#I drew the face ones and was like yep!! that’s all!!
chopshajen · 11 months
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15. Janos
Ok so I royally screwed up the threading when I was posting this to Twitter which is why this is late but anyways. I watched OFMD and played DnD today which is why we get Janos with Jim’s season 2 hair. Jim is an nb icon and gender goals
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jasmines-library · 1 month
Okay that one with baby batsib learning about Batman was so cute but what about the opposite? Imagine they decided that they hate Batman 💀 love your writing 🥰
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Note: LOVE THIS. sorry it took me an age.
The look on your face when Bruce picked you up from school that day was not the look he expected. Your arms were folded, and your eyebrows were knitted together in a tight scowl as you stood at his feet.
Ruffling your hair in an attempt to wipe the pout off of your face, Bruce knelt down to your height and spoke to you gently. "What's that look for, Sweetheart?" He asked, unable to hide the hint of amusement lingering in his tone.
You didn't answer. Instead you just huffed, turning away from him. Bruce just tilted his head, rather amused by your mood. "Come on, kid. It can't have been that bad. What did you learn about today?"
With one drawn out movement, you turned back to face him, a stony expression chiseled onto your face. "Batman."
"Oh?" Bruce raised an eyebrow. He was wondering when you would come across Batman. The family had agreed that you were far too young to know the secret yet, so had avoided telling you.
"I don't like him." You declared, sticking your chin up.
Bruce frowned a little. "And why not?"
"He stops people."
"He's trying to help the city, kid."
You huffed once again. "I don't like him."
Bruce couldn't help the slight grin on his face. He found it rather comical that you hated Batman so much. You were going to have one hell of a dilemma when they reveal their identities to you.
Your little hand was stretched above your head as you clung onto Dick's hand. He had decided to take you to the park to enjoy the most of the summer weather before Gotham shortly returned to its usual doom-and-gloom rain. Your feet shuffled on the pavement beside your brother as he walked you towards the ice cream parlour just across the road. Your eyes practically lit up as you saw the abundance of bright colours and flavours all lined up in neat rows.
"Alright kiddo. Whatcha having?" Dick lifted you up and placed you on his hip so that you could see properly over the small line of people. "They've got strawberry, chocolate, vanilla.....oh look." He pointed to one of the drawings on the specials menu. "You can get a batman sundae."
Your face twisted with disgust. "Yuck. Batman."
"You don't like Batman?" Dick raised an eyebrow, adjusting you on his hip.
"Where'd you learn about Batman?"
"At school." You replied, trying to look over the people at the counter, clearly more interested in the ice cream than in the conversation with your brother.
Dick shook his head with amusement. "Why don't you like him?"
"He's boring."
Your answer took Dick a little off guard. "Boring?" He frowned.
"Yes. Boring. We spent all day learning about him and it was very boring."
"I see" Dick chuckled, making note to tell Bruce about this later. "So i take it no Batman sundae then? Because Batman is boring?"
"Yep." you said proudly.
Jason was in his bedroom reading comics on his bed when you wandered in.
"Jay-Jay?" You called out for him, turning the corner and stopping when you saw him on his bed. you looked at him, eyes wide with curiosity. "What are you doing?"
"I'm reading, Little Wayne." He answered.
"Reading what?" You asked, wandering to the bed and standing on your toes to peer over. He lifted you up to sit beside him.
"Comics." he showed you. "See."
you pointed to the figure on the page. "Who's that."
"That's Batman."
"Who's Batman?"
"He saves the city. He keeps Gotham safe." Jason explained, giving you a rundown on Batman. His gadgets, his cars.
"Thats booorringgggg." You drew out, looking at the illustrations on the page.
"yes." You huff. "I don't like him. He does boring things."
"If that's what you say, kid."
Tim was in the kitchen with you. He had you sat in a chair as he made you a snack. The news was playing in the background, with Batman and his sidekicks' faces flashing across the screen. You paid little interest to it as you ate you breakfast, but as time went on, you began to grow fed up of seeing him and his fast car driving through the streets.
"Timmy. can you turn it over?"
Tim reached for the remote and flicked to another channel, but it was also playing the same footage.
"Tim." You whined. "Turn it over. I don't like Batman."
Tim turned around to face you. "No?"
"No." You said, taking another bite of your breakfast. "He destroys the city."
"He doesn't do it on purpose, kid. He destroys it to get the bad guys."
"But sometimes he doesn't even catch the bad guys. And he has sidekicks to help him."
"He can't stop all the crime on his own, kid."
You paused for a moment, outspoken, but pout and take another big bite, speaking with half of your mouth full. "Well i don't like him anyway."
Tim changed the channel to something else. He found your slander of the vigilantes amusing, considering you would more than likely become one in the future. he just hoped that he would be there to see your face when you found out the truth.
You were watching Damian play video games in the living room one evening. He was supposed to be babysitting. out of the window, the bat-signal flashed into view.
You tugged on his sleeve, pointing it out to him. "Dami. Look. Batsignal."
"Where'd you learn that, kid?" he asked, pausing his game.
"At school."
Damian took in the look on your face. "You don't seem that excited. Most kids are excited about batman."
"I'm not." You folded your arms. "I hate batman."
Damian chuckled in interest. "Well, you're not like most kids then, are you. why do you hate him?"
"He doesn't change the city."
"There are still bad guys."
"There are." Damian hummed. "But he's trying his best."
"And he hasn't got the monster under my bed yet."
Damian couldn't help the snort of laughter that slipped past his lips. "Oh well, thats not very good of him, is it?"
"No its not." you scowled.
"I'll have to have a chat with him then, get him to sort it out for you. will that make you like him more?"
Damian smiled softly. "I'll see what i can do."
@aestheticdaisies @hearts4robs @xxrougefangxx @hell-o-kittys @harleycao @batfamsstuff @alicedawitchbish @killxz @rosecentury @lara20aral
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theres-a-body-here · 7 months
Recieving a love letter
Part two
You decided that the best time to give it to them (pause) is during a trial
Characters: Oni, Trapper, Deathslinger, Mastermind, Cannibal, Ghostface Warnings: Internalized Homophobia, Death, some spice Male!reader
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The Oni - Kazan Yamaoka
Impossible... You're both men
Kazan cannot accept this
This simply wasn't acceptable during his era
He immediately smashes your head in with his Kanabo on instinct
Gay panic defense
The evil has been dealt with, Kazan lets out a deep exhale
But...his eyes wander to the letter, still within your cold, stiff grasp
Advantages come from all angles... Don't they?
Kazan takes the letter, convincing himself he'll use whatever information he finds inside against you
It smells like you... Not that he checked
(He did)
A red wax seal holds the letter closed
Kazan looks closer
You had carved his family crest into the wax
Something foreign invades his body, something other than rage
It's nervousness
He opens the letter, making sure to keep the seal intact
For no reason in particular
(He's pocketing that mofo)
Instantly, he's impressed by your penmanship
So organized, clean, and sharp
But its contents are even more eye catching
The love letter is short and sweet
But what follows is even sweeter
A haiku
Kazan feels his heart skip a beat
He checks it once, then again, and one more for good measure
Yep, no mistakes
The loud pop of a gen echoes through the trialground, snapping him out of his trance
Kazan whips his head all around, looking for witnesses
Finding none, he pockets the letter
He stares at your lifeless body, feeling something else flutter in his chest
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The Trapper - Evan MacMillan
Evan stares at you as you hold your letter out for him to take
After a long, uncomfortable silence, he takes it
He brings it to his face, inspecting it through the holes of his mask
Evan has absolutely no idea what to do here
He looks back at you
"Do you...want me to fuck you?"
Romantic gestures are new territories for Evan, so he honestly thinks this is just your way of asking for dick
Whichever the case, he has a job to do
He puts you down without hesitation and hooks you up, leaving without a second glance
He's still holding the letter
Part of him wants to rip it up, and the other is curious to know what you wrote
He sloppily tears the letter open, reading it hastily as he walks to the next gen
Evan stops when he reads a bit more
You weren't asking for a ball slapping, eye watering, toe curling, deep dick fuck...
You were asking for his heart
You wanted all of him, hooks and all
Okay now he feels a bit bad
Evan reads some more
You actually drew a portrait of him within the letter, saying you learnt of his knack for art from Philip
Now he feels even worse
He lets the others save you without hiccup
In fact, he basically leaves for alone for the rest of the trial
He stops chasing and hurting the others occasionally to stare at you from afar, observing that focused look on your face as you work on gens or heal a teammate
Evan feels butterflies and he no longer has the strength to swat at them
It doesn't matter if he kills all your friends or if they opened the gates and left; Eventually, you're alone with him
He holds your letter out, watching as confusion sets on your face
"I'm dirty and sloppy... I'll ruin it"
He sounds vulnerable, waiting for you to respond
You curl your hand over his, folding the letter into his palm
"I want you to keep it," you say softly, as of talking to an apprehensive deer
He doesn't know what to say
Whatever he was going to respond with gets stuck in his throat as you lean in to kiss the cheek of his mask
He watches as you leave through the exit gate, glancing down at the letter in his hand
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The Deathslinger - Caleb Quinn
Obviously you're joking... Right?
Cuz there's no way you'd be attracted to someone like him— Old, beat-up, and grumpy
You'd have to push him some more if you want him to accept the letter
Convince him you're being genuine
Eventually, he gives in and takes the letter from you
He glances around nervously, like he's expecting the other survivors to jump out and laugh at him for falling for the joke
He opens the letter, stunned when he sees there's actually things written inside
A blush creeps into his face as he reads, only deepening when he reads more
After he's done, Caleb can't even meet your gaze
After a few moments of silence, he speaks
"I can.....uhhh....keep this... right?"
Talk about awk as hell
Even after the trial, he lies awake thinking about it
Caleb rereads the letter over and over
You're gonna have to be the one to seek him out outside of trials since he's way too embarrassed now
"Yer serious 'bout this, ain'tcha?"
He decides to let his guard down just a bit to let you in
Be prepared to give him lots of reassurance
"Yer sure ya ain't mistaken?"
Caleb isn't one for words, so instead of writing you a letter, he makes you trinkets out of scrap metal
If you kiss him as thanks, he'll actually die on the spot
So please don't... unless you're evil as hell
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The Mastermind - Albert Wesker
Wesker makes you kneel as you give him the letter
After snatching it out of your hands, he scans it meticulously
"I see you've made eleven spelling mistakes"
He enjoys the way you tense up instantly, like a puppy waiting to be put on punishment
"How adorable"
He ALLOWS you to watch him put the letter in his inner coat pocket
He would never admit it, but this certainly boosted his ego to new heights
Albert lifts you off the ground and tosses you over his shoulder
He carries you to the basement
"Stay here while I deal with your companions"
He leaves to kill the rest of your friends
After every hook, he pats his chest to make sure the letter is still there
He'll deny he ever did that if you ask him though
Once he returns, Wesker will bombard you with questions, expecting an answer within 5 seconds or less
What took you so long? What do you like most about him? Would you choose him over your friends? How can you satisfy him?
He loves how easily you crumble under his interrogation, blushing and stammering like a fool
Once he's had his fill, he picks you up again
He carries you to hatch
Before he lets you go, he grips your chin and makes you look at him
"I suppose I ought to leave you with something"
Wesker reaches into his coat and pulls out a pair of sunglasses
"I hope you can explain this to your allies," he chuckles
Before you can protest, he puts them on you and drops you into the hole
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The Cannibal - Bubba Sawyer
Freezes in place and gasps when he sees you hold out your letter
He lets out a happy squeal before dropping his hammer and chainsaw to the ground
Bubba takes the letter from you gently, treating it like glass
He immediately plops onto the ground
He tears open the envelope carefully and take out the letter
He's completely forgotten about the trial
He reads the letter, shaking with excitement
It's sappy, sweet, and everything he's ever wanted
Even when the sounds of popping generators ring through the trial grounds, Bubba doesn't take his eyes off the letter for a second
He occasionally stops reading to either make a sound of happiness or cover his face out of embarrassment
Once he's finished, Bubba will stand up and pull you into a bone-crushing hug, lifting you up a bit and swaying you around like a ragdoll
You're definitely leaving this trial unharmed
He grabs your hand tightly, marching over to the hatch or exit gates and lets you leave with a goofy wave
The Entity doesn't even punish him for it since his joy was so great it made up for the lack of bad emotions from the survivors
He immediately works on writing a letter for you after the trial is over
The next time you see him, expect another bear hug followed by a letter being shoved in your face
It's messy, sticky, and covered in glitter
Crudely drawn hearts cover the inside as the letters are shaky and almost intelligible
But you can tell Bubba put his whole heart into it
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The Ghostface - Danny Johnson
Instantly smug as hell
"Oh, what's that? That for me?"
He takes it from you and immediately tears it open, tossing the envelope behind him nonchalantly
His mask moves as he visibly reads through the letter, occasionally chuckling and shaking his head
Danny finds this scenario so fucking funny— A survivor having a crush on a killer
After he's done, he looks up at you
"Do you have daddy issues or something?'
He laughs loudly when he sees a hurt expression flash across your face, walking over to wrap an arm around your shoulders
"I'm just messing with ya, cutie"
Danny marches over with his head high to one of the hooked survivors, waving the letter in their face
You stand to the side awkwardly, unable to meet your friend's bewildered look
"Your homeboy is down bad for me. Whaddya think about that?"
The survivor grits their teeth struggling to keep the Entity's claw from puncturing their chest
"I think....Gah!...they.... have daddy issues...fuck!"
You're never living this down
He goes around the map showing off your love letter to the others
After he finishes gloating, Danny hooks you
What? He's the Entity's favorite! He can't his reputation be tarnished
Outside of the trial, he follows you around like a shadow
He deadass interrupts your conversations with the others to tell you he wants attention, and you'd better deliver
Your love letter was basically an invitation for him to claim you as his own, whether you regret it or not
You're his now
Like a housecat that swats at others who get too close to their owner
"That kiss factory better be open, pookie"
He says shit like this in front of any survivor or killer
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dreamauri · 5 months
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♪ — 𝗔𝗡𝗗 𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗬 𝗪𝗘𝗥𝗘 𝗦𝗧𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗠𝗘𝗥𝗦 - part three lando norris x  fem! streamer! reader (fluff) “. . . lando finds himself addicted to playing video games with this girl he cant get out of his head.”
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( fic master list | general master list ) ( requests ) ( previous | next )
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devilsdare03 posted a tiktok
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> replies . . .
user the guy is hooked, good luck devi 👍
user this confirms the suspicions. devi, you are the hottest woman on earth if you got lando norris all smiley like that
user the way he was in the middle of a convo with max and totally forgot the world around him once he saw her and sat up ⤷ user someone tell him her favorite type of flowers fr
mclaren is that our lando?? 😲 ⤷ devi.03 yep, it is
user the smile omg my heart ⤷ user girl just the smile?!! look at the little wave! he’s so cute i cant!
user the way he looks at her tho awwww
user ok but like, lando better ask her out, she went out of her way to go see him ⤷ user better not mess this up, lando norris ⤷ user on god 
user honestly im so glad they finally met, i've been waiting for this moment since december
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
How to approach you, how to approach you, Lando pondered watching you standing at the little bar in the mclaren hospitality, waiting for your drink. "Suck it up." he mumbled, brushing his hand through his hair one last time before walking up to you. He was lucky enough that you wore the merch and the watch he got you, he would’ve thought you were an influencer if you hadn’t run your hand through your hair which showed the richard mille that identified you as you.
Lando awkwardly cleared his throat before asking the bartender for a drink. You looked up from your phone upon hearing the new but familiar voice. The brit in papaya tried to act cool, leaning on the counter and looking out of the glass wall onto the paddock. You smirked, leaning on your forearms as well. Taking a sip from your drink once it was set in front of you, you lightly nudged Lando.
He hummed, turning his head to face you. You shrugged your right sleeve up to reveal the watch. “I think I broke it.” Your words drew a frown from Lando, making him hold your wrist gently to inspect the watch. 
“You haven’t had it for two months.” He scolded trying to find where the fault would’ve been. You held in a smile, watching him put his ear down to listen to the ticks. 
“I’m telling you, man. Every third tick is slower.” Lando furrowed his eyebrows, staying there to see the apparent faulty watch. It was only when he realized you quoted the line from the movie cars did he nudge you with a huff. 
“You scared me. I thought you broke it.” He scolded, taking his monster drink and popping it open with a grumble. 
“I’d never even put a scratch on it.” you assured, nudging his shoulder with a laugh. “This is the first time I’ve worn it anyways, I wanted it to be a special occasion” You sighed happily, admiring the watch. Lando glanced at you while taking a sip from the drink.
“You think this is a special occasion?” he asked quietly, looking the other way as if he saw something when he was just trying to hide his smile. 
