#I had just finished up William's route too
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Me when learning about the Main Route Bonus
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shatcey · 1 month
Melted By Summer Lust (William)
Kate and Will are standing on the beach, but the ship that was supposed to pick them up has not appeared. Kate is worried… But Will tells her it's better to go back to the villa. After all, this is a tropical island, and high temperatures can kill, you know…
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They returned to their room. Kate couldn't stop thinking about this ship… Will gave her a different line of thought.
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I was a little surprised that she hadn't thought of it hirself. As far as I remember, she dreamed about it on the main route.
Will distracted her very subtly, and she relaxed. He asks what she wants to do.
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But, as their previous experience suggests, it is impossible to do during the day (the sand is too hot), they need to wait until the evening…
She asks him the same thing and….. he hints…
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Ahm… Ahha…
He was slowly put her in the mood… but… retreated with words
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…You such a tease… I… I love you for that.
But he wouldn't stop touching her, so she said she wanted him more than to go to the beach, and they started earlier.
The next morning they were walking along the beach. She thought it was great to do something they couldn't do in London.
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Then Will noticed a small boat and suggested going on a little adventure. They rowed off a little from the shore, Kate looked at the sea and pointed to Will to look.
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Cute. But it's hard to imagine how fish can swim NOT gracefully? Are they dying or something?
In the evening, Kate thought that the boat had not come for them again today, and she was a little worried. She went out on the balcony to cool off a bit, but it's also hot there. Will approached her and asked if she had enough of vacation. She answered yes.
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Damn… I… can't put into words how much I like it.
And suddenly Will asks
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Bitter ending
Kate said she wanted to return to London. And she explained it quite simply. She's greedy.
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He had just admitted that he wanted more, and she… such an insensitive woman! But greedy indeed.
Will told her that a boat would pick them up in the morning. He had arranged this delay in advance. And Kate asked why he did it. Back in London, they've been quite busy. And because she is very… serious and wanted to finish the report as soon as possible (and he's too much of a distraction for her)… She avoided him… Who knows how long…
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I'm changing the order of the screenshots. He came to the same conclusion, but in different words, so the meaning hasn't changed.
She thanks him for his patience and… offers to spend the rest of the vacation in bedroom. No surprise here.
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Damn… How can he be so seductive just by talking??? I suddenly felt thirsty…
Premium ending
She doesn't wanna come back.
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Kate thought that deep down she was glad of the delay. But… She cannot deprive him of his freedom because of her selfish desire.
Will told her that his men were waiting for the signal on the other side of the island. She asked why he hadn't sent that signal.
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Someone finally got a taste of freedom….
And again, he said that he found her extremely attractive in a nightgown stuck to her body… She was embarrassed and tried to hide her face
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Such a possessive…
I don't have the strength to write about the epilogue… Sorry. It is an extremely detailed and hot clothed s*** scene… Just so you have a picture…
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I can't function properly after reading his epilogues, Will affects me too much. Alfie doesn't even try to say something about it. He knows… it is extremely difficult to ignore this temptation…
🔝 Start page 🔝
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elliesmainhoe · 2 years
Ellie Williams Headcannons:
My Masterlist
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Ellie was the head manager of the security company your team had hired to keep you safe.
Your life consisted of tours, interviews, studios, parties and paparazzi.
You loved your life, you were privileged to have millions of dollars in your possession, large remote mansions, new York penthouses and parties with the elites. But you would be lying if you said that you didn't wish for normality.
It was scary always being in the public eye. Meeting people who knew everything about you and you knew nothing about them. But Ellie made you feel safe.
She was always somewhere nearby. At a party? She's watching you in the corner. A fan approaches you in public? She's hovering behind you, making sure they don't get too close.
Ellie could not count the amount of times you had been pushed over by a hoard of excited fans. Or had your space invaded by eager paparazzi, trying desperately to try and take a picture of you doing any simple mundane task.
Everyone knew Ellie was good at her job, amazing even. But you distracted her. Your little black dresses, styled hair, beautiful smile and charming personality.
She'd worked security for many years and had met many celebrities, but none as sweet and kind hearted as you.
It was after a concert when you were sitting on the sofa in your dressing room backstage, face newly scrubbed and clean, hair tied back out of your face and you were dressed in PJ's.
The room was empty, the only sound that flittered through the room was a song one of your friends had recently released coming out of your speakers and you crunching on your after performance snacks.
Three knocks hit your door in the rhythm you had came to have memorized.
"Come in Williams!" You spoke louder, so she could here you over your music. The door pushed ajar, revealing the muscular woman, hair tied back, tight black pants and a shirt tucked in them that had 'SECURITY' scrawled across the back.
"wassup" you muttered looking up at the gorgeous woman from over your phone briefly before turning back to it.
"I just wanted to let you know that the back exit is now ready for you and you can leave now, if you so wish"
"You don't have to stand so stiff in the door Williams, come in, come in" you muttered gesturing for her to sit on the couch opposite you.
"You want any snacks? There all yours Williams."
"Ellie. Call me Ellie."
After a while if oblivious awkward pining you eventually became official.
You thought she was protective before? Oh my god, she's unbearable.
"No you can't go that way, I don't know if the route is safe cupcake."
"Stay right here missy, no wandering of. Else they'll be consequences"
"Baby there are loads of paps outside, want me to scare em off?"
"Yes ma'am"
Her nicknames for you include: 'Missy, Boss, Ma'am, Baby, Cupcake'
Cannot be spontaneous, girlie is so paranoid about everythingggg.
You find it endearing though.
Her watching you when your performing in your skimpy outfits and then absolutely ripping them to pieces later 😍
Some Headcanons to try and get rid of my writer's block.
I have so many fics in progress, but I keep switching between them and not committing to one to finish. Ugh. Anyways
Hope you liked this!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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bloodycherry22 · 2 years
Adoration | Ellie Williams
Genre: Sub!Ellie, smut
Summary: Ellie likes- no, adores you, she sees you easily killing enemies as if it is a usual mundane task and can’t help but feel attracted to you, little did she know, you quite like her too. She’s on a your patrol route, and finds herself needing you, you sure as hell don’t mind.
Warnings: Violence (against hunters) smut, a lot of making out, the knee thing, fingering, over-stimulation, Ellie receiving, cussing..um gayness? i dunno read at your own risk lmao.
Not proofread, 3k+ words.
Ellie couldn't take her eyes off you, travelling over your form as you skillfully swung the weapon laced tightly in your fingers. She seriously couldn't fathom how you held yourself with so much confidence, the way that you easily swung swords and launched arrows with not a shine of fear in your eyes. It motivated her, impressed her. She stood beside you, quietly sharpening her dagger, a small smile upon her face.
The rock she was sat on sure wasn't comfy but it would do, you had both only planned to take a small break to collect yourselves, having been patrolling for about an hour. The beginning of the route, she had seen countless times yet you were about to enter unknown territory for her, a route usually Joel took, or you. She had never been on patrol with you but with Jesse and Dina going together, as they were finally dating..again., you offered to take her.
She had instantly accepted, rarely getting the opportunity to have a one on one chat with you as most hangouts included mutual friends. But boy, she had always wanted too, she didn't know that you had just been waiting for the right opportunity to ask her, just as desperate to hang out with her as she was with you. She looked down at her dagger and decided that she was finished with her task, throwing the thin rock to the ground, making a quiet thud, as she stuffed the dagger into it's selected place.
Your gaze landed on her at the sudden noise, checking to see what its was before puffing a small chuckle out, she quietly laughed in response. "Sorry" She apologized and nodded at the rock.
You shook your head, lips curling into a smile "It's no worries" You nodded at the pathway ahead, beginning to carefully walk downhill, she followed, the sound of her light footsteps reassuring you of her presence. "So, how come Jesse and Dina are out together, i thought they-"
"Broke up? Yeah, happens all the time, they always end up back together" She said comically and you laughed a little, nodding "I see, didn't know they got over it so fast, they only broke up like last week"
"Yeah, romance just falls at their feet, weird huh?" She asked, before near slipping, arms spreading out in attempt to steady herself however you were quick to place your hand on her shoulder, basically catching her. Her hand was quick to land on yours as she fixed her balance, a light shade of pink dusting her cheeks. "Very" You teased, smiling, face hinting at mischief as you ushered her to stand in front of you. "It's only downhill for a little longer, then it's basically flatland, minus quite a few lakes, it's why the horses aren't really meant to come this way." You stated, placing your hand on her lower back to keep her steady as you both began to trudge through the light layer of mud decorating the hill.
She nodded "Yeah, i think shimmer wouldn't even consider this trail, if anything she'd snort and storm off" She joked, causing some light laughter. When you had finally reached the bottom of the hill, you jumped ahead of her to reach out a hand for her, there being a steep jump down, no higher than 4ft.
Her eyes widened as she watched you mindlessly jump down, an impressed laugh slipping out of her as she shook her head and took your hand, she feeling of her soft yet calloused hand gripping yours making your skin prick with invasive goosebumps that you're sure she noticed, because you sure as hell noticed the way her facial expression changed. A small smile spread across her freckled, slightly red cheeks, eyes not daring to meet yours. You helped her down and looked around, sadly dropping her hand, though she didn't complain.
The setting was different to all the other patrols, being more of a mountain side area, the view being mostly hills and mountains further away, still quite high up, but a clear bit of flat land surrounding you, both of your figures encased by the forest, a wide man-made path showing through the trees. Your eyes flickered around the trees, making sure there were no straggling runners or infected from your last patrol and to your surprise, there was none.
"Hey, Ells, be on edge, kay?" You stated, the nickname rolling off your tongue with ease, although her chest fluttered and face froze at it, heat bundling in her, she couldn't help the excitement. Yet she regained focus and held her dagger tightly, staying close behind you. "It is unusually quiet" She mumbled and you nodded, scoping out the area, when she turned to look around, she suddenly felt a grip on her arm, pulling her back, just as she was about to say something, a hand covered her mouth.
She was prepared to attack until a soft hand held the one holding her dagger, and suddenly she inhaled the scent she knew to be yours. Turning to look at you, confusion plastered all over her flustered face, you removed your hand from her mouth and held it to your own, signalling to shush.
As she caught on, she looked around, you had pulled her into the deeper side of the forest, everywhere drowned in shades of green, hard to actually see into, although you knew hiding spots. You would be lying if you said you didn't enjoy the way it felt to have her in your arms, even if it was just for a second, how close she was, how you could smell the strong woodiness and musk yet somehow feminine scent coming from her, making it hard to focus, the reason behind why it took you so long to prevent her from stabbing you.
