#I genuinely think this might be my best work guys I'm so serious. like idk where this came from
pisshandkerchief · 1 year
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patrice 💕
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oddeyes588 · 4 months
A little late to the party but I do have some thoughts about Fantasy High Junior Year now that it's over. First of all, overall? Great season, had lots of laughs... but man, is it just me, or were there a lot of parts in this season that just... were kind of annoying? For me specifically, two big things... and no, I'm not talking about the Rat Grinders. While I'm a little disappointed with how that ended, I'm not too bothered.
Like, idk if this is a hot take or not, because they were arguably the biggest parts of this season... but I found myself especially annoyed and/or disappointed about K2 and Porter.
Like, don't get me wrong, I thought K2 was funny—especially at first—and Porter being the main villain of the season was 100% for the bit and I can respect that... but man, I couldn't help but be disappointed with Porter going full irredeemably evil, as well as just straight-up annoyed by K2's existence (at least in regards to the story. gameplaywise, making a homunculus of their cleric was VERY smart) (oh god if K2 exists in our world now she might come after me. dont forget me).
In regards to Porter... he was for sure an ass, he caused Gorgug a lot of grief with the MCAT, but he also had such a really sweet moment with him when that thing finally got signed?? It was very, like, not a perfect teacher but someone who did have his best interests in mind, paired with a really nice message about how it's alright to get mad. It was an important part of Gorgug's character growth this season! Integral to unlocking his Barbificer subclass!
...and then all of that just gets thrown away because turns out Porter was evil the whole time and this was all just leading up to his big master plan of killing a god and becoming a god of war. He was never offering genuine advice, he never cared about Gorgug or had his best interests in mind, he thought Gorgug's fascination with Artificing was stupid... and now he's dead. The End.
And that just feels... really disappointing, honestly. He was a chill guy, and yeah he had no right to bar Gorgug from pursuing what he wants and force him to take so many years of school in a single year, but it also resulted in some serious growth on Gorgug's part! It was great! Him being Evil The Whole Time felt... almost like a character assassination, honestly.
And then... there's K2...
I'm gonna be real here. I don't care if using a homunculus and shit for multiple divine intervention rolls is how it actually works in the rulebooks, and I know that objectively having more rolls is always better, especially when the stakes are high... and especially considering that Ally was not getting the rolls they needed otherwise.
This was hilarious. It was also supremely annoying, because it just fully took away from any big moment Kristen could've had this season regarding her and Cassandra after her creation... and this happened TWICE.
Like, from a storytelling perspective, I feel Brennan's pain viscerally. These episodes were truly such an experience for me, because on one hand, I was laughing at the sheer comedy of it all... but there was another part of my brain thinking this truly, truly sucked.
Kristen was figuring out her devotion to Cassandra, finding an understanding in what her role as Cassandra's cleric is... and right at the end of the season all of that kind of comes to a halt because in the end K2 did the divine interventions.
...Well, at least that still leaves some room for whatever Kristen will have to deal with in Senior year. Unlike Porter, who is dead and gone and we're definitely not bringing him back.
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starpirateee · 6 months
Hi! Can I suggest something kinda dumb that's been in my head forever? Pete coming out to Ted as bi and being really nervous, and then Ted's like " oh cool me too. Wait you didn't know that?" And Pete's like "???"
Idk that's just really funny to me lol
First, anon, this idea is anything but dumb! Second, it would be my genuine pleasure! Bisexual brothers for the win tbh 😌
And forgive Pete for not being able to work this out with his incredible logic, it's the tism (and the anxiety) ((see: just like me fr))
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"Ted… I've gotta tell you something…" Pete had been holding this back for a month or more, waiting on the right moment to just come out and say it. Part of him didn't even know what he was worried about, Ted had literally never judged him for anything before, why would this be so different? He was one of the most laid back people he knew, but there had to be a line somewhere, right? Maybe this would be the line, maybe Ted wouldn't be cool with it…
He found his brother on the sofa, halfway through some probably shit movie he wasn't even paying attention to. Swallowing back his nerves, he forced himself to breathe and rationalise the situation. No, he was not admitting to having committed a crime. No, he was not about to say he wanted to elope to another country with nothing but a girl and a dream… How bad could it really be?
Ted paused the movie, turned around, and raised an eyebrow. Pete was known for being a nervous wreck; he overthought like the best of them, and he'd set himself into more than enough spirals that were all decently hard to pull him back from. This was another one of those occassions, apparently. He looked tense, and there was something about the way he was avoiding looking at him that made him believe it wasn't just something interesting on the floor. "Uh, okay? What's up?" He asked, preparing himself for some long story that he'd have to deep dive through.
"I- uh…" Pete hesitated, drawing in a breath, and taking Ted up on the offer of the other side of the sofa. Even when he sat down, he was stiff as a board, worried that somehow this would go wrong. Eventually, he just decided to jump into the deep end and see what happened. "Fuck it. I'm… I'm into guys. And girls! Both! I'm… Bisexual. I might get a girlfriend one day, but- uh, maybe not, y'know..?"
It was silent for a few moments. Pete was starting to let those moments bleed out into eternity, thinking it better to absolve himself in the silence. It was better than rejection!
And then Ted hummed, breaking that precious silence like glass. Pete held his breath subtly, kneading his hands against the fabric of his trousers.
"… Cool."
But that wasn't the reaction he was expecting at all.
"Huh? That- that's it..? What, you're just cool with that?"
Just one word. The word 'cool'. He could forgive Ted for being vague at the best of times, but not right now. At least it didn't sound like a bad thing… He had prompted for more, though, and he was hoping that it was going to continue to be a good thing even with that much needed clarification.
Ted scoffed, vaguely amused. "What's your problem, kid? D'you think I was gonna judge you or whatever?"
"Uh… Yeah?"
For some reason, Ted was expecting it to be glaringly obvious that he was on his brother's side here. He thought he made it obvious enough, in any case… "Pete… Jesus…" He tried not to laugh- after all, this was probably serious for Pete, and he'd probably been thinking about how to say that for quite a while, knowing him. "I probably kissed more guys in college than you'll ever even get with. I'm the last person who's gonna judge you for swingin' both ways."
"Yeah, man. Kissed 'em, hooked up with 'em… Hell, I even had a half serious relationship in high school with some poor kid, who pretty much had to dig a ditch just to bury his religious guilt. Sure that guy's got a wife now…" He paused, thinking about that. He'd seen him around- he was sure of it, the guy hadn't changed in the slightest- and there was always some woman with him. Well, repression did normally only lead to more repression…
He shrugged, waving a hand dismissively. "Ehh, you get my point. Good for you for working that one out for yourself, I guess, but there's literally nothing to be nervous about… Actually, I can't believe you didn't figure me out a long time ago, you're smart enough."
"You never said anything…"
"Didn't think I had to. People tend to figure that shit out eventually."
The signs were there, weren't they? Sometimes it was in the way Ted talked about his co-workers, or the knowing glances he'd shoot someone from across the way… Pete laughed. All of the signs had been right there the whole time, and here he was thinking Ted was going to judge him for liking guys… It was funny, now he thought about it, and it did make sense. He shook off some of the tension in his shoulders. "How- uh… How'd you figure it out?"
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."
"No, go on! I wanna know!"
Ted sighed, shaking his head. Sometimes it was hard for him to admit he was just as nerdy as his brother, once upon a time. He'd strayed so far from that path that nobody would believe him if he told them how he'd chosen to decorate his college dorm, or how much he made from selling his comic collection.
"… It was fucking Knight Rider. Hasselhoff."
Pete blinked. He said nothing for a while, expecting there to be a different answer, but Ted didn't look like he was going to say anything else. "Wait, are you serious?"
"I don't know what you were expecting me to say, honestly… Yeah, my answer is David fucking Hasselhoff. No, I'm not gonna tell you how many times I watched Knight Rider…"
"Oh my god! You're such a fucking nerd!"
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simmonsized · 3 months
More rvb thoughts!!!
I appreciate this ask because it is so generic and like, I could be talking about anything to do with rvb at this point, with this prompt??
My thoughts are:
- despite my great and terrible love for the freelancers, rvb storywise, the recollection is the best trilogy in the whole series.
- back in the day this was a point of contention between fans but I do actually think you need to watch the blood gulch chronicles. you do. It's required reading, to me. It's like the first four acts of HS, man. You don't skip to the trolls, that's bullshit. Are they fucked up and cringe??? Yes of course they are the show started in 2003. Are they still very funny and clever for the time in a lot of ways? Yes, of course they are. But they also give you a really foundational understanding of the characters and their dynamics with each other that while present in season 6 when we are reintroduced, just feel more rounded to me if you watch seasons 1-5 first.
- also my favorite character is dead at the end of season 6 so. I'm biased to how long I get to hold on to him.
- also you can see what gets retconned, reinterpretated, and just outright changed later on which is kind of fun to me, because it's hard to tell if they forgot or just decided it wouldn't work moving forward and either way it's neat
- there's a lot of emphasis on how Cold and Serious washington is when we are introduced to him (both in recovery one and season 6) but rewatching it, seeing him originally spare south, and how he uses york's recovery unit on caboose even though, they just met. I just. Idk man, seeing those little bits of Wash as we get to know him peek through just makes me smile
- I've been thinking as I rewatch rvb how wild it is that somehow doc died (spoilers) on chorus. Like have you met doc?? How the fuck could he have possibly """saved""" wash. Fart noise. Bad writing moment, guys (there are many. You understand).
- the chorus trilogy could have been so good. Imagine if they hadn't rushed it. Imagine what that might have been like. Like do I think the episode Burnie directed felt the most true to character voice of the whole trilogy? Yeah but there was no way that wasn't gonna happen, considering how long he'd been writing the characters before that. Miles did his best, man. Also I got washtucker out of it and I'm still not mad about it.
