#I had to change her name to be after a constellation though
casiavium · 8 months
your name sounds like a harry potter spell
blocked and reported. this is bullying
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thicctails · 27 days
△Early Morning Comfort△
Get Better Children won the poll (I'm not surprised, y'all love those tragic triangles, huh?) so here's a little piece about one of the times Scalene and Euclid had to take care of Dipper and Mabel!
The babies were crying again.
Scalene watched the doorway even as she glided across the walls of the nursery, listening for the sound of footsteps. They almost never came, especially not lately, but she had to be sure before she decided to pull herself into the 3D plane. It was something she'd like to avoid, if she could.
Unfortunately, the hallway remained silent, and little Mabel and Mason continued to wail, their pudgy faces scrunched up in discontent. Scalene looked over at her husband and found that he was looking right back at her. They shared a knowing look, and Scalene took a deep breath.
The transition from the second dimension to the third was anything but fun. The red triangle couldn't help but wince as she felt her flesh and exoskeleton rush to adapt to the sudden change, muscles and bones knitting together to keep her organs from spilling out onto the floor. Her injuries screamed and flickered rapidly, small droplets of blood welling up around the edges. Then, without any fanfare, it was over, and the pain was replaced by a sense of vertigo that almost sent her toppling over.
After a few moments of breathing and readjusting to the feeling of being three dimensional, Scalene floated towards the twins, peering down into the crib. Euclid was already trying to soothe Mabel, so she focused her attention on Mason, her little Dipper. Using her one remaining hand, she gently ran her fingers through his wispy hair, shushing him softly. She was beginning to wonder if this would be another night where their more human forms were needed, but the little boy began to settle when he cracked a sleepy eye open and saw the loving face of his caregiver.
His twin wasn't far behind, content to simply gnaw on Euclid's hat, which she had somehow managed to grab. Her husband merely crinkled his eyes in affectionate amusement, happy to have appeased the infant.
"They're so easy to settle." Scalene mused aloud as she gently traced the constellation birthmark beneath her thumb. She looked towards the door again, a glowing pulse of angry crimson flashing across her form for a moment, "I don't know why they even bothered to have offspring if they didn't want to care for them. They were blessed with twins, yet you would think them childless."
"I'm not sure they meant to reproduce, my darling. They seem to be rather young compared to the other parental humans we've seen." Euclid replied, gently tucking a soft blanket around Mabel, who wrapped a wrinkly fist around his hand. Euclid's eyes sparkled, and he let out a quiet hum, "Still, that's no excuse to neglect these two little stars. I wish they would find someone more suited to care for them."
"As do I." Scalene sighed, "They deserve much more than what they've got, more than we can give them."
A comfortable silence settled over the nursery, broken occasionally by the twins' babbling. As the clock ticked quietly in the corner, Mabel and Mason settled back down to sleep, leaving the two Euclideans as the only awake beings in the house.
"Do you think Bill would have liked them?"
Scalene startled slightly at the question and turned towards Euclid, who was gently petting Mabel's head as he eased his hat free from her grasp, unused to hearing her husband bring up their son. It was a painful topic for both of them, and it was rare for his name to be spoken aloud.
Scalene pondered the question, thinking about how her little stargazer had been in his youth, and how he'd been before... The accident. He'd been bright, curious, creative and more than a little mischievous. He'd been different, special, though not many had seen it that way. All he'd wanted was to show them the stars.
She looked down at Mason's birthmark and remembered the awe she'd felt when she realized that the boy had been marked by the stars.
"Yeah," she managed to rasp out, "I think he would have."
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thebestofoneshots · 23 days
Gilded Constellations | (wolfstar x reader)
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Series Masterlist | Previous episode
Pairing: Wolfstar x Reader Word Count: 8.2 K Warnings: none Prompt: The Marauders x Vixen parank is finally about to happen.. How will the students react to a school flooded with frogs? This IS a Wolfstar x reader fic, but it's incredibly slow burn. They won't start all dating each other until we're very deep into the story, but I promise the long wait will be worth it. Proofread by lovely @aremuslupinsimp
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Chapter 62: Born to be Wild
Wednesday 12th, 1977 - 08:20 AM
“So? You think she’s too hurt?” you asked as you leaned over the Slytherin table. 
“You said she crashed on the floor and rolled a couple of times, yeah?” Solacis asked. He was the one person you knew had a lot of knowledge of owls, so you had gone to him as soon as he appeared at the door. 
“Yeah, she was trying to crash onto me, but I got out of the way.” 
“And she bit you?” 
“But that’s been taken care of,” you said reassuringly. “I’m worried about her, though. She was stunned. I don’t think James used much strength but–” 
“But she’s way smaller than a human,” Solacis nodded. Nieve was still asleep, but she stirred as Solacis extended her wing to check on her. His delicate pale hands were softly touching her feathers when Nox and Regulus arrived at the table. 
“Hey, Vix,” Nox said. He’d heard Prongs calling you that one day and it had stuck. 
Reggie said your name quietly with a nod and sat down beside you. You hadn’t had a proper talk since that day, and something told him that then wouldn’t be a good moment to do it either. “How are you?” 
“Good,” you replied with a genuine smile, he could tell. “You?” 
He smiled, although it seemed like it was hard for him to do it, “Yeah, that too.” 
Nox and Solacis were talking about the owl while you looked at him with a bit of a frown. He cleared his throat and handed you a piece of bread. You knew he was trying to divert the attention from it, he probably couldn’t talk about it there. “I’ll see you later about that homework, yeah?” 
“What homework?” Nox asked, clearly worried he’d forgotten his own.
“Reggie’s gonna help me with something,” you excused and then turned to Solacis. “Is she okay?” 
“She’ll be all right,” he reassured you. “Mix some Boswelia and Chamomile with her food, and keep an eye on her. She’ll be like new in a few days. I think she just took a bad hit, but she won’t be able to fly for a while. So if you need to take a message somewhere I suggest you use your other owl.” 
“Right, will do,” you said with a smile. “Thanks, Sol, I owe you one.” 
“You can pay back by not being so savage next time we play quidditch.” 
“Oh, no, you’d have to pick something else,” you added with a smirk and a wink. 
“Indeed, you have to practise more, Solacis, not get your opponents to go easier on you,” Dorcas said as she sat right in front of them. “Nice to see you, Luv.” 
“Same,” you smiled as you stood. “I better get to my table before I’m called a house traitor.” 
“I think you should just change your robes to green and join us.” 
“I could make room for you in my chambers,” Dorcas offered with a smirk. 
“And have to share a common room with Snivellus? No, thank you!” you joked. Dorcas cackled while the others laughed, even if a little more discreetly. Severus, who wasn’t that far off, threw you an angry look, which you noticed out of the corner of your eye. Even Barty was concealing a smile as Evan told Severus something related to their homework. You smiled and picked Nieve from their table carefully. “Thanks again,” you told Solacis with a smile and walked back to your table with the owl in your hands. 
“How did it go?” Remus asked.
“Great, I know what plants I should feed her… Mind coming with me to the herbology classroom later?” 
“Sure,” he retorted with a smile. “Perhaps after the thing.” 
“What thing?” Asked Marlene as she leaned towards you. 
“Oh, just a thing,” you retorted, making it sound as casual as possible. “Nothing to worry about.” 
“Don’t tell me you’ve gotten yourself involved in another Marauder’s prank? Last time we lost James and Sirius in the game, and we’re playing Slytherin again, we’ll need James! Regulus has been practising since you beat him to the snitch.” 
“I’d never do such a thing,” you said as you looked at Remus, complicity dancing in both gazes. “Quidditch comes first, pranks come later,” you added resolutely.  
“Aye!” James said as he took a bite from his toast. Lily, who was sitting beside him, rolled her eyes and handed him a napkin since he’d gotten crumbs all over his face. 
Breakfast came and went without much more eventualities. Peter didn’t wake up in time but you saved some food for him and handed it over when he caught up with you on your way to charms after you went back to your room to leave Nieve in a small heap of pillows. 
“Thanks, Vixen,” he said as he took out the sandwich from its napkin. “And it’s roast beef with brown sauce!” He said after he gave it a bite. “Brilliant!” 
“No problem,” you said with a simple shrug. 
By the time you arrived at your classroom, the five of you were beaming with the excitement of the imminent prank. Peter had gobbled the last half of his sandwich just before walking inside the classroom. 
“That can’t be good for your health mate,” James said with a frown as he pointed at Peter.
The latter cleared his throat before retorting “Shut up, Prongs!”
“Just looking out for you,” James said as he raised his hands in surrender. “I think you’re going back to nervous eating. You know your mum told me that–” 
��James!” he complained now, motioning to the fact that there were plenty of people around. James didn’t know why it was such an issue for Peter to talk about it but didn’t press further. Peter, on the other hand, hated the idea of talking about his food issues in front of people, especially in front of Sirius and Remus who seemed to be so fit without putting any effort into it –according to him.  Sirius literally did quidditch every morning with you and James. And while Remus didn’t do anything special, he did do a freaking intense amount of exercise whenever he was a wolf, not to mention he often took walks around the school when he wanted to be alone. 
“Sorry, sorry,” James retorted. “We’ll talk about it later.” 
Peter tried not to roll his eyes as he rushed inside the classroom. 
Professor Flitwick was already inside the classroom, standing at his little podium like he often would during classes, you smiled and nodded his way as you walked inside along with the boys. As you were walking to sit next to Remus (as you usually did on Charms), Lily pulled you from her spot near the front and had you sit beside her. 
“You’re not going anywhere,” she told you as you fell onto the chair. Remus threw you a questioning look and you shrugged in response. When Sirius realised Remus wouldn’t be sitting with you, he went straight to take your normal spot and sent you a daring sort of gaze, as if to show off the fact that he was sitting next to Rem instead of you. 
“Are you even listening to me?” Lily asked as she shook you by the shoulder.
“Yes, sorry,” you replied as you turned to her, “you said we had to hand in an essay today but you totally forgot about it.” 
“And you forgot it too, you dumbass, I’ve checked your notes,” she said as she pointed at the pile of papers you had now left on the table, including a few scrolls and a notebook, the essay was nowhere in sight. 
“I didn’t forget,” you said with a smile. 
“Well it’s not here either,” she said as she moved your papers around again. 
“No, I just didn’t do it.” 
“You what?” she asked in shock. You had been in study club since the start, and you had always handed in your homework on time. In fact, she thought you were as dedicated as her, if perhaps a little more relaxed. 
You smirked. “You really shouldn’t worry so much. For one, I’m sure Flitwick would forgive and forget if one of his favourite students forgot to bring their homework. Two, I have the feeling everyone’s gonna forget about the homework in a few minutes.” 
“Oh no, the toads,” she whispered, the grip on her wand tightened. “You know, I blame you for forgetting it, I spent all of last night looking up spells in case of an emergency.” 
“Oh, that’s so not on me,” you retorted with a smile. 
“Welcome, welcome,” Flitwick said, voice slightly louder than it had been previously. “I hope you all had an excellent Christmas break…” 
You tried not to think too much of your Christmas break, although there had definitely been some a few –although very few– things that you would have considered excellent from the tumultuous time the past few weeks had been for you. 
“… today we’re going to be looking at complex charms combinations. Does anybody know what charm combining consists of?” 
Lily and Remus raised their hands. You would have raised yours as well but decided to let either of them answer instead. 
“Miss Evans,” Flitwick said as he pointed at her with his wand. 
“Combining spells consists of taking the main properties of two or more spells and weaving them together to create a new spell that either does both things or something slightly different.” 
“And what’s a good example?” 
Lily frowned and licked her lips as she thought of an answer, and then she smiled. “Lumus Solem,” she said. “It combined the brightness of Lumus with the heat and rays of the sun. If done without care it can be extremely dangerous due to radiation.” 
Flitwick smiled, seemingly satisfied at her answer. “Precisely–” he started but got interrupted by a boy who raised her hand and spoke before being indicated. 
“Can Lumus really be dangerous?” he asked. 
“Certain variations of the spell definitely can. A potent enough Lumos could blind you either temporarily or permanently. Lumos Solem, has been used as a torture device in the past as well. Long exposure has been known not only to cause severe dehydration but even grade 3 sunburns–” 
Flitwick was interrupted yet again, this time by a girl’s shriek You turned to the source of the scream with the most surprised face you could pull off. 
“What’s with this fuss?” he asked in a rather stern tone. Flitwick didn’t get angry very often, but he’d gotten interrupted twice already and he really didn’t appreciate being interrupted.
“Toads, Professor,” replied the same boy from before. 
“Excuse me?” 
“There are many of them,” added another girl who was moving her feet out of the way. The students in the back had were already getting on their seats. 
“Please sit down,” the small professor said as he shook his head in exasperation. From his position, he couldn’t quite see the tsunami of toads that was about to reach him. Besides, he quite liked toads, after all, he was planning to reopen the Frog Choir that had been lost after 1959 when Professor Marcus Bonnknott passed away. 
Filius had only heard them play a few times during his first and second years in Hogwarts, and he was very upset when the choir died along with Marcus, who he thought was fascinating. It was in fact, because of said professor that he had gotten himself into music after graduating and before being offered the Charms Teacher position by Dombuldore in the early 70s. 
But neither of the students seemed to listen, which obviously exasperated him and forced him to walk down from his podium only to see a small toad jumping his way. He leaned down and picked it up carefully. “Is this little guy the one causing you to leave your seats so hastily?” 
“No, Professor,” said Imgoen as she shook her head. “It’s the amount of them.” 
By then both you and Lily had gotten over your seats and were currently sitting on the table. What could only be described as a herd of toads was approaching the front of the room. The stone floor of the classroom turned green and brown as the toads jumped around, trying to find some space within the now swampy water running from the end of the classroom. 
Lily threw you a look and you just shrugged as you straightened up and looked at the mess you’d created along with the boys. 
“Oh Dear, quite a catastrophe, I see,” said Flitwick as he took his wand out and waved it in the air. With a swish and a flick, about a hundred toads were lifted from the ground and started floating above everyone.
“Ugh… that’s gross,” said a Hufflepuff boy as he nudged one of the toads further from his face using his wand. 
“Please refrain from touching the animals,” Flitwick said as he threw the boy a stern look. 
Another girl had picked a salt shaker from her bag and was diligently throwing it around her. 
“What do you think you’re doing, Miss Griffith?” 
“Salt will make them squirm, I’m keeping them away from me,” she said urgently as she continued, even if none of the frogs seemed to mind. 
“That’s with slugs, you dumbass,” retorted Tom with a cackle. He’d been sitting next to her because after Lily pulled you to sit beside her, the normal sit arrangement had been skewed and his place –next to Beth– had been taken by Marlene. 
“Shut up,” the girl said as she continued throwing salt. 
Peter was laughing as he stared until a toad got on his feet and he shook it off with a short scream as he also got on top of the table.
James, Sirius and Remus were definitely enjoying the absolute chaos as they all stood at their desks, they didn’t even bother to sit on them and looked riddicolously tall in comparison to Flitwick which just made the whole scene all the more amusing.
“Please, calm down,” Flitwick said, as he managed to lift a few more toads into the air. All of them with their small legs extended and looking as confused as you’d imagine a flying toad would. And then another swamp bomb fell to the floor, the water level increased and tons of toads started appearing. “Goodness,” he said as another bomb fell from the other side of the classroom. 
Lily had her wand up in the air as she stared at the toads with a “ready to attack” sort of gaze and you suppressed a smile as some other students were already using protection spells around themselves and keeping them up as the toads walked past the feet of the chairs and table. 
“All right, perhaps we should exit the classroom instead,” he said as he tried to lift some of the toads that had just appeared along with the others. “Please form a careful line and–” 
It was useless, the moment he said they could leave, most students bolted towards the exit like runaway horses, pushing each other while trying to keep themselves as far away as possible from the toads, which was pretty much impossible, since they were all over the floor, not to mention everyone’s pants and socks were now pretty wet with murky water. 
Lily sighed and took out her wand. “Bufonem repelleare,” she said and waved her wand around her shoes, as she placed her feet on the murky water, the toads seemed to form a circle around her, as if avoiding her entirely. 
Beth gasped as she pointed at her, “Lily, come and save me!” She said as she pointed at her feet, which got some other students staring quite impressed at her. 
“Masterful use of spell combination, Miss Evans,” said Flitwick as he pointed at her and continued to move the toads as far away from the students as it was possible for him to do. 
“You’re coming?” Lily asked as she offered you her hand.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got an escape my plan for myself prepared,” you told her with a wink, and as she walked towards Beth you finally got on the table. Your seat was rather close to the windows, and the door was on the other side, which meant you had quite a walk to make before exiting the toadtrap you had created; but you weren’t looking forward to getting your feet wet, let alone your socks, which Lily had taken in as a necessary evil. 
You stood on the chair and then on your table, and from there, you jumped to the table in front of it, the students there were already outside of the classroom, and then you jumped towards the table next to it. The boys, upon seeing what you did, were now imitating you. And they were much faster since they had longer legs. 
By the time you got to the third row of seats, Remus was standing on the desk right in front of yours and Sirius was right next to it. You raised your eyebrows at the boy in front of you and he smiled, placing one hand behind his back and extending the other towards you, “Allow me, my lady,” he said in the noblest of tones. 
You chuckled under your breath as you diverted your gaze to hide the smile you just couldn’t keep away from your lips at this point. He really had read an excessive amount of romance books. 
“Kind Sir,” you said as you took his hand, not because you needed his hand to cross to the other side, but because you wanted to hold his hand. It was a simple gesture and helped you stand right next to him. 
“Oh Moony, you’ll make me jealous,” Sirius teased. “How come she’s getting preferential treatment?” 
It was the smirk on Sirius’ lips that told the both of you that he was just teasing. “It’s all right Puppy, I’ll help you to the other side.” You extended your hand towards him and he used it to jump onto the same table in which the two of you were standing. Now the three of you were stupidly close to each other, not that either of you cared. 
There was a short exchange of glances between the three before Moony jumped to the next table and you followed shortly afterwards. But by the time you extended your hand for Sirius, you felt the table tremble underneath you, even if it was just for a second. You looked around, the feet to try and spot if there was something that was causing it, perhaps a toad that got stuck or something of the sort, but there seemed to be nothing happening down there. Sirius took your hand and jumped towards the two of you, but the second he landed next to you one of the legs gave out, and the three of you plummeted to the floor.