Soon, you heard some deep gruff voices, the reason you had pulled Ellie away, she looked at you dumbfounded "You noticed them?" She whispered and with a proud smirk, you nodded, peeking around, landing on the group of three men, presumably hunters or just travelling men, either way, they were covered in blood splatters and all looked like the usual, bigot, generally disrespectful man.
They were talking about some girl, something they had done, something not worthy to have on their conscience, you and Ellie shared a look of agreement before you carefully loaded your bow as their voices grew closer. You watched, carefully aiming s they aggressively talked to one another, walking single file , bacls now facing you, so you took the chance. Firing an arrow directly at the last mans head, watching as he silently dropped to the ground, you nodded at Ellie for her to go around.
"Kyle? Shit! Kyle's dead!" One of the men yelled, however you were already heading towards them, an arrow flying straight through the yelling mans head as you mumbled a string of degrading curse words towards him before making eye contact with the now fearful man. He held up his hatchet and swung it around as if to warn you but you just raised an eyebrow, putting your bow away behind your back with care, ignoring his remarks, he seemed utterly confused. That was until Ellie grabbed him from behind and slit his throat, dodging the blood as best as she could.
You looked around before sighing in relief, looking into Ellie's deep eyes, she chuckled lightly as you did the same. "They were really dumb" You said, astonished. She laughed and nodded "I'm glad you see that too" She said, beginning to walk beside you, she noticed the way you looked around, now checking your surroundings with more depth. "It's kind of getting dark" Ellie stated, looking around at the sunset.
"Fuck, i forgot, we came out later, I didn't even consider the shorter days" You groaned and paused, looking back at the direction you came from. "I don't think climbing up that slope in the dark is a good idea" You suggested and Ellie nodded, seeming to not like the idea one bit. "So, what do we do?" Ellie asked, sincerely, making eye contact with you, it was clear that she was gaining more confidence around you and you took notice of it, shining her a smile and saying "Don't panic, I know there's a few buildings just outside of the woods." You confirmed and she nodded.
So, you both walked, with more care, towards the exit of the woods, shoulders bumping with almost every step, bodies just brushing against each other, Ellie looking around to avoid making eye contact, too flustered by the gentle touches but you weren't embarrassed, not hiding the glances you took at her, admiring the way her hair fell over her face that now seemed to permanently have a blush painting her cheeks, the way her hand rested over the dagger tucked away, tattoo just showing through her sleeve.
You brushed some leaves away and held them up for her as she stepped out of the forestry, sending you a thankful smile. She then stopped and looked around, you nodded at a small patch of forestry a few meters up and she raised a brow. Despite her clear confusion, she walked towards the trees and bushes, glancing back at you every few steps, you just laughing a little and nodding forward.
Once you reached it, you stepped in front of her and pushed some fallen branches to the side, revealing a trapdoor. "Found this a few weeks ago, and I've never had to stay in it overnight, but there's countless times I've just came here for some peace and quiet." You informed and she seemed shocked, looking around, no one would even have guessed there to be a bunker, but you did.
She watched as you opened it up and held it open for her, she smiled once again before climbing in, staying near the entrance and waiting for you. She had second guessed how close she had stood to the entrance as she suddenly felt your breath against the back of her neck, your hands clenching into tight fists a to not land on her waist, feeling a sense of tension in the air. You broke the heat of the moment by flicking the light on "Solar power" You muttered, hand gently nudging her forward. It wasn't huge, but it held a bed, a couch, a mini fridge and a table. It was ever so slightly cluttered and there was a small pile of novels and comics you had clearly left.
Ellie moved around to explore as you locked the trapdoor, not wanting any trouble. "Who do you think owned this?" She asked, hand brushing over the couch, then table before turning to you.
"Pff, god knows..not many people, couldn't have been more than one or two of them living here" You shrugged "But I assure you, they aren't here anymore" You joked, chuckling lightly and she, again, smiled in response. Her hand fumbled with some of the comics, flicking through the pile as you dropped your belongings and flopped onto the old couch.
She grabbed one of the comics and sat beside you, knees touching as the couch was only small, you tipped your head back against the soft cushion and kept your eyes on her, your arm spreading over the back of the couch, just millimeters away from being around her. She didn't seem to mind and started flicking through the pages, you watched, a small hmm leaving your mouth. "What?" she asked, not looking away from the graphic novel in her hands, you just shook your head, even though she couldn't see, pulling a leaf out of her hair with a cheeky smile. She lifted her gaze to the leaf before looking at you with a n impressed face, laughing a little. "Heavy forestry" She stated and you nodded, gaze flickering over her face, noticing a little blood.
"Blood" You commented, lifting your over hand to gently swipe your thumb over her cheek, wiping away the blood as you leaned closer to examine it. "It's not mine" She reassured and you nodded, noticing no injury, but not straying from your position, admiring the closeness between your figures.
You noticed the way her eyes moved up and down, looking at your eyes and lips frequently. You smirked at her lingering gaze on your lips, out of habit licking them, she seemed to shudder and looked back up at your eyes, it suddenly felt as if she was closer. But you weren't complaining at all. With another hum, you closed the gap, hand on the side of her face as your fingertips just gently dug into her hair, lips pressing softly against hers.
She was shocked to say the least, having completely doubted the idea you liked her back, but when she came to her senses she kissed back desperately as if the world depended on it. Your other hand pulled the comic book out of her grip and gently dropped it to the ground, smirking into the kiss as her hands snaked around your neck. You tilted your head to the side to deepen the kiss, feeling her fingers tangle into your hair.
Suddenly she pulled back, staying close, both of you breathing heavily, chuckling lightly. "I've wanted to do that for so long" You confessed and she nodded bashfully "I've wanted you to do that, for so long" She explained, in between breaths.
Both of you looked at each other in a comfortable silence, before you removed your hand from her face and let it fall to her waist, turning her body to face you. She watched as you kneel between her legs that now lay comfortably on the couch pillows, her back against the side of the couch. With a content smile, you leaned in to kiss her again, letting your lips part with hers into an open mouth kiss, tongues meeting in a desperate ecstasy, fighting for dominance.
You experimentally lifted your knee to her heat, feeling the way her body jolted at the sensation and a quiet whimper filled the kiss. You shivered at the sound, feeling your head spin at her reaction.
With a quiet sigh, you felt the way she gently began rocking against your knee, high pitched sounds being muffled by the kiss. Lips moving perfectly against your own somehow, despite her pleasure. Even though you didn't want to, you pulled away from the kiss, noticing her lips were now a darker shade of red from your affection. Her eyes were glassed over, looking at you as her mouth stayed open, she watched the way you dipped into the crook of her neck, leaving gentle kisses on the skin you could clearly see, nibbling gently in an attempt to leave light marks on her collarbone.
You began to tense your thigh, noticing the way she let out a choked moan, hands gripping the material of your shirt. You smirked, trailing kisses up to her jaw, pausing by her ear to whisper "C'mon baby, cum for me" You teased, feeling the way her thighs attempted to close around you, the noises growing louder and hips sputtering, all signalling her orgasm. Her grip on your shirt loosened as she fell back against the couch, panting.
With a proud smirk, you sat up to kiss her, only for a few seconds before looking into her eyes. "Fuck" She mumbled and you laughed lightly, her eyes stayed on you, one of her hands reaching to brush some hair out of your face. "Why haven't we done this sooner?" She asked and you shrugged comically, letting your fingers dance down to her hips, hooking under the material of her jeans, feeling the goosebumps on her skin.
Slowly, you unbuckled the buttons and gave her a look of questioning, as if asking if it was okay. "Yes- please" She nodded, responding in less than a second, voice needy and breathy. You pursed your lips in anticipation and tugged down her jeans along with her underwear, leaving them just below her knees, not wanting to deal with the effort.
She lifted her head to kiss your collarbone, as if giving you something in return, but her gentle touching faltered a the feeling of your fingertip gently circling her clit, a gasp emitting from her, breath hot against your skin. You snickered a little, letting your other hand gently rub at the skin of her thigh, her kissing resuming, one of her hands playing with your hair, careful not to mess it up. Your finger moved, teasing her for just a moment, staying still before pushing it into her, thumb landing on her clit, a surprised mewl escaping her mouth, muffling into your neck. Her kisses made your eyes flutter shut as you began to thrust your finger back and forth slowly, curling it with every movement. Her kisses grew faultier, mouth open, her whimpers ringing in your ear pleasantly, encouraging you.
You carefully began to speed up your movements, feeling the way her cunt tightened and the way she began to moan, her hand gently tugging at your hair. Your thumb began to circle her clit at a fast pace, applying pressure. Her free hand landed on your wrist as her head fell back against the couch, eyes looking into yours as she shook her head. " 's too much, y/n" She whined, breath hitching as you kept going, relishing on the way she gripped your wrist and the way her eyes closed, panting.
"You can take it, know you can" You teased, voice having a sense of fake comfort to it, loving the way her back arched and hips began to buck against your hand. A loud moan came from her, biting down on her lip to quieten herself as she came undone onto your hand, her release coating your hand.
You smiled, pressing a gentle kiss to her jaw as you slowly removed your hand, taking her own into yours and interlacing your fingers with hers. She breathed heavily, eyes screwed shut as she tried to regain full consciousness. "Holy shit.." She breathed out "y-your turn" She mumbled, eyes fluttering open.
A/n: I'm so sorry if this is bad, i just wrote continuously for hours and then boom, a fic. I hope it's okay to the original requester, part two anyone?
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nightghoul381 · 3 months
Ellis Twilight ~ Main Route Chapter 9
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Disclaimer for route warnings | Masterlist
Additional Content Warnings: None
This a fan translation so it is definitely not 100% accurate. I do not own anything related to Ikemen Villains. Support Cybird by buying their amazing stories!
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--The day after patrolling the city.
I was heading to the casino with Ellis and Jude.
The casino is one of the gang’s strongholds.
William and the others had gotten information that the leader of the circus troupe was coming and going from there from time to time.
(We’ll scout nearby and as soon as we find someone who looks like that, we’ll arrest and interrogate them.)
With my mind filled with tension, I ruminated over today’s mission.
Jude, who was smoking a cigarette a little further away, looked at me and let out an exasperated sigh.
Jude: “What’re ya gonna do in this state?”
Kate: “I’m nervous right now, but I’ll be okay.”
As I put on my best calm expression, Ellis bent down a little and handed me a cup of tea.
