#I did this do you see the legend I helped craft
mermaidlighthouse · 11 months
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Izzy’s “his name is Blackbeard dog”
Auntie’s “avert your eyes you are in the presence of ZYS pirate queen”
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yestrday · 10 months
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— BLUSH BLUSH ! anemo | hydro | geo | pyro
⤷ yan! hybrid! zhongli, itto, gorou, albedo
summary ! these land-dwelling hybrids have devotion as sturdy as stone and they’re ready to prove it anytime! if you’re feeling shackled by your father’s chain, do not worry, for you have your trusty hybrids to keep you company. should you have any concerns, just come to them anytime. after all, you are all bound by a contract that will never expire~
content ! possessive behavior; obsessive behavior; yandere behavior; mentions of violence; mentions of biting you; mentions of blood; mentions of drugs; sadism; thoughts of corruption
notes ! woah!!!! i have posted an actual full update!!! woah!!! applaud please!
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in the neighboring country of your very own, legends say that a great dragon protected their lands in a time of tumultuous peril. were it not for the great dragon general and his army of mythical beasts, the people of that land would have succumbed to war and famine. he built the broken country from the ground back up, and introduced many kinds of craft to help them prosper. the land and its people did indeed flourish,  thanks to the wisdom of the dragon. but wise as he is, he ultimately decided that the humans must learn to rely on themselves, and so he and his army of beasts hid away, till they faded into nothing more but myths and stories…
you stare blankly at the gentleman who is calmly sipping his tea while he tells you this story, and venti's squawking laughter as he dies in the background. having let go of his human form, he sits comfortably with his scaled tail and his golden antlers out, and his black and gold hands gingerly cup the ceramic teacup. aether is beside you giving the man a deadpan stare. all the surrounding hybrids, save for a few clueless ones, give him the side eye. yeah, ZHONGLI is not fooling anybody.
unlike your other hybrids, it was you who came to him. your father had summoned you, much to the anger of your caring hybrids, and your servants had you scrubbed with scented soaps and dressed you in elegant pieces. aether accompanies you all the way to your company's building and soothes your worries away as you ride the elevator going up. the man accompanying you shoots a condescending gaze— the forgotten heir and their hybrid pet— and backing down after receiving aether’s dark glare. when you step into his office, you’re greeted by the apathetic look on your father’s face… and the handsome man beside him.
“this is ZHONGLI,” your father tells you, sounding bored as he resumes to reading his documents. “i heard that you’ve amassed yourself a following of hybrids of some sort.” you tense when you hear that, knowing the positions hybrids hold in this world. “what you do there is of no concern to me. ZHONGLI is a good and efficient secretary– he can help you control those beasts of yours. after all, i cannot risk having so many sources of harm around my child without someone to properly control them.” aether snarls under his breath at the mere implication of them hurting you, but you squeeze his hand. and so off you leave to your isolated villa, your back turning on your neglectful father once more.
ZHONGLI quickly proves himself to be quite the skilled hybrid. he can easily identify from just a glance on what kind of animal they are, as well as the specifications of their behavior, preferred environment, diet, and whatnot. he also helps you sort through your treasures— the jewels and antiques you’ve accumulated over time and tell you stories of these. he entertains you with new knowledge, helping you have a good grasp on the world beyond these walls.
he’s also very, very gentle with you. for the kindness you’ve shown these hybrids, you’ve gained a special place in ZHONGLI’s heart. oftentimes, he will pat your hair down as he recounts an old eastern fable, and straightens out any wrinkles in your shirt when he sees them. it pleases him to know that you are nothing like your father, but he knows that you’re still his blood-related child. if you had to go through any of the trials that your father had, ZHONGLI fears that you may grow just as cold-hearted as he is. so he makes sure to take the utmost care of you, so that you’ll never have to change from your kind and soft self.
ZHONGLI quickly becomes a trustworthy pillar that everyone can rely on. the younger hybrids tend to come to him for advice, and he sometimes even replaces aether as a substitute butler. but when it comes to fights, he only watches in amusement and sips on his tea. youngsters should let out some steam once in a while, he reasons. oh, and aether absolutely forbids him from touching the mora. that’s one thing no one ever trusts him with.
ZHONGLI’s pride and ego as a dragon hybrid has long dissipated since the eras have changed, but even so, it has always irritated him that your father tricked him into a contract. sometimes, when he looks at you, a dark urge dwells in the dark recesses of his mind. it’s a feeling he hasn’t felt ever since he was a young bloodthirsty general— that bloodlust and sadism. he knows you’re not your father… but what he does know is that your father has a great amount of affection he refuses to show to you. so what would happen if ZHONGLI were to… say, ruin you? to push you past your breaking point and present it to your father? 
he knows it’s not right to think such things of you, but you can’t blame him. ZHONGLI is sure you’d understand, like how you understand your every hybrid’s troubles. he’s done so much for you, after all. surely you’ll allow him to take a bite of you, and maybe more. you are a treasure, hidden away where no one can hear you scream. it doesn’t help that ZHONGLI is a dragon, heralded by legends as the mightiest of them all, and he wants to possess every single inch of you until you’re not yourself anymore.
he loves you, and he isn’t afraid to tell you. you are kind, and you are everything your father isn’t. his heart swells when you look at him and his smile is unstoppable when you excitedly chatter on about trivial matters. he wants to give you everything and more but it is in his blood to be selfish, and there’s nothing he wants more than to ruin you and your father too.
RELATIONSHIPS: zhongli and venti often get into passive-aggressive fights by covering up their insults with very fake compliments. poor xiao and aether often find themselves in the middle of this verbal war, but the two old men actually get along more than they’re willing to admit.
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ITTO makes himself known by destroying a wall and a room. it was a nice and peaceful day, enjoying a cup of tea before another session of studying with zhongli. but soon enough, the entire manor shakes as a loud explosion comes from one of the outermost rooms, and everyone rushes to see what happened. in the middle of all the rubble and mess is a snorting bull, a stab wound in his side. when it looks up at you, it's eyes grow wide.
everyone covers your eyes when the bull morphs and reveals a naked muscular man with the stupidest grin ever. "hello, little one!" his voice nearly booms, but it stills sound faint as blood dribbles from his mouth. "uh, haha, i know it's awkward to ask this of ya since we just met, but ya look like the master of this house. care to help me out here?"
ITTO apparently has gotten himself injured thanks to a gang war. according to his story, his gang pissed off some of the local ones when they barged into their territory ("anywhere's arataki itto's territory!" he corrects zhongli, but is promptly ignored) and he split up from his gang while running away ("strategic retreat!"). the adrenaline must've gotten to him, because he was a long way off from where he originally came from.
ITTO is loud and childish, but you've never had a normal childhood, so his presence is greatly appreciated. he drags you into his silly games— catching beetles with you to raise them into fierce fighters, shouting out cringey finishing moves during your card games— it’s always a fun time whenever he’s around, and he even manages to wrangle other hybrids into playing with him. a lot of people are exasperated by him, but they do like how friendly and stupid he is, so he’s one of the more popular hybrids in town.
stupid ITTO knows how strong he is, but that doesn’t mean he stops to think before pulling you into one of his bone-crushing hugs. gorou often yelps and tries to pull him off, nagging the laughing bull about his strength and carelessness. when he does loosen his grip on you, he does make for a great cuddle buddy— a set of firm abs behind you, muscled biceps wrapped protectively around your hips, and his head atop yours. sometimes you’ll fall asleep in his arms, much to everyone’s dismay, because then itto would fall asleep with you and everyone knows he has a grip like death.
ITTO’s foolish, but he’s kind and surprisingly wise at times. he’s wise enough to know the dark leer in his fellow hybrids’ eyes, and strong enough to be able to whisk you away from potential danger without any consequences. he tends to move you away whenever territorial conflicts arise between the hybrids, distracting you with a game or two. itto knows all too well how hybrids are treated in this world… he doesn’t want you being scared of them either.
that’s why he doesn’t warn you about the dangers of the other hybrids either. one, because he doesn’t want to fill your head with scary thoughts about them and two, well, he becomes a hypocrite. he may try protecting you, but even that’s hard enough for him. when you smile at him so trustingly, it just breaks his heart in two… and stirs up something dark and possessive within his heart. 
ITTO wants to cradle you gently, continue to play these silly games with you and have fun with the others for your entire life, but sometimes, you make it hard for him to be a nice man. he’s a big, big man— so big, in fact, that you won’t be able to do anything when he wraps that meaty hand of his around your head and muffles your screams. once he pins you to the floor and starts nibbling at your soft flesh, you’ll be helpless and weak, and it’ll only take him a second before he draws blood. he hates himself for wanting to violate you like that, but the thought makes him salivate.
you don’t know the real world like ITTO and the others does, and he wishes to keep it that way. concepts like innocence and pure are too philosophical for the bull hybrid’s taste, but he wishes to keep you safe. he’s been ridiculed, scorned, and cursed at for simply existing. part of him knows its paranoia, part of him believes it, and a small part of him wishes that you continue to hide in the haven you’ve made for yourself.
RELATIONSHIPS: itto’s quite friendly with the entire inazuman group, ready to loop them in for some fun whether they like it or not. due to his outgoing nature, he’s also made friends with the others as well, especially xiao, and seems to be oblivious to his mythical status with his laments about his poor, small figure. aether keeps a tired yet amused smile at his tirades, but makes sure to keep you away from him to avoid his bad influence.