“Oh yeah, for sure.” you nodded, giggling. “I finally get to meet Max Verstappen.” the brunette turned to you with a deadpan while you tried to hold in your smile. You both knew you were joking. Lando would’ve thought you were playing a trick on him if you weren’t wearing his ln4 world merch and McLaren cap.
“So,” you pushed off the counter, “P4 for tomorrow's race, you think you can get a podium? A win maybe?” Lando tried to hold in a smile as he followed you, walking with you from the hospitality to the garage. 
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"I'm not letting you stay in a hotel?"
"What? Where should I stay? The curb?" You held your hands up confused. 
"You can't even afford the meal plan!" Lando scolded as he pushed you from behind in the parking lot.
The awkwardness a person would get from meeting someone for the first time didn't last long between you and Lando. It lasted only 30 seconds before you nearly gave the brit a heart attack by telling him you broke the watch. You randomly read it somewhere, it doesn't always work but it sure did this time because Lando was the same silly and funny guy who always butts in asking for a partner or a teammate in a game when he doesn't need one.
"I can just eat out??" You tried to argue not seeing where he was going with the conversation.
"That's wasting even more money!" He scolded, turning you right and letting you hop down the sidewalk into the rows upon rows of cars. 
"What am I supposed to do then?!" you threw your hands up just as Lando stopped to search for the car keys, with you still frozen, hands up in the air.
"Are you summoning god or something?" Oscar mumbled as he walked by. 
"I wish, I think he's going to throw me on the side of a highway or something." you replied, sighing. 
"Dev's staying in my room so I'm sleeping at yours." Lando told Oscar as he pulled the car door open. The aussie paused in his tracks, turning back and looking at you.
"You're dev?" Oscar more like stated before walking away, mumbling something about his girlfriend Lily. When the other papaya driver was out of earshot, you took the opportunity to roughly punch Lando's shoulder. 
"Ow! What was that for?" 
"You're giving out who I am?! What if someone hears? My face would be all over and I'm not gonna be able to set foot in campus!" You scolded him.
"What am I supposed to call you?!" he whisper shouted back. 
"My name, duh." ". . ." "I've spent 5 hours with you, how do you not know my name?"
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
"De- Y/N." Lando corrected himself. After a long night of secretly eating room service pizza in his room and getting up early for the race, you and Lando decided to spend the morning in the paddock. You stopped chewing on the grapes you somehow got your hands on and looked up at him. Lando looked right and left before pulling a box of biscuits from his shirt.
Your eyebrows rose in surprise as you took the box happily, opening it as the boy took the seat beside you. The best thing about this certain hospitality is that there were no current fangirls sneaking around or trying to take pictures. So you and Lando were safe, fighting over cookies with no one noticing or paying any mind.
"I'm the one who got them!"
 "I'm the guest!" you argued back, trying to reach forward and take it back. 
"Yeah, but I'm the driver and I have a big race today so I need it!" 
"You need healthy food! Not carbohydrates—" un-thankfully for you, Oscar came up from the side and took the cookie while both of you were distracted.
He chewed peacefully while you and Lando had a face of utter despair. "It's my home race." he justified, taking another bite. "Also," he pointed the tiny piece of the cookie left at you. "I heard some people are looking for you." Your eyes widened in confusion. 
"Am I getting deported?" Now both of the McLaren boys were looking at you in confusion.
devs03 and landonorris posted on their stories
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credits to proofreading to the lovely @classiclitfreak <3
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bweirdart · 7 months
#mARTch 2024
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text version (with more info!) under the readmore! please check it out if you're confused about anything <3
do i have to draw every day? no!!!! there are skippable days built into the event, please use them whenever you need them! i really don't want anyone getting a wrist injury!
can you share my art? yep! i try to share entries to @bweirdevents daily during the event!! the tags can get busy tho so i might miss some posts OTL sorry
what are the tags? #mARTch is the main tag, but this year you might find posts in #mARTch2024 too!
wait, i'm confused about a prompt... full breakdown of all the prompts below ↓ with helpful hints if you're stuck!
this week is all about your artistic identity ... technically, you don't have to draw anything new this week if you have some art that already fits. the starter days are:
1 ⭐ self portrait who are you? it doesn't have to be you IRL .. if you feel more comfortable drawing a fursona or mascot, that's fine too! if you don't wanna draw, you can also just share old self portraits today and talk about why you drew yourself that way!
2 🤍 inspirations see how this day doesn't have a star? that means it's optional and you don't have to do it at all! but if you really wanna- tell us all about what inspires you to create art! this could be anything from the people that inspire you, the shows you like, the pins on your big messy pinterest board, or concepts that you're drawn to! you can draw something about it, talk about it, or just post your inspirations! anything is fine
3 ⭐ fav thing to draw what do you like drawing most? backgrounds? animals? one specific animal? bust of your oc facing left? cars? the same anime boy over and over and over? no judgement!! show us :)
this is the week we actually start drawing from reference! polished art is not required at all, quick sketch studies are fine! please don't burn yourself out
4 🤍 plant
5 🤍 body
6 ⭐ animal
7 🤍 object
8 🤍 food
9 🤍 face
10 ⭐ hand
these ones are pretty self explanatory! you can do them as realistic studies, or adapt them into your own art style, it's all fine! you can reference from your own photos or from resources on the web.. have fun!
this is the week for playing with palettes and working on your colour theory skills! if you're really struggling with these ones, don't worry about drawing scenes or characters, you can just have fun splashing colours around on an abstract canvas!
11 🤍 RGB a set or primary colours typically used in digital/screen art - red, green and blue!
12 🤍 CMYK a set of primary colours typically used in traditional/print art - cyan, magenta, yellow ... and key (black!)
for both of these days ↑ you can add in black and white. and feel free to combine the two days into one, if you're struggling with a three-colour palette! use all six!
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13 ⭐ WARM COLOURS the warm side of the colour wheel, reds oranges and yellows!
14 🤍 MONOCHROME monochrome doesn't mean black and white ... it means one colour! that can be any colour at all- shades of red, shades of purple, shades of green .. or yeah, grey if you really want!
15 🤍 COMPLIMENTARY complimentary colours are the ones opposite each other on the colour wheel! they're kinda married
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16 🤍 YOUR FAV COLOURS pick any palette that works for you! where's your comfort zone? what looks nice to you? what colour combos do you always go back to?
17 ⭐ COOL COLOURS the cool side of the colour wheel, purples, blues and greens!
this week is all about vibes! try to create something that matches the mood of the prompt .. they're vague on purpose! don't overthink it, just draw from the heart!
18 🤍 SMALL you could draw something that's really small, like an ant .. or draw on a canvas that's really small .. or use a really small brush .. get creative with it!
19 🤍 DANGER try to capture the adrenaline .. the rush .. the fear that you associate with the word danger!
20 ⭐ SOFT soft colours, soft textures, soft vibes ... whatever makes you comfy!
21 🤍 MIDNIGHT darkness and secrecy .. spooky witchy vibes .. the tranquility of a forest at night .. the fun of a late-night party .. there's lots of ways you can take this!
22 🤍 POWER what does this word make you think about? superpowers? control and oppression? literal electrical power? something else?
23 🤍 CHILL chill as in calm? or chill as in cold? who knows .. it's up to YOU!
24 ⭐ LOUD try to draw something that feels LOUD! BRASH! IN YOUR FACE! how can you convey sound through art?
this week is just for enjoying yourself! take it easy and have fun! also .. another reminder! there are skippable prompts! if you're tired and struggling to get to the finish line, please don't hesitate to skip a day!!! or multiple days!! as many as you need!!!
25 🤍 TRY A NEW ART STYLE copy the art style of a show you like, ask a friend if you can try their style, draw the eyes a new way, develop a totally new style on the spot... whatever you want!
26 🤍 DRAW WITH YOUR NON-DOMINANT HAND righties, draw with your left! lefties, draw with your right! ambidextrous nation ... our time to show off!
27 ⭐ DRAW WITH YOUR EYES CLOSED don't peek! try to draw something without looking! if you really want, you can colour it with your eyes open after you draw the lines/sketch with your eyes closed... but please try not to cheat with the actual drawing part!
28 🤍 RE-DRAW SOMETHING OLD find some old artwork you like, or something you feel like you can do better on now, and give it another go!
29 🤍 RE-DRAW A MEME find a silly picture on the internet to redraw .. do you have any in-jokes with your besties?
30 🤍 DRAW A GIFT FOR A FRIEND create something for someone you love <3
31 ⭐ FREE CHOICE final day! you can draw anything you want today! show off your skills! draw something you've been meaning to draw! whatever!
please refrain from reblogging this post after march ends - next year's prompts will be different, thank you! if you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to shoot me an ask!
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illdowhatiwantthanks · 5 months
Coming Out
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Emily Prentiss x fem!reader Warnings: some explicit language, mention of an unsub hurting Emily 😱, vague insinuations of homophobia, mostly fluff on fluff, feat. loyal himbo Derek Morgan Word Count: 2k
Summary: Emily gets injured on the job, and all she really wants is you, her girlfriend. But she's not out to the rest of the team yet. Can she be vulnerable enough to share that part of herself with the team? Can she be vulnerable enough to let you take care of her? Takes place at the end of S3.E2.
Emily dabbed at her head and winced, checking her watch to see if it had been long enough to take more pain medication. But despite getting clocked with a plank of wood, she was glad to be on the jet, glad to be back with her team because they really were starting to feel like her team. Who was she kidding? She loved her job.
According to the pilot, the team would be landing at Quantico in a little over an hour. Emily grabbed her phone, discreetly shoving it into her pocket, before heading to the back of the plane. She needed to call you, but the rest of the team didn't know about you yet. Hell, the rest of the team didn't even know she was gay. It felt too personal, and she'd been hurt by people's reactions–people she loved and trusted deeply–too many times. She played her relationships and her sexuality close to the vest.
Reid tapped Emily's arm as she passed by.
"Oh! Are you going all the way to the back?"
Emily tensed. "Yep."
"Could you bring me a Sprite?"
She felt her shoulders relax, and she patted Reid on the arm. "Sure."
After knocking on the bathroom door to make sure that truly no one was around, she called you, her voice hushed as she rifled through tiny airplane soda cans, looking for Reid's Sprite.
"Hey, Em," you said, your voice bright.
"Hey," she said, a goofy smile spreading across her face. "What are you up to?"
"Nothing much. Saw a street rat earlier. I named him Guillermo. I think he's on the prowl for a girlfriend."
Emily laughed, covering her mouth.
"How was Milwaukee?" you asked.
"Good. Really good. We got the guy. We're on the plane now."
She could nearly hear how smug you were through the phone.
"You're glad you went back," you snickered, relishing in being right. She'd sworn that it wasn't a big deal, that it'd be easy to get another good job, but you knew her heart was with the BAU.
Emily sighed. "I am. You were right."
"You're gonna stay?"
"Looks that way."
"I knew it!" you crowed. "I'm glad. You're too good at your job to quit it."
"Thanks, love. Listen, Y/N, can I ask you a favor?"
"Of course! Anything."
Emily winced, touching the swollen bump on her head. "We land in about an hour. Can you pick me up and stay at my place tonight?"
"Wow." You drew out the vowel, milking the fact that Emily needed you for once. "You missed me that much, huh?"
"Well, yes, of course, but... I, uh... I kind of have a concussion?"
Your tone shifted immediately from smug to concerned. "What?! Why?! What happened!?"
"Unsub hit me with a plank of wood," she admitted reluctantly.
"Jesus Christ, Em! Are you okay!?"
"I'm fine, baby, I promise," she reassured you. "I just got a little banged up, that's all. But I'll need you to wake me up every few hours and make sure I'm cognizant."
"I think I have some soup in the freezer," you observed, your voice far away. You'd put her on speakerphone to rifle through the cabinets. "And I have a thermometer. I don't know, do concussions cause fevers? I've never had one."
Emily shook her head, smiling. She loved that your first response, always, was to take care of her. Emily was not used to being taken care of, and she didn't let many people do it. She certainly wouldn't let many people see it either. But she let you.
"No thermometers needed. Just you and your car and more you when we get home."
"You got it. When did you say you land?"
"In about an hour."
"Okay. I'll leave in a few."
"Oh," Emily added quickly. "And you're cleared to drive into Quantico. They know the car you drive and they've got your ID on file. Just show it to them at the gate."
You paused. "Well, that's a little Big Brother of them."
"I gave it to them a few months ago. Just in case you ever needed to come by. Sorry, I should've told you."
"It's okay," you decided, pulling on a jacket and a beanie. "It feels kind of badass to be on Quantico's list."
Emily laughed, almost excited to have a concussion because it meant you'd be snuggled right up to next to her for however long it took to get better. 48 hours at least.
"Alright, baby," she finished, Reid's Sprite in hand. "I'll see you in a bit."
"Bye, love."
Emily wiped the grin off her face before returning to the cabin with Reid's Sprite–it'd look suspicious if she was too happy coming back.
An hour later, the team was going their separate ways in the parking lot, waving goodbyes and slamming car doors under the buzzing lights.
Emily leaned on the wall outside the building entrance, relishing the crisp night air.
"You need a ride, Prentiss?" Morgan asked as he walked out, used go-bag slung over his shoulder. "You shouldn't be driving" He pointed to her head.
"No, that's okay," Emily waved him off. "I've got– uh... someone's... picking me up."
Fuck, she thought. The concussion was not helping her ability to lie well.
Morgan stared at her suspiciously.
"What?" Emily laughed, trying to act normal.
"Why are you acting shifty?"
"I'm not!" she protested.
Morgan smirked and waggled his eyebrows. "Do you have a secret boyfriend?"
"What?" Emily said, laughing a little too forcefully. "No!"
He crossed his arms and waited. "You're seriously not gonna tell me?"
Emily leaned against the brick wall, rubbing her forehead. On the one hand, she was tired of keeping you–and herself–a secret. And if anyone was going to be supportive of someone on the team getting laid, it would be Morgan. But on the other, did she really know that much about him? She didn't know his religious background. Sure, he'd defend a gay victim, but that was his job. This was personal.
Emily sighed before replying. "I have... I have a secret girlfriend."
The silence felt like it lasted hours, stretching between them until Emily was sure the chasm would never close again, and that with just a few words, just by being herself, she'd ruined any chance of a friendship with Derek Morgan. It wouldn't be the first time. It probably wouldn't be the last.
Morgan seemed to think deeply before leaning against the wall next to Emily, turning to look her in the eye.
"Prentiss, why didn't you tell us you were gay?"
Emily was afraid to look at him, but when she did, her heart soared. He looked at her with nothing but love and respect and appreciation, no hint of hatred or disgust. If anything, he looked sad that she'd waited so long to tell him.
"I don't know," she shrugged. "I don't always get a good reaction."
"Well, you know nobody on this team would have a problem with that, right? Hell, Garcia'd probably hang pride flags everywhere."
"I know," Emily nodded. "I just... I don't think I'm ready yet. For everyone to know. Soon, though."
Morgan nodded, then thought for a few minutes before asking, "Is it serious?"
Emily chuckled. "Being gay? Yeah, I'd say so."
Morgan shoved her shoulder gently, mindful of the day's injuries. "No! The girl! How long have you been seeing her?"
"A little over six months."
"So, it's serious."
Emily grinned. She was glad to have someone to talk to about this. She'd held it so close for so long. She wasn't used to having anyone to tell about you. Maybe Morgan could be that person.
"Promise not to tell the others?"
Morgan put his hand over his heart. "Promise."
"I'd marry her tomorrow if she'd let me."
"Wow." Morgan raised his eyebrows, smiling lightly. "Prentiss is in love," he said, teasing her.
Emily fought a wide smile, but lost in the end. "Oh, shut up. And don't tell anyone. Especially her."
"Your secret's safe with me," Morgan reassured her. And she could tell he meant it. Emily trusted him, she realized. She trusted him to be a good friend, to keep her secrets. She trusted him not to out her to the rest of the team. He'd let her go at her own pace when it came to telling the others.
"She better be amazing," Morgan added. "I don't know how anyone could be good enough for you."
Just at that moment, a pair of headlights crept slowly into the parking lot, hesitant and unsure. It had to be you. Emily stepped forward and waved a bit, then turned to Morgan.
"Well, I'll see you tomorrow?" she said.
"Not with that head, you won't," Morgan observed.
You put the car in park next to the curb and leapt out of the driver's seat, hurrying over to Emily.
"Oh my god!" you exclaimed, anger and concern washing over you. "I thought you you said you were fine!"
You gingerly touched Emily's face and pulled her head down to examine the butterfly bandage above her eyebrow.
"Look at this," you grumbled, more to yourself than anyone else. "It's already bruising." You glared at the butterfly bandage. "Did a doctor do this or you? If it was you, I think we should clean it with rubbing alcohol at home."
