#I guess they’re kinda sad songs but still
blugrlgroup · 9 months
nothing like nostalgic music to make me sob lmao
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bloomyeu · 2 months
또 다시 밤 (twilight)
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pairing: bang chan x female reader
summary: In the aftermath of a heartbreaking breakup, you navigate the haunting memories of your past relationship with Chan, struggling to find peace in a world that feels forever altered.
word count: 3k
warnings: angst, greif, mean!chan, rlly sad. based off of the song heh
a/n: first fic of changst!!!
series masterlist masterlist | requests
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Sitting alone in your small apartment, the city’s hum outside barely reaches you through the dimly lit room. Shadows dance on the walls, casting an almost eerie glow that contrasts sharply with the emptiness you feel inside. This space, once vibrant with life and laughter, now feels like a hollow shell of what it used to be. Memories of Chan, your ex, haunt every corner of your mind, weaving through the fabric of your daily routine.
The apartment is a time capsule of happier days. Chan’s side of the bed remains untouched, a testament to the mornings that once began with shared smiles and sleepy conversations. His side of the closet is still lined with his clothes, a stark reminder of the warmth that used to fill the room. The spare toothbrush left in the bathroom drawer and his favorite shampoo still sitting untouched in the shower are small remnants of a life you once shared.
Your first encounter with Chan happened at the convenience store where you worked the late shift. It was always around 2 a.m. when he would come in, his routine a comforting ritual. He’d purchase the same pack of instant ramen, a simple yet endearing habit that quickly became a part of your nightly routine.
“You’re really making a habit out of this, aren’t you? Is there a secret recipe for that ramen you’re not telling me about?”
Chan flashed you a grin, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “Maybe it’s the secret ingredient of sleep deprivation. It keeps me sane while working.”
You laughed, leaning against the counter. “You know, my mom always told me that eating too much ramen would give you cancer.”
Chan raised an eyebrow, feigning surprise. “Really? And here I thought ramen was the key to eternal youth. Guess I’ll have to rethink my diet.”
“Maybe you’re just immune,” you teased back, enjoying the easy banter.
“Of course, I am. I’m Superman, after all,” Chan joked, striking a playful pose that made you chuckle.
What began as casual exchanges soon evolved into something deeper. Those late-night encounters turned into long conversations, each one drawing you closer. Chan had a knack for turning the mundane into something magical. Your talks about dreams, aspirations, and even the quirks of daily life became the things you cherish most. The simple quiet moments with chan.
“You know, I used to think the stars were just there to look pretty. But now, I think they’re like tiny reminders of how we’re all connected. Like us.”
You looked at him, your heart swelling at his words. “That’s a way to think about it. I sometimes think that that the universe is playing matchmaker, bringing people together for a reason. Kinda like cupid ahaha”
Chan smiled warmly, reaching for your hand. “I’m glad the universe brought us together. Without you, I would probably be dead to my instant ramen fixation. You make every day brighter, even the darkest ones.”
Your relationship with Chan blossomed over shared moments and tender gestures. The nights spent under the stars, discussing dreams and promises, became the highlights of your time together. Chan’s charm and sincerity made every moment special, turning even the mundane into something extraordinary.
Your shared experiences—whether it was exploring new places, cooking meals together, or simply enjoying quiet evenings—deepened your connection. Chan’s laughter was a constant source of joy, and his presence became a comforting constant in your life.
Now, as you sit in the quiet of your apartment, surrounded by the remnants of those joyful days, the contrast between the past and the present is stark. The shadows on the walls, the untouched spaces, and the lingering traces of Chan’s presence are constant reminders of the love you once shared. The city’s hum outside is a distant murmur compared to the echoes of laughter and warmth that still linger in your heart.
As you look around the apartment, the memories of Chan come flooding back—each one a bittersweet reminder of the love that once filled this space. Despite the emptiness, you find solace in the cherished moments and the deep connection you once shared.
Chan was everything to you, your rock, your beacon of hope, your home. But that was before everything had changed.
The room is shrouded in an eerie quiet, the shadows of the night dancing on the walls as if mocking the emptiness that lingers. The once-vibrant space now feels like a mausoleum of lost love.
You remember the day everything shifted. Chan’s growing distance had become palpable, an invisible chasm widening between you. It started with small things—missed calls, unanswered texts, and fleeting moments of irritability. Each time you tried to address the growing gap, Chan’s responses were curt and dismissive.
The night the reality of the situation crashed down on you was unforgettable. Chan had come home late, and you were already waiting, your heart heavy with the weight of unspoken words. The tension in the room was suffocating, a prelude to the confrontation you had been dreading.
“Chan, we need to talk,” you said, your voice trembling as you attempted to mask the fear in your heart.
Chan’s face was a mask of exhaustion and frustration. “can it wait? I’m exhausted, i just wanna take a shower and sleep.”
You stepped closer, your voice trembling with a mix of desperation and hurt. “It’s not just about tonight. Its about everything, these past few weeks, the constant ‘I cant talk right now’ excuse, you not responding to my texts, my calls, standing me up multiple times. We’re drifting apart, and it feels like you’re just… slipping away. I’m trying to hold on, but it’s like I’m losing you every day. You aren't even trying”
Chan’s face twisted with anger, his frustration finally spilling over. “Holy Fuck. I’m so sick of your bullshit and your whining. I’m doing everything I can, and it’s never enough for you, is it? You don’t understand how hard I’m working, how much I’m trying to keep everything from falling apart. I have a job, a group to run, I constantly have to be producing, sorry I can't be your little puppy over here to take you out when you feel lonely.”
You recoiled from his harsh words, the sting of his anger cutting deep. “I’m not asking for the world, Chan. I just want to feel like you’re still here with me. Instead, it feels like I’m clinging to a memory of who we used to be.”
Chan’s eyes narrowed, his anger unabated. “Well, maybe if you stopped focusing on what I’m not doing, you’d see that I’m barely keeping it together. Maybe I’m just too exhausted to give you what you want right now!”
The hurt in your eyes was palpable, tears streaming down your face. “So what? You’re just going to give up on us because it’s too hard? I thought we were supposed to face these challenges together, not let them tear us apart.”
Chan’s expression was cold, his voice sharp. “I don’t see how we can fix this if you keep whining for my attention like a fucking dog. Maybe we’re just not meant to be together anymore. I’m done trying to make you understand something you clearly don’t want to. You obviously have an issue with my job and the hours im working, and Its like you want me to quit. You know I can't do that. Honestly i'm sick of you.”
You took a step back, the finality of his words sinking in. “Is this really how you want it to end? Just like that, without even trying to work things out?”
Chan’s face remained hardened, his anger leaving no room for remorse. “I don’t know what more you want from me. I’m at my limit, and I can’t keep pretending everything is fine when it’s not. Maybe we’re both better off apart.”
The tears continued to fall as you struggled to hold back your sobs. “I never wanted this. I wanted to fight for us, to find a way through this mess. But if you’re really done, then maybe this is the end.”
Chan’s silence was deafening, his anger making it clear he had nothing more to say. You took a shuddering breath, feeling the weight of the end pressing down on you. “Goodbye, Chan. I hope you find what you’re looking for, even if it’s not with me.”
As you turned to leave, Chan’s voice cut through the silence, harsh and unyielding. “Good riddance. Maybe this will be easier for both of us.”
You walked away, each step feeling like a heavy blow, the finality of the breakup echoing in the emptiness left behind.
The days following the breakup were a blur of desolation. Your grief was a constant companion, a heavy blanket that suffocates you with its weight. 
Meals that were once a joy to prepare and share now feel like a chore. 
You force yourself to eat, but the taste of food has become bland, unappealing. The mere act of eating feels like an intrusion on your sorrow. You find yourself staring at empty plates, unable to summon the appetite that once came so easily. The thought of food is a reminder of how much has changed, of how your life has shifted from one of shared experiences to solitary mourning.
Every corner of your apartment holds a piece of Chan, and it feels like you're living in a shrine to a lost love. You can’t escape the reminders of him—the way the sunlight filters through the blinds just like it used to when he was there, the lingering scent of his cologne that clings to the pillows, the echoes of his laughter that still seem to resonate in the empty space. Each detail is a bitter reminder of what once was, amplifying your sense of loss.
You feel like you're stuck in a time loop, unable to move forward or let go. The reality of Chan’s absence is overwhelming. You catch yourself reaching for your phone to text him, only to be met with the cold reality that he’s no longer there to reply. The reminders of him—his favorite songs, the TV shows you used to watch together—are painful triggers, causing a fresh wave of heartache every time you encounter them.
You miss him more than you thought possible. The emptiness is consuming, leaving you feeling hollow and disconnected from the world. You find yourself drifting through your days, each one a monotonous repetition of the last. The joy you once found in simple pleasures has been replaced by a pervasive sense of longing. You keep replaying moments from your relationship, trying to find some sense of closure or understanding, but all you find is more sorrow.
