#mk delia
corre1310-blog · 2 months
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MK11 Rain/Zeffeero's backstory kinda tragic due he was born prematurely & he's a bastard of Amara & Argus (technically Rain can consider as demigod)
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Also,I realised Delia's clothes in MK11 actually altered & looks more appropriate & can see her full face
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suga-catt · 1 year
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Delia Doodle
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laismoura-art · 20 hours
How do you think Kenshi and Suchin met in this new timeline? Especially if you consider that Suchin was the reason for Kenshi’s redemption?
Hey, Bloos! Thanks for the ask!💕
I'll let you know that I have plenty of ideas for Suchin, both for the New Era, as well as for my Scorpion!Harumi AU (you let me know if you're interested in that one too 👀)
I had the chance to brainstorm a bit about her recently with ma gal @thedragonholder and also with @rasta-bot (both make amazing Suchin content💕), and that really helped me to organise my thoughts and ideas for her!
So, to answer your question, you gotta know my version of Suchin better, so please, let me walk you through this more polished version of her origins (now with more Kenshi🤭)
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Suchin's family descends from Seido, the Golden City, in Outworld.
Form an outsiders perspective, the place may feel like a true utopia, everything and everyone has their role and order reigns above. Unfortunately, to assure "order" the rules of Seido ended up being SEVERELY punitive, unfair, and often targeted the less fortunate classes.
Tired of such unfairness, the Bunnag family decided to flee and take as many families as they could (which, sadly, were not as many families as they wished).
For their decision, the Bunnags were cast as traidors and criminals and were hunted down by the city's rulers and their police forces.
The family could've gone after Queen Sindel and requested refuge in Sun Do (which she would've granted, mind you), but they were afraid Seido would see her actions as an act of war and start a bigger conflict.
So, instead, they went after Delia's help.
The Goddess of the Eternal Flame granted all the families a safe trip to Earthrealm. And to praise the Bunnags for their courage, she crafted a pair of blades and blessed them in her flames.
Once safe in Earthrealm, the Bunnags had decided they would never again turn a blind eye to the injustices surrounding them. Thailand was now their home, and they would make it a safer and just place!
That resulted in them becoming something akin to vigilantes. Urban legends even. No one really knew their identities, but the locals were certain every generation had their very own vigilante, and soon, Suchin would become her generation's!
But before she could take over the tittle that currently belonged to her mother, Suchin wanted to learn more about her family's mysterious heritage (her parents and grandparents were far too vague about that, and she strongly believed knowing her roots would make her a better warrior, a better protector for Thailand!
So she made sure to gather the attention of the Umgadi and grant herself a place among them. She would be trained and in the meantime, learn about her roots and about that mysterious hooded figure her family seems to worship...
Said and done! Suchin was recruited by the Umgadi and trained for years with a selected group (Tanya, Jade and Harumi). Her instructor, Li Mei, made sure to tell her everything she knew about Delia and Seido (she didn't know the specifics of what happened between the Bunnags and Seido, but she could guess, and did advise Suchin to remain within Sun Do, where she would be welcomed and more importantly, protected)
After her training years were over, Suchin returned to Earthrealm and took over her mother's place so the later could finally retire.
Suchin became an outstanding vigilante. And her notable job started to call attention of some evil forces outside Thailand.
The Black Dragon, the Red Dragon and the Yakusa, all wanted a piece of her!
Her fight with this groups led her to travel all over the globe, and eventually, get to Japan, where the Yakusa already had a price for her head, and to handle such talented swordswoman, the evil organisations sent their most talented swordsman: Kenshi Takahashi!
By the time Kenshi was assigned to the task of killing Suchin, he was already starting to question his place within the Yakusa.
He wasn't loud about it. In reality, no one could really even tell he was having any sort of second thoughts.
That is... until Suchin.
She could tell by his fighting alone. He was a skilled fighter, that was not doubt about that. But his head was just not there!
Which was why Suchin decided to spare his life once she had defeated him, "Face me again." She challenged him, "Once you had decided who's your real opponent."
He was sent again, and again he hesitated. Then again and again. Each time less motivated. Each time more confused and torn up.
Suchin was growing impatient. "If you're not going to give me a real fight, at least offer me dinner or something. Fighting you exhausts me!"
He vanished instead.
Only a week later, he reappeared and offered to pay her coffee and pancakes with syrup.
"Coffee and pancakes? Ha! Who would've thought the Yakusa would be such cheapskates!" She teased, but accepted the invitation anyways (a good choice, as the pancakes were phenomenal!)
Good pancakes made up for the long hours of Kenshi just venting about his problems.
One thing he said truly resonated with her, "I feel like I'm not on the right place. I feel like I'm betraying myself, betraying... my very blood! Does that make sense??"
And yes! It did make sense! That's exactly how her family felt in Seido. That feeling of unease and self-betrayal, of self-loathing was precisely what led them to flee their hometown and start all over, reconnecting with who they truly were, away from any external oppresive influences.
