#I have also put a blanket under there for her so it won’t be so rough on her
vulcanette · 1 year
gonna try to sew something this weekend, I haven’t had the time and it’s been bumming me out
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luveline · 2 months
I've read your vampire eddie fic and its soo lovely I adore them being weird toghether <3 and I thought how will reader and eddie pass the summer? I totally see her saying shit like Vlad please put on some sunscreen lol and eddie be so grumpy
“It’s not that you don’t like it,” you’re saying. 
“No, that’s exactly what it is.” 
You sit down on the picnic blanket by his hip with a plate of summer fruit sweating in your hands. You’ve dotted a few ice cubes through the mountains of it, water melting, turning pink from the melon and yellow with the pineapple juice as the sun bears down.
“The sun is good for you,” you say, taking a slice of apple with green, bright rind in between two fingers. You have very pretty hands, Eddie’s thought that ever since you met, and they’re prettier still because of how you use them, you’re oh so gentle. “Just like this.” 
He won’t let you feed him, taking the apple as you press it to his lips, juice and water wetting his fingers. “The sun does nothing for me. I’m dead.” 
“Are you?” you ask, a genuine curiosity to your tone as you put the plate in front of him. Eddie, on his front, anticipates your next move before you’ve decided, not just because of his super senses but also because you’re a predictable creature, who loves him very much. Unlikely and true. “I thought you were only half dead,” you say, resting a hand by his ribs and leveraging yourself across his back in a hug. “Well, I thought you were undead.” 
Eddie is regrettably undead. “I forgot you were the expert on my condition,” he says, putting the apple slice in his mouth whole.
“Your condition,” you say, your face slotting into the back of his neck, forcing him to close his eyes and settle into the blanket, grass beneath it crisp from the heat. 
“My vampirism.” 
“Ah, I thought you meant your behavioural issues.” 
“Of course you did.” 
You don’t say anything back. Quiet, your hands slide up in front of his armpits, your head lolling heavily to one side. You mouth a word against his neck, a second and third, but Eddie can’t decipher what it is you’re saying even with his incredible hearing, can only feel the soft curve of your lips as they shutter closed, hot like a fresh bruise beneath his ear. 
Eddie nudges you to slide off of him, turning, cautious of the plate, to offer you his arm, and to see your face more clearly. You’ve forgone any of your fun makeups today, weary of the heat, all your wrinkles and lines in stunning detail under his gaze.
You lay on your side and Eddie lifts the arm that isn’t supporting him with his finger bent into a tight ‘n’ to stroke the skin under your chin. “You’re pretty,” he says, his knuckle rubbing back and forth. 
“You’re beautiful,” you say back. The hair at the nape of your neck is damp with sweat, and as you both lay there in the humidity, a bead of it races suddenly to sink into the fabric of your top. 
“You’re really pretty,” he says, ignoring your deflection —though for you, he doubts it’s a deflection at all, only a thought you’d had and spoken without qualm— in favour of lavishing you with some more love and praise. He opens his palm and touches his fingertips to your cheek, conscious of the heat, stringing the words together slow as the heavy pour of a maple tapper, “I don’t like the sun, it’s hot, and I’m melting, but I don’t think I mind it when you’re here too.” 
Your heart does a jump, to his smugness, an audible caper of your pulse. “Everything’s better when we’re together,” you say. 
He nods severely and lifts your chin just a touch, tilting his head to the side to kiss you. The pressure of his fangs is forgotten, a blood sate too far away to ignore the more nefarious longing that thrums at the centre of his chest, but overpowered anyways by practice, and desire; he’s gotten a thousand times better at kissing you, because you like to be kissed, and he likes to give you anything he can. 
He can’t pretend he doesn’t like this, either. You cover his hand with yours and wade in like a quick tide, pulling back and pushing in, like nips without the pain. Your hand slips into his hair. “I love you,” you say, “but you’re sweating like crazy.” 
“You’re sweating worse,” he says. 
“We’ll have to take a vacation.” 
“Where do you want to go?” 
“Literally everywhere cold.” 
Eddie can’t leave Hawkins. He needs blood, and there’s only one sheriff who’s willing to source it for him. But it’s a nice idea, a fantasy he won’t ruin for you. “Where’d you want to go first?” 
“I wanna go to that place with the Northern Lights. We’d never complain about sweating again.” 
You squint at him. 
“What?” he asks. 
“Where do you want to go?” you ask. 
“Anywhere with you.” 
“Well, you’d have to.” 
“Oh, yeah? Why’s that?” he asks. 
“I’m your only portable blood bag, Eddie.” 
He lays back on his back, covering his eyes with an arm as the other comes to rest on his soft stomach, whirl of a scar thick beneath his shirt. “Never gonna happen.” 
You shuffle closer to him. “One day,” you say, laying down next to him with your face nearly flat to the blanket, the heat of your body a palpable thickness he wouldn’t change for the world, dehydration inevitable. “You’ll give me a nice sharp kiss and that’ll be that.” 
“Imagine it.” Your voice turns to a whisper. 
“Never, babe,” he says, he promises, the weight of his arm over his eyes like an iron. 
“I’ll just have to bite you instead.” 
You open your mouth and press your teeth to the hill of his shoulder, dull and wet, your breath like a kiss before you let your lips drift shut and give him a proper one. “Love you,” you say. 
“Love you, freakazoid.” He wrestles you into a cuddle he’ll regret sooner rather than later, wishing his vampirism were better at keeping him cool. He’s cold to the touch most of the time. Right now he’s baking. “But I’m not biting you,” he says into your forehead. 
You laugh breezily. “Not today you’re not. That’s why I made fruit salad.” 
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animehideout · 5 months
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Part 8
Gojo Satoru x Fem! Reader
Check out Part 9 here 🆕✨
Check out part 7 here
A/n: Hello! I'm back with another part, I hope I didn't make you wait for too long. Anyways, grab a snack and let's get into it since this part is kinda long ꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡
W.c: 4.4k+ words
Warnings: Not Proofread
Have a fun reading session 🫶🏻🤍
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You sighed as you stood at the entrance of the room, the walls of the room seemed to close in as they faced the awkward reality of sharing it. With an annoyed tone you looked at Gojo who already started unpacking and said,
“Can you leave the room for a moment? I need to change!”
He looked back at you with a dismissive glance and retorted,
“Why would I? I thought I was your husband”
“Are you for fucking real” you scoffed.
“You can change here! I’m not dying to see your body anyway” he shrugged, without a warning he started unbuttoning his shirt in front of you.
You quickly looked away, not ready to see him shirtless. He began to unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants and that’s hit was your last straw.
You clenched your jaw, determined to not let him get under your skin, you snatched your pyjamas from your bag and shot back,
“Asshole! You’ve got no shame”
You stormed out of the room, heading to the bathroom, sneaking so no one can see you. Gojo was smirking to himself after managing in getting on your nerves again at least to some extent. Since you were in the bathroom, you stayed there for a bit, and took a warm shower just to wash the tiredness away. (note, gojo took a shower when Y/n was packing at home)
With a deep breath, you walked inside again. As you entered, you couldn’t help but roll your eyes at his sight, he was shirtless, his hair falling down on his face, comfortably nestled on the bed, a self-satisfied grin played on his face.
“Really?” you muttered under your breath, an irritated edge to your voice.
“What? “
You ignored him and climbed onto the bed, keeping a clear boundary between you and him,
“Stay in your side of the bed and we won’t have any problems” you warned
“Oooh look at me I’m shaking with fear”
He chuckled, deliberately stretching out his arms as if to test your patience,
“Relax princess! I’m not interested in crossing your precious territory”
You huffed in frustration, edging away from him,  pulling the blanket to cover yourself,
“Fine then, and can you put some shirt on I won’t be comfortable with you sleeping naked like that beside me”
“Geez you really need to chill and loosen up a bit, I’m used to sleeping naked, deal with that ”
“Whatever..” you mumbled and laid down .
Exhausted from the verbal sparring you finally fell silent both of you, making sure to turn off the lights. It was late anyway and you needed to sleep, but could you?
Backs facing each other, only the steady rhythm of your breathing is heard, but eyes still wide open, mind fully awake. The bed was warm, but t felt cold, you were in each other’s company yet felt so alone. That’s your truth, not only you but also Gojo Satoru. Maybe being the strongest served him to maintain that perfect image but no one really knows what’s hidden behind this perfectness.
Gojo’s Pov:
I laid beside her, staring at the darkness, it’s better than staring at her anyway. I can’t fall asleep, I won’t fall asleep even though I’m exhausted as fuck. She can’t catch me in that situation again, I won’t give her a single chance to think that I’m weak, vulnerable or scared by my night terrors that haunt me every night. Spending the coming days locked in this room with her at every night fall is a bitter pill to swallow. I’m not used to anyone sleeping beside me, especially not her. She can’t find out, she’ll use that against me, and I won’t let it happen.
End Of Pov
As the night proceeded, Gojo looked behind, stealing a glance at you, you weren’t moving only your steady breathing is heard. He leaned in closer to you, to get a better look and make sure you’re asleep before he goes to sleep himself. He inched closer, peeking over your shoulders to look at your face. Your eyes were closed, hair strands falling on your face, lips pouting. Your small hands clutching onto the pillow, your chest rising and falling in  a rhythmic pattern. His eyes traced the delicate features of your face, soft features that were the complete contrast of your harsh attitude towards him. Unable to resist the nagging curiosity, he found himself leaning in closer and closer, his face only inches away from yours, completely lost in your sleeping figure. He never paid attention to any of your details before but now he does. His fingers tried to move to tuck that hair strand that was tickling your nose, but he stopped midway. Realization struck  him like a lightening bolt, he blinked as if he was awakening from a trance.
“The fuck Am I doing?” he said to himself.
He swiftly scooted back to his side, pulling the blanket over him again, shaking his head in disbelief of his own actions.
“Guess I crossed her imaginary line that she drew between us” he added to himself.
Y/n Pov:
I was so sleepy, so I closed my eyes waiting for sleep to just take me. But I couldn’t, my mind is a busy place, crowded with thoughts that made drifting off almost impossible. The room was silent but inside me was loud, noisy. Suddenly, I could feel the subtle shift in the mattress. “Is he still awake?” I thought to myself. I thought he was going to use the bathroom but no even with my eyes still closed, I sensed his presence, drawing nearer to me. Every muscle in my body tensed up, clutching onto my pillow tighter “Is this the end? Is he gonna strangle me in my sleep?” I thought to myself again. My eyes firmly shut, waiting for any action, but all what I can feel is his hot breath on my face. A shiver run down my spine. Too caught in the paradox of the situation, why would he watch me while I sleep? Is he dreaming? Long moments of an unspoken tension, got me twisted, unsure of his intentions, unsure of what’s between us. I can feel him backing away from me, finally relaxing my body, but my mind took another direction, and what I’m sure of, is that it’s impossible to fall asleep tonight.
End Of Pov
That was right, none of you fell asleep that night. Your backs turned to each other, patiently waiting for the dawn to break so you can just leave your bed.
You  already foreseen the awkwardness once both of you are awake and leave the bed and you wanted to escape that. You quickly glanced at him, the blanket wasn’t covering all of him, and you got to see is his back, his muscular back. Your eyes swiftly travelled from his back, shoulders, neck and finally his undercut. You carefully slid out from beneath the covers, the soft creaking of the mattress filled the room. Silently, you gathered your clothes avoiding any unnecessary noise that might draw his attention to you. Without looking back, you slid out of the room, closing the door behind you, making your way to the bathroom. A shower would definitely refresh you and get you ready for the day, even thought you were struggling to keep your eyes open.
Meanwhile back in the room, Gojo turned to lay on his back, his arms behind his head, watching the ceiling  while sun rays leaked through the window, he wanted to sleep since now you weren’t in the room, but he has got a long day of work waiting ahead.
*time skip to breakfast time*
All of you were gathered around the table in the common room eating your breakfast. You , your husband Gojo, Nanami, Principal Yaga, Mei Mei and all of your students.
Both you and Satoru fighting to keep your eye lids open, barely engaging or even catching up to the conversation.
“Satoru, y/n! are you even listening?” asked Principal Yaga.
The way he called you, woke you up from your awake slumber.
“hm?” you said in union.
“Geez sensei! You look tired? Are you okay?” asked Yuuji directing the question to both of you.
“yeah fine!” you said in unison.
“had a long night huh?” said Nobara
Both of your eyes widened, Gojo almost choking on his drink.
“I mean, it’s a new place and the bed mattress is kinda hard for the back… I struggeled to fall asleep too when I first moved here” she added blushing trying to fix the misunderstanding tha she caused by that innocent question she asked.
But Mei Mei insisted on misunderstanding, she kept on glaring at you, her hand tightly holding her cup of coffee, thinking that both of you had sex.
“And I thought I couldn’t hate you more Y/n” she mumbled to herself under her breath, knowing that she’d spend the rest of her day thinking, scheming how she’d take her revenge.
“Satoru and Nanami, meet me in my office after breakfast, you’ve a got a mission” ordered principal Yaga.
Both of them nodded, and headed to his office straight after they finished eating.
You had class with the 1st years today and you had free time in the evening so you all what you were thinking about is taking a long ass nap after teaching and that what kept you going for the day.
You students were there in the field waiting for you. You headed to the weaponry room to grab the ones that you’ll use for today’s lesson.
“The famous Y/n! having a good time huh? Enjoying your time with your husband? I see your relationship evolved!” started Mei Mei taking you by surprise.
“Mei Mei? What are you doing here?”
“Came to see you of course!”
“I don’t see any reason for that, besides I’m working right now!”
“Oh of course right! You gotta do something and contribute to the Jujutsu world in the easiest way possible”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Well don’t get me wrong but you’re enjoying the luxury life aren’t you? Something you weren’t used to?”
“Stop speaking in riddles!”
“Having a rich, handsome husband that brought you up from the shitty life of yours, working here locked inside, teaching some martial arts moves that everyone already knows, while others are fighting outside to protect you.. What could be more pathetic than that?” she said in an offensive tone.
You were clearly confused, not knowing what she meant exactly but protecting you.
“The hell are you talking about Mei Mei? Are you that desperate for a morning argument?” you spat back.
“No no sweetheart! I’m spitting facts that’s all”
“Well I hate to break it to you, but those are not facts, they’re just bullshit that you like to create.. as always! I’m doing my job here as a teacher, and I’m not waiting for anyone to protect me..I can totally protect myself”
“Oh I doubt that, since Principal Yaga assigned all of us to watch over you… to be honest, I hate it, I didn’t wanna do it. Because you see, I don’t care if you get hurt or not ..but just so you know that everyone here is stronger than you even your students”
“I don’t understand! Why would he assign you to watch over me?” you asked genuinely confused.
“Oh poor girl! Your lovely husband didn’t tell you that he’ll protect you from to Toji Zenin who’s scouring every corner of Tokyo to find you”
“Huh? Who’s Toji Zenin?”
“Well! When he catches you, you can ask him in person!” she said and then left.
You furrowed your brows, completely perplexed, who’s Toji, why would he search for you everywhere? Why principal Yaga assigned them to protect you? And from what exactly?
All these questions burned your throat, but who’s gonna answer them?
You grabbed the weapons and headed to the field, Yuuji, Megumi and Nobara, already there bickering as always.
“Hey guys! So today we’re learning about the usage of arrows! Of course later on you’ll use your jujutsu energy and transform it into the arrow” you started.
Finally break time after three hours of teaching. As they started walking away, you cleared your throat maybe Megumi knows something
“Megumi-Chan!” you called,
“Hm? Yes sensei?”
“Um was wondering if I could talk to you for a second!”
He nodded and walked back towards you, you had to many questions but you didn’t want to overwhelm him, he was only a student so you picked up a one important question, principal Yaga should be the one answering your questions anyway.
“Who is Toji Zenin?” you asked
Megumi’s eyes widened, not expecting this sudden question. Air got caught in his lungs, not sure how to answer it.
“It’s –Um…he’s um-” he stuttered, hesitant to tell you.
“It’s okay if you don’t know him!” you smiled.
“He’s my father” he blurted out.
Why on earth would Megumi’s father search for you? And if he’s his father then how come he doesn’t know his own son’s teachers?
“Your question was very sudden! Is there any motive behind it?” he asked in confusion.
The students have no idea about Toji Zenin breaking loose and searching everywhere just to kill you, they’re as confused as you. You hesitated to ask more questions since he seemed uncomfortable and you didn’t want him to overthink anything so with a sweet smile you said,
“Nah t-there’s no motive! It was just a simple question,  please don’t worry about it continue with your day!”
He nodded, sensing that there’s something off about it. He hasn’t met his father in so long and it got him wondering.
You couldn’t handle it so you headed to principal Yaga’s office. You’re one the teachers and its your right to get informed about anything just like the other teachers.
“Yaga Sensei?” you started knocking on the door.
“Yes Y/n come in!’
“Sorry for bothering you but I had to ask some things!”
“Sure anything go ahead!”
“Why would Megumi’s father search for me everywhere?”
Principal Yaga cleared his throat, shifting in his chair, but insisted on hiding the truth.
“Why would he look for you? Who told you that? No one is looking for you y/n!”
“If no one is looking for me then why’d you assign the rest of teachers to protect me?”
A sudden surge of tension ran through him, the air in the room seemed to thicken, he found himself obliged to tell you since you already know so much. He took a deep breath and said,
“Who told you that Y/n?”
“Mei Mei did! But why doest it matter? Why did you keep me in the dark, I’m a teacher here as well”
“Mei Mei you say? Alright! Take a seat please!”
You did as he said, patiently waiting for him to explain. But would he reveal the whole truth after getting orders from the higher ups that he needs to conceal it? You don’t even know your full potential yet.
“Toji Zenin! He’s known as a sorcerers haunter. He was locked up after committing many crimes, his last crime was killing a student Riko Amanai, she was the potential star plasma vessel. But she got shot by him. It was a big loss for the Jujutsu World. Gojo found him and brought him to his trial, he was locked away but we got information that he managed to escape, we don’t know who’s his next target is, he’s targeting people with potential, strong sorcerers…”
“Then I’m supposed to be safe, since you said he’s targeting strong sorcerers and I’m no sorcerers, so why would I need any protection here?”
“The protection is needed for all of us, especially students ! it’s not he’s got a personal issue against you, he doesn’t he just enjoys killing, that’s his job”
“I see, you said that student got shot, so he’s using a gun instead of Jujutsu technique?”
“He’s not a sorcerer actually! He’s a normal man with 0 jujutsu energy.. but he’s very strong”
“Oh o-okay! Is there any way I can help?”
“You’re already doing a lot, teaching your students how to defend themselves against their enemies is a lot of work”
You nodded, completely swallowing his words not knowing that the full truth in kept hidden.
“There’s no need to worry about anything Y/n! but one thing don’t tell your students anything! We don’t want them to stress out! School is about learning while having fun”
“Sure” you said politely, then excused yourself and headed to your room.
You changed into comfier clothes and rolled down on your bed, taking the whole space, even Gojo’s side. You stared at the ceiling, why would he tell you now and not earlier, why you’re the last one to know, are they underestimating your contribution to their world and see you as someone who’s not capable of protecting others? It made you sad, because you thought you were doing great.
“But I’m no sorcerer why would they count on me” you mumbled to yourself, slowly drifting to sleep.
You woke up from your slumber to a dark room, your head pounding but at least you got to make it up for staying awake last night.
“For how long did I sleep? 11pm !!? shit” you said to yourself.
You looked beside you and there was Satoru, sleeping.
Gojo’s Pov:
I returned to Jujutsu High at 8pm, it was a long hectic day and it drained me to my core, I let Nanami do the rest of the work in informing Yaga Sensei, my social energy was fully spent and I didn’t want to talk to anyone. It wasn’t a tough mission, I was just out with Nanami looking for any trace of Toji, we were trying to find him and catching him before he commits any crime, but it was useless, he’s like a ghost, each one of his move is calculated, he knows where to hide so we’ll wait for him till he comes to us. I was struggling to keep myself awake, ate all the sweets I can find but I seriously needed to sleep. I got to Jujutsu high, took a warm shower to wash away today’s tiredness, hoping that Y/n fell asleep. It would be a torture if I had to wait a more couple hours for her to sleep before I do, but for my luck she was already sleeping, light snores escaped her slightly mouth. I dried myself, put on a grey sweatpants and joined her on bed making sure to not cross any lines tonight. It was easy for me to close my eyes and sleep without worrying about her next to me.
End of Pov.
*End Of Flashback*
“Oh he’s here” you said to yourself.
Now you were fully awake for sleeping all these long hours, it was midnight what could you do? Everyone is sleeping, but you can’t go to sleep, you’ve had enough, more than enough actually.
“Ugh I just ruined my sleeping schedule-ahh” you gasped when Satoru spoke out of the blue.
“I do-don’t …No sensei I-”
“Is he having a bad dream again ?” you mumbled.
Taking a closer look to him, just like last time, panting, breathing heavily and sweating. But you’re not gonna wake him up again, you don’t wanna get slammed down by him on the bed like that night.
“I don’t wa-nna k-ill him..my f-friend, G-geto”
“Geto? Who’s Geto?” you thought to yourself.
He got more disturbed in his sleep, tossing and turning and it freaked you out, you really wanted to wake him up and set him free from what he’s seeing but you decided to not get involved this time, so you put on your slippers and tiptoed outside.
Finally some fresh air, watching the tree leaves as they danced to the night breeze. The stars above you completed the scenery. Luckily you were kind of away from Tokyo’s light, away from light pollution, making you catch a glimpse of the stars that decorated the sky. Your eyes widened in wonder as you saw a star cutting through the darkness. Your breath caught in excitement, an involuntary gasp left your lips. Time seemed to momentarily freeze, bringing back your habit of making a wish.
You closed your eyes, putting your hands together and whispered,
“I wish I become something! Something special and not a useless person”
Funny, because everything seemed to change except you. It was the same wish since you were a kid, patiently waiting for it to come true.  
“Can’t sleep?” said a soft voice from behind, making your eyes shot open.
“N-nanami? Oh god, you scared me” you stuttered, placing your hand on your chest.
“Sorry for that” he chuckled
“I see you’re still awake! You can’t sleep either?” you asked
“Yeah, the night is long and it got boring..what about you?”
“Um- I had a long nap and woke up a few minutes ago so-”
“Oh I see! Stargazing?”
“Yep what’s better than that? My favorite night activity” you chuckled
“Why are you here alone?”
“Now I’m not” you smiled, keeping an eye contact with him.
“Right, you got me” he said and got closer to you.
“Um so how was your mission today, I hope it wasn’t that tiring?”
He paused before speaking trying to find a good lie, he can’t tell you that he’s been out looking for the man who’s trying to kill you. Even though he knows that now you know who’s Toji Zenin is, since Principal Yaga told him.
“Yeah not tiring.. we were just exorcising some curses at a school as usual.. that’s all”
You could sense his discomfort, so you tried to change the subject since he clearly doesn’t wanna talk about work.
“Oh alright! Good luck with that..Um Nanami!”
“Hm yea?”
“I was wondering if you know someone named Geto I guess”
You couldn’t help the curiosity, you needed to know who was this man, that was haunting Gojo in his sleep.
“Geto Suguru, he was my senior in high school!”
“Oh really? Um- was- was he a bad person?”
“Not really! But we don’t know what got into him. He was Gojo’s best friend, inseparable. They studied together and went on missions together. Till one day Geto chose to change parts and follow his own ideology!”
“Ideology? What kind of ideology?”
“Something that contrasts with Jujutsu principals, we live to protect the weak those normal humans that Geto referred to as monkeys”
“Oww monkeys? So I’m a monkey! That’s kinda offensive, since you don’t get to choose to be born as a normal human or a sorcerer…I hope this Geto doesn’t find me then-”
“Nah he won’t”
“What makes you so sure?”
“Because he’s dead! Gojo killed him”
You froze in place, so were you sleeping beside a murderer? Why would he kill his bestfriend?
“W-what?” you said in disbelief.
“He had to, he was forced to do it, to fulfill his duty as a jujutsu sorcerer is to eliminate the threat, Geto was a threat to our rules and principals”
“He killed his own family and  village, after that he started a cult, no longer defending the weak but rather killing what he considered monkeys”
“I see, the complete opposite ideology of Toji Zenin, one is killing sorcerer and the other killing non sorcerers.. What a world we live in” you pointed out.
“True! It was so hard for Gojo to get work done! It destroyed him, but he knew it was all for good so he just did it…Sometimes you have to make the right decisions even if they feel wrong! That’s what  being a sorcerer is” he explained
You nodded and looked down, now points connecting, now you know why Geto is always present in Gojo’s dreams, cuz once you kill someone, they never really leave. You kinda felt bad for him, you can’t imagine yourself killing anyone, let alone your bestfriend even if they turned evil, and even though you have no bestfriend. That same nightmare must be haunting him for years.
“Are you cold?” he asked
“yeah kinda, it’s chilly here”
“here you go!” he said  placing his jacket on your shoulders.
You faces were close to each other and you couldn’t help but stare at him. Why did you have to marry Gojo maybe marrying Nanami would be much easier and maybe he’d be your first love, he’s a sorcerer as well, so maybe he’s able to break your curse too. But out of everyone, it had to be Gojo Satoru, the cold,  unempathetic and rude towards you. But we don’t always get what we want.
His eyes didn’t leave you as well, he was so close to your face, he could feel the tension between both of you. But he backed away
“I’m so sorry” he apologized
Nanami is a respectful man, if you weren’t married then he’d definitely go for it and kiss your lips, but you’re the wife of Gojo Satoru and his principles and values won’t allow him to do that.
“Th-ats okay” you whispered.
Too busy in your thoughts while stargazing you didn’t notice Gojo’s silent presence, obsecured in the dark behind both of you. He was there the whole time, heard your whole conversation.His nightmare woke him up, the room was too narrow for him that he had to take a breath outside only to find you with Nanami. He wasn’t sure how to feel about it, but it bothered him to see Nanami’s face so close to his wife’s face, or the way he was acting like a gentleman towards you. He could feel his stomach drop, clenching his fists and jaw as blood started coursing faster in his veins.
He didn’t know how to explain what he felt but it’s like something was breaking inside him. And you bringing up Geto didn’t make things any better. Maybe staying in that nightmare was a lot easier than this.
He stopped himself from stepping between both of you and push Nanami away from your side, he knew he would do something he would regret and would end up waking up the whole school, so he stood his ground, deciding to not beat the shit out of Nanami cuz it would feel weird and uncomfortable for everyone,  he was convincing himself that you and him hated each other and what’s between you is not just an arranged marriage but a battleground.
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marypaol · 2 months
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Say You Won’t Let Go
Harry James Potter x fem!reader
Summary: Harry wants to stay with her till they’re gray and old… as long as she doesn’t let go.
Warnings: Kissing? Talk of future? I think that’s it! <3
Note: In Harry’s POV yet it’s third person. I hope that makes sense to y’all. :)
Note #2: Based on the song “Say You Won’t Let Go” by James Arthur. Not the whole song though. (Some lyrics)
Between each lyric- time skip. Lyrics in italics! :)
Requests closed at the moment
Also started another blog! @honeychamomile1
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I pulled you closer to my chest. And you asked me to stay over, I said, “I already told ya, I think that you should get some rest.”
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“I’m so tired.” She grumbled. Her body squirmed under the blankets as she tried to seek a comfortable position.
“I know.” Harry chuckled in response, his fingers traveling along the skin of her arm as he kissed her temple.
She hummed, her eyes once closed but when he responded she fluttered them open, eyes sparkling at the sight of him.
“You’re so pretty, Harry.” She laughed out, hand coming up to stroke his cheek, then reaching up to adjust his glasses.
She pulled him forward with her arm around his neck, digging her face into it, and he thanked Merlin she couldn’t see his red face then. He pulled her closer to his chest, arm wrapped around her back as she was once now flushed against him.
“You should stay the night.” She whispered, snuggling herself deeper into him as she kissed the skin of his neck.
He squirmed at the feeling, the tickle sensation spreading from the area she was kissing to his toes. He sighed once she stopped, having to stop the giggles that were threatening to leave his mouth.
He leaned back, taking his arm out from behind her back so she wouldn’t crush it and stroked her hair out of her face as he looked at her.
“I already told you,” he sighed. “you should get some rest.”
She groaned at his reminder, hands reaching up to ruffle his already messed up hair. She was gonna be honest, there wasn’t a time she saw it neat. That that she was complaining, his feisty hair was one of her favorite things about him.
She then pouted when her eyes met his. He chuckled at her stubbornness, shaking his head at her.
“Don’t look at me like that, I have to go back to Ron.” He reminded with a teasing warning look.
“I was hoping you would stay when I gave you the puppy eyes.” She said, putting the show on again. He shook his head once again as an answer.
She pouted deeper, her eyes dropping before she gained composure again to hide the fact she was tired.
“Rude.” She muttered, dropping her hands from his hair.
He laughed on how cute she looked, kissing her pout away with a soft kiss to the lips.
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When you looked over your shoulder
For a minute I forget that I’m older
I wanna dance with you right now
Oh, and you look as beautiful as ever
And I swear that everyday you’ll get better
You make me feel this way somehow
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Harry could hear the shuffling from the seat next to him, his lover not seeming to be finding a satisfactory position to sit in while doing their work.
“I don’t know what to write!” She exclaimed, dropping her quill as she made movements in the air with her hands in exasperation.
Harry shrugged, peeking at the page number she was on in her textbook and turning to it in his own. The two were doing their Divination homework, Professor Trelawney wanting them to see how the next month for them will go.
“I’m about done with taking this seriously,” she started, shaking her head.
“You’ve been thinking I’ve been?” Harry added, but she continued, ignoring his comment.
“I’m making it up.” She decided, grabbing her quill and looking at her book, humming as she found a potential imaginary scenario that will most likely not happen anyways.
“I’ll….lose a bet….?” She suggested, still looking at her book.
Harry nods before realizing she’s not looking at him.
“Yeah, sounds good,” he replies. “Um…and I’ll…be unlucky for one week.”
She grinned at him. “Mine’s more believable.”
He scoffed. “My book doesn’t have any good ones!” He said as an excuse.
She laughed. “We have the same book!”
“Whatever-get me a different Divination book in the library, will ya?”