Despite your best efforts to move on, you feel trapped in the memory of what you once had. The past clings to you like a shadow, refusing to let go. Your attempts to engage with friends or distract yourself with activities only serve as temporary reprieves from the overwhelming sense of loss. The void left by Chan’s departure feels insurmountable, an emotional chasm that you can’t seem to cross.
Each day is a struggle to get out of bed, to face a world that feels alien and unwelcoming. You try to force yourself into a routine, but the energy to do so is lacking. The weight of the breakup is a constant presence, a reminder of the love you lost and the future you once envisioned together.
In the quiet moments, when the distractions of daily life fade away, the grief is most profound. You are left alone with your thoughts, drowning in the memories of happier times and the pain of their absence. The emotional void is both vast and intimate, a deep well of sadness that seems impossible to escape. The world continues to move around you, but you are stuck, trapped in a cycle of longing and regret, unable to move forward or let go.
As the days pass, you find yourself subconsciously drawn to activities and places that hold echoes of Chan. It's as if you’re searching for fragments of the past to piece together a semblance of the love that once defined your life. Each activity is both a source of solace and a trigger for the deep-seated sorrow you feel.
You take a walk through the park where you and Chan used to spend lazy Sunday afternoons. The park, once a backdrop for your shared laughter and quiet conversations, now feels eerily silent. The swings creak softly in the breeze, and you can almost hear Chan’s laughter as he pushed you gently. You sit on a bench, tracing patterns in the dirt with your shoe, as you remember how Chan used to playfully tease you about your attempts to draw perfect shapes. The memories come flooding back, sharp and bittersweet, mingling with the tears that you try to hold back.
Back at home, you find yourself scrolling through social media, a habit you had hoped to break. Chan’s presence is everywhere. His photos, tagged by friends and fans, are a constant reminder of what you’ve lost. You see him in candid shots, his radiant smile captured in moments you were once a part of. His posts about new projects and achievements are a painful juxtaposition to your current emotional state. Each notification feels like a stab to your heart, but you can’t bring yourself to unfollow or mute his updates. It’s as if seeing him, even from a distance, is a way to keep a part of him in your life, despite the growing void.
Your dreams are invaded by memories of Chan. At night, when you close your eyes, your mind transports you back to moments of intimacy and joy. You dream of nights spent under the stars, where Chan’s voice would soothe your fears and his presence would banish loneliness. In these dreams, everything is perfect again, and the pain of waking up is almost unbearable. You wake up with tears on your pillow, yearning for the comfort of those fleeting moments that seem so real and yet so unattainable.
You attempt to engage in activities that once brought you joy, hoping to reclaim some sense of normalcy. You bake cookies using the recipe Chan loved. The smell of vanilla and chocolate chips fills your kitchen, but instead of bringing comfort, it amplifies your sense of loss. You remember how Chan used to sneak into the kitchen for a taste before the cookies were even cool, and the kitchen now feels emptier without his playful presence. You bake the cookies anyway, each bite a bittersweet reminder of the past.
Even your favorite cafe, where you used to meet Chan for your morning fix, feels different. You sit in the same corner booth you used to frequent, clutching your coffee cup with a sense of nostalgia. The barista gives you a sympathetic smile, remembering the way Chan used to order his coffee just the way you liked it. The place holds echoes of conversations and laughter, now overshadowed by the silence of your solitude. You sip your coffee slowly, the warmth of the drink doing little to comfort the coldness in your heart.
You also start a journal, hoping to process your emotions through writing. The pages are filled with reflections on your relationship with Chan, capturing the highs and lows, the dreams you shared, and the gradual unraveling of your connection. You write about your regrets and your hopes for healing, pouring your heart out in a desperate attempt to make sense of the pain.
As you look through old photo albums, you find yourself overwhelmed by a mix of emotions. The photographs capture moments of genuine happiness, but they also serve as reminders of what you’ve lost. You trace the faces in the pictures with your fingers, each image a testament to the love that once brought you joy. The albums become both a treasure trove and a source of anguish, each turn of the page bringing a fresh wave of grief.
Your days and nights are a constant battle between holding on to memories and facing the reality of your separation. The memories of Chan are intertwined with every aspect of your life, making it difficult to escape the constant reminder of what once was. The process of reconnecting with these memories brings both comfort and pain, as you navigate through the lingering echoes of a love that now seems like a distant dream.
As you sit in the quiet of your apartment, the familiar ache of loss has transformed into a tender, enduring sadness. The once vibrant memories of Chan now feel like distant echoes, softened by time but never fully fading. The space around you, while gradually becoming more reflective of your own growth, still carries traces of what once was.
You find yourself gazing out of the window, lost in thought. The world outside continues to move with its usual rhythm, indifferent to the emotional upheaval within your walls. The city lights twinkle in the distance, a comforting yet distant reminder of the life that goes on beyond your small, personal world.
In the midst of this contemplation, a single, lingering wish takes shape in your heart. You close your eyes and allow yourself to dream of a future where paths might cross again. There’s no expectation, no plan—just a quiet hope that, somewhere down the line, life might offer a chance encounter or a moment of reconnection.
You imagine what it would be like to see Chan again, not as a desperate attempt to rekindle what was lost, but as a moment of acknowledgment of the shared past. Perhaps a brief conversation, a simple smile, or even just a nod of recognition—anything that might offer closure or understanding.
The thought of meeting Chan again brings a bittersweet smile to your face. You let the vision linger, holding onto the hope that time might bring unexpected reunions. As you turn away from the window, you carry with you a sense of peace, knowing that the future remains unwritten and full of possibilities.
With a final glance at the fading light outside, you softly whisper to the night
“Maybe someday.”
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artsyfartsypaige · 3 months
Guess who saw the A.R.T production of Gatsby the other night?!?!?! It was truly an amazing show (I legit cried during it) and I would love to bring up some of the highlights. In a few scenes, my only thought was “the tumblr is gonna love this”. It was a phone free show so I don’t have photos of the stage or actors but I’m happy with discuss.
1) The stage was made of metal car parts, glittery string curtain and two black marble staircases. It was kinda split between Gatsby’s world and the Valley of Ashes.
2) The actor for Nick, Ben Levi Ross, was probably the funniest actor in the show. He had great line delivery. He was also super short and literally everyone towered over him.
3) on everyone’s costumes, there was a coating of dirt/rust at the bottom. It was such a cool little detail.
4) Nick has a small panic attack when fireworks go off at the party and this is how him and Gatsby meet. They sit together on the bottom of the stairs and it legit felt like a rom com meet cute.
5) yes, Nick makes out with McKee. He spends every party scene from that point on flirting with some guy or making out with a member of the ensemble.
6) I’m not totally sure if Gatsby is still a bootlegger in this version but they show him killing a man so he’s definitely involved in some sketchy business.
7) Wolfsheim signs a song called “Look like heaven but feel like hell” which was my favorite. It’s him explaining Gatsby’s fake origins to Nick. Gatsby gets to do a full dance number and quick change into his pink suit.
8) They added some backstory to Myrtle and Wilson that they lost a daughter in the Spanish flu. It was a sad but sweet detail as to why they’re the way they are.
9) In the tea party scene, Nick pushes Gatsby back onto stage after he runs out in a panic.
10) Gatsby doesn’t die in the pool, Wilson shoots him on the staircase.
11) Gatsby’s father is indigenous which is LOVED! I’ve always imagined Gatsby to be indigenous and so seeing that others had the interpretation was amazing.
12) overall beautiful music. A lot of raw emotion and a wide range. Wolfsheim’s song and “The Damage you do” by Tom and Daisy were my favorites.
Let me know if have any questions about anything!!! I really want to discuss the show!! Here’s the book I brought signed by the cast!!!
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9w1ft · 7 months
I'm a gaylor myself so this isn't coming from a place of hate but I really don't think karlie and taylor are still together, I think taylor still references her in her art and probably will for quite some time because that relationship -- whatever the nature of it was -- left such a deep impact on her. but I really can't see them still being together, I think she's forced herself to move on from karlie and has since dated a lot of other women. that doesn't mean her feelings for karlie have faded, just that they will probably always be there but they broke up for sure before 2019, I think. folklore and evermore, midnights even, are all breakup albums, I just can't see how they could still be together. especially all her anger and sadness in those songs that are thought of to be for karlie (like my tears ricochet or exile or mad woman) also the cover art being shoot in bedfords, new york, the exact same place where karlie got married feels more like taylor revisiting this place to really say goodbye and mourn her for one last final time so she can move on
sorry, this got a bit long, I just don't understand the appeal or the reasoning for lsk's because taylor has indicated so many times that they are over, she's been mourning her relationship with karlie quite publicly since 2019 (wearing all black during the lover era) so yeah
hi! i don’t usually respond to these but i’m not sensing any ill will so i’ve decided to give a reply a go.
first off, for me, i kinda just interpret her wearing black in the back end of lover era because her masters had gotten bought by scooter. and maybe the fact that she decided to not come out. there can be other reasons, but i really do not think that her breaking up with karlie has to be one of them.
