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snakes-of-the-undercity · 2 hours ago
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Hayao Miyazaki on AI
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snakes-of-the-undercity · 13 hours ago
saw these two images together on i think a tumblr post and was struck with the most vivid image of alfred parenting bruce versus bruce parenting dick. so here that is for your viewing pleasure.
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snakes-of-the-undercity · 15 hours ago
I am begging the FDA to require that companies CANNOT just put "spices" as an ingredient but have to label the spices.
"Spices" can mean "this has some oregano and black pepper in it" or it can mean "this has cumin cayenne and paprika and if you eat this you will be sick in bed in pain for a week" for me.
Seriously, this is an allergy issue and a huge oversight on the part of corporations.
Require detailed labeling of spices used in packaged foods NOW.
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snakes-of-the-undercity · 16 hours ago
(forgive me i saw the tags and wanted to yap)
Sooo i read ur post abt people not being able to handle complex female characters and how the tags said you almost included maddie but she's not misunderstood and I agree and disagree at the same time
I like to think about the fact that she was doing good for Noxus, where she would probably be regarded as a respected figure for her spying. She priorities her home and i found that sweet. I also like to wonder if she did feel any remorse after living in piltover so long, because even if she did she can't betray Noxus. (Theyd prolly kill ker). She made a life and probably few personal connections in piltover, but she stayed loyal to her country. Unfortunately we didnt explore her charcter that deeply so i could see why she wouldnt be seen as complex, however that scene where she looked disappointed when cait turned around seemed like genuine emotion.
All that to say live laugh love Maddie Nolen and her lies 🧡
(This isnt me nit picking your post i just needed to talk to someone abt this bc my friend hates her 😂)
No because actually this is so real of you—
The tags on that post were more of a generalization (I guess that would be the term?) of Maddie’s character as I’ve seen her and Vi compared on like wayyy to many occasions and typically I find people tend to mischaracterize Vi and her motivations far more than Maddie (though that’s often because folks just gloss over her character imo).
But I definitely agree with you on the fact that she is a complex character and ultimately had to believe she was doing good for her people. Like, if she was a protag people would be on her side (adorably dangerous girlkisser spy sent to destabilize a corrupt government by her own corrupt government? I would read, watch, listen, and write that story in a heartbeat—) and genuinely I do love her as an antag as well. The reason I think so many folks, like, genuinely dislike her is because she was positioned as a foil to CaitVi, and the double-agent thing is more of an afterthought people use to justify their dislike for her in most cases (as fandoms do. Also it’s fine to say you don’t like a character just for existing, but I just wish people were more up front about it). Definitely a lot of it also comes from the fact that she was a side character and therefore didn’t get a ton of development, but at the same time the same could be said about season 1 Sevika and everyone (myself included) loved her.
I also think her setup was so interesting in act 1 of the season - originally I thought she might have been introduced to be a parallel of Powder given how she acted with Vi, as well as Jinx finding Isha - a whole ‘do over/learn the struggles’ kind of thing that could have turned out super interesting and added to the characters imo. The later acts pushed her more into being a near background character, but there’s still quite a few instances where she’s seen looking actually happy around some of the piltover folk (namely that one fish-feather guy) and I agree that the remorse in that Cait scene felt fairly genuine.
Anyway, sorry if this made no sense but live laugh love our adorable ginger spy and all her fabulous lies 🧡
(I will take any excuse to yap about my girl Mads so thx anon :D)
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snakes-of-the-undercity · 24 hours ago
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i'll never forget in 2020 when covid really broke out and the cbc discovered that most canadian hospitals and businesses were sourcing their PPE from factories run on slave labour by undocumented refugees in malaysia
also when canada was shipping all its garbage to malaysia to offload the environmental impact where it would be burned in these garbage burning factories + pollute the water and air in malaysia, and when malaysia stopped accepting the garbage and turned it back it became a diplomatic incident
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Bane holding Dick dressed as Batman: I promise I will break your back as well
Bane attempts to snap dicks spine
Dick: *bends*
Bane: *straightens Dick back and tries to snap dicks spine over his knee*
Dick ‘I wanted to be a contortionist in the circus’ Grayson: bends to accommodate shape of knee
Bane: wut
Dick: … I’m Batman?
Bane: …
Dick: idk man it seemed appropriate for the moment
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i don’t feel like i’m old enough to be my age
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a japanese guy who made a bunch of creepy pasta videos a long time ago (you’ve probably seen Youtube666, he made that) is playing through minecraft for the first time and he’s not using any guides or anything other than the in-game guidebook and he’s fucking. doing it in such a buddhist way.
like, he’s so patient and detached from all of the stuff he’s gotten.
in the newest episode he destroyed 14566 blocks of bridge and blew up his original house just because he learned about xyz coordinates by accidentally pressing F5 and he wanted his house to be at the X:0 coordinate.
also look at this quarry. it’s his 5th quarry.
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look at this absolute fucking massive hole.
and it’s not like “HELLOOOOO EVERYBODY WHAT IS UP, TODAY WE’RE GONNA BE PLAYING MIIIIIINECRAAAAFT” he’s just like. a quiet 30 year old japanese man who speaks very precisely and politely. and he even does his own english captions which are overlayed on the video and he uses emoticons like (0u0)/
he’s so wonderful and cute.
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If I was a horseman of the apocalypse I’d be pestilence because the name is cool and I enjoy all forms of biological warfare
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snakes-of-the-undercity · 2 days ago
Folks say they love when complex female characters but can’t even handle Vi
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snakes-of-the-undercity · 2 days ago
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snakes-of-the-undercity · 2 days ago
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snakes-of-the-undercity · 2 days ago
Bitch my ear is broken and so is my mouth wtf
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snakes-of-the-undercity · 2 days ago
hghh I can't decide what to wear to the movie tonight help 😭
The movie is Princess Mononoke, the girl I'm seeing it with is really goth/punk (black skirts, camo, skulls and bones, lace, elaborate makeup)
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snakes-of-the-undercity · 2 days ago
Reblog if you're not homophobic
Every url that reblog’s will be written in a book and shown to my homophobic dad. 
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snakes-of-the-undercity · 2 days ago
If your 13 or older and still sleep with a stuffed animal please rb this im tryna prove a point to my friend.
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