#I bought it a few years ago but unfortunately I broke it accidentally like a dumbass when I was trying to kill a cockroach🥲
gilgil-machine · 4 months
This man always knows when to come to me and cheer me up. Thank you, Gil🥺🥲❤️‍🩹
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shy-urban-hobbit · 8 months
If these are prompts please can I get a "Good boy" with Lambden? 👀
This went pure angst!! I would apologise but I'm not sorry 😂
It was Kiyan-or rather, the news of him-who bought it on. Aiden had stared at the medallion Geralt presented, along with heartfelt condolences. The medallion which had belonged to a brother he’d thought long since dead when none could find any sign of him, only to find out that he’d spent the last few years in what could only be described as Hell.
Lambert had only managed to get out a cautiously whispered “Aiden?”, recognising the signs in the way his partners pupils were dilating wildly, the way his muscles started to tense and his breathing was starting to grow harsher. The Cat gave a noise between a whimper and a yowl before Lambert bundled him into his arms and made his way to an abandoned part of the Keep at a near run, feeling his Kittens claws digging deeper into the fabric of his tunic with every passing second.
 Geralt gently grasped a concerned Jaskier by the elbow to indicate that he should stay put, “Not the best idea, Lark. Aiden’s not in his best mind right now and he’d feel even worse if he hurt you.”
“Geralt’s right.” Eskel said, coming over to wrap an arm around his brother, unable to stand his guilty expression any longer, “Cat Witchers, sometimes when they feel an emotion strong enough it can consume them, is the best way to describe it. Aiden wouldn’t mean to hurt you but he wouldn’t register that it was you. He’d even attack Lambert in that state, has done once before I think.”
The air grew sharp with the scent of Jaskier’s concern, “Well, will Lambert be alright alone with him?”
Geralt drew Jaskier closer to his chest, “Lambert knows Aiden better than any of us. We trust he knows what he’s doing and besides, it’s best Aiden doesn’t feel outnumbered right now. Lambert will let us know if he truly needs help.”
Lambert’s back had grown stiff hours ago from sitting propped against the thick wooden door but no way was he moving even for a second, his worry and frustation just as fresh as it had been when he locked the door behind him, accompanied by the first of many bangs and snarls and shouts from the other side from Aiden who could smell him, but couldn’t reach him. When they’d agreed on this plan, Lambert never thought in a thousand years that they’d have to use it. Unfortunately for him it was one of the few things that Vesemir and Aiden had whole heartedly agreed on. If Aiden was to continue visiting the Keep they needed something in place in case something like this happened, Lambert was loath to let him work through it in the forests surrounding Kaer Morhen where he could fall victim to exposure, among other things, and letting him roam the keep when he was in the throes of Cat madness was out of the question. Accidental or not, Lambert knew from personal experience that Aiden hurting someone he cared about when in this state only pushed him dangerously close to it taking hold again. And so, this was the compromise that had been reached, Lambert playing jailer while waiting for Aiden to come through the other side alone and hurting.
It took him a few moments to realise that the room (more like a cell at this point in time) had been fairly quiet for a while now.
No response. That worried Lambert more than the constant barrage of noise had and he scrambled to his feet, dropping the key twice as he fumbled to get it in the lock.
Lambert’s heart broke a little for his love as he took in the sight before him. Aiden was crouched on all fours in a corner of the room, taking shaky breaths and dripping with sweat and blood. The same blood that was covering the walls in various places from where Aiden had clawed and punched.
“Oh, Kitten.” Lambert made to step forwards only to be made to stop by a flinch and a low growl. Lambert bit his lip, this was bad. He so wanted to gather Aiden in his arms and take care of him now the worst had passed but that wasn’t happening whilst Aiden was throwing him a look suggesting that he was in danger of getting his eyes clawed out if he took one step closer. Unbidden, a memory found it’s way to the forefront of Lambert’s mind.
“Will you stop squirming already?”
“It’s not my fault your hands are so cold! You dunk them in ice water before you came back up here or what?” Aiden complained from where he was lying shirtless on the bed.
“My cold hands are going to be the least of your problems in a minute.”
“That a promise?”
Lambert let out a warning growl as he went to dab at the wound on Aiden’s stomach again, the Cat flinched minutely but didn’t pull away this time, allowing Lambert to finish up cleaning and treating it. A flesh wound, it would be gone in a day or so.
“Good boy.” Lambert said absentmindedly and patting Aiden’s uninjured side in what was supposed to be condescension until he both felt and heard the hitch in the others breath. He flicked his eyes upwards, as much as Aiden was trying his hardest to avoid eye contact it was obvious that the Cats pupils had dilated slightly accompanied a small spike of arousal.
“Aiden, you want to be good for me, don’t you?” He asked experimentally, letting his hand drift down to Aiden’s thigh as he dropped the cloth back in the slightly bloody water next to the bed.
Aiden tried to fight back a noise of want and failed miserably.
Lambert slowly trailed both hands up to Aiden’s wrists, guiding them above Aiden’s head
“Then behave. Leave these here, let me hear you properly and I’ll make sure you’re rewarded.” He said, squeezing Aiden’s wrists briefly for emphasis and rewarding him with a kiss when Aiden nodded eagerly before curling his fingers into the pillow as Lambert started slowly making his way downwards.
Lambert went back to contemplating the figure in front of him. It was entirely different circumstances but it wouldn’t hurt to try. He was always one for experimenting after all.
“Aiden, it’s me.” He took a slow step forwards,  “I just need you to stay there a second, alright?” Another step. Aiden growled again in response but didn’t move as he kept still slightly hazy eyes firmly on Lambert, “Good boy, that’s it. You’re doing so well for me.”
And so it went, Lambert slowly making his way over, keeping up a steady stream of “Good boy, you’re alright. So good doing what I asked, so brave.”
It was when Lambert crouched down in front of him, taking a bloody hand in his and praising Aiden yet again for not attacking him that the Cat seemed to come back to himself a little more, letting out a shaky “Lambert?”
“I’m here, Kitten.” Lambert answered, trying not to wince at the wooden splinters buried under broken nails. He suddenly found the hand replaced with an arm full of shaking Cat, who appeared to be apologising to him over and over.
“I didn’t....” Aiden trailed off, gazing at Lambert pleadingly with watery eyes.
“No, everyone’s fine. You did so well, following Vesemir’s instructions and letting me bring you here. If anyone should be apologising it’s me for leaving you in here alone.”
Aiden shook his head, “No. Didn’t want to hurt...”
“I know, and I love you so much for that.”
He grabbed Aiden’s chin gently and guided it to the crook of his neck when it looked like he was moving to take in the state of the room. He knew Aiden would be able to smell the blood and no doubt feel the pain in his broken hands and the scratches on his arms and face (because of course Aiden would turn on himself when there was nobody else. Fuck, Lambert was an idiot for not considering that) but that didn’t mean Lambert wanted him to see it.
“I’m taking us to our room. Focus on me until we get there. Alright?” he asked, hoisting Aiden into his arms again as he stood and giving another quiet “Good boy.” When he felt Aiden nod against his neck and bury his nose deeper.
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wawa-boonliang · 1 year
Flufftober Day Four: Cinderella Moment
Summary: a cliche school dance story based on my BNHA fanfic featuring Bakugou, Izuku, Hitoshi, and Shouto. Also Dadzawa and Papa Mic.
Izuku had always known that he was rather plain looking. For all that he thought his mother was the most beautiful woman in the world, he knew that his own looks were a bit unfortunate. That isn’t to say he thought he was hideous, he just liked to think of himself as realistic.
Add that to the fact that his mom wasn’t exactly in the position to buy him a new outfit for the dance that weekend, and he knew he wasn’t going to be standing out in a good way. People would probably notice him, yeah, but more for his reputation and the fact that he’d probably end up wearing his bright red sneakers because those were the only shoes he had that fit- a birthday gift from his mom.
“I’m thinking about wearing a mask,” Hitoshi’s rather odd non sequitur broke through Izuku’s spiraling thoughts.
Shouto on Izuku’s other side, frowned. “Is it a costume party?”
“Fuck no,” said Kacchan in the passenger seat of the car they were all in. Aizawa sensei was driving them home from school. Well, to his home. Izuku was spending the night because his mom was ill and didn’t want to get him sick. “And no, you’re not, Shitstain,” Kacchan growled. “Even if I have to dress you fucking monkeys myself, you’re not gonna make me look bad by being associated with you freaks.”
“Ok.” “Yes Mom”
Aizawa sighed from the driver’s seat. “You guys have a budget of one-fifty, you hear me? Nothing ridiculous. That’s one-fifty for everything, not one-fifty plus shoes and jewelry.”
“Do I look like someone who wears jewelry, old man?”
“Do I look like someone who wears shoes?”
Aizawa sighed again.
Izuku couldn’t help but feel a bit left out. He’d probably end up wearing his old suit that his mom had bought from a thrift store a few years ago for a formal event. It didn’t quite fit anymore, but he could probably get away with rolling up the sleeves and pretending the too-short pants were a fashion choice.
The other boys were going to go shopping with Aizawa and Papa Mic the next day. By popular vote, they were going to the local mall. Izuku was going to try and invite himself along just to hang out. It was always fun being with his friends.
As they pulled up the drive, the front door of the house flew open. Out ran Mic. He was wearing his apron, and the front was stained all over with brown and black smudges. As he got closer, Izuku caught the faintest whiff of smoke.
“Heeeeeey, honey,” Mic laughed nervously once Dadzawa had rolled the windows down.
“Hizashi.” Aizawa was doing the dad-eyebrow thing.
“So,” Mic said slowly. “I might have done that thing you told me not to do.”
“Which thing.”
“The thing where I do things without my glasses on.”
“What did you do.”
“So you know how the oven works?”
“Yes, Hizashi, I know how the oven works.”
“So I accidentally turned the dial in the wrong direction.”
“How wrong.”
“For how long.”
“...an hour.”
“Did anything get destroyed?”
“...just dinner….and the pan.”
Aizawa closed his eyes and leaned back before staring at the ceiling of the car for a long moment. “Get in.” He said, sounding world weary, though that was fairly normal for him. Kacchan unbuckled and launched himself over the seats, landing in the back row with Izuku, Hitoshi, and Shouto. Izuku grunted as Kacchan kneed him in the stomach, knowing it was probably half on purpose. Kacchan made himself comfortable on top of Hitoshi, throwing his legs across Shouto and Izuku’s laps. Mic shucked off his apron and slid into the vacated passenger seat.
“Ayyyy” Mic grinned. “Mall food lets go!”
“We can go shopping after since we’ll be there anyway, right?” Hitoshi asked, a bit muffled.
“I never said we were going to the mall.”
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They went to the mall.
Without even discussing it, everyone scattered to get their own food, Izuku sticking with Kacchan since he knew the other boy would likely pay for both of them without thinking, since he already knew their financial situation. After everyone grabbed their assortment of junk food and gathered at a table in the food court, Papa Mic cleared his throat to address the table.
“So, we all need to stick together,” he started.
“I never agreed to go shopping tonight.”
“But we can hit all the stores that we want to go to no problem!” Mic finished.
Aizawa glared at him, but didn’t protest again, turning to his bowl of ramen to drown his sorrows. Hitoshi and Kacchan exchanged a look that probably meant they were planning something, and Shouto happily slurped his soba without comment. Knowing Kacchan, they were probably planning on splitting up immediately.
“If you don’t stick with the group, you’re paying for yourself,” Aizawa snapped, though he didn’t really sound angry. Hitoshi stuck out his bottom lip.
“Bold of you to assume I couldn’t.”
“Can you?”
After everyone had eaten, Mic lead the way to the nearest clothing store that he thought would have what they would need. “So, what looks are we going for?” Mic asked.
“I want to wear a sparkly dress,” Hitoshi declared.
“Okay,” Mic agreed easily.
Hitoshi froze, visibly not having expected that. “Wait. Really?”
Aizawa gave Hitoshi an appraising look. “Really. Do you actually want a dress, or are you being a turd?”
Hitoshi looked searchingly at Aizawa for a long moment. Then, he got a familiar stubborn look on his face that spelled out well now I have to.
“Yes,” Hitoshi said, crossing his arms. “The sparkliest dress. Men’s fashion is boring.”
“Can I wear something sparkly?” Shouto asked. “Not a dress. I don’t have the legs for it.”
Aizawa blinked slowly, then appraised Shouto as if trying to parse whether or not Shouto meant that literally or if he was messing with him, too. Izuku thought, knowing Shouto, he was being perfectly serious.
“Get whatever you want, lil listeners!”
“One. Fifty.”
“Me and Shitty Hair already agreed on what colors,” Kacchan said. “Red, all the way. With orange and black accents.”
“Awwww, Kacchan, you already have a date?” Hitoshi cooed.
“Obviously. As if you don’t.”
Hitoshi grinned, ears a little pink, and he scratched the back of his head. “Heh, yeah. Fumi and I decided to surprise each other.” Hitoshi winced. “Um. Hopefully he won't regret that.” Izuku held back a snort. Kacchan didn’t.
“Who are you going with, lil listener?” Mic asked Izuku. Izuku jumped a bit, not expected to be addressed.
“Oooh, uuuhh”
“With me,” Shouto answered for him. “I’m thinking white and green, what do you think, Izuku?”
Izuku felt his whole face turn red as he struggled to find his voice.
Did he think Shouto was objectively the most attractive person in class? Clearly. He wasn’t blind. Shouto had been on the covers of magazines before, for All Might’s sake. People in the streets did double takes when he walked past. He looked like a model.
Also he was kind. And smart. And funny in a very straightforward way. And honest. You always knew where you stood with Shouto.
“W-we–I am?” Izuku asked, baffled.
Shouto nodded as if Izuku had agreed. Hitoshi was muffling laughter into his palm. Kacchan, though, Kacchan was looking at him with an odd look in his eyes. Not a negative one. Just odd. Like he was looking at Izuku and seeing something else. He looked like that, every now and then. Izuku never really knew why or what, though.
“Soft greens,” Kacchan declared. “Like mint.”
Shouto nodded solemnly, then turned to disappear into the racks. Hitoshi grabbed Kacchan’s arm. “Ok Mr. Fashionista. Help me find a dress. I’m talking ball gown.”
“You’ll be the prettiest princess there, Shitstain.”
A warm hand landed on Izuku’s shoulder. He looked up at Mic. “Do you want any help, Izuku?”
“Oh, uh, I didn’t bring my wallet.” Izuku flushed.
Aizawa, who had been scrolling on his phone, pretending to ignore them, heaved yet another sigh. “One. Fifty. Oh my god. How many times have I said it?”
“M-me too?” Izuku asked. “B-but”
“One. Fifty.”
“C’mon, Izuku,” Mic laughed. “Before he blows a gasket.”
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Shouto was happy with what he found. A white suit with a soft green shirt. No tie. He found them too restricting. He was debating whether to go with traditional black shoes or to be adventurous and try white or gray, when he heard Izuku emerge from the changing rooms with a typical stumble.
He turned.
He froze.
Izuku was wearing a soft-looking mint green tunic suit with white embroidery. It made his hair and eyes seem even more vibrant than ever. Izuku caught him looking and he shyly pulled on the hem of his sleeve.
“Awwww, kiddo that looks so good on you!” Papa Mic crowed. “I think that’s the one!”
“Y-you think so? Isn’t it a bit much?”
“It’s perfect.”
Izuku turned back to Shouto with wide eyes. Shouto swallowed and repeated. “It’s perfect.”
“Awww, you two look so handsome together.” Papa Mic cooed.
There was loud fumbling from the furthest changing room.
“No, Shitstain, your arm goes here! Goes here! No! There, now hold still.”
“I said hold still!”
Papa Mic looked concerned. Dadzawa looked bored. “You boys ok in there?”
“No looking!”
“We’re okay, Papa!”
“It’s a fucking surprise.”
When they did emerge, for some reason from the same changing room, both of them were back in their regular clothes, though Hitoshi had a huge bundle of purple fabric in his arms, and Katsuki was holding the hanger of a tuxedo that was a brilliant, shining shade of red. It looked very sleek to Shouto’s untrained eye. “I need a bowtie,” Katsuki declared. “And then I’m done.”
“I need shoes,” Hitoshi declared. “Papa, hold this.” He shoved the bundle into Papa Mic’s arms, who took it and gently shook it out to get a better look. It was, in fact, very sparkly, with shimmering threads of silver twirling across the surface like flowering vines.
“See, babe,” Papa Mic dug an elbow into Dad’s side. “I told you it wouldn’t take that long. It’s not like shopping with Nem. They’re too boys to take that long.”
“That’s sexist.”
“I’m right and you know it.”
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Katsuki had lived this before. Before, he’d stood in the corner, forced to go by his mother, wearing a plain-ass black tux. He’d gone stag. Partly because he hadn’t asked anyone, mostly because people would have been too afraid to say yes had he asked. He’d done little besides drink punch and fuck around on his phone.
This time
“You look great, man,” Kirishima said, softly, offering his arm. Katsuki scoffed and hooked Eijiro’s arm around his before being the one to lead them onto the dance floor. People were already dancing like drunk squirrels, and Katsuki was determined to show them who’s boss.
“You look like someone else dressed you,” Katsuki offered a bit meanly, but Eijiro, as always, read between the lines and laughed. Eijiro was wearing a regular suit, not a tux like Katsuki, but the cut suited him well. It was a darker shade of red than what Katsuki was wearing, but the look of the two shades side by side was pleasing.
Eijiro was about to say something, when he cocked his head to look over Katsuki’s shoulder. “Bro.”
“What?” Katsuki turned around, then he rolled his eyes. “Fucking diva.”
It was his dumbass brother in his dumbass strapless floor-length satin tulle ball gown. Though, even Katsuki had to admit that he – Katsuki, not Shitstain – did a great job picking it out. The glittery violet fabric looked great on Shitstain’s complexion, and Papa did a good job on his hair and make-up. His hair wasn’t the usual gravity defying rats nest. It had been tamed, laying down in curls with the sides braided to meet in the back.
