#can’t catch me now however is perfect for Ireland
pvffinsdaisies · 3 days
UK & Ireland as Olivia Rodrigo songs
Plus OC’s in a reblog 💕
ENGLAND: making the bed
“Want it, so I got it, did it, so it’s done. Another thing I ruined I used to do for fun. Another piece of plastic I could just throw away. Another conversation with nothing good to say.
And I thought it, so I said it, took it cause I can. Another day pretending I’m older than I am, another perfect moment that doesn’t feel like mine, another thing I forced to be a sign.
Well, sometimes I feel like I don’t wanna be where I am, getting drunk at a club with my fair-weathered friends, push away all the people who know me the best, but it’s me who’s been making the bed.
And I’m tired of being the girl that I am, every good thing has turned into something I dread, and I’m playing the victim so well in my head, but it’s me who’s been making the bed.
And I tell someone I love them, just as a distraction, and they tell me that they love me like I’m some tourist attraction. They’re changing my machinery and I just let it happen, I got the things I wanted it’s just not what I imagined.”
IRELAND: Can’t Catch Me Now
“There’s blood on the side of the mountain, there’s writing all over the wall, the shadows of us are still dancing through every room and every hall. There’s snow falling over the city, you thought that it would wash away the bitter taste of my fury and all of the messes you made. Yeah, you think that you got away
But I’m in the trees, I’m in the breeze, my footsteps on the ground. You’ll see my face in every place, but you can’t catch me now. Through wading grass, the months will pass, you’ll feel it all around. I’m here, I’m there, I’m everywhere but you can’t catch me now.
Bet you thought I’d never do it, thought it’d go over my head. I bet you figured I’d pass with the winter, be something easy to forget, oh, you think I’m gone ‘cause I left…
You can’t, you can’t catch me now, I’m coming like a storm into your town. You can’t, you can’t catch me now, I’m higher than the hopes that you brought down!
There’s blood on the side of the mountain, it’s turning a new shade of red. Yeah, sometimes the fire you founded don’t burn the way you expect. Yeah, you thought that this was the end.”
“And I’m so sick of seventeen, where’s my fucking teenage dream? If someone tells me one more time, “enjoy your youth!” Im gonna cry. And I don’t stick up for myself, I’m anxious and nothing can help, and I wish I’d done this before, and I wish people liked me more.
All I did was try my best, this the kinda thanks I get? Unrelentlessly upset. They say these are the golden years, but I wish I could disappear, ego crush is so severe. God, it’s brutal out here.
I feel like no one wants me, and I hate the way I’m perceived. I only have two real friends, and lately I’m a nervous wreck. ‘Cause I love people I don’t like, and I hate every song I write, and I’m not cool and I’m not smart and I can’t even parallel park.
Got a broken ego, broken heart. And god, I don’t even know where to start.”
SCOTLAND: get him back!
“I met a guy in the summer, and I left him in the spring. He argued with me about everything. He had an ego and a temper and a wandering eye, he said he’s 6’2 and I’m like “dude, nice try.” But he was so much fun, and he had such weird friends, and he would take us out to parties and the night would never end, another song, another bar, another dance, and when he said something wrong, he’d just fly me to France. So, I miss him some nights when I’m feeling depressed, ‘til I remember every time he made a pass at my friends. Do I love him, do I hate him? I guess it’s up and down, if I had to choose, I would say right now
I wanna get him back! I wanna make him really jealous, wanna make him feel bad. I wanna get him back ‘cause then again I really miss him and it makes me real sad. I want sweet revenge and I want him again. I wanna get him back!
I wanna key his car, I wanna make him lunch, I wanna break his heart and be the one to stitch it up. Oh, I wanna kiss his face with an uppercut, I wanna meet his mom, just to tell her her son sucks!”
WALES: enough for you
“And I knew how you took your coffee, and your favourite songs by heart. I read all of your self-help books so you’d think that I was smart. Stupid, emotional, obsessive little me. I knew from the start this is exactly how you’d leave.
You found someone more exciting, the next second you were gone. And you left me there crying, wondering what I did wrong. And you always say I’m never satisfied, but I don’t think that’s true, ‘cause all I ever wanted was to be enough for you.
And maybe I’m just not as interesting as the girls you had before, but god you couldn’t have cared less about someone who loved you more. I’d say you broke my heart, but you broke much more than that, now I don’t want your sympathy I just want myself back.
Don’t you think I loved you too much to be used and discarded? Don’t you think I loved you too much to think I deserve nothing? But don’t tell me you’re sorry, boy, feel sorry for yourself ‘cause someday I’ll be everything to somebody else. And they’ll think that I’m so exciting, and you’ll be the one who’s crying.”
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fallin-4-ya · 4 years
stronger than you think
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Stronger Than You Think
george weasley x reader
requested? yes/no
summary: after george was tackled to the ground by the most beautiful girl in the world, the quidditch prodigy and the legendary sister of victor krum was the last person he’s thought he’d be falling for. 
warnings: poor georgie gets beat up a lil accidentally, slight mention of food, & downplaying of one’s self. i think that's it! (gif is not mine, credit to owner!)
words: 2.2K
The Weasley family arrived to the Quidditch World Cup early that morning. The whole lot of the walking feverishly to find their tent, the excitement and anticipation was building quickly. Once they had arrived to their home for the night, Fred and George were sent out to get firewood. They exited the tent in a hurry, wanting to head back in time to join all of the fun.
The crowds at the event were huge. George had never seen that many witched and wizards in one place ever before. Voices echoes from all around, passersby sneaking their way through the groups of people. George went to go turn to tell his brother something when bang.
George was seeing stars. He had been knocked over aggressively by someone rushing through. His shoulder ached, and he turned to see the person who knocked him over, laid right there next to him, clearly unaffected by the blow. The person next to him jolted up, showing no signs of injury.
It felt like his arm had been ripped out of his socket. He looked up to see a girl his age grabbing his arm and pulling him back up. Her build was strong and looked as if she could take George out with a single blow if she wanted to. Her log hair was pulled into a plait at the back of her head and she was wearing Quidditch robes; though George was so near concussed he could hardly tell what colors they were. But, one thing he knew for sure is that he was the prettiest girl he had ever laid eyes on.
‘Sorry, lad!’ her thick accent laid out, ‘Late onto the pitch, hope your arms alright!’
She yelled as she ran in the opposite direction towards the stadium. George shook his head in disbelief, because what had just happened. He simply turned to Fred, who apparently was just as flabbergasted as him, and shrugged his shoulders. It wasn’t like he would ever see her again, so he just let the moment go.
After a few hours of pre-match activities; the Weasley family, with the addition of Harry and Hermione, all walked in unison to the Minister’s Box to watch the game. Minister Fudge’s voice rang out across the stadium, announcing the teams that would be competing for the cup: Ireland and Bulgaria.
Players took their start onto the pitch, Ireland was first. Then, Bulgaria. Screams echoed from the crowd, all eager to see the game that was about to take place. As the team wearing read swung out on their brooms George’s hart stopped.
There she was. The beautiful girl who nearly ripped his arm out of his socket on accident. Well, at least it made sense now, George said to himself. Her strong arms and stocky shoulders said it all. She took her place as keeper, the youngest to ever play on a team next to-
‘Viktor Krum!’ Bellowed Fudge. The crowd went crazy, cheers echoing ‘Krum, Krum, Krum’ throughout the arena. ‘And joining him this year for her first Quidditch World Cup, his sister, y/n Krum.’
George’s breathing had stopped completely. Not only was he bulldozed by the youngest keeper in all of Quidditch history, but he was bulldozed by Viktor Krum’s little sister. He watched her with stars in his eyes. The only word that came to his mind for describing her was wow. His eyes only searched for her throughout the entire match, even missing Viktor catching the golden snitch.
The game was over far too soon in George’s opinion, he could watch y/n play for hours. Her skill, her fearlessness, her ability; he wanted to keep watching it all. However, much like all good things, they must end; and that night they headed back to the Burrow.
George spent the rest of the summer thinking about y/n, she couldn’t escape his thoughts. He knew how stupid he sounded. As if a world renowned Quidditch player would pay attention to the boy she bumped into on accident, or let alone remember him. He let out a sigh of frustration, if he could just have one more chance. The chanced of him seeing her again were so slim, he lost all hope.
The rest of the summer flew by and soon everyone was back at Hogwarts. George and Fred were reunited with their best friend Lee, as they all gathered at the Great Hall for the start of term feast. It was obvious to Lee that something was up with George, as the twin had never been this quiet, always having some story to tell about his summer back home.
‘What’s up with you, George?’ Lee questioned.
Fred let out a chuckle, ‘Georgie’s in love, that’s what’s up.’ He grinned.
George scoffed at his brother, ‘I’m not in love.’ Fred rolled his eyes at him, and George sighed. ‘Well, maybe. But it’s never going to happen. So, lets drop it.’
Lee gave him and understanding nod and a sympathetic smile. They all turned to face Dumbledore, who was giving his usual start of term speech, when he said something that perked every students’ interest. He announced that the Triwizard tournament would be taking place at Hogwarts that year, a way to unify the wizarding schools in Europe.
Just then the doors of the Great Hall opened to reveal a group of students in large coats entering the room. Dumbledore announced them as Durmstrang. Their robes were a mixture of brown and maroon, and they had a confidence about them as they walked. Suddenly, something caught George’s eye, or rather someone. Y/n. Walking into the Great Hall with her brother Viktor Krum.
George’s jaw nearly hit the floor. If he was expecting anything interesting to happen this year, it most definitely wasn’t this. She kept a straight face as she walked past the tables, her long braid flowed behind her as they approached where Dumbledore stood.  He faced Fred slowly, who wore the same expression on his face. ‘Is that-?’ Fred started.
‘Yeah, Fred.’ George finished in his mesmerized state, practically drooling over his own words.
George stayed up the entire night thinking about her. Was she really at Hogwarts? Or was he just dreaming? Now was his chance, he had to make a move. However, it seemed as if someone else was going to make the move for him.
Fred and George walked down the, now much more crowded, corridors to charms. Three schools in one castle, no matter how big the castle was, caused for much traffic on the way to classes. Suddenly, a voice yelled out to George in the hallway.
‘Oh, Mr. Weasley!’ Called out Professor McGonagall. ‘Perfect timing. You are to show Miss Krum to her classes for the week; and considering how well you and your brother know the castle, it should be an easy task for you.’ She side eyed him.
‘Me? Professor are you sure?’ George stuttered out. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He was supposed to show the girl he had been crushing over all summer around the castle?
‘Yes, Mr. Weasley. I am quite sure, or did I not make myself clear enough.’ Professor McGonagall said sternly, her lips tugged into the faintest glimpse of a smile.
‘No, Professor. I mean, yes, Professor.’ George felt his face heat up. ‘You can count on me.’
‘Very well. Off you two! Classes will start shortly.’ The older woman said before she left a mess that was George Weasley with the girl in front of him. He had never been so grateful, yet mad at his head of house. Y/n  smiled sweetly at George, ‘Hi, Mr. Weasley, I’m y/n!’
George swallowed, ‘Hi, um, you can call me George. So, what class do you have first.’
Y/n took the time-table out from her bound leather bag, handing it to the boy. But, in actuality she was staring at his face with a most quizzical expression. ‘I know you from somewhere, Mr. George.’ She hummed, staring into her eyes.
George felt his palms get sweaty, and his throat close. ‘Just George is fine,’ his voice cracked. Her expression changed as soon as the words left his mouth.
‘Oh, Merlin! You’re that boy I nearly took out at the Quidditch World Cup!’ She gasped covering her mouth, ‘I am so sorry about that!  You ought to believe me when I say that I wasn’t looking where I was going!’
George’s nervousness turned to amusement; because not only had she remembered him, but she was a blabbering mess in front of him as well. He smiled and put her hand on her shoulder, silencing her rambling. ‘Not to worry, y/n. But I must admit, you did some pretty heavy-duty damage to my arm.’ He laughed. She relaxed, grinning.
‘Well, you know, you did put up a good fight, thought for sure I was knocking over another Quidditch player.’ Y/n slapped his arm, playfully. George winced at the touch of her strong, but innocent blow. ‘Merin! Sorry, I really don’t know my own strength sometimes.’ She smiled weakly at him.
George shook off the blow, ‘I live in a house with four older brothers, is that the best you got?’ he teased her.
‘Oh, you are so on, Weasley.’ She giggled at him.
George arrived back to the common room after classes with a wide, goofy smile plastered onto his face. He sat down next to his brothers and sister who sat near the fireplace in the center of the room.
‘Someone looks happy,’ Ginny teased.
‘Yeah, I’d be happy too if I got to show Viktor Krum’s sister around the castle.’ Ron said half seriously and half mockingly.
‘His sister or Viktor himself,’ Ginny stuck her tongue out.
Ron rolled his eyes, ‘Shut it, Ginny.’ He mumbled under his breath. The crowd of them sat laughing, when George pipped up.
‘She’s so wonderful. Her hair, her smile, her humor.’
‘Her super human strength.’ Fred nodded in agreement.
George playfully shoved his brother, ‘Now, now don’t be jealous. I got to ask her out, except I have no idea how. I can’t mess this up.’
‘Well, you can ask her to the Yule Ball,’ Ginny stated.
‘The Yule Ball, the bloody hell is that,’ Ron asked.
‘Honestly, Ron. Do you ever  listen when Dumbledore speaks?’ she huffed, then turned her attention back to George. ‘It’s a sort of dance, a tradition for the Triwizard tournament. You can ask her to be your date, then just hope it goes well enough for you to snag a day at Hogsmeade with her.’
George shook his head, a smug smile on his face. ‘Great thinking, Gin. Thanks!’ He ruffled her hair, then headed back up to the dorms.
The next few weeks, went by fast. Too fast. It wasn’t long before snow began falling, coating the grounds of Hogwarts in a beautiful white. George and y/n began talking more and more every day. Their friendship extended beyond George only showing her around the castle to them playing Quidditch together, watching the events of the Triwizard tournament in each other’s company and on occasion studying together.
With every passing day, they grew fonder of each other. One day after picking y/n up from potions, her and George headed to the courtyard to enjoy the snow. George brought some of his favorite treats from Hogwarts for her to try along with them.
‘Wait what is this one?’ she questioned holding a pastry in her.
‘It’s called a treacle tart.’ George answered laughing. She raised her brow, a suspicious look on her face. ‘Just try it! Trust me, I think you’ll like this one.’ George convinced her.
She took a small bite, face turning upside down, ‘No way, George. Way too sweet!’ George chuckled at her, ‘I do think my brother will like it though, he has quite the sweet tooth.’
Y/n returned his sentiments and laughed. They sighed together, taking in the fun they were having. George smiled shyly, ‘So about your brother, must be pretty cool having him be the greatest seeker and all that. Definitely never a dull moment for you lot.’
The girl nodded her head, ‘Never a dull moment is right,’ she scoffed. ‘I love my brother, but you know it can be hard sometimes. He is so accomplished, everyone’s favorite. First Quidditch, now this tournament. I’m constantly in his shadows. Not that I mind, I just wish someone would see me for me, not just his little sister.’
George sent her a knowing look, y/n exhaled. ‘Sorry, you probably didn’t need to know all of that. I-‘
‘No,’ George interjected, ‘I know how you feel. Fred, my brother, he’s everyone’s favorite. Not to mention Bill, Charlie and Percy, all prefects and head boys. But, you just try to find what makes you different. Do things nobody thinks you can do. And you’re a talented witch, you can do anything you set your mind to. Not to mention I had no idea who your brother was when I first met you.’
Y/n blushed at his words, ‘Thanks, George. That’s really kind of you.’
‘Not to worry,’ George said. ‘And while I have this new-found confidence, how would you like to be my date to the Yule Ball, if you don’t already have one.’
Her face lit up, eyes twinkling like Christmas lights. ‘Of course, George! Of course, I’ll go with you.’ She pulled him into a tight hug, knocking the breath out of him. George had never felt happier then he did in this moment. 
‘Bulgaria may have not won the world cup, but you for sure won my heart.’
‘Are you always this much of a jokester, Mr. George?’
(a/n: thank you so much for reading! i hope you all enjoyed it, it was such a cute request! sending love and positive vibes! -xo mari)
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mackeydoodledoo · 4 years
Heart Flutter
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Part 1 of the “Not So Cold After All” Series!
Pairing: Jade Thirlwall x (Fem!)Reader
Summary: You were a very caring child, no matter how many times mean kids would try and discourage you. However, there was one in particular girl that caught your eye; Jade Thirlwall, she'd always drive your bullies away, but would always act sour around you. However, years, many years go by and you practically forget about your “Barely Notices You” crush however, your paths cross again, when you realize you are Little Mixs' touring bassist, seeing Jade for the first time in years, resurfacing some unspoken love.
Warnings: Angst(?)
A/N: This is in 1st person, Bold = Thoughts, Italics = Singing
As I tune up my bass guitar I begin warming up with some scales; my met in my earbuds. I watch as my best friend; who's the keyboardist as well. The both of us are in a band; which we formed while we were drunk. Us two have been personally asked by Little mixs' producers, as us two have been performing gigs and getting a lot of good reviews from whomever sees us in concert. However, this is the first time we've been on tour. 
"This is a first," I chuckle, as I finish warming up 
"Now Y/N, when Little Mix comes on stage, you have to remember er to pick your jaw up off the floor-" 
I punch Laura's shoulder and walk away. Being lesbian sure sucks often.. because unlike me, I see a pretty girl or woman.. I gawk. My lesbian shows. 
"I hate you sometimes," I say 
Currently, our band is a duo. We were unsuccessful finding a drummer and a guitarist. But we're surprised that we made it work with a keyboardist and a bassist. However, we mostly did gigs for a living. We have tik tok and instagram. I mann Instagram while Laura manns the tik tok. We have posted some covers, bass line covers and keyboard covers. However most of the time, Laura is the lead whilst I back vocal or even don't vocal at all. I'm still trying to learn how to sing and play instruments at the same time. 
"Who'da thunk a duo band would end up becoming apart of a live band for Little Mix?" Laura asks 
"Not me," I laugh, blowing raspberries, "Thank god the song 'Black Magic' was on my sister's playlist. Otherwise we wouldn't be here." 
I begin playing the Black Magic Bass line by memory. It was difficult figuring this song out because there were no tabs for it until I had to listen to a cover that played the same song. For as long as I needed to I had managed to memorize it. But looking over the written tabs I did for a refresher. 
Full of Honey Just to make him sweet Crystal balling Just to help him see What he's been missing  So come and get it- 
I hear a voice that finished out the verse before the Chorus. I stop playing and look up. I feel my eyes widen slightly as I lay eyes on a familiar face. 
"J-Jade?" I call out 
"Y/N?" She calls out, "Is it really you?" 
"It’s me," I smile, gently swinging my Bass around behind me so I could give Jade a hug 
The hug is a lot more firm the last time I remember. But I felt that I did the same. 
