#I have reluctantly realized I need to switch up my plans for this week (bad. autism angy. I hate change)
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badolmen · 2 years ago
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rena-lily · 6 months ago
Yall lowkey in school and suffering so I was like might as well daydream while im at it!!!
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Anyways so I was thinking the first years in Twst!!!
So they’re all just in the library trying to study(key word:trying) so then Ace being Ace decides that it would be a good idea for them all to pull a prank on their upperclassmens! Of course the others all tell him it’s a BAD idea
“Ace why do you always come up with the dumbest ideas…”-Epel
“Ace do you seriously wanna get in trouble with our housewarden again?!”-Deuce
Many more complaints rang out but Ace continued to try to convince them and because they were all extremely bored they eventually agreed albeit extremely reluctantly on Sebek part(Justice for Sebek and Jack’s sanity) Oh and Epel agreed cause he just wants to make Vil’s life a little harder.
Ace eventually tell them his idea where they should all request to switch dorms temporarily without the housewardens or any of their upperclassmens knowing just to see how they react
“Ok but Ace..despite how bad of an idea this is btw! HOW ARE WE GONNA DO IT??? We need The headmaster’s approval and there is no way he’s gonna agree”-Yuu
“Ortho could you come up with some plans with a high success rate?” Everyone instantly turns to Ortho who seemed to have already been running calculations
“Actually the best way is to get Yuu to ask him and there is a 70% chance he will say yes!!!”
“Whelp you heard it here guys! Yuu go ask him now!”-Ace
Everyone except ace and ortho groaned in unison and just decided to go along with his idea…
The housewardens throughout the week after the transfer genuinely started tweaking when their beloved firsty wasn’t with them! Riddle was close to snapping at anyone, Vil was tearing out his hair from stress, Leona could not sleep, Idia became even more isolated then before, and for Malleus…well there was constant thunder at Diasomnia😭
The other upperclassmens weren’t doing any better either
Octavinelle and Scarabia just watched on in pity and amusement while the First years still didn’t even realize how bad the upperclassmens were reacting to their little transfer!
Yea that’s about it honestly I should prob start doing my actual work🥲
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serenity-songbird · 3 years ago
hey!!!! if it isn’t too much trouble could i get relationship headcanons for the main 4 boys + butters but as their superhero alter-egos?
I'm sorry this is so late. I work at a hospital and it's been busy this past week. 🥺🥺🥺
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-Teeechnically, Butters isn't a superhero...but that's okay neither are you!!! (In this scenario).
-You are Professor Chaos' partner in crime, (Dr. Discord {Male}/ Miss Mayhem {Female}). You have the powers of bad luck causing chaos in your own little way.
-You also had an animal companion named Little Menice who would spy on the heroes and telepathically tell you their plans.
-Like Butters, you too, were a social outcast. That is how the two of you met. You were quick to become best friends. Soon after you started dating.
-Butters was so kind and caring to you. Definitely boyfriend material. His kisses were sweet and his hugs were comforting.
-Whenever he was getting bullied, you would step in and defend him; which ultimately ended up with you getting bullied as well. Butters would always have to pull you away.
-You didn't become a villian until you found out Butters was Professor Chaos.
-You were sneaking into his room after having a nightmare. You were scared and needed comfort.
-When you climbed the tree leading to his room, you witnessed him changing into his costume.
-At first, Butters was terrified you would leave him. Suprisingly, you asked to join him.
-Relieved, he reluctantly agreed and helped you create your persona.
-He didn't realize that you had so much anger in your heart because of the bullying. But it made you become an even better villian.
-You two definitely got payback when you cornered your bullies in an ally and attacked them.
-He was so glad he let you join him. Together, you were a force to be reckoned with.
-With you by his side, you defeated the Freedom Pals and your Chaos Army grew.
-Even Douchbag struggled against your teamwork.
-Sometimes when your minions were working, you'd pull him into a room and sneak kisses and hugs.
-The Freedom Pals tried to get you to switch sides, but your loyalty for Chaos never wavered.
-Together no one could stop you and he fell more in love everyday.
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-You were Professor Chaos' Minion. With your powers of bad luck, it only made sense.
-Truth be told, you didn't really want to become a villian. But with your destructive powers, you felt it was destiny and you had no choice.
-You were powerful and intelligent. A dangerous combo for your enemies.
-You had defeated the Freedom Pals and Coon and Friends on countless occasions.
-Since they were having a civil war, both sides wanted you to join them. They saw your potential and power. Plus, they were sick of getting beat by you.
-Mysterion couldn't help but find you attractive. Even the others agreed you were a looker.
-When he first fought you, he was the last one standing and put up a good fight against you.
-You were impressed, nobody had ever held their own against you for so long.
-After that fight, you both had an interest in the other.
-Your battles consisted of shameless flirting from you. You even gave him the nickname, "My Dark Knight." (And yes he knows it is a Batman reference).
-At the storage unit one night, you were battling the Freedom Pals. It was a bloody battle.
-The Freedom Pals had given up trying to convince you to switch sides and wanted to end your rein of terror.
-Mysterion was the only one who didn't quit. He knew that during every fight, you would pull your punches because you truly did not want to seriously hurt someone.
-You had used you powers of bad luck to cause an avalanche of bricks to fall in front of Mysterion to prevent him from giving a healing potion to Tupperware.
-However, you still didn't have complete control of your powers and miscalculated. The bricks ended up crushing Mysterion, killing him.
-You gasped and covered your mouth in horror. You had not meant to do that.
-"Oh my gosh. They killed Mysterion!" "You bastard!"
-You panicked and before anyone could avenge their friend, you ran. You couldn't sleep that night and told Professor Chaos that you quit.
-Chaos understood. He knew you never wanted to really hurt anybody, much less kill them. You sobbed and isolated yourself in your room for 3 days.
-After the 3rd day, you couldn't stand the sight of your room and snuck out wearing your costume.
-You went to the rubble where Mysterion was killed and placed flowers on it.
-Then suddenly Mysterion appeared behind you asking you why you were crying.
-You didn't believe it was him at first. But when you realized he was real you ran up to him engulfing him in a hug.
-You squeezed him tight, repeating apologizes over and over.
-You remembered him dying. Mysterion was ecstatic that somone finally remembered. And he hugged you back saying thank you.
-After that, you joined the Freedom Pals. It wasn't long til you and Mysterion began dating.
-When he was in his hero form, he was very protective over you and would defend you when the others would comment about your "evil" powers.
-When he was Kenny, he was very flirtatious and touchy feely.
-He was thankful to you for remembering his deaths and you were thankful he helped you realize that your powers weren't evil.
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-You were a journalist for the school newspaper.
-You dreamed of being a reporter when you got older.
-And what better way to get recognized then to do a report on the local superheroes?
-So, you purposely put yourself in danger to get a first hand look on what they do.
-In hindsight, it was a terrible idea. You ended up putting yourself in a life or death situation.
-You froze as the barrel of the gun pointed towards your head. Tears in your eyes, you prepared yourself by shutting your eyes.
-You heard the gunshot, but felt no pain. When you opened your eyes, Human Kite stood there is all his glory. The man lay unconscious at his feet.
-You were still shaking and fell to your knees. Human Kite had to calm you down and tell you to breathe. You hadn't realized you were holding your breath.
-Once he knew you were okay, he asked to take you home with a blush on his face.
-Little did you know, Kyle had a huge crush on you. His heart beat wildly in his chest when he picked you up bridal style.
-The fly home was scary yet exhilarating. You held onto him right and began to laugh. Flying was fun.
-You were so relieved you were safe. When he dropped you into your room, you kissed his cheek. Human Kite's face turn red and he covered his smile with the back of his hand.
-The next day, you published an article about the rescue that won first page.
-After that, you learned self defense and carried a defense keychain with brace knuckles, pepper spray, and a taser.
-You took it upon yourself to do investigations about Villians in the area and exposed serious crimes.
-Of course, Coon and Friends would have to save you from the more dangerous missions. But for the most part, you could take care of yourself.
-Your articles helped increase their fanbase and you had helped them numerous times on bringing down Villians increasing their reputation.
-Human Kite saved you the most and would lecture you countless times. Kyle would then proceed to do so again the next morning.
-You had fallen In love with Human Kite. You'd admited to him about purposely getting yourself into danger just to see him. To which, he did not approve.
-So every night he'd visit you in your room. You had built of the courage to kiss him and since then he visited you more often just to kiss you.
-Kyle was elated at the fact that you were in love with him, but at the same time you weren't. You loved Human Kite. You were just friends with Kyle Broflovski...
-One night, you had managed to go undercover and get information on the biggest crime syndicate in town. That itself was extremely dangerous.
-You had managed to fool everyone, that is until one of the students of your school saw you. He was the son of the main boss.
-Luckily, Human Kite gave you an emergency phone that would allow him to track you and save you. All you had to do was press the button.
-He and his teammates burst in and gunshots rained down. Coon and friends won the battle and Human kite went to fly you home.
-The moment he flew into your room, he collapsed. Because of the adrenaline from the fight he hadn't realized he was shot in his shoulder and had been losing blood.
-You immediately panicked. Thank goodness your mom was a nurse and taught you had to treat wounds.
-You had to take off his shirt and you were shocked when you recognized Kyle. You had a crush on Kyle before, but didn't think he had feelings for you. So knowing the two people you loved were the same person made you feel relived.
-Using your skills you saved his life and let him sleep in your bed.
-When he woke up that morning, you were cuddling his uninjured arm.
-He was happy that he no longer had to hide his identity and that you had feelings for his normal self.
-Of course after that he become even more protective then he was before.
-Despite his constant lectures, you loved Kyle whether he was himself or Human Kite. You made a great team.
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-You were a new hero. Becuase of your abilities, you were the talk of the town.
-Of course The Coon was upset at the fact you were receiving more attention then his franchise and set out to yell at you.
-After saving an elderly woman, The Coon lept down from the rooftop. He pushed the poor old lady to the ground (Move bitch get out the way! Get out the way, bitch! Get out the way! Sorry I had to). Hestarted cursing you and telling you to quit.
-You immediately helped the women up and smacked him upside the head telling him to apologize.
-So you would stop yelling at him, he begrudgingly mumbled out an apology.
-The first time he demanded that you quit being a hero and stop taking all the glory that HE deserves.
-You simply rolled your eyes and told him to fuck off.
-The second, third, and forth times produced the same results. The fifth time he saw you, you were saving him.
-One of Professor Chaos' many inventions had trapped him and was slowly crushing him.
-The Coon and Friends were currently trying to save him, but the Chaos minions held them back.
-Then you came along and, using your super strength, pulled The Coon out of the wreckage. You helped them defeat the Chaos army.
-After that everyone wanted you to join their team. Everyone except Coon. He was stupidly stubborn. Due to the majorit vote, you were now a Coon and Friend.
-At first, Coon refused to acknowledge you. Even if you did save him. You were annoyed at him and never listened to his commands.
-But secretly the two of you admired the other. You just never would admit it.
-The two of you didn't get along for the first few months. Then a major battle went down between The Coon and Friends and The Freedom Pals.
-One of Wonder Tweek's lightning bolts struck Coon. Due to the surge of electricity, his heart stopped. The battle came to an end with a victory for Coon and Friends. However, Coon wasn't moving.
-You were the only one who knew first aid since your mom was a nurse. You began CPR and instructed Human Kite to get the AED that was in your kitchen.
-You were scared for Coon. Despite your differences, you didn't want him to die.
-Once the AED was set up, you sent the shock. Once the AED said it was clear, you resumed CPR. You repeated this 2 more times before Coon shot up coughing and sputtering.
-Time froze for a moment. No one knowing what to say and everyone in shock. The only noise was Coon regaining his bearings.
-Soon Coon looked around in confusion. Everyone stared at him.
-You hadn't realized the tears running down your face until Coon pointed it out. Y
-You then pulled him into a hug wailing. You squeezed him with all your might relieved he was alive. He sat frozen and baffled by your actions.
-The others finally came to asking if he was alright. Coon had no idea what was happened until Human Kite explained. You still hadn't let go, but you soon reduced to sniffles.
-Coon was touched. He honestly thought you hated him. But here you are hugging him like he might disappear any second. No one ever cared for him so much of him dying. Even know the could tell the others were relieved, but not as much as you.
-After that, he was nicer towards you. You did save his life afterall. You also changed your perspective of him.
-The two of you becomes good friends in and out of costume after learning more about the other.
-Apparently, you two had a lot in common. Soon you both developed feelings.
-Cartman was still Cartman in and out of costume, so he wasn't the best boyfriend admittedly. But when you were alone he was caring and affectionate.
-Of course around the others he had to seem tought and annoyed at you, but everyone knew better.
-Whenever there was a battle, you and Coon always fought side by side and protected each other.
-You two didn't have a perfect relationship, but you loved each other and would always protect each other.
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-You first met Toolshed when you were captured by Professor Chaos and used as a hostage.
-You were just a random civilian. You had no powers and wanted nothing to do with Villiand or superheroes alike. So why the hell were you being captured?
-You were hanging from the ceiling over a pit of some boiling got goo. You struggled and cursed Chaos out.
-Cue the dramatic hero entrance of The Freedom Pals.
-For some reason, Toolshed was infuriated with Chaos, but you didn't know why.
-Unbeknownst to you, Toolshed AKA Stan had a huge crush on you. (He's thrown up one you a few times).
-Ever since then, you become the stereotypical (male/female) damsel in distress type.
-Professor used Toolshed's feeling for you to his advantage. It pissed Toolshed off to no end.
-You eventually get used to getting kidnapped at some point. And got bored at all the back and forth.
-Toolshed was always the one to bring you home. So you had gotten to know each other very well. Soon you had developed feelings for him.
-Now when you would get captured, you'd be excited to see Toolshed and would swoon when he'd kick Professor Chaos' ass.
-Toolshed carried you home because of another one of Chaos' plans failed. This time before he could leave, you grabbed his collar and placed a kiss on his lips.
-Whispering over his lips, you confessed your feelings. You stated that you knew he had feelings for you too. (Whever he would rescue you would feel his heart racing when he carried you. You also noticed his red cheeks and not so subtle flirts).
-Toolshed always had to fight back his urge to puke and as he got to know you better he didn't throw up as much. He was even able to hold you and flirt with you without upchucking his dinner.
-But when you kissed and him and returned his feelings he was excited. He tried. He reeeaaally tried not to throw up. But it was too much.
-Needless to say, in the moment his vomit covered your chest, you figured his secret identity. He was mortified and repeated apologies.
-"So you're Stan Marsh, huh?" He wanted to die...
-Still, your feelings for him were strong. So despite his disgusting nervous habit, you started dating that night.
-Tired of you always getting captured, he taught you self defense and gave you tools to defend yourself with.
-Since you were dating, he had grown protective of you and needed to make sure you could protect yourself. Luckily his training worked and you were able to avoid being captured as much...I mean, you still did, but not as much as before.
-Eventually, Toolshed was able to not throw up everytime you saw each other or kissed. (Something you were grateful for).
-You made him happy and loved. Unlike his relationship with Wendy, you never pressured him to be something he was not and accepted him for who he was.
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lilyofthesword-writes · 4 years ago
Sorceress (Loki Oneshot)
Summary: Loki comes to stay at the Avengers Tower while you are away on a mission. He becomes quite interested in you when he learns you wield magic similar to him and Doctor Strange.
Pairing: Loki x F!Reader
Word Count: 5,260
Warnings/Disclaimers: Anxiety issues, brief mentions of blood loss and injury, Wanda being an awesome friend
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You wound your way into the kitchen and flipped on the electric kettle. Gathering your mug, you pulled out your calming tea blend. Today was the first day of the semester, and it always made you anxious. You felt like you had not rested one bit over the summer break. It probably didn’t help that Fury had sent you on a mission for most of it and you just returned yesterday, but there wasn’t much you could do about it. Just keep moving. This was your life now.
You went over the mental checklist in your head. Syllabus, notes, handouts...
“And who might you be?”
The low, charming voice ripped you from your thoughts, causing you to jump and almost knock over your mug. Swinging around to face the intruder, you found Loki the God of Mischief hovering closely behind you. You had forgotten about Thor contacting you on your mission to tell you Loki would be kept at the Tower for his punishment. Tony made him call you, something he did when he was afraid of you being angry. You had heard Tony coaching Thor in the background of the call.
“Don’t do that!”
He chuckled, taking a step back. “My sincerest apologies.”
You folded your arms and took in his appearance. He definitely did not look the same as he did on the news when he tried to take New York. From the images you had seen, his eyes were wild and sunken and his face gave off a sense of malnourishment. The god standing before you now looked healthy with bright not quite blue but not quite green eyes that held a sprinkle of boyish mischief. Maybe Thor had it right about the possible mind control.
“Shall we start anew?” He bowed lightly, delicately taking the fingers of your right hand in his, forcing you to uncross your arms. “I am Prince Loki of Asgard.”
Oh no... Boyo was laying it on thick.
Nervously clearing your throat, you introduced yourself.
“A lovely name, my lady. May I ask why I have not seen you here before?”
He was still holding your hand. You could feel his energy pushing against yours. Was he trying to test your abilities?
“I was on a mission overseas. Just got back last night.”
“That is a shame. I would have preferred your presence here when I first arrived.”
You heard the click of the kettle and pulled your hand away to pour the hot water in your mug. He seemed almost disappointed by the loss of contact.
“I heard from Wanda that it was pure chaos for a while. She practically begged me to abandon the mission and come home,” you chuckled. “Don’t know if that would have done any good though.”
Taking a sip of your still brewing tea, you realized Loki had retaken the step back from earlier and was nearly looming over you. You regained that space, heading for the door.
“Well, it was nice to meet you, but if you’ll excuse me, I need to finish preparing for class.”
You rocketed out the door before he had a chance to respond.
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You flopped on your bed after taking a portal home. Your closest friend Wanda was there to greet you.
“So how are all the magic newbies you ditched me for?” she teased.
You huffed a laugh. “Same old, same old. College freshmen who think they already know everything. They’ll be in a world of hurt in the coming weeks.”
“At least being an adjunct professor has its perks, right?”
“Yeah. I have some semblance of a life.”
You both started giggling at that.
“Are you still going to eat with everyone for dinner tonight?”
“I don’t see why not. Today was only day one of classes. Nothing to grade yet.”
“Maybe Loki will chill out then.”
You casted Wanda a concerned look. “What do you mean?”
She rolled her eyes and sat up on the bed. “Ever since Thor mentioned you could wield magic, Loki kept asking when you would be back.”
“Huh,” you mulled. “Guess that would explain this morning.”
“This morning?”
You nodded and hummed. “Yeah. I was in the kitchen making tea when he showed up.”
“You talked to him before me?!” She shoved you playfully, feigning hurt feelings.
“Because I totally planned it,” you laughed.
“So what did you think?”
“You mean other than tall, dark and handsome?” You paused as she snickered. “He’s alright, I guess. He was being overly nice.”
Wanda scoffed. “That little... Okay. So, when he wasn’t holed up in his room or the library being all nice and quiet, he kept making all these snarky comments to everyone. Then, there was the pranking... He saved that mostly for Tony though.”
“So what you’re saying is to keep my guard up because he could go bipolar on me.”
“Great... This is going to be fun... How long is he staying?”
All you could do was groan and hide your head in your pillow.
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Dinner was suffocating to say the least. Loki joined the team in the dining area, apparently a rarity for him, and they were not happy about it. Well, it was mostly the original team members, the ones who fought against Loki in the Battle of New York. The newer members like you and Wanda, while not fond of him either, couldn’t care less. Thor seemed to be the only who was content, shoveling food down his throat, unable to read the room with a silence so palpable and deafening.
This is... awkward. Wanda spoke to you through her mind, something she usually did when she was uncomfortable but still needed to express herself.
No kidding. I’m thinking about ditching.
Aren’t you hungry though?
Starving! But I can’t eat like this. I’ll come back down in a couple of hours for something. Maybe I’ll watch a movie til then.
Room for one more?
With half your plate empty, you excused yourself and disposed of the scraps in the kitchen. Steve, who usually fussed at you about your not so great eating habits, did not say a word. Sneaking some snacks for the movie from the kitchen, you went back to your room to wait for Wanda who popped by about ten minutes later.
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You woke with a start, stomach growling and gurgling. You blinked away the sleep from your eyes and looked around. Wanda was long gone. You guessed she went back to her room after you fell asleep at some point. She was at least nice enough to turn off the TV before disappearing.
Your belly rumbled, again. Reluctantly leaving behind the warmth of your blankets, you stumbled to your feet and hobbled to the kitchen. You reached for the light switch, the kitchen being too dim in the low lighting left on at night. The lights turned on before you could find it.
“I was wondering when you would arrive.” Your name slid off Loki’s tongue like silk.
Letting out a breath, you tempered your scowl. “What made you think I was coming down here?”
“Aside from the dinner you barely touched?” he chuckled as he traced a finger across the counter. “Well, it can be considered rude to hold a private conversation from such a small group of people.”
You shouldn’t have been surprised by a magic wielder being able to see what other magic wielders are doing.
You folded your arms. “It’s definitely considered rude to eavesdrop.”
“That is quite true.” His signature smirk graced his face. “Although, is it really eavesdropping when I did not listen to what was being said? I merely sensed the exchange of energies.”
“Sure...” You didn’t believe him, but you would let it go for now. It’s not like you two had said anything damning. You just needed to be a bit more careful moving forward. “Now would you be so kind as to stand aside? I would like something to eat, and you’re blocking the fridge.”
“My apologies, but perhaps I may be of better service to you with,” he snapped his fingers, “this.”
The leftovers from dinner instantly appeared piping hot on a plate.
“How did you-”
“Come now. I thought you were a sorceress,” he smirked teasingly.
There was the ego you were expecting.
“I can manage the same end result,” you pouted. “But... the steps leading to it would be different...”
“I could always show you how.”
