#I gotta ramble about it to SOMEBODY who understands
shima-draws · 5 months
You blogging about One Piece Treasure Cruise is really making me want to play it…is it fun? Do you recommend? :D
FROTHING AT THE MOUTH UMMM HI YES you should get OPTC and play it it’s SO much fun. I’ve only been playing for about a month (?) or so and I’ve been having a TOTAL blast
I know that generally gacha games can be really hit or miss for a lot of people but I will highly recommend OPTC bc of the MASSIVE amounts of freebies they give out. I’ve played lots of different gacha games over the years and I’ve never seen a game give out as much freebies as OPTC has;; There’s multiple different game modes you can do and they all have different rewards where you can literally just. Choose the character you want. There’s some game modes where you can challenge the same boss over and over and get multiple of the same character to increase their level to the max. They’re stupidly generous with their rewards too like just by leveling up or beating a certain quest or doing a challenge x amount of times they’ll give you a sugo rare (basically a 6 star character, the best units in the game) for free! FOR FREEEEE!!! Also they give tons of unique rewards to rookie players as well so just by getting the game and starting it for the first time they will bury you in Stuff :)
A lot of gacha games are pay to win but honestly you don’t need to spend any money in OPTC to A. Have fun and B. Win harder challenges. It really just depends on how you build your crew and with all the free handouts you’re BOUND to get some really good recruits even at the very start. And if you don’t mind spending a little money they do have achievement packs that unlock whenever you hit a certain level, and the rewards are very generous.
Anyway coughs now that I’m done ranting about how much free shit they’ll give you the actual gameplay is a lot of fun too, like I mentioned there’s lots of different game modes but they generally all revolve around the whole building your crew thing. And a few of these game modes will reset every couple weeks and let you get new characters/rewards so things are always changing and updating! They just had an event to get a free 6 star Bonney and then super evolve her into a 6+ star with her in her Egghead outfit and like.
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Bro. That’s so RUDE,,
I will say they do dump a lot on you so it can be really. Confusing and complex lol. I wouldn’t say I know the ins and outs of this game QUITE yet but I have learned a lot of things since I started playing, so if you have any questions feel free to come ask me 🥰
Also the game’s 10 year anniversary is happening (Franky voice) SUPER soon so now is a great time to start playing bc they’re definitely gonna give all the players heaps of rewards ;)
Anyway I’m totally not obsessed with OPTC can’t you tell
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03jyh23 · 3 days
oh my gosh, guys! i know it's so random, but as some of you might know, i'm a huge halsey fan. i've been one for the past 10 years, and i've been listening to her a lot lately. she's the type of artist whose music comforts me and makes me feel understood. there's this verse in a song named whispers:
why do you need love so badly?
honestly, even though it was released over two years ago, this question has been stuck with me for the past few days. i know you're not here to listen to my philosophical musings or anything—you're just here to enjoy my fanfiction—but here i am, rambling again. i just gotta know: how would you guys answer this question?
do we need love because we struggle with self-love, or maybe we crave someone to validate us? can we actually enjoy our lives and be happy if we don't have somebody loving us? or perhaps it's simply human nature to seek connection? i once saw this instagram post saying that we all just want for someone to witness our lives. i think there's something beautiful about that idea—having someone who sees us, understands us, and shares in our experiences. but then again, isn't that what our friends do so as well? i feel like love comes with a price — for me to stay with you, you need to give me the intimacy and security. love, in a way, isn't selfless while friendship definitely is. you don't expect intimacy from your friends to keep supporting, loving them, and being in their lives. love and friendship do have different dynamics, don't they? love often, if not always, comes with expectations of intimacy and security that we don't necessarily have in friendships. there's a certain vulnerability in romantic relationships that isn't always present in platonic ones.
it's true that love can be both selfless and selfish at times. we give so much of ourselves in love, but we also expect things in return. with friends, it's often a more unconditional kind of support. we don't expect the same level of intimacy or commitment, but the love is still there, just in a different form. maybe that's why romantic love feels so intense and sometimes scary - there's more at stake, more to gain, but also more to lose. it's a delicate balance between giving and receiving, between vulnerability and strength.
and what do you guys think about it?
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talkingpointsusa · 14 days
Let the Dave Rubin Taylor Swift meltdown begin
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Dave Rubin didn't take the presidential debate very well. He really didn't take Taylor Swift endorsing Kamala Harris well. I can understand this to a certain degree, it's been a pretty rough couple of days for Dave what with that whole "Unwittingly taking money from Russia to spread propaganda" thing and that other "My candidate chocked on national TV in front of the entire free world" thing.
Keep in mind when Dave starts rambling about Taylor Swift that his shows motto is "Crazy world, sane views" and his shows new theme song (which I'm 99% sure is AI generated) is "It's a crazy world, somebodies gotta have the sane views".
Somebody does indeed but it sure as hell ain't this guy.
01:41, Dave Rubin: "It's not really about the policies, it's really just about the narrative and I think we really saw a very very sharp example last night, lets say a very obvious example last night, of how the narrative is shaped and shifted right in front of our eyes because that was a three on one, that was not a debate, we've seen it in the post coverage."
So, right-wing media has settled on calling the debate rigged. It's the "8 year old who's angry that they lost a game" approach to politics. "Oh no, the moderators moderated the debate. We shouldn't do that anymore." Naturally, they're all ignoring the points where Trump made an ass of himself like when he declared that migrants in detention centres are forcibly getting trans surgeries or when he amplified the debunked racist smear about Haitian immigrants eating dogs. None of that was caused by the moderators, that was all Trump.
Part of what makes this all so embarrassing is that guys like Dave Rubin are constantly going on about how Trump is this political genius playing 4-D chess against the Democrats and yet simultaneously he turns into a blustery mess against three "dumb libs". Even if we're accepting that the debate was rigged, which it wasn't, Trump still should have mopped the floor with everybody there. You can't have both!
So, Dave launches into a diatribe about 9/11 which is just him politicizing a tragedy so he can push a narrative about the debate, gross. We won't dwell too long on it but he does say some royally stupid things in this segment.
05:02, Dave Rubin: "I wanted to just sort of show you something there because that was only 23 years ago and think of how fundamentally different the world is from that morning to this morning, like wildly different. The fact that there was no questions even asked about it at the debate last night and the one time it was referenced, Kamala Harris completely dismissed -- well, it wasn't referenced actually. Kamala Harris said that January 6th was the worst moment in US history since the Civil War, completely dismissing 9/11. I mean, absolutely disgusting."
Why were there no 9/11 questions at the debate? I don't know Dave, could it be because it was 23 years ago?! 9/11, while tragic, isn't a current issue. There are no people basing their vote around 9/11 related policy. If you want to talk about questions about terrorism and the Department of Homeland Security, fine, but I don't think any sane person was expecting any 9/11 related questions during the debate.
So, Dave does an ad for mattresses and then reads a tweet from Ben Shapiro, also Dave's super objective. Just oh so objective.
08:47, Dave Rubin: "So, it seems to me, I'm gonna try to cover this as always as objectively as possible, you know my feelings about these two candidates, you know my feelings about the two parties, you know my feelings about the mainstream media but it seems to me that the main takeaway is not 'Oh my God, Kamala got Trump on this policy' or 'Trump really had that great line that exposed her for being a fraud' or any of that. It really is the narrative thing around the mainstream media because watching that debate last night, I don't know how you could be an even approximate objective person and think that it was not a three on one."
Yeah, the main takeway people seem to be having is "Holy shit, Trump's nuts!" Also, Harris absolutely won the debate. She swept the post debate polling with a 23 point margin with 57% of respondents saying that she won the debate. Turns out that racist diatribes about migrants don't pull in the moderates, shocker.
Also, Dave sounds very objective just parroting dumb right-wing media talking points.
09:22, Dave Rubin: "They repeatedly, dishonestly, fact-checked Donald Trump instead of just letting Kamala retort and they did not do it to her once. She went on lie after lie after lie including very fine people which, as I said last night, it is the most debunked lie of all time."
Yeah, like the time where she fell for a Facebook hoax about migrants eating pets....oh wait, that's your guy.
Very fine people isn't debunked. There is a Snopes article saying that the claim that he called Neo-Nazi's very fine people is false but if these guys read past that appealing big red X they'd find this paragraph. Quote:
Editors' Note: Some readers have raised the objection that this fact check appears to assume Trump was correct in stating that there were "very fine people on both sides" of the Charlottesville incident. That is not the case. This fact check aimed to confirm what Trump actually said, not whether what he said was true or false. For the record, virtually every source that covered the Unite the Right debacle concluded that it was conceived of, led by and attended by white supremacists, and that therefore Trump's characterization was wrong. 
So, he didn't specifically call Neo-Nazi's at Charlottesville very fine people, he just both sidesed it. This is just a dumb semantics game. Trump absolutely should be criticized for that.
Dave then plays a clip of RFK Jr and then a clip of Trump with Hannity. Dave then plays a clip of Trump being fact-checked on crime being down (which it is). Naturally, the Dave Rubin Clip Show hasn't really changed much since the news about Russia broke out.
Anyway, here's Dave lying about the crime rate.
