#I cannot figure out his head shape to save my life
whatwooshkai · 3 months
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he's preening bee's wings !!!
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just guys being dudes
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christinesficrecs · 6 months
Hi Christine, I know this is a long shot but long story short - lost my saves file a while ago and cannot find many of most favourite fics, I have countless quotes saved from them. I am sharing some with you in hopes people recognise the fics they're from if you post this. I will love you forever.
Derek’s first kiss in four years tastes like fresh-squeezed orange juice and makes his stomach flip like the drop in a rollercoaster. Stiles holds him close like he’s thanking him.
About the summer he spent in Ireland because there were pictures of his mom posed in various tourist sites at Dublin and Dingle and the Giant’s Causeway--places that he wanted to experience personally since he never got to ask her first-hand.
Derek looked at him for a moment, and wow, okay, this was why people wrote songs about love and painted pictures and wrote poetry, because he was pretty sure that he was falling in love with Derek Hale if only because of the guy's beautiful eyes and earnest expressions and his everything. God.
In some ways Stiles has done a lot of growing up since then, but a part of him thinks he’ll always be that scrawny, ridiculous kid at heart, whose greatest joys in life were Froot Loops, cheesy disco tunes, and masturbation.
Stiles gets back from his year abroad in Hungary with more muscles and the first of his tattoos, a knotted rope that runs the length of his spine.
Hey, Derek, can you do me a solid? Nothing serious, just, you know, screw my brains out, that’s all.
He meets Stiles’ gaze from where he's leaning against the back wall, his eyes catching glints of light amid the shadows. Certain people are just meant to live under the open sky.
Whatever he says afterwards, whatever happens between them, there will always be this, the long late afternoon with the sun skidding red in the west, and he will always know what Stiles looked like the first time someone filled him up to the hilt. There are no acrobatics. Nothing fancy happens. Derek feels like the ocean breaking helplessly on the shore, the tide rising, spilling him over.
there’s something about the shape of him, the way he’s huge and solid and beautiful and always thirty seconds away from admitting total defeat that rubs Stiles raw and tender.
“People are so exhausting,” he murmurs, and Stiles is glad to know it: that he isn’t people, that he counts as a kind of between places, maybe even as home.
Updating with the ones that magv1 found. Thank you!!!
Hot Single Dad Derek Hale by WhoNatural | 13.3K | Explicit
Wherein Derek is a Hot Single Dad, possibly with a little case of martyrdom, and Stiles is the newest client at his publishing house who really just wants to make him happy. Preferably while they're both naked.
^^^^^ #1 & 2
But Then What... by Stoney | 24.3K | Explicit
Senior year is almost over, and all Stiles needs to do is keep his head down to survive. A teacher calls in a favor, leaving him stuck tutoring Derek Hale, one of the most popular jocks in school and a member of a group of douchecanoes who have bullied Stiles for years. He's someone Stiles totally hates. Totally. Like, doesn't like him even a little bit. DEFINITELY isn't attracted to him.
Except that is a total lie. Fuck his life, seriously.
^^^^^ #3
My Life is not a Horror Movie, Derek by DiscontentedWinter | 38.9K | Explicit
Stiles keeps dreaming of people in robes with knives. With chanting. In Latin. And he mentioned the knives, right? That can't be good.
^^^^^ #4
i need your sway by thatworldinverted | 11.1K | Explicit
Stiles always figured it would be Scott who saw him through his first heat. They pinky-swore on it, in fact, when they were eleven and newly-presented. There haven’t exactly been an abundance of offers between then and now.
What there is now, though, is the pack, and pack takes care of each other.
^^^^^ #6
Sucker Love by whiskey_in_tea | 17.9K | Explicit
Kate sits up and narrows her eyes at him. “Page 72,” she says. “Why I Plan to Wait, by Stiles Stilinski.”
The spread is hilariously cliched: a full page picture of a pale, pretty boy with a wide-eyed blonde girl walking on the beach, the two of them holding hands and staring into the waves, probably thinking wistfully of the sex they aren’t having. Derek skims the text briefly. “Speaking up about the importance of virginity!” he exclaims. “Reclaiming chastity a a masculine virtue. Our friend Stiles sure is brave.”
“See, I was thinking he might make an interesting challenge,” Kate says lazily. “And he’s surprisingly attractive, don’t you think? Such long fingers. And that mouth.”
^^^^^ #8
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velvette-creations · 2 months
In a vision or in none
House of the Dragon: Helaena + fem!reader (platonic) 
Rating: Teen 
WC: 1.5 k 
Prompt: Art Therapy for @sweetspicybingo (Hurt/Comfort Bingo Collection)
Warnings: Mentions of the death, angst, hurt/comfort
Summary: You seek to assist your queen when she becomes burdened with her visions
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The chalk leaves a powdery residue on Helaena’s fingertips as she silently moves through her chambers, caught in an invisible dance. Jaehaera sits beside you on the floor, both of you watching in awe as the queen brings the images only she can see in her mind to life. The wolf-headed figure, a source of unexplained fear, sends a chill down your spine. Helaena reaches for a piece of yellow-hued chalk and begins to sketch the shape of a dragon’s egg on the wall, a testament to her unique ability. One that many seem to ignore entirely.
“An egg!” Jaehaera squeaks, pointing at the image before giggling.
“Very good, princess,” you smile, smoothing a hand down her silvery hair. Today, she wears it braided neatly down her back, no longer wearing the style she oft shared with her twin, Jaehaerys. She was always such a shy young girl, seemingly trapped in her own mind, much like her mother. It breaks your heart to watch how they’ve adjusted to Jaehaerys’s death, but the ghost of the boy still looms in the castle—a tragedy to take one so young. You go to bed many nights with guilt gnawing in your stomach for trading the night shift with another maid, perhaps if you had been there…though there is no use pondering such thoughts. What’s done is done.
She trades the yellow chalk for a green one, creating a second egg, then makes a third of reddish hue before creating flames to surround them. The chalk falls from her hand, clattering to the floor as she steps away from the wall before slowly rocking back and forth on her feet.
“Ziry kivio dārilaros issa, se zȳhon suvio perzō vāedar issa. (He is the prince that was promised, and his is the song of ice and fire),” she murmurs, her voice dropping an octave, speaking as if caught in a trance. The words roll off her tongue expertly, and you realize this is the first time you’ve heard her speak in the ancient Valyrian tongue.
She steps back over to the wall and creates the form of a naked woman being consumed by flames. Your eyes widen, and you glance down at Jaehaera, whose attention is now occupied by a wooden toy. You did not wish to interrupt the queen, so you swallow down your inquiry. You can ask at a later time. Septa Alyane comes to collect the small girl for her lessons.
“Mama, Mama!” Jaehaera smiles, scurrying over to hug her mother’s legs before being taken away.
Helaena reaches her hand down, letting it rest gently on her daughter’s head before the small girl peels away from her. Helaena hums as she places the chalk down, walking over to the basin to clean her hands before dropping to her knees in front of the tiny wooden cages that house her crickets.
“Your Grace, may I ask what you said earlier?” you ask softly as you watch the insect crawl onto her finger.
“I do not always know what they mean. I only heard it in my head and felt compelled to utter them out loud,” she answers softly, her eyes flickering up to meet your gaze before quickly adverting them.
“Oh, I see,” you reply, looking down at the needlepoint in your hands.
“I wish I knew how to explain them better,” she admits.
“It seems a heavy burden to be cursed with a sight you cannot understand,” you say sympathetically.
“I suppose we all have our burdens.”
“There was a dreamer in your familiar line….Daenys, I believe. She is the one who saved the Targaryens from the Doom. Mayhaps your father’s books might hold some answers for you,” you suggest.
“Aegon had them removed.”
“Which means they must be somewhere. They did not just disappear,” you smile.
She returns the soft gesture before placing the chirping cricket back in the cage. “Would you help me…to find them?”
“I would like that very much, Your Grace.”
The days proceed as thus: waking in the morning and breaking your fast before readying Queen Helaena and Princess Jaehaera for the day with the assistance of other handmaidens, playing the small princess on the floor until it is time for her lessons. Helaena marks her visions on the walls, and the afternoon is spent pouring over the histories in the library in the hope of answers. When Helaena reaches a certain level of frustration, moving her jaw and clenching her fists, you indicate that it’s time for a break and spend time walking through the gardens with her. It brings her peace as she points at the crawling bugs, informing you of their names and purposes.
“We all have a purpose in this world,” she hums.
“I suppose you are correct in that manner, Your Grace,” you smile.
“I fear I may never find answers to my visions,” she admits as an eight-legged spider crawls across her splayed palm.
“Do not give up hope just yet, Your Grace,” you encourage, though you fear much had been lost in the Doom and answers may never be found.
You find her one morning, still in her night shift, hugging her knees to her chest as she rocks back and forth. Jaehaera peers out through the curtain surrounding her bed, purple eyes wide and worried as she watches her mother.
“It is alright, princess. Come to me,” you coo, opening your arms to the young girl. She hurries into them, and you hug her close, rubbing her back before placing her in another handmaiden’s arms. “Tend to her, and I will see to the queen. Please make sure no one disturbs us.”
She nods her understanding before leaving with Jaehaera. You sink to your knees behind Helaena, placing your hands on her shoulders. She digs the heels of her hands against her eyes.
“Make them stop, make them stop,” she wails, and it becomes clear she is overburdened with these visions she cannot figure out. You are unsure if they have grown more intense or if she has simply hit her limit with them.
“Shhh, take a deep breath,” you whisper.
She gulps for her air as she lifts her head, cheeks sticky with tears. You gently smooth your fingers through her mussy hair, tugging it away from her face. “I don’t want them anymore!” Her voice warbles through the air, and your heart breaks. Why have the Gods cursed her so? Why bestow a gift upon her that she can not comprehend? It seems unusually cruel, and you're reminded these are the same Gods who claimed the lives of two young princes. She clings to you, pressing her face into your chest. In the moment, she reminds you of a distraught child turning to their mother for comfort.
You hold her silently in your arms, stroking her hair and hoping you are providing her some relief. Her ragged breathing slows, and she glances up at you. “I am…better now.”
You give her a half smile. “Are you? You needn’t lie to me, Your Grace.”
Her lower lip wobbles. “I want them out of my head.”
You think momentarily, tucking a strand of silver hair behind her ear. “I may have an idea, Your Grace.”
“What is it?” Her voice is soft and curious.
“Come, you must stand with me,” you smile, helping her to stand before walking over to her desk and taking a piece of chalk into your hand before placing it in hers. She gives you a curious look, head tilting to the side. “Instead of drawing what you see in your head, draw what you wish to see. Not what plagues you, but what inspires you or what you wish to come true.”
Helaena moves over to a blank space before lifting her quivering hand. She begins to create, moving with dedication instead of a phantom force controlling her. You recognize the silhouette of Dreamfyre with Helaena and two other figures perched on her back.
“Who is with you?” you inquire.
“You and Jaehaera,” she smiles, turning to face you. Her cheeks are rosy, “We are flying across Blackwater Bay!” There is joy in her voice, and she turns to continue her drawing—a picnic in the Kingswood, the three of you holding hands while walking along the beaches of Dragonstone and climbing the Dragonmont in search of dragon eggs.
“Lovely ideas, Your Grace, and I know of one we can make come true.”
The day proceeds as thus: waking in the morning and breaking your fast before readying Queen Helaena and Princess Jaehaera for the day before making way to the dragonpit with intertwined hands. The three of you easily fit on the large blue and silver dragon, with you behind Helaena and Jaehaera in front of her. The wind whips your cheeks, and laughter peels through the air. Jaehaera picks wildflowers while Helaena lays her head on your lap while you feed her fresh raspberries. She has come alive again and is no longer chained to her visions for now. You hold on to hope that this peace will last.
“You have set me free,” she smiles, her graceful voice carrying in the warm breeze.
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kybercrystals94 · 1 year
You Can Trust Me
By KyberCrystals94
Read here on Ao3!
Whumptober 2023|Day 2|Prompt:Delirium
Bad Things Happen Bingo|Prompt:Mind Games
Rating: T
(CW: non consensual drug use)
Words: 1,282
Summary: Captured and drugged, Tech struggles to grasp reality.
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General Skywalker’s voice calls over the din of blaster fire, “Tech, open that door for Rex!”
“Yes, sir!” Tech responds instantly, darting across the open to the sealed entrance. After a moment, Rex is at his shoulder, exchanging rounds with the enemy, covering Tech as he splices into the system. This feels familiar, Tech thinks distantly, the door sliding open at his hacked instruction.
Tech scans the room. This is where the signal came from. Echo has to be here, if there is any physical form of Echo to find at all. Tech approaches a large cylindrical contraption inset within the wall, sleek and awful. Familiar...why is this familiar? His scan shows that something warm-blooded and alive is tucked inside. A heavy, knotted thing forms in his stomach. “I don’t like the look for this. I’m definitely picking up a life-form in there. It seems to be a stasis chamber.”
Rex approaches the device like it might lash out. Tech cannot see the reg captain’s facial expression because of the helmet, but his body language practically screams trepidation.
Tech goes to the controls, glancing over them briefly to familiarize himself. “I think I can get it open.” His mind processes faster than even his fingers can move, but within seconds, the chamber is hissing as it unseals, icy vapor billowing from the now open hatch. A figure falls forward, grey – almost bloodless – skin stretched thin over sharp bones. Despite his shrunken structure, familiar clone eyes stare out, open but unseeing, flitting rapidly.
Echo...Tech thinks, horror stuttering his thoughts. I know him...he’s my friend. Why do I know him?
Rex’s voice rallies Tech back. The man is holding Echo stable so that his body isn’t pulling against the tubes and wires literally latched into the broken frame of their brother. “Tech, we got to get him out of here. Figure out how to unplug him from...from this mess!” Rex is lowering Echo to the ground, holding him in his arms, whispering words Tech can’t hear.
But Tech wants to comfort Echo too, feels as though he needs to rush to his side, hold him companionably as Rex is doing now. This isn’t right. This isn’t how it happened. I didn’t know Echo before Skako Minor...I shouldn’t remember this. It hasn’t happened yet. Something is wrong.
Suddenly, Echo is gasping, eyes now seeing but wild with panic. It sounds like he’s suffocating.
“What’s happening to him?” Rex cries, pulling Echo up against him, “Do something, Tech! What is wrong with him?”
Tech falls next to them with his med scanner, his hands are shaking so badly he can barely get a reading. Echo is dying. His body is shutting down. He isn’t going to make it.
No...this isn’t what happened. This isn’t how it happened! Echo is fine. He’s going to join the Batch, he’s going to be my brother...he can’t die.
Echo’s frantic gaze meets Tech’s, a single tear tracking down the ashen skin of his cheek. “Tech,” he gasps, the word barely taking shape in his shallow, choking breaths. “It’s going to be okay. Can you hear me, Tech?” The words are garbled but distantly clear, like hearing a voice through water. “Tech?”
Tech shakes his head. He doesn’t understand what’s happening. This shouldn’t be happening.
With one last, gargled breath, Echo says, “Tech,” and his body goes still.
Tech reaches out, but he can’t bring himself to touch the dead form of his friend, his brother, his confidant. This isn’t right. We saved him. We saved him!
