#I can literally feel this fic changing my brain chemistry
keferon · 3 months
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Chapters 46 and 47 were…….oh my god
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bi-bats · 1 year
ALSO!!! i wanted to let you know that i placed The Echo Wife and Vicious on hold at the library on your recommendation and theyre gonna take a while to get to me but im excited to read them!!! so thank u for the recs in your response to one of my asks a bit ago!!! 💕💕💕
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seeingivy · 1 year
new year's day
actor eren x f!reader
**part of my method acting fic, masterlist here
content: reader mentions insecurity, connie and reiner teasing you, smooching, levi being a dad for ten minutes straight, sukuna cameo
an: I MISSED YOU POOKIES SO MUCH. SO SO MUCH. war (my 9-5) is over. this ended up at 9k, I hope it can compensate for the wait. ALSO VERY IMPORTANT WE'VE REACHED OUR FIRST TAYLOR SONG OF THE FIC. you can listen to new year's day from reputation before reading - it'll make the end part make more sense <3 (me furthering my turning people into swifties agenda, I saw her last night and my brain chemistry changed)
previous part linked here
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“Go outside and look at the moon.” 
“No. I’m really comfortable in my bed.” 
“Oh, come on Y/N. Just go outside.”
You grumble some nice profanities at Eren over the phone as you shuffle out of your sheets, pushing open your window to stick your head out. The breeze in the air is cold, the frigid atmosphere invading your already freezing room.
Erwin won’t justify turning on the heater. There are only four people in the townhouse right now - you, Levi, Hange, and Erwin (which is totally not your worst nightmare) - and apparently, that doesn’t justify heater use at all. Luckily enough, Eren and his very convincing angry face will arrive tomorrow to save you from your eternal winter. 
“S’cold, Jaeger.” 
“Yeah, yeah. Do you see the moon?” 
You crane your head up, twisting back in the window to look at it. A small crescent pressed against the sky, just slightly hidden beneath the clouds. 
“Yes, Eren. I see the moon.” 
“Okay. Now look to your right.” 
“Are we playing Simon Says?” 
You’re thrown off by the irritation in his voice, and you turn over, peeking your head entirely out to look to the right. 
“Very exciting views, Eren. It’s literally pitch black.” 
You don’t see much, just the tandem bike you set out for tomorrow - when Eren would be here and not berating you through the phone - and the small patch of flowers that are by the front door. 
“I meant your other right, Y/N.” 
You shift your head to the left and see Eren standing there, his green hoodie pulled over his head and a cheeky smile pressed into his face. 
You drop your phone flat on the floor, running (falling) down the steps out into the cold air, your socks against the cold pavement as you run out to greet him. 
He’s already holding his arms open, which you run into, as you burrow your face into his shoulder, his warm arms squeezing around your frame and his laugh in your ears. 
“You were supposed to come tomorrow, Eren.” 
“And yet I’m here today, Y/N.” 
“Shut up. You know what I meant.” 
“Flight got moved up. And maybe I just wanted some time in the house where it’s just you and me - you know, without Mikasa interrupting us every two seconds.” 
You laugh as you and Eren sling your arms around each other’s shoulders, trudging out of the cold and into the kitchen. 
Before you can even mention it, Eren’s pulling out two bowls, and you’re grabbing the ramen packets, the two of you leaning against the counter as you watch the water boil. As excited as you are to see him and actually to be near him, there isn’t really much to talk about. 
You guys literally talk every single day. 
“How’s the song coming?” 
You groan, leaning into his shoulder as he laughs, his hand coming around your shoulder to rest in your hair. But it’s better. Because you can see him with your own eyes, hear him with your own ears, feel him with your own hands. 
“Bad. I’m never going to finish it.” 
“You’ll finish it. Plus, Armin’s coming soon, and he knows how to rhyme and stuff.” 
“That’s not the problem. I feel like the lyrics work when I can figure out the backing tracks and the music. But I keep getting tangled up because I can’t figure out the piano.” 
He reaches forward, opening the packets of noodles and dipping them into the water as you start chopping up the vegetables on the side. 
“I play piano, Y/N. I can help you if you want.” 
“No. That would just be more embarrassing. I get super frustrated when I’m writing. It would be infinitely worse if you were there watching me fail.” 
He rolls his eyes as he takes the knife from your hand, lightly pushing you to the side to watch the noodles. 
“You’re not going to fail. Let me help you. No one gets a hit on the first try, stupid.” 
“Don’t call me stupid, idiot.” 
“My bad, dumbass.” 
“Language, Eren,” Levi says from behind you two. 
You watch a smile spread across Eren’s face as he moves, running past the side of the counter to give Erwin, Hange, and a now-annoyed Levi a hug. Hange and Erwin are ruffling his hair, Hange cooing about how their little stars are back together again. 
Eren joins you again at your side as you're dishing out the food, Erwin pulling out a stack of papers as you and Eren start eating at the counter. 
“Go ahead, Erwin.” Eren says, handing you the hot sauce before you can even reach for it. 
“So. Final scripts. As you’ll see, there aren't too many big scenes for you this season. It’s mostly focusing on this whole Utgard Castle arc, which you’re both not in.” Erwin explains. 
“Okay, that’s-” you say. 
“That doesn’t mean you both can slack off. There are more scenes for the rest of them because we need you two to nail the scenes you are in. Eren - this whole Colossal Titan reveal, you need to put everything you’ve got into it. If you think I’ve pushed you hard before, you’re in for a whole different playing field this season.” Levi says, glaring at Eren. 
You watch Eren roll his eyes, grumbling under his breath as he agrees and starts flipping through the script. 
“And you too, Y/N. This whole “Thank You” scene at the end - the majority of the dialogue falls on you. But you need to deliver in all ways. You better be acting with your eyes, your mind, your entire being. This is the type of scene you both could get nominated for as awards that’ll get you more roles. Take it seriously.” Levi continues. 
At the mention of awards, you and Eren both perk your ears up, flipping to the end of the script to the scenes tabbed at the ends with your name on it. You quickly run your eyes through the scene and the staging and feel your throat constrict at the staging lines right in the middle, bolded. 
Y/N leans forward, grabs Eren by the collar, and presses the softest kiss to his lips. It’s not overly passionate or sensational, but to the two of them, it’s a simple message. One they’ve known all along, maybe since they first met - in that cabin all those years ago.
I know how you feel. You don’t have to say it. 
You feel your eyes widen as you look up at Hange and Levi, the words spilling out of your mouth. 
“You want us to kiss?” 
At your words, Eren’s leaning over into your space, reading the line marked, and suddenly your cheeks are both burning pink. You both give each other a glance, which only makes it more awkward, as you shuffle as far away from each other as possible. 
“Yeah. It’ll fit the scene. It’s just one kiss, maybe two if we don’t get it on the first take.” Hange says nonchalantly as they start flipping through the rest of the highlighted script. 
As Erwin, Hange, and Levi start milling through their own conversations - discussing sets, costumes, that scene - you squeak out something that stops them in their tracks. 
“I’ve never kissed anyone before.” 
Hange’s eyes light up as they nearly jump to your side, taking your cheeks into their hands and teasing you. They flip you around so you’re facing Eren, which you’ve been avoiding this entire time, and start whispering into your ear. 
“Aw, isn’t he so sweet? It’ll be so nice to have your first kiss with your best friend, someone you trust.” 
“Uh, I-” 
“Cmon. Eren won’t bite now, will he?” 
Eren awkwardly pads to the other side of the room, shoving his face into his script, as Levi comes over and yanks Hange by the hair, muttering something about how they need to stop teasing you. 
“Another thing. While they’re filming the Utgard Castle scenes, you’re both not really in, you’re both going on a press junket. We’ll all be there as well.” 
“The rest of the cast too?” 
“No, just you two, Eren. They’re all going to finish filming so we can maximize time and all that. You’ll return on New Year’s Day to film that last scene.” 
“Can we come back earlier? Y/N’s birthday is on New Year’s Eve. She should be here to celebrate with everyone and not on a stuffy plane.” 
“Fine. You’ll come back that day. And then the scene is the day after.” 
Hange, Erwin, and Levi give the two of you a curt nod as they pad back upstairs, leaving you, Eren, and your two bowls of ramen in the kitchen. You and Eren take the bowls and place them on the table, eating silently. 
It’s still hanging in your mind. In a little less than a month, you’re going to be kissing Eren. 
“Yeah, Eren?” 
“I haven’t kissed anyone either.” 
“Oh. Okay.” 
“I just mean, it doesn’t have to be awkward. We’ll just…figure it out together. And it’s you and me, so it won’t be weird.” 
You smile, watching the last of your noodles swirl around the bowl as his words seep into your head. Right. It is just you and Eren. You’re best friends. It’s just one kiss. Or maybe two. It’s not a big deal. 
“Yeah. You and me, Eren.” 
He smiles in response, the awkwardness lifting off of you as you both finish eating. 
The second Connie, Reiner, and Ymir make it back on set, their incessant teasing starts. They read the scripts. Kissy faces, smooching sounds, purposely pushing you and Eren into corners together just so they can tease you. 
“Eren. Are you excited to kiss, Y/N?” 
“Shut up, Connie.” 
“Is this your first kiss together? You must be sooo excited, Y/N.” 
“Okay, Reiner. Are you excited for your weird pervert lines about Historia?” 
The entire room laughs, Historia and Mikasa coming over to yank you out of the corner and sit at the table with them as you all catch up. Armin’s going around - taking pictures of everyone for our first day of filming with his Polaroid - as he starts labeling them all. 
There’s one of Reiner and Bertholdt - in their iconic fists to each other’s back poses - labeled “pervert and giraffe” by Connie. 
Another one of Sasha sleeping face first on the table from her jet lag while Connie and Jean are spraying whipped cream into her hair, labeled “connie springer, ultimate menace” 
And another one of you and Eren, fist-bumping each other, labeled “l/n-jaegers, season two” 
Connie films his first incriminating video ten minutes after that. It's Eren tucking your hair behind your ear. 
You yank your earphones out as you crunch the pebbles under your feet, rubbing the sleepiness from your eyes. When Armin walks up next to you, he’s immediately leaning his head on your shoulder, his eyes sleepily shut as you wait for everyone else to join. 
It’s five in the morning. And you really, really hate Hange for this. 
You’re all supposed to be filming a scene two hours away, in the snowcaps. It’s meant to be a flashback scene, primarily for Ymir and Historia, which is why you’re pissed that you had to wake up this early anyways. The light is barely peeking into the sky, the hues still a dark navy as everyone strolls out of the townhouse. 
Jean’s grumbling profanities, Mikasa’s dragging Connie out, and Sasha's the only one who’s really awake. Erwin slides open the bus door, and you trudge in, sliding into the first seat. 
You're leaning your head against the glass, ice cold, as you try to flutter your eyes closed again to rest a little bit on the drive over. You feel a shifting in the seat next to you and two hands on your head, moving you through space. 
You peek your eyes open to find Eren, placing your forehead against his shoulder instead of the glass. 
“Huh, what-” 
“Sorry, Y/N. Didn’t mean to wake you. Just figured it would be more comfortable this way.” he whispers, lightly pulling the hood of your jacket back over your head. 
You nestle more into his shoulder, letting the weight of your head fall entirely onto his shoulder as he readjusts under you, his arm splayed across your back. You feel his head resting on top of yours, your breaths in tandem as you both shut your eyes and drift off to a very unrestful and bumpy sleep. 
You wake up two hours later to the flash of a camera. And when you open your eyes, Armin and Connie are smirking at you, holding up the Polaroid of you and Eren sleeping in front of your face and then running out the bus. 
You frown as you rub your eye sockets with your knuckles, readjusting your hair and cracking out your neck. 