Morgan looked absolutely delighted, both because you seemed like a delightful person and because Emily was beet red at being observed with you.
"Y/N, I'm fine," Emily said firmly, grasping your fingers in hers and removing them from her face. "This is my colleague Derek Morgan. Morgan, my girlfriend, Y/N."
You looked Morgan over and immediately decided you liked him. Mostly because you could tell that he really cared about Emily. But also because he looked mischievous, like he'd tease her. And if there was anything you loved, it was teasing Emily. You shook his hand enthusiastically. "It's really nice to meet you," you said. And you meant it.
But you didn't have time to chat with Morgan tonight. You were too worried about Emily.
"You don't look fine," you argued, looking to Morgan for backup. "Does she look fine to you?"
Morgan grinned at Emily, raising his eyebrows. "She definitely looks like she could use some TLC."
"Oh, and she'll get it alright," you assured him, opening the passenger door for Emily. "Shall we?"
Emily bent gingerly to get into the car, and you were careful to guard her head from the ceiling.
"Derek, it was really nice to meet you," you said, shaking his hand one more time for good measure as Emily rolled down the window, staring bullets at Morgan.
"You too, Y/N," he said, looking over your shoulder at Emily. "I hope you all have a very marry evening."
Emily pointed at him aggressively behind your back, mouthing, "SHUT. UP."
"See you, Prentiss," he called as you pulled away. He laughed and called out, "I hope it's a real honeymoon from work!"
Emily's hand shot out the window, flipping him off.
Later that night, your alarm buzzed and you blinked awake. You forgot for a moment that you were at Emily's, but her strong arms wrapped protectively around your waist were enough to remind you where you were.
You turned slowly to face a sleeping Emily, brushing her hair out of her face.
"Em. Hey. You gotta wake up, honey."
She groaned, placing a hand on her head.
"Sorry," you grimaced. "Gotta make sure your brain's alright."
"My brain is fine," she growled.
"Oh, yeah?" you joked, checking the time before shaking a few pills into your hand from the pill bottle on the nightstand. "Who am I, then?"
"The love of my life, Whitney Houston."
You laughed, which made Emily laugh, too. But she quickly doubled over in pain, groaning.
"Here, take these," you said gently, handing her the pills and a glass of water. "It'll help."
She took the pills obediently and lay back down.
"You know," you said, pulling up the blankets to make sure they covered Emily's shoulders. "I may not be Whitney Houston..." You wrapped your arms around her and drew her to you, and she burrowed her head into the space between your neck and your collarbone.
"But I think I'm a close second," you finished, running your fingers rhythmically through Emily's hair.
She sighed contentedly, pressing into you, then moving one of your arms to wrap it more tightly around her.
"Why are you so good to me?" she asked, quiet. You couldn't quite tell if it was a joke or serious, but you'd reply the same either way.
"Because I love you, you nerd."
She leaned up, planting a kiss underneath your chin. "I love you, too."
Within minutes she was conked out again, and you were setting another alarm, ready to do it all over again in a few hours.
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Alastor + apprentice!child!reader
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A/n: this is some practice to get a footing in his character. (Also slight practice on husk as well.)
Reader is kinda scary but means well overall
Not proofread
Y/n ever elusive. Alastor would randomly mention your name in conversations. References your rampages and your sweetness in the same breath. But when anyone would try to quiz him on you further he would act like he didn't know what they were talking about. He might try to claim it's for privacy but it's pretty obvious he just likes messing with hotel members.
Charlie was especially sad that she might never get to meet you. If Alastor was to be believed you seemed really sweet! (And easy to rehabilitate *cough* *cough*) Also cool! You seemed to be an absolute powerhouse. After Al mentioned you Charlie got somewhat mopey. Until he mentioned you visiting the hotel, which piqued everyone's interest.
When you finally showed up, people's interest was at an all-time high. But now it was because the fabled y/n was a child. "It's a pleasure to be meeting everyone!" You were looking at Alastor but were speaking to the whole room. "I've heard so much about all of you!"
"They've also heard much about you too, dearie." Alastor bent at the waist down to your level. "You've become quite the hot topic here!"
As if to prove his point Charlie picked you up and spun you around almost hitting Alastor in the face. He glared at her but remained calm. "Welcome, welcome! Do you want to choose a room to stay in?"
"Sorry, but I'm not planning to stay."
"I know but just for the time being." Charlie clarified. To that, you nodded. Husk snapped his head toward The Radio Demon once both you and Charlie had left.
"Did you really stoop low enough to make a deal with a child?" He was just barely containing his anger. While he didn't particularly care for those he didn't know at least somewhat personally, taking a child's soul was a place he drew a thick line.
"Why of course not!" He said sounding offended but clearly, it was to mock Husk. "They are under my guidance purely by choice!" Vaggie and Husk both said some version of 'you're a liar' in unison. Alastor simply tsked as he walked away.
Niffty seemingly appeared out of nowhere. "Was thas thay y/n?"
After the crew (excluding Husk) let out a yelp, Vaggie spoke, "Yep."
Niffty let out a villain-esque laugh, though that was just her usual laugh, "I've been meaning to talk to them since they scared off a group of bad boys~" She flashed her sharp teeth and held a knife. Angel grabbed the knife and her before she could get very far.
Back with you and Charlie Alastor materialized next to you and you waved at him.
"Hello, sir!" You saluted him as a joke.
"Hello to you too! Have you found a room?" You nodded and entered said room. Charlie looked at him, her face painted with a confused yet kind look.
"They're the one who hurt so many people? Are you kidding? They are so nice."
"You've never seen them in danger." Suddenly as if on queue an explosion was heard. You shot up from your surprisingly comfortable bed and ran downstairs. Pushing both Charlie and Alastor out of the way while also throwing a quick ‘sorry’ their way.
Once you got downstairs the bad boys that Niffty mentioned earlier were spouting something about you. Once they looked at you they pulled weapons out. You grew and your arms turned pitch black with a slight claw shape. With your new size, you were just big enough to grab them to the point of almost cracking bones. Almost.
"Leave." You said with a deep booming voice that came with the size. You threw them and they scrambled. Once they were gone you shrunk back down to your normal size. Niffty pouted and stamped her foot.
Once you turned everyone had varying looks of shock on their face except Niffty and of course, Alastor who was instead proud. "Congrats dear! Would you like some jambalaya?" You nodded.
As you were walking with him Husk grabbed your shoulder, "Um good job kid... If he ever offers you a deal, don't take it." He felt obliged to warn you. If Alastor's moral code was against recruiting kids, he probably would have pounced on the opportunity to take your soul once you were an adult.
You smiled, "I know I know. But what could I even gain out of any deal with him?" You laughed and walked back to Alastor. Huh. Well, you certainly were being tutored by Alastor.
A/n: Y/n got kinda of edgy at the end-
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fanficimagery · 2 years
Girl in the Painting
After taking a closer look at Xavier's paintings, Wednesday realizes he wasn't having dreams of her at all. But she does know the girl in the paintings and she's decided that this one good deed shouldn't kill her.
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Words: 6.6K Author's Note: Wednesday AU. I'm well aware Xavier never had dreams of Wednesday; he just painted her because he'd seen her and "instantly fell in love". For this, however, I'm saying he's dreamt of her, possibly even before she showed up to Nevermore, and she realizes later on she was never actually the center of his dreams. Also, TRIGGER WARNING for mentions of past attempted sexual assault. It's brief.
As the students of Nevermore are packing up and readying themselves for their trips home, a group of girls are sitting around the charred fountain in the courtyard.
"So what are your plans for summer?" Bianca asks, fingers skimming the water. The dark skinned siren smiles when Enid blushes prettily, her gaze immediately darting to the ever stoic Wednesday. She's been wondering, as of late, if Enid's feelings towards Wednesday were leaning towards romantic rather than platonic.
"Going to Wednesday's home," Enid finally says. "Gonna spend a couple of weeks with the Addams' family."
"Yeah? I didn't think our resident living dead girl was into slumber parties."
"It's going to be a blast," Wednesday deadpans. Yoko chuckles, sipping on whatever concoction she's mixed up that satiates her bloodlust. "You two are more than welcome. Apparently the more, the merrier."
"Sorry," Yoko muses, "but the coven's gonna travel all summer. I'm quite looking forward to it."
"Mmm. And as much as I'm loving the new attitude, I got some things to take care of before we come back to Nevermore," Bianca says, her silver eyes glowing just the faintest. She really couldn't wait until she finished this favor for her mother and her new creep of a husband. "Besides, I can't be seen painting the nails of the girl responsible for my break-up with Xavier so soon. I at least gotta make it seem like I've made you sweat."
Wednesday just blinks at Bianca's reasoning, but Enid frowns. "Wait, what? I thought you broke up because Xavier was being his emo artistic self?"
Yoko grins around the straw of her drink. "She wishes."
"I actually found a sketch of Wednesday in his journal before I even knew who Wednesday was," Bianca confesses. "Here. Look." She takes her phone out of her pocket, scrolling through her pictures. "I snapped a pic to see what I could find out online, but shockingly nothing was solved until Wednesday showed up here."
"I find social media to be a soul-sucking void of meaningless affirmation."
"Yep. Sounds like you," Bianca says. "Look. See? He drew this before you even stepped foot behind Nevermore's gates."
Wednesday takes the phone and Enid leans closer to take a look. Both girls scrutinize the sketch, both equally baffled to see who everyone has assumed was Wednesday herself smiling. But just as Wednesday is about to hand the phone back, something catches her eye and she brings the phone closer to her face to scrutinize it.
"I can see why you thought this was me," Wednesday says, "but I assure you, it is not me who's apparently caught Xavier's fancy."
"No?" Bianca huffs. "Sure as hell looks like you."
Yoko nods. "Could have fooled me."
"I thought it was me as well, but this sketch proves me wrong. Look here." Wednesday zooms in on the picture, focusing on the right eyebrow. "You see that scar? I don't have it."
Bianca stares before rolling her eyes and reclaiming her phone. "So Xavier gives you a flaw and you immediately don't think it's you?"
"It is not a flaw. It's a sign of strength." Bianca, and the ever-smiling Enid and Yoko frown at the tone Wednesday has now taken on and the steely glint in her eyes.
"What are you talking about?"
"A couple of years ago, me and my siblings decided to walk into town after a tiring day at school. A group of older teenage boys cornered us down an alley, and they held me and Pugsley back while making us watch as they tore at the clothes on my sister's back. They mocked her tears and promised that whatever they did to her, no one would believe her since even our sheriff hated outcasts like us. They wanted to break her because we were different. But in a bout of bravery that I will forever be proud of her for, she took the small blade our uncle Fester gifted her and stabbed one of her attackers. In return, they hit her in the face with half a brick and fled with their friend."
"Shit." Bianca blinks in surprise. "Is your sister okay?"
"She's fine. They only left her with a scar and a fear of normies. She used to have the social personality that Enid possesses, but now she haunts the halls of our home rather than leaving it. I tried to get her to attend Nevermore, but even I failed in doing so. Xavier's sketch though, it shows her smiling. That tells me she will be okay."
"So… Xavier only thinks he's infatuated with you?" Yoko wonders.
"It appears so. But if I can manage to get him to my home, maybe he'll see for himself it wasn't me he was having dreams of."
Bianca huffs a laugh. "Sounds fun. Now I'm really glad I can't make it to your slumber party. The breakup is still too fresh to see him fawning over someone else. Maybe the time away will do me some good."
"This sounds like my kind of drama." Yoko sighs wistfully. "Too bad I'll have to miss it."
"Yes, well, Xavier did gift me this phone." Wednesday pulls out a sleek iPhone. "Perhaps if I had your number, I could text you updates. Or death threats."
"Done and done. Gimme." Yoko happily takes Wednesday's phone, typing her information into it. Then taking a selfie, she hands the phone to Bianca who does the same, but makes sure Wednesday understands that she doesn't want any updates.
"We're going to have so much fun!" Enid happily bounces in place, accepting Wednesday's phone to type in her own information. "I can't wait to meet your family."
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At 001 Cemetery Lane, a gothic looking manor stands tall and proud behind a sentient gate.
With your fingers running through the dust along the wall, you quietly walk down the hallway as your sister's friend can be heard babbling on and on. Enid Sinclair had shown up only a couple of days ago, her bubbly personality breathing life into your usually dark home. You'd have kept your distance had you not learned she was from Nevermore, but upon learning she was a werewolf, you found yourself leaving your room while there was a guest in your home.
Halfway down the staircase, the doorbell ominously tolls and Lurch appears from the next room over to answer it. You freeze, wondering who would dare walk up to your house.
Lurch opens the door and your breathing ceases for a moment at the sight of a teenage boy standing there. He's around six feet tall, give or take a couple of inches, and he sheepishly runs a hand through his chin length hair.
"Hey, uh, is Wednesday home?" He's staring up at Lurch who's towering over him, nervously tugging at the sleeves of his coat which seem to be torn on one arm. Lurch turns and looks up at you, and you startle when the boy's gaze lands on you. His brow furrows before he smiles. "Hi. I, uh, I think your gate tried to eat me."
Your lips faintly twitch and your heart rate starts to slow. If he knows Wednesday and isn't freaking out too much about Gate, there's a good chance he's from Nevermore as well. "He's temperamental. You need to be quick to avoid his swing." Then without waiting for a response, you turn around and call out, "Wednesday! There's a boy at the door for you."
A small weight lands on your shoulder and you grin at the sight of Thing. He trembles excitedly, tapping and pointing and making gestures as you giggle at his enthusiasm.
"Oh, hey Thing! Long time no see." When you glance back at the door, the boy is now inside your home with the door shut behind him and Lurch nowhere to be found. Thing scrambles off your shoulder and rushes towards the boy, and it's not until the boy squats down to fist bump Thing that you catch yourself admiring how cute the boy is. Immediately you shut that thought down and wipe any form of amusement from your expression. Then when the boy glances back at you, he stands tall and smiles yet again. "I'm Xavier Thorpe," he then introduces himself.
"YN," you deadpan. You hear Wednesday's nearly silent footfalls behind you and nod at him before you take a step back up the staircase. "Enjoy your stay here. Don't touch Mother's plants. They bite."
As you turn around, you're unsurprised to find Wednesday looking right at you. Her eyebrow twitches, your eyes narrow, and you clasp your hands behind your back before marching back up the stairs.
At the top of the staircase, Enid is practically beaming at you. "He's cute. Right?"
"Ask my sister. He's her guest."
"What? They're not-"
But you pay her no mind and trace your steps back to your room.
At the bottom of the staircase, Xavier watches as Wednesday's sister disappears. "How long have you known?" He asks.
"That it was my sister you've been having dreams of and not me?" He gives her a deadpan stare and Wednesday nearly smiles. "Only since our last day at Nevermore. Bianca showed me the first picture you ever drew and the scar in her eyebrow tipped me off. You're welcome."
Enid skips down the stairs, sighing as she approaches her friends. "Well you're going to have your work cut out for you, Xavier. She thinks you're here for Wednesday."
"Technically, I am." He shrugs.
"And now you're here for her," Wednesday says. "Protect her heart. You so much as bruise it and I'll dissect yours."
Xavier blinks in shock and Enid giggles, skipping to his side and hooking her arm with his. "Let the wooing begin."
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Over the past couple of days, you keep your distance from Wednesday's friends. You've heard them around the house, sure, but only managed to really be in the same room as them when you all had dinner as a family. You always sat between Wednesday and Pugsley, across from Enid and Xavier, but your eyes never strayed too far from your plate.
One morning, you have the urge to visit what used to be your favorite part of the manor.
The sunroom towards the back of the manor used to be your space- filled with vibrant flowers, plants, and vines and even a small fountain in the corner. But ever since the incident, you've tried to find solace in the one place you loved, only to have everything you touch wilt right before your very eyes. And now- now the sunroom is filled with black and gray and brown plants.
Finding what used to be a rose, your mother's favorite flower, you pick it up and gently cradle it in the palms of your hands. One of its petals crumbles beneath the pad of your thumb and it takes everything in you to not cry.
"I was wondering where you've been sneaking off to." The voice startles you and you turn to see Xavier standing under the archway of the entrance. His hair is pulled back into a small knot at the back of his head, a few strands left loose, and you quickly squash down the thought that he looks really cute like this. "Sorry," he then apologizes. "I thought you would have heard my footsteps."
"...no worries."
You turn back around, gently laying the dead flower back down. Exhaling softly, you then move towards the door leading outside, unsurprised when you hear footsteps following you. "So this place is… awesome."
You huff a laugh, stopping just inside the door and only peering outside towards the family cemetery. "Believe it or not, it wasn't always like this. I used to be able to breathe life into this room."
"Mhm. Now everything I touch seems to die."
"Oh I wouldn't say that."