Katsuki had to bite back a laugh. That Fucking Chicken was staring across the room to where Shitstain was descending down the stairs like a fucking princess, beak agape. Before, neither of them had ever been in a serious relationship – to his knowledge anyway. He didn’t think they’d even been friends.
He liked this better.
Hitoshi glided across the floor in his five-inch heels that were made of approximately three pounds of metal, plastic, and glitter. The grace was a result of days of practice walking in them up and down their hallway when he thought no one was paying attention. Well, even Katsuki had to admit it paid off when Tokoyami stared up at him with wide eyes.
“Y-you um your visage is uh er uh the starlight of your countenance h-has” For once, it seemed like the Chicken was lost for words. Hitoshi’s eyelashes dipped shyly as he peered through them at Tokoyami.
“You look handsome,” Hitoshi told him. “Even with how dark it is, you stand out.”
And it was true. Tokoyami was wearing a gray vintage style tailcoat with an overall steampunk vibe. Katsuki might not think he was handsome, but he did stand out.
Tokoyami drew himself up, inhaled deeply, and said. “You’re breathtaking. Even with all of the many lights decorating the room, you stand among them as the brightest.”
And then Katsuki had the great misfortune of seeing their first kiss.
He wasn’t at all pleased.
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heavyasafeather · 2 years
I’m about to cry.
Back story: I had randomly gone to Five Below [for the first time!] a few months ago, and found this mini Rose growing kit.  And it kickstarted this curiosity/experimentation with gardening?  Not really gardening..?  I don’t know, I mean, I tried orchids a few years ago, and that was a fail.  In the same vein, I have an amaryllis that grew from a kit a patient had given me.  Same idea, it was the bulb that you had to plant with the soil and pot it came with, and it would grow.  The plant has since grown and basically flowers every year, and I’ve had it now for about 6 years.  I’m not going to lie, I sometimes forget to water it, and I hope it doesn’t die because the patient who gifted it to me unfortunately passed away.
Anyway, I was excited when like 3 of the 5 rose seeds had sprouted.  Leaves grew, and the plant itself grew tall enough that I decided to move it into a bigger pot with soil.  So far it seems to be doing well, and had already flowered.
I’ve since bought another growing kit from Five Below, this time of a Daisy.  Followed the same instructions, and the leaves sprouted - I got kind of lazy in my schedule and I don’t know if it was because it had gotten colder or I wasn’t watering enough, but I think the leaves shriveled up and hadn’t done much since.
Around this time, my parents had picked a bunch of persimmons, and I had eaten one that had a seed.  I then got curious about growing it, so I looked up on youtube about how to germinate it.  There’s this wet paper towel method, and I had succeeded.  I then placed in a pot with just all purpose soil... realizing that was maybe a bad idea.  I didn’t too much research on this, but I was a little worried when I felt like it wasn’t growing because it hadn’t sprouted up.  Basically I had a seed that was still growing a root.  I had done this in like mid-November, and wasn’t sure what to expect.  I don’t know why I feltlike digging it up to see if any more root had grown.
In my haste, I found that the root had not only maybe grown 3 inches, but had accidentally broke off 2 inches of it.
My heart sank.  I started panicking, wondering if I had just fucked up.  Seeing as I only had 1 seed, and the fruit isn’t in season any more.
I found one video of someone using that method for persimmon seeds specifically.  Funnily, not the video I had initially watched, but just one that came up on google - but luckily, it looked like the poster had replied to every comment, though the most recent comment was 8 months ago, for a video that was posted 2 years ago.  I asked for advice if my seed was salvageable, he his response is making me hopeful.
Despite that, I’m still just angry at myself.
Aside from that, I was gifted more growing kits from the same company.  I think I have about 4 different seeds I’m trying to sow.  I also still have a bunch of seeds, so I don’t know why I tried to also try the paper towel method to germinate them.  Maybe because it’s too cold right now, that I’m not sure if the ones in the medium will even sprout.  Just trying to raise my chances, I guess.
Is it even the right time of year to this?  I have no idea; I almost don’t care, it just gives me something to do.
Happy new year, I guess.
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sorry-i-ship-drarry · 3 years
35. Every inch of you
Prompt used- kissing their bruises and scars| implied smut | angst | dedicated to @irrelevantdrarry and @riana-drarry and @weirdvibeskid for bringing a smile upon my face.
" one night, Draco that's all I asked! Molly worked soo hard on the dinner, the entire Weasley family was nothing but nice to you even though they've practically hated you and you didn't even have a little courtesy to say thank you for the dinner. You know what Molly said it to me, I'm sorry harry if you both felt like we intruded into your little world because Draco didn't seem to enjoy it, what was all that about ? I thought you wanted to know the people who practically raised me " Harry snapped as soon as they entered the flat
" who said otherwise that I wasn't nice to them ?" Draco rolled his eyes storming into the bedroom
" oh I don't know, maybe the fact that you didn't laugh at even a single joke Arthur said, or the fact that you didn't appreciate Molly's cooking or the fact that you didn't even offer any of them even a single smile !" Harry exclaimed following him into the bedroom
" I was nice-"
" oh yeah, I'm sure not offering a smile is not being nice. They're my family Draco, the least you could do is say thank you-"
" and I did say thank you when you weren't around "
" you did? Then how come Molly asked me if you didn't enjoy the dinner or something ?" Harry threw his hands in the air aggressively
" I don't know, maybe one thank you wasn't enough-"
" what ? You're actually blaming-"
" I didn't mean it " Draco sighed collapsing over the bed
" you better not because you can insult me for once but not them. They're my everything, they mean much more to me than anything else. I'm not mad at you Draco, I'm just upset that you didn't made them feel welcome "
" well what do you want me to do? Hang a bloody welcome sign over my neck ?" This time Draco threw his hand in the air aggressively
" I- you know what- I can't have this conversation-"
" you're not walking out " Draco interjected locking the door with a spell
" oh so now I can't walk out because my beloved boyfriend doesn't want to tell me what was the actual reason he was being an arse ?" Harry crossed his arms in front of his torso, watching Draco tentatively.
" I was never an arse harry- "
" you were and don't even try to deny that. What happened to you when you reached there? You were so excited to meet everyone, nervous even but as soon as you step in and they welcome you, it seemed as if you didn't want to be there ?" Harry asked timidly.
" Because I didn't belong there harry, I never will. I was excited to meet everyone but the moment I step in I realised that those can never actually love me-"
" but they do!! " Harey exclaimed enclosing the distance between them
" no harry. Nobody does, I'm a death Eater remember. They might forgive me but they will never forget that I am and will Always be tainted by this unfortunate scar that defines my entire life " draco snapped standing up, facing harry.
Harry's face immediately etched into confusion " no they don't draco. I've grown up with them, I know they would never feel that way about you "
" what If they do? You don't know that harry"
" yes, yes I do and they do not think of you that way. If I can move on and love you, then so can everyone"
" but that's the problem harry, I don't deserve you. You love me and that is the biggest problem of them all, you're in love with death Eater, how can you possibly love me ?" Draco's voice broke
Harry stood there in silence, contemplating how the visit to his so called family have erupted a volcano of thoughts of how draco didn't deserve him. It has been 2 months since they got together and somewhere harry Always knew that draco felt that way about himself, that he was too good for him but it was far from truth. He didn't care if he was too good for himself or if he himself was too good for draco, he cared more about how draco understood him more on the nights when harry had no one, he cared more about completing his bucket list with the only person who had managed to bring up a smile upon his face when no one else could, he cared more about how draco loved him like he was the only person in the world and that was more than enough for harry.
Harry extinguished the distance between him and draco and slowly by looking in draco's eyes, uncuffed his sleeves.
" what- what are you doing harry ?" Draco nervously asked
" doing exactly what I should do " harry didn't put a single moment in vain in bringing draco's left arm to his lips and kissing his dark mark
" harry -" draco's eyes reflected the light glare coming from the window, a glint of surprise and sadness in them
" I love you nonetheless of who you were, who are you and who you're going to be. I've made my decision and I don't give a tiny rats ass about how you don't deserve me. I think I can make my decision of who deserve me or not and I've made my decision, to stay, forever " harry poured into the grey orb of draco's eyes, looking for any sign of argument he might bring upon and when he didn't, he pressed his lips against that of draco's..
" why do you love me so much ?" Draco breathed In between the kiss
" because if I could take one person to that cupboard under the stairs where I lived, I'd take you out of everyone to vanish all of those bad memories and create new ones " harry replied mumbling against his lips. Draco stopped for a moment, a tear dropping from his eyes onto his cheeks, his forehead pressed against harry's.
" I love you " was the only thing Draco could muster up to say.
" I know " and harry kissed Draco more firmly now. From the sweet kisses they had shared in the past, their kiss had taken a road which became more messy, more tongue and more lust. Without thinking twice, draco bought Harry's hand to the Button's of his shirt. Getting the hint harry unbuttons draco's shirt and let his gracefully fall behind.
" are you sure ?" Harry breathed
" I am. Are you ?"
" yes, I am " and Harry's hand roamed the bear soft chest of Draco's, tracing the lines of scars and bruises from the war but more beautifully as if he was touching a mural art over a canvas. Draco himself didn't waste time in unbuckling Harry's belt and letting it drop to the ground.
" this changes everything " harry mumbled again
" and I want It to " and with that harry didn't ask further and simply, more rapidly unbuckled draco's pants and pushing it down his legs. Realising they had been standing for Long, harry softly pushed draco onto the bed behind, letting him have a heavenly fall before him. And as beautiful as it was to see Draco sprawled on the bed with just his boxers, Draco didn't have that. He pulled harry the waist of his pants, letting him collapse over him.
" you've got absolutely no idea, how bloody perfect you are" harry mumbled as draco pushes Harry's pants down his legs.
" I love you " draco moans as harry harshly pressed his lips against draco's neck, kissing softly all over to find his sweet spot.
" I love you " harry hummed as he licked a stripe over his neck. In a sweet saviouring moment, he was desperate to hear the sound of draco moaning again so he started sucking softly over his neck to find that one sweet spot and just when Draco erupted a moan more loudly than before, harry attacked that spot more, only to hear him moaning over and over again. The moans leaving draco's soft lips were sending sparks all over his body, flaming a sudden urge in him to pin draco to bed and want to do absolute sinful things to his body until he's withering.
" fuck " draco moaned, his eyes rolling in the back of his head, shooting flames inside Harry's right to his bottom. Sucking more painfully erotically, draco put his hand into Harry's hair as an unknown reflex and grasped them to find an unknown leverage but it resulted in Harry violently moaning against draco's neck.
" fuck- harry- just- need you " draco moaned as he bought Harry's face to his lips for a sloppy, haste and Messy kiss. He swiftly but hastily unbuttoned Harry's shirt and threw it somewhere in the room, leaving them both in boxers and briefs.
" I love you " harry mumbled as he started pressing soft kisses down his neck until in a glimpse he noticed a mark on draco's chin.
" Where did you get it from ?" Harry asked as he supported himself by his elbow to watch draco from a distance.
" Accidental magic. I think i was 10, i accidentally picked up a shirt from the ground but somehow it tangled on my leg and i fell over the side of the bed " draco told, harry looked at the mark before he bowed down a little and kissed the scar.
" what was that for ?" Draco asked smiling
" To remind you I love you nonetheless your scars or bruises " and with that harry kissed draco's finger, knowing he had accidentally got a paper cut a few days ago, then placed a soft kiss over the top of his head from a bruise he got yesterday when he hit the door too hard..
" This is to remind me of how much I hate myself for doing this to you "
" I forgave you a long time ago " draco reassured
" I know" and harry softly kissed against draco's sectum semptra scars, his eyes moistening up at the memory.
" Hey, look at me. It happened a long time ago. It's fine " draco cupped Harry's face, making him look into his eyes. And Harry nodded.
Draco kissed softly over Harry's nose " this is for kicking you in the face in 6th year, I didn't like doing it but shit was it good "
Harry chuckled, leaning down to kiss his lips..
" I want to kiss you " draco mumbled
" You are "
" No I want to kiss every inch of you. I want to kiss every part of your body because it has been through so much. I want to kiss all of it away to put new memories " draco softly. Harry looked at him in awe, not believing he has actually said something like that. Struck in unknown saddening surprise Harry leaned into draco neck and let his feelings create little sobs.
" It's alright harry, it's alright " draco mumbled as he softly brushed Harry's hair.
" I want to kiss you too, every inch of you "
" Then lets do it " draco smiled and incadascently they briskly fell into the intimacy of taking away a part of one another tainted with painful memories, replacing them with love and creating hocruxes in every inch so a part of their souls lived forever in another.
Requests open | masterlist to all prompts now available
Sorry for the delay, I'm traveling so it would hard for me too keep up but I am very thankful for all the sweet responses in the past few days, it helps me to keep going.
Day 34- bath with me | Day 36 - angel
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atinydise · 4 years
Ateez ignoring their s/o while talking to their exs
❦ Genre: Angst.
❦ Pairing: OT8.
❦ Word count: 11k7.
❦ Masterlist.
Part 2
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“Why are you so happy?” Asked Hongjoong smiling at you. “It’s been a long time since we had a good time together.” You said. He grabbed your shoulders. “You’re right, let’s enjoy this moment.” Hongjoong picked your popcorn in the bucket you were holding. You slapped his hand, “don’t! This is for the movie.” “We are in the line. Just one... please?” He looked at you cutely. “Oh! Kim Hongjoong?” Asked a girl behind you. Your boyfriend turned around. You hated the took he had on his face, when he spotted who she was.
“Oh! Yuna! Long time no see!” He bowed shyly. He removed instantly the arm which was resting on your shoulders. “How have you been?” “I’m doing fine!” She smiled. “I see that you are still eating popcorn before the movie.” You raised a brow. Who was this girl? And why she knew Hongjoong so well? “Y/N, this is Yuna my-“ he started. “Ex-girlfriend.” She finished sadly. “If I knew that you would be so good-looking, I would have never broken up with you.” She giggled, grabbing his arm. “Technically speaking... you needed to. You went 3500 miles away. That’s not nothing.” He added You felt invisible with these 2. “Hongjoong, the room is open.” You whispered quietly, pocking his shoulder. “Yes, yes.” He simply replied flicking your hand away. “Wait for me inside.” “But the movie will start soon.” “So? Since when you are back in Korea?” Asked the leader, completely ignoring you. “Hum... 3 months.” She replied. She got on your nerves. “Hongjoong.” You whined. “I said that I was coming!” He replied back at you harshly. This sudden behavior took you off guard. He was so aggressive. You were supposed to wait the end of his little conversation? No way. You threw the popcorn bucket in his arms, dropping some on the floor. “Enjoy the movie.” You claimed leaving him here. “What? Y/N!” He asked confused.
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You were waiting Seonghwa outside the restaurant. He was paying the bill and asked you to go outside. He didn’t like when you see the price. You are always insisting to pay the next time. In front of the restaurant, you saw a car parked in front of you. A stunning girl got out of it. You could help but to be a little bit jealous. “Wow, it’s cold.” Said Seonghwa joining you. “What are you looking like that?” He asked curiously, seeing that you didn’t say anything yet. You pointed discreetly at girl walking toward the restaurant. “Oh! Hyebin!” Waved Seonghwa. You stared at your boyfriend, “Park Seonghwa are you crazy!” “Huh? This is Hyebin. My ex-girlfriend.” He explained. Your heart missed a beat, “what? Are you-“ “Seonghwa Oppa!” She shouted cutely, making you cringe. “How are you?” “Pretty fine! I’m happy to see you here!” You coughed, letting them know your presence. “Can you introduce us? Correctly?” “Ah yes.” He replied. “Hyebin, this is Y/N.” He simply said. “I feel like it’s been a year since we saw each other.” You blinked, surprised by how he just introduced you without adding anything else. “The last time we saw each other was at San’s birthday.” She exclaimed. “Oh yes! That was a good day.” He smiled. “Are you going to eat there? I heard that they cook the best Kimchi stew*!” “I just ate here. But why not just talking around a beer!” “Seonghwa.” You called him seriously. “We need to-“ “Let’s go?” He asked her but turned around to face you. “Go home without me okay? I’ll join you there soon!” “Seonghwa it’s our anniversary!” You crossed yours arms on your chest. “I won’t be long promise!” He kissed your cheek, before rushing to the restaurant. He dumped you there after ignoring you for long minutes. If he thinks you’ll wait patiently at the dorm, he was wrong.
*Kimchi Stew: Kimchi jjigae (김치찌개) is a classic Korean stew made with flavor-packed old kimchi.
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“Hurry up Y/N!” You cheered yourself. You needed to prepare the living-room for your movie night with Yunho. On the coffee table, you placed all the snacks and drinks you bought after your work. Today, he was a bit late. Not a big deal. Only 15 minutes but usually he texts you to apologize or just to tell you know that he’s okay. 45 minutes later still nothing. You decided to call him, but he didn’t pick up. Worrying for your boyfriend you called Mingi. “What? He left the dorm as usual. Maybe he stuck on the traffic.” “But he would tell me.” You added. At this moment, you heard a laugh on the corridor outside. “I think I heard him coming. I’ll text you back okay?” You hung up. When you opened the door, you saw your boyfriend laughing out loud with your neighbor. “Yunho?” You called him. “Oh Y/N! Sorry I’m late but I met and old friend.” He smiled. You looked at the girl next to your boyfriend. “Come on Yunho...I’m your ex, not only just an old friend.” She giggled. “Your what?” You asked him to repeat. “Can we really say that you are my ex? We never really talked about it.” “So... we never broke up too?” She asked sexily. “Yunho are you coming?” You stopped their sensitive conversation. “Answer me first Yunho.” She insisted. “We didn’t break up.” He stated, “but we never dated too.” He added. “I guess...” she muttered. “We were just good... old friends.” “Yes! We were having so much fun at this time.” He chuckled. She hopped enthusiastically, “you know what I am thinking about?” Your boyfriend smirked, “let me guess…” “Arcade game!” They shouted together. “Yunho...” you called him again. He shushed you by showing his large hands in front of your face. Before saying something that you would regret, you entered in your apartment and slammed the door loudly. “What an ass...” For sure, he would need to have a good excuse because you won’t forgive him easily.