"Fuck Erwin for getting Armin that camera." 
“I really hope they’re not there when we have to kiss each other, Eren. They’re never going to let us hear the end of it.” 
“You and me both.” 
He holds his hand out, helping you up from the chair as you both pull on your jackets and join everyone else in the snow. 
“Sleep well?” 
You and Eren turn your heads to find Marco standing beside you, a shy smile on his face. You and Eren both reach forward, pulling your arms around him as you start talking at the same time, shocked at his presence. 
“Marco. What the fuck? What are you doing-” 
“You didn’t even tell us you were coming! That’s so messed up. You bitch.”  
He pulls back, a hand resting on both of your shoulders as he smiles, the look soft. 
“Sorry, guys. I wanted it to be a surprise. I’ll be here after you’re back from the press junket, too, Y/N. For your birthday.” 
You smile at him, giving him one more hug as he ruffles your hair, the two of you linking arms as you wait to film the scene at hand. After you film the aforementioned extremely short scene - which just makes you more aggravated at Levi and Hange because why the hell did you have to come out here for that - the lot of you head into the cabin, peeling off your snow coats and settling into the seats. 
Armin and Eren settle at the window, the two of them teaching each other card tricks while Bertholdt follows Sasha to rummage for snacks. Mikasa and Reiner run off to explore the upper level of the cabin as you and Marco sit flat against the wall, watching everyone walk around. 
“How are you, Y/N?” 
“Okay, Marco. How are you?” 
“I meant. Regarding everything we talked about last time and all that.” 
“Oh. Right.” 
The last time you saw Marco was when he came to visit you and stay with your family for a week. It was an impromptu trip after you mentioned to him that things weren’t going so great. Granted, he was only an hour away from filming a short film and had the time to spare, but it still meant the world. 
He places a hand on the top of your knee as you look over at Eren, his eyebrows scrunched in concentration as he starts talking. 
“You doing okay? Seriously?” he asks. 
“It feels better when I’m here. With you guys. Especially you, now that you’re here. I feel most normal here and wildly out of place when I’m home.” 
He sighs, squeezing your knee as you watch Eren place his card down, a victorious screech leaving his mouth as Armin rolls his eyes. 
“I can’t say I understand. We all went to the SHWA when we were so little, and I guess there was always some understanding that we’d be…in the spotlight. Scrutinized. No grocery stores or going to the beach, or any of that. Those things wouldn’t be normal. There was really no…normal to go back to.” 
You reach down, holding his hand, as you tilt your head back on the wall. 
“I don’t know. It’s weird. Sometimes it feels like I can’t even be normal without people picking apart everything I do. I knew this was something I wanted badly but never figured it would be like this.” 
“Yeah. I know the feeling.” he responds. 
Eren looks over from his spot on the windowsill, eyebrows scrunched together in frustration now as he mouths the words. 
You okay?
You nod, albeit halfheartedly, as Marco pulls you up, the two of you scooting into the kitchen. 
“Did you tell him about any of this?” 
“No.” “Don’t be silly, Y/N. The first thing they say at the SHWA is to rely on the people around you. The ones who understand.” 
“I do rely on the people around me. I’m talking to you right now.” 
He reaches forward to flick your forehead, the spot stinging.
“Ouch, asshole.” 
“I’m not a series regular anymore. And he’s the person you should tell. He’d want to know.” 
You roll your eyes at him as Sasha comes up, splitting half of her chocolate bar with you. Armin and Eren amble in a little while later, the lot of you all standing in the kitchen, watching Connie shove as many marshmallows as he can into Reiner’s mouth. 
Armin takes a picture. Labels it “chubby bunny gone wrong” when Reiner’s choking over the sink.
The press junket is insane. You and Eren are spending three days, all at the same convention, doing panels together. All while trying to memorize the lines for your kiss scene. Levi and Erwin said to meet as many people as the two of you could socialize as much as you can. Answer questions about the show for fans without letting Eren spoil the show. 
The first interview was a get-to-know-the-actors test. You and Eren are tasked with asking each other simple questions and talking about them. It should be easy. As the camera beeps red for recording, Eren turns to the side and starts. 
“My name is Eren Jaeger, and I’m one of the cast members of Attack on Titan.” 
“And I’m Y/N L/N, and I’m also from the cast of Attack on Titan. We’re going to be doing an interview today for you to get to know us better!” 
Eren leans forward, giving you a warm smile as you talk. He reaches forward, reading off the question on the first card. 
“Y/N. Did you take anything home from the set?” 
You turn to the side, making a fake warning face into the camera. 
“Levi, if you’re watching, stop.” 
Eren laughs as you turn back to him, trying to ignore the lights blaring in your eyes. 
“Um. I totally accidentally took one of the scarves home. But that was an accident. Did you take anything?” 
“I stole one of Armin’s polaroids from the wall. I keep it in my wallet. And I totally stole one of the ODM gear swords.” 
“Huh? What do you even do with that?” 
“Threaten my brother.” 
“Oh my god, Eren. Jesus. Which polaroid did you take?” 
“I have it, actually.” 
Eren smiles at you as he yanks his wallet out of his pocket, handing the shiny white Polaroid over. You smile as you remember the day, the picture being of you and Eren with your ramen bowls. Armin’s inscription says, “sosuke and ponyo.” You hold it up to the camera before handing it back to Eren, making a mental note to steal one of Armin’s Polaroids too. 
“Okay, Eren. Your question is…who is the first person you call when you get good news?” 
His cheeks turn pink as he pinches the bridge of his nose, rolling his eyes at the camera. 
“This is kind of cheesy.” 
“Huh, Eren?” 
“The person I call is you.” 
You smile, twiddling with the end of your braids as you respond. 
“My answer is you too.” 
He smiles back, the two of you getting through the rest of the questions and thanking the crew team in the filming room. As you and Eren swing out of the door, he pulls the tiny little sheet Levi had made for the two of you out of his pocket, looking where to go next. You’re leaning so close into his space to read the little sheet that you can smell his minty gum, the smell filling your nose. 
You’re going to the networking event. 
You and Eren slide into the hallway, a big expensive conference room filled with people milling around. Almost everyone is nursing a glass of red wine in their hands, all adults talking over and around you as you both awkwardly stand at the front. You instinctively reach down for Eren’s hand, the two of you locking fingers as you move forward. 
You both naturally lean against the wall, watching everyone walk around as you enter the room. All men. Well, almost all men. But from what you can tell, the only other women in the room are actresses - the producers, directors, screenwriters - they’re all men. 
“Does it feel weird to you here, Eren?” 
“Kind of. I can’t really place what it is, but it doesn’t really feel like we’re allowed to be here.” 
You’re both significantly younger than almost everyone in this room. And they’re all drinking. Talking about god knows what. You try to scan the room - looking for Erwin, Hange, or Levi but come out dry from your search. Eren must be sensing your unease because he’s leading you toward the doors, ready to yank the two of you out of the situation. 
But before he can, a man stops him, tapping him on the shoulder to talk to him. You both stop in your tracks, half turning around to look at him. He’s extremely tall, looming over the two of you, and you feel infinitely small in front of him. He looks at Eren, a self-assured smile pressed on his face as he introduces himself. 
“Scott Clarkson. I’m a producer for Stone Studios.” 
“I’m Eren Jaeger. This is-” 
“I know who you are, Eren. I was invited to see one of the first cuts of the latest movie you just filmed and-” 
Before you can even understand what’s happening, he has his hand on Eren’s shoulder, and they’re walking down the length of the hall, the end of their conversation lost to you. Eren looks back, and you give him a halfhearted smile as he tries to turn back before getting stuck in a larger group of people. 
You make your way back against the wall, sliding into one of the farthest chairs and swirling a cup of lemonade in your hands. You watch the pulp of the lemon dissolve into your cup as you aggressively swirl, the drops landing on the black of your skirt. 
It’s moments like this where you feel like you don’t belong. Marco’s words swirl through your mind, that this type of stuff is normal for them because they have no normal to return to, but you can’t help but feel other to them even if they are where you feel most comfortable.
Eren’s on the other side of the room, now stuck in a big group and laughing with producers and casting directors and talking about movies he’s filming and what he has lined up next. You’re on the other side of the room, sulking against the wall - you’d be shocked if they even knew who you were. 
You’re not jealous of him. If anything, it’s everything Eren deserves and more. He’s always been phenomenal. But that’s just the thing, he’s everything and you’re not even on the same playing field. 
Sometimes, it feels like Eren’s too good to be your friend. Your co-star. Someone you’re around. You can feel your knuckles turning white against the plastic of the cup, crushing against your hand. 
“You know, if you do that any harder, you’re going to spill it all over yourself. Then I’ll have to take my pants off so you don’t look like an idiot.”  
You look up to find Sukuna smiling at you, with Nobara and Maki rolling their eyes at him. You hop up, crushing Nobara and him in a hug and physically feeling the unease untangle in your chest. 
“Hi. I’m really glad you’re here I-” 
“This shit always sucks. I have no idea why we’re forced to come to these things.” Maki says, sliding into the seat on your left. Sukuna sits to your right, his arm resting across the back of your chair as the four of you whisper, well, more like the three of them explaining who all the producers in the room are, as you sit there. 
“Hey Sukuna.” 
“Hm, doll?” 
“That guy. The one talking to Eren. Who is he?” 
He squints his eyes as he cranes around the room, trying to find where you’re pointing at Eren. And when he does, you watch his eyes widen before he talks again. 
“Ah. That’s Clarkson. He’s kind of an asshat.” 
“What? Why?” 
“No, he’s just a dick. A really great producer makes super cool movies, but he’s…not the best. All that shit you hear about the industry running people dry, taking advantage of people. They’re talking about him. And his lot.” Nobara explains, glaring daggers at him. 
“Not his entire lot, Nobara. His daughter is fine.” Sukuna says, reaching over to you and Maki to flick her cheek. 
“She’s a bitch. You’re just saying that because you’re dating her.” Nobara responds, flicking him back. 
“Who's a bitch?” 
The four of you break apart, still leaning over each other, to find Eren, Levi, and a short girl with brown hair staring at you. 
“No one, Hyla.” Nobara says, grumbling as she and Maki stand up. Levi gets side-swiped into a conversation. He looks like he’d rather be five feet under than whatever he was talking about as the six of you stand up. You hold your hand out, introducing yourself to Hyla. 
“Y/N. It’s nice to meet you.” 
“Hyla Clarkson. Your dad was the one who acted in Interstellar, right?” 
“No. That’s Historia’s dad, but I get the confusion. We’re just from the same show.” 
You watch her eyebrows pinch up in confusion as she crosses her hands around her chest. 
“Oh! Was your mom the one in Moonrise Kingdom?” she asks. 
“Nope. I-” 
“So what film were they-” 
“My parents are dentists. They’re not really in the industry like that.” you ramble out, trying to spare yourself from any more embarrassment. 
She smiles, the expression not meeting her eyes, as she reaches down and links her hand with Sukunas. 
“That’s really sweet, actually. Humble beginnings and all that,” she says. 
“I think it’s pretty cool. Like yeah, we all land roles because our parents kind of help us get them in some way. But, Y/N worked her way to the lead of the show, sans famous parents. It’s a testament to true talent. ” Eren says, his voice firm.
“I agree. L/N has always been badass, especially on the screen.” Maki says, glaring at Hyla altogether. 
She rolls her eyes as she reaches into the pocket of her dress, taking out a shiny silver card and handing it to Eren. 
“Eren. This is my dad’s card. He wanted me to give you another one unless you lost it.” Hyla says, giving Eren a hug before she walks away. 