While the toads managed to escape being crushed by any of you three, you did not get away without being completely soaked in the swampy water.  
You groaned, the water hadn’t done much to cushion the fall, and you and Sirius had been the ones to cushion most of it for Remus. 
“Should have come with me,” Lily said as she shook her head and walked towards the door. While you were sore, you still had enough energy to lean your head towards her and pull out your tongue. She shook her head, clearly amused. “Suit yourself.” 
You huffed and then let yourself rest back in the water. What does it matter at this point, it’s already soaked, you thought. A toad jumped closer to you and Sirius scared it away before it reached your fave.
“Sorry,” Remus muttered as he tried to get up since he’d fallen on top of both of you but his hand slipped and he ended up falling over the two again. 
Sirius groaned and you let out a low “uff!”
“Sorry again,” Remus said hurriedly, trying not to think too much of how nice it felt to be that close to you, given the conditions around.  Those being the fact that half of your heads were submerged in murky water and that the frogs now seemed to want to approach you.
“It’s all right, try slower this time,” you told him, offering your hand for some stability, when he finally got up from the floor he realised that most students –and the teacher– had already found a way out of the mess. Once he was up, he helped the both of you stand. 
“They left us?” Sirius asked with a gasp. “We fell, and they left us!” 
“Vixen stuck her tongue out at Lily,” Remus pointed out. “She would have probably waited.” 
“Never mind Evans, It’s Prongs that offends me,” he added with a huff that made you chuckle. 
What neither of you knew was that he had made that table fall and that he had left the three of you at your own luck in retaliation for the bomb that he had left in his pocket and that you had knowingly not warned him about.  But he also thought the three of you could benefit from some time alone, so he was both, taking his revenge, and playing cupid. 
You leaned your arm up towards you, smelled the sleeve of your sweater, and made a slightly disgusted face. “We stink now,” you said as you pulled it as far away from your face as possible. “How about you throw some relashio my way?” 
Remus extended his wand towards you but Sirius was quicker and stopped him, “I’ve got a way better idea than that.” 
“Sirius we’re not swimming on the black lake, I know you’ve wanted to do that all year, but it’s literally snowing out there, it’s a terrible idea.”
“Not that!” Sirius said as he shoved Remus. “It’s a great idea, I promise,” he added with his signature smirk and stepped forward, taking the lead. “Follow me, pretty things.” 
“Did he just–” Remus said as he pointed at Sirius and turned to you.
“Yup,” you said with a nod. “You better get used to it,” you added before nodding your head to the side, inviting him to follow behind Sirius who was already near the door. At least the toads were kind enough to jump out of the way as you walked towards it. 
The hall wasn’t much better either, some classrooms were still figuring their way out and their doors were crammed with people trying to leave, the stone was coated in a rather thin layer of water that only got more and more filled by the minute and everyone was trying to find somewhere safe. 
“What is going on?” Someone shouted, tone laced with desperation as he had to turn to the side when he spotted another tramp of toads coming from the hallway he intended to take. 
While in the world, “all roads lead to Rome” in Hogwarts, “all roads lead to the Great Hall” and you were counting on that to get most students in there, all for the sake of ending the prank with a cherry on top. But some students were already using their brooms and the windows to get out of the buildings and that would ruin the plan. 
“Your idea’ll have to wait,” you told Sirius as you stepped forward. Thankfully just the right person was in sight. “Alex!” You said. “Alex Wood!” 
The Hufflepuff head boy, who was riding his broom flew towards you, “Yeah?” 
“They said we should go to the Great Hall,” you said. “That’s where all the students are going.” 
It was luck, and perhaps your good student reputation, that made Alex nod almost instantly. “I’ll spread the word, thanks!” he added and took off, shouting to everyone on his way to walk towards the Great Hall.
You smiled as you saw him leave towards one side of the hall and you turned to the other, “We have to go to the Great Hall!” you shouted towards everyone and none in particular, “spread the word!” 
The three of you continued walking towards the new direction and kept telling people they had to go, and since people recognized Remus as a Prefect, it was much easier to get them to follow the direction. By the time you reached the Great Hall, there were already other prefects helping everyone walk inside in a much more ordered manner than when they had left their classrooms. Students were walking towards their seats at the table, and the older students were using Lily’s spell to keep the frogs away from the door as everyone tried to walk inside. 
You smiled, looking quite satisfied at the result of your little ruse, and also got in line, but this time Sirius pulled you out of the way. “Follow me, I know a better spot to enjoy the show,” he said with a smile. Remus probably already knew of said spot since he walked next to Sirius as if he too knew the way.
You followed the two of them down a set of stairs –spotting the kitchen entrance– and then a little further inside, where there was a rather large statue of a dragon who moved as if he were breathing. Sirius got up on the small pedestal where the dragon lay and Remus was behind him shortly after, yet again extending his hand for you to follow. You took his hand at once and he pulled you up with ease, not letting go of it even as you were fully there and giving you a reassuring squeeze as Sirius got even closer to the dragon. He crouched and walked inside the crevice left between the tail of the dragon and his head. 
This time around you followed right after him and Remus was close behind. The statue wasn’t really designed to be walked behind, or at least it hadn’t been placed to be walked around, and therefore the spot behind it was slightly darker and a bit colder than the rest of the castle, as if the heating spells didn’t quite reach that spot. 
Then Sirius walked towards a torch holder and pulled on it, a small passage opened underneath the spot where the dragon lay. You smiled and walked down the set of stairs alongside both boys. It was a small room, perhaps something like a broom closet, or a secret hideout for a treasure, but there was nothing inside other than a window that looked remarkably similar to the ones in the great hall but much smaller. 
Sirius approached the window and fumbled with the latch for a few seconds before he managed to flip it open. The bitter cold flew in alongside a few snowflakes and Sirius climbed outside. Remus followed, sitting by the seal, his feet propped to the outside. But just before he jumped he turned to look at you.
You were looking at him from your spot, seeming somewhat hesitant of stepping out. He was about to speak, but Sirius beat him to it, pushing his head under Remus’ arm and leaning it near his ribs with a teasing grin. “You’re not scared, are you, Starshine?” 
“Of course not!” you retorted. “ Just waiting for you boys to open up some space.” Sirius laughed while Remus jumped outside, you got on the seal seconds after. 
Sirius smirked as he turned to Remus, who was wiping some snow from the back of his pants and shaking his head in disapproval, although he was still smiling. Once the three of you were outside, with the bitter cold making your wet clothes all the more uncomfortable, you figured out exactly where you’d be enjoying the spectacle from. 
“You have to be kidding,” you said as you spotted the large windows of the great hall over a few feet of rock.  “Is that where you were on the first day of the year?” you asked as you pointed towards some of the windows.
Sirius nodded in return, “Pretty cool, yeah?” 
“You’re all deranged!” you retorted with an amused smile and walked through the snow and towards one of the windows. The end of the cliff wasn’t so stiff that it would be easy to fall, but if anyone did fall, then it would be nasty.
“Not more than you, Luv,” retorted Remus who was behind you in seconds. 
Sirius had a small, rather proud smirk on his lips as he watched the two of you speed towards the window. “Watch your step, it can be slippery,” he warned. 
“Who's the scared one now?” you asked as you turned to him with a teasing smirk, your hair flowing behind you while some bits of snow from the side of the rocks fell over it.
Once you reached the spot under the window you looked up. It was rather tall. At least a few feet above your head. Sure Sirius and Remus could reach the top by extending their hands, but your fingers barely reached the edge. Narutally, you started jumping to try and get your hands on the seal. Remus caught up with you a few seconds later. “Thought you were a fox, not a rabbit.” 
You huffed, narrowing his eyes at him and turning back to the rocks. There was snow covering them, and you didn’t have your gloves around. Didn’t matter though, you tried to get a hold of one of the rocky edges to climb your way up, but they were stupidly slippery and you ended up slipping towards Sirius who caught you with ease and looked down on your pouty face with a wide smile. 
“Are you done trying to do it by yourself?” he asked. You gave him a mouth twist in return. “Nous sommes une équipe, Starshine, don’t be afraid to ask for help.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead and pushed you to stand straight again. 
You grumbled something intelligible as Sirius climbed his way up using a rather specific rock that they had charmed and that was slightly worn out as support, and once he was up he extended his hand while Remus linked both of his and extended them for you to use as a step on the way up. You hesitated, turning your gaze to the side before placing your foot between Rem’s hands, who pushed upwards and allowed you to reach Sirius’. 
Once your elbows were on the bitter-cold stone of the seal, you managed to push yourself up the rest of the way. Rem used the same rock Sirius had to climb  and in between you and Sirius pulled him the rest of the way up. Not that he needed the help, he would have done fine without it, but neither you nor Sirius would waste a chance to hold him close.
“Shouldn’t we use a disillusionment charm?” you asked as you leaned over the windows to see what was inside. “Shit it’s cold,” you added as you shivered. You’d taken your cloak off at the little room under the dragon but your pants and thick sweater were still pretty wet.
“Nah, they can’t see us,” Sirius said as Remus stood closer to you. He was the least wet of the three, coincidentally, his body heat was always warmer due to his furry little problem. “There are special charms on the windows so that the weather outside matches the one in the enchanted ceiling,” he waved through the window, “we’re virtually invisible.” 
“Neat,” you said as you leaned your head on the window again, most students were now taking their seats. Professor McGonagall was helping some of the students accommodate their tables. Spellman was making sure all the Ravenclaws were all right alongside Flitwick who had been a Ravenclaw when he was a student, and Seraphina was making the Hufflepuffs do the same while forcing them into a neat line and counting through them. 
“Where’s Dumbledore?” you asked with a frown. 
“He is overseeing some plans with the order,” Sirius said. “Moody visited the Potters when we were about to leave for Kingscross. He said there was some urgent ‘Order’ business they had to oversee.” 
“Order? Do you mean The Order of the Phoenix?” 
“The what?” 
“Ugh… never mind I’ll tell you about it later,” you said as you shrugged it off and pointed towards the Great Hall. Slughorn had walked towards the podium and seemed about ready to say something. “I think it’s about to happen,” you said. 
Remus looked at you with a frown, still wondering what that was about before he too turned to look at the window. Slughorn seemed to be calming the students down, by giving some sort of speech. And then a screech so loud, that even the three of you heard, broke through his words. 
“Oh, it is happening,” Sirius said, as he too stepped a little closer. Both boys were now practically glued to you and the window, which was at least helping the cold subdue, even if you still felt like the bottom of your clothes, where gravity had accumulated the water, was slowly freezing as well. Not to mention your back felt a little more cold than it should have. But then again, what was a little cold? You’d had much, much worse. 
The girl jumped backwards as she screamed and fell on the floor as a bunch of toads started appearing from under her table. You saw Lily’s mane look around and fixate her gaze on James, she was clearly expecting the classroom and the rest of the hallway mess to be the end of it.
You chuckled as the toads from her table avoided her and jumped in all sorts of directions and towards the rest of the people. The funniest part was, that the toads were also shunning the entrance because they had used the toad-repelling charm all over it, so the more swamp bombs that exploded, the more frogs without anywhere else to go appeared.
McGonagall pressed her wand to her throat before speaking, loud, clear and in that same tone she used in class that was equally unwinding and terrifying. “Prefects, have your houses form a neat line and walk towards the courtyard. I believe it’s the only spot in the entire school not infested by toads at the present moment.” 
You chuckled, and it wasn’t only after your laughter subdued that you noticed that were not only shivering because of the laughs, but also because of the cold. You sneezed.
“Bless you,” Said Remus almost automatically, and then pressed his hands to your face. “You’re freezing! Why didn’t you say anything?” 
“I said it was cold!” you argued with a shrug and then crossed your arms over yourself. 
“But you said it as a casual comment, not as ‘I’m freezing, let’s use a warming spell’ kind of way,” Sirius retorted.
You hummed in response. “Next time, I’ll make sure to sound extra dramatic when complaining about the cold,” you said sarcastically.
“Yeah, you better,” Sirius said as he jumped down from the little window bannister and nodded for you to do the same. 
It was slightly awkward as you got down, but Sirius was there as you landed and he gave you a thumbs up as you wiped some of the snow that had gotten stuck in front of your trousers. Remus was down shortly after and the three of you walked inside the little room. 
Sirius closed the window as soon as you were inside while Remus started with a simple warming spell. He leaned close to you, his wand slowly spreading heat on your back, causing the already-frozen bits of clothes to melt. 
“Wait, it’s too hot,” you said, taking your sweater off almost in a second. You had a simple turtle neck shirt underneath, and while it wasn’t freezing anymore, it was still pretty wet. 
“I mean you can continue taking your clothes off here, or we can go to that place I’ve been telling you about,” Sirius said with a smirk and both of you turned to him with a frown. 
“Where exactly do you want us to go?” Remus asked.
“You’ll see when I take you,” he retorted as he tilted his head. “I think by now most students will be in the courtyard, what do you say?” 
Remus swallowed, “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” 
“All my ideas are great,” he retorted, “Right, Starshine?”
“Some have certainly been,” you retorted. “Besides at this point, anything that gets me off this stinkyness is good.” 
Sirius’ smile widened and he gave you a wink before climbing up the stairs and both you and Remus followed closely behind him. 
It had been a few minutes of you scurrying around the castle while trying to avoid being seen by any lost student, and the toads that were now all over the halls, jumping around freely. 
Remus, who finally recognized the way you were taking gasped, “Sirius are we going to the–”
“Yes, don’t spoil it.” 
Sirius had purposefully taken a tricky way there so neither of you realized where it was you were heading but Remus had figured it out anyway. You had a vague idea of where that might be but you weren’t sure, and you had never been there either, so even if it was where you thought it would be it was still a surprise. 
You looked over a corner you were about to cross and instantly pulled back, grabbing onto Sirius’ shirt to stop him from stepping any further. You placed your hand over your lips and nodded. He looked at you with a frown, and you pointed at the corner. 
Sr. Pendragon’s ghost was there, up in his horse and patrolling like the hallway was his own, even when his horse seemed to be much more entertained by the toads. He was comically jumping around while trying to avoid them (it didn’t seem to matter that being a ghost, he couldn’t touch them).
Sirius nodded as soon as he spotted him and took out his wand, but Moony beat the both of you by sending a spell towards one of the portraits on the other side of the hallway. The old man in the portrait started shouting silly complaints and screaming something about the toads attacking him. 
“To the rescue!” Said Sir. Pendragon as he pulled on his horse’s reins to force him to move. Said horse was not cooperating, and it was while he was distracted by them that you cast a disillusionment charm over the three of you and continued to follow Sirius through the halls. 
Skipping through the toads was much harder with the disillusionment charm because they wouldn’t immediately jump out of the way as they spotted you, but it wasn’t impossible. They seemed to have a sort of sixth sense to not be squashed, even if it took a little longer for it to kick off than sight. 
It was when you spotted the large frog in the corner of Ricchie’s “make-out room” that you figured out where Sirius was taking you as well. “How are you planning to get in?” You whispered as you pointed towards the door.
“Easy, we have our own Perfect, he knows the passwords,” Sirius said with a smirk. 
Remus tried not to roll his eyes as the three of you approached the doors, he cleared his throat before leaning into one of the corners of the door. “Whispering Woods,” he said, low so nobody beside you would hear, and the doors split open right in front of the three of you.
You didn’t waste time before walking inside, since you didn’t want to risk anyone noticing the three of you were sneaking into the “only prefects” bathroom, even with the disillusionment charm. You were still looking at the hall as you rushed to the door to shut right ahead of you. Some magic doors were faster if you gave them a little push, which was always a good trick when you were sneaking around. 
Once you made sure they were shut you sighed and turned around, only to gasp in shock. It’s not that you hadn’t heard about the Prefect’s Bathroom being grand and elegant, but you were expecting spacious shower stands and perhaps even a nice toilet, not a bathtub the size of a pool.
“I know, right?” Sirius said with a smile and started walking towards the tub, flicking his wand to dissolve the disillusionment charm and opening the faucet in the side. Colourful water started streaming out of the centre, filling the pool with bubbly water. A stained glass mermaid was combing her hair just behind the tub, and she had a sort of mischievous smile going on as she spotted Sirius. 
“I’m going to start thinking you have a water kink or something,” you joked as you followed him, your eyes getting lost on the mermaid before turning back to him. She didn’t look exactly like the mermaids at Lupin’s Cottage, which made you think she probably was from a different species. 
Her nose was slightly longer, and she was looking at the three of you in a sweet, and yet sort of like ‘I’d want to eat you’ glance. 
“Don’t worry about her, she can’t even talk,” Remus when he noticed your staring. 
“Yeah?” you asked with a frown. “Why?” 
“Mermaid portraits can be very temperamental, that’s why wizards rarely use the special brushes that make them talk,” Sirius explained as he threw a wink her way. You’d swear she blushed after that.
“Did you ever read ‘Siren’?” Remus asked, and you shook your head in response. “It’s about an artist that really wanted to paint a mermaid,” he explained. “And he did it, exceptionally well, so well that the portrait even had some of those enchanting abilities mermaids have. He talked to her every single day, she convinced him to put her in the bathroom since she would feel closer to home, and he would see her every single time he bathed.” 
“Yeah?” Sirius asked with a smile as he continued to play with the faucets. Now there was a small fish statue blowing soap bubbles all over the place. “Sounds awkward…” 
“It was,” Remus confirmed. “But she was clever and knew how to make him feel at ease. More time passed and they grew used to each other, until that wasn’t enough for her either, she ended up convincing him to drown in his tub so he could be with her.” 
“Damn,” you said as you looked back up at the mermaid. She was still giving you that same curious look. “I can definitely see it happening, though…” 
“A man falling for the portrait of a beautiful mermaid?” Sirius asked, clearly amused.
“A portrait being more powerful than they originally thought,” you said, not keeping your eyes away from the stained glass window. “Enchanted items can be as delightful as deceitful. There are plenty of stories of wizards who’ve gone mad over a portrait.” 
“I think the water is ready,” Sirius said as he dipped his hand in the marbled pool.
“Yeah?” You asked as you leaned closer to it, leaning over and also digging your hand in the water. 
“Mhm,” he nodded and then turned to Remus with a sort of mischievous look in his eyes. The way they shone told Remus enough about his plan for him to know what a terrific idea it was. “Pourquoi ne l’essaies-tu pas, Étoile?” 
