has a nice view.” You turn your head to him and kiss his lips gently.
Malleus is absolutely thriving with the fact that he gets to live with you and spend his days with you without his retainers present because Silver and Sebek are still at NRC. He’s so affectionate with you and makes the most of the fact that the two of you have some time to yourself without Sebek frantically looking for him.
Malleus loves to fall asleep in your arms at night. It took a bit to figure out how to make that work with his horns and him being almost 2m tall, but Malleus Draconia is a little spoon and he doesn’t care if you can only hug his upper body, he’s sleeping in his beloved’s arms and that’s that.
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somerandomdudelmao · 1 year
It's Cass appreciation time!!! Don't get me wrong, I think we all appreciate you exactly all the time, but I wanted to write it out because I'm filled with SO MUCH LOVE RIGHT NOW THAT I PHYSICALLY CAN'T CONTAIN IT.
First and foremost, I think you're a wonderful person. I may not know you personally, but the way in which you go about things - not just in your comic, but the way you interact with people - just leaves me in awe. You're so gentle but in the most chaotic way possible, and it makes me so happy to be alive. You're supportive of people and the things they create, while also just... spreading the joys of not just the fandom, but so many other things too. You're one of the people on here that unites the fandom as a whole, and it's so inspiring! You bring so much love here, and I admire that about you.
Another thing that I admire is that you know what your limits are and that you take care of yourself. I see so many people these days who don't - some who just forget, some who don't realize they're doing it, and others who blatantly refuse to do so - and it's frustrating to see. I want to help them (aka: wrap them in a blanket burrito to protect them from the world, offer coping skills, give them the support they need- the list goes on), but I can't really do much of that without burning myself out. Which is why I love to see you take care of yourself - whenever I see those asks that are like "reminder to drink water / rest / take a break", it reminds me that I need to do it too, and I'm positive that it reminds others as well. That, and it's refreshing to see!
I also love how creative and spontaneous you are! The plots you come up with, as well as the characterization and overall flow of the story - not to mention the PERFECT amount of fluff and angst you give us (WITH THE PROMISE OF A HAPPY ENDING??? OH MY GOD)- leaves me floored every time! I don't know a whole lot about writing and portraying things, but I've learned a bunch just by what you do. LETS ALSO REMEMBER ALL THE SMALL DETAILS YOU PUT INTO THIS - THE PARALLELS, THE LITTLE SHOWS OF AFFECTION,AND JUST- EVERYTHING??? GHDBDKDBSJ
You inspire me to create, and whenever I have the confidence to post what I'm working on, I'll be sure to tag you (bc all of it is related to your comic)!
I have so much to say, but not nearly enough words to fully express it! But this is also getting much longer than I thought it would, and as much as I want to sing you praises all day, there's not enough time. So to wrap this up:
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for all that you do. I'm sure it's not easy - you're a whole person outside of this, and everyone has bad days - so, again, thank you. I may not know you personally, but I still care a great deal about you. Please keep taking care of yourself! Drink some water, have a snack, take a nap, make some time for yourself - whatever it is, have a fantastic time hon. You deserve it.
Keep being amazing, and I wish you the best!
Until next time, dearie ^-^
Oh god I don't even know what to say jcdtujdsukcdhb thank you yhank you thank you so much you just brightened my day I
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zoropookie · 20 days
sweet melody tidbit — #1
tw: aggression, slight verbal ab*se, gets very very tense, misandry(?)
this is written for the smau sweet melody, for context! this may not make sense if you're only reading this.
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Kuni's room was dimly lit, save for a soft glow of the desk lamp. There was a pool of light over his scattered textbooks, crumpled notes littered. There was an oppressing reminder lingering that he was losing time to studying, but he sat hunched over the books with a glazed over look in his eyes.
Heavily scanning the same fucking paragraph for what felt like the thousandth time, words combining together, forming indecipherable messes in his head he found useless. His head was splitting, overwhelming himself with the weight of formulas and historical dates and theories. Swirling chaotically to amalgamate all of his brain, thoughts fracturing as quick as it was built.
"Focus," he grumbled, telling himself while he clawed his fingernails into his palm hard enough to form wounded crescents. "Just fucking focus, you've literally done this before."
There were many sleepless nights he couldn't get past, feigning his tired muscles that ached from sitting too long. Eyes burning from staring at the pages. Still, there was a certain discipline that couldn't tell him to stop. He had a expectation to meet, after all, and his own standards to uphold. It's why when his door creaked open as he tried to force his way through another paragraph of long text, he stiffened, but not enough for his mother's severe expression to falter.
She stepped into the room, footsteps firm and measured as she carried a plate of dinner in her hands. "Why are you sitting like that?" She asked, filling the air with tension already. While her tone was soft, she didn't leave any room for argument. "You'll hardly learn anything hunched over like a street beggar."
The former tensed, the light bleeding emitting from his knuckles kept in his palm while he instinctively sat up straighter. He didn't dare make eye contact with her, and squared his shoulders, though every muscle screamed in protest. "Hard to focus," He said, a lack of vitality in his tone. "I was going to nap once this was done."
Ei only moved closer, look sweeping over the mess on his desk. She took one of them, smoothing it out with a flick of her wrist. "You complain about finding it difficult when you can't even keep your workspace organized. How do you expect to keep your thoughts organized as well?"
"I don't know." he replied, tone tight with aggravation, his eyes darkening.
"Of course you do." She said, sharply. "You insist on wasting everyone's time at dinner yesterday with your useless prattle, your studies aren't as hard as you think they are and yet you still have the gall to talk as if you're being dealt blows. What have you dealt with that lets you talk recklessly?"
"Nothing." His jaw clenched, a surge of irritation bubbling up inside of him.
"You don't have a hard life, as far as I'm concerned, and you still complain? (Y/N)'s mother's funeral is in a week, I'm sure you haven't made an effort to check on them, so I stopped by to make sure they were eating properly." Ei retorted, placing the lukewarm dinner on the desk beside him. "I don't invest in your education for you to ignore me. Look at me when I talk to you."
He held his tongue, despite his seething mirth, and his head turned slowly to look at her. He wanted to flinch at his mother's equally as intense expression, but even with that, there wasn't anything behind her eyes. She was able to rescind herself from her son so easily, it made him wonder. "I understand." He said instead, but with a sigh this time.
"Clearly not," She responded. "You continue to feel sorry for yourself that it's hard to feel sympathy for you."
Her words kept stinging, each bite like a needle prickling at his already frazzled nerves. "Mhm," He nodded stiffly, leaving no more room for her to keep talking to him, but his sarcastic tone failed him. "I caught your drift five minutes ago, actually."