"Really? Take a look around, Mr. Thorpe. I did this." Xavier takes a look around, frowning and trying to understand you. Exhaling softly again, you paste on a friendly grin and turn to face him. "If you're looking for my sister, she and Enid have Uncle Fester in the electric chair up in the attic."
He barks out a surprised laugh. "What?"
"He loves it." You shrug. Then as you're walking away, you say, "Fair warning; if Uncle Fester tells you to pull his finger, don't."
"Why? Because his farts are killer?"
"No. Because he'll electrocute you."
You leave Xavier chuckling in your wake, finding it a little easier to be in your sister's friends presence.
Then two days later, it's your turn to find Xavier in the sunroom. His hair is back in the little knot that you couldn't stop staring at, dressed in paint splattered clothes as he stands in front of an easel.
When he catches sight of you, he offers you a smile before he focuses on his canvas once more. You continue walking closer and when he doesn't say anything, you walk around to see what he was inspired to paint. Surprisingly, it's a black and white portrait of your sister sitting behind her cello mid-stroke.
"Oh wow," you breathe in awe. "Xavier, this is amazing."
"You think so?"
When you chance a glance at him and notice the faint pink surrounding his cheek bones, you smile genuinely at him. "Of course. You're really talented."
"Glad you think so." Xavier steps back, looking at his work as he stands side by side with you. "Wednesday, uh, she played the cello one night and it was amazing. No one thought her capable of it."
"Why? Because she's death incarnate?"
Xavier chuckles, bashfully averting his gaze. "Something like that." Then looking at the painting once more, he says, "Your mother saw one of my pieces at Nevermore and asked if I could recreate it so she could hang it here."
You nod in understanding, unable to tear your eyes away from the way Xavier has captured your sister. Then right before your eyes, the painting slowly comes to life- Wednesday's bangs blowing in the wind, one hand pushing and drawing the bow across the cello strings as the other holds down certain strings in a muted song.
You quietly gasp, eyes widening in surprise. You watch in awe before turning towards your companion, only to find him holding his hand out towards the painting with his eyes closed. "Oh." You utter in realization. "You're gifted and then you're literally gifted."
Xavier's eyes open and he nods, eyes sparkling. "I have the gift of animation."
You continue staring at the painting, finding the foundation of your walls quaking and feeling a bit more comfortable in the presence of the boy who has decided to share his power with you.
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You're so used to sitting between your siblings at dinner that you're thrown for a loop when you find Enid in your usual place. Your eyes narrow suspiciously, but Enid and Pugsley merely smile while Wednesday arches an eyebrow at you.
Xavier fidgets nervously in his chair, smiling sheepishly at you. "Come on. I don't bite," he muses as he gestures to the empty seat.
Against your will, you blush.
"Pity," Wednesday drawls. "I think my sister would have quite liked that."
"Wednesday!" Your mortification makes Enid giggle. You nervously take your seat before your father takes your mother's hand, pressing kisses to the back of her hand and all the way up her arm where he then proceeds to mockingly bite her. "Oh my god. You're all so embarrassing."
"They're cute." Enid beams at your parents' affectionate behavior.
"Someone drown me," you mumble.
"Only after dinner," your mother says.
Xavier snorts and you briefly flash him a grin before fiddling with your utensils.
Lurch brings the food out, everyone having a pasta dish with the exception of Enid who'd been brought out a medium-rare steak. You quietly dig in, gaze darting from person to person as the conversation flows around you.
Eventually, when the dessert is brought out, Enid addresses the younger crowd.
"So the cinema is playing a werewolf movie and I really want to go see it and make fun of it. Is anyone else interested in going?"
"Sure." Xavier shrugs. "Sounds fun."
Wednesday sighs. "If I must."
"I have plans with Thing," Pugsley says, smiling apologetically at Enid.
All eyes turn towards you and you fight the urge to shrink in your seat. You gulp, but before you can come up with an excuse to not have to leave your house, your mother is urging you to go. "It sounds like fun, sweetheart. Surely you'd love to go with your sister and friends."
It's been years, darling," your father says. "I think it's time to get back out there. You're not that naive little girl anymore, mija."
You let your mouth close, everyone ignoring Xavier's, "Am I missing something?"
Wednesday's giving you her usual deadpan stare whereas Enid is smiling and nodding, encouraging you to go. Both your parents are smiling, anticipating your answer, but what makes you cave is the fact that a part of you actually wants to go. You want to be somewhat of a normal teenager, being out and about with your sister, Enid, and a cute boy.
Reluctantly, your shoulders sag and you give a nod. "Fine. I'll make an attempt."
"I'll take it!" Enid blurts.
Wednesday looks pleased with your answer and you finish the rest of dinner without uttering another word.
Then the next evening, you're being picky about what outfit you should wear. You'd taken to wearing different shades of black and gray, but tonight you want to look good. All your dresses and skirts are out of the question, and eventually you settle on a pair of burgundy plaid leggings and a black sweater crop top. You fix your hair to your liking and then slip your feet into a pair of black combat boots before lacing them up tightly. Then deeming yourself ready, you shove your phone, cash, and ID into a miniature backpack that is adorned with skulls and crossbones.
Inhaling and exhaling deeply, you finally make your way downstairs.
Wednesday, Enid, and Xavier are waiting for you, and when Wednesday sees you… a smile slowly blossoms as she takes you in.
"What are you-" Enid turns around and her jaw drops. Then she beams and practically hops in place in her excitement. "You're wearing something other than black!"
Xavier turns, his gulp very obvious. "Wow." You think he must've wanted to keep that to himself because he blushes and nervously runs a hand through his loose hair. "You, uh, you look nice."
You arch an eyebrow at him, grinning. "Thanks."
Walking past them, you walk outside to where Lurch is waiting by the car to drive you into town. He hums when he sees you and you wrinkle your nose at him as he opens the back door for you. You climb in to sit on the bench seat directly behind the driver's seat, holding in your surprise when Wednesday and Enid shove Xavier in right behind you. He practically falls into his seat, righting himself as smoothly as he can, and Wednesday and Enid take their seats across from you.
Enid and Xavier keep the conversation flowing with you and Wednesday occasionally humming in response.
After several long minutes of driving, Wednesday is instructing Lurch where to drop you all off. It's a couple blocks away from the cinema, but your sister apparently wants to go for a brief walk. Though the second your feet are on the pavement and Lurch drives away, you freeze.
"Hey. You okay?" Xavier asks.
Your hands are gripping the straps to your backpack and you gulp, subconsciously stepping closer to him when he gently touches your elbow. "Y-Yeah."
"Come on. Wednesday will leave us behind if we linger."
Gently pulling on your arm, you stiffly follow Xavier. Your eyes are peeled for anyone staring, hands tightening on the straps of your bag. The only time you feel yourself exhaling with relief is when Xavier puts himself between you and the street, letting you take the part of the sidewalk that's closest to the buildings.
Enid and Wednesday are walking in front of you, elbows linked, and occasionally Enid giggles over her shoulder when she glances back at you. But you're too paranoid to pay her any mind and try to focus on the silent strength that Xavier is unknowingly offering up.
At the cinema, Enid asks for four tickets to the latest werewolf thriller, and she happily claps when Xavier pays for everyone. At the snack counter it takes everything in you to not bolt or hide out in the bathroom, but you shakily manage to retrieve your own cash to pay for some nachos and a drink.
So far no one's stared or shouted and you find yourself relaxing, especially when you take a seat in the movie room and everyone is paying attention to their people that they showed up with.
Sitting between Xavier and Wednesday, you find yourself breathing a little easier.
Enid has several hot dogs balancing on her lap, Wednesday is chewing on black licorice, and you and Xavier had the same idea to get nachos. He, however, also nabbed several boxes of candy and a bucket of popcorn.
"I hope you choke on a kernel," Wednesday says as she watches him stuff handful after handful of popcorn into his mouth.
You giggle, licking the cheesy goodness from your fingertips and sipping on your drink.
And halfway through the movie, you hear Xavier actually choke. A laugh slips out of your sister before her lips are pressed closed once more, and you offer Xavier your drink. Sharing a straw doesn't bother you, so you nod in reassurance as he stares at it.
For the rest of the movie, you and Xavier share your drink. And when you run out, he quickly leaves the darkness of the room to get you a refill.
After the movie, you're standing outside in front of the cinema as Enid talks about the horrible cosmetics they used to portray a werewolf. Wednesday is tapping away on her phone before she puts it away, cutting Enid off mid rant and giving her a nod. She squeals and happily claps her hand, and you stare at them in confusion.
"There's a fair going on," Wednesday says. "Enid wants to go."
You slowly tense up. "Oh."
The bubbly werewolf's smile falls. "But if that's too much for you, we don't-"
"No. It's fine," you assure her. Your hands are back to gripping the straps of your backpack. "We can- we can go."
Enid is back to happily clapping, but Wednesday curiously studies your demeanor. And when she sees you're not about to have a meltdown, she turns and follows after her friend.
"We can always hang out front of the fair if you really don't want to go in," Xavier says. You startle, somehow having forgotten he was there. "I don't mind waiting with you."
"It's okay. Really." Your smile is shaky as you look up at him. "Just, uh, maybe don't leave me alone in there?"
"Stick by your side. Got it." Xavier grins as he offers you his elbow and you're quick to latch on. "I'll even win you the ugliest prize we can find if you're up for it."
You chuckle and let him lead the way, occasionally glancing up at him. "Christ, I forget how tall you are sometimes."
"I'm not tall, you're just really small."
"Ha. Ha."
When you eventually make it to the fair, Xavier hesitates with you as you warily glance around. Then taking a deep breath, you press on and practically make yourself flush against his side. You walk around for a bit, smiling when you see Wednesday and Enid pass you by, Enid already holding tightly to a stuffed unicorn.
As you're walking around, your eyes are drawn back to a green and black dragon that's about half your size. Xavier must notice because he decides to try his hand at basketball in order to win the prize and it takes him four tries to win it.
You don't know what it is about Xavier that makes your guard start to drop, but you find yourself smiling and laughing a bit more easier. He tries winning a panda next, but in between his dart throwing, he notices as you keep your back to the game and are staring from side to side.
You're too distracted to notice he's watching you, your arms wrapped around your dragon as you nervously chew on the bottom corner of your lip. He sighs a little dejectedly, turning around so he can see where you're staring off to. "So who's the lucky guy… or girl?"
"Excuse me?" You look up at him, brow furrowed in confusion.
"You keep glancing around." He faintly grins. "Are you waiting for someone?"
You study his features, eyes subtly widening when you notice something. Was that- was that jealousy clouding his expression? "Wednesday didn't tell you," you then mumble in awe. You for sure thought he knew why you never left your home. After all, Enid did.
"Tell me what?"
You gulp, glancing at the carnie listening in to your conversation. "Let's go for a walk. I'll fill you in." Shakily exhaling, you gesture for Xavier to follow. Side by side, he walks with you with his hands tucked away in the pockets of his coat. "A few years ago, Wednesday, Pugsley, and I were attacked by a group of normies. It… wasn't a pleasant experience for me and it's actually how I got this," you say while gesturing to the scar on your eyebrow. "They were ripping- uh, they were ripping off my clothes, so I stabbed one of them." Your breath hitches and when you chance a glance up at Xavier, you find that his jaw is clenched. "I stopped them from doing that to me, but they managed to hit me with a brick before they ran away."
You make it a few more steps before you're being tugged to a stop and then Xavier is walking to stand in front of you. Gently cupping one side of your face, you manage to hold back a flinch when his thumb brushes over your scar. "You're safe with me. You know that right?"
"I'm starting to realize that."
"That was a shit thing those normies did and I'll be damned if they do anything on my watch." When you meet his gaze, he offers you a small smile. "Now let's go win Wednesday the brightest stuffed animal we can find and make her take a picture with it."
Slowly smiling, you chuckle. "Okay."
And by the end of the night, you and Xavier have won the most terribly bright and fluffy stuffed animals, shoved them near Wednesday's face, and had Enid hurriedly snap a picture of your glaring sister.
You're smiling and skipping alongside Enid towards a waiting Lurch, laughing with all the stuffed animals crammed between your arms and bodies before crawling into the idling car.
For once, in a very long time, you've had fun and didn't worry about any normies looking in your direction.
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Xavier's just got off the phone with his father when a familiar song being played on the cello draws him towards Wednesday's room. The door is open, the room is empty, but there's another door that leads out to a balcony.
Following the music, he's not surprised to find Wednesday playing Paint It Black while Thing turns the sheet music for her. Gomez, Morticia, Pugsley, and Enid are also on the balcony, staring at something down below.
"What's going on?" He asks, stepping closer to the railing.
Enid glances at him, beaming. "Take a look for yourself."
Xavier glances down, gaze falling to the gazebo that's been strung up with white fairy lights. But what draws his attention is the twirling figure inside the gazebo, adorned in a black leotard and a multicolored tutu. His jaw subtly drops. "She dances?"
"She dances." He looks over at Morticia Addams, tears glistening in her eyes. "It's been years since she's put on her slippers though."
"This week and a half with you and Enid have brought our daughter back," Gomez says. "Thank you."
Paint It Black fades into Nothing Else Matters and a majority of the white lights darken into purple. Xavier is entranced by the way you twirl on the tips of your toes, the stretch of your neck whenever your head is thrown back, and the long stretch of your leg when you twirl on the tips of your toes only on one foot.
As the music fades out, Enid breaks out into applause.
Your head snaps up at the sound of clapping, chest heaving, and your face burns when you see everyone watching you. Your little brother whistles as he claps too, but it's your parents' beaming and tearful expressions that keeps you from fleeing. Well them and Xavier who looks more than a little awed.
So before you do take your leave, you give them a little bow and then rush back inside the house.
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Sitting on the floor in the middle of the sunroom, you're staring at the lockscreen on your phone. You never saw when the picture was taken, but apparently Enid had been keeping tabs on you and Xavier when you were at the fair, and now it was one of your favorite pictures.
In the picture, you and Xavier are walking side by side, one of your arms wrapped around your stuffed dragon with the other arm looped through his. You're looking up at him and he down at you, both of you smiling. But what made you grin at the picture the most was the height difference between you and Xavier. Enid was spot on when she described you two as tall and smol.
Hearing approaching footsteps, you block out your screen and climb to your feet… and speak of the devil.
Xavier walks in, smiling. "Knew I'd find you here."
"Did you now?" Walking over to a bench seat, you gesture to the space beside you. "What's going on?"
"Nothing. Just wanted to see if you were up to going into town. The cinema is showing this new cheesy horror flick and I thought you might be interested in going before my time here is up."
"Oh. Uh, yeah." Your heart starts to hammer in your rib cage. Could this be a- "Just us or are Enid and Wednesday waiting for us out front?"
"Just us?" His answer is more of a question, his cheeks tinting pink the longer you stare.
Eventually you grace him with a bashful smile. "Sure. I'd like that."
"Yeah." You laugh. "Are- are we leaving now?"
"Yeah. We can, uh, window shop and all that fun stuff before the movie."
Warmth surges through you, at the thought that Xavier wants to spend time with just you. You're not sure if this is actually a date, but you're looking forward to one on one time without a family member lurking around the corner. "Alright. Let me just go get a bag." As you stand up to leave the room, a vine falls over the entrance. But not just any vine- a vibrant green vine that hadn't been there moments before.
"Huh." Xavier huffs. "That's the first colorful plant life I've seen in this room."
Your eyes widen and you glance all around the room, taking notice how the dead plant life isn't looking quite so dull anymore. "No way," you breathe in awe. Turning towards where the fountain sits, you rush over and pick up one of the dead water lilies. Cradling it in the palms of your hand, you notice a couple of changes in the once dead flower. Feeling Xavier walk up beside you, you ask, "Remember how I said I used to be able to breathe life into this place?"
"Watch." Bringing the water lily closer to your face, you let your eyes fall shut as you inhale deeply. Then slightly pursing your lips, you blow out slowly and you can feel the water lily coming back to life right there in the palm of your hands.
"Wow." Your eyes open upon Xavier's exclamation. "And here I was thinking you had a green thumb or something. Not that you actually breathe life into them."
Huffing a laugh, you blink your tears away and gently lay the water lily back in the fountain. "I haven't been able to do this for years. I guess I had a mental block and then you- you and Enid show up and I feel more at peace than I have in a while." You step up on the side of the fountain then, turning towards Xavier as you smile. "Thank you." Then leaning in, you press a kiss to his cheek.
He suddenly turns bashful, angling his face downward so his hair shields his blushing cheeks. "I never realized how small you were."
"Shut up. You're just freakishly tall."
As Xavier glances at you through his curtain of hair, you wrinkle your nose at him and then hop off the fountain siding less you do something to ruin the moment.
Like kiss him on the lips rather than the cheek.