She rolled her eyes but got up nonetheless, searching the shelves for something better for the boy. Even though the book she was using was just fine.
She heard him close the book he was previously using and looked over her shoulder at him.
Harry just so happened to be already looking at her, and forgot everything he was thinking about moments prior. He forgot he was a year older since his birthday was in the summer, forgot that his mind should be focused on school work. His brain was occupied with thoughts on how beautiful she looked at the moment. Her eyes sparkled at the sight of him looking flustered just by looking at her, his bright green eyes something she easily got lost in.
He suddenly had the urge to get up and dance with her right in the middle of the library, despite his lack of dancing skills. He wanted to embrace her as a way to claim her his, despite the fact she already was.
Everyday she seemed to get more beautiful, more breathtaking, and more gorgeous.
Even after she chuckled at his act, turning away with thoughts all about him, a soft fuzzy feeling flooded Harry, making him feel all warm inside.
His fingertips became tingly, itching to touch her face her hair her everything. She just left him and he already longed for her to come back.
She did just that a couple minutes later, laying a book down for him as they exchanged smiles.
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I'm so in love with you
And I hope you know
Darling, your love is more than worth its weight in gold
We've come so far, my dear
Look how we've grown
And I wanna stay with you until we're grey and old
Just say you won't let go
Just say you won't let go
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“Say you won’t let go.”
The sentence made her head come up from his chest, her fingers halting their movements on his hand.
She looked at him and laughed halfheartedly. “What?”
He was serious when she looked at him, and so her small smile dropped suddenly at his serious mood switch.
“Say you won’t let go.” Harry repeated.
“You know I won’t, Harry.” She whispered, reaching up to stroke his cheek, the smooth skin soft beneath her finger tips.
“Promise?” Harry asked hesitantly, doubt swarming in his stomach.
She sat up then, and for a split dying second he thought she was gonna leave, leaving him alone in the bed.
Instead she sat on his lap, his back leaning against the headboard. She sighed, legs on either side of his waist as her arms came up, sliding up his shoulders before her hands wrapped around his neck. “Harry,” she whispered, leaning closer.
“I want to stay with you until we’re grey and old. So old we don’t be able to get out of bed, so old neither of us can hear properly anymore. So old that we both have wrinkles covering our faces and even more when we smile. And I do that a lot around you.” She added, smiling as she said such things.
“Really?” Harry asked, voice barely audible. But she heard him well, nodding her head. “Yes,” she started, leaning closer and pecking his lips, sweet and soft, loving and kind. “And I definitely won’t be letting go any time soon.”
“I love you.” Harry whispered.
“And I love you.” She said back against his lips.
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I hope you guys liked it!
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coralinnii · 5 months
Is it alright if I request Ruggie, Deuce, Trey and Cater helping fem!reader with her period?
‧₊˚✧ To share our joys and abdominal pain ‧₊˚✧
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↳ Helping fem!reader going through periods
feat: Ruggie ❋ Deuce ❋ Trey ❋ Cater  genre: fluff, humor note: no pronouns were used for reader (I just ended up not using any), symptoms of periods vary in stories to match the reality of different experiences in real life,
Fun fact, some of the scenarios in this post were inspired by real life experiences between me and my male friends. I missed those idiots, but now they’re somewhat smarter now. Me and my friends called it “the shining” cuz of the famous elevator scene xD
2.7K Followers Writing Event 2023
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Not gonna lie, he might be a little afraid of you whenever the time of the month comes around. 
Coming from a nation where women are revered as strong and aggressive as well as coming from a woman-dominated culture, Ruggie had learned an important lesson in not pissing anyone off when their body is going through what could be described as hell, blood included. 
Whether your symptoms are more tolerable or excruciating, it was still a surprise to suddenly see your nervous boyfriend carrying a gift basket with essentials like a peace offering of sorts. Appreciative, but a surprise nonetheless. 
It was also a surprise to see that Ruggie had built a little fort for you filled with fluffy blankets and pillows. Ruggie can’t imagine how painful cramps can get but if you need to curl yourself, he rather you have somewhere comfy and warm to do so. 
No one tell him he just essentially built a nest for his partner. He already knows.
Once you enter his nest fort, you’ll never leave. Not because you can’t but rather you never needed to. Anything you needed or had a craving for, the observant hyena caught on and was quick to make your wishes come true. 
Under his fears, he watches over you in worried awe as you brave through your pain the best you can. He always had respect for anyone who has to go through the day in so much pain but when you smiled at him so sweetly as you thanked him for bringing you some painkillers, his heart bleeds.
Whether he has to run 10 miles to get you something with his money or just to rub small circles on your stomach to ease the cramps, he’s willing to do any work to make you a little better.
"You hungry? I can whip up something good in the kitchen if you're hankerin' for something sweet. Leona'll understand me goin' missing for a while. Afterall, I gotta stay when my babe needs me. Shyeheehee~"
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He was panicking so much, it’s almost comical. 
This lovable dummy won’t know what’s going on with you and simply you were sick or unhappy with him given how easily irritated and queasy you were throughout the first day. It was until you flat out told him that he finally put two and two together. 
“oh…Oh…OH SHI-!”
He wants to help so much but the former delinquent has no clue on anything regarding the female anatomy. He tried looking up some helpful advice but unfortunately he only got more confused because it’s the fricking internet. 
“Deuce, what are you doing?” 
“Protecting you. I read that bears and sharks can smell you and they’ll attack you!”
Thankfully, a call with his mom sent him in a better direction. The embarrassing flush of red of his cheeks was a cute contrast to his blue hair and eyes.
With guidance and some trial-and-error, Deuce was trying his darndest in helping you throughout these hellish days. Even if you’re the type to rather handle things yourself, it was nice to have someone by your side even if you get more irritable than usual. 
Like when a particularly bad wave of cramps suddenly hit you in the middle of the day.
The excruciating twisting and stabbing feeling in your abdomen brought you close to tears as you gritted your teeth to bear the pain. With swirling feelings of nausea and anger clouding your senses, your fight-or-flight senses kicked in as you growled out for people not to touch you in such a sensitive state. 
Almost everyone cowered at your seething words, except for Deuce. Instead, he wordlessly scooped you up in his arms and quickly made his way to the infirmary, only opening his mouth to apologize as you punched and yelled at him while in pain. 
It wasn’t until he finally laid you down onto the comforting bed of the infirmary that you apologized for your harsh behaviour, but the blue-haired freshman only grinned at you, fist to his chest like a show of confidence. 
“I may be an idiot, but I’m pretty strong and can take a punch. I’m gonna be right here if you ever need anything.”
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One of the more level-headed students on campus, he wasn’t too panicked when you told him when your monthly visitor came around. 
Being someone with a younger sister, Trey at least has some basic understanding of what could happen during this time.
Since it shouldn’t be anyone’s business but your own, he kept your predicament discrete for your privacy. If anyone in Heartslabyul did take notice and made any demeaning comments about it, they had a sudden flux of kitchen clean up duty because “since they happen to be so free to talk about someone else’s pain, they can do some good around the dorm.” 
He would take over your Grim duties during the first few hellish days, keeping your rambunctious dormmate distracted when he noticed that you’re not quite in the best mind or body to watch over him.
If you don’t specifically tell him though, he may go a little overboard with taking care of you. Trey is the type to be over prepared with everything and anything that involves you. Of course, he’ll bake you some of your favourite treats but he would also refill your hot bottle, remind you constantly to stay hydrated, and gently force you to lay down if you get migraines.  
Trey is a sweetheart through and through, ready to help with anything if it would turn your pain from a 100 to even a 99. Even if all you ask is for him to caress your head as you rest before he leaves, he’s sure he could probably talk his way out of his vice housewarden duties for the day, just to stay with you through it all.
“Are you awake? You should have something sweet to eat to ease the cramps. Ha ha, don’t be shy. What would you like me to make?"
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None of this is new to him. He grew up with two older sisters for Seven’s sake, he understands and sees the sh*t the body goes through every month. He could watch you wreck an entire room or cry for hours on end and just go “hmm, valid.” 
He’ll still act like his typical fun and flirty self. Even when he had a feeling you were on your period, he doesn’t pry or hint his suspicion unless you told him yourself. He knew it wasn’t his place to comment on anything. 
If you do tell him, he will try his best to make you feel the best through this painful ride of hormones. He just doesn’t wanna make you feel like you’re getting unwanted attention during all of this.
The two of you would have sleepovers whenever you feel too tired or if your body feels too sore to move. If you’re prone to bad breakouts during periods and feeling unattractive, Cater would dispel your worries by making you feel so beautiful, leaving sweet kisses on your face as he’s pampering your aching body. 
Despite what people may think of his attention-seeking tendencies, Cater’s very intuitive and works to make you feel good throughout the monthly changes. Never is he the type to make you feel bad or burdensome for your unpredictable needs and aches. 
For you, the outgoing junior could spend the day away chatting about anything and everything just to distract you from the mood swings. If you feel too tired to talk, Cater would happily lend you his shoulder to rest on while the two of you bundle together under a warm blanket and watch cute animal videos on his phone.
“Don’t worry, your Cay-Cay is here for you, cutie~! Just relax and take care of your totes fab self, ‘kay?
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moonstruckme · 9 months
First I must say I LOVE YOUR WRITING ITS SO GOOD and are now among one of my favourite writers on this app.
This is an odd request but anywho in the autumn/winter when it's windy or just cold I get a tummy ache if I don't zip up my coat and the cold air gets to my stomach I also get ear ache if I don't wear my ear muffs, could you possibly do something with poly!marauder or just one of the marauders bundling up the reader before going out for the day so she doesn't get cold 😁
Thanks gorgeous!! Hope this is alright :)
James Potter x fem!reader ♡ 364 words
“James,” Remus says skeptically, “have you included an electric blanket under all that as well? She’s going to overheat.” 
“If I could keep one running without plugging it in, I would put it in here,” James replies, pulling your hat securely over your ears. “You don’t know how she gets.” 
“It’s not that far to the pub, Jamie,” you try, casting an apologetic glance to where Sirius and Remus are waiting at the door. 
“Lovely, who taught you to wrap a scarf like this?” James undoes the knot you’ve made, wrapping the scarf carefully around your face and tucking the ends in so that only your eyes are left uncovered. “I know it’s not far, but you’re going to regret it if you’re not bundled up.” He zips up your coat, pressing a kiss between your brows as he does. “Can’t have my girl hurting because of the cold. I won’t stand for it.” 
Sirius makes an exaggerated gagging sound, but Remus nudges him with an elbow. You feel like you’re tottering, barely allowed any movement under all your layers as you move through the door and out into the chilly air. 
“Do you actually get pains from cold weather?” Remus asks, sounding heartwarmingly concerned. “Is it an old injury that flares up or something?” 
“No,” you grumble. “It’s way more babyish than that.” 
“Oi.” James wraps an arm around your shoulders, jostling you slightly. “Don’t talk about my sweetheart like that, please. If you must know, Moony, she’s sensitive to the cold. She gets achy.”
“Well, you’ve created quite the look,” Sirius observes, walking ahead of you and holding his hands up as if framing a shot. “All this layering, they’ll feature you at Paris Fashion Week, dollface.” 
“‘Course they will,” James replies. “With my styling and her face, we’ll fucking win the thing.” 
Remus huffs a laugh. “Not sure it’s a competition, Prongs.” 
“It’s not,” you and Sirius confirm in sync, but James only scoffs as if this is of little importance.
“There’ll be a winner when we show up,” he says surely. “Look at me, angel? Fuck, are you joking? They’ll send everyone else straight home once they see that face.”
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makethemhoesmad · 2 months
baby mama-a.f.
not proofread
if you dumbasses had looked at the poll you would have seen that part 2 has to wajt
shoutout to @cjrights for bullying you guys with me
you’re fucking welcome for this i had to go to ao3 for inspo
“azzi, look at this one,” i say to my girlfriend, moving my phone in front of her face. it’s playing what’s probably the seventh baby video i’ve shown her tonight, but i actually cannot get over how cute they are. 
“yes baby, they’re all very cute. is there a purpose to all of these, or do you just want me to see them?”
i blush, embarrassed. i shake my head at her, tucking myself between her and the back of the couch instead.
“aw, cmon darling, look at me. do you want one? is that what this is about? want me to put a baby in your belly?” i breathe in deeply against her neck, reminding her that im still not looking at her. she grabs my chin and forces me face to face with her, brown eyes glowing, pupils blown wide. “well? is that want you want mama?” i blush harder.
“ye-yeah az. want you to give me a baby, want you to- i just want you” azzi grins at me and pulls us both off the couch and into the bedroom.
“okay mama, i want you to strip for me, right here. i’ll be back in a second. make sure to be all ready for me, gonna put a baby in you”
i take off my pajama pants, panties, and bra, then settle against the pillows. azzi comes back, also wearing nothing, slipping into her strap.
“m’gonna make you feel so good, your gonna look so pretty with your belly all swollen up with my baby.” 
with that, she flips us and pulls me onto her lap, right onto her strap. i whimper as it pushes into me. we don’t use it very often, but its moments like these when i wonder why not.
“ah-azzi, yes, please, so, don’t stop keep going” i groan, feeling azzis hands move to my waist to keep me moving up and down on her. my head lolls back as i feel the knot in my stomach growing.
“you’re such a good girl, taking me so well mama. you look so beautiful, so amazing, so perfect”
i nearly scream out at her words, leaning forward and biting at her shoulder to muffle my voice.
“come on mama, let it all out. you’re gonna look so pretty, i’ll spoil you so good, won’t even let you walk around after four months, have to carry you”
i scream out her name as i climax, her words pushing me to the edge. she keeps moving me up and down, even after i’ve come down from my high. “azzi, please, too much, it’s too good, too good, please let me taste you”
she relents immediately, pulling me off of her and unbuckling her strap. 
“okay pretty, get on your knees and show me you deserve a baby” i listen, pushing her thighs apart and burying my face in her soaked pussy. i feel her hand on top of my head, holding me to her like i would ever leave. i flick my tongue against her clit, causing her hips to jolt. i hear her start to whine, meaning she’s about to come. i eat her through her climax, like i haven’t eaten in years.
“cmere pretty baby, let me hold my sexy baby mama.”
i crawl up onto the bed and under the blankets, slithering into her arms. 
“i love your arms, did i ever tell you that? i think they’d look real good with a baby in them” i tell her, running my fingers over her biceps.
“and i think you’d look really good as a mom pretty. i love you baby mama”
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cheoliehansolie · 2 months
Green Mangoes
Summary: When Chan catches you eating green mangoes, he can't help but spiral.
Word Count: ~ 2.3k
Pairing: Lee Chan x fem reader
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy
an: This was something that I mainly wrote for myself because I found it funny in my head so if it's not funny or entertaining, that's why. As always, if you liked reading this, please reblog or leave a comment. If you have any suggestions or you just want to talk, send me an ask and we can be friends 💕
To read more, check out my masterlist.
You had been up for a few hours enjoying the little alone time you get since you moved in with your boyfriend. You and Chan recently moved in together and while you love spending time with him, sometimes you miss living on your own which is why you find comfort in the silent mornings.
Chan got home pretty late last night from practice which is why he was in bed at 10:30 in the morning. It was a win-win situation, you got your morning alone and Chan got to make up for the sleep he missed out on.
You had spent your morning making breakfast and reading once you finished eating, and now you were sitting on your couch nursing a cup of tea and watching an Indian comedy show. Normally when you and Chan watch TV together, you steer clear of those types of shows since Chan won’t be able to understand them. 
But now with Chan sound asleep in your bedroom, you’re giggling quietly to yourself as you watch the different skits unfold on screen. To your surprise, less than five minutes later, you hear the door of your shared bedroom open and out walks your sleepy boyfriend, hair adorably messy.
“Good morning, babe.” you say from your seat on the couch.
“Morning.” he says tiredly as he makes his way to the couch to join you.
“I didn’t wake you, right?” you ask, concern lacing your voice as you card your fingers through his disheveled hair. 
Chan melts into your touch and responds, “No, I didn’t feel like staying in bed any longer. I also wanted to cuddle with you but you weren’t there any more.” he whines.
“Aww, well I’m here now so we can cuddle. Let me just get situated” you say.
You put your empty tea mug on the coffee table in front of you and lift the blanket on your lap gesturing for him to join you. Chan wastes no time getting comfy under the blanket and wrapping his arms around your waist.
“Do you want me to change the channel?” you ask, drawing attention to the comedy show playing on the TV.
“No, it’s fine. I’m not really paying attention to it anyways.” he says and you feel him drawing small shapes on your body.
“Suit yourself.” you say as you bring your attention back to the show.
A few minutes later, you’re still snuggled into Chan’s arms and you find yourself letting out a soft scandalized gasp at the conversation unfolding on screen.
“What happened?” Chan asks, instantly curious as he peers up at your face through his lashes.
“Basically, those two people on stage are husband and wife and they’re talking about an argument they had. See that guy standing to the side?” you ask, pointing to the screen.
“Yeah, what about him?”
“He said something along the lines of ‘stop giving her reasons to argue with you and instead give her a reason to eat green mangoes’ to the husband.”
“What does that mean?” Chan asks, enjoying listening to you explain things to him.
“Apparently women crave sour foods when they’re pregnant so the other guy is basically telling the husband to get his wife pregnant.”
Your boyfriend chuckles slightly and he doesn’t think much of the conversation as he continues snuggling into your side. But a few days later, he’s instantly reminded of that moment as he stands in the entryway of your shared living room.
Chan had spent the entire day in the studio working with Sonnyoung and the other Performance Team members to think of choreography for their upcoming comeback, but they had hit a wall. Soonyoung decided to let the guys go sooner than expected because everyone was getting frustrated.
Chan was excited that he’s able to leave earlier so he can spend more time with you. He didn’t tell you he was coming home sooner so he could surprise you but when he comes in, he sees you scrolling on your phone, mid snack.
Normally he would be happy that you were remembering to take breaks to rest and eat, but standing there in the door frame of your living room, he feels like he can’t breathe. There you are sitting peacefully on the couch with a small glass bowl next to you, phone in one hand, fork in the other. Skewered on the fork is none other than a piece of green mango.
As you bring the fork to your mouth, you realize that your boyfriend is silently standing a few feet away from you.
“Oh my god, babe! Why are you just standing there? You scared me!” you complain.
Shocked by your sudden outburst, Chan’s broken out of his spiraling thoughts and brought back to the present moment.
“Sorry, I was zoning out.” Chan feebly explains as he makes his way to the couch.
“Why’re you home so early? I thought practice wasn’t supposed to end until later?”
“It was supposed to end later, but we hit a wall and nothing was getting done so Hoshi hyung let us leave early.” 
“Ahh, I see. I still have a little work left to do, so I’m gonna go finish that. I should be done soon and we can spend time together after.”
“Okay, I’ll be here. Don’t overwork yourself, it’s not good for you.” Chan says with a small smile on his face as you get up and make your way to your desk.
Once you leave, Chan can’t help but wonder why you didn’t say anything about being pregnant. Were you not planning on telling him yet? He did come home earlier than anticipated today. Maybe you were eating the mango because you thought he wouldn’t be here to see you.
Chan spends the next two hours obsessively googling about how to support your partner through pregnancy. After reading a bunch of different articles, Chan decides that he won’t bring up the pregnancy unless you do. You have the right to tell him whenever you feel comfortable, and he figures that maybe you’re still trying to come to terms with it yourself and he doesn’t want to add more pressure to that. 
A few minutes later, you return to the living room ready to spend time with your boyfriend after a long day.
“Hey babe.” Chan says when he sees you. “Do you need anything?”
“No, I’m fine. I just finished work so now we can make dinner together.”
“You want to make dinner? Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Chan asks, immediately worried that you could be overworking yourself.
“Okay I know I’m not as good at cooking as Mingyu, but my food isn’t that bad!” you whine, softly hitting Chan’s shoulder.
“Babe, that’s not what I meant.” Chan whines. “I just thought you’ve been working a lot lately and you should take a break. I’ll make dinner for us tonight, you should rest.”
“Ooookay.” you say, feeling suspicious as to what Chan’s doing.
“What do you want for dinner? Are you craving anything?” Chan asks.
“Hmm, not really. Why don’t you surprise me?”
“Okay, one surprise coming right up!” Chan exclaims dramatically as he saunters off into the kitchen, enticing a few giggles from you.
You couldn’t help but feel a little weird that Chan was being a bit too nice, but you decide to overlook it and enjoy your time alone on the couch. A little less than an hour later, your boyfriend returns to the living room announcing that dinner is ready.
Before you can get up to go to the kitchen to grab your plate, Chan places a plate of hot food in front of you.
“You made my favorite!” you exclaim as you toss your phone to the side to take the plate from Chan’s hands.
“I tried my best, but I don’t know if it tastes as good as when you make it.” he says sheepishly as he rubs the back of his neck.
“Well, it smells great and even if it does taste bad – which I doubt it does – I’ll still eat it since you made it for me.” you say with a reassuring smile on your face.
Taking a bite of the food in front of you, you can’t help it when your eyes widen at the taste.
“What? Does it not taste good?” Chan asks.
“Babe, it tastes really good. I love it.” you say with a bright smile as you continue eating.
“I’m glad.” Chan says softly. He couldn’t help but feel proud of himself.
The rest of the meal is filled with the two of you laughing at each other’s jokes and talking about your respective days. Before you know it, the plates in front of you are empty.
When you’re about to get up to do the dishes and clean the kitchen, Chan stops you.
“What’re you doing?” Chan asks you.
“I’m going to wash the dishes and clean the kitchen?” you say, confused as to why he finds this strange.
Normally when one of you cooks, the other person cleans. Since Chan cooked for the both of you today, it seemed obvious to you that you would be on clean up duty today.
“Let me clean, you sit and rest.” Chan says as he tries to take the plate from your hand.
“Rest from what, Chan? I’ve been sitting on this couch for the past 2 hours doing nothing but resting. What’s gotten into you today?” you ask as you firmly hold the plate in your hand, refusing to let him take it from you.
“I just thought you could use the extra rest, given your condition and all.” Chan says.
“‘Given my condition’? What’s that supposed to mean? I’m totally fine.” you say, slightly agitated.
Chan mentally facepalms himself. He told himself that he wouldn’t bring up the pregnancy unless you did and now here he was, bringing up the pregnancy.
“You know what, never mind.” Chan says, trying to brush it off.
You weren’t gonna let him off that easily.
“What do you mean never mind? You just insinuated that there’s something wrong with me and I need to rest, but now when I ask you about it you won’t say anything? What’s up with that?” you ask him.
“Well, I just didn’t want to pressure you into talking about it if you weren’t ready. I didn’t know if you wanted to share it with me or not.” Chan says.
“Pressure me into talking about what? Chan, you’re going to have to explain yourself a little more clearly because I’m completely lost.” you say, becoming less angry and more confused.
“The pregnancy!” Chan exclaims. “I know that you’re pregnant but I didn’t want to bring it up in case you didn’t want to talk about it yet. A bunch of articles online said not to bring it up unless you brought up the topic yourself and I didn’t want to pressure you into telling me you’re pregnant.”
There’s a few beats of silence as you try to process the words that just came out of your boyfriend’s mouth.
“Pregnant? Babe, I’m not pregnant. Who told you I’m pregnant?”
“Wait, you’re not pregnant?” Chan asks. Now it was his turn to be confused.
“No, and if I was pregnant, you would be the first person I would tell. I wouldn’t keep that from you. But why’d you think I’m pregnant?”
“I don’t wanna tell you, you’re gonna laugh at me.” Chan whines, hiding his face in his hands.
“Babe, I promise I won’t laugh at you. Can you please, please, please tell me why you thought I was pregnant? If you don't, I'm just gonna assume that you think I’ve gained weight.”
“No, it’s not that. It’s just,” Chan pauses and takes a deep breath, “you were eating a green mango when I got home earlier and I remember you telling me a few days ago that women crave sour foods when they’re pregnant so I just kinda assumed. Ugh, it sounds so stupid when I say it out loud.”
You can’t help the laugh that bubbles out of your chest. You were trying so hard not to laugh at your boyfriend, but you couldn’t help it. You just found it so funny that he would jump to conclusions like that.
“Hey, you said you wouldn’t laugh at me.” Chan whines as he lifts his face from his hands.
“I’m sorry, I just can’t help it. It’s a little funny, you have to admit.” you say as you lean closer to give him a comforting hug.
“Okay, maybe it is a little funny.” Chan says as he lets out a small giggle.
“See! You can’t blame me!” you say as you burst into another fit of giggles.
Once the two of you have finally calmed down, you’re both reminded of the small mess in front of you and the bigger mess in the kitchen.
“So, since I know you’re not pregnant, do you wanna clean the kitchen for me?” Chan asks.
“What happened to ‘I’ll clean, you should rest on the couch’?” you ask, teasing him.
“Fine, I guess since I offered, I’ll follow through. I am a man of my word.” Chan says, determination heavy in his voice.
“I’m just kidding, of course I’ll clean up.” you say.
“Fine, but at least let me help.” Chan says.
“If you want to help, I’m not gonna stop you.” you say as the two of you make your way into the kitchen.
When you get to the entryway of the kitchen, you can’t help but just stand there with your eyes wide.
“Lee Jung Chan! Look at the mess you made! I can’t believe you! You dirtied every dish in this house!” you exclaim as you scold him.
Chan silently wishes that he didn’t take up the offer to help you clean. The entire time the two of you spent cleaning the kitchen was filled with you nagging him about the mess he made. But he knows he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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merrybloomwrites · 3 months
I Hear Them Calling (Chapter 7)
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Story Summary: Alpha Harry Styles and omega Y/N Y/L/N meet under less than ideal circumstances. Overtime their paths will cross and they will be drawn to one another in ways they never expected.
Chapter Summary: Y/N deals with going off her medications and being apart from Harry. They finally reconnect to spend the holidays together.
Previous Chapters: Prologue ; Chapter 1 ; Chapter 2 ; Chapter 3 ; Chapter 4 ; Chapter 5 ; Chapter 6
Word Count: 6k
CW: smut
The first week without suppressants and soothers isn’t awful. There's just enough of the medication still in your system to keep you feeling somewhat normal. Plus, your nest, really your entire apartment, is still holding on to Harry’s scent.
You continue to sacrifice sleep so you can watch live streams of Harry’s shows. You’re pleasantly surprised to see “Canyon Moon” back on the set list. You can’t help but wonder if it has anything to do with you telling him that it’s your favorite song.
Those first days lull you into a false sense of security. Maybe letting your omega out, living as nature intended, won’t be the worst thing.
But after that first week, things start to take a turn. Your system is definitely cleared of the meds now. And Harry’s scent has faded from your nest and apartment. You sleep restlessly Tuesday night, and Wednesday morning is rough. Not only are the touch deprivation symptoms coming back, but now you’re exhausted on top of it. Part of you wants to open another bag of scented items that Harry gave you so you can fix your nest. But that would be silly since you’re traveling home this afternoon to be with your family for Thanksgiving.
Instead, you decide to pack one of those bags with you, so you have his scent if needed. You realize that you likely won’t, since being around your family tends to soothe your omega. While packs don’t really exist anymore there’s still an inherent connection to family members that simulates the connection of packmates.
Your cousins know you're an omega, and though no one ever explicitly talks about it, they take care of you in little ways. They subtly check on you, or they’ll create a makeshift nest of blankets so that you all can cuddle together during movie nights. Even though they’re betas, their presence, and their obvious love for you has always helped keep you balanced.
Plus, your oldest cousin now has two pups, one a toddler and one only a few months old. No one complains when you baby hog them, knowing that holding a pup is also very soothing for an omega.
Reenergized at the thought of seeing your family, you’re able to get out of bed and finish packing, making sure to include one unopened bag of Harry’s scented items just in case.
After finishing the last two projects you’re doing for work, you start the hour-long drive home. When you arrive, you’re greeted by your parents, aunt, uncle, and one of your cousins. They’ll all be staying at the house, while your other two out of town cousins, along with their spouses and the kids, rented an Airbnb nearby.
You and your cousin Kelly will be sharing your room. It’s not the first time, since you’re an only child and she’s the youngest of three so you were often put together during family trips. She’s a couple years younger, in her final year of college, but the two of you have always been close. She’s also a huge Harry Styles fan and you kind of can’t wait to spill the beans about your relationship with him.
It’s a chaotic afternoon as you all work on preparing the house to host everyone for the next few days. Everyone comes over for pizza dinner and it’s wonderful to be surrounded by so many people. There’s music playing, conversations flowing, and constant laughter. You sit and color with your cousin’s son and get some baby cuddles with her daughter. It’s a perfect night and takes your mind off your problems for the moment.
That night, you and Kelly are getting ready for bed when your phone buzzes. You quickly turn to grab it but she’s faster. You see the screen for a second and there’s definitely a text from Harry.
He’s saved in your phone as just “Harry”, so she doesn’t know exactly who you’re talking to, as evidenced by her immediately asking “Ooooh who’s Harry?”
“I’m going to tell you, but you cannot freak out, or tell anyone else yet, okay?” you reply.
She nods yes with a comically serious look on her face.
“Harry is Harry Styles.”
For a moment there is silence as she stares at you blankly. You’re startled when she suddenly shouts “WHAT?”
You jump before quickly shushing her, as you don’t want either of your parents to find out what you’re talking about.
“If you promise to stay quiet, I’ll tell you the whole story,” you state.
Kelly quickly sits down and mimes locking her lips shut, showing that she intends to listen. You sit on the bed across from her and dive in, starting from the first concert of his you went to, all the way until his visit last week. She listens intently, eyes wide in disbelief.
“So. Harry Styles is your boyfriend? And your alpha?” She says, and you nod to confirm. It sends butterflies through your belly, hearing someone else refer to Harry in that way. It’s been such a well-kept secret since the first interaction and it’s so nice to have someone close to you know all the details. It almost makes it more real somehow.
After answering all of Kelly’s questions she gets up to finish getting ready for bed. You pull up your phone to answer Harry’s text from earlier. He was reaching out to check on you and wish you a good night, and it warms your heart to know you’re on his mind even countries apart.
You sleep well that night and wake up feeling refreshed on Thanksgiving morning. After a quick breakfast and cup of tea you get down to business to help your mom prepare for dinner. The rest of your family arrives in the early afternoon and the party is soon in full swing.