You both wait outside for Levi to join you, quietly standing against the wall. You watch Eren turn over the card in his hands before ripping it up, slashing right through Scott Clarkson’s shiny name in the middle. 
“That’s a bit harsh, Eren. He’s a really good producer from what I’ve heard,” you say. 
“Don’t care. We’ll get there on our own - we don’t need leg-ups from guys like that.” 
You smile as you lean your head on Eren’s shoulder, the anxious feeling still tingling in your chest. Levi makes his way out, giving you two a smile as you both get dragged to your next panel, individual interviews. 
You go first. The interviewer is a pale blonde girl with a stack of cards in her hand. 
“Y/N. Who's your favorite male co-star on set?” 
“Oh, um. That’s a hard question to ask, we’re all friends.” 
You can tell she’s not satisfied with your answer by her uptight posture, the irritation rolling out of her mouth. 
“Oh, don’t pick a cop-out answer. Who's your favorite male co-star? Is it Eren?” 
“Um, sure? He’s my best friend on set. But I like everyone.” 
She smiles, switching to her next card. 
“Fans have picked up on matching bracelets you and Eren have been wearing during this press tour. Can you comment on the story behind them?” 
“Oh, sure! It was last year, at the Savant Awards TV show awards. A pair of sweet fans gifted them to us.” 
She doesn’t comment any further on the story, switching to the next card as you swirl the bracelet around on your wrist, concealing Eren’s name on the beads against the inner part of your wrist. You have a feeling that what you just said will already get twisted into something it’s not, which in the worst way, distorts the entire thing for you together. 
“Okay, well, that’s all I have for you.” 
You give her a smile as you switch seats, taking Eren’s previous seat. Hange places a hand on your head, and you watch them share a look with Levi as Eren takes the seat.  
“You’re a phenomenal actor, Eren. What gets you in the zone on set?” 
“Thank you so much! I usually have to take a second before I start filming a scene just to get in the right headspace. Especially for scenes that I film with Y/N, I usually need her to be right there next to me just so I can…feel the scene before we film it.” 
The interviewer smiles, sliding to the next card as she asks Eren the questions. She couldn’t be this cheery and enthusiastic for you?
“Do you have any pre-filming rituals before you get on set and start filming?” she asks.
“I need to eat a bowl of ramen with Y/N before we start. It’s not like a good luck thing or anything, but we’ve just always started our day like that and now we just have to do it before we go on and film.” Eren responds, looking over to give you a smile. 
You give him a thumbs up as he keeps going, trying not to pay too much attention to the fact that all of Eren’s questions are about his upcoming roles, his acting techniques, his favorite parts of acting, and how yours were all about him. Granted, Eren somehow brings you up in almost every question he answers - even if it’s not explicitly related to you - which only makes the entire thing fester in your mind more. 
What are people going to say about it? This would just make what everyone says about you guys worse. 
Not that it’s bad, but they just…say things. Granted, everyone had been saying things since the start, but you’ve always chalked that up to the fact that you and Eren are closer than everyone else is. And you know how the two of you are, but everyone else seems to have their own opinions about it. And maybe you should try to stop it? But if that’s how you are, who are you to change and-
“You okay?” 
Eren’s taken the seat next to you, leaving Erwin to get interviewed next. You’re both slumped into the chairs at the back, Levi and Hange whispering in hushed voices in front of you. You can’t help but wonder if they felt this way when they were filming La La Land, but then again, they had no reason to deny anything that anyone said. They were actually together. 
“Yeah. Just want to go home.” 
He frowns as he brings a hand to the top of your head, leaning it to rest on his shoulder again. His cold fingers are in your scalp, pressing against the pulsating headache you’d been ignoring for the past hour, soothing the feeling. 
Should you guys really be sitting like this if there are cameras five feet away? And what if-
“Do you want to take a walk? We can go look for lemonade or something.” 
You nod as you both stand up, giving Hange and Levi a wave as you walk off. You’re slowly ambling behind Eren as he looks around for the drinks, the entire day replaying in your mind. 
You just want to go back to set. Have Mikasa tell you goodnight, eat breakfast with Sasha, play cards with Armin. None of this press junket, stupid interviewers, uncomfortable producers business. 
You feel a tugging on your arm, and you look back to find two girls looking at you. They can’t be much older than you, maybe eighteen or nineteen, with matching Attack on Titan shirts. With your face on it. 
“Hi. We’re Sarah and Sofia. We’re really, really big fans of the show. We were wondering if we could get a picture with you?” 
“Oh! Yeah, of course. I’d love to.” you respond. 
You take a few pictures with them before handing them their phones back. 
“Are you guys enjoying the panels?” 
“Yes! We’ve gone to every single one of yours, you’ve been doing really well.” 
You can feel your cheeks burning at their praise, reaching forward to hold both of their hands as you talk. 
“You guys are too kind. And I really, really love the shirts. Did you make them yourselves?” 
“Yeah! We also drove down two hours just to come watch, it’s been such a good weekend. We really, really admire you for what you’ve done. It seems like we hardly ever see “normal” people in the media. But every time we watch you do an interview, you always bring up our favorite songs and slang that we use, it just…makes it feel like there’s someone like us on the screen.” 
You squeeze their hands, the tears welling in your eyes as you fight them down while responding. 
“I promise, I’m a thousand times more like you than any of them, in more ways than you’d think. And…you could do it too. It’s like you said, we’re one and the same.” 
They’re smiling so brightly at you that it’s making your heart squish in your chest, the feeling all warm and gooey and self-soothing. Right. You can do it. Who gives a fuck if a stupid reporter or these people think you’re lame - the people who watch your show are the ones that matter. 
“We love you so much. You’re so, so sweet. You’re literally the nicest celebrity we’ve ever met. I’m sure you have to run soon - I can see Eren back there staring bullets at us - but we hope you have a really good birthday tomorrow, and we can’t wait to meet you again.” they say. 
You wrap your arms around both of them as they both run off, excitedly talking, as you see Eren coming up to join you. He has a cup of lemonade in his right hand, the left hand reaching forward to wipe away the one tear that escaped your eyes. 
“Sure you’re okay?” 
You look over at him, green eyes looking into yours, and reach down to take his hand. 
“Yeah. I’m okay.” 
“Let’s go home, yeah?” 
You nod, the two of you shuffling off to where you came from. 
When you get on the plane, your impending panic of the “Thank You” scene comes back. You’re both landing on set on New Year’s Day - which is your birthday, so you won’t be filming. Levi and Hange granted you the night off, and Eren says the two of you can go get slushies when you land. But then you’re filming the scene the next morning. You’re both still stuck on the plane for another seven hours running through the lines. 
“Listen, you’ve always been at my side...thank you.”
You drop the script onto the table and groan loudly, to which Eren laughs in response. 
“It-it’s falling flat. This scene is too serious, I-we’re going to have to do a million takes.”
“It’s fine- we’ll just practice a lot.” 
You switch seats so you’re right next to Eren, the two of you looking down at your scripts and switching. You read each other’s stage notes - you both have a habit of writing notes to help remember lines and blocking - which you’ve found helps reading each other's notes helps you stay in line. Like you’re in each other’s head. 
You read through his little scribbles - keep eye contact, start crying here, practice this. 
“When you say practice this, you mean…” 
He leans over, eyes going wide as he snatches his own script back, face burning. The arrow saying “practice this” was pointing to the line referring to the two of you kissing.
“Were you going to practice kissing in the mirror?”
“Shut up.” 
“I think a pillow would be more sanitary. Maybe you could find a video of it on the internet or-” 
“I was going to ask if you wanted to practice with me,” Eren responds angrily. 
You can feel your throat drying, eyes met with Eren’s burning stare. 
“I just thought it-it would be worse if we did it wrong. And had to keep trying, and you know that everyone’s going to come to watch us and-” 
“I guess, but-”
“You don’t have to, Y/N. I was just thinking about it, and I was going to ask. Just so we don’t…have to do it for the first time in front of cameras.” he mumbles, turning his head away to look out the window. 
You sit there for a second and think about it. Eren does have a point. Having Ymir and Reiner stand there while you kiss Eren, or anyone, for the first time would be horribly embarrassing if they were actually standing there. And it would be weird to have your first kiss for the first time in front of someone, maybe it would be a better memory if it was more isolated and someone else. 
“Okay, Eren. That actually makes sense.”
He turns back, a shocked expression spreading across his face. 
“Yeah, just…don’t be weird or something if it’s bad. I’ve like never really done this before, Eren and-”
“It’ll be fine. We can figure it out together. It’s just…kissing. Can’t be rocket science.” 
You nod, albeit apprehensively, as Levi and Hange join you and Eren in the seats across from you. 
“You guys doing okay?” Levi asks, pushing bottles of water toward the two of you. 
You both nod as you take in their expressions, the two of them more stern or serious than normal. Well, Hange being more stern - Levi has resting serious face. 
“We wanted to talk to you about something,” Hange says. 
“Okay. Is everything okay?” you ask. 
“The press junket. You both were exposed to many different things you really haven’t been to before and we just…want to give you our own advice before we let you go on and about in your careers.” Hange says.
“We care about you both, and there are just some things you should know. We don’t care what you do because you’re your own people, but we just want you to be warned about things you…might see.” Levi continues. 
You and Eren give each other a weary look, halfheartedly nodding at the two of them. 
“There are some producers in the industry that don’t have your best interest. I’m sure you guys have heard rumors before of what the industry is really like and what it can do to someone - we’re trusting you both to keep your heads when dealing with situations like that.” Hange says. 
“I don’t give a shit if it ruins your reputation. You don’t let them ruin you, control you, whatever. Your safety and what you’re comfortable with comes first.” Levi says. 
“Have you guys ever been....near stuff like that?” Eren asks
Levi and Hange give each other a weary look before nodding. 
“Yes. That’s why we’re telling you because no one ever told us. They’ll make you do things you don’t want to, make it feel like they control you, and take away the things important to you so they’ll know you’ll stay. Some of them are also very deep in some very, very illegal shit, so again. If you value where you are, you won’t interact with them.” Levi says. 
You both nod, reaching for each other's hands as Levi and Hange study you with their eyes.
“Eren. Y/N. Did you notice anything weird about the press junkets we did today? Or what the media says?” 
“Not really,” Eren responds. 
You look down at your hands, focusing on the way your knuckles look when they’re flexed, from clenching so hard, as they all wait for your response. But you guess your silence is enough of an answer because Hange takes that as their sign to start talking. 
“I had a feeling. What have you been thinking?” Hange asks. 
You can feel your voice getting tangled in your throat and the tears coming to fill your eyes when it comes time to explain, to tell the three of them something they might entirely reject. Or just not understand. 
“I just-the press junket was weird. It seemed like the interviewers were all asking me questions about Eren or Connie, or my other co-stars while they were asking Eren questions about his acting and what he does to get ready on set. It just feels like-that’s the only thing they care about when it comes to me. How I interact with other people.” 
Eren’s squeezing your hand - three times - as the tears are freely spilling out of your eyes. Right with the words because now that you’ve opened this can of worms, it seems like you won’t stop until they’re all out on the floor. 
“And. At the networking event, everyone wanted to talk to Eren and not to me. And it’s not that I’m jealous of him because I want Eren’s dreams to come true just as much as mine, but it…just feels like I’m less than. Like I’m stupid for even trying because my parents are just dentists in a small town, and the only acting I’ve done before this was in a very shitty small-scale production of Hamilton at my middle school.” 
Hange and Levi scoot into the seats at your sides, Hange’s arms around you on your left and Eren’s around you on your right. Hange and Eren are squeezing your hands, Levi’s hand softly running through the strands of your hair as you sniffle through all the tears. 