Ellis: “Please. Warm up your body and you’ll feel better.”
Kate: “Thank you…”
The warmth that passes through my fingertips, which were cold from the tension, was comforting.
Kate: “…Mmm, it has honey in it. It’s delicious.”
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Ellis: “Good. Are you feeling better?”
Kate: “…Yeah, I am.”
Ellis: “Don’t push yourself too hard, Kate.”
Even after yesterday’s confession-like incident, Ellis acted exactly as I had expected.
I think he’s treating me the ‘same as before’.
(But, I’m still conscious of what’s going on.)
I felt my heart beat a little faster with Ellis next to me, so I casually took a step away from him.
Ellis: “This might get rough, so if there’s another scary scene, please close your eyes.”
Kate: “Hehe, that can’t happen… My job is to record both of your sins.”
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Ellis: “Even if you don’t see it, I can tell you later.”
Ellis: “It’s great that you’re working so hard, but… I wish you would take better care of yourself.”
Kate: “Y…Yeah…”
(Is this the ‘same as before’…?)
Every time such sweet words come out of his mouth, I can’t help but feel excited.
(No, no. I have to do my best… I don’t want something like last time to happen.)
Ellis: “They were trying to harm Kate.”
Kate: “…”
(Then, this tragic situation…)
(This happened because I followed you, Ellis--)
Ellis: “… It’s okay now, Kate.”
--End flashback—
(… I hope it doesn’t end up like what happened last time.)
Kate: “Ellis, please don’t push yourself too hard.”
At the memory of Ellis standing in a pool of blood, the words naturally spilled out of my mouth.
Everyone knows that this is his job, his mission, and what he must do.
That’s why I wanted to be close to the pain and the hurt that comes from that.
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Ellis: “Me? I’ll probably be fine, but… thank you.”
Kate: “After the mission is finished, let’s eat something delicious!”
Ellis: “…yeah… fufu.”
Suddenly, Ellis looked at me and smiled—.
Part 2
Kate: “After the mission is finished, let’s eat something delicious!”
Ellis: “…yeah… fufu.”
Suddenly, Ellis looked at me and smiled—.
Kate: “…? What?”
Ellis: “I was just having fun imagining what store I would bring you to.”
Kate: “…!”
(Ellis himself is looking forward to going out to eat with me.)
Not just for me.
That makes me so happy that I can’t help but smile.
(Concentrate on the mission…)
I hurriedly hid my smile.
However, Ellis didn’t miss my changing expressions.
Ellis: “Kate? What’s wrong?”
***1. Nothing +4 +4***
2. I'm looking forward to the meal +2 +4
3. I'm so excited +4 +2
(I thought I had gotten screenshots of the correct choice but I guess I hadn’t, sorry!)
Kate: “I’m kind of excited… but we have a mission now, so I have to brace myself.”
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Ellis: “You should just stay excited. If it’s a mission, leave it to us.”
When I smiled with Ellis--
???: “Ah…!”
I heard a small scream and turned around.
A little girl had fallen onto the ground, perhaps from the stairs.
(Wow, that looks painful!)
Simultaneously, I took a step forward and Ellis also started walking toward the girl.
Ellis: “Are you okay?”
Ellis gently held out a hand to help the girl up, but…
Girl: “…gh, mm…”
A film of tears quickly formed in the girl’s eyes.
(It seems like her parents aren’t around. In that case…)
Kate: “That must have hurt. Um, what’s your name…?”
--Just then a cheerful voice called from above the three of us.
Man with an eyepatch: “Hey, hey there, girl!”
Man with an eyepatch: “The flowers want to say hello to you!”
Part 3
Man with an eyepatch: “Hey, hey there, girl!”
Man with an eyepatch: “The flowers want to say hello to you!”
A man wearing an eyepatch suddenly appeared and squeezed his hands together…
A beautiful flower suddenly bloomed on the palm of his hand.
Kate: “! What’s this?”
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Ellis: “It’s a magic trick like the one Bill did.”
Flowers: “Young lady, please don’t cry. I want to see your smile.”
In a high-pitched, strangled voice, the man wearing an eyepatch pretended to be the flowers and started to speak.
Girl: “Hic… Flowers…”
Flowers: “If you smile, I feel like I could bloom even more!”
Girl: “…mm,…”
As the girl forced her lips to curl up in an attempt to smile, small flowers began to overflow from the eyepatch wearing man’s palm.
Girl: “Wow…!”
The girl’s eyes, still wet with tears, sparkled.
Just then, a woman with a frantic expression came running toward us.
Woman looking panicked: “Cathy! I was looking for you, you can’t just walk away by yourself!”
Cathy: “Oh, mom! Look, it’s amazing! The flowers are like magic…”
Cathy’s mother: “You can tell me the story later! Sorry to bother you.”
Man with an eyepatch: “No, no, there’s no bother.”
Ellis: “She may have scraped her knee. Please help her.”
Cathy’s mother: “Eh, did you fall? Didn’t she bother you with her crying!?”
Cathy: “I’m not crying! The old man used flower magic.”
(I guess she really enjoyed the flower magic trick.)
Her mother also smiled, looking relieved as the girl spoke excitedly.
Cathy’s mother: “It feels like everybody has helped you… Thank you very much.”
Cathy’s mother: “Cathy, we’re going to have a lot to talk about when we get home.”
Cathy: “Yeah!”
The girl smiled and held hands with her mother, then waved at us as she left.
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Ellis: “Take care.”
After seeing off the mother and child, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief.
Kate: “I’m glad her mother came to pick her up.”
Ellis: “…Yeah.”
There was something strange about the voice that reached my ears, and I turned around, wondering what it was.
Ellis: “…”
Ellis, who had been smiling at the girl, suddenly turned to stare at the man with the eyepatch with a calm expression on his face.
I follow his gaze and look at the man again.
(That’s right. The man who suddenly appeared.)
Although he had an unhealthy looking complexion, he was tall and well-built.
He had a friendly smile, but his sharp, wolf-like eyes gave the impression that he was being driven by something.
(Eyepatch… maybe he’s a performer.)
Then I remembered the external characteristics of the ‘Ring Leader’ that Alfons had talked about.
Alfons: “The person who was recruiting her was Captain Jake Grace himself.”
Alfons: “She said she was certain it was him on account of the characteristic scar around his eye that he got from being attacked by a wild beast when he was young.”
--End Flashback—
(He was active as a ring leader 20 years ago, which means he must be at least in his 30’s…?)
The person in front of me looks to be in his 40’s.
(Although, since he’s wearing an eyepatch, I can’t tell if his eye was injured or not--)
Jude: “….”
Jude, who had just been watching with a cigarette in hand, approaches.
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Jude: “Ellis.”
Ellis: “Yeah.”
At that moment, Ellis stood in front of me as if to protect me.
Jude: “Y’know a guy named Jake Grace?”
Man with an eyepatch: “Oh, you’re in luck! After all, I am Jake Grace!”
Part 4
Man with an eyepatch: “Oh, you’re in luck! After all, I am Jake Grace!”
Jude: “……”
Kate: “Huh!?”
(How do you dare say your name like that!?)
Even though he was supposed to be complicit in the kidnappings, he ignored it so easily, I was disappointed.
Assuming he was trying to tick us, Jude narrowed his eyes in suspicion.
Ellis: “I heard a rumor that you’re kidnapping performers. Is that true?”
Kate: “Ellis?”
(He’ll be set off by asking such a direct question…!)
However, despite my concerns, the man’s shoulders began to shake with laughter.
Jake: “Kidnapping? Me? Ahahahaha!”
Jake: “Goodness, no. I’m currently recruiting to re-form the circus. I have been going around asking for help though.”
Jake: “Everyone will agree that they are attracted by the charm of the circus!”
Ellis: “… I heard that even people who declined have disappeared.”
Jake: “Wait, disappeared? There’s no way that’s the case. I’m the kind of person who gracefully steps away if I’m rejected.”
Jake: “Those who love the arts will probably meet again somewhere, as long as they’re still alive!”
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Jude | Ellis: “…..”
(We actually witnessed a woman being attacked by a gang after refusing his proposition.)
There is a big discrepancy between that fact and Jake’s statement.
(But it doesn’t seem like he’s lying… what does he mean?)
Jude: “What’re the new circus members who accepted yer recruitment doin’?”
Jake: “I’m sure they’re honing their performances at the mansion in the suburbs free of distractions!”
Jake: “Just the other day, there was a kid on the street who was in trouble, so I asked him to join. He agreed after just two benefits.”
Jake: “Children under the age of 10 are more likely to improve their physical abilities.”
Jake: “If they can learn how to walk on a tightrope, they can say goodbye to a life of scavenging for garbage on the roadside!”
Ellis: “Are you the one taking them to that ‘suburban mansion’?”
Jake: “No? But the owner of the casino has graciously offered to invest in my future circus!”
Jake: “That man is taking care of them until the first performance.”
Jake: “I’m going to meet with him today about that matter.”
Jake has a cheerful smile on his face.
(He has a refreshing way of speaking. Also, looking at how he treated the girl earlier… I don’t think he’s a bad person.)
(If that’s the case, then he might be--)
Ellis: “Even though you’re playing a role in the kidnapping, you don’t realize it.”
Part 5
(If that’s the case, then he might be--)
Ellis: “Even though you’re playing a role in the kidnapping, you don’t realize it.”0357
Ellis puts words to what I was thinking.
Jake: “Mm?”
Ellis: “I think you’re being tricked.”
Ellis: “Have you met up with the people who accepted your invitation at least once afterward?”
Jake: “They send me letters from time to time. I still have to gather more people, so I haven’t been able to go to the mansion.”
Ellis: “Please check carefully.”
Jake: “Okay, okay! I’ll check it out. Thank you for your kindness.”
(The leader doesn’t know anything. That means…)
Jude: “We got no choice but to catch the leader of the gang ‘n investigate directly.”
Jude spits out the words, looking bothered.
Similarly, Ellis muttered in a low voice.
Ellis: “What are we going to do? Are we going to pretend that we want to be members and go to the casino?”
Kate: “Huh?”
Ellis: “I mean, is the owner of the casino that he’s about to meet the one who led the kidnapping, or is just a conduit for that person?”
Ellis: “Maybe it’s an opportunity.”
(I suppose… that might be the quickest way to make contact with the perpetrator of the kidnapping…?)
If we can condemn the leader and cut it off at the source, the kidnapping case would be solved.
We’d be able to track down the victims and be able to complete our mission in one step.
