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shentheauthor · 8 months ago
The Nightmare’s Curtain Call
So I have a LOT of thoughts on Grimm, Grimmchild, NKG, and the Nightmare Heart, and I’m about to dump ALL of them. Under the cut, bc it’s so long
First thing’s first, I must clarify: Grimm and the Nightmare HEART are NOT the same entity. I am distinguishing between the Heart and NKG, and I’ll get into it later, but for now, that is important information
Grimm’s deal
The first Grimm was ancient. He was around before the Dream and Nightmare realms split into two
When the schism happened, Grimm was very devoted to the Nightmare Heart’s purpose (more on this later)
So when the Heart was cast into its own, much smaller realm, who heeded its call for aid? That’s right: Grimm
The Heart cannot survive without a body to contain it. However, the body it’s meant for is gone. Grimm volunteered his own body to replace it
Containing the Heart is painful. Agonizingly so. To me, Grimm was once a moth. When he accepted the Heart into his chest, his original heart burned, and his entire body warped into a completely unique bug type
His voice was permanently altered, so even future Grimmchildren would have a hard time speaking without pain
He can no longer fly with his wings, using them as a cloak
As the time of the ritual approaches, the Heart begins to burn his body apart. Grimm is, after all, not a Higher Being. Containing one inevitably causes death and destruction (see: Hollow)
It doesn’t matter how you came to contain a Higher Being— your mortal body cannot sustain it
So a new Grimm must be found
The problem is, the Heart made a deal with Grimm with the last of its strength. It will never, ever recover its full power. So rather than burn itself out trying to find a new host, it’s easier to find a loophole
Each Grimmchild is created from the Heart’s flames, and it shares Grimm’s name and face. Technically speaking, Grimm is still the host. No unnecessary energy needs to be expended by the Heart.
There have been many generations of Grimm. The Radiance is old, calling the Void an “ancient enemy.” While it may not have necessarily been her as she is in game, she still has memories from the first Dream God’s lifetime. The Heart is the same.
Each Grimm receives the memories of the Heart and the previous Grimm, as each Grimm who dies is absorbed into the flames. However, every Grimm is slightly different from the last, based on who raised them. Needless to say, many a Grimm has not been happy with their arrangement, as their autonomy was taken away generations back
The Grimm we meet is somewhere along the lines of the 20th-25th Troupe Master
The Nightmare Heart
The Heart is interesting, because it’s not a Higher Being in the traditional sense. It is, quite literally, the still-beating heart of the original Dream God. It’s sentient, yes, but it doesn’t look or act like how you’d expect a god to
It’s pretty single-minded in following its purpose: cleanse the dream realm, recycle, burn
Basically it functions as both the heart and the liver. Dreams circulate through it, both good and bad, but the nightmares are the most important part. They keep the good/light dreams moving by providing a route for them to go through.
In its duties as the liver, it takes dreams that have “stagnated” or “corrupted,” processes them, and turns them into nightmares. It’s like a detoxification. If left to fester, well, you get things like the radiance that turn bitter and angry and cruel. Nightmares are necessary to help us process the fear that we feel!
The Heart cannot survive when cut off from its body. Conversely, the body cannot survive when cut off from the Heart. The Radiance and the Heart formed when the original Dream God’s body died, expelling both of them
They were meant to work together, still. But their ideas clashed, and neither really understood the consequences of separating. So their realms were cut apart, leaving both of their other halves to rot
Yes, the Heart is dying. It doesn’t matter if you stop the ritual or not. It will eventually perish. No amount of Grimms can heal it, because it will never be given enough time with any of them to truly start working again
The Heart and the Troupe are left to pick up the pieces of rotting kingdoms, because that’s all they have the power to do anymore. If they try to resume their original duties, the Heart won’t be able to keep up. It’s like when someone drinks heavily and doesn’t give the liver time to recover. The Heart is forced to regulate itself, even though it wants to regain its old power
The Radiance was dying long before the Pale King came around. That’s why she reacted the way she did. She didn’t want to die any faster
Nightmare King Grimm
Ok! So! The Heart and Grimm are not the same being, but what about NKG?