“I’m sorry, kid, but this part doesn’t go away. Especially because you’re a girl, something about that makes people think they have the right to the most heinous things about you. They’ll criticize anything and everything you do. You’ll learn to roll with the punches because, at the end of the day, you’re here to make art. Let that do the talking for you.” Hange says. 
“I know. I just have to ignore them. Plus, there are nice people out there who really care about the show and what I do so-” you respond.
“More than just care about it, Y/N. People love you. The ones around you and people out there.” Eren says. 
“Another thing. Eren, the type of scrutiny you’ll face is nothing compared to what she’s going to face, just on principle. It’s your job to not be the asshole who turns a blind eye to that and it’s your job to defend her if it calls for it. And if anything, it should infuriate you enough anyways that-” Levi mentions, looking over the tops of your heads to look at Eren. 
“It already does infuriate me. Who gives the people the right to say anything about her when she’s one of the best ones on the show?” Eren responds, the anger spilling out of his mouth.
Levi and Hange give your hands one last squeeze before walking away, muttering something about how you should just focus on enjoying your birthday tomorrow and the scenes, leaving you and Eren in the seats again. 
“What were we talking about before?” you ask. 
“Everyone is stupid. You know that, right?” 
You sigh, leaning against the chair so you’re looking up at the top of the airplane, the white lights shining on the two of you. 
“I know that logically. But sometimes, it just kind of sits in my head. Repeating, and I try to convince myself it’s not true, but-”
“I’ll convince you.” 
“Just tell me. I’ll convince you. You could have told me before too and whenever you want. I’ll drop whatever it is I’m doing for you if this is what you need me to do.” 
You nod, thinking of the best response. Because how do you tell him that he’s the best person you’ve ever met, and this only furthers the fact that he’s just too good for you. Because you’ve never had someone defend you or be so ready to come to your aid before that you don’t know what to do with it? 
“I know how you feel. You don’t have to say it, Y/N.” 
You laugh, rolling your eyes at him. 
“Are you quoting the stage directions from our kiss scene?” 
“Maybe. But it’s true. And also, that’s what we were talking about before. Practicing kissing.” 
“Maybe after we go to get slushies for my birthday later?” 
You both smile as you dig your noses back into your scripts, waiting for the plane to reach back to set. 
You guys land on set the next day, around three pm. Eren and Levi woke you up on the plane with a little mini-cupcake and a candle to surprise you. Hange then smashed almost all of the frosting onto your face, which just earned them a good amount of scolding from both Eren and Hange. When you land, you and Eren head to the townhouse together, to change before getting slushies. 
“Why do you have your phone out, Eren?” 
“What? I always have my phone out.” 
“Not when you’re like…walking somewhere. And there isn’t even any wifi outside the townhouse, so I don’t even know what you’re doing on that.” 
“Can you just walk into the house, please? Do you have to question everything I do?” 
You pretend to scratch your temples, like you’re pondering his questions, as Eren rolls his eyes and lightly pushes your head, gesturing you into the house. And when you walk inside, they’re all waiting for you - the foyer of the townhouse decorated for your birthday and little party hats on all of their stupid little heads. 
They’re all singing Happy Birthday off cue - Reiner singing opera again, Connie screaming cha-cha-cha off cue, and Historia singing like she’s the next contestant of America’s Got Talent. Mikasa and Sasha bring over a cake with seventeen green candles, each of them giving you a tight hug as you blow out the candles. 
“Surprise!” Armin says, flashing the camera in your face. 
“This is so sweet, you guys. Thank you,” you say. 
“We have gifts. Come on, let’s open them.” Jean says, grabbing you by the hand and leading you to the center room. 
They each hand you their gifts, excitedly watching you rip off the wrapping paper. And you get why because it seems like everyone put so much thought into their gifts that it makes your heart squeeze. Mikasa gives you a nice, leatherbound notebook so you can stop writing song lyrics on napkins, and Armin compliments her gift by buying you a nice set of green guitar picks. 
You take the time to squeeze everyone in a hug and press a kiss to Ymir’s cheek, much to her dismay, because she writes you the sweetest little birthday note that makes you cry, and Reiner buys you a vinyl player to use for when you make your own record. And when you go all around the circle, you end up back at Eren, who is seemingly empty-handed. 
“Did you get me something? You don’t have to, I just-”
“Shut up. Of course, I had to. I just can’t really wrap my gift.” Eren responds, grabbing you by the hand and leading you to the closet near the front door. 
The rest of them all follow suit, watching you guys from a little distance. 
“Wow, Eren. I love it. I’ve always wanted my own closet.” 
“Shut up and open it.” 
You reach forward for the handle and swing it open, only to be met with your brothers - Colt and Falco - springing out of the closet and wrapping their arms around you. You’re squeezing the both of them so hard, so excited you’re crying because it’s literally been months on end since you’ve seen them, and you never dreamed they could even be here. 
“What are you doing here? Coco, you literally have class in like two days, and Colt so do you and-” 
“Eren flew us out for your birthday.  We’re leaving at the end of the day tomorrow.” 
You turn around, and you know you’re all teary-eyed and pink in the face, but you reach forward and squish Eren into the tightest hug known to man, eliciting cheering from the rest of them still watching you - that you entirely forgot about. 
“Eren. I love you so much. Thank you. I’ll pay you back for the plane tickets, but this really means the world to me, and I-” 
“You don’t have to pay me back. This was a gift for you, birthday girl,” he says, pinching the side of your cheek. 
Nine hours later and the whole new year in the flesh, you’re scribbling lyrics into the little book Mikasa bought you. The party they threw you - fully set with games, karaoke, and a pinata that Bertholdt procured out of thin air - turned out to be so tiring that they all passed out in the foyer, sleeping on top of each other on the couch and the floor. 
“Writing a song?” 
“Yeah. I think it’s done, actually, I just need to go play it now,” you say. 
“Want me to come? I can help with the piano.” Eren asks. 
“It’s three in the morning. Aren’t you tired? And I don’t even know where the key to set is where we can access the piano.” 
Eren reaches for the closest drawer, pulling out a shiny black key and dragging you out by the hand. You both pull on jackets and run out into the dark to the tandem bike, pushing towards set while shivering in the cold air. 
And when Eren opens the set door and turns on the lights, you immediately scream and duck behind him. 
“What the fuck is that?”
“Ymir’s prosthetic titan.”
“God. Do they need to leave it at the front door? That literally scared the shit out of me.” 
He laughs, locking his hand in yours as he drags you to the piano near the back of the set. You yank your hoodie off your head, placing the lyrics on the front of the piano. 
“Okay, so. Sing it. I’ll see what chords make the most sense after.” 
You nod, going through the first verse. 
There’s glitter on the floor after the party  Girls carrying their shoes down in the lobby  Candle wax and Polaroids on the hardwood floor You and me from the night before, but
Eren starts playing the piano around the chorus, a light piano tune filling the air. And he’s watching you so intently as you sing the lyrics, change words around with your messy handwriting, and he thinks at this moment, with your forehead all scrunched up in concentration and your sweet voice in the air that you might be his favorite person to be around. 
Don’t read the last page But I stay, when it’s hard, or it’s wrong, or we’re making mistakes I want your midnights But I’ll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year’s Day
And when you finish, he’s wrapping his arms around you, his voice so soft when he whispers in your ear that it makes the hair on your skin stand up. 
“You are…amazing. You know that?” 
“Eren. You’re so-” 
He cups your cheek in his hand, his thumb rubbing back and forth as he looks into your eyes, the look so warm, so sincere that it makes your chest tingle and your heart pound. Any denial of the fact will be met with pushback, so you drop it. 
“Thank you, Eren.” 
He smiles, dropping his hand to play the chords again and write them in the book. 
“Is this song about me, Y/N?” 
“Well, the line. You squeeze my hand three times in the back of a taxi? Isn’t that kind of our thing? Squeezing hands three times.” 
You can feel your cheeks burning as you focus on the lyrics. And god, maybe the song is about Eren. You didn’t intend to write it that way, but he’s right. The candle wax, and the polaroids are mentioned in the song.
Those are all things you associate with him. 
“I guess so. I mean, I didn’t mean to really write it that way, but I guess that’s how it came out.” 
He smiles, a smirk on his face as he starts teasing you. 
“Am I your muse?” 
“Shut up. You’re so fucking stupid, Eren.” 
“You and me, forevermore huh?”
“Eren. Stop.”
“I’m teasing, Y/N. I like the sound of that. And the entire song, it’s really good. You should submit it to perform for the Savants.” 
“No. I could never do that.” 
He rolls his eyes as he shuts the book, swinging on the other side of the piano bench to lean against the now-closed piano. You’re both sitting silently, taking in the set when it’s so empty. Everyone’s ODM gear is labeled in the closet with their names, Eren’s prosthetic titan arms lying nearby, and Levi’s cleaning supplies. 
Eren clears his throat, breaking the silence. 
“We-um. Were supposed to get slushies yesterday.” 
“Oh. I’m sorry, I just got so distracted.” 
“Yeah. And.” 
“Weweresupposedtopracticethekiss.” he mumbles out, rubbing his hand against the back of his neck. 
You feel your eyes widen as the recognition hits you. You’re supposed to kiss Eren tomorrow morning. 
“Oh, shit. That’s literally tomorrow.” 
The silence hangs between the two of you as the pit in your stomach starts burning. 
“Do you want to practice now? Just so we’re good for tomorrow morning?” 
“Oh. Yeah, I guess.” 
You both awkwardly shuffle on the piano bench facing, splitting your legs between each side so you can both scoot closer to each other. And you can feel your heart beating really fast at being this close to him, all alone. 
He must sense it, because he puts his hand in yours, squeezing three times, before talking. 
“You okay? We don’t have to.”
“No. We should. I-I want to.” 
He nods, lifting his hands in the air as confusion spreads across his face. 
“You can put your hands wherever. It’s okay.” you say
“O-okay. Right, Y/N. Sorry I-” 
“Don’t worry. I’ve never done this before either.” 
He settles for cupping the side of your face with his right hand and leaving his left hand resting against the side of your waist. You place your hands against his hoodie, crumpling the fabric in your hands as you try to limit the sweat gathering on your palms. 
“Okay, Y/N. You ready?” 
He leans forward and presses his lips to yours, the sensation so strange that you forget to move your lips and freeze up against your face. You both stay there for three seconds - but it feels like an eternity. And when he pulls away, you can feel the embarrassment rushing to your face when you realize what just happened. 
You just kissed him wrong. You forgot to kiss him back. 
“Oh my god, Eren. Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I was so thrown off by it, and I just made your first kiss wrong, and I-” 
“Oh god. We’re going to fuck this up so badly tomorrow. I’m going to fuck this up so badly tomorrow. And we’re going to-” 
“Ymir is never going to stop making fun of me. And then I’ll probably-” 
He drops his hands and reaches for your wrists, squeezing hard as he talks. 
“Y/N. Stop.” he says, his voice so soft, so earnest that it stops you in your tracks. 
“It’s okay. You didn’t mess anything up. I think you’re just…thinking about it too hard. This isn’t the kiss we’re doing for tomorrow or the show. This is just you and me, kissing here and now. So just…relax. It’s just us.”
You groan as you put your hands on your face, murmuring through your fingers. 
“How do you always say the right thing like that? It pisses me off.” 
He laughs, grabbing your wrists and placing them back on his shoulders where they were before. And when he secures his hand around your cheek and your waist again, his green eyes are shining in the set light and you think he might be your favorite person to be around. 
“Ready, Y/N?” 