So to help Kenshi, she shared with him the story of her family (something she had only done with her teacher and her close Umgadi friends).
She advised him to find his roots, so he would find himself in the process and fully understand who he wanted to be from that moment on.
"You're right." He said in a rather monotone way, but Suchin could tell he was having an epiphany inside his head. Which was confirmed by his sudden movements, he got up at once, kissed her cheek and left with only a rushed announcement: "I must go to Hollywood! Right at this moment!"
Sorry I took your ask as an opportunity to brainstorm a bit more about Suchin, I hope you had enjoyed my headcanons still (including the one you actually came here for, lol)❤️❤️
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theelderhazelnut · 4 months
Besides the protector gods, these are some of the known members of the Cult of The Elder Gods:
Hanzo Hasashi, Bi-han and Kuai Liang, Liu Kang and Kung Lao, Bo Rai Cho, Sindel, King Jerrod, Delia, Kotal Kahn, Shujinko, Taven and Takeda.
Sonya Blade and Nightwolf are not official cultists, but their actions have benefited the cult many times.
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the-kamidoggo · 11 months
I just want to sketch out some mother and daughter bonding
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galaxywrites · 3 months
More incorrect quotes with my little genderbent MK series I'm working on. :>
Jeanie (fem! Johnny), looking through her clothes: Has anyone seen my top?
Kuixiang (fem! Kuai Liang): Kiyoko is in the kitchen.
Hanae (fem! Hanzo): Is there a cactus where your heart should be?
Kiyoko (fem! Kenshi), sipping coffee: What crawled up your ass this morning?
Kuixiang, walking in: Hey
Kiyoko: Hm.. nevermind.
Tomoe (fem! Takeda): Well, remember when Jiā Yǐng made a romantic dinner for me?
Frost: Tomoe, she microwaved you a pizza.
Jiā Yǐng (fem! Kung Jin): I am decayed. My lungs are full of thorns and mildew. My bones are held together by vines. I am fragile. Be gentle with my corpse.
Tomoe: Get out of bed, you're going to the meeting whether you like it or not.
Jiā Yǐng : I REFUSE.
Carter (male! Cassie): Do you think different paints have different tastes?
Jiā Yǐng: They do.
Tomoe: ...Why did you say that with such certainty?
Frost: What’s your favorite color?
Carter: Stop asking stupid questions. Ask me something logical and mature.
Frost: How many moles of sodium bicarbonate are needed to neutralize 0.8ml of sulfuric acid at STP?
Carter : My favorite color is pink.
Jaylen (male! Jacqui): Kinda gay to make a wanted poster... Why do you want that man? So you can hold him?
Frost: Yeah. Hold him accountable.
Jaylen: Hold him accountable for stealing your heart?
Carter: Astrology is fun because i can pretend that all of my behaviors are just a result of being a Gemini and not symptoms of mental illness.
Jiā Yǐng: Being a Gemini is a mental illness. That’s not hate it’s just a fact.
Tomoe: Did you bring Jiā Yǐng ?
Frost, gesturing to Carter : No, but I brought the next best thing.
Tomoe: Carter ? The next best thing would be Jaylen.
Carter : I would be offended, but Jaylen is freakishly strong.
Jiā Yǐng : I can do anything I put my mind to. I once figured out Jaylen's phone number just by choosing random numbers.
Carter : When I met you I thought you were a real bitch.
Jiā Yǐng : What changed your mind?
Carter : Oh, I still think you’re a bitch, I’ve just grown to like that about you.
Cyrax, texting Sektor: Who are you? Someone changed all my contact names.
Sektor: What did they change my name to?
Cyrax: Batman.
Sektor: Don't change it back.
Cyrax: But who the fuck are you?
Sektor: I'm Batman.
Sektor: What are you drinking?
Cyrax: Vodka.
Sektor: Straight?
Cyrax: No, gay. Why?
Cyrax: You look mentally ill.
Sektor: I am. Let’s go.
Kiyoko: Can I have some?
Hanae, mouth full of cheesecake: It's really spicy, you wouldn't like it.
Kiyoko: If we lose, you’re out of the will.
Hanae: I was in the will?
Kuixiang: Are you ready to commit?
Hanae: Like, a crime or a relationship?
Kuixiang: Where's the most romantic spot for a first kiss? Wrong answers only.
Hanae: Dueling grounds.
Kuixiang: I said wrong answers only.
Kiyoko: I truly go into housewife mode when I'm someone's soulmate- like, I'll make you pancakes and bacon every morning.
Jeanie: This is a lie.
Jeanie: I'm literally dating her. This is a lie.
Jeanie: I'm not gay, but you look hot today.
Kiyoko: We're literally dating.
Jiā Yǐng: Do you think if skeletons were real, "Boner" would be a slur for them?"
Kung Lán (f! Kung Lao): ... Jiā Yǐng, I have wonderful news regarding the realness of skeletons.