Kate: “You two will be recognized since the gang has a grudge against you…”
Kate: “Won’t you get kicked out of the casino before you even meet the owner…?”
Ellis: “Maybe we should hide our faces?”
Jude: “They’ll figure it out by our voices.”
Ellis: “Wouldn’t it be better if we just shut up?”
Kate: “… Are you sure…?”
(Um? Maybe we can infiltrate…?)
Jude: “….”
Ellis: “…….”
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Jude and Ellis exchange glances without saying a word. 0386
I stared at them, holding my breath, and after a long moment of silence, Jude clicked his tongue.
(That probably means ‘It’s a hassle but I’ll do it.’)
When I glanced at Ellis and he nodded as if to say ‘that’s right’.
Jake: “I feel a bit like an outcast not being part of the conversation, so I’ll leave you to it, okay?”
Jake: “I don’t mean to offend you. Like I said I have an appointment to meet with someone at the casino!”
Ellis: “Ah, wait a minute.”
Jake: “Hm? Did you need something?”
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Ellis: “Would you please let us be a part of your circus?”
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Next Chapter | His Side Story
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ummick · 1 month
Mick Schumacher On F1 Exile: "It Has Been A Draining Few Years"
The son of F1 legend Michael Schumacher speaks to Kieran Jackson about his role as a Mercedes reserve driver, his deep desire to get back on the Formula 1 grid in 2025, and eyeing victory this weekend at the 24 Hours of Le Mans
The duties of a reserve driver in Formula 1 are unique, distinctive and unlike most back-ups in other sports. With the chances of a last-minute call-up to the cockpit extremely unlikely, you lead a life in the shadows; out of mind, but never fully out of sight. In Mick Schumacher’s case, he has been omnipresent in the F1 paddock for more than three years, but, to his detectible discontent, the last eighteen months have been without a race seat. "Fighting your way back is exhausting," Schumacher tells The Independent, in the familiar surroundings of the Mercedes motorhome. "You get this cake presented to you which is really good, but you're not allowed to eat it, and you have to watch everybody else eat it. So it's tough, for sure, but I know why I'm doing it."
Being the son of a seven-time world champion carries its own unusual burden. But the German, still something of a racing novice at the age of 25, wholeheartedly believes he is yet to be given a fair crack of the whip. His rookie year with Haas in 2021 was a write-off. Superior to teammate Nikita Mazepin, not finishing last was an achievement in one of the worst-performing cars in F1 history. His second year was where it all went wrong, however, finishing thirteen points behind the experienced Kevin Magnussen. But that wasn’t the issue; moreso, the expensive crashes which resulted in Netflix star Guenther Steiner losing patience and wielding the axe. Which brings us to now. Schumacher quickly accepted an olive branch from Mercedes boss Toto Wolff, with Schumacher Sr concluding his career at the Silver Arrows in 2012, and he now plays backup to Lewis Hamilton and George Russell. No chances as fortuitous as Ollie Bearman's in Saudi Arabia have come his way, though. "Frankly, the way I was two years ago has nothing to do with the person I am today," he insists. "F1 has been a dream I've had since I was five years old and I'm not ready to let go of that dream, right Sometimes you feel like you have a chance, then it actually never ends up happening because something else happens. It's been an emotional rollercoaster and a draining last few years, but I'm working my way back." Some would see the time away as an opportunity to rehabilitate and reset, but not Schumacher. One attribute that cannot be questioned is his commitment; he has barely missed a race in person and is regularly seen standing, headset on, dutifully listening to procedures next to Wolff in the garage.
That's the mantra when your life is "all about racing," and it is that hard-nosed, full-throttle attitude that sees him embark on the ultimate racing challenge this weekend: the prestigious 24 Hours of Le Mans event, driving for Alpine in their first year in endurance competition. "I'm very excited. I've got a huge amount of respect for it," says Schumacher, about an event which his father competed in before his F1 career started in 1991, finishing fifth. "It's going to be very little sleep, long driving times at night, and the testing has been tough so far. We're going for the win-that's the ultimate target-but if we're crossing the finish line after 25 hours I think we can be very proud, too, as this project was only set up eleven months ago. The turnaround has been very fast. But the mentality is to win because… why compete, otherwise?" Yet don't be fooled: a career in WEC is not at the forefront of his mind just yet. Because amid a flurry of driver changes ahead of the 2025 season and the fluctuating nature of the F1 driver market, Schumacher is desperate to carve a route back into the sport he loves. Alex Albon famously provided then-Williams CEO Jost Capito a racing CV in 2021 to sell his skills, littered with junior successes alongside F1 accomplishments. Could Schumacher, Formula 2 champion in 2020, do the same? "Maybe I will start writing my CV and send it to people!" he says. "It's never been a secret; my goal is to be back on the grid. I've shown in multiple ways that I am capable of winning championships. It's just a matter of it fitting into somebody's schedule - does it fit into their plan?" It won't be lost on him that Alpine, his WEC team, now have an F1 seat available in 2025, with Esteban Ocon departing at the end of this season. The French team look to be Schumacher's best option at this stage. A return to Haas seems unlikely, while forming an all-German partnership with Nico Hulkenberg at Sauber (soon to be Audi) also appears to be a long shot. And nobody is even mentioning him as a replacement for Hamilton at Mercedes, with Italian teenager Kimi Antonelli the favourite at this stage. But frankly, Schumacher won't care where. As he says, "any team is a valuable option," and, simply put, he just wants another invite to the twenty man party. "Theress a lot which hasn’t been seen yet, especially from a driving point of view," he says. "I understand how I could have improved [at Haas], and there's a lot more to show from my side. It's all about, what do you want in your team right now? Do you want somebody who you can build a team around? Good for marketing? Purely shut up and drive? There are so many different types of drivers. As for me, I'm really hungry for it. I just need to keep performing in WEC, showing everybody what I can do. Then people will know what they get if they hire me, and hopefully I'll be able to prove to everybody that they made the wrong decision in not keeping me."
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loosesodamarble · 2 months
Welcome to the Black Bird Part 3: Johnathan the Paragon
Summary: Introducing William as Johnathan, the paragon of gentlemanly grace from the Black Bird. Genre: general Word count: ~800 A/N: The character art for William was done by @cringeyvanillamilk.
“You have nothing to worry about now, son,” his father said as he patted his shoulder. “Your future’s been secured.”
“Consider yourself lucky to have this privilege,” his step-mother added with a cordial smile.
“And what if I want to do something else with my life?” he had dared to ask once.
After asking that, his father sighed and shook his head. His step-mother stopped grinning.
“Don’t be so selfish, William. After everything we’ve done for you, doing what we ask is the least you can do to repay us.”
But they hadn’t asked and they never did end up asking anything of him.
Maybe they would’ve asked “where have you been?” or “won’t you come home?” if they crossed paths again. William doubted that though. Knowing them, they probably would’ve demanded he return home and follow orders again.
One day, someone did ask him a question though.
It was when William found himself short on money to pay for a meal. He had been close to panicking about how he’d pay when a voice called out.
“Would you let me cover your bill for you?” It was a question to be sure. But the older gentleman with purple eyes and blond hair from the next table had extended an offer rather than made a request. “You’ll have to wait for me to finish my meal though, if you don’t mind.”
“Come, sit with me until I’m ready to pay! Oh, and I’m Mr. Novachrono, just so you know!”
William wove between tables with practiced ease. He had the dining room layout—the fourth version of it at that point—memorized and understood how her coworkers moved through the area. Just as he was about to pass behind a customer’s chair, he caught the slightest movement of the man shifting to stand.
Immediately, William came to a stop. And just in time as the man stood and turned to walk in William’s direction.
“Gah!” the customer yelped, not too loud though. “J-jeez, I—”
“Apologies for the surprise, good sir,” William said with a nod of his head. A full bow being impossible with the tray he carried. “I was en route to my mistresses’ table, just past you and your party of folks. If I may?” He gestured his head forward.
The man shuffled to the side and William glided past him with a smile and soft “thank you.”
William reached his table without further issue. As he served his patrons, the pair of ladies at the table giggled.
“Perfect delivery as always, Johnathan,” the fairer haired of the two commented.
“For the sake of my lovely masters, I fore’er stride towards the greatest heights of service,” William responded. He noticed their tea cups were both running empty. “Shall I refill your tea?”
“Oh please do!” the other woman, with red-brown hair, squealed and clapped her hands.
William grinned and picked up the teapot placed at the table’s center.
“The dark auburn hue of this tea. How reminiscent of your own hair, my lady fair,” William said as he poured out the drink. A rosy blush colored the woman’s face.
“A poet as always,” said the lighter haired woman. “How do you do it so easily?”
William fell silent. He set down the tea pot.
“How… Simply put, I wish to fill the world with kind, beautiful words,” was his answer, a soft grin coming to his face. And his response got admiring sighs from his customers.
Kind, beautiful words… What William once sought in the past…
Poultry of Grandeur. On the surface, the dish appears simple but there was a depth and elegance to it that many customers enjoyed.
Chicken, though considered a simple protein, could be turned into something gourmet with proper preparation and ingredients. William wanted to show that through the dish he added to the cafe’s menu. He had a carefully chosen blend of herbs and spices that he rubbed onto chicken breasts and added into a cheese blend. The cheese and a handful of diced vegetables—which changed seasonally—would be stuffed into the chicken. Finally, it was all cooked via oven baking and pan searing.
William took pride in the complexity and refinement of his dish. It was indeed a perfect match for his distinguished persona at the cafe.
Coincidentally, it was also a perfect contrast to the reckless and messy person he once was.
Thankfully, he’d been able to turn things around and become the man he was in the present. Careful, put together, and in control. He never thought he’d come so far. But he knew that there was still more growing he could do.
When that would happen and why, was something he wasn’t considering though.
For now, he had tables to serve.
