#I could talk about them forever
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sbgyri · 1 year ago
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acesan missing kitchen scene
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of-ink-and-stars45 · 2 months ago
Buddie headcanons cos they’re rotting my brain
- Eddie Diaz is a cat person (100% inspired by the best fic ever)
- Eddie is also a Shania Twain fan no I will not elaborate - sings man I feel like a woman all the time
- Buck sleeps in socks
- They go clubbing and Eddie goes full on dirty dancing (Buck cant’ take his eyes off him)
- The 118 do not know about these club nights
- they also do not know the extent of buddie’s closeness
- During quarantine, Buck and Eddie shared a bed and Eddie kicked Buck so hard in the shin one night it was bruised for two weeks
- Eddie wanted to be a nurse but was told it wasn’t manly
- Buck can pole dance
- Buck is very good at Sudoku
- They aren’t allowed to be on the same team at any board game night after an undefeated 2 month streak
- Eddie hates olives, Buck loves them
The fic that inspired the Eddie cat person is “we’ll be forever, you’ll see�� by rarakiplin everyone go read it
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the-silliest-lad · 2 months ago
Claudia’s true crime wasn’t that she tried to kill Lestat, or any of the other nonsense crimes the coven used against her, it was the fact that she was a reflection of the vampires in her life. And because they hate themselves, they hated her for it, projecting their rage onto her.
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Throughout the show, we are reminded time and time again of how similar Lestat and Claudia truly are. They are violent and insatiable and cunning. But they are also lonely and desperate for connection. But because of their similarities they hate each other. Lestat can see so much of himself in her, in her ruthlessness, her manipulations. But his own self hatred led him to despise her for it.
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Even if Lestat made Claudia what she is, even if he might love her, the love is bitter and cold because of his own self hatred that he can’t recon with. Their loneliness and want to have connection is what ruins their bond, with both battling for Louis’s affections. Claudia had no one besides Louis and Lestat had no one besides Louis.
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Armand and Claudia’s similarities don’t necessarily come from their personalities but instead their experiences. Both were turned young (in the book Armand is turned at 17), and they were robbed of their childhoods - even though both of their childhoods had ended long before that. The people who were supposed to protect them failed, often becoming the abusers or the enablers to the abuse. Both were left abandoned.
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Armand warns both Louis and Madeline that Claudia will one day go mad as her body remains trapped at 14 and her mind grows old, something he knows all too well. Claudia is another version of Armand, and he can’t stand it.
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But unlike Lestat and Armand - whose only experiences with love have always been fleeting and costly - Claudia finds someone. Someone who saw her violence, her flaws, and loved her for it, even taking on vampirism in order to be with her. Claudia found Madeline and would not be abandoned again. Even if that meant following Claudia to her death.
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thelotusflowers · 1 year ago
in the hunger game renaissance era and beyond shocked that the love triangle was even a thing with how obvious it is that katniss loves peeta. literally in thg, katniss says the only person she is certain that she loves in the world is prim after talking with gale. in mj, she says she turns to haymitch for comfort because he is the person that loves peeta too.
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annamatix · 4 months ago
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tall-lesbian · 1 year ago
i just cant stop thinking about stsg and mitski lyrics
I could talk about so many but this one has been stuck in my head for a while:
“It's been you and me
Since before I was me
Without you, I don't yet know
Quite how to live”
Like it’s literally them. Before satoru was the strongest, both of them shared that title, then he had to hold that burden by himself. He probably never met anyone who made him feel less alone.
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drieddpetals · 1 year ago
(warning: literary analysis ahead) i know i'm not the first person by far to say this, but there are so many similarities between kaz and wylan in six of crows and ESPECIALLY crooked kingdom.
there's obviously the big one of both of them having a re-birth type experience in the harbor, but that's not where the similarity stops. during my ck reread, i noticed that the reason kaz and wylan are in the harbor in the first place is because a father-like figure.
pekka rollins was a father-like figure to both kaz and jordie, and the book says this. the rietveld boys had just lost their father, and one of the big reasons pekka was able to scam jordie and kaz so well is because he provided them with a comforting and parental like space. kaz ofc eventually ends up in the harbor, and it can all be traced back to pekka rollins.
wylan has his rebirth in the harbor due to his father. the connection is more direct with his, but even then there are middle men and other things involved. but again, it can all be traced back to his father.
going off this thought, they both lost a close family member due to a father figure.
another big similarity i found that i feel like i haven't seen anyone talk about his what kaz and wylan are both motivated by: revenge.
wylan does not start off the books being motivated by revenge. he ends up in the barrel and with the crows out of a desperation to both hide from his father and because he genuinely has no where else to go. later on in ck, after wylan finds his mother at saint hilde, the book very clearly states that his motivation changes. at the begining of chapter 31, there's a scene where wylan is staring at himself in the mirror. there are lines that say, "What am I doing here? But he knew the answer. Only he could see his father punished for what he'd done. Only he could see his mother freed." which drives me INSANE!! because it's a DIRECT PARELLEL to things kaz says/feels about jordie!! in the chapter right before that (30) there's a line that says, "He'd found his way to shore, devoted himself to the vengeance he and his brother were owed." (there are other and better lines that reference wylan's "only he could *take revenge*" line, but this is just the closest one that comes to mind)
there are differences between their motives—you could say that kaz's revenge motive is more direct and violent—but there's also the fact that we see both kaz and wylan get their revenge in the book.
both kaz and wylan want revenge for one of their family members, and themselves, from what a father figure in their life has done.
they've also both been kidnapped by jan/held in captivity by him. i know this happens to inej too, but i think it's important that one of the first scenes we see with kaz is him negotiating with jan after being captured by him, and then towards the very end of the series, we (very simplified and on the surface) see the same thing happening to wylan. i know the two jan captivity scenes with kaz and wylan are very different, but i think the basic similarity of these scenes really attest to how far wylan has come and how much he's been assimilated into the crows.
there's also of course the part where wylan's expression is said to be something that looks kaz-like, which i feel also shows how far he's come and how he's truely developed into a crow.
in conclusion, as others have said, they truely are two sides of the same coin. they're so different but so alike, and i absolutely love how leigh bardugo was able to directly juxstapose wylan and kaz when they're so different on the surface.
