#I brought a whole straw to school just so I could make that one image
Hey sorry I haven’t posted in like 3 days anyways here’s some Alex content because I feel like I don’t make enough of this graceful creature
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Me before and after my grandma says I’m a handsome young lady
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“Ok Alex I’m almost done let me just add your eyela—”
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“Bad Alex >:(”
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Felt bad for her so we both made up and I gave them a milkshake to drink
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He’s all better now! :)
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MC’s half Demon, and they look AWFULLY familiar...
‘Kay guys, I got a different kind of stupid Headcanon to throw at you. Get ready!
Part 2 Lessons 1-5 Part 2.5 Group Retreat Lessons 10-12 Lessons 13-15 Part 3 Part 4
*ahem* picture if you will, it’s the day the exchange program is set to start. The student council (nix Mr. Kill All Humans, Weeb-supreme, and our Scummy Sweetheart) have assembled to welcome the new human student. All is going according to schedule, the portal opens up at eight am sharp, they hear the pitiful screams of the selected human who was not given a heads up about the whole thing, and the poor little human falls straight onto the marble floor.
There’s something a tad... off about this human don’t you think? After they’ve peeled their sorry ass off the floor they observed the assembled student council with an air of sophistication and self importance that no one expected. Their posture was perfect, their eyes sharp and calculating... they bared a striking resemblance to-
“Lucifer,” Diavolo looked to his right hand man, then back to the human. “The human kind of looks like you!”
And out popped four pitch black wings from the human’s back and two small horns out of the sides of their head, one horn was a bit bigger than the other. They even still had some of their down feathers! How cute!
((Content warning: Swearing (I have a potty mouth, forgive me), but that’s it.))
So, the MC is Lucifer’s kid! Of course Mr. Prideypants immediately tries to recall exactly what little romp in the human world uh... spawned this half-human half-demon child of his. Good thing MC’s got the other parent on speed-dial.
“Please note, MC,” Lucifer pinched the bridge of his nose upon hearing Asmo take even more pictures of his newly discovered hellspawn. “I was not aware of your existence, if I was I’d-”
“Don’t worry about it. I’m not upset.”
Lucifer blinked a few times in surprise. “P...pardon? You aren’t upset?”
“No, my parent told me that my father was a high ranking demon, and they bare no ill will against you. Though, I am looking forward to this whole... exchange program thing.”
Oh wow, that was easier than Lucifer thought. Damn. Well, he was a father... (let’s be real, he’s been parenting his brothers for thousands of years, and a good chunk of you sinners call him daddy)
MC is probably the most protected student at RAD, despite the fact that they have no visible security detail whatsoever. They didn’t want to be seen as... weak and pathetic.
Something about this human just... set the lesser demons on edge. Any talk of eating them was stamped out on the first day when they walked by. It’s like Lucifer himself was staring at them, daring the demons to try and bother the human. MC’s powerful presence kept them protected and feared.
...at least until dear uncle Asmo decided to do their hair one morning. All those ribbons may have looked adorable but they kind of ruined the intimidation factor.
MC loved to mess with the other students, keeping their lineage a secret for the first little while just made it so much funnier when the other demons tried to scramble out of MC’s way without looking like they were running from the ‘weak little human exchange student’.
Oh wow, what a sadist. Like father like child
Flying lessons are a must. Poor MC isn’t terribly good at controlling their wings, and their horns are still growing in so when they pop into their demon form the first thing they get is a sore skull. Ow... it sucks that Lucifer isn’t outwardly very sympathetic.
“Ow!” MC crashed face first into the grass in the backyard of the House of Lamentation. “Father! My wings are cramping! Can’t we practice this tomorrow?”
The sight of seeing his dear child crash face first into the ground had lost its hilarity after the first three times. Lucifer slowly lowered himself to the ground and crossed his arms as he stood over his incredibly grass-stained kid.
“MC, we’ve been ‘practicing this tomorrow’ for the past month. If you want to learn to fly you’re going to have to actually manage to stay in the air for more than three minutes.”
MC shot Lucifer a withering glare that only preteens were capable of, Lucifer matched it with his own much more sophisticated glare.
“You’ve been flying for over a thousand years! Don’t you have any tips that can actually help other than ‘don’t panic, you’ll look ridiculous’?”
Lucifer dragged a gloved hand down his face and looked around, the two were alone as far as he could see.
“MC,” Lucifer began. “When I was a young angel, I needed to learn how to fly with someone else.”
MC perked up. “Who?”
“Michael. The smug bastard picked up flying quicker than I did.”
“What’d you do?!”
Lucifer smiled at his child’s intense investment. “I practiced flying every day for five extra hours until I could do everything that Michael could do, just better.”
MC’s starry eyed interest died almost instantly upon hearing about the extra five hours of practice. “Humph, I bet I could outfly younger you and Michael with only two hours of practice a day.”
“Really now?”
“Yes! Watch!” MC shook off their wings and took off in a running start before shakily making it into the air. Their form was decent enough, and they weren’t shaking as much as the previous attempts. “SEE?!”
“Yes MC,” Lucifer smiled. “I can see.”
You know what else Lucifer could see? MC crashing right into a tree.
Okay... maybe they could halt practice a little early and order a treat from Madame Scream’s. A little sugar to refuel is needed when the end goal is crushing a mutual rival beneath their heels. Just some good old fashioned father/child bonding time!
MC has a smaller seat right next to Lucifer’s seat in the Assembly Hall. I will not compromise on this one.
For all your fluff needs, I give you: Lucifer teaching MC how to play the piano. He has a proud little smile on his face when his kid finally starts getting it. That’s all. Enjoy the image.
That one Uncle who gives you Alcohol at Family Gatherings (Mammon)
Yeah, when Mammon burst in late to the party and whining about everyone’s spamming him with texts to haul his scummy ass to the Assembly Hall, the last thing he expected was to see a mini-Lucifer.
“What the fuck am I lookin’ at?!”
The glare the two Lucifers gave the poor Avatar of Greed was enough to make him want to turn tail (uh, wing) and book it down the hall.
“Mammon, this is MC. They’re my child.”
“...whaaaa..?” Mammon looked between the two, same glare, same intimidating aura, same annoyingly good posture.
Mammon scratched the back of his neck and looked over at his older brother. “Do I uh... still gotta babysit em’ if they’re not human?”
“The lake of Cocytus will melt the day I let you babysit without supervision.” Lucifer grumbled.
“I don’t need a babysitter!”
Despite Lucifer’s initial denial, Mammon and MC ended up spending a lot of time hanging out when Lucifer was busy with paperwork. Of course Mammon’s first thought was ‘how do I profit off this situation?’
MC is now Mammon’s designated babysitter after they caught him picking up their feathers that had fallen off with the intention of painting them white and claiming they were Lucifer’s from back in the Celestial Realm.
Mammon does end up spoiling MC a little. Just a smidge. They’re the kid of his totally not his favourite brother after all! How could he not? Whether or not these gifts are obtained legally or are legal at all is subject to scrutiny.
“Mammon, I can’t drink this!” MC placed the bottle of Demonus back on the counter of the kitchen.
“Why not? That’s a bottle of the good stuff! We gotta celebrate you gettin’ an A on that test somehow!”
“I’m underage! Incredibly underage. I’m not legally allowed to drink.”
Mammon wordlessly plopped a silly straw into the bottle. “...does that help?”
“No.” MC then inclined their head to the bottle. “And I don’t want to get hung from the ceiling, that bottle was in my father’s study yesterday, I’m above theft.”
“How old are you s’posed to be anyway? Never mind... uh...” Mammon wracked his brain for something else he could do for MC that didn’t cost anything (don’t judge him, the poor bastard was flat broke!). “I could... teach you to drive!”
“Yeah! Drivin’ is awesome! We can take my car!”
The bills for the damages done to the car and the Devildom were mailed to Lucifer the next day, and MC and Mammon got to keep each other company as they hung from the ceiling. Ah well! At least MC wasn’t upside down!
Mammon wasn’t that good of a flight teacher either, he also crashed into a tree (the same tree MC crashed into, actually) when he was cheering for MC. They were finally able to do a loopdy loop! He was proud and distracted! Okay?! Lucifer! Stop smirkin’ at him! It’s not that funny!
At least the vantage point from the tree was decent and the branches didn’t scratch him up too badly. Oh hey... that person walking by was wearing a very nice watch... he’d be right back-
That Uncle That is Always Absent From Family Gatherings and When He is Present He Leaves Early (Levi)
He missed everything. That is not an exaggeration. He was in the middle of an online raid battle and couldn’t look at his phone! No Lucifer he can’t pause an online game! That’s not how it works!
Okay, the human exchange student is half demon? WOAH! THAT’S JUST LIKE THAT ONE ANIME- W A I T. THE LITTLE NORMIE IS LUCIFER’S KID?!
Okie doke, he was fully convinced that MC just had to be an anime protagonist.
They binged every series that Levi compared them to. Sure MC might have missed a few assignments because of late night anime binges, but they were too good for this school crap anyway, right?
Nope. Lucifer put a ban on the two watching anime until both their grades improved. Surviving that hell brought the two together.
The sound of a pencil case being haphazardly thrown across the room made Levi peek out of his bed-tub. If his figurines got knocked over so HELP HIM-
“This is stupid!!I shouldn’t have to catch up with this!” MC crossed their arms and gave their Demonology textbook their best disapproving glare.
Lucifer Lite (tm) was having a hell of a time trying to claw through their missed work, and Levi sympathized, he really did, it’s just... he was playing Animal Crossing-
Levi paused the game to placate his anime-buddy when their wings popped out and he feared for his rare merch’s safety.
“H-hey, MC? Do you need help?” Levi’s offer was met with a bone chilling glare that lived rent free in his nightmares ever since. He had pulled a Mammon and forgotten he was talking to Lucifer’s child. Lucifer’s allergy to help must have passed down to MC.
“No! I don’t! It’s just... dumb!” MC hissed, she turned and looked over at the fish tank. “Right Henry 2.0?”
Henry 2.0 did not respond.
“MC, you need to finish your homework or we can’t watch anything together,” Levi sighed, he had finished his work over an hour earlier. He had mastered the art of all night anime binges and managing to do most of his work in the fifteen minutes between the time he woke up and the time school was supposed to begin. “We haven’t even binged all of volume 4 of TSL yet!”
“Mmm...” MC grumbled. “Fine...”
MC picked up their pencil case and began continued their work. Levi breathed a sigh of relief and went back to Animal Crossing.
The tiny normie did in fact finish their work, only after they caved and asked Levi for help. Swore him to secrecy, they did... very intimidating, they were.
Just saying, he most definitely sent that one Keanu Reeves meme with big Keanu and little Keanu but with Lucifer and MC to the wrong group chat. Poor bastard.
Flying lessons? No. Levi hadn’t flown since his time in the Celestial Realm, he had no advice to give other than: “Flap your wings!”
MC didn’t get to finish that thought, they lost their balance and fell right into RAD’s fountain. Ah well, Levi had a head start on running for his life that he squandered by laughing at MC. RIP.
The Uncle/brother/whatever the fuck that Starts a Fight With Your Dad at the Family Reunion. (Satan)
Oh... another Lucifer? Eugh. Gross.
Satan gave the kid a wide berth when they first met. Everything the kid said or did ticked him off. “Tsk. Look at MC. Making an omelette. So annoying.” “Oh wow, MC vacuumed? Roll out the red carpet, we need to celebrate their existence!” “Look at them. Breathing. Disgusting.”
MC’s pride wouldn’t ever let them admit it but... they knew Satan didn’t like them, and it hurt their feelings.
“Shhhh,” Satan whispered into his backpack.
“Meow.” The backpack replied.
“I said shhhhh.”
The backpack did not reply after that, which was a good thing considering the little princet of the HOL was nearby.
“Satan?” They asked. “Who are you talking to?”
Satan coldly brushed past them as he made his way to his room. “No one you need to concern yourself with.”
When the little calico kitten was safe in his room, Satan quickly realized a mistake in his foolproof ‘sneak a cat into the house’ plan. He didn’t have any toys for the kitten, and he didn’t want his books getting scratched...
It was alright, he’d just rush out to the a store that sold cat things and rush back! Five minute trip tops!
Well when Satan got back the cat was no longer in the room. Oh dear. He discreetly tore apart the house looking for the poor little thing until he ended up finding it in the library, happily chasing around a loose feather being held up by MC.
“Oh, hello Satan.” MC chirped as the kitten batted it’s adorable little paws at the feather.
“My... my door was closed. Did you let the cat out?”
MC shrugged. “I heard meowing.”
Satan ran a hand through his hair and grumbled. Stupid smaller Lucifer. Stupid original Lucifer. Everyone sucked.
“Let me guess, you’re going to run to Lucifer and tell him all about the meowing and the rule breaking.”
MC shook their head and glared at Satan. “Of course not. I’ve already gotten way too attached to this little guy anyway. We’re co-parenting this kitten like mature adults.”
With some coaxing, Satan did sit down and play with the kitten, maybe MC wasn’t... so terrible.
The two watch Unsolved Mysteries together, that’s their show. “This guy did it.” “Satan, we’re two minutes into the episode-” “Trust me.”
Thirty minutes later.
“He did it.” “See MC, what’d I tell you?”
Lucifer did find out about the cat, but with enough pleading, MC and Satan managed to warm up the cold spot in Lucifer’s chest where his heart should have been. The cat’s name is Detective Toe Beans (or just Bean).
Satan can’t fly, he has a tail, but he did read up on wing anatomy and how flight actually works in demons, his advice would be good in theory, but it’s full of so much technical jargon that MC can’t understand it.
At least MC didn’t crash into something, they barrel rolled through one of the HOL’s windows. Good thing it was the window to their room. The broken arm still hurt like hell.
The Best Dressed Bitch Who Brings The Booze to The Reunion. (Asmo)
Lucifer’s kid was SO CUTE! A thousand pictures commemorating that adorable moment needed to be taken! Wait- Lucifer- GIVE BACK THE PHONE-
Asmo, surprise surprise, absolutely adores little MC! So cute! So small! He was just so excited to announce to all his Devilgram followers that Lucifer was finally a certified DILF.
That post disappeared five minutes after it was made but the damage had already been done.
Asmo made sure MC looked their best at all times, if they needed help talking to anyone? Asmo’s got their back!
Sure, maybe he’s a little pushy, but pushy’s a good thing sometimes, right?
“No, these shoes wouldn’t fit you...”
“No, not these ones either...”
Asmo squeaked and jumped upwards, Geez Louise... little MC’s voice could sure be scary when they wanted it to be...
“I don’t need any fancy new shoes.” MC huffed, sitting up straighter in one of the chairs in Asmo’s room. “I thought this was supposed to be a sleepover.”
“Hmmm...” Asmo pouted. “Makeovers are an essential part of sleepovers... what’d you do with your human friends up in the human world that could possibly be better than a make-over?!”
MC began to list things off. “Ordered junk food, talked about people we hated, watched movies,”
“Greasy food is so bad for your skin...” Asmo cringed and shook his head violently. “But I’m totally down to watch a movie and bitch about people I hate!”
“Ah yes, human sleepovers, a tradition I never quite had the chance to enjoy.” Solomon said from Asmo’s bed. “Who are we bitching about?”
“Remind me what Solomon is doing here.” MC muttered as they sat down in front of Asmo’s TV.
“Because, I wanted to hang out with my two favourite humans.” Asmo cooed, reaching over and trying to pinch MC’s cheek, which they awkwardly dodged.
“Can we watch The Exorcist?” Solomon asked, propping his head up with his hands.
“Ew, no.” Asmo made a face at him. “That scene with the vomit? Hell NO.”
“Mm.” MC mumbled. Asmo turned to look at them.
“MC? Are you doing okay? You don’t look like you’re having any fun...”
“I’m fine.” MC grumbled.
Asmo pursed his lips, as much as it made his little narcissistic heart break, he nudged MC. “Why don’t you pick the movie, sweetie. I’m sure Solomon and I will like anything you pick!”
MC noticeably brightened. “Let’s watch Scream!”
The strangled noise that came from Asmo was... concerning, but to his credit, The Avatar of Lust held his tongue about his distaste for the movie, and the three slumber-party goers had quite the lovely time.
After the movie ended, MC went back to their room, sure it was a sleepover but their bed was right down the hall.
Good for Asmo and Solomon. Horny fuckers. We stan.
Asmo just claps and tries to cheer MC on when it comes to their flying lessons. (The idea that Asmo came up with to wear his cheerleader costume from the previous Halloween was immediately shot down by Lucifer)
“You’re doing wonderful, MC- WATCH OUT FOR THE POWER LINE!”
MC didn’t hit the power line, but Asmo’s scream of terror caused them to fall butt-first into a dumpster. Their injured tailbone served as a tragic memory of the incident.
Oh well, good thing Asmo had nice smelling soap to give that could mask dumpster-stink.
The Uncle that eats everything and tells you to eat your veggies while you angrily pick at your broccoli at the kid’s table. (Beel)
Lucifer... has a kid?! Beel choked on the cheetos he had snuck into the Assembly Hall when the kid’s wings popped out.
Oh wow, that’s nice :) maybe they can eat together. Belphie would probably like them.
Wait what is the gender neutral term for Niece or Nephew?
...Nibling? Uh... let’s not say that around Beel. We don’t need him to get hungrier and begin associating MC with nibbling on things.
The Underground Tomb incident probably went a little differently, but after all that nonsense, the two are closer than two peas in a pod!
Mmm... peas...
“Beel?” MC stepped into the Avatar of Gluttony’s room.
“Hi MC.” Beel was doing push-ups in the middle of the room, on the ground right beneath his head was a massive bowl of spaghetti that he bit into every time he completed a push-up. “Can you come stand on my back? I need the extra weight.”
“On your back?” MC padded closer. “Are you sure? It’s not going to hurt?”
“No, it’ll be okay.” Beel assured them. “Belphie and I did this all the time. Except Belphie is normally asleep.”
MC tentatively stepped onto Beel’s back. It was a balancing act to say the least, they eventually gave up on standing and ended up sitting cross legged between Beel’s shoulder blades.
“You did this with Belphegor?” MC asked.
“Yeah,” Beel sighed. “He was always too tired to exercise, but he’d let me bench press him sometimes...”
MC frowned and hugged their knees to their chest. Knowing full well that Beel’s twin wasn’t in the human world like Lucifer said was absolutely ripping them apart from the inside. Guilt felt just as rotten as their pride did when they were being belittled...
“Maybe you’ll see him again sometime soon.” MC whispered. “Maybe my father’ll come to his senses and let him come back down to the Devildom.”
Beel paused his push-ups for a brief moment, then nodded and went back to his eating exercising combo. “I hope so. He’ll like you, MC. I’m sure of it.”
MC nodded. “I... hope so.”
Beel’s a pretty decent flight teacher, but his wings are just so different from MC’s that it renders any tips he had next to useless.
“MC, maybe your wings aren’t flapping fast enough.”
“Beel, I appreciate the thought, but I’m not a hummingbird. Or a fly. I don’t need to flap my wings a million times a minute to stay afloat.”
Ah well, MC tried to take some of Beel’s advice, but their lower right wing cramped up and they ended up flying in circles until Beel was able to catch them. Ah well, better than the dumpster incident the previous week.
The Uncle That Passes Out in The Basement and You’re Not Allowed to Wake Him Up Even Though All Your Toys and Video Games Are Down There. He Also Picks a Fight With Your Dad’s New S/O Before He Passes Out. (Belphie)
Sitting in the attic was quite a drag, and this supposedly weak little human was quite the annoyance to try and call out to. It took a lot longer than expected, but when he heard little footsteps coming towards his prison, Belphegor nearly jumped with joy.
Oh... it... looked like Lucifer. Smelled like Lucifer. Stood like Lucifer. Quacked like Lucifer. Or... trilled..? Whatever sound a peacock made, this brat sounded an awful lot like Lucifer.
A... half-demon. Hmph. Belphie honestly thought Lucifer had actual standards. Not anymore, he guessed.
(Man I could fill a whole-ass fic with the Belphie betrayal thing, but for now let’s skip to post attic nonsense)
Okay so maybe MC wasn’t disgusting. They made a good nap buddy. It was cute when their wings came out when they were sleeping sometimes. Well... it was cute when they didn’t hit him in the face and make him wake up with his mouth full of feathers.
What Beel said had been true, Belphie made a good substitute when weights weren’t available, but Beel didn’t want MC to feel left out, so Belphie and MC ended up sitting on his back while he did push ups. MC once got bored and started playing Go Fish with Belphie on Beel’s back while he exercised.
Yes. MC is still a member of the Formerly-Anti-Lucifer League.
“Are you sure he’s not going to be too mad at us?” MC asked for the dozenth time that day. Detective Toe Beans was wrapped around their neck like a scarf (he had gotten so big!!!) while MC nervously sat in one of the Library chairs.
“Positive.” Belphie said with a toothy grin. “Besides, he’s like putty when it comes to you. Just give him your best puppy eyes and we’re not guilty on all charges.”
Putty..? Really..? Lucifer..? How strict was he before MC got there... they wondered.
“Sh! He’s coming!” Satan stuck his nose into a random book, it was the Oxford English Dictionary... and it was upside down.
Belphie pretended to pass out and MC decided that the best course of action was to stare deeply into their cat’s eyes. Yeah... that looked casual and not weird.
“Satan, MC, Belphie.” Lucifer nodded to the three of them as he walked towards the entrance to his study.
“Afternoon, father.”
Belphie let out a cartoonishly loud fake snore that nearly caused both MC and Satan to break cover and start laughing.
Side note, Bean had adorable widdle eyes! That cute little face was just to die for-
“You three..!”
Belphie, Satan, and MC peeked their heads into Lucifer’s study, their handiwork was perfect. Everything was covered in red post it notes. Perfectly not harmful, but SO inconvenient!
“You’re all cleaning this up or so help me-”
“GO!” Belphie and Satan each grabbed one of MC’s arms (Satan also grabbed Bean) and sprinted out of the House of Lamentation. Maybe they’d move back there in twenty years... they hoped that Solomon and The Angels would let them crash at Purgatory Hall...
Belphie had used up his physical energy supply for the next four years. He passed out the moment they stepped into sanctuary. Time for a nap...
Flight practice? Ha. Belphie’s napping. Though, he was suspiciously awake and filming whenever MC did something stupid.
“Try not to suck so bad.”
“I’m already there. Hell is every second I’m stuck here watching you fail.”
Well... MC mastered the dive bomb that day. Lucifer bought them a cake.
Bonus! Your Dad’s New Husband! That Has Managed to Somehow Make Everyone Hate Him Despite the Fact That He’s A Cinnamon Roll. (Diavolo)
A mini Lucifer? A mini Lucifer!
Diavolo dotes on MC like he’d dote on his own kid. MC wants a crown? They’re getting a crown! A damn nice one too! MC wants a title? Here! MC is now... idk Ruler of the area between Majolish and Hell’s Kitchen.
Poor Uncle Mammon’s got some financial insecurity, he’s still the cool uncle... right?!
He is very much that ‘how do you do fellow kids?’ Meme.
He tries to do stereotypical ‘dad’ things but he’s not very good at them. Once he tried to host a barbecue...
Barbatos saved the day, but Mammon’s hair was still singed, Solomon’s cooking still gave Beel food poisoning (SOLOMON EATS TOXIC WASTE I SWEAR-), Luke still got hit in the face with a frisbee, and Simeon got an unhealthy dose of DAD NERVES and got so stressed everyone was almost blinded by the holy light he suddenly started blasting. We do not mention the water guns.
(Seriously whose bright idea was it to give Belphie and Satan water guns while they were in Lucifer’s presence?)
Praise Barbie. He’s too good for them.
“Um...” MC awkwardly held up the baseball, trying to look at it from all angles like it was a completely alien object. “Lord Diavolo... are you sure you want to play catch?”
Diavolo clapped his hands and bounced on the balls of his feet. “Yes! It’s a thing human fathers do with their children, correct? We must make up for lost time between you and Lucifer, right?”
Lucifer massaged his temples and nodded. “If you two would like to play catch...” Lucifer grimaced. “I will too.”
“Okay! MC, throw the ball to Lucifer!” Diavolo instructed.
Lucifer half heartedly held up his baseball glove as MC tossed him the ball. He caught it, and looked over at Diavolo, who was applauding like he just witnessed the greatest feat in sports history.
“Okay! Throw it to me!” Diavolo waved his glove in the air, Lucifer rolled his eyes and smiled. He threw the ball at Diavolo with... a lot of force. Enough force to probably dent steel... Diavolo caught it like it was nothing.
MC suddenly feared for their safety.
“Okay MC, catch!”