"I'm glad you're here," she says, "We have so much to catch up on." 
My heart skipped a beat I swear... 
Wait.... She was never this enthused to see me. Why is she bringing it all back up now? 
"Y-Yeah," I smile 
She walks away to go back into rehearsal with her girls and I begin doing my own warm up. 
I pack up my bass for the evening to begin heading out to Ireland for the first part of the tour. 
"Y/N," a voice calls out 
I swing my bass case around my shoulders and smile, "Hey Jade." 
"Look," she begins, "I know where we left off all that time ago-" 
"It’s alright Jade," I interject, "I'm over it really. Besides, I think this suits you well." 
"I know it's just," she says, "I never thought about the whole thing until I saw you earlier. For the first time in years and-" 
I gently tug on Jade's arm and wrap my arms around her. Instinctively rubbing my thumb gently on the small of her back. 
"Lets leave it at this-," I suggest 
Jade pulls away to look at me, not letting me finish the rest of the sentence. 
"For now," I add, "Once the whole tour goes over, maybe.... Before Laura and I go back to the states, we could get dinner... Talk about life.... You know." 
"I'd like that love," Jade says, "I'd like that a lot." 
There goes Jade again... Calling me "love". It had always made my heart flutter. Then it would go all to my stomach and it'd ache from the giddy feeling of being in her presence. I remember when she would call me that when she finds me alone at the playground. But then when I felt better she would go back to her other friends. However, it didn't phase my little kid self as I knew she was doing it to make me feel better. 
When Laura and I haul our instruments onto the carrier for cargo, a handful of fans try to get pictures, autographs of sorts with the girls of Little mIx, giving little attention to us. However, we were fine with that. Jax, Becca, Laura and I were okay sticking into the shadows. However, we waited on the other side of the gate to wait for them. 
"Ngl I wish we could at least been asked to get in a picture," Jax pouts 
"And be in that chaos?" Becca asks, laughing 
When I look back over, Jade was the last to enter the gate to our flight and I notice in time she tripped over somebody's foot and I instinctively dove down to catch her. I catch her a few inches from her face making contact with the ground. I help her gain her bearings and through the gate. 
"You alright there?" I ask, brushing off dust from her hip line 
"Yeah," she answers, "Thanks love." 
I stop brushing her down and look up at her. I smile gently at Jade and rise back up slowly, to avoid being lightheaded. Jade and I walk back to everyone else and follow them towards the terminal gate. I notice Jade clinging onto me like a Koala clinging onto a tree branch. 
"Jade," I ask 
"Hmm?" She asks 
"You alright? You're hanging onto my arm kinda tight there. Like I'm almost going to fall if you yank even further." I say 
She smiles but reluctantly lets go of my arm. However, our fingers are coiled together. I notice Jade hunching her shoulders. I regretfully uncoil my fingers and take off my leather jacket and put it around her. I coil my fingers again and smile as she looks at me, as if I kissed her. 
"Thanks Y/N," Jade smiles 
"Always," I smile, us two catching up with the rest of the girls 
"Aren't you cold though Y/N?" She asks 
"Actually," I start, "My body temperature runs warmer than the average. So I was pretty sweaty not a minute ago." 
"Wish that could be me," Jade sighs 
We get onto the flight however, Jade and I pay ways as she seats herself next to Leigh-Anne. I sit next to Laura and immediately put in my headphones to help zone out. I look out the window as the plane takes off into the night. As I begin getting lost in my music, I didn't even feel Laura tap on my shoulder until she punches it, dragging me back into reality.
“Ow what?!” I ask
Laura points over to Jade right across the isle and she smiles and waves at me. I do the same.
“Can I sit next to you love?” she asks
Laura nods as she and Jade switch spots. I smile as Laura smirks at me. Jade leans over and looks onto my phone.
“What are you listening to?” she asks
“A band called ‘Crimson Apple’,” I say, “Want to listen with me?”
She happily nods as I give her the left earbud, “I’m currently listening to one of their songs called ‘Shower’.”
She nods as she slowly leans onto my shoulder. All the while Colby Benson’s voice is serenading the both of us. I gently lean my head on hers as I close my eyes. 
When I open my eyes again, I feel an arm wrapped around me. I straighten myself out and look up to see Jade.
“Well good morning sleepyhead,” She smiles, “We’re about to land.”
“How long was I asleep?” I ask
“Only an hour,” She answers, “You’re a real heavy sleeper.”
“Well, in this case I didn;t was anyone to slap my face to wake me up,” I say
As the plane lands I swing my backpack; that had been laying on the floor the entire time around my back and wait for Jade to grab whatever she had brought onto the flight. 
 As we exit the plane and make our way toward the exit, Jade’s fingers coil around mine. Smiling, but not having her know I was happy, I tighten the grip gently. Letting her know I’m okay with her holding my hand. As we reach the exit, there were fans already near the cab we were taking to the hotel. As much as I respect the fans, I absolutely dislike it when they crowd around us. Especially the girls. However, there were security personnel there to help all of us get to the cab easy.
“Are you dating the live band bassist Jade?” a fan asks
I turn to the direction of the sound however, Jade tugs at my arm, to which now I’m in front of her. I sigh and look back into the direction of the fan who asked.
“That’s for us to know and for all of you lot to never find out,” I answer back, smiling smuggish, then drag Jade into the cab
“Did you actually mean to begin talking in an english accent when you said that?” Jade asks
“What” I ask
“When you answered the fans you spoke in an english accent,” Jade laughs, “How did you not notice?”
Everyone began laughing and agreeing with Jade. Laura teases me at how I did even notice I began talking in an english accent.
“But I’m going to be honest that was really good though,” Perrie states
“Really?” I ask, “It’s not very perfect because I still can’t pronounce words very well when I talk like this. But, It’s there. It’s something.”
I laugh as Jesy begins cackling. Of all things I could love about Jesy, It’d be her laugh. 
 When we arrive to the hotel, we only had little time to wind down and even remotely change clothes as we had a show tomorrow night. 
“No rest for the wicked,” I smile, swinging my case around
“Not for us Explorers,” Laura smiles
We catch up to the rest of the band and Little Mix as we again head off into the city to head to the arena for rehearsal.
As we finish out rehearsal for tonight, Jesy, Jade, Perrie and Leigh-Anne turn to us. I look at Jade, as if I was going to hear the biggest spoiler of a lifetime.
“We want to hear you guys individually play a song for us,” Jesy announces, “We want to see your skills individually.”
My eyes widen… I’m not even a great bassist… How tf am I gonna impress all four of these girls? The girls were doubtful when they noticed me looking like I saw a ghost. Laura stands in front of me, “Yo this could be your chance to show Jade your bass skills!”
“Knowing people are watching?” I ask, “How am I gonna do this?!”
“Pretend they’re not there,” Laura demands, “Pretend it’s just you, the spotlight and your bass. Basically let the music take your soul and perform with that!”
I inhale and exhale and nod. Jade suggested I go last for reasons unknown however, Becca, Laura and Jax didn’t mind at all. 
Anxiety runs its course, I stretch out my wrists excessively, I play the song I’m planning to play; Planetary (GO!) By My Chemical Romance. Their bass lines are awesome to play, this bass line being my favorite. It's difficult but it's fun. 
"Hey you," Jade comes up to me, "You doing alright?"
"Y-yeah I'm alright Jade," I say, "I've only been a bassist for a couple of years and I'm in front of professionals."
"Oh love," Jade starts, "It's gonna be okay. You're gonna do great. I promise you."
I inhale and exhale and watch Jax finish up her set; hearing her play the last couple of notes. As I walk out onto the stage, Jax pats my shoulder as she passes by me. Jade goes out into the audience to sit next to her girls to watch me. I hook up my phone to record my run onto one of the amps  and then walk towards the microphone.
"So this bass line was one of the most difficult ones to learn," I start, "However, it was also really fun to play so I'm going to showcase that same one here tonight."
I motion for the sound audio people to start the song I talked over with the sound audio team and for a second, the tour manager and Little Mix were caught off guard with the siren sound in the intro. As the first verse plays I just do some eighth notes; simple however, when it gets to the pre-chorus, I begin jamming out; every note I rung out, I “overdo it” and head bang into the notes. I hear Jade cheer as I play sixteenth on the 12th fret on the A string (the second lowest string on a 4-string bass).
 As I play the chorus I begin to jump around and headbang as I play it. I make eye contact with Jade and lean down to play to her. I watch her as she begins acting like my biggest fan. I was okay with that. 
 As I play the last two notes on my part to the song. I feel sweat run down the side of my head as I look over and Jade is running over to me. With only a split second to swing my bass around, she immediately jumps into my arms.
“Bloody hell Y/N!” she yells, “You were amazing!”
As she pulls away, our faces stay inches away from each others’ and we smile at each other. She looks so beautiful Holy sh*t… 
“I knew we chose a great bass player,” Jade smiles
Perrie, Jesy and Leigh-Anne agree. I look to Jax, Becca and Laura and they give me a thumbs up. This is going to be the coolest tour ever.
Part 2
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weareyour4 · 4 years
Does Gay Still Mean Happy? LGBT+ Representation in Film - Alys
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Does Gay Still Mean Happy? - LGBT+ Representation in Television
It’s fair to say that, over recent years, LGBT representation in media has exploded; from big budget blockbusters like Call Me By Your Name, to award-winning programmes with wide reach like Orange is the New Black, but is this representation always fair?
According to GLAAD’s report, Where are We on TV (2020), just 9.5% of recurring television characters were LGBTQ, with these numbers heavily skewing towards cisgender gay characters; lesbians take up around 30%, bisexuals 28%, and transgender people came in at 8%, including just two non-binary recurring characters over all platforms. Even if these statistics reflected the population, LGBTQ characters are less likely to appear on light-hearted shows, are put through harsher situations, and are often killed off to advance the plot.
There is an argument to be had on whether it is important for queer representation to go through this dramatic phase in order to expose problems for people in the community (such as the AIDS crisis, transphobia, and issues around coming out) before moving to where cisgender heterosexual people are as the default setting for a character. There are many shows such as Pose and It’s a Sin (catch up on All4 now) which do a great job of representing the genuine struggles within our community, both to people outside the community, and to the lucky few of us who grew up without going through these experiences. My worry, however, is that some of the viewership of these shows comes from a morbid curiosity from conservative communities, and without the counterpart of light-hearted comedies with unburdened gay and trans people, young people who are new to the community see only fear and hatred, and become even more scared and ashamed of who they are. In my opinion, a perfect form of alternative representation is Claire in Derry Girls - being a lesbian is a key part of her identity but it’s not all she is. Claire is a character with flaws and quirks and, despite going to a Catholic school in 1990’s Ireland, she is free to openly and unashamedly be herself with the love and support of her best friends.
On the bright side, there is a revolution occurring on kids’ TV. Looking back, I can’t think of a single outwardly LGBTQ character on the television I watched as a kid in the 00’s (outside of RTD’s Doctor Who era with an obvious side eye to Luke on Sarah Jane Adventures), with some networks going as far as pushing characters together to prove they weren’t gay (looking directly at Disney’s treatment of Kelsey and Ryan in High School Musical on this one). Non-binary icon and children’s tv creator Rebecca Sugar has already made such huge strides as a key force behind the inclusion of same-sex relationships on Adventure Time, and Steven Universe which features a married lesbian couple as one of the main characters (I promise that sentence makes sense within the context of the show)! Unfortunately, kid’s tv flips the script on other shows and features a disproportionately small amount of male gay and bisexual representation, perhaps due to the fact that male same-sex relationships have always been seen as more inherently sexual, and therefore cause more of a stir in conservative parenting communities.
The big issue that seems to still be highly prevalent in this new age of queer liberation, is how trans and non-binary people are disproportionately underrepresented. As well as LGBTQ people of colour, with disabilities, and bisexual people who actually use the word ‘bisexual’ rather than the common “I’m just attracted to people” that we have all become so accustomed to.
Hopefully this is a step in the right direction, and, in 20 more years, my kids will grow up watching LGBT people like their mum on every channel.
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erisbaek · 4 years
Stucky Fic Rec [Part Two]
Here is part two of the fic rec, as promised by today! I don’t know how many parts this will be since I am constantly reading new fics, and adding them. Every fic added to this rec I have read, and would recommend, therefore they are my personal preference (meaning typically longer than 10k, and very few - if any - shrinkyclinks and ABO) Same as last time, I will provide the Google Doc link where I update the rec regularly, but if you’d prefer it formatted here, it is under the cut!
Google Doc Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10wqr5s-CzkFzLidQgt-y4-cjudHWwVeVPWCedMjK7t0/edit
If you want to recommend fics, you can do that as well! I only add fics that I’ve read. 
Watch Them Rolling Back
         Word Count: 16.9k          Rating: Teen and Up          Notable Tags: Post Infinity War, Canon Divergence          Warnings: Temporary Character Death          Synopsis: Bucky was just here, he was right here. This can’t be all that’s left. Well, it’s not all that’s left, not quite. There, in the pile of ash that used to be Bucky Barnes, already drifting to scatter across the soil of Wakanda, to dissipate in the air, to be nothing but dust on Steve’s hands and in his gasping mouth and in his lungs—left there, in that ash and dirt, are his gun, and his left arm, gleaming dully in the sunshine.
Hey Bartender, Pour ‘Em Hot Tonight
           Word Count: 22.9k            Rating: Mature            Notable Tags: Bartender!Bucky, Patron!Steve           Warnings: Smut           Synopsis: Steve looks down and catches sight of a bright pink drink in a hurricane glass. Moisture is beaded on the outside, and the cool feel of it is nice on Steve’s sweaty hand as he picks up the monstrosity Sam has ordered for him.
“What the hell is this?” Steve asks, a disbelieving smile on his face. “You couldn’t just order me a beer?” “You said to surprise you,” Sam smirks. “And you made me wait.” “But what is it?” Steve repeats, and is answered by a deep, unfamiliar voice. “It’s a Singapore Sling,” the man behind the bar is smiling. “Not what you were expecting?” In which Bucky is a bartender and Steve is immediately smitten. He's not the only one.
Roommate Wanted 
            Word Count: 61.7k             Rating: Teen and Up             Notable Tags: Roomate!AU, Secret Identity             Warnings: None             Synopsis: As Captain America, he’s one of New York’s finest heroes. But as regular old Steve Rogers? Nothing more than a struggling graphic designer who can't quite pay rent anymore. The solution? Get a roommate. Enter Bucky Barnes, aka the Winter Soldier, ex-brainwashed assassin turned hero trying to make up for his violent past. He needs a place to stay - preferably with a roommate who wouldn't mind his weird hours. Seems like the perfect match. Only problem? Neither knows the other is a hero.
These Streets
          Word Count: 5.4k                        Rating: Mature           Notable Tags: Cop!Steve            Warnings: Smut           Synopsis: The life and times of Police Officer Steve Rogers and his dealings with the not so classy residents of his local precinct, including Bucky Barnes, the rough muscle with the dreamy blue eyes.
(A Silent Prayer) Like Dreamers Do
             Word Count: 12.5k             Rating: Mature             Notable Tags: Soulmate!AU, Shrunkyclunks              Warnings: None             Synopsis: Everyone has a soulmate. Everyone. Since the counsel has been keeping records, there has been one exception to that rule, and considering the man, no one was very surprised. After all, Captain America, ne Steve Rogers, was the exception to all the rules. So when he plunged into the Atlantic in a plane loaded with enough explosives to take out the entire Eastern Seaboard, the nation mourned him, but the counsel breathed a sigh of relief. Their perfect record - a soulmate for everyone - was intact. When Bucky is five or six or seven, he has his first bonding dream.
The Tipping Point
             Word Count: 16.8k              Rating: Teen and Up              Notable Tags: Not CACW Compliant, Touch Starved              Warnings: None              Synopsis: Bucky shows up at Steve's door a week after he pulled him out of the Potomac. He brings his cat with him. Eventually, they stay.
Victims and Victories
             Word Count: 14.7k              Rating: Explicit             Notable Tags: Army!Steve,, Mechanic!Bucky             Warnings: Past Abusive Relationship, Mentions of R*pe/Non-Con, Assault              Synopsis: Steve Rogers is an Army Special Forces Captain. Bucky Barnes, former marine sniper, restores and sells old cars in his spare time. They meet one day when Steve is on a run and Bucky is running from his abusive ex. Steve turns out to be exactly what Bucky needs.
Strange Visitor (From Another Time)
             Word Count: 51.1k              Rating: Explicit               Notable Tags: Shrunkyclunks, Hidden Identity, Reporter!Bucky, Slow Burn, Enemies to Friends to Lovers              Warnings: Slight Smut             Synopsis: James Barnes, rising star reporter of the New York Bulletin, has a plan. One, find out all there is to know about New York's newest vigilante Nomad, starting with his true identity. Two, write a masterful piece about it. Three, win a Pulitzer and become the envy of all his peers. Four, enjoy. Or, you know, something like that. One thing's for certain, though: he sure as hell isn't going to let that fucking asshole newbie Grant O'Connor steal his spotlight.
I Will Remember You
          Word Count: 15.4k           Rating: Teen and Up           Notable Tags: Temporary Amnesia           Warnings: None           Synopsis: Bucky is James now, and it takes Steve losing his memory to bring them back together He stares at the man, curious and wondering. “Who are you?”  “James Barnes.”  The man’s voice, and the way he shapes his consonants—soft and smooth and just a touch foreign—is almost, but not quite, familiar.  “Are we friends too?” he asks. “Yeah.” Huh. The way his body’s responding to James doesn’t seem very friend-like.
Travelling Light 
           Word Count: 56.8k            Notable Tags: Angel!Bucky, Dark Fantasy, Bonding            Warnings: Canonical Character Death, Smut            Synopsis: When Steve wakes up, it is a surprise. The last thing he remembers is the bottom of the lake, sharp teeth and yellow eyes, and the cold pressure of not being able to breathe. But he isn’t dead. He didn’t drown. He is not in the water anymore. Instead, he is warm, very much alive, and wrapped in a cocoon of feathers. He’s also naked. And with a man lying right next to him.
La Belle et la Bête
             Word Count: 66.7k              Rating: Explicit               Notable Tags: Beauty and the Beast!AU, Forced Marriage, Veteran!Bucky              Warnings: Body Horror, Smut              Synopsis: Steven Rogers was born in 18th century Ireland to a mother who knew herbs and the old ways. After she passes, Steve asks for aid and gets more than he bargained for. He’s cursed into the form of a beast by day and given 300 years to prove to the fae enchantress that such a thing as true love exists. If he can’t prove it, he’ll be whisked back to her realm and be forced to marry her. He can try to find love with whomever he wants, but they have to fall in love with him without seeing his human face for a year and a day. He spends hundreds of years searching, but so far, no one seems worth the risk. Bucky Barnes is a grumpy war vet whose sister is dying. Desperate, he goes in search of a flower that can save her, but the cost is higher than he anticipated: His sister’s life in exchange for his. When he returns to keep his side of the bargain, nothing in the mansion is what it seems.