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Spending the day with Xavier alone goes so much better than you had expected, so much so that you find yourself incredibly sad the day he is set to leave. It was clear to your entire family that something had shifted between the two of you when you'd come back home, hand in hand with a never-ending blush staining both your cheeks.
Enid was more than ecstatic and Wednesday took to sharpening her short swords whenever possible.
You're in the sunroom, clipping roses with your mother when Xavier walks in. In hand, he has a covered canvas.
"I have something for you," he tells you. "But I'm sure your mom is going to take ownership of it after she sees what it is."
You smirk at him, setting down your clippers and walking over to him. Your mother isn't far behind. "Did you paint me something?"
"I did." His hands dig into his pockets after his hands are free when you take the gift from him. You stare at the covered canvas, trying to figure out what it could possibly be. "You inspired me the other night and I just had to capture the moment."
You glance up at him, eyes narrowing though you continue to smile, and pull the cover off your painting. Your mother's delighted gasp is what makes you glance down and you're struck speechless.
The painting… is of you.
Specifically you dancing in the gazebo with the only color in the painting being that of your tutu.
"Xavier, this is…" You trail off, staring in awe. A moment passes and he brings the painting to life. Your mother starts to clap, even more delighted now as the miniature version of you dances away. "This is amazing. Thank you."
"I must show your father. This is just splendid." Your mother takes the painting, but not before gently grazing her nails along Xavier's jaw and smiling at him. "Thank you, young Mr. Thorpe."
"Y-You're welcome, Mrs. Addams."
Your mother sighs wistfully before glancing at the painting and then leaves the two of you alone. As soon as she's out of your sight, your hands are reaching for the lapels of Xavier's coat, his hands are clinging to your waist, and he's leaning down to meet you in a kiss.
You giggle when his hair falls forward to tickle your face and it makes Xavier smile.
"We really should have started this sooner," he says as he hesitantly straightens himself out. "I'm gonna miss you while I'm at Nevermore."
"What if… what if you didn't have to miss me?" You ask, your hands smoothing down the wrinkles you'd made on his coat.
"What if I came to Nevermore?" He's quiet a little too long for your liking and you start to feel like maybe you read too much into whatever you two were. "Or not. I just thought-"
"Are you kidding me?" You barely manage to hold back a wince and Xavier's sudden laugh has you wanting to crawl into a hole. But when you chance a glance up at him, his expression is not what you were expecting. He's actually excited! "You're going to Nevermore?!"
You shrug, grinning sheepishly. "Mom's been talking to Principal Weems. I have a meeting with her in a couple of days to see whether or not I'll be a good fit."
"Hell yes." His smile is boyish and you can't help but giggle. "You'll make it in. I know it."
"I hope so. I love my parents, but they're not the greatest of teachers."
"You're gonna love it. I can introduce you to my friends and show you all the cool hang out spots. We can-"
"Xavier. Xavier!" You laugh, trying to talk over his excitement. "We don't even know if I'll get in."
"I'm telling you, you will. And if Principal Weems denies you, I'm pretty sure Wednesday will bug her until she grants you a place at the school."
"Oh. I forgot what going to school with a sibling was like." This time, you do wince. "People are going to dread another Addams roaming the halls, aren't they?"
"Some will." He grins. "But once they get to know you, they'll grow to like you."
You sigh but end up shaking your head in amusement. "If I do get in, how shocked do you think everyone will be if Wednesday's sister shows up dressed like Enid?"
"You'll confuse the hell out of everyone. Do it."
"I will. Now come on. We got away with one kiss. I have a feeling if another happens, a dagger will whiz by out of thin air."
"Xavier." The boy in question flinches as your sister pops up out of nowhere. "Your ride's here. Stop sucking my sister's face and go home. You'll see her soon enough."
He rolls his eyes, even as you laugh in the face of your sister's glare. "Always a pleasant encounter, Wednesday."
"Not really."
He huffs and glances back down at you, his gaze falling to your lips. But before he can get carried away, Wednesday's grunting and dragging him away. "Okay. Okay!" He laughs.
"You're gross. I never should have introduced you two."
You follow after them, trailing behind until you're standing under the archway of your front door. Wednesday pushes him down the steps and he walks to the car that Lurch is putting his suitcases in. He offers you one last look, one last smile, and one last wave before climbing into the vehicle his father had sent for him.
Once the car drives out of the gate, Wednesday turns towards you. "Are you happy?"
"Uh, yes?"
She quietly groans. "And here I was preparing Enid to hide a body in the family cemetery. She'll be let down that all that studying was for naught."
You bark out a laugh. "Stop corrupting Enid, Wednesday."
"Never." Her lips twitch in amusement. "Now come on. Let's go visit Principal Weems."
"But my interview is still a couple days away."
"So? She needs to be kept on her toes. She'll have to grow used to having two Addams' in her school."
"If you say so."
"I do."
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the-broken-pen · 4 months
Hello! Heard you were open for writing request? Had this idea in mind about a villain who's Russian and a hero who's falling for villain's accent? Maybe a bit of flirty banter as they fight 👀 your choice tho! Have a fun spring break ☀
The hero was pretty sure the villain was actually trying to kill them this time.
“Hey, don’t aim for the face, okay? It’s the money maker.”
The villain raised one eyebrow–and aimed for the hero’s face.
“Oh come on,” the hero groaned. “That’s just uncalled for.”
“Really? Is it now?”
If the hero had better judgment, they would have said something snarky back, or attempted to get the upper hand. Instead, in a move uncoordinated and wrought with embarrassment, they tripped over their own feet and blushed.
The hero was used to pretty. They were used to gorgeous.
But they had never expected to be attracted to someone’s accent of all things, and it was driving them mad.
“Yep, pretty sure it is,” they managed. They had to dodge halfway up the wall to avoid the villain’s next blow.
“You’re awfully chatty today,” the villain said, and the hero was going to lose their mind–
“Is this affection?” The hero blurted, and contemplated throwing themself off the building to spare both of them. “Because it feels like affection.”
“I don’t know,” the villain shrugged. Their mouth tipped up slightly, gone in a flash between one second and the next. “Do you want it to be?”
The hero froze. “You–I–” and found themself blinking up at the sky, the villain’s hand around their wrist. “Did you just judo flip me?” They wheezed, and the villain grinned.
“You’re blushing.”
“Yeah, because you just knocked the wind out of me. Excuse me for going red with oxygen loss–” the hero cut themself off with a cough, lungs protesting every word, and tugged the villain down to crash into the pavement beside them.
“Let me rephrase; You’ve been blushing this entire time.”
“It’s cold.”
“It’s July.”
“A very cold July.”
“If you’re going to lie,” the villain said, and truly, the hero was lucky they hadn’t had a knife pulled on them yet, “Do it well.”
The hero buckled the villain’s knees. Petty? Yes.
Satisfying? A good reprieve to try and get the blush that flared every time the villain spoke to subside? Also yes.
“Real smooth,” the villain rolled their eyes, pushing themself to their feet. “So, what is it.”
“Was that a question, or–”
“My winning personality?”
The villain was studying them with far too much care.
“Aren’t you supposed to be robbing a bank or something?” They said half-desperately.
“Smile? Laugh?” The villain paused for a moment, catching the hero’s punch as if it was nothing more than a mosquito–which was insulting, to say the least–before their face cleared of any confusion.
“Ah,” the villain said, and oh the hero was so screwed, because they knew that look. That look appeared regularly in their dreams. It was the villain’s signature ‘I figured something out and I’m going to use it to do nefarious things’ look. Their ‘I’m smarter than you and I’m about to prove it in an effortlessly ruthless maneuver’ look.
The hero saw it far too often.
“‘Ah’ what.”
The villain, damn them, grinned, releasing the hero’s hand.
Any air that the hero had managed to regain after the judo flip escaped from them like they were a sinking ship.
“I’m right, aren’t I?”
“No,” the hero said, cursing every single moment of their life that had led up to this one. Maybe they really should have become a lawyer– “I’m just flabbergasted by how dumb that sentence was.”
Flabbergasted. Flabbergasted. Who the hell says flabbergasted?!
“This is cute,” the villain remarked as they drew a knife. They gestured with it towards the hero’s undoubtedly fire engine red face. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this flustered.”
“I’m not flustered, I’m–”
“Flabbergasted?” The villain suggested wryly, and truly, the fact that this situation was funny in a hopeless and pathetic way was not helping. The accent absolutely was not helping either.
The hero truly had nothing to say to that, staring at the villain, the two of them impromptu statues.
“You like me,” the villain teased. “And my accent.”
The hero was not proud of what they did next.
Considering their life, it wasn’t the worst thing they had ever done out of embarrassment.
A close second, though.
The villain smirked, and in a move far more elegant than they had ever thought themself possible, the hero slid under the villain’s arm, snagging the knife from the villain’s hand as they went—and planted it into the villain’s side.
The villain blinked, hand going to their side. The hero blushed—
Finally, in the single coherent thought they had managed in seemingly their entire life, they did something not embarrassingly pathetic.
The hero bolted away, into side streets and alleys, to the sound of the villain’s pained and endlessly amused laughter.
“Real smooth,” the villain called after them, voice echoing between the buildings. “You’re handling this quite well.”
The villain was never going to let them live this down.
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senjuci · 6 months
A Chance Encounter - Iwaizumi Hajime
If there was anything you knew for certain, it was that you hated Mondays. You had back-to-back lectures all morning, and all you wanted to do was curl up and rot in your bed for the next 3 to 5 business days. 
But instead, you had to head down to an appointment at the Athletic Therapy Centre on campus. Your gaze lifted from your phone to see a small group of your teammates huddled by the entrance.
“Y/n!” A voice called out, your gaze shifting over to where Kori stood. You smiled, walking over to the woman and stopping at her side. “Is everyone just waiting here for their appointments?” You questioned, receiving a nod in response as your eyes drifted over to the doors leading to where all the athletic trainers were. 
A woman stepped out holding a clipboard and gently tapped her pen against it before looking over the crowd. “Y/n L/n, Kaito Suzuki and Kori Brown?” The woman stated the three athletes shuffled over to follow her inside. 
“We have to do this every year, I stopped growing when I was like 17, I don’t need them to measure my height again.” Kaito scoffed as he crossed his arms over his chest, leading to a snort falling from your lips. 
“That’s because you’re worried about finding out you’ve shrunk Mr. 5’4.” You replied, receiving a glare in response from Kaito, and a laugh from Kori. A soft grin was still present on your face as you looked around and took in all the new faces that had joined this year. Lots of sports science and kinesiology students would do internships for the school year in the department, so it was no surprise to see a lack of familiarity heading into the room. 
It didn’t take long for your eyes to land on him. There was quite frankly, no way he was real. He looked like he had been sculpted by the gods. His tanned skin, short spikey brown hair and olive green eyes. But what drew you in most was his smile. The way his eyes crinkled slightly as he laughed, you were sure your heart skipped two, no three beats at that sound. 
“I’m in love Kori.” You state simply, Kori rolling her eyes in response. “You don’t even know his name Y/n.” She responded as you shrugged your shoulders. “That’s okay, whatever it is I’m sure it will sound good with mine.” You say, Kori shaking her head as she hears one of the doctors call her name and leave you standing in the middle of the room by yourself. 
It didn’t take long before you locked eyes with the man, a slight look of confusion in them as he noticed you staring. But after a small glance over you, and seeing the blush that rose to your cheeks, he gave you a small smile before returning to his conversation. 
“Y/n? You’ll be with me today.” Dr. Brennan, one of the Athletic Therapists whom you had worked with the year prior had said. Nodding in return, you walked over to where she stood, taking a seat on the bed. “How have you been? You have been keeping up with your practices over the summer?” She questioned, not fully paying attention to you as she flipped through the file with your name on it. 
“Yep, been doing my stretches too don’t worry.” You respond and receive a smile from the woman. “Good. Now, you said you were also having some wrist pain as of late, so I have left a bit of room after the assessment to check that out,” She explained as she looked up at you, "But as you have probably assumed I have a new student interning with me this semester, and he’s going to be helping with your assessment if you’re comfortable with that.” Dr. Brennan explained as you nodded your head in response. 
“Perfect. Hajime? Can you come help me?” She called out, a yes maam being yelled in return from somewhere behind her as the Doctor stood up. “Y/n, this is Hajime Iwaizumi, my intern. Hajime, this is Y/n L/n, they’re on the fencing team.” The doctor explained, your gaze lifting to be met with the man from earlier. You could see the slight smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. 
“Nice to meet you Y/n. I look forward to working with you this season.” Hajime stated as you gave him a smile in response, your heart beating so loud you could hardly hear his words. “Likewise.” You state, your gaze drifting back over to the doctor. 
Normally, you hardly ever have issues talking to people. You were quite a social person, and easily got along and made conversation with anyone you met. But Hajime Iwaizumi? He was like your fucking Kryptonite and you had only known of his existence for what, three, four minutes? 
Hajime, why don’t you take them to the stadiometers?” The doctor suggested as Hajime nodded, gesturing for you to get off of the bed and follow him. Silently, you trailed behind the man admiring his physique from behind as the two of you arrived at the tool. “Stand underneath it with your back straight please,” Hajime asked as you stepped forward and straightened your back, watching as Hajime gently lowered the small weight down so it would rest on top of your head and he could read the results. 
Your gaze stayed trained on him, watching as he bit his lower lip slightly while reading the results and jotting them down. His gaze had yet to lift from the paper when he spoke up once more. “You know, with the way you keep staring at me it gets a bit hard to focus.” He told you, glancing back up to meet your eyes. 
You smiled widely in response, waiting until he lifted the weight up so you could step off of the Stadiometer. “I only stare when there’s something worth looking at.” You tell him in response, watching as his cheeks become dusted with a rosy hue. He is silent for a moment, turning back around before gesturing for you to follow. “Let’s head back to record your results.” He told you, a small giggle falling from your lips as you followed him. 
The appointment had gone much too quickly, and you had been prescribed some cream for your wrist as well as some stretches to do to increase your wrist flexibility. Dr. Brennan had already moved on to another one of your teammates, leaving Hajime to write up the exercises on a sheet of paper for you on the other side of the room. 
You watched him quietly, kicking your feet back and forth while you sat on the bed waiting. Hajime set down the pen, straightening up before walking back over to you, keeping his gaze trained on the desk just in front of you. 
Walking up to you, he cleared his throat and held out the paper, his head turned to the side as he spoke. “Here are the stretches I would recommend for you to do. 3 repetitions of them each day. If you have any questions about them, you can either email Dr. Brennan…” he suggested to you, a hesitancy in his tone as he trailed off “Or you can text me.” He stated. 
You gently took the paper from him, seeing that he had added his name and phone number underneath the prewritten email signed on all of Dr. Brennan’s papers. If it was possible for your cheeks could’ve gotten any more red, they did. “Thanks, I’ll make sure to.” You reply as you stand up picking up your bag that you had placed on the ground earlier. “Bye Hajime.” You mused, the man giving you a relieved smile as he waved goodbye. 
You quickly made your way to the entrance, seeing Kori already there waiting for you, but you didn’t say anything. Instead, your eyes were glued to your phone as you typed in Hajime’s number into your contacts and quickly sent him a text. 
‘I’ve already forgotten how to do a few of the stretches, would you mind showing them to me again?’
After clicking send, you see Kori looking at you with a raised eyebrow. “What’s got you in a good mood?” She questioned as you sighed in response. “I just met my future husband. That’s all.” You tell her as she rolls her eyes. “Yeah, whatever you say Y/n.” Kori tells you, as you feel a buzz in your back pocket from your phone. 
Grabbing it, your face lights up as you read the incoming text from none other than Hajime.
 ‘How does 8pm tonight sound? I can refresh your memory over dinner.’
Maybe Mondays weren’t so terrible.
This is my first fic I know she is rough on the edges but I've had this scenario rotting in my head for like months at this point
Likes and Reblogs are so so appreciated!!
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zoropookie · 8 months
thing i wrote #1
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You quickly headed out of your room an hour later to meet with your boyfriend in the main room, sitting in front of his legs as your legs folded beneath you.
Eyes fixated on his position, Wanderer's detached indifference only allowed you to bore your eyes into his soul until it burned holes. His leg was crossed over the other as he scrolls through his phone, irritating you with his practiced nonchalance.
Ever since you and him had a fight this morning, you both had trouble even speaking to each other after. The tension of the home was so thick that your daily visit from one of your best friends was cut short. You two fight a lot, but usually it doesn't get too bad until one of you walks off.
"I know you see me here."
"Yep," Wanderer replied simply, holding no interest or significance to your behavior.
The silence started getting stale to you, and your eyes dulled. "Are you not going to ask if I need something?"
"You would've said something already," Wanderer remained unfazed, until he caught his eyes lifting away from the screen to meet yours. With a barely audible exhale, he let out a weary sigh. "What?" He asked rigidly.