"Your tone needs shaping up." Ei's hard stare lingered for a moment longer, eyes boring into him as if willing him to succeed through sheer force of her will. "Why are you, as a man, so comfortable talking to people around you like they're your friends? You'll be like them all, women will talk to you with bated breath, and you'll struggle with posterity. I don't know how you got this far."
It was threatening to spill over, teeth gritting inside his mouth, jaw tightening as he struggled to keep his emotions in check. He could feel the pain spread through his temples. "I know," he finally replied, low and strained. "I'll do better."
"See that you do." She immediately responded. "And try contacting your partner sometime soon. It's your responsibility to bear that they're safe. I dread the day for you that I hear they haven't heard from you in weeks." Ei was curt, voice like ice. She turned on her heel, leaving him with the dinner and the biting sting of her words hanging over his head.
Once he heard Ei's footsteps sound nonexistent, he exhaled sharply before standing up. "Fucking bitch." He took the Katsudon he suspected Yae had cooked and with a further brute strength, he threw it against the wall, glass shattering. The smaller shards bounced off the door and cut the exposed skin on his arms.
He clawed at his hair in almost what felt like an erratic frenzy, whirlpooling his thoughts of conflict.
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fishnapple · 6 months
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CRYSTAL READING: What messages come to you through dreams ?
This is a general reading meant for multiple people. Take only what resonates and leave out the rest.
Feedback is much appreciated ❤️
Buy me a drink or book a reading with me - KO-FI (Read this post : personal reading)
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1. Tiger's eye
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Some desires for order and security deep within you have been trying to find a way to get your attention through dreams.
Those dreams would pull your attention toward relationships. Relationships with people and with material possessions.
Uncover a desire for love and sharing.
A desire for your most vulnerable part to be protected.
I believe each of us has an inner authority.
And this inner authoritative figure inside you is trying to tell you that you're indeed being protected.
This inner protection could also manifest as an outside protection.
Each vulnerable part inside us will meet a counterpart strong enough to face and accept it.
Your dreams are telling you don't be surprised when your wishes do come true out of nowhere.
It may seem sudden to you, but actually, every small action you do during your daily mundane routine would reflect your inner desires and feelings. And they have been gathering force deep and ready to burst out.
Just a side note, going to social conventions, where there are lots of strangers, would bring some pleasant surprises.
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2. Agate
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Your shadow has something to tell you.
Shadow here does not mean anything bad or evil, just some parts that stay in the dark of your pysche, lacking your awareness. It could be a forgotten pleasant memory, a hidden talent waiting to be developed, an embarrassing thought, or just some mundane thing that was pushed to the back.
But here, your shadow is saying that the residence is getting crowed, too many residents are being crammed into the dark.
Maybe consider changing for a stronger and larger light bulb ?
While you may go about your life in pursuit of some happiness with other people, you are not aware of other aspects in your life getting neglected.
I see an image of an oblivious mother duck going ahead without noticing her children scrambling behind, struggling to keep up.
The message would involve food, eating, what you put into your mouth, and what comes out of your mouth.
A female figure would appear in your dream to tell you directly or subtly to take care of those aspects. To take it easy and maybe doing some light creative project with friends would bring in unexpected fun.
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3. Labradorite
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There are some frustrations. Not a big obvious one, but just some small itch. But with time, it could grow into some serious discontentment.
Your life may appear good, nothing chaotic or disruptive.
But the energy feels stagnant, being divided into small parts. Like the feeling on a humid summer day, the air is moist but quite suffocating. Everything is still and lazy, waiting for a release of thunderstorms.
This feeling could come from the environment you are in. Nothing too grand or exhilarating would happen.
So the dreams are showing you a yearning for something bigger, more foreign, out of the norm.
If left unchecked, this yearning would create some chaotic or spontaneous actions without your total awareness.
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4. Moonstone
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For those that chose this moonstone, the stone represents the moon landed nearest to the centre.
The biggest theme would be your emotional fulfilment, what is nourishing you.
The dream would be an intimate whisper, a soft word of solace for you.
When you are about to experiencing some change in your life, when your daily routine is disturbed, when the fun is take out, when you seem to be unable to find motivation, don't try to force anything.
Maybe inaction would be the best action.
A good meal, a nice, cosy sleep would do wonder.
Become more aware of what food you are craving and what reactions are arising inside. It would bring lots of light into your hidden part.
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solar-wing · 6 months
☀️ Omegaverse: Alpha & Omega Biology ☀️
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Hi guys!
I wanted to make this post because I expected that I would need to explain this topic and my reasoning behind it at some point. Many of you have read my Omegaverse fics and have probably guessed correctly that it's my favorite AU or trope to write about.
But, I'm sure many of you have been slightly put off or dissuaded by my tendency to describe the Omega Male Reader with a cunt, wet heat or core, and their Alpha sucking on a 'nub' or playing with a cocklette. I totally get it.
I am a male author who writes for male readers, cis and trans alike. But, I am also someone who in my years has grown to detest labels and gender roles and the silent rules they put on us.
This is why I set up my version of Omegaverse and A/B/O Dynamics on the basis that Omegas have vaginal genitals and Alphas have phallus genitals, regardless of gender. In my eyes, it helps to create a more imaginable and realistic explanation of male pregnancy and pregnancy between two women, which I hope gives inspiration to wlw authors, even though I already know I'm not the first person to use this idea. Not even close.
Also, I just like the chaoticness of it all.
But, I know it can be jarring or off-putting for male readers who may not want to think of their themselves as the readers having a cunt or a pleasure nub. Which, also let me explain that.
Since I write for male readers, and I'm sure some may have an aversion to the terms vagina, pussy, folds, clit, etc., I do my best to steer away from using those words as much as possible. I know 'cunt' is probably not the next best thing but if anyone has suggestions, I'm more than open to hearing them!
But, I also detail the use of cocklettes and twats which may be a little confusing (and weird) to imagine or think about, but it's fiction. We all have weird fantasies, thoughts, ideas, etc.
The cocklette is the male omega's version of a penis. This tiny and often defective organ typically serves no purpose but as a bundle of nerves/pleasure spot for Omegas. A male equivalent of a clit.
Let me be clear; I am a cis-gendered male author. But, as I said, I write for male readers, ALL male readers. Cis, trans, and those are non-binary alike. This is why I typically don't put non-binary or trans in my tags because I'm keeping the reader as a character as ambiguous and open as possible.
The most I put in the tags regarding identity or label is gay so that it reaches more of the audience I want it to reach. That's it.
Also, I'm sure it doesn't help that I mainly write from a submissive point of view. I'm biased toward bottom/sub-male readers, I admit it. And I know there's a growing demand for top/dominant male reader content, but I'm sorry, that is just not my cup of tea.