- not a thought as much as a brag but it is so funny to me that because tony and I met through rvb, we actually have between us more than 2 full DVD sets of rvb
- if you looked at my (quick count of my wip backlog), you would not be able to guess who my favorite freelancer is because it surprises even me, to see it lol
- my last thought is that I'm genuinely shocked and a little offended that tuckboose was not more popular considering
- I lied my actual last thought is that it is NUTS that they thought grif would leave and Simmons would not go with him. You're insane. In what world. In what world!!!!!!
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yakuzacanons · 1 year
ya dont have to answer this one cause it might be a bit silly goin to headcanons blog for this but idk ireally like ur blog ur posts always cheer me up. ive had a rough day and idk i thought it might be nice to hear how ya think these characters would try and comfort and/or cheer up their partner, yknow, make em feel better?
This is actually a great double feature to my last post which was specifically about comforting their partner on their period. That one was kind of more focused on their partner feeling physically unwell so this one will be more catered to their partner feeling emotionally unwell, if that makes sense and if that's okay.
Also, I'm sorry to hear you had a rough day and I genuinely hope you feel better. I don't think it's silly at all to ask for these kinds of things, we all have to do what we gotta do and happiness comes in all kinds of forms, so if this is one of those forms, I'm happy to be of service. I'm also sorry this post took a bit to get too as I've been rather busy but I didn't forget you dear anon! Thanks for your ask, headcanons beneath the cut as always.
I'll get to the rest of the asks in my inbox tomorrow, so good night my sweet sweet friends! Thanks as always for your kind words and asks, I really love writing these and sharing these with you. Goog nitey.
Kazuma Kiryu
He understands all too well what it's like to feel down and out. Having said that, Kiryu won't try to cheer you up right away or distract you as he believes getting to the bottom of what's bothering you is more important. Regardless of it's a rough day at work or if someone made a rude remark at you, he wants to hear you out. He is THE best listener, he never interrupts.
His very first action always is to give you a long, warm hug. How often Kiryu wishes he could've been held during his darkest and toughest moments, so now he pays that forward to others who need it. If you cry, he'll tell you it's okay and to let it all out.
Now that you've gotten that all out, it's time for him to cheer you up. Nothing makes Kiryu feel better more than a hearty meal so he'll offer to get food at your favorite place, his treat. If you'd rather stay home, then he'll do his best to cook something up for you. Maybe Haruka and the other kids at Morning Glory will get in on it and clamber to help him out in the kitchen, which you can't help but smile at. You're truly surrounded by loving and caring people.
Majima Goro
Now, if the issue was caused by someone else, his first reaction will be to go give them a nice talking to a.k.a. kicking them really hard. If you're down with that, he will actually go do it but if you're not, he'll grumble and say "Fiiine... only 'cuz you said not to."
Eventually, his thoughts will turn to finding ways to make you smile. Majima is a bit more of a "forget your troubles" guy, sometimes more than he'd like to admit. If there's nothing particular that you want, then he'll just start trying things until you crack a smile at his earnest attempts, to which he'll say "Ah, there's that adorable smile!" before giving you a hug and a kiss.
If you cry, Majima will actually become quite serious. More than anyone, he's felt so many times in his life like he was on the verge of tears but he's always held them back. He'll drop everything to comfort you through the tears, quietly reminding you to take deep breaths and just holding you until it's over.
Akiyama Shun
He believes rest is the ultimate medicine, especially when you're feeling bad. Nothing works wonders more than a warm shower and a nice, long sleep. Granted, he is the king of being exhausted so maybe he's projecting just a little bit here.
As goofy as Akiyama can be, he's pretty good at hearing you out. However, he might be somewhat oblivious and slow to notice you're not feeling your best. Once he realizes it, he'll apologize for not noticing sooner and ask what he can do to help.
If some alone time is what you need, he's absolutely not offended. Akiyama knows when to back off and won't pester you and ask if you're sure you want to be alone. He trusts your intuition on that and won't put his ego before your feelings. After all, to him, that is the very meaning of loving someone else.
Saejima Taiga
Out of all the boys, he's going to feel the worst when he sees you're feeling down. Some part of him just feels bad that he wasn't able to prevent whatever it was that hurt or upset you. Saejima has major protective vibes and he'll always wonder if he could be doing more.
In the end, making sure you're okay is more important to him. Saejima is pretty mature and he'll be able to push through those weird self doubting feelings in his own time. He'll gently hold you but won't pressure you to tell him what happened. If you want to, he'll listen intently although he may not always know what to say in response, especially if you want advice, as he doesn't think his life experiences necessarily line up with most people.
Definitely the type of guy to say things like "I'm here for you, okay?" and really mean it. If you ever need a shoulder to cry on, Saejima is your guy. After all, he has giant shoulders.
Tanimura Masayoshi
His life experiences have made him very empathetic and he will be able to really connect with you if you talk about your problems verbally. Where he struggles is if you don't talk about it because he doesn't want to force it but also doesn't really know what to do unless he has some direction to go in.
If you don't want to talk about it, he'll just sit next to you in silence. He doesn't want to just fill the space with his words, so instead he'll just lean his head against yours, taking deep breaths with you. Tanimura will stay for as long as you need, just so you know that you're not alone in this.
He's down to get some food at Homeland once you feel ready to get back up and out there. Tanimura is very food oriented and nothing makes him feel better than a nice meal, especially since Zhao and Mei Hua are always so welcoming and kind. He has a very infectious smile and he notices that you light up a bit when he smiles, so he'll try to do something fun with you like eat food or maybe play a video game at his place. By the end of the night, you'll both be grinning ear to ear.
Ryuji Goda
Secretly, he's also a "Show me who upset you and I'll give them a real nice talking to" type of guy but he's better at keeping that under wraps than Majima is. Of course, if it's not a particular person bothering you, that's where he stumbles a bit. He's never been great at just talking about things, like giving advice.
He'll refute any thoughts of self doubt you have. Did someone make fun of your hair? "They were probably bald 'n ugly themselves anyways, the hell would they know?". Do you feel self conscious about your weight? "I'll have you know that yer damn perfect as ya are." Ryuji loves you for you, for better and for worse, so what he lacks in advice or long talk sessions he makes up for with pep talks.
He's the type of man to kiss your forehead and ruffle your hair while holding a box of tissues while you cry. Ryuji rarely if ever felt safe crying in front of others before and honestly wishes he had spaces like that when he was younger, so he takes care to make sure that you feel completely safe in letting those feelings out if you need to.
Nishikiyama Akira
King of self care. Self care is the solution to everything. Nothing makes it all better like looking AND feeling good. It might sound shallow but Nishiki tries to make it fun in some ways, like getting face masks with silly colors or faces printed on them.
Out of all of the boys, he's best at gossip. If you're someone who wants to go on a long rant about all the stuff bugging you, he's all ears. If someone in particular is bugging you, he'll interject with "Oh, she did NOT" or "They did WHAT?" every so often.
He won't ever get violent. He might feel frustrated that he can't really do more than just hear you out or distract you with something silly but that won't stop him from trying at least. If you have suggestions or things you want, he's all ears though.
Daigo Dojima
The gentlest boy there ever was. He's the most perceptive of all the boys, able to immediately spot if his partner is feeling off that day. He'll always ask you about it in private, making sure to never embarrass you, softly asking "Honey, are you alright?"
If you're at a work related function and it's obvious that you're overwhelmed, Daigo will excuse you both from the event early and bring you home so you can have a safe place to decompress. When he's at work and if he knows you've been having a bad day, he'll call from his office and say "Hey honey, I just wanted to see how you were feeling". He makes himself as available as possible, always looking out for your welfare.
Daigo is really in tune with your needs and quite attentive to the things that make you happy, the things that bother you, and the like. When you're having a bad day, you'll hardly have to ask for a thing. If you're a stay at home and lay in bed all day person, he'll bring your favorite drink in and sit on the bedside while listening to you talk. If you'd rather go out, just say the word and he'll be out front with his private car ready to go wherever you want as soon as he can slip away from work.
Mine Yoshitaka
He often feels helpless in situations like this. If it were up to him, every day would be the best day possible for you. He doesn't necessarily feel like a failure but he definitely feels your pain and sadness, wishing he could just magically make it all go away.
His best skill is reassuring you. If you ask if you're actually good at something, the answer is yes. If you feel like you're failing at something new, he'll say something like "The important thing is that you're trying, and I admire that about you". He's very steady in supporting you with things like chasing your dreams, no matter how hard the road may be.
He's probably the most practical when it comes to interpersonal issues, likely a direct result of his type of work. He's good at helping you iron out tough situations, like an awkward conversation with a friend. His deep understanding of you combined with his solid reasoning skills allows him to give you a pretty good outside perspective on those kinds of situations, provided you want him to of course. Mine wouldn't offer you advice without asking if you wanted it first. Also the type of guy to wipe away your tears for you.
