#I downloaded tiktok just so I could save this video
oochristinecuoo · 11 months
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mephestopheles · 1 year
I need to get involved in a fandom again, I need to find a ship that will rot my brain the way bagginshield and destiel did. I miss the days when my brain was lost in that loop. The absolute closest ive come to feeling that feral about something was last year's A Court of Fey and Flowers. I mean I feel like I'm about to explode every time I listen to an episode of worlds beyond number, but I don't feel the need to add my mark to it, I want the story they're telling (as in the whole cast), and maybe that's because their story feels like enough right now. I have ideas on where it might go, and there is an entire world out there to be discovered, but I can put my trust in the cast to do well by the narrative and each other.
I suppose the stories I have in my head for my dnd characters could be considered headcanons, since they deviate a lot from the expected stories. Especially since the current one I'm playing is for hoard of the dragon queen, on the swords coast and while we have a group that avoids the fantasy racism tropes as much as possible, there are still stumbling blocks. My new character is too new and I could write some interesting stuff there but I don't know what the DM is going to use or how much I should know compared to how much I should let him decide on certain backstory elements.
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thewulf · 9 months
Did You Just...? || Aaron Hotchner
Summary: Request - What about a young!Hotch x reader and they’re best friends crushing on each other?? Idk if you remember that TikTok trend where you call your crush or film a video and kiss your best friend and they don’t know what’s going on?... Read Rest Here
A/N: PURE FLUFFFFF. Loved this. Hope you guys enjoy :) This is a Young Hotch set in present day :)
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Y/N
Word Count: 3.0k
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“Okay but you’ve been on the app right?” You asked Aaron after sitting down at his desk filled to the brim with paperwork that needed to be completed but never had the time to do. He peaked his eyes over to you once you sat down with a huff.
Amusement danced in his gaze as a small smiled played on his lips at your overt casualness with him. It was remarkable to witness you go from the scared and timid profiler hired right out of school to chatting his ear off at lunch every day in a matter of mere months. See, he was in his third year at the BAU and thought he had figured it out. That was until you came along and rocked his world.
He used to come to work, get some paperwork done, put his head down and go home after a long day. It worked for him. He was ‘friends’ with his coworkers as best as he could be, but he was the young pup of the group. Then you were onboarded. Gideon hired you the second you graduated after blowing him away in one of the classes he taught at Georgetown. You came in like a hurricane that he wasn’t quite ready for but knew the team needed.
You were so different than Aaron’s other coworkers. You actually talked to him and got to know him. You weren’t afraid of his intimidating gaze but instead found it a fun challenge to try and get him to break his facade. It annoyed him at first. He went to work to work, not socialize. But leave it to you to sway his opinion on the matter. Aaron didn’t want to admit just how much he had grown to love and adore your smiling face greeting him every morning. He really didn’t want to admit how much he looked forward to your early morning coffee chats or daily debriefs when Gideon was being a hard ass. You were the sunshine of the group. The one that brought the optimism while the rest of the team turned terribly pessimistic.
He'll never forget the first time you caught a killer. He almost had a heart attack when you quite literally jumped on top of the man, surprising him and taking him to the floor without a second thought. You smiled right up to him after he was in cuffs and whispered a, “One down. A hundred more to go.” To him. He knew right then and there that you’d be in his life for a long time.
“What app?” He set the pen he was writing with down as he turned his attention to you.
Sighing you opened your phone showing him, “Don’t play dumb with me Hotchner.” Your eyes glowered at the man with a subtle smirk resting right on his face, “Tik-Tok.”
He leaned back watching the videos you’d saved. He assumed they were ones you thought would convince him to download it. He was right of course. You’d saved the funniest ones in hopes he’d download the damn app. You’ve been trying for weeks to get him to do it. But then again, it almost took you three entire months to convince the man he needed to upgrade from his prehistoric iPhone 5.
“You know that’s likely spyware and the government…”
You cut him off with another long-drawn-out sigh, “Okay dad. But it’d not banned. So, download it.”
Aaron could mess with you, and he knew it. And enjoyed it. He didn’t dare want to admit just how happy he got when he got you to blush under his gaze. You’d quite literally waltzed in and rocked his absolute world. He knew he couldn’t catch feelings for you and yet here he was. On the brink of falling in love with the funnier than ever coworker who knew him better than he knew himself. How cliché.
He leaned back in his office chair crossing his arms over his chest, “You know. I don’t think I will.” He watched your face closely. You were far too easy to read. Something he was working on with you. You gave away everything on your face. His smirk only grew when you raised your eyebrows in slight surprise. It wasn’t often he didn’t bend over backwards to make you happy. He would of course download the stupid little app to make you happy. Just like he got the latest iPhone once you saw the horrifying state of his almost 10-year-old phone.
You leaned back in the same manner he had, “No need to be so obstinate Hotch.” Giving him a playful push, you couldn’t help but to giggle at his amused grin. It was easy to forget the two of you were at work of all places. It was just so easy to forget with him. He made you want more with him, so much more. A much easier case to crack than you originally thought. He was an utter softy under the rigid exterior put on for the team.
He knew he should get back to work but he just couldn’t shoo you away. He looked forward to moments like these. Little moments where he got to steal some of your time and attention, “Look at you. Using your big words.” His smirk deepened as he watched you register his words in real time. He was playing around with you. He’d gotten so comfortable with you he was beginning to mess with you right back. You’d grown used to teasing him and only getting an eyeroll or snicker in return. You weren’t used to this. And you had to admit you loved it. A subtle change you’d grown to adore.
“Didn’t go to school for nothing.” You winked at him knowing the double negative would set him off.
He shook his head, “You’re something else, you know that?”
Wiggling your eyebrows at him you nodded your head, “You wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Relenting, he fished his phone out of his pocket. He opened it up knowing damn well he didn’t download the app but he’d sure as hell let you do it. He’d truly do anything for you, “You’re right.”
Ignoring the flush that rose to your cheeks you grabbed the opened phone from his hands. You knew you shouldn’t be having these thoughts for your dangerously attractive slightly older and much more put together coworker. But damn. You had all the thoughts and feelings.
You sighed, “Just as I suspected.” Shaking your head in disapproval you handed the phone back to him, “Now, I need you to make an account to night. Let me know when you do! I have so many to share with you.” You grinned knowing he was going to give in one way or another.
He took it back, “That’s a lot of work.” He spoke with a grin that meant he was just teasing you. Two could play that game.
“Yeah, because you’re so anti-technology. But I promise you can do this. Who else am I supposed to send TikTok’s too?” You widened your eyes as if it was the most obvious thing ever.
“You’re other friends?”
You shrugged, “I do send them. But these are for you.”
Aaron couldn’t help but to smile at your ever so quick comebacks. One of the many reasons he had fallen for you so quickly, “I’ll do it. But…” He paused letting it linger in the air for a moment.
“But what Hotchner?” You raised your eyebrows, ever so curious as to what his stipulation could be.
His smile widened seeing your impatience for him grow, “Only if you come over and show me how.” He’d never really been so bold before. Sure, you’d been over to his place a few times in passing, once for a team dinner. Gideon’s genius idea to have somebody from the team host once a month. You’d rather come to enjoy the gatherings. Especially when they were at Rossi’s place. The wine and food pairings never ceased to amaze you. You on the other hand always insisted on taking the team out when your month rolled around. It was a little too embarrassing to have the entire team over at your rather small one-bedroom apartment.
“Propositioning me now Hotch?” You challenged back to the man you were head over heels with knowing it’d throw him off his game. The smile that immediately dropped let you know you did exactly that.
This time it was his mouth that dropped as his cheeks turned an adorable violet. Oh, you got him this time. You wished you could take a picture. He was just too cute when he thought too hard. If you were at home you would’ve risked a picture, but you didn’t want to cross the line at work. You’d never dream of putting him in an awkward position here. The both of you worked way too hard to blow it up now.
“You know I would never ever…” He started rambling. It would’ve been adorable had he not been actually freaking out a little bit. Of course, you knew that. You really were just messing with him.