That grin and those alluring aventurine eyes would be the death of you. You wanted so badly to say yes. While you had the schooling and moved on to helping others, there was still so much more to learn. To say you were eager would be an understatement. The problem was you just met this Trickster God. How could you trust him so soon?
“I... I appreciate the offer, but maybe another time.”
You tucked some of your hair behind your ear. Why did you feel guilty for turning him down?
“Of course. The offer remains standing. Enjoy your dinner, Sorceress,” he replied, his disappointed voice betraying his stoic demeanor.
With that, he swiftly left the room. Yeah. You felt bad. Maybe you would find a way to make it up to him.
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Weeks later, and you were frustrated beyond belief. The last lesson you attempted to teach was going nowhere. You needed help, and you needed it now.
You sprung from your room with your notes and textbook and practically sprinted to the library where Loki could usually be found. You were right. There he was lounging with his back to you on one of the couches amongst the books, reading Dante’s Divine Comedy.
“To what do I owe the pleasure, Sorceress?” He didn’t even look up from the text. Not a good sign.
Taking a breath, you answered, “I was hoping I could get your help with something.”
That got his attention. “Oh? Would you not rather ask that Strange fellow the others prefer to associate with.” he scowled.
Great. Of course, he had to be in one of those moods today. His mood swings were to be expected but the timing was difficult to predict.
“Pff. The last time I asked him for help, he was a total ass. Just because he trained with a master overseas for a short period of time and has a photographic memory does not mean he fully understands every magical concept.” You brought your rant to a halt. You could say so much more but doubted anyone wanted to listen.
“Well, someone who sees that charlatan for what he truly is,” he snorted, snapping his book shut. “Now, pray tell, why would I assist you when your magic is so similar to his?”
Adding fuel to the fire. The rant was back on. With a huff, you came around to the front of the sofa and dropped your supplies on the coffee table, taking a seat next to him.
“You really want to get me started, don’t you? Look, I have been practicing and studying magic since I was child before I even knew what I was even doing. Hell, I’m still learning. That will never stop. I have worked my ass off to get this far. That’s why I get frustrated with Strange. He never believed in magic until it could help him in some fashion, and then he’s deemed a ‘master’ so soon after starting. Admittedly, yes, I am a bit jealous. However, I would not change how I have learned because it has allowed me to dig deeper and understand more.”
You inhaled deeply, signaling the end of your monologue. You had not really meant to go that far with it, but it was too late now. Your words hung in the air as Loki studied you.
“What do you need assistance with?” He flashed you a grin.
You silently screamed with relief. “Okay, so there was a theory I was trying to teach yesterday.” Flipping open the textbook to the right page, you brought your notebook and pen to your lap. “The students just aren’t getting it.”
Loki leaned over the table to read the book. “Magical Exchange: The Equal Exchange Theory...” His eyebrows could have rocketed off his forehead with how surprised he was. “This is an elementary subject.”
“It is a 101 course,” you shrugged. “I just don’t know how to explain it better. I’ve not taught a class that had issues with this before. This particular group has proven... Difficult.”
“Have you attempted a more... Oh what do you mortals call it,” he hummed. “A more ‘hands on’ approach?”
You sighed and unconsciously tapped your pen on your notebook. “Yeah. I tried to improvise like that when the text did nothing. It just made things worse.”
“I see...” His lips drooped into a frown. “Perhaps a new perspective is required.”
“You read my mind,” you teased, winking at him. You still had not forgotten that first day. “So if you were teaching this, how would you go about it?”
Clearing his throat, he picked up the text book and lounged back on the couch. An anxious silence droned on before he finally spoke again.
“This text describes the various classifications of what is considered Equal Exchange, yet there is little on what does not qualify.”
Loki proceeded on his own mini-lecture about the experiments performed by both mortals and Asgardians, many of which ended in failure due to the lack of Equal Exchange. One ended up being about the Philosopher’s Stone, a topic you had already learned quite a bit about. You scribbled notes as fast as you could, filling up a good quarter of your notebook when he had finished.
You chewed on the end of your pen while looking over your notes. “This could work. Between these explanations and showing some examples, they might grasp what all it means.” Letting out a tired sigh, you looked up at him with full sincerity. “Thank you, Loki. I owe you one.”
He chuckled deeply, sending shivers down your spine. What was he up to?
“There is one favor I wish to ask of you in exchange.”
You blinked deftly. “And what might that be?”
Taking your free hand in his, he gently swiped his thumb across your knuckles. “I merely ask for a dance.”
“A. Dance?” That was not what you had expected.
“Yes. Stark is holding one of his... illustrious parties next Saturday.”
Oh crap. You had purposely forgotten about that. Parties were not normally your thing.
“R-right! I forgot...” you mumbled, swiping your hair behind your ear.
“All I ask is one dance. Would that be acceptable?”
You gazed into his eyes where a dabble of insecure hope hid. “I... Yes. That would be nice.”
Your face felt like it was on fire when he kissed your knuckles, whispering, “Excellent,” before he helped you to your feet and gathered your belongings.
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Saturday seemed to arrive all too quickly. Anxiety pulsated through your veins most of the day. Why were you so nervous? It was just one dance.
You sucked in a breath as you took in your appearance in the mirror. The off-the-shoulder, malachite dress hugged your form just right until it flowed gracefully from your hips to your knees. A silver pendant and heels tied off the look. You looked... Good. Better than you had anticipated. Now if you could just calm yourself down.
All those people, people you did not know for the most part would be there, too. Tony always invited so many guests no one else knew. But you also wouldn’t be alone. The whole team was going to be there. You would not be alone. One party should be manageable.
A knock at your door tore you from your spiraling thoughts. With a half-hearted sigh, you meandered to the door and open it to find Wanda and Vision. Wanda must have sensed your distress. She took one look at you, told Vision she would meet him downstairs, gave him a chaste kiss and stepped into your room, closing the door behind her.
“I-I don’t know if I can do this, Wanda.” You sat on the edge of your bed, thoughts of nausea swimming in your head.
She said your name with such resolution, your gaze snapped up to hers. “You can do this.”
“I don’t-”
“Don’t start. One, you look gorgeous. Two, you’re a professor AND Avenger. You teach in auditoriums and fight bad guys for a living. This party should not be a problem.”
“Small auditoriums...” you mumbled, earning you a look.
“Three, Vision and I will stay nearby. If any weirdo tries anything with you again, we’ll be there.”
Because you needed to remember the one party where some drunk rando was getting too handsy, the one where you had trouble controlling your abilities because you did not and do not like crowds. Tony, Steve and Wanda had to extract you after kicking out the drunk moron. That was your last party.
“I don’t want to be the third whe-”
“Shush. I’m not done.” She waved you off. “And four, once you have your dance, you can get the hell out of there. Okay?” She smiled sympathetically.
You nodded and looked at the floor. Wanda took you by the shoulders and forced you to stand.
“Alright, now breathe with me. Ground and center. Breathe. Raise your shields. Breathe.”
Doing what you were told, you started to feel better, the deep breaths helping the most.
“Okay. Let’s get going. Remember, you can do this.” She guided you towards the door.
“Right... I can do this...”
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I can’t do this...
You leaned on a wall out of the way, sipping on a light cocktail that you had hoped would keep you calm. It didn’t. Between the flashing lights, pounding music and the chaotic array of energies emanating off the guests just made you want to crawl in a hole and bury yourself.
Wanda and Vision were out of your sight but you could still sense them nearby. They’d be there in a blink of an eye if you needed them, but you didn’t want to ruin their fun. It also did not help that Loki was nowhere to be seen. At first, you thought he and Thor were getting ready, but that thought was thrown out when Thor arrived fashionably late alone. Maybe Loki decided the whole thing was a waste of time and backed out of coming. Yeah. That had to be it which meant you could bug out of here early.
“There you are, Sorceress.”
Never mind. Just as you had moved to the bar to set your glass down, Loki showed up behind you. You spun around, dress flowing out as you did. He looked taken aback with his cheeks slightly flushed. He muttered something under his breath but the music and chatter drowned him out.
“I’m sorry? I didn’t catch that.”
He just shook his head, smiling as he reached out a hand for you. “Would you care to join me on the balcony?”
Balcony?! Why didn’t you think about going out there? It would be so much quieter.
“I would like that very much.” You took his hand and let him lead you outside.
The balcony was so much better. The doors muffled the incessant beat of the club music along with the yelling guests. You took in a deep breath, taking the chance to glance at Loki and appreciate his look.
Yup. Still attractive in Midgardian clothing. His designer suit looked as though it was made only for him, the black color matching his curling hair that brushed past his shoulders. The green tie brought out his eyes and made them seem more saturated like an emerald. You definitely appreciated the new style.
“You’re staring, Darling,” he chuckled.
“Sorry. I’m so used to seeing you in your Asgardian garb,” you flushed. “T-the change is not unwelcome though. You look great!”
Great. Where were your words when you needed them most? And did he call you “Darling”?
“Thank you, my dear. Now, about that dance...”
That’s when you realized he was still holding your hand.
“What about the music?”
“I have something better planned than the noise Stark has chosen.”
He pulled you close, one hand encased yours while the other placed your free hand on his shoulder before snapping his fingers and keeping you close by the small of your back. A record player appeared playing Merry-Go-Round of Life.
“Shall we?”
You smiled and nodded, “Yes.”
Loki swayed with you along the length of the balcony, leading you into spins in time with the music. Neither of you had said a word since you started moving, but you did not need to. Everything was perfect. You felt like you were dancing on clouds amongst the stars. All of your anxiety had melted away. Needless to say, you were disappointed when the song ended.
“I do not suppose I would be able to convince you for another dance?”
Loki held your hands in his as he pulled back. He seemed just as disappointed as you.
“Well,” you mocked contemplation, “That wasn’t part of the original agreement.”
The soft grip on your hands loosened even more.
“But, I don’t see why I can’t make an exception, especially seeing how your explanations went over so well with the students. I haven’t thanked you for that part,” you smirked and with a golden flourish of your hand, changed the music on the record player.
Loki’s grin put the starlight to shame as he brought you back to him. As one song ended, one of you would switch it out to keep the music going.
Neither of you knew how long you were out there for. It had to have been more than a couple of hours since Tony was the one to break up your private party.
“Reindeer Games, Magic Hands! Pack it up! Party guests have already left!”
Both of you grimaced, hating your nicknames. Regardless, Loki led you back inside. Wanda and Vision had stayed throughout the party while you were on the balcony, and gave both of you these little knowing looks as you passed them. Ignoring them, Loki walked you to your room.
“Thank you, Loki. You made the night much more enjoyable,” you smiled brightly.
He smiled back, playing with the fingers of your hands. “I am happy to be of assistance, Sorceress.”
A moment of silence and you stepped forward, thinking of something a touch bold. “You know, if this were to become a regular occurrence, I might be persuaded to show up at Stark’s parties more often.”
A low chuckle reverberated in his chest. “That could be arranged.”
“I hope so.” You leaned on your toes, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. “Thank you, again.”
You slipped past your door so quickly you didn’t notice the lightly dusted blush on Loki’s face.
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Today was not a good day. Scratch that. It was a terrible day. Some senior in Advanced Summoning got cocky and accidentally summoned a few large, irate creatures from the Fae Realm. With you being an Avenger and working for the school, it was no surprise you were chosen to handle the situation. Killing would have been easier, but you could not bring yourself to do it. It’s not their fault they were ripped from their home and dropped in an unfamiliar world. You were able to open a portal and send them back but not without sustaining a critical injury. You were barely able to close the portal before passing out from blood loss.
You woke up in the medical wing of the campus, a fog clouding your brain. You felt the dull pain in your side where one of the creatures had swiped its claws whenever you tried to move.
“Oh! Please lie still!” A healer came rushing over. “You don’t want to reopen the wound. We’ve done all we can to heal you without overloading your body.”
You just nodded and rested your head on the pillow. Looking at the window, you noticed how dark it was.
“What time is it?”
The healer looked at you nervously. “A little after 10PM.”
Groaning, you sank into the pillow more. “Do you know where my phone is? I need to make a call.”
The team knew your schedule, and they were going to flip, especially Loki. You two had grown attached to each other since the start of your balcony dances (there had been at least six so far). The status of your relationship was in limbo, somewhere between friends and romantic partners. Neither of you seemed to know which way to go.
The healer left the room momentarily before rushing back in. Handing you your phone, she warned, “Now, your phone started going off non-stop since about six this evening. We had to answer just to see if it was important and if they could wait until you called back. Th-the man on the other end. He was.. Not. Pleased. He started demanding to know where you were...”
“I understand,” you cut her off softly. “If I could get some privacy please, I will call him.”
She nodded and headed to the door.
“And whatever else he said, don’t worry about it. I’ll make sure he behaves.”
The healer pursed her lips and closed the door behind her. What the hell did he say to her?
You picked Loki’s contact in your phone. He answered in barely one ring, calling out your name. “Norns, are you alright?! Where are you? What happened?”
“Loki, I’m fine. I’m still on campus. There was a little mishap that I had to take care of. Got a little banged up in the process, but everything is okay.” You added that last part quickly.
“A little mishap? You should have returned hours ago. Please, allow me to bring you home.”
“Loki, the school only allows faculty members and students on campus. The wards make sure of that. And despite the constant demands, even Fury and Strange have not been granted access. They don’t even know where to look. Besides, you’re on lockdown. Remember?” You tried to reason with him, but knew he would not give up so easily.
He pleaded your name. Lately, he almost always stuck to pet names for you, only using your name when he was truly upset. “Please... I need to know that you are in good health.”
“I am, Loki. I will more than likely be back at the Tower in the morning.”
“Not tonight?” His pout was clear even over the phone.
“It’s late and I doubt the healers would let me check myself out at this hour.”
“I- Alright.” The defeated tone in his voice made your heart break.
“I’ll call you in the morning, okay?”
“Goodnight, Loki.”
As you pulled the phone away to hang up, you heard him call your name.
“I... I will see you tomorrow.”
You hummed with a smile. “See you tomorrow.”
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It was early morning when you finally left the campus. Loki didn’t answer his phone, so you left him a voicemail instead, fairly sure he knew how to access it. Cell phones still were not his strong suit, but he was getting better.
Stepping through the Tower doors, you were greeted by Happy who gave you the world’s most gentle bear hug. He had Friday let the others know you were headed up.
“By the way,” he yelled to you as you stepped in the elevator. “Loki was up all night worrying about you. You should go talk to him.” He winked at you.
You just shook your head as the elevator doors. When they reopened at the common room floor, you were greeted with Wanda tackling you before she dragged you out.
“Loki told us something went down at the University. What happened?!”
She pulled you into the common room to one of the sofas.
“Some moron was trying to impress a girl in Advanced Summoning. Brought in some undocumented creatures from the Fae Realm.”
“Of course... Now you were hurt? Where?” She started looking you over.
You lifted your shirt just enough to show the heavy bruising on your side. “The healers did a decent patch up. Just have to deal with this for a couple days, and then I’m good.”
“I wish I could help, but healing is not my forte.”
“Don’t worry about it. I’m fine,” you smiled reassuringly, letting your shirt fall.
“Fine is not how you would have been classified yesterday,” a low voice came from behind the couch, startling you.
“L-Loki! I thought I had told you not to do that!” You clutched your chest, taking a deep breath.
“Darling, may I speak with you? Alone.” Loki gestured for you to follow him.
You squeezed Wanda’s hand apologetically. “I’ll come find you later.”
Loki led you out, down the hall and into the library. He didn’t say a word until he sat you down on the couch next to him, gaze on his lap.
“Loki... I-”
“Dove, what were you thinking taking on those beasts on your own?” He clutched your hands tightly.
“I didn’t have much of a choice. I’m one of the few stateside who is trained in battle magic,” you pleaded.
He was upset. It was obvious. Your heart shattered with how he looked at you, fear and worry melded into one.
“You could have called for assistance.”
“Loki, we’ve been over this-”
“Would they not have made an exception with their students in danger.” It was a statement. He was right about that.
“If there were time, yes. They needed to be dealt with immediately.” You tore your hands from his grasp and cupped his face for him to really look you in the eyes. “Loki. Everything turned out alright. I’m still here, and I’m okay.”
“And yet you almost were not.” His voice was so quiet, you barely heard him. “I... I do not...”
You stroked his cheeks with your thumbs, encouraging him to go on. He pulled one hand away to hold while leaning into the other.
“Just be more careful from now on. Please.”
“Of course.”
“Promise me.” He squeezed your hand.
“I will. But first.” You took your hand from his face. “Finish what you were saying.”
He froze. “I am not sure what you mean.”
“You cut yourself off three times within twenty-four hours. You always finish your sentences. Now. What were you going to say?”
He still was not used to being caught, his initial confusion evident in his eyes which then darted about the room nervously. You sighed, and with a golden flourish of your hand, the library doors shut and locked.
“There. No one to walk in and disturb us or overhear.”
Loki was silent. He stared at your hand that was intertwined with his, then met your eyes.
“I do not know what I would do without you,” he whispered, bringing you into his arms in one fluid motion, your head tucked under his chin.
The scent of cedar and sage filled your senses as you returned the embrace and carded your fingers through his hair.
“Well, that’s not something you need to think about. I’m not going anywhere,” you responded softly. “Promise.”
He hugged you close, pulling you into his lap. His chest rose with a deep breath before he kissed the top of your head.
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teddy06writes · 4 years ago
Locked Away
Requested by this anon: “Heyo! Can I please request an Awesamdude x Fem!Reader in which the reader is an inmate at Sam’s prison? Not Stockholm syndrome or anything because the reader already had a crush on Sam before being put in there. Thanks!” 
And also this one: “ please i will cry if i don’t get more awesamdude content. i’ve scrolled to the very end of his every hashtag.” 
Awesamdude x fem!reader
trigger warnings: some swearing, yelling, manipulation (dream’s the reason your in prison), character death
premise: In game AU; or the past three months you’d been under Dream’s control, only half aware of what was going on, the last thing you can remember from before was talking to Sam almost telling him your feelings, but now, as you are suddenly yanked from his control you find yourself being thrown in prison, now under his watchful eye
{oh there is no fluff here fellas} 
“blep” talking
‘belp’ talking but its the green bitches voice in your head
You were drifting, drifting through your strange, foggy world, doing your best to forget about the way you could barley control your own body, just a puppet on strings, when yelling, not of the voice that you’d been hearing, but of someone else, cut through the  smog. 
-“It’s over!”-
-”none of this will ever be over”-
The voice, it was your own but it didn’t belong to you. 
-”Dream has Surrendered (y/n), we can’t allow you to continue on his work”-
Growing bored you begin to drift away again, barley seeing, or feeling the people dragging you away. 
Sometime later, you’d been drifting, and then were suddenly plummeting back down into your body, a strangled sound escaping your throat as you regained control of your own body. 
“What the fuck?” A loud voice asked. 
You jerked your head up, turning to see that it was Sapnap who had been restraining you as you shuffled along, weakly asking, “Wha-? Sapnap- what’re you? Wh- what?” 
You looked around frantically at the smooth Blackstone walls, and down the hallway to where Bad and Sam are moving through unlocking a series of locks, “Where? Wha- Where I am I? Wh- wh- wh- what’s going on?” 
“Yeah nice try,” Sapnap scoffed, “I’m not letting you go because of fake amnesia.” 
“No- it- I-” Panic was rising in your chest as Sam and Bad finished with the locks and pulled open a door to what looked like a cell. 
“You think we shackle her like we did with him?” Sapnap asked, all but dragging you forward. 
Bad was clearly about to nod when Sam stopped him, obviously conflicted as he searched your eyes, “No. She won’t need them.” 
“What is happening right now?” You asked desperately. 
Ignoring you Sapnap nodded, pulling your forward and pushing you into the cell, the barred door closing behind you, “Well, you don’t need me anymore, I’m gonna go talk to Dream.” 
“Be careful.” Bad advised and Sam began to relock the door. 
You slowly, shakily, pulled yourself to your feet, look through the bars at Sam and Bad, “What is going on?”
Bad frowned, almost glaring at you, “(y/n) this is what happens to people who do bad things. Siding with Dream is just about the worst thing you could have done.” 
“Side wit- side with Dream?” You blinked, rubbing at your temples as panicked tears began to prick at the corners of your eyes, “I- I didn’t- I wouldn’t-” 
Bad simply turned away as Sam finished the locks, taking in a shaky breath, “We trusted you, you know?” 
“I- Sam- I didn’t- Sam I don’t know whats going on? Where am I? I didn’t- I didn’t side with Dream- I would never side with Dream.” You said desperately. 
“This is The Prison (y/n), entirely unescapable, made for people li- like you,” His voice wavered, and quickly he turned, “There's no getting out.” 
You cried yourself to sleep that night, small sobs echoing through the empty halls of the prison; in his office Sam felt each new sob in his chest; in his cell, with each new sob Dream’s smile only grew larger.
Sam sighed, blocking out Dream’s monologue as he slid the tray of food through the opened slot in the door. 
Dream’s cell had no bars, just a full steel door, and a tiny window in the ceiling, yet the man seemed to enjoy it, far to much. 
“You know how funny it was to see (y/n) getting dragged in here?” Dream laughter shrilly. 
“You were in here, there was no way you could’ve seen anything.” Sam replied sharply. 
“Oh but I hear everything,” Dream laughed again, “Stupid bitch didn’t even know what was going on, god I didn’t think it’d be that easy to get in her dumbass head.” 
“Don’t call her that,” Sam hissed, slamming the slot shut and locking it, “I don’t want another word out of you until you’re giving me that fucking tray back.” 
Ten minutes later the hallway your cell was in was deadly silent other than Sam’s footsteps, “Food time.” 
He slid the tray into the slot of your door, and look picked your head up from leaning back on the wall to look at him, “You do realize something’s wrong here, right?” 
“I mean, you siding with Dream was certainly wrong.” Sam muttered. 