Diavolo threw the ball with enough force to break the god damn sound barrier. Well, maybe that was an exaggeration, but the ball sailed way over MC’s head and crashed right through a window.
“Oh my...” Diavolo put a hand on his hip and surveyed the damage to the window. “This isn’t so bad, I believe in human world TV shows this happens quite often. Look! The glass broke in a perfect circle!”
“Yay... property damage...” MC murmured.
Lucifer sighed and pulled out his DDD. “I’ll phone someone to replace the win-”
“Lucifer no! Now according to human world customs we must,” Diavolo took a deep breath, rushed forward, grabbed both Lucifer and MC’s hands and started sprinting away from the Demon Lord’s Castle. “RUN FOR IT!”
“Di- Diavolo!” Lucifer gasped.
“Who are we running from?! That’s your castle!” MC squeaked.
“I don’t know! Just run! That’s what the human TV show says to do!”
Weirdly enough, Diavolo was the best flight instructor. MC’s ability to fly increased tenfold after Diavolo found out that MC was learning to fly.
“You’re doing amazing MC! That was a perfect turn!”
“Thanks Lord Diavolo, I’m surprised I haven’t crashed into anyone or fallen yet!”
“Well, I highly doubt you’ll be crashing into anyone anymore, your flying is practically perfect now!”
Mammon proceeded to fly past them holding what looked like Lucifer’s wallet.
“Oh... I wonder what he’s doing. Look, MC! It’s Lucifer! Hello Lucifer dea-”
Lucifer ended up colliding with the two of them and sending them all crashing to the floor.
That was the last time MC fell during flying practice.
(We currently have a Go Fund Me set up for Mammon to get the funds necessary to flee the Devildom after that incident. Please donate to save- oh shit hi Lucifer-)
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obae-me · 4 years
Hi again! If it's not too much trouble, can I request the brothers reacting to an MC who usually bottles up their anger (they have a LOT of patience) until one day they just explode? You are an amazing person, and thank you for everything! I hope you aren't pushing yourself too hard!!
Hi, welcome everyone to another episode of Mara Doesn’t Know When To Stop, this time featuring this lovely request! I had a small idea, which then turned into five whole pages for Lucifer alone, so, I will also be doing this request into parts, I really hope you don’t mind! I get a bit carried away sometimes...I admit it... Anyway, Lucifer’s part is first! I hope you like it! 💜
Warning: Angst, arguing, cussing, It does lead to a happy end though, it’s a bit cheesy but sometimes we love it
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We All Get Angry Sometimes
Word Count: 2707
He was fully aware of MC bottling up their true emotions. Being well acquainted with angels, he knew, despite all their holy patience, that even they had their limits. He will admit, he was impressed and proud with how far they had taken it, being human after all. Their control was practically as good as his own. No matter what his brothers did, what they said, how much they pushed them, for weeks MC just smiled and swallowed it. He was pleased. Until they could no longer retain their anger, and turned it all on him.
It had been at dinner, nothing unlike their meals every day, except recently Lucifer’s nerves had been on edge. It had been a few days since he had been blessed with adequate sleep, and his brothers were more bothersome than usual. Little did he know, MC’s mental state was about the same, close to the breaking point. An unhappy MC meant unhappy brothers, which meant it would all lead back up the ladder to Lucifer. There was only so far MC could be shoved around, only so long they could stay calm, and Lucifer had been the last straw. No one can really remember how it started, it hadn’t been important, simply some passing comment from one of the brothers discussing recent school projects. MC had scoffed, explaining their thoughts on how ridiculous the rules of said assignments were. Then it all went downhill from there.
“I’m not sure it’s your place to be making claims like that based on what your grades have been looking like recently,” Lucifer quipped. The rest of the siblings prepared to stand up for the human, knowing that MC was typically passive in nature.
Only, that same human beat them to the punch. “So, you’re saying that because I don’t meet your lofty standards, I’m not entitled to my opinions?” MC set down their fork, sending chills down the other demon’s spines as the room went silent.
Lucifer narrowed his gaze, already annoyed with their tone. “I’m merely explaining that maybe your statement would have more merit if you worked a little more at your studies instead of slacking off. And for the record, no, you haven’t been reaching my standards. I honestly expected more from you.” Every member of the household felt that line deep in their bones.
MC’s jaw clenched, the fire building up in their chest overwhelmed them to the point where if they shoved it down any longer, they felt like they would explode under the pressure. “You expected more from me? What more could you possibly want?! You’ve taken my home, my family, my friends, my culture, my time! You’ve constantly belittled me, ordered me around, expected nothing but perfection from me, and you still want more?! What have you possibly done to deserve more of me?!”
He was stunned at first, yes, but it didn’t last long. The shock factor was quickly replaced with a wave of fervent irritation. There’s no surprise he was already in demon form, doing his best to intimidate MC into submission. His eyes were glowing that deep red of his, looking down at the human as he got to his feet. His siblings slowly raised up from their seats as well, at the ready to intervene at any second. This whole event had them astonished to their core. Mammon and Levi had their jaws open. Asmo had his hand covering his mouth. Satan would have appeared proud of MC if not for the wary frown. Beel was instantly engaged in protection mode, already in a stance to grab onto Lucifer if he needed to. The eldest was barely able to control himself. Somehow MC had gotten deep under his skin, his body prickling with anger. “What have I--I’ve brought you into my home, ensured your protection, done nothing but make sure your experience down here is sufficient for your fragile little life! Do Not speak to me that way. Know your place.”
MC was physically vibrating from rage and frustration, their mind clouded with fury. Logic was far out the window now, they simply were saying whatever came to mind. Profanities were no longer held back. “I’m sick of your pompous holier-than-thou shit! I’m sick of working my ass off for you and not being good enough! You have a serious fucking lack of respect for everyone around you!”
The air was thick with his aura, his wings fully extended from his body. “Not another wor-”
“Fuck you!”
In a quick blur of motion, everyone worked together in tandem. As Lucifer lunged forward, his brothers held him back. Mammon scooped MC up in his arms and raced to the safety of their room before MC could get hurt, although deep in his heart he hoped Lucifer wouldn’t resort to violence. Lucifer growled inhumanly, flinging his brothers off of him in a single swift movement, ready to pursue the person that dared attempt to say such things to his face.
“How pathetic for you to have gotten so riled up over a few words from a human,” Satan shouted at him as he got up from his spot on the floor. Swallowing the small lump in his throat, he hoped this would prove a decent distraction as well as a way to snap his brother back under control.
Lucifer loomed over him. Satan seemed hardly disturbed. “Watch yourself.” But Satan’s words proved efficient, Lucifer’s Pride wounded as he realized how quickly he allowed MC’s words to get to him, how quickly he had lost control. All of his sibling’s eyes were on him, observing how he was acting. His head was pounding, but instead of heading up to MC’s room, he swiftly retired to his private study where he locked the entrance behind him. He paced around the area for a while, magically turning on some soothing music as his wings twitched in vexation.
He had been completely unprepared for MC’s retaliation, for their venom towards him, but perhaps he knew there was only so much a living being could take before they snapped. Had he been pushing them too hard? Expecting too much of them? Mistreating them? Had he gone too far? What if this spat ended up becoming a problem for the program? What if MC relayed this to Diavolo? His image, his reputation, they would be tarnished. Did MC think less of him now? Did he really care what they thought of him? He was better than this. He expected more from himself. He lowered his head as he sat heavily down into the chair behind his desk. He sunk down low, proper posture be damned. As he took a deep breath in, he realized he hadn’t been breathing for a while, lungs aching. He hadn’t meant to rub MC the wrong way. He simply strived to lead them towards the potential he knew they had. All he wanted was for them to feel proud of their accomplishments, to show the world what he knew they were capable of. But perhaps, it was unfair for the same standards he kept for himself to apply to MC as well. He pinched the bridge of his nose as that deep breath turned into a heavy sigh. He had failed in nurturing the success they’d already accomplished. He’d made them feel like they weren’t good enough, and now look at what he had done, in front of his family no less. Humiliating.
Meanwhile, Mammon was in the process of rubbing MC’s back as they lay on their bed, screaming into their pillow as angry tears fell from their eyes. They hadn’t meant to snap at Lucifer, it all...was just so much. They finally had cracked from the pressure. Everyone’s expectations had gotten the best of them. Be a human representative. Don’t let anyone down. Don’t show weakness. They weren’t purposefully slacking off from their studies, they just were burnt out, almost completely. Lucifer demanding even more from them...was the last thing they needed to hear today. Their own words made them feel sick to their stomach. Being angry wasn’t like them, it never sat well, which is why they always attempted to bury it in the first place. Mammon continued to tell them to breathe and calm down, doing his best not to freak out himself. He’d never seen his human act like this before. After some time, they both heard a polite knock on the door. As MC tensed, Mammon got up to answer it on their behalf. Lucifer was waiting, back in his casual clothes as his arms were settled folded across his chest, foot tapping impatiently against the floor.
“You’ve got a lotta nerve coming back here so soon,” Mammon scowled. “I won’t let anything happen to them, ya hear?”
“Nonsense, Mammon, I have no intention of harming them, I just want to talk. Calmly.”
“Yeah? Well I don’t think they’re in the mood for talkin’.” Mammon did his best to let his body block the entrance to the room, his shoulders nearly touching both sides of the door frame as he made his stature appear bigger. Lucifer peered over his younger brother’s figure, spotting MC sitting with their legs crossed on top of the bed, mostly calmed down as well, refusing to look at him. He noted the tear stains on their cheeks, and he resorted to having to clench his own teeth to stop the bubbling guilt rising up in his chest. He would make this right, if he couldn’t do this, how could he possibly call himself the wise and mature older brother?
“It’s...okay, Mammon,” MC assured him. The demon of greed scoffed, stating much too loudly that he would be right outside the door. He threatened his older brother not to even think about laying a single finger on them, unafraid of any punishment when it came to protecting MC. Lucifer waved him away with a single hand, too exhausted to deal with him further. As the door shut, he strode over to MC’s bed, chin high but spirits low. He had no intention of apologizing first, but if he could just persuade MC to start, he might be able to swallow enough pride to follow.
“Have we calmed down now?” He asked, MC simply nodding in response. “Very well.” He paused for a moment, letting an uncomfortable silence settle over the room. He did have many things he wanted to say, things he wanted to rectify, but for the life of him, he couldn’t bring himself to say them. Not yet. “Did you have anything you wanted to say to me?”
He observed them fight back their irritation before slumping their shoulders as they gave in. “I’m sorry, Lucifer.”
“And?” His voice sounded like a parent scolding a child, causing MC to nearly flinch in humiliation.
They bit their lip. “And the things I said to you were uncalled for. I know how much you do for all of us...for me.” They sat up a bit straighter as they stammered over the thoughts they wanted to say, to explain their feelings. They were afraid to be honest and vulnerable, much like he was, but they had the courage and humility to be open. It was a trait he secretly admired. “I just...I’m finding it difficult to--to find the--the energy and motivation to make everyone happy. And...and it hurt when…” They looked down, swallowing their emotions once more as they halted their watery eyes from crying again.
Lucifer let his body unwind ever so slightly. It would be rude of him now to not follow their example. “I...regret my words and my actions. I allowed my emotions to get the best of me, it won’t happen again.” He let the conversation fall once more as he took the time to straighten his coat around his shoulders and his gloves tighter over his fingers. “It was not my intention to invalidate your efforts. You’ve already accomplished more than I originally thought you were capable of, and it was foolish on my part to expect more from a simple human.” His rather backhanded compliment forced MC to rest their face in their hands in shame. The nerves in Lucifer’s spine shot a jolt up his back as he realized how terribly this was going. His temples were pounding, and he finally put his pride aside for the sake of reconciliation. He couldn’t stand to be the cause of their distress. MC stiffened as he sat himself beside them on their bed. A gentle hesitant hand hovered above their body before it settled between their shoulder blades. He glanced at the door where he knew Mammon was behind, probably listening in, and so he spoke softer. “I’m...sorry.” He had to ignore how harshly the words hurt him, but something about it was freeing. “I seem to have pushed you too far. I am thankful and truthfully astonished of what you’ve done during your time here. Not only did I cross a line today but I was blind to the fact that you’ve been overtaxing yourself. I know how hard it is to juggle my siblings and my work.”
He allowed his hand to drift up and down their back in a soothing rhythm, relaxing some himself as their muscles eased at his touch. MC finally raised their head from the confines of their palms and looked him in the eyes. “Do you think I’m a disappointment? A burden?” He found himself stunned for the second time today, and for a while he wondered when it was that he could be so easily swayed by the words and emotions of this human. Here he was, not only apologizing, but expending every effort he had in consoling them. He wanted MC to be happy again, because somehow it seemed to make his days a little brighter, his mood a little softer. Perhaps...he cared more for them than he realized. Their shouts had wounded him deeply at dinner, but somehow these new words hurt him more. Their forlorn face spurred an unfamiliar pain in his chest. 
“I’m sure it will be hard to convince you after the unforgivable things I said to you today, but it could not be further from the truth. I suppose the fact that you question yourself is one of my biggest failures. Clearly, we have not been communicating properly. For that I am..s...sor…” The words got caught in his throat. Apologizing once had been difficult enough, a second time seemed impossible. Out of the blue, he felt a tight set of arms wrap around his torso. He held his arms up in the air, his body turning rigid as his little hairs stood up on end. MC had pulled him into a tight hug, burying their face in his side. He felt their nose nestle against his ribs. As soon as he found his breath, his arms slowly lowered, settling around the smaller human. His body felt warm. Allowing himself a small smile, he cleared his throat. “I would prefer a situation like this to never happen again, do you understand?” MC detached from his sides, sitting back up as they nodded silently. “So, for the future, instead of quarreling with me, I expect you to come straight to me to discuss any woes or issues you may have. Fair enough?”
“Yes, Lucifer.”
He gingerly brushed his fingers against MC’s cheeks. “But it would be remiss of me to ignore the faults of my own. Since our meal was interrupted, what do you say to me taking you out to dinner, as my way of making amends?”
MC felt themselves blush a bit. “Sure-”
The door burst open, Mammon leading the charge as the rest of the siblings spilled into the doorway. They’d all been eavesdropping. Mammon came over and tugged MC further away from Lucifer. “Oi, what did I say about touching MC?!”
“And our dinner was interrupted too, I think we deserve something!” Asmo whined.
A loud grumble echoed from Beel’s gut. “I’m starving…”
Lucifer’s eyelid twitched a bit, and he gave MC one last apologetic look before he sighed. “Fine...we’re all going to dinner then.”
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crowfootwrites · 3 years
Sugar [Miguel Galindo x Fem!Reader]
I - I'm not sure what happened, because I didn't plan this lol. But it's probably because I had this song on repeat as I was writing. Miguel has been pissing me off this season, but I guess that's working for me? Idk, that seems like there's a lot to unpack there. Anyway, here's a one-shot!
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, smut (like, a bunch of it), unprotected sex, daddydom!miguel; language; references to sugaring (not the waxing kind) | Words: 3,295
Taglist: @chibsytelford
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He had been coming in every Thursday morning for the last several weeks. He ordered the same thing every time. For Miguel, medium flat white with oat milk. An odd choice, in your opinion. Based on his appearance, you would have pegged him as an Americano guy. Or at worst, the type to order a cappuccino and casually drop the “I discovered cappuccinos at this exquisite little café on a Venice canal” line. Especially the first time he came in wearing that white suit. Might as well have been wearing a fucking straw fedora.
He sat in the café every time he came in, reading the paper and looking at you. Men did that, sometimes, but they all had the decency to look away when you caught them staring. But this guy would meet your eyes with not a hint of embarrassment and take his sweet time breaking your gaze to return to his paper. If he had been anyone else, it might’ve made your skin crawl. But the fact that he didn’t look away, as though he didn’t care that you knew he was looking, had you intrigued.
Your barista job was the way you were paying your way through school and you worked a lot. Having something like a handsome regular to look forward to made the time a little more bearable. So, your little dance with the stranger Miguel went on like this for several weeks. After the first few, you started making sure to have his order ready when he arrived, knowing he would show up at 8:15 on the dot. The first time you did that, you slid his drink across the counter as he reached for it, his fingers brushing yours lightly. You met his scrutiny with your own darkening gaze, daring him to say something. But also begging him to say something.
He didn’t. He simply smirked that infuriating smirk and took his usual place at a table near the door, opening his paper with a flick. You turned on your heel, sucking your teeth as your coworker arched her eyebrow at you.
The next Thursday, you had his order ready when he arrived, but in an effort to restore the power balance, you had your coworker bring it to the handoff. You could feel Miguel’s eyes on you as you zipped busily behind the counter, making drinks. He watched you intently for the entirety of his visit. You allowed yourself exactly three glances his way. Each time, you could tell that you were getting him riled up. You had the feeling that no one ever said no to him, and you weren’t giving him the attention he so clearly desired.
Perhaps the timing was right, or perhaps your brush-off worked, but the following week was different. You could tell something had changed when he walked in. He was all business, his shoulders squared beneath his navy suit jacket, his bearded jaw set. He looked… like he was done playing games. The thought sent an involuntary shiver crawling down your spine.
“Good morning, Miguel,” you said coyly as he approached the handoff where you had his drink waiting for him.
��(Y/N),” he offered in response, a devilish glint in his eye.
“I’d like to get this to go,” he continued, motioning to his coffee, and your heart plummeted, immediately assuming you had somehow messed this up for yourself.
“Uh, sure,” you retorted. “Not a problem.” You turned away to remake his drink in a to-go cup, mentally kicking yourself already. When you returned to hand him his drink, he was leaning nonchalantly against the wall, arms crossed over his broad chest, studying you.
“There’s something else I’d like.” He pushed himself off the wall and leaned over the counter conspiratorially, his mouth very close to your ear. His tone was smooth, with just enough authority to make your thighs clench. “You. On your back. In my bed.”
His words squeezed the breath out of your lungs. You pulled back for a moment to meet his gaze, the corners of your mouth twitching upwards. Your pulse thrummed under your skin. “Also, not a problem,” you murmured, proud of how smooth you managed to sound, despite the rolodex of emotions spinning in your head.
“Fuck – Miguel!” you moaned, your back arching off of his 1,000 thread-count Egyptian cotton sheets as he slid his fingers between your folds, his mouth and beard glistening with your juices. You watched him smirk from his position between your legs, his fingers stretching you exquisitely. He had one of your knees pinned roughly to the bed, keeping you spread for him. You clutched at the sheets on either side of you, but your hands started to wander as he found his rhythm inside you. His thumb circled your clit roughly as your fingers dragged themselves down your body. One hand found a home pinching and twisting your nipple, the sharp twinge punctuating the slow heat building in your core. Your other hand gripped at Miguel’s hair as his tongue lapped at your clit again, and you couldn’t help yourself as you ground your hips harder against his face, whining in pleasure.
Your first orgasm rolled through you like a wave, your whole body convulsing repeatedly as you rode it, wailing Miguel’s name in its wake. He climbed over you as you came down, his thick cock hanging against the inside of your thigh and you shivered, eager to be stretched around him as he fucked you into his fancy mattress. He eyed you hungrily as he moved to press his mouth to your neck, leaving hot, open-mouthed kisses in his wake. When you had been lulled into the gentleness of his ministrations, he bit down hard on your shoulder, sinking roughly into you at the same time, and you cried out as the sensation took your breath away. You clung to Miguel, your fingers clawing frantically at his back, as he bottomed out, thrusting hard and deep.
A low groan rumbled in his chest as he rolled his hips against yours. You relished in the sounds of your fucking echoing in the spacious room, his hips snapping furiously against your ass. He tossed your legs over his shoulders and pounded harder into you, the new angle sinking him even deeper. The fire in his eyes excited you and had your pussy throbbing around him.
“Ahh, Jesus, Miguel, just like that,” you gasped, feeling the pressure building in your core. The higher he took you, the emptier your mind became, until all you knew was the ache to be filled. Miguel pulled your hands off of him, grabbing your wrists roughly and pinning them to the bed above your head, never breaking stride.
“Please don’t stop,” you cried, your eyes screwed shut, quickly approaching another orgasm. Miguel dropped himself onto his elbows to hover over you, the added stimulation over your clit wrecking you. Your second orgasm snapped, spots bursting behind your eyelids and you clenched around Miguel completely. He fucked you through it and moments later he was pulling out to kneel in front of you on the bed, stroking himself desperately before releasing ropes of hot cum on your chest.
He was breathing hard as he ran a finger through the sticky mess on your chest and brought it up to your lips. He watched with dark eyes as you opened your mouth obediently and sucked the taste of him off of his fingers.
After a moment, his face relaxed and he pulled himself off the bed, returning from the bathroom with a damp rag. He gently cleaned off your chest, grazing your clavicle with his lips. You couldn’t help the little laugh that escaped you, at the image of Miguel Galindo cleaning you up.
“What?” he asked with a lopsided smile.
“Hope you’re not expecting me to give you my employee discount from now on,” you snickered.
Miguel grinned. “I think I can afford a cup of coffee, querida.”
You were more than a little surprised when Miguel showed up at your door late one Saturday morning. You had been sleeping together for a few months by then; sometimes at fancy hotels, but usually at his home, in his bed. Well, and on a lot of his other furniture. But considering that he lived in a very expensive house with lavish trappings and armed security, him coming to your shitty apartment in Santo Padre was unprecedented. But there he was, standing at your door, while you stared back at him wide-eyed. You drank in his suited appearance while you stood before him in bare feet and an oversized Guns ‘n Roses t-shirt.
“Good morning, princesa,” he said smoothly, that notorious smirk fastened to his lips. “May I come in?”
You shifted from foot to foot. “Uh, sure, I guess.” You stepped back to allow him through.
You watched skeptically as he gazed around him. He kept his expression smoothed into neutrality, making it impossible to read him. Most apartments in Santo Padre were old and somewhat run down. You had worked hard to make yours feel homey. It was small, but your couch was new, and you had a nice TV you had saved up for. There was framed art on the walls and pictures on the shelves. If he had said anything negative about your home, the only space you had to yourself, you might have thrown him out. Perhaps he sensed this; either way, he kept his mouth shut.
“Can I get you something to drink?” you asked courteously, the nicety feeling strange on your tongue considering that not two days ago that same tongue had been wrapped around his cock.
“Coffee?” he asked, and you rolled your eyes, but still let the grin settle on your lips.
You padded to the kitchen and pulled out two ceramic pour-over sets, your grinder, and the most expensive beans you had on hand. You got started on the familiar, comforting process of making coffee, letting yourself focus on the grinding and the pouring and the steeping, while your mind tried to parse out what Miguel was doing here.
When the coffee was done, you returned to the living room to find Miguel sitting on your couch, gazing down at the papers you had been going through strewn chaotically across the coffee table. He glanced up at you as you entered, a rare smile gracing his features, but you caught the furrow of his brows before he looked up.
You handed him the cup of coffee with an arched brow.
“You need a better system of organization,” he chided, motioning towards the mess.
You shrugged as you dropped onto the couch beside him. “Probably, but I would need to find the motivation to organize it first. Looking at all of this makes me depressed,” you responded, only half-joking.
Miguel studied you seriously for a moment. Then his features relaxed and your chest unclenched accordingly. He set his cup on the coffee table and settled back into your couch as you pulled your legs up under you, getting comfortable.
“So,” you started, drawing the word out. “What brings you to the wrong side of the tracks this fine morning, Miguel?”
You caught the irritation that flashed in his eyes as he turned to look at you. But he eased up when he spotted your wry grin.
“Needed a break from work,” he said simply, his hands gently pulling your feet onto his lap.
“So, you came to hide out in the last place they’d look for you, huh?”
He grinned. “Something like that.”
He drew a low groan out of you as he pressed a thumb to the insole of your foot. You had worked a double yesterday and your feet were killing you. You closed your eyes, your head dropping against the couch cushions as you relaxed into his touch.
When you opened them a few minutes later, Miguel’s hungry stare was focused on you.
“Fuck, querida, the sounds you make,” he growled, reaching for your hips and pulling you roughly onto his lap, your back pressed against his firm chest. You let your head drop back onto his shoulder, his breath in your ear sending tremors down your back. His hand slipped beneath the hem of your shirt, his touch teasing against the fabric of your panties. Your pussy clenched in anticipation, and you moaned, a low, wanton sound that had Miguel restraining you firmly with his free arm.
“So needy for me, (Y/N).” With a quick flick of his wrist, he had pulled your panties off and let them drop to the floor. He draped your legs over his, opening you wide for him. His middle finger caressed your slick folds, frustratingly slowly. Patience wasn’t your strong suit, and Miguel very much enjoyed lording that over you.