Shaking your head, you stopped him, “I’m teasing you Aaron. I’d love to come over and show you how to make a TikTok account.”
He let out a strangled sigh of relief, “You’re killing me.” He loved it when you called him by his first name. It sounded too good coming out of your mouth.
Biting back a smile you stood from the chair, “I’ll be over at 6?”
You watched as he leaned forward grabbing his pen once more. Turning to you with that smile you’d grown to adore he nodded, “Don’t be late.”
“I wouldn’t dare Hotchner.” Shooting him one last wink you walked away briskly letting your heart get far, far away from the man who was causing it to beat right out of your chest.
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“You’re making this so much harder than it needs to be Hotchner.” You giggled itching to take the phone away from Aaron.
He shrugged giving you a wicked grin, “We’re not all technologically savvy Y/L/N.” He chided back knowing he might’ve been taking his time so that you didn’t have an excuse to leave. He took his time making dinner, not starting until you made it over. Taking his time cleaning up and getting dessert out. Pretending not to know how his phone worked. He wanted to steal your time away. Not that you minded, not in the slightest.
Rolling your eyes, you finished setting it up for him, “You could say that again.”
A small chuckle rolled off his lips. He put his phone back down before turning his head back to you. You were watching him with all the love in your eyes. You’d tried so hard to hide it, but it was becoming an impossible task. He was so easy to fall in love with. How were you to blame?
Feeling bold you decided to move forward with your plan. Picking up your phone you clicked the video player to record and angled it towards you and Aaron.
With scrunched brows he observed you, “What are you doing?”
“Since you’ve never opened the app you’ll never get it. But we’re doing a video. I’ll post it. It’d trending right now.” You said as nonchalantly as possible trying not to let your voice waver. You had to be confident
Curiously we watched as you scooted closer to him, “Trending?” He asked with a hint of amusement lacing his voice.
You nodded not daring to meet his curious gaze, you’d surely lose the confidence to actually do it, “Mhmm,” You hummed, “If you’ll let me that is.”
He grinned, “Be my guest.”
It felt like your heart was about to leap out of its chest. Now or never, really, “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
He smirked seeing you finally look him in the eyes, “Do your worst then.”
It was really now or never. You grabbed either side of his face and decided to go for it.
His eyes widened in pleasant shock as you pressed your lips to his. He could’ve sworn his heart stopped then and there. That was bold, even for you. But then again you always had him on his toes. Another one of the many reasons he knew that made him fall for you. It took him a second to long to respond to this kiss. But once he did he wasn’t going to let you go.
Once you needed air though you did have to pull away. Adrenaline was now coursing through you as you realized you really just kissed not only your friend but your coworker as well. There was truly no going back now.
“Did you just…?” His mouth bobbed open and closed like he couldn’t believe what you just did.
You watched as his face went from shock to realization to… satisfaction? A fast and hot blush erupted on your cheeks as you realized he was watching you too, waiting on an answer to his very own question.
“I did.” Biting your lip, a wave of anxiety washed over you as you waited his answer.
You didn’t get one as he leaned in this time. You felt as his hand wrapped around the back of your neck and up through your hair. Carefully he pulled your head towards him as he kissed you with a little more dominance this time. He was in charge. He wanted to kiss you. You didn’t fight the way your body melted right into his. Feeling him smile as you folded into his touches like putty, you didn’t dare break away. You’d dreamed of this moment for far too long. Almost six months too long now.
He pulled away gently, leaning his forehead on yours, “Thank God you did.”
Your heart was hammering so hard in your chest you only could hope he couldn’t hear it being so close, “Yeah?” You asked, a hint of insecurity in your voice.
He moved away from you only so he could look you in the eyes. His hands landed on your shoulders giving them a gentle squeeze, “I’ve wanted to do that for a while now.” His usually unreadable face broke into a light blush, one you probably wouldn’t be able to see if you weren’t so close to him.
“Why didn’t you?” The smile on your face let him know it was all in good fun. You just loved teasing him. And he loved teasing you right on back.
He shook his head with the saddest smile, “Would it be too cowardly to say that I didn’t want to mess it all up? I didn’t want to make a mess of it if you didn’t feel the same.” For the first time you’d seen a side of him you’d really never have seen before. He wasn’t sure. He didn’t have an answer. He looked to you for the next step.
A quick shake of your head brought you back to the present, “I’d never think of you as a coward Aaron.” You reached for his hands that landed back down at his side, “And I’m certainly glad I didn’t make a mess of it.” You giggled feeling relieved that he clearly felt the same way. You didn’t think he’d kiss you like that if he didn’t.
“Go out with me tomorrow? On an actual date? Where I can actually woo you. You weren’t supposed to do that by the way.” He pinched your side lightly loving the way you squirmed under his touch, “But then again. You always seem to take me by surprise.” He clarified leaning back in wanting so desperately to kiss you once more but needing to hear your answer first.
“Do I now?” If your heart could speed up it certainly did as he leaned closer and closer once more.
“All the time.” He placed a gentle hand on your cheek, his thumb gingerly brushing on the apple of your cheek. A shiver you tried to stop erupted from your body at the lightest of contact with him. You were a goner, and you knew it.
“Good to know.” You grinned before leaning in and giving his nose a quick kiss, catching him off guard yet again, “And yes, I’d love to go out with you.” You continued after sending his brain into a tizzy. You truly would be the death of him.
He didn’t waste a second more before bringing you in for a much slower kiss this time. He too was in utter disbelief this was going on. Sure, he’d daydreamed about it on far too many occasions, but it was actually happening. He was kissing you.
When he pulled back for air he gave you a once over again, “I haven’t told you how pretty you look tonight.” He knew that’d draw that pretty blush he loved so much.
You pushed at his chest lightly giving him a soft laugh. You turned your head spotting the phone you’d set up to record about five minutes ago.
“Oh crap.” You pulled yourself off of him to grab at the phone quickly ending the video. A soft smile graced your face as you thought about watching that later.
He grinned, “Are you going to post that?”
Shaking your head quickly you saved the video before closing out of the app, “No, I don’t think I will.” Looking back up with all the love in your eyes you scooted closer to him, nearly on top of him now, “Think I’ll keep it just for you and I.”
He pulled you onto his lap, getting the hint, “You’re a sap.” Brushing your now messy hair, thanks to Aaron, out of your face he leaned down to give you a gentle kiss on your forehead, “A cute sap at that.”
You grinned while cuddling into him rather thankful your uncalculated risk paid off in an incredible way, “Only for you Aaron.”
He wrapped his arms all the way around pulling you in close, “Wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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Aaron Hotchner/Criminal Minds: Permanent Taglist (Message me or comment below if you want to be added!): @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @buckylov3r @taygrls @ah-blossom @daily-evanstan @hardballoonlove @14buddy22 @rosiahills22 @djs8891 @mrs-ssa-hotch @panandinpain0 @viscade
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rheya28 · 1 year
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Grace Dance Studio ♥ The Sims 4: Speed Build // CC
➽ Hello guys, today I am building a Dance Studio in the Sims 4. Grace Dance Studio is owned by Madame Cecilia Grace, a well-known dancer, choreographer, master ballet teacher and performer in Windenburg. This beautiful dance studio is home to both competitive and non-competitive dancers and provides training to help students and passionate dancers accomplish their dance goals on and off the stage.
➽ I placed this as a Generic Lot as we don’t exactly have a Dance Studio Lot type, so it’s all just pretend. This lot could also be set as a Café as it meets all the requirements to function as one.