But, if you don't want to read about yourself having vaginal parts and a cocklette, that is more than okay. That's why I always put a disclaimer in the warnings section of my author's notes if a fic is Omegaverse and include a link to my headcanons. I'm letting you know from jump what's in the fic you're about to read and giving you more than enough opportunity to turn away.
I do write smut that's not Omegaverse as well, plus I have many fics with no smut at all that keep things clean and open for my male readers to imagine themselves in.
This is not shade or me throwing shots at anyone who felt uncomfortable or surprised by it. It's completely valid, and I understand. But, I give plenty of warning and opportunity so there isn't any confusion.
You will likely never see me write an explicit trans male character since that's not part of my identity and I'd rather give that opportunity and shine to the authors who are of that identity. I just write what I like to write, or better yet, what I myself like to read.
The only thing that doesn't change is that my characters, reader or original, are and will always be MALE characters. Even if my Omegaverse characters have vaginal parts and their nipples leak more milk than a pregnant cow, they are MALE characters. Not female. They are boys, men, fathers, sons, brothers, uncles, nephews, boyfriends, husbands, misters, kings, princes, dukes, barons, cowboys, bachelors, fucking dudes, and every other word related in the dictionary. Again, no shade to any female reader I have, but yall know what it is to.
I hope this doesn't discourage anyone and that everyone receives it as I intended it. If you like my fics, please engage more with them and tell me the things you like and want to see more of! If you want more regular smut and less Omegaverse smut, I'm more than happy to comply, just please check my rules first!
Thank you!
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jesterwriting · 11 months
empty inbox ya say? Don't mind if I show up!
So, I am a lover of the grumpy x sunshine kinda trope, but I want to hear your thoughts of crocodile having an caotic partner? Always having some kind of prank or stupid joke, just to see crocodile crack a smirk or something, but no matter how much they try, they always fail to so. So, after one day that the little sunshine tried so hard of trying they just pout around croc, and he just to try to cheer up his darling just a little, try to crack one of his own stupid joke just to see them laugh a little and go back into being his sunshine
(if you are not comfortable/don't find the prompt as entertaining, you can skip it tho, okay?)
pairing: crocodile x gn!reader
contents: established relationship, fluff, bad jokes, sunshine!reader, crocodile and his soft spot for you, he acts annoyed but hes entirely smitten i promise
word count: 1.1k words
note: OMG this was such a cute idea!! grumpy x sunshine is one of the best tropes ever, im such a sucker for it. im not particularly good at writing chaotic reader, though i definitely tried to make them quite silly. thank you so much for your request anon <33
playlist: dance the night by dua lipa
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To an outsider, your relationship with Crocodile could, very easily, be one of the most confounding relationships one had ever seen. Of course, there had been more ill fitting partnerships out there, but you and Crocodile were close runners up. He was a large, intimidating man, with a harsh expression, and an even harsher tone. When he was displeased, his words alone were enough to rip apart an idiot’s flimsy confidence. Crocodile was a man of wealth and status. The only thing that ran deeper than the promise of violence, was the sand he was made of.
You, on the other hand, were the exact opposite. Bright and full of sunshine, you practically glowed against Crocodile’s side. With a smile so wide, it almost hurt to look at you. There was a softness to you that was absent in Crocodile. There had been more than one occasion where you were seen helping a wayward insect back outside, cupped gently against your palm, or offering directions to a lost couple who ran off in terror when your infamous husband approached. The crowd watched in horror when you scolded him with an elbow to the ribs. Crocodile did nothing but roll his eyes.
When you weren’t helping the lost, with your terrifying husband looming over your shoulder, you were a whirlwind of chaos. Prank after prank on unsuspecting visitors to the casino were done in your name. Nothing too egregious, you never aimed to harm, all you wanted was to make people laugh. A task you succeeded in, at least when you were alone. Crocodile’s unamused expression as he carted you away, laughing uproariously, did little for the mood.
It was only in the privacy of your shared abode did those pranks find a target in Crocodile. You respected your husband’s boundaries. Not once did you consider making a fool of him in public — not that it was your intention, you simply knew Crocodile well enough to know that was how he would take it — nor did you even consider any pranks that involved water. It was a damn shame. A bucket of water over the door was truly the prank of all time. Just imagining Crocodile, soaked to the bone, cigar wet and limp against his lips as he stared at you with such crushing annoyance, was enough to make you snicker out loud.
However funny it may be, your bits weren’t worth losing Crocodile’s trust. Such a thing was a rare gift from your husband, very few people alive had the honor to receive it. With a hint of pride, you considered the possibility that you were the only person alive to say that Crocodile felt safe enough to confide in them. Boy, if that didn’t make your heart absolutely swell.
Your only regret was, no matter how many jokes you played, you never got Crocodile to crack a smile. Even when you covered his desk with sticky notes — “Y/N, you realize you’re cleaning this up.” — or that stupid crank call you did a few weeks ago — “No, my refrigerator is not running, don’t call this number again.” — were not enough to get the barest huff of a laugh.
That was how you found yourself in Crocodile’s office, hanging upside down in the chair in front of his desk. It was normally reserved for when he had a private meeting, but today he was stuck doing paperwork. It was silent, save for the scribble of his pen against top secret documents you weren’t supposed to see, but would be able to look at with a single ‘please.’
“C’mon, you think I’m funny.”
Crocodile didn’t look up from his work as he responded, “I think you’re foolish.”
“Yeah, but I’m your fool.” Flipping around in your chair, you swung your legs over one arm and hung your head off the other. Boredom was not an uncommon foe during quiet afternoons with Crocodile. You needed near constant stimulation to keep yourself in check, and for all the reasons you loved him, Crocodile did, in fact, have a massive stick up his ass. “You’re a king and I’m your jingling little fool. Let me tell you a joke.”
Crocodile grumbled under his breath, but he didn’t tell you to stop. With a grin, you said, “Why did the egg hide?”
With a sigh, he dropped his pen to run a hand through his hair. “Why did the egg hide, Y/N?”
Patting a drumroll against your thighs, you paused for dramatic effect. Seconds passed in silence, save for your palms’ rhythmic song against your thighs, Crocodile’s eyebrows furrowing deeper and deeper the longer you continued. Finally, you blurted,
“It was a little chicken!”
Crickets. Your husband didn’t even spare you a response before his pen was in his hand again, signing who knew what. With a roll of your eyes, you flopped from the chair and onto the floor. The carpet was soft against your palms.
“Okay, that was bad, but you could have at least said something.”
“You’re going to have to say something funny to get a response out of me,” Crocodile rumbled, not even bothering to glance at you while you laid on the floor.