Kung Lán: Don’t worry, I have a permit.
Jiā Yǐng: ...This just says “I can do what I want”.
Kung Lán: Like, no offense to myself and all, but what the fuck am I actually doing?
Kung Lán: Is it just me or is instant ramen even better uncooked?
Lú Kang: It’s just you.
Lú Kang: If all your friends jumped off a bridge wou-
Kung Lán: Probably.
Lú Kang: I didn't finish.
Kung Lán: Probably.
Sektor: If karma doesn't hit you, I fucking will.
Raiden: Well, well, well, if it isn’t the consequences of my actions.
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criminalmutantsins · 8 months
MK1 Rain Theory/Idea
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I have a theory/idea that Rain was a god but was cast down by his parents and became a mortal. Because I hoped for demigod Rain to be explored in this timeline, I don’t like the idea of Rain being a sorcerer. It’s not the worst decision since Rain can still be a well-written character, though I was still disappointed. 
This idea came to me randomly so it’ll most likely be disjointed which I apologize for. I was inspired by Greek mythology. There is a story of Zeus stripping his children, specifically Apollo, of their powers and making them mortals so they learn a lesson. 
Here is my theory/idea:
Born the youngest son of the gods Argus and Delia, Rain was a powerful god of water. He had a happy life with his parents and brothers- Taven and Daegon, but grew to be arrogant and believing mortals were lesser than him. This attitude led to his downfall. Alongside his brothers, Rain threatened to harm a country due to them not worshiping his family to his satisfaction. Disgusted by their children’s behavior, Argus and Delia stopped their children and planned to punish their children accordingly. With the help of Liu Kang, Argus and Delia decided to strip their sons’ godhood and have them reborn in the mortal realm- Outworld- so they learn to appreciate and care for mortals. Rain- regressed to a baby- would be raised as Zeffeero by a woman called Amara. He would grow to be kinder and ambitious, leading him to learn sorcery and become the kingdom’s high mage; I headcanon that Rain used his water magic to heal people as well. He’d live his life on the right path until Shang Tsung manipulated him and unleashed his darker impulses. His actions in the game would still be the same, including his sort of redemption in his tower ending. 
In a future game, the Taven/Daegon plot could return though, instead of their quest is to prevent Armageddon, Rain, Taven, and Daegon would race to their family’s original temple (through memories and clues left by their parents) for the chance to regain their godhood as long as they are deemed worthy. Other characters can be involved by the villains learning this and trying to achieve godhood while the heroes try to stop them. This gives NRS the opportunity to bring back Taven, Daegon, Argus, Delia, and Blaze into the New Era. Rain’s story could end either with him being a god again but with a better understanding and care for mortals or he decides to stay mortal. 
I don’t think this will happen in the game since I think the canon reason why Rain is not a god/demigod is because Liu Kang didn’t want to risk him becoming the arrogant, power-hungry person he was in previous timelines. Also, the Armageddon tower was already referenced in MK1 so it'll most likely not come back.
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den-kunn · 1 year
(one day I'll set up a proper au post but today is not that day)
au hc:
Enenra was a demon created by Delia who's whole purpose was to serve as a knight to the royal family. Those who compete to become Edenia's knight must go through harsh tests to prove their loyalty to the crown.
"Where there's smoke, there's fire."
Once selected, they have a ritualistic sacrifice in the name of Delia so that person is reborn with Enenra fused in their soul. When Edenia fell, the books containing the procedure of the ritual got lost and pages got burnt.
Centuries and millennia has passed before some cultists tried to bring the smoke demon back to life, they had a church and believed if they could get a child to go through the ritual, they could shape them into their perfect weapon.