You sounded utterly broken and defeated as you moved to lay back on your cot, turning to face the wall, “I didn’t realize manipulation was a form of agreement.” 
Sam sighed, “Are you gonna eat this or not? I’m not suppose to leave till you do.” 
“Then I guess your going to have to sit here.” 
The first 15 minutes passed in silence, Sam resigning to sit on the floor outside your cell as the minutes ticked on, eventually asking, “You were saying you didn’t remember anything, what exactly do you remember?” 
“You.” The word was simple enough, “We were talking- you said you thought you could do something. Tried to walk me home but I said I’d be fine. Dream was waiting at my house.” 
Sam hummed, a slight anxiety rising in his chest, “What did I think I could do?” 
You sighed, studying the Blackstone wall, “You said ‘I think I might be able to love you’ but with whatever I did there's no way it’s true anymore.” 
Sam stayed quiet, thinking back on that night nearly two months ago, plans for the building of that very prison were being finalized, he’d felt so on top of the world he’d admitted the feelings weighing him down, but then you had become strange, distant. 
“Why did you do it?” He asked eventually. 
“Do what?” 
“Y- you were helping Dream, with fighting New L’manburg, exiling Tommy, blowing up L’manburg again, you- you helped him round up the things that hold power.” 
You frozen, distant foggy memories flaring up in your mind, a thousand answers presenting themselves, ultimately deciding on, “Do you know what it feels like, to not be in control of your mind? To be stuck in the passengers seat as a madman takes to the road?”
He was silent as you continued, “To have your consciousness so nearly severed from your body that you can barley see or feel what’s going on? I didn’t have a chance to ask what was going on. He was just there, in my brain. Do you know what that’s like? I’d say you shouldn’t. Just take that food back and leave. Let me go back to dreaming of a future I missed out on.” 
“How did it happen?” 
Another quiet question, another quiet silence interrupted. 
“It’s- foggy,” You admitted, more to the ceiling than to Sam, “But I think- I think it was like a switch got flipped. Could still be flipped. Then he’d be in control again.” 
A week had passed since you’d been locked away, and still Sam would sit, until you finished your food, or, more like, until you finally pushed the food away, still refusing to eat despite the pangs of hunger. 
“I- I didn’t kill anyone, did I?” You hazarded. 
“I don’t know,” He admitted, “Even if you did, that wasn’t you. Nothing you did then was you.” 
“Stop doing that.” You muttered, rolling over to face the wall yet again. 
“Doing what?” 
“Saying things you would’ve said before,” You said bitterly, “You can’t treat me like a monster one second and then like a lover the next. I may be a monster thanks to him but I do not think I deserve that.” 
“You’re not-” 
“A monster?” You cut him off, “That why I can still fucking hear him sometimes? Taunting me? Threatening to take over again?” 
Sam froze, looking back through the bars to your turned back, “You can here him?” 
Your hands began to shake, thinking about the barren whispers that filled your head at night, forcing yourself to sit up and turn back to him, plucking a small piece of bread from the tray, “Sometimes.” 
“How? His cell is on the other side of this place.” 
“He’s in my head, still hasn’t fully left, that is,” You sighed, biting off a small chunk of the bread before tossing it back on the tray and pushing it toward the door, “Thank you.” 
Reluctantly Sam took the tray, standing up and starting to trudge back down the hallway, “I won’t let him hurt you.” 
Soon, he journeyed back down to the level where Dream was being held. 
“I had a feel you’d be down here.” Sam could hear the smirk in Dream’s voice. 
“What did you do to her?” 
Dream chuckled, “I guess that depends on what you mean. Technically I didn’t do anything, that was all her.” 
“What did you do?” He repeated. 
“Nothing of consequence. For me at least. Honestly it was really quite easy to get in her head, didn’t even fight it,” Dream shifted, letting out a harsh laugh, “Part of me thinks it was like she was already that bad. Just as evil as me.” 
Sam crossed his arms, “No one could be as evil as you, least of all her.” 
“Of course you’d think so,” Dream laughed, “Course you’d think better of a monster.” 
‘you think he’s ever going to forgive you?’ 
‘you’re a monster (y/n) nothing can change that.’ 
‘no matter how much you beg, no matter how much you try to get them to understand it was me, they will never let you out.’ 
His voice haunted you, keeping you up far into the night, words etching themselves into the walls of your mind. 
‘he will never forget what you did.’ 
‘you ruined people, you worked for me, and that makes you evil.’ 
‘Your a monster. And even if you weren’t one before, I’ll make sure you become one.’
“You don’t control me.” You muttered up into the darkness. 
‘oh (y/n) your so naïve.’ 
“Shut up.” You muttered more forcefully. 
‘you think I can’t control you from here? you are a fucking fool.’ 
Almost immediately a feeling of panic surged through you as something changed, the switch in your head being flipped once again, the last thing you could truly hear as he took over was two harsh words. 
‘you’re mine.’ 
It was early in the morning when Sam had woken up to a panicked sounding Bad over the coms, “I don’t know what's happening!! It- it sounds like- like someone's trying to kill her!” 
Almost immediately Sam was up and sprinting down the corridor.
It took him all too long to reach your level, where Bad was frantically trying to undo the locks on your cell. 
“Get out of the way!” He yelled, pulling out the master key card as he heard the obvious sounds of someone being choked. 
It took yet a moment longer to get the cell door open, to find you one hand clamped around your own throat, the other desperately trying to pry it off. 
“Bad go get healing pots!” Sam yelled, immediately rushing forward to help you as Bad went running. 
It took him a moment to wrench your hand away from your neck, just long enough for you to cough twice, looking up at him in fear, “Sam, run.” 
His brow furrowed, looking down at you confused as your face seemed to shift, and then suddenly you were throwing him across the room.
Sam watched, dazed as you bolted out of the cell and down the hall, master key card in hand.
By the time he had dragged himself to his feet, and his vision had cleared itself of the spots that had drifted through there were several alarms going off, and distantly, he could hear people running.
“Bad! Ant! Give me an update, what’s happening?!” He yelled into the coms, already starting to run to where he suspected the noise was coming from.
“The key cards! She got the key cards! They’re headed for south sector!” Ant yelled back.
“I want someone back in the control room,” Sam ordered, “Turn the mining fatigue up, set the lava traps and get guards on the outer perimeter. We can’t let Dream escape.”
Sam continued to run, listening to chatter over the coms as to where you were headed, quickly gaining.
“Freeze!” Sapnaps loud voice echoed through the corridor.
Dream turned from where you were toiling to break the wall to see Sapnap, Antfrost, BBH, and Sam all aprouching, crossbows drawn.
“Surrender now and we won’t take your last life.”
Dream merely laughed, looking his former friends in the eye, “You can’t stop me.”
“It’s four on two, seems like pretty good odds in our favor.” Sam hazarded, stepping forward and breaking the line.
Dream seemed to size him up, before glancing to you, “Kill them.”
The words were simple, and clear.
You stood, dropping your pickaxe and donning the armor nabbed while on the run.
“(Y/n), don’t-” Sam said cautiously, lowering his crossbow. 
Dream sneered at him, drawing the other sword taken from the armory as Sapnap drew his own, “(y/n), fight him, I can take care of the rest.” 
You nodded obediently holding up your sword before launching yourself towards Sam. 
Sam raised his shield, blocking your first thrust, and then the second, quickly trying to back away from you as Dream attacked his comrades, “(y/n) don’t do this!” 
His words fell upon deaf ears as you attacked again, this time grazing Sam’s arm with your blade. 
He yelped in pain, instinctively starting to swing back, though not heavily enough to hurt you. 
The sounds of fighting echoed through the corridor as you and Dream clashed with the guard, the men Dream attacked falling quickly until it was just you and Sam battling it out. 
You slashed again at his arm, this time penetrating deep into the exposed skin on his inner arm, using his pause and yell of pain as time to kick him back knocking the sword out of his hand and pinning him to the ground with your boot. 
Your sword poised at his throat you looked to Dream, waiting for confirmation. 
When the man nodded Sam desperately reached out to you, “(y/n), (y/n) please- don’t- plea-” 
You’d been drifting again, thinking of the night before Dream had taken you. 
It had been late, you had stayed to long gazing at the sky, and Sam had found you sitting by the prime path. 
He’d sat down next to you, and for a while you talked about everything and nothing all at once, until you’d laughed, and in some sort of sleep drunk state, leaned in and tried to kiss him. 
Much to your surprise he had kissed back, giving you a murmured confession, the same one you heard now, yelled and frantic.
-”(y/n) please! I- I think- I love you- Don’t do this! Don’t-”-
The strings were cut, and you plummeted back into your own body in time to see a blade cutting into his neck. 
“S-Sam?” Your eyes traveled up the blade, to the hand clasped around the grip- your hand. 
“Sam!” You were desperate now, tossing the sword away with a clatter as fresh tears sprang in your eyes. 
Distantly you could hear Dream laughing as you leaned over Sam’s body, “Sam no! Sam- Sam- I told you to run- I told you to run! Why? Why didn’t you? Sam! Please! No!” 
The only thing you got in return was Dream’s wild laugh, and the blade being thrust into your back. 
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milkbread420 · 4 years ago
do you think you could write something(hc, drabble, etc 😂 take your pick) where one of the boys(kuroo or suna(idk if you write for suna) where the reader is “heather”. like the boys have girl best friend that likes them but the boys have a crush on the reader...yk? let’s flip the switch 👀 but only if you want to, no pressure.
Pairings: Kuroo x f!reader, Suna x f!reader
I kinda got carried away and just did all of the above bc I couldn’t pick but I hope this is what you were looking for! :)
(Also sorry this took a while, I’m a little busy, I hope you didn’t think I was ignoring you hwbxjowsgoih)
Warnings: Swearing, angst??
Kuroo talks about you all the time
Like so much, that she’s told him to shut up more than a few times.
When she does, he teases her about being jealous.
Little does he know
He has her talk to you, and makes her tell him everything just so he can find out little things about you here and there.
That’s how he’s learned your favorite color, your favorite food, and some of your hobbies.
He would smile and blush as she talked about her conversations with you
Every time she’d die a little inside.
He asks her for advice almost every chance he gets
Definitely cancels his plans with her just to spend more time with you
She wants to hate you so bad
Like so bad
But you’re just so perfect and kind, he absolutely adores you, and she swears that you were made for him.
You even laugh at all of his terrible chemistry jokes.
She used to be the only one.
He always takes her out to buy little gifts for you because he needs “a girl’s input” on what would be a good gift.
“Maybe buy me a gift,”
Girly really hoped you were a passing fad
Secretly hoped you’d reject him and he’d realize that she was the one for him
Life is not ‘You Belong With Me’ by Taylor Swift :
All her hopes are crushed when she sees him kissing you after a game in front of all his teammates
Kenma: Yikes
“Did you see how pretty she looked today?” Kuroo sighed, letting his body collapse onto his bed. The girl sitting upright beside him nodded stiffly, “She’s like an angel or something,” his lips curved upward into a smile, “I can’t believe someone like her even looks in my direction,” he ran his fingers through his hair, “She’s fucking perfect,” “Shut up for a second,” the girl snapped. Kuroo’s eyes shot open and he dragged himself up into a sitting position, “Sorry, it’s just, she’s all you ever talk about anymore, I want to talk about other things to ya’ know,” she huffed, folding her arms over her chest. 
Kuroo quirked a brow, sending her a devilish smirk, “Jealousy doesn’t look good on you,” he joked, a boisterous laugh escaping him; she frowned, “Aw come on, I’m just messing with ya’,” She knew that, but without even realizing, he’d struck a chord that shouldn’t have been played, “You think you could do me a solid?”
“Not a liquid or a gas?” She giggled. 
Kuroo laughed for just a second, “I’m serious,” he said. She swore he could have heard the shattering of her heart, the Kuroo she knew would never brush off a good science pun; he really did like you. 
She swallowed hard, “Yeah what’s up?”
“Well I was thinking you could talk to her for me, you know? Girl to girl or some shit?” he asked, rubbing the back of his neck, “It’s just I get all stupid around her, so I was hoping you could help me out,”
“Sure,” The girl replied before he could even really think about it. How pathetic. She thought. 
“Thanks, I owe you one,” Kuroo sighed, “How about I set you up with one of the first years on my team?” he smirked, standing up and walking out of his room; she followed close behind, “Have your pick, I’ll put in a good word,” by the time he finished talking, they were standing right next his front door. The girl shot him an inquisitive look, “I told her I’d call her around this time,” he said.
“Oh!” she understood, “Got it! Well, have fun!” he wanted her to leave.  “I most certainly will,” he smiled, waving her off as she opened the door for herself.
“See you tomorrow then,”
“Excuse me, y/n?” the girl tapped your shoulder and you stopped in your tracks, turning to face her, “I’m sorry to bother you on your walk home, it’s just, I was wondering if we could talk? Like get to know each other,” you recognized her from how much time she spent with Kuroo. They were friends, and you knew that, so you jumped at the opportunity to get acquainted with one of his friends.
“Of course!” You said with a kind smile that she was certain you couldn’t have faked, “It would be an honor actually!” you continued, making her want to rip your throat out, but also thank you profusely; she opted for neither, “You’re so cool and collected around Kuroo, I’m a little jealous,” she admitted. If only you knew, she thought to herself. “I wish I could be that way too, but i just get all flustered and red whenever he’s around me,” 
She forced a smile onto her face, “Well I’ve known him long enough not to be flustered anymore,” her eyes fell and she recalled all the times he’d made the butterflies in her stomach flutter like nobody’s business.
You giggled and nodded, “You’re so pretty, too!” 
The girl almost stopped dead in her tracks, “Thank you,” but you’re perfect.
You smiled and nodded.
“Hey,” Kuroo said, turning around in his desk to look at the girl, “Do you wanna go to the mall with me after school?” She stared blankly for a moment, thinking this might be everything that she’d been waiting for, “It’s y/n’s birthday next week, and I wanna get her something nice,” he said with a lovestruck smile that wasn’t for her. 
“Oh!” she nodded, “Yeah, sure!” 
“Cool,” Kuroo gave her a thumbs up, “I could use some advice, I don’t really know what girls like,” he shrugged, “Meet me in the schoolyard after our last class,” the girl nodded and he turned back around. She cursed herself for even thinking it could be about her.
After the last bell rang, she stood and waited for him in the schoolyard, more than a little disgruntled by the fact that he was nowhere in sight. She checked the time. It had already been ten minutes since the last class. 
“Sorry!” she heard a him holler as he ran towards her, “y/n didn’t have enough for a water at the vending machine, so I went to buy her one from the cafeteria,” he said, panting as he caught his breath. 
“It’s fine,” she said, looking down.
Kuroo hesitated, “You okay?” 
She smiled, “Yeah,”
“Look, I’ll make it up you okay?” he sighed. Her heart beat faster for just a moment, “I’ll bring you a piece of the cake you like from that bakery,” a smile graced her features, I’m going with y/n tomorrow,” she should have known better. 
“You don’t have to,” she shook her head, hoping he’d tell her that he wanted to.
“Suit yourself,” he shrugged and started walking. 
She stood there for a moment, collecting the pieces of her heart.
“You did great, Kuroo!” the girl said, smiling as the boy chuckled, just barely turning his head to look at her. 
“We all did great,” he said, brushing some hair out of his face and turning back to high five his teammates. She smiled and stood there idly as he chattered and messed around with his team. 
“Kuroo!” she heard a voice that had become all too familiar, and she immediately noticed the way his ears perked up at the sound of it, his whole body jerking around in the direction it came from; he smiled when he saw you, “You were amazing!” you said, grinning from ear to ear, “You’re so talented!” 
He took one of your hands in his, “Thank you,” he smiled, his other hand brushing over your cheek, “I’m glad you could make it,” 
The girl watched, fighting back a scorn. 
She made it to every single game what the hell was just one in comparison? 
The difference, she concluded, was that she simply was not you. 
“Hey, who’s the hottie and why have you been hiding her from us?” Yamamoto complained, wiping sweat from his forehead as he shot you a charming smile.
“This is my-” Kuroo coughed, and the girl was almost sick right then and there. Even if just by mistake, he was about to call you his girlfriend, “This is y/n,” he said, wrapping his arm around your waist, “And don’t get any ideas,” he huffed. You giggled and flung your arms around him. For a moment he looked taken aback and the girl silently prayed he’d shove you away, but instead, his slender fingers made their way beneath your chin, tilting your head upwards ever so slightly. Your face was red and his was just a few centimeters away from it. 
The girl turned away as he kissed you. 
It was soft and innocent and filled with so much love she could be sick. His eyes were closed gently, so were yours, and you both looked like you’d found water in the middle of a desert. She wondered how long he’d been waiting to do that, how long he’d wanted to kiss you instead of her. 
Kenma blinked, “y/n what is he bribing you with?”
“Nothing,” you laughed, “I really like him, that’s all,”
Kuroo smirked, “I really like you too miss y/n,”
Kenma took the words right out of her mouth. 
When Suna first started talking about you, he didn’t use a name so she thought he was talking about her.
Then he was like “yeah y/n is really something.” 
Girl became hella toxic after that
He kinda stops talking about you, because when he does, she’s really mean 
Has the AUDACITY to call you toxic
Knows deep down that you’re everything he’s ever wanted and genuinely feels happy for him, but will never say it.
She hates you and she wants you to know it 
B word
He always defends you whenever she’s rude which totally pisses her off even more
At one point, mans gets sick and tired of her shit and tells her she can either act like a decent human being or find a new best friend
Girly shut up after that
He definitely knows that she likes him and he highkey uses it to his advantage because he knows she’d do pretty much anything for him
Including driving you down to one of his away games when you’re out of money for the train.
It’s a very awkward ride. 
She’s listening to some shit music
Will not hand you the AUX
He’s really touchy with you after that particular game and she just knows he’s about to do something that’s gonna tick her off 
Atsumu also knows she likes him and he’s just like “Lmao, sucks,” cause he also knows the man is about to ask you to be his girlfriend.  
When you hold Suna’s hand and he smiles she loses her marbles. 
She knows he’s not one for PDA, so when he doesn’t brush you off, it makes her absolutely furious.
He drags you away to a more secluded place
Girl almost screams when she realizes he’s kissing you.
“She’s really a great person,” Suna said, writing in the answers to his homework as he sat with his friend in the school’s library, “She’s smart, and nice, and she’s really pretty,” he continued to move his pen and the girl next to him blushed.
“Really?” she asked, smiling as she got her hopes up, almost certain that he was about to confess his love for her.
“Yeah,” he said simply, “Her name’s y/n, she’s in our english class,” 
Her face fell and she swore her heart stopped, “y/n, huh?” she sighed, resting her chin in the palm of her hand, “Never heard of her,”
“That’s too bad,” he said, his eyes not leaving the paper, “She’s really amazing,” 
You must have been something if you had Suna praising you so highly. The thought in and of itself made her blood boil with jealousy.
“So do you like, have a crush on her?” she wasn’t sure if she even wanted to know, but her curiosity prevailed. 
“Yeah,” he said, nodding softly, finally looking up from his homework. 
She nodded and bit the inside of her cheek.
God did she wish she knew who you were, just so she could make your life a living hell. 
“Your mascara smudged,” the girl said, rather loud as she tapped your shoulder from the desk behind you, “You should fix it,” 
“Oh!”you turned around, face red from embarrassment, “Um, thanks,” Her voice had alerted some of your other classmates as well, making their heads turn towards you. 
Suna scowled at his friend as she smiled fakely at you, “It’s okay, y/n, you look fine,” he said, his eyes not moving from the girl. She shrugged and looked down at the assignment on her desk. She heard Suna whisper something to you, but she couldn’t make out what it was, but you giggled. Her fist balled up and she almost snapped the pencil in her hand. 
After class he left the room without her, walking with you by his side instead. She frowned and jogged to catch up to the two of you, forcing her way in between you and Suna. He sighed to himself.
“Suna!” she said with a pout, “You didn’t wait for me after class!” 
He nodded, “I was gonna walk y/n to her next class,” the girl frowned and then looked over at you, “She’s a big girl, she can walk by herself!” you tilted your head, unable to tell whether or not she was joking. 
“You can go Suna, I’m sorry if you felt like you had to or something,” you said, nervously fiddling with your fingers. 
“No,” he said waving a hand in front of him, “It’s okay, I enjoy our time together,” the girl grimaced as you smiled at him and he smiled back. 
“So how’s y/n?” the girl asked in a venomous tone, looking over at Suna from the other side of her living room sofa. 
He shrugged, “She’s good,” the boy visibly tried to retain a smile as he answered. 
“Oh what? All of a sudden you don’t wanna talk about her?” she asked, irritated by the shortness of his reply. She should have been happy, glad even that he had finally shut up about you, but she couldn’t help herself from being just a little disappointed that she couldn’t hear any more of his voice. You were all he wanted to talk about after all. 
“I don’t feel like listening to you complain about her,” he said, glancing down at his phone and smiling. You must have been messaging him.  
The girl folded her arms, “Not my fault she’s ruining our friendship,” she mumbled and looked away. 
Suna looked up with confused expression, “She’s ruining our friendship?” he asked with a raised brow, “You’re the one sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong,”
She scoffed, “See! She’s got you wrapped around your finger, right where she. wants you! Wake up Rintaro! She’s a manipulative bitch! How many times did you willingly go out to the movies or to the mall before you met her?” 
“It’s Suna,” he said in no particular manor, “And join the hurdling team if you’re gonna jump to conclusions,” he grumbled, grabbing his jacket before heading towards her front door, 
“Wait!” she hollered.
“What?” he replied, looking bored as ever. 
“Look, I’ll stop being so mean to her, okay?” she rolled her eyes and folded her arms over her chest.
“Okay.” he said simply, letting himself out. The girl wanted to beg him to stay, or even better, she wanted him to want to stay, all on his own with no encouragement from her; but as long as she wasn’t you, it would never be that way. 
