Maiden Voyage
74 posts
My name is Anabel. I work for the International Police, an organization ensuring the safety of people and Pokémon across the many regions of the world from the threats of criminal organizations and hostile superfauna. (Mobile Header gif'd by my bud Saz!!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
ask-chief-anabel-blog · 8 years ago
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“.... I’ll have to meet with S◼◼t◼ and see if the other Fr◼◼◼ier ◼◼ains are safe inside their pavilions...”
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ask-chief-anabel-blog · 8 years ago
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“... Well... Some rare Pokemon species have been theorized to travel in and out of different dimensional planes, but most if not all are stuff of legend or hard to study in the wild due to such teleportation.”
“But maybe you’re asking if we will ever achieve something as complicated as inter-dimensional travel. Haven’t heard of a human doing so and I don’t see it happening anytime soon.”
“But what a... Strange question to ask me out of the blue.”
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ask-chief-anabel-blog · 8 years ago
Sleep it off.
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Exhausted from the day’s events, she finally drifts off to sleep.
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A long time ago, there was a maiden, high above a tower...
Anabel from the past is ready for questions - Ask Box OPEN>>
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ask-chief-anabel-blog · 8 years ago
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A ghostly voice resonates...
< Lavender, your heart...? It’s wounded... Does it need to be purified? >
< I can chant a happy song for you, Lavender. Please... no more tears...! >
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ask-chief-anabel-blog · 8 years ago
(hey I've been following you for a really long time and I've gotta say you're probably one of my favorite rp blogs? ever? your art's so cute and you're a really good writer, a+ made me cry)
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Thank you so much, anon! I’m honestly so happy you feel that way about my storytelling so far, as I hope to improve my writing over time as well as my art. I hope I’ll keep creating stuff that you enjoy!!! ~
Speaking of which, this IS an Ask Blog, but there’s so much linear story going on without interactivity huh?
Stay tuned for the next update relating on that~
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ask-chief-anabel-blog · 8 years ago
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When I trusted you the most.
Part: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / ?
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ask-chief-anabel-blog · 8 years ago
I absolutely loved the Looker's confession comic so far! But I'm afraid that I don't completely understand it. Would you be so kind to explain what exactly happened?
Most certainly, my buckaroo!
Here is a written explanation of the events of Looker’s Confession!
Interpol Agents 100kr, 000, and a yet to be named woman known only as “The First Faller” set out to Poni Island in Alola to take down a dangerous creature. In the Resolution Cave past Poni Meadow, a fight breaks down deep within the confines of the cavern as the trio have lured the monster to a dead end.
However, as the fight continues and 100kr is about to finish off the creature once and for all, he hesitates. The monster is crying; more afraid of the humans than they are of it, and he starts to sense that it just wants to go home. 000 is yelling at him to stop hesitating from the sidelines.
But it’s too late.
The monster goes for the kill, targeting the unnamed Faller solely. She is ripped apart, torn as if the beast wanted to find something within her and immediately froze as if this was not the outcome it expected. 000 and 100kr can only watch helplessly as their teammate is brutally murdered.
000 commanded his Krookodile to bite down and slash at the creature as much as it could, finishing the job entirely. The older agent pulls on the scruff of 100kr’s collar and starts screaming at him, blaming him for the death, blaming him for hesitating. 100kr cannot speak.
The sun sets on Poni Island with a successful mission and a terrible loss as a burden. It was clear the Faller woman was not trained for this job as well as 000 and 100kr, but was in her place as human bait to draw the monster to her. A Faller with no name, no memory, and no family to call back to. A perfect sacrifice for the Interpol higher ups.
100kr spots a figure collapsed onto the sand. It’s a woman, washed up ashore. The two Interpol Agents find her barely conscious and disoriented, but she mutters a few answers to the questions the men have:
Her name is Anabel. She’s from Hoenn. She was a strong trainer. She protected a tower. And that’s all the can remember of her life.
000 immediately proceeds to call for backup due to the current state of the woman. 100kr carries her towards a safer spot, feeling strangely empathetic to her situation and wishing for help to arrive soon. She is carted off into an emergency vehicle to seek medical treatment for her infected and numerous wounds, her weakened body, and her state of dehydration and low nutrition.
000 refuses to speak to 100kr, and they do not see each other again. They both know the truth of the first Faller woman and how Interpol used her. They both set out to make sure it does not happen again.
Years passed and the now named Agent Looker is greeted by his new and sort of familiar Chief of the UB Task Force: Anabel. The two start to develop a great partnership despite a few rocky disagreements, complementing each other’s strengths and weaknesses quite fairly. This partnership soon turns to a valuable friendship built on trust and respect.
Looker finds himself devoted to Anabel as a person and to her cause; she wishes to save the UBs and hope for their safe return home.