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I need to rant to someone about a rain au
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xxdjsunsetxdxx-blog · 10 months
Random Ships I Like In No Particular Order:
* Loubbie- Lou Miller x Debbie Ocean- Ocean’s 8
* Sabina x Elena- Charlie’s Angels (2019)
* Macgyver x Riley- MacGyver (2016)
* Magnum x Higgins- Magnum PI (2018)
* Shoot- Shaw x Root- Person of Interest
* Rizzles- Rizzoli x Isles- Rizzoli & Isles
* Wondercheetah- Wonder Woman x Cheetah- DC
* Camren- Camila x Lauren- Fifth Harmony
* Blackhill- Natasha Romanoff x Maria Hill- Marvel
* Xialing x Katy- Shang-Chi
* Peggy Carter x Dottie Underwood- Agent Carter
* Supercorp- Kara Danvers x Lena Luthor- Supergirl
* Daniela x Carla- In The Heights
* Mira Harberg x Laurie- Irma Vep
* Judy Hale x Jen Harding- Dead To Me
* Florence x Madeleine- Gunpowder Milkshake
* Ronance- Robin Buckley x Nancy Wheeler- Stranger Things
* Eleanor x Drea- Do Revenge
* Harlivy- Harley Quinn x Poison Ivy- DC
* Wenclair- Wednesday Addams x Enid Sinclair- Wednesday
* Meddison- Meredith x Addison- Grey’s Anatomy
* Emily x Stephanie- A Simple Favor
* Mercymaker- Mercy x Widowmaker- Overwatch
* Akko x Diana- Little Witch Academia
* Dovesso- Professor Dovey x Lady Lesso- The School for Good and Evil
* Cassie Lang x Jentorra - Quantumania
* Spideypool- Spider-Man x Deadpool- Marvel
* Superbat- Superman x Batman- DC
* Batman x Catwoman- DC
* Princess Audrey x Wonder Woman- DCAU
* Jon Stewart (Green Lantern) x Hawkgirl (Shayera Hol)- DCAU
* StephCass- Stephanie Brown x Cassandra Cain- DC
* DinahBabs- Black Canary (Dinah Lance) x Oracle (Barbara Gordon)- DC
* DicKory- Nightwing (Dick Grayson) x Starfire (Koriand���r)- DC
* Wondermagic- Wonder Woman x Zatanna- DC
* Daphne x Velma- Scooby-Doo
* Cassie Dewell x Jenny Hoyt- Big Sky
* Choni- Cheryl Blossom x Toni Topaz- Riverdale
* Bechloe- Beca Mitchell x Chloe Beale-Pitch Perfect
* Khalopatra- Kleopatra x Frida Khalo- Clone High
* Talia Burns x Margot Fairmont- First Kill
* Question x Huntress- DCAU
* SuperWonderBat- Superman x Wonder Woman x Batman- DCAU
* Wonderhawk- Wonder Woman x Hawkgirl (Shayera Hol)- DCAU
* Dana Scully x Monica Reyes- X-Files
* Barbara (Barbie) Handler x Gloria- Barbie
* Julethief- Carmen Sandiego x Julia (Jules) Argent- Carmen Sandiego
* Seven Of Nine x Raffi Musiker- Star Trek
* Larissa Weems x Morticia Addams- The Addams Family
* Swanqueen- Emma Swan x Regina Mills- Once Upon A Time
* Alicia Florrick x Kalinda Sharma- The Good Wife
* Danny James x Cable McCrory- Bull
* Kim Possible x Shego- Kim Possible
* Peachline-Princess Peach x Mayor Pauline- Mario
* Gelphie- Elphaba Thropp x Glinda Upland- Wicked
* SamBucky- Sam Wilson x Bucky Barnes- Marvel
* PeggyNat- Peggy Carter (Captain Carter) x Natasha Romanoff- What if?
* Maxine “Max” Baker x Abby Littman- Ginny & Georgia
* Ashrah x Nitara- Mortal Kombat
* Johnshi- Johnny Cage x Kenshi Takahashi- MK
* Barlissa- Barbara Howard x Melissa Shimmenti- Abbot Elementary
* Cabenson- Olivia Benson x Alex Cabot- Law & Order SVU
* Caroljess- Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel) x Jessica Drew (Spider-Woman)- Marvel Comics
* Bishlova- Kate Bishop x Yelena Belova- Hawkeye
* Chlonette- Chloe Burgeois x Marinette Dupain-Cheng- Miraculous Ladybug (in theory)
* Clawdeen x Draculaura- MH (Gen 1)
* Teleanor- Tahani Al Jamil x Eleanor Shellstrop- The Good Place
* Hanamusa- Jessie x Delia Ketchum- Pokémon
* Jemily- Emily Prentiss x Jennifer “JJ” Jareau- Criminal Minds
* Mellivia- Olive Pope x Melody “Mellie” Grant- Scandal
* Malvie- Mal x Evie- Descendants
* Mileena x Tanya- Mortal Kombat
talk to me abt them if you want :)
couldn’t fit all the tags lol
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laismoura-art · 7 days
Hi @rasta-bot I hope you don't mind me continuing our conversation here, the reblogs were lagging my phone💀
Picking up exactly from where we stopped:
Deter me? Oh no, dear, you actually just invited me to sit down and play doll with you, and I'm taking that invitation!
Of course! I loved that rewrite! Delia being secretly in love with Amara and Amara loving her back, but neither of them can act on their mutual feelings fiven their current positions?? And Argus luring Delia's friend and love only to toss her aside afterwards AAA! NOT THE DOOMED LOVE!!! HAVE YOU. NO. MERCY???
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On another note, is that right? Are you saying you're writing for more girls? My most special girl, Harumi, included?👀👀 count me as intrigued!
Aww, thank you! I'm so happy my AU is appreciated! I loved to work on it, and I take much pride in the results, and it makes my day to know other people enjoyed it!!🥹🩷🩵🩷🩵🩷
Now, yes, back to the main point!
