#warrior cats moonpaw
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howler-moon · 7 months ago
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More MoonSol au posting
A thought came into my mind a while back is that Moonkit/paw would frequently have dreams of badgers and Skyclan that she believes are prophetic and from Starclan. In reality, she's just experiencing Sol's memories from his perspective. She often goes to Jayfeather and Alderheart yapping away about her prophecy's and her destiny. Idk if I'll make this canon but I think it would be funny if she wanted to be a medicine cat but Jayfeather doesn't want anything to do with her because she bothers him so much.
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blues-sues · 4 months ago
I read the Changing Skies preview and I'm actually curious so XD I drew the gal
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pretty pretty idk if she's spoilers at this point but just to be safe?????!!!!!? Idk she's been everywhere tho
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theplushiefox · 4 months ago
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Moonpaw design!!
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mumblejar · 10 months ago
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that moon sure can paw
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llamas1 · 4 months ago
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paperjam-mabel · 8 days ago
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Moonpaw as a chimera monster from greek mytology. She's chasing her tail/sister😺
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your-average-art-dealer · 10 months ago
Moonpaw Moment (just a silly)
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@chaotically-genderfluid moonpaw final design (maybe)
might simplify some things later but for now this is good (and with great pain, I removed the green outlines. RIP green, you might be missed)
Aaaaand the ritual song recommendation (what I listened to while drawing):
!Reblogs are Appreciated!
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crystals-warriors-rewrite · 10 months ago
Saying this now
If you are making ableist jokes about Moonpaw, or using ableist language, or using the R-slur, block me right now and DNI.
I do NOT tolerate ableism as someone with ADHD and Autism, so my blog(s) are not a safe place for y'all, and they never will be.
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springtsunami · 2 months ago
Sorry for not posting in months. Been super busy as a late with personal health issues and new hyper fixations-
K review time- Gonna split them up by protags
• Really love the idea of the design! Super interesting, especially to draw
•I am actually interested in her as a character. Really like how she is not a medicine cat. (I was one of those people who wanted either warrior or leader Frostpaw btw)
•I’m a sucker for introverts and suffer from sensitivity to loud noises and related heavily to the Gathering scene with Moon
•Was intentionally on the fence about the voice due to Moonpaw being a chimera and that the voice could be her ‘absorbed sister’(mainly due due to chimera misconceptions) but, thankfully the sister is just a funky little mischievous ghost kit
•I know it’s technically part of Tawnypelts, but I am excited to see what they do with the sister especially after the prophecy Tawny received. Hopefully not a Ashfur and Shadowsight dynamic again :/
•This part may be controversial. Not really involved with the fandom much, but I never really cared for Tawnypelt. Didn’t dislike or like just neutral. I did enjoy her point of view, just not was included in it
•Don’t see chemistry between Crow and Tawny, but if you enjoy it, more power to you
•Praying her point of view won’t just be traveling in the next few books
•Rant about Tiger and Dove : scroll down to skip
I really, really don’t like Tigerstar and Dovewing in this book. I know it’s Tawny’s view, but those two are annoying me so much I can’t help but to think of them when I think of Tawny’s pov. Tigerstar and Dovewing are huge hypocrites here, I get not wanting for your son to leave, but Dovewing literally left ThunderClan before clan swapping was in the code. I used to ironically enjoy Tigerstar due to his sarcastic comments and insanity, but I honestly dislike him so much. He was possessive of Dove telling her to not vist Birchfeather saying he was giving ‘tough love’. Dove is also way out of character too, being kinda submissive to Tiger when it has been shown she is willing to do what she think is right. Loving how Tiger considers emotionally manipulating his son is ‘tough love’. Then he not only does this but punishes Tawny for visiting her grandson??? When he and dove met in secret. The only good thing about plot is that it is treated like Tiger and Dove are in the wrong. Tiger then doesn’t trust Tawny about the twolegs….Hopefully they remove Tiger from leadership or have him apologize <3
Rant Over
•Birchfeather must be protected and have him live a happy life <3
•My main points about this pov so far is just hating Dove and Tiger, but I did enjoy it more than I wrote. Not much more due to them infuriating me but I do hope we get a move diverse location than the lake this arc
•Leafstar is the only one where I don’t have a lot to say. I love her and loving a leader pov in the main series. Dont know how to feel about her as a leader, since it kinda came out of nowhere and was just made for this arc but ok
•Writers do a good job of making the reader sympathize with Leafstar but also make them understand Skyclan’s pov
•Speaking of SkyClan’s pov, I kinda get where they were coming from, but like I feel like most of Leafstar’s slip ups were mainly coincidental. Like I believe they lost the badger fight due to many reasons, but like I feel like it wasn’t Leafstar’s fault. No one knew there were 2-3(I forgot how many) badgers there. It was assumed there was only one so how was Leafstar supposed to plan accordingly?? The only reason Hawkwing succeeded is because he knew how many badgers were there…
Edit: I forgot the whole Starlingpaw and Leafstar accidentally attacking him. Yea that was a bad move on Leaf’s part. But I feel it was caused her being overwhelmed. But it’s still a good reason for SkyClan to be against Leaf
•Kinda iffy on Reedclaw. Know where she’s coming from but I feel like she’s less evil and more grief stricken with anger. Hopefully they make her a antagonist not a villain. But knowing how Berryheart started last arc, I’m betting on her being a villian
•Interesting on having an elder pov with Leafstar, assuming she steps down.
•Said I didn’t have a lot to say but I did say a lot 0-0
Overall Points and Predictions for CS
•The book title made me think it was a traveling book and made me nervous, but looks like we are getting those in the next books.. Srs, why Elders’ quest??? The quest was mentioned at the end, but idk what it should’ve been named-
•All She-Cats pov!!!
•As a mothpool fan, I’m fine with CrowxTawny because it leaves Leafpool open :)
•Don’t know if the villains this arc will be twolegs/nature or cats like Reedclaw or Tigerstar
•Weird new book schedule, hopefully the books won’t be rushed due to the wider gap between books
•Now predictions!!!
•Leafstar will become Leafdapple and will join Tawny and prob Crow on the quest in the next books
•The new territories will be located at the gorge
•Hawkwing either picks a nobody for deputy or Reedclaw
•Reedclaw will be a villain(hopefully not)
•Birchfeather will have a tragic end or will go through trauma(hopefully not, again)
•Leaf dies
•Tawnypelt and or Crow retires
My mom also reads the books and here are some predictions:
-Tawny and Crow live together in WindClan while Crow becomes leader
-Dark Forest reappears or the purgatory thing that happened in Star is expanded on
-Ghosts are expanded on
-most of the next two books are travel books
-Reedclaw becomes Hawkfrost 2.0
Thanks for reading my review!
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betelgooze · 2 months ago
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WIP of my darling moonpaw(I’m still tweaking how her tail/tails move bc it’s not even but I think it’s at least on beat)
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outsockk · 10 months ago
quick little moonpaw design :3
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fernsshade · 4 months ago
y’all i have 0 idea who moonpaw is except that she’s gonna be in the new warriors books and that tumblr shipped her with the moonpool a while ago so this is what she’s like in my mind solely off of art i see on here:
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hlvraiyaoi · 10 months ago
im obsessed with her design
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janadog · 10 months ago
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Moonpaw design!
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patchynmatchin · 2 months ago
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finished the elders quest ya’ll
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llamas1 · 4 months ago
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I read the little burb that warriors gave us recently of Moonpaw and it's pretty cool! I would love to see how Sunbeam handles her
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