#I do not know what Tawnypelt sees in him
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blodwyrm · 1 month ago
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𝔠𝔯𝔬𝔴𝔣𝔢𝔞𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔞𝔦𝔫’𝔱 𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔠𝔲𝔱𝔢
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the-owl-tree · 1 month ago
I think if Brambleclaw were to still become deputy at the end of the arc, it would be more interesting if the attempted Firestar assasination/Hawkfrost death was moved earlier, and Sunset would be him dealing with consequences/distrust as a result of that. It creates narrative consequences for him while also allowing for room to create self-improvement (depends on whether you're making him better or worse). It creates some interesting conflict with BrambleSquirrel, perhaps dealing with her still having feelings for him despite her initial suspicions of him being kind of confirmed?
Oooh, I like that! I'm torn at the idea of moving it, I think the brotherly showdown is a very good climactic ending for the book, but I think it fits more with some of the other changes I'm thinking. I think the narrative depends on a few things:
Brambleclaw steps down as deputy at the end of Sunset. I think the fact he hesitated should've disqualified him entirely and it's a sobering moment for him where he realizes his actions have consequences (even if this doesn't last).
I do not like how deputy is treated as a "reward" for learning to be nicies in the books, especially when there are more qualified individuals (looks at crowfeather's trial with disdain). So, for personal preference, and because I think it makes a way more satisfying narrative for Brambleclaw, he's gonna step down.
Like in canon, I don't think Squirrelflight learns the full truth until later, to Maximize Drama.
Leafpool knows, she saw him training in the Dark Forest. I also want Mothwing to be the one to deal the final blow to Hawkfrost and she later confides in Leafpool about it.
Honestly....kind of tempted to have it be a four way Tigerkin face off, but I think four's a crowd with Tawnypelt having her arc relatively finished by firmly rejecting Tigerstar.
I am gonna keep Bramble closer to canon, AKA make him worse and worse the moment he gets into power. Their relationship takes a downhill turn when Brambleclaw becomes Deputy again, probably named after whoever is picked instead after Sunset either dies or steps down.
Something else I'm flip flopping between is LeafCrow or LeafHawk, which definitely impacts whether or not the confrontation gets moved up. If it's LeafHawk, exploring that aftermath would be too tasty to pass up...
Aaah lots to decide. I wanna read the latter half and see what sort of crumbs canon gives me, that will definitely impact my decision!!
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springtsunami · 2 months ago
Sorry for not posting in months. Been super busy as a late with personal health issues and new hyper fixations-
K review time- Gonna split them up by protags
• Really love the idea of the design! Super interesting, especially to draw
•I am actually interested in her as a character. Really like how she is not a medicine cat. (I was one of those people who wanted either warrior or leader Frostpaw btw)
•I’m a sucker for introverts and suffer from sensitivity to loud noises and related heavily to the Gathering scene with Moon
•Was intentionally on the fence about the voice due to Moonpaw being a chimera and that the voice could be her ‘absorbed sister’(mainly due due to chimera misconceptions) but, thankfully the sister is just a funky little mischievous ghost kit
•I know it’s technically part of Tawnypelts, but I am excited to see what they do with the sister especially after the prophecy Tawny received. Hopefully not a Ashfur and Shadowsight dynamic again :/
•This part may be controversial. Not really involved with the fandom much, but I never really cared for Tawnypelt. Didn’t dislike or like just neutral. I did enjoy her point of view, just not was included in it
•Don’t see chemistry between Crow and Tawny, but if you enjoy it, more power to you
•Praying her point of view won’t just be traveling in the next few books
•Rant about Tiger and Dove : scroll down to skip
I really, really don’t like Tigerstar and Dovewing in this book. I know it’s Tawny’s view, but those two are annoying me so much I can’t help but to think of them when I think of Tawny’s pov. Tigerstar and Dovewing are huge hypocrites here, I get not wanting for your son to leave, but Dovewing literally left ThunderClan before clan swapping was in the code. I used to ironically enjoy Tigerstar due to his sarcastic comments and insanity, but I honestly dislike him so much. He was possessive of Dove telling her to not vist Birchfeather saying he was giving ‘tough love’. Dove is also way out of character too, being kinda submissive to Tiger when it has been shown she is willing to do what she think is right. Loving how Tiger considers emotionally manipulating his son is ‘tough love’. Then he not only does this but punishes Tawny for visiting her grandson??? When he and dove met in secret. The only good thing about plot is that it is treated like Tiger and Dove are in the wrong. Tiger then doesn’t trust Tawny about the twolegs….Hopefully they remove Tiger from leadership or have him apologize <3
Rant Over
•Birchfeather must be protected and have him live a happy life <3
•My main points about this pov so far is just hating Dove and Tiger, but I did enjoy it more than I wrote. Not much more due to them infuriating me but I do hope we get a move diverse location than the lake this arc
•Leafstar is the only one where I don’t have a lot to say. I love her and loving a leader pov in the main series. Dont know how to feel about her as a leader, since it kinda came out of nowhere and was just made for this arc but ok
•Writers do a good job of making the reader sympathize with Leafstar but also make them understand Skyclan’s pov
•Speaking of SkyClan’s pov, I kinda get where they were coming from, but like I feel like most of Leafstar’s slip ups were mainly coincidental. Like I believe they lost the badger fight due to many reasons, but like I feel like it wasn’t Leafstar’s fault. No one knew there were 2-3(I forgot how many) badgers there. It was assumed there was only one so how was Leafstar supposed to plan accordingly?? The only reason Hawkwing succeeded is because he knew how many badgers were there…
Edit: I forgot the whole Starlingpaw and Leafstar accidentally attacking him. Yea that was a bad move on Leaf’s part. But I feel it was caused her being overwhelmed. But it’s still a good reason for SkyClan to be against Leaf
•Kinda iffy on Reedclaw. Know where she’s coming from but I feel like she’s less evil and more grief stricken with anger. Hopefully they make her a antagonist not a villain. But knowing how Berryheart started last arc, I’m betting on her being a villian
•Interesting on having an elder pov with Leafstar, assuming she steps down.
•Said I didn’t have a lot to say but I did say a lot 0-0
Overall Points and Predictions for CS
•The book title made me think it was a traveling book and made me nervous, but looks like we are getting those in the next books.. Srs, why Elders’ quest??? The quest was mentioned at the end, but idk what it should’ve been named-
•All She-Cats pov!!!