(First of all, let's refrain from the "They are fictional" argument cause... let's be real, it's annoying, and we are both exchanging walls of texts about said fictional characters. We are WAY PAST the "they are fictional" arguments. Just be as passionate as you like, and I'll do the same. One passionate fan from another.)
And just to clear the air once and for all: I do understand you didn't mean to attack/offent/hate on MK1 Tanya.
Yes, the wording bothered me (mostly because I've heard them on worse contexts by far less well intentioned ppl), but I don't think you hate her because of it (never did, honestly).
My reply was mainly due to the "they gave Tanya what was supposed to be Jade's" cause that's an argument I find flawed.
It does cause (non intentional) damage to people's view of the character (I've seen it before with both Kuai and Harumi) and in Tanya's case specifically, it IS an argument that lacks evidence to base itself.
I already explained why, no need to keep repeating myself, it will only bore us both. So let's move on from that!
You said you don't like Tanya's change of alignment, and I take that this is tied to your dislike of Multiverse. You're not a fan of Status Quo changes (at least not drastically), that's a fact and that's perfectly fine!
I personally find her change of alignment intriguing, but that comes from my liking of Multiverse. I do enjoy a vast change of Status Quo (probably why I've been avoiding comics recently, their resistance to change has deeply annoyed me and it really makes me feel like the character are just stuck because they are unable to learn cause learning leads to change and GOD FORBID CHANGES! Sorry, for the vent)
In the end MK1 Tanya is a product of Multiverse and I if you don't like Multiverse and already liked her previous self, there ain't much to be done here, sadly.
All I can do is insist this version of Tanya will NOT get in the way of Jade and her development! They can co-exist and their stories will not contradict or disturb each other.
You know what? I BET you can create an amazing story about Jade and her connection with Delia without ONCE contradict canon!
Ok, I see now why she appeals to you... And that's the only thing I can think of is:
This is you:
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And I can respect the commitment to the evil women. Support women's wrongs!✊🏾
Now, I actually want to go back to the MKX Tanya, you got me wondering here:
You said you don't like her being a Rebel like Jade, but this take popped in my brain and I'd like to share:
You say Tanya works as a perfect Anti-Jade, right?
And it's interesting to have them contrast each other and having Tanya being a Rebel takes that away.
BUT hear me out: couldn't that ADD to your point instead?
See, I believe a good way to show how different a character is from another is to put them in similar situations and see how they react to them!
They both want the same thing, right? A free Edenia, but the way both fight to achieve that same goal is vastly different! I mean, just look at the princesses each of them chooses to follow, I think that alone already speaks volumes about each of these characters!
I think showing their different reactions and approaches on a similar subject would be a perfect way to emphasise your point!
But that's me, do as you wish with this take, it's for you <3
I already tapped on the Multiverse part, I just find it quite funny how we experienced pretty similar interactions with the Multiverse and yet we have ENTIRELY opposite views on it, lol!
Like, I definitely went down that rabbit hole with your brother! And girl! Don't I love this absolute mess WHOLEHEARTEDLY!😂
And I gotta say, I DID read your linked post before we got here!
And I know this cause though I didn't fully agree, this part:
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This part really, really resonated with me! DEEPLY!
Cause let me tell you, that's EXACTLY how I feel about Invasions Season 1!
Like, I HATE that shit! Screw that overly inflammable incel! That was NO Hanzo Hasashi!
And as creator of Scorpion!Harumi, SCREW THAT ENDING!! The only acceptable ending for that season would've been Harumi OBLITERATING fake Hanzo (Zanho, if you will)!
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With that being said, I am actually glad it exists because being utterly furious about it was what led me to create the Scorpion!Harumi AU, and from it grew my interest in obscure characters and my frustration with how they were treated and ultimately came my mission to bring them all to the center stage!
Seriously, when I read that part in your post, I was literally like: YES!! YES!! SHE GETS IT!!!
But, I also have to confess, another thing you said that resonated with me was this:
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And it pains me to say that reflects perfectly how I feel about Hanrumi😭
Like... they are cute! And the fanon work made from them is adorable!
But you know... I love Harumi. And I love Hanzo. And GOD! Never ONCE their relationship brought them anything good!
I mean, either she's dead, or he's dead, or this:
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And like I said. I DESPISE this ending.
Scorpion!Harumi is literally trapped with a guy who looks like her dead husband and who will attack her have her not reciprocate his affections (as he has done before with another Harumi)
So that's why I don't mind the context Harumi was brought to MK1. I don't mind Kuairumi. Kuai is a nice guy, he is in love with her and being with him doesn't mean death penalty to her.
Plus! Being "the clan leader who will mentor her childhood friend/crush into becoming a clan leader himself" as is a much, MUCH cooler character description than "dead wife".
Soooo, yeah. When it comes to canon Harumi partners, I'm team Kuairumi ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
With that out of the way:
YES! it's so good to have these girls around! And we can only hope they finally receive the love they deserve!!🥹🩷
In the meantime, HECK YEAH! LET'S HAVE FUN!!!