another thing i can’t shake is the fact that it was a very notorious troll/manipulative person on tumblr who spread the first rumor that they broke up in 2019, a fact that is well understood by a lot of OG’s, and this troll got in the head of a few popular kaylor and gaylor swift accounts at the time and in doing so she got a lot of people to fold. she then went on to write all this progressively unhinged fanfiction about taylor and karlie trying to make one another jealous and sleeping with all these women, presented with the same level of seriousness with which she pushed the breakup agenda. even to this day, i see present day gaylors talk about stuff that stems from narratives this account and a few other power hungry accounts spread around many years ago and it honestly just goes to show how a lot of well known gaylors may be platformmed up but that don’t really know what they’re talking about.. i only write this because the troll deactivated about a year ago (maybe they’re lurking on platforms with more malleable minds—once a troll always a troll—but at least they’ve left here), they were a really dangerous person.. and several have wild receipts to prove it.
anyways sorry i recognize that’s a tangent, i guess what i mean to say by it is, a lot of the sentiment surrounding the idea of a 2019 breakup and the reinforcement of the narrative by a gaylor community none the wiser stems from the work of someone with disingenuous intentions. a lot of “masterposts” or “realistic timelines” draw from what this person made up and it’s gone through enough filters for it to seem like credible sentiment but like, if you were there and you read all of what she wrote you know how silly it all sounded and how incoherently it was all written.
okay so to circle back to more of a content-centric angle, in my interpretation of the events that gave us folklore, evermore, and midnights, taylor had so much to be sad about. her mom had been very sick, the pandemic arrived and she had to cancel lover fest, she had to come to terms with scott b having sold her work to her sworn enemy… songs on midnights and folklore, and on her lover era apple music playlist allude to certain other things that may have had her in a mournful mood. things were bad! and i don’t doubt that her and karlie have been through a lot. but for me, when you’ve got a ride or die love, you don’t just break up. this has been something frustrating for me and others, i think, to see so many people treat a relationship as either being all systems go or broken up, as if long term partners can’t experience sadness together, difficulty together, even heartbreak together.
i don’t like getting in to touchy subjects so much but there’s just been too much pointing towards what i consider to be a rather simple narrative that is a natural progression for people committed and in love. how did the lover music video begin and end? whats a randomly specific word in a song she performed at the grammys minutes after someone was announced to the world? what about taylor’s envisioned future stands out about the anti hero music video? i think i’ll stop here but idk man 😆 poke around my archive if you feel like wasting a few days of your life… there’s just been a consistent flow of the same kind of hijinks that we’ve seen from them for years, and i’d say that there are many songs that back up everything i’d want in order to stay invested in seeing if what i believe is true.
now, i know i just wrote what reads like a bunch of mumbo jumbo to people not following kaylor. but im okay with that. i’ve accepted that. and i know that the whole patterns and koincidences and twinning and symbolism beat isn’t for everyone and so i respect people’s decisions to believe they aren’t together, but in closing i’ll just say im sometimes at a loss to see time and time again people suggest that kaylors believe in kaylor because they find it appealing or because they want to ship it. when it’s literally not that— it just makes the most sense to a lot of us!
also, does this look like the face of someone mourning?
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marnerparty · 1 year
Trevor Zegras x Hughes!reader
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Liked by edwards.73, elblue6 and 27,888 others
ynhughes guess the song
View all 276 comments
user1 life is a highway
jackhughes we ignoring the elephant in the room?
ynhughes elephant?
jackhughes idk maybe like who’s arms are those?
ynhughes Luke’s?
lhughes_06 not mine, can confirm
ynhughes Luke wtf you’re my least favorite
jackhughes so an answer??
ynhughes no ❤️
nicohischier that’s a nice car I wonder whose it is
ynhughes thanks for letting me borrow it 🤠
ynhughes WHAT!? NO!
nicohischier besties use each other’s cars jack
jackhughes I’ll kill you both, don’t think I will
ynhughes you def won’t
nicohischier all bark no bite
jamie.drysdale is it one I can play on guitar?
ynhughes Jamie, honey, there’s like one song you play
trevorzegras hey he got it up to 3 and a half actually
jamie.drysdale it’s actually just 3. I forgot the half of the other one 😔
trevorzegras knowing you, something country
ynhughes damn right 🤠
_quinnhughes not sure whether to be like Jack or keep my mouth shut
ynhughes I vote second!
_quinnhughes 🤐
ynhughes and this my Quinn is why I love you most
lhughes_06 your other brothers are here yn 🙄
ynhughes then go away!
tysmith_6 anyone guess the song yet
ynhughes no, they’re all worked up about the mystery arms 🤷🏼‍♀️
tysmith_6 okay well was it Last Night by Morgan Wallen
tysmith_6 SHUT UP
ynhughes ty I swear on everything holy omg
ynhughes we just became best friends
user2 do we think it’s a hockey player?
user3 yes
jackhughes better not be
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Liked by jamie.drysdale, dostyy_2 and 67,552 others
trevorzegras a dub & a date
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jackhughes Jamie how did you feel about this?
jamie.drysdale bad. I got kicked out of my house for this
trevorzegras don’t act like this wasn’t planned
user1 tell me it’s a joke
tterry19 the kid’s growing up
trevorzegras you’re my inspiration Troy
masonmctavish23 he’s off the market
ynhughes dubs for days
trevorzegras 🤘🏻
user2 I’m sad
jamie.drysdale she better not have used my blanket
trevorzegras def did. it’s her favorite
jamie.drysdale this is why we can’t have nice things
ynhughes t swift 😉
jamie.drysdale leave
simon_benoit11 kiddd
trevorzegras bennyyy
colecaufield you just crushed every teenage girl’s dreams
trevorzegras it’s what I do best
user2 hope she’s worth losing all of your fans
trevorzegras she’s the only fan I need!
Liked by ynhughes
tysmith_6 uh anyone see this liked comment here?
ynhughes no what’s it say?
trevorzegras where?
tysmith_6 kinda sus you two …
jackhughes WHERE WHAT’S SUS
ynhughes 🤷🏼‍♀️
lhughes_06 I think I know who this is
trevorzegras take a guess and text me
lhughes_06 okay I did
trevorzegras you got it right 😳
lhughes_06 STFU
ynhughes you’re lying. first try?
trevorzegras swear
jackhughes MOOSE SPILL
_quinnhughes SERIOUSLY TELL US
lhughes_06 guys I can’t
jackhughes Luke this is so fake what the fuck
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Liked by _quinnhughes, colecaufield and 29,006 others
ynhughes for those wondering, I hide him from my overprotective brothers :)
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_quinnhughes we are NOT overprotective
ynhughes 🤨
user1 not surprising they’re like that tbh
nicohischier we can still hang out right
ynhughes ofc Nico. besties before whatever they say
jackhughes maybe if you just told us we’d be fine
ynhughes why do I have to tell you??
jackhughes common courtesy
ynhughes isn’t your best friend hiding a girlfriend from you?
jackhughes it’s different for Z
ynhughes that’s bogus
lhughes_06 fun fact, I know who it is
jackhughes so now you know Trevor’s AND our sister’s secret lovers??
ynhughes remember when you said you weren’t overprotective?
_quinnhughes fair
trevorzegras where to?
ynhughes just canada
_quinnhughes uh why are you going to Canada? I don’t play at home
ynhughes uh my boyfriend quinn
_quinnhughes lives there?
ynhughes playing there . . .
lhughes_06 WHAT
jackhughes DOUBLE WHAT
tysmith_6 are we going to ignore that I’ve been trying to say something all along???
user2 someone help me do some digging
jamie.drysdale thanks for leaving me behind
ynhughes you said, and I quote, “not gonna come with to see you guys constantly eye banging”
jamie.drysdale okay fair
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Liked by masonmctavish23, jackhughes and 71,340 others
trevorzegras I’ll never get used to this 🫶🏻
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user1 I wish that was me 😭
jackhughes my eyes
jamie.drysdale this is really funny actually
jackhughes 🤨
jamie.drysdale oh you’ll get it eventually
masonmctavish23 Z man 😎
trevorzegras MM 🤘🏻
ynhughes I bet you didn’t even ask her abt posting this
trevorzegras def didn’t
jackhughes I think I know who this is
trevorzegras oh yeah?
jackhughes no I’m actually really lost, just hoping you’d tell me
trevorzegras sorry bud
colecaufield damn Trev this is scandalous
trevorzegras says you ya pimp
user2 imagine waking up to THE Trevor Zegras
jamie.drysdale not as great as you’d think tbh
ynhughes true
jackhughes TRUE!?
_quinnhughes how the fuck would you know miss?
lhughes_06 remember when I figured out yn and Trevor’s secrets? well how do you think I figured them both out at the same time
ynhughes ding ding ding, we have a winner
_quinnhughes I’m speechless
_quinnhughes OH MY GOD
jackhughes Trevor we need to freaking talk
_quinnhughes this is unacceptable
jackhughes we can’t be uncles yet
ynhughes GUYS GET OUT
_quinnhughes MOM WE NEED YOU
trevorzegras don’t get Ellen involved
jackhughes that’s Mrs. Hughes to you, bud
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Liked by lhughes_06, yourbestfriend and 35,655 others
ynhughes okay, no more hiding :)
tagged trevorzegras
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Liked by tterry19, griffinzegras and 99,017 others
trevorzegras my favorite Hughes ❤️
tagged ynhughes
View all 507 comments
masonmctavish23 this broke the internet
anaheimducks now who will yn root for?🤔
ynhughes can’t I root for all 3 teams??