•As a mothpool fan, I’m fine with CrowxTawny because it leaves Leafpool open :)
•Don’t know if the villains this arc will be twolegs/nature or cats like Reedclaw or Tigerstar
•Weird new book schedule, hopefully the books won’t be rushed due to the wider gap between books
•Now predictions!!!
•Leafstar will become Leafdapple and will join Tawny and prob Crow on the quest in the next books
•The new territories will be located at the gorge
•Hawkwing either picks a nobody for deputy or Reedclaw
•Reedclaw will be a villain(hopefully not)
•Birchfeather will have a tragic end or will go through trauma(hopefully not, again)
•Leaf dies
•Tawnypelt and or Crow retires
My mom also reads the books and here are some predictions:
-Tawny and Crow live together in WindClan while Crow becomes leader
-Dark Forest reappears or the purgatory thing that happened in Star is expanded on
-Ghosts are expanded on
-most of the next two books are travel books
-Reedclaw becomes Hawkfrost 2.0
Thanks for reading my review!
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hadescabin · 1 month ago
How do you feel about the new elder request book? I'm not going to spoil anything if you haven't read it and whatever is happening with tigerheart.
There's a lot I could say about the book itself, but as for the Tigerheartstar segments, I've seen and heard it alright, and it's BAD. Makes me feel a little better that I've been procrastinating on finishing the Tigerheart essay because this just gives me more material. Spoilers for the Elders Quest under the cut! CW for parental abuse, emotional neglect, manipulation, and a brief mention of grooming
Okay I'm going to break this down into segments that I took note of. Tigerheartstar right off the bat is introduced as being grumpy and aggressive towards SkyClan and even Tawnypelt. This isn't a big issue for me, I just wish they elaborated more on Tigerheartstar's grudge towards his mother. IMO it would be interesting to see it be a manifestation of all the events that took place under Rowanclaw. I point this out because it provides context to what everyone has been talking about lately. Of course, I'm talking about Birchfeather wanting to leave ShadowClan to join SkyClan for Ridgeglow. The way Tigerheartstar and Dovewing reacted was just terrible, hypocritical, and completely unsupportive (Tigerheart more so than Dovewing but I'll get to that in a minute). To give them some credit, Birchfeather was the only surviving kit in their second litter, and Rowankit's death was traumatizing/stressful in nature. So, I can understand why they were upset, and why, despite the fact that they too were cross Clan lovers, they're not happy to see Birchfeather leave. Much less to SkyClan which Tigerheartstar has established as to not having good relations with at the moment. This much is emphasized in the text. Despite what a lot of people have been saying, the hypocrisy isn't that bad from a writing standpoint, and actually had interesting character potential for both Dove and Tiger. Characters are allowed to have flaws. (Though I will admit that seeing someone like Tigerheart talk about clan loyalty is very, very funny, considering that it goes against his OOTS personality of finding clan borders stupid). It's the way that Tigerheart went about it that was completely unacceptable for me. If it wasn't for Tawnypelt straight up dragging her own son and his wife out of their den, they would've never said goodbye to their son during such a vulnerable moment in his life. This is terrible, especially when you consider that Birchfeather held back on saying anything for so long based on his father's potential reaction alone. He knew his father was going to throw a tantrum, yet he told them anyways.
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This is crazy to me your child should never be afraid of coming to you period, much less fearing your reaction
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The fact that he needed Tawnypelt to be in the room with him when he told his parents speaks volumes. Can you imagine, having all that hope built up only for your worst fears to come crashing down on you? This is terrible for both Tawnypelt who didn't expect that he'd move and encouraged him to speak out in the first place, and Birchfeather who tried to place his trust in his parents.
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also note that when they do finally come out of their den, they still refuse to offer him any sort of emotional support in retaliation for him making his own decisions. this is manipulative behavior. Even worse, later on in the book when Tawnypelt is heading to SkyClan and offers to relay a message from Tigerheartstar and Dovewing to Birchfeather, Tigerheartstar straight up interrupts and speaks over Dovewing, before she could say anything.
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You guys already know my opinion on TigerDove so I'll spare you the essay, all I'm going to say is that it doesn't really help my opinion that Tigerhearstar doesn't see his wife as her own person. This is just one of many patterns of behavior where he makes Dovewing's choices for her or pressures her into doing what he wants. It's for this reason that while Dovewing did initially not give her son the support he deserved, it shows that unlike Tigerheartstar she is trying to make amends to this and reach out before rudely being interrupted. Outside of him simply ignoring the very obvious twoleg threat and shutting down any discussion of it, Tigerheart's treatment of others worsens.
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for context here, Tawnypelt helped Birchfeather pass his challenge by chasing a rabbit over the SkyClan border, Yarrowleaf caught her and reported this to Tigerheart.
Here he admits that he's purposefully ignoring his son until he comes back to ShadowClan either due to him changing his mind or failing the trial. This is emotionally abusive behavior or at the very least maltreatment, he is trying to manipulate his son into doing what he wants by dangling his parents' communication over his head. Furthermore he's punishing Tawnypelt for not only providing Birchfeather with the love and support he deserves over his decision, but also helping him pass the trial. Being a strict and hostile leader is one thing, explicitly manipulating your CHILD and punishing your mother for not participating in it is another. His dislike towards SkyClan and grief over losing Rowankit and Birchfeather doesn't excuse this behavior whatsoever. I did try to be understanding because grief is irrational and ugly, but this has gone beyond that and straight into abusive territory. To summarize my views, despite what a lot of people are saying, Tigerheartstar being manipulative towards his loved ones isn't out of character for him. In fact, I'd argue that the guy who needed to manipulate and groom a teenager into dating him would go as far as to carry the same treatment out to his children. My only real issue is like what someone on here (I forgot who) pointed out that this wouldn't be the type of manipulation tactic Tigerheart would induce. This type of manipulation where you give your loved ones the cold shoulder until they relent isn't really him, and does feel out of character. If anything, given Tigerheartstar's past behavior with Dovewing in OOTS, I would've expected him to try and guilt trip Birchfeather into rejoining. This book just feels very weird in general and it's strange that they're making Tigerheartstar an antagonistic leader, not because I think it's a bad thing (we need more antagonistic leaders tbh, a lot of them are plain bread) but because they spent arcs trying to build him up as being separate from his grandfather. With that being said, I do hope they don't wrap this all up with Birchfeather relenting to go back to ShadowClan or them pretending like it never happened and moving on (or the secret third evil option, tigerheartstar going down the berryheart sacrifice route). If they do reconcile there needs to be a lot of behavioral changes with Tigerheartstar and the way he treats his wife and kids. Unfortunately, knowing the Warriors series the former is most likely to happen.