The girl’s phone rang, just as she was about to leave her house and head to the gym across town where Suna would be playing that afternoon. She let out a disgruntled sigh as she reached for her back pocket, clicking the ‘answer’ button.
“Hey,” it was his voice on the other end, “You’re coming to the game right?” A smile spread across her lips and she silently cheered; that must mean he wanted her there, “Hello?” 
“Sorry!” she said, “Yeah, I’m just about to leave, I’ll be there in like twenty minutes,” 
“Oh good,” he mumbled, she nodded as if he could see her, “you haven’t left yet,” 
A horrible feeling brewed in the pit of her chest, “No,” she really didn’t want to ask, “why?”
She could hear his smile through the phone, “y/n’s out of money for the train I was calling to ask if you could bring her,” 
Of course.
“Of course,” she said through her teeth, feigning a cheerful tone, “Send me her address,” 
“I just did,” he said.
“Great!” she replied.
“Thanks,” he sighed, “I really want her here,” 
“Of course,” 
Of course.
It wasn’t her he was looking forward to having cheer him on, it wasn’t her hand he wanted to hold, and it wasn’t her who has stolen his heart, like some thief in the night. 
It was you. 
The girl arrived at your house around five minutes after the call, she honked a few times to get your attention; she couldn’t have been bothered to go knock, step into the house where you’d probably made out with her best friend a million times. 
You tapped lightly on her window to get her attention. She shook herself and unlocked the door, “Thank you so much!” you said as soon as you sat down, “I’m so sorry, I feel so bad making you go out of your way, but thank you, really,”
In truth, her house was actually on the way to the stadium, “Yeah, just don’t expect it to be a routine thing,” 
You nodded, “Of course not!” she flashed you a forced smile then turned on the radio. It was some music by an artist you absolutely hated, and she was quick to notice the momentary flash of disdain on your face. 
“Do you not like this?” she asked though the answer was quite obvious.
You shook your head politely, “No, it’s alright!” she grinned almost evilly and turned up the volume. 
After the game, you and the girl stood together awkwardly, both of you waiting for the same boy to come out of the gym.  The doors opened a few moments later and the first person to appear was not Suna, but Atsumu Miya, “Suna, your fanclub’s here,” he chuckled as he continued walking, discreetly tugging the girl’s arm as he brushed past her.
“Hey-!” “Shut up for a second wouldja’?” he said lowly, looking back as Suna approached you, “I know yer’ gonna try some dumb shit, and this is important to Suna, so I needja’ to lay off,” he said. 
She frowned, “What are you talking about?”
“He’s gonna make it official with y/n,” he rolled his eyes at how oblivious she was, “jeez are ya’ stupid?” 
“He didn’t tell me,” she said with a scowl, “Let me go Atsumu I need to-”
The girl struggled in his grip, but his strength prevailed, “I don’t think so,” he said with a raised brow, “you’ve been causin’ nothin’ but trouble for them,” the setter explained, “so I ain’t lettin’ ‘ya go ‘till he’s done what he wants to do,” 
She peeked over the setter’s shoulder and watched as  your face turned a dark crimson, one of your shaky hands reaching for his. He didn’t jerk away, hell he didn’t even tense, his entire body just relaxed when your hand made contact with his and it was unlike anything she’d ever seen him do. In all the years she’d known him, all the times she’d touched him, he never once looked the way he did now. 
He pulled you away, behind a wall near the bathrooms. Atsumu had finally let go and she quickly followed the path you and Suna had taken. The setter clicked his tongue and followed her to make sure she wouldn’t do anything stupid.
She would have too. Done something stupid that is, if she hadn’t seen the look on his face just before he kissed you; absolute content. It was like you’d made all his other thoughts and feelings just disappear, and she knew that even if she managed to tear them apart and get him to be with her, Suna would always wish she were you. 
“I think I’m gonna go now,” she squeaked. 
“See ‘ya at the wedding,” Atsumu said snidely. 
She silently wondered if he was joking. 
Ahh those were so fun to write ;-;
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op-sheepy · 4 years ago
6. dark law, 19. Davy Back, 36. the whimsical captain trafalgar law, 55. marine pet AU!
 Oh, good eye. Those are some of my favorites.. Here is another long one under the cut. Also sorry for the late response. :D
6. Dark Law
Essentially my take (one of them at least) on what would have happened had Corazon not taken Law from the Donquixote pirates but left anyway when he thought Law had ratted him out.
Some details regarding this:
Rocinante returns to the marines and was able to submit the intelligence he'd gathered. This doesn't do much except inconvenience Doflamingo, as already acknowledged during Law and Doffy's fight.
Vergo gets discovered so he just goes back to the family.
Law does not eat the Ope Ope no mi since Doflamingo never intended for him to. At least, initially.
Because, I'm assuming, not everyone can perform the "Perennial Youth Operation," as it was stated they needed to be 'wise' or 'knowledgeable' and being a doctor does not really automatically equal that, Doflamingo had to kill the users he had chosen when none of them could do it so the fruit could go back to the circulation and he could feed it to the next potentially qualified person he could find.
Law's Amber Lead Syndrome got healed by one of these users though it was only because Law, himself, taught them how to (being familiar with the disease through his father's research as well being a good doctor)
Eventually, everyone realizes that Law is actually the most suited to wield the fruit (all the other smart doctors either having a fruit already or are simply inaccessible), certain that Law would be able to figure out how to do the ultimate technique. So, reluctantly, because he does care in his twisted conditional way, Doflamingo gives the Ope Ope no Mi to Law.
Law at this point had been raised as Doffy's right hand, all according to his plan. While he truly considers Law family and might genuinely regret making him give up his life, Doffy would still ask it from him because there is nothing more important than Doflamingo and his goals. A sentiment that almost everyone in his family considers true.
And Law... well...
Doflamingo rested both hands on Law's shoulders. His tinted glasses peering down, voice heavy with regret, "I wish there was another way."
Law's face remained impassive only broken by a small wistful twitch of his lips. It almost looked like a smile. He grasped Doflamingo's arm and directed him towards the operating table.
"You have taught me many lessons one of which was the futility of wishing for better circumstances." Law seated him and prepared his equipment.
"You taught me to take advantage of any situation by using whatever it is at my disposal." Carefully, he opened a package of sterile gloves. It wasn't really needed but the ritual of opening the pack and putting the gloves on one hand at a time always helped settle his nerves.
"I had expected you to do the same so I'd been prepared for this even before you gave me the fruit." Law lifted his eyes as he slid the first glove in place. "Don't feel too bad. I really am grateful for everything you've done for me. This is just me returning the favor."
He slid the other glove and stretched it over his hand. Softly, almost a whisper, without taking his eyes off his would-be patient, "I wish there was another way too." The snap that followed the release of the glove was too loud in the small operating room.
19. Davy Back
Early Heart Pirates stuff. And another workaround for writing with at least one of the nameless Heart Pirates.
A Davy Back Fight is initiated for an abused crew member of the opposing crew because Penguin couldn't help himself. The rules are a work in progress, hence this fic's state in limbo.
I really like writing about how these guys were when starting out. They probably looked too adorable, to be honest, so in the harsh North Blue they must have had a hard time getting treated seriously. Not that that would have bothered them (I honestly think they exploited it a lot.)
The enemy captain stared intently at each Heart Pirate then at the list of members given to him. The man didn't bother controlling the upward curl of his mouth.
"No powers. No weapons. Sumo wrestling with your navigator and hand-to-hand combat with your doctor."
Shachi choked and struggled a little bit to get his breathing back to normal. He waved away Penguin's hands patting his back. The pats were a little too harsh, clearly an admonishment if the accompanying glare was anything to go by.
Penguin almost felt sorry for whoever it was being matched against Law. Bepo, while just as incensed by the other crew, was way too conscious of controlling his strength to ever really hurt anyone too badly. The captain, on the other hand, could turn someone into a useless writhing lump of agony by systematically dislocating joints Penguin hadn't even known could be dislocated. Gruesome as severed body parts looked, the powers could at least make it painless.
36. The Whimsical Captain Trafalgar Law
More Heart Pirates stuff though would feature some of the allied crews as well. This is actually a series/multi-chaptered (or would be).
A Heart Pirates adventure fic where they all go along with their captain's whims all while trying to figure him out. His crew is so used to it they barely even flinch anymore.
Not to say they understand him because who knows what goes inside their captain's head. In fact, they debate that sometimes (a lot of times) the crew being divided among those who think Law has got a plan and those who think he's winging it (often switching really).
"You can't possibly tell me there's some sort of plan behind this."
More than half of the crew looked a bit skeptical, the rest looked defensive.
Clione held up his hands. "Hey, I'm not complaining. I'll follow the captain wherever same as you. But you gotta admit that there isn't always a method to his madness. He really does do things on a whim."
"I disagree. The captain's just saying that but he knows what he's doing. Pretty sure there's a reason behind all his actions..." Protests started, so Penguin amended, "...that isn't just him being a bastard on purpose because he hates someone. Which is a pretty valid reason since we are pirates."
"How about that time we raided the flour factory?" Ikkaku asked.
Penguin's reply came immediately. "Discreet incendiary." A beat. "...also he hates bread."
Before they could celebrate, Shachi interrupted, "His dislike of bread counts as a reason and since it's incidental it doesn't count as a whim."
With narrowed eyes, Clione tried again. "The monastery? Dressing up as monks."
"Medicinal plant in the courtyard bred by this one priest."
"Allowed us to get intel and allies."
"And the emergency operations without anesthesia?"
"Possible drug interaction. Emporio Ivankov and their hormone powers."
So continued their back and forth. By the end of it, Penguin and Shachi looked way too smug. Truthfully, they both agreed Law was more impulsive than he let on, often unaware of it himself. But they knew the man they chose to follow always had a plan and purpose (though not necessarily present at the start, but semantics)
55. Marine Pet AU
Haha... Another one of those difficult to explain ones. Starring the Marines (particularly the original three admirals and Sengoku), and the Shichibukai.
Uhm... So everything's the same except the Shichibukai aren't pirates. They're animals. That's it.
It starts with a wayward flamingo wearing eyewear harassing officers near one of their HQs. Also the Marines need to improve their public image. For some reason, the best they came up with is to get a mascot. Hitting two birds with one stone. (Except they can't really hit the bird. They tried)
So the Marines build a zoo or a habitat. Here are the only types of pirates the World Government can tolerate. Aren't they cute and fluffy?
The public eat it all up. It's popular so now they have to commit. And really, these animals become so important their safety and wellbeing become the higher-ups' problem.
Kizaru is having fun. Aokiji is resigned. Akainu tries (he doesn't quite know what but he'll do what's best for the Marines even if that's getting that damn flamingo away from the reptile enclosure for the tenth time that week on a Tuesday.)
Will feature other marines as well as all of the Shichibukai. All of them.
He checked the schedule and sighed deeply.
Boa, Doflamingo, Mihawk.
He had the most troublesome ones. Briefly, he contemplated just letting his subordinates handle them but quickly scrapped the idea.
He wouldn't say these animals were attached to him and the other admirals but they got more difficult to handle the lower the rank as though these creatures' egos get ruffled. It wasn't a matter of ability. It was perhaps more accurate to say that they had respect. A modicum of it.
It should be Boa's feeding time. Another sigh escaped him as he headed towards the grooming room, a room specifically made to groom Boa's food.
It took them a while to figure out the snake's preferred diet but they found it out when a stray kitten had snuck in and Boa swooped in to swallow it whole. From there they determined that she would only eat cute animals--any less adorable and she doesn't even look at it. So puppies and kittens. And maybe bunny rabbits. Which was bad from a PR perspective so they've taken to grooming rats. Put a nice lovely ribbon and brushed them so they're all fluffy.
He entered the grooming room and one of the officers assigned there took a quick look at him, glanced down the rat they were grooming, then burst to tears (they tended to get attached.) He pressed his hand to his head letting the ice cool down his budding headache. Why couldn't he have gotten Jinbe?
Thank you for playing. :)
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kpop-zone · 4 years ago
Bad Dracula | Irene & Seulgi
Genre: fluff
Wordcount: 1,875
Summary: What happens if you give two pranksters too much free time before Halloween?
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“You know that she’s going to kill us, right?”
Seulgi mumbled absentmindedly while cutting out another paper bug. She was sitting on the floor, sticking out her tongue in concentration, causing you to smile fondly.
“Hm yeah...probably.”
You shrugged unconcerned, causing your girlfriend to look at you blankly. As soon as your eyes met though, both of you started giggling uncontrollably and you held your stomach in pain, because it felt like you were doing a full ab workout right now.
“I can already see her face.”
Seulgi choked out and wiped away some tears of laughter.
“She’s going to freak out.”
You agreed, looking at all the props that Seulgi and you had prepared.
In front of you were laying all sorts of creepy items: fake spiderwebs, paper bugs, plastic skulls... the list was nearly endless. Stuff like this was usually nowhere to be found in your apartment, but in the last two hours Seulgi and you had drastically ramped up your stock. The two of you were just supposed to buy groceries, but when you walked past the Halloween section, the same wicked idea had popped into your heads simultaneously.
Everyone knew that Joohyun was the biggest scaredy cat on this planet which was the reason why you usually didn’t celebrate Halloween in your household. This year, however, Seulgi and you decided to have a little fun with your girlfriend. You had probably spent too much time unattended to come up with such a silly idea due to the fact that Joohyun had to work this week while the two of you had some days off. But after dawdling away most of your time in your own boring four walls, the idea of turning your apartment into a haunted house till Joohyun returned back home suddenly sounded brilliant to you. Therefore, you had quickly bought nearly the entire Halloween section of your local supermarket and were now in the middle of giving your apartment a makeover.
“Do you think, I should tape one of the bugs on the light switch next to the door, so she can’t turn on the light?”
Seulgi asked with a mischievous smirk on her lips and you gasped.
“Babe, that’s a brilliant idea!”
You praised her, causing your girlfriend to giggle excitedly.
In less than an hour, your apartment was absolutely unrecognizable. Creepy cutouts and figures were scattered across the whole place, the front door was veiled with spiderwebs and all the lights were covered with blankets.
Proudly, Seulgi and you stood in the middle of the living room and admired your creation.
“You don’t think we’ve overdone it, right?”
You asked with a sudden feeling of anxiety rising in your chest and Seulgi looked at you worriedly. Both of you knew that your girlfriend could be quite scary if she wanted to be. But it was too late to abandon your plan now. Right when Seulgi opened her mouth to respond to you, the clanking noise of keys could be heard from the front door and the two of you dove behind the couch.
“We’re going to find out now...”
Seulgi whispered and you shot her an anxious look. A second later, however, your attention was ripped away from her and directed to the front door instead as a deafening loud scream almost caused you to squeal in shock.
“That must have been the spiderweb. The next scare should be...”
You muttered under your breath, but before you could finish your sentence, your girlfriend walked right into the next trap.
“Why is it so dar-AAAAH!”
Next to you, Seulgi started snorting with laughter and you covered her mouth with your hand to muffle the sound, while chuckling silently yourself. It turned out that the bug on the light switch was indeed a brilliant idea.
“Y/N?! SEULGI??”
The desperation in Joohyun’s voice almost caused you to cave in and end this prank, but you were too curious to see her reaction to your main attraction: a creepy Dracula doll that suddenly started screaming when a motion detector was triggered. Therefore, you stayed in your hiding spot and listened to the silent curses of Joohyun who slowly cut her way through the apartment. You knew that she had to be close to the doll now and you looked at Seulgi who was waiting in anticipation as well. Both of you had to suppress your laughter in order to not ruin the last scare, but you waited patiently until you heard the loud, mechanical scream of the doll that was accompanied by an unhuman noise of your girlfriend. Neither Seulgi nor you could hold back any longer and you jumped out from your hiding spot, tumbling over in laughter.
“Welcome home!”
You yelled, causing Joohyun to screech one last time in shock before staring blankly at Seulgi and you.
“The last one was the best.”
Seulgi giggled while holding on to you in order to not fall over from laughing too hard.
“The spiderwebs got her good too though.”
You commented, not realizing how you were perforated by someone’s death glare. Only when a voice -that was was way creepier than the scream of the Dracula- sounded in the room, Seulgi’s and your laughter ceased within a second.
“What the hell is all of this?”
Joohyun gritted through her teeth, her eyes seeming to be able to spit fire and her jaw being tightly clenched.
“Wasn’t that funny, jagi?”
Seulgi chuckled sheepishly, only to hide behind you the moment that Joohyun’s eyes met hers.
“You’re going to regret this.”
Your supposedly easy victim hissed before suddenly lunging forward, causing Seulgi and you to gasp. In shock, the two of you took flight and ran into two different directions. For the moment, you were safe as Joohyun opted to catch Seulgi first, so you hid in a dark corner watching the relentless pursuit in front of you.
“I’m sorry!!”
Seulgi yelled over her shoulder while throwing pillows and other small items in Joohyun’s way to slow her down. The sight was truly hilarious, and you started giggling in your hideout.
“Hwaiting, Seulgi! You’re much taller than her, she doesn’t stand a chance.”
You cheered for one of your girlfriends, only to regret your comment a second later. Joohyun suddenly stopped dead in her tracks and turned her fiery gaze at you. Your eyes widened comically, and your mouth formed a surprised O-shape when your girlfriend suddenly pounced on you, deciding that you were a more deserving victim. You wanted to make a run for the front door, but Joohyun saw right through your plan and cut off your escape route, tackling you onto the couch with a big leap.
“Did you just call me small?”
She asked with her eyes narrowed threateningly, causing you to be at a loss for words.
“S-small? Jagi, I would never!”
You stuttered but your appeasements came too late.
“I’ll show you who doesn’t stand a chance!”
Joohyun grumbled before starting to tickle you mercilessly. Her fingers dug into your stomach and the sides of your torso, causing you to wiggle beneath her while squealing loudly. You tried your best to push her off, but somehow, Joohyun must have developed super strength because she had no trouble at all to pin you down on the couch.
“Seulgi! Help me!”
Realizing that you truly didn’t stand a chance against her, you helplessly glanced at your other girlfriend who was standing at the other end of the couch, observing your defeat.
“Help you? This was all your idea. I had nothing to do with that. You deserve this punishment.”
Seulgi said sweetly and you gasped appalled.
“How could you?? You imposter!”
You choked out dramatically between fits of squeals and laughter as Jooyhun kept tickling you. Seulgi, however, simply gave you a cheeky wink and grinned proudly, showing no signs of remorse in her face. Her look of smugness changed a second later though when Joohyun suddenly grabbed her wrist and pulled her on the couch as well.
“You had nothing to do with this? As if!”
Joohyun scoffed before giving Seulgi her own share of punishment. All three of you were eventually completely intertwined on the small couch and you had trouble telling which body belonged to who. But after some time, that didn’t matter anymore. All of you just tickled the one that was closest until the room was filled with laughter and your heart was overflowing with happiness. What a turn of events this was. Slowly, however, your tickle fight slowed down as all of you collapsed onto each other in exhaustion, trying hard to catch your breaths.
“I surrender! I surrender! Please show me mercy.”
Seulgi managed to choke out from the bottom of the pile, putting her hands together to beg for her life.
Reluctantly, Joohyun sat up and hummed contemplatively.
“But what’s in it for me?”
She asked critically with one eyebrow raised, while a smug grin was tugging on the corners of her lips.
“My undying love?”
Seulgi responded with puppy dog eyes, causing Joohyun and you to snort.
“Nice try, but I’m afraid I’ll need something more than just that.”
A pout formed on Seulgi’s lips, but Joohyun was unrelenting, not letting herself be deterred by the charms of the younger one. Therefore, you decided to try your luck to appease her.
“Would a cozy movie night be a better peace offering? Seulgi and I will pay for the food and you’re allowed to choose the movie.”
Your offer seemed to be to Joohyun’s liking. After contemplating for a second, she fixed her hair a bit before holding out her hand to you.
She smirked triumphantly and you shook her hand while chuckling to yourself.
Your girlfriends were so calculating.
But a deal was a deal. Therefore, Seulgi and you ordered some takeout food and prepared some snacks in the kitchen while Joohyun curled up in a blanket in the living room, refusing to walk through the apartement until the Dracula was kicked out. Seulgi and you only looked at each other in amusement but decided to grant Joohyun a recovery after what you had put her through earlier.
Eventually you joined her on the couch, heavily armed with food, drinks and even more blankets. Quickly Seulgi and you plopped down beside Joohyun, not hesitating a second before snuggling up to her.
“So what will we watch?”
You asked curiously, already knowing that Joohyun would exploit her supremacy tonight to tease you in some way.
“The Notebook.”
She grinned and Seulgi and you whined simultaneously.
Seulgi blurted out, much to the dismay of Joohyun who flashed her a threatening look, causing Seulgi to quickly bow her head apologetically.
“The Notebook it is.”
You giggled while setting up the TV for your movie night and grabbing the snacks.
As the movie started playing, you rested your head on Joohyun’s shoulder who pressed a kiss on the crown of your head, causing your heart to flutter. Happily, you sighed and reached over to grab Seulgi’s hand who immediately intertwined your fingers and started drawing patterns on the back of your hand with her thumb. 
Who would have thought that Dracula would bring you all together like this?
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elentiyawhitethorn · 4 years ago
Sneaking Around | Chapter Seven
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The next week was torture for Aelin. Unable to get her hands on Rowan, she had to settle for passing glances in the hallways and lingering touches in the elevator. Lunchtimes she ignored him as she usually did. It was only at the end of the workday on Friday that Rowan entered her office.
“Did you need something, Mr. Whitethorn?” asked Aelin coolly.
He grinned. “I needed to know if you’re busy.”
“I’ll have to check my schedule.”
Rowan rolled his eyes. “Come to my place when you’re finished.” Then he walked - no, strutted - out the door.
Aelin could hardly complete her work quickly enough. After she did, she texted Ansel. im not coming home tonight
why am i not surprised? Ansel answered quickly.
shut up Aelin then gathered her belongings and headed to her car.