Captain America and the Great Pygmalion Debacle
             Word Count: 31.7k              Rating: Explicit               Notable Tags: Friends to Lovers, Slow Build              Warnings: Smut              Synopsis: Bucky absolutely refuses to cut his hair and for the life of him Steve can't understand why. The reason? There's nothing in this world Bucky loves more than having Steve brush it...
Breath I’ll Take, and Breath I’ll Give
              Word Count: 17.1k               Rating: Mature               Notable Tags: Post CATWS               Warnings: PTSD, Suicidal Thoughts               Synopsis: It's starting to get harder for Steve to find reasons to get out of bed in the morning.
Lucky Seven
              Word Count: 94.3k               Rating: Explicit               Notable Tags:  Shrunkyclunks, Mechanic!Bucky, Russian!Bucky, Slow Burn                Warnings: Smut               Synopsis: Captain America trashes his motorcycle a lot. Tony says he'll fix it, then never gets around to it and just buys him a new one. Steve, the Depression-era kid, can't stand the waste and goes looking for somewhere near him in Brooklyn where he can get his bike fixed. That's how he finds Red Star Bike Repair, and the hot Russian-immigrant bike racer who runs it: all long hair and muscles and tattoos. And for the first time since he woke from the ice, Steve feels a connection to someone; a comfort in the other man's silences and his space, an attraction in his sheer skill at racing. But James Barnes isn't exactly who he seems…
The Arsonist’s Choir
            Word Count: 11.9k             Rating: Explicit             Notable Tags: Post CACW, (Kind of) Fake Marriage             Warnings: Smut             Synopsis: "It's Bucky," Steve added, helplessly. The buyer was now sitting at Mikhailov's table, but the mission seemed unimportant. "He's been arrested. In Texas. And, uh, apparently, we're married." "Congratulations," Natasha replied, with a small grin. "Are you registered anywhere?"
What a Dizzy Dance
          Word Count: 30.7k           Rating: Explicit           Notable Tags: Shrunkyclunks, Model!Bucky, Neighbours!AU           Warnings: Smut           Synopsis: An AU where Bucky is a model but Steve is still Steve. They live next to each other and Bucky keeps accidentally stealing Steve's cat.
Separating Me From You
         Word Count: 14.8k          Rating: Mature          Notable Tags: Post CATWS          Warnings: None          Synopsis: After Bucky's recovery, in the face of SHIELD's rebirth, and as all the Avengers have found themselves at a comfortable place with themselves and each other, it should have occurred to Steve that something would go wrong. However, he could have never guessed that trouble would come in the form of the US Army deciding that, because Steve had signed himself over for Project Rebirth, he was technically still the property of the US Government. Property that they wanted to claim.
The Sweetest Spark
         Word Count: 73.1k          Rating: Explicit          Notable Tags: Modern!AU, Age Difference, No Powers          Warnings: Smut          Synopsis: Steve Rogers runs a successful business. He has great friends and a great life. It seems like he has it all. So why is he sitting in a diner on a Friday night alone? Maybe he's just a little lonely. Maybe Bucky Barnes can help with that. ----- It wasn’t just how he looked. Of course, the fact that he was ridiculously stunning was what Steve had noticed first when he’d spotted him across the diner and had left him staring with his mouth open before he’d realised what he was doing, but how could he not?...
A Memory Like a Haunting
           Word Count: 28.6k            Rating: Explicit            Notable Tags: Time Travel            Warnings: Smut            Synopsis: “Why is Bucky’s line disconnected?” Steve asks. “Steve, who are you talking about?” Clint asks. Steve glares at him. “Bucky. You know. The Winter Soldier. My boyfriend. Long hair, metal arm. Come on, guys, this isn’t funny.” “No one is laughing,” Natasha replies. “There is no one called the ‘Winter Soldier,’ and if you have a boyfriend, you certainly haven’t introduced him to us.” “JARVIS, can you tell me if Bucky is in the building?” he asks instead of responding to Nat. There is a long pause and then JARVIS’ clear voice comes down from the ceiling. “I have no records of anyone who goes by the name ‘Bucky’ entering the building.” Or: Steve wakes from a nightmare only to find that Bucky no longer exists.
Honeymoon Cabin
          Word Count: 16.8k           Rating: Explicit           Notable Tags: Shrunkyclunks, Post Avengers, Veteran!Bucky           Warnings: Smut            Synopsis: After a misunderstanding about the rental availability of the famed Honeymoon Cabin, two lonely men end up falling in love during a winter snowstorm that strands them in the same place.
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him-e · 4 years
Could you give some recommendations of TV shows that are, in your opinion, good/interesting/fun to watch/etc.? They can be recent or older ones, and pretty much of any genre (also, the more recommendations, the better).
disclaimer: I haven’t been in the *right* mood to really get into anything for a LONG WHILE, so my feelings about tv and movies at the moment exist in a spectrum that goes from “ok I guess” to “this somehow sucks even more than my life does and I want to crawl into a hole and rot in it”. So don’t expect lots of flailing and squeeing, lol. THAT SAID, I’m going to focus on the stuff I’ve seen recently:
bridgerton. mildly fun. very cw-ish but with occasional sexplosions. a mix between reign and gossip girl set in regency era. no mr darcy equivalent, unfortunately (the duke of hastings is 100% a chad). also don’t expect historical accuracy or anything like actual jane austen vibes. the main couple is quite shippable and has some decent banter and slow burn until it suddenly escalates into marriage and the sexplosion I mentioned above. the best part, though, is that i’m apparently shipping in*cest again 
the undoing. nicole kidman is married to hugh grant, who is, shockingly, an asshole. but before you think “typecasting”, more on the creepy than pathetic side. the mystery is kinda underwhelming imo bc it leads you to think there’s much to the story than what you originally thought, but no, it really is that simple.
the crown. what can i say? very well written and acted. It’s also super slow and analytical, and can be occasionally boring, if you’re not in the mood. I’m being super slow at catching up because I’m watching it with my mother, and I’m still at season 3 and feeling inappropriately (but also predictably) sympathetic towards Charles (but I’m looking forward to the Diana episodes). This is also a good show if you wanna play “drink every time you recognize a Game of Thrones/Being Human/*insert iconic franchise starring predominantly british folks* actor”. Speaking of royals...
the queen’s gambit. 10/10. Singlehandedly cured my depression for a week. absolutely perfect in every aspect (almost---the lack of a main romance with HEA was a bit of a bummer, but there’s shipping material nonetheless): only one season, “strong” heroine in the sense that she’s a character with an actual PERSONALITY who falls and has genuine flaws and---despite being “inexplicably” a genius (the show gives the context of how she learns to play chess but doesn’t go out of its way to *justify* her talent or how she managed to pulverize guys older and better trained than her)---falls, and loses, sometimes badly, actually at one point slips into a pit of depression and self destruction but only to eventually rise again. I also somehow didn’t come out of this show hating the entire male gender any more than I already do, even though it’s a story about a woman in a male-dominated field who often has to face sexism and patronising attitudes from her peers. but almost everyone she meets is, actually, a quite decent guy? even those who initially challenge her or treat her condescendingly. It’s also a lesson about writing stories with very definite ANTAGONISTS who, however, are NOT villains (but obviously this wouldn’t work for every genre, this one is a fairytale-ish coming of age, a female power fantasy set in the real world, it actually reminded me of 80′s spokon/shoujo anime like Attacker You) 
a discovery of witches. I’ve seen only season one so far, and let me say I didn’t expect a main romance between a VAMPIRE and a WITCH to be such a SNOOZEFEST. dear god. I swear they’re giving me Bill/Sookie vibes (and I like Matthew Goode). but aside from this, it’s sorta watchable, and there’s an *evil* finnish witch who’s in a sorta kinda enemies-to-friends dynamic with the protagonist
his dark materials. Still have to catch up on season 2 because I feel rather lukewarm about it. I haven’t read the books so I can’t tell if it’s a good adaptation or not. From what I can see, everything is in the right place to make it a good story, but somehow, I’m not vibing with it? Maybe I’m just too old to care about stories with child protagonists lol.
cursed. watch it for the weeping monk. YES he’s Medieval Kylo Ren.
the boys. pretty much the most FUN (and plot-heavy) shit I’ve seen recently, but also the only good take about marvel-style superheroes and their whole fake-deep, dishonest, intensely capitalistic rhetorics i can stomach anymore (beyond the on the nose parody and obvious--a bit insufferable actually--genre-subverting intent, try looking at Homelander & co. through the lens of this post). oh yeah I also ship Frenchie and Kimiko btw, which just proves how a mediocre show can become good, and a good show can turn into AMAZING if there’s something I can ship in it.
now quite out of character for me but here’s a couple Netflix rom com movie recs:
holidate. yeah I know christmas time is over but this somehow became my new comfort movie. Fake dating at its finest. Hot, fun, not insufferably cheesy, definitely not a Hallmark Xmas movie (you know those movies where as a set up the female protagonist breaks up with her long term fiance and she’s like, “oh.”, and proceeds to be sad for 0,5 seconds? This is not one of those), it’s an actual slow burn, and there’s a part where the heroine has a diarrhea emergency which a) is not played as a gross joke and b) somehow leads to hot, romantic sex??
leap year. a 2010 movie with Matthew Goode (who is sexier here than in vampire form) and Amy Adams, it’s a road trip in Ireland (!!!!) with a shitton of belligerent romantic tension and fanfic tropes, 10/10
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falkenscreen · 4 years
Star Trek: Voyager
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Yes this show ended some time ago; that doesn’t mean that it’s not still underrated.
A relative late convert to Star Trek, this author committed to traversing the Delta Quadrant having finished The Original Series, The Next Generation, Discovery & Picard to date. Deep Space Nine is next; like the Doctor I don’t know anything about this ‘Dominion’ but they seem important and we’ll get there.
Having now finished Voyager, here’s the (spoiler-filled) thoughts of someone who came to the bridge afresh and savoured the light-hearted nature of the show. Yes TNG demanded more attention and the episodes herein that do are generally better, but for relaxed, semi-serialised adventure Voyager is a high point.
We’ll start with the negative and get to the fun stuff.
From the get-go there was a jarring disconnect between the premise and goals of the show. If a ship more advanced than any in the region is travelling really fast in one direction they’re not going to keep running into the same people; better begetting a saga poised for episodic rather than serialised fiction. The writers and audience were evidently a little tired at this point of TNG’s slavish devotion to wrapping everything up in 40-odd minutes so wanted to try variations on a theme; it was the right approach for the time accompanied by a smart premise that didn’t match.
And a stellar premise it was only set to be buoyed by the Federation-Marquis dynamic. Also partly squandered, corresponding grounds for strong tension and stories were left by the wayside – characterised by Chakotay’s ill-established, apparently immediate and seemingly endless trust in Janeway; together major failings of the show.
On continuity, and just so it’s out of the way; no they don’t show it but it’s clear the crew just manufactured more photon torpedoes like they did so much else.
Commencing with one of the best episodes, there is rarely a subsequent moment as character-defining as Janeway destroying the array. Don’t get me wrong, Kate Mulgrew is great, but she alike Kirk and Picard are, as fleshed out as they become, for stretches bare variations on a tired theme; young headstrong hotshot dedicates their life to the stars to become a reasoned, seasoned Commander. ‘Tapestry’ did it best and there was no need to explore this further.
Voyager had a general problem with characters that took several seasons to grow; it was a long time before Neelix stopped being grating and his earnestness became endearing. There is too very little you can relay about Tuvak beyond his being a Vulcan and a little sardonic, or Harry besides his yearning for advancement or Chakotay aside his membership of the Marquis and focus on his cultural background.
The stand-out worst episode of the entire show was Chakotay finding out that the Sky Spirits central to his people’s religion were actually from the Delta Quadrant; you can garner Robert Beltran’s clear ambivalence (at best) to such material. This author is aware of the significant tension between the actor and others on set; I can understand the frustration at a lead cast member belittling the series in public but the directions and emphasis the character took in later seasons was something else, as were the music cues whenever his or some others’ cultures came up.
Star Trek, and notably The Original Series, is often (but not always) shrewd for both telling stories addressing the place of culture, religion and community in people’s lives while not overly if at all drawing attention to particular characters’ backgrounds. To Beltran’s credit, he only made the disaffection perceptible on screen in the episodes that were of poor taste, as opposed to the ones that were just bad. There are many lousy episodes of The Original Series but what near always makes it enjoyable is Shatner et al’s absolute commitment to the bit. One of the very worst episodes of Voyager is the one where Harry is lead to believe that he’s actually from a planet in the Delta Quadrant full of attractive women; yet no one in Star Trek ever needs to look bored reading their lines. There are good ones and bad ones and we’re along for the whole ride.
There’s also that one where Tom and the Captain turn into salamanders, start life on a random planet and somehow transform back into their usual selves with these shenanigans never brought up again. Yeah that was awful but it was preceded by a generally decent few acts centred on exceeding warp limits; reputation aside it wasn’t quite down there.
On Alpha Quadrant folks being in the Delta Quadrant, as much as I missed the Klingons they did not need to rock up latently and near the very end; there were plenty of better ways to give B’Elanna an arc. One of the more interesting characters, she offered a variation on Worf’s overwhelming pride as a Klingon, though she barely got enough episodes to shine and these were predominantly featured much later on. And when the show stopped pretending Tom was the cocky pilot we’ve seen dozens of times before he too managed to get a whole lot more interesting.
It would have made a lot more sense for McNeill to just directly continue his character from TNG’s ‘The First Duty;’ alas.
Also welcome were the insights into the Borg; even if they became a lot less eerie it was great to learn that much more about them, though nothing, save the introduction of Seven, bettered the recuperating drones who were the ship’s first Borg encounter. The Borg children were also very funny (the related Voyager pick-ups in Picard were excellent) and should have stayed on the ship longer so Seven could say more things like “fun will now commence;” she can only say “Naomi Wildman” deadpan, as good as it was, so many times.
Heralded by such a superb actress, Seven and the Doctor thrillingly shared dual arcs akin but distinct to Data’s and each other’s, permitting us to relish their gradual growth and revel in their leaps forward. Seven’s narrowing down of eligible crewmen, unlike Chakotay’s later courting, was a particular highlight, as was her month of isolation when the crew were in stasis and the one where the Doctor overtook her node.
The Doctor however emerges the best character, far and above all others save the near as interesting Seven. Picardo’s charisma and stage presence, well-befitting an exaggeratedly humanistic, bombastic piece of programming, only propelled the most relatable arcs in the series; his desire to fit in and, as any, make a contribution. The Doctor’s opening number in ‘Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy,’ but one occasion where Picardo’s vocal abilities were graciously integrated into the series, by this author’s judgement is the funniest sequence in seven seasons.
‘Message in a Bottle’ with the Doctor centre was too among the very best of the series. Mining any opportunity for comedy we can nonetheless be grateful, alike TNG, that they kept the bald jokes to about one per season.
As asides, it was lovely to see Reginald Barclay return and realise his aspirations in one of the best and most heart-warming episodes of the saga, while the singular and very obvious inspiration one episode draws from Predator proved amusing for just being so unabashed.  
‘Scorpion’ was amazing as was anything to do with Species 8472. Captain Proton, acknowledging the entire franchise’s schlocky roots, was a definite recurring highlight, with Mulgrew in one installment clearly having no end of fun alike the cast’s enjoyable turns in late 90’s Los Angeles alongside Sarah Silverman. Speaking of guest stars, seeing The Rock was a nice surprise though with hindsight they may never have cast him given Star Trek shrewdly chose to not have celebrity appearances overshadow the show. But hey, they can’t see the future; at least cleverly opting to obscure Jason Alexander in piles of costuming.
‘Year of Hell’ is good, but the premise befitted an entire season and alike the lacklustre finale nothing really matters (with some well-executed exceptions) if you can just go back in or erase time. There were many, many episodes that shouldn’t have been contained within forty minutes and deserved longer-form devotion, ala ‘30 Days.’ ‘Timeless’was a much better (and unusually technically-focused) variation on the aforementioned themes and it was fun to catch Geordi, as it was Deanna and especially Sulu. ‘The Omega Directive’ was cool; ‘The Thaw’ was great.
The fable-esque nature of the franchise has always been enjoyable and digestible given the show is partially aimed at kids, though there are episodes where it’s just a little too direct, and characters take a little too much pause. ‘Alice,’ the one where Tom almost cheats with his ship as an overly obvious parallel about why you shouldn’t have sex with other people if you have a girlfriend, if a good lesson, in execution was a tad much.
On reflection this author was surprised to discover some of the least generally favoured episodes, among them the Fairhaven double. It may be my great personal affection for Ireland but it makes perfect sense that given the time available this sort of world would be created and characters might pursue holo-relationships, a theme underexplored in Voyager yet still covered to great effect. The established technical deficiencies of holo-technology in such regular use should not come as a surprise when they recur.  
The one where Kes comes back was actually a later highlight; her character was never very well handled and no it wasn’t that blast off into the sunset but sometimes old friends lose their way and it’s the job of old friends to set them on the right path.
Most surprising was the dislike directed at ‘Tuvix.’ The difference between Voyager and much heavier sci-fi is that herein characters make a lot of decisions that are hard, not ones that are difficult. The destruction of the array was devastating but not morally questionable within the confines of the show. As a tangent, you could argue that had Janeway made the decision to return to the Alpha Quadrant at the beginning of the series that it would have been the morally correct decision given that, as we see in ‘Hope and Fear,’ another highlight, the ship would not otherwise have been a factor in much disorder and destruction. The show was not however so expansive philosophically as to greatly tread such ground as the franchise otherwise managed in the likes of ‘City on the Edge of Forever.’
In ‘Tuvix’ Janeway, a figure, like Chakotay, who often shifted characterisation to fit the requirements of any given story, was faced with a difficult decision with no easy moral out nor ethically unquestionable approach. It was a refreshing change and correspondingly dark denouement to boot apparent in the likes of ‘Latent Image,’ another fine instalment with the Doctor.
‘Eye of the Needle,’ the only episode this author has watched twice to date and a deeply empathetic early high point, save ‘Balance of Terror’ is the best treatment of the guarded but necessarily relatable Romulans (I haven’t seen all the movies!). ‘The Void’ bookends the show as a later stand out while the in respects not dissimilar ‘Night’ bears one of the darkest challenges and finest, most resonant endings.
This brings us to the ‘best episode;’ one featured regularly in top ten lists but seemingly not a very favourite.
‘Blink of an Eye’ is everything that is exceptional and aspirational about Star Trek. Stranded in the stratosphere of a planet where time passes with greater rapidity, the curious presence of Voyager in the skies begins to influence the society to the point where the inhabitants develop space travel to face the spectre.