The next morning is slow and lazy, everyone just hanging out and watching movies together. You all enjoy the Thanksgiving leftovers throughout the day, and by mid-afternoon you’ve brought out a few different games to play together. You’re feeling great, though you do with you could have your alpha by your side. That would make it truly perfect.
That night you and Kelly lay in bed watching a livestream of Harry’s show. The next morning everyone packs up to travel back home, including you.
Your apartment now feels extra lonely, so you quickly shower before building a new nest using the items Harry gave you. Since he doesn’t have a show, you Facetime for hours that afternoon. You tell him all about your visit home and fills you in on how his time in Mexico was.
You discuss when you can see each other again, a conversation which should make you happy, but instead becomes a bit stressful. While you want nothing more than to join Harry on tour, there’s still up to three weeks until your passport is definitely going to arrive. You’d never left the country before, never had plans to, and so you never really thought about getting one. If you could go back in time, you’d slap past you or being so unprepared.
“Christmas is more than three weeks away,” Harry says. “Would you consider coming to England for the holidays?”
“Like, with your family?” you inquire.
“I’d like for you to meet them,” he replies. “It’s going to be low-key this year. Just mum, Gemma, and Michal.”
“Okay. Yea, that sounds fun!” It does. Totally fun. Only fun. Not stressful at all to meet the family so soon.
“Do you think it’ll be a problem with your parents?”
“They’ve always wanted to spend the holidays on a vacation to South Carolina. Maybe I’ll make that my gift to them and then everyone will be happy,” you answer. It’s something you’ve wanted to do for them for years anyway and you finally have more than enough money in savings to make it happen.
“That sounds really nice,” he says. “How long do you think you can come for? I’d love to have you here for Christmas and New Years if possible.”
“I could do that. The next couple weeks will be busy at work, but it calms way down by Christmas. I’ll obviously have to work a bit while I’m there, but it shouldn’t be too bad.”
“Fantastic! I’ll get a potential itinerary over to you and you can let me know if it needs any changes.”
You talk a little longer before hanging up to go to sleep. You’re feeling better now knowing that you have plans to see him, even if you are disappointed that it’s still a month away.
And what an awful month it turns out to be. Harry does everything he can to be helpful, but there’s just not much he can do for touch deprivation from a distance. You talk on the phone as much as possible and the scented clothes he sent you are a true lifesaver. But every day becomes a struggle. The constant itch causes you to scratch your skin raw, no number of blankets can get you warm, and you’ve had to cut way down on exercise since it always leaves you dizzy.
You’re so exhausted that packing is a nearly full day chore, but the knowledge that you’ll see Harry in less than 48 hours is enough to motivate you to finish the task. You’re taking the red eye and landing in the morning the day before Christmas. Harry informed you a few days prior that he’ll be in London for a meeting when you land, and that Gemma will be picking you up. You’re disappointed that you won’t see him right away, but he promised he’ll be there in time for dinner.
Your normal travel anxiety is ten times worse than usual, partially due to it being your first international flight and partially due to the lack of suppressants and soothers that you’d relied on for years. Harry had insisted on purchasing you a first-class ticket, which you fought him on, saying it was unnecessary. But now that you’ve finished boarding, you’re grateful. You’re already overstimulated from being around so many people in the airport and it’s nice to have so much space during the flight.
You try to get some rest but for some reason you just cannot fall asleep. Instead, you listen to the podcasts you downloaded while curled up, face tucked into Harry’s sweater that you saved just for this trip.
The moment you land you get a text from Gemma that she’s on her way and will be there in half an hour, giving you time to collect your luggage and get to the pickup area. You’re too tired to be nervous about meeting your boyfriend’s sister for the first time, which is a true blessing at this moment.
You’re only waiting outside for a minute before you see her pull up. She hops out of the car to greet you with a hug and help you get your suitcase into the trunk.
She makes conversation throughout the drive, but can tell you’re exhausted and says, “Mums got some breakfast waiting at home and Harry’s room is ready for you, so you can get a nap before he gets back.”
She pulls up to the house a moment later and quickly grabs your bag before leading you inside.
“Mum!” she calls out as she opens the door. Moments later, Anne steps into the entryway and pulls you in for a hug, saying, “It’s so nice to finally meet you! Harry cannot stop talking about you.” You smile and blush at that and reply, “It’s nice to meet you as well. Thank you for having me.”
“Of course! We couldn’t be more excited that you’re joining us for the holidays! Now come, you must be starving.”
She leads you into the kitchen and the three of you sit together and have a late breakfast. They do most of the talking, which you appreciate.
After you’re done eating you try to clean up, but Anne stops you saying, “Leave everything, please, you’re our guest. You must be tired; Gemma can bring you up to Harry’s room so you can rest a bit.”
“That would be great, thank you so much,” you reply.
Gemma leads you upstairs, pointing out the bathroom before leading you to Harry’s bedroom. You’re immediately hit with his scent, so potent that for a second you think he must be there with you.
You quickly scan the room, taking in the decorations and all his books and belongings. It’s like a shrine of Harry, and you want to examine everything, but you’re truly exhausted. As soon as Gemma steps out you start getting ready for a nap. There’s a pile of clothes on the bed, a t-shirt and some pajama pants. They’re doused in Harry’s scent and without even thinking, you change into them.
The room starts to spin around you, and you immediately get into bed. The world goes black the second your head hits the pillow. 
Nearly two hours later Harry arrives home. He’s earlier than expected thanks to his afternoon meeting getting cancelled. You’re unaware of his return, still knocked out in his bed.
“Hi Mum, hey Gemma,” he says, walking into the living room where the two of them are watching a movie together.
“Harry! We didn’t expect you for quite a while, dear,” Anne replies.
“Last meeting was cancelled, apparently there’s a storm up north so half the team couldn’t make it. They’ll reschedule after the holidays. Is Y/N here?” As much as he enjoys talking with his family, he hasn’t seen you in over a month and doesn’t want to spend another minute away from you.
“Yea, she’s taking a nap in your room,” Gemma replies.
Harry sniffs the air before saying, “Hm, that’s odd,” and sniffing the air again.
“What is?”
“I can’t catch her scent.”
“She probably wore some strong scent blockers for the flight,” Anne reassures him, picking up on his shift from excited to worried.
“Probably,” he replies, but he’s not sold on that explanation. “I’m just gonna go up and check on her.”
He turns and heads upstairs, stopping in the bathroom quickly to wash his hands and splash some water on his face, before changing into a clean outfit he’d left in there earlier. He knows you’ve likely been bombarded with other scents during your travels and wants to make sure no strangers scents cling to him.
Once he’s sure he smells only of himself, he crosses the hall. He knocks on the door gently but enters slowly when he gets no reply. At first he thinks you’re sleeping. You look asleep, curled up in his blankets. But you don’t seem at rest.
Your breathing is rapid, not deep and even like it would be if you’re asleep. And he can hear the faint whimpers that indicate you’re distressed. He stands there for a moment, shocked at the state he found you in, but another whine from you kicks him into action.
He turns out of the room, shouting for Gemma to come upstairs. She runs up, hearing the edge of panic in her little brother’s voice.
“How long has Y/N been up here?” he asks, needing as much information as he can get.
“Maybe two hours. Why? What’s going on?”
“Did she seem like, upset at all? Or spacey or dizzy? Did she seem off in any way?”
“Not that I noticed. She was just really tired. Harry, what is it?”
“I think she dropped,” he replies.
It’s quiet for a moment before Gemma says, “You said she had to go off her medications right? And she’s been without her alpha for a month, so she has some intense touch deprivation. Plus, she’s exhausted from traveling to another country. Being in your space, which probably reeks of your scent, might have put her omega over the edge.”
Harry nods along, knowing his sister is probably right.
“I should’ve been with her. Gemma, I have no idea what type of drop this is! Maybe it’s a good one because she’s in my space, but she seems distressed.”
“Harry, take a breath. You know what you need to do right now. So calm down and be there for your omega. Would you feel better if mum and I left? Gave you guys some privacy?”
“I don’t want to kick you guys out.”
“Of course not. We have some last-minute shopping to do. We were just waiting until you came home. Go, take care of your girl. We’ll see you later. And call if you need anything, okay?”
“Okay. Thank you Gems,” he replies. Gemma walks downstairs and Harry takes a minute to calm himself. He knows that he needs his emotions in check to be able to help you. Just as he’s confident that his feelings won’t negatively affect you he hears the front door close, indicating that the two of you are now alone in the house.
He walks into the room and finds that you haven’t moved. He first crouches by the bed, leaning close in hopes that you’ll notice he’s there and he won’t startle you. There’s no change so he starts to emit calming pheromones. This seems to catch your attention, and Harry watches as you subconsciously seek him out.
Now that you seem to know that your alpha is there, he climbs into the bed with you. He does so slowly, watching your reaction the whole time. He gently shifts you to hold you against his chest and angles your face so that your nose is against his scent gland. He continues to let out the calming pheromones which seem to be working, as you’ve stopped whimpering.
Harry gives you some time to stay under, but he’s fairly sure this is a bad drop, so he starts to bring you out sooner than later.
“It’s time to come up, omega,” he says. “Can you come back to me? I’d really like to see you. Been waiting so long.”
It doesn’t work right away, but after a few minutes of Harry talking to you, the haze of the drop starts to fade. Finally, your eyes blink open and meet his.
“There you are,” he says, his voice relieved.
“Alpha?” you say, still dazed and confused. Your body feels heavy, and you don’t recognize your surroundings. Everything feels strange, but you know that you’re okay, now that your alpha is there.
“I’m here, omega. I’ve got you.” You’re immediately soothed by his presence, and by his words. Your brain finally clicks on, and you fully realize that you’re in Harry’s room, in his arms. You begin to shift, Harry reaching out to make sure you’re steady. He realizes what you’re trying to do and moves as well until you’re situated in a way that you can both scent each other at the same time.
You sigh as his nose brushes against your scent glad before doing the same to him. It isn’t long before your scents mix together to fill the room.
“Are you alright, love?” Harry asks.
“I’m good, now that you’re here,” you truthfully reply, blushing at your vulnerable statement.
“I’ve missed you, so much,” he says before moving to kiss you. His lips move lazily against yours, and you have to swallow back a whine at the feeling of him against you.
After a couple minutes he pulls back and says, “Mum and Gemma are out. What would you like to do next? Do you want to sleep a little more, or eat, or take a shower?”
You think about it for a moment and reply, “Can we take a bath?”
“We? Together?” he questions.
You blush and say, “I definitely want to wash all the travel grime off me, but I kind of don’t want to leave your side. It’s that’s okay with you.”
“It’s more than okay with me, as long as you’re comfortable.”
“I am,” you say with a shy smile.
You both get out of bed, and Harry collects towels and clean clothes for both of you. He then fills the tub, pulling his shirt off so he can test the water without his sleeve getting wet. Your heart starts to race as you realize that you’re both about to see each other naked for the first time. For some reason you’re grateful that it’s in this setting, rather than a sexual one. It lessens the nerves, knowing that there’s no expectations here.
He slides off his pants, leaving him in boxer briefs. You do the same, then throw your shirt off as well before you can overthink too much. You weren’t wearing a bra, meaning your chest is now exposed to Harry. He takes a deep breath before saying, “You’re beautiful.”
Harry quickly shuts the water off and turns back to you. “We can stay like this if you’d like? Keep our underpants on?”
You shake your head no and your hands go to the waistband of your panties.
“Together?” you ask.
“Together,” he replies, and follows your lead, slowly lowering his underwear until you’re both standing there, completely bare. You fight off the urge to cover your body and hear Harry quietly say, “Absolutely perfect.” This compliment gives you the courage to look up, and your eyes quickly scan over him, briefly stopping at his groin. Your breath stutters as you take in his impressive size, and his smirks when he notices.
“C’mon,” he says. “Let’s get in before the water cools.”
He has you get in first, keeping you steady so you don’t slip. He slides in behind you and gently pulls you, so your back is resting against his chest. You feel his groin brush your skin, and tense for a moment before relaxing. You’re surprisingly comfortable with the whole situation.
You both stay like that, silently relaxing and enjoying each other’s company. Eventually, Harry says, “Scooch forward, let me wash your hair.”
He does so, first shampooing, then putting in conditioner, being extremely gentle as he does so. He then grabs a shower puff and spreads some body wash on it, before giving you a look asking if it’s okay for him to clean your body. You nod yes, and he focuses on rubbing the soap over your limbs and torso. He makes a mental note of the scratch marks on your skin, and frowns at how bad your touch deprivation must have been to cause this. He hesitates with his hand resting on your thigh. You open your legs slightly, silently giving him permission to clean between them as well. A gasp escapes your mouth at the feeling, but it only lasts a moment before he’s done and moving away.
Harry quickly washes himself as well, and by the time you’re both soap free, the water has become uncomfortably cool. He gets out and dries off first before helping you again and wrapping you in a fluffy towel.
Once you’re dry you both get dressed and head downstairs to watch a movie together. That’s how Anne and Gemma find you when they arrive home an hour later.
After talking for a few minutes Harry checks the time and gets up, saying, “I should really get started on dinner.”
“Want any help?” Anne asks but he quickly shakes his head and says, “I’ve got it, you girls relax.”
You last five, maybe ten minutes before you’re making an excuse to join Harry in the kitchen.
“Hey, you,” he says when you walk into the room. “Miss me?” he asks jokingly.
You chuckle awkwardly, not wanting to admit that he’s right. It feels clingy, but you’re still shaking off the drop, and the touch deprivation, and being away from Harry is physically painful. He picks up on this and immediately stops what he’s doing to focus on you. He pulls you in for a hug and whispers, “I missed you too.”
You stay in the kitchen with him, helping chop veggies for the stir fry. As soon as it’s ready the four of you sit together at the table. The food is delicious, because of course Harry’s a good cook on top of his other talents. After dinner is done and cleaned up you’re all back at the table with mugs of tea.
Though it’s not exactly late, you find it hard to keep your eyes open. Harry immediately senses how sleepy you are, and the two of you say a quick goodnight to Anne and Gemma before heading upstairs. You brush your teeth side-by-side in the bathroom, feeling very domestic. He hands you some of his clothes to wear to bed.
“I did pack my own clothes you know,” you say while changing into the ones he gave you.
“I know, but you just look so cute in mine,” he replies, his eyes soft as he looks at you in a pair of his pajama pants and an oversized sweater.
The two of you get into bed and Harry opens his arms for you. After getting comfortable together you quickly fall into a peaceful, dreamless sleep.
Christmas eve, Christmas, and Boxing Day pass with lots of gifts exchanged, movies watched, games played, and meals shared. The rest of the week is both exciting and relaxing. You do a little work each morning before going on an adventure with Harry and then ending the day with a movie.
It’s wonderful getting to know Harry’s family and see where he grew up. People recognize him when you’re out in public, but it’s not like it would be in any big city. He’s not being swarmed by fans, but rather greeted by his neighbors who are excited to see him home for the holidays.
The two of you get invited to a New Years Eve party in London, and after debating for a bit you both decide to go, planning to leave early so you can ring in the New Year just the two of you.
You drive to the city early that day to settle into his home there and go out for a late lunch. His house is beautiful, and you’re stunned by how well decorated it is. You tell him this and can see the way he lights up with pride at your compliments. Somehow he doesn’t get spotted while you’re walking around London, so you guys get to enjoy an uninterrupted meal and a walk where he points out some of his favorite spots.
He senses you getting cold and immediately routes back to his house. You both shower and get ready for the party, dressing up more than you ever have together. You put on a sparkly green, long sleeve dress that falls to mid-thigh. This gets paired with your black heeled boots, opting for some comfort and protection in the footwear department. 
He’s wearing a pair of black slacks, and a silver top, buttoned halfway. The two of you spend a moment just staring at each other, completely at a loss for words. Harry’s first to regain his senses, saying, “You look absolutely stunning, omega.”
“Thank you alpha. You look very handsome,” you reply.
He walks closer, until his hands wrap around your waist, and he pulls you flush against him. You gasp at the sudden move, and he leans down to kiss you, his tongue slipping through your parted lips. For a few minutes you get lost in the feeling of him moving against you. Slick starts to leak into your panties, and the groan Harry let’s out tells you he can smell it. His hips roll harder against you for another moment before he pulls back. Both of you take deeps breaths, and you note how blown his pupils are.
You turn to walk back into the bedroom and Harry asks, “Where are you going?”
“I’ve gotta change my underwear,” you reply.
“Do you have to?”
“Yes, Harry,” you say through a laugh. “I can’t go to a party smelling like slick!”
“Sarah’s going to be the only other alpha there, I’m sure she won’t be bothered.”
“Harry, behave!”
“No promises on that.”
You roll your eyes playfully before walking away to clean yourself up. By the time you get back Harry has his coat on and is holding yours.
There’s still a hint of arousal in his scent and he says, “Are you sure we have to go? We could just stay here, get out of these clothes…” he trails off suggestively.
“Yes, we have to go. You already committed. We don’t, however, have to stay. So let’s go so we can make an appearance and then get back here and see what we can do about getting out of these clothes.”
Harry smiles at the confirmation that you’re on the same page as him. He helps you slip on your coat and the two of you leave the house.
Luckily the party is in his neighborhood so the two of you walk there. You’re greeted by Harry’s friends when you arrive, and immediately start to catch up with Mitch and Sarah. Harry never leaves your side, his arm always wrapped protectively around your waist. Some people may see this as a possessive alpha move, but to you it means safety and comfort.
You stay at the party for a couple hours before ducking out around 11PM. Harry continues to hold you close the whole walk back, and the air is definitely charged with a new tension. His scent has shifted slightly, a hint of spice added to his normal warm smells.
Once in the house you both calmly remove your coats and shoes, neither of you making the first move just yet. It’s like you want the tension to grow until you can’t stand it anymore. You take some initiative and walk upstairs to the bedroom with Harry following behind.
He finally breaks when you arrive in the bedroom, and he turns you to face him before crashing his lips to yours. You can’t hold back the whine of pleasure, and if the way he groans and tightens his grip on you is any indication, he’s a fan of the noise you make.
His hands start to move down your sides until they reach the bare skin of your legs. He starts to slide them back up, now going under your skirt as he moves to press kisses to your neck. You loop your arms over his shoulders and tilt your head to give him more room. Your skirt bunches as his hands make their way to the sides of your torso. In a show of strength, he lifts you up and lays you on the bed.
He crawls over you, and you reach up to unbutton the rest of his shirt and push it off. It’s your turn to slide your hands over his sides, loving the feeling of the smooth skin beneath your fingers. Harry places more kisses to your neck before moving down until he’s placing a kiss between your covered breasts.
You feel the slick coating your center, knowing your panties are absolutely ruined. Both of your scents are growing stronger, his becoming spicier while yours turns sweeter. It mixes together deliciously, and you could grow addicted to the smell.
“Can I take this off?” Harry asks, gripping the bottom of your dress in his hands.
“Yes,” you reply as you sit up slightly so he can pull it off of you. His breathing stops as most of your body is bared in front of him. His hand drifts towards your chest and he looks at you with a silent question. You nod, giving him permission to touch you. He doesn’t hesitate, and you moan as his large hands cup your breasts before his thumbs move across your nipples. You never knew just a simple touch could feel so good, but his hands are like magic.
He spends minutes focusing on your chest, first with his hands, then his mouth. You’re already a panting mess beneath him. When he pulls away your hands go to his waistband, fingertips sliding under just a tiny, teasing amount. Harry gets the message and quickly removes his pants, socks, and underwear. Your mouth waters at the sight in front of you.
He gets back on the bed and slides his hands to the last article of clothing covering your body. “Off, please” you say before he can even ask, getting tired of waiting and wanting nothing more than him inside of you.
“Fuck,” he curses under his breath as he pulls the material down and off your legs. The smell of your slick becomes more potent, and you swear you hear Harry literally grown as he breaths it in. He moves back up your body and his lips find yours in a needy kiss. His fingers find your entrance and you keen as one slowly pushes inside. You continue to make out and opens you up to ensure you’re ready for him. At the same time, you reach out to grab his hard cock, gently pumping a few times.
Harry pulls away and reaches into the bedside table drawer to pull out a condom. As he’s pulling it on you have a moment of nerves. You’re not a virgin, but it’s been a while. And you’ve never been with an alpha before, and you can see by looking at him that there’s definitely truth about alphas being gifted in the size department.
Sending your new hesitance, Harry says, “Hey, you ok?” You nod, but he doesn’t fully believe you, so he adds, “We don’t have to do this right now. We can stop, or keep doing what we were doing, we don’t need to go all the way.”
“I want to,” you answer. “I want this. I want you. I’ve just never been knotted, and I’m not sure I’m ready for that.”
He nods, expression serious, and says, “We can have sex without me knotting you. Is that what you’d like?”
“I’d like that. But will you feel, you know, satisfied?” The last thing you want is to get pleasure if he’s not getting to feel it with you.
“Trust me, I will be more than satisfied.”
“Okay? Want to continue?”
“I do,” you confirm with a smile.
He leans down to press a gentle kiss to your lips. It’s soft, and sweet, a noticeable difference to the intense kisses from earlier. And it works to get rid of the last of your nerves. His hand moves back to your entrance, collecting some of the slick gathered there and coating his cock with it.
Harry continues to kiss you as he lines up and slowly presses inside of you. Once he’s fully inside he pulls back to look at you. Your eyes meet and there’s a moment of connection unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. Not only does your body feel full, but your heart does as well.
“Alpha,” you say breathlessly.
“My perfect omega,” he replies.
After giving you a moment to adjust to his size he starts to move. The thrusts are slow at first, but he picks up pace. He grabs your leg to wrap around his hip, and the change in angle has you seeing starts.
It only takes a few minutes before you feel the familiar tingle in your core, and a press of his fingers to your clit send you over the edge. He works you through your orgasm and then pulls out. He removes the condom and wraps his hand around his cock. It only takes a few strokes before his knot expands and he comes, his release coating your chest and belly.
Harry gets up and grabs a towel to clean both of you off. You both get under the covers, and he pulls you to lay on his chest. He checks the clock and sees that it is two minutes past midnight.
“Happy new year, omega,” he says.
“Happy new year, alpha,” you reply as you drift off to sleep, comforted by his arms and the smell of your combined scents.
AN: Thank you so much for reading! Probably wrapping up this story in a couple of chapters, so let me know if there's anything you might want to see!
Taglist: @akkatz @pandeebearstyles @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite@theekyliepage@numafarawayglxy @booberry019-blog @hillzrry@ssareidbby @gem1712 @acesofspadess@houseofdilfs@shaquille-0atmeal-1@kissitnhekitchen @amateurduck @poguestyleskye@n0vaj3an@snwells@drunk-teens-doing-drugs ; @fdl305@creativelyeva@daphnesutton@selluequestrian@lovingfurypanda @stardream14 @tbsloneely@eversincehs1@boomitsallie1@rose-garden-dreamz @fictionalmensblog @buckybarnessimpp @ottawaoutlander @storyschanging @jerseygirlinca @stylesfever @alwayslovingharry
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we-out-here-simping · 29 days
Ch 2: The teenage hobby of making out.
(s.h. x gn!reader)
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from the river to the sea. (get in your daily clicks, read about it, donate if you can.)
Summary: Hopper’s getting mad that his kids are kissing boys.
Word count: 7.7k
Warnings: use of (y/n); no pronouns used (gn!reader); Suggestive (sexy ice cream consumption); steamy but no smut; boner alert; hopper being a cockblock; arguing; reader is jealous of Eleven; hopper makes a 'your wife' joke (its canon); daddy issues?
A/n: this is the closest i think ive gotten to writing smut so far lol i struggled so much
Anyway ive been having the big bad no good awful time lately and feel like doing literally nothing but i really pushed myself to finish this guy so have this and also I think it's high time we get readyyy for desi!reader!!!! She will be arriving soon hopefully!!!
‘You don’t tug on superman’s cape, you don’t spit into the wind.’
Hopper’s record player blares. Your eyes fling open at the intruding loud tone of at this point what you know to be Jim’s favourite song.
‘You don’t pull the mask off an old lone ranger and you don’t mess around with Jim.’ The faceless crowd chants through the speakers. Quite swell headed of himself when you really think about it. 
Your face scrunches, a yawn leaves you when you stretch under the quilt. The sheets beside you ruffle, and when you turn it is your sister, rousing from her sleep as well, Mr. Arnold, the teddy bear, in her arms. She lets out a frustrated groan at the loud song, before pulling her blanket over her head. 
You snort at that because you’re sure it's impossible to fall asleep with that playing right outside the room. This is not the first time that Jim has used this really effective strategy to annoy you and your sister out of your slumber.
You lay there for a second before finally getting up to get started with the morning, knowing full well Hopper won’t be quietening it down unless both of you were out of bed and having breakfast. It also isn't like you had neighbours to complain about the noise.
By the time you come out of the bathroom, Eleven is once again stirring awake. She stretches both her arms above her head again and lets out a deep sigh.
"Morning, El.”
She mumbles something that sounds like ‘morning’, her tone a lot less peppy than yours. she once again decides she wants to be back asleep, rolling over and burying herself in the sheets again. “I think… I hate that song now”, you hear her grumble under the mass of the comforter.
“Yeah, that happens when you are forced to listen to something a billion times. What's weird is he does have other records but he really loves the song with his name in it”, you laugh both at your sister’s and Hopper’s antics.
You sit back on the bed with an ‘oof’, looking at where she lies beside you. “Okay, kid, let's get outta bed”, you say knowing full well that the noise isn't going to stop unless you both step out of the room. “c’mon El”, you sigh, shaking her a little by her shoulders. "Don't you have to go meet Dustin today?"
El’s eyes shoot open, she looks up at you with wide eyes as if she'd forgotten about her plans. She throws the blanket and the soft toy off of her and jogs away to her room.
You chuckle to yourself at her excitement, reaching under the quilt to look for Mr. Arnold. You pull him out, brushing the messy fur around his beady eyes before putting him neatly with the rest of the pillows and get out of the room yourself.
You head out into the kitchen, the smell of roasted coffee hitting you immediately. Jim has always been notorious for having his coffee extra strong, no cream, no sugar. you remember trying it once and pledged to never do that again, not being accustomed to that taste. 
There's a box of cereal on the kitchen counter, you fix yourself a bowl and put some in another bowl for Eleven. You then head to the couch where Hopper is reading a newspaper and sipping the bitter and brown beverage, "morning" you say quietly— shouting was not needed since he had turned the player off when he noticed both you and Eleven were awake. 
"Morning kid", he greeted from behind the newspaper, not really bothering to look up.
"You have to find a better way to wake us up."
He chuckles to himself, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" he jostles the flimsy paper.
You roll your eyes which he doesn’t notice. That’s the usual with him. He doesn’t ever seem to notice you. And for the most part, you’re used to it. Somewhere between adopting you and now, things changed. Not to be mistaken, he is the closest thing you have to a father and you know he does love you but some part of this relationship feels… hollow now. Like you’re not getting enough, he’s not willing to give you enough. 
In silence, you swirl your spoon around in the floating cereal while Hopper takes a big sip of his coffee. You think to finally tell him about Steve.
Just when you were contemplating when to speak up about it, Eleven comes out of her room, still wearing the same clothes, "Morning Hop", she greets brightly.
He looks up, "Morning kiddo", he smiles before his gaze moves back to his newspaper.
“There's a bowl for you on the kitchen counter”, you let the girl know. She smiles and pours herself some milk into it.
"Hey, Hop?", The super powered girl calls out. He hums through a mouthful of soggy cereal as he looks up from the newspaper. "Can you take me to Will's?” she says while walking over to the couch where he was sitting, "Dustin is coming back today. We're surprising him"
"Oh, okay kid. We'll just leave in a bit", he sets down the papers and downs all of the cereal. He goes into his room. By the time you and Eleven are done with your breakfast, Hopper comes out, clad in his uniform. 
"Hey y/n any groceries you want me to get? Going to the Market today", he asked while putting his shoes on.
"Yeah, it's on the fridge"
The man went over to the fridge door and took the list off of it. He took a second to read the contents of the list before muttering out the last one, "icecream, again?"
"I like ice cream. We ran out", you shrugged.
"I bought a tub this sunday."
“I really like ice cream”
“seriously? this is getting more ridiculous than El’s eggo obsession–”
“hey!” she interjects. 
“and weren’t you expanding your horizons? How’d that combo work out last night?” He looks between you and Eleven.
"It was…", she pauses, looking for a suitable word, "disgusting.” she says with the straightest face before going to her room to get changed and to put on her shoes, you assume.
“I… can't say that I disagree”
“Look kid, I'm not getting you ice cream so often, okay? Anything else?"
“...Nope that's… that’s it. Just the list.”
“‘Kay,” he shoves the paper in the pocket of his shirt. He glances over at the room that Eleven is in before clearing his throat. “Hey, do you uh…”, he looks back you, voice softer than it was just a second ago, “wanna talk about it?”
“That nightmare I’m assuming you had last night.”
“... there's– there isn't anything to talk about”
“Yes there is”, he barely gets the words out of his mouth when you sigh, frustrated before getting off the couch and moving towards the kitchen. 
“C’mon kid,”, he follows behind you, “you haven't been telling me anything recently, and Owens told me–”, you groan at the name, “don't interrupt me– Owens told me that you refuse to share anything with him either.”
“I don't tell anything because there is nothing to tell. And honestly,” you put your bowl in the sink, “I don't want to talk about stupid feelings with a stupid old man”
“You think I haven't been hearing you scuttering ‘round in your room trying to fall asleep? So don't bullshit me but there is a lot to tell. He recommended these weekly check ups because they will help. I mean– look at El, she barely struggles with the night terrors or–”
“You just have to compare me to her, don’t you?”
“Owens will call saturday and you better tell him everything”, he commands with his nostrils flared.
You roll your eyes away from him, crossing your arms.
“Do you hear me? Hey! look at me when I’m talking to you”, he uses that stern voice again, the one that means ‘you better listen or else’. You aren’t sure what the ‘or else’ ever is yet you always listen when he uses that voice. You look at him, reluctantly so, “Good. now… I'm getting late. Why don't you get rid of that attitude and stop being such a brat" he shoves his wallet in his back pocket, calling out Eleven's name and she comes out wearing a navy-blue t-shirt that seemed a little too big for her, and she casts you a concerned look.
