#I guess you COULD say that maybe at a certain angle and tone of voice Bruce could remind him of his abusive dad
emin-folly · 2 months
Imagine that there's this person whose whole thing is being without fear and the fandom decides he's afraid of a dude in a fursuit.
Fandom Logic (tm)
I think it comes down to primarily two reasons, one being because people think it's funny
They think it's funny that this character without fear can suddenly be afraid of this human Bat guy. If it was just a few people in the fandom doing this, it wouldn't be nearly as bad; people are after all allowed to do whatever they want, even if we don't like it. The problem lies in where the actual comic writers start adapting this as canon as it's a huge disservice to Hal's character
The second reason is just basically these people legitimately think Hal should be afraid of Bruce because he's ~The Batman~ (which, again, you're allowed to think that, just know that's not really in character for Hal....like at all)
The whole deal with Bruce is that, both in universe and in real life, he's designed to terrify low level criminals: thugs, crooks, any unsavory person who wanders the Gotham alleyways. That's the environment Bruce works the best in. Where he can easily slip into the shadows, where he can become the night and make himself out to be a monster he wants to be. The only people who should be afraid of Batman are the ordinary hoods and criminals that infest cities
But when you suddenly stick him in a brightly lit room like the Hall of Justice next to all these colorful superheroes, that's where his effectiveness pretty much stops. All his tactics and methods to scare people don't really work here. Suddenly, he's just some guy in a bat getup with a scowly mask on. And these are seasoned superheroes, they don't scare easily, especially the ones with powers like speedsters or Kryptonians. Bruce is out of his element. Everything he does to try to act scary should look comical and silly at best
And as for Hal, I think we can all agree that Hal has definitely seen some shit. He goes off into deep space, for months up to a year or so. Who knows what kind of unimaginable horrors he's had to deal with?? Going a bit into headcanon area, but I think that if Hal wasn't desensitized before, he definitely is now. He's not afraid of space Cthulhu and he is not gonna be afraid of a bat furry who furrows his eyebrows really hard. Hal isn't scared of anything--physical, that is. And I feel like Hal is definitely the kind of person who sees straight through Bruce's BS posturing, Bruce's whole act just doesn't work on Hal.
Unfortunately, just like a tornado, any character who comes close to a Bat gets dealt major damage and we're still picking up the pieces and trying to set things straight again OTL
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true-blue-sonic · 1 year
For the Ask Game 🌻🎁
🌻 How often do you read your own fics?
Somewhat oddly, I tend to reread the fics I recently published quite a bit, and then eventually I reach a point wherein I don't touch them anymore, as if I am almost physically unable to. Maybe because my writing style changes over time, and reading my older writing style makes me cringe? This is also why I don't always recall if I already wrote a fic about a certain topic or not, where it also does not help that I have a LOT of WIPs and stuff published😅 So I reread them a lot when recently published, and afterwards not at all, basically.
🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
Currently it is my Espilver pirate AU that is living in my head rentfree in the background amidst lots of other projects, so I can share a piece from that! The setting is as follows: Captain Robotnik forced Silver and Espio into some Very Dangerous Stuff which they luckily survived, and now they are hanging out together and just getting to know each other better. I hope you like it!
As it stood, Robotnik indeed did not apologise, though Silver figured Espio had been correct in assuming the man would make no attempts to in the first place.
At least he and Espio had recovered quickly enough, a final check by Vector and much nagging by the hedgehog enough to release them from the medbay and return them to their duties, though Silver had gladly grasped the opportunity and the sunny weather to give his friend some lessons in a thing most important for any pirate: swimming.
“You’re doing great, Es,” the hedgehog chirped, floating lavishly on his back in a shallow bay just outside a small town’s harbour. “Just kick your legs, like that!”
Espio’s frown couldn’t possibly have been more sour from where he was clutching a repurposed empty barrel like a life-line; which Silver figured it indeed constituted for in this moment. “This is awful,” the chameleon hissed, helplessly floundering.
“It’s important!! If you ever go overboard again, you need to know this.” Swimming closer with a lavish backstroke Silver shot his most disarming smile at the other, who did indeed avert his eyes with a deep sigh and slightly-reddening cheeks. Learning to swim was intensive, the hedgehog knew also, and thus Silver gently directed Espio closer to the shore where they both could at least stand on the sandy underground.
“Thanks,” Espio muttered, clutching the barrel still as Silver flopped over onto his feet. “I appreciate your tenacity, but this is hopeless. Ninja are not made to swim.”
“I mean, I guess swimming stealthily is difficult if you need to get up for air each time,” Silver agreed, relaxing at the small waves hitting his midriff and the white light of the sun flickering over the ocean.
“That, or ‘the ocean’ does not exactly constitute ‘the shadows’.”
Flicking his ears at his friend’s salty tone of voice Silver grinned, drawing a deep breath before pulling his head underwater in full. Espio seemed to greatly dislike the ocean, but luckily there were some things here that could perhaps sway his opinion... Pulling himself along the sandy bottom Silver beamed as something smooth hit his fingertips, the hedgehog pulling it out with one hand and giving Espio’s sides underwater a poke with his other as he resurfaced. “Look, though!” he smiled, a large pink shell in his hands. “You can’t find this in the shadows either, can you?”
“Well, no, but still,” Espio huffed, though he did carefully reach out... to grasp Silver’s hand, twisting it gently to look at the shell from all angles. Shoulders hitching up the hedgehog muffled some weird noise, his stomach right back to all those weird flutters he felt on occasion around the chameleon. “Intricate craftsmanship. Mother Nature truly is gorgeous,” the other eventually spoke, smile on his face.
“Uh- Uh huh.”
“I must say, this whole beach is.”
“Yeah... This is where Blaze taught me to swim too, years back,” Silver agreed, clearing his throat awkwardly to find his voice again. “Um... He tried to also, but he actually really sucked at swimming, so... That didn’t really work out, heh. Luckily Blaze knew what to do.”
“Fond memories of a time past.”
Rubbing his head Silver mumbled back something he couldn’t discern either, eyes studying the sky above. They couldn’t go back to the [ship’s name] too late, lest Captain Robotnik would wake up from his afternoon nap, figure out his two swabbies had snuck out, and unleash his usual ire on them... “Okay!! I have one final task for you, and then you have graduated Silver’s Very Beginner Swimming Class For People Who Hate Water,” he smiled at his friend.
“Oh no. What do you have in mind.”
“I want you to go under too and find a shell also. Doesn’t need to be a big one- really, anything is fine.”
“You are trying to kill me,” Espio grumbled... though definitely ninja were stubborn enough to not back down from a challenge, Silver smiled as the chameleon drew a deep breath all the same and pushed his body underwater too. Clumsily, and awkwardly, and one hand wildly flailed as the hedgehog laughed and moved to grasp it...
Spending time like this truly was nice, he mused to himself.
With a hacking cough Espio surfaced again, the chameleon looking positively soaked despite the lack of fur on his body. “Here,” got grumbled, a little brown shell pushed right into Silver’s hand. “The best I can do. I’m done for today.”
“I’m proud of you, Es,” Silver purred, and if the way the chameleon refused to meet his gaze was any indication he figured he had not heard that very often in his life.
Helping Espio to the shore in full the hedgehog whistled a little tune. His own fur dripped around his body also, heavy and water-laden... “Hey!!” Espio cried out as Silver tucked his arms to his body and shook it all out, cackling manically at the look of pure affronted disdain sent his way. “Now I’m all wet!”
“You already were,” Silver smirked back, turning tail and running over the sandy undergrowth as Espio cut to the chase.
“Don’t you dare torment the ninja like that!”
“Ninja can’t catch me~”
“We’ll see about that!”
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sinwcrthy · 2 years
                                                              10.31.3232                                                                                                                                  Location ¦ Green Hill                                                          Continued from | x |
     He had to wonder if this had been her intention all along, a fuzzy thought at best but still one that lingered slightly in the hedgehog's mind through the small haze his partner had stirred up between them. One he wasn't exactly stopping. In fact he was making quite a point of returning each meeting of their lips, every kiss that seemed to grow heavier with each passing moment. Their breaths were interminable in the scarce space between them, chests pressed together and hands roaming. With the mongoose still sat on top of his lap, the hero would admit it was as much of an advantage as it was a disadvantage. 
     He knew what this was, knew his partner's tells and gestures. That restlessness about her. It had been dead in the water for some time, for obvious reasons, but he would have been lying if he said he wasn't glad to see it again. 
     Just like she would be if she said a certain, familiar sensation below hadn't made her smirk, her lips barely hovering over his.
     He only confirmed it with the next, quick kiss. Something subtly forewarning in his tone. "Mina…”
     "I know," she responded in turn, a mischievous undernote to her voice as she sat back just enough to meet those gorgeous emeralds. Enough so he could see the spark, and the burning love, in her jade hues. "My plan worked perfectly."
     To that, Sonic snorted, amused. "Maybe a little too well, hm?"
     "Nope. Perfectly." Came the retort, all while the mongoose leaned forward again, taking advantage of her position as her lower half slid along his, a warmth pooling between them that she knew all too well. Risky business, she knew. And she knew it well. "Though I have to admit I didn't think it would be quite that easy. Guess I'm not the only one who needs this, huh?"
     "'Needs' is a…strong word," he said, voice falling to a low timbre as he trailed a soft path of kisses along her shoulder. A nuzzle was given to the crook of her neck, a soft rumble in the hedgehog's chest. "I just like t' see you happy. In all senses."
     She had no response for that, or rather the hero didn't let her try for one between him timing their next kiss and scarred hands finding her waist, pulling her that much closer all over again. It caught her by surprise, but she loved it. They were gentle, as they always were, but persistent as they glided over her, in a few minutes' time removing what articles of clothes they came across until there was nothing left. Which was only fair, given she had done the same, golden fingers brushing over the marred chest with the utmost care. It spoke volumes how there was only admiration between them, a delicate fondness with no barriers between them.
     Never once did his affections stop, and she knew they were in that rare opportunity when his hand slipped that much lower. Then again the hero always had found more joy in pleasing her than himself. Something she still didn't entirely get but it made her feel…special, admittedly. But he never did anything without her okay, it was why he had paused his touch, why he was hovering over such an intimate area with an unspoken question.
     Her response was a kiss, slow and lingering, and it was all he needed. The angle may not have been the most ideal, but never let it be said the hedgehog didn’t meet the challenge with a stark determination. Lithe fingers were just that, graceful just as they were gentle but loving. With blue ears trained forward, it would have been obvious that he was paying far closer attention to the mongoose than his own needs, no matter what certain parts of his body might have been saying. It was like he said, ‘need’ wasn’t the right word here. He thrived in satisfying more than anything.
     And watching his partner squirm as scarred fingers drifted over delicate folds and far more sensitive areas, hearing the faint moans that escaped her, was the greatest reward he could have asked for. He knew she had been hesitant in this, and while he had no idea what had changed that tonight, Chaos forbid he didn’t make her feel just as beautiful as she was. It was easy to get lost in her, in the familiar scent of faint coffee and floral perfume; in the lavender hair that draped along his back and chest when her head rested on his shoulder. An oddly shy display for the mongoose, but it only guaranteed a kiss was placed on her neck, reassuringly, as an amount of pride swelled in the hero feeling the slickness between his fingers. 
     But Mina had more in store, and that fact became terribly clear when it was she who shifted, enough to lay soft lips on the hero’s jaw, then catching tan lips all over again. If it had meant to be a distraction from her rocking her hips forward, gliding over a particular, slick pink member, it likely hadn’t worked as well as she intended. But the hedgehog could still feel her smirk as an unintentional sound was drawn from his lips and when they did pull back there was a playful glare aimed in her direction. Hardly threatening given the current situation but enough to make her smile.
     “See?” She mused, voice low, sultry, as her hips shifted in the same manner. Though this time rather than roll back she stayed where she was, the message loud and clear even as she smirked. “Easy.”
     “I reckon I’ve been called worse.” Leave it to the hedgehog to quip right back. Yet, in the pause that followed, there was a question in his quiet, bright eyes. One that Mina had anticipated and wasted little time nodding slightly to. Yes, she was sure, and nothing drove that home like her stirring once more, this time to raise her hips and hover over her twitching partner, already feeling eager anticipation burning in her stomach. She was warm, restless, and while he hid it well she knew that her partner wasn’t all that far off either. She could see it in his eyes, in the way scarred fingers flexed on her knees and she moved into place. But not before stealing one more kiss, just for the hell of it. 
     Even if she had been inclined to take him in one fell swoop, scarred hands prevented her by the simple means of resting high under her thighs, grip steady just as much as it was careful. Beyond it, the hedgehog let his partner set the pace, one more reason he suspected they were in the position they were but far be it for him to complain. If anything he did the exact opposite as the first sensation of warmth overtook him, no more than encompassing his tip but it was enough to send a shiver down his spine. Exactly what Mina had been hoping for, even if she hadn't fared much better with the initial stretch.
     Golden arms had circled the hero's shoulders, fingers lost in messy blue quills as strong legs raised and lowered the mongoose further and further down the hedgehog’s length. The previous attention from her partner, plus his own excitement, saw that it was an easy task. Each inch only made her more restless though she would give props to her partner for keeping his hips still as she adjusted. Mostly. Only when she was sat fully again, feeling uncountably full in the best ways, did the hedgehog’s hands finally move, scarred fingers finding their way through lavender hair, down to either side of her face to gently pull her in for another kiss. This one spoke volumes, wasn't just of love and adoration; but pride as well. 
     And she melted into it, for a few seconds returning it for all they were worth, and then some. Then sneaking another before raising her hips, just enough to tease her partner's tip and enjoy the sound it coaxed from him, and then lowering herself again. The pace was slow to start, the mongoose spending a few moments finding the proper rhythm, but they both knew when she had found it. Not quite as out of practice as they originally thought, it seemed.
     Occasionally, she could feel the hedgehog meeting her with blue hips, never aggressive but more than enough to shoot electricity up her spine in the most pleasant of ways. All the while, tan hands had taken to massaging wherever they could reach. Her sides, back…thighs. It drove her wild, nothing was off limits, and they both knew that. 
     It was a point driven home when the hedgehog felt something particularly warm pass over one of his ears, followed by the very distinctive purr of his partner. It was hard to tell if it was the action or sound that made him groan, and Mina could feel him harden.
     It was cheating, and she knew it, but…Chaos, she thought this was going to last longer. That she was going to last longer. She had missed this far too much, and Sonic had a way of saying everything with absolutely nothing. He let his hands, his body, do the talking, and it worked wonders every time. The living room was filled with nothing more than their labored breathing, the soft slapping of hips and breathless sounds of one another's names. A perfect chorus. 
     And she knew when she was close, when her movement became almost erratic, almost desperate to take all of her partner that she possibly could, edged along by the hedgehog’s firm hands and kisses against her fur. The heat in the air was near stifling, but oh so pleasant. And it was the sounds emitting from her partner, her husband, and the overwhelming pleasure of their joining that had her seeing stars just seconds later. It was explosive, racking her body with pleasure and joyous twitching as her grip tightened on the hedgehog, head once again resting on his as she fell into a panting fit.
     Vaguely aware of the hero's hips still moving, she smiled lazily when she heard that breathless gasp from him, and felt powerful muscles twitching under her and an entirely new sense of warmth. Gradually she could feel her partner’s body go lax, though neither of them seemed to be able to catch their breath just yet, but it didn't stop Mina from laying a gentle kiss on that marred ear. And she was pleasantly surprised when she felt one returned to her collarbone. Always a tit for tat.
     Still, neither of them seemed keen on moving just yet, too caught up in the pleasurable afterglow and each other's company. The most managed was tan arms skidding along the singer's waist, only to pull her as close as they could without separating them entirely. That close, she could hear the steady rumble in the hedgehog’s chest and it was enough for her to pepper kisses along his jaw. 
     All he did was smile, emerald eyes narrowing lazily as he looked up at her. "Y'know…that's how we got into this mess in the first place."
     She didn't stop, making a point in one or two more before she looked at him, feigning innocence. "I don't know what you're talking about, I wasn't doing anything."
     He called her bluff by the simple means of veering his hips, and he smirked at the sound it drew from her lips. Still sensitive it seemed, not that he was any better. Still worth it.
     Clearly the mongoose held no ill will as she merely snuggled against her partner, no intentions of moving just yet. Just enjoying the moment and the silence that wasn't broken by their delicate panting. How long they sat like that was anyone's guess, minutes maybe an hour or two, but it spoke volumes of how much the couple was comfortable around one another. Saying next to nothing, yet content nonetheless.
     But it could only last so long, Mina knew. And not in the least because she didn't think either of them falling asleep like that, messy in other words, was the wisest idea. Hence why she reluctantly shifted to look at her partner once more, her forehead on his with a gentle air. "We should go upstairs and clean up…"
     "Mm hmm," Sonic may have agreed, but there was one flaw with the idea as emerald eyes looked down, then back to his partner. They may not have been connected anymore, but he was still pinned for lack of a better word though it didn't stop a playful tone from entering his voice.  "I can't exactly make the first move on that one, Love. Not unless you want me t' carry you, anyway."
     There was something in the words that made the mongoose narrow her eyes, almost as if she were daring him. Jokingly, of course, but her tone still feigned seriousness. "You wouldn't." 
      As it turned out, he would. And gladly so.
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helpimhyperfixating · 3 years
Merman Jotaro living in Y/N's house. He stays in either the tub or in the backyard pool, or in an inflatable kiddie pool in the living room where's he's mesmerized by the TV
Stay - Mer! Jotaro x Reader
Word Count: 3589
Never in a million years did you expect your life to take a turn like this. You met and befriended a Merman a few months ago. He demanded that you return to him regularly - which you did. All in all, it was already crazy to think about. But then fall came and going to the beach was starting to get colder and colder. The merman - Jotaro - he didn’t seem fazed by the chill, you however, didn’t much like the cold water and breeze that accompanied visiting your local sea shark.