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theelderhazelnut · 8 hours
Falkus Biography
Warnings: mentions of self harm, death, gore, and gradually losing one’s sanity. Also, it’s not proofread.
Note: shoutout to dear @takiisieju-moved for listening to me screaming about him and for helping me with his backstory!
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General Information
Full Name: Falkus
Name Meaning: Iron hand
Lord Falkus
God of Metals
Protector of Metalrealm
Smiling God
Age: unknown
Date of Birth: unknown
Sex: Male
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/She/They he doesn’t care
Sexuality: Graysexual (any genders)
Species: Diety
Race/Ethnicity: none
Current Place of Residence: Metalrealm
Physical Appearance
Face Claim: Jeffery Dean Morgan
Voice Claim: Till Lindemann
Skin: a little bit dry, has wrinkles. It’s gray and if you look closely, you’ll see that it’s somewhat shiny as if it has glitter on it.
Height: 6’5
Weight: 198 lbs
Eye Color: totally white
Hair Color: Titanium White
Hair texture: Thin and straight
Body Type: muscular
Prominent Features:
Beautiful mustache
Cyberwares on his face, fingers, arms and back
Broad Shoulders
Sharp jaw
Clothing Style: Falkus is usually seen wearing a sleeveless blue leather robe with a piece of cloth attached to it which covers his chest and shoulders. It’s accompanied by purple harness, and a light blue scarf. He almost always wears metal gauntlets to conceal the self harm scars on his forearms. For storage, especially for his cigarette supplies, he wears a white waist bag. Also, he wears white leather boots with metal armor around it.
Positive Traits: Intelligent, patient, confident, good with words, adaptable to change
Negative Trait/Flaws: remorseless, manipulative, antisocial, vengeful, impious, stubborn, dishonest, sadistic, aggressive, low self esteem, narcissistic
Hobbies: making cigarettes, dancing, cooking
Likes: Making cigarettes, dancing, traveling, going shopping, cooking,
Dislikes: mortals,
Goals: Destroy the Cult of the Elder Gods and gain his freedom.
Fears: Failing in this quest and remain a puppet for the rest of the eternity, not having Ombra on his side anymore
Physical Health: Since he’s a god, he has pretty good physical health, except that he has several scars on his body most of which are from self harm.
Mental Health: oh boy, I’ve talked a lot about how fucked up he is. He’s a literal psychopath who is willing to do anything to achieve his goals without the tiniest remorse. He is quick to choose violence. Falkus is this always cheerful and friendly god, but that is all just a mask he created for himself. He IS friendly, but actually he keeps people at arms length. He only introduces a made up version of himself which means the chances are pretty low for someone to see the real him. The real Falkus, however, is a broken god who has nothing left to lose.
Fighting Attributes
Ferrokinesis - Falkus is able to manipulate all kinds of metal. He can also create them out of thin air.
Heat and electricity manipulation - He can only manipulate them through metals.
Sound manipulation - He can only manipulate it through metals.
Blood manipulation - He can manipulate it the iron in the blood.
Martial arts and self defense
Despite being an ancient god, he knows how to use gadgets
Using melee weapons
Ranged combat
His height
Adaptable to change
Strong electricity
Extreme heat
Prone to violence
His self harm scars and the fact that his hands shake uncontrollably under emotional pressure.
He can create a variety of melee blades with his power.
Family: none
Quan Chi
The Elder Gods
The Cult of the Elder Gods
The Special Forces
Love Interest:
None (for now at least)
Eons ago, when the Elder Gods defeated the One Being and created the realms, they decided to create weaker beings known as protector gods in order to guard the realm, and most importantly, the consciousness of the creatures living in them. To preserve their power and position, the Elder Gods needed a system to keep the mortals’ minds in utter darkness, so they established the Order of The Elder Gods. The protector gods’ main function and purpose was to blindly serve this order.
However, one of the realms contained a slightly bigger portion of the One Being’s consciousness which eventually led to “metal magic” being formed in that realm, and the people to be more susceptible to becoming conscious and aware. This realm needed a much more powerful god therefore the Elder Gods gathered a bit of each one their essence to create Falkus, the god of metals.
Falkus was gifted with the divine and perilous power of manipulating all kinds of metal. Falkus was dictated to be kind, selfless and wise, so he wouldn’t use his immense power in any ways that was unpleasant to The Elder Gods. He was a weapon.
Falkus began his duty while learning more about the cult and how to serve it properly. But well, everything comes with a price. In order to protect the Metalrealm, the most valuable thing he had, he had to kill many parts of himself. And just as the Elder Gods desired, he was very much willing to do that.
He didn’t need to sleep. He didn’t need to eat. He was merely a machine on high alert to exterminate any threats on sight. And to be honest, he did enjoy it because Metalrealm was everything he had.
But while fulfilling his duty as an obedient dog, he gradually realized that there isn’t anything in him for him to call a self. He couldn’t even permit himself to fall in love because well, he didn’t want his lover to be crushed under the pressure; just like what he was beginning to feel.