You let out a frustrated huff as soon as the door shuts close behind them. You run your fingers over your face, your head hurting again after that argument.
You then head to put the rest of the bowls in the sink and the milk in the fridge, but that's when you notice it. The Eleven's drawing— of you, Hopper and herself— that was initially stuck to the fridge door with a magnet, was now on the floor— along with the other magnets. You tried to put them back on nevertheless they fell again. You were frustrated as it is, it only made you angrier when they didn't stick. In your rage you shove them in the nearest drawer, it closes with a loud thud.
You weren't sure how this entire thing had managed to get you so mad. You wanted to rip your hair out, break all the bowls, burn the stupid phone so Owens never calls, shatter hopper's favourite coffee mug, tear apart every drawing Eleven has made of you all together. But you don't. You just stand there, trying your best to keep it at bay– the anger, the tears, both. And god, you needed to catch your breath, you needed some water.
You grab a glass of water from the tap. As it fills, you latch open the window above the sink. The window and the glass of water had become a part of your routine to calm yourself down. A compulsion at this point because if you didn't do it, everything felt off.
You guzzle down the thing, the liquid cooling you. You force yourself to close your eyes, breathing in, holding it and then breathing out– just like Hopper had taught you. Although it brings down your anger, it doesn't exactly calm you down. You blame it on the lack of wind today.
You don't keep your eyes closed for too long though. You close the window and head to your room. You don't bother with anything else, planning on hiding under the sheets for the rest of the day. It is then that you hear a knock on your bedroom window.
You look up from the mess of wrinkled sheets and you are met with the beautiful smile of your boyfriend. He gives you a little wave with a bouquet of flowers and holds up a takeaway cup from scoops ahoy. A smile automatically forms itself on your face as you walk over to the window and open it so he could climb in.
He lets himself in in a rather not ninja way, your hands flying to steady him. you take in his clothes– his scoops ahoy outfit, the colours suit him, his favourite watch snug around his wrist, the shorts fitting him perfectly, his floppy hair resting softly against his forehead— he looks beautiful to say the least. 
"Morning your highness!", He spoke up with a rich English accent– gesturing wildly with the bouquet, "Flowers picked by yours truly! Ice cream scooped, once again, by your beloved", he handed you the flowers— which you held close to your chest while showcasing a huge grin. "And guess what? New flavour! You have to try it, babe."
You adjust the crooked name tag on his shirt, "I was just leaving for work but decided to take a little detour. Hope you don't mind me coming."
"Of course I don't— it's just, if you came like two minutes earlier, Hop would've caught you."
"Close call", he wipes the imaginary sweat off of his temple, making you giggle a little.
"You look very pretty," you say before you even realise.
"I'm supposed to be a manly man! you calling me pretty and beautiful isn't helping with that", he complains only half-heartedly because he loves hearing you call him those things. No one has ever complimented him in such a way, sure he has gotten compliments about his hair or his nether regions from girls but you telling him he's pretty and cute made butterflies flutter all over in a way he didn't think was possible.
"Well, that's too bad. You are pretty", he blushes all pink when you say it, "The prettiest ever", he smiled shyly as you came closer to him— faces merely inches apart.
"Not too shabby yourself babe", he pecked the tip of your nose and then you go to put the flowers in a vase next to your bed.
“How did last night go?” he asks, following behind you.
“You were... going to tell your dad about us?”
He purses his lips, “I'm guessing you didn't”
“I wanted to, I swear but then Mike Wheeler happened."
“‘Course he did”
“And then I almost did this morning too but then Jim and I had a fight, like right now..”
“Fight, about what?”
You quickly shake your head, “.. doesn't matter. I’m sorry”
“Hey, its okay. How ‘bout this okay, you.. try again. okay? whenever feels right-- no rush" you nod slowly. the boy flashes you a grin before speaking up again, "now, gimme a little kiss"
"No? why no?" he pouts.
"’Cause I want to have ice cream first", you declare, booping his nose.
He lets out a playful scoff, “is that all I am to you? I stole this just for you yesterday and I don’t even get a kiss?" he is all theatrical as he holds is palm on his chest to show just how scandalized he feels.
“Stole it?”
“Nah", he clicks his tongue as a no, shaking his head, "we get free ice cream.”
Your brows fly up at the information, “Woah, really? hmm, I need to work there.”
“Will you? Please do. My coworker pretty much hates me–”
While he is rambling, you try to snatch the cup from his hand, but before you could do so he pulls his hand away. "Ah ah ah, you gotta give me the password first to get the ice cream babe"
"What?" you ask, brows knotted together.
"Not the password", He says in a monotonous voice.
"Steve c'mon–"
"Not the password."
"Just give it to me, Steve", you try reaching for it again– to no avail.
"Not the password."
"Stevieee", you're practically draped over him, yet he somehow manages to keep the cup right out of your reach.
"Not the password", he smirks, laughing a little.
You sigh, you had to play it his way to get what you want. You give a quick kiss on his cheek– more so a peck. "Hm, warmer...", he hums, "but still not the password."
You groan all frustrated, knowing full well what he wanted. and you had no other choice than to give in. You tilt your face so your lips meet his and when you pull back, awaiting his response. He finally says, "You got it", before lowering his hand.
Steve then goes into character– sitting you down on the edge of your bed, he takes out his hat from his pocket that said 'ahoy' on it and puts it on top of your head.
He greets you how he would welcome any other customer, you giggle at his theatrical antics. "Now, since you are one rather good looking sailor, I'll let you set sail on this ocean of flavor with me with this amazing scoop of our new invention!!'
The treat is a little melted— blame it on the summer heat. tasting phenomenal, surely to be your new favourite. As Steve watches you relish the delicious flavour, he notices that the runny liquidy ice cream has managed to drip around the corner of your mouth and lower lip.
"Oh babe, you've got a–" His thumb swipes over your lower lip— eye contact unbreaking— Smearing the liquid much more than actually wiping it. He does it unreasonably slow.
"There", he pulls his arm back, and without looking at the residual ice cream on his thumb he licks it– gaze still unwavering. "Delicious", he murmured. Heat creeps up your neck and spreads through your cheeks. You both knew what Steve was doing although you'd be lying if you said that it wasn't working.
Having expected for you to be absolutely flustered, Steve is surprised when instead your features morph into a mischievous smile, "right? You wanna try some?"
"Uh, sure", he hesitates.
You go to feed him the drippy ice cream with the spoon only to 'accidentally' smudge it at the corner of his mouth.
"Oh, you've got a—"
"Oh, very funny babe—" Before Steve could finish, your lips were attached to the corner of his mouth. Your tongue darts out to lick at the liquid— the movements agonisingly slow. It is then that Steve forgets how to function. He doesn't reciprocate your kisses, being sure he'd forgotten how to kiss. This was the first time you'd initiated a kiss, or made a move on him and now he didn't know how to react. 
When you pull away, his eyes remain closed for a bit longer. But when they finally do flutter open, instead of the same mischievous sly smirk, he is met with your wide eyes. You blink as if unsure of what you had done, Steve sees you gulp before you get up and leave the room.
Steve was stuck, he realises. His mind has forgotten how to work for however long that lasted. Maybe it was minutes or maybe it was only just a few seconds– to him it felt like hours though. Blood rushed to his cheeks and other parts of his body.
He paid it no mind though and quickly got up to find you. His situation will go away, right now he needed to make sure that you were alright. He went out of the room and sees you by the kitchen— throwing away the empty cup— your back turned towards him.
You don't look up when he stands beside you, he calls out your name and you shyly turn to sneak a look at him, rubbing your own arm anxiously, “S– sorry that was weird right?”
“Uh– n– no! It wasn't", he assures, shaking his head, "It just… um, I wasn't expecting it. It was– It wasn't weird.” he waits, hoping you'd say something but when you don't, he speaks up, "That was like the– the hottest thing ever– what you did back there."
“It wasn't... too much? It felt like it was too much.”
“Too much? I have a boner right now, respectfully, of course.”
Your eyes widen, and just when they were about to trail down– “don't look down!” You hold your breath, trying your best to muster all your power to maintain eye contact with him, but your gaze betrays you for just a second as it snaps down to his groin before jumping back to his eyes. Your face becomes so warm, palms clammy.
“W-what do I do?”
“No–nothing? It’ll go away”, he barely manages to stammer out, turning his body towards the kitchen counter so you don't see it, eyes roaming everywhere but towards you. 
Steve in high school never would have faced such issues, king steve never would have been so clumsy and embarrassed in front of someone he liked. The old Steve wouldn't get this damn red and awkward. But he does, he isn't the old Steve afterall.
He feels your hand on his shoulder, urging him to look your way. When he does, his eyes meet your unsure gaze-- you were looking at his lips. He himself can't help but trace the contour of your face, from your eyes to your nose, to the swoop of your cupid's bow to finally your lips.
It is you who leans in. This kiss was different than any you have had before. It grows deeper. And suddenly, its all tongue and teeth. Steve has never kissed you like this before. Its hands over your body, fingers creeping under your t-shirt. And its unusual. A good unusual. One you could get used to.
“Steve?" you breathe out when you pull apart.
“Y– yeah?”
“I’m sure. What I said yesterday, I’m sure.”
“Wait– you’re not just saying that ‘cause I–’
“No. I– I mean it.” You let out a giggle. The giggle which he was sure could end and fix all his fears and nightmares. The giggle that made his heart flutter and stomach do summersaults. You were sure to be the death of him. 
His grip around your waist tightens as he rests his forehead against yours, warm noses touching. "When.. uh– when does Hopper come back?"
"5:30," you huffed out, once again leaning in and he once again pulled back to be just out of your reach.
"One last question, El isn't home, is she?"
"No, no. She– she's with– friends. Won't come back till four."
"Good, wouldn't want them to come in on this", he almost growls before latching your lips together. And then you're kissing him. It is messy, but he loves every single second of it. His hands go to hold your jaw and yours to his cheeks, pulling in closer– deepening the kiss. At this point you'd both forgotten to breathe, too intoxicated on each other. But soon, both your lungs start to burn off the lack of oxygen and you both pull apart.
Your breaths were jagged, foreheads still touching. You gasp into his mouth. Your lips move in tandem as Steve pushes you between himself and the counter. The edge of the counter digs into your thighs. His hands travel to right below your ass, ready to lift you up onto the counter. But before he could do so, you pull him by the collar of his sailor outfit towards your room— lips never stopping contact. Steve takes the hint and gently pushes you against the door of your room, fumbling for the door knob.
You grab a fistful of his hair, he lets out a moan into your mouth. He finally manages to open the door, and you immediately pull him in. Steve tries to steady you both while tightening his hold on your hips, fingers playing with the hem of your shirt. 
You pull him towards the bed. He finally pulls away to take off his shirt only to latch his lips back to yours. He is hovering over you, lips never not touching, hands roaming each other's bodies. You slightly pull away, your digits fumbling for the cassette player's buttons next to your bed. The button clicks and Asia’s ‘heat of the moment’ starts playing. The both of you laugh because it was the mixtape that you and Steve had made a couple months ago.
Hopper had just reached the Byer's when he realises that he had forgotten his hat in the heat of the argument with you. He frowns upon the thought of the argument, he regrets shouting, he was worried about you and maybe he shouldn't have gotten that mad.
He waves over at Eleven, watching behind her to make sure she gets inside. He starts the engine and heads back to the cabin to retrieve his hat and perhaps make amends with you.
When he gets there, you don't open the door. You were possibly still mad at him, he thinks when he lets himself in, he could hear the song blaring from your room. He takes a peek in through the cracked open door.
Through the few inch wide door gap, he sees you and Steve Harrington. A shirtless Steve Harrington on top of you. The boy kissing you. And you kissing him back.
Through the kisses, his lips trail along your jaw and down your throat landing on your collarbone— pulling a moan out of you. "God, you're– fuck", Hopper barely hears the boy mumble. The man's nostrils flare as he sees his hands go back to the little sliver of skin exposed between your shirt and your shorts, fingers playing with the hem of the shirt.
Steve immediately pulls away and yelps when you accidentally yank his hair. You both look up towards the source of the sound and there stood Jim Hopper, eyes wide with seething anger. 
"Hopper", You yelp out, speedily turning the player off while Steve fumbles to hide his integrity behind a pillow. Both Steve and Hopper were bright red. You were sure to go deaf to the loud beating of your heart.
"What in the fuck are you doing with my kid, Harrington?", You were sure Hopper's face would burst into flames any second now.
Steve eyes bounce frantically between you and hopper, he stammers, "I— Hopper—"
"That's fucking sir to you, Harrington."
"Sir, I—"
You hold your hands up, hoping to calm Hopper down after he found you in such a compromising position, "It's– its not what it looks like Hop—"
"So you're telling me that you two weren't about to–"
"Hop—", you try interrupting him but he interjects you by turning to Steve, pointing his finger at the poor boy while simultaneously squaring up on him. "I'm gonna have a serious fucking talk with your father, Harrington."
He walks backwards, incredibly intimidated, "But, sir—"
"Cover your goddamn tits and wait for me outside, Harrington." Steve gulps, silently nodding– knowing well enough that talking back was going to be fruitless so he leaves the room, the door shutting behind him.
You try speaking up again, "Hopper, listen–"
"No, you listen", he scolds with gritted teeth and flared nostrils, "You are fucking grounded. You can live your stupid paranoid fantasy and stay safe and stuck in this cabin”
"And that means no tv–"
"No radio or cassettes, no more phone, no more tv– ", he said as he unplugs the radio player and pulls out the cassette box from under your bed and throws the tapes around in anger "what else are you hiding from me, huh?”
"Nothing, hopper–"
He notices the box pushed further back under your bed and pulls it out— filled to the brim with Steve related stuff. your graduation caps, polaroids, mixtapes, books that had flowers pressed between their pages, beer bottle caps from when you had gotten drunk for the first time– all on the floor for display; the entire thing doing nothing to calm the raging man down. "Hopper, stop–"
"No more fucking dating", he picks up the mixtapes and books, throwing them with immense fury and rage. He pulls out polaroids of you and Steve and crumbles it up.
"And NO MORE FUCKING STEVE HARRINGTON", he smashed the now empty box against the floor, "D'YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND?" he was shouting now, full on shouting— and it scared you. For the first time, Hopper scared you. The same guy who had saved you, protected you. The first person with whom you felt safe, ever. 
Tears spring up in the corner of your eyes. you duck your chin into your chest, squinting them shut.
“Asked you a fucking question.”
You try to even your breaths before answering, "No."
"What'd you say?", Words dripping in fury.
"I said, no."
"Why? You love that stupid idiot or something?"
The question scares you because you don't have an answer. You wrack your brain, looking for an answer but still…. your brain pulls up a slide that was nothing but a blank screen.
Do you love him?
You like him. You love being with him. He is your best friend, your only friend. But do you love him? how would you know? You do not know. 
“He’s my friend. He’s my only friend, Jim”
"Cut the bullshit, y/n", Hopper spoke as he noticed the tears springing up in your eyes and right now he was too damn angry to regret it.
Either of you don't hear the sound of the door shutting over your own heartbeat. you finally speak up, "You're bullshit."
"You see El and Mike everyday, they're always kissing. But you see me with Steve one time–"
"The one time I see you two, you are fornicating— El and Mike don't do that."
"I'm a fucking adult, Hopper"
"You're a goddamn teenager is what you are!"
"Look me in the eyes and tell me you didn't do this stuff when you were a teenager, Hopper. You’re being an asshole!”
“Maybe you shouldn't have hid things from me y/n and I'm not being an asshole, I'm giving you a reality check. and if you think you’re such an adult then stop fucking hiding in this cabin from the world and feeding you little paranoid fantasy”
Both your chests rise and fall, face warm with aggravation, “Oh, don't look at me like I’m some monster", Hopper shakes his head at you, exasperated. you don't say anything, instead you get up to leave the room, "… where do you think you are going?”
“I’m leaving.”
“Aww, where are you gonna go, to your boyfriend?”
"You know what? That's a great idea, Jim. I’ll go and never come back again, I'll live with Steve or I’ll live in that stupid trailer. I've done it before and I'll do it again", you say with absolute resentment, all gritted teeth and red eyes. "I’ll leave", you sniffled, "Cuz you sure as hell don't want me here."
"Sure, kid, go 'head", he said through flared nostrils and a mock smile.
You raise your volume too before, "You won't have to fucking pretend to care for me anymore, you can take care of El all you want now", you pause for a beat before murmuring, "Clearly you like her more."
"Don't play dumb", your voice shakes as you speak, "it took you years to even consider adopting me, but you took El in in a heartbeat. El’s the one you care about Hopper– just fucking admit it, she's the one that gets hugs, she's the one that gets all the love and affection, she’s always mattered more to you, she's the one who matters to you because she's the one who reminds you of your dead daughter"
You said that. You said that. And the truth was that you meant it. Sure, you regret it, knowing how much it affected Jim. But it seemed only fair in your rageful brain to do the same.
Hopper is frozen, he swallows a lump in his throat. He looks at you hunched over the mess he'd made, your eyes red, watery and enraged.
You see him take a deep breath; it almost seems like he was about to say something. Maybe he'll apologise, you think, maybe you will too. Instead, he turned, his body lingering for a second too long near the door, and you pray that he says something– anything so you could take it all back. He lets out the breath he had been holding and shut the door behind him. A few seconds later you hear the cabin's door slamming. He left. 
At the station, Jim was having his lunch– donuts, which Flo had bought for everyone in the light of her birthday. Powell and Callaghan were discussing something, Flo has given Jim some paperwork– he isn’t sure about what though. His mind was too busy playing your argument on repeat.  
El’s the one you care about, Hopper. 
She’s the one who matters to you.
Because she’s the one who reminds you of your dead daughter.
“Chief?” Jim realises that he had been staring at the files that Flo had given him. 
“You okay, boss?”
“Uh, yeah— I’m peachy Callaghan”, Hopper gets up from his chair picking up another donut, “exactly how your wife was last night.”
Powell and the rest of the workers let out a guffaw while Flo looks at Jim with disapproving eyes and Callaghan looks like a kicked dog. Jim picked up his keys, headed towards the exit.
“Where are you going Jim?”, Flo demands behind him.
“Gotta take care of something, Flo”, he picks up his hat and puts it atop his head, “Hold the fort down for me while I’m gone?”
“It’s not like I have a choice.”
“Thanks, Flo”, he muttered, flashing a fake grin. Hopper shoves the donut in his mouth and went out the door and into his car. He drives through the empty streets of the local market, one hand tight around the steering wheel and the other holding the crumpled up shopping list you’d made. Joyce would know how to deal with both your and El’s situation, he thinks to himself as he stopped in front of Melvald’s general store, she was actually good at the whole parenting thing, afterall. 
When Jim steps into the empty store, he is met with Joyce putting up a sale sign. “Hey”, her head turned at the sound of the bell ringing.
“Hey, You busy?”
“You’re our first customer, so..” There is a beat. Hopper’s fingers fumble with the edge of his hat. “What now?”
Hopper vents about everything that happened between you two to Joyce while picking up all the groceries you had written in the list. “And its not just y/n, El too— she and Mike are kissing, like constantly and the other day— she just…. slams the door, right in my face. and– and y/n just doesn't wanna tell me anything and every time I try to talk, it just turns into an argument. and this last one just really went to shit”, Joyce hums as she rings up all of Jim’s groceries.
“Y’know, those smug sons of bitches, Steve and Mike. They’re corrupting them, I’m telling you.”, he shakes his head, “This has never happened before. And I’m just gonna lose it. I mean, I’m gonna lose it, Joyce–”
“Just take it down, Hopper”, Joyce speaks with a calm tone as she packed up the groceries.
“I want– I need to get rid of them."
“'rid of them'? you sound like you're going to murder them. and didn’t you already tell Steve and y/n that they can’t see each other anymore?”
“But El—”
“Hopper, that is not your decision to make”
“You don’t get it Joyce, El and mike– it’s constant. It is constant. And y/n's been hiding this thing from me for months probably! Months!”, Joyce huffs at Hopper’s anger, “Okay? That is not good or normal, that isn’t healthy”
“What you did to y/n and Steve isn’t healthy either”, Joyce pushes Hopper’s grocery bag on the counter towards him, “Besides, you can’t just force them apart.” She leaves the checkout counter and moves to an aisle and starts putting sale tags on the items, still continuing the conversation. “I mean, y/n’s right— they’re not little kids anymore, Hop.” The woman explains with knitted brows while the man picks up a random thing from the aisle nearest to him and starts playing catch with himself like a bored toddler.
“They’re teenagers Hopper”, Joyce huffs, “If you order them around like a cop, then they’re going to rebel. It's just— what they do.”
“So what am I supposed to do? Let them do whatever they want?”, Jim tosses the box up again.
“No, I didn’t say that”, she sighs, snatching the box midair while shooting a chastising look towards the tall man, “I think you should talk to them.”
“No. no, ‘cause talking doesn’t work–”
“Not yelling. Not ordering”, she gestures with the tag gun, “But talk to them” The woman turns to put the box back where it belonged while muttering with a shrug, “y'know like a heart-to-heart.”
“A heart-to-heart?” Hopper questions, confused, “what’s that?”
“You sit them down, you talk to them. Like you’re their friend”, Joyce explains while the man leans against a wall rather dramatically as if he was five-year-old listening to a lecture about the theory of relativity, “if you talk to them like you’re on their level, then they really start to listen. And then– you know, you can start to create some boundaries”
“Boundaries”, Jim repeats.
“Yeah, but Hop— it's really important that no matter how they respond,” she pauses for emphasis, “You stay calm. You cannot lose your temper”
The uniform clad man rolls his eyes; however, he hid it quickly before Joyce could notice and taps his fingers awkwardly against the wall, “uh, maybe, you could do it for me?”, he requests as if asking Joyce if he could do his homework
“Yeah you could. You could come over after work. Yes?”
“No. it only works if it comes from you. Besides you're the one who yelled at y/n. So, you're the one who will apologize.”, She punctuated her sentence by putting a tag on Hopper's shirt. “But…", She trailed off.
“But?”, Jim echoes.
“Maybe I can help you…”, she picks up a notepad from the counter, “find the right words.”
You have locked yourself in your room, not planning on seeing anyone. It's what you deserve anyway. Its probably for the better. The lights are turned off, the only source of light in the pitch darkness is spilling through the tiny gap of your slightly open door. You've hidden yourself under the blanket, the bed a mess from tossing and turning.
You hear muffled sounds of Jim reciting something in a monotonous tone from the room next to you. “...important to establish these boundaries...”, His muttering sounding like he had a cigarette between his teeth, “....we can create an environment where.... we feel comfortable, trusted and open….”, you hear him pause, “to share our feelings”. He pauses again and you turn around in your sheets, burying your head under the quilt not planning to hear any more of it. Because if you did you’d cry, whether of jealousy or hurt or regret or guilt, you did not know, you just knew that you would cry.
After some time you then heard the thump of his feet from his room. They stopped in front of your door for a few seconds and you think for just a second that maybe he will knock, maybe you both will fix this, but then they started moving again, moving further from your door and finally stopping in front of El’s door. He knocks. “Hey”
“Can I talk to you guys, a minute?”, he asks. You couldn't hear the rest of the conversation as it was muffled by the walls and door. But you filled in the gaps— hopper was trying to talk to Eleven and Mike, possibly about the previous night. He was trying for Eleven. Not for you. For Eleven.
Then Hopper abruptly left with Mike— something about the boy's nanna. You knew that definitely wasn't the truth. For once, you felt bad for Mike.
"Y/n?", Eleven cracked the door open. You were lying in your bed, back facing the door. Eleven approached the foot of the bed. "Are you okay?", with knitted brows, she asks, eyes trying to adjust to the dark room.
"I just feel a little sleepy, El", she did not need to know about your fight with Hopper. She did not need to see that ugliness.
"Do you want to watch romcom?"
"You do that"
"And you?"
"I'm not in the mood, El. Kinda tired. I'll be fine, I think I just need sleep.”
The short haired girl nodded rather half-heartedly and left. A few seconds later, the door opened again, you didn't turn to see who it was. 
“Do you want ice cream? Hopper brought some”, It was Eleven again.
“... No, I'm alright”, you don't bother looking up.
"Y/n?", you feel her palm on your shoulder before you turn around hoping the dark room hid your red eyes. "I've kept your food here”, she tells you.
You give a faint smile at the girl's kindness. She closed the door behind herself, leaving.
After eating your food, you fall headfirst into the pillows and there lied Mr. Arnold. You held the bear flush against your chest. Maybe the soft toy could help you fix this too. It smelled like Eleven, you smiled at the thought of your sister and you hated the fact that you were jealous of her. She was the kindest, strongest and most adorable kid— and you'd talked to Hopper about her like you resented her. She was your sister, you loved her.
The bear also smelled like Steve. You missed him, you wondered what he was doing. You told yourself to call the boy after Hopper leaves the next morning. You are curled up in your bed, exhaustion overtaking you. Your eyelids grew droopy and soon you were drifting into sleep.
You’re in your room, grey and sterile. your headache had dulled out for the most part, although your eyes still felt too dry. Your Papa had come to check in on you. He said that you were getting better and that you could go back to lessons and the rainbow room from the next day.
The entire week you were like this he didn't bring up why you are hurt. You reckon he was disappointed. You don't bring it up either, just glad that you didn't have to wear the collar because you were hurt.
When the doctor gave you medicine with the injection, Papa held your hand, his other hand brushing over your shaved head to comfort you.
"Good job, Seven."
When the doctor leaves, you finally speak up, "Papa?", he looks at you, "are you angry... at me?"
"For what?"
"For what happened that day."
"No, Seven. I'm not. I am proud of you and the extent of your powers”, your heart swells at the praise, "now we just have to hone in on it. Get better at it. Do you understand?"
You nod silently. He clears his throat before getting up from beside your bed. He buttons his grey blazer, "now, I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" you nod once again.
He is about to reach for the door when you speak up again, “Papa?”
“Yes, seven?”
“Where is my mother?”
He turns around, the wrinkles on his forehead more prominent, “What?” he walks back up to you.
“I was reading a book in the rainbow room", you explain, " The child in it had a papa and a mama. Why don't I have a mama?”
“Not everyone does, Seven", he answers curtly, “Your mother died when she gave birth to you” he says before once again turning to leave the room.
“You're lying”, he stops and turns and is met with your knitted brows, “I can tell you're lying.”
You see him purse his lips for a second before he speaks up, ”Well, your powers have never been reliable, have they? Your mother is dead.”
“Did I kill her? like I did with that man and the child.”
”yes. Get some rest. Lessons start again tomorrow, Seven."
“Yes Papa”, he is out the door before you even say the entire thing.
Hopper doesn’t know what the hell he is doing. He just knows one thing and that is that heart-to-hearts are not his thing. Not anymore anyway. He used to be better at this, at emotions. 
Ever since sarah… he’s felt like this. This empty chasm, this darkness. A black hole. That sucks in everything that is good, warm and bright. Everything he loves, everything he cares for, he swallows it all if it gets too close. It happened after sarah. And for a really long time, Jim decided to never let anyone in– which included you. Your younger self had tried, to win him over, to let his walls down but he hadnt let up. But then last year… Eleven managed to break down those walls, and just like he always does, he swallowed her whole. Enough that she had compared him to that psychotic man who called himself your papa, enough that she had decided to leave. And now he was doing it again, with you. 
Hopper fucking sucks at feelings, not because he doesn't feel but maybe because he doesn't want anyone else to know that he does. The folded-up paper in his hand makes it really fucking clear. And though his palm is slightly sweaty, he blames it on the summer. 
He hates that he shouted at you, multiple times.
Look at me when I’m talking to you.
That is what he had said back then, that is what he had said today. And he saw that same look on you, that deer-in-the-headlight look, the same one he saw on you when he first saw you at the police station. And he immediately regretted it. He and his inflated ego are to blame when he didn't apologize. But he will now, he is going to apologize. He is going to talk things out– have a heart-to-heart. You’re his kid dammit and you fucking deserve it.
Alright hopper, you got this. Just do what Joyce told you and they'll listen to you. 
He stops at your doorstep first, knuckles lifted to knock but then he hears Eleven giggling, and he glances over to her room. Mike is still here, he thinks. Let’s just deal with them first, lets get the easier conversation over with and then he’ll talk to you– he’ll tell you everything, he'll listen to you. 
But then he goes to Eleven’s room and asks if he could talk to them, and he tries he really does try but as it turns out the easier conversation still wasn’t easy at all. Hopper can't help but repeat history.
He has always felt cursed. Cursed to ruin everything as he tends to always end up doing. And in his anger he ends up blackmailing mike to stay away from his daughter.
When hopper came back, Eleven asked him if Mike's nanna (bless her) was okay. "Uh, yeah– she'll be fine kid– pretty sure it was a false alarm." He had lied through his teeth, but he doesn't take it back.
He doesn't take it back. he never goes to your room. he doesn't talk it out. So much for a heart-to-heart.
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dhampling · 4 months
Your fics/headcanons give me the feeling of eating freshly baked cookies with warm milk while wrapped in a blanket fresh from the dryer. Just so sweet and comforting. Your post the other day about the number of kiddos he'd want got me wondering: how would astarion handle his partner being in labor? I feel like he would be freaking out so badly internally but trying so hard to keep it together for them. Does it get easier with each baby? Does he cry each time? Also, I had this image in my mind of him introducing the older girls to their new baby sister each time and just being sweet and cute with his growing family and I'm dyinngggg. Thank you again so much for all the wonderful fics sorry this message was kinda all over the place I LOVE YOU. ❤️
hello my sweet angel!!! firstly - you inspired me. I'm inspired. i wrote something based on the introducing the siblings idea. see below!
He’s not sure he’ll ever tire of it.
Feign exasperation, absolutely. Roll his eyes in jest, move things along with the smallest ‘away, away’ of his free hand at the faces pressed against the inside of the kitchen window as you both approach the house in a beleaguered stumble - snout noses and wide grins, breath fogging the glass trying to gain a glimpse. Incredulously sigh at the fact that it’s just a baby.