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Yeosang came out of the dressing room for the 3rd time. “What do you think of this tuxedo?” He asked. You pouted lovely, “everything looks good on you.” He smiled proudly, “I know I’m handsome.” You threw his jacket on him, “Mr. Big head.” “Come on. Just agree on how your man is perfect.” He smirked. “I just know that my man,” you insisted on the gender, “is narcissistic.” Yeosang rolled his eyes and threw back his jacket on you. Unfortunately, it touched your eye. “Ouch! Yeosang!” “Holy s- I’m sorry babe!” He crouched in front of you, blowing on your eyeball to reduce the pain. “Hey! Kang Yeosang!” You blinked painfully and looked at the person in your right. “Oh!” He stood up, completely forgetting your eye. “What are you doing here?” The girl played with her hair sexily, “trying clothes idiot.” He scratched his head embarrassed. “You look so good in this tuxedo!” She complimented him. “I know that you hated to wear this before.” “I still hate it.” He added. You were looking at the scene not knowing what to do. “Really. You were wearing a bunch when we dated.” Dated? You looked at your boyfriend. “Because you liked it.” She giggled, “thank you then I appreciate. You were always so nice with me.” “Yeosang we need to go. Your members are waiting...” You tried to extirpate of this situation. “Go and tell them I’m coming in few minutes if you want.” “So, what are you doing now? Still studying law?” You rubbed your face frustratedly and stood up. Accidentally, or not really, you bumped into Yeosang. “Y/N-“ “Idiot.” You whispered leaving your boyfriend with this girl.
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“This is our seats.” You claimed happily. “Wow! We are so close to the stage!” You clapped enthusiastically. “This is so cool.” He kissed your cheek, “thank you again for these tickets.” For his birthday, you bought his favorite artist concert ticket. He was so happy that he almost cried. “You’re welcome baby. You deserve the whole world.” You giggled. Both of you were talking when a bunch of girls passed you. One of them got your attention. She was staring a bit too much intensely at your boyfriend. “San?!” She finally said. Your boyfriend was confused because of the darkness. “It’s me! Hyeji!” She claimed. “Hyeji?” You repeated, “like your ex-girlfriend?” You muttered. “Ouah! Hyeji! Long time no see!” He stood up, bowing at her. “Yes! I didn’t see you at Soyeon’s birthday last month! I thought that you would never miss it.” “I had a busy schedule.” He said sadly. “It’s a shame! I heard it was epic.” You sat patiently on your seat waiting for her to leave. “Oh, you are sitting here?” He asked surprised. “Yes, this is my seat.” Said Hyeji, sitting right next to San. “Yay...” you whispered. “So cool!” Giggled San. The whole show started, your boyfriend (if you still could call him like that) ignored you. He was only singing and dancing along with this Hyeji. You tried to get his attention sometimes, but it lasted 5 seconds. For sure, if you weren’t there, it would be the same. The last song ended. Finally, he turned around to ask you if you liked the concert, but you weren’t there anymore. Your bag and your jacket neither. “Y/N?” He looked around but you were nowhere to be found. He took his phone and spotted your message from 37 minutes ago. [“I left. You had so much fun with her. Useless for me to be there. Enjoy the concert.”] He tried to call you but only your voicemail welcomed him. For sure, he messed up.
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Mingi was finally realizing his dream. He was debuting in a good and talented group. Today was his first performance live and you needed to be there. You missed an important lesson at school but seeing Mingi so happy worth it. After the end of the performance, you rushed to congrats your boyfriend and the whole group with the cake that you bought earlier this morning. “You did amazing Mingi Mango!” You said happily, applying a bit of sugar on his nose. “Y/N! I thought you were busy today!” He hugged your carefully, trying to not drop the cake. “Anything for my man.” You winked. “How does it fe-“ “Song Mingi!” Yelled someone behind you. “Mi Yeon?” He replied instantly. “Wow Song Mingi! The man that you are today!” She claimed. “And so you are too.” He smiled. “I think we should celebrate this.” She offered. “Who would really think that we would debut in the same time?” “You were talented. I always believed in you.” He confessed. “And with those kinds of compliments, I know why we dated!” “Dated?” You repeated. “Mingi, is she your ex?” “Wait Y/N, we are talking right now.” He cut you straight. “Should we go at our favorite restaurant?” He offered. “Sure! But I have a full schedule today.” “Mingi-“ “What about tomorrow?” He asked. “Mingi. We need to go out tomorrow.” You repeated, tugging his coat. “We can go another time Y/N.” He replied. “Yes, tomorrow I’m free!” Replied the girl happily. “Nice! See you tomorrow then.” He smiled. You couldn’t believe your eyes. This was really the reason of why you missed your lesson. To be dumped.
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“No?! Really?!” Shouted Wooyoung on the couch next to you. You sighed and turned the volume up. With him, you could barely listen to your movie. “What? No! It’s been... few months. I don’t know...” You weren’t angry because he was screaming next to you. But because he was talking so well with his ex-girlfriend. They met at the supermarket and they talked for hours. “Yes! I would love to go there. Can I bring the boys too?” You glanced at him. Now he was erasing you of his upcoming plan. He was getting on your nerves. “Are you done?” You faced him. He shook his head making him understand that he didn’t. You sighed again and tried to focus on your own phone. It was hard since he wasn’t helping at all, with all his giggles. “He still on the phone?” Asked Seonghwa, going in the kitchen. “Yes. And nothing and no one can’t stop them.” You said pissed. “Don’t worry! They were good friends only.” He patted your shoulder. You didn’t know what to believe. How being persuaded they were only friends when he was acting like that? “Hum... maybe we should give it a try. You’re right!” You looked at your boyfriend who looked like a girl gossiping with her best and evil friends. “Ah Mina, you were always so smart.” He laughed. “Okay I’m done.” You claimed, standing up. You grabbed your jacket, next to him. “Y/N? Where are you going?” “Somewhere you and Mina are not.” You said angrily. “Come on. Don’t be ridiculous. We are talking since few minutes only.” You scoffed, “then you call 2 hours and a half, just ‘few minutes’.” “What-“ he looked at the time on his phone. “Bye...” you left without turning back. “Have fun together.”
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Finally, after 4 years of relationship, you were finally moving with Jongho. After few months of intense research, you found the perfect apartment to start your young lover life. Right now, you were looking for a good wallpaper for the living-room. “What about a light green?” You offered. “No. It won’t fit the whole mood.” “Then grey?” You pointed at the other one next to him. “Why not painting the whole room in white?” You pouted sadly, “this is too sad. It would look empty.” He smiled at your face and tickled your chin. “Okay then. Go for the grey one.” “Well well well...” claimed a pretty girl in front of you. Yes, she was gorgeous, you needed to admit it. “I didn’t know you were into decorative things. Choi Jongho.” “Jin?” He asked dumbly. “You forgot your first love?” She smiled, pocking his shoulder. “Huh- no no.” He stuttered. “I never thought that we would meet here.” “I guess it’s... destiny.” She winked. You thought he would stop talking to her, say bye and look back for a wallpaper.
Next thing you know, they were talking right in front of you while looking for a new wardrobe for her apartment. He offered to help her since she was struggling with the dimensions and stuff. “You are so nice. You are saving me right now.” She thanked him. “It’s okay. I don’t want to you be scammed.” “Jongho, what about this coffee table for the living-room? It’s really good.” You pointed at the item next to you. “Wait Y/N. I need to help Jin first.” He cut you off, not even looking at you. “Okay...” you sighed. “Do you have many clothes? Or this kind of wardrobe would be good?” “Jongho...” She giggled. “You know I have a ton of clothes.” “Yes true. Let’s find something else.” He smiled. You hesitate to follow them. Seeing him like this, made you angry, but you couldn’t let him alone with her. No way.
Part 2
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stark-tony · 4 years
underrated irondad and spiderson fic recs part 2
part 1
Queer Eye for the Cacti by silentsaebyeok
summary: He bought one-hundred cacti on Amazon! Pepper was going to kill him!
What had possessed him to do such a thing? He never went on shopping sprees when drunk. That just wasn’t a Tony Stark type of thing to do. And in all honesty, he was astonished he even remembered the Amazon password.
Tony makes an interesting purchase while drunk. What he doesn’t expect is for said purchase to bite him in the ass in the worst possible way.
pairings: pepperony
tags: fluff, hurt/comfort
warnings: none
Tumblr Posts by Jen27ny
summary:   Literally what the title says. All the prompts and one-shots I post on tumblr.
pairings: pepperony, spideychelle
tags: hurt/comfort, fluff, angst
It Lasts for Always by YellowDistress
summary:  Peter has never asked anyone to kill for him, especially not Tony.
pairings: none
tags: angst
warnings: none
Cursed Christmas by sahiya
summary: A series of unfortunate events befalls Tony, Pepper, Peter, and Morgan (and Happy and May) in the week leading up to Christmas.
It'd be kind of funny if it didn't totally suck. Fortunately, they've got good back-up.
pairings: pepperony
tags: hurt/comfort
warnings: none
Keeping your head up by frostysunflowers
summary: It’s been a while, a long while, since Tony felt this defenceless. He’s without a suit, the manacle around his ankle is solid steel, and he can’t see a single way out.
 He’s been here before, but back then there had been tools, resources, options.
Here, there’s just the walls, his missing kid and the water. 
The water.
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort, angst
warnings: kidnapping
Young, Dumb and Suffering by wordscorrupt
summary: In a moment of desperation, Peter decides to take Steve's pain medication to relieve a migraine.
Peter accidentally overdoses on pain medication.
pairings: none
Midnight Oil by JolinarJackson
summary:  After everything that has happened to Peter over the last year - or five, really - he shouldn’t be worried about something as mundane as the ACT. When he fails it, though it sends him into a spiral of self-doubt, which only gets worse when Peter realizes that he doesn’t seem to be able to fix whatever is broken.
pairings: spideychelle, pepperony
tags: hurt/comfort, angst
warnings: none
Love Will Remind Us Who We Are by blondsak
summary: There had been many times in Tony’s life when he’d known the piercing clarity that separated a Good Day from a Bad Day. Had known the ways in which, upon first waking, one’s soul would strike a balance between agony and relief either in your favor, or not.
But none of his earlier Good and Bad times had prepared him for his reality now.
Nine months after the Avengers defeated Thanos, Tony is still reckoning with the toll the final snap took on his body. Between grueling physical therapy, near-constant pain, and the inability to so much as tie his own shoes, well-- things aren’t exactly like Tony had imagined.
Luckily for him, there’s a certain kid from Queens who won’t let Tony give up so easily.
pairings: none
tags: angst, hurt/comfort
warnings: none
Summertime Sickness by Spideysickfics
summary: "Well, this is your lucky day, then!" Peter replied enthusiastically, putting his hands on his hips and puffing out his chest as he broke into a wide grin, "You're looking at a former Boy Scout!"
Tony let out a huff of air.
"No shit, a Boy Scout, huh? When did you quit?"
"First grade." Peter's grin didn’t waver. Tony rolled his eyes with a laugh.
"I'm sure you're very knowledgeable."
An Irondad camping trip and sickfic to soothe your soul
pairings: none
warnings: none
to break in these bones by searchingforstars
summary: “We’re gonna go play baseball? I’m not exactly a great shot, and you might have to let me out of these first,” Peter rattles his wrists around in the metal chains and they clink together, echoing around the sparse room, “but sounds like fun.
“We’re not playing baseball.”
“Shame, because I passed a park on my way here and I’m pretty sure that there’s only been like, six murders there this year so that could have been a fun spot.”
“I’m going to enjoy this, you fucked up little kid.”
“Hey, I’m not a little-” Peter starts, but he’s cut off by all the air being knocked out of his lungs as he sees the bat raised in front of him.
or, Peter doesn't listen to Tony, pisses off someone dangerous and ends up on the wrong end of a baseball bat.
pairings: none
tags: angst, hurt/comfort
warnings: none
5 Times Peter Gave Tony Something by impravidus
summary:  and the 1 time Tony gave him something back
pairings:  none
tags: fluff
warnings: none
You'll Be Here (in My Heart) by seekrest
summary:  The morning that Tony’s life changed forever began as his days usually began now — shuffling into the kitchen half asleep, going through the motions as he searched for Pepper’s favorite coffee mug.
Tony stifled a yawn, grabbing the Black Panther novelty mug she adored while he grabbed one that Morgan had made them years ago - one that made her now cringe with embarrassment anytime she saw him use it, the childish scribbles that made him laugh.
  He sets Morgan’s creation down on the countertop as he reaches for the Black Panther mug, it being just barely out of reach for when Pepper has put it last.
“Damn thing.” Tony mutters to himself, fingers barely brushing against it before he grabs it - going to set it down on the counter only to be surprised when Pepper walks in from the bedroom, an unreadable expression on her face.
“Morning. You know, you and I need to have a talk about about your choice of mugs. I know T’Challa somehow perfected the cup warmer thing here but you could at least show a little—“
“Michelle’s in labor.”
pairings: spideychelle
tags: angst
warnings: none
the little things we don't say out loud by JBS_Forever
summary: “It's not funny,” Peter says, voice catching as he whines, “This is life or death, Ned. I'm actually dying.”
On the other end of the line, Ned sighs, amused and not at all concerned. “So you're Mr. Stark's secret Santa. It's not that bad.”
- - -
In which Peter is Tony's secret Santa, and it is, in fact, that bad.
pairings: none
tags: humor, fluff
warnings: none
Hiking Essentials: A backpack, plenty of water, and a Spider-kid by kiwifeather
summary:  Morgan, Peter, and Tony enjoy each other's company on a hike through the woods while Peter is staying with them for the weekend. Father-and-son bonding ensues
(Takes place after the snap but Tony survives because this is the good timeline and we know that Tony deserved a happy ending)
pairings: none
tags: fluff
warnings: none
In Case of Emergency by Bowtiez
summary: Babysitting his little sister at the Stark's lakeside cabin seems like quite the gig for 17-year-old Peter. Of course he's got that covered- he's a mature individual and he can watch over a five-year-old for forty-eight hours.
On a totally unrelated note, did anyone know that super-healing doesn't really work on bacterial infections? It's a good thing Morgan knows what to do. Well... it's probably a good thing?
pairings: pepperony
tags: fluff
warnings: none
Three Times Tony Stark Used Italian Nicknames and One Time He Received One by MCUsic_to_my_ears
summary:   Tony can't help but slip into his Italian when with his children.
pairings: none
tags: fluff
warnings: none
More Ancient Than Magic by ironfamjam
summary: Life isn't exactly normal when your Head of House is also kinda your father-figure and his daughter is kinda sorta your little sister.
It's also not normal when the bad guys your real-life-war-hero-not-actually-dad defeated in The Great War threaten to return and you're still just trying to finish your Charms essay.
But Professor Stark asked him to protect Morgan. And that's what he's going to do.
Even if it breaks him.
The mini Hogwarts AU
pairings: spideychelle, pepperony
tags: fluff, angst
warnings: torture
Peaches by peterparkr
summary: There’s no response, not even a faint twinge of muscle. Peter tries to listen for a heartbeat, but he can’t seem to focus enough to pinpoint it. Another bubble of thought starts to rise. This could be the reason his spidey-sense is going haywire. Tony could be—
He pushes the bubble down.
Peter and Tony find themselves stranded in the woods after an Avengers mission
pairings: none
tags: angst, hurt/comfort
warnings: none
Snowflakes by Jen27ny
summary:  Tony just wants to see his kids happy - which means letting Morgan stick as many snowflakes to the window as she likes, and making Peter talk about his nightmares.
pairings: none
tags: fluff
warnings: none
I Sure Do Like Those Christmas Cookies by baloobird
summary: Tony is spending a fun afternoon baking cookies with his kids, but his older one isn't acting like himself.
Whatever the problem is, it's up to the now-retired hero to figure it out.
pairings: none
tags: fluff
warnings: bullying, acephobia
An MIT Halloween by bethy_277
summary: Coming to MIT had been difficult, having almost lost his mentor when he had snapped to save the entire universe, and Peter had really struggled. If it hadn’t been for Ned and Harley- who he had met shortly after he came back and become good friends with- he didn’t think he would have made it past the first few weeks at school. He had called both May and Tony that first week, hysterical and begging to come back to New York. May had been patient, Tony had been ready to get in his car to drive to him to help him through it, and Harley and Ned had been there and talked him down both times.  
** Peter is a college student at MIT and Tony brings Morgan up for some trick-or-treating.
pairings: none
tags: fluff
warnings: none
Someone Take Me Home by GallagherHunter
summary:  More than a month since May's death Peter is having a less than stellar day at school in the hopes of making it through the day so he can get to the apartment where he's been living with Tony since his world came crashing around him. Meanwhile, Tony has been advised to adopt Peter to assure him he won't leave him.
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort
warnings: bullying
It’s Gonna Be Lit by Pawprinter
summary: What Christmas gift does one get for the man who seemingly has everything?
Peter is struggling to find out.
pairings: none
tags: fluff
warnings: none
I'll Be Home For Christmas by snarkymuch
summary:  May gets called away for work, and Tony steps in to make sure Peter isn't alone for Christmas. Harley, Morgan, and Peter being adorable kids, and Tony being a great dad.
pairings: none
tags: fluff
warnings: none
The power of makeup by SparrowFlight246
summary: Peter shows up to a prestigious awards ceremony with a black eye and a whole lot of regret.