But sadly, he fell in love with a mortal man. He thought maybe he could make things work out. He was a powerful god, wasn’t he?
But in the end, he lost the only person who reminded him of himself. He simply walked out of his life. Who wanted an unavailable husband who was out there saving asses almost all the time?
Falkus was broken from the inside. Episodes of derealization and depersonalization became worse and more often. Symptoms of depression began to bloom in his every day life.
He was falling apart.
After that, he became scared of intimacy. He wasn’t going to fall for anyone, or make anyone to fall for him ever again. The walls around his heart were growing higher and higher.
And that doomed day arrived. Falkus was informed that a group of rebellions attacked one of the cultists in a sanctuary in Metalrealm. And, obviously, it was Falkus’s duty to eliminate them as soon as possible. Even though he wasn’t in any shape to do it, he tracked them down anyhow. Eventually, he found their outpost. Then, the Elder Gods directly ordered him to sabotage.
He tottered all the way to the outpost, and upon arriving, he learned that a group of rebels were already sent to launch an extensive attack. Currents of panic flooded his chest. Many innocent people would die if he didn’t get there immediately, and even the soldiers couldn’t do much. He didn’t care about the cultists anymore. Metalrealmers needed him more than anything, but there he was; executing Elder God’s stupid orders. And he couldn’t care less about the consequences of defying them.
Briefly, he abandoned the arena and ran to the promised location. However, it was pretty late. He fought and exterminated those rebels, eventually. But he couldn’t protect everyone just because the cultists were the Gods’ sweethearts. Falkus’s gaze wandered to a child drowning in his own blood. He felt like all of the buildings nearby collapsed on his head. He fell to his knees, and brought the child’s bloodied head to his chest. A few minutes later, his face was wet with thick streams of tears and his wail echoed in the ruins and ashes. The Elder Gods would step on anyone and anything just to maintain their power and control. He was just a tool and mortals were victims.
The day after, the Elder Gods summoned him. Not only did he defy them, but he also prioritized the lives of some metalrealmers instead of a couole of helpless cultists. He deserved to die, or at least be banished to the Netherrealm. But the real problem was that they needed him. He was too powerful and useful to be put aside so easily.
The Elder Gods declared his penalty: He was not allowed to leave Metalrealm under any circumstances. When he heard this, he could only laugh, hysterically. His hatred for them erupted, and he had mental breakdown before all of them. He told them that no one was powerful enough to protect the Metalrealm, and that they’d fail without him. In conclusion, his punishment was reduced in severity. He could exit the realm, but he was not allowed to use his powers outside.
This was enough to send him through a panic attack. Metalrealm was all he existed for. It was the nearest definition he knew of himself. And the cult was taking it from him just like it took everything else.
After a while of isolating himself, he learned about Delia’s vision about a near future: a girl raising armies against the cult. Falkus made his decision. He wanted his freedom no matter what, even if it meant using an innocent girl.
Falkus was reborn, and he was going to return himself to him.
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kusagrasskusa · 1 year
Hey there, Happy New Year.
If not a bother, could you do an MK Reptile X reader, please? You can be creative with it, I wouldn't mind.
Thank you for your attention
Yes, Happy New Year! Thank you very much for your request!
Reptile X Reader
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This incredible piece was made by u/AnttiHako on the r/MortalKombat!
Okay so imagine this- You worked for Shao Kahn and then get assigned something with Reptile.
You guys would work pretty good together to where you practically had the same thoughts- if someone attacked you, he would know what to do without you saying anything and the same the other way around
If you’re the quiet type, imagine that you guys would walk silently but the energy between you guys is just comfortable and casual. And if there was a scare or something on your guys’ adventure, you’d have a quick laugh and he’d express a small amount of humor the way a reptile would.
If you’re the talkative type/wouldn’t mind a conversation, imagine it being surprisingly easy to talk. He’s the quiet type but listening to what you have to say would be as calming as listening to the leaves blow to him. A comfortable background sound.
After your adventure, you’d find yourself as one of Shang Tsung’s regular parties, where whenever the couples go to the dance floor, the guy you’d been talking to in the corner of the room both smile as you’d watch the couples. That guy would be Reptile, who found you a little after the party started
It might surprise you he would talk to you but he was very attracted to the comfortable bound you surprisingly had with him. Not many people can make him feel that calm.
Eventually it becomes standard that whenever an expedition or task at hand, it’s best to send the both of you. You guys were as close as Eurasia- Seperate continents but are together as one giant piece of land.
People began to mistake you guys for a couple pretty quickly lmao
Like quickly. But to be fair ya’ll were like friends that didn’t know you were in a relationship yet
Well to you, you were in one already. You didn’t know how he felt, but you knew you thought he was cute
And lemme tell you, the day you heard Shao Kahn refer to his as Syzoth… Your heart melted. But you kept it secret for a while
But one day during an expedition, Reptile had slipped and fallen, making you laugh. “Are you okay, Syzoth?”