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atthebell · 2 months
This isn't really prompted by anything but this fandoms obsession with angst I think it's from how dsmp ccs made their characters suffer to get idk the best reaction from fans even tho it didn't really make sense narrative wise
What gets me with the qsmp tho is you would get your angst but also be rewarded for it. Like for example cellbit focusing on a puzzle which eventually tells us more about the federation or bagi using clues to solve a mystery, fit and foolish having their own roles to play within too. Felps being kidnapped but saving him lets in the audience on what the feds are like (and tbf it was the first kidnapping so it felt p new)
Egg disappearance arc tho is where I've had enough angst (I don't think there was really a plan like why did eggs leave on their own, who's this guy with the single eye etc etc)
finally at my computer so i can answer this okay i disagree somewhat with your first point and i'll explain why. also this might seem more aggro than i mean it to be i just like talking and swear a lot
first thing: i dont think dsmp ccs were making their characters suffer just to get a reaction out of fans. i think this is a deeply pessimistic and just obviously untrue take on the server and the ccs. it is VERY clear that several of them just deeply enjoy sad stories and that's where they wanted to go with things.
also think about this outside the context of minecraft roleplay for a moment. the dsmp narrative is a story that, from the outset of genuine quote unquote lore kicking up, involved a war; everything that followed, as lore became more and more serious, had to then take the implications of that seriously. war is a deeply awful and traumatizing thing. do you want them to have not taken that seriously? do you want people to never tell dark or tragic stories and talk about the real effects of certain events on people's psyches and relationships? because while i am not an angst enjoyer, as i've said many times, i do think people have the right to tell dark and sad and raw stories. my issue is more the fandom obsession with angst that goes beyond my tolerable level and becomes overwhelming, which i'll get into later in this post; not an issue with sadness and tragedy being portrayed in mcrp (or any story) at all. do i like constant tragedy in my media? no. but for the dsmp and qsmp both that isn't the case, so it's not relevant here really.
i in part understand where you're coming from here, in that fans were SO obnoxious and because interactivity was so much more present in this type of medium, fans had way more influence on the narrative than is typical of fiction. so there were definitely times where people had to change their plans due to how they thought fans would react, although i would argue this was more common with like. women on the server trying not to piss off inniters rather than tommy deciding that fans would kill him if he didn't have c!tommy try and drown himself. like sure i think there were plenty of times that ccs went "ooh, fans will eat this up," but they probably would've done it regardless. i think it's just really uncharitable to assume that it was more due to wanting a good reaction from fans than ccs' genuine desire to take their characters in that direction.
and i'm gonna be real i don't think the fandom obsession with angst actually does come from the canon itself. i think these canons are not overwhelmingly sad, even dsmp, and that the idea that they are is due more to the tragic circumstances surrounding their endings and their controversies than about the actual events of canon. qsmp is not actually a tragedy, in terms of narrative (i'm ignoring the stupid final ending shit i truly don't understand why anyone accepts that as canon; they needed to write a send-off that would wrap things up enough but wasn't overly complicated. it worked for what they needed, which was a goodbye, but otherwise it's narratively stupid and irrelevant). the tragedy is more in how it all fell apart in real life than the story of the whole things itself. and individual ccs deciding to make their character's stories into tragedies does not make the larger narrative (which does exist and matters) itself a tragedy. and the dsmp also isn't a tragedy or an angst fest; there are certainly deeply sad moments, but it's not all doom and gloom.
again my issue is fandom obsession with angst, not the content of the smps themselves. and the biggest reason beyond personal annoyance that i'm confounded about the obsession with angst is that it's completely disproportional to how it works in other fandoms. if you're a longtime fandom person you're probably aware of this, but the angstier a story is, the more likely that the fandom is obsessed with fluff and magical fix-its that solve everything and make sure everyone stays alive. this is the case almost universally, but mcyt, apparently, is a huge exception. people are OBSESSED with ruminating on the tragic parts of canon and then creating even sadder situations to put characters through. it's bizarre and weird and i do not understand it one iota. where are all the fluffy everyone lives and gets ice cream together fics????? why are inniters addicted to putting that child through even worse torment??? why is no one writing happy endings for their ships????? what is with like insane amounts of DD:DNE fic where it's just the most miserable non-ending lack of catharsis imaginable?? THAT is what's weird to me.
and on that last point i've talked about it a lot before but catharsis is really what's missing for me when it comes to angst in this fandom. i'm not a huge sad stories/tragedies fan personally, but i am willing to read them, and when i do, what makes a really good one is catharsis. there is something to a sad story that hits all its beats and makes you feel like you've just cried it out and can finally breath again that does, on occasion, hit for me. but that's something completely missing from the angst in this fandom. there is no catharsis. there is no breath of relief. it's just stress and stress and more stress, all leading up to nothing, leaving you unsatisfied and depressed.
listen, people can do whatever the hell they want forever. i'm not telling anyone they should personally stop writing angst. i'm just baffled as to why so many people are obsessed with it in this fandom in particular and as a fluff enjoyer i am in constant misery.
anyway, on your other points: i think you're right on the point about reward, although i would frame it more as the catharsis that i'm talking about as missing from fandom angst. qsmp had sad moments, and frustrating moments, narratively, but those moments (when the writing was actually good) often led to bouts of information, new relationships, a shift in the story that would take it to new places. it was devastating but it was exciting. and the ccs knew what to do with those moments, as talented rpers, and how to dig their character into a hole and then find a way to get them out again. like, if qcellbit's whole story as a character had just been him getting nonstop bodied by the federation, that would've sucked. that would not have been fun to watch! but that's not what it was. he had moments of victory, even with losses he found out information, like you said, and that was important! even with the stupid fucking reprehensible minimes event, which is the MOST negative i ever saw cellbit about the server (still not that negative, he never complained very much and was very polite despite being, like myself, a serial complainer), he still learned a bunch of information! they learned what the federation did and didn't know about the eggs disappearance, about forever's trip into the nether, about some of the inner workings of the federation. AND despite how stupid it was, cellbit, as a very talented rper and writer himself, managed to spin it into a great character moment.
the eggs disappearance was just fucking evil i will never forgive all of that. i remember on fucking SEPTEMBER 10TH (2 days in!!) i was like hey do they have like. a plan, or what.... and then we found out later no they did not. so. that's a great example of angst via negligence and stupidity. at a certain point it was more tiring than sad because it was just ridiculous how little information anyone had. i will curse that arc til the day i die seriously
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hws-lceland · 1 year
Who do you ship Denmark with?
A. A lot. But here's some I really like !
DenNor: :] I know it is predictable or whatever but their relationship is so special to me and is a big comfort ship and has been for so long I was talking about this on discord last night but the way Denmark loves Norway is just so sweet and genuine and it makes me so happy. And makes me want to cry. I also really like their history I think it makes it a very interesting pairing, though I am not the best when it comes to talking about historical stuff so I will leave that for now. I don't think it's a perfect relationship I think they have had their ups and downs but it works out.
I also think their dynamic is so funny is litterally this post
NedDen/DenNed !! : They're like college frat bros who are in love they're besties 4 life . I have a hard time explaining this in a way that I am satisfied with but they have a very very close friendship that is very intimate and romance/relationship wise their relationship is both. Very intimate but also very casual. Ned is generally the first guy Den goes to when he needs to talk to someone, especially during times where he might not be on the best terms with Sweden or the other Nordics. They get wasted and high together and bond over bike rides and having dumb stupid hair
Gutters is what initially got me shipping them and that definitely definitely influenced how I see their relationship.
Also I think it's funny their shipname is a palindrome
And those are like. My big two. Those are canon to me.
DenSu: I really love densu but my brain is too scrambled to be able to write a lot about it right now. I like the rivalry. I also like when they are just two old gay guys sharing a cigarette watching the sunset. Idk I want to talk more. About it because I DO have thoughts but I can't think my thoughts . Right now. But this one is also canon. to me also . Probably Top 3 Denmark ships .( I will have to come back to talk about this one another time.)
DenPru: Sorry to my one mutual who hates this ship (lighthearted) I just think they're fun. I don't have a whole lot of serious thoughts on it but I like that they're like Alfred's weirdo uncles. They're sad pathetic drinking buddies together.
DenEst: I have nothing to contribute to this one but man. I read someone in discord talking about their history together and I was hooked. It's very interesting!
DenIta: I thought about this one one time while I was high and I was like. Oh man I'm so smart. And then it just kind of stuck. Definitely a crack ship but one I have fun with.
It's basically like that one meme "This is Denmark. Denmark loves his personal space. This is Veneziano, he also loves Denmarks personal space."
And I am done typing now
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alismodworld · 1 year
Alright well I might as well give my thoughts on the movie
Okay we clear? Cool. So, The Super Mario Bros movie. It was good but I honestly had no doubt it wasn't gonna be good after seeing the trailers and the promos. Of course as with everyone else my only point of fear was Chris Pratt's voice, but while I was watching the movie I realized its actually okay. It never annoyed me and it even fits Mario somehow (yeah I said it come at me). Now that I'm thinking about it, if Charles Martinet was casted it really wouldn't have worked. Whenever we see Mario in the game he's always happy and bouncy, rarely ever serious or emotional so having a voice like that probably wouldn't have made the more serious parts of the movie work at all and at best I would've laughed at how ridiculous it was and at worst I would've been sinking far back into my chair. No disrespect to the guy at all, he does a phenomenal job in the games, but I just don't think he'd work too well in the movie. He does get a nod to in the movie which is great!
The movie is gorgeously animated and I love how the characters translated perfectly on the big screen. The backgrounds were spectacular. And the way the incorporate the elements of the games into the movie to create this world is *chefs kiss*. Everything makes sense and it's not too on the nose, it's believable.
It's a very simple movie, nothing too crazy and if you have very basic knowledge of the Mario franchise you'll get what's going on like how I did. All the characters acted perfectly to how I expected them to and nobody really annoyed me. My only problem is with Cranky Kong's voice. Sorry, but Fred Armisen's voice just doesn't match up with Cranky's appearance.
Jack Black absolutely killed it with Bowser. He was the perfect amount of comedy and intimidation. AND THE PEACHES SONG THREW ME SO OFF GUARD I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO BUT JUST SIT AND STARE!!
Also, PEACH! Oh my god I loved Peach in this movie!! I was scared and honestly expecting her to be too much of a "strong female character" rather than a strong character who happens to be female and she's definitely the latter. She's kind, she's helpful, she's patient, she cares deeply about her subjects, kingdom and everyone in general and she can kick serious ass too. I'm gonna be honest, in my years of playing Mario on and off I never really cared for Peach, IM SORRY TO SAY, I WAS DUMB KID! But watching her in this movie, I absolutely love her!!! AND SHE GOT LORE ON TOP OF THAT?!??