Tony raids Pepper's purse and decides to improvise.
pairings: pepperony
tags: fluff
warnings: none
if you'll be my star, i'll be your sky by ftmpeter
summary: There are two things Tony learns about Peter after Morgan is born.
The first thing is that when it comes to kids, he's a natural.
The second thing is that he's a self-sacrificing little shit.
(Tony already knew that. He has the gray hairs to prove it. But. Still.)
It isn't the kind of self-sacrificing that will get him killed or seriously injured - thank God - but it's just as annoying. Maybe even more, because while he can ground Peter from Spider-Man, he can't exactly ground him from staying up all night to make sure Morgan sleeps through it.
pairings: none
tags: fluff
warnings: none
give the cookies a miss by searchingforstars
summary: “Surprise!” Morgan exclaims as soon as they’re both in the room. She gestures excitedly towards a few slightly sad looking lumps of something drenched in icing and severed onto sticks. There are sprinkles as well, which look like they might have been a nice touch to cheer the entire thing up, had the majority of them not ended up scattered around the surrounding bench space.
“Daddy and I made cookie pops! Well, I made them, he just helped me use the big scary whisk-y thingy. They’re for Katie’s birthday party tomorrow because we all have to bring something yummy to eat, and Daddy wanted to do regular cookies but I told him that was boring. So we made these instead!”
or, Peter is poisoned by the ones he trusts most.
pairings: none
tags: fluff, hurt/comfort
warnings: none
i want to be with you 'til the whole world ends by searchingforstars
summary: The last thing he does as his eyes slip shut is wrap his arms tighter around Peter, as tight as he can manage when it feels like the life is draining from him.
Please, for the love of God, I'm sorry I couldn't do it, but please, please, someone look after this kid for me.
Tony would give anything to make sure that Peter Parker is safe.
Unfortunately, he doesn’t have much left to give. He’s about to have nothing left to give.
The world goes dark.
He drifts away.
Or, Peter and Tony nearly lose each other.
pairings: none
tags: angst
warnings: none
Of bright autumn days and things that go bump in the night by frostysunflowers
summary: Halloween/fall themed fics featuring plenty of fluff, feels and seasonal shenanigans!
pairings: none
tags: fluff, humor, angst
warnings: none
Twelve Days of Terror: A Whumptober Collection by seekrest
pairings: spideychelle
106 notes · View notes
0nlinejournal · 2 years
Ah, it's been a couple of days. I've been doing that thing that I keep trying to stop doing where I tell myself I'm going to stay home because I desperately need alone time but end up saying yes to every friend that asks me to hang out.
I was dead set on staying home last night, but ended up at my boyfriend's place again after he texted me from work saying he was missing me. I cleaned the tattoo shop late and headed to his place at around 10:30pm. I was berating myself in my head while cleaning, telling myself I should stay home (I promised myself I would!), but he did agree to watch all of Over the Garden Wall once I was there. I feel pleased with the night.
It's so strange how prior to last year I was a complete recluse and was very capable of telling all my friends no when they asked me to hang out. I didn't even text people back because it made me too anxious to look at my phone and see a text notification. Now, most of my solitude was due to my mother guilt tripping me any time I left the house, accusing me of hating her and never wanting to spend time with her, but after 24 years of solitude I had learned to be very comfortable with myself. I did enjoy it to some degree. And now, I miss my alone time. Unfortunately, I've thrown myself into a never-ending merry-go-round of saying yes to people and have developed a new fear of telling people no.
I did tell my friend no tonight, though. Pats on the back for me please and thank you. I did say yes at first. Hard to say no to a chill night at a friend's house with a small group and some wine, but I really do wish to stay home and spend time with myself (and my dog child).
I am about to have two weeks to myself, though. Dog sitting for my mother starts on the 7th, and I'll be on the outskirts of town so it'll be much easier for me to tell everyone I can't do anything. It's not a far drive, but it is a drive I hate. I took off of both of my jobs since my mother is paying me, and I will be in my own personal hell surrounded by two elder dogs that cannot control their bladders, and two dogs that hate each other, but I'll be alone.
I'm going to try to quit nicotine while I'm out there, too. I've quit before, but I ruined it when I asked to hit a friend's vape one night. After 163 days! I ruined it just like that! I found it easier to quit that first time. This time it's feels nearly impossible. I get these awful headaches, I can't stop eating, and I turn into the most irritable bitch you can imagine. I can't make it past three days. All of my friends have vapes, so even when I didn't have one for months because I was "quitting", I knew that I would be able to hit one of theirs. I broke down a few ago and bought one, I'm now on my second one, but I think it will die tomorrow. Then I have isolation to look forward to, so I can cry and be angry alone without affecting anyone else. That's my plan anyway. I hope it works. I feel disgusting having my mood be so dependent on my access to nicotine. Hopefully keeping up with this journal can help too. I'm anticipating some brain fog, though, so the entries might not be the best.
Tomorrow night I'm going out to the string of bars downtown with my boyfriend, and his ex. I don't think I've mentioned this yet. This will be my first time meeting her. The thought alone makes me wildly nervous. I'm worried she's going to be one of those gals that slyly hits on my boyfriend. And if not that, I'm worried I'm going to get jealous anyway if he appears to be having more fun with her than he does with me. That's not fair, they haven't seen each other in a long time, and I know he doesn't want to be with her (that's what he told me at least, he doesn't like her like that anymore, their relationship didn't work out for a reason), but I'm worried he's just telling himself that and as a result accidentally lying to me. I want to see this through, though. I'm friends with a couple of my exes, good friends with them, and he was able to get comfortable with that pretty quickly. So, I want to trust him and allow him to reconnect with her if he so chooses. They've kept loosely in touch throughout the years they've been separated, but they don't talk when she's dating someone because she apparently dates very jealous men. I say that, but I know that talking to exes is a widely unpopular thing for partners to be comfortable with generally.
The thing that catches me a bit off guard though is that he says she's kind of mean, like, how Sam is mean. And we've been wanting to distance ourselves from Sam, so why even entertain hanging out with this ex? I hang out with my exes because they're genuinely wonderful people. They are kind, and funny, and considerate, it's just that our romantic relationship wasn't it, you know? But I like them enough to want to have them in my lives as friends. I value them as friends and as people, I just don't want to date them. And they are mature enough (thank goodness) to be able to value me as a friend and not trick themselves into desiring anything more. I trust them. Maybe I can trust my boyfriend's ex too, but as of right now having not met her, I am still a bit anxious. To her credit, she did apologize to him recently for her behavior when they were dating. So maybe she's grown as a person and isn't actually that mean anymore.
I don't know I don't know I don't know. I've been so in my head about my relationship recently I'm just worried my brain isn't going to be in the right mood or have the right energy levels to have a good time. That's why I need rest tonight. I need alone time to recharge so I can be excited for tomorrow.
I'm going to clean the tattoo shop tomorrow morning. I don't feel like doing it tonight. I'm going to try to read Frankenstein tonight. Oh! Also, while in isolation I plan on reading my mother's boyfriend's book. I tried once before, but... I don't... like it. He wanted feedback, but if I was to give genuine feedback I think it would hurt him. But I thought I could read it and chapter by chapter break down my thoughts on here. Maybe if I make it like a game I can get through the whole thing.
Okay, off to read! Goodnight!
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luvrpop · 4 years
the end
source: the devil all the time part: one/? pairing: arvin russell/reader requested: no tws: n/a (canon typical in later parts but this ones safe) word count: 1652 synopsis: you make some bread, and contemplate finality. extra: i wanted to challenge myself to write a reader insert without using y/n et cetera!! im so excited for this, and very proud :) Someone once told you that there is nothing in life that isn’t a beginning or an end. You’re not quite sure what you think about that, but you figure there must be some sense of truth to it. Hell, you reckon that if those words are true every damn thing you do is the beginning of the rest of your life. This train of thought will come back to you later.
For now, you wake up in the morning to begin your day, and eventually you’ll sleep at night to end it. 
You open your dresser to begin looking for your outfit, and close the dresser to end that search. Naturally, you’ll put on your clothes to begin wearing them, and take them off at some point to end that.
You open the window in your kitchen to begin a steady flow of fresh air, but you won’t get a chance to close, and thus end, it.
Later, all the beginnings you started and endings you caused in the coming few days will become viscerally apparent to you. You’ll wonder which one is more important; those beginnings or endings? You’ll wonder if that matters at all. It probably doesn’t.
Currently, you are kneading the dough that you began only 15 minutes ago for a loaf of bread that you’ll never get to eat. Your radio plays quietly in the corner of the kitchen and you sing along, finding a rhythm in your movement. You feel as though you could live in this moment for the rest of your life and stay happy the whole time. But of course, the song ends so another can begin and your timer goes off to tell you’ve kneaded enough, and the tranquility of the moment slowly dissipates. You wet a towel and delicately place it on top of the lump of dough, and set it into a bowl and aside to begin it’s second hour of rising. That means that you have an hour to yourself, and you resign yourself to laundry. It gets boring pretty quickly, however, so you resolve to finish this load and continue a book you started reading last week. 
You’re only a few chapters from the end. You like it well enough- the characters are charming and the plot is compelling- but the pacing of it all is what’s really losing you. It started as a decent slow burn character study into the mind of a troubled woman that tragedy followed like a shy dog, which you find interesting. However, at some point it seemed like the author was as swept up in the world as you were and was caught off guard by the need for an ending. The past few chapters have been a rushed attempt at a satisfying conclusion, and the original message of the story has been lost. The woman started out as thoughtful and resilient, despite the shit life kept throwing at her. You like her a lot. At this point in the book, though, things should be calming down. They aren’t. 
You pick up the book where you left off, and immediately it seems to be trending in an unnecessarily painful direction. You wouldn’t dare tell anyone, but you definitely prefer a happy ending. The appeal in watching decent people suffer for nothing is lost on you. It makes it difficult to ignore the more uncomfortable truths of the town you live in. 
By the time you’ve gotten to the last chapter, your timer is going off again, letting you know that it’s time to move your dough from under the towel and in the bowl to the oven. You leave the book open on the counter (it stays, because you accidentally broke the spine when you first bought the book. Your best friend chided you for getting as upset as you did. “There are bigger things in life to worry about than a 50¢ paperback novel, darlin’.” He had said.) and stand to wash your hands. The front door opens and closes as you turn on the water, and you call out a greeting to your father. There is no reply while you move the dough to a pan, and you wait a moment before calling out again. This time you get an answer,  though the voice that responds is not your father. A smile creeps its way onto your face as you slide the pan into the oven and close the door. 
Something you’ve noticed about Arvin Russel is the way he refers to the people. It’s never “good afternoon,” or “thank you,” or “how are ya?”; it’s always a “good afternoon miss,” or “thank you ma’am,” or “how are ya, sir”. He calls his sister Lenora little lady or hun; his grandmother is grandma or ma’am; his grandfather is grandpa or sir. Friends are bud and fella, and enemies are any number of vile swears and adjectives. You’re doll or darlin’, and you have been since you found him hiding behind the school back on the first day of sixth grade. It’s common down here in the south to call people anything but their name whether it be from respect or the opposite, but even as a child Arvin seemed to actively avoid using someone’s name unless he was saying something that he needed you to know he meant. Most people figured he was just some overly respectful kid, but you’ve always suspected that he just understands the power of his words. As you got older, you got the sense to wonder why a kid so young seemed to know so much about power and violence, both mental and physical. You’ve heard the rumors about why he moved to Coal Creek in the first place, but it never came to you to just ask if they were true and what living in Knockemstiff was like. You never considered it your business. 
That’s all to say that when Arvin Russel greets you by name in your kitchen at 3:30 PM on a Saturday in the fine year of 1965, your hand stops on its way to the kitchen timer. A quick glance at the clock confirms that Arvin has work in 10 minutes, and you know that you live a solid 15 away from where he needs to be. You turn to face him, apprehensively studying the way he sits on a stool on the opposite side of the island that divides the room. He sits with a slump that shows an extent of exhaustion that seems deeper than the physical body. You wonder if someone’s soul could yawn. He seems like he hasn’t been able to relax all day, and even now there’s tension in his shoulders. Not to mention that his breathing’s uneven and he’s sweating like a sinner in church, so you decide to dampen a washcloth before asking any questions. He looks at you in such a way while you dab at his damp brow that chips away at your heart. He’s looked haunted since you met him, like Satan himself is dancing in his peripheral, always 3 steps away from finally claiming his soul, and you wonder for a moment if he’s always fought the devil all the time.
“Christ almighty Arvin, what happened t’you?” You ask, blotting away at his forehead.
His eyes snap into focus at that, like he’s remembering something, and he pushes out of his seat, snatching the cloth from your hand. “We gotta leave, doll,”
You look at him incredulously. “What in the world? You sit yourself back down and tell me what is goin-”
Arvin interrupts you by saying your name again. “I mean it,” he says, and you believe him. “You got- you got to get on packin’ and we gotta leave.”
“I’m not packin’ anything until you tell me what the hell is goin’ on, Arvin Russel. I mean it.” You say, and he believes you.
Unfortunately, you’ll come to understand that he doesn’t have the time to explain. 
The two of you have fantasized about skipping town more times than you could count. A couple of times, you even packed your bags into the back of Arvin’s jalopy before school, planning on picking up Lenora and never looking back at this shithole. You were serious about it too, your father and whatever spends its time haunting Arvin giving you more than enough motivation. Still, you stayed. Arvin would say he’d miss his grandmother, which was true, but you both knew it wasn't what Lenora would want. After she died, Arvin swore he should have said damn it all and left anyway.
When he makes eye contact with you again, you know whatever is happening now is different than your idealized life on the run. Every time you planned this, you both swore you’d do it all together, and that included choosing the right time. Arvin was so particular about choosing the right time. Now, it seems that whatever he did that you two are running from didn’t have a right time. It just had to happen, and he was tired of waiting. A sense of dread nags at you perversely, and you know suddenly and without a doubt that if you don’t go with him now, you’ll never see him again.
He drops the rag then and leaves the kitchen with a sense of urgency you’ve never seen, and you tear after him. You meet him in your room and you both throw together two bags of your bare essentials. You’re out the door and shoving the bags into his trunk before you even get a chance to turn off the oven.
It won’t be until you’re leaning your head on the passenger window of Arvin’s automobile, speeding past the sign that cheerily reads You are now leaving Coal Creek! We hope to see you again soon!, that you will realize that you forgot your book at home. 
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Fever {3}
Series Masterlist
A/N: So for my purposes, I’ve decided to age Jake up to 18. It works better for me, rather than the younger by two years. I am not a licensed therapist, so take that portrayal with a grain of salt. This is a Renèe slander account. I also hated the bikes, or at least her reasoning for the bikes, so I removed the bikes. So basically please just accept that this fic is 99.9% OOC.
Warnings: Depression, Anxiety, Abandonment, Therapy Session
Summary: Bella’s first therapy session, family dinner at the Black’s.
Rating: M
Word Count: 2,905
Monday came faster than I had expected. School was better, Jessica and I made plans to get through Calculus tomorrow after school, not without her making a welcome back from zombieland comment, which I couldn’t blame her for. Dad picked me up in the cruiser for the appointment with Dr. Gilbert. The drive to Port Angeles was a silent hour, I pondered what I was going to say to this therapist. Obviously, my ex-boyfriend was a vampire and I almost died due to an unhinged vampire hunting me and luring me into an old dance studio wasn’t the best opening line. I almost died on my eighteenth birthday due to a paper cut, maybe I should just stick away from the near death experiences. Mentioning vampires would probably award me a decent vacation and a straight jacket.
Dad checked me in at the office and we sat awkwardly in the waiting room. He picked up a fishing magazine and I picked at my nails. I was torn from contemplating my nail beds when the secretary called my name. I followed her into a room with a large couch, a woman sat in a chair across from it.
“Hello Bella, I’m Dr. Gilbert.” She was tall, her dark hair was tucked up into a bun. Black glasses were perched on her nose. She had a nice smile, kind, welcoming.
“Hi.” I mumbled as she gestured for me to sit on the couch.
“Tell me about yourself, Bella.” Dr. Gilbert stated, clipboard balanced on her lap, a pen in her hand.
“I don’t know, there’s not much to tell.” I murmured, crossing my legs under me on the couch. I pulled my sweater around my body, I was cold again. I probably could have started with my childhood, isn’t that what you’re supposed to do when you start therapy. Tell them all about your childhood, blame it on your mom…. Which, maybe wasn’t too far off.
She pursed her lips and nodded. “I see you’re a senior, what are your plans after you graduate this year?”
I nibbled on my bottom lip, “To be honest, I’m not sure. I had a plan, but that’s changed. I think maybe college, or a gap year to save. I think I want to go to college.”
She nodded and scribbled on her paper. “What do you think you’d like to do?”
I chuckled, “I don’t know.”
“It’s okay to not have a plan, Bella.”
“I know, but everyone around me has a plan, colleges they’ve been accepted to. And I’m just…..” I gestured vaguely into the air.
Dr. Gilbert chuckled, “Sometimes those with the plans aren’t as put together as they seem. When I was your age, I was going to be a professional cellist. Got into Juliard and was ready. I got there, and realized that wasn’t what I wanted to do with my life. I still play the cello, I’m a part of the local orchestra, but I’m not doing what I had planned. You have time. Tell me about your friends.”
I hesitated. “I have a few, we haven’t hung out as much, I…” I trailed off, not sure how to explain that I had been an emotionless blob for months and wasn’t sure where I stood with my friends.
She hummed, “They’ve been too busy?”
I chuckled, “They’ve been busy, I’ve been dealing with some stuff.”
“Care to elaborate?” She raised one of her sculpted eyebrows.
I sighed and pulled my knees to my chin and wrapped my arms around my legs. “My boyfriend broke up with me.”
“Tell me about him.” She stated.
“He would come through my window and watch me sleep.” I murmured. “He oiled the latch so it wouldn’t wake me. God, I thought it was romantic, he could have killed me. He could have done anything he wanted. And I would have let him. I let him control me.” The scratching of a pen on paper filled the moment I took a breath. “I thought that love meant he was allowed to control me, but that’s not love, is it?”