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brokentranstar · 25 days ago
why do people dislike tigerheartstar..? /genq
Ough... I feel like there's a lot of things to dislike him for, IF YOU'RE WRONG AND CLOSE-MINDED!!!
Most of all, people reallyy don't like Omen of the Stars Tigerheartstar, even some of my fellow Tigerheart fans don't like him in there, and you know what? I'm not gonna argue but. I genuinely don't think he's that bad, he's just shown to be young and kind of silly. I don't blame him for things he did, because pobody's nerfect. He made some mistakes, but he wasn't being Malicious. I feel like people either misremember stuff, or just headcanon things that did not happen.
A lot of people say he "groomed Dovepaw" or whatever and thats WRONG. and a horrible thing to say. People are literally just throwing words around without knowing how serious what they say is and that makes my blood boil ngl.
Second: People get all pissy over the Flametail/Jayfeather situation with him. and Dawnpelt, of course, gets more hate because She's a Woman, but Tigerheart has his share of haters for that situation too, saying he "betrayed Dovewing" and he's a "bad boyfriend" (They were not dating at the time) and yes, maybe his reasoning is somewhat flawed, but I think it just makes him more inchresting, personally... Anyway, you can not agree with, or actively dislike friends of your friends, it's great.
And then there is the "literally making stuff up" allegations where, for example, some people say Tigerheart "stalked Dovepaw" and that makes me feel like they didn't read or skim through a single romance book, or anything romance related Ever. What you'll discover, is that in Romance Books/Movies there are 10 people in New York, and the two love interests will always find each other, no matter how unlikely it is for them to suddenly meet again, and again. Tigerheart "stalking" Dovepaw is NOT CANON, it is never said, it is never implied, it is a fabrication. They randomly stumble onto each other because The Plot.
There is also the Ivypaw + catmint situation, where people claim he specifically started talking to Dove to manipulate her, and that is Untrue, Dovepaw accidentally talks about the catmint when he's Genuinely venting, he did not ask. She literally SAYS to him she's gonna steal it for him, and he says NO because he doesn't want to get her in trouble. Ultimately, he does tell ShadowClan about trading Ivy for Catmint, but the point is; He never wanted to get Dovepaw in trouble, or hurt her in Any of this. Ultimately, he still did, but my point is; He's way more nuanced than people give him credit for.
And all of that was just OotS. In AVoS, people mainly hate the Tigerheart Super Edition, could not tell you why. Probably the big reason being, that people don't like Tigerheart from OotS. Tigerheart's Shadow is a very pleasant read to me, and very cute. He's not perfect, but he is trying his best, and I love him for that.
in The Broken Code, it's mostly just nitpicking. He's the best he's ever been in this arc, and people will Still find a way to hate on him for the smallest things like "coddling Shadowsight" or whatever... bro get out of here... Oh man, I sure do wish fathers in warrior cats went back to not ever thinking about their kids, that was PEAK writing!! /sarcasm
and then... There's ASC... My heart dropped when the arc started, not because I was proven wrong in any way, but because I KNEW the haters would use the RiverClan conflict to their advantage. Those were the super dark days, with people speaking before thinking, and possibly the time when I blocked the most amount of people. Again, I'm gonna say Tigerheartstar makes mistakes, he's not perfect, but he's not EVIL either. And while I understand RiverClan... sort of. I'm glad the arc ended with Tigerheartstar being praised, not demonised
Now, Changing Skies barely started but I already see hate on my boy... Whether it's because of Tawnypelt having to be the biggest victim this arc, so everyone is Super Mean to her suddenly, OR the Birchfeather situation. And while the writing decisions perplex me, he's not being evil or anything, people acting like he is, is odd.
Most of the dislike/hate on him comes from OotS. That's what I can say. People don't remember the arc well, and don't go into detail on it, because Who Cares, and then that hatred goes on forever. But, like some of my mutuals pointed out before, Some, if not Most Tigerheart hate stems from early fandom Dovewing hate. Some people want to pretend they care soooo much about Dovewing, and Tigerheart is sooo evil and manipulative, but they do not actually care about her as a character and think she's just being Unreasonable for 'leaving her family' (Ivypool) and joining the enemy (ShadowClan).
Overall, I am aware he's not a perfect good boy character, but some people really overdo it on mischaracterising him, or hating him. And thus I do not accept anyone hating on him, the only person able to hate on him is Me, and even I don't wanna do that, because StarClan forbid someone might actually think I'm being serious.
Generally, I do not care if you like or dislike Tigerheart, just don't make it your personality trait how much you hate him. Or else, as much as it pains me, we cannot be friends. Peace and Love on Planet Earth. Tigerheart isn't a real person but if you can't accept him, you clearly cannot accept me.
Whoops, you activated my Tigerheart Talk button, oh no... I'm sorry for rambling about Tigerheart, it might happen againnn :( Have a Tigerheart doodle if you survived.
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t4twnyclaw · 2 months ago
i have read the elders quest. spoilers below
shellfur and myrtlebloom are once again..related... why did myrtle and shell have kits together what happened with him and fernstripe
tawnypelt...ive always been more interested in her and her relationship (or lack there of) with her daughter and granddaughter, dawnpelt and sleekwhisker. seeing her in the past few arcs and books only create and maintain a bond with her grandsons is idk. interesting to realize and see.
also tawnycrow is so so funny I've decided. i like it.
also knowing how everyone in skyclan is related and first cousins i wouldn't be surprised if gravelnose and wrenflight are cousins.
my hopes for this arc: they do another big travel and everyone but the newer cats die. i hate how big these alliegences are. kill them.
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snailchasers-den · 5 months ago
What about Tigerclaw x Spottedleaf has made you like the ship so much? I don't dislike it but I don't quite understand it either.