And when he leans forward this time, you move your lips too, taking notice of how soft, how warm his lips feel against yours. How the sensation tingles all the way down to your stomach, makes your cheeks burn and your brain prickle. You instinctively lift your hands off his shoulders, feeling the softness of his hair between your fingertips and how his hand is only guiding your mouth closer to his like he’s pushing your lips together more than they already are. 
And when you both pull away, you’re both staring at each other - dilated eyes and swollen, pink lips. Your hands in his hair and his hands around your waist, breathless. 
When he cracks a smile, you can feel your entire resolve shattering. You make no effort to stop beaming at him the way you are, because you know you couldn’t even if you tried. 
“Hi Y/N.” he whispers.
“Hi Eren.” you whisper back. 
And you both laugh so hard that it makes your chest hurt. 
“Listen, Y/N.”
“You know. We’re practicing. And doing it one time doesn’t mean it’s perfect, so-so we should try again. You know, for method acting purposes and-and.” 
You smirk, reaching forward to pinch his cheek.
“You want to kiss me so bad.” 
“Shut up. We don’t have to, I just want to make-” 
“We can.” 
He smiles, leaning forward to press his lips against yours again, his breath tickling the tip of your nose and his lips pressing against yours again, this kiss better than the last. You’ve committed it to memory - how his lips fit perfectly against yours, where his hands feel the best. 
For acting purposes, of course. 
You and Eren are ready bright and early to film the scene. Seconds before you start, Levi comes over and drops a key piece of information that leaves you and Eren pink in the face.
They’re cutting the kiss from the script.
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next part linked here
taglist: @platrom @k0z3me @kayleegomez @yihona-san06 @bsenpai @sweetenertea @mykyoon @violetmatcha  @rebeccawinters @cutiejg @bokutosthings @bookwrmm @mblrrr @wheredidmycrowngo @somethinginyoureyes7 @chilichopsticks @okaystopwhore @you-always-made-me-blush @itzmeme @firelordazulaaaa @whoami-72 @g-ghostly @intimacywithceline @erensmoodygf @cocomellxn @princess-ackerman @jaegerfiles @cacapeepee @squirrelspoetry @rui-0836 @moonmalice @invisible-mori @sofiasber @bbybeeb @timetobegone
pls comment on this post or any of the chapters if you want to be added to the taglist <3
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trainsinanime · 10 months
Your favorite fanfic writer doesn't know (but would like to)
Let's talk about comments on fanfics. This is not meant as a guide or call to action, just a bit of observations. Personally, I always saw it as impolite to ask for reviews or kudos or comments or likes or reblogs or whatever. That's not a rational point of view, it just reflects how I am. And people actually telling others that they have to leave any of this feedback? I've blocked folks over that. In my mind that's not okay. I'm not announcing a change of that, this is not a policy, just some deep-seated mental issues, but I want to write down some more things that have been going through my mind, from the perspective of someone who occasionally writes fanfics. My previous suggestion in this regard was mostly to write some fanfic yourself and see what happens and what you'd like to happen, because it's genuinely fun and I think you probably have more to say than you realise.
But there's also another point here, and that is that your favourite fanfic writer has no idea that they are. If you're anything like me, then it will seem like the great writers in your fandom are obvious. Also, the last time you bought Blåhajs, it ended with you having to flee a smoke-filled subway tunnel. The great stories and great writers in your universe are facts of nature. You read a story and you think, "this is the greatest thing I've ever seen." A story rewires your brain chemistry forever. You keep coming back and reading that one fic whenever the mood hits you. It feels obvious that this story is great. How could it not be?
It feels trite to say that the author of that fic doesn't know that unless you tell them, but it's hard to really understand the feeling unless you've been there yourself. You write a story, but is it any good? Maybe you get a lot of kudos, or maybe very little, but what does either of that mean? Kudos can mean literally anything from "loved this" to "didn't close the tab in disgust". Maybe you just got unlucky. Maybe you just got lucky. What do these numbers mean? What is a good number of kudos? 1? 10? 100? 1000? Should I calculate ratios? How do I know whether people like this?
In light of this, a comment where someone just said, "I loved this", has an almost incalculable worth. A comment where someone says they read this over and over again, or quotes lines they loved, or something? You can't imagine how valuable that is. A while ago someone told me "a couple of us are talking about this on Discord, we love it and we keep repeating our favorite lines". I thanked them, but I was too polite to say, "really? What are they saying? Which are your favorite lines? How many people are there who love it? What are their names? Which lines are the favorite ones, please, tell me!". Part of me still regrets that, because I so desperately want to know! I don't think it was a public Discord and I never heard from the others on it, but just the idea that they're out there and they like my story was so powerful. (By the way, it's not on any account that's linked from here, please don't try to find that comment.)
Now, I firmly believe that you, as a reader, don't have to care about any of that. I know there are people who disagree with me on this point, very strongly in fact, but I don't think it's necessarily your job to care. It's great if you do, and I think a lot of you do in fact care, that's why I'm writing this. But if you haven't thought about that or don't feel comfortable leaving comments or whatever, that's fine, that's normal, and you are in fact part of the majority. Any well-adjusted fic author has found ways to deal with this. They have learned to love writing for its own sake, or they love re-reading their own fics, or they have a couple of trusted friends who like their work, or ideally all three. Personally I was scared of Discord for the longest time, but it really helps with that. One person who you sort of know going "hey that's neat" can outweigh just about anything else. (Still, there will be days when you post something and you won't get a response and that just plain sucks, no two ways about it.)
But if you do care, if you think it's important that a fanfic writer knows what they mean to you, not because of any concern about the wider unpaid fan creator economy but just because of the way their work affected you, then this is important. Your favorite fanfic writer probably doesn't know and/or believe that they're anyone's favorite, and even if they do, a reminder or learning that someone knew found them will make them incredibly happy. And obviously, all of that applies at least just as much to all the beginners with potential that are out there. So if you're wondering whether it's worth it leaving a comment that says how much you enjoyed something: It probably is. And if you shared this with others and they loved it, or if this is your favourite fic, or if you enjoy how original it is, or how well it does your favourite tropes, or anything like that, the writer is going to be so happy to hear that.
A final aside: This obviously applies even more when it's about fandoms, pairings, subject matter and in particular ratings that are considered a bit embarrassing. Writers who write stuff that, say, happens to be E-rated for whatever reason, doesn't matter, will probably get fewer kudos and comments just because people are embarrassed to have their names show up in the Kudos and Comment sections. If that's you, just a note that it is perfectly okay to comment anonymously, or to create a second separate account for leaving kudos on, commenting on and maybe even posting the somewhat more risqué stuff. Now I'm not saying I have one of these second accounts, at least I'm not saying that in public, but it is an option worth considering.
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s0ftb1tch12 · 11 months
i may not be able to write out actual fanfic but i can put out ideas that scratch my brain and make me scream into the void
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being hazel callahan’s passenger princess and going on night drives when you both can’t sleep
going to zoos and aquariums where she rambles out fun facts on her favourite animals
staring at the chains around her neck so often she notices and buys you matching ones (same thing with rings, even better if they’re from brittany’s jewelry business)
movie marathon dates under a blanket fort complete with fairy lights, fluffy blankets, and snacks
fidgeting with each other’s hands while having long talks about whatever
i’m a FIRM believer in cocky!hazel after a few months of dating. once she knows you’ll stick with her for the long run, she’s not as nervous and acts more flirty (lingering touches, cheesier words, etc)
she may not be able to cook but she’ll surely try and learn your favorite foods (i think she’s more of a baker since baking is kinda like chemistry and we all know how she feels about explosive reactions)
on that note, i do believe she’s top of her class in chemistry or physics (thinking about her tutoring you in those subjects but those study dates eventually lead to makeout sessions)
that kiss scene towards the end of the movie and the fact that she wears rings really inspired me,,, y’all know where this is going probably (i NEED someone to write this desperately because i ain’t seen it anywhere and i’m down BAD)
literally any member of band!gf x loser!gf (i’m talking bassists, guitarists, drummers, lead singers)
those fics with cheerleader gf x loser gf !!! smth i haven’t seen with this trope yet is cheerleader gf surprising her with her strength, carrying her princess style
goth!gf x nerd!gf: her letting you do her eyeliner like yours, sitting in her lap as she lies down (like this 😩)
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bimbo!gf x loser!gf: your average oblivious hyperfem with her awkward masc relationship, even better if bimbo!gf wears heels often so she’s taller than hazel who is at perfect height for forehead kisses (usually leaving lipstick marks that she doesn’t notice until pj basically screams and points at it)
hazel carrying a bunch of chapstick or hair ties in her backpack in case her gf forgets hers
thrifting dates because slow fashion is important
as a sanrio girlie, i think hazel would love pompompurin and his little hat
hazel acts kinda like a little golden retriever so she would definitely get along will with dogs but i like to think she’s a cat person, cats fucking LOVE her and she is always feeding the strays on her block
hazel is a tea girlie and yes she does have fun facts about them (chamomile became v important after her parents divorce)
hazel likes simulation games like stardew valley and role playing games like baldur’s gate (she spends hours making her character) (yes this is self indulgent because i love bg3)
she loves handmade gifts; make this baby a mug, crochet her a sweater, paint her a picture and she will melt
soooooo many trinkets on her shelves (god i wish we saw her room in the movie)
she def has a less common pet (reptiles, bugs, rodents [like ferrets])
a bird would be nice for hazel if i’m being honest, she talks to it everyday but especially after a bad day (like when pj dismisses whatever cool thing she wants to talk about at lunch and changes the topic by talking over her)
idk what else to say rn but best believe that my brain will rot again because the gay shit will not be going away any time soon
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gabessquishytum · 10 months
Shifter au!
Excuse me while I world build for a second. People can shift into all kinds of animals, but in modern times shifts are a little less frequently used and the animals tend to be much smaller. More people are house pets as opposed to big cats for example. More Shetland ponies than draft horses.
So that means hob, a medieval peasant, really stands out when he shifts. Because he is a gigantic bear. Once upon a time he was still pretty rare but not absurdly. Now bears his size are practically unheard of. Plus people have somehow become more prejudiced about shifts and assume it means that Hob is domineering and territorial and dangerous.
Actually hob is very sweet, loves being fucked as much as he loves fucking, and isn’t actually dangerous anymore, thanks. In his day it wasn’t like this. He could cuddle with his friends and romp around and no one expected him to act a certain way just because of his animal. Mostly he was happy because being a bear meant he could defend his friends and family, fight well and also eat lots of honey and berries and fish. But now people expect him to be a certain way when they know he is a bear and it either repels them or they are confused and angry when he doesn’t meet their expectations.
Sometimes he pretends to be a Labrador shifter just because it’s easier to get people to feel comfortable around him. but it’s hard to never be able to shift around his loved ones. Spending time in your animal form is crucial to your mental and physical health. So this form that was once his pride and joy is sort of a hindrance to him now.
By 2023, He does have a group of friends, other shifters like him who don’t quite fit the mold. Shifters who have changed their animals because they didn’t fit them anymore. Shifters with rare animals. Even a couple of people who don’t shift at all. when hob’s boyfriend comes around they’re all a little surprised. At first glance he is sort of twinky and pretty. He says his form is a house cat. His friends take one look at him and know…that’s no house cat.
Of course the king of dreams can have any form he wants. But generally he takes the form of a gigantic panther. More than capable of turning his bear into more of a teddy bear. And anyone intimidated by a bear would be surprised to see how eagerly and joyfully hob submits for dream, the true apex predator in the room.
Oh I’m having feelings about this!!! And on the subject of shifter!Hob I must take a moment to thoroughly recommend @arialerendeair ‘s amazing wolf shifter Hob fic, Call of the Wild. It absolutely altered my brain chemistry.