So, you explained that it was getting a bit cold for you to come this often and stay so long, saying you would come a little less but when spring and summer came around, you would gladly come every other day maybe even every day again.
Little did you know, a certain merman was not happy with that.
So here you now stood, in your garage, with a fucking massive Mer in the back of your pickup truck.
“Jotaro what the fuck!?” You nearly screamed when you saw him casually sitting in the back.
“Don’t be noisy.” Jotaro snarled back and you slapped his tail that was within your reach.
“I’ll be as noisy as I want! What the hell are you doing here?!”
“Good grief, isn’t it obvious?” He questioned and you splayed your arms out in disbelief, clearly stating that- no it wasn’t!
This ticked him off a little cause, were you really that dumb? Could you not see Jotaro had been trying to court you for weeks? And then you had the gal to say you were going to leave him and then get mad when he followed?! The fucking nerve.
When you didn’t get an answer and only had a silent death stare directed at you (as if that was supposed to explain things) you sighed loudly.
“Okay. Guess this is a thing now. You’re looking dry, so we need to get you in some water, come on.” Walking over to the back of your pick up, you unhooked the latches and opened the back, allowing for a flat surface for Jotaro to slip off.
After getting off with a loud smack, Jotaro started tiger crawling into your house. Looking around curiously as to all the new things he was seeing. So this is where you lived whenever you went away from him?
“C’mon keep going, you have to get up the stairs.” You spoke from behind him and he looked back at you with an eyebrow raised.
“Yeah. That, right there.” You pointed at the staircase leading to your second floor that sat to the right. “I’ve got to get you into the bath, mister.”
“Bath? You said you had a pool.” Jotaro spoke in confusion but you sighed.
“Did you really figure out that you could- oh my god.” You dragged a hand over your face and muttered to yourself ‘smart fucking fish’ before clearing your throat. “Any other day, yes. Today? No. It’s the last good and sunny day today so people are outside. It’s been forecasted to rain and get colder soon so people are outside en masse to enjoy the last bit of sun and I don’t want them to see you.”
“Of course.” Jotaro grumbled, a faint annoyed growl leaving him as he rested his chin on his arms. He simply sat like that for a few seconds, looking around before he remarked, “Your floor is dirty.”
At that you made an offended noise. “Excuse me, I clean my floors very well, thank you very much. I just didn’t expect a giant fucking merman to act as a duster and health inspection in one today.”
At that he huffed out a chuckle that made you crack a bit as well before you twice lightly slapped his tail, to both get his attention and urge him to go. “You’re really looking dry, let’s get you up those stairs.”
Easier said than done.
Jotaro was about a third of the way up the stairs now, but crawling up when you have a massive and heavy tail behind yourself that you cannot use to help yourself, is quite difficult.
Each move of his arm was met with an annoyed or angry grumble about having to do this. Why couldn’t your neighbours just be indoors then? Why did he have to do all bloody this? (Not once did the thought of going back to the sea cross his mind though.) as he was yet again lifting his arm to place it on the next step higher, his eyes suddenly widened in shock when he felt two hands be put on his tail. With a light pink blush on his face he looked backwards, seeing you with closed eyes and straining to lift his tail to try and help him.
“Jesus, why is this so heavy.” You spoke out through grunts, still barely managing to lift it.
“It’s twice your size, why do you think?” Jotaro answered with his usual gruff tone, but the redness of his cheeks flared out all the way to his ears when you wrapped your arms around it, pressing your chest to the back of it as you tried to lift it once more. “I-I’ll be fine. Just give me a minute.” Jotaro cleared his throat before turning his head forward again to get the image of you holding his tail out of his head.
Once he found himself calmed down enough, he continued his slow trek upwards.
- - - -
It took a bit, but Jotaro was in your tub. And by god did he not fit. Even with folding his tail, half of it was still hanging out.
“I- we’ll work on it.” You sighed before leaning over him, turning the knob that regulated heat all the way down to about 18°C to 19°C since you did a quick search as to what the ocean temperature was like during this time of year.
With that set, you turned on the tap. The water splashed onto his tail and Jotaro jolted for a second, curiously looking down at how the water flowed out afterwards.
Going to quickly grab a large measuring cup from the sink in your kitchen downstairs, you returned to your bathroom to sit beside the tub and briefly held it under the running water until it was filled, turning and pouring it further down his tail. A small, barely noticeable sigh of relief left Jotaro when you did that and you smiled a bit to yourself before starting to repeat the motion.
“You’re an idiot, you know that?�� You spoke between pouring cups, also pouring it over the part of his tail that was hanging out. You had put a towel on the floor by the crack of the door, already accepting that this entire room was gonna be flooded, so you had no qualms with doing it.
“I see it differently.” Was his cryptic response and you deadpanned.
“Of course you do.”
The tub was now filled for two thirds and just to get back at him a little, you filled your cup once more, before abruptly turning and pouring it straight over his head.
Jotaro didn’t flinch but he did turn his eyes to you, sending you a look, to which you giggled. Bringing your arm back under the tap, you filled the measuring bucket again, a sly grin on your face as you moved it back to his face.
Jotaro was faster though, as he grabbed onto your wrist before you could angle it over his head. “Y/N, don’t.” He warned, sending you a stern look. Your surprised ‘o’ face turned into a smirk however, as you simply tilted your wrist forward and splashed the water directly in his face.
An evil giggle left you but it was stifled when Jotaro used his free hand to grab the cup from you and throw it across the room, using his grip on your wrist not a second later to pull you towards himself.
Your balance tipped over the bathtub but you managed to catch yourself with your free hand, slinging your arm around Jotaro’s shoulder to stop yourself while the arm stuck in his grip now touched the tiles of the wall.
He had attempted to pull you into the bathtub but you managed to catch yourself as your upper body now hovered over it.
Or, at least, that’s what you thought.
Jotaro never intended to pull you into the bath. Releasing your wrist, Jotaro instead placed his hand on the side of your neck and jaw, putting his other on your side to pull you closer towards himself and lock you in place. All of this happened in less than a second and a surprised squeak left you.
Jotaro found the sound absolutely adorable and when his teeth nipped at the skin of your neck, you did it again, just much louder this time, making the merman chuckle.
“I warned you.” You heard the smugness in his voice, making you take a shuddering breath.
“O-Okay, I get it. Can you let go now?” You were starting to get very flustered, feeling Jotaro’s breath against your neck as well as an occasional brush of his lips on your skin.
Your question earned you another nip however, this time a little closer to your shoulder, Jotaro having pulled your shirt away a bit to expose it. “Not what I want to hear.”
“You want to hear something?!” You exclaimed, making Jotaro let out a ‘mhm.’ Him shifting his face, almost as if he was looking for another place to playfully bite at you. “I- I-“ You started rambling out things but Jotaro was no longer focused on that.
It was like you put a spell on him. Jotaro had never before felt the urge to court someone before. And then you stepped into his life, being so kind yet always ready with a witty retort whenever he shot you one. And now, he had you so close, almost pressed into his chest, breathing in your intoxicating scent.
Without pause, Jotaro opened his mouth and locked his jaw onto the spot where your neck met your shoulder, a little further down.
Oh how he wanted to claim you. He wouldn’t! But the thought of how he simply had to just clamp down and bite a little harder, marking you as his, was way too tempting to not at least tease. Just get a small taste. The tips of his teeth ever so slightly punctured through your skin and Jotaro closed his eyes in bliss.
All the while, you froze and swallowed, because, that was not just a little nip from his front few teeth, this was a lot of them. A slight pain flared up where he bit and you squeezed his shoulder that you were leaning onto. “Jotaro?” You meekly let out and he then started making a noise that he- was that purring? You didn’t even know he could.
You didn’t dare move nor speak a word, not knowing what was going on and just listening to the calming sound coming from him for the next minute.
Finally Jotaro figured that was enough, lifting his teeth away and silently admiring the very light and small mark he made. It wouldn’t scar or stay, but Jotaro already loved the look of it. He leaned his head down and ran his tongue over it, tasting the faintest bit of your blood as he licked it away, treating your wound with utmost care.
This you allowed, a bit more relaxed by the familiar behaviour, for he had done this as well when you had cut yourself on some broken glass someone had left half buried in the sand.
Finally he let go and you quickly shot up, standing straight as an arrow next to the bathtub.
Jotaro was being forward. He knew that. Maybe even a bit too much so. But he felt he could risk it. Now that he was literally in your house, he didn’t have to worry about his forwardness scaring you away. You literally couldn’t run and avoid him. If you hadn’t picked up on his signs up until now, he had to make them more obvious; marking where the mating mark would come being one of the most obvious things he could think of.
“That’s for not listening to me.” He remarked and you opened and closed your mouth like a guppy, staring wide eyed at your tiled wall before shaking your head and snapping out of your state, slapping your hand onto your shoulder, briefly forgetting he had just licked you there and scrunching up your nose a bit cause- ew.
Lifting your hand back off you wiped it on your pants before walking to the cup Jotaro had thrown on the floor, picking it up and walking back over, nearly slipping as you did. This made Jotaro flinch to try and catch you but you already steadied yourself, meaning all that accomplished was throwing more water on the floor, the reason you nearly slipped.
After returning to his side, you continued trying to completely wet him; neither of you really saying anything, just staying in a comfortable silence.
After another ten minutes however, you figured that was good enough.
“Alright!” Slapping the edge of the tub, you smiled at the Mer. “I think that’s good enough. In about three hours the sun will go down, then we can get you from here to the pool.”
With that you stood up, but before anything else, your wrist was grabbed. “Where are you going?”
“I have to do some things.” You smiled, only for the hand around your wrist to tighten.
Jotaro held a somewhat sad and somewhat angry look on his face as he held on. “Stay?”
“Jotaro, I’ve got to do stuff.” You shook your head but Jotaro didn’t like that.
“Stay.” He growled it this time, a dangerous glint in his eyes.
“No, I have to go do things. You stay here fish boy, I’ll come check on you after I’m done.” With that, you went to turn away, trying to pull your wrist from his hold as you moved to take a step.
Yet you yelped loudly as you were suddenly tugged sideways, falling towards your bath before a pair of arms caught you. You were spun around and pulled down, the sensation of cold water flooding over and enveloping your lower half making your breath hitch.
The water sloshed dangerously, threatening to spill over the edge of the tub as Jotaro settled down, tightly holding you against himself and basically on his lap, his arms like chains around your middle and barely even giving you enough room to breathe, definitely not leaving you any room to squirm.
“Stay.” Jotaro’s voice was low, a faint, deep, rumbling growl from the back of his throat accompanying his words as he spoke almost directly into your ear.
Almost immediately you starred, instinctively doing as he said as you sat still, your eyes staring wide in surprise. Your chest was going up and down fast with deep breaths. It wasn’t that you were afraid of Jotaro, he wouldn’t hurt you, you knew that. It was more that it made you realise how large and dangerous Jotaro actually could be if he so chose to be.
Taking in a deep breath to calm down, you tried to ignore the coming stress of not being able to complete that task for work today (it was fine, you could do it tomorrow, right?), as well as trying to not make your teeth clack thanks to sitting in the cold water. Cause while Jotaro was made for it, you definitely weren’t.
Seeing as you weren’t trying to squirm out of his hold, Jotaro happily started purring, his chest pressed directly into your back while he placed his chin on your shoulder. Shifting his tail, he turned the end around until it was splayed out over your lap in front of you, allowing you to play with the fins.
You gently grabbed hold, starting to stroke over them and Jotaro revelled in your soft touch. You guessed this was gonna be your life for the next three hours. Freezing your butt off in water while in the hold of a grumpy Merman who would not let go.
- - - -
“Jotaro, please don’t splash!” You called out from the kitchen.
“I’m not!” Was the response you got, making you look over at your living room. There, past your dining table, in front of the couch, sat the ginormous Mer ...in a kids pool.
You had bought it about two days ago after Jotaro kept complaining that you weren’t coming outside to see him. He loved to ignore the fact that it was bloody cold and raining so hard that you only had to stand outside for a second to be drenched. So, to solve this and not have Jotaro forced to sit in the bathroom on his own, you bought a kiddie pool. One of the bigger ones you could find yet was still able to fit there where your coffee table once stood.
Right now, you were just making something to snack on while Jotaro sat and ‘patiently’ waited for you. He had discovered the television yesterday and was absolutely enamoured. Just now coaxing and urging you to turn it on again. You had agreed and were thus now getting some snacks ready to eat and drink during the marathon.
Marathon of what? No clue.
Walking over to the couch area, you placed the different snacks down on the pushed aside coffee table, walking back to the kitchen to grab the drinks as well before returning.
“Here, drink something first.” You offered the glass in your hand to Jotaro and he scrunched up his nose, as if a kid who has just been asked to take his vitamins. “You haven’t been in the bathtub in a bit and you know chlorine can’t be the best thirst clencher.” You sighed. “So unless you plan to faceplant in the kiddie pool, drink up, Jojo.” You used the nickname he had asked you to call him on purpose, knowing he loved it when you did that.
And it proved true, for he took the tall glass from your hand and threw it back as if it was a shot without any more complaint.
Happy that he did it, you quickly refilled the glass before placing it down on the table by his side, stepping over the furniture with a bit of a wobble (you had to put the table in the walkway or else the pool wouldn’t fit) and walking to the front of your tv.
“So, what do you want to watch?” You asked as you sat crouched down.
A wet hand suddenly got placed on your lower back and right thigh, Jotaro having pulled himself up to you as he was now curiously looking over your shoulder.
“What’s that?” Jotaro asked, lifting his hand from your thigh as he pointed to a certain dvd case sitting at the bottom of the pile in your hand.
“This? It’s a Barbie film. I have it for when my niece comes over.” You raised a brow and turned your head to look back at Jotaro. His eyes were transfixed on the box and you couldn’t help but silently giggle at his cute look. For him, it was the colours. The vibrant pink and silver sparkles just drew his attention and curiosity, having not a clue about anything else. “You wanna watch it?” You asked but didn’t get a clear answer.
And so, you just decided for the both of you. “Fuck it, let’s watch it.” You chuckled, putting all the other DVD’s away and taking the Barbie disc out of its case and into the player.
Standing up, Jotaro finally took his hand off your lower back - where now sat a wet spot - and slinked back to the other side of the pool, patiently waiting for you and for the movie to start.
Snorting softly, you shook your head as you grabbed the remote and walked around the pool, climbing onto the couch and to the middle of it, taking your fluffy socks off as you sat behind Jotaro in your short summer pyjamas, choosing the language of the Barbie film like they always asked before putting your feet in the pool.
A happy rumble left Jotaro as you did that, your legs running under his arms and at his side, the Mer now grabbing your ankles as he made you lock your legs around his torso, leaning back into the bottom of the couch as if it was a backrest. His elbows pointed down, he held onto your legs around his torso, making you keep them there as he petted and lightly scratched them. A content rumbling sigh leaving him as you pressed play on the movie.
You just looked at the back of his head for a bit, feeling his hands glide over your legs. It was a strange, the direction your life decided to take you on, sure. But you had to admit that you did not mind per se.
Leaning forward, you patted the top of Jotaro’s head twice, making him start a bit and look at you wide eyed while you leaned over and grabbed your bowl of snacks, leaning back into the couch cushions afterwards, ready for the movie.
In the end, Jotaro didn’t like it. Barbie was annoying. But the colours were pretty!
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ptergwen · 3 years
I think your requests are open (I didn’t see anything that said otherwise but I suck at this app lol) but I was wondering if you could write a peter x reader (likely college-age) where they have an academic rivalry and just tease each other a lot and lots of fluff and shit? It can be an established relationship or like a friends/rivals to lovers or really whatever you want. Sorry if this is super specific! Anyways, I love your writing, it always cheers me up :)
friends close, enemies closer
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ik this is cherry BUT i had to
w/c: 1.6k
warnings: swearing and hints of suggestiveness
a/n: thank you my love ! i’m actually obsessed with this concept so i’m super super happy with how it came out n i hope you are too :,)
you wipe sweat from your upper lip, peeking at peter’s laptop screen. he’s more than halfway through the paper your english professor tasked your class to write. he looks to have not a worry in the world as he continues to type away. growling at this, you dive right back into work.
you’ve been at each other’s throats since the beginning of classes when you both wanted the same spot. first row, middle seat. peter had officially claimed it in the end. you’d flopped down next to him and his irritating smirk.
the dude is smart, you’ll give him that. his knowledge of literature is almost as impressive as yours. almost. he raises his hand any chance he gets, effectively stealing your thunder if you dare to participate.
peter is also a bit of a people pleaser. he’ll chat up your professor at office hours, fascinate her with his hot takes on things or stupid anecdotes. you often get so annoyed that you bail before you even attempt to woo her yourself. the sight of you storming off is something peter thoroughly enjoys.
bottom line is, golden boy peter parker never loses. underneath the sweet, innocent persona he hides behind is a ruthless fighter. you’re determined to end his winning streak, thus sparking your ongoing competition to be better than the other in every way possible.
this time, your goal is to meet your ten page paper requirements the fastest. they aren’t due for weeks, but you and peter are banging them out in one sitting.
you’re hauled up in the campus library, sat side by side despite your wishes for peter to get his own table. he’d insisted on sharing with you. why, you haven’t a clue. you can’t stand him, and he isn’t the fondest of you either.
that’s what you tell yourselves, at least.
“progress report?” peter requests from you. “page three. you?” you grunt back. he props his feet up on the table, arms flexed behind his head. “finishing up page seven. you already knew that, though... creeper.”
god, you can hear the shit-eating grin in his voice.
you glance over at peter, doing your best to ignore how his biceps bulge under his hoodie. nerdy little parker is ripped.
“worry about yours, i’ll worry about mine. thanks.” you reread the sentence you wrote prior to peter’s chiseled body distracting you. “oh, the irony,” he sighs and nudges the edge of your laptop with his sneaker. scowling, you shift the screen away from him.
about a minute of silence goes by until it’s unfortunately filled by peter. he stretches his arms out, finally removing his dirty shoes from the table.