14:39, Dave Rubin: "You can argue actually, I think you can make an honest argument that it is a moderators job to fact-check, we all wish there would be a little more fact-checking right? So, when she lies about very fine people on both sides I would like a fact-check there. So I am not throwing David Muir under the bus as if he shouldn't fact-check but he only did it one way and actually Trump was right about that, we've got this from Washington Examiner. In fact, violent crime is up substantially from 2019 levels and last years 2023 apparent drop is less significant than it appears. Part of the problem is how police departments report offences to the FBI, that's exactly what Trump was referencing. The FBI asked, then demanded, that law enforcement agencies transfer away from the system that they used for decades to a new more detailed but onerous one"
Well, Dave finally gave me a specific, I love when they give me specifics.
So, the Examiner article that Dave's referring to is a Washington Examiner article called "Bad Data From The FBI Mislead About Crime". Since the Washington Examiner is journalistic garbage, I looked into this myself and found that they're being intellectually dishonest as hell.
First of all, the Examiner is looking at 2019-2023 whereas people saying that crime is down are looking 2022-2023. There was indeed a brief spike in crime during 2022 but that doesn't change the fact that crime is down now in 2024. The Examiner itself concurs that crime continued to drop from 2023 to 2024 meaning that Dave's own dumb source was forced to admit that crime is indeed down. Unfortunately, guys like Dave need crime to be up because that helps them panic their audiences into buying their junk.
16:21, Dave Rubin: "Go to New York City, see whats going on. See what happens the second the sun goes down, the types of people that are out on the street. They're out during the day too but then suddenly it's like a zombie movie, they all start coming out."
Yes, at night they DOUBLE come out! They're out during the day but during the night it suddenly becomes like a zombie movie and then they....come out again I guess? What an absolutely moronic statement.
Also, as somebody who's been to New York City and walked around there at night, no it's not like a zombie movie.
So, Dave complains about MSNBC which is just stupid. I'm not going to deal with it. MSNBC is a network I have lukewarm feelings about as it is (their website is better than their cable coverage) and Dave Rubin just sloppily rambling about clips from them that he's clearly taken out of context isn't interesting. What is interesting is Dave whinging about Taylor Swift. Dave reads her endorsement and then gets really mopey and stupid.
27:00, Dave Rubin: "It's all confusions that she said there, I don't know what the issues are she cares about so Taylor Swift, do you want 15 million illegals here bringing in fentanyl and taking out our cities? Is that what you want?"
I've discussed this on the blog before but migrants aren't bringing in most of the fentanyl, it mainly comes in on trucks and tractor trailers. So yeah, pretty bold of Dave to try and accuse somebody else of having "confusions".
Dave then has some high-level political analysis. All I can say is just...just look at this absolute moron.
27:45, Dave Rubin: "There's something -- I would say there's something even more nefarious. She obviously didn't write that statement, probably didn't even look at that statement but they put that out immediately after the debate because what they want to happen there -- what they want to happen there is that they want young girls to be angry at their parents. That's another piece of this, they're using her as a tool so that when a father comes home from work, and generally conservatives have jobs and he's worked hard all day to put food on the table for his family and he comes home from work, that the daughter will start screaming at him for supporting Donald Trump and then the wife will probably start screaming at him too because the wife doesn't want the daughter to be upset because they are trying to hatchet away at everything."
Ah yes, conservative dads. If there's one group of people famous for changing their worldview when their family challenges them on it, it's conservative dads. That's why every thanksgiving since, oh I don't know, the concept of presidential elections was established has been peaceful whenever politics comes up.
The pandering in that clip is also just painful. "Hello audience of mostly conservatives who hate me for my marriage, just wanted to let you know that you are all HARD WORKERS and that's why you shouldn't take what your family says seriously."
He goes on too and it just gets dumber from here.
29:44, Dave Rubin: "So think about it, that statement was planned, obviously. She didn't write the statement, somebody -- they pay somebody, a PR person or whoever it might be, to write that statement. The picture with the cat -- like, this was a plan right? She didn't just take a selfie with her cat and then write that thing up, obviously. They put that out immediately after the debate and then moments after that, Tim Walz is on television talking about how excited he is about the Taylor Swift endorsement. Really think how fucking pathetic, I think it's my first one since I came back, that this is."
Getting this riled up over a celebrity endorsement is pretty pathetic Dave. He does realize that she's wealthy enough to have a photo taken of her after the debate right? Or more importantly, that this endorsement doesn't really mean that much in the grand scheme of the election. I'm convinced that the only people who really gave it a lot of attention are Taylor Swifts fans and guys like Ben Shapiro and Dave Rubin who've been blowing a gasket about it since it dropped on Instagram.
31:07, Dave Rubin: "Ivy (?) just mentioned to me that Taylor Swifts tour that she's on was supposed to wrap up but they've now extended it to go through the election, do you think that's a coincidence right? Probably not."
So, Taylor Swifts master plan to steal the election is as follows:
Step One: Become famous over the course of decades by producing music.
Step Two: Go on tour during the election and endorse Harris after the debate
Step Three: Extend that tour through the rest of the election because...if you aren't on tour you'll just suddenly stop being famous I guess?
The Russians really go their moneys worth with this Dave Rubin guy. I wonder what the refund policy on grifters is. So, the rest of the show is pretty boring stuff. He plays a clip from the View at some point which is further proof for my theory that conservatives are the only people watching the View in 2024. Then he remembers that Taylor Swift is a person who exists and decides to get gross as hell.
58:30, Dave Rubin: "Taylor Swift endorses Kamala Harris on Instagram, after the debate on ABC, proudly calls herself a childless cat lady. Elon Musk, who they hate, he saw that and he wrote this; 'Fine Taylor, you win. I will give you a child and guard your cats with my life.' So, he's mocking. He's exposing the ridiculousness. Right, it's like Taylor Swift, you are a young pretty girl. Do you know what the gang members from Venezuela do to young pretty girls? It ain't pretty."
God, both Dave Rubin and Elon Musk are gross as all hell. Gotta hit that "fair white women will get raped by those scary brown people" button whenever you can I guess. Again, gross. Also, she's a 34 year old woman you misogynistic creep.
On the bright side, it certainly helps cement the fact that these guys are indeed weird as all hell despite their protestations.
Well, that was a grown man having a conniption fit about a pop star endorsing a political candidate. The yearlong conservative meltdown over Taylor Swift is hilarious and I figured we could all use something on the lighter side after all the Matt Walsh we've been seeing on the blog lately. I'm sure we'll go back to naked racism and bigotry in the next post and all our souls will be destroyed oncemore but for now lets just take a moment to laugh at this absolute moron prattling on about Taylor Swifts supposed evil plans to throw the election.
Sources Cited:
Archacki, Liam. “Kamala Harris Sweeps First Batch of Post-Debate Polls by 23-Point Margin.” The Daily Beast, The Daily Beast, 11 Sept. 2024.
Bump, Philip. “Analysis | Fox News Twists Data on Economy and Crime to Attack Biden.” Washington Post, 9 Apr. 2024.
Sganga, Nicole, and Camilo Montoya-Galvez. “Fentanyl Seizures Rise at U.S.-Mexico Border — Here’s Why.” CBS News, 3 Feb. 2023.
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rubykgrant · 1 year
(Silly background RVB relationship stuff that I may or may not expand on more in the full story-line, but it definitely all happened in the background, so I'm just gonna ramble with it here~)
Caboose is a person who can make "friends with benefits" work, because he genuinely cares about being friends; paying attention to what the other person needs, being honest if that's something he comfortable with, making sure they respect his own boundaries, and remaining on good terms through it all. It helps that Caboose has become aware of how... over-zealous he can be. So! Good communication and understanding personal-space! Very helpful. Also, he's had better luck with relationships in the past than some of the others (he might not understand all of Tucker's perv jokes, but he absolutely knows how different kinds of romantic/sexual relationships work). So, at some point after all the time-travel shenanigans...