● Please make sure to turn bb.moveobjects on! ● Please DO NOT reupload or claim as your own. ● Feel free to tag me if you are using it, I love seeing my build in other peoples save file ● Feel free to edit/tweak my builds, but please make sure to credit me as the original creator! ● Thank you to all CC Creators ● Please let me know if there's any problem with the build
0:02 Intro 1:44 Speed Build 19:21 Photos
Lot Name: Grace Dance Studio Lot type: Generic lot type or Cafe Lot size: 30x20 Location: Windenburg
Tool Mod by Twisted Mexi *I recommend Downloading: Sims 4 Ballet Barre Mod  and the Ballroom Dance Mod by Mercury foam*
Note: I reuse a lot of the same cc in all my builds, specifically cc's from felixandre, HeyHarrie, and Pierisim so if you're interested in downloading past, present, future build from me i suggest getting all their cc sets to make downloading a little easier! other creators include Sooky, Charlypancakes, Sixam, Thecluttercat, Myshunosun, awingedllama, and tuds. This will also ensure that the lots are complete and are not missing any items upon downloading !
Awingedllama: Apartment Therapy
Lustroussims: Cozy Cottage [hanging aprons only]
Novvas: Rahat Set [poster II only]
Severinka: Monica Bathroom [wall lamp only]
Sooky: Horizontal Oil Painting - Portrait, Horizontal Oil Painting - Still Life, Tiled Floor Collection, Vertical Oil Paintings – Landscape, Vertical Oil Painting – Portrait, Vertical Oil Painting – Still life (LINK for ALL)
The Clutter Cat: Sunny Sunday pt 2 [ mirror only]
Charly Pancakes: The lighthouse Collection, Chalk pt 2, Lavish, Maples &S Construction
Felixandre: Chateau [all] , Colonial pt [1][2][3], Fayun pt 2, Berlin pt [1] [2] , Florence [all], Georgian, Grove pt [4], Kyoto pt [2], Paris [all], Grove pt [1][3]
House of Harlix: Harluxe, Jardane, Livin Rum, Orjanic pt [1][2]
Harrie: Brownstone [all], Brutalist, Coastal pt [2][5], Octave pt [2], Country pt [2], Spoons pt [2], Shop the look, Kichen
Cowbuild: Blooming Garden Café
Leafmotif: Calliope Bathroom [wall light only]
LittleDica: Rise& Grind
Littlecakes: Flowers (big ass roses)
Madameria: Basic Luxe [bar stool only]
*MOD*Mercuryfoam: Ballet Barre
Myshunosun: Daria Bedroom, Simmify pt [2]
Peacemaker: Hamptons, Pattered Jute Rugs, Terra tiles
Ars Bortanica: Peonies bouquet
Pierisim: Coldbrew [all], Domain Du close pt [2] [3], MCM pt [1], Oak house pt [3], The office, Winter Garden pt [1]
CharlypancakesxPierisim: Precious Promises
Ravasheen: Catas Throphy style [1][ 2][ 3], Skewllskewl highschool Décor
Rustic Sims: Modular life
Sforzinda: Func EP02 Espressogrindomatic
Simplistic: Rug Holland
*MOD* Simsten: Playable Harp
Sixam: Hotel bedroom [table only]
Syboubou: Ballet
● TRAYFILE ● Origin ID: Applez ● Twitter: Rheya28__ ● Tiktok: Rheya28__ ● Patreon: Rheya28 ● Youtube: Rheya28__
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nono-bunny · 1 year
Having ADHD is so weird because the expected experience is for you to have a very short attention span, which is why as a kid my parents were initally very unsure about me having it. I used to spend literal hours in front of the TV, on the computer, or reading books- if anything, it was getting me to stop and take a break that was the issue! They did not, however, see me in school, where since everything was really easy to me I would just find ways of otherwise occupying myself (I actually don't? Remember those days before I was medicated too well, it was YEARS ago, but I know that I for sure got multiple books confiscated for reading in class lol)
It obviously turned out to be me having some real intense hyper-focus and a difficulty telling the passage of time, which evidently is still an issue to this day because I just spent like literally six, maybe seven hours lurking on the Obey Me tag before I even noticed and now it's 5 a.m. but my sleep schedule is already fucked because this keeps happening so it's no problem /s
Anyway. I actually can't get down with short form content, I literally never downloaded TikTok to this day because it holds no appeal to me even though I KNOW I'm missing out, just because my idea of a good time involves watching a multiple hours long video essay on some remote fandom I may or may not have ever been a part of, and to me shorts are like... So boring in comparison? Which ngl makes me feel like an old lady because there's this whole thing about zoomers having short attention spans, which... I do, I still cannot learn anything that doesn't interest me to save my life (and in the past, my grades) but then I go on to spend hours learning about just completely meaningless stuff like it's the most important thing in the world, because at the moment, it is to me, to the point where I literally forget/don't realize I need to eat, sleep, and use the bathroom.
Like!! I only learned that this is even an ADHD/neurodivergence thing in the last couple of years, I just spent my entire life up to that point absolutely baffling my parents and being baffled by how other people don't become so invested in stuff that they could literally starve by accident without even noticing!! Like, truly, no one told me hyper-focus (and hyperfixation by extention) is such a big part of ADHD and I? Kinda wish I knew that earlier, even if it was just so I could have a name to the thing I do all of the time
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aspaceformbf · 3 months
Magus Thoughtdump - Dancing / Witchcraft / Clothes
I like it when my man has hobbies. Like dancing.. and witchcraft.
I occasionally save videos of guys dancing on tiktok, thinking that it would be neat if Magus could dance like that too.
A lot of the videos involve some dudes with big ass muscles and when I save them I think
"His body doesn't look like that.. but the moves are cool. I'm saving this for him."
"Inaccurate body but nice moves"
I like to think of them as additions to his personal bucket list of things to learn when I'm not around. He can practice while staring at me too. Yeah, I see him multi-tasking in that sense.
The Tumblr did mention he is a fast learner, so I see him picking up new moves pretty quick. I mean, those tiktok dancers dish out videos everyday.. that's insane. They make it look easy.
I imagine it's the same way with him, somewhat.
I do headcanon that my Magus already has some experience with dancing before I met him.
The YB Tumblr began on 2019 so I do headcanon that Magus met me around that time. I only met him around 2021 so he had two years to watch me in a one-sided fashion.
Back in 2019 I did enjoy cosplay and dance videos so I imagine that he took the effort to try to learn how to do those things in his free time.
Question : What if he downloads the dance in his brain?
I do like to think of Magus having a learning curve, like he has to try it before he gets the hang of it. I like the idea of him taking the effort to experiment and feel it out instead of just automatically uploading and knowing how to do it.
To be fair, he is adaptable and fast learner and dedicated so his learning curve is faster than normal.
I see the process going like-
He sees the video and tries to copy it. The first few attempts would be messy, clunky.. and probably really cringe. But with practice, his moves gets better and he eventually pulls it off.
Something like this would be like a first draft.. probably a second and third too. It could also just be a form of interpretative dance he does for fun without practice.
This ramble was inspired by this Tiktok video.
Peter canonically does have a shrine of us so witchcraft is something I could feasibly see a Boyfriend doing. I headcanon that my Magus does that too.
Before meeting me, I headcanon that he has tried ALL KINDS of stuff to get us together. Look.. when your lover lives in a whole other realm, you gotta try things that are straight up otherworldly to keep them. Listen, it makes sense.
Also he is canonically a product tester so I do see him testing all kinds of spells and rituals and shit before I met him.
I see him having an extra laptop that runs a whole playlist of witchy videos 24/7. Probably includes stuff like prayers for health, peace of mind, manifestations, affirmations, love spells, protections and stuff to ward of evil and all that.
On the more extreme end, game YB can't actually truly die even if you kill him. Tumblr YB self harms and offers to hurt himself terribly for you without any hesitation. And there's his fixation on blood.
I think the witchcraft he did before we officially met is probably pretty grimdark. If it's not straight up killing stuff on the altar, with his tendency to self harm I wouldn't be surprised if he did some extreme ritual like
"Dig out your own organs, put it on an altar and write chants in your blood 100 times"
Which he could pull off since he technically cant die.
He is more focused on spending time with me nowadays though and I would rather he treated his body like it won't just respawn forever.
When I first started hyperfixating on him back in 2021, Magus gave me a lot of deity worship vibes. 
He gave the impression that he had shrines and prayers and offerings and whole ass rituals dedicated to me. That includes body pillows, love dolls, posters, mannequins, all of that.