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The cell door is easy to hack, almost an insult to security systems, but Echo doesn’t have time to relish the ease with which he scomps in and undoes the lock. The door opens and Echo steps inside. He instantly finds Tech, curled in the corner, arms folded over his face protectively.
Echo taps his comm. “Hunter, I found Tech. Sending our location now. I’ll need help getting him back to the Marauder.”
Echo doesn’t wait for a response, rushing to his youngest brother. He kneels and puts a hand on Tech’s arm. “Tech,” he says, alarmed when his voice causes Tech to flinch and pull away from his touch. “It’s going to be okay. Can you hear me, Tech? Tech?” As gently as he can, he pries Tech’s arms away from his face. “Tech,” he says again when he sees that Tech’s eyes are open, his face frozen in an expression of displacement.
Tech’s eyes gloss over him with a look of stricken uncertainty. “Echo?” he whispers.
“Yeah,” Echo says, pulling off his helmet. “Are you alright? Do you remember what happened?”
Tech doesn’t seem to hear him or comprehend the question. He scrambles to a sitting position, reaching out his hands. Echo resists the urge to recoil in surprise when Tech begins to trace his face with trembling fingers. Then they fall to grip Echo’s cuirass. “You’re really here?” Tech breathes the question on an exhale, his familiar tone tattered with fraught emotion.
“I’m here, brother,” Echo says, resting his flesh hand against the back of Tech’s neck, pulling him forward until their foreheads press together.
“You’re real?” Tech reiterates, the words barely audible.
But Echo hears them. “I’m real. You’re safe.”
Tech’s resolve crumbles then, and he begins to sob, clutching to Echo like Echo will simply melt away if he lets go. “I’m sorry,” Tech cries. “I’m so sorry.”
Echo moves his arms around Tech, embracing him, holding him steady. He hushes him soothingly. “Don’t apologize. It’s not your fault. None of this is your fault. Hunter should be here soon, and we’ll go back to the Marauder. We’ll get off this karking planet and never come back.”
Tech nods, tears leaking from under his goggles, and Echo holds him tighter. He hopes that Tech can’t feel the thunder of his heart under his armor. He isn’t sure what the drug made Tech see or believe, but what if there is residual damage even after they flush the toxin from his system? PTSD doesn’t sit well with the Kaminoans. While the Batch has done a decent job of hiding Echo’s…what if Tech’s is different?
Don’t think like that. Tech hasn’t even been treated yet, he reminds himself.
“Here,” Echo says, pulling back, but Tech clings to him almost aggressively, refusing to loosen his grip for even a moment. “Let’s sit against the wall. We’ll be more comfortable.”
Tech considers, breaths still hitching in gasps. “Yes,” he agrees after a moment, allowing Echo to shift and sit beside him. Once Echo has settled, Tech burrows under his arm. He feels smaller, somehow, in this state. Like a child. It reminds Echo of Ashoka, back when she would find herself tucked into Rex’s side after a particularly difficult mission.
“How’re you feeling,” Echo asks when he notices that Tech’s breathing has evened out a little.
Tech pushes himself impossibly closer into Echo’s side. Echo can’t imagine it’s comfortable with his cybernetics and armor jammed against Tech’s ribs; however, maybe that is the grounding Tech needs to know that this is real. “I don’t understand,” Tech says in a soft voice, “On Skako Minor...I couldn’t save you. You died. How are you here?”
“But you did save me, vod’ika,” Echo says gently, “I’m okay. I’m here and I’m real. You were captured and given a drug that causes hallucinations and extreme emotional distress. It’s taking your memories and contorting them.”
Tech shudders. “Then how do I know this is real?”
Echo considers for a moment. “Because I know it is, and you can trust me, Tech’ika. Everything is going to be okay.”
End Notes:
vod'ika = little sibling
Tech'ika = affectionate nickname for Tech (like saying 'Little Tech')
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saiikavon · 1 year
(Laptop is in time out until it manages to charge. Which it will hopefully do if I leave it alone for a bit. Have a short I wrote on my phone to relieve the writing itch in the meantime.)
The basement labs of Kaiba Corp. are empty and silent, save for the single set of footsteps echoing down the stairs. Lights flare to life and welcome Seto as he descends, alone, passing each cavernous room until he reaches his destination.
Inside, still as statues, are three familiar figures. One of Yugi, of himself, and Jounouchi.
They’re robots, for lack of a more sophisticated term, glorified animatronics with advanced movement and speech capabilities. They’re also, thanks to the continued development of SolidVision and Kaiba Corp’s holographic technology, rather useless. An old project that will likely never see completion. Yet, for whatever reason, Seto cannot bring himself to get rid of them.
He circles each one, quietly going about his usual check-ins and tests. Assure the joints are moving properly, the voice boxes are still in order, that sort of thing. Just in case he ever happens to need them at a moment’s notice, as unlikely as that is.
After assuring that both the Yugi-robot and his own double are in working order, Seto finally stops in front of the figure of Jounouchi. For several seconds, he does nothing.
He still doesn’t know what possessed him to craft this one, in particular. Jounouchi is hardly someone worth remembering in the dueling scene, always stopping short of doing anything terribly important. He hadn’t managed to take any place of importance in either of Seto’s tournaments, and his second-place win in Duelist Kingdom is now a distant memory.
Yet…the set felt incomplete without him.
Seto checks on this one more slowly, running his eyes over the broad shape of the shoulders, running his hands over the arms. Voice commands tell it to move - raise your hand, take a step forward, turn your head, blink. The glass eyes seem to flicker under the light.
They meet Seto’s gaze, almost knowingly, and a quiet fire stirs in his belly.
“Smile for me,” he tells the robot. The lips curve upward on command. Seto reaches out with one hand almost without thinking and cups the robot’s cheek. It does not move, for he has not commanded it, but he imagines muscle twitching under his hand, Jounouchi stepping back in surprise, What do you think you’re doing?!
Seto’s thumb caresses the soft synthetic skin of the lips, imagining the slight wetness as they part, the warmth of a breath washing over his hand.
It’s an indulgence, he’s decided. He’s made Jounouchi here because it is the only way to possess him.
“Voice test, step one. State your name.”
“Jounouchi Katsuya,” he says, movement unhindered by Seto’s continued touch.
“Step two. State your creator’s name.”
“Kaiba Seto,” he says, and Seto imagines those eyes flickering again, molten amber pouring into his soul.
Seto hesitates on the next step. There’s little point to this, he thinks, no reason to keep going on protocol. Not when his mouth is dry and his heart is being squeezed in a strong, mechanical grip.
The words come out before he can stop them: “Tell me what you want, Katsuya.”
He hears the click of the robot’s processor as it calculates the words. He imagines a furrowed brow, a confused frown upon that puppy-face, What do you mean?
The robot says, “Command not recognized. Please clarify.”
And Seto swallows around his dry throat, moves to stand toe-to-toe with the machine and takes its face in both hands. Imagines Jounouchi’s breath catching as he leans in close.
“Tell me you want me, Katsuya.”
He doesn’t really hear it when the robot says the words, flat and unaffected, where he’d imagined the real Jounouchi breathless, trembling, melting into his touch. But the only one fit to melt here is him. The machine he built feels nothing at all.
It takes him a moment to collect himself and step away from the robot. He combs the hair into place with his fingers while the glass eyes watch on blankly.
“Test concluded,” Seto says at last. “Enter sleep mode.”
With another click, the machine returns to position and closes its eyes. Seto observes it placidly, then turns to leave the way he’d come. Footsteps echoing down the empty hall and back up the stairs, alone.
The lights shut down, and the labs are utterly silent once again.
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synthetic-radiance · 5 months
[It's a video from anon perspective]
Orion sits at a river bank, staring at the rushing current, evidently deep in thought. He lets out a deep sigh and flops back into the grass, there's a dull 'thunk' as his inhibitor helmet hits the ground.
After a few moments, there's the sound of footsteps, and a figure appears. They're wispy and thin, wearing an outfit similar to what one might have seen in the hisui era. They have long white hair and red and green eyes and a longish white beard. A metal ring in the shape of Arceus's wheel floats just behind them, following them. They sit down in the grass next to him, a worried look on their face. They scratch their chin, thinking of what to say, Orion breaks the silence first.
"Why did you make me like this?"
Arceus jumps a little, seeming a little surprised by the sudden question, but it relaxes. "Were you not satisfied with the answers from earlier?"
"...You revealed the information. and then wouldn't speak with me when I began asking questions."
Arceus hums, "Well... I figured you needed some time to get your head on straight after information like that. To think for yourself. And I wasn't sure anything I could say would help so.. I gave you some space."
Orion groans, covering his eyes with his hands, "I don't need space. I need orders. or an explanation or- something."
"I explained earlier-"
"Not well enough! You- Why didn't you just discard what was left of me! Why make me into this- this weapon this guardsman-"
"Because you cared."
Orion stutters, taken aback by the comment. "because I- What?"
"There are plenty of humans who call on me at any time. I cannot help them all. I am only one me. It's impossible. But there's very few who seek me out... and then find me. You found the flute.. and climbed the steps... and instead of attacking me like I thought you would... you asked me to save your sibling for you."
"...So you turned me into your immortal sidekick about it-"
"no no no. After I saved Pip for you... After rewriting their life so that they would live instead of dying in that hospital... What was left of you... after sacrificing for your sibling... I... I don't know why. I have saved one in exchange of the other before. But this time. I wanted you to have a second chance as well. So I pulled you from time and space and put you back together."
Orion stares at Arceus, disbelieving. "So you.. put me back together on a whim."
Arceus brightens up, "Yes! I did."
There's despair written across Orion's face. He groans again, rolling over and planting his face in the dirt.
"Did I say something wrong?"
"...You brought me back because you felt like it. That's a horrible reason to bring someone to life."
"Because I wanted you to have a second chance! It's not so bad- you're here! And you're alive! Instead of wandering as a husk of a human being in the distortion realm! Isn't that great?" Arceus beams at Orion. Orion is still not happy.
"You brought me back as a weapon... and not even to use me. To display me up on spear pillar. like some decorative blade."
"...And that makes you unhappy?"
"Yes." Orion sits up now, and glares at the legendary pokemon.
"...Apologies, I didn't realize."
Silence falls between the two. Arceus frowns, looking at the river. Orion sighs.
"...Well, we're here now. And, as I see it there are two- no.. Three. Options," Arceus finally speaks after what feels like ages, "Option 1, I release you of your duties at Spear Pillar, and you strike out wherever your whims may take you."
"Option 2, We return to Spear Pillar, and you continue your duty as my guardsman."
"Nothing changes."
"Correct. Nothing changes- though maybe we repair the temple. After Gratin Potatoes destroyed it I think it could do with a fresh coat of paint."
"...not too bad. What's the third."
"Option 3 I deconstruct you and send your husk off to the distortion realm." Arceus smiles at Orion like that's not a terrifying sentence.
"Absolutely not."
Arceus chuckles. "I thought you might not like that one. But it was an option if you were feeling it."
"So two options."
"Yes, two options."
"Stay with you or... see what the world has to offer."
"I mean I'm not saying you can't change your mind in the future but. The choice is yours."
Silence falls again. Orion stares at the river, contemplating again.
"...I want to go."
More silence, like it hadn't been the answer Arceus wanted, but it was willing to let the choice be made.
"Very well." Arceus smiles again, and claps its hands together. In a small flash of light a backpack appears. Orion's naginata clatters to the ground next to it. Arceus gestures to the items. "I've packed your things. You're free to go whenever."
Orion stares at the pack, at Arceus's smiling face, a little bewildered by the sudden change in demeanor from the legendary.
"...Just like that?"
"Of course just like that. It's better you get an early start on things. The world is full of glorious sights and people and pokemon. I'm sure things have evolved out there that I don't even know about so-" Arceus stands, and pulls the giant of a hybrid up with itself. It picks the pack and the weapon up quickly after, holding them out.
"Go go go- and I don't want you back here for at least a hundred- no A thousand years."
"A- a thousand I- What if something-"
"Psh. It'll be fine." Arceus shoves the weapon into Orion's hand and makes an attempt at hoisting the pack onto Orion's shoulders but struggles. Orion crouches a bit to better accommodate the action. "Team Galactic hasn't been around for years, and anyone else is negligible. I can handle myself. I've been around for... I dunno how long. But I'll call you if I need you. Now Go."
The pack is secured on Orion's back, and Arceus smiles up at its chosen. Orion looks down at the legendary, and lets out a deep breath. Arceus pats Orion on his arms.
"You're going to do great."
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1dont-really-know · 9 months
4,13 and 14 for malva please !!
about this
hehe angst
3. Describe a memorable childhood experience that shaped your character's personality or outlook on life
“No matter what you do, you can’t save everyone.”
That was a lesson Malva had learned while still training to become a healer. She doesn’t remember the patient’s name, nor what exactly they suffered from, only the way their strength slowly faded as she tried everything to save them to no avail.
Her mentor had comforted her after the family of the deceased had taken the body away. She said to her something about how all things that live must die at one point or another. Malva had cried to her mentor about how she could have done better, but her mentor just shook her head sadly.
“It was their time,” she had said to Malva, “sometimes our abilities just aren’t enough, Princess. Sometimes the call of the stars is louder than our pleas for them to stay.”
“At least this way we can say that we had tried but failed, rather than not tried at all and just left them to their fate.”
4. What are your character's quirks or eccentricities that make them stand out from others?
A few that I can recall from the top of my head is
She likes the cold. A lot. There's a permanent frost spell in her chambers that keeps it cold. She physically cannot fall asleep if the air around her is too warm
This is a bit stereotypical for a doctor oc but terrible handwriting. Absolutely just unreadable. She prioritizes speed of writing over neatness.
Her hoard, while also containing gold and jewels, consists mostly of plants that she thinks are cool, hence her calling it her garden-hoard
13. Does your character have any recurring dreams or nightmares? How do these dreams affect them?
She’s had this dream a few times now. Tall, thorny vines reaching up into the stormy skies, thunder and lightning striking the ground as raindrops fall unforgivingly. There’s ink staining her shoes, but she can’t see where they came from.
There’s a figure just beyond the vines. A tall one, with horns much like her own and a tail as well. She can’t see their face, but she knows their name. Or… faces? Names? It’s odd. Sometimes she can feel that the figure is a woman, and she called her by her name, but other times the figure is a young man, and she called him by his name.
Sometimes both figures are there.
The figures are far too similar to one another for it to be a coincidence, but each time Malva wakes up, she can’t remember the names she called them by. She’s afraid of what they might mean.
14. What is your character's preferred method of self-expression? Do they have any artistic talents or creative outlets?
On days that are particularly calm, humming can be heard from the medical tent. Sometimes the tune is that of a well-known song, other times it’s a melody that Malva had thought of on the spot. However, if anyone dares enter the tent during this time, the humming stops, and the healer in question will greet them with a smile like she always does.
Humming is also heard after busy or hectic days, but on those days, the humming is… softer. More lullaby-like. Like she was trying to soothe herself or the soldiers that had to stay in the medical tent for the injuries they had as she goes around and performs her usual duties.
If it isn’t a well-known song, Malva rarely ever hums the same song twice. Maybe it’s because she got bored of them, or maybe she had forgotten them immediately after. A particular healer’s apprentice seems to have written down a few of her songs, though.