This sucked. You could make everyone laugh, all except for the one who mattered to you the most. A part of you wondered why you didn’t give up. You were sure you were being at least a little annoying — though the smaller voice in your head reminded you that Crocodile was one to request time alone when he was in a bad mood.
“Fine. No more jokes, spoilsport.”
No response. Fine then, at least the floor was comfortable.
For the next twenty minutes, you kept yourself busy by counting ceiling tiles, or by fighting the urge to reach under Crocodile’s desk and steal his shoes. No more pranks, remember, you told yourself. Not until you stopped feeling like a big ol’ pile of poo, at least.
“How do you make a plumber cry?” Crocodile’s voice surprised you after going so long without hearing it. (It’d been thirty minutes, maximum, though it felt like an eternity)
You wet your lips before you responded, already feeling a giggle bubbling in your chest. “How?”
“Kill his family.”
You burst out laughing. Curling your fingers against the edge of the desk, you popped your head into his view, positively beaming. While Crocodile was never one for grandiose displays of emotion, he graced you with one of his rare, honest smiles.
“That’s more like it, doll.”
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mrs-snape5984 · 6 months
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“As long as I'm with you, I've got a smile on my face…”
“Save your tears, it'll be okay. All I know is you're here with me…” (“Here with me” by D4vd)
Suffering from ME/CFS makes me feel like my whole world is falling apart in front of my eyes. Since I’ve already lost so much joy and so many abilities due to this devastating disease, my continuing loss seems to increase even further.
As some of you might know, do I love to write my own stories about Severus and Julia just as much as I enjoy using my tumblr blog as some kind of journal, whenever I’ve commissioned another artwork. It’s my way of rolling out a red carpet for the artists of Snapedom…it’s my way of honouring them for their talent in their profession. Commissioning those amazing people and letting them make my ideas and fantasies come to life, is my very own manner of coping with my physical and emotional pain.
And now, this coping mechanism seems to crumble into pieces as well as everything else, that I’ve already lost! It hurts me to admit, that my brain fog takes advantage of my capability to create vivid images with my words. My thoughts are getting blurry and chaotic. I’m struggling to find the right words to express my emotions (it’s even worse in my native language German than in English!!)…and this scares me to hell!
My mind was the only place, where I could find some shelter from my infuriating and terrifying reality of losing myself to ME/CFS. What if I forfeit my only - just barely existing- talent now?? How should I flee this nightmare of existence if writing wouldn’t be an option anymore?! How should I express my gratitude towards all those marvellous artists of Snapedom, who are all weaving my emotional comfort blanket with each piece of their art?!?
I don’t want to give up on my writing…and I won’t…even though my pride would probably fade away with each badly written chapter of my fictions…and with each unworthy post on my blog. I must admit, that I’m already acknowledging the loss of quality. 🥺
I found an inspiring poem about the importance of staying resilient, no matter how difficult the hardships of life might become, and I want to share it with you:
"KEEP GOING" (Better known as "DON'T QUIT") by Edgar A. Guest
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, When the road you're trudging seems all uphill, When the funds are low and debts are high, And you want to smile but have to sigh.
When care is pressing you down a bit, Rest, if you must, but DON'T YOU QUIT!
Life is queer with its twists and turns, As everyone of us sometimes learns, And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won if he'd stuck it out, Don't give up though the pace seems slow, You might succeed with another blow.
Often the struggler has given up, When he might captured the victor's cup.
And he learned too late, when the night slipped down, How close he was to the golden crown,
Success is failure turned inside out, The silver tint on clouds of doubt, And you never can tell how close you are, It may be near when it seems afar,
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit, It's when things seem worst that you mustn't quit.
My dear @mmad-lover, I can’t stress enough how grateful I am for your dedication to this stunning piece of art and believe me, it was worth every single second of waiting! Paula, I was incredibly touched to hear, that my request seemed to be something special, something personal to you. I can assure you, that, indeed, all of my ideas have a profound meaning to me and I’m glad that you’re such an empathetic person, who sensed that particular importance of your art to me. Your devotion to this drawing is palpable in every single detail, every line of your brushes. You created exactly the mood, that I wished for Severus and Julia. It doesn’t matter that the world is burning to the ground around them, they will always have each other’s backs! Just like I’m relying on Severus for more than 21 years now. Thank you for everything, you precious soul! I’m glad that I met you and I hope, we’ll stay in touch. 🥹
🖤Severus & Julia🖤
🖤Sevy & Jules🖤
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cantwritethetword · 8 months
Donna, Human, Yes
Fic Descript: During an argument, Donna discovers that the doctor has a rather human weakness. When he insists he's not ticklish, she has to prove him wrong.
Yes writers blocked kicked my ASS last year (aside from squealing santa, i feel like i did ok with that one hehe) but I'm back with this lil fic.
I watched the Doctor Who specials FINALLY and I cried so many times omfg it was so good to see David Tennant and Catherine Tate back together again being lil chaotic besties through all of time and space, so of course I had to write something for it !!!!
And you are bearing witness to the magic of my adhd meds in action !!! I've been so productive in the last hour it's great !!! (EDIT: didn't write this in an hour, just to be clear. took me a little while but ADHD MEDS WORKED FOR BOTH TIMES YAY)
Just something cute and fluffy af ^^ love you all <3
- Enoy! ~
Tag List: @carrie-tate
Masterpost Link 
The bond between Donna and The Doctor was certainly one for the ages.
Human words couldn't do justice to the type of bond they had, at least that's what The Doctor claimed in his newer, more openly emotional regeneration. Their love was too strong for just the term of friendship, too close for anything romantically implied, too adoring to be siblings. Even the term soulmates had a particularly selective connotation to it that left a bad taste in The Doctor's mouth.
Nevertheless, it was clear they could hardly live without the other. There was enough love between them to power galaxies, and knowing their history neither would be surprised if it had.
And it was this closeness, this fierce tenderness, that led to discussions such as this. Displays of deep affection half-heartedly disguised behind harsh tones and disgruntled gestures.
"You may be a high and mighty Time Lord, but you're still an idiot." Donna huffed, as the TARDIS finally settled after takeoff.
The Doctor scoffed. "I'll try not to take that to heart, and I thought that escape went quite well!"
"YOU THOUGHT-" Donna stopped herself, breathing deeply to try and contain her shit that was threatening to lose itself. "The only reason we even STARTED to escape was because I PUSHED YOU TO THE EXIT!"
"Well yeahhhh..." The Doctor rolled his head, letting his eyes drift away from his companion's. "But-."
"But NOTHING." Donna interjected. "It's the same thing every time! You start running your mouth and saving the day, and that's wonderful, but you don't know when to stop!"