It looks like a baby. Sounds like a baby. Smells like a baby. The house tends to have at least one kicking about at any given time, gods; there’s absolutely nothing unfamiliar nor noteworthy about a baby dhampir in Baldur’s Gate at this point. If anything, he’d be surprised if the townsfolk weren’t banging down his door come morning with a council-endorsed petition to encourage him to stop breeding the little shits.
Frenetic. He’s still practically vibrating with adrenaline from the birth still. Shaky hands stilled under the weight of the baby basket. Legs flying.
Another girl, obviously. Another ‘A’ name conjured from the recesses of his ancient wisdom. Some variation of a label he saw in an apothecary a week ago - you’re past the point of putting too much thought into their names, a fact that becomes obvious to anyone who lends it too much of a thought.
Apothecary. He ponders the viability of that one. Apothecaria? Apothe. Antiseptic. Asbestos. Arugula.
Fuzzy as the door swings open into the night and the stew-warmth of the kitchen bleeds outside. He holds the door, the carrier containing the baby; hospital bags strapped to his back, the weight of another little thing on his conscience. A pack mule. He pulls a face.
The eldest steps from the sitting room through the parted gaggle of waiting Ancuníns and takes a look at the new addition.
A brief moment passes.
Then she smiles as anticipated, nodding her approval - a time-honoured tradition in your household ever since the second was unleashed unto her sister - before falling to the back of the crowd, pulling out a chair for an exhausted you; and resigning from her primary carer duties for the evening.
It’s bittersweet. At this point, Astarion can never be sure if this time, the whole bustling through the doorway in the middle of the night with a newborn thing; will be the last.
But as each previous youngling steps in line to greet the newest addition to their chaotic sisterhood, he finds himself looking over to you fondly. The way your hand still rests atop the round of your belly, the other supporting your head as your elbow rests firm on the table. Cheeks aflush, lids drooping closed with each breath; and yet you sit there instead of retiring straight to bed to watch them.
Their eager faces, hushed whispers; fingers poking and prodding the small exhausted thing presented to them once more. Rolling her name around their mouths to get used to the sound. You watch each movement with a warm heart and dopey grin.
Obviously you want this again. He wants this again. This moment of soft whispers and unfettered love amongst siblings.
No, he resolves;-
this won’t be the end.
with regard to the labour:
astarion cries with the first two babies.
after that, he realises it's probably more important to be supportive to his partner at this moment in time.
he can compartmentalise any emotions he's having with the logic that they can wait, honestly.
none of his worst fears are going to materialise, he knows this now. he's done it before.
with the later babies he's a pro.
he even has the nerve to sit there and exclaim at points that he's bored, and that you need to hurry home as he has a client coming to the shop later.
despite both knowing it's a jest, this always earns him a pillow to the face.
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leilakisakabiri · 1 year
request: Hi can you do where the reader is wearing Gavis hoodie and she accidentally stains it and starts freaking out. Thank uuu and i love ur writing
I Got You (Gavi)
Summary: You need Gavi to come help you after you get yourself into a bad situation.
Warning(s): None
A/N: Thank you so much for the request and for your support! Requests are open. Currently working on The Promises We Keep Pt 2. Also, guys if I haven't done your request yet, don't worry, it probably means it's gonna be a long one.
Word Count: 3.1k+
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It was a Saturday night in Barcelona, and you were holed up in your room, feet tucked under you, a knitted blanket over your shoulders as you read over the words in front of you for the hundredth time.
While the city was alight with people getting drinks, dancing, and laughing, you silenced your phone, closed your blinds, and put your headphones on to quiet any outside noises. 
You had decided to stay in this weekend, caught up in writing an essay for your criminal law class that was worth 50% of your grade. Safe to say you did not take it lightly. You had been hunched over your computer for the last nine hours, brain numb and fingers aching as you had tried to come up with a thesis and strong argument for your essay. You had blocked out this weekend to finish the essay, letting everyone know ahead of time not to contact you unless it was an emergency, including Gavi. 
Gavi had been gone for the last couple of days, traveling around Europe for the last leg of La Liga, and he had been adamant about spending as much time with you as he could once he got back - before his summer schedule kicked off. However, that hope was quickly cut short when you informed him you most likely wouldn’t be able to see him at all this weekend due to you being stuck finishing your essay. 
Although he had tried to convince you to change your mind, bribing you with the idea of endless cuddles and then promising to be as silent as possible while you wrote when his first idea didn’t work, you relented, knowing that having him around would be a major distraction, one that you couldn’t afford. 
“I’m sorry Pablo I don’t think I can this weekend. What about Monday?” You asked hopefully. 
He sighed over the phone, his face pulling into a frown, “I can’t. We’re leaving Monday morning for France.”
You bit on your lip, feeling bad, “I’m sorry I just really need to focus this weekend.” 
He nodded, “I get it. It just sucks. I wanted to see you at least once before I’m gone again. But it’s fine – I’ll survive.” He replied dramatically. 
You grinned, “Well I’ll miss you Pablito.” 
“I already miss you.” 
The smile on your face only grew as your heart warmed at his words, “I’ll text you if anything changes. Have a great game, I’ll be watching.” 
He gave you a wink, “Damn gotta show off now that my girls watching.” 
You giggled at him, “Bye Pablo.” 
He mocked your tone playfully, “Bye Y/n.” 
That was last week, and now you were nose deep in your essay, textbooks scattered around you as you looked for possible quotes to strengthen your thesis. You had been so busy scanning the words on the page that you hadn’t noticed your phone buzzing non-stop next to you. 
Once you saw the glow of your phone screen curiosity got the better of you and you flipped it around seeing you had eight missed calls from your best friend. 
Your eyebrows knitted in confusion, it was almost two in the morning, she would for sure be at a club right now, happily dancing the night away with your friends, so why was she consistently calling you? 
The phone buzzed once again and this time you were quick to answer. 
“Hello, Gia, what’s going on?” 
Her voice was slurred on the other end, but you could sense the panic regardless, “Y/n? I don’t know where I am, I was with the others but then I went to the bathroom, and I then couldn’t find anyone anymore. And this guy won’t leave me alone-”
“Gia, where are you? I’ll come get you.” You cut off her rambling, already rushing to put on your shoes, essay long forgotten. 
She hiccupped, “I’m at Macarena. I’m sorry no one else answered.” 
“No, no problem at all. I’m coming right now, Gia. Don’t move. I’m glad you called.” You comforted her. 
The club was only a twenty-minute walk from your house, and seeing as you didn’t have a car or the time to wait for public transport, it was your best option. 
You cursed yourself for not answering sooner as you rushed to get your keys, grabbing a random hoodie on the way out. 
Although summer was beginning to creep into Barcelona, the nights were still chilly with cold winds rushing through the area. 
You sped through the streets, walking with purpose as you finally reached the club. You were severely underdressed for the club wearing a random hoodie and yoga pants. You saw the line for the club was still extremely long, wrapping around the corner and you knew you had no time to waste. 
You took a deep breath, mentally preparing yourself, you were never one to break any rules or ask for any special favors, but now seemed like a good time to start. 
You walked up to the club bouncer, ignoring the nasty look the guy at the front of the queue was sending you, “Excuse me. I need to get in right away, my friend is inside alone, and I need to help her.” 
You heard the guy next to you scoff. 
The bouncer looked at you unimpressed. “Sorry sweetheart. You want to get to her, you have to wait in line.” 
You relented, “Sir please, just look at my outfit,” you said gesturing to yourself, “clearly, I’m not here to party, I just need to get my friend and leave. You can even come with me!” 
He gave you an apprehensive look, taking in your appearance, “I can’t leave my post.” 
You groaned, “Fine, then can someone else escort me? I can literally call her right now. She’s not in the right head space.” 
He squinted his eyes at you, “You look familiar.” 
It finally clicked. This is where you had gone with Gavi and his team, celebrating after they had won a final a few weeks ago. They had treated you like royalty, blocking off a whole section just for you, the club owner even making an appearance to congratulate the team.
You didn’t like to use the fact that you were dating a well-known athlete as a way to get special privileges but if it meant helping your friend then you would do it. 
“Yeah, I was in VIP a few weeks ago. I know the owner, so please let me in.”
“What’s his name?” 
You racked your brain trying to think of that night, “Santiago. It was Santiago!” You replied, finally remembering. 
The bouncer gave you a once over before he finally nodded begrudgingly, “Fine – but be quick.” 
You heard the other people in line begin to argue but you quickly thanked the bouncer, rushing inside, not wanting to wait long enough for him to change his mind. 
God bless Gavi.
The place was packed, bodies pressed together so closely that you had to squeeze in between heavily making out couples and groups of friends to make your way to the middle. The strobe lights were going crazy, changing every few seconds to the beat of the music. There was a DJ booth twenty feet above the crowd playing EDM Spanish music and the crowd was going insane, chanting along. 
You hit your head on your forehead as you realized you forgot to ask her where she was. 
You pulled out your phone, letting out a breath of relief when she answered, “I’m here Gia. Where are you?” 
“I’m at- I said no, stop, I’m at the bar.” She huffed. You felt your anxiety rise, who was she talking to? 
“Ok, I’m coming.” 
You pushed through the throngs of people, finally spotting the bar, seeing her leaning against the counter, hands flying as she argued with someone. 
You walked towards them hearing the tail end of their conversation, a bad feeling in your stomach.
“Gia!” You yelled, coming to stand next to her. 
She gave you a relieved look, falling into you, the effort of standing up being too much. 
You caught her, hugging her back. 
“Oh wow – two for one. I got a buddy that would love you.” 
You steadied Gia looking up to see the guy she was talking with giving you a smirk. 
You held his gaze, annoyed, “No thanks. We’re leaving now.” 
You went to turn but he caught your wrist pulling you back, the drink in his hand sloshing,
“Woah, don’t go yet, the fun’s just getting started. Look my buddies are in VIP we can hook you up.” 
You yanked your hand away, giving him a disgusted look, “First don’t touch me. Second, we’re leaving.” 
“You’re not leaving.” He persisted. 
You raised an eyebrow, “Fucking watch me.” 
He reached for you again, but you were prepared, grabbing his hand, and flinging it off you, as you weaved into the crowd, ignoring his shouts. 
You let out a breath as you stepped outside of the club, grateful for the cold air after sweating through your hoodie in the packed club. 
You adjusted your hold on Gia, holding her waist as you started the trek back to your apartment. 
She stumbled over her steps as you walked, giggling, “Oh my god Y/n your bleeding!” 
You gave her a confused look, dragging her, “What?” 
She giggled again, reaching for your hoodie, “It’s coming from your stomach, look it’s red!” She pointed at your shirt. 
You looked down and you stopped in your tracks, breath hitching as you began to panic, “Oh shit Gia I’m wearing Gavi’s hoodie!” 
She stopped as well, letting go of you as she plopped onto the ground, staring up at you,
“So? He’s going to be so mad at me. That dick spilled his drink on me. This is a white hoodie – who knows if it will come out?” You stressed.
“It’s-" she hiccupped, “fine.” 
You shook your head, “No It’s not it’s his favorite hoodie, I didn’t even realize I was wearing it. Fuck, I have to clean as soon as we get home.” 
You started walking before you realized she wasn’t following you. 
You turned around to see her slumped against the sidewalk, eyes closed. 
You rushed to her side, shaking her, “Gia? Gia, are you okay?” 
She hummed, “I don’t feel so good.” 
“Can you walk? We’re almost halfway there.” You asked, helping her sit up so she was leaning against you. 
She groaned, “I’m going to throw up.” 
You looked around anxiously, unsure of what to do. You had left the main strip of clubs and restaurants, and were now on a back road, walking in an area that was dimly lit and that you weren’t too familiar with. 
“I can call an Uber.” 
You reached into your pocket, cursing yourself as you realized you had forgotten your wallet in the rush to get to the club. 
“Shit, I don’t have my wallet. Do you have yours?” 
“Antonio.” She groaned, leaning her head against your shoulder. 
You let out a huff, contemplating what to do. You attempted to get her to stand up once again, desperate to get out of the area, but she couldn’t stand, and you weren’t strong enough to carry her the rest of the way. You chewed on your lip debating a solution, but you didn’t want to do it unless it was the absolute, last, last resort. 
You spent the next five minutes calling all your friends, but no one answered. You groaned, frustrated, knowing you had run out of options. 
You heard your friend beginning to doze off and you shook her, “Gia stay awake.” 
She moaned, “Y/n I really don’t feel good. I don’t know what’s wrong.” 
Your finger hovered over the contact, and you finally pressed it, feeling the guilt build inside. 
It rang seven times before going to voicemail. You called back. 
On the third ring, the line finally connected, 
“Y/n? Why are you calling me so late?” Gavi’s voice was thick with sleep, his words murmured. 
Hearing his voice sent a pang of relief through you, and suddenly you didn’t feel so alone,
“Gavi I’m sorry. I really need your help.” 
He was up in an instant, wide awake, “What’s wrong?” 
“I’m stuck in the middle of the road with Gia. She got drunk and I went to get her but now I’m worried there’s something wrong. She can’t get up and we’re all alone. I don’t have any money. I called our friends, but no one answered, I-I didn’t know what to do.” You rushed out. 
You heard his breath accelerate on the other end of the line, “Ok don’t worry baby I’m coming. Send me your address, everything’s going to be okay. Just stay on the phone with me.” He reassured you. 
You nodded before realizing he couldn’t see you, “Thank you so much Gavi.”
You heard his car door open, “Anytime. If anything happens like this again you call me first, okay?” 
You stayed on the phone with him, rubbing Gia’s shoulder to comfort her, readjusting her whenever she began to doze off. 
Finally, you saw a familiar car pull onto the street, and you waved your hands, trying to get him to see you. 
The car made a quick turn and then Gavi was rushing out, a worried look on his face, 
“Oh thank god you’re okay. I was so worried.” 
“I’m so sorry for waking you. Thank you for coming.” 
“Y/n stop apologizing.” He said, helping you carry Gia to the car. 
Upon feeling that she was being lifted, her eyes shot open, “Y/n what’s going on?”
She glanced over to her left seeing Gavi before she turned to look at you, it took two seconds for her eyes to widen and then she was whipping her head back, “Gavi? The hell y-you doing here?” 
You giggled at her abruptness, “I had to call for help.” 
She turned to you, snuggling into your shoulder affectionately, “You’re the best Y/n. She was a rockstar today.” She spoke, as you both pushed her into the car. 
Gavi raised his eyebrow at you as you both got in, “A rockstar eh?” 
You rolled your eyes, “She’s just spewing nonsense.” 
Gia groaned in the back, hands clumsily coming to slap your shoulder, “Ehh don’t lie Y/n. You should have seen the way she talked to those guys – even I was scared.” 
You saw Gavi’s grip on the steering wheel tighten, his posture stiffened as he looked over at you,
“Guys? What guys?” 
You opened your mouth to reply but Gia beat you to it. 
“This one guy, he kept trying to get me to come with him, but then Y/n was like no way we’re leaving, and then he started hitting on her, but then he tried to grab her, and she karate chopped his hand! He was so embarrassed!” 
You felt yourself blushing at her recollection of events, “I did not karate chop his hand!” 
“Yes, you did. It was like in midair when he was talking about his friend that liked you, and then I blinked, and it was gone!”
“Did he try anything?” Gavi’s voice was hard, as he looked at you.
You shook your head, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder, “No don’t worry. We were fine.” 
You felt his body relax under your touch, and one of his hands came to grip your own, “You should have called me sooner. I’m sorry you had to deal with that asshole.” 
You felt your heart flutter at his words, “Don’t worry I handled it. But thank you, next time I will.” 
Soon you were pulling up to your apartment and hauling Gia up your steps. 
“I really wish we had an elevator right now.” Gia groaned as she was being half pulled, half carried up the steps. 
You made eye contact with Gavi after hearing her statement, and you had to bite your cheek not to laugh out loud, 
“You and me both G.”
Finally, you reached your apartment, and all let out a sigh of relief as she fell onto your bed, passing out almost immediately. 
You cringed as you saw her head land centimeters away from the sharp edge of one of your textbooks. 
You reached over, clearing the space so she was able to sleep without the risk of a concussion. 
You looked up once the area was cleaned to see Gavi looking at you intently, a weird expression on his face almost like he was stuck in his thoughts. 
“What? Is everything okay?” You asked unsure, looking down at yourself. 
That’s when you realized. 
You were still wearing his hoodie, the one that had a massive red stain on it now thanks to the jackass at the club. 
You had completely forgotten about it. 
You quickly apologized, “Gavi I’m so sorry. Gia called and I was so worried so I grabbed the first thing I could find – and then the guy kept grabbing me and had this drink – anyways,” you let out a huff, “I’m really really sorry, I can buy you a new one.” 
Gavi stared at you in surprise, shocked by your outburst, “Y/n relax. It’s okay.”
“I’m sorry I know how much you love this sweatshirt.” 
Gavi shook his head slightly smiling, you were just so adorable, and he physically couldn’t hold back the words he’d been dying to say any longer, “I love you more though, so it’s fine.” 
“Wha-what?” You stumbled over your words, clearly not expecting such a big revelation.
“I said I love you.” He said it with so much confidence, almost like he was reciting a fact, something that couldn’t be changed, and you melted a little at how sure he sounded. 
You didn’t know what to say, your brain still playing those three words on a loop. He loved you. He had said it first. 
The silence stretched on and now it was his turn to get nervous, “Is that okay?”
Your mouth was still open in shock, but you quickly recovered, 
“Yo-you love me?” Your voice cracked. 
“Well, yeah… why would I not?” He asked, eyes locked on yours.
You shook your head, a smile gracing your features as you took a step closer to him, “I love you too, and I’m sorry-”
He cut you off with a sweet kiss, pulling you closer into him, as he slid his hands under the sweatshirt, fingers gently squeezing the soft flesh of your hips. 
Your lips moved in sync and your hands went to play with his hair, gently tugging. 
You heard him let out a groan and you bit his bottom lip instinctively. 
He pulled away out of breath, a dazed look in his eyes, “Joder, you can ruin all my hoodies if this is how you apologize.” He muttered breathlessly. 
You rolled your eyes, smiling as he brought you back into him for another kiss. 
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corroded-hellfire · 2 years
Where The Heart Is, Part 2 - Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: After meeting Eddie over Thanksgiving break, the two of you only want to become closer with one another. You can read part one here.
Note: The response I got to the first part of this truly blew me away. I never expected so many people to leave comments or send me messages, and I just want you all to know how much it means to me. I wasn’t sure if I would continue it or not, because part of me liked where I ended it, but after so many requests, I decided to go further with these two. I have to thank @munson-blurbs​ for helping me the many times I got writer’s block!
Warnings: phone sex, smut, p in v, oral f! receiving, mentions of trauma, mentions of bad family life, general upside down-related unpleasantness 
Words: 17.9k (Whoa.)
[Part 3 | Where The Heart Is masterlist]
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The first thing you do when you see your roommate walk into your dorm after returning from Thanksgiving break is tell her to not ignore the phone if it rings. She gives you a funny look, like you’re weird for assuming she’d ignore it at all. But you know her, and if she doesn’t feel like doing something, she won’t. That includes answering the phone. 
“Who’s calling you?” she asks. Shelby has a talent for making basic questions sound like insults. Though you have to concede that it is true that no one has ever called you before.
“His name is Eddie.”
Suddenly, she’s interested.
“A boy?” she asks, yet again making it sound like an offensive question. 
“Yeah, a boy,” you say. You’re putting the last of your clothes away that you’d brought with you to Hawkins and with each piece you touch, a memory of what you did in it comes to mind. A smile grows on your lips as you pick up the blue sweater you wore when you met Eddie. The soft material gets a small squeeze in your hand before you hang it up.
“You met a guy in Iowa?” Shelby asks as she tosses her suitcase on her bed.
“Indiana,” you correct her. “Yeah, one of Nancy’s friends.”
“And he’s going to call you?”
“Yes,” you say as you roll your eyes, head in your closet. “We really hit it off.”
“Huh,” Shelby muses and you have the urge to strangle her with the pair of tights you just picked up. 
Luckily, Shelby decides to stay with her boyfriend in his room for the night, so you can rest from your trip in peace. When the night passes by without Eddie calling, you’re a little disappointed, but also understand because you just saw him this morning. Maybe you were becoming a little obsessed. You sprawl out flat on your back on your bed and stare up at the ceiling. Why is this how it goes? You don’t have feelings for a guy in what feels like forever, then you get hit harder than you could’ve ever possibly imagined you could fall for someone. Thoughts start spinning around your head too loudly for you to possibly get some sleep, so you grab your Walkman from your desk and settle in under your blankets. When you press play, the sound of Queen fills your ears, and you end up falling asleep with an easy smile on your lips. 
Alarm startling you awake, noise no longer coming from your headphones since the tape had finished during the night, you jump and clutch at your sheets. Letting the adrenaline that’s surging through your veins abate, you lay back and throw an arm over your eyes. Afraid of falling back to sleep, you push yourself up and start to get ready. You take care to layer up, knowing the biting cold waiting for you once you step outside. Though your black coat looks good when you inspect yourself in the mirror, you can’t help but think Eddie’s leather jacket would look even better. 
A gentle snow falls down as you step out of your dorm building, but the harsh wind blows the flakes so fast they sting as they hit your face. You pull your scarf up over your mouth and nose as you make the trek to the English building. As far as early morning Monday classes go, there were far worse ones to have than English. 
You’ve finished reading the book you were assigned for the class far ahead of schedule, so the discussion doesn’t hold your attention since everyone is behind you and discussing plot points you already know the resolutions to. Your mind drifts and starts with pleasant thoughts of Eddie, but eventually your own insecurities chime in and make you wonder if he meant it at all when he said he’d call you. Were you dumb for believing him? Did he just want to have a girl to make out with over Thanksgiving and you’d fit the bill? 
It’s still going through your mind when you join Nancy for lunch before your last class of the day, which you share with your friend. 
“Can I ask you something?” you ask as you sit down across from her in the dining hall.
“You know you can.” She shoots you a smile before taking a bite of her sandwich. 
You scratch your nail across your napkin, watching your finger leave holes in its wake. It’s easier for you not to meet her eyes as you speak.
“Did Eddie really like me? Or was I being dumb?”
Nancy stops chewing and lets her sandwich fall back to the plate.
“What? Are you kidding me?”
Your eyes glance up at her before looking into your cup of soda. 
“I mean, like, does he treat all girls like this? Am I stupid for thinking I’m special?”
“Look at me.” When you don’t, she reaches over and taps your wrist. “Look. At. Me.” You tilt your head up and meet her eyes. She looks like she wants to throttle you and it makes you shrink under her gaze. “You really think I’d play a part in something that wasn’t real? You think I’d just let him come over in the middle of the night or that I wouldn’t stop him from flirting with you so much if I knew he was just treating you like he treats other girls?” 
Shame fills you as you drop your eyes and shake your head. You hadn’t thought about it that way, caught up in your own head and your own insecurities. But Nancy was nothing if not a good friend and she deserved better than to be thought of like that.
“I’m sorry, Nancy, it’s not what I meant,” you say. “You’re right, you would never do anything like that. Ever. I guess I’m just second guessing myself now that I’m back in reality. It kind of feels like Eddie was just some dream I came up with.”
Nancy sighs and picks her sandwich up again. She takes another bite and swallows it before she speaks.
“I get it,” she says. “When I first came here and left Steve back home, I had a hundred negative thoughts running through my mind. And we’ve got years of history and I know you and Eddie only had a few days. Look, I know I told you that I’ve never seen you the way I saw you with Eddie. But I guess I didn’t tell you that I’ve never seen him like that either. Now, to be fair, I haven’t known him well for very long. But when you go through the kind of shit we went through together you do get to know someone well quickly. And as for other girls? I’ve never even heard him talk about a girl before.”
“Oh, come on,” you say with a little laugh. “Look at him. Like he’s never had a girl before?”
“I never said he never had a girl,” Nancy says, shaking her head. “But I’ve never heard him talk about one before. And Eddie is not the kind of guy to play girls. If he tells you he cares about you, he means it. He’s very sincere. Too honest sometimes, if I'm being truthful.”
The smile that comes to your face is involuntary and you try to hide it by taking a sip of your drink. Nancy sees it anyway, but decides not to comment on it, but smiles to herself. You go to take a bite of your mashed potatoes but have to ask one more question first. 
“You don’t think I’m crazy, do you? Getting so attached so quickly?”
Nancy shakes her head as she swallows the bite of food currently in her mouth.
“You’re not crazy at all. If you two were talking about going off to Vegas and eloping, I’d be worried. But giving him your phone number? Hardly something drastic to do when you like a guy.” 
“I feel crazy,” you admit with a laugh. You drop your fork and rub your hands over your face. 
“It is kind of fun for me.” Your friend smirks at you and raises an eyebrow. “Seeing you all riled up like this. So unlike you.”
“It’s why I feel crazy!”
Nancy laughs. “Oh, you’re fine.”
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The first day back to classes wears you out. You drag yourself back to your dorm after dinner and collapse on your bed. The winter sun setting earlier in the day makes you want to curl up in bed and call it a night. But your clock tells you it’s only a little after seven.
“I don’t want to be productive,” you mumble into your pillow. 
You kick your boots off and force yourself up to switch your things out of your backpack for your classes tomorrow. If you went to bed without doing it, you know you’d end up forgetting in the morning. Luckily, Shelby hasn’t come back to your room so far, but you know it’s only a matter of time. 
The phone rings and your textbook slips out of your hand, landing on the tile floor with a loud thud. You trip over it on the way to the shelf between your and Shelby’s beds, snatching the phone up.
“Hello?” you ask.
Your body practically drops to the floor in relief, grinning to yourself as you sit with your back against the wall and tuck your legs up against your body.
“You sound scared,” you say with a giggle.
Eddie laughs and the sound sends butterflies throughout your body.
“I was scared I was going to get the bitchy roommate!”
“Just me, unfortunately.”
“Bite your tongue,” he says. “You’re the only person I’ve wanted to talk to since we said goodbye at the airport.”
If Shelby were there, she would make fun of you for the rest of the semester for the dopey grin on your face. 
“Actually,” Eddie admits, and his voice has gotten quieter. “I wanted to call you last night, but I thought that’d be kind of clingy of me.”
“Honestly? When I was lying in bed last night, I wished you would call.” 
“Aw shit, sweetheart,” Eddie says. “You sound just about as lovesick as I am.”
“Lovesick,” you repeat. “That’s a good word for it.” 
You hear a breath of laughter on the other end of the line, and you close your eyes to picture what him laughing looks like. His eyes crinkle in the corners and all his bright teeth gleam in happiness. 
“How was your first day back?” he asks.
“Exhausting,” you say. “But it’s much better now.”
Eddie groans and the sound should worry you, but it sends heat running south in your body instead. 
“You talk all sweet like that and I’m gonna miss you even more,” he says. 
Your socked feet tap up and down on the floor in glee and you wrap your arm around your knees. 
“Harder to miss me if you’re talking to me,” you say.
“I’m closing my eyes and pretending you’re here next to me.”
“Eddie,” you say with a dreamy sigh. “You’re going to be the death of me.”
“Me? Be the death of you?” He sounds exasperated by the very idea. 
“I said what I said.”
Eddie laughs and it solidifies itself as your official favorite sound in the world. 
“Do I sound too desperate if I say I want to call you every night?” Eddie asks.
“No more desperate than me,” you say. “But you should go out and have fun with your friends, too.”
“Yeah, I s’pose the Hellfire guys would be kind of pissed if I just stopped showing up,” he says. 
“Mhmm,” you hum. “As much as I want to steal you, I don’t think that’d be very fair.”
“Oh princess, you have my full permission to steal me anytime you want to.”
The nickname quickens your heart rate and a buzz tingles down your limbs. 
The doorknob to your room turns and you must let out a groan because Eddie asks you what’s wrong. 
“Bitch incoming,” you whisper just before the door opens. 
Shelby strolls in and gives you a dirty look for sitting on the floor. You choose to ignore her and close your eyes to focus on your conversation.
“Tell her I said she better be nice to you,” Eddie says.
“I don’t think that would work,” you answer.
“Have Nancy kick her ass.”
You laugh and rest your forehead down on your knees.
“She’s tiny but she definitely could,” you say.
“I have homework to do,” Shelby says as she slams a textbook down on her desk. 
Eddie must be able to hear her because he scoffs in your ear.
“What crawled up her ass and died?” he asks.
“I can think of a lot of things,” you mumble, and it makes him laugh. 
“I don’t want to cause any problems,” Eddie says. “How about I call you tomorrow night, hmm? I get off work at six - uh, that’s seven there. So, I’ll call when I get home?”
“Promise?” you ask. 
“Cross my heart, gorgeous.”
“Okay,” you say. “I guess I’ll talk to you then.”
“Bye, sweetheart.”
“Bye, Eddie.”
 During the next phone call, you make sure to get Eddie’s number so the burden doesn’t always fall on him to call. But no matter who is calling who, you manage to talk to each other at least four days a week. It’s usually more, but sometimes it’s not as often as you’d both like because Eddie has Hellfire or you have a meeting with your baking club, which Nancy had encouraged you to join earlier in the semester. You’d always enjoyed baking, but never got a chance to properly try it out, but with her encouragement, you signed up. 
A week to go before Christmas break, Shelby has thankfully gone to spend the night with her boyfriend again, so you have the room to yourself the whole night to talk with Eddie. There hasn’t been a Friday night you’ve both been able to stay up late together since Eddie’s had to work Saturday mornings the last few weeks. Most students from your floor were out at bars, clubs, or somewhere else you wouldn’t want to be caught dead at, but you knew for a fact that Nancy was in the same position as you - curled up in your bed, wearing your comfiest clothes - and talking to her boyfriend at the other end of the hall. 
“Okay,” Eddie says once you’ve been on the phone for a little over two hours. “There’s something I want to ask you.”
“Alright,” you say, tugging your blanket up to your chin in the cool dorm. “What’s up?”
“Well,” Eddie starts. There’s a hitch in his voice and you realize this is the first time you’ve heard him sound a little nervous. “You can totally say no. I don’t want you to think I’m pressuring you or trying to make you feel like you have to, o-or…”
“Eddie,” you cut him off with a laugh. “What is it?”
He takes a deep breath and your tummy buzzes in anticipation. 