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iggyalfi2319 · 1 year
A Toy’s great adventure (MAWS G/T AU)
A/N: Yet another Toy!Clark idea plaguing my brain, so I wanted to give it a try. Again, dunno how far I'll carry it out X')
TW for character death, blood, non consensual body transfer, living doll (action figure)
Please tell me if I forgot anything
Clark was the biological kid of the Kent’s.
He was playing outside with his favorite toy, an action figure named Superman, based on a very popular cartoon character.
All of sudden, there was a flash in the sky, with something heading very fast into his direction.
Sadly, he didn't even get the chance to move.
When the Kent went outside to look for Clark, they met a very horrifying sight, tearing a scream out of Ma, as the viewers can only see the child's hand holding the tattered toy, in a pool of blood.
???: No one wasn't supposed to die, especially not a kid...
???: I really hoped to give a different purpose to the meteorite...
???: Forgive me, young one...
A ghost of a person dressed like a sorcerer manifested in front of the Kent.
Humans, it wasn't my intention to kill your child. I had to save this meteorite from very dark forces... But seeing the damages... It's definitely not worth the life of an innocent soul...
It looked at the couple.
I can somehow bring your child back... But they'll never be the way they were before…
"A-anything to get our Clark back!" "Please! We cannot lose our unique son!"
The ghost picked up the remaining shard of the meteorite, dipped it into the blood as it started to glow on and off softly, slowly shaping into a heart.
This is now the heart and the soul of your child. If anything had to ever happen to it and he will be gone for good.
The ghost then picked up the toy, removed the batteries before placing the meteorite heart inside. It glowed for a few seconds before it handed it to Ma.
May you and your child ever forgive me...
The ghost vanished, leaving the Kent in shambles and holding the toy very dear.
Clark felt very odd... Like he was too stiff to move.
Everything around him was so gigantic!
Or...did he shrink?
Wait, wasn't he supposed to be dead? Maybe he survived but the meteorite did something to him.
Why couldn't he move...-
Ma came into view. She was so huge!
💭Ma! I'm here!💭
"Never fear! Superman is here!"
Clark tried to speak again.
"No need to thank me, it's my duty!"
💭Why is Superman's voice coming out of my mouth?...💭
"It's acting up again... Do you think Clark is trying to tell us something?" Ma asked Pa.
"Who knows, Martha, who knows... We can only ever hope..."
Ma leaned toward Clark before gently picking him up like he was made of glass.
💭W-What is going on!💭
"It's a bird! It's a plane! No! It's Superman!"
As Clark was really starting to freak out, he caught their reflections on the living room's mirror.
Wait, not his reflection...
The reflection of Ma holding his toy, Superman...
But Ma is holding him...
💭No...no way....💭
Clark woke up with a scream.
💭A nightmare... It was just a nightmare -💭
His parents rushed inside.
Only for him to see they were as huge as his nightmare.
"N-no..." He whimpered.
"Clark... sweetheart... I know everything looks scary for you right now, but we can explain -" Ma started.
"NO! I must still be asleep!"
As he tried to rub his eyes, he couldn't reach his face, feeling very stiff...
He slowly looked at his hands.
Horribly familiar plastic hands with joints at the wrists, elbows and shoulders.
"No way..." His voice trembled.
The nightmare had only begun…
After managing to calm down Clark, his parents explained to him what happened to him.
Needless to say that the kid was devastated.
He was trying so hard to be a normal kid despite coming from a farm, but now everything went to the drain...
"So... I'm forever stuck inside of a toy..." Clark sulked.
"We'll get through this, Clark." Martha gently took his hand and Jonathan's. "Together."
A little flicker of hope washed over the now Toy boy, as he gently squeezed her finger.
Wait... what?
He looked down, seeing his plastic hand not so stiffly curled around her own.
Maybe that was only his imagination...
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siremasterlawrence · 2 years
Fair Play (What goes around)
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Receiving text on your cellphone in the early late nights of your day is not exactly a joyful occasion.
Neither is being a thirty something year old guy jumping over the fence of your old high school gate.
The front door is wide open for all in the area to see and the lights blew bright in the neighborhood.
The young man walks into the room super excited so pumped to beat the creepy guy who set the message.
A showdown is about to brew as two figures shadows merge upon each other they both jump.
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It is the principle still looking in prime shape not very amused at all by his action I think to myself.
He stood extremely tall staring me down not being able to phase me anymore he sighs.
I ask him what is all this about but neither of us can think about it at all barely noticing it then boom.
The air vents start abruptly circulating high above us filling the room with this strange scent.
Cough, cough the last sounds we hear as our heads hit the floor and we are out like a light.
Suddenly the door to a room far down the old corridor opens up illuminating a new shadow.
He enters the room clearly cloak in darkness kneeling down to both men and feeling them up.
“Beautiful specimen for my experiment”
“I cannot wait to see the expressions on their idiotic faces.”
“Fuck with me once shame on you”
“Mess with me twice and we are over due”
“They are waking up in about a hour or so”
“I need to begin preparations”
“Let the games begin”
“All the pain and sorrow”
“Just wait, wait and see. Mwahaha��
“You will learn what true fear is.”
“You will fall prey to deception.”
“You will all fail the same way I met my demise.”
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A loud alarm blast all over and the sound is extremely audible, around us the sound is quite annoying so I flick the switch off.
My screen pops one revealing my next guest Coach Myers’s the clown prince of this high school.
Coach Myers reaches inside the gate lifting his trousers he is seeking a key apparently he is way too familiar by now.
According to some sources he has been what they say living or rather squatting here for years.
I plan to make him pay for that and so much more he played in my demise over the long term.
He rummages into his pants pocket yanking out keys, he opens the side door and enters in innocently enough.
The echos of hallway carry his voice in a hard to understand mumble under his breath.
He sighs exhaustively multiple times placing his hand on the walls, he is clearly drunk and a target.
I wait in the darkness till he meets my zone
I call catchers lane and grabble my hand onto his neck and inject him with a syringe.
Letting go of him felt like a weight lifting off of me and he does exactly as I command.
He is in utter complete submission to me if I think about it, all of this resembles some what of a fantasy I once had.
He hits the ground, his body rolling down the corridor to the edge of the hall and he falls a sleep.
“Oh ok! Well I did save you from a whopping headache.”
“Go me!”
“Team Shadow for the win”
“Oh God!”
“I sound like you”
“That’s it close your eyes”
“Be a good boi and sleep”
“One more bitch to go.”
“My collection is almost finish”
“Very well! I shall have vengeance upon you four.”
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Across the school I can hear a thunderous clash of glass smash in the gymnasium a bit early.
All according to plan though I think leaving a mark to pick him up for my guys.
Skipping past them I slid into a corner down the staircase and into the basement.
“Well…well…look who fell for the trap.”
“Do I know you?”
“You are the only reason I am dead”
“Lawrence…man wait…we were just joking.”
“Asshole…fuck you! I am dead”
“Life can’t get batter then this.”
My number one enemy, top of my list to take down for good turns away and makes a run for it.
The doors swing in time with the blinking lights, cold air flows through he is lost and ducks into a classroom.
Someone behind him happily grabs a new syringe and jams it into his neck as he keels over.
Should I continue this?
The end
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maggicktouched · 1 year
Beck: Verses: Hogwarts (In Depth Version)
I wrote this before but it felt a little too vague. Ok that and I can't actually find where I wrote it out before on here. So...here I am, at it again.
In any Wizarding World/Fantastic Beasts/Harry Potter verses, Beck's kind of witches are still their own separate sort of witches. They have their own lineages, societies, schools, ways of life, and understanding of magic which can, at times, be at odds with that of the Wizarding World. They originated separately and have remained estranged for thousands of years; however they are aware of one another. Occasionally Bregða Witches (what my witches call themselves) do marry wizards or witches from the WW. If you have any questions about how I handle this, we can talk it out. I don't want to favor my lore over anyone else's, I just don't want to give it up entirely. It does shape who my characters are.
Beck's timeline shifts a bit in this verse.
She and Fen are still the children of the leaders of two old and powerful Bregða clans, the Wolves and the Foxes. Power in these clans is passed down through birth right, but since Beck was born into the priesthood, she cannot inherit the political possition of either of her parents. Her father still dies when she's six from an incurable magical ailment. Fenris, at age seven, is forced to take on his father's role as clan leader (though his mother technically rules through him).
Her paternal grandparents become extremely distraught over the loss of their only son, and in their anguish, Beck's mother cuts them off entirely. She takes Beck and her brother Fenris to Sweden to live with her mother for a year, only to flee when Linnea Tandy starts to get angry with the mistreatment of her grandchildren.
At this point, Beck starts to refuse to answer to her birthname Dahlia Adelaida, and demands to be called Beck by everyone but her brother, Fen. Fenris will always refer to her by her middle name Adelaida or Addie.
Beck and Fen are on their own from this point on. They're each doing whatever it takes to survive their mother. For Beck, that's running away. She's desperately trying to escape to the wilderness where her mother can't hurt her, and her mother is constantly dragging her back because Beck's constant attempts to flee embarrass her. Eventually, in an attempt to break her daughter from ever running again, Elea kills Beck's familiar, Dawnbreaker, when she's about ten years old. Dawn was a piece of Beck's soul, as all familiars are for my witches, and she was also the closest thing Beck had to a maternal figure. The loss of her almost kills Beck. She stops eating, she spends all hours of the day pacing her room until she collapses from exhaustion.
Fenris, who was always extremely close with his sister, becomes enraged. He's allowed his mother to use him as a puppet and while he's terrified to lose anyone else, even someone as vile as their mother, he believes he must choose between his sister and his mother. He chooses Beck. Killing a familiar is a high crime. Killing your child's familiar is punishable by death. Fenris demands his own mother's head. He calls for her to be killed in the same way she killed Dawnbreaker a few months prior. His maternal grandmother, Linnea, supports his bid, and Elea Tandy is hanged for her crimes.
Beck and Fenris are taken to live with Linnea on the Tandy Estate, but it is clear that nothing is really helping Beck. She's still restless, she still has to be coaxed to eat anything, her magic is extremely unpredictable. Fenris isn't doing much better after executing his own mother and finding that it didn't save his sister. Linnea is extremely distraught and desperate enough to do just about anything to help her grandchildren.
Their aunt Rob drops in for a visit a couple of months later with her wife, a witch from the Wizarding World who graduated from Hogwarts with fine memories of the place. She suggests sending the children there in hopes that the change of scenery, the challenges of learning new ways of magic, and the team of professional educators might help the two heal. Linnea, in her desperation, tears through centuries of estrangement and concocts a plan. She has the money, the influence, and the power to make things happen. She contacts the Minister of Magic, then Dumbledore. Money changes hands, promises are made, and Beck and Fenris are accepted to Hogwarts under the guise of a start of a new political arrangement between the Bregða and the Wizarding World.
They enter the school a few months later. Fen is allowed to join the second years despite being a year behind, and Beck is placed into Harry and Co's class. They are both sorted into Slytherin, but for extremely different reasons.
Fenris fits in almost right away. He's smart, relentless, dedicated, and there is always a looming threat of violence that his classmates come to respect in that first year. He's juggling leading the Wolf Clan and studying at Hogwarts, and clearly very used to power. Fenris is a deathly serious person who knows how to spot weak spots and cut into them.
Beck is a fish out of water. Hogwarts is completely foreign, and feels more like a cage than anything else. She is still weak from the death of her familiar, and she has to come clean to several of the professors about her inability to read. Dumbledore is kind enough to provide accommodations like special quills that automatically write her thoughts when she holds them or books that will read aloud to her when she's in private. Still, she has no friends, no real desire to be around people at all, and is deeply traumatized from years of abuse.
In the summer following her first year, Beck finds her familiar Habrok/Grani. A sun spirit that takes the form of either a horse (Grani) or a red tailed hawk (Habrok). She convinces Dumbledore to let her bring him to Hogwarts in hawk form, saying that there isn't much difference between that and an owl. His company makes her second year more tolerable, but she's still struggling to fit in. Most of the teachers, Snape especially, have little tolerance for Beck's energetic nature. She spends a lot of time scrubbing cauldrons in detention, but she doesn't particularly mind. That Christmas, she is given a small black kitten that she names Angrboða and over the next several months, the kitten becomes Beck's second and final familiar.
Third year is easier, Boða doesn't share Beck's dyslexia, and as she gains sentience, she learns to read. The only problem is the cat's body responds to the magical bond a little too---vigorously. Boða is enormous. She grows to the size of a lynx within a few short months. Unlike Beck, who tends to be gentle and kind and friendly even in her suffering, Angrboða is vicious and highly protective of her witch. The constant harassment her fellow Slytherins heap on her decreases significantly under the threat of being mauled by a large feline. And yet, Beck still mostly minds her own business. She spends her free time in animal forms, sneaking into the forest behind the castle. Her grades are fairly poor, but outside of the classroom, in the depths of the woods, her true power shines.
She tries to run several times in her Hogwarts tenure. Each time her brother or her grandmother drags her back. A donation is made to the school, an excuse is made, and few of the students really notice. Fifth year she manages to escape for the longest period of time, and arrives at Hogwarts two weeks later than she was supposed to after being missing the whole summer and nearly dying from being mauled by a cougar. She gets in trouble often with Umbridge, but only ever serves detention with her once. Upon seeing her granddaughter maimed, Linnea Tandy made some very heavy threats to the Minister in order to remind him that she sent her grandchildren there to strengthen the bonds between their people. Umbridge leaves Beck alone for the most part, but the hatred between them is palpable.
Beck doesn't join Dumbledore's Army. In fairness to her, she isn't asked. None of the Slytherins are. It isn't like she has any real friends to speak of. Outside of class, Beck is a bit of a ghost. She is often seen from a distance, walking the fringes of the allowed student spaces or standing on the edge of the Black Lake. Even more often, she isn't seen at all.
She does greatly appreciate Hermione Granger's attempts to liberate house elves with S.P.E.W. but is too wary to outright approach her and actually voice that support.
In year six Beck finally finds a friend in Luna Lovegood. They're both a bit---peculiar to say the least, but in ways that tend to compliment one another. Beck makes a run for it when the Death Eaters attack Hogwarts.
Depending on our verse, it is up in the air whether or not Beck returns after Dumbledore is killed. But she DOES return regardless when the Battle for Hogwarts occurs. Normally she isn't a fighter/hero type, and she would rather stay away, but she does care about people and can't stand to do nothing in this particular instance. Rather than throw herself into the fray, Beck uses her power over animals and her knowledge of the forest to hide younger students deep in the woods where not even the Death Eaters dare roam. Those that do find their hiding spot, Beck is forced to kill in order to protect the students.
Beck is a bit of a terror in general. Once she recovers from Dawn's death, she slowly returns to her playful, hyperactive, gentle self, but being around so many people, especially so many people that dislike her, can turn that bouncy energy to frustration and make her a bit of a bitch. Professor Flintwick does take a liking to her. Beck joins the Frog Choir, and he comes to recognize that her magical talents are a bit---different and unorthodox after getting to see her more. He becomes a bit of a father figure over the years and usually it is Flintwick that the other professors call to rein her in if she's misbehaving, because he's the only one she properly listens to.