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kurishiri · 1 month
about my tl of elbie’s main route 🍎
heyy, friends! this is probably going to be a longer post, and i will apologize in advance if i phrase anything strangely. i kinda had to go through a phase of figuring out exactly what i was feeling — and accepting that. more under the cut!
but the biiig long and short of it is that i feel burnt out from translating his route. thinking back, i believe this may have been partially because of the way i was pacing myself and imposing deadlines on myself that i felt i had to meet. but i would also try to take my time with it because of a desire to make characters feel like... them. you can probably especially feel this alfons if you’ve read my translations. but i don’t want to just portray the idea — but the character as well. i hope i can always give a translation that makes you feel immersed, rather than just “getting the gist.”
another part of it may frankly be the english version releasing as well, and not really helping with my motivation. like i know i said i would finish it, but thinking back on it now, i think i was already feeling the burnout, had failed to recognize that and give myself breaks when i needed, hadn’t paced myself in the way that works for me.
truly, i do enjoy elbie’s route, and if the themes aren’t too triggering for you, i would definitely recommend his route to anyone. i feel like he is sort of that peak of romance with a tinge of horror (and a lotta pining) that the starter three routes had sort of been building up to, especially if you played in their loosely “recommended order,” william → harrison → liam. which i didn’t, but i can pretend i did lmao.
anyway all that aside, the main thing is that it’s not that i haven’t been translating because of a loss of interest in elbie himself or his route, per se. but rather it’s more of a me feeling burnt out thing. and whenever i think about translating more, i kind of can’t help but remember that feeling. that’s why, i think i’m going to put the tl i have on indefinite hiatus… at least the main story portion. i can still tl his letters and his side stories as those are shorter, especially if i can get recordings or screenshots of them.
frankly, i don’t know if i ever will be able to finish translating his main story though. i have enjoyed translating what i have already, i really have. and i also would like to think i’m proud of the progress that i have made. i just don’t know when i can finish… but i can say that this experience overall — or rather reflecting back on it — has helped me learn how to pace myself.
to be honest, i’m thinking of starting to translate alfons’ route. i’ve been told and told by friends they like the way i write or tl alfons, haha, and i think he is someone you need to read his route to, like, really understand his character. whatever you saw of him in elbie’s route is the tip of the iceberg /lh it’s just this time, i will go at a pace that works for me.
finally, i would like to thank everyone who has given me such kind words, read what i have translated and enjoyed it, commented and interacted with those posts. i’m always happy if you enjoy it, or if it can enhance your experience playing his route in en. i hope i can provide a similar experience in any translations i may end up doing!
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chriscdcase95 · 3 months
Unlife is Strange: “Double Exposure” update  
So while I’m preparing the next chapters for Unlife is Strange, I thought I’d make an update post. Especially with Life is Strange: Double Exposure being announced.
Having worked on Unlife is Strange since 2020, I only had only one real curveball in 2021, when True Colors was announced. Before that, I had an entirely different arc for Steph Gingrich, writing her to be Rachel’s love interest. 
When True Colors was released, I ended up doing a full revamp of Steph’s arc and role; even giving her a power explaining how Steph could live her canon life, and go through what she did in the fic. In the current story, I’m even including Alex and Steph in the main plot. 
Will Double Exposure get the same treatment ?
That's actually a tough one. The easy answer would be “No” because Unlife's version Max and/or Chloe lived a radically different lived than what Double Exposure presents…but at the same time, the deal that applies to Steph could apply here.
Spoilers below
In Unlife is Strange, this is what happened with Max and Chloe.
In the “Route A” chapters — following a “Sacrifice Arcadia Bay/Parting Ways” timeline — Max and Chloe settled down in Seattle. Max is finishing school, and Chloe is a stay at home mom, raising their two year old son, William “Bill” Price Caulfield. 
In “Route B” chapters  — following a “Sacrifice Chloe/Redemption” timeline, Max is still raising Bill as a single mom, and working photography jobs, though not as prolific as Double Exposure presents her. Chloe has also awakened as a vampire shortly after her death…and has seeing Max in secret for years, while Max publicly keeps up the façade of Chloe being long dead.
It also turns out both Max and Chloe were involved with the Federal Bureau of Control (from Control) some time between 2014 to 2020, before Max retired…and eventually pulled back in. The full details will be revealed in future chapters. Point is, it doesn’t really fit where we see Max in Double Exposure.
The easy thing would just be to discount it, but my solution to include True Colors may work both ways. Which brings us back to Steph, and where it gets interesting.
Like I said, when I originally wrote Steph into this story, I planned for her to be Rachel’s love interest. When True Colors came out, I found a way to make it work and gave Steph a power of her own.
In Unlife, we’re introduced to a Steph who went on to become a stage actress in LA, and got into a toxic relationship with a rich and powerful influencer, before reuniting with Rachel after the latters vampire resurrection. This Steph had a troubled relationship with her father and stepmother, and hasn’t even heard of Haven Point…
Before  we eventually find out, Steph has a supernatural affliction, in that she has a Tulpa; a version of her that lived a radically different life after Arcadia Bay, than her canon counterpart. The “real” Steph is the canon!Steph who became a DJ in Haven Point, fell in love with Alex Chen, and doesn’t recall being a stage actress. This causes Steph to disappear and reappear between two different lives, causing her to blink out of people’s memories depending on what life she goes too.
The Tulpa!Steph is the one who Rachel falls in love with. Steph and her tulpa self aren’t initially aware of eachother, but recall their “other” eachother’s lives as if they were dreams. In the current storyline, Alex and Steph try to get to the bottom of Steph’s affliction, with the FBC reaching out to them.
This should explain it better.
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So where does this leave Double Exposure ? As far as Unlife is concerned, it’s a radically alternate timeline. But depending on how it plays out, it may or may not be part of another tulpa effect. 
I may make my final decision when the game comes out, but don’t expect Safi to show up in Unlife any time soon.
TLDR: Maybe, but it won't be considered part of the fic's “main” timelines.
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sometimesraven · 1 year
Made For This
Fandom: Quantum Leap (2022) POV: Ian Wright
Summary: In hindsight, Ian's entire life had led up to working for Quantum Leap.
AO3 Link
Coding was always Ian’s solace. Right back to Coding Club in high school, just them and a handful of other kids learning Python instead of spending too much money at the mall, or… whatever kids that age did when they were normal.
Ian didn’t know and didn’t care, because Ian wasn’t normal.
They were diagnosed with ADHD at seven years old. Trying to keep them in one place when there were books at the other end of the room was near-enough impossible and by the time they reached middle school they'd basically taught themself the whole curriculum ahead of time. Genius wasn't a term they liked to use, at least back then. They didn't want to be heralded as some kid prodigy, they just wanted to sit at their computer and figure out how to make it play Minecraft by itself.
Being queer didn't help with that. Attention usually meant trouble, and Ian preferred to stay far, far away from trouble as a kid. So far, in fact, that their first successful coding project involved creating an algorithm that would tell them the safest likely route to and from school every day.
That turned into... a bit of a compulsion. Sooner than later Ian found themself unable to even leave the house if they hadn't checked their algorithm. One morning there was a power cut and they had a full-on meltdown, screaming, crying, smashing things-.. it was ugly.
At first it was just a routine. Mom called it their "little quirks". They'd always been that way, needing a certain order to things; a rightness. Unfortunately the Autism they found out that was down to presented closer to how it did in AFABs (gender affirmed?), so that didn't get caught until they'd already been homeschooled for the rest of High School and were well into college.
Thing is, it didn't stay routine. It became kind of a compulsion. Everything in their life had to have an algorithm; every little possibility had to be accounted for because what if it wasn't? There was a point midway though college that they were consulting statistics and algorithms for basically everything, convinced some kind of disaster would happen if they didn't.
They were skinny, weak and greasy by the time they finished their degree, accepting their PhD with their hair and makeup only done because their friends had wrangled and all but made them accept their help. Then Rachel all but made them go to therapy.
Things had calmed down, since then. Ian had coping strategies that didn't take up all their time, they were able to do things on a whim again, go shopping, go on dates, even get a job. A miserable, boring desk job as a data analyst where they didn't dare tell anyone their real pronouns, but a job was a job, right?
It was there that Magic had found them.
"Dr Wright, correct?"
"Who's asking?" they quipped, spinning on their chair to flash him a smile. This guy didn't belong here -- they could tell that immediately and not just from his visitor's pass. He held himself with a specific kind of professionalism and clean-cut carefulness that people in IT just-.. didn't have.
"Herbert Williams-- but please, call me Magic." His grin was polite, welcoming... Ian knew that grin. They were about to be poached. "I'm putting together a team of talented individuals and I want you to sign up."
"Right to the point, okay, uh-.." Ian blinked at the man's bluntness. "What-.. wahat's the job?"
"You'll be working as head programmer on a government project. The rest is classified."
"That-.. okay." If they couldn't see his credentials right there on his pass, they'd think this was suspicious as all hell. It was suspicious as all hell. They looked around their office, chewing thoughtfully at their lip. God, what they wouldn't give for another algorithm right now, but-.. what did they really have to lose? "Why me?"
Magic raised a brow, "Ian -- can I call you Ian? You graduated with honors in a University course you barely studied for. Before you were fourteen years old you could read and write fluently in a programming language I'd never heard of."
"Python is actually one of the most commonly used--"
"Young man, you have about half a dozen algorithms running right now to predict areas of your life you aren't even living yet, am I right?"
"...How did you-.." Government. Right.
"How would you like to put that talent into something that could change the world?"
For the first time in their life, Ian didn't think twice. In hindsight, maybe this was why they survived their childhood; the reason they could keep going for so long. Their entire life had led up to this.
"Uh-.. Magic? Just one thing," they tried, breathing away the anxiety beating in their chest.
"Anything you want."
"It's-.. young person. My-.. my pronouns are they/them."
Magic smiled and nodded, "Welcome aboard, Dr. Wright."
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shatcey · 4 months
Event for newbies (Part 3)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 (add to part 1)
I cannot believe, I finally finish this event!
Victor noticed that Kate couldn't choose, so he chose using darts (I'd like to see that!). And the lucky one… not too happy about it. But Victor convinced bribed him, and he agreed. Jude made her promise not to whine or cry, and she agreed. Not knowing that it's quite dangerous not to keep the promise given to him.
She watched him while he worked. You have a chance to see him as a big boss. In fact, it was quite impressive. She finds herself in a very dangerous situation, and behaves a little differently in different endings. I find the romantic ending more… in her style.
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I love that girl!
Kate couldn't decide who to choose, so William volunteered. After that, everyone else just gave up, so she hadn't other option.
Will noticed how nervous she was and suggested a way out. They told each other something about themselves 3 times, and when they do, she will be released from this mission. After all, he had an mission at night, and she definitely don't wanna participate in it. She agreed.
So they went to the city. As usual, he read her mind and fulfilled her wish, like the godmother from a fairy tale (I like this thought).
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And when the night came Kate decided she wanted to go on a mission with him. So they did. It wasn't very pleasant. In different endings, you can see the scene from different angles.
That's it. That's all the stories. I enjoyed them all.
And now I think I like William's route the most. It's more complex, shows an undeniable connection between him and Kate, and has a very logical structure. Everything is connected. To notice some of it, you need to read both endings… Well, this is a pretty common thing for Cybird.