A commentary on the Prime Directive as deft as any and a relatively novel variation on both the time travel and petri dish tropes resplendent throughout sci-fi and Star Trek, the episode is also a fabulous meta-commentary on the place of the franchise in popular culture much less crude than Janeway bemoaning the Doctor’s fleeting interplanetary fans’ obsession with every aspect of his personal life. Incorporating a fair bit more science than is typically par, the astronaut’s moving decision to help them, as with his staring into the heavens as Voyager finally departs, speaks to the selfless ethos and sense of overwhelming curiosity so intrinsic to the most basic lore of Star Trek, the most beloved episodes and all that Gene Roddenberry best achieved.
It’s also an amazing meditation on first contact principles and pitfalls which unlike many episodes doesn’t borrow story bones from TNG.
A more than welcome reprieve from a pandemic, I didn’t spend as long in the Delta Quadrant as the crew but for what I did I was glad to relish with them.
Star Trek: Voyager is now streaming on Netflix
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emerald-dragonflame · 3 years
Evergreen's Leit First Draft (Ch 1-5)
HEY! Y’all wanna see the first 5 chapters of Evergreen’s Leit? No? WELL TOO BAD, here they are anyways!
(note: this is very much a first draft, and things are liable to change drastically from the final product. Any constructive criticism is always welcome~)
(Also it's a lot shorter than it looks, sorry in advance)
Chapter 1
Scene One: The Village
(Start with a panning shot of The Village, see young Centaurs playing, women making clothing, tanning hide, and using a large mortar and pestle (the ones usually pulled by mules) being pulled by one of the larger Centaurs.
Cut to the Angakkuq’s (Shaman’s) Hut, we see Tali checking his arrow tips, Taqtu, his father and Angakkuq, pats him on the shoulder. )
(tiredness in his voice)
Taliriktug, don't tell me you’re going out. We still have work to do.
Yes, father, I am. (Gives a small smile) Is it too much to ask for you to call me by my nickname, instead?
A “nickname” isn’t your name. Besides, yours is a strong one. (Gives a shit eating grin) It should get a strong woman for you to marry. (*Taliriktug means strong armed man)
Centaurian women do not marry a man for his name, father. (Gives Taqtu a deadpan stare) Otherwise, mother would have never married you.
(looking offended)
Taqtu is a perfect name for me! She knew exactly what she was getting into! (*Taqtu means Kidney)
(Tali begins picking up his gear. His father stops him again. Placing a hand on Tali’s shoulder once more. )
I’m serious, though. Help me with these herbs first and then you can go hunting. The sun’s still out.
(mildly exasperated)
Can you not smell that, father? There is a storm coming, and we are in need of more food before winter comes. (Pushes father’s hand off) I can learn more medicine later, but for now, we should worry about not starving to death.
(Taqtu sighs, then nods.)
Alright, Taliriktug. I can’t keep you it seems. Just, please come back before dark. The Gods are angrier than usual.
Will do. I am sure the Gods will not refuse us food because they're (ahem) pissy.
Keep speaking like that and they just might. (Waves his hand) Just go.
(Tali nods and leaves the hut. He inhales and exhales with a smile, looking around his Village. The same children from the beginning run in front of Tali, almost tripping him and making him exclaim in surprise.
He chuckles, watching the little ones play without a care in the world.)
(He carries on into the woods.)
Scene 2: The Woods
(Tali walks alone in a mildly dense forest. He notices deer tracks and begins to follow them. Raising his head to see if he could smell it. )
(Grunts) Too far away… for now…
(He continues to follow the path of the deer. The “camera” showing him in different places in the woods. He raises his nose to the sky once more to finally catch a scent.)
(Gives a toothy grin) I have you now.
(Tali begins to trot a little faster. Bringing him closer and closer to the coast. There is a wide shot from above showing the woods and coast. “Pan” to said coast.)
Scene 3: The Coast
(Meara sits alone on a large rock facing towards the ocean [*Make her look to the right, not left, the coast is to the East here, not the West] , her eyes are obscured by her hair. She looks melancholic as she hums to herself.)
Scene 4: The Woods
(Tali is seen kneeling next to a recently killed doe. The arrow he shot her with still stuck in her side. He is tying the deer’s hooves together, but stops for a moment.
Tali leans closer to its ear. )
Thank you, your sacrifice is not in vain.
(He finishes tying the doe up when he hears Meara’s singing. Confused, Tali listens intently. It’s in Celtic making him not understand, but he’s drawn to it.
Throwing the deer over his back, and he follows the sound. Through the tree brush, he sees Meara, and instantly is intrigued.)
Who… are you?
End of Chapter
Chapter 2
(Losing focus for a second, he steps on a stick, making a resounding SNAP. Meara turns, spear in hand.)
Who’s there! Show ye-self, and I might not shank ye teh death!
(Amused, Taliriktug steps forward. Lifting his hands in submission.)
Calm down, miss. I am not going to harm you. Please, put the spear down.
(Meara is reluctant, but obliges. Looking Tali up and down as she does.)
(trying to sound threatening)
Who are ye? I thought there weren’t any Mystics living anywhere near here, much less Centaurian Mystics.
I could say the same for you, not many people wear things like that here (motions towards her dress) or have such a strange accent.
(Meara harrumphs, almost like a laugh)
The name is Taliriktug, by the way, but I would prefer it if you simply called me Tali.
Well then… Tali… what possessed you to come over to the shore?
I heard you singing, I believe. I was out hunting, as you can see (points to his kill), it wasn’t anything like I’ve heard before, so I was curious. I would say, it was a smart decision.
Ah, I see.
Forgive me, M’lady, but you have yet to tell me your name.
Ye call me “m’lady” ever again and I’ll shove this spear straight up your ass.
(slightly worried)
Eh, heh… my apologies…
Teh name’s Meara, Meara O’Sullivan
Well, Miss O’Sullivan, might I ask where you might be from?
Give me one good reason why I should tell ye anyt’ing?
(Tali lays down on the snow, using his hand to convince Meara to sit as well. She obliges.)
It is pretty obvious you are not local, my apologies if you were trying to hide that fact--
I wasn’t.
(nods to her)
Good to know, because people out here are less than kind to outsiders. You were honestly quite lucky.
Because ye found me first, dear Hunter?
Do not take this the wrong way, Miss O’Sullivan, but you do seem like an easy target. Those clothes that you wear would fetch quite a pretty penny. Not only that, but if you have not noticed, there is a mighty storm brewing.
Aye, I know of teh storm. (Sigh) look, I’m waitin’ for my family t’ come get me. (Quickly stands up) “Easy target” or not, I should be leaving soon anyways, thank ye for your concern.
And I would not doubt that. However, if I might be so bold, if your family was smart, they would wait until the storm passes.
(Look to Meara, she is obviously a bit uncomfortable.)
A-and I cannot, in good conscience, leave someone to weather a storm, when I, and my family, have room to help you.
(Tali gets up and reaches out his hand, a gentle smile appearing on his face.)
I know that you have no reason to really trust me, as we just met, but I have nothing to give you, other than my word.
(Meara looks down at his hand for a moment, not knowing what to do)
(sly smile on her face)
Ye know that just makes me worried about your intentions… big hunter of a man coming out of teh woods, makes a lady worry for her safety~
(Meep) Ah, that was not what I was--
I know, I know, relax. It’d be really silly to try and do something like that when we’re already alone.
Y-yes… (thoughts: Though, I could do this just to gain your trust, but best not bring that up…)
Ah (ahem) does that mean you will come to my village? Or must I make a grand gesture?
(Meara sighs)
Will ye force me if I say no?
No, but I would be very worried for you
(Meara takes a moment to think it over)
Fine. But I’m takin’ me spear if ye try anyt’in’ stupid.
Fair enough.
End of Chapter
Chapter 3
Scene 1: the Woods
(Tali and Meara begin to walk towards the Village. They are silent for a few panels then Meara comments on the deer on Tali’s back.)
Is that for your family?
Mostly. We share the meat and other things we might not need with the rest of the Village, but most of it is me and my family’s.
Ah, I see
I am curious, Miss O'Sullivan--
Please, just “Meara”. Ye already talk formal enough, no need to lay it on so thick…
(Is quiet for a moment)
I am sorry, but I do not feel comfortable calling you that yet… I hope you do not take offense.
… Says he wishes to be called by a nickname, and yet is uncomfortable calling me by my given name? A strange man you are, Tali.
While that may be true, I can understand how my name can be a mouthful. As I was about to ask, however, might I ask where you are from? Your accent, it is something I have never heard before.
I’m from Ireland. It’s a small country ‘cross the pond. I was dropped off here a little while ago.
You and your family… took a boat across the ocean to here…? And left you?
They didn’t leave me. I stayed here on my own volition!
But why?
(Meara doesn’t answer, leaving Tali hanging. He sighs and drops the subject.)
My Village is just over that hill.
(He walks a little faster to get to the top of the hill. Waiting for Meara to show the big reveal. Meara catches up)
I promise, you’ll feel right at home
(Tali uses his hand to push away some evergreen leaves to show off his home. Meara looks down, and her eyes sparkle at the lovely little village near the sea.)
Welcome to my home!
Scene 2: The Village
(In the Village, Meara and Tali walk through its pathways. Meara is almost mesmerized by this little town. Tali, almost as mesmerized by her as she is of the town. He gently smiles down at her as her head is on a swivel.)
Wow, everything is so close and small!
(Raising an eyebrow)
And that surprises you?
I’ve lived in a large city for most of me life, so this is new to me.
Waterford… I bet you can only guess where that is, hehe
(Raises an eyebrow)
… I see
(From behind the “camera”, Tali’s mother, Alasie, can be heard. )
Tali-baby? Are you back from hunting already?
(Both Tali and Meara turn to see the polar bear centaur. Harpoon in one hand, and ringed seal in the other.)
(A big smile appears on his face)
Mother! Seems you are as well, I’m glad to see you-
(Alasie grabs him in a sudden bear hug) Oof!
Wonderful dear, I keep forgetting how much you’ve grown
(Completely embarrassed)
(She stops, noticing Meara giggling at the two of them)
(Confused, gently pushes Tali away)
Tali-baby, who’s this?
(Completely deadpanned)
Teh name’s Meara O’Sullivan, miss. Ye son just happened to have kidnapped me and is holding me here against me will…
(Wide smile)
I’m kiddin’, I’m kiddin’, calm down, ah haha
(Is quiet for a moment, but starts Boisterous laughter)
I like this girl, Tali! She’s got spunk (smacks Tali on the back)
(Tali let’s himself laugh and relax a bit)
Honestly, I was worried you really thought that. (Gestures at Alasie) this is my mother, and the wife of our village’s Angakkuq, Alasie
A pleasure, my dear, eh heh. Not very many people are able to make me laugh like that
(Meara gestures to shake Alasie’s hand, but she gives her a confused look, so she puts it down)
Mm… I think the English word is Shaman… a medicine man and spiritual teacher, among other things
Oh, that’s… actually really interesting
So, Meara, you’re not from here, I’m pretty sure, so what’s brought you to our quaint little village?
Short version? I’m just here for teh view. Was waitin’ fer my family te come pick me up, till this lad (points with thumb at Tali) showed up, tellin’ me there’s a big storm brewin’ and wanted te be all chivalrous and shit.
(Meara shrugs and shakes her head)
It’d just be rude of me at that point te say “no”. I’m just glad ye lad didn’t lead me to my death or what have ye (she looks back at him and smiles) I’d say he’s quite disarming, eh?
(Tali blushes as she said that. Placing a hand behind his head. Alasie smiles, placing a hand on her mouth, she realizes what’s going on.)
Disarming? Well, I would not say that…
Meara, dear
(Turns to Alasie)
Where on Earth is your coat? It’s almost below freezing out here, I’m certain humans aren’t built for such weather
(Looks down at her arms) ah, well, teh cold’s never really bothered me. Don’t worry ‘bout it
Well, I must insist you come with me
(Alasie grabs Meara’s arm and pulls her away. Meara tries to protest, but is pulled towards a hut.)
End of Chapter
Chapter 4
Scene 1: The Hut
(In the hut, we see Alasie shifting through her drawers, trying to find clothing more suited to winter weather)
So, Meara, I don’t have to many things that would fit humans, but I might have something that you can wear for a little bit
(Meara lifts her hands, as if to try and stop her)
N-no, I promise, ye don’t have te worry ‘bout me
Hush, (pulls out a pastel pink coat) here we go, I have a little “niece” farther down south. She comes up here on occasion, and this was supposed to be a gift to her the next time she came around.
(Alasie turns towards Meara, a big smile on her face)
But I’m sure she won’t mind you using it while you’re here
(Big sigh)
Ye’re not gonna stop till I take teh coat, are ye?
(Suddenly very serious)
I don’t care how insulated you think your body is. You can’t take chances like that up here. Honestly, I’m surprised you haven’t started suffering from hypothermia yet…
I’m just full of mysteries, ain’t I? (She grabs the coat, and puts it on. She doesn’t seem too pleased. It’s too tight, and small) I hope ye don’t take offense from me stayin’ here for a night.
If you’re asking if I trust you, then yes, I do mind
(Meara looks at her stunned, but tilts her head in confusion)
I’m not sure what ye-
The only reason you’re alive right now is because my son brought you to our home. If you couldn’t tell, it was quite hidden, wasn’t it?
(Thinking, worried look on her face)
Honestly, I’ve been here for almost a month, and had no idea there were even people here. But I think I’ll keep that to me self*
The fact that Tali trusts you means something to us. He’s quite sceptical of outsiders, and it’s a bit unusual for him to blatantly just let you in here. So why?
Why? Fuck, I don’t know! I didn’t ask him if that’s what’cha implyin’. He just came up t’ me while I was waitin’ fer me family near teh ocean
So why were you near the coast? Why are you so far up north? Why did you go with my son, not knowing what his intentions were? There are a lot of things here not adding up, Miss O’Sullivan.
(Meara looks floored for a moment, but then composes herself)
Those first two questions I am not comfortable answerin’, Miss Alasie. But I can give you me word that they are not nefarious. As for me trustin’ your son…
(She stands a little bit taller)
It would be stupid for him to lure me away from an already unpopulated area te hurt me. That coast is pretty out of the way, he could have just left me body there and let teh birds eat me. But honestly, I could just tell he wasn’t like that
So you just trusted a man you didn’t know? The woods would have been better to dispose of a body. There’s something you aren’t telling me…
Things that are completely inconsequential. I’m here, I’m not dead, and I’m not plannin’ on hurtin’ anyone, or tellin’ anyone about this place. If you’re that worried, I can just leave. This was all you’re son’s idea, and ye can ask him
(Sigh) No, Tali is the type to start to worry. Especially since it seems he’s started to fancy you-
(A little too quickly)
I have no interest in your son, so ye have nothin’ te worry about there.
(There is a moment of silence…)
(Sigh) I want to believe my son is a good judge of character…
pray you don’t disappoint me.
(Meara Gulps and nods, worry spread on her face)
Good. (She gets up) The Village trusts both me and Tali. So they’ll be kind to you. You’ll be expected to work for your food, but nothing you can’t handle I’m sure. (Passes Meara and turns to her) I’m assuming you can sew.
(Shakes from her daze, looking determined)
Aye! I can, I’m also a good cook and storyteller if ye need any of those.
(Smile returning to her face)
We’ll make an Inuit out of you yet
Scene 2:The Village
(Outside of the hut, Meara breathes in a sigh of relief. She watches Alasie walk away)
*Ooookayyy, don’t piss off momma bear, she’ll tear your head off…*
(Meara’s contemplation is interrupted by the sound of what seemed like brotherly arguing from behind another hut)
Wait, what!? You brought a girl here? Is she hot?
(A loud smack is heard, while we only see Meara’s reaction, wide-eyed and shocked. She finally goes around the hut to see Oki (Tali’s older brother) and Tali talking to each other. Oki rubbing the back of his head)
(Groaning, a comically large bump placed on the back of his head)
What was that for?!
You do not ask that about women, you cretin… (he face palms) I honestly cannot believe we’re related sometimes…
(Rolling his eyes)
Like you have room to talk
(Tali and Oki jump at her voice, they turn to face her)
Miss O’Sullivan! I did not hear you leave the hut
That’s cause I didn’t want ye t’. And ye don’t answer my question
(Oki elbows Tali hard in the stomach, making him groan and then growl at Oki. Tali’s older brother give Meara a sly smile, bowing deeply)
My deepest apologies, our honored guest, seems Tali forgot to tell you of me, (his smile becomes more malicious) my little brother is quite the uncouth bastard once you get to know him
(That’s for calling me a cretin, bitch boy)
Little? Brother? Wait, what? But… (she looks at both they’re animal half’s, completely dumbfounded) How?
(Tali tilts his head in confusion)
Do you not know about Centaurian biology?
(Meara shakes her head, staring intently at both of them, as if they both grew two heads)
I guess it is not very well known, very well, I shall tell you. It--
The spirits choose which animal we’re gonna be, not our parents.
(Glaring at Oki)
Yes… while our “human” faces and bodies are pulled from our parents (he looks back to Meara) our “animal” bodies rarely, if ever, follow what our parents are.
Then how come ye mum is a polar bear like ye?
(Oki tries to begin to speak, but is shot down by Tali’s intense glare)
I am… a rarity, so to speak. While not normal, it is still possible for a Centaur to gain one of their parents' spirits. I believe most think it is personality based, among other things…
So what ye sayin’ is; ye haven’t a clue why it happens
(Tali is completely caught off guard by that statement, but Oki smiles happily)
I like this girl! She’s got quite the sense of humor, for a human.
(Meara smiles uncomfortably, Tali notices, but decides not to say anything)
Ah… so… where am I stayin’?
End of Chapter
Chapter 5
(Meara is led to another small home, larger than the others, she looks up at Tali and he smiles)
I thought that little hut back there was ye’re home?
(gentle laughing)
No, no Ms. O’Sullivan, that was our storage hut, it would be perfect for a single person to live, but not a family of four. That would be quite cramped.
(Meara nods in understanding)
Oh… yeah… I didn’t see a bed in there either, so I guess it makes sense, silly me
Though, I hope ya don’t mind helping us with taking care of Tali (and maybe mom’s) kill?
Sure, what do I have t’ do?
Then this might get a little messy…
(Cut to behind Tali and Oki’s home, where we see a tanning rack, a bloody table, and several different types of knives hanging off the house’s wall.
Meara looks a little distraught, both Oki and Tali putting on already bloody aprons, and handing her one. Meara gives a worried look)
Are you alright, Miss O’Sullivan? Have you never gutted a deer before?
(Meara shakes her head)
It’s not as bad as it looks, Hot Stu--
(A knife comes flying at Oki’s head, cutting him off and forcing him to dodge the flying cutlery. He looks back to see Tali giving him a look that could kill)
You speak like a low-life degenerate, Oki…
(Meara’s eyes bulge out of her head)
Are ye mad?! Ye could‘ave killed ‘im!
Worry not. While my brother is a low-life, the knife was not going fast enough for him not to notice.
Yeah… if he wanted to kill me, he wouldn’t have made it so obvious, heh.