Donut has never actually "dated" anybody before. He and Doc have a relationship that is downright domestic, but for them it's more of an open QPR (Doc is aro/ace, but still enjoys affection, and they love spending time together). He had some wild fun on Chorus before, but big deal, that whole thing was bonkers. Donut isn't sure if he wants to live the single life with some fun flings, or start looking for something more serious. He hasn't really DONE anything with anybody! After talking to Caboose, really just venting and not hoping for a solution, Caboose suggests they could... try being together. Which Donut did not expect, but OK! Please and thank you! They still do everything they did together as friends, but now there is added activities in private where they kiss, cuddle, and yes- are sexually intimate. Very enjoyable for them both! Donut eventually checks if it would be alright with Caboose for him to see other people, which is fine. They remain friends, no more "benefits" while Donut has experiences with different partners, because whoever Donut might start seeing next, he would want to check and see how they get along with Caboose, what they're all comfortable with, so nobody feels "cheated". They're still fine spending time as friends (potential to get together again, or just a clean break, no pressure~)
Kai very much likes having fun and fooling around... but sometimes it is TIRESOME to go through everything involved with having sex. Even just hook-ups; you gotta go out, or look around on a dating site, make sure the other person isn't an ax murderer, potentially deal with somebody who is an a-hole, potentially deal with somebody who is WAY too clingy right off the bat, stock up on protection, all that jazz. She just wants to fool around with somebody who appreciates how nice it is to be physically close and share the moment, but won't be weird about it later! Caboose also listens to her venting, and has a suggestions. So, they proceed to have some fun times in bed together, and then after Kai doesn't have to worry about kicking him out/making an escape, because she likes his company! She also doesn't have to worry about him being a creep. They can enjoy themselves, then relax, share a shower, then watch TV or play video games. It's very chill. She eventually tells Caboose she's ready to go be the life of several parties again, and he's fine with that. Kai kinda gets the vibe that Caboose would want to eventually find somebody (or a couple people, he's polyam~) to "settle down" with, and while that ain't for her, she doesn't want to get in the way of that if he starts dating anybody seriously (he's not her booty-call on demand, but he is her FRIEND. if he's ever with anybody who's into the idea of being open, Kai will be right in there, but if not, no big deal)
Locus still has all kinds of twisted up feelings regarding his own "humanity", and if he even deserves happiness. He also was just very unlucky when he was younger, getting bad information regarding how relationship dynamics work, then never having much personal experience for years (being a human killing machine and such), THEN his longest relationship ever was. Felix. That sure does things to a person. They had a lot going on; friends, partners, lovers, and... some more unpleasant terms. Locus would really like to be with somebody who would NOT hurt him, and also knows exactly who he is. This is hard, because who he is can be potentially SCARY, and Locus wants to know that HE won't hurt somebody else. Once again, Caboose listens to his friend vent. Instead of jumping right into sexy times, Caboose offers to literally sleep with Locus, just holding each other and cuddling. If Locus wants more, Caboose is willing to do more. It isn't pity, and it doesn't come with strings attached, some obligation or favored owed later. They do become sexually intimate, and eventually, Locus asks if Caboose wants to try actually dating. They do, for a bit. It's very nice, and while it's good for both men in different ways, Locus still has other aspects of his life to work on, and he doesn't want Caboose to "wait" while that happens. So, they end the dating, but remain very good friends (again, it could be more again someday, perhaps even with others involved. Locus could even find other relationships for himself, now that he knows how good it can be~)
Also, it would just be very amusing for the Reds and Blues to have a return trip to Chorus, where they're asked to give an obligatory "Responsible Grown-Up Talk" to the new kids about relationships (communication, staying safe, being respectful, different aspects of sexuality, etc), and this is how Tucker finds out Caboose is, in fact, the hunka-hunka of Blue Team! This is also how Grif finds out Caboose and his sister have fooled around; everybody expects Grif would flip out over it, but he's just- "Y'know what? That's cool. Caboose is cool. I don't need to know ANYTHING ELSE about what my sister has been doing, but that's fine"
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Hey!! You asked for ideas, I am here to provide having made it home in once piece! :)
Going to put it out there again... clipboard!bucktommy moving house. You know you gotta :D
Angsty one (with a happy ending) Buck loves kids, can't wait to be a father and is so in love with Tommy, who loves him back with everything he has. But he doesn't want kids, ever.
We have seen cat dad! Tommy but how about new cat dad Buck who calls Tommy in a panic because a kitten has just followed him all the way to his loft front door, attached itself to the leg of his jeans and won't let go. Buck, being Buck, does NOT want to hurt the little guy.
Last one for now....Buck is a big guy. And as a big guy, every time he goes out someone tries to start a fight with him to prove themselves and he's getting kinda sick of dodging it. Tommy witnesses this when Buck goes to get them drinks and swoops in to flex menacingly at the guy bugging his pacifist boyfriend.
Always happy to talk bucktommy, buddie or whatever! ❤️ @winterbuckwild
*takes a deep breath* *takes a sip of coffee* *chokes*
Moooorning! So, wow! Ideas! 🥹 I have a couple of thoughts. First of all, I will definitely try and wrap my head around "having made it home in one piece" because love! LOVE. ClipboardBucktommy, yeah well, since I read a smut fic yesterday, I guess, that's been done 😂
The kids idea is interesting, though not something I'm into regarding writing (look. I have a kid. Somebody not wanting a kid is not angsty to me, that's rational 😂). And I really don't vibe with all of these "BT are married and having kids" thing that I see going round. No offense, if that's anybody's jam, great! Some things are not for everybody, that's normal. Small digression: as I rambled about quite often, I'm currently watching The Rookie season 6, and there's Bailey and Nolan trying for kids right now (I'm kinda pretty at the beginning of that season). And when that started, Bailey was kinda awkward around the kid they took on for a night because some accident I can't remember. I thought, great, maybe she doesn't want kids, that would be awesome! Not because of the evident conflict if Nolan wanted kids but because we see way too less women in media not wanting kids. Even as - or maybe just because I am - a mother, I'm a strong advocate of everyone saying they don't want kids. Well, unfortunately that plot line turned out very different, but yeah, no BT with kids for me. 😂 (Also, I love my daughter, not that anyone gets ideas, great kid!)
About cats: that's so cute, can anybody write that please? Also, fun fact about squirrels (what? Yeah hold on you'll understand). Squirrels might jump on you and hold to your leg. They're not attacking you, they are most likely babies who've lost their mother. It's true!
The FIGHT one! Awwww. I'm gonna play with that in my head.
But in general, I'd love to throw those ideas out in the world, if anybody takes them, please tag me and @winterbuckwild ❤️
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icedmetaltea · 6 months
My brain is too childish and imma be brought to neurologists to check for heavy metals in me. I don’t wanna change drastically. I have a block when I try to understand things that others grasp easily. Social interactions are bust and I’m a chicken when around people that I shouldn’t be afraid of at all. Friends and family that I’ve known for years and I’m over in a different room when I truly want to interact with them. It’s like a coin toss every time which sucks. I’m close to about a decade younger mentally in some aspects. All this knowledge and no proper way to communicate it to others so at times I gotta spin a wheel and hope it lands on what I need it to land on. Sorry the information is jumbled up. Being stuck in a childlike state for years and knowing about it yet not being able to do anything to remedy the situation truly sucks. Think of it as isolation on an island where it’s one way communication so you hear and see the entire world but there’s no way to send out an sos to somebody else.
Sorry for rambling on
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Hey c'mere, it's gonna be okay
I relate more than ya know, I've always feel way less mature than people my age, and with dyscalculia and probably some other intellectual disability + probably ADHD or something I'm left feeling leagues behind everybody else. But that's ok. Everybody is different and there is no wrong way to be
If you want to get some kind of assistance or accommodation for this, I wish you the best of luck for that! Sometimes the best thing that can be done is not try to fit in and be like everybody else but to learn how to accept aspects of yourself that can't be changed and find the people who enjoy your company regardless of how you communicate
You are loved my friend ❤️
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some-pers0n · 6 months
On a related note to that proship Wikipedia page, there's actually a hilarious instance of a radqueer *giving a college speech about the radqueer community and recording it online* lol. Moons above, some people are just so terminally online lol. Bonus points for the fact that the speech doesn't even make sense unless you're intensely following discourse around radqueers, much less even know what they are.
Listening to it and just. jesus christ what am I even hearing. "Transableism isn't ableist because being disabled isn't a bad thing and wanting to be disabled isn't bad" imagine being a college prof and hearing that.
(More inane ramblings below the cut + live reactions)
Not to also mention it just baffles me the idea of, say for example, neurotypicals identifying as "transautistic" because they feel like they are autistic. You can't be serious with me right now. You cannot look me in the eyes and tell me that you are oppressed because you identify as disabled despite being able-bodied. I get it somewhat if it's a OSDD/DID thing and you've got alters and whatnot, but it's just asinine. It's beyond terminally online. The second hand embarrassment from seeing that this was handed in as a project is so intense. You'd have to be toiling in the darkest, deepest parts of the internet to even understand this.
"It can't be offensive because most of us are minorities" ??? WHAT EVEN IS THAT LOGIC??? Like can you apply that logic to fandom racism? Like imagine people calling somebody out for racism and they went "erm I polled my followers and most of them were queer minorities so it's not offensive" are you kidding me.
Oh my fucking god of course they're a Vriska kinnie. The way they're describing being "transcharacter" makes me nauseous like... Okay, fine, I understand kinning characters. This stuff here sounds like a cult or signs of some sort of dissociative disorder. My sibling in science you need help if you genuinely feel like harming yourself over not being a fictional character.
"I'm trans-half-blind" be serious with me rn. Be fr. Be honest with me here
I do very much agree that harassment and doxing is utterly vile and I feel for these people and how they've been affected, but I don't think suffering immediately makes their identity any more valid. You can't just be. transdisabled. You are either able-bodied and wearing an eyepatch for fun or you're actually disabled.
The thing with these transdisabled people is that they never identify with "gross" disabilities either. Where's the transdisabled people who want feeding tubes. Where's the transdisabled people who claim that they've got dysphoria because they don't have a oxygen tank. What about the disabilities that aren't easy to make you look cool and edgy? Don't got dysphoria for that now, huh?
God I hate fakeclaiming people with mental disorders but I also think that you gotta have at least something with you in order to feel dysphoria about not being a system or not having autism.
Again imagine being a normal well-adjusted person who (at most) has a Snapchat and Instagram account and hearing this. They just talk about this stuff like you're already aware of it. Goodness gracious. The thing here too is that I'd be terrified of giving them a bad mark for being, well, incomprehensible in case they decided to take that as me being a violent bigot and further harm themselves.