I wouldn't be surprised if he decorated his whole house based on his love for me.
He started giving more witchy vibes instead of deity worship vibes as I spent more time in the fandom.
We have been together for a while now, so the nature of his spells and rituals are kinda different than before we met or compared to our first few months together.
I like to think he is less reckless with the more violent or self destructive practices. He probably still does some dark arts but not to the extent he used to before we got more steady with each other.
I think a lot of it is because I'm more actively involved with him now, like making art and writing and being active in the fandom. So I see him paying more attention to me and the people I'm interacting with and less time allocated to witchy stuff.
Old witchy headcanons of Magus on Twitter
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Sorcerer AU - #sorcerer au
There's between 5-10 fic posts in this tag so yeah.. the lore/character building is there.
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I will admit, I have put him in A LOT of outfits over time. His closet must be pretty big. Oh, my metrosexual husband~
He definitely has the Tumblr YB trait where he will cherish every gift you give him so.. unfortunately I do see Magus having a big ass closet with all the outfits I have edited him in.
If we do get together I personally prefer him in simple clothes unless we are going out somewhere fancy like his Sunday best or whatever. A lot of his clothes will just be there gathering dust for the most part.
He would spend time to dust them off and maintain them the way he polishes his bottle caps, However he would spend most of his time on me generally so I do see his clothes getting neglected.
I have thought about clothes rental as a side income but .. nah he's not sharing.
Question : Would he ask you which outfit you would like to see him in?
Listen.. I'm terrible at making decisions. Having to choose between A and B would stress me out. 
I see him picking an outfit on his own. Or if I tell him I'm in the mood for a specific look, he will just wear that. I headcanon he wearing simple clothes for the most part. Tshirt and shorts, the usual.
If we don't go out, he's just in his underwear.. or naked. His birthday suit is the best suit :))
..Hygiene may be a factor though, so maybe underpants.. or booty shorts.
Skin Colour
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Most of the videos on my Magus-tok show him.. being white. And it's like.. I kinda wish my feed showed more videos of people doing stuff like this but like.. with melanin? He's grey, not white.
I see his skin colour being closer to this tbh.
(Get your shit together, algorithm)
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woomycritiques543 · 1 year
Going anon here so I don't get harassed by the stans I read through the doc you made and it was really well made and you brought up SO much good shit Viv and her stans have this problem of bringing up unrelated issues to try and make the other party look bad (And most of it ain't even true) "Oh Erin came out and said the workplace was so bad that she never wanted to draw again? B-b-but guys she's a TERF, so don't listen to her!" Like what the hell??? I have the evidence saved in case someone tries to take it down, and you bet I will be sharing this More people need to know about Viv's abusive behavior, not just people on TikTok (Also I send my condolenscences to you. Being misgendered and called a "psychopath" is utterly disgusting, and I hope you're doing okay)
Best wishes to you and here's to the future!
Sorry for the outburst but- OH MY GOD you have no idea how long it took to find a way to make it so you guys could see those files and documents! Also, thank you for your condolences.
Vivziepop ableism, internalized homophobia, and racism needs to come to an end. Not just with Ayy Lmao, but her and her entire standom. People are allowed to support something without supporting someone's behavior. Even then, giving someone thousands of dollars in hopes that they'll pay their artists properly just for this to happen instead:
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(More info on how she pays her workers and how indie artists are underpaid in studios overall based on the fact that the average is less than the average American pay in the full video of "The Vivziepop Archive Extravaganza" linked within the document itself.)
So yeah, the artists being "paid a little bit less than they should" at Spindlehorse is the underestimation of the centurty. The studio gets millions daily, yet there are still people there that have to work at goddamn Starbucks. That's horrible!
So im planning to maybe make a instructional video on how to not give views to creators you enjoy but don't want to support. It's not like it's going to the other artists really in the first place. Only the lead artists who say things like this:
(This was confirmed to be VIvienne's real discord on her own Twitter by the way. Go see for yourself. It's there. She's transphobic.)
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The reason why this is wrong speaks for itself.
(HINT: R^pe is something that severely traumatizes and hurts people and making light of the act itself like this is actually sickening.
-and the main creators also like things such as this:
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I think now's a good time to speak with our wallets and our views so that those mistreated will finally move on to better studios and that Vivziepop's reign of toxicity upon the internet will finally come to an end.
So if you wan't to buy merch... buy fan merch!
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If you wan't to watch a Helluva Boss episode, another hated Youtuber, etc:
1. Right click on a video from a youtuber that you don't like, for example: Onision.
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2. (IMPORTANT!) Press "Copy Link Address."
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3. Go to a trustworthy Youtube downloader.
4. -and bam! No views given, but you still get to enjoy the past episodes while making it so Spindlehorse can finally get the message that you do not support Vivziepop or her leads's behavior, and Youtube as a whole will finally get the message that the majority of people do not wan't to support toxic creators.
That is all it takes.
That, or film the video on Bandicam, make it a zip file, and then send it to whoever wants to download the video. -and done! You just DID NOT support Onision! Now try this with any other (big) creator that you have a problem with! Let's make Youtube a better place together. :)
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alitheakorogane · 2 years
Corrupted Game!SAGAU, but loosely based on Wreck-It Ralph...
Link of my concept of the Corrupted Game!SAGAU (Imposter AU): here.
Never thought that my concept of SAGAU can be similar to Wreck-It Ralph's, especially with the story of Vanellope Von Schweetz, the main female character of the movie...
I forgot that she is also a video game character who had a similar fate to the Reader/Player/Divine Creator in SAGAU fics: an outcast who was hunted by every single character just because they're special and in the playable characters' words, "an anomaly to the game that deserves to be executed/deleted"...but found out that they are actually prominent characters to their respective worlds.
I love the movie, and I will be adding some conceptual SAGAU ideas also inspired by the film.
The concept is still a regular Imposter!AU but with some touches that I have discussed in my last SAGAU posts (link is shown above).
The developers of Genshin Impact intended to introduce AI for the developers' incoming virtual reality project, and the latest updates are more like the beta test for that project. (Based on Hoyoverse's actual plan is to create a virtual world by 2030, with Genshin Impact as the "prototype".)
The AI was designed to create the characters, whether playable or non-playable, very interactive in the digital world. The technology allows for the characters to gain 'sentience', to allow them to talk and interact with the players without any difficulty.
Unfortunately, because it was slightly unfinished, the code was vulnerable to hacks and computer bugs that could possibly attack the code, and eventually, the game installed by the player.
The hacker, who is also a Genshin player, eventually finds out about it and made a computer bug to try how it will affect the game and warn others about the danger it causes. Then they posted it on some shady website under the guise of a private server or something....and the unlucky player takes the bait (when I thought about the idea, a similar creepypasta had been trending in Tiktok at the same time: a Russian player encountering the Faceless Ayato because they downloaded a questionable copy of the game from a shady website.)
The characters (Vessels), the lore... it all changed and twisted to something different when the AI was attacked by the virus. The characters were now sentient, but the virus had made their personalities deviate from their actual personalities in the original lore, and the AI added one thing to the now-changed lore: the existence of the "Creator", the Almother of Celestia and Teyvat who made the fantasy world by the flick of their hand.
The virus, now knowing the existence of the Creator, created an Imposter who acts, looks, and sounds like the player, taken from the files and sensitive private information saved in their computer. Just like real-life malware does: stealing your identity online... intending to infect the game and the computer, and finally sending the infected codes at a fixed time, this time on World Wide Web.
Since they are now sentient, the AI can recognize the virus now spreading on the game, and release their last resort to combat the imposter and the virus itself: bringing the real Creator to Teyvat by any means. The golden blood now rushing in the player's veins acts like an identity of the real Creator.
The 'Creator' (or the actual Imposter), now sensing the player's presence, had decided to prevent the player from destroying the 'Creator' and the virus itself.