Don't get me wrong. They're all good. This is just my personal opinion.
🔝 Start page 🔝
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wideouts4life · 1 year
NFL Week 3
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This wideout shit is getting out of control. This week we had 15 wideouts that reached the century mark. We also have some big names making their way to the blog this season. Without further ado…
Keenan Allen is a man amongst boys. Right now Allen makes the game look really easy. The chargers have used Allen in the slot more than I’ve ever seen. And it’s definitely paying off. Allen caught 18 balls for 215 yards with zero scores. And now that counterpart Mike Williams is injured, I expect Allen to continue putting the weight on his back and carrying the team. 
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Davante Adams takes home the WOW (wideout of the week) award. It’s refreshing to see Adams have the type of performance he’s capable of having each week. Davante finished his night with 13 catches for 172 yards and 2 touchdowns. Adams dominated all over the field to make his first appearance of the year. 
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Tyreek Hill is amazzzing!!! Hill cannot be guarded 1on 1. Agains the Denver Broncos Hill was up to his usual shenanigans. Hill caught 9 passes for 157 yards and 1 tub. Hill continues to obliterate angles. And although he left Patrick Mahomes 2 seasons ago, Hill’s production has steadily increased and I believe if not Justin Jefferson, Tyreek is another wideout who can eclipse the daunting 2000 yards in a season. 
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Mama…Their goes that man! Justin Jefferson is a beautiful thing to watch. I love the way he’s playing right now. And I’m even more impressed by his run after catch. He’s dominating the field in every aspect of the game.  Against the Los Angeles Chargers Mr. Jefferson caught 7 passes for 159 yards and 1 touchdown.
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Another name I have never heard of had himself quite the performance. Nathaniel “Tank” Dell absolutely destroyed defenders on his way to a rookie break out performance. Catching 5 balls for a whopping 145 yards and 1 touchdown. Dell most definitely caught my eye and I’m glad the kid had his first 100-yard game in the NFL.
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Adam Thielen is a name I have not heard called in at least two years. Glad the kid is still able to put up big numbers making his first appearance on the wideouts4life blog. That boy Adam pulled his old bag of tricks out on his way to an 11-catch, 145-yard, 1 touchdown performance.
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Ja’Marr Chase Your Dreams has not started the year like he would like. As he put it after the game against the Rams, “I’m always fucking open.” Sounds like a true wideout. I remember in college saying the same shit every play to never get the ball thrown my way. Chase caught 12 balls for 141 yards with zero scores. I’m hopeful Joe Burrow and the Cincinnati Bengals play callers get this young lion the ball. Wideout fans like to see the wideouts ball.
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AJ Brown is a dog. I know when watching tape of Mr. Brown, he’s going to give everything he has to give. After not contributing to the Eagles as he would have liked too. AJ Brown caught 9 passes for 131 yards. Brown did not score but every yard he earned helped the eagles beat the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. 
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No introduction is need when a name like Deebo Samuel is mentioned. And as I write this blog, looking at the names above, I’m ecstatic because for the next decade I will get the chance to witness some of the greatest wideouts to ever play the game. You have to be a man to play for the San Francisco 49ers. They run so many fucking slants, it’s ridiculous. Deebo scored on a beautiful go-route thrown by Brock Purdy ending his night with 6 catches for 129 yards. 
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It sucks that on a great day that Mike Williams was having. His knee got twisted in an awkward position leading to the young man tearing his ACL. Williams is out for the season. But prior to the injury Williams caught 7 passes for 121 yards and scored on trick play from fellow wideout Keenan Allen. 
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Amari Cooper is like fine wine. He just keeps getting better with age. I still standby the point Skip Bayless and Shannon Sharpe that Cooper does turn it on and off. But maybe that isn’t a bad thing. It definitely lures defensive backs to sleep. Amari still is the best on press release and it’s not even close. Cooper almost made a guy fall on a sweet fade route he hauled in finishing his afternoon with 7 catches for 116 yards and 1 touchdown. 
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DK Metcalf is a physical specimen. His route running is not great. And that’s ok, Terrell Owens wasn’t a route runner but he damn sure made plays. As I watch more and more film Metcalf reminds me of the hall of fame wideout. He catches better than T.O and for sure is faster as well. Against the Panthers Metcalf caught 6 passes for 112 yards helping secure the victory for the Seahawks.
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Stefon Diggs is one of my favorite wideouts to watch. One pet peeve of mines is when wideouts make a routine catch against zone coverage and get up with the shenanigans. Against the Washington Commanders Diggs caught 8 passes for 112 yards. I feel he needs to do more because there are two hogs in Justin Jefferson and Tyreek Hill battling for the NFL’s top wideout spot. 
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Ohio State and Alabama have put out tons of the wideouts who are really good as of the recent 5 years. One of those wideouts Chris Olave an Ohio State product just keeps on producing. Olave had a sweet one-hand catch up the right sideline that was ridiculous. Olave finished his night with 8 catches for 104 yards. For a 2nd year player, Olave checks all the boxes and I can only imagine his game will continue to get better. 
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Last man to reach the century mark this weekend is none other than Amon-Ra St. Brown. Against the Atlanta Falcons, St Brown was a nuisance. St. Brown hauled in 9 passes for 102 yards placing him at #5 in receiving yards. 
Another week of wideouts balling out. 15 wideouts catching for at least 100-yards is a record. Im ecstatic to see if we can eclipse this feat once again during the season. A lot of writing but well worth it. Wideouts Let’s Go!
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f1 · 2 years
Sargeant reveals his biggest strength ahead of rookie F1 season with Williams
Logan Sargeant has pinpointed what he believes is his strongest attribute as a racing driver, as he prepares to take the next step in his motorsport career by joining the Formula 1 grid. Sargeant secured an F1 promotion with Williams having spent 2022 racing in Formula 2 – a year in which he took two pole positions, two wins and two further podiums en route to fourth in the standings. READ MORE: Williams reveal 2023 livery ahead of FW45 unveiling After a busy winter preparing for the step up, the 22-year-old was on hand for the launch of the 2023 Williams livery, where he faced questions from the media about his characteristics as a person and as a racer – and how he would describe himself to fans. “I think I would describe myself as someone who has put in a lot of work and a lot of sacrifice,” said Sargeant, who prior to F2 finished third in F3 and claimed a podium finish at the prestigious Macau Grand Prix. “I moved to Europe at a young age to make this work and make this happen. Without going into too much detail, [I] just really… gave up a lot to have this opportunity, and I feel like I had a good junior career.” Sargeant steps up to F1 as a race winner in F2 and F3 Pushed on what he feels he is particularly ‘good at’ behind the wheel, Sargeant continued: “I hope a bit of everything! But to be honest, I feel like qualifying is my bread and butter. “It’s always been my favourite point of the weekend, when the car’s light, the new tyres are on and it’s just a chance to lay it all on the line and give it absolutely everything. READ MORE: Albon says Williams ‘definitely in a better position’ for 2023 – but warns not to expect Haas-style jump in performance “I would say that’s probably my biggest strength, that’s what I’ve always enjoyed the most, so I would probably start there.” As for what he expects from the season ahead, Sargeant was reluctant to offer up any specific targets or timeframes – instead vowing to give it his all and take things as they come. Sargeant gets suited and booted in Williams colours “There’s definitely no point putting a numerical position on it,” added Sargeant, who will become America’s first F1 driver since Alexander Rossi in 2015. “I think, at the end of the day, I need to come into the season willing to learn as much as I can, be open, be adaptable, and ultimately, that’s how I’m going to eventually get the most performance I can out of the car. READ MORE: Sargeant insists there’s no ‘extra pressure’ being first American F1 driver since 2015 “Obviously, ideally [I want] to be on top of it as soon as possible, if not immediately, and go from there. I don’t want to put a date on it or anything. I’m fast-tracking as much as I can.” Sargeant will spend his rookie F1 season alongside Alex Albon, with the new team mates facing the task of lifting Williams off the foot of the F1 constructors’ standings. via Formula 1 News https://www.formula1.com
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ummick · 3 months
Mick Schumacher on F1 exile: 'It has been a draining few years'
The son of F1 legend Michael Schumacher speaks to Kieran Jackson about his role as a Mercedes reserve driver, his deep desire to get back on the Formula 1 grid in 2025, and eyeing victory this weekend at the 24 Hours of Le Mans
The duties of a reserve driver in Formula 1 are unique, distinctive, and unlike most back-ups in other sports. With the chances of a last-minute call-up to the cockpit extremely unlikely, you lead a life in the shadows; out of mind, but never fully out of sight. In Mick Schumacher's case, he has been omnipresent in the F1 paddock for more than three years but, to his detectible discontent, the last eighteen months have been without a race seat. "Fighting your way back is exhausting," Schumacher tells The Independent, in the familiar surroundings of the Mercedes motorhome. "You get this cake presented to you which is really good, but you're not allowed to eat it, and you have to watch everybody else eat it. So it's tough, for sure, but I know why I'm doing it." Being the son of a seven-time world champion carries its own unusual burden, but the German, still something of a racing novice at the age of 25, wholeheartedly believes he is yet to be given a fair crack of the whip. His rookie year with Haas in 2021 was a write-off; superior to teammate Nikita Mazepin, not finishing last was an achievement in one of the worst-performing cars in F1 history. His second year was where it all went wrong, however, finishing thirteen points behind the experienced Kevin Magnussen. But that wasn't the issue; moreso, the expensive crashes which resulted in Netflix star Guenther Steiner losing patience and wielding the axe.
Which brings us to now. Schumacher quickly accepted an olive branch from Mercedes boss Toto Wolff-with Schumacher Sr concluding his career at the Silver Arrows in 2012-and he now plays backup to Lewis Hamilton and George Russell. No chances as fortuitous as Ollie Bearman's in Saudi Arabia have come his way, though. "Frankly, the way I was two years ago has nothing to do with the person I am today," he insists. "F1 has been a dream I've had since I was five years old and I'm not ready to let go of that dream, right Sometimes you feel like you have a chance, then it actually never ends up happening because something else happens. It's been an emotional rollercoaster and a draining last few years, but I'm working my way back." Some would see the time away as an opportunity to rehabilitate and reset, but not Schumacher. One attribute that cannot be questioned is his commitment. He has barely missed a race in person and is regularly seen standing, headset on, dutifully listening to procedures next to Wolff in the garage. That’s the mantra when your life is "all about racing," and it is that hard-nosed, full-throttle attitude that sees him embark on the ultimate racing challenge this weekend: the prestigious 24 Hours of Le Mans event, driving for Alpine in their first year in endurance competition. "I'm very excited. I've got a huge amount of respect for it," says Schumacher, about an event which his father competed in before his F1 career started in 1991, finishing fifth. "It's going to be very little sleep, long driving times at night, and the testing has been tough so far. We're going for the win, that's the ultimate target, but if we're crossing the finish line after 24 hours I think we can be very proud, too, as this project was only set up eleven months ago. The turnaround has been very fast. But the mentality is to win because… why compete, otherwise?"