Well, the thing that kicked off my initial interest was the scene they had together in the first book, which I read as some type of flirty banter as a kid, and it later on snowballed from there the more I thought about it nowadays, I think LMAO Since then it's been like, my all time biggest ship in warriors, and I think about them all the time, even if I can't post about them a ton, I check the tag regularly and kinda just rotate them in my brain LMAO
It's customary at this point to mention I'm writing this while extremely tired, as I do most of my asks, so fair warning if any of this is kinda clunky. Other people have explained it WAY more eloquently than me, so if you're curious, I recommend looking in the SpottedTiger tag, cause others explain it in way more concise and understandable ways. I write most shit like I'm a madman at a whiteboard, but if that's your jam, you've asked the perfect person.
It's really a mixed bag why I started liking it-? A whole lot of things added up and got me hooked.
The difference in demeanors is fun, with Tigerclaw being threatening and ambitious and dramatic, while Spottedleaf is sweet and compassionate, yet extremely sassy, I feel like they'd play off of eachother nicely even in just comedic, non-romantic scenes.
Depending on how you want things to play out, you can basically sway how they effect eachother in however many different ways you want- Want an evil Spottedleaf AU? Tiger manages to convince her to join his side and we have a fun evil medicine cat. Want a however good Tigerclaw and a fluffier AU? Spotted is what he needs to soften him up just enough to not go feral and try taking over the clans. Want to tear them apart and have it be super tragic and kinda fucked up? Tiger still gets Clawface to kill her because he knows he can't bring himself to do it and knows she's his weak point. Something more canon-compliant? They were had a secret relationship before she died, and he sees her in Tawnypelt (I have a fic based on that idea, I love it. Obsessed with Tawnypelt resembling Spottedleaf by coincidence.) They're super flexible in that you can basically tweak and twist their story in so many different ways depending on how much you adjust the scenarios or their actions.
Make them mushy and sweet! Make them a badass medic/leader villain couple! Make them divorce eachother 3 different times and be bitter exes who throw snark and cold one liners! Make them be a tragic failed love story! Make them somehow make it work? Make them gay toms! Make them lesbians! Make them polyamorous with a cat of your choice! They're so versatile, and I love seeing anything people do with them.
I also like to throw a lot of religious/Starclan related things into the mix personally, because in different ways they both have connections with it in ways a lot of cats don't, and it can be both a good connecting point, and make it have an extra air of tragedy which I play VERY hard into in my False Prophecy AU. LMAO Spoilers for the AU that aren't really spoilers since I've drawn it before, but Tigerclaw doesn't actually commit a lot of his atrocities in that AU (Hence why I don't call him Tigerstar) and still goes to the Dark forest primarily due to literally lying about Starclan's word when they already wanted him dead from the moment he was born and 'corrupting a medicine cat', (And whatever else they could get him on, probably him being a bad mentor or having bad thoughts. They just wanted him in hell.) meanwhile, Spottedleaf, the golden girl of Starclan, despite being the one who ACTUALLY directly lied about their word and broke the code, is given a second chance and let in because 'She only loved too much'. (Because if they're going to say that line for someone like ASHFUR, I can twist it and use it for my AU in a more sinister manner, since Starclan is morally questionable here.) The ending of the AU's story also heavily relies on the afterlives, and though I won't go into it here since that's not what this ask is about and I genuinely do want to write it someday, I think it's a really fun way to twist things for them. It has such a poignant, vivid energy it carries with it, and I don't think it would feel the same with really any other pairing.
They're closer in age than most ships with them seperately, which is super nice, and makes it really fun to imagine them interacting as apprentices and their feelings building from those times into adulthood-
If you want to consider Spottedleaf's Heart, that could actually add to it too, seeing as they were both victims of Thistleclaw, likely even around the same time, and could seek solace in eachother over it- They're the only ones that truly understand, and that could drive them to want to protect eachother from other threats because they know they've been hurt in similar ways and don't want that to happen again.
I tend to imagine Tigerclaw to be a big ass Maine Coon while Spottedleaf is fairly small, and that just adds to it for me, since I think it makes the fluff between them 10 times better. My favorite warriors ship dynamic is when one of them is very, very fluffy and the other can basically just. Sink into their fur like a pillow. Hence why I also like MothCrow. I'm both unpredictable and incredibly predictable.
I also just don't really like a lot of Spottedleaf ships? She's one of my favorite characters, but I don't like basically any of the other pairings I've ever seen for her. Definitely don't like SpottedFire and never did, I see Mousefur as very very aromantic and relate to that, so SpottedMouse is very much not my jam- Anything else tends to be a rarepair or just something I don't really vibe with- She's not shipped with as many people as you'd expect. SpottedTiger was like striking gold for me- (Though Spottedleaf/Runningnose is also a nice one I think about from time to time, and is where I got Snailchaser as a character from LMAO)
Tigerclaw has always stood out to me and registered in my mind as being a romantic in a way too? It's a unique trait for a villain, especially in warriors, so I love emphasizing it, since god knows the Erins don't and won't. I know a lot of people like to joke about him kinda sleeping around or being a womanizer with him having two mates, but I love taking his multiple mates and interpreting it in more of a romantic sense- (And also I headcanon him as Polyamorous, but that's just me) He wasn't a good partner at all in canon, but something about imagining if he was makes him 10 times more compelling to me. He's a romantic! He's a family man! And he's a sadistic wanna-be dictator with the ambition needed to wreak havok and take over Shadowclan! Those traits 100% clash and that's the point. Putting him with Spottedleaf further complicates that by pairing him with a compassionate medic who does not at all share his lust for power. (Or might deep down, who knows! It's up to the writer!) I think it'd be fun to see internal battles and how the actual good traits he has fuck with his plans.
Though, if you know me at all, I'm also just really weird and love rarepairs and crack ships for Warriors. Hell, I basically made up the MothCrow tag on here by cautiously posting about Mothwing x Crowfeather- Even if my stuff's not completely canon accurate, I write in much more 'what if' scenarios and heavy AU usage. It's more fun and interesting to me to write in a more speculative "I love the version of this character that exists only in my brain" way, and out comes the stuff I make.
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warrior-cats-rewritten · 9 months ago
I'm not trying to be rude, but I feel like you're going way too far to punish Brambleclaw. Thistleclaw, the child groomer, doesn't receive this treatment. I don't understand the point of bringing him back if you're going to portray him as the most evil cat in history. Brambleclaw is buried outside, while most of the evil cats are buried within the clan's territory, which seems very extreme. If you hate him so much, don't include him in a rewrite. It will feel just like what you hate the Erins for, "forcing too much on Brambleclaw." If you dislike a character, don't focus on them. Like Jesus Christ, my friend wasn't wrong, you have a hate boner for this cat. I mean no offense, but it's weird, dude. Real weird.