The answer is: it’s complicated
NKG is sort of a fusion between the two. He is birthed from the Heart, so you can think of him as like… a new being? Almost?
It’s Grimm and the Heart formed into one. In order to burn the father, he must fully embrace the flames and let them destroy his mortal shell
Afterwards, Grimm becomes part of the Heart. Another nightmare to be recycled.
NKG is stronger and faster than Grimm, but he will burn out and die more quickly too. Once Grimm dies, his flames and the Nightmare Heart transfer to the Grimmchild, killing NKG in the process
The next NKG will be the next Grimm, and so on and so forth
Ending the ritual
Ending the ritual is actually pretty dang bad!
The dreams and regrets of dying kingdoms NEED to be processed, or they will fester. Like the infection. Yes the Infection is a major result of the Heart not being there to detoxify the Radiance’s stagnant dreams that she’s forcing on everyone. It wouldn’t be nearly as bad if the two had never separated
Now this is not to say that Brumm is bad. Quite the opposite actually. He is correct! The ritual is torture! It’s genuinely awful for every Grimm involved, especially because NONE of them except for the first consented!
The thing is, regardless of whether you stop the ritual or not, the Heart will die. It’ll just die faster if you stop it
Stopping the ritual is Very painful, and the Grimm will die anyway, leaving the Heart to drift until it can gather its strength enough to form another Grimmchild. Note: the previous Grimm’s memories will NOT be absorbed into the heart— so in a way, he’s free!
When you join the Troupe, you lose your name and memories, even your original body. This is by design. The Nightmare Heart recycles and destroys, it does not preserve. The flames cleanse your body, mind, and soul, leaving a blank slate.
Leaving the troupe, your body is returned, but your mind is not. Nymm has amnesia, but he clearly knows how to function as a normal bug. This is why I think that, upon leaving the troupe, all of your memories from your time with them is gone. Everything from before is gone. However, you will still remember bits and pieces— like how Nymm thinks the carefree melody charm is familiar, and it makes him think of something he forgot
When Nightmares Die
What happens when the Heart dies? I’m glad you asked
Put simply, everyone still in the Troupe will either be banished, or consumed by the flames. It depends on what they desire, and how the Heart feels when its demise comes
As for Grimm… the Heart will cannibalize him. No traces of him will be left. He was the original kindling, after all. A dying god will cling to any fuel it can get. Unfortunately, that fuel is Grimm. And sadly, it won’t do anything to help
After the Heart dies, the world will find equilibrium again… but it will be hard. After the Radiance dies, the Dream Realm is not gone! The same is true for the Heart.
It will change, for sure. It will be a lot harder to figure out. But it will still be there
Slowly, but surely, things will return to how they should be. Dreams and Nightmares will work in tandem again, their realms merging smoothly as they once were. Maybe someday, a new Dream God will be formed, to continue the cycle all over again. Maybe not. Who can say?