Dr. Gilbert looked at me. “I think you know the answer.” She paused, pursing her lips.
I nibbled on my bottom lip. “Why didn’t I know?”
She glanced at me. “He was your first boyfriend, right?” I nodded. “First loves are intense.” Her eyes wandered away from me. “You’re allowed to have strong feelings after something like this.”
“Is it normal to feel like you’re stuck in a void, just lost to the pain?” I asked, before I could stop myself.
Dr. Gilbert eyed me carefully. “There are several stages to grief, it sounds like you have begun the depression stage. But the stages aren’t always a linear progression, you can shift between them and go back and forth.” She was jotting things down on her paper. “How long have you felt lost to the pain?”
“A few months, five maybe?” I said quietly.
“That’s a long time to feel that way.” She glanced at her watch. “Do you feel that way now?”
I shook my head. “I feel like I just got out of the middle of it and I’ve started to come back to the real world.”
She nodded. “I want to you pay attention to what you do this week, if anything sets you back to this. That way we can find out what triggers this.” She sighed, “Unfortunately, that is time up, I’d like to see you next week at the same time, if that’s okay.”
“Yeah, that should work, I can check with my dad.” I said.
“It was nice to meet you, Bella.” She said, standing. I stood up and shook her outstretched hand.
“So how was it?” Dad asked as he started the cruiser.
“Good, I like her.” I answered, giving him a small smile. He glanced over to me, a curious look on his face, I tilted my head. “I think this is going to help.”
“Good.” He paused before pulling out of the parking lot. “Billy invited us over for dinner on Friday.”
My head snapped to him. “Billy?” The last time Billy Black had interacted with me, he had warned me away from Edward, hindsight, he was right. He had bribed Jacob to come to prom and warn me off the Cullens.
“Yeah, says he misses me.” Dad chuckled. “I think it’s a ploy to get me to go fishing again.”
I let out a small laugh. “Will Jacob be there?”
Dad raised his eyebrow. “Probably, why do you want to know?”
I shrugged, “Haven’t seen him since I bought the truck, thought he might be able to help with the radio.” That sentence did not sound as nonchalant as I had been hoping.
A twinkle was in Dad’s eye. “I think he could help with…your radio.”
I groaned and hid my head in my arms. “Dad…” I whined.
Dad let out a loud laugh, “Sorry.” He most definitely was not.
The next day at school was uneventful, that was until after school tutoring with Jessica. She flopped into the chair next to me, a scowl on her face.
“Hey, Jess.” I greeted.
“Hi, sorry. Fucking Mike.” She grumbled, apparently in my zombie state I had missed the constant on and off again relationship she and Mike had been navigating. According to Angela, I hadn’t missed much, all you could do was watch like a weekly soap opera. “So, let’s get to this.”
Jess was extremely patient, considering how many questions I asked, about concepts that we probably learned at the beginning of the year. By the time our hour was up, I felt like I could muddle through the homework, rather than just stare and hope the pages filled themselves. “Thanks, Jess. I really appreciate your help.”
She smiled, “No problem, just don’t slip off into Zombie Bella, she’s not cool. Same time next week?”
“If you can.” I answered.
“See you tomorrow and Tuesdays for calculus.” She paused before she left. “And, if you ever need to talk about it. Ange and I are here. She doesn’t have much experience with this end of things, but she’s a good listener.”
“Thanks, maybe sometime.” She gave me a knowing look before giving me a quick wave and leaving. The rest of the week I settled back in with the group who had been my first friends when I stated in at Forks High. Sure, Lauren and I were never going to be best friends, but I had friends again. And these friends weren’t going to accidentally eat me.
Friday came and Dad let me drive the truck to La Push, he crawled into the passenger seat, eyes falling on the radio. His eyebrows almost hit his hairline, but he didn’t say anything about it. The drive was quiet, with the occasional direction or turn from Dad. I parked in front of the Black’s home, it was a small red home, it was familiar. I knew that I had spent time here when I was younger, but that was so long ago, the memories had faded. A dark head of hair popped up behind a window and the door to the house flew open.
“Bella!” Jacob called, he was taller than I last saw him, broader too. His black hair was loose around his face, his eyes bright with a huge smile beaming on his face. He was like sunshine personified.
Dad opened the door. “Yeah, Jake, good to see you too.” He muttered, walking into the house without even glancing back at us.
Jacob smiled as he got to my door. “Dad said Charlie had been saying something about your radio…” His eyes traveled to the beat up mess in my dashboard.
“I didn’t like the song…” I offered.
His eyes were wide as I stepped out. “Care to let me know the song, so I don’t play it by accident?”
“I don’t know, it was on a station that I don’t listen to anymore.” I replied, jumping down from the truck to the ground. I had to tilt my head back to look at him. “How did you get taller?”
“Maybe you shrunk.” He teased, nodding to the doorway. “We better get in there, before those two start planning our wedding.” At my shocked face he paused. “C’mon Bella, you can’t tell me that you didn’t know those two in there have been trying to find ways to get us together since the first summer you were here.”
I shook my head, “I hadn’t known.”
Jacob eyed my curiously, “Really? You never noticed how much Charlie brought you down here?”
I shook my head again, following him into the house. When we entered, both of our fathers were seated in the kitchen, eagerly watching the door. “Hey, Billy.” I greeted awkwardly.
A smile split his face. “It is great to see you again, Bella. You look well.” There was a glint in his eye as he looked at me, I knew there was more to that statement, the lack of a vampire boyfriend for one.
“I’m doing my best.” I shrugged, taking the seat to the right of Dad, leaving the only seat open for Jacob, directly across from me.
“So Jake, what do you think the damage on Bella’s radio is?” Dad asked, spooning food onto his plate.
Jacob’s eyes flicked over to me. “I’m thinking she’s going to need a new one Charlie.”
I sighed, “Or I could just go without music, not a big deal.”
Billy’s eyes were on me again. I felt like I was under a microscope. “The current music that is released is shit anyways, can’t blame you for losing it on the radio.”
I chuckled, dinner was, different. It felt so familiar, but I know the last time I had dinner at the Blacks, Jacob and I were at an age of single digits. It was odd, us being just a few months shy of the other. Last year, his seventeen had seemed so far from my seventeen, he still had his baby face. But now, he had just reached eighteen and he had changed. He was more angular, bigger, more muscle, and impossibly taller.
“Bella?” A voice interrupted me, I glanced over to see Jacob across from me, his head tilted. “Earth to Bells?”
“Yeah, I’m here.” I answered, “What did you need?”
“Just was asking if you wanted me to check out your radio? Maybe fully remove it from the dash?”
“Yeah, that’d be great.”
He smiled, “Let’s go, leave these two alone. We can deal with the aftermath later.”
I giggled, actually giggled, and followed him out of the house, trying to ignore the gleeful look in our fathers’ eyes. Jake stopped by my truck.
“I’m gonna have to rip that out, there’s no saving it. You really did a number on it.” He said, shaking his head at it. “That was a nice radio.”
I shuffled my feet. “Yeah, I kinda lost it.”
He remained silent, glancing back toward the house. “Want to pull this in the garage and I can get the remains out so we can put the radio to rest?”
“Sure.” I said, hopping into the truck. Jake started walking through the yard and I followed him. The garage was behind the house, small, but hidden by trees and shrubbery, I doubt you could see much of it from the house. Which, if what Jacob had said about our fathers was true, was probably a good thing. I pulled up next to it as he came out with a small toolbox. Jake hopped into the passenger seat of the truck, lifted the toolbox lid and took out an assortment of screwdrivers.
He started in on the radio, removing screws with sure fingers until it loosened and he ripped it out. An empty hole was left in my dash, seemed poetic. “That should do it, if you have another I can install it.”
“I’m not sure I really like music right now, need a little break from it.” I said.
Jake nodded. “So how’s she been treating you?”
A smile broke across my face. “Great, I love this old truck. She takes good care of me.”
“She’s a hunk of junk.” Jake retorted.
“She is my hunk of junk. Now be nice before I banish you.”
“You could try.” Jake challenged. I narrowed my eyes at him and bumped my shoulder against his. He fell against the door in mock injury before a fit of laughter overtook him.
“Don’t fuck with my truck.” I snapped, laughing.
He held his hands up in defeat. “Point taken, want to meet my baby?” I quirked an eyebrow in interest. “C’mon, not every day I get to introduce her to a pretty girl.”
I felt the blush beginning to crawl up my neck as he jumped out of my truck. I shook my head and followed after him into the garage. A red car was propped up on cinderblocks, I recognized the Volkswagen insignia on the hood.
“1986 Volkswagen Rabbit.” Jake said proudly. “Almost finished, needs a few tweaks, then she’ll be perfect.”
“How long have you been working on her?” I asked, taking a circle around the car.
“Couple years now, Dad just got me the final parts I needed last spring. All that’s really left is cosmetic.” Jacob smiled. “She’s my college car. Figure I can run her back and forth while I go up to Peninsula.”
“What are you thinking of studying?” I asked, genuinely curious.
The smile on his face seemed to grow impossibly brighter. “I’m looking into their history track. With that degree I want to work to preserve the history here.” He gestured vaguely. “There’s so much that has been lost that I’d like to preserve what I can for future generations. The Elders aren’t getting any younger.”
I took a moment to truly look at Jacob. He looked so determined, passionate, alive. I felt a pang in my chest. “That sounds amazing.”
He chuckled and looked down, not before I saw a blush in his cheeks. “It’s not much. What about you?”
I chewed on my lip. “I’m not sure yet. I haven’t even applied to schools yet.”
“I could help you, apply if you want. Peninsula’s was easy enough.” Jake said, before he started stuttering over his words.
“I wouldn’t mind a little help. I think Dad has been a little worried that I haven’t applied anywhere. And Peninsula doesn’t sound like a bad idea. Maybe we could carpool?”
A small smile was on his lips, “Yeah, maybe.”
“They have a decent education program, from what I’ve heard.” Jacob supplied.
“Education?” I asked.
He chuckled, “When we were little you always talked about being a teacher like your mom. Obviously time changes things. I was convinced I was going to be a superhero.” He smirked. “But it’s a starting point.”
I nodded, then heard laughter coming from the direction of the house.
“Time to go home Bella!” Dad’s voice called out, I could hear him chortling with Billy.
Jake and I rolled our eyes in sync. “Well, it was nice catching up, thanks for the help with the radio.” I said, holding my hand out awkwardly.
Jacob’s hand encased mine as he shook it, “Don’t be a stranger, Bells.” He smiled. “Now let’s go before those two get any ideas.
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hazel-writes · 3 years
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Pairing: Din Djarin x Female OC
Summary: Aristeia, an ambitious and self-reliant journalist on Tatooine, crosses paths with a Mandalorian after a harrowing encounter with Imperial remnants.
Word Count: 5,000
Warnings: canon-typical violence, death
A/N: Oh my gosh, I finally did it. After months of reading some absolutely incredible Mando fanfics, I took the plunge and started writing my own. I'm so excited to share this with all of you!
This fic starts during episode 1x5 and will loosely follow the show's timeline (I will be taking many creative liberties). The first chapter is from Aristeia's point of view, but I'll be going back and forth between her POV and Din's afterwards. I jump straight into the action in this fic, so if things seem a little crazy at first, don't worry, all will be explained soon :)
This is my first time writing for our favorite space cowboy, so any and all feedback is welcomed! If you want to keep updated on this fic between updates, check my bio for other places you can find me. Also, a Spotify playlist to accompany this fic is coming soon!
Without further ado, please enjoy this chaotic mess of a chapter! ♥︎
Aristeia sighed as she weaved her way through the busy streets of Mos Eisley, Tatooine. It was almost sunset and most people were heading home after long days at work. A layer of dust rose around the feet of those attending to last-minute errands. She watched as a woman bought a large red fruit from one of the street-side vendors. A soot-covered teenaged boy stood by the neighboring building, stocking up on mechanical supplies. Near his feet, two sunburnt children fought over a small toy. The scene was normal to her: ever since settling on Tatooine years ago, Aristeia had slowly grown accustomed to the slow and gritty flow of the planet.
As she continued walking, she kept her head down, eyes always focused a few steps ahead of her feet. However, whenever someone neared, she would look up briefly to offer them a small smile. Most of the time they ignored her, scowled, or rolled their eyes, but every now and then, someone would return her gesture. Those moments made the effort worth it.
Unlike the people who meandered around her, Aristeia was just starting her work for the day. She kicked up clouds of dirt as she made her way to the recently-abandoned mechanic’s shop. She used to frequent it back when she had a speeder, but after the owners passed away, it had unfortunately turned into a popular site of criminal activity. A few days back, she had intercepted a transmission that mentioned a meeting at the location, and as a journalist, she had to be there to see what was going on. Armed with a small notebook and stylus, she was prepared to document the whole thing.
Turning the corner of a dusty alley, which was littered with miscellaneous tools and sheets of scrap metal, the old mechanic’s place finally came into view. Its exterior architecture was similar to that of the rest of Tatooine, however its dark and doorless entrance led to an underground network of small rooms. With every step Aristeia took towards the building, her anxiety grew. Unlike her other investigative stakeouts, she was going into the mechanic’s blind. The transmission didn’t reveal a whole lot about the nature of the meeting, which she knew meant it was of special importance. These were the kind of meetings that could provide her with a groundbreaking story. They were also the kind of meetings where someone could get hurt.
Aristeia had never been good at fighting – physically, at least – but she did give herself credit for not having died so far, especially in her line of work. Put a blaster in her hand and she’d probably shoot her own foot off. However, put a pen in her hand, and she was a force to be reckoned with.
Aristeia had been writing ever since she was young. It started with little stories: she would go into a crowd of people, find a quiet place to sit, and observe each person that passed by. She would notice what they were wearing, how they carried themselves, who they were with, where they were going, and then she would make up the ‘why’: Why were they dressed like that? Why did they walk like that? Why were they with this person or that person? Her imagination would stitch together the missing pieces of their backstories, creating life narratives of people she had never even met. She did the same thing now from time to time. In fact, people watching was imperative to her role as a journalist.
As Aristeia grew older, she and a few friends decided to start a local newsletter that got sent out to residents of Mos Eisley every month. It was by no means a ‘professional’ establishment. The writers were all residents, many of them barely adults, who wanted to keep their friends and family informed about any activity that could threaten the freedom they had fought so hard to gain after the fall of the Empire.
A group of giggling children ran around the corner, pulling Aristeia out of her thoughts. She watched as they kicked around a near-deflated ball with bare, dust-covered feet. Sighing, she turned back around to peer down the steps of the abandoned mechanic’s. It was just beginning to get dark and the suns had nearly reached the edge of the horizon, casting eerie shadows on the stairwell walls. She looked for any sign of movement in the space below and when nothing seemed to be stirring, she made her way down the packed-dirt stairs and entered into the main room.
The area was small with not very many places to hide, immediately making her anxious. She had never been a fan of tiny spaces. But this was too important of a mission for her to give up now. She looked to her left and spotted a large plant, which obviously hadn’t seen any light or water for quite some time. However, its pot and leaves could be big enough to hide her if she was able to fit behind it. It’s not like she had very many options to choose from.
A noise from above forced her into action. She darted behind the plant as fast as she could, curling herself up against the corner of the wall. The sounds of heavy footfalls met her ears. There were at least five people making their way into the room she was in. From between the leaves of the plant, she could make out the forms of two stormtroopers and a tall, lanky man in a gray uniform. Imperials.
After the fall of the Empire, most people on Tatooine had celebrated immensely. They believed they had finally achieved freedom. It was hard for Aristeia to share their excitement, knowing how many lives had been lost on both sides. She also had always been a realist, never letting herself get too comfortable when everything seemed to be coming up roses. She had been tracking the movements of rogue troopers around the city for a while, trying to figure out who they took orders from and where they were located. In recent weeks, she had intercepted a few transmissions referencing what the Imps called ‘the asset’. Just one day before, she had caught word of a meeting scheduled to take place in the room where she was now hiding. She knew she couldn’t pass up the opportunity to get more intel. Once she had enough information, she planned on writing a massive expose, informing all of Mos Eisley to her discoveries.
A raspy voice broke her train of thought: “Have you found the asset?” Peering around the plant’s leaves, she saw that it was the man in gray who had spoken.
“No, not yet,” a Klatoonian replied gruffly. “We tracked the ship to this city. As far as we know, the Mandalorian still has it.”
A Mandalorian… Aristeia shuddered. There wasn’t much in the galaxy that she was terrified of anymore. Sure, she often felt scared. In fact, she was scared most of the time; it’s part of what kept her alive for so long. But there was very little that truly terrified her. Mandalorians were one of those things.
She shook her head, forcing herself out of her spiraling panic. Focus on the facts, she thought – it was a phrase she repeated often when overwhelmed with her work. Focus on the Facts. The Imperial man’s mention of the Mandalorian was new info to her. All she knew from previous transmissions was that the Imps needed the asset for some sort of experiment. She didn’t understand it too much – she was never very good at science.
Aristeia reached into her bag, pulling out her notebook and stylus so she could document her new discovery. As quietly as she could, she opened the front cover of the journal, flipping to the next blank page.
As she did so, her finger caught on one of the pages, slicing a thin cut across the pad of her pointer finger. Kriff, she whispered, accidentally dropping her stylus as she moved to nurse her injured finger. She realized her fatal mistake too late.
“What do we have here?” she heard a voice drawl from above her. The Klatooinian, who had taken a few steps toward Aristeia, peered around the edge of the plant before looking back at the Rodian. “Is this one yours?”
Aristeia scowled at the suggestion. “No, I most certainly am not.”
The two men chuckled, infuriating her even more. “Why don’t you come out so we can take a better look at you?” the Rodian suggested with a devilish smirk.