What are they even talking about right now
Why are they talking about the Oxford dictionary
"This calls us attention seekers. Well, don't you know that attention seeking is a sign of emotional neglect?" you didn't debunk the argument. You just said: "Well, yeah, maybe we are attention seekers, but don't you know we're also traumatized? Boom, gotcha there. Now you can't criticize us because we're traumatized"
Oh how brilliant of a conclusion: people are people and not everyone's emotions and experiences are the same. How ground-breaking. Curious, I wonder what it would be like to ask a person who has a missing or damaged eye their thoughts and opinions on a transcharacter Viriska wearing an eyepatch and telling people they're disabled. I wonder how they'd feel.
God this whole thing is so immature. They call anybody who disagrees with them a child when they themselves have been doing little more than make cheap arguments, curse, and barely formulate even a single coherent thesis statement. It doesn't even sound like they have a script, more like ramblings straight from the heart.
Kid, I don't really care if a person is transID or whatever it's called. I care if they're a decent person more than anything. I'm not going to maul them and drag them into the streets for people to stone to death. Why do you act like you're oppressed in this way? I get that you and your friends have been mistreated, but to be honest it's still like. ridiculous to me.
Please don't...gouge your eye out...
I know I've said it before but GOD imagine being a prof and receiving this. I would be utterly terrified and don't know what to do because it's clear the person is not exactly in. stable condition mentally.
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dballzposting · 1 year
Amount of evidence: LOW!!!!
Word count: Not the longest.
Eloquency: I haven't been sleeping very well lately ....
Subject: Trunks & Goten's different views of authority and power balances; Trunks is a follower while Goten is exempt.
Befote I say anything let me preface this post with: Goten and Trunks are, everything considered, very free spirits. They're not afraid of feelings and they love adventuring. When they're kids they love to have fun, and when they're older you can see in the both of them a sort of contentedness/satisfaction. They're living life well.
OK now I want to point out that despite what you'd assume when you first see them, Trunks is very much a follower, while Goten is exempt from any idea of a hierarchy.
You would assume that Trunks would be a leader given who his parents are and what his status is. He just HAS to be a natural-borne leader, right? It's in his blood? But he's just not.
When he's a kid he's very good at bossing Goten around. He's good at being player 1. But this isn't his "true" nature. He acts all arrogant when he's a kid becasue he's doing what kids do: emulating hardcore. What he is is a follower emulating the leadership behaviors of his parents.
We know this isn't his true self becasue he tangibly grows out of it. Even by EOZ, he's no longer a bitch - he's respectful, he's self-assured, he's relaxed in that confidence, he emotes freely. I think he still cares what people think about him, judging by his epic swag outfit and the way that he couldn't just live-and-let-live when it came to that flamboyant gay dude, but he's getting there.
By GT he is just a completely different man. He just wants to chill and hang out. He wants to make wisecracks. He doesnt care about work and he doesnt care enough to let himself be stressed by it. He just dips. He continues to emote freely, even coming apart at the beginning of the series when he was realizing how stressful this space journey was shaping out to be, but he pulled himself together and didn't need to freak out like that again. he adapted to the situation fine.
I don't have solid evidence I just need you to watch GT and see what I've seen and understand that he's literally just some guy ... he's some dude .... Scary shit is happening and he still has time to chill and hang out when the battle is over. I've seen it. Please believe me
In the outro there's a moment where they're showing different epic images throughout the history of dragon ball. And there's a picture from DBZ times, where Trunks is sitting on the handlebars of a motorcycle while Gohan is trying to drive it and Trunks has his arms crossed and he just looks like such a bitch. He's somebody arrogant bastard whelp
VERY NEXT IMAGE: A GT image of Trunks & Pan & Goku & Giru on the hunt for dragon balls out on an alien planet. And UGH. The CONTRAST is so much. Like maybe I should just get the images. I probably won't. But I should
The image changes to GT and you realize that THIS is who Trunks is. Not the kid. Poeple change so much from childhood. On one hand your true nature is available to you as a child but on the other hand you're emulating hardcore and changing rapidly. Trunks's truest nature was probably when he was a baby and he'd cry becasue Vegeta was so ugly
Trunks grows up and circles back and finds his true nature again. And that true nature is in those FUCKING HUGE SHORTS. That JACKET. Those DUMB GLOVES. Those THICK SOCKS and BARE KNEES. Like HWAT was he THINKING !?!??!
His TRUE NATURE is being LAME. That's who he is. He had phases where he wanted to be Cool but he's grown out of it. He's come to accept what style he really feels like himself in. He has changed a lot since childhood: He Doesnt care what people think about him, and he is Not concerned with status anymore.
He's President of Capsule Corp becasue he's gotta be. He doesnt give a shit. You'd think he'd give a shit and you'd assume that he'd give a shit but if you watch GT there is something so calm and cool about him. He's so authentic that he can even be shallow and lack self-awareness in little ways (like he doesnt think he's lame for instance). This is really as deep as he goes fellas. And he's not trying to deny that. He's not trying to look Cool or Smart or Strong. He just wears his huge shorts and reads his Cosmo magazine and readily displays when he's feeling tired or bored, but not in an immature way that demands amelioration. He's a fine adult and he keeps himself together, especially when he has to be babysitter.
He does what he must and he rests when he can.
So. All of that put together: you would think that that makes him not necessarily a leader but definitely not a follower, right? A follower WOULD care what people think about them, right?
NOT what I'm getting at though. He's not insecure, but he's still a follower. And he's not a leader, becasue he doesnt care enough to be, but mostly, becasue it's not in his nature.
Vegeta is a leader by nature. He's not interested in controlling others' freedom, but he is interested in setting them straight. Bulma is a leader by nature. She'll let weirdos be weirdos but as long as there is something she cares about, she NEEDS things to go the way she wants them to. She needs you to do what she tells you to do.
Both ultimately have good judgement in the end.
And then there's Trunks...
I don't think it's all nurture, but I'll still point out that: being raised by leaders could have very well trained him to be a follower. As a kid, he emulated the leadership role with Goten, but still snaps to such sudden attention when his parents tell him what to do (seen in Z and Super). A truly arrogant kid would blow his parents off.
HIS RESPECT FOR RULES. So many times as a kid we see him say something about The Rules. One example is when in the second Broly movie (English sub), he was terrifically put off by how Broly wasn't "following the rules" and was fighting to kill. For another example, he TOLD OFF Majin Buu when he came at him with that sucker punch. Those are NOT the rules of the battlefield!!!!! There were more times but I can't remember. Another thing I'll put here is how self-aware he was as a kid about being a kid: i swear it came up like three different times when he was chasticing someone for saying/doing something to him because he was "just a kid" and it was pathetic or rude of them to be behaving that way in front of him. It's like, it's hard to teach a kid about Honor, so Vegeta just taught him about Rules instead and hoped that one day it would turn into honor. But in the meantime and arguably the long term, it became the backdrop of his understanding of the world: the world is made out of rules. Rules of the battlefield. Rules of social interactions. Rules of computers and engineering. In this way, he's a follower: if it's against the rules, don't do it! (Some rules he does not respect, however. Like beating up that one tournament contestant and stealing his clothes. It's becasue Trunks was overall emulating the irreverency of his father. This, in a way, is still following what's proper.)
Okay, kids lack nuance and they follow rules like law. That doesn't mean he's a follower. BUT CONSIDER: His reverence for AUTHORITY and HIERARCHY. This was an essential element of his childhood, his parents being who they were, and he learned to DEFER TO AUTHORITY. In Super he seems much nicer than in Z, and the way he listens to adults seems more overt (honestly he's coming more into himself with that lame yellow sweatshirt but we haven't the time to discuss that). My best exmaples are THE WAY HE THINKS OF SHENRON: In one of the Z movies that i dont fucking rmeebr which one, there was a scene where Goten calls Shenron a CHEAPSKATE. Trunks FLIPS and COVERS Goten's mouth. Actuially I think I can find the gif
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^ see.
AND THEN IN GT, when they try to summon Shenron with the busted ass dragon balls, Bulma says of the new Shenron: He's much more crass, isn't he? AND TRUNKS TURNS TO HIS MOTHER and is like, "MOM!!!" I watched the english sub but literally what happened was that she said some barely-rude comment about this new Shenron's lack of manners, and Trunks actually said really dramatically "MOM-!!!" and then basically that She Can't Talk about Shenron That Way...!!!!!
We all know that Bulma has no respect for authority over herself, specifically when she feels that they haven't earned it. And This Evil-Looking Blue Draghon Shows Up an Literally Lights a Stoagie in front of them and Bulma says soemthing so TAME for what her lexicon is capable of, and Trunks was like MOM! ! !!!!!!!
In that moment, his respect for the concept of an in-borne hierarchy or authority surpassed any obligation he may feel to defer to his mother. As is the case with some real-life men, he may even has grown up to believe that actually, his mother is a little batshit cuckoo and maybe needs to be corralled some. (This is an unfortunate perspective).
Anyway. Another way that Trunks is a follower is the way that he never tries that hard to counter anyone. He doesn't fall back into line either but he just ... GHoes to work ...... Does what his parents want him to do .... He's not authoritative enough to be able to keep Pan wrangled in.