“I was wondering if you’d want to come visit for Christmas, maybe?” His voice kept getting higher the further along in the question he got. 
“Oh, Eddie, I’d love to,” you say. The smile on your face is so wide it’s hurting your cheeks. “But I don’t want to just assume I’m welcome back at Nancy’s house.”
“Oh, no, no!” Eddie says. “I meant like…do you want to come stay with me?”
The breath catches in your chest and your mouth freezes, unable to form words. Somehow, the breath dislodges itself and you huff what sounds like between a sigh and a laugh.
“You want me to come stay with you?” you ask.                  
“I sure do.” He says it with such confidence that it makes your eyes water. “Wayne wants to meet you real bad. He said he’s heard enough about you that he feels like he knows you already.”
“Aww, do you talk about me?” you can’t help but tease him despite the strong stinging blush on your cheeks.
“Every chance I get,” Eddie says.
“You really are the sweetest,” you say with a content sigh.
“Does that mean you’ll come?” he asks, voice hiking up in hopefulness. 
“Well, I have to go home to see my niece, but I’m seeing her next week,” you say.
“You’re leaving on Friday, right?” Eddie double checks. “Right after your last exam?”
“I am,” you say. Your eyes scan around your dorm room, half packed up with things you’re taking back with you to New Hampshire next week. “And I’m seeing my sister and niece on Tuesday and Wednesday. But after that? If you really want me to, I’d love to come for Christmas.”
“Oh, thank God,” Eddie lets out in a rush. “Because I miss you so much.”
You grin to yourself and curl up on your side. 
“I miss you too,” you tell him quietly. 
“Yeah?” Eddie asks, and there’s an edge to his voice that sends a shiver up your spine.
“Yeah,” you say, voice going lower. 
“Mmm,” Eddie hums and your thighs clench together at the sound. “How much?”
“So much,” you tell him as you roll onto your back. “So much it hurts.”
“Hurts where, baby?” The pitch of his voice lowering makes you bite your lip and slide a hand down your chest. God, you hope this is going where you think it’s going.
“My heart,” you start off. “And…other places.”
Eddie’s groan gives you the last hint of motivation you need to slip your hand down your sweatpants. 
“What places, baby?”
The nickname has you slipping your hand into your panties as well. 
“Gonna make me say it?” you ask, breath becoming labored. There’s material rustling on the other end of the phone and the thought of Eddie in the same position as you has you arching your back. 
“Mhmm,” Eddie hums, his own breaths coming quicker. “Wanna hear you.”
“Fuck,” you moan out softly as you start to slide your fingers through your folds. You’d touched yourself countless times since coming home from Indiana, but never while talking to Eddie.
“What’re you doing, sweetheart?” Eddie asks. His voice is rough and ragged, and it only makes you wetter. 
“Got my hand down my panties,” you tell him, cheeks burning at the admission.
He lets out a moan as your middle finger rubs right over your clit, the combination leading you to moan out as well.
“What’re y-you doing?” you ask once you’ve slightly recovered. 
“Dick in my hand,” Eddie stutters out. 
“Wish I was there to see,” you tell him, and he chokes on a laugh.
“Fuck, me too, baby,” he says. “What else would you do if you were here?”
The nastiest thoughts flash through your mind and, surprisingly, you don’t feel the need to hide them from Eddie. He makes you feel at ease, even stepping out of your comfort zone like this.
“Shit, I’d lick you from base to tip.” The small noises coming from the back of Eddie’s throat encourage you. “I’m not sure how good of a gag reflex I have but I’d let you test that out on me as much as you’d like. Over and over. And I’d swallow every last drop you gave me. Fuck, bet you have a pretty dick.”
“Not as pretty as your pussy must be, baby,” he answers.
You bite your lip and let out a whimper. The sound of Eddie’s slick hand working over himself comes through the phone and you slip a finger inside of yourself. 
“Bet you taste fucking perfect, too,” Eddie adds, and your hips canter off the mattress. 
“What would you do if I was there?” you ask. “Taste me?”
“Oh, fuck, yes. Shit, I’d devour you like you were my last meal. How would you want me to touch you, baby? Tell me.”
“Everywhere,” you whine out with a pathetic moan. “I want your hands all over my body. Maybe squeeze at my tits as you go down on me. Would you like that?”
The growl you get in response tells you that he would. 
“Hell yes, baby. Shit. Bet you’re so tight. First, so tight around my tongue and fingers. Then my cock. Squeezing me so well. Like a good fucking girl.”
“God, you’re killing me,” you say with a breathy laugh, working your middle finger in and out of your pussy. 
“Feeling’s mutual, princess,” Eddie groans out. “Rub your clit for me, baby?”
You don’t need to be told twice. You slip your finger out of your drenched core and run it over your clit, applying the perfect pressure as you rub back and forth.
“I-I am,” you whimper. 
The sounds of Eddie’s heavy breaths and fist gliding over his cock keep you company as you work yourself closer to the edge. Sweat is making your sweatshirt stick to your stomach and rub against your sensitive nipples, but you can’t bring yourself to take your other hand off the phone to take it off. Eddie’s sounds are addicting, and you don’t want to miss a second of them. 
“Fuck, baby, I’m so close,” Eddie whines.
“Uh huh,” he says. “Was half hard the moment I heard your voice.” 
His words make you moan and rub tighter circles over your throbbing clit. 
“Eddie,” you whine.
“Gonna make me cum even faster, gorgeous,” he says. 
“Do it,” you sigh out. “Want to cum with you.”
“Close, princess?”
“Uh huh.”
“Come on, baby,” Eddie says. “Fuck, can’t wait to do this in person.”
“Shit, Eddie,” you cry out at his words. “M’gonna cum.”
“Let go, sweetheart,” he moans. 
You cry out as your back arches off the bed, orgasm overtaking you. Eddie’s groan and whimper from the other end of the phone lets you know he’s cumming too, and the image has you rubbing your clit even quicker to milk your orgasm out. 
Breaths coming out in heavy pants, your body collapses back against the bed. You giggle to yourself when you hear Eddie breathing the same way that you are. 
“Still with me?” you ask. 
“Yeah,” Eddie says between breaths. “Fuck, that was good.” 
“Oh yeah,” you agree. Using the back of your wrist, you wipe some sweat off your forehead as you cuddle back against your pillow. “Now, what was that about doing this in person?”
“Huh?” Eddie asks, breath and voice slowly returning to normal. “Shit, I didn’t mean to-.”
“Eddie!” You laugh as he starts to ramble. “I was going to say I was looking forward to it.”
“Oh.” Relief is evident in his voice. He lets out an awkward chuckle and you can hear fabric rustling from his end. You imagine him tucking himself back in his pants and you lick over your lips. “Well, I mean, we don’t have a guest room. So, if you’re gonna be staying here you’ve only got the one option.”
You can practically hear the smirk in his voice, and you close your eyes to picture it. His hair is probably all messy over his pillow with sweat making a few pieces stick to his forehead. 
“Slumber party, huh?” 
“Only if you want, baby,” Eddie says. “I wouldn’t force you to do anything.”
“I know that,” you assure him. “I guess I should tell you something, though.”
“Anything, sweetheart. You know that.”
After what the two of you just did together you should not be feeling nervous with him. But you can’t help it as your thumb comes up to your mouth and you gnash your teeth against the corner of your nail. 
“What we just did is the farthest I’ve ever gone,” you tell him. “I’m a virgin, Eddie.”
“Oh, is that all?” Eddie says and you feel your heart relax. 
“I didn’t think you’d care,” you get out in a rush. “Just can be a weird topic to talk about.”
“That’s true,” Eddie says. “So, it’s good you brought it up, because now I can tell you that I’m a virgin too.”
“Really?” you say before thinking better of it. You squeeze your eyes closed because you can’t imagine how that must’ve sounded. “I-I just mean I’m surprised because you’re like…ridiculously hot. And I have a hard time believing girls wouldn’t throw themselves at you. Especially at your shows.”
Eddie laughs and it’s both genuine and self-deprecating. 
“You flatter me, baby,” he says. “But our shows usually consisted of an audience of half a dozen barflies until I met Nancy and the crew.”
“No groupies?” you ask.
“Not a one.”
“Well,” you say with a shrug, even though Eddie can’t see you. “I’d be happy to be a Corroded Coffin groupie.” 
“Is that so?” he muses. 
“Please, sir?” You bite your lip at the blush clinging to your face as you utter the words.
“Fuck,” Eddie groans and it turns into a chuckle. “You say shit like that we’re going to have to go another round.”
“Isn’t my job as a groupie to tease you?” The innocent tone of your voice isn’t lost on you nor Eddie.
“You’re really good at it already.”
Giggling, you sit up in your bed and hug your knees to your chest.
“Not to change the subject, but I’m going to before I get distracted too,” you say. “If I’m going to be there for Christmas, I’m going to have to get on buying a present for my secret Santa. Think you could give me a few ideas?”
“Sure thing, princess,” Eddie says. “Who’d you get?”
“Max,” you tell him. 
“Oh, Red’s pretty easy. She likes comics, especially Wonder Woman. She skateboards. Uh, what else? Big Kate Bush fan.”
“What about clothes?” you ask. “Jewelry?”
“Shit, I wouldn’t be able to help you out with those. She doesn’t really wear jewelry and I couldn’t even tell you what kind of clothes she wears, really. Never paid attention.”
“Hmm, okay,” you hum as you slip your feet further under your blankets. “I’ll keep all that in mind. Now, who’d you get?”
“Robin,” Eddie says with a sigh. “I have no clue what to get her.” 
“If you’re still stuck when I get there, we could always go shopping together?”
“I am the worst shopper in the history of the world,” Eddie groans. “I’d love to have you with me. I’ll hold your hand and buy you hot chocolate.”
You duck your head with a bashful laugh.
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Finals week was always hell, but you had to admit, the thought of seeing Eddie soon helped ease the pain a bit. You and Nancy spent most evenings held up in whoever’s room was free of its roommate, pouring over notes, shuffling flash cards, and quizzing each other back and forth. It pays off, the both of you feeling pretty confident once all tests are said and done. 
Nancy gives you a hug and tells you she’ll see you in a week before she catches her ride to the airport. Unfortunately, Shelby wasn’t leaving for break until the day after you, so you were forced to share the room until you’re able to get in your car and go. 
Once you do though, you realize it wasn’t really anything to look forward to. You’d either be arriving at an empty apartment, or one where your mother was. You’re not sure which is worse. Just as you’re about to pull your car onto the highway and out of Boston though, a store catches your eye, and you make a U-turn to get a closer look.
You park your car and smile to yourself as you see the custom skateboards on display in the windows. Inside the store, the boards are even nicer. The decks are all hand painted, the clerk tells you, and you’re amazed at the talent as you take in all the vibrant and beautiful works. One in particular catches your eye and you know you’ve found the right present. 
 The apartment is silent when you arrive home. The only noises are from the surrounding tenant’s homes. There’s Christmas music playing somewhere a few doors down and someone on the floor above you has their shower running. The smell of stale air wafts through the rooms and you wonder when the last time your mom cracked a window was. 
You drag your suitcase to your small room in the corner of the apartment and flop down on your twin-sized bed. It smells just as stale as the air, so you get up and decide to throw your blankets and some clothes from your closet into the laundry.
It’s well after dark when your mom arrives home, and if you were expecting to be greeted with excitement, you were wrong. Luckily, experience had taught you not to hold your breath on that. A hug hello, some vague questions about school, then she’s off to bed. Not that you mind at all. In fact, you decide to get comfortable in your bed of clean sheets and try to get some sleep yourself. Burying your face in your pillow, you inhale the clean scent of the detergent you used. It’s a nice smell, but it gives you an even better idea. You roll onto your back and smile to yourself as you stare up at the ceiling. Eddie may not be your boyfriend, but you doubt he’d care if you borrowed a t-shirt or sweatshirt to bring back with you when school starts again. The thought of having something you could hold in your dorm bed that belongs to Eddie, his scent all over it, makes you giddy, and you let out a short giggle into the dark room.
The day you get to spend with your niece is by far the best day you have at home in New Hampshire. She’s the sweetest seven-year-old you’ve ever met in your life and the fact that she adores you warms your heart. Chloe is by far your favorite relative, even though that wasn’t a very high bar to begin with. The princess dress you gave her lit up her face in a way that brought tears to your eyes. Her hug was bone-crushing for such a small child, and you took advantage of every second of it. The only reason you don’t cry as you say goodbye to her and your sister is because you know you’re seeing Eddie very soon. 
“What are you doing for Christmas?” Chloe had asked you as you tossed your bag into your car. You sat down sideways in the driver’s seat and pulled her over to hold her tiny hands in your own.
“I’m going to see a friend for Christmas,” you told her.
“His name is Eddie.”
“Is he your boyfriend?” Her face wrinkled up in an adorable and excited seven-year-old fashion. It made you laugh, and you pressed a kiss to her cheek.
“Maybe.” He wasn’t technically, but you weren’t about to explain the complexities to her. Plus, after your upcoming trip, he might be. 
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The escalator leading down to the baggage claim level in the Indianapolis airport moves far too slowly for your liking. Everyone else seems content with the pace, but you’re practically buzzing with nervous energy. The family in front of you can’t move fast enough out of your way as they step off, leaving you irritated as you try to navigate your way around them. You manage to get clear of the crowd without smacking anyone with your backpack and make your way over to where Eddie will be waiting. 
“Excuse me, miss,” you hear from behind you. “But I can’t help but notice how devastatingly gorgeous you are.” The smile on your face as you turn around at the familiar voice is so wide it feels like it’s going to fall off your face. “Do you think I could interest you in spending Christmas with me?”
Eddie’s grin matches your own and you fling yourself in his arms. He catches you with a joyful laugh, managing to slip his hands under your backpack so he can lift you up. A squeal leaves your lips as you wrap your legs around his adorably tiny waist, and the two of you squeeze one another so hard you’re surprised you don’t meld into one body. 
“I missed you so much,” Eddie mumbles into your hair.
“I missed you, too,” you say. You pull back to look at him, infectious grin still on his face as he holds you. Taking his face between your hands, you press a firm kiss on his lips. He chuckles against your mouth, and you press a few more quick pecks to his lips before you unwrap your legs from his body. He sets you down and you bounce up and down on the balls of your feet. 
“How are you even more beautiful than I remember?” Eddie asks as he tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
“I guess the same way that you’re even more handsome than I remember,” you answer. 
Eddie rests his forehead against yours and gives your lips one more peck. He slips his hand into yours and you lace your fingers together. 
“Let's go get your bag,” Eddie says.
Gentlemanly as ever, Eddie carries your bags to his van and loads them in the back. Before he lets you get in though, he takes advantage of the empty parking garage around you and gently presses you up against the passenger door. The devilish smirk he sends you makes your tummy buzz and your toes curl in your boots. He leans in and presses his lips against yours in a searing kiss, knocking the breath from your lungs. Your arms come up to wind around his neck, fingers coming up to tangle in the hair at the base of his neck. His tongue licks across your top lip and you gladly open them to him. The van is cold against your back, but Eddie’s warming you up plenty. His hands rest on your hips, thumbs rubbing up against the soft material of your coat. You never knew a gray concrete parking garage could be so romantic. 
On the ride to Eddie’s, neither of you shuts up. If someone had told you that you’d meet someone who you would talk to on the phone for hours at a time multiple days a week, but still find things to talk about all the time, you wouldn’t have believed them. But there were never silences, let alone awkward ones, with Eddie. As you got closer to his place you actually had a twenty-minute conversation about the shoes Eddie was wearing. 
“Shit, I forgot to ask you,” Eddie says, suddenly seeming a little nervous. “Nancy and Steve want to have lunch with us tomorrow afternoon. That okay with you?”
“Of course,” you tell him. He doesn’t seem relaxed by your answer, so you reach over and put your hand on his shoulder. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” Eddie says with a nod, but you’re not convinced. 
“What, are you nervous to go on a double date?” you ask with a chuckle.
He smiles over at you and reaches up to grab the hand you placed on him. He gives it a squeeze before putting it back on the wheel.
“Never nervous to spend time with you, baby. Oh, I should tell you,” Eddie says as you drive past the sign welcoming you to Hawkins. “Wayne took the night off from work tonight. He wants to have dinner with you, it being your first day here and all.”
“Aw, that’s so sweet,” you say, smiling over at him. 
“It’ll probably be pizza, nothing fancy,” Eddie says with a shrug.
“Pizza is better than fancy every time, Eddie. Duh,” you say. “I’m kind of nervous to meet your uncle though, to be honest.”
Eddie lets out a laugh and shakes his head. 
“Nervous to meet Wayne? Oh sweetheart, trust me, nothing to be nervous about. He likes to act like a hardass with me, but he’s a teddy bear deep down.”
“Okay,” you say, and take a deep breath.
Eddie’s quiet for a moment before he speaks again.
“It does mean though…” he trails off and you look at him in concern.
“What? What’s wrong?” you ask.
“I mean, with Wayne there I don’t really think we should, ya know-.”
You cut him off with a laugh and shake your head. 
“Eddie, baby,” you say, and you notice him flush at the nickname. “I’m going to be here for a while. We have plenty of time for all that fun stuff. A lot of it.”
Eddie groans and gently bangs his head against his headrest.
“Fuck, you’re killing me,” he says through a chuckle. 
“Oh yeah?” Your voice hikes up at the end and Eddie clocks the way you adjust your crossed legs, thighs squeezing closer together.
“Been half hard since I saw you,” he admits, cheeks turning even darker. 
“I mean, I could help you with that,” you say, cheeks flaming red yourself. 
“Sweetheart, you don’t have to do that.”
“I want to.” You blush even redder at how quickly you replied. “You’ll need to tell me what to do, though. Like, h-how you like it. I’ve never done this before.”
“Shit, baby,” Eddie says, and you squeeze your legs together even tighter at the endearment. “I doubt you could do anything I wouldn’t like. But yeah, I’ll talk you through it.” 
Eddie pulls the van up to a red light and you unbuckle your seatbelt and lean over closer to him. Your hand goes to reach for his zipper when the van is jerked from behind. Eddie immediately reaches out to grab you since you’re not wearing your seatbelt, and he curses under his breath as the vehicle gently rocks back and forth from the hit.
“Someone hit the van?” You’re almost positive that’s what happened, but your head was a bit dazed from thoughts of what you were about to do. 
“Yeah,” Eddie says as he puts the van in park. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” you say as you get back in your seat. “Are you?”
“Fine. Just pissed.” Eddie sighs before he opens the driver’s door. “I’ll be right back. You stay nice and warm in here, princess.”
Eddie slams the door behind him and after a few moments you hear him yell, “Oh, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
You open the passenger side door and hop out, closing it behind you and heading to the back of the van to see what was wrong. You’re expecting horrible damage, injured people, or Eddie getting ready to kick someone’s ass. But what you see makes you laugh, and you cover your mouth with your hand to stifle the sound.
The curly-haired boy you met last month, Dustin, is getting out of the car behind the van, a grimace on his face, looking paler than you remember. An older man gets out of the passenger side with a clipboard and your eyes trail to the top of the car where there’s a red sign that says, “Student Driver.”
“Shit, Eddie,” Dustin says. “I’m so sorry. I got excited when I saw your van and then I forgot which pedal was which and I just…oh!”
Dustin sees you and grins. You chuckle and send him a small wave, but Eddie is still glaring at him.
“Are you okay?” the driving instructor asks. 
“Fine,” Eddie says, eyes not leaving Dustin. The boy shrinks under his gaze. 
“Are you okay, Dustin?” you ask.
“I’m fine.”
“For now,” Eddie growls out. 
You inspect the back of the van, but you don’t see a single scratch. Dustin’s lucky. Whoever pays his bills is lucky too because you doubt the driving school would have taken any damage lightly. 
“Should we call the police?” the instructor asks but Eddie waves him off.
“It’s fine,” Eddie says. He puts his hands on his hips and sighs. You walk over to him and put your hand on his back, rubbing gently, and it seems to calm him. 
“I’m so sorry,” Dustin says but Eddie shakes his head at the boy.
“He’ll forgive you,” you assure Dustin. “He’s just a little worked up.”
How you manage not to smirk at your double entendre, you don’t know. Eddie huffs out a chuckle though and nods his head.
“Everyone’s okay,” Eddie says with a shrug. “Plus, I know you’ll make it up to me, Henderson.”
“How?” Dustin asks.
“That’s up to you,” Eddie calls to him as he turns back towards the van, slinging his arm over your shoulders. You giggle and bury your head in Eddie’s neck as he walks you back to your door. 
“Bye, Dustin!” you shout as Eddie opens the passenger door for you.
The echo of Dustin’s responding goodbye is cut off when Eddie shuts the door. He climbs in the driver’s side and lets out a mixture of a groan and a sigh as he puts the car in drive.
“I love him,” you tell Eddie as he continues down the road. 
“He’s a pain in the ass,” Eddie says, but there’s a fond smile on his face. 
There’s a sign that comes into view that announces Forest Hills trailer park is half a mile up the road. Despite Eddie’s reassurance earlier, you start to feel the knot of anxiety in your stomach again. The only family in Eddie’s life is Wayne, so what would happen if he didn’t like you? A large hand comes over to cover yours and you realize you have been fidgeting with your fingers in your lap. Eddie’s thumb rubs over your hand and you shoot him a grateful smile.
Eddie pulls the van into the trailer park, and you look around, taking in his neighborhood.
“It’s a trailer park,” Eddie says with a chuckle. “Not much to look at.”
“This is where you live. What you see every day,” you say. “I’m interested.”
He smiles to himself as you crane your neck to take in everything. Eddie isn’t sure he’s ever had someone interested in his life like this before. Certainly there wasn’t anyone who was ever nervous about meeting his uncle. The thought of someone being nervous to meet Wayne was truly hilarious to him.
The van parks in front of the trailer and Eddie’s stomach drops as he sees you frown at the small dwelling. You’d known all along he lives in a trailer, but is it even worse than you imagined? Is it too small? Too dirty? Eddie licks over his lips and runs his hands over the steering wheel just to do something with his nervous energy.
“You don’t have any Christmas lights up,” you say, turning to face him.
Eddie’s shoulders sag in relief and a smile comes to his face.
“I guess we don’t,” he says. “I don’t think we own any, actually.”
He lets out a laugh at your affronted face and leans over to press a kiss to your cheek.
“You’re so cute,” he says.
“Don’t try to sweet talk your way out of decorations, mister.” But you can’t help but smile at his actions. 
“How about we go to the store tomorrow? You can pick out what you think looks best.”
“Wait. Are you telling me you don’t have decorations inside either?”
“We do not.”
“What about a tree?”
Eddie grimaces and your jaw drops open.
“Eddie! No tree?”
“Okay, I was planning on getting one,” he says, holding his hands up in defense. “Just haven’t yet. I usually pick up whatever’s left on the lot a few days before Christmas.”
“So, a Charlie Brown Christmas tree?” you ask.
“Pretty much,” he says. “Now come on. Let’s get inside where I can show you my room.”
You laugh as Eddie wiggles his eyebrows at you. He throws you a wink before he hops out and opens the back door to get your bags. Following him over to the steps, you rub your hands up and down your arms, partially out of coldness and partially out of nerves. Since his hands are full, you reach around and turn the doorknob for him, and he knocks the door all the way open with his hip. Eddie sets your bags down just inside the door and takes your hand in his as you step inside. He closes the door behind you as you look around the living room, taking in the mugs and hats that make up the decor. 
“My favorite mug is the Garfield one,” you tell Eddie.
“Got that when I was six,” he says. He lets go of your hand to wrap both of his arms around you from behind. He rests his chin on your shoulder and you lean back in his embrace. 
“I bet you were an adorable six-year-old,” you say. 
“I looked like little orphan Annie with the curls and all.”
You laugh but it dies in your throat as you hear footsteps coming down the hallway.
“Relax,” Eddie whispers in your ear, giving your waist a squeeze before stepping out from behind you. 
A weathered but friendly looking man steps into the living room and the smile he gives you reminds you of Eddie’s. His blue and black flannel makes you wonder if he and Eddie ever steal each other's clothes.
“Well, you must be the young lady I’ve heard so much about.”
Both you and Eddie blush at his words.
“I guess that’s me,” you say with a shrug. “It’s nice to meet you, sir.”
“Oh, please doll, no need to be so formal. Wayne is fine. It’s great to meet you too, though.” He steps forward and offers you his hand, which you shake gladly. Eddie wraps an arm around your waist and Wayne turns his gaze on his nephew.
“What took you so long, boy?”
“Had a little fender bender,” Eddie admits with a sigh. Wayne reaches over and smacks Eddie upside the head, making you cough out a laugh. “Ow, what the hell?”
“Her first day here and you’re already getting in a car accident?”
“It wasn’t my fault!” Eddie protests. 
Wayne huffs and crosses his arms across his chest.
“My apologies then.” He turns to you and leans in conspiratorially. “Boy had to take his driving test three times.”
“Okay, thank you Wayne,” Eddie says, stomping down the hallway, dragging a giggling you behind him. He tugs you into a bedroom at the end of the hall and it’s instantly recognizable as his room. 
You let his hand drop from yours as you walk around, taking in the small space.
“Believe it or not, I cleaned up,” Eddie says, scratching the back of his head.
“I believe you,” you say, shooting him a playful smirk that makes him roll his eyes. You stroll over to the Corroded Coffin banner hanging on the wall and Eddie sidles up beside you.
“I want to see your band play,” you say.
“We haven’t played together since Jeff went off to college.” Eddie tugs you against his side and presses a kiss into your hair. You lay your head on his shoulder with a smile, giddy that he keeps his hands on your every chance he gets. 
“Is he home for Christmas?” you ask.
He pulls back and looks at you, a grin sliding on his face.
“He is. You’re a genius.” He presses another kiss to your head and your cheeks heat up at this one. “Maybe the guys will want a little reunion.”
“Will you play this?” you ask, nodding to the guitar hanging adjacent to where you’re standing. 
“Sure will. She’s my sweetheart.” Your eyebrows pull together in a frown and Eddie coos at you. “Aw, baby. She’s my first sweetheart. You’re my number one sweetheart.”
When you keep frowning Eddie takes his thumb and runs it over the lines on your face. 
“What’s the difference?” you ask. 
“Well, I loved her first and I -.” His face turns beet red, and you can’t help the smile that lights up your face.
“And you what, Eddie?” you ask, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
“And I, uh.” Eddie coughs, avoiding your eyes. “I have you as my sweetheart now. I mean, um.”
As adorable as his scrambling is, you can’t take how uncomfortable he looks so you raise yourself up on your toes and press a kiss to his lips. Eddie sighs in relief against your lips and rests his hands on your hips.
“You’re cute when you ramble,” you mumble against his mouth. 
“M’glad,” he mumbles back. “You’re cute all the time.”
The doorbell rings and Eddie rests his forehead against yours.
“That’ll be the pizza,” he says. “On the one hand, I’m hungry. On the other hand, I want our mouths to be busy with different things.”
A flush comes up your body as you pull away from him. 
“Eat first, lots of kissing later,” you tell him. 
Dinner with Wayne and Eddie is nice, and you’re surprised at how funny Wayne is. He tells stories from his younger days, even making Eddie laugh as well, though he’s probably heard these stories so many times he could tell them himself. 
“So,” Wayne says as he wipes his hands off on a napkin. “Eddie tells me you go to college with the Wheeler girl?”
“I do,” you affirm. “Emerson College. I love it, but Boston is very cold right now.”
“I don’t know how much better it is here,” Eddie says, leaning to look out the window, checking for any signs of snow.
“What’re you studying?” Wayne asks.
“So, is my nephew your first patient?”
You break out into a fit of giggles and Eddie’s dropped jaw and affronted face makes you laugh even harder. Wayne lets out his own chuckle and shrugs his shoulders.
“I’ve never gotten to embarrass Eddie in front of a girl before. I’m taking full advantage of this,” Wayne says. 
“Aww, Eddie,” you coo, while still laughing, and rest your head on his shoulder.
“I’m going across the street to have dinner with Max,” Eddie says, even as he reaches for another slice of pizza.
“Max lives here?” you ask with a smile. 
“Sure does. She’s a good kid,” Wayne says. “Bit of a mouth on her, but she’s a good kid.”
“I’ll have to say hi when you’re at work one day.” You pout up at Eddie, jutting your lower lip out.
“I got a few days off though,” Eddie says, slipping an arm around you as he shoves the pizza into his mouth. “I’ll only be coming back smelling like oil and gasoline a few days.” 
“Y’all have any plans while you’re here?” Wayne asks.
“Well, I promised we’d get some decorations to make this place look more festive,” Eddie says. “Getting a tree, of course. Anything else you want to do while you’re here?”
“Nothing specific,” you say with a shrug. “Told Nancy I’d see her, of course.”
“Indiana sure ain’t known for being a tourist destination,” Wayne says.
“But I’m here,” Eddie says with a playful smirk. You know he’s joking, but he’s also right. 
“Well, I wouldn’t spend Christmas with just anyone,” you say.
“And we’re glad to have you,” Wayne says. 
“Very,” Eddie adds, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
Out of all the films that made up Eddie and Wayne’s small collection, not one was a Christmas movie. Luckily, Frosty the Snowman is on television, followed by How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Wayne reclines in his chair, and you curl up next to Eddie on the couch to watch the animated programs. Eddie’s arm is wrapped snugly around you the whole time, and he pays more attention to the fact that he’s holding you than he does to the storylines. 
As you’re getting ready for bed in the small bathroom, your tummy erupts in an excited sort of nerves at the fact that you’re sharing a bed with Eddie. A rather small bed, too. Part of you is glad it's winter and you’re wearing warm plaid pajama pants and an oversized Boston Bruins t-shirt, because you know you would’ve put pressure on yourself to wear more suggestive items to bed if it were warmer. 
You open the bathroom door, and your socked feet pad down the hall to Eddie’s room, where he’s already lounging, one arm up over his head and the other resting on his stomach. His own plaid pajamas bottoms - black, instead of the pink ones on your bottom half - sitting low on his hips and his gray faded Dio shirt making him look hotter than he had any right to be. He smiles when you walk in and lifts his hips up so he can pull down the blankets for the both of you. There’s a pleasant buzzing sensation in your limbs as you slip into the bed next to him. He automatically wraps his arms around you, and you cuddle into his chest. 