A low rumble reverberated in his chest as he swatted at the side of your bare ass on his lap. “Beg for it,” he commanded, nipping hard at your neck. You yelped at the exquisite mix of pleasure and pain.
“Please, Miguel. Please, I need you.” You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth, rocking on Miguel’s lap, as much as his hold would allow, desperate for more friction.
“That’s better,” he remarked as he plunged two fingers into you. Your mouth hung open in a silent cry, devastated by the feeling of him stretching you. The pace he set was savage, and you were quickly approaching the edge.
“Fuck, I – I’m so close,” you wailed, the rolling in your hips no longer under your control.
So he pulled his fingers out. A petulant whine escaped your throat before you could stop it and you heard Miguel tut chidingly in your ear.
“Up,” he ordered, and you rose off his lap. He pulled at your waist and bent you over the arm of the couch, positioning himself behind you. You heard his pants dropping to the floor before a firm smack landed first on one cheek, then the other, making you rock forward against the couch, wetness sliding between your thighs.
“Please,” you whispered, and Miguel cracked, pushing his thick cock between your folds. He sheathed himself inside you, his grip bruising on your hips. After giving you a moment to adjust to his size, he pulled out and slammed back into you, returning to his brutal pace from earlier. He looped a strong arm around your torso and hauled you up, his fingers finding their place in a firm grasp around your throat. He fucked furiously up into you, your living room permeated with primal grunts and moans.
Your fingers wandered needily to your clit, twirling around it until the tight coil in your belly snapped and you were coming, writhing so forcefully that you broke from Miguel’s grasp and caught yourself with trembling hands on the arm of the couch. Miguel reached down and gripped your hair, tugging just enough to turn your head to the side, watching you come down from your high. His cock was punishing inside you and you were trembling from overstimulation, but you knew he was close. His jaw clenched and he leaned over you, pressing his forehead against your spine, fucking you deep.
A few more thrusts like that and Miguel was coming undone inside you, his cock twitching with his release. From the corner of your eye, you could see the heavy rise and fall of his chest as he pulled out, immediately going to fetch a towel from the bathroom. He cleaned you up, placing gentle kisses on the red marks on your ass and combing his fingers through your hair. You grabbed his hand and led him to your bedroom, pulling under the covers with you, your eyes already heavy with sleep.
A short nap later, you shuffled back out to the living room, leaving Miguel asleep in your bed. Despite your little interlude, you had to be somewhat productive today. You sighed, steeling yourself for the stack of bills still awaiting you. Your rent and tuition bill would be the priority. There had been more fee hikes at the school, so you were probably looking at another couple of months of pulling as many doubles as you could manage to cover expenses. Plus, you had to consider the cost of your textbooks. As you perched on the edge of the couch with your elbows on your knees, you scanned the sea of papers looking for the tuition statement. Your eyes widened as you located it, a soft “what the fuck?” escaping your lips.
There was a check on top of it. For the total amount of your tuition for the semester. Signed by Miguel Galindo.
You picked up the check with trembling fingers, as though terrified it might disintegrate if you thought about it too hard. You stared at it, your thumb tracing over the check amount, as you stood robotically and made your way back to the bedroom.
Miguel was still asleep, facing the edge of the bed, the almost permanent stress lines around his eyes and mouth gone. You sat heavily on the floor beside him, your head almost touching his, still staring down at the check in your hands.
“Miguel, what is this?” you asked softly, and with a groan, he opened his eyes.
It took him a moment to register what was happening, but when he did, he shrugged nonchalantly. “I don’t want you to have to work doubles all month. Then I’ll never get to see you.”
A quiet hum thrummed in your throat. “This is a lot of money,” you muttered.
His lips turned up into a grin, a hint of condescension behind his sleepy eyes. “No, it’s really not, princesa.”
Your brain worked hard to process what was happening. What he was doing. “Does this mean you’re like, paying me for sex, essentially?”
Miguel heaved a heavy sigh and sat up in bed, pulling you into his lap. He buried his nose in your shoulder, his lips gliding softly across your skin. “Consider it mutually beneficial. I need something from you,” he growled, trailing a hand teasingly under your shirt, “and you need something that I can give you in return. And like I said, I would be a very unhappy man if I never get to do this,” he continued, pinching your nipple roughly, eliciting a fragile whine as your mind snapped to attention, “because you’re always at work, especially when I can do something about it.”
You nodded, a little dazed, and Miguel pulled you against him as he laid back down, spooning you. You began to relax as you talked yourself into the arrangement. You were already having sex, right? So, this was just… sweetening the pot? You imagined for a moment how much less stressful your life could be if you didn’t have to spend all your time either in classes or at work to pay for classes. You could have more time to study, more time to cook so you wouldn’t be living on fast food. And you certainly weren’t going to turn down more time with Miguel.
You chuckled quietly and Miguel squeezed your hand questioningly.
“Does this make you my sugar daddy?” you asked with a laugh.
Miguel scoffed. “Not a fan of that term, but I suppose that is an accurate description.”
You rolled over to face him, meeting his heated gaze. You wrapped a leg over his hips and threaded your fingers into his hair, desire blossoming in your belly. “What about just daddy, then?”
You watched that signature smirk appear, the clenching of his jaw hinting at his swelling arousal. He rolled you onto your back, pinning you roughly to the bed. “Now that, querida, I can work with.”
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sunset-curve-fantom · 4 years
What If- Alive!Luke x Reader
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You had spent countless hours attempting to find out the perfectly logical reasoning as to why Luke had blown you off today… But there you were at a two-hour meeting with the wedding planner with no real excuse as to why you were alone yet again.
This was a moment you had been looking forward since you met Luke Patterson. He was a light that was brought into your life right after you lost your Dad, and he was the rock to help you grieve. But no sooner did you become friends, did the two of you fall head over heels for each other. From 17-year-olds to now, everything you did was to further your careers. After all Sunset Curve was your brilliant idea after meeting Alex and Reggie at school.
You wanted nothing more than to live your life out with Luke, he was the one person that meant the world to you. No matter what happened, your love was always a constant.
Flash forward to this moment, where the anger was finally taking over you. How dare he stand you up, again. He was so caught up in the band and the new music, that he forgets that you are also a member. Not like you can play without the rhythm guitarist- but in Luke’s mind he could do anything he wanted.
More than anything you just wished you had the time to be yourselves again, full of happiness and love without the pressure from the band, and record labels, and fans. Just two seconds to focus on you, and this wedding you both desperately wanted- well at least you desperately wanted.
You marched right into rehearsal- they had already started your new song and you weren’t even there! Seriously?
Reggie caught you gaze as you came into the room, the anger clearly emanating off you. He stopped playing, before catching Alex’s attention. They were trying to stay out of the middle of a fight, but lord knows that was not going to happen. Especially now- you were there, and you were angry.
“Hey lover, where ya been?” Luke said as you approached him, he went in for a kiss. You held your hand up in front of your face. Reggie sucked in a deep breath behind you- he knew Luke was in trouble now. You never avoided a kiss, no matter how angry.
“Where have I been? You are kidding me, right? I know that did not just come out of your mouth.” You said, anger gripping your words as you tried to hold back the screaming. You felt hot tears beginning to pool in your eyes. This cannot be happening; he doesn’t even remember.
“Uh-no. I seriously have no idea where you have been all day. We had to start rehearsal without you, you know we have this big showcase coming up. I need you on your game, lovebug.” He said ruffling your hair, trying to get back into rehearsal. But that was the final straw, you couldn’t contain the pain in your chest as anger erupted in your words.
 “Are you actually kidding me? You want to complain to me about being late, and missing things? Luke, you want this huge future for us, for you and me, when I am barely a part of your life now. I have become a shadow in your world, and that is unacceptable. You have music is coursing through your veins and that is truly remarkable but now- now I am a background player again. I am the rhythm guitarist that you sometimes pay attention to, but that’s usually when I fuck up. When we started this together, the band- our future was supposed to include each other and now I am just a face in the crowd. The sad part is you don’t even notice how alone I am.” You screamed at Luke.
He yet again forgot another meeting and he didn’t even know it. If it wasn’t band related, then it wasn’t important, per usual. So yup, he forgot the meeting with the wedding planner and here you were screaming at him, in the middle of rehearsal. You were nothing- and that was clear after today.
“You are being ridiculous, I forgot one meeting, one stupid meeting. It is not the end of the world- you are blowing this completely out of proportion, Y/N. I don’t know why you are acting like a brat.” Luke said back, anger hanging on to every word. Tears sprung to your eyes; you were not being ridiculous. This was your wedding for fucks sake. This was supposed to be your big day and now- god now you don’t even know him.
“I am ridiculous? Luke, are you fucking blind? Clearly you missed the memo again because the meeting was for our wedding, you know the day where I wear a big white dress and commit my life to you? Do you have dementia or something? Cause apparently you forgot about even proposing to me, because YOU HAVE MISSED EVERY MEETING WE HAVE HAD. I am not being a brat, I am upset, and angry, and heartbroken because I thought I was going to spend my life with you but now- now that is over. I am done trying to be perfect for you, and for this band, and for the whole fucking world. I am done. I-I-I just can’t anymore. You now have the perfect what if situation, because what if I never met you, I wouldn’t be so fucked up.” You raised your voice, clearly angry at him. You yanked your ring off your finger placing it on his amp and turning on your heel. This just was not working- not anymore, if he made some effort then maybe- but now, you had no idea what you saw in him all those years ago.
You heard heavy steps behind you, so you ran. Trying to reach the comfort of your car, not wanting to have another fight. You had just dumped Luke, and you didn’t even mean too. Everything you said- you never meant. You were just so mad, you heard Luke’s voice behind you, “WAIT”
You closed your car door behind you, briskly pulling out of the driveway. You could see Luke in your rearview mirror- Reggie was comforting him. You knew he was heartbroken- but you couldn’t be a background pawn any longer. You were supposed to be his future wife, and he treated you like dirt.
You drove around for what felt like hours before going to the one place you knew Luke wouldn’t be- Alex’s apartment.
Wiping your cheeks, you knocked softly on the door. Waiting for Alex to pop his head out, but instead it was Reggie who opened the door,
“Hey Reg- can I come in? I’m just not ready to go home”
He nodded, stepping to the side. He knew how much you were hurting; Reg was your best friend and you confided everything in him. He knew that Luke had blown off multiple meetings and he knew how confused you were, he was so happy about the wedding in the beginning and now- he could give two shits about it, clearly.
You plopped down on the couch; Reggie followed close behind. He knew you just needed a listening ear.
“Reg… I-I-I” You couldn’t even find the words before sobs began pouring out of you. You thought you and Luke were going to be endgame and now- that probably wasn’t going to happen. You had ruined everything with your mouth getting in the way.
“I am only going to say this once- you have not lost him. You are his entire world, no matter how much he has fucked up” Reggie said, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. He knew Luke better than anyone and what he was saying was the truth, Luke would go down fighting for you.
You giggled under your breath, “Yeah I know Reg, you don’t speak girl. But thanks for trying. I just messed up today, I let my anger get the better of me but at the same time Luke shouldn’t have stood me up, AGAIN. I mean you know how it has been, it’s awful. Like I am pretty sure the wedding planner thinks I am marrying myself. How am I supposed to plan a wedding when he is too busy for even a simple meeting? Like he would probably miss our wedding day all together because he is so damn busy…” You said, trying to bring humor to the situation. Luke was your person and now, now you needed to fix everything.
You looked at Reggie who hadn’t spoken to you, but you followed his gaze to the kitchen. There was Luke, with his head deep as anything in the fridge eavesdropping on your conversation. He was seriously a five-year-old.
“Seriously Luke? Do you have to listen into everything? I am not exactly happy with you!” You said annoyed.
He chuckled at you, “I know you aren’t happy with me. But I wanted to give you space, I didn’t think you would come here… I thought you would go home. I didn’t think you would actually want to see me. ”
You shook your head, “I didn’t want to intrude, that is why I came here instead. I didn’t want another fight, cause I am tired of it. I am tired of feeling less. ”
He walked towards where you were sat, “Honey- there would be no fighting. I am going to make this simple. I love you- and I wish I had known how much of an idiot I have been. I love you more than anything in this world, including my music. You are the inspiration behind everything I do, and I am so so so so sorry I forgot the meetings. I have been trying so hard to plan things in advance so we could have an incredible wedding. Oh baby, I am so so sorry for making you feel less. You are my whole world, hell my whole solar system and I wish I had noticed how sad you have been. I want nothing more to be your husband, if you will still have me...?”
Tears ran down your face, “You really wanted to marry me?”
He laughed, wiping tears off your face with his thumb, “of course, you dork. I wouldn’t have asked in the first place if I didn’t.”
You threw yourself off the couch and into his grip, it was the first time in a long time you felt safe and at home. You tightened your grip around his neck, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. He just chuckled in your ear before pressing his lips to yours, it was like you were made for each other. Every kiss felt like it was molded perfectly for the two of you.
You truly were a match made in heaven.
“That’s like super gross…. Can you go home and have sex? I really don’t need that image in my living room, especially on my new carpet.” Alex said, causing laughter to escape from the both of you.
“Too late for that bud... that carpet is way broken in. ” Luke said before throwing you over his shoulder. Trying to run away form the horrified look rested on Alex’s face.
You were barely out the door when you heard Alex screaming orders at Reg, “OH MY GOD, REGINALD GET THE STEAM CLEANER. I-UH-UH I NEED TO CLEAN. THIS IS DISGUSTING. I LAY ON THIS CARPET. UGHHHH”
You were home, and that was the most important thing to you. You knew some way, some how Luke was your endgame and that was not going to change.
@parkeret​ @coldlamaspersonspy​ @calamitykaty​ @all-in-fangirl​
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crispychrissy · 3 years
Connected - Part 5
Summary: Y/N comes to and is met with a familiar face, and new things are found out about her past. Pairing: Eventual Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 3632 Warnings: Angst, medical stuff, sassy reader, fluff, A/N: School is in full swing for me so my frequency of posting is going to slow down, but it won't stop completely, I promise. I already have the next chapter laid out and will start writing it as soon as I get some spare time. :) You can also follow this story & others on my Ao3 as well. The series was beta’d by the lovely @idjitmonkey and I hope you enjoy! Please send me an ask if you would like to be tagged in the series. :)
Series Masterlist – Marvel Masterlist
The surface under your back felt nothing like the thin stained mattress you’d been sleeping on for weeks, and the light coming from the room beyond your closed eyes was way too bright to be the solitary light bulb hanging in the middle of your cell. Cautiously, you took stock of your body and wiggled your toes, fingers, and slightly shifted your arms and legs. There was a blanket over your body, one you’d never been granted during your captivity, and you immediately opened your eyes.
Which was something you immediately regretted. The bright fluorescent lights stung your eyes, making them water before you closed them again. A soft groan escaped your lips, and shuffling next to you made you freeze.
The voice was male, and vaguely familiar somehow? Slowly you blinked your eyes open, glaring at the bright light directly above your bed, before turning your head to the left where the voice came from. You were obviously in a hospital room, but the most shocking part of your change of scenery was the presence of Steve Rogers sitting in a plastic chair next to your bed, a kind smile on his lips.
“Can you understand me?” he asked, eyes studying your face.
“Yeah,” you rasped, coughing at the dryness in your throat you hadn’t registered until now.
Steve reached forward and grabbed a cup of water with a straw in it off a rolling table near the end of your bed and brought it to your lips as you managed to sit up. “Slow sips.”
“Yeah, thanks, mom,” you sassed before taking a sip of water. It took a second for what you had said to register, and your eyes widened before you sheepishly looked up at him while taking another drink and swallowing. “Sorry.”
“S’okay, I can handle some sass,” Steve said with a soft laugh. “Do you need more water?”
You shook your head and he placed the cup on the nightstand next to you, within your reach. “What happened? Did the Army send the Avengers to get me out of there?”
Steve frowned, but quickly schooled his expression with a soft shake of his head. “Not quite. What do you remember?”
When you reached for your memories, you hissed and squeezed your eyes closed, reaching up to clutch your head. “I can’t…” All of your memories were jumbled and seemed to be playing all at once, like hundreds of people trying to tell you a story at the same time. The only thing you did notice was a quiet area of stillness off to one side of your mind, the pain pushing you away each time you tried to focus on it. It was unsettling, and you turned to look at the man sitting next to you. “Captain Rogers… what happened? Where am I?”
“You’re in an Army base in Syria, you’re safe here. And please, call me Steve,” he told you with a smile before straightening in his chair. “I know your thoughts may be scattered, but what’s the last thing you remember?”
The throbbing in your head wasn’t as intense the second time around, and you managed to lock onto a memory of walking through a city surrounded by sand, a camera in your hands. It gave you a starting point, and you slowly followed the thread connecting that moment to the next. Steve was patient while you sorted through what you remembered, each knot of events in the thread becoming more difficult to untangle and get past. Almost ten minutes later, you looked up at him, tears blurring your vision.
“I remember taking pictures,” you said quietly, “but then I was… taken. These men thought I was with the Army trying to spy on them, tried to ransom me back. I told them I wasn’t… but they didn’t listen.” You swiped at your cheeks with the back of your hand, brushing the tears away. “They hurt me,” you looked down at the bandages on your arms, “and I kept… saying… something they didn’t like?”
“You did,” Steve confirmed, plucking a tissue from the box on the rolling table and passing it to you. “Do you remember what you said?”
Untangling the knot in this part of the thread took a few moments, and you were getting closer to that dark area, but the words rang loudly in your head and sent ice through your veins. “Oh my god, I said… Cap—er, Steve, I’m so sorry. Is that why you’re here? I don’t know him, I just… they wanted a soldier, so I kept saying the name of the strongest one I could think of.” Your eyes widened and you tried to backtrack. “I mean, I’m not saying you’re not strong or anything, but I was kinda delirious and I memorized his information back when I was in school and it was—”
“It’s okay, Y/N,” Steve interrupted you softly, trying to stifle his smile. “I didn’t take it personally. The Army didn’t find a connection between you and Bucky, and we figured you kept saying his name, rank, and service number like soldiers are trained to do when they’re under duress so you could get through the worst of it.”
You snorted. “After they started really torturing me, yeah, I said it because of that. At first, it was just out of snark to piss them off. They wanted a soldier, so I gave them one of the best I know.”
Steve laughed, shaking his head. “And I think Bucky will be kinda proud of that.” The color must have drained from your face, and Steve was instantly alert. “What? What’s wrong?”
“Is he here?” you blurted out, unsure if you were ready to know the answer, let alone what answer you’d prefer.
“He is,” Steve said, still alert but more waiting for your reaction rather than responding to your distress.
“Oh,” you whispered, picking at the fabric of the blanket on your lap. “Is… is he mad?”
Steve frowned, his eyebrows pinching together. You knew there had to be more of the story based on his expression, but you weren’t sure if you wanted to know what else happened. “Why would he be mad?”
“I used his information, his name… he was kidnapped, tortured, and brainwashed by Hydra for decades.” You scoffed, shaking your head. “I’m just a photographer that was at the wrong place at the wrong time and got taken for a few weeks. Not even close to what he went through.”
“Y/N,” Steve said softly, reaching out to gently place his hand over yours, stopping your fidgeting and making you look up at him, “Bucky’s glad he gave you strength when you were in need. There’s just… other things that happened.”
Dread settled over your mind like a frozen blanket. “What? What did I do?”
“Don’t jump ahead of yourself, just think back. What’s the last thing you remember?” Steve asked.
The further you tried to progress on the thread of memories, the closer you got to the dark area, and the harder the knots in the thread became to untangle. The memories were mostly of violence, knives and fists marring your skin narrated by whispered words of Sergeant Barnes’ name. The last knot in the thread before the dark area was an odd memory, and it filled you with a kind of unsettling warmth you’d never experienced before.
“I remember one of the men, he was... digging a knife into my leg, I remember it hurt so bad, felt like it was on fire. He was saying stuff to me, like how he wanted to,” you cleared your throat, “keep me as a pet soldier, like how Hydra had one. I don’t… my whole body felt like I had been electrocuted, everything was tingling and there was this flash of images in my head. Then I felt warm all over, and the last thing I remember before everything went black was grabbing the hilt of the knife where it was sticking out of my leg.” Your eyes widened in horror and you stared at Steve, tears blurring your vision. “What did I do? Please, I need to know.”
Steve scrubbed a hand down his face and sat back in his chair. “I’m not going to lie to you, Y/N. We, or at least some of the smartest people I know, think you may have somehow connected to Bucky… psychically. The trauma of being tortured and held prisoner might have activated a dormant mutant or enhanced ability.”
“What?” you whispered. “I’m… what?” The sheer thought of you having some kind of powers like that was ridiculous, and you had to force yourself to not laugh. “That makes no sense.”
“It took us a bit to figure out, but Dr. Austin thinks that because you were in a desperate situation, your abilities manifested to save your life, and allowed your mind to link to someone you’d been thinking about, regardless of distance.” Steve took a deep breath and exhaled slowly out of his nose. “A lot of the science and technical side of it is way beyond my range of understanding, but basically she thinks that since your power was new and born out of a survival instinct, it didn’t know when or even how to break the link between you and him. Bucky’s consciousness and memories, whether it was due to his own enhanced abilities or his previous trauma being so intense, began to take over your mind.”
“So… Sergeant Barnes… possessed me?” you asked. The explanation sounded plausible, however improbable, but seeing as how there were now space aliens and wizards on Earth, nothing really sounded impossible nowadays. “Is that why I have no memory until I woke up a few minutes ago? How long was I… how long did he have control over me?”
Steve raised his hands to calm you, obviously sensing or maybe even hearing your heartbeat begin to gallop wildly in your chest. “Bucky wasn’t controlling you, Y/N. He didn’t ‘possess you’,” Steve made air quotes with his fingers, “in the way you’re thinking. Your mind was suppressed and his mind was feeding you his memories only. You were experiencing them as if you were Bucky. He wasn’t controlling what you were doing; the similar reactions you had to things he’d experienced were due to those memories and the PTSD that came from them.”
You blinked a few times, your mouth slightly open. Theoretically it made sense, but it felt like Steve was describing some kind of science fiction movie to you, not explaining something that had happened to you. “I’m so confused.”
Steve chuckled. “Yeah, I was too. It’s a lot to take in. To simplify it and use Bucky’s words, you were essentially trapped in some kind of virtual reality in your mind, living out his past memories, and you couldn’t take off the headset. You have no memory of what occurred after you linked with Bucky because his memories were providing the knowledge you needed… your brain didn’t make its own.”
Even though Steve was doing a good job explaining things, you knew there had to be something he wasn’t telling you; you could always tell when people were dancing around a truth they were avoiding. You looked down at your lap and began to rub the blanket between your fingers again, ignoring how the fabric had begun to pill due to the friction. “Did I kill someone?”
Steve was silent for a few seconds before he heaved a heavy sigh. “Yes. The four men that were holding you captive. Based on how they were killed, we think you used information from Bucky’s memories and training to kill them.”
“I didn’t hurt anyone else, did I?” you asked quietly. While the idea of killing anyone made your stomach clench and sent bile rising in the back of your throat, your captors were far from innocent, and if it made you a bad person to not feel too much sympathy for those men, then so be it.
“No, not that we know of,” Steve said. “According to the Army rescue team that was sent to investigate the store—good thinking with the Morse code, by the way—they found you sitting calmly in the corner of the room you must have been kept in. Bucky seems to think that, if you were going off of his memories and instincts while he was the Winter Soldier, you were likely waiting for a Hydra extraction team. It’s what he would have done after the, uhhh, the targets were eliminated. Lieutenant Weasley, the leader of that Army rescue squad, said the moment he told you the mission was over, you dropped unconscious, just like how Bucky was conditioned to do as well.”
As Steve was talking, you were trying to reach into your mind, trying to pull anything from the dark spaces in your memories. Each time you tried, you were only met with a black canvas where memories should have been, throbbing in your head, and silence… no fragments or flashes of any kind of recollection of the events Steve was explaining. Ignoring the increasing pain behind your eyes, you tried to reach back further, and an odd flash of a memory you didn’t recognize assaulted your mind’s eye.
“Did you...” You stopped abruptly, eyebrows furrowing as you tried to make sense of what you just saw. “Did you used to feed stray cats on the fire escape of an apartment? One of the cats… an orange named Rusty? Named him after—”
“One of the guys that worked with Bucky down at the docks,” Steve finished for you, his voice light with disbelief. “How did you know that?”
You lifted your head and locked watery eyes on Steve. “I… don’t know.” You winced, grabbing your head, the throbbing and sharp pain starting to compound and intensify. “Ah, I can’t—”
“It’s okay,” Steve soothed as he stood up, helping you lie back down before pulling the blanket up to your chest, almost tucking you in. “Get some rest. Don’t hurt yourself trying to remember things, you’ll get there.”