I want to make clear that I am NOT saying that Trunks is a follower by nature of a crushed will. I'm not saying that he's all small and pusillanimous. He's absolutely not. The first paragraph in this post holds up. I don't think he feels all small inside
I just think that his lifestyle has fostered an avenue for authenticity, because self-awareness is essential for his warrior craft, and the authentic person that we are seeing is someone who wears those Huge Shorts and does what his parents want him to do. And if he REALLY hated it then he would argue back. But he doesnt care enough too. He's cool. He's a chill dude. He's a follower. Just hanging out
Forgot to say that also: He has manners. We see that at every age past 8. He's not trying to disrespect his elders. He's respectful to Gohan and his wife. He follows the rules of respect and hierarchies.
The reason that we see Trunks a lot of the time as this chill dude is because he himself is at the top of some hierarchy. He's rich and president. He's the son of a prince. Were he on a shittier tier then I think that we'd see him be much quicker to obsequiousness.
It's interesting becasue I think that in theory, a totally healthy and authentic human would want to do away with hierarchies altogether. But Trunks is still of a culture. This is his most authentic self - within his culture. Sure, there are no hierarchies when he's hanging out with friends and doing what he wants, but the rest of the time there is. At work. At home. In space it was a bit complicated - he was the captain, and he was technically the oldest, but he would never try to tell Goku-San what to do, and Trunks just lacked the innate leadership abilities to keep Pan under control! Partly becasue Pan comes with a lot of fire for freedom because of the way that she is being treated at home.
Trunks has totally come into himself and he wears .............. "interesting" outfits. And I think that his parents have had to come to accept that he's lame. Bulma makes him be president but it's becasue he can't be head engineer so she makes him be the head bureaucrat. Vegeta hasnt given up on him becasue it's just not his nature too, but he has accepted that Trunks is lame. Every now and then he'll throw out "I'll be in the gravity chamber if you want to shake the rust off" but Trunks never takes the bait. He's always busy with something else. He's slacking. He's a slacker. Vegeta knows this. Trunks doesnt think he's lame but he is. This is just a fact.
Though he was able to shake off Baby's initial attempt at control. He was able to expel him from his body whereas the sloppy-messy Goten just had all of his memories wide-open for Baby to read. Trunks does have a due CONFIDENCE, and you CAN find his father's influence in him. He's also lame. Just a fact
Son Goten is much more like Goku in that: there are no hierarchies. We're all equal. The difference is that Goten does respect authority. The reason that Goku doesn't is partly his pure-hearted nature and partly because the first person who demanded respect out of him was Bulma and her insistence for honorifics. Of course Goku would say no to that. But Goten was encouraged (or beaten) by his loving mother to be respectful, and he's a sweet kid, so he took to it naturally. Everybody gets an honorifc. Everybody gets a bow. Be kind to everyone and everything. All is right in the world
He did very much tell Shenron that he was a cheapskate in that one movie. He YELLED it. This is Son Goten: authentic and fully expressive of himself. There are no leaders and followers, just people with opinions that need expressing.
In GT he was so rude to Mr Satan. Mr Satan needed some fucking help and Goten was like, "Um, I am NOT your student, and I am ON a date. >:( -.-" That was honestly so fucking rude of him. It's becasue, despite being the youngest in his house, he doesnt have the perpetual reflex to defer built in. He was raised in a way that must've been more free and forgiving. He knows in his head that Mr Satan is old and in need and that's why it was so fucking rude of him to not drop everything and play along. But Goten wasn't being a dick on purpose for the sole express purpose of being a dick, he was just prioritizing his own life over Mr Satan's right now; he was honoring himself. Can't beat someone down for looking out for number 1. He was rude to Mr Satan AND good for himself and Palace-chan. Two things can be true
I know I don't have any hard proof and this post has been very much a "remember this? no? I don't either. Take my word for it" type of a ramble, but I would postulate that when Goten is respectful, it's because he wants to be nice and proper, as a kid or as an adult, but he understands naturally that leaders are not gods; and when Trunks is respectful, it's as if the world is dependent on this order, and he feels real fear when authority is disrespected, and he probably doesnt even know why, but it's probably becasue as a kid he learned fear from his dad, and as an adult he can use reason to surmise who's deserving of respect, but on some level he is always anticipating that pattern of authority to exist as a ubiquitous order.
I think the biggest place where you can find their different responses to authority is how they interact with Gohan. I have very little canon evidence I just want to tell a story. Trunks is obviously very polite. He's known Gohan since he was little and Gohan has always been good to him. He's always been patient, helpful, and informative. This fosters safety and spontaneity, but at home Trunks gets yelled at for talking out of turn so ultimately that's what perseveres. He walks into Gohan's house and he's sooo civil. And I know that if he has questions to ask he chooses his words very carefully. He would never say anything uncouth to Son Gohan. He minds his manners so much. Honestly he behaves as if he believes that he should be shot
and then there's GOTEN and even if he didnt have the privilege of kin status with Gohan he would STILL act the way he does. He #RESPECTS Gohan, so much, and at the end of the day, Gohan does have authority in the sense that if Goten was pissing him off he could tell him firmly to Leave His House. And Goten would listen. He woudlnt defy him. He'd be mad but staying is more than asking for a fight, it's breaking a heart. He'll leave if he's told to . But other than that he can say whatever he wants to Gohan always and for forever EVEN IF IT'S SHIT THAT GOHAN DOESNT WANT TO HEAR Goten lacks the finesse to read through Gohan's composed exterior and see that he doesnt want to hear agbout it. And he'll ask him the worst questions too. Just absolutely ruin his week with it. "Gohan-Niichan is it true that men have g-spots up their BUTTS?" just the worst shit . There are no stupid questions but there are indeed bad ones
And Gohan takes it upon himself to deal with this. He wants to be a trustworthy source of information and comfort in Goten's life. So he deals wioth this
And Trunks is so courteous and careful and kind and he keeps a respectful distance meanwhile if Goten were really excited to see Gohan then he would chew through the wall and rocket toward him and lick him on the cheek like a dog . And Gohan would just very politely pull out a handkerchief and wipe his cheek off and then put the handkerchief back and not say antyhing about it. Very professional guy
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pyrrhocorax · 1 year
Hi there was a playlist attached to one of your fics on ffn.net, I tried to find it today but it looks like your fics there are deleted :( do you still happen to have the playlist somewhere? I understand if you have moved on from that era of your digital footprint.
oooooh interesting! it does initially look like that everything is gone, but somehow i managed to. work around it??? and get back in there??? so i have access to everything and i am gonna. likely back everything up for posterity's sake. not sure where????? but i likely should re-upload all my really old writing somewhere. maybe orphan it on AO3 ?????? ?? idk i gotta think about it. so thanks for the head's up actually. i have def moved on from some of it in the sense that i wrote those stories as an extremely unstable mentally ill teenager with a laundry list of diagnosed mental/developmental disorders that i should have been institutionalized for that was deeply traumatized by a lot of things and trying to sort it all out. it was def a project of the times and my mental state/being a Youth. so i am not completely removed from it (why i left everything up -- writing helped me figure stuff out, but also helped a LOT of other people struggling with those same things, and that's what matters most to me, that i helped somebody who is struggling as deeply as i was back then, even if i've changed my interpretations of things since and would drastically re-write entire aspects of it if i re-wrote it today). and the way i view my writing is once it is in the public space it is no longer fully mine and my intent behind it is on the same level as another person's interpretation of my intent. i don't really remember what i write after i write it ngl, so it ceases to feel like it is fully mine to me once it's been a few months. ANYWAY rambling sorry my Assumption is that you are talking about Silence??? In which case, here is the soundtrack, Song - Band - any special time I used the song specifically Springleik - Gåte - Negative: Switch (Chapter 1) Curtigh - Punch Brothers - Positive: Siblings (Chapter 13) Packt Like Sardines in a Crush'd Tin Box - Radiohead - Negative Vault (Chapter 18) The Blind Leaving the Blind Mvt 2 - Punch Brothers - Denmark-centric chapters Fljótavik - Sigur Rós - Positive chapters Built For This - Ben Sollee - Positive: Every (Chapter 23), Iceland-centric And the Forest Began to Sing - Röyksopp - nature-centric chapters Singing with the Whales - Yukimi Yamamoto - Negative: Ships (Chapter 26) 3055 - Ólafur Arnalds - negative chapters Fel del Av Gården - Movits! - Positive: Siblings (Chapter 13), Positive: Hidden (Chapter 7) Tornado - Jónsi - negative chapters Everything Can Explode - The Ghost - positive chaoters Brand New Sidewalk - Nickel Creek - Neutrality: Equilibrium Little Talks - Of Monsters and Men - general theme You Are - Punch Brothers - the song Denmark sings in Positive: Skype (Chapter 25) i also remade it for you here: Youtube Playlist (says there is one thing missing for some reason?) Spotify Playlist (unfortunately missing a few songs too) also spoilers under cut for a new project i am going to be working on in the near future below b/c it is relevant to Silence, if Silence was important to you.
the next project i am going to write is a direct sequel to Sendlingur og Sandloá (era 2 pyrr writing, versus silence is era 1, we're currently beginning era 3), if you have ever read it. technically speaking, the few main things I still really like about Silence (unusual non-linear narrative structure, nor being mute, some of the philosophic arguments it makes, etc) and some of the events of Silence are "canon" prequel events to what happens in SOS. Silence isn't a prequel to SOS, but Silence is essentially the prototype version of SOS in that without Silence, SOS would have never existed and SOS was directly built upon Silence's corpse. i mean death of the author and all of that, but there isn't any denying that if you analyze the two works i think that is a very easy conclusion to come to. the new project i'm currently formulating is essentially taking SOS and those aspects of Silence i think are still valuable now that i am nearly twice as old as when i wrote it, and putting them both into a blender and seeing what happens when i reconstruct them. you will not have to read Silence or even SOS to read it, but if you have read either or both you'll go AH YOU MOTHERFUCKER at me, probably, a lot, when reading it. :/
ANYWAY SORRY FOR RAMBLING i am a ramblin sort of man lol.