His face was neutral at best, betraying no hint of emotion as it settles on you. You wanted to start chaos with the way he spoke to you, but with the serenity of his deep violet shade of eyes, you felt a sense of resignation wash over you. "Keep looking at me."
As he scrunched his eyebrows at your request, you stiffened up to speak again. "When my grandmother would see that I'm really upset, we would stare into each others eyes and tell each other what we like about the other person."
A small scoff left his lips as he drew back his attention. “And you think that solves our problems? Staring at each other for thirty minutes?”
“It helps collect my thoughts when I’m staring at a person I love. If you're in front of the person you love, you naturally try your best to protect their feelings. I want to try it with you.”
"If you really want to protect my feelings, stop annoying me. Go do something worth your time." He simply responded, before he turned his phone back on. But thinking about it more, why would he not be worth your time?
He faltered while he was thinking, and his attentiveness immediately turned back to you, and with a deliberate movement he sets the phone down. He shifts his weight from the sofa, inching closer to you until he's on the floor with you.
There was a silent acknowledgement between you two. Despite how close you two were, there was a linger of air that left both of them unspoken for.
The look in your boyfriend's eyes was neutral, but you knew that there was a sliver of intensity in his head. You found solace in the fact that despite his struggle, he was still trying. The frustration that nestled in your veins softened, and all that was left was your soft features.
"I don't see the point of this." Wanderer broke the silence.
"Just keep doing it."
His gaze was in and out, but the more that he was sitting here, the more that he was reflecting on everything, the harder it was to stay stagnant in his icy demeanor. His shoulders dropped slightly, and he draws himself deeper into your gaze, losing himself slightly.
It was a scary feeling to him, but it made it all the more tempting. He is...reminded of simpler joys they share.
His foreign allure was magnificent in your eyes, you looked at every pore, every single detail over and over, and nothing could ever prepare you for seeing him close up. His ethereal face, an effortless elegances accentuating his features. His violet eyes, like hued pools reflecting yourself.
You lost yourself in them, and with the silence between them that spoke volumes, his eyes seemed to be a little more relaxed looking at you too.
A smile accidentally grazed your lips, and once his eyebrows rose, you took a sharp breath in. "You're really pretty."
Taking in the compliment, it was his turn to take a deep breath. It was a quiet once, still with confidence but more assurance than what he was used to. "I'm sorry."
You yearned for him, despite his struggle to apologize. Your hand reached out to brush a stray strand of hair that was in the way of his face. "I'm sorry too."
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phantompanties · 1 month
Body Art
Relationships: incubus oc (Lucius) x chubby!fem!reader
Summary: this is a self indulgant work because I'm a girl thats a little on the chunkier side and I've suffered body dysmorphia my whole life. I hope other chubby girlies can feel comforted by this work like how it comforts me. Also this is based off that drawing I did of the chubby reader in the lingerie this is what I said i was cooking lol
Tags: mentions of toys, body writing, comfort, mentions of body dysmorphia, oral sex, vaginal sex, body art, lingerie, switch dynamics, creampie, soft ooey gooey sweetness, laughter during sex, lucius being a huge goof
Length: 3.3k words
You stirred awake from the late morning sun shining through your window, and when you woke up, you noticed quickly that Lucius wasn’t there in your face or by your side like usual. It wasn’t uncommon, sometimes you woke up and he was in another room doing chores or making a silly art piece out of popsicle sticks and a deck of cards, but when you went to look for him, he wasn’t home at all. He didn’t carry a phone, so you couldn’t call him to ask where he was. Your question was answered when you found a little note stuck to the fridge with a heart-shaped magnet. It read: “Good morning, my love! I hope you slept well. I went out grocery shopping since we’re running low on some things. I’ll be home soon! XOXO your Lucius
Ps, I’m going to buy a few gifts for the both of us as well. I hope you’ll like what I bring home =;)”
You snorted, admiring the way he drew his little smiley faces with his horns. He was such a goof. You decided to make yourself some tea and sit on the couch for when he returns.
Around half an hour later, the lock of your front door clicked open, and in ducked your boyfriend in his human disguise, carrying tons of bags in one trip. His teal eyes lit up at the sight of you sitting on the sofa and he grinned wide. “Darling! You’re awake! How was your sleep?”
You put your cup down and came over to greet him. “Hi, Luci.” you stood up on your toes and he bent down for a kiss. “I slept fine. Are these all the bags?”
“Yep. I got everything on the list and a few extra things. Oh! And our presents.” he says the last part with a sing-song voice and holds up a pretty sizable black bag.
“Ooh, it’s heavy,” you say, weighing the bag in your hands. “What’d you get?”
“Patience, darling,” he says, putting all of the bags on the floor. “Let’s get all of this in the kitchen before we go through our spoils.”
You giggled. “Okay.”
After putting all of the groceries away, Lucius, now in his true form, excitedly led you to the living room with the black bag.
“Okay, so, context… you know when you said you wished you had some more toys the other night?”
“Is this whole bag filled with sex toys?” you ask, mouth agape.
“Yes! I picked out things especially for both you and me to use together!” he says with practically heart-shaped eyes. I got all of that and something extra special for you! Open it up!”
You pulled the bag closer to you, opening it up and pulling things out one by one. There was a small selection of dildos varying from reasonably sized to downright monstrous—he assured you that those were mostly for him unless you wanted to work towards using them one day—a couple of vibrating plugs, a rabbit vibrator—to which he said “the best for my bunny”—fuzzy handcuffs, a heart-shaped spanking paddle, a hank of black silk rope, a multi-coloured pack of skin safe graffiti markers for body writing, and most surprisingly, a strap-on. You blushed at this. “A strap?” you asked him.
“I did say I bought things for both of us.” he giggles, kissing your cheek.
You giggled, flustered. “O-oh, okay… gosh, so many new things to try…”
“And that’s not even the best part!” Lucius exclaims, looking like he was so excited he could explode. He pulled out a sleek box from a bag, handing it to you like it was Christmas morning.
You opened the box and gasped at what dwelled inside. It was a set of leather lingerie adorned with a zipper on the bra and the crotch of the panties with lace along the trim of both, leather thigh garters, and to top it off, a black leather collar with a big metal ring attached.
Lucius looked like hearts could pop out of his head. “Do you like it? When I saw it I immediately thought of how adorable you’d look! I might be biased because of my love of leather, but ahh, I can’t help it!”
“It’s beautiful Lucius, thank you…” you say, holding up the bra.
“My favourite part are the zippers.” he giggles, hugging you and swaying side to side. “It means I can ravage you without needing to take anything off! They’re so perfect…”
You flushed at the sinful thought of him unzipping the panties and taking you with them still on.
“Darling…” Lucius purrs.
“What?” you ask.
Lucius gave his best set of puppy eyes, clasping his hands to beg. “I really want to see you wearing them… pretty please? I’ll do whatever you want for a whole year…”
You snorted. “You don’t have to beg so much for that, Lucius, you goof. I’ll go change right now.”
The way the demon’s eyes lit up in such childlike joy made you wonder if he was suddenly ascending to heaven. You kissed him, called him a goober and took the box to your bedroom so you could do a grand reveal.
Once you had the door closed, you put the box on the bed and stripped. Once nude, you slipped on the panties, hooked on the thigh garters and their straps, then fitted your arms in the arm holes of the bra, zipping it up. Finally, you put the collar on, adjusting the big metal ring in front. At this point, you knew you were supposed to feel cute, but you couldn’t help but feel a little too exposed. Like, yeah, it’s lingerie, it’s supposed to be revealing… but the way it hugged your hips and squished your love handles felt… weird. 
You looked into your tall mirror, trying to pinpoint where you felt wrong. Your eyes immediately went down to your belly and you frowned. To you, it looked like a busted can of biscuit dough spilling from a leather case. You pinched at the pudge that was being squished by the tight garment, lip wobbling as you felt so wrong. Your thighs in their garters looked like they were being squeezed to death, even though they weren’t that tight, and you couldn’t help but think the collar did nothing more than highlight the fat on your face. Your face fell when you realized that you hated how you looked in this garment and it made you feel terrible because Lucius was so excited…
A knock on the door jolted you from your thoughts. “Darling, are you alright in there? Are you having trouble putting it on? I can help you!” he says with that teasing lilt. You couldn’t help the sad whimper that escaped your lips, and Lucius’s voice immediately softened. “Darling? Can I come in?”
“Y-yeah…” you sniff, trying to hold in the tears.
When Lucius opened the door, he gasped, his face immediately erupting in a blue blush. “Oh, Asmodeus… you’re so-!”
“Hideous…” you finished for him.
He stopped in his tracks, eyebrows furrowing in worry. “What? No, sweetheart… I was going to say gorgeous! What’s wrong, my love? Do you not like the set?”
“N-no they’re fine… I just… I don’t like how I look… wearing them…” you mutter, looking back at your reflection. 
“Oh, darling, darling, darling…” he says, walking over to you and wrapping his long arms around you. “I think you look fantastic… I’m practically salivating over here! What’s the matter?”
“Don’t I look too… big?” you ask.
“Oh, my love, don’t say things like that!” He says, gently grasping your chin and having you look at him. “You’re perfectly fine the way you are! You look so damn delicious that I’m going crazy trying to hold myself back!”
“Are you sure…?” you mumble.
“I’m one thousand percent sure. And if you’re having trouble seeing what I see from my words, then I’ll just have to show you through actions.”
Lucius’s pierced lips ghosted over yours as his large fingers intertwined with yours. “May I kiss you, darling? May I show you how beautiful you are to me?”
“Yes…” you breathed.
Lucius closed the gap, kissing you sweetly and passionately as his hands roamed down your creamy skin. His blue tongue invaded your mouth, and you sighed as one of his roaming hands groped your leather-bound breast. Gently, he guided you to your shared bed, laying you down and leaning on top of you. 
“My beautiful, soft master…” he sighed, still groping your breast and kissing your neck. “So sweet and wonderful to cuddle… like a sweet teddy bear…”
You bit your lip as Lucius unzipped your bra, revealing one of your nipples, licking around it and popping it into his mouth. You moaned as he softly tugged the hardening bud between his teeth and he grinned. “Does that feel good, bunny?” 
“Y-yeah…” you sigh.
“Mmmh… good… I love it when you feel good… so delicious…” Lucius revealed your other nipple, giving it the same amount of attention. “Oh, so sensitive… I love your soft chest, bunny… it makes such a nice pillow…”
His fingers trailed up and down your skin. “You’d look so good with tattoos like mine, darling… I’d trace them all day long…”
Lucius suddenly looked like a lightbulb went off in his mind. “One moment. Sorry, darling. I’ll be right back.” he gave you a quick kiss on the lips, rushing out of the bedroom, then right back in holding the pack of graffiti markers he’d purchased. “This is perfect!” he exclaims, rejoining you on the bed.
“Are you gonna draw tattoos on me?” you ask, watching him carefully open the plastic packaging.
“Better.” he giggles. “I’m gonna write everything I love about you all over you. Don’t worry, it’s washable.”
You smiled as he showed you the selection. “What colour would you like, darling? We have… magenta, dark red, black, dark blue, and purple. I'm partial to the blue, personally, but the purple doesn’t look bad either…”
“I like the purple,” you say, picking it out of the package.
“Yeah, purple? Good choice, darling… purple will look so good on you.”
Lucius put the rest of the markers aside, plucking the purple one from your fingers and undoing the cap.
“Let’s see here… where to start…” he says, giggling with anticipation.
Lucius started with your breasts, writing “soft” on one, and “squishy” on the other. His eyes lit up with joy as he fully unzipped your bra, opening it to reveal them fully, he then took the marker and drew hearts around your nipples. “I once knew a succubus with heart tattoos like this on her boobs. Honestly, it’s so cute. We should get you permanent ones.”
“On my nipples? That’d hurt so bad,” you say.
“Oh, true.” Lucius giggles. “Your nipples are so sensitive after all… maybe it’s better to stick with temporary.”
Lucius moved up onto your chest, drawing a heart organ over where your real heart would be located. Over it, he wrote: “The sweetest of hearts.”
“I didn’t know you were an artist,” you say as you look down at it.
“I’ve had plenty of years to practice.” he winks.
Moving down, he wrote “Cutie pie” on your tummy, along with “so huggable” and “gorgeous” with many hearts around them. He traced your love handles, writing “handle” on the left and “bars” on the right. You snorted as he wiggled his eyebrows at you. When he got to your womb area, he tapped the end of the marker to his lips, trying to think of something good to write. He eventually had an idea, writing something surrounded by hearts with an arrow underneath pointing to your pussy. It took a second to read it upside-down, but when you realized, you looked up at him incredulously. “Lucius’s love tunnel???” you question, laughing.
“I was hoping you’d laugh,” he says, swooning. “I love your laugh so much, darling.”
You flushed as he spread your plump thighs and licked his lips. “Oh, you have no idea how tantalizing the thought of unzipping these panties and shoving my face in there is… but no, I must write more.”
You whined. “But I want you to shove your face in there…”
“Patience, darling… I have more messages to decorate your skin.”
On both of your inner thighs, Lucius wrote “Place ears here”. Around the garters, he drew hearts and wrote “Biteable” and “so soft”.
“I can sense you’re aroused, bunny. Are my messages making you feel good? Asmodeus, you look so beautiful with markings… I’m drooling…”
“Lucius…” you whine. “I need you…”
“Just one more, my love, and I’ll give you everything you want and more.” His demonic eyes looked around for a large blank space for this last message, choosing one around your shoulder to write a big “I love you” with a bunch of hearts. You melted at this and you looked up at him with your sweet eyes. “I love you too Lucius… now take me already!”
Lucius capped the marker, throwing it to some corner of the room. “As you wish, master.” he purrs, he kisses down from your neck to your breasts, to your tummy—taking extra care to kiss and nibble there— then finally, FINALLY reaching your panties, unzipping the garment with his teeth and spreading your legs wide. He licked his now purple-smudged lips and dove in. You sobbed into the air, grabbing his horns as he licked, slurped, and sucked on your delicious clit. His tattoos glowed brightly as he siphoned that sweet lust from you, moaning and whining into your pussy. He slipped that long, pierced tongue into your drooling hole, flicking it and curling his prehensile muscle like a tentacle as he looked up into your watery eyes. Fuck, the view of you watching him eat your pussy made him throb, and he ground his bulge into the bed to soothe the ache of his cock. You bucked your hips and wailed. Fuck he felt so goddamn good. You couldn’t take much longer. When he licked a long stripe up your folds and kissed your clit, you came hard, and he rushed to lick up that sweet sweet nectar. He withdrew his long tongue into his mouth, groaning and biting his lip. “Oh, my love… my sweet girl… your love tunnel tastes so good…”
You snorted, playfully smacking his chest. “Don’t call it that! You’re so embarrassing!”
“Aww come on, you love it! You’re laughing!”
The two of you giggled, and he crawled back up to kiss you. The two of you made out for a moment before you pulled off and looked him in his eyes. “I wanna suck it,” you say, grinning.
“Oh? Isn’t this supposed to be me making you feel good?” he teases.
“Pleeeeaaase?” you whine. I want it so bad…”
Lucius giggled as he pecked your lips. “Who am I to deny my master what she wants?”
Lucius moved off of you so you could move, and you both swapped positions so he leaned against the headboard. You started at his lips, kissing them sweetly and passionately. Slowly, you moved down, kissing his neck and chest, tracing his tattoos with your tongue. You went over to one of his pierced nipples, licking and kissing the pert bud. Lucius sighed, intertwining your fingers. “You make me crazy, darling… mmf…”
You smirked as you continued to kiss and lick down, unzipping his jeans and letting his cock spring free. Lucius aided you in taking his pants off, and you took his hard cock in your hand, stroking it up and down slowly. “Fuck, you’re so hard…” you say, admiring the blue tip that wept with precum. “You must be aching…”
“Mmmhn… I am, darling… fuck, the way you stroke me like that is so nice…”
“Yeah? Do you like it when I do this?” you as softly as you run your thumb along his sensitive tip. The demon shuddered. “Mmngh… yes, sweetheart…” he rolled his head back. “I love your soft hands…”
You dipped your head and gave him a nice long lick up the underside of his shaft, paying special attention to his piercings. Sweet lord the whine and full-body shiver that left this man could’ve made you cum on the spot. You swirled your tongue around his tip, getting it nice and wet. Bit by bit you began to work it into your mouth, getting it as far as you could fit without gagging. The amount you couldn’t fit you stroked in your hands as you worked the shaft up and down, up and down. You breathed through your nose, making sure to run your tongue over his most sensitive spots while you took his cock in your mouth. 
“Ahhh… oh, fuck, darling… fuck…!” Lucius whines. “S-so good! You’re so good at sucking my cock! Unnh… I’m gonna cum… I’m gonna cum, darling…!”