The urge to fight being babied welled up in your body, but the mental strain and resulting exhaustion had finally caught up with you. You made a weak unhappy noise of protest, which Steve chuckled at, before you allowed yourself to drift off into a much more peaceful darkness than the one plaguing your memories.
Steve rejoined Bucky, Tony, and Dr. Austin in one of the conference rooms down the hallway from the doctor’s office, and rehashed what little information he’d gathered from his conversation with Y/N. The confusion and gaps in memories they expected, but when Steve mentioned her comment about the stray cat he used to feed, Bucky’s eyes went wide.
“That’s impossible,” Bucky breathed out, shaking his head and trying not to squeeze the life out of the leather chair he had his hands braced against. “That was back in… what, ‘38? A few years after your mom died? You and I were the only people living in that place, Steve. Even my ma didn’t know about those cats.”
“Well, Y/N was able to recall your memories and training in order to kill her captors, it makes sense that she might have seen or absorbed other memories at the same time without knowing.” Dr. Austin leaned her elbow against the conference table and rubbed her forehead. “The mental strain of Sergeant Barnes’ memories on top of these abilities being new to her… she might not know how to separate things, or her memories are jumbled with yours.”
“You said the link was broken, right, doc?” Tony asked, tapping away on one of his Stark tablets, murmuring things to FRIDAY once in a while under his breath. “Buckinator over here isn’t feeding our Sarah Connor any more memories?”
Bucky scowled and he winced when he heard the leather of the chair begin to rip under his metal fingertips. “I wasn’t sent to kill her, asshole,” he grumbled.
Tony looked at Bucky over the top of his tablet and blinked in disbelief. “Barnes got a pop culture reference. Did you all hear that? FRIDAY, make a note in my calendar. I think we need to petition Ellis for a new national holiday.”
“Tony,” Steve sighed, ignoring the subsequent rambling about press releases coming from Tony in favor of looking over at the doctor. “Dr. Austin, they aren’t linked anymore, right?”
“No, I confirmed with brain scans on both Y/N and Sergeant Barnes. Their level of brain activity is back to baseline, or at least, whatever baseline should be for a super soldier and a new psychic.” Dr. Austin pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes, staring off in the distance.
Steve had seen this look before in both Tony and Bruce when they were trying to figure out something in their head, or trying to piece together clues, and knew it could last for a while. “Doctor?” Steve prodded her gently.
“Oh,” Dr. Austin said, starting slightly, giving Steve an embarrassed smile. “Sorry, I was just thinking… I have an acquaintance I may be able to reach out to. Psychic abilities and how to control them are quite out of my wheelhouse, medical studies can only get us so far. I worked with this professor and his team a few times in the past on classified projects when I was freelancing, and he might be able to offer some advice.”
“Anything that could help,” Steve said with a nod, his eyes tracking Dr. Austin as she excused herself from the room, her cell phone already in her hand. Steve looked over at Bucky, seeing the same defeated expression he’d worn on his face for months after he’d broken free of Hydra. “Buck, you gotta quit blaming yourself.”
“Why do people think doing or not doing something in their head is as easy as flipping a damn switch?” Bucky growled angrily, making Steve’s head jerk back at the sudden aggression. Bucky’s face relaxed and he grunted softly, dropping into the chair he was just squeezing. “Sorry.”
“S’okay, I get it,” Steve murmured, “it’s been a long day. How are you feeling anyways?”
“Physically? Fine. The hunger’s gone and I’m not exhausted anymore. Mentally?” Bucky snorted, ducking his chin. “How would you feel if someone accidentally linked minds with you and your brain made them relive you going into the ice over and over again? Or made them relive you getting sick a bunch when you were a kid?”
Steve sat down in the seat next to Bucky and sighed. “I would hate it, but it was an accident, Buck. Nothing you could have done to prevent it.”
“Doesn’t make him any less stupid for running into Y/N’s room alone like that,” Tony said, suddenly standing behind the two men. “You’re lucky I had my suit’s gauntlet wristwatch on me and pulled you back. Touching her could have killed you. Killed you both.”
Bucky knew it was a longshot, and the helplessness he felt knowing Y/N was stuck inside his memories spurred him into action. After being Hydra’s pawn for decades, he made a vow to never feel that helpless again if he could. “Yeah, well, it didn’t. I thought that if she was reliving my memories, then seeing me could snap her out of it. Like… waking her up from a nightmare.”
“Like a glitch in the Matrix. Smart,” Tony said the word like it physically pained him, “I guess.”
“Whether we agree about Bucky’s methods or not, it worked. The Army is going to want to debrief Y/N when she wakes up, but based on what I’ve gathered, she doesn’t have any memories of actually killing her captors. Her recollection ends moments after one of the guys stabbed her in the leg with a knife.”
“Probably the same guy who got the bladed uppercut that was found in the room she was being held in,” Bucky mused, recalling the photos in the file they were given. “Good riddance. Who knows what they would have done to her if she hadn’t killed them.”
The three men sat in silence for several long moments, each going over varying degrees of horrible scenarios which could have played out instead. Dr. Austin’s voice drifted in from the hallway, steadily getting louder as she approached the conference room again, drawing each of their attentions to the doorway.
“... thank you again, Charles. I’ll let you know the next time I’m back in New York,” she said with a smile before lowering her phone and tapping the screen to end the call. Dr. Austin raised a brow at the distressed and pensive looks spread across Tony, Steve, and Bucky’s faces, but decided not to ask.
“Any news from your friend, Doc?” Tony spoke up first.
“Yes,” Dr. Austin replied, tucking her cell phone into her white coat. “He confirmed that Y/N is in fact a mutant, but there’s something else.”
When Dr. Austin didn’t continue immediately, Tony flailed his arms up in the air. “Well? Were you pausing for dramatic effect or something?”
Dr. Austin rolled her eyes and ignored Tony’s outburst. “He was able to do a non-invasive read of her mind.” When all three men opened their mouths at once, Dr. Austin raised her hands, stopping them from whatever protests they were going to make. “Gentlemen, I assure you, the professor is an expert and powerful psychic himself, he knows what he’s doing. He told me that someone has manipulated her memories.”
Bucky blinked. “Well, yeah… isn’t that what happened when she accidentally linked with me? We already know this.”
“No, not recent memories,” Dr. Austin explained. “Her entire childhood has been wiped and rewritten.”
Connected Tags: @ginger-swag-rapunzel @that-one-gay-girl @fanofalltheficsx @joseyrw @lana-writes-04 @gia-25 @klanceiscannon14 @ahahafudge @genderfluid-ho
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coralsweep · 3 years
☆ !!!
from this ask game; asking for a "director's commentary" on any section of a fic i wrote
hi thanks for the ask!
off the top of my head, the single section I'm most proud of is probably the one in "before morning comes" that starts with:
Follow the trail of blood on the floor. Pay little attention to the brokenness of the world, the cacophony of silence that is accompanied by the sounds of brutality in the distance. Chase the light at the end of the tunnel.
(it's 6 paragraphs total, but i didn't wanna copy-paste them all haha)
i think i finished the first paragraph when it hit me that all my sentences had been 'order' sentences -- ex. not "[You] follow the trail of blood on the floor"; just "Follow the trail of blood on the floor."
And I thought that really lent to the... sort of intense, all-consuming, single-minded drive vibe I was going for -- the mother is on her last legs, she's dying, but she's been scorned all her life, she wants to do something of use, make something of herself, she's not done just yet -- so I made sure to keep it going through the entire section.
This was also the part where I thought to myself, "Hey! Why don't you try your hand at writing gore?" and I don't think I entirely succeeded, but that's why the fic has the Graphic Violence warning anyway.
Putting some more under the cut -- warning for, uh, graphic violence though, LOL
Breathe not through your mouth or nose but through the hole in your windpipe that is revealed by the shifting of your head.
This was actually inspired by an MP100 fic I read way back when. It was pretty dark, had some really nice imagery with like, windpipes and throats and breathing and bleeding out and whatnot.
...Nice imagery? Maybe saying it was a really strong image is better.
Drop the knife. Watch it fall to the floor, barely missing slicing your own feet. Refasten your hands around its hilt when it reappears in front of you. Accept that until you die, the knife will always reappear in front of you.
So I had the idea that I wanted the knife -- the wedding gift -- to have some kind of magical (or "cursed") quality since I brought it up in the opening scene, but I wasn't sure how to bring it back until I got to this part.
I think the second sentence, particularly the part that goes "...barely missing slicing your own feet", could be a little smoother, but oh well.
But I like my last line. "Accept that until you die..." Yeah. That goes pretty hard, I think. In the Jujutsu world, once you're introduced to its violence, there's no way out other than death. And IIRC my headcanon for this fic that was while the mother wasn't new to the Jujutsu world, she wasn't, like, with her own CT or was schooled; so, really, her violence (her knife) was directly tied to the Zen'in clan.
Trip over the length of your clothes, slip in the pool of blood that follows you. Stay standing in all the ways that matter.
IIRC, she kind of... stumbled/crawled into the room to kill Naoya? So this was a bit in reference to that.
I like the sentence “Stay standing in all the ways that matter.” She got into the room; she stayed alive long enough.
Follow the trail of blood on the floor. Keep walking. Keep walking, slowly and one step at a time. Ask time to wait for you. Refuse to die just yet. Swallow the bitter taste of revulsion in your sternum, hold it dear. Refuse to die just yet.
At this point, I was running out of steam, so I fell back onto my crutch: repetition. Despite that, I’m actually kind of fond of this paragraph; I like the repetition of “Refuse to die just yet.” (There’s a reason repetition is my crutch LOL.)
I think I’d normally be fine with starting this part with the same phrase as I did the whole section, but it’s a little disappointing to see that I only did it once and that it followed after I already wrote about blood on the floor (“pool of blood”); IMO it creates a disjoint that I’m not the happiest about. Oh well part 2.
"Swallow the bitter taste of revulsion in your sternum,” makes me think of, like, acid reflex? Is that the right word? When you, like, almost barf or whatever.
Notice the turn of blood and the kicked-in wood and straw walls and doors. Step forward, step inside, take in the writhing mass of maggots that takes the form of one family-member-in-law as he spews shit and vitriol. Straddle his back, kneel over him. Scream and shout your grievances; relish in the way they linger in the air. Take out all that you can on this feeble being, these leftovers. Grant him what he deserves: nothing but a painful release. Stab him. Stab him. Stab him. Close your eyes.
Oh, I love this part too.
“[T]ake in the writhing mass of maggots that takes the form of one family-member-in-law as he spews shit and vitriol” is really fun. I love the idea of a person being a collection of maggots rather than human-flesh-and-blood, as a reflection of their self/their personality.
And the ending -- “Stab him. Stab him. Stab him. Close your eyes. / Die.” Whew! I really like “Stab him” going three times -- someone told me that something had to be done three times for it to be repetition (and then someone else later told me it only needed to be two LOL) and I think I’ve kinda always kept that in my mind. In this case, I think the three times really hits it home. She’s taking out all her negative feelings -- because she doesn’t have a CT as an outlet, perhaps? -- on this “feeble being” and it’s... grieving, and it’s self-serving satisfaction, and it’s cruel, and it’s gleeful.
I was considering taking out “Close your eyes” and just going to “Die,” actually, but I don’t remember why I decided otherwise. Something more of a segue perhaps?
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Chapter 27: Starlight’s Mother, Part 3 - Where Did She Die?
Starlight: But wait… if Sunset is both my mother… AND Sunburst’s Father’s little sister…
Starlight turns towards Sunburst
Starlight: Sunburst… that makes us cousins!
Sunburst: Oh my gosh… you’re right!
Starlight and Sunburst has always been close friends, Sunburst was Starlight’s only friend before getting his cutie mark brought him to Celestia’s school leaving Starlight behind that would end up practically being the final straw for Starlight who was already dealing with a highly secretive but well-intentioned father and no true mother figure to care for her when Firelight was working. As they just discovered now, they were related the whole time through a common link with Starlight’s mother who also happened to be Sunburst’s aunt.  Sunburst looks on over to his newfound Aunt.
Sunburst: I guess I should start calling you my Aunt… but wow… my father has been looking all over the world for you… I don’t know how he’s going to take it that his search has been in vain and you’ve really been dead for so long…
Sunset: Sunspot’s been looking for me this whole time...?
Stellar Flare: *sigh* Yes… though maybe not for the whole time you’ve been gone… he was with us for a good while, up to and including when Sunburst got his Cutie Mark... 
But once he realized you haven’t shown up at all for about a decade he decided to try to look for you, and he was so dedicated in trying to find you that he pledged he’d only come back if he had found closure. He still wrote letters to us every week or so to inform where he is, give us input if we had anything to ask of him, and/or to assure us he’s safe. But he obviously still hasn’t found the closure he’s wanted.
Looks like we just found it for him…
Sunset lowers her head
Sunset: Oh…Sunspot… he didn’t have to leave his family behind to try to find me… I guess I should have told him not to look for me either before I went…
Stellar Flare: And now that I know that you were her all along… now I understand why he never gave me or Sunburst your name… cause of a similar reason Firelight didn’t tell Starlight about you...
Sunset: Do… you know where he is right now?
Stellar Flare: I think in the most recent letter he sent, he said he was going to New Haven?
Twilight: New Haven? Isn’t that the small town in between Klugetown and… Nightmare Cliffs?
Time suddenly feels like it slows down for Sunset as she hears a mention of Nightmare Cliffs
Sunset: Nightmare… Cli-…?
Most of the Thunder strikes have been generally muffled now that they were in the house, but suddenly a close one makes a huge boom that startles the whole group. And at the same time, Sunset has her hooves on the sides of her head as suddenly she remembers something. She remembers a storm, but not the one currently raging above Sire’s Hollow, but one at the edges of Nightmare Cliffs. Two shadowy pony-shaped figures in front of her, and a 3rd much smaller figure up above her.
The rest of the group just watching as Sunset suddenly froze up, eventually Sunset heaves her chest as if heavily breathing despite no longer needing to as a spirit.
Starlight: Mother! What’s wrong?!
Sunset: I… remember… a little more…
Starlight: Huh? Remember what?
Sunset: It’s… not alot of details still… but... Nightmare Cliffs was where I died… I’m now sure of it!
Everyone in the room gasps that mentioning Nightmare Cliffs has resurfaced some memory of Sunset’s death. It seems it will just take mentioning a few key details about what happened in order to unlock Sunset’s full memory of how she died.
Twilight: Is that the only thing new you remember now?
Sunset: Unfortunately, yeah… anything else is information you already know or doesn’t entirely matter. The three anarchists just appear as shadowy figures, two were facing in front of me, and another smaller one flying above me… and that it was storming at the time. But if there’s more things that can point towards what happened, and what was at least one of their names… I might be able to get my full memory awakened.
Starlight: At least we know where you died now, that’s still a pretty big jump from where we were… so Sunburst’s Father is currently in a town near there?
Stellar Flare: He’s certainly been looking everywhere if he went to a small town like New Haven…
Sunset: Well, if you listened to our conversation… dedication to one goal seems to run in the family. I don’t think my brother was an exception, you could also say he wasn’t named Sunspot for nothing. He was pretty good at spotting/finding things out, he certainly never lost a game of hide n’ seek when we were kids. Sometimes I’d even enlist his help when tracking down some threats when I was still Princess Celestia’s Protege
Starlight: In hindsight, Sunset and Sunspot certainly sound like a solid pair of names for siblings. Not to mention we have Sunburst too. All ponies who happen to be named in some way after the Sun.
Sunset: Our family’s been deeply connected to service of Princess Celestia for generations. I’m not even sure how far back exactly, though I’m willing to guess our ancestors include some of Celestia’s most loyal guards or staffers. Don’t suppose you know who it may have been, Princess?
Celestia: I’ve had many wonderful staffers or guards over many generations, it’d probably take some time to find out which ones ultimately led to you, Sunspot, and now Sunburst and Starlight.
Starlight: I’ve alway felt like being named Starlight meant I was more likely former night guard or staffer related in my ancestry, but then again… the sun itself is a star, so it may be a little more vague then I realize.
Sunset: I suppose it’s a good time as ever to go see my brother, especially if he’s been searching for me for so long. I’ll be bringing him back to Stellar Flare and Sunburst for good too. Though it’s going to be a pretty long trip from here to New Haven...
Stellar Flare: Not totally… Princess Twilight actually has a little trick for us to get there quick: Portal Gum! She and her friends have been using them since yesterday and 2 weeks ago to get to and from all around the world instantly. We can get to New Haven pretty quickly... always pretty handy to have that genie magic of hers!
Sunset: Oh yeah, genies have some impressive magic given they’re stock full of soul magic aren’t they? Though first… we should probably discuss how we’re going to do this.
Stellar Flare: Hm… how about me and Sunburst go in together to see him first, and then at some point we’ll tell him that his search is over. And that’s when you’ll walk in
Sunset: Alright, that sounds like a plan…
Stellar Flare grins and winks
Stellar Flare: If there’s one thing you should know about me my dear sister-in-law... is that I’m always chock full of plans. ehehehe!
Twilight pulls out a piece of gum to allow Sunburst, Sunset, and Stellar reunite with Sunspot over in New Haven. She blows and soon an image of a rather rickety tiny town shows up
Twilight: Here’s your portal to New Haven. If you can, try to bring Sunspot back here too
Sunburst: Of course, he may even just want to use the portal to his advantage by simply bringing anything he wants to keep from wherever he’s staying. Seeing Sunset’s spirit will bring the closure he’s so sorely wanted, he’ll want to move in back with me and my Mom for good.
As Sunset, Stellar Flaree, and Sunburst get ready to reunite with Sunspot. Some of Twilight’s friends get in a comment on what’s happening thus far.
Applejack: Ah lot o’ reunions happening today, ain’t there Twilight?
Twilight: Sure is, Applejack. But they were all needed, once we discovered this. We’re getting a lot of answers about some important questions, not to mention bringing closure and a chance for friends to talk with beloved relatives and/or other friends of their own that are among the deceased.
Rarity: All these bittersweet, but also happy reunions… I’m starting to fear my eyes are going to have no more tears to shed, with so many of these happening in a row!
Rainbow: Even I’m getting a little emotional about what we’ve learned so far! Sunset’s seems like such an awesome pony... and thanks to her we understand why Starlight’s magic is so amazing!
Scootaloo: We sure do!
Sweetie Belle: Now we sorta have the full context for Starlight’s cutie mark!
Starlight turns toward the 3 fillies and smiles
Starlight: Yes, I now understand my cutie mark much more then I did even just hours ago. So I’d like to thank all three of you. Once we’ve figured out everything that’s happened to my mom... the next step is deciding what I’ll do now with these revelations...
((Story continues after the break))
Stellar and Sunburst go through the portal, Sunset just says behind the portal until they’ve found where Sunspot currently is. Though she stays behind because as Stellar planned, she’s going to come in as soon as Sunburst and her inform Sunspot that his search is over. Sunburst looks around the small town, and very few amount of ponies who don’t even bat an eye as strangers come through a portal. Sunburst looks around the small town, asking what few citizens there were of a light yellow, orange maned unicorn with a cutie mark of light blue clouds.
They point to one particular house, Sunburst and Stellar thank them for the directions. Stellar heads over just outside the door… or rather lack of a door since none of the houses in New Haven really had one, while Sunburst fetches Sunset to come on over from the portal. Stellar & Sunburst head on in, while Sunset waits outside. Stellar & Sunburst then find Sunspot sitting nose deep reading a book.
Stellar: Sunspot, dear?
The voice of his wife surprises Sunspot, and with the book down his appearance in full view. He doesn’t have the mohawk he once had, instead it’s a pretty disheveled and long mane, and he’s even sporting a large beard.
Sunspot: Stellar… Sunburst… did you really come all this way on the train just to see me?
Stellar: We… actually came through a different, and much quicker way. But we hope you have been well, I get all your letters. So I know you’ve been ok this entire time, certainly doesn’t look like you’ve kept up your hygiene though...
Sunspot: Aheheheh… yeah… I’m sorry... it’s just I’ve still been on this search for so long… but…! I think I recently found a major clue when I searched around the top of the Nightmare Cliffs...
Sunburst: Um, Dad… about your search… you have no need for clues anymore…
Sunspot: Huh? What do you mean by that?
Stellar: Sunspot… dear… your search is over…
Sunspot gets out of his chair to stand and looks puzzled
Sunspot: Just what are you implyi-
Sunset’s spirit then walks into the house right in front of her older brother’s view. He’s mouth agape at first, wiping his eyes to even see if this is real. Sunset takes this as a need to speak to help convince her she’s really there
Sunset: I’m sorry, Sunspot… I’ve been dead since barely a week after I last left Sire’s Hollow… I’m afraid your search has been in vain…
Similar to Firelight earlier, he falls to his knees at the confirmation that Sunset, his sister, has been dead all along. Though unlike breaking down like Firelight did, he silently tears up and quietly says...
Sunspot: …I knew it
Sunset, Stellar, and Sunburst all gasp
Stellar Flare: What do you mean you knew it?!
Sunspot: It… relates to the clue I mentioned…
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Sunspot brings out a jar, and within it… a disembodied yellow horn. Sunset takes a look and just as suddenly as when Nightmare Cliffs was mentioned, she reacts putting her hooves on the side of her head again as more memory pours in. This time remembering a large rock that was dropped on her head at a precise spot that broke off her horn and gave Sunset a nasty head injury, preceded by and followed by, the sounds… of a child’s laughter.
Sunset: Aaaaagggggghhhhhh!
Sunspot: Sunset! What’s wrong?!
Sunset: Ergh… just… I… remember more… of the moment I died… this wasn’t what killed me exactly… but a big rock dropped on the base of my horn, and it was heavy enough to break it off and I got a brief concussion…
Sunburst: Then that horn in the jar…
Sunspot: Is all that’s left of her body… of course, it being just a yellow horn couldn’t 100% confirm it was Sunset’s... But… when I found it after carefully searching all around the top of the cliffs… I think my heart sank thinking it was hers… and now I know for sure it was…
Stellar and Sunburst both being unicorns themselves reflexively shiver at the sight of Sunset’s horn. The loss of a horn is many a unicorn’s worst fear.
Stellar: Sunset… did perhaps a stalagmite from the cliffs, fall and break your horn? Perhaps then you were fell down into the water not able to swim due to your concussion... and thus drowned…? Perhaps your death may have all been an accident?
Sunset: No, I was on top of the cliffs, I wasn’t down by the ocean where cliff stalagmites could fall on me. Somepony dropped that rock on me, on purpose, and thus crippled much of my control over my magic… it most certainly had to have been a catalyst for my death then… I still don’t have names or the exact moment of death made clear… but… I’m getting there… one more push could do it… if there’s something else that triggers more memory… I feel like it’s close.
Sunspot: A lot must of happened… but… can we begin with… how are you even able to appear after death? This seems like something out of Star Mares, but it couldn’t be that but for real… otherwise you would of been able to do it the moment of death…
Sunset giggles a bit hearing Sunspot mention one of his favorite book series.
Sunset: It’s… not quite the Star Mares force ghost thing… but basically Princess Twilight’s dragon son Spike summoned my spirit via a powerful gem called a Dragon’s Tear on Spike’s necklace. that’s how I was summoned here. It’d take a while to explain everything at once about our… let’s just say afterlife I guess.
Sunspot: I’m surprised there even is an afterlife at all… it astounds me. But I guess I did hear something about Dragon Tears having incredible powers in the hands of a dragon. Spike’s Dragon Tear is what saved Twilight’s friends in a battle in Saddle Arabia. Whatever the facts about our afterlife are though, I am so happy I get to see and talk to you again, Sis. I wish I could hug you again, but I bet I’d just go through you.
Sunset smiles, and decides to try to surprise him
Sunset: Go on, try anyway.
Sunspot: Why? What’s the point?
Sunset: Just do it, bro!
Sunspot: Well alright… but if I fall over…
Sunset: This is starting to sound like whenever I prank’d you when we were kids. But you can’t exactly tell Mom and Dad to ground a spirit *giggles*
Sunspot: That just makes me think that I will fall over *he spits his tongue out at his sister*
Sunset stretches her hooves out into a t-shape anticipating a hug with a smug look on her face
Sunset: Only one way to find ouuuuuut!
Sunspot anticipates he’ll fall over but even if he does, at least he’d be having fun with his sister again and make her laugh. So he gets in closer fully expecting to just slip through, but he is then surprised… with an actual, honest and surprisingly warm hug from his sister that he’s been searching for any trace of for just about an entire decade.