“i’m gonna take five. maybe, you could use it as an opportunity to catch up to me,” peter cockily suggests. “spare me your charity, peter. i’m doing just fine without it,” you retort, letting out a scoff. peter raises his hands in defense. “if you say so, princess.”
here you were, naively thinking peter couldn’t become any more insufferable than he already is.
you slam your laptop shut and jab a finger at his chest. “jesus christ, how many times do i have to ask you not to call me that?” a patronizing pout adorns peter’s lips. “aw, i love it when you get all bossy on me. so cute.”
he grabs your hand still on his chest, pressing a light kiss to the back of it. you’re quick to wipe it off on his hoodie. nevertheless, there’s an undeniable heat rushing to your cheeks.
“well, i hate it when you call me princess,” you deadpan. peter tilts his head to the side. “do you?”
of course not. deep down, you live for the fuzzy feeling you get whenever the nickname slips from his tongue. oh, his tongue and the things it can do. poking out as he focuses hard on a question, running across his pink lips…
you have to reel it in. this is peter parker you’re fantasizing about, your mortal enemy.
“yes. i hate it, and i hate you,” you unsuccessfully convince the both of you. “no, you don’t,” peter rasps, darkened eyes scanning over your features. his stare is intense and intimidating. he grasps your chin between his thumb and index finger, slowly leaning in closer.
he’s not going to stop until you make him. you don’t want to, but you will.
you shove his shoulder, dragging your laptop towards you again. “on second thought, i could use that catch up. you’re not gonna throw me off my game, parker.”
your rejection seems to disappoint peter. his expression matches that of a kicked puppy, brows furrowed and arms crossed over his chest.
“we’ll see,” he murmurs and swings a leg over his chair. “alright, i’m gonna run to the caf. you want anything?”
he’s offering to buy you food now? what’s his angle here?
“i’d say yes, but i’m afraid you’ll poison it somehow,” you half joke. peter hops to his feet. “don’t give me any ideas,” he warns, snatching his backpack off the floor. “i’ll just surprise you.”
although you’re curious what his mystery snack choice for you would be, you can’t accept. you’d be going against your entire dynamic.
would that be so terrible?
you wave him off towards the double doors. “i’m good, peter. really. i’m not that hungry, anyway.” shaking his head, peter throws a backpack strap onto one shoulder. “y/n, your stomach’s been grumbling for the last hour. you gotta eat.”
he’s not wrong. you’re starving, but you’ve been too preoccupied by your essay to break for dinner.
“fine, surprise me,” you concede. peter flashes you a smile, this one void of its usual condescendence. “i’ll be back. try not to miss me too much,” he calls as he walks backwards to the library doors. “i won’t. shoo already,” you dismiss him, a laugh falling from your lips.
peter winks at you, then disappears into the night. you’re left with a serious case of butterflies and a certain freckle faced know-it-all on your mind.
that’s a problem.
you’ve managed to get another page done when peter reappears. he sits back down and slides a bag across the table, you closing your laptop. you dig into it to figure out what he picked for you. you’re not too pleased with his selection, however.
“oh, yummy. vomit in a cup,” you announce as you hold a green smoothie in your hand. peter reaches over and pats your thigh. “it’s good for you. drink up, princess.” you slap him away. “hard pass. i’d rather you have gotten me nothing.”
narrowing his eyes, peter pulls two cookies wrapped in a napkin from his pocket. “i’m guessing you don’t want these either? more for me, then.”
they’re chocolate chip and m&m, your favorite in the cafeteria. they just came out of the oven, so they’re still warm.
“how… how did you know i…” you trail off, peter setting the cookies in front of you. he offers you a lopsided grin. “i know a lot about you, believe it or not. i pay attention.” you surprise yourself by returning his smile. “thank you, peter. how much do i owe you?”
“nah, it’s on me,” peter assures you. “enjoy.” pushing aside your unappealing drink, you seize the cookies instead. “you have to eat, too. let me at least split these with you.” there’s a beat before peter nods. “fair enough.”
that results in you two munching on your cookies while pretending to write your papers. you’re sneaking glances at each other whenever the other isn’t looking, in reality.
once it’s about time for the library to close, you’re on the verge of passing out. peter is concluding his essay until he hears a thump from your side of the table.
he finds you with your cheek smushed against your keyboard and hitting random letters, snores escaping you.
chuckling to himself, peter places a hand on your shoulder. “hey, y/n?” he speaks in a hushed tone. you awake with a gasp, drool pooling at the corners of your mouth. “easy there, princess. it’s only me.” he rubs circles on your back, and it’s oddly comforting.
“keep doing that,” you purr, momentarily forgetting how much you’re supposed to despise peter. he lets his fingers dance across the exposed skin of your lower back. “we should probably head out. it’s kinda late,” peter decides.
you sit up, bones aching and eyes forced open. “not yet. have to beat you first.” you start to delete the gibberish you accidentally typed. peter cups your cheek to turn your head towards him, your movements halting. “this one’s a tie. you did good, y/n/n,” he coos. “finish the rest another day.”
“why’re you being so nice to me?” you nearly whisper. peter uses his thumb to swipe the drool from your lips. “‘cuz i care about you. i might not show it, but i do,” he admits with the hint of a smile. “besides, i need you… for the, uh, the healthy competition.”
laughing softly, you twist his hoodie strings around your fingers and tug. “your intentions are pure as always. sure that’s all you need me for?” peter’s gaze darts to your lips, then your eyes. “we’ll see,” he repeats.
rivalry be damned.
“mm. i care about you too, parker. thanks again for tonight,” you hum. a blush coats peter’s cheeks, even in the dim library lighting. his sweet and innocent side might truly exist. “no problem.” peter links your pinkie with his, the gesture giving you that fuzzy feeling. “i’ll walk you back to your dorm?”
you lean over and kiss his pinkie intertwined in yours.
“lead the way.”
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yesimwriting · 3 years
SUMMARY: you find yourself going to visit General Kirigan in the night. 
PAIRING: The Darkling/General Kirigan x heart render! reader
Warnings: the beginning of a toxic relationship 
The urge to flinch away from and melt into the feeling of his fingertips, too temptingly warm, as he grazes them across my knuckles and up to my wrist is almost overwhelming. When the unexpected contact is something I manage not to shy away from, Kirigan’s touch becomes more confident, turning my wrist in order to expose my palm. He lets out a low breath, if he was anyone else I’d think that a sound of tiredness. He drags his index finger down the back of my wrist and over the lines etched into my palm. There’s a new tension to his touch as if he’s searching for invisible answers in the natural creases of my skin. 
“You could stay,” Kirigan’s voice is as supple and alluring as sin, “Just for tonight.” 
Waiting him in any capacity twists at my heart in a way I can’t comprehend or justify. There is so much of him I do not know, so much of him that’s darker than the inky shadows he bends to his will. “People will speak.” 
It’s the kind of shy cop-out he doesn’t like. The kind of shyness that leaves everyone losing. I can make out the way he pulls his eyebrows together despite the only light in the room coming from a small lantern on his bedside table. I’m not sure if I’ve displeased him. Perhaps I’ve reminded him of why he felt the need to take me from everything I’ve known. Maybe he’s seeing how far I am from what he wants me to be, or maybe he’s seeing the opposite. I’m not sure which possibility scares me more. I’m not sure if I want him to turn me away or persist that I stay. 
“If you’re defined by what people say,” he taps the back of my hand as if to mark his point, straightening and letting the contact between us disappear, “You’ll never be what you want to be.” The tone he uses is one you’d use to scold a child, “Did anyone see you?” 
I don’t think he’s trying to fluster me with potential scandal, but the lack of warmth from the returned absence of his proximity is making this situation a lot less appealing. And without his easing touch, I’m too clear headed to ignore the dangers of this. 
“No,” I try to sound factual, nonchalant and at peace with this entire situation. 
The tilt of his head tells me that none of the casualness I’m desperately trying to manufacture on a surface level at least came off as believable. He takes a partial step forward, extending his hand and casually squeezing my hand, pressing my fingers into my palm. 
“You came to me, little wolf.” I swallow back my embarrassment. It had been a lapse in judgement driven by what...a deep loneliness that comes with being taken away from everyone you’ve ever known? “Why?” 
I wish I had an answer to that for myself. Because he’s the only one that speaks to me as if I am not less than? Because each short brush of our hands has made me yearn to know what purposeful touches from him would feel like? Because it’s dark and I hate being alone in the dark? Because I can’t sleep without seeing every mistake I’ve made? 
Yes. I could attribute my lapse in judgement to all of this. I could attribute my mistake to some other factor that my mind cannot process. Exhaling slowly, I reach for his pulse with my mind, hoping to see if he truly is as calm and steady as he seems. 
“You’re not as subtle as you think you are.” The words are enough to stall me before I can feel more than two heartbeats. They seemed even, but I didn’t hear enough off of them to be sure. 
I swallow back the embarrassment of being caught. “How?” 
If I didn’t know any better I’d consider the easy quirk of his mouth as an almost smile. “An answer for an answer?”
More generous than he usually is. I keep my jaw as set as I can manage. “I don’t--I’m not sure why.” 
He keeps his face unreadable. “You swore you’d never look for anything from me, that you would never…” Kirigan shifts closer. “That I’d always be a villain to you.” 
There’s a surprising amount of restraint in his words. Had I hurt him? The ridiculousness of my thoughts causes me to wrinkle my. He is a villain, he has to be, and yet here I am. “My insults do get particularly creative when I’m upset.” My attempt at humor falls oddly flat. Kirigan’s clearly not in the mood for a lighter atmosphere. “I wish I knew why I came here.” 
Shifting even closer, he raises a hand. I don’t understand what his intentions are until I feel a brush of knuckles against my cheek. The touch is too soft, too much of a reminder of all the absence...all the places where we’re not touching and the fact that I resent that. 
“When you tap into your abilities your brow furrows,” he pulls his hand away from my cheek and gently taps the space above my left eyebrow, “Right there.” Oh. Such a small thing to pick up on. “Even when you’re not doing anything particularly strenuous--it’s more an act of habit.” I don’t know if there’s a way to respond to that. “And when something upsets you that you want to play off, your eyebrows furrow here,” he touches the space between my two eyebrows. “As opposed to when you’re particularly focused on something and your,” he pauses, thumb brushing my bottom lip, “Lips press together.” 
My stomach flutters and knots all at once. His thumb stays on my bottom lip for longer than it needs to, neither  of us in a hurry to leave this moment. I wonder if he’s as afraid of what comes after this moment as I am-- thoughts of both the potential more and the potential nothing make my heart ache. His thumb brushes down the corner of my mouth and chin. 
“There’s a danger in desire,” his voice is so low I almost miss it, “But I think you know that by now, little wolf.” 
Feeling like a chided child, I dare to raise my chin a fraction of an inch but all that does is press my face into his touch more. “I’m not a victim of desire.” 
“I’m glad you feel that way.” 
So now he finds humor in the situation. Fantastic. “People should know you more for your wit.” 
I don’t hide my sarcasm, but his expression retains all of its easiness. “I guess the ones that matter already do.” The touch of lightheartedness evaporates as quickly as it appeared. “Will you stay?” 
This is different from the first time he mentioned me staying. The first time it was an option he presented, but this time, with his voice the closest to vulnerable I’ve ever seen it, he’s requesting my presence. For the first time I let myself picture it. Staying here. Falling asleep here. With him.
Cautiously, I meet his gaze. “Just for tonight, right?” 
“Stay with me.” He repeats, a bit more certain, a bit more...needing. “For tonight.” 
My body nods once without my permission. I wonder if this is how people feel after I use my abilities on them. That one tiny, unrestrained signal is all he needs. Kirigan angles my head slightly before brushing his lips against my cheek, the warmth of his breath against my skin is enough to leave me melting. 
“I--I wish I knew why I came here.” The words are more honest than I intended them to be. 
Kirigan pauses, warm breath still fanning across the side of my face. “Maybe it will become clearer when I turn you into my solace and my solace alone so that I may be the only thing you can find comfort in.” 
His words are gilded tar, dark and suffocating blackness disguised beneath a thin sheath of gold. “I don’t understa--” 
“You will.” The urgency of his tone strips him of all lazy softness. Something in me tenses, the shift too sudden and cold and similar to the way he was in the beginning. The tension does not go unnoticed, Kirigan fights against it easily, brushing his lips against my skin again. “Lets get some rest my little wolf.” He squeezes my arm easily, the touch leaves my skin tingling in warmth. “Tomorrow things will be different for you.” 
“Training,” he replies easily, “Together we’ll see what you can do.” His fingers brush up my arm and across my shoulder easily, my breath stalls. “We’ll bring out that facet of your abilities that came out the day we met, and with that we’ll change the world.” I do not think myself a world changer, but the softness of his touch and the praising quality of his tone leave me with no protest. “And we’ll find solace in only each other.”
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quillsareswords · 3 years
Damian Wayne x reader
SUMMARY: You're lucky you've memorized Robin's schedule: it might me the only saving grace you've got left.
WARNINGS: blood, near-death
Master List in bio
It's 1:20 on a Tuesday morning in early June.
Gotham never really gets hot, but the humidity suffocates anything that might think that's a relief. You didn't check the weather this evening. You probably should have.
It's 1:20 on a Tuesday morning. He's gonna be here. You've had mixed feelings about knowing his schedule this well in the past, but now it's the deciding factor of your fate.
It's 1:20. That means you've been bleeding like a stuck pig for ten straight minutes, even if it feels like it's been hours. Or seconds. You don't really know anymore. You're getting dizzy.
So you've leaned against the wall. Some little roof access point that stands tall above the gravel covering the rooftop. The brick digs into your shoulder, even through your jacket.
You're starting to think you've gotten it wrong. Or maybe he just didn't show today. Maybe you're out of luck this time.
It was dumb. Stupid to think that you could stop this. Stupid to think you would end any way other than alone.
It was on purpose, after all. Isolation, that is. You pushed and shoved everyone away with a friendly smile and kept them at arm's length, lest they wiggle their claws beneath your mask and expose you for every ugly thing you are.
You're a mole. An informant. Someone who plays every side all at once and somehow manages to stay neutral the whole time. You've been passing tips to the Bats for months now, means be damned. Trust was meager between you, but what little there is is mutual.
You'd hoped it'd be your saving grace. Hoped the side playing would leave you with at least one friend, even though it was the entire reason you're in this position in the first place. You had hoped your downfall would save you.
He appears before you two minutes late. 1:22 in the morning and he's late. He doesn't seem to have noticed you, a few feet away, surveying the street below him like it's his job (and it is), with his back to you.
"You're late, Birdy." Your voice comes quieter and rougher than it should, and the force it takes nearly sends you to the ground.
He spins around at the sound, hand already curled around the hilt of his sword by the time he faces you. He says your name lowly, like a warning, like always. His posture relaxes nonetheless. "You come with useful advice, I expect. The skirmish by the docks sounded quick, but Batman thinks–"
"I didn't know where else to go," you say suddenly, because you already know you aren't going to be conscious long enough for this conversation.
The effort gets you this time. Your knees, shaky as they've been, finally give out. You understand, and you forgive them; they carried you all the way here, after all. Your body turns on the way down, back of your jacket scraping terribly against the brick as your heels slide through the gravel. The noise you make is somewhere between a groan and a cry.
It rips the breath out of his lungs. Your name is in his mouth again as he drops to his knees beside you, gloved hands already pawing at the hand you have clamped around the knife still sheathed into your side.
"What happened?" he demands, and he's reaching for his pager with the other hand. "Who did this?"
You're too focused on the way your first name sounds in his voice. There's something nice about the way he spaces the syllables.
He says it again, all panic and worry, like he hasn't the time to mask it anymore.
You wonder for a moment if it has anything to do with his lingering stares and gruff get home safe's.
But then he's shaking your shoulder and you're wincing because it's bruised beneath the jacket.
"Stay awake, hey, stay with me. Batman is on his way. We'll fix this." There's a pause where he's sucking in a deep breath and you're trying to focus on his voice. "You're going to be fine."
You think it's a little funny. You managed to get all the way here, up a goddamn fire escape, but the moment you think he's got you, you lose all ability to keep yourself upright. You just want to sleep. You want to lay down and take a nice, long nap.
You hate to admit that it just might be because you trust him more than anyone else you know. You've only known him for a few months, but you're sure that you're safest with him. You're safe with him.
It shouldn't be much of a comfort, with Death staring you down like a lion on it's last meal. You won't need protecting if your decline doesn't level out soon. It's surprising what such little comfort feels like when you're staring Death down like a gazelle with an attitude problem.
You don't remember being moved. Or how you ended up in a medical bed with stiff, scratchy sheets and a nearly flat pillow. You do remember hearing Damian's voice, fading in and our with your consciousness. The words are all garbled and quiet, but you know the recall the sound.
Alfred is the first person you see. He's unfamiliar, but he introduces himself and offers you a warm smile and a glass of water. He brings you a bowl of soup and hands you a bottle of painkillers and another of antibiotics.
You fall asleep again, listening to some little body of water just outside the white room you're settled in.
When you wake up, it's to the sound of an argument. Batman and Robin. It's hushed, angry and patient whispers back and forth, but it's an argument all the same. You've heard them bicker enough over the last few months to recognize it.
You can't quite make it out. You hear your name a few times, something about time, something about healing, something about help. Batman finishes it.
Robin swings the squeaky door open a few moments later.
He stops halfway into the room when he sees you're awake.
You wiggle your way up the mattress to lean against the pillows behind you. "Birdy."
He sighs. "You nearly bleed out in my arms and that's how you greet me?"
He doesn't sound quite right. A little deflated, maybe. Relieved? As if he'd been holding his breath before he entered the room, and just remembered how to breathe when he caught your eye.
Course, you can't be sure he caught it at all, with those white lenses.
You cock a shoulder. "I'm sure you've seen worse. I'm sure I'll have worse."
His posture shifts as he crosses the room. He shakes his head. "That's not funny."