Finally: Beck still maintains her powers (the ability to shift into multiple animal forms, her influence/draw over animals, etc etc) and she's still a feral witch. She'll never be an extremely talented witch by traditional standards, but she has a lot of raw power that is specialized into a few areas that she's very very good at.
As Beck meets other muses/makes friends, she calms down. I wrote this out in kind of a "worst case scenario" format where Beck doesn't make many/any friends. She is skittish, but if people are nice to her she warms up very fast, and she's never outwardly cruel to anyone. She was placed into Slytherin a) because she was terrified to be separated from Fen in the beginning b) despite her dumb blonde act that she puts on, she is very clever and c) because she is ambitious, it is just---in a bit of a different way.
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tenebraevesper · 2 years
Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer, Bad Guys Issue #1: A Few Bad Men
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After The Metal Virus Saga has finally ended, we are going to make a little detour once again, covering the Bad Guys Miniseries, starring Dr. Starline, Zavok, Mimic and Rough and Tumble, and their shenanigans. Considering how Starline has become one of my favorite Sonic villains, I am looking forward to this.
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We start out some time after the world had been saved by Super Sonic and Super Silver. Starline is at Egg Base Sigma, attempting to take over it by logging in, thinking Eggman is sloppy. Then, the alarm goes off.
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Starline panics, realizing that Eggman made sure he couldn’t take over the system with the usual means, and a bunch of Badniks go right after him. Starline decides to use the Warp To- and never mind, he forgot that Eggman took it away from him. He does have one more weapon, the heel spurs on his boots. Honestly, I think this is a really cool weapon for Starline, since a real-life platypus actually has venomous spurs on its hind legs. Starline basically electrocutes the Badniks and runs off after he sees more of them pursuing him.
He is not a fighter, so the most he can do is to use his head. He scolds himself for being so sloppy and assuming the codes would still work, noting how this kind of arrogance was exactly what made Eggman fail and that he has to do better.
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We then see him later on at his own repository, lamenting over the fact that he hit a roadblock. He has amassed a substantial reserve of Eggman technology, but he has no way of using it properly. He also glances back at his projects, two tubes with unknown figures inside them (yeah, we know now that those are Surge and Kit, but let’s leave that for later). He notes things would be easier if he had the Warp Topaz and how he lacks the physical prowess to just brute force his way through everything. While he has his heel spurs, he still needs a better way to compete with his enemies. However, he had no way of gathering those resources, circling back to his earlier statement: he’s at a roadblock.
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Starline still insists on persevering, noting how Eggman’s obsession with Sonic is the reason why he’ll never advance and decides to conquer the world for him. However, that won’t be easy since he’s no more in Eggman’s good graces and even the Badniks cannot help him due to their limited capabilities, and his personal enforcers (trust me, we will get to these two eventually) cannot be completed without an access to the Egg Base.
Starline notes how he’ll never seek partnership again, adding how he’d be better off with someone who hates both Sonic and Eggman, and then realizes that there is a certain group of people who are exactly what he’s searching for.
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Having a plan set, Starline enters Prison Island from Sonic X- *looks down at the notes* No, wait, this is Everhold Prison. Nice reference, tho.
Anyways, Starline enters Everhold Prison, hypnotizing the warden and the guards, and telling the warden how he’s here for a job at the maximum security wing. The warden, having woken up from the hypnosis, is still dazed, explaining how the prisoners are some of the worst they have, as they fought Sonic at some point.
He proceeds to introduce Starline to Mimic (who shape-shifted into the warden in an attempt to mess with their heads and break out), Rough and Tumble (who attempted to take over Barricade Town, again), and Zavok.
In Zavok’s case, Starline points out how it was smart of them to put the Zeti in an archaic cell. If it were a standard cell, Zavok could easily use his powers to break out. Zavok wonders what Starline is up to, exposing him as Eggman’s protegé to the warden, so Starline uses his hypno glove to silence the latter.
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Zavok wonders why he hadn’t used this hypnosis ability on the Zeti, but Starline notes how it doesn’t work on those with an iron will. He then proceeds to tell everyone how he had been used by Eggman and how he won’t allow that indignity to stand. He has a plan, noting how together, they can get revenge on Eggman.
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Mimic refuses, though. He isn’t a team player, but Starline notes how this is more of a business partnership and how in return, he’ll delete Mimic from Eggman’s data base, so the former would be freed of his surveillance.
As for Rough and Tumble, the two protest at first, since Starline aided Eggman with the Metal Virus and turned them into Zombots, but they are convinced after Starline offers to build weapons for them. In the background, we can see Mimic rolling his eyes.
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As for Zavok, things get interesting. Since Starline attempted to enslave the Zeti, there isn’t really anything he can offer to convince Zavok to join him. Starline instead appeals to Zavok’s ego, telling him how he’ll be the leader, not Starline. The platypus calls himself a flunky, noting how he made the mistake following the wrong guy (he is right, but not for the reasons he thinks), praising Zavok for taking command and being an efficient leader.
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However, in reality, Starline hopes that he can get revenge on Zavok for the destruction of the Metal Virus by feeding into his ego, giving him everything he wants and then leading him to his own destruction once Starline himself gets what he needs.
Zavok, on the other hand, is well aware that Starline is plotting something, but decides to use him for his own plan to reunite with the other Zeti and end both Eggman and Starline.
They agree and shake on it.
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Unfortunately for them, the warden woke up and set off the alarm. Starline uses his heel spurs to knock him out with a neurotoxin and Zavok tells him to hurry up and release him so he can free Mimic.
Let the jail break begin! (And if you’re interested in another kind of jail break, I suggest you to read Scourge: Lock-Down from the Sonic Universe series).
After Zavok is freed, Starline goes to free Rough and Tumble, while Zavok releases Mimic. Mimic shape-shifts into the warden, unlocking the door, while Rough and Tumble throw the real warden into a cell. Warden!Mimic then tricks the guards into getting inside the room, where they get ambushed by Starline and Zavok. As Rough bickers with Starline over the use of the hypno glove (which cannot be used for crowd control), they get surrounded by more guards, which are proceeded to be taken out by Rough and Tumble.
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Zavok then uses his ability to take control of the Wispons and they proceed towards the control room, with Mimic scouting for stragglers and keeping the guards confused by shape-shifting into the warden.
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The moment the control room is secure, Starline takes over, planning to shut off the alarms, but Zavok has a better idea. He tells Starline to release all prisoners to send the whole facility into chaos.
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As everything basically goes to Hell, the guards occupied with the other prisoners, Starline, Zavok, Mimic, Rough and Tumble make their exit; Starline noting how it’s time to do some real damage.
Gotta say, these Bad Guys are quite efficient. Not as chaotic and brutal as Scourge and the Destructix, but very efficient and deadly. I like them and I’m looking forward to see more of their dynamic.
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#Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer (Masterlist)
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blueskyheadleft010 · 2 years
I’ve been workshopping this Warrior Cats: The Power of 3 Au in my head for quite sometime, but can’t quite refine it just yet.
It was wayyy back in the day when I created it.
The premise was building off the idea that the cats; Jayfeather, Lionblaze, Hollyleaf, and Dovewing are reincarnated gods that were struck down from their positions of power amongst the other gods and doomed to relive their lives as cats over and over again. (With the original idea being they belonged to humanoid gods, and were gonna be killed for trying to go against some natural order/rule in the realm, but some other gods (a god parent?) pleaded on their behalf to spare them and force them to repay their sins by living a life as a cat for each one.
The twist is that during their ‘sentence’ time, Jayfeather in one of his previous incarnations figured out they were all reincarnated and told the other 3, leading to Hollyleaf trying to break the spell by accessing her powers over absolute control of order, leading to her being punished even harder by their warden Rock and stripping all her memories and powers so she can never return to the god realm via that method again. (It was supposed to be a harsher punishment, but Rock pities her and takes a portion of the punishment, and therefore becomes anchored to the shadows and dream realms and cannot interact with his charges normally.)
Then I was gonna write something like Jayfeather starts having visions/memories of a time in one of his past lives where Hollyleaf tries to convince him to break the rules with her, and Jayfeather becomes upset because he realizes what the other gods will do to them if they try to escape their sentencing.
The other part was gonna have a plot where Ivypool is a sleeper agent, because the gods don’t trust the 4 without some form of supervison/control, so they plant a magic seed of envy inside Ivypool’s genetics and force her destiny to be born as a sister to Dovewing while also forcing Dovewing to be born later to keep the sibling bond with the others from fully developing or something like that.
Something, something, Jayfeather accidentally gains full access to all his past memories, and realizes he used to be a human god, and suddenly understands human language and figures out how to use his magic (discreetly) to see again in the living realm. Then he figures out how to unbind the others with the help of Dovewing (cuz her powers revolve around all of the senses, including magical) and this makes everyone remember everything, but by then Hollyleaf is presumed dead, and the trio + Ivypool who refuses to leave her sister alone due to the influence of the magic seed of envy, set out to find where Hollyleaf’s spirit might be and leave the clan (much to the confusion of everyone, especially since the prophecy states they help save the clan. But Dovewing manages to spin a tale about it being prophecy related, so everyone doesn’t question it).
Then my idea was that somewhere along the way, Lionblaze learns he can turn into whatever shape or form he wants, and uses this to speak with the humans, angering the gods because they don’t want them interfering with their plans, but it’s too late, and now it’s a mad game of chase as the 4 try remember why they were cast out of the god realm/unbind themselves from the reincarnation spell, and the gods trying to figure out where the heck a cat can possibly hide from a god.
Oh, and that the end of the mortal world will come before their sentencing time is up, therefore killing them since they’re technically mortal, and that’s exactly what some gods want to have happen to them.
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noodles-n-soba · 2 years
If you'd fall down in the deep darkness for eternity..
Scenario: You're an adeptus, around the same age as Xiao but just a little older. Based on the new archon Chasm quest (with Xiao, Yelan, Yanfei, Itto, Kuki, etc)
Warnings: Spoilers for the archon quest!!
Characters: Xiao, Adeptus!Reader
A/n: Hii! So the reader's actual Adeptus name is "Ficus", I just made that up with my Latin skills cuz it seemed somewhat nicer :) Please enjoy!
With knees against your chest, you looked at the crowd below you, all those people in such a small world. You couldn't believe that life seemed to circulate that easily without your help, well, without the help of the Adepti to be more specific.. It was your goal to still look put for the people, just in case.. But you weren't sure if that independent folk would appreciate you just randomly lending them a hand. '(Y/n). What are you doing.' You threw a glance over your shoulder, seeing Xiao standing behind you.
'Observing.' You replied as short as possible because that was literally the only thing you were currently doing.. Nothing more or less. 'Mind watching them a bit more in a couple days. I'll be gone to the Chasm.' This time you completely turned your upper body around, an element of surprise on your face. 'And why would that be, Xiao?' You asked him, he sighed and decided he'd sit next to you. Knowing that you'd possibly never turn on him, he figured that he could tell you his true motives.
'I've asked Rex Lapis for permission to go and find traces of the last Yaksha. There's been a rumor that they just disappeared back in the wartime, so it's not completely weird to think they're still alive.' He answered, you squinted and shook your head softly. 'And he agreed on this?' You sternly questioned, looking back to the lands of contracts harbor. 'He.. Did..' You looked up to the sun slowly heading to the horizon, the clouds forming weird shapes and birds flying over your heads. 'The moment the Chasm opened you've been absent for quite a bit. Have you already been there, Alatus?' You looked him dead in the eye, he didn't have the heart to lie to you.. And he somehow just couldn't whenever you stared holes into his damaged soul. 'I've walked past, nothing more. Never would I do something Rex Lapis wouldn't allow.' He said, more like an oath than your regular set of rules. 'I believe you, you shan't need to fret..' You replied with a kind smile, you still had those in your pocket. Your smiles, and Xiao.. He was just looking at your face with nothing more but a serious look on his face. 'So tell me, Ficus, aren't you going to hold me back?' He carefully tried, you shrugged your shoulders and grabbed your weapon firmly.
'There is no use in trying, for you are so hard-headed. I can try, and most of the time I win, but this is about one of your brothers or sisters.. You cannot be stopped.' You simply admitted, toying around with your dearest companion.. A (weapon of choice). Xiao growled and kept his silence, whatever he tried.. You wouldn't budge. His choices would have consequences, and you wouldn't be there to save him from those.. The one that would probably come in action was Rex Lapis himself... Thinking about it, he wouldn't let Xiao do something so dangerous if he didn't have a plan. 'The least I can tell you is to return safely. I.. We, need you.' You finally brought out and stood up, stretching out your body and fixing your clothes. 'You, you said?' He recited, you immediately furrowed your eyebrows and smiled irritated. '.. Don't start it, I'll throw you off this cliff immediately. Then you won't even take a damn step into the Chasm.' You brought out between gritted teeth, he shook his head slowly. 'You just told me you needed me. You're getting more and more confused these days, maybe it's time for you to retire.' You turned around to face him, crossing your arms and glared at him. 'I'm as old as you, don't bring up my age now would you?' You gave his forehead a soft flick, he closed his eyes firmly and backed off. 'Now, you better return back from that Chasm wouldya. And bring some good news with you..' You crouched down, moving his hair aside, kissing the spot that you had flicked before and walked away.
'Watch me, General Ficus...' You chuckled softly. 'I'll look forward to your message, General Alatus.'
'I-!' Being absolutely startled by the news you just heard half an hour ago, you headed towards the place where you guessed he would be. 'Hey! Xiao!' Almost tripping over a rock, you rushed towards him.. Wrapping your arms around the guy and gave him a tight hug before letting go and bonking his head. 'You.. Indecisive idiot! How could you even try to sacrifice yourself! If it wasn't for Morax.. You would've been dead meat!' There wasn't much time to lecture the guy, you were assigned to take care of him..
You found him at the temple of Pervases, which wasn't that surprising at all. Thinking about all he did, he was just standing there and watching the sunset. When he realized you were standing right behind him, he sighed and threw you a short glance. 'Ah, Rex Lapis.. So it was him. Not some unknown Adepti.. I should thank him, actually.' Xiao replied airily, you squinted and balled up your fists. 'Hey..?! Did you hear.. Ugh, never mind. What the hell did you think when you were sacrificing yourself. I know your head circulates all around doing heroic stuff, but it doesn't seem heroic to me that the people you know will be sad when they won't see you again!? Do you know how much those guys would blame themselves for your death!?' You pouted and crossed your arms, looking down at the floor.
'I heard you, but saving others is more important than saving my own life.' He answered, throwing you a glance over his shoulder. You blinked a few times, about to reply till he continued his sentence. 'But.. Indeed, it will somehow hurt me when I think about the fact that you, and everyone who sees me as a friend, family or something else, will suffer.' Being a little confused about his statement, you slowly but surely placed a hand on his shoulder while you thought. '... What did the traveler say to you..?' You asked with unbelievement, a bit unsettled by his sudden change of thoughts and motives. 'It was that bull, but.. Paimon and the Traveler told me a lot too.' He carefully wrapped a hand around your waist, pulling you close. 'Also, (y/n), I'm grateful to have you by my side. So, thank you for that.'