Also usually I hate the whole male character and female character get shoehorned together and end up falling in love trope, but here? PERFECT!! I also never really cared for Mareach but, I'm a changed woman and I never wanted two characters to get together so bad. I absolutely loved their chemistry as it was so organic. Of course they don't which I'm fine with but, maybe potential in the sequel?
All the action sequences were done great in my opinion and actually exceeded my expectations in some cases as I was genuinely expecting nothing but slapstick but we got a healthy amount of slapstick and serious action.
The final battle and climax was amazingly done!! Ugh that hug Mario and Luigi shared was amazing!!!
Okay now for what I didn't like
I wish we had more Luigi scenes. I understand that he's the one who's kidnapped and is basically the whole reason the movie happens but we got only a few scenes with him either running away or being trapped or integrated. I would've loved maybe a scene with him trying to be brave and find a way out or rally others to help each other escape which could've added to his character. Like it's called The Super Mario BROS movie...
Also Toad is just...there. I get he's the comic relief but he really doesn't do much other than tag along. The most I remember him doing was showing Mario to the kingdom, that's it. Idk maybe do something more to flesh out his character, why is he so eager to help Mario and Peach? Why is he an adventurer? What are his goals? Stuff like that.
Also no chain chomps...worst movie, 0/10, D-tier/j
I heard people were talking about the pacing which yeah it's a little fast but it's not too quick in my opinion. I think if they let certain scenes play out longer it would've benefited the movie.
But over all it's a really good movie. Not ground breaking but really good, happy, healthy fun. And I'm quite impressed considering it came from Illumination.
Here's to hoping this movie will pave the way to a Zelda movie!!
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variabels · 2 years
who are your favorite blue lock characters and why?
It ended up getting really long so here's the list:
Honorable mentions:
Explanations (manga spoilers):
1. Nagi
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But like in all seriousness, I relate way too much to his motivation problems, especially the setting a goal, reaching it for a second and not knowing what to do afterwards part. We also have similar personalities (although I think Rin or Sae might be the most like me in that department), find a lot of stuff to be a pain and the same hobbies (manga and gaming ftw).
I also really like his chemistry with Isagi, Chigiri and Barou, Isagi really brings out the best in Nagi, Chigiri and Nagi's friendship is so fucking cute and Barou vs Nagi is always hilarious. It was really nice to see Nagi go from skipping practice to willingly joining Isagi and Barou to train.
His playstyle is so much fun to watch. I'm so happy Kaneshiro decided to pair him up with Isagi for the second selection because they were a GOATed duo. They weren't perfect for each other, so seeing them having to work together to improve and win games was so satisfying. I love how Nagi got to actually have an input on the strategies used especially since he used to be the kind of person to just do whatever he's told.
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He's also badass, adorable and precious.
And can we take a second to like look at him? How is this dude 190cm??? I deadass thought he was slightly taller than Isagi until I read what his actual height was. I've never seen someone so tall have such short person energy, it's so fascinating and weird.
2. Kaiser
Kaiser's a fucking bitch, that's why I love him. He's always so much fun, if he's in the scene, you know it's gonna be good. He just has this presence, idk how to describe it, but like, he will always get your attention.
He's so interesting and there's still so much to learn about him. I'm really excited to see how his character will develop. I love how he's able to genuinely acknowledge other people's achievements despite being a shit-talker (and one who can actually back up his shit, he's a new gen 11 member after all). I really have a thing for those types of characters.
His rivalry with Isagi is also easily the best rivalry in the series. They both respect each other as players despite having so much beef. Their rivalry keeps getting crazier with all their "I'll fucking kill you" and I'm all for it. Their personalities clash so well making it entertaining af.
Also, Kaiser's design is so iconic. It shouldn't work at all but it just does. Like what is up with that mullet-rat-tail-ombre hair? How does he pull it off? Also, the red eyeliner is beautiful, it's such a small detail but it adds so much.
3. Isagi
So, I know a lot of people didn't like Isagi at the start because he seemed like an asshole for feeling great about kicking the ball in Kira's face. I wasn't one of those. I immediately loved him after that and loved him even more every time he took joy in defeating others.
It's really rare for the main character to make it into my top 3, so when one does make it in, I know they're amazing and oh boy is Goatsagi amazing. He has a lot going for him, such as being one of the calm/Kuroko type of sports manga protagonists which I just enjoy way more than the loud/Hinata protags. I absolutely adore strategist characters (especially when they say "just as planned") so having one as the protag is awesome.
The duality of Isagi on the field and off the field is so good. So many sports manga just have serious/not serious as the duality, but Isagi's is asshole/sweetheart and I love it so much, it just adds so much personality and uniqueness to Isagi.
He's a really emotionally intelligent person (why are these so rare in fiction? especially emotional intelligent guys that are genuinely good people and not manipulative), like it's very apparent in how he interacts with his Blue Lock rivals, especially Barou and Rin. It's never explicitly stated but it's shown that he understands how to interact with each one of them in a healthy way. He doesn't go to annoy Rin or Barou to get them to open up more (istg tsundere/prideful characters end up opening up solely because they were annoyed or humiliated to death way too often), Isagi treats them like actual people off the field and doesn't try to make them uncomfortable. It's so refreshing. This also makes his relationship with Kaiser way funnier because Kaiser's like the only person Isagi isn't nice with.
Speaking about relationships, Isagi has such good chemistry with the entire cast. I find his relationships with his rivals to be the most interesting since it feels like he treats most of his friends really similarly. None of his rivalries really feel the same even when they fit in the same trope (friendly rivals, humbled rivals etc...). It's also really funny how he's got so many rivals and beefs, like he got the second-best in the world to have beef with him. ISAGI IS HIM.
This is getting long, so I'll be brief with the next point. Isagi just has so many traits I respect in a person. Like, he's not afraid to change, he's not afraid to ask others for help, he's ambitious and he'll do what it takes to win.
Never thought he'd be in my top 3 when I started Blue Lock. If he ends up being football Aizen, he'll surpass Nagi as my favorite...
Other favs:
Bachira, he used to be number 3, but Isagi's grown on me a lot and Bachira hasn't done much lately (he's also a fully developed character with a finished character arc, so there's not as much development potential in him atm). He's still really likeable and I love him but he's not as interesting anymore. His design is so sick and I love his playstyle. I also love his character arc in the second selection.
Chigiri, like Bachira he suffers a bit from having a finished character arc (like, there's really only him getting injured to develop him more at this point since the author decide to forget about the Chigiri-Kunigami subplot which could have allowed Chigiri to get more development), but still really likable. He's also the only person in Blue Lock who doesn't need therapy, idk how our princess has stayed sane. His design is gorgeous, I love it so much and wish I could be 1% as pretty as him.
Shidou, like Kaiser, he's one of those characters that just enhances every scene he's in. He's just so much fun and he genuinely loves football so much. His relationship with the Itoshi siblings is also amazing, it's so funny how he hates one and loves the other. He might not have any chemistry with Rin when it comes to playing football, but their character chemistry is great (they're always so funny when they're together). And holy fuck Shidou and Sae, I don't know where to start with these two, they were made for each other. I wish Shidou luck, he got Sae's number, maybe he can get his heart next?
Sae, aka the superior Itoshi sibling. Shit talkers who talk shit because they're genuinely better are some of my fav types of characters. He also kinda reminds me of Itachi from Naruto and he's my favorite character from Naruto, so ofc I was gonna love Sae. There's a lot of potential for his character to develop, especially if whatever he has going on with Shidou ends up getting developed more. I love how he's the one who reached out to Shidou, it's rare for the quiet one to be the one to do that if they're not manipulative. I hope he plays in the U20 team because I need more of his interactions with Rin and Shidou.
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
very, very interesting point about whether some people in the paranormal community hold snc at a distance - i think I agree. I've seen some of that sentiment on tiktok/YT/reddit, especially from an older crowd that still seems to have a bit of a bias against YT and popular creators. that they're not "serious" enough and working with them might tarnish a certain hardcore contingent's credibility. interestingly, I don't really see that at all with Shane & Ryan, who had a bizarre revisionist history spin with Ghost Files coming out where suddenly they're like the best ghost hunters ever and not uhhh.. two goofy guys at Buzzfeed who would do stuff like wear cat ears and show their belly buttons to try to seduce ghosts. when snc first started dabbling in 2018ish, hell when Shane and Ryan first started out, this sort of judgement and skepticism didn't really exist in the same way it does now. fascinating how a paranormal community has really been developing but I can see how that complicates collabs snc may want to do. (and they're also well-liked by tons of paranormal content creators too so I'll cherish the ones we get ig)
this became such a long response, my bad lol
well a lot of the ppl that do paranormal investigating for a living are usually much older than snc so i think a lot of them feel like snc are just jumping on a bandwagon and will leave once it no longer makes them money. but i don't agree with that.
and again, i also do and don't believe the idea that snc aren't serious enough or not professional enough to be taken seriously. they just do things their own way. which can be both good and bad but i think it is what sets them apart. also realistically, they are entertainers first before anything else. so if they were stoic and had no reaction to some of the shit they have experienced, ppl would be bored and no one would watch.
slight side tangent, but i saw on reddit someone saying that they think snc will never get taken seriously enough bc, among a bunch of other stuff, they curse a lot. like……… you can't be serious. hate to be the bear of bad news, but tons of everyday ppl curse frequently. and i highly doubt snc are in a profession where cursing is frowned upon lol
i think one of the problems snc face, still, is that ppl see their content as what they did way back in the day. like 2019/when sam used to do the 3 am challenges. like they see that, and think that that's what they are still doing, which just isn't the case. but bc there is already that notion that snc are """liars""", ppl that don't like them for those reasons aren't gonna give them a chance. but honestly they have improved so much over the years, it's a shame some ppl write them off.
but whatever, your loss sksk
as for shane and ryan, honestly i haven't watched them since they were on buzzfeed so i can't really comment on what they do now. but from what i've heard from other ppl/fans is that they don't really do the same shit they once did. like obviously there is some overlap for sure, but the vibe is different.
maybe this is just a misconception, idk, but i gotta ask: the way some ppl talk about them, they make it seem as if they are just goofy and don't take it seriously anymore. like i know ryan used to believe in all this stuff and shane was the one that outwardly would joke about demons and not believe anything paranormal that could happen, but like… is that different now? i genuinely want to know bc that's the vibe i get from other ppl's comments. like now they make a mockery of what they used to do/ghost hunting in general, but not in a mean way. more as in like "we don't really believe and we're trying to show you this shit is bs too" or whatever. kinda like how the later seasons of ghost hunters, they would actively disprove their evidence or constantly trying to find a logically explanation instead of just… accepting that it might actually be paranormal.
i'm not saying any of this to be mean to shane and ryan. i'm just genuinely curious as to if i'm right or not. bc again i haven't watched them since they were on buzzfeed.
if i'm honest, i love the paranormal. i love ghost hunting and the supernatural. i find it all fascinating. however…. i think it's a bit silly to try and argue who's the best ghost hunter or who should or shouldn't be taken seriously. i mean, there is no science to this. this is a profession that you kinda have to have a bit of a whimsical nature to you, otherwise you look goofy lol
maybe i'm wrong, but i think both snc and shane and ryan can exist in the same universe without it being a who's better than who fight. i think a collab would be a bit strange, but i also wouldn't be completely against it in theory.