“You’re warm,” you mumble against his shirt.
“You’re hot,” he says, and you break into a giggle, burying your face in his neck. 
You tilt your head up and press a kiss to the underside of Eddie’s chin. 
“What time are we meeting Steve and Nancy tomorrow?” you ask.
Eddie gets that nervous look about him like he did in the van when he originally told you about the plans. 
“They’re going to come here, actually,” he says, running his hand up and down your back. “Bringing food from a diner down the road from Steve that he loves, so prepare for him to bring half the menu.”
“Fine with me.” You run your nose up to behind Eddie’s ear and you feel him shiver under your touch. The echoes from the television drift down the hall and you’re pretty sure it’s the only thing keeping the two of you from jumping one another. 
Eddie reaches behind him to flip the light off and curls back into you, resting his forehead against yours.
“Hi,” he whispers. 
“Hi, you.”
“I’m really glad you’re here.”
“Me too,” you say. “No one I’d rather spend Christmas with.”
“No?” he asks. “Not even your niece?”
“Eh, that means I’d have to spend it with my sister too, though, so no.”
He chuckles and presses his lips against yours.
“No one I’d rather spend it with either,” he says. “But there is something I want to ask you.”
“What’s that?”
“Well,” he says, and even in the darkness you can tell that his face is getting pink. “I realized that even though we’ve been pretty inseparable since we met, I’ve never even asked you on a date.”
“Eddie,” you giggle his name against his lips. “That is so sweet. But we’ve had phone sex, I came to stay with you for Christmas, and I’m pretty sure we’re losing our virginities to each other real damn soon, so I think we’re a little past that.”
“Okay, fair,” Eddie agrees with a breathy laugh. “What about you being my girlfriend then? Can I ask you about that?”
“You can.” You rub your hands over his chest. “But I’m pretty sure you know what the answer will be.” 
“I hope so.” He pecks your lips again. “But I want to ask anyway.”
“Go ahead then.”
“Be my girlfriend? Like, officially?” 
“Depends,” you say with a smile. “Will you be my boyfriend?” 
He purses his lips and lets out a hum before responding.
“Can I think about it?”
“Fine,” you say with a shrug. You take your hands off him and go to take the covers off of your body. “Yeah, that’s fine. I’ll just go sleep at Nancy’s until you decide.” 
He laughs and wraps his arms around your middle as you go to get up.
“No!” he whines and pulls your body back down against his. Back pressed against his chest, he squeezes you in his arms and presses loud smacking kisses against the back of your neck. “I’ve been yours since I first saw you.”
The grin his words bring to your face makes your cheek muscles ache. 
“I could say the same,” you tell him.
“Shit, how’d I get so lucky?” he whispers into your hair.
“By being so cute, I guess.”
He hums a chuckle and tucks the blankets up around the two of you.
“We should probably try to sleep,” he says. 
“Probably. But I don’t want to.”
“Me neither.”
The sun is almost up by the time you finally fall asleep in his arms. You’re used to hearing his voice right before you sleep from your regular phone calls, but it’s even better having his voice up close and personal right in your ear. Eddie falls asleep soon after you but still wakes up first. 
As consciousness comes drifting back to him, he’s aware there’s something warm in his arms. His brow furrows before the apple scent of your shampoo jogs his memory, and a smile comes to his face as he huddles closer to your warmth. His eyes break open and the smile grows as he sees your sleeping face on the pillow next to his. Your face is so peaceful and calm, and it makes his heart stutter at how beautiful you look. He reaches up and softly strokes his thumb over your cheekbone, his eyes taking in every little detail of your face. There were times that Eddie thought he’d never get a girl to even say yes to going on a date with him, yet here he is, not even a month after meeting you, lying next to the girl he’s positive he’s falling in love with. And he finds it even crazier that you seem to feel the same way about him. 
You start to move in his arms and Eddie stays still so he doesn’t disturb you. His hand drops down to your hip as you turn on your side and snuggle closer to him. He can’t help but press a gentle kiss on your forehead, lips pulled up in a grin against your skin. A hum leaves your throat and Eddie looks down at you at the noise. You blink your eyes open, lashes fluttering as your eyes adjust from sleep. 
“Morning, gorgeous.”
At the sound of Eddie’s voice your head tips up and you meet his gaze. A smile lights up your face and Eddie presses another kiss to your forehead.
“Morning, handsome,” you reply. 
“How’d you sleep?” he asks.
“Good,” you say with a dreamy sigh. You nuzzle your head into Eddie’s neck, and he wraps you up in his arms. He knows he should get up and get dressed, but he can’t bring himself to get up. It’s partially because he’s dreading the conversation he knows he needs to have with you. If he wants to have sex with you - and Lord knows he does - that means he’s going to have to take his shirt off. You’re the first person Eddie has met whom he’s positive won’t judge him on how gruesome they look. But that doesn’t mean you won’t ask how he got them.
“How’d you sleep?” you ask him and start peppering kisses up his neck.
“Best I ever have, I think,” he says, eyes fluttering closed. A moan slips out his lips and the vibration from the sound travels down his throat and into your lips. “You keep doing that and we’re never getting out of this bed.”
“That wouldn’t be so bad,” you speak against his skin. 
Eddie agrees, but the knot in his stomach is from nerves as opposed to hormones - though there was definitely some of that too. The thought of you seeing his scars without any warning beforehand is the only thing keeping him from stripping the both of you naked in record time. 
“Baby,” Eddie says, pulling away from your lips. “We should get up and get ready.”
A whine slips out as you bury your face in Eddie’s chest.
“Don’t wanna,” you say.
“Me neither,” Eddie says as he pushes the blankets off the two of you. “But I don’t want Steve coming in here and seeing you in your sexy pajamas.”
You laugh as you look down at your cozy attire, but your cheeks heat up at his words, nonetheless. Eddie slides out of the bed and tugs the blankets all the way off you. He smirks as his cold hands grab at your ankles and pull you down towards the foot of the bed. A squeal leaves your lips as you squirm, trying to escape his freezing fingers.
“Up, baby, up!”
“I’ll get up if you kiss me,” you offer.
“Ugh, if I have to.” He walks over to your side of the bed and leans down, pressing his lips quickly against yours. “Deals a deal, princess.”
With a huff, you climb out of the warm bed and search through your suitcase for some clothes for the day. Once both you and Eddie get dressed, he leads you into the living room and pulls you into his lap on the couch. 
“There’s something I want to tell you,” he says, running one hand up and down your jean clad thigh. 
“What’s up?” you ask as you card one of your hands through his hair. 
He lets out a sigh and licks over his lips, avoiding your eyes. You frown and press a kiss to the top of his head.
“You can tell me anything, sweetheart,” you tell him.
There are tears in his eyes as he looks up at you, but he gives you a grateful smile. 
“Do, um, do you remember the, uh, story Nancy and I told you? About what happened back in March?” He massages his fingers over your thigh, eyes trailing the patterns he’s making. 
“Of course.”
“Well, uh, it was all the truth. But there’s even more to it.”
You tilt his chin up so he’s looking you in the eyes. 
“Eddie, you can tell me.”
“It’s kind of hard to believe,” he says, hand patting your leg nervously. 
“You’ve not lied to me yet,” you say with a shrug. 
With a deep breath, Eddie begins to tell you a story that seems like it was ripped from one of the fantasy novels you love, only much more sinister. A tear escapes his eye and makes its way down his cheek as he recalls his near-death experience with the otherworldly creatures.
“And there were these bats—we called them ‘demobats,’ because of the demogorgon,” he explains, anxiously tapping his fingers along your leg. “I tried to fight them off, tried to buy more time, but they…they got me. Pinned me to the ground and tore out chunks of my skin. Hurt like fuckin’ hell.” He gnaws on his lower lip. “I would’ve been dead if Harrington and Henderson didn’t drag me outta there. Sometimes…sometimes, I wonder if I would’ve been better off dead.” 
The last line is what breaks your heart most of all. Tears were already raining down your face, but at this last admission, you throw your arms around Eddie’s neck and squeeze him so tightly that it has to be uncomfortable for him. 
“No,” you gasp against his neck. “No, don’t ever say that.” 
You feel the emotion get the better of him as his body starts to shake, his own breath hitching as he begins crying in earnest. He clings to you and the pads of his fingers dig into your back as he buries his face in your neck. The two of you cry together, you try to soothe Eddie by rubbing his back and pressing kisses into his hair while doing so. 
“You’re safe now, Eddie,” you whisper to him once your own crying has subsided for the most part. “I’ve got you.”
He nods in recognition of your words, but his tears don’t cease. You just keep holding him, willing to never move from his lap again if it meant you could give him even an ounce of comfort. After a few long minutes, you feel his body relax under your touch. He pulls his head away from your neck and you pull back as well so you can see his face. It’s red and splotchy, his eyes are swollen, and traces of snot are on the end of his nose. He’s still the most beautiful man you’ve seen in your life. Moving slowly, not wanting to scare him or to give him time to pull away if he wants, you lean in and gently press your lips to his. Your hands come to cup his face as you pull away, looking at him through your own teary eyes. 
“Eddie, wow.” You shake your head, not even sure where to begin. “Sweetheart,” you say, tilting his head to make sure he’s looking you in the eyes as you say this. “You’re a hero.”
He immediately shakes his head, and it hurts your heart. 
“You are,” you insist. “You didn’t have to go back in like you did. It seems you were specifically told not to. But you did because you wanted to help. To give them the best chance. Even if it meant something terrible at your own expense.” 
Eddie looks up at you under his thick lashes, big brown eyes even more childlike while shiny from tears.
“Sounds like a hero to me, babe,” you tell him.
He lets out a sigh and rubs the palm of his hand against his eye. 
“I didn’t think I’d cry like that,” Eddie admits. “But I’ve also never told the story before, either.”
“What?” You move some hair off his face, stuck there because of the tears. “Not even Wayne.”
Eddie shakes his head. 
“I couldn’t do that to him. He was worried enough as it was, I wasn’t about to add to it. He knows plenty, just not every gory detail. But you deserved to know the truth. Because I’m hoping you’ll be around for a while.” It’s the first time you’ve heard him sound shy and unsure of himself. It makes sense his confidence would be a little rattled after telling you that nightmare-come-true. 
“I’ll be around as long as you’ll have me,” you assure him. “And Eddie? It really means a lot to me that you’ve trusted me with this. I know it wasn’t easy. And I need you to know I appreciate it.” 
He gives you a small smile and you take it as a small victory. 
“There’s another reason I wanted to tell you, too,” he says. He’s avoiding your eyes again and it makes the knot in your stomach start tightening again. 
“What, baby?” you bring your hand to cup his cheek and press a kiss to the tip of his nose. 
“Well, the, uh, attack. It left some…some fucking nasty scars.”
The way his face blushes in embarrassment makes you want to strangle any creature, native to this dimension or not, who ever caused Eddie a bit of harm. 
“So, you wanted to tell me before I see you without your shirt on,” you guess.
He nods his head, cheeks still red. 
“Eddie, look at me.” When he does, you continue. “It wouldn’t matter to me if you had scars on every square inch of skin on your body. You’re the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen and something as trivial as scars could never change that no matter how hard they tried. I may not have seen your body under your clothes yet, but what I have seen?” You lean in to whisper in his ear. “I love.” 
Eddie looks up at you questioningly and you move yourself so you’re straddling his lap. Your hands wind behind his head and you interlock your fingers against the back of his neck. 
“Your smile was what I noticed first. It’s so genuine and bright, I almost couldn’t believe it was directed at me when we first met. Then, of course, your amazing hair. It’s far nicer than mine and I’m equal parts jealous and turned on by it. And you know what else drives me crazy? This tiny waist.” You dig your fingers into his sides and Eddie chuckles when it tickles him. “It’s so hot. Really. And I’m not sure if you noticed, but I couldn’t stop staring at your bat tattoos all throughout thanksgiving dinner. It’s the sexiest tattoo I’ve ever seen.”
Eddie’s face is still blushing, but by the smile that’s on his face, you’re optimistic that it’s now for a different reason. 
“So, I know for a fact that I’m going to love all the parts of you I haven’t seen bare yet. There’s no scar that’s going to keep me away from you. There’s no wound that’s going to make me not want to have your body pressed up against mine. It’s just not possible.” 
Tears begin to well in Eddie’s eyes now, but there’s a light in them that wasn’t there when he was telling his story. His face looks hopeful, but the fact that he thought any of this would change the way you feel about him is absolute ludacris. 
“This why Steve and Nancy are coming over?” you ask. 
“Yeah,” Eddie admits. “They knew about all the insane shit in this town way before I did. Figured they could answer any questions I couldn’t. And maybe provide proof if you didn’t believe me.”
“I believe you,” you tell him truthfully. “And I also want you to know that you don’t have to show me your scars until you’re ready. I know we talked about having sex but -.”
“No, no, I want to,” Eddie cuts you off. His wide eager eyes make you laugh and lean forward to give him a soft kiss. 
“So do I.”
The sound of a car pulling up outside has you and Eddie both looking towards the front door. Wayne had left bright and early this morning, Eddie had told you, meeting up with some old friends who were back in town for the holidays. It made the trailer the perfect place to talk about interdimensional incidents over lunch without prying ears.
There’s a soft set of footsteps that approach the front door, followed by a heavier gate. You slip off your boyfriend’s lap as there’s a gentle knock on the door. A knock you’ve heard on your own dorm door a hundred times before.
“They better be up,” you hear Steve say.
Eddie rolls his eyes as he pushes off the couch. He opens the front door and puts on a fake show of yawning and stretching his muscles out.
“Was I loud?” Steve asks Nancy, to which she responds by rolling her eyes. She steps past the two boys to come inside and give you a hug. 
“How was the flight?” she asks.
“Not bad. What about yours?”
“Crying baby, but other than that, can’t complain.”
Eddie helps Steve set all of the food he brought down on the kitchen counter. 
“Hey!” Steve calls out to you as he steps around the counter to pull you into a hug. “How are you?”
“I’m good,” you say, squeezing him around his middle. 
“I take it from the red eyes, Munson, that the conversation’s already started?” Steve asks.
“My part’s done,” Eddie says with a shrug as he struggles to open a takeout box. He manages to get the lid off and takes a sniff at the food inside. “What is this?”
“Some cornbread thing they said I have to try, I don’t know,” Steve answers. 
“Are you…okay?” Nancy asks, clearly not knowing how to ask how you’re feeling about the whole Upside Down thing.
“It’s a bit much,” you admit with a sigh. “A lot to wrap my head around. I mean, I totally believe it, it’s just…”
“A lot to take in?” Steve offers, to which you nod. “I know,” he says. “I walked in on it firsthand. Had a gun pointed to my face, almost wet myself, then came back with a bat full of nails and joined the fight.”
“Who the hell held a gun to your face?” you ask, brow furrowing and Eddie laughs from where he’s going through the food.
Steve shoots a pointed look at his girlfriend, who shrugs and gives you a grimace.
“You almost shot your boyfriend?!” you yell.
“He wasn’t my boyfr- oh. Wait. Yeah, he was my boyfriend then. I guess I did do that. But in my defense, I was trying to make him leave so he didn't get caught up in the whole mess. Clearly, it didn’t work.” 
“He takes any excuse to tell a story about his precious bat with the nails, I swear,” Eddie says, coming in from the kitchen with half a turkey sandwich. He holds it up to your lips to offer you a bite, which you take. 
“And El really has powers?” you ask.
“We should sit down and eat,” Nancy says, gesturing to the food. “This could take a while.”
Nancy and Steve are able to answer all of your questions so well that even if you had thought this was all some sort of joke, you wouldn’t have any more with all the details they’re giving you. It would take your mind a while to accept this all as a reality, but you know you’re the lucky one because they’ve been through this hell while you’re just trying to imagine it. 
“Holy shit,” you say when they’re done. “No wonder you’re all bonded so much. You guys can only talk about this with each other.”
“Yep,” Eddie says. “Also part of why I could never tell you over the phone. But I mean, this is kind of a more in person conversation anyway.” 
“Wait, they bug your phone?” you ask.
“They used to,” Nancy says. “Not sure if they still do.”
“I hope not.” Your face blooms red, imagining some government people listening in on your phone sex session with Eddie. Steve catches onto the reason for the color on your face.
“Don’t worry,” he says. “If they are still bugging our phones, nothing you guys said could be any worse than what they’ve already heard from me and Nance.”
Eddie smirks while you turn redder and Nancy hits Steve on the arm. 
The couple stay with you and Eddie for a few hours. The conversation moves to lighter topics and after hours of laughter and banter later, it’s almost as if the four of you have forgotten the dark note this visit started out on. 
After they leave, with Nancy promising you a shopping trip when Eddie goes back to work in a few days, you feel mentally exhausted. It’s obvious Eddie does as well, so you suggest a good old fashioned snowball fight before it gets too dark out. Eddie accepts the challenge and the two of you dodge each other around the sides of the trailer for over an hour. Slinging scooped and formed bits of snow, cheering when you successfully hit one another, or cursing too loud when you missed. Soon, your bodies feel as tired as your minds, and you head back inside the trailer.
Eddie insists you go through the small movie collection and pick out whatever you want while he heats up some leftovers from lunch and makes two mugs of steaming hot cocoa. You pop in the Carrie VHS and snuggle up with Eddie on the couch. There’s a blanket on the other end of the couch and you reach over for it so you can drape it over you both. As Carrie attends her prom on screen, oblivious to the copious amounts of pig’s blood she’s about to be wearing, Eddie taps on your shoulder and points out the window. Snow is coming down in the evening sky and the sight of it makes you smile. Was there a better way to spend the night? Curled up against your boyfriend’s side with delicious food and hot cocoa, watching a horror movie while there’s snow falling outside. 
After Carrie’s hand pops out of the ground at the end, not scaring either of you - even though it definitely did the both of you the first time you saw it - you stretch your legs and roll out your ankles. 
“Tired?” Eddie asks.
“Only a little,” you say. 
He presses a kiss to the top of your head, and you hum at the feeling of his lips on you. 
“Wanna go to bed?” There’s another question in there, but the way his voice deepens as he asks it makes your tummy flip. 
“Sure,” you tell him. The blanket falls to the couch as you stand up. Offering a hand to Eddie, you help him up, but he doesn’t let go of your hand all the way to the bedroom. Though you’re the only ones home and will be until sometime the next morning, he still shuts the door behind the two of you. 
You turn to face Eddie and see him fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. Walking over to him, you take each of his hands in your own. He squeezes them and you lean up to peck his lips. 
“We don’t have to,” you say quietly.
His smile is aiming for a smirk but looks gleeful instead.
“I want to as long as you do.”
“Of course,” you tell him. He takes a deep breath, and you grab the bottom of his shirt in your hands. “Can I?”
Eddie nods, anxiety clear in his eyes as you’re about to see his scarred chest and abdomen. You raise the fabric up slowly, giving him the opportunity to stop you at any point if he wants to. But he doesn’t, he just lifts his arms to help you get it over his head. 
When he’s there bare chested before you, your mind holds a few thoughts. First is how absolutely breathtaking he looks. You weren’t lying before; you really do love his adorable tiny waist. There’s something so sexy about it. The second thought is that the scars looked like they were incredibly painful when he was first inflicted with them. It makes you want to take down all the mythical beings that ever thought of laying a hand on your boyfriend. The third thought is of how heartbroken you are that Eddie had to go through all of this and still doesn’t see himself as a hero. His battle scars are right there, pink and white jagged lines that show off his bravery and strength. How Eddie sees anything other than that is beyond you. 
“Eddie, you’re so beautiful,” you say, eyes glued to his chest. He’s watching your face carefully, but you can’t tell because your eyes are tracing the patterns the injured skin created. “Can I…can I touch them? Do they hurt?”
“They don’t hurt anymore,” he assures you. “And yeah, you can touch them if you want.”
You waste no time and start to lightly run your fingers over the healed wounds, mapping out Eddie’s chest. It’s obvious where the demobats took the largest bites of his body, and you ghost your fingertips over those areas as well. 
“I don’t know why you were afraid to tell me about these,” you say, eyes never straying from the puckered flesh of his body. “They’re beautiful. Every single bit.”
His chest flushes pink at your words and you’re assuming his face does the same. Your hands keep going further down until they rest at his waistband. His belt buckle makes you smile as you try to figure out how to undo the handcuffs. 
“This okay?” you ask, looking up at him through your eyelashes as you open one of the cuffs.
“S’perfect, baby,” he whines. Already so needy for you. The thought sends a buzz through your body before finally settling between your legs. 
You get the belt buckle undone and he helps you push his pants down past his hips. He steps out of them, kicking them behind him somewhere. Eddie’s fingers ghost over the hem of your t-shirt. He searches your face for approval, and when you nod at him, he slides your shirt up and over your head. You’d worn your nicest bra today because you figured Eddie would be seeing it. It’s black lace, the only one you have matching panties of, which you also wore today. The way Eddie’s eyes trail your torso makes you want to cover yourself. Your arms even flinch to do so, but then you remember how vulnerable Eddie is being by letting you see his scars, and you leave your arms where they are. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispers in the air between you. The flush on your cheeks spreads down to your chest and it makes Eddie grin like a kid in a candy store. He leans in to whisper in your ear. “Now, whenever I make you blush, I’ll know just how far down it’s going.” 
The color on your skin only darkens at his words, and you also feel the effect they have down in your core. As Eddie reaches for the button of your jeans, you reach up and cup his face in your hands. He leans in and kisses you softly as he pops the button open and starts to push the material down. You wiggle your hips to help, but that causes him to groan against your lips. You giggle as you pull back.
“I was just trying to help,” you say.
“And it was sexy,” he says. “Oh, and fuck, so are those.” He looks like he’s in pain as he stares at your black lace panties. You step out of your jeans and move backwards until the backs of your knees hit the bed. Eddie follows eagerly, his mouth chasing yours. Lips connected in a tender kiss, Eddie gently lowers you to the bed. You use your elbows to crawl backwards up towards the pillows while never breaking the kiss. Eddie crawls up along your body, hand softly grazing your skin as he goes. You lay back against the pillow and Eddie rests an elbow on either side of your head. He leans in, tilting his head to kiss you at a new angle as he lowers his body gently down on yours. When you feel his clothed erection through his boxers it makes you shiver, causing Eddie to chuckle against your lips.
“What, baby?” he says softly.
“Feels good.” You take his head in your hands to press your mouths together again. “You should take those off.”
He raises a teasing eyebrow at you. 
“Want me to be the first one naked, huh?”
“Mhm,” you hum with a soft giggle. 
“As you wish.”
Eddie reaches down and pushes his boxers down, leaving you to gasp and bite your lip as he kicks them off his legs. 
“Well, shit, Eddie,” you say. “It’s official. Every part of you is fucking perfect.”
Eddie ducks his head, cheeks red at your comment, and presses kisses against your shoulder. He trails his lips up your neck, one hand bracing him up, and the other running over the smooth skin of your hip. Two fingers slip under the band of your panties on your hip, then he lets the material snap back against your skin with a smack. You let out a whimper and Eddie keeps up his ministrations on your neck, working his way up to your jaw. 
“Wanna touch you, Eddie,” you whine. 
He hums a laugh against your skin.
“I should warn you, baby,” he says against your jaw. “You touching me is going to throw me over the edge.”
“That’s fine,” you purr in his ear. “Gives me plenty of time to work you up again.” 
“Fuck.” Eddie drops his forehead to your shoulder. He knows he isn’t going to last long, and you haven’t even touched him yet. 
The feeling of his precum dripping onto your stomach makes you even wetter as your legs brush up against one another underneath Eddie. 
“So, can I?” you ask shyly. “Can I touch you?”
“‘Course you can, sweetheart.” His voice is gravelly and stuttering. It’s almost making you dizzy, this effect you’re having on him. It’s a different sort of high you want to chase again and again. 
“You’re going to have to tell me what to do, baby. How you like,” you say.
Again, Eddie huffs a laugh against your neck. 
“Princess, I don’t even know if we’ll get that far. Just… spit on your hand, yeah? Good, like that.”
You do as you’re instructed and slowly start to reach for his dick. It’s not that you don’t want to touch it - because you really, really do - but your inexperience is making you a little anxious, even though you know Eddie has the same inexperience. But he knows his body and you’ve never even seen a penis in real life until this moment. You know basic biology and anatomy but being in this situation is a whole lot different than doing a homework assignment on the male reproductive system. 
“Baby, you’re not going to hurt me,” Eddie assures you. “Shit, I’m worried about doing that to you.” 
“Guide me?” you ask in a small voice.
“Of course, sweetheart.” Eddie presses a kiss to your forehead, nose, then lips. He takes the wrist of your slick hand and brings it down to his cock. He wraps your hand right where he wants it and the moan that comes out of him when your fingers touch him is enough to make you cum yourself. 
His skin is surprisingly soft as you finally leave the anxiety behind and now focus on the feeling of him in your hand. Eddie’s hand adjusts your grip, and he shows you how he likes to be stroked. He does it once, twice, three times with you, then lets you go so you can do it on your own. 
“S’good?” you ask, your eyes glued to your hand working over his dick. 
“Mhm. Fuck.” He had been watching your hand work as well but needed to close his eyes because the sight of you touching him was about to bring him over the edge. “Shit babe, I’m sorry, not gonna last.”
“Good, I want to make you cum,” you say. 
Eddie grits his teeth, the muscles of his abdomen tighten underneath his scarred skin, and his fist clenches the pillowcase your head is resting on.
“I-I’m cumming. Holy shit, I’m cumming.”
He barely gets the warning out in time before he’s releasing all over your hand. You stroke him through it, keeping the same consistent pace you were doing before. The thought that you’d get lots and lots of practice with this makes your head spin. 
Eddie’s white seed coats both his and your stomach by the time he’s spent, every last drop milked from him. 
Watching Eddie come apart on top of you was hands down the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. His face contorted in pleasure, a thin sheen of sweat making his body glisten. He’s never looked more perfect. 
With a dopey grin on his face, Eddie tries to get his breathing back to normal as he comes down from his high. He needs to lay down, so he flops down next to you. 
“Oh baby, that was…fuck. Perfect, is what it was. Thank you.”
He turns his head towards you to give you a kiss. You smile against his lips, pecking them a few times. Then you look down at your stomach, lines of white looking like a Jackson Pollock painting. You swipe two fingers through it and pop them in your mouth. Eddie moans as he watches you suck his cum off yourself. 
“You’re going to get me harder again faster than I thought,” Eddie says with a breathless laugh. “But first, it’s your turn.”
He sits up and scoots down to the foot of the bed. This time when he grabs your ankles his hands aren’t freezing. You giggle as he tugs you down, but the laughter turns into a whine as he begins to slip your panties off. You lift your hips to help him, and he gets them off and tosses them on his nightstand. When you raise an eyebrow at him, he just smirks.
“If I had a back pocket, they’d be put there. But that’ll have to do for now.”
You expect him to spread your legs, but he leans up over your body to kiss your lips. His hand cups your neck, then slides down your shoulder and over your breast. He palms it over the lace and that feeling alone has you closing your eyes and arching your back. His thick fingers trail down the side of the bra until he reaches your back. You sit up just enough for him to reach behind and unclip the bra. You smile to yourself, wondering how long it would take him. He gets it fairly quickly, a triumphant sigh spilling from his lips as he does. The lace straps of the bra feel nice against your heated skin as you slide them down your shoulders and toss the bra off the side of the bed. Eddie’s gaze is hungry, and it sends a jolt of pleasure down your spine. 
Eddie gently lowers you back down to the pillows. He starts by kissing your lips, then moves down to your jaw, your neck, your collarbone, then up the swell of your breast until he reaches your nipple. His tongue works over it before he takes it into his mouth and lets it go with a satisfying pop. Never one to half ass something, Eddie moves to your other breast to give it the same attention. Once he’s satisfied there - even though he makes a mental note that he wants to put as many hickeys as he can there asap - he kisses down your tummy, hands coming to massage your thighs. The further he slides down your body, he eases himself off the bed until he’s kneeling on the floor. One gentle hand on each knee, he spreads your legs in front of him and a moan comes out at the sight. 
“Well shit,” Eddie says, echoing your statement from before. “It’s official. Every part of you is fucking perfect.” 
You try your best not to be self-conscious, but it’s hard as no one has ever been down there before. When Eddie starts to press kisses on the inside of your thighs, you feel yourself calm down. You let your eyes slip closed and just try to be in the moment and not in your own head. Just feel Eddie’s lips on your skin, inching closer to the place you want them to be. 
“You okay?”
“M’fine,” you say, voice in a dreamy haze. The fact that he’s checking in with you eases your nerves as well. 
Kisses go higher and higher, coming to the apex of your thigh. Your body jumps, startled as Eddie’s fingers glide along the outside of your folds. 
“Sorry, princess,” Eddie says with a chuckle. “Didn’t mean to scare you.”
You hold up your arm to give him a thumbs up and he chuckles again. You’re glad you’re both able to laugh and be silly with one another with this. It makes it feel more real, more intimate, more you. 
Eddie uses his fingers to part your folds and the moan that emanates from his throat is purely pornographic. 
“Shit, baby,” he says. “Your pussy is so pretty. Fuck, I bet it tastes as good as it looks.”
Between his words and your anticipation for what’s coming next, you feel the urge to buck your hips up, but manage to hold them still. 
Eddie’s thumb ghosts over your clit and your hand immediately fists the sheet below you. Your boyfriend smirks to himself, loving making you squirm like this. It blows his mind that he gets to be with you like this. That he’s going to be able to learn your body. What makes you moan, what makes you scream, how to touch you and kiss you just right to make sure you feel as good as you make him feel. 
He wants to take it slow since this is both of your first times, but the urge to just dive into your pussy is so strong. He needs to know how you taste. If it’s as sweet as he’s imagined since he jerked off to the thought of you when he went home after meeting you for the first time. 
He runs his thick fingers through your slick folds and lets out a hiss when he feels how wet you are. 
“This is all for me, baby? Does me touching you work you up this bad?”
“Yes,” you whine out. “Love it when you touch me. Makes me so wet.”
A growl rattles in Eddie’s chest and he experimentally runs a finger around your hole, but never breaching it. 