Why is it that the minute I post bramble facing consequences for actions I get bramblestans in my inbox assuming I hate him? I think what's weird is very clearly trawling the tag to look for posts like mine so you can write an essay. What you should be doing is drawing him with green eyes, it looks good.
Cause if you knew this project, you would know that Thistleclaw isn't a child goomer anymore, technically. He is Ivypaw's Dark Forest mentor (which... is grooming people but not THAT way), as Hawkfrost has a proper arc now and... Doesn't die in Sunset.
I will say one thing though, I did actually forget one thing to mention that you caught! He isn't on Thunderclan's MAIN territory. I mean... what do you call a border that shifts ALL the time? It's the Thunder-Shadow Niagara Falls.
It's where Tawnypelt is going to be buried! Under a pine tree. (It's also close to a lungwort patch Rowanstar is the protector of, territories NEED landmarks)
Also.... I don't truly hate him hate him! Sure, he sucks but he isn't real. And as a character? Dude, he's FUN. He's a self fulfilling Prophecy, he has good moments, in WCR, he is still a POV during TNP and is buddies with Cinderpelt. He's canonically a giant PUFFBALL of an animal and I've never been against adding your own pets to Xenofiction! I am also the biggest advocate for the Give Brambleclaw Green Contacts Organization. I'm giving him more moments with his family, and while those relationships get REALLY strained, it's a story. He wouldn't be interesting if he was a cardboard cutout of a cat. I think he's interesting in a way that is both intriguing and frustrating.
He's messy.
He loves his daughter Dandeliontuft, but she's the spitting image of his mother who died right after swearing to never speak to him again, and Dandy is nearly mute... It's hard to think about. Abusers are not unfathomable monsters with no redeeming qualities. He still cried when he thought Lionpaw was buried alive.
He does show up to Starclan, but when he sees the smoldering scorched earth, it's a clear message. He wasn't welcome, and he will not be staying. It's not like the actual literal groomer Stormtail, who got poisoned repeatedly, had all of his relationships ruined, and chased out of Starclan every night by a living and dead Goosefeather until his spirit eroded due to his refusal to move on. Tom got eaten alive and his spirit consumed by One Eye.
He's a ghost now. He's gonna have a long, long time to reflect on what he's done. How badly he did hurt others. He's been around too long, and his generation needs to be done away with. I think he'll find peace wandering the land, being a cat ghost.
He's not an evil cat, he's just stubborn. Stuck in the way he was taught to be by the Clans.
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blimbo-buddy · 11 months ago
If you had your way with arcs: who would you have as the single pov character for them?
See, I think that some arcs could benefit from bigger casts, such as TNP. But that's only if they actually stuck with the idea of multiple povs from different clans and wrote it actually good. Though I can still give my own choices of protagonists from each arc, if I was given the chance to.
These are just rough ideas so not everything is gonna stick, y'know. Dunno if this will all be apart of a rewrite so don't take this as a solid idea of my rewrite
The Prophecies Begin
Main pov: FireStar
This one has the least amount of changes done to it. I feel like FireStar being the main pov, the main protagonist is what works best for this arc. I'd really go into detail about how alone he feels in this new world he chose for himself, make it seem like that everything and everyone is working against him because of his heritage. All building up to his victory in the battle against Bloodclan, where he loses all of his freedom, his humanity, and finally becomes the leader of Thunderclan. It's horrible, tragic, beautiful.
The New Prophecy
Main pov(s): BrambleClaw, SquirrelFlight, CrowFeather, TawnyPelt, FeatherTail, StormFur, LeafPool
I'd probably go the first arc of Wings of Fire route for TNP, each book is from the pov of a different protagonist. As much as we've all dread the idea of CrowFeather having a book, we still got a super edition of him (Which, in this version would go to BreezePelt). I don't know which books would be about which characters though, but BrambleClaw and SquirrelFlight will probably share the Thunderclan book together, or I might switch that to SquirrelFlight and LeafPool sharing the Thunderclan book. HawkFrost and MothWing would fill the roles as the major supporting cast for sure.
The Power of Three
Main pov(s): LionBlaze, HollyLeaf, JayFeather
Also generally stays the same, it's called the power of three. Characters like CinderHeart, FlameTail (Who is far, far younger in this version), HeatherTail and BreezePelt would have more of a presence in the books, filling in the role of major supporting characters. Not much to say here honestly.
Omen of the Stars
Main pov(s): LionBlaze, JayFeather, DoveWing, IvyPool
Excluding HollyLeaf from the main cast because she would show up generally around the same time as she does in the books (Maybe earlier though). She does, however, fill the role as a major supporting character. Some of the other major supporting characters: TigerHeart, HollowFlight, CinderHeart, BreezePelt, HeatherTail
Dawn of the Clans
Main pov(s): GreyWing, TurtleTail, Thunder, TallShadow, probably some other cats
Okay this is where it's becoming obvious that I'm making this up from the top of my head. I got no real explanation for my choices I hope these characters all die (Except TurtleTail, Thunder, and TallShadow)
A Vision of Shadows
Main pov(s): SparkPelt, TwigBranch, VioletShine, someone else I dunno
So here's the thing: I want AlderHeart and NeedleTail to still be super involved with the plot, so they might become major supporting characters. But I'm struggling with the choices of making them povs or major supporting characters. But AlderHeart and NeedleTail would fall into different roles, especially AlderHeart, who would become apart of The Kin. That's all I got though I really don't care for this arc, just some of the characters, can you guys tell I want to get to TBC already.
The Broken Code
Main pov: ShadowSight
Yep, BristleFrost and RootSpring have now been slapped down to the major supporting character rank, joining this rank with NeedleClaw. Same thought process with FireStar being the only pov, I want to make ShadowSight seem alone, even if he has the support of his family, he doesn't even have the trust of his Clan, even his mentor flinches whenever he moves a little too fast or aggressively. Although I really want BristleFrost and RootSpring to be povs, I really do and I have no idea what route I want to go for. But I feel like if I had the choice, making ShadowSight the only pov really adds onto the hopelessness of the situation that he himself had caused because of heavy manipulation by an angel.