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pupperchris · 5 months
RE Infinite Darkness Could've Been Better
I watched AND rewatched RE: Infinite Darkness andddd it was great! But this is yet another instance where I wish Claire was the MC whereas Leon was the supporting role. Leon is involved bcs it's his job, but Claire got involved bcs she's a journalist trying to get to the bottom of things so if we saw them meet up during Claire's investigation then Leon would tell her details leading to them working together. ANYWAYS I want to comment on all the new characters (That are now dead ☺️) but #LOVED PATRICK he just looks like a wet cat like all the time😭 and he's just doing his best💕 he doesn't like Leon in the beginning for whatever reason I just wish we saw him more in action cuz it's clear that he's an agent maybe not as experienced as Leon but ik he has some sweet moves in him.
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Shen Mei was also lovely. RIP Shen Mei you would've loved Ada Wong😪 I felt so bad for her tho bcs she cares for her brother, and she genuinely wanted to bring justice to the victims of Raccoon City and Panamstan ONLY TO GET KILLED BY JASON 😭 I just know how betrayed she felt when she figured out Jason wasn't in the same boat as her like she thought they were in it together💀
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now...Jason I like you...but...I HATE YOU. Idk I felt like they were making him too...emo like "it starts with fear then you cultivate it and watch it spread and that's terror 🐺👿" like brooo shut upppp you doing too much 😭 like I think if maybe he tried to speak out in some way or like Shen Mei and he have been secretly exposing bits and pieces of Panamstan and Raccoon City but keeps getting covered up I would see Jason's POV like yes bro! Turn into a BOW and show them!! Like I can see him getting impatient and resorting to that like making Shen Mei and Jason two sides of the same coin, I think their dynamic and character itself would've been more interesting that way. Also, I don't think he would kill Shen Mei bcs to my understanding they've been together for like a long time SO IT MADE NO SENSE FOR JASON TO KILL HER. If you wanted Jason to kill her make it accidental bcs I would think he cares about her since she's been there since day 1. So Leon's character was AMAZING in this series they got his funny and serious side at the same time this is what Degeneration Leon should've been instead of the awkward mewing mess he is in that first movie and I wish that we could've seen that nice back and forth we get with Claire and him since he was more playful in this series also I think that that would've aided their break up scene at the end💔(IK IT WASNT A BREAKUP SCENE BUT IT FELT LIKE ONE DAMMIT😭)
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bcs then Claire knows abt the chip and since Leon knows abt her investigation she's under the assumption that Leon would give it to her, but with Leon not giving it to her she almost views him as a bad guy bcs there been through so much trouble to get it and come out alive and he just kind of brushes her off🫤...Okay now CLAIRE I LOVE HER homegirl so good at her job that the government had to kidnap her☺️ there's not much to say just like how passionate and compassionate she is through all of it she's amazing literally can't do any harm I don't have much to say abt her character bcs she doesn't go through and arc but she's just I think disappointed in Leon I really like the line "That outfit doesn't suit you" bcs it has a deeper meaning like in the beginning of it its like haha you look silly😊 to her not recognizing him anymore like the suit represents the government that covered up the RC incident and the outfit doesn't suit the same rookie cop that she met all those years ago😕MAYBE I'm reading too into it but that's my #take all in all it was a great show 5.5/10 I might make more posts abt it but this is it for now
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beholdthemem · 3 years
I started watching The Legend Of Vox Machina with no experience with the original podcast (not out of dislike, I've heard great things, but I unfortunately do NOT have a four-hour-episode attention span at this point in my life) and am fascinated to see where this goes.
Thoughts thus far:
-Vex seems... definitely not antagonistic to the others, I don't think she has anything against them... but I kind of get the vibe that if she had it her way, she'd just be travelling with her brother and her bear. Interesting.
-In the bar fight, she definitely seemed to work best with Vax and Señor Bear-Bear specifically. She and Vax know each other's movements, patterns, fighting styles, and can make plans without having to actively ask each other to do something- they each know the other will intuitively know what's needed. Gorgeous choreography.
-Kind of curious if the bear would also come when Vax whistled? Is he loyal to both of them with Vex as his favorite, or is he only willing to listen to Her, Specifically?
-Also kinda curious how long this group has been travelling together. The only person Vex initially trusted with the I Am Telling You, SOMEBODY In That Throne Room Is Dragon Affiliated knowledge was Vax, and I'm not sure if that's because she doesn't know the others well enough to trust them yet, or if she just has a very small group of people she trusts Ever, Period.
-I love Grog. He has all the grace and diplomacy of a sledgehammer, but frankly, not everybody's EARNED grace and diplomacy. I love that the first person he snaps at in the bar hasn't actually done anything to HIM, he's pissed that the guy insulted KEYLETH.
-After watching the preview clip where Vax watches everybody try and fail to get a door open before disgustedly having them stand aside and picking the lock himself with minimal effort, ("Amateurs.") I was kind of expecting him to have a similar 'Can we PLEASE just go back to only working each other' attitude to his sister- but it turns out that he's closer to being the social one?
-Like. Relatively speaking, of course. He'd still definitely pick Vex to hang out with over anyone else, I think- but it seems like he does genuinely enjoy hanging out with the other Vox Machina members? He has friendships beyond her. Idk how much he actually trusts em, though.
-Also might actually qualify as being The Soft Hearted Twin, which is so funny because he is every bit as casually stabby as she and Grog are, but also encourages Keyleth when she's nervous and does coin tricks for little kids.
-Actually, come to think of it, Vax straight up GAVE that little boy a silver piece when he and his sister have been established as the party members keeping closest track of how much (or little) money they have and how deep in debt they are. A SOFTIE.
-No clue if he's canon bi or not, but in my mind he completely meant his back-and-forth flirting with Glorious Gilmore. Probably not after a serious relationship, but knows that Gilmore gets that and they're both happy to enjoy something casual.
-Pike seems like she might not be on the best of terms with the rest of her Order? I could be wrong, but she seems pretty confident in her abilities as a cleric fighting-wise. It doesn't seem like she's new to adventuring. It's when she's asked to perform duties as a holy woman, like blessing houses and whatnot that she starts getting nervous.
-Curious about what that implies regarding her 'Maybe... we could try doing some good this time?' suggestion in episode one and how defeated she looked when told 'Ethics are a luxury we don't have right now, Pike.' Did she have those luxuries once? She seems to have a solid sense of right and wrong, and a conscience that's regularly nagging at her, but doesn't live her life strictly driven by it. Also doesn't appear to feel super great about that.
-What secret past are you hiding, Pike?
-Percy was introduced holding a glass of red wine in a room where everybody else is chugging from tankards like it's the end of the world, refereeing as his co-workers try to out drink a giant, and then pulls a fucking gun on the person holding him at knifepoint with a pleasant smile like he's here to engage in civil debate before having one of his teammates bodyslam him. I am fascinated how he manages to simultaneously be the only person there with his shit even slightly together and yet still COMPLETELY DERANGED.
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rickmandowneyjr · 3 years
Can I request a Severus Snape smut please where he is interested in the reader (possibly fellow professor idk) but refuses to accept it, even when she expresses explicit interest in him. Resulting in the reader seducing Severus and subsequently the reader has to take on the more dominant role as Severus struggles to fully relax and accept their attraction towards one another.
(Sorry if this is too specific basically just slightly Dom reader seduces a reluctant Snape hahaha.)
Just Relax
Smut (18+)
Pairing: Severus Snape x Professor!Reader
Warnings: NSFW
Word count: 3632. I realise I got a little carried away and might’ve spent more time building up to the smut so... hope that doesn’t bother you too much, anon. Also, I tried my best with the smut lol. Anyway, I wrote this all in one sitting and I’m quite happy with it? Lemme know what you guys think and if you have any feedback :)
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Severus eyed you as you took a seat at the high table, between Minerva and Filius. You were the new, half-blood, Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, and had captured his attention within a few months of joining. 
'I don't think she's ever sat next to me,' he thought, but immediately countered it with, 'And that's fine. I don't really care.'
As he brought his attention back to his plate, he found himself playing with his food instead of eating it. His mind was simply preoccupied with thoughts of you.
Minerva nudged you as she asked, "So, when do you actually plan to tell him?"
You coughed, trying not to choke on the bite you had taken. You took a sip of your drink, washing the food down, as you stared at her with wide eyes. "You're joking," you mumbled softly, making sure no one heard you.