"It's kind of funny," you try, throwing the best carefree smile you can manage when everything beneath your skin is so sore. "I'm the one who was bleeding, that means I'm allowed to make all the jokes I want."
"That's an unhealthy coping mechanism."
"So is dressing up in red and yellow and calling yourself a bird."
His shoulders drop again. You think you might see a smile, but he turns his head away too quickly. "You should be more careful. I can't always be there to drag you out of every fire, you know."
You cross your arms, raising both knees to take some pressure off of your abdomen. He takes it as an invitation and makes himself comfortable in the chair beside the bed. He finds a comfortable position with a little too much familiarity. "I don't expect you to. I wouldn't have even been there if I wasn't getting information for you."
"For Batman–"
"Potato, pa-tot-oh."
He goes rigid again. "I never would have asked you to put yourself in danger like that."
It's defensive. Appalled, almost. Offended.
You don't know how to reply. That doesn't seem to matter though, because he's not done.
"And even if I had, I would have gone with you. I would have made sure you had backup, I would have– this never would have happened."
There's a certain distain in his tone that catches you off guard. A resentment, toward you or his partner you aren't totally sure.
He runs gloved fingers through slick black hair. Heaves a breath. Pushes himself to his feet. Falsely composed. "You may stay as long as you need. Alfred will take care of you."
"Where are you going?" It slips out before you can stop it. And perhaps you could play if off as a standard question—you are in an unfamiliar place, with unfamiliar people, aside from him—but it's much too quick. It sounds a little too much like don't leave me.
And you know he hears it too, because he turns back around so quickly you wonder if he even considered it. "Patrol. It's Wednesday night." And yet he makes to move to leave.
You nod. "Right. Yeah. You're, uh, what? You're over by the city museum tonight, aren't you?" You want to smack yourself. What are you doing, making small talk? He's got places to be, people to save.
"Yes." The top seal of his mask flexes when he raises an eyebrow.
You nod again. An awkward smile on your lips. "I, uh, I didn't know how to feel about knowing where you'd be most of the week, but I guess I'm glad I do. Saved my skin last night, didn't it?"
He drawls in a deep breath. "Suppose it did."
There's a long pause. You aren't sure if you're breathing, but you're sure he isn't. He looks tense, like he's torn between saying something and leaving, body angled not quite toward you.
"You can always come to me," he says suddenly. He must read something on your face, because he tumbles straight into the next sentence. "Last night, you said you didn't know who to go to. I'm telling you now, you can always come to me. I'll fix it, whatever it is."
His voice is tight. A little unsure, but not in the statement. Like a hiker on a rocky trail; unsure of his footing, but certain in his destination.
There's something else in his words. Something scrawled between the lines in thin, fragile letters. Something deeper than wounds and needing backup.
I'll fix it, whatever it is.
Your heart rate picks up, and the heart monitor reveals your secrets on the screen beside you. What it can't reveal is the way the poor organ soars, throwing itself to the clouds with reckless abandon, completely uncaring of the hard trip back down.
You still don't know how to reply. You'd like to say something witty. A little sarcastic, maybe a smidge mean. He's giving you a glimpse at his heart, beating bloody in his hands, and there's a large part of you that wants to poke it. Nothing too wounding, just enough that he never makes the mistake again.
But you can't help it. There's a much larger part of you that wails, who wants to snatch it from him to shield and cradle, because he obviously can't be trusted with it. Not if he's baring it to you.
The deciding party is the reminder of last night. Dragging yourself up a rusted fire escape, praying to anyone who might listen that he'd be there. That he'd help you. You remember thinking he wouldn't. You remember the thought hanging above you like gravediggers as you settled into a coffin: you pushed everyone away, you don't leave room for those who want to help you.
"Thank you," you attempt, and it comes barely above a whisper. You allow it to be tender. You let it embody the raw little piece of you that utters it; the piece that wants so desperately to let him in. The piece that knew he'd save you. The tender little sliver of soul who still believed you deserved to be trusted and supported. The one who still hopes for meaningful connections, even among your collection of throw-away contacts.
You can see the way he relaxes. The way he melts inside his skin, like he'd been expecting you to poke when you could have. Like it lifts a weight off of him, knowing that you'll trust him enough to come to him in the future.
"I'll be back in a few hours. You should sleep."
You roll your eyes. "Sleep in some weird ass white room I've never been in, surrounded by a bunch if people I barely know. Yeah, I'm sure I'll sleep like a baby."
He recognizes that you aren't entirely serious, but he also recognizes the orange pill bottles on the table beside you. "If Alfred has you on those, I trust you will—no matter where you are."
You chuckle, he offers you the tiniest smile, and then he's gone. Vanished into the rest of whatever strange building he whisked you into.
You should be worried about it. Not knowing where you are, exactly who you're with, who has access to you. But you aren't. And it might be the medication making you compliant, and you'll look back on this in a week and be horrified—or it could be that you've broken all your own rules and thrust all if your trust into the hands of a boy you've never seen without a mask.
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Hi! Can I possibly get the promps, 145, 130, 85, and 238 with Bucky please! 😊
I didn't get 85 in there, sorry, but did my best.
Glory Days
Warnings: humiliation, mention of bullying, thigh riding, nonconsent.
You remember the laughter, the vicious snickers as you ran out of the house in tears, bass pumping in the early fall cool. Several other girls follow in a similar state but you hardly notice as your feet hammer on the pavement. The noise echoes still in your mind, ten years later as you stare at the man just ahead of you.
Bucky Barnes was the most popular guy in his frat a decade before, he seemed like the star of campus. Now he stands just a few feet away at a tall table, giving cheers to the blond across from him with one other man. You recognise the one with the blonde hair, Steve Rogers, ever his stalwart companion, but the other is unfamiliar.
You think at first it isn’t them. You don’t want it to be. You don’t want your rare night out to be ruined by bad memories. You blink and carry on past their table, certain to keep your head straight ahead. You dip into the washroom and to a stall. When you emerge from the small cubicle, you have to take a moment to catch your breath.
It was one night, ten year ago, eleven, maybe. What's worse was he probably doesn’t even remember it. To him, it was just another night, another party.
You go back out and your eyes meet his blue ones as you try to sweep quickly by. He tilts his head and smirks, a little wink as he sips his sparkling pint. You look away quickly and skirt by, heading back to the table with your coworkers, Jessica and Tegan. You sit and lift your empty glass and mope.
“About time for another round,” Tegan offers, “jeez, what a week.”
“God, don’t get me started,” Jessica drains the last of appletini, “it’s not even over.”
“You know the great thing about not fucking your boss is that your day ends at six o’clock,” Tegan teases but it’s well known she had a crush on Karim before Jessica hooked up with him.
“Mmm, it’s really not work,” Tegan giggles as the waitress approaches. You order another round and wait for her to clear the table.
“This place isn’t bad,” Jessica says, “maybe you’ll find a cute guy.”
“Speaking of,” Tegan preens as she flips her curls, “I think he’s heading over right now.”
“Hmm?” you follow Jessica’s gaze as Tegan gives a subtle nod.
You hold in a wince and turn back, hoping he isn’t heading over your way. Bucky Barnes could not be coming to your table. He just couldn’t.
“Hey, ladies,” his deep voice cuts through your prayers, “how are we doing tonight?”
He has the same snakish tone as he did all those years ago. The one that made you think you were the diamond in the rough plucked out by him alone. That you really were beautiful. Well, you changed since then, you weren’t the bookish girl with her goggly glasses and flaky complexion.
“Good,” Tegan smirks, “and you?”
“Well, you know, pretty good,” his hand rests behind your shoulder on the back of the booth, “me and my friends were just celebrating another Friday and we saw you three lovely ladies and there’s three of us, so naturally…”
“Naturally,” Jessica says, “I mean, who can resist a perfect balance?”
“Jess,” you hiss under your breath, “Karim?”
“We’re not exclusive,” she waves you off, “we would love to join you,” she says over your head, “but we did just order another round to the table.”
“I think there might be enough room for us,” he suggests, “we can make it work, huh?”
“Oh I think we can fit you in,” Tegan arches a brow and you hide your face.
“Great,” Bucky hits the seat and you glance at his thick fingers, “be right back.”
“We should let you choose the place more often,” Jessica trills at you and the waitress appears with her tray.
You accept your tropical cocktail and stir it with the little umbrella, “oh, so you didn’t notice the ring?”
“Ring? I don’t know it means anything,” Tegan shrugs, “not my problem.”
“Wow,” you squint at her and her eyes flick past you.
“Pardon us,” Bucky approaches with the two other men, beer glasses in hand, “I didn’t even get your names. I’m Bucky, this is Steve,” he points to the blonde, “and Sam.”
Tegan offers your name as she stands to let Sam sit between her and Jessica and gestures you curtly to shimmy over. You find yourself crowded between Bucky and Jessica on the curved seat. You take a gulp of your drink and try to think of a way out.
“So, you ladies work together?” Steve asks.
“Sure do,” Tegan chimes.
The conversation quickly splits off into pairs but you sit quietly next to Bucky and wish you had more to sip. You didn’t mean to drink that fast, this night is supposed to be stress free. He clears his throat and angles slightly to face you as he rests his elbow on the table, his sleeve rolled just above as it hugs his thick bicep.
“And what do you do in the office?” he asks as he looks you over, “you’re quiet, like a secretary.”
“I’m an accountant, actually, senior,” you purse your lips derisively and wave your fingers above his head for the waitress, you need more alcohol.
“Ah, I’m just another corporate shill,” he says as the waitress approaches, the whole table takes your lead and orders.
“Oh, and a loving husband?” you look at his finger as you return to the stunted conversation.
“Not, actually, divorced,” he spins the ring, “why so shy?”
“Not shy,” you answer bluntly, “the ring kinda puts women off, you know?”
“Bad habit,” he says, “you know, it costs a lot so why not?”
“I guess,” you sigh.
“I didn’t know you were so sensitive,” he sits back as the waitress sets down your drink and then his. The sentence takes you back, the keg, the smell of beer, the jeers of drunken frats, and cruel laughter. You come back and shake your head.
“Sensitive? No, but I think it’s a valid concern,” you take a drink.
“Hmm,” he considers you as he tastes the head of his beer, “you’re sharp. I like it. And damn hot, if I do say so. You wear the hell out of that skirt.”
“Ah,” you put your drink down, “it’s not my favourite.”
“I see,” he leans his chin in his hand, “you like to play hard-to-get.”
You wrinkle your nose and glance over at Tegan. She laughs as she rubs Steve’s arm and leans into him and Jessica is almost halfway in Sam’s lap already. You hide your discomfort and grab your glass again.
“Maybe that will loosen you up,” he taps the bottom of your cup.
“Maybe I’m not interested,” you hiss.
“Oh, no?” he slides closer and his hand goes to your thigh, “you’re shaking.”
You feel the anger spike and you spill your drink down your front. You curse and stand up awkwardly between the seat and the table. You put the glass down and the others look at you in concern. You wave Bucky over as you snap out a blunt ‘excuse me’.
He stands and let you out but says he’ll “help” and follows. You stomp back to the bathrooms as you try to outpace him. You reach the ladies’ room door and spin to face him.
“I don’t need your help,” you snarl, “alright? Can’t you take a hint?”
“Is that an oink I hear?” he mocks as he lifts his hand to cup his ear, “you don’t look like a pig anymore but you sure sound like one.”
Your lips part and you scowl at him. You shake your head and shove his chest as you turn and storm into the bathroom. He remembers. He knows it’s you and he’s all smug because he can see it so plainly. You grab a wad of paper towel and start daubing your blouse.
The stall behind you opens and the only other woman in the room goes to the sink beside you and washes her hand. She smiles tipsily at you in the mirror and you give an awkward grin back. You toss the towel as the door swing behind her only for the hinges to squeak again.
You hear the lock and glance in the mirror. You see the dark hair and the broad shoulders. Bucky turns to you as he leans on the door with one hand, his other on his belt. He bites the tip of his tongue as he eyes you.
“You always were a dramatic bitch,” he sneers as he pushes himself straight,
“Fuck off,” you try to brush past him as he nears and he catches your wrists. He backs you up between the sinks and crushes you against the wall, eyes boring into yours.
“You know, you left so early you missed out on all the fun, can’t have that happen again,” he purrs, “you know, you don’t win at a pig party unless you get the swine’s panties.”
“You’re disgusting,” you try to twist free but he pulls your hands above you and presses his body to yours.
“You’re a fucking prude,” he growls as he pushes his knees between your legs, your skirt rising as he plants his thick thigh there, “can’t just let go of the past and have a little fun.”
“Let me go,” you huff as you bare your teeth.
“Now, little piggy, don’t squeal too loud,” his thigh meets your panties and you flinch, “you just need to relax, let loose. That’s what you girls came for, isn’t it?”
“Get off,” you snap, “I’ll--”
Before you can promise a scream, his hands over your mouth and his other falls to your hip. He tuts and shakes his head. He holds you against the wall as a knock comes at the door and he waits until the heels clack away from the other side. He lifts his legs higher and slowly guides your hips so your cunt rubs against his thigh.
“You need to get some of that tension out,” he hums as his eyes wander down and he watches the way he rocks you. You try to stop him but can’t plant your feet as he has you on your toes, “the only way you’re getting off is on my thigh.”
You try to shake your head as you latch onto his wrist and hit his chest with your other hand. He doesn’t even flinch as he keeps you moving, his gaze clinging to the motion as he tilts you against him.
“Look at you, piggy,” he taunts, “your legs are shaking… you gonna cum on my leg like a slut, huh?”
You mumble into his palm as your breath flows from your nose and glosses over his hand. You wriggle between his strength and the wall. The tingle flurrying in your core makes your eyes water and your heart race.
You grab onto his tie and yank desperately, trying to get him to stop. He chuckles as it tightens and lets go of your hip. He grabs your hand and pulls the silk tighter until his neck tenses and his face reddens.
“You know what I like, piggy,” he says in a strained voice, “now finish.”
You whimper as he keeps your hand around his tie and his other clamps tighter around your mouth. You close your eyes and move your hips. You just want it to be over with. You want to leave and you can’t see any other way past him. He rasps and groans as he senses the urgency that guides you.
“That’s it,” he breathes, “fuck my leg like a good little piggy. Fuck it.”
You whine into his hand and squeeze his tie as your muscles tighten. Your release swells and spills over as your eyes shoot open and he stares at you as he watches you cum. You feel it soaking through your panties and onto his slacks. You slow as you quiver and he lets your hand fall from his neck.
He reaches down as he slides his leg out and touches the wet spot on his leg. You see the darker patch streaked there as he drops his hand from your mouth and tisks. He snickers as you try to stand straight and he pushes you back.
“Can’t forget these,” you brace the wall as he reaches under your skirt and rips your panties down your legs. He tugs until you step out of them and he folds them before he slips them into his pocket, “I’ll just tell them you spilled some on me, huh?” he rubbed the streak again, “you think they’ll buy it?”
“Get away from me,” you fix your skirt and stand straight on your wobbly legs, “get away--”
“Shhhh,” he puts his finger to your lips, “you keep oinking and I’ll have to really make you squeal.”
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urlkssknt · 3 years
a deep love confession
warnings!! nsfw!! unprotected sex!!
johnny x fem reader, 3k
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johnny stared at you with such intensity, you had never seen that look in his eyes before. he looked mad. he was mad. at you, specifically. of course, you were a grown woman, one who could handle any form of danger, but that knowledge didn't help the anxiety that was weighing down on johnny's chest heavily. "where were you?" johnny tried to speak in the calmest tone he could muster but he was failing to mask his emotions. was it because you didn't inform him that you left for the deal or was it because he felt like you didn't trust him?
you scanned his posture as he stood still in your bedroom, a room that all of your men were forbidden from entering, even dohwan. yet, you always welcomed johnny. sighing, you began to shrug off the jacket you wore and placed it on your bed, not bothering to answer the man in your room. to you, it didn't seem like such a big deal, you were simply doing your job.
"y/n, i just asked you a question."
both of your eyes locked onto each other, a mutual look of intensity, hoping to try and read each other's minds, johnny just wanted to understand you but you were making it so difficult for him. your eyes were blank. you showed no detectable emotions.
"i don't answer to you," was what you said that threw johnny off the edge. whatever patience was left in him now vanished. groaning loudly, johnny ran his hand through his hair and held onto his neck. he couldn't shout at you, he couldn't do anything.
you infuriated him.
johnny decided it was best to leave you alone, maybe forever. the feelings he felt for you heavily trumped what you felt for him, johnny assumed in his mind, that was always constantly things about you. there was no way to tell what you were thinking and it stressed him out. he just wanted to understand you.
"wow," johnny scoffed, placing his hands on his hips as he glared at you, the way you just gazed back at him obliviously pissed him off even more, "i guess i shouldn't have worried about you then, huh?" anger was laced with every word he spoke in a voice that was quiet so no one that happened to be walking past could hear but loud enough for you to listen. the warm light of your room illuminated johnny's features, his beautiful face hardened like a rock, jaw tense. "do you even care that i was worried about you? i get that you don't care about you own life but i care, y/n! me!" you were speechless. feelings were never your strong point, voicing them aloud was even worse. slowly, you began to process johnny's words, however the said man took your silence literally and as a rejection.
feeling fed up, johnny began to walk towards the door, the sound of his leaving footsteps booming in your ear like thunder. it awoke something in you as if a switch had been turned on. johnny's fingers were ready to reach out for the door handle to leave out of your life before he froze in his steps, "i'm sorry."
you had apologised.
the two words were foreign to your tongue but you hoped johnny could hear the sincerity in your shakey voice. it was only a matter of a few more seconds before johnny felt your hands wrap around his waist, your head resting against his broad back. he felt warm to you. any anger that he experienced quickly evaporated with that one act.
"i can't stand to see the sight of you walking away," the image of it was still fresh in your mind, causing you to tighten your grip on him, in fear he would actually leave. your fingers trembled as you clutched johnny's cotton shirt. "the way i feel for you," you began slowly with a wavering voice as you thought out every word, trying to piece everything you wanted to say, "i haven't felt this way about anyone before, and i don't know if i deserve to feel it." your heart was hammering in your chest, you were afraid that johnny could feel it beating, a sheet of paper couldn't pass between your grip on the taller man.
as johnny felt your grip loosen, he instantly held your hands against him again.