A Starless Clan
Main pov: FrostPaw
Double whammy with these singular pov characters. I explain my thought process with both her and ShadowSight better in this post, but basically I want her situation of all her support slowly fading away to really have an impact. You read the first book and think "Wow I'm so glad FrostPaw has all of her support from her family, mentor, and Clan!", until the end of the first book and beginning of the second book comes around, and it just hits you in the face like a brick that FrostPaw is going to be in for the worst time of her life
In the supporting cast department, we got: SunBeam, WhistlePaw, ShadowSight, LightLeap, FinchLight, SparkPelt, NightHeart, TigerHeartStar, and DoveWing
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skuffypaw · 2 years ago
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Shadowsight’s Execution
Lionblaze was panting ragged, heavy breaths. He had just scuffled with Tigerstar, who was bristling with anger across from him. Every cat in Shadowclan was enraged or startled by the Thunderclan patrol which had waltzed into their camp. Lionblaze demanded to interreogate Shadowsight about Ashfur’s whereabouts since he escaped with the healer’s help, but was infuriated to find out the Shadowclan leader tried to help him runaway from the clans. Shadowsight was huddled in the imposter’s former prision, his shaking form blended into the dark bush. Rootspring shuffled his paws and waited for a moment to speak.
“Your blind loyalty to your pathetic excuse of a son is only going to harm to clans further. He brought us into this mess, he should atone!” Growled Lionblaze, his claws unsheathed once more. Tigerstar only sneered at him.
“My son is perfect to us. He didn’t mean to aid Ashfur into possessing Bramblestar’s body, he was used by that piece of shit!” Tigerstar padded up to the Thunderclan warrior and looked him in the eye. “Instead of squabling, we need to figure out how to get to the Dark Forest-“
“Are you stupid, Tigerstar? We know how to get to the Dark Forest, by falling asleep and dreaming into it. I thought you were a trainee? Or did you not have the guts to go more than once?” Hissed the golden tom, lashing his tail. “Shadowsight will only stall our progress. He’s a traitor! He cannot be trusted! And do you know what happens to traitors Tigerstar?”
Before the Shadowclan leader could answer, Lionblaze lunged towards Shadowsight in the prison. The little black tom screamed and Lionblaze threw him to the ground in the middle of the clearing and pinned him down.
“They die.” Shadowsight’s eyes went wide with panic and he wriggled out from underneath the large tom, begging for mercy. But Lionblaze didn’t listen. He grasped the healer’s flanks and pull him towards himself, ripping into his flesh. Then, with a swift claw, cut out his throat. Shadowsight writhered on the ground, trying to speak but choking on his own blood, before going still.
Tigerstar screeched and tried to get to Lionblaze but was held back by Dovewing. He collapsed onto the ground, wailing into his paws. Dovewing spat insults at Lionblaze, tears streaming down her face. Lightleap and Pouncestep were in shock, jaws agape as they looked upon the fresh corpse of their brother. Tawnypelt looked down and screwed her eyes shut, while Puddleshine was frozen in place shaking violently. Jayfeather called his brother’s name but only got a snarl in return and to ‘stay out of it.’ Harestar, Leafstar, and Mistystar seemed to be surprised that Lionblaze actually went through with it, and Harestar in particular started to look nervous. Bristlefrost padded over to Rootspring, who was a crying mess yelling Shadowsight’s name desperately.
Lionblaze moved away from Shadowsight’s corpse and the crowd gathered around it. His parents were clutching onto his fur, sobbing into him while begging him to wake up. Rootspring looked around desperately, trying to see if his ghost had appeared yet. But it hadn’t, and there was only one possible place for it to be; the Dark Forest.
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everybody-loves-purdy · 1 year ago
I really want to know how Tawnypelt and Rowanclaw’s relationship developed, because their love for each other was so evident in Tawnypelt’s Clan. He was so awful to her and questioned her loyalty in TNP, so for them to be mates and have a litter of kits in the early stages of PO3 really speaks volumes as to how far they’ve come. My personal headcanon is that Tawnypelt comforted Rowanclaw after Talonpaw was killed by the kittypets. In his eyes, a Clanmate who he’d been so awful towards having enough compassion to help him through his grief was something profoundly different to him. It humbled him, and forced him to look at Tawnypelt in a new light instead of just “a half-Clan warrior”. Especially when you consider Rowanclaw’s past in having rogues as his ‘Clanmates’. They very likely didn’t have the same mentality that Clanborn cats do when it comes to companionship.
The fact that Rowanclaw went from “What a surprise, it's the half-Clan warrior! We all know you'd rather defend your brother than your Clan” to “It's nonsense to say that Tawnypelt isn't loyal.” In the span of a few books really melts my heart.
I have no doubt in my mind that when he was deputy, then leader, he’d make apprentices clean the ticks of the elders if any of them spoke ill of Tawnypelt’s ThunderClan origin.
It’s so odd and kind of funny to me that the only instance we see of Rowanclaw and Tawnypelt interacting before they become mates is him questioning her loyalty to ShadowClan lol
I love this headcanon, it’s so good
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bonefall · 2 years ago
if the tribe is asking for help with the rogues instead of the atrocity that happened in canon, how does that change stormfur and brooks visit? i imagine they sent stormfur because he’d probably have a better chance of convincing the clans to help than just some random tribe cat, and brook went with him because it would be dangerous for just one cat to go get help, especially with the rogues. maybe the rest of the tribe stayed behind to make sure the rogues didn’t attack them (again) (the rogues probably killed a few cats like in canon) stormfur goes to riverclan for help first since that’s where he was raised and he knows most of the cats, but then hawkfrost happens and he goes to thunderclan for help instead
The order of events here changes significantly!
In TNP, the Tribe harbors the Clans for a few weeks. A few cats were injured on the way, a few queens are close to giving birth, they need supplies and food, so the Tribe cares for them.
A few medics actually go with them to the Lake, to help them learn the new herbs, and because WindClan has no Cleric. Barkface and Mudfur were squished when the Mothermouth collapses.
Brook is a medic now-- in the Tribe, anyone who wants to be a medic simply learns to. Stoneteller's successor comes from this pool.
Brook, Stormfur, and one more medic are tossed out of RiverClan because of the false sign like canon. This time, Mistyfoot helps them escape before Leopardstar can do Stonefur 2. This is a major character beat for Misty.