At this, you pulled him out of your throat, squeezing at the base. He sobbed at the loss of that delicious stimulation. “Master…!”
“Not yet, Luci.” you giggle. “I want you to cum inside me.”
Lucius licked his lips, grinning wide. “Oh, in that case… I’d be happy to. Come, bunny, let me lie down flat.”
You got up off the bed, letting Lucius lie down on his back. He patted his lap. “Come here, darling, lie on top of me. I’ll take care of you.”
You crawled on top of Lucius, lying on your back across his tall body. He raised your hips with his clawed hands, rubbing his length up and down your drooling pussy. “Did sucking my cock make you this wet? Oh, darling…”
“Mmnnh… Lucius… fuck me…” you begged.
Lucius lined up with your hole, shoving it in easily with how wet you were. You whined as Lucius grunted from how fucking DELICIOUS it was to have your gummy walls squeezing his cock. “Oh fuck, bunny… mmnghh… that’s good… so fucking tight on me… good girl… such a good girl…” he moaned, kissing your neck as he began thrusting up into your pussy and roaming his hands across your body. 
“Luciuuuuss!” you sobbed. “God, yes, Lucius…! I love you…!”
“Nnh… I love you too darling, fuck… Asmodeus, your pussy is sucking me in… it feels so so so fucking good, baby… nnh… say something for me, baby… say you’re beautiful…”
“I-I’m beautiful…!” you gasped. Lucius pulled the ring on your collar as he thrust harder. “Good girl… now say you’re perfect the way you are…”
“I’m… p-perfect the way I am… nngh!” 
“Fffucckkkk… so good, bunny… I can feel you tightening on me… do you like it when I tell you how much you mean to me? Do you like it when I have you say how beautiful you are? Fuck, yes you do, darling… you can’t hide it from me… you’re so close… let me help you with that…”
You sobbed as Lucius’s deft fingers rubbed your clit in tight circles, mewling as his pierced cock hit you in all the right places as he fucked into you and kissed your cervix. “Come on… cum… cum for me… cum on my fucking cock… say you’re beautiful as you cream on me, bunny…”
“Ahh… annh… fuck!!!” you sobbed. “I’m beautiful! I’m so beautiful, FUCK!” you wailed as the tension snapped. 
Lucius whined as your walls fluttered and gushed on his cock, and he gave one last deep thrust before he painted your insides white with his cum. 
The two of you panted heavily as you rested on each other, basking in the afterglow. Lucius chuckled as he kissed your shoulder. “So… do you feel better, my love?”
“Yeah…” you sigh. “I feel much better…”
“Good.” he giggles, peppering your neck in kisses. “I’m so happy when you’re happy, darling.”
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ptq3000 · 1 year
ok, ok,, sleepovers with bakusquad :))
> the selective dorm you all go to is bakugo's dorm. he hates that everyone just agrees on his. mina would try to offer her dorm, but everyone knows damn well that she doesn't clean her dorm room as often.
> sero brings the most pillows, kirishima brings the most snacks, jirou brings movies or music (i feel like she'd have a karaoke machine), mina brings face masks or nail polish or makeup, and denki brings either video games or blankets.
> most of the time, the group doesn't even use the blankets denki brings. they just make a huge cuddle pile.
> cue the most epic night of your life though, it'll always be a chaotic sleepover. pillow fights that have bakugo as the reigning champ, mina trying to throw food into people's mouths. denki and bakugo going face to face in video games where bakugo ends up rage quitting and then sero would start recording bc denki boasts abt how good he is and bakugo explodes his ass.
> kirishima indulges in mina's girlie things bc he claims it's manly to be vulnerable. sero wouldn't give a shit abt it and denki would be very willing to join in. omg, kirishima would be the first person to have like the cucumbers on his eyes, clay facemask, nails waiting to dry. he's very calm and yes, everyone has pictures of that. even bakugo. even kirishima himself does too.
> jirou would exclude herself from some parts, like doing makeup, but painting nails together and group skin care?! hell yes, she's in!!
> bakugo....he hates it. mina definitely fights him on it and he gives in, but he doesn't enjoy it as much as everyone else does. he's getting there though..he shows interest, asking mina what certain products are supposed to do. but when she brings out the face masks,. bakugo's making it so difficult for her. he definitely refuses to stay still,, but it's still super fun!!!
> jirou + karaoke + bakusquad = so much fucking fun. mina's giving her all, bakugo straight up yells,, kirishima and sero are definitely decent singers despite them not really gloating abt it, and denki is someone who doesn't care how good he sounds but how much fun he's having.
> though, whenever denki sings, everyone's laughing too much. mina definitely almost peed herself one time and sero recorded it all. he's saved it in the group chat that everyone's in :)))
> have you gotten noise complaints? yes. has aizawa had to come over and shut you guys down? yep. did that ever stop you guys?!? hell no!! bc you cannot stop the fun that bakusquad will be having.
> most of the time,. everyone ends up sleeping at some point. but there were a couple times everyone attempted all nighters. spoiler alert!!! everyone but jirou fell asleep. she couldn't fall asleep bc denki was snoring too loud. at one point, bakugo woke up for a drink of water and when he did, jirou and him drew a mustache on denki's face.
> no. he did not know. denki did not find out until breakfast when iida asked why he had a mustache on his face. yes, jirou took pictures of that and always laughs out loud when she scrolls through her phone and finds it.
> sleep piles. sleep piles. sleep piles. it's not a bakusquad sleepover unless there's a sleep pile. bakugo and kirishima are usually the ones on the bottom of the pile. mina usually lays her head on kirishima and her legs are spread on bakugo. jirou would be sleeping on mina's stomach, back to back with sero, or by bakugo. she would probably knock some sense into bakugo if he pushed her or something. if she falls asleep, that is. sero is either back to back with jirou or on top of denki. denki is, most times, on top of everyone. everyone tries to push him off when he's asleep, but denki accidentally zaps them with his quirk in his sleep.
> everyone just fits wherever they can. it's natural and although SOME PEOPLE will complain abt it the whole time *cough* bakugo *cough*, everyone actually does have fun.
> honestly, it's a very fun time for everyone even if some people say that it's stupid. *cough* bakugo *cough*
a/n: heyy!! just wanted to post something so tadaa!!! have a good day, night, wtv time it is right now! <33
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mynameismckenziemae · 4 months
All of Me
Part 10
(previous part here, next part here)
Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x You
Summary: A missed turn is the start of something more.
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Warnings: 18+ MDNI! Smut, teasing, femdom, orgasm delay/edging, use of a makeshift gag, honor bondage, oral (m receiving), ass play, a little exhibitionism, talks of blood/medical stuff.
“So…” Jake sets the cruise control once he gets on the highway, “you like-like me, huh?”
“You were awake? The whole time?!” You laugh and smack his arm when he nods with a smug smirk. “You ass!”
“I know,” he agrees. “I’m sorry. I was going to make it known, but then…I didn’t want to embarrass Drew.”
You nod and take a deep breath as your stomach flips like you’re on a roller coaster.
Here goes nothing.
“I do like you, Jake. More than a friend.”
“You already know I like you too. More than a friend,” he grins, “and Drew was right. I’ll do everything in my power to never hurt either of you.”
“Okay,” you whisper as you try not to cry. Again.
In the comfortable silence of the car, your eyes close as your thoughts drift to one of the last verbal conversations you had with Andy before he lost his ability to speak.
The sun was just coming up when you got home from a 24-hour shift at the hospital. Utterly exhausted at 7 months pregnant, you crawled in next to Andy in his hospital bed.
“Hey,” he says, lips twitching in his attempt to smile.
“Hi,” you whisper, pressing a kiss to his forehead before laying your head on his thin shoulder.
“How’s my boy?” He asks, his speech slow and slurred and getting worse by the day.
“Good,” you answer, rubbing a hand over your swollen belly, “sleeping now after he danced all night on my bladder.”
“Tired himself out,” Andy replies. “So. I’ve been thinking.”
“Yeah? Did you hurt yourself?” You tease, giggling at his exaggerated sigh.
“I was thinking when I die,” he continues, making your heart squeeze painfully in your chest, “that you and Bradshaw should get together.”
“What?!” You nearly shout as you try to sit up, but you struggle with your pregnant belly in the way.
You knew ALS could change his thinking and behavior but this is way out of left field.
When you finally can get up enough to turn and look at him, he’s shaking with silent laughter.
“What the hell?!” You ask, unable to keep from laughing too. “I thought you lost your damn mind.”
“Sorry, I couldn’t resist,” he explains when you lay back down on his chest. You commit to memory the steady beat of his heart for a few minutes before he continues. “I do want you to be happy though.”
“Andy…” your voice breaks with the tears filling your eyes. Dating is the last thing on your mind right now with being pregnant and married. Even though he’s dying.
“I know,” he answers, reading your mind. You reach back and pull his arm around you when you feel it trying to move at your back. “But someday, you might want to; and it’s okay.”
“Okay,” you whisper, unconvinced. “No one could ever replace you though.”
“If you say so,” he teases softly.
“Will you send me a sign?” You half-jokingly ask a few minutes later. Your eyes are closed, lids too heavy from exhaustion to open.
“If I ever date again. Send me a sign from heaven,” you reply sleepily with a yawn. “So I know you approve.”
“I’ll see what I can do,” he chuckles as sleep pulls you under.
A sad smile (as Drew would say) graces your face as you come back to the present. You slowly blink your eyes open to the sound of Jake’s voice.
“I hate Apple Maps,” he grumbles, trying to zoom out on the screen. “Never told me to turn and now it’s re-routing us.”
“Yep,” you agree, pulling out your phone. “Same thing happens to me all the time. I’ll try pulling it up on mine.”
Jake’s low whistle has you looking up a moment later.
“Look at all those flowers,” he says, nodding his head to your side of the car.
“It’s beautiful,” you murmur.
To your right is a field with row after row full of yellow flowers.
Jake wordlessly turns into the driveway at the end of the field, parking the car near a small shop. It’s closed but there’s a note stuck to the door stating, “Sorry, we’re closed! Feel free to look but please don’t pick the flowers so everyone can enjoy them.”
“Daffodils,” you realize as you walk closer to the edge of the field, Jake at your side. “Wow. I’ve never seen so many.”
“Me either,” Jake murmurs, lacing in his fingers in yours.
You walk down the aisles hand in hand, enjoying the soft sounds and calmness of nature that you don’t often get to experience when living in the city.
At the very end of the last row, there’s a sign. A peculiar, almost precognitive feeling has your heart beating faster with each step as the two of you draw nearer to it.
Symbolizing both hope and resilience, daffodils are strong, little things that manage to survive long, dark winters; waiting to pop up with a fresh start and renewal that spring brings.
Let this be a sign to not let fear hold you back and to embrace new beginnings with open arms.
The words have tears spilling from your eyes as Jake reads them out loud.
“Oh my God,” you say and a laugh escapes despite your tears.
Well, you did ask Andy to send a sign. You didn’t mean literally but you’ll take it.
“What?” He turns to you, concern furrowing his brow when he sees you’re crying. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” you whisper as he turns your chin toward him so he can wipe your tears. “I don’t even know how to explain it but I’ll try in the car. Ready to go?”
“I know it’s probably just a coincidence,” you murmur after relaying the memory to Jake, now feeling a bit vulnerable.
“Thinking of that specific memory, missing our turn, ending up at a field full of flowers that symbolize hope and resilience, and then seeing that sign?” Jake says, glancing at you before looking back to the road “Feels like more than a coincidence to me.”
“Me too,” you smile softly and place your hand over his. “So Jake, will you be my boyfriend?”
You pick up food on the way home for an early dinner before spending the rest of the evening in bed. It’s different than before; softer, unhurried, and more intimate after the emotional
“Do you want me to stay?” Jake asks after cleaning you up as his fingers play in your hair. His appetite for you is sated; at least for now.
“Yeah,” you reply, nuzzling into his chest, “if you want to. I’m on call tomorrow starting at 8, but I don’t have anything else planned.”
“I do want to,” he says, already sounding tired. “What do you have to do when you’re on call?”
“Not much. I just have to answer my phone if it rings and give the nurse orders or talk to the patient,” you explain, unable to stifle a yawn.
“I’ll keep you company then,” he replies as he drifts off.
“Mmkay,” you mumble before succumbing to sleep too.
“Good morning, sweetheart,” Jake whispers before pressing a kiss to your forehead.
You smile at the use of a pet name, slowly blinking your eyes open as you stretch, feeling more rested than you have in a long time. “Morning. What time is it?”
“Ten to 8,” he replies, handing you a cup of coffee. “I wanted to let you sleep.”
“It’s okay. I haven’t slept that good in a long time,” you say, noticing the lack of sun coming through your curtains. “Is it raining?”
“Yeah, I checked this morning. It’s supposed to last all day,” he replies, settling next to you. “It’s nice and sunny up by Drew though.”
“Good,” you smile into your coffee cup. “On the bright side, we won’t have to feel guilty about spending all day in bed now.”
“True,” he agrees, setting your coffee on the nightstand before returning for a kiss. He guides the tee shirt you stole from him over your head before pulling you down with him.
Goosebumps follow your fingers trailing over his chest and he sighs into the kiss when you find his nipple.
You love how responsive he is to your touch and it reminds you of the package under your bed that arrived earlier this week.
“Hey, I ordered…something to try,” you say breathlessly before kissing a line down his neck. “I think you’ll like it.”
“Mmm, what is it?” He asks breathlessly as his hips press into you, precum already staining the front of his boxer-briefs.
You lift off him to dig through your bedside drawer, finding your black satin sleep mask and holding it up.
“Let me surprise you?” You ask, nodding to the mask.
His eyes darken as he nods.
You cover his eyes and reach for the box under your bed, setting it next to him while you gather everything else you need before crawling over the bed to him.
“Keep your hands here,” you murmur as you pull his arms above his head to grip the headboard.
“Yes ma’am,” he replies breathily, flushed already.
“Always so good for me,” you purr, leaving a kiss on his lips. He chases it with a whine when you pull away.
“You can tell me to stop at any time, and I will, okay?” You say as you kiss a path down his eager body before settling between his legs.
He nods before hissing when you suddenly suck sharply on his hip bone, leaving a dark bruise. “I can’t hear you nod.”
“Y-yes ma’am. Sorry ma’am,” he replies shakily, sounding fucked out already and you’ve barely touched him.
“Fuck!” He cries when you suck the head of his cock into your mouth without warning.
You hum around him as your head lazily bobs up and down his shaft, pausing only to place a generous dollop of lube on your finger.
“Oh,” he breathes when your index finger presses his rim, circling the right ring of muscle before pressing in. You smile as he opens his legs a little further before bringing them up to give you better access.
Your mouth goes back to his cock as your finger works in and out of his hole, occasionally brushing his prostate to keep him on edge. “Can I add another?”
“Yeah-I mean, yes ma’am,” he stutters, correcting himself before you can.
The thick muscles of his arms flex and another breathy curse leaves him as you slowly push two fingers in.
“You’re taking it so well,” you praise, rewarding him with a touch to his prostate as you lick the precum beading at the tip before swallowing him to the back of your throat.
“Fuu-ckk,” he says brokenly, clenching around your fingers as his hips jerk.
You swallow again before pulling back, smiling at his frustrated whine before doing it again and again, bringing him to the edge over and over until he’s begging.
“Please, ma’am, please let me cum?” He whines when you pull off again.
“Not yet,” you murmur as you remove your fingers from him to pick up the toy and coat it with more lube.
“What…is that?” He gasps, flinching when he feels the cool silicone pressing against his sensitive rim.
“A prostate massager,” you reply, pushing it in when he relaxes. “Feel okay?”
“Yeah,” he replies, shifting his hips and sucking in a breath at the feeling.
You haven’t told him it vibrates.
“Good, I’ll be right back, just gonna wash my hands quick,” you murmur, pressing a kiss to his lips.
Your phone rings as you walk back into the room from the en suite.
“Damn it,” you mumble when you see your work number. “Hang on, hopefully it won’t take long.”
“Yes ma’am,” he replies, cock still hard and dripping precum into his stomach.
“Hi, this is Dr. Kerner,” you answer, sitting next to him on the bed.
“Hey, it’s Shannon. I’ve got Lt. Luke Thompson, date of birth: 2/21/1991 calling with a nosebleed that started this morning when he woke up, no known injury, not on any blood thinners…”
He gasps when you reach over and start stroking him idly as you listen to her give report.
“Sounds good,” you say when she’s finished, “You can put him through.”
“Okay-shoot, we got disconnected. I’ll call him back and transfer him to him,” she says.
“Thanks,” you reply, hitting the red button to end the call.
“Can you stay quiet for me while I’m on the phone?” You ask, still stroking him.