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GOROU joins your family after being wrangled by the neck by itto, who had loudly proclaimed that he had found dinner. when he bursts in the front doors, there’s a yipping dog digging its canines into his hand. someone briefly mentions that bulls are supposed to be herbivores, but all you can think about how cute the puppy is. slowly creeping to the shiba inu, you gently stretch out a hand and start petting its soft fur. the small thing flicks its eyes to you and bares its teeth to growl, but a particularly good scratch has it whimpering timidly.
GOROU just might be the only sane one from the inazuman hybrids, minus thoma, who’s more or less subservient to you and ayato. he’s usually frantically running back and forth keeping an eye on itto (“humans are not to be held like that!”) and heizou (“do not try to eat kazuha again!”). when he’s not trying to keep it all together, he likes training in the open field out back, and his night time routines are often spent with other fluffy tail boys, who sit in a circle to groom each others tails. you’re part of this too, often finding yourself groomed by the others too. 
he’s a respected warrior, and he likes to help out around the house too. GOROU is fairly amiable and gullible, so he often plays the straight man of many pranks. he’s strict with himself and with others, but not a lot of people take him seriously, especially with ears and tail as fluffy as that. it’s quite troubling for him, and he doesn’t appreciate it when people stroke his ears out of the blue or ruffle his preciously groomed tail.
although young, he likes to present himself as respectable and responsible. after all, he wants you to trust him, to come to him whenever you need help! but it doesn’t help that whenever GOROU is engaged in a duel, his more base instincts come out and the heat of the fight rushes in his head. he’s growling and scratching the floor, he shoots with a precise aim but doesn’t neglect the use of all four limbs. you find it endearing how embarrassed he becomes when he’s finally relaxed after the duel and you of all people had to see him like that. while you coo and comfort him about how cool he was, all the other hybrids exchange  a look— that wasn’t about being cool, it was a show of primal instincts.
GOROU values your approval and affection more than anything in this world. it’s why he works so tirelessly to become a man you can rely on. he doesn’t allow himself to be clingy, but with some encouragement, he’ll immediately melt in your touch and he won’t let go. he sees you like a being near to divinity– if not divinity itself. your touch cleanses him, your voice soothes him, and should you give him a command, he’ll carry it out with perfect execution. he’s been demeaned as a brainless dog by society, an animal instead of an equal, but for you, he’ll proudly carry that title with blood on its name.
if you’re looking to gain more than what you currently have, GOROU is the perfect lackey to have. it’s not to say that all your dear hybrids are more than happy to follow your pursuit of greatness, but they all have their underlying agendas when it comes to you. meanwhile, GOROU’s wants and needs are all based on yours. he doesn’t need to have any other agendas— all he wants is for you to hold him for the night, bloody mess and all.
RELATIONSHIPS: gorou is usually yelling and running after itto, mostly failing to get him wrangled and disciplined. he’s only ever relaxed around kazuha and aether, who both patiently listen to his grumbles and complaints. the three of them are part of the unofficial tail society of the manor, who along with the other fluffy tail-havers like to sit in a circle and groom each other’s tails.
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there was once a time when common household products mysteriously disappeared from your cabinets. it whipped the servants into quite a fright, and rumors of a ghost haunting the halls were popular for a time. it was only when a servant found a small cavern in the side of the hill’s landscape, where the said products were organized meticulously, did they find the culprit— a handsome boy sporting feline eyes and a pair of fluffy ears and tail to boot. when ALBEDO meets your eyes, the wildcat hybrid smiles in a way that would make any romantic’s heart flutter.
“apologies for the inconvenience i may have brought you,” he says in a voice like a fairytale prince’s. “i should have introduced myself sooner instead of stealing from your cabinets. but as you can see,” he poi kntedly stares at the dozen wary eyes behind your back. “... i may have gotten a bit shy in the presence of such… intimidating companions.” 
ALBEDO is almost immediately absolved of all sin. who can get mad at such a pretty face? even your head maid who had been angrily fuming and ranting these past weeks immediately quickly turned all sparkly-eyed and accommodating as soon as albedo sent a charming smile her way. he becomes a quick favorite among the staff, because oh, he’s so nice to talk to! all these scary hybrids are either brooding or scheming or scarily strong and here’s this angel from above come to give them a sense of normality! he’s not nicknamed prince for nothing!
you always feel at ease around ALBEDO, and you like how gentle he is with you. his words are soft-spoken and carefully chosen, and he listens to your insecurities with a patient ear. he shares with you advice and his own perspective of things (albeit a bit flat on the social aspects), and he draws you little doodles to cheer you up. you both have a little game that you play where he draws on his sketchpad and you try to guess what it is before he finishes it. he always finds a way to trick you though, so you never guess correctly. he laughs quietly when you declare that one day you’ll figure it out, and pout when he ruffles your hair like a big brother.
ALBEDO likes how… warm you feel next to him. a favorite past time of his is accompanying you on your strolls and observe the wildlife with you. his hands squeeze yours as you point out the funny cloud in the sky or when you ask about a specific type of flora. if you’re sleepy, you often nap on his lap under the shade of a tree. he can feel his heartbeat racing as his fingers stroke your chin and trace your eyelids, and his big fluffy tail wraps your torso protectively. all he hears is the skritches of his pencil against paper and your faint snoring.
ALBEDO is… passive. strangely so, amidst a harem of dangerous hybrids. he makes it a point to never admit his feelings out loud. to verbalize such fantasies about you, the one who keeps him sheltered, it feels disrespectful to you. you’re too naive of the outside world, too innocent of the darker recesses of the human, er, hybrid mind. he wants to protect this innocence, because there’s too much darkness already in the world.
he hides away in his study, pencil against paper scratching away as his eyes zero in this unfinished portrait. he plans to make a portrait of your likeness, but none of these copies can compare to the real deal. an eye is too off, the nose too thin, the smile not pretty enough. he doodles some little yous on the corner of his scrapped portraits… and blushes furiously. he tears up the indecency and throws them on the fire.
is it so terrible to want to play with you a little? he may put on the big brother act now, but that’s mostly because he likes seeing the expressions you make whenever he praises you. your expressions are so interesting, despite them being like any other human’s. exactly what makes him so drawn to you? it’s a research topic he must explore one day. but for now, ALBEDO is content to play house with you for a little while, and shut away his more sexual instincts for a little while longer. there’d be plenty of time to experiment on you later, once he’s reached his limits. for now, he’ll let the potion simmer for a little while longer ♡
RELATIONSHIPS: albedo often shuts himself away from everyone and stay inside his lil old lab conducting experiments and the like, but once in a while there are people who drag him out. he often experiments on a disgruntled aether, who he bribes with mora. cyno thinks of him as a like-minded friend, but tighnari thinks that the way albedo stares at the jackal is much like a scientist staring at microbes under a glass.
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rileyslibrary · 1 year
teaching ghost how to make paper cranes but he keeps messing up with his huge ass hands <3333 (gn reader please! love your work❣️❣️)
*taps microphone* one “Ghost struggling” with a side of “Japanese paper folding art” coming right up. (A/N at the end)
“This is even more annoying than Soap.”
“It’s not Soap’s fault you have sausages for fingers.” You murmur as you finish your tenth paper crane and set it on the conference table.
He examines the back of his hand as if he had just received a manicure. He then flips it over, palm facing up, and curls his fingers into a fist before releasing them.
“My fingers are not the problem,” he argues, “it’s these sheets; they are way too small.”
“Did you say ‘shits’ or ‘sheets’?” You quip, and he huffs at your comment. Yet, he picks up another piece of paper from the stack to try again.
You observe him as he leans over the table. He is pretty crafty when it comes to surviving in difficult situations; he can light a fire by creating a bow drill, build a shelter out of branches, and navigate the woods with a needle as a compass. But when it comes to these types of crafts, he struggles.
He starts folding again, a little gentler than before. Every time he completes a step, he pauses to assess his progress. He occasionally lets out a self-motivational hum and nods to himself.
But then something happens, and he loses it—a misaligned fold caused by his large hands or a paper rip as a result of his inexperience with handling such delicate materials. Sometimes he just feels discouraged, anticipating another failed try, and gives everything up.
Looking at his current attempt, you know the paper crane will fall apart. He completes his final folds and, as you anticipated, it comes loose. He groans and crumbles the paper.
“You can do it,” you assert. “I’ve seen you train unruly recruits with much more patience.”
“For fucks sake, Y/N,” he shouts, throwing his head back, “recruits are easier to shape into soldiers than moulding a fucking Post-it note into a duck.”
“It’s a crane,” you correct him; “ducks have another technique.”
“What’s the difference?” he complains. “Why do they have different folds if they are both birds?”
“For the same reason, an AK47 and an MP5 need different types of ammo, I guess.”
Despite his disappointment, he picks up another piece of paper and folds it again.
“Patience, Lt.,” you encourage him, “treat it as a recruit.”
He pauses for a minute, contemplating your advice, before he begins. He does not treat the paper as a target this time. He carefully pinches it with his fingers and folds it with his nails. In his eyes, the paper has taken on the appearance of something far too fragile. Something that needs to be helped and taken care of. It’s not against him, but with him—they’re allies working towards a common goal.