She pulled up at the now-familiar building and walked up the stairs to Rowan’s door. It was unlocked. Rowan was sitting at the table eating a plate of spaghetti.
“Couldn’t wait for me?” Aelin pouted.
He grinned. “I was hungry.”
Rolling her eyes, Aelin served herself a plate and sat. She liked the familiarity she felt when she was here, when she sat down with Rowan.
She’d barely taken a bite when a phone rang. Rowan’s.
“It’s Fenrys,” he said when he looked at it. “Hello?”
A voice sounded on the other side, to which Rowan responded, “Why?” And then, “That’s really weird, man.” And finally, “Maybe some other time. I’m finishing up on paperwork right now.” He looked close to laughter.
Aelin’s brow was raised. “What was that about?”
A smirk. “I was invited over to figure out who your secret boyfriend is.”
Aelin blinked. “You’re joking, right?” When he didn’t say anything, Aelin shouted, “I’m going to kill them! I’m going to fucking kill them all!” Rowan chuckled. “Do you seriously find this amusing?” she yelled.
“Calm down. And don’t kill them, they’ll want to know how you found out.”
“Call him back.”
Rowan frowned. “Why?”
“Tell them you finished your paperwork and you want to join.”
“Again, why?”
“I want to know who they think I’m screwing. You’re my man on the inside.”
Rowan just looked at her. “Um, no.”
“Why not?”
“That’s ridiculous.” When she just glowered at him, he added, “Also, I’m eating.”
“Good thing you’re almost done then.”
“I’m not going to go join their ludicracy when I could be doing other things. Preferably things involving you naked.” When Aelin crossed her arms and frowned at him, Rowan sighed. “I’m not getting out of this, am I?”
He reluctantly picked up his phone. “Turns out I had less paperwork than I thought and I have nothing better to do. Yeah. Okay, see you in a few minutes.”
Rowan scowled at Aelin. “You owe me. And what exactly are you going to be doing while I’m gone?”
She smiled. “Do you have Netflix?”
Halfway through Dirty Dancing, Aelin’s phone rung. It was Lysandra. Was she involved too? Most certainly; in fact, she had probably started this whole let’s-stalk-Aelin idea.
“What?” Aelin made her voice as breathy as possible.
“Sorry to bother you. I was just wondering what you’re up to.” Checking her alibi. Thorough. She had to give them credit for that.
“I’m very busy. What do you want?” Aelin snapped in her most impatient, I-need-to-get-back-to-sex voice.
“Oh, nothing. I’ll let you get back to it.” There was a laugh in the background and someone shushed them. How inconspicuous.
“Whatever.” Aelin hung up. Then she pressed play on the TV, a smirk on her face.
An hour later, Rowan came back. He found Aelin, asleep on his couch, with a bowl of popcorn next to her.
He moved the popcorn, switched off the TV, and sat next to her. Aelin woke up to Rowan stroking her hair. Not a bad way to start the day. Then she realized it was late evening. Aelin yawned, stretching onto his lap.
“Don’t you want to hear the juicy details?” asked Rowan.
This woke her up. “What did they say about me?”
He laughed. “Oh gods, Lysandra should work in the FBI. There were lists and-”
“Of every employee of the office. It was narrowed down to male employees, then only those at the party.”
Aelin scowled. “When I get my hands on her... Who else was there?”
“Aedion, Gavriel, and Elide weren’t notified for fear of ratting us out. Ansel was working. Vaughan had to be at the office for the new security update. Lorcan and Manon both declined with similar statements about how bat-shit crazy we are. It was just Connall, Fenrys, Lys, and me. We were all told not to tell you, but I didn’t promise anything.”
“And I’m assuming it was Lysandra’s idea?” Aelin was furious at this point.
“Yes. It was kind of fun, though.”
“I know you did not just say that.”
Rowan chuckled. “Oh, please, you would have initiated the thing if it was anyone else.”
“It wasn’t, though, and I need revenge.”
“I can only pray I’m not there when that happens. And she crossed us men off the list since we were all there while you got your alibi checked.”
Aelin laughed. “Yes, I was brilliant, wasn’t I?”
“Mmhm, you sounded like you were called in the middle of screwing somebody.”
Aelin beamed. “That’s what I was going for. Now that you’re here, though, I’ve been waiting all week for you to fuck me.” she blatantly declared.
Rowan’s breath hitched. Aelin sat up, then moved on top of him, straddling him. His hands settled on her hips.
“Thank you for being my man on the inside,” Aelin whispered, then dragged her tongue up his neck. Rowan groaned.
“Maybe I should do you favors more often,” Rowan got out as she pulled her own shirt off. His hands drifted up to massage Aelin’s breasts through her lace bra.
Aelin spent the rest of the night thoroughly thanking Rowan. Oh, how she loved the weekends.
Aelin slept in the next morning. She awoke to find herself alone in Rowan’s bed.
Not bothering to put on clothes, not even another one of Rowan’s shirts, Aelin walked into the kitchen. Rowan was making pancakes.
He turned, taking in Aelin’s naked appearance. Rowan’s eyes darkened with lust. Totally ignoring his roving gaze, Aelin walked to the counter and leaned against it. “I didn’t know you could cook,” she said.
Unable to tear his eyes away from her body, Rowan kept staring as he answered, “I’d hardly call making pancakes cooking.”
“It’s more than I can do,” Aelin replied. Smirking, she added, “Careful, they seem to be burning.”
Rowan finally turned back to the food, stacking them on a plate. The muscles of his back were tense. Quite possibly he was restraining himself from spinning back around and touching her. Aelin loved the effect she had on him.
Finally he managed, “Tell me you’re not going to eat like that.”
Aelin said, “Why shouldn’t I?” She was enjoying this, especially when he turned back around to reveal a slight bulge in his pants.
“Fuck, Aelin, you can’t... I’m not going to make it through breakfast with you looking like that.”
Laughing evily, Aelin complied, running back to get a shirt out of his dresser. She then walked back to the table, which had two plates on it.
Every time she was here, Aelin felt happy and carefree. Before she knew what she was doing, Aelin blurted, “I like you.”
Rowan looked at her, raising an eyebrow. Aelin blushed furiously. “I mean, I didn’t quite intend to say that, but I do. Like you, I mean. Just saying.” Wow. Very smooth.
Rowan was grinning now. “I like you too.” Aelin had expected some mocking comment, but despite the teasing look, his voice was sincere. Her blush deepened.
Rowan had the nerve not to seem embarrassed. Bastard. He said, “What are your plans for Christmas? Still attending the Single Losers Christmas party?”
Ah yes, Christmas. They were at the beginning of December, nearing a holiday from work. And the Single Losers party was a tradition started long ago, when Fenrys had no one to celebrate with and demanded Aedion, Gavriel, and Lorcan throw a party in his honor. They had the nicest place; everything happened there. It had now evolved into a small get-together with the friends and their dates (so most of them weren’t even single, but whatever). It had been quite a few Christmases since Aelin had had a boyfriend serious enough to spend the holiday with, so she was a regular. About half of them went to their parents’ houses for the holidays, but the others didn’t.
“Yes, I am. You?” Rowan usually went to the party as well.
“I’m going.” He seemed like he wanted to say something else, but hesitated.
“What?” Aelin asked.
Rowan quickly said, “Nothing. More syrup?” She knew she wasn’t getting anything out of the damned bastard. Yet, at least.
The rest of the morning passed, and of course ended up in his bedroom. Aelin didn’t know how, but the sex just kept getting better and better. She left in the afternoon, having plans at her own apartment with Ansel and Lysandra.
Aelin left Rowan with a searing kiss, her insides burning. She would never get used to the heat she felt around him, nor did she ever want to. Aelin lived for it, craved it like she craved his tongue in her mouth.
Eventually she detached herself and drove home. Lysandra was already there - early to see Aelin come home at three in the afternoon. After the possible boyfriend lists that she wasn’t supposed to know about, it was hard enough not to strangle her friend. Lysandra was on thin ice.
“Have a nice night?” she purred. Ansel laughed.
Glaring, Aelin said, “Very. How was your night?” Yes, what were you doing, Lys? Not stalking your friend, I hope.
“I got together with the twins and Rowan.” Technically true. Bitch.
Aelin made sure to inquire about Lysandra and Aedion’s flirtations or Ansel and Fenrys’ budding romance every time they got too nosy and that seemed to do the trick. The conversation mostly revolved around Elide and Lorcan, a new movie on Hulu, and a new Kung Fu move Ansel had learned.
Lysandra left a while later. Aelin set her phone on the counter along with her purse and keys.
She went to the bathroom. Washing her hands, Aelin heard her phone beep. Ansel called, “I’ll check it for you!” Nosy. Probably hoping it was from her lover. Wait a minute; if it was from Rowan...
Aelin dried her hands quickly and bolted out of the bathroom. To find Ansel gaping at Aelin’s phone. Shit.
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everybodyscupoftea · 5 years ago
just the plug?
college jj x reader
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someone requested part 2 of the plug, which i honestly hadn’t considered. it took me a while to get this up because i wanted to do it justice, but here it is. wanted to get undertones of what can go wrong when ~love languages~ don’t match :)
warnings: per usual cursing, lil bit of angst
You thought, after your talk at the coffee shop, that the two of you were on the same page, but JJ’s actions left you feeling a little uncertain. It was almost like he was content to just not talk about it anymore, and you were left wondering if you had misread the whole situation after all.
The two of you still hung out all the time, keeping all your plans and previous routines. JJ started paying for the food more, and he always cleaned up the kitchen when the two of you finished, but he never brought up the relationship status.
You’d seen his past relationships, how he’d slept around in his younger years, and you didn’t want to judge based on that, he was older, but what else where you supposed to base his actions off of. Kie tried to repeatedly reassure you that JJ really liked you, but how were you supposed to know for sure if he never said anything.
One afternoon, you were studying in the coffee shop before your night shift. Grad level accounting was kicking your ass, and the closing shift always left you way too drained to give it the level of focus it required. You sipped at the latte your coworker made for you and highlighted a particularly important formula in the textbook.
Your phone lit up next to you, and you glanced over to see a text from JJ just as the screen went dark again. He’d texted asking if you’d had any lunch yet. Which, thinking back, no. Before you could respond he sent another text guessing no and promised to bring you some food.
A few minutes later, he pushed the door open, holding a bag of takeout from your favorite bagel shop down the street. Plopping down across from you, he smiled, taking his hat off to mess with his hair a few seconds before putting it back on.
“My hero,” you told him, reaching for the bag.
JJ laughed, “Yeah, well, can’t let you waste away, you’re too important.”
You smiled, “Important, huh?”
“Couldn’t survive without my plug for a few more months at least.”
And that brought you right back down to earth. You took a bite of the bagel and responded, a bit bitterly, “Right, my sole purpose in your life.”
“That’s right,” he affirmed, leaning back in the chair.
That’s why you were confused. He did so many nice things for you, but it was like the dynamic never changed. You’d never held hands past that first night, hell the closest you’d been to him was an occasional hug because, ‘I’m not much of a hugger, bro’.
You decided to just spare your feelings and change the subject, “You got any big plans tonight?”
“Picked up Ethan’s shift, so we’re closing together.”
Perking up, you eagerly asked, “Movie night after?”
He sighed, picking at the wrapper his bagel had been in, “I wish, but I gotta meet with my bio partner tonight for our project. I normally wouldn’t have picked up the shift but I saw no one else had volunteered and I know how much stress you’re under, so I didn’t want you to have to close alone.”
“Oh, um, honestly it’s fine. You can go meet her; I know how extensive the project is. I’m pretty much done with my work anyway and it won’t be my first rodeo closing alone.”
JJ sat up straighter, “You sure?”
With a shaky smile and a nod, you responded, “Yeah, totally. I’ll text you later?”
“For sure, thanks, bud,” JJ stood and pressed a quick kiss to your cheek before walking out of the shop, already texting his partner. You pressed your hand against your chest as a cold feeling overtook and squeezed.
The next night was your actual closing shift with JJ and he was late. You were tapping your foot in annoyance as he came running in, 30 minutes past the shift start, hastily tying his apron.
He bent over a little to catch his breath, “Fuck, my bad. Totally lost track of time.”
“All good,” you told him, not liking that it had become your go-to response for him as of late.
JJ looked around, “Looks like we aren’t too busy though, that’s good.”
“Well, we aren’t now, but I had a rush for about 10 minutes earlier.”
He did at least look like he felt bad, “Sorry, finishing touches on the project.”
“Nothing I can’t handle,” you said, tiredly.
“Would you feel better if I handled most of the closing duties and you could leave 30 minutes early?”
“Believe it or not, J, I enjoy our closing shifts together, so no, it will not. We’re still on for tonight, right?”
He looked a little hurt and confused, “Yeah, I, uh, did I do something wrong?”
You squeezed your eyes shut for a few seconds, “No, everything’s fine.”
“Right, you keep saying that, but I feel like that’s a lie.”
With a shrug, you responded, “Feel whatever you want, but I’m telling you it’s all good.”
The shift was a little awkward and tense afterward. He kept asking if you were okay and your answers were getting shorter and shorter until you finally snapped, “Fuck’s sake, Maybank, can’t you just take my word for it.”
He held his hands up, looking hurt, “I’m gonna go start dishes.”
You sighed again, pressing the heels of your hands into your eyes. How did the two of you get there? Lack of communication maybe. You’d had two tests that week and you were exhausted. JJ was supposed to be a safe place for you to feel accepted and to feel relief, but lately it felt like he wasn’t as close. It was as if you could feel him slipping through your fingertips the closer it got to his 21st birthday.
By the end of the shift you just wanted to curl up in bed and not think about it anymore. You debated canceling to just sleep, but less time with JJ was actually the opposite of what you wanted. True to his word, he’d done most of the duties. He grabbed your hand on your way out, swinging them between you, reminding you eerily of the first time. This time though, it hurt.
JJ didn’t stop at the po-boy place, and he didn’t stop at the pizza place you sometimes switched it up with. He whistled softly and the two of you walked all the way to your apartment without getting any food at all. You unlocked your door, assuming he just wanted to order something, and got a huge whiff of something.
You turned to look at him and he was smiling widely, “I know you just took your last accounting test before finals, so I wanted to do something nice for you.”
JJ led you to the kitchen, and there he had a crockpot of what looked like roast cooking. You were honestly touched and with a smile, asked, “So was this your project finishing touches?”
He pressed a kiss to your cheek, “I think you’re doing great, and I know this semester has been hard. I wanted to do something nice.”
When he hugged you, you melted into his embrace, not realizing how much you just wanted a fucking hug. Honestly, him initiating it without prompting was enough for you to look past the lack of conversation as of late.
JJ told you to go take your shoes off and get comfy, that he’d fix up plates for the two of you, so you did. Changing out of your jeans into sweats felt great, and when you got back, JJ had set the table and put both of your plates on it.
The two of you sat down and he joked, “Sorry there’s no wine, still not 21 and I couldn’t ask my plug, that would ruin the surprise.”
“Please, don’t ruin the moment with plug jokes.”
He looked confused, “Wait, I thought you liked plug jokes.”
“Plug jokes were funny until they started making me feel like that’s all I am to you.”
“All you are to me? I thought…I thought we were together?”
You couldn’t stop the incredulous laugh, “Since when? When did we have that conversation?”
“It was implied, right? Like when we started hanging out more and I started paying, that’s boyfriend shit.”
You weren’t even sure where to start with that. JJ was looking at you expectantly, “Sir, I need verbal confirmation. Not just this implied, unstated stuff. How the fuck was I supposed to know that was your intent until you tell me.”
He paused for a minute, “I suppose that’s true.”
You waited for him to continue, and he just took a bite of rice and gravy. When he glanced up at you, you gave him a look, “So, are we still not gonna have the conversation?”
“Was that not it?”
“Oh my fuck, JJ.”
He laughed, “Okay, to get this straight, I thought I was your boyfriend, but you didn’t know that. Now you’re upset, even though I’ve been wining and dining you the whole time.”
“Yeah, that about sums it up.”
“So are we on the same page, that I’ve been trying to communicate through my actions?”
You nodded reluctantly, “Yes, that’s clear now, but I still need words.”
“And I can do that, babe.”
The cold that had taken root in your chest these last few weeks suddenly warmed and you smiled, “Thank you, now was that so hard?”
JJ laughed, “I guess not. I was just, scared, I guess. I didn’t want to put a label on it too fast and put you off. Plus, you weren’t talking about it either.”
“Okay, that’s fair. I just felt like you only saw me as your plug, you kept making those stupid jokes. And you never really touched me.”
“I was trying to give you personal space! I know you aren’t the touchiest person.”
“That’s never been a problem with you,” you admitted to him with a small smile.
He looked pleased and immediately stood, pulling you into a tight hug, “I’ll try to be better.”
“So will I,” you told him, punctuating it with a kiss.
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word-scribbless · 4 years ago
Smile Again Part 5
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Gif not mine (also Aaron isn’t bearded In this part, I just can’t pass up a bearded Hotch gif)
Masterlist | Smile Again Masterlist
We find out a lot more about the readers past, and some BAU family time! Also I sorta made up some jobs and stuff don’t judge that part too hard!
It had been 3 weeks since her first movie night with the Hotchners and she found herself extra happy every Friday morning, knowing she’d get to spend the night with Jack and Aaron.
On the Thursday before their fourth movie night the team got called away for a case. Y/N was disappointed but understood and insisted on giving Jess the night off while her and Jack had their movie night anyway.
Y/N walked up to the door and knocked, increasingly nervous to meet Jessica and feeling a little crazy for it. She wasn’t dating Hotch so she shouldn’t feel so anxious and guilty but she did. That was quickly wiped away when Jess opened the door with a giant smile.
“Hi, y/n?” She asked. And Y/N nodded. Aaron had told her about his ex sister in law that watches Jack.
“Hi Jessica right? it’s so nice to meet you.”
“I’ve heard so many great things!” Jessica said pulling her into a hug. “Come in.”
“Y/N!” Jack said running down the hall and jumping into her arms.
“Thank you for letting me hang out with this little chipmunk for the night!” She smiled.
“Of course, I’m sure Aaron will be bummed that he missed Coco night. He was telling me how much he loves movie night.” Jess said with a knowing smirk that only y/n caught.
It gave her the all too firmiliar butterflies to think that Aaron may have talked to his sister in law about their time together. She pushed that down and smiled.
“I was thinking maybe we watch an old favorite and save Coco for when your dad is back.” She said, looking at jack as she said the last part.
“YEAH! I’ll get Mulan!”
“You read my mind little man” she laughed as he ran away.
“I’m gonna get going.” Jess said and then stopped and put her hand on Y/N’s arm “thank you” she said and Y/N looked confused. She went to ask her what she meant when she winked and went to kiss jack goodbye.
Y/n didn’t know what she meant but decided she wouldn’t think about it too much or else those pesky butterflies would take over completely.
Y/n and jack had a perfect movie night and had pancakes as they waited for Jess the next morning.
It was Thursday before she got the call from JJ saying they were headed back. She told her they were all headed out for drinks and Y/N was coming, no questions. She agreed quickly and resisted asking if Hotch would be there. JJ answered even without her asking that he would infact be there, and laughed as her cousin tried to cover up her excitement.
JJ had a very similar conversation with Hotch when she asked if he was coming with them and told her she invited her cousin too.
She tried her best to hid her smirk as her boss stuttered and buried his face back in his files.
They were all settled at the bar. Most of the BAU boys and Y/N were all settled at a table, Hotch conveniently next to Y/N, while the girls and Reid were waiting for a round of drinks.
Rossi was in the middle of a story about how uncomfortable bullet proof vest are when chasing someone at his age and Y/N laughed.
“Ugh running in those vests sucked and I was barely 30!” Y/N laughed out before she realized how much of her carefully hidden past she just revealed, until she felt hotch’s eyes on her and heard Derek say,“You were a cop?”
“Umm... Technically?” She answered shyly, catching hotch’s eye as she looked up at Derek.
“You were technically a cop?” Rossi asked with a smirk.
“ um... well. I was basically the Penelope Garcia for Baltimore PD SWAT... except less colorful. and with more expertise in linguistics and research than hacking and research like pen.” She admitted reluctantly.
“Oh shit” Derek smiled and she knew to get ready for more questions, checking to see if her cousin was going to swoop in and save her... no such luck.
“But you geared up?” She heard hotch’s low rumble next to her.
“Um , Yeah I mean I had to have the same training because usually I was on scene with them in the truck rather than in the office. My current job with the publishing company is a lot more my speed, but yeah...” She explained, keeping eye contact with him until Derek said.
“Oh shit our girl is a bad ass.”he cheered
As Rossi let out a ‘here here’
Aaron gave her a look that told her he wanted more info later, and she smiled at him.
“Did you doubt that? “ Jj said in response to derek’s comment as she walked up with the girls and Reid to place the drinks down.
“No but she never told us she worked for SWAT before.”
“You told them?” JJ said with a curious smile, loving how much growth she was seeing In her cousin
“It was sort of an accident” she shrugged, laughing nervously “but yeah, now Morgan knows I can kick his ass” she winked and heard Hotch’s beautiful little chuckle next to her.
“Why were you so surprised she told them JJ?” Reid asked, ever the inquesitive one of the group.
JJ looked at her apologetically but y/n smiled and shook her head.
“It’s just not something I talk about too much, but now that you know I’m a bad ass... I do need a new partner to spar with when JJ is busy with mom duties.”
She noticed Aaron’s eye brow raise.
He couldn’t imagine her getting more appealing, but the idea of her being so soft and kind, yet having such a bad ass side didn’t help calm his heart rate when he thought about her.
Before he could answer Morgan spoke up (which was probably better, he’d offer later when Rossi wasn’t watching his every move)
“Oh yes mama! You tell me when and where” Morgan said
“I’m in!” Emily agreed reaching out to high five her.
“Any chance you’d want a student?” Reid asked from next to JJ.