These Three help out ThunderClan with the Boar Attack, then go home
And the next time we see Storm and Brook is after Flick's group has attacked the Tribe, in Po3. They make a general plea to all four Clans,
Brook is actually the one answering most of the questions. I feel this is an important detail because she is acting as a spokesman for her own culture, not Stormfur pleading for his to care.
The Clans though, of course, have a hard time understanding why cats would ASK for help with a problem. This is well before the Law of the Lake which comes two arcs later.
"Can't you defend yourselves?"
"Of course we can, but we could use your help. We've waited out rogues before but we'd have to work twice as hard on half our land and kill them over the harsh winter... we don't want to be so cruel, when you can help us send them on their way."
"But why??"
"...because that's what family does? We help each other, don't we?"
And, of course, the Clans agree to spare a few warriors... well, most of them. Mistyfoot probably doesn't send RiverClan cats. Blackstar is a maybe; but the young warrior Marshwing WANTS to go.
This is also the last we'll see of the Bonefall Tribe for a long while. The OotS appearence is cut completely.
The next time they come up is probably going to be just after AVoS, for Tawnypelt's Clan Reduxed, probably for her to go visit her old friend Stormfur to talk about loss and moving on after it, and seek treatment for Shadowpaw's severe epilepsy.
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the-owl-tree · 1 year ago
There’s so many toms that I hate because they were shoved into the plot to steal a she-cats story for themselves… it’s SO OBVIOUS when the Erins do this. The she-cats deserve to have just as much of an arc and character depth as the toms do, yet the writing team consistently devolves it’s female cast into accessories for their male counterparts.
- Alderheart (blatantly having been written to strip sparkpelt of an arc that so clearly should’ve been her own - ie “the spark that remains” - sparkpelt is then twisted into a xenophobic jerk at the drop of a hat to make alderheart look better than her, when previously she was VERY MUCH in support of SkyClan’s return. What the fuck, Erins??? Sandstorm is also iced for this loser’s manpain.
- Nightheart (basically every she-cat has their personality altered to fit his victim complex, and we all KNOW that Finchlight would’ve been more interesting and deserving of a pov than him. If they kill off spark, finch, or sun to further his angst, I will be so pissed off…
- Tree (violetshine’s character growth, struggles, and arc completely disintegrates with his introduction. in tbc, she’s reduced to your typical background protag mother… while tree remains a major character, and is not only hugely valued by the plot, but also by its characters. violetshine deserved so much better than to be shoved to the sidelines by this random-ass character who was *totally not introduced just to make her into a a generic wife and mother*. that’s not even getting into how stupid the Sisters fiasco is, where ‘waaah tree was oppressed by all the women in his life and kicked out, isn’t he just so tragic and sad???’… good god. that was bizarre
- brambleclaw: probably one of the worst offenders of this, right alongside alderheart. Tawnypelt should’ve gotten his pov, considering her personality in TNP… it seems liked they flipped their stories around just because she’s a she-cat, and they just *had* to make the main protagonist of the arc a tom. very disapointing
- rootspring: bristlefrost’s character arc was absolutley DERAILED by this character, and it’s such a shame. even her most iconic scene, her sacrifice, was primarily focused upon rootspring and his pissbaby manpain. also… needleclaw, anyone? she’s the one who should have the sisters’ abilities, after all, but instead she has none… how does she feel about that? I think exploring that would be much more interesting than ‘whiny loser is upset and feels weird that he can see ghosts in a society that values the ability to see ghosts, gets a girl by being weirdly pushy and not taking ‘no’ for an answer, and goes through extreme manpain after she’s iced to further his development’.
- crowfeather: I don’t have any qualms with early crowPAW, but what I DO have an issue with is just how much feathertail’s death is twisted to revolve around *him*, when, in reality, it should’ve focused on Feathertail herself, as well as her brother. FeatherCrow was just awful in general though… especially considering that her name is only invoked later on as an excuse for crowfeather to be an abuser, implying that he’s justified in hurting his wife and son, as well as leafpool and her kits, ‘because manpain’.
real & true, it sucks seeing how many mollies in the series will have really interesting stories and potential conflicts then have the writing team choose whatever supports the main dude around them. more i think about tree the more annoyed i am that it wasn't violet, the big prophecy kitten who had survived the kin and would have more reason to want to keep the clans from tearing each other's throats out. the mediator role is a dumb one (i say with my mediator oc) but it would have been nice if it was actually a character who we followed who got the position instead of "my mommy is mean to me :(" rando dude who just shows up.
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notwarriorswiki · 2 years ago
Do you have any LGBTQ+ headcanons for pride month? :)
I do, so many! Let's see how many I can list! As we all know, gender and sexuality is a spectrum, and there's no one way to classify just everyone into little bubbles. That's what makes us as humans so amazing. I made "groups" below for those interested in certain "categories", but if anyone has particular asks, I can try and assist.
I mostly stuck to notable cats people would recognize rather than getting a bit more obscure, so do ask if you want specifics. If I have mistakenly used wrong pronouns in the past for certain characters, I apologize as it may either be old, or I sometimes slip because no nonbinary cats are really in the books using said pronouns, but I get used to them nonetheless.
If you'd like headcanon as in, like, cute things doing together or how their identities tie into their lives at times, just ask again and I can do that too ^_^
FxF Ships
Blossomfall x Ivypool
Briarlight x Dovewing
Bumble x Turtle Tail
Cinderheart x Hollystar
Doestar x Fallowsong
Lilystar x Sunnytail
MxM Ships
Barley x Ravenpaw
Feather x Flipclaw
Jake x Tallstar
Jayfeather x Kestrelflight
Oakfur x Ratscar
Redtail x Runningwind
Gender non-conforming Ships
Beechfur x Gorsetail
Tree x Violetshine
Bramblesong (Fernsong)
Turtle Tail
Flametail (ace, homoromantic)
Leopardstar (acearo)
Mousefur (acearo)
Pebblefoot (acearo)
Sagewhisker (ace, homoromantic)
Shadowsight (ace, homoromantic)
Skywatcher (acearo)
Sootfur (ace, homoromantic)
Tall Shadow (acearo)
Thornclaw (ace, heteroromantic)
Twigshade (acearo)
Firestar (panromantic)
Brambleclaw (heteroromantic)
Goosefeather (homoromantic)
Hollystar (biromantic)
Needletail (biromantic)
Trans Cats
Brambleberry (trans femme)
Doestar (trans femme)
Dappletuft (trans masc)
Ivypool (trans femme)
Lark that Sings at Dawn/Larkfeather (trans femme)
Redtail (trans masc)
River Ripple (trans masc)
Nonbinary Cats
Cloudmist (they/them)
Cloud Spots (they/them)
Mosskit (they/them)
Thistleheart (they/them)
Tree (he/him, they/them, ae/aem)
Genderfluid Cats
Gorsetail (she/her, he/him, they/them)
Heatherstar (she/her, they/them, fae/faer)
Pebble Heart (he/him, she/her)
Rushtail (she/her, he/him, ey/em)
Poly Ships
Lightning Tail x Thunder x Violet Dawn
Nettlespot x Toadskip x Poolcloud
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cryptidclaw · 2 years ago
Sam!! Character you thought had potential in the books but wasn’t used the way you hoped? Any characters like that?