He completes it and places it in the palm of his hand, stretching his creation towards you. It’s not perfect, but nothing is.
“Excellent work, Lieutenant!” You cheer, and he proudly places his paper crane next to yours.
“It’s relaxing and meditative,” he admits; “all this folding and aligning makes you forget about things.”
“Things?” You ask as he pulls another sheet from the stack.
“You know,” he replies, staring at the paper in his hands, “bad things.”
You can see his emotions shifting through his eyes—they’re half-lidded as if they want to forget the atrocities they witnessed. His hands are fiddling with that paper; they are shameful hands in his mind—hands that participated in the worst horrors imaginable. They’re not worthy of making paper cranes.
“Paper cranes symbolise hope,” you comfort him, “and there’s a Japanese legend that says whoever makes a thousand of them will be granted a wish.”
His eyes light up, and he opens his lips to say something, but Soap enters the room. “What are you doing here?” He yells and sits on the table, right next to your paper cranes.
Ghost rolls his eyes at the sight of Soap but continues with his little project. “I’m making a thousand paper cranes to fulfil my wish.” He replies.
“What are you going to wish for, Lieutenant?” He asks, and Ghost replies with a stern “for you to get off my fucking back.”
You make quiet shushing noises to calm him down, and he inhales deeply.
“What is it that you want, Sergeant?” He finally asks, and Soap begins to report every problem around the base that would require Ghost’s attention.
“And the fridge broke last night, and all the meat has gone bad,” he concludes, “so it looks like we might have to eat a plant-based diet until we fix it.”
“That’s alright,” Ghost shrugs, “as long as we get our nutrients, we’ll be fine.”
Soap looks at you, dumbfounded. “Wow, Lt.!” he shouts, turning to Ghost, “these paper cranes have turned you into a bloody monk, haven’t they?”
“Paper crane, paper crane,” Ghost begins to chant as he folds, “go away, or you’ll end up with a fucking cane.”
“Ghost!” you cry. “Where is the patience and meditative state we discussed earlier?”
“I’m sorry,” he apologises and turns to Soap. “Namaste, sergeant,” he says and waves his hand in dismissal, “now fuck off.”
And who are you to tell him what to say or how to behave? You, too, are a project yourself, just like these cranes lined up in front of you. You look at the trash bin with all the papers he crumbled before completing his first successful paper fold art. Today he learned something new and joyful. Something that makes him feel content and proud rather than something that wakes him up in the middle of the night or, worse, prevents him from sleeping. Making a thousand paper cranes is so much better than watching him with that thousand-yard stare he gets after every mission.
Soap grabs one of your paper cranes, places it in his pocket, and leaves you two be.
Ghost completes his second successful paper crane and grabs another sheet. “Nine hundred and ninety-eight more to go,” he states, “you know, for that wish.”
A/N: I had no idea how to make a paper crane, so I wanted to teach myself first in order to write this. And yes, I did it on a Post-it note (but not a sticky one). Also, this piece is 1000 words.
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russellsppttemplates · 5 months
hello! Can I ask about Oscar and his youngest son's first day of school? Where his son is very nervous and fears what might happen but he calms him down
"You must be Jack!", the young man said, crouching down in front of your son so he could face him, "I'm Luke and I'm going to be your teacher", he introduced himself.
"Hi, I'm Jack", he said, looking around the environment he was in. You did tell him he would be going to spend the day with new people and meet all his new friends, and there seemed to be toys to play with like his brother told him.
"You can stay here with him at the start while we wait for the other little legends", he smiled before greeting another family that stood by the classroom door, "you can leave your things in the cube with your name, Jack!", he pointed.
You noticed your son walking slowly, always making sure you and Oscar were near him as you put his backpack on the cube alongside his cardigan, "is everything alright, buddy?", Oscar asked once he noticed tears pooling in his eyes as he looked at the floor.
"What's wrong, love?", you asked, crouching down so he could hug you, his little arms wrapping around your neck as his tears soaked your shirt, "it's okay, little man, it's okay", you soothed as you rubbed circles on his back.
"Do you want to tell us why you're upset?", Oscar encouraged softly as he sat down on the floor, you following his movements and kneeling down so you would be more comfortable.
Jack looked at both of you, "I'm going to spend the day here, right? What am I going to do the whole time?", he asked.
"You can't read yet, but Luke has a timetable on the board there", you smiled as you pointed out to the projected timetable, "right now, you're going to wait for everyone to arrive, then you'll introduce yourselves, and then you'll have snack time".
"Then you'll come back to the classroom for some arts and crafts", Oscar carried on, "then onto lunch time, which sounds delicious because it's spaghetti, and then you're going to spend the afternoon playing outside".
"Oh, okay, and then you'll come to pick me up?", Jack questioned. If you were telling him the truth, it didn't sound that bad.
"Yes, love, me and daddy will come pick you up and then we'll go pick up Lucas, how does that sound?", you suggested.
"Sounds nice", he mumbled.
"If there is any problem, your teacher can call us and we will come to get you, okay?", Oscar checked, not wanting him to not do it because he thought he'd be bothering you.
Luke approached you with a little boy next to him, "Jack, this is Colin and he and the rest of the class were wondering if you'd like to come with them to paint in that big sheet", he spoke to your son, "I'm not rushing you, though, if you want to stay here with him for a bit longer, it's okay", he checked with you and Oscar.
Jack wiped his cheeks and dried his hands on his shorts, "okay, can I draw an orange car?", he asked, "of course!", Luke gasped, "those are my favourite, too!", Colin said.
"Are you sure you want to go in now? We can stay for a bit longer if you want to, Jack", Oscar assured your son, "I can do it, daddy", he said as he kissed his cheek before kissing yours, "I love you, see you later!", he waved cutely as they walked to the big white sheet and the different paints and brushes.
"He's all grown up", you cooed, smiling at how brave he was for asking for help, "he is", Oscar agreed, helping you up and walking out of the classroom with your hands intertwined.
(Thank you for sending this in ✨️)
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vetteltea · 10 months
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Lewis Hamilton and Building Snowmen [no warnings]
Day 4 of the Vetteltea Advent Calendar
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Note: This is for you, @f1version. Steph is a complete legend in the way that you’ve loved Lewis for as long as I have, if not more so, and we had this beautiful realisation about young Kimi Raikkonen being a complete crush. This is also the first time I’ve written a full Drabble for Lewis so I hope I did some justice!
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Willow’s face was squinted in concentration, her tiny tongue poked out as her fingers moved to press the rock from her front garden into the molded face of her snowman. She adjusts in your hold, silently thankful when your own hand reaches out, using a little more pressure on the lump which resembles the snowman’s eye. 
She had been focusing on her wintery project for the best part of an hour; after a desperate call from your sister in law, rapidly explaining how due to the weather conditions, Willow and Kaiden’s school was closing,  you and your boyfriend had agreed to drive straight from the airport where you had just touched down to pick them up whilst she stayed at work, promising to leave as soon as possible. 
You were tired, unbelievably jet-lagged, but that didn’t matter when the two children saw you pull up outside of the school in that signature Mercedes, both of them leaping onto each of you, shocked it had been their adorned Aunt and Uncle to come and collect them. Whilst you helped them to adjust their coats, hats and gloves, Lewis strapped in the car-seats, settling both of them into the back and driving back to the family home. 
It had meant to be a surprise; the two of you were supposed to arrive that evening, surprise the family at dinner. However, plans changed, which led to the two children in the back begging to stop at the park so they could go and play in the snow. A single plea from both of them had caused their uncle to change direction, parking in a quiet spot and letting the four of you go to explore the snow laden park. 
The two younger ones had been dressed appropriately, whereas you both looked insane; you, wrapped up in Lewis’ coat whilst he opted to put on two heavier jumpers, hoping that would be enough to keep him warm. 
The park was a little busy, many families from the school deciding to do the same thing as you and Lewis had done. Children dotted around the park, playing in the snow, tumbling down the hill in excitement. Your eyes had flickered over to where your boyfriend and nephew stood, now focusing on their own creation. 
A small tug on your arm pulls you back to Willow, now reaching for the hat which sat atop of your head. You finally caught up to what she was attempting, grinning as you passed it down to her, letting her tiny hands place the cap atop of the snowman’s head. She lets out a small giggle, before giving you a thumbs up, letting you know that her masterpiece was finished, just in time for when her brother and uncle walked over. 
“What have you two been doing then, huh?” Lewis is quick to speak first, his dark eyes flickering over the snowman he’d seen the two girls working on. He begins to notice the details; the dark eyes made from coal, a green leaf wrapped around each stick-arm to represent gloves, the biggest giveaway is the Mercedes cap you had been wearing.
“Is that me?” He laughs, heart warmed by the fact they had attempted to craft him. “I love it!” He leans forward, wrapping both of you into his arms, pressing a kiss to each of your foreheads. “I know why you’re always so good at drawing me pictures now!” 
Kaiden by this point, was tugging on your arm. “Come on, you gotta come and see us now!” He insists, his tiny body attempting to drag you across the snow. 
Stood just a few meters away from Willow’s Snow-Uncle, was another snowman. This one was smaller, squat, with four legs and a giant head. You can’t help the grin which falls from your lips when you notice the scarf wrapped around its neck, your boyfriend holding the remaining length up as a leash. 