Fortunately for them, they had the ability to access the game codes by accessing a certain backdoor, so they hacked the coding of the game to lock all memories of the player's previous status and eventually replace the player with the Imposter in the Teyvatians' memories, therefore, branding the player as an Imposter instead of the actual one.
They also made nearly all Teyvatians submissive to them by changing and corrupting their codes and game files, overriding their actual in-game personalities with obsessive adoration for the 'Divine Creator', therefore creating a cult. This way, they could leave the 'Divine Creator' Imposter to take full control of the game without anyone standing in their way.
Unfortunately for the 'Almother' Imposter, not everyone was affected by the reformatting of the memories. Some Chosen Vessels, the inhuman Weekly Bosses, gods (like Osial), the Abyss Order, and the Twins (Lumine and Aether) can still recognize the real Creator's aura due to the AI's influence, which now resided as the Irminsul. That means Lesser Lord Kusanali, out of all the Archons, knows who is the real Creator immediately due to her connection to the Tree.
The Abyss Order doesn't like the Divine Creator much because to them, they were MIA when Khaenri'ah was destroyed 500 years ago. But they had thoughts to help the player in their journey, maybe because they may be the key to the re-establishment of Khaenri'ah and the permanent removal of their curse...or they were now hunted by the Archons, the ones they hated the most. Well, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, they say.
Now they are now seen as the Supreme Almother and Creator of Celestia and the Seven Nations. Compared to the records and tombs depicting the Creator, they act in a very cruel manner to their subjects, but the Teyvatians, especially their acolytes, still loved them blindly (mainly due to the reformatted memories).
In order to keep the Imposter/player (actual Divine Creator) from ruining their plans of ruling Teyvat and infecting the game, the now Almother of Teyvat immediately takes action by forcing their Acolytes to get rid of them, dead or alive. They then create a set of harsh rules to which everyone, including the Archons, in the land of Teyvat takes heed.
The Withering appears once again since the parts of the Irminsul were corrupted again, this time by the computer malware. Since the AI now resides within the Irminsul (as a temporary measure) and the malware had slowly attacked the vulnerable part of the codes that make up the AI, corrupted parts in the form of the Withering appear on the Tree once again, possibly forming into Marana if untreated.
The Traveler and their Abyss Twin cross paths with the player every now and then, with different purposes. Since they are technically Outsiders/Descenders, they never really knew who the Almother of Teyvat is (and they are technically the MCs of Genshin Impact which happens to have more codes and files encoded on them because of them resonating with different elements, therefore randomized kits in their builds, which the virus had difficulty to replace).
The Traveler just seeks the player out to seek answers about their sibling and the truth of the world. The Abyss Twin seeks the player out to seek answers about the key to revive Khaenri'ah or to convince the player to join their cause. Because having the Creator on your side increases your chance of a successful plan against every single pathetic creature on Teyvat.
All the player had to do is to seek the Irminsul in Sumeru, as the AI knew about the total antivirus cure and a reset button to all of this. The virus' creation never knew that there is actually a way to combat the oncoming infection of the game.
All the player had to do is to avoid the corrupted Acolytes and the Abyss Order's plans, seek the Irminsul for answers and find the 'reset' mode of the game to reverse every single damage the virus' nefariously did that had made it to the game. And to stay alive and sane in all of this shit.
More to add on later reblogs, whenever another idea pops up for this concept!!
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xdrakesboyfriend · 10 months
the strawhats (at least the ones ive already met) n if they had phones
zoros phone is definitely mostly barren, nothing but the default apps that came w the phone when he brought it n maybe instagram n youtube ? but only so he can watch workout n sword training videos n to message the rest of the strawhats
zoro doesnt post on social media tho often n when he does, its usually a post work out photo n it usually blows up; has a large following due to his unintentional thirst traps
sanji prolly also downloads a minimal amount of apps, only having the food network, instagram, cooking related apps n youtube; he mainly uses instagram n youtube for cooking videos n aesthetic food pics n also for following pretty ladies n to silently gawk n nosebleed at zoros shirtless pics on ig
he also has a large following, most of them follow for food but others follow cause they simp for him
luffy almost exclusively has games on his phone w v little socials, only has instagram n tumblr to follow n message his friends, downloaded twitter at one point but got bored of it after a few hours n deleted it
he posts frequently on instagram, mostly its just random photos of his friends but he does post pictures of his brothers as well; he has a decently sized following, tho its still smaller than zoro n sanjis followings
luffy also a tumblr as i mentioned before, but he only has it follow usopp n noone else, n all his posts are just reblogs of usopps posts
usopp has the most socials in the strawhats besides nami, having a twitter, instagram, tumblr, twitch n pinterest, he also has alot of art apps such as iartbook n ibis paint
for the most part, he just sticks to posting art on all his socials, saving art related stuff n art tutorials on his pinterest n doing art streams on twitch
he might post the occasional picture/tumblr post about his friends tho, usually candid pictures or random stories about stupid stuff they did but sometimes the posts are heartwarming :)
usopp has a decent sized following n his art almost always blow up
nami has alot of socials as well, having twitch, reddit, tumblr, instagram, youtube, tiktok n twitter
she originally didnt stream on twitch, she mostly just used it to watch usopp but than she learned u could make money off twitch n started streaming, now shes a decently popular twitch streamer n is making alot of money off of twitch
she doesnt post much on other sites, only really posting the occasional stream clip n her stream vods but when she does its usually scam to get money
alot of her viewers are simps tbh, like zoros n sanjis n she has a medium to large following cause of it
chopper also has a bunch of games on his phone like luffy, but unlike luffy he has no socials other than youtube
he prolly only watches gaming n medical youtubers tbh, but is only subscribed to a handful of them
i dont have much to say about chopper ngl
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hugheses · 8 months
Hey, this is such a random question, but do you know where I can find the full video of Jack and Quinn playing video games together and answering questions from NHL? I’ve only seen gifs and one short clip (the ”which team does your mom root for?” one) but I haven’t been able to find the whole thing because the gifs I’ve seen are not from the clip I saw. I don’t want to bother you, just thought you might be the best person to ask. ❤️
so unfortunately i'm pretty sure you mean the short ad videos they did as a collab with the nhl and tiktok gaming which are a bunch of different posts so there's not one link for the whole thing. i dont have all the links saved anymore (if you scroll back enough on @/gamer on tiktok you could find them) but i do have these 2. i also have i think all the videos downloaded so i could combine them into one video if you're interested
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velvetsssapphic · 1 year
posting this for anyone who doesn't have AO3 <3
this is from last month and it's a bit of a shitpost so I wanted to post this before I get to the good stuff. enjoy!
Disgust rolled her eyes at Joy as she watched the yellow emotion break down in another laughing fit as Riley watched various TikTok videos of poorly-made memes such as cats meowing to the beat of the music and manipulated videos of Burger King commercials with low-quality music in the background for the umpteenth time this week. Ever since Riley was given permission to download the app, Joy had made sure to save every single video she found even slightly humorous to Riley's phone- which, considering that she bursts out laughing when leaves fall on the ground, was a pretty long list.
Disgust covered her ears as Joy's laughing reached a crescendo, and the rest of the emotions soon followed suit.
"Oh my god Joy, it is NOT that funny" Disgust hissed, backing out of the way as Anger flared up and Fear jumped three feet in the air in shock.
Joy pulled herself off the floor and composed herself, turning to face her. A wide grin spread across her face. "Oh come on! It might be stupid, but it's funny! Have some fun and quit being so uptight!"
Disgust huffed in annoyance, crossing her arms. "You can have as much "fun" as you want, as long as you don't shatter my eardrums with your incessant laughing."
It was Joy's turn to roll her eyes this time, ignoring her as she propped her elbows on the console and turned back to the screen.
Riley scrolled to another video. This time a picture of a loaf of bread spun in circles while a distorted version of "blurred lines" played in the background.
Joy clamped her hands on her mouth as she attempted to choke back her laughter, on the verge of exploding into another laughing fit.
Disgust glared at her from her place at the console. "Don't you dare ," Disgust threatened, staring daggers into the yellow emotion.