“I-I’ll try ma’am,” he breathes.
“Mmm, I don’t know if I can trust that,” you reply. He whimpers when your hand leaves his cock, but he can’t see that you’re removing your underwear. “This outta do it. Open your mouth.”
He shudders but does as asked, groaning when you stuff the lacy fabric in his mouth.
“If you want me to stop, just let go of the headboard, okay?” You ask as your phone starts to ring again.
He nods eagerly as you swipe to answer it.
“Hi, Lt. Thomson? I’m Dr. Kerner. So you’ve got a bloody nose that started when you got up this morning. What time was that?”
“A little less than an hour ago,” the patient replies nasally as you pick up the toy’s remote.
“Okay, so I want you to pinch your nostrils shut and lean forward,” you instruct as you click on the vibration to the lowest setting.
Jake’s entire body jolts at the sensation, his sound of pleasure muted by the makeshift gag.
“Yeah forward. I know it sounds weird, but it’ll go down your throat and upset your stomach if you tilt your head back,” you continue on autopilot as arousal pools between your thighs.
The muscles in Jake’s arms strain further as his grip tightens, and his heels dig into the mattress with a muffled curse when you click it again. He shakes his head and it sounds like he’s trying to say “I can’t”.
Yet his hands don’t let go.
“Are you feeling dizzy at all? Lightheaded?” You ask, struggling to keep your voice even as you watch this big, strong man struggle under your control
“Okay good. Stay like that for another 10 minutes or so,” you continue. “If it doesn’t stop, you’ll have to go to urgent care to get it packed or cauterized”
Jake’s entire body shakes as he fights the urge to give in to the pleasure.
You end the call as you click it to the highest setting and watch as he unravels.
The fabric shoved in his mouth is does little to muffle his uninhibited, throaty groans as his hips flex, cock twitching as stripes of cum paint the valleys and ridges of his abs.
A/N: So, they’re officially official! What did you think of the literal sign Andy sent? Also, while looking up flowers that symbolize hope/resilience I found some daffodil farms in California and now I want to go there 😂
I’m also aware this was super inappropriate of Reese to do this while on the phone with a patient. This is purely fictional/fun and I do not condone this IRL!
As always, any interaction is appreciated but I love hearing what you think in the comments/reblogs!
Please let me know if you want to be added to (or removed from) my taglist!
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hookedonhuge · 10 months
A Hard Challenger to Beat
Wednesday night was men-only at the small country town bar. Living in a remote area could get awfully boring at times, but boy’s night was a highlight for most of the men’s weeks. There was truly nothing like blowing off some steam with your pals after a hard day’s work. No hassles, no consequences, just dudes having fun.
One of the main attractions on Wednesday nights was the Beat Billy pool challenge. The challenge was simple: play Billy in a game of pool, if you lose you have to give him ten dollars, and if you win then you get a special reward.
What was the special reward? If you saw Billy in action, it wouldn’t take long to find out. Every Wednesday night you could find Billy bent over the pool table lining up for a shot, with his big butt sticking out and his jeans, stuffed with ten dollar notes, looking like they’re about to split. 
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Yep, the special reward was an all-expense paid trip down to pound town (also known as the last stall in the men’s bathroom) with the one and only, Bubble Butt Billy. It was a shame that Billy was the best darn pool player in that town and the next town over. 
It was a lucrative business for Billy, who never once had to surrender his pride to another man. However, it was speculated that the Beat Billy challenge was more profitable for the bar than it was for Billy himself. The challenge drew large crowds of pent-up men, some, who in their lustful delusions, thought themselves skilled or lucky enough to earn themselves some quality time with Billy’s behind, and others, who were more financially conscious, would instead egg on their pals to give the challenge a go just for the chance to see Billy bend over the pool table a couple more times.
Without a fault, each Wednesday night would bring to the bar a rowdy crowd, despite how predictable the events of the night were. Billy would pocket a nice amount spending money at the expense of his hopeful challengers, and the patrons would get their fair share of Bubble Butt Billy action. Billy barely had to try against his challengers and was eager to play a game of pool against an actually formidable opponent, and on one Wednesday night he got exactly that.
It was a Wednesday night that seemed to be going the same as every other Wednesday before it. Billy had just defeated yet another challenger and was counting ten dollar bills with his signature cocky smirk painted across his face. “Anyone else want to challenge me?” he said, teasing his audience by leaning his upper body ever so slightly over the pool table.
“I will.” An unfamiliar voice boomed from the back of the room. Billy turned around to size up the stranger. Billy, who was never short of words to belittle his upcoming challengers, was silent. It wasn’t the stranger’s face that left Billy at a loss for words; his eyes hadn’t even gotten up that far. Billy’s gaze was stuck on the bulging mass that was tenting the stranger’s tight jeans. For the first time in a long while Billy remembered the consequences of losing the challenge, his mind trapped in thoughts of how his virgin hole would fare if he lost this one time. 
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“My eyes are up here buddy,” the stranger said in a playful tone, strutting towards Billy with an irresistible swagger. “Just teasin’ ya. The name’s Rick,” he said warmly, reaching his hand out for a handshake. “I’d like to challenge you to a game of pool. I’m sure that wouldn’t be a problem.”
Billy snapped out of his daze and shook Rick’s hand. “You’re new around here, so I’ll have to warn you not to get your hopes up,” Billy said, building up his confident facade again. “I haven’t even been trying tonight.”
“I expect nothing but your best.” Rick was unfazed. “I’ll let you break.” 
Billy picked up his cue stick and the white ball as Rick set up the rest of the balls to break. As he had done a hundred times before, Billy got ready to begin play, lining his cue stick up to hit the white ball as his butt pointed out towards the leering spectators. Usually, Billy was so quick in his play that his opponent’s wouldn’t have time to register that the match had started. That night, Billy wasn’t so fast to start.
The cause of Billy’s delay was his opponent, who was standing on the opposite side of the table with his crotch directly in Billy’s line of sight. Rick’s hands were on his waist and he leaned just a little bit back to accentuate his large package.
“All bark and no bite,” Billy muttered under his breath. Billy struck the white ball, which jetted in the group of remaining balls causing them to scatter. Not a single ball had been potted into one of the holes, which was unusual for Billy.
It was Rick’s turn and he grabbed one of the cue sticks from the rack. He stroked the long wooden stick with his powerful hand lewdly under the guise of surveying its quality. “You know where I’m from, they call me Thick Stick Rick,” he said to Billy as he walked past him, meeting Billy’s gaze with a wink.
Rick quickly potted two balls in a row with ease, putting Billy on the back foot. Billy countered with his renowned precision. He potted three balls in quick succession and set himself up for an easy put away with a fourth.
The white ball had rolled to the centre of the large table meaning that Billy had to lean over extra far to reach it, causing his two large cheeks to stretch his jean fabric to its limit. Billy, who had been able to regain focus in the match, was about to sink his ball into one of the pockets when he felt something large and hard brush up against his crack. He turned around to see Rick towering over his lower half.
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“Hey, you have to win first before you can have any of that,” Billy snapped, audibly annoyed.
“Apologies, I didn’t mean to bump into you,” Rick said, feigning sincerity. “I just forget how big I am sometimes.”
Billy tried his best to brush off Rick’s comment and struck the white ball, but it clearly affected him as the ball he was aiming for, which was set up so well, bounced off the rim of the pocket and back towards the centre of the pool table. Billy swore under his breath; he never missed a shot like that.
“Don’t stress about it,” Rick said, placing his middle and index finger into one of the pockets. “These holes are so tight,” he wriggled his two fingers, “that these balls only just fit in.”
Rick’s innuendos had a marked effect on Billy, allowing Rick to even the scoreboard in spite of the vast difference in their skill levels. Each player now had one ball each to put away before they could go for the win by potting the eight ball. It was Billy’s turn and he was once again bent over the table, ass in the air, and lining up for a shot.
“Looking good Billy boy.” Rick chimed in as Billy was doing some practice shots in front of the white ball to check he had the right alignment.
“I don’t need you to help me with my alignment, I’m the expert… '' Billy trailed off as he realised Rick wasn’t commenting on his shot preparation. Instead, Rick’s eyes were glued to Billy’s famous butt.
“Don’t mind me, I’m just keeping my eyes on the prize,” Rick said, biting his bottom lip.
Billy tried to ignore Rick and went ahead with his shot. He managed to pot his final ball, but foolishly sunk the white ball as well. The crowd, who had fallen silent from the tension of the match, let out a gasp when Billy made this rare error.
Rick was able to sink his final ball as well, leaving the two in a race to pot the eight ball first for the win. Rick had no success on his first attempt as the eight ball was stuck in a tricky position. His comparative lack of experience showed as Rick was not careful enough to put the eight ball in a difficult position for his opponent to finish off.
All Billy needed to do was hit a straight shot from one end of the table to the other, which was easy for a player like himself. Rick, the schemer he was, was still not out of ideas. He moved himself behind the pocket Billy was planning to sink the eight ball into and started grinding his huge bulge against that corner pocket.
“How badly do you want to get into this hole, cause I want to get into this hole real bad,” Rick said with a slight grunt. Billy stayed silent. “It’s only a small hole Billy boy, it could be a real struggle to fit in.” Billy lined up his shot. “God Billy,” Rick’s voice turned low and rough as he took a step back from the table and squeezed his tightly wrapped manhood with his hand. “I’m a big boy, and I’m not even hard yet. You can’t even imagine the damage I could do to your bussy, or is that what you want? Have you been going easy on me on purpose Billy boy?”
Billy’s face was red from a mixture of anger and fear. He was sweating profusely and his hands were trembling. Billy drew his cue stick back then thrusted it forward with as much might as possible. The white ball rocketed into the eight ball which slammed into the pocket. In his desperation, Billy had struck the white ball far too hard and it followed the eight ball into the pocket.
Despair was the only thing that could describe Billy. Sinking the eight ball and fouling in the same shot was an automatic loss. The crowd knew this and roared with excitement. Thick Stick Rick was victorious. 
Billy looked to the crowd, his eyes pleading for mercy. This was futile as the crowd, who had lost a lot of money over the years to Billy, were seeking retribution and Rick would deliver it. 
“Rick! Rick! Thick Stick Rick!” the crowd chanted.
Rick approached the defeated Billy. “I ain’t gonna force you or nothin’ Billy boy, I ain’t like that,” Rick said, placing his hand on Billy’s shoulder. “But if you –”
“I’m a man of my word Rick. I couldn’t show my face in this town again if I didn’t go through with this.” Billy replied earnestly, not letting Rick finish.
“That’s the Bubble Butt Billy I’ve heard so much about. Now don’t you worry, Rick is gonna treat you real nice.” Rick gave Billy’s big butt a friendly smack.
The crowd’s chanting reached a climax as Billy and Rick walked into the men’s bathroom together. “Give ‘em hell Rick!” yelled a frenzied patron.
Soon, the bar fell into silence as the once raucous spectators listened suspensefully. At first there was no sound coming from the bathroom. After a little while a faint banging noise could be heard. It got louder and louder, until Billy’s moaning commenced. Billy reached a transcendent state, his shameless moans of pleasure filling up the bar and causing the pants of everyone in it to become a little more snug. Some opted to loosen their belts to relieve the pressure that was quickly building below.
“That son of a whore Billy is really enjoying this isn’t he?” commented one of the bargoers.
“Rick sure is a stallion!” remarked another.
“Billy won’t be able to walk properly for a week!” 
“Don’t tell me Bubble Butt Billy lost on purpose!”
Rick and Billy’s erotic encounter culminated with a shared orgasmic roar that reverberated throughout the entire establishment. Rick, ever the gentlemen, offered to book a hotel room for the two of them for the night once he caught his breath back. All Billy could do was nod and collapse into Rick’s arms, his body completely exhausted.
“You’ve got a body that men like me dream about, Billy boy.” Rick kissed Billy on the forehand and proceeded to carry him out of the bar on his shoulders to a nearby hotel. There, Billy slept peacefully in Rick’s arms and Rick dozed off with his hands cupping Billy’s big cheeks.
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salty-an-disco · 1 month
*thinks about how there's several different versions of Hero who acts a little different depending on which route you take him through–*
*thinks about how the Hero that appears in the middle of the final battle describes himself as being 'all of them'*
*thinks about how all those different Heroes might not have been able to completely integrate themselves into a single individual*
Conclusion: Hero would develop a system (a median system, to be more exact)
Yep. This was the main reason I started drawing different variants for Hero in different chapters and givin' them different names, everyone can go home now /lhj /silly
Anyway, since I already drew all the guys, might as well talk about them in the context of Hero being a system
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(note: I've semi-recently found I, myself, am a system, so a lot of this is me processing this stuff and trying to puzzle things out through my blorbo. shout out to Hero for making this discovery a lot easier to digest. that means a lot of what I'm writing here comes from my own experience and perspectives. Also, I'll be calling the different Heroes 'facets', as that represents better what they are to him)
Since they all come from the exact same source (forms through Chapter I), they don't really see themselves as all that separate or different people. The different titles are more nicknames than anything, they're all 'Hero', just– from a slightly different angle and with different roles/priorities. Hero doesn't hear distinct voices in his head like Quiet, he's more like Shifty, in a way, having their feelings and different texture affect his behavior.
Hero is vaguely aware of these different facets, even giving them those titles as a way to organize and understand himself, but doesn't worry too much about it. That's just how he is.
As for the different facets and their role within the system–
– Hero: Host; front-stuck – Technically speaking, his route would be the Stranger one, as that's where he spent the least amount of time in Chapter I and didn't develop any other identity besides 'Hero'. Not necessarily the 'original', and would rather not worry about that lest it triggers another existential crisis, but is definitely the 'main one'. The main face that's always there. Behavior and thought-process can change depending on other facets present.
– Savior: Protector/Persecutor – Formed when his will power was broken and subdued by someone far stronger. Is intent on not letting that happen again. Very headstrong and certain of himself; he has to be, or else their willpower will break again. Mainly appears to help deal with threats much bigger than them. (Fun fact: in warped AU, he and Hero were fused together)
– Champion: Physical Protector – Formed by a desire to fight and persevere against an opponent that can kill you. Very strategy-minded, focused on better ways to get out of a confrontation alive. Will always try to get out of battles with the least amount of injuries to the body possible. Does not like confrontation, but will go through it if it means survival. Appears anytime there's a need to fight and/or survive. Often alongside Savior or Fledgling.
– Liar: Social Protector/Caretaker – Formed when forced to betray someone you previously intended on helping. Despite the title, Liar is very aversed to lying, and despises when others are being dishonest. Why play these weird games that just makes things more difficult? Can't we just be blunt with each other and makes things easier? Appears when the host feels judged or like he's being given an unfair assumption during a social encounter, or later on, when the host is thinkin' back to a certain social situation that didn't go to well. Helps process those leftover feelings and make sure the host is doing well emotionally and socially.
– Fledgling: Protector – Formed when made to feel cornered by a dangerous creature and clawed to death. Similar role to Champion, in theory, though he appears, more broadly, when the host starts feeling cornered in any way. Which doesn't happen solely in physical fights. Very helpful when appearing to deal with a physical threat, not so much when the threat is more emotional or social.
– Dashing: Emotion Holder/Uplifter – Formed from a desire to do nothing but good to someone else. Not as positive and optimistic as his paired voice during The Damsel, but still makes sure the host knows doesn't forget there's always a bright side and some hope to hold on to. Makes sure the host is taking the time to appreciate the things and people he love and that he isn't getting to caught up in worries and anxiety.
– Accomplice: Memory Holder/Cheergiver – Formed when despite your misgivings, you put your trust in someone else. His role is more vague than the others, but is generally there to give support to those outside of the system. Makes the host take a step back and let someone they trust take the reigns, for once.
– Haunted: Caretaker – Formed while spending a good few lifetimes in Nothingness. Not exactly sure what he's supposed to do here, but tries his best to help. Took some pointers from Cold and encourages the host to put feelings aside for now, if only to focus on taking care of the body before diving back into them. The one that knows self-care, and appears when the body desperately needs it.
– Dreamer: Trauma Holder – Formed as you tried to close your eyes and pretend there's no danger just in front of you. This one is Trauma Personified and mainly only appears when the host is triggered. When he appears, it's very difficult for Hero to differentiate reality from delusions, and it feels like he's back in the construct, fighting for his life and sanity.
– Ribbons: ???/Shell – Formed across 4 chapters; as more pieces broke off, very little was left of him. Less of a facet and more a general feeling of Nothingness. That can be useful when the host is feeling too overwhelmed to think. Just kinda makes Hero zone out and shut down when he appears.
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Bonus: what it looks like when some of the facets are close to front. Whether or not Hero will shapeshift depends on how long a facet lingers, and how much they're affecting him. Often, he doesn't shapeshift at all despite the many facets that appeared throughout the day
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