"Donna I-"
"Let me finish." She snapped, raising a pointed finger towards him and stepping closer.
The Doctor held his hands up in front of him with a gentle nod of the head.
"You drag yourself through hell, running and ranting and... and sonic-ing!"
A small snicker escaped The Doctor, but he straightened his face almost instantly after when her angry look didn't waver.
"You can't control yourself!"
He didn't dare argue.
"I always have to pull. your. arse. out.!" She accentuated each of the last words with a corresponding poke to The Doctor's torso.
And while she expected the pokes to help get her point across, she definitely was not expecting the almost childish giggle that spilled out of his mouth. Or the awkward jerk his body made to cover the ribs she had prodded.
But Donna wasn't stupid. She didn't waste any time in a state of surprise, no she jumped straight to (correct) conclusions.
"Oh no way." She grinned, creeping closer to the now incredibly flustered Time Lord.
"Now Donna," The Doctor began, his mouth twitching upwards in a nervous smile of self-betrayal. "You don't know what this is."
Donna gave a singular breathy chuckle. "Nice try sunshine, but you're not yapping your way out of this one."
"There are countless reasons why... why I would... flinch away from you like that!" He continued rambling.
"I know ticklish when I see it sweetheart." She smiled sweetly, though there was nothing sweet about the predatory glint in her eyes.
"What?!" The Doctor tensed, almost frozen in place at the mention of the word. Though quickly forced himself back into talking his way out of the situation in a faux-calm tone. "Uh, Doctor, Time Lord, no."
She smirked, stepping closer to him.
"Donna," she paused, reveling in just how much she was getting to him. "Human," she paused again, less than a few feet away from him. "Yes."
And then she lunged.
Her hands met his sides and The Doctor curled inwards, his arms tangling themselves in a fruitless effort to push her away.
For a moment, there was nothing but the sounds of Donna's fingertips clawing against the fabric of The Doctor's shirt, before he finally cracked.
Bubbly giggles spluttered out of The Doctor's chest as he folded forwards, allowing Donna to slip behind him and trap him in a bear hug. His knees slowly buckled, and (with no chance at keeping someone his height upright by herself), Donna followed his squirming body to the floor.
"Dohohohonnahaha!" He squeaked between bouts of helpless laughter, but her name was barely comprehensible amongst the childish noises she tickled out of him. "Ihihihi-!... wahahai-!... stahahaha-!..."
She chuckled, rolling her eyes as her hands climbed up into his armpits. "What was that?"
He couldn't reply with anything other than a squeal, writhing for a few seconds before his body finally submitted to the playful torture. He tried to splutter a few words out, but nothing could make its way through the torrent of giggles currently occupying his voice box. THe man had gone practically limp, aside from his hands which were still seized up like a tyrannosaurus rex.
"I never thought I'd see the day..." Donna shook her head in amusement as she skittered her fingernails around his collarbones. "That anyone would render you speechless."
She laughed again. "Keep trying space man."
"IHIHIHI-! CAHAHAHA-!" He chortled, his hands suddenly free enough to slap themselves to his cheeks to cover his embarrassment.
"Whaaaat~?" She teased, rapidly poking him in one side while squeezing the other.
"IT TIHIHICKLES!" He somehow blurted out, before breaking into cackles as Donna transitioned to dual-hand squeezing. "DONNA PLEHEHEASE!"
It was Donna's turn to cackle, though hers was much shorter and much more controlled of course. "It tickles, does it? I had no idea."
Aside from the odd jolt when Donna hit a particularly sensitive spot, The Doctor had gone practically limp. All that laughter had fully sapped his energy, and he was leaning his back against Donna's chest to keep himself upright.
Taking her chance, Donna once again decided to change her position to further destroy the man. Sliding back from under him (taking care he wouldn't fall back and whack his head on the TARDIS floor - she wasn't that cruel), Donna pulled his arms from covering his face and stretched them above his head.
In his state of ticklish delirium, The Doctor didn't quite notice what was happening. Assuming she had finally taken pity on him, he focused on catching his breath with a stupid grin still stuck to his face.
That was until the moment her shins pinned his arms to the floor.
He locked eyes with her, now fully aware of just how screwed he was. With Donna kneeling above him, she had full access to the armpits she had assaulted with ticklish claws just moments ago.
"Nononono Donna you can't!" He begged, legs kicking wildly with every word. "You'll kill me!"
She shrugged, "You'll regenerate." before putting her typing skills to good use and pitter-pattering her fingertips against his underarms.
The Doctor clamped his mouth closed, thrashing his head to one side with his eyes screwed shut in a soon-to-be vain attempt to not react to the unbearable sensations radiating through his body. But even a mighty Time Lord could only hold out for so long.
After less than ten seconds (which The Doctor would later argue was a rather impressive length of time), he crumbled. The childish, high-pitched giggles returned and he was once again a mess beneath Donna's touch.
"Oh!" Donna gasped, slowing her fingers in response to the Doctor's slightly wheezy breathing. "And if you do regenerate, I'll be the first person ever to tickle two Time Lords!"
Aside from the occasional titter, The Doctor could finally gain control over himself again. He gulped mouthfuls of air as Donna climbed off his arms, and slowly sat up next to her.
"Not-" He panted, still more than a little out of breath.
Donna chuckled. "Take your time."
"Not tw-" His huffing interrupted again. "Not two."
She gave him a quizzical look.
"Even if I-... regenerate... I'm still the same... singular Time Lord." He corrected. "You've only tickled the one, and to be honest it happened a lot back on Gallifrey so you're not particularly sp-"
She barked a singular laugh, cutting him off. "God, you really don't know when to shut up."
His confusion turned to giggly panic when Donna pushed him back to the floor again and sat on top of his hips. "Nononono Donna not agAIN-!"
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multifandomfix · 9 months
Perfect Presence — Tenth Doctor
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Summary: The Doctor is set on finding you the perfect Christmas present and he traverses time and space to do so, though maybe he really didn’t need to try so hard.
Word Count: 744
Warnings: None, just fluff, so much fluff
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With all the swirling depths of time and space at his fingertips, the TARDIS hums with anticipation as the Doctor embarks on a quest to find the perfect Christmas present for you. The familiar wheezing sound echoes through the air, signaling the beginning of his search. He promised himself that he will not rest in his pursuit of a gift that will capture your heart, no matter how many tries it takes him to find just the right gift.
The Doctor's eyes sparkle with determination as he sets out, arriving at one of his favorite planets, known for their eclectic collections of rare and valuable objects. He navigates through the chaotic energy of the bustling alien market, many a trinket catching his eye, but none quite right. Vibrant colors and exotic scents surround him as vendors peddle unique baubles and artifacts from distant galaxies. His sonic buzzes, matching the buzz of his own anticipation, as he scans over the myriad of possibilities. The Doctor weaves through the crowds, searching for that one elusive item that will bring a smile to your face.