You didn’t even have enough time to turn around and ask what he was going on about when he picked you up from the floor and threw you into the water, the splashing from your fall was enough to leave the two of them wet and filled with bubbles. 
By the time you resurfaced –not that it was very deep– both boys were shaking with laughter, their voices echoing through the bathroom in such a compelling way that you couldn’t even stay mad at them for it. That didn’t mean you wouldn’t retaliate. You looked at them both with a sort of saddened pout that had Remus lose his laughter as fast as he’d found it.
“I think I sprained my hand as I fell,” you said as you took your hand out of the water, “It’s swelling and all…” 
“What? That fast?” Remus said as he approached you. 
Sirius seemed concerned at first, at least until he saw the faintest shadow of a smirk as Remus approached the edge of the tub. You threw him a look, simple, almost too fast, but he instantly knew what he had to do. 
“Perhaps it’s because it’s the hand I sprained at the Leaky Cauldron…” you added and extended it towards him. He was now so close, half of his body was over the water. He had your hand in his, yours was limp and his were careful, feather-like touches to make sure he wouldn’t hurt you further. He moved it to one side and then to the other, carefully. 
“Does it hurt?” 
“Slightly,” you retorted. It wasn’t a lie, your hand was still kind of sore. Perhaps it had been a worse hit than you thought originally.
Remus shrugged, “It doesn’t look all that swollen to me, Little Witch, but it could get worse. Perhaps we should call it and go to Pomfrey instead–” 
“You don’t see it?” You asked nonchalantly and threw a look at Sirius. Remus was about to respond, “Maybe if you look closer,” you added before pulling your other hand out of the water and gripping onto his arms as firmly as you could, pulling him towards you. 
Alone, you wouldn’t have done shit to move him unless he had been genuinely distracted, but with Sirius’ help, who threw him off balance with a light kick on the back of his knee and a push, it was as easy as it had been for Sirius to lift you up and throw you into the pool. When Remus resurfaced from the water he was so shocked that he’d been manhandled that he ended up being more confused than anything. 
“How the– you didn’t even hurt your hand, did you?” 
“It’s still sore, but no,” you said with a shrug and a smile. You then stepped a little closer, you’d never seen Remus’ hair wet, at least not fully wet, only fluffed out of the shower, it was way longer than you assumed, it reached almost all the way to his nose. You swam closer to him in an instant and pushed it off his face. It’s something perhaps you would have done even back when you were just friends –you had always been that close to him– but it was because you weren’t just friends anymore that he felt his heart hammer on his chest as you approached. He could kiss you if he wanted to, would you want it to? 
And then you gave him a look. He knew that look so well. You placed both hands on his neck after you stopped playing with his hair and then you raised your eyebrows. He gave you the basic “Are you sure?” Remus Lupin look. You just raised your eyebrows again in return. 
“Hey, Pups,” you said casually, “do you mind passing me my wand? I think I dropped it when you threw me into the water…” That last bit was slightly accusatory, to add up to that guilt and have him lose some of the weariness. 
Sirius picked your wand from the floor and squinted his eyes at you as if deciding just how close he could get without getting pulled into the water by his favourite little fae, although you looked more like a tempting siren than a sprite in that particular moment. 
“What?” You asked with a simple smile. 
“You’re not going to pull me into the water, are you?” 
“Of course not, I just need my wand,” you said with a smile, gently squeezing Remus’ wrist from under the water. 
“What for?” 
“Girl stuff,” you retorted. 
“You can’t just say girl stuff whenever you want to avoid my questions.” 
“But what if it really is girl stuff?” Remus intervened as he eyed Sirius. 
“I won’t throw you into the water, swear,” you added, hands held up in surrender. “Just hand me my wand, you can stay out and watch while Remus and I make out or whatever.” 
“What?!” Sirius asked confused, amused, and a little too keen on the idea, which was ridiculous. But damn, didn’t the both of you look stunning when you were kissing each other? 
“What?” you said as you approached. “Come on, hand it over,” you said as you opened your mouth for him to place your wand in between your lips. Sirius was hesitant as he approached you, but eventually, he was close enough. And when he did, Remus, who had been casually leaning his back on the side stood up and pulled him into the water as you moved out of the way.
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thebelugawhalefriend · 9 months
Many Loving Kisses - Yan!Royal Harem x Reader
CW: Yandere themes, Fem reader, Homophobia, Polyamory, FxF and MxF, Slight mentions of religion
Note: This is based on a dream I had a while back that actually opened up the idea of polyamory being healthy to me. While the dream involved an emperor from Japan and his harem, I'm very worried about writing for a culture I'm not completely learned up on. So! I've written it to fit a Medieval setting ^^
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"The King has requested your daughter's hand in marriage." A messenger read from his scroll upon a white stallion, your parents looking on in shock. "His Majesty? But... Why our daughter?" Your mother starts, but her partner puts her hand on your mother's shoulder. "Do you dare ask why our gracious King would bestow upon you a dowry for your daughter? After he pardoned the unholy sanctity of your union?" It's then your other mother, "Auntie", steps in with venom in her tone. "Now you listen here, you brute... My wife didn't dare insult the king! She simply asked why he would want to take our only child away from us. Disgracing our union is unnecessary!"
To this, the messenger seethes. Withdrawing from his horse, the towering brute of a man steps closer to your mothers. "He did request that anyone unwilling to hand over the bride to be shall be taken to be executed. Would you prefer I end your lives? I'll be more than happy to-"
"Stop!" You immediately waved your arms up, trying to get in the middle of the dispute, "I'll go- please! Just don't hurt my mom and auntie...!" It was now their turn to look upon you with shock. "Baby..." Your mother lifts her hands to hold your face. "You don't have to do this. We'll do anything to keep you safe-" "Mama, it's not worth sacrificing your lives over something like a marriage. I love you both too much to see someone take your lives..."
Sundown's pink hues darken the skies as you wave your final goodbyes to your moms. To ensure you wouldn't change your mind, some of the men who had tagged along with the messenger tied you tight and carried you upon horseback. While your parents were paid a great sum for your hand, you couldn't help but worry about what the king's wife would think. How would this work? Would she be okay with the king having you as a second wife? Of course, his first wife will still be Queen... But what will you be?
Nightfall approaches as soon as the men who carried you in tow arrive at the gates. The king, in all his glory, looks upon the arriving carrivan with great disdain. The messenger leads on with pride in his chest and eyes. "My King, we've brought your bride to be as you requested!" "And you tied her like an animal to a slaughter?!" The king's sharp tone immediately deflated the messenger's ego. "I- uhm- It wasn't I who requested she be bound like that! Men, what have you done to our lady? At least treat the maiden with class!" The crew hastily undoes your ties as the messenger puffs out his chest yet again. Though, the king seems unimpressed.
"I've had quite enough trouble with the likes of you, Stephen. You treat your job as if I bestowed upon you a knight's status... One more misuse of your power and I'll have you imprisoned for the rest of your days." His golden eyes now fall upon you, gaze softening upon seeing your figure. "As for her, let her come and follow me. She's to be acquainted with my wife before any plans are set in motion."
Now, it's hard to not fall for a king so handsome. Stunning muscular features, a chiseled face as if a sculptor carved him from marble, and long curls of red hair pulled onto a loose ponytail. Freckles mark his face and skin like stars and constellations, with multitudes of scars connecting them. You start to wonder if God personally painted him to look like a galaxy... "I do apologize for how my men have treated you. It's difficult to find men as honorable as my own knights, dearest (Y/N)."
"You... Know my name, Your Highness...?"
"Why wouldn't I? You've been all my wife has been talking about for the past few weeks! It took me the longest time to come around to the idea but... One look of who she spoke of and I couldn't agree faster."
"King Fl-"
"Please, you may call me Rose." His smile is so warm, it brought your face to a rosy red. The tenderness of his words... That spark in his eye... It's hard to believe that this would be yours to even have, not to mention have his wife willing to share!
Once you both happen upon an ornate willow door, Rose gives it a gentle knock. "Darling?" A soft voice calls from inside the room. "Is that you?" "Yes, my dearest wife! I have brought someone you'd most adore to meet..." "Oh! But Rose, I'm just about indecent! Visitors can't gaze upon me right now..." The red haired man rolls his eyes with a bright smile, "Oh, alright, I suppose (Y/N) can wait a few moments longer."
With that, the door creeps open. "Please, let her come in!" You swallow a large lump in your throat, trotting in carefully. The inside of the room is spacious and rather decorated- even for a queen. Paintings of fables and animals decorate the walls, each framed with delicately carved wood. Walls themselves were murals of flowers and leaves, furniture threatening to overflow with delicate knick knacks and jewelry. What catches your eyes is the large pink bed with sheer canopies of white hanging over. On the sheets sit a tall and curvy woman. Eyes a striking purple and hair as black as a raven's plumage. What stands out most about her are her larger than life scars along her collarbone. While Rose's own were small, hers looked like she had fought a wild beast... The only thing that covers her is a purple nightgown, only going so far as to cover most of her thighs.
"You must be (Y/N)." She stands from the bed, brushing off her legs and looking at you with a bright smile. The mere sight of her vulnerability brings a deep blush back to your cheeks. "M-My Lady... I'm honored to... Uhm... Meet you!" You try to curtsey, but the queen merely laughs at your attempt and approaches your feeble form. "Please, there is no need for formality, little one! From now on, you can call me Azalea. But, any amount of nicknames will do." With that, she reaches her hands to your face and cups them along your jawline. "Look at you... You're so beautiful... So joyous and kind... I knew from the moment I saw you, I would love to have you marry my husband and I!"
It wasn't too long ago you met the queen. Only about a month, if you had to make a guess. She had been making her rounds along town in disguise despite her husband's protests. That's when she happened upon your family's stall. Adorned with colors and beads, it immediately was obvious that you were all selling jewelry. "Greetings!" You beamed from the stall, the queen's attention caught on you. "Would you... Actually, hold on a moment." The curious monarch watched on as you picked through one of the racks of necklaces. From them, you picked a particular piece- An orange and red beaded necklace with a ruby as the showpiece. "You look like someone who could use a little more red-"
"Oh no, I can't- I'm sorry, I don't have any..." While the Queen fretted this potential trick, you put your hands onto her own. "I didn't say you had to pay for the piece. I... Actually made that one myself. I would be honored to have someone as beautiful as you wear it." She was quick to catch onto your "flirting", to which she laughed and looked into you. "If I didn't have a husband, I would snatch you right up! If only men were so flattering as you are." You gave her a little look of confusion, "I didn't mean to try and take you as my own- Oh, but I would if you wanted me to-! Just uh! Uhm..." That assumption brought a great fluster to your face. "I genuinely mean it, miss. I have a great feeling about you! I don't often get them but... Mom says when you get that feeling, you just have to... Put it into action. Does that make sense?" The tall woman laughed again, "Absolutely not, but I appreciate the gift you've given me. Perhaps fortune will be as giving as you are..."
At the time, you didn't even realize just what her status was. It wasn't until this very moment of her hold on your face that you finally could recognize her.
"You were that lady I met last month, weren't you?" Azalea beams with amusement, her familiar laugh ringing in your ears, "It took you long enough to figure that out! Ah, but don't you worry about it, just proves my disguise is effective." As she keeps you in conversation, her body urges you to join her on the bed. By that, it's merely a hand pulling you to the mattress and a gentle push urging you to sit. With you next to Azalea, Rose peeks right in with curiosity.
"How are my wonderful girls?" He steps right in, Azalea sticking her tongue out and pulling you in for a protective hug. "This one shall be my own wife! You can't have her, Rose!" Her tone is playful, but for a moment, you could have sworn you saw that primal desire of possessiveness. "Oh, you wound me, darling! I paid her dowry, only for her to be snatched away?" He comes in closer, leaning into his wife with that exact same look. "I don't think so... Come here!"
The redhead pulls you and Azalea in for a tight embrace. Between his muscular chest and Azalea's soft breasts, you're sure you will suffocate under this pile of affection. Though, it isn't long until he pulls away to let you breathe. "Goodness, my apologies (Y/N)! I should be more careful with my two favorite flowers..."
Their gentleness and affection all reminds you of your moms. How they would shower you with affection and each other with love. It brings a certain ache to your heart, but... You'll see them again, right?
"King- Sorry, Rose?" "Yes, my flower?" "What will become of my moms?" Your freckled lover pauses for a moment, "Your mothers? What of them? They've been compensated for your dowry." "When will I see them again?" This time, Azalea comes in to answer. Her limbs wrap around you and pull you into her lap by the waist. "Oh, my dear, we can't have you wandering about in public! You'll be a spectacle out there! Besides, you'll already have a lady who will care for you every day..."
"But... What of my friends?"
"What of them? They'll get to watch you marry us! Besides, you'll have a man who will be your company from dawn until dusk." While Azalea holds you, Rose brings a hand to your chin and strokes it lovingly. That facade of care was quickly starting to feel like a trap you've fallen into.
"That's... Lovely and all! I really do appreciate that I'll be spending my days with you both. I just worry that... Well, you both have many duties as king and queen. Surely I could be allowed outside...?" Both of the lovers freeze. It's as if you admitted to murder! The tension of the room grows thick like butter, with Rose's gaze turning from soft to absolutely enraged. Yet, his tone is still calmed. Too calm.
"My darling little flower..." His grip on your face tightens, "The outside is far too dangerous for you to venture into. You're to stay here with us and be our company. Do you understand me?" Your eyes widen and you nod feverishly, Rose letting out a sigh and pulling back. Azalea turns you slightly so you could look into her honeyed look using those familiar amethyst eyes. "Don't let it scare you so easily, loveliest... We love you! We won't hurt you if we don't have to. We'll keep you safe here... No matter how hard it'll be!"
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fierymiasma · 1 year
✰ Homecoming ✰ // Sebastian x f!MC
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Summary: She visits Sebastian in Azkaban ten years after sending him there. The years haven't been kind to him.
He decides to return the favor and pay her a visit in Feldcroft in her lonely cottage. He's not letting her out of his sight ever again.
Part 2
Tags: Dark!Sebastian, Azkaban!Sebastian, angst, Making out, Jealous!Sebastian, Obsession, Possessiveness, Sebastian living his villain era.
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A/N: Thinking of making this a series.  Let me know what you think! 
"You don't have to do this."  Natty softly reminded her, eyes brimming with concern.
The savior of Hogwarts clenched her jaw, refusing to look at Natty.  The salt from waves crashing on the island that held Azkaban stung her eyes.  Ten years had passed since she had condemned Sebastian Sallow to Azkaban.  Not a day had gone by that she did not question her choices.
Had that one singular moment changed the course of her future?  Life after Hogwarts hadn't been too kind to her, though she suspected, she was a lot more fortunate than Sebastian.  Ominis and Anne were always there for her, whenever they had free time apart from each other, that is.  Maybe, Sebastian would find some comfort that his oldest friend was taking care of his twin sister.
She craned her neck up gazing at the imposing prison on front of her.
…Or maybe he'd be betrayed that Ominis had moved on from the other boy so quickly.
"Are you sure you're up for this?"  Natty asked again, interrupting her thoughts.  The auror worried at her bottom lip.  "My friend, we don't have to do this today.  Let's come back another time."
They both knew that was impossible.  Natty, the newly appointed head auror of her division had pulled so many strings to arrange this meeting.  And the hero of Hogwarts herself, had flexed her name to wave away any scrutiny.
Nervously, her hand drifting to her left shoulder, right on top of her most recent burn wound.  Nestled underneath protective wrapping was a reminder of her most recent bout of carelessness and string of poor decision making.  How many times had she staggered back to Feldcroft, bleeding on Anne's freshly polished doorsteps?  She knew Anne, Ominis, and all her friends hated the long spiral of self-loathing she had embarked on.  How she disappeared for days, even weeks at a time with little to no warning, only to come back wounded, pockets brimming with more gold and treasures.
Visiting Sebastian wouldn't be the first dumb decision she made this week.
"I have to do this, Natty."  She didn't know why.  "Let's go."
Passing through the heavy gated doors of the prison, she clutched her cape tighter, trying to protect herself from the bone-chilling cold around her.  She had been here once before, in her school days.  She looked around.  It was very much the same. She could see the puffs of cold air coming from her lips, no doubt thanks to the floating dementors above her.   Haunting, ghostly vestiges of men and women with dead eyes in living bodies.  Muttering anxious voices and abrupt screams echoed the long hallway to Sebastian's cell.  Decaying teeth in the emancipated skulls of prisoners waiting to die.
She was scared to see what had become of Sebastian, the troubled boy from her youth.
Walking deeper into the dark bowels of the prison, Natty stopped, shuffling nervously.  "You go on ahead.  I'll wait here."  It was too painful to see a once close childhood friend in the state he was in.
The hero of Hogwarts cringed.  This was all her fault.
Creeping up quietly to jail cell, she noticed how the fading moonlight illuminated the person imprisoned there.  A man's back was turned away from the door.  Shirtless, she could see the constellation of freckles.  Deep scars had long since healed in ragged patterns on his back.  There were long linear wounds freshly oozing.  Dark red, slowly clotting blood stained the beautiful freckles.  She shuddered to think how he could have gotten those.  His prison number was tattooed on his left deltoid.
The burn wound on her back tingled in sympathy. 
She must have whispered that out loud.  The boy-no-, the man, in front of her turned around.  She took a startled step back.
She expected hollowed wasting cheekbones like so many of the prisoners here.  What she hadn't expected was for Sebastian to have filled in so impressively.  All the adorable baby fat that had clung to his cheeks was now gone.  Well-defined toned muscles clung to his bones.  His shoulders were broader now.  He had a beard, which only framed his devastatingly handsome face.
And his eyes….fiercely beautiful, trained on her every movement like a predator lying in the shadows, waiting for his time to strike.  She couldn't help but shiver at the sight.  Sebastian blinked, his eyes roaming over her body, assessing her as much as she was him.
She inhaled sharply.  Underneath his scars, Sebastian had filled impressively. 
There was a pregnant pause as the two once friends looked at each other and how the decade of time had treated the other.
"I must finally be going mad, the most gorgeous girl in all of Hogwarts is standing right of front of me."  He cooed. 
She expected anger and resentment.  She hadn't expected this. 
She swallowed.  Well, looks like Azkaban didn't make him lose his charm.  "Hello, Sallow, I'm surprised you still remember me."