And the idea of her being another, new Faller for Interpol to use suddenly dawns on him. He has been restless and torn, seeing that this person who he now has an attachment with is being used the exact same way the previous Faller was positioned with-- a human with no memory and no family. A human with exponential Ultra Wormhole radiation. A human that was expendable and a perfect lure for the UBs.
Save millions and only lose one. For Looker, it’s still a human life being used and being lost.
The flashback ends with a foreboding image of an Ultra Wormhole and Looker’s haunting last words ringing in Anabel’s mind. She is visibly shaken, now having learned the truth about her status in Interpol and her life in general.
She is not from this world. She is a Faller.
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ask-chief-anabel-blog · 8 years ago
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Looker’s Confession
Part: 1 / 2 / 3 / ?
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ask-chief-anabel-blog · 8 years ago
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And then I found out I never completed a piece with Looker by himself, so here he is!
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ask-chief-anabel-blog · 8 years ago
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“Well... I don’t see why not.”
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ask-chief-anabel-blog · 8 years ago
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A little Anabel doodle to contrast with all the spotlight on Looker lately. Give room for the main lady, man!
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ask-chief-anabel-blog · 8 years ago
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Amused, he manages to chuckle faintly at her quip.
“Hah, perhaps you’re not too far off, since I feel...” He takes a moment to clutch his at his stomach. “--Rather ill about this endeavor, Champion of Alola. But... You’re right. It’ll be for the best.”
A smile graces his gloomy expression and behavior towards the young woman, but it quickly, very quickly falls away. He breaks eye contact, nearly covering his face with his hands.
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“I-I’m sorry--” A sob is quieted. “I’m s-sorry but I’ve failed you as well as much as I’ve failed her. I know you are under guidance by the Legendary Beast and you captured every UB remarkably well but I pulled you into something extremely dangerous and I will never forgive myself for it...”
“I am no better than the ones who designated Anabel as bait.”
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ask-chief-anabel-blog · 8 years ago
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Looker’s Confession:  Part 1 / 2 / ?
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ask-chief-anabel-blog · 8 years ago
Oh boy, I just realized I started an event at possibly the worst time possible, so I’d want you all to know about this!
I’m going to see what I can get done before then but Thursday I will be leaving for New York and a week long Cruise vacation to Bermuda! I may be active on my RP blog, but as for drawing, big story posts will unfortunately have to wait...!
But the good thing is that I’ll come back REFRESHED and ready to get to the big stuff! I’m not sure when I’ll get back, but I’ll definitely keep you all updated!
Again, I’m excited for this so I’m going to try and get as much done as you can! Thank you all again for your support!!!
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ask-chief-anabel-blog · 8 years ago
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“The Alola Outbreak was almost a complete DISASTER because of this-- because of ME! Because of the same. Damn. Mistakes. On Poni Island.
Everyday it’s been getting worse. Every second that ticks by, every time the higher ups keep my position stagnant, every single moment the Chief even refers to me as her friend when they put me on clean up duty in the case that she is used up bait.”
His shaky breathing finally slows as he tightly closes his eyes to take a deep breath. He runs a hand through his hair fringe before deciding to return eye contact.
“... Who knows what will happen after I relay everything to her. I only ask of you to make sure she continues to be safe, please. You’ll be the only one she could trust.”
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ask-chief-anabel-blog · 8 years ago
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He hated lies.
Despised them, even. He’s seen many men and women twist their words so that the masses believe they are innocent souls. He’s brought down syndicates that promise new forms of energy or peace for Pokemon that only, of course, have their eyes set upon money and legendary power. All of them bend the truth to their will. All of them carelessly deceiving the population.
And he’s been harboring a lie himself that’s left a festering pit in his stomach for years.
What did she say a day ago? When she was absolutely blissful and filled with nothing but excitement?
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“... And so I remembered him! Yes, this man named Brandon was from when I was a teenager, I just know it!”
“You r-really think so??”
“I... It must be true... It had to be a memory that came back to me! That means I can... Finally figure out who I am! Who I was!!”
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“...Thank you for supporting me as long as you have... I’ve never stated this before but I truly am thankful!”
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No. He did not deserve that gratitude.
He knew the truth. He’s seen the truth. And yet here he was continuing to keep his mouth shut. He, without a single shroud of a doubt, understands that when she goes to find this person, she will meet with someone who regards her as a total stranger.
She has no family here. No one is looking for her. They have tried to find any sort of identity and what came back was information that would destroy her.
He decides he’s had enough and puts his job and life on the greatest risk.
She needs to know.
Looker’s Confession: Part 1 / 2 / ?
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ask-chief-anabel-blog · 8 years ago
Hey everybody! I made an RP side blog a long time ago, but never announced it on this blog officially!
Both blogs now have links to one another!
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I am a satellite and I can’t get back without you.
Independent Anabel RP Blog - @empathability (Main - @ask-chief-anabel)
Currently in SuMo verse, will have an Emerald verse open later
Selective when it comes to partners
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