*Thinking: I’m startin’ t’ think this was a bad idea… these lads are crazier than me grandaddy during teh war…*
… While that… may be teh case, please refrain from trying to kill each other while I’m here. It makes me worry…
As you wish, you need not worry about that.
(sneaks up to Tali’s ear to whisper)
(while promising to refrain from trying to kill him, Tali still doesn’t hesitate to try and bite Oki’s face. Oki, of course, dodges again, and begins to work on a different animal on another table. Leaving Meara and Tali to deal with the deer.
Tali respectfully clears his throat while Meara finishes putting on the apron)
Please do not hesitate to tell me if you become uncomfortable.
Don’t worry about it, I’ve been guttin’ fish for teh past month… It’s just a big fish, right?
Sure, we can go with that…
(for the next couple of panels we see Meara and Tali take care of his deer. One showing them having a little fun, and another of Meara puking in a bush, presumably due to the guts hanging off the table, Tali’s hand placed on her back trying to make her feel better.
After a minute, there is nothing, but clean cut venison on the table, and both Meara and Tali looking pleased with themselves. The sun’s set in the last panel)
Well, that wasn’t too bad, heh…
End of Chapter
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theoriginalladya · 4 years
WIP Wednesday
Since I know there are a few people out there interested, and since the first draft ended up turning out remarkably good for a first draft (or so I think), have a bit of fluffier Caleb Shepard and Kaidan post-war, post adventure (this comes at the end of my planned story for them) after the Reaper War.  (last night’s Reaper War angst is still bugging me so I’m feeling generous.  Under the cut for length)
This goes with my previous post about them.
(setting: Western Irish coast)
“Do you ever think we might have missed our calling?” Caleb asks.
Kaidan’s eyebrow arches.  Taking a knee, he picks up a stone, bounces it in his hand for a moment then hefts it into the air, throwing it toward the sea.  The winds are strong, however, and before Caleb can blink, just a hint of bluish dark energy envelops it, guiding it out to the waves beyond.  “What are you thinking?” he counters after a moment.  “That we should have become prothean experts like a certain asari friend of ours?”
It’s difficult not to laugh, and Caleb doesn’t even try.  “Something like that.  Maybe,” he agrees.  He stares out to the horizon, nothing but churning waves and water as far as the eye can see.  The height of the cliffs offer a bit of drama to the scene.  It’s a much better setting than he could ever have hoped for; if only he could find the words.
Kaidan moves up next to him, his eyes as sharp and searching as Caleb’s.  “Not English Bay,” he admits with a hint of a smile and a quick grin, “but a beautiful view nonetheless.”
Caleb sighs and nods.  Pulling his gaze from the Atlantic, he glances just to their north. These days, the ruins are barely discernible from the cliffs, but he knows they’re there.  “Come on, I want to show you something.”
They walk for a while in silence, carefully navigating the craggy landscape.  It’s strange to see; there’s barely any sign that the Reapers made it out this far. Finally, they reach the spot. Here, the ruins are a bit more noticeable, but still blend in if you aren’t looking for them.  Caleb leans on the cane, thankful for it in these past few minutes.  Lifting his right hand, he traces the outline in the air.  “See it?”
Kaidan is beside him again.  “Yeah,” he breathes, astonishment clear.  “Wow.  How old is that?”
Caleb shrugs.  “Built in the 1400s, so the stories say,” he explains.  “To protect us from invasion by the sea.”  Silence falls again; Caleb’s thoughts fall to the past.
“Nothing could have stopped the Reapers,” Kaidan says after a moment.
Caleb stirs from his thoughts.  “Hmm?  Oh, I wasn’t thinking of them, but the Greystones.”  Which, he knows, is just as ironic as their background was filled with repelling enemies from the sea as well.  Ireland never had the same luck.  
The wind gusts in off the sea and toys with his hair, mussing it up and casting it about wildly to tickle along his cheek and forehead.  It reminds him of his younger years, too.  “Anyway, my point is, despite everything that’s happened – time, war, Reapers – it still lives on, in some shape or form.”
Kaidan gives him a skeptical side-glance. “You’ve been talking to Liara again, haven’t you?”
“What?”  With a half laugh, Caleb pushes his hair out of his eyes.  “No.  I’ve told you before, we Irish are sentimental bastards at best.”  A grin turns upward at the right corner of his lips.
Kaidan’s smile matches it.  “That you have.”
His eyes drifting back to the ruins, Caleb asks, “You ever wonder about leaving some kind of legacy of your own behind?”
Kaidan is silent for a minute, and it’s enough to drive Caleb to distraction so he hobbles forward a few steps.  As he does, he notices something wedged in between some rocks.  Crouching carefully, he retrieves it … a flutter in his chest leaving him speechless. Rising once more, he half turns to look over at Kaidan.
“If you’re asking if I’m as determined as Henry Lawson was, the answer is no,” Kaidan finally replies.
“No,” Caleb insists with a grimace, “not like that.” The loss of Miranda at the hands of her father is still surprisingly sharp after all these weeks and months.  While they had never been close, she had been a friend, of a sort.  
Another gust of wind kicks up, this time leaving Kaidan shivering slightly.  “I guess I never really thought about it,” he admits as he walks over to join Caleb. “Ever since Eden Prime, everything’s been focused on the Reapers …”
Their eyes meet, but as usual, Caleb cannot decipher what he sees there.  “And now that they’re gone?”
“A lot more possibilities are available.”  
Possibilities.  Caleb swallows convulsively.  Possibilities he can work with, but he needs to be sure … “Look,” he says quietly, his left hand gesturing with the cane as a reminder, “if I’m just going to hold you back –.”
Kaidan moves with a speed Caleb has seen rarely outside of battle, and when he has, it’s been focused on far more pleasanter things.  Before Caleb can even catch his breath, Kaidan’s hand wraps around his good wrist and tugs gently, pulling him close.  The kiss that follows is fierce, possessive, and leaves Caleb’s belly flipping more wildly than before, if that’s even possible.  “You don’t,” he insists when he pulls back a pace; but his hand remains securely around Caleb’s.  “Don’t ever think that.”
It takes Caleb a long minute to catch his thoughts and refocus, but the vehemence in the order helps.  “Right.”  With effort, he pulls his gaze from Kaidan’s – he has to or he isn’t going to be able to go through with this – and stares back at the ruins again.  The vaguest hint of pressure around his hand as he draws in a deep breath is the deciding factor.  Tucking the cane under his left arm, he uses his now free hand to fish out the small box from his jacket pocket.  At the same time, a silent prayer of thanks to his friends who were able to make this happen is sent forth; to Liara whose connections cut through red tape like a hot knife through butter, to Coats whose unending, if teasing, support had him sneaking off on his own a couple of days ago to retrieve them, to Athair whose faith in him never wavered from the moment he helped rescue the small child who wandered into St. Senan’s so many years ago.
When he pulls his hand from the pocket, he looks back over at Kaidan.  The chilling bite of metal against the skin of his palm helps provide clarity for the moment; the winds off the Atlantic slow, the sun peeks through fluffy white clouds and shines down upon them, and in Kaidan’s eyes he sees … curiosity. Caleb laughs softly.  Always curious.  “So,” he starts, then pauses to clear his throat.  “So, if you really mean that –.”
“I do.”
The smile widens a fraction.  The wind teases at the edges of Kaidan’s hair now, a testament to just how strong it blows in off the coast, and Caleb reaches over to push it out of his eyes.  The hint of exasperation in Kaidan’s eyes pulls yet another chuckle out of Caleb. But, as he lowers his hand, his forefinger caressing down Kaidan’s temple to his jaw, he brings it to rest between them, open, palm up.  The sun flickers brightly, glancing off the mixture of gold and silver resting there, woven together in a pattern as familiar to Caleb as breathing.  In silence, he watches Kaidan’s gaze shift down, notes the surprise that follows … and morphs into shock before darting back to his.  
“Is this …?” he chokes, eyes wide and unable to hide anything from Caleb now.
A sudden moment of peace and calm fills Caleb, and the nerves that have plagued him for days now settle.  “I’ve told you the story,” he says.  “I was thinking, if you are agreeable –.”
The amount of disbelief in Kaidan’s exclamation chases away the last of the lingering concerns.  With a twist of his wrist, he moves the rings between his fingers, holding them a bit higher for Kaidan to see.  “Friendship,” he murmurs, his eyes locked onto Kaidan’s now. “Loyalty.  Love.  I’d say that describes us, wouldn’t you?”
Kaidan opens his mouth to speak, but no words come out; all Caleb sees is a few convulsive swallows.  Leaning in, he rests his forehead against Kaidan’s.  “I didn’t want to say anything until the Reapers were dealt with,” he whispers, eyes closing to hide momentary grief and pain at the loss all that entailed.  “But, now that they’re gone, I can’t imagine going back to a life where you aren’t a part of it.”
Kaidan’s free hand slides up Caleb’s back, coming to rest at the back of his head.  He shifts just a bit, enough to tilt his head to the side so their lips can meet, and the moment their lips connect, Caleb knows he has his answer.  It’s rare he can catch Kaidan off guard to the point of speechlessness, but it seems he’s succeeded; a moment he’ll always remember.
When they break apart, gasping for air as the wind buffers gently around them, Kaidan manages, “How … did you even …?”
Caleb laughs softly, releasing some of the nervous energy.  “I’m Commander Fucking Shepard, according to James, remember?  I can get anything done.”  He concludes with a wink as his lips slide back into a grin.
Kaidan, finally, joins in.  “Well, he’s sure got you figured out.”
Taking one of the rings, Caleb holds it between his thumb and forefinger.  He eyes Kaidan with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.  “I can’t wear both of these, you know.”
There is still the tiniest tremor in Kaidan’s hand as he lifts his hand.  Caleb slides the ring onto his finger; perfect fit.  Then he offers the other and the process is repeated.  Caleb isn’t unaffected, and by the time they exchange another kiss, he drops the cane back into place and leans heavily upon it.
“So,” Kaidan says after a while, his eyes focused on the ring on his hand, “should I assume if you figured this part out you have something else in mind for what follows?”
Caleb nods.  “I don’t want to steal any thunder from your mother,” he explains, “but I thought before we left … something small and private.”  
For just a moment, Kaidan stills and stares at Caleb.  “That’s why you snuck off to the church the other day, isn’t it?”
One brow arches and Caleb gives his best, Who, me? look which only draws a laugh.  “Maybe,” he agrees.  “I guess he thought if we aren’t staying here, we might as well have something better to remember my home by.”
Kaidan’s laughter is refreshing.  “I’m not likely to forget,” he replies.  “With you and the kids, I’ll be the odd one out, remember?”
Caleb reaches over to run his thumb along Kaidan’s stubbled cheek.  “You’ll sound like one of us soon enough.”
“God help us all.”
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Mamma Mia AU  2 It’s a Rich Man’s World
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Mamma Mia AU (With the boys)
Words: 1507
Summary: Your two best friends arrive on the island just in time for everything to fall apart. 
Notes: Hello lovely humans, I don’t know if the link that I sent you guys works, so if you have comments, I guess just message me? Yes I know the band name is cheesy, please help me. (Also, I’m posting this at 11:12 P.M. my time so it is technically still Monday)
New to the series? Here’s the trailer made by @childhood-imagination: Mamma Mia AU Trailer
While Lili and Kat were the first ones off the ferry, your friends took a little longer to get through the group of passengers. It didn’t help that Priyanka had her gargantuan suitcase trailing behind her. You could pick that red sun hat out of any crowd. 
“For one night!” You shouted once most of the other people had filtered away. “And one night only!” 
“And the…”
“Fates!” You ran across the dock, colliding in a big group hug. You must have sounded like a group of middle school girls the way you were giggling and squaking. You hadn’t been called your stage name in years, but hearing them say it took you back to when you were all young and carefree and you didn’t have a business to keep a float. 
“I’ve missed you guys.” You sighed, pulling back to look at your two best friends in the whole world. Priyanka smiled. 
“You should come and visit us sometime! Once Daisy and KJ have flown away from the nest.” 
“Are you kidding?” You laughed, shaking your head. “Who would run this place? It’s falling apart as it is.” You helped them put their luggage into the trunk of the jeep and you all climbed in. 
“Then we’ll just have to come here more often.” Scarlett suggested. “When her majesty is in between press tours and photo shoots… and husbands.” She poked at Priyanka mockingly who swatted her hands away. Priyanka had become a pretty popular model throughout Europe, but she’d cut away this time to come to the wedding. She had also been married a few times- three, to be exact. But she was happily single at the moment and always ready to party. 
Scarlett, on the other hand, wrote books in her lovely cottage up in Ireland. She wrote some of the sappiest self-love books you’d ever seen, but she was always the best shoulder to cry on. And boy, had you cried on it many times. 
Twenty One Years Ago
“We’re going to be late!” Scarlett shouted from outside the bathroom door. It was your first gig as a group and you’d been throwing up all afternoon from the nerves. 
“I can’t do it!” You cried, sitting on the cool, tiled floor. “I’m gonna screw it up and then we’ll all look like idiots!” 
“Sweetie, you’re not going to screw it up.” She assured you, though Priyanka’s face was starting to look skeptical. Scarlett pinched her arm. 
“You’ll do great.” She yelped, swatting Scarlet’s hand away. “Now come out here so I can fix your make-up, or I swear, Y/N, I will break down the door.” You thought for a moment, realized that she actually would, and scrambled to your feet to unlock the door. 
“You look fine.” Scarlett smiled and Priyanka placed a hand on your shoulder. 
“I’ll just do a couple touch-ups.” 
The makeshift stage wobbled under your feet as you walked on. The festival was swarming with people, but not many had stopped to listen. They all just passed by, ignoring the three of you completely. While your crowd only consisted of an older woman selling flowers and a man in a worn band t-shirt and jeans, you would make the best of it. You blew out a nervous breath and just let the music take over.
“Tonight the super trooper lights are gonna find me. But I won’t feel blue. Like I always do. Cause somewhere in the crowd there’s you.” You sang out your opening solo, your voice a little unsure at first, but as soon as Scarlett hit the button to play the tape and the music you’d written started to play, you’d never felt more confident. With your best friends by your side, you could stay on the stage forever. 
More of a crowd had formed and people were starting to cheer, fueling your energy. It felt like everything was blurred into one, the crowd, the music, Priyanka and Scarlet. By the time you reached the end, you were practically glowing. 
“Tonight the super trooper lights are gonna find me. But I won’t feel blue. Like I always do. Cause somewhere in the crowd….” You did your final dancing spin, but your foot caught on one of the creaky, loose boards and you tumbled off the edge of the stage, the crowd collectively gasping. Instead of the ground, however, you landed in the strong arms of the t-shirt clad man with beautiful brown eyes and a gorgeous smile. “There’s you.” 
The crowd cheered and the man gently set you on your feet, his grin sheepish as he rubbed the back of his neck. 
“You okay?” He asked and you nodded, unable to form actual words. “You must be Farrah?” He pointed to the poorly made banner that hung over the stage. You just stared at him, lost in those perfect, perfect eyes. 
“Ahem.” Priyanka coughed, drawing you out of your trance. You felt the blush rush to your cheeks. He just kept smiling at you, a quiet laugh escaping his lips. 
“Farrah is my stage name.” You admitted. “My real name is Y/N.” 
“Well, Y/N, I don’t think I’ve ever had that much fun at a concert before.” He beamed and you could feel the butterflies in your stomach go wild. “You guys are really really good.” He looked up at Priyanka and Scarlett who looked as wide eyed over his good looks as you were. 
“T-thanks.” Scarlett stammered. Priyanka rolled her eyes at you and Scarlett’s awkward natures. 
“We were going to grab a drink in between sets…” She gave you a suggestive look, darting her eyes between you and him. It took you a second to catch on. 
“Oh!” You exclaimed, more blush turning your face red. “Would you like to join us?” He stuck his hands in his pockets and rocked forward on his heels. 
“I’d love to.” 
“Oh my god, how rude of me,” You turned to introduce your bandmates, “This is Priyanka,” She flashed him one of her show-stopping smiles, “and this is Scarlett,” She gave him a small wave. He nodded politely and his eyes fell back to you. 
“I’m Pedro.” 
Present Day
The trek up the stairs was painful and had the two women huffing and puffing by the time you reached the top. You, of course, were used to the hike and couldn’t help but snicker. 
“Why did I wear stilettos?” Priyanka exclaimed dramatically. They set down their suitcases with a thunk. 
“Here, let me get those.” KJ offered with his usual charming smile. 
“Guys, meet KJ, he’s the leading man for Friday’s shindig.” You introduced and he chuckled. 
“The lucky man.” He beamed. “You must be… Priyanka.” She nodded and he pulled her into a hug. 
“Wow.” She mouthed over his shoulder. He turns to Scarlett.
“And you must be Scarlett.” 
“I am.” She nodded with her usual welcoming grin and hugged him tightly. He helped you take their things to their room before scampering off to gather supplies for a date he was planning with Daisy. 
“Just one more night together before things start to get a little crazy for the wedding.” He explained. He was right. Today was probably the last day before set-up would be in full swing. Daisy wanted a big wedding and oh boy, that’s what she was getting. As soon as KJ left, Scarlett fell back onto her bed. 
“I want to stay here forever and never get up.” She groaned, rubbing her aching feet. “Why do you have to live on a freaking mountain?” 
“I’m lucky I didn’t break a heel.” Priyanka added in agreement. 
“Well the two of you better get used to the not so luxurious life here for the next few days.” You snorted. “The walls in here need a new coat of paint, the floors creak, and the toilet doesn’t always flush correctly.” You laughed, shaking your head. “Nothing works around here, except for me.” 
You flopped down on the bed next to Scarlett and Priyanka joined on the other side of you. You grabbed onto their hands and felt powerful again. 
“It’s all money, money, money out there.” You sighed. “And without snatching a wealthy husband, I’m stuck doing the laundry and the dishes and everything else around here.” You chuckled to yourself, mentally scolding yourself for sounding so whiny. 
“Speaking of husbands…” Priyanka wriggled her eyebrows. 
“Here we go,” Scarlett laughed, “Husband number four!” 
“Not for me, for you!” Priyanka exclaimed, poking Scarlett in the side. “There’s got to be some Greecian god around here somewhere.” 
“No.” She waved her hand for emphasis. “No thank you. I’m fine all on my own, thanks.” 
“What great examples for Sohpie you two are; The Serial Bride and the Little Hermit.” You threw your head back with a laugh. While the three of you reminisce over your ‘glory days’, your daughter had her hands full down on the beach, staring at the three men bickering on the dock; one of whom was her father.