Joy choked before momentarily gaining control of herself, but it was evident to all of them the dam was about to break. Much like Anger couldn't control his temper and Sadness couldn't stop herself from crying, it was only a matter of time before the embodiment of happiness could prevent herself from laughing.
Another video popped up, this time with a bass-boosted fart played over a car crash. 
"DON'T-" Disgust didn't get to finish her sentence as Joy burst into another uproar of laughter, losing control of herself and spraying spit all over the buttons on the console, causing Disgust to throw herself away from it and letting out a scream as she frantically fanned herself in discomfort.
"EW!!! JOY, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU????" She screamed at the emotion who was currently laughing too hard to hear her. Not like she was paying attention to her anyways.
Joy fell to the ground again, gasping and wheezing as she rolled on the floor.
Disgust rubbed at her temple and wondered what in God's name did she do to have to be stuck with these idiots. Then turned to Sadness who was watching Joy with a small smile on her face. "Honestly, what do you even see in her?"
Sadness perked up, slightly startled as the green emotion suddenly put the spotlight on her. "I- um, well... she's sweet.. and... caring... and.... she’s kinda hot too..." She whispered, her eyes widening as soon as she realized what she just said.
Disgust whipped around to the blue emotion, giving her a look that said "did you just say what I think you said?"
Sadness began to backtrack, a blush spreading across her face as she attempted to cover up her hidden affection for the yellow emotion, who was currently still engulfed in a laughing fit. "Uh... I mean.. s-she's really…. pretty?" Sadness mentally slapped herself and wished a black hole would come in and take her now.
Disgust turned to Joy, who was still rolling around wheezing on the ground, and waved a hand in front of her face. “You heard what your girlfriend said about you?"
Joy pulled herself off the floor and on her feet, still giggling slightly. She glanced at Sadness, who was attempting to hide in her sweater. Joy laughed at the sight, throwing her arm around her and resting her head on hers. "What did you say about me, Sadness?"
"Nothing," Sadness quickly replied, turning her head away from her and silently praying that she would just drop the subject. But, unfortunately for her, Joy never seemed to know when to quit, even when she needed to.
"Aw, don't be like that!" Joy pressed. "I bet it was something sweet, right, blueberry? "
Sadness' blush worsened thanks to Joy's pet name for her. "I.. said you were pretty. That's all." Sadness mumbled, hoping Joy would buy it.
"Actually, she said you were hot ." Disgust interrupted, her arms crossed with an evil smile on her face, smirking at the horrified look Sadness gave her before burying herself deeper into her sweater to the point where they couldn't see her eyes anymore.
Joy's eyes widened, shocked that the quiet and timid emotion who usually stumbled over her own words when trying to compliment her and blushed dark blue when Joy would hold her hand had enough courage to call her hot in front of her. 
Joy's smile widened, turning her girlfriend around to face her and pulling her sweater back down to its original position before grabbing her face and kissing her on the forehead.
"Do you think I'm hot, sweetie?" Joy teased, her smile growing wider as Sadness' cheeks darkened in hue while refusing to make eye contact. Sadness mumbled something unintelligible that Joy didn’t quite catch which caused her to laugh. “Telllll meeee…” Joy urged, bringing Sadness’ face close enough that their noses were touching.
Sadness made an attempt to escape, which failed since Joy was gripping onto her as if she’d melt through the cracks on the floor or dissolve into thin air if she didn’t. Since when the hell did she become so strong?
Sadness felt like her face was on fire, and much to her discomfort, Joy persisted, taking advantage of the fact that Sadness couldn’t ever bring herself to say no to her, as if she would ever want to in the first place. “Tell me tell me tell me tell meeee-”
Sadness couldn't hold it in any longer. “Okayfineithinkyou’rehot canyoustopnow?!” Sadness cried, pulling away and covering her ears as Joy squealed in delight. The others audibly groaned, which fell on deaf ears as Joy danced around like she won a contest while Sadness stared at the ground wishing some external force from the outside world would interrupt them so that they could forget about this. Sadly, nothing came to rescue her.
Sighing in disappointment when she realized nothing was gonna distract her from this, Sadness glanced up awkwardly at Joy, who wore a mischievous smile on her face, with a glint of something in her eye that Sadness couldn't quite place. "I knew you couldn't resist me!" Joy exclaimed, spinning around and smirking at her, taking immense pleasure in watching the other girl squirm in discomfort.
Sadness covered her face with her hands, desperately trying to keep herself from smiling. "Joy, stop..." 
Disgust faceplammed. "Can you two go five minutes without obsessing over each other?!"
Anger peeked over at Disgust from behind his newspaper and gave her an annoyed glare. "Don’t waste your breath. They've been wrapped around each other ever since they got back from Long Term Memory. You couldn't pry them off with a crowbar." 
Joy rolled her eyes at them both and leaned down to sling her arm around Sadness, whose face was still on fire. "Oh come on guys, this is what you do when you love someone!"
Disgust made a face in, well, disgust, and flipped her hair, which smacked Fear in the face. “Well, luckily I don't love anyone.”
Anger scoffed, placing his newspaper on the table beside him and getting up from his spot on the couch. “The only thing Disgust cares about is collecting hoards of free makeup samples and jumping on the next fashion trend that’ll blow over in two weeks.”
“Well at least I don’t leave crumpled up newspapers on the floor and light Headquarters on fire like you do!” Disgust quipped. 
“Oh, you want to go, missy?!”
“Don’t even get me started-”
“GUYS, STOP!!!!” Joy yelled, putting herself in between them to avoid any more conflict, but to mostly make sure that Anger did, in fact, not light anything (or anyone, especially Fear) on fire.
“The point is, sometimes, when you love another person, you do things for each other that you don’t do with anybody else, and… sometimes, you get to do special things for them!”
Anger let out a humorless laugh while Disgust looked like she was two seconds away from launching herself out of Headquarters.  “Yeah. special things . I'm sure you do a lot of special things for her that we don’t need to know about.”
“Yeah. Count me out. Love is gross. Do whatever you want, but keep it far away from me.” Disgust said, picking up a nail filer and sitting beside Anger on the couch.
Joy waved them off dismissively and returned to holding her girlfriend close to her. “Whatever, at least I got my blueberry here so I can smother her with as much love as I want!!” Joy’s heart doubled in size when she looked down and found Sadness smiling up at her.
Before Sadness could say anything back, the five of them turned their attention back to the screen once they saw that Riley had scrolled to another video, which happened to be a video of a Family Guy meme of Carter Pewterschmidt singing while rearranging furniture. This, according to Joy, was hilarious; causing her to let out yet another roar of laughter.
Disgust threw her hands up in frustration, having had enough of this. “That's it. I can't do this anymore. Goodbye.” she growled before stomping off.
Sadness sighed, an overwhelming feeling of gratitude and adoration for the emotion wrapped up in her arms.
“This is why I love you.”
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I posted 1,813 times in 2022
138 posts created (8%)
1,675 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 802 of my posts in 2022
#good art! - 142 posts
#luke skywalker x reader - 41 posts
#other people's fic - 27 posts
#my husband. my beloved. the love of my life. - 14 posts
#my inbox is open - 10 posts
#kyoot! - 8 posts
#luke skywalker headcanon - 8 posts
#grün grün grün - 7 posts
#king mark!!!! - 6 posts
#evil boyfriend - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 132 characters
#i refuse to download tiktok because i am appalled by the amount of neurotypical people pretending to be neurodivergent for attention
My Top Posts in 2022:
I just saw a video of Mark Hamill speaking a little bit of Japanese and I feel so proud
24 notes - Posted February 18, 2022
Lucy's Masterlist!!!
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All of my fics are written for gender-neutral readers unless specified. I am ALWAYS open for requests of any kind (though I am currently limiting them to mild spiciness*), so feel free to send in any!