“Hey, it’s Roscoe!” You laugh, Willow giggling too as she climbs from your grasp, taking over from holding the leash where Lewis had once done. He soon settles next to you, wrapping his arms around you gently, head resting on your shoulder in comfort as the two of you watch the children pretend to feed Snow-Roscoe treats. 
“I want one.” Lewis mumbles, out of ear-shot for the two younger members of the party.
“Another Roscoe?” You tease. “We can get another puppy-”
“You know what I mean.” He’d grinned back, pressing a kiss to your lips softly. It’s something the two of you had discussed for a while now; the idea of beginning to grow a family with the man you loved always gave you butterflies; even if the two of you weren’t even married, it was something that you had discussed. You wanted three; all with his eyes, his smile and compassion. 
“Look!” Kaiden draws the two of you away from one another, pointing in the direction of where the trees overlaid one another, creating a pathway down to the playground, the giant slide now clear of now from the endless use. “Everyone is sliding down, can we?” You don’t even get a chance to answer, both Willow and Kaiden running in that direction.
You’re the first to follow, Lewis taking a moment to see the smile blossom onto your face from the escapades of his niece and nephew. It was something that all those years ago had made him realize how much he loved you; when he came home from picking up his sister and saw you on the couch, deep into reading them both a story they had decided on. 
Cold fingers lace back together, both of you walking behind the two children, Lewis’ thumb absentmindedly rubbing over your fingers. It warms his heart, hoping but knowing it would only be a few days until he could run his hand and feel a silvery engagement ring under his touch. 
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hooked-on-elvis · 4 months
The Green Scrapbook 📗
Why is Elvis a legend? Simple answer: HARD, HARD WORK... on and off stage.
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That's the most interesting thing I've learned about Elvis lately.
This fanzine was out… it is called "Elvis Answers Back!", printed by Sound Publishing Corp in 1956 (view photo 8 and video 1 further on). In its pages, Elvis answer questions about his career and personal life in that genuine way we love so much about his interviews. There's very interesting answers in those pages (I'll share more in this blog in a while) but this one got me in awe. What we're about to read Elvis did in the 50s, while he was in the peak of his success as a young artist, specifically in the year of 1956, it's a demonstration of his courage, down-to-earth spirit, and a passionate level of dedication to his craft that few artists, or normal people for that matter, have.
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Some of the pictures printed in the Elvis Answers Back! magazine: August 18, 1956. Elvis at the Knickerbocker Hotel, Hollywood, CA. Photograph by Ed Braslaff.
The magazine article is in topics. This one is entitled "THE GREEN SCRAPBOOK", and here's what Elvis had to say about this "rumor":
"Yes, it’s true that I keep me a scrapbook of a lot of the stuff that’s printed about me. But you know something? I don’t save the articles or stories that tell nice things about me. My scrapbook only has stuff in it that isn’t very friendly. I’ll tell you why this is. "When I first started out, my momma wanted to save all the programs and pictures and things that everyone put in the papers and magazines. I wasn’t much interested in doing this, because I was so busy singing and working and learning that I just didn’t want to take the time to sit down every so often in the middle of something and start cutting out pictures and things. Momma bought her a big green scrapbook, though, and asked me to send her stuff whenever I got the chance. For the first year or so, I didn’t send her a thing, and the scrapbook was empty, except for a couple of clippings she got out of the Memphis papers.
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Some of the pictures printed in the Elvis Answers Back! magazine: (1) June 30, 1956 in Richmond, VA. Elvis drinking water after having a bowl of chili, sitting at the Jefferson Hotel lunch counter; (2) Elvis at the RCA's Studio One in NY, for a recording session on July 2, 1956, when he recorded "Hound Dog" and "Don't Be Cruel." Both photographs by Alfred Wertheimer.
"Then one day I saw this article about me not being a very good singer. I cut that out and send it to momma and she wrote back and told me I didn’t want to fill my scrapbook with things like that. But I wrote back and told her, 'Momma, anyone can fill a scrapbook with good things. But what good does it do? I’d like to know the things people don’t particularly like and study them and try to make myself better if I can.' "So that’s how The Green Scrapbook got started. I’ve got a lot of pages filled, and a lot of them are still empty, but I’ll tell you this. Every time I go home to Memphis, I take down that scrapbook and study it. I know most of the things in it by heart, and I’m always going to do my best to improve whenever and wherever I can." — Elvis Presley, 1956 interview.
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Cover of Elvis Answers Back! magazine, published on August 28, 1956 | Source: elvis100percent.com
SEE THE CONTENT IN THE PAGES OF THAT 1956 ELVIS MAGAZINE (this is an US limited edition reproduction of the 1956 original magazine):
Thanks "Collecting King Elvis Interviews and Memobilia" Youtube channel for sharing this gem.
I just crossed an interview of Elvis for the Hy Gardner Show ("Hy Gardner Calling") on July 1, 1956 (right after Elvis' performance on the Steve Allen Show). Hy Gardner asked Elvis if he reads the reviews on his concerts and he answers it with "Not if I can help it". Then Gardner goes on in the same matter and asks him further, "Do you keep a scrapbook at all?" -- Elvis' answer to this: "Only of the good stuff." -- We can figure, although Elvis had the Green Scrapbook probably since 1954, considering he said 'When I first started out, my momma wanted to save all the programs and pictures (...)', it was around mid 1956 that Elvis consciously decided to face his detractors more often and make a good use of their critics to help him improving his act. Fascinating. It's fascinating for a young man as talented, handsome and successful as he was, to pause the rush of excitement going on within himself just so he could think things through. Elvis was enjoying a tremendous amount of success already, so it would be more convenient to just have fun and let it happen while it lasted. 1956 was THE year when everything he ever dreamed about was happening at once in his life and he couldn't be more excited and thrilling with the attention he was getting from all over, yet that young man had the maturity to understand he had to keep working hard so he truly could have something worth sharing with the world, something better to offer to the people who seemed be starving for more of him. Fascinating.
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General LU Headcanons part 1
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Heya! So I'm starting this blog with some general headcanons about the boys, I think I'll divide it in three parts so it's not too long. First up are Four, Hyrule, and Legend! Hope you enjoy :D
Part 2 Part 3
It takes him so long to emerge from sleep
Like he'll be in a haze for like 20 minutes, not able to form any coherent thoughts
Which is kind of a surprise because he's one of the early risers, and is super reactive once fully awake
He tends to talk to himself a lot, mostly when he does something or thinks through a problem
It's mostly to exteriorize all the noise inside his head tho
The others aren't as weirded out by it than he feared, and he's thankful for it
Whenever they're in a market or just in a town, he always finds himself drawn to craftsmanship
Like if they need to interrogate people about monsters and stuff, he'll go ask artisans mostly
He feels more comfortable around them
It feels like home
Also he likes to compare his work to other blacksmith's
He feels like he has a lot to learn still, and he's very curious about how the craft has evolved with time
He doesn't know first aid and the scent of blood makes him sick, but if his teammates need tending he'll do his best
He tries to see their wounds as metal work needing repairs
It helps him keep his cool
But he'd rather leave it to someone else
Another early riser, but he hates it
He loves sleeping in and wishes his body would let him sometimes
But oh well, when it's time to wake up it's time to wake up
He's a very light sleeper too, like the wind blowing in the leaves above would wake him up
He hates it
Botany nerd
Loves keeping track of the new plants he finds along the way
He always asks the Link from the Hyrule they're in if he knows about it, and will pick them up if he can't get an answer, to study them later hopefully
He rarely can, but when they have a moment he'll either find a plant book (and a Link who can read it for him) or straight up ask someone if they know about the plant
He's always so polite and genuinely curious, people can't help but answer
He accidentally set Sky's stuff on fire once when showing off his fire magic to Wind
Sky was too impressed to truly be mad at him tho
(Also Hyrule replaced all of the stuff that couldn't be repaired, don't ask him how)
He doesn't mind blood and grime and gore, but can't handle anything with maggots in it
He'll stitch up anything, he'll put bones back in place if necessary, but one bug? In a wound? Don't count on him
He can keep his calm even before the grossest injuries, which is why he's often fixing up the others after a fight
He rarely uses his healing magic tho, he knows he'll tire too easily, and he can't help them if he can barely stay awake
So potions potions potions
He's a gentle caregiver but you better do as he says when you're hurt
A heavy sleeper, and he dreams a lot, but he never remember them
Probably for the best if you ask him
He usually wakes late, but never truly rested unfortunately
That never stoped him from being immediately efficient and fully awake tho
He knows he has a reputation of being sharp and closed off, but he's a really good listener
He's the kind of person curse the world with you when you vent until you're in the right headspace to find a solution
He kind of encourages the others in their dumbest ideas just to see what'll happen
(not the too dangerous ones, of course)
But he's curious, and after all the adventures he's been through, he believes that if he survived all of this, surely Wild will survive trying to cook a bomb flower
He did, but Twilight almost died of stress
He's the one who helps Warrior with refilling their inventory when they're low on supplies
He's a great negotiator and can get them twice the supplies for the same price
He's sometimes even charming enough to get them all a free meal
It's his favorite skill
He doesn't mind blood but will not look at broken limbs
Not his own, not other's
He tries to keep his cool around the others to not make them panic, but he really hates broken bones
If one of them is hurt, he'll try to distract them and make sure they have water and enough heat
He'll also keep them in place if they move around too much for Hyrule or Warrior to work on them
He's not gentle, but he's still reassuring somehow
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corruptedcaps · 1 year
Letting Her Hair Down
“Sarah! You have to help me! I don’t have much time, she’ll take over again any minute. You have to find a way to destroy my ponytail. It’s the reason I’ve become a bully and a bitch and… and… ohhhh no I can feel her taking over again ahhhhhh…. Sarah? What do you want loser? I have places to be. God you’re such a tragic fashion case.”