Anyway, back to bear!Hob. I literally love this so much. I’m imagining Hob having to go into remote rural areas to shift, and even then he really has to be on his guard and he can’t just… frolic and enjoy himself like he wants to. He loves his little group of misfit shifter friends, and when they can occasionally get away as a group for little trips into the woods it feels great. He does get very emotional though, because it reminds him of how things used to be. It hurts a lot to have to readjust himself to societal expectations and go back to pretending.
He didn’t even have a sexual partner for so long, until after Dream returned and they got together. Shifting and sex go hand in hand, and Hob was both afraid of hurting a partner with a smaller animal shift and afraid that he would be rejected. Finally getting to be with his Dream is amazing for so many reasons, but the emotional and physical outlet of getting to shift with him? Hob is thankful for that every single day.
Hob’s high ceilinged, open plan flat is a perfect space for him and Dream to shift in privacy. They can cuddle around each other, scent each other, and Dream takes great delight in pinning his beautiful hairy bear down and mounting him. And when they want to run together? There are forests and valleys in the dreaming which are entirely dedicated to Hob’s desire to shift. He can run, leap, climb, hunt, whatever he needs. Dream watches, lounging in the trees with a satisfied expression and occasionally pouncing down on Hob when he least expects it.
When Hob wakes up in bear form, curled in his nest with Dream draped on top of him, he’s reminded of the old days. But tears don’t come to his eyes anymore. He can look back and smile, because Dream has given him such a wonderful gift.
If there’s time, he’ll shift back into human form, and show Dream his very human appreciation. The only downside in being a bear is that he does feel awfully sleepy in the mornings - but he can always rouse himself for his king <3
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sasukesun · 10 months
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
i was going to give you my top 12 until i found out that sanguinedawns deleted their profile so now one of my favourite narusasu fics ever is gone 🥺 it was called naked hearts. i guess i can’t give you exactly what you asked for, sometimes i suck at picking favourites. so i will give you my top 11 (😭) because i can’t take any of these out, and with no ranking, i’m unable to do that. i guess i’ve already recommended all of these fics here and they are all either narusasu or satosugu since i need to have a certain brainrot to look for fanfic.
the earth doesn’t move by mostlyharmless
(narusasu) i find this fic in character, really enjoy the dialogues and love seeing my boys being domestic and just weird guys. i love it.
a hostage situation by kinomiakai
(narusasu) i love how sasuke reads poetry here and how he “kidnaps” naruto. sasuke has two lines about naruto realising his feelings for him that changed my brain chemistry forever, i can’t explain the softness and patience and genuine love that contain in these two lines and i find them so real to sasuke’s character.
that’s what best friends are for by heimai
(narusasu) yes, the sasuke’s vibrator one, one of the greatest heritages of the naruto fandom. this is just the most fun and hilarious fic. i love how in character it is in a modern au context, obviously naruto and sasuke in canonverse would be a bit different than naruto and sasuke in a modern au, they are lighter but still in character.
last ones out by hereforwords
(narusasu) what changed my brain chemistry forever in this fic is their love confession, one of sasuke’s lines in particular, also so real to his character and their relationship.
safe in your arms. by ambiguousreality
(narusasu) if you ever feel sad remember that genin narusasu napping together fanfic exists :)
a thousand summers more by bluelikeskies
(narusasu) this one is so poetic and beautiful. naruto is summer and sasuke is winter, literally.
your name and what that really means by kintou
(narusasu) i think kintou writes narusasu very in character and i love how full of passion some gestures are in this fic, plus i love sasuke’s introspection.
king, until i am by iamsomebody
(satosugu) because it’s so in character and i love their dynamics here. the introduction of this fic is so… getou suguru was burdened with power, too.
summer’s first breath by hiraethia
(satosugu) like i said, this is the most satosugu fic ever. great metaphors, exceptional portrayals of grief, perfect introspection. i can’t explain the emotions i felt while reading so many scenes of this fic. chef’s kiss.
carry me home by valleykey
(satosugu) i love following getou’s mind and train of thought here, the author was great at characterising him. there are great dialogues as well, one in particular of teen getou with adult gojou still lives in my mind rent free.
be good to me by championstunic
(satosugu) something something small actions that contain so much intimacy something. i have a real brainrot for it.
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amevello-blue · 9 months
Now that we're entering into 2024, I'm asking some artists and writers that I follow:
1) What is the one piece you're most proud of from this past year?
2) What are some pieces that you would have liked more people to see? If you can include links, I'd love to go check them out!
3) What were your top three favorite pieces (art, comics, fics, etc) that someone else has made this past year?
(As always, no pressure to respond! Feel free to just ignore, or let me know if you'd rather I not send you these kinds of asks in the future.)
Ghost in the Shell! Probably obvious. I'm very proud of it, though. It's been a lot of work and I'm really excited to start posting Part 2.
Mystic Forest is always one that I want people to check out. The Great Skittle Heist of 2105 is another that I really love!
Oh gosh. Uh!! 2 Arms Left by @intotheelliwoods has changed my brain chemistry permanently. The Last Ronin Becomes a Discord Admin by @melonpalooza has also done this to me. Not Quite Kintsugi, but Close by @tervaneula is a comfort fic I like to read, the amount of cozy in it is SO good. The Eldest Brother by @debb987 has shaken me, and the AU of TEB, A Different Eldest Brother, by @alicat54cwriting I'm still not over. I am completely feral about Dannie. I'm literally writing a character analysis essay about him. Also Empathy is Learned by the same author, I love the turtles being feral little creatures... Little Scraps of Wisdom by @spectralsleuth is another comfort fic <3 (This is way more than three but 🤷I love fics what can ya do.) I'm thinking of more but I need to stop this is getting so long hgkdjfhg
I should've probably included the art pieces I really loved too but they are.... significantly harder to find hgkdjgf
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callernumberthree · 5 months
Click for Palestine 🇵🇸 : https://arab.org/click-to-help/palestine/
Hey! What’s up? Thanks for coming around!
Pseudonym’s Annie. I’ve got most of my quick info in my bio, if you ever feel inclined to skim it! I’m Bangladeshi and Muslim. I’m also aspec, omnisexual, and pangender. I also am very large and contain multitudes.
This is my main blog! I reblog a lot of stuff I find funny, stuff about the moon, about animals and nature but birds and fish in particular, about community and partnership and overcoming prejudice, about love and family and friends, and about identity and orientation and mental health.
I tag all my posts, replies, and reblogs as accurately as I can. If there are any issues with my tags, post contents, or anything else in my blog, please let me know so I can fix it and make it a more comfortable online space!
I love meeting people! If you'd like to, shoot me a message or an ask and you can be sure I'll respond!
Below is the alphabetically organised guide to my current fandoms and my relationship with them, and to my organisational structure for my tags. It's a long post; keep reading at your own risk!
Artemis Fowl
I can be safely critical of it nowadays since it's geared towards a younger audience but I respect the solid worldbuilding it portrays, especially for a children's book. Good stuff- I'd still recommend it.
Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared
Again, got into it when I was younger and it kind of burrowed its way into my brain where it rotted, forgotten, for ages until the sudden new season. Not necessarily emotionally invested, but the Three Of Them have my whole heart for sure.
Dungeon Meshi
I got into it VERY recently by binging the manga, and now I'm keeping up with the Netflix adaptation! Obsessed with the solid worldbuilding.
Gravity Falls
Top fandom ever everrrrr. Got obsessed with it as a kid and I’ve never let it go since. I know all the sordid fandom history, all the best and most popular headcanons of current day, and some the most based fanartists and fics. I do a lot of recreational multishipping in my dark and evil mind palace.
My Little Pony
Come on come onnnnn. It's a classic. I have an encyclopaedic and philosophical understanding of the MLP universe. No I will not talk about it.
Percy Jackson
Hey I mean it was pretty formative for me when I was younger. Got me into mythology! I'm critical of it nowadays but I cannot deny the positive impact it had on me. Good stuff! Haven't and probably won't watch the new live adaptation.
Read it VERY recently. Made me very existential for a while. However, the books I am emotionally invested in change on a monthly basis. Expect the title to switch in a little bit.
Welcome to Night Vale
I got into it half a year ago and it literally changed my brain chemistry. One of my forever fandoms for sure. An astute Aubergine truther, I am.
Tag Organisation Guide!
Annie’s Anomalous Affairs:
#annie’s aberrant abominations - there’s very little content in this tag. OC tag; I don’t reaaaally talk about my OCs though so don’t worry about it. It’s mostly stuff I reblog to help character build anyway. I’ll list the subtags for individual OCs below as they appear on my blog.
#abomination: Danny #abomination: Hannah #abomination: Hedon #abomination: Lola #abomination: Spring #abomination: Teresa
#annie adores advice - there’s a LOT of content in this tag. Advice or awareness spreading I reblog that I think will help me live easier, or to signal boost so people who need it can use it.
#annie attempts art - my art! At least up until now I’ve drawn purely on Procreate so it’s all digital medium.
#annie awakened - a tag specifically for answering asks and mentions! Nothing important there, just some fun with cool people online. Long post warning for most of the content there.
#annie awkwardly articulates - my posts! I talk about my thoughts and experiences, or I’ll be talking with some pals online.
#authentic annie appearances - screenshots of text conversations with my friends.
Annie Appreciates…:
#birdposting - just the same; reblogging cool and/or funny posts about birds! I love birds. Love their behaviour, love how they evolve, love eating them. I try to include the species of bird in the tags whenever I can!
#boys will be boys - I use this tag whenever I am appreciating masculinity! This includes folks being silly, being kind, being geeky, and all around being. Often accompanied by the “girl moment” tag (elaborated on below). This is because I see beautiful and unique representations of femininity and masculinity in almost everything and everyone.
#classic - tag for infamous Tumblr posts that I archive for myself! Gotta collect those heritage posts, man. Can’t have a blog without the colour of the sky.
#classic + #to me - iconic Tumblr posts that feel like they should be infamous but aren’t for some reason.
#fishposting - you guessed it; reblogging cool and/or funny posts about fish! I love fish. Love their biology, love how they look, love eating them. I try to include the species of fish in the tags whenever I can!
#girl moment - I use this tag whenever I am appreciating femininity! This includes folks being silly, being kind, being geeky, and all around being. Often accompanied by the “boys will be boys” tag (elaborated on above). This is because I see beautiful and unique representations of femininity and masculinity in almost everything and everyone.
#later gator - the tag I use to save things (usually videos) to look at later when I’m scrolling tumblr at double-time (or have my volume on), probably because I’m at work.
#my romantic wife - that’s the moon! I adore the moon, it’s unmatched (tag not to be confused with the term I often use, “my platonic wife”, elaborated on below)!
#number - tag for things that I think are attractive, ranging from various drawings of people (not images, I’m not comfortable publicly thirsting after living individuals) to standard-ATX motherboards.
#take me out to dinner first - tag for scheduled posts that have something to do with the date of the day.
Annie’s Associates:
#DNA double felix-cipher - tag for tumblr user @toytanks, Felix-Cipher. The tag is a play on the term “double helix structure”.
#my froinds :3 - I talk about or reblog posts that remind me of my friends! My friends are very important to me and I love them so so much. If I’m using this tag I’m talking about my irl pals.
#sarufiyyun - tag for tumblr user @biblicallyaccuratechicken, Seraph-Chim, who’s angelkin. Sarufiyyun is the Islamic term for Seraphim.
#the coworker - this very specific colleague I have who who is pretty eccentric.
#the spouse - this is “my platonic wife” (not to be confused with the tag “my romantic wife”, elaborated on above)! My best friend who I’ve known for nearly two decades. I have a special tag for her because I have a special relationship with her. Sometimes I will be a little sulky about her, but hey, marriage has its ups and downs!