His voice was raspy.  "How could I forget?  The beautiful witch that put me behind these very bars."
He finally stood up, and she took another step back.  He was so much taller now.  The top of her head only came up to his shoulder now.  He got closer, hands gripping tightly on the bars of his cell.  "You look even more beautiful than the day I lost you."  His eyes roamed over her new curves greedily.  "Azkaban hasn't been kind to me.  But, someone must be looking out for me to bring you back to me."
The hero of Hogwarts coughed politely.  He was being far too forward.  "Sallow, I bring you news of Anne and Ominis, if you wish to hear it.  You deserve to know at least that."
Sebastian tilted his head and put on a mocking smile. "Oh, and where are they now?  I have not seen them since I walked through the doors of this prison."
She crossed her arms.  "They had good reason, Sallow."
His brows knitted together.  "Since when did you ever call me Sallow?  It's Sebastian to you, darling."
Her face burned.  Thank Merlin that the only guards here were witless dementors. 
"If you even care, both Anne and Ominis are well.  Anne is still in as much of good health as she can be, and Ominis is taking care of her."
He ignored her words.  "What about you?  How have you been?"  He asked.
She blinked.  The burn on her left scapula tightened in discomfort.  "I've been…well, I have a cottage in Feldcroft.  It was a good a place as any to settle down."
Sebastian pressed his face against the bars of his cell.  His manic, small pupils made him look a bit deranged.  "All by yourself?  No doting husband taking care of your every need?"
She said nothing, lest she reveal too much of her personal life.
Her silence was enough of an answer.  "Unmarried?"  The reflection of the torchlights flickered in his eyes.  "It is rare in this day and age to see a woman in her twenties unwed.  Why, some would wonder if you're waiting for someone."
She flushed.  He'd gone too far.  It seemed like a decade of Azkaban made him forget basic manners.  "That's none of your business, Sallow."  She barked.  She begun to turn away.
Wait," his hands clawed through the bars desperately grabbing after her.  "Please before you go, I just have one request."
Against every smart decision, she turned around. 
Sebastian grinned fiercely, his teeth clicking against the bars.  His sharp tongue dipped out licking his bottom lip.  "A kiss."
She was scandalized.  "Sebastian!  A kiss?  Here?"
His darkened eyes had not left hers.  He looked devilishly handsome.   "Not like the dementors could see."
This was a foolish mistake.  She shouldn't even be entertaining this madness.  And yet, she couldn't stop herself from stepping forward, getting closer to Sebastian's cell.  Her eyes fluttered towards his wide smile.  Sebastian had truly gone mad.  Angling her face between the bars, she leaned in.
Instantly, she was overwhelmed.  While she was expecting a chaste first kiss, Sebastian ravaged her.  His lips were heated, pressing bruisingly firm against hers.  The sharp tease of Sebastian's canine against her lips was dizzying.  Sebastian snuck his hands out of his cage, fingers clutching her hip.  Her skirt snagged the stone floor as he pulled her as hard as he could against the metal that were separating them.  This hypnotic kiss left her spellbound as Sebastian drank her red lips greedily.
She felt drunk when they parted.  Sebastian's tongue darted out, licking his bottom lip, chasing the last of her essence.  His dangerous eyes stared at her longingly.
As she left the depths of Azkaban with Natty, she couldn't stop thinking of those eyes that followed her as she left Sebastian.
It was their first kiss together, maybe their last. 
•.¸¸.•´¨* •.¸¸.•*´¨•.¸¸.•´¨`
The sky was a dark grey when Ominis delivered the news.  She had been tending to her garden, trying her best to trim back rebellious  venomous tentaculas.
His face was ashen, stricken with grief, when Ominis approached her.  He held the latest Daily Prophet in his hand.  And somehow without him saying anything, she knew what news he brought.
Sebastian Sallow, Murderer of Solomon Sallow, Found Dead in His Cell
She looked at the tall blonde man before her.  Although he was a grown man, he looked quite like the scared child in the Undercroft asking her what to do about Solomon's death.  His usually stoic face was grief striken, tears threatening to spill over onto his cheeks. 
Sebastian Sallow…..dead.
She looked at Ominis, the bearer of bad news.  The ground swam before her vision.  Her knees felt too weak to support her.
"A-are you alright?"  He asked, tentatively.  A stupid question really, given the news.
She preceded to vomit on her poor garlic shoots.
•.¸¸.•´¨* •.¸¸.•*´¨•.¸¸.•´¨`
It was two weeks since the death of Sebastian Sallow, a poor unfortunate boy who got mixed up in dark magic.  Ominis had taken care of the affairs, writing a polite, tersely short obituary.  Anne, took the unfortunately very familiar task of identifying and laying the body to rest.
And the hero of Hogwarts had done nothing.  Nothing but wallow in her bed.  Her limbs numb and body cold.  She was fortunate that Anne was capable of such strength as the poor sister ironically took care of her as she laid in bed her grief unable to move her. 
It was frankly pathetic for the strongest witch of their generation to be taken care of someone like Anne, especially given that it was Anne's own brother who had passed. 
"Please, you cannot lay in bed all day."  Anne sat beside her bed, begging the grieving girl.
She said nothing.  She hadn't spoken much since Ominis had told her the news.
Anne sighed before gathering her skirt.  She gingerly got up and moved towards the front door of the cottage.
The hero of Hogwarts stared listlessly at her friend's trailing form.
It was unfortunate that the wizarding world viewed ancient magic and dueling prowess as a greater strength over Anne's strong will. 
"I'm sorry."  she whispered lamely, knowing how inadequate her words were.
Anne turned around, staring at her.  The dark circles under the twin's eyes made her appear much older than she was.  She nodded slightly before closing the front door of the cottage behind her.
The minutes, or perhaps hours, passed languidly as the hero of Hogwarts laid in her bed.  By now all her magical plants have for sure wilted.  She was sure that the food remaining in her pantry had long rotten.  But she paid no heed to these.
…what had she done?
"Hello, darling."
Emerging from the shadows on her cottage, like a dark creature, was Sebastian Sallow himself. 
For the first time in two weeks, she shot out of bed, hands habitually fumbling for her wand.
He looked nothing like how he did back in Azkaban.  Beard completely gone, hair trimmed, wearing robes that flattered his appearance, and smelling of unfamiliar cologne.  She couldn't help but wonder if he had done to escape Azkaban.
She shivered, thinking about the dead body they found in Sebastian's cell. 
"What's the matter?  Lost for words?"
Her mouth was agape.  What was he was doing here?  How did he get in without her noticing? She had half a mind to yell.  Ominis and Anne were so close that they would come to aid in in a minute's notice.
"Don't think about screaming for help."  Sebastian said, pacing the room.  I have already muffliatoed the whole cottage."
Her voice was sore from disuse.  "You shouldn't be here."
He looked around at the various of extraordinary knick knacks and forbidden trinkets that she had collected on her adventures.  His long robes swept around him.  "You have made yourself a nice little home."  His eyes flickered towards the single sized bed she slept on.  "Looks rather lonely doesn't it."
She was afraid.  She knew of a Sebastian Sallow, the big-hearted charismatic boy from 5th year.  This version of Sebastian, the man before her, was something else entirely.
He was a beast free of his cage.  Without the bars of Azkaban in between them, what was Sebastian capable of? 
He tapped a wand, something Sebastian wasn't supposed to have, loudly against his thigh.   He wasn't supposed to have one.  They had snapped his beautiful green handled wand in two the second he stepped foot in Azkaban.
Her eyes tracked Sebastian's pacing form closely.  "Are you going to kill me?"  She asked, her voice finally catching up to her.
Sebastian scowled,  "That's the first thing that's on your mind?"
She swallowed.  The wand in Sebastian's hand was very familiar.  "Why else would you be here then?  Other than to get revenge for what I did to you."
Sebastian laughed.  It was not the loving, charming one from school, but hallow and terrifying.  "Don't play dumb, darling.  You're far too clever for that."  He crowded her, nose practically touching hers.  The back of her knees hit the edge of her bed.  "You know why I'm here."
She inhaled deeply.  "I haven't had the foggiest idea what you mean."  She said, turning her head away from him.  He was so close to her, the tip of his nose brushed against her turned cheek.  "Please get out of my house.  I swear won't call for help.  I won't tell a soul you were here."
"You wound me.  After all you did to me, and you pretend to be a stranger."
"I have no idea what you mean."  She insisted through gritted teeth.
A very familiar wand pressed into her chin lifting her face up to look into his dark eyes.  "So you just let any crazy loon in Azkaban steal your precious wand from your pocket as you kiss them?  You just happen to have a bottle of Polyjuice potion in your left pocket, a potion you never carried back when we were in school together?"
She squeezed her eyes tightly, trying to drown on Sebastian's words.
She felt a hot breath of air against her ears.  "You let any man in Azkaban get close enough to you to kiss you?"
She collapsed onto her bed, head dizzy.  She blinked back tears.  To be held hostage by her own wand.  A part of her wondered if by tomorrow morning aurors would find her dead in her own house, killed by her own wand.
Sebastian wouldn't do that…would he? 
"Sebastian, I don't like what you're implying.  It's a crime to break anyone out of Azkaban.  Please," she sobbed.  "why are you here?"
Sebastian softened, his expression almost close to something she would recognize in her youth.  "You're full of surprises.  There I was, about to lose all hope and finally wither away like the rest of them when a miracle stumbles upon my cell."
She drew her knees to her chest.
" I'm here simply because I wanted to thank the prettiest girl I know for breaking a dangerous criminal like me out of Azkaban."
Bile swirled in her stomach.  She didn't know why she did it.  She didn't know what compelled her to spend a whole month brewing Polyjuice potion before seeing Sebastian.  She didn't know why she kept her wand in a conspicuous easy to grab location.   Sh-She hadn't…meant to do it.  It wasn't a conscious decision on her part.  There was no thorough thought-out plan in motion.
The ruse was up.  She sighed blinking away the tears.  "I knew you weren't dead.  The second that the Daily Prophet announced it, I knew you had escaped, and I was responsible for it."  She shook her head, trying to chase the tears away.  "Why I don't know is why are you here in Feldcroft in my house.  You could be anyway in the world right now.  Why here?  For payback?  For revenge?  To torture me?"
Sebastian's sly smile faltered a bit.  Did she really think so little of him?  In all of his years of Azkaban, all the torture, the madness…Did she not know, the only thing keeping him sane was his love of her?  How she was the shining beacon, a version of his own inner Patronus, in the darkness that not even the dementors could take away.  Perhaps they could drain him of their shared good memories, perhaps they could remove the happiness he felt upon thinking of her.  But what the dementors couldn't shake his pure love for her.  The thought of vengeance or any malice towards her hadn't even crossed his mind before she mentioned it. 
"Why wouldn't I come home to you?  This is where I belong, next to you."  Carefully, he wiped the tears away from her eyes.  His heavily scarred hands slowly found hers.  His coarse thumb rubbed circles in her smooth skin.  Gingerly, he uncurled her fingers, before gently returning her own wand back into her hand.  "If you have any misgivings, if you're afraid of me, you can petrify me and return me right back to Azkaban.  My life is once again, in your hands."
She held her own wand numbly in her hand.  Her mind blank, heart pounding in her throat.  Sebastian was so good at convincing Ominis and her to follow his lead while they were in school.  Was this all a mind game?  
She shifted back in her bed until her back met the cool wall of her cottage.  Sebastian stalked forward.  Gently, he gripped her by the chin forcing her to look up. 
As an adult, well-versed in ancient magic, she was seldom afraid, both in her personal life or on the dueling grounds.  She wasn't supposed to be afraid of Sebastian.  She knew what he was capable of.  In a fight, she was confident that she would come out on top.
So why did her heart beat so fast when he was so close to her?
"Scared?"  Sebastian drawled, sensing her unease.  "Nervous even?  No protective prison bars separating you and me."  His breath was hot against her lips as he leaned forward. 
"S-Sebastian."  She whispered.
He pulled back a bit, calculating gaze assessing her expression.  "I might be a criminal, but I'm not a monster."  His brown eyes looked lighter.  "Say that you don't want this.  Say you're disgusted by me and this will all go away."
"Sebastian.  Please."
He surged forward, his mouth meeting hers.  She felt again the familiar wave of helplessness and the surging tide of warmth on her lips.  If she thought their brief kiss in Azkaban was addictive, this was ten times more so.  His insistent mouth was parting her trembling lips, drawing out sweet sensations that she had never felt before.   
She knew, knew that kissing Sebastian Sallow, was a terrible idea.  But the protesting voices of her head were lost to the drum of her hot pulse and the tingle of her ready lips.
They broke apart, gasping for air.  His arms curved protectively around her, nestling his nose into the crook of her neck.  He smiled into her hair.  He was home.  
He would do anything in his power to make sure that he would stay.
Part 2
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letmesleep8 · 2 months
even if I die screaming // elliexreader
CHAPTER 1: Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Chapter 2 | A03 gets it first
content warnings/tags: mature; angst; troubled characters; friends to lovers
notes: it's my first time ever posting fanfiction and English is not my first language, please be nice or I will cry.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────••─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────••─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
"Were you making fun of me with some esoteric joke?"
I am sitting on the floor, my face burning along with my soul and the back of my throat. I take another sip of the third-rate alcohol to calm me down on my hands and the instant  headache brings another wave of fury within me. I scream and throw the bottle at a wall, as if it was the one to blame for my current situation. I get up and rub my hands over my face as I walk to the window, looking over to the river. I feel the cold winter air going through my lungs as I look into my past and wonder how I managed to be this stupid.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────••─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────••─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
May 11, 2034 Spring
Dear diary,
The weather is finally starting to get warmer. I think I heard some birds shrimping this morning. Mama found me some new vinyls on her last patrol, most of them were either scratched or only contained some sort of classical music, but there's one I really like. It's golden and it has a picture of a couple on the cover. I think it says "rumors", it's kinda dirty still. I had never seen a vinyl that sparkled. My favorite song is the one that says "don't stop  thinking about tomorrow, it will be better than before". I bet that guy didn't ever see a future like this coming.
Dina asked if I wanted to come to the river tomorrow with the other kids. Don't know if mama would let me though. Gonna make dinner real good so she does.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────••─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────••─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
"Wait up! Jesse, you run too fast, it's not fun."  I rushed as much as I could to try to catch him.  "You don't know how to play!"
Jesse laughed as he got closer to the shore, I managed to catch him a bit after, still panting. Right after me came the village dog all of the kids fought to keep last week. "You're lucky Barkie is such a loyal pup, right?" He knelt beside the big German Shepherd, scratching her chin. "Otherwise even she would be able to outrun you!"
"Her new name's Stevie!", I rolled my eyes. "And it suits her much better. Right, Stevie? Yes, it does!", I baby talked and kissed her head as the boy rolled his eyes.
As we discussed Stevie's recent name change we heard Dina's voice a few feet from us, calling us over. She was sitting by the river with Cat as some of the other boys played in the water. I got closer, bringing the dog with me.
"Oh hi, Stevie!", Dina said excitedly. The puppy nodded her tail happily. 
Jesse quickly remarked how unhappy he was with the sudden name change, leading to a childish argument between the three of us while Cat just kept drawing trees on her little notebook as usual, only speaking when directly asked to, she said she thought Barkie was a better name. I was ready to tell her how bad her taste was when I heard some noise behind me. I was quick to look, thinking it could be an infected somehow, but it was Maria. She looked at us with a slightly angry face, knowing we shouldn't be sneaking out. In normal circumstances I'd be terrified by the thought of getting scolded by Maria but, right now, something else had caught my attention. 
The blonde woman had a girl next to her, she seemed to  be close to my age. As Maria said something about how we shouldn't be going out of town and how we were old enough to be responsible my eyes traced the girl's figure. Her freckled face, her green eyes, the bandages on her right arm. I couldn't tell if  I was overthinking things or if the spots between her shoulder and her wound really formed the Orion constellation.
Completely oblivious to the scolding, I interrupted her. "Who are you?", I said to the girl, trying to sound more threatening than curious. 
"I am Ellie. Williams", she looks at me, suspicious.
"Hey, quick!'' Jesse quickly interrupts us. "Do you think Stevie is a good name for this  dog?"
I glared at him, this wasn't the time or moment to ask such question to a stranger. And also she had nothing to do with our dog after all!
"What? Like Stevie Nicks?", she replied, clearly puzzled. I quickly soften my gaze and unintentionally smiled. Maybe she's fine.
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acourtofclutter · 3 months
Nightlight (Part 3 of 4)
"All of the laughter, all the sleepless nights, waiting for ever after... keeping on the night light."
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Pairing: Rhysand / Night Court Emissary (Pixie!) Reader
Format(s) and Word Count: Headcanons and Drabbles, 2.11k words (the longest part yet!)
Summary: Amarantha's reign over Prythian continued as the years progressed, but you and Rhysand preserved in hopes you'd find a way out. A bargain is made behind closed doors and there are feelings left unspoken, though everything changes when you infiltrate the Spring Court.
Tags: Moderate Angst, Hurt / Some Comfort, Implied Violence, Torment, and SA, Set During Under The Mountain
Notes: Another continuation, thank you everyone who has liked, reblogged and commented, it means a lot to me and has made me want to write more for this series ♡
You can read the first part here and the second part here if you're new, enjoy!
A few more years passed before Rhysand convinced Amarantha that your pixie form could be used to her advantage, that your miniature eyes and ears were perfect for gathering information from the Spring Court. It was clear what he had done to persuade her, but it allowed you to accompany him whenever he had to leave the accursed court.
He asked you to make a bargain with him shortly afterwards: a small fraction of his power in exchange for your re-established camaraderie. It was a simple bargain, one that he wouldn’t make with anyone else, and it would allow you to protect yourself if anything happened whilst you were in the open – but you didn’t accept the bargain at first.