_quinnhughes nope
trevorzegras nope
lhughes_06 nope
jackhughes nope
tysmith_6 I KNEW IT
trevorzegras you really did
_quinnhughes ew
ynhughes you literally love Trevor
_quinnhughes yeah but I don’t need to see you guys being gross
trevorzegras you love me? 😏
_quinnhughes I take it back
trevorzegras too late
_quinnhughes shit
ynhughes I love you 🤍
trevorzegras love you more
jackhughes 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
ynhughes don’t be salty bc you’re not in love
jamie.drysdale I love yn. she can use my blanket whenever she wants
ynhughes do you really mean it 🥹
jamie.drysdale of course
user1 worst couple ever
jackhughes caption?🤨
trevorzegras legally I have to say that (you’ll always be #1) (bros over hoes)
ynhughes what’d you call me?
colecaufield well you are w/ Trevor
trevorzegras HEY NOW
elblue6 officially a part of the family ❤️
trevorzegras oh my gosh really 🥹
ynhughes this means when we get married you have to change your last name
trevorzegras done.
tterry19 Z’s the man
trevorzegras learned from the best
user2 this means Trevor and Jack can be brothers
jackhughes that’s actually amazing
nicohischier love seeing yn so happy 🫶🏻
ynhughes Nic 🥹
nicohischier do anything to her Zegras I’ll hurt you
trevorzegras you scare me so okay 🫡
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fanfic-inator795 · 9 months
Okay so, much like the ending of Amphibia, I’m sure this ending’s gonna be controversial for some people for being so bittersweet and for it also ending with the two BFFs splitting seemingly forever… but honestly? I fucking loved it.
While the penultimate ep felt slightly rushed and just a tad unsatisfying due to all they had to cram in and wrap up, I love that this show’s finale was ultimately focused on just Molly, Scratch, and the latter’s series-wide arc of changing for the better and “being brought back to life”, as the TGAMM show bible put it.
Having believed in the Wraith feeling since the start, I was afraid that the Todd reveal would feel rushed given that the crew lost the 3rd season of set-up they wanted, but thankfully it managed to feel fairly natural since - while Todd himself may have been a more subtle hint that you’d only notice if you were paying attention- again, Scratch’s arc and the clear changes we see from him are made known throughout the series. So by the time you finally get to the big payoff, it feels like a natural conclusion.
For all the info dumps we got, I also felt like the ep was pretty well paced as well, still having jokes that made me laugh so it never felt too heavy or melodramatic. I also love that all the major characters in Scratch’s life got to play a role in this one final adventure. I also love that - for as important of a role that Adia played in helping Scratch regain his memories - it wasn’t framed as Scratch choosing his old BFF over his new BFF, but simply Scratch choosing to be brave and live the life he always wanted deep down instead of continuing to run away/hold himself back.
As for what could be seen as the Most controversial bit - Scratch forgetting his time as a ‘ghost’ - I feel like this was incredibly well crafted too. Like anything else in TGAMM (and as Molly herself says) there’s still that spark of hope hinting at Scratch still remembering Molly and the impact she had on him. He’s going to live with those memories and the importance she gave to enhappifying in his heart, even when he doesn’t consciously remember these things.
What’s more, the show also subtly but beautifully emphasizes that even if Scratch won’t fully remember Molly and the others until he’s officially died, the time he spent and the things he did for others as a ghost still mattered - they’re still going to be remembered by Molly, the McGees and their friends, and I LOVE how they also brought back Scratch’s silly toboggan-sneeze curse as just another way a part of ghost-him is going to stick with all of them no matter what - no matter how far apart they are.
While I would have liked one final song (which, I guess we arguably did get that in the credits) I also feel like ending the show on Libby’s Maya Angelou quote was the perfect summation on the show’s core themes - to not just do good for others, but for yourself. To live your best and happiest life.
In my opinion, this truly was just a master class in satisfying series finales. We didn’t need any big final battles or a ton more drama, just one last beautiful character piece that isn’t afraid to be somewhat bittersweet in order to fully sell its message while also still being just as fun and enjoyable and lovely as the rest of the series.
Really, the only thing that makes me kinda sad is that Scratch never said goodbye to GhostShark - but hey, he’ll see him again eventually, and honestly my hc is that the Jeoffs are taking care of Sharkie for him in the meantime. Other than that, this was a 10/10 finale for me, absolutely no notes.
Now… obviously this was the finale that the TGAMM crew was always leading up to, I assume once they realized that they weren’t getting a s3 they asked Disney to give them one final ep to wrap things up. If that wasn’t the case though and this was always meant to be the s2 finale, I guess s3 would be about Todd slowly remembering his life as Scratch and eventually coming back to Brighton alongside Adia to help Molly stop Jinx’s revenge or whatever. But… eh, I personally don’t think that’s needed.
I think the show ended perfectly, leaving just enough ambiguous for fans to still imagine how Molly and Scratch’s adventures are going to continue one day while at the same time being super satisfying - probably the best series finale that we’ve seen out of any modern Disney cartoon.
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upslapmeal · 3 months
Hey did you know this episode is going to be a bit Bridgerton? Not sure if the trailers ever mentioned it
gotta love an ep that starts with a bit of murder
just realised this is only the second non-RTD ep
I guess a shorter series means fewer eps for other writers :/
Fifteen and Ruby looking excellent!
‘try not to get engaged’ yeah you’d know about that wouldn’t you Doc. don't go giving anyone cocoa
‘does not-a-lord have a name?’ getting the Ken accent out
lmao they’re even doing the Bridgeton thing of playing covers of pop songs
surely going to send the Doctor Who Is A TV Show theorists wild
as well as Susan Twist being ‘just an actor playing several roles’
(RTD you absolute liar)
I haven't really been following the theory other than being vaguely aware of its existence but can you imagine if 'it's the only actor we could get' ended up as the in-universe explanation for her
‘you travel in a shed? why isn’t it cloaked’ get rekt
getting sad Captain Jack vibes
‘my name’s bond. molecular bond’
‘was that a wee smile from the most serious man in history?’ och aye
all the doctors!!!
shalka doctor???
‘come with me and you’ll be in a world of pure imagination’ Ncuti said he wanted to be Wonka or the Doctor!!
Fifteen: we've both lost everyone we've loved. hot.
Doctor bit of advice. your sad comments about losing everyone are slightly undercut by going :DD that's my best friend!! when asked about the person you're with lol
('I lost everyone. everyone I travelled with. ok the last one I just kinda told to go away because I was changing my face but yeah)
you know given that the jukebox is literally the only bit of furniture Fifteen has it would be nice if it was used like……ever
‘we can’t kill it so we’ll send it to a random barren dimension to die a slow isolated death!’ good old Doctor logic
‘tv signals beam out across the stars’ ok I genuinely have only come across the tv theory in passing but 👀
it is…interesting that they’ve gone for a kinda Bridgerton-style casting after last week’s ep…
if the chuldur had been wearing the duchess longer I’d have imagined it was engineered to look like Bridgerton but that’s not the case
Cameca in the distance like oh no not again
‘start wars with anyone who doesn’t look British!’ tbh I think they were managing that without the chuldur
oh no… Emily is going to be one of them isn’t she
that explains her just explaining social rules to Ruby earlier instead of being surprised she was even asking! that struck me as odd but I thought it was just the writing being a bit clunky
oh Doctor :( jinxed when you made that promise to keep her safe
wait wait oh no
ruby’s going to be pretending isn’t she
it’s why she’s the only one who still looks human
it'll have been interference from the earrings or something
yesss it was the earrings!
oh Ruby so willing to go :(
Doctor now is not the time for smooching!!!