“You looking to learn to spar Reid?” Morgan nudged him.
“Not from you, I’ve learned not to do sports like activities with you... but yeah I like to learn things.”
“I’d love to teach you Reid! I’m not promising I’ll go easy on you though.” She laughed
“You don’t need to go easy on me just don’t call me pretty boy and liken my build to a 12 year old girl and you’ll be better than Morgan.”
“Oh setting the bar high! I think I can manage”she joked and enjoyed as the team laughed in front of her.
After a while Y/N went to get another drink from the bar when she felt Aaron’s presence next to her.
“I know you had a lot of offers, but if you ever need a sparing partner, or wanna go for a run with me... I train every other morning.” He said quietly. She smiled as she turned her body towards the handsome man.
“Yeah, running is always better with a buddy, plus I like spending time with you.” He gained the courage to admit.
She blushed and reached out to place her hand on his forearm.
“I like spending time with you too.” She smiled
“I’ll warn you though. I hate running, so you’ll have to distract me a little” she watched him smirk. She loved this little flirting friendship they had going. It was just enough to give her butterflies but not scare her too much for now.
“I can do that” he laughed
She watched his face shift a bit and knew what was coming.
“You never told me you were with SWAT”
“I know,” she said sheepishly. “I’m sorry It just never came up, and I don’t usually bring it up.”
“You don’t have to be sorry, I was just curious as to why.” He took a step closer, knowing this was an intimate conversation in a very non-intimate setting.
“Because I know what your first question will be.” She sighed.
“Are you a profiler now?” He smiled, causing her to chuckle slightly. She loved how he always got her to smile no matter what the topic.
“Mmm, yup watch out I’ll steal your job” she joked
“What do you think my question is?” He asked with furrowed brows, but soft eyes, hoping not to scare her away.
“Why I left”
He nodded “okay maybe you could take my job” he smiled lightly
“Connor was on my squad” she blurted.
“Your husband?” Hotch asked with a sigh, understanding now why she didn’t talk about SWAT.
“Y/n we don’t have to talk about this right now” he assured her and she smiled at him.
“Drive me home and we can talk more? My cousin turns into a hover relative sober when this comes up, I don’t want to see worried, tipsy jj” she joked slightly.
She knew aaron hadn’t been drinking and that Wil was coming to pick up jj anyway so she didn’t have to worry about DDing even though she‘d only had one drink before switching to soda. plus she wanted more time with him anyway and knew this talk would happen soon enough.
The bar tender brought their drinks over but neither made a move to go back to the table yet.
“I was planning to drive you home either way” he smiled
“Oh yeah?” She flirted back and turned her body to lean up against him and the bar as they looked out at the dancing crowd. They were just far enough away from the team that Aaron felt he could be a little bold.
“Mhm, I’ve missed you this week.” He said and watched her blush “the case made me miss movie night.” He put his arm around her after making sure JJ and Rossi weren’t looking at them for once.
“Jack and I saved ‘Coco’ for when you were home, we watched ‘Mulan’ again instead.”
“He told me” Aaron laughed as he thought of hoe happy his son was when he called him that next day. “it’s not often I’m jealous of my son.” They laughed.
Before y/n could recover from his statement and answer, her cousin and Penelope came running up, causing her and Aaron to break apart. “We’re dancing now and you’re not getting out of it! JJ shrieked and pulled her away. “Sorry Hotch flirt later!” She said causing Y/N to blush and mouth ‘sorry’ at a chuckling Hotch.
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starrybethany · 5 years ago
Maybe Someday - Matthew Tkachuk Imagine
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Part 2
Word count: 4.5K
He’s kissing on my neck but it’s like I can’t feel it. I fake a moan, I close my eyes. He doesn’t realize that I close my eyes to imagine that he’s someone else. Like I always do.
His lips were always on mine. And when they weren’t, he was talking- talking about how his team is playing Brady’s next week or how Taryn is preparing for college or how his dad chirped him on the phone last night.
“Y/N, you’re hurting me,” he murmurs. My eyes snap open. This isn’t Matthew, it’s Curtis. Curtis from the bar- good Curtis, who scared off the douchebag who was hitting on me and carried a respectful conversation with me. That’s when I decided to go home and sleep with him. I release my grip on his hair and my knuckles turn from white to red.
“Sorry,” I mumble.
“No, it’s okay,” he reassures, placing a soft kiss on my cheek. “Do you want to keep going?”
“Not really.”
Curtis looks surprised to see me, and I’m just as surprised as him, but I hide my shock better.
“Do you two know each other?” My manager asks, eyes sliding between me and the boy across from me.
“No,” I quickly say, eyes connecting to Curtis’ bowtie. Matthew would never wear a bowtie- he always said that ties were more professional, people took you more seriously. A fun suit, though. He liked to switch it up once and a while.
My boss doesn’t believe me but brushes it off, leaving me with Curtis to train him.
“Do you, uh, do you want to talk about the other night?” He coughs awkwardly.
He stands dumbly beside me, watching as I organize the money drawer, quickly counting the bills and coins and making sure everything is there.
“Oh, um. Do you just want to put everything behind us then? Start new?” He questions.
“I don’t believe in starting new,” I admit strongly, tensing then relaxing when the next words leave my lips. “Even if I was the one to give off a shitty impression. I do, though, believe in growth and moving on. And if you’re willing to move on, I’m willing to move on.”
He nods quickly, eyes glimmering. Clearly, there’s still some interest there despite the fact that I made him feel like an awful partner in the bedroom. “I’m willing to move on.”
I wonder what Matthew would think if he knew I was doing this right now. Curtis leaves gentle kisses on my jaw and I try my best to focus on that, but I can’t help to think of Matthew’s face when he realized what I was doing.
Those pained green eyes haunt me in my sleep. I wake up every night in a sweat, wishing I would’ve focused all of my love and attention on him like he did for me.
I see the whitened fists from him clenching his hands so tight when I brush my teeth, and I remember his curly hair swaying as he shook his head while I pleaded for him to stay as I wash my dinner plate.
I’m sorry. Please stay, Matthew, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it.
But how do you explain that you’re afraid to commit to the one person who would give up the entire world for you?
“Hey, uh, I think I’m bleeding.” My eyes snap to Curtis’ but he’s looking down at his arm, where my fingernails are digging deep into his skin.
“Oh, shit, I’m sorry,” I mumble, nudging his body off of me and standing up.
I clean the marks for him.
“I’m outside,” I tell Curtis, staring up at his brick apartment.
It’s been two months since we started dating. I guess you could call it dating. I mean, we kiss and make out and talk and cuddle, but it doesn’t go much beyond that. Every time it starts to I think about Matthew.
Matthew’s breath on my lips, his fingers gliding over my soft skin, the words of worship leaving his mouth. Really, just anything about Matthew. I always feel like I’m thinking about him, and I know that I should get over it by now, since it’s been three months since he ended things with me, but I can’t.
Something’s holding me back. The feeling of losing the best thing that ever happened to me and forgetting that it ever happened is holding me back.
“I can’t stay long,” I remind him for the millionth time. Curtis pleaded with me to hang out tonight and I reluctantly gave in, wanting to get home in time to watch the entirety of the Flames vs. Blue Jackets game by myself.
My feet carry me up the brick stairs to my partner’s apartment and he’s waiting at the door for me, a bright smile on his face. He’s always smiling when he sees me.
Matthew would always give me a mischievous look that let me know he was up to no good. Then I would find a toy spider in my underwear drawer or my shoelaces would be pulled out of my running shoes.
“Oh, hello,” I greet the group of five people as Curtis welcomes me into his apartment. I was unaware that this would be a group event- Matthew would always ask me before inviting people over, even though we mainly hung over at his apartment.
My eyes move between the three guys and two ladies, my heart dropping as I recognize one of the girls. My heart beats faster and I pray to God that she doesn’t say anything.
“Hey, I know you, you were dating my neighbor, right?” She asks.
I nod wordlessly, afraid of what would happen if I were to open my mouth. I’m not sure if I would vomit or if I would vomit words.
“What happened? You two were so cute together.”
How do I tell this woman that I ruined it all? That I completely fucked up and Matthew will never forgive me, and you know what, no one can blame him.
“Just didn’t work out.”
They drop it but my brain doesn’t. My brain never forgets Matthew. I want to leave as soon as my plate was empty, but one of the guys turns on the Flames game and my mouth gets dry when I see that mouthguard hanging out of the side of his mouth.
I always used to tease him about that and he would just smile, telling me it’s a habit that he doesn’t want to fix.
Ruining my relationship with him is something I wish I could fix.
“I have to go.” My voice cracks and I hate it. Curtis looks concerned and his friends share glances, but I ignore it, hurrying to put my shoes and coat on and get out before I’m sobbing into the fabric of Curtis’ couch.
“Is something wrong?” He questions, resting a hand on my lower back.
I almost shudder at the contact.
“See you Monday.” His front door slams shut behind me and I hurry down the stairs to my car, tears streaming down my berry-colored cheeks as soon as I close the door.
Fuck fuck fuck.
Matthew deserves better than anything I could ever give him. That thought alone makes my chest heave and my vision starts to blacken as my breathing gets shallower. The realization of the situation hits me.
But I did this to myself. So I have to pay the consequences.
Once a cheater always a cheater.
I guess I never learn my lesson, right? I guess waking up tomorrow in this stranger’s bed with guilt filling me from head to toe isn’t enough torture, right? I need to live with that guilt and agony every time I see Curtis or hear Matthew’s name.
The liquor running through my veins thinks it’s a good idea.
It welcomes me to accept the fear that I’m holding. The fear of being connected to one person for the rest of my life, the fear that the person I decide to stay with may not actually be the one for me.
And is it bad that I feel worse for cheating on Matthew than I do for cheating on Curtis? I see a future with Matthew, not with Curtis.
My arms tangle around this stranger’s neck, allowing him to kiss softly down my throat. Matthew was always good at this. It somehow turned me on yet made me feel loved at the same time.
“My place or yours?” He breathes into my skin.
“Yours,” my eyes remain closed. I don’t want my home to be tinted from the memories of Matt.
He told me that his parents were coming to Calgary.  They were coming to watch a game and spend the weekend with him and he wanted me to join them. He joked that I couldn’t say no because he already told them about me, but the look in his eye told me that he would respect it if I did say no.
I said yes. And I had the best weekend with Matt, Keith, and Chantal going to the Calgary Tower and the zoo and acting like a tourist in the city I’ve grown up in. We watched Matt’s game together and cheered at the win and during breaks in the play, Keith would give us updates on the Senators game against the Islanders.
Chantal told me about how much Brady likes playing for the Senators and how Taryn really wanted to come with, how she really wanted to meet me after how much Matt has talked about me, but she couldn’t leave school.
And I was on a high the whole week after their visit. I was so pleased that our relationship was going so well.
I could spend all of the time in the world with Matt without getting sick of him and I met his parents and hell, it seemed like everything was going in the right direction.
Then I went out to the bar with my friends. I gushed about my perfect hockey-player-boyfriend and our incredible relationship and they approached the situation with hesitance.
“Have you checked his phone lately? What do you mean he has a passcode, what is he trying to hide?”
“How do you know he doesn’t have girls in other cities when he leaves? He could easily hide it and you know his teammates would defend him.”
“He’d probably hold his salary over your head at the end of the day, Y/N. He’d use it as a way to control you.”
“Aren’t you afraid of getting too serious with him right now? You’re so young.”
With shot after shot, glass of wine after a margarita, their words sunk under my skin. It cemented the doubts I already had, yet had forgotten about for the past week. Matt was in Anaheim at the time, they had a game the next morning, and I convinced myself that he was screwing another girl all throughout the night.
So I decided to do the same.
My fingernails dig into the side of the Styrofoam cup, causing a dent. I know what I need to do but that doesn’t make this any easier.
“Curtis, we need to end this. End this, thing, whatever we have,” I stutter through, running a hand through my hair. I hadn’t planned what I wanted to say in my head at all. I just know I needed to say it, needed to do something to become better.
To heal, to process.
He looks up from his phone, a shocked expression on his face. “What? Why?”
“It’s just, we need to, Curtis,” I insist. The chair scrapes against the dirty café tiles as I rise, rushing out the front door.
“Wait, talk to me, Y/N,” he pleads, catching up to me on the way to my car. He shuts the door as I begin to open it. “Just tell me, please. I can handle it.”
I turn around, tears already welling in my eyes. I shouldn’t be crying, I’m the one who did this to him. I’m the one who hurt him. “I cheated on you.”
I watch his Adam’s apple as he swallows. “Why?”
“I have so much pain inside-“”No,” he stops me sternly, “Why wasn’t I enough?”
“Because you’re not him!” I yell, exasperated. No one will ever be Matthew. And Matthew won’t even be the Matthew I had when he was mine. I broke his trust; I broke his belief in love and that’s the worst thing that you can do to someone.
“You’re not him,” I repeat in a raspy voice, letting the tears flow down my cheeks at the realization. I fuck everyone over. And I’m trying to do better, hell I’m telling Curtis instead of letting him find out like Matt did, but Curtis had to chase me to get me to do that.
For some reason, Curtis pulls me into his chest, taking the cup from my shaky hands and resting it on the hood of my car. My chest rises and falls with the loud thumping of my heart as I wind my arms around him, gripping him as tight as I can. I know it probably hurts.
But I have a feeling it can’t hurt more than the aching feeling in my chest, the longing for the love that I once had.
And I have no one to blame but myself.
I knew that he was suspicious. He was suspecting something. I could feel his eyes on me longer than he usually stared, his eyes would gaze at my phone whenever it would light up, he would ask me more and more questions every time I went out with my friends.
I told myself even before taking the first guy to bed that I would have two rules during my affairs. The first rule would be that we could never go back to my place.
Matt and I never moved in together. We planned on revisiting the topic after a year together. We would probably have moved in together in my apartment since he always said that it was more comfortable and he felt more at home than his apartment, but we never got to the one year. We were two months away.
The second rule would be that my new partner for the night had to use protection. I didn’t want to risk any STIs and even though I’m on birth control, any babies. I’m a horrible enough person, me raising a baby wouldn’t be fair for anyone.
Matt had gone to one of his teammate’s friends for a movie night. I don’t know, I wasn’t really listening. All I could think was ‘how pretty is this girl that he’s cheating on me with?’ I had called my friends and we got ready together in my apartment. I listened as they talked about their plans to get all of us laid tonight, and that includes you, Y/N. If your boyfriend is having fun, you can too.
Matt had found me in a gender-neutral bathroom that night, panties down to my ankles and dress pulled up to my belly button. The guy was buried inside of me. All of the desire and lust I had vanished when I saw his face.
Oh gosh. His face.
I dream about his face every night, the smiles, the funny faces, the laughs. But this face is in all of my nightmares.
Pain came first. Pain came in the form of tight lips and closed eyes. Hurt followed. His eyes widened and his lips went down. The bathroom door closed behind him.
I remember hurrying to push the guy away from me, bile and the alcohol I had drank rising in my throat as I pulled up my panties and yanked down my dress.
I caught him in the parking lot.
“He said so much to me, yet it’s etched into every corner of my brain. Y/N, I gave you everything I had. I gave you my heart, body, and soul. I was willing to put everything on the line for you. I saw a future with you and somehow, even though my heart is breaking into two, I still do. You met my friends- fuck- you met my family and none of that means anything to you, does it? I tried to disagree, but he wouldn’t hear me. I don’t blame him.” I pause the story to wipe a tear from my eye, ignoring the concerned looks from people wondering why I’m crying in this café. “He told me that I broke his heart and that he’ll never be able to love again. And that, clearly, we were over.”
Curtis watches as I stare at the table in shame. I don’t know what else to say. I haven’t tried to contact him at all. It seems disrespectful to him and his healing process.
“It’s been four months,” I grab a napkin to blow my nose, enjoying the burn of the harsh fabric on my skin. “And my friends tell me I shouldn’t still be heartbroken, he was probably cheating on me too, but I don’t know. I’m still in love with that man.”
“You remember his neighbor? The one that I’m friends with?” He speaks, pushing my story to the side. I nod, briefly remembering the girl from when I went to his apartment. “She says he’s much different now that you’ve ended things. He doesn’t leave his apartment except for work, he avoids eye contact with everyone in the hallways, and apparently he looks like he’s in rough shape.”
I bite my lip, processing his words. That’s not the Matt that I remember. Matt loved talking sports with the elderly man next door, he paid attention to his physique to remain in shape for the season, and if he wasn’t watching a movie at home, he was spending time with one of his friends.
Guilt bubbles in my chest. I fucked him up. And it did heavy damage. I bury my head in my hands, wanting to reverse the past seven months to take back what I did to him.
“How do I fix this?”
“You can’t,” Curtis responds quietly, watching as I take the information in. “But you can make it better.”
“Talk to him. That’s what he needs.”
Hi Matthew,
I don’t even know how to start this. I’m sorry for writing this, I’m sorry for having to write this in the first place. And I’m sorry that I’m too much of a little bitch to tell you this myself. And I’m sorry if this brings up old shit that you’re trying to heal from or you’re already over everything and your new girlfriend is reading this over your shoulder going, “Oh, is this the slut you were telling me about?”
And I’m sorry for what I did to you. I’m really, really sorry. No words can express how apologetic I am and how much I regret putting you through the pain that I put you through. You treated me like I walked on water. You bought me souvenirs from the cities that you played in and spent days off buried in bed with me, laughing over stupid TikToks.
I destroyed that for us. For you. And I am so sorry.
I realize that I put love while folding the laundry two days after putting the letter in the mailbox. I freeze with the movement, blood running cold.
I mean, it’s true. I still do love him. But he doesn’t care, he hates me. That ‘love’ probably felt like a punch in the gut. I bet he feels like I never loved him because of what I did to him. How can you say you love someone and then turn around and completely betray them?
That night I dream of two kids, a mini him and a mini me, running around a kitchen. He’s standing beside me, an arm wrapped around my waist and a smile just as big as the one he had the day we first met.
Matthew texts me a couple days later. The few days that I waited I switched between nervously anticipating his response and never expecting it to come. He texts me at night, asking me to meet him for coffee the next morning.
I can’t sleep that night. A million and one thoughts run through my head. When did he unblock my number? It’s not like I tried to contact him after the breakup, but I almost did on multiple nights after one too many drinks.
How will he react when seeing me? Will it be like when he saw me for the first time, or will he immediately visualize some other dude inside of me? I can’t help but think of how he’ll look. I always liked his hair more grown out, so that’s how he left it a lot.
I wonder if he cut it, the length reminding him too much of me.
I get there twenty minutes early. I want him to know that this is important to me. That he’s important to me, as shitty as I may show it. I twirl the coffee cup in my hands, taking off the protective holder to let the hotness burn the palm of my hands.
I know it as soon as he enters. My eyes lift from the lid of my cup to meet his. He hasn’t changed a bit; he looks just the way that I remember. His scruff is longer than I ever remember it getting, but it looks nice.
It suits him.
He slides into the seat across from me, leaning back in the wire chair and crossing his arms over his chest. He stares at me with a blank expression, daring me to say the first word. I know he won’t- he shouldn’t have to, I’m the one who messed everything up.
“Um, did you want to get something? They have really good steamers here,” I begin, weakly motioning towards the order station.
He shakes his head silently, staring me down.
“Thank you for, uh, coming, and um, hearing me out,” I stutter through, practically shaking under his intense gaze.
“Why’d you do it?”
I knew the question would come. And he deserves to know the answer, too. It’s just- the reasons are stupid, beyond pathetic reasons. And if I tell him, he can never unhear it. And knowing Matt, I don’t know if he’ll feel comfortable living with this thought for the rest of his life. I take a deep breath. “Well, um, I guess it was to get back at you, really. My friends convinced me that you were cheating on me.”
He raises his eyebrows. “And you believed them? And cheated on me instead of talking to me about it?”
“It’s stupid, I know.” I bite my lip, brushing a stray hair out of my face. His eyes follow the action.
“How many times?”
I wince at the question. If he didn’t like the answer to the last question, he definitely won’t like the answer to this one. And even though I was the one who was doing it, I don’t like the answers either. “Three.”
“Three times?” I can feel the bite in his voice, and I sink down in my seat, ashamed and humiliated because of my actions. I can’t even make eye contact with him, but I can feel him practically burying me into the ground with his eyes. “With the same person or different people?”
“Different people,” my voice is barely over a whisper.
“I don’t know what would be better,” he retorts. I watch his arms drop to his sides in disbelief at the answer. “The fact that you would sleep with other men and then with me-“”I made them use condoms,” I quickly interrupt, cringing as soon as I do it.
I probably shouldn’t be interrupting him right now or trying to defend myself. I need to take this time to take responsibility for my actions and beg for forgiveness.
“How long?”
“How long were you cheating on me?” He demands.
“A month and a half,” I answer shyly.
“You cheated on me three times over a month and a half?” He confirms.
I nod, swallowing the bile rising in my throat. When he turns his head to the side, I can see the tears glistening his eyes over.
I’ve never seen Matthew cry. He never wanted to cry in front of me- I could cry in front of him at anything but he would never cry in front of me. When I asked him about it one time, he told me that it’s because he needs to be strong and be able to protect me.
I was supposed to do that too. Not by not crying, but by faithful and giving him all of my love. Instead, I’m bringing him to the point of tears by telling him all about my infidelity.
“Matthew, I know it doesn’t mean anything, but I’m sorry,” I breathe out.
“You could say that a hundred times and I still wouldn’t care,” he shakes his head.
Hurt flashes through my body at his words, but my brain forces me to understand. He doesn’t need to care about me anymore, I hurt him as bad as you can hurt a person. I should just be grateful enough that he’s still with me right now.
“Thank you for being the best boyfriend I could ever have. You did so much for me and I, I never appreciated it as much as I should have,” I speak slowly, knowing that we have a limited amount of time left. It’s clear by the way that he can’t even look at me right now that we aren’t meant to be with one another right now.