Yet, don't be fooled: a career in WEC (World Endurance Championship) is not at the forefront of his mind just yet because, amid a flurry of driver changes ahead of the 2025 season and the fluctuating nature of the F1 driver market, Schumacher is desperate to carve a route back into the sport he loves. Alex Albon famously provided then-Williams CEO Jost Capito a racing CV in 2021 to sell his skills, littered with junior successes alongside F1 accomplishments. Could Schumacher, Formula 2 champion in 2020, do the same? "Maybe I will start writing my CV and send it to people!" he says. "It's never been a secret, my goal is to be back on the grid. I've shown in multiple ways that I am capable of winning championships. It's just a matter of it fitting into somebody's schedule; does it fit into their plan?" It won't be lost on him that Alpine, his WEC team, now have an F1 seat available in 2025, with Esteban Ocon departing at the end of this season. The French team look to be Schumacher's best option at this stage. A return to Haas seems unlikely, while forming an all-German partnership with Nico Hulkenberg at Sauber (soon to be Audi) also appears to be a long shot. And nobody is even mentioning him as a replacement for Hamilton at Mercedes, with Italian teenager Kimi Antonelli the favourite at this stage. But frankly, Schumacher won't care where. As he says, "any team is a valuable option," and, simply put, he just wants another invite to the twenty-man party. "There’s a lot which hasn't been seen yet, especially from a driving point of view," he says. "I understand how I could have improved [at Haas], and there's a lot more to show from my side. It's all about, what do you want in your team right now? Do you want somebody who you can build a team around? Good for marketing? Purely shut up and drive? There are so many different types of drivers. As for me, I'm really hungry for it. I just need to keep performing in WEC, showing everybody what I can do. Then people will know what they get if they hire me, and hopefully I'll be able to prove to everybody that they made the wrong decision in not keeping me."
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k4marina · 2 years
lives on
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synopsis : even after the death of tony stark, he remains in his two daughters
warnings : tony’s death (i think that’s it), just overall angst with a lil fluf/comfort, unedited or proofread, this idea literally just came to me and i had to write it out ig
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the backyard of starks cabin was filled with superheroes and loved ones, all chatting and laughing about. you could hear sam and bucky playfully arguing around the grill, beers in hand.
bruce, carol, and thor sprawled out talking about their space travels, with thor’s signature loud laugh. inside, pepper and laura were finishing up some of the food. clint and his kids (including little miss kate) were sat in the living room fighting over who gets to play the next round of mortal combat.
all in all, everyone was having a good time. the night was settling down and you and your mother brought out the cake. morgan, who’s been floating around everyone throughout the night was glued to your side, eyes wide and ready to cut the cake.
everyone had gather outside, smiling as you, morgan, and pepper sat around the cake. they started singing happy birthday, some going the more ‘normal’ route while others did their own thing (thor).
“happy birthday to you, tony stark, happy birthday to you!”
you three leaned in blowing the candles while everyone cheered. pepper cut the cake and morgan and you helped pass it around, conversations being picked up again.
“uncle bruce! uncle bruce! look what i can do!” all eyes turned to the little stark as she began to recite all of the elements of the period table. you and your mother watched in awe at the little girl. she reminded you all of him so much.
when you were younger, everyone told you how much you and your father were like twins and now, you could say that about morgan, too.
after reciting the periodic table, and getting a bunch of cheers, she went off to spitting facts about different elements.
“palladium is the 46th on the table, and it’s atomic number. it was discovered by william hyde wollaston, and then, grandpa howard used it to power his arc reactor at stark industries, and then, dad used it for his own arc reactor, but because it made him sick he had to redo the this allll over again, and he had to replace using grandpas notes!”
“that’s right, morgan, good job sweetie!” pepper gave her a kiss on the side of her head. you shook your head at the memories of your dad going of his shit and how (when you finally figured out what was going on) you gave him a lecture of a lifetime.
bruce chuckled, “i’m not even surprised, the stark gene lives on!” everyone laughed, agreeing. both you and your sister were gifted from a young age, just like your father, and as much as you wished he could see it now, like he saw it with you, you know he’d be proud of how his girls were growing up.
your eyes stung, tears creeping up, but blinked them away. this was a time for celebration, no need to cry. glancing over at your family, human, android, god, and all, you were thankful for them all.
happy birthday, dad.
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oof, don’t know how to feel about this one. hopefully it was too bad (fingers crossed) or sad idk. stay safe y’all :)
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andvys · 3 years
Longing (part 3)
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Warnings: lots of angst, violence, reader having self doubts, a sprinkle of fluff
Pairing: Ellie Williams x reader
You woke up to loud knocking the next day. Pissed off you got out of bed, who was at your door at 7 am in the morning on your day off? You walked over opening the door you were greeted by Jesse standing there, leaning against the door frame. Immediately straightening up at the sight of him, you thought he was gonna flip out on you the way Ellie did last night.
“Finally, I thought I was about to freeze to death out here.” You stepped to the side letting him in.
“Umm you know it’s my day off right?” Annoyed you fell back on your bed again.
“Yeah not anymore, sorry about that. I need a patrolling partner and I chose you, sorry.” He said, looking at you with a guilty expression.
“Ugh are you serious? What’s wrong with your partner?” You sat up on the bed, looking at him.
“Ellie’s not feeling good today.”
“Tell me about it.” You mumbled. So she wasn’t feeling good, funny she gave you a whole hatred speech, made you feel like shit and now you had to fill in for her but she was the one who felt like shit. Of course.
“Alright, you owe me something.”
“Wrong, Ellie owes you something.”
“Umm yeah no, you were the one who chose me to be your patrol partner not Ellie so... not like you have much to offer but yeah.”
“I could offer you an unforgettable night with me.” He joked.
“Ugh shut up man.” Throwing a pillow at him you went into the bathroom to get changed.
Stepping out in the cold you immediately gave Jesse a death glare for making you go out into the cold today even though you were supposed to have a free day. He smiled at you, patting your shoulder.
“Come on, let’s get this over with.”
“Yeah whatever”
“We won’t be going on our usual patrol routes today, we’re gonna head to one of the small towns, check for some supplies.” Jesse said.
“Oh alright, haven’t done that in a while.” You said.
“Then it’s about damn time.”
Once you got to one of the small towns, closest to Jackson, you went into an old police station, knowing it was probably picked clean already but it didn’t hurt to check.
Checking the drawers, Jesse came into the room and sat on of the old office chairs. Looking at you, you avoided his eyes. You knew he was about to ask you something.
“So (y/n)..” there it was he was gonna ask about Dina.
“There’s nothing going in between me and Dina if that’s what you wanna ask.” You said while rummaging through the drawers.
“I- how did you know I was gonna ask anything about Dina?” Looking up at Jesse “I just do”
He noticed you avoided looking into his eyes.
“It’s none of my business if the two of you are together, we’re broken up.” He stated, looking sad about saying this.
“I- why does everyone think I’m with Dina?!” You asked, getting angry now, you still felt like shit about yesterday and now you were gonna get accused of something you didn’t do again.
“Aren’t you? I mean with her?” Jesse looked at you, confused about your reaction.
“No! What even makes you think that?”
“Well you were with her all this time, sleeping over at her house and I kinda saw you two kissing.” He said. Looking at him you got up and sat on the table.
“Okay hold up, I slept over because she was feeling like shit, she’s feeling sick lately and she was throwing up all night so I took care of her, I didn’t want to leave her alone while she looked like she’d die any second.” You said.
“Oh I didn’t know about that, she okay now?”
“Yeah she’s good now and the kiss? She thanked me for taking care of her and she gave me a kiss on the cheek that’s all.” You got up, walking out of the room you weren’t in the mood to talk any longer.
Jesse sat there thinking about it, it looked like you two kissed. To be fair he drank too much that night and he saw you two in front of Dinas house and from the angle you two were standing it did look like an actual kiss. “Shit I’m so stupid.”
Getting up he walked out of the room to follow you out, hearing a crash and your yell it sounded like you were fighting something or someone. He ran towards the noise, worried about you.
“(Y/n) you okay?” Walking around the corner he was met by the side of you standing there with a gun to your head. A man standing behind you with his arm around your neck and a gun to your temple. You lip was bleeding and it looked like you had a cut on your forehead.
“Don’t fucking move or your girl here dies.” Jesse put his hands up in surrender.
“What do you want?” Jesse asked the man.
“What I want? You break into my town and ask me what I want?!” He started waving the gun around. This man was definitely crazy and he was probably gonna shoot the both of you.
“We didn’t know anyone lived here.” You said through gritted teeth, annoyed at this whole situation. You were still pissed since yesterday and now you had to deal with this bullshit.
“Shut up you stupid bitch.” As if you didn’t wanna kill him already, he looked like a disgusting rapist and that’s what he probably was.
“Hey whoa no need for insults man” Jesse said, getting angry at the stranger for calling you a bitch. The man turned his gun on Jesse now.
“Here’s what we’re gonna do, I’ll let you live boy, get your stuff and leave and imma keep this one to myself.” He grinned at Jesse, showing off his disgusting yellow teeth
“Yeah I don’t think so man.” Jesse said. The man grunted at that going to pull the trigger, you didn’t give him a chance. Headbutting him, you heard the loud cracking of his nose. He let the gun fall down, letting you go he clutched his bleeding nose.
He looked up at you. “You fucking bit-“ not letting him finish, Jesse shot him in the head. Coming up beside you he grabbed your face checking your injuries. “Man I’m so sorry (y/n).” He said.
“It’s fine, he’s dead. Let’s get the hell out of here before more come.” You said grabbing the gun from the dead guy, leaving the building.
Jesse watched you go out, worried about you he ran after you.
“Hold up (y/n), let me clean your wounds, you probably need some stitches.” He said grabbing your arms turning you around making you look at him, he noticed tears in your eyes. “Hey what’s going on?” You tried blinking the tears away but it was to late, the first one falling down already.