General Tag: @rae-gar-targaryen; @takemepedropascal; @childhood-imagination
Mamma Mia Series list: @materialisthicc; @holybatflapexpert; @mandoandyodito;  @justawriterinprogress; @fangirl-multifandoms; @thelupusonyx; @arrowswithwifi; @mylovegoesto; @ahopelessromanticwritersworld; @kata1803 Pedro Tag List: @halefirewarrior;  @c-ly-g
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kassies-take · 5 years
Thorul Over Luthor (Part 1)
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A/n: you’re Lena’s step sister, your father married her birth mother but Lena still lived with the Luthors. When she takes an adventure to learn more about her birth mother she ends up with a sister (Earth 37)
Warning: abuse & cancer
Lena Luthor x StepSister!Reader
Word Count: 1219
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
As the youngest Luthor she has always thought of what ifs. What if Lillian treated her better? What if Lex never went crazy? What if she wasn’t taken away to live with the Luthors and stayed with her mother in Ireland? The last one has been in her mind for the past couple of months. The CEO took matters into her own hands and scheduled a flight to Ireland.
The moment her plane landed in a field, she hopped out leaving the CEO persona behind. She let the breeze caress her skin, the warmth of the sun hug her and the songbirds serenade her. Lena cancelled her car rental wishing to enjoy and explore the island in the North Atlantic. (Ireland looks like a bear, my opinion though.)
Lena didn’t mind the two mile walk, she had forsaken her impractical footwear the night before. She reached a cozy town and decided to stop by a coffee shop, hopefully getting some L-Corp work done before exploring her home.
She frowned however when she walked in and the customers had their eyes on her, the Luthor ignored it though. She wanted to try something new and asked the barista to surprise her. To her surprise it was the perfect brewed tea she has ever tasted.
When Lena sat down the room erupted with life as a girl in her early twenties entered the shop. The two made eye contact before the younger skipped her way towards the Luthor.
“Hi! Welcome to Ashford!” You placed your hand out in front of her. “I’m (Y/n) Thorul. You look just like her.”
“Lena Luthor,” Lena raised her eyebrows in question. “Who do I look like?”
“Oh sorry.” You pulled your hand away from Lena’s grip. “You look like my step mother. Kieran Thorul.”
“K-Kieran?” Lena’s heart pounded with excitement. “Do you think you can take me to her? My middle name is Kieran and Lionel said that it was after my mother. I’ve started to forget her and I wanted to see her again. It doesn’t even have to be today I’m here for a week. Or I can comeback when it’s okay.”
“You got that from mom,” you smiled before you tilted your head to point towards the door and walked backwards.
“W-Wait we’re going now. B-But I reek of sweat and my clothes are dirty. I-I’m not sure what I even want to say,” Lena’s eyes widen and her feet unconsciously brought her into motion.
She continued to follow you while having a nervous breakdown and before she took in her surroundings, the two of you made it to your front porch.
“Hey,” You turned around and placed your arms on your sister’s shoulders. “Calm down. Breathe with me.”
In that short moment Lena composed herself like the CEO she was. It amazed you to see Lena in person and actually be human. Lena looked around, as you grabbed your step mom from the kitchen.
“You know I don’t like it when a meal is unfinished,” your mother scolded you while she wiped her hands on a towel. “This better be good!”
“It is! Ma, meet Lena, Lena Luthor.”
Both Lena and Kieran froze before they both burst into tears.
“My beautiful girl,” Lena’s mother and her shared a tearful reunion and the rest of the evening catching up.
You got stuck with dinner duty but truthfully you didn’t mind. It was hard to distinguish who was who with the mother-daughter duo laughing and crying in the living room. After dinner the two continued conversing when Lena looked around and noticed family portraits of you and her mother.
“(Y/n) said that you are her stepmom, where’s her father.”
“In jail where he is suppose to be!” You said spitefully.
“(Y/n), don’t take it out on Lena. She did not do anything.” Your mother warned.
“Sorry let me rephrase that, he was an ass who couldn’t handle being in a lower tier of work and took it out on me.”
“I thought (y/n)’s father was the greatest man in the world, he treated me greatly and I would’ve never known how abusive he was, until I came home early from work one day.”
“What did you do?” Lena asked obviously intrigued by her mother.
“She got a divorce and filed for custody. Obviously she won.”
“And that is why her name is Thorul,” your mother smiled. “Hey (y/n) can you stop by the winery and get the most expensive one for Lena?”
“Can’t we give Lena one from the basement?”
“No,” your mother raised an eye.
You sighed, grabbed your coat and headed out the door.
“I was fine with basement wine,” Lena chuckled.
“I sent her out to ask a request from you.”
“What is it,” Lena sat up.
“I need you to watch over, as a big sister.” She held Lena’s hand. “A couple of month ago I went to the doctors for an annual check up and they found a tumor in my brain.”
“L-Corp, owns many facilities. I-I can fly in great doctors around the world and-”
“Lena, the doctors say I have already lived well over my expected time.”
“T-Then it’s a miracle. I can find an excellent neurosurgeon for you.”
“I am only alive, because of the magic in our veins.”
“M-magic doesn’t exists.”
Your mother raised her eye brows and Lena can feel herself shrivel under that gaze. A look that means she knows something. “I know you’ve been getting dreams about your life with me, which promot you to come to Ireland. It is not a coincidence that these dreams started a couple of months ago when I received news of my tumor.”
“It is a coincidence. There is no way it is magic.”
“Lena, you live in a world filled with aliens. Why is magic harder to believe? I’m sure you felt the fire in your veins, the urge to scream and to light things on fire. Our blood line dates back to Morgana Pendragon.”
Lena laughed in disbelief. “Like King Arthur? That’s rich.”
“Leohtbora,” your mother chanted as the fire place lit up like an explosion.
Lena stares mindlessly into the fire, her lips slightly ajarred. Lena was a woman of science she was coming up with any excuse in her head. This couldn’t be her life, everything had a purpose and a scientific reasoning.
“I can see those gears turning in you head,” Lena’s mother teased. “It took me a while to get use to it too. But I sent those dreams in your head, so I could teach you before it is too late.”
“This is insane.” Lena shook her head as her ponytail swung back and forth.
Lena stood up and headed towards the door. Your mom did everything to make Lena stay, but Lena was so hell bent on leaving the place that she didn’t pay attention.
The Luthor’s eyes flowed orange and she was engulfed in a ring of fire. She panicked as her hands shook and her eyes began to water.
The front door opened with a wine bottle in your hands.
“Oh so you do have magic,” you smiled amusingly.
“Mom will help you manage it. And it’ll be like you’ve always had it. Welcome to the family Ms. Thorul.”
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puffwriter1998 · 4 years
The Things We Let Go Ch.3
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Summary: Addison’s experience at the 422nd Quidditch World cup.
Character Pairings: Fred Weasley X OC (not really in this chapter)
Word Count: 2.2K
A/N: This is a shorter chapter, but I really enjoyed writing it. If you’ve been following along: thank you so much! I can’t wait to let the rest of this story unfold. I have so much written. Some dialog in this chapter comes from the original works.  
As the day wore on, the excitement amongst the ever-growing crowd of wizards around me multiplied. When the sun began to go down, it boiled over and all pretense of a muggle façade was dropped. Merchants for both teams were Apparating here and there, carrying armloads of hats with dancing shamrocks and red scarves with lions that really roared. Children flew through the rows on toy brooms that only rose a few feet off the ground. Surely the ministry would be modifying a few memories before it was all said and done. 
 The Weasley bunch left us a little early with Harry and Hermione in tow, to be able to make their way up to the Top Box to sit with the Minister of Magic and a few other top officials who organized the Cup. Harry looked about as excited as I felt, gazing around at the scene in wonder as they walked away through the crowd. 
It soon came time for us to head into the woods towards what I assumed would be a pretty large stadium. Mr. Abbott led Hannah, Charlie and me onto a trail that was magnificently lit with floating lanterns. The excitement of the thousands of people, all walking through the trees, was contagious. A smile had spread across my face from ear to ear and there was no chance of losing it. There were chants supporting both teams, laughter, and from a little further off, a lighthearted song in favor of the Irish. 
We walked like this for a few minutes before I began to be able to pick out glimpses of a gargantuan stadium through the trees ahead. As we grew closer, I got a sense of just how big it was. 
 “Mr. Abbot,” I called to him, a few feet ahead of me, “Just how many people does this stadium hold?” 
 “A hundred thousand!” he replied gleefully. 
 A hundred thousand. I hadn’t even considered the possibility that there were a hundred thousand magical people on the globe, let alone at one event. Magical communities were so few and far between in Britain, and there were so few students at Hogwarts, that I had assumed we had relatively small numbers. 
 The golden walls surrounding the field rose higher and higher in front of me as we approached. A stream of wizards narrowed into one of the nearest entrances in front of us. A ministry witch at the gate peered down at the tickets Mr. Abbott handed her. 
 “Not too bad, not too bad. Straight up the stairs, about halfway up, there’ll be someone there to show you to your seats,” she said and waved us through. 
 We began our climb upwards on the carpeted stairs amongst the tight crowd of people. People exited through doors at various levels and filed into the stands. About half way up the height of the stadium, Mr. Abbott said “Ah, here we are,” and led us through a doorway. He handed another Ministry worker our tickets, and we were pointed into a long row of folding seats.
 As we sat, I looked out over the field and marveled at the sight of a hundred thousand wizards all taking their seats around me. The entire stadium seemed to be bathed in a marvelous golden light. The field was a smooth green lake below us, and the stands rose like a fortress above us. We were seated about halfway up, and halfway between the towering golden goalposts. Beautiful gold script danced across a huge blackboard at the top of the stadium on the side across from us that flashed various advertisements for magical goods and services. 
 I was in absolute awe. I tried to remember why I ever felt guilty for loving this life, and I couldn’t. The scene in front of me was almost too good to be true. The excitement radiating through the stands was tangible. My cheeks were aching from smiling so widely, but I knew they’d be getting no relief anytime soon. 
 Before I knew it, the voice of Ludo Bagman was audible over the roaring of the crowd, “Ladies and gentlemen… welcome!” The crowd exploded in response and Bagman waited for the noise level to go back down before continuing. “Welcome to the final of the four hundred and twenty-second Quidditch World Cup!” 
 Flags of green and scarlet waved all around the stadium as fans clapped and cheered. The blackboard across the stadium was wiped clean of the golden advertisements and they were replaced with BULGARIA: 0, IRELAND: 0. 
 “And now, without further ado, allow me to introduce…” Mr.Bagman’s voice shouted, “the Bulgarian National Team Mascots!” 
 The Bulgaria side, an endless sea of scarlet, erupted in excitement. At that moment, a least a hundred beautiful women strutted out onto the field. 
 “Their mascots are women?” I leaned in and asked Charlie. 
 “They’re Veela! Look closer!” She shouted back over the deafening crowd. 
 I started to ask her what Veela were, but I was immediately distracted by the perfection of the creatures on the field. Charlie, was right, they definitely weren’t regular women. Their skin looked like porcelain that was reflected in a most beautiful moonlight. The platinum, white-gold hair that hung down their backs splayed out behind them like they were walking in front of a wind-machine. I had never seen such dazzling creatures. 
 And then they started to dance. They twisted their bodies and moved across the field as if their feet weren’t touching the ground. It was such a wonderful display of beauty that I couldn’t tear my eyes away. That was, until Charlie’s voice cut into the blissful emptiness that had overcome my mind. 
 “Dad? Dad, what’re you doing?” she asked. 
 “Huh?” Mr. Abbott had risen from his seat and looked like he was about to swan dive off the edge of the wall in front of him. He blinked like he had just woken up from an incredibly confusing dream. He cleared his throat, “Goodness, forgive me. Those Veela, they’re really something aren’t they?” 
 His face flushed red with embarrassment, but as I gazed around the stadium, it seems that he had no reason to. About every man in the stadium had risen from their seats and were in varying states of trying to climb down the rows in front of them to get to the field. The Veela dance came to an end, and all around me, people began to wake up the way Mr. Abbott did. 
 “And now,” Ludo roared over the crowd, “kindly put your wands in the air… for the Irish National Team Mascots!” 
 As the words left his mouth, a great ball of gold and green light burst into the stadium. It did one full lap around the perimeter and then broke off into two smaller orbs and shot towards the goalposts on the ends. Then, just as suddenly as the balls of light had appeared, a magnificent rainbow arced down and connected the two. Hannah, Charlie, and I gazed in amazement, along with the rest of the crowd. 
 The rainbow faded and was replaced by a giant shimmering shamrock, that rose high into the sky and began doing laps over the stands. A beautiful golden rain seemed to be falling from beneath it as it flew. When it soared over us, I realized they were Galleons, the biggest and most valuable of the wizard currency. 
 “Goodness!” I exclaimed as I ducked out of the way of the heavy gold coins.
 “You won’t want to pick any of that up,” yelled Mr. Abbott to me over the girls’ heads. “That’s fools gold!” 
 “Fools gold?” I hollered back and squinted up at the shamrock. 
 “They’re leprechauns!” As soon as he said it, I realized that the entire shape was made up of hundreds and hundreds of tiny bearded men, all holding a small lamp of gold or green. Many people around the stadium were scrambling around, and it looked like a few fights had even broken out over the gold. 
 “It’ll disappear before the night is out,” said Charlie, “That’s why it’s fool’s gold, only a fool would think they’d rain down millions of real Galleons at the World Cup.” 
 The giant shamrock finished its parade, and the leprechauns put out their lanterns to drift down onto the opposite side of the field as the Veela. 
 Ludo Bagman then welcomed the Bulgarian and Irish players to the field, but my eyes never left Krum. His thick black hair shone in the golden light that I still hadn’t found the source of. He looked much too big to be able to control his broom with such precision. He didn’t even look nervous, he looked like the whole thing was beneath him. 
 The match began as flashes of scarlet and green raced around the field. Bagman tried to keep up with quaffle, but they played at such speed that he only had time to say the player’s names. “It’s Mullet! Troy! Moran! Dimitrov! Back to Mullet! Troy! Levski! Moran!” 
 I had never seen such a display of skill and athleticism. The speed of the players was so great that my eyes were having trouble following them. Ireland scored three times within the first ten minutes of the match, and I could see why. They worked flawlessly as a unit, rather than individual players. It was simply amazing. 
 A while later, Ireland was pummeling Bulgaria. They were up 170 to 10, with no intention of going easy on the players in red. Krum had just had his nose smashed by taking a bludger square in the face. The official had been distracted by a Veela who had thrown a handful of fire and set his broom ablaze. Blood sprayed out from behind Krum has he flew through the air.
 Suddenly, Lynch, the Irish seeker had gone into a dive. It mimicked the Wronski Feint that Krum had used earlier in the game to get Lynch to crash into the field, but this dive had much more purpose to it. 
 “Look, Lynch is after the snitch!” I cried and pointed towards the streak of green rushing down at the field. Irish supporters, including the Abbotts screamed in support of their seeker. However, Krum was right behind him. Blood covered his face, and I wondered how he had any earthly idea what direction the snitch was in. He was catching up to Lynch though, every milisecond that passed gaining another few feet. As they drew level, they were hurtling towards the ground at an impossible speed, and I sensed a second crash coming. 
 I was at least partly right, as Lynch collided with the ground with a thud that I swore I could hear over the roaring crowd. A mob of vicious Veela, so different from the beautiful creatures they were when they took the field, surrounded Lynch and blocked him from view. 
 Krum rose slowly into the air, blood still pouring from his nose like a faucet someone forgot to turn off. The tiny golden snitch was clasped between his fingers in a raised fist. My eyes flashed up to the scoreboard and my heart dropped; BULGARIA: 160, IRELAND: 170. 
 The Ireland supporters slowly began to realize what had happened and a deafening roar came from the green in the crowd. 
 “IRELAND WINS!” Exclaimed the voice of Ludo Bagman, obviously surprised by the sudden end to such an exciting match. “KRUM GETS THE SNITCH – BUT IRELAND WINS – good lord, I don’t think any of us were expecting that!”
 The Abbotts next to me began jumping up and down and cheering with the rest of the people dressed in green. 
 “Blimey!” yelled Charlie. “Wonder what he did that for?” 
 I knew exactly why Krum caught the snitch when the Bulgarians were 160 points behind. He saw that they were being destroyed by the Irish, and he wanted to end it himself, before it got any more messy. 
 “What a match, eh Addison?” called Mr. Abbott from over Charlie’s head, “bet you didn’t expect that one. That Krum is a wonder though, I’ll admit.” 
 I felt slightly deflated, a feeling that usually came to me after we lost our own quidditch match at school. I had really been hoping for Bulgaria to win, but seeing Krum beat Lynch to the snitch almost made up for it. 
 Suddenly it dawned on me that Fred and George had won their bet. Against all odds, Ireland had won, but Krum caught the snitch. They’d probably be rich after they got done with Bagman. A small grin spread across my face as I realized this is the outcome I should have preferred. 
 The Irish supporters were already beginning to celebrate as we made our way back down the purple carpeted stairs. I’d have to congratulate Fred and George on their win. I’m sure the high they were riding right then was on a whole different level than the rest of the fans. The joyous energy pouring from the sea of green in front of me was infectious. The night was still young, and I couldn’t help but have the feeling that the most exciting part of my world cup experience was yet to come.
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yogaadvise · 4 years
The Home of Yoga - A Yogahubbers Adventures in India
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It's presently drizzling in Dharamkot, Himachal Pradesh, among the Northernmost populated towns in the Indian Himalayas. Meanwhile, I hear that it's been 26 levels in Ireland. Typical! Monsoon period right here is in full speed, and as annoying as a rainstorm can be in the midst of checking out new towns and also places, individuals that you fulfill when huddled along with a street of unfamiliar people under a bright blue tarpaulin to shelter from the rainfall often make it appear worthwhile. Another plus is that the a lot more exhausting yoga courses have not verified too overwhelming. My method in Bali as well as Cambodia in 2014 showed me simply how laborious normally heated yoga can be - there is no escaping the warmth when you're currently outside!
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Attending classes at both Universal Yoga in McLeodGanj as well as currently a strenuous 5-day extensive at Himalayan Iyengar Yoga exercise school in Dharamkot has actually been a fascinating, self-exploratory and humbling experience until now. I had appointments about checking out Iyengar Yoga further - also throughout the very first day or two I questioned my choice and also taken into consideration looking for assistance somewhere else - I can not help yet wonder at the depth as well as details of the technique over here, and have actually currently found out to open up as well as trust fund myself as well as those around me more extensively than I assumed feasible. This for me is what yoga exercise is all regarding - opening up (both physically and also mentally) and also accepting what is - trusting what you have as well as that which borders you instead of producing unneeded anxiety worrying about things beyond your control. Consistency in mind and body. Consistency within your area in the world.
My location right now simply happens to be India in the center of gale period.
India as a country is as thick as it is lovely - there are so many layers just waiting to be peeled back. Many elements, a lot of various sides and also underlying elements to this ever-changing and also advancing landscape. This kinetic power in itself is a perfect emulation of humanity all at once. We too are constantly changing. We hide under layers, personalities, photos as well as full strangers that we for whatever reason so frequently make every effort to replicate - the listing takes place. Yoga assists us peel back those layers pleasantly, to open up and also totally exist in acceptance of what's around us, discovering to appreciate the process rather of considering what will or might involve be.