You couldn't help but be completely thrown off balance, this change of character was really not him.. This wasn't the regular Xiao that you were used to, but this change was something positive actually. You smiled, leaning your head against him and hugged him tightly. 'Now, you're being a little too.. Much. Tch.' He snarled quietly, looking off to the side to hide his starting blush. You chuckled, hugging him really tight for a second and letting go of him. He sighed deeply.
'Have you ever tried Almond Tofu, (Y/n)?'
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mythamongpeople · 2 years
Free! but truly free
I tried a little something with anime. Hope ya all enjoy!
It had been a year since they got married, and Makoto could not have been happier. Right after the graduation ended, he and Sousuke had ended their lengthy engagement and invited all of their friends to their private wedding. Life was great – calm, peaceful,... and the fire of passion still burnt ever bright after so long, like the first day they met. Sousuke was now a respected police officer and Makoto himself was a firefighter. However, busy their jobs were, they still loved swimming with all their heart, for this was what bonded all of them together, the very thing that craved him into who he was.
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         Speaking of which, Makoto got a call from Rin – who was now working alongside Sousuke in the police station, asking for a swimming race like old times. Sousuke, stuck in a case of a free-roaming criminal, told them to have some fun time and he would join them next time. Makoto on the other hand, sweaty and tired from his work, rushed to the local pool and just stripped off all of his protective gears, leaving only his swimming trunk. He was gonna go swimming, to begin with anyway so the timing could not be any better than this.
         “ Jacked, you have become Makoto! All those fire fighting and climbing and saving really do their parts in keeping you in shape.” A laughing voice rose from behind him. Makoto turned around to see Rin approaching him, his red hair pasted into his temple, and his body shone under the light, probably the result of his start-up earlier.
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         Makoto was about to open his mouth to greet his friend but stopped when Rin held up his hands. “ No need to for idle chit chat, save your strength for the later race, cuz you’re gonna need it,” Rin smirked. “ I had invited everyone but they are all busy. Fat-ass they are, especially that Haru. But that’s alright, two people can still make a race, I guess.”
         Ah, typical Rin. Makoto smiled with fondness, so ever-sarcastic and witty. “ Then shall we begin, Rin, or are you just all talk and no do?” he teased.
         “ That’s the spirit. Then let we race like our old time.”
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         And then they raced, round after round. With better physic, Makoto of course took the lead with ease, but Rin was not holding back either. It was not until he longer felt the wave beside him that Makoto rose back from the pool. Swiping his hair back, Makoto smiled victoriously: “ And here I thought you are gonn.....”
         He did not get the chance to finish his sentence, as his head got smacked badly and he soon fell into darkness.
         “Hey! How long are you going to sleep? Wake up!” the shadow shouted while snapping his fingers.
         Makoto jerked awake, his head a dizzy echo from the prior impact, his eyes half opened as he tried to make head and tail of who was currently in front of him.
         “Rin?” Makoto said, noticing the shining red hair in the dark. But something was wrong, as Rin was seemingly wearing... his swim trunk? Confused by the situation, he looked down and saw he still wore his own, which confused him even more.
         “ Oh my bad, I guess I should better show you what you have gotten yourself into”. Rin snickered from the dark and flipped the switch. And what appeared under the light now made Makoto drop his jaw in awe and disbelief. From Rin’s waist up was still Rin’s, but the below was all Makoto’s, from his trunks to the scar on his right feet. Around Rin’s naval hanging some kind of upper body? And with seem like a head Makoto’s hair color?
         “ Rin, I think I might need an explanation here or else I very much will go insane with what I am seeing right now!” demanded Makoto.
         “ You still cannot figure it out even to this point? What you are seeing right now cannot give you even the slightest idea? How can Sousuke love someone as dense as you?”. Rin’s voice filled with boredom, anger, and ... jealousy?
         “ Sousuke... You are in love with him, aren’t you?” Realization dawned on Makoto’s face. He had felt confused, anger but now all he felt was regret and pity. “Oh Rin, I wish I have kn...”
         “ I do not need your pity, Makoto. Especially if the receiving end will be from now on.” Rin said in a satisfied tone. “ And he will never know if I wear this.” With that said, Rin held up the dangling suit before him up and Makoto was in complete shock. Before him was him, but not fully him at the very least. It was Makoto’s face, only with hollowed eyes, and an agape hanging mouth, the outer skin suck in as if there was nothing in there.
         “ You see, swimming is not the only thing I brought back from my study time in Australia. With this suit in my hands, I shall win Sousuke’s love once again, as we should be from before you appeared before him and ruined everything.” Rin’s laugh echoed through the dark room.
         Fear, anger, and fury from betrayal filled him, and Makoto started shouting at Rin from the top of his lung, about how he had trusted him, how he believed they were always friends. Then a slap thundered through the room, followed by a tape to Makoto’s mouth, and Rin stood up, looking icy cold like never before.
         “Let’s tone that down a little, shall we?” a sinister smile formed on Rin’s face. “ And I have always thought you are quite a buffer, at least better than that Haru. But alas, you are so lacking in training. A waste to a potential athlete! Not to worry though. I will make sure to make good use of your body, or my body I should say.”
         And with that, Rin started to pull up the rest of the upper skin, from the huge body frame to the two defined arms. Then he used that newfound strength to push his head into place. As Rin’s head passed through the neck, and into the hollowed head above, it formed an ugly and most monstrous scene Makoto had ever seen in his life. Using his borrowed hands, Rin massaged his distorted feature into place, and when he looked up once again, there was no longer Rin in the room. There were now two Makoto here at the same time.
         “ Hi, my name is Makoto Tachibana. Delighted to meet you!” a smile that looked so alien appeared on “Makoto”’s face, a smile that signatured to Rin and Rin alone. “ It came with a voice changer as well, how does that sound, the other me?”
         Makoto tried his hardest to make some noises, but all that came out were angry muffles. His eyes widened as the other “Makoto” now came closer and sit on his lap, brushing his lips ever slightly to Makoto’s ears and whispering: “ It has already come to this point, then why don’t we have a little fun. Just think of it as masturbation if you feel guilty doing it with me, though it was never of my concern, to begin with.”
         Seeing such a lewd look on his own face, Makoto could not help as his members hardened visibly under the dim light. Rin then took out pulled down the swim trunk from both and pressed the dicks together. Then he slowly stroked both of them in one hand, the other hand holding Makoto close to him, as Rin placed kisses all over Makoto’s neck, all the while leaving behind some hickeys. As the pace fastened, Rin’s breath became shorter and more desperate, and Makoto could only whimper from all of the sensations. After a short while, Rin reached his peak, as he bit down to Makoto’s sensitive spot. Makoto could not help but come together, as waves after waves of pleasure hit him like a truck.
         After coming down from high, Rin stood up from the spot, cleaned himself from the sticky substant from his own lap with a towel, and looked at the clock. “My, My.. Makoto should be home very soon. I must be back or else he will get worried.” Rin said while gathering Makoto’s protective gear on the ground. He turned his back and left for the door, hand on the switch.
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         “ Don’t worry Makoto, I will be back with food by tomorrow. And don’t bother to scream, as this pool will not be in open season till the next few months. “ And with that, “Makoto” turned off the light, and closed the door behind him. As the last ray of light disappeared, so the same way the last string of hope that this was just a cruel joke, disappeared from Makoto’s eyes.
         It was quite late at night, and Sousuke returned to his dear home after a long day at work. It was quite exhausting to say the very least and what he craved more than most right now were a nice hot shower and a nice meal. After some much-needed thought, he decided that a bath would suit him better, and just when he was just about to open the bathroom door, it flung open. Makoto walked out of the hot shower while wearing his clothes, surprise painted his face.
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         “ Oh welcome home Sousuke. I was not expecting you to be so late”.
         “ Work has been hard lately, we still haven’t gotten many clues regarding the criminal whereabout, and it was said he was extremely dangerous. Though I am not given much info about how.” Sousuke sighed in exhaustion, and came from behind and hugged him. Feeling the warm embrace of his love, Sousuke turned around and planted a light kiss on Makoto’s cheek. “ I am just worried about the safety of the citizens when dangers are still out there, and yet here I am, allowing myself to relax.”
         “ You and I, we both do the kind of jobs that risks peril every single day. We cannot destroy all the evils in this world, for we are all human in the very end. We are not perfect and you are not perfect either. You are not superman and you do need rest. And while we are at that topic...”
         On that cue, Makoto  rubbed his semi-hard cock against Sousuke’s thighs, and whispered: “I happened to know many methods as to ease your mind.”
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         Having been away for so long and very much pent up at this point, Sousuke’s control snapped, as he hungrily pushed Makoto into the nearby wall for a deep and hungry kiss. Not breaking from the kiss they were having, Sousuke carried Makoto to their bedroom, where they continued with their love-making session. Then one after another, every piece of clothing soon slipped off as the two fine bodies bare naked against each other. Not bothering with getting a condom, just with a little gel and Sousuke already went inside Makoto in a big grunt. The heat plus the musky sweat from Sousuke’s body only fuelled their sexual desire burning in all of its glory. Body slapped against the body, sliding with each other in a symphony of kiss and bite, of suck and of love, this Makoto had never felt something quite like this before in his life.
         When the peak was near, Sousuke wanted to draw out of Sousuke’s body but was held close by a pair of legs, wrapping around his waist. Sousuke opened his eyes to see Makoto’s pleading eyes, craving for his seeds and the desire to truly become one with him. No longer feeling his own body, Sousuke pounded into Makoto’s hole like there was no tomorrow and soon after, they came in unison, until the white semen started to drip out of Makoto like milk. Exhaustion hit after the blissful moment, Sousuke rolled to his side and hugged Makoto from behind, planted light kisses on the nape of his neck, and fell asleep.
         The following morning, Sousuke woke up to the sun hitting his face. He looked to his side and notice Makoto had long gone and someone was in the shower. Thinking of a morning shower together, Sousuke woke up from the bed and opened the bathroom door abruptly. Seeing the shadow behind the curtain, he planned to walk up and hugged Makoto from behind but stopped dead in his track when stepping on something. He looked down and see a skin-like suit lying on the ground looking exactly like Makoto. Realization hit him and Sousuke stomped to the curtain and yanked it open to see Rin was the one in the shower. Taken by surprise, Rin could only muster a few words out before his furious face of Sousuke.
         “ I could explain everything if you just listened to me,” Rin begged
         “ And you better be. Cuz if you were not my best friend, I would have punched your teeth out by now.” Void of any emotions, Sousuke eyed Rin like it took all of what he had to not do exactly what he just told at that moment.
         And explain Rin did, as he told Sousuke about everything that he had done. He took Sousuke to the place the real Makoto was being held prisoner, who had already fainted from fatigue and hunger at that point. But Rin was long gone from the scene.
         For the next few days after Sousuke stayed at home and took care of Makoto, he returned to work only with a notice from the higher-up that Rin had resigned from work, and he left a letter for Sousuke. In the letter, Rin asked both of his friends for forgiveness, and that he would go to Australia again to be with his family, and hopefully after this had ended, they could finally see him as a friend once again.
         Sousuke could not do much except for staring blankly at that paper, his heart filled with regret and loss, for today he had lost his best friend, and it was as if a part of him also was also gone with Rin to the land far away from Japan.
         Rin was walking to his private apartment, or to be more precise, private to “him”. Rin walked in and closed the door behind him, and turned on the light. The room lighted up and on the wall, rows after rows of pictures of Sousuke hung and pinned, from those in his daily life to the one detailing each of his body parts. In the middle of the room was a tube filled with a blue liquid, floated a skin of Sousuke, hollowed and ready to be worn.
         Rin walked up to the sofa and fell back onto it with a thud, throwing on the table a small back with white milky substant on it. Then Rin reached to his nape and find a thin trace of the line. And he pulled.
         Rin’s sharp face fell apart as his feature distorted, and another could be seen below the layer of skin moving down from the empty head down the throat. The muscular hands also pulled back, leaving the previously defined hands now looking like a pair of long gloves. All of this fell toward his lap and revealed behind a fat man in his 40s, sweat forming all over his body.
         Then another man came into the room, this man was somewhere in his 50s, lankier and his face carried a more devious ambition. He spoke with a loud and rash voice.
         “ How is the plan going? I do hope that you do not disappoint me.”
         “ No, sir!” The man on the sofa stood up, his upper body was a huge image of obesity, a day and night contrast to his borrowed lower half and the skin hanging on his waist. “ I have collected his semen sample as you requested. With this, we will have access to the true nature of identity, as well as the path the create the perfect body fluid for your skin, sir.”
         “ Very good! With this, I can truly infiltrate the police of Japan and work my way of corruption through their system. And I will also have a fine face, body, and voice to wear! Not to mention a himbo – Makoto you said – waiting for me and fulfilling my every need!” he laughed maniacally, thinking about the new future he is about the possess. “ It was a shame though, that we only had one dose of skinsuit formula, and we had to use it on this lad Rin right here. The dumb boy sniffed out our hideout too soon, but it all worked out in the end I guess. Now tell me, does it feel good to be Rin?”
         “ So good sir! I have never felt this fit and young in my entire life. And his memory also served as a good tool to our plan sir.” The fat man replied.
         “ Well done.. Now for your price, I will let you keep this skin for yourself. And I will also give you a little prize for you. Now where the suit up, but save for the head.”
         The fat man pulled up the toned body as instructed, and when he finished, he looked up to see the tall man had already pulled out a mask version of Sousuke, probably failed copy, but he still could tell the difference. The tall man then pulled the mask over his head and pressed the mask into the right place, turned his head left and right, cracked his neck, and after a while, there was the handsome Sousuke face on an old and lanky man’s body.
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         “ How do I sound?”
         “ Just like him, sir!”
         “ Good... well then now, I want you to enjoy what comes next but do not make a sound, or else I will cut off your tongue!” The tall man ordered, in a deep voice Sousuke. He then pulled the other man’s stolen cock out and begin to stroke, all the while taunting the fat man with his deep and sexy voice.
         “ How does it feel Rin?”
         “ I love you, Rin.”
         “ You made me cheat on my love, how naughty of you!”
         The fat man tried his hardest to not make a sound but he was so close to the edge. Noticing this, the other man pulled Rin’s facial skin over the other man’s skull and whispered:
         “ Now, scream my name – Sousuke”.
         And he moaned as he told, as rope and rope of white cum poured out like a fountain of youth. After he was done, the two shared a kiss, and the taller man peeled off the Sousuke’s face, while the other man could only sinked back to the sofa, hot and breathless from the wonderful experience earlier.
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         “ Soon, there will only be one Sousuke and that would be me. Enjoy your time, Sousuke, you will pay for what you had once done to me and your love will also pay for it!”. Then he laughed, laugh like an omen of a dark age shall soon fall over Iwatobi.
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Life Is Strange
Chapter 5 - The Half Given Truth
(Steven Grant x powered (f)reader)
Summary: With your life and Steven's for that matter tested for the first time as a pair, you have to save him with a little extra help that turns your pleasant night even more sour. Can you figure out why all the monsters in London are after Steven before something worse comes?
Warning: blood, fighting a monster, angsty-sh, Steven being very confused
Word count: 8254
Masterlist - Life Is Strange masterlist here
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"A werewhot?" Snaps Steven as he tightly squeezes your wrist, staring at you like you've just told him to fuck off and eat a rotten cupcake.