well. that was a simpler fix than I expected
Fifteen: I’m fine!!!! ((((:
gotta love a big ol' hug
Fun! Silly! What other tv show could have serious thread villains with bird faces talking about cosplaying the world to death. Excellent. (In honesty not as good as the last few eps but enjoyably ridiculous with a decent dollop of heart)
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delioncourtes · 1 year
when noah kahan said "if the sun don't rise till the summertime, forgive my northern attitude. oh, i was raised on little light" and when he said "i thought that if i piled something good on all my bad that i could cancel out the darkness i inherited from dad" and when he said "my house was designed to kinda look like it's crying. the eyes are the windows, the garage is the mouth. so when they mention the sad kid in the sad house on balch street, you won't have to guess who they're speaking about" and when he said "i was taking the wrong meds, feels good to be sad" and when he said "my mouth was designed for my foot to fit in it" and when he said "someday i’m gonna be somebody people want" and when he said "no thing so sure that i can't learn to doubt it" and when he said "i divvied up my anger into thirty separate parts, keep the bad shit in my liver and the rest around my heart. i'm still angry at my parents for what their parents did to them, but it's a start" and when he said "at the end of the day, i know there are worse ways to stay alive" and when he said "i'm terrified that i might never have met me" and when he said "i forgot my medication, fell into a manic high. spent my savings at a lulu, now i'm suffering in style. why is pain so damn impatient? ain't like it's got a place to be. keeps rushing me" and when he said "if all my life was wasted, i don't mind, i'll watch it go. yeah, it's better to die numb than feel it all" and when he said "i drink till i drown and i smoke till i'm burning" and when he said "collect every dream in these old empty pockets, in hope that i'll need them someday"
and when he said "it's an ode to the hole that i found myself stuck in, a song for the grave that i dug" and when he said "i only tell the truth when i'm sure that i'm lying" and when he said "i would leave if only i could find a reason. i'm mean because i grew up in new england. i got dreams but i can't make myself believe them. spend the rest of my life with what could have been, and i will die in the house that i grew up in. i'm homesick" and when he said "it only falls into place when you're falling to pieces" and when he said "the whole place is quiet. you miss something that you can't place but you can't deny it. don't know whether you want a place in the coast or the country. you can't stay here, it's hard to face and it feels too ugly. you light a fire inside, let it burn" and when he said "with a past box of photos i rip myself open" and when he said "feel the rush of my blood, i'm seventeen again. i am not scared of death, i've got dreams again" and when he said "a minute from home, but i feel so far from it. the death of my dog, the stretch of my skin. it's all washing over me, i'm angry again. the things that i lost here, the people i knew, they got me surrounded for a mile or two" and when he said "my medicine is drowning your perspective out, so i ain't taking any fault" and when he said "i ain't proud of all the punches that i've thrown in the name of someone i no longer know. for the shame of being young, drunk and alone"
and when he said "'son, are you a danger to yourself?' well, fuck that, sir, just let me call. i'll give you my blood alcohol, i'll rot with all the burnouts in the cell. i'll change my faith, i'll kiss the badge. just wait, i swear she'll call me back. 'son, why do you do this to yourself?'" and when he said "i'll turn up the music and i'll forget until it ends that i'm not ready to let go yet" and when he said "i'm in my car and i see the yard, the patch of grass where we buried the dog. and the world makes sense behind a chain-link fence. if i could leave, i would've already left" and when he said "i thought i had something, and that's the same as having something. i get mad at nothing, blame my dad for something. i pull no punches, then feel bad for months. thought i was raised better. tried to fake better, tried to blame weather and escape better. hope the skin heals where the pain enters" and when he said "i saw the end, it looks just like the middle. got a paper and pen and a page with no space. i filled the hole in my head with prescription medication, then forgot how to cry. who am i to complain? and now the pain's different. it still exists, it just escapes different and evades vision. makes the rain different, makes the news boring and my rage distant. yes, i'm young and living dreams, in love with being noticed and afraid of being seen. but i can finally eat and i can fall asleep. it's fine, fine, fine" and when he said "medicate, meditate, swear your soul to jesus. throw a punch, fall in love, give yourself a reason" and when he said "we spent so long just getting by. that's the thing about survival. who the hell, who the hell likes living just to die?"
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I’ll need a few days to really process the last episode, so don’t expect any meta until the weekend.
But I wanted to write a post about why I believe in the writers and why I think that … this sounds so arrogant and delusional, but that my predictions here* are roughly what will happen and queer folks can stay hopeful.
(*tl;dr: Essentially that Colin will be the inspiration for main characters to address their queerness, Ted Lasso spent two seasons straightbaiting its entire audience and this season will end queer as fuck)
When I started watching Ted Lasso I thought it would be a fun, but silly little sports comedy, but very soon it got obvious how the show featured heavier themes and that they didn’t follow the expected script. Like, when Rebecca tells Ted the truth, you’d normally get some drama and rising conflict – but we got instant forgiveness.
And it got soon obvious we’d get a love triangle with Jamie, Keeley and Roy and – as someone who knows how the script goes – my first assumption was, that Roy x Keeley will be endgame (which was sad, since I adored Jamie x Keeley from the beginning, but I digress).
But some of the things that usually put me off love triangles were missing: there was no prolonged unnecessary drama after Roy learned that Keeley hooked up with Jamie the night before, Jamie and Roy didn’t fight over who would “get” Keeley (even though Roy’s jealousy sure was one reason for the tension between him and Jamie, but it wasn’t the only one), Jamie didn’t try to actively win Keeley back throughout the second season, he didn’t try to sabotage their relationship, even though he still loved her. The rocky parts in Roy’s and Keeley’s relationship weren’t related to Jamie at all, on the contrary, Jamie kind of unintentionally fixed their problems.
So, when they diverge so much from the expected, should I really still assume they’ll end the show with the thing everyone expects to happen? (like, in classic romance structure, Roy and Keeley now had their third act break-up, that always happens before the happily ever after … but as Phil said in an interview, they’re situation is a lot more complex than you’ll usually get.)
So, anyway, Ted Lasso was playing with expectations from the beginning. You’d expect Ted x Rebecca and Roy x Keeley endgame cause that is how the classic narrative works but the show subverted classic structure in the first season. So why should we assume that they just stick to the classic script now?
Also the theme song:
“Yeah, might be all that you get,
Yeah, I guess this might well be it“
I always thought, for an optimistic show like Ted Lasso this was a kinda sober beginning. But if you look at this with a queer eye … Cishet people are so used to seeing their happy endings playing out, so that is what they’ll expect to get. Until the last couple years, queer people barely got any stories with happy endings, so you didn’t exactly grow up with the expectation you’ll get a happy ending.
So you just had to take what you got.
But on the other hand the song has this hopeful bit about trying and not giving up. And … okay, I’m not sure where I’m going with this, but, idk, it just feels like it would fit as the theme song for an ultimately hella queer show?
And there are a lot of allusions to “The Wizard of Oz”, starting with the title of the first episode, Ted being the “Man from Kansas” aka Dorothy – googling I found this post pointing out a lot parallels in the second season, so it is not just me being delusional again.
For context: The movie was released 1939. Between 1934 and 1968 due to the Hays Code people couldn’t be shown as being explicitly queer in movies in the US, so writers started to queercode characters to still indicate queerness. And there is of course queercoding in “The Wizard of Oz” just like Ted Lasso and the movie as a whole resonated a lot with queer audiences, making Judy Garland a Gay Icon (see here). 
Both the movie and L. Frank Baumans novels have a lot of queer subtext (like, there is even kind of a trans character in the novels?). "Friend of Dorothy” was a way gay men referred to each other at a time, where they couldn’t just openly ask about someone’s orientation.
Fun Fact: The movies title song “Over the Rainbow” soon became a queer anthem and people wondered whether it inspired the rainbow flag. But the creator, Gilbert Baker, said he was inspired by,
wait for it,
“She’s a Rainbow” by the Rolling Stones (see here).
Rings a bell?
The episode “Rainbow”?
Roy returning as a coach to Richmond?
Also: Jamie comparing the team to the Rolling Stones? Himself to Mick Jagger and Roy to Keith Richards, who both wrote the song?
And, looking at episode titles some more: The color "Lavender" is so queer it has it's own LGTBQ-section on Wikipedia. Also the bisexual pride flag, where the colours overlap to form lavender? There was probably some other reason I forgot that the episode where Jamie returned was called like the queerest color ever, but still …
Oh God, the more I look, the queerer everything gets! I think I could go on some more, but I need to get breakfast and then some work done.
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rdiowx · 1 year
Could you write just a fluffy comfort fic with Frank, Mikey, and reader? it's not a pairing that I've seen even though I love the dynamic :] if it's not something you think you can write that's okay too, you're just one of the few mcr writers I've seen that take poly requests :D
eeeee! Yes! Im not too good at writing comfort but ill try my best! Thanks for requesting!
Fluff,comfort, mikey and frank being cuties, cuddling, kind of dialogue heavy, its not like sad comfort its more angry comfort because when i overthink i get angry instead, if that makes any sense, readers kinda mean? I dont know what most people consider mean, i struggle with writing emotions, my house is constantly freezing so i guess im projecting a bit, is this even comfort?
Not proofread yet
Mikey & frank x gn!reader
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Currently you were sitting on your couch waiting for your boyfriends to get home. They were supposed to get home 2 hours ago but, they’re busy people i guess. You had put on a show that was on, now long forgotten as you went to look if you still had icecream in the freezer.
To your surprise there was, and it was your favorite flavor too. Grabbing a spoon and the icecream, you made your way back to your couch. You found yourself overthinking after a while, staring at the tv with a blank expression. You tried to enjoy your ice cream but, with your thoughts going a mile a minute you inevitably got distracted. After maybe an hour you looked down, realizing your icecream was starting to melt.