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bigshot · 2 years
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Permanent Plotter Call for Spamton G. Spamton I made the first one in the old editor and back when I was still getting a grasp on writing Spamton, so I'll be deleting or ignoring it and rewriting it entirely! If you already liked the first one, you can still like this one.
Spammy needs himself some long-term relationships, be they good or bad, so hit this up if you want to let this awful little man into your muse's life! All are welcome and I'm always up for suggestions!
Liking this post definitely nets you:
Memes! Loads and loads of memes!
A live horse (me) stampeding your DMs!
Maybe an unexpected starter or meme reply!
Wanna see some fun suggestions for potential palling around? Or whatever the opposite would be, if you hate him that much? Click Here!!!
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Friends! Spamton's great at making people think he likes them, but it takes a specil kind of person for him to trust! Muses who see straight past his bullshit are the best candidates, as he wouldn't feel like he's gotta sell himself or his products to them! He's got serious abandonment issues, though, so it may be an uphill battle to make him believe someone's kindness is genuine.
Enemies! It's easy to upset him if you go for the ego and he's not exactly an easy person to talk to. In fact, he probably annoys most people to death! Be ready for some nonsensical and colorful insults if you get on his bad side and maybe even a fight! If you wanna kick Spamton's ass, go for it! He is small and awful. He also bites pretty hard.
Business Partners! This guy's been around the server a few times by now, so he's got a fairly firm grasp on running a business and crunching numbers! Things just... tend to go downhill once he starts acting on his ideas. He doesn't care so much about the money as he does being able to run things his way, so he'd be totally willing to hand out advice or help behind the scenes (... ironically, for a price).
Customers! That said, he does love making a sale! If you're looking for somebody willing to obtain and sell your muse something a little less savory, you've got a muse gullible enough to buy absolute junk, or you got a job nobody else is desperate enough to do, Spam's your man! If the price is right, he'll sell or do it!
Romancing! (Why!!?) Haehehaha....! Wait... you're serious!? Spamton's all but convinced he isn't really worthy of affection (hm yes, woobify the scrimblo), fully aware of how ugly most people (including himself) think he is, and every relationship he's had in the past was either shallow or exploded extraordinarily (and that was BEFORE the whole puppet thing happened). He keeps himself pretty guarded when it comes to his own feelings, so if you're really up for it... well, [[God]] speed and buy him things. I do love my angst.
Star/Sungazing/Nature Lovers Spamton is in Heaven right now, literal or not. Most of his previous life was devoted to escaping his home in the Dark World (specifically, the Internet) and getting into the (presumably) Light World, which he called Heaven. He's never experienced things like a natural sky, wild animals, weather changes, seasons... He's often taken hostage by the beauty of it all, he practically worships the sun, and may need help figuring some of it out. Guy's liable to fall into the ocean or get stuck in a tree or just melt his eyes staring at bright lights.
Staring Into The Void Until It Stares Back (But With a Bro) Have you ever been so far even as decided to use go want to look more like? Why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food? Spamton's great at following nonsensical discussions and gets a lot of joy out of it when people entertain or understand his glitching thought patterns, but he's also somewhat aware of his status of being a side character in a video game. Self-Aware muses, ones prone to mad ramblings, or even other Internet citizens would find an amazing conversational partner in him!
And there's always more ideas!! Like I said before, I'm always up for anything and if I ever write up a meme for you that screams "turn me into a thread," know that I'm TOTALLY game.
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I'm assuming somebody told DOCTOR-RATSKULLZZZ about this blog and how she's been talked of here. Why do people insist on telling the users they're being talked of here, I'll never understand... Anyway, chances are you're reading this, Rex, so allow me to ramble a bit, as a worried parent.
Please don't judge based on my interest for PSG, I'm actually mature enough to watch it. I'm actually okay with this show, Some of yall gotta stop bickering about stuff and live your life.
I can't speak for everyone, but I personally wouldn't judge you for liking PSG. In fact, I watched it when it was new (so what, around 2010? 2011 maybe? It's been a while anyway) and I personally enjoyed it (even if I could see the problematic parts, of course back then people didn't focus on that so much and it wasn't deemed that "problematic" or whatever). I was around 22 back then. Some will hate you for liking a problematic anime like that, some don't care. I personally don't care if you enjoy the anime even when it's so problematic (although it'd be good to enjoy it critically, because if you enjoy the problematic parts, then we might have a problem..). The reason why I am worried is because you are a minor and that anime is intended for adults.
I hope you're aware of how you believing you're "mature enough to watch it" seems a bit like a red flag. Again, you're a minor. I'm not saying minors are dumb or they never know what's good for them, but you really shouldn't think like that as a minor. Judging by your Carrd you're what, 14, almost 15? I hate to be that person, but it really isn't a good look for any minor to claim they're mature for their age, mature enough to watch adult anime. It reminds me of grooming victims and I pray you're not being groomed by some adult who keeps on telling you red flags like "you're mature for your age". Again, I'm not saying you're being groomed, it just reminded of that kind of thing... And if you are being groomed, I hope you can get the help you need and get out of that situation as soon as possible.
Please stay safe online (this goes for any minor!) and no matter how mature you think you are, you really should stay out of adult spaces (not saying you have entered them, mind you). Personally I would really recommend waiting until you're 18 to consume adult content. I understand it sucks, but the age ratings are there for a reason. And again, I fear of any possible groomers who might see someone like you and think they've hit the jackpot because they've found a minor who's into adult content and they could now possibly groom them, especially with the whole "you're mature for your age" red flag.
I know this seems like I'm just worried over a random user on Furvilla, but as a parent, I can't help but be worried of any minor online. Seriously. Please, please, please stay safe online (again, this goes for any minor). The internet can be such a dangerous place and it hurts my heart whenever adults try to hurt minors.
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Strange love part 3
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Once again, you still think about him and how he saved you that day. But you guys still have a lot in common.
Text from Leo:
“Hey, you okay?”
“Yeah. Why?”
“Just wanted to check up on you. You…uh… wanna maybe hang out again?”
“I wish I could. But I have a hair appointment today in the afternoon soon. But I’ll come back and see you tonight. Same time, alright?”
“Okay. Hope everything goes smoothly. See you then.”
After you get back from the appointment, you are back at your apartment room just watching tv and you hear a knock on the door. And you go out to open it. And to your surprise, it’s april.
“Hey y/n l, you gotta see something that I just found right next to the door. I-
“It’s different.”
She looks at your hair color
“Oh yeah. Just wanted to bring out the new me or something. I thought i could use a change.”
“Woah. It’s beautiful.”
“Oh, thank you.”
“So it’s already night. Do you wanna have fun with the guys again?”
“(chuckled) you bet i do.”
You walk with april and casey talking about a lot of things and stuff. Like how it was revealed that Cassandra was actually casey’s mother! Which actually ended up shocking you.
“I didn’t know she would have a son.”
“I know, right?!”
You head back to the lair and hang out with the others again.
“Hey y/n. Woah! Y/n?”
“I know. So… how’s it look?”
And then you see Leo sword fighting with splinter
“I think it looks great! Uh… you okay?”
“Uh……. yeah, i’m fine. Hey where’s raph and mikey?”
“They messing around with buddy. Wanna show them your new look?”
“Yeah sure.”
And then Leo hears laughing and started to get a little bit suspicious of who that was.
Raph and mikey looked at you surprised that you changed your hair.
“Y/n, you look amazing!”
“Yeah, even i think it looks great!”
And you smiled at them loving the new look on you.
“Have you showed Leo yet?”
“No, i haven’t.”
“No? Well what are you waiting for? Come on, let’s go!”
“Guys, just wait a minute!”
They all looked concerned or confused as if you were hiding something from them.
“Y/n, what’s up with you? Why don’t you wanna see Leo?”
And with all of your courage and bravery, you finally came clean and told them the truth.
“Because i’m starting to think about asking Leo out.”
Everyone was both shocked and surprised by what you said.
Raph spit out off his drink. Mikey just stared at you with his mouth down. Donnie had dropped his techno staff. Casey had a surprised face. And april was just screaming inside so she didn’t want to do it out loud.
“Oh! Woah!”
“Do you wanna?”
And you nodded your head agreeing to it.
“Well, why didn’t you tell us?”
“(sigh) I was afraid if i told you guys, i thought you’d maybe laugh at me or think me weird or something.”
“Oh come on! We’d never do anything like that.”
“You-you wouldn’t?”
“Of course not, y/n.”
“Hey. If you wanna ask him out, then do it.”
“Like this? Even with the new hair due?”
“Yeah! You wanna do it, i’d say go for it!”