Sarah looked at Chloe, the resident queen bee of high school and her former dorky friend, with confusion. One minute had been walking down the hall looking like the poster child for being an entitled princess, the next second she slipped and banged her head on the ground.
Sarah being the good person that she was rushed over to help her back up when Chloe started rambling about her ponytail being evil and controlling her. Had she just been pranked by Chloe with this insane story? Then again it did make some sort of sense. Before Chloe had had her bitch makeover she had been a kind and reserved girl, with an underdeveloped body but a good heart. But ever since she got back from her vacation sporting her new bougie and haughty look, with bolted on big tits and a piercing hot stare, she had been a terror to everyone, especially Sarah. Could it be all because of her ponytail? Sarah needed to find out but for now she had to play dumb.
“Oh sorry Chloe it was nothing.” Sarah said sheepishly. Chloe rolled her eyes and pushed Sarah out of the way and left.
As Chloe sauntered off, Sarah's mind raced with thoughts. She couldn't let her former friend suffer in this bizarre predicament. Determination filled her, and she made up her mind to investigate further. If there was any truth to Chloe's claims, she had to find a way to help her break free from the ponytail's grip.
Determined to find answers, Sarah delved into researching anything and everything about hair that could control someone. That’s when she came across the Hairasite.
According to the legend, hairasites were parasitic organisms that resembled strands of hair but possessed a malevolent consciousness. They were known to attach themselves to unsuspecting hosts, taking control of their minds and manipulating their behavior. Sarah's heart skipped a beat as she read accounts of women exhibiting striking similarities to Chloe's transformation.
She discovered that the hairasite's control over its host could be severed by severing its physical connection. The only solution was to cut off the strand of hair hosting the parasite and destroy it completely.
With her newfound knowledge, Sarah formulated a plan to free Chloe from the hairasite's grip. She knew she had to get Chloe alone, away from prying eyes, to execute her daring rescue mission. After careful consideration, she decided to trick Chloe with an offer she couldn't refuse—a coveted invitation to an exclusive fashion event.
Sarah knew Chloe's new vanity would be her downfall. She crafted a fake invitation to a fictitious cheerleader fashion showcase, one that would lure Chloe into a private dressing room on the far side of school where Sarah could safely carry out her plan. The invitation, complete with glamorous details and a promise of VIP treatment, was carefully slipped into Chloe's locker.
As Chloe entered the private dressing room, her eyes which had been full of anticipation soon turned sour as she saw nothing but an empty room. Then she heard the door behind her click as it was locked.
As Chloe turned around to see what was happening, Sarah pounced. With a surge of strength, Sarah lunged at Chloe, grabbing her by the shoulders and wrestling her to the ground. They grappled with each other, their struggle fueled by a mix of desperation and the raw determination of friendship.
“Oh I am going to enjoy getting revenge on you when I get out of here.” Chloe said with a bone chilling laugh as she fought back fiercely, getting the upper hand. Sarah could feel the hairasite's influence giving Chloe’s body strength. But Sarah refused to give up. With a final burst of energy, she managed to pin Chloe down and swiftly reached for a pair of scissors.
In one smooth motion, Sarah snipped the ponytail clean off Chloe's head, severing the hairasite's connection to its host. The air crackled with tension as the room fell into a stunned silence. Sarah watched in wonder as Chloe’s body started to revert back to normal. Her kind soft face emerging from the cruel sharp facade it had once been. Her too nearly slipping off her as her breasts deflated and her height shrank. Disheveled and panting, she stared at Sarah with wide eyes, realization dawning upon her.
Chloe's gratitude poured forth as she regained her senses, her voice trembling with emotion. "Sarah, thank you... thank you for saving me from that nightmare. I don't know what I would've become without you."
However, as Chloe expressed her heartfelt gratitude, a sinister voice slithered into Sarah's mind, intertwining with her thoughts. "Sarah, dear Sarah, I underestimated you," the hairasite hissed, its voice silky and persuasive. "Imagine the power you could possess, the beauty you could radiate if I had chosen you and not Chloe. Join me, embrace me, and together we will rule this world."
Sarah's eyes widened in disbelief as she looked down at her hand to see she was gripping the ponytail she had snipped off Chloe’s head. She watched it’s tendrils reach for her like a weak newborn. Chloe's voice became distant, muffled by the seductive promises echoing in her mind.
The hairasite's voice grew louder, insidious and persuasive. "Sarah, don't you want to be admired? Don't you want to be noticed and feared? You have the power within you. Just embrace me, and we will become unstoppable."
As Sarah grappled with her inner turmoil, she locked eyes with Chloe, desperately trying to maintain her connection to reality. Deep down, she knew she had to find a way to rid herself of the hairasite's influence, but it was becoming harder by the second to not succumb to its alluring promises.
Chloe noticed the change in Sarah's demeanor, her concern deepening. "Sarah, what's wrong? You feeling ok?"
Ignoring the hairasite's relentless persuasion, Sarah took a deep breath and locked eyes with Chloe. "I need to destroy this hairasite once and for all. I have to get to the teachers lounge." Without another word Sarah unlocked the door and ran as fast as she could to the boiler room.
As Sarah's heart pounded with determination, the hairasite's voice grew more desperate. "Sarah, don't you see? I can give you power, beauty, everything you've ever wanted. We can become an even bigger bitch than Chloe was. We can bully her just like she did to you."
Sarah knew she needed to end this fast as she was starting to get turned on by the thoughts the hairasite was putting in her mind. Images of her commanding a clique of beta bitches to do her bidding and lording it over Chloe was making her unbelievably wet.
Breathing heavily, Sarah burst through the door of the teachers lounge, thankfully empty. She saw her goal though, the disused and often forgot about fireplace. With a trembling hand, built a small pyre of sticks and lit a fire beneath and watched the flames dance around and consume the wood, hungry for more.
The hairasite's voice intensified, filled with urgency as it tried one last ditch effort. "You can be in control!" It said as Sarah was one swing away from destroying it forever.
Sarah's hand paused mid-swing, uncertainty etching across her face. She turned to face the hairasite, her eyes narrowing with suspicion. "You have 15 seconds, explain."
The hairasite seized this opportunity, its voice dripping with convincing charm. "Absolutely, Sarah. I took full control of Chloe because she was boring and dull and had no interest in being a bitch but you… you I can sense want it. You crave it. You want to possess unparalleled dominance over those who have ever underestimated you. I don’t need to control you if you’re lust for the same things I do. Just me on your head, and I'll grant you the power you desire."
Hesitation clung to Sarah's every fiber, but the allure of control tugged at her deepest desires. The longing to be noticed, respected, and feared intensified within her. Swallowing her doubts, she cautiously lifted the severed ponytail, gingerly placing it atop her head.
As the hairasite made contact with Sarah's scalp, a sharp jolt coursed through her body. She winced, feeling the hairasite burrowing deeper, intertwining itself with her being. A surge of power rippled through her veins, and she could feel her entire existence beginning to transform.
As the hairasite's influence surged through Sarah's veins, her transformation continued with astonishing speed and detail. Her nails, once short and plain, elongated into sharp, perfectly manicured talons. Each nail shimmered with a deep shade of crimson, perfectly complementing her newfound allure.
Her makeup shifted dramatically, reflecting the captivating charm the hairasite bestowed upon her. Her eyes were accentuated with smoky, seductive eyeshadow, emphasizing their piercing intensity. Thick, luscious lashes framed her gaze, fluttering with a hypnotic allure. Her cheeks radiated a soft rosy blush, enhancing her flawless, tan complexion.
Her skin took on a sun-kissed glow, a subtle tan that exuded the vibrant energy of a cheerleader on the field. It enhanced her already alluring features, lending an air of radiant confidence that demanded admiration.
Sarah's lips transformed into a pout that demanded attention. They became plump and sensuous, painted in a vibrant shade of pink, adding to her irresistible charm. Each word that escaped her now-glossed lips would drip with a confident magnetism, captivating those who dared to listen.
In addition, her breasts seemed to have defied gravity, becoming more ample and accentuated, drawing attention to her newfound confidence. Her figure, now curvaceous and alluring, would command attention from all who laid eyes upon her.
Sarah's demeanor shifted entirely. Once a kind and compassionate soul, she now exuded an aura of dominance and entitlement. Her voice carried a sharp edge, dripping with venomous superiority. Her posture adopted an air of confident dominance. Her eyes sparkled with an icy gaze that dared anyone to challenge her.
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Sarah had become the embodiment of the hairasite's promises—a captivating, powerful force that would leave a trail of both admiration and fear in her wake. As she surveyed her transformed reflection in a nearby mirror, a wicked smile spread across her face.