"I'm not," she stated. Her expression was dead serious when she asked, "How long have you been working here now?"
You studied her face and realised she did indeed want an answer to the question. "Seven months... five days and... I don't know, nine hours?"
"And how long have you been in love with Severus?"
You sighed and replied, "Seven months, five days and seven hours..."
"That's what I thought," she said with a rather smug smile. "Now... from what I have noticed, Severus has taken a liking to you as well."
You opened your mouth to speak but she cut you off instantly. "Don't even try to argue with me on that, dear. I've known Severus for years now. I can tell that he acts differently around you." Her eyes shifted from you, to where you assumed Severus was sitting, based on what she said next. "He can't seem to keep his eyes off you even at this very moment," she said, and you fought the urge to snap your head in his direction, but gave in eventually. You slowly turned to see that he indeed, was looking at you and had quickly averted his gaze when you offered him a sweet smile.
"Are you sure that he likes me? He just ignores me when I smile at him in the corridors."
"I'm afraid that would be him denying his feelings. Which is quite expected of him, honestly. That boy will never let himself be happy," she said, her expression saddening slightly. "Which is why you must make the first move," she said with a beaming smile, now as she looked at you.
"We might speak from time to time, but it is still very odd for me to get up and confess my feelings for the man."
"Wait. He actually speaks to you?" She asked, genuinely surprised. "What about?"
"Well, usually it's about classes... but he does make small-talk if I initiate it," you mumbled, not thinking much of it.
"This is more serious than I thought. He definitely likes you if he's initiating conversations and engaging in small-talk," she gasped.
You couldn't help but laugh at her reaction thinking she was being sarcastic. Her face was dead serious as she said, "I'm not kidding, my child. Severus hates small-talk."
You suppressed another laugh as you gave her a single nod before you returned to your food.
That night, you lay awake in bed, thinking long and hard about what Minerva had said. You finally slept at 2 a.m., having decided that you'd confess to Severus that night.
The next morning, you put a little extra effort into your outfit and hair, dressing in a long black dress with a thigh slit, before topping it off with a cloak that kept you covered and warm. The outfit gave you a little confidence boost considering your stomach was doing somersaults at the thought of facing Severus.
You walked to breakfast early, in hopes of getting something to eat before Severus got there and were surprised to find Severus already there, all by himself. A few students were in the hall, looking very sleepy and tired as they ate.
Severus was reading his Daily Prophet and you took a moment to eye the man. The way his hair fell and framed his face as his dark eyes scanned the paper made him look quite attractive. You finally walked in, making your presence known. As you entered his vision, you heard Severus cough.
'Merlin, she looks beauti- No! Don't even finish that thought, Severus. Don't even look at her. She already caught you staring last night.'
You greeted him with a smile, draping your cloak over the back of your chair and smoothing your dress out as you took the seat next to him.
"Good morning," you said, reaching over for the toast and tea.
He didn't reply, only giving you a firm nod acknowledging both, your presence and your greeting.
"You're here early," you continued, determined to get an actual response out of him.
"I could say the same to you," he mumbled without taking his eyes off his paper. "Besides, I have an early lecture. All the students here are supposed to be in my class in 15 minutes."
"Ah, that sucks," you chuckled.
Severus felt his heart rate rise at the sound of your laugh. You rarely laughed around him. Well, he'd actually have to crack jokes to hear you laugh but he'd heard you laugh from time to time at the table and he loved the sound of it.
"Well, what's your excuse?" He inquired, leaving you pleasantly surprised that made an effort to keep the conversation going. Maybe he was interested, after all.
You, however, couldn't give him the real reason for your early arrival so you twisted the truth a little. "Um... I'm trying to avoid Minerva. She's been hassling me about something and I just wanted to eat breakfast in peace," you joked.
This seemed to have gotten his attention as he put his paper down, turning to face you slightly as he asked, "Oh really? And what would she be hassling you about?"
You smirked, turning to face him too. You crossed one leg over the other, forgetting about the thigh slit and said, "Wouldn't you like to know?"
You became aware of the thigh slit when you noticed Severus' gaze shift to your leg and a soft pink tint appear on his cheeks. You drank the last of your tea and stood up. "I think our fifteen minutes are up because your students are making their way to your class," you said, motioning to students that were leaving the Great Hall.
"Can I walk you to class?" You asked, not knowing when and how you'd become so bold. Maybe it was the dress, maybe it was the reaction that the dress had managed to get out of him, or maybe it was both.
He stood up, folded his paper and muttered, "Sure." He walked off, taking large strides that you were struggling to keep up with. He realised and slowed his pace, adjusting to yours and you couldn't help but smile to yourself.
You arrived at the door of his classroom and said, "Well, this is where we part ways. Have a good day, Severus."
Severus felt warm inside as you gave him your sweet, signature smile. He walked into class and took a seat at his table waiting for the last few students to scramble in.
'She has very smooth skin. It looked soft too,' he thought, before scolding himself internally and bringing his attention to the class.
"Open your legs to page 394," he muttered. The students gave him a confused look, making him realise what he had said, and squeezed his eyes shut in irritation, correcting himself. "Books! I meant open your books to page 394."
'That woman will be the death of me,' he thought, before beginning to teach the class.
The rest of the day had passed and it was now dinner time. Severus sat at the table, thinking about how you were on his mind the whole day. Even now, he was thinking about you.
'All this just from getting a glimpse of her legs? That's just pathetic,' he thought.
He caught a glimpse of you as you and walked past your usual seat, which was occupied. You strolled over to the empty seat next to him and sat down, greeting him once again. "Good evening," you smiled, "How was your day?"
He scoffed at your question, recalling how you had been on his mind the whole day, making it incredibly difficult to teach. You raised an eyebrow at him and he spoke, "Fine, I suppose."
The rest of dinner went by in silence and you noticed how shifty Severus, especially his eyes were. They kept looking over to your leg which was under the cloak, and you had somehow managed to keep your amusement hidden.
You finished and waited for Severus, offering to walk back with him, since your quarters were quite close to each other's. As you walked down the empty hallway, you made sure no students were around before you spoke, "So... you remember asking me what Minerva was hassling me about?"
He hummed affirmatively, keeping his eyes fixed ahead. You took a deep breath and blurted it out before you could second-guess it.
"Well, she had asked me to confess my feelings for you since I like you. So I was wondering, would you like to go out with me sometime?"
Severus' head snapped in your direction and you both came to a stop right in front of his door. He stayed absolutely silent and you were beginning to get nervous. So you did something you would normally never do. You used Legilimency. You didn't like using it since most people didn't even know you could and it felt wrong, but you couldn't handle the silence and needed something out of him, even if it was his thoughts.
'She likes me. This beautiful woman who I'm so incredibly drawn to is attracted to me. The scary part is that I like her too,' you couldn't help but smile as you heard that but he immediately countered it.
'No, Severus. You don't. It's just a silly little crush that'll go away. Even though it's been there for months now... Ugh. This isn't helping. Also, I've been silent this whole time. I better say something.'
"I'm sorry but I don't see you that way."
"You're a colleague and it would be highly unprofessional."
'I don't really care about that.'
"Now, if you'd excuse me, I'd like to get to bed."
'With you.'
His thoughts were enough confirmation for you to go ahead and do what you did next. As he turned to open his door, you placed your hand on his shoulder and spun him around, your lips crashing against his.
His eyes widened but he almost took no time in reciprocating, deepening the kiss as his tongue entered your mouth and ravaged it.
You mumbled into the kiss, "Don't feel the same way, my arse." Severus snapped back to reality as he pulled away and said, "W-we really can't."
'But I really want to,' his thought echoed.
He fumbled with the doorknob before rushing inside and slamming the door behind him. You could still hear his thoughts right across the door.
'She kissed me! And I stopped it?! What kind of an idiot am I?! And then I've gone and shut the door on her. Severus, just give in for once. I know I should... But I can't.'
You smirked to yourself as you walked off. "Severus Snape... Tomorrow, you're mine."
It was the next morning. You had called your friend in the muggle world, the previous night. He'd given you great advice on what you should do to get Severus' attention. He and Snape were similar in their personalities, other than the simple difference that Tony Stark was a world-renowned playboy billionaire.
Remembering what he had said to you, you had dressed accordingly.
"You wanna wear a skirt. From what you've said, he sounds like a 'leg' man. And don't forget sexy underwear. Not only will it make you feel like a badass knowing you have it on, but when you end up getting down and dirty with the man tonight, you'll be ready."
You laughed remembering his words and confidence as you got dressed. You sported a fitting sweater and a skirt that stopped well above your knees, topped off with a coat that reached just below your knees, and some boots. Your hair was left open, not having done much to it.
You walked to breakfast, turning quite a few heads as you made your way into the hall. Minerva was sitting a seat away from Severus, no doubt having saved it for you. You thanked her as you took your seat in between the two and gave both of them a greeting, as usual, acting as though nothing had happened between you and Severus the previous night.
You turned to Minerva as she spoke. "Well, look at you walking in like a showstopper," she teased.
"Yeah, I supposed this is a very muggle outfit. Not something you see here often," you laughed awkwardly.
"Oh, come on. We both know that's not why. Did you wear it to get a certain someone's attention?" She asked, not knowing that Severus now knew and realised you were talking about him.
"Hmm... Maybe I did," you stated as you looked at Severus out of the corner of your eye. His face and ears had gone red as he sipped his tea, trying to cover his face with his hair and Daily Prophet.
You took the opportunity to read his thoughts. 'She's dressed like this for me? Probably trying to make me regret denying her last night. Which I must admit, is working splendidly.'
You chuckled to yourself. You dragged your foot along his leg causing him to jump in his seat, which resulted in his knee hitting the table. You bit your lip, suppressing a laugh as you and Minerva both asked, "What happened? Are you okay?"
"Fine," he mumbled before storming off and you smiled at Minerva before following him.