“I’m sorry Jesse.” He looked worriedly at you. “I’m sorry for making you think that I got in between you and Dina, I would never do something like that.” He knew this wasn’t the only reason you were crying and he felt bad for even assuming that you were with Dina.
“You got nothing to be sorry for (y/n), I should be the one who’s sorry for even thinking that.” He pulled you into a hug. You were one of his best friends and he made you feel like shit.
“Ellie called me a home wrecker.” Pulling away you looked up at him.
“Yeah and she said some pretty hurtful stuff too.” You said, feeling more tears building up in your eyes, you looked down not wanting him to see you cry anymore.
“Oh man come here.” He pulled you in for another hug. “That’s my fault (y/n), I felt like shit and I talked to her about Dina and you.” He felt bad, he didn’t know what Ellie told you but it must’ve been really bad if it made you cry like that. He’s never seen you cry before.
“It’s okay, at least I know how she truly feels about me now.” You said pulling away from the hug, you wiped your tears away walking back to your horse.
“She probably didn’t mean it.” He knew Ellie had feelings for you, she must’ve been jealous about thinking about you and Dina. He regretted ever telling her anything about this whole situation, feeling like it was his fault.
“Yeah I beg to differ, whatever I don’t wanna talk about her, can we just go?” You got on your horse waiting for him to get on his.
“We need to stitch up your wound.” He pointed to the gash on your forehead.
“We’ll do that back in Jackson, it’s not that deep, let’s go.” Shaking his head at you he knew it was a lost cause to try and convince you to clean up your wounds.
The rest of the patrol was even more exhausting, running into a small herd of clickers and runners you had to fight your way through them to get to some houses for supplies but you made it and even managed to find some goods.
Finally back in Jackson, Jesse immediately sent you off to the infirmary to get your wounds checked.
Walking over there, you realized how tired you actually were once you got to the house, the door opened. Leaving the infirmary was none other than Ellie. Stepping out of her way, you rolled your eyes at the girl waiting for her to leave you so you could go inside.
She saw you, eyes widening at your state. You had blood running down your face, from the wound on your forehead. A bleeding lip and bruise on the right side of your face.
“I- (y/n)?” Worried about you and the state you were in. You looked tired, you had bags under your eyes and you looked like you hadn’t slept all night. You looked like you were on the verge of passing out.
“Are you okay? What happened?” She asked. You almost thought that she cared but then you remembered her words from yesterday, scoffing at her you went to walk past her but she grabbed your arm, flinching at her touch you stepped back not letting her touch you. She looked hurt at your reaction.
“(Y/n) I’m sorry about yesterday.” She looked embarrassed and she had regret in her eyes but you wouldn’t forgive her this easily, she hurt you bad.
“Yeah sure, can you get out of my way now?!” You really weren’t in the mood to talk to her now, your day was shitty enough already.
“I- can we talk later?” She looked at you with hopeful eyes.
“Please (y/n).” She begged desperately, she quite literally looked like a kicked puppy right now, not able to resist her.
“Fine.” You said annoyed at yourself for giving in. You could see she was happy about your answer.
“Alright umm you can come over later tonight, I’ll be waiting.” She said. Nodding at her words, she let you pass.
“See you later.”
“Bye Ellie.” She watched you go inside.
Ellie felt like shit for yesterday. She didn’t even get why she said all these things to you, this was nothing like her at all. On the way back home she saw Jesse walking home as well, catching up to him.
“Hey what happened out there?”
“Hello to you too Ellie.” Jesse said, looking at her he noticed the worried look on her face. “We ran into a some crazy guy and then had to deal with some infected on the way back home, did you see (y/n) go into the infirmary?”
“I- yeah she um yeah wait crazy guy? Did he attack (y/n)?” Ellie asked. Just thinking about some guy laying his hands on you put her into deep rage.
“Yeah I was in another room when I heard something from the other room and when I got there he was holding a gun to her head but don’t worry about it he’s dead.”
Ellie felt even more guilty now, considering she was supposed to be on patrol today and not you. She should have been the one with a gun to her head and wounds on her face and not you. Ellie thought to herself. Jesse saw that look on her face. He put his hand on her shoulder making her look at him.
“Hey look, (y/n) is strong, we’ve been in worse situations before, she’ll be fine.” He assured her.
“Yeah, well. I made her feel like shit yesterday and now she almost died out there because me. It was supposed to me out there not her.”
“Don’t beat yourself up Ellie, we all make mistakes.” He felt bad for her, he could see how much she struggled right now.
“Not like this, I really hurt her Jesse.” She said looking down.
“I know, she told me about yesterday.”
Looking back up at him, surprised that you talked about her with Jesse.
“What did she say?”
“Nothing is going with Dina if that’s what you wanna know.” Jesse said.
“I know, I talked to Dina today, she kinda flipped out on me after I told her about what happened with (y/n).” She said, looking away embarrassed. Jesse chuckled at that, Dina always defended you. She was small but she could be really scary if she wanted to.
“You gotta fix this Ellie, (y/n) cried today, this is the first time she cried in front of me, whatever you said to her, you gotta make things right.” Seeing the guilty look on her face at the mention of you crying because of her “it’s my fault too you know? You thought they were together because of me.” He added.
“Still that gave me no right to say all this shit to her.” Ellie said.
“We all make mistakes.” Jesse repeated.
“She’s coming over tonight.” Ellie said, looking down.
“She is? She said she was really tired and that she just wanted a shower and her bed and not see anyone else for the rest of the day yet she comes over? See you still have a chance to make things right with her.” Jesse said, making Ellie blush.
“Yeah it’s gonna be awkward, she barely looked at me and she looked pretty mad.”
“She had a bad day, just don’t make it worse.” Jesse said.
Looking at him with an annoyed expression “thanks for the motivation.”
“You’re welcome, alright I gotta go, good luck with your girl, Williams.” He said before going the other way.
Ellie waited for you, it seemed like time wouldn’t go by, she just wanted to see you and apologize for all the shit she said. Grabbing her journal she opened a random page, coming across one of her drawings of you. It was the day your friends decided to have a bonfire night, you looked so pretty sitting by the fire, Ellie kept this picture of you in her head only to draw it in her journal once she got back home.
A knock on her door pulled her out of her thoughts, she laid the journal down, walking over to the door she took a deep breath and opened it. The first thing she noticed about you was the stitches you’ve gotten. All the blood on your face earlier hid the actual wound, the cut was longer than it looked before. It would definitely leave a permanent scar. Your lip was busted and there was a bruise on your right eye. It made her angry to see you like this, she wished she would’ve been there to kill this guy herself for laying his hands on you.
“Come in.” She stepped aside. You walked in waiting for her to say something.
You really didn’t want to be here but you decided to give her a chance, everyone deserves a second chance and you couldn’t hate Ellie not even after all the hurtful things she said.
“Umm sit down.” Sitting down you looked at her.
Your silence made her nervous, you’ve never been this quiet with her.
“Jesse told me about what happened out there, you okay?” She asked worriedly.
“Yeah nothing I couldn’t handle.” Your tone was stern and cold.
“I’m sorry (y/n).” She looked guilty. “I’m sorry for everything that I said, I don’t know what has gotten into me.”
Looking at her, you studied her face. Was she genuine?
“It’s fine you said what you were thinking. Nothing wrong with saying the truth.” You said.
“But- but that wasn’t the truth (y/n), I was mad and I talked shit.” She exclaimed. She knew it would be hard to convince you that she wasn’t talking the truth, none of what she said was right.
“It’s okay Ellie, you don’t have to try to make me feel better, you apologized. Let’s leave it at that and let’s just stay away from each other.” You said getting up, you wanted go because you knew staying meant that you would cry especially after that last sentence, you didn’t want to stay away from her but you knew how she felt about you and you didn’t want to be around someone who told you that no one wants or needs you.
“No! Please (y/n).” That made you stop. “Stay.” Turning around you looked at her.
She walked towards you, stopping in front of you.
“I don’t want to stay away from you and I don’t want you to stay away from me.” She whispered, looking into your eyes.
“You told me that no one wants me Ellie.”
“It was a lie, I want you (y/n)” she whispered.
Looking at her, you wanted to believe her you really did but you couldn’t, not when her hurtful words repeated themselves in your head.
You got closer to her, your lips almost touching hers, her breath hitched, she looked at you wide eyed, thinking you were going to kiss her.
“You were right Ellie.” Looking into her eyes, she looked at you curiously.
“No one wants me because that’s what you are, you are no one to me Ellie.” You said coldly, looking at her, she was taken aback by your words, shocked, she tried blinking her tears away. You yourself were on the verge of crying but you had to stay strong, you didn’t want her to see you cry.
You turned around, quickly leaving her place. You leaned against the wall outside, putting your hands on your knees you let the tears fall, you hated yourself for saying this to her but you couldn’t just forgive her after yesterday. Ellie wasn’t no one to you, she was somebody to you. You looked at her door, contemplating going back in and apologize, taking back what you just said to her but you couldn’t, so you left.
Ellie stood there in the middle of her room, processing what you just said to her. “You are no one to me Ellie.” Letting the tears fall, she sat down on her bed, she started sobbing.
Ellie brought this upon herself. She hurt you so you hurt her back. Karma is a bitch.
You weren’t in a better state, you walked home wiping your tears away angrily. You felt like you couldn’t breath anymore so you stopped walking, looking up at the night sky. You thought about everything that happened the past two days. It was just two days but you could already feel yourself slipping back into the darkness, the one that you grew up in. The one that filled you with self doubt and sadness. You weren’t strong enough for this. Taking a deep breath you started walking again.
You didn’t know where to go, you didn’t want to go home, you hated walking into an empty house. You didn’t want to see your friends right now either and you weren’t sure if you should go see Joel, especially after hurting Ellie, surely he would hate you if he found out about that. Realizing that not only Ellie would hate you now, Joel would hate you as well. This made you tear up again, the man who became something like a father figure to you would hate you now.
Your house was the only place for you right now so that’s were you went, walking around the corner of your house you looked down, wiping the tears away you ran into someone, looking up you realized it was Joel.
“Hey kid, I want-“ not finishing his sentence he realized you were crying, he looked at you with worried eyes, without asking any questions he pulled you into his chest hugging you “Come here, sweetheart.” You didn’t deserve this but you hugged him back, sobbing you held onto his jacket. Maybe that was the last time he’d hug you.
His warm hug made you feel safe at least this gave you comfort today because that’s what you needed the most right now. Comfort and love.
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