As she twirled a lock of her glossy, transformed hair between her fingertips, Sarah couldn't help but revel in the newfound attention she would undoubtedly receive. She was now a force to be reckoned with, leaving a trail of admirers and envious gazes in her wake.
As Chloe cautiously entered the teachers lounge, her eyes widened in shock at the sight before her. Standing there, radiating confidence and exuding an aura of dominance, was the transformed Sarah. Her gaze turned icy, and a unnerving smile curled upon her lips as she locked eyes with Chloe.
"Well, well, well," Sarah sneered, her voice dripping with cruelty. "Look who decided to follow. Surprised to see the new me?"
Chloe stumbled backward, her voice trembling. "You let her go! It’s me you want, she doesn’t deserve this! Fight it Sarah, don't let this control you!"
A mocking laughter escaped Sarah's lips as she relished in Chloe's bewildered expression. "Oh, Chloe, I’m not being controlled by anyone or anything expect my long buried desires. It's time you realized that power and beauty is all I’ve ever wanted. I've shed my former self, and I won't be held back by weak friendships anymore."
Chloe's eyes welled up with tears, hurt and confusion etched across her face. "No! You’re lying! I don’t believe you! Give me my friend back!"
Sarah's expression hardened, devoid of empathy. “Friend? That's amusing. I have no use for the weak and pitiful. And just to prove it’s me, how about I let my hair down?”
Sarah reached up to the ponytail tie and pulled it. Her blonde hair cascaded down and flowed hypnotically with every sway. She ran her perfectly manicured fingers through her locks, feeling a pleasurable tingle.
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“See? There is no hairasite anymore. No Sarah. We are one cruel, manipulative and sexy bitch called Sasha and you’re just a loser nobody who could of had it all but now you’re just in my way.”
With those cutting words, Sasha pushed past Chloe, leaving her standing there, shattered and betrayed. The transformed Sasha reveled in her newfound power, savoring the control she now held over Chloe's emotions, and soon the rest of the school.
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daydreamwalker13 · 6 months
Mk1 Random Drawings # 25
My au of mk1 teens still continues. Kinda busy this days. Don't be bored, it's kinda long but worth to read. For making it better, I advice you to zoom Johnny's face at the colored one. If you feel sad, that's the purpose, enjoy.
Protectors of Earthrealm:
Forever, Together
A love letter to Johnathan Carlton by Kenshi Takahashi.
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You always smile, you always laugh and jokes around every damn time.
You can take things seriously, but of course, you have to crack a joke or rant some movie references in between.
Always happy and energetic, always annoying, the one who lives his best life in a colorful world.
Always the center of the attention.
But in reality, you live in black and white. Like those silent movies from an old tv. Quiet and static.
I never thought I'll see such face in you.
Never seen you cry before, never seen you stressed so much that your eyes didn't glistening anymore.
There's no life in there. Just a porcelain mask.
Back then, I don't like you as a kid.
Now as a teen? I love you.
So much that I can loan Sento for you, but my ancestors will hate the idea and wack me in the head.
You were always tired, but you hide it so well.
I'm tired too, tired of seeing you like this.
I'll wipe that tears in your eyes because I can, I have hands. I'm not crippled.
Reaching your hand, kiss it and prayed, for all the stress you had will washed away.
I want to see you smile again.
As I hold you,
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I'll be your color and you'll be my vision for this world.
You can fight, and I like that about you. But let me, protecting you from the dangers that you can't handle anymore.
In this trial times, for you and me, I'll do my best to always help you, support you and always be on your side.
As you already did to me back then, when we met for the third time.
So, hold on to my hand too. As I already hold yours, but a bit tighter. Just making sure that I'm not letting us go.
You're really a star, a starlight crafted by the elder gods.
I'm yours, truly.
Even the world gone mad, I always choose you.
As my fighter, as the love of my life.
Forever, together.
I just found this reference on twitter, and I forgot who's post is it.
Combining Mk11 and Mk Legends for teen Johnny's outfit. And inspired by Mk1 Kenshi's suit at chapter two storymode for teen Kenshi's outfit.
Last time I said I'm not good at coloring, now I'm kinda crap doing backgrounds. Still learning tho.
I'm giggling when I writing this, now I'm crying. I didn't expect that it will turn out like this.
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laismoura-art · 3 months
How do you think Kenshi and Suchin met in this new timeline? Especially if you consider that Suchin was the reason for Kenshi’s redemption?
Hey, Bloos! Thanks for the ask!💕
I'll let you know that I have plenty of ideas for Suchin, both for the New Era, as well as for my Scorpion!Harumi AU (you let me know if you're interested in that one too 👀)
I had the chance to brainstorm a bit about her recently with ma gal @thedragonholder and also with @rasta-bot (both make amazing Suchin content💕), and that really helped me to organise my thoughts and ideas for her!
So, to answer your question, you gotta know my version of Suchin better, so please, let me walk you through this more polished version of her origins (now with more Kenshi🤭)
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Suchin's family descends from Seido, the Golden Kingdom, in Outworld.
Form an outsiders perspective, the place may feel like a true utopia, everything and everyone has their role and order reigns above. Unfortunately, to assure "order" the rules of Seido ended up being SEVERELY punitive, unfair, and often targeted the less fortunate classes.
Tired of such unfairness, the Bunnag family decided to flee and take as many families as they could (which, sadly, were not as many families as they wished).
For their decision, the Bunnags were cast as traidors and criminals and were hunted down by the city's rulers and their police forces.
The family could've gone after Queen Sindel and requested refuge in Sun Do (which she would've granted, mind you), but they were afraid Seido would see her actions as an act of war and start a bigger conflict.
So, instead, they went after Delia's help.
The Goddess of the Eternal Flame granted all the families a safe trip to Earthrealm. And to praise the Bunnags for their courage, she crafted a pair of blades and blessed them in her flames.
Once safe in Earthrealm, the Bunnags had decided they would never again turn a blind eye to the injustices surrounding them. Thailand was now their home, and they would make it a safer and just place!
That resulted in them becoming something akin to vigilantes. Urban legends even. No one really knew their identities, but the locals were certain every generation had their very own vigilante, and soon, Suchin would become her generation's!
But before she could take over the tittle that currently belonged to her mother, Suchin wanted to learn more about her family's mysterious heritage (her parents and grandparents were far too vague about that, and she strongly believed knowing her roots would make her a better warrior, a better protector for Thailand!
So she made sure to gather the attention of the Umgadi and grant herself a place among them. She would be trained and in the meantime, learn about her roots and about that mysterious hooded figure her family seems to worship...
Said and done! Suchin was recruited by the Umgadi and trained for years with a selected group (Tanya, Jade and Harumi). Her instructor, Li Mei, made sure to tell her everything she knew about Delia and Seido (she didn't know the specifics of what happened between the Bunnags and Seido, but she could guess, and did advise Suchin to remain within Sun Do, where she would be welcomed and more importantly, protected)
After her training years were over, Suchin returned to Earthrealm and took over her mother's place so the later could finally retire.
Suchin became an outstanding vigilante. And her notable job started to call attention of some evil forces outside Thailand.
The Black Dragon, the Red Dragon and the Yakusa, all wanted a piece of her!
Her fight with this groups led her to travel all over the globe, and eventually, get to Japan, where the Yakusa already had a price for her head, and to handle such talented swordswoman, the evil organisations sent their most talented swordsman: Kenshi Takahashi!
By the time Kenshi was assigned to the task of killing Suchin, he was already starting to question his place within the Yakusa.
He wasn't loud about it. In reality, no one could really even tell he was having any sort of second thoughts.
That is... until Suchin.
She could tell by his fighting alone. He was a skilled fighter, that was not doubt about that. But his head was just not there!
Which was why Suchin decided to spare his life once she had defeated him, "Face me again." She challenged him, "Once you had decided who's your real opponent."
He was sent again, and again he hesitated. Then again and again. Each time less motivated. Each time more confused and torn up.
Suchin was growing impatient. "If you're not going to give me a real fight, at least offer me dinner or something. Fighting you exhausts me!"
He vanished instead.
Only a week later, he reappeared and offered to pay her coffee and pancakes with syrup.
"Coffee and pancakes? Ha! Who would've thought the Yakusa would be such cheapskates!" She teased, but accepted the invitation anyways (a good choice, as the pancakes were phenomenal!)
Good pancakes made up for the long hours of Kenshi just venting about his problems.
One thing he said truly resonated with her, "I feel like I'm not on the right place. I feel like I'm betraying myself, betraying... my very blood! Does that make sense??"
And yes! It did make sense! That's exactly how her family felt in Seido. That feeling of unease and self-betrayal, of self-loathing was precisely what led them to flee their hometown and start all over, reconnecting with who they truly were, away from any external oppresive influences.
So to help Kenshi, she shared with him the story of her family (something she had only done with her teacher and her close Umgadi friends).
She advised him to find his roots, so he would find himself in the process and fully understand who he wanted to be from that moment on.
"You're right." He said in a rather monotone way, but Suchin could tell he was having an epiphany inside his head. Which was confirmed by his sudden movements, he got up at once, kissed her cheek and left with only a rushed announcement: "I must go to Hollywood! Right at this moment!"
