#I dreamed of africa
benoits-neckerchieves · 3 months
Thinking thoughts
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Daniel Craig as Declan Fielding in I Dreamed of Africa (2000)
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cinemajunkie70 · 2 years
Rest in peace Hugh Hudson!
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age-of-moonknight · 27 days
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“Crusader,” Phases of the Moon Knight (Vol. 1/2024), #1.
Writer: Benjamin Percy; Artist: Rod Reis; Letterer: Cory Petit
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had a dream that lena had an alternate identity of someone named easter and she staged her death on easter's bday (who was a very successful business woman with wholesome connections and received lots of presents) to be with kara. i think ... i have been reading too many fics
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kingarmorking · 10 months
heheheheh... pride lands riku being an tapir really makes me giggle
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boyruggeroii · 13 days
I Need to go to Scotland
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kemetic-dreams · 2 years
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nayswriting · 10 months
St Sebastian, sometimes I think of him and fantasize about his manic death, all those phallic arrows ending my life in one orgy of violence, my blood dripping like semen. Sometimes it is easier to confront life when you wish for death. It makes it easier to handle disappointment and the cold heart of life – that bitch, she is too busy having a good time to care about anyone.
K. Sello Duiker, The Quiet Violence of Dreams
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likeadragonfruit · 2 years
So Tenzin, Kya and Bumi in the Fog of Lost Souls… I get Tenzin’s whole deal. Seeing things from his perspective helped. But Bumi and Kya? Their visions raised so many questions.
Bumi is seeing cannibals closing in on them. Is that an actual thing in the Avatar world? Are there people who practice cannibalism? Is that something he actually encountered? 
And Kya’s vision is about not being tied down by family… oh okay… I know the idea for Kya was for something of a free spirit, or hippie, to use Bryke’s words. But is that ever going to get unpacked? (The answer to that is no, isn’t it?)
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Not me planning a dream trip all around the world the I could never afford
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enekorre · 2 years
I saw a few videos about Namibia and decided to look up some more information about the country as I felt I would love to visit some day (although that day would be far in the future, and I've never even left Europe).
One place I looked was the sweden abroad site that has travel information for swedes. As far as I'm aware it's a pretty official site with links to the various embassies and such.
The page for Namibia had misspelled the name as Nambia several times, parts seemed to have been copy pasted from Lesothos page (as they said "Lesotho" instead of Namibia), and some of the facts were about South Africa instead of Namibia ("Namibias time zone is the same as South Africa" okay but I do not know South Africas time zone, I was looking at Namibia). It's almost funny how many random errors I found.
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shaylixie · 1 year
Hmm I'm not sure if anyone will answer this but I've been getting a sudden influx of followers and I'm curious...where are y'all from? 😌
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beepbeepdespair · 1 year
the other night i dreamt i was in a room with light blue walls and mae martin was doing a standup set, they made a joke about bus timetables and it was hilarious in the dream but when i woke up i realised theyd talked about a bus coming at 1.70pm which makes... no sense. and also if i remember correctly they said that if you caught the bus at 6pm you were gay????
anyway at some point, i didnt see it happen but it must have done, they hurt their head cos there was a rather concerning amount of matted blood in their hair but they just kept going, not fazed at all apparently. then they stopped and went behind a screen and started doing shadow puppetry????? and it wasnt like hand puppets it was very ornate metal silhouette things. they started doing some narration about these african animals and talking about majestic zebras and wildebeest on the plains... and then i woke up. um
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had a dream that i had to guard a nest of african lungfish. then a hippopotamus sat on them. i cried and mourned them. couldnt bring myself to look at the damage. until i did. and they were fine
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milakunismom · 6 months
i’m not supposed to work 40 hour weeks. i’m supposed to smoke flavored cigarettes, listen to tigers talk, read my tarot cards and sleep 12 hours a day.
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motherl0de · 9 months
@thesimsofficial I’m still holding out hope ya’ll will finally make an Arab inspired world and African.
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