Annie’s Avocations:
#art reference - what it says on the tin. Step by step guides or simple diagrams of art tips; whatever helps me draw!
#recipes - I feel like I should throw this tag in here now that I have at least two or three reblogs for it. Cool recipes for cool food I’d like to make one day.
#tutorial - tutorials for anything at all! I eat life advice for every meal.
#writing - yes, I have nothing to show for it on here, but I’m a writer! Tag for writing tips and also inspiration.
That's all, folks! Have a good one!
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(For reference. This is for Aiden and Lambert from the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. All of these can be read with pretty much no knowledge. I went into these freaking blind off of… somewhere. I don’t know. I found them somewhere and went down a rabbit hole.)
I’ve been through all 58 or so pages worth of fanfiction in their tag. Lore-wise, we literally only know a name and vague affiliation on one of em. They’re my poor little meow meows. My silly rabbits.
I went through all those fics and I got like. Six recommendations. These all made me feel some kind of way, or I read them more than once. IN some ORDER!
1. Where I Stand by LadySesame.
Status: complete
Ohhhhhhh what if we were lovers and I thought you were dead and then you got dragged into my home (that I never quite had the courage to invite you back to) completely feral and with clear signs of torture and me n my bros and my (kinda shitty dad who I fight with a lot but he’s genuinely trying but also he’s fucking it up) and one of my brother’s weird boyfriend (who was kind of the only one who knew you existed and mattered to me in any way) had to figure out what the hell to do about all this. And then it gets better but worse before it gets better.
Vampire hunt flashback cool. Dynamic immaculate.
2. The Kaedwen Wolves by Kaerith
Status: incomplete, has not updated since 2021.
Hockey aus really have it all. The banter. The rivals. The “we’re just homies. What do you mean I’m sending mixed signals.” The inherent homoeroticism of hockey. The “fellas is it gay to get in a fight on the ice so fast you forget to take your gloves off because some guy called your Good Friend over there a slur and like. I’m not gay or anything but also-”. And also men with muscles and a couple braincells but those only work occasionally. The chemistry.
This one would be tied for first but it’s still really early on and hasn’t updated in. A while.
3. Out of the Night That Covers Me by inexplicifics
Status: complete
Ough we love hurt/comfort and being kind in a world that is determined not to be. I love. Kind men with massive muscles who are so so so self-aware (but sometimes also stick their foot in their mouth real bad) And also terrifying women. I love terrifying women. Uh. Modern au. Everyone’s alive that I can think of.
4. Four Chambers by GilliganGoodfellow
Status: Complete
This one harmed me. It’s the accurate portrayal of grief. Warning for my homies. The Cat stays dead in this one. Had me wrecked for Amounts of Time
Rest of that series also bops and slaps. While I do love Complicated Feelings Towards Vesemir (he’s trying. He was part of an institution of child abuse. He didn’t have power to change anything. He was still part of it. He did the best he could. Maybe it wasn’t enough. He tried. Trying only gets you so far). Papa Vesemir ALSO has a place in my heart.
5. Denial by tnico
Status: complete
Author knows more weird little facts than I do. Scratches my brain. All of their works that I’ve read are stupidly good.
6. A Beginner’s Guide to Exploiting the Kaedweni Tax Code for Fun and Profit by heronfem
Status: incomplete, updating
You know.
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fandxmslxt69 · 6 months
Happy birthday, lovely! I hope you're happy and healthy! So sorry I didn't see your post earlier, I've been having a very hectic year with studying, working and just generalized stuff! BUT BUT I couldn't send you a inbox!
So like a said: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! you are one of the sweetest mutuals ever! And to celebrate that a gotta ask
What is your latest read?
And I want to know your all time favorite Jason fics, please with links and all!
OMG PLS DONT APOLOGISE I KNOW HOW HECTIC LIFE CAN GET!! i hope you are taking good care of yourself, resting and relax outside of studies and work!!! remember that none of it matters if you aren't feeling good <33
um truth be told my love i have been in SUCH a slump lately,,,, its been tough out here.
i only read like 3 books very recently (last month or so)
I did read All The Little Raindrops by Mia Sheridan my QUEEN. its like a mystery thriller with a side of romance!!! Sheridan's books are ALWAYS a hit (she's very popular for her booktok famous Archer's Voice? And Travis !!) I've read like. most of her books at this point. I have never devoted myself to an author so much. She got me into the whole thriller genre and I LOVE her. so much. ITS SO GOOD AAAA. its not for the faint of heart and on more than once i find myself with the need to throw up with how HORRIFYING and messed up some of this stuff is (most of her thriller books are not for the faint of heart. lots of horrific stuff that is all too real and it makes it 10x more disturbing). Anyway i loved it i think i gave it a 4/5 stars it was so so good
2. i ALSO started Ana Huang's If Love series. I literally never shut up about Ana Huang like. EVER and i had been wanting to read this for a while and IM SO GLAD I GOT IT STARTED !!! Its a LOT less popular than hr Twisted and Kings of Sin series; she wrote it well before she got popular/published but its so good. its def not Twisted/Kings of Sin series but it makes it sooo clear how much she's grown in her writing, character development and general story telling!!! I read the first 2 books and UGHGUGHUFGHUFGHG yeah. new comfort series fr fr fr fr.
I also got digging through Lynn Painter's works (Love Wager, Mr Wrong Number, Better Than The Movies, etc) 10/10 her rom coms are sacred to me. this was a while ago though like. months ago lmao but i think abt her books always!!!
OH OH OMG I READ BIRTHDAY GIRL BY PENELOPE DOUGLAS !!!! SOME TIME AGO!!! yeah it changed my brain chemistry. i dont remember if i told you or not. but it changed my life. i think about it always.
edit: omg shut up i forgot i read some banger books months ago that i did not mention. i ate up Liz Tomforde's sports romance series (Windy City series) it was SO FREAKING GOOD. she had hockey romance, she had basketball romance she had BASEBALL ROMANCE. 10/10 amazing vibes
I ate through the latest of Lauren Asher's (Love Redesigned) IT WAS ALSO HELLA GOOD!! Ana Huang's King of Greed was also a vibe. not my fav but it was good. I ALSO delved into hockey romance SOOO DEEP. Fav series is probably Becka Mack's Playing For Keeps. It's the silliest stupidest fluffy no plot head empty series ever. the first book is 90% porn. its just for the giggles. the second is a bit better but the third is def the best in terms of actual plot & character development for example but the vibes are astronomical and i live for them
i ALSO started reading Sarah Adam's small town romance series (very very good). All fluffy fall vibes. CHLOE GONG HAD COME OUT WITH A NEW BOOK IN THE SUMMER AND I GOT TO IT AROUND THE NEW YEAR AND IT WAS SOOO GOOOD. Immortal Longings mm......she destroyed me once again.
OKAY ALL TIME FAV JASON FICS ok i dont have links (is lazy to go find links) but i will tell you two blogs im like religiously stalking:
@in-som-niyah has AMAZING THOUGHTS on Jason 10/10 i love getting all my jason content from her GOD BLESS THE HARDWORKING PEOPLE OF TUMBLR DOT COM
@fcthots also has some kick ass Jason stuff....like....from smutty to fluffy and domestic its....yeah. oooghgubjgubgn yeah yeah.
anyway i've probably forgotten to mention a bunch of books but thats all i can remember that was actually good. HOW HAVE YOU BEEN WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN READING !!!
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koqabear · 8 months
Hmmm, I'm really into fantasy. As for groups, I stan a lot (probably too many), so you could recommend any 😭
Also, what do you mean?!😭 Your personality is just so 💜💜💜!! Like I have never admired a stranger so much in my entire life 😭😭😭
hi loveee !! so as it turns out,,, making a rec list is very hard. very. i've read a lot less fics than i thought omg (which is why all the ones i listed are on the older side LMAO), so i am here with some txt and bts recs 😭 they're mostly supernatural/fantasy, but you can always check out my main blog (@/michipan) if you wanna see anything else!
also 🫠 please.... im sobbing rn u are the cutest ever </3 i am nothing but a silly little normal person i promise
to anyone who decides to check out these recs, pleeeeaaase support the authors!! please im genuinely begging you!!! leave a little review and a reblog and show them love bc they're amazing <3
BTS Recs
☆ Beastly Gods by @lemonjoonah
✧ hybrid!taehyung x fem!reader x ???
wc: 8K // genre: hybrid au, thirller, drama, smut, potentially dark and triggering content so read the warnings carefully!
Summary: ‘Don’t leave the forest,’ a rule that you’ve been forced to follow since birth, but you are tired of living in this wooden cage. Out of desperation you cut a deal with Taehyung, who claims to be the only one who can get you out safely, even though he might be just as dangerous as the god you’re trying to escape.
sol's personal notes:
oh. my. GOD. this was one of the first few fics i read when i joined this site, and it's literally stuck with me ever since. i can't say too much about it without spoiling it, but the worldbuilding and pacing was just. immaculate. the storyline is so well done and just. everything about it is perfection omg. there's another part that goes along with this story, but i can't link it bc ofc... spoilers 😖i wish i had more to say about this fic, but i read it years ago and forgot to write a review for it T_T
☆ Treasure by @sombreboy
✧ faerie dragon hybrid!jimin x fem!reader
wc: 4.7K // genre: pwp smut, hybrid, yandere, fairytale, again potentially dark and triggering content so read the warnings carefully!
Summary: Jimin loves to collect sparkly riches and playthings. You just happen to be the next treasure that ignited his obsessive desires.
sol's personal notes:
(fucking explodes into a million pieces) i can't. i had to reread this story real quick to get a refresher on it and just. jimin's character in this is literally so perfect and mischievous and evil!! and i love it... <3 he is characterized so well and the descriptions are just so well done... ouuu i just read over the smut again and i teared up a little. the dialogue is genuinely so insane im not normal abt this fic sorry.
TXT Recs
☆ the prince and the jackal by @gyuluster
✧ prince!beomgyu x woodcutter!metalbender!reader
wc: 11.8k // genre: fantasy au, fluff
Summary:  in the Kingdom of Terrae, you, a metalbender, believe in the deforestation to modernise the land. As a member of the Lumberjackals, you thrive on cutting down trees and stealing resources until you get caught by the Crown Prince, Choi Beomgyu, a lover and embodiment of the nature you wish to destroy. However, instead of imprisoning you for your crimes, Beomgyu decides to show you the beauty and wonders of nature, leaving you to doubt your beliefs, your identity, and your very feelings for the certain boy determined to change you for the better.
sol's personal notes:
unfortunately the author is no longer active on this account (💔💔💔💔) but like. this story literally changed my brain chemistry i dont think you guys understand. it's been so long since i read this but even so, it lives on in my mind... the world building and characters are so well done and from what i remember, beomgyu's character was literally so charming T_T such a pretty story, i might go reread this bc like... the fantasy was executed so well and i love me a good royalty au <3 not to mention the whole concept of the powers is so cool!