Fic Series:
Children of the Dunes - Chapter 1 (Luke Skywalker x Fem!Reader)
Dark Prince Luke Thoughts™:
Daily Luke Thoughts™:
Horse Girl!Luke
Watching the Twin Sunset
Star Wars/Yellow Submarine Crossover
Gentle Luke
Softie Luke
Luke and Snuggles
Luke's Sweet Tooth
Luke and Model Ships
Luke and Insecurity
Skywalker Night Live 1, Skywalker Night Live 2, Skywalker Night Live 3
Musician!Luke 1, Musician!Luke 2, Musician!Luke 3, Musician!Luke 4
Luke and Movies
Boyfriend Luke*
28 notes - Posted March 6, 2022
Dark Prince Luke Thoughts™:
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(Image Source)
Tagging: @stonegoldsxcrxt, @myevilmouse, @dexthtoyounglings, @laserbrains, @ancient-stardust, @hansonveggieclub
In my version of the popular AU, Luke is the Crown Prince of the Galactic Empire. The galaxy knows him as the son of Sheev Palpatine and Padmé Amidala (yuck!); this narrative was perpetuated by COMPNOR to garner wider support from those who idolized the late senator. The story goes that Padmé was murdered by the jedi because they were against her secret affair with the chancellor, but Darth Vader was able to save their child at the last minute.
Luke was raised at Varykino by the Naberrie family in accordance with Naboo tradition. They were his only true source of love during his childhood, and they helped him to be in touch with his culture. He grew up under the watchful eyes of his two Noghri bodyguards, Ahkelar and Arakhmil; despite their gruff exteriors, they are very caring. When he isn't on Naboo, he is often at the side of Darth Vader, his mentor and protector. Vader is stern and cold by nature, but he refrains from actually harming Luke. Luke both respects and fears Vader, viewing him as more of a father figure than Palpatine could ever be.
Palpatine's reasoning behind Luke being the Crown Prince is so he can be the poster boy for the Empire, as well as to torture Vader with his presence. Vader's son--the son he thought he lost--is alive, and Palpatine stole him. However, he is secretly training Luke to eventually overthrow the Emperor; as much as Luke hates the man he thinks is his father, he isn't elated about eventually taking his place. Palpatine's ultimate goal is to have Luke 'succeed' him while he would still be pulling the strings behind the scenes, but Vader wants him dead.
Vader was entrusted to train Luke in the ways of dark side, but not in the ways of the Sith so he wouldn't be a threat to Palpatine. This was followed to a certain point; while Vader didn't train Luke in the ways of the Sith, he also didn't exclusively train Luke in the ways of the dark side. Vader doesn't want Luke to be truly evil because he knows it would break Padmé's heart--he did it once, and he never wants to do it again. Ultimately, Luke doesn't see the force as being separated into the dark and the light, he just sees it as the force because that is what he was taught. Luke has multiple lightsabers that he made and collected--yellow, orange, pink, purple--but no red lightsabers, as he uses the dark side but isn't truly a darksider.
30 notes - Posted December 6, 2022
For the Luke Skywalker headcanons--um...he loves to ride speeder bikes like a lunatic...you would hang on behind him for dear life. He loves to cook but he's not very good at it... Except maybe one recipe he totally rocks. And he is open to any and all wacky sexual fantasies so bring 'em on, you'll never know unless you try... 😈
As a teenager back on Tatooine, he used to practice on Uncle Owen's old speeder bike in his spare time, which ultimately gave him a few injuries and Corellian-level maneuverability. Luke can also pull off some insane tricks with those force-heightened reflexes of his. He likes to take you on joyrides across whatever planet you're currently on, which occasionally involves riding off the edge of cliffs. It honestly scares the shit out of you, but you can never get mad at him because he always has total control and nothing bad ever ends up happening (even though it doesn't always feel that way).
Luke is a surprisingly domestic guy and is 10/10 husband material. Having grown up on a farm where every life skill is a requirement for survival, he knows how to cook, clean, sew and knit, repair things, etc. He may not always be the best at everything, but he never complains about doing chores and you can always count on him to get them done. Over the years, he's discovered that having a peaceful settled life is a luxury in this galaxy, so he never takes the home you've built together for granted. When it comes to cooking, he's very enthusiastic about experimenting with new recipes from all over the galaxy. Sometimes he gets a little too enthusiastic and accidentally sets the kitchen on fire. However, he does makes an effort to figure out what your favorite dishes are and get really, really good at making them.
For the last part... we already know he's a very curious and creative person--and he's a total simp--so he's willing to do literally anything to make you happy. I like to think the force would be involved somehow. And maybe his x-wing. Don't ask.
49 notes - Posted November 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
to expand on the artistic tendencies you detailed a while back: something in which Reader discovers Luke's sketchbook tucked in amongst his gear or something and he feels some way about it. ♥️
You and Luke have a lot of trust in your relationship. However, he's still inclined to keep some things to himself, and you respect his privacy.
But you never expected him to be an artist.
For context, you didn't go snooping in his stuff--going through someone's sketchbook without their permission is a serious crime--you found his sketchbook purely by accident. Luke had left the mess hall in a hurry to make it to a rebel briefing, leaving a small, jerba leather-bound book on the bench next to you. Assuming it was some kind of journal where he kept tabs on important information regarding all things jedi, you slipped it in among your gear for safekeeping until his meeting wrapped up.
The sea of orange flightsuit-clad pilots signaled to you the meeting ended, so you rushed into the crowd to find Luke. It didn't take you long to spot the golden blonde hair of your lover as he made his way toward you.
"I'm glad I caught you, Y/N!" Luke cheered, drawing you in for one of his signature bear hugs.
"I'm glad, too! I have something for you." You reached into your jacket and a look of relief crossed his face as you pulled out the little book. The leather binding the book was worn and slightly faded and some of the pages had prominent wrinkles, but you could tell he treated it with great care.
"My sketchbook! I can't believe I left that behind, thank you for finding it!"
"Aunt Beru got it for me after Uncle Owen scolded me for doodling on the dining room table. It's one of the few things I've kept from Tatooine since I left." He laughed softly, looking at the sketchbook with fondness that made your heart ache.
"I didn't realize you were an artist... I don't mean that as an insult! I just didn't look inside."
"Would you like to?" You nodded, and he flipped open the sketchbook.
Your jaw dropped--he was incredible! Even at a young age, he demonstrated great talent by capturing the minute details of his T-16 starfighter. Portraits of who you assumed to be his family and friends from Tatooine filled the early pages of the sketchbook, as well as rough sketches of the planet's barren landscape. The further you got in the sketchbook, the more drawings you saw of familiar faces like Leia, Han, Chewie, and the droids. It was fascinating watching his art style morph over time as his skills increased, but what remained constant throughout was the love he poured into everything. Soon enough, you reached a part of the book where your likeness adorned almost all the pages. Phrases like "my love" and "the light of my galaxy" accompanied the sketches of your face.
You looked towards Luke, who scratched the back of his neck nervously. "Luke... this is amazing! You're really talented!"
"You really think so?"
Right as you were about to reply, you were cut off by Wedge Antilles informing Luke that Rogue Squadron was about to take off.
"I guess it's time for me to go, Y/N," he said, placing the sketchbook back into your hands. "Can you hold on to this for me?"
You nodded and kissed him one last time before he made his way toward his x-wing. Even after watching him fly away to fight in some valiant battle in the far reaches of space, you still couldn't fathom what you did to deserve Luke Skywalker trusting you with such an intimate piece of him. You held the sketchbook to your chest and smiled, knowing that you were connected to him even if you were galaxies apart.