“Yeah, cause that sounds like it would end well for me…” she mumbled, trying to think of a way to escape the predicament she had gotten herself into.
The uniformed man and his two stormtroopers stayed quiet throughout the ordeal, seemingly bored by the other mens’ interaction.
“She must be terminated. She has heard too much,” the man in gray finally chimed in.
At this, Aristeia started to panic. She was in deep bantha munk this time. Sure, she had been in tricky positions before – it was kind of a requirement of living on Tatooine – but this was bad.
“I didn’t hear anything, I swear! I was just…” She stood up slowly and looked around the room, trying to find an alibi. “...admiring the plants?”
She mentally facepalmed at her attempt of a lie, something she was never very good at. It helped her in a journalistic sense, as she always did her best to remain objective in her articles. She recognised the power that came with telling the truth, especially now, in the wake of an empire founded largely on lies. However, in this case, she could’ve used a good fib. Admiring the plants, really? she scolded herself. After a moment of silence, the uniformed man directed a curt nod at the stormtroopers, who then advanced on her quickly.
Springing into action, she attempted to kick the chestplate of the trooper closest to her, but missed, only managing to clip his knee. Nonetheless, it threw him off-balance, sending him stumbling into his fellow trooper. She took the brief opening to run as fast as she could towards the stairs that led back up to the main street. She got halfway up, mere feet away from freedom, before a large hand yanked her back down the steps harshly. She fell backwards, scraping her elbows and knees on the hard dirt before hitting her head on the floor, hard.
She couldn’t see anything but blurry spots of white and orange as strong and grimy hands pulled her across the floor, back to the troopers. The one she kicked earlier returned the favor, sending sparks of pain through her abdomen. Footsteps approached and a heavy boot landed between her shoulder blades, forcing her against the floor. Another second passed before she heard the charging up of a blaster from above her head.
Aristeia closed her eyes, cheek pressed to the dirt, accepting her fate. She forced warm memories into her mind, not wanting her last thoughts to be of the man whose heavy boot currently pinned her to the ground. Her mind danced from memory to memory, finding it hard to focus on any one image for too long: a familiar, tender hand ran its fingers along the curves of her face; trees towered over her like arrows aimed for the stars; a single candle cast a warm glow over pieces of parchment; a sweet smile, one she probably would never see again, beamed through the darkness...
A burst of blaster fire sounded from above her head. As if shooting her once wasn’t enough, she thought, before realizing that it wasn’t possible for her to make sarcastic quips if she was dead. She opened one eye, then the other, only to stare right into the lifeless face of the man in the gray uniform. It was a sight she was sure would stay with her forever.
“I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold.”
She finally looked up, not recognising the deep modulated voice that sounded from above her.
A shining wall of silver met her eyes, his blaster pointed at the Klatoonian. A Mandalorian, she thought. Waves of terror flooded Aristeia’s body. It was almost as if the universe had plucked him straight out of one of her nightmares and dumped him deliberately at her feet. She was familiar with the Mandalorians, more than most, but seeing one after so many years still managed to send shivers down her spine.
Focus on the facts. Focus on the facts. she repeated to herself.
Something about the way the armored man carried himself made her realize that this wasn’t just any Mandalorian: this was the Mandalorian, the one her attackers had been discussing moments earlier.
His presence seemed to fill the whole room. She found her eyes involuntarily moving up his figure, taking in the pure power that emanated from his armored form. Her gaze landed on his face, or where his face should’ve been. Instead, all she could see was her own terrified reflection in his dark, deadly visor.
When the Klatoonian didn’t make any effort to move, the shiny man looked down and gave her a barely perceptible nod to the side. She knew exactly what he was telling her to do.
As fast as she could, she rolled to her right, hearing blaster shots fire above her as she did so. She scrambled back towards the plant she was hiding behind earlier and watched as the armored man fought the others. While the Mandalorian was distracted with the Rodian, the Klatoonian aimed his blaster towards his silver chestplate. Aristeia considered shouting to the metal-clad man in warning, but didn’t want to draw any more attention to herself. To her horror, she watched as the Klatoonian pulled the trigger.
The Mandalorian, however, sensed what was coming and ducked. The blaster beam rebounded off of a large metal sheet that stood propped up against the wall behind him and hit the Klatoonian square in the chest. He fell to the floor, lifeless. To Aristeia’s surprise, she heard the Mandalorian curse, seemingly frustrated by the death of his attacker. The stormtroopers took his moment of annoyed distraction as a sign to run, bolting back up the stairs before the Mandalorian could stop them.
Aristeia’s senses slowly started to come back to her, as did the pain in her stomach, hands and knees. Unsure of the Mandalorian’s intentions, she scrambled on the packed dirt, trying to find the notebook she had brought with her. She finally found it tucked between the wall and the nearby plant pot.
She turned to see the armored man, having knocked the Rodian unconscious, finally focus his attention on her. She grabbed the stylus that she always kept clipped to the side of her notebook, the one that had caused all this trouble to begin with, and held it out in front of her as threateningly as possible.
The Mandalorian casually put a hand on his hip and popped one of his legs out slightly. His helmet tilted to the side incredulously. If she wasn’t so scared, she might have laughed at his almost-lazy posture.
“Hey, they say the pen is mightier than the sword, right?” Aristeia shrugged nervously, still directing the stylus towards the silver mass in front of her.
He ignored her comment and dipped his helmet towards the bodies on the floor. “What were you doing with them?”
She debated whether or not to tell him. His low, warning tone made it seem like she didn’t have much of a choice. So far, he hadn’t made any move to hurt her, despite the fact that he had every opportunity to. Even now he kept his distance, almost like he was trying not to startle her any further. That, or the stylus really had scared him.
“I’m a journalist,” Aristeia responded. “I was trying to get some information for my next story when they found me.”
She shifted on her feet when he didn’t respond right away.
“Story?” he finally repeated, almost like he was skeptical of the word.
She knew it must sound silly. Her stories, and journalism as a whole, probably weren’t on this man’s radar. A lot of people thought that her profession was impractical and meddling, but obviously the work she did was important enough to gain the attention of the Imps.
Whatever the Mandalorian was thinking prompted him to mumble something, turn on his heel, and start back up the stairs. Aristeia was left speechless, her hair settling back into place after being disheveled by the sudden billowing of the Mandalorian’s cape.
She looked around the room at the bodies littering the floor, remembering briefly that the troopers had escaped. That alone almost ensured her certain death. They had seen her face – it was only a matter of time before they would find her. Already regretting her decision, she heard herself calling out to the Mandalorian who had reached the top of the stairs: “Wait!”
He stopped his movement, pausing briefly before slowly turning to face Aristeia, who now stood at the bottom of the stairs. She looked up at his figure, which from her angle looked more commanding than ever, his silver armor backlit by the setting suns.
Finally finding her words, she spoke. “Please, I… I need to get off this planet. You have a ship, right? The troopers who ran, they’ll tell the others, they’ll come after me.”
She hated how desperate she sounded, but she didn’t know what else to do. Her friends barely had enough money for speeders. Most of them had never even been off the planet. All she knew was that she needed to leave, and soon.
“Why would they waste your time on you?” the Mandalorian asked, probably unsure how a girl armed with a stylus could possibly pose a threat to the Imps.
She ignored his underestimating tone before replying. “Because I overheard what they were talking about. Once they find out who I am, they’ll kill me.”
“And who exactly are you?”
Kriff, she thought. If the Mandalorian found out just how invested she was in her recent investigations, he could use that against her. “Well… I’m Aristeia.”
The Mandalorian voiced a frustrated sigh. “And?”
She was about to answer when she spotted a blinking red light out of the corner of her eye. Upon further inspection, she found its source: a tracking fob held in the Mandalorian’s left hand. Of course, she thought. He’s a bounty hunter. The Klatoonian must have been his bounty – that’s why he was upset when he was accidentally killed in the crossfire.
Aristeia felt her heart rate spike as she devised the best way to backtrack on her previous request for help.
She slowly made her way towards the Mandalorian, subtly attempting to get back up to street level. “...and I really should be getting back to work, so if you don’t mind, I think I’ll just head back up those stairs now.”
The Mandalorian, unfortunately, noticed the unusual change in her disposition.
“What’s the sudden rush?” he asked as the arm carrying the fob shot out to stop her escape.
“No, no, it’s nothing! I really should go. My… husband is waiting for me,” Aristeia lied. The Mandalorian just stared, his arm remaining in place. “He gets upset when I’m late.” She offered with a fake smile, trying desperately to alleviate the tension. When he still didn’t move, she continued. “He’s very big. And uhh… He’s a sheriff!” she added, for good measure. The Mandalorian cocked his head slightly to the left in response, as if seeing how far she would take her lie. “And he has lots and lots of weapons. A whole armory with guns and knives and other… spiky things.”
“Spiky things?” he asked, almost amused.
“Well, yeah.” she replied, but it came out as more of a question.
“Well, you know what I think?” he said, taking a few sauntering steps forward. His posture oozed confidence – one hand was hooked on his belt, just in front of his blaster, while the other hung casually at his side.
Aristeia took a small step backwards. “W-what?”
“I think you have a bounty on your head.”
Kriff, she thought. He’s good.
Aristeia took another step back, but the Mandalorian closed the distance quickly. She held up her hands placatedly.
“Look, I don’t… know if there’s a price on my head. I’ve always just assumed . Over the past few years, my friends, the other journalists here, they’ve been going missing. It was pretty obvious that the Imps didn’t want us sharing their activities with the whole planet. Recently, things had been pretty quiet, at least until they started freaking out about this whole ‘asset’ thing.”
The Mandalorian’s posture straightened and his towering body leaned towards hers menacingly. When he spoke, his voice lacked all the nonchalance it had earlier and instead radiated a seriousness that chilled her to the core. “What do you know about the ki- the asset?”
Aristeia, regarding his sudden change in demeanor, stuttered in response: “N-nothing really – Shouldn’t you know?”
“Nothing really?” he repeated, completely ignoring her question.
“Just what I’ve heard over the coms.” Shoot, she thought. Shouldn’t have said that.
“You have access to their coms?” he asked, a sliver of surprise peeking through his gruffness.
She did. It was one of her biggest accomplishments since arriving on Tatooine. One evening, she had been at her desk, listening to random transmissions on an old faulty comlink her mother gave her years ago. She would do this every night, never once picking up on the voice she was desperately waiting to hear. Instead, she usually caught onto feeds from people nearby: small business dealings, calls to family working out in the dunes, even the occasional secret teenage correspondence. Aristeia enjoyed listening to the small snippets of the others’ lives; it gave her hope in a world that she seemed more and more disconnected to with each new day.
But on this night, she had intercepted a transmission that was far more concerning than her typical listening content. Two voices, one that she now knew was the man in the gray suit and another who she assumed was a stormtrooper, crackled over the comlink. Within a few minutes, she not only knew that the Empire wasn’t dead, but that they were also situated right on her doorstep . After making this discovery, she made sure to keep her com set to that specific feed, which is how she ended up finding out about the meeting that led to her current encounter with the Mandalorian.
“Sometimes I have access,” she responded to the Mandalorian’s question with a nonchalant shrug. She basked in the power that this information seemed to give her over him. “It depends on how close they are, the wind levels, and if my tech is even working that day-”
“Where do you live?” he interrupted hurriedly.
Aristeia suppressed a laugh. “Excuse me?”
“Where do you live?” he repeated slowly, though this time it came out as a more of a modulated growl.
She laughed nervously. “No way, you seriously think I’d tell a bounty hunter where I lived? That’s like breaking every single rule of common sense. I mean, come on, think of this from my perspective.”
His posture relaxed minutely and he released another sigh, this one less frustrated than the previous. “If I wanted to hurt you, I would’ve done it by now.”
She recognised the truth in his statement, but that didn’t mean she was willing to go out of her way to help him. For all she knew, he could take the coms and turn her in afterwards. Aristeia tried to get a better read of him, but unlike most people she met, she couldn’t. She didn’t have any guesses as to who he was, what his intentions were, or why the ‘asset’ was so important to him. In a universe of starry galaxies, he was a black hole.
“What do I get out of it?” she asked, trying her best to sound confident. She countered the slight relaxation of his own stance with the newfound boldness of her own. “Helping you, I mean.”
The Mandalorian scoffed beneath his helmet. “I saved your life, I think that’s qualifying enough.”
“You were just going after the Klatooinian.”
“And if I hadn’t, you’d be dead.”
“Wow, consider me comforted.”
He sighed, clearly agitated by her retorts. “If you show me the coms, then I won’t tell the Guild about the little notebook operation you’ve got going on down here,” he said, waving a gloved hand towards the bag that carried her journal.
“And now I’m being blackmailed. Fantastic.” she muttered, running a hand through her hair.
Aristeia stilled, evaluating her options. She could either ignore the Mandalorian and risk having him reveal her, and her work, to the Guild, or help him and hope he returned the favor. Neither option was ideal.
“Fine ,” she relented. “Just give me a second.”
Aristeia took the Mandalorian’s lack of response as a signal to go ahead, and made her way back into the darkness of the room that now reeked of death. She tried to think back to the days when she would come to the mechanic’s to repair the many malfunctions her speeder frequently sustained. She always enjoyed the loud and hectic bustle of the establishment. Its owners were kind and would always let the neighborhood kids hang out and watch them work on one project or another, occasionally even letting them help out. Those times seemed distant as Aristeia approached the body of the fallen Imp.
“Hey, you wanna hurry it up down there?” a gruff voice sounded from above.
“Really?” Aristeia replied, astonished at the Mandalorian’s near-childlike impatience.
“I thought you had some husband with a large collection of spiky things who doesn’t like it when you’re late?”
Hearing him repeat her previous lie out loud made it seem even more ridiculous, but she ignored him and continued to move towards the gray-suited man.
“What are you doing?” he called from above, seemingly untrusting of her retreat back to the main room.
Oh my stars, she thought, surprised by her own annoyance at the Mandalorian. Her initial fear had evolved into irritation at his constant attempts at intimidation and control. She couldn’t let her guard down though – she could lose her leverage at any moment and then who knows what he’d do with her.
Aristeia reigned in the sarcastic comment she was about to make and instead answered his question with a restrained sigh. “Seeing if they have any information.”
“In case you didn’t notice, they’re dead. They can’t help you.”
Obviously, she thought with a roll of her eyes, but didn’t say so out loud.
“Yeah, but their pockets can.”
Aristeia stared at the man in gray. Even though the blaster bolt to his chest all but guaranteed his death, she still approached his body warily, as if it could come back to life at any moment. Avoiding his hollow gaze, she dug through his pockets, searching for any more information that could prove useful to her future articles. All she found was a handwritten note containing some sort of coded language she didn’t recognise. She folded it carefully and put it in her own pocket for safekeeping before heading back towards the Mandalorian.
By the time she joined him at street level, the suns had already set. He took a few steps forward but paused when he felt her hesitate behind him. She felt weird leaving behind the mangled bodies of the men in the darkness below.
“We should move the bodies,” she said cautiously, her eyebrows furrowed in confliction.
“No time,” the Mandalorian replied simply, turning back towards the street.
“Please,” she pleaded, looking to her left where a group of children played in the distance. “I- I don’t want any kids finding that.”
He silently followed her gaze and stood completely still for a moment, as if debating his own response. Aristeia tried, and once again failed, to get a good read of what was going through his head.
“Fine,” he finally said. “I’ll get them in the morning.”
She would’ve liked them taken care of sooner, but it seemed that there was no room for negotiation. To be honest, she was surprised he agreed to her request at all. Something was different about this Mandalorian, and she couldn’t tell if that was a good or bad thing.
“Which way?” he asked, referencing her house. The one she stupidly agreed to take him to, Aristeia thought.
“Uh…” She paused briefly, but it was a moment too long for the Mandalorian’s liking. “This way,” she finished, pointing down an alley to her left. She hiked the bag she carried higher up on her shoulder and took a few steps forward before feeling a hard tug on her arm.
“Hey, I wouldn’t recommend trying anything. It wouldn’t end well for you,” the Mandalorian said threateningly. His visor stared down at her coldly and she suddenly grew extremely frustrated by the fact that she couldn’t see his eyes. She felt vulnerable under his gaze and didn’t like it one bit.
“Let go of my arm,” Aristeia replied, her voice low and serious. His grip remained strong. She stared daggers up at his helmet and it was the first time since meeting him that she was truly angry. “I said, let go.”
To her surprise, she felt his grip loosen and she promptly tugged her arm away from him. Her posture radiated confidence, but the fear in her eyes betrayed her. Without a word, she spun around and continued heading in the direction of her small house, not sparing another look behind her to see if the Mandalorian was following.
He was.
Masterlist || Next (coming soon!)
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crystaljins · 5 years
Good riddance.
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Characters: Jimin x Reader
Word count: 2k
Synopsis:   Is it too much to ask for a normal rooommate?
Jimin x reader. Roomates-to-lovers
Notes: The first of my requests to celebrate reaching 1000 followers! This is dedicated to my beloved queenie who always leaves the sweetest asks for me! She requested “Jimin +  moving in to an apartment/college!au style “ And this mess of a fic is what she got, unfortunately. I’m not too fond of it myself- I’m battling some mean writer’s block! But the concept is cute, at least.
Warnings: None
“Thank goodness.” Taehyung says warmly through a mouthful of freshly baked cookie. Jimin reaches for a cookie too, savouring the soft, dough-y texture and the richness of the slightly-melted chocolate chips. He closes his eyes in contentment for a long moment. “I’m so glad your crazy roommate finally moved out.”
“She wasn’t crazy.” He says with a sigh. The apartment is clean and smells of freshly baked cookies. He can hear his new roommate humming cheerfully in the next room. After baking some cookies, he had decided he’d do some cleaning. Because cleaning is apparently a hobby for Jimin’s new, eerily perfect roommate. Life is good. No, it’s great. He can’t remember the last time he had a peaceful afternoon like this. “She did move out really quickly, though.”