Sunspot: Wow… I didn’t expect Spirits to be so warm… can all Spirits actually hug anypony?
Sunset: Only those who were blood related, lovers, or close friends. I unfortunately wouldn’t be able to hug your wife for instance. But Sunburst probably could, he’s my nephew after all
Stellar shows that by trying to touch Sunset but her hoof simply just goes through like nothing was there. Sunburst approaches to ask for a hug
Sunburst: Mind if I give that a try?
Sunset: Of course!
Sunburst gets a warm hug of his own from his newfound spirit Aunt.
Sunspot: This is all quite interesting, I’d certainly like to know all about what’s been learned if I can
Sunburst: Princess Twilight, Princess Celestia, Spike, the rest of the Elements of Harmy, and a few other ponies are back in a portal back to Sire’s Hollow. If you have any stuff to bring back from this rather rickety home, you can move back in with us pretty much immediately. Now that we’ve found your sister at last, even if it was finding her spirit more then anything.
Sunspot: Of course, now that I know at least the conclusive part of my sister’s fate. I can finally return home for good.
Sunspot turns toward his wife
Sunspot: I’m sorry I made you wait, only for my sister to have been gone long before I even began my search…
Stellar: Oh it’s ok, dear… both me and Sunburst knew you were on a noble cause… and you at least kept us updated where you were, we missed having you at home, but we understood why this was important to you. Especially now that we know Sunset Shimmer of all ponies was who your sister was the whole time… she was a pretty important pony, not to mention she also turned out to be Starlight’s mother…
Sunspot: *gasp* Sunset, you were Starlight’s mother?! I remember Starlight from my time in Sire’s Hollow… but I never knew you married Firelight…
Stellar: I… can only recall that I saw Sunset visit Firelight from across town. But never really got any farther in knowing their relationship. it was before you moved in with me at Sire’s Hollow after our marriage in Canterlot. I didn’t even really get to know Firelight much until Sunburst became friends with Starlight. I’ve always wondered why Firelight didn’t have a mother around for Starlight, but I guess I didn’t realize that the time I saw Sunset may have been more then a random visit from Celestia’s protege at the time.
Sunset: I had a highly secretive wedding with just me, Firelight, and a trusted royal staffer in Canterlot to handle our vows and could keep a secret. They were allowed to mention it to Celestia, but only that I was married, and not who I married, but with some assurances that I wasn’t like… marrying somepony who was a threat to Equestria. I wish I could of gotten a normal wedding, but that was just too risky. I was still hot on the trail of many enemies.at the time. The next few years I managed to get most of them locked up or reformed, but who knows what the future held.
When I felt Equestria was likely to be safe in the time Celestia could find a new protege, I proceeded to start carrying a foal, step down from being Celestia’s protege within the first few months, give birth to Starlight about 6-7 months later… and unfortunately, ended up dying at Nightmare Cliffs while on one last job to save Equestria close to 3 weeks later…
Sunspot: I see now… Perhaps, I’ll have more of a reason to come back to Sire’s Hollow. I can reunite… with the niece that I didn’t even know that I had.
Sunset smiles
Sunset: I’d appreciate that very much, Sunspot. How about we get going back now?
Sunspot: Sure thing, I don’t actually have a lot of stuff to bring back, so you can probably close that portal once I’ve gotten through. I’ll certainly take back the Jar with your horn, the others will want to know the updated facts about your death, and the horn will be evidence. Anything to help you jog your memory, and figure out all that happened.
Sunset nods. Stellar gives her husband a smug look.
Stellar: Are you gonna do anything about your rather… disheveled look? *giggles*
Sunspot: Well… I’ll try to find a barber who can get me my ol’ mohawk back up, but I kinda want to keep the beard.
Stellar: I… guess that’d be ok… I do kind of like how rugged you are now~ Though can I at least ask you to trim it to a reasonable length?
Sunspot laughs
Sunspot: Sure thing, dear. I’d be alright with that
Sunspot, Sunburst, Sunset, and Stellar all walk back to the portal. Another family reunited, and a mystery closer to being solved once and for all.
UP NEXT: Chapter 28: Starlight’s Mother, Part 4 - The Tragedy of Starlight’s Past
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amethystunarmed · 4 years
Is Heavy, So Few Men Can Carry It
Relationships: Original Female Character/Original Female Character, Dabi/Hawks
Warnings: Manga Spoilers, Implied Child Abuse
Word Count:  2278
Part of the Truth Series Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
AO3 Link (Links will be added in a reblog)
Koharu Mukai more or less enjoyed being an EMT. Her quirk was certainly suited for it. The ability to see heartbeats through even dense piles of rubble certainly came in handy during earthquakes and large scale building destruction. It helped in grimmer situations too, like letting her know when there’s no need to rush at the scene of a car crash. Those days were the worst. Sometimes, she had nightmares about silent cityscapes where she can’t see a heartbeat at all.
Where she’s utterly alone.
Maybe that’s part of what influenced her career decisions. When Koharu’s quirk first manifested, her parents had nudged her to the life of a hero. It was never anything overt, never openly stated, but Koharu knew. They weren’t exactly subtle. They entered her into judo lessons the moment she could walk, gushed when rescue heroes like Thirteen and Uwabami were on the news. During her last year of middle school, a brochure for UA appeared on her desk. Again, not subtle.
But... Koharu didn’t want to be a hero. Didn’t want to fight and train for combat with villains. Didn’t want to risk seeing those heartbeats stutter out as a result of her actions.
But she did want to save people.
So, she trained to be an EMT, and she was a damn good one too. And she loved it, she really did.
Except for when it came to dealing with heroes.
Koharu couldn’t say she didn’t get it. Ranking was everything for heroes, and more than half of it relied on reputation and public opinion. She had witnessed a hero from her hometown drop thirty spots in rank after a reporter broadcast him being taken away in an ambulance.
She got it.
But it didn’t mean they needed to be such assholes about it. Attempting to treat a hero after a fight could get you scolded like a child at best, and reported on as incompetent by the media at worst. One of her friends had tried to bandage a seven-inch gash on Endeavor’s arm, and ended up with second degree burns on her hands. So when she pulled the short straw and was sent to look over Hawks, she only really felt a pang of resigned dread.
Honestly, she’d heard good things about Hawks. Every EMT who spoke of him recounted him as polite, cheerful, and actually willing to comply with basic check-ups. Koharu finds all of this to be true. He obeys her every request, even as he repeatedly checked the time on his phone. He starts anxiously tapping his foot, and she takes pity on him.
“You seem alright, Hawks,” Koharu says, as she finishes checking for a concussion. “Not even a scrape.” She’d be surprised at the lack of injuries if she hadn’t seen the current state of the villains. All nine completely immobilized and unharmed. After treating some of the perps Endeavor has brought in, she’s honestly surprised Hawks isn’t Number One. His care and efficiency are unmatched. “Anything else happen that I should know about?”
“I mean, I think one of the villains hit me with her quirk,” he says with no regard to how worrying that statement is. He blinks and startles, almost as though coming back to himself. He looks at her with a large smile, but she can see his heartbeat kickstart with adrenaline. “But it didn’t do anything, I feel perfectly fine.”
Still maybe she can coax him into actually taking care of himself.
“Even so, it would be best for you to go to the hospital. We can monitor you for any changes.” His smile widens but she sees his eye twitch with annoyance. She holds back a groan and waits for the meaningless platitudes to begin.
“I’m not allowed to go to the hospital.”
Koharu has to admit, her jaw drops. All the training classes, all the years experience, everything she’s ever learned just flies out of her head.
She stares at him, silently, like an idiot.
“I r-really need to go,” Hawks stammers. He looks scared. He looks like he’s about to cry. And suddenly, Koharu remembers that Hawks is a couple years younger than her baby sister. “I just broke like, 8 NDAs by telling you that.”
He’s trying to get away from her, she can see his wings flapping. He is biting his lip, hard, like he is trying to keep himself quiet.
Koharu remembers the words of one of the officers first on the scene. He’d told her to stay away from one of the villains, because of her quirk...
Her eyes widen. She reaches forward to Hawks, unsure if touch will calm him, or just make him more upset. Given the way he flinches, she guesses the latter. She keeps her words calm and level, trying to ease his rapidly increasing heartbeat.
“Hawks, one of the villains is registered as having a truth quirk. I think you’ve been affected–”
“I have to go,” Hawks yells, so loudly it startles her, “I’m terrified of telling you something that will get you killed.”
Koharu gasps, body nearly going limp in shock.
Why would something like this put her in danger?
Could this endanger her family?
What is happening?  
By the time she thinks to ask, Hawks is soaring far above her. She watches until the skyline swallows him.
That night, when she gets home, Aimi is waiting for her. Her eyes light up when Koharu enters, but freeze over when she registers Koharu’s expression. Koharu longs to give in and tell her everything, let go of the terrible knowledge bubbling inside her. She opens her mouth to speak and chokes. I’m terrified of telling you something that will get you killed. She clamps her jaw shut and launches herself forward into Aimi’s arms, and muffles her sobs in her chest. To Aimi’s credit, she never tries to ask what happened. She only strokes Koharu’s hair and hums.
That night, long after her wife had fallen asleep on her chest, Koharu lay awake, staring at nonsense pictures in the ceiling spackle. She thinks of that strange admission—I’m not allowed to go to the hospital—and ponders endlessly of what he could have possibly meant in fractal conspiracy theories. Over and over again, she hears his panicked stammers, those words—I’m terrified of telling you something that will get you killed—echoed around her. He had looked at her with the same terror held by those in the midst of a disaster; the horrific certainty of life crashing down around you.
I should have done something.
I should have said something.
But she hadn’t. And even now, she cannot fathom what would have been the right words to say. She closes her eyes and tries to sleep.
The after-image of his frantic heart beats against her eyelids.
Two days later, in the hospital lobby, she spots a TV news report about the disappearance of the Number Two Hero, Hawks. She drops a stack of forms and they coat the hallway floor like snowfall.
Later that week, Koharu is called into the office of the Hero Public Safety Commission. They didn’t tell her what for, but she knew. Considering the timeline the news had constructed, Koharu would have been one of the last people to see Hawks before his disappearance, if not the last. Though Koharu can’t help but wonder what they could possibly expect her to know. Furthermore, she has no idea what to do with what she does know.
Aimi is nervous. She continually fidgets with the hem of the suit jacket Koharu hasn’t worn since her last job interview. She claims she is just straightening it, but each touch of the fabric evolves into a hand around her waist, a brush against her wrist. Aimi is touching her like she is saying goodbye. Koharu kisses her gently, attempting to comfort her, but can’t help but wonder if she will disappear too.
The office of the Hero Commission Director is blank, white, and boring. The photos on the wall are close ups of calla lilies Koharu expects were in the frames in the store. The desk is black, with stainless steel dressings, and is wide enough that Koharu feels the urge to shout so the Director can hear her. The room makes her feel small, like an outsider, and Koharu can’t help but wonder if that was the goal when the Director smiles at her.
“Welcome, Mukai-san, thank you for coming in,” she says, and Koharu robotically complies.
“H-Hello,” she stutters, and curses herself. The Director chuckles, though not unkindly.
“No need to be so nervous,” she assures. “I just want to know if Hawks said anything to you before he left the scene that day, or if you can recall anything out of the ordinary. You’re not in any trouble.”
“Sorry,” she says, “I just... didn’t expect to meet with you. I thought an assistant would take my statement, or something.”
The Director purses her lips, and looks at her with mournful eyes. “We took Hawks in when he was no more than a toddler,” she tells her, voice heavy with nostalgic grief. “I helped raise him. So of course, I am doing everything in my power to find him.” She reaches forward, takes Koharu's hand in his own, like a man begging for a pardon. “So please, tell me, do you remember anything from that day that could help us find him?”
She remembers I’m not allowed to go to the hospital.
She remembers the way Hawks cowered from her raised hand.
She remembers his heartbeat.
“No,” she tells him, “Nothing.”
Weeks pass. The Commission doesn’t reach out to her again. She breathes a sigh of relief and puts the whole business out of her mind. (Every night she lies awake and hopes that Hawks isn’t found.)
The next time she sees Hawks, he’s on the news.
It was after her shift. For the first time in weeks, she’d agreed to join the rest of her squad at a local bar for some beers. The night had been going better than she expected, at least, until the bulletin happened.
“Breaking News,” The anchor said, nervous voice a poor attempt at remaining neutral, “Former Number Two Hero Hawks has teamed up with the League of Villains in an ongoing heist.” Gasps filled the bar, including Koharu’s own. Someone turned off the music, with the report acting as their only soundtrack. They cut to video of the attack. It was blurry, taken on a phone by someone who absolutely should have been running away, but that is not why Koharu nearly doesn’t recognize him.
Hawks is different. Feathers sprout from his hair and trail down to the nape of his neck. His hands are uncovered, and spout deadly claws. He’s bare-foot, so she can see just how inhuman his legs are, clearly meant to perch and kill. She’s certain the talons on them are at least the size of her hand.
Despite all this, the strangest sight is his expression. Koharu had seen Hawks smile. Honestly, between the TV interviews and billboard ads, it was hard not to. Hawks was known for lighting up the room, making girls literally scream with his dashing looks. Hawks’s smile is like the sunset, constant yet endlessly alluring.
But Koharu realizes, as she watches him grin as he carries the scarred villain from a burning roof, she has never seen Hawks happy until just this moment.
The people in the bar are screaming with anger and betrayal. Someone throws a beer bottle and it shatters against the TV.
On screen, Hawks  croons, and nuzzles his cheek with the man he’s carrying, and something in Koharu’s chest shatters.
Tears drip down her cheeks, and though she is not the only one crying, she is alone in her sobs of joy.
“Fly,” she whispers, words trampled by the jeers and wails of the crowd. “Go far from this place.”
And though he cannot hear her, Hawks sails away, far out of reach.
She does not need to see his heart to know it beats free.
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reddie-fangirl24 · 4 years
Richie, The Patient Chapter 3
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“Richie? Hey, Richie? Wake up.”
Opening his eyes after once again dreaming about horrific events that happened on stage, Richie felt like he was on another planet. He couldn’t open his eyes, let alone see straight. Somebody was talking to him, but his cranium was in so much pain that Richie had no clue what the words meant. His stomach felt worse. It felt like a volcano would erupt.
Feeling himself being lifted to his feet, Richie’s legs wouldn’t cooperate, nearly toppling over to the ground. At least he was able to walk, but he had no energy. He pressed a hand to his churning stomach.
“Are you sure that you don’t want to take the limo?” That was Steve’s voice. He sounded close.
“How could you not call me? Next time you’d better contact me if something like this ever happens again!” Richie felt so confused, doing his best to keep up. Whoever it was sounded beyond angry.
Hardly aware of what was going on, Richie struggled to get inside of a car. He was barely able to keep his head up as he sat on the seat. Turning up his nose, a foul smell lingered in this car making him gag. 
Somebody pushed his head down into their lap. Fingers brushed through his hair while the other hand smoothed his aching shoulder. Everything ached. He liked that. Wait, he knew that sensation. Only one person brushed his hair like that.
Richie slowly started to connect the pieces of the puzzle. “Eddie...” he smacked his lips together, noting that foul taste occupying his mouth.
Shushing him, Eddie stroked his boyfriend’s hair, encouraging him to rest. He looked very worried. “We’ll be home in a bit, Rich.”
Not having the strength to ask any questions lingering in his mind, Richie was terribly guilty that he had to force Eddie to leave work and stop his studies just to come to his rescue. He was stressed enough as it was.
Feeling his stomach flip, Richie could only imagine what social media was like right now. Ronnie was known for making insulting tweets that ended someone’s career. The first time Richie ever performed, thankfully social media was still on the rise, a critic only talked about his anxiety instead of his jokes. From that point on, before each show, Richie did a breathing exercise to get rid of his jitters. 
Groaning, Richie avoided looking out the window of the moving vehicle. Eddie opened the window to let in a cool breeze. Sweat built up on the top of Richie’s eyebrows. He was pretty sure that his clothes were swat soaked at this point. Despite feeling warm, Richie shivered. His bones ached. Eddie noticed, holding his boyfriend tighter.
Right when he was going to alert the driver to pull over, they were home. 
Poor Eddie already had his heavy bag of school books to carry, plus Richie who could barely support himself. Even the little breeze was enough to knock him over. Leaning his boyfriend against the car, Richie’s legs felt like jello. As he waited for Eddie to pay the cab driver, Ronnie’s furious reaction replayed in his mind. 
Grasping his churning stomach, Richie shivered. How was he cold when the sun was out? He just wanted to crawl under the covers and hibernate like a polar bear.
Feeling that uncomfortable nauseating wave in his stomach, Richie hovered his hand over his mouth. “Eddie...” Richie urgently got his boyfriend’s attention. Right when he found his wallet in the mess of his bag, Eddie’s eyes went wide. Quickly, he paid the cab driver. “Keep the change, thank you!”
Climbing the few steps to their house was the equivalent of trying to reach the top of a mountain in Richie’s case. Eddie remembered the first time he ever came home with Richie. Still weak from his injury, Richie carried him inside, bridal style. Richie did so much for him, and now it was time he returned the favor. As he held Richie tightly with one arm around his waist, he encouraged his ill boyfriend until they were in the house.
Briefly having difficulty with the lock, Richie ran through the kitchen, knowing that Eddie abhorred the idea of vomiting in a place where they ate. As soon as he reached the bathroom, Richie fell to his knees, clutching the toilet, vomiting. 
His legs shaking, Eddie took a deep breath. In the midst of studying and working, Eddie also found a window to see a therapist. Throughout his sessions, he talked all about his childhood, his mother lying to him about his illness, and his own battles with anxiety. As one of his goals, Eddie started to conquer his fear of germs so he could be happier. With himself and in his relationship with Richie.
Feeling a soft hand rub against his back while he coughed hoarsely, Eddie removed Richie’s glasses to prevent them from slipping off his nose. “Don’t hold back, Rich, just let it all out,” Eddie encouraged him. “I’m right here.”
Taking deep breaths in through his mouth, Richie kept his eyes shut tight, waiting to see if it all stopped. Everything hurt. His fingers that gripped the toilet, his back and his stomach hurt terribly. He couldn’t remember ever feeling this sick, even when he was a kid. 
All he could see were the nightmare images of faces of the disgusted fans as he kept his eyes shut tight so he wouldn’t have to look at the mess swirling around in the water in front of him.
Ripping off a piece of toilet paper, Eddie flushed the toilet, helped Richie stand, and brought him over to the sink. “Here, brush your teeth, and rinse,” Eddie instructed him. His heart fell looking at his pale face.
Richie swished the water throughout every corner of his mouth, getting rid of that foul taste. His stomach felt better, but knowing that it wouldn’t for long made Richie dread the rest of the day. It was still early afternoon. All he wanted to do was bury himself deep inside a hole. 
“Wash your hands good,” Eddie told him, resting a hand on his shoulder to keep him steady.
Richie was able to think up a funny comeback through his foggy mind. He thought about pretending to spit the water in Eddie’s direction, but he had no energy to turn his neck. Besides, Eddie would have a fit. “Sure thing, dad.”
Eddie gave him a warning look, though he smiled, relieved that Richie was joking. A good sign, at least.
Going into the bedroom, Eddie immediately removed his sweat-soaked shirt, throwing it into the hamper. Just when he was about to bend down, Richie groaned, grasping his aching back. He always had back problems due to a rough fall he took. The next few hours weren’t going to be fun.
Once Richie was dressed in something more comfortable, Eddie tucked him under the blankets of their bed. Then he furiously went all over the place getting Richie water and a separate glass of ginger ale as he took Richie’s temperature. He practically brought out the whole medicine cabinet. And then he wet a towel and rubbed it over Richie’s head to bring his fever down.
“How’d you find out?” Richie barely had the energy to speak. He was about to talk with the thermometer in his mouth, but again Eddie would have a fit. 
Living with a germaphobe wasn’t easy at times. If he coughed, Eddie rushed to get him some cough medicine. Or if he sneezed without using a tissue, Eddie came in from the other room to give him a stock load of tissues. It’s not like Richie was complaining. He never had anyone to take care of him until now. 
“I saw online,” Eddie answered, bending a straw so Richie could take a small sip of water. This morning was so hectic that looking back it felt like a week ago. Before the car gave him trouble, he made it to the auto shop. Who knows when they’d get it back. He was able to get in some study time at the library, but not much. Eddie worked in a little store. Because everyone was at the big show, there wasn’t a lot of business today.  
Curiously, he saw fans talking about the incident on Twiter. Yes, Richie convinced him to get a Twitter. The instant he watched the video of his own boyfriend throwing up on the stage almost made him have a panic attack. At first, he didn’t think he was going to be able to leave, but his boss let him go under the warning that he had to pick up a shift.
“I am so mad that Steve didn’t call me! You get sick and he just decided to keep you there!” Eddie ranted off as he fluffed Richie’s pillow for him. 
“It’s online?” Richie uttered, closing his eyes in dismay.
Eddie’s face broke. That’s right, Richie didn’t know. “Oh, Rich,” Eddie cooed, lightly putting his hand on his stomach, rubbing it in a nice massage to make his boyfriend feel better. “I was so busy this morning. I feel like this is all my fault. You know I would never have let you go to that show, right?”
Richie turned away on his side. No, he was not mad at Eddie, just with himself. He didn’t want him to see the tears. He felt so rotten. So embarrassed. So sick.
It was over. His entire career was over.
“I’ll let you sleep, Rich,” Eddie told him, rubbing his side. “Get some rest. I’m going to be in the other room if you need me, okay?”
Richie was already out like a light in a few minutes. Carefully, Eddie took off his glasses and put them on the nightstand.
Washing his hands good and clean, Eddie felt like crying. How could he let this happen? He was supposed to look after his boyfriend. Not let him go on stage and humiliate himself like that. Guilty, Eddie should have been there. Then Richie wouldn’t have had to stay in that compact room on that uncomfortable couch.
Going into the little office space Richie made up just for him, Eddie tried to concentrate of getting some work done. He had to finish an essay, a test was coming up within the week, and he had to read a whole chapter in the textbook. 
Sighing, this felt wrong. This was his boyfriend. It felt so wrong to be in two separate rooms. When he was recovering from his own injury, or if he ever got sick, Richie stuck to him like glue. Eddie found it annoying at the time, but now that their roles reversed, he was so thankful for Richie always being by his side.
Richie needed him. Making up space in their bedroom, Eddie worked on whatever homework he needed to get done while tending to Richie at the same time.
“I’m right here, Richie,” he whispered to his love as he slept.
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Turning down the akuma pt. 3
@mikantsume @starwindmaden @gimme-more-caffeine @unmaskedagain
Here you go...
Marinette thought the whispers and looks couldn't get any worse.
Oh, how she was wrong.
The day after the interview the amount of those increased dramatically, with even bigger fear and even more guilt in her classmates' eyes.
But now it wasn't only her class.
Oh no, it was the whole school. Every student, every teacher, hell, whole Paris. Each one of them looked at her and stared in fear at her cold eyes sending them look of boredom and aggravation.
And Marinette didn't like the attention to say the least. She hated it with her whole heart, but knew she couldn't do anything to stop it.
On one side, her interview was a big succes. People recognizing her and some brave ones even asking for her autograph and thanking her for giving them something to hold onto. It gave Parisians a feeling of hope and insurance, knowing they all are able to stop the process of the akumazination and it's not only Ladybug and Chat Noit, who can stop Hawkmoth.
But on the other side, it also worsened the situation. Her class' acquaintances got looks of hatred, disgust and disappointment from everyone around them, some even openly blaming them and/or calling them out and it didn't help, that they already felt shitty and blamed themselves they well damn should.
Nathaniel had problems with painting; drawing in general. The one time he let himself paint whatever his soul wanted (his words, not mine), he made a painting of Marinette back to evillustrator times, huh? with icy eyes, but still with a hint of a disappointment in them, piercing right throught him, glaring at him, getting all the bad emotions he kept in himself out, to the point he fell on his knees, crying. Later, he burned the painting and swore to himself to never let the emotions 'draw' for him. He was terrified of his own mind. And it was just after the almost akumazination.
But he wasn't the only one.
When Rose came home that day, instead of texting Prince Ali or singing, doing anything productive in general, she threw herself onto her bed, face in pillow, screaming, crying, saying Marinette's name over and over again. She was so ashamed in herself. She was so naive, so blind, she chose a new classmate over her friend. How could she ever doubt Marinette? She was the most honest and fair-minded person Rose had ever got the luck to meet.