"i love you," you whispered quietly in a defeated tone.
johnny turned around so quickly you were afraid he might have experienced whiplash. the hardened features of his face had finally softened, showing you everything you found so dearly beautiful about him. as his dark eyes pierced into yours, johnny raised one of his large hands to cup your face. he didn't miss the way you nestled into it further, the simple act causing his heart to skip a beat. the organ was beating so loudly out of his chest johnny was almost certain you could hear it in the comforting silence, unbeknownst to him, your heart matched his rapid pace.
"i want to be the one by your side, y/n," johnny's other free hand snaked around your waist to draw you closer to him, with your hands still wrapped around him, "please, i can handle everything you throw at me, just... let me be a part of your world." his forehead rested against yours, you could feel his warm breath falling upon your skin, finding peace in it. johnny was real and not a figment of your dreams that were beginning to replace the recurring nightmares that occupy your sleepless nights.
"but you'll get hurt," your body stiffened at the thought of johnny becoming hurt or worse, dead. all because of you.
"then let me," johnny held onto you tighter, embracing you with both arms, his scent unknowingly calming you down, "i know you'll protect me no matter what," he had spoken with a smirk that was so obvious in his voice.
gazing upon your face once more, johnny knew he reached your ice cold heart. that all his efforts didn't go to waste. your neck craned as you looked up at him with endearing eyes, as if he was the most perfect creature to have been created. it began to cause a stir in him. taking advantage of your dazed state, johnny angled his head lower so he could meet your lips. unlike the first kiss you both shared, the taste of tobacco is no longer lingering like a reminder of your habit, just the taste of your lip gloss. it was so sweet. johnny indulged himself in the sweetness, you kissed him back with an equal amount of eagerness. your slender fingers ran up the expanse of johnny's chest, standing on the tips of your feet to match his height but yet you were still shorter than him. the soft kiss quickly became anything but innocent, the urge to have johnny bed you almost had your knees buckling.
somehow, johnny had moved you both to your bed, where you sat in his lap, your thighs on either side of him. warm comforting hands ghosted along your bare legs, the skirt you wore had ridden up, revealing more inches of your body for johnny to touch. "i want you," you breathed as you pulled away from johnny's swollen lips.
johnny groaned at your words. he had imagined this moment ever since you deemed his yours, the thoughts normally continued in a lonesome cold shower and the company of his hand. a blush grazed his cheeks at the embarrassing thoughts. the blood rushed to his dick at the sight of your doe eyes pleading him to consent. "fuck," johnny's voice dropped an octave, "you sure, darling?"
the small nod of your head was the green light. his hands gripped at your hips, guiding you dangerously closer to feel where he needed you most. intently, johnny watched as you gasped at the feeling of his hardening dick through his jeans.
"i'll make you cum on my dick instead of my tongue," the lewd words were whispered softly, hot breath fanning against your ear, only for you to hear. in a matter of seconds, you felt johnny's pulp lips press opened-mouth kisses along the juncture of your neck, his lips upturned into a smirk when you titled your head to allow him to have more access. cherry blossoms trailed from beside your ear down to your collarbone. a gasp emitted from you at the harsh sting of your skin between johnny's teeth.
"you're so beautiful, y/n," you wondered how johnny viewed you, a psychotic bitch who needed to be locked up or someone who was deserving of love. cradling his face between your cold hands, you littered soft kisses all around johnny's handsome face, mentally swearing to yourself to kill anyone who as much places a scratch upon it. johnny stilled at the sudden affection. your wondering hands turn south from johnny's chest, you had the blessing of being able to peel the white t-shirt off from his body, leaving him bare before your eyes. johnny was very confident in his body, the way you drooled over him like a child craving a candy, made him chuckle. the laughter died when you suddenly began to undress yourself, revealing the dark lace undergarments you wore. johnny's mind wondered if you purposely wore such a thing for his eyes only.
returning to his lap, you innocently rolled your hips against johnny's unbelievably hard dick, eliciting a sound from him that made you clench around nothing. "do you want me to cum in my pants?" you blinked at him in confusion as if your heat wasn't sat directly on top of the area where he needed you most. johnny rolled his eyes at your unresponsive reaction. for a mafia boss, you knew nothing about sex. "where do you keep your condoms?" he shifted his weight in order to search through your bedside table for the packaged rubbers.
"i don't have any," you told johnny, watching the way the muscles in his back tense, "you're my first."
he knew this already but it spurred something in him to hear it again. johnny turned his head to you at lightning speed, catching you off guard. a voiceless part of him takes pride in knowing that you never took pleasure in someone else before him, unlike what the rest of the boys believed. if they only knew, johnny thought.
"darling, we can't do this then."
"no!" the sound of your own voice shocks you, never did you think you would be so intoxicated by a man that you'd loose all sense of pride, but johnny sat there, peering down at you, and suddenly the desire for him to fill you increased tenfold. "isn't it better without?" you reasoned, remembering the conversation with yuta about sex being better without protection. the chance of you getting pregnant during your first time seemed low to you, you knew it was a risk but you'd do anything to cease the throbbing you felt.
"yeah but-" johnny's reasoning was cut short by your lips kissing along his chest, so lightly like petals grazing against his skin, "baby." his groan only added to the wetness that was pooling in your panties, all for him.
your hands wrap around his neck to bring johnny's gaze back to your lustful ones, "it'd be nice," your voice sounded as smooth as butter, coaxing him to give into your every desire, "my belly swollen with your baby." you practically purr in his ear. johnny felt his dick twitch in its restrictive confinements, reminding himself of just how unforgivingly hard he is.
"for a virgin," johnny sighs shakily, feigning disappointment, as he began to undo his trousers, pushing his boxers down with them, "you have such a foul mouth," he moved to sit against the headboard of your bed that was fit for a king, "should i stuff it with my dick?" johnny hummed, not missing how your thighs rubbed together slightly.
all the arrogance left your body when you peered at johnny's dick, eyes lingering for a moment too long. you gulped. there was no way for you to tell if his size was regular, due to your inexperience, but he looked big.
mocking laughter fell from johnny, you looked so scared sat in his lap, having no absolute fucking clue what to do, a sight people would pay billions to see, and yet you trusted johnny enough to be the one who sees you like this. his chest swelled with pride. he was your first. somewhere in his heart, johnny knew he'd be your last too.
the tips of your fingers curled between johnny's soft locks as he pulled you back in his strong arms, slotting his warm lips between your own. his mind drifted back to when he ate you out, the taste of you still fresh in his mind. you moaned sinfully against him as his hand groped your breast through your bra, you rutted against him in response to the pleasure. his other hand itched it's way to your back, managing to unclap the lace material, freeing your breasts. leaning down, johnny doesn't miss the opportunity to press a kiss along the valley between your mounds, leaving you a sighing mess above him.
"please, john," you said breathlessly, you were aching for him to touch you in the area you desired most yet he avoided completely.
gripping your hips tightly, johnny guided you to be on top of him, your thighs straddling his waist yet again, after throwing your panties to pile with the rest of the disregarded clothes on the floor. your body trembled slightly out of nervousness. johnny cupped your face with his large palm, "we don't have to do this," he said again. your pleasure was the only thing that mattered to him, he could withstand another cold shower for your sake. however, you urged him to continue.
your hips bucked at the feeling of johnny's hand cupping your sex. "you're dripping," his eyes darkened at the way your wetness glistened under the lighting, before licking his hands clean as if it were the richest frosting, something straight out of a porno. the hum johnny produced caused a chill to run through your body as you completely focused on him.
wasting no more time, johnny aligned himself with your enterance, helping you slowly ease yourself onto him. every cry you emitted from the discomforting stretch was shushed with reassuring mumbles, encouraging words about you 'taking him so well,' and soft kisses peppered around your pain-ridden face. the air in your lungs left your body at the feeling of being completely filled. it took all of johnny's strength to not just thrust into you and take you as he pleased. your walls were so tight and so warm around him, his mind felt like it was going to explode.
as the pain surpassed, you began to rock your hips at a slow irregular pace. each second was agonising for johnny as all he could do was grip at your hip. he was sure a bruise would be left there tomorrow. the other hand kneed the flesh of your ass, coaxing you to move a bit faster. johnny's lips attached themselves to your left breast, swirling his tongue against your nipple softly, the gasp you let out only encouraged the assault. it wasn't until his teeth grazed the sensitive peak that you clenched around him deliciously. johnny cursed out as his hips bucked into yours, hitting a spot you didn't know existed, "do that again, darling."
your breaths were loud in your partner's ears, chest heaving as the air was knocked out of your lungs, your mind was filled to the brim with thoughts of johnny, much like your cunt was. the feeling of your orgasm approaching burned in your lower body.
"j-john," you tried to silence your pathetic whines by pressing your face into johnny's shoulder, his name fell like a mantra from your lips as if it were the only word you knew.
"my pretty, pretty girl," johnny cooed at the fucked out expression adorning your face, a look no one apart from him would ever be able to witness.
the rolling of your hips became sloppier, the longer you chased your high. your legs began to feel numb. johnny's hips suddenly began to thrust up into you, so deeply that tears prick the corners of your eyes.
"'m so close." it was a miracle that your nails didn't break as they created deep crescent-like cuts in johnny's back. you hung onto his shoulders for dear life. if you were hurting him, johnny didn't show it.
he was embarrassed to say it but johnny could feel his high rising in such a short time. the way you called his name when he couldn't be more closer to you made his head spin, slowly loosing control as you clenched around him tighter. grunts and groans fell from him, immediately being swallowed by your parted lips.
sweat adorned your skin, your hair matted against the top of your forehead, johnny couldn't imagine what he looked like himself, his hair was probably a mess from your clutches.
"fuck, john, why is your dick so big?"
"you did not just say that," johnny snorted, wishing he had a camera to capture the blush that crept on your cheeks in embarrassment, had you said the wrong thing?
"do you want me to cum in you, darling?" the lewd question was said with such innocence, no one would have suspected the effect it had on you, "should i?" johnny's grip got stronger, as if it were possible, and began to thrust his hips up into you, repeatedly hitting the spot that had you seeing stars. the quiet moans falling from your lips and the way your walls clenched around his dick were a big giveaway that you were nearly at your high.
you emitted a gasp as the coil in your stomach snaps, the pleasure quickly become too much as johnny continued to pound you from beneath. in a matter of seconds, you could feel the warmth of his load coating your walls.
finally, your lover stilled in you, waiting just one more moment before leaving your warmth. the whine from the loss of johnny's dick almost made him do a double-take, desiring to fill you up again. however he knew better and wanted to let you rest. johnny kissed the crown of your head, his strong arms holding your slumped body up against him. "you okay?"
you managed a small hum, feeling too tried to respond. johnny noticed your drooping eyelids, he gently helped you off his lap and lay down on your bed, despite your protests of missing his warmth. a small chuckle fell from him as he looked at the marks you created along his chest in the bathroom mirror. he went in to get a towel to clean you up with and a shirt for you to sleep in so you wouldn't sleep cold. by the time johnny returned, you had managed to fall asleep in the short time. regardless, the older man continued to clean up the mess between your thighs, he couldn't manage to slip your shirt on you so johnny made sure to tuck the blankets in tightly.
"john, can you sleep with me?" your small voice asked, tired eyes meeting his with a pleading look.
"what did we just do earlier," johnny joked as he put his boxers on, the light in your room casted a glow around him that likened him to an angel.
"stay with me."
your hand had managed to sneak its way out of the blanket and beckoned johnny to lay beside you. the sucker he was for you, anything you desired you would have, who was he to deny you of himself. sighing, johnny clambered into the cold bed, he shivered as he laid beside you. like a moth to a flame, you reached out to touch him, yearning for the warmth of his naked body. johnny was always warm and you were always cold.
"haechan will notice i'm not there," he said softly with his long fingers running through your hair.
"i don't care," you said simply, the members were almost certain that something was happening between you and johnny, they just needed confirmation. "neither should you, your thoughts should only consist of me."
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starwarned · 3 years
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@carryon-countdown 2021
Day 28, 22 December: Prophecy
rated T, 881 words, general tags: banter in the green apple sheets, simon being mad at baz for being good at things, singing
Finish reading under the cut!
I’m tucked into Baz’s arms. He’s holding me because I asked him to — I’ve been feeling off all week and the only thing I could think of that would make me feel better was being held while eating a sandwich.
(It’s just as awesome as I thought it would be.)
I’m leaned up against Baz’s chest with my head sort of propped under his chin. We fit nicely this way because he’s taller (bastard) and my wings aren’t in the way, just draped over the side of the bed behind me and dragging on the floor.
I’m probably getting crumbs from my sandwich in his sexy chest hair (bastard), but Baz doesn’t seem to really mind. He’s just slowly running his fingers through my hair, teasing apart the curls and working out any knots he encounters.
Just as I’m finishing up my sandwich, Baz tugs at my hair a bit, getting me to groan and shift to look up at him.
He grins. “Did you ever hear that song they used to sing about you?” he asks.
I can’t tell if he’s taking the piss or not. “What?” I repeat dumbly.
“Before Watford,” Baz continues. “Should I sing it for you?”
“Is it worth hearing your horrid singing voice?” I tease. (He’s got a nice voice and he knows it. Fucking bastard.)
Baz jabs his fingers into my side and I burst into giggles, trying to push him off me. “Oi! Fuck off! I’m sorry!”
He pulls his fingers away from my side only to shove them under my t-shirt, gliding them against the soft skin of my stomach. “Then shut it and listen.” He reaches for his wand on the bedside table and raises to use as a conductor’s baton as he starts to sing.
“Comes, he comes, the Mage’s Heir,
With blade of fire and golden hair,
And should evil meet him there—”
I cut him off. “No way they sang that!” I insist. “I would’ve heard it!”
Baz rolls his eyebrows and pinches my stomach, making me jump a bit. “Do you want to hear the rest or not?”
Even though I’m certain he's just made all this up and is doing it to humiliate me, I do want to hear the rest. “Fine,” I mutter, wiggling to settle closer to his chest. I watch his hand as it waves his wand around to the beat of the song.
“The blood will flow, the world will know,
Our just and handsome,
Blue-eyed, winsome,
Lovely, blushing Mage’s Heir.”
He stops, his voice wavering on the last note like he’s not sure whether to hold it out for a big finish or to let it lie.
I raise my eyebrows at him. “No way they sang that,” I mutter. “Especially that last part.”
Baz smiles at me. His fangs are out. I don’t know when they popped, but I guess I don’t really care. Sometimes he just lets them out — says it relieves pressure in his mouth. “Alright,” he concedes. “Maybe they didn’t.”
“Did you make the whole thing up?” I ask, leaning up to kiss his jaw, my neck twisted around at an awkward angle.
He shrugs. “Wouldn’t you like to know, my handsome and winsome heir.”
I’m blushing now. Lovely, blushing Mage’s Heir. It sort of jabs me in the sternum to be referred to as the Mage’s Heir, but it’s been years since he died and I spent his money on this flat where I’ve had sex with my vampire boyfriend on every surface, so I’m mostly over it.
“You’re a prick,” I mutter. I slide one arm underneath his back and hug his chest tightly, hitching a leg up over his thigh.
Baz kisses my head. “Am I the evil that met you there?” he asks. I can’t turn my head to look at him so I have only his tone of voice to go off of. He sounds… nostalgic.
“Blood did flow,” I muse. “But you’re not evil — and it wasn’t your blood that flowed.”
“That’s because I’m a vampire—”
“The song didn’t know that, did it?” I tease. “And I guess the world knew?” I continue, referencing the song again.
Baz laughs. “They don’t know nearly enough. They don’t know that you’re here. With me.”
“Well,” I start, smiling against his chest and tracing my fingers along his side softly. “I’m glad they don’t. I want you to myself.”
He doesn’t say anything else and tucks his jaw against my head.
Before we’ve both fallen asleep, he squeezes me close. “I made it all up,” he whispers. “But that doesn’t mean it’s not true. Handsome—”
He kisses my head.
He kisses me again.
His free hand pinches my cheek as he kisses my hair again. I blush.
I don’t want him to finish it, so I twist out of his grasp and push my mouth against his.
Being the Mage’s Heir wasn’t ever what I wanted. All I wanted was to belong, to be wanted by someone. I thought that someone was the Mage. But now I know it’s Baz — despite everything, despite my prophesied future, despite my destiny to destroy my vampire roommate in a battle worthy of actual songs written about me, Baz is that someone.
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[(Bayverse) Optimus Prime x Reader]
A/N: Here’s some more Papa Bot fic. Should I make a bonus ending/part about them arriving at the gas station or some shit like that? Also this fic got out of hand and idk how it ended up like this. Hope you enjoy!
“Ugh...hey, Optimus? Can you roll down the window? I need some fresh air.” You mumbled out and leaned your head against the door. For some reason, you felt sick to the core. That’s probably because you were, in fact, sick. Perhaps it was something you ate for dinner yesterday? You did have a rough night trying to sleep. But at this moment, you just wanted to jump out of the moving vehicle, lay on the side of the road, and perish. Your stomach was not agreeing with you at all and begged you to purge out whatever was in it. Once the window was rolled down, you immediately poked your head out and took in a deep breath. Ah, that was much better. But that still didn’t get that sickening feeling out of your stomach. Maybe a nice bottle of water would help cure you. Your hand moved towards where the cup holders would be located and attempted to grab a bottle of water. Though, there was nothing. Looking back, you saw that you didn’t even bring water with you. Oh, right, you’ve forgotten. Earlier when Ratchet had suggested that you bring a couple bottles of water for the trip, you refused and reassured him that you were fine when in reality, you were just too lazy to carry them. In defeat, your hand flopped back down and you poked your head out once more.