Sorry I took your ask as an opportunity to brainstorm a bit more about Suchin, I hope you had enjoyed my headcanons still (including the one you actually came here for, lol)❤️❤️
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bonefall · 1 year
I know that cats and humans didn't get along before Bumble according to the legend of the Rogue of Rot but do cats ever look at twolegs and curse the Rogue for upsetting Bumble or else they could ask twolegs what in StarClan's name are they're doing because it looks ridiculous or for them to exchange information like how they can build or cook or craft? Or for medicine cats, how they treat more complicated issues that kittypets seem to be able to get help for that the medicine cats are still trying to figure out and thus basically a death sentence if diagnosed? Yes there's the code that says they reject the soft life of a kittypet but it's not being a kittypet if you're taking the information back to the clans and applying it yourself instead of having the twoleg to do it all for you.
No, that's really not what cultural view of humans is like. Maybe in SkyClan, but certainly not Forest Four.
They really believe that not knowing their words is for their own protection. They want nothing to do with humans as a value; the Law is just a codification of sentiment that was deeply rooted. They're fearful and even violent towards them.
And they don't really have a lot of information about them as a result, certainly not enough to envy them. They aren't aware of "kittypets surviving things they don't," they don't talk to them. If they did, that kind of talk would see other cats start to question your loyalty.
Pinestar couldn't even share kibble with his Clan while they starved because the taboo is so strong. Let alone start gushing about how soft the blankets are.
Many years later, this is an important hurdle the researchers have to overcome. Clan cats get massively stressed out if they're around them, making very skittish specimens and messing with data collection.
There's one tiny debaucle where Firestar digs a trail cam out of the ground and drops it in a ravine! Expensive equipment, smashed to bits! They're even more careful after that, lmao.
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toptophat · 8 months
Wassup guys, it's ya gurl "AmongusHuggyandSkibidiFriends6969" back with another banger of a video!
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Who killed Glamrizz Freddy in the Among Us Skibidi Circus? | Huggy Wuggy in TADC Ep 2?? | Among Us vs Smurf Cat in Roblox | Jax steals Among Us's Phone and now Among Us can't play Raid Shadow Legends!!!
Apologies to @gooseworx who is one of the talented people who have to deal with shitty YT content like this on a daily basis! If you see this,I hope that seeing how lazy and worthless these content farms are, and seeing everyone ridicule them can help reignite your confidence (or at the very least, make you chuckle with the funny thumbnail and title i cleverly crafted) your work is amazing, never stop doing what you love 💖
Also, did you know that Raid Shadow Legends is one of the most immersive action RPGs on the-
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dutchessofcaladan · 6 months
Ghostbusters: Soul Resurgence
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My first fic! I recently got really hyperfixated of Ghostbusters (thanks Frozen Empire) and decided to write a fic. This story will feature plot points from Ghostbusters 2 and characters from Afterlife onward (minus Lucky, Melody, and Podcast). This fic is set a few years after Frozen Empire. Also, a big thank you to @phantomoftheparadise0002 for beta-reading this. Lisa, you're amazing!
Summary: When the spirit of Sumerian sorceress Ahassunu, daughter of Vigo, possesses Alexis, the Ghostbusters must band together to determine the fate of the world
Translation for Sumerian: I will raise up the dead here to consume the living. Gatekeeper, open the gate for me. Such are rites of the mistress of the Netherworld.
Ray felt a smile come across his face as he heard the roar of Alex's bike quiet as she parked in front of the occult shop. Closing the book of ancient Sumerian history, his smile grew as the door opened.
“Hey.” Alex smiled, closing the door behind her. “What'd you need help with?”
“How's your Sumerian?” Ray asked, reopening the book.
“Considering you taught me it when I was 10 and I minored in it, I would say I’m pretty decent. Why do you ask?” Pushing her glasses back up on her nose, she rounded the counter.
“I'm trying to decipher this legend but I'm afraid I'm a bit rusty.” Ray smiled as he slid the book over to her.
“Let's see.” She pulled the stool closer to the counter, focusing intently on the book. “Looks like it's about the sorceress Ahassunu.”
“Ahassunu.” Ray whispered, slightly perplexed.
“Isn't that Vigo's daughter?” Alex asked, intrigued.
“I believe it is.” A smile lit up his face.
Turning back to the book, Alex read aloud, “After the death of her father, Vigo the Unholy, she took the throne by force, slaughtering the armies that tried in vain to keep her from it.”
Ray's eyes widened as she continued.
"The longer she sat upon the throne, the more her power grew. It was said that her power grew so great that runes burned themselves upon her skin as the demons imbued her with their power. It's also said that her eyes turned a deep black, akin to those of the devil himself.”
Ray sat back, releasing a breath.
“Something doesn't make sense here.” She said, leaning closer to the book.
“What do you mean?” Ray asked, looking back at the book.
“Ahassunu was Vigo's daughter, meaning she was Carpathian. Why is she regarded as a Sumerian sorceress?”
Ray's eyes narrowed. “Maybe the story was passed down so many times, her ethnicity was misheard. Like what happens in a game of telephone.”
“That's a possibility, but this book had to have been fact checked by several historians before it was published. That many people missing this large of an error? Doesn't seem plausible to me.”
“Even those who are the most skilled at their craft make mistakes. God knows I did.” Sighing, Ray dropped his gaze from the book.
“Ray, accidentally thinking of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man wasn't a mistake. You thought of the most harmless thing you could. And you helped defeat it. You're a hero.” Placing a hand on his shoulder, she gave him a soft smile.
“Tell that to every person who sued us after.” Ray chuckled.
“You know I would.” Alex's smile grew.
Standing up, Ray closed the book and returned it to its shelf as Alex's phone began to ring.
“Hey, Janine.” She answered. “Can't one of the other guys take care of it? I'm off the clock.”
Ray chuckled, hearing her exasperated sigh.
“Alright. Fine. Just send me the address and I'll come by to pick up my pack. Alright. Bye.” Hanging up, she turned back to Ray. “I gotta go. The Spengler's are still out and apparently I'm the only one capable of being a Ghostbuster tonight.”
“I could come help.” He offered, returning to the counter.
“No. It's fine. I can handle it.” Opening the door, she added over her shoulder, “If you find anything else out about that Carpathian/Sumerian sorceress, let me know.”
“Will do.” Ray chuckled.
As Alex dismounted the bike, she felt her knees nearly give way as she stood. “Been doing this for nearly 20 years now. You think I would be used to the weight.” She muttered to herself.
Walking towards the front of the museum, she was met with the nervous smile of Dr. Janosz Poha. “Dr. Poha.” She said, holding out her hand. “It's a pleasure to meet you.”
Timidly shaking her hand, he gave her a confused look. “The, the lady said Dr. Venkman would be here to take care of the, the thing.” He stuttered, pointing to the building.
Alex sighed. “I apologize for the confusion. My name is Dr. Alexis Venkman. You must've been expecting my father, Dr. Peter Venkman.”
Janosz let out a chuckle. “Oh! Silly me.” He smiled.
“It's quite alright, Dr. Poha.” She smiled.
“Please. Janosz.” He insisted.
Alex nodded as he led her inside the museum.
Stopping just inside the doors, he directed her, “It's, uh, down to the end hall and to the left.”
She watched as his hand shook as he gave directions, thinking of the long term effects his encounter with Vigo must've had on him.
“Good luck!” He shouted as she headed down the hall.
As she moved further down the hall, she began to hear a woman's voice, chanting.
Usella mituti ikkalu baltuti. Ati me peta babka. Sa belet ersetim ki'am parasusa.
As she rounded the corner, she saw a woman on her knees, wearing a security guard's outfit.
Taking a deep breath, Alex turned on her pack.
With one final chant, the guard's body fell limp to the ground as a gust of air flew towards Alex, knocking her over as her world went dark.
Passers-by on the street screamed in fear as the side of the Museum of Natural History blew apart, sending chunks of concrete flying into the busy roadway. Slowly standing up as the commotion seemed to have calmed, they watched as Alex walked to the opening and simply floated away.
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scotianostra · 1 year
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On June 6th 1944 Allied forces stormed the beaches of Northern France on what became known as D-Day.
There were no doubt many acts of bravery on that day when the tide started to turn against the Nazi regime that ultimately ended World War Two. I shall concentrate on one, but will also tell you about a German sniper that day and a wee tenuous brave Canadian.
‘Piper’ Bill Milllin landed on Sword Beach on the Coast of Normandy as part of the 1st Special Service Brigade in the second wave of the operation.
Pipers were banned from being on the frontline during the Second World War because of the number of casualties seen during the First World War. The enemy figured out that the piper helped boost morale to the Allied troops, and they were slaughtered because of this. This led the War Office to restrict their presence in camps as well as on the frontline.
Millin pointed this out to his Commanding Officer  Brigadier Lord "Shimi" Lovat  Fraser, hereditary chief of the Clan Fraser, who was a law unto himself. “Ah, but that’s the English War Office, Millin,” Lovat told him. “You and I are both Scottish so that doesn’t apply.”
As Bill Millin embarked from the landing craft and waded through chest high water making his way toward dry land, high above his head he carried his pipes, the only weapon he would need that day. Around him bullets flew, mortar shells exploded Bill_Millin1and his friends, comrades and countrymen died, but Bill carried onward.
