#I enjoyed every song this their album
accelerandy15 · 7 months
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I'm happy for u two!!! 💋X💋 💛💙
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micamicster · 9 months
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Bruce Springsteen's fourth album DARKNESS ON THE EDGE OF TOWN as Penguin Classics (series): Andrew Wyeth / Alan Stephens Foster / John James Audubon / Edward Hopper / Cy Twombly / Robert Hodgell / Kiyoshi Asai / Adolphe Sunaert / Alexander Louis Leloir / Pablo Picasso
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lotrmusical · 11 months
haven't talked enough about how good the watermill lament for moria is. i will never recover
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rosalesbeausderholle · 5 months
At the end of the day, it just really sucks when you can't even enjoy a new release by your favorite artist because the greater internet has decided she's their acceptable outlet of misogyny and they have to comment or hate on her every move every single time.
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123countwithme · 9 months
Imagination Movers anyone?
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overbearingstruggles · 6 months
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theghoulboysblog · 6 months
you've infected me with the better oblivion community center bug, i listen to their songs daily and have had multiple epiphanies whilst doing so, and now i gotta know: what's your top 3 songs by them and are there any lines that you love particularly?
OH MY GOD THANK YOU FOR ASKING!!!!! 😭 a long time ago, i made a list of what i thought the best better oblivion songs were in order! here it is:
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although i do believe those are the best songs in order, big black heart, their single little trouble, and my city will always be number ones in my eyes! for lyrics that I love, i have so many:
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lingeringscars · 5 months
updated overall faves from the top of my head:
cassandra who's afraid of little old me? the bolter but daddy i love him guilty as sin? the alchemy florida!!! the smallest man who ever lived
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elliedafish · 1 month
I'm so tired of people online giving every song a paternity test every time a new album comes out. Can't we just enjoy the song for being a song and not dive into the artist's personal life every single fucking time?
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guillemelgat · 4 months
This is a delightfully ironic song about those people who come into your life as friends and then end up throwing you under the bus after you do everything you can for them. I've put the live version because it's a lot of fun (although the studio version is also great).
Mira, ja feia temps Look, it had been a while que la teva nàpia augusta Since your venerable nose no em parava pel carrer Hadn't stopped me on the street i jo, amic, tocava fusta. And I, my friend, I knocked on wood Vas venir discret primer, You came discreetly at first confonent-te a l'hora punta, Mixing yourself up at rush hour amb tota la marabunta With all the swarms of people que adormida surt del tren. Sleepily getting off the train
I quins temps, amic, quins temps. And what times, my friend, what times we had A la caseta de fusta. In the little wooden shed Sempre sonava un CD There was always a CD playing quan voltaves per la cuina. When you were in the kitchen
Jo devia fer cara de demanar ajuda. My expression must have been asking for help Gràcies per venir Thanks for coming a temptar-me un altre cop, For tempting me once again a posar-ho tot a lloc, Judes. For putting everything its place, Judas
Fixa’t amb quina il·lusió Look at how excitedly et vaig donar la benvinguda. I welcomed you Vas ser el sol del meu balcó You were the sunshine on my balcony i pel meu jardí la pluja. And the rain for my garden Ja em coneixes, saps com sóc You know me, you know how I am i no vull posar-te excuses, And I don’t want to make excuses però el temps passa per tothom. But time passes for everyone Massa lent, cagunlaputa. Too slowly, goddammit
I aquelles nits sense son And through those sleepless nights em va anar invaïnt un dubte I was invaded by a doubt que avançava entre els racons Which advanced from between corners i els pilots de roba bruta. And the piles of dirty laundry
Has vingut a quedar-te, o tens alguna excusa? Have you come to stay, or do you have some excuse? Vinga Quim, controla el pols. Come on, Quim, control your pulse Vols la guerra? O què cony vols? Do you want war? Or what the hell do you want? Que bé et tires els farols, Judes. How good you are at putting up appearances, Judas
I m'han dit que vas dient And they’ve told me that you’ve been saying pels cafès i les tertúlies At the cafes and the local groups que em comporto com un nen, That I behave like a child que no aguanto quan em jutgen. That I can’t handle people judging me
Ens anàvem a menjar el món. We were going to take on the world D'això, amic, no en tinc cap dubte. About that, my friend, I have no doubts De tant em pregunto on són Sometimes I ask myself where they are les nostres grans aventures. All our grand adventures
I és mentida si us dic que me la suda. And it’s a lie if I tell you that I don’t care Gràcies per venir Thanks for coming a temptar-me un últim cop, To tempt me one last time a posar-me en el meu lloc, Judes. To put me in my place, Judas
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caramelmochacrow · 1 month
PEAKY P-KEY'S TRIUMPHAL ALBUM HAS BEEN RELEASED!!!! here is the following links for each song in order of the album!!!!!
One's Believing
Ultimate Vista
Never lose
Let's do it!