All that will be left of the Grimm Troupe is a few bugs without memories, and with a strange sense of nostalgia for something they never experienced
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djevelbl · 4 months ago
I wanna make a character analysis on Kaboodle vs ClownPierce and how they decide to play LifeSteal, but that requires me to know HOW tf the two of them have been playing s6 and uh. I don't. so
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ljubimaya · 2 months ago
I wouldn't mind being shared by Kazutora and Baji. I could be a fleshlight for two
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snakes-of-the-undercity · 4 months ago
My brain being obsessed with the arcane concept of family in parallel to my own is not what I need during midterm week
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vorgoth · 4 months ago
cannot believe i have to WORK after finishing veilguard. this is an offense against me personally
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karpsicles · 8 months ago
heres my opinions that ive spent all of a week thinking about
joe's best mv look: take over
patrick's best mv look: dance dance (both)
andy's best mv look: ybc
pete's best mv look: lftos
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lovingdabeessss · 2 years ago
Yes yes we’re all well aware of the beautiful mirroring of Blake and Ruby and how they’re incredibly similar especially in childhood it’s amazing and heartbreaking and we love it
But we never talk about how how this also goes for Yang and Weiss!!!!! Their childhoods were also INCREDIBLY similar however instead of having happy childhoods that got ruined they both had no childhood and finally got to experience childlike happiness when they got older
Weiss and Yang both were put under immense pressure at a young age Weiss because of her family’s expectations yang because her family was falling apart and they needed her
Endless cycles of routine and stress Yang says what she wanted out of being a huntress was to not know what she was going to do each morning to have adventure to be responsible for your family’s well being means you are always adhering to others needs means you can’t have plans means you have to wake up knowing exactly what you have to do that day and it’s dreadful and Weiss’s life was preplanned out for her to the letter she couldn’t step out of line for a second she couldn’t exist in any space that wasn’t decided for her
And then there’s being lonely they are both incredibly lonely they are both putting up facades they both live with big families that are so dysfunctional they’re still completely alone I mean yangs families so big you have to use three names to refer to it and yet she still was the one to raise Ruby
We see weiss practicing fake smiles we’ve seen yang perfecting them she has said disingenuous “I’m fine”s so much in the series you could start a drinking game
Then they go to beacon and they get a new family a perfect family for them Yang doesnt even have to worry about leaving Ruby behind because she’s there two it’s amazing Weiss gets bunk beds and friends and break the rules she breaks out of the mindset that she was forced into Yang gets to relax (despite Ruby giving her consent heart attacks with how much danger she’s always in) she meets blake who she loves and wants to be around all the time who encourages her to let Ruby deal with problems on her own and she’s perfectly happy and content just being around and nothing else
And then it all gets YANKED AWAY FROM THEM
I’m sorry if this makes no sense it’s getting very late
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meownotgood · 1 year ago
god I need to write that fantasy au prince aki x witch reader fic I had in my brain a while ago soooo bad
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rainbowangel110 · 1 year ago
Watched Ep 25!! Pics and thoughts below)
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I am. Looking respectfully I swear-
He was so sassy this episode omg. I would have caught the wink he gave Liko and Roy but alas, I too was caught off guard to catch it 😔 it was still a thing of beauty though
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I just love this sequence of events. There was a pause there as Ametheio was like "Oh wait you're right." before recalling Corvinknight (aka Armorgaw)
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His face after Ceruledge (aka Soublades) gets one shot by Terra Blast is priceless but also just the vibes of this.... anyone getting Hunter from ToH vibes??? Just me???
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Same Feucocco, same. Also wasn't able to screenshot this, but Terrapagos' reaction to the terra.... hinty hint! Also the new poster showing it's terra form?? We're definetly seeing that soon.
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Jessie/James vibes are real and alive
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AGAIN- WHAT IS UP WITH YOU HOMIE. God I need to study Amithio under a microscope
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Buddy you are wearing a jacket and are standing next to a fire type- (But also this was just a silly little moment in a jam packed episode)
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I swear this is a hint to Amethio joining Rising Volt-Tacklers, I promise just hear me out please- (No actually though, first time watching this scene I thought he was gonna hitch a ride on Charizard until he pulled out Corvinknight)
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Oh I love this little shit already oh god. The snaggle tooth. The smile. The hair. The VOICE?!?! Perfect omg.
Well until she ordered her Glalie to blow up- I still like her though hope we see more of Sango (also her referring to herself in third person at times "Sango's your secret weapon?")