You smiled at them again
You hear another knock on donnie’s door and you open it again
“Hey, I don’t know if you were busy! But I understand if you never wanna see me again. I-”
His rambling stops by the hair
“Y/n? You-your hair!”
“Well, yeah. I told you “same time” didn’t i?”
“Uh… Leo, there’s something i wanna ask you. And i feel like i should do it now before i feel kind of awkward.”
“I know we’ve been hanging out for some time, and i don’t know what my life even holds for me, but it just feels like it would be so cool if all of you were apart of that. So…….uh……..i….uh…….”
“Ugh. No. I was ready. I was gonna say that.”
“Oh sorry! Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. You can say it.”
“(sigh of relief) okay. Leo, do you wanna go out with me?”
You both laugh and then he hugged you and you blush a little bit. And then he opened his eyes and did the same thing as well.
“Why does this feel so scary?”
“Trust me, you’ll get used to it.”
“Nice move, brother.”
“🎵Somebody’s in love.🎵”
“Shut up, guys.”
And everyone leaves, leaving you two in privacy.
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sonicsuns · 2 months
Fantasy Tim Walz speech
(To my conservative friends: We can still be friends even if we disagree on politics. This is my perspective on Trump, expressed through an imaginary Tim Walz speech. If you have a different perspective that's ok. Just because I insult Trump doesn't mean that I'm insulting you personally.)
Look, folks. I understand that there are a lot of people out there who disagree with me on some issues. Really, I get it! This is a democracy, after all, and it's normal to disagree.
And I can understand why you might want to support someone who's got different ideas than me and Kamala. That's fine. I understand that.
But does it have to be Donald Trump??
[Crowd laughs and cheers]
You really wanna vote for this weirdo again? A man who says it's ok to "terminate" the Constitution just to bring himself to power again? A man with a felony list a mile long? You really want this bozo rambling on about nothing, tweeting nonsense in the middle of the night? Is this really who you want for President?
I don't know how he got the job in the first place. Well, I guess I do. Because the truth is most voters voted against him in 2016. He only snuck in because of the Electoral College, but that's neither here nor there.
The real question is how he ever got nominated in the first place. Here's a man with no experience, no idea how to govern, why did they pick him for the top of the ticket?
I'm starting to think that Trump was a DEI hire, you know what I mean? [laughs]
Somebody must've said "We need more weird people in the Republican Party! Let's find the weirdest, creepiest guy we can and make him President of the United States! So they looked long and hard for the weirdest, creepiest man they could find, and they settled on Donald J. Trump!
[Crowd laughs and cheers]
Look, people, I'm all for representation. But you've gotta pick someone who can actually do the job! Someone like Kamala Harris!
[Crowd cheers]
Kamala was an elected prosecutor, then a senator, then the Vice President and now she's running for President! She's got a track record! She's done a lot of good! If you disagree with some of that, fine! We can talk about it. Maybe you'll get us to change our minds on a few things.
But don't put the weirdo in the White House!
[Crowd cheers]
(There are a lot of good ways to be "weird" and there are a lot of nasty people who denounce "weirdness". But Trump is not weird in a good way. Trump is weird in a "destablize democracy because I can't bear to admit that I lost an election" kind of way.)
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sanmisui · 1 year
Venting and rambling about writing:
Maybe my fanfic would be better off without all those smutty implications that I’m adding.
Seriously,,,,, the story would work either way. It’s just my stupid brain not understanding that it ain’t necessary for a fanfic to have these things. But also everything sort of sucks. My writing is painfully mid. The story is long and it’s been dragging me down and I have no idea what I’m doing anymore,,,, ughhh.
I have lotsa drafts,,,, but nothing fits into the current story. So I will make more stories once the current one is done,,,, but I know that the ending will suck. My brain is bad.
Nothing really matters, I’m just writing nonsense. I’m gonna take it out and just end the day and write something else n get back to the mid section later.
My writing isn’t linear. I start somewhere n add a break n go to the next section and then I go back to fill the blanks and connect the plots together.
Sometimes I need to shove things back or take them out entirely. That’s just how the creative progress works,,,, it is what it is,,,,
I wish somebody would give me clearer instructions on what to add and what to leave out. I mean,,,, who the fuck wants to read about washing the dishes? On multiple occasions?? It adds some minor detail and it makes the story longer… ooooooh the story is so goddamn long I think it’s almost at 100k words???? How did I even do that? It’s been 6 months. Is that good or bad? I don’t read that many stories. Or only short ones. But they get everything done and sorted easy peasy,,,,, my story is filled with convoluted garbage and it’s just a retelling of the goddamn anime for the most of it,,,, with a few extras and boiiiii is it boring? I’m bored. Not sure if that’s just me cuz I know what my brain is cooking up and boi did it add too much sugar to the alphabet soup,,,, who the fuck adds sugar to their soup anyways?????
I avoid conflict. But I need conflict. I gotta write about the goddamn conflict. How do I write? Hell, I haven’t got a clue as to what I’m even doing with this story. It’s an x Reader Story, there won’t be that many people craving for it’s conclusion… I think I hate the story cuz I put too much of myself into the personality of the mc. Yeahhh maybe that is it?
I also suck at writing the dude who we r romancing. Maybe it’s all just too much of a mess?
But I still need to finish it!!!! I can’t just drop it? It’s almost done! Just… uh… a few more chapters?
Maybe 2 or 3? I could end it rather quickly if I end it on a sour note. Would people hate me for that? Probably. It might be for the best. I am not really vibing with this story anymore. I already ruined it for myself. N I put too much pressure on my mushy brain. It’s gonna be over soon… hopefully. Maybe I’d be more hyped about it, if people gave me better feedback? There isn’t much of a reason for me to keep writing. But I would hate for it to end without a proper ending. So I’ll write an ending and get it done and then I will start with something new.
Maybe I’m merely sad cuz I didn’t get as much interaction as I would’ve liked? My confidence is frail. If people don’t give me input on how things are for them, I’ll assume that they hate everything that I came up with. But once it’s done and released, it’d be blasphemous to go back and rewrite it…
Heck the story doesn’t even have a proper title. It pops up when u search for the character… which is bad!! Cuz the story is rated M but there don’t seem to be any hindrances for accessing it??? It’s just up on Google and anyone can click on it??? If you search for it on quotev, u gotta turn on adult content to see it but what’s the point if Google smacks it right in your face???
It prolly doesn’t fall under mature content… I haven’t written a whole lot of heehoo stuff cuz I’m too much of a coward. Godddd I should’ve put it on ao3 instead… but it’s too late for that and also… I like quotev. U can add pictures lolol. It’s more befitting of a beginner such as myself. But I should’ve tagged it better? Honestly, I’ve never written a serious story before. No idea what to tag outside of the characters. Hell. I don’t even know where the story is going or what’s going to happen next, cuz I write as I think and I think as I go and I’m not doing a whole lot of planning ahead.
I’m rambling so goddamn much on this post here cuz I don’t have any friends or confidants. No way of asking for directions. It’s always just me talking to myself for hours and my mental health is shredded like discarded papers.
Ughhhhhhhhh. I hate being creative. I think I’ll get something to drink and then I’ll just lay here for a bit.
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briebytes · 2 years
Cheese log day 2
Going to ramble/vent so don't expect anything concise, imaginary reader. Was supposed to have an appointment today but snow decided that wasn't going to happen. Rescheduling appointments is icky. In other appointment-based news I got a 3rd call back from a therapist only to be told my regular 8 hour a day full time schedule is "tricky" and that I'd be put on a waiting list in case "anything changed." Currently torn between being happy that therapists can work a shorter day and not understanding how it seems like all of the therapists in my area aren't even *available* for a full 8 hours a day. It sucks but I guess with the amount of mental health in my area maybe it's all reserved for people teetering on the edge of suicide or something, who knows.
COMPLETELY UNRELATED but the complete ignorance the average person seems to have about what is and isn't a good source of information bothers me so deeply. So many people have deep hatred in their hearts for people they literally do not know and will likely never speak to, and they justify all sorts of bigotry with shitty opinion pieces or garbage articles with no substance. Just wish people would put more thought into where their knowledge comes from, at least when it's something important.
COMPLETELY UNRELATED 2 but as a wee baby trans I need more clothes but I also don't want to spend a lot of money but also I'm scared to go thrifting in case somebody I work with or something sees me out and about. Sucks that putting a skirt on in goodwill could potentially lead to me losing my job & only source of income but I guess I just gotta live with that shit
gn ily
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equallyshaw · 2 years
1 𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔭 𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔡, 3 𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔭𝔰 𝔟𝔞𝔠𝔨 - 𝔱𝔶𝔩𝔢𝔯 𝔰𝔢𝔤𝔲𝔦𝔫.
Inspired by miss o.rodrigos: 1 step forward, 3 steps back.
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part of the "sour" imagine series.
A/N: Had to change a few words in the fourth segment. Originally: walk me to the door or send me home crying to: will you come to bed with me or send me to sleep cryin?.
Warnings: Swearing, clear signs of emotional abuse, mentions physical abuse in passing and toxic girlfriends/exes.