It was what came next that made Bill Millin a legend! Lord Lovat, the Chief of Clan Fraser and Brigadier of the 2,500 commandos, instructed the 21 year old Bill Millin to fire up his pipes and play a tune to inspire the men. And with the five words ‘Give us “Highland Laddie” man!’, the Legend of ‘Piper’ Bill was born.
Amid the carnage and destruction Bill Millin played as he had never played before. While marching up and down the beach of Normandy, Millin played the tunes ‘Hielan’ Laddie’, ‘The Road to the Isles’ and ‘Blue Bonnets over the Border’, and at one point added ‘The Nut Brown Maiden’ for a redheaded French girl who had strayed out of her home.
The day would see Millin and his unit march four miles inland to a point known as Pegasus Bridge, which was a strategically vital point for the German 21st Panzer Division. D-Day was the turning point in the Allies’ battle against Hitler and ‘Piper’ Bill Millin stands a reminder of the bravery and sacrifice made by ordinary people in extraordinary times.
Facing the soldiers coming ashore that day was Horst Hrubesh, German machine gunner, he too can be seen as a hero of sorts, if you read the poem he penned, I will let you decide;
Scottish soldier play your pipes
Even though your in my sights
Just like me you have a wife
I aim above your head
For full five minutes i fire up high
Keep my bullets up in the sky
No mad piper, you will not die
I will not lay you dead.
Now at my Nazi captains call
He wonders why you do not fall
They drag me from my post in haste
Another gunner i am replaced
In a cell now i await
Whats sure to be a bloody fate
Jack boots stamp across the yard
By my cell with windows barred
Soldier friends i stood beside
Now gather in a long straight line
Blindfold no i did decline
To see their faces full of guilt
As they take my life for i shalt not kill.
Horst Hrubesh was German , but not a nazi, he paid the price for his act on D Day.
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The third person to get a mention today is James M. Doohan who landed ashore at Juno beach. Later that day se would be shot 6 times, survive and go on to become Scotty on Star Trek.
Doohan was a commissioned lieutenant with the 14th Field Artillery Regiment of the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division, and was tasked with invading an area of Normandy code-named Juno Beach. As the meme states, Doohan successfully led his men across the beach littered with anti-tank mines, and also managed to take out two German snipers:
Lieutenant Doohan was however not shot by a German sniper. He had been shot by a nervous, trigger-happy Canadian sentry.
Doohan said. "We landed safely, thank God, through those Y-shaped steel barriers you see in the film, tracer bullets, all that, none of our men hurt, and dashed 75 yards to the 7-foot tall dunes," Doohan said. 
"Crossed a minefield, found out about it later: It was meant to blow up tanks, and we weren't heavy enough. Moved up through a down - hardly a town just a village - called Graye Sur Mer, saw a church tower that was a machine-gun post, firing off to our left. 
Doohan took out the machine-gun post with a couple of shots. "I don't know if they were killed or wounded, but it shut them up," he said.  The Canadian soldier later said he didn't notice the gunshot wounds in his legs until he got to the medic who told him;
'You also have four bullets in your left knee.' I said: 'Well, I walked here.'"
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nanabansama · 9 months
who was talking to nene in chapter 101? The one who asked her what she thought would happen with the play because of the accident. Do we know what they were talking about yet? I thought it was tsukasa because he appears randomly in 102, but looking at the hand I'm not sure.
The hand was also drawn feminine and did not look at all like how AidaIro draws any of the boy's hands. Honestly it looked like nene's hand.
Oooh, this is a fun time to bring this up again! Your comment about the hand looking like Nene's made me think of doppelgangers. Like what happened in the recent After-school Hanako-kun chapter.
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Veeery interesting... And as you say, the hand that taps Nene's shoulder is feminine. When compared to Nene's, it's not all that far off, either...
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I have no doubt that the apparition here takes on the form of a girl! But even though I just brought this up myself, I have my doubts about them taking Nene's form... there just isn't much to support this idea, y'know? Nene has pretty generic girly hands. And I personally don't think the new After-School is anything more than a bit of fun. I think AidaIro wouldn't want to ruin the surprise of there being a whole other Nene in a little spin-off chapter, do you?
Some kind of Evil Yashiro would be so fun to see though!! So I wouldn't complain. ♡
Out of curiosity, I also decided to poke around the internet for some urban legends told in schools (school mysteries) and I couldn't find anything that quite matched the encounter Nene had. There were mysterious hands with no visible owner, sure, but tales involving those seem to have them coming out of swimming pools or toilets and grabbing people. But maybe I just overlooked one, who knows!
Anyway, I have no idea who they were or what they were talking about. (∀`*ゞ) Sorry....
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They're clearly talking about the play, though! It's just that what they're saying is so vague, it could mean anything. Basically, what this whole interaction is supposed to do is give us and Nene apprehension about the school play. The word "accident" just sends shivers down your spine, doesn't it!? Makes you wonder what accident happened prior, and how it concerns us in the present day...
But how does this apparition know, and when did this other accident occur? It's hard to say, but considering we haven't seen the play put on in 1968 yet, I have my suspicions it happened in that one. Not only was it also a performance of The Wizard of Oz, but our favorite local troublemaker Tsukasa Yugi had a hand in its production.
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Curious, right? That Tsukasa helped prepare the play, but is content to just wait here with Amane? This isn't just Tsukasa being attached to Amane either, mind you... Amane didn't help. Amane cut class. When Tsukasa was helping his class prepare, he did not cut class with him. Maybe it doesn't mean anything, and Tsukasa was just having fun doing arts and crafts and what-not, but there's decent reason to believe that Tsukasa could have sabotaged the play somehow.
Remember, Tsukasa during this period in time has already been proven to have destructive tendencies. He wanted to destroy the Big Clock.
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It's not completely out of the question!
This all still doesn't answer who the hand is, of course, but perhaps if the accident the hand is talking about is related to the 1968 production, then the hand has some relation to Tsukasa...? A former classmate, perhaps? Or maybe it's just some nobody ghost that lurked around the Closed Auditorium. Hard to say.
Anyway, that was a whole lotta talking to basically say nothing, huh? But I hope this helped get your brain juices flowing! And I really hope this apparition comes back, too. We desperately need more female characters in the cast, especially after the tragedy of Sumire-chan... (RIP...)
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June Week 3: Circles and Other Shapes
So one of the typical and almost stereotypical things we hear about and see when we get into witchcraft is the magic or the sacred circle. Why is that? This week we're going to be looking into the sacred and magical circle and other shapes and their purposes in magic and witchcraft.
So let's dive in!
Monday - Dissecting and Defining the Circle
Research/ New Page - Let's look into the history of magic circles. What are they? What are they used for? Why do we make them? How do we make them? When do we make them? What do we need in order to make them? Do we need to make them at all? Where do they come from? Can you find any scientific, metaphysical or historical context for magic circle? Is there a difference between a magic circle and a sacred circle? What, if any are the parts of these circles?
Research/ New Page - Herb Study - Pick another herb from your list and dive in. Learn everything you can! From the mundane, to the magical, and beyond. How does it grow? How do your propagate it? Where is it from? What is its history and any legends or myths related to it? What are its associations?
Tuesday - Philosophy of the circle
Research/ New Page - In terms of sacred geometry, and most spiritualities and religions around the world, what does the circle itself represent? Look at philosophers of the recent and distant past, in their beliefs and thoughts what do circles represent? Now think hard about your own beliefs. What do circles represent and mean to you and within your practice? (Think... something along the lines of the "circle of life" kind of an idea. Add these things to your page on circles!
Gem Study/ Other - Pick a gem or another thing you want to study and go deep! Discorver how it is formed, what its used for, what its associations are, and so on!
Wednesday - Applied theory
Practical - Cast a circle! Or at least, if its not part of your craft, sit and meditate on the meaning and purposes of the circles that you've learned above!
Divination/ Journal - Perform a divination reading of any kind, and if you can't do it yourself and would like to, have someone else do it for you! Whatever the reason, and whatever the medium, journal the reading, and the results!
Research - Design - Beyond the fact that it is a circle, how are magic and sacred circles designed? Think Full Metal Alchemist, or Solomon's circles or the magic circles from other pop culture, the runes and sigils, the intricate details within the circles, how have they historically and popularly been designed? How would you design your own?
Thursday - Other Shapes
Research - Look into basic and sacred geometry. What do the various shapes represent? What are they used for, magically speaking, spiritually speaking, and beyond? What are their associations if any? Dig deep into the purposes of the shapes, what are their structural shapes and purposes? How can they be used together? Think about how they work together symbolically? (think things like the Vitruvian Man) and what it means and represents?
Friday - Cast, Tweak Repeat!
Practical - Pick a spell or make a spell and work through it in your lab notebook! What is it you're trying to accomplish? What ingredients and components do you need? What are the steps to the spell? How do you go about preparing? How do you clean up after?
Journal - Record (in your lab notebook) the timing and extra details of spell. Did you wait to do it on a certain day or phase of the moon? Did you do it during a certain kind of weather? Record it all!
The topics weren't quite as heavy this week, but I hope they were thought provoking and helped you figure out a little more about those Sacred Circles we see and hear about! Stay tuned for more prompts! We're about halfway through the year and I appreciate all of you and your continued support and involvement with this project!
-Mod Hazel
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