Currently, you and the team were traveling to another city in a different state, as it was stated that there were some Decepticon sightings located there. This was going to be your first mission with them and after countless of merciless begging to go with them, they finally agreed to let you travel with them. Ratchet and Ironhide thought that it was a horrible idea, Bumblebee was simply ecstatic that you would get to go with them, and Optimus was just too tired to deal with your tantrums like a tired father. Who would’ve thought that out of all the members of the team, you seemed to be the closest with the Autobot leader himself. Anyone else would’ve thought that you two were polar opposites. You were a simple person that liked to joke a lot and showed some signs of arrogance while Optimus was more on the serious and wise side. Little did anyone know that you two balanced each other out. He kept you grounded to reality while you made sure that he would have fun during his time on Earth. Though your adventures with them have just merely started, you can tell that you’ve made an impact on the team. Everyone seemed more on the bright side, even the grumpy medic. They were happy and that was all you’ve ever wanted. However, your stubbornness and pride proved you not to be the easiest person to handle, like now.
“Hey, Optimus? Is there by any chance that you have some water on you? Not that I need it or anything like that. Buuuut... I might need it later.”
The old ‘Bot let out a heavy sigh and the whole truck rumbled along with him. “Didn’t Ratchet tell you earlier in the morning to bring your bottles of water? We’ve said it repeatedly that this would be a long trip-”
“Okay, okay! I get it, I was just asking in case you did have them. No need to go full on mother-mode.” You cut him off mid-sentence before crossing your arms across your chest and slumping into the seat. Moments passed by and your hands dropped down to your stomach and clutched the fabric that was in the way. Okay, you seriously needed to do something about this. You felt nauseous and each second that passed by was torturous. You wanted to tell Optimus about your condition, but c’mon, this was your first mission! You had a feeling that if you were to tell him about this, the team wouldn’t bring you to anymore future missions. And the main course hasn’t even started yet since you were still traveling to the destination. But was this really worth the trouble? I mean, even outside of these missions, you would still be seeing them.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you like that, it’s just- I don’t think I’m doing too well. I think I might have the stomach bug or something ‘cause I feel like I’m gonna throw up at any moment.” You half heartedly confessed to him.
At this statement, Optimus had wanted to stop the trip abruptly and check if you were okay. Guess you could say that this was his “mother-mode” or at least close to it. Worried thoughts bubbled into his metal head that he had almost forgotten to respond to you, almost giving you an indication that he was irritated and ignoring you. He would have Ratchet check up on you but then again, he only knew about Cybertronian biology, not human.
“Hang in there, [Y/N]. There’s a gas station approximately three miles from here. We’ll take a rest there and examine you.”
He then went on to accelerate his speed and over the radio, went on to report the other members of the team about your condition. You could hear Bee’s worried buzzing, Ironhide’s sigh, and Ratchet’s grumpy  grumbling of “I told you so” that was directed towards you. In response, you rolled your eyes and laid down across the seats, staring at the truck ceiling. The slight bumpiness on the road was somehow a bit soothing, but it wasn’t enough to put you to sleep. What you needed right now was a distraction. And what distraction was better than you annoying your guardian?
“Oppy.” No response.
“Timus.” No response.
“Hey, Boss Bot!” Finally, you got a response. He let out a surprised sound and you can practically hear the gears in his head turn. 
“What is it?”
“I need you to distract me.”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me.”
You were met with silence once again. He was confused with what you wanted. What did you need to be distracted from? You weren’t really doing much other than trying to refrain yourself from puking on him. It didn’t take long for you to notice that he was confused by your request.
“Just...just ask me questions. They can be stupid or not or whatever. I don’t want to focus too much on my nausea.”
“I understand. Very well then. How are your grades in school?”
You groaned and smacked the palms of your hands onto your face. You wanted to answer any other question BUT that one. Okay, so maybe you were lagging a little behind on your subjects than the rest of your classmates, but you could fix it up with a snap of your fingers! Or, that was what you thought. You’ve been so caught up with your alien friends that you didn’t think that school wasn’t as important as saving civilian lives and all that. 
“[Y/N]?” His deep voice pulled you away from your thoughts and you slid your hands down your face.
“It’s uh, it’s going...decent.” Wow, way to make yourself sound believable.
“[Y/N]...” Now there was a stern and serious tone in his voice.
“Don’t worry about it! I got it all under control. Go ahead and ask another question that’s not related at all to school.”
Once again, he let out another heavy sigh. He had a feeling that your reasoning for your grades being “decent” as you say, was because of him. He didn’t want to be the reasoning for you failing classes. What kind of guardian does that? Yes, he has the most fun spending time on you and picking up on your witty jokes, but he knew that if it ever came down to it, he would have to step back and let you focus on things that would matter in the long run. Even when it does break him.
“You need to take your school more seriously, please. You know what will happen if your parents were to find out about your grades dropping, correct? We won’t be able to see each other as much anymore. And as much as I want to be with you, I won’t hesitate to take a couple of steps back.”
That...hurt. You didn’t want to be constantly reminded of the consequences, but that wasn’t what hurt you. The fact that he said that he wouldn’t hesitate gave you a wake up call. You sat up from your lying position and looked at his radio with a panicked and disbelief look. You didn’t know what or how to respond to that. He was serious and you knew that. You looked away in shame and clutched your stomach once more. Optimus then moved his rearview mirror towards your face and saw how you looked. It broke his spark and he wanted to comfort you, but decided not to push further on the subject and change it.
“Is there anything you would like to ask that relates to me?”
You perked up at his question and had a surprised look. Honestly, you didn’t expect that at all and you didn’t even consider asking him questions. If you were to, you had wanted to try to avoid the more sensitive topics that related to the war on his planet and such questions like that.
“Hmm, you know how the Matrix-thingy chooses who the next Prime will be or something like that? Well, what were you like before you became a Prime?”
Like you were, he was caught off-guard by the question. It’s been a long while since he had spoken of his previous life. He felt a faint sense of nostalgia as he reflected on his past self. My, how much he has changed over time. Going from having a simple life to being one of the biggest roles in Cybertron history. If he were not in his vehicle form, he would’ve smiled fondly.
“My previous name was Orion Pax. At certain angles, you could say that I was more like Bumblebee: young and free-spirited. I used to work as a data clerk in Cybertron. My life was quite simple and ordinary before I heard of Megatron and came to a realization that I was not satisfied with what I was doing. That...is all I will tell for now.”
“Aww, what?! Come on, you can’t leave me hanging like that! What happened with you and Megatron? Pleaaase!”
“Some other time, tiny girl. Now, it is my turn to ask a question. Do you know what my favorite color is?”
Okay, now you were confused. Why would he go from asking a serious question to suddenly asking about his favorite color. Out of all the things he could’ve asked, he went for that one. Of course, it’s not like you were going to back down from something as simple as that. However, you had to take a moment to think. Did robots have favorite colors? Did they even have time to consider what color was their favorite? You couldn’t figure out what the answer was until suddenly, it hit you!
“Wait a minute, that’s a trick question! You’ve never told me what your favorite color was! You can’t fool me!” You accused as you pointed your finger at his radio. A deep chuckle came from the radio as you guessed right. 
“Clever girl. Well in that case, I might as well tell what my favorite color is. It’s autumn orange. It gives off a warm feeling along with joy whenever I look at it. Just like whenever I look at you. It reminds me of you.”
Your eyes lit up at his words and your cheeks flushed. That...may or may not be the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you. Plus, it sounded very genuine. A warm feeling swirled your insides and a sincere smile danced across your lips. Who knew that an alien from outer space could be one of the most caring people (er- robot) you knew.
“Whoa, I definitely wasn’t expecting that answer. I didn’t know you had a sappy side.” You lightly joke. “But, thank you. That was really nice of you to say. And you should show your sappy side more often.”
“Heh, I’ll think about it.”
You then raised a hand to your mouth and let out a yawn. Optimus was able to catch it and moved his rear view mirror towards you once more.
“Am I boring you already?” He asked in a fake yet barely noticeable betrayed voice. There was a hint of amusement sprinkled onto there.
And you snapped out of your sleepy trance and sat up straight, all alerted. “Wha- no no no! It was just a yawn! I’m not-”
Your words were cut off when you heard laughter from him. Yeah sure, you’ve heard him chuckle before, but an actual laugh coming from him was quite rare. You laughed along with him until it died down.
“Alright, little one. Go on and get some rest. I’ll wake you up once we get to the gas station.”
You lied down along the seats on your back and closed your eyes. As your drowsiness was pulling you into slumber, you heard the radio turn on as lofi music played on a soft volume. Now this was most definitely making you sleepy. Soon enough, you were knocked out. Optimus silently hoped that they could stay like this for at least a very long time. With the both of you in peace, traveling in the middle of nowhere while relaxing lofi hip hop was playing in the background. Yet another moment that he gets to cherish for as long as he gets to live.
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captains-simp · 3 years
Alrighty, my friend, whenever you get the chance, I would like a HeroxVillian AU with Carol, where somehow the reader ends up a villain and Carol is hesitant to fight them. Trying to reason with them. With the prompt(s) 3. “It wasn’t meant to go like this,” and 6. “You can't fix this,”
Obviously, I don’t want to rush you, so take all the time you need my love. 💜💜
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Ilovethis ilovethis ilovethis. I'm getting some major FATWS vibes here. Thank you for being so patient with me, I hope it's as good as you deserve
Alexa, play Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley
"It wasn't meant to go like this."
"You can't fix this."
Warnings: corrupt reader and violence
2k words
[ masterlist ]
Buy me a coffee ☕
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
You remember the day you took the super soldier serum better than any other. It had changed you in more ways than one. It had changed your world view. It had changed the relationships that had taken years to build.
Carol was in danger. She had been hurt, rendered powerless. Someone had shot her with a specialised bullet made just for her to temporarily disable the hero's powers. You had been terrified you were going to loose her.
Fortunately, the same people who had made the bullet had been working on a super soldier serum. You were meant to take it back to the lab. It was meant to be destroyed. But you had no powers prior and in that moment you knew the only way you could save the love of your life was by taking that serum.
You had gotten Carol back safely just in time for the side effects of the serum to kick in. It wasn't completed and it sure as hell wasn't safe. You had spent weeks in the medical ward in the tower, right next to Carol.
You did a good job with your newfound powers at first. As soon as you were able to fight again you did just that, better than you ever had in your life. The lives you saved doubled maybe even tripled. You could go on more dangerous missions and fight worse people. You thrived off of your powers, eager to do anything and everything you could to help.
Everyone became so blinded by your eagerness no one ever stopped to think about what else it would do to you. It wasn't like you had ever shown any signs of what was to come.
After a while, it slowly began to twist your world view. Carol picked up on that. Your silent and suppressed nature troubled her. Deeply. She never knew exactly what it was you were thinking. She never understood the things you convinced yourself.
Eventually it was something that couldn't be contained to just some in the moment thoughts. You wanted to accomplish all of the things you wished were real.
As an Avenger you had seen the injustice in the world. It wasn't new. But when the power went to your head you convinced yourself you could change things. For the better. Get rid of all the dirty cops, corrupt judges, sadistic governments. You thought you could change it all. What you never understood was that there were limits.
Changes like that couldn't happen over night. They shouldn't. The world wouldn't be able to adjust fast enough. You never considered the effort it would take to rebuild, because that wasn't your role.
You managed to talk to people who believed the same things you did. People who wanted to put the world right. Your convosations were limited to online and the times you knew you wouldn't be discovered. Then it was rare meetings. Then covert operations. But those things didn't make a difference. You needed to do more. However you couldn't do that while you were an Avenger. They wouldn't understand you. They would try to stop you. So you left.
You loved Carol. That was the hardest thing about leaving. You never wanted to hurt her, only protect her. You convinced yourself that was the ultimate way to protect her, to do what you needed to.
That night you held her close to you as she slept. She knew something was wrong because of that. In growing distant it was a rare act of affection that you had always felt for her and always would. She asked you to talk to her, begged you to tell her what had been consuming every inch of your mind. You never did. You held her until you were certain she was asleep, then you held her some more.
Then you left and never returned. The next time she saw you was on the news. You had broken wrong convicted inmates out of prison. You and a large group. It was the first of many attacks.
Every single one she missed. So did the Avengers. Everything was planned so precisely your operations were done and you were long gone by the time the Avengers showed up. It was hard to catch someone who knew how they worked.
Carol always told herself she would be able to talk you out of it, even when the attacks got worse. Things progressed rapidly and the whole world was there to watch it.
Buildings were set aflame and destroyed. The people you wanted gone from the world were killed without mercy or trial. You assigned yourself the role of judge, jury and executioner with no one stopping you. The group you worked closely with encouraged it all, respected it. Even when innocent people got hurt.
Without even knowing it, you became one of the people you had once sworn to protect the world from.
By the time Carol finally found you it was too late. You weren't the person she once knew. And yet Carol still looked in your eyes and saw the woman she loved, even if no one else recognised you.
Your final operation had been an overall success, but your escape had been delayed. Hence bringing you face to face with Captain Marvel herself.
"Y/n." She whispered, calling to you like an abandoned puppy. You narrowed your eyes at Carol, knowing she wasn't just going to let you go and say 'keep up the good work'. No. You would have to fight your way out.
There was a few feet between you. You were in a now abandoned warehouse alone, only the distant sound of sirens somewhere else, chasing down anyone from your group that remained.
"This isn't you." Carol continued. You still didn't speak. "Please y/n, people are getting hurt."
"Only what's necessary." You finally said, eyes flicking to to the doors behind Carol.
"Innocent people." Carol pleaded, her eyes widening. She may have been in her suit, but Carol didn't show any signs of fighting you anytime soon. Her stance wasn't defensive, it was cautious.
"I need you to get out of my way." You had never wanted to say something in such a cold tone to Carol. You still loved her, she just didn't understand.
"The others wanted to take a different approach to this...to you. Just corporate and and I'll make everything okay." So they wanted you dead, you guessed it would get to that point eventually.
"You can't fix this." You said defiantly. Did Carol really expect people to eventually welcome you back with open arms?
"I'm not going to give up on you. Ever."
"Get out of my way." You said firmly, not wanting to continue the convosation any longer.
"I don't want to fight you." Carol protested, still not becoming defensive. Her voice sounded like it was on the verge of breaking, you tried to ignore that. It was hard.
You took a testing step forward. Still nothing from Carol.
"Please don't make me." She pleaded.
"I'm not making you do anything. Let me walk away."
"You know I can't do that."
You decided you wouldn't wait around any longer, every moment you talked to Carol pulled on your heart strings. You couldn't let that weaken you.
You ran at Carol and jumped into the air a couple of meters to drive yourself down. Carol caught your attempted attack and pushed you back firmly, still giving you a hopeful look.
"Stop." She attempted, but you came back at her from another angle to try and swipe her off her feet which she was able to dodge swiftly.
"Get out of my way." You grunted, quickly growing frustrated.
"I can't." You ran directly on this time and delivered several short and powerful blows that Carol struggled to avoid. You kept going, trying punch after punch after every short range attack Natasha had taught you that was driving Carol back towards the door.
"Stop!" She tried again, sounding more desperate this time. Even when your attacks came dangerously close to being successful Carol refused to use her powers. You could handle them to some extent, the serum could tolerate some of it's force. But Carol refused to do it.
You finally landed a kick to her stomach that made her stumble back a few paces. You pushed aside the feeling of guilt and instead made a break for the door, using every bit of self control you had not to look back at those brown eyes.
Carol had been dazed and didn't realise until you were too close to the exit. She could have stopped you if she used her powers. It would have been efficient and easy. You thought she did.
An indescribable feeling of pain shot up through your back for a mere second but was enough to make you fall straight to the floor. Your back stung as though you had been attacked by a sworm of bees and made your whole body feel suddenly very fragile, like it was only made of thin needles. Your whole body was shaking as you tried to comprehend what had happened.
Carol's powers didn't do that. You knew something else that did.
Natasha? Had you just been on the recieving end of a widow bite? You could faintly hear steady footsteps approaching you that made you sure you were right.
You breathed in deeply and tried to get to your feet, reminding yourself exactly what would happen of you were caught.
I will not be put in a cage. You hissed internally.
You were barely on your knees when you gave a strangled cry at the feeling returning with more power. You fell down onto your stomach again and tried to reach around to get the device off but you were faced with the terrifying realisation that you couldn't move. Natasha had told you all about that widow bite. It meant she had used the highest setting on you. It would have killed anyone who didn't have that super soldier serum.
"Stop!" Carol shouted again, except this time it clearly wasn't at you. "That's enough."
The blonde kneeled down at your side and instantly brought you close to her, cradling your head in her lap as she combed her soft fingers through your hair in the comforting way you remembered so clearly and missed. A tear finally fell down her cheek as she watched you gasping, eyes wide.
Carol was all you could feel and focus on as you slowly lost consciousness. No matter how much of a fight you tried to put up you couldn't move an inch of your body and you couldn't run from the looming darkness that was gradually gaining on you.
You dreaded where you were going to end up. What would happen to your group. Mostly, you dreaded the impact it would have on the blonde you once planned to spend the rest of your life with.
"It wasn't meant to go like this." Was the last thing you heard as the darkness enveloped you entirely.
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moonbeamwritings · 4 years
street light serenade
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Summary: Unable to sleep, you call up a certain mangaka for company, convincing him to drive around Morioh with you in the dead of night. What comes next exposes much more than what his most recent draft is focused on.
Author’s Note: Rohan simps come get y’all juice 🗣️🗣️ I hope you guys enjoy and let me know what you think!!
Sleep eluded you, as it often did when you were overwhelmed with university work, tossing and turning for hours on end as your mind swirled with all of the assignments you were too worn out to finish. It was nearing twelve o’clock and you couldn’t bring yourself to pick up a pencil or read any more academic journals.
Finally deciding to just get up and move around, you ventured down the hallway and out into the kitchen. A cup of tea could do some good, you thought.
With the tea kettle on the stove, you hopped up onto your counter, mind reeling with other ways you could get yourself to fall asleep. You could go for a walk, watch tv, or listen to music. Maybe going for a drive could help alleviate the stress crowding your brain.