“How’s it feel when you put your fingers in yourself?” he asks.
“Not enough,” you say, breathing becoming more rapid by the second. “Not big enough. Can't reach deep enough.”
“Think my fingers would be better then, princess?”
“Yes!” The way you practically shout it gives Eddie all the encouragement he needs to slide a finger into your right hole. You barely have time to get used to that before his tongue is assaulting your clit. “Fuck! Oh fuck, Eddie.”
The way you say his name has his cock stirring again. He slips a second finger in with the first and the way you move your hips lets him know you’re starting to feel the stretch. Eddie knows the first time can be painful for girls, and the last thing he wants to do is hurt you. He wants this to be perfect for you. 
As he starts to slowly pump the two fingers in and out of you, Eddie attaches his lips to your clit, sucking on it as he listens to your little whimpers and moans coming from above. 
“Like it, baby?” he pulls his mouth away to ask. “God, you’re so fucking tight around my fingers.”
“So much.” You sound like you’re about to cry, but not in a sad way. Overwhelmed, more likely. When Eddie crooks his fingers in a “come hither” motion and hits that sweet, sweet spot inside of you, your hips buck up and you moan a string of eddie-eddie-eddie-eddie’s. Eddie pumps his fingers a few more times before pulling them out. He doesn’t hesitate, his thick fingers covered in your slick go right from your pussy into his mouth. The garbled noise that comes from the back of your throat is part desperation since your hole feels empty now, and partly at how hot it was to watch Eddie lick you off of himself.
“God, you’re even sweeter than I thought,” he says. “So fucking perfect.” 
Eddie lifts the back of your knees over his shoulders so he can be up close and personal with your cute little button and pretty little hole. He dives in immediately, licking into your hole, his fingers keeping you open wide as possible for him. He hardens his tongue as he thrusts it inside you and your hand searches for something to grip onto. You settle for another pillow, but that’s fine. You just need something to squeeze as Eddie brings you pure bliss. 
Eddie’s tongue moves up to your clit, licking and sucking, and putting just the right amount of pressure on it. The fact that Eddie was only going to get better at this over time blows your mind. This is his first time and he’s already making you feel euphoric. 
His mouth moves down again, but he takes a position where every lick he gives to your hole, his nose nudges against your clit, sending shockwaves up your body.
“Eddie, fuck,” you whine. “Gonna cum, baby.”
“Good girl,” Eddie says against your mound. He slides his hands up to cup at your breasts. “Cum for me, princess.”
It only takes a few more swipes of his tongue until your buildup can’t take anymore. White flashes behind your eyelids as your orgasm gets its hooks in you. The arching of your back was involuntary, and the whimpers and moans you’re making are sounds you didn’t know you were capable of producing. Head thrown back in the pillow, thighs closing around Eddie’s head, you feel ecstasy in this moment. It washes over your body, wading and cresting like waves on a beach. 
Letting out a deep breath, you relax all the muscles that have tightened up, including the ones holding your boyfriend’s head between your legs, and melt into the sheets of the bed. 
Eddie’s smirk is triumphant as he crawls up the bed, hovering over you as you try to catch your breath. 
“So, how was that?” 
“Holy shit,” is your only answer and it seems to satisfy him. 
Eddie leans down and presses a loving kiss to your lips.
“I can’t wait until I can get a better view of your face when you cum. I bet it’s breathtaking. Your sounds alone are enough for me to get off to for years. But I must say, the view I had was pretty fucking amazing. Damn, baby. The way your pretty little hole kept sucking my fingers in. And your adorable little clit that I could play with all day.”
His words turn you scarlet red and you try to turn your head to hide it in the pillow. Eddie’s not having it though and uses one hand to tilt your chin back towards him. 
“You better get used to me giving you compliments, sweet thing. It’s only going to get worse now that you’re officially my girlfriend.”
“How do you always make me feel so warm and fuzzy inside?” you ask. 
“Because I’m basically a metal teddy bear,” he says, drinking up his nose in the most adorable fashion. 
“You are!” The title fits him so well that you can’t help but laugh. 
Eddie chuckles and leans in for another kiss. It starts off tender and innocent enough, but quickly evolves to all tongues and teeth, and Eddie starts pawing at your breasts. Your hips raise off the bed and rub against Eddie’s, where you can feel his cock, hard again now. 
“Eddie,” you whine as he moves his kisses to your neck. 
“Yeah, baby?” He’s leaving a hickey that will definitely show, even if you wear a turtleneck. 
“Need you.”
He hums against your skin as his hands roam the expanses of bare skin before him. 
“How, sweetheart? Tell me how.”
“Need you in me,” you whimper. “Need you so close.” 
Eddie leans over your body, and it places one of his most gruesome scars right in front of your face. Lifting yourself up on your elbows, you place a soft kiss against the patch of pink and white skin. There’s a smile on Eddie’s face as he comes back with a condom and small tube of lube in hand. 
You watch as Eddie slips the condom on. It shouldn’t be as hot as it is, but you can’t take your eyes off his long, thick cock. If just two of his fingers made you feel the stretch, you can’t imagine how full you’ll feel with all of Eddie buried inside you. 
He grabs the lube and shrugs as he pours some into his hand. The smell of cherries floods the air.
“Just wanna be extra careful,” he explains as he fists the lube over his cock. “I want to make it as painless for you as I can.”
“You are the absolute sweetest,” you tell him. 
Once the lube is sufficiently applied, you lay back against the pillows and watch Eddie settle between your legs. He grabs a spare pillow and taps the side of your hip. You raise them so he can slide the pillow under. 
Eddie leans up and presses a slow and loving kiss against your lips. 
“Ready, princess?”
“Mhmm,” you hum. “Kiss me while you go in?”
He did not need to be told twice. Eddie lines himself up with your entrance, and barely breaches you. You hardly feel a thing as Eddie comes up and kisses you, pouring all his devotion and heart into it. His hand snakes between your bodies as well to start rubbing your clit. Maybe between the kissing and the attention on your clit will help ease any discomfort you might have. The sting and burn are still there though, but it’s more bearable with the world's best kisses. 
“Tell me if I’m hurting you, sweetheart,” Eddie says against your lips. 
“N-Not hurting,” you say, hand coming up to grip at his shoulder. 
Eddie nods, kissing your neck. “Let me know what you need. I’ll give you whatever you n-need.”
“Just keep doing what you’re doing, baby.” You wrap your legs around his, helping to guide him in.
Eddie groans and the sound makes you tremble with pleasure. “Shit, you feel s’fucking perfect. Like we were made for each other.”
“Uh huh,” you pant out, one hand sliding up to tangle in Eddie’s hair. There’s a pinch and you feel a sting between your legs as Eddie bottoms out, but you don’t say anything as you feel his hot kisses on your skin. It doesn’t hurt for long, and you know Eddie would pause his motions, but that’s the last thing you want. 
“F-Faster, Eddie,” you say. “Want more.”
His kisses trail up to your lips and his hips pick up speed.
“This good, baby?” he asks.
“Yes. Fuck, yes.” 
His hand moves from your clit to squeeze your hip. He holds it in his tight grip as his hips start to piston in and out of you, his pace becoming more irregular. It gives you a warm feeling in your limbs as you realize you can already recognize when Eddie is close to cumming. You clench around him, and he gasps, hand sliding from your hip to cup your breast.
“I can’t believe how fucking tight you are, baby,” he groans. “Such a perfect pussy.”
With a moan, you arch your back, forcing your breast even more into your boyfriend’s hand. 
“Eddie, you’re so big. Love how you fill me up.”
“M’close. Wanna hold out but you feel too good around me.” His lips capture yours and you’re instantly licking into his mouth. Your hand tugs gently on his hair and his hips snap forward, the mattress creaking in protest at the ferocity. You pull back and rest your forehead against Eddie’s. 
“Want you to feel good,” you say. “Want you to cum.”
A guttural moan comes from his throat and it’s enough to make you orgasm on the spot. His sounds are music to your ears, and you’d listen to him make them for the rest of your lives if he let you. 
“Gonna, baby. Gonna cum.”
You nod at him, encouraging him as your fingers scratch at his scalp. He goes to bury his face in your neck, but you stop him.
“Wanna see your face,” you tell him. “Wanna watch you.”
Eddie nods, sweat beading on his forehead as his face scrunches in pleasure. He looks so beautiful you can’t help but steal a few more kisses. 
“Cum for me, Eddie.”
The words are all he needs, his hips thrusting once, twice, before a whine leaves his lips as he spills inside the condom. The feeling of his cock twitching inside of you sends a flutter through you and a smile spreads on your face. Eddie’s eyes focus on your face as he rides out his high, and a matching smile grows on his face as he takes in your flushed and grinning face. 
“Fuck, you’re perfect,” Eddie says between ragged breaths. 
You reach up and cup his face in your hands and bring his lips down to yours. Never taking his mouth off of yours, he slips out of you and lays down next to you on the bed.
You reluctantly pull away when you need air, but you rest your hands on Eddie’s chest so you’re still touching him in some way. He slips out of the condom, ties it off, and tosses it in the trash can next to his bed. When he rolls back over to face you, you wrap your arms around his neck, and he pulls your body against his.
“Holy shit,” Eddie says. 
“Good, baby?”
“Good? Good? Try fucking amazing,” Eddie says. He peppers kisses all over your face, making you giggle. “I’m sorry you didn’t cum though, baby.”
“Sweetie, I did,” you tell him. “Because of your sinful mouth.”
Eddie ducks his head bashfully, a red tint coming to his cheeks. 
“Yeah, but not while I was in you.”
“That’s okay,” you say honestly. You push some of the damp hair from his forehead and kiss his cheek. “Most girls don’t the first time like that. But my boyfriend is generous and made sure I was taken care of beforehand.”
His hand trails up and down your back as he smiles down at you. 
“Was my pleasure, baby. Trust me.”
With a giggle, you slip from his arms and off the bed. He pouts but you assure him you’ll be right back before slipping into the bathroom. Your sister never taught you much in life, but once piece of advice she’d given you is to pee after sex. When you walk back into Eddie’s room, his face is still blissed out as he stares up at the ceiling. He lifts his head when he sees you in the doorway and raises an eyebrow at you.
“All good?”
“Mhmm,” you say, making your way back to the bed. “There was only a little bit of blood.”
Eddie sits up quickly, frown coming to his face.
“What? Blood? Are you okay? Was I too rough?”
The concern on his face melts your heart and you shake your head as you sit down next to him. 
“Oh, baby, no.” He pulls you into his lap and you rest your hands on his shoulders. “It’s just something that happens the first time. You were perfect. Thank you for being so careful with me.”
Eddie nods and rests his forehead against yours.
“Of course, sweetheart.”
“Sleepy?” you ask.
His responding yawn makes you chuckle, and you slide from his lap. You grab your panties from the nightstand and Eddie’s shirt from the floor and slip them on. 
“You’re not gonna stay naked?” Eddie asks with a pout. 
“It’s freezing!” you say. 
“I’ll keep you warm.” Eddie lays down and opens his arms for you. You scoop his boxers up from the floor and toss them at his chest before slipping under the covers. He pulls them up his hips and situates himself back against the pillows. 
Blankets pulled up to your neck, you sling your arm over Eddie’s middle and lay your head on his shoulder. Wrapped up in his embrace, you’ve never felt happier. The two of you whisper back and forth in the dark room for a few moments before you drift off to sleep, warm and cozy in each other’s arms. 
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noellesturniolo · 8 months
hiiii! could you maybe do one where the reader is nervous about spending Christmas with the triplets for the first time and also nervous because this is the first Christmas without her family but Matt helps her feel more comfortable (friends to lovers with Matt) ❤️❤️
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summary: friends to lovers with matt, the ask
warnings: anxiety, panic attack, y/n pov!!
Snow is falling, it’s pretty I won’t lie. Apart of me misses home though, don’t get me wrong being outside late at night walking with the triplets admiring the lights and snow is an amazing feeling. When every distraction is gone i’m left with this feeling of emptiness. We just got back from our walk through the neighborhood and got back to the triplets childhood home.
I moved in with the triplets a couple months ago and they had asked me to spend Christmas with their family and them and I couldn’t say no, and here I am sitting by the window of the guest room watching the snow fall and the pretty lights of other houses while the triplets are downstairs with their family. I’m left without mine. Christmas eve should be happy? Right??
Tears began to stream down my face as I look down, my breathing started to pick up and my heart was rapidly beating. My hands began to shake as I desperately gasped for air. What was I supposed to do if i’m spending christmas with someone else’s family? Are my presents enough? What if I get nothing and sit there awkwardly?
My thoughts interrupted as the door opens. I quickly look down to hide my tears.
“Hey chris and nick are downstairs, I made you hot choco- woah, woah what happened?” Matt quickly set the mug down, and rushed over to me. Kneeling before the bed to see my face as my head was still down. His hands embrace my hands and he immediately notices the tears streaming down my face.
“oh, y/n…” he gets up quickly and pulls me into a hug.
“I just- I don’t know what to do. Like i’m so nervous to spend Christmas here.” he nods and pulls me in tighter and brings my chin up with his hand so i’ll look at him.
“Y/n, we all love you here. I know it’s hard to spend Christmas away from your family but your enough for us. Here, i’ll stay with you for a little.”
He gets up and grabs my mug and his and hands mine to me, he smiles as I grab it. “extra whipped cream and sprinkles just how you like it, here get comfortable on the bed. What do you wanna watch?”
He lays next to me and covers me with the blanket, my mind raced through movies that reminded me of home as I decided on the grinch. “hm, the grinch?” I asked Matt.
“I love that movie y/n!” he smirks as I take a sip from my hot chocolate, “thank you for the hot chocolate it’s amazing Matt.” I look into his eyes.
“Anytime.” the movie turns on, my eyes glued to the screen but after some time my eyes start to feel heavy.
“Y/n…y/n..hey wake up it’s Christmas.” My eyes flutter open and is met with Matt’s face, he tucks a piece of hair behind my face. “let’s go y/n.” He rolls off the bed and stands up and opens the door for me. I put my slippers on and make my way down the stairs Matt behind me.
I sit down on the floor next to the triplets. Huge presents under the tree and mary lou holding a stocking that says my name, Matt looks at me and mouths I told you. “Oh my gosh!! thank you, I love it so much.” I smile holding the stocking, mary lou smiles.
“Let me get a picture of you and the triplets!!” she lights up pulling out her phone as I lean into Matt his hand sneaks it’s way to my hip, I look at him quickly smiling as mary lou takes a picture before i turn my head to the camera. She snaps another picture as we start to open presents. After all the presents are opened, Matt speaks up. “Wait hold on I have another present I forgot it in my room.” he gets up and walks to his room as everyone else looks confused.
I hear his footsteps behind me as mary lou’s hands fly to her mouth smiling, I look the Chris and Nick smiling. My head whips around to see Matt holding Pink and white flowers in a vase, a little note hanging from the stem of a rose. Matt sits down and hands me the flowers.
“Oh my god Matt, these are beautiful!!” My face lighting up.
“Read the note.” he smiles before glancing over to his brothers beet red.
Dear y/n, for two long years I have loved you. From the way your hair falls to the way you laugh. Everything about you drives me crazy, this Christmas I’ve been thinking about you a lot and how I’d like to make this special day even more special. I was hoping that maybe you’ll be my pretty girlfriend.
“Of course Matt.” I set the flowers down and hug him.
“This day couldn’t get any better.” he holds me.
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petite-phthora · 28 days
Jason, Jason Todd
[DP x DC fic]
[Love at first… murder? - part 18]
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Part 1
Private chat nicknames:
Gramps = Alfred
After throwing the last of the tp onto the manor they hop back over the wall, wandering back to where Jason parked his motorcycle earlier.
Honestly, Jason knows that it felt like it was too easy.
And it was.
The only reason they were able to freely “break into” the manor is because Jason was with Danny, showing he wasn’t a threat. He’s certain Babs has already noticed the loop he had put the cameras on. She probably hasn’t interrupted them yet out of politeness, or so that she can gather more blackmail.
It’s likely both…
Jason conspicuously checks his phone while walking when he notices he has a new message.
Private Chat
Gramps: I presume you will be coming back later today to clean up the manor. Won’t you, Master Jason?
Jason, knowing he’s already lucky enough that Alfred isn’t upset with either him or Danny, lets out a relieved breath. He quickly answers Alfred, apologizing for the tp-ing despite absolutely not regretting it in the slightest and replying to the implied question in the positive.
It’s also a bonus Alfred approves. He supposes as he reads Alfred’s next text.
Private Chat
Gramps: And do bring over young Danny for dinner sometime.
Steph stares in shock at the manor, completely covered in tp, in front of her. She drops the bag she’s holding onto the ground.
How dare they…
“Damn it!”
Out of the dropped bag rolls a roll of toilet paper.
“Who got here before me?!?” She exclaims, feeling oh so deeply betrayed. “And why wasn’t I included?!”
She quickly takes out her phone, a displeased frown on her face, paired with a pout. She opens the group chat and takes a pic of the manor. As she’s typing, she vows to herself…
She’s going to get to the bottom of this.
Danny checks his phone for directions to the location he had in mind.
Earlier that week he had scouted the city in his ghost form in order to find a place for the date. After finding the perfect spot, he marked the location down on his phone so he would easily be able to find it again.
After double-checking his phone, Danny puts it away and they both get on Red Hood’s motorcycle again. Danny gives him the directions as they drive, the sky slowly beginning to darken.
The location he chose wasn’t too far off from the manor, and in no time they arrived at the top of a hill looking out over Gotham City.
They get off of the motorcycle and Danny gets his bags out of the saddle bags as Red Hood, who had already taken off his helmet and is currently holding it under his arm, seems to be looking around.
“So, what’s the big plan, Polaris?” he asks.
Danny raises a curious eyebrow at the nickname.
Red Hood nods.
“You’ve mentioned before, while you were telling me about Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, how Ursa Minor is also known as the Little Bear constellation and how it contains the North Star, which is also referred to as the Pole Star or Polaris.
“Besides that, I felt like Polar Bear was a bit too long for a nickname, and Polar-is, which again is in the Little Bear constellation, just seemed to fit perfectly.” Red Hood says, a cheeky grin on his face.
Danny pauses, his cheeks flushing a little.
“You know what? That’s pretty creative, I’ll give you that.” Danny says, nodding.
“Though, to answer your question, I thought this would be a nice place to have a picnic dinner,” He says with a smile as he takes out a picnic blanket and some food and drinks he had brought along as well.
Red Hood smiles back at him.
“You know what? That sounds great. Here, lemme help you put it down” He says, reaching out for the blanket.
A little while later, they’re sitting on a blanket, looking up at the stars. They’re taking their time enjoying the food and looking out over the city and the night sky.
 Jason has his helmet set down next to him, mask still on his face, of course. He’s almost fully lying down, leaning back on his elbows. Danny sits cross-legged next to him.
“So, Mr. Aerospace Engineer, what can you tell me about what we’re seeing here?” Jason asks, gesturing at the night sky.
He glances over at Danny. Danny, who had been looking up at the sky in awe, meets his gaze. Danny takes a moment to respond, looking back at the sky and then looking Jason over before meeting his gaze once again.
“Why don’t you tell me more about yourself?” He asks instead, tilting his head.
“You’ve told me before how you love English literature, especially the classics. But what’s your favorite book?”
Jason’s face lights up with a smile as he starts telling Danny about Sense and Sensibility from Jane Austen.
There’s a lull in conversation when Jason looks over at Danny, studying his peaceful expression. While taking in the beauty of the man next to him, Jason makes a decision.
To hell with it.
Jason takes off his mask. The action causes Danny, who had just turned to look at him, to immediately avert his gaze, cheeks slightly red. Danny opens his mouth to say something but Jason interrupts him before he can.
“No, no, it’s alright. If we’re actually doing this, if we’re actually dating… perhaps becoming more… then at the very least you deserve to know who you’re dating”
Danny hesitantly looks back up at Jason, making eye contact. Jason smiles at him, Danny giving a small smile back in response. He holds out his hand. Danny glances at it before giving him a questioning look.
“I’m Jason, Jason Todd.”
Danny’s smile transforms into a small grin. He grasps Jason’s hand, shaking it.
“Hi, Jason… I’m Danny, Danny Fenton.”
They shake hands and let go. The short silence afterward gets broken by Danny in no time.
He makes a questioning noise in response.
“Can I kiss you?”
The question brings Jason’s thoughts to a stop and he sucks in a breath. Danny watches him, face filled with nervousness. Letting out a breath, Jason replies with a small teasing smile.
“Well, since we’ve already been to dinner I suppose I’m still owed one…”
After a few seconds, realization crosses over Danny’s face.
“I totally forgot I actually said that, oh the Ancients.” He takes a deep breath, running his hands over his face before dropping them back into his lap.
“Wait, so that’s why you came over to my apartment that first time with flowers and took me out to dinner?”
Jason sits up fully, turning so he’s facing Danny better. His gaze is filled with fondness and exasperation as he responds.
“You mean to tell me you forgot we agreed to go out to dinner first after I asked you if I could kiss you? Did you think I was just taking you out without asking then?
“Why did you even let me lead you out the window? Did you have any idea what I was talking about when I told you of the plans I had made that evening?”
Danny’s cheeks flush. Embarrassment fills his voice as he speaks.
“I mean, I don’t know, I thought you were just taking me out to dinner to thank me? For the— uh, murder?” He whispers the last word.
“I was, but I was mainly taking you out on a date. You do know that, right? I had considered that our first date, the tour being the second one.”
“Well, I did wonder later on if the dinner and observatory might have been a date but I figured it might have been some form of false hope, and I didn’t wanna have to ask. Especially if it wasn’t actually meant as a date....” Danny says.
Danny is rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, looking down at the blanket. His cheeks are still flushed. Jason lets out a sigh as he shakes his head a little.
“Well, it’s not entirely your fault. I guess I also could have been clearer. But… You don’t mind that having been our first date?” Jason asks, keeping his gaze on Danny’s face to study his reaction. “Even if you didn’t quite realize it was meant to be a date at the time?”
Danny shakes his head, smiling at him.
“No, no… I don’t mind.”
They’re both gazing softly at each other. Danny moves a bit closer and raises his hand, gently placing it on Jason’s cheek. When he speaks, his tone is a soft whisper.
“Well, since we got a liiiiittle bit off-topic I suppose I’ll ask again. Jason Todd, can I kiss you?”
“I’d like nothing more”
Now, having verbal consent, Danny places his other hand on Jason’s other cheek. Jason places his hands on Danny’s arms. They both lean in, closing their eyes.
They kiss.
It’s only a short moment after when they both suddenly jerk away from each other.
Two pairs of toxic green glowing eyes meet.
One gaze filled with shock, realization, and a small twinge of excitement. The other filled with pain, comprehension, and horror.
They both speak at once.
One voice filled with amazement. The other filled with devastation.
“You’ve died?”
@i-always-say-yea @uraniumwizard @why-must-i-be-like-this @griffinthing @i23432i @imsotiredfanficlovertm @jaguarthecat @arkita-shadow @ilydana @jai-twin @apple-juice16 @mossy-bonez
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carabalism · 1 year
pairing(s) twd x teen!reader, rick grimes x teen!reader (platonic)
synopsis y/n went through hell and back for a baby she didn’t even know the name of. but now she finally meets the father of the baby.
warning(s) canon-typical violence/gore
“you’re gonna be okay.. shhh..” y/n whispered to the baby wrapped to y/n’s chest securely with a sheet covering her. y/n had rubbed her body with the guts of a walker to camouflage amongst the walkers, but she couldn’t bring herself to put any of it on a baby, “we got this baby.”
y/n had judith hidden under the sheet, so that her scent would be covered too. she was relieved that the baby made little to no noise, occasionally crying when she needed something, but this wasn’t such a fussy baby.
“we’ll get to terminus,” y/n mumbled, every inch of her body ached, burned, hurt. her eyes stung with every blink they took, her eyelids heavy from her lack of sleep and her throat dry. the weight of two bags was getting to her, but she urged her body to move on. for baby.
y/n had found the prison, destroyed and littered with walkers. but she also found judith, alone and screaming with walkers approaching. y/n saved judith. the teenage girl had saved the baby’s life and dedicated everything she had to return the baby to its family. no matter how long it took. she was determined to find out what her name was - “baby” didn’t seem like such a good guess.
up the track there were explosions.
up the track was terminus.
a newfound energy kicked into y/n’s body and she began running towards the explosions. tears stung her tired eyes as she ran, holding judith as closely as she could. this was her last hope. terminus was supposed to be it.
a small cabin caught her eye and she decided that it would be a good place to hide out until she could be sure the coast was clear. with her gun raised she swung the door open quickly, ready for anything. what she found was a man tied up on the ground and another man with a beanie on, leaning against the wall.
“what the hell is going on here?” y/n glared at both the men, her gun pointing at the man not tied up.
“put the gun down, it’s not what it looks like.” tyreese raised his hands, “he’s from terminus… terminus isn’t what it seems.”
y/n eyed tyreese suspiciously, but one look at the smirking man on the ground, she could tell who the real threat was.
“i don’t want to have to hurt any of you, i’m just trying to find someone.” y/n explained, her gun still raised and aimed at the tied up man.
“i’m tyreese, if you put the gun down i’ll help you look for them as soon as this is over,” he smiled, his words sounding sincere. y/n wondered how he had survived so long but remain kind. she didn’t remember the last time a stranger was nice to her.
“i’m y/n…” y/n looked down at the dirty blanket covering judith, she lifted it slightly to show tyreese her head, “this is baby.”
tyreese’s eyes widened and he looked at y/n in complete shock, “is she..”
“can’t believe there’s kids having kids now and calling them baby! what a joke.” the man tied up on the ground laughed.
“she’s not mine, asshole.” y/n rolled her eyes, “i woke up one day and heard explosions, when i got there everything was already gone… it was a prison.”
“a prison?” tyreese’s voice shook, the realisation hitting him that judith was alive, “judith..?”
y/n looked at tyreese in shock, “judith?”
“judith grimes,” tyreese nodded, he seemed slightly dazed, but happy, “can i see her?”
y/n hesitantly pulled the blanket off judith and revealed the baby to the man, “you know her? do you know her parents?”
“this is so touching,” a scoff left the man’s lips and he rolled his eyes.
“you speak again and i’ll kill you.” y/n glared at the hostage.
“big guy over here won’t let you.”
“no one has to get hurt.” tyreese sighed, not wanting the teenage girl to shoot the man. especially not a kid.
“do you know baby’s parents?” y/n repeated her question, “sorry- judith.”
“her father… i knew him, but i haven’t seen him since the prison fell, we were hoping to find him at terminus if he made it. that’s where he would go if he made it.”
y/n sat down on a chair in the corner of the cabin, she unwrapped judith from her midriff. rocking her back and forth, y/n whispered to the baby about how she’d see her father again.
“you realise you’re going to have to kill me right?” the man spoke up again, making y/n roll her eyes.
“we don’t.” tyreese stared at y/n, silently pleading with her, “we don’t.”
“c’mon man, he’s tied up and you said he’s bad people,” y/n argued, “keeping him alive is doing no good to anyone. he’s a threat.”
“he’s tied up, you said yourself, he can’t hurt us.” tyreese pleaded.
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everything felt heavy. there was a constant ringing that y/n couldn’t get rid of, her body moved on its own as her vision went in and out of focus. a shiver ran down her spine and in response a sob leapt out of her mouth as she hugged the baby close, tucking judith’s head under her chin.
blood stained her hands and each glimpse of red that she caught, the more she sobbed.
“hey.. hey, look at me,” y/n heard a distant voice, “look at me, hey!”
y/n stared into tyreese’s eyes and choked on a sob, “i’m s-sorry.”
the prisoner the two kept had inevitably attempted an escape and when tyreese couldn’t put a stop to him, y/n did. she gutted the man. stabbed him repeatedly. and finally a stab to the head to permanently end him.
“don’t be sorry.” tyreese shook his head, holding y/n by the shoulders as he crouched down in front of her, “you did good. you saved judith.”
“i-is she o-okay?” y/n tried to speak, but each word was almost impossible for her to say. she kept gasping for more air between words.
“she’s fine, she’s okay, we’re all okay.” tyreese smiled, “we have to get up now, you can finally meet her father.”
“really?” y/n whispered, she was slowly slipping out of her daze and noticed the group of people standing a few metres away.
“yeah,” tyreese grinned and helped her up, despite her shakiness she walked with tyreese to the group of people. a boy ran to her and immediately took judith from her grasp and hugged her. a man wasn’t so far behind and when he reached her he wrapped his arms around her and engulfed her in a tight hug.
“thank you,” the man cried, “thank you.”
y/n hugged the man back, a smile on her face. she had returned baby back to her family. she completed her mission.
“if she responds to the word baby sometimes, that might be because i started calling her that.” y/n smiled nervously as the man pulled away.
“i can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done,” he shakes his head in disbelief, grabbing judith from the boy and holding her close, pressing a kiss on her head and holding his tears back, “how old are you?”
“I’m fifteen? maybe sixteen..” y/n paused to think, “i’ll go with sixteen.”
“how many walkers have you killed?” he asked, a slight smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.
“a lot, never kept track though,” y/n shrugged.
“how many people have you killed?” rick questioned.
y/n’s face immediately turned sour, the question caught her off guard and made her mind flash memories she wanted to forget.
y/n looked down at judith who had fallen asleep in her father’s arms, “they tried to kill your baby.”
rick nodded, taking in the girl’s words, “i understand. i’m sorry you had to do that.”
“i wouldn’t have done anything different, i wanted to learn her name rather than calling her baby all day,” y/n smiled softly at judith, “she’s great company too.. totally nails the small talk.”
rick laughed and smiled at his son, who was smiling back at him, holding onto judith’s hand.
“i’m rick grimes, this is my son carl,” rick introduced himself and carl, “you already know judith of course.”
“she’s told me a lot about you guys,” y/n smirked.
“she spoke?” carl’s eyes widened. rick pulled his son into a side hug and just laughed.
“she was joking,” he whispered to carl.
“the others are michonne, maggie, glenn, daryl, carol, tara, abraham, rosita, sasha and eugene,” rick pointed everyone out, “you’re free to join us, i owe you.”
“i’m y/n,” y/n grinned, “i’m glad i found you.”
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