“This is so stupid.” You flatly said, angrily getting up from your spot on the couch. “They were supposed to be here three hours ago!” You exclaimed, shoving the icecream back in the freezer before it melted. As if on cue you heard the door open, you groaned in response. ‘Course as soon as im talking shit they get here.’ You thought, deciding to go greet them.
“We’re home!” Frank yelled, from the doorway. “I can see that.” You responded, appearing from around the corner, accidentally spooking Mikey making frank giggle. “Hey baby, how was your day?” Mikey asked, pressing a kiss to your forehead, frank going to put his guitar away. You thought about your answer for a second before deciding. “Boring, what happened to coming home three hours ago?” You replied with your own question.
“Gerard wanted us to stay longer so we could finish another song.” Frank said, wrapping his arms around you and kissing the side of your head. “Tell Gerard I’ll steal his eyeliner the next time it happens.” You grumbled before kissing frank back. “Will do.” Mikey answered, pecking my lips before moving to put his bass away. “C’mon lets go get ready for bed.” Frank requested. “Nuh uh, when did you shower last?” You quizzed, stepping away from him.
He didn’t answer, “thats what i thought, Mikey! You’re both showering or you’re both sleeping on the floor! You pick!” You asserted, moving to walk towards your guy’s room. “But will you shower with us?” Mikey questioned, walking into the shared room. “If thats what it takes to get you guys cleaned.” You laughed slightly. “Yay!” Frank cheered jokingly.
After, many kisses and pruney fingers later you all got out of the shower and got dressed. It was rather cold but, thanks to your absurd amount of blankets you all got comfortable. “Why do you keep the house so cold?” Frank asks from his place on your stomach. You shrug in response, continuing to run your hands through his now clean hair. “I guess i like it better than being sweaty.” You yawned.
“Thats fair.” Mikey hummed from above you, rubbing circles into your stomach. “Frank and i are sweaty a lot though.” Mikey finished. “Believe me, i know.” You responded flatly. “I love you guys.” Frank said sleepily. “I love you too Frankie, goodnight.” You whispered, kissing his head. “I love you too frank.” Mikey whispered aswell, kissing both of you goodnight.
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pvffinsdaisies · 2 days
UK & Ireland as Olivia Rodrigo songs
Plus OC’s in a reblog 💕
ENGLAND: making the bed
“Want it, so I got it, did it, so it’s done. Another thing I ruined I used to do for fun. Another piece of plastic I could just throw away. Another conversation with nothing good to say.
And I thought it, so I said it, took it cause I can. Another day pretending I’m older than I am, another perfect moment that doesn’t feel like mine, another thing I forced to be a sign.
Well, sometimes I feel like I don’t wanna be where I am, getting drunk at a club with my fair-weathered friends, push away all the people who know me the best, but it’s me who’s been making the bed.
And I’m tired of being the girl that I am, every good thing has turned into something I dread, and I’m playing the victim so well in my head, but it’s me who’s been making the bed.
And I tell someone I love them, just as a distraction, and they tell me that they love me like I’m some tourist attraction. They’re changing my machinery and I just let it happen, I got the things I wanted it’s just not what I imagined.”
IRELAND: Can’t Catch Me Now
“There’s blood on the side of the mountain, there’s writing all over the wall, the shadows of us are still dancing through every room and every hall. There’s snow falling over the city, you thought that it would wash away the bitter taste of my fury and all of the messes you made. Yeah, you think that you got away
But I’m in the trees, I’m in the breeze, my footsteps on the ground. You’ll see my face in every place, but you can’t catch me now. Through wading grass, the months will pass, you’ll feel it all around. I’m here, I’m there, I’m everywhere but you can’t catch me now.
Bet you thought I’d never do it, thought it’d go over my head. I bet you figured I’d pass with the winter, be something easy to forget, oh, you think I’m gone ‘cause I left…
You can’t, you can’t catch me now, I’m coming like a storm into your town. You can’t, you can’t catch me now, I’m higher than the hopes that you brought down!
There’s blood on the side of the mountain, it’s turning a new shade of red. Yeah, sometimes the fire you founded don’t burn the way you expect. Yeah, you thought that this was the end.”
“And I’m so sick of seventeen, where’s my fucking teenage dream? If someone tells me one more time, “enjoy your youth!” Im gonna cry. And I don’t stick up for myself, I’m anxious and nothing can help, and I wish I’d done this before, and I wish people liked me more.
All I did was try my best, this the kinda thanks I get? Unrelentlessly upset. They say these are the golden years, but I wish I could disappear, ego crush is so severe. God, it’s brutal out here.
I feel like no one wants me, and I hate the way I’m perceived. I only have two real friends, and lately I’m a nervous wreck. ‘Cause I love people I don’t like, and I hate every song I write, and I’m not cool and I’m not smart and I can’t even parallel park.
Got a broken ego, broken heart. And god, I don’t even know where to start.”
SCOTLAND: get him back!
“I met a guy in the summer, and I left him in the spring. He argued with me about everything. He had an ego and a temper and a wandering eye, he said he’s 6’2 and I’m like “dude, nice try.” But he was so much fun, and he had such weird friends, and he would take us out to parties and the night would never end, another song, another bar, another dance, and when he said something wrong, he’d just fly me to France. So, I miss him some nights when I’m feeling depressed, ‘til I remember every time he made a pass at my friends. Do I love him, do I hate him? I guess it’s up and down, if I had to choose, I would say right now
I wanna get him back! I wanna make him really jealous, wanna make him feel bad. I wanna get him back ‘cause then again I really miss him and it makes me real sad. I want sweet revenge and I want him again. I wanna get him back!
I wanna key his car, I wanna make him lunch, I wanna break his heart and be the one to stitch it up. Oh, I wanna kiss his face with an uppercut, I wanna meet his mom, just to tell her her son sucks!”
WALES: enough for you
“And I knew how you took your coffee, and your favourite songs by heart. I read all of your self-help books so you’d think that I was smart. Stupid, emotional, obsessive little me. I knew from the start this is exactly how you’d leave.
You found someone more exciting, the next second you were gone. And you left me there crying, wondering what I did wrong. And you always say I’m never satisfied, but I don’t think that’s true, ‘cause all I ever wanted was to be enough for you.
And maybe I’m just not as interesting as the girls you had before, but god you couldn’t have cared less about someone who loved you more. I’d say you broke my heart, but you broke much more than that, now I don’t want your sympathy I just want myself back.
Don’t you think I loved you too much to be used and discarded? Don’t you think I loved you too much to think I deserve nothing? But don’t tell me you’re sorry, boy, feel sorry for yourself ‘cause someday I’ll be everything to somebody else. And they’ll think that I’m so exciting, and you’ll be the one who’s crying.”
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for the funky ask game, 4, 7, and/or 11?
funky pjsk ask game
4. Favorite rarepair(s)?
➥ i have been pretty attached to ichiaki as a unit-swap-what-if scenario where ichika was never able to get leo/need back together and ended up meeting akito like anhane does in main story.
➥ in a similar vein, i think anmafu and kohaemu have a lot of potential in other unit swaps. i think kohaemu is a little easier to see. it’s basically a mix of anhane and emunene.
➥ anmafu is a little more out there, but i have this vision. they’re both grieving—an and nagi, mafuyu and her identity. an is out singing, trying to distract herself. mafuyu feels a spark of emotion and decides she has to talk to this girl. mafuyu has some talent and budding interest for music. an is looking for a partner. it’s starts out just as “this is a working partnership. we’re both using the other for something.” and it turns into, “you’re helping me find what i really want.” is there nothing there? am i cooking? i do not know.
➥ for something a little less rare, i do like shizurui. definitely enjoy shizuai, but any ship with shizuku where her partner sees her more for her personality than her looks is just *chef’s kiss* to me, and i think rui is that guy.
➥ i exist in this weird nebulous zone of not really shipping unless it’s canon but also being a big enjoyer of looking at all kinds of character dynamics (basically, a multishipper who doesn’t engage with much ship content. idk how it works either)
7. What’s a common headcannon that you disagree with? (Please for the love of god, be respectful!!) or if you don’t wanna answer that, what’s a headcannon you have that you’re surprised isn’t more popular? (Can specify character)
➥ honestly not too sure on this one. i will say i tend to disagree with the canon/popular fanon height designations. i cannot for the life of me see kanade and an as short. an should be nearly as tall as akito, and kanade should be taller than ena and mafuyu. also shizuku should be allowed to be taller than tsukasa. maybe even taller than akito.
➥ i guess i’m also not a big fan of transmasc shiho and ichika, which particularly for shiho i think is pretty common. just because she’s more in that “cool/masc” aesthetic doesn’t necessarily mean she identifies with being masc, and i always saw her as kinda butch. like she has to be lesbian with her interest being “girl bands” right. but i guess it could also just be me projecting since i myself like a lot of masc clothing/styles but still identify as a demicisgirl.
11. What’s a song/cover you desperately want a full version of? (can specify unit)
➥ did answer this one before, but for exactly the same reasons as akikoha meltdown, i’d love full akitoya tokio funka and aun no beats on streaming services. i love flower’s sound as always, but it’s a little sad that we can’t get the full in-game collection on streaming.