As the kettle began to hiss, your mind was made up. A drive around Morioh sounded perfect, but one question remained. Should you go on your own? 
Without a second thought, you pulled your phone from the wall, eagerly dialing the number of the only person you thought would be awake at this hour.
Rohan Kishibe.
It took a few moments for him to answer, casting doubt on the possibility of your plan coming to fruition.
“What do you want?” His voice was sharp and biting, clearly not thrilled about being pulled from whatever he was doing.
“Hello to you too, Rohan. Do you want to come for a drive with me? I can’t sleep.”
Rohan’s response was immediate, sparing you no kind words or easy let-downs, “No.”
“Come on, please. I’ll pick you up! You don’t even have to do anything!” You knew you were beginning to grovel, trying to sway him to indulge your midnight whims, but you didn’t care.
“I’m not getting caught dead in that tin can you call a car.”
“Some of us have student loans to pay off, you know. Plus, who would see you anyway?”
You could hear him scoff through the phone, a short judgmental sound followed by a few long moments of silence. As soon as you thought he had hung up on you, he spoke, “I’ll pick you up in five minutes. If you’re not ready, I’m going home.”
A click sounded before you could get a word in. He was such a pain in the ass.
Rohan wasn’t easy to like, or easy to get along with, and he knew that, but you searched for his company often, asking him to coffee or lunch or stopping by to give him a new book he could use for research. At first, he would roll his eyes and scoff at your presence, annoyed at the prospect of someone so wholeheartedly thrusting themselves into his quiet little life. However, as time went on, he began to crave conversations with you, though he would never admit it.
So when you called, practically begging him to go for a drive, he couldn’t really say no, despite the apathetic lilt to his voice. Reluctantly, he pushed away from his desk, gathered his keys, and headed out. He would indulge you, if only just this once.
With your teacup long since forgotten, you raced around your home, throwing a comfy sweatshirt over your head and slipping into your shoes. Casting one final glance at yourself in the mirror, you lept out the front door, seconds after Rohan pulled up.
Plopping yourself into his passenger seat, you let out an excited greeting.
“You’re far too energetic for this time of night.” He replied, hand reaching across the gap to land on the back of your chair as he backed out of your driveway.
“What?” You whined, pouting at his tone. “Car rides are fun!”
“You sound like a dog.”
“Don’t be an asshole.”
The car fell silent as he began to drive, taking random turns and heading in whatever direction he pleased.
You brought a hand up to the radio, fiddling with the dials and buttons until you landed on your favorite station. You lowered the volume, sending the music into the background, rather than allowing it to ruin the calm energy in the car.
Rohan glanced over at you every so often, admiring the ways that the street lights mixed as they sped by, molding together to cast interesting shadows along your face.
The whole experience felt almost surreal in a sense, traveling through liminal spaces as some silly pop song played softly through the speakers. Just the two of you, the street lights, and the rumble of the car.
After another turn, you began to ask Rohan more about his life. What motivated him, what he was currently working on, when he was traveling again. Every question on your mind seemed to pass your lips, eager to become closer to the man that tried so hard to keep you at arm’s length.
He humored you, of course, but not without little complaints and jests, “You working for a gossip magazine or something?”
“No, I just want to get to know you. That’s all.”
Your response made something tighten in his chest. He couldn’t remember the last time someone had shown genuine, unmotivated interests in his thoughts and feelings. He was so used to the same questions, people entertaining his presence in order to weasel their way in, hoping to get some money or fame through his friendship.
You were different, a welcomed change.
When you exhausted your questions, he picked his own. How were your studies going, did you have anything lined up for once you graduated, what had you so worked up you couldn’t sleep. If you were going to know more about him, then he would like to return the favor.
Growing tired of taking the same turns, Rohan directed your little mission to a scenic overlook, angling the car so you could both stare out at the ocean.
It was peaceful, sitting under the light of the moon with you, watching as it bounced off the waves below, creating swirling patterns of dark sea and pale moonlight.
The orange glow of the streetlight on his side of the car casted a shadow along the side of his face, illuminating his high cheekbones and green eyes. Your eyes traveled down his neck, absorbing the way that same shadow warped against his neck and collar bones. In your eyes, he was rendered ethereal in this light, an untouchable being with an indescribable beauty.
“I didn’t know you had a staring problem.”
He could feel your eyes boring holes into the side of his head and it was starting to bother him. You can’t just stare at people, refusing to utter even a word. It was annoying.
Still so hypnotized by the light playing against his face, you responded without a second thought, “Rohan, you’re beautiful.”
Your words left you both speechless, rendered even more silent following your confession. You were embarrassed beyond words and Rohan was in absolute disbelief.
“Sorry, I wasn’t thinking. Just the,” you floundered, hands rising in falling in a desperate attempt to collect your thoughts, to form some sort of explanation, “the light.”
You cleared your throat, “The light behind you… it’s casting a pretty shadow. That’s all.”
Through your pathetic attempt at deflecting his question, he examined you, turning in his seat to really take you in. The same light casting shadows on him created a perfect beam on your own face, your soft skin and kind eyes on full display. He laughed, the whole situation both ridiculous and welcome at the same time. A mix of literal and subjective interpretations of the phrase “seeing someone in a new light.”
He scoffed, a smirk lighting his face as he pulled you closer, closing the distance created by the center console, “You talk too much.”
With that, he planted his lips against yours in a searing kiss. Your hands came up to trace along his cheekbones while his hand remained on the back of your head.
Rohan wasn’t one to wax poetic about just anyone, that much you knew. So as he pulled away, still holding your head as he began to describe how you looked under the light streaming in from outside, you felt your face warm. The slope of your nose, the curve of your cheeks, the delicate dip of your cupid’s bow, all made beautiful under Rohan’s diligent stare.
When he was finished, he readjusted his position to sit facing forward again with his hands resting on the steering wheel, “You’re alright, I guess.”
That’s the Rohan you knew and loved.
The two of you remained at the overlook for another hour, chatting and listening to music, but as he watched your blinking begin to slow, your eyes begin to grow heavy, Rohan elected to take you home.
As he drove along side streets, passing neighborhoods and businesses, he stretched a hand over to land against your thigh, gently squeezing it every so often.
Maybe he could afford to put this side of himself on display more often, if only for you.
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hannya-writes · 4 years
May I...?
Title: May I...?
Fandom: Shingeki no kyojin
Pairing: Levi Ackerman x Reader
Other characters: no one xD
Category: Smut with an excuse (?)
Warnings: +18, Minors please do not Enter. First time for Levi? SMUT! Cursing because of Levi, Levi being Levi, maybe a bit of OC because it was needed (?) Unprotected sex (but ladies and gentlemen, please wrap it before you tap it)
Author's note: I guess I was horny 😅 it's my first time writing smut, sooo, I'm sorry If in some moments it's unintelligible, it's because english's not my first language.
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• • •
Y/n had been a little tipsy and lot heartbroken. She was Erwin's assistant, the first one to survive 10 expeditions at the moment, but she was also a human being with feelings, strong feelings for Levi. Two glasses of wine made the trick to relax her and turn her into a bold woman, so bold that she had flirted with him.
Levi thought she was beautiful, way too beautiful, too smart, too kind and felt embarrassed by her sudden interest on him. He didn't knew what to say so he acted cold and collected, telling her to leave him alone. When she had insisted for hours he understood that he'll had to take her to her room, for her sake and his peace of mind.
— Levi, would you stay? — she had asked after he had tossed her in bed. The sincerity and vulnerability of the woman made him stay. She had took his hand arguing that she felt alone, and argued that she needed a hug, he had said he wasn't going to hug a person who stink like booze and she had willingly got up and took a shower.
After getting out, she had demanded her hug then when pulling away from him she gave him a kiss. A smile formed in her lips because of the confused expression in Levi's face and the deep red in his cheeks.
— you are so cute — the blush in Levi's face turned brighter, the stronger soldier of humanity opened his mouth to say something, but he couldn't find the words or the right order of them to form a sentence. — May I kiss you? — she said touching his cheek.
— Stop it, stupid brat — he ordered but didn't move a muscle to get away from her.
— Please, let me kiss you captain — she asked getting closer, the rough texture of the towel touching the perfectly white shirt of him.
— I said...— he sounded annoyed but he wasn't, he was nervous, incapable of thinking right. He wanted to touch her fresh skin, bury his face in her shoulder and smell more of the clean fragrance. Head never wanted something like that.
— would you kiss me? — she asked in an almost innocent tone. — please, Levi — her pleads sounded appealing to him.
He knew about sex, but he had never thought about it, he hadn't picture himself having sex. He wasn't interested in it. But right there, being with Y/n that was all he could think.
She got closer, her breathing falling over his lips, taunting him. His hand move to push away a strand of her hair and finally, gave her what she wanted, maybe that way she'll stop bothering him.
His lips caught hers, he wasn't sure what to do, but she did. Y/n arm hugged him by the neck and her lips parted to greet Levi's lips, her wet and curious tongue licked his lip. Levi mimicked the movement, she opened her mouth to him and lured his innocent tongue to her. She tasted like wine, her tongue played with his. Levi closed his eyes only at that point and focused in the sensation of saliva and her soft graceful tongue over his.
The captain hands hanging limply moved to embrace her to his body, wanting to feel her. The need of air made them separate, they looked at each other. Desire in both of their eyes.
Y/n moved first, hands falling on Levi's shoulders, agile fingers unstrapping the first belt. Levi saw her work her way over the second belt.
— May I keep-keep going? — she studdered and he nodded trying to let his inexperience be known. While she worked the next belts he experimented kissing her lips again making Y/n humm with pleasure. He kissed then her cheek, her jaw and neck, founding droplets of water. His instinct made him lick the water and Y/n trembled in front of him.
She opened his shirt and escaped from him only to press a kiss to his chest. She unbuttoned his shirt completely and threw it away. Levi made a loud "tch" annoyed by the disorder but let it go the moment she kissed his abdomen, not a little peck an open mouthed kiss, she sucked in his skin and he felt a rush of adrenaline. It felt good, delicious.
— a-a-again — he asked unsure but Y/n complied while working the strap of the gears, she sighed frustrated an pushed him to the bed, she took out his boots in a hurry, and rushed to get everything out of Levi's body.
When finally every belt was took off, Levi took her by the arm and pulled her up to straddle him.
— Levi — she muttered softly before he pulled her to kiss her lips, this time he took the advantage, moved by something inside him that he couldn't recognize. The Idea of sex with Y/n was everything inside his mind, he desire it soo much that his hands pulled the towel away from her.
She was precious, daunt skin, perfect curves, his hands went to her waist and slowly moved up. Then down to her thighs, pushing her down, making her naked sex found the product of all that make out session: his erect member strained by clothes. She moaned at the contact.
— is this what you want, brat? — he asked embarrassed pretending that the warm of her groin didn't felt like heaven through the clothes.
— yes, please — she answered blushed, hot and bothered by the sudden question. Levi leaned and kissed her, making her rock her hips over him at the same time. She hummed once again in the kiss and he almost growled pleased by the sensation on his cock.
She pressed herself against him, hugging him, closing the space between them, the friction made her moan the name of the captain.
— touch me — she pleaded when the messy kiss was broken, the puzzled expression of Levi let her know that no, he was no expert in bed. — let me show you — she said getting herself in bed, back down, legs open showing him her humid sex. Levi saw amazed what she did, even though his face didn't showed the emotion of excitement he felt it as she touched herself.
Her skilled fingers touched the bundle of nerves that could take her to absolute blyss.
— here, it feels good — she said making circles over her clit — this is were I need you — she continued pressing her fingers over her entrance, there was no resistance from her opening to her own fingers, they slipped inside with easiness. A moan of pleasure felt from her lips. Levi saw it all entranced by the movements of her body reacting to pleasure.
He stood up, startling Y/n, afraid he would leave but he took of his pants and underwear then went back to her in bed. His hand replaced her's. Thumb playing with her clit, fingers pressing on the humid excitement he had made
— curl your fingers — she asked softly and Levi followed the order. Y/n body trembled in pure pleasure. Levi started to move his fingers in and out quickly, she squirmed in pleasure, moaning and huffing with his every move, her fingernails digging in his arms. Her voice became acute, breathe quick and short. — right there — she was barely able to talk. — I'm cumming — she announced and Levi saw and felt her tense, her inner muscles pressed his fingers. Her expression was delightful, he wanted to see it again.
He crawled over her, pulled his fingers out of her and Y/n whined but the sound died in her mouth as the captain pressed the tip of his cock to her extra humid and sensitive pussy.
— So cute — he said rubbing his glans over the warm fluid of her, pressing over the clit with every rock of his hips, moistening his cock. — May I fuck you? —
— yes — she answered way too quickly — please do it — with those words Levi aligned his cock to her entrance and pushed inside her. Half the way in, Y/n rocked her hips asking for more and he complied happily, delighted by the pressure, the softness of her inside.
Y/n moaned feeling full of Levi, his length opening her cunt, stretching her. Her body arched welcoming the man, offering the rest of her for him to play but he started swaying his hips against her, making her smile and moan. It felt good, delicious. One of her legs hugged his hips, as she pulled him from the neck to her breast.
Levi sucked on her nipple and bit it softly making her be louder on her moans. He caught the other nipple and made the same.
— so good...deli..cious...— she praised him, her leg hugging his hip moved and she put it against her body offering a new angle.
For Levi, she was right, it felt delicious, her wet and warm core embraced his cock giving him a direct connection to heaven. He didn't wanted to cumm, that would make everything end, and he wanted more. His cock twitched inside her and the muscles of her cunt tensed, milking his cock, warning him that she was about to cum.
He muttered her name and with a huff, he came inside. He pushed inside her a couple of more times feeling his own seed being fucked into her.
— Le- Le- Levi — she said in a soft voice, feeling him still inside her, he leaned down and fell over her breast. His hands hugged her by her waist.
— You are so soft and clean — he murmured between her breast, starting to fall asleep. He had never fell asleep so easily.
— Don't fall asleep, we need a shower — she complained and the captain looked at her with seriousness but with a warm touch in them, his chin resting in the valley of her breast.
— May I shower with you? — he asked and a blush formed in Y/n face. She felt like she had somehow made a monster.
— Yes — she answered, Levi's hands hugged her waist and pulled her against him, dragging her with him as he stood, her legs wrapped around his hips and the friction of her core against him made him gasp and realized that somehow, a certain part of his anatomy wasn't really tired.
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
Secret Keeper ~ JHS [Request]
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PAIRING: Hoseok x Reader
GENRE: TXT Member, Angst, friends to lovers, secrets, crushing, 
A/N: To make it fair whenever you guys request a “Mystery Member” I use the wheel of names app to determine who I will be writing for 🥰🥰
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When HYBE first hired you to become one of the singers in the group TXT you figured it was just going to be a one-off thing, for them to trail and see if a boy and girl group could work within their company. You were placed in a group with five other boys making you the sixth member of TXT you'd kept your hopes low not wanting to get too many expectations but 2019 had come and gone so fast and you and the boys were doing well together. Tours were great and fans loved that you were working alongside one another so well and there were so many positive reports about mixed gendered groups working together that more companies were starting to create their own. 
"You need to angle your hips down more," Hoseok spoke as he watched you and the boys from the back of the dance studio that you were practising in. There was a show coming up and HYBE was on all of you trying to get each of you to perform something, a cover of a song that each group or solo singer had done with them. For some unknown reason other than torture the boys had put it down to a vote for Pied Piper or Dionysus you had voted for the latter but you were outvoted by the rest of them which meant you were stuck with the dance and lyrics of the song. It wasn't the routine or the song that was bothering you so much it was that you were having to work closely and personally with the BTS boys when TXT knew you had a major crush on Hoseok who was going to be teaching you the main dance number. Not that there were a lot of moves to it but it was all about swinging your hips and looking suggestive while you sang along to the words which meant Hoseok was doing that right in front of you.
"Here," Hoseok whispered as he stepped forward to you, your hands were holding onto the microphone stand while he was holding onto your hips, swinging them a little as the beat played in the background. All you could seem to focus on was the way his hands felt on your body, sending shock waves throughout you as your brain decided to switch off and go blank. Kai smirked at you in the mirror as he caught the look of shock mixed with embarrassment flash across your face.
"You got it," Hoseok breathed but all you could think of was how close he was to you, how hot his breath was on the back of your neck and your ear. All it took was a small breath of air and he had you feeling a certain kind of way, a shiver ran down your spine and your heart skipped a beat as you moved away from him. 
"Thanks," You stuttered out, walking backwards towards the door as you stuttered out something about going to get a drink while Beomgyu and Taehyun exchanged some money. They'd placed bets on how long it would take before you would need to go and have five minutes alone to calm down, they knew just how much Hoseok seemed to affect you and not just in a friendly way. They'd known about the giant crush since you all shared a dorm house and were around one another 24/7 there was no escape they found out all of your secrets.
"I think Hobi-Hyung is blushing," Kai chuckled softly as he watched Hoseok, he was staring over at the door you had just walked out of with his mouth hanging open, he was planning on talking to you before you abruptly left the room. It happened a lot whenever he was around you, he figured you were shy but as time passed he was beginning to worry you didn't like him...Not even as a friend. 
"Maybe he's crushing on Y/n as much as she's crushing on him," Hoseok's head shot around to Kai who was laughing softly at what he had just said, not realising that Hoseok had heard him. The room seemed to fall into silence, piped piper was playing softly in the background while they all stood awkwardly looking at Hoseok who seemed to be struggling to form words. 
"What are you talking about?" Hoseok questioned, folding his arms over his chest as he waited for one of the younger boys to repeat what had been said, maybe he'd misheard or maybe he was imagining things he wanted to be there.
"T-That Y/n is just a little tired," Soobin tried to lie but it was no use, Hoseok had been around them long enough to know when someone was lying, Taehyun would go bright red and avoid all means of conversation. 