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 1 year ago
Hello 💗
Quick question that could 100% be solved by a Google search but I much prefer your storytelling
Why on earth is Alex known as mr snarl? <333
hii lovely 💗 omg i am MORE than happy to tell the story of mr snarl! make yourself a cup of tea, sit back and relax, and let’s get started:
as you might already know, “mr snarl” is the nickname that’s usually used to describe alex’s persona during the am era. allow me to provide some prime examples of mr snarl:
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basically, mr snarl is characterised by the slicked-back, cool, arrogant charisma that was typical of alex’s performances during the am era. he’s not friendly or approachable, he’s deadpan and snarky and all edges, and is generally seen in sunglasses and black leather.
a great example of mr snarl in action alex’s 2013 brit awards speech:
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(but also you can find him in literally any performance from 2013/2014)
my favourite thing about the story of “mr snarl” though is that the name originated from alex himself. in an interview from 2022, he discussed his old stage personas:
he has a name for his performer ego, which has always snarled and sang with the corner of his mouth turned up in disdain: mr snarl. “sometimes mr snarl shows up,” turner explains. “we’ve just been rehearsing some old songs for the upcoming shows and it’s weird what feels right and what feels contrived when there’s five of us in the rehearsal room. it feels completely insane to embody this guy singing to a carpeted room. there i stand, singing at the carpet and wondering how do you sing a damn song like ‘teddy picker’?”
what’s interesting to me is that obviously ‘teddy picker’ was written way before the am era, so maybe alex’s idea of mr snarl includes the eras before am too - or maybe he was thinking of how he performed it during the am era. either way, as far as i’m aware, everyone in fan spaces like tumblr seems to solely use “mr snarl” to refer to alex’s persona during the am era (anyone reading this who has a different view, please feel free to jump in and correct me!)
mr snarl might be all cheekbones and snark, but underneath it all our favourite little deer-eyed dreamer was never far away - especially if miles kane was present!
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god-damnit-vinne · 5 months ago
no im not crying you are. no my eyeballs are just sweating profusely i swear im fine
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deadstaticolivia · 1 year ago
Undead unluck spoilers
Thinking about how Andy so desperately wants to protect fuuko down to his very SOUL that it basically becomes a primal instinct for him. Also the fact his place on the sun is always facing the earth to watch over her and everyone else
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mrstellmeafuckingsecret · 26 days ago
"locked me up in towers, but i'd visit in your dreams, and they tried to warn you about me. cross your thoughtless heart, only liquor anoints you, she's the albatross, she is here to destroy you, devils that you know raise worse hell than a stranger, she's the death you chose, you're in terrible danger" was written about tedromeda
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sadquickchristmassnowman · 2 years ago
I really wish we got more of shirley and abed’s relationship. abed finally having a consistent mother-like figure in his life has so much storywriting and character building potential (and it’s also just really important to me lmao), plus shirley being able to connect with aspects of life she’s historically been pretty far removed from (other religions/cultural practices, pop culture, just general neurodivergency etc) is so good for her character, and it exposes sides of her we don’t see too often.
we get bits of their dynamic in basic genealogy, messianic myths and ancient peoples, and introduction to teaching, but that’s basically it I think. they’re just really important to me and I wish the writers had explored their relationship a bit more
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lisannastraussisanangel · 2 years ago
Do you have any Lucy and Gray friendship headcanons to share? They're my favorite brotp in the series.
Their friendship is so important to me!
They are very sarcastic, bitchy type best friends. Always sitting around talking shit
Unfortunately for everyone around them, they both have pretty dark senses of humor (in a self deprecating way that makes their fellow guild members stressed)
But also they are really supportive of each other. Like always the first to cheer the other on
For Christmas one year, Gray recreated Lucy's keys in ice and made them into ornaments (Lucy nearly cried. Especially when she saw the Aquarius one (this was before she got the key back))
Lucy taught Gray how to slow dance. He's normally a good dancer but something about slow dancing trips him up
No one is safe from their judgement. Loke trips walking into the guild? Gray and Lucy are whispering and pointing. Natsu can't even breathe without them bullying him
Gray tends to keep an eye on Lucy at parties and stuff because he knows men tend to get grabby with her. He also knows she can take care of herself, but if Gray can freeze the guy to the floor without causing a scene, he's gonna.
Something about Lucy activates Gray's mom tendencies. He's always patching her injuries, making sure she ate, etc
Lucy tries to do it back but Gray would rather die than take care of himself. Lucy assures him that if he keeps it up, she will kill him
Unfortunately threatening to kill Gray usually ends in him getting excited and going "promise?!?". Lucy then threatens to snitch to Natsu and Gray takes it back (this is a very common conversation between the two)
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rockrosethistle · 1 year ago
"my father is the worst man alive, and I'm his favourite daughter."
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dead-meat · 3 months ago
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Confession- HUGE Keith and Scrags shipper 0-0 *DROPS THIS AND RUNS*
Words: 1,939
Keith and Scrags go off together to gather clues and end up peacefully asleep in each others arms :3
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sistertonin · 4 months ago
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The Alpha Family
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