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pagegirlintraining · 16 days
For the ask game:
♡ SMALL THINGS: pick a fic and I’ll tell you my favorite minor detail from it! (for DTL)
★ what was the scene you most wanted to write in [fic]? what was the hardest scene to write? (for OEAS)
✎ how do you think readers would guess a fic was yours if you posted anonymously?
Also that new profile pic is just rude and I love it.
Oooh, fun. Okay so a minor detail I love about DTL is the fact that I made Petra Mede host it and then got to fangirl when I realized in the middle of the ESC dress rehearsal (which she also hosted irl) that she was the person from my fic 😂 as for a more story related detail, it’s probably that I have Felice referring to Simon as “tiny dancer” at one point. It’s one of my all time favorite songs and fits so well at the same time. I just love sneaking little references like this in there 🥹
What was the scene you most wanted to write in OEAS:
100% the scene where they just got home from Wille’s gig and Wille tells Simon more about Erik and why he loves making music so much. The image of them listening to Wille’s favorite song with Simon curled up to Wille’s chest is what started that whole story. I particularly love how this part turned out:
“That’s beautiful, Wille.”
A huff and a shaky smile were Wille’s immediate reply. “You think so? It doesn’t just sound like a little rich boy trying to be poetic?”
“On second thought…”
That got a more steady, genuine chuckle out of Wille. “I had to go and ruin it, didn’t I?”
Simon joined in with his quiet laughter for a moment, then he shifted his expression back into something more serious and gave a shake of his head. “You didn’t ruin anything.”
And the way Wille’s face softened at that looked so unfairly pretty, and really, who was Simon kidding here? He wanted to kiss him. He wanted nothing more than to kiss him, gently and sweetly and with no ulterior motive but to comfort. To show his appreciation for Wille’s trust, his honesty. To make him feel the things Simon himself was still too stubborn to put into words. So he did.
What was the hardest scene to write for OEAS?
Probably the confrontational scene where Simon wants to finally confess his feelings and doesn’t know Wille has overheard him and Henry the other day.
“I wrote you a song!”
The sudden exclamation was caused by the sheer desperation Simon felt climbing up his insides, but either way, it got Wille to stop. When he slowly turned around, he’d finally taken off his sunglasses. And the look he fixed Simon with out of puffy, red-rimmed eyes was unlike anything he’d ever seen on him. There was sadness there, pain, betrayal. But above all, there was a deep, dizzying anger.
“I don’t know what kind of game you’re trying to play here, I really don’t,” he said, voice almost dangerously quiet as he slowly stepped toward Simon. “I get it, I should’ve believed you when you said we were just hooking up, that it didn’t change anything. That’s on me. But this? This is…cruel.”
Miscommunication is surprisingly hard for me to write, mostly because I want to shake them the whole time because they’re being stupid. I mean, come on, Wille! You just need to listen for two minutes and it’ll all be fine🙈
And finally, how do you think readers would guess a fic was yours if you posted anonymously ?
Well first of, anything dance related or using (especially Swedish) song lyrics as plot devices might tip people off 😂 if we’re talking more about style of writing though, I blatantly overuse the word “utterly”. I just love it so much, the sound of it, the gravitas it holds… and now I kinda hate that I’m shining a spotlight on it because I’m a bit scared it’ll feel out of place now. But hey, I’ve already typed all this and it is a really great word so…
Thank you so much for the great ask, Jo 💜 and that whole entire weekend was rude and I loved it so much
Feel free to send me more of these asks, the list is here.
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sakurachan7734 · 21 days
They are Talking to themselfs now cause no one‘s home
One off story
This might be one of my really sad stories just so you know and the title is based off one of the lyrics to probably my favorite bad religion song, “two babies in the dark” 
Aristotle pov
I might as well be home alone at this point I mean I know father is down the basement working and he doesn’t want me bothering him but he never comes upstairs until dad gets home and dad comes home at about 12 normally he comes home at 10 but his drive for perfection blinds him sometimes and I just got out of rehab and my parents are letting me stay home a week so I can try getting better mentally but this is just making me want to use again it’s so goddamn lonely in this castle and I feel like I’m being dramatic because I know my father is home I know they love me but I feel like I can’t tell them I how I am mentally because they’re always busy and they don’t want me disturbing them my sister is still at school 
Aristotle: I guess I could just talk to myself for a while
Aristotles imaginary friend then appears in front of them Aristotle has not thought about this in a really long time so they forgot what they had created which was a vampire Jackalope named jasper
Jasper: it’s so good to see you again!
Aristotle: I don’t wanna play I just wanna talk.
Jasper: about what?
Aristotle: I just want someone to vent to 
Jasper: ok go on
Aristotle: I feel like I can’t tell anyone how I am feeling mentally because I will get called dramatic or pushed away because on the outside I have the perfect f***ing life and every teen girls dream job but my job is telling me I can’t eat a certain amount of calories or I’m gonna be put on diet pills and I don’t want to get fired so I have to listen to them
Jasper: oh that’s bad Is your boss making you do that?
Aristotle: yes but I think he is retiring soon so hopefully my next boss won’t do this to me but it’s the modeling industry so that might happen again
Jasper: well why don’t you switch modeling buildings? One that won’t treat you the way they control how you eat
Aristotle: I can’t because it took me forever to get that job
Jasper: well why don’t you tell your parents?
Aristotle: well I might get punished away or they won’t believe me
Jasper: why don’t you tell your boyfriends?
Aristotle: well I don’t want to bother them with my problems because Jackson and Charlie don’t know how to handle human emotions
Jasper: so you feel like you have nobody to talk to?
Aristotle: kinda yea
Jasper: are your parents putting you for therapy?
Aristotle: yes but I feel like it’s not working I kind of wanna start using drugs again 
Jasper: you know that’s a terrible idea right?
Aristotle: I know but…. I feel like nothing else is working and I don’t wanna bother my parents by getting me a better therapist….
Jasper: how was your ballet instruction towards you?
Aristotle: she is a bit nicer to me but she’s the one who suggested I go on diet pills because and I quote “nobody wants to look at a fat freak of nature” i’m already super skinny I don’t know where she got that from
Jasper: you do ballet professionally?
Aristotle: yes well it started a hobby but then I got to a point where I turn it into a career 
Jasper: ok well how is the public treating you about being a child of a world famous celebrity?
Aristotle: I both hate it and love it I hate it because I’m constantly swarmed by paparazzi and other fans and I’ve gotten a few creepy ones that folded me everywhere and I have to put on a fake face for the media because if I yell at them stop taking pictures I will be called the bad guy I feel like I’m being told how to feel how to act how to dress without directly being told and I feel like I’m just seen as public property to them instead of a person
Jasper: it sounds like you’re feeling like you can’t come out about your feelings because you’re under a bunch of pressure
Aristotle: yeah probably but like I said, I don’t know how to come out about it because I have a feeling I’ll be pushed away or just ignored….
Jasper: well…. Judging on The fact of whatever you just told me you might need to take another week off of school and you might need to call out of work for a little bit
Aristotle: I can’t my parents said I could stay out for about a week or two until I feel better but my work won’t let me stay out more than one week.
Jasper: will you could call in sick
Aristotle: I tried but they still said I can only be gone for one week
Jasper: well what is something that calms you down?
Aristotle: well alone quiet stroll on the beach or woods just by myself no music, no conversations no nothing….hmm you know what yeah I’m gonna go take a walk
Jasper: all right thanks for sharing
Jasper then disappears Aristotle leaves a note on the fridge saying “went for a walk I will be back in about two hours” 
Aristotle pov
This…..This is nice this may be what I need but not the same time because I’m complaining about feeling lonely but I’m doing stuff all by myself but I don’t wanna worry everybody with my problems because I don’t know how to handle them and I don’t want them to worry about me I feel almost pathetic for being like this, wanting people by me, but yet pushing them away at the same time maybe I should just convince my parents to let me see better therapist or get back to the drugs maybe both only time will tell.
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makigorogoro · 1 year
disorganized thoughts on fionna and cake eps 5 and 6
ok ive only seen the eps once each and im going off of memory so a lot of this is probably gonna be paraphrased and mixed up but whatever . also this post is really fucking long lol sorry
-obviously we are in the farmworld, not surprised but very happy!!!
-also not very surprised fionna and cake immediately went along with simon’s plan
-the whole time they were talking about where to find a crown i was like lol. simon don’t look behind you
-cake bringing fionna a dead rat was really funny
-the versucci gag or whatever was also really good
-but what made me die was fionna talking abt how she’s played a lot of post apocalyptic rpgs and then it pans over to “man who has actually lived through the apocalypse”
-was really cool to see how the farmworld has developed after what happened with ice finn, i think it’s interesting how they’re more technologically advanced since the first time an ice age happened in this world they pretty much reverted to medieval times (does that make sense. you know what i mean)
-i was SO convinced jay was farmworld finn’s little sibling so when he said dad my heart stopped
-the name jay didn’t immediately click until bonnie was revealed to be one of his other kid’s name and i was like HOLY SHIT PUHOY???