"Are you alright?" You asked, catching up with him.
"I said I'm fine," he mumbled, picking up the pace as he fidgeted with his cloak.
You followed him and he entered the storeroom, turning the light on as he did. You eyed him as he began doing inventory.
"Inventory this early?"
'I need to get my mind off you before it gets worse.'
'Worse?' You wondered as you furrowed your eyebrows. You took a moment to look at him as he worked. Your eyes raked over his tall frame, looking him up and down when you noticed what he was referring to. His cloak had shifted, exposing the little bulge that had formed.
You bit your lips before a smirk crept onto your face, and entered the room. You shut the door behind you, and Severus looked at you as he said, "Don't you need to get breakfast? You didn't really eat. You must be hungry."
"Oh, I am. It's just that it's not for food anymore," you said as you slid your coat off. His eyes immediately went to your exposed legs, before he brought them back to meet your eyes. He looked at you as you closed the distance between the two of you. He swallowed hard as he brought himself to speak, "I... really don't this is a good idea-" you shut him up with a kiss before pulling away. "Your friend doesn't seem to think that," you said, palming the bulge as it grew. You leaned forward and whispered in his ear, "It's okay to give in to your temptations, Sev. Just relax." You waved your hand, turning the lights in the room off.
You kissed him again, your hands moving to unbuckle his belt as he leaned into the shelf behind him. Your fingers wrapped around his cock and he hissed at the feeling. As you freed it, you teased, "Merlin, how long has it been, for you to react like that?"
He opened his mouth to speak but just let out a soft moan as you began pumping him, your eyes widening as he got harder. Just as he was getting used to the sensation, you wrapped your lips around the head, causing him to throw his head back and knock a few vials over. He let out a gasp and you felt yourself getting aroused listening to his smooth silky voice moan your name.
You started bobbing your head up and down, slowly letting him go deeper into your throat as you relaxed your mouth. His cock was huge, hitting the back of your throat when you were only halfway down the shaft. You pumped the remaining area with your hand as you sucked hard.
Your other hand kept pushing your hair out of your face, which you wished you had tied before you started since there was no way you'd stop for that now. You felt his cock begin to twitch as his breathing got quicker. You looked up at him, meeting his eyes, having adjusted to the darkness. As with one final trick up your sleeve, you pressed a pressure point on your thumb, relaxing your gag reflex, and taking him in as deep as you could. That sent him over the edge and you felt hot ropes of his cum shoot down your throat.
You pulled away gasping for air and looked at his cock, which was still hard. "I like your stamina," you mumbled as you stroked him gently, your thumb circling his tip.
You stood up and waved your wand, fixing the vials he had knocked over, bringing the room back to its original state. He leaned against your shoulder as he panted and you whispered, "Lie down, love."
He eyed you suspiciously as he did what was asked of him. His dark eyes looked even darker as lust filled them when you straddled him. His hands made their way to your waist as you caught them, leaning over him as you pushed them above his head.
"Nah-ah. I think it's fair punishment for slamming the door in my face last night," you said, using his belt to lock his arms to the leg of the table behind him. He gave you an incredulous look. "You can't be serious," he asked.
"Oh, I am," you said as you slid your panties to the side and lined your entrance with his cock. You lowered yourself slowly, letting him fill your cunt up. You could feel every vein and how thick he was as you allowed yourself to take a moment to adjust. Your hands unbuttoned his robe and shirt, exposing his toned chest.
You placed your hands on his torso, steadying yourself as you began riding him. He groaned in pleasure and the sound sent a surge of butterflies through your stomach. You rode him slowly and roughly, and he let out a grunt.
"Use your words, handsome," you said.
He mumbled something and you replied with, "You'll have to be a little louder than that."
"Go faster... please," he breathed out and your lips curled up into a smirk. He added, "And-" but couldn't continue when you picked up the pace and elicited a moan from him, instead. Every moan this man let out sent shivers through your body. Not only was it because his voice was absolutely beautiful, but also the realisation that these beautiful sounds were coming out of him because of you.
"And?" You asked, wanting him to complete his statement from earlier.
"I wanna see you," he groaned.
"What's the magic word?" You teased, enjoying the situation way too much.
"...please," he mumbled.
With that, you took off your sweater, which you would've done either way since it was getting too hot in there.
"All of you," he added, making you take off your black, lacy bra as well. "Merlin, you're beautiful," he said, making your face hotter than it already was. You could feel your climax building up as the knot began to form in your stomach.
You traced his torso with your fingers, leaning over to place soft kisses. You stopped at his nipple, flicking it with your tongue before sucking on it. You gently nipped at it before showering the other one with similar attention. He bit his lip as he suppressed a moan, and you leaned in close to his ear. "Don't hold it in. Let me hear that beautiful voice," you said, kissing his jaw.
His cock began twitching again and you moved away from him, leaning back as one hand made its way to your clit, rubbing circles around it. Severus let out a guttural moan that was enough to push you over the edge. You felt a wave of pleasure wash over as it clouded your vision. Severus came as well, feeling your cunt clench around him, milking every last drop off his seed. You pulled yourself off of him and lay down next to him.
"Still unsure about your feelings?" You asked, chuckling breathlessly.
"I'm an idiot. I'm sorry."
"It's alright."
"How did you know, though?"
"Minerva. And I'm a Legilimens," you smirked.
"You read me?!" He asked, shocked.
"Only last night," you defended.
"Oh, hush. It worked out didn't it?"
You had him there. He couldn't really be mad. You got dressed and made your way out of the storeroom, making sure both of you looked presentable for your day full of classes.
Every little break you had, you found Severus, dragging him into some isolated corner or the other. At dinner, you walked in through the door next to the high table with Severus in tow. Safe to say... you were dating.
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candygrlsworld · 2 years
Back to school rebrand📝🎀
Ok so this post is gonna be kind of a guide/personal post. I’m gonna be talking about how I’m going to be rebranding myself this school year and little tips on how you can too!
Idk I feel like this is different from my usual posts but I think this will be beneficial for me and you guys!
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Mindset ✨
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I want to just be unapologetically myself this year,
I'm just gonna be focused on my school work, dressing cute, being myself. I'm not going to try and get anyones attention, love, or respect. Imma just be doing my own thing in my own world. I'm not going out of my way to please people. Or be nobody's friend. Like if you like me come up and talk to me. And if you don't idc. I can chill by myself.
I know it’s messed up but I’ve tried opening up myself to people. So I’m not doing that this year. I just wanna keep to myself because I got hurt last year by trying to be everyone’s friend. I just want to be totally mysterious.
Just focus on self love, & my happiness.
Another thing I’m doing is I’m becoming serious this year. I’ve officially decided I’m going to FIT or Parsons to get my degree in fashion design. So I will be working hard with my school work and extracurriculars. I’ve already created a notion account to organize my school work.
(Link to the notion template I used)
And im just becoming a total nerd. Everytime you see me I will be studying. Like im going to make Rory Gilmore and Elle Woods proud!
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Style ✨
I want to dress very simple, and have all my clothes be form fitting. I don’t want to stand out I just want to be comfortable. I also just want to be girly 24/7. I want the way I dress to truly represent who I am. Instead of playing a character.
My style in 4 words: Preppy, girly, y2k, & sweet!
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Be more healthy, excercise, stretch, eat better
Keep my grades 90 or above
Stay in an extracurricular the whole year
Also I’m planning on posting on YouTube more and starting my own depop shop!!!
No people pleasing
Take my fashion design career seriously (no “trying out” diff hobbies and careers)
Don’t let people take advantage of me (if someone disrespects me, drop them, I’m not tolerating bullshit)
Be selfish (Protect my peace, not giving energy to things that don’t benefit me, putting myself first)
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2022-2023 vision board🎀
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Lemme break this down:
Work on my brand
Make some money to move out (might make a post on why I have to move out as soon as possible)
Eat healthier
Get really good at volleyball and make the team (also get good at roller skating)
Get a genuine girly bff so we can talk about fashion and life. (All my friends last year were fake)
Get better grades (again I wanna try harder in school cause I usually do the bare minimum and get 80s-90s
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I will be giving tips based off my experience in high school so far since I am a junior this year. And also some tips I’ve collected from the internet.
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Obvi my first tip is my “study like me” post where I break down all my advice for studying, so check that out if your interested in more academic advice.
Make 2022-2023 school year vision board (goals, how u wanna dress etc.)
Surrond yourself with friends/people that uplift you/are better than you and inspire you
Clean out room and phone. Get a new wardrobe, get a journal & change your mindset, just totally reset
BE SELFISH don’t give all your energy to people, take time to take care of yourself (even if u are working hard for school)
Keep a planner to organize school work and a journal to organize your thoughts! (Also because they are cute)
Romanticize school (trust me if you pretend your Elle woods it will make school fun and easier)
Let go of toxic habits, behaviors and friends (anything you do not benefit from get rid of it)
Videos & posts
@angeldiscovery reinventing yourself post
Really thewizardliz whole YouTube but these two videos have helped me video 1. Video 2
@dreamgrlarchive faboulisty reset
@angeldiscovery become the best version of you
Localblackchilds YouTube has a lot of good videos for school here two good ones
Protecting your peace & stay organized in school
Theplaygirldiaries podcast how to brand yourself
I hope this helped you guys out!! And I wish you all luck on this school year! It would be so cool to see you guys create your own post like this. (#2022rebrand maybe???)
As always I love you guys!!!!🫶🏽
~yours truly 💋
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syubub · 4 years
How to Comfort Them
Woop woop! A disclaimer: this is for entertainment purposes only and not to be taken as fact! This is my interpretation of the cards!
Hell yeah. How do they receive comfort best when they need it? I took this specifically as them having a shitty day or week or something along those lines
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Let him wallow
You comfort Seokjin by affirming his right to feel his feelings and let him deal with it on his own time
He can be a bit dramatic but its short lived
Why does this feel like a roast?