The way his name rang in his ears, how your voice complimented it, made him freeze for a moment. He cutely cocked his head, and with that look he gave you, I think you both knew you were better than partners in crime or best friends
It was sort of awkward at first- reptiles don’t ever mate for life and so breaking away from that evolutionary norm was a little hard for him. But he was IN LOVE with you, and whenever you reminded him of your love, he slowly began to realize all he had to do was stay
Rather than wanting to protect you, he wanted you to take the ladder during fights. He would hiss in the background excitedly, code for “GET THEM BABE”
PDA probably wouldn’t be a very common thing, especially since his way of affection was different from normal. He didn’t exactly have lips to kiss, but he had hands to throw for a love spar
Honestly fighting and killing foes was such a honorable and beloved thing to Reptile- like there was no better date then being sent to get the Ring of Delia and massacring a reign of foes who thought they could sneak up on you
With working for Shao Kahn and whatnot, finding other time for yourselves was difficult. But the few times you would wonder throughout Outworld together and get a day off, it was spent in the loving arms of each other
If you’re a human/Edenian/anything that literally is not Syzoth, cooking is definitely gonna be… interesting. Syzoth is interested in a lot of things that may not be particularly edible to you and so whenever it’s his turn to cook, he’ll just plop down a decaying scavenger and is just like “Try it!” So, let’s say it’s up to you to cook if you wanna eat
I can imagine Syzoth being like a dog almost. Laying his head on your lap all the time, all touchy when he wants attention, wrapping his arms around you from behind (though that isn’t very dog like), the snake tongue thing he does would be like a dog whining
Of course no one really cared if you two were together. Though sometimes the Kahn had no problem setting barriers between you two just for the fun of it
There would be months of you two not seeing each other and Syzoth would freak out about if his partner doesn’t wanna mate for life? What if he forgets about his promise to mate for life?
But no matter what when you two cross paths, the anxiety fades away. Gosh your arms are such a safe space—
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galaxywrites · 3 months
I've come to once again post about my genderbent AU to say that I made my genderbent! versions of Kenshi and Johnny constantly save each other.
Like unironically.
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Where do you guys think Arctika (Mortal Kombat) is located?
I was working on worldbuilding for my mk rewrite/au, and since my peabrain needs visuals, I was going to make a map of notable locations in Earthrealm. Also having a (rough) location would help me with the cultural aspects of Lin Kuei worldbuilding in general.
What we know about Arctika (correct me if I'm wrong):
It's in Earthrealm, specifically China.
It is very icy and cold, with a lot of snow. From what we see of it there are no trees and many mountains, so likely an alpine climate.
However in the Alt timeline, the Lin Kuei temple is shown to be surrounded by trees, but still mountainous. So possibly in a mountain valley.
Home to the Lin Kuei temple, the Tengu clan, and the temple of Delia. Said Lin Kuei temple was originally an abandoned temple Sub Zero claimed and refurbished.
Yeah... we don't know much.
I was reading the Wiki to try and get a lead, and it said quote: "Due to the location's weather, Arctika, and therefore, the Temple, could be located in Manchuria." Manchuria is a region in China located in the northeast. But I don't think that lines up either. Manchuria has very different climates depending on the season (hot, humid summers and cold, dry winters) and Arctika is said to be cold all year round. And while yes, Manchuria gets arctic winds from Siberia, the air is dry, leaving very little snowfall.
From here on out, I will be doing my own speculation.
Going on from it being an alpine climate, most likely in a valley, in China, and generally cold with a lot of snowfall, I went and started to research places that fit that criteria.
One in particular caught my eye: Tian Shan. Located in central Asia, crossing through China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan. Given how long the range is, we have a lot of wiggle room for the exact location of Arctika.
The name "Tian Shan" also means "Mountains of God/Heaven" or "Celestial Mountains" in Chinese, which I think would make for a nice nod to the temple of Delia or Delia in general.
It is also close to the Himalayas, where (canonically) the reformed Shirai Ryu are located. Making the fighting and eventual alliance we see between the two clans more plausible.
But these are just my own ramblings and speculations. I'd love to hear what you guys think!
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lilborealis · 3 months
Random Thoughts:Shinnok!
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-I’m pretty sure we aren’t going to get Shinnok as a full elder god (as I’m pretty sure Liu Kang would have made it so he isn’t a god)
-But! What if he is alive in the current Mk timeline as a regular human?
-I could picture him being some sort of priest of Delia, all about light and virtue
-but I also imagine him turning into a bit of a Judge Frollo-type, obsessed with piousness
-in a moment of weakness, he is manipulated by Shang Tsung and Quan Chi, who promise him power
-he obviously isn’t turned into a god, but I could see him learning dark magic as he is tired of serving others. People should serve him in his eyes
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