-veeeery interesting since assumingely golb destroyed/erased the pillow world
-i guess you could just chalk it up to finn would have named his kids the same thing in any universe?
-but i mean speaking of his kids GOD he got busy with huntress wizard
-i mean it has to be huntress wizard. one of them looks just like human hunter wizard
-sucks that she died though
-simon’s ship of theseus thing was so fucking funny oh my god he’s just like me fr (i started talking about the ship of theseus in one of my assignments a few days ago and i was like. is this too nerdy.)
-i haven’t really talked about farmworld finn yet. a little sad he turned out so cold (pun not intended oops 😭) because of what happened to him when he was younger
-good on him for saying simon was a damn fool or whatever for wanting to put the crown on lol
-i wish they actually had a talk though
-cake saying fionna should kiss him while knowing he’s just an alternate version of her??????? girl
-also farmworld jake still being alive was crazy
-so it did turn out the crown was destroyed in this world, i honestly wasn’t sure since the crown from the main world survived direct contact with a comet lol
-the romeo and juliet style romance going on between finn’s kid and big destiny’s kid was really good
-finn showing up with bartram lmao!!!!!
-dude i love bartram, the bit in finn the human where finn’s mom says that they have to sell the mule and then bartram’s head peaks out from the bed in the corner is unironically one of my favorite jokes in adventure time
-i kinda forgot what happens between here and the end
-so did farmworld finn fucking die????
-idk what happened there i sure hope not
-i really don’t know if we’re going to revisit these worlds in any capacity considering the amount of time left but i hope we do now!! i feel like we need to see what happens lmao
-now for ep 6
-wasn’t really expecting it to open on “fionna world” as they started calling it
-i was wondering how they were gonna balance gumball and marshall yaoi with what’s going on with the main trio
-they did it really well though i think
-i also wasn’t really expecting to be introduced to winter king right away once we got back to the main plot
-he definitely gave me weird vibes right from the start im gonna be honest lol
-blaah i don’t really remember what happens between that and the winter wonder world sequence
-so ill just talk about that. holy fuck
-every review i read before the show came out was really hyping this scene up and i get why now
-was really cool to see the beyond the grotto animation again and the song was so good it’s still stuck in my head
-but the moment the winter king said he overcame the crown with sheer will i was like. um. im calling bs
-i was just thinking however it did happen though i have a bad feeling about! felt really bad for simon and when he said that he sucked i was like. oh no ☹️ dude
-the moment i saw little ice marcy pretty much cemented it for me i was like oh no something fucked up is happening here. tbh i still can’t really figure out what happened with that but given what the winter king said about making an ice betty. uhhhhhhhhhh
-OH YEAH cake once again saying simon and the winter king should kiss . GIRL WHAT ARE YOU ON
-i looooved crazy pb
-i remember when people were saying she was a marcy pb child lmao.
-simon saying that he wanted to “fix her” while the winter king just wanted to kill her was really interesting. im trying to figure out what it means lol. like we know that simon wants to be the ice king again but also now knowing he would want to fix and save someone from that madness…idk
-her song was really good
-her playing those ominous notes on her keyboard made me laugh
-i haven’t really talked about gumball (im not calling him gary im sorry) and marshall. i thought they were really cute!!! could definitely see marcy and pb meeting in a similar way
-the juxtaposition between gumball talking about his creations to fionna fighting the fucked up versions of them was really cool
-i hope gumball doesn’t take what the lemoncarbs said to heart . they’re just like that
-ok so. I was honestly more shocked that fionna kissed (a version of) simon than him disintegrating seconds after lmaooooo
-i have to wonder why he immediately died here when in betty (the episode) he was dying relatively slowly without the crown’s magic
-ive been writing down a bunch of crack theories and the first thing ive gotten right was the winter king transferring his craziness to pb lol lets goooo
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-i was thinking that simon might’ve transferred it himself but then i was like nooo he wouldn’t do that….apparently he would do that
-idk despite how he seemed i think the winter king was still a little insane in the membrane.
-maybe the crown was still influencing him in some way? and that’s the message here? idk
-i can’t believe bi fionna is real
-back to gumball and marshall. gumball describing slumber party panic……oh my jod 🥺🥺🥺
-the baby world was so cute
-“and i’ll be cursed the right way” simon do you fucking hear yourself
Ok that’s definitely not all i have to say but this post is long enough lmao ,, god this show is SO GOOD i can’t believe it’s real. ok that’s all
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aeoki · 1 year
Seven Bridges - Love and Peace?: Chapter 3
Location: Yumenosaki  Student Council Room Characters: Ritsu, Mao & Hitsugi
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Mao: In simple terms, this is what the proposal for this year’s “Tanabata Fest” is like:
“Call lots of popular ES idols over and get them to sing a Tanabata song!”
That’s it.
You should’ve spent more time thinking about this.
What happened, Anzu? It’s just an awful and insubstantial proposal that uses the name “Tanabata” but doesn’t even come close to last year’s ideas.
It’s true ES has a lot of influence right now. They’re very close to conquering the entire idol industry.
So I can understand why you’d want to take advantage of that and liven things up at Yumenosaki, who’s directly under ES now.
But this way, only the idols that are temporarily sent out to take part in the event will stand out, despite it being a Yumenosaki event.
I also took a look at the list of idols who’ll be sent out to the event, but it doesn’t exactly include Yumenosaki alumni.
It just feels like idols that are kinda popular were chosen at random.
Their schedules haven’t been taken into consideration, either. It’s just a list of “the idols who I think are the best”.
You should think about the audience and how it all fits together. You know just lining up the idols who’ll sell isn’t as easy as it sounds, right?
But well, sometimes something as easy as that can work. It’s possible to gain some degree of profit from that, I guess.
But that’s not what’s important here.
Sure, “Tanabata Fest” is an “S1” but there’s been an influx of “S3” and we don’t have enough budget.
The only reason we were able to hold such extravagant dreamfests one after the other last year was largely because of the previous student council president – Eichi Tenshouin personally provided the funding himself. 
There’s no way I can do that. I think you already know but I’m just a commoner.
Getting popular idols to take part in our event will cost quite a bit.
If we invite all the idols that are listed in this year’s “Tanabata Fest”, we’ll be over our budget.
Even if we decide to go ahead with it despite that, the stage, outfits and other aspects will have to suffer.
In all honesty, it’ll just turn out to be a shabby performance in the school courtyard with everyone in their tracksuits singing to the wind.
It’ll just be a waste despite inviting all those idols. The budget would be sloppily handled and it’s just too unrealistic.
You’re a “producer”, right? Isn’t a producer someone who has to think really carefully about how to use that money?
Well, it’s fine. “Trickstar” is always lacking in funds for some reason, so I suppose I don’t have the right to criticise how others use their money. Sounds pretty sad hearing it from me, though.
We have to address the elephant in the room.
This proposal is only thinking about buttering up to ES – You’re not thinking about the Yumenosaki idols you’ll be producing at all.
I’ll say this over and over again, but “Tanabata Fest” is an important and traditional event that’s special to Yumenosaki. The stars of the event should be the current students.
But despite that, they’ve been completely ignored in your proposal.
They’re still inexperienced idols who have yet to fully develop, but they’re also just labelled as “unpopular idols who won’t sell”.
That’s why they didn’t even make the list. Only the names of a few popular ES unit members have just barely made it on here.
But they’re only seen as a member of a popular unit. Their titles as Yumenosaki students have been ignored.
They’re not an idol if they’re not someone popular from ES. That’s what it looks like.
That doesn’t sound like something you’d do at all. You’re not the kind of person who would abandon someone. You accept and love them for who they are.
“Tanabata Fest” is supposed to be the kind of event where anyone can shine like a bright star if they wanted to, right?
Seriously, what came over you, Anzu…?
The impression of you that I’m getting after reading that proposal is so vastly different from the you that I know, it’s a huge shock for me.
Placing the popular idols we hired in the spotlight while ignoring the Yumenosaki students who have nothing to their names…
That’s the old Yumenosaki. That’s exactly what we were trying to desperately change.
Why are you trying to repeat “that” out of all things?
I don’t understand, Anzu.
Hitsugi: Wha~!
Mao: Wha~!? What the–?
Hitsugi: Sorry, the tea’s done! Here you go! Ricchan-san taught me how to pour it deliciously, so it should probably be delicious!
Ritsu: Just come to Ricchan if you’re looking for tea tips.
Mao: O-Okay… thanks. Sorry, I shouldn’t be asking the guests to make tea.
Hitsugi: No no! Please praise me more! Please give me a reward for the work I did!
Mao: Uh, okay…?
Hitsugi: I ended up eavesdropping unconsciously but it’s only natural that the proposal for “Tanabata Fest” doesn’t sound like something Anzu would come up with.
Mao: What do you mean?
Hitsugi: That’s because the “Peace Party” who hates Anzu threatened her into writing it!
Mao: T-Threaten? And what’s the “Peace Party”...?
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