Its not I promise
Seokjin just needs to feel and let it go. He doesn't hold on the things for long but trying to force him to talk anything out is a big no thanks
I think being alone really comforts him most but if he's close to someone I think he'd be down to be alone together
He feels comfort by people staying by his side. He might be the type to have a really shitty day and just wants to sit on the couch and watch TV and not talk about it
When he does want to talk about it though, its best to give him honest advice even if it brutally honest
Jinnie has no time for bullshit and he doesn't want sugar coated shit. If he wants an opinion he'll ask for it and be very aware of what he's asking for.
Another way to comfort Jin is possibly distraction. Again its not an always answer but fun nonsense can help him shake off the blues for sure!
Maybe give him a blanket and and some jellies
I also think he'd really not like anyone seeing him cry?
I think if you stumbled upon a crying Jin that needs comfort the best thing you could do is ask if he needs anything and let him know that you're there?
Also maybe if this is like sad sad sad and he's crying in the bathroom or something it might be helpful to sit on the other side of the door and talk to him if he wants to? and get him water?
Idk I think jin can be pretty guarded especially like this so this would probably never happen
Its more likely that he'll flop down on his bed or couch and just hang out
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Oki yoobi
Hold his fucking hand
I'm kidding (kinda)
For yoongi, I think he's similar to Jin in that he doesn't want to be told that everything is sunshine and rainbows and he also doesn't want to be treated like a child
For yoobi I think that he'd feel comforted by talking about what/why he feels like shit
Its like he wants to know that he isn't alone but he also doesn't like to seek out comfort bc he doesn't think he's worth it
He'd probably feel a lot of comfort laying in a dark room with calming repetitive sounds
Smack a pair of noise canceling headphones on him with nothing playing
I think that a great way to comfort yoongi if he was having a bad day is by softly showing support and letting him know that he's being thought of?
Things like letters and stuff are really good
I also think distracting him from bad habits that he used to comfort himself is a v good idea
You see him nomming down his nails to tiny nubs? Offer him something to hold (or slap his hand if you're feeling sassy)
But really though comfort for yoongi is something he'd want to be subtle and ever-present so he can access it when its needed most and he'd definitely want to seek out on his own.
I was thinking too, like if he had a panic attack or anxiety attack DO NOT TOUCH HIM I feel strongly about this. Let him seek out physical comfort and 1,000% ask if he wants to be touched
He just seems skittish in this way and I think that he'd respond a lot better if he gets to seek physical comfort out on his own
You hear that people that will meet Yoongi?
BUT if yoongi was really really close with his s.o I could see him searching and asking for cuddles. Two kinds. Smol curled up yoongi would want to be curled around (kinda like nigiri) if things are pretty bad and serious or him laying in between his s.os legs with his head on their stomach specifically so he can have his hair played with.
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Show up for him
Remind him that he is loved and sweet and perfect
Definitely ignite his passions again
Take him dancing
Watch a movie that reminds him of a good memory
You'll have to kinda sus out what exactly is bothering him though
Maybe buy him something sweet like a teddy bear or dinner or take him somewhere
Just don't let him wallow. He needs time to process and stuff but getting him up and out of his funk is great!
Take him to an arcade or even just out for a long drive
I think hobi is the type to need stimulation in a thoughtful way so you'd have to assess the situation and see what's appropriate
Bc hobi might also just want to chill
I think he'd also be really big on physical comfort
Sharing a bed
Massage even
Yes I'm gonna say it
(18+) he'd enjoy a nice frick frack or a boot knocking if you will
Maybe run him a nice bath and wine and dine him tbh
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Comfort joonie by letting him know that he doesn't have to know everything or have a solution for it
I think kinda taking over his role of inspiring speech giver would help him bc he has so much wisdom and advice but can also have a blind spot when it comes to himself
Let him not be logical
Let him impulse buy 43 new plants all named after the kind of plant they are
I think a nice bear hug and some wise words will be comforting to him
Also the words "you're doing a great job, you got this" and "It's okay to feel this way. Let yourself feel what you feel"
Home boi wouldn't mind if, say, he had a shitty day and you bought him an orchid and named it Orca
Really though I think a gentle reminder that he is human and some basic grounding would really help.
I think too with a significant other I could 100% see him finding immense comfort in feeling the other persons heartbeat? Like if he was in bad shape and his s.o needed to calm him down they could just grab his hand and put it over their heart? Cute shit.
I think rubbing comforting circles on his back when in the proper situation.
Also forehead-pressing?
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Chim chim gets comfort by love in every form
By him a gift
Give him words of affirmation
Make him food so he doesn't have to
Just be there for him
Write him letters
Really though. Affection of any kind is often welcomed from him
He'd also feel especially comforted if he didn't have to do anything? Like if you could take away responsibility from him for a little that would be awesome
Jimin is a very love/affection forward guy and I think that he'd really really really enjoy a nice top of the head smooch
Sometimes he'd just want to be hugged while he cries
Or sometimes he needs genuine advice and help working through what bothers him
Jimin is a mixed bag and I think its situational but he'd definitely be down for a good ole hug
Maybe too if you suggest things to him. Maybe advice or maybe ways to cheer him up!
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This is also very much how Tae comforts army
Cheer him on
Let him know that you love him and that even if things are shit that you're there for him
He'd respond very well to comforting actions and words
I think he needs to cry and feel and do what he does but he feels most comforted when he's reminded that he means something to someone
Positivity and passion go a long way for comforting him
I think if you can also remind him of something that he's done for you, something positive that he's done in you're life that might help him feel a little better
If you can relate to him without making it about you
I think also recognizing his good qualities when he can't
Definitely put him in the sunshine
Give him a nice bevy and sit him in the sunshine
Playing a card game or a board game? Idk why
take him to get waffles at 2am or something new and out of the ordinary
Mostly though snuggles and hugs do the trick.
He's a very feely human and I think having something solid is helpful
ESPECIALLY for his s.o
if Taes future/current s.o is reading... you probably get held a lot. For a long time. Homie is like a little cephalopod
I think he'd also enjoy a nice comfort nap
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Oki oki oki
Love him
But not too much
When he's down he tends to have clouded vision
Its like he can't see infront of him and can't see anything that he's done and he feels like he's never accomplished anything ever
He feels loss of control
That's no good
A good way to help that is to help him find clarity
Help him to see the light at the end of the tunnel
He also probably has nighmares/can't sleep when things get really bad so either something like buying him a new sleepy tea or being there for him when he can't sleep
Help sooth his anxiety
He needs that
I definitely think he gets frustrated with himself easily and if you can help him not take it out on himself or turn it inwards then that's really good
He'd benefit from a movie night and a fort
He'd probably be the type to benefit from a talk about what's bothering him but only sitting side by side so you aren't looking into his eyes
Maybe even like on the swings at a park or something
I just think opening up for him is hard so meeting him where he's comfortable is good
That could be texting back and forth even if you're in the same room or on the swings or over street food
I think he'd like it if he had a weighted blanket
Quiet comfort is good for him so he has something grounding him
Maybe if things are not great take him to a rage room or to go kick boxing.
Some semi productive way to channel his energy
Drive him out of the city to go scream into the æther
Idk but being with him while giving him space is good
I think with a s.o he'd maybe seek physical comfort but idk
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blueoctobass · 3 years
omg indigo therapy… friends…….. what is he saying?
it's not coherent because i wrote it in one go and didn't structure it
but here it is
I think it all started back in stratoverse... We were always told to love the weather but i've already talked about that in our last session, but also that we needed to find someone powerful with who we could have children as powerful as possible. they would encourage pairings, sometimes even force children that had powerful parents, so lots of potential, to get along so they could later be an actual couple. and i was a bit of a loner, so i would always get told to find someone, but there wasn't really anyone that i got along with y'know? they were all kind of jerks to me because i had a lisp and no one wanted to be seen with me. so i had the children against me AND the caretakers would say it's my fault, because i don't do any effort. I tried my best tho, I thought i could fake it till i make it, i tried to follow examples i found in comics, but nothing worked and eventually we were all old enough to get a hat. when i found mine and turned indigo i just yeeted out of there, i couldn't take it anymore. in gloomverse, things were a bit different but i quickly learned that having partners was seen as big achievement. like that wallis guy, he had so many fans who just flocked to him and called themselves his "bitches" so i tried to copy the things the girl seemed to like in those persona, and it kinda worked, i mean i got to be a famous dj and get a decent following, but everyone thought it was an act, which it kinda was i guess, but that didnt mean i didnt genuinely try to get a date at times. and then you came along and took me seriously, and the prez really wanted— wait fuck no forget that part i'm not supposed to talk about it or i might get kidnapped? or something. anyway, going on a date with you was kinda the first serious date of my life and all the external pressure made it kinda hard to relax. we did hit it off so that was totes cool and i really wanted to know you better, y'know? maybe cause you were the first one to be interested in who i was and not what i could do for you, but then you asked me for a kiss and it kinda took me by surprise, also you were very intimidating and i don't know if i could have said no to you. so yeah i kissed you but it wasn't what i wanted my first kiss to be... i thought it would be more... more... idk what. i thought i would have a revelation? find what was missing? but all that happened was... i was afraid of messing up and never be able to talk to you again, which didnt happen, but i think you kinda lost interest in me ? maybe. and then i wanted to talk to mom- — to prez about it but she wasn't there, there was just pi, and i don't know whats up with this guy, he always make me feel stupid and inadequate, and there he goes talking about how i'm gay because i kissed one girl under scary circumstances and dindt like it, and that kinda threw me for a loop yknow? he was assuming stuff about me like you did, but unlike you he wouldn't let it go and admit he was wrong. i mean i like women! they're pretty and smart and powerful and i want to be like that too so why wouldn't i like women?? i think the problem is just that kissing isn't my thing, it was nice just talking and holding hands instead, we should get back to that
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