Practicing yoga below has actually been testing both emotionally and also literally, and particularly tough on realisation that the cozy and cosy bed usually awaiting my arrival after a tough technique remains in fact a flat, difficult somewhat damp relaxing area of an area setting you back much less than EUR2 an evening! Not exactly my suggestion of high-end however, I should not complain, right? I'm pressing limits. It's not supposed to be comfortable.
My mental endurance, moreso than the physical has actually been tested to the factor of breaking, and also it may appear severe that I have currently seasoned very first hand what it resembles to be positioned upsidedown with rips streaming out of my eyes and down my forehead - not out of pain, however out of large direct exposure as well as lack of experience to. anything! Catching the unidentified? I can't rather define it. It's a new point of view, anyhow. It's been freeing. The sheer quantity of yoga exercise colleges as well as meditation courses around Dharamsala, McLeodGanj, as well as Dharamkot is testimony to the deeply relocating and also extensive appeal of the techniques in India, as well as it has actually also been predicted by the Dalai Lama himself that 'if every 8-year-old is educated meditation, we will eliminate physical violence from the globe within one generation'. I'm uncertain how precise I believe this declaration to be, yet I need to admit that my very own feeling of tranquility has actually been increased purely by being existing in this beautiful part of the wild animal that is India. There's absolutely something airborne over here, whether it's since every 2nd Westerner you fulfill is a hippie-pants wearing yogi with feathers in their hair and mandala tattoos on their arms, or merely the proximity to the birthplace of Buddhism - it doesn't truly issue. Satisfaction is peace of mind, and for every means there is to locate it here, whether it's going to morning Puja or Vipassana techniques or merely attending a yoga exercise course a day, you're assured to discover likeminded souls that share your search for room, peace, as well as self-acceptance.
For currently I enjoy just being below, uphill walks, insects as well as language barriers aside ...
Until next time...Namasté!
You can comply with much more from Jenny at Upward Facing Blog Site or on Instagram at @jennybean818
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twotwinks · 4 years
a thing i was tagged in a long time ago by @rochc93. i am, believe it or not, attempting to catch up on these things. i always intend to do them but it’s either not a good time when i think about them or i’m not thinking about them. sorry i’m a mess
Who were you named after?
First name, nobody bitch. That’s all me. Middle name, like twenty different characters who are important to me but all on accident because I didn’t realize we shared the name until after I’d picked it. Notable instances include Rita Rose Vrataski from Edge of Tomorrow and also Amy Rose (a recent discovery). Last name, Gary King and also because I like confusing people about my gender by deliberately using a “male” title while presenting female (though hopefully not for much longer) and also being nonbinary. (Also s/o to ladies who call themselves king instead of queen. Yes I’m thinking of Kagamine Rin in the WanOpo songs Death Should Not Have Taken Thee and Our Adventure Log Has Vanished.)
Last time you cried?
two weeks ago to the day, when my dad let our dog Koko get hit by a car, things have been Extra Bad around here since then
Do you like your handwriting?
No. When I was little everyone always used to tell me how pretty it was but then I started trying to be a Serious Writer and my penmanship degraded as a result of how fast I had to get the words out of my head. Now my mom whines all the time about how messy and illegible my writing is.
What is your favorite lunch meat?
Longest relationship?
Umm....about two years ago for about three months-ish? I think? Maybe two months? I don’t know, we were dating for Christmas and then I broke up with him right before Valentine’s Day because my mental health couldn’t take it. I realized I was aro shortly after. Who would’ve guessed, huh?
Do you still have your tonsils?
Do you bungee jump?
no and i never will
What is your favorite kind of cereal?
Dude this changes like monthly. Sometimes Honey Bunches of Oats. Sometimes Frosted Flakes. Sometimes I get a ridiculously strong craving for Strawberry Awake or Lucky Charms or Honey Nut Cheerios. I just get to eat cereal so infrequently that I can’t really have a favorite, I just have to indulge whatever craving I currently have because I only get the chance to eat one box every three months or so.
Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
Yes because when I was little my mom ingrained into me that not untying my shoes first would ruin the backs of them way faster than they should. In all fairness we were poor and couldn’t afford to buy me new shoes that often because my feet are so sensitive that an actual comfortable pair costs $100.
Do you think you’re strong willed?
oh fuck no i mean have you ever spoken to me??? i’m the biggest baby pushover to ever live
Favorite ice cream?
Either that Death by Chocolate stuff they serve at Purdue’s dining courts sometimes or mint chocolate chip. It has to be green though or it loses something sdkhsdhk
What is the first thing you notice about a person?
Usually like their shirt, I guess? I don’t know, this isn’t something I’ve ever really thought about. Maybe it’s also if they have one of those annoying faces or voices. Or if they have a queer vibe. Look I’m not good with people ok.
Football or baseball?
Football but only because marching band and/or soccer
Favorite doughnut?
Okay this is going to sound weirdly specific but. Chocolate cake donut with chocolate frosting and rainbow sprinkles. Also on a related note I once let a girl in high school copy my homework (that I myself had found the answers to on the internet, it was a really unfair English assignment). She was so happy that she said she’d buy me a donut for breakfast the next day (she made a donut run for herself once a week as a special treat). I gave her my oddly specific request, but since I knew it was kind of a rare donut to find I told her anything chocolate would work. The next day, lo and behold, she showed up with the perfect donut. She had them make it special for me (insert Discord’s pleading face emoji). That was the day I learned my lesson about judging “dumb blondes”.
What music are you listening to?
I’ve been back into Touhou doujin arrangements again lately, especially eurobeat. However I’m also hyperfixating on Sonic the Hedgehog again so the game soundtracks and the Crush 40 albums are starting to show up in my frequent rotation on Spotify.
If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
The obvious choice is mint green but I could also very easily be a lime green or a glittery ruby slippers red.
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
I believe I talked to my grandma a little bit on my mom’s phone not that long ago? Other than that according to my phone it looks like I took a call from my dad back in April?
Hair color?
that real deep almost black brown. i nearly got into a fistfight with some boys in second grade who insisted my hair was black. it’s not black it’s just very thick. it actually looks much lighter if you just separate a smaller chunk and look at it.
Eye color?
Hazel. Brown with some green flecks. Or possibly green with some brown flecks. Also both of my irises look different up close but you can’t tell unless you’re really up in my face.
Favorite food to eat?
pasta but it can’t have red sauce
Scary movies or happy endings?
happy endings all the way
Last film you watched in the cinema?
do you really expect me to remember this. i honestly do not fucking know. i have no brain when it comes to movie theaters. i was gonna do a double feature of birds of prey and the sonic movie the tuesday before spring break (cheap prices for students!!!) but i ended up having a headache that day so i couldn’t go and then shit hit the fan and there was no theatergoing. i have tried and failed to get my parents to rent the sonic movie since. i’m very unhappy about it now that i’m hyperfixating again.
What color shirt are you wearing?
well i think it used to be white but it’s really old so now it’s like off-white. also it has a big snake on the back. i don’t even like snakes i just enjoy this shirt.
Favorite holiday?
Christmas!!! I don’t necessarily actually enjoy celebrating the holiday (thanks fam) but I love the idea behind it and the aesthetics. Also it’s peppermint season!
Beer or wine?
Listen I am super picky about alcohol. I haven’t liked any of the wine I’ve tried, but the first two wines I had other people told me it was bad (and then they took me out and bought me alcohol I would actually like because I’d never drank before and apparently getting me tipsy in Ireland over spring break was an Honor for them I literally didn’t pay for a single drink that night) and the third wine I had was paired with the wrong type of food (we couldn’t get the Right wine bottle open). I didn’t really mind the beer I tried in Ireland though, so I guess beer? I really like cider best though, and apparently I can also handle vodka.
Night owl or morning person?
night owl i wish i could be nocturnal
Favorite day of the week?
Friday. It has all the joy and anticipation of the coming weekend without the curse of my dad being home or the responsibility of homework looming over everything.
Favorite animal?
HEDGEHOG yeah i never really got past that from when i was little. but i also just love pretty much all animals. except like. snakes and spiders but sometimes snakes have their moments.
Do you have a pet?
Yeah. We have a lot of “family” pets but I consider Patches (cat) and Gabby (dog) to be Mine Specifically. If my mom hadn’t forced me out of therapy I’d probably be bringing Patches with me to college next year as an emotional support animal.
Where would you like to travel?
Europe babey. I just wanna hang out in France and England and Scotland and also go back to Ireland. I miss Ireland so much y’all.
ok that’s it. that’s all for this one. i’m not tagging anyone because i’m sure it’s already made the rounds among everyone. but if it missed you and you still wanna do it go for it. consider yourself tagged. poof.
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the-quiet-winds · 5 years
A Hundred Thousands Voices that Just Can’t Sing
wow. a oneshot. @ichlugebulletsandcornnuts and i wrote a oneshot. shocking.
i don’t have much else to say so... enjoy this fluff and angst fest
this particular summer’s heat stretch spelled longer than any jane can remember, and even with central air conditioning, it seems just as hot inside as outside.
she and katherine spend many afternoons trying to beat the heat at the beach, the library, anywhere where relief could potentially be found.
it doesn’t escape jane’s notice, however, that as august begins to pass into september, parr, who usually was reclusive, seemed nonexistent around the house, not coming out for meals or anything other than the show itself.
on one particular day, jane finds the perfect opportunity to approach parr about it. boleyn and cleves were taking katherine to something called ‘laser tag’, and they’d somehow roped aragon into coming along as a form of adult supervision, meaning that jane and parr were the only two people left in the house.
it concerns jane, parr’s lack of presence around the house. sure, she often spent a lot of time alone, but she’d usually be around when jane made a morning cup of tea, or she’d pop out of her room to lend katherine a book.
so, then, she decides she should speak to parr about it. she knocks gently on parr’s door, listening for signs of movement inside.
it’s nearly silent in parr’s study, all she can hear is the occasional shift of a floorboard, but beyond that there’s no sound at all. jane had been fully expecting to hear pen scratches or keyboard taps or even books moving, but there really was no sign of life.
“cathy?” she quietly calls. “it’s jane. can i come in, love?”
jane would swear on her life she heard a noise - maybe a sigh of some sort, could have been a sniffle, but it was very parr. as is the response, a simple, voice-barely-above-a-normal-volume, “no.”
jane pauses, taken aback. that wasn’t what she’d expected at all. she hovers by the door for a moment, unsure of what to do. she didn’t want to push parr, or make her feel uncomfortable at all, but she was worried about her and the way parr had responded to the question hadn’t made her worry decrease in the slightest.
“are you sure?” she asks, possibly slightly futilely.
there’s still no sign that parr was actually there, the room so quiet and so still.
on the other side of the door, parr is sitting in her desk chair, rolling pencils between her fingers, trying to make any words flow out all. but all she can focus on, besides her obvious problems, are jane’s shifting feet on the floor just outside her room.
“go away, jane.”
jane doesn’t say anything after that, and parr turns back to her desk. she notices, however, the telltale silence and lack of creaking floorboards that could have only meant jane hadn’t walked away from the door. she sighs and turns back.
“are you just gonna stand out there or what?” she asks. she feels like there should be a tone of sarcasm behind her voice, but instead it comes out as exhaustion.
“parr...” jane starts, but her voice cracks and falters before disappearing. she clears her throat and tries again. “cathy, i just want to make sure you’re okay, love. you’ve been distant lately, and i want you to know that whatever the problem is... you can come to me about it.”
“i’m fine, jane,” parr nearly snaps. “just leave me alone, please.”
jane feels a pang to her heart at the tone of parr’s voice and she sighs.
“i’ll... i’ll be downstairs if you need me, cathy.”
she keeps her word and heads downstairs, mind troubled with thoughts of parr and what’s making her withdraw herself like this. she wants parr to open up to her, to talk to her about what’s wrong, but she knows pushing parr will just make her draw back into her she’ll even more.
her best plan at the moment, she supposes, is to leave it a little while, then bring parr a cup of tea or something, see if she’s ready to talk then. if not, then jane doesn’t know how to get through to her right now.
parr sighs, somewhat thankful and somewhat upset as she hears jane's retreating footsteps. the woman means well, parr knows that, but she just can't talk about-
no, parr reminds herself, not thinking about it.
she forces those thoughts out of her head, but the more she tries the more they come back. she drops her head onto her desk, desperately trying to not think about mary.
oh, there it is, and the floodgates begin.
parr died only days after having her beautiful baby girl, and she has no idea what happened to her. if she even lived past infanthood. there was no information anywhere that she could find, and it makes her tremble and shake like the hills in a storm not knowing whatever happened to her little mae.
she doesn't quite know when she fell on the floor, but curling up on the rug feels like a great idea for the time being.
the tears that are currently streaming down her face certainly weren’t unexpected at this point, but she didn’t know exactly when they started falling. she lays there, shoulders shaking as the sobs rack her body, too wrapped up in misery to even think about muffling her tears or wiping them from her face.
she doesn’t even notice the door open, not until a pair of slippered feet enter her field of vision.
"parr?" a soft, gentle, and immediately recognizable voice calls.
parr knows it's jane, she does, but she's too far consumed in her guilt and her grief that she can't even think about answering. she hugs herself tighter, wrapping her arms around her waist as she nearly buries her face in the soft shag carpet.
"cathy," jane says, quietly kneeling down next to parr. she places a hand on her shoulder, and parr nearly hisses and pulls back. "cathy, it's jane, love. talk to me."
“go away,” parr’s mouth answers on autopilot, although she isn’t quite sure how she even manages to speak between the choked sobs and her clouded mind.
“i won’t,” jane says, soft but firm. “i’m not going to leave you like this, love. not even if you scream and shout at me.”
screaming and shouting sounds like a good idea to parr, if she could only remember how to take control of her voice again.
she balls some of the carpet into her fist, burrowing further into it and silently hoping it would just swallow her.
“what’s brought this on, love,” jane asks gently, “please talk to me.”
more images of her baby girl, wrapped in that little silk blanket, appear in front of her eyes. her heart starts to race, breathing quickening as she loses track of jane in front of her.
“mary,” she whispers hoarsely, as if calling her back. “mary.”
at that one word, everything slots into place. or at least, most of it. jane knows that parr never got to spend time with her daughter, that she was likely taken out of the room right away as parr took ill, and jane can relate to the heartbreaking sight of seeing your baby being taken away, unsure if you’ll ever see them again.
“cathy,” jane says, softly, gently. “please, you can talk to me about it.” as jane speaks, parr manages to catch onto her words and hear them, grounding herself ever so slightly. as jane continues, though, parr wonders if it would have been better to not have heard them at all.
“i understand how you feel, cathy,” jane sighs, and she’s only trying to help, but parr feels a strange rage bubble up inside her.
“no you don’t,” she hisses, a sudden venom behind her words.
“i do, cathy,” jane insists, “me and eddie, remember?”
“that’s not the same.”
“it is, cathy, i died just-“
“it is not the same, jane,” parr hisses, a dark bitterness spreading through her words. “mary,” she chokes on the name, but presses on, “mary was my only chance. after your,” she gives jane a sharp poke on the shoulder, pushing her back slightly, “bastard of a brother ruined everything i had with bess, she wouldn’t come near me!” her voice lowers, but not to a whisper but nearly to growl. “i had no one, and mary was my only chance.”
jane, stares, a horrified frown on her face. “cathy, i-” she begins, but parr isn’t done yet.
“and then, when i hadn’t even had a chance to hold her, i was ripped away from her.” she gives a dark chuckle. “maybe it’s karma. i should have done something more for bess. i should have recognised the signs, i should have listened earlier, i should have not been so blinded by my love for that bastard-” here she pauses, squeezing her eyes shut. “i should have done so much more, but i didn’t. so maybe this was just life’s way of getting back at me. taking away the two most important things in my life, one after the other.”
“don’t even try, jane,” parr protests, she still can’t make herself move off the floor. what scares jane next is the way that parr’s breathing seems to get faster, a slightly high-pitched nervous giggle forming in her words as she continues, “and everyone knows bess became the greatest queen who ever lived, right? but i don’t even know what happened to mary, because according to all the books i read, her life stopped mattering the second mine ended!” there are tears and fast breathing and shrill, uncomfortable giggles all together now, and parr’s fists keep clenching and unclenching the carpet.
“she was an orphan before she even reached a year old, and nobody even bothered to find out what happened to her. why would anyone care, after all? she was only my daughter. i only gave my life for her.”
parr’s voice had reached a volume jane had never heard it reach before, and if anyone else was in the house they definitely would have heard it by now.
there were tears streaming down her face so fast it just looked like perpetual wetness. but parr still isn’t done.
“i had plans to take her away. we were going to run off to ireland and leave all the mess behind. i was going to give her everything. but she was left alone, and no one fucking decided to document the life of a former english queen.”
jane takes in a breath. not only was this the angriest she’d ever seen parr, but it was the first time she’d ever heard her swear. she doesn’t know what to do or what to say, and can only let parr pour out her heart on the floor of her study. jane is powerless to do anything.
it seems that parr is coming to the end of her outburst, or at least to a break in it, and her body slumps over, drained of energy.
“why didn’t anybody care?” she asks, the biting tone to her voice replaced with exhaustion.
jane doesn’t know how to answer, how to react to such an admission. parr just dumped her broken soul on the carpet and jane needed to help clean it up. she just doesn’t know how.
she truthfully had never thought of how losing mary and elizabeth must have affected parr. she never talked about it, somewhat like how boleyn didn’t either.
“i just wish i knew,” parr basically whimpers, “what happened to her.”
“cathy,” jane says softly, “i... i’m sorry. i didn’t know-”
“yeah, you and everyone else,” parr says harshly, before sighing and dropping her head. “sorry. ‘s not your fault. i just...”
she doesn’t say anything after that, nor does she move, and jane kneels down next to her.
she slowly reaches out and places a gentle hand on parr’s shoulder, light enough that parr would be able to knock it off if she didn’t want any contact.
she doesn’t.
parr presses her forehead into the carpet trying to slow her breathing and calm her mind.
“i keep seeing her,” she whispers, her voice barely audible. “when i’m sleeping. she’s there. beautiful little girl, greenest eyes you’ve ever seen. but she’s not real.” she slams her fist against the carpet. “she’s gone.”
“maybe we could find a historian to look into it,” jane suggests hesitantly, but parr shakes her head.
“i’ve tried, jane. i’ve tried every avenue I can think of. nobody knows what happened to her because there was nobody who cared about her after me and thomas-” she stumbles over his name slightly, “-died. until someone invents a time machine i’ll never know.” she sighs bitterly and jane doesn’t blame her; for all her sadness over edward, she at least had accounts of his life, had paintings she could look at and see how he’d grown.