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Okay so we're all in agreement he's gonna join right?? RIGHT!?!?! The way the camera panned up but you could only catch this expression of Amethio looking up at the Brave Asagi flying away for like a little bit until he goes back to his normal expression. Like come on-
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But also just how old is Lucius cuz Legends Arcus took place wayyyy back. It kinda makes sense now, in the memoir talking about people getting along with Pokémon, which was an unknown concept in Legends until the protagonist came along-
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cassmouse · 1 year ago
Going to see Ghostbusters Frozen Empire tonight wish me luck
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waterloggeddaughter · 7 months ago
Within 10 minutes of strange darling it shot up to the top of my 'movies where I hope they both die/kill each other at the end' list
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daydreaming-en-pointe · 1 year ago
made a gayatri ask blog btw
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dbssh · 2 years ago
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which one of these do we think is like. better
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2leggedshark · 11 months ago
I have so many thoughts that I genuinely cannot express with words. At least with my. Current ability of speaking and explaining stuff. It is impossible to say so many things.
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gojos-thot-patrol · 1 year ago
I got an ask for a Bully Sukuna x Reader, and while I AM ACTIVELY WORKING ON IT its got me thinking so many thoughtsssss.
I'm thinking about Bully! Sukuna, that made thirteen years of your life miserable. Who had a habit of alway pushing you around, and calling you thr cruelest names, and scaring away any potential romantic partner you had ever had.
Bully Sukuna that you started to develop reluctant feelings for at some point. Wires crossing in your brain and finding some version of control in pretending he covted you- not hated you. You imagined what the world would be like of he used his natural charisma and imposing figure for good rather than evil. If his strong arms protected you rather than hurt you.
Bully Sukuna, who you're unbelievably relieved to get away from after graduation, and absolutely devastated to find at college.
He corners you at a party, drunkenly eyeing you up. "You look good for once." His words are terrifying- because he's never said anything that nice to you before.
"Thanks." You grumble, trying to leave only for him to hold out an arm and stop you. He takes a second to finish off his drink before continuing.
"Where do you think you're going, loser?" He scoffs, haphazardly throwing his empty plastic cup behind him. Which- disrespectful- but you expect nothing less from him.
"Back to my dorm?" You mumbled sheepishly.
"Why? You should just come back to mine instead."
I'm thinking about Bully!Sukuna who always had a desperate crush on you. Who found your charming smile and dazzling eyes irresistible. Who only bullied you because he had no idea how else to get your attention- and bad attention was better than nothing.
Bully Sukuna who made your eyes water, just so he could imagine them later when he was fucking his hands. In his fantasy, they're tears of pleasure- not pain.
Okay, maybe a little bit of pain.
Bully Sukuna who's already drunk when you get to the party, filter long since discarded. Who with the social lubricant of alcohol in his veins actually finds it in him to openly thirst over you. A part of you hates it. A part of you loves it.
A part of you uses this revelation to finally take some control in this dynamic.
You're in his dorm, but you're on top of him. You're riding him for all he's worth, finally using his stupidly sculpted body for your pleasure. And he's crumbling under you, feeling the total bliss that being enveloped in you brings. Your chest fills with pride as he begs you to let him cum. Finally, you have some power here.
Bully Sukuna who won't stop texting you after your little rendezvous. Who wants so desperately to meet back up. And you, dear reader, who reads his texts and never responds. Who gets a little shot of serotonin when you remember the power is finally in your court. You meet up every once in awhile- enough to keep him addicted. But never enough to fully satisfy his need to be with you.
You're starting to wonder who's really the Bully here
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bogor-o · 5 months ago
mother thoughtsssss
specifically why she and panomer married and what thats like because they certainly dont have a traditional relationship but theres love in there.
i think that before ovidia lost himself to becoming Mother, there was an understanding between him and Panomer that he was declining, and their union is both one of the last things they did while ovidia was still lucid enough
panomer is his confidant, even after hes mentally away, because mother recognizes the union itself as something beautiful and it keeps him grounded and sometimes pan gets glimpses of ovidia in there, but it hurts. of course it does
and then after narinder comes into the picture, they're excited about it because theres a glimmer of hope like maybe something will happen and they'll be back for good! and theyre not wRONG its just gonna suck for nari for a while but panomer is over the moon when ovidia is back
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