"A werewolf." You clarify as the silver pale eyes of the wolfman blink from its place hidden under the shadow of the small tree to its immediate right. It bares its fangs through a snout shaped like that of a wolf's with pearly white teeth lined like daggers in its maw. The beast snorts, white puffs of air omit from its nostrils as it takes a step forward, one humanoid hand of black fur and dark leathery skin protrude in the lamp light above.
Steven gasps, pulling your wrist so your whole body is forced behind the brave idiot that he is, "Steven what are you doing?" You question as he stands on guard, he's shaking like a damn leaf but stands between you and the werewolf anyhow.
"I'm protectin' the woman I love." He proclaims in the bravest voice you've ever heard come out of him. Your mouth falls agape as you stare at him from behind, did he just tell you he loved you? No, no, did he just openly admit that he loves you? You blink back surprise, he did, he absolutely did.
"Steven that piece of dog shit isn't worth it."
He glances at you from over his shoulder, "Like damn it isn't. I love you Y/N and I'm not lettin' anythin' happen to you no matter how terrified I am right now!" He shouts, "I don't even believe in werewolves!"
Dark, wolfish laughter can be heard coming from the beast a few paces in front of you both, it lets itself into the light where Steven is able to see it all for the first time. This werewolf is thin and toned with leathery dark skin and thick black fur all about its vessel, head like a wolf's with the snout just slightly too small. It has no tail, two long human-like arms with sharp obsidian black claws to each hand, and pale silver eyes that glow like crystals in the moonlight.
There are no remnants of clothing but any parts indicating this was a man remain hidden by thick fur, his legs are shaped with a curve like that of a dog's and behind his ravenous gaze can you just barely see the man underneath. A man who is trapped and cannot get out, a man who will forget all he has done in the morning when the moon falls under the crest of the world and the sun rises.
Whether he is alive at dawn will depend on how the next couple minutes may play out.
His charcoal lips curl into a wicked grin, "A stupid soul, a fool you are." He chuckles grimly with his gravely voice that sounds as though he struggles to breath, "You have what my master wants idiot creature of weak bone and blood. Give me what I seek you naive child."
Steven swallows his fear, "You can't, you-you can't have her." He says, voice shaking in fear.
The werewolf slowly blinks like a tired old dog forced into one too many dog fights, he snorts in amusement, "I speak of you, you bastard man, weak man with thudding heart like frightened mouse." He laughs with teeth and wet tongue, "Give me who I seek, you are not him."
"Whot? Who'r you talkin' about? No, whot am I doin' I'm talkin' to a damn werewolf!" Yells Steven in disbelief.
The werewolf growls, lunging forward before taking a step back and laughing at how Steven jumped back in fright, "Ha! You are even more pathetic then I was told about, but I will get nowhere with you impish man. Show me the one whom I seek and I will not kill.."
Shoving Steven behind you with him attempting to protest does your gaze send the manbeast a deadly glare, "I'll give you one chance to keep your life. If you do not comply then I have no choice but to paint these leaves in your blood." Steven gives you a rather impressed look though you don't see it.
The werewolf's pale crystal eyes study your body, your calm breaths, defensive position, and your diligently stoic gaze that only a true warrior could possess. His leathery lips curl into a sneer, "No human would dare speak to me with such a fearless tongue...yet, you look like a human. But you don't smell like one." Steven's brows furrow as the gravely voice continues, "I do not recognize your aroma....interesting. My master said this wouldn't be so easy after all."
The wet dog smell hits your nostrils and you have to force yourself not to make a face, "It doesn't matter what I am or not. You cannot have him and you cannot stay. So if you want to keep terrorizing this city, leave."
The werewolf smiles a wicked grin, still amused by your valor, "But you know me too well now, and just by being in your mere presence I know all I need to about you." He takes a step forward, "Coy woman who is false in her true nature stands here like a mortal against her brethren, you would not keep one like me from my task now would you?"
"We are not the same." You seethe.
He tisks with a click of his tongue, "No, we are not. But I smell what you are, and you are not human so easily cut to bone from my hands. But you can bleed still, so you can die after all."
"Easy." You warn with darkening eyes.
"Keep your weak threats away from me, I will not fail my master." Pale silver eyes land upon Steven, "He is mine to take, stupid woman, and I will have who he hides from me!" Shouts the werewolf as it rises to stand upon its hind legs, the full height stretching far greater then you or Steven are tall. Like a bear, body thick and strong with claws sharp as blades from a dagger.
You take a step back, forcing Steven to back up as well, he glances from the towering wolfman to you staring up at it, "Whot the bloody hell we gonna do about that!" He shouts as the beast drags a claw across the pavement while it smiles a nasty grin. Relishing in the fear it causes.
"I'm going to kill it, obviously."
"You're gonna..." He trails off, sending you a deeply uncertain look, "Y/N?"
You pat his shoulder, eyes still set to the slowly approaching werewolf, "I told you I boxed right?"
"That was a lie."
"It was?" He questions as you continue to back up with him, "God Y/N whot else you lyin' about?"
"A lot of other things, so if you want to hear about who I really am. I'm gonna need you to not freak out."
Steven sends you an exasperated look, "Not freak out! There's a bloody werewolf right there Y/N! How are I supposed to not freak out!"
"Because of this..." Your Khopesh materializes in your tight grasp right before Steven's very eyes that immediately widen in astonishment. He falls at a loss for words when your Egyptian blade shines like gold in the light of the lamppost, for a moment he almost forgot about the werewolf slowly stalking towards the two of you.
His attention is forced back onto him when the beast lunges with a mighty leap, teeth bare and hands outstretched with dark claws that miss Steven's head by mere inches when you pull him out of the way. All he hears is a pained howling as red droplets of blood splatter onto the cement of the sidewalk a few feet away from the two of you.
You swing your Khopesh in the air, its curved edge coated in slick blood that glistens in the light of the lamppost, "The next one will kill you. Leave!" You furiously shout as the wounded manbeast sneers, holding its injured arm to its chest.
"Give me the Moon Knight!" He violently growls, anger flaring his nostrils as he limps forward, "I will have him and you will rot like a poisoned tree, the world will sleep over your corpse and you will be nothing."
"Pleasant image." You quip, readying your Khopesh as he snorts with a heavy breath in the cool night air. The werewolf presses the pad of its hand to the ground as it chooses to stalk forward.
"You will fall tonight, I will feed on your flesh and never die. I will claim the stupid man once your breath is gone from your lungs and your voice is lost." Rasps the werewolf, limping closer, "Your blood will be sweet and your heart will give me power I have never known. Come to me my warrior, come meet your death." He taunts as his blood patters to the ground.
"You first." The werewolf cackles with wicked laughter as it throws itself at you, you're lucky to just barely miss your face being torn off when you dodge to the side. The wolfman crashes into a parked car, denting it's side and giving it a couple deep claw marks. Steven hides behind a different car off to the side as the werewolf licks it's healed wound.
You had forgotten their kind heals from all wounds not given from silver, and something silver is not what you have right now.
Steven watches as the hulking beast presses a freak of a hand against the windows cracked glass, a grim sharp smile pulls its lips upward. Steven lowers himself behind the car even more so he can peak over the hull of the front as the werewolf suddenly rushes forward. He slaps a hand over his mouth as you battle the wolfman with your Egyptian weaponry.
It snaps and bites and claws at you, jumping from one side to the other as it stealthily avoids a slice from the Khopesh. As a short time passes has the werewolf lured you out of the light from the lamppost and into the shadowed darkness between where their light shows. Too busy with holding it back from taking a brave swipe at your face or feet to have noticed this.
You're suddenly caught off guard when it jumps to the left then right before jumping at you full force. The damn thing is much quicker then the average dog and is able to knock you down to the cement. Back pressed to the hard ground do you struggle to keep your Khopesh between yourself and the teeth of the werewolf above. It's hands curl around the golden blade that you hold tightly, ugly grotesque hands.
A slick wet tongue licks over your cheek to taste you and it's hot breath fans over your face, "Women with talent and valor, what are your last words you choose to speak this night?" Rasps the werewolf with heavy breaths that smell of rotten flesh.
You grimace and stare up at the full moon, contemplating whether summoning your armor right now is still a good idea. Steven's seen enough tonight, what's one more thing? While you're alone with your thoughts and a fucking blood hungry werewolf looming over your body in anticipation of your answer.
Steven on the other hand is asked from a disembodied voice a question that startles him, "Well are you just going to watch?" Speaks a deep ancient voice that sounds as though it was spoken from behind him but in his head all at the same time.
Steven jumps, whipping around to face flowing white robes that lead up to the skeletal face of a giant bird-man creature something. Hollow eyes and a staff in its right hand with a crescent moon on the top. Steven yelps and jumps into the side of the car as the bird-man tilts his head at him expectantly. "Well?" It says in question.
Steven dodges to the side when the bird-man takes a step forward, he falls back onto the pavement, seemingly tripping on nothing but his own two feet. He quickly scrambles to get up before booking it down the side street past street lamps and closed businesses. He runs madly in fear until he's made it to the Main Street full of lights and people and traffic on the busy road. He dares a glance back only to meet the hollowed eyes yet again staring down at him.
Steven yelps in fright and takes a right down the sidewalk, he dodges past people walking out on the town. Trying not to run into anyone or anything as he hustles his way through this part of London.
"He really is a coward." Says the deep voice in his head.
"Whot?! Who are you?!" He shouts frantically, looking this way and that to no avail, people give him weird looks and judgmental faces. He keeps running. ——
Drool drips onto your cheek as the wolfman omits a gravely growl from deep within its throat. Your back is still pressed to the hard cement while your muscles strain to hold the handle of the Khopesh. A curved blade that keeps you from the jaws of the werewolf looming above you.
"Get...off." You seethe through clenched teeth, trying to move your legs that are being held in place by the weight above you.
It's hot breath fans against your face, "You have given me no choice. I want the man and you are in my way."
You glance over to the car where Steven was previously hiding behind, you can't see him from the space under the car. Your heart drops at this realization, where the hell did he go? Then another idea pops into your head, your eyes return to the glowing pale silver of the werewolf, "What man?"
It smiles, looking up to find Steven, "The man who..." When his eyes find nothing and no one on the side street does he lean his wolffish head away from you to survey the area for any sign of Steven's whereabouts. His paw-like hands still holding down your blade.
You take this opportunity to close your eyes and concentrate, the wind suddenly picks up, blowing the trees about and the thick fur of the werewolf. It grows with confusion when some fallen leaves flutter past with the increase of the wind. The manbeast shakes it's head, snapping it's attention back down to you.
Your eyes burst open and a fearsome gust of heavy wind knocks the werewolf off of you and tumbling across the pavement like a tossed rag doll. It kicks and snaps at the invisible force as you quickly rise into a standing position. When the wind subsides can the beast catch its footing once again, claws digging into the cement to keep it from rolling across the ground any more.
It's vision is blurred and fuzzy as it blinks hard a few times to regain what bearings it can. When the pale glowing eyes return to focus once more is there a golden tip of a sharp blade held to its face. It bears its fangs and moves to swing an arm when the blade makes contact with its dark hairy forearm. Blood stains the ground in a spray of deep red as the sounds of a choked growl of pain reaches the night air.
Then your foot makes hard contact with its snout and the pain reaches tenfold, the werewolf wines and curses, eyes watering as it cowers back. Another kick lands to the side of its temple, sending the large wolfman to the ground, more blood spraying across the cement like fountain water from the stump of its missing arm.
You press a heavy foot to its shoulder and force it upon its broad back as it writhes and groans like the wounded animal that it is. You hold the tip of your blooded blade to its throat, "Why do you want him? Who sent you!" You shout angrily as it moans in pain.
You press your foot into its shoulder which causes it to cry out in a throaty bark. You glare down at it with an intensive hate, "I won't fucking ask again!"
Pale eyes of glowing silver lock onto yours, it sucks in a deep breath and laughs until you press the sharp tip of the Khopesh into its flesh. It's tongue falls out of its mouth as it groans in pain, "Enough!" It howls in pain, "Enough woman!"
"Who sent you?!"
"The one....the one who loves to hate and hates to love." It rasps with sick laughter, "Stupid woman! He's already dead!" What the fuck does that mean?
Your blade draws blood, "Stop it! Tell me who sent you! Tell me who sent all those fucking jackals!"
It's leathery lips curl into a wicked smile, "Ha! You like my gifts? They were for you from the one I serve."
The werewolf sneers, "Insufferable wo..."
"Tell me!"
It looks up at you with such hatred yet the fury in your eyes makes it think twice, "Because.." It coughs, "...because you are in his way of what he seeks. And so you must die first."
Puzzled and growing with rage can you not help but stick the tip of the Khopesh deeper into the werewolf's neck, "I will kill you if you don't fucking tell me what's happening! Who sent you?!"
"Ha! She wants to know!" It taunts in spite of the pain you're subjecting it to.
"Fine, a compromise then. I can save you if you tell me." You reason at last, trying to sound convincing, "I can heal this if you want." It's sickly smile falters as you continue, "Tell me who sent you and I'll let you live, I promise on the life of...of myself."
It's pale gaze flickers from its bleeding arm to your strangely honest face, "She smells of truth." It grumbles miserably, its senses dulling from the blood loss, "You promise this to me?"
"Yes." You pull your Khopesh away from its neck which lets the flesh wound heal again.
Still studying you with uncertainty, the werewolf answers, "The champion himself wants to find his promised prize that only Marc Spector knows where it is kept. So he sends his best to find him and bring him back alive, but you are in his way. Stupid woman."
You give him a hard look, "Who is he?"
"He....is the champion of the dark one, the one of chaos and disorder." Oh no, very very bad.
"Set." You whisper in realization, "He's the god Set's champion." The werewolf chuckles wretchedly when suddenly your blade presses into its neck once more, "Tell me exactly why this man is after Ste...Marc Spector." You harshly ask.
"I did! Now heal me." It whines.
"Not until I know all I need to know."
It growls, bearing its fangs until the tip of the Khopesh causes it to gasp and snarl in pain, "Fine, fine!" Snaps the wolfman, "There is a hidden object promised to my master by his lord Set, a gift for his years of servitude and chaos. But the location is lost, obscured, taken by the one you protect. The idiot man coward!"
And just like that it all comes together as clear as rain. So you need Marc to find this stolen object and figure out who the hell Set's champion is, and once you know who he is. Then you can track him down, kill him, and live with Steven free from all this bullshit. Right? Right. Easy enough.
"You swear this is the truth?"
The werewolf nods its wolffish head, "Now heal me!"
You pull your Khopesh from its neck, "No fuck you!" Your golden blade swings in the cool night air as silent as an arrow in flight, it slices through the thick hairy neck of the werewolf in one clean motion. The beast had not a second to react as the blood coated Khopesh severs the muscle, bone, and arteries like they were nothing.
Blood sprays like a red fountain all over the cement and side of a car parked too close to the grisly scene. You take a step back as the sounds of gurgling and flowing liquid sound in the night. You take another step away when the pool of blood seeps out ready to touch your shoes, the werewolf smells even worse then before.
"Why's he not a man again?" Says a small voice that causes you to jump back, Khopesh raised. You see no one but a single crow perched on a small black fence near the door of a closed pub. It tilts its head at you expectantly.
You lower your weapon and sigh, "Just how the curse works. He'll look like a man tomorrow when the sun rises, and then this will look like a real murder scene."