Max didn't want to play any video game. Even Ultra Mecha Strike III. Especially Ultra Mecha Strike III. Every time he took his controller, an image of Marinette dancing that little, ridiculous dance of hers each time she won a game, her bluebell eyes shining at everyone with happiness, sharing her energy and kindness with them. Oh, how he wished to see those sky-blue eyes again. But wanted them to be a sky with sun shining and not a sky just before the storm. He felt like giving up.
Ivan didn't eat as much as he usually do. He was more aggressive and unpredictable. Everyone was afraid to be closer than few feet near him.
Nino didn't say 'dude', 'dudette' or 'bro' anymore. Nothing. Nada. He wasn't that chill and friendly version, everyone knew anymore, now he was... Sad. Depressed.
Juleka was now showing even less emotions. She was emotionless. Luka was worried, but knew he couldn't do anything, so he just watched her from his room, guitar in his hands, mindlessly letting his hands play sad tunes and melodies.
Even Chloe changed. I know, shocker. She blamed herself a little too. She knew Lila was liar, she could do something about it. Now she was even meaner and once when ms. Bustier was calling the roll, Chloe bursted out and threatened to call the mayor. The stress was just too much. I mean, her mother, her father, her lack of friends, therefore she couldn't really talk to anyone about her feelings, and now Marinette. It was all too much. Just stop, she wanted it all to stop.
Rose wasn't quirky anymore, her smile wasn't as bright as it used to be.
Mylene also didn't smile. Now she didn't talk with anyone. Even Ivan.
Sabrina was ashamed in her. Her father was a cop, for god's sake, she should've done someyhing! She was also mad at herself for accusing Marinette for using her just like Chloe, even though she knew the young designer was trying to help her.
Kim almost got thrown out from swimming team and wasn't so energetic. He wasn't as competitive as usual. To hell with it, he didn't even want to compete with anyone.
Alix, well, on the outside she hasn't changed that much, but she was blaming herself too. She wished she could punched Lila so hard, the chick would hit the Moon and hopefully die due the lack of oxygen. I wish i could do it too, Alix.
Every single one of them felt the consequences of their mistake and each one of them took the blame in their own way. Sure, they were sad, angry and blamed themselves.
But Alya?
Oh, Alya was devastated. She was so stupid, so blind, so so naive. How could she do this to her best friend? When she came from school, after this 'Marinette's almost akumazination' incident, she went to her room, not saying a word to anyone. Actually, since Marinette'd gone to the back of the class, after sending them an emotionless look, Alya hasn't said a word to anyone. She just sat expresionless at her desk, now all alone, and stared blankly at the wall.
But after she came home? Oh, it was a whole different story.
She cried. She screamed. For hours. She was saying her best friend's name over and over again. She was saying sorry, begging Marinette to forgive her. At some point she even broke her phone.
And all this time she had an image of Marinette's cold eyes piercing right through hers. Staring right at her, showing her how sad Marinette was at Alya. It wasn't even an image of angry Marinette. Oh no, Alya knew Marinette wasn't angry at them, she accepted that her friends and best friend left her for someone more interesting than her, someone who could offer them more than Marinette possibly could. And that's what made Alya devastated.
But the worst thing about Marinette's eyes was that, they were full of disappointment in her former friends. Especially in her. And she knew why. She abandoned her best friend for some random chick, who claimed she knew Ladybug and some other famous celebrities, even though Alya knew the chances for Liela to actually know these people were lower than Kim's IQ... Let's be honest, he's not that smart. He wanted to race with black panther, that's kinda stupid.
Alya didn't eat that much, if at all. She hasn't been on Ladyblog, since she had deleted interview with Liela. She didn't talk that much. She wasn't her old self. She was heartbroken, to say the least.
And as for Liela, I'm happy to say that she got expelled from school and came back to Italy. So luckily/unfortunately for her , she got away before hate got to her and the whole Paris knew what a filthy liar she is.
And as to Adrien... I don't even know if he was there. But if he was, he probably tried to stop them from this whole drama before Mari came to classroom, knowing damn well what kind of psycho Li(e)la is. So when he saw Marinette being akumatized, he just stared at her, he didn't try to stop it nor did he run out to transform into our friendly Chat Noir.
He was shocked to watch THE Marinette Dupain-Cheng getting akumatized. His sweet, kind friend that he secretly had a little tiny crush on but was too blind to see it himself.
But what scared him the most was her eyes. They were so cold, so emotionless, so elusive, so sweetness and kindness deprived Matinette was known for. Those weren't Marinette's eyes, those were Marinette's shadow eyes; her little dark side he wished to never see.
And as he watched the illuminating, purple aureole around her eyes, he felt like someone sucked out his happiness and live. Wow, now that sounds dramatic. It was just so heartbreaking to watch a girl, who never gives up, finally come to the point where she's done pretending she's fine. He finally saw, that under her bright smile are a whole lot things, responsibilities, problems she has to deal with every day and worries she tries to hide for sake of everyone around her, and Li(e)la thing was just a final straw to make bluenette break down.
And he was so relieved, when she said no, he released a breath he had no idea, he was holding. And when the akuma left the room and Marinette sat down at the back at the class, he shook his head at his ex-friends, shot them a glance full of disappointment and a hint of 'i told you so' and sat at the back of the class too, but in the other desk; he knew Marinette needed some peace and time for herself.
But if he wasn't there when this scene had place, i am sure he refused to talk to his classmates, even Nino, saying that they shouldn't have done that, maybe even telling them he'd known Liela was a liar before this shit has happened. And then again, sat at the back of the class in the other desk.
Either way, he saw the interview and was pissed even more. How did they dare to call my best friend a bully!? (I am so sorry for this 'friend' thing). Even Plagg got a little scared at the sight of his furrowed eyebrows, lips shut in a tight line and eyes with raging anger in them.
So later, he decided to see how she was doing and maybe talk a little- i mean, see if she's in danger of getting akumatized again since it's one of his Chat Noir's duties.
And that's how he and Marinette ended up on her balcony, leaning against its railing, both with a cup of hot cocoa in their hands.
"So..." Chat awkwardly asked. He hasn't really thought it through, he just transformed and came to Marinette's house, tapped on the window and asked to meet at the balcony. She did it and also brought two cups of delicious cocoa.
'Get a grip, Adrien!' The superhero thought. 'You save people's lives, yet here you are not able to talk to your best friend!'
He cleared his throat. "How have you been? Since, you know, this almost akumazination thing's happened?" Oh, god, Adrien, you're so awkward.
Marinette giggled a little "I'm doing fine, thank you." She sent him a warm smile and he felt his insides melt.
"Are you sure? After this 'almost akumazination' you seemed pretty exhausted." It was true, after she woke up from trance, she was so tired she almost fell on the floor if she didn't catch herself in time and then she plopped down on her seat looking like she was about to collapse.
She looked at him suspiciously "How can you know? You weren't there."
Shit. "Uhm, you see, I've watched the video! And the interview! Yeah." Chat tried to get himself out of the trap he made himself.
Marinette eyed him again, but decided not to pry. "I'm fine, Chat, really. Ladybug was already here and i told her the same. I really am fine."
The superhero still felt like she wasn't telling him everything, but he decided to let her be and say it when she'll be ready. Instead they fell into a silence. And just as he was about to bid his goodbye, she spoke up again, not lifting her eyes from her Chat Noir cup:
"It just really hurts."
"It hurts to know they chose her in the end." she still didn't spare him a glance. "It hurts to know they chose someone, who wasn't there as long as i was, someone they barely knew." At this point she had tears in her eyes, and they were slowly coming up on her rosy cheeks. She finally looked up at him, tears finally cascading down down her face. Her icy eyes finally thawing a little, to show Chat Noir that his everyday Ladybug was still there, just hiding. "It hurts to know they chose her, when i was there always ready to help them."
He hugged her and that was pretty much how they spent the rest of the night.
"It just hurts so fucking much."
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well i got home a lot earlier than i thought i would today, which i’m happy for seeing as the place was filled to the brim with people not wearing masks. like this place is normally decently busy this time of year but it was packed to the goddam brim today for some reason. anyway! i took pictures of the place for reference, and whenever i get around to carving the pumpkins we picked out i’ll share pics of that as well. this is lowkey going to be an advertisement for the place because if you ever visit the central valley you really should come around here, especially if you are/have kids it’s amazing. starting from the top.
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[image description: a picture of a creek bluff. in the foreground are some ground brush cast in shadow. in the middle ground is some long yellow grasses in patchy sunlight taking up the space where a creek would run if there was rain around here (california). slightly up the hill is a small footbrigde connecting a path that goes from left to right along the side of the bluff. just behind it in the background is the side of a small hill that’s covered in the same long yellow grass from before, and the sky is clear and blue where at the top of the bluff. scattered throughout are oak trees, some small and young, and a few that are old, tall, & mighty. end image description.]
y’all are so lucky i managed to get pictures without people there were so damn many. my older brother was freaking out the entire time about catching corona (he’s nd but he’s in denial about it) and ive decided that for the sake of this post & onwards i’ll be referring to my older brother as Idon & my younger brother as Dr. Lion given that those are dumb unused nicknames we have for each other and it’s easier than referring to them as my older & younger brother all the time. anyway the whole area is set up in this lil creekbed area and normally when it’s winter & it’s not hot n stuff (twas decently hot today, tshirt shorts & no jacket weather in the sun) there’s a bit of water that runs through it. the rest of the time it’s dry and people will walk straight to it to get to the bluffside trail that features a handful of small attractions like a tiny castle, tunnel, metal slide, & other things that appeal to all the children that can fit in them. this place is basically the hotspot for any and all children in this county youve just gotta come here some time it’s so damn fun. there’s even a swinging rope bridge over the creek that leads to the bluffside trail that’s raised way up in the air and is an honestly harrowing experience for every kid who goes across it i could talk about this place for hours. i havent even brought up the train line that goes around the tree farm & things at the top of the bluff. anyway
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[image description: a picture of a pumpkin patch, taken from behind a few stalks of corn. the field is full of pumpkin plants with their large, green leaves extended into the air, though there’s no pumpkins visible. there are various flowers i believe to be carnations dotted throughout the patch, in shades of  light pink, magenta, orange, and red, and a few stalks of corn also grow in the patch. in the distance a field of corn that doubles as a small maze grows off to the right, and lining the background is a row of large trees that grow along the creekbed behind them. the sky is bright blue & clear from the upper left part of the picture it can be seen in. end image description]
so one attraction of this place (one thing that gives it such an appeal to people who want aesthetic pictures for instagram & whatnot) is that they always set up little pumpkin people all over the place, taking various poses. when i say pumpkin people i mean basically scarecrows, clothing stuffed with straw & posed doing things, but with pumpkins for heads. most of them are out of the way enough that people cant mess with them but can take pictures like i did here. oh can you not see it? well let me just zoom in for you-
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[image description: a zoomed in picture of the scene described above. clearly shown is a scarecrow-type figure with a pumpkin for a head standing up in the field. it’s wearing a rather nondescript grey shirt, blue jeans, and a floppy brown farmer’s hat. it’s surrounded by pumpkin plants, carnations, & corn stalks, with a corn field to the back & more large trees casting shadows to the back, as indicated above. there are also some large leaves from corn plants directly in front of the camera where it’s taking the picture, taking up a large chunk of the picture. end image description]
here it is! this is the only one i took a picture of because it was the only one i could possibly find the time to capture without it being swarmed by other people. i was really lucky to take these pictures without anyone in the background here it’s honestly hard to tell from what i’m showing but there was an obscene amount of people there, hence why we barely spent 1.5 hours there. i suspect idon’s unending stream of complaints and fretting and honest request to tell every member of our extended family that we’d have to quarantine for the next 2 weeks got us out a bit faster than we wouldve otherwise done but eh. that stuff’s especially ironic considering dr lion’s going back to physical school starting this week but hey what can ya do. we wore our masks. homemade by my mother because she had nothing better to do the first few weeks of quarantine and now i’m just rambling about my home life. moving on
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[image description: a picture of a string of lightbulbs, focused on one in particular that’s completely shattered. behind, various trees, oaks being the only ones i can name, fill up almost the entire background. blue sky can be seen through the branches of a tree to the upper right portion of the picture. for the most part only the lightbubs & the tree closest to it, taking up the rightmost portion of the photo, are illuminated by the sun. end image description]
this is making me realize i didnt take many good pictures. i only took this one because ive got a story behind it but hey i’ll be coming back this winter to pick out a pine tree probably bc they double as a pine tree farm as well as a pumpkin patch and general creekbluff attraction so i can get some better pictures of the area when there’s less people. hopefully. anyway you see how that lightbulb’s broken? well i being the lil aspiring biologist i am saw a bone lying in the dirt next to our car when we were leaving and immediately picked it up. it was picked clean, almost certainly by ants or something, and i was kinda hoping it was the product of some owl because there are a lot of those in the area around the creek, but my family decided twas but the product of some other family’s picnic there. what it was doing in the parking lot i’d love to know, but i couldnt bring it with me (”that’s disgusting” it’s picked clean dirty & dusty lying in the dirt i guarantee it’s not got anyone’s dna on it any more but that of the chicken it came from) so i take a step closer to the treeline to throw it away. and then of course where does it go after i release it from my hand but directly into one of the lightbulbs hanging up by a string all along the outside of the parking lot. whoopsy. so of course i take a picture as soon as i’m done explaining it to my family & freaking out about doing actual damage to this beloved creek pumpkin patch/pine tree farm. then we have a brief argument on whether to tell the staff about it (there’s actual broken glass what else can we do) and so we drive up to the guy sitting there watching people leave, giving directions, our mom rolls down the window, and i, on the opposite side of the car from him, barely get out a proclamation along the lines of “there’s a broken lightbulb down in the parking lot with glass on the ground” he says “ok sure” and we leave. it takes me like 5 minutes to calm down from that which i dont get because we do a whole expedition up to the top of the bluff to see the construction theyre doing to the train line that theyve been working on for years & we dont even get out of the car to walk around because a. social distancing we already took off our masks & they have to be tied on it’s too much work to put it back on and b. the sheer number of cars there was menacing so we just sorta drove around and glanced down the side of the bluff to the best of our abilities. god that’s a damn paragraph. it’s been an hour. <3 i guess
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Cheeseburger in Paradise || Ariana & Ricky
TIMING: A couple weeks ago PARTIES: @ricky-corderbro & @letsbenditlikebennett SUMMARY: Ariana responds to Ricky’s online invite for dinner company, but only if its cheeseburgers. Chatting and bonding ensues. 
As far as Ariana was concerned, anyone that was good in Winston’s book had to be good people. She’d talked to Ricky briefly in the past and had brought some venison by when he’d been in the hospital, but she was looking forward to actually hanging out with him. It’d only been a few days since they’d left their house behind and Ariana was already desperately missing her full closet. After talking about aesthetics, she kind of wanted to wear her favorite crop top which was still at their now abandoned house. Second favorite crop top would have to do the trick. This one had sunflowers which were her favorite because she could see them true to color and she loved that one Post Malone song. She happened to be humming that very song as she walked into Dell’s. She was quick to spot Ricky standing near one of the benches in place by the front door. “Hey,” she said with a smile, “Glad we’re actually getting to hang out. How are you feeling?” 
Ricky was sure he was going to start going insane if he stayed inside his house any longer. He’d done all he could about converting his studio to a bedroom for Rio, and after having reorganized his cookbooks and spice rack for the third time he was sure the walls were starting to talk to him. Which is why he’d been glad when Ariana had taken him up on his plea for some dinner company. Though she was a bit younger than he was, all the interactions he’d had with her so far (including trying her amazing cooking) had convinced him she was anything but a vapid daft teenager. He stood from the bench he’d been perched on, tapping out a text to Winston and Rio about grocery requests, and offered his fist for a pound, “Same shit different day. Everything hurts and I”m dying. But… I will say… everything hurts a little less every day. Thanks for taking pity on a broken old man and having dinner with me. Which is on me… by the way… as a thank you for the venison.” He held the door open and gestured inside, holding up two fingers to the hostess as she gathered up some menus for them, “How are you enjoying having the sun back?”
Ariana welcomed the fist bump with a smile and returned the gesture. Maybe going out to dinner with a friend wasn’t exactly laying low, but if she just spent her time holed up in Ulf’s house she’d probably lose her mind. She was sure Ricky felt the same with having to take it easy to recover from his injuries. She could hardly imagine having to play soccer or run for that long. Dinner was likely a welcome distraction to both of them. She laughed when Ricky called himself an old man. “Old man, right. I think you got a few more years before you can call yourself that. Glad it’s starting to hurt less though. You’ll be fully out and about again before you know it… and thanks. Wasn’t expecting that, but it’s appreciated.” She smiled as she walked through the open door and the hostess brought them over to their table. The fact it was a booth somewhat in the back was comforting. That had to be a little more low profile than up and center right? She focused back on the question at hand. Her head tilted slightly as she nodded and said, “Oh yeah, I’m actually able to sleep at night and don’t think I need a nap at like 10 in the morning anymore. You happy to have it back, too?” While the prospect of a 24-hour full moon had sounded nice, logistically it was probably better to be in wolf form less time. She looked over the different burger options on the menu, pretty sure she was going to go with the classic hangover option. She turned her attention back to Ricky and asked, “So, how did you and Winston meet? Did you guys know each other before you were roommates?” 
Following the waitress to the booth that she directed them to Ricky gingerly lowered himself into the seat, grabbing the laminated menu and fiddling with it, “I feel like I can hear my ribs grinding when I laugh or cough too much, I definitely feel like an old man now.” He placed his drink order and set the menu down, taking turns between glancing at it and focusing on what Ariana was saying. “Incredibly. It’s like you said, my whole rhythm and schedule was just…. Off balance. Like when you load the washer wrong and it spins off balance. That’s what it felt like. I’m happy to have the sun around to at least reinforce my schedule. You don’t realize how much you depend on that schedule for a feeling of normalcy until you aren’t able to follow it anymore.” When the waitress came around again he ordered his normal go to; mushroom and swiss burger, extra bacon, no bun, fries with a side of hot sauce, before passing off the menu to her and looking back at his new friend, “Winston?” He laughed a little, regathering curls that had started to escape the confines of his topknot and redoing them, “No. We didn’t. We actually met at a party like… a week and a half before they moved in. I went outside for a smoke and a bit of quiet on the porch and there was this dude there and we just started talking. Hit it off pretty immediately and then they mentioned that they were looking for a place and like hey, I’ve got a decent sized house so I had them over for a tour and we figured out pretty quick that we’d work real well as roommates. That was like five months ago and I’ve never looked back. Like, having Winston in the house has upped my level of general wellbeing and happiness like 300%. I fucking love them. What about you? How did you guys meet?” 
It sucked to see that Ricky was still in pain from his injuries. Ariana did her best to offer a sympathetic smile. Hopefully, he’d heal up pretty quickly and could be back to life as normal. “If it helps, you don’t look like an old man,” she said with a laugh. When the waitress came back by, Ariana asked for an iced tea and turned her attention back to Ricky. The never-ending night thing had been confusing. She’d never had any concept of what time it was and then it had to end right before the full moon. “It’s crazy how much a lack of sunshine can change your whole rhythm up. I kept going for runs in the middle of the night because I’d feel weirdly energetic at like midnight. My sister was not a fan of that.” The hangover burger had won out and she ordered it medium rare with fries. Though she’d never had a hangover, she fully supported sunny side eggs and bacon being added to a cheeseburger. She let her elbows rest down on the table and relaxed as Ricky told her about how he met Winston. That was super cool that they hit it off right away like that and living together was going well. From what she was able to gather based on their few conversations, Ricky seemed to balance out Winston nicely. It’s no wonder they worked so well together as roommates. “That’s awesome,” she said with a wide grin on her face, “To meet and just click like that. I know you’re super important to them and it seems like the timing on that was perfect. It’s like you two were meant to be best friends. Which sounds cheesy as hell, but whatever.” She grabbed a sip of her iced tea before answering his question, “Winston originally offered to help me with math, but I’d already found a tutor. I was still new to town though so I was like hey, I could still use friends if you wanna hit up that farmer’s market with me. So we went to the farmer’s market and accidentally bought vampire watermelons. Turns out having to smash carnivorous fruit really brings people together. They even dyed my hair for me when I was having a little bit of a meltdown.” She gave her freshly blonde hair a flip and added, “I think they did a pretty good job, but I’m colorblind, so if it looks awful, just lie to me.” 
“I’m an old man on the inside, which is where it matters I think. On the inside it’s just me shaking a cane at children and telling them to stay off my lawn. One advantage to living where I do, I guess. No kids are fucking up my landscaping.” Nodding energetically Ricky chewed on the end of his straw, “I totally feel that. Everything was so out of whack. I’d be like, wide awake and ready to do things at 3 in the morning and then in the middle of the afternoon my body would be begging for bed. It made running errands an absolute shitshow but somehow we all powered through it. By the seat of our pants sure, but we ultimately did.” He couldn’t help but smile when Ariana detailed exactly how she’d gotten entangled in Winston’s life, seemingly as randomly and serendipitously as he had. “I think it’s just something about them. They make it so easy to become friends with them that you feel like you’ve been friends for ages. I never thought I’d invite someone to live with me after only meeting them at a party but I was just so fucking convinced that we’d get along perfectly; and five months later I have absolutely zero regrets about it all.” His eyebrow did raise at the mention of vampiric fruit, “Why am I both surprised and not surprised that there are vampire watermelons. What a fucking disaster of a fruit waiting to happen. I’m glad you both survived though, I would have been so sad if my best friend got turned into a blood sucking fruit.” As their food arrived Ricky chewed thoughtfully on a french fry, “Well it looks fine to me, but I’m also color blind so it could look like a fucking mess and I’d never know.” He briefly wondered if this was indicative of Ariana being something inhuman, but quickly reminded himself that perfectly normal humans were colorblind without it meaning anything. “So you’re a senior, right? Any big plans since high school is coming abruptly to an end?” 
The image of Ricky shaking his cane and yelling at children to get out of his yard was pretty amusing. As much made Ariana laugh as he spoke. Somehow, it was hard to imagine him being too grumpy, but she’d only just met him. “Glad to hear the landscape is safe,” she said grinning widely, “Thankfully we made it and things are back to normal… Well, I guess as normal as it gets here anyway. No one can say it’s boring here, that’s for damn sure.” She leaned into the back of the booth and felt happy to know that Winston had people who clearly adored them in their life. They deserved nothing less. In the short time they’d been friends, Winston had been nothing short of supportive and found ways to make her laugh when she was upset. “I think they’re just such a good person. It makes it easy to get along with and trust them. Sometimes when you meet people you just know, huh? Sounds like it worked out perfectly with you, too.” It was easy to laugh over the vampire watermelons now that she replaced her combat boots. She had been a little salty about that part at first. “Probably because it’s White Crest and nothing is too far-fetched. But yeah, I smashed the one that destroyed my fave combat boots and they blew one up. It was a bonding experience. Worth the loss of my shoes because we got to be upfront with each other about things we probably would’ve kept a secret.” Ariana had been picking at her fries when Ricky mentioned being colorblind. She instantly perked up and tried to subtly sniff to pick up on his scent. It definitely wasn’t wolfy, she would have noticed as much right away. He smelled more like the ocean. “Wait…,” she whispered, taking a look around them, “Colorblind? You don’t smell like a wolf. You smell more like the ocean. Are you…” She had trailed off before she realized that was probably way too blunt, “Ah, crap, sorry. I got a little weird there. I’m colorblind, too.” She tried to play it off and nervously tucked her hair behind her ear, shifting back to what he had asked her. “But yeah, senior year. I just started up a carpentry apprenticeship so that’ll be post-graduation life for me. Don’t really feel into the whole college thing. What about you? Do you go to UMWC with Winston?” 
Ariana talked a million miles an hour and it was honestly somewhat comforting. Ricky enjoyed listening to the stories about her misadventures with Winston and vampire watermelons and the mishap that led to the destruction of her favorite pair of combat boots. It was something of a twist though, when she mentioned that Winston had blown one of them up and the twist got even twistier when she made a comment about the way he smelled. The first twist could have been, maybe, explained away. Winston was after all an at least tangential member of the Police Department. Blowing things up could have been in reference to some explosives they’d procured and not their innate magical ability. But the comments about his smell, particularly when coupled with her comment about how he didn’t smell wolfy, made him set his fork down and wipe burger off of his face, “Holy shit did I collect another werewolf friend?” His mouth quirked into half a smile as he leaned across the table, “Are there just a million of you around town?” He idly chewed a french fry and looked at the young woman across the table. “It’s funny. All of the rest of you I’ve met have said the same thing. That I smell like the ocean. Which makes sense I guess… it’s where I was born.” He resumed his burger, cutting off a piece and making sure it was properly laden with mushrooms and swiss cheese. “Carpentry apprenticeship though, that’s dope af. I’m a woodworker by trade. Who’re you apprenticing with? Maybe you can do an independent study with me. It’d be boring…. But…. I’d cook you a good lunch as part of it.” The burger disappeared rapidly, and then all Ricky was left with was a small mountain of fries, which he liberally covered in hot sauce. “Me? I’m about two months from graduating with my MFA, which was an entirely unnecessary degree, but then I’ll be done there. And to be perfectly honest with you; a lot of people look down their noses at apprenticeships and trade schools but there’s always going to be a need for skilled manual labor; and a lot of times those jobs pay a lot better than anything a Bachelor’s in Science is going to get you. If you know carpentry is something you’re into I fully support not pouring thousands upon thousands of dollars into a broken educational system and just doing an apprenticeship. People are always going to need carpenters.” 