Turning up nothing, he decides to try somewhere and somewhen else. In a leap through time, the TARDIS materializes on the gas lit streets of Victorian London; another of his most favorite spots. He wanders for a while, recalling a shop that may have what he’s looking for. Finding it, one street over from where he could have sworn it to be, he explores the quaint shop filled with curious oddities. There, he discovers a pocket watch adorned with intricate engravings, a piece of history that might resonate with you and add a touch of timeless elegance to your collection, but then again, it didn’t quite feel like the right item.
Undeterred by the ticking clock, seeing as he could be back at your door a minute after he left, the Doctor propelled the TARDIS into the far future, landing on a planet where technology reigns supreme. In a bustling metropolis, he finds a device that translates thoughts into art, envisioning it as a canvas for your creativity. The hum of the cityscape fades as the Doctor imagines the endless possibilities of this unique gift, one that mirrors the boundless imagination of the universe. It was wondrous, surely, and he’d no doubt you’d appreciate it, but as cool as it was, it lacked any sort of sentimentality for him. Onto something else then, he thought.
Journeying through medieval castles, futuristic landscapes, and distant planets, the Doctor's quest continued, each locale offering new possibilities for the perfect present, but each coming up short in some way.
Finally, in a moment of quiet reflection amidst the celestial beauty of a distant galaxy, the Doctor discovers a rare, star shaped crystal, half hidden in pink sand. Its ethereal glow reflects the wonder of the cosmos, capturing the essence of his travels with you and the magic of Christmas. With a satisfied grin, the Doctor cradles the crystal in his hands, its radiance a testament to the extraordinary journey he undertook to find the ideal gift for you.
Returning to the TARDIS, the star-shaped crystal held securely, the Doctor anticipates the joy in your eyes as you unwrap this extraordinary present he’d chosen with care and love. The TARDIS dematerializes, leaving behind a trail of stardust as it hurtles back through space and time, all the way back to you on Christmas morning.
You’re barely awake when he knocks on your door, not having checked the time, as he was too excited to bestow upon you his perfect gift. His big, goofy grin filled your tired vision as you greeted him at the door.
"Merry Christmas," he beams, pausing just long enough to reach into his coat and pull out the crystal. "This is for you, a little piece of the universe I thought you might like."
You watched the crystal sparkle in the morning light, reflecting the pure joy in his eyes. As you take the gift, he leans against the doorframe, eager to share the tale of his journey in finding it.
“It’s beautiful. I’ve never seen anything like it. But Doctor,” you began, and in that fraction of a second his smile faltered, briefly thinking that it had been the wrong gift after all. “All I really needed this Christmas was to spend it with you.” His smile returned and you invited him inside. “Now tell me how you went about finding this.”
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Forever Tag: @baubeautyandthegeek, @ghostsunderstoodmysoul, @immyowndefender, @valencethefriendlychangeling, @crimsonwidow666, @rebelbossheart, @thedailyspiritualist, @orangeisnttheonlyfruit, @woman-simp, @aperol-with-izzy, @leonoralessoem, @ellepossum69, @lakita-fisher, @nclgsticore, @ayanthegreat28, @analuw, @luvlesavyy, @malfoyfeed, @aliciabrower, @bitchr-mkay, @sparrowspixie
Tenth Doctor: @dancingwith-sunflowers, @riveranddoctorsong123, @randomfandomimagine, @danzalladaggers, @keepfloatingaway, @casserole-from-dads-asserole, @little-bean99, @littlefoxgirl-13, @becomingthedreamversionofme, @storytelling-timelord, @chaos-and-food, @callsigncrash, @mxacegrey, @sammus-white, @lokabrenna0801, @m-rae23, @geekyandgay98, @sassykittenjellyfish, @cardinalalignedtiefling, @magpie6322, @aceofspades0064, @thekirbishow, @scriptershifter, @kirimilliagnhalden
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panelshowsource · 3 months
now that s17 is over, how did you like it? it feels like most people either thought it was mild or weak, which makes me sad, so i stopped going to the discussion threads about it :""( i also don't see much anticipation for s18...
aww anon well, first, if you had a good time then that's what matters! so i hope series 17 brought you a little joy each week, that's what panel shows are for in my humble opinion 😚
because i know i'm about to word vomit some word salad, i'll throw out some s17 reactions + s18 thoughts below the cut! that way anyone who is sick of my nonsense doesn't have to scroll past it lmaooo
series 17 was a decent one! i don't think it's in the hall of fame, but it's definitely nowhere near the couple of "unwatchables" as they're (pretty unfairly) called. i've talked before about one of the downfalls of a season is when a group doesn't harness their dynamic and take control of the show — when they're in the studio and just sit quietly, waiting for greg to give them permission to speak, things flow well for the editors but the experience lacks. this is why s1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, even 12 are so silly and chaotic: the contestants were constantly fighting, interrupting or pausing judging, trying to convince or gaslight or challenge greg, just...speaking! talking! interacting! if that doesn't happen, taskmaster can just feel like show and tell, which is not when it's at its best
ultimately, this is why too many polite and well-behaved people in a single series is a pleasant watch but doesn't hit very hard. this series was exceptionally nice, we have to admit. joanne followed by steve may have been the "hang on a second ☝️" contestants of the series, but not by a lot, meanwhile nick and sophie were the loveliest, pretty quiet people and john was dead silent most of the time. actually, that was something that ended up surprising me — john was so focused on the tasks, so focused on winning, most of the time he didn't pause to give significant, funny commentary while filming, didn't give us *nearly* the banter with alex i anticipated, and was particularly quiet in the studio. i knew he'd be in it to win it, don't get me wrong, but he approached taskmaster more as a richard herring than an ed gamble, if you know what i mean. it was very funny to me when he was on the tm podcast and was more or less like "i know i didn't prioritise being entertaining" lmao that earnestness can be sweet, because i do like to watch the show imagining how i would do each task, but his ~no nonsense~ approach was turned up to 11 for a lot more of the series than i anticipated. i almost wish john had leaned a little more into his self-aware neuroticism and competitiveness just because that's generally a good character on taskmaster — and this series was definitely missing that
(you know, talking about this really reinforces my belief that kerry godliman is perhaps the most perfect taskmaster contestant...ever. competitive, no nonsense and full of nonsense, top bantz, stands up for herself and tears down others but fights without being genuinely angry or butthurt, doesn't know enough to try and figure out a workaround for every single task, loves and bullies alex in equal measure... just love the woman. love her. fuck it, same for jess knappett. i miss my girls😭 this is ALSO why i think rosie is a great fit for tm)
anywayz i haven't read mucho mucho discourse about series 17, but it wouldn't surprise me if that's the vague "criticism" people: just more lowkey vibes than other series. but some people prefer that, so..!!!