"You plan on leaving him?"
Your gaze returns to the decapitated werewolf, "No, guess I shouldn't." ——
Steven breaths heavily, legs carrying him swiftly across the cross walk as he heads for his apartment building on the opposite side of the street. He's been through a hectic fifteen minutes and has just about shat himself more then once. With the voice yelling at him in his head, that skeletal bird-man guy who sounded awful close to being in his head, and you who he left to fight off a damn werewolf.
Steven's starting to question his reality.
Is he actually dreaming right now and this is all a made up weird fantasy in his sleepy mind? Are you actually going to be sleeping right next to him in the morning? Tell him none of that was real, and this whole time you've just been too shy to talk about yourself after all?
A man's shoulder bumps into his, "Watch it bruv." Snaps the man, giving Steven the evil eye as he walks across the cross walk to the opposite side of where Steven is still headed.
Steven shakes his head and feels nothing different, he's still here, he's awake, and he needs to get inside. The steps to his flat never felt so short as he practically bounds up them like some Greek Olympian. He quickly unlocks his door, locks it again, and steps back into his room, holding his hands close to him like some nervous child.
He whips around and approaches his fish tank, "Gus! Okay you're here." He starts looking all around his room until he stands in the middle of it once more, "Okay Stevie you're okay, it's alright, you're here now nothin' to worry about. Just you and.." He trails off, heart sinking in his chest as he realizes something, "Y/N!"
His eyes widen, heartbeat increasing as he starts to pace the room back and forth in a mounting nervous wreck. He completely forgot about you, well he sort of remembered but it was a passing thought mounted to the many other thoughts he had racking his brain on the way here. But you! He left you to fight off a werewolf by yourself! All alone!
And last he saw you where struggling on the ground with the thing snapping it's teeth in your face. And he left you! Steven jumps when an apartment door slams shut from outside his flat, with a hand over his heart he freezes in place. The footsteps walk away and he relaxes, only slightly. His nerves soon spark again, he feels overwhelmingly paranoid and on edge.
"Uh....hello?" He asks the voice that spoke to him earlier, the one that came from the skeleton bird-man who now since he thinks about it, that humanoid figure looked a lot like the Egyptian moon god, Khonshu. Strange, very strange.
After a minute or so, nothing.
Steven fiddles with his fingers as he contemplates what to do next. He has no idea if you're even alive, but when you started talking to the werewolf and a Khopesh just appeared in your hand from literally nowhere. Steven had never felt more relieved, impressed, and incredibly confused. Who the hell is his girlfriend?
Steven anxiously bites his lip, why'd he leave like that? Why'd he leave you and run, you were right, he does just book it and go when things get too scary to deal with. But he promised he wouldn't. And he couldn't even keep that. But was it really his fault for fleeing when a monster he'd thought to never exist was right there trying to kill him? And then Y/N, you, just became even more of a badass then he previously thought you to be.
Sensing things he couldn't. Standing up to a literal monster like this was just another Tuesday. Pulling out weapons from nowhere and fighting a werewolf right before his very eyes. Then that voice, that bird-man in his flowing white robes who spoke to him to help fight off the werewolf. Steven thought he'd shit himself but no, instead he fled the scene and was promptly chased after by the bird-man again.
The maybe Egyptian god, Khonshu, who felt like he was inside his head. Like he was right there with him, Steven could feel his presence even after he stopped bothering him as he ran home. And although he's alone with his goldfish at the moment, it's almost as though he can feel something it's quite right. Like he's being watched.
What's even happening anymore?
Suddenly there's a light knock at the window, tap tap tap against the glass hidden by a curtain. Steven yelps, whipping around to face the terrifying mystery behind the fabric and the glass. His hands shake as he forces himself to take a step closer, the knocking happens again and he flinches, "Oh my days whot is happenin' anymore?" He whispers to himself, taking another step closer, "Whot the bloody hell am I doin?" He whispers to himself.
Steven, though greatly full of fear, reasons with himself as he gets closer to the window. A werewolf wouldn't knock before entering, and how would a werewolf even know which apartment window led to his flat? It could just be a confused bird....maybe?
He can hear ragged breathing on the other end as he gingerly shuffles closer, another faint tapping, and then, "Steven." Urges your whispered voice, "Please tell me you're in there." You ask, voice weak and desperate.
His eyes widen, you're alive! Steven hustles across his flat and pulls back the curtains to find you sitting next to the window. Your face spotted in blood and the side of your hair matted to your temple. You look exhausted and ready to punch something or maybe someone if they even looked at you wrong. A wave of uncertainty sparks throughout Steven as he goes to unlatch the locked window. Are you mad at him for abandoning you like that?
As soon as the window unlocks does your blood coated palm press against the glass and lift up, the normally heavy window slides upwards with ease. Your hand falls away, leaving a red hand print in the aftermath. Then your crouched body slips into the room, Steven takes a step back to let you get from the desk to the floor from where he was just stood. He takes you in now with significantly better lighting as you rest a hand upon the back of the desk chair.
Your clothing is dirty and blood stained, cut and ripped where your shoulders are and in some other places too. Your hands are stained red with blood like you had too much fun with the Halloween face paint. And with you leaning on the back of the chair, breathing heavy and ragged, Steven knows something isn't right. He fiddles with his hands, standing there like some nervous boy at a primary school dance not sure how to approach his crush.
"Y/N, love." He timidly says as he studies your tired vessel and the ripped clothing, "You alright?" He purses his lips together, what a stupid question, he thinks, annoyed with himself for that one.
You sigh, gaze turning up to reach his, now you look more dreary then irritated, "Yeah, yeah I'm alright." You mutter faintly, closing your eyes and hanging your head to gather some strength back, he glances down to notice droplets of blood finding themselves onto his hardwood floor.
His dark eyes return to you with a deep concern, "You're bleedin' Y/N." He says softly, expression filled with disdain.
"I know."
"Well...uh...where? How bad is it?" He worries, wanting so desperately to help you though he doesn't know how. You don't look like you're too bothered or in heavy amounts of pain, you just look really tired.
You let out a slow breath before turning your head up to see him again, your heart hurts for him, he looks so confused and worried. You can tell he's got so many questions and wants to do something to make you feel better all at the same time. It's a look you've witnessed before a long time ago, for the same reasons but with different circumstances.
You remove your hand from the stability of the chair and stand a little straighter as your wounds begin to hurt less. Now since you've relaxed more and have a chance to properly heal, you don't feel as shitty as you did at the window.
You study Steven's face, yours quickly softens, "I'll be fine, I heal a lot faster then most." You try to reassure him.
His brows knit together in puzzlement, "Whot you mean by tha...." He trails off, pursing his lips together as he thinks of what he really wants to say next. At last he takes a deep breath and speaks, "Y/N.....I honestly think you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. And I mean this, I love you. I really really love you. And I know I'm not goin' mad, cause you're here and there's blood and your clothes are ripped."
Steven takes a second to breath, "But Y/N. I just saw you fight a bloody werewolf on the street. Please love..." He takes a slow step forward, "...please tell me what's happenin' anymore I feel like I'm losing my marbles, please tell me.....who....who are you? Truly?"
Your lip quirks into a soft half-grin as you look into his dark eyes, "Let's sit first, okay?" You nod for him to follow, he does.
He takes a seat at the table, silently watching as you remove your blood stained jacket before thoroughly washing away your hands in the sink until the water flows from red to clear. Then you fill a glass of water and take the seat next to his, positioning it so you can face him and lean your elbow on the tabletop at the same time.
Taking a sip of water, you feel impeccably better as you set it onto the table. You bite your bottom lip and let your gaze focus onto Steven's anxious one. "What do you think?" You quietly ask, "What do you think I am?"
Steven thinks hard a moment, eyes darting away from yours as he racks his brain for an answer that could make sense. His gaze falls onto a book on Egyptian mythology at his right, a book among the many others all different but having to do with the same place. His brows furrow deeper, "Well, you're certainly not a secret agent." He mutters, studying over your face.
"No." You softly chuckle, "Definitely not that."
Steven gifts you a small smile, attention focused back to you as he leans into the side of the table, "Are you...." He pauses a long moment, letting himself lean in a little closer to you, "......are you a wizard?"
You bite your lip to keep yourself from laughing, instead you reach a hand out to rest upon his, "No....I'm, I'm something else."
He glances from your touching hands to your face, "Whot are you then? Are you even human?" He wonders, starting to frown.
"Yes and no."
Steven raises a brow, "Yes and no?"
You gift him an apprehensive smile, "It's complicated, Steven."
"How complicated is complicated?"
Your gaze falls to your hands, "You know how this world has a lot of weird stuff in it?"
"Well....yeah." He thinks back to the werewolf, "Guess so huh?"
"Right. Steven, there's things so much greater then we can ever understand that work themselves into our worlds. And sometimes these great things interfere within our lives in ways we never thought possible." You pause a moment as he thinks hard, your eyes return to his, "You've witnessed a glimpse of my world tonight, and it's dangerous and terrifying, but it's also amazing."
"Yeah, amazin'...right..." Mutters Steven, thinking back to the encounter earlier without much fondness for the new memory, "...but how...how could it be," He purses his lips together as he shakes his head, "This is mad as a hatter, Y/N I think I've gone just as mad as you and I mean that in the nicest way possible, love." Oh here we go.
He frowns, "Y/N I saw'r a bird-man creature thing with a walkin' stick! It talked to me! It looked like.."
He falls silent, mouth agape as he stares at you, surprised, "Uh....how...."
"Egyptian god of the moon. He's..." You pause a moment as the god himself stands in the corner of the room. You've felt his presence ever since you arrived only minutes ago.
"Y/N, careful with your next words." He says, staring you down with those big hollow eye sockets, "He doesn't know of Marc." Warns Khonshu, so the big skeleton bird-man has decided to talk to you at last. You knew he was watching this whole time, idiot must have been too apprehensive to speak with you until now.
"....Steven, this is going to sound like the craziest shit you've ever heard okay? So just, hear me out and trust me alright? Please?"
He glances from your hands to you, clear uncertainty flashing through his eyes, "Yeah alright, I've already met a werewolf tonight and supposedly an Egyptian god who spoke to me when I was running away...bloody nights been so off the rocker I forgot to even tell you. Can't get any weirder." He mutters as you give him a pursed lipped grin. Oh Steven you have no idea.
"Steven, I know how much you love Egypt and the pyramids and all the ancient history from the pharaohs to the mythology of the gods. But I need you to have an open mind about this, these 'gods' are not just made up for the hell of it. They're real as you or me, they live in a realm all their own and keep their earthly home in Egypt. The place where they have been loved for thousands of years. Worshipped, praised, and celebrated."
Steven gives a slow nod, "Uh huh."
"They are real deities, Steven. Not fake beings who were simply made up just because the Egyptian's thought the concept of them was cool or anything." You explain, "Osiris, Anubis, Isis, Horus, Amun, Thoth, all of them. They're all real and they exist in this world right now in everyday people who are called their avatars. Both co-exist with one another and their avatar is given supernatural power because of that."
Steven says nothing but nods, unsure if you're messing with him or not. At this point his brain feels like it may explode, the more you're saying the more he's starting to believe he's either asleep or having a psychotic break.
You continue, looking as serious as ever, "Then there are others who are given another life by the Egyptian deities, these people are half as they were in life and half god, sort of like the Greeks concept of a demigod. This is possible because well, because the god gives a piece of their soul to the dying person that they choose. When they do this, it turns their chosen person into a demigod in the simplest way I can explain."
"O-kay, uh...interestin' I guess. But how does this have anythin' to do with you?"
You sigh, "I'm one of these demigods."
Steven's brows furrow, his eyes dart from your face to the book on Egyptian mythology and you can see how full of bewildered confusion he's become. He wants to believe you but he's not so sure, he's not even sure anymore if he's having one of his really weird dreams again. His hand slips away from yours and a pang of hurt fills your heart that you have to shake off.
Steven holds his hands to his chest again just like a nervous teenager, a notable thing he tends to do that usually makes you smile every time. But this time is very different. He bites the inside of his cheek and finally returns his uncertain gaze to you, "Then who's uh...who's the lucky god who chose you?" He gingerly asks, still a bit skeptical about all of this you're telling him.
Steven's brows raise a little, you sound so serious it takes him aback, "Horus." He nods, repeating what you just confessed, "The god of sky and war, that's uh...that's neat."
You know he doesn't believe you, in fact, as you study his face for a better sign into how he's truly feeling. Steven looks as though he's ready to either laugh or cry, maybe even pinch himself, you narrow your eyes at him and realize something. He probably thinks he's dreaming.
Your face softens as you tilt your head at him, "He's the one who chose me as his champion, Steven. I am his warrior who fights in his name until he releases me from our bond, and when he does, I will die."
Steven bites his lip, he doesn't say anything for a long time until after about a whole minute does he start to shake his head, shit. He then scoots his chair back, both hands on the edge of the table, "This is...this is bonkers, Y/N. I hav'ta be dreamin' right now, no way this is real life. No bloody way." Then his confusion changes, his lips quirk and he starts to chuckle to himself as you sit there staring at him like he's just told you the sky is falling.
Steven snickers as he looks up at you, "You're pullin' my leg aren't you?" He muses as you fill with great confusion, "You're havin' a laugh, aren't ya?"
"I see whot'ya doin' now, you're makin' a real joke cause you don't wanna tell me who you really are." Reasons Steven much to your puzzlement, "Love, you're givin' me a proper scare over all this business. Can you just...please for once, please just tell me whot's happenin' right now with you? Like the full truth. No lyin' no jokin' around."
"Steven, I'm being serious." You reply, leaning in closer, "I'm not trying to mess with you. I'm not even joking with you."
Steven smiles like you're about to crack and tell him this is all some huge joke, when your perplexed expression doesn't falter does he chuckle, "You really got me takin' the piss on this one, Y/N."
"Steven." You add, tone the most serious he's ever heard, "I'm not joking, this is real, and everything I have just told you is real. No lies, nothing."
Steven stands, scooting his chair aside as he takes a step back, hugging himself, now not so sure if you're truly messing with him or not. He looks less humored then he once was since you haven't cracked a smile in awhile, Steven looks from the book to you, "So you and Horus? Whot's that all about yeah?"
"Do you believe me or not Steven?" He doesn't say anything but shrug, you scoot your chair back but don't stand, "Steven. If I'm to tell you these things I have to know one hundred percent that you're with me. That you believe me. I won't take anything else."
He shrugs again, "I dunno.....I dunno what to think....it's, it's madness Y/N. Bonkers. This, all of this stuff you've been tellin' me it's weird. Like, are you even hearing yourself?"
You can't help but spark with irritation, he swallows nervously as your face grows darker, "You think I'm lying?"
He swallows nervously, eyes darting away from yours, "Well."
You quickly stand, "I'm not trying to lie to you Steven."
Steven locks eyes with you, "You've lied about your family, you've lied about everythin' else!" He bravely counters, "So you're not a secret agent and you're not a damn wizard! If you don't want to really tell me anythin' then why....why are we even....why..." He trails off, loosing steam in regards to where he was about to take that sentence, "....then who are you?"
You let out a tired breath, "I've told you this. I'm a demigod, I'm the champion of Horus and I am still Y/N. I'm still me, I'm still your girlfriend."