He wipes at the tears, blinking his eyes to get them to disappear. “You shouldn’t be the one to get the final word, I should.”
“Okay,” I nod. “Go ahead.”
“You really messed me up. You fucked me up for my next relationship,” he gives a watery chuckle, “But you also taught me a lot and we had a good ten months and four days together. Fuck what you did to me. That was awful. But the worst part is that I know you, and I know that you’ll grow from this experience and you’ll be even better for the next guy. I love you. Or, um, I loved you.”
It’s my turn to wipe the tears from my cheeks, biting my cheek to hold back the sob that wants to be released.
“Maybe someday, Matthew,” I give him a weak smile.
He knows what I mean. Even though he doesn’t smile back, I can he returns the emotion by the glimmer in his eye and the “Someday, Y/N” when he thinks I’m far enough away.
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oboevallis · 4 years ago
the diary pt 2
it’s been a hot minute, especially for this series, sorry about that, i hope everyone’s doing well and staying safe!
part 1
please reach out, my dms are open
“You don’t need to follow me around. I’m not gonna throw myself out the window.” Addie rolled her eyes at her mother as she entered her bedroom for the first time in a week.
“I know,” Amelia cringed at her daughter's words, flipping on the light switch. “just helping you get settled in.”
“You’ve been through my room.” The girl bluntly said as she looked around her room.
“We just wanted you to come home to a clean and organized space.” Amelia defended; while her daughter was at the hospital, she spent most of the time in this room, beating herself up for not realizing what her daughter was going through. Unsure of what to do with her nervous energy, she cleaned up the empty bottles and dirty dishes, then washed the pile of dirty clothes, and organized the accumulation of stuff on the floor.
“Well, I liked it how it was.”
“Babe, come on. It was practically unlivable.”
“Wow, look at that.” Addie pointed to the desk that she hadn’t been able to see in months. “You took away my scissors; I can’t even be trusted with a fucking pair of scissors.”
“Addie..” Amelia sighed, trying to pull herself together.
“Get out! Just get out.” The girl sobbed, launching herself on her bed.
“Amelia, are you okay?” Link had been standing outside the door listening to the exchange when his wife made her way out of the room.
“Do I look okay?”
“This is gonna take time. She’s not going to be cured overnight. Recovery is a long process.”
“I know.” The woman nodded as tears stung in her eyes. “I just want to go back to when she was happy and so full of life.”
“Me too.” Link sighed, pulling his wife into a hug. “Me too.”
“Hey champ, we’re all gonna watch a movie. Why don’t you come down? We’re gonna have popcorn; it’s going to be extra buttery.” Link stuck his head through his daughter's door, energetically tapping his fingers on the door frame.
“No thanks,” Addie grumbled, throwing and catching a rubber band ball against her ceiling.
“Come on, it’s gonna be awful, and we’re gonna make fun of it the whole time.” The father tried to persuade, knowing it was one of the things that got his daughter laughing till she hurt.
“No thanks.”
“Do you wanna talk?” Link stepped further into the room and sat at the foot of his daughter's bed.
“No thanks.”
“Champ, you can’t keep everything bottled up.”
“I don’t want to fucking talk! I’m done talking; why can’t everyone just leave me the hell alone?” Addison jumped up from her bed and opened the door for her father. He internally cringed. It was the first time he saw the scars on her legs. Reluctantly he got up and left the room, trying to keep himself together.
“Addie isn’t gonna watch with us?” Anders sighed; he was walking out of his bedroom as he heard the yelling.
“She just needs a little time.” Link mustered up a smile. “She’ll be back to laughing with us in no time. Now let’s go down and watch something with the others.”
“No luck, huh?” The mother turned around on the couch to see the pair walking down the stairs together.
“It’s her first night back; she just needs to readjust.” The optimistic side of Link shone through.
“Why is she still acting like this? She’s being a complete bitch, yelling at everyone. Wasn’t the whole point of the hospital to make her feel better?” Scout asked as the others settled down into the couch.
“First off, don’t call your sister a bitch. But the hospital visit wasn’t to cure her; it was to stabilize her enough to come home.” The mother explained to her other children.
“Well, when will she be cured?” The youngest Shepherd-Lincoln asked, making his two parents feel like they were just stabbed in the heart.
“It’s something that she’ll always have, but eventually, she’ll feel better and learn how to live with it and still be healthy and happy.” Link explained, stepping in for his wife, who was on the verge of tears. “Now, how about we degrade actors and special effects for our amusement?”
Amelia gently knocked on her daughter’s door, and once she heard a mumble of approval, she let herself in.
“Wow, you’ve already finished that book?” She pointed to the one on the floor that was tossed aside, indicating it had been read. “That was like 800 pages, and you just started it; I’ve gotta say I’m impressed.”
“What do you want?”
“You’ve gotta take your pill.” She placed the pill that was in her hand onto her daughter's nightstand next to the bottle of water.
“Why? It’s not like it’s helping.”
“It takes a while, but if you feel it’s still not helping, we can try something else.” Amelia watched as her daughter took the pill and laid back into bed. “If you need anything, you know where I am.” As she was about to close the door, she could barely make out what her daughter had said as it was so quiet. “What did you say, sweetheart?”
“Can you come to lay with me?” She spoke a little louder. She was causing the woman to smile for the first in days genuinely. She got into her daughter’s bed and was shocked when she was engulfed in a hug. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize. Don’t ever apologize; this isn’t your fault. It’s going to get better, I promise.”
“You think?”
“It will. I’m going to be here, and your dad, and your brothers. We’re here for you. Life gets so much better, I promise, you’re going to look back and see how strong you were and how worth it, it is to be alive.”
“It doesn’t feel that way. Why can’t we just all die and get it over with? It’s gonna happen anyway.”
“You’re right. We’re all going to die, but I think that’s what makes life so valuable.” Addie had a confused expression on her face as she waited for her mother to elaborate. “It’s a one in a million chance that we’re all here, and all together. And we get to experience the beauty and pain with them. Then you get to look back and see all the progress you made because you fought, and you’ll remember the memories with those people and how much it impacted you and allowed you to grow into the person you fought to become. Life is so worth living.”
“You promise?” The innocent voice sent Amelia back to when her daughter was little, and they were making a mundane promise to one another. There was significant weight to this promise, one she wasn’t sure she’d be able to keep.
“I do, I promise.” Amelia finally concluded, twirling of loose strand of her daughter's hair. “It’s not always going to feel worth it, but I promise it is if you just stick around. I don’t think you realize how many people need you, even the people you haven’t met yet.”
“I love you, mom,” Addie whispered, burrowing herself further into her mother.
“Not as much as I love you.” Amelia was met with tears of relief, worry, and hurt, allowing them to fall as she tightly embraced her daughter silently.
“Morning.” Link smiled, stopping at his daughter’s door. “I was gonna go for a run; wanna join me?”
“I’ll walk with you.” Addie compromised.
“Sounds nice.” Link tried to contain his excitement. This was the most normal he felt with his daughter since he could remember. Addison slowly maneuvered herself out of bed and lethargically put her shoes on.
“Where are we walking to?”
“Donut shop?” Link suggested, causing his daughter to smile, signifying to him it was a plan. The two set a slow but steady pace and enjoyed the quiet of the morning. “Did you know I struggled with depression when I was a kid?”
“No, I didn’t.” This information shocked her; he was the most optimistic person she knew. Before this conversation, she highly doubted he had ever been sad before.
“It got really bad when my parents split, and I couldn’t get out of bed for the better part of a year. Everything felt worthless, I felt like a burden to everyone, and everyone would be better without me. Then I went to cancer camp, and I met this kid, he was sicker than I was, but all he wanted to do was play video games and focus on the good stuff. It’s not like that cured my depression or anything, but it helped, realizing there was good in the world, and I was lucky enough to see it if I just fought. Not the cancer but my own mind.”
“But it’s just, it’s just so exhausting; how do you do it? Just exist?”
“I found people I wanted to live for, and I found the joy of life through the little things. And I’m so grateful I stuck around because I never would’ve met your mother if I didn’t. Then we never would’ve had the privilege of having you three, which is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Back then, life felt useless, but looking back, it all led me right here, and I’m so glad it did. It wasn’t always pretty, but it was so so so worth it.”
“It was? It was worth it? Even after Scout crashed your new car? And I was sent to a psych ward? And when Anders got sick and almost ruined you and mom?”
“Yeah, all of that was worth living for. Because we overcame it and survived, those things weren’t the end of the world. Scout was okay, and we got another car. You are alive and at home. Anders is healthy, and in the end, it strengthened your mother and I’s marriage. It’s going to take a while, but I know you're going to get to a point in your life and are going to be so grateful you didn’t miss it.”
“You think so?”
“I know so.” The girl’s father smiled, holding the door of the donut shop open for his daughter. Watching her walking in and feeling a sense of relief wash over him. It was going to be okay.
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nvvermore · 4 years ago
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For the second time, Amaryllis drops everything and steps away from their comfort zone when Beatrice needs a teacher, this time with a very different group of students [@juliandev0rak]
words: 2108
cw: none
“What do you think about maybe visiting the school? Maybe… teaching some music lessons?”
“You want me to teach your kids?”
“Well, I’m not asking for you to come to teach full time or anything, but,”
“I’m not very good with children.”
“If you managed to teach me, you’ll have no problem with them!”
“I’m joking! They’re really wonderfully behaved children, I promise. Besides, how bad can you really be if you’re friends with Lucio?”
“You’ve made a good point,” Amaryllis laughs. “What exactly would I teach them? I doubt they need professional-level vocal instruction.”
“You know music! You can sing and play the piano, and probably other instruments too-“
“Guitar. And violin, but only a little.”
“See! You could teach them all about notes, how to play nursery rhymes. It’s mostly about giving them something fun to do, like art class or recess.”
“So you do want me to come in on a regular basis?”
“Well, if you’re a good fit I wouldn’t mind it…”
“Alright then. I’ll come teach.”
“Really?” In her excitement, Beatrice throws her arms around Amaryllis’s neck in a crushing hug. “Oh thank you, Amie!” They return it after a moment, arms wrapping around her middle. When they part, there’s the loveliest pink flush to her cheeks, their faces only inches apart. Reluctantly, Amaryllis breaks away from her embrace.
“I am a little busy with the masquerade approaching, but I can make time.”
“Tomorrow?” Beatrice suggests quickly.
“Tomorrow, hm? You don’t already have lesson plans for the day?”
“Ah, well-“
“You knew I’d say yes.”
“I was right.”
- - -
And that was how Amaryllis ended at the old coliseum turned schoolhouse, with carefully crafted lesson plans in hand. They had even gone out of their way to dress in the most modest and brightest dress they had in their wardrobe, along with simple pumps and opaque tights.
Once Amaryllis was standing before the doors, dressed in spring green, the gravity of how fully head-over-heels they had fallen for Beatrice dawned on them. In their right, not lovesick mind, they would never willingly venture out in such a manner. They’d even completely forgone their veil for the afternoon— it was hardly necessary to do so, but Amaryllis was dead set on being a good example.
On the other side of the doors, it seemed Beatrice had been waiting for them. Seated on a nearby bench with her nose in a book, it was the same way she’d often wait for them before their lessons together. There was nothing out of the ordinary or new about the sight of her, but Amaryllis still found themself stopping to take her in. Leaning against the wall, they watched the way her lips moved as she read, how focused she was as her eyes flit across the pages.
Soon enough, the moment passes when Beatrice finally takes note of them.“Amie!” she jumps into her feet, and Amaryllis notices the way her expression drops into surprise for a split-second. Then, she proceeds to unabashedly look them up and down, grin returning to her lips when her eyes meet theirs. “You have perfect timing! The children should be just getting back from recess. Come, I’ll show you around.”
Without warning, Beatrice takes their hand, and Amaryllis has to stop themself from giving into the urge to intertwine their fingers with hers.
Beatrice leads them through the halls, enthusiastically pointing out various classrooms and other school facilities. She tells them all about what she’s already been able to do with the school and her goals for the future. Amaryllis drinks up every word, and the passion she has for her students makes them fall a little bit more in love with her.
They make a mental note to see to it that a little bit more of their salary is directed to the school— discreetly through Nadia, lumped in with what she already uses to fund Vesuvia’s public education.
“And this is my classroom!” Beatrice pulls them into a room with rows of little desks decorated in little messes of papers and books. Amaryllis looks around the modest room, in awe at all the carefully-crafted decor she had put up all over the walls. Posters and signs that must have taken her hours and hours to make.
There was the common alphabet drawn out all the way across the front wall above the chalkboard. Large and colorful drawings acting as helpful reminders of numbers, shapes, days of the week, and months of the year. Not all of it was purely educational; messages of inspiration were all over, encouragement just a glance away for any child who needed it. Even each desk had a carefully handwritten tag spelling out each child's first and last name.
Amaryllis realizes they must have looked around the room a little too long, because when they glance back to Beatrice, she’s fiddling with her the clasp of her cloak. The instinct to assure her overcomes them, and they reach out and place their hands over hers
“Beatrice, this is lovely. I can tell you truly love your work.”
She looks hesitant for a moment, as though she might brush the complement off, but smiles after a moment. “Thank you, Amie. I really do love it.”
Amaryllis quickly squeezes her hands before taking them back. “I hope I can meet your high standards.”
“If I had any doubts, I wouldn’t have asked you,” she opens her mouth like she has more to say, but then tiny voices and giggles sound from the hallway. Something in her composure shifts then, and in a second she goes from their Beatrice to the student’s Beatrice.
Greeting each child with a warm smile as they file into the room, not an ounce of hesitance or nervousness. Amaryllis can’t take their eyes off of her, wants to take in all of her radiance that comes with her moments of total confidence. That beautiful smile of hers is then turned on them, and class is ready to begin.
“Settle in everyone! This afternoon we have a very special guest!” Beatrice addresses the class animatedly. She steps back, gesturing for Amaryllis to step up. It almost feels like they’ve somehow switched places with each other; Beatrice has all of the certainty and Amaryllis is full of worry. But they would do this, and do it well, for her, and for these children.
“Hello, you can call me Amie,” they introduce themself with the nickname instead, as their name could be difficult to pronounce for ones so young. “Together, we’re going to learn all about music!” Amaryllis glances to Beatrice, who watches them with a soft expression, and in turn she gives an encouraging nod. “For today’s lesson, I’m going to show you how to write your very own song!”
- - -
The lesson had run wonderfully, much to Amaryllis’s surprise. The class was a modestly-sized one, and all in attendance were very eager to learn. They’d begun with the very basics of treble clef, explaining the lettering and telling them the silly acronyms to assist in remembering. As the children demonstrated they were catching on to their teachings, Amaryllis shed their hesitance.
In the end, they were able to assist each student in writing out their own little two-measure song. None of them really knew they were writing, but Amaryllis could hear each little song as they went over it with Beatrice’s students. Some of them put the same note down eight times, some of them followed the alphabet, some of them randomly placed notes on the staff. It was sweet, to see each child’s method of creating.
Amaryllis’s plan was for Beatrice to hold on to what they’d written, because next time they would teach them how to sing their songs. Each child was already so proud of what they’d accomplished, and Amaryllis was truly looking forward to showing them how it sounded.
Once their lesson was concluded, it was time to wrap up for the day. Amaryllis stood back once again to let Beatrice take back over, and meanwhile they made themself at home in her desk chair. When the students finally were dismissed, Amaryllis did not expect for several of them to flock around them.
One little girl told them how pretty their hair was; another told them that he thought their scar was so cool. A little boy explained very thoroughly that he’d been taking piano lessons since he was very little. It took a few more minutes of questioning and stories and several promises that they would return next week for everyone to clear out.
Beatrice saw the last little straggler out of the door and closed it behind her. “‘Bad with children’, hm?” She was beaming again, surely pleased to have something to call them on.
“I may have lied,” Amaryllis admits. Beatrice raises a brow in questioning, settling down onto her desk in front of them. “It’s just, I don’t tend to be the best influence.”
“Amie, that’s not true,” she reaches forward to take their hand, “you were just actively being a positive influence for the past two hours.”
“I tried my very best, abeille.” ‘I tried my very best for you’, goes unsaid.
“I think you did wonderful! Even I learned things I didn’t know before.”
“Then I must not be doing enough in our private lessons.”
“That’s not what I meant!”
“I know, I’m simply teasing you.” Amaryllis rests their clasped hands against Beatrice’s knee. She isn’t sitting as ‘lady-like’ as she typically tends to, her legs remain uncrossed and knees apart. Her long skirts cover her all the way down to the ankle, perfectly decent, though Amaryllis’s thoughts about their current positions are anything but. Slipping their hands under said skirts, the feel of her skin under their fingers as they push the fabric up and— now was not the time or place to fantasize about her.
“You know, I meant to say,” she glances away when Amaryllis’s eyes meet hers, cheeks rosy. “You look, different.”
“I know, it’s atrocious, isn’t it?”
“Absolutely not!” Beatrice bites her lip, before continuing. “I think you look just as lovely like this,” she rushes to add, “and it’s nice to see your face. Outside of the rehearsal room. In public. That probably sounds a little odd-“
Amaryllis’s breath falters. “It doesn’t.”
“Oh, good, then.” Beatrice’s free hand picks at the surface of the desk. “Then is there a reason you didn’t wear your veil today? I’ve noticed you don’t usually go anywhere outside the palace without it.”
“It’s part of my effort to not be a poor influence,” they explain. “Little ones are so impressionable, it wouldn’t do to cover up like I’m ashamed.”
“Are you?” she blurts out, looking instantly regretful. Amaryllis doesn’t talk about these things, they never do. But with Beatrice, they feel safe enough to forgo many of their masks.
“Rationally, I know there isn’t anything to be ashamed about. But it’s,” they take a deep breath, “difficult when someone once put in a lot of effort into making you think that way. You never know who else will treat you that same way. So, I prefer to have a shield.”
“You’ve never worn it when it was just us.”
“Because I know you’d never make me feel ashamed.”
“Amie, I—“ Beatrice is cut off by a knock on the door that makes them both jump. She releases their hand, sliding off of the desk to let the interloper in. Simply a concerned parent who’s come to speak with his child’s teacher. Amaryllis takes it as their cue to excuse themself.
“I’m quite busy with preparations, so I’m afraid I might not see you again until the masquerade.”
“It’s only a few days away, and I’ll be sure to practice extra hard in place of our missed lesson.”
“Not too hard. We don’t want a repeat of the last time you strained yourself.” Though truthfully, Amaryllis wouldn’t mind bringing her tea again, or taking care of her, settling on her comfy little couch to snuggle up.
Beatrice throws her hands up dramatically. “I won’t practice that much, I promise!”
“Good girl,” they take her hand, relishing in her flustered face, “until we meet again.” Amaryllis places a kiss on the back of her hand, leaving behind a deep red stain. With a respectful nod to the waiting father, they step back out into the hall.
Normally, Amaryllis loved work. It kept them busy, kept them distracted. But they were already distracted by something other than work, and they had a feeling the next few days would be agonizing without a moment of Beatrice’s company.
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real-jaune-isms · 4 years ago
RWBY Volume 8 Chapter 13 Review/Remix
We should have guessed something would go wrong. Things were going way too right at the end of the last chapter. But shit didn’t just hit the fan, it hit the ground and then bounced over the edge into an abyss. And with only the finale chapter left in this Volume, I can’t imagine how they’re going to fix all of this before we have to wait another year for more good news.
Since we can’t have bad without first knowing good, the writers are kind enough to open this episode with some hope. Jaune’s half of the group, that is to say JNR plus Oscar and Emerald, see one of the portals open for them in the communications room. They don’t know if people will actually know to use these things to evacuate without the message Jaune was trying to send, so they decide to do some portal hopping and spread the word on foot. But first they have to make sure these things actually work, so they need to send a giunea pig through. Just his luck, they send Jaune and it does not pair well with his history of motion sickness. He doesn’t hurl, but he does land on his face and rise to his hands and knees when he safely comes out the other side of what looked like the trippy space rift from 2001 a Space Odyssey. The others follow close behind and take a moment to be in awe of this pocket dimension they find themselves in. Jaune recovers quickly and takes command. He and Nora will be going from portal to portal spreading the word about evacuation to Vacuo, while Ren Oscar and Emerald will be leading the pack and calling Shade Academy once they’re in Vacuo that they need to prep for hundreds of refugees. They part ways and Oscar gives a playful little salute, then Jaune leaps over the edge of the platform they were on. Someone should have told him about Ambrosius’ dire warning last week... Okay fine, we see a frame or two of him opening his shield so clearly he’s gliding down to the nearest other portal not falling into the void. Meanwhile Nora is once again riding Magnhild like a rocket powered broomstick to fly away into a portal of her own. We abruptly cut to a subway station where everyone is comedically hiding behind the stairway and peek out to look at the portal before them. One civilian is coaxed into stepping forward and checking it out, so he throws a rock at it. Because his luck continues to screw him over, Jaune comes through at that exact moment and gets hit on the head with the rock. His sudden appearance scares everyone into diving behind the stairs again, but they do peek out once more after taking a second to realize they just saw a person come through to talk to them. Jaune pulls out his Scroll to show them his Huntsman license so they’ll take him seriously, and presumably it works out great. We see Penny and RWBY coming in through their own portal and likewise being amazed by Ambrosius’ handiwork before seeing other people starting to pour in while Nora and Jaune are calling out directions and reassurances, such as the Happy Huntresses and the refugees under their protection. They wonder aloud about how few people have come through yet, but the priority is getting Penny and the Staff into Vacuo safely so they’ve got to trust Jaune’s team with this. Speaking of Vacuo and Jaune’s team, we see what happens when the green team gets into the desert outside the city. There’s an intense sandstorm raging around the area where the portal lets them out, and they can’t see which way to go to reach Shade. Worse still, cell service is down so they can’t call anyone. And civilians are starting to come through into this chaos so it’s just getting worse and worse. Ren can mask them from any Grimm that might catch a whiff of all that negativity, but only for so long.