You had been trying to reminisce about the past when Rhysand appeared in the dark and lifeless room, the room that was supposed to be his when he wasn’t attending to Amarantha. He didn’t hesitate to make a bargain right then and there, but you wouldn’t take his hand when he placed it on top of the bed. “...What do you mean ‘no’?” He raised an eyebrow as you crossed your arms and turned your head. “You can’t fight in this form and you can hardly fly with those wings.” He pulled his hand back to his side and crouched down to the bed to look at you closer, though you simply shook your head and expressed your disapproval with sharp, brisk chimes. There was a minute of silence before Rhysand said your name with a low growl, a warning.  “There’s no telling what you’d attract now that you’re a pixie, there’s a reason why no one has seen any for centuries – they’ve been killed and enslaved for entertainment.” Your body stiffened from his words, the Attor and dark faeries’ laughter resounding in your head, but you refused to respond. You couldn’t bring yourself to take his hand, take part of his power, not when his powers were restricted as is – and you would never forgive yourself if something happened to him because of it. Another minute passed before he placed his hand back on the bed, his voice soft. “...It would let you speak to me through your head, you know – if you had part of my power. You could speak normally that way.”  You turned to look at him, his starry eyes looking down at the black silk sheets. “I haven’t heard your voice since that night, that party,” he paused to relive the memory. “I was trying to get through her mental shields when you warned me about the wine, but I cast those words away and paid the price and now– now I can barely remember your voice.” His hand made a white-knuckled fist, his eyes closed to try to conceal his pain and regret, his self-hatred. “If anything happened to you, if you died, I wouldn’t know what to do. I’d probably lose all hope.” You walked towards the edge of the bed and pried his fist open before reaching out to place a hand on his palm. His magic pierced through your body, and it was painful for a brief moment before you saw the tattoo emerge in the centre of his palm – the black star constellations making your chest tighten when you saw it on your own. “I don’t regret the things I had done that night, at her party.” You couldn’t stop the thoughts, the words that left your head when you finally spoke to him. “I forced you to take me, and I would do it time and time again if it meant you didn’t go through this alone, whether I turned into a pixie or something else.” Rhysand opened his eyes to meet yours, tears being held back as you continued. “I won’t let you endure all this pain and suffering by yourself, not when I’m here – I’m still your emissary, even under her ruling – and I refuse to serve anyone else but you.” Everything was still for a few minutes before you saw his lips curl up slightly. It wasn’t a full smile, it wasn’t even half of one, but it made something pull and yank at your chest before you willed it away.  “...I’ve missed your voice,” he murmured, blinking the tears away. “You always have a way with words, it’s why I made you my emissary.” He got up from the floor before sitting on the bed, seemingly waiting for Amarantha to summon him before you flew up to his lap. “Through the hardships and to the stars Rhys,” You reminded him, the words making him place a thumb on your cheek to caress it softly. Your chest wrenched again as he repeated it back to you. “Through the hardships, and to the stars.”
You and Rhysand went to the Spring Court’s borders when you learned that Tamlin had become more fierce and merciless with Amarantha’s faeries in recent months. It didn’t take long for you to realise that he was trying to hide and protect something from Amarantha, and you had risked your life to fly to his manor and look through one of the windows.
There, Tamlin and Lucien were speaking to a female that you couldn’t recognise, and she didn’t have any pointed ears or any magic about her. You could hear nothing but your heartbeat as you pieced everything together, and by the time the High Lord and emissary realised something was amiss, you had flown back to Rhysand.
You landed on Rhysand’s shoulder, gasping for air as you opened your mind and shared everything you had seen moments before.  “They’ve done it– They found– There’s a human woman in the manor–”  Rhysand had told you about the Spring Court and their curse from Amarantha when you tried to think of ways to break her spells and ruling. Tamlin had forty-nine years to find a human woman who’d kill a faerie but still fall in love with him, and if he broke the curse in time, he would surely bring Amarantha’s reign to an end. “–They still have time to break the curse, there’s four months left!”  Your wings fluttered from all the information you uncovered, but Rhysand was still deep in your thoughts and didn’t respond until he had taken everything in. “That woman has been there for a while if she hasn’t tried to leave the manor or cross the wall, but there’s no telling if she truly loves him, and if she’d tell him word for word.” “Maybe she can’t bring herself to tell him right now – or maybe she’s waiting for the right time or place.” You could tell that he wasn’t completely convinced, but there was nothing else that could be used as leverage against Amarantha at this point. The Day, Summer and Winter Court had tried to rebel early on, but there was no stopping the High Queen’s magic, not when she had most of the High Lord’s magic. “But the most important thing now is that woman, she’s all that’s left – Calanmai is next month, and the manor will be left wide open while everyone else attends the Great Rite – there’s no telling what could happen to her then if no one’s there to protect her.” You spoke like an emissary then, your words firm and unwavering. Rhysand had stared for a moment, as if he’d forgotten that side of you, the side that held strength and willpower whenever you were doing negotiations and alliances. It seemed that he was in awe, though there was another emotion there that you couldn’t discern. “I’ll convince Amarantha to let us attend by bringing back traitors,” he finally said. “She’ll also want to know who Tamlin picks as the Maiden before she has their head.”
And on the night of Calanmai, right before the ceremony took place, you saw the human woman being cornered by three picts as they tried to drag her to a secluded part of the forest. Her hair and face were slightly concealed by her hooded cloak, but there was no mistaking that human scent when it stood out from everything else.
Rhysand’s presence was enough to make those dreaded lesser faeries scurry away, though the human pulled out a dagger to try and defend herself. You flew in front of the blade, and Rhysand nearly grabbed you to pull you back to safety before you raised your empty palms and opened your mind to speak aloud.
“You shouldn’t be here, it’s not safe for humans to walk around on Calanmai.” Your voice was soft and gentle, and the woman lowered her dagger slightly before taking a step back. “I’m not alone, my friends brought me here.” Her eyes shot to the bonfires and the cave in the far distance. “I got separated from them before I got lost.” A lie of course – she was most certainly looking for Tamlin, though it was clear she didn’t know what she was getting herself into, and what Calanmai was all about. Rhysand took a step closer to you, which made her raise her dagger again. “Your friends shouldn’t have taken you here, the ceremony is about to start – the High Lord of the Spring Court will become a Hunter and choose a female faerie to make his Maiden, while everyone else engages in physical, carnal activities to help restore the magic in the lands for Spring.” Her eyes widened at your words, her face going red while her grip on her dagger faltered. “But my friends, they’re looking for me–” “There will be other faeries, like the ones you met, who will think you wish to join in.” Your voice became firm, and she stilled at your words. “Please, go back to where you were before, and make sure you don’t come out until morning.” She hesitated, unsure whether to believe you or not before Rhysand spoke up.  “My friend and I mean you no harm, truly.” He looked at you before looking back at the woman. “You should go somewhere far from here, before more faeries pick up your scent and start to look for you.” Everything was silent for a moment, and you thought that she would run to the bonfires and cave before she put her dagger down. “...Thank you.” She murmured, before she turned to the other direction and hurried back to the manor. It hadn’t taken long for Rhysand to find the picts and rework their minds to make them the traitors that Amarantha had been looking for, but you couldn’t stop thinking about that human woman. Should you have tried to tell her about the curse, all the spells? Would she have believed you?  “There’s two months left,” You whispered to Rhysand when he came back into the dark room. “Do you think that woman loves him? That she’ll tell him?” You waited for his response, and he looked as if he didn’t know whether to tell you what he truly thought or try to lie. He sat beside you and stared at the floorboards. “I don’t know what’s going to happen. Amarantha doesn’t know about that human, and Tamlin’s managed to take care of her all this time. Maybe she’ll be the one to do it.” Maybe, that was his true answer. He was uncertain himself, and truthfully, you were too. There wasn’t much you could do now, all you could do was wait. But two months passed, and you and Rhysand had accompanied Amarantha when she marched into the Spring Court with the Attor and the other dark faeries. Tamlin and Lucien had been waiting in the dining room when she entered the manor, and the human woman was nowhere to be seen.  The High Lord and his emissary didn’t put up a fight and went willingly, and you had screamed and cursed at them both in your head, paying no mind to when Rhysand looked at you for a brief moment before he went back to playing his part of Amarantha’s dutiful pet. And when you were back in that dark room, you had collapsed on the floorboards and wept to the Mother.  Forty-nine years, that’s how long you had been a pixie, how long Rhysand had been Amarantha’s slave. There was no telling how long Amarantha’s reign would last for now, whether the other High Lords would try to organise another rebellion or the King of Hybern would finally step in. But you couldn’t bring yourself to lose hope now. If Rhysand hadn't lost hope, then neither would you. The human woman was strong-willed enough to go to Calanmai with nothing but a hooded cloak and a few daggers – maybe she’d come back for Tamlin and come Under The Mountain. Maybe.
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Taglist: @saltedcoffeescotch ʚїɞ
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nomoreusername · 4 months
Two Secret Saviors
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Pairing:Newt x female reader
Summary:After you unknowingly give Newt a reason to stay, he ends up saving you just a few months later.
She saved me.
She saved me, and she doesn't even know it.
She was up early the day I planned to take my life. She had run with me through the Maze, where we talked basically all day.
I had asked for a sign the night before. I asked for a sign on whether or not to go through with it, and she just that. The fact that she was up at the same time as me told me everything that I needed to know.
It took a very short time for me to fall and an extremely long time to do something about it.
Still, I somehow did. I asked her to come out one night and look at the stars. So, right there on the watchtower, we had our first date.
Now we go there every Friday. It's always something to look forward to.
"Do you think we'll get to learn the constellations one day?"She sighed.
"Yeah. When we get out of here we can learn as many as we want,"I promised.
"Yeah. I just wish that we knew their names now,"She shrugged.
"We can make our own?"I suggested.
"I don't think we can just change science,"She tried to reason.
"Why? If we're stuck here in our own world there's nothing stopping us from,"I pointed out.
"Okay. Then you name the first one,"She urged.
"I will,"I agreed, sitting up to find one that felt right. Focusing only on the sky, I carefully observed them until I found a small cluster hidden amongst them almost covered by the wall. "Freedom,"I stated simply.
"Freedom? Why freedom?"She asked, sitting up as well and slightly leaning her head against me.
"Because they're the closest things here that have it. Just for now,"I explained.
"Freedom,"She quietly recited. "I like that."
"Now you look for one."
"I don't have to. I already found mine,"She whispered, keeping her gaze on me.
"I love you too,"I promised, kissing her temple and wrapping my arms around her. Not saying anything, she just hugged me back, giving me another small moment that made staying actually worth it.
♡ - - - ♡
Waking up early used to freak me out. It used to trick my mind into thinking I was going to attempt again.
Now though, it's not so bad. I'll just have a quick breakfast, grab my Runner's bag, and get ready to go in the Maze with my partner. Today, I got to be with Y/N which was always nice. We would get everything done that we could, report every last detail, and get ready to either eat or collapse from exhaustion. Both options are pretty good.
Stopping for lunch, I leaned against the wall as I finished my sandwich. Doing the same, we stayed there in complete and total calm silence as we put the sandwich bags back in our Runners pack and stretched for a moment to actually get back on track.
"Are you ready to go?"She asked after twisting her back.
"Yep,"I agreed, quickly stretching my other leg before jogging next to her. Because despite the job title a lot of it is just memorizing details. The actual running comes from when the Maze changes (an often occurrence), the walls are almost ready to close (an occasional occurrence), or there's a Griever out in the day (which we don't talk about).
As the only sound to be heard was our footsteps against the ground, everything suddenly just went too quiet. Every background noise just seemed to vanish. No birds, no crickets, no anything. Just silence.
"Something's off,"I whispered, putting my hand out to stop her from continuing. As she just gave me a strange look I told her to just stay while I peaked around the corner to find out just why everything was so off.
I also quickly found out why.
Because we were standing less than two feet away from a Griever. While it has its back turned, the second a Beetle Blade ratted us out it was over.
As I slowly crept backwards I noticed the red, glowing light on the walls. Focusing its attention on me, the second it got a clear view the Griever turned around.
Not bothering to think and fueling myself on straight adrenaline and the strange human want to live, I turned around and ran for it, grabbing Y/N's hand to take her with me. Starting to run beside me, she didn't even question it as she looked straight forward, turning a corner with me. Because she already knew what it meant. She wasn't dumb.
But surviving this isn't a question of being a dumb. It's how fast you can go and how fast your mind can think.
Hearing its screech fill the air as it got close and closer, when we were out of sight around a turn for barely a moment I shoved her against the wall with me. Covered by the vines, we stayed there, completely pressed against it, even as it rolled past us. Keeping my hand in hers, we just stood there, knowing that it's never really over with these things.
Even when the sun started going down, we only left to get to the Glade when the Runners watch told us we had half an hour left. Taking a breath, we just stepped out, staying close as the coast was officially clear. Not speaking the entire time, we just made it to the Glade. Still not greeting anyone like usual, I just went with her to her hut and laid down next to her on her hammock.
"You're a quick thinker, you know? Really quick,"She whispered.
"I was just trying to keep us alive,"I shrugged.
"I know that you don't like how others are faster than you are, and it's true. There are some people who are just barely able to be speedier, but they don't have the most important thing. They don't have a mind like yours. Nobody ever could, not even me,"She told me.
"I was just keeping us safe,"I reasoned. Sighing, she put her head on my chest. Laying my hand on her back, I rubbed her shoulder as I closed my eyes.
"You don't take credit for what you do. I don't know why. You have so many incredible traits, do so many wonderful things. You deserve to know that. You deserve to be told that."
"Loving you reminds me that someone thinks of me like that every day. You just have the best soul, and I don't know how I'd make it without you,"I kind of admitted.
"You'd make it just fine,"She yawned, her breathing falling into a pattern as the day's events just drained us of energy.
She'll never know that she saved me. Nobody will.
Nobody will ever know just what these two lovers always do for each other.
Nobody will ever know about the two secret saviors.
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dollfaced-erin · 1 year
do you mean like requested scenarios in dragon's cradle? i do have one in mind though
cuz i was thinking what if dan jia (yes we going for the past setting) who likes to make use of her tail at it's fullest like poking someone, waving, comforting someone but instead of a back rub using hands, she uses her tail, it's like a third arm without fingers lmao
like imagine seeing the high cloud quintet finally coming home after a long arduous battle with the denizens of abundance and she just ran to dan feng for a hug after seeing him safe and sound but with the addition of her tail also wrapping around him so it's an extra tight hug i think it's just so cute 🥺
though if you do have other plans or dislike this idea you can just ignore this no pressure
sure !! i can do this one !! i dont mind if you want to use the past setting, i can always change dan jia's name to (y/n) because its a scenario, not part of the original plot. plus, it makes it more comfortable for readers !!
This honestly is very interesting for me to read ! Thank you for the suggestion anon !!
So lets get on with it !!
Taglist ! : -
@rebeccawinters , @nayukiyukihira , @pix-stuff , @fluffy-koalala , @swivy123 , @starxao , @kaoyamamegami , @kimura-uzuri , @rsvye , @seikouryuu , @just-here-reading
Reminder ! This is set in the past setting ! But instead of using Dan Jia, I would be using (Y/n) as an easier way for you to immerse yourselves ! I would also be renaming Blade to Yingxing ! But if you want me to change that, i can do that too !
Like Dan Feng, (Y/n) does have her tail which she keeps hidden. but from time to time, she does let it out for funsies ! It was a pretty blue color, like the color of her horns on her head and the fur is the same (h/c) color ! But she prefers to keep it hidden because its hard for her to sit down, and walk without realizing the presence of the darn extra limb. It even drapes to the floor !
Poor (Y/n)'s always so worried when the High Cloud Quintet go out to fight against the Denizens of Abundance. And as she is a healer, she is required to stay back and help with the numerous Cloud Knights that had retreated to seek medical attention from her.
Her worries usually intensifies whenever Jing Yuan comes back from battle, looking horribly injured and scratched up, bleeding here and there. Even for a general, he can still fall in battle, and that worries her alot ! She would push him to lay down on the stretchers she had prepared on the ground as she goes get some ointment.
But when she returns, he lays there perfectly fine, his hands behind his head and that playful and lazy ass smirk on his face. Jing Yuan would tell her the wounds were fake, even getting up and stretching to show her. (Y/n) would grip at her qi pao, trying to contain her anger, with a kind smile on her face when she was seething inside. Though she can hide her emotions from her face, her tail would pop out and give him a good smack in the side to show her annoyance.
Of course, Jing Yuan would merely laugh and apologize to her.
In a similar situation, Dan Feng would return to the battle unscathed. He didn't want to worry his sister unlike that jerk Jing Yuan who loved teasing (Y/n). After a long and arduous battle against the Denizens of Abundance, there was nothing more relaxing then just spending the night, staring at the moon.
Dan Feng would bring (Y/n) along, holding her hand tenderly as he lead her up the grassy hills, finding the perfect spot to admire the moon in silence while the others were wasting themselves away with alcohol. He loved that (Y/n) shared the same interest of watching the moon in silence, as they pointed out constellations of the stars.
They would then begin to talk while sitting up, to remove the sleepiness. It wasn't always that they had time like this, since Dan Feng is a High Elder and is always on the battlefield, while (Y/n) is in the backlines, healing the casualties of war. And as he told her he missed these peaceful and tranquil moments between siblings, he couldn't help but tear up.
(Y/n) would of course be saddened too. This was all stressful for the two of them. Since birth they have been burdened with heavy responsibilities, there was little to no time they had to spend on themselves. It was understandable why Dan Feng would breakdown from time to time.
Her little hands would hold his larger and calloused own, while her tail would gently wipe away Dan Feng's tears and rub at his back, earning a soft giggle from the latter.
During days when he wasn't at war, Yingxing would stay by the fire of the furnace he had installed is his home. He was indeed adept at creating weapons of war, sacrificing day and night as he shaped the weapons tirelessly. He never complained, but rather found his passion in creating such arts.
But whenever he wanted to take it easy, Yingxing would resort to making little things he adored. And that was beautiful little glass art or making accessories out of crystals. He always found them to be beautiful whenever they would shine like rainbows when hit with light from certain angles.
Once, he had invited (Y/n) out to hangout, Yingxing brought a little surprise with him. As she walked out of her home, he held her hand tenderly as he brought her to a beautiful lake, beneath the moonlight. And he surprised her with a bouquet of glass flowers that shone beautifully beneath the soft gaze of the moon, shining in different color.
(Y/n) eyes would immediately widen as she took the bouquet carefully in her hands, as if they were as fragile as glass (which they were, by the way), and set them aside tenderly. Then she would wrap her arms around the short-lived mortal tightly in her arms.
Yingxing would laugh as he looked down at the smaller dragon woman in his arms, wrapping his arms around her form. His aging grey hair began to cascade to the front of his face, obstructing his vision a little.
But Yingxing would closed his eyes and held the dragon lady close in his arms, chuckling, loving the warmth she exuded. The addition to the tail that slithered around his form wrapping him tighter to his beloved.