ok, obviously Ravenpaw... I just really think he fits as Scourge, like it works so well for the plot, its a waste to me that it's not canon >:(
also just like Scourge and Bloodclan in general?? they only appear in one book during the main series and then disappear, its pretty random. Though bloodclan is very cool the way they were written into and used by the plot was just bad writing lol.
Some other characters I can think of are Feathertail and Stormfur, I think there was so much potential for exploring their trauma with everything that happened to River in the first arc. I kno its explored a bit in Leopard's super edition but I wish it was explored more in the main series.
Another pair of siblings: Mothwing and Tawnypelt, I know they have had more of a part in the plot, Moth especially, but they seriously have so much potential and are both far more interesting than both their brothers, especially Brambleclaw!!! I feel like they are often forgotten and pushed to the side and their brothers and other male kin get more spotlight then they do >:(
Oh also Brambleclaw/star. They just absolutely fucked up what they were going for with him and his plot, he was supposed to show that he is not his father and more than him, and become like a super good leader and good guy. He is not that, he is just an asshole and abusive, and the writers failed in making him likable at all. Instead of making him earn his leadership position they just state that he deserves it for no reason and in the process make him act all intitled to a role he has not earned. He could have been a really interesting character!!! but they absolutely failed with him and it really annoys me.
there are like tons more, like Ferncloud, would have loved to see her have more of a part in the plot, she's like the anti-Asfur. Snowkit obviously should have lived. I could go on for ages and just keep coming up with characters LOL
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once-a-kittypet · 1 year ago
Hello! I'm Boomtowne and this is my Warriors design blog! The goal for this blog is for me to design every single named character in the series in order of appearance.
My Links
General Blog | Warriors Blog | Youtube
The rules I'm following for this challenge are-
Generally, the actual books take priority over the allegiances, just because a character is listed in the allegiances section of a book does not mean that I'm going to be drawing them then, I'll instead be drawing characters when they officially appear/are named in the books. (Example: Boulder is listed in the allegiances of Into the Wild but doesn't actually appear in the books until The Darkest Hour, I'll be drawing him with the cats who first appear in that book rather than Into the Wild) The reason I do this is because I like to understand the context behind why a cat first appears or what they are actually like in the books before I draw them, I feel like it really adds to the design!
I draw cats in various stages of their life, so as a cat ages/changes ranks I'll be drawing them multiple times. The changes I'll draw are; Kits → Apprentice → Warrior/Med Cat → Leader/Elder. Exceptions will be made for cats who go through very drastic changes (example; Brightpaw → Lostface → Brightheart or Stormkit → Crookedkit) but in cases where cats don't change a lot in between ranks, I will most likely be drawing them only once. (Boris and Cherry → Sparrowpaw and Cherrypaw, or Yellowfang as a rogue → Yellowfang as a TC medicine cat)
I take into account the family that a cat has before I design them, but to me the website family tree doesn't exist. If a familial relation is never explicitly confirmed in the books and exists only through the family tree, then it's not canon in my book and I won't be considering it for my designs. (Examples: Smallear being Goldenflower and Lionheart's dad, Robinwing and Fuzzypelt being Dustpelt and Ravenpaw's parents, and Whitestorm being Ferncloud and Ashfur's father)
The same goes for any cats who do appear or officially exist in the books but are only given names or designs through the family tree (Examples: Ashfur and Ferncloud's littermates, Firestar and Princess' littermates, and Cloudtail's littermates)
Rules for others
You are 100% allowed to use my designs for MAP's, fanart, or whatever else. Just make sure you give credit and feel free to tag/link me, I'd love to see!
If you'd like to follow me along and also draw the cats in order of when they first appear you of course can, I'd love to see the stuff you draw as well! Additionally, you don't at all have to follow the rules that I'm following, if you feel like my personal rules are too restricting feel free to adapt the challenge however you want to! This is all in good fun after all.
Please refrain from asking for a specific character to be drawn, I'll get to everyone as long as they're named in the books I promise! If you notice I've skipped over a character feel free to send in an ask or a DM letting me know! Just make sure you give me some information about when the character was first named (book title, chapter, page number, and the quote from the book would be great), this way I can double-check and add them to my list!
Feel free to send in an ask or DM me if you have any other questions!
Completed Books:
Into the Wild (completed 1/13/2025)
Fire and Ice (completed 2/22/2025)
Current Book: Forest of Secrets
Already Done
Graypool (warrior; flashback)
Runningpaw (Runningbrook)
Thornpaw (Thornclaw)
Brightpaw (Brightheart)
Cinderpaw (Cinderpelt; post injury, new med. cat apprentice)
Cloudpaw (Cloudtail)
Next Books:
Rising Storm
Bramblekit (Brambleclaw)
Tawnykit (Tawnypelt)
Ashpaw (Ashfur)
Fernpaw (Ferncloud)
Webpaw (Webfoot)
A Dangerous Path
Lostface (Brightheart; post dog attack)
Tawnypaw (Tawnypelt)
Bramblepaw (Brambleclaw)
Featherkit (Feathertail)
Stormkit (Stormfur)
Featherpaw (Feathertail)
Stormpaw (Stormfur)
The Darkest Hour
Sorrelkit (Sorreltail)
Sootkit (Sootfur)
Rainkit (Rainwhisker)
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