Sour Masterlist
Word Count: 2.3k
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Called you on the phone today
Just to ask you how you were
All I did was speak normally
Somehow I still struck a nerve
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All, I asked was how you were doing. All I wanted to know was how your day went, but no. That was too much. I heard it in your tone, and the underlying double meanings of your words. God forbid, I tell you I miss you and that I love you. Cuz that was too much for you to handle, apparently. Because, I unfortuntly can't relate to your life or what you are going through.
"I really don't want to talk about it." You spat into the phone. You sighed, "You know I want to, but like, it's hard for you to understand. I have 5 students who don't turn in shit that are begging for me not to fail them, I have a teachers pet who won't leave me the fuck alone and one kid who wants to sleep with me so badly it's disgusting." you rambled. "Im sorry, babe. Do you want anything? or need anything? Can I do anything to help? I can organize or help you grade." I suggested, but she wanted none of it. "Ha, yeah. You'll think everybody deserves an A." You chuckled.
Again, I couldn't understand but wanted to be a good boyfriend. Be the best that I could be, but it was never enough.
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You got me fucked up in the head, girl.
Never doubted myself so much
Like, am I pretty? Am I fun, girl?
I hate that I give you power over that kind of stuff
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I have never self doubted myself so much before. I have always been confident, collected and 100 % sure of myself. But that went out the door as soon as I met you. I began to second guess what I wore, what I read in front of you, the shows or movies that I watched, what I said. You were so out of my league, and I still cannot wrap my head around the fact that you chose me. I was hoplessly pining after you, was it all a joke? Was it all a facade? To use and dump me, because I wasn't what you expected or leveled up to your expectation?
It angers me to no end, how I used to be somebody so shore of themself that nothing rattled me. Maybe, you coming in and out of my life was a blessing in disguise? Your little comments about things I did was a way for me to realize, that I am no longer a child. I needed to start acting my age, but it made me want act out even more. God, I sound like a child. But then again, you treated me like one and not an adult who was the same age.
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'Cause it's always one step forward and three steps back
I'm the love of your life until I make you mad
It's always one step forward and three steps back
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"God!!! You're such an idiot Tyler! Did you seariously not think about what you were doing?" You yelled at me, before making your way past me towards the kitchen. I admit, I was never the best chef but I tried. Today, I tried making a pasta dish that my mom had sent over. Claiming, you would love it. "Oh my god, its all over the oven." you huffed as I walked back in. When I was putting in the pot, to cooke in the oven, I had spilled some of the liquid that was in there. I didn't think anything of it, until the smoke alarm went off and that's when she jumped off the couch. "Are you stupid, Ty." You murmured, thinking I couldn't hear it. Yet, I heard every word.
Gotta, take three steps back now.
Later that evening, I sat in bed reading a book you had coerced me into buying the last time we were at barnes and noble. It was a book on American Politics, fitting since you are a history professor at a university in Dallas. Again, so out of my league. You pulled the sheets back hopping in bed, and honestly startling me. You had barely spoke to me throughout dinner, after me trying to cook. The food came out fine, and that's what I should have been thinking about. But nope, you had me rethinking everything I had done the past few days after getting back from a two week roadtrip. You shifted onto your side, staring up at me with those blue eyes I loved so much. I put my bookmark into the neck of the book and placed in on my side table, before shutting off my light. I turned onto my side, facing away from her. Not wanting to hear what you had to say about putting my book on my nightstand the way it was. "Ty..." I heard you softly murmur, before you wrapped her arms around me. I let them stay there until I finally turned over and faced you. I could make out your face in the dark, and saw your eyes filled with tears.
Don't do it Tyler.
I pulled you closer, into my arms and placed a kiss on your head. "I know, I know." I murmured as you cried in my arms. I hated the power you had over me. I was fucking hooked or trapped, not wanting to leave because if I did I know you would try to make my life hell. But then again, we have had some amazing times together. That mattered more right? But after you moved in - everything changed. "Ty..I am sorry for what I said." You began as you shifted to look at me, "I promise I will be better. You know I don't mean it right? You know I don't think you're stupid. Far from it. I just get controlling and I promise to get better. I promise." You said in the most honest and genuine voice. I nodded, almost robot like. This wasn't the first time, and this wouldn't be the last.
One step forward.
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And maybe in some masochistic way
I kinda find it all exciting
Like, which lover will I get today?
Will you come with me to bed or send me to sleep cryin'?
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I wanted to have normalcy, and to know what I would be getting that day or that moment from you.
However, I loved the unknown. It was sadly addicting in a way. Yet, my therapist would choose other words to describe it. I never knew what to expect, which made it exciting but also terrifying at the same time. I never knew if you'd start something before bed leaving me to cry my self to sleep or having you in my arms. I never knew what to expect, and that was exhausting after awhile. Some night's I left to stay with Jamie, who again always told me to leave. But he didn't know the real you, or so I thought was the real you.
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And I'd leave you, but the roller coaster is all I've ever had
Yeah, it's one step forward and three steps back
I don't understand
No, I don't understand
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I wanted to leave so badly, more than you could possible know. I had a bag at all times at Jamies, I always made sure to keep my most prized possessions locked up, incase you decided to go on a rampage and then leave with my things. I always had a safe word, that Jamie knew and only knew. Nobody on the team had a clue, and I made sure incase it got back to you. And if I ever said that word in public or private, he would know exactly what I needed him to do. To bring me somewhere safe, to lay out my options and figure out what I needed to do next with my lawyer and manager.
"I want to leave so badly, but I don't know if I want to. I don't know if I can." I said the very first day, with my now therapist. After a severe and scary blow up between her and I, I knew I needed to get a third point of view, and work on myself. I blew up way too much and I believed that that was the cause of all our issues. I was putting it all on my back, to keep you. They kept telling that what I was projecting onto myself, was uncalled for. I was putting too much of the blame on myself, when I should not be. That you were part of the problem, more so than I. Jamie had taken me there, and a little more than halfway my session, they had him come in to discuss my options and to make sure I would be taken care of and had a safe place if I chose to leave. This girl I thought I loved, had put me in a position where I thought I could never leave. That I had no way out, because she ran my life. You kept things in order, so that I could go do what I wanted to do. Yet, you would continusly throw it back at me about how you had no life outside of me, that all you did was cater towards me.
It was in fact the opposite, then. I had no life, I was always too scared to go out with the boys after a game win or lose. Scared to go out to eat with the team and there wags while you were working, in fear you would yell at me about being around women that weren't you or your friends. I stopped drinking, partially out of you judging me and partially out of fear, you would drink me dry and go off on me again about something stupid.
My life was a rollercoaster then, and I was scared of what it would be without the chaos and terror. I was scared of the retaliation, and the fear of you trying to come after everything I had. Everybody I loved, even though you and I were never married. I still couldn't wrap my head around how I had let somebody so toxic around my dogs. My literal children, and after awhile I couldn't deal with them being there. So Jamie being my best friend and honestly brother, took them in shortly after you moved in. To keep them in a loving home, and I knew that they were in a safe and healthy enviornment.
I don't understand, all of it. I don't understand where it all went wrong. I don't know where I went wrong, completely throwing out all common sense and my gut. I slowly lost control of our relationship, slowly losing control on my life. I had begun living my life according to you, and making sure you were happy with everything I did. I don't understand where the turning point was for me. How I had allowed somebody to completley flip my life upside down?
I was never enough for you, I did not challenge your intricate and deeply thought out responses and thesis' you were always creating for your students. I was never going to be able to rival your coworkers in anyway, or come up with a clever yet witty rebuttle with your friends. The only people you wanted me to see, outside of you. I will never understand, why you chose me. Was it because I was weak? Gullible? Because I was hoplelessly pining after you, never believing you'd agree to go on a date with me or agree to date me? Maybe because I was a bed filler, I was easy to keep around because I did what ever you wanted and was somebody you could get laid with?
I lay awake at night, cursing the universe for what I did to deserve all of this. How I always had to take 1 step forward, only to take 3 steps back. Everything little thing I did wrong, was a set back. Sadly, it's been 2 years and I still can't shake you. I can't shake how you waltzed around my house, thinking you ruled my world and dictated what I did and did not do. I can't shake how I couldn't see how manipulative and toxic you were. Even 2 years into therapy, and 1 year out of our relationship I still wake up in terror, thinking you'll be there to hit me in my sleep because I moved wrong, or woke up. Even a year later, I still can't get your anger out of my mind. Even as I try to come back to a somewhat normal life. A somewhat normal and healthly balance of life and work. Understanding and accepting, that it is in fact O.K to go out to eat with friends. How it is O.K to speak to my sisters, or to my family who were deemed unitelligent or dull because they did not have an IVY league degree from Harvard. I knew that me not going to college, somewhat irritated you becuase it came out in the comments you made about my intellegence and how moronic I sounded when trying to talk to you about important issues such as race or gender.
And yet I fear, I will forever be bounded by the grip you had me in. Yet, I know I will move on eventually, and be able to move on with somebody else and potentially have a family with them.
It'll be different then, I'll make certain of it. My life doesn't revolve around you anymore and it never will again. I can promise you that.
And someday, along the way, you'll be doing the exact same thing to somebody else and it'll be like deja vu.
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So yeah, that happened...I hope you enjoyed!!! Please reblog and like-- I'd appreciate it :)
Also, give me a follow if you want too so you see more fics and imagines like this !
Tag list: @fallinallincurls @dazeddobson @jayda12
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