Outside of war and training, even Jingliu had a life of her own. She was a much more laxed individual. Some would even say she was too relaxed. She would stroll the streets, going on shopping sprees every so often, go cafe hunting, and trying out food. Of course, she would drag along the little princess of the Vidyadhara clan with her.
Jingliu loved bringing her to walk around the Exalting Sanctum. especially when there was a hot sale for dresses and shoes. Every time there was a new opening, or a new sale, Jingliu would be the first out of the five of them to pay a visit with beaming eyes and a large dreamy smile on her lips. She was the trendiest out of all of them, like, even her battle dresses are so elegant !
During the weekends, vendors would open up little stalls around the plaza and leading all around the area, lighting them up with friendly paper lanterns. Children would run around happily and couples would walk around, filling the night market with chatter and laughter, bringing warmth all around. And Jingliu loved bringing (Y/n) around every time they could, just for a little relaxation.
She was relieved that the uptight Imbibator Lunae would allow his little sister to go out for fun with her friend every once in a while, with the same old condition. Never let (Y/n) out of sight. And Jingliu was tired of hearing the same thing over and over again even though she was sure (Y/n) was able to take care of herself pretty well.
With their hands full of purchases from the market, ranging from snacks and delicacies to clothing and accessories, they had no hands free told hold hands in case they got separated. Every so often Jingliu would look next to her, just to make sure (Y/n) was there beside her.
But with the tail wrapped firmly around the sword master's waist, Jingliu had nothing to worry about. She was just looking to admire the soft smile and the gleam of happiness in (Y/n)'s eyes.
Starskiff watching...how she loved to roam the galaxy once more. This was a constant thought of the Foxian with purple hair that laid on the lap of her friend. Baiheng would bring (Y/n) starskiff watching every now and then to unwind, finding the latter's presence to be quite soothing.
Was this the effect of all healers ? To be this warm and nurturing ? Baiheng didn't know. But she did like the feeling of (Y/n)'s hands running through her fluffy purple hair.
Once in a while, Baiheng would even sneak (Y/n) out to bring her starskiff flying. She knew that the grumpy older brother would never let (Y/n) out to play in the sky because as he said, 'It was too dangerous for her ! What if she gets hurt?' she would mimic. And (Y/n) would laugh along, and follow her to the jetty.
All Foxians were a little daring to their short lives compared to Vidyadharas, and Baiheng was no exception !
But one time they snuck out successfully, both of them were already seated in the airship, excited for their little fly in the sky. Baiheng would show her a toothy grin, revealing her sharp canines, excited to bring (Y/n) on a wild ride. They soon landed perfectly after showcasing a number of tricks, yelling in excitement and thrill.
That was, until someone knocked on Baiheng's side of the starskiff, only to be met with the furious eyes of teal.
The two were seated on the wooden floor with Dan Feng lecturing them to no end. Despite their heads bowed in shame, they were actually trying to hide the happy smiles on their faces. No one could remove them of those gleeful smiles as they experienced the endeavors in the blue sky.
The wagging of Baiheng's fluffy purple tail and the constant slithering of (Y/n)'s own did nothing to cover up for them. Dan Feng just sighed in return, finding it futile to reason with the two girls in front of him.
End note : THIS WAS REALLY FUN TO WRITE ! i honestly dont mind if you guys want a past setting, present setting without the fights, modern day AU, or separate scenarios ! just specify them, and I'll try my best to fulfil your requests !
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ezralovrr · 4 months
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STOP ATTACKING ME! - A short Helluva Boss OC Drabble
Yeah I’m not gonna lie.. I don’t really like Stolas, I’m sorry. His whiny attitude about how Blitzo doesn’t love him is honestly really annoying. So here’s my frustrations being put into a small story!
(Also this basically serves as an origin story to Raya’s rivalry with Stolas.)
Stolas likers, I’m sorry in advance. This one isn’t for you.
The Goetia palace was lavishing as ever this evening; the crystal chandeliers sparkled in the evening light, the constellations painted on the ceiling seemed to glow, and the polished marble floor reflected the silhouettes of the avian royalty of Hell.
While Stella flounced about on the ballroom floor and squawked to her peacock acquaintances about her stupid husband, the owl prince Stolas stood 10 feet away from her, meekly sipping on some rich wine. “Witch.” He hissed under his breath. He was dressed in his bathrobes, as he couldn’t bother to get into his more formal attire. It’s not like anyone would care, anyways. Pity, pity, pity…
Andrealphus gave his brother-in-law a snide glare as he strode over to his cackling sister, who was loudly singing about what foolish things her husband had said this week. She did like to torment him, so this was nothing new to the owl prince.
Stolas huffed and ruffled his feathers, a look of sadness creeping up on his beak. If only his “star-crossed” lower-class lover Blitzo could whisk him away from the “Still Not Divorced” party, leaving his teenage daughter Octavia to sit awkwardly with her mother…
His train of thought was interrupted when he heard someone yelling mildly as they struggled to climb over the balcony rail. Stolas’s ruby eyes lit up, and he dashed over to the balcony he was standing next to, grabbing the arm to pull his lover up to the pala-
It was a human.
“Oh.” Stolas sighed. Regardless, he helped her up and into the palace, as he didn’t wish to be rude. “My apologies. I thought you were someone else.” He briskly turned to an imp waiter, trying to offer the woman something to drink or nibble on. She refused politely, though by the look on her face, she wanted to discuss something with the prince.
“It’s alright. I actually wanted to ask you about something regarding your.. affair.” The words “affair” seemed to haunt Stolas. Affair was far from what could be described about his loving, totally sincere relationship with Blitzo. “…Right then. Please, pray tell, what do you wish to query me?” Stolas adjusted his bathrobe to appear decent.
“Why do you still chase after that imp?” She shot him a subtle yet icy cold glare. Stolas felt his heart quake. “…What- What is your name..?” He asked the human. She gasped lightly and adjusted her corn-colored hair. “Raya. Why do you wish to know?” She tilted her head up at the prince. “I- …With all due respect, miss Raya… I genuinely feel a strong, warm connection to that little imp.” Stolas stared off into space as a sick warmth spread to his beak.
Raya clenched her teeth, clearly annoyed he was trying to change the subject. As he started to ramble on and on, she felt slightly agitated and wanted to square the conversation back. “No- no, you’re not listening to me, your highness.” She spoke out, causing the owl to hoot slightly and shut his beak in mild shock.
“…Like I said, you’re chasing after someone who isn’t interested in you. You deliberately harass the poor man, exploiting him for your pleasure and to keep his business afloat, and even prioritizing him over your daughter not once, but twice. You flaunted your first affair to your wife. And I get that she’s awful, but it doesn’t give you an excuse to do so. You spend all your time wailing and waiting for your imp prince to rescue you from the wicked witch, but you’re just living a fantasy. A sick fantasy in which you leave your daughter alone as feared. And no amount of coddling could change that, which is why you need to take the first step and accept that Blitz. Doesn’t. Love you.” Raya went on a long-winded rant, essentially calling out the Goetia prince for his attitude and actions.
Stolas was horrified, his legs were shaking like a great earthquake, his heart heavily beating as sweat trickled down his beak. It was true, but he didn’t want to accept it. He hated confrontation, he hated owning up to his mistakes and recognizing his flaws. And then, right before she could deliver the verdict…
“STOP! STOP IT, PLEASE, I BEG OF YOU! PLEASE, STOP IT!” Like a child, the owl prince screeched and stumbled back, crocodile tears streaming down his face as he made a scene. “No- wait- I- I didn’t mean to. Your royal highness, I apologize. Please, just breathe and think rationally for a second…!” Raya lightly raised her hand to soothe the prince.
“WITCH! SHE’S RAISING HER HAND AGAINST ME! SOMEONE, PLEASE TAKE HER AWAY!” Stolas cried out, dark blue feathers slightly falling from his body.
The orchestra paused as the royal avians turned to the scene. Andrealphus raised an eyebrow, mildly confused at the behavior of his brother-in-law. Stella, however, had a wicked, almost proud grin on her face. Two hellhounds grabbed Raya by the forearms while she was distracted from attempting to ease the prince.
“Ma’am, it’s nothing personal. We’d like for you to leave the premises at once.” One of them barked at her. “No, wait-! I’m not done! Octavia! Princess! Please just know that my door’s open if you wish to have a safe space!!” Raya called to the Goetia princess as she was dragged out of the ballroom. Octavia, while mildly confused, as put at ease as she went to go comfort her tantrum-throwing father.
Raya was tossed outside of the Goetia palace, and she hit the pavement upon impact. “Respectfully, you are disallowed from entering this palace again.” The other hellhound affirmed her as they shut the doors. “Damn it all…” Raya sighed and picked herself up. She shivered slightly, mildly irritated that her confrontational approach didn’t work out in the end.
Just before she was about to leave, the door opened and closed quickly. Raya turned around, finding a prideful Stella exiting the palace. “Well done. Really, darling, well done!” She slowly applauded the human. “What?” Raya mouthed to no one in particular.
“You really took the words out of my mouth. Although I’m still mildly disgusted that the imp-sucking excuse of my husband is being coddled right now back upstairs… you really said some things I wanted to hear for a long time.” Stella smiled lightly, offering a hand for the human to shake. Raya stared down at her hand, then pulled her lavender cardigan sleeve a bit over her palm before accepting the handshake.
“I’m… honored, I guess.” She awkwardly brushed a piece of hair out of her eyes. “Well, I must head back to the Still Not Divorced soirée. Just keep in mind though… I admire your bravery.” Stella curtsied lightly before taking her leave and re-entering the palace.
Raya stood there, flabbergasted. Although her mission was unsuccessful, she at least felt satisfied voicing her thoughts on the prince.
And that’s the end! I’m gonna be honest, I’m not really keeping up with the show anymore, so I tried to write the characters to the best of my ability.
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jegulily-stuff · 4 months
It's been a while but I'm back with a ficlet. A little Reg and Lily conversation about predestination.
"You know," Lily says conversationally, "I found out yesterday that our Divination professor's first name is Claro."
"It's Latin." Regulus says still looking out over the balcony. "It means bright. Or famous."
That's kind of missing the point.
"His name is Claro Voyant. And he teaches Divination."
Regulus turns to her.
"His family have the surname Voyant because they were known for being Seers in the past - it means 'seeing'. That isn't a coincidence. He inherited a bloodline gift."
Nevermind, he just disagreed with the point.
"But Claro is still really on the nose, isn't it?"
"His parents probably went to a Name Augur, and she sensed that he'd reawaken that gift in their family and suggested an appropriate name. If you think that makes it 'on the nose' then I suppose it is."
Name Augurs, huh. Lily lets that sink in.
"You know, so much more makes sense now. I didn't know you had a whole system to name people after what they were going to do in the future."
Regulus frowns. Maybe at her ignorance.
"I think it's slightly vaguer than that. The augur is drawn to a name but doesn't necessarily see the child's life. Divination is rarely explicit."
Lily crosses her legs up on the bench. "How much of it is nominative determinism, do you think? You know, self-fulfilling? Like, does being named after something make you more likely to choose it."
Regulus hums.
"Sometimes I wonder if all divination is self-fulfilling." Lily continues, "Like if you think its going to happen, you're more likely to make it happen, or at least interpret that it did happen."
It's been bugging her lately. The free will thing. Whether her own intentions matter.
"I think," Regulus says, "That if a path is laid out before you, you ought to take it. The universe has a structure."
And we all have our places in it, Lily finishes. He doesn't say it though.
"Were you named like that?" She asks, to change the subject.
He frowns again. This time it's definitely because he thinks she's said something silly.
"My family have a set naming tradition. We share our names with stars and constellations and other astronomical bodies."
He's had a pretty level tone the whole time but here it gets a little snooty.
"There's still a lot of choice within that." Lily argues. "It was a fair question."
Regulus considers this.
"We don't use Name Augurs." He answers. "They're considered tacky among people of higher stations."
Lily fails to choke back a snort of laughter.
Regulus doesn't seem to notice.
"Sometimes I wonder though, if parents can end up picking names that fate already set out, without even asking a Seer - I mean, with Sirius-"
He stops, falls quiet again.
Lily thinks about that. Sirius, named after the Dog Star, the brightest star in the sky. Does that really count as a prediction?
She knows that Regulus thinks Sirius is a very impressive wizard, outshining everyone else. But from the outside, not having been compared to him for her entire life, she isn't sure she agrees.
I don't think he's better than me, just flashier.
Maybe that's the prediction.
"Narcissa isn't a star, or a constellation." She says instead. A late defence of her not picking up on the family naming pattern.
"Or a planet, or a galaxy, or a moon, a comet, or an asteroid." Regulus agrees. "I think Aunt Druella got to name her. Her third daughter, with two already named under their father's tradition, that time she got to have an input. And I think the naming of daughters doesn't need to be so strict because they don't stay in the household forever. They'll have a different surname eventually. It's boys that have to embody the house for their whole life."
Lily searches for a topic to pivot to.
"My grandmother was called Melania." Regulus says distantly, before she can come up with anything. "She was a Macmillan. Her parents went to a Name Augur, even though it wasn't very classy - they were Hufflepuffs." Ah, of course, Hufflepuffs - no decorum. "Melania means black. That was the most important part of her life as it was predestined, that she was going to marry my grandfather and bear my father and my aunt. She died before I can remember, and I couldn't tell you anything else about her other than that." He sounds a little sad. "And without her, I wouldn't be here, able to spend my life fulfilling my own duty to my family and my blood, and to magic. For us, the universe has that path of duty set out from the very start of our lives, to the very end."
I feel like you're so close to understanding that's a bad thing.
Lily decides not to push that today.
Regulus starts tapping his fingers against the bench.
"My sister and I are both named after flowers." She says eventually. "I liked it at first because I always loved the outdoors and I thought a plant name made me part of that. And then I realised girls get named after flowers because flowers are pretty and delicate and I stopped liking it so much."
"I don't think your name should be looked at as a prediction." Regulus offers.
Because my parents are cut off from the magic of the universe?
"Lilies represent purity." She says.
"I know." The response comes a little too fast.
"But they're actually kinda poisonous. And have you ever seen water lily roots? They look monstrous."
Regulus looks away. She isn't sure if she's baiting him to say something about her blood, or her background, or if it's her who's thinking about it.
Petunia stands in front of her in her mind's eye. If muggles are dangerous because they so easily hate us, could I be bringing something bad into this world without meaning to?
I'm magic. Surely it's me that needs rescuing from the muggle world, not the magical world from me.
Regulus is staring off out from the balcony when he speaks.
"People pick flower names because they're pretty. I don't think you can make too much of them when it comes to fate."
She gets the rather uncomfortable sense that he's trying to be diplomatic.
"My cousin, Narcissa, as you mentioned, she's named for a flower. Narcissus. She isn't self-absorbed, like the flower represents. And I can't think she's going to lose her life to obsessive pride."
Ah, Lily thinks. Unfortunately, I don't agree at all.
She turns to stare off the balcony too.
Maybe I will bring destruction then.
She doesn't want to. She wants to believe that everything can be good and that there can be a world where violence isn't necessary. Where her friends are wrong that Sev is dangerous, and his friends are wrong that she is. And where one day Regulus could admit that she's his friend and not some deadly secret.
She sighs.
At least my entire life isn't marriage and children. It would be awful to only be remembered like that.
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milflaszlo · 4 months
the ground vs the sky in hadestown
(in which i go very long on hadestown's lighting design to strengthen my eurydice = hades, orpheus = persephone agenda)
TL;DR: eurydice and hades are ground, orpheus and persephone are sky. the "ground" characters need the "sky" characters to be free, to dream, to remember that there can be a better world than this.
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all screenshots used in this post are from a video by @medium-observation, thank you for your service as always
there's a ton of evidence in the show for this dichotomy, with the most obvious and literal one being the lighting associated with each character. during how long, hades and persephone take turns to sing, and as it switches between them the lighting changes too -- orange for him, blue for her.
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orange for hades feels fairly obvious considering hadestown as a setting is bathed entirely in warm colors. per lighting designer bradley king:
Hadestown is very furnace-like: amber, orange, and rust.
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persephone gets blue, which she brings with her at the beginning of livin' it up on top.
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so that's what i mean when i say ground vs sky. for hades it's pretty literal - the ground is his domain, but it also reflects how he "keeps his head low, he keeps his back bending". persephone gets the blue of the sky because it symbolizes freedom - not just being free but feeling free. from the NYTW version of livin' it up on top:
Give me a sky that you can't buy Or sell at any price
the sky is a big thing for hades and persephone, because it's the one thing he can never give her. he expresses how he feels about that in chant:
Lover, I was lonesome So I laid a power grid In the ground on which you stood And wasn't it electrifying When I made the neon shine? Silver screen, cathode ray Brighter than the light of day
to him, that's the closest thing he can give her to a sky, which he hopes will outshine the real daylight (though of course that's not what she really wants from him).
in our lady of the underground, everything persephone offers up is also sky-related (moon, wind, stars)
I got a sight for the sorest eye When was the last time you saw the sky?
ok so we've established the hades and persephone part of this. what does this have to do with orpheus and eurydice? because the exact same lighting design is present with them, too - and it's especially clear in wedding song:
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when eurydice sings during this song she's bathed in yellow and amber. then orpheus sings and the blue light starts creeping in to show how slowly, and despite herself, she's beginning to believe in him.
this all culminates in the dance they do in all i've ever known, where the entire stage is bathed in persephone's dark blue. the literal meaning in the scene is that it's nighttime, but the color - and choreography - is eurydice finally letting herself be free and untethered from the ground.
But when I saw you all alone against the sky It's like I’d known you all along
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from 'working on a song':
It was a brief choreographic / staging moment, after the lovemaking, when the lovers lay on their backs side by side, holding hands and looking up at the sky. At the stars. It reminded me of how the stars had played such an important role in the early Vermont version of the show, with the Fates naming the constellations, and the idea of our destinies being “written in the stars.” And it moved me, I think, because of the knowledge of where our lovers were headed: a world without stars.