As Nora is leaving one crowd of incoming civies to go help bring in another, Cinder arrives hiding beneath a cloak and we see her give a little smirk. Next thing we know, and explosion goes off and at least a dozen innocent people are launched into the void below. Irreversible consequences there, as far as we know, and it causes a real panic. Team RWBY tell Penny to just keep going into Vacuo while they deal with this, and we see Cinder gleefully flying around looking for the object of her hatred. She spots which way the team is heading and blasts some fire in the path to cut Ruby off. Cinder makes a clear reference to something Oscar said in an earlier conversation the heroes shared, and this throws the girls for a bit of a loop but they’re still ready to throw down. 
With a swing of Crescent Rose, we cut back to Cinder and Watts meeting with Neo in the alleyway. She’s learned you catch more flies with honey than vinegar, so she apologizes for how she’s treated Neo and promises she will get the revenge she wants so badly this time, but in order to do that Cinder will need to use the Lamp. Neo reluctantly does some magic of her own and pulls the Lamp out of her hat. The two glare at each other for a moment as Neo refuses to let it go, but she conceded and through unknown means tells Cinder the password. Maybe she wrote it on her Scroll and showed her? Either way, Cinder uses the final question to ask to be shown what Team RWBY’s plan is for the handoff with Ironwood. Jinn seems upset to hear she has to go against those nice kids, but the rules of her existence must be obeyed so she grants it anyway. I got some real “Jafar steals the lamp from Aladdin” vibes, and I can’t say I minded being reminded of that great Disney film. Cinder’s trio get to see every conversation the heroes have planning out all the successes we just saw last episode, and now we know they’re totally prepared to make it go wrong at every turn. Seeing Cinder so in control and prepared brought me back to Volume 3 where she was at her most dangerous as a villain, and that’s not a bad thing. It’s been a long time coming and justifies her continuation as a threat. What quelled the pit in my stomach a bit was the look of betrayal when Cinder realized Emerald switched sides on her. She recovers quickly and suggests they help Watts finish what he started and tear the Kingdom down with his intellect. To that end they break into Atlas central command and slaughter just about everybody inside. This would seem to include that devil of the workplace Bill who spilled coffee and microwaved salmon at work. And if that was Velvet’s dad as we liked to theorize, then that’s a real shame. The ladies leave Watts to his work, but on her way out Cinder tells Watts this is everything he deserves, possibly as a way to mend bridges between them. I prefer to hope she sealed that door shut behind her and she’s leaving him to die with the plummeting city because she’s still mad he roasted her. We see that Jaune’s warning broadcast getting cut short was indeed Watt’s doing, and just to be more of an asshole he wipes a bloodstain off an apple and eats it while he does so. With that sabotage taken care of he shifts focus to the airship hangar where the birds are cuffing the Ace Ops. But they only manage to restrain Elm before Watts sends an AK (Atlesian Knight) into the area and has it charge right at them primed to self destruct. It almost gets Robyn but Marrow jumps in the way and is knocked out. That means his Semblance wears off and Harriet is free to sprint into the airship the bomb is still loaded on to. She’s intent on finishing this last mission even if it means killing herself. Vine runs after her and manages to grab the closing cargo door with his stretchy arms before it’s too late. Robyn and Qrow are left quite worried.
Speaking of desperately destructive military personnel, Ironwood regains consciousness in his cell to the sound of crumbling debris and the realization of his failure at the hands of these teens. Jacques is in the next cell and wastes no time criticizing him for failing to keep Atlas afloat. He’s happy to gloat that his fellow man has lost, though he does wistfully admit he’s lost too. Ironwood looks like he might have a breakdown as he processes the fact that all his efforts have been foiled and he can’t be the hero of this situation, that those he thinks are the dangerous insurrection who will ruin everything are going to win... when he hears a buzzing sound. The door to his cell seems to be glitching before shutting down entirely. He’s hesitant to walk out but it stays deactivated and he finds his weapons just casually lying on the ground a few yards away from his cell. Jacques seems to not understand there are consequences to insulting a person every chance you can get and pleads for James to let him out of his cell too. Ironwood just silently loads up his big laser gun and turns it on the door of Jacques’ cell. Sure, he’ll open the door, he says emotionlessly. And the man opens fire. Jacques has a moment to realize what’s happening and seems fearful, but he lost the pity of the FNDM 4 Volumes ago. Whatever Ironwood calls this cannon of his, it leaves behind green fire and annihilates Jacques’ cell... and him along with it. Weiss’ father in name alone is dead and the Schnee family will never get a chance to settle things properly with him for how he treated them. Weiss arresting him, Winter promising him Weiss wants him to be rescued from the falling city, gods only know what Willow had said to him last, and whatever obedience Whitley showed him before he was dragged off to jail. There are the last things they said to him and they have to live with that forever. Question is, who’s going to tell them Jimmy did the deed? He’s got no time to do so, he’s a man with a mission. 
We go from one fiery dilemma to another as Team RWBY are still struggling to deal with Cinder even 4 on 1. She flies upward and creates a cyclone of fire beneath her to make it that much harder to reach her, before complimenting the team on the depth of their plan. She acknowledges she wouldn’t have been able to deal with it by herself, so in a way she’s grateful these girls taught her to ask for help. That help indeed comes from Neo, who’s approaching in disguise from behind Ruby. Yang notices Neo approaching, and charges in to push Ruby out of the way. But that means Yang takes the hit instead, and it takes out the last of her Aura. She hits the ground hard, and tumbles over the edge of the platform. In a threefold shot we see Neo mad that someone got in the way of her surprise attack, while Ruby and Weiss are freaking out and Blake immediately sprints past the latter to try and make a save. She throws Gambol Shroud as far as the ribbon will let it go, but it’s not far enough. Yang falls into the void below, dissolving into gold sparkles once she reaches a certain depth. This has all seemingly happened in a matter of seconds, which would explain why Ruby didn’t have enough time to get back on her feet from being shoved to the ground and use her Semblance to try and save her sister, and why Weiss didn’t have a chance to try and catch her on any glyphs or summon a Lancer to ride down and catch her. She’s not the fastest with making those summons anyway, she’s still got some room for improvement before she can make instant saves in that way. Long story short, 
Don’t give the writers shit for having Blake be the only one able to try and help.
The fact that she fails to save her partner is of course very upsetting for Blake and she screams Yang’s name with all the appropriate despair and sorrow. Ruby doesn’t have a lot of time to process the fact that her sister may have just died since Neo wastes no time attacking her and all her focus has to go into self defense and trying to win that fight. We can see in the background Weiss holding Blake back, because this poor woman seems to want nothing more than to dive in after Yang either out of suicidal despair or a last feverish hope that she survived and can be rescued. The denial and depression soon turns to anger though, and she grabs her weapon with a look of murderous rage before charging in to attack Neo for what she did. She grabs Neo with her ribbon and tries to slice her in two, but it’s just an illusion and the real one is fighting with Ruby heading up a pathway towards one of the portals. Weiss turns her attention back to Cinder, and is doing an okay job of holding her own but not getting any hits in of her own. The tables seem like they could turn for our protagonists when Penny flies in to join the fight and punches Cinder in the face. But Weiss didn’t want Penny getting involved, and Cinder seems pretty glad to get another rematch with her. And she certainly is more prepared this time, compared to Penny who tries to summon her swords and forgot she doesn’t have them anymore. She takes a hit and lands in a crowd of civilians, though she does land on her feet and quickly improvise by making some new swords with her magic and then flying back into the fray. Weiss skates on her glyphs up a path to get a better vantage point, and pulls Cinder out of attack mode with a black holding glyph that seems to yank on her like gravity. Turns out the glyphs are vulnerable to fire though, so Cinder burns through it and quickly finds where Weiss is so she can send a flurry of fiery glass blades her way. Weiss happened to choose a spot right by 3 portals so there’s about a dozen innocent bystanders around her that are in danger. She thinks fast and summons her Knight’s sword to shield them, but some of the blades do go through a portal and send some other people diving for cover in the train station. Jaune is there to defend some of them with his shield, and immediately realizes the evacuation job just got a lot harder. Unfortunately for Weiss, these glass shards superheat and explode at her feet, sending her flying off the platform. She still has Aura though, and catches herself on a glyph to catch her breath. In the meantime, Cinder goes back on the defensive against Penny and Ladybug continue to tag team against Neo. Blake hears screaming and realizes she could also try and help Weiss and Penny deal with Cinder, but feels really conflicted about it. Who needs her more, can she just give up on getting vengeance for Yang? What can she even do against a Maiden? She just doesn’t know.
Back in the skies, Harriet is getting close to Mantle when she gets an alert of a disturbance in the airship’s cargo hold. Putting the controls on autopilot, she goes down to check on it and sees Vine made it aboard. She’s about to arm the bomb, but he stops her and voices his thoughts that this may not be the best plan for them anymore, much to her annoyance. She asks him if this is really the side he wants to take here and now, and he doesn’t want to call it a divide like that. But he lays out the facts: Their commanding officer has been deposed so his authority is moot, the city is going down and there’s likely going to be no stopping that, and the people are going to be brought to safety regardless. So why bother bombing a city full of innocents whose other options are run away to the barren desert or be crushed under a giant hunk of rock? But Harriet isn’t having that shit. It’s the principle of the matter, it’s about following through and standing with her decisions. If she’s not obeying what Ironwood ordered... then what is she anymore? To disobey him or let the teens continue their rescue efforts means acknowledging they’re in the right and she’s wrong. And after the last few days of seeing them as her enemy and losing a fight to them... her pride just won’t allow it. She has to see this through, because it’s what Clover would have done. He was a good soldier, he died doing what the general told him he had to. Vine admits that doesn’t mean he was right to die on that hill. He wasn’t an infallible paragon of good judgment. Harriet doesn’t like hearing that either, but she can’t seem to find the right words to defend her stance on Clover. Probably because those words are something to the tune of “Clover was my friend, and I want to do right by him because I miss him dearly”. But to say that would mean the Ace Ops were also wrong after the mission in the mines, when they were so condescending in telling Team RWBY that you have to just be coworkers with your team and you can’t be friends. And she seems to prefer suicide bombing death over admitting some teenagers knew more about friendship and teamwork than her and her squad. That ego and temper really need some working on, and one starts to worry she’s too far gone to ever get a chance at working on them. Before Vine can give some heartfelt reassurances about being allowed to feel their feelings for each other the airship gets bumped hard and Harriet goes back into angry work first mode. She arms the bomb and tries to dump Vine out the cargo doors before rushing back up to the cockpit and regaining control of the ship. The bumping was caused by Robyn flying another airship into them to try and keep the bomb from being delivered, because how was she to know Vine was about to defuse the whole situation? She does have the good sense to let up on her efforts and come around behind the other airship to rescue Vine when she sees he’s hanging on for dear life. In the meantime, Harriet has to deal with another angry bird as Qrow uses his bird form to fly right up to her windshield and turns back at the last second to crash through the glass and tackle her to the floor. The two fall down the ladder back into the cargo hold, where Qrow seems ready and willing to give Harriet the rematch she’s been wanting so badly. But since nobody’s at the controls and Harriet didn’t turn autopilot back on, the ship’s going to crash... except it’s not because Watts overwrites that too and makes sure the bomb is gonna get where he wants it to.
Down in the Vault, Winter is trying to call any of the teens she can reach to get an update on the plan’s progress. No signal, we know now to thank Watts for that, but what she does find is a red dot appearing on the ground and quickly moving to the center of her chest. She promptly realizes its a laser sight and puts up a glyph to shield herself, but it’s a real strong green blast. Ironwood is coming down the elevator with his greek fire cannon, and he fully intents to put his former lieutenant down for betraying him. For all his paranoia he never thought she would stab him in the back, but that’s just what happens when you have good people at your side while you go mad with power. James tries one last time to insist he knows the right course of action for Atlas. Winter should just step aside and let him kill Team RWBY to reclaim the Staff and Make Atlas Floating Again. But she won’t back down, it is her job and her passion to protect Atlas and its people, and she’s not quitting in the face of this new enemy of the peace. Because Ironwood is the villain here, as much as he thinks he’s right. The extremes he considers necessary are too far. Ironwood actually sheds a tear when faced with this declaration, but I think it’s the last of his heart and humanity leaving as he shuts himself off from all but his machine like devotion to the cause.
Back in the Vacuan desert, Ren’s Aura runs out after spending a few minutes masking thousands of refugees, and the three green teens wonder where the heck Penny is, since she should have been among the first through the portal and her Maiden powers would be able to make quick work of the sandstorm. Oscar grows especially concerned and tries to run back into the pocket dimension to go check on her, but he hits the portal hard and gets bounced back. Oz realizes this new issue is Ambrosius’ doing, and we flashback to when Weiss was telling the big blue builder how to make the central location and all its portals. She happened to use the phrase “a one-way ticket to Vacuo”, since they had no intention of going back to the crashing Atlas. But Ambros took that too literally in the wrong way, and made the Vacuo portal the only one to be one way. They can hop around between Atlas portals all they want, but once you’re in Vacuo there’s no going back to help with the fight they don’t even know is happening yet. But these three have problems of their own, because bat-like Grimm are swarming in and attacking the unguarded civilians. We end the episode there, and boy am I not ready for the finale to only make things worse before 8 months of no resolutions. Are you?
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lilrexsoka · 4 years ago
I have returned, and with the second prompt for Rexsoka Week. Day 2- War!
Read it on AO3 :
Or read it below!
Rated- G
No Warning Tags. 
“You wanted to see me, Commander?” Rex rounded the corner along the edge of the Rebel base on Onderon, a repurposed temple buried deep inside their jungle. He found the Togruta Padawan sitting on the edge of a stretch of degraded stairs, the steps swathed in fuzzy green moss that had buried itself in the cracks of the white stone. In the light of the twilight, it appeared gray, and the moss was blurry, black patches among the shapeless shadows. He didn’t know exactly why she had summoned him out here so late at night; she hadn’t bothered to give him a reason.
“Yes sir,” she answered teasingly, jumping to her feet and smoothing out her cloak. Behind the dark material, she fit right in against the stone. “You’re just in time!” She began to traverse the degraded steps, her boots seemingly barely shifting a stone in that light, graceful way Jedi liked to move. When Rex did not follow, she stopped and peered down at him with an exasperated sigh. “Well, come on then, or else we’ll be late anyway!”
With a long pause, the Captain began to follow, though he wasn’t too sure of the integrity of the stairs. “Where are we going, exactly? And why do you have to take me there in the middle of the night? We have excursions to plan tomorrow.” There wasn’t much time before he would be summoned back to the cruiser; there was only so much he could teach the fleeting Onderon Rebels before he was no longer needed.
The Togruta glanced back at him over her shoulder and gave him a sly smile. “Just wait and see.”
Rex shook his head with another drawn-out sigh, still attempting to follow his Commander up the failing steps, wishing that he wasn’t so bulky. It seemed so easy for the Padawan, and yet she could carry more strength behind her fists then any clone could know. But that was all Jedi; sleek, quick and mysterious, very much like how she was acting now.
As he approached the end of the perilous path, Ahsoka already far ahead of his vision, he realized they had been climbing the outer wall of the temple; they were now on one of the stone walls, beside the towering pillars showered in moss. Rex finished the climb and scanned the wall, though he could not see the Togruta Padawan.
Something was thrown and bounced off his shoulder.
“Up here, Rexy,” she laughed, her voice light and full of laughter; he tilted his head to meet her sparkling eyes, still bright despite the lack of proper light. Her lekku hung down and seemed to frame the familiar face that he had seen almost every day for the past year; he thought he could draw her facial markings just from memory. Her lips were turned up in a mischievous grin as she gave him a cheeky wave and disappeared over the edge of the turret.
The clone smiled despite himself. “I’m not chasing you up there.” Even if he could somehow make the smooth climb, he was ready for her to get to her point. If there is one to this adventure. Sometimes he swore she took him on unnecessary trips just to spend time with him or make him smile.
Her head appeared again, but this time it was only the tips of her montrals and the crest of her forehead. He could hear the amusement in her voice as she purred, “I could Force lift you up here. Then you wouldn’t have a choice.” She burst into giggles before he could even attempt to argue and launched herself off the pillar, landing effortlessly on her feet before the clone.
Rex shook his head again, admittedly just as amused. She really was good at bringing up his mood. “Okay, Commander. Why did you drag me up here?” He gave her a sharp look suddenly. “I hope not to throw me off another wall.”
“No,” she answered, still breathless with laughter. She flung her arms up and turned her chin to the dark sky, sparkling with tiny, white lights outlining four moons of various sizes. “Look!” she simply exclaimed, waving her fingers pointedly. “It’s a beautiful night! When we have time to stargaze on Coruscant, we can’t see the sky through the haze anyway!” She spun around and inhaled, dropping her hood and sighing happily.
The clone scoffed and grinned at her motions. “We could have admired the stars from the ground, too.”
She whipped around and glared at him teasingly as if he should have known better. “It’s much better up here,” she argued, sauntering away again as he obligingly followed. “Up here, it’s just us and the sky.” Ahsoka’s voice had always been pleasant, but something in her tone was unexpectedly lovely at that time. “Mm-hm,” the Captain murmured. He suspected there was something else on her mind; despite how it seemed, Ahsoka never did anything without reason, even if that reason was quite underwhelming. It can’t hurt to ask. “Come on, Commander. Stop toying. What is the real reason behind this?” He would feel quite foolish if she was telling the truth, but the clone had been around her enough to know her tells when she was avoiding her thoughts.
She turned around once again, this time with a crestfallen expression, her lip stuck out in an almost comedic look of despair, though to Rex it seemed like it was honest. “I’m sick of it,” she simply said, her chin finally falling and her shoulders sagging. The Togruta explained as she leaned against one of the stone pillars, hugging herself against the chilly night air. “I’m sick of all of this. The war, and all the fighting, hate and horrible things.” She shook her head and laughed bitterly. “I should be used to it by now, shouldn’t I?”
The clone paced closer and sighed. He wasn’t the best at comforting another, but it was his Commander. He thought she deserved his best effort. “None of us are,” he answered honestly. “But that is a good thing. Maybe it’s these terrible things that motivate us to keep on fighting, for all those who can’t.” Rex knew it wasn’t entirely true. What motivated him the most was the urge to keep fighting for his brothers, and the Jedi by his side.
Ahsoka sighed. “You’re a better person than I am, Rexster.”
“That’s not true,” he blurted immediately, earning instant regret at her curious frown. You’re making yourself look like an idiot, good job. He hurriedly rushed into an explanation that was terribly under planned. “I know you, Ahsoka- er, Commander, sorry.” He swore under his breath and continued. I can’t make myself look any more foolish now. “You’re probably the best person I have ever met. I mean, you’re a good person. A good guy. Girl. You stand up for what you know is right. You make good choices, and you’re kind, hilarious, and brave.” Damn. I really am a fool.
Instead, the Togruta seemed to be enamoured with his sloppy speech. “You really mean it?” She murmured, her eyes wide and shining. “Of course you mean it,” she answered herself, switching over to her favourite, sly grin. “I can tell. You’re cute when you are flustered, too.” She giggled as he opened his mouth wordlessly in shock. “But in all seriousness,” she finally sighed as her laughter died. “Thank you. I needed to hear that. I’m just… overwhelmed. I’m leading and training a rebellion that is fighting their own government.”
Rex knew what she was feeling. He had been a bit nervous at first when General Skywalker had announced the plan, but he had resorted to imagining the fully grown trainees as cadets from Kamino he had been assigned to. Ahsoka didn’t have a similar comparison, but maybe she didn’t need one. She was a fantastic teacher, which he made sure to remind her.
“Yeah, I am,” she answered with a shy smile, still leaned against the mossy pillar. Her head tilted and she winked. “You’re not half bad either.” Her shoulders came up in a lazy shrug and she pushed off of the wall, dusting off her hands. “You know, you’re right. I do need motivation to keep on fighting. And I have some. I won’t stop anytime soon.” The Togruta began to walk past him, patting him on the shoulder as she moved back to where they had come from, tossing her head so her montral brushed against his ear. “Come on, it’s actually a warm night. I wanna watch the stars,” she ordered as she went.
The clone followed, slightly confused as to her last comment. “Wait,” he tried. “What motivates you, then? I’m curious.” He trailed after her quicker pace hopelessly, still overwhelmed at the pure energy the Padawan always seemed to hold.
Ahsoka hopped onto one of the ledges of the temple overhanging the wall and dangled her legs, seemingly uncaring of the towering fall below her. She patted the stones beside her and the clone reluctantly followed, though he sat on the top of the wall instead of the narrow outcropping. “It’s pretty obvious, isn’t it?” She hummed as she waited for his response, though he was quiet for a long while.
Rex had suggested what he had said before, which made the Togruta sigh and agree, though it wasn’t too convincing. It filled his mind as they sat and stared into the sky, Ahsoka occasionally gasping and pointing out shapes in the stars or moving objects that she mistook for comets. When she finally accepted that it was time to retreat and return to their sleeping quarters, Ahsoka walking along the tops of the pillars as Rex walked below her, he had to ask. “You were lying. You aren’t motivated by the people; at least not majorly. What is the real motivator?”
The Togruta scoffed and crouched from her position high above him, leaning down to face him. “If you come up here I’ll tell you,” she teased. She already knew the answer to that offer; it was purposeful. “Yeah, you’d crumble the stone with your heft anyway.”
“Haha, very funny,” Rex deadpanned as they continued their adventure. Avoiding the question only made him wonder more; what would she have answered? He hadn’t thought of it then, but sometimes when they were alone, he thought she might turn and say, It’s you, Rex. You are my motivation. Perhaps it was just some sort of strange, wishful thinking part of him that thought that might have been her answer.
Maybe she would finally reveal the truth if he told her how he really felt.
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