i think, too, too many people look back at series 1–...7? at least and want to see the same greg–alex dynamic, approach to the prize tasks, approach to scoring, lil tricks, what have you — and that is not gonna happen again. ever. for example, greg and alex have talked too many times about how hard they try to score things "fairly" because that's become such a big point of conversation for the viewers at home and, atp, even the contestants. personally, i don't prefer that. fuck fair! this is not a real competition it's an entertainment show!! when greg was throwing out points willy nilly, bonus points for eating hair, giving 5 points to a prize just bc it's his personal sense of humour and ranking another contestant's prize low every week just bc that's a funny recurring joke/dynamic, whatever. i do not care. give phil wang 1 point every time. points schmoints. but that cannot happen anymore because the viewers starting taking the points so darn seriously. (not to mention the opportunity to do coc is now pretty coveted for its $$$ and exposure, too, i'd imagine.) the same goes for greg leaning into his dictator role, the master/slave relationship between him and alex, alex being super stoic and quiet — not only does tm think those characters and dynamics are played out, but in some ways the audience has evolved beyond all that
my point is that people get caught up in the Old Gen Taskmaster that hooked them and can't accept the ways in which the show has evolved — even if it's in their opinion for worse. do i think it would kill taskmaster to go back to slightly less convoluted tasks and commit to the 1–5 point system instead of constant ties (or "this was a 3-point effort")? no. i would like to see that lmao but i don't view the series through the lens of a series 1 fan anymore, either. a reality check would help a lot of complainers
i did read one thing i thought was interesting — that with the huge number of series we're at with tm uk, and now the accessibility of other countries' spin-offs, there is a bigger and bigger pool of God Tier Taskmaster to compare each new series to. it used to be "hmm does this new series stack up against series 4, one of the all-time greats?" but now we're stacking new series up against the top ~6 of tm uk, tm nz s2, a couple of the tm belgiums, tm aus s1, and so on. competition is stiff!! not many series can be The Very Best Of All Time, so with each new tm uk that isn't, people start to feel like the show has gone downhill when it probably is stagnant at worst. does that make sense?
i don't wanna sound like every criticism of tm can be explained away or comes from a bad place. as i've mentioned above, i have my qualms. this series, one of my major qualms and seriously unpopular opinions was that i didn't like that steve wasn't actually bringing in prizes half the time. like, he was doing bits and they were funny bits, but greg was scoring him mad high for the effort he put into his bits instead of the actual prizes he brought in for entry. i stand by that opinion, but the thing is i didn't let that ruin my experience of the show. but, maybe, it just comes down to the fact i want to like it...so i do ^^
maybe i talked way too much about criticism and negativity hahah some things i really enjoyed from this series:
nick is probably the second person following john kearns who i actively disliked before taskmaster specifically because i had only ever seen their comedy characters doing dictionary corner or a bit of standup — and i really didn't like them. (still never seen ted lasso!) lo and behold, they go on taskmaster and are S Tier Sweethearts and i see them both in totally new lights! in fact john's last standup show is being released shortly and i cannot wait to watch it — which me of the past would never believe i'm saying lmao so i'm so grateful the show opened my eyes to what a funny, sweet person nick is!! and may i say his and john's styles in the studio are massively underrated. they are both incredibly snazzy dressers!
steve and nick were a sweet little team weren't they! i think it would have been funnier to have john x sophie (the best and the worst, in their own ways) vs. the more harmonious steve x nick x sophie, but regardless it was very cute stuff
the location was great! i fucking love a big open field, i fucking love a river
greg has had some really strong intro "speeches" the last few series and i loved his this time around. they're just equal parts stupid and weird + his authoritative, classic greg delivery always makes me laugh heh
some of the strongest live tasks in a while!! catching the little monsters, passing the loo through the tube, bouncing the ball on the bar — all felt like quintessential uncomplicated classic taskmaster parlour games and they were good fun
TONS out outtakes content!
and gosh it's wonderful to have a new little hour of pleasantness to have each week :)
regarding s18... it's an interesting lineup! in a good way!! i think rosie's character is more or less a perfect fit for the taskmaster format. obviously she is one of the biggest female comedians in the uk right now, but i didn't bet on her doing tm because i didn't think the show could commit to accommodating her disability for 10 episodes. and, frankly, they may not — and i guarantee she is completely okay with that. she was born from the rhod gilbert school of showing up to fuck around, and i sleep soundly knowing she will do just that. i really like jack dee and i'm happy for alex to have made it work with him. it typically wouldn't be my choice to have two senior comedian white men on one series, and (unpopularly?) i'm not really a zaltzman person, but i have no doubt he'll be quite charming. emma sidi is part of the alex horne bubble of friends i have mentioned a few times before, but i actually don't know much about her. babatunde feels like a sensible fresh pick since he's been doing more variety/panel shows; i don't watch him on googlebox (which i love) because i don't like mo gilligan (very unsorry about this opinion heh), but what i've seen of him i've enjoyed! i don't think the group's dynamic is obvious just from their list of names, but the fact they're all comedians is VERY promising and makes me supersupersuper happy — all comedian lineups are historically the strongest. so yay!! but can you imagine who will be on a team?? god imagine a jack x rosie team lmfaoooooooooooo i live for the thought
hope that made sense and if it didn't whoops! don't mind me heheh
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smilingangel582 · 1 year
Hey hey hey... I wanna bully our little scara -oopse I mean wanderer aka I renamed him to "Mochi" ain't that cute!
Thanks to the recent hoyofair someone gave me the idea to name him Mochi
But I'll be calling him wanderer... anyway enjoy hehe
Warning spoilers for Sumeru
A weakness?
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Now, Aether likes to team up with many. He even has the audacity to call our all four archons to help him in commisssions and abyss trials.
Heck... Ei and Nahida seemed game too and Aether had no trouble teaming up with anyone.
"Worthless as expected"
Although a certain someone seemed too difficult to handle... more difficult than Xiao supposedly...
"I told you..." Wanderer elevated from the ground now, landing his wind blades perfectly striking the treasure hoarders who now fled from the new threat, "Be direct and don't hesitate... sucker..."
Aether is just sick of him now. At least Xiao opened up to him more as time went by. Wanderer just gets on his nerves a lot.