Prior to mentioning it, there had been no doubt in Ariana’s mind that he’d known about the supernatural. After all, Winston had mentioned giant crabs that had a name she couldn’t remember destroying their living room, but it was still a relief that Ricky caught on to her drift quickly, albeit without answering all of her questions, but they’d get there. The fact he had multiple werewolf friends did pique her interest. She knew Ulfric, Lucas, and Simon. Plus, she knew of Miles. Still, it’d be nice to have some friends like her who were closer to her in age range. Her head tilted as she looked at him and said in a hushed tone, “Looks like you did! Wait,  you know other werewolves? I’ve only met a few in town so far.” She let out a hushed laugh before shoving a few more fries in her mouth. Her eyes were still kind of wide when she quietly added, “Must be true then. Goes with the whole beach bro aesthetic. You were born on the beach? Do you… I’m sorry if this is kind of blunt, but are you able to shift, too?” How she didn’t pick up on the subtle difference in his scent sooner was driving her crazy. Maybe her manners weren’t entirely intact, but her curiosity often got the better of her. As she polished off her burger, Ricky was talking about how he was a woodworker. It was official, Ricky was fucking awesome. “Wait, seriously? That’s so cool. How long have you been doing that? My apprenticeship is at Trusty Wood, but yeah, an independent study sounds great. I doubt I’d be bored. I find working with my hands to actually be kind of relaxing. Plus, the promise of a good lunch is hard to turn down,” she finished with a smirk. She wasn’t sure if it was a wolf thing or an athlete thing, but she was nearly always hungry. She picked at the rest of her french fries as he spoke about school. It was kind of nice to hear someone validate her choice to skip out on college, even if they went themselves. “That’s awesome. I guess it’s a bit early for a congratulations, but I’m gonna throw it out there anyway. A degree is a good thing to have so more power to you. The money thing is a factor, but honestly, I just really can’t imagine going through more school. I’m dyslexic and colorblind so schoolwork kind of makes my brain feel like it’s a melted pile of goo. I’d just rather dive right into something I know I actually enjoy. I will miss soccer though.” 
“You’re now the third one I’ve met. So I guess I don’t know a million of them. But; now more than a couple. Now I’ve got a neat little three of a kind in my social acquaintances.” It was always nice to meet another shifter; particularly as he’d found the werewolves he did know in town to all be excellent friends. “Not on the beach. In the ocean.” He chewed thoughtfully on another french fry as Ariana asked her question, shooting her a smile, “I am. Different than you. I’m an at will shifter, I don’t need the moon. I just need to have my true skin and I can change back into my true form. I’m a selkie. A seal shifter. We’re a little more rare in these parts than you and your kind are; most of the big clans are still over on the British Isles, but, I can shift indeed… and to simplify the every fucking complicated dance of not telling people things they shouldn’t know I”ll let you know right off the bat that Winston knows what I am. There was an awkward moment after we moved in together when he came home unexpectedly, I didn’t have my fake teeth in, and he caught sight of my fangs. Our teeth are always seal teeth even in our human bodies.” The conversation shifted tack yet again to her impending apprenticeship, “Well if you ever wanna hang out in the workshop for a day or two just clear it with your new boss and I’ll be happy to have you tag along and see the kind of work I do. I know at least for me personally as an artist I always love watching people work because I always learn at least one thing that I had no idea about before.” He shrugged broadly, “It’s fine. It’s definitely not something I needed. But I’ve got it now so it’s there to hang on the wall in my studio and look smug about or something. And that’s fair. I was lucky enough to get a whole heap of scholarships; but really I did not excel in college. I’m not that booksmart, as much as Winston likes to lecture me about various types of intelligences, and it was a fucking struggle. I’m certainly not graduating on the dean’s list. But i bet there’s a community soccer team you could be involved in. Or you could start one.” 
“Huh, that’s about how many I’ve met so far, too. I can definitely smell that there’s more. Which hopefully doesn’t sound totally creepy,” Ariana responded with a laugh. Navigating the world through smell seemed a lot less weird once someone knew you were a werewolf. After all, that’s how wolves in the wild worked. As Ricky explained what he was, Ariana stared at him completely fascinated. She’d never met a selkie before. She was pretty sure she’d heard them mentioned in one of Celeste’s books, but meeting one in person was totally different. She instinctively leaned forward on her elbows, taking in every word. “Wow,” she said completely in awe, “That’s pretty fucking cool. You’re the first selkie I’ve met. That must be pretty cool to have control of when you shift. I love the full moon. That’s actually where the venison I made came from. Apparently with practice, I can learn to shift outside the full moon, but haven’t really tried as much yet. Probably wouldn’t be the best idea right now anyway. Thanks for skipping that whole dance. Winston also knows what I am. They’re definitely really understanding for still being new to all of this.” She nodded along as Ricky explained about her being able to come watch him in his workshop. Learning new ways of doing things and see how he worked could definitely be helpful for her learning the trade and making it her own. “Totally,” she responded, “I’ll check with Shiloh and see if that’d be okay. I’d definitely love to see your work and how you do it.” It felt a little better to know school was tough for him, too. Everyone around her always seemed to have a much easier time with things, where as she needed an army of math tutors just to pass Algebra. “Even if it was tough, you still did it, so that’s amazing. Glad it’s not just me who struggles with the book learning thing. Winston’s right though, we’ve all got our things. You’re right, I’ll have to look into it more. I may be working a soccer camp for elementary school kids this summer.It’s not a full time thing and I figured it could help me stick with that hobby.”
“I mean I don’t know how much of this is fact and how much of this is me still drooling over the cast of Teen Wolf years later but don’t you guys have packs? Like we have clans? Makes sense that where there’s one there’d be more than a handful unless they’re taking the whole ‘lone wolf’ thing real seriously.” He polished off the last of his french fries and looked forlornly down at the empty plate before ordering another basket of them when the waitress came by the table to refill their drinks. “We’re not super common. But yeah. I’ve got to do it like once a week otherwise I’ll start to get sick, but, I can pretty much pick and choose when I do it. Downsides are I’m every vampire’s favorite treat. Oh! Since we’re no longer pretending to be human! It wasn’t a car accident that fucked me up like this. Winston and I got attacked by an asanbosam. Fugly ass West African tree vampire. Nasty fucking piece of work that one. It’s dead though, so, no worries.” The fries came and he pushed them to the center of the table so they could both snack on them, “Once I’m healed up and graduated I’ll pretty much be in there full time. But yeah. If Shiloh says it’s chill swing by the house and see me. You me and Winston can have lunch and we’ll get you hands on with some carpentry stuff the way I do it.” Listening carefully as she talked he couldn’t help but remember his own high school experience. It sounded remarkably similar to what Ariana had gone through “Maybe it’s a shifter thing” He laughed quietly, “We’re bad at school but good with our hands. But soccer camp sounds amazing. You could even look into like helping coach kids’ teams during the school year. I’m sure they need help year round wrangling a bunch of hopped-up-on-juice-and-sugar kids. There’re definitely a bunch of ways to keep you involved in the soccer after high school, you just gotta search them out a bit.” 
“Weirdly enough, I’ve never watched that show so I couldn’t tell you how true to form it is. Wolves do form packs though. I was really young when my parents died so I didn’t grow up around other wolves. Slowly starting to find a pack here so to speak. I think it’s more a matter of us finding each other than anything else. Which the nose helps with that one a lot. That’s cool you guys have clans. Sticking together is always smart,” Ariana responded in a low voice, still being sure to not attract any unwanted attention. Thankfully, the restaurant wasn’t too busy and they were off towards the back. Last thing they needed was to tip some asshole hunter off. When he mentioned they weren’t common, it made sense she’d never met one previously. She had finished off her own plate and pushed it toward the side of the table with all her napkins and silverware stacked on it to make it a little easier for the server. “Well, it’s pretty fucking cool to meet a selkie. That kinda makes sense though, having to shift to avoid feeling sick. Cool to be able to pick and choose when. Oh jeez, that’s not the kind of snack you want to be. I remember Winston mentioning the tree vampire thing. That was how they got hurt, too, right? Hopefully there aren’t more of those roaming around because hard pass on all of that. Glad you survived that though.” The prospect of learning from Ricky was exciting and she hoped Shiloh would be cool with it. She wasn’t sure why she wouldn’t be. It’d only make her better at her job. Plus, Ricky was cool as hell and she really wanted to see him in action. “Yeah, I hope the healing thing happens for you sooner rather than later. I know not being able to get out as much can suck. There’s only so much entertainment streaming services can provide. I’m sure she’ll be cool with it though. That sounds like a great day to me.” She nodded along as he spoke and finished off her iced tea. When Ricky mentioned the shifter thing, she found herself laughing too. “It must be. Makes me feel a little better about the number of tutors I needed to pass Algebra. I’m pretty excited about the soccer camp. I’ve never really done anything like that before, but I love kids and soccer, so I think it’ll be a good time. That’s a really good idea though, I’ll have to look into that. I know you mentioned the Swim Team before, I imagine you have to keep up with swimming all things considered. Where here is actually safe to swim is what I’d like to know.”
“I hope it’s not really true to form because it makes packs seems like a weirdly queerbaity incestuous mess. But. Tyler Posey is hot and so I watched the whole thing. Don’t judge.” He smiled as they finished off the food and leaned back in the booth, crossing his arms carefully over his very sore chest, “I think they killed the only one. We’d be finding literal piles of human skin under trees if there were more lurking around and I haven’t heard anything about that so hopefully they’re gone for good. Because they’re some gross ass bitches.” It was nice to just sit and have a meal with someone without any expectation. They just sat and talked and it was the most relaxed Ricky had honestly felt since the whole asanbosam incident. “Doesn’t matter how many tutors it took. Just matters that you stuck with it long enough to actually pass. That’s the important thing. It was tough and it was hard but you weren’t a little bitch about it. That’s that good good character building shit right there.” It wasn’t any stretch of the imagination to think that Ariana would be a great soccer coach. Between her personable manner and her readily-apparent love of the game she’d probably crush it. “Fuck yeah. Go for it. There’s no reason you have to stop doing what you love because you’re graduating. You just turn it into an adult hobby and start charging people. Bing bang boom you’ve got some income and you’re a civic-minded resident of the town!” He couldn’t help but snort at her question about safe swimming, “An indoor pool. Don’t ever go swimming in Dark Score lake. You will die. Pretty immediately. The ocean is full of borderline upsetting shit too.” He pulled up the side of his shirt to show the very large bite mark on the side of his stomach, “Mermaids. You don’t wanna fuck with those bitches. They are mean.” 
“A little less like that. Given all the other wolves I know are men that are a fair deal older than me. I mean, I’m bi, but still don’t think it’s quite like that,” Ariana laughed as she mused on the similarities between some teen show and actual life as a werewolf. Somehow she had the feeling none of the shows were really spot on. It was good to hear that there was likely only one tree vampire in White Crest and it was dead. “Thank god, I’m tough, but I really didn’t want to run into one of those things. They sound vicious af and no thanks,” she leaned back a bit into the booth and added, “But like, totally glad you both live to tell the tale. Still, fuck that thing.” Her smile was wide as she listened to him basically pep her up. Getting to hang out with Ricky was pretty cool, not that she doubted Winston’s taste in friends, but he was just an all around good dude. Just the kind of positivity she needed in her life right about now. “Thanks, definitely wasn’t totally a little bitch about. Doesn’t mean there wasn’t some complaining though,” she said with a laugh, “But I do appreciate the hype.” As the waitress came back by and asked if they wanted dessert, she shook her head no and thanked her as she left the check. Turning back to Ricky, she found she was still as cheerful as ever. Man, he really was a super sweet person. His profile description of being thicc of heart and ass had been spot on. “You right, you right. I can still do something I love as a hobby and make some money off it. Plus, contributing to the community and working with kids is always a good time.” She crossed her arms and pouted slightly at the swimming advisory. White Crest was her kind of place, but she’d rather not become giant monster fish food, so she guessed she’d have to skip the swimming. “Well, damn, okay White Crest. Guess I gotta find a gym with an indoor pool then.” Her mouth dropped at the mark on the side of his stomach, “Jeez, a mermaid did that? So I’m guessing The Little Mermaid really isn’t accurate then.” 
Sliding his card across the table onto the bill that the waitress had left Ricky shot her a gleaming smile as she took the card and left, “I’m glad that actual pack dynamics aren’t the same as that show. That’d be….. Highly dysfunctional.” He couldn’t help but laugh a little as she talked about The Little Mermaid, “No. They’re more like….. Horrific nightmare angler fish. They have a lure that looks super convincingly like a human. They then use it to trick people into thinking someone’s drowning and then when they swim out to rescue them… boom. Eaten by a gross ass mermaid. I know the Rec Center out on Birch Lane has a pretty decent pool. If you’re fine with the sound of children screaming and some truly impressive levels of chlorine.” His card was returned and he signed the bottom of the receipt, leaving a large tip and ignoring the phone number scrawled at the bottom next to a smiley face, “If you need someone to sketch you uniform designs for your new kids’ soccer team I’m totally available for that. I can do some adorable fuckin’ cartoon designs that’ll make your team the envy of the surrounding area.” Gingerly sliding himself out of the booth he held an arm out to Ariana, “This was definitely the most fun I’ve had having cheeseburgers in a long time. Plus… I made another shifter friend! Best dinner date ever.”  
With a smile, Ariana thanked Ricky for dinner. Making a new friend, especially someone else who was a shifter, had been a great time. Though the description of mermaids was mildly terrifying. Ariel sounded way more fun to hang out with. “Big yikes,” she remarked, “That is definitely not what I imagined at all. I will keep my swimming to the Rec Center or out of White Crest entirely. Thankfully, I’m more of a runner than a swimmer. Not that there’s not things in the woods that would probably want to eat me, but I’m pretty scrappy.” She relaxed in the booth as Ricky signed the receipt and mentioned his drawing skills. “You’re just a man of many talents, huh? I’ll totally let you know if I need to design anything like that. I have a meeting soon with like, the full details on that.” She smiled easily getting up from the booth and taking Ricky’s arm. “Same here,” she said happily as they walked out, “Can’t beat cheeseburgers and new shifter friends. We’re definitely doing this again soon.”   
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lawluheaven · 5 years
Hello !!! First of all I love love love your blog ^^ second of all I love your stories they are amazing !!! And third of all I hope you don't mind me saying this but will we get a second part to your little mermaid au I really wanna see Law's face when he sees Luffy as a human ^^
Law got up extra early on his day off, breakfast eaten and ready for the day before the sun had properly risen in the horizon. 
If you had told him this a summer ago, he would have thrown his tea on you appalled the mere thought of losing what little sleep he could get. (Hence the soothing tea) but ever since his near-death experience things have changed.
He smiled more for one, took time to rest, went out of his way to keep communication stronger between his loved ones and often find himself daydreaming about the ocean and all it’s underwater secrets- when he wasn’t performing surgery of course.
His friends and family chalked it up to him coming face to face with his mortality. They keep a closer eye on Law, but they were pleased by the changes none the less.
As he loaded up his fishing boat - One he had to wrestle Lami into allowing him to operate alone -  he thought about how much had of a positive influence Luffy has been on his life.
The young mermaid was a peak of curiosity, who saw the world- Law’s world- as a wonder-filled fantasy land, his eyes not yet jaded to the cruelty of humans. He wanted to know about everything, and anything Law was willing to share, staring up at him among the waves with wide sparkling dark eyes.
They made an agreement to meet in the mornings, just as the light breached the surface of the water. Every six days, Law would take his boat out to the spot where the corals dropped into the deep sea, and as the sky light up, Luffy’s head would pop up somewhere near him.
His mermaid friend had quickly informed Law of his royal status- and wasn’t that something? A whole kingdom right under all humans noses!- which was why they needed to sneak around to meet up.
Luffy’s people had laws against interacting with humans, afraid of what may happen to them if the surface dwellers were to learn of them. They also saw humans as strange and somewhat dim, meaning those like Luffy who was fascinated by them, were considered childish or odd.
Now Luffy never full out admitted it but as an outcast kid who survived bullying for some of his boyhood years, Law heard the unsaid comments whenever the mermaid spoke of his home. 
But they didn’t really talk about Luffy’s home. They instead spent hours describing places they wish the other could see. Law had a mental picture of some of the deepest parts of the ocean, the canyons and gorges that Luffy explored with his best friend Zoro.  He could almost hear the whales and dolphins that sang songs only the highest scholars of meremaidians could understand. Could see fish that lived in schools and migrated as world citizens but could never settle as full citizenship.
The dangers of sharks, and other mermaid eating beasts that often tested the countries bourders 
 The different types of oceans and the kingdoms the Five Great Clans ruled them.
Luffy’s family has ruled the Atlantic Ocean for thousands of years, he is third in line for the throne and their main capital was based somewhere in the South. Law theorized it was near Brazil but he was never sure, seeing as Luffy didn’t know coordinations well enough to pinpoint where exactly he lived. 
He once admitted to swimming very far and very fast to meet up with Law off of the shores of Mexico but he assured that it was not that difficult to do and that his family never notice he was gone.
It made him wonder just how fast mermaids could swim.
On the other hand, Law attempted to describe his home to the mermaid. It was painstaking slow since he needed to break all the bad assumptions Luffy had come on his own.  His seagull friend Ussop- who Law swears if the one that visits him to pick up forks- has fully convinced the young prince that things were called “Who’s-its’”  “What’s-its” “Thingy-mc-bobers” and forks were apparently combs.
But he still brought allow pictures with him, amuse that Luffy would get them all wet as he eagerly took in images of cars, skyscrapers, TVs, pens, paints, and any other random thing Law could think about. It made him so happy to learn, which made the surgeon so willing to share.
Law turns off his motor and drops his anchor. He patiently waits to see where Luffy may be. Doing a quick scan around him, he is pleased to see no other boat meaning it safe for the mermaid to come up. 
Tugging on his anchor chain, he makes it shake three times, pauses slightly and then shakes it twice sending the code. That done, Law takes a step back to wait.
He waits. And waits. And waits. 
Until the sun is high in the sky until his stomach growls in pain from hunger until his skin turns painfully red. After a while, he realizes Luffy’s not coming.  
It’s never happened before, they usually warn each other if they can’t meet up or Luffy sends Zoro who would do three jumps in the air to inform Law of his prince’s inability to see him. But he’s never been full out quite.
The surgeon returns home the unsettling of his stomach as wavy as the sea. That night he tries to tell himself to not worry, it could have been a fluke, or maybe Ace had caught Luffy while he was sneaking out of the palace? 
Surely, his friend would be there next week.  
Except he’s not. Nor the following week and the one after that. Law still goes ever sixth day but his hopes of seeing the little mermaid die each crushing time. After a month Law must admit that Luffy will forever be a happy memory lost beneath the waves. 
It’s not till that moment that he realizes he fell in love with someone who’s world was thousands of miles from his own. Law cries himself to sleep that night unable to bear looking out his window to the sea.
He moves on.  Lami (His younger sister) and Bepo (His cousin) notice how suddenly he’s unable to bring himself to smile too much, how he retreats into himself. They come to the right conclusion: he’s suffering from heartbreak but he refuses to name who broke his heart.
As far as they know, Luffy may as well be made up.
Which was why one weekend when Lami and Bepo force him to host them to help him overcome the old flame that he receives the shock of his life.  
It comes in the form of knocking on his door at sunrise on the sixth day. On his doorstep was a young man wearing an old straw hat with wide sparkling eyes. Law stares at him for a full minute unable to speak until Lami demanded to know who he was.
Luffy’s answering  “Law’s boyfriend” had the doctor throw himself forward with a loud cry falling into the not-anymore-mermaid’s arms and pulling him into a kiss. Luffy allowed it for a while before pushing him off.   “What are you doing!? I need air now! I could land drown!”
“Land drown?” Bepo repeats bewildered but it makes Law laugh.
Todays a good day.
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silentexplorer18 · 5 years
First Dates and Distracted Snakes: A Jughead Jones Short
Summary: As Jughead’s attention to you wanes, you allow yourself to pursue other romantic interests.  Although you try to have a good time, you realize that bad guys lurk throughout Riverdale.  Can Jughead brighten your thoughts?
Paring: Jughead x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of rape and sexual assault, some depressing thoughts.
Read it here on AO3.
His dark hair fell into his eyes as his little hands reached for your own dainty ones.  “(Y/n),” he said softly, “will you be my girlfriend?”
You squeezed his hand gently, but shake your head, small smile adorning your lips.  “Juggie, we’re too little.  Ask me again when we’re older, and I’ll say yes, okay?”
He didn’t seem too forlorn from your answer, squeezing your hand back and pulling you toward the swingset.  “Okay, just as long as you’ll say yes.”
It has been ten years since that day when you and Jughead Jones were children, acknowledging that you had something more than what ordinary best friends would.  Despite growing up together, his asking never again graced your ears, as much as you would have wholeheartedly said yes.
Over the years, you and Jug had found a comfortable rhythm that flowed through your lives.  Every day, you would get up and meet him on your porch, sharing breakfast before you set off on the walk to school.  Always, always walking together, you would engage in small talk or comfortable silence, either one being something you both enjoyed.  Then came classes.  Those that you shared, you were hip and hip in; those that you didn’t were never that enjoyable.  At lunch you would sit together, and in the student lounge.  After school would come long sessions at Pop’s, where the two of you would share food and work in a state of symbiosis.  He would write usually, fingertips fluttering over the keys like his life depended on them, like he couldn’t quite get the words out fast enough.  You would work on homework, read, or even doodle sometimes.  The spans of silence would be broken by the click of his laptop and the eventual conversation that would spur when you gave him your attention and he gave you his.
You’d been the one that pushed him toward writing this book about Jason Blossom’s death, knowing he needed a true outlet for his hyper alert, clever mind.  When he started into the investigation, you supported him wholeheartedly, ordering him late night milkshakes to feed his creative mind, dragging him from the diner when it got so late he would cease to be able to function the next day if he didn’t go to bed, and helping him investigate as he saw fit.  Although he was your best friend and you inarguably his, you began to notice your late nights at Pop’s together dwindling as he and the rest of the Scooby Gang, most notably Betty Cooper, began to find themselves intensely rooted in the investigation.
You tried to be positive despite the gnawing disappointment in your stomach every morning he wasn’t there to walk with you to school and every night Juggie would forget to meet you at the diner.  Your study dates and biweekly dinners soon faltered from their normal schedule, and you had no idea if or when Jug would show up.
So here you were again on a Friday night, sitting glumly in your signature booth sipping a vanilla milkshake halfheartedly.  Jughead was always supposed to meet you on Friday nights, another tradition.  You would share a meal and discuss the events of the week, any new leads he’d found, and sometimes would conclude the night watching movies in your room.  He hadn’t shown up, though, hence why you were on your second milkshake of the night.  You didn’t want to admit that saving yourself the social strain of making lots of friends was proving to be a monumental mistake, but it was.  Jughead had hardly talked to you in weeks, and you realized gloomily that you’d fallen lackluster to the amazing Betty Cooper and Veronica Lodge.
Picking at your straw, you jumped when a body slid down in front of you.  Half expecting it to be Jughead, you looked up in excitement only to realize that the beanie clad boy was not the person sitting in front of you.  Instead Chuck Clayton gazed back at you with a half attractive smirk.  “Out alone?” he asked, trying to avoid commenting on the crestfallen look you gave him when you realized he wasn’t the boy you wanted him to be.
You sighed a little.  “Yeah.  My friend forgot, I think.”
Chuck sympathized with you, carrying on a conversation for the next hour.  Although he wasn’t the most charming or intelligent boy in the world, he did make you laugh, ask you about your day, and acknowledge your existence, all of which were worlds above Jughead who wouldn’t even respond to your text asking if he was okay.