"Yeonjun...Do you want to tell me?" The tone of voice was one a teacher would use if they were trying to get a student to rat another student out which of course, worked instantaneously on Yeonjun who began talking too fast he didn't think anyone would understand him, 
"That Y/n has had a crush on you for a while and that we think you may also have a crush on her but we're not sure so that's why we stopped speaking," Your hand froze as you pushed the door open slightly, only hearing the part where Yeonjun told Hoseok you had a crush on him, your heart was in your throat as you tried to think of something to say or do, your body was frozen in the spot you were standing. 
"Y/n? Is it true?" All eyes had turned to look at you and it didn't help the moving part, your body was superglued to the spot as you stared down at the ground. 
"I-I...Y-Yeonjun how could you!?" You yelled out rather than confirming or denying the allegations, your heart began to pound as Hoseok stepped closer. Suddenly your legs moved and you were sprinting away from the practise rooms and into the ladies locker room where none of them could get to you.
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After a cold shower and sitting in the locker rooms for an hour you finally worked up the courage to leave the room, wanting nothing more than to go home and sleep off everything from the day but as soon as you opened the locker room door you wished you hadn't. Standing there was Hoseok, he had a guilty look on his face and you knew what was coming, 
"Save it, I get it...We're just friends, you could never look at me in any way other than a sister...I don't want this to affect our business relationship," Hoseok watched and listened in amusement as you came up with different things he could have possibly said to you but none of them was what actually wanted to say still, he continued to stay silent. 
"Am I right?" You questioned, raising your eyebrows at him but he shook his head which knocked you back a little. 
"I was actually going to ask you out but if you believe all of those things I guess I shouldn't." Your heart was in your throat for the second time that night and you felt as though you couldn't breathe, maybe you'd fallen over in the shower and were hallucinating everything.
"O-On a date?" You stumbled over the words but Hoseok nodded, slowly taking your hand in his and smiling as he looked down at your fingers laced together. 
"I think it would be good for us...I mean I like you and it's obvious that you like me back," He whispered, swaying your hands a little as he smiled at you waiting for some kind of reaction from you. 
"I-I would love that," You whispered back to him, unsure as to why the pair of you were whispering when there was no one else around. 
"Good...I'll pick you up tomorrow after practice," He lent forward leaving a small kiss on your cheek before he walked away from you, leaving you stunned and holding your cheek as he left. 
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"To this day I stand by the fact that I made them a couple," Kai announced as he stood at the top table of your wedding, Hoseok and you had just been married and the speeches were going great. Kai had given the story of how you'd finally began dating while Namjoon had given a very informal breakdown of how the two of you had first met. 
"Kai...Sit down before I throw a bread roll at you." You laughed softly your hand linked with Hoseok's on the table as you watched him slowly sit back down at the table. 
"Me next! I want to tell the story of how Hoseok acted after their first date!" Jungkook announced loudly as he stood up, holding up a glass of wine while Hoseok hid his face in his hands. 
"I haven't heard this one, go for it Kookie." You encouraged him waiting for the embarrassing story of your husband while everyone around you enjoyed listening in too.
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Tagline: @lyoongx @mitzwinchester @rjsmochii @taestannie @kneel-begyourpardon @sw33tnight @sweeneyblue1 @innersooya @jin-from-the-block @acciocriativity @mwitsmejk​
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kimistorm · 4 years
White Blood Cell (U-1146) x Gender Neutral! Reader || Maybe I’m in Love
Warnings: Blood. Reader getting hurt. Slight angst but happy ending.
You nonchalantly walked through the body as you hummed your favorite song and swung your arms from side to side. It was a quiet, peaceful day and you could feel it in the atmosphere. Cells were happily talking to each other as they carried out their duties, nobody was running and screaming-
“Bacteria!” a red blood cell’s panicked voice broke the calm atmosphere as he ran in your direction, causing the other cells to scream and to start running in the same direction as him. Looks like you spoke too soon.
You didn’t need to be told twice. You pulled your pink cap down more securely before you took off running in the direction of where the cell came from. “Is it back there?” you asked and pointed ahead of you as you approached the cell who screamed.
He nodded as the two of you sped past each other. Him with a look of pure terror and you with your eyes fierce with determination. You knew you arrived when you saw rubble and a grotesque creature laughing maniacally, “what a wonderful place this body is.”
You noticed some cells standing frozen at the sight, “get out of here!” you commanded as you ran towards them, in case any of them were hurt. That seemed to snap them out of their reverie as they let out petrified yells while they ran away.
There was a whizzing sound and you used your sasumata to deflect the barb aimed towards the cells. You frowned as you looked at the bacteria smiling smugly at you, “you’re just a little eosinophil, aren’t you?” he crooned.
You tightened your hold on your sasumata as you faced off with the creature, “what is your point?” you tried to stall for time, enough for a neutrophil to arrive and finish him off. You knew you could hardly do anything against him, but keeping him away from the other cells would be the best you could do.
“Today must be my lucky day!” he howled in delight as he cackled with laughter, your (e/c) eyes darted around as you looked for any more cells in the area frozen in fear, and much to your chagrin, many seemed to have forgotten how to use their legs. He was too busy laughing to notice you start to move and you were halfway towards him before there was another ‘shing’ and you barely dodged a barb aimed to kill. His laughter turned into a frown, “I’m gonna kill you!” he shouted and you frantically used your sasumata as a shield against the barrage of barbs coming at you.
“Get out of here!” you shouted to the cells across the area who were watching the entire scene play out with wide eyes. That got their attention and they started to move, but that also got the bacteria’s attention as he spun around and shot his barbs in their direction, “hey ugly!” you leapt up and tried to stab his head but your sasumata bounced off uselessly. It worked though, as he was distracted enough to let his barbs falter and the cells were able to get safely away.
“Trying to play the hero, are we?” he crooned as he pulled himself up to his full height and towered over you.
You gulped as you held your sasumata close to you and tried to keep your knees from shaking, “trying to play the villain, are we?” you mentally slapped yourself. That was a dumb comeback.
“Trying?” the bacteria leaned back in laughter, “honey, I am the villain!” his barbs rose up around him as he laughed maniacally, “and I’m going to take over this body!” there was a slash and blood spurted out from him as he fell to the ground. Dead.
You let out a sigh of relief and waited a moment for your knees to stop knocking against each other. Once you got your cool back, you smirked and kicked the corpse, “some villain.” You turned to the neutrophil who had come to your aid and gave a bow, “thank you for your help!”
“Yeah,” he let out a grunt and you looked up to see a familiar white blood cell with his hair covering one eye, “just doing my job.”
You sighed and crossed your arms at the blood covered cell, “one day you should just accept a thanks U-1146. I get that you’re doing your job, we all are,” you went to the edge of the open area and White Blood Cell followed suit, “but being appreciated is nice, y’know? Either way,” you grabbed the hose that was lying on the ground, “it’s good to see you again.” You really did love running into him. Just seeing him seemed to put a smile on your face. You smiled as you looked at the cell and pointed the running hose at him, effectively spraying him in the face with water. He let out a sputter from the sudden burst of water to his face and held up a hand to block the water. You laughed at the dark look he gave you as you put the hose back down, seeing as how he was clean again.
“Hmm,” he gave you an uncommitted grunt.
You sighed as you noticed this conversation wasn’t going anywhere. You walked past him towards the main area, “well, I’ll see you around I guess.” You spun around and walked backwards to give him a grin, “until then, don’t die!” while your face held a joking tone, you genuinely meant what you said. You wanted to see him again, and again, and as much as you could until the end of your days.
He had turned around when you shouted your last words and gave you a small grin, “same to you.”
“White Blood Cell!” your eyes widened as a female red blood cell sprinted past you and towards the white blood cell you were walking away from.
“Red blood cell!” you heard him gasp and you frowned. The two knew each other?
As you entered the main area you overheard a cell mutter, “ugh, what a weakling. Isn’t (pronoun) also a white blood cell?”
“Hey,” you spun around and glared at the cell who just badmouthed you, “how about you do it, then.” You stuck out your sasumata towards her and she stared back with wide eyes as she took a step back.
“That’s crazy! I’m not a white blood cell! That’s not my job!”
“My point,” you brought your sasumata back towards you, “my main job isn’t to fight viruses and bacteria, its to fight parasites, so don’t go around judging people before you know the whole story,” you angrily turned away from her and took a couple steps before turning your head back to let loose one last insult, “your lack of a nucleus is showing!” the girl’s face turned as red as the beret on her head.
“It must be hard watching over her,” you let your voice precede you before you stepped out to face a certain white blood cell with his hair covering one eye.
“Eosinophil.” He gasped as he watched you approach him.
You let your gaze follow the energetic red blood cell bounding away to do her job as you continued to speak, “trouble always seems to find her, doesn’t it?”
He stifled a laugh, “and you.”
“Hey,” you turned back toward him with a half annoyed, half joking look on your face, “I look for trouble. That’s my job.”
“Did you just happen to be here?” he asked in confusion. Normally it was him who ran into you, not the other way around. And why were you talking about red blood cell?
You opted to ignore his question, seeing as how your explanation of ‘I’ve just been following you all day’ would be difficult to defend, “why? Why do you watch her in particular?”
“She needs it.”
“And the other blood cells don’t?” you raised a dubious eyebrow.
He sighed and rubbed his face, “her more than others. Every time I’ve run into her, she’s been hopelessly lost.”
“That’s rough.”
A small smile grew on his face, one that you saw, “but she’s doing her best, and I commend her for that.”
“You’re not falling for her, are you?” you frowned as you looked at the cell standing across from you.
His face turned red, “no.”
You sighed at his response, he wasn’t being subtle, “make sure you don’t, okay?” your voice softened as you looked at the lovestruck cell in front of you, “I don’t want you to get hurt.” ‘Or me.’ You couldn’t help but add in your head. You knew it was foolish, to fall for the cell who happened to rescue you every time you were in danger. There was no room in cell life for love. It was dangerous. Every day was a battle for life, and the two of you immune cells were the first line of defense. But something about his calm voice, cool attitude and strength drew you in. And perhaps it drew that red blood cell in as well. Maybe, maybe you weren’t the only one falling in love.
It was another day of fighting in the body and you were struggling. The virus was relentless in his attacks against you. Barbs flew at you from every angle and you could hardly protect yourself, let alone try to attack. And to make matters worse, the place was teeming with other cells. Cells who had decided that instead of running away, they would stand and watch your butt get whooped. “You’re,” you grunted as a barb collided with your sasumata, “not,” another grunt, “revealing,” a yelp as you dodged two barbs coming at you at the same time, “your,” another clang, “plan,” another grunt, “for,” you winced as a barb sunk into your arm and roughly pulled itself out, “body domination?” there was another whiz and before you knew it, your sasumata had clattered out of your grasp.
The virus watched you unamusedly as you scrambled for your weapon while trying to dodge the barbs, ultimately failing as you ended up as a bloody mess from the amount of hits you were unable to dodge. Which was an embarrassingly high percentage. “You’re boring.”
You couldn’t help but let out an annoyed scoff, “that’s the first thing you say to me?” For the entirety of the fight you tried to get a reaction out of him, hoping to get him distracted enough to stop barraging you, but he just wasn’t taking any of the bait. He just silently stood and sent barbs flying at you as you desperately tried to do something.
“I tried to give you a chance,” he shrugged as he looked at you with two bored eyes, “if I was trying to kill you, you’d be dead by now, but all the legends are true.” You gritted your teeth as you glared at him, “all eosinophils are weak.”
“Then I thank you for giving me a chance.”
His face morphed into the first expression that you’ve seen on his face other than that perpetual boredness, “die.” All of the barbs came flying at you at once and you froze. You didn’t know what you could do against an attack of that size. They were coming at you from all angles, you couldn’t slip around and past it, and your sasumata was a weak shield. What were you saying, it wasn’t even a shield. You tightened your grip and let out a yell, if this was the end, you were going to go out as loud as you could. You poised your weapon and...he collapsed.
You let out a sigh of relief as blood leaked out from the fatal wound inflicted by a neutrophil. “What a weakling,” you heard a cell mutter, “(pronoun) didn’t even lay a scratch on him.”
“Yeah, and (pronoun)’s basically on the verge of death.” You heard the response and fell roughly to your knees. Now that the fight was over, all the adrenaline dissipated from your body and you could feel the pain screaming from what felt like every inch of your body.
“I thought I told you not to die,” you looked up to see a blood covered neutrophil looking down at you.
You smiled wryly up at him, “not dead yet. Good to see you again U-1146.”
He kneeled down to get on your level, “how injured are you?”
You groaned, “you already know none of the blood covering me is his.”
The single eye you could see widened, “I didn’t.”
“Hey!” he stood up and called out to the crowd of cells that were still gathered, “is anyone carrying nutrients?”
There was some muttering but someone’s voice was loud enough for the both of you to hear, “not for a weakling like (pronoun).”
You sighed and hung your head defeatedly. You almost wished the virus finished you earlier. “Your lack of a nucleus is showing!” you jerked your head up to look at U-1146 looking furiously at the crowd of cells, his fists were clenched by his sides and he looked ready to fight again.
“Are those my words?” you grinned up at him.
He looked over his shoulder to look at you, “maybe.” He frowned when nobody else reacted and turned back around to face you. He kneeled down and before you knew it, he was lifting you up bridal style.
“Woah hey! White Blood Cell!” you panicked and clutched at him and your sasumata, “put me down!”
“Don’t worry,” he told you as he began walking to who knows where. It was the opposite way of the main area, and because of that, the lighting seemed to dim, “you’re going to get your nutrients.”
You felt yourself relax in his arms, he was just so warm and comfortable, and his steady footsteps were strangely soothing in its own sense. “Hey U-1146?” you mumbled as you tried to snuggle deeper into his arms. Now that you thought about it, you were really tired, and the dim lighting seemed to be beckoning you to go to sleep. “Thank you.”
“Eosinophil,” he shook you, “hey, Eosinophil!” his voice rose in a panic and his footsteps quickened, “don’t fall asleep okay!”
“But you’re so warm,” you mumbled.
“Stay with me! Eosinophil! Listen to me!” you tried to, you really did, but soon his voice faded into silence as you gave way into sleep.
You felt yourself rise from a deep sleep and you opened your eyes to see White Blood Cell sitting in a chair by your bed. Asleep. You smiled as you looked at the cell, it was nice to see him. You looked closer at him and your smile morphed into a frown when you saw the dark bags under his eyes. He looked like he hadn’t slept in days.
You sat up in your bed and lifted an arm to flip off your covers but stopped and let out a soft gasp when you saw your arm covered in bandages. You looked at your other arm and even at your chest to see bandages covering nearly every inch of your body. Your face flushed when you thought about the only other cell in the apartment, and how he must’ve been the one who put on your bandages. You buried your face in your hands. How embarrassing!
You tried to be quiet, since it looked like White Blood Cell needed the sleep, but he must’ve been a light sleeper as he let out a groan and blinked his eyes as he woke up. It took a moment for his eyes to focus and for his brain to catch up, but once it did, “Eosinophil!” his dark eyes widened as he looked at you.
“Good morning,” you rasped out. Your eyes widened in shock, how long have you been out that caused your voice to sound dead? You cleared your throat and tried again, “how long have I been out?”
“I’m so glad you’re awake!” he ignored your question and just burst out. His mind was reeling. For the past few days while he sat and watched you sleep (in a protective way of course. He wanted to be there in case you worsened, but he also wanted to be there when you woke up so he could help you.), his mind ran with thoughts of what he would say to you. Things he was afraid of saying but realized he should’ve said them, because if you didn’t wake up, he’d live the rest of his life berating himself for not telling you sooner. “I was so worried!”
You gave him a little bow, “thank you for taking care of me White Blood Cell.” You noticed a frantic look in his eyes and leaned forward in concern, “are you okay? You look a little shaken. Did something happen?”
He could hardly think, let alone hear your concern. His mind was yelling, fighting against himself. ‘Tell (pronoun)!’
‘I can’t!’
‘You might not get another chance!’
‘I couldn’t burden (pronoun) with this!’
‘This is a gift! Take it!’
“White Blood Cell?” he seemed frozen in time as he stared at nothing. You gently put a hand on your knee, “hey, I’m really concerned now.”
The touch seemed to have jolted him out of it as words suddenly started pouring out of his mouth, “Eosinophil! I was so worried for you!” your hand darted back to your body at the sudden movement, “I thought I lost you! I thought you were dead! And everyone else told me to just let you rest, but I couldn’t let you go! They kept on telling me to leave you and let you be, to let you die, but I couldn’t do that!” he gulped and took a breath, his chest starting to heave as if he had just fought a virus.
“Maybe you should’ve,” you muttered to your fists and they clenched around the blanket in your lap, “maybe it was my time to leave.”
“No!” The speed of White Blood Cell’s reaction took you by surprise, but maybe, he was justified in his reaction. He spent how many days by your side? Taking care of you while you were off sleeping. “Please don’t leave me.” He bowed his head into his hands so you couldn’t see the emotions darting around his face or the tears dripping off his nose. “Please, Eosinophil.”
It hurt you to hear him sound so broken, “I won’t leave.” You told him quietly as you leaned forward to rub his knee soothingly.
“Promise me.”
“I promise I won’t leave you,” you agreed in the same quiet tone. His reaction was starting to concern you, but you knew you shouldn’t push anything.
“They all told me you were a lost cause, but I couldn’t let you go because,” he broke off from what he was going to say and took a deep gulp. Was he going to say it? His mind continued to scream at him and he could hardly form a cohesive thought. “I love you.”
You did a double take. Did you hear that right? Did he just confess his love to you? He said it in a really soft voice, so you weren’t really sure what he said. He was expecting a response from you. What were you to say? What if you said the wrong thing? “You what?”
He took a deep breath and finally looked up to meet your (e/c) eyes with his own dark ones, “I love you.”
Your face broke into a grin and you forcefully leaned forward to pull him into a hug, “I love you too White Blood Cell,” you told him through happy tears, “I love you so much.”
You felt him return the hug, “I’m glad.”
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