And he’s glad of it. Good riddance. It’s about time fate cut him some slack! He’s had a string of increasingly bad roommates over the past year and his most recent one was the worst of them. It all started a year ago, when he discovered his roommate of three years had been sleeping with his girlfriend for almost the entire time they had lived together. Needless to say, he had required a new roommate as soon as possible. He lived in a nice apartment but it definitely required a two-person income to meet the rent demands and he wasn’t going to live with that lying jerk a moment longer. Only, finding a new roommate was easier said than done.
The first of his bad string of roommates had been Toby. Toby had been nice enough at first. He never left dirty dishes in the sink and he always checked first with Jimin before using the washing machine to make sure Jimin didn’t need to use it too. He had paid his rent on time too, which had been the priority. Post-graduate students don’t make a lot of money and Jimin didn’t have any income to spare if his roommate was late on paying rent.
The problem with Toby was Toby’s girlfriend. She was a nice girl in small doses. She smiled a lot and always made small talk with Jimin on the awkward occasions he was alone in the living room with her. But she and Toby fought a lot. Which isn’t a huge problem- every relationship has their communication bumps and hardships. But their fights weren’t normal fights. They would scream at each other at weird hours of the night and one time Toby’s girlfriend had gotten so mad she had taken a plate and thrown it against the wall. It had shattered to the point that super glue could do nothing for the plate. And it was a nice plate too! It was part of the set Jimin’s mother bought for him when he first moved to the city for his studies. Needless to say, Jimin had requested that Toby find another place to stay the next morning.
Of course, Toby was sorely missed in comparison to his next roommate, Bertha. The problem with Bertha was that she had a cat. As a disclaimer, Jimin loves cats. He thinks they are sweet and he’s always wanted a cat of his own. But Bertha’s cat was no ordinary cat. No, it was a demon, summoned from hell with a fetish for human toes and a propensity for leaving poo nuggets in inconvenient areas. Cats are supposed to naturally use litter trays! Why the demonspawn, or Mittens, as Bertha fondly called him, reviled the litter tray so deeply is a mystery for the ages. Needless to say, Jimin had tolerated that for as long as he could. But then Mittens had decided he would take a nice bite of Jimin’s big toe while he was napping on the couch one day and Jimin had ended up in hospital. Who knew cat bites were so dangerous? Bertha had offered to move out straight away and had also paid for Jimin’s hospital bills as long as he didn’t make her put her beloved demonspawn to sleep. She hasn’t contacted him since. 
He wishes he could say that Bertha was the worst of his roommates but she wasn’t. There was Michael, who had a creepy taxidermy obsession. And Angela, who only washed her hair during the full moon. He doesn’t even want to say what Seungmin was like. There had been no end in sight to his string of bad roommates.
Then you came along. You actually hadn’t undergone Jimin’s usual selection process, which was his first mistake. He had developed pretty strict selection criteria after suffering through so many bad roommates. But you had managed to bypass all of that thanks to your older brother Yoongi. Yoongi is a nice, calm guy. He has helped Jimin a lot in the past, especially during the cheating-girlfriend fiasco. So when Yoongi had mentioned that his younger sister was moving to the city after changing degrees, Jimin had been quick to offer up the extra room in his apartment. By that stage, he had seen the worst of the worst when it came to crazy roommates- there was no way someone related to Yoongi could be any worse than the nutcases he had dealt with this far.
He should have been more careful. You really gave all the other roommate’s a run for their money. You would offer to make him dinner and then set the stove top on fire. His favourite shirt had been ruined in the evacuation. You were hopeless at doing the dishes- he’s had to buy at least three new sets of dinner plates since you moved in. You had broken the vacuum cleaner, clogged the shower drain, smashed a window… You were supposed to ease his financial burdens, not create them! And you just kept inserting yourself into his life- inviting yourself to movie nights, charming his friends so they invited you along to parties he attended. At least he could just go for a walk or meet up with friends when his other roommates grew to be too much- there was no escaping you, however.
Which is why he’s glad you moved out so suddenly! As far as roommates go, you were terrible, with all the annoying and frustrating habits to boot and since he didn’t have the heart to kick you out, it’s better that you left on your own. And without any warning so he didn’t have to stress about you moving out or anything horrible like that. Just… bam. He woke up and you were on the doorstep, bidding him an awkward farewell. He’s glad things ended up like this. His new roommate can cook, never sets the apartment on fire and offered to drive Jimin to work since his car broke down.
“I’m highkey glad she’s gone. She kept ruining our movie nights.” Taehyung continues. “If she made me watch Monster’s Inc. one more time…” Taehyung trails off and shudders at the recollection of your weird obsession with the movie.  Taehyung whirls on Jimin. “But I did always wonder. Why did you give in to her?”
“What do you mean?” Jimin asks, reaching for another cookie. He’s going to start putting on weight with the way his new roommate feels a compulsion to feed him but honestly it would be worth it. Taehyung frowns and tilts his head at Jimin. It reminds Jimin of the way Taehyung’s dog looks when it comes across something new and puzzling.
“Well, you could have said no to her at any point.” Taehyung points out. “When she asked to tag along to our movie nights or when she insisted on cooking dinner or even when Yoongi first suggested she move in with you. The whole time, you could have refused. But you let her do it. You knew what the outcome would be and yet every time… you kept saying yes.”
Jimin goes silent at Taehyung’s surprisingly astute observation. The warm chocolate chip cookie, previously delightfully warm and delicious, now tastes like ash in his mouth.
“Would you like to know what really happened?” Taehyung asks, leaning forward with a sharpness to his eyes that wasn’t there before. Jimin shrinks slightly beneath the gaze of his oldest friend.
“N-nothing happened. We just decided to go our separate ways.” Jimin points out, internally cursing himself for his stutter. “It’s just cause she’s Yoongi’s sister. I felt obligated to be nice to her.”
“Cute.” Taehyung answers with a smile. “But also a blatant lie. Jimin, I know what you look like when you have a crush.”
Jimin’s not sure why he feels like his heart suddenly freezes in his chest. A… crush? On you?
“Don’t be ridiculous.” Jimin answers with an uneasy laugh. “I don’t have a crush on her. Taehyung, she turned my uniform shirts pink a few weeks ago because she accidentally left her underwear in the wash.”
“Well, that’s a shame then.” Taehyung says with a dramatic sigh. “I guess her moving out because of her feelings for you was the right move then, huh?”
Jimin blinks a few times and it takes him a second to comprehend what Taehyung is saying.
“Feelings… for me? She moved out like that because… because she had feelings? For me?” Jimin questions and he wishes he didn’t sound so desperate and hopeful but he’s temporarily lost control over the emotions in his voice thanks to Taehyung’s shocking announcement. Taehyung grins widely.
“I thought you didn’t have a crush? Then you shouldn’t care about the real reason she moved out.” Taehyung says smugly and as much as Jimin loves Taehyung, he could honestly strangle him in that moment. 
“Taehyung.” Jimin calls warningly and Taehyung actually breaks out in laughter.
“The night before she moved out, she was actually planning to confess to you.” Taehyung explains. Jimin swallows past the dryness in his throat as remembers the night in question.
You had been acting strange all day, a bit antsy, and every time Jimin stepped into the kitchen to make sure you hadn’t set any accidental fires, you had shooed him out.
Of course, true to your nature, the familiar smell of smoke had filled the apartment while Jimin was distracted taking a phone call with his landlord. Jimin, fully prepared for your kitchen mishaps, had rushed in with the fire extinguisher at the ready. Of course, the food you had tried to make had been inedible before it caught fire, but it entered new levels of inedible when covered in flame retardant. You had stared at the food with a weird look in your eyes and Jimin had helpfully suggested you order takeout.
The night had gone smoothly from there and the two of you had watched a movie. You’d bid him goodnight with a smile on your face and the next morning you were packed and ready to move out. Just like that. No warning. You had been smiling and having fun with him with no indication of what you were planning and then suddenly his apartment was empty and dark. And he was forced to admit a horrible truth to himself:
You’re not the worst roommate he’s ever had. No, you’re probably the best one. Not because you’re perfect or because you have no bad habits. But because you’re you. Full of energy and sincerity and affection and the day you moved out you accidentally broke Jimin’s heart. As pathetic and stupid as it is, he had liked you. A lot. And it hurt when you suddenly moved out like that, despite his attempts to pretend otherwise.
“As silly as it is, I think she moved out because you inadvertently rejected her that night.” Taehyung admits, shaking his head. “That’s what Yoongi thinks, at least. It’s the most words I’ve ever heard from him and they were all to insult you.”
Jimin winces, but he has more pressing matter than Yoongi being mad: You have feelings for him. Feelings. For him.
“Did you really say that she’s the biggest pain you’ve ever come across? While she was making you a nice dinner to confess her feelings?” Taehyung asks curiously. Jimin winces when he recalls that yes. He had said something along those lines while in hysterics following yet another fire-related incident. He was going to lose his deposit on the apartment at this rate.
“I… might have… said something along those lines.” Jimin finally admits. His jaw drops as he puts two and two together. Taehyung smiles widely. “Is... is that why she moved out? Because of some stupid panicked words I said while our apartment was on fire?”
“What are you going to do about it if that’s the case?” Taehyung asks. But Jimin is already on his feet and grabbing his coat. He’s out the door before Taehyung even completes his question.
Jimin’s new roommate pokes his head out the door.
“Was Jimin going somewhere?” He asks, glancing around curiously. “Did he not like the cookies?”
Taehyung shrugs and turns to Seokjin.
“He’s just going to have an important talk. Now, about your roommate situation…” He trails away and stares at Seokjin curiously and then warmly at the cookies.
“I have a spare room if, for some mysterious reason, you find yourself homeless in the next few days. I have a feeling you’ll need it.”
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happyveday · 4 years
I was tagged by the wonderful @mrsalwayswrite, thank you!
1. what is the color of your hairbrush? black
2. name a food you would never eat. 
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? That’s a hard question. During the day I’m almost always warm, but when the night comes I freeze my as* off. 
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? Sitting outside with my bunnies 
5. what’s your favorite candy bar? Daim, nothings better!!!
6. have you ever been to a professional sports game? Yes, I have. I’ve seen floorbal, hockey and was supposed to see fotball this year in Ireland, but it was canceled due to Covid... I don’t even like to watch sports lol
Under the cut for more!
7. what is the last thing you said out loud? “Oh, sh*t” bc I accidentally dropped a can of inc over myself and my bed.... lol
8. what is your favorite ice cream? Chocolate!!! 
9. what was the last thing you had to drink? Water :) 
10. do you like your wallet? Well I did until I lost it in Denmark this summer lmao
11. what is the last thing you ate? tacos!
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend? Nope, haven’t bought clothes in over 2 years.. 
13. what’s the last sporting event you watched? Fotbal today (I was forced by my brother)
14. what is your favorite flavor of popcorn? Salted!
15. who is the last person you sent a text message to? My nanna 
16. ever been camping? Oh yes, love it! Did it in June last :) I have always been camping with my family and I love it!!
17. do you take vitamins? Yes, vitamin D and Omega-3  
18. do you regularly attend a place of worship? No, I do not..
19. do you have a tan? I’m from Scandinavia, so no
20. do you prefer Chinese or pizza? Pizza, always pizza. Can’t eat most Chinese due to allergies. 
21. do you drink your soda through a straw? No, I do not
22. what color socks do you usually wear? Almost everything but black sock lol. I usually wear multi-color or socks with bright colors. Today I wore socks with Mickey Mouse on lol
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? Yes, unfortunately 
24. what terrifies you? The thought of being buried alive 
25. look to your left, what do you see? a wall lol
26. what chore do you hate most? All of them
27. what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? Please talk more, I can’t get enough 
28. what’s your favorite soda? Fanta (Orange flavour) 
29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? I usually go inside the place :) 
30. what’s your favorite number? 4
31. who’s the last person you talked to? my mom and dad
32. favorite meat? idk? chicken i guess?
33. last song you listened to? Bennie and the Jets by Elton John
34. last book you read? Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini. One of my favourite books through time!!! (The entire triology) 
35. favorite day of the week? Saturday
36. can you say the alphabet backwards? nope
37. how do you like your coffee? I don’t drink coffee often (I’m more of a tea person or hot chocolate) but when I do drink I always take with milk  
38. favorite pair of shoes? sneakers, almost all that I wear
39. time you normally get up? around 10 am (I’m currently out of a job and I don’t study) 
40. what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? both. But I almost never see the sunrise
41. how many blankets on your bed? a heavy blanket and a fleece blanket
42. describe your kitchen plates. round and white 
43. describe your kitchen at the moment. Somewhat clean
44. do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? Mojito or Cola-rum. But I never turn down alcohol lol 
45. do you play cards? Yes, love it!
46. what color is your car? grey ish
47. can you change a tire? Yes, very happy my dad taught me how to last winter
48. your favorite state or province? Idk really, love sun and trees lol
49. favorite job you’ve had? I’ve only had one job, and I really hated it due to the boss... Not even worth mentioning 
(Wow, it’s been so long since I’ve been able to write on my computer due to the fact that I broke my finger a few weeks ago. But my cast is off and I’m not in as much pain anymore)
I’m tagging @wereinadell @sydney-m @mariamegale @basilone @curraheewestandalone @ktredshoes @easy-company-tradition and everyone that sees this
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Have you ever stayed up all night just to talk to someone? Just once, which was that one time I had a Viber call with my girlfriend that lasted like 10 hours. Quickly realized I wasn’t a fan lmao, I like my sleep time and I know for sure she likes hers. When was the last time you eavesdropped someone? Sometime last week. My parents were discussing the results of the bar exam shortly after they came out. For the first time in a...while my school wasn’t part of the top 10 barnotchers, so I eavesdropped to say if they had something to say about it haha. Do you own any platform shoes? No. That’s my least favorite kind of shoe and I don’t think you’d ever catch me wearing them. When was the last time you went to a club? Last weekend of February. It’s been way too damn long; I’m drinking SO MUCH once this quarantine blows over loooool. How have you been sleeping? Very well, thank you for asking. Except for the fact that I wake up sweating now because summer’s here. I also used to take long naps in the afternoon which I think was another factor in my nightly migraines, so I stopped those as well.
Are you adopted? Nope. Do you like scrapbooking? It’s okay. I look up to people who are into it and can keep the hobby up, since it’s a lot of work and requires a lot of creativity. If I had more time and money I would definitely take it up. Do you collect anything valuable? Not really. I used to collect old receipts, but that habit died a long time ago. Have you ever had a cat meow at you for 20 minutes straight? Not really. My sister’s cat loved meowing at me, but I was never with her for 20 minutes because I was scared of her lol. When was the last time you were jealous of someone? Ten minutes ago. I saw that Andrew already put stuff in the acknowledgments part of our thesis, and they went ahead and thanked their girlfriend. They also included Gabie in the thank-yous as I’m guessing they expected me to put her name anyway, but the truth is I can’t put her name because we are not out. So now I have to delete her name and only their gf’s name, Leigh, will have to stay and I’m super jealous because of it. Do you own a lava lamp? No but I remember seeing one in a department store when I wassssss 14 and wanting one so bad. I’m not into them as much anymore. How many house phones do you have? We have two. We have a wireless phone downstairs and a landline upstairs, but tbh we only keep them around for my grandma, who prefers to only know how to use a telephone and refuses to learn other gadgets. No one else ever calls our number anymore. Does your school photo ever look attractive? You mean my ID? I never liked how my IDs turn out; I always felt like I smiled wrong in each of them lol. My graduation shots always turn out great though; those are pictures I definitely don’t feel bad about. Do you know anyone with an eating disorder? Not that I know of, no. Who slept in your bed last night? Just me. I tried placing Kimi on it yet again, but he jumped off yet again. What was the last thing you killed? An ant. Whose number did you last get? Ooh I’m not so sure. I think it was the makeup artist from the photography studio who took our senior photos. My mom really loved my makeup and she wanted to get the contacts of the one who worked on me. Have you ever thought about stepping in front of a car? Yeah, pretty often. Have you ever laid down in the middle of the street? Only small roads lmao, nothing as big as an expressway. I remember having my photo taken by Athenna as I sat on one of the roads in my old school to keep as a memento. Unfortunately I lost it when I accidentally wiped out my camera roll with photos from 2016 and before that. Do you listen to explicit music? Yes. I’ve been ~qualified~ to listen to them for four years now, lol. When was the last time you used a public bathroom? It was most likely during the last week that I was in school. Have you ever used someone for money? No. When was the last time you went to the zoo? I’ve never been to a zoo. Is there a teacher you hate more than anything? From my old school, yes. It’s like they let in anyone there, lmao. My college professors haven’t been as bad, not even the worst ones. Do you own colored eyeliner? I don’t own eyeliner, period.
Why did you last laugh to yourself? I was trying to look for the ^ aforementioned photo of me lying on the ground from my Twitter cause I have an inkling that I posted it there, but since it was taken in 2016 it meant I had to scroll suuuuper far down. I got to see some of the old tweets I made and man, I’ve always been funny HAHAHAHA thank fuck. What was the last injury you had? For some reason I have a deep cut on my thigh. It’s deep enough that it stings when I take a bath and the water hits it. I have no clue where it came from. Do you have manners? Yes, if I do say so myself. I’ve seen people my age who behave worse. Have your feelings for someone ever been a mistake? No, it’s never felt like this. Who did you think about before you went to bed? I wasn’t thinking of anyone. I just wanted to fall asleep last night. When was the last time you felt like a creeper? Maybe a few days ago when I scrolled too far down someone’s Instagram. Who do you plan on having wheel chair races with when you grow older? Angela, without a doubt lolol. Have you ever woken up and realized that yesterday really happened? Yes, but this feeling is reserved only for extremely good or extremely bad days. Do you know anyone without a middle name? Like, with just one name? Yes. When was the last time you broke down and cried? A few weeks ago when my mom hurled not-so-nice words to me. Have you ever been ditched? Probably in high school, but they weren’t memorable experiences. Have you ever been so scared that you ran faster than you ever before? No. When I’m scared I usually freeze up and have a hard time walking and always have to be held by my companion - in all the times men have harassed me in public, this is always what happens. How much did your latest sunglasses cost? Haven’t bought a pair in a while. Are you talking on the phone right now? Nope. Do you own any fish? I don’t anymore. When was the last time that you had a pet that died? April 19th when Nina’s cat, Arlee, passed away. Do you like spicy food? Love them, but I’m very particular about it. I love spicy Asian food the most since spice is always incorporated well into the dishes, like in curry or laksa. I hate when it just feels like spicy powder poured onto a dish cause then it doesn’t taste as good and it’s just pain in your mouth lol. When was the last time you had starbursts? Months ago.