"But how do I know that!" He retorts, sounding much harsher then he'd intended but you're starting to frustrate him after all and he can't take it anymore.
Your fists clench till the knuckles turn white, "Because I have lived through life and death and come back again to protect this world!" A breeze blows through the room causing some books to open and a couple loose papers to fall to the floor, "I have been keeping you safe since the second I saw you Steven Grant! And since the second I saw you....I-I have been yours!" You wholeheartedly confess, "Because I'm in love with you, you idiot!" A strong gust of wind blows his hair about as does yours.
He stares at you in shock, "You-you love me?" Papers fly everywhere and the room itself creaks and groans as the mysterious wind picks up, Steven's eyes dart around wildly as the wind blows about the strongest its gotten yet. "Whot's happenin' Y/N!" He frantically shouts, starting to fill with fear in spite of your confession just now.
You take a breath and open your palms, the wind instantly dies, the room falling back into it's quiet docile self. You blink, expression softened as your gaze sets to Steven, "I wasn't lying to you."
He swallows hard, pointing a finger to the mess of papers about on the floor, "You really did that?"
You give a silent nod, nothing in your face indicating any sort of falsities.
"Because of Horus and you're little thingy you've got goin' on?"
You nod again.
He purses his lips together, "oh....so it's...it's all true then?" He slowly says, looking anxiously at the opened book on Egyptian mythology, "The gods are real? Demigods are real? Werewolves are real?"
"All of it. All of it and more."
He fiddles with his fingers, gaze falling to the papers on the floor, "It's all real." He mutters to himself like he can't believe it, "It's all real."
"Yeah." He immediately looks up at you.
"You want to sit?"
You scoot his chair back to its original place, he takes a seat as you take yours, he looks shook up and deeply troubled all at the same time. This part is always the hardest, when you have to tell them the full truth of it all for the second time, though the second time is when they actually believe you too. There's no jokes to be found to lighten the experience.
You reach out to place your hand over his but hesitate, he notices and takes your hand with his. You stare at him, surprised. He gives you a small smile in return and you find your voice again, "Steven. I know all this is weird and new. I know it sounds insane and crazy and it is, but it's real and it's why I haven't been so honest with you."
"Well yeah, I'd say you did have a pretty fair reason."
You softly grin, "Yeah. And there's...." You hesitate to speak, "....there's a lot of things in this world that are weird besides that. But uh, I guess you deserve a full explanation about me. Who I really am, huh?"
"Well...uh...yeah. That would be very nice actually."
"Yeah." A small frown makes itself onto your lips as your attention falls to your hands, "I don't remember what happened to me before Horus made me his champion, but I know it was bad, really bad. I can't recall where I was, I couldn't even tell you what kind of person I was before then, but what I do remember was waking up in a hospital bed in Cairo alone. Feeling the best I'd ever felt and totally confused as to how the hell I even got there."
"Woah, Cairo." Steven's brows raise in amazement, "When you know you were like, this really cool person?"
You give him the ghost of a smile, "Not long after I was released from the hospital. His avatar came to me, so essentially he did, Horus told me who I was and what I was going to do for him because he saved me. It was....it was a lot to take in at the time. I sort of felt like how you do right now, I couldn't believe all this stuff even existed. I had no idea."
"Yeah." He nervously laughs, "Whot a real fright that would have been."
"It really was." You agree, smile falling from your lips once more as you think about that time in your life, "But that was...that was a long time ago."
Steven's curiosity spikes, "oh, how long?" He wonders.
"Over seven hundred years ago." You answer as his brows raise once again, "I was born in 1302 after all."
"1302?" Repeats Steven, honestly blown away by this thrilling fact.
"Yeah, I-I stopped aging after Horus changed me. Guess I forgot to mention I'm immortal." You mutter, "Just another thing I forgot to mention."
"No it's fine, still tryna process all this yeah. No worries I'll catch up."
"Right, right, anyways. I know I told you about my mom, and my family who live in Norway and Canada, and my job."
Steven gives you an knowing look, "That's not true is it?"
"No, and in all truth I-I don't remember my mother. And that stuff about where my family lives, I made that up too. All of it. I never came to London for..."
"Do not tell him about Marc!" Shouts Khonshu who stands in the kitchen, "Do not tell him about any of that. And if he asks about me, make something up."
You hold your tongue and take a drink of your water to hold the moment, you set it down and give Steven a small smile, "Sorry, dry throat. Anyways, I came to London to finish a job. What you need to understand Steven, Horus gives me a task and I have to complete it."
He nods in understanding, "Oh, okay cool, cool. Like a side quest or somethin' right?"
"Yeah, something like that. And well, that's why we met that werewolf tonight. I was tasked with killing him but then he showed up when you were with me and things got a bit intense. And Steven, I'm really sorry about that. You shouldn't have ever of had to see that."
"No, no, it's alright. You looked pretty damn cool if I'm bein' honest. Like the way you made that sword come out of nowhere was amazin' and like the coolest thing I'd ev'a seen." He gushes with a big smile upon his face that soon falters, "But guess you were right again, I just ran like the wind. Just took off like a scared little birdy. There I go."
"I'd rather have had you alive and safe. It was smart of you to run."
He shrugs, "Well, I was really runin' cause of the skeleton bird-man who was talkin' to me. Gotta say, that really gave me a proper fright."
You side eye Khonshu, "Yeah that would be weird."
Steven nods, "It was, but uh, now since I think about it. You said it's an Egyptian god too, didn't you? That bird-guy yeah."
You glance at Khonshu standing behind Steven, his hollow eyes focused on the fish tank, "Uh..."
"Khonshu right?" States Steven, "Yeah, it looked just like him from the pictures I've seen, it must have been him." His brows furrow, "But now, why'd he be talkin' to me? I'm not his, what'ya call it when the gods are with the people?"
"Their avatar."
Steven snaps his fingers, "Yeah, that! Why'd he be talkin' to me? You don't think he wanted me as his avatar do ya?"
"Steven, I-I don't know. It's hard to say, but he is the god of travelers after all, maybe he was trying to help you when he saw we needed help. I'm not sure, I only ever see Horus in his avatar form so Khonshu probably doesn't have an avatar right now. Luckily he was there to scare you away, or maybe it was his own weird way of guiding you?" In your peripheral can you see Khonshu give you a silent nod of approval.
Steven thinks on it a moment, "I dunno. Maybe, well whateva' he was doin' I hope the bloody man-bird stays far away from me and you. We don't need anythin' else like that in our lives. The nights been wild enough, love, I don't think I could take another thing. No more werewolves for me, no thank you I am good as grass."
"Well I wouldn't worry too much about that."
He raises a brow at you, "You knock him?"
Your lip quirks up into a proud smirk, "Let's just say he won't be hurting anyone ever again."
"Woah." Breaths Steven, "You're really somethin' Y/N."
You shrug, "Eh, I try."
Readers! Thank you all for reading and giving any sort of feedback it really helps! I hope you all stick around for much more to come, its going to get interesting
Tagged: @halerune​​ @idkjj04 @my-tearsdryontheirown​​ @bekkarific​​  @lvonhart​​ @nicepeony​​ @jay-alison​​ @ahookedheroespureheart​​ @saturdaynightzemo​​​ @brujaporfavor​​ @avatar-of-ammit​​
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besanii · 3 years
MA'AM PLEASE that wangxian/xixian ficlet absolutely RUINED me. if you are so inclined, i would love to see wei wuxian's perspective on the whole thing. thank you for your hard work <3 have a lovely day!
[ part one (LWJ) | two (LXC) ]
Wei Wuxian has always tried to live his life without regrets. Everything he does, he puts all of himself into and does not look back, even when circumstances take a turn for the worse. It has caused him some strife in the past, but he's always found a way to come out the other end relatively unscathed.
He's not sure there's a way out this time.
Lan Xichen is kind to him, kinder than he'd had any right to expect from the man to whom he owes his life. The brother of the man who holds Wei Wuxian's heart, the man now laying alone in a watery grave far from home; by all rights, Lan Xichen should have handed him to Wen Ruohan as retribution for injuring Wen Chao. Instead, he had chosen to save him at the cost of Qishan's loyalty.
He looks around at the bedchamber, the sheer silk drapes around the bed offering only minimal privacy to its occupants, and at the curtains made of strings of seed pearls leading to the chambers beyond. He's always pictured his wedding night to be bathed in red and gold, for there to be celebrations and drinking and laughter. And Lan Wangji.
What he gets is a quiet chamber within the Emperor's private quarters away from prying eyes, sparsely but tastefully furnished in the pale blues of the Imperial family. There is no music, no ceremony, no laughter, no wine.
No Lan Wangji.
Let me help you.
Wei Wuxian has not had many dealings with the Emperor before, but he has always thought him to be a fair, impartial figure, involving himself very little in the squabbles between clans unless it has implications on state matters. So why now? Why has he stepped in now to save Wei Wuxian?
For Wangji, if nothing else. He would want you to be safe.
Was it really that simple? Was it really enough to put the throne at odds with one of the most powerful clans in the country? It seems almost absurd to risk a potential uprising for the sake of one man, however much he means to the Emperor's brother. If Qishan did revolt and the country was thrown into civil war, would that not cement Wei Wuxian in history as the culprit who brings strife to the nation?
He contemplates escaping, slipping out into the night and disappearing, and is halfway to his feet when he remembers. If he leaves now, he will be branded a coward and a traitor, an enemy of the state—the Jiang clan, as his benefactors, and Yunmeng as his home will be held responsible. He cannot be selfish.
So he sits back down on the bed, hands curled into fists on his lap, and waits.
Lan Xichen is good to him.
He's good and kind and gentle, a soothing balm on Wei Wuxian's bruised and battered heart. From the moment he walks through the door that night, leaving his servants in the outer chambers so allow them some semblance of privacy, he treats Wei Wuxian with nothing but kindness and respect.
"You do not need to do this," he tells Wei Wuxian when he reaches for the fastenings of Lan Xichen's robes to help him undress. "I can prepare for bed on my own."
"Huangshang, it is your concubine's duty to serve you," Wei Wuxian replies, and slips the heavy belt from around Lan Xichen's waist.
Let me do this for you, he doesn't say. But Lan Xichen must see it on his face because he acquiesces.
"Very well."
So Wei Wuxian sets about removing each item of clothing and accessory with methodical precision, draping the outer robes over the rack beside the bed and placing the golden guan and jade waist pendant carefully on the vanity table. The servants will have to put them away later, when they have both retired--
His fingers falter over the laces of the inner robe.
"Wei Wuxian?" Lan Xichen asks. When Wei Wuxian looks up, his eyes are soft, concerned. "It's alright. Leave the rest to me."
His heart plummets to his stomach. His hesitation must have disappointed Lan Xichen—no, the Emperor. He's displeased him.
"No, no, Huangshang, please allow me," he says hurriedly. "Your concubine was merely distracted by--by the embroidery work on your robes. They are so very fine, you see, much finer than what we see in Yunmeng—"
His fingers are trembling too much to get a firm hold on the laces. If he cannot perform so simple a task, how can he keep the Emperor happy? How can he keep Yunmeng safe? He needs to do this—needs to do this properly—
A large hand wrap around both his, stilling their movements with gentle pressure against the broad chest in front of him. He inhales sharply.
"Wei Wuxian," Lan Xichen says again. "Stop."
He should apologise and beg for forgiveness. That's what people do when they have displeased the Emperor right? He should be—
"Wei Wuxian." A sigh. "You are afraid of me."
"I-I'm not!" Wei Wuxian says quickly, his head flying up to glare at Lan Xichen before he catches himself and lowers both his head and voice again. "Begging your pardon, Huangshang, your concubine spoke out of turn."
Lan Xichen’s other hand slides under his chin, tilting his face upward again to meet his gaze—warmer and darker than his brother’s, more akin to honey than to gold—and the pounding of Wei Wuxian’s heartbeat fades to silence in his ears.
“You do not need to fear me,” Lan Xichen tells him, voice so gentle it sends a tingle down his spine. “And they cannot touch you here. You are safe here.”
The soft, incredulous snort escapes before Wei Wuxian even realises he’s made it. He ducks his head again, breaking free of the hand on his chin.
“Forgive my impertinence, Huangshang,” he says. “But if someone has put their mind their mind to hurting another, there is nothing they would not do—or find a way to do. No place they would not go.”
Lan Xichen raises an eyebrow.
“You would doubt the Son of Heaven?” he asks, voice tinged with amusement as Wei Wuxian moves immediately to fall to his knees. He catches him by the elbows before he can. “I am only jesting. There is no need to kneel.”
He reaches up to brush a stray lock of hair from Wei Wuxian’s temple. The intimacy of the gesture—the touch of warm skin against his sends warmth flooding his cheeks and neck, burning behind his ears. 
“I really am very grateful to you, Huangshang,” he says. “If not for your intervention, I would already be dead, or worse. I have nothing to offer you in return except my life—cheap and unworthy as it is—and I will spend the remainder of it repaying this debt to you.”
The corners of those honey-coloured eyes soften and the hand at his temple slides down to his shoulder as Lan Xichen sighs.
“It is what he would have wanted,” he says. 
Everything changes with the sunrise filtering through the window the next morning.
The servants who come in to serve them keep their heads bowed and gazes lowered, shuffling about them on tenterhooks. They address him as Wei-xuanyi and help him into fine robes of Gusu blue silk, brushing his hair until it is smooth and gleaming, and rubs creams into his calloused hands to soften them. He follows their careful directions without protest, his mind too numb to comprehend anything beyond the comfort of their practised movements.
He is startled out of his lull when warm hands come to rest on his shoulders and he looks up to see Lan Xichen smiling at him in the mirror. 
“Huangshang,” he exclaims. “Forgive me, I was lost in thought.”
“Wuxian,” Lan Xichen says, his smile widening. “I have a gift for you.”
A tray is presented to them by a eunuch standing in the corner of the room. On it sits a long, thin box lined with light blue silk. And nestled within the bed of silk—
“It is too expensive,” Wei Wuxian protests immediately. “Huangshang, I cannot accept such a valuable gift. It should be for the Empress—”
“The Empress has her own,” Lan Xichen tells him, lifting the fazhan from the box and turning back around to face the mirror. The smile has not left his lips, nor has it dimmed in any way. “Now, let me put it on for you.”
Wei Wuxian watches his movements through the mirror with bated breath, all-too aware of the keen eyes watching them from the shadows of the room. Lan Xichen does not seem bothered by their attention, running his fingers leisurely over the length of Wei Wuxian’s hair, as if Wei Wuxian were a creature to be calmed and soothed.
He slides the fazhan into the base of the half-knot in his hair with careful precision and stands back to admire the way the jewels catch the morning sun as Wei Wuxian turns his head to get a better look. The shape and design of it is simple, understated, taking nothing away from the deep blue sapphire on the end, cut into shape of flowing clouds.
“It suits you very well,” Lan Xichen tells him. There is an odd lilt to his voice Wei Wuxian cannot quite place, but it is gone when he next speaks. “It is almost as if it were meant for you.”
It is much too expensive, much too precious. He swallows through the lump that has suddenly appeared in his throat, his eyes hot.
“Your concubine thanks Huangshang for his affections,” he murmurs.
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