That night of subtle flirting and fry sharing turned into one of many more to come.  The next week, Chuck would stop in, chatting you up since Jughead couldn’t find the time to talk to you.  By the end of the week, he’d asked you out on a date, stating that one of his football companions was throwing a party that he’d adore accompanying you to.
Your first instinct was to hesitate.  You’d never been to a party before, and you’d also never been on a date before.  Not officially, anyway.  You’d been saving yourself for Jughead, just like you’d promised, but the sweet little Forsythe of your youth was the only boy to ever have asked you out.  Jughead had never asked again.  It was clear now, though, that he had no intention to, mind wrapped around Betty Cooper in all her charming glory.
With a blush rising to your cheeks, you accepted his invitation.
The next evening was another Friday, and you were adorned in your usual bluejeans and a Bulldogs tee shirt.  You’d curled your hair lightly, applying a tiny bit of makeup to spruce up your features.  You met Chuck at Pop’s Diner, blushing against his compliments as he led you down the streets of Riverdale toward your first date.
Inviting you inside, you didn’t expect the night that would follow.  Chuck was quick to drink, trying to force alcohol down your throat as well.  You weren’t one for the drinking, trying to suggest that maybe you should go home.  Chuck pouted, trying to guilt you into staying.  “Just one more dance.  Please, baby?”  His words made you uncomfortable, but you relented, agreeing to just one more.  You wanted this date to be labeled as a success, afterall.
So you stayed, and his hands clamped against your waist, travelling rapidly down to your ass.
“Chuck, what are you-” you shouted, his lips shoving against your own to silence your protests.  He pushed you up the stairs, several of his teammates trailing.
The rest of that night was a blur as his hands traveled up your body and touched every square inch.  His lips met your neck, hips snapping against your own as you thrashed against his teammates’ weight.  You tried to scream but someone’s lips were forced against your own, tasting like liquor and the salt of your tears.  Chuck didn’t take you home; shaking, you wrapped your tattered clothes around your quaking frame and stumbled down the streets to your house.  Your parents were traveling on business and would be gone for at least another month and a half, so you were free to let the hot tears of shame trickle down your cheeks when you entered the home.  Ripping off what was left of your clothes, you hopped in the shower, letting the hot water burn your flesh clean of the horrors it had experienced in the darkness.
That weekend, you were holed up in your bed the whole time, ignoring the occasional buzzing of your phone even through Monday and Tuesday morning.  By six Tuesday night, you were finally hungry, dragging yourself up and dressing in fresh clothes.  On Saturday, you’d witnessed the photo spread across Instagram and Snapchat, flitting into group chats and ruining any chance of secrecy you’d had at keeping what happened under wraps.  A photo of you barely clothed, the jocks closing in around you in a sweaty, hormonal mess.  Chuck Clayton was branding you as an easy fuck, the girl who threw her virginity at him.  From the photo, you just looked like a slut, not a girl who’d been raped by the team.  Only people that knew you would know the lies behind the image.
But still, you needed to eat.  So you drug yourself to Pop’s, perched in the farthest seat from the door, sipping on a vanilla milkshake, no cherry  or whipped cream - you didn’t deserve it.  Pop’s had brought you some sympathy fries that you nibbled on here and there, but for the most part you just sat quietly, dreading the days to come.  Lost in thought, you didn’t notice Jughead’s approach until he’d slammed down in the seat in front of you.  Your eyes flickered up to him, clearly startled.  His face was hard, impassive.  “How could you?” he said harshly.
“What?” you asked softly, confusion painting over your tired eyes.
“You gave your virginity to Chuck Clayton of all people?  Why would you go on a date with that guy?”
Hurt flashed across your face, but your defences were up as his judgemental gaze looked down his nose at you.  “Maybe because he was the only guy to ask me out,” you said incredulously, trying to ignore the pain pooling in your heart.
“But you screwed Chuck.  Of all the disgusting, filthy, low level things you could have done, you did that.  You jumped the first guy that offered.”  He tried to keep going, describing how low screwing Chuck Clayton was, but you didn’t hear him.  You were rushing up from your seat, tears flooding your cheeks as your feet led you to the door.
You felt someone collide with you as you pushed through the door, Betty and Veronica staring sympathetically at you as you stumbled by, obviously flustered and emotionally unstable.  You stumbled toward home while they entered the diner, making a beeline for Jughead.
“Jug, what happened?” Betty asked as she and Ronnie slid into the seat you’d been sitting in.
“She slept with Chuck,” he mumbled out, clearly angry.
Veronica rolled her eyes, “Not by choice, you nitwit.”
“What?” he asked, brows furrowing at her words.
Betty, pale and concerned, began to explain what happened, Ronnie turning her phone around to reveal the photo of your broken, defiled form.  Jughead went white, grabbing his bag from the seat and rushing away from the booth, muttering an, “Oh, no,” as he went.
You’d locked the door when you’d gotten home, climbing up the stairs and falling into your fluffy sheets, tears dripping onto pillow as you realized that Jughead was right, you were a dirty slut.  You’d asked for it.  It was all your fault.  You’d went out on a date.  You were to blame.
Jughead knew your house like the back of his hand, pulling the spare key from its hiding spot and slipping into your house, locking the door behind him.  He knew you’d be in your room; that was always your go to when you were feeling sad.
He ascended the stairs quietly, stepping gently into your room.  His heart broke when he saw your weak figure sobbing into your pillows.  Bending down, he enveloped you in his arms.  Your first instinct was to panic, thrashing against his body until you heard his soothing voice in your ear.  “Hey, hey.  It’s okay.  It’s me.  You’re safe, (y/n).  You’re safe.”
Just as quickly as you’d started thrashing, you stilled, tears still dripping from your puffy eyes.  “Juggie, I’m so sorry,” you whispered against his chest.
“What?  Why?”
“It’s my fault,” you whispered, tears starting to rapidly fall again as your breathing hitched.  “You were right.  It’s my fault.  I was low and dirty and bad.  I’m so sorry, Jughead.”
“No, no, no,” he murmured, holding you close to his chest and shushing you.  “It’s not your fault.  None of it was your fault.  They hurt you, and they shouldn’t have, and I’m so, so sorry I wasn’t there to protect you.”
You stayed nuzzled in his arms for a while, hiccupping and sniffling as he whispered soothing words in your hair.  “Why’d you come here?” you croaked out after a while, looking up into his eyes.
Jughead rested his forehead against yours, his sigh fanning across your damp cheeks.  “You shouldn’t be alone right now.  And I’m the fool that got you into this, so I should be the one that helps you through it.”  You looked at him quizzically, and he knew what you wanted to ask before you had the chance to say it.  “I should’ve asked you out,” his voice grew low, and his demeanor shifted from comforting to shy.  “If I had, you never would have been in the situation you were.”
“Juggie,” you sniffled, “it isn’t your fault.  I should’ve waited.  You were always the one that I wanted.”
“(Y/N), would you be my girlfriend?” he whispered softly.
You smiled, an equal grin forming on his lips.  “Yes.  I’d love to, Jughead.”  After a pause, you flopped back on the bed, letting out a sigh.  “But I’m so dirty, Jug.  How could you want me?”  He started to protest, but you cut him off.  “I lost my virginity to Chuck Clayton,” you groaned.
“Did you want to?”
You looked back up at him.  “Of course not.”
“Then it’s settled,” he said, taking your hand.  “You’re just as clean as ever, (y/n).  You didn’t give your virginity away, you had a part of you taken.  But you are still as pure as untouched snow.  Don’t think for a second you’re dirty for not giving yourself away.”
Reaching up to his shoulders, you pulled him down next to you, snuggling into his chest warmly.  “Can we just stay here?”
He hummed softly.  “Yes, but we’ve gotta go to school tomorrow,” you let out a whine.  “It’s okay.  I’ll be right by your side the whole time.”
Gently, he kissed your forehead, wrapping his comforting arms around you as the two of you drifted off into a safe, protected slumber.
The next morning, you put on a pair of jeans, a black tank top, and pulled a baseball cap over your head.  You tried to look in the mirror, feel comfortable in your own skin, but you still felt out of place.  Jughead stepped up behind you, his reflection revealing everything strong and brave you wanted to be.  “I just don’t feel brave enough, Juggie,” you whispered.
“Hey, you are,” he comforted gently, pulling his signature flannel from his shoulders and sliding it over your arms, the finishing touch to your armor.
That first day back wasn’t easy, the whispered words of Riverdale High swirling around you like a cloud of smoke.  But despite the hungry stares of Chuck Clayton and the hateful gaze of Cheryl Blossom, you clung to the notion that you were enough, catching Jughead’s eye in every hallway to give you strength.
You may have been cheated your first kiss, your first time, but that didn’t matter.  Chuck was just a nasty memory that you could push away and forget with time.  Jughead, he was forever, and now you didn’t have to wait for forever to come.
A/N: Thanks for reading my story!  I hope you liked it.  Let me know what you think and shoot any questions or requests my way! :)  Hope you all are doing well.
Also, if you have experienced rape or sexual assault, know that my character is 100% wrong, making you wrong.  It is NOT your fault AT ALL if someone violated you comfort or privacy.  Never blame yourself for that experience.  Hindsight is 20/20, you couldn’t have known what was going to happen, and you ARE NOT at fault.
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dopescotlandwarrior · 5 years
Someone Like You
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On AO3
Ch-1  Ch-2  Ch-3  Ch-4
Chapter 5
Once we were on the road Jamie opened up his laptop and worked for a while. I needed the solitude to clear my head. Jamie was right, it was only twelve hours ago I broke off my engagement. Why do I just feel numb? As a first-year student at Boston U, Frank, Dr. Randall, taught my history course. The way he looked at me was a bit unnerving. When I walked into the huge lecture hall his eyes would find mine and he would smile and wave. His comments on my SA answers were over the top in praise. I started looking forward to seeing his face light up. He made me feel special. It was fun to be the teacher’s pet. Coming straight from boarding school and still a virgin, I was swept away by the sophisticated Dr. Randall. As soon as I was no longer his student, we started dating. The first summer was magical because he took me with him to England where he was lecturing at Brunel for six weeks and I was free to wander around London all day, ride the train to different cities, read the day away at the many bookstores. I couldn’t wait for him to be free for the evening because we made love almost every night.
I was watching the coastline lost in my memories of that romantic summer. The moon roof was open and warm air surrounded me. I thought, how odd that I can’t catch my breath. I forced myself to breathe and relax but it wasn’t helping. Suddenly I was gripped by panic because I couldn’t breathe. The car started to swerve and I looked helplessly at Jamie before I passed out.
I heard voices, strange voices and felt a terror grip my stomach. Terrified I would discover something so awful it would change my life forever. I didn’t know how the car was stopped, or who all the people were around me. I just wanted to go back to the black. There was a mask over my face, a cuff on my arm, and an EMT had my wrist in his hand. Jamie held my other hand. I pushed the mask off my face and sat up, apologizing to everyone and assuring them I was fine now.
I refused a trip to the ER and signed a paper that said as much. I stood up and started to open the car door when everyone seemed to say no at the same time. I looked at Jamie feeling helpless and very afraid.
“I’ll drive for a while lass.”
He is the kindest man I have ever known, I thought. He looked worried and helped me into the car and closed my door. The ambulance pulled away and Jamie looked at me. I could see the worry on his face. At that moment I didn’t even want to be with him. Alone in the woods, under a rock, a floating raft out there on the ocean would be preferable.
Jamie watched Claire work through something in her head. Whatever was happening to her caused a massive panic attack and she fainted right in front of him. “How can I help Sassenach?” He decided at that moment that Claire had the most unique and beautiful eyes than he had ever seen on a woman. She looked lost and vulnerable and he ached to crush her to him.
It’s time for the truth I decided. I tried to square my shoulders and feel brave but I failed. Jump in, get it over with, and then go on with life and be stronger for it.
“I might need to borrow your laptop for a moment. I just need a browser. Is that okay?” He put the computer on my lap and I typed in the name of Frank’s hotel. I heard the phone ring and a man’s voice answer in German.
“Yes madam, how may I help you?”
“My brother is staying at your hotel, with his wife. There’s been a family emergency and I must speak to doctor Frank Randall at once.”
“I believe Dr. Randall is at the University at the moment.”
“Ring me through please I’ll speak to his wife.”
“Of course, madam.”
When she answered, the phone slipped out of my hand and I looked out at the ocean. It turned gray and ugly, the sky was ugly, the hills were ugly. Jamie was calling me from far away and finally held my face so I would look at him. “Such a good man,” I whispered. Before I knew it Jamie yanked me out of the car and walked me down the side of the highway. He held me around my waist and my feet were moving.
“I’m here with ye Sassenach and we will just walk until you feel a bit better. I want ye to tell me what just happened”
He stopped suddenly and turned me to face him. “Wasna request. What just happened?”
“Frank brought a woman with him to Germany. She has been with him this whole time.”
“Christ, Claire. I am so sorry.”
He pulled me to him and I felt the enormous strength of his arms. He body felt like a stone wall I was leaning against. What must it be like to have strength like that, I wondered. His big warm hands were stroking up and down my back. He pulled my arms around him and crushed me to him. It was surreal and I knew if he let me go I would float off my feet and be lost forever.
“Lass, yer shakin sae hard, It’s time for a whisky. Maybe two. C’mon.”
I clung to his arm, afraid he would let go and he pulled me to him again. Somehow Jamie found a bar within five minutes and ordered two at a time. The whisky was like a reprieve, a second chance at life, and I had two more. I filled my lungs with air and smiled up at Jamie.
“Well. Very shitty news. I suppose I will need some therapy for trust issues in the future. If it’s ten sessions or less I’m good with that." His eyes looked so worried. I put my hand on his cheek and smiled. I felt okay now, it was as simple as that. “It’s truly okay Jamie. I was done with him anyway. I just never considered that level of dishonesty and manipulation was possible. It shocked me. I never considered he wasn’t alone lecturing for six weeks. Why would I?”
“Why would ye indeed.” he pulled me to my feet and we drove across the street into a parking lot. I looked at the ocean, it was beautiful again, as was the sky. He popped the trunk and handed me my big straw hat.
“It was a great idea to wear our suits for the ride Sassenach. We’re too drunk to drive but we can swim!��
The idea made me feel happy and I was out of the car before Jamie could reach for my door. We dinna have towels and I drank too much to go drive around lookin for a store. Ye’ll be okay without one Sassenach?”
I heard him laugh when I pulled him toward the beach. It was a spectacular Sunday. Warm and breezy with crashing waves that held Jamie’s attention.
“My God. The waves are beautiful and I would have missed all this if ye hadna come with me!”
I smiled up at him as I unbuttoned my shirt. He seemed stuck on what I was doing. “I can’t wait to jump into a wave!” I dropped my pants and piled my clothes on the sand and ran toward the water. The tears were coming, I couldn’t stop them and I wanted a place to hide. I wanted the ocean to hold me while I cried for my lost innocence.
Jamie was speechless watching Claire run to the waves. “That is the smallest bikini I’ve er seen”, he said out loud, “and she is breathtaking.”
Claire turned around and waved him in. When she took off her hat he could see the pain and the tears. Oh God lass. Yer too small to hurt that bad. He ran into the water and scooped her up off her feet and held her to him. She cried into his neck and her body shook with sobs. Jamie just held on and rocked her back and forth. He whispered over and over, this will pass sweetheart. He doubted she could hear above the waves but it made him feel better. He knew it was true. When she wiggled to get down he didn’t want to let her go, but he did. Then he pushed her into a big wave.
Every second underwater I felt his body against mine. I scooped a handful of wet sand and threw it at him when I popped up. When he laughed his wide smile was genuine and his teeth were so white. I didn’t see him throw it but I was jolted from staring at him by a large quantity of wet sand hitting me in the belly. He walked over to me laughing and splashed water on the clinging sand.
“It’s time for a nap and yer not allowed in the water without me so come on.”
He pulled me to where we left our clothes and dropped onto his back. Then he patted the sand next to him. I heard myself laughing and realized it was real laughter. Jamie was being very cute and funny.
“What… am I laying on yer side Sassenach? Sorry”. He rolled about three feet to the side and I laughed some more. I would get through this, and for now, I wanted it out of my head. Jamie was like a kid who skipped school to go to the beach. I laid down on the warm sand and it felt delicious. The sun was so warm on my cold skin and my eyes were closing. Then, the unthinkable happened. My phone started to buzz.
“That will be Jenny askin ye to tie me to somethin solid and leave me there.”
“I’m gonna make her jealous.” I reached for my phone and then threw it like it was a hot potato.
I looked at the thing continue to ring.”
“Is that Frank fuck?”
I couldn’t help the giggle. “Yes, some nerve.” When it wouldn’t stop I grabbed it and clicked it on. “I’m having a nap with the Greek God Frank, what do you want?”
“No your in your tent freaking out about something you know nothing about.”
I clicked off and laid back down. The calls started again but this time he wanted to face time me. I looked at the face I use to love. “What is it Frank I could feel his image pulling me under.
“Where in God’s name are you Claire?”
Jamie was laying on his side watching me. I got up on my knees and gave Frank a look at my bikini, then I twisted landing on Jamie. I turned the camera toward Jamie who smiled and waved. “Frank, meet the Greek God. Greek God, meet…oh never mind.” I wiggled my way into Jamie’s side and he stretched out to give me access to the full length of him. Frank was yelling something about the hotel manager wants to tell me something. I guess I had enough of Frank at that moment. I looked up at Jamie and pulled his mouth down on mine. Within seconds Frank’s voice went away, the surf was silent, the people made no sound, and for the"minute-long kiss it was only Jamie and me. I felt his warm hand move up my arm.
I don’t know if I wanted to do anything with my mouth except kiss Jamie again. Like he read my mind his lips touched mine softly. I just wanted to feel this for ten more seconds and I wrapped my arms around his neck. His kiss turned hungry and his tongue invaded my mouth. God, I felt like a runaway train and clung to him. Then it happened, my brain restarted and I screamed looking at Jamie in horror. I couldn’t wiggle away fast enough and just ran for the waves. I wanted to drown myself for what I had done. I dove into a wave and felt Jamie’s arm pull me up. What else could I do but sob to him how sorry I was.
“Let me go, Jamie!” He refused to unhand me. “Jamie please!”
He bent over so his eyes were level with mine. “I canna because yer talkin a wee bit crazy right now.” He looked really freaked out when I promised not to tell or better yet I’ll tell her about Frank and my impulse��you weren’t ready for it…I surprised you. I gasped and hit him in the arm as hard as I could, “why did you kiss me back?!” I was absolutely shocked. “You're as bad as Frank, you fuck!”
Before I could hit him again he picked me up and spun me into his chest and just held me there while I fought against his iron hold and the waves. After five minutes of fighting for my life, my body had no strength left. I cried and said I was sorry over and over.
“Sassenach! What are ye so sorry for lass?”
“Turning you into a cheater like Frank.” He wouldn’t let me go and I was just spent, so I just cried.”
“Claire, I’ve known ye almost all yer life. I know ye to be sassy but not crazy. For the love of God, what are ye sorry for!”
“Will you be able to say your vows to Geneva with a clear conscious?”
“Claire, ye must listen very carefully, with all yer heart. I am not to be wed to anyone and I havna been with Geneva for over a year.”
Surely I didn’t hear him correctly. I picked my head up, “what?”
He spun me around so I could see his face and his eyes.
“I dinna have a lass at home and Geneva and I are through forever. Now if I let you go we will go have a talk, aye? On second thought, if its all the same to ye, c’mere ye little brat.”
He crushed his lips to mine and I dropped back into that void of silence. I felt my arms go around his neck and I felt the kiss all the way to my toes.
We kissed so many times I lost count and when I would break for air his amazing blue eyes filled my vision. We walked back to our spot and laid in the sand again. He kissed me more and announced it was nap time again. He grabbed my phone and pulled the battery out.
You need rest mo leannan and I will guard ye. He turned me on my side and laid behind me with one arm over my hip. My mind was like a tornado. I desperately needed to talk to Jenny and this would be weird because it was her brother.
“Claire, honesty…I have wanted to kiss ye since Flagstaff airport.”
I smiled to myself. “I’ve wanted you to do that since I was sixteen laying close to you in your bed.
“Yer a patient one are ye naught?”
He rubbed my leg. “I don’t want ye to go home tonight Sassenach. Stay with me and I’ll drive ye right to yer door. Well, ye will be drivin. Ye dinna start school for a month and I want to know ye better.”
“I decided to stay and drive with you before you kissed me.”
“Yer a good lass arent ye.”
There was considerable energy between us. So much had happened in the last day, no the last hour, and I needed to process the conflicting emotions of heartache over Frank and excitement about Jamie. I wondered if that made me the most shallow person that ever existed.
All this time Geneva was his fiance, at least in my mind. I wondered how I didn’t know they had broken up. I went back in my mind and remembered I just stopped asking about Jamie. He belonged to someone else and was no longer in my group of friends in Scotland. That’s what I did. I just cut him out rather than feel blue about his relationship with Geneva. When Brian Fraser died last year and Jamie took his place as leader of the company, Jenny would talk about his accomplishments with the business and nothing more. This past eight months she spoke only of Ian it seemed.
What of Frank? Did I have a need to fill the Jamie hole when I got back to the states after graduation? How did I fall so easily and deeply into Frank when he is so obviously the wrong man for me. Frank is ten years older than I am and the only person I have kissed until today. Does he know what a terrible kisser he is, I wondered? How many times have I noticed this weekend how wrong Frank is for me? Even if Jamie and I part forever, I would rather take my chances on what else is out there than be saddled with what looks like a serial cheater and a big zero on the fun scale. History is for people who relish the past and I am not that girl.
As one breath rolled into another I dropped the archeology path forever. It was like history. Proving the past and how it existed was not the environment for me. Medicine never looks back, always forward. Not proving the dead, but improving the living. Why didn’t I see this before? That’s two wrongs I’ve chucked out of my life this weekend, Frank and archeology. I felt lighter and more progressive already.
What about Jamie? Oh my God, what a stellar kisser. That is very exciting. I liked sex with Frank because he would focus only on me for a little while. It was really the only time I didn’t have to fight for his attention. Sex was fine, didn’t love it or hate it, but I liked having Frank all over me. I wonder how Jamie makes love. If it’s the way he kisses it’s rough and crazy. Maybe I will like it better with Jamie. What am I thinking? He goes home to Scotland in three days and then it’s another crapshoot when I would see him again. Now I’m feeling sad because I really like Jamie and I think he likes me too.
I just want more kisses and hope he doesn’t stop if it gets weird. Got to keep it not weird somehow. Maybe I am sleepy after all.
I took a deep breath and stretched rolling to my back and then remembered where I was. It looked like the afternoon was waning, maybe four o’clock I guessed. I looked at Jamie asleep on his back. He looked peaceful but I’ll bet that sunburn won’t feel good when he wakes up. Poor guy. I can’t even get my fingers through my hair it’s so matted with sand. I should try and scrub some of this out before we go.
I wandered into the surf and dropped down under the water working the sand out of my hair. I popped up and felt clumps of sand still caught in the coils` so down I went again. This time was much better and I squeezed the water out like a sponge. I should get Jamie up. His stomach looked pretty pink, come to think of it, so does mine.
Laying next to him in the sand I studied his face for a few minutes before running my hand lightly up his arm. He opened his eyes and stretched.
“You broke the only rule I have Sassenach, how could you?” He was gigging.
“I just woke up too, and haven’t done anything.”
“Ye went in the water without me, didna ye lass.” He was smiling so big. “So now ye go in again, with me this time.”
He stood and picked me up off the sand but released me quickly moaning about his sunburn. His stomach looked not only amazingly muscular but bright red as well.
“We need to get you some medicine, but the cold water will help a little too!” I didn’t want him to hurt, it would take away from his fun. So I stood and pulled him to the water and he sighed with relief. We floated and let the waves crash over us. Each in their own thoughts but he never let go of my hand. Later, we walked down the beach while our suits dried and happened to catch the seagulls hunting. They would soar high into the sky and then drop straight down lengthening their body like a missile into the water. Seconds later up they would come flapping back into flight. It was really fun to watch so we climbed a guard tower and sat high off the sand watching them while the sunset behind them. Jamie pulled me in front of him, in between his knees and he played with my hair while we watched. Before we were completely in the dark we headed for the car to resume the trip.
We exited highway one with great sadness and Jamie jumped on the interstate heading east. We were both quiet, maybe feeling the same loss of our time in California. I watched the highway come into the headlights for about an hour and wondered if there was a better way to get to the other side of the country. This type of driving would just be depressing. I wondered why Jamie was so quiet. I hoped he wasn’t regretting the kissing. Please don’t regret that Jamie.
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