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cad-faoi-maeglin · 5 years
💤 = Ship that’s canon but you don’t ship
Ooooo, almost every canon ship ever... No, seriously. Romance in media is a thing that I have feelings about and you’ve just accidentally subjected yourself to a mini essay! I’m not even sorry. (this focuses mostly on heterosexual pairs because... well, media)
Now, this isn’t just for Silm and Tolkien stuff, this is everything. I just do not enjoy romance in most media. Sometimes it’s because it’s The Het Ship that has to be there but doesn’t actually add anything to the story. Then there’s the problem of many women only being in stories to be the girlfriend/wife/love interest... Let’s face it, how many times have we seen a woman pop up in an almost entirely male cast and just known that by the end she’ll have at least kissed one of the male leads and then she does! Or she’s an object that’s won at the end, regardless of how shitty the guy was to her throughout... 
My other big problem with romance in media is that often the couple are only shown in a romantic context. Like, their only conversations are about them being a couple and how much they love each other and they do Big Romantic Things for each other. This even goes for more action based settings. The couple’s only interactions revolve around the romantic aspect of their relationship and like, I don’t know a single real world couple that’s actually like that. I find that it’s fairly common for canon romances to not actually have any meat to them and so they end up really flat compared to pretty much every other relationship in a given story.
I have honestly hated romance in stories since I started reading/watching anything with romance in it. I find it boring and it generally ruins an otherwise good story for me (a friend bought me a book a few years ago for my birthday. They had read it before and said it was really good, but since there was already a mention of a romance in the blurb I didn’t even try to read it. It’s been sitting on my shelf unread for years!)
Now, I don’t hate all canon relationships. For example, I like Sokka x Suki from ATLA and I really like Trevor x Sypha (and Alucard, but he’s unfortunately not a canon part of that relationship) from Castlevania, but neither of those are presented very romantically. You know that they have feelings for each other, but the emphasis on romance is blessedly missing and the women (well, girl for Suki) involved are actual people.  
I like the fluffy stuff in the fanfiction I read, simply because I can control when I read it and it’s usually written better if I’m honest or it’s queer. Fanfiction is the only time I’ll actually read a love story (except for The Song of Achilles. I don’t care about people’s mixed feelings on that book, that story broke me and I already knew what was coming. But then again, Achilles was gay and Patroclus appeared to be bi so... kinda different). Other than that, no thank you! Please keep romance and stuff away from me (and I don’t know if anyone’s noticed, but the ships I talk about most on this blog really aren’t the fluffiest anyway XD)
**If I had to pick one to actually answer your question though: Beren and Lúthien. Can’t stand them. Nope. ( thought I’d include this seeing as my rant was not actually what you asked for)
👀 = Ship you’re curious about
Hmmm... I’m actually curious as to what exactly this one means.. Like, am I curious as to why people ship it or do I want to look into it more..?
I’m going to say Fallenbanners (Celebrimbor x Maeglin). This one confuses me slightly but only because I think I missed something somewhere. I’m fairly new to Tolkien so there’s obviously gaps in my knowledge. I have no recollection of them ever being in the same place, so I was really surprised when I found out that it was a ship with a well enough recognised name. The confusion is definitely all me though. I think I missed something or maybe I haven’t read a particular thing. I just get a little confused every time it comes up.
On a side note though, I love their ship name. So grim, so dark.
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fandomfindings · 6 years
Tumblr media
Pairing: (Spencer Reid x Reader) 
Word Count: 2.9K
Warning(s): Injury/Gun shot
“Are you sure don’t want to go ahead and order ma’am?”  asked your waiter for about the third time that night.
“Yes, I’m sure. He should be here soon,” You reassured the waiter and honestly yourself.
“Very well ma’am,” the waiter commented as he refilled your water.
At this point, you were getting a bit frustrated. You knew Spencer could be late, at least from what he told you on your previous few dates, but this was ridiculous.
It had been an hour since you had appeared at the restaurant without a genius in sight. You tried to contact him throughout the day but to no avail. You were honestly worried and just hoped he was okay and that he would meet you at the restaurant. You both made the reservation earlier this week without a problem.
Had he changed his mind about you? You thought everything was going so well. Instead of sitting in sorrow for any second longer you decided to give him one last call. It rung for some time, enough time for you to think it would just go to his voicemail again but you were wrong.
“Hello?” Spencer answered sounding a bit confused to receive a call from you.
“Hey Spence, I’ve been trying to reach you all day.”
“Oh I’m sorry, I turned off my phone when I got on the plane. I must have forgotten to turn it back on, my apologies.”
“Plane!” You exclaimed mostly in shock. At your loud outburst, the crowd of people in the restaurant looked at you in distaste. You quickly sent them an apologetic smile before continuing your conversation with Spencer.
“What do you mean plane? Spencer, where are you ?” You questioned this time in a hushed whisper.
“I’m in…” He began but suddenly stopped.
“Spencer?” You asked, questioning his sudden silence.
“Y/N, I am so sorry. I completely forgot about our plans or at least to let you know I couldn’t make it. I had to leave suddenly out of state for business,” He explained apologetically through and through.
“It’s okay Spence.” You comforted.
“ No, it’s not I should have called. I’ll make it up to you I promise.”
“Yeah, you better.I’ll hold you to that.” You agreed jokingly.
“I’m looking forward to it, but I have to go. I’ll talk to you later.” Spencer said talking faster than before, almost urgently.
"Okay, we can talk... "You started, but before you could finish, he hung up.
“Good morning,” said a voice that broke the silence in the apartment. Before then the only sound that could be heard was your humming and the sizzling of the bacon you were cooking.
”What are you doing up?” Spencer questioned as he made his way over to kiss your cheek.
“I decided to cook you breakfast,” You explained. “It’s the least I can do for letting me crash here last night,” You mentioned, taking the last piece of bacon off of the stove.
“Oh, it was no problem. I couldn’t let you go out in that storm so late at night,” said your boyfriend. He picked up the newspaper that you had bought while shopping for breakfast foods and began to read it.
“What a gentleman,” You stated mockingly.
You dropped the fork you used for the bacon and walked to where he was seated. You lightly wrapped your arms around his shoulders and across his chest lovingly. At first, you felt him tense but he soon relaxed, which made you happy.
When you two started dating Spencer was not a huge fan of physical contact. However, now that you both had dated for a couple of months he had grown more comfortable with it.
You stayed in this position for a while as you read over his shoulder. He obviously read faster than you, but he didn’t mind waiting for you to finish. When you two finished the newspaper, you walked back over to the stove to begin cooking the eggs.
“ I’m going to take a shower and put on some proper clothes,” Spencer said looking down at his pajamas.
“Okay,” You stated simply knowing he got ready for work a bit earlier than necessary. You looked to the clock on the wall and noticed he had to be to work in a little over an hour.
Just as you were taking the eggs from the stove, your boyfriend reentered the kitchen adjusting his tie.
“Here you go, a cup of sugar with a dash of coffee.” You said jokingly handing him his cup of coffee.
“You will leave my precious coffee alone.”
“Precious, should I feel threatened ?” You questioned jokingly once again.
“Never,” Spencer stated giving you a slight peck for which you exchange for a deeper kiss. Unfortunately for you, his phone interrupted the moment too soon.
“Do you ever turn that thing off.” You said being slightly annoyed with the mobile device for ruining the moment.
“The last time I did you almost ripped my head off.” He pointed out as he retrieved his phone from his pocket.
“That’s true but can you really blame me? Do you remember the restaurant incident?” You questioned as you filled your and Spencer’s plates with food.
“The one where I accidentally stood you up or the time you accidentally spilled your soup on the waiter?” Spencer asked, but he obviously knew the answer. The smile on his face was proof that he just wanted to pick fun at you.
“Oh hush and answer the phone,” You began but started muttering to yourself. “The nerve on this guy. How dare he bring up my darkest hour?” You finished referring to the time you spilled soup on an unsuspecting waiter.
Your not so quiet banter caught Spencer’s attention and caused him to smile. He was so distracted by you that he hadn’t realized that Penelope was repeating his name. He zoned back into the phone conversation and soon learned he had a new active case.
“Okay, I’ll be there soon,” Spencer said finishing off his conversation.
“What was that all about ?” You asked before biting into one of the muffins you had prepared.
“Just work,” he tried to state nonchalantly, but you knew he would be leaving sooner than you would like.
“Let me guess, another out-of-state trip.”You stated with slight annoyance in your voice.
“Yeah, I’m sorry.” Spencer apologized. He knew you were looking forward to sharing breakfast together.
“ No, I’m sorry. It’s your job. I can’t be mad at you for that.” You comforted him.
“Speaking of jobs, I still don’t know what you do.” You mentioned trying to get him to tell you. Ever since you two started dating his career was a mystery he was unwilling to share with you. So, now every chance you got you would question him about it.
“ I’ll fill you in soon, I promise. See you later okay.” Spencer said packing up his satchel as quickly as possible.
“Okay,” You said but soon thought about your boyfriend’s health. “I know you don’t have time to eat but at least take your coffee and a muffin with you.
“Yes ma’am,” Spencer began going over to grab his coffee and a muffin.“Thank you, bye.” He finished as he walked over to you and placing a kiss on your cheek before leaving.
“Y/N, you here?” Spencer questioned. “I know you gave me a key but, I still don’t know about this whole let yourself in thing,” Spencer said his sentence ending with an awkward chuckle.
His voice made your heart rate quicken, and you hated it. Just an hour ago he was the reason you were crying your eyes out, and now it was like none of that mattered. Your heart still yearned for him, and there was nothing you could do about it.
“Y/N.” He called out once again when you didn’t answer. You could tell that he had grown closer, but you also heard the uneasiness in his voice. He was worried that you had yet to respond.
Sooner than you would’ve liked he emerged from the hall and into your living room. You sat with red puffy eyes, unkempt hair, and a folder in hand. A folder that could change the faith of you and Spencer’s relationship.
“Y/N what’s wrong?” Spencer asked stepping closer to you but not close enough to touch you which you appreciated.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” You questioned. His face morphed from one of concern to confusion. You quickly realized you weren’t giving him any context on what you were talking about, so you continued.
“You’re an FBI Agent, a pretty good one too apparently.” You said throwing the folder you were holding on to the coffee table in front of you. “I can’t say I’m not surprised,” You finished as Spencer hesitantly grabbed for the folder. He quickly scanned over the file, his fast reading skills coming in handing.
“Y/N, I can explain,” Spencer stated simply. You rolled your eyes at the cliche line.
“Explain what, that you’ve been lying to me for almost an entire year?” You questioned, causing your voice to raise unintentionally.
“I never lied to you, I just never told you.”
“You think that makes it any better? That’s lying by omission! You’ve had the information you just refused to tell me.” You explained even though you were sure he already knew what the phrase meant.
“How did you get a hold of this information anyway?” Spencer wondered.
“I don’t see why that’s important right now, but if you must know I had a friend of mine run a background check,” You explained.
“Do you not trust me?” Spencer asked sounding a tab hurt which made you heart tighten, but you needed to focus.
“I thought you were cheating on me for Pete’s sake!” You exclaimed quickly rising from your place on the couch.
“I could never cheat on you,” Spencer said calmly trying to calm you down as he stepped closer to you.
“Yeah well I thought you couldn’t lie to me either,” You mumbled loud enough for him to hear. Spencer didn’t respond so you continued to pour your heart out.
“You just kept leaving, trip after trip, I didn’t know what to think. When we first started dating, I didn’t mind much.  I’m not going to lie I liked the mysteriousness of it, but that was months ago. After we got more serious I didn’t want that anymore I wanted the truth, that's why I kept pestering you about your job. You kept promising that you would tell me later, or when you got back, but you never did.
“I did it to protect you,” Spencer said firmly without raising his voice. “The more you know about my career, the more in harm’s way you become.”Spencer tried to reason.
“I appreciate you wanting to protect me, but that was not your call to make. You should have told me and let me decide what I wanted for myself.”
“I didn’t want to take that chance!” Spencer shouted finally letting his calm facade crumble.
“And look where that got us!” You shouted back. You realized your anger had got the best of you, so to calm down you took a deep breath.
“I honestly think what you do is so amazing. However, the fact that you lied about it and kept a huge part of your life from me says a lot about our relationship.”
“It shows how much I will go to protect the person I love.” He stated standing his ground as he explained why he hid the truth from you.
“Love?” You questioned honestly a bit shocked.
“Yes, love. Y/N I love you. This isn’t the way I wanted to tell you, but it’s true.” Spencer said finally closing the distance between you two.
You tried your best, but you couldn’t hide the tears that streamed down your face. Spencer grabbed your hand, and you knew he was sorry, but you couldn’t just forgive him like that.
“I think you should leave,” You stated simply.
“Y/N -” Spencer began, but you cut him off.
“Please just go.”
Spencer hesitated for a while but knew that you needed time to process everything he had kept from you. He felt like he had no right to be angry with you for he knew he was to blame. However, all he wanted to do was protect you, and now he could be losing you.
Him loving you was something he didn’t lie about, and he was going to prove it.
From that day forth Spencer called you every day to tell you something new about him, something you never knew before. You wouldn’t talk, just listen to what he had to say. He would end each call with an I love you.
After a few weeks, you finally decided to forgive him. You had realized he had your best interest at heart. At the end of the day, he was looking out for you. It might not have been in the way you wanted, but it’s the thought that counts.
Spencer called you today like clockwork and began to tell you another unknown fact.
“Remember that story I told you about how I got that scar on my shoulder. Well, it wasn’t because I got attacked by a dog. I actually got it when I fell down the stairs while reading a book,” Spencer said giving a slight chuckle.
You couldn’t help but laugh as well for him falling because of a book made more sense.
“ I miss your laugh,” Spencer said lowly. Due to his quietness, you weren’t sure if you were supposed to hear that or not.
The silence lingered like it would in every phone call. Spencer always stayed on as long as he could. For, just the knowledge of knowing you were on the other line was enough until you decided to speak with him again.
“I love you,” Spencer said like he always would. However, this time you decided to respond.
“ I love you too.”
Spencer couldn’t help but smile. However, he didn’t want his over excitement to ruin the moment. He was just glad he was able to hear your voice once again.
“Can we talk when I get back from this case?” Spencer asked.
“Of course,” You responded with a smile. Little did you know Spencer was sharing the exact same smile.
You wanted to talk to Spencer more that night, but he was apparently busy. At first, you didn’t pay much mind to it. However, after a day of not answering your calls, you knew something was wrong. You decided to keep calling until you got an answer.
“Hey Spence, I’ve been trying to call you.” You informed happy that he finally answered.
“ Is this Y/N L/N?” questioned a voice you did not recognize.
“Yes, who is this?”
“This is SSA Derek Morgan I work with your boyfriend, Dr.Spencer Reid.”.
“Pleasure Mister Morgan, is everything alright?” You questioned. You had never heard of Derek before, so you knew something was wrong.
“I’m afraid not. Unfortunately, Spencer was recently ignored on a case." He stated calmly.
“Oh my goodness, is he okay? Where is he?” You asked trying not to let the panic in your voice be detectable.
“He was shot in the knee. He is fine, so there is no need to worry. We just arrived back in Quantico and wanted to let you know you could come to see him.”
Derek let you know what hospital Spencer was at, so you thanked him. You got to the hospital quickly, definitely breaking a few traffic laws on the way. Once at the hospital, you hurried to find Spencer's room, and when you did, you stopped for a moment to calm your nerves.
You lightly knocked on the door and received a “Come in,” as a response.
You opened the door to reveal a dark-toned muscular man in a chair and your injured boyfriend in a hospital bed. You quickly made your way over to Spencer and hugged him, being sure to avoid his injured leg.
“Y/N, what are you doing here?” Spencer questioned as you released him from your tight embrace.
“Someone called me and told me you got shot.” You informed confused on how he wasn’t aware of this information. Reid looked confused himself until he looked over to the man who was in the chair.
The man smiled sheepishly and walked over to the two of you. Once facing you, he stuck his hand out for you to shake.“Derek Morgan, we spoke on the phone.”.
“Nice to meet you, and thank you for telling me about Spencer.”You said shaking his hand showing him your gratitude.
“It was no problem. I’m going to give you guys a moment alone.” Derek said sending you a smile and ruffling up Spencer’s hair.
Once Derek left the room you turned to Spencer and gave him a playful glare.
“Just because I don’t talk to you for a few weeks does not mean you can go and get yourself shot,” You informed jokingly hugging him once again. He chuckled along with you and hugged you tighter.
You continued to hug each other until you decided to place a kiss on his lips. He easily reciprocated the kiss and even smile into it.
You pulled away to sit in the chair next to him and said, “No more secrets okay.”
“I promise.”
“I love you,” You said laying your head against Spencer's shoulder.
“I love you,” Spencer replied placing a sweet kiss to your forehead.
A/N: Thank you all so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed reading this imagine as mush as I enjoyed writing it. Spencer Reid is one of my favorite characters from the show and I just had to write about him. This imagine is also a tribute to the series coming to an end at the end of their 15th season.Anyway feel free to let me know what you guys think!
Lots of Love <3
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