☆ Swimmin' in a Mirror by @bangchanswolfpelt
✧ soobin x2 x fem!reader (stay with me here)
wc: 2.5K // genre: magical school au (not a harry potter au) smut
Summary unavailable.
sol's personal notes:
this one's like a whole 180 from the last fic LMAO but GOOD GOD. this author isn't active anymore from what i know of but like. they were literally revolutionary and this fic is just. never seen anything like this before but )#%(&#%??? it's genuinely so impressive how they managed to pull this off alkghadg so hot so insane so creative
☆ that's the spirit! by @agustdiv1ne
✧ sixth sense/ ghost hunter! soobin x fem!reader
wc: 14.6K // genre: high school au, fluff, angst, some elements of horror
Summary: a couple weeks before halloween, you find the quiet boy from your high school staring up into your bedroom. you're a little creeped out, and miles more scared, but then he shows you something that changes how you see, well, everything.
sol's personal notes:
are we surprised. i don't think so. i literally never shut up about this fic ever like i'm such a sucker for unique stories and this is definitely one of them! the pacing, supernatural elements, and environment was written sooo well, and the worldbuilding and explanations that comes along with the plot is so perfectly executed and well thought out. such a cool story, with a banger playlist to go along with it :]
☆ Dirty Little Secret by @petrichor-han
✧ vampire! yeonjun x gn!witch!reader
wc: 4.0K // genre: angst, dark fantasy, vampire!au, witch!au, enemies to lovers
Summary: yeonjun is one of prince seungmin’s most trusted bodyguards. born as a low-class vampire, he worked his way to the top and is proud of his accomplishments, beginning to adapt his friends’ classist mindsets and forgetting where he came from. but when his brothers come to visit one day, exposing his poor ancestry, everyone turns against him except for one: a lowly servant whom he’d picked on in the past—you.
sol's personal notes:
are you kidding me. DARK FANTASY. yeah that's literally all it took for me to fall in love with this story; the imagery is beautiful and the storytelling is so heart wrenching and good and i am literally clawing at the bars of my enclosure rn btw. this fic is sososo good and i'd literally kill to get another morsel from this universe !
✧ again, make sure to show all these lovely authors some love!! if any of you manage to see this (unlikely. for the most part) i literally cherish these stories sm and would literally die for them idcidc u guys truly made some masterpieces over here ✧
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eshtaresht · 4 months
Esht's Trigun multichapter recs
Becoming Eden by Lenipez is the fic series ever. like, at all. I don't even know how to describe it in a way that would do it justice. just the tags alone on the first installment made me feel like a cat ready to pounce and once I did I was utterly lost in the sauce and still am!! this epic synesthesia sci-fi blend of all three triguns changed my brain chemistry in a way that matters and became my ultimate inspiration in formatting (did I mention, the formating here is INSANE)!!!!!! an absolute must-read
Write Your Ticket by WateredMyCrops starts out vashwood-centric but is, in fact, polygun through and through. this series is quite literally about breaking free from the narrative in ways that can't be reduced to a simple "fix-it". it's about recognition through the other and acceptance, and it makes me stim exessively every time I get a new chapter notification
Bluebells by eezybree is a very grounded story. the wild old days are over, but even a peaceful life has concequences. that is to say, vash can't just barge into meryl's apartment drunk and expect everything's gonna be ok between them! both are racked with trauma and grief, but they try to mend this wreck of a relationship day by day. and oh boy, am I invested in their progress!!
Like A Limb by CommanderGoo is art. the post-canon aftermath of meryl&vash's traumatic mindmeld is explored both through words and illustrations that bring the haunting atmosphere to another level. this too, is yuri and oh boy does it include some visceral body horror and altered mental states!!!!!!!!!!!!
there is a season for all things by SolidShrimp is the most ace heatfic ever. I don't know if it's about the mashwood dynamic here, the way they are willing to try this new weird thing for vash, or the fact that plant reproduction in this fic is so incompatible it doesn't resemble sex as humans understand it, but it is very compelling to me as aro/ace spec! a very enticing read
love and leg stretches by verboseDescription is perhaps the most compelling modern au to me. trigun is such a specific can of worms that's hard to transpose to modern day earth, but this fic manages it with ease. that, and it's t4t4t4t polygun with top tier disability(_es of all sorts) representation?? a delightful story about wolfwood being roped into a polycule through physical therapy while reimagining major trigun characters and plot beads in this setting
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psylunari · 7 months
For the ship ask game: kunikidazai, suegiku, atsulucy
NOTE: the post will be long as heck. I'll keep reblogging for every ship addition till I finish.
I'll preface this by saying, yes! I do ship all of these!
(nervous chuckle) buckle up, buttercup.
1. What made you ship it?
TL;DR: ironically enough, writing it made them take over my brain.
Mid-tier answer: It wasn't one specific thing. I watched the show and had 1 (one) plot bunny one year later (my most-read BSD fic). I was writing a MHA OC/canon thing at the time. While passionate about that OC/canon, it was a difficult fic, and I put it on hold.
Writing that knkdz fic proved itself easier. It was flowing. It forced me into a deep dive in their dynamic. The result is what you see.
Long answer: it took me 10+ years in fandom (legit) to like m/m ships. So it's kinda hard?? To watch things with m/m tinted glasses. AKA deliberately looking for m/m chemistry, or interpreting it always that way, or making it up in my head if I can't find it. If I come across a ship, I came across a ship. And I'm the same for any ship.
During my first watch of bongo straycats, I didn't ship much of anything. I looked at those two and went, “yeah, they're haha funny, if I were to ship something it'd probably be this”. I was done with the three seasons out, then, I “forgot” BSD.
I mean. Not that I forgot. I was in-between fandom phases with other stuff. So I didn't pay “the popular ships” much mind. They were there. A thing that existed. I didn't care for them.
Then it went like:
“Hey, I could use some change in my life, lemme style my hair like this anime twink.” “Fic idea for haha funny ship. What if instead of disappearing to commit the die, the anime twink was sick and didn't tell anyone?” ?????? “It is a CRIME that THIS dynamic is on the unpopular side, I'm declaring myself in knkdz hell till further notice and will do something about it.”
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
TL;DR: they are multifaceted, their relationship is a deep rabbit hole of symbolism, and a blast to write about.
Superficial answer: complementary personalities + look good together + attractive + hilarious banter + suspicious moments + annoyances to lovers.
Heartfelt answer: I look at them from a complete perspective. Never one without the other, never caricatures of themselves. There's the caring domestic side, the dumb disagreements, the synergy and mutual respect, the defiance of internal values, the angst past and present… They are complex. The more you dig, the more you find. It's entertaining. It made the brain go brrrrr.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
It isn't often I come across interpretations I disagree with. Dedicated knkdz shippers and I are mostly in the same wavelength. My unpopular opinion, however, boils down to “I interpret both as some flavor of bisexual, not gay” and “mischaracterization”.
Will elaborate on the latter.
On Kunikida: headcanon as the fandom might, IMO, this guy isn't confident about love and sex. Let alone super liberated.
Picture this. Inexperienced + perfectionist + “dear diary, today I dreamt of my perfect wife” + “do girls not like me because I'm a nerd?” = pretty romantic, huh? And out of touch with reality.
Don't get me wrong. He does have carnal desires or kinks, I feel. I see him as shy and easy to fluster in the beginning. He takes time to relax and do his thing, being his own biggest critic.
On Dazai: he isn't helpless and definitely has an edge. I have a catboy agenda to set. Think like a cat's claws. Can and will scratch if unhappy, they're part of him, do not declaw the catboy. The feetsies are soft and adorable. They're also a part of him.
In the love aspect: when he LIKES someone, Dazai goes “brain.exe has stopped working” and does/says the stupidest shit. I think he orbits them out of no idea how to deal with it. Staying in the same space, wanting closure, not asking for it. Literal cat behavior again.
Now, in sex matters, he's shameless for… the most part. Not vulnerable all the time. He can flirt when it's for meaningless flings. What IMO WOULD make him cry is emotional stuff. Which may be tied to a sexual moment. Just not necessarily.
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afreakingdork · 5 months
Hi! I always wanted to tell you but your Weak spot fic literally changed my brain chemistry and do not mean this in a light way like... It really was a healing (and I mean VERY healing journey) journey while reading through it. The way Donnie interacts with Reader-chan and the way he responds, talks, thinks of her really got to me. In the way that it profoundly spoke to my unhealed parts really got me to actually get up and figuratively start tending my inner wounds and applying healing techniques where they were needed. Honestly in short your fic actually inspired me and gave me strenght to the point that I started working on myself VERY, VERY seriousely and I can't thank anyone but you. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful art of yours with us all. I always wanted to wait until I make an art piece (or multiple) that could really describe all of my feelings with this because there are many and they are BIG and I feel STRONGLY and I want to give back the energy you gave me with this. I hope at least this message brings a tenth of what I feel when reading your work. It probbably sounds pathetic and foolish to say all of this but I've been here a while and I can safely say that your fic pulled out the strongest reaction out of me. In the future I hope to give you at least a token of my appreciation through my visual art but I have yet something worthy. But here I am at least literally expressing a smidge of my appreciation for you and your healing art. Thank you again for shaing it with us. (Honestly this is all over the place but my feelings have grown to the point that they just burst out and this is what you get) Much love.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💛💛💛💛💛
Omigosh, anon!!! You are so freaking sweet, I can't stand it! First off, I have to say, you do not have to create anything to give back! You've given me so much just by writing this out! I'm utterly moved and I can't thank you enough for mentioning all of this! I'm emotional that my story helped you in anyway and I'm so glad it's been for the positive! I'm sending you all my healing vibes and I hope your journey continues to trend in the direction you want! Don't worry about worthy because you are more than enough. If you want to get better, I believe then you should and are incredibly capable! I'm rooting for you and thank you again!!!
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When did u first start shipping jegulus?
Jegulus headcanon that changed your brain chemistry?
Jegulus fic that changed your brain chemistry?
One thing that absolutely makes you wild about jegulus, like, you think about it and the next thing you know, you're howling at the moon like a lil feral child?
One thing that people MUST know about jegulus?
when did i first ship jegulus? — the thing is, regulus has always been a favorite of mine. when i was a little kid and read kreacher’s tale, i went 😟🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲 and latched onto him like a fucking leech. i was a literal child with zero internet access (yet), so i had no concept of fandom or anything, but i would go around yapping to people that my favorite characters were harry, luna, and regulus black. first started shipping jegulus the moment i heard about it tbh! it’s weird bc i never really shipped jily in the formal sense of the word?? i first read the books around age seven-eight, so i didn’t even know it was possible to “ship” characters with other people, but by the time i was old enough to care, i wasn’t compelled by the ship at all, so i had no interest in it. then, i found ff.net around age ten, and the very first fic i read (after a harry/daphne fic that still holds a special place in my heart) was a lilycissa fic. immediately hooked. instantly swooning. so much more interesting TO ME. i think i stumbled upon a jegulus fic a while later and fell in love.
jegulus headcanon that changed my brain chemistry — anything involving james helping regulus through a panic attack, sensory overload, or autistic “meltdown” (i hate the connotations around the word “meltdown,” but for lack of a better word…🤷🏻‍♀️). and regulus “cold-hearted sarcastic bitch” black’s façade slowly melting as he learns to accept the help and he shows that he really is just a softie lmao.
jegulus fic that changed my brain chemistry — cannot pick one, but inertia by @ninety-two-bees, whatever happened to the young, young lovers? by @georigas.k. (not on tumblr), and paint it black by @imdamagecontrol are definitely some that altered what’s going on up in here. also not to sound vain but i really do love my own fics😭especially atib.
one thing that makes me wild about jegulus — THEIR LOVE THROUGH PHYSICAL TOUCH!! touch-sensitive regulus learning not to fear touch and to feel comforted by it through james!! him latching onto james as His Person the one person who can touch him and craving james’ arms just to cuddle and feel comforted and safe!! james absentmindedly twirling one of regulus’ curls around his finger during a conversation!! they’re always all tangled up in one another, almost inseparable.
one thing that people MUST know about jegulus — hm…i guess that no matter if it takes minutes or centuries or even crossing dimensions, i believe they will always find one another <333 and you can find them in the smallest things. i find them in the way my cat watches the neighborhood stag cross my yard. i find them when it rains at sunset. i find them when the sun and regulus “meet.” they’re just stubborn lovers who cannot be apart.
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