“i wish they were here,” parr whispers. “bess and mae. i wish i could apologize.” she sighs. “i’d tell bess that i didn’t mean to let her be hurt, that i think i really loved her more than thomas...” parr sniffles slightly. “and i’d tell mae that... i love her. i didn’t mean to leave.” she choked out the last few words as tears begin to flow again.
jane doesn’t know what to say, so instead she just wraps an arm around parr’s shoulders, slightly awkwardly given parr’s position on the floor.
to her relief, parr seems to accept the contact and even leans her head to the side, resting it against jane’s knee as she sobs. jane rubs gentle circles onto parr’s shoulder with her thumb, hoping the movement would soothe her slightly or at least give her some reassurance that she wasn’t alone, that jane was here for her.
there’s a flutter of conversation downstairs as the group returns, and parr immediately cringes as the loud voices drive through the house, especially in the half-witted state she was in.
“would you like me to close the door?” jane asks, shuffling to do so, but parr lets out a soft noise and grabs at her wrist.
“they’ll come anyway.”
she is found to be correct, as footsteps and laughter echo up the stairs and stops outside the office.
“cathy?” katherine asks quietly. “what’s wrong?”
“a few things, kid,” parr half-laughs, although she mostly sounds exhausted. “your mum’s been taking care of me, though.”
“oh,” katherine says. there’s a pause as she shifts from one foot to the other. “is there anything i can do to help?”
“could you fetch a glass of water, love?” jane says softly. she’s sure parr would appreciate it after losing so much in her tears. katherine nods and hurries past the other queens who are clustered awkwardly in the landing.
boleyn enters next. she sits down cross-legged net to jane, looking down at parr with surprisingly kind and sympathetic eyes.
before she can speak, parr nearly starts to cry again. “i’m sorry about bess,” she mumbles. “so sorry.”
boleyn’s lips tighten, but then relax. “i know, parr, but it’s okay. don’t beat yourself up.”
“i wish i could have kept her safe,” parr whispers.
“she didn’t resent you for anything,” boleyn says quietly. “i learnt that from my reading.”
“i wouldn’t have blamed her if she did.” parr’s voice is barely audible. “if you did.”
“i don’t...” boleyn closes her eyes then opens them. “i don’t blame you for what happened. sure, maybe you could have done more.” parr lets out a choked half-whimper at that. “but most of us have done things in our lives we regret. i know i regret the way i treated aragon’s mary.” she scratches the back of her neck awkwardly. “i’m not gonna hold a grudge for 500 years when you weren’t the one who did it.”
a smile flicker like a broken light across parr’s lips, then falls away. “she was so perfect, anne,” parr absently says, “so smart and bold. could name every flower in the royal garden... we spoke in french or italian so we couldn’t be easily understood...” she turns her head slightly to look up at boleyn. “she asked about you. who you were...” she drops her voice. “what happened to you. i didn’t know how to tell her, i believed you innocent anyway... she just thought you died.”
boleyn gives a rueful shake of her head. “not my girl. she would have found it out, she was resourceful as hell. but... i appreciate you looking out for her like that, i really do.”
“she loved you so much,” parr says faintly. “sometimes some of the things you do... she was so much like you, anne.”
boleyn wipes hastily at her eyes, which were beginning to fill with tears.
aragon, finally understanding the situation, enters the room as well,  joining the circle. her goddaughter needed her.
“you did nothing wrong, parr,” she says gently, “what happened in the past... we can’t change it.”
parr opens her mouth to respond when katherine comes flying in with the water. she hands it to parr, then lays down on the floor next to her. she looks at parr with wide, youthful eyes. “i hope you feel better, aunty cathy,” she whispers.
parr gives her a watery smile. “thank you, mon petit ange,” she says gently. katherine shifts closer to her until she’s almost curled up against her, and aragon puts her hand on parr’s shoulder.
“we’re here for you.” her voice is strong yet soft. “whenever you need to talk, we’re here to listen. we promise.”
“aragon’s right,” boleyn nods. “you don’t have to bottle everything up. we’re your family, cathy, and we wanna help when we can.”
parr looks at them - all of them, as cleves had followed katherine in and took up residence beside boleyn - and her eyes fill with tears again. she wraps one arm around katherine, pulling the girl against her, and places her other hand on top of aragon’s.  she smiles again, watery and sad, but with some bare semblance of hope. “thank you, i...” she sniffles. “i don’t know what i did in my past life to deserve you all, but i love you ladies.” she takes a breath. “even if i don’t show it, i do.”
“we love you too,” katherine says, voice muffled against the material of parr’s jumper.
“and don’t you forget it,” aragon adds, leaning over and pressing an oddly maternal kiss to the top of parr’s head.
“that’s the beauty of this second chance, love,” jane says softly. “we all have each other.”
“we all have each other,” parr repeats in a faint murmur. she feels katherine pull against her more, and she finally feels cognizant enough to bend her head just slightly and kiss the top of kat’s head.
“can’t get rid of us so easily,” boleyn laughs.
parr lets out a breathy chuckle, then meets boleyn’s eyes seriously. “i would never want to, anne.” she kisses kat’s head again. “never.”
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niall-is-my-dream · 5 years
Songbird - Part One
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“When Erin decides to perform one of her favourite songs at a bar, she didn’t expect one of the singers, Niall Horan, to be in the audience. What started as an appreciation for her cover quickly turns into more than either bargained for.”
(Previously known as Fools Gold, this fic has been edited, reworked and finally finished!)
Thanks to @angryniall for being an amazing beta!
As always let me know what you think.
Em x
3065 words
Niall's POV
You really hadn't wanted to go out last Friday night, you'd barely gotten over your jet lag and would have preferred to lie on the sofa watching golf. However the lads said it was going to be a quiet one, at a place with live music and that they weren't going to be late back.
You were immediately pleased with your decision to go out when this absolutely beautiful girl stepped out on stage and started singing. When she reached her final song you couldn't believe it when she sat with her guitar and sung Fools Gold. A song you'd helped write and had performed on your recent tour. You quickly started filming her, she played it well.
God was there anything better than seeing an absolutely stunning girl sitting with just a guitar and singing one of your songs.
You'd clapped when she had finished, watching her pack away her guitar, before walking off towards the bar, talking to a few people along the way. She stopped by a lad at the bar and he brought her a pint of Guinness.
She was perfect.
Was that lad her boyfriend?
She hadn't kissed him when she greeted him and she'd not sat down with him. Instead she was sat next to another couple.
"Hey Nialler, it's rude to stare!" Deo had said laughing.
"What?! Wasn't staring at anything, just looking around." You'd replied.
"She sang your song well didn't she?" Willie had said, when he realised where you'd been looking.
"Yeah, really well, was going to send it to the lads."
"Maybe go over and ask her permission before you do that?"
"Yeah, maybe." You'd nervously replied.
"Have another drink for courage mate!" He'd laughed.
And you had.
Then ten minutes later when she'd gone back to the bar, you'd looked over catching her friends eye and decided to go talk to her.
She was even better in person. Her beautiful blue eyes sparkled when she spoke. You couldn't believe it when she said she'd been to your London gig, and that she liked it. She was a fan but not a crazy stalker one who waits outside tv studios for you, she was a fan who listened to your music, really listened and then learnt how to play it.
Now you were sat here, phone in hand having just received the lads response to the video recording of her singing Fools Gold. They'd loved it and said she was brilliant.
You wanted to message her, but nerves had engulfed you. It had been 5 days since you'd seen her. Had you left it too long to message? You did say you'd message once you'd heard from them all.
God why was this so hard?
You'd messaged girls before. But there was something about Erin, you hadn't stopped thinking about her.
After writing and deleting a message about ten times, you settled on keeping it simple.
"Hi Erin, the boys loved seeing the video I sent them. Hope you're ok and work isn't too busy. Niall x"
Was the kiss at the end too much?
Placing your phone next to you on the sofa and letting out a massive sigh, you browsed through the sports channels. A long and tense hour later and your phone vibrated beside you.
"Hi Niall, it's good to hear from you, glad they liked it and didn't think I was an idiot! Work isn't too busy actually, doing a few night shifts right up until Xmas eve. Hope you're enjoying your time off. Erin x"
She had put a kiss at the end. You smiled at the sight of it.
Not wanting to sound too eager to maybe spend some time with her, but not being able to help being direct, you replied with.
"Are you working over Xmas? I'm off now for a few weeks until end of January. Going home to ireland on the 23rd till the 28th. Looking forward to eating loads of my mother's cooking! X"
"Nothing better than your mother's cooking is there? I'm in on Xmas eve on the night shift till 7am then I'll go to my parents and sleep off the shift and probably stuff my face with my mother's Xmas dinner. Back in 7am on the 28th."
You let out a laugh at her reply.
"Ha! Stuff your face! Think I'll be the same, my mother always cooks like there's 50 people coming when in reality it's normally about 10 of us. Where do your parents live?"
"Not far only in Bishops Stortford in Hertfordshire. My dad will drive and pick me up as I don't have a car, don't find I need one much."
"I sold my car a while ago as I just wasn't using it, I've just been away for 7 weeks so it would have just sat unused that whole time. I tend to use the tube or borrow my cousins car who I live with."
"The tube?! That's brave! Do girls follow you around when they spot you?"
"Not really recognised much, you know what people are like on the tube they don't even look at each other!"
"Ha! I suppose! I just get on and look at my phone then hear my stop and get off."
"Londoners aren't exactly the most social on the tube!"
"No they're not! So you live with your cousin then?"
"Yeah, he moved to London around the same time I did so we decided to live together. He's one of my best friends so we spend a lot of time together. Makes sense that we live together any way, he can keep an eye on the place when I'm not here. Do you live with anyone?"
Did she have a boyfriend? You weren't sure you were ready to ask her outright yet.
"No, just moved out from a house share to a place of my own, managed to buy a place. Just a little one bed flat, but its good to be on my own. Hated sharing with my friends, they're so fucking noisy! I'm loving the peace and quiet."
"Congrats on getting your own place. Luckily my cousin is pretty quiet. No wild parties here!"
"Sure there isnt! I'm sorry Niall but I've got to go to work now, got to go deliver some babies! Maybe chat again? X"
"That's ok Petal, you go deliver those babies! And yes, I would love to chat again, message me soon xxxx"
You sat back further on the sofa, placing your phone beside you again. Had you sounded a bit desperate with your last message? Was 4 kisses at the end too much?
Oh god what had got into you!
"You ok Niall?" Willie asked, as he walked into the living room.
"Yeah, just text that girl from Friday."
"Oh yeah, what did you say?"
"Just chatted a bit, she's got to go to work now, night shift at a hospital." You said with a sigh.
"Sounds like you like her?!" He smirked.
"I do, she's different from other girls, don't know how. Just something about her."
"She got a boyfriend?"
"Don't know I didn't ask, didn't want to seem pushy. She said she'd message me soon when she's not working, I'll ask her then."
You both sat and chatted with each other for a bit, having a couple of beers before you both went to bed.
The next morning you woke up to a message.
"Hey Niall I hope this message doesn't wake you up, downside of a 1am break! Was really great talking to you earlier, sorry I had to cut it short and head to work. Hope we can talk again soon. Erin Xxxx"
A smile spread across your face, you looked at your clock it was 7:30am not normally a time you'd be up but jetlag had messed with your sleep schedule. She'd be on her way home now you thought.
"Was great to wake up to your message, hope you had a good night at work. Text when you wake up later would love to talk more xxxx"
You couldn't wait till later.
Erin's POV
You smiled as you sat on the tube home, reading Niall's message. You'd replied straight away.
"Work was hectic lots of babies! Can't wait to sleep, will message later, have a good day xxxx"
You had managed to get through the night shift at work without daydreaming of Niall. You'd not mentioned your texts to anyone, especially not Kathy. She was the one you'd been to the concert with. Her daughter Lyla was a massive fan, so she had brought 4 tickets and invited you and one of Lyla's school friends to go. If she knew you'd met him, and had been texting him she would freak out. She was a good friend, but you weren't ready to share this secret with anyone just yet.
You climbed into bed at 8am and set your alarm for 3pm. You were on another night shift tonight so you knew you'd need at least 7 hours sleep in preparation for another 12 hour night.
Your shifts weren't too bad. You normally did two 12 hour night shifts a week and two 8 hour day ones. You'd picked up a few extra longer shifts the last two weeks, as you'd got a few days off over Christmas, so wanted to help out before hand.
You fell asleep almost instantly, thoughts of Niall swimming in your head.
Your alarm woke you from your slumber. Your first thought was Niall. When you'd had been texting yesterday before work the conversation had been easy. You text him straight away, hoping you'd be able to chat before you went into work later.
"Hey I'm awake now if you're free to chat? X"
He replied within minutes.
"Afternoon Erin. You sleep well? X"
"Yeah, not too bad. Got 7 hours. Just about to get some food. Got to leave by 6pm to get to work again."
"Ah that sucks, was hoping we could hang out sometime before I go back to Ireland. I'm busy tomorrow and then I'm flying the day after that. Unless you have a boyfriend and can't?"
He's asking about a boyfriend.
Do not freak out!
"Yeah I'm sorry, I'm now regretting signing up for extra shifts! Maybe when you're back? And no I don't have a boyfriend."
"Definitely, there's always texting and maybe face time over Xmas?"
Oh my god!
He wants to face time.
Be cool!
"I'd like that. How was your day?"
"Did some last minute shopping and then wrapped some of it. Have left it till the last minute again!"
"Well you have been busy touring! Bet the shops were packed!"
"They were and I got spotted a few times which delayed it. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind having pictures with fans, but I just wanted to get in and get out today! Currently lounging on the sofa again!"
Then he sent an absolutely gorgeous selfie of himself lying on his sofa. He looked unreal. You could feel your body heating up from just that one photo.
"God that sofa looks comfy!" You replied cheekily.
"It is, just a shame you have to go to work. There's a space here for you next to me."
Your heart was beating so fast in your chest at this point that you thought it might explode.
"Hey! don't tease!"
You were thoroughly enjoying this carefree flirting you had going on.
"Ha! Sorry! What you cooking then?"
"Oh it's very exciting!" You replied as you took a picture of your stir fry.
"Looks good. You'll have to let me come over and cook for you some time. X"
"That's a deal! X"
The text messages just kept bouncing back and forth, until you were putting your stuff in your locker at work. You took a selfie of yourself in your scrubs and sent it to him.
"Got to go now, babies to deliver. X"
"Never seen anyone look so sexy in scrubs before! X"
"Piss take! X"
"Ha! No seriously you look beautiful Erin, hope work goes ok. 😘"
He had ended your messages with a kiss emoji. You internally squealed, the smile you had on your face was definitely not going away.
Another shift ended and you got your stuff from your locker to find he had messaged you again. You'd not had much chance to stop for a break so hadn't checked your phone in 12 hours. But there it was, a single message from Niall that definitely brightened up your morning.
"Hey I guess when you read this it will be morning. So good morning, hope work was ok. Can't wait to chat later, keep looking at your picture. I'm doing work stuff today but can reply. Can't wait to hear from you. X"
Honestly this whole texting thing was surreal. You replied, deciding to be cheeky and add the kiss emoji on the end like he had done last night.
"Morning Niall, hope you slept well, can't wait to sleep, my feet hurt! I will send you a much better picture than my scrubs one, I promise. 😘 Will message later x"
Jumping on the tube with all the early commuters on their way to work, you couldn't wait to get home. Work was about a 45 minutes trip and you soon made it back to your flat. After a quick shower to freshen up you threw on some cosy pyjamas and climbed into bed.
You didn't sleep long as you were not working that night and were on a day shift the next day. Niall had said he was working, but you text him just after 1pm when you woke up. It felt weird to be texting him like this when you had only just met. The messages had gotten quite flirty, and as much as you loved it you weren't expecting it to materialise into anything. This was Niall Horan for fucks sake, why would he want you?
This was only a bit of fun and you needed to remember that.
You messaged him saying hi and that you had just woken up and were about to take a shower, needing to wash your hair ready for this evening. By the time he messaged back, you had dressed in jeans and a long sleeve cotton top and dried your hair.
"Hey you, sorry only just replying I was in an interview. How was your sleep? You working tonight? X"
"Its ok, how was your interview? No I'm off tonight but back in tomorrow at 9am. I have a works thing tonight in Camden tonight, going to The Colonel Fawcett as they do loads of awesome gins, but won't be drinking much. X"
"Sounds fun, I'm catching up with some friends for a Christmas drink tonight to. Interview was ok, it was for a golf thing I'm going to next month. X"
"Golf? You play?"
"Yeah love it, it's not a boring old man's game!"
"Never said it was!"
"Ha! Most people think it is! So have you told anyone that we've been messaging?"
"No, I haven't"
"What no one?"
"No, I thought you'd prefer the discretion, plus no need for me to tell anyone. Have you?"
"Just my cousin, he was the one who encouraged me to come and talk to you."
"You weren't going to come over?"
"No, was too nervous, but he said I should probably ask your permission to send the boys the video of you, and may have given me a gentle nudge in your direction!"
So the nervousness he had shown when he was talking to you had been real. He was so sweet, you really felt like you had got to know him over the last few days. The real him, not the one standing up on stage in front of thousands of people. You didn't hesitate with your reply.
"Ha! Well I'm glad he did, I really enjoy talking to you. X"
"Me to. I have another interview now so I'll message you in a bit. X"
He did message you back, 45 mins later as you were cleaning up your flat and sorting through Christmas presents. You'd started to sort out your bag to take home with you too. Your dad was going to come here for your stuff and then collect you from work early Christmas morning.
You began messaging back and forth again, this time getting more and more flirty. He practically begged you for a picture when you were ready to go out and you asked for one in return. You'd smiled and bit your lip nervously as you took it. Your fitted black knee length skirt hugged your curves well and you'd teamed it with black heels and a dark blue floaty top. Your naturally curly red hair was tucked over one shoulder.
He replied straight away and caused an instant blush on your cheeks.
"Wow, you look fucking amazing!"
"Ha! Thanks, now where's my picture???!!!"
He sent one to you, he was wearing his trademark dark blue jeans and a white long sleeve cotton v neck top, a little bit of chest hair visible. God you wanted to run your fingers through it. He'd styled his hair with a high flick and was doing his smouldering look.
"Ooohhh hello! Where's the smile Horan?!"
A minute later. He sent the same picture but this time he was smiling.
"Much better! Although I do love that smouldering look! 😉"
"Ha! Don't be cheeky! Seriously you look beautiful, don't go getting anyone's number and making me jealous!"
"Oh really that's not allowed? Well make sure you don't get anyone's tonight either!"
"No it's not! Don't want to share you with anyone. X"
"Don't want to share you either. X"
This time you didn't bother to hide your squeal and the sound of it echoed around your small bedroom.
This made you happy to know that he wasn't seeing anyone else and that he didn't want you to either. You still didn't know what to expect from him. You'd only met him face to face once, and that was for literally less than ten minutes. This texting was getting crazy. You really needed to see him. You'd have to wait till after Christmas since he was away and you were working and away to.
Thanks for reading!I
Em x
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