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i actually find this dichotomy especially interesting because of the associations with the characters and the colors. temperament-wise, you'd probably say hades is "cold" and persephone is "warm", which is true. but hades gets the warm colors and persephone gets the cold ones.
why? because hades' orange is the suffocating kind of man-made heat, whereas persephone's blue is the endless possibility of the sky. and yet, artificial warmth is still warmth, while the open air can be bitterly cold... something that eurydice knows very well, and is the reason why she makes the choice she does.
during epic iii, when orpheus begins to sing, the scene is still orange. then as his song begins, the light on the walls becomes blue, like he's actually finding that "crack in the wall" to let the sky shine through. from a cut song that orpheus would sing called cloud machine (per 'working on a song'):
There’s a crack in the wall It’s a little bit wider It’s a little bit wider, that’s all
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then, after the climax of the song, when the scene re-settles, the light goes back to being orange. but as soon as hades remembers the melody and he and persephone begin to dance, the light turns blue again, like the exact same thing is happening to hades that happened to eurydice in all i've ever known -- he's remembering how it feels to let himself be free.
ok i think that's about it. thanks for reading this super long post starring my brainworms
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kyberphilosopher · 3 months
Tenebrous/Tenebroum : shut off from the light : dark, murky. tenebrous depths... hard to understand : obscure. Word Count: 2362 NO WARNINGS Shadowhearts' mind is a weathering storm, but a storm is no match for one simple flower. A/N: Will be slowly returning to writing. I've been out of it for at least a year so my quality may not be what it used to, but I don't think it's that bad really. It's sorta proof read this time (not really)! Yayyyy.
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There are many changes in life that could be considered… unwelcome. Life in itself has a tendency to be such a complicated journey, weaving and webbing and entrapping all that it can; much like Lolth’s loyal, spindling spiders. Such arachnids, for example, shed their skin to allow for their growth. Flowers bloom up and down, all around, before they die. Even a body of water might change its height, day by day. None of these things, of course, possess a conscience. Only a human might possess that, and humans, miserably, are more often ticking time bombs than not. 
Shadowhearts' change was difficult to pinpoint. She’d shed her skin and dawned a better, holier mantle, and yet she did not shine anew. Her skin did not glimmer or reflect- only absorbed and denied. Her hair was black like loneliness, her eyes mossy shadows. The young woman, though previously punished and whipped, now rewarded with understanding. She understood how she’d come to choose the name Shadowheart for herself, and now she understood how she’d finally earned it. She was a living weapon. An envoy for The Dark Lady’s will. A Dark Justiciar. Shadowheart should’ve felt on top of the world for such a feat. 
You… well, all of you could still very clearly remember the look on Nightsong’s face when she was slain. Shock. Shock, surprise, fear. Shadowhearts' arm was heavy with muscle and willpower. There was no hesitation in her sage orbs as she brought down her Spear of Night. Then the Nightsong sang no more. 
“I did what had to be done,” the half elf had spoken about it after. “No point in fretting over it, is there?”
You watched her. Not always- not while she slept like a creep. A sneaking glance or two was all you needed. Shadowheart was a (somewhat) kind hearted, devout, and intimate woman who displayed a deep interest in bleeding something to dry as well as tenderly curing it. Few things seemed to matter as much to her as her faith- when there was a sky full of stars and constellations, an open emerald field dappled with lavender, a lost temple- she was always there, praying. Praying to her mother, who she did not know. Who she had no memory of. Who rarely answered her when Shadowheart thought up a question. Praying to the Lady of Loss. That never changed. 
You watched her. The morning light rose over the horizon, then the deep maroon leaves circling overtop the camp. Although Shadowheart had prayed this morning- early- she had not stopped. The young halfbreed sat with bent knees and clasped hands since before the sun had risen. Her peach-y pink lips muttered repeatedly to herself again and again, only pausing when she looked… pained? Or perhaps deep in thought?
She opens them. 
Your gaze turns to the gauntlets you fit around your arms. They are heavy, though not as heavy as Shadowhearts' eyes. When you glance over upon her once more, she pushes herself to her feet and then locks eyes with the ground for a long time. 
There was much of Faerun that you had neglected to see, as you came to find out. There were lands covered in blankets of deep shadow and physical fear, bogs that would take the appearance of groves simply to trick all those who enter. There were tears in the sky that melted every night, according to Lae’zel. Astarion had described the many gothic manors and mansions that he had visited and admired. Gale of Waterdeep took no joy in restraining himself from speaking of his many accomplishments- most of which involved seeing something so beautiful, so rare- that he risked the Gods smite. 
Your boots were from Baldurs Gate, and they were not necessarily made for the mud that you trekked through. They were scratchy and tight, but the laces were coming loose. If you ever saw the city again, you swore you’d get a new pair. What an ‘if’ that was. But you were no complainer. You swallowed dryly, shouldered your bow and sword and continued onward silently. 
“Need something, friend?” a voice called from beside you. A smile creeps over your lips at the voice. 
“Do you, Astarion?” you look at the elf now walking close on your left. He’s taller than yourself- mostly due to his long and prodding neck. You supposed he used such a feature for snooping and being nosey. 
Astarion scoffs out a chuckle, before his tone turns to defeat. “Oh, you caught me. I must admit, friend, I’ve grown quite bored.”
“Look at my shoes,” you sigh. “I’d rather be bored than inadequately dressed.”
“Mmm. Yes, how unfortunate. You know, I must say I would’ve thought you smart enough to get your own well fitting shoes by now. This little adventure hasn’t exactly been…”
“I know,” you tell him. “Say, what did we do with those boots from the Underdark? The red ones, with the little black and silver designs.”
Astarion is briefly silent in thought, though it’s not him that breaks it. 
“I’ve them.”
You and your elven companion turn your heads over your shoulders. Shadowhearts' face is solemn and gaunt- nothing out of the ordinary. Still, a certain regret lingered in her deep, dark eyes. Her beauty was matched only by the background behind her, which was nothing but darkness. Hair, long and inky, fell over her shoulder lazily. 
“Ah,” Astarion smiled wide, showing off his pointy canines. “I was just wondering when you would join our conversation. So tell us, what is it you’ve done with the things?”
Shadowheart stayed silent. Her pace quickened, her own greaves and boots were metal and solid in the mud- built for it. On your right, she materialized like a dream, though she did not turn to look at you. 
“I took the boots,” Shadowheart explains matter-of-factly. “They grant the wearer intense bouts of speed and pursuit- hardly a trophy to simply leave behind. I might loan them to you… should you require them.”
You blink, trying to find your words. “Might?” you settle on. 
One step, two step, three and four. The upward hill you battle to hike reaches its peak, slanting downwards once more. From up here, you can see only a bit more than you might’ve thought. The lands your party currently crossed through were completely devoid of light and life, and so although you could confirm the sight of a large lake, you (nor any other member of the party) was able to register the important details of the environment before you. You all continued walking downhill without skipping a beat, unbothered at the thought of imminent death. 
It happens in an instant. Your armored knuckles brush against the metal of Shadowhearts' own hand. No, not a brush- a touch. It reverberates up your fingers and straight to your brain, where it’s stored deep in your memory without you even realizing it. It even produces a soft, but undeniable noise. 
Your eyes snap to hers, wide and alert. “Apologies, my lady,” you urge quickly. “I did not mean-”
Shadowheart stops suddenly. She stands in front of you, Astarion and Wyll wandering onward seemingly unaware- or perhaps simply uncaring. Now shorter than you at the incline, the young woman looks up at you with her piercing orbs. 
“You need not worry on it,” Shadowheart tells you, and for some reason it seems, at this moment, that she is only ever talking to you. Your lips part, looking back at her. The Justiciar’s own light green gaze is flitting between your own eyes, and you can’t help but feel yourself growing distracted off her face alone. 
The woman’s face was porcelain pale, delicate but well put together. Her cheekbones were high and soft, dappled with freckles that Shadowheart hoped no one would notice. Her lashes were generous and thick- just the same with her eyebrows. Her lips were shaped like a heart. Gods, her lips. They were tantalizing, even chapped and chewed on like now. Not even the scar cutting across her cheek and nose was enough to deter from her otherworldly beauty. How were you supposed to resist such a temptation so close by?
You cared too much for the young woman to trample in on her faith. You had traveled with Shadowheart long enough to see it was one of the few things that she cared for. Shar this and Shar that… You were no Shar. What pain could you possibly alleviate of Shadowhearts’? What void could you introduce her to? The answer was simple: none. You were no match for the Dark Justiciar, and even if you were, she would not allow you to be. 
“I apologize again, my lady,” you tell her, a firm whisper. 
Shadowhearts' eyes shift between your own for another moment longer, brief and fleeting. “You might wish for some healing, if it is to be a while before we see those boots again.” She slips a glove from her lithe hand- you catch a glimpse of the plum wound buried in the center- and says, “May I?”
You swallow dryly again. Water, your brain wishes. Instantly, your prayers are answered as saliva flushes your mouth. 
Shadowheart presses the palm of her hand to the base of your neck, where your armor leaves a sliver of your skin exposed. Her hand is cold, colder than anything you’ve ever felt. Yet, your body warms as her lips begin to chant.
You can feel the blood rush to your feet. Blisters that have lined your heels and toes and soles for weeks diminish in seconds, leaving your feet to settle more comfortably in your wear. The two sore heaps previously referred to as your legs alleviate themselves instantaneously. Even the sweat, stinking and insidious, brewing beneath your armpits slips away silently to the wind. 
Eyes could not be torn from the half elf in front of you if they were taken straight from your head. Your gaze is locked and fixed on Shadowheart, though you cannot find the words. Shall you thank her? Ask for her hand? Attempt to engage in a heart to heart conversation? No, control yourself. You bite down on your lip, hard, but with Shadowhearts’ healing hand lingering over your sternum, the blood does not stay for long. You watch her finish her prayer. 
“There,” Shadowheart looks up at you once more through her dark lashes. “You just seemed a little… parched.”
The Dark Justiciar holds your eye for a few seconds longer. Then she steps away. 
Before Selune blessed the Earth with the light of the sun, there was nothing. Faerun, and everywhere else, was well a part of Shar’s domain of darkness. When her ethereal twin betrayed her by inventing life sustaining fire, the change was instant and could not be ignored. 
Shadowhearts story seemed the opposite. She had been close to the light once, she supposed- closer. She’d resented herself for it at the time; so, Shadowheart chose to bring herself closer to the dark. She chose to be as close as she could. She wanted to sit side by side with her mother, spear in hand, and quench her thirst on the blood of moonmaidens. Though, no such feat had come to pass. Shadowheart was not foolish. She understood it was a change that would take time to see such accomplishment. But had she not made it clear that there was no doubt? Shadowheart would slaughter a thousand nightsongs if it meant being Shar’s chosen. 
And yet, she felt more unhappy with herself than she had before. She resented herself. 
In the mornings when she’d wake early, Shar’s voice might whisper instructions in Shadowhearts’ pointed ear. 
“You are to suffer,” the low voice would guide. “To hate until you are released to loss, child.”
Shadowheart obeyed. 
In the nights when Shar’s power rose strong, her Justiciar would feel Shar’s thoughts as if her own. 
“You are to breathe in the darkness,” the low voice would guide. “To ponder on your wrongdoings until you might see clearly.”
Shadowheart obeyed. 
It was what she had wanted. But now that she was alone, Shadowheart was lonely, and not even herself was reliable for comfort any longer. 
Luckily, there is always you. 
“Shadowheart!” you cry, lurching forward. “Wait!”
Alarmed, the cleric whips her head to yours. Shadowheart had not sensed anything more out there besides vague harm- certainly nothing close enough to warrant such urgency out of you. You need to catch up with the two boys, lest you end up hunting monster and monster hunter simultaneously. But your face shows no such concern for those things. Your eyes lower slowly from Shadowheart to the ground by her feet. 
Yes, there, beneath the greaves spattered in blood and leather soles reeking of death, was a flower. 
The thing was light, almost glowing, and a beautiful wisteria shade. It grew somewhat tall, with sharp leaves and petals like bells that only grew more midnight and lilac colored the deeper they went. Shadowheart let a small gasp slip from her lips. 
Slowly, as if you were dealing with a skittish, stray cat, you bend down into the dirt. As you pluck the flower from its stem, the smell of vanilla and musk swells the air. You stand eye level with the young woman in front of you, whose stare flits between the flower to your armor. 
“A night orchid,” you say. Shadowhearts’ favorite. “May I?”
The holy warrior looks at you sharply. 
You press it, holding her gaze with a soft and warming smile, to her palm. You can feel her heartbeat through her skin, excitedly in time with your own. Finally. 
“I…” she begins, but you turn your head to the side, waving her off. 
“It’s nothing,” you insist as you step away. “Wouldn’t want you to step on your favorite flower. I’m sure your Goddess would understand.”
Shadowhearts’ green eyes dance, though not with any emotion you’ve seen before within her. 
You smile again. “Let’s get you to Baldurs Gate.”
The young woman watches intently as you continue down the hill, clutching the purple flower tight in her hand. 
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10th doctor x reader - the stars in your eyes
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A/N: this is a collaboration made with the help of the ever wonderful @casserole-from-dads-asserole 💜
Part one:
Nobody had seen the falling star, it was almost unnoticeable to the untrained eye, barely visible in the evening light.
But they had noticed it. Wilf and his granddaughter as they were walking home, the star falling to the park nearby.
“Let’s go look!” Donna asked.
The little girl took her grandfathers hand and began to pulling him, and with a laugh he followed her.
“I’m sure it’s nothing sweetheart.” He said.
They looked around the park and it seemed empty, and the little girl frowned slightly as she pouted.
“Come on now, don’t pout.” Wilf chuckled.
He picked Donna up, and they began to explore the park.
Nothing seemed out of place or damaged, and after searching around, they decided to call it quits much to Donna’s protest.
“We have to get back before dinner.”
“But one more look!” Donna whined.
Wilf rolled his eyes a little bit.
“Alright, one more.”
So, they began to look around once more, and that’s when they found it.
It didn’t look like much, but it was definitely there, against a tree was a small body sprawled out, dirt on either side of it.
“Granddad…” Donna whispered.
“I see it, wait here.”
Wilf set his granddaughter down, and he slowly walked over, kneeling down next to the person, he realised it was a child.
A little girl, covered in dirt and dust, and he slowly reached out.
“Hey…” he whispered.
Wilf reached out and placed a hand on her shoulder and he recoiled at how cold she was through the jumper she wore.
He tried to shake her or get her attention somehow, but it wouldn’t work.
Shrugging if his jacket, he wrapped it around the girl and picked her up, rushing back over to Donna.
“Quickly now.”
“What is it?!” Donna asked.
“It’s a girl! Come on now!”
They ran back home, and straight upstairs to Donna’s room where they laid her on the bed.
They grabbed some blankets and covered the girl up with, and they tried to raise her temperature but nothing was working.
“She needs to go to the hospital..” Wilf whispered.
Donna stared at the girl, kneeling next to her on her bed.
She reached out and poked her cheek, and the girls eyes open, wide and seemingly staring at absolutely nothing.
Wilf walked over and looked down.
“She has the stars in her eyes…” Donna whispered.
They both stared at the seemingly ever changing constellations in the girls eyes, the colour changing softly as the patterns changed.
“Donna get back…”
Wilf lifted Donna down, and they both carefully back away from the girl, and soon her eyes closed again.
Now they were at another loss, how to hide her away from everyone because they couldn’t tell anyone.
So, wilf settled for hiding the girl in his room, since nobody would go into his room, that’s where he hid the girl, at least until his daughter and granddaughter went back home.
And when they did he moved the girl over to Donna’s room again, and even though she was breathing, she didn’t seem to be awake.
Not for the first two weeks, then finally when he came in with some clean blankets he noticed the girl sitting up.
“Good heavens…”
He slowly walked over and sat down on the chair next to the bed.
“What’s your name sweetheart?” He asked.
The girl looked over at him, (E/C) eyes shining brightly as they seemed to stare right through him.
Wilf sighed softly, shaking his head.
“I’m sorry love, I’m not your dad. My name’s wilf, what’s your name, do you know it?” He asked softly.
“(Y/N)…” you whispered.
“That’s a beautiful name (Y/N), where’s your family?”
“I… do not have a family anymore…” you sniffled.
A few tear ran from your eyes, and instead of clear tears like he was used to, these seemed to shine before fading.
“What are you…?” He whispered.
“I come from the universe… it created me…”
You snapped out of your head to feel a hand placed in your shoulder and you smiled a little bit, immediately recognising the hand.
“You’ve been up here for a while.” Wilf said.
“Sorry, I got lost in my head again.”
Wilf chuckled a little bit, and he placed a blanket over your shoulders and you could feel him looking at you.
“Will you make me another one?” Wilf asked.
You laughed softly, and you turned to his direction.
You opened your eyes, and you stared at the mass of silver particles sat in front of you, they didn’t really take a shape but they didn’t need to.
You would recognise the stardust of the man who had raised you.
All around you could see the stars and the planets near and far, but you tuned them out and you focused on him.
“I’ll make you a little nebula dad.”
Wilf smiled, and he watched in fascinated as you moved your hands.
To anyone it would’ve looked like nonsense, nothing, but he had watched this over and over again, he couldn’t see what you were doing, but he could see what was taking shape.
It was slightly red, painted with the odd blue or purple, and when he looked at your eyes, he could see the constellations moving and changing within them, just like they always did.
“Put you hands out.”
Wilf put his hands out and you set it into his hands, and you held your hands over it, closing your hands around it and you let go.
And he brought it all.
A small little nebula, a small cluster of stars, and stardust that wasn’t need, created just for him.
He could move it around his hand, change it’s shape but that’s all he could do to it.
Very carefully his moved his hands to the side, and he placed it in a small mason jar sitting next to him, and he sealed the lid.
“Doesn’t it tire you out making all of them?” Another voice asked.
“Oh don’t spoil our fun Donna.” Wilf pouted.
“Come on grandad, she makes you a new one every week. What even happens to them?”
Donna pulled a sheet over and she sat next to you, looping her arm with yours and you smiled to yourself.
“I don’t mind what he does with them, I like making them.”
“Seriously though, doesn’t it tire you out?”
“No, I could make small ones all day every day. They don’t take energy, I just take the stardust and I fuse it together.”
You looked to your right, looking at orange stardust sat next to you, and you smiled a little more.
“Am I still orange?” Donna asked.
“Always have been.”
“Oh come on! Is this because of my hair?” She huffed.
You laughed loudly, and you looked at her.
“It’s just your colour, dad is silver, your orange, your mum is green, I don’t why, and strangers are blue.”