"Alright, but can you just be a little calm... nicer too, " Aether said, suddenly feeling irritated too. Blue eyes shifted away, and he grumbled, "It's not my fault you are weak"
"Mochi~, please... aren't u being too mean?" He tried to tease him to lighten up the mood, Wanderer seems too bitter to acknowledge that, so he ignored him."Whatever... can't stoop to your level ...let's finish this quickly"
Aether growled "You little..."
Smirking wanderer folded his arms. "What? You would rather have me sugar coat it and mince my words? I apologize. " he rolled his eyes sarcastically."But try and keep up...!"
Muttering Aether rolled his eyes "Rude..."
Of course Katherine as always return them their commission rewards and Wanderer folds his arms saying "Alright if that's all I'll be taking my leave-"
"Hold it, Hat guy," giggling Aether grabs his shoulders. "Let's hang out a little at the teapot... come on, you need to lighten up,"
Growling "No need I'm busy..."
Clearing his throat he looks away "Non of your business... so find someone else to -aaaah!"
Swirling into a sudden shift of atmosphere he knew he's being forced to enter this dumb teapot. Unbelievable, he thought and Aether grins "Come on... let's have some tea as we chat..."
To say Aether is merely annoying isn't enough. He's too troublesome. Wanderer would definitely find his company too energy wasting but also... leaving this guy alone might see wrong too. Especially after helping him ascend a lot.
He kinda felt like he owe to the traveler. Paimon was absent and that's a plus point.
"Anyway... I've been meaning to ask, " Wanderer says," Now sipping yhe tea that's brewed instantly "why do you want to chat with me? After everything we never ended on good terms either"
Aether silently drinks and then sigh "Alright that old charade... you are naive, Mochi..."
Raising an eyebrow he watched Aether scoot closer to him now leaning forward with a smirk "OK who was the guy who asked me to name him?"
Bingo, Aether grins, he blushed at that.
"Then who was the guy who gave me a lovely present on my birthday...?"
"Lesser lord Kusanali bribed me into it-"
"-And yet you didn't leave after knowing you were bribed?" Cutting in fondly and Wanderer tried his best to hide the warmth spreading on his cheeks and looks away with a stubborn huff, folding his arms "Well... think what you may... but there's no way I admit to anything"
"Aw Mochi your blush just gives it away" Aether grins poking his checking making the anemo user let out a pettish immature and yet indignant scoff "It doesnt!"
"It does..." Aether pokes his nose.
"No it didn't" swats his hand now and Aether poles his stomach grinning "It does..."
"Hey..." Yelps as the poke sent an electrifying spread on his stomach, fluttering like multiple wings chaotically dancing in him.
"Oh?" Intrigued, Aether pokes his ribs now "Are you ticklish?"
"No... absurd... why would you consider that possibility?" He backs off regardless of his words and Aether readying himself with two pointer fingers like they are guns "I don't know... but it's a possibility alright..."
"Get away from me... k-knos your place!" He threatens now eyes widening when Aether pounce on him, two fingers wiggling but not touching yet."Tickles will be your place!"
"Hehe wait! Noho!" He already feels giggles slip from his lips and Aether is tranced by it, he only has two wiggling fingers on his sides and its already making Wanderer crazy.
"Cute... I wish i done this sooner" he pokes mercilessly on his ribs and beams at the squeal of indignant protests from the former all mighty god.
"AHAHA Shihit gehehet ahahawaaay!" He curls back "Dohont...! Stahahahap!"
"Don't stop? OK... then, " Aether teases when Wanderer groans through his giggling. He notices its ten fingers wiggling under his robes now and squirms with giggles that are uncharacteristic.
Genuinely Aether grins "Your giggles are adorable... Kittenish and cute... you should laugh more"
Aether feels every attempt of Wanderer's fists trying to punch his way out but its aimless and he can't even concentrate to fly away. This ticklish technique in poking and scribbling is killing him.
"Cuhuhut ihihit out! Hahaha ihihit... stahahap!"
Grinning, an idea as he kneads his hips like a dough "Stop doing what... Mochi?"
"Tihihihickling mehehehe yohohou lohohow lihihife!"
"Oh, you want more? Sure... coming right up" he squeezes his knees, and Wanderer realises how much power tickling has over him. His whines for falling for the oldest trick in the book and shrieks "OK! Ohohok, yohohou idiot! Stahahap ihihit! Seheheheriously!"
Aether hums but pausing his attack to only push him down with his hands. "Hmm, say you like hanging out with me and ill consider..."
Wanderer widened his eyes and hesitated "Ihihi... uh..." but squeaks when Aether latches on to his thighs and giggles without Aether tickling him "Last chance... or I'll tickle you till you go crazy"
"Ahaharchons wahahit... OK ok! Mahahaybe hanging out with yohou isn't bahahad? -ahaha eek!" The shrilled noise from Wanderer when Aether reached to touch his ears made him giggle "Aha hilarious... I can't take you seriously..."
"OK I like hahahangjng out with you!" He scrunched his neck when Aether trails his fingers on his neck and ears "ahaha I said it i said I SAID IT!"
Cruelly but playfully gentle, Aether doesn't stop and hums "Hmm maybe after tickling you a bjt"
"Bleh" mocking his own raspberry aether snickers "I said consider... so I considered..."
"IHIHI WIHIHILL KILL YOHOHOU!" He shrieked bloody murder and Aether honestly stopped to laugh properly at the sounds Mochi had let out through the tickle session.
"Oh archons... you sounded like being hit by the electro archons lightening there" he laughed till his own cheeks flushed as Wanderer's
The latter gasps now glaring but involuntary giggling to lighten the effect "Yohou ahahre cruhuhuel... I hahate you."
Playfully he shoves his shoulders and Wanderer falls to the side effortlessly. Aether sighing as he had been laughing as hard as Wanderer "OK Mochi...this is why I like going with you... cute and very serious"
Blushes more Wanderer turns away "W-whatever... just admit that I'm strong enough for... uh these things"
"Alright alright... you are" Aether waves his hands in surrender but adds with a playful finger sliding up Wanderer's back "But not strong enough to deal with a little tickling"
"Ah!" He shrieks at the sudden sensation and turns his back away from him glaring at him still blushing "Don't you dare! I'll-I uh I'll chomp you down like a -a shrimp masala curry!"
"Yah yah but I'll tickle you before you could" Aether giggles and takes his hat running off with loud bouncy laughs "Hehe!"
Wanderer smirks now, feeling light and happy. "Oh? Come here, you lowly traveler, and feel the wrath of the former god!"
To say Aether didn't expect revenge is a lie... he wanted things to escalate like this perhaps... although maybe he's more tolerable than before.
"Bow your head!" While tickling Aether's sides.
Or maybe his attitude still stinks, but it's adorable. Despite being an offhand aggressive jerk, he can also display softness and cuteness...
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