58 notes - Posted March 6, 2022
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hiyojun · 1 year
someone on tiktok asked that i let them save a video so i turned on downloads just until they dl it but then they disappeared so now i’m scared for my life waiting for them while anyone could just dl any of my videos
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jupiter-nwn · 25 days
Yk what, I really, REALLY dislike tiktok. Like, fully. I mostly use it to save edits and listen to the audios while I daydream my own edits and this wastes so much data, plus I keep losing old videos under mountains of new ones, and I was like "oh I wish I could shuffle these" and then I was like "aw man I used to be cool and just download edit audios to my phone with a youtube to mp3 downloader"
So fuck it, I'm downloading my 1.3k saved edits and extracting the audio and not wasting my data on an app that, frankly, makes me hate myself and everything around me
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i don’t think i’ll ever be enough. those people in their phone are prettier than i’ll ever be. i can’t compete. my face doesn’t hold a single place in the memory of their device. not a photo or video downloaded in sight - not even my body. not even giving myself sexually is enough to earn a spot saved. i can photograph my body in every position and it will never deserve that much. i am just not beautiful enough.
i understand. i know this. but even so, it is sad that even love cannot lighten the burden of my appearance.
their eyes are glued to a screen, really. i don’t know if i blame them. they’re gorgeous. they could have anyone and i understand the lack of lust on my behalf.
i was not born pretty. a plastic surgeon would have an incredible time with me. i’m certain i’d thrill them. not a single piece of me would be left untouched. they could plot and plan and twist and slice.
nothing is redeemable, unfortunately. not my chin, jaw, lips, nose, face, forehead, eyebrows, eyes, undereyes, eyelids, eyelashes…
oh, if i were rich, my face would be remade. my body, too.
i am not enough visually. in fact, i am quite… negative, in that scale of numbers. my body does not help. even my sexual areas are not pleasing to the eye or mouth. my breasts are too small, my vulva is too out. my clit is too big and stretching open my labia to reveal inside my vagina is hideous.
my rib flares jut farther than my tits. my waist is not thin enough, my lovehandles are too fat. my hip dips accentuate my too-large thighs. my ass is big, in a sense, because of my weight, but not in the gorgeous way. it droops with the fat, does not look round like is desired.
my arms are too big, my hands are too chubby and small. my stomach is far too large. my calves, as well.
i am most ashamed of my face. i am not something to be proud of. i am the person you desperately hope to keep inside, to keep secret. to not let in sight of your friends for fear they will make fun of you, have you embarrassed over the monstrosity of a partner you have to parade around.
“as long as you’re happy” is the only response i would elicit.
and worst of all, i’m confusing. i look feminine, sort of. not feminine in the divine and beautiful sense, but feminine in the way i have long hair and wear dresses and makeup. but i call myself a boy. wish others to also address me as so.
what a wreck i am. what a terrible, horrible mess. what an utter disaster. waste. failure.
i am not even something to be jacked off to. i can’t even dignify a catcall, a whistle, or sexually crude leer. not even an older man looking to get a young fleshlight would consider me, glance my way.
i understand why my partner does not mention my appearance. i understand why they do not save photos, take photos - whether of face or sexual organs.
but oh… how it does hurt. to know they’re able to get off to onlyfans of women they saw on tiktok, of people they scroll and find on twitter. i will never be them. i will never be enough, not even to cum to.
isn’t it sad? to be so horribly… ugly.
when i stop and think about it, even without porn… even without nsfw content… even without regular, sfw photos of these gorgeous people on a device… i still doubt i would be in my partner’s mind. maybe an alternate version of me. one where i am very easy to look at - but that would still be a fantasy.
in all likelihood, they’d imagine other people. try to distance their mind while fucking between my legs. imagine a sweet and pretty girl instead of… well, whatever it is i am.
what a waste. i can not eat or drink all day, wear a full face of makeup, wash every crevice of my body and exfoliate, smear every square inch with lotion and perfume, run oils through my freshly washed hair so that it smells nice, stuff socks under my boobs in a push-up bra, cinch my abdomen in with a waist trainer and my tightest belt over my high-waisted jeans… and even then, i could not compare to others walking the street. i won’t ever look nearly as pretty as they do just existing in their natural state. oh, i shudder to wonder how i would look beside them if they also did the things i do to improve my appearance.
they’d look heavenly. i would look…
i don’t even want to know.
they can’t even lie to me. they called me pretty when they first met me. but when they got me, it instantly stopped. the chase to get me was over, so the flattery (lies) were no longer necessary. the painful act to pretend i am desirable beyond being a toy and therapist is finally completed.
here i am, pouring my love and giving my sex.
i look so fuckinf ugly man. i cant stand it. i’m so tired of being this… disgusting. im revolting and i don’t get how someone can look this awful.
again, i should say i DONT blame them. it makes me sad, but i’m very used to it. i UNDERSTAND why they do. god, i’d need a break if i had to live with me, look at me, deal with my existence. but it just sucks to not be enough naturally like anyone else could. i really really wish i could be that attractive, beautiful, pretty, hot, lovely, gorgeous, cute, sexy, handsome, anything anything at all… i’d give so much to look even halfway decent. it would be such an improvement and oh, how i crave it.
it’s not their fault at all. i’d scroll twitter and pornhub and tiktok and onlyfans and whatever else needed to scrub my image from the brain.
my own mother tried her best to hide my body all throughout school. it started in 6th grade. i was lectured about the importance of wearing dark colors to appear smaller, thinner, lighter. baggier clothes to hide that unflattering shape of mine. no shorts, no tank tops, not even in summer. hoodies and jeans. yes, even during recess. black oversized hoodie, dark and baggy jeans. long hair to hide the sides of your face as you walk so that you might not flash a poor soul with the sight of even a sliver of your profile.
wretched. what a wretched mass of flesh i am.
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juicyprncess · 1 year
my mini breakup with instagram: what happened ?
The beginning
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It's a Friday morning afternoon, and I've just woken up to face the new day ahead of me. But first! let me check my phone real quick; a little relaxation didn't hurt anyone. Finally turning off my repetitive phone alarm, I begin to swipe through my social media apps;
Twitter isn't too bad most of the time; just the usual stan updates
TikTok cooking videos are making my stomach growl; let me bookmark this to save for later. And just another plethora of fashion content on there
Pinterest is problematic-free, with nothing but aesthetic pictures to look at
And then we have Instagram. Now I admit, I didn't have this problem before; I'd use to mindlessly scroll on there, get a little nosy, and see how my mutuals were doing. But this time...it felt a bit different. Thoughts ran through my mind;
"dang they seem to go out a lot."
"how are they able to afford these things?"
"oh geez, how were they able to afford to travel there?"
"that party seemed really fun a few days ago"
More of these thoughts seemed to seep through my mind. I finally decided to exit the app and just try to go through my day without thinking about those type of thoughts. But alas, those thoughts would pop up when I would just stay at home like any other regular person with down time, thinking that I could be doing more in comparison to my mutuals.
The middle
External validation was a consistent problem I had back then, so the constant updates of my online mutuals seemingly doing "better' than me was overwhelming. I was constantly pressured to look good or presentable on Instagram more than any other app. Some could comment that it could be how Instagram was designed, but I digress; it was beginning to feel like a competition. Instagram was one of the social media apps that I would scroll on to on my study breaks or when I had nothing to do in mini parts of the day, but it felt worse than the others.
The constant wondering of how other people were living their lives was tiring, so I took things into my own hands. I decided to delete the app, not necessarily my account, because my friends use it to message me from time to time, but this left me with some ideas on what things I could do to replace the time of mindlessly scrolling.
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Some activities that I did to replace the mindless scrolling on Instagram:
I began to learn how to meal prep
Dedicated some time to brush up on coding
Watched more video essays on the niche things I was passionate about
stretched more often
began to type down positive affirmations about myself, improving my self-concept
Researched how to thrift flip some clothes from the thrift store
began to search for vintage items
got more into makeup
became more productive In studying for certain classes
The conclusion
Truthfully, this was a mini problem that was solved with a matter within days. Suddenly, I felt more positive about myself and not really concerned about people that I barely talked to; rather, I was focused on taking care of myself more than anything. Realizing that I was the priority for my social media intake was an extremely valuable lesson that learned throughout the whole entire experience. I started putting more time into my hobbies rather than just scrolling.
Currently, I don't have the Instagram app on my phone; I'll download it from time to time to see what my friends send through DMs, support a small business through there, and even post a phone or two just for funsies, but overall; I just end up deleting the app a minute after because I know for myself that I don't need an ounce of that external validation for sure
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