“Have you seen any other colours?” Wilf asked.
You thought for a moment before shaking your head.
You let go of Donna and shuffled down, resting your head in her lap, and she smiled down at you, looking as your eyes matched the stars above you.
Sometimes they would lock on whatever was above you when you looked at it, and you could focus on that more clear.
“No, I’ve only seen your colours before. But.. but sometimes I see gold…”
“Gold?” Donna asked.
You nodded and closed your eyes.
“Like a trail of gold all over space and earth too, but I can’t pinpoint it.”
You took a deep breath and you pushed your soul from your body, and you wondered around, stretching a little bit.
You ran through the stardust, it was mixed with all different colours, bright but barely viable at the same time.
You heard movement and you looked down at wilf and crouched next to him, trying to see what he was hiding.
“What’re you doing now granddad?” Donna laughed.
“She’s at it again.” He chuckled.
“Oi! Save it for the wedding I want you to be there!”
You stepped back into your body and you smiled, opening your eyes.
“I promise I’ll be there, I wouldn’t miss my big sisters wedding.”
Donna grinned down at you.
“You better not you lump of stardust.”
You laughed loudly and so did they.
It wasn’t long before the wedding, and while they all went, you stayed at home with wilf.
While everyone went to the wedding, you sat next to the man wasn’t feeling very well, and you looked at him.
“You want to go to the wedding?” You grinned.
“What’re you planning?” Wilf chuckled.
“Simple, I can astroproject, take us both there!” You beamed.
“I don’t have to get dressed up all fancy do I?”
“Nope, nobody can see us.”
Wilf grinned a little bit.
“Go on then, all grown up but ever the little trouble maker aren’t you?”
You grinned from ear to ear and got him to lay down, then you laid on the floor at the front of the sofa and closed your eyes.
The process was quick and easy, you pushed your soul from your body, and you walked over to him.
You tapped his forehead and he stepped away from his body and looked around amazed.
“This is what you see, all the time?” Wilf asked softly.
“Without the objects, I can’t see any of them in my physical body.”
You held out your hand and beamed a little bit.
“Come along then! We’re going to be late!”
“Lead the way!”
Wilf took your hand and you were at the wedding in a matter of seconds, and you both stood there grinning from ear to ear.
You stood at the front, and you turned around to look at Donna.
“She looks so beautiful…” wilf whispered.
“She really does… I’m so happy for her…”
Wilf sniffled a little bit and you held his arm.
“Don’t cry, you’re going to make me cry…”
You both laughed softly and you watched as Donna began to walk down the aisle.
“What’s that surrounding her?”
You searched the particles surrounding Donna, but they were surrounding here, they were here.
“I.. I don’t know..”
Donna began to scream and you watched in horror as he just vanished into thin air.
“Donna!” You and Wilf yelled.
You took him back and tapped his forehead, returning him back to his body and you did the same thing.
Bolting up, you jumped up and pulled your hair away from your eyes, searching around for the familiar orange trail that was your sister.
“Can you find her?!” Wilf rushed out.
You turned around to him and you placed a hand on his shoulder, easing him back on to the sofa.
“I’ll find her, I promise, but you need to stay here.”
“Don’t forget your glasses!”
You grabbed the sunglasses from the table and put them on, then ran outside.
The only problem was that yes you could track her, but you had to follow her entire route for the day, you couldn’t just appear next to her in a physical form.
So you focused on her, and everything else faded away, but even not the trail was contaminated, extremely faint.
You took off running, getting a taxi straight to the wedding and you looked inside, her trail ended here.
Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath.
“Come on Donna…”
Donna sat in the back of the taxi that was speeding away, and she felt panic rising, she didn’t know what to do.
Looking at her hands, she saw the ring you had made for her as a birthday present when you two were teenagers.
Reaching out, she touched it, and when she pulled her hand away, it glew for a split second before going out again.
“Find me…” she whispered.
You snapped your eyes open and you saw the trail as clear as day.
You began to run again, not caring how long it was going to take, you needed to find her and you needed to find her fast.
While you were chasing her, there was another trail as well, that same gold trail you never could place to anyone, and it was following your sister too along with a red one you hadn’t seen before.
You didn’t know what was creating these two trails, but you didn’t like how close they were to your sister, and there was only one way you were going to find her before they hurt her.
You stood and took a deep breath, letting out body become stardust, become nothing and everything all at the same time.
It was easier to move this way, you linked yourself with the orange particles in front of you and within a second you were on the motor way.
“I can’t do it!” Donna yelled.
“Trust me.” The man spoke.
You could see him, or anything much since you had partially linked yourself with Donna to find her.
“Is that what you said to her? Your friend? The one you lost? Did the trust you?”
“Yes she did, and she’s not dead, she’s so alive. Now jump!”
You could feel her hesitation, and you could feel her hesitation, so you broke the link and sat behind her, and placed a hand on her shoulder.
“Jump, I’m here..”
And Donna jumped, and you jumped too, taking her hand and pulled her into the strange man you still couldn’t see.
She landed on him, and you landed on the floor with a small thud.
While they weren’t looking you return to your normal physical body, and you quietly hid yourself and waited for it to be clear.
“(Y/N)?” Donna asked.
You still hadn’t come outside, not until whatever you were on stopped and a door wasn’t opened, and you slipped out just after Donna.
“(Y/N)?!” She yelled.
“Who’s (Y/N)?”
“My sister doctor, she was right there!”
“I still am.”
Donna spun around.
“Oh you…”
She ran over and crushed you into a hug, and you smiled softly, hugging her back, letting her hold you tightly.
“It’s okay… I’ve got you… I’ve always got you…”
You stared straight ahead, and the golden trail ended there.
“Who is he?” You asked quietly.
“He calls himself the doctor.”
You nodded a little bit and look at the mass of golden particles that was walking about something you couldn’t make out.
Donna pulled away and she stood between you and the doctor, and she lowered your sunglasses a bit.
“What do you see?” She whispered.
“He’s gold… he is the reason behind the golden trail among everything…”
“Does he know you’re not human…?”
You shook your head and pushed your glasses back up.
“No, I’ll always come across as human it’s okay.”
Donna nodded and she sighed, hugging you again, and you felt eyes burning into you.
So you stared back, and for the first time in his life the doctor felt a sense of unease, he couldn’t see your eyes, but he knew you were looking at him.
And something about the way you looked at him made every single cell in his body want to turn around and run for the hills
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siennafrxst · 1 year
↳ cassiopeia 𖤐𓈒࣪₊˚
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pairing: loki laufeyson x female reader
universe: mcu
cw: anticlimactic angst, eventual fluff
word count: 1.5k words
“Okay, let’s get out of here.”
Loki and Y/N swiftly exit the gathering, leaving behind no evidence of the havoc they had just wreaked.
Even though everyone (especially Thor, Odin, and Frigga) knew the particular duo that would be insane enough to execute an equally insane plan, that never stopped them from continuing to do so. Even after the multiple times they’ve been thrown and locked away into cages like wild animals, it was worth it. Wrecking formal gatherings were practically Loki and Y/N’s most beloved tradition. And whenever they did, the mess they’d cause would always work to give them enough time to get away from the boring event. Besides, you can’t deny that it never fails to spice things up.
Chuckling to themselves, the two Asgardians continue to disappear from the crime scene and eventually head out into the quiet night.
“That never gets old,” Y/N confesses with a grin plastered on her face.
Loki returns a similar smile, nodding in agreement. “I don’t quite think I’ll ever get tired of doing that.”
“Of course you won’t, you’re the God of Mischief. It’s what makes you—well, you.”
He chuckles softly once more at her statement, staring into her eyes for a brief moment before examining the bewitching, starry night.
“The sky has quite a lot of stars to offer us tonight.”
Y/N follows his gaze and looks up, the many balls of light shining luminously unto them.
“What constellations can you spot?”
“I see… Cassiopeia, right over there.”
He points a finger towards the formation of stars as she nods, discerning the said constellation.
“Do you know the myth behind it?” she questions in curiosity.
Loki gives her a knowing look, raising his eyebrows. “Of course I do — what do you think of me?”
She rolls her eyes at his arrogance. “Enough with the cocky act and just answer the question. I know you want to.”
He lets out a scoff, momentarily gazing back into the mesmerizing constellation before telling the story. “Cassiopeia was a stunning yet boastful queen who claimed that she and her daughter, Andromeda, were the most beautiful creatures to exist, which includes the Nereids. They were insulted by her assertion, and so they made Poseidon punish her for it. But, the only way to prevent him from doing so was if she gave up her own daughter to a sea monster. Cassiopeia selfishly agreed, however, she would later on make a deal with a man named Perseus, promising to rescue Andromeda in return for her hand in marriage. Unfortunately, when he managed to rescue her, Cassiopeia attempted to break her promise with him. But, Andromeda and Perseus fought for their love, so on the day of their wedding, Cassiopeia ordered Agneron and his army to stop them. In the end, Perseus managed to use Medusa’s beheaded skull and turn everyone to stone. And so, the happy couple got their happy ending. The end.”
A soft smile forms on Y/N’s face, noticing the glimmer of excitement hiding behind his emerald green eyes. Loki was never one to show much interest in — well — anything, so seeing him enthusiastic in a certain topic (other than pulling pranks on Thor) was a nice change. It was a side of him that she rarely got to see, but when she did, she loved every second of it.
“You know, if all else fails, you would be an excellent astrology professor.”
Loki rolls his eyes at her sarcastic remark. “Hilarious,” he replies in a deadpan tone.
Y/N chuckles softly, her face perking up promptly as she recalls something. “Hey, isn’t there a nebula within Cassiopeia?”
Loki nods. “Right, the Heart Nebula. Which, you can tell by its name, represents…”
Loki held back, reluctant to say the word he never believed could be real. A feeling that he was sure he would never experience again.
Until he met her.
“Love,” she finishes in a soft tone, her eyes immediately finding his.
They both may have been almost a thousand years old, but they were still completely oblivious when it came to that one, cliche emotion. That one emotion that was arguably the most powerful one, though neither of them knew it at that time. That one emotion that drew the two Asgardians closer, clueless to the reason behind it. Despite almost being complete opposites, like fire and ice, something made them fight for what they had. Something bigger than they realized.
They were just too naive to know what it was. Until one of them would eventually crack the code.
“Loki… there’s something I need to confess.”
He sharply inhales, already having an inane idea on where this may lead. But for some reason… he didn’t want to stop her.
“Go on.”
She sighs. “Well, I’m grateful for our unlikely friendship. Despite our years of constant fighting and petty rivalry, we managed to get over that and become… whatever it is we are, exactly.”
He hums softly, signaling for her to continue.
“But… I can’t ignore this feeling that I’ve been feeling for the past few years. This feeling that I’ve never felt in my entire existence, but… I think I have a solid idea on what it might be — as cliche as that may sound. I don’t know how to put it in words, I just — it’s just this feeling I get whenever I’m with you, and I like it.” She sighs once more, seemingly expaserated. “Look, I’ve never done this before, but, what I’m trying to say is…”
Her mouth was left agape, but no words fell out of it. She could only stare desperately into his eyes, begging for him to interupt her at any moment. But to no avail. Loki simply stood before her, completely dumbfounded with what she was telling him. And yet she couldn’t read his face. She couldn’t tell if he felt the same way, or if he was utterly disgusted, or if he had even understood the words coming out of her mouth. Truth be told, she didn’t quite understand the nonsense she was spewing out either. But it was better than having to keep her mouth shut about what she was feeling. Because she knew that one way or another, she had to let him know. Let him know his effect on her. Let him know the way he was making her feel. Let him know how much he means to her.
But in this very moment — his silence, the void state on his face — it made her want to take all her words back. She’s never been more vulnerable to anyone else before. Maybe she was just making a fool out of herself, opening herself up to the literal God of Mischief. Maybe that was a mistake on her part. But this feeling she’s been feeling for the past few years… it was no mistake. She knew that it meant something. It had to.
Muttering up the strength again, she finally broke the silence.
“Are you really just going to stand there and make me have to finish my sentence?” she questions, almost scoffing.
And to her surprise, he nodded.
“Yes. Yes, I will. Because I want to hear the exact words come out of your mouth. And I want to hear you mean it.”
Loki stepped closer towards her as she was left astonished, not expecting that kind of response from him. But, even if he hadn’t, she knew that she needed to say it.
“Fine. Then…”
She momentarily closes her eyes — having him watch her like this was driving her insane. But when she opened her eyes once more, she was met with the same, desperate eyes she was wearing just a few seconds ago. As though he was longing for her to say it. As though he had been waiting for as long as she did to act upon their feelings. And that was all the courage she needed to keep going.
“…I think I’m in love with you.”
In an instant, Loki brought their faces together and kissed her lips, not wasting another second with her.
And for a moment there, time seemed to have stopped. All sense of meaning and logic just disappeared when their lips touched. The two grasped and held onto each other, scared to let go of one another only to realize that it was all just a dream.
When the two finally pulled apart breathlessly, they stay in that singular moment of silence — the rustling of the wind, the muffled chatter from a far distance, the soft yet comforting breathing coming from them both. Their foreheads still connected, they stay in each other’s presence, processing what had just happened. Processing their emotions, the decisions they made tonight. Everything that led to right now.
Until they finally opened their eyes, gazing into one another for one more second before Loki broke the silence.
“I think I’m in love with you, too.”
And just like that, the stars in the night sky weren’t the brightest thing in the universe anymore. It was the smiles that formed on their faces in this very moment.
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after more than 3 months, I finally got the motivation to write something for loki. very timely as well since the loki series 2 trailer just came out. I miss him so much why’d they have to kill him off.
likes and reblogs are vv appreciated.
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marialikeswritting · 1 year
Jack frost x goddess reader
The reader is a goddess of light like guidance to kids
Fanfic fail*
((((This is a fail attempt so I might as well just post it tell me if y'all want me to try this concept and fix the obvious grammatical errors)))
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(y/n) star goddess of light a guide for children from any dark times they may have she helps them
With her radiant beauty and knowledge for the light ahead in the dark tunnels of ones mind she is there to take you away
Though no one has seen her in a long time not even the most ancient of spirits have seen her,she may be hiding in plain sight,for maybe her spark has died along the dark times she felt well those are the rumors around the place
"*sigh*" a tall woman is seen at the peak of a snowy mountain, she wears a long white dress that has two slits at each side beautiful golden patterns go from the top of her back,and down at her feet, she wears golden bands on her wrists and ankles on her head a headpiece with small chains and crystals she looked over from the peek a sad expression her usual glow dimmed no smile to see nor laughter to hear
She was alone and that how she liked to be alone
Or maybe she was just fooling herself but no matter how much she wished to be like herself there's this sadness. Loneliness that didn't bother her for many centuries until one night when she spoke to the moon,and then he didn't respond that's when she felt truly lost
No one to try to change her mind to come back to even find her,no one needed her right? Or maybe she was being dramatic and just because the children didn't see her shouldn't be a reason to give up on her duties on something that made her happy
Though it wasn't the children no it was the other like her that didn't give her the light of day which wa kinda ironic for her, but even now they didn't seem to mind her absent maybe she would find someone soon that will listen to her and make her happy
A lonely goddess who would have thought
Whith another look into the horizon she walked away
Winter was coming well...it had arrived just last night. Little specs of snowflakes hovering in the wind and in the air so gentle and stunning it was cold but nothing (y/n) couldn't handle. As it became night time now she could see the beauty of the stars they where the most vibrant that they had ever been they'd shine her away back home,but she didn't want to got there just yet it was too quiet the moment she was there and the moment she left and no doubt it would be the same if she ever went back
Her long dress drag behind her as she softly hummed a tune lifting her hands (y/n) made a ball of light to lead her way,she had walked a long way from where she lived and it was a blessing to not see the scenery towers of the castle
After walking a long way through the woods (y/n) had finally seen lights not from her, but houses a town just down the hill from where she stood,lifting her foot up she went down,but just as she took the first step she hesitated "I wonder if i can...." silence lingered around the thought of actually doing the one thing (y/n) was meant to do and finally doing it? "Well I gues maybe someone needs guidance" then a sound of feathers alarmed her "who who" an owl "hello there" a soft smile made it's way to her features "who who" "yes I suppose it is still dark for guiding someone but it wouldn't hurt to try and look don't you think umm" "who who"the owl flap his wings to rest on her shoulder "Ludacris what a lovely name now let's se what this town has to offer" "who who" "your quite stubborn. fine. I'll rest first, but when I wake up we will look together"
Finding a place to sleep wasn't hard and soon enough she was once again looking at the stars more over a constellation the first one she saw the night she woke up as who she is now ut was bittersweet how it mocks and comforted her seeing it after centuries of not wanting to look up that specific angle that could not be easily missed.once again she felt sad not knowing why she always did. it frustrated her why be like this.
Immortal whith powers, and a way to heal others in such a sweet and personal way if she can't even get over it.get over it
that's what she would tell herself stop thinking stop waiting for someone to sweep you off your feet or something your not a fairytale and even if it where to happens for someone so stupid to even want her
They would only get hurt at the long run and besides who would take interest in a sad pathetic goddess like her no one would ever love her
even if that's the most important thing she needed
The sun rays startled the girl to wake up a soft yawn escape her lips followed by light scratches on the head,suddenly she remember that today she would try to do the one thing she knew she was good at "alright let's go" she looked at the owl she kinda befriended but she wasn't sure just yet he was asleep 'oh right they are nocturnal' she realize but nonetheless she would go and find someone to guide maybe then she would stop and move on away from her sorrow
After a few minutes (y/n)walked into the town looking all over she sees children playing around and talking
(y/n) smiled at them as they played with determined faces then she noticed guy with a blue hoodie and white hair quit unusual for someone to have that kind of hair but it intrigued her nonetheless as she stared from a distance just casually locking or that's what she thought it was until he noticed her, blue eyes met with (e/c) ones he stoped for a moment and he smirked? At her, "strange but okay" she said under her breath
Then very quickly did the white haird guy flew over to () with a bug smile on his face "I've never seen you around here before,what's your name snowflake" he looked at her with curiosity tilting his head to the side like a little puppy which () found cute for whatever reason "welp see ya"
,the wind blew her long (h/t) (h/c) hair up as she stood there bewildered by her barely interaction with this guy
It's been about a few hours since I saw him and his blue crystal eyes and white hair,I couldn't stop the fact that I found him intriguing.
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