Electric Chaos★Countdown
Echoing Chaos☆Countdown
Shiki no Uta (Shinobu Solo cover)
Ao to Natsu (Yuka Solo cover)
Fuwa Fuwa Time (Esora Solo Cover)
Onegai Muscle (Muscle Trio +Saori cover)
Choose me Choose love
Doki Dokiss
Let's do the 'Big Bang!' (EG NURemix)
hope you enjoy the playlist (i sure am lmao--)
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thestarmaker · 2 months
It's a shame owl city hasn't put out anything new in like ten years. But ending on the ultraviolet ep means he at least went out on a good note. Too bad nothing came of that ep
#sorry it's apparently time for my bi-yearly modern owl city rant#the ultraviolet ep truly feels like the last thing he put his heart into#it just felt so unique and new and different. i was soooo excited for the direction he was taking#was listening to pre-2015 music of his and like. god what happened#mobile orchestra wasn't *terrible* but it felt so ... lifeless. so... burned out. like i personally wouldn't even call it a good album.#cinematic was better but still ... eh. it gave me hope at least.#coco moon imploded that hope. is he a youth pastor now??? it's fine if he is but like ... that was like veggie tales: the album#at least he sounded like he was actually enjoying himself. but god every song was the same corny structure#kelly time would've been fine if it was the only song like that!! but they all ended with the same addressing the audience#with 'so you see life is cool and you should enjoy it and the lessons it teaches' i just. adam how did we get here#well actually the closer was fine bc it was a totally normal love song to his partner. thank god it had one song that didn't do that#and the religious songs are so... on the nose now. what happened to angels... galaxies... meteor shower... kamikaze.... i still adore those#it's funny that bastille are now doing the same concept of an album but WAYYYY better. god i can't wait for the full '&' release#alright i think rant over. anyway#sorry one last thing. in my heart i knew it was joever when the one song from ultraviolet that made it to the next album#was the one Sad Inspirational life goes on we just have to accept it and learn from it. (oh my god. it was the proto-coco moon...)#he left beautiful times and wolf bite and up all night behind for the sake of this isn't the end???#it's honestly for the best that he chose it bc any of the other 3 would've really highlighted how bland the rest of mobile orchestra was#alright. NOW rant over
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bandzboy · 6 months
re your last post you’re so right. streaming culture has always bothered me but more and more lately i’ve realized that kpop (twitter mostly) stans don’t know how to just enjoy music. and like… it’s genuinely so sad for them. there’s so many great artists with great music but all they care about is numbers even if they don’t necessarily enjoy the song/album/mv. i feel like this also ties into people who are allergic to even the idea of stanning multiple groups but i digress
i think the reason for this to happen is how some of them feel responsible for their faves career like if they don't mass stream they won't succeed when most of the time (if not all the time) it's the company's fault for not doing their job properly and not promoting them decently because if they did their job people would naturally gravitate towards listening to said song or album naturally without the need of mass streaming and i mean one of the main things that count for music show wins are streams and it's so much pressure to like put the pressure on fans to do so but this results into people not really enjoying the song for what it is and not having fun during comebacks! like i am saying as someone who used to do this (bc i was on stan twt) and looking back i came to realize that i wasn't really enjoying it as much as i should in my case it was skz which i love all of their music but i remember being so stressed bc i had to stream the mv and the thing is I DIDN'T HAVE TO but there was this pressure from other people on there to do it and if you didn't you weren't a real stan. i mean the thing you say about people not wanting to stan multiple groups is very real because people on twt will side eye you if you are listening to other groups because it means you aren't dedicated to x group since you are giving streams to y group and it's BONKERS i mean... being a stan during kingdom was literally that that's why after that i left stan twt but it was an awful experience especially if stanned more than one group but the craziest thing is that years back nobody would bat an eye if you stanned more groups on twt but ever since streams and views started to be more important everyone just started to be like "you have to stan one group because you have to stream and vote for that group ONLY" and it's crazy to me i couldn't deal with any of that i think it got WAY too normalized this past few years people over there judge you because you like different groups when it's not that serious and you are just trying to enjoy music and they can't fathom that at all it's very odd
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✨️when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)🎶✨️
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(@shrinkthisviolet and @goldheartedchaoticdisaster)
1. I have the So Much For Stardust CD (Fall Out Boy) in my car right now, that's got 13 songs (or 11 since 2 are more poems) can I count all of them. I have been listening to them while I'm driving which is where I mostly listen to music. CDs are so good for driving you just put it in and touch nothing else and it plays every time I turn the engine on without having to keep touching things and plugging things in and it pauses when I switch the engine off and there are still no extra buttons to press and it doesn't need any extra electricity or the internet or phone signal or anything which means it works all the time my car switches on and if my car isn't switching on I have bigger problems than whether the CD player is working or not, CDs are great. I may have got distracted
12. Holiday by Green Day has been stuck in my head today for a reason I do not know but do not mind either
13. Running at the Dark by Tide Lines. They've got a lot of good songs
14. Shout Out to My Ex by Little Mix. This might be Hartley's song on my current writing playlist
15. Heartbeat by Scouting For Girls. It's an easy song to sing along to
Thank you!
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wilder-fangirl · 5 months
every time i hear a twenty one pilots song it sets off something feral in me. i'm not even a "fan" in the sense that i don't know the lore but last summer i listened to the Trench album on repeat for over a week and now i need to shove the Clancy songs down my throat and lungs i need to be drowning in them at all times i am shaking at knowing there is something else to them that i'm not grasping but i feel it tugging at every blood vessel
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kneworder · 5 months
i've tried very hard but i just don't think i can get into springsteen no matter how much i want to. bruce hornsby is my springsteen though the 80s americana of it all PLUS the piano in his songs is so fun 100% of the time. why don't you calm down and listen to the valley road <- me to me.
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